#and i ended up spending like 3.5k on like a new bed and stuff but damn my wallet's crying lol
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nanihirunkits · 6 months ago
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Atom would like to tell you something before he leaves for Bangkok. What is it, Atom?
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wrathandgreed · 4 years ago
A crafty MC making goodbye gifts for the demon bros (unromanced and romanced).
Word count: 3.5k
Notes: I’m a huge crafter (knitter, crocheter, spinner, weaver, cross stitcher, etc)  and I’m currently knitting my husband a winter hat, so I started trying to figure out what a crafty MC would make the brothers as goodbye gifts when they go back to the human world.
Also, this got REALLY REALLY long.
This guy is hard to make stuff for. 
His aesthetic is VERY tight and leaves no room for mistakes
So a simple winter scarf, in business-black, is probably the way to go. 
Somewhat lux yarn, cashmere/silk or alpaca/silk, so it has a sheen
He travels to the human world sometimes, and Diavolo has winter themed events in Devildom sometimes, so a scarf isn’t totally impractical.
He would appreciate the amount of time you spent making it, even if he didn’t get a chance to wear it that often.
Let’s get more personal, now. You still have the same problem with his aesthetic, and the fact that if you want to give him something ~~personal~~ he won’t be able to wear it openly. His pride says no.
He’s stern in public, but affectionate in private.
You knit a medium-sized decorative pillow cover for his bed, in his signature wine-red.
It’s simple and elegant and can sit on his bed like it’s something he picked up in a Hellhome Goods store, and only *he* knows it’s a private gift.
After swearing him to secrecy, you get Solomon to help you charm the pillow, so it never pills up or wears out, and it maintains your scent forever. (Actually, it’s fair to say you do this for all of the romanced gifts).
“I thought, you know, if I can’t be there with you every night, something of me can?”
Awkward MC is awkward.
He not only appreciates how much time went into the gift (who knows how busy you are better than Lucifer?) but that you spent that much time thinking about him.
Mr. Acts of Service over here. Every stitch is something you did *for him*
You assume he’ll just leave it on the bed, and maybe, if you’re lucky, it’ll help you be the last thing he thinks of at night and the first thing he thinks of in the morning. 
Maybe he’ll smile when he sees it, and some of his weariness will lift.
Oh, if only you knew.
Mr. “Stern In Public” wraps himself around the pillow every night. Well. Every time he manages to sleep. Which, let’s face it, isn’t every night. 
But when he DOES sleep, it’s with that pillow. If he can’t sleep wrapped around you, this will have to suffice.
Finds he doesn’t sleep well when he travels, because he refuses to bring the pillow with him.
If asked, he says it’s because it’s not important.
But he just doesn’t want to lose it.
It’s too important to him.
You’ve seen this boy’s room.
You’re not spending hours and hours and tons of money making him something.
You love the guy, but you’ve seen how he takes care of his possessions.
Most of what he owns is chucked aside when the next new-shiny comes along.
You know he loves you to bits and he’ll be careful with whatever you give him.
But “careful” has a different definition for Mammon than for some of the others.
So you knit him a hat. A trendy, slightly-too-small hat in black with a small yellow stripe on the brim.
You can use some lux yarn because, for a single-skein project, investing in cashmere or mohair or something isn’t too awful.
It looks really great on him - the fluff of his white hair, the small yellow stripe, then the wash of black as contrast. It makes his eyes pop and his skin look even warmer.
He wears it to a shoot one day and the photographer loves it
Now everyone wants one
But he has the only one because it’s handmade
Suck it, losers!
The Avatar of Greed finally has something everyone else wants that no one else can get!
Yeah, you’ve seen his room. You’ve practically lived in his room. But you know he’ll be careful with anything you give him because he loves you. 
It would break his heart to have to ask you to fix something you made for him.
You know he’s going to suffer when you leave
You want him to know that you’re always there, even if you’re not *there*
So you knit him a sweater
A big, oversized sweater out of super soft chunky wool with tons of texture.
You finish it early so you can wear it around your room for a few weeks. On the rare nights you sleep alone, you sleep in it.
Again, get Solomon to enchant it.
Now it smells like you.
You wouldn’t notice, but a demon’s sense of smell is far stronger.
“I know it’s not, like, fashionable or anything. But it’s comfy and it can be…..a portable hug?”
His face turns red and he winds up stammering. Obviously. So he puts it on to avoid having to look at you.
Chucks it on over his tshirt. He immediately pulls the neckband back up over his face to take a deep inhale from the fabric.
He looks really cute in it
(He looks really cute in anything, let’s face it)
Might start crying.
Hug him pls.
Any night he feels lonely (which is most nights) he wears this sweater. Falls asleep in it half the time.
It really is like a hug, and the boy needs all the hugs he can get.
Out of all the brothers, Levi is the one who will appreciate STUFF. No matter what you make for him, he’ll love it. 
It’s limited edition! No one else has anything like this!
So this boy is getting crocheted plushies.
(They’re called amigurumi, and he’ll appreciate knowing that)
You make a mobile for his room
Hanging from it are little plushies of all his favorite sea creatures
Henry 2.0 is the biggest
But there’s a few jellyfish
A whale
You had to completely invent a pattern for a kraken, and it came out okay!
You had some extra yarn, so you made a few extra jellyfish
They get suction cups. 
Now he has jellyfish in his tanks and outside his tanks
Spends the next hour rigging up the mobile over his tub so he can see them before he goes to sleep and remember how much his true friend cares about him.
This took….time to make.
You had to basically invent two patterns from scratch
There was a LOT of frogging.
And swearing.
When Levi opens the box and pulls aside the tissue paper, there’s two crocheted figures
One of each of you
(The one of you may or may not be dressed as Ruri-Chan)
“You made these…..for me?”
Tell him you made ONE of them for him. You take the one of him and hug it, “This one comes with me. So I’ve still got you.”
(Don’t let him cry!)
(Too late)
Then you show him the best part - each figure has a magnet in one hand.
When they get close to each other, the magnets snap together and the figures hold hands :)
Even though the two amigurumi will be in two separate realms, those magnets will want to find their partner.
Levi is floored - this is just like something out of an anime! Like two halves of a locket or something!
He can’t even find words. Possibly not for the next hour or two.
But he makes the cutest little squeaks and the verbal equivalent of keysmashes.
Like Lucifer, he sleeps with your gift. But he also carries it around his room. It has pride of place on his desk, and he purchases a stand so you can sit with him while he games or does his online schooling.
He talks to it like he would talk to you, especially on busy days when you can’t actually talk to him on the D.D.D.
It eases the feeling that you left Devildom and forgot about him. Eases - just a little - the jealousy of every human in your world who gets to talk to you. Because none of THEM have a handmade you. Just him.
This guy is either the easiest one to make for, or the hardest.
Like, you could make him a stuffed kitty. Or knit him a tie. But he’s not a super sentimental guy (unless romanced) and, in the end, that’s just stuff. His room is FULL of stuff.
Soooooo, you take out your sewing skills and sew him a traditional Sherlock hat - the deerstalker one, the one that never was actually in the books, but is still associated with the character.
The most straightforward of the brothers, Satan is indeed touched that you spent so long making something for him and he tells you so.
Insists he’ll wear it when solving mysteries.
You laugh, but he actually does wear the hat when reading mysteries now. 
It reminds him of the trip to London - how he got to solve an actual mystery, save his brother, and see the sites with his friend.
YouTube made it look so easy.
It’s just paper, right? Paper and thread and a needle. You can sew clothes and stuffed animals. How hard can it be to sew together pages to make a book?
Oh, my sweet summer child.
You considered actually pulping and making your own paper, but after the seventh ruined batch of signatures you’re grateful you talked yourself out of that one.
You also considered an actual leather binding, but go for boards and a more simple Japanese sewing technique. 
This project is the perfect thing to give to Satan - not just because it’s a book, but because making it is causing you SO MUCH RAGE.
Who needs firewood when you have the ruined attempts of your gift?
You may have thrown various attempts on the floor and stomped on them before chucking them in the fire.
It takes weeks but you finally get the book together. Now the REAL work can begin.
Every book the two of you read together. Every book you discussed. Every book you recommended to him. Every single one gets a page - a title, a date, and a discussion of your discussion of the book.
The book itself becomes a tour through your growing relationship.
While not as stern as Lucifer in public, Satan is also definitely fond in private - he’s completely unsurprised to receive a book as a present, but once he begins leafing through it, the semi-smug smile vanishes.
He looks shocked, and his hold on the book gentles.
His fingers run down the page, tracing your handwriting on a page particularly precious to him.
Speechless for a few minutes, he finally returns with only “I love it.”
Said so softly and sincerely that you can’t doubt his sincerity.
There are blank pages at the end and he begins to use them to document newer books he’s reading - ones he wants to discuss with you later.
Good luck keeping your gift a secret!
Asmo loves craft and crafty things, so he’s always curious about what you’re making and fascinated with the process.
Probably helps with suggestions for the others, especially for a romanced brother (although WHAT you see in them is beyond him, after all, what can THEY have that Asmo doesn’t?)
Because he seems to pop up out of nowhere, he’s already seen his gift a few times. Thankfully, he thinks you’re making it for yourself.
Bonus, he’s whiny and jealous about it, and obviously wants it for himself. So, score. You know he’ll like it.
It seems simple; a pair of fingerless gloves in his signature hot pink. But the yarn is mohair lace (you’ve cursed at it many, many times for tangling on you) held double with merino/silk black yarn.
The gloves are lacy and airy, sensual and soft. They feel wonderful to wear, and look great with a majority of his outfits. 
He absolutely squeals and hugs you when he opens up the gift - the gift he was so jealous of! Of COURSE you were making it for him this whole time!
Wears them constantly. His Devilgram pics start having a lot of “what am I holding?” themes. Cups of coffee or hot chocolate. Someone else’s hand. A ticket for an absolutely fabulous play. And a LOT of peace signs and finger-hearts  :)
This one requires the cooperation - willing or not - of everyone in the house.
You start with your DDD. That’s easy enough.
Since you’ll need Sol’s help anyway, it’s easy enough to plunder the pictures on his phone, too.
The rest of the brothers you get, one by one. Belphie’s you steal while he’s sleeping, although you found nothing useful on it. Beel just lets you borrow his phone. You ask to borrow Mammon’s while he’s gambling and he doesn’t notice that it takes you an hour to give it back. Satan - the real photographer - must be taken into your confidence - you might need his help later anyway. But he’s particularly close to Asmo, and knows how to keep his mouth shut.
You stalk Lucifer for a few weeks. You ask Satan for advice. You consider asking Diavolo to just order Lucifer to hand over his phone.
Finally you just ask him for it.
Getting a hold of Asmo’s phone is the hardest bit. You have to wait until he’s deep in a spa day, hanging around in his tub with both a sheet mask AND cucumber slices.
Then you make off with his phone. And go through the photos.
His wonderful Devilgram-worthy pictures you ignore. You start looking for the ones that he rejected, but kept. The one where both of you cracked up laughing right before the photo snapped. The one where he dropped his hot chocolate and then stole yours.
The two of you in clay face masks and toe spacers? Yep. The one you took of him with super-wide eyes as he put on mascara? Definitely. Selfies of you two surrounded by his brothers, by Sol, by Simeon, even a few with Luke.
The one Satan took of the two of you dancing at one of Diavolo’s balls, so lost in each other that the rest of the ball might as well not exist? Of course.
You combine them with the ones taken by everyone else in the house.
Culling them for the best takes weeks. Because you don’t just want the ~~prettiest~~ pictures or the ones designed for social media.
You pick the ones with emotional meaning, ones of important events, but mostly you choose pictures of genuine laughter and affection. Ones that show how much the two of you love each other, and how much true friendship exists in the house. 
How much he’s not alone, and how much he is loved. How much the people around him appreciate him.
With Satan and Solomon, you gather and enchant a simple glass cube.
It displays these photos, gently lit up, like the digital picture frames in the human world.
“I want you to remember me,” you say quietly. “I want you to remember how much fun we’ve had, and how much I love you for you.”
Not gonna lie, Asmo cries.
The cube moves around his rooms depending on where he is - it’s by his tub if he’s taking a bath. It’s on his vanity when he’s putting on  his makeup. He credits it with helping his relaxation and makeup game.
It’s always on a nightstand by his bed before he goes to sleep. Sometimes he just lays on his back, puts the cube on his stomach, and watches memories float through it.
What you wanted - for him to remember that he’s loved for more than his sexual prowess - comes true. The pictures remind him of the life he has outside of a bedroom.
He starts spending more time with his brothers. He starts taking more pictures.
His followers appreciate the diversification in his content :)
He appreciates how much you love getting texts of those photos - the not-social-media-ready ones, but the REAL ones.
I mean, you could just bake the guy a dozen cakes.
But then he’d eat them and they’d be gone.
And you can’t make him anything that looks like food, because he’d eat it.
You’ve finished your gifts for half of the brothers before you even figure out what to make for him.
And then it comes to you…..socks.
He’ll use them.
He won’t eat them.
They’re not the most interesting gift, but you’re running out of time.
You actually manage to find a pattern covered with colorwork triangles that mimic his usual shirt.
You get Satan to charm them for you - the problem with handmade socks is that they wear out FAST. Not anymore!
Beel LOVES them.
(To be fair, he’d probably love anything you gave him)
Once he knows they won’t wear out, they become his Game Socks.
Like most athletes, he becomes superstitiously obsessed with the socks, wearing them for absolutely every game he plays.
Is convinced they help him win.
You encounter basically the same problem as above - what on earth to make him?
You want something that reminds him how much you love him, and it absolutely can’t be anything he could even be tempted to eat, because he’d never forgive himself.
You try a number of times to build a small tapestry loom, but that skill seems to be beyond you.
Finally you have to beg Lucifer to pick one up for you in the human world.
Once you get it, you’re off and running.
Now, just because things can’t look like food doesn’t mean it can’t be inspired by it.
Red yarn, the exact juicy red of an apple - but here, just an abstract circle. Mixes of pale cream, yellow, and red in a triangle - an abstract pizza slice. 
Those cookies Barbatos makes? There. The broccoli-cheddar soup you learned to make for her? Now just an orange blob with tiny green squiggles. And on, and on. 
And buried, scattered throughout, little woven hearts.
The hearts are made of slightly different yarn, puffier and thicker, so they stand out just a little bit.
In the end, you have a decent-sized wall hanging, full of texture and shapes that are just reminiscent enough of food to bring a smile to Beel’s face, but not enough to actually be worth eating.
He passes the hanging every day, and every day he brushes his fingers over the yarn or through the fringe; a physical reminder of you.
This guy is probably the easiest one to make things for.
Is it soft? Is it cuddly? Can he use it as a pillow? Can he snuggle it like a stuffed animal? 
Click “yes” on any of those questions, and you have a happy - well, a slightly less annoyed - Belphie.
Which is why you take this as a challenge. The easy answer - a pillow - is BORING. And the other easy answer - a blanket - would take WAY too much time.
So, like Levi, he gets a plushie.
But not just any plushie.
He gets a plushie of Lucifer.
Lucifer…..on a pastel unicorn.
Belphie starts cackling the moment he opens it, which is fair, because you laughed a fair bit designing and making it.
He starts leaving it where Lucifer can find it, then saying that the elder can’t do anything about it, because MC made it and there’s no way he’d want to harm anything made by MC.
Satan tries to steal it.
In the end, an “anonymous” Devilgram is created, dedicated to the “adventures” of this particular plushie.
It’s all fun and games until Diavolo wants one.
Well, for your boyfriend, the time and effort involved in making a blanket is just fine.
You debate endlessly - comprehensive color scheme? Granny squares or stripes? How heavy?
You go with your gut instinct - this isn’t a boy who cares about color schemes or blanket styles.
(Just look at his clothes, seriously.)
He cares about one thing - comfort.
You find the softest, smushiest yarn you can, and a pattern you can tolerate working on for like 100 hours.
You go old-school; a granny square blanket like the ones that pretty much every person had thrown over the couch in the 70s and 80s. The perfect nap blanket.
Black… mostly black, with some bright accent colors. Kind of obnoxious accent colors, actually. You figure it’ll appeal to his (dubious) sense of humor. Also it’ll piss Lucifer off seeing it around the house, clashing with literally everything in the oh-so-perfectly-decorated Gothic interior.
This one requires….special enchantment.
A little bit of ritual, and that blanket will fold up into a tiny square; easy to carry from place to place.
Belphie is torn between wanting to carry it around everywhere, like his pillow, and to leave it in the attic room, always waiting for him.
Depending on his mood, he’ll do one or the other.
But no matter what, he also sleeps juuuust a little bit better under it, snuggled up under your love.
You make him the Lucifer plushie, too. It’s too funny not to :)
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heloisedaphnebrightmore · 5 years ago
Sirius Black Masterlist by Heloise Daphne Brightmore
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Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists 
All the fics are in alphabetical order, for the newest fics, please head to Recently Posted.
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. <3
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Sirius Black imagines/blurbs
[A] Alive [0.3k words]
Sirius gets injured and regardless of his reassuring touch, you find it hard to process that he’s alright.
[U] Unbroken promise [0.9k words]
Sirius promises a breath-taking date, only to leave you waiting. When Remus arrives, your heart realises before your brain does that something might not be right.
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Sirius Black one shots
[A] A haunted night [1.7k words]
Sirius has been battling with his nightmares, but he decides to fight them alone, fearing to share his weaknesses with you. That is until you can't stand his pained whimpers echoing across the corridor anymore.
Absurd ideas [4.7k words]
Sirius’ jealousy causes a misunderstanding which inevitably ends up with him getting worked up and everyone else being confused. Most of all you, when you realise he thinks he knows what you feel, but he couldn’t be farther from the truth.
All your fault [1.9k words]
Sirius’ boredom causes you to end up in detention. Or so you think, but he has a different perspective on the events and you clearly can’t find the golden middle.
Alone? Together! [1.5k words]
The war has taken a toll on everyone and Sirius finds himself useless whilst hiding at Grimmauld Place. His own thoughts are eating him up, wanting to be reckless, but not daring to lose those he loves. When you arrive to sooth his worries, your strength reassures him that he is not alone, that whatever happens, you can face it together.
An unrefusable offer [3.2k words]
Sirius has been trying to get you to go out with him for the longest of time, but you can’t accept his interest in you. Will his cunning little plan change your mind at Lily and James’ wedding or will it end in a disaster?
[B] Be my (fake) girlfriend [4.8k words]
Sirius is fed up of girls throwing themselves at him, so he asks you to be his fake girlfriend, but you seem to enjoy the fake relationship more than you were supposed to.
Best Christmas Present [3.1k words]
Sirius goes back to you after he has escaped Azkaban. But when he finds you with a son, he wants nothing but to escape the heartbreak, not even listening to your explanation.
Beyond Friendship [8.3k words]
To get back at your good-for-nothing ex-boyfriend, you ask Sirius to help you out and pretend to be your new boyfriend, which seems to agitate your ex just as you expected. However, you couldn't have anticipated how Sirius’ infuriating presence could actually turn out to be not only fun, but almost essential.
Bitter Past [3.8k words]
Sirius has been relentlessly asking you out on dates, when you finally agreed, but in your mind it’s all about revenge.
Bundle of joy [1.4k words]
Part of the series What they call home, but can be read separately. When you realise there’s a little baby growing in your belly, it terrifies you. Both you and Sirius had a rough childhood and now that there’s a new life inside you, your ability to raise a child concerns you, especially as you’re in the middle of a war.
Busted [4k words] [18+]
You and Sirius have always been close, but in the last year you have been even more involved with each other. However you didn’t want others to know about it, so you kept it a secret. Up until you both made a mistake.
[C] Christmas lie [1.8k words]
Your relationship with your parents has never been a good one, therefore they plan to spend Christmas without you. But you don’t want Sirius to spend it with you either, knowing he would have a better time with his friends. So you decide to lie.
Cookies [1.6k words]
You always loved to bake, so spending time in Hogwarts’ kitchen has become a daily activity of yours. This time however Sirius joins you and he has other ideas beside tasting your delicious cookies.
Crimes of jealousy [3.8k words]
Sirius becomes jealous when he hears that you agreed to go on a date with a fellow Gryffindor and he decides to do something about it.
Cuddles [1.1k words]
Sirius and you are cuddled up in a bed, enjoying a warm, sunny morning with a couple of sweet confessions.
[D] Damned words [2k words]
Friends. And a bit more of the benefits. That's what you and Sirius were to each other. Until he uttered those damned words maybe in the heat of the moment, maybe as a result of the amount of alcohol he consumed. Either way, you should have escaped.
Degrading feelings [1.8k words]
James thinks his friendship is more important than your relationship with Sirius so you and Lily decide to take revenge
Distant friend [3.8k words]
When rumours start about you and your housemate, Sirius decides to keep a distance from you, which you do not take well.
Do you mind? [1.9k words]
You think you know better what Sirius would say and when you actually do, Sirius ends up speechless. However, what you don’t know is what Sirius would do.
Don’t play games with me! [2.5k words]
Having a crush on Sirius was as normal as the sun coming up every day, but as a friend of his, you tried to keep it a secret. But then James decides to get involved and corners you in an uncomfortable conversation.
[F] Fear of prejudice [2.2k words]
You didn’t find being a barista a particularly attractive career, but when Sirius takes on the role, it stirs up some unexpected feelings inside you. However the reason behind your newfound interest isn’t in his occupation, but something that you dare not to voice, ashamed of your sinful thoughts.
Feelings [1.2k words]
You have been having all sorts of feelings, causing your head to become a mess. Sirius, being a sweet boyfriend stays by your side.
Fluffy supporter [2k words]
You have been in need of a support animal since first year, but unfortunately your puppy couldn’t accompany you at the start of year. Padfoot comes along to help you out, without you knowing that the dog is actually your boyfriend.
[G] Gentle Seduction [3.5k words]
You are more than aware of Sirius’ feelings towards you, but he doesn’t seem to want to take the first step. You decide to force him to realise he has no other options.
Go on a date with me! [3.6k words]
You have had enough of craving for Sirius’ attention so you decide to take the first step. Things however might not turn out to be so great.
[I] I missed you [1k words]
Sirius is missing you, his girlfriend, and James finds the situation rather entertaining. It seems James and you are on the same wavelength when it comes to Sirius being a love-sick puppy.
Interest in you [3.2k words]
You have been interested in Sirius for years, but you didn’t want to date him. It has been bugging him to no end, leaving you annoyed.
[M] Make me [3k words]
Sirius is unable to shut up and you are at a tipping point. Even after being kindly asked to shut up for a mere second, Sirius doesn’t take your request seriously.
Memories of a Pensieve [3.4k words]
Your friends have been tired of you and Sirius dancing around each other so they show you what they see on a daily basis to convince you.
Misunderstood feelings [4.1k words]
Being Sirius Black’s girlfriend had its pros and cons, but unfortunately you could only see what was missing recently.
[N] Not so perfect [1.6k words]
Sirius is the perfect son. Captain of his quidditch team, Headboy of Slytherin, dashingly handsome with perfect grades and proud parents. Expect that he has fallen for a Muggleborn Gryffindor.
[R] Relying on [2.5k words]
You are not sure if you can rely on your friends anymore, the continuous bullying and harassment, the mean words playing in your head over and over again, almost pushing you too far from them. [Platonic]
[S] Second chance [2.4k words]
Sirius has been distant and rude, eventually breaking your friendship. He is angry, you are hurt, both of you pulling away even further. That is until James and Remus decide to meddle.
Space that he already had [5.3k words]
Your boyfriend, Sirius has been more distant than ever and he doesn’t even realise it even when you confront him.
[T] Teacher’s pet [5.3k words]
Sirius being your teacher meant he was someone you could never have. You are struggling with your feelings and how ethically wrong what you feel is, even though he is only 5 years older.
Truth behind the Polyjuice [2.3k words] 
The marauders decide to take your love life into their hands, but things turn out badly, leaving you full of anger towards them.
Truth or Dare [4.5k words]
You and your friends are bored so you start playing a little Truth or Dare, but it doesn’t necessarily go as planned. Or does it?
[U] Unexpected expectancy [3.4k words]
You and Sirius have never talked about having a family on your own. When you become pregnant, you panic and don’t know what to do.
Unforeseen mission [5.8k words]
You have always thought Sirius cheated on you back in Hogwarts, so you avoided him. But then Dumbledore decides to send you on a mission together and you accidentally agree.
Unprotected experience [3.1k words]
A couple of nights of fun left you sick and vulnerable. When you finally realise the cause of your sickness, you do not know what to do.
[Y] Your decision, yours only [1.7k words]
Sirius is having trouble with his family and you are trying to be there for him.
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Sirius Black headcanons
[M] Movie genres [0.2k words]
What movie genres Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and James Potter like.
[P] Pets they brought to Hogwarts [0.4k words]
What kind of pets Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Regulus Black brought to Hogwarts in their first year. 
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Sirius Black mini series 
[F] Facade pt. 1|2 [1.1k words] Facade pt. 2|2 [1.1k words]
You have been silently suffering pretending to be someone else, but noone can see the real you.
[H] Hot stuff pt. 1|2 [6k words] Hot stuff pt. 2|2 [4.2k words]
University is causing you a great deal of stress, you are couped up in your room, having your own cave. That is until your friends decide they have had enough and drag you away from your studies for a night out. But when your eyes meet a familiar face, one that you thought you would never see again, you find yourself once again captured by him, the reasonable part of your brain betraying you.
[L] Like a dream pt. 1|2 [3.4k words] Like a dream pt. 2|2 [2.9k words]
Sirius and you were supposed to be enemies, but your crush on him might not be as unrequited as you thought.
Lesson from a Prefect pt. 1|2 [4.6k words] Lesson from a Prefect pt. 2|2 [4.4k words]
Being a prefect meant you didn’t have a good relationship with the Marauders. However Sirius takes an interest in you after you give him a piece of your mind. You are tricked into going on a date with Sirius and you are dreading every moment of it, but he turns out to be more than a lost because.
Love in the Order pt. 1|2 [3.3k words] Love in the Order pt. 2|2 [3.3k words]
Finally finishing your mission you return to the Order’s headquarter as per Dumbledore’s request, where you run into Sirius Black, the man you have been craving to see. Feeling the happiness of being reunited doesn’t last long, you have to part ways with Sirius to attend to another dangerous mission, but things don’t turn out the way you have planned.
[T] Teach me how to kiss pt. 1|2 [3.7k words] Teach me how to kiss pt. 2|2 [3.7k words]
You have asked your crush out on a date, but you never dated before. You ask your best friend, Sirius to teach you on the physical part of dating, which he reluctantly agrees to. You realise that you have caught feelings for him, but knowing he would never return your feelings is beyond painful. 
[U] Useless warning pt. 1|2 [3.9k words] Useless warning pt. 2|2 [3.5k words] 
Sirius is one of your best friends who happens to be dating Marlene. She isn’t particularly a good friend of yours, but you do get along. She agrees to go out with Sirius, all the while she is aware of your feelings. Things get complicated as you are unable to keep your feelings to yourself anymore.
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Sirius Black series
[W] What they call home [14.3k words]
You’re in need of protection and Albus is ready to give it to you after years of help you have been providing the Order with. However your presence is not welcomed, especially by Sirius Black himself as you already have history behind you. However Sirius agrees to the wizard’s wishes, which forces you to be trapped in the same household. [Completed]
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© All rights reserved ® in regards to my characters, their behaviours and personality. I, however do not own the rights to the gifs and photos presented in the chapters, unless stated otherwise and any of the characters and story line matching the original script by J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.
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siriusheadspace · 4 years ago
august - sirius black x muggle!reader
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Warnings: I guess it's a bit angsty? But it's also cute, summer love fluff, so idk
Pairing: Sirius Black x Muggle!Reader
Summary: You meet a cute boy in your summer job. You share secrets and live a beautiful summer love, but will you still see each other once school starts again? Inspired by "august", by Taylor Swift.
A/N: Thank you so so so so much for liking my last fic, illicit affairs! I guess I'll have to create a master list here lol. This one's a bit less gloomy and there's *sequel potential*, so please tell me if that's something you'd be interested in! Also, should I open requests? Do you guys have any? lol. I'm taking too long in this A/N, so lemme shut up. Enjoy the fic!
Words: 3.5k ish
Salt air And the rust on your door I never needed anything more
You were chewing the pen cap while at an especially tedious English Literature class. A head full of luscious black hair poked through the door, and you jumped in your chair, thinking for a second it could be the person you missed the most. But, of course, it was just a girl asking the teacher to make a class announcement. You tuned out immediately and let the memories flood through your mind. It was just the beginning of summer and your first day at an ice cream parlor in the middle of London. It was a funny neighbourhood - you didn't know why, but it always had a couple of people wearing the weirdest outfits, like weird flowy capes and tunics. But that wasn't really important - you just wanted to make a little money of your own this summer, and the ice cream gig was supposed to be easy. You quickly found out it wasn't as easy as it should be, since the owner decided to leave you to be cashier and server from the start, leaving you alone on your first day after little training. You were stressed, trying to guess if the ice cream machine was supposed to be that noisy or if you already broke it after only a few customers, when someone got in. Sirius regretted everything about spending the summer with his family. He was fifteen going on sixteen and decided to spend most of his days roaming through London, looking for a way to have a halfway decent summer, sending letters to his friends every day. He was about to go spend the day at the Diagon Alley, but he figured he could actually try to see different stuff for the day. Muggle stuff. Perhaps get a couple of new posters for his bedroom? That would piss off his mother. He smiled at the thought. But it was too damn hot for the beginning of summer, and he definitely wore too much black for his comfort under the scolding, rare sunshine. His locks of dark hair were starting to get wet with sweat, and he decided to put his muggle money to good use when he went by an ice cream parlor. He was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever seen, her hair in a lazy, long braid, her skin tanned and glowing, and her brows frowned as if she was bothered to see him. And you'd never forget how pleasantly surprised you were to see the tall guy that just went inside the store. You'd never be able to forget the way that there was something else about him - he was gorgeous, his long strides revealing from far away how tall he was, his hair pulled back in a makeshift bun - but there was just more, an aura that made him magnetic; magic, you first though instinctively, but shook the thought. Charisma, perhaps. But you'd soon found out it was his own particular mix of both. The bell started ringing and pulled you away from your memories.
Whispers Of "Are you sure?" "Never have I ever before"
While you walked through the corridor, you felt the rush of excitement you'd always feel when you remembered you knew a secret, one so special no one would believe you, even if you told them. "You must know something about me, doll", he said, cuddling with you on your bed in the middle of the afternoon, your parents still away at work. You ended up quitting the job pretty quickly after your first day, but you were making good use of your free afternoons. "What, babe?", you said, and you felt his smirk against the top of your head, where his lips were, him breathing in your scent. You liked to use gauche pet names as much as he did. "That you're not the smartest, since it's very stupid for us to cuddle in the middle of a hot afternoon? Or that you're actually really smart, but just enjoy being around me anyway?", you joked. "How very funny of you. I am actually kind of smart, I swear", he said, jokingly, but you felt him tense up as he started talking again. "It's sort of a serious thing, actually", he said. "A… Sirius thing, you mean?", you joked again, but he brushed it off with a quick laugh. "You would know if you'd let me finish speaking", he said, and you waited. He got up and seemed nervous, not sure what to do with his hands. You never saw him like this. "Do you know how you always ask me how do I do a few things? Like, how did I fix the vase I broke the first time I came here so perfectly?" he asked, and you nodded. "You said you got another one", you squinted your eyes, trying to guess where he was going. "On the same day? Y/N, I want to be close to you, to be truthful to you. And I can't do that if you don't know about such a huge part of my life", he said. "I have… certain… habilities. And my family does, too. And my friends, as well. The school I go to… Everyone has these abilities", he completed, and pulled out a stick from his backpack. No, not a stick - not by the way he held it, with purpose. You looked for the right word in your head. A wand. "Can I trust you with the biggest secret humanity has?", he asked, and you nodded. "You can trust me with anything and everything", you said. And nothing was ever the same.
But I can see us Lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time
You missed him so much your entire body ached; the feeling of his callous fingertips against your cheeks, the pressure of lips on yours, how his tongue felt against yours, his laughter tickling your skin… You had to stop thinking about him. It was no good and absolutely useless. It was good while it lasted, but it was over. Still, walking home, you couldn't stop thinking about how it was once you were in on the secret, how he'd do magic in front of you, how he would tell you all about Hogwarts, about his friends… And you knew back then that there wasn't a place for you in that world.
'Cause it was never mine And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away Like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine
You could remember the warm nights you spent together, once your parents decided to spend a weekend away, visiting friends or your grandparents, and how you had to pretend to be sleeping over a friend's house while you had Sirius over. You would meet at a pub, and he'd charm someone into selling you beers, so you would drink together, just enough to feel buzzed. Sirius loved teasing you. He would start by just brushing his knee against yours, but as the alcohol got to the both of you, he would get bolder, running his fingers up and down your thigh under your flimsy summer dress, whispering sweet nothings against your ear, kissing your neck. You felt so much joy, basking in his attention and his carresses. The walk to your house would always take longer than it should. He was the most sociable creature, making quick friends with everyone that grabbed his eye. He would help an old lady carry her groceries to her apartment, completely out of your way back home, while charming her; there was the time where he joined a deep conversation about bikes with a guy that had one, this huge black Harley Davidson, convincing the guy to let the two of you, clearly tipsy teenagers, to have a ride on it. It took Sirius five minutes to figure out the basics of riding that bike and convincing you to join him. "Don't you trust me, baby?", he pouted, and you gave him a quick peck - you couldn't resist his pouts and pleading. "Not with that bike, I don't", you said, watching him already seated at the bike as if it belonged to him. He looked the part, his muggle (the word always bothered you) clothes made him look like the hot, moody guitar player in a rock band, the wind flowing from his side making his hair fly in front of his face. "Then take a little risk", he chuckled, pulling you closer to him. "You can use it as an excuse to feel my abs", he said, and it was your turn to laugh. "Ok, I'm sold", you sighed dramatically, and sat behind him, your hands creeping under his shirt for a moment when you wrapped your arms around him. The speed was more intoxicating than the few beers you had, the wind whipping your exposed skin, the noise violent on your ears, the warmth that came from Sirius' back being the only thing that made you feel safe. Once you gave the bike back to its owner and were back on your foot, you would still take your time on the way there, Sirius listening to stories about your friends, the books you were reading, the movies you were watching - you promised to take him to the movies, shocked to hear that he never set foot on a movie theater. And sometimes, since you would take that long on your way home just to tease each other, he would push a loose strand of hair behind your ear and pull you in for a kiss, your back quickly meeting whatever wall was closer and spending a few minutes against the texture of the tiles while Sirius gave you long, slow kisses, trying to make the most of the night. Once you got home, you would barely have the focus necessary to find the keys and open the door, and Sirius oftenly used magic to make your life easier. "Alohomora", he said, opening the door soon after, and you chuckled. "You sound so hot when you speak fake latin", you said, and he laughed while he followed you inside, quicky going back to kissing you while you tried to guide him to your bedroom. On those nights, after he was fast asleep, his smug expression erased out of his face by sleep, you never thought about how it would be between the two of you once summer was over.
Your back Beneath the sun Wishing I could write my name on it
One week, you decided you would both spend a couple days in Brighton Beach, counting every penny that you had so you could afford two nights in the middle of the week in a cheap bungalow. Sirius had exchanged magical money for muggle money and it wasn't as hard as you thought it would be to get the amount necessary. "Well, my family sucks, but at least my allowance is halfway decent", he smirked, but the smile didn't get to his eyes. "It does help that muggle money is so devalued. Shouldn't you guys complain with your prime minister, or something?", he said, expecting you to go along in the joke as you usually would. But he touched on a subject that you felt it was taboo: he never talked about his family. You knew something was wrong - all the time you spent together was outside or in your house, and he never seemed too keen in having to go back to his parents place. "Is this the moment where you tell me more about your family?", you asked, and he sighed. "It didn't go unnoticed that you felt more comfortable to tell me about actual magic before taking me to meet your mom", you joked, but he knew you meant it. "Oh, Y/N… You could never meet my family. They'd never be able to appreciate you", he told you, and then went on to explain how there's a side of the wizarding world that despises muggles, that values purity of blood before anything else, and it killed you inside, a bit. That you were right in that gut feeling that you tried to ignore. He was too good for you. You didn't belong together. There was a whole part of his society that focused on that. And his family was totally on that side. But you avoided thinking about that in those two blissful nights away. You were close before, but that routine - waking up together, cooking breakfast for each other, seeing him getting letters from his friends delivered by owls that came inside the kitchen of the bungalow as if that was normal. He bought a polaroid in the beggining of summer and tried to adapt it to take magical pictures - according to them, they were supposed to move - but it didn't work. Still, you documented those days in normal polaroids, from candids of him drinking tea in the morning to pictures of you at the beach, and he sent one of you two together to his closest friends, and your heart ached at the thought of part of his world being even the least bit accepting of you. You'd trace random patterns on the skin on his back while he tried to tan, writing your name on him and hoping there would always be a part of him that belonged to you, that would be able to return to you once you were apart, like you did with your favorite toys when you were a kid. A childish desire to keep him with you. You loved your nights out, holding hands while going on rides that were probably unsafe and operated by other teenagers, convincing Sirius to try to win you prizes, and actually getting him a teddy bear - you were a better shot. And he would try to do magic discreetly when you asked him to cook or clean something, and you messed with him for cheating on those chores. It felt like you could absolutely live together forever, making that little bungalow home for those magical hours. You even held his wand, felt the texture of the wood against your fingertips, noticed how it was well used, the parts of it where you could see that his hands touched more oftenly, the worn wood reminding you how he was a part of something that you could only imagine for way longer than he was part of your life and your world. But he soon joked that you were "taking too long playing with his wrong wand", and you'd laugh and kiss him and forget your concerns.
Will you call when you're back at school? I remember thinking I had you
You felt the nervousness as the summer approached its inescapable end. As Sirius went out to buy school supplies one afternoon, you couldn't escape the anxiety caused by the uncertainty surrounding your relationship. You just spent the most amazing few months of your life with this guy you absolutely Loved, with a capital L, and you weren't even sure you'd meet again after a few days. You didn't know his address and you couldn't send letters there anyway. You had no idea how to send a letter to Hogwarts. Once you met him at a park near wherever he would buy supplies for a magic school, with him excited to show you what he got and hear about your day, you were already unable to hide the change in your mood. "What's wrong, sweetheart? I was just talking about you with James and..." he said, and he noticed he chose the wrong words when you winced at him. "So you can't even introduce me to your friends that are supposed to be tolerant that you're dating a muggle?", you asked, trying to sound mean, but he could hear how much you were hurting under the façade of anger. "It's not like that, Y/N. There's too many people from Hogwarts there now, people that don't like me or my friends and despise, hum, people like you, and it would be dangerous for you if they knew they could hurt me by messing with you", he explained, but it didn't soothe the pain in your chest. "What is it gonna be like once you're not here, Sirius? Is there a way for us to even talk? I don't own a magic owl, and I don't think the postman is going to able to find Hogwarts", you said, spiteful. "Do you even want to continue this, us? Or are you going to be with people your friends and family can actually know about and meet, that can defend themselves instead of just being a source of weakness for you?", you asked, your voice trembling, all the thoughts you avoided for months taking space and energy, growing inside of you and blurting out. "Y/N..." Sirius started, but you were done for the day. You got up and went home.
But I can see us Lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine
You liked being with him too much to waste your last few days together, so you accepted his apologies for not taking you to meet his friends or more of his life, but you couldn't help but notice that he didn't have plans to do what he apologized for not doing. Still, you enjoyed your last few days, the picnics under the last few sunny days of the year, taking him to the movies to watch silly horror movies that Sirius fell in love with, making out with him under the soft movie lights that reflected beautifully on his gray eyes.
And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away Like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine
The last night you had together made you nervous. Sirius had prepared himself to go straight from your house back to the station, hiding his luggage on your parents garage and climbing to your window. You drank wine you stole from your parents cabinet and talked in a low voice the entire night - you thought that was what you'd miss the most, just being near him and listening to his voice, to the varying inflections, to the fancy words thats would slip and denounce him as someone from a rich family, to his excitement at the perspective of being back with his friends, and to the low energy tone that followed once he said how much he would miss you. "Hey, I figured out how to keep in touch", he said, a coy smile creeping on his lips. "But I need to know at what time do you get home from school", he completed, and you quirked up a brow. He explained that his owl would bring you a letter from him and wait for you to answer with one of your own, since you didn't have another way of getting to him. You were happy that he found a solution, but it didn't go unnoticed, again, that it seemed like a simple solution that maybe he though about before, but wasn't sure he wanted to go through with you. Also, you'd always be at his mercy and will, having no way of contacting him besides when he wanted to hear from you. But at least there was a way, a chance…
Back when we were still changing for the better Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope…
The next morning, he woke you up at dawn with a quick kiss and said goodbye, promising to contact you again. That was three weeks ago. I mean, you couldn't really blame him. He was beautiful, talented, smart, and everyone knew summer loves weren't forever. He was probably met by a swarm of beautiful witches that would do everything for him. It would be easy to forget about you, your normal, common life. But you felt resentment towards him. He could've just been honest, you thought. He shouldn't have given you hope. He should've been honest about your intentions. He shouldn't have made you act like a fool everytime your classes came to an end, always running home and looking for an owl in the sky, only to be greeted by the emptyness of your silent house. You were getting tired of feeling angry, though. It tarnished your beautiful memories of a perfect summer. You just had to say goodbye to your hopes of getting to see Sirius again, to hear his perfect laughter, always laughing with you and never at you, the ringing in your ear that would send a shiver through your back, or that you'd never feel the silky perfection of his hair tangled between your fingers again… You were trying to come to terms with that, distracted, once you got home. There was an owl on the front window, standing on the window sill. Your heart skipped a beat.
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annab-nana · 4 years ago
One Love, Two Mouths - Sarah Cameron
Now that your close friends and family know, you had to keep up the lie that it was Scarlet you were after when really it was her best friend your eyes were on and being at a New Year’s Eve party with her there proved to be harder than you had anticipated.
A/N: This is the second part to Sweater Weather so make sure you have read that already if you haven’t :)
Warnings: some curse words; mentions of alcohol and drinking 
Word Count: 3.5k+
<- Part 1
It would not be you and Rafe if you both hadn’t woken up in the middle of the afternoon after staying up way too late watching movies and joking around. When you felt something blowing in your face, you opened your eyes to see how seriously close Rafe’s face was to your own.
“Rafe,” you mumbled, shaking his body lightly with your hand on his shoulder. “Scoot the fuck back.” You would have moved him yourself, but he was much larger and if you pushed against him, you were sure you would end up pushing yourself off the bed considering how little room he had provided you.
“Whaaa?” he dragged out as he barely moved and kept his eyes closed. You went against your better judgment and tried to push him yourself, but you should’ve listened to yourself. He did not move an inch, but you overestimated the amount of space you had on your side of the bed and felt the mattress slip from beneath you. Your arms reached out to grab onto something, anything, but they caught nothing, and you landed on the ground with a thud.
“Ow,” you muttered before Rafe’s head shot up from the pillow he was just drooling on.
“Why are you on the floor?” he inquired as your eyes rolled at the boy.
“Because you are a bed hog and when you didn’t move when I asked, I tried to move you myself which got me here,” you told him while you two stared at each other for a moment before bursting into a fit of giggles together.
“Are-are-are you okay?” he breathed through his laughs while he lent you a hand to help you out. You took his hand in yours and let him lift you up before you sat down on the side of the bed you just woke up from.
“Yes, just don’t sleep all crazy and we’ll be good,” you said as your laughter died down. When you looked over at him, you still noticed the saliva slipping down his face.
“You need to do something about that,” you told him, pointing towards the drool. His hand came up to his face, effectively wiping it away before he attempted to wipe it off on you. Your movements were quicker than his and you managed to grab his wrist before it met your skin.
“I don’t think so,” you warned while your other hand reached to grab a tissue from his bedside table and cleaned the slobber off with it. Rafe chuckled at you when he leaned back on the pillows while you tossed the tissue in the trash can.
“Are you getting ready here or at your place?” the Cameron boy questioned before he reached over to grab his phone and check the time, his practically bulging out of their sockets at the sight of it being nearly three in the afternoon. You laughed at his expression as you picked up your own cellular device.
“Probably my place. What about you and the other two dorks?” His face showed mock hurt, causing your giggles to increase.
“I don’t about Topper and Kelce, but I’ll probably get ready here because I have to help Sarah prepare for the party. You gonna get some chips, right?” the blond told you while he rubbed at his eyes a little and sat up again. Tonight was the New Year’s Eve party that Scarlet normally threw, but since her parents decided not to go on their annual ski trip and Ward and Rose were on a work trip, Sarah suggested they have it here. All it took was a little convincing to get Wheezie to spend the night with a friend and the house was free.
“Yep, I should probably get going anyway. I gotta shower and do other things as well,” you informed the boy as you rose from your spot next to him and slipped on your shoes. You saw yourself in the reflection of his mirror, wearing some pajama shorts, an oversized shirt that you had stolen from Kelce a few months ago, and your old beat-up converse. Your hair was a knotted mess from the particularly good sleep you had gotten, but at the moment you didn’t care. In your opinion, it completed the hot mess look you appeared to be going for.
“Okay well, be here at like nine to help me clean up and shit. Sarah is gonna be on my ass and I can’t handle her like you do. You have this like magic touch when it comes to her.” He did not know it, but his words caused your cheeks to heat up. You took pride in being able to read and understand his sister very well. Of course, it was because you basically studied the girl, you were in love with her.
“Hey, also Scarlet is coming tonight so we might can get you in with her,” Rafe shot you a wink after speaking. You rolled your eyes at him, knowing all three of them were going to be pushing you towards the girl. Scarlet was nice and all, but she was not Sarah.
“I don’t want to start the new year like that. I want to start like I do every year, with my boys, okay?” Rafe nodded with a grin that told you he heard you but would not be listening at all. “Rafe, I’m serious,” you warned in a low tone while stepping back towards the door.
“Me too, y/n. You need to get out there!” he shouted as you slammed the door shut behind you before leaning against it, a small chuckle falling past your lips.
“Get out there? Y/n, are you finally dumping those bozos and finding a real man?” the voice that made your knees weak and your heart stop asked from beside you. You gasped, the girl’s presence scaring you a bit.
“Jesus, Sarah,” you muttered when your hand flew to your chest. She giggled at you, the melodious sound flowing through your ears like angelic music. Everything about her, especially that cute smile of hers, had you so captivated by her. You needed to leave soon before you made a damn fool of yourself or worse, Rafe came out and found out that you were crushing on his sibling.
“Sorry, y/n,” she laughed, her hand clasping on your shoulder, “but seriously, are you getting out there tonight? Scarlet and I made sure to invite some pretty hot guys to the party.” You haven’t told her about your sexuality yet. The only people who knew were Rafe, Topper, Kelce, and your family. You were planning on telling her, but you didn’t know when.
“Um, that’s nice Sarah, but I kinda wanna lay low tonight and just drink with the guys,” you told her honestly as you had just told her older brother. You didn’t plan on having the two eldest Camerons pushing you to take a shot at someone tonight.
“Oh, come on y/n. Live a little,” she whined before shooting you a wink and backing away towards her room.
“I might,” you called out as she retreated past the doorway. Once she was gone, you let out a sigh and skipped down the steps to go out to your car.
It did not feel like hours had passed since you were last at Tannyhill, but it had been. You had gone home, showered, got ready for the party, stopped at the store to get those chips Rafe asked you to pick up along with some other things that you knew he probably forgot to get that Sarah wanted him to get, and made it back to the Cameron estate in a rather good time frame. It was 8:30, thirty minutes before Rafe had asked you to be there and when he saw you walk in, his face flooded with relief.
“Y/n!” he shouted before rushing to you to help with the bags you were holding. His eyes dropped from yours for a moment to look you over, a smirk growing on his face. “You look good. Is this for Scarlet?” He couldn’t help but tease you.
“No this is for me, asshole,” you huffed while shoving his shoulder with your now free arm. He wasn’t lying though. You did look good. Your makeup and hair looked flawless. You wore your ripped jeans and a nice flowy tank, the colors complimenting your skin wonderfully. You looked amazing and there was no denying it. It wasn’t for Scarlet though. It was mainly for you and a little bit for Sarah, even though you were sure she wouldn’t spare you a glance.
“Y/n! You look beautiful!” Okay, maybe she’d glance at you, but it wasn’t the way you wanted her to look at you. The compliment coming from her made your heart soar to the sky and flutter like a butterfly. Your cheeks burned at her words as you nodded at her.
“Thank you, Sarah! You don’t look too bad yourself.” She only had her hair and makeup done, still wearing her t-shirt and shorts you saw her in earlier, but to you, she looked ethereal. She was an angel, a goddess, a princess in your eyes. Sarah blushed at your words before looking down at her feet.
“Thank you, y/n! You are way too nice to be friends with him,” she commented, earning a ‘hey!’ from Rafe as you two giggled at it.
“Let’s go take this to the kitchen,” Rafe reminded you and you nodded at him before waving at Sarah and following him to the counter where all the food and drinks sat.
“So, I got the chips you asked for and some more different kinds, then I got some drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic, and the stuff to make some dip and punch,” you informed him while unloading the bags.
“Jesus, y/n. I only asked for chips,” he chuckled while scratching at the back of his head.
“Yeah, I know, but Sarah asked you to get the drinks and I can see you didn’t,” you told him while you looked around for them, but they were nowhere in sight.
“I was gonna get Topper to get them before he came but now, I don’t have to,” he laughed at your preparedness.
“Then I know you three like that beefy cheese dip thing that I make, and I know Sarah likes punch, so I decided to get stuff to make them both.”
“Okay, do you need help with anything?” Rafe asked, feeling a little bad that you had to do his job.
“Not right now. Go ask Sarah if she needs help with anything because I’m sure she’s probably lost her mind planning this thing,” you offered. He nodded before leaving you in the kitchen to get to making stuff. Having basically grown up there, you knew where everything was, so you got to work on it all.
Around two hours later, people started arriving and the party commenced. Kelce hung out in the kitchen with you, and by hung out, he sat on the counter next to you and went to town on the dip that sat between you both. You were about to hop off to get yourself a refill, but you saw Topper and Rafe walk in and asked Topper to get you some more, which he gladly did.
“Thanks, Top,” you smiled at the boy when he handed you your beverage back. He gave you a nod before standing next to you as Rafe did the same next to Kelce.
“Pass me some chips, bro,” Topper asked Kelce while both Rafe and Kelce had a hand in the bag already.
“I got more over there,” you reminded the boys who left Kelce’s bag alone and went to get their own. Your eyes fell back on the girl you had been staring at all night. The way her brown eyes shined and her lips curved up into that gorgeous grin made you fall harder for her. You watched her throw her head back in laughter, you dying to be the one to make her laugh like that, but for now, you settled on just watching it from afar.
“You are staring at Scarlet,” Rafe teased you while dipping his chip into the bowl beside you. You rolled your eyes at him before Kelce spoke up.
“She’s been looking over there all night.” You looked back over to Sarah and Scarlet was in fact next to her. You had not noticed, your eyes obviously trained on someone else, but staring at Scarlet was a better cover story anyway.
“N-no,” you stuttered, a tell-tale sign that you were caught. The trio chorused in laughter, all knowing that you were lying. “Fine, I was looking over there a little.”
“More like a lot, y/n/n,” Topper grinned while looking over to the girl they thought your eyes were glued to.
“I told you, y/n. Just make a move tonight. Get your first girl. Do you know how exciting that will be?” Does he know how exciting it will be if you get the girl of your dreams? Not her best friend that they thought you were infatuated with.
“Rafe, I told you I want to spend New Year’s Eve with you guys, not pining over a girl who will probably never feel the same. No one else even knows I’m into girls besides you three and my family. That’s it and I don’t want to tell anyone else for now.” Your eyes found the girl again, but now she wasn’t with Scarlet at all. She was with some guy, probably one of the hot guys she mentioned inviting earlier, and he had his hand on her arm slowly sliding it down until he found her waist.
It shouldn’t have bothered you. You weren’t together. You weren’t even talking. To Sarah, you two weren’t even a possibility, but it hurt a little. It stung to see her with someone else. You felt your eyes begin to water but you blinked any tears that dared to show themselves away.
“Uh, I’m gonna go outside and get some fresh air,” you mumbled to the three that sat around you before hopping off the countertop and slipping through people until you found the back door and walked out of it. The three boys looked at each other in confusion, all of them clearly sensing that you were upset about something.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have teased her about the Scarlet thing?” Rafe spoke, now feeling incredibly guilty. You and him teased each other all the time, so he saw no harm in it, but now he felt like he had crossed a line with you.
“Or maybe Scarlet wasn’t the problem at all,” Kelce wondered out loud, the puzzle pieces fitting together perfectly in his head. Rafe and Topper unfortunately were not picking up what he was putting down, so the boy rolled his eyes before explaining. “She was looking at Sarah and Scarlet, right? Well, when Scarlet was gone and Sarah was over there alone with a guy, y/n got upset so…”
“She likes Sarah,” Topper finished Kelce’s sentence. “She probably didn’t want to tell you because that’s your sister.”
“And your ex,” Rafe reminded him. Rafe did not care if you liked Sarah. He only cared that you were happy and if that meant you were with his sister, then that was fine. You were basically family already so might as well actually become it.
“Rafe, that was forever ago, and I don’t care if she likes Sarah,” Topper told him.
“I don’t either,” Rafe stated.
“Well, we should tell her it’s okay if she likes Sarah,” Topper suggested while Rafe nodded at him, them both setting their chip bags down and about to leave before Kelce stopped them.
“I think she’s beating you to it,” he said while nodding towards the blonde girl who walked out the door. “Let’s give them a moment.”
Sarah saw you walk out and having grown up around you and you being the only other girl she could really trust, she knew something was wrong with you. She assumed it was something the guys had said as a joke, but she knew you and she knew that you would shoot them right back with some sarcasm or a witty comeback when they did something like that. She knew that something had to really be bothering you for you to excuse yourself and it worried her.
Sarah saw you standing out by the water. You had taken your sandals off and held them in your hand as you stared out at the moon’s reflection on the water’s surface. The wind blew your hair to the side softly and the moonlight shone on your face perfectly. You glowed, looking as beautiful as ever and the sight caused a feeling in Sarah that she had never felt about you before and she liked it.
“Y/n?” she called out when she had gotten closer to you. You almost did not notice her. You originally thought the footsteps you heard were Rafe’s, but they were actually Sarah’s. You smiled at her when another gust of wind came your way, causing you to shiver. You mentally cursed yourself for wearing what you had chosen as it did not help you in the cold at all.
“Come here,” Sarah mumbled when she stood behind you. She wore a large cardigan, one you were quite envious of at the moment before grabbing your wrists when you turned to her. Your eyebrows drew together when she linked your hands together behind her back underneath the sweater material, but you already felt much warmer. She took the sides of the cardigan in her hands and brought them together at the small of your back so that you both were now wrapped up in the warmth of the cardigan and each other.
“Thanks, Sarah,” you sighed in relief while your head rested on her shoulder as did hers on yours.
“So, what’s got you so upset?”
“How did you know I was upset?” you questioned her before she laughed.
“Y/n, I know you. I could tell and you always come to look at the water when something’s bothering you so what is it?” she inquired when she pulled away to look at you. Now was the best time to tell her about it so you did.
“I’m bi,” you told her confidently. You felt wonderful telling her, but also a bit of nervousness came with the confession since she was the first female friend that you had told. All that nervousness disappeared in an instant though when you caught sight of that beautiful smile of hers.
“I’m glad you finally realized,” she chuckled a bit while your eyes widened. “What? You think I didn’t know. I used to see how you looked at Kie a few years ago.”
“I don’t like Kiara anymore,” you mumbled, “and I don’t like Scarlet either despite what the guys think so if you hear that, it’s false.”
“Well, who do you like?” You wanted to scream from the rooftops that it was her that you liked but you could not do that, could you? Her big brown eyes sparkled at you as she awaited your response. Tell her something, anything at this point.
“I- uh,” you stumbled with your words a bit as you heard the people inside begin counting down from ten. “It’s um, you. Damn it, it’s you that I like,” you started as you stepped back from her and her embrace, back into the unrelenting cold while the chanting of numbers rung from the house. “I’m sorry if this makes you feel weird or something,” five, “I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” four,” I still want to be your friend,” three, “and hopefully you want to be mine,“ two, “I’ve messed everything up, haven’t I?” one.
“Shut up,” Sarah whispered before her hands cupped your face and pulled you closer to hers. The moment you had been dreaming of for quite some time now was happening. Your dream was coming true as you felt her lips connect with hers. Your eyes widened and you took in a sharp breath before you melted into her, your arms wrapping around her neck while hers fell to your waist. You heard the shouts coming from inside her home as everyone celebrated the new year, but in your mind, you were screaming in excitement about how you were starting your new year.
After some time, you both had to pull away for some air. Your eyes darted between her own before they glanced down at her swollen reddened lips and then came back up to her eyes.
“Sarah,” you sighed. It did not feel real. It felt real, but at the same time, it didn’t. Something was up. This couldn’t be true. The universe didn’t work like that. It normally gave you the shit end of the stick and now your dream was coming true.
“Y/n, I like you. I didn’t realize until just a few moments ago, but now I know, and I want to be with you,” she confessed to you. Your lips tugged upwards in a wide grin as you soaked in the moment.
“Really?” you asked, your mind still telling you this was all fake and would end soon. Sarah bit her bottom lip before nodding her head at you. “Then let’s be together.”
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luvlyrv · 4 years ago
The Fleeting Image of You | Wendy x Fem!Reader
Genre: angst and fluff
Summary: Your world was falling apart at the seams, until a mysterious girl fell into your life. Then, you began to fall for her.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: First time I’ve written something with the intention of making you cry. Please tell me if you cried, or if it at least made you sad. That’d be pretty epic. Is it mean of me to say that?
Also, I apologize for taking so long to upload something... I’ve been flooded with work lately and school is just getting way more stressful now :/ I have some stuff lined up for ‘Naughty’ and ‘Our Songs’ btw! Just have to finish.
Date: 2/2/21
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You sigh as you sit down in your favorite corner of the library. You set your stuff down, making it known that you'd taken the seat, and stood back up to begin scouring for something new to read.
Spending your time in the quiet and tranquil local library had become a new favorite past-time of yours. It was strange, you thought, how lonely you felt recently. You couldn't help but find yourself disconnected from the majority of the world, a cloud of sadness following you everywhere. No matter how much you tried it felt like you couldn't bother to reach out. Yet, when it came to the library the loneliness exhibited here was not something awful, but rather something chased after. Something you can find comfort in.
You stop in front of a shelf as you reach out for a book with a maroon cover. It seemed to be on the older side. You gently grazed the spine of the book, enjoying the rougher texture it had. You pull it out of the shelf, only to be surprised that it had no writing on either side of the book. Perhaps the title and author would be written in the first page.
You open up the book to look inside. Instead of any text, the first page was a beautiful ink illustration. It seemed to be a design of a mirror. You trace the image and upon closer inspection, it didn't look printed on. It was as if someone drew it in the pages by their self. Maybe someone left their sketchbook here? Or perhaps this was just a strange, unlabeled picture book?
Intrigued by the illustration, you go back to your seat to sit down and flip through the other pages. After the mirror, there was an image of a girl, and after that an image of another girl. You smile a bit, finding the images cute. Especially the one of the second girl, who seemed to share the same hair length and style as you. While in the middle of admiring the art in front of you, you felt a presence. You turn your head up, only for the sight to make your breath hitch as a beautiful woman stood beside you. The stranger was also seemingly enchanted by the book in your hands.
"H-hi" You say softly, mesmerized by how soft her brown hair looked as it cascaded around her face. Her eyes that were scanning the book moved to look into yours. You felt your mouth dry up.
"Hey, I was just wondering if it was okay for me to sit at this table next to you?" The voice that left her mouth was laced with a friendly confidence. You quickly looked around the rest of the library, noticing the overwhelming amount of empty tables. You decide to not question it though, because why would you deny the company of someone like her?
"Sure." You nod as you answer, she flashes you a smile and sits across from you. She tugs at the bookbag she has around her body to open it, pulling out a thick book. You look back at your own book, but you can't seem to focus anymore. You flip the page to try and look busy, but you don't really pay attention to what's on the paper anymore. Your eyes glance back and forth from your book to the woman, who's now peacefully reading.
It takes time for the courage inside of you to build up, and you're afraid of disturbing her, but you felt like you had to say something.
"So… " You begin speaking. The stranger's head perks up as she gives you her attention. "What's your name?"
"Oh I'm sorry!" She laughs a little bit, the noise is akin to a sweet melodic bell. "I never introduced myself. You can call me Seungwan, and you?" You notice that Seungwan slips a bookmark into her book and gently closes her book. It seems like she's giving you her full attention, a feeling you haven't felt in a while. You smile before you talk.
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you. What brings you here today?" You start playing with your hands underneath the table as the nerves begin to truly settle in.
And that's how it all started.
For the past couple of weeks your mood had been brightening significantly. Before, it was hard to get out of bed for the day to attend your classes. It was hard to even pick up your phone and reply to the very few messages you got. Most of them being from Yeri, the only person you'd consider a real-friend who occasionally checked in on you. Yet lately you found yourself hopping out of bed, excited with the prospect of wrapping up your day quickly to head to the library as soon as possible.
You now officially considered the library to be your second home. Instead of working at your desk you could work in the quiet library, surrounded by the smell of books and coffee and most importantly, Seungwan. As the two of you grew more familiar with each other Seungwan seemed to have a paradoxical effect on you.
The way her eyes stared into yours, all her little mannerisms, they would make you struggle to continue speaking coherently. At the same time though, her sitting across from you, quietly humming, made you feel at peace.
You wouldn't mind spending everyday like this, an evening filled with library-talk with Seungwan. It wouldn't hurt to switch it up a little though. So, when Seungwan finally came over to your little nook in the library, you excitedly jumped from your seat.
"Seungwan! How about we go do something fun?" You haven't even put your things down, expecting her to say yes. Instead she decided to tease you a bit first.
"Oh, is this not fun enough for you?" She plasters on an exaggeratedly hurt face and you punch her arm softly.
"You know I don't mean it like that. How about we go somewhere else for once?" You lean closer to her and tug on the sleeve of her cardigan to beg, and she quickly sighs in defeat.
"Let's go to a karaoke place then." She casually suggests. Meanwhile you start to panic, because god what if you embarrassed yourself in front of her?
"Well, uhm! I'm not too sure about that, how about we-"
"You're the one who's begging me to go out, so I'm picking where!" There's a playful tone in her voice as she immediately turns away from you, heading outside the library. You quickly follow her and decide not to worry too much about your singing skills.
When you arrive to the karaoke place and are ushered into your own room with Seungwan, you start to get nervous. She doesn't fail to notice the way your wiped your hands on your thighs as she hands you a microphone.
"Are you nervous?" She asks as she grabs a microphone for herself. She steps over towards you and sits down on the plush couch next to you.
"No. Maybe. Just a little." There's a pause before you admit your true feelings. "Yes, a lot." The both of you laugh at your comment before Seungwan gives you a friendly nudge.
"I won't judge! I promise you, just don't worry about it and we'll have fun tonight." She stands up and selects the first song for the evening.
If you didn't say that what you heard was angelic, you would be the world's biggest liar. You couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person in the world. It was as if an angel held a private concert just for you. Or perhaps, if sirens were real, this would be what they sounded like. Regardless of what you can compare it to, it was a special sound you wanted to treasure forever.
"I'm not sure how I could top that." You laugh after she finishes. She shakes her head before talking to you.
"Who said anything about being on top? Just have fun!" Then she drags you to go over and choose a song to sing.
You're nervous, you really are, but you decide to trust in Seungwan's words and give an honest performance. You pushed away your worries as you tried to enjoy yourself. By the end of the night, her promise came true. The many duets and solos you guys shared strained your throat, but it was a pain that was worth it.
Before the time in your room ran out Seungwan decided on singing one last song. You gave her some cheers as the song started playing, giving her some not needed (but hopefully appreciated) encouragement. After several seconds she finally started singing. Once again you found yourself feeling like you were on cloud nine solely from her voice.
It took a while for you to snap out in the trance-like state you entered, but once you did you truly appreciated the lyrics that your friend was singing.
"Do you think of me when you open your eyes in the morning? So you think of me when you see something nice? Do you laugh alone out of the blue like I do?"
It's a slow song, a soft song, a song filled with love and affection. It felt like her voice was built for something like this. As you listen to the lyrics heat begins to spread on your face. It felt like recently you've been asking the same questions to yourself about a certain person.
"Tell me is this the first time? Have you fallen for me as much as I have fallen for you?"
Maybe it was the intense desire in your heart that was playing tricks on your eyes, but it seemed like Seungwan's eyes kept looking between you and the screen more than usual. That there was a flicker of something within her welcoming brown eyes. Your heart is pounding too fast now. It threatened to beat out of your chest as your heartbeat filled your ears, becoming louder than the music itself.
"I want to know everything, if my heart has grown deeper than yours like a fool."
Certainly those lingering glances meant nothing. You ignore your feelings as you try to calm yourself down. When the song ended your time at the karaoke room was over. You complimented Seungwan before thanking her for her time. After promising each other to go out for karaoke another time, the two of you went your separate ways home satisfied with the fun night out.
When you got home, you pulled out a familiar maroon book before laying on your bed. You never properly checked it out. Mostly because it didn't even seem like a library book, judging by the fact that it had no stamps nor barcodes. You assumed that not many people were picking it up anyways, and so once you had your time with the book you'd carefully place it back where you found it.
It was odd that you wanted to keep the book so much, but that was due to how strangely comforting it was. Every once in a while you would pull it out again, only to admire it and its wordless contents. Besides the first few pages, every illustration had two girls together. Maybe those two girls were just friends, but in your mind you liked to imagine them as lovers. Your favorite illustration of it all was one towards the end. On the final pages there were illustrations of a night sky speckled with stars, the girls looking out to the sea.
You sigh before putting the book down and turning off the light. Closing your eyes you wonder, is that something you'd like to experience?
It's been a couple months now. You've spent a considerable amount of time hanging out with Seungwan, as well as a considerable amount of time gushing about her to Yeri. You never explicitly said you liked her, but you certainly didn't hold back on telling your friend every trait you admired about Seungwan.
These days, you and Seungwan would meet up in the library and sometimes stay there for a calm and quiet experience. Other times the two of you would be more inclined to have fun walking around downtown, going to karaoke, or enjoying the bustling energy of a café while drinking coffee.
Today was one of the days where Seungwan suggested to head over to get some coffee. Of course you agreed, as you decided long ago that anywhere Seungwan went you'd want to go too. Not surprised by your easy yes the two of you head out to your typical coffee place.
While in the middle of sipping on coffee Seungwan turns to the side. She rustles through her handbag to pull out two bracelets. She held onto the one with your name on it, while slightly bringing forward the one bearing her name. You stop drinking your beverage as you took a closer look at the bracelet resting in her hand.
It was a simple bracelet made with a dark string running through some beads. You appreciated the cute minimalism of it all. The beads were blue, and after spelling out her name there was a final bead that had a heart on it. You slowly reach out for the bracelet and wear it, admiring the way it felt and looked on your wrist.
You look at Seungwan's wrist as she also adorns the accessory. After your name was also a bead with a heart, and you can't help but to ask why she suddenly gave you such a gift anyways.
"Well… " She begins to look away, perhaps a bit nervously? When looking back at you she quickly looks back down. Unable to hold eye contact she explains herself anyways. "I thought it'd be a nice way to signify our connection. To keep us tied to each other." There's a moment of silence after she says this. You can't possibly control your heart, your mind, your feelings. Could this mean what you wanted it to mean?
"What kind of connection?"
"Whatever kind you want." The words come out a whisper as Seungwan finally looks back at you. Was this an opening? Did she mean what you thought she meant? You let your hand cautiously approach hers. She doesn't back away and let's you take it.
"Can I kiss you?" Your face is fire-hot as you ask, but now more than ever you wanted to. She leans in, and there was the first kiss you shared.
It was short, but it didn't need to be long. When your lips made contact it gave you a feeling of being weightless, yet at the same time it was enough to ground you into reality. This was it. It was really happening.
It had only been a few short weeks since you and Seungwan started dating. The two of you never said so aloud, but you both knew. She knew by the way you didn't shy to touch and be close with her more than before. You knew by the way she smiled and looked into your eyes. Sometimes when you like someone enough, you don't have to say it to understand.
Today when meeting up at the library Wendy took you out to eat at a nice restaurant. After enjoying dinner together she said she had something important to show you, curiously you followed her as the two of you eventually arrived at the boardwalk.
Since eating dinner took a while, it was now night. The bright white stars speckled the dark blue sky, while the inky black sea reflected the moon and the streetlights. Seungwan takes your hand, casually walking down the boardwalk with you while taking in the sights. You hum while enjoying the feeling of her hand in yours.
"Is this the important thing you wanted to show me?" You ask.
"I just wanted you to appreciate how beautiful the world can be sometimes, how beautiful living is." She says and looks at you. She gives you a smile. The kind of smile that told you that a person was content with life.
At one point Seungwan stops and leans over the railing, staring out to the sea. You lean over the railing right beside her. You spend some time admiring the sea, but you would rather turn and look at Seungwan. As you look at her she's still facing forward. Then she asks you a question you weren't expecting.
"Do I make you happy?" You would like to believe it's a rhetorical question, but she says it with a straight face.
"Of course you do, silly." You reply, scooting closer to her body to warm your own up. She smiles a bit at your answer before looking at you. There's a pause before she continues questioning you.
"Does anything else?"
"I don't know. Anything can be good as long as it's with you." You answer honestly, but Seungwan seems displeased. With a slight frown on her face and a glint of worry in her eyes she begins to hug you.
"I hope one day, Y/N, you realize you aren't alone." She says as she strokes your hair, tightening the embrace between the two of you.
"I won't be as long as I have you." You whisper into the crook of her neck. A moment of silence passes before she sighs and whispers.
"I wish you didn't rely on me so much."
She breaks the embrace and you begin to miss the warmth until she takes your face with her two hands. She looks at you with a longing you never saw before. Her eyes were watery as she gently confessed.
"Because I don't know how much longer we have together." You almost ask her to explain what she meant before she softly placed a kiss on your lips.
You wake up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as you look around your room. Just a moment ago you were by the sea with Seungwan, and now you were back in your room. You flopped in your bed in frustration that you dreamed up a scenario with her. You calmed down though, knowing that you could visit her again later today.
After attending your classes for the day you excitedly made your way to the library. You walked towards the little corner of the library that you and Seungwan always shared, surprised to see that nobody was there. You sat down at the table anyways, opening up your bag and trying to immerse yourself in a book. Your foot tapped and tapped, the words your eyes saw across the page meaning nothing to you. It had only been 10 minutes, but it felt like forever.
Annoyed at her absence, you walked around searching for her, thinking maybe she was hiding and playing a trick on you. You whispered her name as you peeked your head around corners, going up and down in the aisles between selves. Fed up with searching, you went to a familiar librarian and asked if she'd seen Seungwan yet.
"I'm sorry Y/N, but who's Seungwan?" She said with a confused look on her face. You gave her a confused face back, shocked that a woman who had recommended books for the both of you to read, a woman who had watched your blossoming relationship with Seungwan progress, act like she didn't exist. You scoff and laugh it off.
"Sorry for asking." You say in a slightly sarcastic manner and go to pick up your bag. You reckon that Seungwan made her play along with her joke. You'd have to scold her for messing with you so bad later today.
You're bored and you don't know how to spend your time with Seungwan. As you walk down the familiar path, looking out to the sea, you grab your phone and decide to call Yeri.
"Yerim!" You call out as soon as you hear her answer the phone.
"Yeah, what's up Y/N?" She asks you.
"I'm bored and have some time to kill since Seungwan isn't here today. Do you wanna grab something to eat?" There's a silence on her end for a while.
"Sure, where do you wanna meet up?" She asks, but before you can answer she gives you another question. "Also, who's Seungwan? Is this a new friend you made? You should introduce me to them!" Your mouth feels dry all of a sudden and you don't know what to say. You stammer out a response for Yeri.
"Uh, just meet me at the boardwalk. I'll be waiting here." Before Yeri can say anything else you end the call. You bite your tongue in frustration. Did Seungwan make Yeri play in on this too? Despite all the reasoning you tried to do, a deep, unsettling feeling took over your entire body.
When Yeri arrived, you smiled and went about your day with her. Throughout the day Yeri noticed that something was off about you. You kept zoning out and were unable to really hold a conversation. As frustrated as she was with your lack of engagement, she figured you were working through things and didn't question you about it. Later that night she dropped you off at your place and you thanked her. You went back to your room, allowing yourself to putt all your weight on your bed as you stared at the ceiling.
The tears you had been holding all day finally broke through. The hot and salty tears streamed down your face uncontrollably. Had this all just been a cruel joke from your mind? Was it just a dream that lasted too long? Maybe, just maybe, the voice screaming in the back of your head was right the entire time. Seungwan was just too good to be true.
You decide to pull out a book from your nightstand, the book that you found within the bookshelves the day you met her. Thankfully the book was there. Perhaps your memory didn't fail you entirely. When you opened it to the first page though, you were shocked to see nothing. Frantically, you scanned through all the other pages only to see them in the same state. You wanted to question it, but considering what happened earlier today you just couldn't.
All you could do now was cry. Nothing made sense to you. What happened to the person you just kissed mere hours ago? The person who made living bearable again?
Afraid of getting the book wet, you quickly close it and put it away. You raise your hand up to your face as you sniffle. Wiping away the waterfall coming from your eyes, you feel the soft scratches of a string and bead. You pull away to see the bracelet you so distinctly remember putting on snuggly fitting on your wrist. Nothing made sense and you could only come to one conclusion.
She was gone, but not gone from your memory.
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ichorizaki · 4 years ago
002. sun&moon
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genre    fluff
pairing     matsukawa issei x gn!reader
warnings     none
word count     3.5k
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synopsis     when he received the letter, he didn’t know how to even find you. there was no trace of you yet you lived in his mind ever since that night, until fate chances upon him with a cheeky wink.
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With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.
When he saw how comfortably you dressed, as he had instructed you to, Issei couldn’t help but find you a little too adorable in the same shirt that you wore on the night when you first met. It had been a week since he had asked you out on a date. Because of schedules, you couldn’t quite agree on a date that would be perfect for the both of you. He made it up to you with walking you to and from classes, facetiming you whenever you were not in class and just learning with each other even if what was being taught were completely different. He didn’t care if you both had to push back the date for days—spending time with you, carving time out of your busy schedules were more than enough for him.
He had a morning lecture and a noon tutorial that lasted about two hours, and then he was done for the day. You, on the other hand, usually had a morning lecture and about three hours to spare before having a four-hour seminar in the afternoon that dragged on to the evening. Usually. Your excited voice was the first thing he heard in the morning through a voice message, a lazy smile growing on his face as he lay in bed, which then turned into a smile of excitement once he registered your words: your professor didn’t feel like turning up and classes were cancelled for the afternoon.
There you stood before him, hair messy but your skin glowing from a good rest. He figured you were asleep while he was in class and all the way through till an hour ago from your lack of texts. While you were clad in a pair of sweatpants and the white shirt with a faded stain from the night you met, he was dressed in a maroon henley and ripped jeans.
“Is it just me or are you dressed less comfortably than I am?” You cocked an eyebrow upward, walking towards his figure that leaned against the side of his car, phone in hand with his keyring looped through his thick pinky finger. The corner of his lips tugged upwards into a lazy smile, his head tilting to the side in amusement. “Did I miss a memo or something?”
Issei stuffs his phone into his pocket and gently kicks himself off of his car to meet you halfway. He wrapped his arms around your smaller figure as did yours around his before you cutely buried your face in his chest to inhale his scent. Your shampoo smelled like coconuts and mixed berries and he couldn’t help but smile at that.
“I just wanted you to be comfortable for our date, angel.” You looked up at him through your lashes, chin resting on his chest and his heart fluttered at how close you both were. Neither of you went beyond hugging and knuckles brushing against each other’s shyly. He winked at you and the telltale sign of a blush began creeping across your cheeks.
“Where are we headed to?”
“Anywhere you’d like to.” You let go of him, looking at him curiously. He simply shrugged before guiding you to his car. He had no time to send it in for a wash for such an impromptu date, but the interior was cleaned up and washed with the scent of his cologne to make it appear cleaner. “We knew the deepest parts of each other that night, but I wanna know the simple stuff about you. Like what’s your birthday, what’s your favourite food, what kinda stuff you look for in a potential boyfriend, and whatnot.” He opened the door for you and your lower lip was caught between your teeth in a toothy grin full of adoration.
“Right, like those and whatnot,” you echoed. He helped you into the passenger seat, making sure you were neatly tucked inside before closing the door firmly. All that he had managed to learn about taking someone out on a date were from the Korean romantic comedies that his sister made him watch with her. He just hoped that it sufficed because it was mainly clichéd tropes.
You did make him nervous. He had to mentally reprimand himself to get a grip and keep his cool when he rounded the car before getting into the driver’s seat right next to you. You had already made yourself comfortable, flip flops on the floor and your knees up to your chest and nestling in your seat. The way your skin glowed under the honey-coloured lights of the streetlamps, clear silver bleeding through and illuminating your stunning face was simply something out of a movie. You did make him nervous, but he was never going to admit it out loud.
“So,” he began, catching the faintest of a tremor in his voice. Shit. He cleared his throat while buckling himself to his seat but then noticed that you weren’t wearing the seatbelt. Naturally, he unbuckled his seatbelt before reaching over to tuck you into the seat, pressing the end into its compartment next to your waist. It was all second nature to him, which was why when he caught himself in the action, he continued and finished the job before leaning back with a bashful smile on his face. “Sorry.”
“No!” You quickly blurted out. Issei’s smile changed into an amused smirk. He watched as the pink blooms red instead across your cheeks. “I . . . ugh. Issei, you’re always making me so flustered.” You grumbled in defeat under your breath, nose upturned and head swiveling away to avoid his gaze. He was sure you were just trying to hide your blushing face.
“Aww, don’t be like that, angelface,” he cooed. “C’mon, where d’ya wanna go? McDonald’s, Yoshinoya, CoCoICHI?” The engine of his car hummed to life with the sharp turn of the key in the ignition. His eyes shifted from the rear-view and wing mirrors, checking for any pedestrians and cars. The sun had set long ago yet there were still students roaming the campus, most of them coming back from classes or making quick trips to the 7-11 down the road.
“Let’s have McDonald’s. I’m craving for some fries.” He hummed at your suggestion. “We could eat in the car—on the topmost level of a parking lot or some park, I dunno—and listen to music and watch the night sky.” His heart fluttered at your suggestion. It was his first ideal date, described by you, just as he did to you on the night you both first met. His eyes flit over to you to see you already looking back at him, a huge cheeky grin on your face as if to proudly tell him that you never forgot.
He never fought the smile that crept upon his face, lower lips caught between his teeth as he stepped on the gas pedal.
“Aww, Issei, are you smiling? Did I make Matsukawa Issei smile?” You teased, giddy giggles slipping in between your words while you pinched his arm as he drove. He rolled his eyes at your antics, shaking his head at how enthusiastic you were. Could he blame you? He was just as excited as you are—he just wasn’t so willing to express that openly. “What are the vibes for today, Sei?”
His thick dark eyebrow quirked upward at the new nickname. Sei? It was the first time he’s been given such a nickname, but he wasn’t necessarily complaining. Maybe it was in the way that you said his name that has him so intoxicated, like your voice was the only thing that was keeping him together. His stunned silence you must have mistaken for discomfort, because you were suddenly apologising for calling him Sei and that you should’ve asked first and—
“Hey,” he softly interrupted you. “You can call me Sei. You’ll be the only one calling me that.” His eyes briefly left the road to look at you and he noticed the way your lips pursed out into a cute little pout.
“Eyes on the road . . .” He ignored you, lifting his hand from the steering wheel to give you a gentle pet on the top of your head. You were so flustered that it was just too adorable!
“And today’s vibes will be decided by you, baby.”
Issei heard a tiny grumble that he couldn’t quite decipher from you. He all but chuckled gently. Tonight was going to be spectacular and it was all thanks to you. He was finally taking the person of his dreams out on a date. He knew that it probably wouldn’t be any different than that night, but he didn’t care. Time spent with you was golden and he would never take it for granted ever again.
Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine.
When you first let it slip that you had sent more than one letter, you had expected Issei to be upset. He, too, expected himself to be upset. But for some reason, as the both of you sat on the couch of your living room, he couldn’t. He should be, but he wasn’t, and it confused him, especially knowing that a number of his friends had also received the same letter.
Maybe it was your reasoning—that you fell too hard a little too fast—and he couldn’t blame you for that. He couldn’t control who you fell for, nor could he control your feelings.
The both of you had your legs tangled with each other, his slightly hairier legs that you had always insisted on shaving tickling the skin of yours. You both faced each other seated on the couch, you with a book in hand and him just mindlessly scrolling through the Netflix catalogue to see what was in store. It was the first day of spring break, the scent of freshly blooming flowers dancing in the air as were the birds and bees.
He noticed the way you avoided his gaze, chin tucked into your chest, the page that sat in between the pads of your thumb and index finger shaking ever so slightly as you ran your two fingers up and down. You were nervous. He didn’t blame you for it.
Issei swallowed a deep breath. Using your tangled feet as leverage, he pulled you towards him, your body lurching forward until you fell square into his laps. He had his eyes on your face, watching for any signs of discomfort before continuing.
“Did you kiss any of the other recipients of the letters?”
“What– no!” You fervently shook your head. His hands were firmly planted on your waist, yours on his chest and fisting at the fabric of his shirt.
“Do you love me?”
“Matsukawa Issei, of course I love you.” The fervour in your eyes, the drop in your voice and the sternness of your whisper told him that what you said was indeed true, and that was more than enough.
“You love me, and I love you. That’s enough.” The corner of his lips tugged upwards into a lazy smile. He noticed the crystalline barrier over your stunning (e/c) eyes, stray (h/c) strands framing your beautiful face. “May I kiss you?” You nodded, squeezing your eyes shut and his heart fluttered at how cute you were.
He finally presses his lips to yours and he could tell the desperation from you to tell him that you love him and nobody else. Your hands travelled up his chest and to the back of his neck, the action alone sending shivers up his spine as you toyed with his dark hair at the base of his scalp. One hand gently moved up from your waist to your jaw, gently cradling your smaller form while he leaned back against the armrest he was propped up against. His tongue swiped along your lower lip, the muscle hot and wet, and he took you by surprise by gently nibbling on it instead of letting his tongue explore your mouth before pressing another kiss to your sweet lips.
He brushed the strands of your hair away from your face when he slowly pulled away, finding pleasure in the way you chased his lips for more. Your faces were both merely inches apart, foreheads pressed against each other and hot breaths gently fanning against cheeks. The way you constantly looked at his lips longingly, tongue swiping across your own and your lips jutting out into a pout, had him wanting to kiss you again but he had to stop himself from doing so.
“My eyes are up here, angel,” he teased. The pad of his thumb and his index finger cradles your chin, gently coaxing you to look at him directly. You flushed under his gaze, squirming cutely in his laps. “Listen, I can’t control who you fell for. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little jealous, but that’s as far as it goes, okay? You love me and I love you, and that’s all that I care about.”
You melted under his gaze, shoulders slumping. Your lips pursed together and twisted to the side, a small habit that you do whenever you realise he’s right but you can’t help but feel guilty. He smiled, hoping that you would too.
“Plus, I’ve had my fair share of crushes too, you know.” He shifted so that he was seated upright and you were still on his laps. Issei felt his cheeks and the tip of his ears flush ever so slightly, suddenly aware of the fact that your gaze was upon him, twinkling with intrigue. With the intent to make you feel better and less guilty about yourself, he told you about some of his old crushes. His first celebrity crush, his first elementary school crush, the cute barista at that café in his old neighbourhood that he only saw for a week . . he told you that your feelings for the other recipients were valid and reminded you yet again that even despite that, as long as you love him as he loves you, there’s genuinely nothing wrong with that.
With this candle, I will light your way into darkness.
When the organ sang its first note, he turned to look at you from where he stood. There you were, walking down the aisle with a bouquet of your favourite flowers. Your face was obscured by a white lace veil that you insisted on wearing, the ensemble that you had on fitting your figure seamlessly. Yours was the colour of pure white, detailed with lace and gold, and it matched his own suit of white, his tie a satiny gold and his collars sporting lace.
Issei couldn’t help the tears from falling, teeth digging into the flesh of his lower lip as he watched you walk slowly, the heels of your chosen shoes clicking against the thinly carpeted marble tiles. His tears clouded his vision, a stunning vibrato of colours as the music filled his ears. He still couldn’t believe that you said yes to spending the rest of your life with him even after being engaged for over two years because of your grad studies.
He wiped his tears away with the sleeve of his blazer. He heard a disapproving tsk from over his shoulder, knowing all too well that it was from Hanamaki Takahiro. Once his vision cleared, he found you right before him, lifting the veil from your face and letting it fall over the back of your head and oh, how beautiful you are. Nothing in his vocabulary could ever fully encapsulate the true beauty that is you.
Your hands moved to grasp his firmly and he was thinking of nothing but you and how you’re finally going to bear his name with yours. You were ethereal underneath the midsummer morning sun, stained glass painting you in luminescent colours and casting a breathtaking glow upon you. He couldn’t see anyone and anything else but you. The officiant’s words fell on deaf ears—he didn’t hear what she was saying. He didn’t hear the snickering from his best man, either.
With this ring, I shall ask you to be mine.
“Issei.” Of course you were the one to snap him out of his haze.
“Sorry,” he cleared his throat. It was agonising to him how he had to tear his gaze from you. He just wanted to keep staring at you and admiring you, but that’s okay. After the wedding, he could do that all he wanted. He didn’t care about the other parts. “What was that again?”
Laughter erupted in the small town church.
The officiant smiled, obviously amused by the two young newlywed-to-bes. She repeated herself once more, her grey eyes reading off the book in her wrinkly hands. He was impatient, toes curling underneath the suffocating leather of the rented Oxford shoes he was forced to wear. If it were up to him, he would have worn his everyday Vans.
He had nearly forgotten all of his vows, stuttering and losing himself in his thoughts halfway through his sentences. He was a complete mess compared to you, who giggled and laughed but encouraged him nonetheless to finish before you did the same. You were far more eloquent and prepared than he was, being the one in charge of organisation and stuff like that in your relationship. He had expected you to hide a piece of paper with your vows among the flowers and it didn’t surprise him when you did pull out a small roll within the petals.
“L/N Y/N.” Her voice boomed, demanding for his attention once again. “Do you take Matsukawa Issei to be your spouse?”
“I do.” Could your smile get any brighter? Because he swore he saw it glimmer.
“Matsukawa Issei.” She continued, “Do you take L/N Y/N to be your spouse?”
“Fuck, yes. Please just announce us as spouses, I wanna kiss Y/N already.”
“I am getting to it. If you’d just let me–”
He couldn’t wait. Oh, no he couldn’t. Issei’s hand, now proudly boasting a wedding ring, moved to cradle your jaw as the other found its home on your waist, pulling your body flush to his. The second your lips met, it was like the first time he’d kissed you—full of sparks, sending butterflies in his stomach a-fluttering and so full of love. He heard the cheers and claps from the guests seated; his family, his friends, as were yours, all beyond happy that the both of you had found your forever in each other.
When he finally pulled away, your arms looped around his neck and resting on his shoulders, you pouted.
“Another one, please, my spouse?” Fuck, did he love hearing that from you. Who was he to deny you of that? He was absolutely, irrevocably, unapologetically in love with you—first his Bonnie, then his sun, and now his forever. His lips found yours once again, sealing your fate into the stars and the heavens. From the one who was your escape, to the one whom you’re escaping with.
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THE LETTER                                   FINDING, BONNIE
would you like to try another route?
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hobidara · 4 years ago
just friends?; woodz, yohan
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part 6;
pairing: cho seungyoun [woodz] x fem!reader, kim yohan x fem!reader
genre: university!au, friends to lovers, fluff
word count: 3.5k
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seungyoun watches yohan applying a new plaster on your wound in the cafeteria. when he did that for you, you looked like you were dying to pull away from him — so, seeing you being comfortable with yohan doing the same thing for you, he feels a tad of jealousy in his chest; he’s not your bestfriend! i am!!!
plus, why are you sitting beside yohan and not him? is he losing his bestfriend title to the younger guy whom you just met this year?
“hey, seungyoun!” 
all three heads turn to the voice of the owner who’s standing next to the table you guys are having a quick lunch at. 
seungyoun smiles at her, “oh, kayla.”
you let out a hiss when yohan wraps the plaster a bit too tight around your wound. he smiles apologetically at you and you decide to just focus on what he’s doing instead of gaping at the pretty girl who’s currently talking to your bestfriend.
“do you want to head to the lecture together?” 
“yeah, sure.” you are slightly surprised to hear seungyoun’s quick reply. he waves the two of you seated a goodbye before walking away with the girl.
“they look good together.” you say to yourself which catches yohan’s attention as he also lets his eyes fall on the two.
he purses his lips, examining them carefully, “no, not really.”
“yes, they do!” you smack his arm lightly, “both of them are tall.”
he tilts his head at you, his brows furrowed and not understanding your reasoning, “just because they are tall doesn’t mean they look good together.”
you are about to reply with an explanation of why you think so when he cuts you off, “yeah, say that after you actually have good eye sight.”
speechless and being offended at him, you slap the nape of his neck this time. “i can see perfectly with my glasses on.”
“well, you don’t have them on right now.” he shrugs, getting up from his seat and throwing the trash away in a nearby bin.
not giving him a reply back, you squint your eyes at the direction your bestfriend headed to. of course, he is no longer in sight but the way he immediately answered yes to her offer and how quickly he left the table just to walk to their next lecture together makes you think that the pretty girl named kayla might actually have a chance with seungyoun, unlike other girls who fell for him.
maybe he’s finally going to get himself his long-awaited girlfriend.
“oh my god, y/n stop.” yohan’s voice interrupts your thoughts and he pulls you out of your seat. 
you look at him confused, “i wasn’t even saying anything?”
“yeah, exactly.” he nods, “but your mind was speaking internally.”
“uh, duh? as long as i’m breathing and living fine, my brain will be working. looks like you don’t know much about how the human body works.” you retort, walking out of the cafeteria with him as you sip on the very last bits of your bubble tea.
“you sure you don’t like seungyoun?” yohan asks out of nowhere and you almost throw your bubble tea cup at his face instead of the thrash can you were going to throw at. 
“will you ever stop asking that question? i said no!”
since after the two of you got closer, yohan always asks you the same question and you always repeat the same answer to him — no. he also likes to ask you if seungyoun likes you then, you still tell him no.
“let’s go on a date after this then!” he beams, the two of you stepping into the lecture theatre.
blinking at him with a disgusted look on your face, “no.”
“why?” he frowns, watching you climb up the stairs to sit at one of the middle rows. “you don’t like anyone anyways!”
“yeah, well, if you actually ask me out on a date seriously, maybe i would answer a yes.” you shrug, taking out your laptop. you know well you aren’t going to take any notes during the lecture but since almost everyone has either their notebooks or laptops out, you should too.
“oh,” yohan pauses. “i’m being serious though. let’s go on a date after this?”
you put your lips into a thin line and sigh, yohan is good-looking but he simply doesn’t know basic dating stuff. “rephrase it into ‘do you want to go on a date with me’ or ‘can i ask you out on a date today?’”
“okay, okay!” he grins, fumbling in his seat. “do you want to go on a date with me after this?”
you nod, showing him a thumbs up, “sure.”
you agreed to this date because you know very well that yohan is not serious about this. it’s called a date but the two of you will just end up hanging out as usual, eating at the beef noodle shop.
the lecture comes to an end after what feels like a lifetime and you let out a groan as you push your laptop back into your backpack. just as expected, you didn’t take any notes. you were busy texting with one of your friends who’s also in the same lecture and who was clearly not paying attention to the professor just like you.
“let’s go,” you yawn, pushing your shoulder against yohan’s arm, physically telling him to move quick and walk out of the row you guys were sitting in.
“you are yawning when you didn’t even pay the slightest bit of attention,” he teases.
you roll your eyes at him, “as if you weren’t playing candy crush, bro.”
“it’s called multi-tasking, dummy,” he sticks out his tongue childishly. you reply with a whatever as the two of you exit the lecture theatre and into the hall. you can’t wait to take an energy nap when you get back home.
“so what’s the plan?” you ask, “for this date?”
“i..” yohan trails off, looking around. “honestly don’t know!”
you run your palm across your face, having enough of this guy. “i don’t think you’d ever get a girlfriend if you didn’t have the looks, yohan.”
“doesn’t matter because i do have the looks.” he shrugs, still looking around as if he’s in search of something or someone.
“can we go on this date already then? why are we ev—“
yohan cuts you off by suddenly calling out your bestfriend’s name loud — a few other heads turning around to look at him as well.
you see seungyoun leaves the small group he was talking to and walks towards you, his long legs striding. “you look exhausted.”
“thanks,” you nod, agreeing with him. “i just want to sleep.”
yohan lets out a whine, grabbing your arm, “no, you are not! you are going on a date with me!” 
you stare at him, feeling like a babysitter who’s babysitting a 8 years old in a 20 years old body. “yeah, after that.”
“a date?” seungyoun asks, glancing between the two of you. 
“i asked her out on a date.” yohan announces as if that’s the proudest thing he has done this month. “i wanted to ask if you want anything from the city?”
“we are going there?” you interrupt, not expecting that.
yohan just answers your question with a nod and awaits for the older and taller guy’s answer.
“not really,” seungyoun answers, his hand running through his hair. “have fun!”
yohan winks at him and points his chin at kayla standing across the room, “you too!”
before seungyoun can reply, yohan has already dragged you with him to the exit of the building.
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“can we not go to the city, pretty please?” you pout, rubbing your palms together while chewing on your noodles at the same time.
just like you thought, the two of you are spending your date by eating beef noodles at the shop just across the street.
yohan sighs, glaring at you, “give me a good reason.”
“okay,” you start, sitting up straight in your seat. “first, i’ve only had three hours of sleep. second, i need to come back to the library at night to study. if we go to the city, that means my nap time will be shorter.”
“wow, you are really saying that to your date.” he says in disbelief, clapping his hands. you are about to feel bad because after all you thought, this is not a serious actual date. if he was serious enough, he would have planned it out properly. 
“but i like the idea of going to the library at night to study so, okay!” he grins, slurping another spoonful of soup. 
“you are coming with me?”
yohan answers a yes to your question and you also happily nod at that — since the two of you are from the same major, you can help each other when studying. it’s always good to have company when you are studying in the library too; it can get really boring sometimes that you have to start walking around as a study break. 
because it’s a date, yohan pays for your meal and the two of you arrive at your accommodation in no time as sleep is slowly taking over you. you wave him a goodbye when the lift arrives atyour floor and head straight to your bed, not even bothering to change your clothes. 
the alarm ringing from your iphone triggers your flight or fight as you jolt out of your power nap. you despise iphone alarms. you check the time on your screen to see it’s 6:30pm and you are supposed to meet yohan at exactly 7:30.
you haven’t even had your dinner. also, you still feel somewhat drowsy after taking a nap so you decide to hop in the shower to freshen yourself up. after that quick refreshing shower and admiring yourself in the mirror, you walk out of your bathroom smelling like vanilla and baby lotion — even though your lotion is not baby lotion, it still somewhat smells like it.
choosing to dress comfortably, you dress yourself in an oversized pale yellow coloured sweatshirt and brown sweatpants — not forgetting to put your hair into a ponytail as you are about to make dinner.
your dinner just ends up being your leftover curry from yesterday since you are running late. right in time after you finish your dinner, there are knocks on your door. you shout back a “coming” at the person - who’s probably none other than yohan - and leave your dishes in the sink before quickly slipping on your air forces.
the sight of yohan dressed as equally comfortable as you greets you when you slam open your door with a bit too much force. yeah, this guy looks gooood without trying. bless his parents.
if it wasn’t for yohan reminding you, you would have forgotten your puffer jacket. oh you just can’t imagine walking to the library in four degrees without a jacket on. the two of you arrives at the library sooner than expected — the chill wind and cold weather urging you two to walk faster.
you lead yohan to one of the usual booths you always study in. they are a lot more comfortable than the chairs in the silent rooms and the open area.
“wait, isn’t that seungyoun?” yohan voices out his curiosity and you squint your eyes at his like of sight, landing on a familiar figure despite you not being able to make out his features.
excitingly, yohan slaps your arm repeatedly several times, “oh my god, he’s with that girl from earlier today!” 
“wow, look at him.”
yohan blinks at your emotionless tone but nevertheless, decides to walk towards seungyoun sitting at one of the booths.
“hey!” yohan starts, catching their attention by knocking his hand on the table. you stand quietly behind him with your hands in your pockets, eyeing your usual booth which is right next to them. 
“oh, hey guys!” seungyoun smiles, his eyes falling on you.  “how was the date?”
yohan giggles, acting bashful, “pretty fun.” 
he notices the way kayla is just awkwardly staring at the exchange between them so he introduces himself, “i’m yohan.”
her poker face breaks out into a grin, shaking his hand. “hi, i’m kayla.”
realising that you have no choice but to also speak up or else you would just look plain rude, you also step forward to show her a friendly smile. “y/n”
“do you want to join us?” she asks, gesturing at the empty spaces — seungyoun sitting in front of her. 
“it’s fin—“
“sure, why not?” yohan cuts you off and proceeds to sit down beside seungyoun. you clench your fist, wanting to swing it at yohan. how can he just do that without even looking at you!? you don’t want to sit with them! it’s awkward!
you still try though, “we were going to sit at the other booth anyways. kayla, you don’t hav—“
“no, i’m fine with it!” kayla says sweetly, waving her hands to show more that she’s okay with you joining them. 
you reluctantly occupy the empty seat beside her and smile at seungyoun who’s staring at you. as someone who’s pretty confident in their own skin, you suddenly feel insecure, sitting beside a pretty girl. 
you are suddenly very conscious about how you don’t have makeup on and how your hair is messily put into a ponytail unlike kayla who has her brown beautiful waves framing her face and a natural looking pink shade of color on her lips.
“our teammates left earlier. kayla and i are working on the same section for the project.” seungyoun suddenly speaks. you glance around to make sure if you didn’t miss anyone asking anything to him. judging from their reactions, no one did.
“okay...?” yohan pauses. “y/n and i woke up from a nap and came here.”
wow, why couldn’t he word it more clearly? 
you clear your throat, chuckling nervously, “we didn’t take a nap together.”
“you are making it more weird!” yohan frowns but you return the same frown back at him, “you could have said it clearly.”
kayla laughs watching the two of you and you notice how she doesn’t cover her face with her hand whilst laughing, unlike you. you started doing it when you were young because you were insecure of your teeth but it has now became a habit of you to cover your face when laughing.
“are you two a thing?” kayla asks, smiling softly at you.
you scoff, looking at yohan disgustingly, “do we look like a thing?” 
“you do.” she bobs her head cheerfully. “don’t they, seungyoun?”
suddenly, your adoration for her flips a switch and you find yourself being annoyed at how she just acted as if she’s closer to seungyoun than you. you’ve known him so much longer than her. he knows well about your friendship with yohan too. so why did she have to ask him like that — but that was just a question. you are being sensitive again. can your period just come and leave already?
seungyoun bites the inside of his cheek, tilting his head to the side, “not really.”
after that short conversation, the four of you proceed to do your own work — yohan groaning often due to computer science maths that doesn’t make sense and you mirroring his actions and mood except your mood is slightly more sour than his for unknown reasons.
since seungyoun and kayla are discussing about their project at the same table as you, it’s evident that you can’t help but be aware of what they are talking about. you are somewhat impressed by how seungyoun is actually quite knowledgeable.
true, you guys are bestfriends but you’ve never discussed about logical things and studies as the two of you have different majors. therefore, you’ve never witnessed him talking about lessons and such. you know he gets good grades. you do too, with the help of your peers and struggling on your own. obviously, you’ve spent time studying with him before but it wasn’t possible to guess whether he actually knows what he’s doing just from watching him work alone. now that you are hearing him explain about things you don’t understand to kayla, you realise that he’s smart smart.
kayla announces that she’s leaving and your eyes lay on your phone lock screen to check the time — you’ve been working for two hours. you expected seungyoun to walk her home or at least offered to do that but to your surprise, he doesn’t. 
the moment kayla is out of your sight, yohan scoots closer towards seungyoun and nudges him teasingly, “study date?”
“this is university. take your highschool thoughts somewhere else.” seungyoun replies, jokingly glaring down at his younger friend.
the sound of you taking a few coins out from your purse catches their attention as both of them avert their eyes on you instead of glaring at each other. 
“i’m gonna go get something to drink.” you answer their questioning stares while you get out of the study booth.
“wait, i’m coming too.” seungyoun calls out, shoving yohan away to step out of the booth as well. he doesn’t forget to ask yohan if he wants anything — which the younger guy replies with a giddy nod, asking for a bottle of cola.
figuring that the emergency stairs are nearer, the two of you use it to reach the third floor where the vending machines are located. 
“getting coffee?” you ask, looking at your tall, well-dressed bestfriend who’s closing the door behind him after opening it for you as usual. 
he nods, running his fingers through his hair, “yeah and maybe some chips or gummies too.” 
“gummies and coffee? that’s disgusting.” you insultingly gag.
he rolls his eyes at your overdramatic reaction and a very few seconds of silence echoes in the stairway before he breaks it, “we are cool, right?”
his voice almost sounds nervous and worried that it even makes you feel the same, “yeah, why?”
“i don’t know,” he pauses, quietly opening the door to the third floor and follows after you walk pass first. “you are pretty quiet today.”
you can’t lie to yourself — yes, you’ve been quiet and somehow distant around him. you’ve noticed it since after the little incident he pulled last night. it wasn’t even his fault. he wasn’t even doing anything aside from him sucking the blood from the cut on your thumb and gazing at you with those hazy, powerful eyes. 
it’s just all you who looked too much into small things and let your thoughts cloud over your mind, resulting in you acting weird around him. 
you can’t lie to yourself but you can lie to him. “no? i mean, i don’t know kayla well so it’s a given that i didn’t talk much around her.”
you are not sure if he actually buys that lie you just spat out but he just replies with a hum and doesn’t push it further. he changes the topic as he clicks away on the touch screen of the vending machine, “so, you and yohan?”
he whips his head at you so fast that it even looks like it hurts, “yeah?”
you blink, confused, “yeah? go on?”
“oh, you mean...” he nods to himself, letting out a humourless chuckle that makes you question internally if this is even the seungyoun you know. “you guys dating now?”
“bruh,” you sigh tiredly. “we went on one date which wasn’t even an actual date.”
“didn’t your heart flutter or something? you always say he’s good looking.” he says, handing you the can of iced coffee.
you smile adoringly at him for knowing exactly what you want without you having to tell him. 
“just because i think someone is physically attractive doesn’t mean my heart is attracted to them,” you answer to his question. “i can’t see him as more than a friend and i’m sure he feels the same.”
“hm, how are you sure?” he asks, punching another code in — which is probably the cola for yohan. 
you shrug, leaning against the railings behind you with the can of coffee in your hand. “it’s obvious. he only treats me like a friend.”
seungyoun raises a brow and walks towards you with a drink in each of his hands, “that’s it?”
“yeah,” you nod, looking up at him as the two of you start walking back to the emergency stairs. 
“what do i do?” he exasperatingly groans, “i don’t think i can be friends with such a dumb person.” 
“what?!” you gasp, stopping in your steps. “are you saying he really likes me?” 
seungyoun looks down at you with a look of pity on his face, “please don’t follow me. you are so dumb, i seriously can’t be friends with you anymore.” 
taking advantage of his long legs, he strides towards the stairway, leaving you speechless behind. 
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velvetthunder1999 · 5 years ago
All the time on Earth
Part 12 - The Third Task
Summary: George introduces you to his mum, and comforts you after the third task. Separating for the summer leaves both of you feel quite miserable.
Warnings: Little fluff, little angst, death (Cedric’s)
Word count: 3.5K
George Weasley x Reader
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You had already been up for an hour now but you couldn’t move. George was still asleep on top of you, pinning you completely to the bed. He burried his face into your neck, his arms and legs hugging you in his sleep. You were terribly uncomfortable by this time, still wouldn’t move for the world. You were gently stroking his hair while he peacefully rested in your arms.
Yesterday was the last day of your O.W.L. exams. For the last month you were a complete mess, studying day and night, barely sleeping, feeling sick after eating, feeling guilty after you dared to take a break from all the learning. And finally, it was over. You finished with everything, and now you had one wonderful week ahead of you that you could spend at Hogwarts. Last night you, George, Fred and Lee sneaked out and got a bunch of food and drinks from the kitchen, having a small sized party just for yourselves in one corner of the common room. Then, when the other Gryffindors weren’t paying attention, George brought you up to his dormitory and you spent the night with him in his four-poster.
The boy next to you let out a sigh and cuddled even closer to you. You smiled to yourself and gave a small peck onto his hair. He groaned pleasantly and raised his head a little, placing small, sleepy kisses on your neck.
“Morning, love.”
“Morning?” you said, smiling down at him lovingly. “It’s almost eleven.”
“Fred and Lee?”
“Already gone.”
“Mm,” he said, leaning closer. You turned away your head.
“No, I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”
“Me neither,” he said and kissed you sneakily on the lips. You smiled.
“Such a baby.”
“I know.”
He raised his hand and gently brushed your locks out of your face. “Wish we could always sleep like this.”
“You mean squashed together uncomfortably in a single-sized bed?” you chuckled. “Nice dreams, you have.”
He rolled his eyes and pressed a small kiss on the tip of your nose.
Your rumbling stomach made him look up again.
“I think we’re a bit late but lunch starts in an hour.”
He pressed a sloppy kiss on your cheek before he got out of bed. You instantly started to miss him.
“You excited?” he asked. The third task was this evening.
“I guess, so,” you said, sitting up. “I think Harry’ll be really happy when it finally ends.”
“Yeah,” he said, opening his trunk, searching for clothes. “And we made nice money. Not much but it’s a start. During summer we can start mass producing some of our stuff.”
“Mm…” you said, not really excited for summer. George looked at you with great concern, then sat down next to you onto the edge of the bed.
“It’s just two weeks. I talk to mum when I get home, Fred and I pass the apparition exam and we’ll take you back to ours.”
“I know,” you said. “I just don’t want to be trouble for your mum. I know she has to… feed a lot of kids already.”
George chuckled.
“Mum’d rather feed a hundred kids than let one have a bad vacation — Hey, look.”
He reached into his trunk and pulled out a red sweater with yellowish lines across it. He examined it with great resentment.
“My quidditch jumper. I really wanted to play this year. Probably won’t even fit anymore.”
He glanced at you.
“Do you want it?”
“What?” you asked, surprised.
“Yeah, I have to buy a new one anyway, this one’s too small. Here, it’s yours.”
You took the jumper from his hand and pulled it over your head. Even if it was too small for George, he was still pretty tall, and the jumper reached way below your waist. You rolled up your sleeves.
“It looks good on you,” said George, taking you all in with glimmering eyes.
“And it smells like you,” you said, kissing him on the cheeks. “That’s a win-win.”
George dressed quickly and you folded the jumper into a nice pack; even though you loved it, it was way too hot today to wear such clothes. You placed it carefully in your trunk, then George took your hand and you went down to the Great Hall.
Ron and Hermione had just finished with their exams, and were about to sit down to the Gryffindor table to Harry. Next to them you saw a tall, long haired man, and with him a kind faced, plumpy woman. You stopped dead in your tracks.
“What?” asked George in concern. Then he looked at the table. “Hey, mum’s here!”
He started walking but you stopped again.
“Y/N, what is it?”
“I wasn’t expecting to meet your mum today!” you hissed nervously. George laughed and kissed your temple softy as Fred and Ginny sat down to the table, too.
“C’mon, love, she’s gonna love you more than Fred and I combined.”
He squeezed your hand and you followed him to the little group.
“Hey, mum! Hey Bill! What’re you doing here?”
“We’re visiting Harry on the third task,” the woman said. “It’s so nice to see the castle again!”
“Uhum,” George said. Then he gently pulled you closer because you were determined to hide behind him.  “Mum, this is Y/N.”
You waved nervously. Mrs Weasley looked at you with a kind smile.
“Hello, dear! I didn’t know you were a friend of Fred and George’s!
Fred snorted with laughter.
“Mum! They’re not friends!”
Mrs Weasley gave a confused look at his son. Then she looked at George and you again, finally seeing that he was holding your hand. She froze for a second. Then she jumped up from her seat and pulled George into a tight hug.
“Georgie!!! I can’t believe it! I am so happy, you always just with those pranks, I would’ve never thought…!
“Muuum!” George’s ears went red like a radish. “Stop, you’re choking me…!
“And you!” Mrs Weasley let go of George and now looked at you, pulling you into a warm hug, too. “My dear, I am so glad to meet you!
“It’s really nice to meet you, too, Mrs Weasley,” you said, while Ginny and Fred were holding back their laugh behind their mum’s back.
“How long has this been going on?” she asked.
“Forever,” said Fred, rolling his eyes.
“Y/N just finished with her O.W.L.s, mum,” said George, quickly changing the subject. “Probably gonna get ‘Outstanding’ for everything.”
He looked at you with pride in his eyes. You shook your head, smiling.
“Where do you want to work later, dear?” asked Mrs Weasley.
“Er — I’d like to get accepted to the ‘International Magical Trading Standards Body’ at the Ministry.”
“Yes, I think I’d be quite… good at that.”
George squeezed your hand and you had to fight a laugh.
“Oh, but that’s the same department as Percy’s!” said Mrs Weasley excitedly. “You know, my other son is working at the Ministry as well. He was Prefect and Head Boy — ”
“You already earned a good point in mum’s eyes,” said Fred, rolling his eyes again. “Percy’s the golden child.”
“Fred!” said Mrs Weasley, scolding.
After that, meeting with Bill was not a big deal; he smiled at you happily, shook your hand and he hit George in the back a few times to congratulate him. Then you all had lunch, like a big family.
After you finished eating, Ron, Hermione and Ginny went on to their next exams, while Harry, Bill and Mrs Weasley decided to go for a walk around the castle. You, George and Fred went down to the lake, throwing pieces of food into the water for the Giant Squid.
You sat down in the grass, leaning sleepily against the trunk of a tree. You were watching the twins as they played with the squid, tickling its tentacles whenever it reached out for them. You smiled to yourself. It was such a nice day.
When dinnertime came the whole school was vibrating from anticipation. When Harry stood up to join the champions, the Gryffindor table cheered with applause. And then everyone started make their way to the maze, the used to be quidditch pitch.
You walked with Ginny, looking for the best place to sit. You both wore a red and gold line of facepaint on your cheeks, not like the twins who wrote everything onto their faces what they could think of.
When Harry and Cedric entered the maze you all cheered, then not much later Krum and Fleur disappeared as well. The crowd fell silent, shivering with anticipation in the setting sun.
“Enjoying the show, ladies?” Fred leaned closer as they sat down with George next to you.
“Yes, it’s amazing, watching bushes for an hour,” said Ginny. You laughed.
“Who do you think it’ll be?” asked George.
“Harry,” said Ginny. You grinned at her and she elbowed you in the ribs.
“Bouncing nougat, Y/N?” said Fred, holding a bag out for you. You shook your head.
“No, thanks. I’d rather eat some popcorn.”
“Really? That’s pretty basic,” he shrugged.
“Excuse me?” you said frowning at him. “What is that suppose to mean?”
“Careful now, Freddie,” said George grinning, not taking his eyes off the maze while chewing on a nougat.
“I’m just saying, muggles tend to stick to the basics.”
“Good thing she’s not a muggle, then,” answered Ginny in a dry voice. Fred shook his head.
“No, that’s not what I meant! Y/N, I know you’re brilliant, I’m just saying sometimes you really can see how they miss magic.”
“Really?” you raised your eyebrows. “Muggles have done many things wizards can’t even dream of doing.”
“Yeah? Like what?”
“Like sending a bloody rocketship to the moon.”
There was a sudden silence from all the three Weasleys. Then George shook his head in denial.
“That’s not true!”
“Yes, it is. Wait — ” you started laughing. “Wait, don’t tell me you didn’t know this! That’s unbelievable!”
“It’s not funny,” said Fred pouting. “It’s not even true, you’re just making this up to tease us!”
“Look!” Ginny, alongside with a handful of people, pointed towards the maze. “Red sparks!”
“Someone must be in trouble,” said George. “Maybe their rocketship has got stuck.”
“Oh, shut up. When I’m home I’m gonna collect the articles and prove it to you.”
“Who do you think it can be?” asked Ginny. Fred shrugged.
“We’re about to see.”
The teachers who flew above the maze on broomsticks were now coming back, helping the dirty clothed, tired Fleur to the ground. The crowd gave her a polite applause.
“That’s four galleons and two sickles to us,” mumbled Fred.
Now it was completely dark, torches alongside the seats and the maze were set up to light the ground. People were more eager by the second. Some already stood up in their seats, ready to be the first who sees the returning champion. For half an hour nothing happened. And then suddenly a blue light was forming in the middle of the grass, the portkey lit up, and there came Harry, with Cedric.
You stood up and started cheering and happily joined the crowd that was rushing down from their seats towards the Hogwarts champions. Everyone seemed to be in awe, trumpets and horns were playing joyful music and every face was just bright with ecstasy…
And then you saw it.
Someone screamed. And the music stopped.
You had no idea what you were seeing, still, you knew exactly what it was. Harry was holding him… it to the ground, reaching for it when Dumbledore tried to pull him away.
“He’s back! He’s back! Voldemort’s back! Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back! I couldn’t leave him. Not there!”
He was sobbing. You stood there, shocked, staring at the empty eyes of the boy who an hour ago was waving to the crowd. You started backing away, bumping into George and stepping on his foot. He put one arm around your chest. You grabbed it tight, unable to think.
“The body must be moved, Dumbledore!” said Fudge. “Too many people…”
And then Amos Diggory started screaming. He ran down the isle, pushed people away as he made his way to his dead son. He kept on wailing in pain like a never ending nightmare.
Moody took Harry away. For minutes you just stood there until you felt someone pulling your arm. You felt yourself walking but couldn’t see where you were going. You were just following the hand leading you.
“ — I have to. Fred, George, take care of Ginny. And Y/N! I visit you as soon as I can! Don’t leave the common room!”
You saw stairs before your eyes. Then you felt yourself climbing them. Loads. Then someone mumbled something, a portrait opened, and you stepped inside the common room.
It was like when a bubble pops. You took a sudden breath and looked around, students all around talking, some crying. You turned your head to Ginny; she was already in Fred’s arms, tears running down on her cheeks. You felt shortage of air. You couldn’t breath. You started panting.
“Hey…Shh,” George took you in his arms and held you tightly. He kept whispering in your ears in a quivering voice. “Shh… it’s alright… breathe, Y/N… breathe…”
You raised your head to look him in the eye. His face was pale as winter snow. You needed a few long seconds before you finally were able to inhale enough air to speak. Your voice felt weak and scared.
“What… What did he mean…”
“I don’t know,” he said, fear in his eyes. “I don’t… Mum,” he said looking at Fred. He nodded. “Mum said to wait for her.”
“I want to sit down,” sobbed Ginny and Fred lead her to an armchair in the corner. George took you there as well, sitting down and pulling you in his lap at once. You rested your head on his chest. You couldn’t close your eyes. All you could see was Cedric.
He’s back! He’s back! Voldemort’s back!
You tried to focus on George’s heartbeat and breathe alongside with it. It was extremely difficult.
The four of you were sitting in the corner for a long time, when McGonagall finally appeared. Her face was pale, lips in a thin line, her voice shaky when she spoke. The common room went quiet at once. “Mr Potter is alright and now resting in the hospital wing. There is nothing much we can do today about… about Mr Diggory’s death. Professor Dumbledore will share further information later. Now, please…” her face changed expression, almost looked like a worrying mother as she looked at her students. “Please, try and get some sleep. We will give you further notice in the morning.”
And she left. Ginny was now not crying, she was sitting still, staring at the people in the room. You locked eyes with Fred who was sitting on Ginny’s armrest. You had never seen his face like this. He stared at you for a bit then he said in a kind tone, “How’s it hanging, Y/N?”
You didn’t say anything. You couldn’t. You did a weird gesture which was inbetween a headshake and a nod, and you leaned back onto George’s chest. He was gently massaging your wrist.
People started to take McGonagall’s advice. Fewer and fewer stayed at the tables, but you four were holding on. Mrs Weasley said to wait for her, so you did. Ginny closed her eyes, you weren’t sure if she was sleeping or not. You also drifted away a few times, waking up suddenly. After two in the morning Fred and George started talking in a low whisper. It was half past three when the Fat Lady swung open and Mrs Weasley stepped in.
All four of you looked at her in great anticipation. It was only you in the common room now.
“How’s Harry?” asked George.
“He’s sleeping. Ron and Hermione stays with him. I’ll go back, too, I just need to say a few things first.”
“What’s gonna happen, mum?” asked Fred.
Mrs Weasley took a deep breath, ignored the question and started saying something else.
“Now, listen to me. What I say now is going to stay strictly between us. From now on, your safety is more important than ever. Because… Because He Who Must Not Be Named is back.”
Ginny’s lip trembled. Mrs Weasley continued.
“Now, certain things will be handled during the summer. But we’ll talk about that when the time comes. Now I want you all to take care of each other, and don’t listen to anything anyone but Dumbledore says. We need to be careful. It seems as the Ministry is not on our side.”
You felt as though it was just a horrible dream. A terrifying, sickening dream.
“I need to leave tomorrow, but I’ll pick you up at King’s Cross, as ususal. Y/N” she looked at you. “You are more than welcome to spend the summer with us. Hermione’s coming, too.” She looked back at her kids. “We’re going to sort everything out with your father when I’m home.”
She stood up, kissing Ginny and hugging Fred. Then she patted your hand.
“Go up and sleep. All of you. I need to go. And take care of each other!”
And with that she left the four of you alone.
After the memorial for Cedric you had nothing else to do than packing your trunk and saying goodbye to your four-poster for another two months. On the train back home you sticked closely to George and Fred, not wasting a minute that you could still spend with the twins. You were in the same compartment with Harry, Ron and Hermione and played cards all the way to King’s Cross. The twins even told them the story of Bagman, who now was apparently on the run because of his huge debt.
When the train stopped, you prepared yourself to leave to the muggle world, but every step felt as heavy as a mountain. The twins quickly caught up to you after talking with Harry about something. Your stomach hurt with anxiety as you walked through the barrier.
You weren’t looking for him just yet; first you went to Mrs Weasley who hugged you and told you again how she was looking forward to have you over the summer. You thanked her and managed to force a smile on your lips.
“Are they picking you up, dear?” she asked. You nodded, finally glancing over the crowd, looking for that specific face, that specific frown, that specific scornful expression.
You spotted it and your stomach dropped.
“Well… I guess I’ll see you, Mrs Weasley.”
“Goodbye, my dear.”
“Bye Y/N,” Fred hugged you quickly, nothing much, nothing over the top. He grinned at you. “See you soon.”
“Come here,” said George while everyone said goodbye to Harry and Hermione. “Write me as soon as you’re home. And tomorrow. And after that. And…”
“After that?” you laughed weakly. “I only have one owl, you know.”
Peanut was looking at you from his cage. George shrugged.
“I guess I have to write back to you every single day, then.”
He gave a small peck onto your hand, then placed a tender kiss on your lips as well.
You knew if you had to look at him again, you’d never be able to leave. You turned away, waved to Ginny and pulled your trunk towards your father who was waiting by the entrance. He was just standing there, watching you approaching him. He looked like a statue.
“Good afternoon,” you said. You got a grunt in return.
“Let’s go, girl. I’m not carrying the bird.”
“I know.”
He started walking and you followed him to the car. You opened the trunk and put all your stuff inside except the cage. Just about when your father was getting in the car, you heard footsteps on the pavement.
You jerked your head towards George in fear.
“I forgot to give you my…”
Your father looked at the boy and his wand hanging out from his pocket.
“…adresss,” he finished in an uncertain tone. You stepped forward quickly and snatched the piece of parchment out of his hand.
“Thank you,” you said quickly and pushed him away. “Now go. Please.”
You did everything so that your father would not cause a scene in the middle of the street. George looked at you, confused. Then he saw your father, too.
“George, please, go,” you begged him, whisper-shouting. “I’ll write, please, go!”
He backed away slowly, now giving a sly eye to your father. Then he turned away and you finally were able to sit into the car.
“Foul people,” your father said as he started the engine.
You pressed your lips together and looked out the window, fighting your tears.
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triptychexe · 4 years ago
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TITLE: Start SUMMARY: The start of Teo and Kim Taehui’s love story. WORD COUNT: 3.5k GENRE: fluff! PAIRING: Teo x Kim Taehui  WARNINGS: none! other than it being poorly edited. A/N: Please find Kim Taehui and the other Neostar Entertainment artists mentioned at @neostar-entertainment! Thank you David for proof reading + editing and making this collaboration so fun :(( !! 
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“Ugh, mine tastes weird.” Taehui made a face, recoiling himself at the taste of his coffee. He offered the straw to Teo, who sat next to him stiffly. Teo just gave a short shake of his head. He wasn’t sure if he could stomach anything right now. 
Taehui gave the other man a questioning look. Teo rarely declined Taehui’s coffee offers. “Injung, what’s up?”  Injung gave a little huff. If you told him a month ago that he’d be on a first-name basis with one of his favorite singers, Teo would have laughed in your face. Now he was sitting in Taehui’s home, watching as the artists of Neostar Entertainment conversed among themselves while they waited for Taehui to present his album. 
Injung was used to having his work be put in the hot seat, but he didn’t know what kind of reactions the artists of Neostar would have. Would they be blunt about their opinions? Sugar coat their reactions? Sit with a poker face? 
“I just... Don’t know what to expect. That’s all.” Injung said, rolling up the cuffs of his button down shirt anxiously. Taehui hummed in understanding.  “Don’t worry too much. The kids are all softies.” The CEO grinned fondly. “And I think the album will be a pleasant surprise for them.” 
Injung gave a short chuckle, remembering the day that Hak Bonghwa called him to his office for a 'pleasant surprise' that ended up changing his life. 
Teo can still remember how hard his hands shook, causing his coffee to teeter over the lip of the cup as he sat across from his boss. Hak Bonghwa was reasonable for the most part, but Teo never really knew when it came to the older man. To Injung, a pleasant surprise would be getting an Edible Arrangement. To Bonghwa, a pleasant surprise could be military enlistment with a friend of his choosing.
"I have some exciting news." Hak Bonghwa had said, a proud smile on his face. "You've been requested." 
Injung arched his eyebrow at the vague explanation. 
"Requested for what? A birthday party? A wedding?" Teo wondered.
Hak Bonghwa chuckled. "Not quite." He crossed one of his legs over the other in a dignified way. "Kim Taehui from Neostar Entertainment is looking for new writers on his upcoming album... He requested you to be one of them." 
Injung's brain melted. Kim Taehui, one of his favorite musical artists, wanted him to write for his album? Kim Taehui knew who he was? The concept was mind boggling. Teo placed his coffee cup down before he dropped it in shock. 
"Wait, hold on... Let me get this straight." Injung licked his lower lip and stretched his hands out in front of him, ready to animate his thoughts. "Kim Taehui contacted you? Did you respond?" 
"Oh, yes, right away." Hak Bonghwa nodded importantly. "I told him you'd be delighted. You're scheduled for a meeting tomorrow at one at Neostar Entertainment's building." 
"You-" Injung thought he was going to pass out from all the information he was being given. "You said yes? Before asking me?"
Hak Bonghwa frowned, giving Injung a pointed look. "This is good for you, Injung. You need to start thinking of your future. You're too talented to not pursue lyric writing after you retire. Being credited for songs other than your own makes you look more professional."
Injung opened his mouth to argue that he wasn't sure if his abilities were good enough for Kim Taehui, but Hak Bonghwa cut him off.
"Just be ready for tomorrow. I'd bring sample writing if I was you, just to give an example of what you can do. And wear blue. Blue is your color." Hak Bonghwa smiled. 
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Teo drummed his fingers on the outside of the bag sitting on his lap. The Neostar Entertainment building was really nice and clean, with it’s sleek white walls and high ceilings. The receptionist at the front desk seemed pleased to meet him too. She even shook his hand. Injung wasn't sure if Seongja, the elderly woman who worked as HBH's receptionist, ever shook anyone's hand. This place was so different from HBH Entertainment, and maybe that’s why Teo was so nervous. He felt out of place already, like he wasn’t supposed to be in here, despite the visitors badge pinned to his blue sweater. 
"Park Injung?" A smooth voice bounced off the sleek walls. Teo sat upright, his brain kicking into high gear as he realized who addressed him. 
Standing tall in a crisp suit was Kim Taehui. A kind smile painted on the man's face as he extended his hand. Teo's brain was a few seconds behind, trying to comprehend his current reality. 
Teo rose hastily to bow, accidentally knocking his bag over in the process. Hundreds of papers flew out from folders, scattering across the pristine lobby floor. Teo’s cheeks burned in mortification. So much for making a good impression. 
"I'm sorry!" Injung apologized quickly, scurrying to pick up his work. He shook his head at the floor, forcing out a mirthless chuckle. "I brought samples of writing for you to look at..."
Teo looked up from his mess to see, in horror, that Taehui was reading one of his notes carefully. A small smile curled up on the CEO's lips as his eyes scanned further and further down the page. 
Taehui held up the paper with a smile. "If this is just a sample, I might have to raise your pay." The CEO chuckled before angling his head towards the elevators. "Let's get started, shall we?" 
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Injung thought his hand was going to fall off. For the past four hours, he's been slaving over this one song for Taehui. He dropped his pen and took a wary glance at the clock on his desk. It was nearing four in the morning. Thank God Triptych was on hiatus, otherwise he'd have to get up in three hours for practice, and this piece wasn't even finished. 
If it was a Triptych song, he would have gone to bed hours ago. If it wasn't completed, he knew he could rely on other members the next morning to help him work out the kinks. But for this song, he wanted it to be absolutely perfect. 
At one in the morning, Teo had convinced himself that he was working this hard because it was for another person, and he wanted to create something that would satisfy them.
At three in the morning, Teo reasoned that it was because he was writing for Kim Taehui, and that's why it was justifiable to skip on a few hours of sleep. 
Now, at four, Teo realized just why he was breaking his back over Taehui.
He wanted recognition. Kim Taehui was someone Teo looked up to, and after spending the day with him that afternoon, Injung only developed a deeper idolization of the CEO. Everything Taehui did was admirable. From the way he casually interacted with his artists to the way he put so much work into running a business that was true to his values. Taehui was caring, funny, and ambitious. Teo wasn't sure he'd ever met someone so lovely in his life. And that's why he wanted Taehui to approve of him. He wanted the seal of approval from someone lovely.
With the thought of Taehui in mind, Teo finished the song at around six in the morning. Once he placed the pen down for the last time, exhaustion fell over him. He was crawling into bed just as he heard Van's alarm go off from next door. Even with Van's clunking around, Teo had no problem drifting off into a deep sleep.
It felt like only moments had passed when Teo was being shaken awake. Teo blinked the sleep out of his eyes to see Van leaning over him. 
"Injung, it's noon." Van said feverently.
"So?" Injung asked in a groggy groan, his brain still fuzzy from his sleep.
"You have a meeting at Neostar in thirty." Van reminded him. 
Teo's body felt like it had been dunked in cold water. He sat up quickly, instantly reaching for his phone. Sure enough, it was 12:02 pm. He already should have left for Neostar Entertainment. He was going to be late.
Teo flung himself out of bed, pulling on a sweater over the clothes he wore and slept in the night before. He was moving so fast that Van only had time to stuff a granola bar in his back pocket before he flew out the door.
He arrived at Neostar at 12:40pm, ten minutes late. Teo was panting heavily when Taehui opened his office door. Taehui looked Teo up and down in concern.
"Everything okay, Injung?" 
"Just..." Teo took a deep inhale, trying to steady out his own breathing. "Just got here... Sorry... Running... Running late." 
Taehui nodded in understanding. He gestured with his hands for Teo to relax. "No worries," The CEO stepped aside. "Come in." 
Injung sat at one of the couches in the office, placing his overstuffed folders and notes on the coffee table for Taehui to see. Now that he caught his breath, excitement for Taehui's reaction was setting in. He couldn't wait for the older man to read what he had come up with last night. 
"I worked on this all night!" Injung exclaimed, opening one of the folders to show a finished lyric write up. He shook his head in amazement at himself as he organized his papers. “Injung,” Taehui furrowed his eyebrows at the statement.   “Okay, maybe not all night. But I must have worked like, nearly eight hours on these." Injung shrugged, pulling out some of his lyrics excitedly. “I think you'll like them though.” 
"Injung," Taehui said softly, sitting across from the idol. Teo looked up, a smile still on his face, anticipating any praise that might come out of Taehui’s mouth next.
"You can't do this anymore, okay?" Taehui said seriously. "I appreciate the hard work, but losing sleep over some songs..." 
"Well, I don't mind." Injung shook his head, trying to change the course that this conversation had taken. He didn’t mean to raise any concern. "It only took so long because I was having trouble with the beats.” 
"Yeah but... We have other lyricists on the team who could have filled in the blanks for you." Taehui reminded him gently. Teo's expression faltered, embarrassment falling over him. How could he forget that Taehui had a whole team of writers backing him? Teo got so caught up in the excitement of this project that he forgot that it wasn't just something exclusively for Taehui and him to work on. 
"Oh. Right." Teo blushed. "Yeah, that's... that's what writers do, right?" 
"Right." Taehui affirmed. He looked at all the papers in front of him, running his fingertips over the handwritten lyrics. "How about you leave these here and go back home? Get some sleep." 
Injung's heart dropped like he'd been insulted. He had been looking forward to coming to Neostar since he left yesterday. He couldn't just turn around and leave now. Plus, Taehui’s presence was magnetic. He wanted to spend just a little bit more time with him. 
"I want to stay." Injung said stubbornly. 
"That's really not necessary." Taehui shook his head. 
"After all I've done, I don't want to just be turned away." Injung stood his ground. "How do I know you won't just throw my papers out once I leave?" 
Taehui furrowed his eyebrows at the younger idol, a crease forming between them. "I'd never do that." 
Teo leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "These songs are my babies. At least let me stay to see you record the demos." 
Taehui lost the argument. The two of them claimed a recording booth and got to work. Teo's energy only lasted through the demo recording. Once Taehui and he started working on the composition of the song, the vocalist finally hit the wall. 
Injung's eyes started to involuntarily get heavier and heavier. He rubbed his eyes impatiently as a loud yawn forced itself from his chest. Injung tried to cover it up by angling his head downward towards the desk, pretending to focus on the notes he had written down during the recording.
"Hey," Taehui dipped his head to catch Injung's eyes. "Are you tired?" 
"Don't lie to me," Taehui smirked. "Your eyes are bloodshot." 
"Yeah, well..." Teo's argument faded as he rubbed at one of his eyes irritably. 
"Go sleep on the couch." Taehui suggested, nodding his head towards the couch pressed against the wall behind them.
Injung arched his eyebrows at Taehui. "I don't need a nap." 
"God, you're stubborn." Taehui shook his head, a small smile on his face. He turned his attention back to his production software. "Fine. I guess I'll just have to ask you to leave the building, then." 
"You can't do that." Injung spluttered.
"Oh, yes I can." Taehui chortled. "I own this building. I can kick whoever I want out.” 
"So, what? My options are take a nap on the couch that all your artists have sat on or be sent home?" Teo asked, his eyebrow arched in disbelief. 
"The choice is yours." Taehui shrugged, his back still to Teo as he focused on clipping audio and layering his demo track.
Teo shook his head in amazement. He pushed his chair back and made his way to the couch, flopping down on the leather cushions. 
"That's what I thought." Taehui teased, finally turning around in his seat to look at Teo. Something in Teo's chest bubbled, a smile forming on Injung's face.
"Shush." He responded, turning away from the CEO to face the back cushions. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the fluttering feeling in his chest whenever he heard Taehui hum along to the melody of their song. 
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Teo was brought back to the present when Taehui suddenly stood from his seat on the couch. He clapped his hands together, getting the attention of his artists. Silence fell over the group of idols, all attention on Taehui. 
“I think it’s time we start the first listen of my newest album-”  A polite applause broke out among the artists with a few wolf whistles. Teo laughed and clapped along, including himself in the praise for the CEO. Taehui smiled appreciatively before continuing. 
“This album has been my most exciting project. I am so honored to have worked along side some of the best producers,” Taehui gestured to the group of older colleagues by the minibar, who raised their glasses in appreciation.  “Composers,” Taehui continued, gesturing to another group of people towards the back of the room, who gave a polite wave.  “And writers.” Taehui focused his attention on Teo. Injung felt his heart do flips as Taehui gave him the biggest smile before giving a subtle wink. 
“Without them, this album wouldn’t be anything worth sharing with you all. Now, please enjoy.” Taehui gave a short and polite bow before pulling a sleek remote out of his pocket. Through the speakers situated around the room, the first chords of the title track sang out. The artists all gathered in clumps, enjoying their food and talking in low tones so they could give the album a close listen.
“Hey,” A voice whispered. Teo looked over his shoulder. Yeonjin of Empyrean Moon had his arms placed on the back of the sofa Teo was sitting on, a huge smile stretched across his face. A hand extended to Teo.  “I’m Yeonjin. Nice to meet you.” Yeonjin said boldly, shaking the elder’s hand excitedly. “Big fan of your work.”
“Oh, thank you.” Teo accepted the compliment, a smile tugging at his lips. “I have a question for you.” Yeonjin asked, glancing quickly over his shoulder. Next to the fondue fountain was a group of boys, all looking over with a mixture of anxiety and amusement. Teo recognized them as the rest of Empyrean Moon. The singer could feel his nerves rising. What was Yeonjin about to ask him, exactly? 
“What’s between you and our CEO? Are you guys like, a thing?” Yeonjin asked with a head tilt. The question sounded so innocent and genuine, but Teo couldn’t help but feel defensive.  “What?” He asked. “No. The CEO and I are just good colleagues.” 
“Hm.” Yeonjin seemed unimpressed by the response. The younger’s eyes flickered up. Teo followed his gaze to see Taehui, sipping on golden champagne while making small talk with a guest. Taehui’s eyes fluttered over to where Teo and Yeonjin were, a small smirk quirking on his lips before giving Teo a second wink. Then his gaze returned to the guest he was supposed to be talking to, but even Teo could tell that Taehui was feigning interest. 
“Imagine getting two winks in one night.” Yeonjin said, almost wistfully. “Must feel nice being the center of Kim Taehui’s attention.”  Teo furrowed his eyebrows at the younger boy, not understanding. “Don’t make things up. There’s nothing going on between me and Taehui. We’re strictly business partners.”
Yeonjin looked like he wanted to say more, but instead he shook his head. “Okay. Fine. Sorry for making you uncomfortable.” He looked over his shoulder at his friends, who were now dipping various snacks into the fondue machine with childlike interest. 
“Do you think you’ll be doing more business with Neostar in the future?” Yeonjin asked, his expression looking almost pleading. 
“Maybe. You’ll have to ask your CEO for that.” Injung said, bringing his cup to his lips. 
“I will. You’re really gifted and cool. I don’t want Taehui hogging all your talent.” Yeonjin said sweetly. “Plus, I’ve gotten used to seeing you in the Neostar cafeteria. I’ll miss you if you’re gone for too long.” 
Teo wasn’t sure how to respond to that sentimental confession, but thankfully he didn’t have to. Haeju, a member of Honey Moon, was waving her hands to get people’s attention over the music.
“I put the jello shots out, if anyone wants some!” She whisper-yelled. A swarm of Neostar artists flooded to the dining room, including the Empyrean members. 
“Gotta go.” Yeonjin said hurriedly. “Nice talking to you, Mr. Teo. I’ll see you!” 
Teo watched as he meshed in with the crowd, eventually disappearing from sight. 
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The party ended on a slightly rowdier note than Teo was expecting for a first listen party. After the last song played, Taehui gave one last speech to his now-drunken artists, thanking Teo once again. Then the artists started filtering out in groups. Before long, it was only Teo and Taehui left over. 
Teo made himself useful and helped clean up the mess, despite Taehui insisting that he shouldn’t. The apartment turned into a party zone, every surface of the place littered with plastic cups of half-empty drinks. It didn’t feel right leaving Taehui to clean up the mess on the night of his own listening party. 
The two worked in silence, picking up discarded trays and plates and bringing them to the kitchen. Teo wanted to say something, but his conversation with Yeonjin was still replaying in his head, hours later. What made Yeonjin, and the rest of Empyrean Moon, think that Teo was the center of Taehui’s attention? Was there something there that Teo hadn’t noticed? His reevaluation of everything Taehui has said to him over the past month fueled his silent cleaning, taking his confusion out on the dirty hors d'oeuvres plate with a sponge. 
“I think this was a success,” Taehui said with a chuckle, entering the kitchen and sliding next to Teo by the sink. “Everyone seemed to like our album.”  Teo gave Taehui a small smile. “I think you mean your album.”  “Right.” Taehui let out a small laugh, reaching for his own sponge.
The two worked in silence for a moment. Teo bit his lip before sharing the moment that defined his night.
“Yeonjin said he wants me to do more business with Neostar.” Teo shared, giving Taehui a sideways glance. When Taehui’s eyes met his, he looked back down to his soapy hands in embarrassment. “He said he’d miss seeing me in the Neostar cafeteria.” 
Taehui chuckled, turning the faucet on to clean off his plate. “That’s a very Yeonjin thing to say.” He said fondly. “But I’d miss you too.” 
Teo looked back up at Taehui, this time not breaking eye contact. Taehui hesitated before continuing.
“I know that the album is finished now,” Taehui said. “And that means I’ll probably be seeing less and less of you from now on, but I want to keep in touch.” 
Injung felt a smile tug at his lips, his stomach doing excited somersaults. “I do too.”
“Wanna get some coffee next week?” Taehui asked.
Teo narrowed his eyes playfully. “This sounds like a date.”  “It can be, if you want it to?” Taehui said, sounding a little nervous.
Teo felt his heart stutter. It wasn’t until Taehui said it out loud that Teo finally realized exactly what he wanted from Taehui. It wasn’t recognition, it wasn’t approval. It was him. He just wanted Kim Taehui and all the loveliness he had.
“Yeah. I want it to be.” Injung confirmed.
“Great.” Taehui smiled more confidently, nodding his head. “A date it is.” 
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evak-fic-rec-turtleanon · 4 years ago
Evak Fics - Christmas 2018
Christmas fics posted in 2018  (Includes non-English fics) 
Snön ligger vit på taken by MinilocIsland, Treehouse (In Svenska, 62k words) - Det här extrajobbet måste vara den bästa idén Isak någonsin har haft. Långa, ensamma nätter med massor av tid att plugga. Helt chill. Ingenting som stör. Tills den där långa, snygga regissören flyttar in i taksviten. 
Hele Norge Baker by MermaidsandMermen (61k words) - Are you brave enough to stay? Or strong enough to walk away? Isak Valtersen is neither, still reeling with guilt over leaving his little family, walking away from a life that was slowly suffocating him. He’s neither strong or brave, he’s a coward. Stupid, weak and easily led, with no idea how to make things right. He’s made himself a promise though, he is going to stay single and finally take control of his own life. He’s going to be happy. Work hard. Be the best father he can be, and he is never going to let himself get dragged into a relationship again. He’s been there, done that, and it’s not for him. He is going to have a quiet winter, a quiet Christmas and he is going to chill. Lick his wounds and for once just be himself. That’s the plan. 
The First Noel by colazitron (2k words) - Even's parents have a cabin in Hemsedal where the family traditionally spends Christmas. This year, Isak's coming with. 
Fucking Bieber by Kollakolan (6k words) - “So,” Elias starts. “You’ve decided to join us on Christmas Eve?” Isak just nods, as he is just about to take a sip. “Great. It’s not really that complicated. The baskets are already made; you’ll just pick them up and deliver them according to a list of addresses. Oh, and also, you need to be wearing at least a Santa’s hat.” “Since it’s Christmas specials and all,” Mikael adds. 
boys and boys and girls and girls by colazitron (2k words) - Noora meets a handsome boy at the Christmas market one day, but all is not she may have originally thought. 
The first star you see may not be a star by Laika_the_husband (53k words) - In this story of dark and woe Isak is a sex worker who specializes in services of not traditionally sexual nature. Want to watch someone sharpen a pencil really slowly, making a long twirly unbroken strip, for your kicks? Isak's your guy. He is good at his job and he likes it, and it pays the bills while he's studying civil engineering at the Met.It's also convenient that Isak doesn't have to actually touch any of his clients. Because he can't touch anybody, and nobody can touch him, or he'll freak out completely. One day, Isak goes to meet a client, and sees EvenStarr, the video artist whose stuff he loves. And his request is not the most bizarre, but the most disturbing one Isak has ever received. 
Christmas prompts by nofeartina (4k words) - Collection of prompts Tina wrote for on tumblr. 
The wish I wish tonight by imminentinertia (1k words) - A visit to Marianne, and a present, of sorts 
Jumpstart by colazitron (2k words) - Isak and Even spend their first Christmas just the two of them in Trondheim. 
What is the light by unsungyellowraincoat (1k words) - That year Mom can’t put up the Christmas tree. 
Santa Baby by Laika_the_husband (21k words) - Part 3. The story where the author suddenly found out Isak is polyamorous. And genderqueer. The POV changes every now and then. I'm making this to examine the poly Evak from various angles. 
Expiration Date by Treehouse (5k words) - In the midst if the December stress, Isak has to make use of the gift card Eskild gave him for Christmas last year. A gift card for a freaking massage. 
The Næsheims by Kollakolan (2k words) - “Well, you know the Næsheims?  ”Yes, Isak knows the Næsheims. Or rather, he knows of them, and he knows that Sana knows them. They have a restaurant down town where Sana’s brother works. They’ve gone by a couple of times when Sana needed to hand him keys or something. Isak also knows that the son in the Næsheim family is maybe the hottest guy in all of Oslo. Not that he has told anyone that he think’s so, but I mean come on, it’s not like Isak must spell it out. They have eyes. 
By Your Side by MinilocIsland (1k words) - Some Christmas traditions may not be what they seem, but it doesn't really matter. 
In una sera così serena by imminentinertia (2.6k words) - Isak has had quite enough of Christmas and it's only December 13. 
December 2018 by imminentinertia (Series, 6 Fics) 
bits and pieces of their love by cammm (Series) - One shots. All may not be Chrismassy. 
Ho Ho Ho!!! by MermaidsandMermen (5.5k words) - A big fundraising School Christmas Market, to raise the last bit needed for that big Revue. It will be great. Lots of local families coming to drink glogg and buy hotdogs and do stupid money pinching games. Yes and the kids can meet Santa. Sit on his lap and get a present. Such christmassy fun. 
one thing I really do need by colazitron (3.5k words) - Isak comes home from meeting the boys for some gløgg feeling festive and cheerful. 
Den lengste natta by hjertetssunnegalskap (Crazyheart) (In Norsk, 22k words) - Det er fredag den 21. desember 2018 og vintersolverv. Fruktbarhetsguden Frøy, i Evens skikkelse, må for første gang gjøre seg fortjent til den gaven han ønsker seg aller mest; kjærlighet. 18 år gamle Isak syns kjærligheten virker uoppnåelig, helt til han kommer hjem til Oslo på juleferie og besøker Jonas og Eva på kafeen Eldrimni. 
Gay Jesus by unsungyellowraincoat (1k words) - Eskild has an encounter. 
A New Tradition by bri_ness (1k words) - Lea has Isak and Even over for Christmas Eve. 
A different celebration by Kollakolan (3k words) - “We realized a few years ago that we were a few friends who never celebrated Christmas with our families. At first it was just me, Elias, Noora and one of Elias friends. But now usually some exchange students come along as well as other people that we find on the way.” “Like me?” Sana just smiles at him. 
Times like now by nofeartina (3k words) - Isak watches him, looks into Even’s eyes with what light’s left, watches his mouth go slack as Isak slowly puts his hand inside the fly and pulls out Even’s dick. He’s so hard. Isak wants to worship him, wants to show him how perfect he is. 
Warmth by bri_ness (557 words) - Isak doesn't know how to accept a Christmas present from his mom. 
From Spark to Flame by MinilocIsland (1.5k words) - He'd thought he'd be alone in the castle for Christmas as usual. This year, however, there's a slight disruption to Isak's Christmas plans. 
i wish for by hippopotamus (2k words) - Isak just wishes that one person would want to get to know him before they knew that he could do magic. 
i think i recognise your face but i've never seen you before by monsterandmana (1k words) - Even works in a coffee shop. Isak is on the coffee run. It's Christmas. 
Fotokalendern by Kollakolan (In Svenska, 12k words) - Tags says Christmas but not really so I’m not sure. 
The Magician by folerdetdufoler (3.6k words) - the "christmas magic" prompt 
Two truths and one tale by evak1isak (7.6k words) - Isak ends up in Eva's cabin for a Kosegruppa's New Year's Eve Party. And begins the new year with a new boyfriend. 
I'll be home for Christmas by teatrolley (9k words) - They’ve been in Trondheim for half a year now. But for Christmas, they’re coming home. Or: Sometimes the things you were running from become the things you want to run towards 
Merry Kiss My Ass (under the mistletoe) by TheGirlNoOneKnows5 (10k words) - Working in retail during the holiday season is a nightmare. Especially when Isak has to work right alongside his just friend and not at all crush, Even. Among freaky customers, secret santa presents and constant reminders of his one night of passion with Even, Isak doesnt know if he'll make it to the new year. If only he could figure out who was behind all the random mistletoes he keeps finding... 
The Magic of Christmas by wyoheartsmusic (4k words) - Isak hates his job - especially during Christmas; to be honest, he pretty much hates anything involved with Christmas. But then Even comes around and maybe he doesn't hate anything all that much 
o night divine by thekardemomme (4k words) - This is the first Christmas in nearly five years that he’s spending without Isak, and while he still decorated his apartment and bought eggnog and spent an excruciating amount of time wrapping all of his gifts perfectly, the hole in his heart hasn’t gone unnoticed. It creeps in every time he goes to ask Isak for a bow for his gifts, every time he comes home and has to turn on the Christmas lights himself because Isak wasn’t there to do it for him, every time he plays Christmas music much too loud because Isak isn’t studying in the other room and teasingly pleading for him to turn it down a few notches. It also creeps in when he sees Isak’s present sitting under the tree, neatly wrapped. It’s been wrapped for two months, actually. 
I'm Stuck on You by Twinklylightseverywhere (6k words) - Jonas lets out another nervous laugh. Isak wishes his best friend would shut up. “You two will take the spare room. Uh… with one bed.” “ONE BED?” Isak and Even both shout at the exact same time. “Merry Christmas!” 
Mine egne meninger by hjertetssunnegalskap (Crazyheart) (In Norsk, 17k words) - Eva kunne allerede kjenne hjertet banke raskere. Hun visste det var tullete, men med ett bare visste hun at hun kom til å slite med å dele rom med Vilde. Hun kom til å bli gående rundt en feberhet tåke og tenke på Vilde hele helga. Til ingen nytte. Fy faen. Dette kom jo til å bli en helt strålende romjulsferie.  I think this is an Evilde fic. 
Shall I Find No Other by ultimatelawrence (5k words) - Everyone is born with a compass on their body, inked into their skin and commonly on their inner left arm. Instead of pointing to north, the needle on the compass points in the direction of your true soulmate. Even wants to find his as soon as possible. 
hope you're wearing your best clothes by colazitron (2.6k words) - Even's original plan was to get Isak Harry Styles merch. One of those “treat people with kindness” sweatshirts because Isak likes being cosy and he likes Harry Styles and it's a nice slogan. 
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flameraven · 5 years ago
Good Omens Fic Rec Masterpost - Part Two
 Hello hello I have read MANY MORE fics in this fandom now so it’s time to add on to my previous recs. Part One can be found here: https://flameraven.tumblr.com/post/187742832545/good-omens-fic-recs-masterpost General info! No fics rated higher than M, and that’s usually for violence not sex. I headcanon the husbands as being in an asexual relationship, so any fics I rec will have no sex, or only have sexy stuff alluded to or briefly mentioned.
The Soft Zone (TM)
all the days - G / darcylindbergh
War of Attrition- G / out_there / 8k - 3 gifts Crowley gives Aziraphale
A Meddling of Houseplants - T/ wingedspirit / 6k - Ophelia (a peace lily) is tired of Crowley and Aziraphale’s hopeless pining, and takes matters into her own leaves.
Sweetest in the Gale - T / wingedspirit / 3.8k - Gabriel can sense Aziraphale’s love for Crowley, and confronts “Aziraphale” about it before his execution
Deck the Halls - G / forthegreatergood / 18k - two idiots attempt to acquire mistletoe for the holidays in order to convey their feelings for the other.
Tartan Wrapping Paper - G / Arej / 2k - Crowley may not have quite gotten the message about the tartan all those years ago
a prize-winning philodendron - G / Elsajeni / <1k - Crowley does look, and sighs heavily. “Angel,” he says, “of all the plants you could have tried keeping, why did you start with something this fussy?”
Silver and Gold - G / asparkofgoodness / 1.5k - Crowley buys a ring.
Futile Devices - G / ticketybye / 3k - Yes, Crowley has imagined. He has craved. But being in Aziraphale’s close proximity has had to be enough. He’s not even sure he deserves that. But this, this feels like it felt to be commissioned the stars. It feels like being entrusted with something precious and fragile.
The Weight of Words Unspoken - G / rattatatosk / 1.8k - Aziraphale has always hinted to Crowley when he needed to leave. After the Apoca-wasn’t, he asks Crowley to stay.
J’Aime (I Love) - G / yourpaceangel - Crowley is searching for what the ‘J’ means.
the other way round - G / darcylindbergh / <1k - Aziraphale gets hair pets for once.
Take My Hand (Take My Whole Life Too) - G / soft_october / 1.5k - Crowley is trying not to go to fast, ends up stalled out completely. Aziraphale decides he will have to get creative. 
In Good Hands - G / Sunjinjo / 14k - Aziraphale was created wearing a golden ring. It’s now the last remaining aspect of his original attire.One day, he tries to take it off. The rest follows naturally. (Marriage Proposal)
One Golden Glance (Of What Should Be) - G / Sunjinjo / 8.5k - Crowley takes up painting after the Apocalypse.
Misfit / Safe Haven - G / Mothfluff / 2k - Aziraphale provides a safe space for the Soho queer community to gather
seasons, changes - G / the_pen_is_mightier / 2k - In the autumn Aziraphale and Crowley go out apple picking.
on the necessity of a temptation - M / darcylindbergh / 4.5k - Crowley squinted at him. He said, slowly, as if sounding around the words [...] “But doing things is what we do. Why would—what would be the point of me being here otherwise?”
In Other Words, Baby, Kiss Me - T / mikkimouse / 4.5k - Five times Aziraphale kissed Crowley and one time Crowley (finally) kissed him back.
It's Getting Hard, This Holding Back - T / ZehWulf / 13k - Crowley decides to lure Aziraphale into Explicit Gestures of Romantic Affection. Aziraphale sets a cuddle trap
give you more to hold on to - T / cryptidkidprem / 4k - Crowley nods. "It's..." He looks down at their joined hands, and takes a long, deep breath. “We’re not— We’re not supposed to need this, y’know?” He lifts their joined hands up, lets them fall again. “You and I. Angels, demons. We're not meant to need all this. This touchy-feely stuff, all this affection, this—” a hitch in his breath— “Love.”
two parallel lines -lineffability
don’t let me wake up - acuteangleaziraphale
how to let go - jlmarch
Mornington Crescent -politeanarcy
Symmetry in Favor - G / kedreeva / 8k - Five times Crowley preens Aziraphale's wings, and one time Aziraphale preens Crowley's.
London Calling - G / forthegreatergood / 30k - Come for Crowley’s ridiculous 1970′s bed, stay for Feelings and extensive wing pets.
Be Ye Therefore Merciful - T / AmberDiceless / 9.5k - Book!Verse. Crowley does something utterly unexpected, and Aziraphale must face an opponent who cannot be thwarted.
Pigeon Girlfriends with a Long Preamble - T / SleepySelfLoathing / 8k - All Crowley wanted was to spend a nice night in with his husband, so of course he ends up summoned by a bunch of cultists instead. Why would he expect anything different....This would probably be a lot easier to deal with if he wasn't wearing Aziraphale's fluffiest bathrobe.
All Creatures that Have the Breath of Life - G / Elsajeni / 4k - Aziraphale fishes a very sodden Crawly out of the water during the Flood.
Touched by an Angel (And it Bloody Hurts) - G  /hedgehog-o-brien / 7k - Aziraphale can’t touch Crowley without burning him.
Douse the Fire, Help Me Breathe  - G / Arej / 1.5k - Even demons fear fire, when they've watched their world burn.
In a City Under Aerial Bombardment  - G / battle_cat / 3k - After the church and the bomb and the books.
Small Mercies - G / rattatatosk / 4k - Crawly gets smited. Aziraphale lends a hand.
Easier Than Air - G / A_Candle_For_Sherlock / 3.5k - The world hasn't ended, and everything is fine. They're fine. It's terrifying.
attachment - T / artenon / 4.5k - Crowley crosses over to open the passenger door for Aziraphale, and Aziraphale’s attention is drawn to Crowley’s uneven gait, the light, too-quick steps and the rocking back and forth on his heels as he holds the door open and waits for Aziraphale to get in.“Oh, Crowley,” Aziraphale says, heart sinking, “your feet.”
Hell Freezes Over - M / charliebrown1234 + Turcote / 18k - The year is 2002, and Crowley and Aziraphale are sent to Alaska to investigate a decommissioned entrance to Hell. What could possibly go wrong? 
Better The Demon You Know - T / mikkimouse / 1.2k - When Crawly falls out of the sky and into the flood, he gets help from a very unexpected source.
Gently, gently - G / the_pen_is_mightier / 3k - Heaven is cold and lonely. Hell is filthy and crowded. Aziraphale badly needs to be touched; Crowley needs fresh air, and light, and space. They can’t seem to connect on days after they’ve returned from their respective head offices.
Of Firsts and Foremosts  - T / kedreeva / 6k - Aziraphale is left vulnerable and injured as his first molt approaches. Crawly comes to the rescue for the first time.
The Brazen Serpent - T / ImprobableDreams900 / 11k - Some other angels come to help Aziraphale at the end of the Isrealites’ 40-year exile in the wilderness, unfortunately for Crawley.
hold my hand tight (we'll make it another night) - G / cryptidkidprem / 3k - The night at Crowley’s flat. He’s having a hard time not panicking.
Harbours of My Own - T / wingedspirit / 30k - Crowley knows that, as a demon, his freedom is limited. He doesn't get to have a home; he doesn't get to love. Aziraphale would very much like to change that, but he, too, is limited in what he can do. It takes the better part of six thousand years, but they'll get there.
crack me open, feel me shatter - T / rattatatosk / 2.5k - Crowley dreams of the Fall. Aziraphale is there to catch him when he wakes.
Angst (w/a Happy Ending)
Where His Angel Dares to Tread - M / PinkPenguinParade / 16k - Crowley is taken by Hell. Aziraphale disguises himself as best he can for the rescue mission. Newt and Anathema help.
Remembrance of Things Past - T / Fyre / 18k - Hell takes Crowley’s memories all the way back to Eden as punishment for his crimes.
Drunk Theology - G / battle_cat / 3k - Aziraphale had been hoping tonight for Giggly Drunk Crowley, which was his favorite drunk Crowley. That didn’t seem to be how things were working out, though.
Like a River Flows - T / kedreeva / 15k - Five times Crowley was not allowed to love Aziraphale, and one time he succeeded.
The Cultivation of New Growth - T / Vitreous_humor / 3k - “I mean,” he said carefully, “if you want a plant, let me give you one of the snake plants or maybe the big coleus. They'd be good for the shop, pretty stalwart in the dark...You don't want this one, it's rotten.” “Actually,” Aziraphale said firmly, “I do want that one.”
The Holy Essence of Experience - T / Dragonsquill / 4k - They know how they feel, but giving it a name would be too dangerous.   Ineffable husbands from the beginning to the end of the world, aware and wanting.
be mine tonight (be mine forever) - T / artenon / 11k - Human!AU. When Aziraphale finds out his coworkers have made a bet that he won’t bring anyone to the company party, he asks his best friend Crowley to go as his date just to spite them. Things quickly spiral out of control.
Siren’s Song - T / kedreeva / 30k+ (WIP) - Siren!AU. Crowley, a lone siren, calls a ship to wreck upon his reef, but finds when he meets pirate captain Aziraphale that sirens are not the only ones able to lure another creature to their heart's desire.
Adopt Don’t Shop - G / lucky_spike / 6k - Cat!AU based on Chekov’s “Good Meowmons” comics.
The Ones Who Walk Away From Nevaeh  - T / soft_october / 15k - AU based on “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”
The Grinch Who Sold Christmas - T / darcylindbergh / 60k - Human AU / Hallmark Movie AU. Crowley is a big city lawyer sent to seal the deal that will destroy the quaint town of Tadfield forever, right before Christmas... and then he falls in love with the town, and a certain bookshop owner. Ridiculously sappy fluff that hits all the right notes.
The Odd One Out  T / RainyDayDecaf / 2k- A meeting of many different Crowleys and Aziraphales.
Beat Again - T / TeaCub90 / 7k - Human AU. Two neighbours keep each other and their respective conditions company in the dead of night
Outsider POV
Ophidiophobia - G / lyricwritesprose / 7.6k - Pepper is afraid of snakes. When this is abruptly revealed in an encounter with Crowley’s serpent form, she immediately goes about trying to cure herself of it.
What’s in a Name? - G / lyricwritesprose / 4k -  “You do realize,” Brother Francis said, “that Warlock is just your name, not some sort of, of directive?”
Damaged - G / lyricwritesprose / 6k - Aziraphale is struggling after the Apocalypse. Madam Tracy offers some advice. (Very good spooky/nonhuman Aziraphale in this one.)
Angel’s Favor - T/ PinkPenguinParade / 10k - A hundred years ago, Aziraphale gave one of his feathers to a woman who helped him. In the modern day, her descendant calls in the favor.
Protective Camouflage -  G/ politeanarcy/ 2.3k - The Antichrist isn’t the only one with defenses against being noticed.
Disposable - T / lyricwritesprose / 7k - Eric the Disposable Demon attempts to become Crowley’s vassal after the Apoca-wasn’t. Nothing goes the way they expect after that.
on deceiving appearances - G / asideofourown / 2k - The Disposable Demon realizes the truth of Crowley’s deception in Heaven.
Anthony J. Crowley, Retired Demon and Airbnb Superhost - G / TheOldAquarian / 3k - What are you supposed to do when you've been fired from your sweet job in Hell for thwarting the schemes of Satan, you've got a swanky flat in Mayfair, and you're looking for an excuse to spend all your time in someone else's bookshop? Obviously, you turn to the dubious world of short-term vacation rentals.
the best laid schemes - T / asideofourown / 4k - How Crowley got his Rat Army
Incongruous States of Being - T / ZehWulf / 8k - “Who would win: Aziraphale or Crowley.” “Oh!” Aziraphale startles. “Well—such a question. It’s not as though either of us has engaged in so much as fisticuffs in ages, and one does need to keep up practice with these sorts of things.” His fretting dies abruptly when Crowley cuts over him clearly, baldly: “Aziraphale.”
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition - T / WoodsWitch / 12k - The Arrangement is 500 years old, and Crowley and Aziraphale have been having a fine time in Renaissance Florence. Things start to go a bit pear-shaped with the arrival of a Friar Savonarola, so Crowley suggests that they meet up in his favorite refuge from the rest of medieval Europe: Spain. ((Don’t let the title fool you, this is an incredibly in-depth and well-researched historical fic and deserves way more hits than it has.))
280 notes · View notes
whitewolfandthefox · 5 years ago
The Call of the Wild Part 4
A/N. Here’s the next part! Little bit more fluff before we ramp up in the coming chapters. Also, the schools and public facilities have been closed for three weeks in my city, so once I get my students’ homework and stuff up this week, I’ll be very bored! Feel free to send in some prompts! I’ve got like 6 that I’m working on, but I’m hoping to get some writing down during this shutdown.
As usual, huge thanks to @riviawitch3r for being such a lovely beta, you’ve really been such a huge help!
If you would like to be added to my Call of the Wild taglist or my Witcher taglist, send me an ask or comment! Story is updated on Saturdays.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: fluffy, angst, mention of injury
Words: 3.5k
Summary: You spend some time practicing with your newfound powers while slowly deepening your relationship with Geralt. The two of you are in for a frightening revelation.
Chapter 4: The Message
Consciousness came back slowly. You remained still, aware that you were in your own bed, but with no recollection of how you got there. As you stared up at your ceiling, you slowly remembered following Geralt out into the forest and learning how to shift between your two forms. Closing your eyes, you searched within yourself until you found the well of power. It was easier to find it now that you knew where it was. You could feel the power humming through your veins, calling to you to use it. Although tempted, with a great effort you withdrew from within yourself before opening your eyes. You sat up and swung your feet out of bed, pulling the blanket around your shoulders as you stood up and went in search of a dress. As you searched your room, you froze when you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. There were four new silver scars decorating your side. Getting closer to the mirror, you examined your skin, poking and prodding at them. There was no pain, but with that conclusion came the realization that the scars were in the same place as Geralt’s injuries. Unsure of how you felt bearing the same marks as the man with whom you felt such a connection to, you shook yourself and ignored them for the time being, grabbing a dress out of your closet to clothe yourself. 
Leaving your room, you wandered down the hallway looking for the witcher who had helped you earlier that day. You poked your head into your work room, wondering if he had maybe slept on the bed in there. Not finding him, you continued into the main room to see if he had stayed on the couch while he waited for you to wake. The room was empty, and didn’t look as if anyone had been there in the last little while. The embers were dark and the air cold, not showing any signs of an occupant.
You entered your kitchen, now starting to worry when you couldn’t find the man who had turned your world upside down. You thought about the feelings you had for him, how you still had so many questions, and you slowly turned to panic. You could feel your breathing accelerating the longer you couldn’t find the witcher. Going back to the main room of your house and continuing to your door, you could see that it wasn’t latched like it should be if you had closed and locked it from the inside. Rushing towards the door, you pulled it open and emerged from your house, blinking at the change in light. You frantically looked around your yard, searching for the signature white hair to show you the man hadn’t left. Finding none, you staggered over to the small bench next to your door, dropping down onto it and putting your head in your hands, your eyes filling with tears. He left. Without even saying goodbye. I thought that maybe a thank you would have been warranted for saving his life. I guess witchers really don’t have emotions.
Tears started rolling down your face as you tried desperately not to cry at the overwhelming feeling of loneliness. Your knowledge of your existence had just completely changed and the only person who had any knowledge of it had disappeared while you were sleeping. You felt a witcher shaped hole in your chest, something missing now that the man you felt a deep connection with was gone.
Lost in your thoughts, you missed the sound of hoofbeats riding up to your gate. A hand touched your shoulder, followed by a low voice. “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
Looking up, you saw the white hair and golden eyes you had been looking for. Launching yourself off the bench, you wrapped your arms around Geralt’s middle, feeling him tense under your grip, sobbing desperately into his shirt. “I- I- I thought you- you left me, that you- you- you- left without say- saying goodbye,” you managed to get out, still clinging to the man. Slowly, his arms came up to enfold you, hesitating before pulling you tighter to his chest, his body relaxing as he embraced you. A hand rubbed soft circles into your back, soothing you.
“Shhh, I’m here, little fox. I did not mean to frighten you, I had hoped you would sleep longer. I only went to fetch my belongings now that I am in my human form. I thought that I would have been back before you woke again.” Sniffling, you lifted your face out of Geralt’s chest to look up at him. He smiled softly down at you before lifting one hand to wipe away your tears. “Come, let’s go make a cup of tea. That will help you calm down.”
Nodding, you lay your head back on his chest, tightening your grip for a moment before releasing the man and taking a step back. As you did so, you caught a glimpse of the brown and white horse that stood tied to the inside of your gate. You gasped before flouncing over, lifting a hand to stroke between the horse’s eyes. “Hello beauty,” you murmured.
“This is Roach,” Geralt came to stand next to you. He began unsaddling his mare, lifting the bags down and loosening the straps.
“What an unfortunate name,” you told the horse. “I wonder who ever gave it to you.”You could feel Geralt shooting you a look, before you bent down to retrieve one of his bags. When he tried to take it from you, you ignored him and turned towards the door, calling over your shoulder, “Are you coming, witcher?”
Inside, you dropped the bags at the end of your couch, before moving to your kitchen. Watching the man out of the corner of your eye, you swung your head sharply towards him when you caught the grimace that appeared on his face as he dropped the rest of his gear. Your eyes narrowed as his hand came up to rub at the side of his chest. “Alright,” you started towards him, “let me see.”
“What?” Instinctively, he backed away from you. You grabbed his hand, tugging him along to your work room.
“You were holding your chest.” Releasing his hand, you pushed him to sit on the bed. “Come now, off with your shirt.”
“Why?” he crossed his arms over his chest and scowled at you, not making any move to remove his shirt.
“You were scowling and holding your side, I want to look at the scars and make sure that they healed properly.” You moved to his side, poking at his shoulder. Muttering about the stubbornness of women under his breath, Geralt went to stand from the bed. You smacked him upside the head, “I heard that!” Startled, Geralt tilted his head and looked hard at you. You went to poke him again, freezing when he grabbed your finger. You stared at each other, before Geralt shook himself and released your hand, pulling his shirt over his head. 
Your breath caught in your throat at the sight before you. The man sitting on your bed was made up of hard muscle, not an ounce of softness on him. And the scars, there were so many of them. Some were older, faded silvery lines, some more recent, still pink and angry. You reached out cautiously and brushed your fingers over the raised lines where his most recent injury was. His body tensed at your touch, before relaxing, a shiver travelling up his spine. Pushing aside the dangerous thoughts that whirled around your head, you sat down on the bed next to him, lowering your head so that you could examine the scars more closely. The urge to smell for the venom overcame you, and before you realized what you were doing, you had dropped your head further before gently inhaling, searching for a scent that did not belong. All you could smell was a musky, earthy smell that you realized you had begun to associate with Geralt.
At your sudden movement, Geralt had jumped before staring down at you in confusion. Embarrassed, you looked up at him with flaming cheeks before glancing back down as you saw his golden eyes fixed on you. He continued to stare, the startled but thoughtful look from earlier taking over his face. Choosing to ignore him for the moment, you brought your fingers back up to the scars to do a more thorough examination.
They appeared to be healing normally, no extra swelling or redness to indicate infection. You ran your fingers over the bumps in Geralt’s skin, ignoring the sound he made in the back of his throat. You poked at the skin next to the scars, causing the man to jump and flinch away, before scowling at you in annoyance. You stood from the bed, turning to grab his shirt and toss it at him, before crossing to the basin on the other side of the room to wash your hands. With your back turned, you took a moment to compose yourself from being in such close proximity to the man.
Finished with your task, you headed for the door, sensing Geralt stand from the bed and follow you. You made your way to the kitchen, before puttering around, pulling out various ingredients and dishes to begin making lunch for the two of you. You heard the sound of a chair scraping across the floor and a body being lowered with a groan. You continued to work, before hearing a “Well?”
Glancing over your shoulder, you observed Geralt watching you with his golden eyes. “Well what?”
“What have you decided about my injuries?” he inquired.
“Oh,” your cheeks flamed, having forgotten what the purpose of the trip to your work room had been for. “They appear to be healing well, I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, there was no swelling or excessive redness. You will likely be sore for a couple of days, but I wouldn’t worry about your injuries too much. Just take it easy for a little longer.”
You avoided looking at Geralt, continuing to measure out and add ingredients to your bowl before beginning to mix and then knead the dough with your hands. Silence fell upon the room as you continued to work, rolling the dough out before cutting it into small circles. Once that was done, you picked up a pan, carrying it over to the stove. “Why did you smell my wound earlier?”
Startled, you dropped the pan you were carrying, jumping again when it hit the floor with a bang. “Excuse me?” you asked, whirling to look at the witcher sitting on your kitchen chair. 
“You smelt my side when you were looking at it, in your workroom.” You stared at him, trying to decide if he was playing with you or if he was serious. Deciding he was not trying to make fun of you, you sighed as you bent to pick up the pan and put it on the stove. 
Dropping a spoonful of butter into the pan, you answered the earlier question. “I don’t know, it just felt like something I should have done,” you admitted. “I didn’t actually think about what I was doing until after I had already done it.”
Geralt hummed. “I think your senses are starting to come in.”
Your hands stilled. “My what?”
“Your senses. Once a shapeshifter experiences their first shift, there are certain changes that occur in their human form. They typically follow what your animal form excels at. You heard me muttering earlier, which you wouldn’t have if you had the hearing of a normal human. Smelling the wound comes from your animal side as well.” Geralt explained. “Like I mentioned, I have not come across your kind before so I am not knowledgeable in what changes you will experience, but I would expect it to be fairly similar to myself, wolves and foxes are not too different. I imagine your senses will expand, which they appear to be doing, although the sniffing of the wounds is new.”
You pulled a face as he smirked at you, annoyed at his teasing. His smile faded as he continued. “Most humans don’t like our kind. Unless you trust them, you should never reveal what you are. At best, they will shun you, at worst, they will kill you. They don’t see us as human, instead they believe us to be monsters, only there to be slaughtered. They treat us worse than mages and sorcerers, especially the poorer folk. The myths that follow our kind would have them believe that we are drooling, mindless beasts who hunt them in the dark. We murder and maim, sometimes we steal children from their cradles and replace them with our own, how else would our species exist? We aren’t aware enough to have relationships with each other. There is a lot of discrimination towards us, just be aware of that.”
You had fallen silent at his words, tears beginning to run down your face. You tried to hide them, but the slight shake of your shoulders gave you away. You heard the chair scrape back from the table before a warmth was at your back, arms wrapped around you, your head tucked under a chin. “I am sorry this has happened to you, little fox,” came the murmur above you.
Turning, you tucked your arms underneath Geralt’s, returning the embrace. You laid your head against his chest. “If it had not happened, you would be dead and I would never have met you. As much as this will be hard for me to reconcile with, I am glad that I have met you, at the least.”
Pulling back to look up at him, you asked. “Are there more of your- … our kind?” Geralt’s grip on you tightened, his eyes softening as he looked down at you.
“There are, I think you would like my pack. Perhaps some day, when you are ready, you could meet them.”
You gently pushed at his chest, signalling for him to release you. “I think I would, if they are anything like you.” His grip tightened further, pulling you back into his chest, your chin tucked under his head once again. “Geralt!” you squirmed, trying to free yourself from his embrace. Chuckling, he let you go, catching you when the sudden release made you stumble. Pouting, you smacked his chest before turning back to your stove, flipping the bread just in time before it started to burn.
Fishing the small loaves out of the pan, you placed them on a plate before adding pieces of fresh fruit and dried meat that you had stored in your kitchen, handing them to Geralt. You followed him to the table holding two glasses and a pitcher of water. The two of you ate in a companionable silence, Geralt giving you the time you needed to digest the information that had been dumped on you.
The silence continued as you collected the dishes and left them in your sink to soak, before heading outside with Geralt following you. You began to work in your garden, pulling any weeds that had begun to take root in the few days that you had neglected your garden, occupied with the new revelations about yourself. As you worked, you could sense Geralt settling against the side of your house, regarding you with his golden eyes.
You ignored him, as well as the feelings that bubbled up within you at the domesticity of the situation you were in. You refused to let yourself think about how nice it would be for the two of you to spend your days basking in the sun, attending to your plants, preparing your potions, and just enjoying each other’s company. He will leave soon, you know that, you scolded yourself, he has people to get back to; he mentioned having a pack. 
Some time passed, the sun climbing high above you in the sky overhead. You snuck a glance back at the witcher, only to see him leaning back, eyes closed, his chest rising and falling in a gentle rhythm. You giggled to yourself, not having seen him look so relaxed since you had met him.
Closing your eyes, you reached down within yourself, focusing on searching for that well of power. Finding it, you focused on the image of cloth and skin melding into fur, of your body shrinking, your senses sharpening. The somewhat familiar wave of heat surged through you as you felt yourself shift. You slowly became aware of the birds singing, the wind rustling through the trees. You could hear small animals running through the grass, hiding from the wing beats of the birds ahead. You marvelled at all of the new sounds you could hear with your heightened sense, delighted at the new world you were immersed in. You could feel a set of eyes on you, burning you with their gaze as they stared.
Opening your eyes, you could see that Geralt was still resting against the wall. That’s odd, his eyes are closed. Mentally, you shrugged. He must be playing games with me. Two can do that! Sinking to your belly, you slunk your way across the dirt, pausing when you saw his nose crinkle before relaxing once more. As you got closer, you came to the realization that the witcher was dozing. Delighted at this revelation, you got as close to the man as possible before lowering your belly to the dirt. You observed Geralt, admiring the strong line of his jaw, the way that his hair shone pure white in the sun. Gathering yourself, you coiled your muscles in preparation of leaping.
All of a sudden, you felt something tug on your tail. Releasing a screech, you whirled around and pounced, catching and trapping a golden hawk that had been sitting next to your tail. At your screech, Geralt woke with a start, attempting to leap to his feet before stumbling and landing on one knee, staring at you and the hawk in surprise.
You gently closed your teeth around the bird’s neck before carrying your prize over to Geralt and depositing it at his feet, sitting and barking at him with pride. The bird shook itself, fixing you with a glare, before lifting its wings to reveal the harness strapped to its chest. Geralt reached down to detach the small scroll attached to the strap before the bird spread its wings and leapt into the air. As it passed your muzzle you snapped at it, causing the bird to shriek at you, circling and diving at Geralt before taking off over the forest.
Having started once again at the bird diving, Geralt fixed you with a glare, before sighing and sitting back down against the wall, his legs outstretched. You trotted over and climbed into his lap, draping your head over one of his large thighs. As he opened and read the letter, one of his hands found its way into your fur. As he read, his grip tensed, pulling on your fur. Upset at the pressure, you rolled over onto your back and pawed at his stomach before reaching out with your muzzle and trying to grasp the paper between your teeth.
“Stop it,” he chided, looking down at you and releasing his hand from your fur and tapping your muzzle. Disgruntled, you nipped at his fingers before flipping back over to your stomach, pressing as close to the man as you could get. You could feel him tensing more and more as he read the letter; sitting up, you nosed at his arm, silently asking what the matter was.
“It’s from Yennefer, one of my pack. We were searching for someone, someone who was - Fuck.” he swore as he got to the end of the letter. “I have to go, this is why I was in the forest in the first place, looking for this man.”
You whined, laying your head back on his leg, upset at the prospect of him leaving. His hand came down to rest on your back, stroking your fur. “I know, little fox. I know.” The two of you sat there for a while longer before Geralt gently lifted your head from his leg and stood, heading back into the house. You followed him, worried at the hard set of his shoulders. You could see him gathering his belongings, could sense the anxiousness rolling off of him in waves. Determined to find out what was bothering him, what made him need to leave so suddenly, you grabbed one of his dagger sheaths, dragged it away, and sat on it, staring at him with hard eyes.
Sensing your intentions, Geralt sighed, dragging his hand over his face. “The letter was from Yennefer, another member of my pack. We have been searching for a sorcerer, I believed him to be in this forest.” He dropped onto your couch, his head low. After a brief pause, he lifted his face to look at you. “He has been trapping and murdering shapeshifters.”
Call of the Wild taglist: @raspberrydreamclouds @queenxxxsupreme @achievementhunting-archangel @alwayshave-faith @afterthenightprevails @a-door-into-my-mind @msjjekyll @ilovetaquitosmmmm @bloo-moon-freak @theblurplegirl @bastardfruitsandbasil @mathle0matle @agniavateira  @thedevotedwitness @fandoms-and-sunshine @sofiebstar @emiwrites3reads
Witcher taglist: @riviawitch3r @jensensjaredsandmishaslover @ayamenimthiriel @uncoolcloudyhead @secretsthathauntus @vintage-mind-young-body @creamysacrilege @hina-chans-stuff @ronnieissupermegafoxyawesomehot
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negasonicteenagemess · 6 years ago
sunflower soulmate peter parker imagine
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Request:  Hi I’m not sure if you are still taking requests and this is my first request. Can you write a Peter Parker one where the reader and him are best friends and during the school day she grabs his hand and starts doodling on it. And idk he asks her out and they kiss or something. Please and Thank You
No FFH Spoilers 
I made it a soulmate thing, I hope that’s alright. Also it’s eight in the morning and I haven’t slept so editing is sub par 
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“In Greek mythology,” Y/N explained as she licked the ice cream off her spoon. “Humans had four arms, four legs and two faces. Zeus was afraid of the power that they had so, he split them in half.”
Her friends sat at the table in the ice cream shop around her, stunned by the information. “Woah,” Peter whispered, as he scooped more of the frozen treat onto his spoon.
“That’s dark,” MJ stated, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Y/N nodded in agreement, cleaning her mouth with a napkin, “yeah, so they’d spend the rest of their lives looking for each other. It’s sad.”
“Some people now think that your soulmate shares the same atoms as you but were kinda split during the big bang or something,” Ned furthered, playing with his spoon.
MJ scoffed, “the idea of soulmates as a whole seems just plain ole sad.” Peter decided to interject with his opinion, “I don’t think it’s sad. It’s the most beautiful thing in the world, knowing that someone is completely in love with you and devoted to only you. It’s amazing.”
Ned chuckled, “okay Peter, no need to get sappy on us.” His three friends laughed as his cheeks turned red.
“It’s cute though,” Y/N teased, taking another spoonful of ice cream. His cheeks only got redder at the comment.
He froze when he heard sirens down the street. “Um, I just forgot, May needed me to… go shopping. I gotta go. See ya tomorrow,” he grabbed his backpack and ran out before any of them could reply.
“He’s so weird,” MJ stated as she finished off her ice cream. “Yeah,” Y/N agreed absentmindedly.
On the walk home from the ice cream shop, Y/N couldn’t help but think about her soulmate. Would he be tall? Does he live in New York? Is he cute? As all of these thoughts crossed her mind, she watched as bruises formed on her knuckles.
This has been a common thing recently, getting her soulmates cuts and bruises. They didn’t last very long and didn’t hurt much but in Y/N’s mind, she thought he was either a cop or in some weird fight club. Hopefully a cop though.
All of her previous questions were obviously left unanswered as she opened the door to her apartment. She went to do her homework, finishing it so she didn’t have to stay up all hours of the night. She contemplated for a moment as she did the school work before taking her pen and etching something across her hand.
Whenever her soulmate gave the two of them bruises, she’d doodle around the markings with more peaceful things, and most of the time it was flowers. She drew stems all around her knuckles, with cute little squiggles of sunflowers all around.
She capped the pen, extending her hand to admire her work. Y/N felt like something was missing from it, so she uncapped her pen and wrote a little note.
stay safe :)
She didn’t expect a reply, but she soon felt a small pressure on her hand, right under where she wrote.
always try <3
She beamed at the response as butterflies filled her stomach. Definitely something a person in a fight club wouldn’t say.
Her phone vibrated from the place on the bed soon after her small encounter with her soulmate. It was a text from Peter.
hey wanna come over later to watch a movie or something?? They just added a bunch of stuff on netflix
Y/N smiled, quickly typing on the small screen.
yeah sure!! i’ll bring the popcorn. what time?
She sat patiently, waiting for her best friend to respond to the message.
twenty minutes okay with you? He texted back. Y/N replied with a thumb’s up emoji, already putting all of her school stuff away. She switched into her pj’s, as it was tradition for the two of them to wear night clothes to their movie marathons.
She stood in the mirror, messing with her hair and lost in her thoughts. She always thought Peter was cute, but she knew somewhere in her heart that it was wrong to think of someone like that who wasn’t her soulmate.
Y/N sighed, washing off the ink she had previously written so she wouldn’t have to explain it all to Peter. She was secretive about her soulmate, enjoying the fact that it was something only the two of them shared.
As if her soulmate had the same idea, the ink that he had written was slowly disappearing. She dried her hands and decided it was time to go to her friend’s house.
She walked through her apartment and went to the kitchen in search of the microwavable popcorn. Grabbing a couple bags, she left her home and went to the door across from hers, knocking a few times.
The cheerful face of Peter Parker appeared. He was clad in grey sweatpants and a blue Midtown shirt. “Hey,” he greeted with a smile, opening the door for her to step through. “Hi,” she replied back, waving the bags of popcorn in her hand as she walked into the Parker residence. “I would’ve made them at my place, but I was just so excited to see you,” she commented sarcastically.
Peter chuckled, grabbing the bags from her hand, “well the excitement is reciprocated as it is an absolute joy to see you again.”
Y/N laughed at his fake posh voice, plopping down on the couch as he made the popcorn. “Is May here?” She asked as she scrolled through her phone mindlessly.
“Nah, she had to work,” he replied, popping noises coming from his microwave. “Do you want something to drink?” He shouted from the fridge.
“Water please,” she replied, dragging out the last word. Peter soon appeared next to her with arms full of candy and two hands filled with drinks. A glass of water and a can of coke.
“Ya know they used to put cocaine in that shit,” she stated, sipping the clear liquid. Peter, already in the kitchen, scoffed, “no they didn’t.”
“They did. Coca is the plant that makes cocaine. Look it up,” she teased as he stayed silent for a minute.
“Oh shit,” he muttered as google answered his question. “Wasn’t that like, illegal or something?”
“I don’t know man. The 1900s were a weird time,” she stated as he came back with a big bowl of popcorn.
He turned the tv on, going straight to Netflix. “Scott Pilgrim?” He asked, shoveling popcorn in his mouth. Y/N turned to look at him at the strangeness, and he mirrored her actions. “Scott Pilgrim?” He questioned again; his mouth full and a playful tone gracing his voice. She laughed and nodded her head as he coughed from laughing, and choking, as well.
“You’re an idiot,” she giggled, her throat feeling itchy for some reason, but she ignored it.
He drank his soda, making sure to clear his throat, “shut up.” He was blushing. Y/N shook her head as he started the movie, acting as if nothing just happened.
“Can you imagine that?” Peter asked halfway through the film, tossing a piece of popcorn in his mouth. Y/N quirked a brow as she took a handful of candy, “what?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “living in a universe where you don’t have a soulmate.” Y/N let out a breath, “sounds rough. Finding love on your own and all.” He nodded in agreement, taking a sip of his coke.
As the second movie they watched progressed, Y/N completely forgot the title of it as her eyes got more and more droopy. By the time the movie ended, the popcorn was long gone with all of the candy and she was asleep against Peter’s shoulder.
He looked at her longingly before letting out a sigh and wrapping his arm around her. “This universe is a nightmare,” he mumbled, running a hand through his hair. He heard a jingle of keys before the door to the apartment opened revealing May.
“Hey Peter,” she greeted loudly, placing her purse on a nearby table. May looked at her nephew to see him holding a finger to his lips. “Oh, is she asleep?” She asked quietly, walking towards the boy and his friend.
He nodded his head before diverting his attention back to the girl next to him, as she moved a bit in her sleep. May looked between Peter and Y/N, understanding the look in his eyes was eerily similar to the look her late husband used to give her.
“You like her, don’t you?” She questioned with a smirk, leaning on the back of the couch. His eyes widened as he immediately went to deny her claims. But when he saw the look on her face, he knew he couldn’t lie.
“I-I,” he sighed as he tried to piece his thoughts together, “I can’t. And I shouldn’t, but I just can’t help it, May. She’s always there for me.”
His eyes were glossy as he let out a breath, glad to finally express how he feels. “I don’t know what it is about her. She’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.”
May smiled, remembering the feeling, “even better than Spider-Man?” Peter let out a soft chuckle, careful not to wake the girl up.
“I would give up being Spider-Man any day just for her,” he stated quietly, brushing the hair off of her face.  
“But I can’t do this to my soulmate. It’s wrong. And I don’t know what to do,” his voice wobbled as he wiped his free hand over his face.
May put a supportive hand on his shoulder, “you just gotta wait Pete. You’ll meet your soulmate one day and the stars will align. You’ll love her and realize that is the greatest feeling in the world.”
She had a twinkle in her eyes as she spoke, remembering when she met Ben. Peter nodded his head in agreement, trying to convince himself more than anything.
“Thanks, May,” he whispered with a tight smile, looking at his Aunt as he spoke. “It’s what I’m here for,” she joked, patting his shoulder.
“Well,” she started, letting out a sigh, “I’m heading to bed. Work killed me and it’s only 10.” Peter nodded, acknowledging her statement.
“And make sure she gets home,” she said sternly, but not harshly. “Will do, May,” he replied, “goodnight.”
“Night, Pete,” she stated as she finally went to her bedroom.
He ran a hand through his hair once again, struggling with his inner thoughts. “One day,” he muttered to himself, “one freaking day.”
Y/N moved again, rubbing her eyes as she awoke from her slumber. “Shit, I slept through the movie, didn’t I?” She asked, getting out of Peter’s arms and leaning forward on the couch.
He chuckled, trying to forget everything he just spoke about, “yeah. You really missed out. Keanu Reeves looked great, as always.”
She shook her head, “damn.” Her eyes met his as she snickered at the encounter. Pulling out her phone, she noticed the time. “Shit, I gotta go,” she stated as she locked her phone but held it in her hand.
He nodded his head, “right.” He stood up, her following in his footsteps. “I can stay for a little bit to help you clean up,” she directed to the mess they made, empty rappers and popcorn kernels everywhere.
“Nah, you got to get your beauty sleep,” he stated sarcastically but continued to direct her to the front door. “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry,” he smiled as he opened the door.
“Walk together to school tomorrow?” She asked as she made it to her front door, opening it while looking eyes with Peter, who stood at his doorway. “Always,” he smiled, leaning against the white frame.
Y/N nodded, leaning in her own doorway, “bye Peter.” She smiled, holding tightly on the handle.
“Adios,” he replied with a smile, finally shutting the door. Y/N did the same, brushing her teeth then going straight to bed.
She drifted off into a deep slumber as the moonlight illuminated her room and the sound of cars was still noticeable every now and then.
The next day, she woke up bright and early to get ready for school. She left her home and met up with Peter in the hallway and a couple train stops later, they made it to Midtown.
“And Ned broke the whole thing,” Peter explained, making Y/N laugh as he held the school door open for her. “Of course he did,” she giggled as the bell rang.
“Right on time,” he stated, walking with Y/N to their first class, Chemistry. “I heard that we have a long ass assignment or something today,” she remarked, pulling at the straps of her backpack.
Peter groaned, “can Mrs. Smith ever give us a break?” Y/N shook her head, “she’s a horrid woman, I tell you.”
As teenagers rushed to get to their classes in the hall, the two friends made it to Chemistry fairly quickly. The late bell rang, the two friends seated right next to each other as always as Mrs. Smith began to explain what the students would be doing that day.
She finished the instructions and students began to open their textbooks. Y/N and Peter did the same, doing the assignment for the bulk of the class period. Being the studious teenagers they were, the pair was able to be one of the first groups to finish.
Y/N took Peter’s hand, laying it on the table before her. “Can I draw on your hand?” She asked sweetly, bored out of her mind and taking her pen as she was ready to start her masterpiece. “Yeah sure,” Peter replied, tapping away on his phone.
“You know,” he started, “you can be such a kid sometimes.” Y/N shrugged her shoulders, starting to draw around his knuckles. Flowers upon flowers seemed to bloom on his hand.
One of her hands held down Peter’s as the other created the work of art. His eyes drifted from his phone to his hand, watching the beauty appearing across his skin. He had a small smile as he watched her etch the flowers upon his knuckles.
Peter’s eyes shifted to the hand that held his down. He froze, jaw slacked, and eyebrows raised. He looked between his hand and hers. Small sunflowers began to appear on her hand, the exact same that were on his own.
“Holy shit,” he spoke suddenly, shocking Y/N and causing her to leave a sharp line down his hand with her pen. ”Awe man,” she slumped her shoulders as she examined the mistake, “I really liked it.”
Her voice was filled with slight sadness at the mark, but she just shrugged, “we can fix it though. It’ll be fine.” She looked up at Peter, giving him a soft smile, but frowned when she saw his face still full of surprise.
“Pete I can just get rid of it-“ she wanted to apologize but he cut her off. “No, Y/N listen,” he laughed, but not with humor, but because this was actually happening to him.
He grabbed the hand that held his down and looked deeply into her eyes. “I-I can’t believe it,” he whispered, all of this still not settling in his brain. Y/N furrowed her brows, giving him a strange look, “what?”
Squeezing her hand, he chuckled nodding towards their joined hands, “look.” Y/N’s eyes fell, examining the marks. “Oh my god, she whispered as she traced the marks on her hand with the other one.
She looked between the marks on her hand versus Peter’s, where she actually created the doodles. They were the exact same, the flowers and that stupid line where she messed up. It was all the same. She covered her mouth with the empty hand, laughing lightly.
“It’s you,” she gushed. He nodded his head, “yeah. The likelihood, huh?”
Y/N was speechless, making it so that both of her hands covered his. She bit her lip, “I had a crush on you, you know? I thought you were the cutest boy in our hall.”
At that Peter chuckled, “I’m the only other person in our entire complex who’s your age.”
Y/N hit him on the shoulder lightly, “that’s not the point.” He looked at her, letting out a sigh, “I had, or well have a crush on you too.”
He gave her a tight smile, “why does this feel so awkward?” Y/N laughed at the comment, brushing a hand through her hair as she leaned on the other.
“It’s only awkward when you say it’s awkward Pete,” she stated. He just shrugged his shoulders, taking his hands away and rubbing them together from the coldness of the classroom.
“So,” he dragged out, “d-do you want to go on a date with me sometime?” He was so nervous because of the fact that he wasn’t just asking any girl out on a date. He was asking his best friend, his soulmate.
Y/N sighed dramatically, “I don’t know, do I have to?” Her sarcastic remark made Peter smile widely.
“I’d love to,” she replied for real this time, picking up her pen. “Now,” she continued, “time to finish my art.” He smiled, watching her finish her drawing as she proceeded to doodle away, not wanting to take his eyes off her anytime soon.
Class soon ended, so the newly found soulmates had to separate. It wasn’t as hard as it seemed, but in the next period, they couldn’t stop thinking about each other.
Peter would write things on his arm for her to read, away from the flowers as he wanted to keep those for as long as he could.
Woods is falling asleep on his desk read one of the little notes, plus a drawing of a horribly drawn teacher asleep.
Y/N sat in her desk, thinking about her soulmate. Like, why did Peter get bruises and cuts all the time? And why so late at night? He wasn’t a cop, like she originally thought. Was Peter in a fight club?
No, sweet little Peter Parker could NOT be in a fight club. That’s impossible.
The rest of the day went by fairly quickly, Peter and Y/N seeing each other as often as possible. By the time the last bell rang, Y/N couldn’t wait to walk home with Peter. And that’s exactly what they did. This time was different though, because they weren’t deemed as best friends anymore, but as soulmates. So, they talked about their day at school, holding hands and as their shoes scratched the pavement.
After taking the subway, they arrived at their building. They stood in the apartment building’s hall, Y/N biting her lip as she debated her next moves.
“Screw it,” she whispered, grabbing Peter’s face with her hands. He looked like he was about to speak but stayed silent at the feeling of her lips on his own.
His eyes closed as his hands gripped her waist, pulling her closer to him and never wanting to let go. But there was one thought that crossed his mind. Finally, after years and years of being in love with his best friend, he was able to kiss her as his soulmate.  
It felt like Zeus was throwing lightning bolts around his body as the feeling of her feathery light lips against his rough ones made him ecstatic. She pulled away slowly, opening her eyes as she moved her hands around his neck. “S-Sorry,” she stumbled, her cheeks red.
Peter shook his head and whispered, “don’t be.” She looked deep into his eyes as he leaned in to kiss her again. Her lips tasted like the lip balm she always uses, the taste suddenly becoming one of his favorites.
He was consumed in the warmth that was Y/N L/N, and he couldn’t get enough. But all good things must come to an end, and she pulled her lips from his.
“Walk me to school tomorrow?” She asked breathlessly with a smirk. He laughed lightly, leaning his head onto her shoulder as he did so. “Always,” he looked up at her with a smile.
He gave her a peck on the lips before she began pulling away. “See you then,” she gave a little wave as he nodded his head. She shut the door to her home, biting her lip as she walked to her room.
Peter, on the other hand ran though his apartment door, slamming the door shut in search of his Aunt.
“May,” he shouted as he ran around, looking for the Italian woman. She stood in the kitchen and looked at him with an amused look of confusion. “Woah, easy there. What’s up?” She asked, taking note of the starstruck look on his face.
“I-I found my soulmate,” he beamed as he dropped his backpack onto the tile floor. Her eyes widened as she stopped washing the dishes.
She ran and hugged him, “oh my god, that’s amazing! What’s her name? When can I meet her?” She pressed with questions as she pulled away to look at her nephew. He chuckled lightly, moving his hands to hold her back.
“You won’t believe it,” he grinned, shaking his head as he still couldn’t believe it himself. May scrunched her brows, eyes examining his features, “what do you mean?”
“It’s Y/N,” the gaze in his eyes as he spoke was love struck, May squealing and pulling him into a tight hug yet again.
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clairenvk · 5 years ago
r + e fic rec
a collection of 40+ completed reddie fics i’ve read on ao3 and loved; ranging from soft to cute to funny to ridiculous to angsty. you may have read some of this, you may not have, but these are all worth your time. if you read any of these and enjoy them then remember to leave a kudos and a comment for the author to let them know that you liked it!
✨ - Fav 😎 - fun/funny 💕 - Soft 💜 - cute (cute cute!)  🌹 - emotional / atmospheric ⚠️ - angsty ⚔️ - nsfw
💕 up off the floor  - kaspbrak_kid
“In a world where we can kill a fucking clown from space, Eddie Kaspbrak doesn’t get to die from a stab wound."
15.3k words. 6 chapters.
Note - the Most soft. tender. taking care of each other and getting together. this author also has a wip that’s a lot more sad but with as much Yearning as this one so i’d recommend you check their stuff out.
💕 And All The Time He’s Mumbling - monarchyofroses
“It suits you.” Richie frowned. “Huh?” “Being in love,” Ben clarified. “It suits you.” Richie smiled, then, so hard that it made Ben wonder how his face had not splitted in two. “I’m in fucking limerence, man.” 
2.7k words. 1 chapter
Note - ben and richie have a Conversation about the loves of their lives basically. Truly Soft.
💕 What He’s Mumbling? - monarchyofroses
"But. But that's what you do for..." "...A friend," Maggie finished for him, or well, not exactly for him, considering he was about to come out. Richie to God, if you exist and this is your revenge for my atheism, it's not funny. Also, you suck.
3.5k words. 1 chapter.
Note - coming out! i love the toziers. part 2 of the same series the previous fic is from.
💕 💜 No Mistakes - usnavi
When Richie Tozier tells Eddie Kaspbrak he loves him, they're watching Jurassic Park and Eddie's wearing his clothes like it's all meant to be this way. 
1.4k words. 1 chapter.
✨ 💜 Richie Tozier: Come Out and Play - piginawig
Richie Tozier: Come Out & Play, a new Netflix special! Comedian Richie Tozier is back after a very public mental breakdown. And he's ready to (over)share.
5.7k words. 1 chapter.
Note - My personal favorite version of this trope.
😎 Richie Tozier, an Apple Music Listener - plinys
Apple Music ✓ @AppleMusic Thanks for the support @trashmouth! We love to see loyal #AppleMusic fans! Apple Music ✓ @AppleMusic Also, in unrelated news, the #AppleMusic recommended song of the day is “thank u, next” by Ariana Grande.
1.2k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Post Chapter 2. I’m a sucker for fics involving social media. Also, this is funny and lighthearted and i love it.
😎 Retweet. - plinys
richie tozier ✓ @trashmouth what did i miss lol
3k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Post Chapter 2. 
😎 💜 ⚔️ Let’s Hear It For The Boy - sloppybitch
Eddie’s just trying to see if he’s not alone when he downloads Grindr on his phone. It’s by pure, terrifying coincidence that one of the first messages he receives on there is from none other than Richie freaking Tozier. Long story short: trashmouth;) (11:03PM): oh me, oh my. fancy seeing u here Eddie (11:33PM): holy FUCKING SHIT.
9.8k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Part 1 of an ongoing series.
😎 💜 ⚔️ Let’s Give The Boy a Hand - sloppybitch
After finding each other on Grindr and sharing a couple of saucy texts and a phone call that would make a nun faint, Richie and Eddie find each other in the clubhouse, and they... talk. Sure, they talk. Let’s call it talking. Beverly, meanwhile, discovers that none of the Losers have ever gotten drunk, and what’s being a teenager without breaking a few drinking laws? Ben has a free house, and Eddie has never been more afraid of a game of Truth or Dare in his entire fucking life.
24k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Part 2 of the series the previous fic is part of.
✨ 💜 Five Times The Losers Gave Richie Permission - toomuchrootbeer
The Losers keep trying to tell Richie something, but he's never been great at taking a hint. 
10.7k words. 1 chapter.
Note - anything that has all of the losers really present in their fics is the loml. some mentions of period typical racism and homophobia but no slurs, mainly mentioned for context of the time.
✨ 💜 Husband and Husband - thatsuperawkwardgirl
Richie gets the idea at the end of kindergarten, when the teacher has everyone do projects on their families. The class talks about how some families have moms and dads who are married, and some don’t. Richie being…well, Richie, he goes straight home and asks his parents why they got married if they didn’t have to. Richie learns about marriage and love, and comes up with an excellent plan.
7.8k words. 1 chapter.
Note - the sweetest, most adorable fic ever. couldn’t stop smiling. Part 1 of an ongoing series.
💜 A Good Husband - thatsuperawkwardgirl
Eddie sits in a chair in front of the principal’s desk, bouncing his leg anxiously--a habit he picked up from Richie, that annoying little twerp. Mrs. Smith is calling his mother for the third time in the last hour, and Eddie knows she won’t be picking up; Wednesday mornings are when she runs her errands and doesn’t return until late afternoon. This is the perfect time to get suspended, Eddie really has to pat himself on the back for that one. Eddie gets in trouble at school for fighting, and Maggie Tozier comes to pick him up.
2.5k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Part 2 of Married Life, the same series the previous fic is a part of. Truly so ridiculously cute it makes me want to scream.
😎 💜 light as a feather (got you and i together) - anniebibananie
RICHIE: why the fuck does eddie look so cute today RICHIE: his sweater sleeves keep falling down over his palms, like how could I see that and not think “I know exactly how to keep those sleeves up, just hold my hand” BEN: richie this is so sweet! BEN: but I feel like you didn’t mean to send this to me? RICHIE: This message will self-destruct in five seconds. [or Richie accidentally texts Ben about his feelings for Eddie and everyone gets involved]
1.6k words. 1 chapter.
Note - could not stop smiling the whole way through.
✨💜 the years go by like days - georgiestauffenberg
It’s Eddie he wants to get a hold of, though, and he does, tucking him under his arm, and ruffling his hair, making him laugh. He’s startled when Eddie looks at him with such happy, shining eyes. And, for a split-second, he’s tempted to kiss him right then, right there in front of everyone. He wants to. Badly. He doesn’t. He leans in, instead, and he smacks a loud, wet kiss to Eddie’s cheek, punctuating it with a “mwah!” He does it again and again. “I’m so proud of my little Eds Spagheds!” “Get off me!” Eddie says, laughing and shoving him away, swatting at his hands. AU. in the 27 years in-between, Richie and Eddie forget a lot, but they don't forget each other.
121.9k words. 4 chapters.
Note - make sure you have the time before starting this because i couldn’t stop once i started. god. really good.
💕 come on, come on - Chokingonholywater
“Yo, Eddie, play some music, will ya?” When Richie asks Eddie to put on some music in the car that day after school, Eddie doesn't think anything of it. It's a familiar request; he knows the passcode to Richie's phone, knows where Spotify is, knows what Richie likes to listen to while he drives. But what Eddie doesn't know is why, exactly, there's suddenly a playlist his name on it - literally.
8.6k words. 1 chapter.
Note - They’re in Love. and they have a playlist to prove it.
💕 sleepover - sleqnir
“You jealous?” Richie tilts his head. “Jennifer is kinda hot.” He’s referring to Ben’s girlfriend. Eddie’s face falls. “Oh. Um… no. I’m happy for him. I just…” “Want it too?” Richie’s jaw clenches. His chest aches in a way all too familiar. “A girlfriend? For yourself?” Eddie’s looking at him nervously. “I want… a relationship. I guess.” Richie looks back up at the ceiling, giving another millionth sigh. “Yeah, well… don’t sweat it so much. You’re not the only one.”“You want a girlfriend?” “I want a... relationship.” He mimics Eddie’s words.
2.5k words. 1 chapter.
🌹 ⚔️ the anatomy of a joke - crescenteluce
He trails off and Bev raises an eyebrow. ‘So, you being in bed together fits in there how exactly?’ ‘No, Jesus, Bev.’ Eddie says and Richie, horrifyingly, feels his cheeks heat under Bev’s suspicious look. Something needs to be done, so he plucks Eddie’s phone from his hands. ‘I am appalled by your implications, Beverly.’ He says sternly, trying to ignore the blood still not quite done rushing to his face. ‘I would have you know that I’d never defile Eddie like that, the poor man’s 40 year old and still a virgin and if I’d have the honor of-’ He’s cut off by Eddie trying to wrestle the phone away from him as Bev cackles delightedly.
11.7k words. 1 chapter.
💜 say what you mean (out loud) - Redburn
Richie can’t help it when something heavy refuses to leave his stomach, something relentless and daunting. He looks at Eddie and can’t help but want, can’t help but need, watching this boy watch the stars and thinking he would be happy to spend the rest of his life just like this, right here standing next to him. Or, Richie realizes he likes Eddie and promptly goes through the five stages of grief. 
7.4k words. 1 chapter.
Note - Good ol’ fluff with slight internalized homophobia and a whole lot of yearning.
💜 across the gap - sondersoflight
“You fucking stupid asshole,” Eddie says but he is smiling when he leans forward, grabbing Richie by the lapels of the ridiculous bright yellow shirt with dancing avocados he is wearing. “I’m the fucking love of your life.” 
6.4k words. 1 chapter.
💕 💜 Five Times Richie Kisses Eddie and One Time He Doesn’t Have To - multifandomtakeover
Eddie Kaspbrak is a little inexperienced in the kissing department and Richie Tozier is more than willing to help him out. 
5.7k words. 1 chapter.
✨ 🌹 💕 ⚠️ No Saints, No Sinners, No Devil As Well - saooharine
Andy Muschietti looked at Eddie Kaspbrak so now I feel obligated to repair the damage and make it gayer.
Following Richie from the sewer showdown and to the hospital with Eddie and the Losers Club by his side.
6.2k words. 1 chapter.
⚔️ In This Cold Heart - pineapplecrushface
The future Richie sees while he's caught in the deadlights gives him a chance to save Eddie. In the year afterward, they both try to follow Stan's advice. 
16.9k words. 1 chapter.
💕 💜 ⚠️ 🌹 Wouldn’t it be nice? - podcastalien
Richie wonders what exactly is supposed to be so great about being a kid as he tries to carve initials into the kissing bridge. 
2.5k words. 1 chapter.
⚔️ Men of Fall - kaboomslang
Do you remember? He watches his own hand slide closer along the armrest. Do memories transfer by touch, in this fucked up magic town? Remember, Richie, please, and tell me I wasn’t imagining things. 
7k words. 1 chapter.
💜 Any Man’s Game - tossertozier
It's two months before graduation, and Richie and Eddie can turn virtually anything into a competition. Even kissing.
10.5k words. 3 chapters.
💜 ⚠️ ⚔️ This safe place - tinyarmedtrex
Eddie asks Richie to pretend to be his boyfriend at his family reunion. What’s the worst that can happen? 
31k words. 14 chapters.
⚠️ ⚔️ Stay for the Storm - inoubliable
Richie and Eddie had become friends almost on sight. Since they met, most of Eddie's time in Los Angeles has involved Richie in some way. It's a little different, now that they're both famous. It's a little different, now that they're sleeping together. Well, to be fair, they've been sleeping together for a long time, but. No one knows, not even their friends. Eddie has been very careful about that. It's just not the sort of publicity he needs. So when Beverly calls him that sunny Thursday morning, the last thing he expects her to say is, "You're fucking Richie?"
20.8k words. 1 chapter.
💜 and this is who we are - sunsetozier
He realizes, suddenly, that being in a position like this meant nothing to him two weeks ago. At the time, it was completely normal, holding no real meaning other than comfort and tradition – after all, him and Eddie have been disgustingly cuddly with one another since they were kids, even though they’d usually bicker while holding each other close, much to the annoyance (and entertainment) of their friends. Now, however, Richie can feel his heart skip a beat in his chest, an undeniable thundering that echoes loudly in his ears. He can picture his younger self, as much of an oblivious idiot as he may have been, soaking in the warmth and the affection of Eddie’s touch when they hugged, shoved, or even just nudged one another. It’s funny, really, how much changes once you’re aware of how you feel. [In which Eddie and Beverly lie to their friends for five years before finally coming out, much to the surprise of one supposedly straight Richie Tozier.]
40.7k words. 8 chapters.
💜 hawaii hottie - sunsetozier
Letting his eyes flutter shut in order to avoid everyone’s gazes, Richie meekly explains, “I got another letter from Eds, okay? And I know he’s on vacation, doing all these cool things, and I know Hawaii is, like, super sunny and everything, but- guys. Guys.” He stops, unable to force out the words he wants to. From somewhere off to his left, he hears Bill say, “Spit it out, man. What’s the big deal?”“ There was a polaroid in this letter,” Richie tells them. He would be embarrassed, but by this point they all know how smitten he is, so there’s no reason to be bashful as he practically whines out, “And he’s getting hotter.” [In which Eddie goes on vacation and Richie can't deal with it.]
4.6k words. 1 chapter.
💜 He Came In Through the Window - mischiefmanager
"It’s finally happened. I cannot fit through this goddamn window. I’m out of ideas." or Eddie enlists the help of two other Losers to help fix his bedroom window, and finally spills the beans about what's going on between him and Richie.
11.3k words. 1 chapter
💜 Home - mischiefmanager
“Tooooozier-Kaspbrak residence,” Richie says cheerfully, holding the phone up to his ear. “May I ask who—oh hello, Mrs. K! How the fuck are you?” Richie and Eddie living together in LA, being in love and dealing with Mrs. K long-distance.
6.9k words. 1 chapter.
✨ ⚠️ hit me baby one more time - theappleppielifestyle
Richie reaches up a shaking hand and puts it on Eddie’s stomach. “Uhhh,” Eddie says. “Is this a bit? Is this a really inopportune bit? ‘Cause I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Richie, but this is kind of an important moment-” “What the fuck,” Richie says, not for the first or last time, and lurches forwards to hug him. (Or, Richie gets stuck in a time loop.)
11.1k words. 1 chapter.
💕 are we living for the feeling? - michelllejones
“You’re such an idiot,” Eddie tells Richie with a frown. He snorts at that. “Says you. Your knees are all bloody. You fall off your bike or something?” He asks, and for a split second Eddie thinks he can hear genuine concern in his voice. He’s probably just imagining it, though, since Richie’s only ever concerned about two things: his dick, and the size of it.“ So what if I did?” Eddie bites back, feeling almost defensive. Richie should be the last person teasing him about falling off of a bike. Especially since Eddie watched him trip over his own foot less than a week ago! or, Eddie takes a tumble and goes to Richie for help.
4.5k words. 1 chapter.
💕 what would they say? - michelllejones
And despite telling Eddie he would, he doesn’t go home—at least not at first. He isn't sure what wills him to do it, but his bike takes him in the other direction, past the Barrens and to the street, right to the Kissing Bridge in all its vandalized glory. Slurs and poorly carved hearts and names he doesn’t recognize stare back at him as he digs into his jeans and pulls out his dad’s old pocketknife.
4.1k words. 1 chapter.
💕 back in the summer - michelllejones
“What?” Eddie snaps, feels immediately defensive. “Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?” Self consciously, he buries his nose into his comic book. Glares at Richie over the brim, frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. He waits for Richie to take the bait, provide some half clever quip that will catapult them into some sort of argument, as is customary. But the taunt never comes. Instead, he reaches forward—with a look in his eyes that if Eddie didn’t know any better would let himself think is almost fond—takes a curl in between gentle fingers and says, “your hair’s longer,” in a tone so tender it is almost unrecognizable.
1.6k words. 1 chapter.
💕 ⚠️ savage - inoubliable
Eddie Kaspbrak is twelve years old. He's kissed for the first time. And then kissed again. -- "You're bisexual." Eddie has never said the word out loud before, and it feels a little taboo, but it also feels like a weight off his chest. "You like boys and girls. It isn't weird, and it isn't gross, and you aren't selfish because of it. You aren't dirty or disgusting. You're Richie Tozier, and you're my best friend. I'm Eddie Kaspbrak, and I'm an idiot. I get it."
3.7k words. 1 chapter
💕 💜 Morphine - inoubliable
Eddie Kaspbrak is fourteen years old. He's a lot more honest with himself when he's drugged. -- They all crowd around Eddie's bed, their faces shimmering a little. Eddie has to squint to make out their features, and he laughs once he does. They all look so worried. Eddie feels great. "Oh my God," Stan says, at the same time that Richie says, "He's high."
2k words. 1 chapter.
💕 We Were Here - inoubliable
Eddie Kaspbrak is fifteen years old. It's the first time he kisses Richie Tozier. -- Eddie has a couple of options, here. He can pretend he didn't just realize what Richie has been trying to tell him the whole time. He can pretend like Richie is just being a jerk when he flirts and teases and taunts. He can pretend like they're just friends, and then they can stay just friends, and nothing will change. Or he can kiss Richie. He kisses Richie.
2.3k words. 1 chapter.
💕 ⚔️ The Ever After - websters_lieb
Eddie lives, and life goes on. Or The story of how Richie and Eddie sort out their shit and realize that they've been in love the whole damn time while they work towards their happily ever afters.
20.8k words. 5 chapters.
⚠️ In the Glow of the Vending Machine - sentimentalscribe
“I can’t believe that I’m going to live an eternity in hellfire over a hypochondriac who would probably make sweet love to his inhaler given the chance.” Alternatively: Beverly Knows way before these chucklefucks do. Alternatively: It's the '80s in a small town and having a panicked confession to your best friend is not nearly as fun as it sounds.
3.5k words. 1 chapter.
💜 😎 eddie gets grindr - BookRockShooter
I shouldn’t be doing this, Eddie thinks as he opens his phone. Is this technically illegal? he thinks as he clicks the app store icon. Well, it’s definitely fucking wrong either way, he thinks as he types grindr into the search bar. - Eddie downloads grindr and rediscovers an old friend - and crush - on it.
2.1k words. 1 chapter.
⚠️ confessions in the dark - BookRockShooter
Richie nods to himself. “Okay. Talk. I can do that. Hey, you know a trope in movies I always hated? When, like, the main character’s love interest is fatally wounded and dy–” He trails off, staring at Eddie with a haunted look in his eyes. “Well. You know. And, uh, the main character chooses that exact moment to confess their undying love? Like, shit, they’ve always got the worst timing.” He laughs, short and shaky, and Eddie thinks, Oh my god. “So, what, they wait until the last moment to say something? Isn’t that fucked up? Because, now, they’ll never have time to… to be happy together.” His eyes are shiny and, suddenly, all Eddie wants to do is wipe away his tears. Wants to help him feel better, because Richie Tozier doesn’t deserve to be in so much pain, not on Eddie’s behalf. “Richie,” Eddie murmurs, and he hates himself for what he’s about to say. “Richie, I… I love you.” - *fix it fic for chapter 2 bc fuck canon reddie is real*
2.2k words. 1 chapter.
💜 😎 head lights pointed at the dawn - starkmccall
"You do realise this means people around the world are gonna hear about how much I love your dick, right?" Richie says, tucked behind Eddie in bed late one night.
He can almost see Eddie squint at him. "That's not actually a part of the show, is it?"
Post-Chapter Two. Eddie lives. Richie goes back to comedy.
3.2k words. 1 chapter.
180 notes · View notes
fluffyunicornofdanger · 6 years ago
Love of My Life
A/N: This is my first Nikki Sixx one-shot, so I hope you guys like it. I plan on doing more for Motley Crue and if you guys have any requests please share them. I won’t be posting much this week because I’ve got stuff going on but I might be able to get maybe two more fics out. We’ll see. Anyway, requests are open, let me know if you want on the taglist, and I hope you guys enjoy it.
Nikki Sixx x Reader
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: Hey love your stories 🖤 Could you do a Nikki Sixx imagine based on the song Love of My life by Queen 💕 Sorry to bother you 💖
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Angst, grammar, Language??? (I can’t remember)
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Time had stopped, everything coming to an abrupt end. The birds outside had grown quiet, knowing that there was no happiness in misery. The clock that hung above the stove was stuck at 7:16, knowing that it would never be forgotten. Y/n heart raced as the words hit her hears, she prayed that she just hadn’t heard him right.
“I can’t do this right now.”
Maybe she was dreaming. That was it. This was all just some nightmare. She would wake up anytime now and everything would be fine. The world would be turning and the clock wouldn’t have stopped. She would still be in bed and the day would play out differently.
“Y/n,” Nikki spoke brushing his hair out of his face, his cheeks red with anger.
She blinked, trying to focus, trying to breathe. She nodded, looking eagerly up at him. It was all a misunderstanding, it had to be.
“Say something.”
Y/n opened her mouth but nothing came out, she wasn’t sure what there was left to say. It seemed that they had already said everything. She just couldn’t believe how a harmless conversation turned into the exact opposite.
All Y/n had asked was if she could stay at his place while she looked for a new apartment, it wasn't anything permanent. She would only be there for maybe a month or less, there would be no commitment. It wasn’t like they would live together full time, neither of them were ready for that. They weren’t in a good place. Nikki was putting everything into the band, spending all his time writing, recording, and rehearsing. And Y/n, well, she was dealing with family problems. Her parents were never the best and they had decided to really let that show as her younger siblings were often placed in foster homes. So, it wasn’t the ideal time to share a place with Nikki, not when Y/n was considering taking in her siblings, she couldn’t have drugs and alcohol lying around if they were to live with her. It would make her no better than her parents.
But she hadn’t even brought any of that up, she just needed a place to crash while she searched for a new place. It wasn’t that much to ask for and she thought that Nikki, of all people, would let her stay.
But she was wrong.
And somehow, what started off as a simple question turned into a raging argument. He didn’t want to be forced into anything. If she stayed for one month it would lead to two and then she would never leave. And he didn’t want to have to deal with any children, it would ruin his mood. Y/n understood that and as much as she told him that wouldn’t happen, that she wouldn’t force anything upon him, he didn’t believe her.
It hurt to think that he thought she would force things like that on him like his mother had. She wasn’t his mother, far from it, and she wasn’t her own mother. Y/n didn’t want to be either and it hurt that he even considered her close to one.
“What do you want me to say?” she asked, her voice cracking in the process. She knew what was coming. It was inevitable.
He shook his head. “It’s just not going to work…”
Y/n scoffed. “If this is your way of breaking up with me, say no more.” She grabbed her purse off the counter and headed to the door. Before stepping out, she looked back at Nikki, who was watching her every move. Anger still present, he didn’t bother meeting her eyes. It was better that way, he wouldn’t have to bare with the hurt that her eyes clearly showed. It was just better that way.
Shutting the door, Y/n ran to her car. She half expected Nikki to run after her like he always did when they would fight. He would always chase after her, making a mends to whatever they were fighting over. Every time he would make it better. Every time but this time, it seemed. Nothing happened as she opened her car door and slide in. As soon as the door was shut, sobs, loud, ugly, painful sobs escaped her. She hit the steering wheel with her hand, trying to feel something but the whole in her hear.
It wasn’t fair.
She had put up with so much of his bullshit, it just wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that he was the one to call in quits, not when she had never been a problem. It just wasn’t fair. They had been together for three years. They had both witnessed each other at their highest and lowest points. Y/n knew more about Nikki than she probably knew about herself, so it just didn’t make any sense to her.
If she were to be honest, Nikki was the only person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Many people would probably shake their heads at that. Why would she want to be with him when he was all over the place? He, as a whole, was like a raging storm, high waves crashing against the shore. Nothing he did was calm as it was always impulsive. Y/n was the exact opposite. A gentle breeze blowing through a meadow, a calm and steady sea. She was organized and planned and steady. So, to answer the question, she wanted to be with him because they both needed each other. He needed a steady hand to help him and she needed someone to bring out her wild side.
And to think that that was all gone. The only person she had very considered growing old with no longer wanted her. He could no longer continue the conversation they were having. To him, her life wasn’t working out in his favor. Maybe one day it would. But she had a feeling it wouldn’t be anytime soon.
Y/n took a seat on the couch next to her brother, Randy. It had been a month since she’d last seen Nikki and so much had already changed. She had a new place, a spacious apartment with three bedrooms and her siblings had moved in with her. She knew that it was bound to happen, but she didn’t think that it would happen so soon. It might have been a good thing Nikki didn’t want her living with him if he wanted to avoid children. There was no way Y/n could now.
With them in her life, there was no time to think about Nikki. She was too busy trying to explain to her four younger siblings that even though their parents had given them up, they still loved them. She was too busy dealing with raising her brother and sisters to care about that man. The problems with her family were greater than any problems she had with her heart.
“What are we watching?” she asked, resting her feet on the coffee table, doing her best to avoid the piles of magazines that her sisters had accumulated.
Randy shrugged, not even bothering to look up at the tv as his nose was buried in a book.
Out of all her siblings, he was the easiest to manage. Though he was 15, what many would consider part of the difficult years, he was better behaved than her sisters, who were always fighting with each other. Y/n knew that she didn’t have to worry about him. He stayed out of trouble, always minding his own business. He didn’t pick fights or give any sass, there was no point in doing so when he got more out of reading than anything else.
“Okay then.” She reached for a magazine that Brooke had bought a few days before. Y/n didn’t normally read magazines, never caring to pick on up. But Brooke loved them and any time they went shopping, she had to get one. Opening it, she closed her eyes at the page she had turned to.
It was Motley Crue.
She had tried not to think about any of them, it wouldn’t help her heal. They were a big part of her life when she was with Nikki. Now they were just a stark reminder of what she had lost. But there they were, right before her in the magazine that she held. They were probably off somewhere enjoying their success by drugs, drinks, and girls. Living the high life.
“Are you okay?” Randy asked, looking up from his book for once.
Y/n nodded, staring at Nikki, who was leaning against Tommy.
“Then why are you crying?”
She looked up as a tear slid down her cheek. A hand went up to her cheeks, she was crying. “I-um had something in my eye,” she lied, setting the magazine down and going to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.
“Love of my life, you’ve hurt me/ You’ve broken my heart and now you leave me/ Love of my life, can’t you see?”
Looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, she broke down, trying her best to stay quiet. She had never told anyone in her family about Nikki. Everyone was too shaken over everything that was going on that they didn’t need to be bothered by it. It was her problem, not theirs. But it still hurt. She tried not to let it show, but there was a hole in her chest from where her heart used to be.
“He wasn’t even that great,” she whispered to herself in an attempt to stop the tears. “There is someone better out there for you, someone way better. Someone who w-will accept you with all the luggage you bring along.”
She shook her head. She didn’t want anyone else. The love she felt for Nikki, as present as it still was, was something she had never felt before. It was deep love that little could change. Even though he didn’t want her, she would never stop loving him. It didn’t matter what he did, if he changed his style or got with someone else, she would always love him. That she knew. There was nothing she could do to change that.
Y/n brushed away the tears as more replaced them. She just wanted to feel whole again, to be as strong as she used to. But, she knew in the back of her mind, that she couldn’t without him. It wasn’t like he completed her or anything like that. It was just that he made her a better person. She was great by herself, but she was excellent, at the top of her game, around him. And it hurt to know there was no other way she could feel that way.
“Bring it back, bring it back/ Don’t take it away from me/ Because you don’t know what it means to me.”
Y/n groaned, hitting the wall. “Turn it down, would ya?”
Seconds later the music that was floating through the wall was silenced. She wasn’t in the mood for that song or any song it seemed. Music no longer had the calming effect that it used to. It was more of a painful reminder than anything else.
Brooke bounced up and down as Y/n entered the kitchen. Setting her bag on the counter, Y/n raised her brow. It was rare to see her sister that excited anymore. She was 17, ready to leave everything behind, at least she used to. Since she’d moved in with Y/n depression had set in and she wasn’t the happy, bubbly girl she used to be. She was a shell of the girl she used to be and it hurt to have to watch. Y/n had tried everything, doing her best to make Brooke happy but it was one of those things that took time. She couldn’t just instantly go back to the girl she used to be, that girl no longer existed. She had to find herself again, Y/n understood that all too well, and that it didn’t happen in the blink of an eye.
“Guess what aunt Linda sent us?” she squealed.
“I don’t know, what?” She crossed her fingers, hoping that it wasn’t any more classical records. Linda had sent them boxes of classical records to the point where they were drowning in them, they didn’t need anymore. Maybe the woman thought it would fill the void that their parents had left. If that was the case, she was wrong.
Brooke pulled out an envelope she’d been hiding behind her back. “She sent us Motley Crue tickets!!!”
The girl was jumping up and down, too excited to hold still as she waved the tickets around. Too excited to see Y/n’s face drop as she looked at what she held in her hands.
She didn’t want to go. Not an ounce of her wanted to be in the same building as Nikki, let alone watch him perform. She was still hurting, as she hadn’t let herself fully feel the breakup, the hole he’d left behind was still as big as it had been the day he broke her heart. It was too soon to see him again.
But wouldn’t it always be too soon?
No matter how much time past it would always be too soon. Y/n couldn’t stand the idea of seeing him, the love of her life, and letting him walk on by. It wasn’t that she couldn’t do it, it was that she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to let him just walk away, not when she could stop him. And if she was caught in the same facility as him, there was every chance that she would try and talk to him.
“Can we go? Please!”
Y/n didn’t know what to say, so she nodded. Making her sister happy meant more to her than having her heart broken again. Then doing it herself this time It was her job to take care of her siblings and she was willing to sacrifice her feelings over that. And her sister deserved happiness. After many months of nothing but emptiness, Y/n was willing to give into to anything that would make her happy.
“Love of my life, don’t leave me/ You’ve taken my love, you now desert me (all my love/ Love of my life, can’t you see? (please bring it back)/ Bring it back, bring it back (back, back/ Don’t take it away from me.”
Y/n sucked in a breath. It seemed that that song was following her around. She heard it everywhere. On the radio, at stores, on tv, and at home. She couldn’t get away with it. It was just as bad as the ache in her heart anytime she thought of something that Nikki and her used to do together. “Claire,” she called out. “Can you turn that off?”
Turning back to Brooke, she couldn’t help but melt under her soft eyes. There was no way she could say no, not when it was clear as day how happy it would make her. Sighing, Y/n shook her head. “When is it?”
Brooke was jamming out to the music, occasionally bumping into Y/n. It was amazing how the music brought her to life in ways that nothing else could. Y/n tried to enjoy herself, as they stood far enough from the stage so Nikki had less of a chance of seeing her. If she thought too hard about him, looked up at him as he played, she was sure that tears would follow, so she focused on Brooke, the only reason she was there.
She had thought about seeing Nikki, about him taking her back. Thousands of fantasies filled her mind before they had even showed up. But she knew that none of them would come true. So, she trashed them and any idea about seeing Nikki. She wasn’t there for him anyway. He’d made it clear that he didn’t want her, so she wasn’t going to push it no matter how much she wanted to.
“This is amazing!” Brooke shouted above the crowd, dancing to the music.
Y/n nodded, trying to act like she was having fun. She should have pursued an acting career, as the months went on, she done more acting than she ever had in her life. She could easily get an Oscar for her performance of acting like everything was going to be okay.
When the show ended, the two waited for a little for the mass of people to dwindle before they left. Y/n didn’t want to get stuck in traffic that always happened after concerts. Walking out of the venue, Brooke chatted away about everything. It was clear that she had really enjoyed herself. Y/n was glad. The girl needed a break. She needed to not feel the pain that their parents had caused.
They were almost to the car when a voice stopped Y/n in her tracks. She had almost made it. Almost.
She turned her head to see Nikki, Tommy, and Mick walk towards them. She shook her head, they hadn’t even noticed her, there was nothing to worry about. Everything would be fine if she could get in the car fast enough.“Get in the car, Brooke,” she ordered as the men got closer.
Brooke was still focused on the show as she slid into the car. Y/n walked around to the driver's side but was too late.
She stopped what she was doing, getting in the car now seemed like the last thing on her mind as she stared in front of her. She didn’t want to turn and face him, but she also didn’t want to get in the car where she would have to pretend as if nothing happened. Slowly, she turned to Nikki, who was clearly shocked to see her.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I don’t see how that’s any of you’re business anymore.”
He rolled his eyes. “Really? I think it is my business.”
She scoffed, folding her arms over her chest. If only he came a little closer, just enough for her to get a swing at him. Upon seeing him, his shooked look, it changed her mind momentarily about wanting to talk to him about anything. She wanted him to feel the same pains he had since they’d last seen each other. She wanted him to realize how much he needed her and how he couldn’t have her. “That so? Well, nothing I do has been you’re business for a long time! And you have no right to care about my business as you didn’t care when you dumped me!”
He threw his arms in the air, hurt by her words. But she didn’t care. He deserved it. He deserved to be hurt just like she had. “I love you, so I fucking care about you!”
Y/n laughed as tears collected in the corner of her eyes, “That’s cheap, Nikki. Real cheap. If you loved me then you wouldn’t have let me leave.”
Before he could respond, Brooke rolled down the driver’s side window. “What’s going on?”
Y/n sighed, she’d forgotten all about her sister. “Nothing. Nothing is going on.” She turned her attention back to Nikki. “If you really love me, you’re gonna have to do better than yell it at me in the street. You’re gonna have to do a lot better than you’ve ever done.”
She wiped the tears away as she opened the car door. Brooke was silent as Y/n started the car and pulled out onto the street. Both wanted to say something, Y/n wanted to break down and Brooke had questions she wanted answered, but neither said a word.
To fill the silence, Y/n turned on the radio and the same song that had been haunting her for months was playing.
“You will remember when this is blown over/ And everything’s all by the way/ When I grow older, I will be there at your side/ To remind you how I still love you/ I still love you.”
Instead of turning it off like she had done in the past, she let it play. It could do no more harm than what had already been done. She just needed to accept the pain and move on. ANd now, after seeing him one last time, maybe she could do that. May just enough to not feel hurt every day.
Her love for him could still be felt as she drove home, but now it wasn’t up to her to do something about their relationship. If Nikki really loved her like he said he did then he was going to have to do something about it. Y/n would have, but it wasn’t the right time, not when she had four kids to take care of it. It was no longer up to her, anyhow. Nikki had made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her siblings and so that meant that he would have to be the one to do something about it. He would have to come to her because she couldn’t go to him. She couldn’t dump her siblings on the street like her parents had to run back to him.
The fate of their relationship was now in his hands.
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