#and i feel like THIS is that moment for aramis.
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longagoitwastuesday · 2 years ago
Oh my god Buckingham in insane (appreciative)
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fandom-imagines-stories · 3 months ago
Three Not-So-Wise Men
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Aramis x Reader
Words: 5268
Summary: Stuck in an inn due to the weather, the musketeers and their two trainees gather around the fire to tell their stories of winter mishaps. Throughout the night, as the others go to sleep, the reader and Aramis are left to face their unspoken feelings for each other. 
Notes: Started with the light hearted and then get dramatic. You know me, I always love a good near-death that makes people realize they love each other. I hope you enjoy! I love writing my boys. 
More Musketeers: HERE
The inn was empty, all travelers staying away from the roads during the unusually brutal winter storm. Ice mixed with the mud on the paths, creating pools of dangerous ground for horses to step upon. The wind chilled down the bone, assisted by the fat white flakes sinking into cloaks, making them heavier and heavier. The blizzard howled on as five riders emerged from the blinding white. 
You clamped your teeth together to keep them from chattering but to no avail. It seemed your whole body trembled with the violence of a broken wagon wheel, every second in the storm more and more unbearable. D’Artagnan, riding beside you, wasn’t fairing much better, his cloak pulled tightly around himself and his dark hair speckled with white. 
“If we spend much longer out here, the horses will freeze,” Athos called out over the sound of the wind.
“Horses? What about us?” Porthos whined. 
“I see something,” Aramis said. “Over the hill.”
You peered through the ice that coated your eyelashes and could just see the small orange glow lit up amongst the frozen landscape. 
“I think it’s an inn,” Athos said. 
“Oh thank God.” Porthos urged his horse to go faster, trotting the animal up the road, still careful to avoid the ice spots. 
Aramis fell back to ride next to you while the others hurried off.
“Are you alright?” He asked, his voice still somehow soft over the sound of the wind.
“I’ll be better with a fire and some wine to warm me up.” You gave him a small smile and the two of you joined the others. 
The innkeeper’s son had fallen asleep at the entrance, his boots dripping melted snow onto the tabletop. A fire crackled beneath the mantle, its warmth spreading through the large, vacant dining area. The boy remained asleep until a fierce wind kicked up, barreling through the door as it burst open. 
Athos arranged for the rooms and the meal. D’Artagnan retreated to the fire the moment he stepped foot inside. You had a mind to do the same, but wanted to ask the boy to prepare a bath first. Days of riding had left your skin filthy and dry. While your four companions pulled chairs around the hearth, you went up to your separate room and undressed. Practically peeling your tunic from your skin, it was a relief to lower yourself into the warmth of the water. 
You dragged the cloth along the dirt on your arms and legs, watching it streak off. After you were sure your body was clean, you sunk deeper into the water, letting the sloshing water rise over your head. You could feel the tangles in your hair slowly unravel as you cleaned your scalp. You closed your eyes. 
The ice froze over top of you, sealing your frigid tomb. 
Above, someone screamed. They called out your name. Beyond the frozen barrier, you could just see him. At least he would be the final sight your eyes beheld in this world.
You jerked up, coughing up water and clinging to the side of the tub like a startled animal. 
It was like you could still feel that chill of death creeping along your flesh. 
You climbed out of the bath and got dressed. 
Downstairs, the four men ate in silence, each too focused on their long-awaited meal to speak. When you rejoined them, each exchanged a look with another. Your face was ashen when it should have been revitalized by the warmth of the bath and your hands trembled. 
You took the seat beside D’Artagnan. Aramis passed you the stew he’d left by the fire to keep warm. 
After a while of more silence, Porthos couldn’t take it anymore.
“We’re a merry group, aren’t we?” He snorted. He set his empty bowl aside and leaned with his elbows on his knees. “This ain’t the worst storm we’ve all seen, eh?” 
Athos sipped his wine. “That it is not.” 
“Do you remember that awful mess two winters ago?”
Everyone shuddered at the thought, save four D’Artagnan, who looked confused. 
“What are you talking about?” He asked. 
“A few years ago, Paris saw the worst snow storm it’s ever had,” Athos explained. “The cold killed dozens and people were unable to leave their homes for food for days.”
You swallowed.
Aramis’ eyes flitted to yours, but only for a moment.
“There were some right wild times then, I can tell you that,” Porthos added. A low laugh rumbled through him, easing your nerves with his smile. “Towards the end of it- oh, you’ve got to hear this story.”
The king was desperately bored, all travel from his usual companions of distant relatives and ambassadors halted by the terrible weather. So he settled simply for those at court and ordered a grand winter ball. The ballroom was decorated with large white banners and plenty of candles both to fend off the early darkness and the frigid cold that hung even indoors. 
And with an event, of course, required a full musketeer guard. No one wanted the job, so Treville sent those who he was most irritated with at the time- and most times. Athos, Aramis, Porthos, and you. You’d all been caught throwing snow at the Red Guards and this was to be your punishment. 
“Look at all of em,” Porthos whispered to you. “No wonder they aren’t cold. Those dresses must weigh twenty pounds.” 
“Don’t remind me,” you huffed, adjusting your ridiculous corset. While on the more treacherous missions, you were allowed to wear the same uniform as the men in the regiment, when it came to the palace, you were required to dress like a lady. 
“Right,” Porthos snickered. 
Aramis leaned over, whispering at your ear. “You look lovely.” 
“Shut up,” you said, though your cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink. 
The dancing commenced and the four of you did your rounds. It was a fairly normal affair, gaudy and crowded, but that was typical for the king’s tastes. He needed to be adored and the people of Paris were more than happy to get a leg up on the social ladder. And, keeping to the fashions, everything was huge. The dresses, the hair, the accessories. It all reminded you of the colorful birds from distant lands you’d read about. Then you pictured everyone with beaks, which made you giggle to yourself. 
“Glad to see you’re enjoying yourself.” Aramis walked towards you, his eyes lit by the hundreds of candles that surrounded you. 
“I’d be enjoying it more if I was back at the garrison and out of this contraption,” you whined. 
“Yes, I’ve never seen a woman look as good in breeches as you.” Realizing what he’d said, he cleared his throat and added, “I mean, look as good out of a dress, I mean-” Aramis stumbled over his words and gave up, settling beside you to observe the room. But he kept stealing glances at you. 
Porthos eventually rejoined you, shaking his head. 
“Whoever set this up wasn’t very careful,” he said.
“What do you mean?” You asked, happy for the distraction from the man next to you. 
“All these flames, so close to all those banners?” He pointed around the room. “Get a couple of drinks in, someone is sure to run into one, don’t you think?” 
Aramis shrugged. “They’ve had candles around like this before. I’m sure it will be-”
“Fire!” Someone cried out across the ballroom. 
You all leaped into action. 
The stampede of lace and farthingale rushed around you, separating you and Porthos from the others. Aramis sprinted through to find the source of the commotion while Athos went to make sure the king and queen were alright. 
With the members of the court fleeing into the gardens, you were able to see the licks of flame at the base of one of the large banners. Aramis swiftly threw a pale of water on the blaze and the matter was put to rest. 
“And when everyone ran outside, they were slipping all over the ice in their fancy shoes.” Porthos bellowed with laughter, doubling over at the memory of the sight. “You should have seen 'em all, sliding about. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing.”
“If it’s so funny, why don’t you tell everyone how the fire started to begin with?” Athos said, smirking. “What was it you were sneaking from the table when you knocked the candle over? Ah yes,” he raised a brow, “a bonbon.” 
D’Artagnan snickered. 
Aramis pat Porthos on the back. “I hope it was delicious, my friend.”
You all laughed at Porthos’ expense, but soon he was chuckling along as well. 
“What’s this about a snow fight with the red guard?” D’Artagnan asked. “You said that was why Treville had you at the event. A kind of punishment?”
“Yes, well,” Athos cleared his throat. “That’s a different story.”
“Oh no, if you’re going to tell them about my blunder, then we definitely must tell them about yours,” Porthos said. 
“I still maintain that they started it,” Athos huffed. He poured everyone another glass of wine. 
You let the liquid warm you, the memory of the water still lingering in the tremble of your fingers. You kept them tucked in your tunic sleeves, but Aramis was watching. And he knew what haunted you for it ached in him tenfold. 
“So what happened was,” Porthos began. “We were gathered in one of the only taverns open during the freeze-”
“No no, if anyone is telling it, I will,” Athos said. “You always get it wrong.”
“By all means then.” Porthos leaned back, giving him the floor with a smirk. 
You all waited with expectant gazes. D’Artagnan motioned for Athos to go on, who swiftly finished his drink and poured another. 
The tavern was completely full to the brim of musketeers and red guards alike. With all other establishments closed due to the storms, this was the only place they could all go for a decent drink. Well, a drink at least. At this point, none of them cared about the quality. Especially Athos, who was far past the point of caring about anything at the moment. 
“I can’t believe we’re forced to this,” he muttered, though his words were hard to understand anymore. “Mingling with the Cardinal's men for something as simple as a glass of wine.”
Aramis leaned over to Porthos. “Or a few.” 
You sat amongst them all, staring blankly into the crowd. You clutched your tankard of ale in your still-wrapped hands, fingers discolored and throbbing. 
“I’ll fetch us another round, shall I?” Athos stood and started through the crowd. 
“I better keep an eye on him.” Porthos pat Aramis on the back and went after their drunk friend. 
Without Athos to distract you, a tense quiet fell between you and the remaining musketeer despite the chatty chaos around you. 
“How are you?” Aramis asked softly. 
“I'm quite fine, Aramis, just as I told you before we arrived.” 
“I know but-”
“I don’t wish to discuss it,” you snapped. 
He wilted, eyes falling to his cup, and turned away. 
Guilt struck you like a cold wind on your face. It filled you, sinking within. Water filling your lungs. The last glimpse of the sunrise breaking through the ice. Aramis crying above you. 
You shook it all from your mind as one would shake snow from their hair. Taking a breath to calm yourself, you put a hand on your companion’s shoulder. 
“I’m okay,” you said, gentler now, barely above a whisper. 
Aramis placed his hand over yours, but did not look up. 
Mercifully, a commotion came from deeper within the room. Unmercifully, at the center of it were your two other friends. 
“Oh no.” Your hand turned to a fist, tightening around Aramis’ arm and pulling him to his feet. “This cannot be good.”
“And here I thought tonight would be boring.” He winked at you, a bit of his usual self returning. 
The two of you pushed into the fray until you saw Porthos and an even drunker Athos arguing with a group of red guards. You weren’t close enough to hear what they were saying, but it didn’t look like it would be de-escalating soon and the owner of the tavern saw that as well.
“I don’t care who you work for, I won’t have any fighting here,” he said. “Take it outside or sit back down.” 
“I think that’s a great idea,” you said, trying to urge Athos back to your table. “Why don’t we finish our-”
“We’re leaving,” he growled. Shrugging your hand away, he started for the door. 
“Alright, I guess we’re going then,” Aramis said. 
“Beats staying here with this lot.” Porthos glared at the red guard on his way out. 
You rolled your eyes, taking up the back. 
You were so close to leaving. So close.
“Run back to your corner, cowards!” One of the red guards said, the lot of them piling out after you, each even drunker than Athos. “Take your whore and maybe you can share her to keep warm.” 
Aramis tensed beside you.
“Don’t,” you warned. It wasn’t the first time you’d been the target of ridicule since joining their ranks and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. 
“How does that work anyway?” Another snickered. “Do you pass her around like-”
He didn’t finish. It was hard to finish insults with a mouthful of snow. 
Athos stood with another icy projectile at the ready. “I don’t think this counts as dueling,” he said to Porthos, “do you?”
Porthos gathered snow into his hands, forming it like a small cannonball. 
“I don’t care either way.”
He threw it at the first guard who spoke, hitting him right above the eyes. Aramis turned to you and shrugged but you didn’t see, for you had already joined in the ambush. 
“While it did not count as a duel, I can’t say Treville was happy about it either,” Athos concluded. “Which is why we were assigned to guard the king’s dance.”
“It was worth it to see them run off red-faced and frozen,” Porthos chuckled. 
D’Artagnan turned to you. “Do the red guard really speak to you that way?” 
He knew that it must be difficult, being the only woman in the regiment, but to hear such vile things made his blood boil.
“They used to,” you smiled. “But they stopped after I single-handedly caught their escaped prisoner and brought him back before the Cardinal…” You sipped your wine. “With a few extra broken bones.” 
D’Artagnan grinned, impressed. The group laughed merrily. All save for Aramis who had fallen into a kind of melancholy, looking into the fire.
“What about you?” D’Artagnan asked. “Do you have any stories from that winter?” 
You went still. 
The others stopped laughing. 
D’Artagnan looked around, confused. “What? What is it?” 
“I’m afraid it isn’t as entertaining as the others,” Aramis sighed. He turned from the fire to face you. A question. 
Porthos and Athos exchanged a glance. They may not have known the details, but they knew something had happened. Perhaps it was finally time to tell them. 
You nodded for Aramis to continue. 
He took a deep breath. 
You patrolled early, before sunrise, hoping to catch a thief taking advantage of the deserted streets, but even they were discouraged by the frost. Wrapping your cloak tighter around yourself, your shaky breaths came out in clouds. Yet, you weren’t ready to head back to the Garrison, kept warm by your company. 
“And the bottle shattered before he even aimed his weapon,” Aramis said proudly. “Of course, the king wasn’t overly gracious, losing to a lowly musketeer, but I dare say he didn’t question my abilities after that.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I can’t believe you challenged the king to a shooting contest.”
“He challenged me,” he corrected. “And how could I refuse a request from His Majesty?”
You turned down a new street, this one even quieter than the last, nearing the city’s edge. Despite the wide path, the two of you walked so close together that your arms brushed each others with every stop. Perhaps it was to stave off the cold. Or perhaps you had other reasons-even if you refused to acknowledge them. 
“We should head back soon,” Aramis said. “Or we’ll both turn into icicles.” He turned to see you smile. How he loved it. Warmer than the rising sun, there was no storm too frigid that could dim the brightness of your smile. 
The ground grew slick, forcing you to walk slower. A sound pulled your attention away and you spun quickly towards the source. Your food skidded out from under you, sending you tumbling backward.
Aramis steadied you, his hand on the small of your back. “Careful.” The word puffed from his lips, the heat of his breath turning your cheeks pink.
You tried to ignore it- the jolt his touch shot up your spine- and focused on the noise.
“Do you hear that?” 
Aramis listened. You both quieted. 
“Help!” A small voice called. “Please, someone help!”
You glanced at each other and hurried into action. The sound had come from a nearby pond where a group of children were gathered. The water had frozen over, solid at the edges but thinner towards the center. It was there that a little boy stood, his blue coat stark against the white ice. He was far enough out, you were amazed the frigid waters hadn’t claimed him already. The children along the bank cried, begging him to come back to the snow-covered grass. He shook his head in terror. An older girl with the same white-blonde hair stepped forward. 
“Don’t!” You exclaimed, rushing to stop her. You pulled her back just as her foot touched the ice. A creaking groan echoed across the frozen water. 
“It’s my brother,” the girl cried. “Please, you must save him.”
“We dared him to cross,” another boy admitted, “but we never thought he’d really go out that far.” 
Aramis gave them all a stern, almost paternal, look. “Go fetch some blankets for him.” He gazed out, frowning. “And a rope.”
They clambered over each other, all except for his sister, who stood tall, calling out reassurances to her frightened sibling. 
“We may not have time to wait,” you whispered to Aramis. “If he goes through, it could freeze right back over him.”
Aramis sighed, nodding. “What would you suggest then?” 
You took a breath, gauging the distance again, and took a careful step onto the ice. It protested, but held. 
“Y/N, don’t,” Aramis said. He tried to snatch you back, but you’d stepped too far. 
You ignored him and stepped again. 
“What’s your name?” You asked the boy.
“M-Michel,” he whimpered.
“Alright Michel, I’m going to make you a deal.” You kept your voice light, attempting to be playful. “For every step I take, I want you to walk to me very slowly. Can you do that?” 
He sniffed and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. After a while, he gave you a small nod. 
“Ready?” You stepped forward, motioning for him to do the same. 
Hesitantly, he shuffled towards you, tears icy on his cheeks. 
“Be careful,” Aramis whispered behind you, as if his voice could crack the ice under your feet if he spoke too loudly. 
“We’re going to go again, Michel,” you said. “And this time, I want you to step as far as you can, okay?” You tested the ice ahead of you with light pressure before taking a wide step. 
Michel did the same. 
He was almost in arms reach now. 
“Just a little further, Michel. You’re almost there.” You stretched your arms out, keeping your eyes on the thinning ground beneath your feet. You could almost see the water, cold and waiting and dark. 
The boy took a deep breath, filling his lungs with as much courage as he could muster, and took the final leap into your waiting hold. A breath of relief escaped your lungs the moment his shaking form hit your chest and you wrapped your arms around him. 
“I’ve got you now, it’s alright,” you said. 
Underfoot, the ice began to break. With the weight of both of you in one spot, it cracked and shuddered. Webs shattered out from your feet. 
You stood completely still. 
“Michel.” Slowly, so very slowly, you set him down a few feet ahead of you where the freeze was thicker. “I want you to go to the man at the bank with your sister. It’s very slippery, but I want you to go as quickly as you can. Can you do that?”
“What about you, mademoiselle?” His big, watery eyes met yours. 
“I’ll be alright.” You shooed him away with a small smile. “Now go. Your sister is waiting for you.” 
His little feet scampered across the snow like a rabbit and he grabbed Aramis’ hand, who pulled him up to safety. 
The shift had cost you, the cracks larger, angrier spanning from where you stood. 
“Y/N, come on!” Aramis called out. 
Michele and his sister were hurrying towards the nearest house where other children were finally emerging. One held a rope and you tried to be relieved. They’d toss it to you and you could use it to pull yourself to the shore. Simple. 
Another crack. 
“That’s it, I’m coming after you,” Aramis said. 
“No, don’t!” 
But it was too late. The moment he stepped onto the ice, a rift raced towards you. Aramis realized his mistake due to the horrible sound of what seemed like glass breaking into thousands of pieces. He blinked and you were gone.
His blood ran colder than the water that swallowed you. Aramis ran to the children, grabbed the rope from their hands and went back to the water. There was no movement. You were right. The ice had frozen back over. 
Aramis rushed out, not listening to the squealing surface under his feet. Held the rope tight in one hand, should the water claim him as well, and used the other to clear frost from the ice. He tried to search, his eyes frantic, but all was dark. 
The moment you hit the water, you thought for sure you were dead. Surely, no one could survive this cold. It was dark, the sun fighting its way through the icescape over you in a losing battle. You could see only shadows where the freeze was thickest, but as you kicked furiously back towards the top, it was clear enough that you reached out, thinking your hand would emerge from the depths. It did not. Instead, your hand pressed against a solid barrier, as though you were trapped beneath a pane of glass. 
And then he was there. Even though his form blocked the little sunlight you had, a sigh of relief bubbled from you. 
Aramis shouted your name, his fist striking the ice between you. It cracked, but did not shatter. 
If you were dead, then surely this was your entrance into the beyond. Aramis, with the sun behind him, calling for you. And for a brief moment, you were content. If this was to be your final sight-the man you loved, though before you could never admit it- then perhaps it wouldn’t all be for naught. 
But then, with a second hit of his knuckles on the ice, you came to your senses.
You weren’t dead. Not yet, anyway. But you would be soon. 
Your face turned to panic through the glassy ice he now tried to break. Aramis screamed your name again, the rising fear in his voice impossible to mask. He couldn't lose you. Not when there was so much still to say. Things he never told you. 
“Y/N!” He cried. 
You hit the ice from your side, but your muscles ached from the cold. It scraped your hands, drops of blood spreading around you like snowflakes. 
“Aramis!” You tried to call to him, but water filled your mouth. It rushed down your throat. Into your lungs. 
Aramis couldn’t think. It was like his mind was trapped beneath, pulled down into the dark with you. But then a clatter caught his attention. It was his musket, clinking against the metal of its strap. 
He ripped it from his back and held it over you, the thick wooden stock facing downward. 
His eyes told you to move away, so you did. 
He struck once. The ice buckled. He struck again, each hit reverberating up his arms. Finally, the barrier broke, the splash of water filling his ears. Tossing his musket aside, Aramis all but dove into the water, careful to keep his balance so as to not fall in. 
His hands latched to yours, pulling you out of the frigid tomb and into his arms. Aramis clutched you to him as though you were saving him from the water and not the other way around. Trembling, you held tight to his tunic beneath his coat. 
“Aramis-” You breathed, lips turning blue. 
He held you close and carried you, mercifully making it back to shore despite the new break he’d caused. 
“Get me those blankets,” he ordered the children.
Michel’s sister handed him a pair of wool coverings and he worked to wrap them around you tightly. 
“Aramis, I’m alright.”
“You can still freeze to death,” he muttered, hurriedly picking you up once you were swaddled in blankets and his arms again. “We must get you to a fire. Something warm to eat.” Still enveloping you against him, his hand rubbed up and down your arm, trying to cause enough warmth with the friction that you’d stop shaking so. 
“Aramis.” You lifted a hand to his cheek. Your skin felt like the ice itself against his. “I’m alright.” 
His dark eyes, filled with the tears he’d come so close to crying, looked into yours for a long while. He pressed his lips to your forehead, the burn of his touch spreading through you like a spark, and carried you to the nearest cottage. 
“I almost lost her,” Aramis said. He stared into the fire, as though he’d forgotten the others were there, still hanging from every word. “All because I stepped on that ice and condemned her to the water.” 
The room fell so quiet you were sure they could all hear the sound of your heart breaking. 
He blamed himself? All of this time, this event had lingered between you. You thought it was because of you. Because of the feelings you finally faced that day and had tried to ignore ever since. But Aramis thought it was his fault. That he almost killed you. 
Porthos seemed to notice the shift between you. He cleared his throat and pat Aramis on the arm, bringing him back to the group. 
“Well, we’re glad you got to her in time, aren’t we?” He chuckled, trying to make the tension lighten. “Where would we all be with Y/N? I’ve owed her my life more than once. Do you remember that time when-”
“Perhaps it’s time we turn in for the night,” Athos interrupted, taking a different tactic to the silence between you and the third musketeer. He eyed Porthos, trying to convey the message without words. 
Porthos nodded. “Yes. Right. I’m so tired, I could fall over.” He cleared his throat again, a signal to D’Artagnan, who was still focused on the two of you. 
D’Artagnan glanced up, finding Athos and Porthos staring at him, waiting. 
“But I wanted to hear-”
Porthos grabbed him by the back of his collar and hauled him out of the seat. 
“Alright, alright!” D’Artagnan exclaimed. He tore away to kiss the top of your head. “I’m glad you didn’t drown. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have met, and who else would keep all of us in line.” He flashed you a quick grin, for which you were grateful.
“Goodnight, D’Artagnan.” You returned his smile and looked over his shoulder. “Porthos, Athos.”
They all bid you goodnight and went up the stairs, D’Artagnan lingering back to listen until Porthos dragged him up. 
The crackle of the fire filled the dreadful quiet that settled. You wished he would say something, but he merely continued to stare into the flames. So, for a while, you did the same, letting the heat wash over you, imagining it was his arms wrapped around you once more. 
Finally, you spoke. “It wasn’t your fault.”
He winced, your words a swift hit to his chest. 
“Aramis,” you sighed, leaving your seat to kneel before him. “You cannot have blamed yourself all these years for that day.”
“How could I not?” He said. His voice cracked in his throat, the pain of the memory overwhelming. 
You took his hands in yours. 
“I went out after that boy, ignoring your warnings. I knew what could happen, but I couldn’t leave him out there.” You held his hands tighter. “Aramis, you saved me.” 
“But I almost-” He couldn’t finish. Finally, his eyes met yours and he melted. “The thought of losing you, Y/N, it’s too much. I realized it that horrible day. I never want to feel that again.”
You glanced down, taking a breath to give yourself courage. “Do you know what I realized, under the ice, thinking you’d be the last face I saw?” 
He put a finger under your chin, lifting your gaze back to his. “Y/N…”
“I want yours to be the last face I see every night before I dream. I want it to be the first I see before even the sun rises.” You did not waver. For the first time, you were not afraid of the feelings you harbored. “I love you, Aramis. And I think I have from the moment I set foot in the Garrison and you almost shot me.” Your lips lifted in a teasing smirk. 
Aramis laughed, still on the verge of crying, though now for a different reason. 
“It was you who walked in front of the target.”
“How was I to know you were shooting at rotten fruit?”
“It was positioned on a barrel,” he defended. “I wasn’t just shooting at a crate in the street.” 
“We may agree to disagree.”
The two of you laughed and the tension dimmed, along with the fire’s embers. Aramis sank down from his seat to kneel in front of you, taking your face in his hands, a different heat warming the room. 
“Y/N, you must know…” He breathed. You were so close, it felt as though he breathed in only you. “You must know how I’ve loved you every day, every moment. That day on the ice-”
“Let’s not speak of it anymore,” you said and crashed your lips into his. 
The kiss sent a fire through both of you stronger than any hearth. Aramis wrapped his arms around you, holding you closer, needing you closer still. Your soft lips moved against his, a breath of a sigh escaping from your chest. 
Above you, the three others watched from the small landing leading to their rooms. 
“I knew it,” D’Artagnan said.
Porthos nodded. “Took 'em long enough.” 
“Come,” Athos said. “I imagine they’ll be turning in soon. So should we.” He motioned to the thin walls. “It’s going to be a long night.”
Unaware of your companions, you lost yourself in Aramis’ embrace and he in yours. Burning brighter than the fire before you, it seemed he was the only heat you’d ever need, and you his light.
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backtothefanfiction · 11 months ago
Rain Grows | Aramis x Reader Imagine
Summary: sometimes we all just need a good cry.
Length: Short
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, depressed feelings
A/N: as usual at the moment, I’m feeling very emotional and angsty and need some hurt comfort from one of my boys. Tonight I chose Aramis.
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It was like someone had blown out the candle inside you. The one that kept things running. Your spark. Your hope. Now- there was nothing.
You had always been known for your joy. Your bright smile. That small skip in your step. You had kind words for everyone. But now- now you just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.
The moment the candle went out, it was like a delay, the smoke making you hazy as you aimlessly wandered around the market in a daze. All the usual faces tried to say “hi” to you, but you couldn’t seem to say it back. You couldn’t even give them your usual toothy grin. Your new polite tight lipped smile became the hushed talk of the market- and it only made you feel worse.
When one of the older ladies finally asked you if you were okay, it made your heart ache. You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t know how to act. This had never happened to you before. Then suddenly his name was echoing around your hollow skull. Your knight in roughed up leathers. He always made your heart skip a beat and brought a smile to your lips and a blush to your cheeks. You just had to see Aramis and everything would be okay.
When you got to the garrison it was empty, most of the musketeers- the inseparables included- were all up at the palace and not due back for a while yet. So you decided to wait. And wait. And then wait some more.
Feeling hollow and empty, you sat yourself on the steps that lead up to the Captain’s office and you waited. Your fingers fiddled idly with your skirts, the rough fabric rubbing against your fingertips grounding you and giving you something to focus on as you waited for the time to pass. 20 minutes. Half an hour. 1 hour. 2. 3.
When it began to rain, you still didn’t move. The cold drops of early spring rain hit the back of your neck- your arms- droplets running down and soaking into your clothes. But you didn’t care. You barely noticed. You had completely checked out, that empty darkness seeping out and wrapping its tendrils around every fibre of your being. You were vaguely aware of the passing looks of the stable hands and a few passing musketeers, but you never looked, never paid them attention, just kept your focus on your one mission. Waiting for Aramis and not completely falling apart until he got here.
“Ahhh, I do love the rain.” Aramis hummed to himself and smiled as he took his hat off and allowed the water to wash over him.
“He’s mad.” D’Artagnan muttered to Porthos and Athos as the four of them made their way back down the street towards the garrison.
Porthos chuckled, “Is that so?” He said to his friend, clapping him on the shoulder, “because I remember just last week you said you hated it.”
“Ahh yes, but that’s because it was still Winter then my friend.” Aramis said back, “Spring is here now. The birds are returning, the flowers are blooming,” his fingers reached to brush across the petals of a couple of blooming flowers in a window box they passed.
“And it’s not so cold.” Athos finished Aramis’ sentence for him, in his usual droll tone.
“Exactly!” Aramis smiled enthusiastically, sweeping his hat back onto his head.
“Afternoon boys.” A fellow Musketeer said as he made his way in the opposite direction, away from the garrison from where he had just come.
“Benoit.” They each greeted him, none of them intending to stop, until he did.
“Umm, Aramis, you should know, there’s a young woman waiting for you. Been there a while.”
“Does this lady have a name?” Athos asked.
“She didn’t say, was just asking after Aramis, but I think it’s that girl who works down at the tavern on-“
Aramis didn’t need Benoit to say which tavern, he already knew it was you. But you never visited him at work. You’d seek him out in the tavern- sure- but you never sought him out outside of your work. “How long has she been waiting?” He asked.
“I’d say just gone 3 hours.” Benoit replied before he began to start walking in the direction of his next destination again.
“3 hours?” Porthos said.
“In this weather?” D’Artagnan added.
“Shit, it must be really bad.” Porthos continued, a hint of amusement beginning to fill his voice as he prepared to make a joke and mock his closest friend, “Don’t tell me you got her knocked up?” He began to joke, but Aramis’s face had grown serious.
He ignored his friends as he began to pick up speed, his brisk walk turning into a light jog as he left them behind to run on ahead. You had been waiting for him for over three hours. Why? It had to have been important if you were willing to stay there and wait in the rain for him.
His pace slowed as he came through the gate to the garrison, your rain soaked body near frozen on the stairs as you looked down at your fingers. He found himself pulling his hat off of his head in respect. His steps towards you were slow and tentative, as if he were stalking an animal in the woods, not wishing to startle it, just get a better look. He suddenly froze mere feet away from you as Porthos’s booming and defensive voice grew closer to the gate, making you look up at him like a startled deer.
“Hey- hey…” he said in ever softer tones as if to soothe you and make sure you were okay, “it’s okay.” He said. You both looked away from each other to his brothers as they came into view of the gate, their hesitating eyes locking on the two of you and your more somber faces, each giving you both a silent nod of acknowledgment before passing by and making their way inside.
“You should come inside,” Aramis said, taking another gentle step closer to you, “dry off-“ but his words got trapped in his throat when your eyes met his. They were so scared. So worried. “What is it? What’s happened?” He asked, placing his foot up on the bottom step and leaning in to you, his fingers instinctively reaching out for your face. He forced you to keep your eyes on him. Silently reassured you that he saw your pain and had no intention of averting his eye or looking away.
You had no words. You thought the moment you saw him it would magically make things better, but it didn’t. You didn’t know what else to do now. You had waited in the rain all afternoon in the hopes that you would see his face and it would make everything okay. Now you were just wet. Empty and wet. Your chest sagged, heart breaking and suddenly the dam broke too. Tears filled your eyes and big chest wracking sobs burst free. Aramis quickly shucked off his jacket, wrapping it around your shoulders. He then sat himself beside you on the step and wrapped you in his arms.
His embrace was comforting, the smell of his leather familiar. He kissed the top of your head as you just cried. Your tears mingled with the rain on your cheeks and after a few attempts of trying to brush them away for you, Aramis just gave up and held you tighter and continued to let you cry. “There, there,” he cooed softly as he slowly rocked you back and forth on the step, “let it all out.”
“I’m sorry.” Your broken voice said between sobs, but he wouldn’t accept it.
“Now, now, there’s nothing to be sorry about.” He said with another kiss to the top of your wet head.
After another few minutes wrapped up in his embrace, your sobs began to break. “There, there.” He continued to gently say, “it’s okay, I’ve got you,” he repeated, until your breathing was finally under control again and your tears ceased to fall anymore, the rain seaming to also grow lighter too.
As you pushed yourself up away from his chest, wiping at your face as you tried to meet his eyes, his own hands moving to replace your own to do the task for you, you slowly attempted to find your voice once more. “I’m sorry.” You said again. “I just-“ but you couldn’t find the words to explain what happened… because truly you didn’t know what happened, but with his presence, his kindness and warmth, the safety of his arms protecting you as you allowed yourself to shatter into a million pieces, it somehow eased the tension in your chest. You still felt a little bit empty, but now you felt lighter.
“It’s okay.” He said to you again as he smoothed back a sopping wet strand of your hair from your face. Already he could see the light in your eyes returning. He looked hesitantly down to your lips, then back up to your eyes. He’d wanted to kiss them for a while, the way you’d nibble on them and blush when you saw him and give him not your big smiles you gave to everyone else, but your smaller adorable, bashful and intimate ones. But now, knowing he meant so much to you that when you were hurting, he was the only one you’d share your vulnerability with, it made him want to kiss you even more. But now was not the time. Instead he decided to use his mouth instead to distract. “Do you know why I love the rain?” He asks you, his fingers reaching out to intertwine with your cold ones as he looks out towards the gates of the garrison.
“No.” You reply as you carefully watch his face from the side, the corners of his lips turning up as the dark clouds above began to pass and make way for a clearer skies.
“Because it washes away the old and makes everything clean, ready to start a fresh.” He says proudly, his chest puffing up slightly as he turns his head to share his grin with you and it makes the corners of your own mouth twitch, a faint ghost of a smile slowly gracing your features, observing his boy like wonder about the world.
“It also,” he continues, his thumb rubbing gently across the back of your hand, “brings life.” He smiles. “It waters the plants and helps the flowers to bloom and the crops to grow. There’s so much wonder in the rain. Everyone gets so caught up in it, you know. Their clothes get wet and the shoes get muddy. But it’s so much more than that. Plus,” he says, standing and pulling you up with him, “when it eventually passes and the sun begins to shine again, sometimes,” he says, pulling you into the centre of the garrison, his eyes moving in small searching flashes to the sky until they stop and he too stops, turning you in the right direction to see what he does, “you get to see truly rare beauty that no amount of money in the world could buy.”
His hands rest on your shoulders from behind and his finger points up to the sky- and there you see it, faint at first, but slowly growing stronger. A rainbow. It makes you smile. A full one this time too. You feel his body relax behind you at the sight of it and you can’t help but relax back into him again, your smile growing content.
“See, even the sky cries some times.” He says into your ear, and you can feel the smile on his lips with how close his mouth is to it.
“And maybe it sends rainbows to let us know it was a good cry.” You turn your head and smile at him.
He beams, a small breathy chuckle escaping his lips. With a warm twinkle in his eye, he kisses your temple in agreement. “Sometimes we all just need a good cry.” He confirms.
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months ago
NSFW alphabet f, i, o for our lovely musketeers?
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Jean is a little teasing but for him it’s about showing you how loved and adored you are, building up your pleasure, showing you sex can be an expression of love.  You didn’t have a kind start with men and Jean dedicates the time he spends with you to sure you experience all the ecstasy he can give you.
Jean will always submit to you if you require it. When your confidence builds and you start to tease him, he’s very encouraging, telling you how good you are to him, how amazing you’re making him feel.
Because of the nature of the work you do, your proximity comes in intervals. People aren’t aware of your relationship so your moments are often stolen, a night at a time. It’s usually a mutual instigation.
Again this is dependant on circumstance. Jean’s preference is to stay the night and fall asleep with you wrapped in his arms however if you need to go because of the work your doing, he’s more likely to stay up and busy himself.
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Athos loves it when you tease him. He’s a subby boi at heart. His command weights heavily on him and he needs to get out of his own head sometimes, being restrained, teased and used is a way of doing that.
As for teasing you it’s very depend on mood, sometime he needs to ravish you completely, others he needs to take his time, show you how much you need him, his good he can be for you.
It depends on mood. If he’s sullen, moody, needing to get out of his own head. You’re more likely to be instigating because he can’t bring himself to ask for it, no matter how much he may need it. However if that adrenaline’s running or he’s feeling content, he has no problem instigating.
Again I think this depends on mood. If he’s been preoccupied before sex, I think he’s leaving to continue working on the problem. The sex refreshes him, gives him some breathing space.
However if he’s feeling more contented or needy, he will remain cuddled up with you for as long as possible.
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Porthos loves being teased by you and you love teasing him. It does something to you having this big, powerful man at your mercy. Blindfolds, restraints, he enjoys all of it.
Porthos is a lowkey tease of his own, he’s a very physical person. His hands and his lips chase all over your body, mapping out every inch of you until you’re begging for him to out his mouth on you, or fuck you.
You both have high sex drives and you are both adrenaline junkies, you play off one another. If someone’s feeling frisky, the other usually is too.
Porthos loves to spend the aftermath wrapped up in you, dozing. You make him feel happy, loved and safe.
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Aramis does not play fair, there’s a reason he’s known for his prowess in bed. He will spend hours teasing you, edging you, overstimulating you. He’s dedicated entirely to your pleasure.
As for being teased it’s very rare that someone else does that for him. He can never bring himself to ask for it. The first time you ruin him, he’s completely obliterated, he’s never come that hard before, he’s completely relaxed. He couldn’t leave that bed even if he wanted to and he doesn’t. He thinks that’s the reason he falls in love with you, you’re as attuned to his needs as he is to yours.
Aramis is ravenous for you all the time. If he can get you alone for more than five minutes you can bet, he’s going down on you or fucking you.
Before you Aramis always left the women he was with. Ultimately they were a distraction from the circumstances that were happening in his life. Once he was done he was back to musketeering, leaving them along in the sheets. With you, he stays. He holds you in his arms, cradles you close. He loves going to sleep next to you and waking up beside you.
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prismatica-the-strange · 3 months ago
All I am Belongs to You | More Than You Could Ever Know or Imagine
Warnings: 18+, period mention
I just needed a little Athos period fic
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He tries to be quiet as he sets his belt and sword by the door.
He frowns when he sees Amélia curled up on the bed.
The mattress dips beneath him when he sits beside her and she looks up at him, "Athos, you're back."
He runs his hand up her side to cup her cheek, his voice soft, "D'artagnan said you weren't feeling well."
She leans into his hand before she sits up and wraps her arms around his middle, laying her head on his shoulder.
He holds her back and strokes her hair, "Are you alright?"
"I'm better now," She mumbles, nuzzling against him.
"Are you sure?"
"Just my monthlies... c'mere," She tugs him closer, trying to pull him to lay down with her, whining when he doesn't budge, "Athos."
He chuckles and pulls away, cupping her cheeks, "Give me a moment, love."
"Come back," She pouts, reaching for him when he stands.
He sets his coat on the dresser with a sigh, a soft smile on his face when he turns back to see her up on her knees with her arms out, waiting for him.
"Sweet darling," He hooks his arms under her thighs and lifts her up against his chest, laughing slightly when she kisses him.
He climbs onto the bed and lays her down beside him.
He lets her adjust how she wants, nestling her head under his chin with her hand sliding up to play with his hair. He rubs her lower back and she lets out a heavy breath, melting into him, "I love you."
"Shhh," He kisses the top of her head, feeling content beneath her familiar weight, "I love you more."
"I don't think that's possible," She retorts.
"More than you could ever know or imagine..." His other hand holds the back of her neck, keeping her close. Her stomach twists at his words, the deep sincerity of them.
She's never doubted him when he's said such things, not even when he was drunk and desperate for her attentions when she was still with Aramis. Unlike her former lover, Athos has never lied, and he doesn't start now.
"Is there anything more I can do?" He asks when she winces. He hates to see her in pain like this.
She moves to hug his chest to hers and shakes her head, "Just stay with me for a while... please."
"Of course," He squeezes her tight, "I wouldn't let go for the world.
No matter how many years pass, or the trials life sends their way he will never hold anything but unyielding joy that she is his, and he hers.
Even if it means he's pulled from his duties every now and again to hold her when she isn't feeling her best.
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philtstone · 7 months ago
"falling asleep on the other’s shoulder" for your choice of the Musketeers squad
It is only once Constance has dozed off against D'Artagnan's shoulder that Aramis turns to Porthos with great haste and urgency of expression.
"Porthos," he whispers, "Quick. You must divine my innermost thoughts."
Porthos is in the middle of genteelly dabbing D'Artagnan's blood out of his hauberk with the hem of his own chemise. It is not going well.
"Yeah, alright then," he whispers back, glancing over at the youthful pair huddled between them in the cart, then toward the half-open flap that opens to the miserably rainy outdoors, and their kidnappers.
"Perfect," says Aramis, whose hands and feet -- like Porthos's -- are bound. With great concentration upon his face, Aramis lowers his head such that Porthos might look him in the eye more successfully. Porthos bites his lip with effort. His moustache, stiff with the crust of the afternoon's nose bleed, quivers.
"... beef stew," Porthos says finally, grunting with exertion.
"Hm," says Aramis. "No, that's what you're thinking of. Try again."
Porthos nods brusquely; yes, that is about right. His stomach's been rumbling for an hour. He sniffs, squares his shoulders, and re-begins the divining exercise.
"... The Bible," comes out all in one go. Porthos is nodding enthusiastically now; there's no way that one was wrong.
Aramis heaves a sigh and turns his eyes heavenwards. "Unfortunately correct! Well, at least now I know my instincts were true, and we are in fact capable of communicating, soulfully, without words. Here, I must clear my mind, and we shall try again."
"Think about an escape plan," Porthos mouths this last bit wisely. "That'll be helpful to my process."
"Yes, of course," whispers Aramis.
They re-engage. The rain is pouring torrentially outside by now. Aramis's eyebrows inch higher and higher upon his brow with each passing moment of intense staring.
Finally Porthos's eyes pop, and his mouth drops open.
"The Queen!" he bursts out in a mangled, affronted whisper.
Aramis yelps. "No!"
"Aramis, I swear I'll kill you! I can't believe you're thinking about the bloody Queen! At a time like this!"
"Excuse me! Be respectful, Porthos!"
"We're tied up in a wagon, mate!"
"Why'd he be thinking about the Queen?" interrupts a mullish mumble from their other side. D'Artagnan has not opened his eyes, but at least now they know the blood loss hasn't got to him yet.
"This is an imperfect science," Aramis protests, avoiding the question. A small snuffling noise sounds, and Constance shuffles in her sleep.
"Poor woman," Aramis says, sounding mournful.
"Must be properly knackered," agrees Porthos.
"Yeah," mumbles D'Artagnan, who is probably feeling most guilty of them all, "from dealing with you lot all day."
"And that, D'Artagnan, is why Porthos was attempting to read my innermost thoughts. We shall relieve her of the burden quite soon, if all goes well."
"Maybe you should try reading me," Porthos suggests, still in a whisper.
Aramis's eyes light up at the suggestion. Then there is a thump against the side of the carriage.
"... Or," he allows, "we might take part in the most ancient of musketeer practices."
Porthos regards his friend for a long moment. They really do need to get out of this one alive; Athos will be aggrieved enough as it is when he finds out what happened once he left them after lunch. He always looks like a wet cat when aggrieved. The whole thing'll be bad for Treville's health.
He nods, wisely. "Throw ourselves out the wagon and hope for the best?" he asks.
"Well, I wasn't going to say it aloud," says Aramis.
"Oi!" comes a shout from immediately outside the wagon flap. "What're you talking about in there!"
Aramis and Porthos share a look.
"D'Artagnan," says Aramis, "you and dear Madame Bonacieux stay here; we'll be right back."
Without another word, they hurl themselves into the fray with perfect syncronicity.
After a long moment and several yells and thumps, D'Artagnan looks down at the sleeping Constance with far too tender an expression, frowns, then wonders aloud,
"... why on Earth'd Aramis be thinking about the Queen?"
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darlinghowl · 10 months ago
i have. mixed feelings on the musketeers ending. i think i like d’artagnan being captain and i think i liked aramis taking trevilles place but i feel like porthos’ end came completely out of left field?? and athos leaving paris with sylvie despite all the change she wanted to make felt so. idk like i understand life goes on and the point is they have a brotherhood that will always be intact and they all lived and are happy but it lacked Something. to me. the payoff didn’t hit for me ESPECIALLY for porthos’ end. cramming elodie in at the end and sending him away to fight in the war again while everyone else is safe at home or traveling is like. nuts to me? esp bc i can’t recall a single moment of this season where it felt like he wanted to go back? when they talked about promoting him i thought they meant making HIM captain, and i understand and appreciate it being d’artagnan but idk. IDK it was a good ending so i’m ultimately happy w it it’s just mixed feelings rn
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johnnyvalance · 20 days ago
BELATED ACT 2 NOTES (read: i forgot):
- paul was looking at chet when he said “do you still have the purple and pink madras shirt?”
- ARAMIES LITTLE BROTHER WITH TREVI BROKE ME. they are not actors in the moment. they really make you want to jump on the stage and tell them to stop, dont do it, etc. you feel so powerless in that moment because it really does feel like it’s happening in front of you and there’s nothing you can do
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 9 months ago
If you disregard Athos kissing Aramis on the temple as Tom ad-libbing, why did Athos do that? Like was he planning on doing that or was it a spur of the moment emotional reaction?
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Athos is such a mysterious man when it comes to his feelings… but I‘m pretty sure he loves Aramis vERY much!! There are so many moments in the show where their relationship is portrayed as a very intense once - remember that moment from season 3 where he pointed a gun at him? ;____; He is the only one who knows all of Aramis’ secrets! From Adele‘s death to his affaire with the queen. He supports him in dark moments and forgives him everything almost immediately. We know Aramis is very intense himself and I like the idea that Athos is in some way mirroring his intensity, that is is sort of their dynamic! I suppose Aramis‘ entire persona - the cheeky, daring, romantic, deeply feeling, struggling hero - just awakens in Athos a deep affection and protective energy. He kisses him on the cheek, because he is overcome with so much emotion, bc this man is so dear to him and he was in such a difficult situation… Athos is so relieved that he can still touch him that he must absolutely do so. *sniffs* Hope that helps! ;___;
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dennydraws · 11 months ago
I finished Unicorn Overlord! \o/
Kinda did it last weekend but I needed a moment to digest how amazing that game was! I ate well and I talked my friends' ears off about it xD; and I still need to talk about it! What an unexpected gem! Maybe because I went into it without any expectations and stayed away from any fandom interactions, or because the gameplay hit some sweet spot of being free roam type to not feel overbearing but the war battles being tactical enough to give me a challenge which I could adjust accordingly.
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I did all the content post final fight and I have mad respect for games who do this kind of thing - you finished the game? Here are some goodies, have fun! Does it make sense? Nah but who cares! I only wish we had some kinda DLC post game cause I want to juggle the new beans and have fun with them too!!
I don't want to write a whole review here so I'll keep it super brief and spoiler free (as far as I know everyone knows the recruitables' names?)
Favorite Region: Drakenhold Favorite Male Character: Auch Favorite Female Character: Melisandre Favorite Class: Aramis Swordfighter (A lack of skill.) Favorite Story Spot: Bastoria Favorite Boss: Elgor Favorite Ship: The one who led me to the secluded shore Favorite Valor Skill: WILD RUSH II! Favorite Rapport: Gammel and Mandarin's 3rd rapport
It's hard to pick favorites, cause there were so many and I don't think there was a single character I didn't like.
While the story was simple, I really enjoyed how they handled the mind control magic. I loved the Zenoira backstory and all around, I think I really vibed with the simplicity of the plot. It was very very charming. My weakness being sibling dynamics I nearly bit my switch because of Travis and Berengaria's rapports and their story moments. And no surprise to any, I'm big softy who loves redeemable villains but I didn't expect to like Gammel and Mandarin as much as I did.
Did I mention how much I loved the digging mini game? This thing was way too addicting.
Did I mention I've been blasting the OST all week?
Did I mention I shake fist a the sky that I couldn't obtain the artbook? Anyone out there willing to sell theirs? qq asking for a friend. I'm the friend.
This game fed me well... so well...
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fandom-imagines-stories · 2 years ago
All For One
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Musketeers Comfort Imagine
Words: 3525
Summary: In preparing for her trials to become a Musketeer, the reader’s anxiety begins to get the better of her. Luckily, she has the four best friends anyone could ask for. 
Notes: Another comfort imagine dealing with anxiety and burnout because *mental illness* I needed this haha. Thank you end of the semester struggles. Like my Pogues imagine, this doesn’t have any specific ships, but since Aramis and D’Artagnan are my favorites, I may or may not show a little bias. I also really wanted to capture the feeling of them riding off together at the end of the season because that’s one of my favorite parts of the show, so hopefully that came across. 
Find more Musketeers: HERE
They all knew something was off. Though it was early and most were still half asleep, exhausted by the night before’s activities, they saw with enough clarity to know that you were not yourself. 
You ate your breakfast swiftly- though, poking at your bread could hardly be considered eating- and in silence. You hardly responded to Aramis’s daily teasing, something that had become like a ritual for the two of you, or to Porthos’s suggestion of close combat training later in the day. Worst of all, your eyes were red-rimmed and swollen, though you kept them downcast to try and hide them. 
Once you’d hurried off, the four men at the table exchanged worried looks. 
“What’s wrong with her?” Porthos asked. 
“Nerves maybe,” D’Artagnan observed. “She’s going before Treville next week. I know I was terrified when it was my turn to prove myself.” 
“And especially difficult for her,” Aramis added. He gazed after you and shook his head. “But there’s something else. I don’t think it’s just nerves.” The way you’d looked at him just moments before, with eyes both pleading and yet… empty. It worried him. “We should do something.” 
“I don’t think that would be wise,” Athos said. He stood from the table and put on his hat. “We should let her come to us. If we try to force her, well-” he blew out a breath. “We all know how that’s gone in the past.” 
The other three nodded mournfully. 
It was odd. You were one of the more open of the group, but all of them could agree, when something was truly and deeply wrong, you always tried to keep it to yourself, though none could understand why. 
“We can’t just leave her like that,” D’Artagnan said. “There must be something we can do.”
“Just be patient,” Athos nodded. “She knows we’re here for her.” 
Does she? Aramis couldn’t help but think. While they’d made it clear that you were a part of their group and they all cared for you very deeply, he’d picked up hints that you didn’t quite believe it. Whether or not this was just your mind playing tricks on you, he was determined to show it to you. He turned to the others and a wordless understanding passed between them. They nodded, all feeling the same as he did. 
They’d make sure you knew you were one of them, even if they spent all day proving it. 
You started the day with close combat, asking Porthos to help as usual, since he was the very best. You hoped the physicalness of the exercise would help wake up your tired senses and give your on-edge body something to fight. Your limbs pleaded for a distraction from their tension while your head desperately tried to focus. 
How could you be so exhausted and so unstable at the same time? 
“You sure you’re ready?” Porthos asked. When he’d agreed to train, he hadn’t noticed just how tense you were. You paced in front of him like a street cat afraid of its own shadow. While he never used the full of his strength when sparring with you, he feared more than usual he might hurt you if this were to go on. 
“I’m always ready,” you said with a little more venom than you’d intended. He narrowed his eyes and you ignored the concern you could see in his gaze. “I don’t have all day, let us begin.” You ran at him before he could object. 
Porthos braced for your first hit- a punch toward his shoulder and counter-attacked with a swing at your legs. You jumped and kicked his knee while propelling yourself upward for another hit to his chest, launching away from the impact. You both fell back into the dirt but were on your feet in seconds. 
Porthos raised a brow. “Alright, love. That’s how we’re playing it.” 
You took a deep breath and went again. 
The fight was fiercer than you’d ever done before. Porthos seemed to struggle to keep up with you. He may have his strength, but your agility proved vital. At one point, you were able to climb onto his back, arm around his neck. Your body locked up and all you could focus on was the pounding of adrenaline in your head. 
“Y/N!” Athos shouted. 
The other three rushed over to the two of you and you suddenly realized that Porthos had hit his knees and was smacking at your legs to let him go. You gasped and jumped off of him. 
“Porthos, I am so, so sorry. I didn’t even realize- are you hurt?” You stammered. 
He coughed, breathing in with deep, hurried breaths to take in as much air as he could. Aramis knelt in front of him, dark eyes flicking over to you with more questions than you gave him time to ask. 
You brushed off and tried to hide the rising panic in your voice as it squeezed at your chest. “Guess I got carried away, huh?” 
“Only a little,” Porthos wheezed. 
You feigned a smile, turning to Athos. “I’ll go easier on you later, I promise.” It was meant to be a jest, but neither of you laughed. 
With your body locking up again, you got away before any of them could see the weakness threatening to overtake you. Once out of view, your fist flew, striking the wall and scraping your knuckles. 
“I wouldn’t give her a weapon,” Porthos shuddered as Aramis helped him to his feet. 
“She doesn’t seem like she’s going to take no for an answer,” Athos said. 
Aramis sighed. “This is worse than I thought.” 
“I’ll say,” Porthos grunted. 
“She needs to get out of here.” D’Artagnan stared after you with a pained expression. “All of this practice is getting to her. She’s pushed herself too far.” He swung his sword in front of him in frustration. “But how do we get her to take a break? She’s far too stubborn and worried about Treville.”
The four of them pondered this problem for a moment, eventually hearing you start up again, practicing with your sword with barely a minute’s rest. 
“I’ll talk to her,” Aramis sighed. “The three of you come up with something.” 
“And how do you propose we do that?” Athos asked. 
Aramis shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” 
You loaded the musket with relative ease, but he could see how your hands were shaking. Of all of the skills you had to master before facing Treville’s scrutiny, your marksmanship was by far your weakest, despite Aramis assuring you otherwise. Why else would he have suggested you practice it now, rather than after your duel with D’Artagnan and Athos? He didn’t believe you were good enough, you could feel it. 
“Take a deep breath and relax your body just like I showed you,” he instructed. 
“I know, I know,” you said. 
Aramis stood behind you as you aimed at an empty wine bottle at the other end of the field. He wasn’t used to you being so closed off to him. In truth, he’d brought you out here with the hope of helping you clear your head, but he seemed to only have made it worse. At least this way, you weren’t directly aiming a weapon at anyone. Given what happened with you and Porthos, he doubted giving you a sword would end well for anyone. 
“Alright, ready?” He stepped just enough into your line of vision. 
You ignored him and took the shot. 
The bottle remained standing, mocking you from afar. 
“Damn,” you muttered, already loading the musket again before he could say anything. 
“Y/N, perhaps-”
“I can get it.” You took aim and fired. A tree trunk several yards from the bottle splintered from the impact. A frustrated growl tore through your chest. What was wrong with you? 
You forcefully set the musket back down, readying to load it for another try. Aramis’s hand covered yours before you could. 
“Y/N, wait,” he said softly. “I think I know what’s happening.” 
“What’s happening is that I’m not ready,” you snapped, more at yourself than at him. “And I only have a few more days to get it right or else I’ll never be a musketeer and all of this would be for nothing and-” Your words caught in your throat even before he held up a hand to stop you. 
Aramis laid his hand on your cheek. 
“You’ve worked yourself to the bone for weeks, darling.” He gave you a small smile. “You’re so exhausted you can hardly see straight. Am I correct?” 
There was still a part of you that wanted to fight him. To deny everything he’d said. Tired meant weakness and you couldn’t bear it if any of them saw you that way. But with his dark, caring eyes looking into yours, there was nothing you could say. 
You bit your lip to keep it from trembling. 
He pulled you into his arms. 
“There,” he sighed, running a soothing hand up and down your spine. “It’s alright. You’re just working too hard, that’s all. It’s alright.” He pulled back, kissed your forehead, and looked down at you. “Better?” 
You shrugged, wiping away tears you hadn’t realized had fallen. “Maybe you’re right.” 
He smirked. “I’m always right, darling.” 
With an arm slung around your shoulders, he led you back to the courtyard of the garrison where your other three friends stood next to their horses. Aramis and your horses had been saddled and awaited their riders. 
“What’s this?” You asked, Aramis handing your musket off to one of the stableboys to put away. 
“You are leaving,” D’Artagnan grinned. “Well, all of us are leaving, of course. We’ve all decided that we could all use a break from Paris. You, especially, Y/N.” 
“I can’t leave,” you scoffed. “There’s so much to do still! I need to stay and practice and…” You trailed off, as Aramis gave your hand a gentle tug toward the others. 
“Paris will still be here tomorrow,” Athos said. He watched you with a raised brow. “As will Treville and all of your training. One of the things you need to learn about being a soldier is knowing your limits, Y/N. You cannot help anyone if you can no longer help yourself. Besides-” He held up a bulging saddlebag which clinked as it moved. “I already bought the wine.” 
“I for one think it’s a magnificent idea,” Aramis beamed. “I’m jealous I hadn’t thought of it before. We could all use a day away, don’t you think, Y/N?” 
You took a deep breath. There was so much left to be done. You still needed to perfect your marksmanship, ready your fencing strategy, and work on hand-to-hand without strangling your sparring partner this time. The pressure of it all lingered in your chest as you gazed at the four wonderful men who’d helped you this far. 
But they were right. How could you possibly hope to achieve your goals if you overworked your body to the point of disaster? 
“Alright, I’ll go.” 
All four erupted in cheers. Porthos even lifted you up, tossed you over his shoulder, and spun around, eliciting a squealing laugh from your lips. When he set you down again, he kissed your cheek and gave you the biggest smile you’d ever seen. 
“It’s been far too long since I’ve heard that sound,” he said. 
The others all grinned in agreement and your group of five mounted your horses. You looked back at the garrison as the city passed by and spotted the field where you'd been practicing with the musket. The mocking bottle remained in its spot, untouched. 
Aramis followed your gaze and chuckled. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll get it,” he nodded. “Just not today.” Aramis reached over and put a hand on your shoulder. “And that’s perfectly fine.”
You nodded in return and urged your horse forward, away from Paris and your responsibilities and your anxieties. You let them fall away with the pounding of hooves against the road and the laughter of your friends in the air. 
The sweet summer air filled your lungs, banishing the lingering scent of the city. Wildflowers lined the path, the soft earth shifting under your feet as you leaned down into a starting position. 
“I thought the whole point of this was to get away from training,” D’Artagnan teased, taking the same stance beside you. Aramis stood in between, arms raised for the signal. 
“Ready?” He glanced excitedly at both of you. “Set.”
“This isn’t training, D’Artagnan,” you laughed. “This is fun!” 
You flew down the path, your legs sprinting as fast as they could carry you while D’Artagnan raced next to you. He started in the lead, but as you neared the tree at the end of the lane- your predetermined finish line- you began to gain on him. Your hair whipped around your face but you kept your eyes open and focused on that tree. 
The three cheered both of you on, all favoring you for the victory. Their hollering only increased when you finally surpassed your opponent, keeping just a step ahead of him all the way to the end. 
When you turned to gloat in your victory, however, you failed to see one of the tree’s roots stretched out in front of you. Your foot caught and, in your attempt to save yourself, your hand latched onto your competitor’s arm and dragged him down with you. 
D’Artagnan tumbled, the two of you rolling down the small hill behind the tree. Grass and flower petals broke your fall and burst up into the air as you landed with you on top and D’Artagnan sprawled out beneath you, both of your cackling filling the air.
“I’m-” You snorted. “I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” Your words were hardly understandable between your snickers. 
“I’m fine, are you?” His heaving laughs lifted your head which laid on his chest. You peered up at him, taking in his sparkling eyes and bright smile. You couldn’t help but feel all of your worries from before fade away. 
After a moment, the other three appeared over you, looking down and shaking their heads. 
“I would say Y/N is the winner, but seeing as she’s also the one that caused this unfortunate spell…” Porthos started. He helped you up with a smirk and you playfully punched his arm. 
“I agree with Porthos,” D’Artagnan said, brushing himself off. 
“Clumsy or not, I’m still faster,” you fired back. 
“Perhaps a rematch is in order.” 
“You should know by now, D’Artagnan.” You stepped toward him so that you were only inches apart. “I never back down from a challenge.” 
Aramis put a hand in between you two. “Alright, I think that’s quite enough competition for the day.” His deep laugh brought more warmth to your chest. “We should make camp soon anyway before the sun sets.” 
You pointed a finger at the youngest musketeer and smirked. “This isn’t over.” 
He bowed dramatically. “I look forward to it.” D’Artagnan hurried ahead to start the fire, his laughter still ringing through the air, and you strolled alongside the other three. 
Aramis removed a leaf from your hair and tucked the strand behind your ear. He held up a hand to his ear. 
“Listen,” he said. “Do you hear that?” 
“I hear nothing,” you shrugged. 
“Exactly.” He breathed in deeply with a content smile. “Isn’t it wonderful?” 
You scoffed. “Aramis, I give us all two days before we’re begging to get back to the noise and excitement of Paris.” You poked a finger at his chest. “You especially.” 
He opened his mouth to argue but found that he couldn’t. Instead, he chuckled and held out his arm. 
“Fair enough. But it is a break well deserved nonetheless.” 
You beamed, taking his arm. “That it is.” 
You all sat around the fire, eating rabbit that Aramis had shot earlier and Porthos roasted over the flames with a bottle of wine for each of you. D’Artagnan and Aramis sat across from you while you and Porthos spent dinner discussing your technique in sparring earlier in the day. 
“I am sorry again,” you said, putting a hand on his arm. “I hope I didn’t injure you too badly.”
“Just his pride!” Aramis chimed from across the fire. 
Porthos tossed a pebble at his head. 
This, of course, prompted a small battle between the three of them, picking up various projectiles from the forest floor and trying to hit each other. In the midst of their antics, you saw Athos from his place leaning against a far tree. He motioned for you to follow him. 
Having always been a little frightened of the leader of the group, you gulped, believing to be in some kind of trouble with him. Athos’s intensity was known throughout the musketeers, along with his skill with a sword and leadership. 
He led you in a perimeter around the small camp you’d made without saying anything at first, which of course only increased your returning anxiety. 
“I know you believe that you don’t belong here,” he finally said. His words were so blunt, you didn’t know how to respond and he continued. “I wanted to tell you that you have nothing to worry about, which I know isn’t very helpful given how you’re feeling.” 
“Unfortunately, it isn’t,” you sighed. “Though I appreciate your encouragement.”
“It isn’t merely encouragement, Y/N.” He stopped walking to look at you with that same intensity. “I believe it. I’ve never seen someone work with as much passion as you do. With as much tenacity and willingness to learn. Half of the men in the musketeers think they already know everything about the world, but you-” An impressed laugh made his blue eyes shine. “You have done more to learn and to improve than anyone I’ve ever seen. It’s no wonder you’ve exhausted yourself so much. It’s remarkable it hasn’t happened sooner.” 
You opened your mouth to rebuke his claims, to deny your skills and deprecate the work you’d done, but he put a hand on your shoulder that silenced you. 
“I would be honored to serve alongside you.” 
“Athos I-” You blinked back tears. “I don’t know what to say.” 
“Just promise me you won’t end our practices the way you ended with Porthos and I’ll be content with that,” he teased. “Let’s get back before they cause any trouble, hm?” 
As the two of you returned to the group, you felt so overwhelmed by the feelings stirring in your chest. But this wasn’t from anxiety or overworking yourself. You were just so grateful, gazing over the crowd of your four closest friends, that you couldn’t contain it. It spilled out onto your cheeks with joyous tears. 
Aramis noticed you first and his face immediately morphed with concern. 
“What have you done, Athos?” He leaped to his feet, soon joined by the other three as they scrambled to your side. “What’s the matter, Y/N, my dear?” 
“Nothing,” you laughed through your crying. “Athos has been nothing but kind, I promise. I just…” You took a deep breath. In one hand, you took Aramis’s, intertwining your fingers, and with your other, you took Athos’s. “I didn’t realize how much I needed this.” 
“You would do the same for any of us,” D’Artagnan said. “It’s the least we can do after all of the work you’ve put in.”
“Work that has not been ignored by Treville,” Athos added. “I believe he admires you even more than we do.” 
“If that’s even possible,” Aramis said with a wink. 
“Well, I can’t thank you all enough for taking care of me like this.”
Aramis glanced around the others with a mischievous twitch of his mustache. 
“All for one,” he said, twirling you around so that you landed in Porthos’s arms. 
“And one for all,” Porthos finished, lowering you into a dip. 
“You are all imbeciles. Now let me go,” you squealed merrily as they spun you around again. By the time you’d danced with all four of them, you were all dizzy enough that you collapsed beside each other in a heap of laughter.
My musketeers. You couldn’t help but think with your head on Aramis’s shoulder and your legs stretched out over D’Artagnan’s. You remembered why you were so adamant to join the regiment in the first place. To be one of them. You knew now that, no matter what happened in the coming weeks, you always would be. 
The stars twinkled over your heads as the fire died down. You let out a sigh and felt content. 
“I love you all,” you whispered into the night. “Even if you are idiots.” 
Aramis chuckled beneath you. “And we you.” He kissed the top of your head. 
D’Artagnan poked at your calf. “Even if you are stubborn.” 
“Some of us are trying to sleep,” Porthos whined, but you could hear the smirk in his voice. 
You settled again and heard Athos sit up. He placed his cloak over you as a blanket. 
“Rest well, Y/N.” 
And you did.
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ancientarts6 · 3 months ago
Poem 1
My fairytale exists with you and only you, it starts with you and ends with you. I told them about you, it was obvious, lovers can’t hide, only seek what is seeking them. They where jealous in their eyes, I told them about you and they inhaled your fragrance that I wear. Some like it, some cant take it. You’re fragrance of the aramis. A memory that thrills me but cannot be described only the aroma leaves a mystery in the atmosphere.
Your love is not a map you are the map hard to find and hard to navigate. Your map teaches me that your direction is the only way. So what is the correct route to you I ask myself. Well, I take my journey with you everyday and realise the journey to you, is not easy but your answers on my path keep me aligned with you. I don’t love you when you’re not mine, how can i while you’re loving another, how can you entertain another. You should only love one. 
I hold onto the memories between the moments when I feel you near, the rose that bears thorns like me sharp, deadly, you touch me, I strike. All my roses that I hold are very significant for me, when each leaf is pulled off bearing its fragile state I cry. Why?because you are all vicious. but I know my roses. So be careful when you touch each petal of life because white death will be fall you in the prick of the thorn, you will be cut.
So, i found my husband walking alone after his limits, and while I watched him I asked myself, and took a deep breath of his emotion and zoomed in more into his walk alone I blew a bird of verses straight away; CITRUS, WOODY and AMBER. he had just stopped, I took another breath, and allowed the verses to inhale him and then I knew that he was listening and opened his heart to mine. 
Blood in my eyes you can see, fire in his feet as he fuels each step, I suddenly text him in this modern world we live in, what a privilege, but we don’t utilise our resourses. What a shame. I text him, like a scroll, or a love letter in a bottle sent on the ocean. 
I spoke, would you like to walk with me or would you rather walk alone? Then, he spoke, how do I tell you I love you without being shy about my words? I spoke, you say it while you’re shy and I’ll listen while my heart aches because of the sincerity of your distinct voice, i’ll pause like literally freeze, melting like ice, telling myself, move Talia Ezra Chesno, dead to my being, and you’ll probably look at me with confusion… his voice that can only impact the being of my existence. 
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aguamarinee · 2 years ago
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...𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 &𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬. (𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝.)
[ This is strictly based on my opinion and thoughts, none of these have been confirmed by any member, staff, or anyone else! ]
𝐀/𝐍.: However if any of these would actually turn out to be true in the future — kinda doubt it but still — I will declare myself as a professional manifester lmao. And I will have my 'called it' moment too.
; 𝐒𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭!
TOP PICK • Dior Eau Sauvage; Truly the best of Dior, this fits K like a glove! Best-loved fragrance by far, and it has so much in it, so versatile, a bit of everything intriguing; vanilla, bergamot, amber, and of course, woods. The scent depends on what you want it to smell like, at certain times of the day. K would wear this with great elegance and confidence. This perfume is such an all-rounder, a pleaser for everyone included, he would totally enamor any crowd and audience with this!
HONORABLE MENTION • Chanel Bleu de Chanel; a fan-favorite oldsport scent but it would be a shame to call it grandfatherly — it's anything but that! It delicately embraces masculinity with a fresh, clear, green, woodsy aroma before turning it into a bright burst of citruses, empowering one's confidence. It stays on for quite long, not even a sweaty dance practice can make it go away! Entrust this to K as a second choice, he would greatly wear it for a cooler autumn day to show off his charm!
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TOP PICK • Ralph Lauren Polo by Ralph Lauren Cologne for Men; This is a classic, sleek, smooth, and has been a favorite for decades around men, rightfully so. It has a lot of spin-offs, true, but nothing compares to the original mix of wood, tobacco, and leather feel. They say it comes with a tinge of American nostalgia but let the wearer decide that. It's a strong scent for Fuma every day, but when you come to realize how much it suits him you'll miss the aroma tickling your nose whenever you're near him, so anyone who asks him to change his cologne probably hasn't been around him for long enough. But luckily Fuma trusts his judgement and knows this is a killer combo!
HONORABLE MENTION • D.S. & Durga Bowmakers; It was hard to choose between these two which matches Fuma better, but it came down to this. I'd say this is better for special occasions, in the end, this combination can be too extra for ordinary days, sometimes you just wouldn't be able to handle it, just like Fuma himself! It's outdoorsy, woody, with hints of maple, cedar, even cypress, and mahogany... which makes me remember a lumberjack but it's a pleasant scent nonetheless! Maybe during a walk outside it can lift the mood, but definitely not inside.
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TOP PICK • Aramis Eau De Toilette; One of the longest-lasting ones on the list, but it's to be expected from Nicholas. But this staying time is because of strong fragrance notes, such as; starting with bergamot, then myrtle, sage, and pepper so it can morph into a spicy, musky intoxicating aroma packed further with clove bud and patchouli too. If Nicholas is on the line, it has to be extra and demanding, attention-demanding and he does it so well, honestly. The base has a bit of sandalwood, as well as vetiver and oakmoss, so all-in-all this perfume boasts such a presence behind it that projects self-confidence at all times.
HONORABLE MENTION • Le Labo AnOther 13 Eau de Parfum; If it's about Nicholas he has to go for it hard, again, overdoing and provoking everyone's expectations with a scent like this because no one will compare to this perfume! It's intoxicating in a good way, you want nothing else just to smell it until it's gone to try and decipher the cologne's components. Mysterious, but loud and clear! Putting heavy emphasis on the musky feeling here, mixed with traces of jasmine, a feeling of moss from the woods — you just want to feel it, touch it, devour this crazy combination! It will have you coming back very soon; either for Nicholas himself, or just another spritz from the perfume bottle.
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TOP PICK • Gucci Guilty Pour Homme; Don't judge a book by its cover! The bottle is very simple and sophisticated but the scent can bring some surprises. Very citrusy, fruity, and sweet-smelling with the lavender and orange blossom additions! A perfect combination of comfort and adventure in just one sniff. EJ is the sweetest in all aspects so it felt right giving him something like this! You feel like you're in a beautiful flower field while enjoying some rare tropical fruits, a never-ending sugary feeling flows through you and the only thing left from the picture is Euijoo himself. He would wear this with great confidence!
HONORABLE MENTION • BOUTONNIÈRE NO. 7; Living and thriving proof that floral scent on men can be good, especially for EJ! True gardenia being the main element of flowers set against a strong string of citruses and lavender, this cologne is a walking garden of surprises. Instead of allergies, it brings clearness and joy, and of course, Euijoo! Perhaps he would be hesitant at first, wouldn't even think about discovering something like this on the perfume aisle but make him believe in the sheer magic of men wearing strong floral scents with a fancy shirt, it's a sight to look at!
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TOP PICK • Burberry Mr. Burberry Indigo; It's bold, it basically speaks for Yuma! I honestly think this is my best match-up, I don't know why, but I'm just really feeling the vibes with this one. It has such a wild range of audiences for admiration; because of its crispness, and evergreen combination of strong citrus at first, then dying down to a pleasant blend of rosemary, violet, and some amber it's an extraordinary choice for everyday use. But Yuma would love this!
HONORABLE MENTION • Hermès Terre d'Hermès Eau Intense Vétiver; I admit this choice may differ from the first one a bit too much but I can imagine this on Yuma on a late night out, attracting stares and looks, left and right with this captivating perfume. It's an interesting combo; very verdant, delicate orange-scented original, then it takes it up a notch with a harsh punch of Sichuan pepper! Too spicy for everyday use, this is more of a once-in-a-while-scented bottle of surprise, with the exciting fruitfulness of a new adventure on the horizon! Yuma would rock this on his own, I'm sure!
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TOP PICK • Heretic Dirty Grass Eau de Parfum; The name is a bit weird but it's an absolute natural, earthy, green scent with a dash of oil in it, and some juicy lemon to add a smidge of flavor and interest to the wearer, but otherwise it's perfect for business-casual, and all-time-casual occasions. You might only smell it if you're very close to Jo, and even then you feel like questioning your senses, but it makes you embark on a bigger, longer journey on finding out Jo's secret, so it's definitely a win. You'll surely want to taste more than just a spritz of the cologne!
HONORABLE MENTION • Acqua Di Gio From Giorgio Armani; Great for the daytime in any hot weather! Incredibly natural scented light perfume; its watery, citrusy, and even more mysterious aroma makes you question if anything's present on your body while wearing it. Far from fancy, it brings out the best when one wants to seem effortlessly put-together and this inoffensive scent is the icing on the cake for Jo's laid-back persona!
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TOP PICK • Jo Malone Black Cedarwood & Juniper Cologne; This is a polished, perfected, deep scent. It's cool, makes the wearer calm and collected with its earthy cedar — you already know this is a reoccurring theme —, juniper berry to ease the mind, and a touch of cumin and surprisingly, chili! Perhaps a bit spicier in the end than you would like, but surely unforgettable and outstanding, matching Harua's talent and visuals!
HONORABLE MENTIONS • Tiffany & Co Tiffany & Love Eau de Toilette for Him; the definition of fresh, cool, and airy smell, very light and natural by carrying both the refreshing scent of woods and the sky together. Combined with a couple of intricate fruits and blue sequoia — which can be found in Tiffany & Love for Her, basically the perfect pair for this cologne! All in all, it's a perfect second choice for Harua and his calm, collected, and endearing persona!
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TOP PICK • Acqua di Parma Blu Mediterraneo Cipresso di Toscana; This was one of the hardest that I had to look after the most, but now I'm confident! This screams holidays, fun, and the fresh feeling of seawater with a bit of salty aftertaste. Cypress, balsam, and pine blend all with bitter orange and lavender, creating a refreshing repackage of an Italian countryside! It felt so right for Taki, it just made me remember his bright smile, so summer crush feels it is!
HONORABLE MENTION • Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle Bigrade Concentrée Parfum Spray; transparent and fresh but nothing like an ordinary scent! Zesty and delicious with orange and light traces of rose, but down-to-earth mixed with spice by the additional taste of hay and cardamom. Adds such an unforgettable extra flavor, the way you'll never miss Taki's outstanding skills and personality in any video-filmed content!
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TOP PICK • Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille; It radiates warmth and calmness, a spark of sympathy, without being outdated — this scent is forever! This is another one where you'll probably want to go back to have another sniff from the perfume bottle but Maki's got you! When he's covered in this — most days — a hug is sure to come your way any time during the day! It's spicy, but not in a heavy way, just the right amount! And if you stick around too much, maybe another hug is bound to find you!
HONORABLE MENTION • Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Pour Homme; Another sunny scent, for another sunshine of the group! A lot of citrus notes; mandarin, bergamot, and grapefruit but still a bit earth-bound with a whiff of rosewood and musk, maybe a tinge of juniper in there. It's that feeling when you're on holiday and you're in your hotel, away from the sea, but you can still feel it on you; yet you're surrounded by a man-made environment. Also, I can totally imagine these slightly stronger, woodier scents for Maki, I think it would make him stand out even more!
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[ I spent too much time on this, but it was fun! Also, try to pass by my weird edits, I just wanted to include them in a way so everybody can see them and matches the aesthetic of my profile. They look funny, but it gets the job done! ]
➪ 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 【𝐌 𝐀 𝐒 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐋 𝐈 𝐒 𝐓】 !
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months ago
A Cottage in Nice: Captain Jean Treville x Reader
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Tagging: @lovemissyhoneybee @sekretwindow @rey4kat @roschele  @sassyscottishchick @aiko24k @scorpio-1357 @kmc1989 @burningpeachpuppy @swanfan17 @dragon85faby @angelnyx @caffeinatedwoman @missyhoneybee
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Jean’s fall from grace is inevitable. You see it coming the moment he turns down the position of First Minister.  It becomes the talk of France because no man in his right mind would defy the king’s wishes and your husband does just that.
It moves quickly from there, the king shows his displeasure by stripping him of his rank before he dismisses him from the service entirely. His career is shattered within a matter of weeks.
He steers clear of you in the aftermath, he doesn’t want the taint of his misfortune to muddy you. Your marriage has always been his most closely guarded secret, he will take it to the grave if he has to.
He ignores your letters, vacates his premises in the garrison and disappears in the night.
There is one other man who knows your true identity as Madam Treville and you meet with him under a rain drenched canopy a few streets away from the garrison.
“We’ve tried to locate him.” Athos tells you as you watch the droplets form puddles in the mud. “It is as if your husband has disappeared from the face of the earth.”
“He is ashamed.” You say quietly as you remove your riding gloves from pocket of the men’s jacket you are wearing. Your hair is tied away from your face with the red ribbon that secured the bouquet on your wedding day and your clad in fitted men’s breeches. It’s easier to move around Paris in this guise. Women tend to be hassled if they are alone during this late hour. “If he isn’t in his cups, there’s another place he would have gone in order to lick his wounds.”
“The cottage in Nice?” Athos questions.
It’s been years since he’s thought of that place, of the town where he witnessed your marriage. It hadn’t occurred to him that their Captain may return there, that he maintained that level of sentimentality.
“We bought it several years ago along with a small patch of land.” You reveal as you tug the kidskin riding gloves up to your wrists. “A place for an old soldier and his spy to retire in their golden years.”
It’s a joke between the two of you because you both know there will be no golden years, not with your choice in careers. The cottage serves as a safehouse these days, a place to go amidst the chaos of the world.
“I’ll escort you.” He says, removing his own gloves from his belt. “The roads at this time of night will be treacherous…”
“Athos.” You say fondly because his loyalty to you and your husband is admirable. “The Musketeers need a leader in my husband’s absence and Jean has always intended to name you as his replacement.”
“Take Aramis or better yet Porthos, even D’artagnan.” He argues as he helps you up onto your mare and you shake your head as you grip the reins in your hands.
“This is something I need to do as a wife.” You say softly. “The presence of others will only serve to silence him.”
You see the resignation in his features as he looks up at you. It’s hard for him to concede to your wishes, it’s the gentleman in him you think.
“Stick to the main roads.” He recommends as his palm smooths over the nose of your horse. “The back ones will be filled with vagabonds.”
He’s not telling you anything you don’t already know but it’s the warning of an old friend, one that doesn’t want to see you dead. You feel his eyes on you as you disappear into the night, watching you for as long as he can. He can’t stand the thought of his Captain losing anything else, especially not his wife.
It’s a long ride to Nice and you spend that time considering the state you’ll find your husband in. There have been ups and downs over the years, the rise and falls of your professions, your personal follies but there has never been anything like this. The king has thrown his whole identity into flux and you’ve seen what that can do to a man, how it can twist them into bitterness.
When you arrive at the cottage nothing is as you expected. The windows are wide open, airing it, the garden is neatly trimmed, the flowerbeds recently tilled. The vegetable patch has been replanted and there’s a small harvest sorted into several different baskets. Each one has a name tied to them written on parchment in Jean’s hand.
Local families you realise as you study each one of them. You know that some of them have suffered hardships recently and Jean can’t stand to see someone struggle, not if he can help.
You employ a house keeper and a groundsman from the village to maintain the cottage while you are away. You use money you earn from your spywork and the jewels your first husband left you to fund it. His lands, along with your own had been seized when he’d been tried for treason but the jewels, you kept as payment for what you had endured underneath that tyrant. It had been a pleasure to watch him hang, knowing that you had orchestrated his demise.
You find Jean around the back, bare chested, chopping wood. His scars stand out starkly against his firm muscles as he swings the axe down over and over  and over again. There’s a catharsis in being productive, especially for him. You watch as he tosses the logs onto the wood pile before clearing your throat and stepping into his line of vision.
“You shouldn’t be here.” He says wearily as he sets the axe down, diverting his attention to the wash bucket and rag he’s set alongside the well.
“Here or with you?” You ask him as he cleans himself with the cool water.
He doesn’t answer you, he won’t even look at you and you can tell he feels ashamed. He has lost his stature, his position. His name may be on the title to this house but it is you that it belongs to. He has nothing besides the clothes on his back, his pistol and the sword that’s been with him for almost as long as you have.
“I have no prospects as a husband.” He says finally as he wrings out the rag. “You’d be wise to ignore the affiliation you have with me, it will not put you in good stead if our relationship is ever revealed.”
You take the rag from his hand and toss it back into the bucket and he sighs because you would never let him off that easy, despite it being in your best interests.
“My love.” You say softly as you lean against the well. “Will you look at me?”
The line of his jaw clenches as he shakes his head, his palms coming to rest upon the stone rim as he looks down into the clear water below.
“I know that it feels that you have lost everything.” You say quietly, studying the profile of his features. “But you have not lost me, you will never lose me.”
“Terese…” He says, his voice rough as he finally tilts his head to meet your gaze. “I have nothing to give you…”
“Our marriage has never been about trinkets or reputation.” You say, your forehead coming to rest on his as your fingertips chase along his grizzled cheek. “It’s about love, it always has been.”
“Terese…” He begins again but you press your lips to his and all thoughts of arguing fall out of his head because there’s just you, here in this moment, anchoring him, holding him steady.
His world is full of turmoil but you’ve always been a safe space, a guiding light in the dark. With you he knows who he is, who he’s always been, who he always will be.
Jean Treville, your lover, your husband and most importantly the man you call home.
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prismatica-the-strange · 5 months ago
All I Am Belongs to You | Athos | Guns Hidden Under Our Petticoats
Warnings: 18+, brief mentions of nudity
A collection of scenes of Athos getting to know and bond with his daughter. (She's 4+ in all of these, Melody just worked aesthetically) (Post-season 3, my canon)
Chocolate by Mo Mo O'Brien | Banner by @cafekitsune | Dividers by @steddiecameraroll-graphics
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Athos has just gotten back from a meeting with Aramis at the Louvre and he thinks Amélia might be right about Celine needing a bell when he spots her dashing toward the gate between the legs of a group of cadets.
"And where," He snatches her off the ground, pulling her up against his hip, "Do you think you're going, little miss?"
"Papa!" She whines, struggling in his hold for a moment before giving up, "I'm tryin'a go fight bad guys!"
"What bad guys would those be?"
"I dunno, but I'll find them!" She exclaims.
"Does your mother know you're out here?" He asks and she suddenly goes quiet, "I didn't think so. Let's get you back to her before she tears the garrison apart looking for you."
She pouts as he turns to go back toward the kitchens, only to start giggling when he places his hat on her head, "But Papa!"
"No buts. I'm the captain, and the captain says the cadets are to stay inside the garrison today."
That seems to ruffle her and she pushes the rim of his hat out of her eyes to look at him seriously.
"I'm not a cadet, Papa," She argues, "I'm a musketeer."
"Yes, of course you are," He smiles, pressing a kiss to her cheek, "But even Musketeers listen to their captain."
"Mama says Uncle Aramis didn't."
"Yes, well," He bites back a laugh, "Uncle Aramis has made a lot of mistakes that way. Musketeers are supposed to listen to their captain, alright?"
"Yes, Papa," she sighs. He sets her down and takes his hat when she runs off into the kitchen. He leans in the doorway, watching her hug Amélia's leg as she makes her lunch.
"You..." He comes up behind Amélia and wraps his arms around her stomach, "Are so beautiful."
He kisses her neck and then her jaw, before resting his forehead on her shoulder.
"Papa said I can't go fight bad guys."
She feels him smile against her skin.
"Papa's right," She reaches down to stroke her hair, "It's time for you to eat."
"Ughhhh," Celine groans, dragging her feet to the closest table.
"Ughhhh," Amélia mocks playfully, "I knooow, I'm the worst for keeping you fed."
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It's late in the morning after a long few weeks of missions for the crown. And as much as Athos would prefer to stay in bed all day, he has things to do.
Amélia sits on the bed, Celine standing between her legs as she brushes her hair.
"Can I wear it like you today?"
"You want me to braid it?"
Athos stands in the doorway, tucking in his shirt as he watches her twist their daughter's hair.
"Can you show me?"
She pauses for a moment and looks over at him, "How to braid her hair?"
She smiles at him so lovingly, he can't help but mirror it in his own expresion when she pats the bed next to her.
He sits beside her, sighing happily when she brushes his hair from his face.
She carefully braids Celine's hair, showing him how to do it, "You bring this over here, then here, and here, and so forth... Do you want to try?"
She turns Celine slightly, "Is it alright if Papa tries?"
She runs her fingers through the braid, undoing it before helping him separate her hair into sections.
He's slow and a bit clumsy, and despite needing Amélia's help tying it off, he manages a decent braid.
Celine doesn't wait to appraise his work in a mirror before running off to get dressed.
"I thought you had work?" Amélia teases, moving to straddle his thighs.
"I can go if you'd like," His hands wander the backs of her thighs through her nightgown as she leans close, their noses bumping.
"I prefer you where you are," She smiles against his lips, "I love you."
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"I wanna go with Papa!" Celine cries.
She absolutely refuses to let Amélia take her as she clings to Athos's neck.
"Do you plan on coming?" D'Artagnan asks from his horse and Athos waves him away.
"Celine, I have to go," He tries again, gently tugging at her arms, but she just makes noises of protest. He looks to his lover hopelessly, "Amélia, please. The Queen regent is-"
"I'm doing my best!" She snaps at him, "Sweetheart, Papa will be back soon-"
She's been incredibly clingy the past few days, as if she finally realized how much she enjoyed having him around after not knowing him her whole life.
"The queen won't be pleased if we're late-"
"D'Artagnan!" He barks, glaring back at him. He sighs when she holds tighter, "Go ahead, I'll catch up."
He nods and starts for the Louvre, leaving Athos and Amélia to deal with their daughter.
"I don't know what to do," She admits, "Short of tearing her away kicking and screaming, that is."
That's the last thing he wants to do. He's an absolute sucker for tears, and wouldn't be able to make himself leave with her crying.
"Dear one," He begs, "You have to let go, Papa can't take you with him."
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"Tell me the rules," He says, lowering her from his horse, kneeling down to look at her.
"Be quiet, stay next to you, and do what you say, no questions," She repeats.
"Good girl," He smiles and wipes away a smudge of dirt from her cheek, "Come now, we're late enough as it is.
He takes her hand and leads her through the halls of the palace, gently tugging her along whenever she gets distracted by some painting or shiny object.
He bows when they join the others, acutely aware of Celine hiding close behind him when the queen regent smiles, "I see you brought the littlest musketeer with you, Captain."
"Apologies, Majesty, she was quite adamant about staying by my side."
"Nonsense, all my protectors are welcome here, no matter how small," Her smile widens when Celine peaks out from behind him, a big grin on her face.
She spends most of the security briefing next to her father, trying to see the plans on the table, only giving up when her toes get tired of holding her up.
Athos watches as Aramis rounds the table to lift her up to see, but she doesn't sit still long before she's ready to be set down. Then she's holding his hand again.
By the time the group disperses, her boredom is palpable, and while she's done a good job behaving, he can tell she's ready to take off running.
"Papa?" She asks as they walk back through the hallways.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Can we do something fun now?"
D'Artagnan bursts out laughing at her exasperated tone and Athos sighs, "Something fun, huh? Darling, you're the one who insisted on coming along."
"I didn't know it was gonna be so boring!" She objects.
He bends down and lifts her up against his hip, "It can't all be Sword fights and shootouts."
She lets out far too weary a sigh for a four-year-old and wraps her arms around his neck again, an idea forming in his mind
Amélia is confused when D'Artagnan returns alone.
"He took Celine for a ride just outside the city limits," He explains as he dismounts his horse, "She all but guilted him into it with those big sad eyes of hers."
"He said they'll be back in an hour or so," He says and she lets out a small breath of relief.
For a moment she doesn't know what to do with herself. It's so rare she isn't watching Celine or being needed by the cadets, and then she realizes, when was the last time she really got to soak in a hot bath?
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"Keep your sword up," He knocks the tip of her wooden sword up with the end of his stick, "That's it! Guard yourself."
She already has a grasp of swordplay far beyond that of any other child of her age. Growing up watching the cadets train has given her an advantage.
"You're good at this," He says, and she grins proudly, "You'll be the best swordsman in our regiment before you know it."
"Better than you?" She asks hopefully and he chuckles.
"You've a way to go and a deal of growing before that."
He spars with her for a few more minutes before she manages to hit his thigh and he falls to his knee.
"Yes!" She exclaims, ceremoniously 'stabbing' him in the heart, and he collapses with a dramatic cry, his hand over his wound. He grunts when she climbs onto him and sits on his stomach, "I got you, papa!"
He takes a moment to look at her and he's so much of himself in her face. In honesty, it scares him a little. Had anything gone differently on the battlefield, he could have missed this, missed her. He never thought he'd be a father.
He reaches up and cups her cheek, her mother's smile beaming down at him and he feels contented.
"Come here, you," He wraps her in his arms and rolls over, blowing a raspberry against her cheek, making her squeal in laughter.
By the time they get back to the garrison, she's asleep, leaning back against him with his hat on her head, the rim tilted down in her face.
He's careful as he lowers her into his arms, letting one of the cadets take his horse.
"There you are-"
He holds his finger to his lips to shush Constance, speaking softly, "She's had an exciting day, let her sleep."
"I heard," She says quietly, brushing a leaf from the little girl's hair, "Amélia has been taking advantage of your absence."
He looks at her confused.
"She's been in the bath for over an hour. I just brought her more hot water."
He brings Celine back to their quarters, setting her wooden sword next to the door, and sets her shoes by the bed, but doesn't bother to fuss with her coat as he tucks her in. He brushes her hair out of her face and kisses her forehead.
Once he's sure she's asleep he hangs his jacket, hat, and belt by the door and makes his way down to the baths.
"I heard someone was monopolizing the baths and needed to be removed," He teases, his sleeves rolled up past his elbows as he leans against the partition.
He hasn't seen her so relaxed in quite a while, despite his threats, as she lays in there, steam swirling around her.
"You wouldn't dare," She groans, stretching her arms back above her head, her back arching just enough to lift the top of her breast out of the layer of bubbles.
"No," He agrees. He picks up her hairbrush from her pile of clothes, pulling up a stool to sit behind her, "I wouldn't dream of it. Not when you look so peaceful... Sit up."
She does as he says and he pulls her wet hair over the edge of the tub, water dripping from the ends onto the floor.
"I see you decided to pamper yourself when we didn't come back."
"D'Artagnan assured me you went of your own free will," She hangs her head over the edge to smile at him and he returns it, softly kissing her forehead, "How was she?
"She did well in the security briefing," He says, running the brush through her hair, "But every musketeer needs a little adventure, and being cooped up in the garrison every day is bad for morale."
"Mmm, she acts like she's trapped here," Amélia agrees, "Her escape attempts are becoming more and more frequent."
The corner of her lips quirk into a small smile, "I was the same way when I was younger. Always running."
"Were you?"
"Yes but for a far less adventurous reason," She admits.
"Really?" He continues brushing her hair and looks at her with a raised brow, "And why were you running?"
She looks back at him with an almost sad smile, but doesn't elaborate. He knows she doesn't like to go into detail about her past, so he doesn't push the matter.
"Either way," He murmurs against her temple, "It brought you to me."
"I love you," She sighs, reaching back to graze her fingertips across his jaw, scratching at his beard, "Kiss me?"
He lets out a breathy laugh and moves to kneel beside the tub, his hands cupping her cheeks before kissing her deeply, "I love you too."
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The marketplace is buzzing with activity and Amélia is extremely grateful Athos came with them. Usually it takes every bit of energy she has to keep Celine wrangled by her side, so it's nice to have him their to entertain their little ball of energy.
"We need yarn," She mumbles to herself, fingers digging through her coin purse to see if she brought enough, "It's turning cold and Celine needs new mittens."
Athos hums in agreement, "I have something I need to pick up."
"I go with papa!" Celine grins, clinging to his hand.
"You'll go with your mother," He corrects and she pouts, stomping her foot in defiance, "Now none of that. I'll only be a moment."
She huffs when he ruffles her hair, but takes her mother's hand.
Amélia smiles at his brief kiss, tugging him close by the lapel when he pulls away to kiss him again.
"Be quick," She murmurs against his lips.
"Of course."
He can't help but smile to himself as he walks to the shop.
"Here you are," The man behind the counter hands him his order, "Is it to your specifications, monsieur?"
His smile widens as he looks it over, and hands the shopkeep the money, "It's perfect. Thank you."
He meets them just as they leave the shop and Celine immediate zeros in on the item in his hands.
"What's that?"
"What? This?" He holds it up, "Why? Is it something you want?"
"Is it for me?" She grips the bottom of his coat excitedly.
He doesn't answer, just places the hat on her head and she squeals.
"It's just like yours!"
"Do you like it?" He asks as he picks her up and she nods enthusiastically.
"I love it!"
"You spoil her worse that Treville," Amélia sighs, a soft smile on her lips.
"Her uniform was incomplete," He argues and she laughs, "I can't have my musketeers running around Paris improperly dressed!"
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roleplayfinder · 1 year ago
Heyo! 24 year old female writer here. I’m eighteen plus so please please please ensure you are before writing to me! Now a little about me, I do work, quick fire would be nice but I can’t always be here. So you may see me post more depending on what ideas I’ve got and what cravings I have. But with my time off you can guarantee I’ll be posting more! Just a heads up I’m looking for clean roleplays! I do prefer discord to conduct roleplays purely for the purpose of being able to keep things more organised! My discord is eleanorewinchester
So I’m looking for those of you who can use third person, past tense and lots of detail. I say this not to be mean but because I do consider myself to be advanced literate, I expect potential partners to be the same! I’m looking for oc (me) x male canon characters from the above movies but I will enclose further fandoms and movies with in the post! I use third and past tense and would be grateful if you do too! Please note I do have dyslexia. I’d love to get some aus going as well as some love triangles. Doubles are welcome! But please note ALL my roleplays are doubles. I will be prioritising those of you who don’t want to double and are happy to play canons. I’m just getting to a point where doubles feel transactional, I’d like to do something for myself where I can :).
I’m also craving the MCU, Shadowhunters, A Court of Thorns and roses, Supernatural, My Life With the Walter Boys, Hunger Games (originals and prequel), GG at the moment as well! I’d honestly kill for someone to play Dean Winchester atm. I think he’s a really well written character and I have some ocs who may work with him.
I’d love our roleplay to be something of comfort to us both. Something to cheer us up and keep us engaged in the story! If you’ve got any wild ideas you’ve been dying to do for the below fandoms send them my way if it’s doubles I’ll do my best to accommodate them! If there’s a character in brackets that’s who I’m looking to ship with, I need you to play them!
Fandoms I seek include:
Saltburn (Felix)
Downton Abbey (Tom,Matthew)
The Musketeers (bbc show, Aramis, Athos)
Schitt’s Creek (Ted)
ACOTAR (Cassian, Rhys)
Bridgerton and Queen Charlotte
Merlin (bbc show)
The Mortal instruments: Shadowhunters (Jace)
Sherlock (Sherlock)
Pitch Perfect
Supernatural 😍 (Dean)
The Office (us)
Brooklyn Nine Nine 😍
My life With the Walter Boys 😍❤️ (Cole, Will)
Ginny and Georgia ❤️(Marcus)
Game of thrones (tv verse)
House of the Dragon (Daemon)
Death in paradise
MCU (Thor, Steve, Loki)
Wuthering Heights
Teen Wolf (Stiles)
TVDU (Klaus, Elijah)
Pirates of The Caribbean (Jack)
Narnia (Caspian, Peter)
Buffy (Spike)
Hunger Games (Finnick)
Ballard of SongBirds and Snakes (Coriolanus, Sejanus)
Divergent 😍 (Four)
The Outsiders (Dallas, SodaPop)
#bxg #longterm #romance #detailed #drama #literate #advanced #dark #sweet
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