#and i have the tag blocked and then i was gonna unblock it but then like the tma 2 thing like was announced and i was like ah nope
tiredguyswag · 1 year
how would u rank ur fellow gimmick blogs
they have me blocked what do you even want me to say. @acmeofficial @teamr3dofficial unblock me you cowards
other universe vile is awesomeee btw. @ask-vileofficial HI!!!
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flowergirlmiwa · 11 months
Blocking every tag for a piece of media so it can be your special thing. I'll never have to know anyone's shit takes on The Owl House if I just never engage with the fandom at all.
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There, it's behind a lock now— phew.
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gunpowder-tim · 1 year
Why is TMA ":/" also I'm so glad you like my mechs posts I have fun with them <3
jshsjshssj i just got kinda sick of it hdbsjsbsjsh and it just annoys me now like i used to be in tma fandom n listen to it n shit like i even wrote a fic once sjhsjs but yeah jdhsjsjd
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underthebluerain · 2 years
I finally finished playing kh3
yes I know it’s been almost 4 years
no I don’t have an explanation other than I played slowly, then got sad when I figured I was near the end bc I expected it to be longer and got kind of overwhelmed and just. stopped. and then there were. so many things going on.
I’m... I had envisioned making this post in all caps bc I just knew I was gonna be excited and a little sad but... turns out I was wrong. I’m honestly not excited or happy or even conflicted. I’m just upset.
this hurts me to say bc I’ve literally loved this saga since 2002. and I honestly never thought I’d say this. but it’s not that I’m feeling melancholic, it’s just sad, because honestly, what was this ending.
I’m also very upset at the terrible treatment of kairi, however, that I expected. but the ending??? what the hell??? literally all they had to do was get the trio back to destiny islands and have them be happy and together. and they didn’t do that.
they can’t even claim the usual bullshit like “we wrote ourselves into a corner” or “it’s impossible to please every fan” bc the ending everyone wanted was the simplest one. and given the amount of nonsensical events and characters coming back against all odds, it makes no sense that they killed sora off except for cheap drama. offscreen too. after making kairi a damsel in distress again and not even saving her onscreen.
I can’t believe this. if it was gonna end like this, the saga should’ve ended in kh II. I just cannot believe my final feeling about this saga is disappointment.
I honestly don’t care if later games fix this, I assume they do bc death is cheap in this universe and also bc obviously they wanna keep milking it all (when honestly, kh III should have been the end, a good end). the fact is they completely ruined it for me.
I’m just sad.
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ohhh this time
THIS TIME i am going to actually finish the reread and then FULLY catch back up with bsd’s manga😤
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fwoosheye · 1 year
At last I've removed the totk based filters. I haven't actually finished the game (I'm heading to the final battle though) but I realised I had gotten so far I clicked on all the "view post" buttons anyway. So yeah I might still get spoilered but honestly I have already spoiled myself a little and the things I have seen have been stuff I expected cause I know how this franchise works. If I see spoilers from now on that's on me
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Am I the asshole for calling a (now ex-) mutual a stingy asshole?
So to start, I (NB20) am in a pretty rough situation, I'm facing homelessness soon, transphobia at home and work and my hours have been getting cut resulting in me making even less money that can sustain me. I have a toyhou.se forum post up stating I have emergency commissions open to help me out and to please support me if you can. This is where the situation begins. I have a mutual on toyhou.se who I'll call Apple (MTF22) I talk to sometimes to the point I'd say we are friends, not super close but friends nonetheless. She made a bulletin telling people about my commissions and to please comm me if they could which I'm very grateful for since I did get a few customers from her because of that. The thing is, a few weeks later, she made a bulletin talking about how happy she was so many commissions she bought were finished around the same time and posted all of them with the artists tagged in the post. It was honestly... quite a few, I'm talking like 9 pieces of art of her fursona and even a custom vtuber model she got of her sona. I was going to reply all happy for her, but it made me think... how much did she spend on those commissions?? So I went through all the artists socials to find their commission prices and came to a total of fucking $385!!! More than half of my current goal I'm trying to make through commissions to stay out of homelessness!! So I messaged Apple saying since I saw she bought a few commissions if she was interested in buying a comm from me. She replies saying "Ohh! I'd love to <333 but im just not in a place to buy any more comms right now :< sorry >.<!!" So I casually reply really? because it seems like your in the perfect place to help me out after already spending over $300 in commissions. She tells me she's sorry and really wishes someone would be able to help me out but she just wasn't that interested in my art or a custom to which I tell her she could've easily donated to my ko-fi which I have always had since she clearly has money to spend? To this, she straight up IP blocks me. So still fucking annoyed, I vented in a discord server I share with a few friends from being in a few shared CS together, saying how annoying it is rich assholes like her would drop half a thousand for a picture of their fursona but don't even blink twice at their so called friends. anyway, one of my friends takes a look at Apples th profile and notices she has a new bulletin up and sends me a screenshot, but anways the bulletin reads like "hey!! just saying, but please dont come into my dms acting like you know my financial situation better than i do, just because i buy a lot of commissions doesnt mean im made of money! and please dont think that me commisioning artist 1 means i hate artist 2? thats so weird, thanks!!!!!" and seeing all their subscribers just kissing her ass pissed me off so i made my own bulletin that just stated "i thought it was pretty fucking weird to know how bad ur friend's situation was and to go buy a bunch of comms instead of buying a comm from or even throwing a buck to help me out? like yeah im gonna think i know ur situation better than u, you stingy fuck!!!" Anyway, she mustve been block evading (which I reported her for) since she unblocked me, took a screenshot of my bulletin, then went on about how she lived in an abusive household; her dad had thrown her into a sink and chipped her tooth, bruised half her face and scarred it pretty badly. She bought a bunch of commissions immediately afterwards in a panic to make herself feel better, paying everything with her savings. Which to me.. isn't an excuse. Ive been hit and abused and still found scraps of money to pull together to give to mutuals who need it and Ive been bumping my own post like crazy and she had literal weeks to donate or comm me. Not to mention Ive had exmutuals of hers come to me saying that shes never donated anything to them either despite advertising their posts but always had money for plushies, comms and other crap, meaning Im not alone in thinking shes a stingy asshole. This is getting long, so here, tumblr AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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respectthepetty · 8 months
I don't think Pete's in love with Kenta. I think it's Kenta who is in love with Pete, and Pete has perhaps affection but not love for Kenta. I also think it's Way that Pete starts feeling something for, and that's why that pink and longing stares, maybe because they are both enigmas or something. I don't know, but these three are very interesting, and also wonder what each of their colors are? Because it's not readily visible at all.
Anon, Kenta is black, Pete is blue, and Way can't decide if he wants to be black or blue (or be a baddie red), which is why I think he will die before Kenta does and blah blah blah but . . .
"they are both enigmas or something"
Because another Anon just asked me:
Do we know Pitbabe and companies destinations? Like I know Babe and Charlie are Alphas and Way Pete are both Enigmas but like what about the rest of the gang?
What in the Charlie and the Alpha Factory do you mean by "enigmas" y'all?
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I want to believe you mean they are both puzzling characters, but I don't think that's what you mean, and I know *just* enough about Omegaverse to know that enigmas are like the Mean Girls of that universe in the way that everyone wants to be them and fuck them but also fear them.
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So are you telling me that Peter and Waymundo are the Regina Georges of the Alphas? IS THAT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING?!
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Is that why Way Way didn't want to touch Peter when they first met? Is this why they keep drinking at the bar together like it's a Wednesday and they must wear pink?!
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Is that why Peter was looking at Waymundo like this, not because he likes him, but because he likes that they are both Mean Girls and have to sit at the same table?!
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Like, I know you asked me a question, but I'm trying to process the bomb you just dropped on me because as much as I love knowing stuff, some of y'all have been wildin' in my comments and reblogs, and apparently FORGOT I'M WATCHING WITHOUT SUBS AND WITH THE TAG BLOCKED!
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I mentioned I might unblock the tag in a previous post because I wanted to reblog GIFs of Kenta x Pete and someone DM'ed me letting me know that I might see posts about Kentana BEING PREGNANT!
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Which has me thinking Barbie is pregnant and just not sad over Charles lying 24/7 since apparently pregnancy is on the damn table in this show!
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Then someone commented that old man is BARBIE'S DAD so did Tony straight up steal these kids from their parents and nobody has noticed because he isn't building a super powerful army for himself but something far more nefarious?!
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And the worst part is I have no idea if any of this is canon or people's theories because Pit Babe lied to us and said it wasn't Omegaverse than "Surprise Bitch"-ed us and the Omegaverse is so wild that I don't know what is real or not.
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I have so many questions, yet I WANT NONE OF THEM ANSWERED! Do I want to know if Barbara and Kentana are actually pregnant? Do I want to know the real reason Big Red is kidnapping these kids? Do I want to know if Waymond really loved Barbara or if it was just because he is an enigma?
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You know what I do want though? A drink because this show is way wilder than I thought, and I don't think I'm ever gonna unblock that tag.
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But if Kenta is pregnant, who would he even be pregnant by? Is that the real reason Charles and Barbara were fighting on the race track is because Barbara is pregnant and Charles didn't want him racing? OH MY GOD! Can Jeffrey get pregnant?! Does Alan even have the ability to get Jeffrey pregn ---
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Nobody answer these questions. I am BEGGING you.
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yourmothersmooom · 6 months
Just a quick message on someone who used to be in the Hazbin Rewrite server.
If you can vaguepost about me I can vaguepost about you too. Except its not gonna be vague because I'm going to say your fucking name. I'm not sugarcoating anything.
Wannursyafiqah74, leave me, my friends, and the Hazbin Rewrite server alone. We want NOTHING to do with you and your manipulation tactics and obsessive behaviour.
Just because I haven't been as "mean" about the situation doesn't mean I'm any less angry. I don't want to talk to you. Move. The fuck. On.
You've treated Neon and their system HORRIBLY throughout all of this, constantly bringing up things that they SAID. MULTIPLE. TIMES. Triggered them. You threatened suicide if they didnt help you. You constantly mentioned SA and abuse. You'd go to channels Neon was chatting in just to mention these things. And you never stopped, even when we threatened MULTIPLE TIMES to leave if it carried on. But you still did it! Why? I dont know! But it lead to us not wanting to associate with you anymore! Then when you left our friend server to move on and "improve", you just started doing the same shit in a completely unrelated Hazbin Rewrite server filled with minors who aren't equipped to help you with your personal problems!
I sent you that message weeks ago in hopes of you actually following through. I kept you unblocked with hopes that you wouldn't betray my trust like you had so many times by breaking your promise to cease contact.
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This should have been the end of it. But you did it again. You didnt even apologise, you just went straight to asking if you could post art in our server! And even AFTER admitting it was stupid, you sent me another god damn friend request on discord. (Yep, friend requests show what time they were sent now!) So I blocked you. You've broken the last inch of trust I gave you.
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We can't forgive you for the scars you've left us and ESPECIALLY Neon's system.
Im not playing quiet mouse anymore. I'm sick of this shit and I just want to be left alone. So do Al, Neon's system, and the Rewrite Server. Stop using me as a tool to get back into servers. I'm not falling for it anymore.
Tagging vivziepop critical tags as a lot of the Hazbin Rewrite members reside there. They can add on if they please with evidence, screenshots, etc. Love y'all, /platonic, I hope you're able to recover from all of this.
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jaxfromthatcircus · 5 months
[mod coffee: I've been ignoring your asks for the past few weeks and have not been having contact with you so you stop getting into my fucking blog but yknow what? I'll let this one slide, I'll answer this one.]
[first things first, "unblock me or I'm gonna hack into everyone's accounts" is a veeeery great way of showing people you changed /sarc]
[AFTER the document went famous and you apologized, you then harassed multiple of my friends, kept being transphobic to me and my family, kept being a creep not only to people that are in our circle, but in another fandoms and tagging gooseworx her-fucking-self (which btw! did you know that goose is trans? you bigot piece of shit), told people to kill themselves, told people to delete their blogs and yadda yadda etc]
[all of that AFTER you apologized and said you "changed to a better person" or whatever pathetic lie you want to tell yourself]
[I'm tired of being patient and I'm tired of you, I'm tired of your actions and I grew weary of running this blog because every time I logged in here, more and more drama added up around YOU.]
[you put so much fucking energy into sending people threats so why don't I loose some energy too? I am fucking tired OF YOU and I'm tired of getting in here and seeing that once again YOU are harassing people AGAIN]
[go fuck yourself. and everyone else, block and report randy]
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hyperfixingfr · 2 months
kndbrainrot is not a proshipper anymore
Oh yeah right, just like how they said they weren't asking for art anymore, that they were gonna leave the internet until they were mature enough to handle it, or they weren't evading people's blocks LMFAO... All of those turned out to be fatass lies, they even tried to repeat the same "I'm not gonna _ anymore" which was ALSO a lie. I refuse to take that crap with anything but a grain of salt because last I saw they were pulling the "what is wrong with me why would I invade spaces waaah 😢" crap to gain support and sympathy
EVEN IF THIS IS TRUE, they do not deserve any sort of support still. I do not CARE who you are, they've done far more bullshit in the past few weeks that they've said jack shit about. Them proshipping is just one of many shitty things they've done. I've tried to tell them to just get off the damn internet because they aren't mature enough for it, of which they lied (shocking/sarc) and said they would. Mind you this is the same person who decided it was totally okay to coax someone into giving an example of an apology so that they could steal it and pretend it was their apology. Also, they literally just accused some random ass POC millenial of being ME because they were calling them out in asks - and before I get anyone whining about "that was a long time ago" no it wasn't, they did that YESTERDAY.
This is going in the tags so none of you fall for this crap. Even with how unlikely it is to be real, you shouldn't support them or even unblock them if it turns out to be real anyways. This damn kid needs to get off the internet, because people have TRIED to reason with them. They're refusing to listen at this point, no matter how many times they claim they are listening, because no one is that incapable of apologizing after being told what to do a million times.
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HI i'm a tommyinnit factive and this is where I go feral !!! I have a misce submission sideblog called @justomegathingss as well but it's mostly inactive because no one ever submits to it lol
I co-host with my in system husband @septiccoffeefreak so we're in front 90% of the time, we're v clingy so we're always co-con or co front lol. I also write septicinnit fanfic w him and I draw fanart so,,,, both posts w us specifically and the general septicinnit RPF ship will be here. u've been warned!!
I have no DNI but I block freely!! I also am pro RPF and proship ("ship and let ship") so like,, if u wanna block me about that u should do dat- I don't post dark content really or consume it because I don't like to personally?? so that won't be on my blog!!! But it's worth noting I support people's right to MAKE that content, and i don't think someone making or consuming dark content means they condone it IRL.
BLOG NAVIGATION (these links may not work on mobile- app users can use search instead):
#i made a textpost
#tommy's og art
OTHER (these links are fine on mobile lol):
Portfolio and Comissions
Printify Store
Me and Seán's Ao3 account
my old pinned (colourful!!! silly!!! beloved!!! but hard to read and even longer than this one) is under the cut for preservation
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Hewwo besties. hello girliepops. hello boys, hello gamers, hello homestuckers and evil little creatures it is me!!!! hi!!! HELLO hi hi hi!!!! a million hellos forever and ever and....
okay fine sorry, just one last hi: hi!! I'm a Tommyinnit factive in a system and I do art sometimes!! I also play a lot of animal crossing like way too much animal crossing like my autism has me in a chokehold i play it everyday. I use he/him pronouns :3. and I am MARRIED.
My husband, Seán, is a Jacksepticeye factive in the same system as me!! we cohost/cocon together and I love him SO MUCH and I infodump about him and his source sometimes so. BE WARNEDED!!!! his acc is @septiccoffeefreak if you want to go acknowledge how fucking cool and awesome he is which you SHOULD!!! We came up with the septicinnit shipname actually!!! And write the first fics for it!! So understandably I am absolutely FERAL about it like biting clawing going insane feral. my babygirl...
I don't hold myself to a blog theme but I tend to post a lot of decora and cutesy rainbow things on this blog, as well as memes and videos I found on my feed!!! and sometimes!!! if ur lucky!!! I post an omegaverse post!!! (check out @justomegathingss for more as well) or like an actual hot take on the universe!!! though again usually it is just reblogs of sanrio characters and decora fits lol. I also of course post a ton of my art and some original posts where I go feral about something or other and scream really really loud to my terrified (but intrigued and entranced) followers. expect the unexpected. be prepared for chaos
I have no DNI for my blog, but I will block u if I decide that having you unblocked makes my internet experience sucky in some way. this is my little corner of the internet an i will customize it in whatever silly way makes my brain go brrrr
The Magical Special Poggers Tags, with which you can Navigate my Blog:
#Tommy's OG ART wow - art i made!
#I made a textpost - a combo of original textposts, as well as reblogs I made with text on them!!
#asks - asks i received!!! (asks i sent to someone ELSE and am reblogging the response to would go under #I made a textpost)
If I reblog something without any art or text attached at all, that's gonna be untagged (usefully, anyway)- but I figure if you're hunting through my blog for a post it's probably not a blank reblog anyway.
For more information about me and links to my other socials, look at my Caard, Tommyfactive.carrd.co !!! it has a bunch or really poggers info and links to my pintrest and stuff so like u should totally look at it. U might get coolness poisioning from how cool I am though /j
Commission information Here!!
Printify Store here!!!!!
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Fuck it Pinned post
Im Flight but Wilbur also works
This is my personal blog, my tagged main is @godsleastfavouritewhiteboy
I mostly just post about my ocs here. Fandom art when I think of it. Every so often I go insane about Megatron.
I do requests here, just shoot me an ask
However, please note how much effort I put into each ask depends on how much I'm feeling at the time.
If you want my absolute best guaranteed work, DM me proof of you donating to Any verified Palestinian gofundme.
I work fast but don't pressure me to get to your request immediately, I have other projects I'm working on for myself and a key part of my process is having time to fuck around.
I'll draw any fandom I'm vaguely familiar with and any ocs with references.
I will also Technically draw NSFW but not on this account and if you request it here it'll be deleted.
I also use this account for spam reblogs and various discourse commentary.
Q and A:
Why is anon off?
Because I was on tumblr during the ace discourse height. It's survival instincts.
How did you learn to draw?
Practice. Also four years of very expensive art school
Can you draw ____?
Why don't you draw tntduo anymore?
Listen I'm all about the fandoms collective adoption of cbur as the communal OC and I support people doing it.
Got no grudge against anyone who draws him and frankly I get the appeal however I just don't draw those two anymore. Partially because I've found I much more enjoy drawing my OCs.
I dont mind if you spread my old tntduo/dsmp art though. I just dont feel connected to it anymore. If anything its just a jump scare when I see it
Why am I blocked?
Dunno. Not gonna unblock you though.
- Feel free to double request as much as you want. There is no limit on requests!
- I will do any request I get - unless I explicitly reject it - but it can take me time to get to you. Please be patient
To be edited as needed
Below the cut is a quick line up of my ocs:
- He/Him
- Masc aligned non binary
- Intersex
- Omnisexual
- Changeling/human
- DND alignment: Lawful evil at beginning of arc, Lawful neutral at end
- dipshit
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- She/her
- Trans femme non binary
- Lesbian
- Dark one
- DND alignment: Lawful neutral at beginning of arc, lawful good at end
- calliopes lover
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- He/him
- Male
- Gay
- Avisine
- DND alignment: Neutral evil at beginning of arc, lawful neutral at end
- williams right hand man and long term lover
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- she/her
- Non binary
- Pansexual
- Dark one/dragon hybrid
- dnd alignment: chaotic evil at beginning of arc, true neutral at end
- the dragon maiden as well as williams wife
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- He/him
- Male
- Gay
- Human
- Dnd alignment: Lawful good
- the king of nogata, williams brother IN LAW and one of his many lovers
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- She/they
- Non binary
- pansexual
- dark one
- dnd alignment: Lawful neutral
- the sultan of Arandia and one of williams many lovers
(the only refs i have of her are a nsfw so Shush I'll add it when I draw her in a SFW context)
- he/she
- Non binary
- pansexual
- changeling
- dnd alignment: Lawful evil
- williams great uncle
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- She/he
- Non binary
- bisexual
- human
- dnd alignment: neutral evil
- williams great aunt
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- He/him
- male
- bisexual
- Avisine
- dnd alignment True neutral
- williams adoptive father
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- she/her
- female
- pansexual
- doveling
- dnd alignment: true neutral
- williams adoptive mother
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(image to be added when design is finalized)
- she/her
- female
- lesbian
- dark one
- dnd alignment: Lawful neutral (bordering on lawful evil)
- calliopes mom
- she/her
- bisexual
- dark one
- dnd alignment: true neutral
- calliopes other mom
- she/her
- aromantic/asexual
- changeling
- dnd alignment: true neutral
- williams only sister
- he/him
- male
- aromantic/pansexual
- Changeling
- dnd alignment: neutral evil
- williams oldest brother
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- she/her
- trans woman
- changeling
- dnd alignment: chaotic neutral
- one of williams MANY lovers
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Im getting so fucking sick of some of the takes I'm seeing from Hazbin antis. Like, I don't wanna block the critical tags because, based off of what we've seen, there ARE genuine issues with the show(ESPECIALLY the portrayal of the characters of color and Alastor in particular), but the good and interesting takes are all so buried in weird bullshit bad faith ones that I don't know if keeping the tags unblocked is worth it.
Like for example! I was scrolling through posts about Sera, because I find her really interesting, and there were SO many people saying she was for SURE the main antagonist of the show and she's gonna SUCK just based off of ONE SHOT from the trailer!?!?!?! What the fuck!?!?!?!? That is NOT enough to go off of what the hell is wrong with you people. Ignoring the leaks, we know literally nothing about Sera, or Emily, or the "winners". All we've really seen of Heaven(for more than ONE SECOND) are the excorcists and cherubs. And while yes it's okay to be worried that the Heaven v. Hell conflict is gonna be completely one sided, because that "let's go to war" song in the trailer + the Cherubs episode in HB don't really give a good impression, we have NOT seen enough of Heaven to just assume all of them are gonna be portrayed as uniformly bad! You can voice your concern without jumping to conclusion guys, it's not that hard!!!!!
Idk... again, I do WANT to engage with criticism, because analyzing things is FUN, but with so many people just making assumptions and acting like small personal preference things(ex; not liking the humor or art style) make the show inherently bad in those fucking tags that it's impossible to engage with/make posts that criticize the show without feeling like I'm part of the problem! It's really fucking annoying and I know this post isn't gonna do shit but goddamnit Im just so fucking tired...
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Hello, I hope this is okay for me to send. I'm one of the blogs you blocked. (First off, this is your good right, and I completely understand and I hope this isn't a breach or invasion of privacy to send this from a different blog)
I always made sure to only tag content of Nolanverse Crane when it's really him and not any other Cillian role because I understand the frustration. And like I said, I absolutely understand that he's not a proper Scarecrow in your eyes. But it kind of hurts to get lumped into a group where I don't feel like I belong (if that makes sense)
Scarecrow in general is my favorite character in any comic related media. Arkhamverse Crane and Audio Adventures are at the top for me, and I also have a deep love for Fear State and little fan interpretations where he's just a funky little freak. My blog is Nolanverse centric atm because I just haven't gotten around to writing fics for the others. (And I'm worried I won't write them well tbh)
But all of that aside, my reason for actually sending this was because I was genuinely missing your posts and opinions on my dash. I was honestly a little worried that I didn't see anything from you before I realized what happened.
This isn't me being angry or petty and please don't think I feel entitled to seeing your posts (I don't want to be THAT person)
I guess this is just me saying goodbye to a pillar of the Scarecrow fandom, and it makes me a little sad
From the bottom of my heart, I hope your mom's recovery goes well and you have a great rest of the day/week/month. And a happy early birthday, Moffy
A couple of things </3
I THINK I knew who this is. I blocked one person after I made that post. Looking back, that was probably a stupid mistake. I'mma unblock to check when I post this, and you let me know? (I was thinking....oh god I'm gonna get hate from the fangirls and taht legit clouded my judgement. I still fear anon hate)
See, that post was mainly about people I blocked weeks/months ago. I often only block the fangirls, for lack of a better word. I actually made the Cillian post on a whim. I needed some content for the day. (you probably know I upload daily) And sometimes, a little anger is okay. it's a valid emotion. Again, the people I block are more fans of the actor than the character. My main complaint was seeing Cillian stuff, which was not from the movies, in the tag. It just sorta....clogs it up?
Anyway, I can clearly see you're not one of them. If some reason , within the next ten minutes, you're still blocked. Send me the url. I am human. I understand. Mistakes and stupid shit happens. (especially with all I am dealing with irl) (I've been so stressed I think it clouds my brain)
You clearly love the character behind the actor, and I respect that. I think you may have been following me, cus my count went down after I blocked ya. So yeah, I did think that was WEIRD.
I'm sorry if you felt lumped it, it was just an error on my part. I hope you can forgive that.
and ya know, just because I'm not a fan of nolancrane, doesn't mean it's bad. I should reiterate, it brought so many into the fandom. That's great! I still reblog fan content of him. I suppose, the truth of the matter is my autistic brain doesn't do "live action" -- I can't think of one human who could play Jonathan Crane to my expectations. Voice actors yes, Dino Andrade forever lmao
But I just...live of art/comic/animation/games
and anything else feels uncanny. Like now. I dont imagine Crane as a real person. I have no image inside my head unless it's a comic illustration or game render. I Hoooope that makes sense
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