#and i have two small children taking example from me so i really need to stop
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lunarmoves · 1 year
you don't think you'll ever get over how tall the daycare attendant is.
it's a bit intimidating at times, you think. all seven-foot-something of metal and silicon that tends to loom rather ominously over your own figure from time to time. you're not sure why they were made that tall, but you figure it has something to do with being able to see kids easier around the daycare. or maybe fazbear entertainment just likes making freakishly tall robots. who knows.
the first time it really strikes you how much of a height advantage they have over you is during the daytime hours of the daycare. some poor kid had gotten their toy thrown up onto the playground structure and it was stuck on the outside, nestled between two bars that you definitely can't reach from the ground nor from the inside of the structure.
you look down at said kid holding onto your leg after you'd scolded the other two who were the culprits of such an act and let out a small sigh. you don't like climbing, not particularly, but you guess you're going to have to suck it up for now. if only so the poor kid can stop making that teary-eyed expression at you.
you pat the kid on the head and take the few steps to the playground so you can grab onto one of the bars and pull yourself up. but before you can even attempt to shimmy your way farther up, a bright and certainly loud figure comes swooping in from behind you.
"heellooo friends! that's awfully dangerous to be doing here!" sun exclaims as he grabs you easily on the sides and lifts you from the playground to set you back on the floor. you blink up at him and watch as he extends a long arm (seriously, his arms are way out of proportion compared to the rest of his body) up to the toy and easily grabs it from its stuck position.
"i believe this belongs to you?" he asks the sniveling kid standing next to you, and they immediately brighten once their toy is back in their hands. sun gives them a little hair ruffle. "don't go losing it again, now! we don't want to get any boo-boos climbing where we shouldn't be, right?"
"mmh!" the kid nods, then wipes their snotty little nose on their sleeve and runs off to show their retrieved toy to their friends. sun's head turns 180 degrees to watch them scamper off, and then he's turning back around to face you with a wagging finger.
"friend! you know you can always ask me for help, yes?" he chides you in a way that makes you feel a bit embarrassed, but you only roll your eyes in good nature.
"c'mon sun, i'd thought you were busy with the others!" you frown, and the sight makes sun reach out a large hand so he can smush your cheeks together until your lips are puffed out like a fish's.
"i'm never too busy to help you, silly!" he says as you bat his hand away and rub at your cheeks. "all you have to do is ask!"
"i had it handled," you murmur, looking anywhere but at him. with the way sun is looming over you, slightly bent at the torso, you're covered in his shadow. it makes you feel small.
"climbing the outside of the playground does not set a good example for the children!" sun says, and his words make it seem like he's scolding you, though his tone is light and airy. "no, no, no, friend! we don't want you to get hurt, do we?"
"i get it already," you reply, stepping back slightly so you can look at him better without having to crane your head back. sun's head tilts slightly to the side, but he doesn't comment. "i'm not a kid, you know. a fall from that height won't hurt me." okay, yeah, maybe your pride's just a bit wounded at needing someone taller to do a simple task for you. sue you.
"it can if you fall right on your head!" sun gasps dramatically, bringing his hands up to his fixed smile. "no, better to be safe than sorry, okay?" he reaches down to boop you right on the nose. you wrinkle it at him then concede with a large sigh that's more for show than anything. this was a dumb semi-argument anyways.
"okay, i'll ask you for help next time," you relent, and it makes sun spring up, his rays spinning happily around his faceplate.
"wonderful!" he chirps, then reaches a lanky arm down to grab your wrist. "now, come! it's almost naptime!" you get practically dragged over to the sleeping mats, sun's long stride making you do an awkward jog to keep up.
you've long come to realize that sun tends to use his height to help you with different things. whether it may be cleaning parts of the playground equipment that you can't reach, or helping you stack things on shelves that were way above your arm's length. he just wants to be of good use, you suppose, no matter how teeny tiny it makes you feel.
you can't say the same for moon.
for where sun may inadvertently make you feel small, moon does it on purpose.
"moon, c'mon!" you groan, standing before him in the dark daycare after hours as he dangles your phone just out of reach over your head. you raise your arms up half-heartedly and try to snatch at it, but he pulls it up farther away from you when you do. "give it back."
moon snickers, white eyes upturned into crescent moons of delight. "no."
"moon," you say sternly, as though you have any power of authority over him (you don't). "please."
"no texting on the job," moon replies, even though you know that he knows you were literally just checking the time. you give him an exasperated look.
"moon. phone. now."
"no." then, as though to taunt you even further, he bends down to pinch your nose. "shorty."
you give him a glare and bat his hand away so you can rub at your poor nose. both him and sun liked to squish and squeeze you, you've noticed. "moon!"
he says your name back at you in the same tone you just used. it just makes you huff.
"if you don't give me back my phone, you'll regret it," you say ominously, mustering all the darkness you have in your body to make your scowl as scary as possible. moon just giggles. you don't think you're successful. he probably thinks you look like a wet cat.
"yeah?" it's obviously an invitation. he wants to see what you can possibly do. your mind's practically in overdrive trying to think of something on the spot. and you do come up with something. unfortunately.
there's a moment where all you do is stare at him. his head rotates curiously to the side. and then you launch yourself at him, hands gripping at his torso so you can claw your way up his body like you're some kind of small animal (to him, you probably are).
moon freezes for the slightest of seconds, and it gives you ample opportunity to shimmy your way up so that you can grip at his thin shoulders and pull yourself farther up. then he's leaning backwards slightly, his arm raising higher above his head to prevent you from reaching your phone.
"give!" you demand as you hook your feet around his body like he's a sliding pole and use one of his shoulders to keep yourself balanced as you extend your arm as far as it can go.
"cheating! cheater!" he barks out in response, and his voice is a bit muffled from where it's nearly against your stomach, but you don't care.
"not cheating! give me back my phone!"
it's a few moments more of this kind of struggling until you finally just end up yanking his nightcap over his face in a temporary distraction. it works, too. at least long enough for you to yank his arm down, grab your phone, and then leap off of him. you stumble a little when you hit the ground and spin around with a triumphant look as you notice moon has lifted his cap high enough so you can see the lower half of his eyes.
"ha!" you gloat, pocketing your phone right away so he can't snatch it out of your hands again. "you asked for it!"
moon simply stares at you. and just when you're starting to think that maybe he locked up or something, his mischievous smile returns with a vengeance as he bends low and raises his arms like he's about to grab you.
uh oh. you know that look. you don't even hesitate as you spin around on your heel and immediately make a run for it.
and well... as moon chases after you through the plex, his long shadow constantly overlapping your own, you figure that you'll just have to get used to being constantly swamped by the significantly taller animatronics. it isn't the worst thing, at least, but it will certainly take some time.
even if moon's an ass about it.
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thatawkwardmoth · 2 months
Emma and Scott both having shitty parents (not Katherine Summers, I'm never talking shit about her) is just another reason they make a good couple.
Let me explain:
Scott is raised military before he's even a soldier for Xavier. It's little things that show it but, as someone who's dad was raised by a military man, sometimes it's hard for parents to leave the army for Base only. Scott, in the meager amount of scenes we get of his childhood, has almost the same mindest of Dean Winchester in a way. His father gives an order, he might protest but eventually, he always complies. Number one example being the plane crash and the one parachute thing. But also that he spends so much time worrying over Alex. Even after being forced to forget about him, he still remembers parts of him. And yes, it is because that's his little brother and he loves him so much. But it could also be because the phrases: 'look out for your brother', 'Keep your brother safe', 'Watch out for Alex', have been said to him since the day he met Alex in the hospital, newborn and fragile enough that Scott, even at two years old, knew not to be rough.
And it doesn't change, even on the Krakoa arc, he is angry over Alex being placed on Sinister's team. (And sinister referring to the brothers as 'his boys' gives me the ick. They Not Like Us vibes from his character in general when it comes to the Summers brothers…) He can't take care of Alex, make sure he's safe and sound, if he's on the same team as the guy who experimented on a preteen Scott for funsies and genetic testing.
Now, Katherine Summers, we don't have a lot of comics with her. But she's shown as the perfect mother figure, raising two rowdy boys mostly on her own with how busy Christopher is. And Scott and Alex remember her fondly. So no fault to her. But Christopher fucking Summers, every fault to him.
I'm not demonizing him, I need that known. I'm not saying that he's the next John Winchester (because at least he came back to check on his kids, unlike Corsair), I'm just saying that he raised Scott to be the perfect solider for Xavier and the perfect experiment for Sinister. Because he followed orders and he didn't argue back to adults (eventually he did, but you get the point).
Scott has so much unpacked trauma from his childhood and that small series where deplaced Scott is with Corsair doesn't really cover any of it. Neither do modern comics.
Emma, on the other hand, was raised in high society. Has always known the rich life and the challenges and difficulties that come with it. Mainly, her father's goals for her and her mother's long broken soul.
She grew up trying to be the perfect daughter despite being the black sheep. She couldn't meet his goals and faced his wrath for having dreams about being a teacher. His rage followed her into training the Hellions and it led to their deaths.
Now, it's not just her father's temper that is the reason she's got shitty parents. He's a cheater, a manipulator and discards his children like broken toys when they don't follow his strict guidelines of life, ex. Chrisitan being a drug addict, the older sister doing modeling, his younger being more goth and alternative for 'attention' as Emma puts it. Leaving him to pick Emma to continue his company because she's like him, a fact he learns after she blackmails and exposes his affair to his wife. He's willing to let Emma be given a pass on things purely because of his money and only stops her from hooking up with her teacher because it's not who he wants her with. No mind to the fact that he's an adult and she was a child. I hate the teacher thing. Can we tell?
He's a shit father but Hazel Frost is not exempt from my shit talking. She is not Katherine Summers. She's absent most of the time. Being the perfect socialite wife. She doesn't have a life outside of her husband's money and the parties she throws (more garden parties, not Tony Stark rager parties). She cares about her children, yes. But the tiniest amount. She can't bring herself to be there for them when they're going through difficult times. She's been broken by the expectations on her, to be the traditional wife, that she can't be bothered when the affair is revealed to her. It's heartbreaking and it makes me sad but it doesn't excuse the way she ignored her son's drug habit or her daughter's crisis with new powers and bullies at school.
Now Jean Grey has shitty parents but only after she is revealed to be a mutant to them. They sent her to Xavier's school to help her through the grief of her friend's accident and the issues she'd been having recently, not because anyone told them about her mutation. Now them rejecting her did hurt and they played a giant part in her turning into Dark Phoniex. But that happened when she was an adult. For her formative years as a child, they were present and lovely. Even as a teenager, it's shown that she calls them and writes letters and visits them on holidays. So, as much as I am a Jott and Scemma shipper alike, she can't relate to Scott's trauma and parent issues until she herself is burned and abandoned by her own. Emma, on the hand, can. She's had a shitty dad and Scott's had two and one creep that is obessed with him. She's had to mature faster because of her father not paying her ransom and making her rescue herself and decide to run away. Scott can relate to her running away, seeing as it is his favorite thing to do. Ex, the orphanage, Xavier's, Alaska, so on and so on.
Emma has even lost loves before! She was geuinely in love with the guy waiter from the comic series about her life. Was distraught when he died. She's been scorned by lovers before as well. Her teacher that she had a crush on and sabatoged a few friendships in college for (stupid plotline. stupid. stupid.) eventually reveals that he hates mutants and sees them as freaks, making Emma leave him and never look back (finally, my girl was free).
Jean hasn't. She's never lost Scott except when he cheated. She's never had to grieve him or bury him as many times as he has had to for her. Even Madelyne, who scorned Scott for reasons purely blamed on the absolute worst comic book misunderstanding and miscommunication ever, has never related to Scott on those levels. Emma has buried him and been scorned by him and still loves him, is the one he trusts with his resurrections in the Arbor Magna. It really speaks volumes.
And I'm not pitting the two ships against each other. I'm not. I'm pointing out the differences in the way they can relate to each others' pasts.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Honored One Shot no.9 - @iam-mia9
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Mama (SatoSugu x reader)
Little angst with fluff
"Go on a date without me. I'll take care of the baby." You said as you hugged the black-haired baby to your chest.
They both looked at you questioningly. And their eyes later went to the little baby in your arms, and to the baby in your belly.
As a mom, did you really think you couldn't go on a date?
First you had Suguru's baby and now you were pregnant with Satoru's baby.
And being pregnant and taking care of a small baby is hard.
That's why they wanted you to go on a date with them for a little rest.
Yaga would take care of the baby for a few hours and you would go to a restaurant or to the cinema.
Something you can't do while pregnant is drinking alcohol. Among the three of you, there's only one person who occasionally drinks with someone. For example, with Shoko. That's why you won't go to any bar.
Restaurant. Or even fast food. You too deserve rest. But according to you, you must have been home all the time.
And taking care of a child was tiring.
There were three of you for this, but none of you could say it was an easy job.
If they had to say which is easier, fighting curses or taking care of a baby, they will say that it is easier to fight curses.
But babysitting is fun. When they look at that little one in your hands or when they hold that tiny body.
It's cute.
Even if the first child you had was Suguru's child, Satoru loves that child. When he looks at that little head, he sees black hair and purple eyes. Same as his husband. And he also remembers when that little one was in your belly.
Satoru is raising Suguru's baby. It will be the same with Suguru. Because he will also raise Satoru's child.
You agreed to be pregnant a second time because Satoru was jealous. He also wanted a baby.
So now you were walking with the child growing inside of you, also caring for the baby you gave birth to a few months ago.
Satoru suddenly got up and took the black-haired baby from you, cradling it to his chest.
"We want to go on a date together. As a married couple. You're our wife, so you're coming with us too, baby." The White Haired Man said as he stood next to you with the sleeping baby.
"We've been planning this for days. But when we wanted to tell you about it, you were tired." Suguru added as he looked at you sitting at the table.
"Don't wait," you said, stroking the toddler's black hair. "Go on a date. I will stay at home. But don't hesitate. I'm not stopping you."
"We want to go with you."
"Just because I'm pregnant and taking care of a baby doesn't mean you two can't go on a date together. When we decided to have children, we all knew that it would be the end of trips or dates for at least one of us." you said calmly. "I'll stay home and you two go play. You are your husbands. Your relationship also needs to be cared."
Their relationship will be cherished. Because either way, you're already connected to them forever. Knowing that you gave birth to children will be with you for the rest of your life. And you don't regret having them.
"We are together so we wanted to go with you." Satoru suddenly said.
"It's just like sex, right? You're going to insist that I do it with you, right? So I will repeat the same again... You don't need me to do this. You two can go on a date. Yes, you can have sex without me. I am a mother and I take care of the child, you can play. Take advantage of me taking care of you and letting you live the life you had before you were a father. Go on a date, have fun. I'll stay home and take care of the baby."
"You know just because the three of us are together doesn't mean one of us stays home and gets bored, took care of the baby and the other two will play outside." Suguru said as he got up from his chair and came closer, kissing his baby's forehead.
"Suguru, it's okay. I'll just stay home. I'm not gonna make any of you stay so that I'm the one to leave. I am the mother of these children, and I will take care of them. You don't have to give up your life just because of it. For you, I gave up all the distractions I used to do. So you don't have to give up.
It's true, you quit your job because you're a mom and you're pregnant. Besides, they make money. You gave up going out with friends to take care of you and the kids. You gave up entertainment that would make you worse. You couldn't just give your husbands a baby and leave the house to play.
You're not like that.
They are your children and you will take care of them.
Suddenly, a smile appeared on Satoru's lips.
Before you could ask what he meant, he spoke himself, preventing any words from leaving your mouth.
"Baby? When did our little mochi last eat?" he asked as he handed you the baby.
"Right... Babies need to eat before bed, honey, are you hungry?" You murmured as you walked away from them to take care of your baby.
"What are you planning?" Suguru asked as he saw his White Haired husband's smile.
He stepped closer to him and rested his head on his shoulder as he watched you disappear through the door.
"Start cooking. I'll prepare a table like in a restaurant." He said as you closed the door and he quickly walked over to the wardrobe.
It took you more than half an hour to feed the baby and put to sleep.
It's just that your little one didn't want to fall asleep, even though it was nap time.
However, you managed to do it.
Violet eyes closed.
And when you left the room, you felt a nice and tasty smell of cooking food.
You went to the kitchen to see your long-haired husband in an apron cooking something. And your white-haired husband walks around the table, putting three plates on a red tablecloth.
"How do you like it?" he asked as he came over to give you a kiss.
"You were supposed to go out on a date." you said but you kissed him back.
"We don't want to leave you at home alone. We'll have dates at home if you want," he said as he led you to your baby's father.
You clung to his side, pressing your belly into his hip. And Satoru stood behind him, wrapping his arms around your waist and his. And laid his head on his shoulder while he cooked for you.
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justwritedreams · 10 months
Facetime calls with EXO members ❤️‍🩹
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Morning calls definitely
So that your day starts more than well 🥹
I really think he's a very romantic guy
Like, very
So his morning calls would be very affectionate
To wish you a good day at work
Or to see your face when the flowers he sent you arrive in the morning 😍
Sometimes to show that he is at your door to give you a ride
Always say that he believes in you and loves you for the strength you have 😭
And I believe he would do this EVERY DAY
Maybe to make up for how much you miss him every time he's away
Oh and don't even get me started when he just starts singing to you!!
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I have to be honest, I don't think he's a big fan of facetime calls
Bc I think he prefers real life talks yk
Looking into the eyes, touching
But considering that both of you have busy schedules, talking on the phone is the solution
And I think with him it would be to relieve stress
You know, the escape valve from a tiring day
So most of the time it would be nocturnal
He just needs to hear your voice to forget everything else 🥹
You tell him how your day was so he can smile
No matter how silly the details are, he will want to know everything!!
And it's effective!
Bc as you talk to him, you can see that he is only paying attention to you
And when he didn't respond at all
You'd be like "what's up?"
And he would smile happily like "I love you, you know"
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Okay so, he is the father of two children
I'm almost sure that his calls would be to show something or teach something
For example, him teaching you how to change a light bulb when he's not home 🤣🤣
I don't know but I think that with him the calls would be about everyday life
How expensive the food is or him choosing what flavor of ice cream you want because he will bring it to you
Small everyday details that make a difference
He seems to me to be so light in the sense of living life as simply as possible
So he'll share whatever, even if it's a 15-second call lol
Oh and I don't doubt he would make a call in the middle of the night to make a dad joke
And would laugh loud enough to wake up all his neighbors, main singer privileges lol
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Oh my poor baby 🥺
As much as this man travels for work, it's no surprise that most of the year you talk to each other on phone calls
I think with him it would be a mix of everything
And there wouldn't be a time bc well, jet lag sucks, right?
He would try to call you at a time that wouldn't disturb you
So he would always be worried about the time so you could rest
Even if it meant him staying up until dawn 🥹
It would be a long conversation, that's for sure
Bc I know he would want to share everything he did, saw or learned He would be super happy to show you the landscape outside the hotel he is staying in
But would be sad to be far from you 😞
He would try to act strong but deep down you know he just wanted to be with you
But you know, it would be a good idea for you to travel without him knowing and go to the door of his hotel room
And when he answered the door he would be holding his phone like "what are you doing here I am literally looking at your face on the phone?"
And you'd be like "surprise 😏"
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Random, inconvenience and silly calls
I don't know how but his timing would be perfect for when you have a towel on your head after washing your hair
Or with your sheet mask on your face
And I know he's going to take a screenshot so he can use the photo as a meme
He would have a huge “I got you 😆” smile
And you'd be like "don't you dare🤨"
He would dare anyway
He would probably call you and say random things like "do you think aliens exist?"
And you would have a long debate
That wouldn't even have an ending
But it was just bc he really wanted to talk to you and bc he didn't have a specific topic
You would talk about everything
So at the end he makes a pout like "I miss you" 😭😭
Incurable romantic and you can't convince me otherwise
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Hate calls but he do it anyway
Mainly to show where he is recording, be it a film, a series or an album
If it's a song, I think he'll want to know your opinion first than everyone else
Bc he knows you will be sincere and he takes a lot into consideration bc you know he works hard
He will end up confessing that the song he thought of you when composing it 🥹
And if it's a movie or series, he'll probably show you the clothes and accessories like "look they're going to give me a sword 😆 it's a fake one but okay🙄"
He will probably accidentally give you spoilers lol
Lowkey romantic okay but don't push him
He's just going to share it with you bc he's excited but it's going to have to be quick bc he has to record it soon
So the calls will be very quick
But they will have a greater meaning than it appears.
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Y'all know he's my bias, right
So, no one can convince me that this man won't literally compose a song for you on calls
He will simply call you to show him playing the piano or guitar
And if you don't look at him with the biggest "I'm madly in love with you" face YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!
He's a hopeless romantic okay??
Like, I can totally see sparks in those big eyes 😭😭😭
He will definitely sing to you until you sleep
And you would miss his proud and passionate smile that he would make
Neither of you will want to hang up lol
But eventually you will, always saying "I love you" to each other 😭😭😭
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Okay sooo I think with him would be pretty cute at the beginning
And very spicy at the end if you know wHAT I MEAN
Night calls!!
He would start by talking about how his day was while simply eating like a normal person
But he's not really a normal person
Have you ever seen this man, seriously?
It would be very difficult not to get lost in the way he moves his lips to eat….
Yeah, he's a walking sin
So let's just say the night will end up pretty satisfying in parts for both of you
I don't know why but I imagine him being very shy afterwards lol
You'd be like "well, that's not exactly how I wanted the night to end"
And he'd be like, "Did it at least relieve the stress enough for you?"
Well, okay maybe not that shy after all
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Oh Sehun lol
He would call you constantly for "very important matters"
The matter 👇🏻
Giggling bc he call you to decide which outfit he should wear
And you'd be like "you look good in everything!"
And he'd be like "of course I know that 🙄 but I need help"
Eventually you would help him and he would be very grateful but embarrassed
Then he would try to shamelessly flirt with you in jest
"I look better without clothes but this one looks good
And you'd be like "why do you do that"
"Why? Do you deny that it's true? 🤨"
Yeah, he changes his personality pretty quickly
But you don't deny
Can you??
Honestly, he just needs an excuse to talk to you
He'll call you every time he dyes his hair!!
He's a baby so you don't have much to do
Except, praise him and say I love you
And actually say I love you, bc I can see him waiting for you to say it with that sassy face of his
Like "I don't want you to say me too, say it straight"
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kimetsu-chan · 4 months
hey I’m a new follower and I saw that you take emergency comfort fics. I was wondering if had time to write one for me. I’ve been feeling horrible lately because my dad and step mom have a horrible drinking addiction. Also my biological mom and step dad can’t do anything about it. I also feel really guilty even though I know I shouldn’t because, I’m scared of my dad and step mom. My biological parents refuse to have a normal conversation and always yell and my anxiety flares up when they fight. And like any other person in high school I’m getting made fun of because my body is changing so could you write a comfort fic about Sanemi?? (only if you have time ofc)
thank u so much for reading this
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A/N: of course I can write this, I would be more than happy to. I want to let you know that your fear and anxiousness is valid. As someone who also had divorced parents who would argue 24/7(and having a parent with a really bad drinking problem), I know how scary it is. It’s not fun seeing people you thought were supposed to get along and love each other argue. I hope this can bring you the comfort you need :( <333 I apologize for the bullying not being touched on much :(
TWs ⚠️: mentions of fights, yelling, etc. Sanemi will likely be out of character, I apologize for that 😓 I don’t know if Sanemi’s dad was an alcoholic, but for the sake of this, I will pretend he was. And I will be delving into some of my personal experiences for the sake of better comfort, I apologize if this does not fit your experiences.
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Sanemi was a loud guy, everyone knew that. He had a hard time controlling his short temper, and often yelled when he was frustrated.
Normally, he paid no mind to his volume, but he couldn’t help but notice when you would always seem to be… triggered in a way by his yelling.
Now, you were obviously his favorite subordinate, he did not bother hiding is favor towards you at all. So of course he felt just a little bad that his yelling was causing you to have bad reactions.
So he tried to stop. It was hard of course, breaking a habit you’ve had for so long was difficult, but he’d try for you.
One day, after a particularly bad case of losing his temper, he had noticed you disappeared off somewhere. He sighed to himself, recognizing he messed up, and barked at the other slayers to stay where they were and continue training.
It took some time, but he found you huddled in a corner in one of his mansion rooms with your body tucked in itself, like you were trying to appear small. His heart dropped as he realized to what extent he screwed up. He was supposed to be getting better about it! But just one instance was all it took to make him worried that you were scared of him.
He… didn’t want you to be scared of him… it would make him just like his father.
So he moved to sit quietly beside you, and for a while, you two just sat in silence. He rested his wrists on his knees and messed with his fingers, not knowing what to say. He supposed he had better start with an apology, yeah, that’d be a good idea.
“Hey, look I’m so—“
The man didn’t get to finish his sentence as you turned to cling to him. You buried your face in his shoulder and hooked your arms loosely around his neck. It had caught him by surprise, but he hesitantly rubbed your back. You weren’t shaking, nor were any noises escaping you, so it didn’t seem like you were crying. Phew… that was a relief.
His attention was torn away from his thoughts as your voice spoke up. You apologized for running away and cowering, and he was immediately confused. He was in the wrong… not you. You shouldn’t apologize.
He told you that, and you went on to explain why you hid away. And once you got that out, all your bottled emotions came tumbling out. You tried to hold back your words, you really did, but it just felt so… refreshing to open up about this.
Of course, Sanemi was livid. Parents were supposed to be good examples for their children, and they were supposed to protect them. How on earth were your parents supposed to protect you if they were drunk all the time?!
He took a deep breath, not wanting to upset you more than he already had, and rubbed your back soothingly.
“Hey, don’t apologize, idiot. It was a natural reaction, you couldn’t control it.”
“Y’know, don’t feel bad. Having parents like that it’s… it’s sucky. When I was younger, and when my dad was alive, he was the same way. It’s kinda scary, isn’t it? Some nights you don’t know whether you’ll be met with aggression, or if you’ll have to act as the parent. And… I’m sorry.. f’ settin’ you off or whatever… I should’ve controlled my temper.”
It was sweet, and a little unnerving, but mostly sweet, to see Sanemi apologize. It was so out of his character, but you appreciated it greatly nonetheless. He gave you a gentle squeeze before standing up and outstretching his hand to you.
“C’mon, we can go get ohagi or whatever before going back to trainin’.”
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A/N: once again, this is a situation I sympathize with heavily since I had been in one extremely similar for a long time. That being said, my experience is not the same as yours, I won’t know exactly how you feel, or how awful it is, but I’m hoping I could help. I am sorry if this is not on par with what you need, but I hope it can come close <3
Taglist 🏷️: @larz-barz @mooechi @saffron0v0 @zenitsustherapist @gyutarowritings
@muichirolover12 @midnightmah07
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humanpurposes · 4 months
Initial thoughts on Season 2 Episode 1
I understand there's a big cast, there are more locations, we're introducing new characters, but the scenes really need room to breathe and just exist within the story. There was so much jumping around, compared to 1.1 which was a lot more focused in terms of storytelling, but then we've got a lot more going on here.
The visuals are gorgeous, there are some really good interactions, but overall I'm somewhat underwhelmed.
I loved starting off in the North, the raven flying to Winterfell while Goodbye Brother played genuinely made me tear up. And for what little time we got with Cregan Stark I liked his conversation with Jace. Look at these two kiddos taking their responsibilities head on!!
Rhaenys ate Daemon up hehe. Daemon's still a loser.
So you could give me Criston "muff muncher" Cole but not a single line of dialogue from between Baela and Jace :/ I love the idea of Alicole being canon, but I expected their relationship to be a bit more subtle, a bit more tentative rather than having two sex scenes shoved in our faces with no explicit buildup from season 1.
I love Aegon trying to be a dad and how he looks at Jaehaerys in the small council. I like that he's more willing to take on the role as King, and whether he is looking for validation or if he's being strategic, it's interesting that he points out the importance of keeping the small folk happy, because he's absolutely right.
The disconnect between Aegon and Helaena breaks my heart. It's the point Tom and Phia made about them being parents, siblings and spouses, and they still can't find common ground. What gets me as well is that they're both trying to be good parents. They clearly love their children despite the terrible example of parenting they've had growing up, and the fact that they themselves are so young.
Otto's done with everyone lmao.
I wishhh we got more of the immediate fallout of Storm's End on the Greens' side. I wanted to see Aemond get berated, I wanted more panic from their side when they realise they're heading for war and the danger that will put them in.
Rhaenyra's limited screentime was really effective for me. Her finding Arrax's wing, her reuniting and grieving with Jace, the funeral, Emma plays those silent moments so well.
Blood and Cheese... I'm trying not to judge this too harshly because to be fair, I did have an idea in my head of what this scene was going to look like. I thought there would be more hysterics, and then it all happens so... simply. Phia did an incredible job with what she was given, and I do find it convincing that Helaena would shut down a little bit, that she'd go into this state of shock and want the situation to be over with as little fuss as possible. That's the thing with trauma as well, it's not always melodramatics and screaming and crying, sometimes it is just as simple as, "this awful thing is happening."
I wish there had been more buildup for this as Helaena's moment. As @ai-megurine said, this scene should have been told from Helaena's POV, her sharing a moment with both of her children not knowing these are Jaehaerys' final moments. I appreciate they tried to create a bit of an emotional connection between him and the audience with him in the small council chamber, this really could have set us up for a really gut-wrenching moment. That being said, sound will always get me, hearing the sawing was horrific, and the muffled crying killed me.
Is it a bit of a cop out that the assassins were the ones who decided to kill Jaehaerys and not Aemond? Daemon's the one going "a son for a son," so in a way it feels like a "will no one rid me of this troublesome priest" moment. They were technically following orders. I like this illusion of control when it comes to violence. Rhaenyra is as cautious as she can be in 1.10 because she knows things will get out of hand if she acts on her grief. It makes perfect sense that she wants Aemond dead, but then she's made the order for bloodshed and she can't fully control what happens next. Just like Aemond may not have intended for Luke to die the way he did, but he acted on impulse with terrible consequences.
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beegomess · 2 months
Dark Paradise || Theodore Nott
Don't forget to watch the previous chapters
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated🫶🏼
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11. Hints of jealousy
The joy of the younger students in returning from the small vacation was genuine, children ran the corridors and received curses from Snape, but they cared little about the grumpy teacher.
Y/N smiled when she saw the happiness radiate from the first Slytherians, she remembered when she was at that end of the table, looking with curiosity at the ceiling of the great hall. Nostalgia was invigorating at times, a hint of hope that his house had a little nicer students a few years ahead, who knows. One of the little girls noticed her looking and threw a shy little smile reciprocated by Y/N.
Theodore was in a good mood, something that hadn't been seen in a while. Berkshire's tireless attacks with the girl they were both in love with prevented him from having a completely good week. However, the event of last night made him behave as if his life was perfect now.
Y/N did not avoid the boy, but also did not look to him to talk about what happened, she, in fact, thought it was better that way at the time. In the transfiguration class, for example, they sat together, and both were afraid of the embarrassing silence happening, but it did not occur, they talked normally about the subjects of the class and other subjects not related to them.
However, of course, neither of them noticed the curious looks of Pansy and Mattheo. Although Riddle found the intimate piece in Daphne's kitchen, he and Pansy were not sure if what they had imagined had really happened, that is, there was still speculation between the two friends.
Later that day, the three slytherin friends were studying in the library, or at least that was the initial plan. They started looking for books and ended up gossiping about the latest events in their lives and at school.
- What's between you and Blaise, anyway? - Daphne was curious, but Y/N paid attention to Pansy, waiting for her answer. The brunette sighed, a little discouraged.
- Ah, I don't know yet. - Y/N and Daphne had their foreheads frowned in confusion, waiting for the explanation. - I like him on some level, but it seems like something so superficial. - Pansy paused, making sure no one was listening. - A few weeks ago we... Well, you know, but we haven't talked about it since then. Everything seems so confusing.
- Maybe it's a good time to confront him, don't you think? - Daphne asks.
- Well, I don't think so. I'm still not sure what I feel is really some feeling or just need. - She sighed again, but the discouragement quickly turned into a little smile. - This is not the case of Theo, for example, who lives in sighs when you are around. - Y/N did not expect it, just like Daphne, who hid a low smile with her hand.
- Don't exaggerate, Pans. - Y/N said a little awkwardly, looking at the book again, in an attempt to study. - Let's go back to transfiguration, better that way.
- And of course, Enzo seems to be the same way. - Parkinson ignored what she said and continued.
- Y/N definitely has all kinds of boys at your disposal. - Daphne plays and Y/N looks at her with irritation.
- Ah, that's a fact. - Pansy confirms.
- If you want to talk about it, let's go. Explain better what you mean Daph. - The girl surrenders, knowing that the more she denied, the longer it would take for that provocation to end.
- Well, let's start with the kind of shy and handsome boy, this one for sure is Nott. - Daphne starts and Pansy immediately agrees with all the description that would follow. - He attracts more girls than he seems, the charm also helps a lot.
- And did you just think about him? - Y/N asks with a convinced smile, thinking that the friend had ended up there.
- No way! Let me continue. - This time, Greengrass had a confident face. - There's also the well-known problem boy... - before she finished the sentence, Pansy and Y/N guessed it.
- Pucey. - They say in unison, laughing after that.
- But he doesn't count, he's not in love with me.
- He's in love with something you have, so he certainly counts. - Pansy said with a malicious tone. - Daphne, keep going.
- There's the clumsy guy, so clumsy that it can be seen as cute, this one is certainly Weasley. - Pansy makes a disgusting face and Y/N rolled her eyes in reaction to Parkinson's way, but kept listening. - And last, and the best in my opinion. Lorenzo Berkshire, beautiful, shy in the right measure, kind and so passionate. - Daphne seemed to die of love for the boy, even if she didn't know him so well.
- You could feel the friction between him and Nott this last weekend. - Pansy said and Y/N just sighs.
- Okay, now we can close the small acta about my personal life? - Y/N smile nervously, hoping that the subject would end at once.
The subject is not over, Daphne and Pansy continued to expose their opinions about Berkshire and Nott, but now they looked like tietes, while Pansy defended her friend Slytherin, Daphne said how much Berkshire was the love of Y/N's life since her childhood.
What did Y/N do in the meantime? She simply kept studying, from time to time, laughing at the arguments of the two friends about who was best for her.
Now, sitting in the stands, the three friends were talking quietly, completely inattentive to the quiditch match that took place between Sonserina and Lufa-Lufa.
Draco begged his sister to go see him, since Y/N did not use to go to these games normally, but she would make an exception for a brother's appeal. His presence there was a certain surprise to a few people, one of them was the lufana Laila, who had a great disaffection for Malfoy.
- It's pathetic how she cheers against her own house just for a boy. - Y/N thought loudly, drawing the attention of Mattheo, who sat next to her right.
- You're just jealous. - Riddle replied with a silly face, Y/N just rolled his eyes at his friend, ignoring anything he said. For Mattheo, the fact that she didn't even try to deny it made something quite clear to him.
Y/N decided to simply ignore Mattheo's comments about her or Laila's looks on the Slytherin side of the bleachers. The trio of girls began to accompany Draco, approaching the golden key a few times, but always being hit by Diggory, which made them anxious and more attentive to the game.
Some time passed, and Diggory got tired little by little, having difficulty following the blonde behind the small object. And finally, allowing Draco to finally reach the golden keb, ending the game with the Slytherin victory being announced all over the field. Amid the jumps of the students, Astoria approached Y/N, pulling her to speak in her ear.
- Aren't you going to see Draco? - Y/N laughed at the time, already understanding what she wants. It was common for girlfriends to wait for the players at the exit of the fields.
- You can go if you want, I'm sure he'll love to see you. - Astoria denied it with her head and insisted with a puppy face for her to accompany her. Y/N had no choice and went down the stairs towards the exit of the quidball field following Astoria.
- Y/N? - Draco had other colleagues around him congratulating him, the smile was wide and his face was surprised when he saw Y/N there.
- You'll understand. - Y/N said a few seconds before Astoria appeared behind her. Shyly, the girl approached Malfoy saying something that made him smile. Y/N just smiled, proud of the scene. It was cute how she had worried about him a few nights ago.
Theodore appeared coming from the field, and his eyes lit up, seeing that Y/N was there. He was going to talk to her when he was overtaken by someone who only identified it when he heard the annoying voice.
- Wow, love, you didn't have to come here to see me so soon. - Pucey spoke loudly making everyone listen. The boy had a malicious smile on his face and directed himself to Y/N, who rolled his eyes.
- It's not normal for people to dream awake, Pucey. You should treat yourself. - She responds in the same tone, laughing at the other Slytherins who were around. Y/N looked forward to Astoria who kept talking to her brother.
- It can be a reality if you want. - Adrian was closer, and now only he and Y/N heard each other. Y/N had a light laugh at the boy's proposal.
- Certainly not, thank you. - She also replied with a smile as if it were obvious, but Adrian pretended to be offense and continued.
- Well, we understand each other very well in most of the things a couple usually does. I only see advantages, dear. - He had his usual scaldy face again while moving a lock of Y/N's hair away from behind his ear, looking shamelessly at her mouth.
Y/N just moves away and calls Astoria, who quickly accompanies her out of the environment, but before they totally leave, Adrian screams again.
- Think about what I told you, Y/N. - The girl just laughs while denying with her head, disappearing from the place.
Theodore, who watched everything from where he was, saw only Adrian flirting with Y/N while she smiled. During the shower, Nott was mulling in curiosity to know what Pucey was saying to her that made her smile.
The good mood of having won the game definitely went away at the moment when the other Slytherine surpassed him in talking to the girl that day earlier.
A/N: Guys, tell me what you think of this fic, I'm curious to know! I saw that some people are following all the chapters of it and I would like to know
xoxo, bee🫶🏼✨
next chapter>>>
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derekgoffard · 2 months
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Colin's older sister is a very small part of his background, however Ive had some characterization down for a while now so I thought I'd make a little post about her 🤲.
Her name is Claire Midland! She has virtually no relationship with Colin and probably does not ever wish to see him again yayyay 👐. She also has those mother issues that make you a bit mean and desperate for comfort all the time but that's okay 👍.
Some extra trivia under the cut 🕊️
- she went into nursing because she wanted to give others the kind of care and attention she herself craved - however she eventually realized that was not at all the reality of nursing. She kind of hates her job 👹.
- her life revolves around this funny little cycle of her feeling this constant sense that she is unloved, which leads her to constantly be seeking comfort ( physical and emotional ). However she never feels comforted for long, hence the cycle continuessss la la la🤸.
- her favorite thing ever is being coddled, she's a hard worker but she wishes she wasn't.
- She loves flowersss, but she can never keep them alive. Despite this she continues to buy them, only to have them die in days. Her favorite flowers are sun flowers 😊.
- her necklace has her and her mother's birthstones ( emerald and topaz ).
- she's never held a steady relationship for over a year but she has alot of positive one night stands. Not necessarily sex either - usually she just wants to be cuddled and coddled over for a night, y'know how it is ☹️..... Let me tell you what tho her aftercare game is unbeatable LOLLLLLLLL.
- she was a very clingy and emotionally demanding child. ( example; Claire would absolutely NOT enter school without her mother, and so her mom had to sit next to her desk in school for most of her early education ). This was okay for a little while, but when Colin was born, their parents got a divorce, and their already mentally ill mother could not really cope with two children.
- Since Claire was the oldest ( still very very little, like 7 years old )- it fell on her to help her mother, while Colin would bounce between their father and mother. Claire has never had a relationship with Colin, but she secretly blames and resents him for their parents divorce, and their mothers declining mental health. While ofc Colin resents her for basically gatekeeping his own mom LOL.
- Her relationship with her mother is surface level and distant. No matter how hard she may want to- she just can't connect to her mother. Claire is too emotionally taxing and her mother is pretty much unwilling to deal with it at this point. Claire reminds her of the lowest times in her life, and she sees Claire's attachment to her as a failure in how she raised her. She thinks Claire needs to grow out of it by herself. I think her mother does feel guilty about how Claire's childhood turned out- and so she really does think trying to let Claire find her own way is what's best for her.
- oh and also Claire is pretty much the reason Colin received so little attention from her as a child LOL- she would get HIDEOUSLY jealous of baby Colin taking attention from her mother and throw really intense fits about it 👤 I'm thinking she even went as far as trying to hurt Colin in some way. Sorry Colin, no healthy relationship with mom for you. your sister is too emotionally demanding.
- I think she's doing okay now. She's a little unhinged but I'm thinking she has a steady job and nice girlfriend now. I kinda want her to be happy y'know. 🕊️
- unrelated but Claire has not seen Colin since they were young teenagers so she has no idea about his dyed hair or fashion sense. I don't think she'd be able to recognize him to be honest LOL.
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t0ast-ghost · 6 months
S2 Episode 8 (I, Mudd) Garfield guess who’s here? Please tell me it’s not Mudd. It’s Mudd.
- Why are him and Spock just walking the halls together. If I was the crew I’d be going livid, like get this: there’s these two men who are head of the science and medical staff on the ship and they fucking hate each other, they fight all over the ship constantly and you’ve seen them at odds a gazillion times. One day you’re walking the halls to get to your station and you just see them walking together, talking normally, and one of them is even smiling in a sort of fond way. My jaw would drop honestly
- They’re already fighting.. it took less than 30 seconds
- This guy’s on a mission! I wonder who he could be?
- “Mr. Spock we seem to be taking an unscheduled ride” “Interesting.” Spock does not give a fuck about your dramatics, Kirk
- Spock looks at the guy who stops Kirk and just thinks “fuck, McCoy was right.”
- LMAO the electronics in him look like smt from doctor who
- I love Uhura and Chekov almost bumping into the android
- oh god this guy again (Mudd)
- “Jamie boy.” That- that barely even makes sense
- Kirk what is that stance
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- “And you’re all going to be here, uh, quite probably for the rest of your lives. *evil laugh*”Spock and McCoy are unconcerned
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- Okay I think McCoy is just lording it over Spock that he was right
- Okay there’s a certain joviality that I appreciate to the back and forth of Mudd explaining and Kirk, McCoy, and Spock all interrupting
- this is the greatest line in all of Star Trek
- Kirk: Well, opinions?
Chekov: I think we’re in a lot of trouble
Kirk: That’s a great help, Mr. Chekov. Bones?
McCoy: Well, I think Mr. Chekov’s right. We are in a lot of trouble
Kirk: Spock? And if you say we’re in a lot of trouble…
Spock: We are.
Kirk then gets the most defeated look on his face
- Scotty coming in hot and cursing out Mudd
- Kirk is like an angry small dog
- “No, lord Mudd.” “Wuuut??” Good line delivery
- “How do you know so much?” “I asked them.” “Oh.” Wait wait wait, this is simple deduction. Deduction? Sherlock. Holmes and Watso? MCCOY AND SPOCK AS HOLMES AND WATSON!!! Oh wait Data and Geordi did that..
- “Now listen, Spock, you may be a wonderful science officer, but believe me you couldn’t sell fake patents to your mother!” “I fail to understand why I should care to induce my mother to purchase falsified patents.” I love this man
- The name is doctor practice. Mal practice.
- uhura no! WAIT UHURA YES IM SO PROUD. I love how happy they all are
- hi hello what the fuck is happening. What are they celebrating. How did Kirk convince McCoy and Scotty to do that?
- The androids flirting with Spock. Kirk and the rest have to dance whereas Spock is just causing drama “I love you. But I hate you.” “But we’re identical.” *blows up*
- They’re gonna paradox Norman
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- Them imitating phasers takes the cake. I think if I ever show anyone an example episode it would be this one
- “he’s dead.” Damn no Jim. Second time Scotty’s ‘died’ this season
- This is like watching Shakespeare
- I would not be surprised if this episode was inspired by children playing make believe (honestly really genius and fun writing)
- Oooh they’re paradoxing him
- “I aM nOt prOgrAmMeD to reSpoNd in thAt aRea.” The fucking sass. Kirk has been spending too much time with Spock and Bones
- “Which I find eminently satisfactory, Doctor, for nowhere, am I so desperately needed as among a shipload of illogical humans.” Basically Spock loves them and there’s nowhere he’d rather be
- Kirk hates Mudd so much, it’s almost bitchy at this point
- Uhura’s wave to Mudd is so iconic and amazing
Okay one of my favourite episodes, if not my favourite actually. I loved more of the bridge crew interaction (no sulu☹️) especially getting to see Uhura, like I wanna talk more about her character but there’s so little that I’m just trying to pick up the crumbs.
Episode written by Stephen Kandel
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pastafossa · 1 year
Using Tarot To Help You Write
Right ok, so I’ve wanted to do this for a bit - there are vague references to tarot in my story TRT and I’ve answered a few questions about how I use the RWS-style tarot to write but now I have a little bit of time while I wait for my laundry to dry. So let’s get into it.
If you’re looking for another tool in your writer’s kit, you could strongly consider adding a box of tarot cards to the bag. Set aside, for a minute, what you’ve heard about it. Set aside any spiritual aspect, telling the future, the ‘OoOOOooOOh evil’, or even the ‘DRAW DEATH MEANS DEATH’ you see in movies. Instead, strip it down to its base.
Tarot is about telling a story.
(Below: Oak, Ash, & Thorn Tarot)
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From a storytelling perspective, the first 18 cards of the RWS style tarot, known as the Major Arcana, essentially tell the Hero’s Journey as the Hero sets out on an adventure and searches for knowledge. There’s disaster, love, temptation, and wise people they meet along the way before eventually finding enlightenment at the end of their journey. The Major Arcana contains major archetypes and themes present through so many stories. When you add in the rest of the cards in the Minor Arcana - the other 56 cards, encompassing a variety of emotions, archetypes, figures, and various life events you might run into - you’ve got something perfect when you want to introduce new elements to your story. I keep a small deck on my desk and use it frequently when creating random OCs, plotlines, or problems for characters to solve.
And before you go, holy shit Pasta that’s a lot to take in, using tarot for your story doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need to have 20 years of tarot experiences, you don’t need to be an expert, you don’t need A Great Gift. You don’t have to know about tarot at all, really. You just need one thing:
The right storytelling deck.
More below the cut.
Look, there are a million styles out there, some that focus heavily on storytelling imagery and some that focus more on symbols; some that feature animals or nature, and some that focus on people. I generally lean towards animal-based decks since I’m more familiar with animal/nature imagery, body language, and symbolism, but in reality the best deck to use for writing is simply the one you’ll actually use. If you’re drawn to one, go for it. That being said, if you’re looking for something to use without needing to get into all the symbolism of each card, I generally recommend using a deck in which all cards, including the Minor Arcana, depict a scene you can examine - aka, one that plays up a story rather than a straight up symbol. Let me show you an example with three decks.
Left: Mystical Cats tarot; Middle: Oriens tarot; Right: Children of Litha tarot
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These all depict the same card: the Seven of Swords, meant to depict deceit, theft, betrayal, lies, and trickery. The middle card relies a little more heavily on symbolic meaning (the black widow spider, which ‘betrays’ when mating and uses a sticky web - symbolizing a potential trap), whereas the other two cards show an active scene (Card 1: OH NO HE’S GONNA STEAL YER MOUSE WHILE YOU’RE NOT LOOKING; Card 3: YOU LOVESTRUCK DIPSHITS, TURN AROUND, THE SNAKE’S EATING YOUR EGGS). I’ve found cards like Card 1 and Card 3 are faster and more convenient for storytelling, because you’re basically presented with a scenario/characters/a situation right off the bat, whereas a symbolic card is more open-ended and might require some digging unless you’re already fairly familiar with the symbolism. If you’re going to get a deck that depicts people instead, I recommend looking for a deck that’s diverse. Humans come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and having a deck that reflects that (something like the Modern Witch tarot) is valuable for storytelling. So if you’re picking a deck to help you write, look for:
Decks that use scenes/storytelling imagery for all cards
Decks with imagery/body language you can easily read at a glance
If you’re looking for a deck with people - decks with a diverse range of body types, ethnicities, sexualities, and genders
A deck with imagery you actually like, otherwise you won’t want to use it
‘Ok, so let’s say I’ve found a deck, or I already have one. What does using tarot for fic even look like?’
Let’s do two quick readings for two writing scenarios you might use this for! This will also show you can be as complex or as simple as you need to be. These are also the two scenarios I use tarot for most when writing - character construction, and plotline construction. First I’ll use the Children of Litha tarot, which uses a moderate amount of storytelling imagery. Then I’ll use the Mystical Cats tarot, which is probably the most story-heavy deck I have, imagery-wise. That way, you can see how construction gets a bit easier depending on how scene-heavy a deck is.
Scenario: I need an original character for this chapter or scene! Quick, draw three cards!
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Quick reading: she’s very gentle but there are also two tigers inside her and one of them wants to kill you, especially if you fuck with her pet birds
More complex reading - Personality, Flaw, Backstory:
Card 1 - Personality: This character is someone who’s unafraid and bold in their kindness even when faced with danger, and they know when a gentle touch is needed. They believe strength is found not in being cruel or violent but in responding with love. This usually works out for them, to the point that even Scary People (TM) seek this character out, knowing they’ll find love and affection. Alternatively, this character is one half of the Brooding Rough One Loves The Gentle Soft One trope. Whatever works for you!
Card 2 - Flaw: Despite all that, the gentle character’s got a temper, and it exists in direct conflict to what they believe about strength, thus producing cognitive dissonance. This is someone who’ll dodge conflict to avoid showing their temper, but eventually that repression’s going to blow up into a real fight and it’ll be messy.
Card 3 - backstory: This temper and conflict avoidance is due to some tragic incident in their past that left them deeply wounded. It’s one reason they’re so gentle, but there’s a lot of lingering anger and trauma. These wounds are not healed, and if you look deep enough, you’re going to find blood.
Depending on how important this character is, you could add even more: a card for a strength, a card for a challenge they need to overcome to grow as a person, their family dynamic, etc. Again, you can make it as detailed or as simple as you need.
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Quick reading: holy SHIT your characters gotta move fast, cause there’s a pissed off dude out there who wants revenge NOW and is ready to fuck up a *shuffles cards and draws* religious temple of peaceful cat loving monks, one of whom is the one that fucked up Angry Dude in the first place WHEN HE WAS A BABY WITH HIS MAMA, PLOT TWIST OH NO, IT’S PROBABLY THAT ASSHOLE STEVE IN THE BACK OF THE THIRD CARD, LOOK AT HIM LOOKING OFF INTO THE DISTANCE.
More complex reading - Theme, Problem, Setting, Solution:
Card 1 - Theme: As you can tell from our cat with zoomies, your protagonists are on a clock. The theme here is urgency, it’s speed. Things will start off with a bang and they won’t have much time to slow down. This’d be good for a one shot or a chapter.
Card 2 - Problem: look at that cat, they’re so ANGRY, they are PISSED, someone did them dirty and they’ve been stewing over it for a while. They can’t stop feeling that betrayal no matter how much they try to lick it off shake it off forget about it. They want REVENGE for what was done to them and they’re gonna cut someone up.
Card 3 - Setting: Ah, a peaceful, sunny place where everyone’s just chilling. Everyone’s happy. Maybe a religious place, say, a church or a convent or hell, a nudist retreat. Either way, no one knows what’s coming. Except (and this is why scene cards are so fun)... for STEVE there in the back. Look at him. Everyone’s relaxing in the sun but he’s staring out into the distance. He knows. And just like that, Steve’s the In Hiding person who betrayed our Problem - Steve the Asshole isn’t a part of the Sun card’s meaning, but a storytelling scene card lets you stretch like this and have fun.
Card 4 - solution: Clearly the only person who can stop Bad Person... is their MAMA (or potentially his siblings). Maybe a character goes to find the Problem’s mother and brings her to the church to talk the Problem into giving up. Maybe the protagonists desperately tell the Problem that your family wouldn’t have wanted this, even if that family was hurt - the Empress is generally very nurturing and loving, so that’s a fair bet. Either way, the solution to the Problem is their family.  
Once you get the hang of this, you’ll start to find other ways you can use it. I’ve used it for creating quick or more complex or more randomized characters, for creating plotlines and character arcs, for a few of Jane’s cases in TRT. You can use it for backstories, for settings, for problems and solutions, for deeper themes to explore with your characters. Hell, if you want some practice, you could literally go through the Major Arcana and write one-shots dealing with each card’s theme. Ultimately the possibilities are endless, whether you want to construct a detailed plotline or if you just have a new character you want to randomize or flesh out a bit.
In short: go get yourself a deck and have some fun!
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copperbadge · 2 years
Sometimes you take an edible and write porn. Sometimes you take an edible, fall down a hole researching the Alhambra Decree and the War of the Spanish Succession, and actually write out the history of your Ruritarian romance novel’s fake country. 
It actually fits together remarkably well, which is probably because I kept it really vague to begin with. Based on what’s in the books so far, as of the 15th century, we had two countries, Askaz (culturally very French) and Shivadlakia (culturally somewhat Slavic, also heavily Italian-influenced). Presume that they’re in a bit of a geographical “gully” so they’re not remote but they are a bit hard to get to; imagine that the Alps split, and between the two alpine ranges, you’ve got a pair of small countries that are just a pain in the ass to get to and not particularly rich in resources once there. The best way to access Shivadlakia is by boat, and the best way to get to Askaz is through Shivadlakia, which obviously creates some issues for the Askazers. 
Now, in the 16th century you get the persecution of Jews really ramping up all over Europe but especially in Italy and Spain. The Alhambra Decree in 1492 starts expelling Jews from Spain, and some of them end up in Shivadlakia. These are primarily Sephardic Jews -- Georgie is descended from Sephardic Jews who arrived from Spain, for example. 
Jews in Italy hear that there’s this small country quite nearby that’s taking in persecuted Jews from Spain, probably via Jewish traders who are sailing from the Shivadh port to Italy to do business. And the Shivadh, who were basically farmers until all these cool Spanish Jews showed up, are like “Well, this seems baller to me, they’re buying stuff and opening schools and they’re very quiet neighbors, let’s roll with it.” 
So as of 1600, you have roughly three generations of Jews who have settled in Shivadlakia, married the locals, and started spreading into Askaz, since they’re a major trading partner. The countries are still separate, but in 1602 our hero GILLES ROMAN Y ASKAZ is born. 
Round about 1625 or so, Gilles Roman y Askaz, ruler of Askaz, meets a pair of siblings, a prince and princess of Shivadlakia. He’s already been trying to figure out how to either conquer or treaty with Shivadlakia, since they have the port and he needs a port. He gets into a fight with them over a possibly-poached deer and falls in love with someone -- purportedly the princess, possibly the prince, depends on how you read it. In any case, he marries the princess and keeps the prince as a very close advisor, uniting the two countries. Sometime thereafter, he grants a dukedom to the prince, creating the Duchy of Shivadlakia, which at that point extends well into what later would become Galia. (This is Jerry’s 9x great-grandfather; one of Gilles’ children with the princess is the ancestor of Alanna and Miranda.) 
All goes swimmingly until after Gilles dies; there’s a strong line of succession and the Dukes of Shivadlakia are extremely loyal to the crown. Between the royals and nobility they hold the place together remarkably well until the early 1700s, during the War of the Spanish Succession. The British weren’t super invested in this war but they were invested in stabilizing Europe, so at this point the British sent a fuckton of soldiers, mostly Welsh, into Askazer-Shivadlakia as an access point for both France and Italy. The Shivadh, who don’t have a navy and weren’t expecting a fuckton of Welsh soldiers to show up and threaten their fishing fleet, rolled their eyes and got on with making cheese, but they were forced to learn/speak English by the soldiers. The occupation wasn’t centuries long, but it was long enough for the Welsh soldiers to realize that Askazer-Shivadlakia is very like Wales only with way nicer weather and more gay, so they stayed and intermarried too, which is why everyone speaks a) English with b) a Welsh accent. 
When the Shivadh finally lose patience and officially expel English rule, it’s been a short enough time that the royal family just kind of...took a breather for a generation or two, but now they’re BACK and IN CHARGE. (Sometime in here -- probably after the Welsh Invasion, but not by much -- Queen Alekha deposes the king who suborned her husband’s infidelity, beheads him, and takes the throne. She eventually marries a minor royal in order to establish legitimacy for herself.) Anyway, that’s basically how it remains until 1914, when Gregory II is crowned king. 
Gregory II gets them through WWI without too much suffering, and decides -- having seen what’s going on in Russia and a couple of other key countries -- to democratize the country. He is re-crowned as the first democratically elected life-term king, and also manages to get the country through WWII, mainly by 1) sending everyone he possibly could somewhere way safer for Jews than Europe and 2) opening his country to the Allies, primarily by sheltering and supporting Allied spies and small raiding parties. This also introduces an entirely new industry to Askazer-Shivadlakia: every Allied spymaster is now aware that they are a quiet, discreet place to have A Meeting That Never Happened, and they become something of a hub for backroom diplomacy. 
Gregory II passes in 1952, his son Nathan IV is elected, and Nathan is such a fucking disaster that within two years Jason Michaelis, the son of Greek immigrants to Askazer-Shivadlakia, uses his considerable wealth and political clout to oust Nathan and get himself elected. He rules until 1981, when his son Michaelis ben Jason, married to the many-greats granddaughter of Gilles Roman y Askaz, is elected. 
The rest is Romance. :D 
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omostuff490 · 2 months
More wholesome but still funny and a little hot fic:
Adrien and his husband Charles were fathers of two children. They had a teenager named Jet and a young toddler named Troy. Adrien had done nothing but drink coffee and do work on his computer since after he had breakfast that morning. It was now 3 PM and the coffee was really starting to build up in his bladder and make him squirm. Adrien decided enough was enough and made his way to the only bathroom in the house. Unfortunately for Adrien, his oldest son Jet was taking a shower, blasting music and singing along to it. Adrien knocked on the door to get his attention.
"Jet? How much longer are you gonna be? Jet? Can you hear me?" Adrien asked, shifting on the spot.
"It's no use honey, he's blasting his music and probably singing to it again." Charles chimed in as he walked past. Adrien sighed in annoyance. Charles gave him a kiss on the cheek for comfort.
"Please don't tell me he just got in there, he takes forever." Adrien whined as he shifted his legs.
"He did..." Charles admitted. Adrien sighed again. "Why? What's up?" Charles asked.
"I need to pee so bad, I haven't gone since this morning." Adrien admitted. Charles finally noticed the way Adrien's thighs were clenched tightly together and the way he was fidgeting and shifting.
"Come sit on the couch and watch something with me, get your mind off it until Jet comes out." Charles proposed.
"Ok..." Adrien accepted.
Ten minutes passed and Jet was still in the shower. Adrien got up in a huff.
"Where are you going?" Charles asked.
"To try and get Jet to hurry up." Adrien spat. He waddled to the bathroom door. The sound of running water only made it worse. "Jet! Jet hurry up in there I need to pee!" Adrien said in a raised voice. There was no response. Adrien suddenly felt a wave in his bladder. Adrien whined and held himself. "Jet, please!" Adrien begged. He labored his breathing to try and hold it in. Adrien pounded on the door in desperation.
"Hang on! I haven't even washed myself yet!" Jet shouted. Upon hearing those words Adrien nearly cried. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. A little spurt leaked out of him, confirming this. Adrien gripped himself as tightly as he could. He needed to think fast. His other son, Troy, was being potty trained, he couldn't set a bad example. Suddenly he got an idea. Troy had two potties, one inside the bathroom and one outside the bathroom in case it was occupied. Adrien rushed to Troy's potty, which was thankfully nearby. As soon as he got up to it, his bladder got excited and began releasing prematurely. Adrien panicked and hurriedly whipped his dick out. Adrien moaned in relief. It felt so good to finally let go. Adrien fell to his knees over the potty as he kept peeing.
"Daddy? Why you pee in my potty?" A small voice asked. A wave of embarrassment came over Adrien.
"Uhh..." Adrien didn't know what to say.
"What's going on Troy- Wh- Babe??" Charles chimed in, making it worse. Adrien shrank into his shoulders as his face reddened, he was still peeing.
"Wow you really had to go, huh?" Charles chuckled.
"Charly, please..." Adrien muttered.
"It's ok Troy, your daddy just really had to pee, but Jet is in the bathroom right now, so he couldn't use the grown up's toilet. Your potty saved him from having an accident." Charles reassured the young boy.
"Grown ups have accidents?" Troy asked.
"Yeah, sometimes. You just don't see it often because usually we're good at either avoiding them or hiding them. Some adults even wear diapers because they have more difficulty than others with using the toilet and that's ok." Charles answered. Adrien sighed as he covered himself up again after finishing, relieved that his embarrassing situation could at least teach his son something important.
"I'm out of the shower now, the bathroom's yours-" Jet called out as he made his way past and to his room before abruptly stopping himself. "What happened? Why are we all huddled together?" Jet asked.
"Nothing-" Adrien quickly blurted out.
"Daddy peed in my potty because you took long." Troy blurted out while pointing at Adrien.
"Troy!" Adrien scolded in embarrassment. Jet laughed.
"Jeez dad, I didn't know that's why you were so pushy. Sorry." Jet chuckled.
"... It's fine..." Adrien lied.
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ilbenmalpensanteus · 9 months
It's funny how ss fans can be wrong even when they are... right. Yes, I'm not contradicting myself.
As you all can see thanks to the pics I posted, one of them was "talking" (read: whining) about how ss has mythology references as well.
Well, I won't denying it.
Saying otherwise could be 1. false, 2. wrong, 3. hypocrite, 4. honestly against my very line of work.
However, I would like to point out something:
Ninigi has, indeed, similiarities with Sasuke, such as:
a. his "connection" with Amaterasu
b. kusanagi
c. he will marry Sakura
But. The similiarities end here.
Now, that could be hardly casual given Kishimoto's clear knowledge of mythology, history and literature; however, aside from the marriage and the sakura flower, the similiarities between Sakura and Sakuya-hime, instead, stop here.
Thinking he could have used this specific, eventual, references to mark Sasuke and Sakura's relationship as a romantic one is ontologically wrong.
Why? For the genericity of the references, obviously.
Amaterasu and Kusanagi are two milestones of Japanese mythology and one can find them in several legends, related to very different characters.
Secondly, the comparison between Sakura and Konohana Sakuya-hime isn't flattering.
She was the usual empty, batshit crazy woman who burned the hut with their children inside to prove she didn't cheat on him.
You can find it in every, single, version of the myth. The girl was not fine.
The usage of fire as well: great, really, but a fuckton of japanese deities are fire-repellent, so it's like to say... nothing spectacular?
Now, about the "sources" they shared:
Aside from the one pic with Kaguya (totally out of the blue, I would say, given I only stated sun and moon symbolism are often associated with sexual intercourses or lovers), we have:
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- Sakura and Sasuke's name on the sand (probably written by Sakura, don't know why this is relevant.
- Sasuke with kusanagi (that's okay) and snakes: here the snakes are clearly the focal point. But why? Was Ninigi associated with snakes?
- The cover with Sakura wearing a sakura-flowered dress and while holding the Uchiwa fan.
The last one specifically is... interesting because: where is the deep references? The flowers? That's the girl's name. The fan? It seems more like another sign of Sakura crushing on Sasuke and writing "Sakura Uchiha" on her notebook while giggling.
So, the point is:
If you want to make an analysis you need:
1. real sources (not photos already crafted to prove your ss point) - btw, I gave actual books, but they refused to take them in consideration;
2. to use images consistently.
Here a summarised analysis:
Shinjū is a Japanese term meaning "double suicide". Lovers committing double suicide believed that they would be united again in heaven. It was also possible for lovers to commit a murder-suicide (muri-shinjū).
This is a clear example of Shinjū's reference:
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Here, we have:
- the will to die together
- the hope they will meet again in the afterlife
- the "connection of hearts" (from the very term's meaning and the context)
Here the sources:
1. Becker, Buddhist Views of Suicide and Euthanasia, Philosophy East and West
2. Takahashi, Cultural dynamics and the unconscious in suicide in Japan
3. Leupp, Male Colors: The construction of homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan
4. Heldt, Between followers and friends: male homosocial desire in Heian Court Poetry
5. Saikaku Ihara, Love of Comrades
6. Saikaku Ihara, The Great Mirror of male love
7. Rogers, She loves me, she loves me not. Shinju and Shikido Okagami
8. Heine, Tragedy and Salvation in the Floating World
THIS is a sensible reference. And a very small analysis.
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And a parallelism.
Bye :)
PS Tumblr fucked up the pics order (sorryyyy)
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silverstarsimuran · 4 months
Change your mind
My little fanfiction about the first meeting of Sonic and Tails. 😊 💕 🌺
How does it feel to be normal, to be like everyone else? Why is the majority against those who are only noticeably different from everyone else?
Tails asked these questions every time, the answers to which, alas, he could not find…
As soon as he was born, his parents immediately abandoned him, and all because the baby was born with two tails. Being born a Mobian with more than one tail was considered something of a freak. That's why Tails' father and mother, seeing in him not a child, but some kind of small monster, so easily abandoned him. The baby could have been sent to an orphanage if his uncle, who is a distant relative of the Prauer family, had not appeared in time. Mr. Fox was very friendly with the Prawers. But when he found out what the parents were going to do with the newborn child, he tried to come for his nephew as soon as possible, before it was too late. Having issued guardianship, he took the baby to himself, practically becoming a father to him.
Miles, or as Mr. Fox liked to call the boy "Tails" because of his tails, grew up sweet and kind. Although he was curious and restless, he was obedient.
The old fox also noticed how his ward was very interested in various kinds of mechanics. Mr. Fox was even glad of this, because he liked to tinker with machinery and various mechanisms. He showed the kid how this or that mechanism works, how to fix it, what tools and how to use them correctly. He encouraged him when the little fox was trying to repair cars and equipment. And I was even surprised that the two-tailed fox cub, in addition to repairs, also invented unusual things.
In general, Tails' life could have been happy if it hadn't been for the bullies.
They constantly teased him about tails and inventions, and also threw dirt and other garbage at him. Fortunately, the fox cub had a guardian who protected him. However, due to his poor health, the old man could not always help the boy, and he had to run away and hide from bullies.
But one day something happened that the little fox did not expect… His uncle was gone.… And now he was all alone…
Since the parents definitely will not come to pick up their "ugly" son, the boy will be sent to a shelter. Tails had heard from his uncle when he was alive that an orphanage was a terrible place where children, without knowing parental love and affection, were cruel and heartless. Such an unusual kid like him will be constantly beaten and humiliated. They will be worse than the hooligans that the little fox knew.
And the thought that he could get there made Tails run away from the village, where he lived for 6 years with his beloved uncle.
Hiding in the forest from prying eyes, he took a deep breath, and then slowly walked forward.
"Why? Why do they hate me so much? Why are they doing this? What have I done to them?" the questions were spinning in his head. He involuntarily remembered that he had asked the same questions to his guardian, and he answered it like this: "It's just easier for many people to offend those who are smaller and weaker than them than to do something good. And unfortunately, not everyone likes such people who differ too much in appearance due to, for example, some shortcomings. But just because you have two tails doesn't mean you're a freak or a monster. Not at all. It's just that each of us is unique in our own way. Therefore, remember, Miles, you should not be sad and sad because of your uniqueness, on the contrary, you should be proud of it." But despite such encouraging words, the fox cub did not really believe in it, especially in those moments when he heard the laughter of bullies.
After taking a few more steps, Tails stopped and, unable to stand it, began to cry from the surging emotions. He cried because of those bullies who constantly bullied him, because of the death of his beloved Mobian, because no one needed him anymore. If he had ended up in an orphanage, he would hardly have been taken away by his foster parents. No one but his uncle wanted to be with him.
— Why are you crying, baby? Suddenly, a clear voice was heard. Tails turned around and gave a startled cry.
"Oh, I'm sorry I scared you, buddy. I didn't mean to scare you, really," the stranger, a blue green—eyed hedgehog, said awkwardly, scratching his head, and then continued, turning to the little fox. — Is there anything I can help you with? Are you lost or something?
Tails said nothing, not daring to answer. After all, he had heard from his uncle that you can't talk to strangers.
"Come on, kid. I just want to help," the hedgehog asked a little urgently for an answer. The fox cub looked at him. The blue hedgehog seemed quite friendly, his mischievous eyes were full of tenderness and warmth. But the boy has not yet decided to trust.
What if he's so friendly just because he hasn't seen two fox tails yet? What would he be like if he saw them?
"I… uh… I don't need any help," the little fox finally replied.
— Yes? Are you sure about this?
— Absolutely sure.
— Then… Why did you cry? If something has happened to you, then tell me and I will help you solve this problem.
— I really don't need anything. Thanks
— Kid, I'm sorry if I'm so persistent.… But when I see someone crying, I can't get past them. Just tell me, please, what kind of trouble has happened to you. I really want to help you," said the hedgehog, kneeling down to be on the same level as the fox cub. Tails involuntarily moved his tails when the stranger was at close range with him. And the hedgehog noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye, which surprised him by opening his mouth slightly. That's what Tails was afraid of.…
— Whoa… Do you have two tails? "What is it?" he asked in surprise. The frightened fox cub immediately backed away until it bumped into a tree.
— Hush, hush. I was just surprised," the hedgehog began to calm down, holding out his palms. — I've just never seen anyone with two tails.
—Aren't you… going to… laugh?".. — not expecting such a reaction from the hedgehog, the fox asked timidly.
— no. What am I laughing at? — blue did not understand him.
— And to call names or tease?.. Or… or even throw dirt at me?
— no!
The answer was so loud that Tails flinched. Looking at the hedgehog, who was stunned by his words, he was a little surprised by the reaction of that one.
— Why?.. Why would I do all this to you? — he was still shocked by what he heard, and then the boy explained:
— It's just that because of my tails, all the children laugh at me, tease and offend me. And the adults turn their noses away, barely noticing me. My parents also abandoned me because of this…
— And no one was kind to you?..
— There was one… But… now he's gone…
— Oh… I'm sorry for your loss.…
—Thank you,— Tails said, sighing, and then continued:
— And now… I was left alone…
"I'm sorry for you, kid. This… It was so wrong of them to do this to you… — the hedgehog stood up and cast an angry glance somewhere to the side, while clenching his fists. — Tease, humiliate a small child in every possible way… This… This is simply unthinkable!
— So you won't hurt me?.. Two—tailed asked timidly. It seemed that only now the hedgehog remembered about the baby. Turning to him, he replied:
— Of course not! I protect the weak and defenseless, not offend them! I really don't like hooligans who think that no one will punish them for their actions, and they are allowed to do anything," he growled slightly at the last words, but after looking at the fox cub, he instantly calmed down and continued:
— As I said, I can't get past those who are in trouble. I always try to help in some way. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself… I'm Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog. And you?
"M… Miles… Miles Prauer." But… you can just say Tails," Tails stammered a little.
— The name "Tails" is very cool. I like. And your tails are wonderful, even cool, I would say.
—Do you… do you think so?"..
— Yeah! Sonic chuckled. — Besides, not being like everyone else is very cool in its own way.
"No one told me that I could be cool," Tails was embarrassed.
— Well, now you know you're cool. And don't think about those jerks. If I meet them, they will regret that they offended you. And you don't have to be afraid of them anymore. If anything, I'll protect you.
— Thank you…
— By the way… Do you know where you can find a mechanic? I was on a plane, but something broke down there, as a result of which I had to land.
— I could help fix the plane! — the fox cub volunteered.
— You? — Sonic was slightly surprised.
— yes. I am very good at mechanics, and I also like to make things.
— Wow! Thank you, friend! In a way, I was even lucky to meet you.
— A friend?.. Did you call me a friend?.. Tails asked incredulously.
— Well, yes. I like making friends. Besides, you seem to need a friend yourself.
— Do you really want to be friends with me?..
— Why not! I would be all for it," the hedgehog chuckled.
Tails just couldn't believe his luck. After all, earlier in the day he was all alone, and now he has a friend. He also remembered the words of his late uncle: "Although it is easier for many to be bad, but you don't need to do bad yourself. On the contrary, we must try to do good, even if it will not be easy. Therefore, there are not only evil and bad people in the world, but also good ones. If you find such a good person, it means that he may well become your friend and faithful companion, protecting you from various troubles. So don't despair if you don't have any friends right now, Miles. Friends will definitely show up on time. And you won't be alone."
— Tell me, Tails, would you like to live with me? I could take care of you…" Sonic asked uncertainly, scratching his head in embarrassment. Tails smiled back.
— Yes, of course. I'm all for it.
Grinning, Sonic offered his hand to the fox cub, helping him to stand up.
— great! Then go ahead!
And it was from that day on that the life of one little extraordinary fox changed for the better, thanks to which Tails eventually became the same hero as his blue friend, Sonic the hedgehog. But that was a completely different story.…
Russian version
A source of inspiration: https://youtu.be/SSP3UvM62Ds?si=dA2wmiq_YTbYQs9c
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cactusspatz · 10 months
October recs
*squeezes in at the last minute* Don't mind me, November was terribly busy and also I sprained my ankle - but here's some recs from before all that!
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Galagar Gallivant by Quasar (Nine Worlds, genish)
His Radiancy devises a way to fix an anomaly in time. No priest-wizards were severely harmed in the making of this fic.
Completely delightful pre-canon romp, featuring HR being whimsical in response to magical weirdness, Kip being oblivious but also trusting HR to the nth degree (*heartclutch*), and just general charming shenanigans.
A Contract's a Contract, No Matter How Small by @PenAndInkPrincess (Witcher, genish)
Unexpected side effect of Jaskier praising witchers far and wide: children making the logical jump that witchers can handle ALL monsters. Including such subspecies as the under-the-bed variety. And, well, what are you supposed to say to a child who asks you to fight a monster for them?
Technically this is a WIP, but the chapters are pretty standalone and SO CUTE.
A Dangerous Game by @fabula-unica (DCU, Bruce/Hal)
"You know what I think," Jordan said. "I think you’re one of those people who think they can’t be pranked. That’s what I think.” “Jordan. There is no conceivable universe in which you could ever successfully prank me – not in your wildest, most attention-deficit-disordered imaginings is that a thing that could possibly occur.” Jordan gave a quiet laugh. “You wanna bet?”
I am weak for prank wars and this is an excellent one!
The Long Con by @acornsontheground (DCU, Bruce/Hal)
Hal is adamant that he's not going to spend Bruce's money. Bruce intends to change his mind about that. (A sort-of 5+1 fic)
*facepalm* Bruce why are you like this. But at least he's using his powers for good? Very domestic and funny.
Duty of Care by allonym (Harry Potter, gen)
Megwin is two-thirds done with roll call when she stumbles over a familiar name. Harry Potter. Strange coincidence. There’s a student in her muggle primary classroom with the same name as The-Boy-Who-Lived? A canon-divergent AU in which Somebody Helps Harry Potter.
Creative and satisfying, though it does take Dumbledore's puppeteer tendencies to the worst conclusion, so maybe don't read if you're a Dumbledore stan.
If It's Me You Need To Turn To, We'll Get By by Linxcat (The Untamed, gen)
Zixuan would like to be closer with his half-brother. He would like to skip all the awkward fumbly beginning bit where they don't know each other and just magically arrive at fraternal harmony, where they can joke around like the Jiangs and look out for each other like the Nies and have that spooky synchronicity like the Lans, but the truth is that he's never had a sibling, and he has no script or example for what you're meant to do when you discover one as an adult. They don't have years of in-jokes and growing pains to fall back on, they're basically just strangers who happen to share a parent. the sickfic fixit in which JGY discovers the Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Known and Zixuan discovers the Mortifying Ordeal of Getting To Know Other People
Really great characterization, and I like how narrow of an escape the last scene is - JGY's damage goes very deep and I like how this author gets that.
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