#and i do NOT like that so now i just dread good days LMAOOOOOO
rowarn · 4 months
does anyone else despise good days? like today wasn't a good day but i was just thinking about how im more comfortable having bad days. because when i have good days and then go back to bad days it feels soooo much worse. but when i just consistently have bad days i know im not experiencing the happiness and high the good days give me so it wont be as much of a gut punch when i have another bad day. it's more comfortable to just have a bad day and not have to worry that tomorrow i wont be happy anymore 😭
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 263: [Immigrant Song Intensifies]
Previously on BnHA: Ujiko sicced five Noumus on Miruko. Rephrase that: Ujiko sicced only five Noumus on Miruko. In hindsight this was obviously a mistake. Miruko proceeded to laugh and jump around kicking all of them and literally ripping the head off of the strongest one’s neck with nothing but her thighs. It was legendary and awe-inspiring and also she lost an arm but WHO EVEN CARES, I’m still pledging my allegiance to her. Miruko once beat the sun in a staring contest. Miruko’s calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd, because nobody fucking fools Miruko. Anyway so also the heroes are finally attacking the League of Pliff’s HQ and Skeptic is running around all “AHHHH” so I guess we’ll see how that goes now.
Today on BnHA: Things finally get started over in Gunga, although for the time being most of the kids from 1-A and 1-B are still sitting around in the woods all pent-up and anxious and restlessly shipping KamiJirou. Meanwhile on the front lines, three-and-a-half-year-old Kaminari Denki is all “SOB I WANT TO BE BACK WITH MY FRIENDS WHERE IT’S SAFE”, to which Midnight, who I would just like to remind you is (1) an adult, (2) a teacher, and (3) a person responsible for this literal child’s safety in any number of other capacities, responds with “SORRY KIDDO WE NEED YOUR QUIRK.” I have yet to see any compelling evidence that they really do need it, but putting that dubious matter aside, Kaminari does kick some ass once he gets over his anxieties. Meanwhile Cementoss tears a building in half, Tokoyami reflects on how he was exposed to Kaminari’s good and pure moral character during their many soulful jam sessions, Hawks is about to kill Twice, and – wait, what.
a few stray thoughts since this chapter is taking forever to come out today. one, the good guys need to take out Twice and Toga as soon as they find them, because they’re currently the deadliest combination in the League. Twice for obvious reasons, and Toga because I’m pretty sure she got some of Aizawa’s blood that one time back during the Basement arc, and that fact coupled with the fact that she can now use the quirk of whoever she transforms into spells big trouble for the good guys since she can basically just cancel out whoever’s quirk she wants. plus she’s probably also immune to Midnight’s quirk. all in all bad news
two, it is interesting that Hagakure is the only 1-A kid we haven’t seen yet! probably just me overreacting, but still interesting!
(ETA: we do see her standing next to Mina in this chapter, so so much for that. you get out of it this time Tooru!)
and three, I’m not clear on whether or not Skeptic has actually figured out that Hawks betrayed them, or if he just suspects it, or if he thinks that Hawks leaked something accidentally and doesn’t realize that this entire time the dude was 100% playing them. I’m sure we’ll find out shortly. but regardless of how this plays out, I’m already dreading Twice’s reaction to all this :/ my sweet innocent baby. HE THOUGHT YOU WERE HIS FRIEND HAWKS. HE TRUSTED YOU. fff I really hope Twice’s inherently good and trusting nature isn’t a casualty of all this. then again I still think Twice himself is very unlikely to survive this. so basically I’m just bracing myself for pain sob
(ETA: oh this is bad.)
(ETA 2: by the way just to clarify, the above paragraphs were all written on Friday, and the rest of this recap+all ETAs were written the next day when I finally got to read the chapter! this is not important in any way whatsoever but now you know and that’s half the battle!)
“it’s time” holy shit finally lol. you all have been camped out over here for weeks now. not that I didn’t thoroughly enjoy each and every second of Miruko’s one-woman murder show, but it is nice to finally check in with you guys over here so we can get to work at last and I can get a better feel for who’s about to die. cuz someone here is dying guys
the chapter is called “I wanna be with the others!!” so. this is gonna be a Kaminari chapter isn’t it. I wonder what fresh new traitorous hijinks he’ll be getting up to this week. that detestable scoundrel
Mineta is being all weasel-y and reluctant, and honestly, I’m a bit annoyed. and for once it’s not directed at him! it’s like... how do I explain it. okay, so like, the manga is showing him being all cowardly and clearly not at all happy about being out here, and the fact that it’s Mineta doing it only adds to the general flavor of this being the wrong attitude to have and just a really shameful way of acting in general, because it’s Mineta and we all know Mineta is vile and so clearly he’s in the wrong here! the only thing is though, I actually don’t blame him even if he’s being a little shit about it, because the kids absolutely should not be here in the first place. are they strong? fuck yes. are they gonna end up being the ones to turn the tide once everything inevitably goes to shit, and thus the others are really goddamn lucky that they’re here? probably. does that make it right to conscript kids and send them out here to a soon-to-be war zone which the adults have very little control over meaning that some of these children will almost certainly be injured and traumatized and possibly even killed? nope! not right at all! no amount of “plus ultra” can justify this, folks. and “we get that it’s wrong but that’s just the fucked up times we live in” doesn’t actually justify it either, even if the HPSC seems to think so
but having said all that, there’s clearly nothing to be done about it at this point, and I’m about to enjoy this chapter of the kids presumably kicking ass even after all that whining, so I’ll just carefully climb down from my soapbox now. but I’m still keeping it handy just in case!
who the fuck is this Thundercats guy who looks like he was part of an old timey street gang in 1920s Chicago
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lol can he hear the villain hotel being ripped in half over there in the distance
and speaking of hearing, Jirou is popping her earbuds into the ground to do some reconnaissance of her own I guess!
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the heroes?? she better not mean the villains. oh lord I still don’t have the faintest idea how they’re planning on actually containing them all. well, brace yourselves everyone. here comes the shitshow
now Gangs of New York is making the most unnecessary speech in the history of this manga
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were any of them actually going to be careless?? I’m pretty sure they understand the gravity of the situation my dude. and if they didn’t, I’d say that’s honestly on you guys and not on them because, again, they’re kids. and if you didn’t want a bunch of teenagers goofing off during your incredibly dangerous and vitally important do-or-die hero mission, then maybe you shouldn’t have brought a bunch of teenagers to your incredibly dangerous and vitally important do-or-die hero mission
“listen makeste are you just going to sit around all day bitching about my cardinal sin of daring to involve your precious little darlings in the actual plot,” the imaginary Horikoshi that sits around trying to keep these recaps from veering off track interjects. and okay fine
sob it feels wrong to see MomoJirou there without their Kaminari
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(ETA: and there is Hagakure on the left, FYI. at least I think that’s her?)
their baby boy is all out there alone in the woods. is that why you were really listening, Jirou? you can tell me, I promise not to make a big deal about it
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I lied, I might make a big thing about it. what a beautiful March day for some OT3
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HE’S ONLY TWO YEARS OLD!! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? MIDNIGHT YOU BETTER KEEP HIM SAFE!! at least until he makes it back safely into the hands of his friends, the League of Villains
meanwhile here’s a fun tip, this manga gets 100x funnier if you scroll back up to that panel of Jirou being all serious and saying “they’re on the move” now that we know that this outburst is almost certainly what she was listening to lmao. “oh, Kaminari is crying, that must mean they’re getting started”
and here they go!!
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who is that in the witch hat?? COULD THIS BE THE LEGENDARY MAJESTIC, AT LONG LAST? this person looks like they cobbled together their entire hero costume from Sero’s bedroom. just ransacked it and draped all of his tapestries and throw pillows every which way over some Adidas pants. goddammit who is this person, I need to know everything about them right now
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and he’s shouting back “no I don’t think you adults are pathetic at all!” while still looking terrified! goddammit how do I cast protection on a fictional character in a manga. I don’t play D&D, but D&D players can do that, right? how do I create a shield around my party. Kaminari you stay put while I try and figure this all out
lmaoooooo Tokoyami’s words of encouragement
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A MAGNIFICENT FELLOW. you guys I’m gonna be honest, lately I’ve been enjoying these fan scanlations even more than the official ones at times. obviously Viz’s are fine and good, but sometimes it’s almost like they localize everything a little too much, you know? most people don’t go around calling other people magnificent fellows, but would Tokoyami? yes. yes he would. I believe this in every fiber of my heart
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“KAMINARI, I REALIZED WHEN WE WERE PLAYING GUITAR TOGETHER... WAY TO WHITE-KNUCKLE THOSE SICK FRETS, HALEN.” thank you so much for that Tokoyami but we are kind of in the middle of something so I’m not sure if right now is really the time to start asking my boy here for his autograph. after, maybe
now Cementoss is literally screaming “ATTACK!” and throwing subtlety to the winds
and now we’re back to this!
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and it looks like this is most likely Cementoss using his quirk to tear the building in half! so that’s one mystery from last week solved! holy shit you guys I just realized we’re actually going to see Cementoss in action. so long as the environment is right, dude is a literal earthbender. we may be in for a rare treat
Skeptic is shouting at his minions to alert the Council. it’s okay, Cementoss already alerted them for you I’m pretty sure
so he’s sending Violet and Black to the front entrance, and Cleveland and Carmine to the Assembly Hall (where the Council is). these, if you recall, are the names of the various Vanguard squads, though I don’t recall who is actually on which squad and I really don’t want to go back and look it up... but fine!
okay, Twice is on the Black squad and Dabi and Otter Pop are on Violet. so they’re being dispatched to the front, while Toga, Compress, Spinner, and Skeptic himself (how convenient for you Skeptic) are heading to the Assembly Hall. isn’t that nice that Dabi is heading out to the front, where my son Kaminari “Clapton” Denki is. hahaha. fuck
Lefty Hair is now making a sudden appearance and giving Skeptic some threatening “you majorly fucked up and the only reason I’m letting it slide for now is because we’ve got bigger things to worry about” vibes, which I like. also he has a cigarette. it’s been a while since I’ve seen a manga character actually smoke a cigarette. I guess only villains are allowed to smoke them now
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HOW MANY PEOPLE IS CEMENTOSS GOING TO KILL TODAY. place your bets. and is cement stronger than fire. please don’t die Cementoss
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by the way I like how a key part of their “let’s contain all the villains” plan was to open up their secret HQ and spill them all out like a bunch of ants. everyone knows this is the best way to keep people contained. instead of stationing people outside of every exit, let’s just make the entire building into one giant exit and MELEE AWAY ALL YOUR PROBLEMS
who died and made Lefty the smartest guy in the room
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if only they had all listened to you, Mister Smart Guy. you’re so smart. why didn’t they put you in charge. probably just because they were jealous
booooo it looks like Black and Violet are attacking but Twice and Dabi are nowhere to be found! because they’re part of the Council?? boooo
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Best Sweaterist can do anything a sweater can do. it’s not a very good power. everyone was all “you look like the number 3 hero you must be really strong” and so she got promoted waaaaay above her skill level and it’s too late for her to do anything about it now so good luck Best Sweaterist
finally some people from the League!
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(ETA: Dabi is either going to arrive just in time to save Twice, or just in time to witness Hawks murdering him, and I’m not sure which would be worse.)
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I CAN’T FUCKING WAIT TO HEAR THIS WITH MY OWN TWO EARS IN THE ANIME. IT’S GONNA BE SO GREAT AH MAN. but real talk, Miruko should be above him in the power rankings. I’m sorry I don’t make the rules. but unless you kill three Noumus within the next few pages here I’d say it’s pretty clear cut
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Kaminari you sweet little lamb, it’s going to be okay. you just take a deep breath and zap some of these PLF fuckers and then you can go run and hide and you’ll be playing tacky arcade games and eating hit-or-miss-quality pizza before you know it
Kami is actually in a lot of danger here what with how helpless he gets after he uses too much of his quirk though. (unless of course you subscribe to the theory that he doesn’t actually go dumb at all and that’s when he’s secretly transmitting his traitor messages to the zetans.) whose fucking idea was it to put him on the front lines, honestly. he’s only four!!
fuck me, Midnight sees him panicking and she’s being all soothing and encouraging while also being ridiculously sexy as usual. dammit Midnight
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hey Kaminari if you want to think about Momo and Jirou I’m not going to complain, I just want you to know that. you can even make it all platonic by just saying “my friends.” either way is fine and I will respect your smokescreen
ahh he’s turning around and the camera is zooming back to the woods where the rest of 1-A are!
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the title of this chapter is becoming surprisingly meaningful!! well played!
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I don’t even know what to say?! I basically just slapped both of my cheeks and said “AWWW” out loud?! would you fucking look at these two bisexual icons living it up in this the year of our lord 2020. what a blessing
oh hey this guy decided it was time for him to talk again
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okay Kami I give you permission to go pikachu on his ass. go ahead and show us why the heroes went ahead and violated ILO conventions in order to bring you here
don’t tell me this guy is also an electric type. lol who could have guessed that, there were absolutely no clues at all in his hairstyle or anywhere else. I would definitely have noticed something like that because I definitely pay attention to these things lol
(ETA: and presumably the heroes knew the identities of the Vanguard squadron leaders thanks to Hawks, and knew they had to have some sort of plan in place for this guy’s quirk, hence them being all “hey Kaminari let’s talk.”)
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MOTHERFUCKER WAS THAT A SHOUNEN WOOSH???! whaaaaaat oh shit everybody brace yourselves
and now a Tokoyami flashback to the two of them jamming like little hero Hendrixes
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because he prioritized the health of his fingers beneath his desire to learn the guitar to help his friends perform, you realized he was truly a magnificent fellow. aw shit it’s all coming together
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look how evil that smile in the last panel is. clearly the traitor. probably this other electric man is his dad
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just. it’s like this weird and crazy feeling that’s a combination of adrenaline and chills-rushing-up-your-spine. that’s the sensation of clicking to a page and suddenly seeing the thing we fucking knew was going to happen, but just because we knew doesn’t mean we actually wanted it to happen, shit
holy shit. does Jin have to die in order for the heroes to succeed? probably. do I want it to actually happen? NO. am I suddenly reevaluating every single thing I thought I knew about Hawks and mentally updating Jeanist’s presumed mortality status in my head?? yes. are Hawks’s eyes here going to give me nightmares for the entire coming week? also yes. am I really unsettled wondering if those eyes were the last thing Jeanist ever saw? listen why do you keep asking me all of these intrusive and deeply upsetting questions like I’m some kind of magic 8 ball?? am I going to be on the edge of my fucking seat now waiting for next week? fuck
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hellow it’s clyde! *waves*
ahhhhhh if you were to post your performance that would be so amazing (only if ur comfortable tho). gasp yes i wonder what a caliban costume would look like...
i’m so excited for you amigo :)))
yeah i get your reasoning. i think i’m one of the people that sometimes forget authors exist because acknowledging them would mean the worlds aren’t real... and that is just sad.
haha you seem like the kind of person to act like a slytherin but is actually a gryffindor inside
i think i’m a ravenclaw... but pottermore says i’m a gryffindor? idk maybe i’ll just go with divergent at this point
gAsP awesome you dye your hair friend it’ll be so amazinggggg. asdfhjk i bet u look so pretty in a pink suit :)
ahhhh fair reasoning. oh no the dreaded locker room... i hope people don’t be mean to you when you eventually have to use the locker room. asdfhjk i want to threaten everyone that could potentially be hostile towards you but as i’m about a kajillion kilometres north of where you are i can’t do much
yeahhhhhh maps are interesting when you don’t have to make them i guess. but i’m done the project (four freaking days later) now so yay!
oh um that is unfortunate i apologize i hope you will be able to get your illness cured sometime in the near future bc food is good
haha meat is indeed delicious. when my parents split i was able to try like actual bacon for the first time and omg it’s so goodddddd. i relate friend
now for the question... hm... you mentioned your writing... do you write like fanfiction, or poetry or stories or i can’t think of anything else but i’m sure there’s more stuff...?
honestly this is so fun :) i enjoy being ur friend cecil
also i was literally scrolling through tumblr for like 10 minutes wondering if u saw my ask (bc that’s what i do i’m annoying sry) then i realized i hadn’t even sent it yet and i’m like wow okay brain cells how many of your limited number are even awake in there?
That’s so relatable thinking is so hard I have two brain cells and they can never rub together lmaooooo also you aren’t annoying I was in my inbox most of the afternoon like ,,,asks?? So yeah lol
Well heck I may have to!! I’ll definitely post a pic of my finished costume. Today I tried it on so they could fit it before they distressed it (like theyre gonna tear it up and throw mud all over it) and I’m super excited! I have my arm brace to practice with too, in order to make the twisted posture easier on myself.
See when I enjoy a fandom i definitely separate my version from the original pretty distinctly, whether or not I like canon, so if I stop liking canon, I still have the idea in my head, you know? I’m a maladaptive daydreamer so some of this is clinical, but that’s a different story. Anyways, you let them Harry Potter characters live on in your heart no matter what J K R*wling is like.
You strike me as someone with ravenclaw energy but I think gryffindoors are supposed to be more friendly, generally. I resent not being slytherin because I want people to respect me and they never do :/ they’re always just like what a loser but gryffindoor is cool and hey if we both are 😌🤝😌
Sngialcospxls thank you I have previously been told I am generally found attractive,,,,,, who knows
Aww you threaten transphobes with your vibes bro!!! (Is bro an ok term of endearment for u?) and I’m done with pe after this year so that won’t be a problem!! I’m worried about my binder cause I can’t wear it a full school day but I’ll fuck my ribs up when it comes to it (/j I won’t do that)
Also I relate cause every time someone tells me to do something that isn’t for theater I immediately hate it no matter if I liked it before lmaoooooo
My illness isn’t that bad I hope I didn’t make it weird lol it just hurts sometimes but like I’m used to it and anyways I will. And I still enjoy food, even just out of stubbornness sometimes lmao. Also bacon is just 👀👀👀👀👀 who invented it and can I make out with them.
You have such educated and kind questions I feel so like. Listened to it’s wonderful. And I love being your friend too!!
I write a lot of stuff. I can mimic most styles if I put my mind to it but most commonly for fun I write short stories (basically fanfiction but somet I have been told that I write good dialogue and long descriptions. I also “work” for the national High School Critic Association (CAPPIES) which is my most pretentious title lmaoo. I’m pretty good at it though, I’ve been published the last three plays and I’ve got another this weekend. I can also write a killer argument essay, but those aren’t very fun, so-
Can u tell I’m vain about my writing? It’s not even my main passion but people praised me too much and now I’m disastrously stuck up lol
You’re so much fun, Clyde!! I feel like I have a pen pal, except with instant gratification :))
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Oh God ... So now, Darren own words and actions are the narrative while abby’s bullshit, that has been denied and proven wrong so many times is the truth ... Interesting
Let’s talk about “If I wanted to believe in your narrative I would have found all your propaganda sites and burried myself in all the lies including all the photoshopped pics”
Woaw that was a run out sentence. If I wanted to believe in your narrative, she makes a conscious decision of deceiving herself with CC okay. Now, the photoshopped pics, dear bj something, Darren and Mia knew each other before, yes I know Abby and flowers want you all to believe they met on the red carpet of TP that time ... but no, they did know each other. Now, the photoshopped pic posted recently, give me TRUE (and not totally biased) proofs that they were and I’d probably reconsider but for now, as you cried out for the wolves (in vain) one too many times, I probably won’t believe you when you WILL be right. Sorry, too much lies makes someone wary.,
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Oh Abby, why so bitter, cause they have people who loves them and wants to help them ? Cause they’re friends with Darren when he couldn’t care less about you ? Yeah i know hard to swallow.
You have no idea what they have in store, so shut it if you didn’t back, and if you did you’re even more twisted than I thought lol.
Now Donate to charity ?!!! Well unless they inform their backer of it, then that would become CROOKING. People donated for a project and them using the money donated not for said project (even a good cause) would be sketchy; let’s continue on you harping on many people when they SUGGESTED that D should give a part of Elsie profit afte the annoucement of the M&G prices and we have your full hyprocisy displayed right in front of us. 
Using D to get it ?!! Well D is one of the owner of the company, so if SK lose monay, he does too ... But I know business must be hard ...
Stans lmaoooooo, if you think only D’s stans gave, wake up poor girl ... And don’t be worried for those people, they’re not worried about your little  skimpy mind.
Now let’s adress a few things ... because you don’t understand words (even though you watch the 10h live stream of people you hate just to be able to say ���HE s SOOOOO UNHAPPY WITH THEM” (Lol I wish I was as unhappy as D with SK lmao), you’re cracra women).
150K For each shows AT THE MINIMUM !!! (meaning each penny will go to make the show better) ==> 300K, Filming + cutting + paying the fees + dvd ... that costs money, making a short movie, it’s not for free also. So yeah ... each penny will go to make an even better show ... but your bias stops you from understanding basics ...
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Fuck you are all unhinged. Well Arm candy suits him pretty well :D. And if that’s what he wants ...
What is funny is that ... you attack SK and try to force them to give to charity ... then bitch cause Darren did go to a charity ... and not we day ... consistency ... people CON...SIS...TEN...CY.
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Oh god I’m wheezing lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. She’s insane. He likes Mia “YOU’LL BURN IN THE 7TH HELL”
So Abby’s world is getting even smaller soon there’ll be her, her 10 CCers ... and that’s it.
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Then you’re a masochist, you’re unhappy with the content he’s giving you, he’s not who you want ... so cut your loss ... but no ... you need your blaine anderson to live.
As for missing it, funny how when you don’t have blinder syou see it, but as I’m not biased and don’t need for my mental helth to see him ready to keel over, maybe there’s that.
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See above, if you’re dreading and having anxiety each morning cause your “fave” is giving you content, why the fuck would you subject yourself to such treatment. Do you like feeling bad every morning ?
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I just love that each time they post that pseudo intellectual and superior bs, they don’t even understand they’re talking about themselves. What do you all think you’re doing with Mia ? You can’t control what the “stans” think about her, so you try to control how your own flock sees her ... The misinformation certainly do feel unfair (she’s definitely not Satan).
As for the truth ... We have different notion of truth I guess lmao.
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Oh god lmaoooooooooooo ... “New to fandom” lmaooooooo. Yeah ... right.
Funny how those anons always happen when their notes flickers dangerously low ... (I mean reblogging yourself 3 or 4 times but still not reaching 30) ...
Don’t be scared anon, she’ll explain that CC is on, cause Chris liked a goat pics when Darren went out with Mia ... 
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pixiewriting · 7 years
college!au minghao (pt 1)
summary: you're in your first year of university, and you find a best friend in joshua hong. He introduces you to his friends, and a interesting relationship ensues when you embarrass yourself in front of his friend minghao.
genre: fluff
pairing: minghao/the8 x reader
warnings: has some language sometimes, though I'm assumin f*ck and sh*t don’t bother you guys lol
word count: 3.9k
a/n: hey y'all! here’s my first little story I’m posting on here. the first chapter is kind of long, sorry lol. i’m not sure how long it’ll end up being, but it’s more of a ‘figure it out as you go’ kinda thing lol. i have it posted on archive of our own too!
(part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5)
           You scurried through the courtyard, a little out of breath, as you were late for class. You were hopping over bushes, and dodging tree branches. You’re almost to class when you feel a branch catch your sweater, and pulls you back abruptly. You keep pulling away, and the branch tears your sweater and cuts your skin a little. You let out a little ‘ouch,’ and pull the branch out of your sweater. You’re hoping subconsciously that nobody saw that little fiasco, and as you look around, you see one tall boy covering his mouth, laughing. You felt mortified that one of your peers had seen you sprinting through the courtyard and cutting your arm on a tree branch. You tossed your hair behind your ears and kept running, class still on your mind.
          After making it to class with only minutes to spare, you sat around the rest of class trying to catch your breath and pay attention. The teacher was talking about chemical bonds, and normally this would be interesting to you, but for some reason you just couldn’t focus. You sat back against the chair, and blew out a puff of air, and tapped your pencil methodically on your paper for a minute. An image flashed into your mind of that tall boy laughing at you, and you almost smacked your head to get the picture out of your mind. It wasn’t something you wanted to recall! So what if he saw me? You thought, beginning to pep yourself up from your embarrassment. Fuck other people’s opinions! you nodded to yourself. Besides, he probably guessed you were late to class anyway. It’s not that big of a deal! you reassured yourself. You made this weird face that was kinda like ‘hell yeah I love being my biggest supporter.’
           At this moment, the teachers voice broke through your self absorbed haze, announcing class was up, and to not forget about the paper due next week. You were already about half way done with that paper, and you made a mental note to finish it up early next week, with time to spare before it was due. You walked out of class slowly, tired from the sprinting you did earlier. You might as well have not gone to that class anyway, seeing how you couldn’t focus the whole time and missed the lecture. You waved your hand around your face, knowing it was fine because you were a good student and there were resources online. You pass by the courtyard, and you find the culprit tree that caught you, and give it a dirty look. You notice a bit of your sweater and a tiny blood stain on the branch. “God.” you mumbled.
           You were in your first year of college, and on the path to studying international business, though you knew that your interest could probably change next week. You were more introverted, so you didn’t mind being alone, although you did have a few friends. One friend you had made recently, Joshua, in your bio class, was very nice. He helped you with his notes if you missed something, and was a nice person to have around. He was one of those people that you could sit around and not have to say anything to enjoy each other’s presence, which was something made the good-friend-siren in your head go off. You were about to meet him in the courtyard, nearby that goddamn fucking tree. You waited at a picnic table, head resting on the wood, sun warming your back, eyes comfortably shut, and ready to snooze.
           You hear Joshua coming before you can completely fade away, and sit up, chin resting up in your hand. “Hey, Josh,” you said, as he was sitting down. “What’s up?”
           He smiled, and set his bag on the picnic table. “My lit class was incredibly boring.” He said. You groaned in sympathy. “Dude, fuck Shakespeare,” you said nonchalantly. “The guy just kills lovers and writes in this old english no one can understand, so you have to completely rely on the Spark Notes translation.”
           Joshua laughed. “He’s considered one of the greatest english writers of all time.”
          “That doesn’t mean we have to continue considering that.” you countered.
            The two of you kept talking for a while about some bullshit stuff, and then Joshua looked over and yelled some hellos at someone. You looked over, and saw the boy that had been laughing at you earlier. He was waving to Joshua from across the courtyard. Your cheeks flushed bright red, and you slapped your hands against your cheeks. “Shit!” you cursed. Joshua looked over in confusion, and you watched as the boy was making his way to the two of you. “I gotta go! I embarrassed myself in front of that guy and I’m not about to make this weird!” You grabbed your book bag in a hurry, and scrambled off, tripping over your shoe as you do so. You landed on your stomach, and just closed your eyes as you laid in the grass and accepted your fate for death. Being clumsy is a personal hell. You groaned, and rolled over. Sunshine was streaming over your face, and you squinted against the sun. Remembering the boy, you jolted up, and jogged across the courtyard, not daring to look back, because you knew Joshua and the boy had seen you fall. You’d heard Joshua laugh. God.
             Back in your dorm, you hopped on the bed and kicked your legs around, and rolled over a bit in frustration. I’m such a dumbass!!!!!!! was the ringing phrase running through your head for a good five minutes. You decided to text Joshua, and you typed “fml.” That simple phrase was all you needed to convey your absolute embarrassment to Joshua. He replied with a long “lmaoooooo” and you groaned. You sent a frowny face back and Joshua told you that it was okay, and tried to make you feel better like the nice guy he is. You really hoped you’d never see that guy again. Joshua typed, “Minghao and I thought it was funny! You’re just a comedian don’t freak” and you could finally put a name to the boy who’d you completely ruined your image in front of. Minghao. Alright.
            You sent back something about never being so embarrassed in your life and hoping you’d never see Minghao again and you knew Joshua was probably just laughing back in his dorm. The fuck! You’d just have to forget about it and never think about it again. Might as well pour bleach over your brain to completely get rid of the memory. You jumped up and shook your body out a little, and decided a shower would clear your mind.
            Freshly cleansed and now a bit more level headed, you sat down to catch up on some homework, and then found yourself knocking out for the night.
            The next few days passed without incident, thankfully, and you and Joshua continued to meet in the courtyard and just do homework together, sometimes making a comment about how nice the weather was or a comment about being pissed off about class. It was ideal.
            This weekend there was a big party at this frat house, and Joshua suggested for you to go with him. You easily agreed. You weren’t about to turn down an opportunity to party, because after a few weeks of being introverted you look for a big social interaction for have fun at, and then withdraw for a few days again afterwards.
            You and Joshua were fast becoming close friends, and could predict each other’s sentences and reactions. You liked to call him Joshy sometimes to see how frazzled he would get and then this exasperation would wash over him.
            You two arrived at the party, expectant. You went into the party excited, ready to let loose after dedicating so much time to school recently. You and Josh didn’t stay together the whole time, you both separated off and found your other friends eventually. Your other friends liked to tease you about Joshua and that you liked him, and you would just sigh. Joshua? A boyfriend? No. That’s not what you wanted, and not what he wanted either. You two were just friends, and could relate to one another easily. You eventually were a little tipsy, and having fun dancing with your friends. Joshua came by and laughed at your tipsy state for a while, and then told you he had to go because he forgot about a paper. You gave him a thumbs up, and wished him luck on the paper.
         Once he left, was when things went… different.
          You, in your tipsy state, were just a social butterfly and wanted to tell everyone how happy you were. Embarrassing. You didn’t notice him across the room, laughing at you again. You excused yourself to the kitchen, to get some water and rewind. You were kind of dizzy from all that dancing and singing. Someone entered in the kitchen behind you, but you were focused on drinking this water to get the small amount of alcohol out of your system. A voice behind you caused you to jolt and drop the red solo cup of water into the sink. “Nice dance moves; they look a bit similar to the way you run frantically.” A feeling in your gut told you who that was.
          You closed your eyes, and immediately started screaming internally. Just when you thought that everything was fine! You reluctantly turned around, and found the tall boy just a few feet away. You cursed under your breath, a habit you couldn’t break. “Uhhhh…” you said, floundering. “Hi.”
           He laughed, this time not covering his mouth with his hand. “Hi.” He said back. Why couldn’t he just have ignored you and not ever brought up the incidents again! Why must he torture you!
          You were going to make a move to slip away, anything to escape this dreaded situation, but you felt the dizziness hit you again. You did feel dehydrated, as you didn’t get to drink much of that water, or anything that whole night, before you spilled it in the sink. You stumbled, and held on to the counter, almost forgetting the boy beside you for a minute. Minghao, you remembered his name, reached out to steady you. You gritted your teeth. Were you about to embarrass yourself in front of him again? Probably.
         “Sorry,” you stuttered. “I’m just kinda dizzy.”
          He looked worried. “Come on, let’s go find somewhere quiet.”
          He led you around the house, and your cheeks were flushed in anguish. Eventually, you two had to settle for outside, because the house was full of drunk dancing people. He wasn’t drunk though, which you found a bit odd, because it is a frat party. Isn’t that what people do at frat parties?
          He sat you down on this brick stone wall, and he sat down next to you. Your heart was hammering in your chest with him this close to you. Your embarrassing antics kept flashing through your mind, as well as the way he had laughed at you. The warm late summer air was a bit chilled at night, and it felt nice on your skin. You sighed. “I’m sorry for being a weirdo.” you mumbled. You couldn’t dare look at him.
         “It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” His voice was soothing, and made you feel weirdly better. “Why were you so weird around me anyway?” he asked. You looked over at him, curious. “You don’t know that already?” you asked. He shook his head. He had this slightly confused look on his face, his brows pulled in, eyes darting around your face, studying your expression.
        You kind of made this exasperated laugh, like the one Joshua made when you called him Joshy. “ I made a fool out of myself in front of you and I was just assuming you would make fun of me if we confronted one another. I just choose to avoid situations like that. ”
             Minghao chuckled a little. “I might’ve teased you, you’re right about that.” You rolled your eyes. Here it comes. The beginning of never ending teasing. “But, you have to admit. It was funny.”
“From an outsider’s view, yeah, it was.”
“You should learn to laugh at yourself.” He said bluntly. You were a little taken back, but you mused on this, and nodded.
            “You’re probably right. I just overanalyze everything I do and it makes me feel like everyone is laughing at the stupid shit I do.”
“They are.” He said truthfully. “You’re known as the funny freshman girl on campus.”
You looked at him in shock. “What? I never knew that.”
“People aren’t making fun of you like you think. They’re laughing at you.”
“That doesn’t sound much better.” you raised an eyebrow.
He rubbed his forehead, trying to find the right words. “What I’m trying to say, is…” he furrowed his eyebrows.
You laughed, and shook your head. “I understand, don’t worry. I just need to learn to not take things so seriously sometimes.” You were doing stupid shit and it was funny, but people didn’t think you were a fool because of it. You were just funny. He nodded, grateful you understood.
        You rested your hands on the brick wall, and leaned back to stare up at the sky. “So, are you friends with Joshua?” you asked, trying to divert the conversation away from your catastrophes. 
        He nodded. “He’s in this friend group of ours. It’s us thirteen guys. We’re all pretty close.”
        “Oh really?” you mused. “I don’t really think Joshua has mentioned you guys…” you trailed off, thinking. “Or wait. He talks about this guy Coups sometimes, is he in your friend group?”
       “Yeah! He’s the oldest out of all of us.” Minghao asserted. “I’d be surprised if Joshua didn’t talk about us to you. He talks about you a lot.”
        You almost choked, and looked over at Minghao. “What?”
        Minghao looked unconcerned. “Yeah, he always shows us the funny things that you text him, and sometimes talks about the times that you get all embarrassed about.”
        You were seething. Your eyebrows furrowed, thinking about how you were going to skin Joshua. “I can’t believe this!” you exclaimed. “Joshua…” you shook your head.
        Minghao laughed. “I think you’re getting too worked up about this. From what we’ve heard, we all think you’re pretty funny.” Your heart warmed slightly.
       “Well I hope my foolishness is funny sometimes.” You scoffed, in a jokingly way. You remembered that you were dehydrated, when a wave of dizziness fell over you. “Woah.” You said, holding your head. Talking to Minghao made you forget how dehydrated you felt.
        “Are you okay?” Minghao asked.
        “Uh, yeah. I think I just really need some water. I feel dehydrated.”
         Minghao shot up. “Stay here, I’ll be back.”
         While he was gone briefly, you thought about how this boy didn’t seem to mind your antics, and almost found it endearing. Just an hour ago you never wanted to see him, ever, and now you were talking to him and it was… nice. What the fuck!
         You reached up to pull your hair behind your ears, and rubbed your forehead. You were thinking about Minghao, and how now that you were seeing him up close, his features were cute. He had high cheekbones and a boyish smile. You pff’t at the thought of him being cute.
        He returned with a big glass of water. You couldn’t help yourself from smiling like an idiot. He kind of looked like an angel, with his lightly bronzed skin, holding your saving grace, water, in his hand, and the outdoor light behind him shining around his head like a halo. You let out this little wheeze of a chuckle, but you didn’t really care because you wanted that water.
        You could feel his amused eyes on you while you chugged that water. When you were done, you let out a little burp, and laughed. Minghao laughed along with you. “Sorry,” you said. He shook his head. “Don’t apologize.”
        “Sorry I acted like a fool in front of you and then avoided you so you couldn’t make fun of me haha,” you laughed emotionlessly.
        “Really don’t worry about it. It’s okay.”
        “Sorry if I ruined your fun time at this party.”
        “It’s okay!”
         You kept apologizing for stupid things, until eventually, he just put his finger over your lips, effectively cutting off your speech. “___ please, it’s alright. Stop apologizing. I liked getting to talk to you.” Your heart was hamming in your ribs.
         You nodded, and he took his finger away. “You should come hang out with all the boys sometime, so the other guys can put a face to a name.”
          You shuddered. “We’ll see.”
          He looked hopeful that you would come, or maybe you were deluding yourself. Thirteen boys kind of sounded like a nightmare. You weren’t sure what Joshua might do. What if he brought up something embarrassing you did in front of all those boys? You’re being overly dramatic and kinda paranoid. The voice in your head told you. Knock that shit off!
         “Do you not like alcohol?” you asked rather brashly. You hit yourself mentally for asking that so suddenly.
           He looked a little surprised, his eyebrows flying up. He recovered, and pushed his brown hair out of his eyes and back, and then you watched it slowly fall back down. “I do, sometimes. But, it’s pretty funny to watch drunk people while you’re sober.”
           “I see.”  You mused. “What year are you?”
           “I’m a freshman. The older boys in our group are sophomores.” You nodded.
           “Do you know what you’re studying?” you asked, rolling the solo cup around in your hands.
           “I’m looking at marine biology. What about you?” A marine biologist. It suited him.
           “International business.” He whistled. “That sounds like it could be hard. Having to learn how to approach a certain country.”
           You shrugged. “I’m willing to work hard to study something I love.”
           “Wow, poetic.” He joked. You looked over, and pushed his arm. “Shut up.”
           It was so easy to talk to Minghao. This was your first conversation with him, all based on you running into a tree in front of him. He wasn’t going to make it awkward by making fun of you, but he also knew how to tease you without making you feel like an idiot, and instead laugh at yourself. 
           You two sat in silence for a while and just looked up at the sky, and again, that good-friend-siren was going off in your head. Anyone who tolerated your antics and sat and stared at the night sky with you in silence sounded like a good friend. Your thoughts shifted to the way he had pushed his hair back earlier, and you shuddered.
           You sighed. “I should probably leave soon. This party has drained me physically and emotionally.”
           “Do you have a ride back or a friend to go with?” he asked.
           You thought. “Shit. Now that I think about it, Joshua was who I was going to go back with, and he left. My friends live in different dorms across the campus.” You groaned. “I really don’t want to die tonight walking back to the dorm, but it seems that might be what happens. I had it coming.” You joked, getting up and stretching.
           He hopped up immediately. “No way am I letting you walk home alone this late at night!”
           You were a little shocked. He looked so… determined to walk you home.  He had looked cute and innocent thus far, but he seemed to secretly be a bit fierce and strong. His arms were crossed, his rolled up long sleeve tee shirt stretching across his shoulders. You gulped. “Are you sure? Are you okay with leaving the party?”
           He waved his hand. “I wasn’t going to stay much longer anyway. You were the funniest person here, anyway. Once you leave no one will be as funny to watch or listen to.” You blushed crimson, and cleared your throat.
           “Okay, well, shall we go then?” you asked, scratching the back of your head, trying to ignore your red cheeks. Minghao was so forward and blunt.
           He nodded, and the two of you walked through the house, you saying bye to your friends if you saw them nearby. They raised their eyebrows at Minghao, but you really didn’t feel like explaining. After all, you weren’t really sure what to explain. You’d made a fool out of yourself a few times in front of him and shied away, and you guys talked tonight and he got you water? There wasn’t much to explain. Your heart fell slightly. You kind of wanted to keep talking to him, because he was a good listener, but he didn’t have much reason to come see you again. Unless you hung out with all thirteen boys. You shuddered at the thought.
           The two of you walked along the frat house street, the large trees reaching over your heads. He was humming under his breath. His voice was soft and melodic. “You have a nice voice.” You said shyly, and quietly. He flashed you a smile in thanks.
           The two of you didn’t talk much, just walked in silence side by side enjoying the college campus late at night. It was nice. You didn’t feel like you needed to say anything. Minghao was very easy to be around. He was easygoing.
           You stopped in front of your dorm, and looked up at him. You finally noticed that he towered over you in probably five inches or so. “Well,” you sighed. “I live here.”
           He was looking at you like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t. “Thanks for walking me home,” You finally said. “I really appreciate it. I might’ve gotten jumped and died if you hadn’t tagged along.” You were joking, but you also knew that was a very real possibility of happening, and that depressed the hell out of you.
           He nodded. “It’s no problem, really. Let me know if you need someone to walk with from a party again, I’ll gladly do it.” You smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Minghao.” You said, voice light and airy.
           You turned to walk away, but you stopped and said, “I hope I’ll see you again sometime.” Your cheeks tinged pink.
           “Me too,” he smiled. “If I see you I’ll come say hi.”
           You pulled your hair around your ear, smiled slightly, and turned to walk up the sidewalk to the door.
           Once you had gotten to your room, you quietly walked around the room and got to bed, trying not to disturb your sleeping roommate. Once you were in bed, you stared at the ceiling and reached up to hold your cheeks. Tonight’s events kept flashing through your head, and the way Minghao smiled was one you distinctly remembered. Shy, but as the night went on he smiled bigger and bigger. You sighed in the darkness, and turned around to fall asleep, hoping for a good night’s rest.
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