#and i had NEVER even heard her first name ever uttered before in my life
oflgtfol · 1 year
yknow what thinking back on the din first name last name thing. i know someone irl who does have the firstname-lastname order to her name but she prefers to go by her last name anyway. which honestly her last name is super cool so i kinda get it. and literally everyone just calls her by her last name to where it doesnt even register as weird or nonstandard and it does come across as her first name anyway. so if it is the case that din is his surname idgaf im still calling him din and if anything then its just gonna be in this way where everyone just calls him by his surname but not in the Referring FormallyTo A Stranger, but in the This Is Literally Just The Name He Goes By Anyway way
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helenanell · 5 months
Every Saturday || Challengers
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Every Saturday || Challengers 
Art Donaldson X Fem!Reader 
CW: Kissing. Emotional affair. Infidelity. Angst. Yearning. Bittersweet / slightly sad ending.
Notes: No smut. No use of y/n. Set after the events of the film.
(This is not connected to my other Challengers story - ‘Breath Of Life)
Wordcount: 4K
This is the response to a request from @anehkael :
‘Art, exhausted by the pressure of competition and his wife, decides to escape for a day. He ends up at a local tennis court, where he meets a talented and charismatic female player. Their instant connection on the court turns into an unexpected love affair, but Art's professional and marital obligations threaten to keep them apart.’
You had always known that tennis would never be your vocation. Vocation implies dedication; a calling to pursue that ever evasive thing in life: utter fulfilment. 
You love it and you know that you’re good, really good, but you’re also realistic. 
The expanse between ‘really good’ and ‘great’ also contains the capacity to make something your career. You don’t have the capacity to go pro. Which is fine. Totally fine. 
You content yourself with filling all of your free time on your local–and free to use–court. Hours that would otherwise be whiled away on the realisation of your own loneliness or swiping right on dating apps only to panic and ignore any messages you receive. 
It’s Saturday evening and the sun is waning, its outlandishly burning rays absorbed by clouds as it sinks down the horizon. 
You’ve just wrapped up a match with a woman who you see at the courts from time to time- shamefully you don’t remember her name. She did tell you it once, the first time you met, but then a month passed before you saw her again and you felt too awkward to ask. Besides, there’s no post-match conversation between the two of you, the woman is in a perpetual rush and always disappears immediately after you finish playing. 
You, on the other hand, have nowhere else to be. 
A young woman with nothing to look forward to beyond the hits of adrenalin and the all too temporary sense of fulfilment that comes with beating other amateurs at tennis.
You’re alone as you sit down on the bench at the edge of the court, chest still moving with erratic breaths. Your skin is already adorned with beads of sweat but when the sun dips down even further, its light is replaced by a swathe of blue shadow and your burning flesh immediately pebbles at the sudden change in temperature. 
Your body is seized by a reactionary shiver, so you jump up off the bench and hurry over to your bag, crouching as you unzip it and dig around for your sweater. 
Your fingers have just closed around the soft fabric when you hear the metal gate to the courts creak open, the chainlink shaking as it shuts again. 
“You forget something?” You call out. 
As you’re presuming it’s your acquaintance, you don’t bother to look, busy pulling the sweater over your head. 
Your head is awkwardly pushing through the neck hole when a distinctly male and very amused voice hits you square in the side of the face: 
“Not to my knowledge.” 
You go still, your sweater settling down onto your torso of its own volition. 
Your mind has a sort of detached recognition for the voice: you’ve heard it before, but perhaps not in person. On the radio, or a movie or…or in a post match interview on tv. 
You scramble, pivoting violently to face the new arrival. 
“What the fuck?!” 
You’d meant for the exclamation to be internal, but in your shock it tumbles out of your mouth that’s already agape. 
Art Donaldson, the champion tennis player– infamous and beloved athlete– is standing in your shitty, free to access local court. 
A genuine, full watt smile spreads across Art’s face before he lets out a soft chuckle. 
“I’m sorry if I startled you.” 
You watch, dumbfounded as he saunters closer to you, placing down his bag and racket just beside yours. 
Fuck, his racket…it probably costs more than your practically antique car. 
“I'm sorry, but are you lost or something?” You blurt out. 
Art straightens up, hands placed on his hips as he surveys you. He’s enjoying your panic, you realise. Not in a malicious way, just highly amused. 
“What gave you that impression?”
You let out a clipped laugh. “Well…you’re standing here when the exclusive country club is fifteen minutes that way.” You point over his shoulder. 
“I know where it is.” He answers simply, still smirking. 
He’s toying with you. And never one to back down from a challenge, defiance rids you of your nerves. 
“So why aren’t you there, Mr Rich and Famous Tennis Champion?” 
At that Art tilts his head, as though he’s been given new information and has to reassess you.
“Because I don’t want to be.” He responds. “Why are you here?” 
You shrug, brushing past him to gather up your things, heart beating punishingly in your chest. 
“Because I want to be.” 
“But you’re leaving.” Art points out, bordering on exasperated despite his goading tone.
“Because my match is over.” You throw your bag over your shoulder and turn to face him, unable to stop yourself from teasing him back. “Oh, did you think I’d stay just for you?”
“Yes.” He answers unabashedly. It glues you to the spot. “I caught the tail end of your match, you were great but you were holding back. I’m guessing you don’t encounter many people here who challenge you.”
His tone injects some defensiveness into your veins. “I don’t need to be challenged, I’m not a professional. This is fun for me.” 
Art quirks a blonde brow. “Oh, but being challenged is very fun.”
“Are you offering?” You shoot back sarcastically. 
“Yeah, I am.”
And just like that you’re gawking at him again. “Are you kidding?”
Art holds his hands up placatingly, as if showing you he’s not concealing a weapon. “Deadly serious.” He says. 
You look around the abandoned park, searching for hidden cameras. This has to be for a prank show. It has to be.
“I can’t play you.” 
Art frowns as if disappointed at your lack of self-belief. 
“Sure you can. I was watching you, I'm certain you can keep up.” 
You hold his stare, his blue eyes glinting as his expression settles into something anticipatory. You glance at your racket that’s sitting on the nearby bench.
“Don’t go easy on me.” You order. “I’ll know if you do.” 
“I don’t doubt it. Come on, quit stringing me along and pick up your racket.” 
You reach down, your fingers hovering above the racket as you grin at him. 
“Careful Donaldson, it sort of sounds like you’re calling me a tease.” 
His cheek dimples as the corner of his lip tugs up. “Prove me wrong then, pick it up. Play tennis with me.” 
Eyes still on his, you curl your fingers around the racket and straighten up, raising your eyebrow. 
Challenge accepted. 
The moment Art wins, you let yourself fall to the ground.
You lay down, uncaring of the harsh surface beneath you as you suck in breaths, your throat aching, your whole body shaking with exertion. 
You’d never felt like this after playing tennis. 
Whoever you’d gone up against before, it had always felt like you were waging war on a one person army across from you: you would bear down on them with all your might to achieve victory. You were an attacking force.
But playing with Art it hadn’t felt like a battle it had felt like…a joining. You were so attuned to all that he was and every move he made, that it felt like you had become one with him. 
For a brief moment in the daunting expanse of time, it had felt like only the two of you existed, only the stars bearing witness. 
Only now as you’re staring up at the sky, do you realise that night has well and truly fallen; the harsh automatic floodlights throwing your exhausted form into stark relief. 
You let out an almost giddy laugh. 
In your peripheral, you see Art run over, easily jumping and clearing the net to get to you. But you’re too tired to move, so you just lay there inertly as he comes to stand over you, placing one foot either side of your hips.
He smiles down at you.
“How you doing down there?”
All you manage to do as your eyes drift shut, is lift up your hand and flip him off. 
Art lets out a full-bellied laugh that catches hold of you and takes you along for the ride. With your breaths slowing, you find yourself able to laugh along with him. 
“Okay.” He begins, shaking off another chuckle. “Let’s get you up.” 
You feel a shift in the air and open your eyes to see Art stepping to the side of you before he’s leaning down and holding out his arm for you to take. 
Like you, he’s drenched in sweat, but neither of you even really notice as drops of it fall from his cropped blonde hair and onto your body.
With a dramatic groan, you sit up and grab onto his arm.
Art tightens his grip and pulls you up, placing his free hand on your back for extra support and tugging you close. 
You’re quickly back on your feet, but as you sway slightly Art keeps his hands on you. 
“You good?” He asks genuinely. His face is so much closer than you realised. 
When the hand on your back begins to rub soothing circles, a traitorous flutter appears in your stomach. 
You’re suddenly extremely grateful that your face is already flushed. How embarrassing, fawning over a married man who likely just wanted to play some tennis in relative peace and with no absolutely no stakes. 
God you needed to have sex.
Your own thought startles you- the same effect as being doused with a bucket of ice water. How desperate were you, that playing tennis with Art had got you so worked up?
No, actually you knew the answer to that. The experience had been beyond any sort of intimacy you’d ever felt. You want him. 
You shake your head, scolding yourself as you pull away from him, stepping back. 
But Art follows you, closing the small distance you’d created. As concern blooms on his features, his hands settle on your arms, bracketing you in his hold. 
“You’re not okay?”
You blink up at him. “What? No, I am. I’m fine.”
Art narrows his eyes, unconvinced. “But you shook your head.” 
When one of his thumbs starts brushing back and forth on your skin, the answering heat that begins to pool in your belly tells you it’s time to leave. 
“Did I?” You ask airily as you shake out of his hold and pick up your racket.
“Yeah, you did.” 
“Well, I didn’t mean to. I’m fine. That was great. Really great.” Each word is forced out.
As you walk over to the side of the court and start gathering your things, you feel him walking up behind you. 
“Yeah, it’s the panic in your voice that’s so convincing.” 
You shove your racket into its case, your back still to him. “I don’t think you know me well enough to judge my moods. You don’t know me at all.” 
He’s by your side in an instant. His hand is hovering over your waist, as if he wants to hold you in place to stop you from leaving but knows he has no right to do so. 
“Look, will you please slow down? I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable.” 
You let out self-pitying scoff as you turn away from him again and throw your bag over your shoulder. 
“You’ve not done anything wrong. This was…I’ve never felt like that playing tennis. Or ever, really. So thank you.” 
“So why are you running away?” 
You halt, your sneakers scraping against the abrasive ground. Art’s voice has taken on a new severity; a frustration that even he sounds confused by. 
“I’m not running, I’m just going home.”
You’re stepping out of this court and extricating yourself from his orbit that he’d so easily pulled you into. You’re not just attracted to a man who’s one half of America’s Favourite power couple, you also really like him. 
But this court isn’t the real world and he’s almost certainly just passing through. If you can get out now, he’ll be gone: by the time you wake up in the morning, he’ll likely be on a flight with Tashi Duncan, en route to his next competition.
When you walk away and out to the gate, you’re beyond grateful that Art doesn’t call out to you again.
But instead of the disconnect you hope to feel once you're free of his presence, instead there’s a tugging, as if he managed to tie a cord around you and is pulling on it in the hopes he can reel you back in. 
You keep walking until you reach your car, still tense as you peel out of the parking lot.
Exactly a week after you first met him–almost to the hour–Art Donaldson reappears in your life. 
As you’d played your weekly match with the woman whose name you still don’t know, he had been watching. You’d caught him in your peripheral vision, leaning up against the fence and tracking your every movement. 
You curse him and thank him in the same breath. 
You curse him because he’s only going to exacerbate the issue that you’ve been having, which is that he’s taken root in your mind. He’ll burrow his tendrils deeper and stop you from thinking of anyone else for a long time. 
You had been so sexually frustrated after meeting him, that you’d actually committed to a date with a Tinder match for once. You’d just been there for the sex, which you might have felt bad about had your date not made it clear that he had had the same motivations. 
It had been fine. 
You’d thought of Art the entire time. 
And you thanked Art, because…well, you thanked him because you’d been desperate to see him again. Tortured by the ghost of his touch and furious at yourself for the way you’d left things.
It’s a good thing your opponent is always seemingly in dire need to be somewhere else, because she leaves the court with such rapidity that she doesn’t spot the world famous tennis player making his way over to the now open gate. 
Your breath stutters in your throat as Art approaches. It’s the same time of day you’d first seen him the week before, so the light is at the exact same point of fading into darkness. But this time, he seems to be bringing the shadows with him. 
Art looks utterly forlorn. And yet, he still manages to smile at you as he approaches. 
You’re still standing on the centre of the court, your racket hanging in your hand. 
Only as he gets closer do you really register that he’s not in sports gear. Instead he’s dressed in jeans and black t-shirt. 
“You never told me your name.” He says, still making his way over. 
The statement jolts you out of your reverie. Had you really…he didn’t know your name? The evening you’d shared had been so intense that you already felt like you knew him and he knew you. 
You give him your name and he smiles almost gratefully, as if you've bestowed him with a gift. 
When he comes to a stop before you, you find more words waiting on your tongue: 
“Why are you here?” 
Art pushes his hands into his pockets, eyes dropping briefly to the ground. 
“You didn’t ask me that last time.” He says quietly. 
You scoff, gesturing at his clothing and the clear disparity between his casual attire and the tennis court. 
“You’re clearly not here to play another match.” 
“You shouldn’t presume.” He teases. “Maybe I secretly love the feeling of denim and sweat on my skin.” 
Despite yourself, you laugh and it causes Art’s dimples to make an appearance. 
“Well, that would make you a psychopath.” You say.
Art’s eyes skitter over your face, it’s brief but unnerving. It’s probing. Then he steps closer, so close you can feel his breath on your face. 
You’re suddenly sure that meeting his gaze will open up a horrible, confusing can of emotional worms, so you set your eyes on the racket in your hand, twisting the handle around in your fingers. 
Art is undeterred by your withdrawal: “Let me walk you to your car?” 
The question sounds so much like a hopeful supplication, that you have to look at him. When you make eye contact, his brows draw together as his gaze turns entreating.
Your eyes widen slightly as your heart sinks. You know what this is. A goodbye. 
“You’re leaving New York.” You say flatly and with the utmost certainty.
“We have a flight in a few hours.” 
“Art.” You say admonishingly, a sharp pain in the shape of that ‘we’ digging into your chest. “You shouldn’t be here.”
We. ‘We’ meaning him and Tashi Duncan. Art and his wife. 
He says your name for the first time and it makes your heart stutter. 
You’re pathetic. You scold yourself internally. You’ve only interacted with this man once before. He’s a professional athlete with a beautiful wife. He can’t be wanting for anything more.
So then why has he been driven to this run-down public court? Why did he spend an evening playing with a stranger? An amateur stranger.
Why has he felt the need to come and say goodbye to you?
You know why:
It’s because the two of you have started something that you can never finish. You’re both enamoured with the idea of a connection that can never be fully realised. 
Art reaches out and tentatively touches your arm. 
“Please let me walk you to your car.” 
You can’t bear to see his face, not when his words sound so sorrowful. So you nod shortly and then move past him to collect your things. 
The walk to your car is made in utter silence, but Art remains close to you the entire time, his arm brushing yours. A couple of times you even feel the touch of his fingertips, as if he’d gone to take your hand but stopped himself. 
As if to compound on your delusion that in this moment only your and art exist, your beaten up red car is the only vehicle in the parking lot. It stands bright against the darkness as an ominous ending point: the moment you reach it, you both know whatever this nascent but potent thing between you will be stifled.  
You don’t let yourself dwell on how Art might have got here if his car isn't here. Whether fear of being spotted had him parking elsewhere, or he was staying somewhere so close that he’d been able to walk to you.
You both slow your pace as you approach the vehicle. You want to stop completely but you know you have absolutely no rational reason to. 
Once you reach the car, you dig your keys out of your pocket. 
“Thank you for walking with me.” You say on an uneven breath.
When you turn to unlock the door, Art steps up behind you, his arm crossing into your vision as he closes his larger hand around yours, stopping you from completing the action. 
You go still, relishing the contact but feeling awful for wanting more. All you find yourself able to do is stay still and wait- wait for him to do something that he shouldn’t. 
You let out a conflicted sigh as his other hand lands on your shoulder and turns you around to face him. He then takes your hands in his own. 
Your sight can’t help but snag on his wedding ring and he must be watching you so closely that he notes the very brief flicker of your eyes.
“It’s just a ring.” He says the sentence like he’s afraid of it. “It doesn’t mean what it used to. To either of us.” 
“But you are still married.” You reply, hating how small your voice sounds. 
“And you’re leaving.” 
Art’s hands tightens on yours, his thumbs running over your knuckles. “I’ll be back in New York.”
He reaches up and cups your cheek, fingers sinking into your hair.
 “I don’t know.” His tone is somehow simultaneously mournful and apologetic. “But I will.” 
Even though you know you need to pull away, you lean into his touch. 
“I guess I’ll see you then.” You say, trying and failing to sound unaffected. 
“You will.” Art concurs softly. His heavy-lidded eyes drop and his hand shifts, his thumb running along your lower lip. Then his other hand is on your thigh, rising up beneath your skort. 
“Art.” His name is meant to be a warning on your tongue, but it comes out as a whispered plea. 
His thumb drops away and then he’s cradling your face in both hands, he closes in and presses a slow, sweet kiss to your lips.
But his next words are anything but chaste. “Unlock your car.” 
His command is feverish, his hot breath skimming over you as he kisses along your cheek.
Only then do you remember that your car keys are still clutched in your hand. You're holding them so tightly the metal grooves are digging into your skin.
“Art, you have to go. You have to get on a plane. We can’t have sex in the back of my car.”
You let out a small gasp as both of his hands fall from your face to encircle your waist, then they go lower, gliding over the curve of your ass before settling just beneath, causing your skirt to ride up.
“I have time.” He mumbles against your jaw, moving down to press desperate kisses to your neck. “We have time.” 
His words are so glaringly false to both of you, that a visceral melancholy appears between the two to you and as it grows larger forcing you apart.
Art strains to stop his kisses, his lips lingering as if he’s fighting against an engrained instinct to be connected with you. When he presses his forehead against yours, his hair tickles your skin. Then as his hands shift to grip your waist, you rest your own on either side of his neck. 
You feel a tightness in your throat, panicking as you realise how deeply entangled you already feel with this man you’ve only met twice. You don’t know him. He’s a stranger. 
And yet, you can’t let this unknown being go. 
But you have to. 
You force yourself to say the words, making them sharp and swift like the severing snip of scissors: “Art, you need to go.” 
He nods, his forehead brushing yours where you’re still pressed together. But he doesn’t move, instead his lips press to your forehead as he encircles your body with his arms. The hug is the same sort of crushing yet comforting force of gripping someone’s hand when you’re afraid you’ll lose them in a crowd. 
When Art buries his head in the crook of your neck, he places a gentle kiss there. You raise your arms and squeeze him back. 
“How often do you come here, to the court?” He asks, another kiss placed on your neck. 
“Every Saturday, the same time.” 
Art pulls back and takes your face back into his hands. His eyes alight on each and every dip and curve of your face as if he's mapping your features like they’re the stars of the night sky. As though he’s memorising patterns so he’ll be able to find you again. 
“Then I’ll see you on Saturday.”
You smile sadly, smoothing back his hair. “Which Saturday?” 
His answer is another passionate kiss.
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the0doreslover · 1 year
Hey, I wanted to ask if you take requests!! If you do would you do Theodore x Reader angst to fluff
where like Theo gets jealous because of a rumor and paranoid thinking Reader will leave him for someone else (you choose who) but In reality it was all just made up from some girl that has a crush on Theo
And at the end he apologises multiple times to Reader because he didn’t let her explain
If not just ignore this! Have a great day.
shadowed trust
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Theodore had always been a bit of a paranoid guy, but he had never been this jealous before. He sat in the Slytherin common room, his brow furrowed as he read the newsletter. The rumor had spread like wildfire, and now it had even made it to the papers.
Theodore couldn't believe what he was reading. The words were etching into his mind, The rumor suggested that you, his girl, his darling was growing close to someone else. Someone he knew all too well, someone he had considered a friend – Adrien pucey.
It was as if a wand had been plunged into his heart, and he couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal. Theodore had never been one to easily trust others, but he had allowed you to breach the walls he had built around his heart. You were the one person who had made him believe in love again, especially after his mother, and now it felt like that love was slipping through his fingers.
That night Theodore couldn’t put himself to sleep his mind kept going back to the possibility that the whole time he was thinking of you with nothing less that love and adoration you were thinking of adrien, the supposed rival. He couldn't fathom the idea of losing you, of waking up one day to find that you were no longer a part of his life. The anxiety clawed at him, making it hard to breathe. He had to talk to you, had to know the truth, even if it meant facing his worst fears head-on.
That evening, he found you standing in the astronomy tower, a place were the two of you shared the most fond memories. You looked up and saw him approaching, a smile lighting up your face, but it quickly faded as you noticed the turmoil in his eyes.
"Teddy, what's wrong?" you asked, concern lacing your voice.
He swallowed hard, his throat dry. "Is it true, what they're saying about you and adrien?" He couldn't bring himself to utter adriens name, the bitterness seeping into his words.
Your eyes widened in realization, and you quickly understood the source of his distress. "Theo, that rumor is false," you said earnestly. "I can’t believe you would even believe that, i don’t have feelings for anyone else. You're the one I love."
He stared at you, he wanted to believe you when he saw the sincerity in your eyes. But his insecurities quickly replaced that sight as he unfolded the paper that he pulled from his hoodie pocket and showed you the page that had a picture of two people in a heated situation.
“are you being serious? theodore you can’t even see their face!”
“when did you start thinking about him?”
“theodore what is wrong with you?”
“was it when we were on our first date?” he continued
“theo stop-“
“was it when i first said i love you?”
you stared at him in shock as he continued listing scenarios while walking closer to you.
“was it when i first made love-“
you didn’t want to listen anymore, your hand came and swiftly slapped across his face.
“don’t speak to me till you come to your senses” you scoffed with glossy eyes.
theodore seethed as he watched your figure walk away
The next day at breakfast was rough, you were sitting with luna while theodore sat with his friends
Draco crossed his arms, looking at Theodore with concern. " So you're letting baseless rumors ruin your relationship? You should trust her. i don’t know why i even have to tell you that"
Blaise nodded in agreement. "We all know how much you care about her. Don’t let something as stupid as rumours break a good relationship mate"
Pansy chimed in, "Theodore, i’ll give this to you bluntly, Y/n is my best friend and you really fucked up, i heard about everything last night she came back to our dorm in pieces and if you actually believe these rumours... Honestly you’ve made a right mess of this one"
Theodore sighed before noticing the familiar face of adrien on his way out the hall
It was him he should be angry with.
“You’re right” he started
“i know” pansy smiled
“i should be mad at adrien!”
before anyone could react theodore had gotten up and stormed out the hall where he had saw adrien.
“Oi Pucey”
Before adrien even registered who called him theodore’s fist had connected with his cheek.
Adrien was flung back and theodore didn’t even blink before jumping on top of the boy and beating him.
Ignoring the cheering crowd that had now formed the fight seemed to be getting worse as blaise and draco had now come to intervene.
you watched next to pansy in disgust as the boy you loved was beating a poor boy who hadn’t done anything.
adrien got a good few punches in near the end before finally they had been separated.
Theodore couldn’t hear anything as he felt himself getting more angrier by the minute. He stared back at the crowd and for a second his eyes met with yours before you turned away in disgust and dragged pansy along with you.
theo and adrien had both been taken to the infirmary with a strict warning from mcgonagall that if they do much as touched each other again there would be serious trouble.
they sat in silence for a few minutes before theo broke it.
“just tell me if they’re true”
Adrien looked taken aback by the sudden conversation. "I don't know what you're talking about, mate."
"Don't play dumb," Theodore snapped. "These rumors about Y/N and you. Tell me the truth."
Adrien hesitated,"I didn't start the rumors, but I heard people talking about it. I thought it was just gossip, nothing serious."
Theodore's anger shifted into frustration. "You should have put an end to it, not let it spread like wildfire."
Adrien looked remorseful. "I know. I'm sorry, when marissa asked me if there was anything going on i should have been more stern."
Theodore clenched his jaw, his anger dissipating as he realized what had happened "Marissa? Slytherin Marissa?”
“the one who has had a crush on me since second year!” he raised his voice a little bit
“oh shit! mate you need to apologise to y/n”
Just then, you entered the infirmary, carrying a tray with ice packs and ointments. You didn't say a word but walked over to then handing them an ice pack.
“madame pomfrey wanted me to give them to you” you said bluntly before making a move to walk away.
Theo wasn’t stupid he knew that madame pomfrey could of given it to them herself but he wasn’t about to question anything, he was just happy you had come to see him even if it was just to make sure they were still alive. He grabbed your hand quickly stopping you from leaving.
"Y/N, i’m sorry”
you didn’t say anything, instead you turned around and took the ice pack from him and placed it on his new forming bruise
“i should of trusted you”
You continued to apply the ice pack without meeting his gaze.
“i was being irrational and i know you would never cheat on me. I don’t deserve you, even now you’re here helping me”
you finally met his eyes
“i love you y/n”
“i love you too”
“i promise i won’t ever let a stupid rumour by stupid marissa get to me ever again”
“wait… marissa started this rumour? i’m going to bloody kill her” you spoke for the first time making theodore laugh
“it seems we’re both the jealous type no?” he grinned
a smile finally broke out on both your faces as he leaned into you, his lips meeting yours for a short sweet moment before adrien cleared his throat.
“piss off” theodore groaned before yanking the curtain around his bed and pulling you back into him.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
Hey! could you please write something about Aemond hearing his name in a conversation, he stays at the door sure he will hear something bad but instead he hears the lady talk about her sex dreams about him
Thank you so much💙
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Warnings: Smut. Word count: ~1400
Aemond strides down the corridor of the Red Keep, in the direction of the training yard. It is mid-morning and his schedule runs like clockwork - he has a sparring session with Ser Criston Cole in 15 minutes and fully intends to arrive early, he always does.
Raucous laughter echoes down the hallway. He catches the source of it through a crack in the solar door, which has been left ajar. Helaena’s ladies in waiting are all reclining on the couches inside, though there is no sign of the Princess which they are in service of.
He scowls. He doesn’t understand why they aren’t shut away when not in Helaena’s presence. They are always laughing, it gives him a migraine. What could possibly be so funny?
The giggles subside when one of them speaks in hushed tones. 
“I had a dream last night…about Prince Aemond.”
His ears prick up at this, his curiosity piqued, and he hovers to the left of the doorframe, so he can listen in undetected. He is certain that what is to follow will be some gruesome retelling of the One-Eyed Prince being the source of night terrors, it would not be the first time he has overheard unkind words about himself.
“Oh? Do share.” One of them pipes up.
“I-I can’t.” She stammers. “It is improper.”
Aemond’s eye widens at this. He leans forward, peering through the gap to see which of them it is. She is pretty. Beautiful, actually. He has never bothered to take the time to properly look at any of them before, usually doing his best to avoid them at all costs, but there is no denying that she is fairer than any woman he has ever looked upon. He hopes more than anything that the rest of this wretched gaggle can convince her to divulge further details.
More giggles erupt, before a voice chimes in.
“Oh, go on, your secret’s safe with us!”
“Well…we were coupling…and it felt good…I have heard that lying with a man is painful and uncomfortable, but I was enjoying it, and after…he pleasured me with his mouth…”
This is a chorus of gasps, followed by more laughing.
Aemond feels his heart hammering inside of his chest. It seems so loud he is certain the ladies in the solar will notice and catch him in the act of eavesdropping. His skin flushes hot from his neck all the way to the tips of his ears. He is in utter disbelief at what he has just heard.
“Were you not repulsed by it? He is disfigured after all.”
“No.” She rebuffs. “Actually, I find Prince Aemond rather dashing…”
Aemond pushes off of the wall and hurries away. He has heard enough. He does not know how to handle the words he was just privy to. They were not meant for his ears and yet he cannot undo hearing them. What is he supposed to do with the way they have set his pulse racing? He never asked for this, had never even noticed her before today, and yet he cannot help replaying the words in his mind.
We were coupling.
It felt good.
He pleasured me with his mouth.
I find Prince Aemond rather dashing.
For the first time in his life he is late to the training yard. Ser Criston greets him with a reproachful look, before Aemond suffers through what is undoubtedly the worst sparring session he has participated in since he first took up a wooden sword as a child.
We were coupling.
His sword is knocked from his hand.
It felt good. 
His shield splinters under a blow from a morningstar.
He pleasured me with his mouth.
He is knocked to the ground.
I find Prince Aemond rather dashing.
The point of Criston’s sword is at his throat.
“Is everything alright, My Prince?” Criston asks with genuine concern, offering out a hand and helping Aemond back to his feet.
Aemond’s eye is wide, his breathing laboured, and not from the exertion of training.
“I-I think I am unwell, Cole. Please excuse me.”
He stalks back inside, seeking solace in the library. Pulling a copy of Unnatural History from the shelf, his favourite book to lose himself in, he settles into an armchair and begins to read.
“The bloodmages of Valyria used wyvern stock to create dragons…we were coupling…The bloodmages of Valyria…it felt good…”
“Seven hells!” He slams the book shut upon realising he cannot get past the first line, sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose.
He pleasured me with his mouth.
He has never heard of a man doing such a thing to a woman. Despite the vulgarity of it, he is intrigued. He places his copy of Unnatural History on the nearby table and stands, making his way towards the end of the library that contains the more salacious reading material.
He takes a quick look around to make sure the prying eyes of the maesters aren’t watching him, before scanning the shelves and selecting the tome he feels will be most relevant for what he is attempting to research.
It only takes a few seconds of flicking through the pages before he finds what he’s looking for. Graphic descriptions of how women can be prepared for intercourse, and even brought to peak, via the use of lips and tongue.
His eye widens and his breathing quickens as he imagines licking her in her most intimate area. It’s only when he realises that his cock is now straining painfully against the laces of his breeches that he hurriedly places the book back on the shelf and retires to his chambers.
He lays on his bed that afternoon, spilling into his own hand, with her name falling from his lips like an urgent prayer.
She is there at the dining table when he goes to supper that evening. It is not unusual for Helaena to invite her ladies in waiting to dine with them, and usually Aemond sits at the far end of the table, avoiding eye contact and all attempts at conversation. However, this evening feels different. Prior to tonight he had never heard her say she found him “dashing”, he had never pleasured himself to the thought of burying his face between her thighs.
Guilt blooms heavily in his chest as he takes his seat. His food remains untouched. Every time he looks up he catches her eyes upon him. Does she know? How could she?
In truth, he cannot keep his eyes off of her either and it is probably that that drives her to stare as she does.
On an ordinary evening, Aemond sips delicately at his wine throughout the meal, leaving the cup almost full by the time he leaves the table. However, tonight he finds himself draining his first and gulping greedily at the second. The calming effect it has on his nerves is most agreeable to him.
He pleasured me with his mouth.
His grip on the edge of the wooden table turns his knuckles white, as he struggles to compose himself. His sigh of relief is almost audible as the meal draws to a close and everyone begins to retire for the evening.
He catches sight of her outside of her own bedchamber door as he is returning to his. Fuelled by the confidence that two cups of wine on an empty stomach has granted him, he lengthens his strides, catching up to her before she is able to make it inside and close the door.
She turns, startled, as he grabs her arm, pulling her towards him.
“My Prince?” She asks, a hint of fear and confusion pinching her delicate features as her brow furrows slightly.
Acting on his new found boldness, Aemond leans down to whisper in her ear, his voice husky. “I heard what you said earlier.”
He regards her face carefully as he pulls back, but there is no apparent recollection, so he decides to be more daring. Leaning in once more he says “Just so you know, if I were going to pleasure you with my mouth, I’d do it before I stuck my cock in your cunt, not after.”
He lets her go and walks away with a smirk. When he chances a glance back over his shoulder and sees that she is still frozen in place, her mouth agape, he knows that she knows exactly what he is talking about and his words have had the desired effect.
“Sweet dreams, my lady.” He calls behind him.
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jwanniie · 8 months
Hiii again!!
can I make a request about g!p minji x reader fcking in the library?
I got too excited with this idea😁
Secret crush.
You have been struggling in school for the past two months due to some family issues and just life has been exhausting and draining, you weren’t dumb you just needed a little break and someone who takes care of you. From the start of the school year you have been getting decent grades, they were good but if we compare it to the amount you study for you should definitely get better grades, that really did unmotivate you because what do you mean someone who didn’t even touch a book will get a better grade than someone who pulls all nighters, skips meal just to study and never skips a class?You are happy for them but still there is a little unpleasant feeling inside you that you can’t deny ,And on top of that your family starts complaining about you not trying hard and not getting full marks. So you thought about what is the point of trying hard but still not reaching?
The way your grades dropped made your teacher really unhappy because you definitely weren’t dumb in fact you were very intelligent so she decided to talk to you and try to convince you to get a tutor and maybe she can help you choose one.
“___can you stay a little after class, we need to discuss something?”
You were tired and wanted to go home, you wanted to deny but what if she has something important to say?
“Sure” you replied with tired eyes that anyone could literally notice that you hadn’t been getting proper sleep for days, and yeah you don’t even remember when you last had that 10 hour uninterrupted sleep.
Class ended faster than usual, once all of the students went out of the class the teacher sat you down and took a deep breath before starting to talk.
“___ has anything happened home or do you have something going on that is not very pleasant…since your grades been dropping and I’m wondering what’s the reason and if we could try to fix it?” She spat, she really didn’t want to express her thoughts in a hurtful or negative way so she tried to sound as kind as possible.
You took an exhale before speaking “miss everything is going fine at home it’s just that I’m very unmotivated towards school and my mental health overall is not really helping with school” you spoke trying to sound as ok as possible even tho tears are starting to well in your eyes, recalling everything that is happening and all of your family problems.
“I see, do you think if we could ask a student to tutor you so you could perhaps make friends at the same time while studying do you think that would help you a little? And ___ you are nowhere near stupid you just need a little push and that will get you started all over again and I care for you, you are one of my favorite students here, always kind and enthusiastic to learn new things so seeing you like this really does hurt me.” She uttered in the most comforting tone ever, you smiled at her request and nodded because maybe that will make your school life and mental health better “a tutor could work!” Your teacher smiled warmly at your answer “then I will look for a tutor” she said, she lastly bid you goodbye and you went home a little smile on your face knowing that you have a new start and could improve.
The next week the teacher gave you the name of the student who will tutor you and when will you meet, the first lesson would be in the library. Damn, you haven’t been there for a long time you thought to yourself. You checked the paper that the teacher gave you once more and you looked at the name again “Minji”. You have heard the name before but the image of the person didn’t really click. You decide to pick a place near the entrance of the library so as soon as minji steps inside she could see you, you dont think she even recognize you but let’s just hope for the best.
You waited silently for about seven minutes till you saw a girl with a school uniform, your school never restricted what the students wear but that’s what she is comfortable wearing, now the image clicked, She is minji! You have never interacted with her nor your friends did but she was known for having one of the best grades in school if not the best. She was quiet,didn’t really have much friends, a bookworm and kinda cold or perhaps a better word distant? You always saw her with a book in hand or had her head deep down writing something. She didn’t really put much effort in socializing but one thing undeniable about her was her beauty she was that handsome type of beauty. You waved your hands at her you were maybe too excited she just walked towards her expression hard to read, she always had a resting face.
“I was kinda late, sorry” she spoke a little cold it gave you chills, is she always this serious? You didn’t expect any type of laughter or giggling but a little smile wouldn’t hurt anyone!
The tutoring session went pretty smoothly she told you the basic stuff and you immediately got the hang of it, like the teacher said you weren’t stupid you just needed someone to take interest in you. It was very silent, yeah a library is supposed to be silent but this maybe was too silent. You looked around and saw no one near you or even far away from you. You looked at the entrance of the library and there was no one even the bored librarian wasn’t there you looked around a little more and there was literally no one. A panic immediately started to hit you, you can’t be stuck in here seriously. Minji saw how uncomfortable you were and decided to give you a little hug whispering “hey calm down, we are going to get out of here. Let’s call someone” minji maybe was too calm about this whole situation but deep inside she was having a little panic attack. Yeah she didn’t show much emotions but that didn’t mean she didn’t care about people’s feelings, she just couldn’t express with words but her actions did.
You called the school principal and he said that they will come get the both out while waiting you decide to make a little chit chat to burn some time and comfort you a little. “I know this might sound weird but have you had any crush” this was the basic middle school dudes question while playing truth or dare but in this situation you didn’t honestly care, If she wants to think your weird then so be it. “Yeah” she answered tone little softer now, as a nosy person you couldn’t help but ask who, “oooh do you mind telling me who?” You said to excited, she gave you a little smirk making a point below your stomach tingle “what about I will describe it and you should guess, I’m pretty sure you know them” she said in a seductive voice immediately shocking you seeing the new side of her, your not complaining tho it was pretty hot. “Why not, tell me” you said too excited. “Hmmm well she is a girl, she is very gorgeous and adorable, she has never interacted with me before but did now and Uhmm her mental health hasn’t been the best which was secretly hurting me. I have always admired her from a far” she uttered scooting closer to you. Her description definitely had some suspicion in you, deep inside you wanted it to be you but the chances of her licking you were very very slim. “Uhm I don’t…know, please tell me” you stated. She was so close to you now, “hmm sure why not” she brought her face near you inches a part. Your breath hitched and you closed your eyes, she brought her plush lips to your pair and soon you felt something kissing you softly, when she moved her lips from yours, you were shocked a good shocked tho. “Did this tell enough, princess or…?” She questioned looking deep into your eyes, intoxicating you with her pair of eyes almost like hypnotizing you and before you knew you grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into a deep kiss passionate and warm. She immediately kissed back, placing her hand on your upper back and gently laying you down. She took her skirt off revealing her erection, and damn, was she big? She was huge and her length being hard doubling it size. Without much of thinking you grabbed it touching it earning a groan from her, she was thick and had girth. You went on your knees and saw how her tip was filled with precum. Your tongue exploring her tip and length, her precum was very creamy but salty. Her hand found its way to your neck and squeezed it “don’t tease doll!” Her breath hitched. You tried to take her in one go but she was too big. She gave you a dark giggle full of lust “too big for you baby?” You tried to take her one more time but you gagged uncontrollably while coughing. But still you wanted to please her so you started sucking half of her length, bobbing your head around it. Soon after she started twitching inside your mouth, breath getting faster and moans getting louder. Without warning her thick white salty cum filled your mouth. She looked you in the eyes “swallow it, all of it” and as a good girl you obeyed her, swallowing her release. She was satisfied,way too satisfied. “On all fours baby, mommy is going to reward you for being so good” the excitement of her words flood your brain and your body immediately reacted to her, taking off your pants and panties leaving you with only an oversized shirt. And getting onto all fours, she groaned seeing how obedient you are for her. She couldn’t wait anymore and gave you her whole length, not even letting you adjust to her, immediately thrusting passionately hitting spots you never thought existed. Bumping into your g-spot and to spots people never even named. Her ruthless pace never cooled down if anything it only got rougher, with few more thrusts and few ass reddening spanks your release flood all over your thighs. Her relentless pace didn’t stop, the way you got now tighter made her eyes roll back and a hitched groan came from her “fuck baby so tight”. With how clenching you are around her length it didn’t take her long to feel her high close. Few seconds later she pulled out and white sperm got released on your back.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
i just want what's best for you. — miles 42 x reader
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summary: no matter how much miles may love you, you still have to get through his mom for you two to be together. first impressions didn't go so well, and now... now you're starting to think she's right about you. but somehow, you both come to an understanding, and... eventually, an understanding can be made between you two. pairing: miles 42 x gn!reader genre: slight angst + comfort word count: 2,646 request: Could you do a miles (42 or 1610 or both) x reader where his mom isn’t to fond of her but, it’s only because she doesn’t want to see him get hurt. And reader considers breaking up with him and his mom overhears and feels bad. a/n: hello, my lovely anon !! omg i loved writing this ngl, I INTENTIONALLY PUT MORE ANGST HERE THAN I DID FOR 1610 MILES AAAAA please multiverse, don't let this flop PLEASEEEE also SORRY FOR THE CRAPPY SPANISH AND OOC RIO, I TRIED UUEUEUUEUUE BUT I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS !!
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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you had never felt any more intimidated and nervous than you did right now as you sat down with miles' family for dinner. you had partners before and met their parents, it wasn't all so bad; you actually had fond memories of those people and sometimes would reminisce how kind they'd treat you, how they'd welcome you into their families and give you a home away from your home when you'd need it. however, when it came to miles' family... it was so-so.
his uncle aaron, without a doubt, was one of the nicest father figures you had ever encountered in your whole life. he was a sweet man who cared for miles and would, be proxy, care about you, too. he'd tease you and miles when he'd see you two together in the most low-key ways and still make miles lose all his cool and stoic composure around you when his uncle would expose how much he talks about you.
"this kid can't ever go through another day without thinking about you. like seriously, all i did was take him to the convenience store downtown and i see him with all these snacks i've never seen him eat before, snacks he told me he hates with a burning passion. i look at him and ask him why he's got those snacks, and he mutters under his breath... 'these're for them, not for me.' how cute of my nephew, no?" he said with a chuckle as miles glared up at his uncle and pouted at him, with you giggling at the story as everyone but his mother was laughing about that little anecdote.
uncle aaron nudged rio a little, to which she shot him a glare similar to miles' and muttered something under her breath in spanish. uncle aaron sighed as some tension was caught in the air and enveloped the entire dinner table, with no one else uttering another word or sound as you all ate in silence. you felt rio's gaze on you at times while you all ate, and unlike the other mothers you had encountered with your previous partners, she had a gaze that felt a little... judgemental, in a way?
you felt pretty self-conscious as rio looked at you, and you felt yourself jump slightly in your seat when she'd ask you questions about you and her son. she called your name randomly, shattering the silence and causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up as you nearly sprang up from your seat in utter surprise. "y-yes rio?" you asked her as she winced, as if she heard a discordant tune when you uttered her first name. without even looking up from her plate, she asked you, "did you know miles got a b in spanish? ay, i'm proud of you, mijo, though... you usually do so much better than that. i'm worried, have you been missing classes recently? and do you know anything about it?" she asked you as she turned her gaze up at you, causing you to freeze up and instinctively shake your head.
miles breathed out a small huff as he tried to think of a reason to give his own mother, who he promised he'd never lie to, as his uncle aaron tried to tell rio that maybe now wasn't the right time to talk about it, but rio told him in spanglish that now was as good a time as any, she had to know if her son was being distracted by... she didn't dare finish that thought. she looked over at you then at miles and raised an eyebrow. "so? is no one gonna tell me anything?" she asked the two of you as you bit the inside of your cheek, feeling pretty intimidated by her right now. "mama, it's nothing, i promise you, i--" "it's nothing?" "oh, no." uncle aaron muttered as he silently excused himself and left the table with his plate in hand, gesturing to you to follow what he did and to seek refuge into the kitchen, away from the mother and son.
you did as he directed and excused yourself, nearly stumbling out of your chair as rio's eyes followed you with a kind of suspicious gleam in those hazel eyes of hers. indistinct conversation and arguments between the mother and son were heard, with the sound of running water, the squeaking and setting down of plates being tuning their voices out as you gratuitously helped uncle aaron wash the dishes. "hey, sorry about them, miles' mom hasn't been in the best mood lately." he muttered to you as you nodded. "i-i understand, aaron. it's really okay..." you murmured back as you both finished, with uncle aaron wishing you a good night as he disappeared into the garage doing who knows what.
as you exited the kitchen, you heard rio's muffled voice from the dining room mention your name, and you walked over in a morbid kind of curiosity to know why she mentioned you when she was scolding miles; though a part of you thought of why, you hoped what you thought of wouldn't be the case. "sé honesto, ¿te estás distrayendo con ellos?" she asked miles with a stern voice as miles looked down at the ground, clearly frustrated, but wasn't about to run his mouth off at his own mother. he shook his head and murmured, "mi amante no tiene la culpa de lo que me ha estado pasando, mama."
rio sighed exasperatedly as she looked at her son in disbelief. "and you mean that? you seriously... look, mijo, no quiero hacerte infeliz, y sé que crees que entiendes lo que es bueno para ti, pero… no puedo permitir que ellos te pongan en peligro. they might... not be a good influence on you." she said with a soft voice as miles looked up at her with an incredulous expression on his face. "mama, you have no idea who they really are." he said as rio kept talking to him, but he stormed off on her. she called for her son repeatedly, but he marched into his room, with her sighing aloud and storming off herself, too.
you felt a heavy weight on your shoulders as your anxieties and worries over what miles' mother thought of you were realized; she doesn't trust you, and she doesn't think you're good for her son. you felt so weak in the knees at that moment, thinking that you would never be able to love miles freely without his mother intervening or trying to convince him you're not right for him, that you're a distraction for him. you didn't want any conflict between the two anymore, so you thought of a way to end their feud peacefully, and the only way that'd work was... one neither of you would particularly like.
you snuck upstairs to miles' room and gently rapped at his door, muttering that you were there, and that you wanted to talk to him. miles opened his door a crack, and when he could confirm it was you, he opened the door wider and gently took your hand in his. "cielo," he greeted you softly with a light squeeze of your hand as he looked at you. "am i ever glad to see you." he said as he led you into his room, with you reciprocating his touch and squeezing his hand back. he gestured for you to sit down on the side of his bed as he sat down, with you following him and sitting down on the plush of his bed.
he brushed a few hairs from your forehead and kept his gaze on you as you looked down at the floor, unsure of how to tell him what you were articulating to yourself in your head; unsure of how he'd take it, if he even will be able to. you sighed a little longer than you planned to, causing miles to pull away from you and have worry drawn on his face as he tried getting a better look at your expression. "cielo, are you okay? did something happen...?" he asked you as you shook your head gently. "nothing, nothing, i..." you began, but you stopped yourself, trying to think of how to tell him all over again as all you could think of at that moment was that: miles' mother doesn't think you're any good for him.
you took a deep breath and faced him with saddened eyes. "i'm sorry, miles, i just... i don't think you should be dating me anymore. it's not because of you, of course not, it's... it's on me." you whispered, with miles feeling like he took a blow to the gut, feeling utterly helpless and confused at what you just told him. he wasn't sure what you meant by 'it was your fault', but he wanted to let you know right now that you weren't at fault, for whatever it was that'd come between you two.
miles appeared a little more hurt and distressed by what you told him, the matter at hand still not sinking in, that you told him you'd break up with him... he couldn't, wouldn't, believe it. "what? amor, what do you mean? 'your fault'? i doubt that..." he began as he tried to reassure you, feeling himself coming undone at the seams and desperate to know why you wanted to part ways with him. was it because he couldn't spend as much time with you as before? because he was too busy with his job as the prowler to be with you? if you only told him, then... then he'd find ways to make it work, not make you feel alone ever again, make up for what he lacked in the past by working hard for you now in the present.
"is it... is it because i'm not able to spend much time with you as before? mi vida, i'm sorry... i'll make up for it, i promise!" he said as you shook your head. "no, miles... it's not your fault. it's mine, even if you don't say it is." you said with a melancholic voice as miles looked at you with feebleness filling his face as he tried to understand how it's your fault for anything. he defended you in front of his mother the best he could, and yet... he'd still lose you in the end, if not the argument.
you couldn't figure out how to tell miles that you didn't wish to break up, you wanted to be with him still, but there was no better way of getting his mom and him to make up if you were still in the picture. you heard his mom say it himself, you didn't seem like a good influence on him, and maybe her behavior towards you was a sign that you really weren't being good to miles, good to his parents, and just... weren't good in general. you sighed, trying to keep the tears from flowing as miles tried to tell you that if you really wanted to break up with him, he'd respect your decision, but... he begs of you to tell him how it's your fault.
you felt your heart throb and your throat flare up as you tried to stifle your cries and sobs. "i'm just, i'm not good for you, okay, miles? i'm sorry... you deserve better." you told him in a quieted voice as you got up and went over to his door, about to leave him and give him an easier time with his family than stay with him and just ruin his relationship with his mom even more.
"espera, mi cielo! hold on a minute, can't we talk about this...?" he called out to you as you opened the door to leave, to keep yourself away from miles to keep him and his mother from getting angry at each other and fighting all over again. however, when you opened the door, you saw a familiar face look back at you, and a familiar voice shrieking in surprise--it was miles' mom, who was eavesdropping on you two. you shrieked at his mom's shrieking, as miles shrieked at your shrieking.
"mama!" miles exclaimed as he saw his mom at the doorway, with her telling the two of you to calm down, and that nobody needs to break up with anybody. "i'm... i'm sorry i eavesdropped, but i came here to... to say sorry, mijo, and... i'm sorry to you, too." she said as she turned to look at you with guilt and shame in her eyes. "you didn't deserve to hear all that... i shouldn't have said that." she muttered as she looked at the two of you. she leaned against the doorway and sighed as she began to speak again, looking around miles' room.
"i didn't mean that you were a bad influence, i just... i default to worrying about what miles could be doing because, you're a teenager, miles--you're both teens and... you both wanna do your own things. it worries me when miles doesn't tell me anything, it makes me feel like i'm failing as a mom when... i'm the only parent you have now." she said in a soft voice as she looked at miles sadly and up at you. she sat down next to miles on the bed and held his hand. "i wish you could just be honest with me." she muttered to him as miles looked at her with sadness in his eyes. "i am being honest with you, mom. you don't even... you don't even know how amazing my partner is, you hardly give them a chance, and that's what hurts me every time." he said as you looked at the two of them.
miles' mom got up from the bed and placed her fingers underneath your chin and lifted your head up to look at her and sighed. "i'm so sorry i judged you too quickly, i just... mom instincts kicked in, and... i got a little carried away and thought i knew what was good for my baby boy, but... i guess i don't know as much anymore. maybe... i'd know him better if i trusted him, if i trusted you." she said with a slight smile on her face as you gave her a slight smile back. "again, i'm so, so sorry for how i was earlier, and... just, in general." she uttered as you nodded. "it's okay, mrs. morales." you told her as she smiled wider and pulled away from you. "y'know what, that just made my evening much better. i think i like you a bit better already. 'mrs.' morales, finally." she said with a slight chuckle as you chuckled back at her little quip, with miles smiling to himself as he finally witnessed you two get along. she let miles keep dating and seeing you, only if he promises to get his grades back up to how they were before.
as his mom left the room, miles told her you two needed to talk, alone. she understood, but reminded him not to lock the door. "lo tengo, mamá, entendido." he said as he closed the door the minute she headed down into the hallway, leaving you both in an awkward silence after you two had 'broken up' a few minutes ago. before miles could say anything, you wrapped him in a big hug, muttering under your breath how happy you were to be with him, that his mom finally accepted you. miles slowly reciprocated your hug, holding you close and kissing the top of your head as he smiled against your hair. he was beyond happy and relieved to know his mom finally saw you as a person he loved, not as a distraction to him or a bad influence, just someone he cared a lot about to devote himself to, someone he wouldn't leave nor let anyone, not even his own mom or uncle, get in the way of him loving ceaselessly.
he gets that his mom just wants what's best for him, but... maybe it was time for him to decide what's best for him on his own, and that'd be to love you with all his heart and stay by your side, never leaving you once because he loves you too much to let you go that easily.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @fiannee @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless
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siconetribal · 4 months
Beyond the Bookshelves (2)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: When you're forced to work in pairs/groups when you don't want to work in pairs/groups, work life, slice of life
Summary: You're a Resource Management Specialist at S.H.I.E.L.D. normally referred to as “The Librarian”. You've been assigned the nightmarish task of digitizing all the physical resources currently owned by the agency, with a few new computers and one extra helper.
A/N: Thank you to all the readers who have loved this story so much already, I did not expect so man tag requests! I'll do my best to live up to your expectations in this story that is pretty much writing itself. If I missed anyone who asked to be tagged, please let me know!
Please comment/like/reblog. If you'd like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know!
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
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The walk back to the library was longer than usual, but that was because you were now burdened with a task that was nearly impossible to complete with what was at your disposal. Not only was there so little provided, the personnel allotted was the complete opposite of what was necessary. It would have been laughable had it not been so pathetic. You, someone who normally worked with a set number of others, (most of which were virtual) was now forced into a group with two other members whom you have never even properly spoken to.
Loki probably hates me, he has to hate me. The man-person-god-prince-whatever-he-is has never even uttered a word to me until today! You thought back to the very first time you ever met the silent and brooding raven haired Asgardian.
It started off just like any other day, quiet and peaceful. It was just you, the books, and the sun. Though it was a state-of-the-art facility, the library was given a more soothing design with wooden shelving and tables, soft carpeting, comfortable seating of chairs and sofas, table lamps, and desks for laptops and computers to promote productivity and security. There were a few high-tech things, such as the book trolley being robotic and the security measures equal to the rest of the complex; but overall it evoked a sense of tradition.
You were leading the robot trolley filled with books through the shelves, returning items to their proper place, when you heard the chime at the door. Peeking your head out of the aisle, you were awestruck by the handsome young man whom you have never seen before, slowly walking in and looking around in what you could only describe as pure wonder. There was a sparkle of life in those blue eyes and the faintest of smiles tugging at the corners of his lips. Setting the book in hand back on the trolley, you stepped out and gave a big smile.
“Hello, my name is Y/N. I’m the librarian. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You cheerily greeted him, but only received silence in return as he walked further into the room without even a passing glance. There’s no way he didn’t hear me, right? I didn’t shout, but I wasn’t quiet either. He seems to be really excited about the library, so maybe he was too busy looking around? She opened her mouth to let him know she was here to assist if he needed anything, but he was nowhere to be seen. “I guess he really was just that eager.” You muttered to yourself as you finished your task and made your way to the main desk.
Who is he, anyway? He looks oddly familiar, but I just can’t put my finger on it. You dug through your memories, trying to find a name to the face. When it was clear that it was not something that would come to you right away, he let it be for now and tried your best to see if the newcomer was still here. Had it not been for the occasional sightings, you would have sworn your mind was playing tricks on you. When he finally settled on a few books, you waited for him to come to the desk to check out.
“Excuse me, sir!” You shouted after him as he went straight towards the door. His nose was already buried in one book, and two more were under his arm. It was too late. The alarm at the door began ringing, and a female computer voice came through the speakers.
“Please return the books to the library or check them out at the main desk. I repeat, please return the books to the library or check them out at the main desk.” You watched his head snap up and look around for the source of the disembodied voice when holographic floating arrows directed his attention towards you. You gave a slight wave and put on your best welcoming smile once more. He looked down at the books he held briefly before making his way over to the desk.
“I guess you didn’t hear me, I was trying to get your attention before you left. It’s fine, people make that mistake most of them the time when they're busy. May I please see the books?” He held out your hands, but he deposited the stack on to the desk and pushed it towards you. Ok, you pulled them closer. “Your ID as well, please.” You held out your hand once more and the man simply stared at you, bewildered, with scrunched eyebrows and a growing frown. Lifting your lanyard up, you pointed to your pass holder, which held your ID. “Your ID card, the one that gives you access to the various parts of this facility.” The continued silence was deafening as one of his hands slipped into one of his pockets and he pulled out his ID and placed it on the table. “Uh, thank you,” you mumble as you pick up the piece of plastic and tapped it against a panel to the right of your monitor. Loki? You stared at the name for a moment, the gears slowly turning in your head as you scanned the books one by one before handing them and his ID back to him. “You have two weeks to return or extend your borrow time. Please do not damage them or return them late, you will incur some fees if so. Thank you, I hope you enjoy them. If you need any,” you began to strike up conversation once more, but he took the books and left without a word, leaving you to awkwardly watch.
“Talk about intimidating! I had no idea they brought him here!” You let out a heavy sigh and plopped back into your chair. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize him without those big gold horns! Did he really just ignore me, though? Maybe he’s shy? I don’t recall ever hearing him speak, though,” you muttered to yourself, swinging left to right. “He must’ve proven that he’s not dangerous if he’s allowed to be part of the Avenger’s team.” You shrugged and let the topic slide for now. You would give him time to grow accustomed to you…or so you thought.
The encounters that followed were nearly identical to the first. He would come in and completely ignore you, read for hours, check out books, and leave. Not a word came from his lips, and he only ever looked at you with you were not sure whether it was disdain or disgust. At some point, you completely gave up on speaking to him and simply took note of the books he liked. When he would go searching for something of interest, you would set a book that you believed he would enjoy beside the sofa he usually sat. It was clear she chose well, since he would always read and check it out. With all this in mind, you had come to the conclusion he cannot speak for some reason, and you were a rude stranger constantly chattering on to him. Not wanting to spoil his time in the library, you quickly adapted and remained silent in return. 
You dryly laughed at the memories that dropped on you like bricks. You were clearly thinking too highly of yourself, since today you had heard him speak quite clearly. Why would someone remain quiet for so long? After all attempts made to strike up conversation? There was only one valid solution: he hated you. The reason, you were not sure, but it was the only thing that made sense, and that meant you only had one Asgardian to rely on for assistance in your assignment.
Thor can only do so much since he is a main team member and one that is sent out on multiple missions globally. You pinched the bridge of your nose. Even if they forced Loki to assist, he’ll also be sent on various missions as well. I’ll have to wait for them to return every single time because those take priority over what I need to do. Then there’s training for the missions, training to keep working well as a team, meeting, and the press! The work is never going to get done! You wanted to rip your hair out from frustration as you roughly tousled it about and let out a loud groan of frustration once inside your sanctuary, the library. “And this is all if they say yes to helping me out. I doubt Fury is going to demand it, and Agent Hill isn’t going to go out of her way to persuade them. Just forget it, Y/N, fix the report and file it. Then just go on with your day just like you always do.”
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“Thor, Loki, thank you for taking the time to meet with me.” Agent Hill greeted the brothers that came into her office.
“Of course we would come. It is not often that you call for anyone other than Stark or Rogers.” Thor gave an amicable smile, while Loki simply took a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk. “What is it that you wish to discuss with us?” Thor took the seat beside his brother.
“I won’t take much of your time, it is a new assignment that only the two of you can assist us with.” She took her seat once more and faced the two of them. “Director Fury has given a task to our Resources Management department, the lead of which works here at HQ with us. She is the Librarian. I’m sure you have seen her most of all.” She looked towards the younger prince.
Loki kept a passive outwardly expression while his mind quickly tried to pull out the information of this librarian. He was no stranger to meeting a multitude of people, but he was not foolish enough to assume he would be able to memorize everyone’s name and face. He was a prince of Asgard, the only people he needed to know of in detail ere dignitaries and other royals. This librarian was hardly someone he would have considered amongst the two categories.
“So what if I have?” He coolly questioned, unsure of what the agent was trying to get at with all of this. Is this the reason she requested an audience with us the week before? What task could they have possibly given such a department that requires our assistance? I am not some scribe! He wanted to snap at Hill, but he held his tongue. Though he was an Avenger now, he was still not fully trusted by anyone. He knew even Thor had his reservations, but they knew how the Mind Stone worked. They knew he was not lying, but they were clear in stating they did not know him and this chance was only given because of his brother, Thor.
“Well, it will make things easier for us. She needs assistance in translating all of our texts into English. The department needs to create digital copies of all our books and paper resources so that we can access them anywhere and any time. We do not have the means to simply assign large groups to this task, because it would lead to suffering in on ground missions and recon. The both of you have the ability of AllSpeak which can translate anything you say to English. When you are available, please assist the Librarian in translating the various texts to help speed up the process.”
“This is a side request?” Thor asked, wanting to clarify the priority of this.
“Yes, we do not wish for this to hinder any missions you are needed for. We are requesting you head to the library when you have the time to speak with her and set up a tentative schedule so that she can report back to Director Fury by the end of this month. By that time, she will have the necessary equipment as well. If he approves, then we can move forward in starting this task.”
“You want us to dictate books to her? So she can type it up? Do you not have programs that can instantly translate for you?” Loki frowned, crossing his arms in disapproval at this waste of time.
“Though there are plenty of translation software programs out there, none of them are a hundred percent accurate. They may translate directly word for word, which could destroy the concept of the passages. It may attempt to try to understand the concept, but get it completely wrong. Both of you will be able to read the text and understand the context of it, which will help her type a more accurate translation.” Thor loudly hummed as he considered the task. It was not something he was rather fond of, however he wanted to be of assistance if this would help the organization.
“I am to deployed on a mission with Rogers and Stark in a couple of days. I am not certain how long we will be away. Is it possible to extend the time of meeting with the Librarian?” 
“I am to head out with the spider and bird tomorrow evening and return in four days.” Loki added.
“Very well, I will have her look into your schedules and reach out to the both of you.  If it cannot be done together, I will have her meet with you separately. Your missions will always be a priority, and she is well aware of that. Thank you for your assistance, I’ll inform her of this development.” Agent Hill stood from her seat and the two brothers followed, stepping out of her office and making their way towards the common room.
“Have you actually met this Librarian, brother?” Thor was the one to break the silence.
“I have not the faintest clue on whom they are referring to. No one speaks to me in this sterile place, how am I supposed to meet anyone?” He scoffed. Who would want to talk to a monster such as me? “It doesn’t matter, we will meet this woman at some point and better understand this waste of time that we are being dragged into. If you’ll excuse me, I have a debriefing to sit through.” He turned down the hall on their left, leaving Thor with the harsh words of his reality.
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Tags: @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss @softestqueeen @thegodofnotknowing @princess-ofthe-pages @firedrakegirl @rcailleachcola @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lotrefcp @lwtannie @kats72 @kneelingformyloki
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weaveandwood · 3 months
Hey bestie!
Here is one of my favourite songs for your writing prompt!
Love ya <3
Thank you bestie! This song is perfect for these two! Summary: Gale and Auroria get engaged Pairing: Gale/Named Tav (Auroria) Word Count: 1127 Warnings: None (Fluff and Romance ahead) AN: This is probably one of the sweetest things I've written. This is a expansion of two sentences from my fic Midwinter In Waterdeep, but you're fine if you haven't read it.
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Sunlight streamed in through the gap in Auroria’s tent, signaling the start of another day. If she was counting correctly, it was almost spring. The frigid nights of winter were staying further and further behind her with each sunrise, and with that, so was Gale. It had been five tendays since he had surprised her with a cabin in the woods on Midwinter and voiced his devotion to her. Five tendays since she was finally able to accept it. 
The sun glinted off the small band of silver on her finger, the symbol of his love for her that he had returned to her that night. The ring was her constant companion, never finding itself forgotten ever since. Though if she was being honest with herself, it was never forgotten. The ring and everything it symbolized ran through her head constantly in the year they were apart, and the many years since reconnecting on their too-short nights each Midwinter. He had never forgotten it either, confessing to her that he had only stowed it away in a drawer two tendays before their fateful meeting on that very first snowy evening. 
The crackle of magic and her favorite voice ran through her head as she pulled on her armor, preparing for the day’s events.
“Good morning my love. Please keep safe, I miss you more than you know. I love you.”
“I love you. I have a big day, we are striking this morning. Go easy on your students today, Professor,” she replied through her sending stone. Gale always got worked up when he knew she would be battling, and his students were the ones who suffered - the amount of pop quizzes he gave over the last year had set a record at Blackstaff. 
“Ready, Auroria?” came a voice from outside her tent. It wasn’t the same as before. Nothing ever would be, but it was nice to have a party for this hunt. She finished lacing her boots and grabbed her bow and arrows. Time to finish this and go home, at least for a little while. She smiled to herself at the thought. Home. She had been all over this continent, and longed for her tiny cabin deep in the woods outside of Waterdeep. 
Auroria heard him before she saw him - some things would never change, even after all this time. As she watched from the window in the living room, she couldn’t help laughing to herself as she saw a very worried, very handsome wizard rush down the path to their cabin and seemingly find every brittle twig that existed in this forest to snap with his steps. Maybe she would offer yet again to help with being a little more stealthy in his movements, though she knew he would decline. “Wizards aren’t meant to be stealthy” was always his reasoning. She always assumed it was because of his creaky knees. 
She opened the door and, after a second of utter shock, his expression became one that could only be described as incandescently in love as she pulled him inside and kissed him deeply. He led her to the bedroom, a trail of discarded clothing following them as they reunited.
That night he cast dancing lights as they lay in bed. She ran her fingers through his hair and watched his elegant fingers effortlessly perform the spell movements and then manipulate it easily, making the small lights float around and illuminate both the room and its occupants in a calming, pale blue glow - not the purple he used to favor before. He made the lights twirl around Auroria’s outstretched free arm, then rest near her head to become a crown of light, and finally form the shape of a heart - delighting her and making her laugh with each new trick. 
How different they were from the day she pulled him out of a portal. How different they were from the night he brought her the stars and she begged him to choose to live, to love. How different they were from the day she walked out the door of the tower, never believing she’d return to Waterdeep again. 
Something about the moment hit her with a stunning amount of clarity. 
He turned to face her, catching her staring at him and smiled softly. “What is going through that beautiful mind of yours, Ora?”
“Marry me, Gale.”
The dancing lights froze in place as his breath caught in his throat, his eyes darting back and forth between hers. She could only imagine the worst, that past hurts were playing through his mind. A scenario playing out much like it did shortly after their defeat of the Netherbrain, where they push each other away and hurt each other worse than any enemy, curse, or spell ever could. 
“Ever since I pulled you out of that portal, you have been the only one for me. It was like I was blind before I met you, living in a cloudy haze of chaos and death and solitude. The only time I feel any peace is when I am with you. We’ve only spent one day together over each of these last years, but…I need you. I love you,” she paused, feeling tears starting to form in her eyes. “Days and locations all blur together, but one thing has remained clear to me. You. Us. Even when I’m away, I want you to be my home. I want to be your home.”
She took a breath, letting out her biggest insecurity. “I know this is probably different than what you wanted, or planned, or dreamed about but -”
He pressed a hand to her cheek, the pad of his thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped confinement. 
“Ora, your face was the first face I saw when I got out of that portal. If anyone had been blind before, it was me. I was on a path of certain death, ready to accept it before meeting you, and you changed everything. You don’t have to convince me. I could see you only one day a year for the rest of my life and I would still be the luckiest man on the entire continent because you are my wife.”
She smiled, warm tears easily sliding down her face. His wife. 
“So…that’s a yes?”
He laughed. “Yes, my love. Let’s get married. This week, while you’re home. Greengrass is the perfect setting.”
“So quickly! I really think you like me,” she teased. 
“I really do,” he said, kissing her deeply. The dancing lights hovered above them as he pulled the covers back up over them, the two of them spending the rest of the night lost in each other’s love, the sound of laughter and pleasure echoing throughout the tiny cabin deep in the woods outside of Waterdeep.
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yuyu1024 · 9 months
I think... I love you
Pairings: Yunho × y/n x Mingi
Genre/tags: arrange marriaged, love triangle,
Warning: 🔞🔞🔞📢 cheating (don't do this) smut/angst, cursing, pet names, a hint of family relationship issue but not much, smoking, fetish/kinks, jealousy
~~~ [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 4.2k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: continutation of 'Won't you regret it?' I hope its a good part 2 for you guys
-- also question... if you are the FL... who would you chose?
Likes and reblogs are much appreciated 😊
"Are you alright?"
Yunho enters our bedroom bathroom where I am standing in front of the mirror, zoning out. He is busy undoing all the buttons of his white shirt.
"Since we came back from my parent's house... you've been quiet."
Usually when we are together, I nag. Just a tiny bit. Or maybe not nag but you know chat. I rarely talk to anybody since I got married so, I talk whenever he is arround.
I always tell him what I did during the times he was gone like updating him since he have no clue what the heck is going on with me coz he is not the type to chat with you when he is away. He just text. Though very seldom.
"Yunho..." my eyes darts at him, through the mirror
"Hmm?" He answers while he's facing away and undressing.
"Can we have sex tonight?"
(I know what you may think. That sex is just my main purpose in life but i swear its not. I just... idk... find it... my go to when i dont know what to do? Plus how can I not want it if I have Yunho as my guy?)
He pauses unbuckling his belt and turns around, "do you really want to?"
I sigh as I face him as well. "I want sex. I miss sex." Then I look down at my dirty skirt. "I missed.... you... I guess..." I trail off, a whisper.
This is very out of my character. I admit I do ask him for sex when I want and need it. But saying I miss him outloud... thats new from me.
And yes he always ask me if I really want to. He always wants me to confirm what I want and need. He always makes sure that I am completely 100% okay with it. Because Yunho, well I did mention that he is amazing at sex right? Or if I haven't. HE IS. and If i also forgot to say that boy have kinks and fetishes, He does have. Also even though He looks like an angel, he does rough sex as well especially when he's really in his momentum.
I was stunned when we had our first rough sex during our honeymoon. I almost didn't recognized him. But that was fun. It was an experienced I never had before. (Don't worry it's not too extreme. Just a little spank, choking and tying my hands sort of thing. And this man loves biting my neck and shoulder)
"What did you say?" He asks. His eyes are wide and looks lost
I roll my eyes and turn my back to him. "Nothing..." he didn't heard me.
I guess I am a bit relieved he didn't heard me say I miss him. Because how dare me utter those words after what I did today? I let his friend, his bestfriend, eat me out and even agreed to have sex the next time we meet.
I am evil. I always tag myself as the poor girl who got married to a guy who I don't love, the girl her parent's threw under the bus and the girl who have nothing besides be a wife to him. The fuck? I am the worst person ever. Between the two of us, I am the devil.
"Well... do you want to have sex or not?" I ask again
He's now behind me. He snakes his arms around my waist as he watches me through the mirror.
"Don't you miss having sex with me?" I spat
"What do you mean?"
I turn again to face him, looking up. "Whenever you're home. I always ask you for sex. While.... You never do."
He crunches his brows "I do."
He does but of course the emotional girl in me feels like I ask for sex more than him.
"Not as many as I do."
"Does that matter?" He smiles
"Yes!" Not really. Maybe I just want more of him wanting me and needing me.
"Hmm?" He takes a step back, confused but still smiling. He's not offended by my drama
"Well... It makes me think that when you're away you must ha--" I pause for a second. I was supposed to add more drama by asking if he fucks other chicks than me but I saw something. "What is that?" I panic a little. It's bandage on his lower abdomen. Almost hidding on the hem of his pants. It's not big but still. "What happened?"
"Oh. It's just a small cut."
"Just a small cut? From where? How?" I look closer. "It's new..." I glance up at him, worried. "Yuyu... what happened...?"
"It's nothing..."
"Are you sure?"
He nods. "Yes... don't worry..."
Fuck. He is smiling. I guess it's not a big deal?
I sigh heavily. But it's not a relieved exhale. I know this has something to do with his work. He can always lie but I know. I am not that stupid.
We have been having sex coz... duh we are married. So we see each other naked. I've seen a few scars from his back and arms already. He might think because they are not big so its not that noticable. However I do see it. How can I not see it? I drool just gazing at his figure. I see everything.
"Hey..." he moves closer again and this time, super close that I could feel his boner through my skirt. "Don't frown... I just got back. And I want to see you smiling... not like that..." he softly says.
He cups my face with his one hand and plants the most delicate kiss I have ever received from him on the corner of my lips.
"I missed you too..." he adds before a smile creeps back in over his lips. "And... Yuyu...?" He suddenly says.
Oh crap he heard? Both? And now He's fucking teasing me! Wait. Did I really called him Yuyu outloud? Shit! That nickname is supposed to be for me only. Crap!
"Where did that came from?" He leans lower, making me arch my body to give him access and starts to kiss me on my neck. "Can you... Say it again..." he says in between kisses on my skin
"No..." I whine as I close my eyes
"Please... say it again..." he is talking so delicately all of a sudden. Sounding like a whine but a seductive request. "Say it..." his hands then gropes my boobs. My weakness.
"If I say it again... will you fuck me?"
My mouth then drops as his one hand goes straight to my core. He is caressing it and rubbing his palm on it, making me feel his fingers through my panties.
"Still on birth control?" He asks
I nod as we both look at each others eyes.
He lifted me up, positioned me where I could sit comfotably on the top of our marble sink and spread my legs apart.
"You have no plans tomorrow.. right?" He tears up my panties making me gasp. "Coz... It will be a long night..." he snarls while he puts his pants and underwear down in one go.
I shake my head, answering no. I can't speak. I am... I am losing my mind.
He holds onto his length, aligning it with my folds and. "Answer me." He growls before he eases himself in. Full and strong.
"No!" I squeal. "I.. I have... I have no..." I put my arms around his nape, grabbing for dear life. "I have no plans..." I am breathing heavily.
My toes curls as he thrusts. Holy shit!
"Yunho! Ah!"
He is aggressive. This is different but good. Did he really meant it when he said he missed me too? Miss me how? Just for sex or miss ME?
"FUCK!" I hug him as he pounces me.
We both ruined our masters bathroom. It got messy. I need to personally rearrange our sink as I every beauty product, perfumes, body lotions and etc  got thrown on the floor. Plus the towels  oh god our towels. Hmm. We need to buy new ones.
After spending time together last night, in my surprise he didn't leave the following day. He actually fucking stayed and I woke up afterwards, still embraced by him. He's sleeping so peacefuly beside me. I finally saw him again, looking like a baby and dreaming.
This is what I want. This is what I need. This is what will make me fall in love with him. The in between the sex. Him being there, present and us having morning talks and etc. Yes sex is part of anyone's life (as long as you want it of course) but the beauty of having someone beside you, always is different.
Maybe I am selfish to wish something from a man who married me for business but I hope I could atleast get this from him. I am not asking and wishing for him to love me (if ever I get to truly learn to love him through out this marriage) I just want him to be a partner to me. I want to have and experience what my parents didn't gave me growing up. Spending time with me, giving me the attention I need even without asking and care. That's all. I know not everyone can love me but atleast just those three. Just.... that. It's not an impossible wish right?
But then again, do I even have a right to wish these from him?
I have been zoning out a lot these past few days. I have been contemplating and thinking about me and Yunho. Mostly about me, about my random emotions, my needs and wants.
I am definitely at lost. I may be an adult but my brain can't handle this type of adulting called the "Feelings". Especially when it gets complicated like this because of my shit descisions. Meaning hooking up with Mingi.
Why did I even did it? Like what had gotten into me? I am not like this. I know I value people's feelings. Why did I break when Mingi had his hands on my boobs that day. Why did I spread my legs for him? Why? Why?!
Am I that hungry for sex from Yunho that core just said hello to the next guy that's had the same length as my husband even though its different type of dish?
Fuck. Now I am thinking about these men as food. I am CRAZY!
"Hello baby girl..."
I jump on my seat as Mingi shows up, kissing me on the cheek.
"What the fuck?" I hiss at him, glaring even. "Why did you kiss me?" I look around and could see Mrs. Jeong and Mrs. Song from afar busy looking at the set of jewelries on the table.
Fuck. I almost had a heart attack. Glad they are busy and focused on the sparkles.
"It's just a kiss on a cheek baby." He says in his low voice, a whisper.
"Still...." I exhale, exasperated
"You are not responding to my texts lately." He says as he sits down at the chair across me.
"I got busy."
"Busy?" He repeats, sounding a bit amused. "We had a deal..."
"I am doing it... the painting... I mean."
He chuckles, leaning forward resting his elbows on his knees. "Baby girl... that's not the only canvas we planned to paint... remember?" I see his eyes scanning me from my chest down to the thing between my legs. "I was promised a sex... you gave me little taste of what heaven feels like and you're suddenly backing out?"
I look away and try to focus on Yunho's mother picking jewelries she would like to wear for the ball.
"Can we talk about the painting later?" I say a bit louder so the others could hear.
He chuckles and lay his back, resting. "Fine."
"Is everything alright?" Mrs. Jeong asks
"Yes." I answer smiling.
"I see." She then goes to sit down beside me and shows me this amazing diamiond tear drop earrings. "This would really go well with the black heart neckline gown of yours.. for the ball."
I look at it and my jaw drop how pretty it is. "It will... but..."
"But?" Mrs. Song butts in. "What you mean but? That's one heck of an expensive earring darling... don't you like it?"
"Oh gosh... I do... I do, Mrs. Song.. " I hold her hands and thanked her for the jewelries she brought for us to check and chose from. However...
"Did Yunho said, you two will not go to the ball?" Mrs. Jeong asks
I press my lips together. Not responding to the question. But of course, Yunho's mom knows it already.
"That boy and socializing..." she sighs
"Your son is not going again? But he said he will. He said he will atleast try once he gets married. And now he is married with this wonderful woman.. why is he not coming again?" Mrs. Song says
"Yunho really can't keep promises. What's new?" Mingi stands up and goes to stand near the open window. He's going to smoke again.
"Even if he promised to his mother?" Mrs. Song is bothered and sad.
She was expecting to see me and Yunho to the ball she will be hosting for this halloween season. It's for charity and also her favorite time of the year so she's very excited. She wants everyone to be present and to have fun.
"Even to me... his godmother?" She pouts
"We all know he's like that... work is important to him than us..." he puffs a smoke out. "Sorry Mrs. Jeong..." he adds
"It's okay dear. I know it already so..." Mrs. Jeong puts the earrings back to its case and just smiles at me. "Anyways... we can still hope for next time."
"Yeah... we can." I mumble
So, it's not only me who have issues with Yunho keeping promises and being present.
"So," Mrs. Jeong stands up, hands together and smiling. "We will go now and do more meetings with the coordinators for the ball. Final run downs of the flow of the party, theme and set designs... how about you two?"
"I'll stay." Mingi answers immediately. "We have to talk about commission..."
"Commission?" Both of the ladies repeat
"He requested for me to paint a portrait of him..."
"Really?" Mrs. Song sound surprise
"Money will go to charity." I add
"That's good then!" Mrs. Song is happy to hear the word charity. "Looking forward for the painting... we can display it at the house when its done."
"Sure will." Mingi answers.
The moment everyone left the room and silence fills up the emptiness, Mingi chuckles as he sees how frozen I got onto my seat.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He says
"I know." I look down at my knotted fingers on my lap.
Yes. Mingi may look like he'd beat anyone up but he is gentle with me. Nice with me. I never once feel like he means any harm. Well except on our first meeting months ago. We argued yes but he is still sweet to me.
"Are you thinking about Yunho? On why he does not want to go to the ball?"
I look up at him and nod.
His snorts a laugh. "It's been awhile since you two got married. Don't you guys had any getting to know each other talks? Or its always sex when you two are together?"
My eyes twitching at his claims. (Though he is right)
"Anyways... don't care about your sex life with him." He walks back to the chair from earlier and puts off his cigarette on the ash tray.
"So?" I ask
"You should ask your husband about it...not me..."
"I did. He just said he's busy that day."
"That's lie. Every one's schedule of each families that are invited for that day, are all clear. It had been agreed on for years now. It has been a tradition for decades now. So... ask him again.
"Oh..." my back finally touches the foam of the chair I am sitting on.
Oh Yunho. Why is it so hard for him to talk to me? Be open with me? Did I not give him enough reason to trust me and to feel safe around me?
I had shared my life with him. The stories from my mother and the stories from me, He knows a lot about me more than anyone. My first crush, the first time I got my heart broken, the insight about my feelings about my parents and relatives. Even stories about my struggles with relationship with people. I showed him vulnerability. And yet, it is still one sided.
Yes he did tell stories about him too. His life when he was a kid, during his university days and his hobbies. But those are common knowledge (I think). All of that are also known by his family and friends. He never shared his own thoughts and feelings to me. He never let his guard down with me. It's always positive. Everything is okay and good.
Maybe for him, whatever we have, will remain a contract. Just a signed piece of paper for him no matter.
I think, I should just stop thinking about him. I should stop overthinking about us and whatever feelings I am slowling building for him. I will only get hurt at the end. I am just someone for him to have sex with when he's home.
I know, I know he did say he missed me too. Twice. But maybe he just says that because he miss sex. Not actually me.
"You're frowning..."
I glance up and see Mingi standing infront of me, leaning in as he lightly flicks me on the forehead.
"You're not listening to me..."
"What? Did you say something? Sorry... I was--" I stop. I could not tell him what I was thinking.
"Was what?"
"Nothing." I mumble before I get off my seat. "I'm just gonna go..."
"You're going? Just like that?" He says as I walk pass him. "You are in my house..."
"So?" He repeats, "Baby girl, didn't I made you feel good? Didn't you like my tongue in your pussy?" Here we go again. He is teasing me again. He always ask this whenever we meet.
I glare at him. "Stop." Hushing him as someone might hear him.
"Don't worry... everyone is gone. This is my house."
"What you mean gone?" I look around
"I don't have anyone here... I'm alone."
"That can't be."
"Oh yes... it can. My staff only comes here during the weekdays and they don't stay pass 6pm. I like my privacy."
"So you mean..."
"Yes." He slowly comes closer and closer. "It's a Saturday too... the staff you saw with my mother are hers. And they left with her already so..."
My back then hits a wall from whatever room we are in.
"We can do what was promised to me months ago and no one will know." He smirks as his body finally reaches mine.
"We can't..." I say quietly
"Why not?" He whispers, lowering his head and kissing me on the cheek. "I know you liked what we did last time..."
"I did." I can't lie about that.
"So what's holding you back?" His hand roams around my curves until it reaches the buttons of my blouse. "You like this right? You like it when I play around your nipples..."
He hasn't finished opening my blouse, he just slid in his fingers in so it could touch my laced covered tip. He's teasing me. He wants me to react.
"Stop..." I say
"You tell me to stop... but baby girl... if you could only see how aroused you look right now..." he grabs my face with both hands and tilt it up so I could look up at him. "I just touched you and your eyes are already dreaming for more..."
"We can't do this... It was a mistake..."
"It maybe a mistake for you baby girl. But for me..." he finally kisses me. His tongue invades my mouth until a moan carries my soul out of my body. "You are my heaven right now."
That's it. I am gone. I didn't even fight the urge. This officially makes me a whore.
Mingi carries me with while we kiss. He sits back down at the chair from earlier but now I am with him. No, actually, on top of him. I am riding him.
"Ugh!" He throws his head back, hands gripping on my hips. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
This is so wrong. Why don't I have a backbone to say no to Mingi? What the hell is wrong with me?
"Ahh!" I cry as I bounce faster and made him go deeper in me. "It's so good..." my voice is shaky
"You take me so well." He say breathing heavily. His brows creases and mouth in an O. "Fuck!"
After a few more strokes, both of us came together. I collapse onto him. I drained all my energy squating on him.
"That was amazing..." he says
I could hear his heart beating so fast as my head rests on his chest.
"Y/n..." he calls my name
"If ever..."
"If ever what...?" I ask closing my eyes.
"If ever you decided to end thing with Yunho... I want you to know... that I'll be here waiting for you."
My eyes flings open, "What did you say?" I got up so fast
"I am willing to marry you... if you and Yunho don't work out."
"M-marry? What the fuck are you saying? Your dick is still inside me and you go on saying if I get divorce one day.. you will... marry me?"
"Yes." He answers it like its nothing yet he looks so darn serious.
"You think... he will divorce me?"
"No... he will not... which sucks. Because who will divorce someone like you...?" He caresses my cheek and smile. "I am just laying it out to you... the other option you have if it does happen... I am not wishing any harm into your marriage baby girl... well besides more sex with you I guess..." he smiles and then winks
"You are crazy." I roll my eyes at him
"I am. I know that." Then he grunts as he slowly moves his hips again. "Crazy as I am offering and willing to be your lover even just behind closed doors."
I could feel him get harder again in me. He's aroused again. I haven't recovered from the high yet and here he goes again. I'm still hugging his length.
"You're blushing reacting to my dick moving in you." He teases
"S-shut up." I moan the words out as my inside tenses up again with him rocking me on him.
"Baby girl..." he hugs me and breathe in my scent. "Ahhh..." he is moaning along with me.
Fuck what is this. We just had sex just a few minutes ago and now we are doing it again. I am not complaining though coz holy shit it was good. A different good. However this one, this second one... feels different.
"Y/n..." he says my name again. His hands around my body and his face resting on my chest. "Y/n..."
All of a sudden, the bad boy, aggressive and blunt Mingi becomes tame and yearning.
"Let me be your lover." He mumbles. "I don't think I can't move on from you after this...." he then trails kisses on my chest up to my neck. "I want to be with you... even just like this... to pleasure you..."
My body then reacts to his words. I know it did. I felt him clench onto me when I felt something in me dwells up a strong emotion.
"Fuck..." he breathes burrying his face on my neck. "Please... y/n...ahhh... please... Say yes... say yes to me. I-I need you..."
I am crying. This is my first time hearing someone say they want to be with me. I know he might be just saying it out of his sex high but hearing the words... and him getting vulnerable because of me.
What did I do to him to make him want me? We only saw each a few times after the first meeting. Most of it was us talking about the painting and him doing poses for me for inspirations. Yes it were more than a handful of lunch dates, still related to the painting and all but... he got feelings for me?
Is it because my brain is so messed up thinking about me and Yunho, our complicated relationship that I missed the part that Mingi and I got a connection? That we got to know each other more than I realized?
But this is wrong. I am married. Fuck, I'm so confused.
"Oh, Mingi..." I moan his name as he sensually bites my earlobe.
"Say yes....I beg you." He lifts me up and move us both to the sofa. He's now on top of me and finally sees the tears coming out of my eyes. "Don't cry..." he kisses my damp cheek. "I promise, I'll make you happy and safe..."
"As I said... I don't give a fuck about your sex life with Yunho. I don't give a damn fuck about your marriage. I want you. I need you." He leans in to kiss me again. "And I think... I love you."
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enhasparadise · 1 year
— a lee heeseung written series; prologue.
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love, the definition of pain and crying, except maybe with the high school hockey captain.
SYNOPSIS. love. it was something that was all around her, and romance shows weren't helping her get a good picture of love. Jang Haerin has always seen love as something magical so when her first and long relationship ended her heart kept hurting. She had simply never imagined that the next day the hockey captain was going to offer her this kind of thing.
"love has its secrets, I can show them to you"
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PAIRING ・ hockey captain!heeseung x shy reader
GENRES ・ romance, fluff, slice of life, college au, strangers to lovers!
FEATURING ・ ENHYPEN heeseung, jake, sunghoon & ni-ki, TXT yeonjun, beomgyu, NEWJEANS hanni, P1HARMONY soul, jongseob, STRAYKIDS hyunjin, seungmin, jeongin.
DATE STARTED ・ 19/06/2023
TAGLIST ・ @misoxhappy @h-hazwie @mxnuilx97 @luvistqrzzz @axartia comments to be added to the taglist !
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A breakup?
It was probably one of the last things Haerin could have imagined on such a beautiful spring day.
The same morning she had gotten ready as usual, a pretty cute outfit while remaining classic enough not to receive comments from the boys while her hair was done in two braids falling on her shoulders. Without forgetting her usual pair of glasses that she had to wear every day.
The young girl had never really known love, it was true that this was her first relationship with a boy, and more precisely with Park Sunghoon, one of the members of the hockey team. Which was equal to being one of the most popular boys in high school.
And being one of the most popular students meant that the girls were interested in her boyfriend. After all, he had all the qualities for young students to have feelings or simply the desire to be close to him. Which had always made the young man laugh, but not his girlfriend.
Haerin knew nothing about love except what she had seen in her many series, many dramas she had watched over the years. But never, no, never had she expected something so violent, so painful in her chest. This urge to cry had directly invaded her and she had believed that she would never be able to listen to Sunghoon's words.
Park sunghoon was just an asshole. even if she didn't want to admit it to herself, she meant it.
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"Listen Haerin I don't even know who told you that stuff but it's completely wrong!" Sunghoon seemed genuinely annoyed by the girl's behavior.
"Completely wrong? Sunghoon every day I hear your name come out in girls' conversations I know they like you. I.. I don't want our relationship to remain hidden any longer.."
"Sweet heart you know why I don't want our relationship to be known to everyone. You risk being insulted or even hated by all the other girls.."
"And if ever one of them came to see you to take my place what would you do?" The girl had tears in her eyes, forcing herself not to cry in front of her boyfriend. "What would you do in this situation Sunghoon tell me."
"What would you think if another girl suddenly appeared in the hallway I would accept her as my girlfriend?"
At the same time footsteps were heard, almost breaking the conversation Kim Chaewon had just appeared in the hallway. Almost like it was all foretold, it was all written that way, and therefore it revealed the truth through the words or rather the lies that Sunghoon could tell from the beginning.
"Sunghoon darling I've been waiting for you since a while ago.. I thought you left right after your training but I ran into Heeseung and he told me that I could have found you here.." Chaewon uttered that without even paying attention to Haerin, just before turning his head towards her. "May I know what you are doing here, and why are you talking with my boyfriend?"
"Y-your boyfriend?"
"Chaewon wait for me outside you want.. I need to tell him a few things and then we can do what you want"
It was in a heavy silence that the young girl had left the two young teenagers without really understanding what could be happening.
Haerin, on the other hand, felt like an idiot. How could she believe the words of the young brunette when this young girl had just arrived in the hallway calling him as her boyfriend? Her heart was starting to hurt her.
She was beginning to understand what had happened.
She didn't even need to hear the words of her "boyfriend" anymore, having already understood everything, she no longer had the strength for anything.
A silence was born in the corridors where they were, as if none of them intended to continue the conversation.
But Haerin needed an answer.
She needed to reassure herself about all this.
And above all she needed to understand who this young girl was for Sunghoon.
Of course she knew Chaewon, she was one of her classmates who was on one of the most popular, but she would never have believed that. She didn't want to believe it. Not believing it until Sunghoon told him the truth.
"Can you explain that to me then Sunghoon? Why did she just call you darling or even boyfriend?" Small tears had just flowed down her cheeks. "Don't tell me it's because of her that you didn't want our relationship to be shown in high school? It's because of her that you didn't want to do anything, right? Who is she Sunghoon?
A sigh left the lips of the young man who unfortunately understood the situation. He couldn't hide anything anymore. It was too late and all because of his real girlfriend who had come down the hall. Sunghoon couldn't lie anymore he had to tell the truth.
"Haerin listen to me.. I know what you think and unfortunately it's true. Chaewon and I have been together for a few months now and I couldn't talk to you to end our relationship.. I.. I didn't want to make you suffer I knew I was your first relationship.. but now I think I have no choice.."
Sunghoon's voice was way too calm for the current situation, how could he say that so calmly when Haerin was in pain? That he was breaking her heart?
"So for months you cheated on me with her?" She couldn't hide her sadness anymore and it could be heard in her broken voice and it could be seen in the tears streaming down her cheeks. "Sunghoon I would have much preferred you to leave me at the right time rather than cheating on me with her and let me know that way. It hurts my heart so much. I don't even want to talk to you or continue this conversation."
Leaving Sunghoon and leaving him alone in the hallway she let all her tears flow, the sounds of her sobs could be heard throughout the hallway.
"Don't even think about coming to see me Sunghoon from now on I don't want to have any contact with you anymore.. stay away from me.."
It was the last sentence she said to Sunghoon and was certainly the last sentence he heard from her when she finally left the hallway.
Running in the corridors she did not even look where she was going, only trying to leave the building to go home and lock herself in her room. Tears continuing to run down her cheeks she couldn't even see where she was going, her vision slowly starting to blur.
His heart ached.
Sunghoon had broken his heart.
She didn't want to hear from him anymore.
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His helmet on his ears, his hands in his pockets Heeseung didn't even have to look where he was going, this road he did every day and it's not now that he was going to forget it.
His feet seemed to move on their own.
Getting carried away by his music he closed his eyes from time to time while he seemed to be humming.
At this time most people were present in the corridor so he had a certain freedom from that.
A smile appeared on his lips as he soon arrived at his destination.
The boys' locker rooms weren't far away.
Unfortunately he was blocked by something.
Well, something had hit him.
No, not something but someone.
Not having looked where she was going Haerin had directly come into contact with Heeseung's chest, falling the second after on the buttocks while letting out a cry.
In addition to being crying, something she hated, she had just been seen by one of Sunghoon's friends. Hockey team captain Lee Heeseung.
Oh god this situation was embarrassing.
But still, she couldn't stop crying. Catching Heeseung's gaze as he took off his helmet, she burst into tears, remaining in that position, sitting on the cold hallway floor.
She couldn't stop crying, she almost felt sick to her stomach even more than a few seconds ago.
Heeseung did not even have time to understand that he was directly posed next to the girl he only knew by sight, trying to understand the situation that had occurred before. Even if in reality he had to know it a little since he had seen him with Sunghoon when he had left the locker room earlier in the day.
"Sunghoon.. he's just an idiot.."
The girl's voice had just come through, her voice oddly flat and broken. Heeseung didn't know what to say, unfortunately not having the ability to comfort people in difficult times.
"And why so? Did he do something to you?"
Without any noise, except that of her sobs, she had nodded.
A positive response.
Heeseung could therefore understand that it was his fault that the girl was like that.
"I have the right to know that he did to you?" Noticing that the two teenagers were sitting on the ground he sat up before reaching out his hand to help him up. "Come on, get up and explain the situation to me right after, okay?"
Again in a rather strange silence she accepted and found herself just afterwards with Heeseung in the corridors, explaining to him then the previous situation.
And strangely her tears had finally diminished.
Explaining her situation as she went along to the young man, Haerin didn't know much about Heeseung she couldn't lie to herself but there was one thing she knew about him, he was listening no matter what. So she could confide in him, but she would never have imagined that he would say that to her.
"Sunghoon is just an idiot who doesn't realize what he's got and prefers to play with something else.. his romantic relationships aren't the most innocent."
"What do you mean by that ?" Turning her gaze to him she waited for answers to understand what he wanted to talk about.
"Sunghoon doesn't respect his girlfriends, I think you must have noticed, right?"
She didn't need to answer he knew he was right, Sunghoon doesn't respect girls, especially not his girlfriends.
The two young teenagers continued this discussion as they walked. Heeseung always having to go to the level of the locker rooms, his two there had therefore headed towards this place.
As the discussion progressed, the girl began to learn a lot about the young boy she had considered to be her boyfriend, and thanks to Heeseung she could tell, Sunghoon was just an asshole.
Finally arriving in the locker room Heeseung allowed Haerin to follow him, after all no one was present there at that time so it was not a problem.
This feeling slightly uncomfortable she had therefore followed him and, after he put his bag on the bench right next to the lockers and opened his locker to retrieve what he wanted he turned to the young girl .
"You know, love is not easy."
"I believe you Heeseung.. it was just my first relationship, I don't know anything about love.."
"Nothing at all ?" She nodded her head in the negative, which let a slight smile appear on the young man's lips. "Well if you need advice or things to know I can help you."
Picking up his things so as not to stay in this place, he hastened to leave the room to finally leave high school and be able to return home.
"Love is not easy and has a lot of secrets you know.. it's not something that is known one hundred percent but if I can offer you something that's it. If the love to its secrets I will be ready to show them all to you, to tell you all and to bring them all to life."
Haerin's heart skipped a beat.
How could he say that while remaining calm?
Did he know what he was really saying or was he just joking?
No, looking at him it was not possible, the tone of his voice was way too serious.
So why did he just say that?
"So, what do you think about it?"
Seeing that she still did not answer, and that they had just arrived in front of the school gate, he took out a pen and tore up a piece of paper to write down his number and handed it to her.
"Here, take this and you can tell me your answer in a few days, I'll let you think about it." A soft smile appeared on his lips "But think about it, love has a lot of secrets you know.. and since you don't know anything about it, it's a subject you don't know, I can show you all its secrets. To help you know more about love so that you can finally understand Sunghoon's behavior."
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First chapter, it starts like this I hope you like it haha ​​^^
Do not hesitate to tell me what you think since it is the first time that I write this kind of fanfics. thank you to those who will read this fanfic and who will want to know the rest!
The sequel will be coming very soon, I hope you like it! thanks for reading ! <333
I know it's not the most incredible but it will improve as the chapters go by so stay to find out what can happen ^^
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jsctens · 2 years
 ok but have we considered
- before andrew leaves to play pro during neil’s last year of school, he conveniently forgets to pack a bunch of his old ‘MINYARD’ fox merch (definitely not intentionally at all) (he does not like the idea of neil wearing his clothes when he’s missing him shut ur mouth)
- and bc neil can read andrew he knows EXACTLY what he’s up to but he just smiles to himself about it bc if he says anything he’s SCREWED and tbh andrew’s fox sweaters are so much softer than his and they smell better and he’s going to miss andrew so fucking much—
- neil’s worn andrew’s team merch before but only around the dorm or the house in columbia (once, to practice, when he came back from a run half-dead on his feet in the morning and grabbed the first warm thing he laid his hands on in his dresser. the locker room was an insufferable place to be that day)
- neil is somewhat used to missing people now that he’s lived through all of the original foxes leaving, and as much as he knows andrew leaving is going to hurt worse he still doesn’t expect to use the sweaters much except for nights when everything gets too loud and he desperately needs something to ground him
- but nope
- he wears a MINYARD hoodie the day andrew leaves. andrew kisses him just that much harder for it.
- when the semester starts up again and Neil’s loneliness creeps in on him faster than expected, he starts wearing the hoodies and shirts almost everyday.
- especially when he’s on the court. he loves exy regardless of who he’s playing with but being on a court without both andrew and kevin leaves him feeling aching and unsteady. nostalgia is not easy to reconcile, is what Bee had told him when he’d described it to her. he’s never had anything in his life to be nostalgic for. the new feeling sits like water in his lungs.
- so he wears andrew’s team merch to practice, and to team meetings, and basically everywhere he can. for the first 2 weeks of the season, Josten merch is extinct.
- it gets to the point where the entirety of the freshman players just . think neil’s last name is Minyard .
- none of the rest of the team says anything bc they already Know about neil and andrew and even though none of them really understood andrew (besides robin) they understand that neil and andrew are two halves of a whole
- but the freshman are just like . o yea thats captain minyard bc neil is terrifying and no way in hell are they calling him by his first name. they’ve only ever referred to him exclusively as ‘Captain’ on the court.
- the day this gets exposed some dopey freshman backliner walks into the lounge for morning practice and just goes “Hey, has anyone seen Minyard?”
- the entire room (besides the freshmen) FREEZES
- wymack whips around from where he’s been talking to abby and just goes “the fuck?”
- and the backliner is just like uhhh……. our team captain?
- wymack: what, and i can’t stress this enough, the fuck?
- everyone is just standing in utter bewilderment. the freshmen are now confused bc why is everyone else confused????
- and then robin bursts out laughing
- for like 5 minutes straight my girl is clutching her stomach in TEARS
- when she finally comes up for air she just goes “HE MEANS NEIL. NEIL MINYARD”
- at this point Neil has walked into the room and is like wtf is taking everyone so long
- and lo and behold, he’s wearing a Minyard hoodie
- the rest of the veteran team are losing it now. Wymack is holding his head in his hands. neil is, as always, oblivious and annoyed.
- then robin goes, “sorry we’re late, Minyard”. Neil is confused as fuck but also . ouch. he hasn’t heard that name spoken in this locker room in so long it feels like both a punch to the gut and a breath of fresh air hearing it again
- the rest of the team veterans join in on it. “We’ll be right there, Minyard” .”What are our teams for scrimmages, Minyard?”
- at this point the freshman can tell they’re being made fun of. abby takes pity on them and explains that neil’s last name is Josten. Minyard is …. and when she comes up short on a word to describe andrew to neil, she turns to look at neil
- who just goes, “andrew’s my person. get your asses on the fucking court.”
- the team milks the shit out of it. the joke goes on for a good WEEK before the freshman have to be like OKAY WE GET IT . WE’RE DUMB .
- neil isn’t even phased . he will continue to be a sap and wear andrew’s hoodies . (and maybe a tiny little part inside of him that he’s too scared to think about likes being called Minyard).
- eventually the joke dies down. but every once in a while someone will throw in a “See ya, Minyard” or a “What’s up, Minyard?” when they see neil
- wymack thinks the whole thing is somewhat hilarious until neil submits a personal information update form at the end of the year. he nearly files for early retirement the entire time he’s putting in an order for “JOSTEN-MINYARD” team merchandise.
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cdragons · 1 year
From the Beginning - A Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader Drabble
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Pairings: Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader, ft. Sephia x Ikaris, and Kaetlyn x Druig Word Count: 1.1k Summary: A lil' drabble idea to show how it all started for our favorite thinker and fighter, and how they would soon change everything for everyone. Warning(s): none it's so fluffy Notes: Once again, thank you to the most wonderful beta reader a new fanfic writer can ask for in the history of everything, @valeskafics! She is an incredibly kind and patient human and one of the best and most incredible fanfic writers for HOTD, GOT, and the Ewanverse on Tumblr! If you love any of Ewan Mitchell's works or are a fan of GOT/HOTD, I highly recommend checking her blog out! You will not regret it! Also, the BIGGEST thank you and shout of love to @ethereal-athalia, my good man in the storm, I have never clicked so well with someone on this platform when it came to crazy ideas, and thanks to her, I can write out my ideas and share them on this site! If you want to read more from this AU, please click on this masterlist!
“It is time,” were the first words uttered that would mark the beginning of a mission that would change their lives forever. Long gone were their lives on their home planet, Olympia. Now, their only priority was their mission on the planet Earth.  
Twelve individuals stood from their seats and made their way to their positions that marked their roles in humanity’s growth. Six on one side, and six on the other.  
Six Eternals would serve as “fighters,” protecting humanity from the hideous creatures that threatened their feeble existence known as “Deviants.”  
The other six would take on their roles as “thinkers,” guiding humanity to evolve in their intelligence so that they would be able to create wonders without assistance.  
But regardless, “thinker” or “fighter,” each Eternal was blessed with abilities that would play an integral role for their mission. Each Eternal stood in their place, golden streams of celestial energy encompassed their bodies as they could now wear the armor that marked their Olympian origins and culture.  
With their bodies equipped, and minds ready, each Eternal made their way to gaze out from the many windows that their starship, the Domo, was built with in preparation for their travel.  
As each Eternal introduced themselves to one another, hoping to gain common ground with the team to settle rattled nerves, only two individuals had no need for introduction. 
As one Eternal gazed out the Domo - bereft at the sight of the planet where her new life would begin – she wondered if Earth would ever be home the way Olympia had been to her despite her having no true memory of it. She wondered if her abilities would prove useful, and she was worried that she would be incapable of making any friends. Luckily, that fear would be one that would pass very, very soon. 
Her name was all she heard before arms encased by iridescently dark blue with pearly ivory entwining into celestial bodies that wrapped around her nimble but powerful form. A wide smile grew as she registered the familiarity of the voice.  
It was Kaetlyn, her very best friend.  
Instant relief filled her body as she shifted her body to return the hug. Sephia’s joy knew no bounds as she realized that she would at least be in the company of one of the greatest warriors Olympia had ever produced. But even without her arrows, Kaetlyn was the best person Sephia could think of for as long as she remembered. The fact that she left her home and was aboard with too many strangers no longer mattered to her. So long as her beloved Kaet was by her side, Sephia would get through anything that came her way. It was if their bond was testified and bound by the stars themselves. 
“Aren’t you so excited? Look at it! It’s so beautiful! I wonder what sites we’ll see!”  
As Kaetlyn’s curiosity grew, so did her excitement. Her voice could hardly contain the sheer ecstaticity that was flowing throughout her entire body. The next words that escape her would mark the shadow archer’s true intentions.  
“Think of all the adventures we’ll have,” she whispered out so that only Sephia would be able to hear her, “The stories we’ll be able to tell!”  
If Kaetlyn was known for anything besides her skills in combat, it was her insatiable curiosity. For as long as Sephia had known her, Kaetlyn was never ever satisfied with only knowing whatever she currently knew. She always wanted to know MORE. Sephia smiled at a memory of Kaet once explaining to her that it was her solemn oath that she would never EVER be satisfied with only what anyone gave her, and that she’d always find her way to learn more. That oath felt like it was from a lifetime ago. 
These words were from another lifetime, in more ways than one. But that will come to light at another time. 
But despite Kaetlyn’s contagious excitement, dread began to course through Sephia’s veins. As her nerves began to eat at her, Sephia couldn’t help but pick at her fingers. A horrible habit that would always result in inflamed tissue, bleeding, and ugly scars.  
“I’m scared,” she timidly replied, eyes turned away so that she wouldn’t let her friend see her cowardice. “What if the life forms on this planet are horrible? What if they are beyond help?” As Sephia continued to list her concerns, Kaetlyn understood that it wasn’t the fear of others that terrified Sephia, it was the idea that she would be of no use to Arishem’s grand design. 
“It will be alright Seph,” Kaet declared in a tone that filled herself with confidence and Sephia with reassurance, “After all, as long as we’re together, nothing will be too terrible.” 
“…I suppose that’s true,” Sephia let herself agree to her most trusted companion’s advice, but her heart was still heavy with anxiety. 
Very softly, she dared ask the most stupid question that ever left her mouth. 
“Will we always be together?” 
Kaetlyn looked at her most cherished friend with so much warmth in her eyes that it was as if all the most beautiful things in the universe were born into the very person in front of her.  
“Sephie,” she began with love in her voice and stars in her eyes as she leaned forward to press their foreheads together, “As if you even need to ask.” 
Unbeknownst to either of the girls, two men from opposite sides of the room gazed at the loving embrace with curious eyes.  
One came from Ikaris, a fighter gifted with the ability to fly and emit optic beams of celestial energy, as well as a commanding figure and attitude. His watch was fixed on the beautiful Eternal, with flowing blush fabric draped across her lovely figure as strategically placed brass armor hinted at the curves of her physique. He could not stop staring at her, despite the impossibly lovely Sersi that stood beside him at that very moment. 
The other came from Druig, a thinker who was known across Olympia for his telepathic abilities, along with his quick wit and surly demeanor. But all somber thoughts came to a halt at the sight of the slim figure, who after donning her armor, disappeared into the shadows of the room. Only to reappear to embrace her friend with so much delight, it surprised him.  
Two very different individuals, but both somehow staring at the sight before them for so long, that it would set in motion the events that would be all four individuals’ joy, as well as their end. 
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Please like, comment, reblog, and/or share this post with anyone who might enjoy it! Please be kind, and live an extraordinary life!
Tagging: @ethereal-athalia, @valeskafics, @aphroditesmoon, @its-actually-minicika, @spacetalbot, @angelnyx, @vikingqueen28, @redheadspark, @siempre-bucky, @beananacake, @asa-do-your-thing, @heliosphere8, @bambiandbam, @sunphyre, @bryandechartisasmolbean, @getawaycardotmp3, @americanprometheuss, @karimac
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lolitaa-17 · 2 years
“The other women…”
This is my first blog so please don’t make fun of me I’m begging lol. Also I’m a die hard fan for Angsty shit so here’s a Jean angst!
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You and Jean have been friends for as long as you can remember. He was always there for you and you were always there for him. It all started changing though after he met her. The distance between you and him was starting to get noticeable, so you decided to invite him over for a movie night and catch up on life.
You constantly kept checking your phone every phew 10 minutes just in case some emergency had occurred. But nothing. Soon 2 hours passed, it was now 11pm. You dial his number to make sure he’s alright.
“Hello?” You hear his soft deep voice on the other line.
“Jean are you alright?” You question.
“Um yeah why?” He blankly answered.
“Oh nothing. Where are you?”
“I just left the get together at Mikasa’s” you could hear his car door shut on the other line.
“Jean you forgot?” You started getting sensitive after you heard her name once again.
“Shit. That was today?”
You scoffed “You knew damn well it was today!” Slightly raising your voice.
“Can you stop this already?” He asked.
“Stop what?”
“Stop acting like you’re my girlfriend, as if I have to move everything aside just to go watch some fucking movies with you. I’m literally over here trying to get the girl I’m in love with and it’s like you’re cockblocking!” He confesses.
Thank god he couldn’t see you right now. You were a crying mess. You really did love him…a little too much. Yes, you managed to gain feelings and the thought of Jean giving the attention you wanted to another girl broke you.
“I’m sorry-“ before you could utter another word the call ended. He ended the call.
You accepted it. You accepted the fact that you were the other women and that he would never give you the attention you silently yearned for.
A couple months passed by.
You got over the fact that you and Jean were no longer the inseparable best friends you used to be. You knew you had to move on eventually.
You admire the beautiful nature around you as your sundress flowed with the wind.
“Here put this flower in your hair it’ll make you look ever prettier”
Reiner…he was perfect. You genuinely thought that what happened with you and Jean was for the best. It helped you open your eyes and realize there are more fish in the sea. But Reiner was a special one. He was like you, he yearned for love and affection and you both helped each other with filling that void. Although you two aren’t official yet, it pretty much felt like you guys were.
“Would it?” You ask him.
“Of course it would. Look at you” he says grabbing your hand and signaling you to do a little twirl for him.
You two continued walking around the park when suddenly you heard a familiar voice call out.
“Y/n? Is that you?”
You turn around and see him…Jean. He looked pretty shitty. His hair was unkept, his tie wasn’t even tied. He looked as if he was running late to work.
“Jean?” Reiner tensed up hearing the familiar name.
Jean looked over at Reiner and sent a small smile “Mind if I talk to her for a second?”
“Be my guest.” Reiner said.
“Jean I-“
“I’m sorry. I fucked up our friendship over some girl that never even liked me back and I was so fucking blinded I didn’t even realize you..you were the one for me. He says placing both his hands on each side of your cheeks.
“Jean please get off me.” You say softly pushing his hand away.
“Connie told me everything y/n, he told me how you really felt for me! Why didn’t you fucking tell me!” He says tearing up.
“Because nothing would’ve changed Jean.”
“Please we can start over…I’ll come over every night. We can watch our favorite movies together. Like the old times. Remember?” He was basically begging at this point.
“Jean…I don’t love you anymore” you knew it broke him by the look of his face.
“Jean I have someone who actually cares and puts his time and effort into seeing me. I’m not just gonna leave what I have with this amazing man just because you’re sad of something that you did months ago.”
“So can you stop?” You ask him the same way he did to you.
“Stop what y/n”
“Stop acting as if you ever even loved me. It was all one sided. I was just the other women.”
“So get over it already.”
Reiner noticed that you were getting pretty furious so he makes his way towards you guys.
“You okay babe?” He asked.
you smiled. He did that to show Jean you were no longer available.
“I’m fine. Let’s go”
Jean just sat there with regret and guilt flooding through his body. If only he never distanced himself from you or break up the friendship that was worth everything to you. He admired you once more. The way your dress flowed with the wind and how you were infatuated with your new lover and he thought to himself how that could’ve been him. But no, not anymore and probably not ever.
The end
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sorry if I made any mistakes again this is my first blog and shit so don’t judge. I really do hope you guys enjoyed it!
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Steve Harrington: That Funny Guy
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader
Warnings: Shy!Reader, cockiness, bad-boy stereotype, touchy-feely vibes, high school, 18+, fluff, assault, degrading words from a douchebag.
Summary: Everyone told you to stay away from the infamous Steve Harrington, but it's not like you wanted his attention anyways.
A/n- @firefly-graphics for dividers
Stranger Things Master List // The Adults Master List
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There was no way that Steve Harrington was truly as bad as everyone had claimed him to be to me. A star light of the small town we lived in. Hawkins had told the story of the manwhore that Steve Harrington was. Told the town of how he was a creep to all the girls except of course the nerdys girls. The cheater of Hawkins I think was a title I had heard going around the small town. 
Yet when I looked at him he was nothing but sweet, doe eyes looking back me and there wasn’t malice behind them like everyone had said. That was until I got to see closer behind those closed doors that Steve keeps locked up so tight. It was a party that had let me into the inner circle. It wasn’t malice but a different side of Steve, I think I was bound to find. 
Steve from what I knew always threw parties so getting an invite wasn’t something to take lightly. He had walked up to me one day, I was walking with Robin to my car. He stopped us, sprinting towards us, hair flowing, and that cheeky smile that gave life to his face. His hand catching me on my arm, he was so quick to spin me around. He had my full attention and he knew it. You see I’d never really had a conversation with Steve, my parents from the moment we moved to the small town had told me to stay away from the Harrington family. I hadn’t pushed on why, but the stories continued to grow the longer I stayed around. 
“Hello ladies,” He said his hand was still wrapped around my arm. His touch was like a zap from a taser, the sad thing was I didn’t mind the feeling it was leaving behind. “We have names ya know.” I heard Robin quickly say, before Steve could even make piece and leave us. “Yeah, so I’m throwing a party this weekend, my parents are out of town. Why don’t you two ladies come” He said. 
I felt Robins eyes boring into my back but so were Steves. 
“I’d hate for you to miss it.” Steve said winking at me. “Yeah, we’ll come see what you have to offer.” I answered and then twisted out of his grip. Before walking away from him, I could only imagine leaving that boy in a state of utter confusion. “I wonder if that shit works with all the girls?” Robin asked we climbed into our seats. I laughed and watched the review mirror as Steve stood there looking dumbfounded as ever. Maybe even for the first time in his life. 
It was the weekend quicker then I thought, as I got dressed for this damn party at Steves. I’d taken the rest of the week to really figure out if I wanted to go or not. And honestly it wasn’t that hard of a choice. “No” But you see Robin had a different plan in mind, she’d gone through her closet. Throwing dresses, and sweet outfits together as I watched her. “You honestly are thinking of going aren’t you?” I questioned her as I sat on her bed. She turned around and gave me a look like I was the stupidest person on the planet. 
“Yeah, I don’t know what you’ve heard about Steve, but he throws banger parties at his house. Of course I wanna go, hey maybe you can even meet someone to hook up with.” Robin said wiggling her eyebrows at me. I tired to conceal my laugh as I shook my head in amusement. I didn’t wanna hook up with anyone, I just wanted to learn more about the parties host. 
Okay maybe I want… I wanted to long ago to hook up with Steve but that had been trampled when I started to heard about all the bullshit that people were talking when it came to Steve. 
Steve harrington was the man of the man at our high school. With chicks dragging behind him, but there was something behind all his big poofy hair, the girls that stayed attached to him like glue, the smart ass comements, and the smirks he threw out. 
Robin shoved a dresses into my chest. I gave her the most dramatic look I could muster. I held the dress up to my frame. “Fine I’ll wear this but don’t expect me to actually like it.” I said mustering up all the confidence. I slipped into the tiny, dark red fabric. It was stuck to my skin, like saran wrap to tupper ware containers. I came out from behind the bathroom door. Trying my hardest to smooth down the fabric, trying to even pull it down further down my legs to leave me what I felt was less exposed, but when Robin turned her head to look over at me. Her eyes grew in excitement and she rushed over to me. 
“Girl you look amazing, and stop fidgeting.” Robin said guiding us over to her standing mirror. I looked at the both us. Her reflection was pure delight. A bright smile, and a set of heavy makeup surrounded her eyes. She had also gotten dressed. Her outfit rang more of her Robin bell then this dress ever did. Her mini skirt and crop top was bedazzled with small sequins. 
Piling into my car, Robin put in a certain tape and she tried her hardest to make me jam out with her. At every red light she’d poke me in the side and except a dance move out of me. But I wasn’t one for dancing, or partying, or anything that was written all over Steve Harringtons face. I wasn’t a popular kid, I wasn’t the kid that got drunk and thought a swim in the pool would be cool. I wasn’t like anyone in Steves circle. 
I wonder if that made me more of a challenge for him? 
Regardless, when all the red lights to Steves house had ended and I could hear the music drifting from his house at the start of the cul-de-sac. I started to grow nervous. The shortness of the dress, and the only thing I could imagine of course was the worst of it all. I brought the car to a stop. I sat sill as I pulled the key. I felt Robins hand come over to my shoulder. My attention drifting over to her. “It will be okay Y/n. Just let go for the night.” She was being so sincere. So much of what Robin was not most of the time. I took her words to heart, and shallowed my nerves. “Okay, let’s go have fun.” I said. 
The party was banging behind closed doors, so as Robin and I walked up to the front door there wasn’t much need to knock on the door. We let our selves in, and the smell of alcohol and weed hit my nose. Hitting me like a freight train Robin grabbed at my wrist dragging me to what I could only omaigne was once a clean kitchen. But now was stroone with red solo cups, and way to many different versions of alcohol bottles. I wasn’t one for drinking, having only done it out of spite. And that wouldn’t even be called drinking it was one shot of some horrible drink that my father kept in the glass cabinet. 
Robin was already pouring two red solo cups. “Rob..” “Didn’t you say you’d have fun, and relax?” She says questioning me. My words fall, and I just let her continue before I end up with a drink in my hand. I smell the contents. It smell sweet, and I get the notion that it won’t be anything like my father bottle. “It’s sweet.” Robin encourages me, I don’t need it but it’s nice and familiar of her. 
As I take the sip of the red solo cup I loose my sight but not my hearing. That classic voice comes ringing into the kitchen. “I see you ladies..” Then dead silent. I drop my cup, my eyes landing on the only person with that voice. Steve. He’s staring at me, his eyes dripping over my frame. Tongue jetting out to lick his lips. They look plump, even in the dim trashy light of the kitchen. “You look good Y/n.” He commented quickly, before reaching between Robin and I to graba solo cup and drinking it regardless of the fact he doesn’t know what it contents. 
“Stay safe, while you’re drinking.” I say looking over my shoulder at him. “Okay, mommy what ever you say.” Steves quick to quip before leaving me and Robin standing alone once again. Robin looks over grinning at me. “Oh my god. He’s ruthless.” I shake my head lightly and bring the cup back to my lips. “Oh mommy, whatever you say mommy.” Robin goes teasing the boy that had left the room. To much alcohol in his system I think he forgets that he’s talking to me. A nobody, A nobody in his path. 
About 5 more red solo cups and the fear of dancing with robin fades into the background alsong with the music. As I see Steve chatting up with a girl. A blonde girl her breasts are pushing so close to her chin I think she might not be able to breathe. A slick black dress and to high heels that she’s practically falling into Steves arms. Robin catches my gaze, and giggles her hand come to fall on m shoulder.
“Is mommy jealous?!” She says the alcohol driping from her breathe. She’s teasing me now, “No… I’m just worried about her feet… yeah her feet” I say as I sway with Robin. “Her fe… et?” Robin questions me all I can do is roll my eyes and fall back into the background of the music and fall behind Robin before I see another disgusting moment between Seve and this chick. 
The dancing only keeps me distracted until a hand that is neither Robins nor my own are my hips. Robin isn’t paying attention her head is pressed into my chest, and her skin is radaitaing heat as she sways us slowly. “Hey you should drop her and come dance with me baby.” I heard a strange male voice say from behind me. “No I’m good, but thankful.” I said matter-of-factly. Before returning my attention back to my drunk friend. “Come on, drop the lesbian.” He says his grip on my hips grows harder. I try to get away but with the dead wieght of Robin I can’t get away.
The said thing is I don’t even know who the hell is touching me like this so intimate. I just wished that Robin was awake and not drunk she’d be punching the shit out of this guy right now, but atlase I was alone in this encounter. “No, like I said before thank you but no thank you.” I tried to stay strong but it was flattening as his grip became to make me bend into him. 
His voice grew stronger, and louder. “Don’t say no to me. I know what you want with you wearing that skimpy dress.” He says. I can’t beilive this is happening, with all the peopel around I can’t believe I thought coming here was going to be a good idea. There’s reasons why I never left my house. 
“Excuse me.” I hear, theres that classic voice. I feel like he’s acting like my knight is shining armor. “What the hell do you want?” I hear the argument start. “She’s with me or at least if she wasn’t acting like such a tease.” I hear the voice continue on. “Dude get your hands off of her, you dick.” Steve goes off “Why is she yours? Cause damn I wouldn’t want damaged goods.” He says, it pricks apart of my pride. Robins words roll through my head “Just relax” I roll my eyes ar the thought. 
“Dude what the actual fuck… Get the fuck out of here. Actually all of you get the fuck parties over.” I hear Steve yell. I hear the growns and I step away from the man who’d been creeping his way closer to me before Steve ‘saved’ me. I drop Robin to an emty clean spot on the couch. I look around getting a glsimp of the guy leaving first. He’s got jock written all over his face, and it’s even better when he turned and I see his football jacket. I sigh heavily. 
As the people dwindled out, I finally sit on the couch not so scared to be slightly unaware of my surrounding. “I’m sorry.” Steves says coming to sit not next to me but close. I don’t look up, “It’s my fault. I say in a hushed voice. “What?!” I heard steve question me quickly. “Yeah he’s right.” I say back. “No, y/n fuck no you aren’t at fault. Guys like him have no boundaries and think they can get what they want even though they push much more then needed.” He went on to say. But there was still distrust in his words for me. 
“Can I come sit closer to you?” He asks. I shake my head and his warmth is nice  when I remember just how short of a dress I’m in. “Y/n.” He says, his finger hooking under my chin forcing me to look at him. “Steve” I answer back. “You aren’t and didn’t do anything wrong.” I see his eye skim over to Robins sleep body. “I’m sorry I invited you. I should have been a better host.” He says dropping his finger but the warmth on my skin is still there. “It wasn’t your fault, and Steve you’re the best host. You literally cancelled the whole thing all over some stupid girl.” I said our knees touching more. I shiver, “You’re not a stupid girl though Y/n.” Steve says, grabbing the throw blanket over my shoulders. “I never said I was..” I get cut off when Steve wraps his arm over my shoulders. 
“Can you just stay here for a moment?” Steve asks. I hum and enjoy the warmth before reality sets in.
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The Adults-
Completed on: 09/27/22
Posted on: 09/28/22
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nebulafrost78 · 2 years
Puss in boots: the last wish x child reader short
The chaos of battle was all around me, and I was terrified for my life. First, that crazy adventure through the dark forest while being chased for possession of the map to the wishing star, and now this. Everyone is fighting to get that last wish, including me. I may not know the details of everyone's reasoning, but I knew I needed this, even if it meant lying to the cats and that dog. It started with me joining them after a scuffle back at Jack’s bakery. Ending with me in a wagon with a weird and small talking dog who was trying to keep the horse from crashing as the two cats were fighting in the back. I then joined the group and stayed with them after revealing that I was just a lost ten-year-old child with nowhere to go. The two couldn't just abandon me, so I stuck around and carried some of their stuff, except the map. They told me they would take me home after they found the star, not that I wanted to go back. However, I agreed, keeping my desire to take the map a secret; I knew they didn't trust me, kid, or not.
When we finally reached the star after meny inconveniences, including a scary wolf guy trying to kill Puss, the male ginger cat of the group. I snatched the map from him and ran as things settled and he was distracted. Puss in boots yelled after me before we became surrounded by all points of the fallen star. Jack horner, the three bears, and Goldie, all who wanted that wish. The map was fought over till it became torn in the scuffle. But I wanted that wish; my eyes teared up as I tried to obtain it. I needed this wish, and it's the only thing that could fix everything; I wanted a do-over on my life or at least changed it. I wanted a family that loved and cared about me. Mine didn't; this wish is the one thing that could change it. I almost cried when that small dog told me his story, for I could relate, but I could never be as happy as he is; it hurt too much and burned so profoundly. I was hurt physically and mentally. Neglected and born into an unloving family who treated me like dirt. My parents left me hungry, alone, and covered in ugly scars I hid from the world. They left me, leaving me broken inside and out. I just wanted the pain to go away, and I wanted happiness. That's why I need this wish.
Before Jack Horner got the two map pieces, I jumped, using my agility to snatch the map from him and ran. I looked back as Jack angrily ran after me after a moment of shock. I looked down in fear at the incomplete map. As a red Phoenix flew by me, and I felt a weight on my shoulder. A small green cricket had landed there and was holding the last piece. Gaining as much distance as possible, I dropped to my knees and began my wish. Quickly as I could, I resided the poem as Big Jack started screaming. I didn't have time to fully think out my wish as I uttered the last word and felt a spark of desire fill my chest with hope. As quickly as I finished, I felt myself get yanked up and thrown as Jack snatched me up and tore the map away. He tossed me hard into the side of the rocky cliff. I felt my head spin and ribs snap from the force of the impact. Pain shot through my form as I cried out. I heard voices call out my name, but I felt myself losing consciousness, my vision blackening as I struggled to breathe. My body began to fall, only for bear claws to grab onto my clothing and pull me up. My whole body hurt as they dragged me onto the grass, and my mind became fuzzy as I stared at the stars. I heard the sound of shattering glass and a bright beam of light shot into the sky. But all I could focus on was the cold feeling of my body as my life flashed before me, and it was painful to watch. "I guess I won't get my happily ever after," I laughed.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! It's going to be okay; we got you," I heard the mighty puss in boots voice echo in my head.
"(Y/N) please, you are still just a kid; you have your whole life ahead of you." Kitty cried as I felt her soft paws whipping the blood from my lips. The small dog cried out my name next to her. At least I had people who cared if I died right. These were my last thoughts before everything went dark.
The two cats, the dog, three bears, and Goldie cried for the young child no older than twelve, when the sound of whistling startled them. "Don't bother; this life for them is done," they all jumped as the dark wolf crept out of the shadows.
"No, no, you can't; they're just a child!!!" Puss shouted, pulling out his sword and pointing it at death.
The bears and Goldie watched in sorrow as the wolf kept advancing forwards toward the deceased kid. "I am inevitable, Gato,” He stopped before the ginger hero. “However, I only said this life was done for them."
"What do you mean this life?" Kitty asked.
"Their wish," He said. "They made a wish."
"You mean-" baby bear started.
"Yes," the wolf Death nodded. "This child lived of life of pain and misery." He growled in anger till his expression softened. "Their wish was to be happy, for the pain and sorrows to be gone."
They all looked down at the child's unmoving self. "I am here to help make their wish come true and press a restart on their life." He held out his paw as they watched in astonishment as the child's body began to dissolve into sparkling lights. Their eyes followed the glow as it collected into a ball within Death's paw. "I will find this soul a new home where they will be loved."
Puss paused, looking down in thought before looking at Kitty, who nodded. Taking a deep breath, they both stepped forward, paws intertwined. "Death," Puss spoke up, and the wolf looked down at them. "Let us,” He gestured to kitty and him, “take care of them."
Death raised a brow skeptically. "Please, we want to give them the life they deserve. After all, we have been through together." Kitty stuttered and choked as she tried not to cry.
"Very well," the wolf nodded. "However, After it is done, there is no turning back. Are you sure about this? "
"Positive," the cats said in unison. Death looked into their eyes for any dought. Finding none, he gave a small smile before taking a breath and blowing it onto the soul. It sparkled once more and grew small. They all watched as it floated around the two cats before entering Kitty's abdomen.
"Take good care of them." Death said as he disappeared into the darkness once more.
"Does this make me an uncle now," the hyper chihuahua gasped, causing puss and Kitty to look at each other and laugh.
Months later, a tiny dark grayish kitten with back strips and a white belly road in the back of a wild boar laughing. They held a wooden sword in front of them as they yelled charge. People jumped out of the way in fright before angrily yelling at the kitten. "(Y/N)," a ginger cat in boots called. "Stop fooling around and get on the ship quickly!"
"Ughhhhhh, okay, fine," the kitten sighed as they jumped off the boar and made a dash for the boat on all fours as it left the dock. The kitten's parents yanked the them onboard the ship as it went onto the open water.
"You are such a troublemaker." Kitty scolded her child. "Just like your father."
"Excuse me!" Puss argued.
"What, it's true," she smirked, walking away with the tiny kitten.
"She got you good!" the chihuahua, now named Perro, laughed at the wheel.
Kitty shushed him as she pet the now sleeping kitten with a smile. " I'm so glad they got their wish." She smiled down at her new offspring.
"Hey, don't forget us," He smiled, putting his arm around her as he petted the kitten's head. "They gave us our wish too."
~The end~
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Based on my real life experience today - I have an ask.
Ethan accidentally because he'd never be this much of a dick says "He needs to babysit" their kids and your MC overhears this.
How does your MC react?
Okay. First of all Ethan would never actually say something like this but I am giving into imagination for a moment.
So if you know about my Future Careers HC, Meera had to fight pretty hard for the director of the trauma centre title, while being pregnant. She actually never got to enjoy it because soon after she went for maternity leave, leaving Naveen to handle it while she was gone. Now coming back into work she was not only nervous about working again but also doubly nervous since it was a new job all over again. At this she suffered with low self esteem and worth issues because she felt like a failure as both a mother and a director.
Finally to take her mind off things, her girls arranged for a girl's night of trashy reality shows, drinks and all the gossips she had missed while being on leave. Ethan was supposed to watch Ishaan, and Meera heard him talk about babysitting his own kid while speaking with a board member. Ethan didn't know she was around, but he was in for a storm when he picked up Ishaan from daycare and decided to say goodbye to Meera before heading home.
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"Okay we are all set," Ethan walked through the automatic doors of his wife's new office, carrying his son and the diaper bag.
Meera looked up from her laptop a stone cold expression in her eyes. Without uttering a single word she focused back on her work.
Ethan was confused. The Meera he knew would have come running to hug both him and Ishaan shouted a million instructions and finally give each of them a goodnight kiss before saying bye.
"Rookie, are you okay?" Ethan took a seat across from her looking genuinely confused. "Did anyone say anything?" Ethan knew about how harsh Edenbrook had been since Meera returned to work, and how often it affected his wife's mood.
"Can I have your phone for a minute Ethan?" Meera said, her voice even colder than her glare.
Without any hesitation Ethan placed his phone on her table. He watched as his wife fidgeted with it for just a couple minutes, before handing it back to him.
"I just deleted all the numbers of our babysitters."
Ethan tried saying something but he was so lost he couldn't figure out what would be the best response.
"Since we have you as a babysitter, I figured we wouldn't need another one, given we live together and the baby literally has your DNA," Meera's voice reaching a higher decibel.
It then dawned on Ethan. It had been so trivial he had actually forgotten he had said something like that. Now that he is sitting face to face with the woman who had nurtured and raised his baby for nine months and had undergone hours of labour and pain to bring a new life into the world all he could feel was shame and remorse.
"Meera I---"
"Save it Ethan," Meera didn't need to know what he was about to say. She got up from her desk, packed up her things and took over Ishaan from Ethan. "And yes, please do name your price," her voice cracked tears threatening to break free, "because trust me Ethan I can afford it."
With that Dr. Meera Bose Ramsey walked out of her office, cradling her son, tears streaming her face, and all the ever so bright and genius Ethan Ramsey could do was stare at her retreating figure, hanging his head in shame.
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This turned out into a little drabble that I didn't plan on lol. I'm putting my taglist since it has been ages since I posted.
Perma : @starrystarrytrouble @quixoticdreamer16 @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @tessa-liam @gryffindordaughterofathena @crazy-loca-blog @zahrachoices @bex-la-get @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @a-crepusculo @custaroonie @aishwarya26 @jamespotterthefirst @rookiemartin
Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine @cariantha
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed.
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