#and i just kept making him upset all day like lmaooo whats wrong with me hahaha
twrot · 1 year
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whchenlvr · 2 years
making up after a fight ;
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weak hero union x gn!reader
gray yeon
➤ you were upset about something at your part-time job, and when you tried to confide in your boyfriend, he “logically” sided with your co-worker. then he didn’t understand why you were upset with him
➤ “are... are you mad at me?” he’d ask, clueless, to which you huff and cross your arms. “yes.” “oh... so are we fighting?” “yes.” “oh. okay, then?”
➤ to make it up to you, even if gray doesn’t know what he did wrong, your boyfriend would buy takeout from your favorite restaurant to surprise you
➤ “look, i’m sorry. i’m honestly not one hundred percent sure what i did, and if that makes you even more upset, then i’m extra sorry. will you talk to me now?”
➤ you’ve always had a soft spot for gray’s subtle affection, so when he openly apologizes, you give in and explain the situation, even apologizing to him for being upset. your fight ends with binge-watching your favorite show together
ben park
➤ “fuck you.” “fuck you!” was the last ‘conversation’ you and ben had after a heated argument. you knew it’d been about something school related, but you couldn’t remember what exactly
➤ ben was angry with you at first, but when he finds you sitting by yourself after school, he’s more curious than anything else
➤ when he approaches, he hears you sniffling and watches as you wipe your face with the sleeves of your (his) hoodie. ben’s instantly at your side, rubbing your shoulder and asking what’s wrong
➤ “i just feel so bad. i didn’t mean it, i swear!” “please stop crying, i’m going soft!”
➤ the playfulness in his voice makes you laugh a little, wiping the remainder of your tears away. “i’m sorry, by the way. for, you know, swearing at you.” ben would chuckle at the shyness of your words. “yeah, yeah, me too. cutie.”
alex go
➤ he’s bitter. just bitter about the whole fight and how quickly it escalated
➤ you’re feeling bad yourself, guilty of raising your voice when you could have kept your temper
➤ still, you and alex put your differences aside and agree to meet on the rooftop of your workplace the next day, a nice getaway spot for the two of you
➤ “so,” “so… you wanna start?” “alright.” clears his throat into his fist and everything. “uh, yeah. that was… weird.”
➤ it took a while, but eventually, the conversation does flow. “look, i shouldn’t have yelled at you. i’m sorry, alex.” you apologize, and he can’t hide his smile. “wow. y/n l/n? apologizing? i must be some sort of god—“ “yeah, don’t push it.”
gerard jin
➤ honestly, i see gerard feeling super guilty whether or not he initiated the fight
➤ “y/n… can we talk?” even if you’re still mad, who are you to turn him down?
➤ you’ll sit next to him, and when you feel the weight of the situation on you, you rest your head on gerard’s shoulder and sigh. “i’m sorry.”
➤ “what are you sorry about? don’t… don’t stress, it’s all good, alright?” he hates fighting and knows you really dislike it as well
➤ you’d nuzzle your head against his shoulder and smile. “okay. don’t stress, either.”
teddy jin
➤ you’re both pretty petty about this since neither of you thinks you were in the wrong
➤ still, you sit beside each other on the steps ascending to your apartment. it isn’t long before teddy speaks. “i can’t believe you shaved my cat.”
➤ you sigh, tired of this conversation.“for the last time, she had fleas! what would you have preferred me to do?” “medication, y/n, medication!” “well..! i didn’t think of that at the time!”
➤ teddy huffs angrily at your response and throws himself back against the stone steps. after some more silence between you, he nudged your foot with his shoe. “it’s… fine. it’s just hair, it’ll grow back. and at least the fleas are gone.”
➤ you apologized once more, then the two of you spent the next two hours at a pet store, searching for some cat clothing for co
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midnightmisadventures · 6 months
Pt 2 Liam Dream
Here's what I got...
We um, we were in our dream settings as usual. Fancy cruise dinner but not necessarily on a cruise, state college, huge manison, is it christmas? and most importantly.
The biggest up and comer. That park/camping/venue/camp that sometimes day is performing at outdoor festival style or there is a very cheap and country carnival. Looong "road"or driveway going to the park.
Theres also the dream town? And we were at one of those restaurants in one of those plazas if that makes sense.
And we were talking about various things while getting ready to go somewhere together.
There were other relevant guys what we knew or who were interested in me in the dream?? And I started talking about them casually not in a way where im praising them or calling them attractive. But in my head i felt myself talking too much. Like i had a feeling bringing them up would make Liam upset, but it was like I couldnt stop myself or like word vomit.
So then he tensed up or whatever and asked "who's more attrative "insert guy we know" or a famous basketball player" "Compare him to a famous basketball player you think is hot"
and as he was going i was like "no no no, im not doing that" and he was like "cmon, just do it" as if it was all good fun and not something he was upset about. I was like Liam no, im not gonna talk to you about guys and tell you whos hotter thats crazy, why would i do that." And something along the lines of....i love YOU and thats all that matters. But also not that bc i couldnt define our relationship exactly
He kept pushing, and i said i dont even know any basketball players by name except the famous ones. I only know the people my dad talks about anyway. And because he wouldnt let go, i even tried to name ACTIVE basketball players at the top of my head and i was struggling just to prove it to him, but i was hoping he believed me.
We then started talking about going to events, and like upscale things, not the grammys or something so big but potentially an award show. And he made a comment along the lines of "you get a girl who lives/works in new york and she'll start talking about stuff like this" Like oh so fancy, uhuh this checks out since you work at a fancy job in the city now and you do fancy things.
Lmaooo. I was just like what?? But we moved past it.
This comes off like he was being an insecure dick. But he wasnt.... lol. Insecure? okay yea probably but he wasnt being a dick it was very playful vibes but only significant cause i could see through it and tell this things were bothering him a little.
But it never felt like at my expense. He was always just trying to measure himself to feel good enough for what i was experiencing and who i was around.
Then.... time goes on. Its just us we're talking the same. And I tell a story about how one time i didnt pay a parking meter? And didnt get a ticket but i parked illegally. Idk a super harmless RANDOM story.
And after I told it he got quiet. And weird. Emphasis though on not mean. He was sweet and gentle the whole time. But his deameanor changed. And i tried to keep talking but now he was SO down. So I was wondering if I should bring it up, should I wait till we leave and say something in the car....
But i just said "im sorry, is it something I said? What's wrong"
And he looked up from tying his shoes and was like....."uh its just that (lets say "not paying the parking meter?") is really dangerous and I wouldnt want anything to happen to you. One time something happened with me and my dad and it was really bad"
And i felt horrible I was like "oh im so sorry Liam, I would have never brought it up, if I knew you had trauma attached to it" and he quietly was just like "its okay" And i was about to go over to him and hug him or rub his back but I asked "do you wanna talk about it"
And he just shook his head. So i was like...okay, he wasnt mad at me. He was just in a bad mood becaus of whatever bad memory.
But i....to fill the silence i guess kept saying sorry. Even though i didnt need to apologize anymore lol, I didnt know it would trigger him. And i asked him if he wanted to talk about, AND i said i wouldnt park illegally again. (Even though whatever my random story was about wasnt that bad)
My point was i did everything i could so i need to learn not to put it on myself to make him feel better. He's allowed to be sad. People can be in bad moods. Its not my fault!!
Which maybe explains why, then i said "Im sorry if now im talking too much, or saying the wrong thing i-, just sometimes don't know when to stop or if im doing to much"
And he said something in a cheeky way like "yea....you coulda stopped already. You don't have to keep talking"
And in the dream i took offense to that (silently). And got insecure about yapping too much.
But thinking it through now I think he was just saying "its okay you don't have to overcorrect or fix something that you didnt do" (or even that you did). You apologized. And he wasnt upset cause i told a random story about a parking meter. He was upset becuase he was reliving whatever trauma with his dad.
Swipe up for part 3
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ryozoro · 3 years
Hades Playlist - iv.
NOW PLAYING: Memories - David Guetta [ft. Kid Cudi]
an; yo, sorry if the transitions are a little sloppy; I’ll go back in and fix them when I have the chance :,)
last song 🔊 EP 🔊 playlist 🔊 next song
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“We try to hide our feelings, but we forget that our eyes can speak.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“HA,” the lady snorted as she played with her wedding ring, “you sound like my husband; you are like - the first girl I’ve met who has thought I was pretty. Thank you, it truly means a lot.” The lady smiled as she began pulling out her wallet and a few written down notes, “it’s uh - fuck hitto, you write like a kid, it’s a 2016 Ducati?”
“2016 Ducati Full Throttle,” yn said back with a small smile as the woman laughed again, “I’m assuming it’s your husband’s old bike?”
“Yeah,” she played with her ring as her smile softened, “he wants it in good condition before he gives it to one of our neighbors. It’s tradition for his - occupation..”
“He in a gang?” Yn asked as she began shuffling through shelves, “Don’t sweat it, I’m not gonna freak out over trivial matters.” The young ryuguji chuckled as she finally found the part she’s been looking for. “Here,” she place the part on the top, “its the G2 Throttle Tamer Ducati you needed. I’m assuming he’s still in a gang by the looks of how you covered for him, but don’t worry - it’d be hypocritical if I got scared you were involved with a delinquent.”
“Oh,” the lady sighed out, “thank gods. You can call me Kaku-san if it’s alright with you? Could you install the part by yourself? Sorry, my man is just always busy with work and was hoping to have someone install it for us..”
“I can’t personally install it, but my brother can! He gets back from his lunch break in about twenty minutes, so I know its a long wait -"
"I'm so sorry, I'll just turn that off-," yn went to hit 'decline call.'
“I can wait, no sweat!” She smiled as she began digging through her mini backpack, “I need to check and see if my loser has ate lunch yet. I'll be outside for a bit." With that, 'Kaku-san' had walked out as she dialed her husband.
"Fucking hell," yn breathed out before hitting accept, "Inui-senpai, hey - what did you need?" Her breath hitched in her throat as she heard his low laugh.
"Just checking to see if my favorite girl has ate yet - so, have you?" Yn could just hear the smile that creeped upon his face, but for some reason - she didn't feel as in awe as she once did.
"Ah," yn scanned the shop and began totaling the price for the repair and writing further notes for her older brother, "no, I haven't ate yet, but I was planning on just heating up some of the leftovers that Souya-kun gave me."
"You know, if you keep being as cute and clingy as you are around him," yn could hear him moving around paper bags of what she assumed was to-go food, "shit, sorry. As I was saying, if you keep being so cuddle buddy with him, he's goin to fall for ya."
"Or," yn rolled her eyes as she began to document minor details on the log for each hour, "maybe, you're just reading in too deep on the fact that Souya is just an overall easily flustered person. Being a decent human does not make my kind actions count as flirting; if it does, well, you men around me are just dumb."
"Oh, don't be like that, princess," inui said in a rather sarcastic tone, "you know I'm just teasing you. Leaving that matter, I got you lunch - your favorite lunch, might I add."
"Thank you senpai, but -,"
"Inui-kun~ why aren't you getting off the phone yet? You promised that you would pay attention to only me today!" Yn heard a whiny voice - a woman’s whiny voice - through the phone, “I thought you said after we get lunch we’re just gonna lay in bed all day.” Inui mumbled something to her that seemed to have shut her up, clearing his throat, “sorry about that, are you still -,”
“I’m pretty busy and I plan on going out with a friend for my lunch break,” she cut him off, “have fun on your day off.”
yn knew she shouldn’t be angry; inui was never hers to begin with, but she was hoping that he’d at least spare her feelings. maybe this was good. maybe knowing that he has someone, even if it’s just a fuck buddy, will help her clear her mind and finally let go.
tani senpai <3: ft during your lunch break?
tani senpai <3: wait do you play cod? if you did that’s be kinda hot
tani senpai <3: I meant dope but hot works too
tani senpai <3: OH, wait rain check on the call, why don’t we just meet in person? ;) after all, I still have your necklace.
tani senpai <3: I cleaned it up because I was wearing it so I wouldn’t lose it.
tani senpai <3: lmfao I really made it a blood diamond at one point
kaku-san paid her total for the part and repair and ensured yn that she’d be back around five. sighing once the older woman left, yn went to check her phone that had been buzzing incessantly since she hung up on her brother’s best friend.
you: I’m gonna punch you in dick next time I see you :,) I was helping someone and I had to act like my phone was not going HAAM in my pocket
tani senpai <3: uh uh uh , leave ran jr. alone. he did nothing wrong :p plus, you’d have to kiss it better if you hurt him
tani senpai <3: [location] a small nightclub @ 16:00 tonight :) I would offer to buy your dinner, but you threatened my best man.
you: I hate you :,) but um,,, I don’t exactly know — what to wear to a nightclub..? Can I just go in a hoodie and some sweats and talk to the bouncer like “hey, I know the haitani bros — lemme in.”
tani senpai <3: LMAOOO,, nah I would to see you size the man up. as for clothes — you don’t have anything like ,, that radiates “hot girl” shit ?
you: no, if I’m not in my uniform — I’m either wearing my brother’s clothes with some cargo pants or sweats. sometimes I wear my own clothes, but that’s usually just merch.
tani senpai <3: as much as I want to see you in school uniform or in full need mode, I don’t think the bouncer would just let you in. OH, wait — fuck them. I forgot that I’m literally a god to them lmao,, wear what you want , I’ll wait outside for you and we can walk in together :)
you: wait really :,) I’m gonna try and make use of what I have tho ! I’ll lyk when I get there :)
tani senpai <3: wow so you’re not gonna ft me :|
you: you licherally said “rain check”
tani senpai <3: but I just finished my tasks for today, call me or I’m calling you
you: sorry , my brother just got back, I’ll talk to ya later :p
tani senpai <3: fine :| I’ll just bother Rin then.
the young ryuguji chuckled before locking and pocketing her phone once she noticed her brother’s presence. sure, she was still hurt at the fact that inui is currently hooking up - maybe even dating - another girl, but at least she could look to the eldest of the Haitanis and feel herself forgetting all about her first love.
“What ya lookin at brat,” Ken laughed out as he went to pat her head, “hey, who has you smiling like that?” He has always been protective; it was just his nature as a big brother. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re happy, but if it’s about a boy I would LOVE to know who.”
“It’s just a stupid thing that emma-senpai sent me,” yn attempted to play it off, “anyways — how was lunch?”
“It was good,” draken said as he went to put his jumper back on, “but it coulda been better if inui didn’t bring his ‘friend girl’ around. She kept hittin on Mikey and asking about my necklace and I almost called you up to come deck her.” He quickly grabbed his chain and kissed the ‘Emma’ that hung in the middle just before tucking it back under his white tshirt; it was his routine.
“I woulda showed her that ‘Draken Uppercut’ if I was there big bro,” yn made a small show of what she did in hopes of making her brother smile.
“You’re an idiot,” his smirk plastered on his face in a proud manner, “but I don’t need you wasting your energy on her. It just — like who the hell do you think you are touching a random stranger, especially around their neck. Like who?” She could tell that he was upset that he couldn’t have done anything; Draken was just brought up to be extremely respectful. “The worst part,” he threw a wrench at his ‘anger wall,’ “she kept asking shit like: “who names their kid emma,” “was she at least pretty,” and the one where I almost put my hands on her, “is she dead or something? what you just can’t let go?” Yn, I was so close to knocking her daylights out. She honestly got lucky takemitchy had tackled Mikey, or she woulda got her shit rocked.”
“I,” yn was at a lost for words; she had never heard someone disrespect any of her family this openly, “what the fuck did inui say? Did he just sit there through all this shit?” she moved from behind the counter and rolled out one of the bikes he was scheduled to work on, “please don’t tell me he did.”
“No,” draken rolled his eyes as he recalled the previous events, “just prop it up by station one, gotta get the new 340 mm rear air shock absorber suspensions, oh, could you jot that down, please? But nah, this fucker,” draken lifted the bike up so the back was in the air and put it on a lift, “just found every way to piss me off. Like I love him, but he fucked up today. He told us ‘sorry, she’s just cranky so don’t take her words to heart.’ If she called me ugly or some dumb shit I’d be okay, but he really told me not to take to heart the fact that she spoke on Emma’s name like that.” He tugged on his dark locks as he undid it, “could ya put it back up for me, it’s not tight enough.”
“I gotcha big man,” yn gently massaged his scalp as she went to put his hair in a tight but loose bun, “you know, she’s probably really proud of you right now. Bet she’s smilin up there too.” she could feel his tenseness fade as she comforted him; she’d do this one hundred times a day if it meant that he’d finally stop blaming himself for all those years ago. “There,” she smoothed over the top of his head once more, “all done.”
“Thank ya,” he hums as he begins to work on the bike, “oh, do you want to come with later? me and the boys are gonna head to mitsuyas before we go out so you can hang out with the other brats.”
“Actually, I um,” yn felt the sweat gather in her palms as she walked back to her station, “I was wondering if I could go out tonight - with a friend..”
“What friend,” yn flinched as her brother snapped his gaze towards her, “do I know said friend?”
“N-no,” she cleared her throat and began writing on sticky notes and receipts, “he — they were nice to meet when I first got back in town and offered to hang out - so, I felt that it’d be rude to -,”
“Nah, you’re not going,” draken turned his attention back to the bike, “you’re either going to stay home or hang out at mitsu’s house. No in between.”
“That’s fair,” yn sighed, “can I just have a reason as to why I can’t go?”
“Because I don’t know em and the streets have been rainin havoc since Mikey got out,” he sighed as he put his tools down. He stood up to full height and gently patted the leather seat of the propped up bike, “I just don’t want you to get hurt, bub. Yer my number one right now and I don’t know if I’ll be able to go on if you even get the slightest bit of hurt.”
“I understand big draco,” she laughed softly, “Can I just stay in then? I promise I won’t leave; I just feel like being in my own bed tonight.”
“Anything for you, yer majesty.” Ken smiled as he concluded that he had the best sister in the world.
“Alright, yn, we’re about to head out,” her big brother knocked on her door, “can ya at come say bye?”
“Fuck,” yn got up and quickly put an oversized sweater and some basketball shorts that reached just below her knees, “gimme a minute! Sorry, I was taking a nap.”
“We’ll be out in the living room, dumbass.”
If anything, yn was just glad none of them walked into her room to see her basically bare figure - shout out to her Ken-nii for knowing his sister. Once fully covered, yn made her wait out the room and noticed everyone sitting on the couch in the living room, even inui.
“Yn,” souya barked out, “you’ve ate right? If you haven’t ‘m gonna fight you!” He stood up and approached yn as all the other boys smirked and whistled in the back. “You guys shut the hell up.!”
“Neh neh,” nahoya laughed, “you need to stop bein so flirty over there, angry.” Smiley always teased angry, but that was just brotherly nature; however, if anyone else were to continuously pick on angry — it wouldn’t be a shock if Smiley was on top of them and imprinting the curve of his elbow into their forehead. “He just missed you, little Ryu. Make sure to let us know if anything happens-,”
“We’re going to get Ken-chin laid,” Mikey said with a mischievous smirk as he began pushing his taller friend out the front door. “Choi~.” The other boys followed either patting her head before they left or hip bumping her; hakkai decided to be the odd man out and hug yn to his chest and dramatically walk out the door as if they won’t see each other for fourth years.
“BYE,” she poked her head out then quickly shut the door and disregarded her hoodie, “now that they’re gone..”
“OH MY GOD, WHAT,” picking her phone up off the coffee table she fell back onto the couch, “what do they want-,”
Incoming FaceTime: tani senpai <3
“Shit.!” Yn quickly sat up and answered with an apologetic face, “heeeey, what’s up?”
“You look cozy,” he eyed the tops of her shoulders with only her bra straps decorating them, “cozy enough to make a man stand outside for, hmm - what does my watch read - thirty minutes.”
Yn looked thoroughly confused as she cocked her head to the side and fell back, “what does you standing outside of some random building have to do with me?”
“Did you really —,” she watched the man shift and bring her golden chain into view, “you were supposed to meet me tonight in order to get your precious necklace back. You stood me up and now I look like a fucking idiot who got stood up.” He deadpanned into the camera and had a small pout, “you had all the guys laughin at me, darlin. You really disappointed me.” Yn felt her heart slowly tear; she hated disappointing anyone. “If you were going to show up you could have at least said so.” Just as she was about to speak, Ran hung up and left her to wade in her thoughts.
You: Ran-senpai, I promise it was on accident ! I meant to tell you earlier, but it just slipped my mind (read 8:44 p.m.)
You: pls forgive me :,) I fell asleep as soon as we got off work and came home; draken-nii told me to rest up since I can’t go out so I figured I might as well (read 8:45 p.m.)
You: yk if you’re going to read my text, the least ya could do would be to respond. I said I’m sorry. (read 8:47 p.m.)
You: yer a fucking brat , man child who throws a fit and refuses to actually try and listen to others when they try to talk it out with you. (read 8:48 p.m.)
You: self made bitch. (read 8:50 p.m.)
You: yk what, fuck you. I tried to be nice to you and I actually enjoyed talking to you for what-? A week ? You’re mad because I can’t just do what I want? Sorry I’m a great sister who doesn’t want to make her brother worry. Sorry I don’t just abide and do as you please because I’m not a fucking sheep. Keep the necklace for all I care; I’ll just get a new one. Stupid cunt. (read 8:52 p.m.)
You: Fuck face. You probably just wanted to get in my pants and dip; fuck you. Leave me alone, if I see you on the street; I don’t give a fuck if I get shot or jumped, I’m gonna punch you in the throat, pussy ass bitch. (read 8:54 p.m.)
tani senpai <3: give me your address so I can drop this necklace off and get out of your life since you so desperately want me to.
You: no way in hell, just keep it.
tani senpai <3: if you don’t want it then I’ll just drop it off with your brother tomorrow.
You: you fucking —
You: ugh, fine, just drop the shit off and leave . [location] (read 8:59 p.m.)
With a knock at the Ryuguji’s front door, yn shrugged the jacket back on and checked through the peep hole. After noticing it was the infamous older brother of the Haitani duo, she quickly yanked him inside and made sure to lock the door quickly.
“You know drop offs don’t usually require the said delivery man to be in the house, correct?” He asked with a bored expression as his eyes scanned the small space. “‘S cute for someone with you and your brother’s income.”
“I only pulled you in because my neighbors like to talk about what goes on throughout everyone’s house,” she rolled her eyes and pulled in the strings of her sweater, “hurry up and give me the fucking necklace so you can leave.”
“I did all the work of coming here,” he brushed past her as he took off his shoes and made his way to sit on the couch, “the least you could do is offer me a drink or some food.” Ran laid back into the cushions and spread his long legs as he slowly turned his gaze to the TV, some random anime blasting in the background. “Well, if you don’t mind, a water will do.”
“Cute for someone with you and your brother’s income,” she mocked as mumbled under her breath and grabbed him a water bottle from the fridge, “here, your majesty.” she tossed it into his lap and stood in between his legs to block the tv and make him focus all of his attention onto her.
“To what do I owe you?”
“My necklace, home invader.”
“Take it off of me then,” he raised an eyebrow, “you didn’t expect me to do that as well did you?”
“Fine,” her shorts hiking up as she moved to straddle his hips, she took note that he had been eyeing her thighs since he arrived, “I’ll take off the stupid thing.” She buried her chin into the crook of his neck, “just sit still so I can -,”
“You know,” he flattened his palms against the bare tops her knees and barely sliding his finger tips up the rim of the pants, “you hiding more just makes me want to see you in less.”
“Heh,” she chuckled as she slowly wrapped her arms around the middle of his torso, “yer a fucking perv as well as a bastard.”
“You know your necklace isn’t dangling along my spine, right?” He chuckled as he gently kneaded her flesh, “am I making you uncomfortable?”
“Nah, feels nice,” she chuckles when she feels him gently dig his finger tips into her skin, “‘m makin you uncomfortable?”
“nah,” he jokingly mocked her as he took his hands and slid them farther up to the tops of he thigh, “boxers?” He pulled back slightly so he could rest his forehead on hers.
“mm, never really wanted to bother ken-nii when he did the laundry, so I just get boxers,” she laughed, “what? Did you honestly think I’d be chilling at home in a thong or something? Women gotta breathe too.” she felt her heartbeat pick up as his finger tips danced along the material; yn wondered if he could tell that she’s never had a boyfriend as she lacked - in takemichi’s words - ‘ettick.’
“You are respectful yet have anger issues, a smart mouth, and embody the term ‘I don’t give a fuck,” he swiftly took both hands from under the clothing and lightly placed them on either side of her face, “you are so fucking gorgeous, didya know that?” His rings were cold on her heated skin, making her smile softly.
“..you know,” yn laid a chaste kiss on the bonten’s left wrist, “… ‘msorry..”
“Couldn’t hear ya,” he chuckled deeply as he maneuvered his right hand at the back of her neck and squeezed lightly, “repeat it more clear this time. You wanna be a good girl, right? Be the best girl you can and repeat it.~”
“Motherfu-, AHEM,” she scrunched her face up in hopes of hiding how happy it made her to have a second chance at being a ‘good girl,’ “‘m sorry you don’t know how to communicate.”
“Ah ah ah,” he squeezed his right hand a little tighter, causing her to ground her hips down and lean forward into his chest, “that’s not what I want to hear.” she heard him groan, but she was too busy fighting the battle in her head as to why she felt more secure when he gripped her tighter.
“I said,” she nuzzled her nose between his lean pecs, “‘m sorry.” Yn got up and placed one of her hands at the base of the bonten tattoo and squeezed gently along his Adam’s apple, “I’m not saying it again, so you better have heard me the first time.”
“You’re so angry; a wolf under sheep’s clothes you are,” ran hummed as he leaned back in, noses brushing, “yer forgiven little lamb. I don’t know - you barking up the wrong tree knowing that I could hurt you just turns me —,”
Both bodies had turned their heads towards the door in confusion.
“Are you expecting guests?”
“No,” yn quickly got off of Ran’s lap and grabbed the crowbar that rested by the umbrellas, “fuck, if it’s those fucking assholes that want to fight ken-nii, ‘m gonna kill em.” She went to look through the peep hole, only to be pulled back to the older man’s chest.
“Let me get it,” ran signaled for her to hide behind the kitchen wall as he pulled out his signature baton that hung on his belt loop, “be quiet, little one.” Ran opened the door to a young man, about a year or two older than yn, dressed in a pizza delivery uniform with 3 large boxes in his hand. If he wasn’t just some kid, the Haitani would’ve beat him just for openly sporting a scowl towards him.
“Oh, hi sir, are you,” the young man looked back at the receipt then back at the Bonten executive, “Kawata Souya? I have one pepperoni, Hawaiian, and plain cheese.” Ran’s head shot to the side at the sound of you rushing towards the door.
“A-ah ! That would be me I guess,” yn guided Ran’s hand behind her to hide the weapon as she widely opened the front door, “sorry my brother’s friend probably ordered it since they went out -,”
“Huh,” she looked up at the man, “oh shit, hongo?! I thought you were in Osaka right now for Uni; you still play there, right?”
“Yeah,” the worker replied, “oh shit, this like.. a date or something?” He threw his glare at Ran and softened his features once his gaze returned back to the young ryuguji. “Nah, nevermind, that’d be dumb considering you swore off dating,” the bonten men felt as if his heart had been pricked with a small needle, “especially since you used to swear to draken we were gonna get married and stay together forever and ever.” Yn was visibly embarrassed as Ran watched her take the pizza from Hongo’s hands and start trying to kick him off the porch. “Wait, before I go,” he said as he jotted down his number on the receipt, “let me know when you’re free. Maybe ya could come see me play one of these days? Summer games start back up next week so I’ll be headin-,”
Ran pulled on yn’s wrist before slamming the door, interrupting Hongo’s spill. He made show of how hard he locked the door so anyone outside could hear that the house was closed and not expecting anymore visits.
“Ooo,” yn placed the pizzas down onto the small kitchen table and looped her arms around Ran’a slim waist, “are you upset yer not getting all the attention?” She giggled as she kissed the symbol that marked the center of his neck.
“Why would I be upset over some 4 incher maxed college boy,” he smirked as he brought his hand to the side of her face and let his thumb brush along her bottom lip, “plus, if anything he should be the one whose upset. You can’t hate me or push me away if you wanted to; your desire for me to show you the depths of the world is visible just by looking in your eyes.” Yn felt her breath quickening and her head going numb as his words made way into her; making her feel far more intoxicated than any alcohol or drug could have ever done. “You can try to deny it, but what sane person would invite one of the most violent people with the most blood on his hands into her home?”
“I’m the farthest thing from sane,” yn breathed out as she placed a chaste kiss onto his lips before burying her face under his chin, “because I find myself wanting to do this more. I’m so glad I don’t look where I’m going when I’m on my bike.” Ran laughed as he connected their lips, but this time he deepened the kiss; her knees gave out and his tongue slipped in making her lungs just as weak.
“Princess, youre fucking gorgeous,” he broke away before holding her in his strong arms, “but I don’t want to just ‘get in your pants.’ I want-,”
“Good, because im not easy,” she cut him off as she tried to catch her breath.
Ran laughed as he dragged her back to the couch, leaving her to fetch each of them two big slices of cheese pizza. He sat beside her, kissing her temple, and devouring the free meal, “yknow, this taste ten times better than any food at the shitty night club.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” she said as she harshly swallowed the dough, “ish bad mannirs..”
“You,” he leaned in and kissed the sauces covered corners of her mouth, “also taste better than any food at the club.”
“Well you’ll have to wait until you can taste all of me,” catching ran off guard - she flirted back, “after all, the fruit taste better when ripened.”
“Princess,” Ran attempted to shake her tired figure off him, “believe me, I want to stay. I really do, but I don’t want to cause a stir or heated argument between you and your brother.”
“We we’re just playing Mario kart and you said,” yn stared up at him with an unimpressed glare, “I’d fuck you on the counter of the pizza place just to embarrass that pizza boy,’ and now you’re scared to be caught by my brother?”
“Not scared,” he bit the tip of her nose gently before freeing himself of her limbs, “just cautious. Want my little girl not to have any complications; plus, I’d have to kill your brother if he made you cry.”
“Wait,” she pulled his sleeve, gaining his attention, “text me when you get back home.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead before making his way out her front door, “okay, little lamb.”
Within the span of 4 hours, draken arrived back home and yn managed to make the house rid of any clues of guest over; she even masked the smell of Ran’s cologne by bringing the box of pizza to the living room to spread the smell of grease and regrets. She rested easy on the couch, allowing some random movie to lull her into the comfortable cushions.
draken sobered up a bit after he came back and went to get a late night snack from the kitchen. spotting his sister on the couch, he chuckled softly as he gently rubbed her forehead, “thanks for bein a little angel, ya gremlin.”
it’s as if the gods above could sense draken’s obliviousness and caused yns to vibrate several times. Much to her brother’s curiosity, he checked the notifications and felt his blood boil.
tani senpai <3: hey, made it back home. hope you rest easy, princess. thnx. rin also says “thanks for allowing him to annoy you so I could catch a break
inui. : yn can we talk? I promise it’s not what you thought; idk what to say. Just remember, you’ll always be my favorite girl ..<3 lmk when you’re ready.
inui. : idk jus tseeing yuor brothr without you attached at the hip just made my stomak hurt, I wanna see you more.. maybe it’s because I’m drunk and finally thinking sobre, but yer awlays my fav
inui. : look, unsot having talked for like — a weakk? Has Ben eating me up, I really miss you. I’ll see you at the shop ? dream well, pretty girl.
takemitchy: wait, can you send me your brownie recipe ??? Hina loved them :,)
he didn’t know whether to be upset at the fact that there was some random “tani senpai” texting his sister and he didn’t know jack shit about them, or the fact one of his best friends was talking and drunk texting his sister. Nothing a beer and pizza can’t help.
After grabbing a full pizza box plus some beer and bringing it to his room, ken stared at his tv processing everything he just seen. Maybe this is just a dream? Maybe he’s so dizzy from the dancing and whiskey that he can’t seem to think straight? There’s just no way that his little sister would actually go for his friend; let alone, his friend returning the affection, right ? There’s absolutely no way that his sister would be letting random boys in the house. Nah, maybe he’s just scared of letting her go to university and growing up on him. This is all just a shitty nightmare.
“Whatever,” draken burped out as he took the cheap beer bottle to his lips, inhaling the last of the liquid, “heh, maybe it’s kisaki’s ghost hauntin my head with dumb thoughts.” He felt himself drifting to sleep, but stirred once he realized he almost forgot his nightly routine. Untucking the chain from his neck and pulling it towards his chapped lips, “g’night emma.”
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Taglist: @richiyo @haitanigigi @chifuyusprincess @legravalice @l-ilysm @katariinasworld
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
No Going Back
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader 
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Request : good morning. i wanna request number 8.  “Maybe you should just leave now.” angst/fighting dialogue. to be correct it is for billy russo right?
A/N: yes it's my Billy boy :') he a lil soft in this though but also an asshole lmaooo not gonna lie, this one had me swept up in the emotion. It hit quite close to home and now I'm sad :') 
Warnings: cursing, angst, sadness and heartbreak. Billy fucked up big time lol
Your hands were shaking as you slammed the door to your apartment. Tears stained your cheeks and you kicked your heels off before storming to your bedroom, grabbing a duffel bag and starting to pack his things that he'd left around. Heartbroken didn't even cover it. 
You knew this would happen, it's why you fought against it for so long. But you were stupid and ended falling for his bullshit and now you were a mess. 
You and Billy had been together officially for 7 months. You'd met a year ago at a bar and hit it off, but when he tried to take you home you'd denied him. That apparently piqued his interest even more. He'd always be at the bar every Friday when you went and it was always easy to just be yourself around him. You didn't take him up on his offer and he would offer every time. He never made it a secret that he wanted you. 
But as the months drew on, you both got to know each other more and it became a sort of friendship. You had to admit you felt something when you looked forward to seeing him. He'd asked you once why you were so against it and you'd been pretty blunt with him. You knew of his reputation and you weren't into it. You didn't do one night stands or casual sex. You wanted a relationship, someone to settle down with. You wanted something real. You told him you didn't think he was capable of that and he'd break your heart. 
Five months into knowing each other and he'd switched from just wanting to fuck you to wanting to actually date you and you'd still put up a fight. But as your feelings for him grew, he wore you down. The moment you agreed to that date, which he'd been over the moon about, everything changed. 
It had been so easy to be with him. He treated you like a queen, was more affectionate than you'd have thought, and you enjoyed each other's company. He was busy with Anvil a lot so you didn't see him every day but he'd call if he couldn't see you or send you sweet texts. He swore to you up and down that he'd never hurt you, never do what you'd thought he would do when you turned him down all those times. 
You'd see the looks women gave him when you went out together or were at an event as his date and sometimes you'd feel insecure. But he only had eyes for you it seemed and it reassured you. It lulled you into a false sense of security that he'd actually changed. That he actually cared about you. 
But you were wrong. So very fucking wrong and now you were paying for it. You'd been having dinner with a friend you hadn't seen in a while when it happened. Your eyes finding Billy across the restaurant. He was sat with a pretty blonde, very up close and intimate as they whispered god knows what to each other. You'd felt your heart crack but tried to deny it. It was just flirting, nothing more. But then… he'd leaned in and kissed her. 
You'd shot out of your seat so fast the chair fell over and ran out of the place like someone had lit a fire up your ass. And you knew he'd seen you because you heard him shouting your name as you jumped into a cab and left. 
You hated yourself for being surprised at what he'd done. You'd told him this was exactly how it would go but he'd swore to you. And you allowed yourself to buy into his bullshit because you loved him. 
Most of his things packed, you padded over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine, pouring a large glass. You swigged it in one and felt the warmth bloom in your chest. It did little to ease the hopeless sorrow that consumed you though. 
There was a rough knock at your door and you heard Billy call your name loudly. You tensed, heart breaking all over again as the tears seemed to be never ending. You didn't want to talk to him, to even look at him. But this was it. You couldn't stay with him, not now. You'd never be able to trust him again. You knew you had to tell him it was done so you could lick your wounds and heal from the pain. 
"Y/N, please… open the door," Billy begged from the other side. You walked over, unlocking it but not opening it as you stormed back off to your bedroom. You knew he'd let himself in. You heard his heavy footsteps entering as you shoved another of his shirts in the bag, one you liked to sleep with.
"Can we talk?" He asked hesitantly. 
"No," you bit out, eyes snapping to him. His face fell when he saw you crying and he took a tentative step into the room.
"Please, Y/N, let me explain," he frowned. You laughed but it held no joy. Only a deep rooted pain that was latched onto your soul. 
"Explain? Really? What, you gonna say you tripped and your mouth landed on hers?! I saw it with my own eyes, Billy! You don't need to explain anything!" You roared, pure pain lacing your words.
He clenched his jaw as he shook his head, eyes glassy as he stared at you. 
"I'm-I'm sorry," he started softly,  reaching out to grab your arm but you smacked it away harshly. He looked like a kicked puppy and you hated it. He didn't get to be upset about this. 
"How long have you been fucking her then?" You asked snidely as you grabbed the duffel bag, holding it in a death grip. 
"I haven't fucked her," he muttered quietly. You snorted deprecatingly and he bit down on his lower lip.
"Yet?" You asked knowingly. His guilty glance to the floor told you everything you needed to know. 
"How long, Billy? How long have you been cheating on me?" You asked, your voice wavered but your gaze had nothing but fire in it and he shifted where he stood. He couldn't look at you. 
"A month. It was always one night, I never went back to someone," he frowned. Pain clawed its way through your chest and you threw the bag at him hard. He caught it but stumbled a little and he looked at you forlornly. 
"Well, I guess that makes it better then, right?" You asked coldly and he flinched. 
You stormed past him back to the kitchen area and he followed quickly. 
"Please listen to me, Y/N. I need to make this right," he pleaded desperately. You whirled around to face him, face flushed and tear stained and you felt like you wanted to scream. 
"Why? Why did you just decide after 6 months together to do this to me? You promised me, Billy! I knew this would happen but you fought for this! For us! Why?! Just so you could break my heart?!" You bellowed, a mix of anger and utter despair in your tone. 
His lower lip quivered and he bit down on it, staring at the floor.
"I never wanted to hurt you. I swear, I didn't. I just…" his voice cracked as his teary eyes landed on you. 
"Maybe you should just leave now," you uttered. Your whole body was trembling and you felt sick. You couldn't stand to look at him. He stepped closer to you, dropping the bag on the floor but you took a step back. It would be far too easy to fall for his bullshit again and if he touched you, you didn't think you'd be able to get him to leave. 
It felt like pure pain ripped through your chest, the weight of the world crashing down around you. You slumped onto a dining chair as a raw sob clawed its way out. Billy was kneeling in front of you in seconds, his own cheeks now damp as he cupped your cheeks. You moved your head from his grip and shook your head. 
"I loved you, you know that?" You whispered brokenly though your tears. You'd never outright said it, mostly in fear of his reaction. But it had all gone to shit anyway. His lip trembled again, scrunching his nose up a little as he shook his head. He looked utterly devastated and it made you angry so you continued.
"I loved you with everything I had. I trusted you with my life. I ripped out my own beating heart and willingly gave it to you because you swore to me you wouldn't do this. You just took it and stomped all over it. How could you do this to me?" Your last words were strained as the tears flowed freely.
"Please let me fix this," he begged helplessly. He was crying openly now, not trying to hide it as he gazed at you from the floor. 
"You can't fix it. I'll never be able to trust you again. It's not just the sex, Billy! You've been lying to me for a month. All those business meetings or times you were away? And you just… you'd come back to me with a smile and tell me sweet words. Looked me in the fucking eye and not feel guilty," you choked out. He shook his head vigorously, hands clasping yours so tight you couldn't pull them away.
"You've got no idea how guilty I felt. It's been eatin' me up from the inside out," he lamented.
"Why would you…? What was it? You just got bored of me? Decided you didn't want me anymore? You should have just ended this because it would hurt less than this," you wept pitifully. He shook his head, clutching your hands tighter.
"Don't… Don't say that, I do want you. I know I don't deserve you, I know I'm an asshole. And… and maybe I shoulda left it alone when you told me this would happen, but I was selfish and I-I couldn't. You were never like the others. I knew that from the moment we met. But then… then things were gettin' serious and I just… I freaked out and went back to my default 'cause I didn't know how to…'' he cried, screwing his face up as he hung his head. 
You sobbed as you stood, his hands falling away and you moved to lean against the table as he stood. 
"It would be bad enough if I'd just got with you in the first place and you did this. But I wanted to avoid this. I tried so hard but you kept on at it. And it hurts so much more because you promised me you wouldn't do this and I believed you. I thought you'd changed, that you…" you ran a hand through your hair, tugging on it as the tears wouldn't stop.
He stepped to you, grasping your face in both hands and you couldn't bring yourself to fight it despite the pain it brought you. His endless eyes were all consuming, his cheeks wet from his own tears.
"Please… please, Y/N, don't do this. Let me make it right," he begged tearfully. 
"Without trust, we have nothing. Everytime you're on your phone I'd wonder if you were talking to another woman. When you're out I'd be paranoid about who you were with. I can't live like that, Billy. I can't live my life in… in an anxious, jealous haze. That's not a relationship," you whispered. 
He made a pained noise and it squeezed your heart so hard you thought it might implode. 
"I was never good enough for you. I knew that. But I wanted… I wanted to try and be-be a good man… for you. And I fucked up so bad and I just…" his words trailed off into a hopeless sob and you squeezed your eyes shut. You wished there was a way to fix this but there wasn't. You wouldn't be in one of those relationships without trust. Checking your partner's phone and always checking in. It would break you.
"You need to leave, Billy," your words were a mere breath and his hands on your face tightened for a moment before they fell to his sides. He looked completely broken and you were sure you looked the same. He opened his mouth before promptly closing it, his jaw ticking as he moved away and pushed the heels of his palms to his eyes. 
You wrapped your arms around yourself like it would protect you from the pain and glared at the floor. You could still feel his gaze burning into you. You glanced at him as he grabbed the bag and slung it over his shoulder. You had to fight the urge to grab onto him as he walked to your door. You felt like you were dying. 
He grabbed the handle but stopped, not looking at you as his body tensed.
"I want you to know… I love you too," his pained words felt like a punch to the gut and you covered your mouth with a hand but it did little to stop the noise that left your lips. He looked over his shoulder at you, still holding the door handle.
"I know that… right now you probably don't believe me, but I do. And I'm sorry. I-I never wanted you to get hurt. You deserve so much better," he muttered despondently. With that, he opened the door and slipped out of your apartment. Of your life. 
You fell to the floor as heaving sobs left your chest. It would have been easier if he came here being an asshole. Cold and emotionless like you knew he could be at times. But seeing him, his emotions so raw and on display, it cut you deeper than any knife could. And you believed him. You knew him well enough to believe that he fell in love with you and freaked out. You knew it would happen which is why you'd turned him down at the start. You believed he never wanted to hurt you. And you wished you could forgive him. You saw how much it hurt him too but you couldn't. You couldn't get over the betrayal and you didn't think you ever could. 
He'd sabotaged what you both had because of his inability to deal with what he felt and the bitter knowledge that if he'd just accepted it, how different your future would be with him, it left a sour taste in your mouth. Billy had opened up to you a lot in your time together about his past and you knew how much it had messed him up. You knew it left him struggling with emotions and relationships and you felt for him. For the lost boy who'd never felt love and didn't know how to cope with it. But nothing could erase the heartbreak. The hurt that he'd given you. Because even if you'd one day be able to forgive him, you'd never be able to forget.
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blanknamed · 4 years
trial and error pt. 2 [senku x reader]
PREMISE: [Name] had always known Senku was a little bit of an oddball but that’s what made him so interesting to her as children. Now in the Stone World, he’s only even more interesting what with his claims about shooting up to a million years worth of technology back, but some things never change with him; specifically on the concept of love. As a way to get him to think about it as something other than “disgusting feelings” she proposes for him to think of it differently, though it seems to be going in a direction she never expected.
How did I get myself into this situation? [Name] asked herself desperately, watching Ruri shuffle around her hut, staring at the dresses given by the village women lined up neatly on the floor. She held up a blue dress [Name]’s way, who only stared at the shortened skirt. Just the look alone was enough for Ruri to understand that she didn’t like it, causing her to giggle at the reaction.
“You don’t seem to be happy about this even though you were the one who gave Senku the idea.” Ruri stated as she kneeled behind her to start braiding [Name]’s unruly hair.
“Just because I gave him the idea doesn’t mean I wanted to be his little test subject.” [Name] groaned. An unreadable look passed Ruri as she watched the younger girl’s growing discomfort. If she was even more redder, she would’ve matched what she had looked like a few hours ago.
“Huh?” [Name] asked as she stared at Senku, who only looked at her pointedly. Quickly, blood rushed on every part of her face as she started stutter. “Wha--I--you did not just say what I thought I heard you say.”
“What part did you not understand?” Senku asked dismissively, talking as if he hadn’t just asked out his childhood friend on a date. “I might as well take you on one to get good feedback. No one else gives any as specifc as you.”
The word kept repeating in [Name]’s head, almost making her dizzy. What did she expect, though? She told him, a scientist, to treat it like an experiment. Test a hypothesis. She was pretty sure he only wanted to take her in particular because (1) he wanted good feedback, like he had said, and (2) if there was even a slight chance he was going to take another girl on a date, Senku was going to force [Name] to come along to examine and analyze. Which was, by common sense, not really going to be a date.
“Oi, you don’t say that to a girl, especially if you just asked her out.” Chrome called out, punching Senku on the shoulder. “Not to mention isn’t that a breach in--what was it? Ethnics? Right?”
“Ethics.” Gen corrected before nodding in confirmation, looking at the two friends. “There’s a lot of things that could go wrong because you’re not following the right rules here, Senku-chan. Wouldn’t it be better to just pair up two different villagers who are single and see how romance can be attainable from there?”
[Name] could see slight movements from her side, where a few of the younger villagers turned a hue of pink as they glanced at one another, probably thinking about the prospect of being one of Senku’s experiements. Seeing that the benefits outweighing the negative prospects (not getting injured in any way possible, no one being able to see them except possibly Senku, and the prospects of a lover), it looked like a few of them were already making the decision to be part of it.
But this was Senku. He wasn’t about to play matchmaker if he himself couldn’t even find a reason to think that love wasn’t some illogical construct to fill up human loneliness. She wasn’t the only who was thinking that, though, as Kohaku spoke up.
“But this is about Senku thinking he can’t have those types of feelings so its gonna have to be him.” She replied blandly. “[Name] was probably chosen because he wants her to be there to watch him for any signs, regardless if its here being taken on a date or not.”
“That and she proposed the idea so she’s going to do it.” Senku piped up, sending [Name] a teasing grin.
[Name], burning even redder, stuttered some more. “You-You’ve got to be kidding me Senku. This must be some type of joke. I only said that to make conversation.”
“It was an interesting conversation and a weird statement that I wanna experiment on. Nothing less expected from you, though, [Name].” Senku replied as he kept slurping at the last of his ramen. “Besides its not like you have anything to do tonight.”
“Yeah, but--wait, tonight? Don’t you have get things in order--start out a claim, set up the experiment?” [Name] rambled, now even more confused. 
Kohaku met Chrome’s eyes with a deadpanned expression. Leave it to [Name] to treating it like an actual experiment and finding the faults. Though, Senku wasn’t usually one to leave out so many variables that could ruin the experiment.
“These are special cicumstances; have you ever participated in your own experiments? Adjustments will be made, yeah, but we might as well start it today and talk about it during the date. Just meet me by the bridge tonight. We’ll go to the field, go on a date, and then you can report to me anything you saw. Sound good? Cool. Now lets get back to work.” Senku said, standing up dusting off his pants, leaving a bewildered [Name] and possibly most of the village in his wake.
If it hadn’t been for a few of the village women, [Name] wouldn’t have been pulled out of her daze and internal panic. She’s had crushes on boys, yeah, but going on a date? Not really. She was too busy with school and helping her mother out at the store. There were a few times where she had almost gone on a one, but something always made her call in for a raincheck and then never proceeding afterwards.
But here she was 3,700 years later, sitting in a priestess’s hut, getting ready to go on a date with the world’s biggest asshole.
Kohaku had been the one to think about bringing the younger girl up to Ruri, explaining what had went down. Surprisingly, the village priestess was the least bit shocked about the events, deciding to (calmly) agree anyways to help relieve some of the immense stress [Name] was feeling. At the mention of Ruri helping created some domino effect with the village women, all offering to help [Name] get ready, much to her dismay.
“Its not like Senku’s gonna make the effort to dress nicely. I swear he wouldn’t have showered if I hadn’t made Chrome and Kinro drag him to the river a few days ago! Not to mention he’s only doing this to prove a point; that’s why he’s rushing it so quickly. So I really don’t think all of you should be treating this as anything special.” [Name] tried to reason as she watched the women pull up rope-like jewelry up to her body.
Kohaku scoffed. “Its not like boys know how to take care of themselves in the first place. I’m pretty sure one of the men in the village has his head screwed on properly or most likely Gen is gonna make him dress up just a little bit. Not to mention if this is an experiment then he’s most likely not trying to botch it to just prove a point.”
“Then why was he being so… So…” [Name] trailed off, not quite putting a word on it.
“Adamant?” Ruby offered as she held up a pretty necklace with a jewel attached to it.
“Excited?” Garnet said next as she pushed her chin up to spread something on her mouth. Lipstick? [Name] inquired. I guess the need for makeup never changes after so many years.
“Not really excited but--hold on, didn’t you three want to go on a date with Senku? I thought you’d be mad or something.” [Name] stated, clearly remembering the usual formula of girl’s behaviors during the modern era. It usually involved in some type of “she said he said” situation, where rumors ensued. At the very least, the three sisters should have been upset with her for Senku’s selection in dates.
Sapphire shrugged as she plucked at [Name]’s baggy dress. “We were for a few hours, but we might as well help since you look like you don’t know the first thing about going on a date.”
“Wha--Hey!” [Name] retorted, offended before backtracking. I mean, it’s not like they’re wrong.
“Maybe he actually likes you.” Kohaku suggested as she sat across from [Name]. Silence filled the room as all the girls stared at them. A moment passed between the two girls as they looked at one another until [Name] bursted out laughing, almost smearing her cheek against the lipstick hovering in front of her.
“Not possible. I’m pretty sure he sees me more of a germ than a person. Not to mention he’s never really found the girls in his own grade--the ones older than me--attractive so what’s the likely chance he sees me that way?” She asked when she stopped. She recalled a rumor swirling around the school about Senku rejecting over 10 girls during Valentine’s Day, all of them varying in popularity and looks. 
“You don’t give yourself enough credit, [Name]-san.” Ruri commented as she held another dress up to her, this one looking a little more decent. “You’re easily one of the prettiest girls here.”
“Don’t make me laugh again…” [Name] mumbled to herself, flinching when she felt Sapphire poke at her waist once again. “Oi, why are are you poking me?”
“I’m trying to see what your shape is like so we can let you try on one of the dresses.” Sapphire replied, pouting. “Why do you have to wear such baggy clothes?”
“Practicality.” Was the only response [Name] gave as she tried to keep still when makeup was being put on her.
“That’s a lame excuse. I bet you’re just hiding the fact you have small boobs.”
“My boobs have nothing to do with my clothes. Besides, small boobs or not, it shouldn’t matter what people think about them--!” [Name] yelled out, embarrassed, as a dress was thrown onto her lap.
It was blue, like most of the villager’s clothing, but it seemed more simple and less body-hugging like most of the clothes. It flowed down near the bust, where it had folded nicely around it to adjust to anyone wearing it. The sleeves were puffy and ended where her biceps began, looking kind of like neatly made muffins. Instead of a rope, a thin piece of cloth of the same color was tied to the front, giving a nice, simple finish for the clothing.
If Mom was still alive, she’d probably be looking at how well done this dress was with just a simple loom and needle. [Name] thought as she marveled at the tiny needlework near the waist, creating tiny little flowers near the top. Looking up, she met Ruri’s gentle smile. “That should fit you since one of the village women is identical to your body shape. Now, lets get you dressed; you have to meet up with Senku soon.”
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ella-se-vuelve-loca · 4 years
Chapter 22
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Grand Masterlist
Series Masterlist Surprise! I’m back mis papás fritas! It’s been a while since I’ve posted up a new chapter (or anything new for that matter). Thank you so much for being patient with me. Life these days hasn’t been the best, but I’m finally back in the writing mood and I’m ready to continue this story with y’all! So much is going to happen in our love story and I hope you’re ready for what I’ve got planned! I think I kept you guys waiting long enough, so I hope you enjoy this long awaited chapter of Mistakes Were Made! x
This might need some editing rasgdhfjg lmaooo Previous Chapter
Joel’s P.O.V.
Fuck you, Johann.
Fuck everything. That picture you posted up of (Y/N) on Instagram, your taunting messages, that music video you did throwing me under the bus, your true intentions, our “friendship” - all of it.
I’m done. I have to find a way to gain control again.
Regardless if she’s looked inside the package or not, it doesn’t change anything. She’s still with him even after I poured my heart out to her and apologized. She chose him.
Johann… what did I even see in you? How in the world did we become friends? This whole time… was he just using me for popularity? It’s hard to find real friends these days when all they seem to want from you is your fame.I thought our friendship was real ‘cause it meant a lot to me. I never thought Johann would stab me in the back and pretend to just… wait, this is sounding awfully familiar.
I know how (Y/N) feels because it happened to me. Karma’s a bitch. What I did to her, Johann did to me.
She was different.
She treated me like a normal person and loved me for who I was. And how did I repay her? By being a complete dick and playing with her feelings. I don’t want to let her go, but I need to. I wish I could lose these feelings as fast as I lost you…
I feel like I’m at a tug of war. I want to keep fighting for you and start over, but I can’t. You don’t love me anymore and I need to let you go and move on. My head is telling me to do one thing, while my heart is saying to do another.
I sat up in my bed and ran my fingers through my curls, looking over and saw Chris sleeping peacefully on the other bed beside me. One of his arms was dangling off of the mattress and I could hear him softly snoring. He was the one who was most excited for me about (Y/N) and I let him down. I let everyone down when the truth came up.
I sighed and looked around the room. I need to clear my head.
I got up and reached for my shoes, slipping them on my feet and grabbed my hotel key card. I’ll be back before he wakes up, I’m only leaving for like an hour or so. I walked towards the door and opened it, looking both ways in the hallway before closing it behind me.
I don’t want anybody pestering me about anything right now.
I walked past the closed doors and made my way towards the elevator. I have mixed feelings about going back home. She’ll be there with Johann. He’ll most likely rub it in my face that he’s got her wrapped around his finger and I can’t do anything about it. Why am I the one upset? I don’t have the right to get jealous or cry about what I lost. This is all my fault and I’m paying for the price for it.
The elevator doors opened and I walked inside, pressing the button for the lobby downstairs. Why can’t I get her out of my head? What the fuck is wrong with me? It’s been months, Joel, months!
I reached into my pocket and took out my phone, going straight into my camera roll. I should delete our photos together, shouldn’t I? She doesn’t want me back, so why even keep these memories living in my phone? I’m just reminded of her and what we had. This isn’t healthy.
The elevator doors opened and I walked right out. I went past the lobby and opened the doors to the back, going straight for the lounge outside. I took in a deep breath and sighed, feeling the small breeze hit my face as I was greeted with this beautiful sight.
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I made my way to one of the tables and sat down, closing my eyes. I could hear the little splashing of the small waterfall in the background and crickets chirping around me. It’s so peaceful, it almost makes me forget about my problems.
Sending that package was a mistake, I realize that now.
I’ve just been a fool this whole time hoping for something that would never come true. We’re practically at the end of the tour and I feel like everything I did was just a complete waste of time and money. She wants nothing to do with me and I don’t blame her. I heard some people laughing and that made me open my eyes.
I looked over and saw a couple holding hands. He must’ve said something to make the girl laugh and lean into him. A small smile formed onto my lips as my mind thought back to when I first kissed (Y/N).
I had never held someone like this so close to me and feel so comfortable. It just felt so right to hold her in my arms. I looked down at her and slowly lifted her chin up so she could face me properly. My eyes drifted from her own to her mouth. I parted her lips open slightly with my thumb as my hand went to cup her face and glance back up into her eyes.
They look so soft. I wondered what they would feel like.. against mine.
I slowly leaned down and hovered mine over hers, testing to see if this is okay. She didn’t pull away as I stayed there for a moment, hesitating if I should do this.
I wanted to.
She looked like a goddess and I felt like I was in a trance whenever I looked at her. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I couldn’t believe in that moment in time she was mine.
“… Are you.. gonna kiss me or not?” Her voice was so soft that I almost didn’t catch it. It was almost so hard to believe.
I slowly pushed my lips against hers and it felt as if time had stopped and nothing else mattered but her. I moved strands of hair away from her face while she played with my curls, giving them a slight tug and she pulled me in deeper. This feels.. good.. too good. It was like a fire ignited inside my bones and I became addicted to how soft they felt against mine.
When we pulled away, it was as if I came back to reality and remembered where we were. I looked back up at her and smiled. “.. Come back here..” I pulled her in for another kiss and held her body close to mine, smiling against her lips.
Of all things… Why am I remembering this now?
“It’s beautiful out here, no?” I glanced over to my left and saw a woman sitting at another table next to mine. Her wild curly hair slightly covered her face and she held a cup of coffee up to her lips. “Uh.. yeah it is..”
I wasn’t really counting on anybody to be out here this late, much less start a conversation with me. “I’m Gabriella.”
It stayed silent between us and I couldn’t help but feel a little irritated at the loss of the sweet peacefulness I’ve been craving. “I wasn’t sure if anyone would be up this late.” She chuckled as I nodded. “I couldn’t sleep, boyfriend problems… how about you?”
“Same here… I - I mean, not the.. the boyfriend part. I’m not gay.. not that there’s anything wrong with that, I’m a strong supporter of LGBTQ+ rights. I’m just.. uh haha.. I couldn’t sleep. That’s what I meant to say… ” I cleared my throat and continued looking at the view in front of us, avoiding eye contact.
I mentally slapped myself in the face as I thought of how I could’ve said that much better than I did just now. She laughed and shook her head, taking another sip of her cup of coffee. “I see..”
Great, I made it weird. I can’t talk to girls for shit.
I ran my fingers through my hair and felt my face heat up with embarrassment. “My boyfriend and I have been on the rocks lately.” She started off.
“There’s just so many problems and I honestly can’t keep up with it anymore. We’re just about over and I have mixed feelings about it.”
“Wow.. um.. ” I scratched the back of my neck as I tried to think of a good response. “Mixed feelings how?”
“Well, I remember all of the good times we had in the beginning. Love was very easy and laid back. I hold onto those feelings and wish that we could have it once again. I have mixed feelings because I loved him, but it’s time we called it quits. It’s not the same anymore.”
“Huh… wow that’s uh.. It’s kind of heartbreaking.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It is what it is..” She leaned in slightly and moved a strand of her curly hair away from her face.
“So, pretty boy, what’s your reason? Why are you up this late sitting all alone by yourself? You doing okay?”
Pretty boy?
I nodded and cleared my throat. “Never better.”
“Okay, I don’t know you, but even I could tell that was a lie.” She chuckled. “What gave it away?” I asked.
“Maybe it was your slightly sulking face and the reason why you won’t really make eye contact whenever you answer.”
“I didn’t realize I was in the presence of a body language reader. My bad.” I chuckled and glanced up at her. “Hey, it’s not my fault I’m really good at what I do. Maybe you just suck at hiding the way how you feel.”
“Yeah, you got that right.” I sadly smiled and looked back at the waterfall in front of us. “And besides, can’t a guy just sit out here and enjoy the scenery?” I joked. “He can, but you look like you got a shit ton on your mind.”
“Is it really that obvious?” I asked as she slowly nodded, looking down at her phone for a second when she got a text message. I played with the rings on my fingers and thought how I should answer her question. “... Is it a girl?” I bit my bottom lip and nodded. “Yeah. It is.”
“You know… sometimes it’s better to talk to someone you don’t know rather than family and friends. It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, I was just curious.” I nodded and let out a soft sigh.
“No it’s just… I’m just thinking about something that happened in the past, is all. Something I wish I could’ve done differently.”
She nodded and stayed silent, wondering if I’m going to elaborate on the story more. “I messed up and I just want to make things right, but… ” I shrugged my shoulders and pouted. “She’s done with me and I think it’s time for me to move on.. “
I’ve never actually said those words out loud before until now.
I cleared my throat and looked up at her. “So that’s my sob story. That’s why I’m all… sulky.” I chuckled and tried to think of a way to change the subject.
“Anyways, that’s pretty much it. I just needed a moment to think about everything.” She nodded her head and played with a strand of her curly hair.
“I understand… I guess we haven’t exactly been the luckiest with love, have we?”
“No we have not.”
I glanced down at my phone and sighed. “Shit..”
“What’s wrong?” She asked. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize the time. My friends and I gotta pack up and be somewhere in a couple hours.”
“Oh, alright then.” She smiled. “I’m real sorry to have to cut this conversation short.” She chuckled and looked up at me. “Don’t worry about it, Joel. I had fun.” I stood up from my seat and grabbed my phone. “It was nice talking to you.”
I started walking towards the door before I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning me around. “Um.. haha I know this probably sounds crazy and I get it if you don’t want to, but is there a way we can keep in touch? I just.. It was nice getting to talk to someone who is really sweet.”
“Uhh yeah.. sure. Do you have Twitter?” She nodded and took out her phone, going straight to the app and opening up her search bar. I did the same as we had both now followed each other.
“Okay, now we can message through here anytime.” I smiled. I looked down at the time once more and cleared my throat. “I’m really sorry, but I really gotta get going.”
“Alright, Joel. It was nice meeting you.”
“It was nice meeting you too.” I nodded her way before walking back inside, going straight towards the elevator and up to my room. As much as I wanted to be alone, I actually didn’t mind her company all that much. She seemed really nice.
Gabriella’s P.O.V.
I waited until he was gone to take out my phone and go straight to my text messages.
‘You could’ve waited until I messaged you first. I was busy’
‘Sorry. I just needed to know’
‘I just “bumped” into him at the hotel he’s staying at’
I waited a few minutes before I received his reply.
‘Good. You know what to do’
‘Okay, forgive me for this, but I don’t get it. I just spent time with the man and I don’t understand why you dislike him so much. He seems like a great guy’
‘I already told you. I want him gone. Do what I’m paying you for and I promise, once my name is everywhere and people talk about me, I’ll make you a star. By you being with him is gonna help you get what you want, trust me. It’s what I did, now look at me. People know who I am because of him’
I shook my head and sighed. I kind of feel guilty about this, but I really need the money…
‘Fine. Whatever you wish, Johann’
Next Chapter
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unknwnxquantity · 4 years
I hate when u want someone to care for u the same way they did before.. like u in the same ways they previously did, fight for the connection u guys shared, be their person again... I get so upset when someone just moves on so fukkin easily and fast (at least that’s what’s portrayed) and I’m just here like no wait this connection! come backkk. Me and IR might’ve ruined it too quickly. I remember her describing her worries for us in one of her letters as something like a candle lit fire “as intensely as it burns, is how fast it could go out.” Something poetic like that.
After I called her out for like the second time lol and we had our talk about how I felt like an option when she’d still send me things after the situation with her ex didn’t work out, I just felt like I was self betraying myself like I was with my ex. But our “friendship” dynamic changed so much since then... I don’t think we can ever get back to what we had platonically or even what we had when we lived in our fling fantasy. The vibes were immaculate for the person IR and I were even if it was mad shortlived, but it was also rushed. Very rushed. It was only supposed to be a friends with benefits ordeal!! I should’ve known better lol I can’t just hook up without feelings getting entangled. Another thing she said that sticks out in her last letter to me was how she kept saying we wanted to give into the love we wanted to give to the other; tht temptation before healing fully from our prior wounds that will eventually reopen, cut deeper and bleed harder and then leads into saying: “Something tells me you’re the type of person who likes to pick at your scabs. I’ve never been that person, I leave it alone so it can heal faster because picking scabs hurt way more than how you got the wound in the first place.” She was so beautifully simplistic with her wording and metaphors in her txts and letters. And she felt the same about my descriptions. I wish I got to explore more of that.
We were each other’s rebounds but it meant more to us than just the traditional rebounding. We both felt unexpectedly strong for the other and we just fukked it up in the worst way not going about things from a logical stance. I feel she has more hoes now and yet I’m still somewhat caught up in her. We’ll “snap” and send stuff here and there but now she takes foreverrrr to respond to texts and will hit me with excuses. But I get it we’re adults I do the same shit to others with responding days later just bc I don’t feel like it in that moment. To be demoted to that tho... it does something to ur ego.
I was even with this one girl I’ve been talking to (I’m just tryna vibe, nothing serious but if situations ever arise I’ll handle it accordingly) and we went to this park in Brooklyn yesterday. Drank, smoked and were literally just fukkin vibing with each other and nature around us. We ended up making out after the tension got to us but I kept thinking bout IR and how I wish it was her. Our sexual chemistry was the best I’ve experienced with another person, and even tho we were snapping while I was with this new girl (she still hasn’t fukking responded to me thru txt so tht rite there makes me feel like I’m betraying myself by allowing her to think it’s okay to do that) , all I wanted to do was be intimate with her instead. Intimacy scares the fukk out of me tho bc even after me and this new girl had to catch our trains, this girl was ALL on top of me after like relationship type shit. And I’m just like nahhhh physical touch freaks me out. Just kissing freaks me out now but I’m glad we were in the park so it didn’t escalate like it could’ve. I wanted to make out but I keep feeling like I betray myself, like I hooked up w this guy somewhat recently and ya I initiated it but I felt so gross after even when I told him I just wanted to stop and cuddle. And he kept being persistent like waiting for me to give in!!! Like nah man get off lol. So now ik I’m def 100% gay but my feelings r still weird and closed off. After IR I have all these emotional blockages, like I never ever wanna be vulnerable again or say the wrong thing about myself or my feelings bc I’m just so fukking scarred from being too honest with people and them taking advantage of it. Vulnerability and human connection is so SCARY bc someone’s feelings can just switch on and off for u in a fukkin millisecond and then ur there, stranded, wondering what tf did I do wrong?? Like something minor like did I have something in my teeth or laugh a certain way that made them not attracted to me bc they now associate me as someone nonhygienic or nondesirable? Or did I not keep that level of mysterious I’m “suppose” to keep and reveal too much bout myself?? How do people even healthily make it out the talking stage lol I have so much to learn. I know I’ve been talking about this girl a lot, I just wanna get this out of my system and move fwd. It’s like do I maintain this “friendship” but now I just feel like an option .... but as a friend. Lmaooo. I wish we could have one of our long ass phone calls tht end up lasting til 5 or 6am. Or just wish I was cut throat like my one friend, cut the ties and never look back. Maybe she subconsciously views me as a bad influence in that way, straying her away from her Virgo ways of “maintaining her routines.” Idk man.. feelings and emotions are amazing!!! But they also fukking suck if u don’t kno how to not let them consume u.
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psycho-slytherin · 5 years
Strangers ch. 34
Yoongi finds your phone– and so does someone else...
Pairing: Yoongi x (female) Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Genre: fluff, angst
<–– Prev   Next ––>
You force a laugh. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t lie to me, y/n,” Yoongi says softly, his voice a knife in your back. “These– Jesus.” He exhales sharply as your phone buzzes again, again, again. You would’ve turned your notifications off months ago, but you need Twitter for your jobs. “How long has it been like this?”
@satanhasaholdoffrance: hey @yourname make like a tree and die
@queenynuwu: I hope y/n knows we love her!! <3 @yourname
@gummyyoongi: has anyone found @yourname‘s address yet?
“I don’t know what you mean,” you reply stubbornly. You don’t want your weight on Yoongi’s shoulders, not when you know he’ll blame himself.
“Bullshit. You said this wasn’t happening! You told me that my fans weren’t coming after you.”
“And you never checked,” you reply, your throat tight. “You know what I am. I’m a liar. And you trusted me– that’s your mistake.”
Yoongi flinches. “I know you don’t mean that.”
You begin trembling, your hands and arms and shoulders tensing against your will. “You shouldn’t trust me, Yoongi.” I’ve kept too many secrets from you.
“Well, I do trust you. I know you too well, y/n, and you don’t mean that. But this?” He taps your phone. “This is messed up.”
You take a step back, shrinking into yourself. “I-I’m sorry.”
“What? No. Why are you apologizing?” Yoongi gets up and walks towards you, his eyes intense. “My fans– the stuff they’re saying– that’s what’s messed up. And y/n, I’m so, so sorry this happened. You don’t deserve it.”
“I, uh...” you mumble, confused. Why isn’t he angry at you? You lied to him, again and again and again. “Sorry...”
Yoongi sighs, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. “What are you even apologizing for?”
“I don’t know!” You cry. “I thought you’d be mad at me!”
“I’m not mad at you, y/n-ie.” Yoongi raises his arm and brushes a loose strand of hair out of your face. “I’m just worried. The comments you’re getting, the haters... they’re too much for anyone.”
Your mind drifts to the nightmares, the thoughts that your hate comments have inspired within you.
Yoongi’s gaze darkens, but he’s not looking at you– he’s staring far off, at something beyond. “I’ve seen idols, trainees– friends– that internalized those things, and they didn’t see an escape... no one is equipped to deal with this shit alone, no one.” Yoongi swallows, and his voice wavers. “So don’t try, y/n. You’re not alone, and I can’t lose you.”
You blink hard before drawing back and punching Yoongi in the arm.
“Ow!” Yoongi yelps, rubbing his arm. “What the hell?”
“That’s for being dramatic,” you say, using all your willpower to keep your voice light. “And this–” you poke him in the ribs– “is for being selfish. I don’t wanna lose me either, nerd. It’s not all about you.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Yoongi laughs. “My bad, I almost forgot that you’re a force to be reckoned with.”
“Just don’t let it happen again,” you sniff haughtily.
“I won’t, promise. Hey, do you need a lift to your next job?”
“Nah, I’ll take the bus. I’m not famous like you,” you reply. Besides, you want to be alone with your thoughts.
“Suit yourself. I have to go to the studio anyways.”
“Another BTS comeback already?” You muse, and Yoongi winks.
Once Yoongi leaves, you wriggle into another sweater and shrug your coat on over it. You can’t help but feel chilly lately, and you can’t afford to get a cold.
You leave your apartment building and quickly walk towards the bus stop. Your afternoon will be spent on a photoshoot for a new makeup line, and Lisa said you’d be able to keep some of the merchandise.
You adjust your face mask and pop in your earphones, your mind a whirling dervish of thoughts. You imagined Yoongi would be furious– after all, you’d promised no more secrets. You couldn’t help but keep your Twitter mess to yourself, because you didn’t want your friend to stress about it.
Friend... the word seems strange to you, almost wrong.
Well, we’re ‘dating’ now, you think, so I guess he’s my fake-boyfriend instead.
It’s weird; for years you were completely in love with Yoongi, besotted with his face and voice and laugh and lyrics. His shy, goofy nature. His irresistible charm. You remember when you and Lisa would scream together at every new music video, each concept photo, any hint or clue or theory. It seems so long ago now.
Speaking of Lisa... your phone begins buzzing with a call from your manager/friend.
“Y/n, darling, how are you doing? How’s the leg?”
“All healed up now,” you reply, flexing and unflexing your left leg. You lost a lot of blood, but your injury missed all the arteries and important stuff.
“Great. Hey, I lined up a job, it’s yours for the taking if you’re interested. They need an extra in a cologne commercial, it should only be a two-day shoot and we can plan around Moon Over The Sea. What do you think?”
“Yeah, sounds good,” you murmur absentmindedly. “How much does it pay?”
“Pretty well, your cut would be only a little less than you’re making on the makeup shoot today.”
“Alright, sign me up.”
“Great. And... how’s it going with Yoongi?”
You jolt. “What?”
“C’mon, y/n, you can’t expect me not to ask. You’re dating your idol!”
“I-I’m not, really...”
“Oh, shush. It’s official, isn’t it? BigHit confirmed it last week. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were together!”
You grit your teeth– you have to tell her the truth. “Lisa, seriously, it’s not real.”
“I know, I bet it totally feels like a fairy tale, huh? I’m so jealous.” Lisa’s voice gets quieter, pouty. “We have to hang out soon, it’s been ages since we’ve had a proper gossip sesh!”
“No buts! I’m ordering you as your manager to hang out with your best friend... who is also your manager... who is also me.”
You can’t help but laugh. “Yes ma’am, just pencil me in.”
“Will do! See you soon.”
“See ya.
Humming to yourself, you continue your bus ride, arriving at the studio a few minutes early. A fashionable young man strides up to you bearing shorts and a shirt.
“Ah, you’re here. L/n y/n, right? Perfect, perfect, put these on and we’ll get you straight into hair and makeup.”
“Uhh...” you examine the outfit he gave you. “Are you sure this is for me?”
“Of course I am, what are you talking about?”
“It’s black, these shorts are made of leather, and...” you trail off, gulping. “It’s all very tight.” That’s right, clothes like these will only hug the curves you don’t have. You’re not a sex icon like some of the female idols you’ve seen Yoongi with on TV. You know as someone in the entertainment industry, you’re supposed to be fashionable– but you’re too much a fan of oversized sweaters and soft pants to let them go. “I don’t know if this outfit suits me.”
“Nonsense, you’re beautiful– you just need the confidence! Besides, you’re gonna have to get used to this type of stuff if you want to get anywhere in your career,” the man chuckles. “Changing room is over there. When you’re ready, head to hair and makeup.”
“R-right,” you mumble, taking the clothes. They look so cold, you shiver just thinking about putting them on.
Ten minutes later, you stare at yourself in the mirror. Staring back at you seems to be a child, a little girl who doesn’t belong, who can barely fill out the tight crop top or shorts. And you’re supposed to be dating Yoongi? You don’t know if you want to laugh or cry. Yoongi deserves better, someone prettier, smarter, who looks like they belong at his side. In your mind’s eye, you can see Yoongi next to you in the mirror– black-haired, a brow raised, his mouth quirking upwards in a lazy smirk. He looks like a prince, a god, and you look like you’re playing dress-up next to him. No wonder so many people are upset; you’re doing Yoongi no favors by being with him.
You sigh and shake your head. You’re cold, so cold, and you hate it. You turn away from the mirror to get your hair and makeup done.
“Okay, can you give me a little lip bite? Something cheeky? Oh, perfect! Yes, hold like that!” The camera flashes while you sit frozen in place. “Cross your legs now, hold the lipstick closer to your face... can you give me bedroom eyes?”
Face flushed, you lower your lashes and pout your lips like you’ve seen real models do, and the camera flashes again and again. The lipstick you’ve got on is a brighter red than you’ve ever dared to wear, and combined with the outfit and your bold eyeliner, you look a little edgy.
“Great, y/n, you’re doing wonderfully. We need one more photo for the spread...” the photographer looks around the photo studio, which is a rather minimalist set. “Can someone get me that chair? Y/n, sit on it backwards and try for a smirk– like an ‘I’m-better-than-you’ face.”
But I’m not. Still you try, channeling your inner Seokjin as you fix the camera with your best downward stare, and then half smiling as though you’ve got a secret– which you do, too many to count. Half a dozen shots later, you’re dismissed with the promise that the money will be wired to your account by Friday.
The next morning, you wake up to the familiar buzzing of your notifications, again and again and again. You haven’t overslept, have you? No, your clock informs you that it’s not even six AM. You groan and flip your phone over to read your new mentions.
@beautyoftheseoul: Check out our new line of matte lipsticks, modeled by #MoonOverTheSea’s @yourname!
@chimyoongles: Omg @2460sunshine did you see that @yourname liked a yoongi thirst tweet? Lmaooo I’m dying she’s rly all of us
@scarletwitchisjunghoseok: I think I love @yourname now that she’s exposed herself as an army lololol
@captainkookie21: why are ppl stanning @yourname for her fuckup lol it just goes to show what a liar and a slut she is.
You blink sleepily. You liked a tweet about Yoongi? You’ve been careful about doing that ever since you became a public figure, in case Yoongi noticed. You tap through your likes and gasp:
@slutfordionysus: rt if you want Suga to crush you between his thighs, like if you want him to use his tongue technology on you ;)
Oh, fuck. You never liked that. You’ve never even seen that tweet. Which means... you’ve been hacked?
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fr3aklike-me · 2 years
omg hahahha i definitely thought he was your younger brother omg. oooh that sounds good, is it like an array of foods everytime ? ohhh that’s cool, are there a lot of sacred places to go to ? like would a temple? be an appropriate place ? and of course, it’s really cool to learn about !! yeah i totally get that. i really like those parts of it too, it seems really nice to have values like that and practice patience and kindness :) ooooh i really like the God as a best friend as well, that seems really nice. if you’re comfortable answering, what parts do you not really believe in anymore ?
yeah, if it doesn’t feel comfortable then there won’t be growth and it just doesn’t feel right. i believe that there’s some kind of higher power, im not fully sure what i believe that is, but i don’t think humans are the most powerful for sure. i also do a lot of manifestation and things like that within myself to attract the positive things, and things that are supposed to happen. also don’t call me crazy pls i swear im not lol but i have always been psychic so i’ve been trying to listen to that more. like i’ll see exact visions of what’s about to happen before they do, or wake up thinking that something is gonna happen that day and it does, or knowing that someone is upset even if they haven’t done or said anything to make me think that. and i think that also ties into spirituality. a few days ago someone in my family passed away and she came and spoke to me before i knew she had passed. like we shared memories of when we used to see eachother, and then i found out that night. the time she passed was when she talked to me, so a lot of things like that don’t phase me because i already know. i just don’t say that bc i sound insane and my family is super super against anything like that. (my mother calls me cold hearted 🤨i’m like… but i’m not… lmaooo) and of course it’s not everything that doesn’t affect me, this is gonna sound stupid too bc i just talked about a person but when my cat died, i knew something was wrong and we couldn’t find him but he had already died and i left the house and i swear i kept feeling his presence like telling me to go home and it wouldn’t go away, and i just felt awful (i just figured he had been hiding, as cats do) but when i found him i was still absolutely so so sad even though i kinda already knew. anyways, sorry that was so long omg. ikr ?!? and i don’t think anyone in my religion believed there were dinosaurs even though there’s so many bones… like wtf. it doesn’t make sense to me. and yeah hell doesn’t make sense to me, i think heaven is real but not in the way christianity makes it out to be. but YES EXACTLY like if god is so loving and caring why would they send people who don’t follow exactly what’s written to hell??? but yesss i find religions so intersting, i always wished there was a world religion class in my school !!
LMAO RIGHT he once introduced me to his friend, who was convinced I was his older sister. and yes! nowadays, we'll have a little bit of several different foods because we've realized that works best since we get the variety and it's suited to what we eat. oooh, so, mosques are kind of our religious temples, but the pilgrimage that's part of the five pillars is specifically for the Kaaba - it's pretty much the big place all Muslims should strive to visit at least once. and for sure, I think those values are so important both in and out of religion! in terms of what I don't believe in, I'm not sure how much I believe in the stories of the Prophets now, and Islam has a bunch of stories where the Prophets did these very powerful, unearthly things. and I just am really unsure where I stand in terms of believing those stories.
oooh, I definitely see that. my friend sometimes brings up how it does make sense to believe in a higher power when you consider how the world fits perfectly together like a puzzle? like, the way food grows naturally, how materials for shelter are here for us to find, how animals help us, etc. - it's all so perfectly sorted and fitted to one another. oooh, so I have heard of manifestation, but don't know much on it, what kind of things do you do for it? and omg no, I don't think you're crazy at all. I actually find that so interesting because I don't know much about that kind of form of spirituality. damn, that's actually so interesting that you have those very vivid and exact visions of things that will occur before they truly do. for the relative who passed away, I'm so sorry to hear that's happened. when you say she came to you, do you mean she came in a vision to you? like, around the time she passed away, she came to you in a vision and spoke to you about the memories you two shared? I'm also really sorry your mom called you that - like, it's not due to you being cold-hearted, it's because something has occurred that already makes you anticipate the future event. it's not stupid at all, animals are also super valuable and important, especially one who was in your family and home for a while. so, it's kind of like you almost had a sense that something was wrong already and an urge to head home to learn what had happened? also, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know your cat must've meant so much to you, so I'm so sorry that happened. and omg, yeah, like there is so much proof of other creatures and dinosaurs. and oooh, so how do you envision Heaven personally? omg, I think you would've loved my world religions class then! (I still have the notebook if you ever want any info on a religion we may have learned about hehe)
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saraabeann · 7 years
mcdonalds love
hey guys it's sara here! so here goes my first actual post with content!
okay so.. I work at a mcdonalds and that place will be mentioned so many times on this blog. I work almost every single day so im there quite a lot and many eventful things have happened in the duration ive been working there. so a couple weeks ago this guy came and ordered two mcdoubles and that was it. so after I served his food he left, but he came back and said, “oh I forgot something!” I was over here like “oh did you want some ketchup or something?” LOL NOPE. 
the guy told me, “no, I forgot your number.” I started laughing because it came out of nowhere and I was quite shocked. he ended up leaving and came back with this diamond rock thing and handed it to me. I took it and he said “I got this diamond for you my love because I am leaving this store with you in my heart forever so I am going to leave a piece of me with you so you can remember me forever. ill be back for you my princess.” In my head I was like ‘ohhh my god what the actual fuck just happened.’ lemme tell you that diamond looked real as fuck though like I could pawn it and make a couple bucks lmaooo. 
so fast forward a couple weeks later, I had completely forgot about the dude and was at work just taking orders like usual and I look up and guess who fucking actually came back for me?? you guess it, my fucking knight in shining armor. so he walks up to the register with these two older ladies and I recognized him and was like “aw hey how are you? I still have that little rock you gave me!” and the ladies were like “oh she's such a sweetheart. I love her.” so they told me “oh we’re here to get your number” I was so shocked once again like they were only there to get my number and not order anything. and me being that bitch who's trying to upset product I told them that I couldn't give out my number unless they bought something. SO THEY SPENT 20 FUCKING DOLLARS OMG.  
well after they spent the money for my fucking number I felt really bad if I didn't give him my number. oh and I forgot to mention earlier but the guy is somewhat odd like im pretty sure the two older ladies are his caretakers or something. im not sure but either way I still felt bad if I didn't give him my number. so before they leave they came up to me and were talking to me and I heard her wrong and though she told me he was dying so right then and there I was thinking in my head like ‘ohh my fucking god sara you fucked up and now you gotta date the id till he dies or some shit.’ yeah I know im kind of a fucking bitch and I think morbid and bad thoughts but you'll learn that soon enough if you don't already know me lol. but then she said I misheard and he wants to go on a date with me. the guy was like “yeah I want to take you out on a date and im gonna get clean shaven and everything so I look good for you” I felt really bad and just told him to text me and once again I honestly thought it was the last time id ever hear from the boy again. LOL NOPE I THOUGHT WRONG!
yesterday im doing my usual business at work and I look up and there he is again with the two ladies. I said hi and continued working since I wasn't doing register that day but I was instead running orders. but anyways the ladies kept talking about me and called me a sweetheart and stuff over everything I did and it was nice but kinda weird. so they sat there and ate their food and soon the two older ladies left but the boy stayed. THIS MOTHERFUCKER SAT IN THIS MCDONALDS FOR 4 FUCKING HOURS WATCHING ME WORK HOOMAGOYD. then this girl came in and sat with him and my manager was telling me that they kept talking about me and all this crazy shit about how he really likes me and shit and he just sat there and never moved the entire time like fuck even when this one guy im kinda talking to came in he sat there and stared at me and him lmao. after he finally left, the girl stayed and she came up to me and told me, “oh that boy is really in love with you, you know? “ and like I don't know what she was expecting me to say like ‘oh I love him back” tf bye. all I said was “oh thanks” and continued working lmao. 
anyways thats pretty much the story at the moment and im honestly sure that the boy will be there tomorrow when im working but I will continue to update y'all on this story because like everything else in my life I know this shits gonna get more wild. will she go on the date with that boy? will he stalk and murder her slowly? who knows?! find out next episode on saras wacky life!
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ts-crossroads · 7 years
Episode Eight - “Get Your Head Out of the Gutter, And Maybe Get A Brain” - Bryan
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holy mother of everything good in this world i cannot believe we just pulled that off and im still probably in the clear
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WHAT THE FUCK!!! Ok then. So Dane is telling me that Ned was just too big of a threat. But I’m so fucking pissed still. Whatever. I’m on a 4-6 minority with me Sam and Jake. However I hope Dane is willing to flip back. But I’d still need one more...dang it. I got work to do.
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My hands r so dirty rn like BITCH LOLLL. Im actually terrible. Ned could have stayed if I voted with them. Too bad he had to be fake! Sorry not Sorry! Basically that shit wouldn't have happened if Rebecka and I didn't think it needed to. And Jake and Bryan are blaming DANE AND JOHN LOL THIS IS PERFECT. I'm actually DYINGGGG LMAOOO. 
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fuck john fucking liar i fucking saved his ucking ass twice and this is how he repays me fuck out of here i can’t deal with these bitches everyone who voted out ned SUCKS AND I PUT SO MUCH TRUST INTO JOHN IM LITERALLY THE REASON WHY HE MADE IT TO MERGE AND HE CANT EVEN BE LOYAL FOR ONE FUCKING ROUND 
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6-5 i was SHAKING during the tribal. i owe rebecka and julia m'life. i talked to sam/ned/autumn/jake more than i talked to rebecka and julia so im shocked they were the ones to save me??? as a previous winner im gonna be a loyal hoe to those who kept me. and autumn at least gave me the heads up that i was probably leaving, and it sucked i couldn't let her know i had a plan to save myself. like she was telling me "talk to ned, rebecka, haley and we can do something" and i already did that minus ned. i loved ned sm. i hate that this happened. but like he and sam were willing to turn on haley and i SO fast. i don't like that... also haley told john and i that she and chris were dating and LOL that makes so much sense it did'nt shock me. i'm glad i always talked good about haley to chris and vise versa.
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I am so emotional and not ready to write this confessional. First it started with me fucking up. I thought I could trust Dane but I couldn’t. I knew Autumn wasn't with us but I didn’t think we would lose 2 impala to the other side. Then I fucked up more by telling Ned that we are safe and not to play an idol. I gave him my idol half which he then gave back to me and then told me he had a whole idol. He asked me several times if he should play it and I said no every time because I trusted everyone. I truly let Ned down and I don't know how I am going to go through this game without him. He was the 1 person I trusted with my entire game and now he's gone. I sound so dramatic but whatever, I lost my final 2. I can have all the feelings I want. I just don't know what to do now regarding who to work with. I also hate myself more bc I had tribal in another game immediately afterwards, and Ned was in this game with me. Anyway, Ned got 4 votes, I got 3. He had a super idol, which he could have played on himself after votes were read, and he made an announcement that he wasn't playing it because I deserve to be there more than him. I literally cried so much. Ned went home in 2 games back to back because of me. I fucked up the first tribal and he went home with an idol in his pocket and he gave up his game for me the second tribal. I know that this is going to be a relationship that I cherish for a long time. I truly care for him so deeply and it goes deeper than any game ever could. If I get nothing else out of this game, at least I got to form this beautiful and magical friendship with Ned. I can figure out the rest of this game tomorrow.
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Me after getting blindsided in two different Survivor orgs within five minutes of each other https://twitter.com/ricardojkay/status/945781023006105600 Owen lucky Ned gave me a pep talk on his way out cause this is some bullshit and I sure was about to cut my losses and walk #yalldontdeserveme
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 Well I went from everyone having to split the votes Ryan and I which would of led me to go home. I got everyone to switch that didn't want to put Ryan or my name down which was Julia,John,Rebecka,Ryan, and Dane. It definitely shows that they all can be trusted since Ned was the one that left last night. Bryan is still targeting me for the whole Emily vote which is bullshit that vote was forever ago and why would we tell the person that invited her to tribal it was going to be her and then have Bryan go back and tell Emily. I hope all the campaigning Bryan did to work against me just showed him who really has the numbers. I'm now going to make sure if Bryan doesn't get immunity again that he goes next. 
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Ok so I really don't know who to trust at this point. I miss Ned soooo much. A lot of people from the other side have come to me to clear the air, but I really don't see a way to recover from this. Yesterday was an actual mess. Julia was lowkey bullying Bryan in the merge chat. I say lowkey, because it wasn't personal, it was game related, but it was extreme overkill. Bryan had said "ok thats fine" and "I see what I did wrong, I learned from my mistakes" etc and she continued to say things like "now go shit talk me more, I know you will" and it was just really rude. And Haley cheering her on in the background definitely amplified the situation to make Bryan feel worse. I feel like the only people I can trust are Bryan, Autumn, and Jake. It's hard though, because I know Bryan is a threat who needs to go. Autumn rarely talks to me. And I recently got close to Jake, so I know he has been working with Bryan a lot longer and would choose him over me in a heart beat. Dane seems to think that him flipping to vote out Ned wasn't "picking sides" and now everyone can be on a more even playing field. At least that's what he told me. He also doesn't want to think of them as "sides," he wants to vote out Bryan next. If there are sides and I vote out Bryan, It's literally going to be down to 3 vs 6, with me in the minority. As much as I love and miss Ned, I don't want to be in that jury. I want to be at FTC with Ned rooting for me the whole time. I also don't know how to feel right now. I'm conflicted, because everyone is telling me shady/sketchy things about Ned and reassuring me that it is best he is gone because he was untrustworthy, but I really don't think I believe it. Like I know Ned is such an honest and genuine person, I really can't see him playing me like that. And of course everyone will try to justify voting him out to me, it was so obvious we were a f2, we had never separated the ENTIRE game. Literally day 1 we were on impala and stayed there. I just don't know where to go from here. I'm upset that Haley and Dane won reward, it seems like the worst people to have won. Hopefully it doesn't help them in immunity. I really want to win. I'm scared though that if I do, Bryan will leave. A lot of people are upset about how he acted last round when he was immune. I don't know how I feel, I really just need to see how the next day goes. ALSO Dane getting under 5 minutes in that maze seems toooooo good. Like I did it as fast as I could and couldn't even finish half of it in that time. It seems very impossible. 
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Errybody and they mama has been in my pm's explaining themselves and I'm like lmao ok but you're still cancelled. I have a heart though so I (probably) won't come for the apologizers first on the hitlist. DID SOMEBODY SAY HITLIST?!?! Yep it's about that time/ I'm back doing what I do best https://78.media.tumblr.com/b6fa3f3b282c7314c79578a6599d56b3/tumblr_n49f6q9bH11rsrbdko1_500.gif Also shoutout to everyone who believes in me. Thank you and sorry if I scared you I was like eyeball deep in my feelings after that vote (and Athena All Stars but we won't get into). I am NOT walking because there's too much justice that needs to be served
NED!!!! If Chris was my Beth, you were my Glenn cause you're so positive and hero-like aaaaannnd because I was a wreck when you died lol. Is it bad that I couldn't stop crying? http://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2016/12/15/b1aca255-c49f-4f8f-be1f-853d48cd3f55/maggie.gif I really hadn't seen the vote until you asked if I flipped. Then I went to watch the rest of the tribal video and started sobbing. Did I flip? Absolutely not and if I hadn't left the call, Crossroads would have my reaction to prove it. Whew if I had seen that shit live... look I'm an ugly crier and Crossroads can only exploit what I give it lmao. Anyway we spent half the game trying to make it back to each other only for you to die 5 minutes later and that suuucks rip. THANKS JULIA! YEP YOU HEARD RIGHT SIS IS NEGAN!!! Under all the humor and cute pro pics... tragic. Bryan only killing Chris and not you? Never judge a book by its cover haha. Anyway I hate this happened to you because you deserved so much better and I hope you're in a better place in jury. Imperium is in shambles- Scrappy is out here squaring up in people's pm's, Velma has gone awol, and Scooby is in the doghouse since everyone knows he has fleas. Idk what's about to happen but you're right everyone is a snake. Ok I should go I have a lot to do if I'm gonna make it to the end because #owensucks #crossroadsisugly Thank you for like playing this whack game and believing in me when I didn't believe in myself @ everyone else: https://78.media.tumblr.com/a661740fa7785ef674d1c8ef7971f4f9/tumblr_myzplpOrQ51ql5yr7o1_500.gif NOTHING YOU CAN SAY WILL STOP ME FROM BEING PETTY AND SENDING YOUR ASSES TO JURY SO SAVE YOUR BREATH!!! Do you need to explain yourself? Absolutely. Will it make a difference? NOPE. If you gave a fuck about me you wouldn't have lied in the first place. Also everything you say to me can and will be used against you so y'all really need to chill. I mean it- stop checking in like we're good because you will not know the answer to that until the game ends. Thinking that we're friends doesn't make it true. But you know what is true? I will send every single one of you to jury and I cannot fucking wait
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I wish Jake would send things in one or two messages and not seven or eight 
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OKAY So hours before the last tribal I wanted to vote out Jake because he's lodged up Bryan's ass. However, the only person that Ryan could get enough people to target was Ned due to the amount of people that he pissed off. So honestly between Ned or Ryan to stay? I think it's pretty obvious for me to know what's better for my game. :) After the tribal council however Bryan immediately called me and started yelling at me and demanding he knows what my strategy is moving forward in the game, but I wasn't going to give it away, so now I'm playing the role of the dumb sheep and I'm starting to make people believe that I'm not worth it to vote out at the moment. Anyways! After that call I thought I would give Bryan the benefit of the doubt and I just assumed that the tribal council would be a wake up call for his attitude, but nothing changed! He immediately ran his rat ass to Ryan and started talking shit about me so now I'm pissed at Bryan again. Now here we are again hours before the tribal council again and it's a shit show because from my point of view I think the votes are going to fall between Bryan and Julia.... maybe. Julia and Bryan had a "fight" in the main chat but I honestly believe it to be fake and I think Julia flipped back to Bryan and my paranoid ass is starting to believe that they're going to conspire against me and vote me out. BUT! I do think that my social standings with Sam would help me get past this vote. With that being said though I may have to abuse Sam's kindness to further myself into the rest of the game. I was thinking with Ryan and if we get Haley on board we can vote 3 votes onto Autumn or Sam (wildcards atm) and in the case that Bryan plays his idol (BTW I FORGOT TO SAY I FOUND AN IDOL RIGHT BEFORE TRIBAL LAST ROUND OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MAMA) we can play one of our idols and get out Sam or Autumn. However, if we do that then we isolate ourselves as a 3 which is why Bryan, Jake, and John were targeted in the first place for.  This tribal council is going to be just as messy as the last one and I'm terrified and I don't want to waste my idol if people are telling the truth and isolate myself, but I don't want to go home with an idol in my pocket. 
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This round has just been a clusterfuck. After the Ned blindside I called John and found out that Julia was lying to my face and voted Ned which pissed me off so I exposed Julia shit talking John to me to John. After the call with John I told Bryan, Sam, and Autumn about Julia lying to us and I connected with Autumn finally. Bryan of course went and told everyone about Julia so Julia blew up on him in the main chat, gr8. Anyways I'm shook because I won the immunity and I really feel like I needed it this round for the potential of people voting me. Of course people were targetting Bryan and this twist could have changed things up, but John and Dane are too scared to make a move and there's no way we can vote Julia out this round which sucks. Idk what else to do, I tried. I just have to hope that things change soon or I'll be picked off. 
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Sam pissed me off tonight. I was considering to flip to get Julia out but then after talking to her and Bryan I realise that this bottom four is getting closer. Sam and Bryan both mentioned they trusted each other. They lie for each other. I called Sam because I wanted to talk about voting Julia out the round after Bryan leaves and then when I tell her Dane & I are not flipping she goes from this happy girl with a happy voice to this sad girl and we sit in silence. Like... she was sad I wasn't flipping... like girl... why would I flip to the four fucking people who lied to me and voted for me. I want to flip honestly but not while there's that many people!!!!!!! I like Rebecka and Julia but they don't talk to me and I know they're closer to Dane & Haley as well with each other. Dane told me he got a FULL idol... cute John told me he has half the idol which I helped him get. I have my full idol. Haley has half an idol. So at least I know where these powers are going. My dream plan was to vote Julia out next but Sam kinda pissed me off. Autumn's been very real with me and Jake's been so active and apologetic in my pms. My dream is now to vote Sam off next and have John/Dane/Me/Autumn/Jake vote Julia after that. Maybe Rebecka too after. Then vote off Jake/Autumn. I'm super super tight with Haley, Dane, Coffey. I obviously know Coffey/Dane from my past but idk, I want to play and work with Haley because she's cool and new. I think I'd give Coffey 4th place. Go f3 Haley/Dane, and if it's a F2 I'll figure it out later. But i doubt I'll ever get there!! I bet Sam will win the F9 immunity ffs i hope not.
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hey!! flopbecka here (@ashley the jingle jingle reindeer is anywhere hi!! thx for hating me im so happy to use the name u gave me <3 ) so i still dont know wtf is happening in the game, im in like a 6 person chat that i thought was just to get ned out, and now i think its like actually a real alliance chat? im confused af idk. I really want to work with autumn in this game and i just hope she still wants to after i didnt fill her in on the ned vote so woo go team 
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