#vld pride
procyoren · 24 days
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Guys being dudes :)
Happy pride month friends 🌈
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salmonwentmissing · 1 year
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What if Lance went on tour after the war by himself, but Keith joined and they started a routine together?
Based on this from 2017
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shatterinseconds · 28 days
“Baby,” Lance says.
Keith snorts, loud and uncaring. “God no, not in a million years.”
“Alright.” Lance scratches out a line on his pad of paper. “Does that mean babe’s out too?”
Keith wrinkles his nose. “It’s not the best but tolerable.”
“We’ll note that as a strong maybe.” In which Lance actually does mark down a quick note to the side of the list, and Keith catches himself from rolling his eyes.
For the past week, they’ve been staying at Lance’s family home in Cuba while they decide on their next steps in a post Voltron, post war world. They rest on the back patio, facing the backyard that really extends into open land far beyond them, neighbors a mile away at least. It’s quiet and beautiful and even when the commotion of Lance’s entire family is present, it’s one of Keith’s new favorite places in the world. They watch Lance’s niece and nephew for the afternoon while Lance’s older brother runs errands and Lance’s mother prepares dinner.
Keith angles his head closer to Lance, though he’s still mostly blocked by the small table between them, and gestures to the list. “Is this really necessary?”
“Pet names are important to me,” Lance replies with a quirk to the corner of his mouth. The summer breeze, fresh off the ocean and carrying a thin taste of salt, curls through his brown hair. “Mullet is great but I need at least one more that���s affectionate.”
Keith scrunches his nose.
The thing is, all of this is new to Keith. The peace, the stability, having a permanent place to call home again, and… their relationship. They’ve been dancing around each other for years, as their teammates love to complain about, but officially being together, having the ability to call Lance his partner, boyfriend, lover? That all happened less than a couple weeks ago—and yet it already feels timeless.
Seeing Keith’s reluctance, Lance stands to relocate himself on Keith’s lap, settling his full weight on Keith’s thighs. Keith glares, though he moves his hands onto Lance’s hips and his fingers wiggle under Lance’s loose shirt to hunt for warm patches of skin. Lance tugs on his ears, guiding Keith to tilt his head and capture his mouth in a soft kiss. 
And what a lovely kiss it is.
“I’m trying to be nice by giving you a choice.” Lance laughs a little when they break apart, only to lean back down. He stops a hair’s breadth away from Keith’s mouth. When he speaks again, his breath drifts over Keith’s lips, a soft caress. “What about sweetheart, honey bunches, pickle?”
“Okay, now these are just getting ridiculous.” Keith wraps his arms around Lance’s waist, pulling him closer, and buries his nose into the crook of Lance’s neck.
“I don’t know,” Lance mutters, starting to absently play with Keith’s hair, twirling the long strands around his fingers. “I’m kinda partial to sweetheart.”
“Yeah, that’s not bad,” Keith admits as a faint blush rises on his pale cheeks. He tries to bury his face deeper to cover it, but he should’ve guessed how well that would work out.
A shit-eating grin stretches wide across Lance’s face; Keith can feel it against the side of his head. “I see we’ve found our winner.” Humming, Lance leans down toward Keith’s ear. “Sweetheart.”
Face glowing and mind reeling, Keith shoves Lance off his lap. “Shut up,” he lightly growls, mortified at his own reaction.
Lance arches his head back as he cackles from his spot on the ground, eventually flopping down and pillowing his head with his hands as he lazily stares up at Keith. That shit-eating grin refuses to fall off his face. “Yeah, this is going to be fun.”
And despite Keith’s own face remaining beet red, he can’t help but smile too.
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shungrass · 26 days
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goldie0-0 · 26 days
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I dont have time to draw rn so have this instead
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addictofreading · 6 days
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Happy Pride Month 2024!!
I still have Klance on the brain so here they are again! I'm taking part in a Klance zine as well and it's going to be forever until I'm allowed to share that drawing, but I'm already excited for it. I'll be sure to share more info on that when I can! :D
Anyways, here's a friendly reminder that your vote matters, even if you might feel like it doesn't. The only reason the US has gotten this far in supporting the rights and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community is because there were enough people actively involved in politics to vote into office people who cared and also pressure the ones who didn't to do the right thing. Meanwhile, we have a lot of people actively working to take away all those hard-earned rights as soon as they come into power.
Every vote matters and so do you! Please protect the LGBTQ+ community this November!
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bluismie · 23 days
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“I don’t mind cradling you in my arms”
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lilcatastrophe · 9 days
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guys i think they’re gay
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thek0dy · 1 year
hhhhappy pride
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haibunnyy · 1 day
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“Don’t blame me, love made me crazy”
Happy Pride! Featuring the very canon gays istg
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sometimes, Keith will be sitting on the couch,
scrolling through his phone or something, and Lance will come along and just plop down on his lap.
This goes one of two ways
Lance has to groan and complain to get Keith to pay attention to him for about 10 minutes before he gets the affection he wants
Keith immediately puts his phone down and nuzzles his face into the crook of Lance's neck and they sit like that until they both get hungry. They'll whisper little things to each other, mostly just declarations of love and devotion.
Both of them have days where they just need to hear the other tell them how much they love them.
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yurikogane · 26 days
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lil allura n keith bc my artblock is ACTUALLY beating my ass rn and these doodles are so cute . live laugh lgbt ill probably draw something better with them together in a bit
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willthespy · 28 days
You should draw Klance. Also pidge she is an aroace icon
Pride Month Day 01 - KLANCE
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I’ll def draw Pidge for a separate day, because she deserves her own day. Tysm for the suggestion and feel free to suggest more!!
To anyone unaware. I take suggestions to draw a queer/trans/aro (lgbtq+) character or ship every day. Anyone can suggest any ship, headcanons or not. (Yes, there’s been suggestions of fandoms I’m not in and idgaf.) No proshipping though…. obviously.
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callmelyc · 7 days
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rocketkit · 24 days
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hey hey!! happy pride!!!!
ive seen another few other people doing this and bc i want to do some style & color experimenting… im opening up queer drawing requests for pride month!
requests can be headcanon or canon as long as they’re fictional- no real people :0
if they’re characters (2-3 characters, & ships are welcome!) from media, i will def be more likely to draw characters i already know (fandoms im in include: ST, MHA, VLD, bobs burgers, dunmeshi, the hellaverse, great gatsby, glee.. etc!)
prompts may be provided, but please keep them simple!
lmk about your headcanons!! i like to know how other people view different characters ! it’s so interesting :D
i’ll be prioritizing followers first!
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themythecho · 21 days
Wanting to watch Voltron but your netflix doesn't include voltron in the subscription (This is homophobia) /j
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