#and i didn't think to put them in the withers closet before sleeps
greyias · 2 months
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They lived! (mostly)
Bandit fight went well for the most part. Eliana accidentally turned herself into a sheep, but then she got better. She barded her way inside with a pitch perfect halfling impression, they cleaned up Withers' house for him, then tralala'd their way into the secret enclave tunnel where one of Eli's rangers oh so helpfully tried to disable a statue's laser vision with an arrow, which made the statue super mad, and then it immolated Eliana as her party fled outside, and proceeded to have delightful banter as she died ignobly on the floor. I did not get screenshots of this, unfortunately.
But since no TPK was had, Honor Mode was still active! Pretty Boy Elf Ranger (who is her boyfriend in their alternate incarnation) snuck back in, used a revivify scroll on her, and then had to haul her up like two times as they fled from the angry statue. This experience is actually pretty close to her antics in the TTRPG space so… score one for accuracy I guess?
They managed to actually take out the little goblin ambush inside by coming from the other direction, luring the goblins into range of the statues by use of many cats and minor illusions (RIP all the kitties), and used their HANDS to deactivate the angry laser statues.
As they still had some spell slots leftover I was like "we should get them in just a little more trouble before sleeps!" Then proceeded to wander into the Blighted Village, and Eliana succefully convinced them she was there to write everyone's life story. She passed every single persuasion check inside, including when she faced off against three ogres by herself.
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Exhausted of easy potential fights to run through, I sent everyone back to camp to have a well-earned sleeps.
That was where the trouble began.
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Because now there's a possibility my Honor Mode run has ended, not because of a TPK, but because everyone got stuck in a long rest after fucking Astarion decided to try snacking on Eli.
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The Googs has failed me on all solutions, so I might have a soft locked save file here, which stinks because she and the others were doing so GOOD! I'll have to keep looking through mods to see if I can install one that maybe will help rouse my 3 rangers 1 bard gang from their eternal slumber
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for now rest my children you earned it
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astro-rain · 4 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter eight - “hovel, sweet hovel”
delicate masterlist
word count: 2k
synopsis: bucky and y/n arrive the shelter and take a look at what it has to offer.
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
[A/N]: what would you like to see happen next? let me know! (p.s. this is what i pictured the shelter/hovel to look like)
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"I think this is it," Bucky said, looking forward at the structure in front of them.
"That's the 'shelter?'" Y/N huffed, hopelessly annoyed.
They had been walking and jogging on and off for forty-five minutes straight. Her feet killed.
"We're... gonna die."
"We are not gonna die, Y/N."
"Look at it! That is a hovel!"
"Well, inside's better than outside," Bucky retorted. "At least no one will see us if we're in there. It looks abandoned, they'll assume it actually is.”
She sighed and followed behind Bucky into the shelter. It was a one story stone structure that looked so old and weathered. It... looked like a shed. An old ass stone shed. She briefly wondered if Wakanda had a storm season because she was almost certain this thing wouldn't withstand it.
The door let out an anticipated squeak, and she was just as disappointed to see the inside as she was the outside. Bucky put the bags down and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah... this... isn't great..."
It was just as small as it seemed. And empty. Mostly. There were a few withered shelves with dusty pots and bowls, and an even more withered attempt at a table. There was what looked like a furnace in one corner with old, rotted wood in it. The wooden floor creaked under their steps.
The whole place felt like a ghost: desolate, ancient, and lonely. Except for one peculiar thing...
"Bucky?" she beckoned.
(Y/N) hadn't noticed it when she first entered, but in the middle of the table sat a small, shiny, black panther figurine. It posed on all fours, looking ferociously up at her. It looked so out of place in contrast of the eternal layer of dust on everything else.
"What is this?" she asked reaching for the one thing that didn't match.
When her hand wrapped around it, energy surged into her skin. It felt almost... alive.
"(Y/N) what-" Bucky was cut off by a sound that startled them both.
In the corner across from the furnace, a section of the floor starting moving. Wood on wood on stone was not a good sound. Nonetheless, in mere seconds, there was an opening, and if (Y/N) leaned forward, she could see stairs!
Both of them remained still, feet planted on the creaky floor. They immediately looked at each other.
"What did you do?"
"I'm... not sure. I think I opened it."
(Y/N) smirked.
"What?" Bucky asked, confusion clearly evident in his tone.
"I should've known," (Y/N) shook her head. "Shuri wouldn't have led us here unless there was something more."
She held the panther figurine as she walked towards the opening.
"Wait," he grabbed her arm. "We don't know that Shuri knew that was here. What if it's a trap?"
"A trap from who? I don't think anyone knows we're here except Shuri."
"I don't know. J-Just let me go first."
"Alright. After you, oh wise one," she acquiesced, voice sarcastic but endearing all the same.
Bucky tried to suppress a chuckle. "Smartass. You're the wise one."
She tried to go down the stairs, letting him go first, but apparently that wasn't enough.
"Wait, just let me go look around and I'll holler when it's all good."
"Holler? Who says holler?"
"Me. Wait here."
"Fine," she made a show of pointedly plopping down on the top step, still and waiting as he requested.
It only took about ten seconds.
"Woah..." his voice came from far away.
"What is it?!" (Y/N) leaned forward.
"You were right! Come down, you gotta see this!"
She wasted no time... and standing beside Bucky, her jaw dropped.
Beneath the ground was a significantly larger, way more modernized, and highly advanced survival shelter. All equipped with smaller versions of a table, chairs, and cabinets, along with a compact freezer and miniature stove, a chest, a closet, and two sets of bunk beds. Everything was clean and looked in optimal condition. There was even a rug.
"Shuri definitely didn’t leave you with nothing," Bucky commented, still taking it all in.
"-us with nothing," she corrected, retreating back up to the shed to get the bags.
Later in the day, (Y/N) got a handle on the panther key and how to use it to open and close the entryway to the bunker. Once she figured it out, she kept it closed, ensuring their concealment and maximizing their safety.
Bucky had found his way into the closet, listing off the contents to (Y/N) who sat on the floor, back up against one of the bunk bed legs. She was exhausted. Her body had been assaulted by adrenaline and strenuous mortal-danger-physical-activity. Bucky seemed to be fine, though. Curse that super soldier serum. His energy was always so high.
"...oh, and here's the bedding stuff. I don't know what this is, though."
(Y/N) lethargically leaned her head over to get a good view of the closet.
She chuckled. "That's a space heater...Oh! And next to it - that's a portable AC. Makes sense. I doubt they could get electric or plumbing out here."
And her head rolled back to center, eyes closing, body exhausted.
Bucky seemed to notice. "Hey, if you're tired, I can make the beds...or at least yours if you wanna sleep now."
(Y/N) stretched her legs straight out in front of her. "No, that's okay."
She wasn't about to force her one armed friend to make a bed for her. That's just rude. Especially after he carried those bags. She felt bad; she wished she had done more.
"Nah, I don't mind. It's not like I got anything else to do," he insisted, bringing the bedding over.
(Y/N) stood, body internally complaining in aching protest. She didn't really have the energy to expertly persuade him.
"Buck, it's fine." Her voice was faint.
He didn't even stop to hesitate, seemingly determined on the task. She thought it better to just give up and let him do his thing since he was so set on it. However, the sheet was fitted and there were pillow cases, not really one-arm friendly assets. He was struggling... very clearly. (Y/N) felt even worse.
He started moving quicker, frustration jerking his arm in quick, irritated bursts as he was trying to get the sheet to stay. There was still no success.
She stepped forward gently. "Bucky..."
"Damn it!" he hissed, slamming his hand on the bed frame before forcefully standing up. His hand went to his forehead, rubbing his eyes in disappointment.
(Y/N) was a statue. She had never seen him mad before; she had no idea what to do. Don't get her wrong, she wasn't scared, she just wasn't sure what to say.
"Can't fuckin' do anything," he muttered under his breath.
She finally moved forward. "Hey, forget the bedding, it doesn't matter-"
"Yes it does," he turned. "We're hiding from a collapsed regime and I can't even make a damn bed. Plus you've done so much for me, I just wanted to help with something. I just wanted to be able to do something."
Oh. Suddenly, his anger was gone. It was replaced with a miserable helplessness. It made her chest tight; she needed to fix this.
"Buck, you don't owe me anything. I'm here because I wanted to help, not because I was expecting anything in return. And I don't know what you've been paying attention to, but I watched you carry the majority of those - heavy - bags the entire way here while simultaneously figuring out the way to the shelter while my brain was momentarily smooth. You were the voice of reason in that chaos we just escaped from, and it's a damn good thing you were so calm because I don't know if I could have handled the panic of the both of us."
"You could've," he murmured. "And I wasn't calm, I'm just used to this. I was trained for situations like this."
No, she wasn't going to lose to deflection.
"Regardless, you were a huge help. Seriously."
He still didn't look convinced.
"In fact, I feel more safe here with you than I would with Shuri and the Queen. You're like a super soldier body guard."
A look washed over his face that (Y/N) couldn't quite place. He looked at her quizzically, like he was trying to figure something out.
"You... feel safer with me?"
"That's what I said, yes."
"You're not like... worried about..."
"The Winter Soldier? No."
He sighed. "How can you be so sure? You have no idea if or when I might... you know."
"We are literally the only people here, and I don't plan on saying the trigger words. So unless you plan on saying them, I don't really think we have anything to worry about. And, even if you did 'you know,' you could definitely get away with it and no one would find the body."
He turned bright red. "What?!"
"I'm kidding! Sorry. But Bucky, you've been doing so well with me and Shuri, and honestly the Hydra programming might not even be there anymore."
"But we don't know for sure!"
"Bucky..." she pleaded, turning her head slightly as to say what is this about?
"I can't trust my own mind," he sighed looking at the floor. "I just don't wanna do anything bad. It's just - weird that you don't seem to be worried at all."
"Why is that?"
"Everyone sees me as a monster."
The room was dead silent. He wasn't looking at her, but if (Y/N) looked at him any harder, she was sure she'd burn a hole through his head. How could anyone see this man as a monster? Logically, she understood what other people saw. But personally, she couldn’t find it in her to perceive him like that. It just didn’t work. All she could find was gentleness, compassion, and sincerity.
"I can't see you as something you're not," she said, whisper soft. "I don't care if you hands are 'scarred from murder' or however you said it a few sessions ago. I trust them entirely."
He finally looked up at her, his face filled with something she couldn't quite place. It looked a bit like disbelief and then it changed into relief and then something else entirely. A slow smile crept up on his lips.
"My hand. Singular. Not hands."
A deep, deep smile - to match the one on Bucky - grew on her face just before the pair started cracking up ridiculously. Perhaps this was an odd way of releasing the tension, fear, frustration, and exhaustion of the day. Nevertheless, laughter was cathartic. It was so cathartic that eventually (Y/N) could hardly catch her breath and Bucky's stomach hurt. This went on for several minutes.
In time, they both calmed down. She didn't remember when exactly it happened, but they were both sitting on the floor now. They sat in between the two bunk beds, facing one another, each back leaning against a respective bedpost.
The atmosphere was different now, but not in a bad way. It felt like 2 a.m. at a sleepover, when the conversations get drowsily deep, with slow voices and honest confessions. It was heavy eyelids and low inhibitions.
A fresh wave of exhaustion washed over her. She let her head fall slack against the bedpost, resting.
"Bucky, what were sleepovers like in the forties?" she asked softly, eyes closing ever so delicately. 
"Well," he started, getting into a story of his past with Steve and the couch cushions.
And that's how she fell asleep. Sitting on the floor, leaning against a bunk bed, and listening to his voice fade out into the background of her consciousness.
If only she knew how she would wake up: laying comfortably on one of the beds, with one blanket on top of her and another below her because he couldn't get the sheet to cooperate. With the pillowcase carefully draped atop the pillow instead of enveloping it because that's what one hand would allow. With the bed next to her being slept in with no blanket because he used his as the replacement for the sheet he couldn’t get to cooperate.
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jazminetoad · 4 years
In My Reality | Prologue
Hey, I was bored so I decided to start a fanfic series of the Tatsumi Brothers from Juuni Taisen. Yay
It’s a “Tatsumi Brother x Reader” story about how the Tatsumi Brothers enter the reader’s reality which kinda flips her world upside down.
So I just finished the prologue. If you guys like it or if I’m bored again, I’ll make the first chapter. (Click “Keep Reading” to read the story)
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"[Name] get out of bed; It's 3 in the afternoon," my mom told me as she came into my room with fresh, clean clothes. I didn't have to look over to know.
Groaning, I removed my mask from my eyes then rolled over to face up at the white ceiling. The sunlight seeping in from the blinds caused my sight to cringe before it finally adjected to the light and I could see the grey walls lurking in the corner of my eyes. Arising from my queen-sized bed a yawn escaped from my mouth. My form reached over and placed my sleep mask on the nightstand, next to my water mug.
"Morning mom," I greeted her as she sorted out the pile of clothes on my dresser. Looks like she did a colour load, which means no pants to put away.
"Morning sweetheart. Can you put your clothes away before you come downstairs?"
"Sure," I simply answered as I slipped out of the cozy sheets I once was tangled in.
"Thank you. I'll see you when you come down," she stated, placing the last of my t-shirts neatly on the others. Afterwards, she wrapped her arms around the remaining clean, clothes that weren't mine, carefully balancing them as she left my room and closed the door behind.
The click of the doorknob echoed into my ears when my feet landed on the fuzzy rug. My eyes drifted their gaze to the plain black bodypillow wrapped in [f/c] blankets, reminding me of a burrito. It just had the colour for the case, no special Anime character on it. I wish there were one though; it'd make the nights seem less lonely to see my favourite character's face on it. However, a pillow is a pillow. Despite me using it as an illusion for myself it doesn't change the reality that when I hug it in my sleep or when I'm awake no arms will return my embrace.
A sigh falls out of my breath, my eyelids dropping in sync. I turned my head away from the lying pillow and dragged myself to the other side of my bed, towards the dresser that patiently held the clean clothes my mom put there. I opened a drawer, putting my undergarments away first then my socks. Once those were put away, I moved to retrieve hangers from my closet, passing by my desk and shelves as I did.
If you were wondering why I slept so late into the afternoon, well, it's currently winter break, so that means I can stay up late and sleep in late past noon. Sadly enough, it's January which means the break almost over, and that means school is standing around the corner, menacingly. Just the thought of it disturbs my mind as that reality tries to infect my thoughts.
I hate reality. I know not all of it is shit, but there's enough of it that makes me want to drown myself in the world of fiction. Whenever it's the weekend or breaks from school, I binge Anime, tv shows, YouTube, and movies, so that's the only thing on my mind. I then write or read fanfiction, there is the rare occasion I sketch something but I'm not good at art since I don't practice enough. By the time I return to reality after having my head stuck in my imagination for so long, I can barely focus without going back to daydreaming. Eventually, that wears off, and then reality is what floods my brain; I despise it but I know I can't be stuck in my fantasies forever. Luckily my friends provide that nice spot in-between for me, helping me stay in the real world but also let me discuss the fictional. Then there's also my bro.
"Yo sis," my brother's voice called from the other side of the door after his fist knocked on it. "You wanna continue Code Geass?"
My bro is the best. Unlike most siblings I know, we actually get along. He's also a big help in my life, one of the reasons why I haven't lost my mind. He makes sure I don't overwork & stress myself and reminds me to have fun and chillax. I love him for it, and he's practically my best friend. We aren't the exact same age but we were born in the same year, just a few months apart so we get to be in the same grade. He's the older one. He's also taller which means he can t-pose over me, and we reenact the meme; it's great.
"Yeah," I answered. "Just let me get ready."
"Alright," he replied before I felt the vibration of his footsteps grow distant from my room.
'Heh, if I had Takeyasu's ability, I'd be able to sense his movement better.'
I chuckle to myself at the thought floating in my mind as I put the final shirt away. My two favourite characters that I desired to be real was the Tatsumi Brothers, Nagayuki and Takeyasu. I love those two. Whenever I watched their episodes from Juuni Taisen, I always smile. They make my heart feel something that I never felt for any character before. I don't want to be cliche and say true love, but to me, that's what it feels like. I know they're fictional characters, so I won't get much out of it, but strangely enough, I'm okay with that. I can't imagine my heart belonging to anyone else. I do wish they were real, though. I even used my wish on the bracelet my friend, Meri-chan, got for my birthday one year, that they'd become real.
The bracelet was some urban legend. It was lime green and had a few beads on it. The legend goes that you make a wish and when the bracelet breaks, your wish has come true. 'Course, it's most likely a bunch of baloney but that didn't stop me from wishing that the Tatsumi Brothers would become real. I currently just wear the bracelet as an accessory since the wish probably won't happen, it's not like the thing is going to break anytime soon.
Grabbing my towel, my other hand opened my door. I slipped down the hallway and slid into the bathroom, my foot pushing the door closed as I put the towel on the towel rack. Hopefully, I don't take too long because we were left on edge on the last episode of Code Geass we watched. Well, I'll finish sooner than my wish coming true that's for sure, heh.
"Okay bro but if you think about it, Lelouch-"
"[Name], I washed your school uniforms. Can you put them away while I start on tacos?" Mom requested from the kitchen, interrupting the Anime, my commentary, and reminding me that school is coming soon. "You too, [b/n]."
"Yes, mom," we both respond.
My brother picked up the remote and hit the pause button so we wouldn't miss anything. I pulled myself up from the plush couch, disappointment growing on me since I had hoped not to be interrupted until dinner was ready. Well, I guess I could let the disappointment wither away since it's Taco Tuesday, my favourite. I chuckled to myself as my feet reached the next level above the main floor and headed down the open hallway to my room.
My laughter died out upon seeing my seven school uniforms, five that were the regular female uniform and two that were gym uniforms. Unlike most students, I didn't like the idea of having to wash my uniform every day, so to make things simpler, I paid for six more with my own money. It was a bit irritating, using the money I earned from my summer job for this instead of getting something else. Still, my practical choice, so I didn't necessarily have to worry about my mom washing my uniform every night.
"Hhhhhh, why does school have to come back so soon?" I asked myself as I picked up one of the uniforms.
The uniform wasn't too special, a simple white blouse, a blue skirt, a blue jacket, and a blue & black striped tie. Students could decide if we wanted to wear tights, leggings, or shorts underneath the skirt as long as it was black or white. I wore leggings unless it was summer which I then wear shorts and knee-high socks. There are those girls that only wear thigh-high socks and panties under their skirt to which my nerd brain questions why. 'Course that's their choice, have fun with your ass cold.
A Discord ringtone made me resurface from my pond of inner thoughts. Becoming aware of my surroundings, I realized my friends Meri-chan and Kamida were calling on the Discord group chat we had. I could tell by the laptop I had open on my desk. I quickly put the uniform I had in hand on the rack with the others before sliding over and clicking the answer button that popped up.
"Yo, what's up nerds."
"Hey I'm not a nerd," Meri-chan protested. "I'm a cool kid."
"Meri-chan, we're all nerds here," Kamida stated before greeting me. "Hey [n/n], how you doing?"
"Eh, good I suppose but I could be doing better, Kami," I answered simply. "How's life?"
"Pretty chill but I got bored, so I decided to call you guys."
"Well, I'm just putting my uniforms away," I informed them and went to put the last uniform away.
"I sometimes forget that you have more than one," Meri-chan commented before I heard her gasp. "Hey, how 'bout we hang out tomorrow, we only have so many days before we have to go back to school."
"Oh, don't remind me," I groaned, hanging my head, then went back to putting the uniform on the hanger and walking over to the closet, hanging it up with the rest.
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea Meri-chan, we could hang out tomorrow," Kamida suggested.
"I'm down," Meri-chan quickly responded.
"Welllllll..." I hesitated, sitting down in the [f/c] spinning chair in front of the desk.
"You see, I kinda want to stay inside my last few days..."
"[n/nnnnn]!" Meri-chan whined.
"Come on [Name], you know you can't stay cooped up inside forever," Kamida reminded me.
"I know," I grumbled, leaning back in my seat. "Fine, I'll come out tomorrow, but it's going to be after 2."
"2 am, geez [n/n] I didn't know you'd be willing to come out that early," Kamida joked.
"I meant 2 pm," I corrected.
"Okay," he chuckled as Meri-chan pipped in.
"But if you're late again, you're buying lunch this time."
"Okay, bet, but what if I'm not?" I inquired, my fingers tapping on my desk.
"Mmmmmmm," she hummed, seemingly to be thinking.
"It's fine I'll pay for lunch tomorrow."
"Alright, but don't use it as an excuse to be late."
"I won't," I reassured her. "Anyway, I'm gonna go watch a few more episodes of Code Geass with my bro-"
"You still need to watch Dragon Ball Z," Kamida interrupted.
"And you need to watch Juuni Taisen," I countered, emphasizing the "you".
"Yeah, yeah," he brushed it off. "Anyway, go have fun with your bro. We'll call again later on tonight."
"Alright, bye guys." I left the call and closed out of discord then proceeded to shut my laptop.
Kamida and Meri-chan were my two friends from school; we've known each other since childhood. 'Course Meri-chan isn't Meri-chan's real name, that's just a nickname Kamida and I gave her. Occasionally, they called me [n/n]-chan but not too often. Then there are times where we call Kamida, Kami-kun, but mainly Meri-chan does it out of spite since Kamida doesn't like it. Especially when Meri-chan does it in her kawaii voice. Those two are the only ones outside of family that have the same vibe I do, that's probably why we've been friends for so long.
"Hey, you guys ever wish fictional characters could become real?" I randomly asked out of the blue, staring up at the white ceiling as I waited for my friends over the call to answer my question.
"All the time," Meri-chan answered.
"We know simp," Kamida smugly commented.
"Nuuu!" Meri-chan pouted while Kamida and I laughed. "Hey, if anything [n/n] is the simp over here, she's the one actual crushing on the characters."
"Hey don't call me out like that."
"Ha! She doesn't deny it," Kamida jeered.
"Okay, what about you and Android 21?"
"Ack-" Kamida blurted before muting himself, causing me and Meri-chan to giggle. A few seconds pass by before he unmuted himself. "Why are you asking this question [n/n]?"
"No reason in particular-"
"Are you sure it's not you wanting to talk about Juuni Taisen?"
"No- it's not just that. I just think fictional characters would make reality interesting."
"Meri-chan if you could bring someone from Juuni Taisen to-"
"My boy Uuma! You should know this by now."
"Well, it's either that or Usagi, and I rather be alive thank you."
"Who's Uuma again?" Kamida inquired, not knowing who was who quite yet since he hasn't watched the Anime.
"Uuma is the warrior of the horse," I informed him.
"Right," Kamida mumbled before letting out a yawn.
"You sound tired, go to sleep!" Meri-chan told Kamida.
"No, you go to sleep."
"Guys, we're all on the same timezone. If one of us goes to sleep then we all do," I stated. "It makes sense since we're all planning on meeting up tomorrow."
"I guess we go to sleep," Meri-chan said bluntly.
"Yeah, alright, goodnight guys," Kamida yawned.
"Night guys."
With that, we each left the call. I, however, didn't fall asleep right away. I woke up late and the night was still pretty early, so I opened up the Funimation app on my phone. Scrolling through the list of saved Anime, most of which were halfway through since my brother and I are watching them together, I came across Juuni Taisen.
"Why not..." I muttered to myself as my finger tapped on the Anime and went right to click on episode 7, In Like a Dragon, Out Like a Snake (Part 1).
By the time I finished episodes 7 and 8, it was 2 am when my eyes glanced at the clock in the top corner of my phone. Sighing to myself, I leaned over and snatched my charger off the nightstand, plugging it in the wall before connecting the other end to my phone. Turning off my phone, I placed it on the nightstand and snagged my sleep mask, putting that on my head.
As I laid there on my bed, silence flooded the room, not a sound to be heard but my own breathing. Vines of sorrow began to grow on me as the feeling of loneliness came over me. I tried to pull myself out of the emotion, turning over and wrapping my arms around the plain bodypillow in an attempt to comfort myself. In the end, it only helped slightly. It didn't erase the pain because I knew there were no arms that would hug me back. A tear escaped my eyes before I pulled my mask over them, and a final thought appeared in my mind before I entered the dream realm.
'I wish I wasn't alone...'
"Congratulations, Tatsumi {Ani|Otouto}, warrior of the {dragon|snake}!" Duodecuple exclaimed. "You are the winner of the 12th Juuni Taisen, everyone give yourself a hand!" The man started to applaud but soon stopped. "The antidote has settled in by now. You'll be fine."
{"Tch|Alright"} the Tatsumi brother simply responded.
"Now that you've won the Juuni Taisen, you can make one wish of your choice. Would you like to make your wish now, or would you like for it to be granted later?"
"In all honesty, when I arrived at the Juuni Taisen I wished for {nothing|money}, I didn't need anything else really but now that {I'm here|I had time to think about} I don't want to wish for {nothing|money}."
"Oh, do you have another wish in mind?" Duodecuple inquired the Tatsumi brother sitting in front of him, alone.
"Yeah... I wish me and my brother were never apart of the Juuni Taisen."
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