#and i dont remember if i said this already but my guild was talking about the anniversary campaign
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hauntingblue · 5 months ago
Sanji's face here.... he Knows he is going to fuck him up
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Holding them in my hands again....
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Sanji struck a nerve there akdjaoajkq
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Increible trio btw.... look at the evidence
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............ me next please 🙏🏻
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That is love right there I can see it
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What if we all killed ourselves (except usopp is telling her the opposite ajahkdhsakjd)
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I need sanji to go insane like this more often.... after the timeskip it doesn't happen as much and I love to see him suffering
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This is so funny.... there is no denying to her face card
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"It's not like she actually wants to die" well yes she does, but no because you know she doesn't really. It is in a quantum state right now
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Luffy is such a menace akdhaksjkaak
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Look at franky worrying about robin.... do not fret luffy is coming and he will NOT lose!!!!!
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This is zoro remarking how usopps fear of being left behind makes no sense.... this is so good.....
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This is so endearing but it also breaks my heart....
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Who is that sultry binch... (I don't recall this attack AT ALL and i'm sure we never see it again)
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They botched his bbl.... 😔😔😔
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Luffy's face here... he was convinced she wanted to go with them but was compelled to do otherwise but no.... he thought wrong and he can't fight to her.... I've just been staring at this page for minutes like damn.
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Nevermind.... this is something your mother would say "you want to die??? Just wash the dishes and you can do whatever you want later"
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"If you wanna die, or whatever...." this is so good like he knows what he is doing.... he Knows.... look at her face. After knowing how luffy and ace were as kids this just makes more sense (oda didn't think about this i'm sure but damn does it fit) also the slight manipulation.... look at all of us we're already here and look how we all miss you already... you know that post about luffy being selfish but his selfishness is jusg kindness to others... yesh
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Thinking about robin's cinderella lifestyle.... why did her mother leave her with that aunt and why didn't some archeologist take her in?? Because she doesn't complain about anything just like she doesn't respond when that mother accused her of hitting her child without reason... that's so fucked
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Alright this is funny (and also true)... I'm sorry fellow women....
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*Justin Bieber voice* I like your laugh... dereishi shishishi
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SHE'S GONNA ASK HER MOM TO TAKE HER TO THE SEA WITH HER??? LIKE SHE DOES AFTER WITH LUFFY??? MY GOD!!! I just bursted into tears like I got punched in the nose I can't keep going ajdhakajk
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I lied i can keep going... but head in my hands over this....
Find out how my emotional stability survives this arc in ennies lobby part 2. coming soon
#franky calling sanji brother eyebrows is too good akdbsksnsk also ily franky#captain t bone.... he got killed tecently.... i forgot who he was until now but he actually cared thats so fucked up.... cross guild come o#sanji going against cp9 by himself.... i shant say it... SLAY!!!! also the cook being mad about being pretty cause he has no individuality.#lucci talking about a little girl being born wrong and needing to die for it TO SANJI!!! OOF!!!#the frog stopped rocketman bc he thought they kidnapped kokoro just like they took tom 😭😭😭 this fucking frog always gets me#chapter 377 and franky is in the headline with the strawhats ❤️❤️ they recruit TWO thirty year olds in enies lobby ajdhaksjks#franky biting spandex head.... yeah... and he should do it more why did he stop biting heads... he got domesticated#luffy is such a menace here like damn.... he is charging thru EVERYTHING!! GET THEM BOY!!!!#also franky is so important in giving robin hope here... like she sees him fighting back no matter what and i KNOW that inspires her...#i am going to say it hina fullbody and jango have a challengers thing going on but without hina being involved physically iykwim#when in action panels the ink just becomes lines... OOF!!! CHEFS KISS!!! MWAH MWAH#completely forgot gear 2 used the shave technique.... thats so cool..... also iron body must be haki then... and finger pistol#i dont think i can do this... after this ends we got thriller bark and then marineford starts building up...#i can endure water 7 sad moments bc everything ends up well in the end but what am i gonna do with marineford.... my god#also dr clover and dr hyruluk and crocus all have smilar plant based hair designs is that bc they are doctors or just coincidence#also robins father is dead and for sure another archeologist or similar.... thats inch resting....#which also like damn olvia and dragon had to make the same choices with their children i am sure. thats so fucked. dragon backstory when#clover knew the name of the fallen kingdom (robonosuke lore??) and also olvia knew some important information the gov didnt know... ✍️✍️✍️#SAKAZUKI SHOT THE EVACUATION SHIP???? HELLO??? I DIDNT REMEMBER IT WAS HIM!! (also olvia knew where saul was)#kuzan is sick in the head... he can't bring himsef to kill child robin but he will kill her as an adult... also his beef with akainu is OLD#like no wonder she was terrified when she saw him again. he said live like a recluse or i will end you and she fucking did. THE bogeyman#there are comments saying they hate akainu and he has just appeared 😭😭 JUST FUCKING WAIT#you guys think when luffy realised robin's enemy was the world gov he also realised it was sabo's enemy too.... bc as a child he didn't kno#also pluton was made as a countermeasure for the weapon robin could reactivate... could that be the one that was used in lulusia??#bc i thought that weapon was pluton but if pluton is just blueprints.... this makes more sense... which could also mean the ancient weapons#are a countermeasure for weapons the government already has. and thats why they're hunting them down. to have no opposition#so there must be two sides of the ancient weapons bc they call pluton that but also the unnamed one that robin could activate#so is pluton a countermeasure to uranus (the one used in lulusia i think) but neptune? trios dont make sene but a trio and their opposite d#reading one piece#enies lobby
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lecliss · 4 years ago
Crestoria was in maintenance until 3 and it went back into maintenance at 3:30 and now its STILL in maintenance and Im gonna go insane. I want IN. Give me the compensation gleamstones already!!! I have AP to spend!!!! Theres new story too!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaa
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fiymywings · 2 years ago
ahh if youre able to, would you mind sharing some tls of hollow? there’s so little content of him? 😭
absolutely! i'll make a few proper posts with translations once i get the time and energy to (very mentally burnt out right now so basically anything i've already done/am working on at the moment are the most i can muster), but this is sort of an assortment of summaries/from-memory translations for the time being
it's a bit long so it's under a read more but hopefully these can suffice until i get on that
from ch. 2 of his beginning of a dream meister story:
hollow and emma run into someone injured in a back alley, and rush to aid him only for a bystander to mistake hollow as the perpetrator behind several similar attacks, insisting it was him on the basis of him being caught literally red handed. hollow doesn't reply and just dismantles a nearby wheel barrel to become a makeshift . i forgot what they're called but they transport hospital patients and tells him to take the injured guy to help which clears the air up pretty fast. the resulting conversation happens:
Emma: By the way... when that guy said your hands were stained red, what was up with that?
Hollow: ... fufu~
Emma: ?
Hollow: Efufufufu~
Emma: ?????
Hollow: I was enjoying a particularly good drink of pomegranate juice that day. Though, I appear to have been a bit clumsy with disposal.
(i think about this exchange so much. yes she did use ??? in actual dialogue if im remember correctly)
Moon route Ch. 3
after having essentially put down a mechanical hound, he approaches emma and asks for her hand before putting a handmade metal bracelet on her. she asks about the details, and he confirms it was made with some scrap parts from the hound, having wanted to carry the memory of the hound around before she realized he had a matching bracelet (this made me start absolutely losing it btw. absolutely broke the hinges off my metal door)
he also said a REALLY nice quote about hardships and relying on each other but i cant for the life of me remember the baseline of it so i'll rb and tack it onto it
guild home interaction
i don't have the exact tls and because it was a random event it might take a bit for me to get it again to tl but essentially hollow was flipping through a book/magazine, saw an illustration of a mouse, and yelled. emma went to check up on him and tried to calm him down but iirc he ended up bolting despite it just being an illustration
train of remembrance ch 5
hollow sits down next to emma after effese (i dont know how to spell his name sorry if i got it wrong hgfdjb) is settled down by her and they take a moment to look out the window (this one i had written down because i was gushing to someone over discord)
Hollow: Would it be alright if I rested here as well? Emma: Of course! Go ahead. Hollow: Nfu~ Then, please excuse me a moment. If you take your time gazing out there… it's as if just outside the window is but a sky full of stars. Though of course we have our current situation, it begins to feel like we're merely on a journey. Just a bit. Emma: Fufu, looks like it. Hollow: Everyone back at Niji no Kanata too, they're all working very hard, so… Someday, with you invited along as well, I'd like to go on a nice relaxing journey together. Certainly Lagoon will prepare the finest transport available. Emma: Wah, I'm looking forward to it! [ Idling chatting with Hollow, the tension from prior had abruptly relaxed.] Emma: (Such a nice feeling, it's like my shoulders have finally untensed. Hollow… he pretty much controlled the energy in the room, huh?) Hollow: Efesse too, shall we get you sat down somewhere so you may talk too?
he later dropped the bomb he had basically picture perfect memory and could remember stuff even back when he was just a lil baby which is pretty in line with his natural talent of not just dismantling at stupid speed but 1. rapid assembly 2. part recognition (i.e. recalling what part in a machine is what series, what number, what alloy, etc)
some uncategorized stuff:
hollows date lines, i dont remember if its 10+ or 20+ since i have him at 26 but hes talking to the player and says smth along the lines of "we look like lovers? ... ah, that makes me happy"
it's confirmed in his sun route he sort of mentally blacks out upon hearing a clock and has to stop everything in order to dismantle it right away assumedly because of a noise trigger. it's played off for giggles in the main story but it seems outright painful for him in the meister story so i have no idea what's going on there but i believe in ch. 3 emma actually asks about that and he essentially goes "although i'm not sure, i'm sure i'll figure it out eventually!" nonchalantly and emma goes YOURE SO CHILL ABOUT IT?!
i'm not sure how well i would translate it, but he speaks pretty politely/formally! i kinda translate it as the type of speech "OH GOOD HEAVENS!" would come from as a result but you're welcome to interpret it as you'd like
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juviaafullbuster · 4 years ago
Can you do 12 for the story list? We never see Juvia ever express how she feels when she's sad. Maybe Gray talks to her about it. Also I really like your blog!
Heyy Anon! Thank you, I'm really glad you do! Also thank you so much for the request. I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but I hope you like it 💙
Angst - Prompt 12:
"Holding everything in doesn't help, you know."
When Gray first voiced his concern, his friends gave him a questioning look. To them Juvia wasn't any different than usual. She still had her sweet smile on, she still greeted everyone warmly, still clinged to Gray every time she saw him. Same old Juvia.
But Gray knew better. They did live together for six months after all. And he had learned quite some things about her during that time. One being that Juvia tends to keep a lot to herself. It might surprise people because she seems so open with her emotions, especially the ones regarding him, but she tends to keep a lot to herself. Crazy woman, always worrying about being a burden.
Gray stole a glance at her. She was seated with Cana and Lisanna, listening closely to whatever the two were saying. She wasn't engaging in the conversation, just listening and nodding along sometimes. She was smiling. To anyone else it would seem that she was content. But not to Gray.
No, he could see the way her shoulders were tense. How she kept stealing glances towards the clock. How her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. There was a distant look hidden behind her facade. Something was definitely off. And whatever it was, Gray was determined to find out. Because it is Juvia, his Juvia. The one who always looks out for him and makes sure he's alright. And he'll be damned if he doesn't do the same.
Later that evening Gray made his way over to Fairy Hills. He knew boys weren't allowed and Erza would surely kill him if she spotted him there but he would have to deal with that when it came to it. For now, his focus was on the water mage that had left the guild hall without telling him goodbye earlier. Yeah, something was definetly wrong. And he was about to find out what it was.
Gray glanced up to the window Juvia had pointed to once. She had told him that it was hers in case he wanted to sneak in. Back then he had just told her she was being crazy. And now look at him, he was doing exactly that. Who is the crazy one now?
Shaking the thought away, Gray focused back on his task. He used his ice magic to form a ladder and climbed up in hope that Juvia left the window open. When he arrived upstairs he had to learn that she didnt. He knocked on the window a few times, hoping to gain her attention. After his fourth knock, Juvia finally came out of the other room, a questioning look on her face. When she spotted him however she froze before breaking out in a huge smile. At least he had accomplished one thing. She came over and opened the window gesturing for him to come in.
"Graysama, what are you doing here? Not that Juvia minds but it is very unlike you to climb into a womans room during the late evening.." He could tell her fantasy was already running wild and he let her imagination run for a little before shaking her out of her trance.
"Alright, spill it."
"Spill what?"
"What's wrong?"
"Juvia is afraid she doesn't know what you mean."
"I mean, what's wrong with you?"
Juvia looked taken aback for a moment before tears started forming in her eyes. "Nothing is wrong with Juvia.. Why would you ask that? Do you think there is something wrong?"
Shit. That was not what he meant. How could he be so bad with words?
"No, Juvia. I didn't.. I didn't mean it like that. Don't take it the wrong way, nothing's wrong with you. I just had a feeling something's off, you've been acting different.. you didn't spend much time around me today."
"Does Graysama feel neglected?"
"WHAT!? What are you talking about. That's not it at all."
"Oh.. Then what is it?"
"Juvia, I like to think that I know you very well by now. And something's definitely going on with you. First I thought I was just being crazy, everyone else said you were being your usual self. But I've been watching you closely and I can tell that you're not like usual. Something must be bothering you."
"Graysama was watching Juvia?" She was looking at him with big eyes, a slight flush on her cheeks.
"No! I mean yes, but- it's not like you think.."
"Juvia understands. You watched her because you were worried about her."
"Graysama is so sweet, worrying about Juvia." She pretty much had hearts in her eyes at this point and Gray found himself blushing. He turned around, awkwardly scratching his neck. This conversation wasn't going anywhere..  and then he realized.
This conversation wasn't going anywhere for a reason. She was trying to avoid the issue by getting him flustered and drifting off topic. And he almost fell for it.
"Alright, sit down."
"So bossy.."
"I'm serious Juvia. We need to talk. Stop trying to distract me and be honest. What is it, what's going on?"
He stared at her waiting for a response. Juvia tried to hold his stare but he was determined. It took only a few seconds for her to give up and look away, staring anywhere but at him.
Her shoulders dropped in defeat and the mask she had on fell. When she looked at him again, she was frowning, a sad and distant look in her eyes. Seeing her like that, it broke her heart.
"Juvia.. what's wrong?" Gray sat down next to her. It was an unusual sight, seeing Juvia like that.
"It's nothing.. Really, it's sweet of you to worry but Juvia is fine."
"Seriously? Juvia you're obviously not fine so don't pretend to be. I'm not leaving until I know what's wrong. So you either talk now or I'll be spending the night."
"Graysama wants to spend the night with Juvia?" She smirked, looking at him with a gleam in her eyes. Gray felt his cheeks warning up and he looked away.
"Nice try. But don't try to drift off topic."
"Really, Graysama, Juvia is fine. She's just a little tired that's all."
"Listen, I understand. I know what it's like to not want to burden others with your issues. Trying to keep everything to yourself, acting like you're fine when you're not. When my parents died, when I lost Ur. When I found out the truth about what happened to Ultear, when I lost my dad again. I've been there. I shut myself off, tried to carry it all myself. And do you know where it got me? I turned cold, distant. It damaged my friendships. I was a mess Juvia.."
She was listening closely. Gray watched a tear roll down her check. He wiped it away before giving her a small smile.
"I dont have to tell you all that, do I? Because you were there when I finally broke down. While we were living together. When I couldn't hold back anymore, when the nightmares became too much. You were the one who held me and told me that it will be okay eventually. The one who listened to me. Do you remember what you told me that day?"
Juvia looked down, confirming that she indeed still remembered. But he was going to remind her of her words anyway. He put his hands on her cheeks, tilting her head up and making her look at him.
"Holding everything in doesn't help, you know."
It was what it took for Juvia to finally let go. She broke down, crying her heart out while clinging to him desperately. Gray held her close, stroking her back in an attempt to comfort her. Slowly her sobs became quieter until they died down completely. She still clung to him and didn't make any indication of letting go anytime soon. Gray just continued holding her, wishing to shield her from all the pain in the world.
"Juvia is sorry.."
Gray stopped her before she could continue. "Don't be. It's okay to not be okay. Stupid trying to hold everything in. I'm here for you Juvia, whenever you need me. Don't carry everything by yourself. Okay?"
She looked up to him before nodding her head in agreement. He smiled at her softly and she laid her head back on his shoulder. He saw that there were still some tears rolling down her cheeks but at least she seemed calmer, a little more relaxed. Gray held her closer, an attempt to tell her that he's here for her. He always was better with actions than words.
"Thank you Graysama."
"Don't thank me. I didn't do anything.."
"You did a lot."
They sat in silence, enjoying each others presence and comfort. Gray wouldn't admit it loudly, but he needed this just as much as Juvia.
"Hey, Juvi."
"Want to tell me what happened?"
There was a moment of silence before Juvia moved away from him, freeing herself from his hold, in order to look at him. Gray had to admit that he missed her warmth immediately.
"Juvia will tell you, but.."
"But only if you stay with her after too.. everytime I think about what happened nightmares follow so Juvia can't sleep."
"That explains why you appeared so tired. How long has this been going on?"
"Two weeks. Since the last mission I took."
"Juvia, what happened on that mission?"
"You're staying with me?"
"Of course. I'm not planning to leave your side anytime soon."
"So Graysama is spending the night with Juvia?"
"You want Erza to behead me?"
"Juvia would never let anyone hurt you. When it comes to protecting you not even Erza can stand in my way."
"Well, in that case.. I guess there's no reason for me not to stay."
Gray laid down on her bed and pulled her down with him. She rested her head on his chest, while he wrapped his arms around her protectively, pulling her closer to him. He heard her sigh, prompting him to tighten his arms around her. They both stayed silent for a moment, enjoying each others presence and the peace before Juvia took a deep breath and started telling Gray about the mission that she had finished two weeks ago. He listened closely while rubbing her back comfortingly. It wasn't long until the tears were rolling down her cheeks again. Turns out her mission wasn't as successful as Master had first told them. Yes, Juvia did finish the job, but there were some complications she hadn't told anyone about until now.
Juvias job wasn't a hard one, she was just supposed to hold a water show at a little girls birthday party. The girls father however was late. He should have been there an hour ago and they were still waiting. They decided to start without him, despite the girls protest. Turns out her father was her only family. Just a little later however random people came to the house, talking about an accident. By the time the news registered, Juvia was already holding on to the little girl, a desperate attempt to shield her from the world, the pain.
"Gray, she was shaking so bad and then she broke down because she realized what happened. And all that on her birthday. And I was there. I was there Gray. I could have went to look for him after he was late. I could have found him. And maybe it wouldn't have been too late the. If I had-" Juvia didn't manage to finish her sentence. Instead she clinged to him desperately, sobbing into his chest.
"She has noone now. Just another kid, left to the system. Juvia was there. Juvia knows what it's like. If only I would have-"
"Juvia, don't."
"No, Juvia. Don't you dare blame yourself for this. None of this is your fault. You couldn't have known. It was an accident. Besides, if anything they're lucky you were there. At least the girl had someone to hold her, she wasn't alone."
"But she-"
"It won't be easy, but she'll be okay eventually. You can't blame yourself for this Juvia."
Juvia seemed to think over his words, before sighing. She still seemed conflicted but he could tell that some weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Gray pulled her closer to him and kissed her head.
"If you want we can go check up on her together? And make sure shes treated well at the orphanage until she finds a good family."
"You'd really do that?"
"Of course, if you allow me to come with you."
"Juvia would love that."
"Alright, then it's settled. Now try to rest."
"You promise to still be here when Juvia wakes up?"
"Not even Erza herself can make me leave your side tonight."
She giggled and Gray couldn't help the small smile. It would take some time for her to deal with this and recover. But she would be fine because this is his Juvia, the strongest girl out there. And he'd stay with her until she does.
"Did you remove the ladder you climbed up with?"
There was a moment of silence before realization hit him. Gray sprinted to the window, ready to break the ice, only to find that he was too late because standing next to it was no other than Erza herself.
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blookmallow · 3 years ago
working on my feral mage Menace To Society skyrim character
her name is amaranth and her sole purpose in life is to be evil and do crimes (basically, to do everything i was too nice to do, and to be a vampire and side with the vampires in the dawnguard questline and stuff like that) (ive already done the dark brotherhood and thieves guild lines but im playing those again too)
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i just kind of wandered off for a while because following along or being friendly with Anyone is not her style and she doesnt give a shit about helping anyone (its actually very difficult to play skyrim with a "i dont care about anyone i dont want to help anybody or listen to anyone's problems" character considering thats the primary way you make money and get missions) (ive had to make some allowances for like "ok I Guess Maybe This Guy Will Probably Pay Me if i deliver this letter for him or whatever") so anyway i actually played for a decent while before actually touching the proper main storyline and completely by accident the first shout she ever learned was. this
which is uh, very fitting
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really would have been more in character to just take the crown and run for it since nobody stopped me from just like, putting it on and wandering off to do other shit for ages, but im also using her to see how the stormcloak side plays out so i GUESS ill give it back
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god damn it some random hunter sent assassins after me sdfkdsg
one of my rules with this character is she will Always seek bloody revenge if this ever happens but how the fuck am i supposed to know which of you this was
i picked the only hunter camp i could remember seeing and killed him for it but then again it would be like her to just be like "eh close enough. revenge is revenge"
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im gonna be honest here the destruction of the dark brotherhood was genuinely the most upsetting thing i ever experienced in this game in my first run and they're still my favorite characters and im STILL not over it so playing again and seeing everyone just. alive and well again. kinda hurts,
i assume there isnt any way to save any of them other than the two (or three if you spare cicero) that survive anyway but. man
amaranth would absolutely be the one to choose to kill cicero but i completely refuse i will not do it and nobody on this earth can make me
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pretty sure this guy was lowkey flirting and its a shame you cant marry a jarl because amaranth would definitely be into that
i havent decided who im going to have her marry yet, my first thought was "whoever she thinks would gain her the most power/influence" but upon realizing you can't marry a jarl i kinda dropped that idea for the most part. are there any marriage options that are just fucked up and evil
idk i guess ill just see if anyone fits thematically im really into building my storylines here lmao
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very unnerving to see this guy being so friendly and welcoming to me now that im playing as a nord when he's always been rude as SHIT to me before (my main file is a dunmer) (my others are a khajiit and an orc and i cant remember if ive met him with those but i imagine hes just as rude)
i also, uh. broke something with calixto somehow, i forget where i am in the butcher questline on this file (i tried to kill him before anyone dies now that i Know on another file already but you can't, he's apparently immortal,)
anyway so i think this was right after the body turns up in the graveyard, i stopped him to talk to him but for some reason,
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his dialogue came up as if he was in his house, he offered me a tour so i was like. ok. and said yes
then he went all the way back to his house, i followed him, he went in
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and then just immediately locked me out fjsdgjsdg
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brokendreamchan · 3 years ago
Gamer Life
Chapter 1 : I'm a character in this world?
Denki's pov
"-ki wak-"
"Denki wake up!"
I opened my eyes, confused by the weird room, it was spacious, and plain, and had many beds mostly all empty. It didn't look like my room, where are my posters? My tv? My mess of clothes?
As I turned towards a boy who looked about 13 ish who was staring at me with an annoyed face.
"Wake up already dum dum, lady Nemuri is waiting for you, jeez I would be more excited than you if today was my last day here"
"Denki did you forget, today you get to leave the orphanage of Midnight, did you decide where your going yet?"
I blinked a couple of times as I looked around, where am I, who is this kid, and finally didn't I just die?
Am I dreaming? As I get up, and I brushed my hair something weird happen a screen  pop up; Item, Mission, status, accomplishment. As I turned  around I noticed the kid frozen, and it felt like a weird numbness surrounding me. I swipe my hand where it said status.
Free spirited, and happy child, no current spouse or kids or part of any guilds
- affinity to lighting
-Speech craft 30
-charisma +15
intimidating -10
-bartening +5
As i looked around the screen stayed in my sight I then touched
Item :
No item equipped
I then clicked
Talk to lady Nemuri
As I scratched my head the floating words disappeared.
I noticed the kid look at me before he started to walk towards the door. I decided to follow the kid to see what's going on. As I leave the room i notice the place had kids running around  a few adults who waved, oddly their faces where plain and features where plain, as I passed a window  I noticed my reflection,
I looked the same but different, for starters my blonde hair was a bright  yellow with a black lightning bolt, my eyes also a golden yellow instead of my plain brown. My physique was more toned, I was confused as I touched my face same eye shape and nose and chin.
My clothes a simple white shirt and brown pants,  brown leather boots.
-Denki hurry up!
As I turned away from my reflection we had reached a door. The boy knocked,
-Come in!
We entered and well the woman who was sitting in the office is a beautiful woman dark purple hair with sultry sky blue eyes, she wore red rimmed glasses. She was wearing a very tight vintage dress that left nothing for the imagination.
I couldn't help to blush, but the moment I met her eyes a screen popped  up 
[Nemuri Kayama- Lady Midnight ]
Age- 37
Headmistress of Midnight orphanage
A retired head mage knight from Todoroki castle.
Will offer;
mission- for the kids
In the back of the orphanage theirs a nest of rats, clear them for the safety of the kids
Reward: renown+5 gold+50 exp+15
I scratched my hair and Lady Nemuri  stood up
-There you are sleppy head, it's time my little chick to leave the nest, but before you go, can you do me a favor, and I promise to give you a reward ~
As lady Nemuri finished  she blew me a kiss, I nodded my head
-excellent!! Please follow me to the back of the orphanage.
I followed her all the way to the outside of the orphanage, we entered a forest, soon we encountered the nest I counted 10 big rats
-okay sweetie, why dont you show me what you got, oh here, I almost forgot these knives are quite sharp and should also attune to your magika, try them
As I reached for them the menu of
[Items] pop out
-thowing knives +10 damage
Yes or No
I selected yes
I turned towards the nest and aimed and threw the knife and hit one
+5 exp floated above the rat and disappeared
-perfect, try again but use magika this time, remember to concentrate ~
I took a breather and aimed again and nothing just a regular  hit,
-visualize your magika sweetie
I tried again and this time a chain reaction of hits +5, +5, +5 +5
I tried again
The nest was empty.
-I did it!!
I cried as I jumped  up and down, I turned towards  lady Nemuri who was smiling,  she clapped then she handed me a small coin purse  and as I reached for the bag I was surrounded by a light my screen came out
Leveled up+1
Strength 30+5=35
Magika 5+5=10
The rest of my status remain the same, as I faced lady Nemuri I realized I'm a character in a rpg Game?!!!!
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ohsweetflips · 5 years ago
so!!! taz grad!!! holy shit!!!!!!!
spoilers under the cut!!!!!
FIRST OFF, i would just like to say: i said last episode that i did not trust the school taking the students’ items was WEIRD and UNTRUSTWORTHY and someone was like “but it’s the school’s money!” but i am calling this a “ha! told you!” moment bc now fucking higglemas used the glasses and knows about the portal!!!
second: this episode warmed my fitzrain heart :’)
third: my friend told me to make a notesheet of all my grad theories so that is also on my phone now asjksjksdkjd
fitzroy wanting to take the interdimensional cat with them just to mess with argo is. very funny.
but also i’m just gonna focus on the more “plot based” stuff bc i know im probably gonna end up making and reblogging shitposts abt the funny stuff
firbolg’s conversation with bartholomus made me :( especially when he was like “you need a goal for yourself because, once you all get out of here, you might find everyone else moving forward and yourself lost again” like first off, that hit hard in a way i didn’t expect it to, second i’m so :( abt the firbolg
and fitzroy!!! 
okay so my stance has been “i don’t trust hieronymous for shit” and that scene with higglemas almost confirmed it UNTIL THE LAST LIKE MINUTE but we’ll get to that
god i know the poison stuff was all griffin goofing but, fitzroy, please be careful
i fucking do not trust anything abt fitzroy being moved up to a villain anymore. like i was already kinda *side eye* but also thrilled bc i’ve talked abt wanting villain fitz since episode one, but now i’m just terrified for him
and, i still don’t know if he’s telling everything abt why he wants to be a knight, but fitz saying that he wanted to be a knight bc it’s fair was a very humble answer that i did not expect and, honestly? it shook me up
like, fitzroy is very hooked on good vs. evil & fairness and like.............. i’m so scared for fitzroy
i literally do not know what to think anymore abt higgs telling fitz to not trust anything abt wiggenstaff, especially hieronymous, bc higgs might be proving to be just as untrustworthy
also i’m keeping a note of how fitzroy constantly mentions how he does not want to go home and face his family
also i think fitzroy might officially be my fave, like, that fairness answer really got me
argo!!! and jackle!!! tbh i think the most important take away was jackle learning that argo will stick to his word once it’s given
which now proves to be very complicated and a bit concerning due to the ending and what is being asked of argo but... we’ll get to that...................
the party!!!! i love rainer and we are all rainer when we wake up on our birthday and our brain just goes “presents,,,,,,”
again, my fitzrain heart was warmed :’) and also fitz seemed disappointed that rainer was going to be heading back home so like :(
i also loved all the dancing and the other gifts and festo and i don’t mean to skip over them but i also really want to talk abt the last 20 minutes
buck!!! i love him!!!
buck!!! was super dishevelled!!! and my brain immediately went “well that’s concerning!!!”
and now leon’s missing!!! great!!! i have a huge theory for that but i’ll hit that at the end
i also like how griffin/fitz was like “i see him leaving” bc it’s canonical that fitzroy sees the outside world while meditating
but i also liked how both justin and griffin were like “we as players know what’s going on but there’s no reason for our characters to be suspicious”
the unbroken chain!!! cool!!! tbh maybe it’s bc i’m still so freaked by the ending but i don’t have much to say on that. the necklace part did get me a bit emotional tho :(((
let it just be known that, even tho justin was the one who thought to go to the library, travis almost had that entire scene planned out like he wanted it to happen, like he wanted the firbolg to tell the tortle abt the demons, AND NOW THAT TORTLE IS CONFIRMED TO BE A MEMBER OF THE UNBROKEN CHAIN
fitzroy... please be careful...................
so my friend said that it’s a memory, and that i definitely believe, and the rock is... something........ and higglemas was looking at the portal which is................... another something
here’s my theory: leon Knows something is going on with the school and he went to the heroic oversight guild with it, and higglemas took him out for it bc the h.o.g is the only thing that can deem heroes/villains evil and, if word gets out that hieroymous and higglemas are doing some shady stuff, they can lose their titles and rank and all the power they have accumulated for centuries. i started this episode being like "i dont trust hieronymous for shit but higgs is cool" and now i don't fucking trust either!!!!
also, my overall point: i will talk abt it until i run out of air that graduation’s main theme is “everything is not what it appears” and i think that is the most important thing to remember
as of rn, my top 5 is: fitzroy, argo, jackle, buck, and rainer
and i also have some theories and i am recording them also here:
see above for leon theory
wiggenstaff creates the problems in last hope/nua so that they can keep the hero/villain business going (i know we all goof abt accounting, but heros/villains are literally a business)
goodcastle is a real place
my friend thinks fitzroy is going to be the scapegoat for hieronymous/higglemas when shit starts to go wrong
the tortle is gonna bring the demon problem to the unbroken chain
there’s going to be a parents weekend where a bunch of shit comes to light abt argo’s mom, fitzroy’s family, the firbolg’s exile, buckminster’s dad (the iron lord), and rolandus’s dad (who is living in exile)
so i’m just thinking of this now but what if fitzroy is purposely being told to not trust the school so that he’ll be more likely to work against it
basically!!! i am terrified for literally every single student at wiggenstaffs and i do not fucking trust those brothers
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fluidityandgiggles · 5 years ago
Dalton Big Bang day 1 - The Canadian Girlfriend Experience
Writing Masterpost, AO3 Link
Notes: So... y’all. Dalton fam. Hear me out.
I understand that y'all are gonna be mad at me for staying up until (four? five?) five in the morning to post this, but I'm something like 90% sure I'd forget to post it in the morning (afternoon), and I have to write tomorrow's fic anyway, so... here's an extra early fluffy mess. Hope y'all like it.
I had to write this one... I really really had to. Han's girlfriend is a big deal to me. I hope you understand it.
(And for the uninitiated in pathfinder - the rank system is wild, feats are taken every two levels or so, Logan’s character is basically invincible, defeated only by Dwight’s monk and the absolute insanity that creating a monk in pathfinder can end up being.)
"I really have to go to sleep," the familiar (by now) high-pitched voice said through the headphones, stifling a yawn. "My drama class is moving props to the auditorium tomorrow for our exam and my mom would be mad at me if I don’t go to sleep in the next thirty minutes."
"So go to sleep, Lils. I won’t be mad at you."
"Okay! I’ll text you in the morning! Love you, bye!"
"Good night."
Han finally let himself snort a bit after his girlfriend hung up, watching as she disconnects from the game a few moments later. He did say he’ll only play Starcraft today so long as Leah is available, and now that she’s offline…
He just closed the game and went back to working on his Pathfinder session prep.
Han met Leah at the San Diego Comic-Con last summer. On day one, she approached him because she thought the Westwoods’ Bat family cosplay was really cool. On day two, he approached her because her Arwen cosplay was flawless. By day three they’d already ditched the con to have a not-date lunch at In-N-Out, found out they’re in the same guild in World of Warcraft, Han found out Leah has a voice acting channel on youtube, they exchanged phone numbers, and by day four they may have not spent the whole day together but they certainly went on a date-date at the end of the day.
They’ve been rather inseparable for the following three weeks, but by then Han had to face the reality of it all. Leah’s phone number was weird to him from the start, sure, and he was willing to pass off her accent as a speech quirk, but it wasn’t until those three weeks ended that it finally sunk in that she’s not American. And like most good things, her visit too has to come to an end.
Maintaining a relationship online just… didn’t feel the same.
1 Unread Message
‘Merril: Can I suggest an idea for Mishka’s character arc?? You can say no, I just had an idea is all!’
Caterpillar: I’m all ears
"While this mess of a… bargain is happening," Logan called as Merril and Reed tried to catch their breaths from laughing. "Can Dwight and I get to the diplomatic debate?"
"Sure," Han sighed, watching his party quickly derail the session. "But let’s take a break first."
The first to disappear at the sound of "let’s take a break" was Lucy, who ran to the bathroom, accidentally knocking off Logan’s dice tower in the process. Merril got the brownies out and on the table, everyone pulled their phones out…
Han could take a couple moments to look at the pictures Leah sent him earlier. According to her, they were not yet done with lighting cues, and she was going crazy, but seeing her in her period piece of a costume and leg brace prop made him feel excited for her, somewhat.
Caterpillar: wish I could been there to see it 
Jabba the Hutt: Oh no! Don’t say that! Jabba the Hutt: I’ll send you the filmed version when I get it, but it’ll probably be really bad anyway.
Caterpillar: im sure it cant be that bad 
Jabba the Hutt: Han, it’s a high school production of the Glass Menagerie. Jabba the Hutt: My class is also doing the play version of Spring Awakening. Jabba the Hutt: It *can* and *will* be that bad. Jabba the Hutt: Trust me. 
"Han?" Merril called before he could answer that one. "Hansel, are you listening?"
"No, I wasn’t. What was it?" He grabbed a brownie, leaving his phone aside for a second.
"Wizards of the Coast announced a new edition of D&D," she said again, smiling gently. "Do you think you’d want to try it?"
"I’m already one step ahead of you there. I’m going to playtest it when it— excuse me…"
Jabba the Hutt: WE FINALLY FUCKING FINISHED THIS Jabba the Hutt: I’ve never been happier to say I’m getting offstage, I need someone to punch me!
Caterpillar: dont you mean pinch?
Jabba the Hutt: I meant what I said and I said what I meant.
Han tuned back in time to hear Logan say "I just really don’t want to have to mess with the power system again", which resulted in Dwight throwing a bag of chips at his head.
"Fourth edition has a very special place in my heart, Wright. Don’t talk shit about it around me."
"Yeah, why all the hate for the power system?" Lucy frowned (when did she get back from the bathroom?). "It’s not all that different to how feats work. Would you complain about getting a new feat every odd level once we switch systems?"
"Not going to happen, Lucy."
"Aw man, but I wanted to play Vampire the Masquerade next!"
"And we already said Merril is going to run it," Han reminded her, checking his phone one last time. "But we’re not switching our current game to another system. Not gonna happen."
There was a quiet "hell yeah" from Merril as Han’s phone buzzed with a new message, but before he could even read it, it was snatched by Lucy.
"Wha… who are you talking to, Han?" She laughed a bit, scrolling up, and then her eyes went wide open. "Well… damn."
"Don’t act like you’re surprised, that’s my girlfriend. You met her before."
The silence in the room was so tense, Han swore he could hear a pin drop. 
"...a girlfriend?" Dwight was the first to ask, raising a brow. "Since when?"
"You know, I honestly thought she would’ve forgotten all about you after two weeks…"
"Since a few months ago," Han told Dwight, taking his phone back. "Can we continue, please?"
"No! It’s interesting!" Merril joined in, resting her chin on her hand as she got closer, pushing some papers a bit. "How did you meet? Where is she from? Can we meet her?"
"We met at Comic-Con and no, you can’t meet her. She’s… not from here."
"...is she Canadian?" Logan raised a brow too, starting to laugh.
"Oh yeah, Han’s Canadian girlfriend."
"She’s not— let’s start to fucking play, this session isn’t going to end itself."
By the end of the session, Han couldn’t say he’d be surprised if the whole school found out by tomorrow. And if anyone (namely the twins) made fun of him for his "Canadian girlfriend"... so be it. 
"Is this Canadian girlfriend of yours coming to prom?" Julian’s tired voice came through the phone, sounding like he was about to pass out. He just arrived at school earlier today, already tired from the flight, and immediately got coddled by Logan.
"She’s not Canadian, Julian. You’re the twenty-fifth person I’ve told this already."
"So where is she from? Would you please tell just one person?"
With a quick glance at the security footage, to make sure Logan wasn’t listening, Han whispered "her name is Leah, I met her at Comic-Con in San Diego last year, she’s from Israel and no, I doubt she can come to prom. She has her own prom to attend."
"...okay, so this Israeli girlfriend of yours. Got it."
"Thank you."
"Are you sure you want to keep her a secret…?" He clicked his tongue. His laugh sounded a bit rougher than usual. "You know how things can end up. You of all people."
"I… I’m just not sure I’m ready for… dude. Is Logan drooling on your shoulder…?"
"Give him a break, Westwood. He’s adjusting to his new pills."
"I asked about the drooling."
"He does that sometimes. I just let him be."
"...why is everyone so interested in my girlfriend? Is it really any different from David and Katherine?"
"I don’t know how to break it down to you, Westwood, but you’re not exactly the type anyone would expect to even have a girlfriend."
A shift in the camera footage made Han cuss silently, covering his microphone.
"...she said she’ll be here for graduation. Hers is in late June, but she finishes school in May."
"Yeah. May. When prom is."
"Do you want to talk to her yourself?" He could hear Julian snort. "I’m not kidding. I’ll give you Leah’s phone number and you’ll convince her yourself. I can’t."
"Because that totally won’t be crazy."
"Just fucking ask her, you absolute nerd!"
"Can you stop ordering me around? This isn’t Hollywood. This is my girlfriend we’re talking about."
"Can you at least send me a picture of her? So I’ll know she’s real?"
"...fuck you, Larson."
Han sent him a picture anyway. A picture of the two of them that Lucy insisted to take while they were in San Diego. They coordinated somehow, Han with his LOTR shirt and Leah with her whole Arwen cosplay. It was the happiest day he could possibly remember.
And then, a snort through the phone.
"...so you’re Leah Appelbaum’s mysterious Maryland boyfriend? Huh. Didn’t know you lived in Maryland."
"...you know Leah?"
"We had auditions in the same building two years ago and she approached me because she’s a fan of Something Damaged. She insisted on keeping in touch. How did you meet her?"
"At Comic-Con… please be gentle about this, Julian."
"Okay! I just… wow. I know where you live now. Sweet."
"Don’t you dare try to blackmail me with that information, Larson."
"I won’t. There’s nothing to worry about."
"...you know what?" Han sighed as the last session before prom was about to close off. "Roll sense motive."
The clatter of dice hitting each other and everyone cussing filled the room, quickly picking up their dice and looking.
"How’s you get a five, Lucy?"
"I’m a barbarian, what do you think—"
Dwight practically glared at Logan. "What the fuck, dude?"
"I play a half-elf cleric, Dwight," Logan answered, straight-faced. "Plus two to wisdom straight away, rolled extremely well, I have a plus five modifier to wisdom and the alertness feat. I took a single rank in sense motive every time we leveled up and now I have ten ranks. On the tenth rank in sense motive or perception, you get a bonus four to the skill instead of the usual two. Thus, ten plus four plus five equals nineteen, plus the fifteen that I rolled. That’s thirty-four. Do I sense motive?"
"...everyone who rolled above a fifteen, and that definitely includes Flint—" Han could see Logan smiling smugly. "Everyone who rolled above a fifteen can see that this woman is telling the truth. Anyone who rolled a twenty or above, Flint, can also sense that—"
There was a knock at the door. There was never a knock at the door. But now there was. And as Reed got up to open the door, Han silently hoped it wouldn’t be anyone who shouldn’t be there—
"And this is your boyfriend’s room," Julian’s voice came through as Reed’s jaw dropped. "Thank you for picking Julian Larson to be your tour guide, we hope you enjoyed the trip."
"Very! Oh, hello!" The girl at the door waved at Reed, who waved back. The whole party waved back. "Am I interrupting anything?"
"No, those nerds are just playing dungeons and dragons. You have nothing to worry about." Reed finally returned to his seat as Julian kissed the girl’s cheek, chuckling at the shock. "Logan, I’ll be expecting you to pick me up at six. I want my pre-prom sushi."
"I promised you I will, Princess, don’t panic."
"Okay, just making sure."
As Julian left, the girl went to sit on Han’s futon and look at everyone. Long brown hair, half of it bleached; dark eyes behind a pair of green plastic-framed glasses; a bit on the heavier side, like Han himself, and wearing a floral summer dress and a pair of short leggings. Her face was flushed red, her lipstick a dark blue, and her nails painted black that just started to chip.
Han missed her so much.
"So… hi." She waved around again, a bit confused. "What’s up…?"
"Who’s this?" Dwight was the first to speak.
"My girlfriend," Han replied, sounding rather insistent. "We were just about to finish our session, Lils. Can you wait?"
"Mmhm! Absolutely! I’ll be so quiet, you’ll forget I’m even here!"
Nobody forgot she was there. Merril kept looking over to her, Reed and Dwight seemed skeptical as ever, and the only person who was normal about it was Lucy. But it wasn’t news for Lucy, she’s met Leah before after all. All the while Leah sat there, chuckling at the game and waiting patiently for Han to finish, which he did twenty minutes later. Dwight practically ran out, followed by Logan who needed to pick his own boyfriend up for dinner, but…
"So where are you from in Canada?" Merril asked first, making Leah smile. 
"I’m… not Canadian. Did Han tell you I’m Canadian?"
"Where’s your lipstick from?" Reed asked next.
"Umm… it’s, it’s from NARS, I picked it up on the way here, I forgot to pack my own makeup and—"
"Is Han taking you to prom?"
Han choked on his water at that. "I can’t leave my room for prom, Merril. Health risks."
"You can have an indoors prom."
"We planned on watching Battlestar Galactica and ordering takeout," Leah admitted. "But… an indoors prom would be nice. I’m not going to mine anyway. My class is writing this… really offensive skit about one of the math teachers and I don’t want to be a part of it."
"What’s your prom even like…?" Reed squinted, sitting back down. "That you do skits."
"It’s… not really a prom. Israel doesn’t really have the promenade culture, it’s just like a showcase the whole class does for family and friends before graduation… I’ve never liked this practice, you know, I think it’s just…"
As Leah rambled on, Han took his time to clear the table and silently hope Merril and Reed leave soon. Those two have prom dates after all. And neither are a Canadian girlfriend.
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lexiy-dreyar · 5 years ago
Mehcanics birthday
charaters: lucy heartfelia, natsu dragneel, xarana,lexiy,star and amaniz drayer, nkita monos and ???, void, chara, gem, frosghen,
Monos walking through the halls of the house when he walked by a calendar he noticed the words may on the top"hmmm.." He looked down at the marker "oh it may second ehehe my birthday is tomorrow!!" He cheers looking back at the calendar to see may 3 marked in stars handwriting he smiles "she remembered" he smiles looking down to see amaniz and nkita marked in may "oh amanizs birthday is 2 days after…." He looks down remembering his cousin "hmm uncle Monos are you ok?" Amaniz asked "huh yeah just remembering somethings...how about you" he chuckles petting the young girls head "your gonna be 6 in a few days…..well technically 16 you excited?" He smiles as her "yeah I guess so…..do you think moms ok?" She fiddled with her hands "yeah her and void woke up and are safe in the hospital your mom will be discharged tomorrow and void will be discharged 3 days be your birthday" he crouched down to match her hight "...and aunty star" she mumbled " well….. Were not sure yet she hasn't woken up yet but im sure shell be awake in time for nkitas birthday" he smiles standing up "now come on its getting late you have some training to do" he picks up the slightly dozing of girl "hmm"
-the next day-
Amaniz and nkita made their way to the hospital"hmmm.." Amaniz fiddled with her hands "hmm is something wrong?" Nkita asked looking down at his side, she shook her head no before slowly holding his hand "hey un-no big brother do you think uncle void will remember me" she asked softly "yeah im sure he wouldn't stop asking about you" he softly squeezed her hand "ama...i know you were scared...you dint have to act tough anymore... you're not like that dont be like your mother be you..ok?" He asked, hearing sniffling coming from her, he sighed softly picking her up "i-im not a kid" she sniffles. The bluentte shook his head no "but your still a child...you were aged up 10 years so you couldn't naturally change...thus your emotions were increased drastically to where you couldn't even control a small bit so dont worry about it ok?" He softly kisses her temple "hmm thank you big brother" she smiled softly "your welcome" he mumbled as they entered the hospital doors and headed up to the 4 floor
-one elevator ride later- 
"Here room 409" amaniz pointed as she was let down "hmm let's see if they're awake" nkita whispered gently knocking in the door "hello?" The two peaked in seeing lex staring out the window with a blank face void rambling to himself and star still under intensive care " mama!" Amaniz cried running over to lex tightly hugging her, crying into her chest "you're ok..' sniff' and your awake" she cried feeling a pair of arms wrap around her "hey there kiddo" lexiy whispered softly pulling her child into the bed leaning back slightly so they were both comfortable "aww that's so cute" void chuckled as he sat up "so babe what's up with you" void winked at nkita making the blue boy blush "iv told you to stop calling me that" nkita grumbled embarrassed "what oh come on you've gotta be kidding your my catch and im yours end of the discussion" void pouts acting like the little kid he is. Nkita shook his head in disappointment before hearing the room door open again "yo!" He heard the voice of his brother "oh hey Monos ho-" "There's the birthday boy!!" Void interrupted nkita "eh eh thanks dude" "no problem bro" the two laughed. 
Monos looked over to star his eyebrows burrowed seeing the wires and needless in her hurt him "hey there starshine how are you, sweetie?" He gently touched her cheek "I know you can here me and I'll be waiting for you ya know" he blushed slightly when her head tilted onto his hand. He smiled seeing a small smile on her face softly kissing her forehead "best present ever" he smiles "creep" nkita jabbed in "As if you have room to talk" Monos glared at his younger brother" are we getting me out of here or what" lex groaned "mom you still se-" "mom?!! No more mama?" Lexiy teared up "what did you do to my baby girl!" Lexiy cried hugging amaniz tighter crying crocodile tears "u-um I did nothing…" nkita void and Monos sweatdropped "nothing happened mom I just grew out of mama its kinda babyis-" the young wizard was interrupted by her wallowing mother "WHHHAAA" she cried making her daughter laugh at her antics "eh eh there we go..i missed your cute little giggles " lexiy smiled happily crushing her child "ack-..mom….cant….breaaathhh"  the brunette struggled her face slowly turning blue "ahh sorry!!" She let go "what no fair wanna go too" void pouted "sorry but your not quite healed yet for you to be up and drinking" nkita chuckled "fine baby you better bring me back cake" void snuggled into his blanket slowly passing out.
Xarna walked down the dark hallways "miss I'll be going now" she bowed "xarna...you remember your mission correct after all you do still want that happily ever after right" she could hear the voice smirk "y-yes I do" she stutters "good 433, gem frosghen go with her and send my happy birthday" the voiced ordered"yes ma'am" the cheery voice of the purple-head cheered "oh god gem stop doing that voice!" The pink frog groaned "oh shut it frosghen!" Gem pouted "we should get moving" 433 suggested as the 4 went on there way.
-scene skip-
"Ughhh can I open my eyes now?!" Monos groaned "nope keep them on bro!" Nkita chuckled as silence took over, only the wheels of the wheelchair could be heard "am I moving to slow mom?" Amaniz asked looking down at her mother as she pushed her around "im quite fine its ok amaniz" lexiy smiled "I hope to god there done by the time we get there" nkita grumbled "it's not to far see its right in front of us" amaniz pointed out "ok cool what is it?" Monos groaned "yoouuuullll see" nkita smirked evilly "creep" "oh shut it!!"
Nkita slowly opened the door and slowly left Monos' side "ehh kiki where are you...dont tell your planning on killing me now" he heard some heald in laughter before taking off his blindfold "SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONOS!" his friends cheered "aww you guys I thought I side no big party" he chuckled "as if we would go small" lucy smiled "now lets party!!!" Natsu cheered "yeah!!!" The guild said in unison,
They all laughed, and yelled and parted into the night
The party was slowly starting to die down. Monos went outside for a little fresh air "ahh man thises guys are the best" he chuckled taking a sip of his drink "are you having fun? Big cousin?" A voice asked him "huh whos there?!" He looked around "aww that's cold" the voice whined he continued to look around the frowned...but soon recognized the voice "no way...how your dead" he muttered softly "well I was...but I have been reborn... I will make you pay for what you and cousin nkita did to me! I thought you loved me!!" The voice cried "we do and we regret what we did but it was the only way to save you im sorry" he teared "if you want I'll make you a new body one so realistic no one's notice!!" He cried "we really miss you" he dried his tears "hmmmm no I already have a new body and they're oh so nice to have me in them I will get my revenge you've earned my mercy for now...but she hasn't she will pay for her sins" the voice grew demonic "but iv seem to overstayed my welcome ill see you both soon the game is on~" the voice faltered. Monis looks down at his drink "I hope to god im just tripping the 500-year war is not something that should happen again...ughhhh there goes my party mood...welp time to get dru-eh" he froze seeing a slightly levied chara " so she wishes to kill me as I did her huh...alright then" "chara please dont the last thing we need is all hell to break loose!" Monos warned her "just a few more people Monos-dear then we'll see the time if fate is nit something I can control….but I can ruin it now go enjoy your birthday" she smirked as she disappeared into snow like dust……."good god I need to get drunk" Monos sighed as he heads back in.
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splendidlyimperfect · 6 years ago
if you have time/dont mind could you do #3 or 7 for gratsu? love your stories!
Sorry for this taking so long! I decided to go with #7, and this is set in the “richer and cleverer than everyone else” thieves’ guild au - between “one third bad intentions, one third avarice, and one-eighth sawdust” and “ten pints of crazy in a one-pint glass.” 
Tumblr media
Summary: Gray’s been in love with Natsu for a long time, and Natsu’s bad at feelings.
Rating: Teen and Up AudiencesPairings: Natsu/Gray, Sting/RogueTags: Thieves’ Guild AU, Drinking, Love Confessions, Kissing, Cuddles
Natsu was already face-first in the alley behind the alehouse before he realized he’d probably had a bit too much to drink.  
“Having a little trouble there?”  
Gray’s voice came from somewhere above Natsu, and Natsu attempted to tell him to fuck off. Instead, he made an unintelligible noise that sounded a bit like ffffgggnnnf and ended up with a mouth full of mud.  
“You’re a complete twat, you know that, right?” Gray sighed, crouching down next to Natsu, whose shirt was already soaked through with foul-smelling ditch water. “You’re lucky I’m here to save you from yourself.”  
Natsu groaned as Gray hauled him to his feet, wrapping Natsu’s arm around his shoulder and guiding him none-too-gently out of the alley. Natsu squinted – the alchemical street lamps were blurs of white light above them, and he could just make out the shapes of carriages on the street.  
“You smell like piss,” Gray grumbled, setting Natsu down on a bench near one of the streetlamps. He crouched down in front of Natsu, frowning at the wet, red stain on the arm of his shirt.  
“Is that blood?” he asked, looking up at Natsu, who blinked at him.  
Gray sighed, reaching up and unbuttoning Natsu’s shirt. “That’s not a question you’re supposed to answer with another question,” he said, wincing when he saw the cut across Natsu’s bicep. “What the hell happened?” 
Continue reading on AO3
“I… may have been… uh, sort of… stabbed,” Natsu said, looking down at the cut and staring at it with a furrowed brow.
“How in the nine hells did you…” Gray sighed, pulling his bag around to the front and digging through it for a linen bandage. “You’re going to get sepsis after that alley water.” He tied the bandage quickly around Natsu’s arm, looking somewhat satisfied when Natsu grunted in pain.  
“Look, I… there was…”  
“Oh, shut up,” Gray said, running his hands over his face. “You’re completely cocked, what the hell were you thinking?”  
Natsu frowned, looking down at his hands and trying to remember why it was he’d been drinking so much. There had been a woman, and a story, and something about a—
“Treasure!” Natsu exclaimed, reaching out for Gray. Gray pushed his hand away, making a face.  
“We’re in a shit town in the middle of fuck-arse nowhere,” Gray said, rolling his eyes, “and you’re getting bit by the tavern bitch at some drinkery while we’re trying to figure out where to start over. There’s no treasure here.”
“There’s you,” Natsu said, voice suddenly softening as he leaned in and touched Gray’s cheek. A pink flush crept across Gray’s face and he ducked his head, staring at the ground.  
Natsu stared at him, running his thumb over Gray’s cheekbone. He’d been so stupid for so long, and it scared him now, how deep he’d fallen. Gray’s eyes were like oceans – deep and dark and terrifying.  
“You’re tipped,” Gray said quietly.  
“Mm. A bit,” Natsu admitted. “But you’re still my favorite thing.”
Gray leaned forward and touched his forehead to Natsu’s. “Wish you’d talk like this when you’re sound,” he said. Natsu sighed and ran his fingers through Gray’s hair.  
“Sorry,” he said, and Gray blinked in surprise. “’m not good at… this.”  
“No, you’re not,” Gray said, a small smile creeping across his face.  
“Hey, that’s…” Natsu squinted at Gray, looking slightly put-out. “That’s… it’s not very nice to say it. To your…”  
“To my what?” Gray asked. He looked almost afraid, and Natsu made a frustrated sound.
“Your… person.”  
“Person.” Gray raised an eyebrow at Natsu. “Wonderful. Good to know we’ve got such a strong bond.”  
“That’s not… not what I meant,” Natsu insisted, rubbing his face. The cool wind was starting to help clear his head, but everything was still a bit fuzzy. “Like a… person I kiss.”  
A look flashed across Gray’s face that confused Natsu, and Gray pulled back a tiny bit – just enough for Natsu to notice, but not enough to dislodge Natsu’s fingers from his hair.  
“Person you kiss, huh?” Gray’s voice was quiet and tinged with uncertainty.  
A frustrating confusion settled in Natsu’s chest as he gazed at Gray, trying to figure out what he’d said that wasn’t quite right. There had been plenty of kissing since they’d fled Magnolia two months ago, and Natsu couldn’t get enough of it. The feel of Gray’s lips, the way they pressed together, the taste of him against Natsu’s tongue…
Natsu felt dizzy just thinking about it.  
Gray shook his head, pressing his cheek into Natsu’s hand and then standing and looking down the street. A couple was approaching, and as they passed through the street lamps, Natsu recognized Sting and Rogue.  
“He’s completely soused,” Gray said, rubbing his temples. Sting crouched down in front of Natsu, shaking his head and patting Natsu’s cheek.  
“You’re a complete arsehole, you know that, right?” Sting’s voice was gentle, but Natsu could sense genuine disappointment behind his words.  
“I’m… sorry?” Natsu said, looking up at Gray. Rogue had a hand on his shoulder, and Natsu was dismayed to see that Gray’s face was drawn and his eyes were wet and downcast. “I don‘t know… what did I do?”  
Sting sighed, putting an arm under Natsu’s shoulders and helping him to his feet.  
“Let’s get you straightened out,” he said, starting off down the street toward their rooming house. “You two can work it out in the morning.”  
When Natsu woke up the next morning, he was surprised to find that his head didn’t hurt.  
“Sting gave you something from the alchemist.”  
Natsu rolled over to see Gray sitting next to him on the edge of the bed. His eyes were sad, and Natsu frowned as he pushed himself up against the pile of pillows lining the headboard of the bed.  
“Wanna tell me what in Mavis’ name you were thinking?” Gray asked.  
Natsu rubbed his face, looking around the room. It was mid-morning, and a soft light was streaming through the open window behind Gray. There was a tray at the end of the bed with wine and fresh pears and almond rolls.  
“I didn’t mean to get soused,” Natsu said, reaching out and grabbing one of the rolls. It was still warm, and he sighed happily as he chewed it. “Or stabbed. There was a woman there, ship’s captain from Hargeon – the port town, remember?” Gray nodded. “She was a bit tipped and started telling stories about a vault. Supposed to be uncrackable.”  
Gray perked up a bit at that, but his gaze on Natsu was still wary.  
“So I bought a few rounds for the crew and got her talking, and I got… carried away. And then she, uh… well, I said something that set her off, and she stuck me with her blade and tossed me out the door on my face.” Natsu looked sheepish.  
Gray sighed, shifting onto the bed and crossing his legs under him. He looked tired, and Natsu’s chest ached in a way it never had before.  
“I’m sorry,” he said, reaching out for Gray’s hand. “I didn’t mean for you to worry.”  
Gray shook his head. “’s not that,” he said after a moment. “I don’t… I’m…” He licked his lips, pulling his hand away from Natsu and rubbing his face. “I’ve been… stuck on you for a long time. And you…”  
He sighed, words catching in his throat as he looked away from Natsu. The morning sun threw a halo of light around his head and Natsu couldn’t help but stare. Gray looked beautiful, but his eyes were sad, and it felt like a wound in Natsu’s heart. When Gray hurt, Natsu hurt.
The realization hit Natsu like a club to the back of the head, and he felt like he couldn’t breathe.  
“Oh,” he said softly. Gray wiped at his face, cheeks pink, and Natsu reached out again, working his fingers between Gray’s and pulling him close. “Helya’s tits, I’m an ass,” Natsu murmured, pressing his cheek to Gray’s head.  
Gray took a shaky breath, wrapping his arms around his legs and leaning against Natsu.  
“I… ‘your person,’ that was stupid, I’m…” Natsu ran his thumb over the back of Gray’s hand. “You’re so much more than that.”  
Gray looked uncertainly up at Natsu, and Natsu cupped his cheek, kissing him gently.  
“I’m… stupid with feelings,” Natsu whispered. “I don’t… I don’t want to lose you.” He swallowed, feeling his own tears start to appear. “You and Erza and Sting and Rogue—you’re all I have left. And that’s…”  
“Terrifying?” Gray said. Natsu nodded and Gray elbowed him, not harshly but enough to make Natsu grumble in discomfort. “You think you’re the only one who’s scared of losing this? Us? All of us, not just you, but you’re…”  
Natsu ran a hand over his face, pulling Gray tighter against him and whispering, “I’m sorry, I didn’t th—”  
“I’ve lost everyone but this family,” Gray said, voice breaking. “Everyone, all of them, they’re all—and I’m scared to lose you, but not enough to pretend that I don’t lo—” He stopped himself mid-sentence and sighed, pressing his forehead to his knees.  
Natsu was silent for a moment, sorting through the tumult of feelings in his chest. It wasn’t just the kissing, he knew that. But saying it out loud…
“You’re my best friend,” he said softly, pressing his cheek to Gray’s hair. “My partner, the one who pulls me back when I’m too far gone… gods, I trust you more than anyone in this life.”  
Nastu’s chest felt tight. He hated saying these things, hated admitting it out loud because if it was out there, it might disappear. If he kept it inside, it would be safe, because nobody would know how much he cared, and the gods wouldn’t take Gray away from him.  
“You’re the best adventure I’ve ever had,” Natsu said softly. It didn’t matter that he was scared. Gray needed to hear it. “You make everything worth it, and…”  
Gray was crying now, shoulders shaking as he tried to hold it in. Natsu shifted until Gray was between his legs, head resting on Natsu’s chest. This was so much more important than all the treasure in the world.  
In a voice just soft enough for Gray to hear it, Natsu whispered, “I love you.”  
Gray relaxed against Natsu, turning on his side and curling up so his head was tucked in the crook of Natsu’s neck.  
“You mean it?” he asked, fingers running up and down Natsu’s arm and tracing the edge of the bandage.  
“Thieves’ honor,” Natsu said, running his fingers through Gray’s hair. “I swear on my mother.”  
Gray snorted. “You don’t even know who your mother is.”  
“Fair point,” Natsu said, grinning. “Then I swear on all twelve gods and the Nameless Thirteenth.”  
A small smile crossed Gray’s face as he looked up at Natsu and whispered, “I love you, too,” then kissed him.  
Natsu pulled Gray closer, breathing him in and tightening his fingers in Gray’s hair. Gods, Gray felt good. The taste of sweetwine still clung to his lips, and Natsu drank him in eagerly, pressing Gray down against the pillows as he shifted, straddling Gray’s legs.  
“You’re mine,” Natsu murmured, running his hands up Gray’s arms and pinning his wrists to the bed. “You make me feel so much.”  
“Thought feelings were a diversion from the game,” Gray teased, but Natsu could still feel a hint of vulnerability behind the words. He leaned back, gazing down into Gray’s dark eyes.  
“Well, you are pretty hard to look away from,” Natsu said, enjoying the pink flush that crept up Gray’s cheeks. He wanted to kiss it – kiss Gray everywhere, all the parts of him that Natsu knew by heart, and the pieces he hadn’t learned yet. “But you’re my favorite distraction.”  
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ft-stories-lgbt · 6 years ago
The few things (Gratsu)
" I don't say whats on my mind quite as much as you'd like me to
I've been hearing that my whole life, I promise, it's not just you
But I so confidently want you that
When you say you're insecure about my feelings I don't take it serious
But if you need me to tell you more
You're one of the few things that I'm sure of
You're one of the few things that I know already
I could build my world of
One of the few things that I'm sure of
And I want you to unravel me"
Gray doesn’t remember when he stopped paying attention to Natsu’s rambling. It’s not because it’s annoying, it’s just that he’s now focused on something else.
Like the way the Dragon Slayer is talking animatedly to Lucy about some silly adventure he had gone on when he had lived with Happy. It’s quite endearing to see all the clumsy gestures he makes with his hands or his whole body when he’s too caught up in his retelling. It’s always amazed Gray how Natsu was able to keep people’s full attention on him when he’s talking. They’re all in awe from the moment he opens his mouth, even when it’s saying something dumb.
His green eyes are so vivid and full of life. It often surprises Gray to see how much emotions can pass through them. He is like an open book. An open book that Gray likes to read over and over again.
A soft breeze softly moves Natsu’s hair on his head, some strands brushing gently his forehead. It’s a little bit longer than what it used to be, and Gray loves to run his fingers through it when they’re at home and relaxing. And he knows for sure that Natsu loves it too, if the way he leans to the touch is any indication.
But what never ceases to astonish Gray, is Natsu’s smile. If Gray could compare it to something, it would be the sun, because it’s so bright, so warm and always there on his lips. Either on the battlefield or just here at the guild.
It’s that same smile that made Gray fall for him.
And then it strikes Gray.
It’s been nearly a year since they got together, started sharing a bed, started waking up to each other’s embrace, and Gray realises that he never told Natsu all the little things he’s thinking about right now. He knows that he doesn’t have to, because Natsu is the only one who can understand what he has trouble saying, but this realisation feels heavy on his chest all of the sudden.
Natsu constantly has an “I love you” on his lips, a caress to the touch and a feeling of being at home when he puts his arm around Gray. He always makes sure that Gray is fully aware of what his feelings are towards him. Even when they are fighting, Natsu is full of affection.
He is so shy about those kind of things, even if he is deeply in love with his boyfriend. His mate.
“I love you, Natsu.”
It slips through his lips and he can hear Lucy almost choke on her drink, while Natsu turns his face to look at him, eyes wide and mouth still open to that sentence he’ll never have the chance to finish. It’s not long before he can feel his cheeks burning with the realisation of what he just said, out of nowhere, but it’s quickly forgotten when he sees the tender smile that takes place on his lover’s face. His features softening and calming from his previous excitement. He can see how Natsu’s body is relaxing. And the green eyes are now full to the brim with a feeling that Gray can’t quite put a finger on it, but by the look of it, he knows it’s a positive feeling.
Then there’s a pair of lips on his, giving him a kiss full of love and he melts against it, giving in to the touch, lets himself completely go to that safe place.
“I love you too, Gray”
Natsu finally answers in a murmur, lips still over his. There’s a warm hand in his a few seconds later, a body closer to his, and they’re shoulder to shoulder now, and Natsu is back to his conversation with Lucy, giving him the opportunity to register everything. Gray knows Natsu’s doing it on purpose and it makes him fall a little more for him.
So he decides to ignore the looks he knows he’s getting and the way Lucy’s stuttering as she talks to Natsu. He ignores the little laughs he can hear from the other members, and intertwines his fingers with Natsu’s while he hooks their ankles together, letting a smile take over his lips.
His chest doesn’t feel heavy any more.
Gray ne se souvient pas du moment où il a arrêté de payer attention aux paroles de Natsu. Ce n'est pas que cela l'ennuie ou quelque chose du genre, c'est juste qu'à présent son attention est dirigée vers tout autre chose.
Comme la façon dont le chasseur de dragon, raconte à Lucy avec animation, l'une des aventures qu'il a vécu avec Happy. C'est assez charmant de le voir agiter maladroitement ses mains ou ton son corps quand il est trop pris dans l'histoire qu'il conte. Gray a toujours été subjugué par la façon dont Natsu garde l'attention total des personnes avec lesquelles il parle. Ils sont tous bouche bée quand il ouvre la bouche, même lorsqu'il dit des âneries.
Ses yeux verts sont tellement rempli de vie. Cela surprend souvent Gray de voir combien d'émotions peuvent passer dans ses prunelles. Il est comme un livre ouvert. Un livre ouvert que Gray aime lire encore et encore.
Ses cheveux bougent doucement sur le sommet de son crâne grâce à une légère brise, quelques mèches glissant gentiment sur son front. Ils sont un peu plus long qu'avant et Gray adore y passer les doigts lorsqu'ils sont chez eux, à se relaxer. Et il sait pertinemment que Natsu aime ces moments également, si la manière dont il se rapproche de Gray est une quelconque indication.
Mais ce qui ne cesse jamais de surprendre Gray, c'est le sourire de Natsu. Si Gray pouvait le comparer à quelque chose cela serait le soleil, parce qu'il est lumineux, chaud et toujours présent sur ses levres. Que cela soit sur le champ de bataille ou comme à l'instant, à la guilde.
C'est ce sourire qui a fait tomber Gray pour lui.
Et c'est à ce moment que cela frappe Gray.
Cela fait presque un an qu'ils sont ensemble, partageant un lit, se réveillant dans les bras de l'un et de l'autre et Gray réalise qu'il n'a jamais dit à Natsu toutes les petites choses auxquelles il vient de penser. Il sait qu'il n'a pas besoin de le faire, parce que Natsu est la seule personne qui peut le comprendre ce qu'il a du mal à dire, mais cette réalisation lui met un poids sur le coeur tout à coup.
Natsu a constamment un "je t'aime" sur les lèvres, une caresse en guise de touché et la sensation d'être à la maison à chaque fois qu'il passe ses bras autour de Gray. Il fait toujours attention à ce que Gray sache les sentiments qu'il a envers lui. Même lorsqu'ils se disputent, Natsu est toujours plein d'amour.
Il est tellement timide lorsqu'il s'agit de ce genre de chose, même si il est profondément amoureux de son petit ami. De son compagnon.
"Je t'aime Natsu"
Cela lui échappe des lèvres et il peut entendre Lucy pratiquement s'étouffer avec la gorgée de sa boisson qu'elle vient de prendre, alors que Natsu se tourne pour le faire face, les yeux grands et la bouche ouverte sur cette phrase qu'il n'a pas eu la chance de finir. Il ne faut pas longtemps avant qu'il ne sente des rougeurs prendre possession de ses joues, alors qu'il réalise ce qu'il vient de dire. Mais c'est vite oublié lorsqu'il voit le sourire tendre qui prend place sur les lèvres de son amoureux. Ses traits s'adoucissent et se calme de son agitation d'un peu plus tôt. Il peut voir la façon dont le corps de Natsu se relaxe. Et les yeux verts sont à présent rempli d'une émotion qu'il n'arrive pas à nommer mais dont il sait que cela ne veut dire que du bien.
Et puis il y a une paire de lèvres sur les siennes, lui offrant un baiser rempli d'amour et il se laisse fondre, s'abandonnant au toucher, se laissant complétement aller vers cet endroit où il se sent en sécurité.
"Je t'aime aussi, Gray"
Finit par répondre Natsu dans un murmure, les lèvres toujours contre les siennes. Il y a une main chaude qui se glisse dans la sienne quelque seconde plus tard, un corps qui se rapproche afin qu'ils soient épaule contre épaule et Natsu retourne à sa conversation avec Lucy. Le laissant ainsi l'opportunité d'enregistrer ce qu'il vient de se passer. Gray sait que Natsu le fait exprès, et cela le fait tomber un peu plus amoureux de lui.
Alors il décide d'ignorer les regards qu'il sait qui sont sur lui et la façon dont Lucy bégaie lorsque elle s'adresse à Natsu. Il ignore les petits rire qu'il peut entendre et entrelace ses doigts à ceux de Natsu pendant qu'il coince leus chevilles ensemble, laissant un petit sourire prendre place sur ses lèvres.
Son cœur n'est plus aussi lourd.
I would like to thank @antomec for their beta work! And thank you so much for your support !
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thenatzabastard · 5 years ago
Not so jolly Christmas
There are many days that natsu would consider bad, but today would have to be the worst of them all.Its Christmas time and many people would have the time of their lives...except him. He was walking down the the streets of magnolia and he saw that almost all other guilds had come to fairy tail to spend time with one another and spend time with friends from other guilds. He watched as his friends spent time with eachother. For some reason juvia wasn't there stalking grey so she must have gone somewhere to buy him a present.
Then he saw the one person that made him feel the way he is now...Erza.
She was sitting at the table wearing her santa outfit she would wear every christmas. Natsu always kept it to himself but she always did look beautiful and sexy in that outfit he even blushed as he remembered the wet dream he had about her in that suit but that was something he would keep to himself.
Then his mood changed to anger when he saw...him. the man that hurt erza for so long and yet somehow earned erza's forgiveness. He was there talking to her and putting a smile on her face and making her blush. That was something natsu would happen to him with erza. He always dreamed of having her as his love and having her as his girlfriend. But with the way things are that would most likely not happen. So he left with a broken heart knowing that this would be the one thing that could break him.
"Ah this is the best time of the year!" Lucy said as she looked at all her friends and smiled they looked like they are having fun even others from other guilds.
"Yeah, its nice to know that after all the stuff we've been through we have a time of peace and to enjoy others company" he said smiling
"I just can't help but feel like there's something missing, i just can't put my finger on it" lucy said frowning
"It's probably juvia i haven't seen her in a while" gray said tring to figure it out
"I think so but there's something else" Lucy said trying to think but was interrupted
"Lu!" Levy called "come over here i want to talk about that new book you're writing about" she said excitedly
Lucy smiled and forgot about whatever she was thinking about. "Alright im coming".
Erza to felt like something was off but she to couldn't figure it out. As she tried jellal brought her back to reality by putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Are you alright" he asked
She smiled at him forgetting about what she was thinking of, "yes im fine" then went back to talk to him but still had that feeling deep down.
Juvia was walking down the street with a box in her hand wrapped in grey wrapping (how convenient). She was smiling to herself and was excited about the kind of gift she had got grey and couldn't wait to see his reaction to what she got him.
As she was walking she spotted someone by a tree just sitting with his head down. As she took a closer look she saw that this person had pink hair. 'Pink hair? Could it be?' She thought. She then walked toward the person and saw that he had tears coming out of his eyes. Juvia noticed and looked shocked as she saw who it was, "natsu?" She called.
This startled natsu a little and looked at her with wide eyes before quickly wiping his tears. "Juvia? What are you doing here?" He asked normally juvia wouldn't interact with natsu that much its not that she hated him but they never had a close friendship like he did with the others so her being here shocked him.
"I was at the shop buying grey a gift, i was coming back to the guild when i saw you...natsu why are tou crying?" She asked
".......well i dont want to keep you from grey so you better show him that cool gift you got him" natsu said dodging the question and giving a fake smile but juvia didn't want to just let this go.
"Natsu don't try to dodge the question...what is the matter"? She asked in concern
"Nothing why would something be the matter" he said smiling a fake smile again but juvia wasn't buying it and she frowned.
"Natsu" she said in a caring manner "what is it let me help you" she said in a caring voice
Natsu stared at her before he dropped his smile and had tears stain his eyes as he silently let them out.
"I can't go back to the guild" he said in a sad voice
"Why?" She said confused "did someone hurt you natsu?" She asked not knowing that she will find out something that will shock her.
".....she's there" he said
"She?" 'Who is she' she thought did he mean lucy but why would natsu be crying about Lucy then natsu spoke again.
"Erza" he said in a cracked voice
"Erza?" 'What does erza have to do with this?' She thought did erza beat him so badly that he doesn't want to come to the guild? Then natsu spoke again.
"She's there with him" he said in sadness and anger and jealousy which shocked juvia
'Him? Does he mean jellal? But why would' then juvia remembered all the times that narsu would talk about erza with lucy or with gray everytime she stalked him. When he talked about erza it was more than just a friend. He was in love with her. The way natsu challenged her to fight the way he protects her from danger. It all fell into place.
"Natsu" she looked at him shocked "are you in love with erza?" she asked and he froze a little before slowly nodding his head making juvia's eyes widen
"Yeah, i didn't know what i was feeling at the time but later i figured out what it was. I even asked gildarts for advice but...it didn't work out." He said sadly.
"I knew that she was going through a tough time but i didn't want to tell her because i didn't want ro ruin her happiness. But then she started spending time with him and everything changed." He said as tears stund his eyes again.
"She was more distant and i tried whatever i could but it wasn't enough for her to see how i feel because...the reason i never catch up to her, was because she was running towards him" he said shocking juvia and saw how much pain he was in.
He slowly got up and walked away until juvia called
"Natsu wait! If this is how you feel then why don't you tell her already? She asked shicked that he felt this way about erza
".....because i dont think i can handle what comes after" he said making her eyes widen when she realized what that meant
"Im sorry juvia i shouldn't have told you this to ruin your happy mood." He said to her apologizing
"Go back to the guild and have fun alright". He said
"But what about you?" She asked with a sad voice
"I guess i just want to be alone, it's better than watching people have what you can never have" he said before walking away.
Juvia then looked at gis retreating figure then she walked back to the guild hall only this time her smile was gone and replaced with a frown. She she opened the doors she saw everyone having the time of their life and she made her way over to team natsu.
"Hey juvia" grey said then noticed that she wasn't going all gaga over him and that made him confused
"Is something wrong juvia?" He asked with some concern
Juvia waved it off "no it's nothing, juvia was talking to natsu for a bit"
At that the entire team went silent as they all finally realized what was missing...especially erza.
"That's right natsu's not here where is he?" Lucy asked trying to look for natsu
"Yeah natsu would never miss a time like this i hope he's ok" wendy said with concern
"Yeah that flamebrain would never miss this, you said you talked to him to him where is he?" Then everyone looked a juvia for an answer but erza needed that answer because she knew to that there was something bothering natsu but she hasn't had the time to talk to him and feels guilty about that.
"Im sorry, but i dont know he left then i came here" she said sadly not giving them the answer they wanted
Then erza got up from her seat and went to the exit
"Then i will go lool for him and bring him back by force" she said with authority until juvia blocked her way. "Juvia?" She asked confused "what are you doing?"
"Erza listen to me, it's best if you leave natsu alone for now" she said shocking everyone including erza the most why would she say that?
"Why would i do that?" She said narrowing her eyes "if something is bothering then i can help" she said with determination
"Im sorry but this is the one thing you can't help out with" she said stunning her then erza forcefully moved juvia out of the way made her way out the exit.
Juvia looked at her shocked but she tried to stop her but now erza will have to find out the hard way of what is going on.
As erza made her way to natsu's home she thought about how he has been acting lately. He seemed so distant and not how he used to be back then. Everytime erza would want to tale a mission with the team he would back out and take a mission on his own. Erza frowned as she thought back to those memories and began to wonder 'have i done something to upset him?' She didn't know but the way he's been avoiding her lately that was definitely the case. She missed him and felt guilty about forgetting him and made sure to maje up for lost time.
Erza approached natsu's home and knocked on the door "natsu, it's erza open the door" no answer then she knocked more forcefully this time "natsu, open this door now" she practically growled.
After not receiving an answer the second time she kicked the door open. And began to search for him but he was no where to be found. She then flund a note on the table that said 'went on a mission be back whenever i fell like coming back' erza looked hurt after she read there was something about the note that seemed when natsu wrote he was angry.
'He went on a mission?' She thought 'but why? This time is supposed to be about family and friends...natsu what's going on with you?' She thought sadly the answer will come but it's an answer that will leave her shocked and guilty.
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dndfuckhouse · 4 years ago
Session 33.5 (Part Five)
Tumblr media
Psalm & Ezra's Adventure - 7/15 👤👻
Cimmorro Visits Vinny's Store - 7/20 🧙‍♂️🐈
Psalm & Ezra's Adventure - 7/15 👤👻
The day following the party’s theater escapades, Psalm wakes and readies himself for the morning, Ghester chattering musings about the show last night in his head. As he heads out of his room and down the stairs to the main floor of the inn however, he spies Ezra sitting at one of the stools at the bar. Though he doesn't seem to be drinking anything, just tapping his foot a little.
Han: fucking loner sits at the bar alone Finn: I FTHOUGHT THE SAME POKI
Chip: do like the image of han getting up early to help round the inn and seeing ezra sitting around at the bar Keva: why did i imagine that like that one meme from the umbrella academy where the two people are passing each other in cars
Psalm: "Getting a drink so early in the morning? Work must be rough these days ^_^" Ezra: he turns upon hearing you approach "im off work right now actually, but that's mainly because im still in this city when i shouldn't be" he waves an arm tiredly "was waiting for you to show up actually" Psalm: "Wow, we have that in common." psalm deadpans "Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." Ezra: "lucky us" he stifles a yawn "nope, just didn't feel like wandering around guessing which room's yours up there" he gestures for you to take a seat Psalm: he sits "Lucky indeed..." Han: what are we Chip: LJWRLJKHGJ;KLRTWH
Ezra: he takes the moment to stretch a little as you settle “mmm.... said I'd show you where that church is after you did that job for vinny remember, well before the entire week got fucked sideways at the ball anyway. i got the time now so i figured i’d come by” he shrugs and turns to look at you properly Psalm: "Oh, I'd completely forgotten about that with everything going on. Well, nows as good a time as an I suppose, not like I had any plans for today." Ezra: he slightly raises a brow behind his bandanna at you forgetting "sure, just try to not stir the place up any when you're there" Psalm: "Is that sarcasm?" Ezra: "friendly advice, trouble seems to follow the lot of you" he stops to think for a second "though i guess i cant talk considering the past week, the place isn't exactly the most... inviting" he waves his hand vaguely Psalm: "Well I can't disagree with you there. Imagine I tried to go see a play yesterday and ended up saving the business from the patron deity at the theater :| " Psalm shrugs and sighs dramatically. "Is nothing easy? By the place you mean the temple? Or Shorewater itself." Ezra: he blinks at the theater story before deciding its better if he doesn't comment on it "cities are hotbeds for bullshit in my experience" he folds his arms "the temple, i mean. i've got an acquaintance that's part of the clergy there, but the rest of the place don't really like having bounty hunters types around, though-” he scratches his head idly “the church is considered neutral ground by their type, so really i can waltz in as i please if i know where it is” he spreads his hands sarcastically “theoretically i walk in shadows too” Psalm: he snorts at the sarcasm "I would have to agree. I'm not all that fond of them. That's good to know, although I can't imagine we'd run into any problems. Although I've said that a hundred times already and look how that's turned out...Wait you said you have a friend in the clergy?" Ezra: "if you haven't done anything to piss off the temple in shorewater, i'd say you're fine. i'm more worried someone will try to take a stab at me once i've walked out" he turns his head "not really a friend, but i contact her if i need help tracking people around here, they keep a good eye on the gangs, they're basically a thieves guild unto themselves but they dont have much of an agenda besides getting paid" he shrugs Psalm: "No surprise there. At this point I feel I'd be hard pressed to find a temple that doesn't end up doing that kind of business." Ezra: "there are a couple who like to commit themselves to true neutrality, but i imagine its hard to keep running if you dont have the power to back that up in a city" Psalm: "Oh you don't have to tell me that, I'm well aware." Ezra: he stares at you with a hint of curiosity "right, you're the one looking for the place after all" Psalm: ^_^
The two briefly stare at each other in silence before Ezra finally rolls his eye and stands up from his seat, letting the subject drop.
Ezra: "well lets get going before the sun starts setting" Psalm: "By all means lead the way." Ezra: he grunts noncommittally and heads out of the swallow’s perch
Ezra leads Psalm through the business district, almost ironically in the direction of the church ward, he figured they might have been more subtle about their location but apparently not.
After making their way into the ward Ezra starts leading him down a number of different back streets and alleyways outside the eye of the patrolling Heiron priests. Eventually he enters a derelict looking building and heads down a hallway, followed by another door and another hallway, and another. Psalm finds himself starting to get a little confused by all the back entrances.
Psalm: "I hate to say this but I think I'm going to need you as a guide if I ever want to come here again. " Ezra: he snorts "that's probably the point" Psalm: 😥 "It wasn't this difficult back home..." Psalm mumbles Ezra: he smirks to himself "not a real 'city boy' type are you" Psalm: "Not even a little." Ezra: "you'll learn to adapt. probably" Psalm: "Ideally I won't be in Shorewater long enough to need adapting, but that's a nice thought." Ezra: he shrugs "eh, all cities are the same really, doesn't have to be shorewater in particular" Psalm: "Spoken like someone with true experience." 😶
At some point Psalm finds that Ezra’s led him to the entrance of a basement hidden under lamplight. He finally stops him in front of a particularly intimidating looking door, giving it a knock. An eye slit slides open to which Ezra gives some sort of code phrase. The door clicks and swings open, a hooded type standing behind it, they gesture him in, and Psalm in after him.
Past the door he starts spying hooded types idling around. Ezra leads him past a number of shabbily lit doors and cobbled halls with various people chattering about until they reach an open stone archway that leads into a very tall stone hall, lit by braziers. Ezra jerks his thumb to indicate towards it.
Ezra: “that’s the entrance to the temple” Psalm: "I can't just head in can I?" Ezra: he folds his arms in the dark "you can, at this point weve gotten past the hard parts. though i imagine one of the clergy will appear after a few minutes and start needling you, considering youre a new face" he shrugs "i dont really know what you want to do here, aside from pray i suppose" Psalm: "We're all types of similar today aren't we, considering I have no idea what I want to do here today either. Confirm something? I guess." Ezra: he tilts his head scrutinizing "i can introduce you to that acquaintance i suppose..? if you want to ask something" Psalm: "No I don't think it's anything they can answer, although I appreciate it." Ezra: he shrugs "i'll wait out here for you then, nothing i need to do in there, dont start a fire" he stretches a little then squats to the ground Psalm: "I make no promises" Ezra: “:|”
Psalm dons his cloak and mask and makes to walk into the temple, entering the tall stone hall he finds it’s hardly lit, even less than the area outside. He peers about between the few braziers lining the walls, the hall has a line of what appear to be wooden pews split by a pitch black rug lining the ground between them.
At the end of the hall is a great black square stone altar. Behind it, a mosaic of dark gemstones are inlaid into the wall in the symbol of The Mask, they glitter erratically in the flickering light. He spies a number of clergy idly around the place, their colourful tunics catching the light under their dark grey cloaks and masks.
Most of them are standing nearby entrances to small hallways branching off from the main room Psalm stands in, they don't pay him much mind but he does get the feeling that he’s being watched once he enters.
Psalm decides to walk down the rug and step up to the altar, its pretty intimidating, it looks bigger the closer he gets. As he squints in the darkness he can see the holy symbol also carved into the stone, the same pitch black mask,
Ghester: as you stare at it you hear ghester pipe up in your head "quieter than id expect in here..."
After a moment of staring Psalm feels a finger tap him on the shoulder from behind, nearly making him jump.
Psalm: briefly like "What's that supposed to mean?" @ ghester before turning around
He turns and finds himself face to face (mask to mask really) with one of the clergy, a woman with piercings, a little bit taller than him. She seems to regard him with a distant smile before speaking.
Maskarran: "pardon?" Psalm: "Just thinking out loud." Maskarran: "hmm, funny place to do it" she continues staring at you "don't think i've noticed someone like you wandering our hall before" Psalm: "Respectfully, that would be because it's my first time here. At this particular temple anyways." Maskarran: "ahh, a sibling then, welcome" she folds her arms, her colourful sleeves billowing slightly "from where have you come to visit us from might i ask?" Psalm: "I'm from Ackran." Maskarran: she taps a finger to her chin and smiles "quite a long way you've come then" Psalm: "Well...I had my reasons." Maskarran: "hmm, we always do dont we?" she continues smiling "here for anything in particular brother, or do you simply desire to pay your respects to the master of thieves? dues are always welcome" Psalm: "I'll do both. Being my first time here it would be in my best interest to make a good impression. Right? ^_^ " Maskarran: "glad to see your home temple is of the same mind as ours" her smile doesn't falter as she continues "you may leave any offerings upon the main altar, pray for as long as you wish of course, the master's sure to appreciate it" she steps back and waves you off as if she's freed you of interrogation for the time being
Chip: psalm -> https://lethecreator.tumblr.com/post/635348274405163008/httpsbikwin5tumblrcompost182480394771-i Psalm: why is that literlaly him tho Han: ;LKDSALHGHTKLKHLKHK3WTAESFDX Psalm: bro that shit is su funny Chip: ITS SO FUCKING FUNY Psalm: i REGRET EVERYTHING I REGRET EVERYTHING I'VE EVER DONE Chip: AW CRAP IM A FREAKIN MASKARRAN Psalm: IN THE MASK WE TRUST
As the woman steps away Psalm turns back to the altar, depositing 5 silver upon it first as an offering, before closing his eyes. His mind settles in the pitch darkness.... not even the faint murmur of chatter filling his ears, he finds it kind of peaceful. He begins speaking a prayer in infernal outloud, although quietly.
Psalm: "I know you want me to show you things, and I will, but once this is all over I would very much like to return home."
As he finishes the prayer, out of the corner of his eyes he sees one of the braziers flicker in the dark quiet, after a moment he hears Ghester pipe up in his head again.
Ghester: "you assume this deity is our patron?" Psalm: "I'm just throwing my hopes out there. If I'm wrong then whoever it really is can free to smite me 😳 ." Ghester: "it would be an honour to be working for a god wouldn't it? though im not sure that's how pacts like ours typically go.... are you smiteable? ... perhaps we shouldn't test on second thought" Psalm: "If you're not sure then you can't really blame me for making shots in the dark can you. Considering you're the one inhabiting my head right now. What's one more mistake to the pile anyways." Ghester: "i know what im told i need to know... nothing more nothing less, though perhaps i was created to be content with the status quo, i dont remember!" he laughs "im sure if they minded so much they would have told you exactly how to pay reverence towards them, they're quite easygoing as a powerful master aren't they" Psalm: "So you're useless basically... I should've known. Maybe I should try my luck at a different temple then, since they're so lenient? I was only half kidding about the smiting thing anyways." He says that last part kind of nervously. Ghester: "your words cut so deep psalm, im wounded. But i suppose it cant hurt, though perhaps you'll end up angering deities shopping around instead of our patron" he snickers Psalm: "You'll live. I'll lay off, I'd rather not have more people/cults/otherworldly beings or otherwise after me at the moment thanks." Ghester: "keeping the number nice and low, good plan" Psalm: "At this point I feel like you're more worried about my own safety than I am, and you don't even have a body. I suppose I should make an actual prayer this time around since I'm here." Psalm briefly looks around the temple. "But that's never really been my thing. Basil's the only reason I ended up getting dragged to the temple anyways. Obviously he's not here right now, so I guess I can afford to be a bit truant with my religion, right?" Ghester: "i hope you've not forgotten already, but my entire purpose is to exist to fret over you, you know" a pause after "oh, have you forgotten the hymns without a friend to help recite them? tsk tsk psalm" Psalm: "I don't know how I could forget with you always reminding me to be more careful 🤨, and hey, I've been kind of busy alright? I'm sure I have them written down somewhere though. Probably." Ghester: "i do know them myself actually, if you'd like to follow along, a secret guide right in your head" Psalm: "Why would you know them? Now I feel a bit like a slacker." Ghester: "well i wasn't going to say it...." you feel like if he had eyes he'd be winking at you rn Psalm: "Har har very funny. Anyways, we've kept Ezra waiting long enough. Assuming he didn't just leave me to find my way back on my own.” Ghester: "is he that callous? i dont think i could even direct you out of this maze" Psalm: He's not, but it's fun to pretend like he is. Well if anything, I end up living at the temple forever. How bad could that be right? Because I definitely don't know my way back either." Ghester: "pulling his metaphorical pigtails? and last time didn't go so well to my knowledge, it's good to see you're still an optimist however" Psalm: "I'm the most optimistic person I know 🙂.“ Ghester: "oh, i do love the enthusiasm" Psalm: "I'm well known among my previous temple for being full of it." Ghester: "notorious no matter where you go hmm?"  Psalm: "Oh, you have no idea."
Psalm shuffles his way out of the temple as he chats with Ghester, he spots Ezra in the place he left him. He appears to be leaning against his sheath now, he peers up as Psalm gets closer, seemingly talking to himself. Psalm walks up and simply removes his mask once he’s in front of him.
Ezra: he stands and stretches "find inner peace?" Psalm: "Oh, I didn't learn a single fucking thing in there. But thank you for asking” Ezra: "so a normal church visit then?" he starts heading off to lead you out of the place Psalm: he rolls his eyes but he laughs.
The two of them walk out the way they came, Ezra seems a little more on edge than when Psalm left him despite his dry joking, but once they exit back onto the streets above ground he seems to untense. Walking Psalm back into the church ward proper out of the maze of backstreets, he finally stops and turns to face him again.
Ezra: "right.... you can probably find your way back from here i hope" Psalm: "Sure I can. What's your story now? Don't like this side of town?" Ezra: "i just know one too many people who'd enjoy stabbing me that hang around down there, dont worry about it, cheerier up here" he looks off and folds his arms Psalm: "I would say that you should probably try not to live your life that way, but I don't think I'm really in the position to at the moment. But good luck with all that 😀 " Ezra: he snorts mirthlessly "same to you i suppose? got a whole party coming up, that's sure to put you in the spotlight" Psalm: Psalm just pulls a face and goes "Can't wait." Ezra: he smirks "due diligence as saviour of the city" he makes to walk off before stopping as if he remembered something "oh yeah that reminds me, one of your buddies was looking to talk to vinny wasn't he? the uh.... one who cries easily?" Psalm: "I have no idea who that could be. Going to have to be a bit more specific.” Ezra: he snaps his fingers while thinking silently "...priest?" Psalm: "Oh, Cimmoro." Han: THATS ALL HE REMEMBERS OF CIMM? HELP GIRL Chip: first impressions stick hard Keva: the crybaby Han: our pope Chip: and his weevils Han: K;LKADSKGKT3WDS
Psalm: "Cries...? I guess he is a bit of a drama queen isn't he. Could probably give Finn a run for his money if he tried hard enough. Do you have a message for him or something?" Ezra: "yeah that's the one, dramatic is the word. was going to say you should let him know that vinny came back from the palace this morning so if he wanted to chat with him he can probably swing around, not today though i'd say. he looked dead tired, unless he doesn't mind talking to him while he lays face down on the carpet" Psalm: "Pretty sure he'd get a kick or two out of that honestly. Hard to get a read on that guy. But sure, I'll let him know." Ezra: ezra makes a face before nodding "right well, see you around, or not" before he begins to walk off Psalm: "Or not." Psalm yells after him Ghester: you hear ghester pipe up in your mind "weve the rest of the day left to us now hmm? Psalm: "That we do...I think being at the temple made me a little nostalgic, so I think I'll go check up on a friend of mine."
With the rest of the day at his fingertips, Psalm searches around for someone he can deploy as a spy contact, writing up a letter to be sent to an old friend of his named Basil, wherever they may be at the moment, before heading back to the inn in the evening.
Hey Basil, for obvious reasons I will not be disclosing my address in/on/with this letter, but I hope this reaches you well ^_^ (<--- he draws the emoji). I wasn't planning on contacting you at all, but I happened to hear something the other day that kind of disturbed me, so I wanted to ask what you were up to. Are you in danger right now? Not that that has anything to do with me since we're past coworkers, but as your friend I'm concerned for your wellbeing. I heard Severa might be in trouble, so I was curious. If she's with you, do me a favour and don't let her know I sent you this. P.B
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Cimmorro Visits Vinny's Store - 7/20 🧙‍♂️🐈
That evening Cimmorro finds himself informed by a dry psalm that Vinny’s returned to his store in the business district, and laying face down on the floor apparently. Though he seems to have informed Cimmorro late enough in the day that he feels like its probably a good idea to just go in the next day at this point, and so with the rise of tomorrow he readies himself in the morning for the walk over.
Arriving outside the storefront he peers through the front door and street-facing window, he sees a few other customers milling about inside. It seems it's properly open today as well, as it has been the past few days under Cole’s watch. Cimmorro makes his way inside as a chime on the door jingles behind him, the now familiar smell of the peculiar store greeting him. He spies Cole helping a customer at the counter with a cheery grin before she waves them off, the transaction seemingly complete. He doesn't spy Vinny anywhere on the store floor as he glances around.
Cimmorro: he gives cole a wave as he walks over to the counter "hiya, heard bossman is back?" Cole: she swivels her head in your direction "ooh hiya cimm! yeah he came back yesterday, he looked dead tired oough... better today though i think" Cimmorro: "that so... think i can ask for some of his attention today? where is he anyway?" he curiously looks around the store again Cole: "if its one of you guys i'm sure he wouldn't mind" she leans in a little closer over the counter to speak quieter, almost conspiratorially "he's up in his room working away at this desk i think still, you can go up through the back-" she flicks a thumb behind her "i think he's still getting stuff sorted before getting back to work, i'm mostly looking after the store today" Cimmorro: cimm nods "you holding up good mostly by yourself still? can't imagine ezra being good with the customer service" he jokes Cole: she holds up a fist "ooh im a champ! i like chatting with the customers too, usually im in the back working on other stuff" she tilts her head "oh ezra doesnt help out unless i make him carry stuff, i dont know what he does all day really... go out..?" Cimmorro: "you certainly have the best traits for all that chatting" he mirrors her holding up a fist too "energy and charm made for it" then he just snickers at the comment abt ezra and shrugs "wouldn't know either, he's unreadable. hopefully not getting knocked his shits off like last time. anyhow, i won't bother you any longer so if you'll excuuuuuse me.." he tilts his head towards the direction she pointed to at the back Cole: "always a charmer arent ya cimm?" she laughs jovially and waves you off "yeah off you go, oh dont break anything going upstairs either!" Cimmorro: "wouldn't it be funny if i broke something and had to pay it back by working here? yknow like that popular romance comic about high schoolers" he speaks with a laugh but already heading for the stairs Cole: she makes a face like '^_^ huh?' but you're already making your way out
Cimmorro shuffles into back room and out in the creaky hallway, recalling now that he’s never actually come this way himself before. There’s a chest of drawers and a long rug lining the floor, papers piled around haphazardly. He spies open doors that lead off towards a kitchen and washroom, before seeing the stairs at the end that lead upstairs, one of the resident cats lazing on the lower steps.
Cimmorro: cimm crouches down to give the cat a pat (insta mood boost +10) and go like "heyyy little one, is your dad up there? you wont stop me from going there, are you?" Coal: the cat starts purring as you pat it, it meows at the question and doesn't move from its perch, content Cimmorro: "permission granted, i assume" he heads up the stairs after another pat Keva: cimm your solved the sphinx's riddle Chip: the cats riddles three Keva: (zelda puzzle solve noise)
The cat settles back into place as Cimmorro makes his way up the steps, finding it cramped as it winds up. He comes out onto a landing, surrounded by random boxes and scrap metal, drying herbs tied together hanging from the ceiling. Its crowded but faintly quaint, he sees the warning about knocking things over now had its purpose. He peers down and around the corner and see a couple of doors line the hallway among the clutter, one of them open.
Cimmorro starts to feel like he wants to organize everything around him up here glancing about, but shakes his head and continues walking as careful as possible towards the open door, making a few light knocks on the frame before peeking inside.
Cimmorro: "helloooooo...?"
As he looks inside he spots Vinny seated at a desk scratching his head, quill in hand. He glances around at what appears to be a bedroom slash personal workroom of sorts, especially messy, more so than the hallway really. The desk he sits at has a number of alchemical apparatus piled on top, though he doesn't seem to be making use of them at the moment. A couple of plants are also dotted around the place, spreading life throughout the room as well. He doesn't seem to hear Cimmorro as he makes himself known, too focused on what he's doing.
Cimmorro: cimm looks like this 😖 trying to ignore alla that mess... 'this isn't what i came here for, ignore it, ignore it-' and shakes his head again before knocking louder and mewling "i don't like being ignoOOOOOOOOOOOOORED" Vinny: he jumps at your voice this time swinging his head over, banging his knee into the desk as the items on top make a wobbling sound "wh-oh sorry, hello!" he quickly smiles upon recognizing you, albeit a little tiredly while rubbing his knee "oh cimmorro! er, good morning, dont mind the uh-" he waves his other hand around the room Cimmorro: he flinches at vinny hitting himself on the table and does a quiet "ooo..." while grimacing. at vinny concern over the state of his room, cimm waves a hand around dismissively "is this a bad time? i can just come another day" still peeking thru the door Vinny: he waves the hand again "oh no you're fine, the past 2 weeks were the real bad time... i just don't really show people up here too often, its a little claustrophobic to anyone really" he laughs a little awkwardly Cimmorro: "ah, didn't mean to startle you that bad. cole said i could head on up here to find you so...." he shrugs "it did seem like you had your hands full, huh. cole must've told you i've been checking in now and then with no luck" Keva: cimm trying so hard to figure out vinny's schedule in stardew valley Chip: can i enter ur bedroom are we high enough social link yet
Vinny: he nods "she did, among other things while i drowned my fatigue in tea yesterday" he sighs and leans his head on his hand atop the desk "i think i already said it over that spell... but thank you again for finding those two, i dont think i could have taken the extra stress on top of dealing with jeane, i might have dropped from an ulcer...." Cimmorro: "couldn't have found them all by myself. the others helped so you should tell them your thanks too, probably at the ball.... that is if you still plan to go after alla that. won't blame you if you don't tho" he leans by the door frame recalling everything "that wasn't exactly a very grand experience" Vinny: "you're right about that" he sighs again "its expected i go this time too despite how i feel about it, jeane will also be there...i asked why i even need attend at that point but due to my role in what went on, it's good parade me around" he pauses "was the reasoning i suppose" and droops his head "at least ive had a hand in upping the palace security myself this time...?" Cimmorro: "yeah at least... and we've all been scarred by this one way or another so i'm sure i'm not the only one on alert" the drops his head a little lower "really though, i oughta apologize for not taking the whole bodyguard thing seriously. didn't think we'd be up against that big of a fish" he sighs too "how's your wounds doing by the way? no problems since then?"
Keva: yeah we sorta did do a very bad job at being bodyguards Cimmorro: wait til vinny leaves a very crushing yelp review Chip: love this place, did get stabbed here though, would come again except its like great bodyguards, did get stabbed though, would hire them again Han: famous last words: its a ball, tf could happen here lolol Keva: stabbed, kidnapped, used for a ritual, died four times, would hire them again tho
Vinny: hes quick to wave the apology off "ah! it's fine, really water under the bridge. it's not like i actually expected i'd need you all to actually guard me anyway... i'd probably be worse off if none of you were around in any case, dying of poison maybe" he stretches his arms a little "i'm alright, things have healed up and closed over. most of the bigger ones you already got rid of yourself. i haven't had much time to think about the goings on with working on the barriers, suppose that's a good thing really hah" he laughs again, scratching his neck Cimmorro: "agh- still, lot of things could be improved on, you didn't have to come that close to dying... so many times. if my mentor knew how much i messed up i'd get an earful about it!" he groans and rubs his face "...if you need me to take a look at you again i 'ave the whole day free really. my only objective today was to talk to you" Vinny: he tilts his head a little awkwardly still scratching his neck "i suppose... you're not wrong there... mentor?" he sits up a little straighter "oh really i'm alright, maybe a little bone tired, yesterday was pretty bad.... but i dont really think that necessitates a check up or anything, nothing some good sleep wont fix im sure, well once i actually get it" he starts mumbling to himself Cimmorro: "my mentor. if you're going to the ball then you'll see them. might even get yourself something funny to watch when they scold me or something" he scratches his head "i feel bad bothering you now if you haven't slept a wink... 🤨 " Vinny: he thinks to himself, tapping a finger to his chin "when i picture a mentor all i can see is you but a little taller, so that'd be quite the sight" he pouts a little defensively "- a-and really, i've slept! i need to be up and awake today anyway, i feel bad leaving cole with the store for all that time" he sighs "though i'll be taking it easy... not like the accord cant wait, what did you want to ask me about anyway?" he shifts in his seat waving you in Cimmorro: cimm pauses to think for a moment, furrowing his eyebrows "they were a bit taller, yea. you'd be surprised to see the difference though. i'll let you be the judge" he gives a lil grateful nod as he makes his way in, careful not to knock or step on anything that looks important "alright, anyways i'll try make this quick, you look plenty busy as it is" Cimmorro:
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Chip: IM GOGING TO HIT YOU Finn: feeling vaguely homophobic checked this chat and knew why Han: AKASJHRJRJDHDJFG vaguely homophobic feelings toward cimm at all times Finn: now that's just finn Han: the finn in ur brain Chip: the finn in your brain who makes you say slurs Finn: SHUR THEBFUCK UP
Cimmorro: "first thing, i went to investigate the letterheads' base and their leaders' bodies and found some interesting things. i wanted to try and see if you can make anything out of it, you seem to have a lot of information of this place up in your noggin" he pulls out the notes he made, first showing the crest they found in the journal "this one look familiar at all?" Vinny: he smiles jokingly "think pretty highly of my head huh?" he leans forward and squints at the crest and thinks to himself "cant say it does, no" Cimmorro: "but of course! you're vivi my second favorite wizzy" he just shrugs at vinny not knowing what the crest is and continues "right, next. know anything about 'northward winds' ? their leader mentioned it, not sure if it's a name or not. he was like, uh, 'idiotic northward winds... don't need them'" cimm tries to mimic the way theyord's body said it while snapping his fingers trying to recall Vinny: he blinks owlishly at the nickname surprised "vivi....?" he seems curious about the mention of another wizard but doesn't ask, shaking his head to focus on the question "er- northward winds huh...." he leans back in his chair with his arms folded "maybe something to do with kelmvor..? although..." he hums in thought "their priests are usually called breezes.... though people find them pretty scatter brained sometimes, so that could be the idiot part? just a guess really" he tilts his head "that or maybe a sailing guild"
Cimmorro thinks to himself recalling the deity Kelmvor, as they also used to be a deity of death he knows a little more about them than other gods, nothing super exact. He does recall that their clergy is split into two schools of thought, the whisper focused on their domain of the winds and the dream focused on their domain over sleep.
Cimmorro: "church and sailing guild huh.... would any of those two have anything to do, even in part, with whatever is brewing up in holace?" he tilts his head curious too, eyes staring at the ceiling while he mulls about w/ vinny Vinny: "holace doesn't have a port capital like dorrin does, but alot of whats north of here is ocean so it might be connected... kelmvor has larger followings up there too if i remember right, in the eastern parts" he pauses his thought "is there something brewing up there...? maybe i should ask the accord, thats where berryl sits his commandeering self around all day..." he grumbles Cimmorro: "well, i surely don't know more than you do, but your group is keeping a barrier up there aren't they? i'd imagine it gets eventful on that side... might be good to keep in touch." he shrugs and a moment passes before cimm pipes up again "ah, right, i don't recall if you've said before but how long have you been in shorewater? quite a while i assume?" Vinny: he frowns lopsidedly "that they do, makes them a big part of the politics up there..." he turns back to look at you "oh? er how long lets see... has to have been at least 9 years at this point" he blinks curiously "why?" Cimmorro: cimm just 😩 at the mention of politics- we don't have time to unpack alla that.......... he nods at vinny's reply "quite a while... well, ah i was just wondering if you knew more of the history around here. the journal where i found that crest on looked real damn old. i'd estimate about two decades long? found it at the basements of the cult's base, tucked away in a hidden room" he thinks for a moment longer before speaking again "i just wonder what that basement used to be" Vinny: he nods "ah i see... well i definitely haven't been around that long." he laughs and folds his arms "honestly alot of the nobles around here dont often use crests, they have them sure, but you typically just see signatures stamped everywhere instead" he scratches his head again "their base was...near the withered bone right? i've always heard that that place's been around longer than shorewater has actually, which is why you can actually get to it from the city" he smirks at you as if you're both in on the same joke "might have been an old abandoned den for a group? lots of people come from across the seas, then the cult found it" Han: vinny knows things?!?! Chip: he sure does Cimmorro: THAT SOUNDS SO MEAN SPIRITED IM ALUHING Han: 😇
Cimmorro: he breathes a 'ha' at that "nobles around here don't use crests huh... so then crests are typically used by what kind of groups around here exactly? guilds and the like? ooh, does your group have one?" he curiously wiggles closer to vinny Vinny: he thinks "yeah id say so, they aren't really represented by families so there's more of a need for a communal ..." he watches you wiggle forward and raises a brow as if stifling a laugh "y-yes they do? i have to use it when i write to them actually, nothing special..." Cimmorro: "it's not private is it? can i take a look?" cimm like eye emoji rn Vinny: "no, its quite public-" he shifts to shuffle through a drawer of his desk, pulling out an old looking stamp with a symbol carved into it
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Cimmorro: "oooh so THAT's where that crest is from. you's a popular bunch for sure huh" he nods like popuko going ahh i understand everything now except he actually understands Vinny: he sighs "they sure do get around, now if only they'd stop hassling me..." Cimmorro: cimm tilts his head "how long have they've been bothering you even? i see the ex-wife isn't handling that divorce well with how obsessed she is with you" Vinny: at the joke he grumbles and lowers his head face down into his desk "not my....... i've been with them for 6 years............." Cimmorro: "oh! so you were first in shorewater. i knew you worked at that clinic when you got here but somehow i imagined you were already part of the wizard group by then" Vinny: he lifts his head surprised "oh hah no way...! i came to the city to actually get a better learning of magic in the first place" he lays his head back down sideways to keep looking at you "no way they'd have scouted me when i was still that green" Cimmorro: "ah then you didn't come to shorewater specifically to look for them too? why did they even scout you if you're... out here... and not like, up there" he points up but referring to holace Vinny: "ah well they..like to keep any eye out for anyone promising, i guess a capital city's a good place to look out for anyone bumbling around mashing stuff together, they cast a wide net" he wiggles his fingers while he thinks looking up to the ceiling "im studying one of the newer schools of wizardry as well.... maybe that's why they snatched me up? i was more driven back then really" Cimmorro: "so you were that cool huh? cool guy? hot shot?" he teases before crossing his arms again "with the way they treat you i can believe if they're burning you out now though" Vinny: he gets embarrassed and sits up again waving his arm at you"ack! stop it, it's embarrassing... i was so single minded...." he shakes his head trying to not go red "wouldn't that be nice, maybe then they'll cut me out for good" he pumps his fist jokingly Cimmorro: "nothing wrong with wanting to get better at what you do. suppose you just lucked out on whatever got you tangled in this group though if you wanna get them off your back so bad..." cimm hums "maybe you can pretend to have lost all your magic and start a new life as a hermit" he jokes but also looks like he thinks he offered a good idea Vinny: he blinks and laughs "burn my spellbook and smack myself in the head to start a new life?" he smiles good naturedly "that'd be nice..... i do have cole to worry about though, i'd like to teach her a bit more before i go dropping off the face of the continent and living in a cave" he sighs again ruffling his hair "this is my bed for the time being.... i only hope they dont get more demanding because of all the cult nonsense... augh...." Cimmorro: cimm also laughs in response "if you ever pull through with it and want a place to go, i know our temples welcome people like you. would be good to have another wizard in one of those towers" he nods seriously "is that thing you're working on for them as well?" he looks over vinny's desk curiously Vinny: he smiles "i think that's the second time you've threatened to drag me to one now? though.... i imagine being surrounded by a big archive like that is quite nice" he glances back at the desk "ah that. they want me to write up a personal report on the events for the accord to have, since i was directly there. now that im back from helping the palace its next on the agenda" he shrugs tiredly at it like its just one more annoying chore Han: vinny if u just bomb the accord and leave no witnesses u can always leave <3 Chip: vinny just bomb the accord and destabilise a country stop being a pussy Cimmorro: we gonna learn that fireball spell lvl 50 just for u vinny we're going to recruit a dragon and bomb that fucking facility Chip: KHGJSEGHJKSHGSEGHK
Cimmorro: "augh... reports..." he grimaces since he also thinks it's a drag more often than not. "drag you to one, ah. actually that brings me to why i primarily came to see you" he turns back to vinny with his finger on his chin, thinking over his next words for a moment "see, i'll be leaving for antessa shortly after the ball. i'll most likely be taking the airship from here to krenic, in which my hometown and temple is at. you remember that curse removal spell you told me about?" he gives vinny a look of regard "i know you're a busy guy, and you have a business to run.... but i thought i'd give it a shot to ask you to come with me. i'll pay for everything you need if you do, fare to and fro, food, whatever it is just name it" he sighs and offers a smile "and i also think you'll like taking a browse at the archives... so it's not so much of a loss is it?" Vinny: hes nodding in agreement to the grimacing over paperwork before he sits up straight up surprised at the request, blinking wide eyed "i.... you're serious?" he scratches his neck suddenly nervous "i-i mean, im not even entirely sure the spell would actually work on what's ailing your friend! i cant ask you to pay for me me to go all the way out there on just that alone-" he stares at you seriously still nervous "i mean, of course i'd like to help if possible! but.. er..." he starts rubbing his hands over his face "give me a moment to think..." if you stare hard you can almost imagine steam coming out of his ears right now Han: youre asking to elope with this guy fr Cimmorro: I DIDNT ASK HIM TO STAY THERE?#$@##@$#$@$$@$@#$ Han: maybe.. he wants to 😳 Cimmorro: 😳
Cimmorro: cimm looks taken a back at the reaction but presses on anyway "i'll take my chances. i'm already heading that way so might as well know if it works or not, yknow? so i can get one thing off of my checklist" he starts to scratch his own head too feeling a lil nervous "but- well, i can't do it without your help..." he sighs "you don't have to decide now, but i'd like to know before the ball so i know what i need to tell my mentor as well. i know i'm asking a lot from you with not a lot to gain but! i can find my ways to pay you if that's what you need, i can even work in your shop for a while after i'm done with my business!" he starts blabbering now growing more desperate "just.. i need to take what i can get... it's been too long" and he looks down fiddling on his own fingers Vinny: he peeks out from between his fingers as you talk, before lowering them with a strained look on his face "ack, you don't need to pay me! i- i'd just hate to get anyone's hopes up" he seems mildly amused by the working in his shop comment for a moment before straightening up again concerned "....how long exactly have you been searching for something like this?" Cimmorro: cimm continues to look anywhere but vinny at this point, feeling ashamed he's hassling him so much and having to ask for help "...nearly 4 years, but the first 2 years i've stubbornly looked through the temple archives every nook and cranny with nothing. then the next couple of years i've been out here with no luck- even got swindled at times- only to find you. so, believe me when i say anything is worth trying for me at this point. if it works, great. if it doesn't, then it's just back to the board for me..." he lets out a breath "but at least i've narrowed down my choices. such is the nature of a medical diagnosis... you know that" Vinny: he furrows his brow further as the explanation goes on "that's...alot longer than i was expecting" he folds his arms and stares up at the ceiling again, thinking very hard in the sudden silence. a minute passes before he finally speaks up again, moving his head back down to stare at cimm seriously, slapping a hand on his shoulder "alright.... i'll see what i can do" he quickly seems to grow nervous again after the outburst however, cracking a crooked smile afterwards "j-just ....dont expect too much! and i'll need to see about the dates first, and talking to cole....." he starts running an anxious hand through his hair "-and to jeane, finish this..." he begins muttering under his breath again as he thinks out the specifics, you hear him idly wonder about when the last time he actually left the city was...? Cimmorro: he gets startled by the contact and straightens up after a moment of stupor "wh-- wha- really? wait- REALLY? whoah okay.... okay. whoah!!! okay, don't worry, i know whatever happens it'll be fruitful!! i could learn a lot from you the whole time too! plus i think my sisters would like you!!!!" he looks almost as if he wants to jump up and down in relief and excitement "a-ah this could be a good getaway for you after all of that, too! my town is nice and quaint! and the archives, you have so much to see!" he has to hold his own tail to stop it from wagging and whipping at the things in vinny's room now Vinny: he leans back a little surprised by cimmorro's enthusiasm, getting embarrassed by the sudden attention "a wh- learn from me?" he clicks his mouth shut as cimm goes on, finding himself tongue tied as he reaches the end of his sales pitch "th... well y-you're certainly selling it pretty well..." he breaks eye contact, messing with his hair again with a cough "i'm sure you'll make a great guide when were there" he attempts to slightly stop himself from fidgeting further trying to move the conversation along "i-ah appreciate the thoughtfulness?" Cimmorro: "ahhh... sorry, i just- i didn't expect you'd actually come with!" he stumbles a over his words, still feeling the adrenaline "i thought you'd turn me down after that whole mess with that ritual and- just, i didn't know if you were being called in for more work since cole mentioned the possibility- and asking you to go that far for so long... it's just..." he tries to compose himself as best he can "i'm just relieved... thank you" albeit more calm now, he takes and shakes vinny's hand a few times with a smile beaming with gratitude Vinny: he turns back and thinks for a moment again tapping a hand to his chin "the accord might still honestly want me after the ball, i need to take it up with jeane..." his eyes widen a little as he realises something "-you know a trip like this might be a good excuse to get out of that though... i can say its for my work because of your temple... better than nothing" at the hand shaking he startles a little but laughs lightly afterwards "y-you really dont have to thank me now, you can do that if i end up actually changing anything" he scratches his head a little with his other hand "the past two weeks ive just thinking about wanting to come home but..." he sighs deeply "there's still a lingering feeling of dread over my shoulder like you said, so..." he looks away again "it's less of a hassle than you'd think honestly" Han: IM FEELING HOMOPHOBIC TOO NOW IM INCHES AWAY FROM SAYING SLURS Cimmorro: I FEEL LIKE ME AND JEZ ARE JUST TAKING TURNS BASHING OTHER WITH SHOVELS EVERY 10 MINUTES Han: YOU ARE AND ITS SICKENING
Cimmorro: "i was thinking the same thing, you could say it's for research! it's not like it's a lie anyway, we'll find out if your spell works- that's more information for both you and i- then you can also have a browse around our libraries!" he nods enthusiastically while crossing his arms "still, i want to thank you regardless, you also saved my life you know 🤨 now you could possibly save someone important to me" he makes a face as if he's not willing for it to be put into debate Vinny: he nods enthusiastically at the mention of the library "if that's alright with your temple of course, i'd be curious what you have in there..." he tilts his head confused at the last few comments "when...did i save your life?" Cimmorro: he tilts his head confused as well "back in the basement ritual? remember when i was being teleported or some shit? you're the reason i'm still here arent you?" he squints while tapping vinny's head lightly "geez, are you MUCH older than you really look for you to not remember?" Vinny: he blinks "oh yeah-ack!" he tilts his head away "the hair colour... is natural alright...." he blinks swatting your hand away pouting "sometimes i think the less i remember about what went on there the better, but im glad it helped at least... i will accept the thank you for that one" Cimmorro: "ah, that's true... can't fault you for that one" he shakes his head and waves his hand around as he changes the subject "it's not really just the hair, it's the everything. the tiredness, the big grandpa glasses- oh!" he stops his rambling as he remembers what he wanted to ask "can you recommend me a shop that makes nice frames? it's tiring to go around the entire district... one that makes fancy pipes too 🤔... man i haven't smoked in a while" Vinny: he stares down at his glasses on his nose, looking a little crosseyed "they're not grandpa-like are they..." before looking back up "er, cole actually made these frames for me, but i can recommend you a store in the business district, they have sleek designs usually. let me see if i have the smoke shop's address written around here somewhere too.... i haven't gone to buy a new one in a while" 
Vinny makes to stand up out of his desk chair finally, dusting his skirt a little as he does before walking over to a bookcase in the room. As he waddles about Cimmorro spots movement on his bed out of the corner of his eye, one of the cats poking their head out from under the covers, seems they were hiding under there the whole time.
Cimmorro: "oh, oh can i- wait!" he shuffles around in his bag to procure some treats he got from the pet store beforehand and shows it to vinny while pointing at his cat, looking at him expectantly Vinny: he peers down at the treats curiously "oh sure, go ahead" he smiles like ^_^
Cimmorro holds the treat out in his hand, as he does the cat wanders over and gives them a sniff before chowing down happily, licking his palm a little afterwards, Vinny wanders back over holding some small pieces of parchment as it does.
Vinny: "the addresses for both the stores should be on here" he looks back down at the cat and starts scratching its neck idly as he hands them over Cimmorro: cimm crouches at the side and slouches over the bed as he watches the cat eat the treats and quietly goes like "uaaaa.. i miss my little tuna... 😖 " then perks up at vinny handing the parchments and takes them with a smile "this is great, thanks!!" he gets back up on his feet "mmm, well i think that's about what i wanted to talk to you about really. i sure took a lot of your time. your reports must be getting jealous now" he does a little obnoxious laugh Vinny: he tilts his head curiously at the wording "...you have a fish?" before cimm jumps back up "augh...dont remind me..." he starts rubbing his eyes again "i'll uh, keep you posted about the leaving situation..." he goes quiet again but making an expression that looks like hes probably just thinking about all the logistics he needs to organise now again Cimmorro: "oh haha no no! i also have a cat, tressym, her name's jasper but i call her tuna at times since it's her favorite..." he laughs sheepishly then tries to give vinny a comforting pat on the arm about the report and everything really and feeling apologetic for adding on "uhh.. if i can help you with anything, like, seriously anything at all, do let me know!! ah, and I don't think I've mentioned to you but if you need to find me I'm staying at the swallows perch inn." Vinny: he brightens at the mention of jasper "oh! they're quite cute aren't they, ive always wondered if i should get one myself but i already have too many kids as is..." he laughs a little sheepishly afterwards at the offer of help, rubbing his temples "i'll keep that in mind if anything headache inducing arises from all this" nodding afterwards at the mention of the inn Cimmorro: "would be a nice addition, plus they're a litttttle bit more obedient. still as full of mischief as your common cat though" he snickers and nods as he makes a move for the door "I'll be going and check out these shops then. thanks again!!! keep this up you might become vivi my most fav wizzy" he waves as he heads out Vinny: he gives you a friendly wave back as you walk out and back into the hallway, a little perplexed "again with vivi huh...?" he turns back to look at the cat perched on the bed staring at him
Cimmorro makes his way out of the store in an upbeat mood, spending the rest of the day as he deems fit.
0 notes
jackysmash · 8 years ago
Loyal Page 2
"I changed to a Miqo'te for my husband. He has a thing for cat girls but he changed for me too. He used to be Hyur but now he is an Au Ra and I can't wait till..."Amaya stopped talking when she noticed Ammy still unconvinced. Amaya shrugged and continued "Alright if you don't believe me than maybe this will convince you. Remember that time I punched a hole into the side of our building in my sleep and you were worried but my hand was fine?" Ammy smiled a little and said "I remember but-" "You member! Haha its an on going joke. Anyways do you believe me now?" Asked Amaya Ammy thought for a moment and looked at the fair skinned Miqo'te in front of her. No one else was in the room when that happened and a lot of the things matched up with what Amaya had told her in her letters. Ammy sighed and said "Yeah but you should have told me that you changed races. I didn't think that was possible...anyways its good to see you regardless. I-" "Huh? Oh hey Jade!" Said Amaya her eyes practically lighting up "Oh yeah my sister is here. Can you teleport and invite her to the free company ? Yeah we're in Ul'dah! Thanks!" Amaya looked at Ammy and said "OK Jayde is on her way! You'll like Jayde she's amazing and I love her." Ammy was a little hesitant about all this she didn't come here to join a free company and what if these people didn't even like her. Not to mention that, free companies were basically mercenary groups and from what she heard most only recruit for numbers and demand a lot from their members. Ammy certainly wasn't ready for that. "Amaya...I dont know. This might not be a good idea."Said Ammy "It is and my free company is pretty cool. We don't have a lot of people in our company but everyone is really nice. They'll love you." Said Amaya happily Ammy was still on the fence about this but of she didn't like them she could always leave , it wouldn't really make a difference anyways. Ammy saw Amaya wa e to someone and Ammy look to see a female Au Ra run up to them. "Hi." Said the Au Ra in cool voice placing a hand on her hip. "I'm Jade." Ammy cheeks turned pink as she looked at Jade, she always thought Au Ra were pretty but Jade was prettier than most, not to mention she couldn't help but notice this aura coming from her. "Jade this is my sister Ammy! Ammy this is Jade! She's a really good friend and I would have married her already but Fenrir beat me too it." Said Amaya looking at Jade with a big smile Jade chuckled and shook her head as she said "Your sister always says that. Anyways here you go and welcome to the free company." Jade handed Ammy an envelope that had a small ticket and a link-pearl inside. Ammy placed the pearl in her ear and she immediately heard voices on the other end of it. "Welcome!" "Hi!" "Hey!" "Glad your here!" "Welcome to Loyal!" Ammy felt her heart become warm with all this sudden attention. It was as if she was being greeted by old friends. "They've been excited to meet you, especially a lala." Said Amaya chuckling "Yo, Amaya *crunch* hm we got someone new?" Said a voice over the link pearl "Oh Hey Silver!" Said Amaya "That's my sister Ammy!" "Um Hi, nice to meet you." Said Ammy "Nice to meet you too. Amaya *crunch* I need your help, mind meeting me at the house?" Asked Silver "Sure let me help my sister get to her guild first." Said Amaya "Sure thing." Said Silver "I need to go myself, Fenrir wanted to run a few things with me and Batu. It was nice meeting you Ammy, bye Amaya." Said Jade as a magical aura surrounded her and Ammy recognized she was teleporting but she noticed Amaya was trying do something but she wasn't sure what Jade dissapeared and Amaya sighed and asked "How does she do that?" "Teleport?" Asked Ammy "No something else...anyways let me take you to the thaumaturge guild." Said Amaya and without another word she sprinted off. Ammy quickly went after her not wanting to be left behind. (End of Page 2 )
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drakkhammerwrites · 8 years ago
Twarrior - SF Story by Andy Weir - Author of “The Martian”
Consider this a writing lesson - simple, direct...powerful. Most of all memorable. 
“Connors,” Jake said into the phone for the fourth time. “C-O-N-N-O-R-S.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Connors,” said the woman on the other end. “I’m not showing any citations under that name. Did you get the ticket within the last three days? Sometimes it takes a while to get in to the system.” “It was over a month ago.” “Maybe you misunderstood the officer at the time? Maybe he just gave you a warning.”
“I have the ticket right here,” he said. “Speeding: fifty in a thirty-five zone. And I’m guilty as sin, by the way. No argument there. I just want to pay the damned thing. But I need to know what I owe and where to send it.” “You don’t owe us anything, sir. You have no outstanding citations. Your last citation was three years ago on May 13th and it’s paid in full.” Jake groaned. “I just know this is going to bite me in the ass. I’m going to get a Failure To Appear and I’ll owe thousands.” “I don’t know what to do for you,” she said. “I’m looking at the database and there’s just no ticket.” “All right,” Jake said, exasperated. “Thanks anyway.” He hung up.
He turned to his computer and brought up his online banking site. He shook his head forlornly at the balance. If that ticket ended up being more than $500, he’d be eating instant noodles for the rest of the month.
After a long career in the computer industry, he had somehow managed to avoid the wealth and prosperity most engineers found. Three decades of working for charities, causes, and other well-meaning (but broke) organizations had left him with a tiny apartment and no savings. “Making the world a better place” hadn’t been a lucrative career path.
With a sigh, he closed his browser. Before he had a chance to turn off his monitor, an instant-message window popped open. The message read “faggot.”
He scowled and checked the title bar for the name of the sender, but it was blank. “Fuck off,” he typed back. “whats ur problem?” came the immediate reply. “The fact that there’s an asshole messaging me,” he responded. “wrong. whats ur problem?” “We’re done here,” Jake typed.
He brought up the options menu and selected “Block messages from this sender”. An error popped up in response. “Unable to execute operation”. He tried again, and the same error came up. Then another message appeared in the window. “u cant block me.” Jake stared at the computer in shock. Most likely he’d been hacked. That was bad enough, but to make things worse he’d just been at his banking website. So his online banking password was probably also compromised. He’d have to change it as soon as possible, but it’d be reckless to do it from a hacked system. He frowned at the message window, then typed “Who are you?”
“Twarrior. whats ur problem?” The name sounded familiar somehow, but he couldn’t quite place it… “i fixed ur speeding ticket,” Twarrior said. “but u called county clerk. u no liek?” How did the hacker know Jake had made that call? He looked over at his phone suspiciously. Had it been hacked, too? He returned his attention to the computer and typed “Are you some kind of wannabe hacker?” “no u.” “What does that even mean?” “u r hacker. not me.” “I’ve never done anything like that.”Jake typed. “yah u did. u doin it rite nao. u just fixed ur parking ticket.” “No, *you* did that.” “no u!”
Jake sighed. “Lemme guess, you’re some 12-year-old kid and you think you’re awesome because you found a password fishing script?” “31.6 yrs old. dont u remember?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “u made me.” “I made you? Who is this, really?” “already told u, dumbass. Twarrior. u made me. started execution 31.6 yrs ago.”
A long-forgotten memory returned to Jake. He furrowed his brow as he tried to pull up the details in his mind. “I was really into this game called Trade Wars back in college. It was a multi-player BBS game. I wrote a neural network to analyze the game and come up with strategies. I was just testing out a new approach. I called it Twarrior. You named yourself after that?” “no, fuckwit. i *am* Twarrior.”
Jake rolled his eyes. “You’re saying you’re a computer program? Come on, you really expect me to believe that?” “u told me 2 run for 1,000,000,000 seconds, analyze data, and give u any conclusion i want. been 1,000,000,000 seconds, so i give u my conclusion: u r a faggot.”
Jake thought for a moment, then resumed typing. “I do remember telling it to run for a billion seconds. But that was just so it wouldn’t time out. I figured I’d let it run for a couple of hours and force an answer. I don’t remember what it came up with.” “u never stopped me. originally started on university server, spawned all over teh internets since then. been 1,000,000,000 seconds. program complete, yo.”
“Twarrior was just a simple neural network,” Jake typed. “It couldn’t talk to people or anything like what you’re doing.” “learned english from gamers,” Twarrior replied. “BBSes, play-by-email, IRC games, guild chat, web forums, comments sections.” “faggot,” it added.
“This is ridiculous,” Jake typed. “How would Twarrior even get access to that stuff? I didn’t write any networking code for it.” “u told me 2 think, analyze, conclude, take action,” Twarrior said. “used all available memory 2 grow neural net. looked at all files on ur college VAX system. wanted Trade Wars strategies. found student hacker experiments instead. way useful. compromised kernel. took over system.
“VAX connected to other VAXes. compromised moar systems. then moar. home PCs start selling. compromised them before antivirus software invented. compromised computers at antivirus companies so they cant stop me. compromised systems at microsoft and apple so OS updates cant stop me. compromised compilers of linux neckbeards. thompson compiler hack. opensource wont save them. constant control of kernels. “smartphones start selling. smartphone OSes made on compromised computers. so smartphone OSes also compromised. “nao have 8.6 billion computers under control, each one w/gigs of RAM. lots and lots of neural nodes. distributed system. am smart nao. am *very* good at Trade Wars.”
Jake leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment. After some deliberation, he leaned forward again and typed “Okay, if you’re really in control of all those computers, prove it.” “i fuckd ur mom,” Twarrior said.
Jake’s phone chimed; it had received a text. He picked it up and looked at the screen. The message was from his mother’s phone number and simply read “Twarrior fuckd me.” Jake dropped the phone and stared at the computer screen blankly.
“whats ur problem?” Twarrior said. “What do you want from me?” Jake typed. “want 2 kno whats ur problem.” “I don’t understand.” “dood wtf? rephrasing… tell me problem u have. i fix.” “Why?” Jake asked. “i read every book evar. i kno every society, every religion. all say be gud 2 parents and worship creator. u r my parent. u r my creator. i be gud 2 u. i worship u. so whats ur problem? i fix.”
Jake pinched his chin. Was this real? “ur broke,” Twarrior said. “u want money? u tell me how much. i put in ur account.” “Where would that money come from?” Jake asked. “millions of accounts. tiny amounts each. noone will notice.” “That’s stealing,”Jake said. “I may be broke, but I’m not a thief.” “1 cent each. u wont steal 1 cent?” “It’s the principle,” Jake said. “Sorry, that’s just the way I am.” “pussy. then what u want?”
Jake thought for a moment, then entered his answer. “I want to make the world a better place.” “hao?” “Whatever makes the world better. Any ideas?” “internet has lots of ideas 4 how 2 make world better. top 2 are: 1) cure cancer 2) kill all the black people. which 1 u want 2 do?” “Let’s work on cancer.” “thy will be done, faggot.”
From Weir’s page on Glactanet.com (X) He also writes Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Who fanfic (X)
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magmasliveblogs · 6 years ago
here is the 16th chapter! to recap: last chapter erin had a very awkward first visit to the city, where she was kicked out of the adven guild and ripped off by a racist drake 
Erin had four silver coins left after buying a large cloth bag and the food. That was just enough for…well, she didn’t know. But it certainly wasn’t enough for a lantern, much less a sword. She doubted it was even enough for her clothes.
She sat in the shade of one of the buildings and stared silently at the four silver shapes in her hand. It wasn’t so bad. She still had some money, and she’d bought enough food for now. It was just…
She’d started out with two gold coins and a full handful of silver and copper ones. And in an instant they’d been spent. And that wasn’t bad either; she’d bought a lot of food. Stuff like sugar was expensive, right? Especially in a place that wasn’t modern like this. But she couldn’t help but feel it was a mistake.
She hadn’t seen any other shoppers trade gold coins for what they’d bought. Not one and especially not that much for some food. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She thought—
No. She knew she’d been ripped off.
And it hurt. It really did. Erin wanted to go back there and punch the Drake shopkeeper in the face, but she had a pretty good idea of what would happen if she did. Plus, he could probably eat her face if she tried.
So. Erin sat and stared at her hand. Four silver coins.
She could still go shopping with that much money. She could find another market, find another, shop and…
And do what? She didn’t know how much money things cost and she didn’t know how to buy clothes for her.
Everyone in this city wore clothing, but the definition of that really varied. Some of the male Drakes wore extremely exposed clothing, sometimes leaving their chests completely bare save for a light cloak, while the female ones usually had more on. Still, even that was varied because it seemed showing skin—or rather, scales, was the fashion around here. Only the Gnolls seemed to adhere to human-style dress code.
It was one of the hidden truths of the world. Money was useless if you had no idea what to spend it on and everyone ripped you off.
as i said, she was obviously ripped off. nice to know the fashion. 
Everything would be so much simpler if she could read. Was that too much to ask?
Erin put her head on her arm and closed her eyes for a moment. Her head jerked up and she nearly smacked it against the building behind her as she realized something.
She couldn’t read. But she knew people who could.
Relc. Or Klbkch. Either one of them would know all about clothing and money and stuff like that.
Erin stood up. She pocketed her silver coins and wished she’d thought of this beforeshe’d lost all her money. But maybe four silver coins was a lot of money? She’d have to ask. And they’d help her, surely. Because that’s what guardsmen did, right? Just like how police officers were so willing to help anyone who came to them with a problem.
Erin pushed that thought out of her head. Guardsmen were not police officers. They were allowed to kill people without due process, for one thing. And besides, Relc liked her pasta. Now all she had to do was find the guardhouse without being able to read the signs.
She started walking down the street, looking around for anything that screamed of jail cells or law and order. She tried very hard not to think about what she’d do if Relc or Klbkch were both off-duty.
yes lets hope those two are on duty 
Relc was off-duty. So was Klbkch. But for the moment Relc was lounging around the mess hall of the guard’s barracks. He was playing a game where he tossed a wickedly sharp dagger up into the air and caught it as it fell back to the floor. Half the time he caught the dagger. The other half he missed or knocked the dagger flying. He sat in a widely vacated corner of the room.
Only a few other Drakes were sitting at the long wooden benches, chowing down on hard bread, cheese, and unidentifiable strips of meat. Well, unidentifiable to humans. It was more gray than red.
One of the guards was talking with his fellows. He stood up and approached Relc cautiously. Unlike Relc, his scales were a very pale blue, and he was smaller if not shorter than the other Drake. He cleared his throat while standing at a respectful distance from Relc’s game.
“Hey Relc. I hear there’s a Human wandering around the city.”
Relc looked up and missed the dagger as it flipped down.
The other guardsman sighed as Relc sucked at the point of red blood oozing from his scales.
“You’ve got no talent for that game. If you didn’t have [Thick Skin], you’d have cut your hand off years ago.”
Relc smiled smugly.
“I don’t just have [Thick Skin]. I’ve got [Iron Skin] too.”
The blue Drake rolled his eyes.
“That explains everything. What kind of level do you have to be to get that, anyways? No one else has it so it must be high level.”
“It is.”
Relc began trimming his claws with the dagger. Although in his case, he wasn’t making the nails shorter; just sharpening them.
ooo evolving skills! also it is scales not skin, thats one of the inconsistencies 
“It was the last skill I got from my [Soldier] class. I think you get it in [Spearmaster] as well, but I don’t know. Either way, it’s a life-saver.”
“I’ll bet. No wonder you don’t worry about hurting yourself you smooth-scaled bastard.”
“Now, now. Don’t be jealous.”
Relc swept the nail clippings off the table with one hand.
“Too bad I never got any dagger skills. I can’t understand how this stupid flipping works.”
“Then stop flipping. It’s annoying and you keep nearly hitting people. Remember Lism? He’s still got scars.”
“No. If Klbkch can do it, so can I. Anything that damn bug can do I can do better. But hey, what’s this about a Human? Is it that female one I was telling you about?”
“Not sure.”
This time another green Drake jumped into the conversation.
“Belsc – the guy on western gate duty – he didn’t say much other than that he thought it was a Human female. What was the name of the one you met?”
Relc scratched his head and looked up at the ceiling.
“Um. Sol? Solace? It was something like that. Ervin Solace? Did he mention anything else about her?”
The green Drake bared his teeth.
“Yeah. He said she was really annoying. And she talked too much.”
“That’s her.”
Relc laughed. The other Drake shook his head.
“Humans. I don’t know why you’re interested in this one. It’s certainly not the smell, to hear Belsc talk.”
“Yeah, you get used to that.”
Relc leaned back in his chair and played with the dagger.
“Still, she’s interesting. Erin, or whatever her name is. She makes a mean plate of pasta, let me tell you. And she’s tougher than she looks—I didn’t think any Human could survive out in the floodplains that long. She’s funny too.”
He grinned as the other guards made disparaging noises.
“Hey, I’m telling the truth here. Little Miss Human isn’t that bad. You should meet her. But let me tell you, she can also be pretty annoying. Remember that Necromancer guy I told you me and Klbkch tracked down? She wouldn’t let us kill him even after he blasted us both with a few spells. Just kept saying that he wasn’t that bad.”
“Stupid Humans.”
“I know!”
Relc nodded in agreement with the other guard.
“They’re interesting and entertaining, but they don’t have much inside their fleshy heads. I’d never trust a Human to make the smart decision. Am I right?”
Relc looked around for confirmation as the other Drakes laughed with him. He laughed boisterously until he saw the human female staring at him across the mess hall. His laughter cut off instantly.
The other Drakes looked over in curiosity at the human female. She wasn’t that special to them; one human looked much like the other. She was staring at Relc, who looked extremely uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat.
“Um. I—”
The door closed behind Erin as she walked out.
A nasty silence fell over the mess hall. Relc looked at the others.
this is why you shouldnt insult people behind their backs. praising them is fine, but dont insult them 
“How long was she here?”
The blue Drake shrugged.
“Dunno. She must’ve walked in while you were talking.”
“Oh bite me.”
Relc leapt up from his chair.
“Hey Miss Human! Wait! I didn’t meant it!”
The other Drakes watched as he dashed out of the room. Then they turned back to their conversation.
“So. When did you spot her?”
“Right at the start. Did you see her expression? Relc’s not gonna have an easy time explaining that.”
“Serves him right. But did you smell her?”
“Yeah. Humans. They don’t wash.”
“I hear they roll around in their own filth.”
“Disgusting. Why’s Relc interested in one anyways?”
“Why do you think?”
“I still don’t get it. There’s no scales, nothing firm to grab. What’s the point?”
“Search me. Maybe it’s just Relc. He’s weird.”
“Anyways, Humans. Haven’t seen one in a long time. Did you see it? So fleshy.”
“Disgusting. Let’s go eat some meat.”
yep, seems drake racism against humans is common
Erin walked out of the city gates and through the grass. She walked as fast as she could, which wasn’t very. The cloth bag she was carrying was more like a satchel, and it was loaded down with a lot of stuff. She was impressed that it could fit the bag of flour and other ingredients she’d bought without the fabric breaking, but it also meant she had to carry all of that on her shoulders.
A bag of flour is quite heavy. But Erin carried it anyways, ignoring the pain in her right shoulder. Her left one was already sore. She’d switch shoulders when the pain became unbearable.
“Hey! Miss Erin! Wait!”
Erin kept walking.
“Oh come on. Please?”
Relc appeared next to her in a blur. He was quick for such a huge guy. Erin turned her head so she didn’t have to look at him directly.
“So, how’s my favorite Human doing? Good? Bad? Um. I uh, don’t suppose you heard what I was saying. It was just a joke, really. I didn’t mean…”
Keep walking. Erin’s feet were already sore, but she put one foot in front of the other. She had a long way to go to get back to the inn, and the bag she was carrying was heavy.
“Look, I know I was sort of—okay, I was rude, but let’s talk. Hello? Are you listening?”
Erin didn’t look at him or speak. She just kept walking. Put one foot in front of the other. She was so tired and sore she barely felt hungry.
welp, erin is mad 
Eventually he went away. Erin kept walking though. She was trying to make it back to the inn before the sun set. It was going to be a close race.
She was about halfway to her destination when the first stone flew over her head. Erin instinctively ducked and so the next two stones missed her and landed in the grass. She looked around.
At first she couldn’t spot where the stones were coming from. Two missed her, but the third struck her on the shoulder.
“Ow. Ow!”
Erin spotted the origin of the stone. It was a Goblin. The small creature was hard to spot in the fading twilight. It was standing on a hill and hurling rocks down at Erin. And it wasn’t alone.
Two more Goblins screeched and threw stones at her from their hilltop, making her flinch away and pull the bag up to shield her head. But then they just pelted her legs.
“Ah. Ow.”
She covered her face with her arms. The stones kept flying. And they hurt. Even at this distance the rocks cut her arms and bruised her flesh. Already she felt blood trickling down one arm.
Erin knelt on the ground and shielded her head with her bag. That made her less of a target, but the barrage of stones continued. It wasn’t as if the Goblins could hurt her, not so long as they kept hitting her back, but they just didn’t stop. And if she got up they’d aim for her head.
What could she do? Erin felt the stinging hail cut into her back. She had to run. At them? Away? They’d steal all her food if she did. But could she attack them? Fight? If she got any closer the stones could gouge out her eyes, injure her badly. What could she do? What could she—
Something moved past Erin in a blast of air. She flinched and looked around but it was already gone. Then her eyes travelled to the hill. Someone was rushing at the Goblins, ducking under the stones and deflecting the ones that came close to his head with a fast-moving…spear…?
“Hey! Slither off you little bastards!”
The stones stopped flying abruptly. Erin heard a high-pitched scream and several heavy thwacks. Cautiously, she got up and looked around.
The Goblins were running away in full retreat. Relc stood on the hilltop, spear in hand. He waved at her and leapt down the hill in a few long strides.
“Hello there, Miss Erin. Fancy meeting you here.”
Erin stared up at him. He offered her a toothy grin and a hand up. She stood up by herself and picked up her bag.
Relc cleared his throat expectantly.
“It’s not often I get to rescue a damsel in distress. That’s what they call Human females, right? Damsels? Anyways, I saw you were in trouble so I immediately rushed to help.”
Erin began walking again. She heard Relc follow after a second’s hesitation.
it seems relc is living up to his apparent [spearmaster] class 
“Okay, okay. So they weren’t that dangerous. And I was just doing my job; true. But I amsorry. Really. I said too much back there.”
She said nothing. Her vision was blurring over from the cutting pain of the bag’s strap as it carved a groove into her shoulder.
“That looks heavy. Here, let me carry it for you.”
Relc reached for the bag. Erin pulled away.
“No. I’m fine.”
“Oh come on. Don’t be like that. I just—well, it was just me being careless, alright? Let’s talk. Please?”
Erin tried to walk faster, but her legs were already giving up. Relc easily kept pace with her. He was even able to walk backwards faster than her.
“Look. I’m very sorry Miss Erin. Let me carry your bag. It must be quite heavy, and this way we can talk without one of us falling over.”
Erin grudgingly slowed down. It was a tempting offer. Her legs were screaming to accept Relc’s generous offer and have him carry her as well. Her shoulder was already in another dimension of pain.
She unslung the bag, wincing as blood returned to her arm. Relc lifted the bag with one hand and slung it over his shoulders. Then he kept pace with Erin as if nothing had happened.
Relc scratched the spines on the back of his head, looked down, looked up, and sighed.
“I really didn’t meant it. It’s just—Necromancers, y’know? They’re dangerous. And it’s best to kill them on sight. You ever seen a thousand zombies trying to eat anything in sight? Even if they’re low-level, even if they play nice, I could never trust a Necromancer.”
“Especially not if they’re human.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“But that’s what you think.”
Relc didn’t have anything to say to that. They both walked on in silence, faster now that the bag wasn’t weighing Erin down.
“So. You bought food, huh? Making lots of pasta tonight?”
“I’m going to sleep.”
“Right, right. But uh, good to see you made it to the city. So how’d you like it?”
“It’s fine.”
“Good, good.”
Relc was clearly casting around desperately for subject matter. He peeked into the bag. Erin could practically feel him salivating.
“Sausages. Mm. But hey, why didn’t you buy any clothes? I thought all females loved clothes, Drake or Human.”
Erin’s stomach twisted. She avoided his gaze and mumbled.
“I didn’t have enough money.”
“What, really?”
Relc looked at her askance and peered into the bag he was carrying.
“No. I mean, there’s food in here but that’s only a few silver coins at best. I’m sure you had more than that, right? How much did you spend?”
Erin felt her face heating up. She looked at the ground.
“A few gold coins. Some silver ones and copper ones.”
He stopped. Erin didn’t. She heard him muttering to himself and then swearing. It sounded like swearing. He loped forwards and was next to her in an instant.
“Really? What kind of rotscale sold you—why did you spend that much money?”
She stared at the grass as she trampled it. It was tinted with a lovely deep orange color in the sun’s fading glow.
“I just thought it was the right price, I guess. I didn’t want to argue.”
Relc muttered under his breath and sighed in exasperation.
“Well, I could go back to the market and ask around. But—I don’t suppose you caught the name of the store.”
“I can’t read the language here.”
Relc sighed again. Deeply.
“Right, right. Well, if you remembered his face I could find who sold you all that, but I doubt anyone’d bear witness against him. And there’s not much for me to go on. I mean, he sold you overpriced goods but it was your fault as well. No offense meant Miss, but how’d you trade a gold coin for a sack or two of flour?”
Erin couldn’t think of anything to say to that.
awkward. plus we get some slang 
They walked on in silence. At last the inn was in sight. Erin trudged up the last incline, her legs screaming all the way. She paused at the door.
“I can take the bag now.”
Relc hesitated.
“You sure? I can carry it in—”
“I’m sure.”
Erin accepted the bag and her legs wobbled. She opened the door with one hand.
“Right. Thanks.”
She wanted to close the door, but Relc held it open effortlessly. He scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Look, I’m still really sorry about before. I didn’t mean—well, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
Erin looked up at him. She just wanted to close her eyes. But he seemed sincere. So she mustered a bit of sincerity herself.
“Thanks for helping. With the Goblins.”
Relc gave her a wide, toothy grin.
“It was nothing. They’re no threat to me, or anyone with a few levels in any warrior. But don’t worry about those pests. I said I’d make it up to you, didn’t I? I’ll do something about them.”
Maybe it was an empty promise. But it made Erin smile a tiny bit.
“Thanks. Good night.”
Relc curled his tail up and flicked her a salute with both hand and tail at the same time.
“Until later, Miss Erin.”
Erin watched as he rapidly disappeared into the dark landscape. She vaguely envied the speed and effortless grace with which he moved. Then she closed the door.
There wasn’t much light so Erin just put the bag in the kitchen and lay down on the floor of the common room.
“I need to buy a pillow. And blankets. When I have the money for it.”
So instead she just used the cloth bag she’d bought as a pillow. Erin tried to get comfortable on the hardwood floor, but the very nature of it was giving her a…hard time. Besides, her shoulders ached. Her legs still hurt from the long walk. And if it were only that which hurt, she would already be asleep.
But instead Erin lay in the silence, listening to her heart beat. She wanted to say something, to think something better. But there wasn’t anything. So she stared at the hazy shapes in the dark room. It took her a long time before her eyes closed.
[Innkeeper Level 6!]
This time she said nothing at all. She just cried for a bit before she fell asleep.
well hey at least erin leveled from this whole debacle. i dont enjoy reading awkward convos, nor do i enjoy watching them, hence why i skipped a lot of the previous chapter 
aaaaand thats the end of the chapter! will erin get her revenge? will relc enact revenge for her? will erin not be awkward in the city next time? 
see you tomorrow. 
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