#and i deff overreacting
separatedleoau · 2 years
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Ok I made a little compilation of all the responses I've got for Leo/One's fears so I can asnwer to all of these easier, I went in and highlithed the keywords to make things easier
Fairule / his trauma responses / lossing loved ones / vulnerability / Dr Feelings / affection
You guys are thinking too deep about this! /lh
I know this boy has these fears and I'm planning on exploating them for this story for their angst potential in the AU, but I'm looking for a silly little thing his brothers and April can make fun of! they are not gonna make fun of these! maybe he is but not them!
Plants / snakes
I get the plants because of the vines sutuation, but his brain kind of just put that whole trauma into a box and shoved it to the deepeast corners of his brain so he is basically unbothered by them (until it happens again), he uses the seeds sometimes in battle or just for fun and doesn't mind.
The snakes is canon now for this AU! I already made up a scenario for when they figure it out and they will make fun of it. but I also made it worse because the way the snakes move (specially at one point that one slithers over his skin) just momentarily uncovers that box of trauma since the way they move reminds him af the way the vines moved around his limbs.
You are so right, I completely forgot he is genuinly afraid once he thinks they are real
Heights / Crowds / Claustrophobia / things unclean
Heights is a no, this boy likes to climb and will do it without regards of his own safely, specially after getting the Odachi, 'Oh I just fell from this very hight place? no problem lemme just portal to a safe place'
The thing with the scene on the elevator is that I've always seen it as he being uncomfortable because he is untrusty of all of them but crowds is interesting!
this boy was raised almost completely in confinement. spent most of his time on the lab growing up, just going out to tain at the dojo, with Draxum sometimes and when he sneaks out of the lab. And when he sneaks out he mostly avoids crowds to not be seen, he is quite reclussive on the little free time he has so.... maybe
Giraffes / Toaster
now this is the kind of dumb little thing I was looking for!
Actually the mental image of him going to April's house for the first time and the toaster sudenly goes off and One is suddenly ready for battle, all startled is hilarious and definetly is gonna happen. is he actually afraid of it? did he just got started once and overreacted and now none of his new sibling are letting him live it down? i dont know yet. (it sill deff happen again once he moves into the lair)
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tsunaminani · 8 months
there’s time where I swear I’m tripping and overreacting, but nah there’s deff time where you know for a fact shit ain’t right
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If I hear one more person complain about how some of Lance’s family looks “too white” I’m going to fuckign scREAM.
So here’s the new picture that came out with the book
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And here’s a very recent comment about this photo
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Y’all know that not all Cubans are dark right ?? Cuban families tend to originate from all over. A lot come from Spain but some come from Africa and South America and some even from Europe (Spain is in Europe just so y’all know...). Cubans don’t have a “set skin tone”. They’re not all tan.
Quite frankly, I think the reason everyone expects all Cubans to be tan is because that’s the kind of skin tone we imagine when we think of Mexicans. And honestly? I’ve learned as I grow up that there’s a LOT of people who think all Hispanics look like Mexicans or are Mexican.
Lets be real, this is what most people think of when they hear a character or someone is Hispanic, despite wether they’re Cuban or Peruvian or Colombian or whatever.
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Most people hear Hispanic and automatically think of Mexican. People automatically assume that if someone’s Hispanic, their skin tone is going to look very similar to Miguel from Pixar’s Coco (who is Mexican) and if living in Miami my whole life has taught me anything it’s that that is far from the truth
This is obviously a very common opinion. Someone took the time to write that comment and then SIX more people within a day of seeing just a post on Instagram liked the comment. I want to express that not a lot of people go into the comment section in general so obviously six doesn’t seem like a lot but that’s just out of the people who viewed the comment. Imagine all the people who thought that or would agree with that comment but they just scrolled by ?? Or all the people that didn’t see the post in general.
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Hispanic is a very wide term. There’s all kinds of different people. And Cuban is equally as wide in terms of what the people look like.
Let’s take my own family for instance. I, myself, am very white (I’m only half Cuban). However my sister is significantly tanner than I am. Just naturally. (She’s also half Cuban). My mom, however, is full Cuban. She was born and raised in Cuba just like the rest of her family. She’s as white as I am. Her dad? Darker than Lance. I would say closer to Hunks skin tone. Her mom? On the lighter side but still a bit darker than her. (Her mom also has slight Chinese on her side of the family). Her sisters? Fell closer to as dark as her dad.
My point is, there’s such a wide variety of skin colors when it comes to being Cuban. And to assume that Lance’s family all have to be dark to be considered “actually Cuban” is kind of racist?? As if saying if your white your not actually Cuban. (Something I personally deal with a lot and my mom even more despite that being her homeland).
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Bottom line is, I feel like a lot of people are trying to start something they shouldn’t. They want to argue that some of Lance’s family isn’t dark enough to be considered Cuban when they don’t even understand the heritage of Cubans. Don’t start something just bc the creators might be “acting racist” or whatever. Because they’re not. The fact that Lances family is such a wide variety of colors is actually really cool!! And really does a good job of showing just how big of a difference skin tone cane be between Cubans, even within the same family.
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Idk maybe I’m overreacting, I probably am, I’m just tired of people trying to make a bigger problem out of something that isn’t a problem to begin with.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Is it reasonable for an 18 year old to not want to settle down right now? I'm about to go to university for the next 4 years and the person I've been with for 4 years is going on a path that will take him away from me for the next year with zero contact. He wants to settle down and get married and have babies right away but apparently I'm scared of commitment and he says being with him will fix that. No one around me understands and they all say marriage is the best if we want to stay together. At this point I'm looking everywhere for any reason he can give me so I can leave. I fell out of love a long time ago but stayed because I don't deserve any better. (His words). I want to experience life on my own and start my life the way I want to! I don't want to be attached to another person right now. I especially don't want to be a newlywed who doesn't see their spouse for the next year. I understand why committing right away is the right path for some people but I'm scared and unhappy. Am I overreacting? They all say I'm just overwhelmed right now but that once it all calms down I'll feel better. I need help. I don't want to hurt him or disappoint anyone.
You don't have to give advice or anything. I just needed to get it all out. I figured since we're strangers on the internet it'll hurt less if you disagree. I just needed an ear to listen. Someone that wasn't so close to the situation.
So Anon. First off, thanks for reaching out, this is a lot and I apperciate you trying to get help with all this. And I know you said I don't have to give advice but I'm GUNNA!
You are not overreacting. Like at all. In fact I think you are UNDER-reacting here! So your partner should deff be listening to you when you say you are not ready for this kind of thing, BOTH parties should be actively wanting marriage and kids, not trying to force the other one into it. I am very much in the camp of unless you 100% activly, WANT to get married and have kids you shouldn't.
And I don't blame you for not wanting those things because you are 18! Fucks sake I don't think any 18 year olds should be getting married, you are so young, have so much life ahead and so much of YOURSELF to figure out before committing to another person. You are going to change so much in the next few years, so much growth occurs in your early 20s.
You not wanting to get married and pump out rugrats at 18 does not mean that you have commitment issues, you are normal, most people at that age do not want those things and will not want them for a long time. You are right and valid in your feelings on this. If you don't want to do the marriage and kids thing until you are 30 or hell if you NEVER want to do them, that is FINE, it is your choice to make and YOUR life.
So I do not like this guy, trying to force you into some of the biggest life changing commitments you can make, telling you that you "can't do better than him"-
Fuck. Him Anon.
Hurt him. He seems perfectly content to hurt you and try to hold you back, you say you don't love him anymore, so don't be with him anymore. And also, who cares about dissappointing those around you when it comes to this?
You have to be you and live with being YOU for your whole entire life. You should be looking out for yourself first, ensuring your own happiness, doing what you want to do. There will be other guys, gals and non-binary pals, this guy isn't shit and you will deff be able to find someone else, someone better who listens to and respects your boundaries and doesn't try to rush you.
Leave him, go do your schooling, meet people, have new experiences, live your damn life by your time table and no one elses. I support you doing what you think is best for YOU! And what he wants sure as shit doesn't sound like it.
I wanna finish off leaving you with a quote from one of my favorite movies of all time Little Miss Sunshine.
"You do what you love, and fuck the rest."
And that is my advice to you Anon. Find what you love, find the best way to do it and fuck everything else.
Thank you so much for reaching out and I hope this helped you. All my best!
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artemisamadhareigh · 4 years
There has always been this lingering feeling of being a fraud regarding my parents abusing me. Like they have definitely abused me mentally and things often got physical as well, but like... I have never been sent to a hospital because of it? I never needed medical care. I never had anything broken. Part of me knows that was probably lucky because I have been hit several times pretty badly. On some occasions I did fall on the floor, or like I did fall and hit my head on the side of the bathtub. And I know that sounds horrible, all those things like my mother literally choking me, yanking my hair and squeezing my wrists to move me around like a doll... I just kinda have to remind myself that it counts as abuse. They, my mother and her husband, they have told me plenty of times that I am overreacting, that it wasn’t as bad as I am making it out to be... and on many occasions, I do feel like I am manipulating people to feel sorry for me because my abuse was not that serious... even thou if I heard this from anybody else I would be horrified and deff count it as one... 
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spock-smokes-weed · 4 years
Sometimes I think “nah my childhood was fine, I’m just overreacting” but then I think about the fact that childern only need 30% of their emotional needs to be met for them to grow up with a secure attachment style 
So yea deff not overreacting
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notyobabygirl · 4 years
hey it’s the girl with the bf with the car club that was “being crazy”
soo yea he came over on saturday night and was acting super weird and i was so confused. things were fine between us because we talked about the whole liking the girls pic and we came to an agreement that i was overreacting but that he wouldn’t have a photoshoot with her or anything. well turns out she had gotten a brand new 2021 really nice car and that’s why she wanted to join his car club and followed his photography page because she wanted him to take pics of it. but he didn’t tell me any of this. and earlier that saturday morning i noticed he was downtown and he usually tells me when he’s going to shoot so i was like wth? and i texted him like “hey baby wyd?” and he was like “i’m shooting” and usually he tells me with who but he didn’t so i was like “oh fun with who?” and he just said “henry” (one of his friends) but he alwayssss tells me when he’s with henry like every single time. so i had a really bad feeling but i told myself i was overthinking it. so when he came over later that night and was acting really weird it made me wonder if my feeling earlier was for good reason. so when he left that night i texted him saying “i can’t wait to see you tomorrow for valentine’s day but i don’t understand why you were being so weird tonight? is everything ok?” and the next morning (on valentine’s day) he responded saying “well i did something you’re really not going to like” and when he said that i knew exactly what he had done. and he proceeded to tell me that he had lied to me and went to shoot with that girl. but he said that her boyfriend was there and so was his friend henry and that he didn’t tell me because he knew i would freak out or think more of it. and he said he was acting all weird because he knew he fucked up and knew he shouldn’t have lied to me. and at first i was sooo mad because wtf literally the night before he promised me he wouldn’t do anything like that, especially without telling me first. so i ignored him the rest of the day but he showed up to my house without telling me and surprised me with flowers, baloons, and my gifts that he got me. and we talked things out and i could tell he felt really bad and he knew how bad it looked for him to go shoot with her without telling me. so i told him “next time just let me know first, i might be annoyed but i understand that you make money off these photo shoots. and i’ll even go with you to help out” (he loves taking me to shoots). and he showed me the pics and i could see her bf in the background of them and she wasn’t in any of the pictures it was just the car. and he told me he mostly talked to the bf and not her and he only went because it’s a brand new super nice car that he wanted to take pics of really bad. we’re mostly fine now and we both got on good terms of our expectations from now on. but ya so basically my instincts were right and i’m really annoyed and upset that he did that behind my back because he could’ve just told me and avoided all of this. do you think i let him off too easy or is it fine? i know i was completely overreacting about him liking her pic but i feel like i’m maybe not reacting enough to the fact that he lied to me and did that behind my back the day after telling me he wouldn’t ever do that. sorry that was so long but your advice really helped me chill out last time :)
I would react the exact same way as you did. I would be like dude what the fuck we just talked about this lol. But I’m glad he ended ups telling you and the fact that his friend and her boyfriend were there deff makes the situation so much better. I truly dont think there is anything more to this, I wouldn’t even call them friends bc I wouldn’t give their ‘relationship’ that much credit lol. Seems strictly strictly work involved. I think what you said is perfect and he should let you know because its always so much worse when someone lies. Also really nice he brought you flowers and shit. Bonus points for him lol. I think you handled this situation better and I really dont think he will go behind your back again. I will be extremely surprised if he does. Ily so much 
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jowboi · 4 years
I was playing guitar today n cause I'm staying on the rehab ward i had a guy with scabs on his face looking pretty scary come to my door like "oh so you are a female" and start going on abt how some people were saying I'm a guy but i have a female voice so i am a female and then he said i have a nice voice and I'm sure he could deffs be v nice n well intentioned but i honestly was thinking im alone in my room and there arent any nurses around me and if he attacks me I'm literally defenseless and now I'm like half like ah well whatever and half like what if he comes back into my room like and ugh i dont wanna think abt it i reckon im deffs overreacting idk
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nasiontheisraelite · 7 years
i dont think its bullying the woman is deff overreacting but the replies "YAY GOOD PEOPLE I DISAGREE WITH BEING BULLIED" are what rustled me https://t.co/Mm4kH46jWE
— june 🎀 (@shoe0nhead) June 17, 2017
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notyobabygirl · 2 years
Hey Liz! So the other day my boyfriend asked me to look at the last thing he took a picture of (because we were getting something at the store & he had taken a picture of the exact thing we needed so he wanted to make sure we got the right thing) and when I opened his photos a video from his past was pulled up - you know when you look at an old photo & then just close out of it the photo is still there when you open it back up?? Well the video is a girl giving head to him.. And prior to this day there was never any concern between us, but now I can’t help but think how many other videos he has & also why was that the last thing he looked at.. I mean I asked him but it wasn’t really a clear answer. And I get everyone has a past but like why do you still have the videos?? I feel very disappointed and don’t know exactly what to do. Do you think this is serious & worth a fight or do you think I’m just overreacting & it’s the same as him watching porn? I think it might be different in my head because it’s one of his friends.. any advice at all would be helpful thank you!!
oh wow yes I would say this is deff worth a fight over. I would first be like what the fuck, then I would be like why do you still have this and how many other videos do you have, then I would be like why are watching it. I would be very mad and upset and prob grill him. deffff worth a fight over!!!
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