#and i linked 2 of my earlier HCs in there bc
jigujellee · 11 months
a/n: just a fun lil attempt at hcs since i rarely do them,, to whoever requested this, i hope u enjoy my attempt 🥹 i'm sorry if they're not accurate jaldfadlfljdf
a/n 2: pics are not mine!! links to layouts used are listed below w respected @ <33
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MINJI (pic/layout creds courtesy of @k1sseo)
so bro™️
i think when minji gets jealous she’s just quiet
and she could get a little snarky sometimes, but just a smidge
minji didn’t expect to come home to you and hyein laughing your asses off at some random tiktok you were showing her
for some reason she was very bothered by it even tho you guys were naturally close
you kinda took awhile to notice her standing there but you once you did, you were quick to wrap your arms around her
she’ll play it off and act normal but she’s def quiet and i think she’d look like she’s deep in thought about something
so when you ask her to do something with you, that’s when light bulbs go off
“hey wanna go grab lunch later” “idk why don’t you go with hyein instead”
then you drag her to lunch anyway and endlessly tease her for being jealous in the first place
you also tease her ab the fact that she got jealous over the YOUNGEST member 😭 like ma’am, you think we’re gonna catch a case????
“i didn’t press you for the jealous type bro” “just shut up and eat”
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HANNI (pic/layout creds courtesy of @winuary)
every time i see/think of this girl she’s always smiling
so i think when she gets jealous she’ll still be smiling but like it’s def forced and looks fake
or if she’s not smiling then she 100% looks like this from that one live they did
either way that shit makes her stomach feel weird deep down
she’ll watch you and minji just monitoring your dance practice but you guys are just way too close together and minji’s shoulders brush against yours and-
“hanni, you okay? you’ve been zoning out for a while” and she just smiles again and plays it off
you knew something was up so when you’re back at the dorms that’s when you ask her and she shyly admits that seeing you that close w minji made her feel uneasy
you kiss her forehead softly and tell her she has nothing to worry about before pulling her into bed and cuddling w her for the entire night (even if ur arm goes incredibly numb cuz girlie does not move an inch away from u)
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DANIELLE (pic/layout creds courtesy of @i04rei)
dani wears her heart on her sleeve she’s adorable
so yk she’s jealous right away
you and hanni just came back from the mall and you are literally so happy
dani loves it when ur happy!! but it also makes her kind of sad that she’s not the one making u laugh and smile like that :(
she’s pouting while on her phone and u immediately take notice
“are u watching sad edits of cats again?” “naURRRR”
“you just seem awfully happy when you’re w hanni” “well yes bc shes my friend” more pouting and ur just trying not to melt at how cute she is
“how about we go to our fav cafe tmrw after our sched and then we can go watch the barbie movie after?” “but you don’t like barbie” “i don’t like a lot of things but if you like them, then i’d be more than happy to do them with you”
she just melts and forgets all ab what happened earlier
ft. hanni minji and hyein in the background trying not to gag out loud
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HAERIN (pic/layout creds courtesy of @venitly)
radio silence.
she’s already naturally quiet as is and she def does not speak her emotions compared to the others
so it takes you a little longer to figure out when she’s jealous vs the other members
after finishing a movie w danielle, she just blankly watches the two of you have deep conversations ab it
and honestly you confuse her jealous silence for her normal silence at first
but you start realizing the difference when she’s less affectionate with you (bc behind closed doors i think haerin is so affectionate like she deadass wont let go of you and is so touchy, needs to be holding you or be in close proximity w you)
“haerin, are you okay?” and she just nods. girl pls give us something to work with
she never really openly admits that she was jealous of you and dani but ur smart genius self put two and two together and connected the dots when u saw she was quiet around dani too but not the others
but bc she never outwardly said it, you don’t outwardly tell her not to worry or not to be jealous. instead you spend more time w her and getting her her fav snacks and whatnot and she appreciates it so much
haerin likes how you don’t need to be told when something bothers her, and when you figure it out, you always knew how to make her feel better without words
actions do speak louder than words and haerin knows how true that is with you
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HYEIN (pic/layout creds courtesy of @v-ico)
i’m gonna go for a platonic type of jealousy for hyein
she wanted to show u a new app she downloaded but u told her u were busy learning the new choreo from haerin
and she just whines
not like an annoying child throwing a tantrum kinda whine but just in a “why do u alw have sumn better to do” typa way
when u finish w haerin ur quick to go back to the dorms to see hyein napping
and u lowk feel bad bc all she wanted to do was show u sumn
u decide to let her sleep but ur idiot self banged ur hand on her door while trying to close it and now u feel bad even more bc she woke up
“you’re back alr unnie?” “yeah i came here quickly so you could show me the app”
hyein is super excited even tho she jus woke up, and shes reaching for her phone and is tapping thru w such speed
you both spend hours on the app (i keep saying the app bc idk what kinda app it would be 💀 im thinking either a game or a photo filter app idk) before ur both scolded by minji for being on the phone all day
it’s literally giving when ur little sibling just wants to show u sumn cool but ur too busy and u feel bad
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isisisak · 7 years
Soooo :D after you all requested it (about 3 ppl did - but just let me exaggerate in peace) here is part 3 of Isak and Even doing trust excercises <3  it starts up right where part 2 ended so if you want to read those first: Part 1 / Part 2 
When they stepped back from each other Isak looked over to Magnus and Vilde. Vilde had a frown on her face that changed into a too bright smile when she caught his gaze. Magnus looked a bit deflated when he saw how close Isak and Even had been. The other two had stopped close in front of each other when both decided this was as close as was comfortable, but there was still a hand length between their bodies.
They had been pretty happy with themselves (especially when most of the other couples had stopped a meter or further away from each other) until their eyes landed on Isak and Even. Who were obviously trying to morph into each other to be closer, toes stacked, noses pressed against each other, touching from chests to knees.
Even shot Mags an encouraging smile as the woman – maybe Lille? – announced the next test.
“Everyone, take one of these scarfs,” she said as she went around and handed each couple one of the colorful fabrics.
“I want the light blue one,” Even stage whispered to Isak who rolled his eyes with pure fondness. “You’re a child, Even.” But nevertheless he hurried over to where the women was and plucked the light blue one from her arm (this got him a rewarding cheek kiss).
“Blindfold your partner and take your place behind them,” came the instruction. Even raised his brows at Isak and grinned.
“So, nothing new there,” he said as he turned his back to Isak who snorted at his words.
Magnus gave a high pitched “What?” at that which got ignored by the other three.
The next exercise was to guide your partner just with your voice through an obstacle course that the woman – Laura? God, he knew it had been something with L – placed on the ground in front of them.
While the woman talked on about how important it was to completely trust your partner for this Isak rested his hands on Even’s hips and his chin on Even’s shoulder. Even leaned into him a bit and tugged on one of Isak’s hands. He understood the gesture and wrapped his arms around Even’s middle. When it was time to start Isak placed a quick kiss to the shoulder his chin had been resting on and untangled his arms from around him.
“Ok, go one step forward. For the record, we are talking about normal human-sized steps.” Even laughed and took a relatively moderate step forward.
“Don’t do any of your long spider steps.” This got Isak an offended scoff.
“Spider legs? Really, babe? I call you adorable animal names all the time and I get spider?” Even shook his head which made the blue tail of the blindfold bounce. Isak grinned.
“Lift your leg a bit - I’m sorry I forgot for a second that spiders are a delicate subject when it comes to you (*) – forward and then to your right.” Even grinned. Isak could only see the back of his swoopy blonde head but he just knew that he grinned.
“And anyway – now crouch down a bit, yeah like that, and now one step to your left and forward – you call me monkey. What is adorable about monkeys. They smell,” Isak continued. Guiding Even through that little ‘parcour’ was more than easy and didn’t stop them from keeping up their banter.
“What! I call you baby monkey which is the most adorable nickname anyone has ever come up with.” Isak’s grin at his boyfriend’s dramatics got bigger as he asked “Are you saying you are the master of nicknames?”
Even laughed and he saw the back of his head nod. “I’m saying that.”
Isak only let out an amused “Hmm” before Even continued with “I won’t argue the smelling part, because…” Even let his voice trail off and Isak laughed (loudly, which had Vilde startle next to him and send him a scolding look).
“Fuck you, Even. I kinda want to make you trip now,” he teased, the smile clearly audible in his voice.
“But you won’t,” Even replied. It wasn’t a question and was said with a warm certainty which made Isak want to cross the distance and get his arms back around his boy.
“Nei. I won’t.” He agreed.
Then it was Isak’s turn to be blindfolded and guided. in the process of getting the scarf over his eyes Even kept giving him cheek kisses and nuzzled his nose into his jaw. But it was ok because even though they kept talking and Even was taking his sweet time getting Isak ready for his round they were still faster than the others. -- Vilde had cast Isak an annoyed look after they discussed the nicknames and told him “I call Magnus lion! Because of his huge-“ which was thankfully interrupted by Magnus crashing over one of the obstacles in front of him, since his guide had not been paying attention to him.
“Now, trust is important in a relationship, but for it to be healthy you also need communication.” The woman was collecting the blindfolds again as she began the new instructions.
The women all made wiping gestures that Isak assumed were meant to make sure their makeup was intact. He himself blinked a few times, the room bright after having his eyes closed for a while.
“Communication doesn’t just happen verbally, but also silent.” Isak scrunched his face up at that and threw a huh look at Even, who nodded as if he totally agreed and Isak should listen. Tsss, smartass.
“So, all of you sit down in front of your partner. Don’t touch, don’t talk, but sit as close as you’d like. And then you look each other in your eyes. You will do this for two minutes,” she said and gestured to a clock that hung over the door of the living room they were in.
There was commotion as everyone took their seat. Isak and Even sat in front of each other, legs crossed. This time it was Isak who raised his brows which was answered by a teasing smile on Even’s full lips. Isak’s gaze dropped down.
“Hey, eyes up here,” Even said with a shake of his head, pointing to his eyes and Isak let out a “pfff” with a roll of his eyes. They grinned at each other again.
“Everyone ready? Good. While you look each other in the eyes, try to communicate to your partner what they mean to you. Communicate with your eyes.” The exercise (if you can call sitting on the floor and doing nothing an exercise) started and silence stretched through the room.
At first they both kept their teasing looks and smiles on their faces, both making fun of the idea to communicating through their eyes. But after a few moments something shifted. Communicate to your partner what they mean to you. Isak looked at Even’s clear sparkly blue eyes and something in him melted. What Even meant to him? He meant the world. All his dorky little quirks, the embarrassing songs he serenaded Isak with, the old and cheesy movies he made Isak watch and about which he could hold a passionate speech for hours, all the times Isak had woken up from a bad dream or couldn’t fall asleep and Even had been there. Had held his hand and stroked his back and combed those lovely fingers through his hair. All the post-it notes he found everywhere in his school books with little drawings on them of the two of them or Isak with Jonas or Isak with Sana or Isak with Even’s parents. All the times Even had made him feel like he was the most precious and perfect person to walk the earth. All of it, all of Even meant the world.
Isak saw how Even’s eyes grew soft and loving and he felt a million sparks go off in his stomach. His head felt fuzzy with the idea that Even was thinking the same stuff about him right now. That Even loved him just as much as he did him. Isak placed his hands that were laying on his knees on the ground beside him and pushed himself forward, closer to Even.
Their knees knocked gently against each other and Even’s eyes got smaller when his mouth widened into a fond smile. His teeth showing which normally made Isak’s eyes zip down to the lips of his boy, but right now their stare was too intense to break. Even leaned forward unconsciously which brought them even closer.
The proximity was so small that Isak felt himself go a bit cross eyed, but he didn’t want to lean back. It was all he could do not to climb into Even’s lab and wrap his arms and legs around him. He knew Even would chuckle warmly at him and bring his own arms around his back. He’d whisper “See, you’re my baby monkey” with his deep voice, only meant to be heard by Isak, and...
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR they both jumped when the alarm of Lisle-or-what-ever went off.
“Woah,” Isak let out, sounding as breathless as he felt. He heard Even breath out a laugh as he closed the distance between them by leaning forward, giving Isak a gentle kiss.
“Yeah,” Even agreed and he sounded just as breathless as Isak.
“That was awkward, huh?” Magnus said loudly beside them, gaining him a relieved chuckle from the rest of the room. Isak and Even both smiled in his direction but after that exchanged a look. That wasn’t awkward. That was intense.
“Good. Everyone stay seated. Now that you told your partner non-verbally what you think of them, it’s time to use words!”
Even made a small gasp as if he had been waiting for that forever and Isak could just barely cover up his laugh with a cough. Slapping his back Even looked more than satisfied of himself for making him laugh. Isak couldn’t help but adore this idiot.
“Tell your partner three things you love about them. Three characteristics that made you fall for them or made you love them even more.” The woman rolled up and down on her feet as she said this, clearly the most excited about all of this from the entire room.
“I can’t name just three things.” Even complained, putting both his hands on each of Isak’s knees. Isak rolled his eyes.
“It’s not your cheesiness, that’s for sure.”
Even leaned back and put one of his hands on his chest, offended. “Excuse me, you told me I am the man of your life and I’m the cheesy one?”
“That was more than half a year ago.” Isak protested and went to grab the hand on Even’s chest, placing it back on his knee, leaving his own over it.
“Oh, so that has changed?” Even asked, brows high. Isak shrugged, pursing his lips to keep from smiling. “Maybe.”
“Is it too late to switch partners?” Even asked and pretended to look around the room. Isak giggled and tugged on the hand he still held. “Nei. You are the best thing in my life, Evi.”
Even looked back at him, a mix of wonder and fondness in his eyes, as if he was a bit taken by surprise by Isak switching from their banter to this.
“Three things.” Isak said to divert the attention from himself, his cheeks a bit pinker than before. “Go.”
Even grinned but nodded after a second longer of intensely looking at him.
“Hmmm. I love your loyalty,” Even said and counted it off with his fingers of the hand Isak wasn’t holding in a firm grip. “Your patience. Aaaand” his eyes growing teasing again, “your squishy nose.”
Isak looked at him startled for a second, still very much occupied with his faltering heart at the first two statements, before he threw his free hand up. He sputtered out a laugh and shook his head, huge grin betraying his outrage.
“Hva faen, Even?” He asked, which got him an innocent look.
“You are meant to point out characteristic. And don’t call it squishy. Eskild does that.”
Even shook his head, gesturing Isak to stop, “Eskild got that from me. I said it first.”
“You said it first.” Isak's voice was disbelieving.
“Ja.” Even shrugged with a proud smile on his face, as if he expected praise.
“I repeat: hva faen, Even.”
“What? I love your nose! Remember when I told you it was my favourite part of you?” (*) he said an and reached up to Isak’s face – or rather, to his nose – and stroked over his nose with his thumb. “It’s the softest! And just so bendy. It’s perfect,” he finished his explanation, not putting his hand down but continued to press into Isak’s nose.
“You’re ridiculous,” Isak said, sounding more nasal than usual, but leaned a bit into the touch. His boyfriend was officially the strangest person he knew – he loved it.
“It’s still against the rules to name a physical attribute,” Isak protested which made Even roll his eyes for once.
“Pfff. Oh physical attribute. Mr. big words. Ok, you can name two characteristics and one physical attribute, too.”
Isak nodded his ok, Even’s hand finally stopped to squish the nose and slid to Isak’s neck instead.
“Ok,” Isak started, “so, I love your hands,” he said and held one finger up to signalize one.
“And second-“
“My hands?” Even grinned widely, his eyes almost vanishing from the force of it. He lifted the hand that was on Isak’s neck and wiggled his fingers.
“This hand?” Isak rolled his eyes and grabbed for it, entwining their fingers of both hands.
“Both of them, yes.”
Even’s smile grew soft and he leaned forward a bit but not crossing the distance, which left Isak to initiate a kiss (which he did, of course). So, after two (or five) pecks Isak continued, “Your positivity and your strength.”
Even’s face sobered a bit at that and Isak saw him swallow and then, to his surprise, there was a slight blush on Even’s cheeks.
Even was barely ever shy or blushy and when it happened it made something primal bloom in Isak. He wanted to just throw Even over his shoulder and lock them into their bedroom for the rest of the week.
Isak squeezed Even’s hands and leaned forward again, nuzzling his nose over the pink tinged cheeks of his boy.
“You’re cute.” Isak murmured against Even’s skin and closed his eyes when he places tiny kisses from one cheek over Even’s lips to the other cheek.
 Some time later that day:
They were at a party, Isak and Even sitting on a wide couch with Jonas. Mahdi and Magnus sitting on the little couch table in front of them.
“You two seem even more cozy than usual,” Mahdi noted, handing the joint over to Magnus.
Isak looked to Even at Mahdi’s comment and couldn’t help the lovey-dovey smile that took over his face. They were not only sitting close, but almost half of Isak’s back was pressed against Even’s chest, hand on Even’s leg.
Even had his arm around Isak’s shoulder and his hand lay flat against Isak’s stomach.
Even mirrored his fond expression and leaned in, placing a soft kiss to the tip of Isak’s nose. Isak’s eyes drooped shut at this.
In the back of his head he registered Magnus telling (complaining to) Jonas and Mahdi all about the trust seminar, but Isak’s focus was pulled back to Even when the hand on his stomach began to gently stroke over it. Isak hummed his contentment and melted further into Even.
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stealingpotatoes · 3 years
Trying to explain the Desmond (sorta) Lives AU: part 3
the rest of the explanation // whole au tag
>> sorry this one’s kinda long, abt 2.7k words, because i talk & ramble too much -- despite TRYING to leave stuff out for streamlining. but dw the next two parts after’ll probably be shorter again.😅 anyway bla bla bla im explaining my apologies let’s get on with it!!!
Six days after they first arrived at the safehouse, the Assassins’ mystery backup arrives. Or at least, they assume the woman at the door -- whom Rebecca, on watch duty, doesn’t recognise -- is backup because she knows the secret Assassin stuff or whatever. 
The trio head to the door to let the woman in and be prepared to fight if it turns out she’s not the backup or smthn. She comes into the safehouse, Shaun and Becs still don’t recognise her, but Desmond’s eyes immediately widen. That’s her-- she looks older (obviously) and her hair’s grey now but that’s her. 
And before either of them know it, before they even say ‘hi’ or ‘hey’ or whatever they’d expected to greet each other with again, Desmond and his mum pull each other into a tight and very loving hug. 
Bear in mind, Desmond hasn’t seen his mum since he was 16, when he ran away from the Farm! So this reunion is so damn emotional for him as well. Whereas Shaun and Becs seeing him again was more emotional for them, as for Des it only felt like he hadn’t seen them in a few days, not six years, this one actually is super emotional both ways. Des, in his memory, seen his mum in nine years (but she hasn’t seen him in fifteen years), so… yeah. 
(small interlude: I drew her and dumped several headcanons about Des’ mum a serious while back, if you wanna click that link and see. Small change since then in my hc her name is Hadiya Miles -- so when I talk about a “Hadiya” person, it’s her.)
They’re hugging for a few moments before general rationality kicks in and they pull away and just look at each other and actually say their greetings and “I missed you”s lol. 
They’re both older than the version in each other’s memories (2003 was a while ago lol), and Des of course has Isu markings -- but he still looks like his mother’s son. He’s still got that scar over his lip, the one she patched up after the training session, and he’s still got the slightly lop-sided smile from when his lip was healing up, and he couldn’t move the right side of his mouth too much. Hadiya never thought she’d see that smile again.
The rational, veteran assassin part of her is like “he totally could be a sleeper or clone” but right now that part’s being completely drowned out by the part of her that’s a mother who hasn’t seen her son in 15 years. 
While this is all happening, Shaun and Becs highkey feel like they’re standing in on a Moment they shouldn’t be and Wow! look how interesting the floor is! Let's look there instead of feeling like we’re barging in on our friend’s reunion with his mum. 
Luckily, Desmond and his mum do quickly remember that Shaun & Becs are also here, Des introduces them, still :D about the fact his mum’s here. They actually haven’t met Hadiya Miles in person before, only messaged her once to offer condolences back in 2012 (which felt… weird). But now they’ve been around her for about 10 seconds but quite frankly might like her more than William already lol. 
ok bla bla Hadiya then explains that she would’ve been here earlier, but her and her team had gone dark, so they didn’t even get word of Des showing up until a few days ago. When she did get word, however, she was immediately contacting the other assassins (she contacted William, though she doesn’t say it to them for reasons we’ll come onto) and asking literally every question she could. 
Des asks about William, but Hadiya says he’s really busy with mentor stuff, which we ALL know means “he doesn’t want to see you & he’s a shit dad”. 
INTERMISSION THAT WASN’T MEANT 2 B THIS LONG: ok so let’s discuss what some people are thinking about Des bc idk where else to put this:  
 Rebecca is the one person who unequivocally believes that Desmond is Desmond -- and a complete ally, not a sleeper or anything. She works it out as Why the hell would the Templars send him as a sleeper agent?? He’s not exactly inconspicuous. He glows and has PoE powers now, and more importantly he DIED. None of those things make it easy for him to just fit back in to the point where he could easily infiltrate and destroy them from the inside. And why would the Templars even send him on the inside when, if they had a way to control Des, they could just use his crazy new eden powers to destroy the assassins as they are? It doesn’t make sense to her, and she’s frankly happy to have her friend back. 
Both Des’ mum and Shaun are a little more on the fence than Becs -- Hadiya out of years of Assassin paranoia and Shaun out of always being a little skeptical of things. They do 100% believe that the (maybe-)human glowstick in front of them is Desmond and not a clone or smthn, and they mostly think he is an ally and not a sleeper -- but they’re both going to be a little wary and concerned until they find out what happened in the six years. However, they’re both very very happy to have Desmond back and will treat him as Desmond. There’s half a sense of they wanted him back so badly that they… that they almost don’t yet care if he is bad or something?
William is-- well, I once described William Miles as having the personality of a brick wall with knives attached to it, and I stand by said description. Bill is feeling hella paranoid about this being a bit of a Daniel Cross situation (ie sleeper agent that destroys everything), so he’s almost sure that this Desmond is a hecked up Abstergo Desmond-mixed-with-Isu-DNA clone and not his son. That… that and he’s not prepared to lose his son for a third time if smthn is up with him. He can’t go through that again. Thirdly, Bill’s feeling REALLY guilty about the fact he left Des’ body in the temple, leaving him for Abstergo to yoink. And he probably thinks his decision to keep away from maybe-Desmond is a rational decision -- which in part, it is -- but there’s a lot of pain attached to it. 
Needless to say, Bill’s reaction fucking hurts. Especially as Des doesn’t have any memories of the missing six years, so it goes from one second “my dad and I are getting on better terms” to the next “my dad lowkey hates me and thinks i’m not even me”. Des, as I’ve said before, gets it to an extent, he gets that the assassins -- his family -- can’t risk fully involving him again because of various reasons, but the knowledge of duty. Oof moments. 
I also want to point out, that Desmond lowkey feels… bad for his friends and mum who think he’s himself? because what if he does turn out to be evil? And they have to do smthn? There’s some very messed up crap going on. 
All in all views on desmond come down to 3 categories: “that’s desmond 100%”, “that’s definitely desmond but i'm wary”, and “that aint it chief”. 
Hadiya isn’t just the backup; she also brought an Animus with her so they could see if that was a way to see Des’ memories. Which, after some time of her and Desmond being happy to see each other, they try to use. 
Desmond is confused as to why the Animus is so damn small (it’s just a headset! wtf) and not a big chair thing -- yay, yet another thing that’s changed in the apparent 6 years he’s been gone . 
So they get the headset set up, and Rebecca’s about to parse through the data to look for a memory in the six years but… there’s nothing. No memories during that time. The data’s showing there exists memories during and before 2012, and now, but nothing then . Well, except for what looks like half a memory of what seems to be… some kind of a corrupted Animus White Room
The Animus would suggest he’s been quite literally “no thoughts head empty” , so to speak, for all that time. Des gets out the Animus and knows it didn’t work and is very much /: because that could’ve been their quick answer to just about Everything going on with Des. 
Rebecca starts hypothesising that maybe the Animus doesn’t completely work with Desmond’s crazy new genetic makeup, that it can’t read it -- because even if he was in a coma or the Animus in that time there would’ve been something... ‘cause there’s no way , like zero way possible for Abstergo to have actually deleted genetic memory… then again there should be zero way possible to make a human have First Civ-- 
She walks off with the Animus headset continuing to mumble about fixes and theories. 
Shaun realises he should probably leave Desmond and his mum to catching up by themselves, and says he’ll go make some dinner. 
About an hour later when Rebecca (who did move out of her workstation to come have dinner too) yells that they’ve got something. Everyone crowds around her computer. 
 So as it would turn out, some wonderful Initiate managed to scrape up a roughly-2-day-old surveillance recording between an Abstergo higher up and a Swiss Abstergo scientist named Dr. Jacques Hanes (an OC, btw). Here’s pretty much how it goes:
“Dr Hanes, take a seat. [pause] Apparently you’re the person who can tell me how Subject 17 -- who last time I checked was dead -- took out half an abstergo facility?” 
 “Last time you checked was some time ago.”
“So is it him? Or is this part of Gramatica’s... project Phoenix?” 
“That is subject 17 in the flesh. Not a clone, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
“How? And--“ 
“All due respect madame , but I would prefer if you turned off your recording device for the remainder of this conversation.” 
“[pause] Hm. Fine.” 
And then the recording ends. Now this answers several questions! They now know who they need to find, and that Des is not a clone (though they mostly thought as much anyways) -- however it obvs doesn’t rule out any sleeper agent theories /: the mystery do be thickening like out-of-date milk
But it also points out that the Templars were hiding this from each other, and this serves as a potential explanation as to why the Assassins haven’t found bull or crap about this before; just maybe, the Templar scientists didn’t want their fellow Templars finding out about the fact they’d rezzed a highly skilled Assassin, and so made sure their efforts were secret. Or were they hiding it from something else? 
Ok so yeah bla bla bla Hadiya and Desmond continue to catch up, Shaun and Becs continue to notice how very different Desmond’s mum is from his dad lol.
So after a lil while, Hadiya -- who, like Shaun and Becs, has now gotten over the initial ???-ness of this all -- says she’s got something for Desmond. 
Des is like oh?? And she gets the gift from her bags or smthn and hands it to him and… It’s a hidden blade gauntlet. 
“It would have been yours.” She says 
If he hadn’t ran away . “Thanks,” Des smiles. 
He gets it set up, and tests it out. The quiet ‘snick’ of the hidden blade fills him with a strange sort of comfort. Something he knows about, finally, something simple. At least hidden blades haven’t changed in the past six years. 
That being said, Shaun does offer to make Des an electroblade, like the ones he and Rebecca have, but Des assures him that he's fine with his stabby-stab blade. They’ve been assured they’ll get some missions soon. 
I’ll admit I don’t have many details on their first few missions thought out. They’re pretty much all simple ones, nothing too big, or even too murderous lol. Mostly just recon and assistance. It is just very few, they don’t do that many. And their main objective is just find out wtf happened . But as I said, you’re gonna have to do the work here and 
It’s not like they can take a plane around lol, but luckily they’re in Europe so driving places is an option. I still don’t know where, just Europe™, tho they never go that far from the og safehouse.
Remember how in AC3 the gang was Rebecca, Shaun, Desmond, and Desmond’s worse parent? Well now we’ve got that crew except we replaced Bill with the Better Desmond Parent!! Because Hadiya hasn’t seen her son in 15 years, and she’s not about to waste any time she could be spending with him. Unlike some people. 
But also, Hadiya, literally being in her 60s, is most often on mission control/ at base -- though she does do her own Assassin stuff as well; she’s old, not dead. 
Which leaves the main trio now as a field squad. They have this really great dynamic in the field, because they’re all trying very hard to protect one another, even though they don’t really need protection and can handle themselves fine. See, Desmond thinks “okay, I heal super fast and I’m the most trained Assassin. I have to keep my techie friends safe”. Rebecca’s like “Shaun needs help and I need to make sure Desmond literally never dies again”. Shaun’s is the same as Rebecca but vice-versa (ie him thinking Becs needs help). They’re all just like “must protect friends”, it’s great.
Their missions all feel a bit useless; not much happens, and they don’t seem to be progressing forward. Desmond feels particularly useless: he can’t exactly blend in with most crowds anymore, so he generally has to stay hidden while completing objectives. And when they’re staying in a safehouse (which is most of the time), there’s nothing he can really do because he’s not a proper Assassin again, and nor is he a researcher like Shaun or Becs. it’s /: and so all he can rlly do is train (he does spar w Shaun & Becs and is a little ?? at how good they got at fighting. also w his mum) and catch up with the world, ig. 
And even on missions he’s feeling a bit disused. I mean-- he’s lived through the lives of multiple damn good assassins (+ one templar), and he’s an insanely skilled assassin himself, so he feels like a sword being used as a walking stick, I guess. Maybe not even that, because a walking stick is still useful! 
But during this short time, they accidentally discover some new abilities of Desmond’s! The first one they find is that he’s able to just compel enemies to pass out, which is fun and leads to a lot less illegal murder times lol.  
Shaun and Becs slowly begin to theorise that he has the powers of the Shroud, and a few powers of the Apple of Eden. Still begs the question how has he got these powers? (and doesn’t answer the “how’s he here” question at ALL). 
Now, they soon discover another ability and the extent of his “shroud” powers -- however Shaun did not have a fun time discovering this: 
They’re on a slightly less useless-feeling mission, and not much happens. Shaun and Becs infiltrate the small & remote Abstergo base without much of an issue, place their bug that’s gonna give them a backdoor to Abstergo servers, Des is outside (sidelines, yay) and they’re about to leave. But of course, things aren’t that simple. Shaun and Becs just HAD to get caught by two Abstergo guards on their way out. 
Rebecca yell-radios to Desmond for backup, but Shaun quickly realises Des isn’t going to be fast enough to stop the Abstergos, who’re equally too far for Shaun or Becs to do something. Time seems to slow down, and Shaun realises he’s acting on instinct more than anything when he shoves Becs out of the way of the Abstergo guard’s bullet. He doesn’t really think about how he’ll definitely end up with a bullet in him instead. He just shoves her out the way. 
Then everything comes rushing back and Des comes out of wherever he was hiding, making quick work of the Abstergos and then they’re getting the hell out of there.
They get to cover, all out of breath, when Becs and Desmond look at Shaun with wide eyes. 
“What?” Shaun looks down. Oh, well would you look at that. Great. He’s been shot.
Oh crap -- Shaun’s been shot!
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borom1r · 3 years
can you tell us more about the text game you're making? i'm sure you've talked about it lots but i'm new here lol
OH YO yea i can!!!!
so THEE text game, the main one, has been an ongoing project for over a year now (possibly two but idek anymore lol)
you can choose to either play as Adam or Amanda, which determines who you can date— each PC has 3 different routes/dates!
for Adam, you can either date Lawrence, William (SAW 6 main victim), or Gibson (internal affairs cop from 3D, played by the same actor as Tod from Final Destination). for Amanda, you can date Lynn, Laura (blond woman from SAW 2 who died in Amanda's lap), or Pamela (William's sister from SAW 6)
each route is about 4 chapters long (give or take, some have "B" chapters which are short continuations for specific choices that didn't make sense as part of the main chapter, or a full-on 5th chapter) and has an optional NSFW scene during one of the later dates (usually the last one, but Gibson's is a little earlier + Lynn and Pamela's routes are still unwritten). it doesn't have a title yet, hence why it's just called "the text game," but it's hit about 53k words (over the minimum length for a romance novel, lmfao) and is by far the biggest thing ive EVER written.
Lawrence's route is a fairly standard mix of dates (you have dinner together, go to the beach, etc) — William's route centers heavily around food both bc I love the hc that he can cook but food is a very comforting thing and William is a very comforting presence, so it just fit together in my mind? totally unintentional lol. Gibson's gets into the most... stressful scenarios, in that he CAN end up shot to hell in the hospital, BUT he survives! and in one ending you can marry him.
Lynn's route I have started, but hit pretty major creative block so it's possible I'll wind up scrapping it. Laura's route, which is nearly finished (I'm procrastinating on like A Singular Paragraph of conclusion writing lol) is very seasonal! for the most part it's lighthearted + you get to take her to an apple orchard n go ice skating together! Pamela's route is entirely unwritten save for some mid-date dialogue I drafted when inspiration struck out of the blue— I headcanon Mandy as a nonbinary lesbian and Pamela as a trans woman, so one of the dates (2nd or 3rd most likely) will center around going stargazing and Discussing The Gender
I also have two finished text games, Still Life and Group Therapy. in Still Life, you play as Lawrence and date Adam with a nice little mix of angst and fluff depending on your choices. in Group Therapy, you play as Adam and can choose to date either Eric Matthews or Mallick Scott (twitchy dude from SAW 5). these are both MUCH shorter than The Untitled SAW Text Game (Still Life is 7,500 words and Group Therapy is only 5,500)
then the NEW untitled text game, jokingly referred to as [redacted] is a short side project of just morally reprehensible bullshit, but yes it is still SAW-centric and yes, i will probably post a link to it eventually (with the appropriate content warnings)
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trash-writings · 4 years
Rules & About Info
This blog is strictly for 18+. I understand I cannot enforce this completely, so if you are a minor do not interact with my content or me. Please respect this. Below is some about info, FAQs, and my rules for requesting!! 
Update: I have updated the anime list I will write for and links for characters. From Sept 14 on I will not accept requests that break the new rules. 
About this blog and me: 
-My name is Kaley, you can call me that or admin. Pronouns are she/her. I’m 21 and from the usa. 
-I started this blog just to write for fun, but also take commissions. Rules for commissions can be found here! 
Fandoms I will write for (and links to character lists):
please click the links to see what characters I’m willing to write for. If these links don’t work then use the tag “character lists” to find them. 
HxH (commission only)
Haikyuu ---> must be sent to @hq-trashies (I will not write for them on this blog)
Tokyo Ghoul 
Daily Thirst Bitch Hours (tbh):
- I like to have TBH nearly every night. This is when you can send in thirst posts, hcs of you own, anything to thirst with me over our favs! 
- You can thirst for literally anyone as long as they are an adult. I love replying to these and seeing who everyone is thirsty for. 
- I will always post when they are open. Usually around 9pm eastern standard time, but sometimes earlier or later. Occasionally I respond to thirsts all day if I’m bored and have nothing to write or do for the day. 
- The only rules for this is to be respectful and not bitch during it. I will delete anything hateful. 
DO NOT: shame anyone in anyway during these. 
Rules when requesting hcs or short scenarios: 
1. Do not request more than 4 characters at a time. If you are requesting more than that I will not respond and will delete the request. Less characters equals more hcs for them! 
      1a. Do not send in more than one prompt/idea at a time. I thought this was obvious but apparently not.
2. Do not send in requests that are obviously for your OC’s. I can spot these easily, and will not fulfill them OR will make them completely silly and cracky. 
3. Do not send in requests to me if you’ve requested them elsewhere, this especially applies to when I see the same requests being sent to my mutuals. This specifically applies to HxH bc I am in a discord with many creators and we talk about this when it happens. I will delete it promptly if I notice it happening. 
4. DO NOT request NSFW for MINORS!! I WILL NOT age up ANY character. This is an extremely strict rule. 
5. I reserve the right to not respond or fulfill requests if I just cannot find inspiration for them. I will reply to them stating that I either don’t want to write the request or delete them if it’s too complicated or for an OC clearly. 
**This is usually SFW requests. They are much harder for me to find the will to write, bc I prefer writing NSFW. I still do write SFW, but it’s usually on my own accord and the request has to really catch my attention. 
6. I will not fulfill requests that are promoting exclusitivity or are uncomfortable. These include request like: “would *insert character* date *insert weight, skint tone, or race*” 
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mysmeshc · 7 years
i really like the way you write your hcs ahh!! could you do one where the RFA get jealous over MC with another RFA member or a stranger? thank you so much!!
oh yeyeyeye mysme hc is back bbyYoosung:-Yoosungs jealousy can manifest itself in many ways- sometimes he gets sad, insecure, and whiny- but other times- oh l o r d other times- he gets pissed- like WHO in their right MIND would hit on you while he’s right there??- You and Yoosung has been walking around outside that afternoon bc you felt he needed a break from his studies. - Which he did NOT protest. - but what he DID protest was this random guy comin up to u as if you had a sign around your neck saying “Please flirt with me i’m single”.- “Excuse me Miss do you know the way to the nearest coffee shop?” - okay maybe it was innocent after all, just a guy asking directions-- “-and maybe after you show me I could buy you a cup?”- oh NO U DID N O T- “Well I can’t-“- No bby Yoosung’s got this. - Taking the hand that was currently intertwined with yours he pulled it up, nearly whacking the other guy in the face. - “Unless you plan on buying me one I. Don’t. Think. So.”- You were shooketh- Glancing up at the guy you shrugged and smiled. “I mean he’s right...”- He just huffed and walked away, shoving his hands into his pocket. - You smiled at your protective bf. - “Awe babe, you were so tough back there” you cooed, only earning a red face in response. Zen- ALL MEN ARE WOLVES, MC!!! W O L V E S- This guy gets jealous over everything. - I mean, e v e r y t h i n g. - “Excuse me ma’am, might I take your coat?”- “HEY BUDDY BACK OFF!”- “. . . Zen that’s his job.”- Most is the time Zen was good at keeping his cool. - Being an actor or what not. - But there was one man who, regardless of what he’s doing, will push his buttons. - Our beloved Mr. Trust Fund Kid- So when Zen found out you were going over to his place a l o n e to discuss the party he interjected immediately. - “Nope. No way MC. I’m not gonna sit here and watch that- that- ... corrupted guy corrupt you!!” - You gave your boy a “ur stupid and ya i still love u but wtf”- “Zen, first off, your insults are awful, and Second off, it’s Jumin. Unless I’m covered in fur and meowing when I get there he won’t be interested in me in the slightest-“- “ACHOO!! Don’t underestimate him, MC! He’s a Man!!! They only want one thing-“- “Fine. Come with me then. But be warned that I will make sure Elizabeth is on my lap at all times...”- “DEAL!”- “Ah, hello MC-. . . and company-“- “AAAACHOO! Hey Trust fu- fuhuhuhuuAACHOO!”- Jumin looked unimpressed but not shocked by any means. - “Ah, Zen, here to make sure I don’t steal MC for myself?” - “Shut the fuck up you Entitled Asshole...” Zen rubbed his nose before walking in. - The meeting went well, other than the every 2 minute interruption of Zen’s sneezing.- Jumin bid you off and you two returned home where Zen finally gained the ability to breathe through his nostrils again. - “See, MC? Wolves. All of them. Good thing I was there though!” Zen called as he walked off to the shower. - You loved him, but next time you go over to Jumin’s you’re just gonna lie about it...Jaehee- It is difficult to get Jaehee jealous bc she is so. oblivious. - literally everything you do goes straight over her head. - She’s incredibly book smart, but when it comes to romance, she’s a lil clueless. - That is until you two go out to dinner and a random guy starts hitting on the both of you because he thought the two of you were out as “just friends”.- “Hey ladies, you both are looking lovely tonight. Could I buy you a drink please?”- “No thank you.” Jaehee was quick to respond, but the guy didn’t get the hint. - “Okay, I get it, what about you, sweetheart?” - oh Jaehee was Salty. - “Can’t you see we’re on a date?!” Jaehee stood out of her chair, causing you to gasp and the man’s eyes to go wide. - “Like. . . Oh god. I’m so sorry. Please, enjoy the rest of your evening.” The man ran off with his tail tucked between his legs. - “Jaehee. . . I-I. . . Wow.”- You were shocked and amazed by your beautiful girlfriend. - “Now, how about I buy you a drink?”- omfg. Jumin- Despite Jumin’s confidence, he gets jealous relatively easily. - And how he handles it definitely depends on the person. - He knows to ignore Zen’s attempts at flirting because of his reputation and career. - Zen isn’t actually into MC. - The stranger at dinner, though, is a completely different story. - You two were at a nice restaurant, enjoying each other’s company, when Jumin excused himself to go use the restroom. - As soon as Jumin was out of eyesight, the waiter brought you a glass of wine. - Before you could protest, seeing as you hadn’t ordered it, the waiter explained it was from the older gentleman at the bar, pointing to wear a man with a nice tuxedo and cigar, unlit, resided. - You gave a thankful wave, which he misconstrued as an invitation to talk. - “Sorry if I’m intruding, sweetheart, but I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are, and me, being set in my old-ways, thought it only appropriate to buy you a drink.” He smiled, going to light his cigar. - “Oh, well, that’s very kind sir, and I do appreciate it, but I don’t think you’re allowed to smoke inside...” You cringed as he took a rather large inhale before blowing it above your head. -“Don’t worry, darling, I can do whatever I want in my restaurant.” He took it out of his mouth to tap off some of the excess ash onto a plate used for bread. - You began to cough, the smell making you gag slightly. - “So, whatdya say we get out of here and I show you the town, eh? I’ll buy you anything that precious lil’ heart of yours desires...” He reached for your hand, grabbing it and placing a gentle kiss on the knuckles. - “I very much appreciate the invite but my date will be back very soon and he won’t be happy to see you in his seat...” You warned, looking around to see where the hell your boyfriend had disappeared to-- “Sorry I made you wait MC, I ran into-“ Jumin had been messing with his cuff link but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the look of uncomfort on your face as you motioned towards the man sitting across from you. - Straightening his tie, he cleared his throat to get the man’s attention. - The intruder swiveled in his seat, “Can I help you-“- oh fuck- is that?- “M-Mr. Han? What a pleasure it is to meet you! Oh I’ve heard so much about you and- Oh gosh, how rude of me, Jumin, please meet my lovely plus-one! Isn’t she cute in that dress of hers? Can’t wait ‘till I give her the tour of my mansion if you know what I’m saying!” The man motioned to you and you froze. - You saw Jumin’s eyes go red as his eyebrow twitched and you knew you had to intervene soon before Jumin loses his cool. - “Jumin, wait-“- “Excuse me, young lady, but that is Mr. Han to you! I apologize, Mr. Han, you know how women can be.” he laughed as if Jumin were part of this inside joke. - “May I speak to you, in private?” Jumin smiled, grabbing the man’s shoulder just a bit too tight. The man smiled like a giddy 5 year old. “Of course, Mr. Han! Be right back darling, the men must talk now.” He pretended to be cool as he walked by. You looked up at Jumin and you saw him mouth ‘wait in the car’ as the two walked off. - After sitting there for 45 minutes and filling in Driver Kim on everything that has happened, he chuckled knowingly as Jumin stepped in. - “... So? What happened? Did you call him out? Get free dinner?” You immediately question your boyfriend as he wrapped his arm around you. - “Don’t worry, dear, I took care of everything.” Jumin wrapped his arm around you and asked Driver Kim to take you both home. - The next day you saw in the news “Owner of local 5-Star Restaurant, Mr. Wae, Arrested on charges of sexual assault, meanwhile, C&R Int. has bought the building and places it under new management.”- You’re eye twitched. - “. . . juMIN HAN I SWEAR TO GOD-“707- Your boyfriend was in a grumpy mood because he ran out of PHD Pepper and he refused to drink anything else. - “Seven can you please just drink some water??”- “No can do, MC. My body is a temple and I only fill it with the purest of ingredients...”- “.... sEVEN-“- So, in order to make sure he didn’t DIE, you took him to a local fast food restaurant that you called ahead and made sure they had both HBC and PHD. - “Seven will you please just come inside with me?” He parked the car and looked over at you, groaning. - “But MC~ I drove ALL the way here!!!” He whined abd you gave up. - “Fine, I’ll be right back out, but don’t blame me if I get you Diet PHD instead of regular.” You smirked.- “You wouldn’t....”- “You’re right... I wouldn’t without also getting you BAKED HBC!!” You laughed maniacally, Seven holding back tears. - “You monster...”- Needless to say, he went inside with you, but got you two a table while you ordered. - “Hi may I please have 2 orders of the Number 5, both large, and can I substitute all the fries for HBC?” you asked the guy working the counter. - He chuckled lightly and nodded, entering in your order. - “Are you the lady that called in earlier?” He asked, making you blush in embarrassment. - “Oh, ya, uh, I guess I just really like them?” You lied, knowing Seven would get salty if you brought him into this. - “Ah, I think it’s cute. Besides, I like a girl who can eat.” He winked. - Seven’s ears perked up at this, your awkward laugh making him chuckle. - “Ah, thank you, but I-“- “Your total is 13.48” He cut you off, and you reached into your pocket and handed him a $20. - “Actually, for you it’s free.” The guy smiled. - “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly-“- “Babe! You’re turning down free food?” Seven had popped up behind you, wrapping his arms around you.- “S-Seven, not now... I’m ordering food.” You laughed, knowing the exact reason your boyfriend all the sudden got affectionate. - “I-I... uh... here.” He shoved the bags of food forward, you grabbing the drink cups and filling them up with soda. - “Thank you! And by the way, you’re not really my girlfriends type, but you are mine.” Seven winked and handed the man his number. - You came back and noticed the guy blushing, and you groaned, dragging him out of the store. - “I swear to god were you being gay again??”- “As HELL lololol”
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wholitzukoonfire · 7 years
Modern/YouTubers AU Klance Pride Headcanon [Part 1]
So this is from a hc convo I was having with my klance shipping buddy @destielschild 
So basically klance meet at a Pride parade and these are also my general Voltron gang Pride headcanons. 
So the voltron team is split into 2 friendship groups Lance’s friendship group (Hunk, Hunk’s moms, Shay, and Lance’s lesbian sister - Elena)
Hunk in this au is the lovable straight ally - he’s been to Pride every year since he was a child because of his Moms, it’s a thing they do - a tradition. 
He and Shay are dating they are the most adorable couple 
He’s wearing his “I <3 my moms” rainbow shirt and its so wholesome
He once got shouted at by an angry gay for being there and not being LGBTQ+, but Mom Ana tore the guy a new one telling him how supportive and amazing her beautiful son is.
This year he’s holding a sign that says “You know it’s bad when a straight guy is marching” - you know the one
He and Shay have a YouTube cooking channel called Hunkalicious and PassTheShay cook things - They’re pretty well known and do lots of collabs with Lance.
Their YouTube name is Hunk-A-love-&-A-Pinch-A-Shay 
(They have so many Shay is Salt memes bc she can be sALTY AF when needed)
Hunk also has a side gaming/sciene-y things channel (How he met Pidge) 
Shay is bisexual
The two of them are so in love and sometimes they sit in coffee shops and admire pretty girls together (Shay always adds on ‘Of course she’s not nearly as pretty as you.’ Hunk is the prettiest boy fight me on this. he giggles every time and blushes)
She’s wearing a ‘bisexu-whale’ top Hunk got her bc she majors in marine bio and she ADORES whales.
Lance is tagging along with Hunk’s crew - He hasn’t been out for long (his family are v Catholic and traditionally Cuban - his dad didn’t speak to him for a month after he came out) and it’s his first EVER Pride.
He’s super nervous although he’s literally been adopted into the Garrett family he feels like hes intruding tagging along on their traditional Pride march.
Shay notices INSTANTLY and makes him feel right at home in the bi community.
“Lance, I know you haven’t been out for long, but you are a valid bisexual, no matter what anyone says, your sexuality is yours to define and nobody else’s. You belong here.”
(This is why we love Shay) Lance cries for five minutes and is enveloped in a group hug.
Shay paints Bi hearts onto Lance’s cheeks (one gets smudged but he doesn't care) 
He does his make up (he hardly every wears make up, but he loves doing it) - Purple to pink to blue eyeshadow, and a touch of eyeliner.
Of course he also sprinkles a fuckton of pink glitter over himself, the Moms, Hunk and Shay
Lance is a pretty well known YouTuber - SirLancelot (he does mostly Vlogs, make-up tutorials, random funnies, relatables videos, occasional gaming sessions and he also pops up frequently on Hunk and Shay’s channel - it’s adorable and when Lance is involved they’re always “w/ the bestie” videos) And he decided to Vlog the whole thing - telling his subscribers in a mini vid that he’d be going to his first Pride and uploading a Vlog of it the following day. 
When he first get’s there there are so many people and it’s all so much he thinks he might just faint, but as soon the Parade starts, Lance is on cloud nine. Hunk is manning the Vlog camera (he offered to as it’s Lances first one and he wants Lance to enjoy it)and captures Lance grinning and chanting and waving his “AIN’T NO LIE BABY, BI BI BI” sign with gusto.
He turns to grin at Hunk who is literally internally screaming and shaking Shay gushing to the camera about “LOOK AT HIM! HE’S SO HAPPY AND ADORABLE!!! HE LOOKS SO CUTE, LOOK AT HIM SHAY- MY BEST FRIEND!! I’M SO PROUD!”
Lance is wearing a “my BI-FI signal is strong” shirt that the moms got him. 
Lance’s sister, they’re the same age - her mom is actually Lance’s Aunt, but the pregnancy was accidental and Camille never wanted children, so at aged 5 when Camille finally told her mother to stuff it and that she did not want children - Rosa took Elena in as one of her own
From then on the two of them were permanently joined at the hip (Elena is just as goofy and just as stubborn as Lance - and both of them are strong willed and will Fight You about womens rights, POC rights and LGBT+ rights)
She is a Lesbian™
She came out when she was 15 - she had a massive crush on her best friend Lucy and told mom and Lance first (their other siblings found out through evesdropping and general sneakiness) and told dad a few days before her Quinces. He didn’t show up so when the father-daughter dance came up Lance was the one who calmly got up - as if it were meant to be him up there with her and danced with her as she tried not to cry. And the first person Lance told he might be Bi was Elena. (She always kinda knew)
She regularly features in Lance’s videos (she sort of half lives at his and Hunk’s place - crashes on the couch every other night) known (early on) in Lance’s post-moving-in-with-Hunk videos as That Cuban Lesbian™ who always interrupts Lance’s videos to complain or yell at him in Spanish. Ofc anyone who’s a real Lancelot fan knows who she is. 
She was in his Coming Out video where he told the world he was Bi - and they called mom together, for support, and then told Hunk. (Hunk cried many tears)
She had a Very Gay™ crush on Shay when they first met and it’s a running joke that Hunk got to Shay first and that Elena is Bitter about this.
She has a mini lesbian flag tattooed onto her shoulder blade - Lance went with her to get it.
Keith’s friendship group (Pidge, Shiro, Matt, Allura, Coran and Alfor)
Pidge is Nonbinary They/Them or occasionally She/Her pronouns
They identify as an Ace Lesbian (just hear me out - cute dates where Pidge is all flustered bc Pretty Girl!!! And just talking about Science Stuff™ and blushing aaraarrrrrrrgggghhhh)
Pidge is also a YouTuber but like an actual Big Time™ YouTuber - They used to be HackerKatie but then they came out and changed their name so now they’re HackerPidge (If you’ve ever watched MilesChronicals that is what Pidge’s Channel is like - also a Gaming Channel - for Gaming) 
They live in a space-y flat with Keith, Shiro and Matt but they’re like never there??? (Once they straight up disappeared for a week and one morning Keith walked into the kitchen to just see Pidge sat on top of the fridge eating a bowl of Lucky Charms™)
One time they pulled a massive prank on Shiro (which they ofc recorded and put on YouTube) and when Shiro found out he banned them from YouTube and all Social Media for two weeks. Turns out that was a Bad Idea™ because Pidge fans (Hacklets) started Major Discourse on Twitter and Tumblr bc they didn’t get updates and there was nothing on Pidge’s social media (there was a theory that Pidge was dead). Shiro allowed Pidge back on YouTube and stuff and Pidge made a video explaining with Shiro in the back of the video holding one of those Shame Signs that said “I banned my child from social media for two weeks and accidentally started an internet war”
wait wasn’t this supposed to be about Pride???
Pidge is wearing a top that says “Male/Female/Don’t worry about it” - their galaxy backpack is littered with buttons about gender (e.g. ‘ask me about my pronouns’, and the nonbinary flag) and their sexuality (e.g. ‘beautiful day to love girls’, ‘girls, girls, girls’ etc.)
They have the nb flag and the lesbian flag painted on their cheeks and THEY/THEM painted in block capitals on their forehead.
Shiro and Matt
Shiro is a very Bi Dad Brother and he is Very Tired™
Matt is the Gayest being you will ever meet.
He and Matt have been dating since High school, they were best friends until Matt blurted at Prom to the entire student body that he’d been in love with Shiro since middle school
Shiro felt the same and they started dating (The entire school was relieved - there were betting pools on when one or the other was finally going to fess up)
They have a joint YouTube channel (GaysInSpace - Matt-Man and SpaceDad) Its mostly a fitness/yoga and some make-up videos (they did the Boyfriend Does My Make-up - it was horrendous) He did a galaxy make-up tutorial ONCE because he and Matt had just got into loads of space shows/films and was forever named SpaceDad because of it. 
They mostly do couples yoga and fitness videos which generally turn into shenanigans after the first like ten minutes - they are the power couple of space and their fans named themselves the ‘Gaybies’
Shiro and Matt have matching shirts and hoodies 
Hoodies: Matt - If found return to Shiro / Shiro: Keep him.
T Shirts: Matt - My Boyfriend is Bi-Lingual (bc Shiro can speak fluent Japanese) / Shiro - My boyfriend’s gay, but I’m not. 
They have their flags painted on their faces - Gay for Matt and Bi for Shiro.
Matt bought a giant gay flag at the start of the parade and has since tied it around his shoulders 
Shiro’s holding a sign that on the front says “God said Adam and Eve so I did both” but on the back has a message that Matt hasn’t seen “My boyfriend has no clue I’m going to propose today.”
Shiro proposes halfway through the parade (Lance’s group was actually just a little behind them and he and Hunk caught the entire thing on camera). The music from the parade cut out and all of their closes high school friends, Shiro’s dad and Matt’s parents emerge from the crowd whilst a song they both adore (“Marry Me” by Jessica Smith - when Lance uploads the video he makes sure to link the song in the description to credit the artist) starts to play, Shiro gets passed a mic and he starts to sing (his voice isn’t perfect but it’s damn good) When the chorus (May All Recognise Real love Yours and mine Make all love Equal) comes on the friends and family members hold up the lyrics to spell out MARRY ME. Matt is completely stunned (the gay flag cape had been stolen by Keith earlier so at least he didn’t look like a complete idiot) Then Shiro’s getting down on one knee and opening a box with a ring in it at Matt’s crying. 
“What do you say, Cadet? Wanna get hitched?”
“Oh for christ- Just put the ring on my finger and kiss me idiot!” 
Matt’s still crying as Shiro slides the band onto Matt’s finger and swoops up for a kiss, before turning around to yell “HE SAID YES!”
The crowd goes wild
Allura is a beautiful Lesbian and she and Elena get on swimmingly (Elena has the biggest crush on her and she and Lance cry about how beautiful she is from her videos)
Her user is PrincessOfAltea she does beauty tips and tricks as well as a gaming channel - she’s surprisingly good and is one of The Best players in a game called Altea (It’s an RPG Quest series) - her subscribers love how amazing she is and she usually plays with Matt, Pidge, and Shiro - Keith sometimes joins in and he’s surprisingly good. 
She’s Alfor and Coran’s daughter (Alfor’s biologically - they got a surrogate mother - who they still keep in contact with - she’s Ace/Aro and also goes to Pride with them but she couldn’t make it this year)
(Coran is wearing this )
She met Shiro through working out at the same gym - He mad a mini bi crush on her and gushed to Matt about the Pretty Girl at the gym for weeks
(Matt didn’t get too jealous - as soon as he lent over and pressed a kiss to Shiro’s lips, he would generally shut up about Pretty Girl and think about Pretty Boyfriend instead)
Allura is covered head-to-foot in glitter (as are Coran and Alfor) because of an incident that happened at Shiro’s flat with Pidge, a pop-tart and glitter Allura was opening to dab on her face. 
She has the lesbian flag painted like war paint on her cheeks and a pastel top with two girls kissing on it that says “Girls like Girls like Boys Do” on it. 
She’s also parading around with a sign that says “I love my emo gay son” with a picture of Keith’s face on it.
Keith has been out for years. Literally since he was thirteen. 
(He came out via a dinner conversation, when Matt was over for dinner at the Shirogane Household one evening. Matt had been talking about how all teenage boys are supposed to be obsessed with girls and wanting to date girls etc. and Keith had simply said “Well I don’t like any girls but I was in calculus the other day with Jared and I thought he looked cute. I wouldn’t mind being his boyfriend.”  A bug eyed Papa Shirogane had asked “Keith are you gAY?” - Keith had asked what that meant and after Shiro had explained “B-boys who l-like other b-boys... romantically.” Keith had shrugged dismissively and said “Well I guess then, yeah, I am.”)
He’d also been watching SirLancelot’s videos since Lance had begun YouTubing (at first they’d just been braces-Lance and Hunk prank videos and relatables middle schoolers version) And has pretty much been In Love since.
However, this was Keith’s first ever Pride - the only reason he’d actually agreed to go was because he knew Shiro planned to propose and he didn’t want to miss that, despite the overwhelming threat of an large-crowd-induced anxiety attacks.
He’d gone with a simple gay outfit, black shorts, ratty converse, flannel around his waist, rainbow suspenders and a tank top Shiro had gotten him especially (that said Too Gay For This World)
At first Keith had refused to wear it (he secretly adores this top and Shiro Knows)
He has his own YouTube channel which isn't isn’t nearly as popular as Lance’s - but he has a solid fanbase
His user is CryptidKeith and his channel is called The Keith-Files - Conspiracy Theories
His fans are called his Cryptids and he is continuously referred to as “The Wild Keef” due to a comment Pidge once made in one of their Conspiracy collabs
Of course Hunk and Pidge have done many collabs and when its mentioned that most going are YouTubers they decide to meet up and introduce their friendship groups - Lance decides to vlog it all as he is anyway - First Pride.
[Part 1]/[Part 2]
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