#and i am sorry for hijacking your work with the notes! although i hope they help a bit <3< /div>
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I am actually screaming crying throwing up on my knees gnawing at my fist kicking my feet in the air rn. Whispering what the heck with great affection as I am typing this. This is just so beautiful and majestic, like this is one of the works that make you feel like you have actually been granted the privilege to see our beloved spawn of terror Vlad in his full glory, as he was. The beads of sweat on his forehead, the gritted teeth, the sheer concentration on his face, the mane flying so beautifully behind him— And finally, finally someone takes into consideration that he was young and strong and full of life and energy (instead of that grandpa other artists tend to drift towards) and I thank you endlessly for it! ❤️
An actual live footage of me looking at the art:
You have also given us a detailed commentary on it and, being the annoying Dracula nerd I am, here I come with... commentary on commentary. Bear with me! ❤️
I actually think in his life Vlad might've taken part in knight tournaments.
Yes, he probably did, though not in the setting one might expect.
When it comes to Wallachian society, they did not have any kind of knight tournaments as seen in Western (particularly those famous in places like France and England) or Central Europe. The chivalric tournaments of jousting, melee combat, and pageantry were a hallmark of Western European knightly culture. The need for knightly culture evolved because these states developed more independent, relatively stable territorial boundaries. Compared to regions such as Wallachia, wars were not as common and frequent, and so the leisure or ceremonial aspects that defined the chivalric traditions of Western knights were needed to boost the spirit and excitement, and maintain the kind of battle-like physicality.
Wallachia (and Moldavia) had a different structure of warfare and social organisation which was influenced by its geographical location and political realities. Wallachia was a buffer zone, so that meant that the priorities of Wallachian society were more focused on survival and military readiness. There was little room for the luxury of tournaments or knightly display because Wallachians had to be constantly prepared for war and defence. The nobility and military elite in Wallachia (but generally in Eastern Europe) more likely engaged in regular practical combat training or ritualistic military displays, so training exercises, hunting expeditions, or mock battles designed to prepare for the harsh realities of war (even in Eastern European period movies, you can usually see scenes of mock battles and duels rather than tournaments). Knighthood in the Western sense was just not a central part of worldview in the Balkans because these men had to be practical, pragmatic, efficient, and seasoned. Besides, Wallachia was an Eastern Orthodox country with cultural ties to the Byzantine Empire and neighbouring Slavic states.
Also, Wallachia was in a constant state of war. Just during Vlad's six-year reign, he showed his military talents and skills here:
invasion of Wallachia, summer 1456
military expedition into Transylvania, winter 1456
military expedition into Transylvania, spring-summer 1457
siege of Bistrița, autumn 1457
conflict with Albu cel Mare, 1458
military expedition into Transylvania, spring 1459
duel between Vlad and Dan, spring 1460
military expedition into Transylvania, summer 1460
second military expedition into Transylvania, summer 1460
conquest of Giurgiu, winter 1462
military expedition into Bulgarian territories, winter 1462
the Ottoman invasion of Wallachia, summer 1462
battle of Chilia (did not fight but organised), summer 1462
local battles between Vlad and Radu, summer-autumn 1462
The only year he did not appear anywhere on a battlefield was in 1461, but that was the year he was preparing for the war with the Ottomans. Many European leaders never faced so many battles, let alone in the relatively short period of six years.
Buuut he most definitely could have tried that at the Hungarian court. Young Vlad spent some time with Hunyadi, he was also formally introduced to King Ladislaus V by Hunyadi himself. I can easily imagine Hunyadi encouraging Vlad to show his talents in a tournament while visiting the court as it would be a good opportunity to present himself and make himself known. I also agree so much with your take on fighting in tournaments while imprisoned, especially later on. Corvinus would also probably want to show that Vlad was still in shape when deciding to make him voivode again.
(Fun fact aside, but his father was raised and spent most of his life at the Hungarian court, so little Vlad would probably hear some stories about the old adventures. He could be familiar with these tournaments. Also, there is this legend that his father received a golden buckle from a noblewoman after winning such a tournament in Nuremberg.)
Does he look too young for you? Remember that he've lead an army attack for the first time when 25 years old! And in Hungary he was through the age of 31-44! Vlad Draculea would in no case look like the withered, aged old man how he's so often depicted as!!
Thank you thank you THANK YOU millions of times, my dearest! ❤️
The teeth:
Here comes the perfect time to indulge you in...
the Ottoman oral hygiene.
He definitely did not have the straight, flashy-white Hollywood smile, but I think he could have taken care of his teeth because he was exposed to it during his hostage days. In my story in particular, I have him naturally adopt certain cultural things and ways of life he is exposed to and grows accustomed to in the Ottoman Empire, simply because he sees the benefit of it, and they become important to his life and identity. The Ottoman stance on and care for personal hygiene (oral hygiene included) is one of the adopted things that he places great importance on.
Traditional methods such as oil pulling and miswak (chewing stick) were common as oral hygiene practices. Herbal treatments such as using sage and myrrh for oral care were also commonly used. The concept of preventive dentistry was greatly emphasised, especially through teachings on the importance of maintaining good oral health through natural remedies and dietary habits. Historical texts from the Ottoman era also provide insights into medieval dental practices. The Ottoman Empire was pretty known for establishing medical schools known as darülfünun, where dentistry was taught as part of the broader medical curriculum. In the 13th and 15th centuries, the Ottoman dentistry even began focusing on issues such as various dental diseases, periodontology, and child dentistry.
Lately I've found that maybe during Vlad's reign, he changed the Wallachian eagle so it would have its wings open
I had no idea about this and I love it so much! I am immediately writing this down. ❤️ Also, the whole design on the caparison is just insanely beautiful and detailed. Let me swoon and admire some more!
So he'd make an absolute unique and rare sight, because he'd have Western armour and Eastern sword.
Yes yes yes! And I find it so cool. Also, I think it also represents him as an individual — he went through certain things in his life, he was exposed to particular cultures, and all of it has left its mark on him and defined him. And that's beautiful to see. ❤️
This is an absolutely masterful and breathtaking piece, and people can see how much love and care went into every line and curve! I might be repeating myself, but every piece of yours just pushes the bar higher and higher. A majestic work of art of a majestic man from a majestic artist. ❤️
I promised you some art, and so I keep my oath!
Here's a piece of mine I have been working on for quite some time.
Vlad as your knight on a horse with shinning armour! Behold!

You'll be surprised that this is actually not from a battle, but rather a knight tournament! (In battle the horse of a voivode would probably be armoured better)
I actually think in his life Vlad might've taken part in knight tournaments (but feel free to correct me if you have better info 😉. Sure, I'll be crying if I find out that I should throw this piece into the trash, but I wanna be historically accurate 😅). You see, I don't think the Ottomans would've trained him in fighting with plate armour. So he'd need to learn that somewhere. That's why I think he might've taken part in some tournaments when he arrived at Bogdan's court at 16 years old.
But maybe he would have a chance even later in life, when he was held by Matthias in Hungary - you see, Matthias kept him in reserve if the Ottomans would attack Hungary, so he'd absolutely want to keep Vlad in fighting condition! And that's what tournaments were actually used for, to practice your battle skills outside of war.
Vlad was a great fighter, what use would it be for Matthias if he lost all his muscles and muscle memory while rotting away in prison? Also it would allow him to get back some prestige after the horrible propaganda dragged his name through mud, which would be profitable for Corvinus too - it would enable to put him on the Wallachian throne or in the lead of an army way quicker should the need arrise.
The complimentary wall of text: Some noteworthy details:

The face:
Physical characteristics I once again based on Modrussa's description and Vlad's seal
However his expression is strained with exercise and focus
Does he look too young for you? Remember that he've lead an army attack for the first time when 25 years old! And in Hungary he was through the age of 31-44! Vlad Draculea would in no case look like the withered, aged old man how he's so often depicted as!!
The sweat:
Yes, Vlad was a warmachine, but he was still a human being, and even such a god of war would sweat when wearing plate armour in the sun and while doing exhausting moves
The teeth:
I have a bad feeling mediaeval person with no access to Collgate wouldn't have pearly white teeth. However there was no coffee, black tea nor tobacco yet, so they wouldn't be yellow either

The horse:
A favourite breed for knight battle horses were the Friesians. I am aware that they probably looked different than today, but since I have no clue HOW different, I settled on drawing the modern one
The coat of arms:
Combination of Draculea's family crest and the coat of arms of Wallachia. Lately I've found that maybe during Vlad's reign, he changed the Wallachian eagle so it would have its wings open, but I have once again no good reference to depict it realistically, so I settled with what I have

The sword:
I think Vlad would still use the Ottoman kilij, since that would always be a weapon he'd be most proficient with (since he had the most time to train with that, and when you're literally fighting for your life in a battle, you don't want to experiment with novelties). So he'd make an absolute unique and rare sight, because he'd have Western armour and Eastern sword.
The missing helmet:
Ah yes, the artistic purpose. I am guilty of that too, because drawing Vlad's face behind the millimetres-wide slit of a jousting helmet is... ehm. But wait, have you ever seen a knight tournament? I highly recommend!!!
(for those less lucky ones - if interested - I might be able to make a short compilation of a tournament I saw of Traken on Karlštejn, they're amazing, I actually started drawing this when I saw them there on the grape harvest festival in September - that's a great historical event as well, with historically accurate costumes 🥰. I recommend!).
If not, then you'd be surprised that it's not full time clashing only! There are many tasks to test your agility, dexterity, and also proficiency in riding a horse - like shooting from a bow, spear throwing, cutting wooden logs with a sword, picking sword from the ground, catching a bracelet with a sword, etc. - and all of that on a horseback in speed! 😳 Fun 😁! And also for these you wouldn't need to wear a helmet.
Disclaimer: this is made on a digital tablet, but it's still painted nonetheless. No photoshop. I did use a photo reference (not for the face, though, that's from imagination only), but I still painted everything from scrap. At the beginning there was a blank canvas.
I know this is probably a totally useless and pointless disclaimer, but it had actually happened to me that I showed people a piece I was sooo effing proud of - another one with armour, I think the best piece I've ever made tbh - and people were like "eh, nice that you drew the face". And I was like "asdfghshdjd@# I also drew the effing armour, it took me weeks!! Why doesn't anyone appreciate that, have you ever tried painting a suit made of metal?!! It took SO MUCH WORK to make it look realistic and not one single person comments on it??!! 😭😭😭
...only to later find out that people didn't think that the armour was painted and not photoshopped 😅😆)
#vlad dracula#this is so beautiful and i hope it receives an endless flood of notes <3#and i am sorry for hijacking your work with the notes! although i hope they help a bit <3#this has me hysterical in the best way possible. what girlies in the 50s must have felt like when seeing elvis live.#and look at how handsome this man is!
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backhanded compliments & the art of commenting on other people’s creative content without being a complete twat waffle
WARNING: This is a long post.

I'm a word person. That's probably why, when I do find myself becoming irritated by someone else's unsolicited critique, it is almost always due to their choice of words. Words are important and very powerful. Words have different meaning to different people. Which is why we need to take care when choosing them.
Now, whenever possible, I will click on the profile of the person who left the unsolicited critique and try to get a feel for what type of person they are. Just so I can better understand why they might have left the comment in question. If it is clear they are not a native English speaker, I stop right there. Learning a foreign language is hard. English is one of the most ridiculous languages on the planet. So, mastering its nuances is a challenge for someone who may not have grown up using it. I’m sure I have offended at least one person with my Spanish, at some point. I’m working on it.
When I say choice of words, I am implying almost exclusively to something known as a backhanded compliment. A backhanded compliment is a statement that seems, on the surface, to be positive, but is actually an insult. If you are not familiar with the backhanded compliment, I direct you to the mom from American Beauty who says to her teenage daughter "Honey, I'm so proud of you. I watched you very closely, and you didn't screw up once!"
There are a lot of reasons why people make such comments. It would be reductive to suggest they are all suffering from some form of insecurity, although many of them probably are. Some may genuinely believe that they are being helpful. Others may be jealous of the attention another person is receiving and want to either sabotage them or find a way to get in on the action.
However, it is most likely that the type of person to give a backhanded compliment is either very young, very sheltered or very privileged. And thus, they may not realize that their opinion about something may not carry the same weight on the internet as it does in other venues. Or they may not realize that the world is filled with people who are more informed and more experienced than they are. They mistake their opinion for objective analysis and therefore, offer it freely and without hesitation.
Now, I would like to state that if you see something and you REALLY think it is problematic, you should absolutely offer your critique. Note: if you dislike or disagree with something, that does not make it problematic. Anything that promotes the maltreatment or marginalization of any living thing is problematic. Even so, you should stop and ask yourself whether your critique will accomplish anything or if it would be more worthwhile to simply report the post in question and move on.
That being said, here is MY analysis of some of the backhanded compliments I have received over the years (amalgamated for brevity), and a guide to leaving more constructive/supportive comments for the content creators in your life.
ARTWORK (including photography)
“Definitely not my style, but beautiful.” Do we need to know that it's not your style? If you think it's beautiful, just say that.
“This is so great, but it would have been better if you had used yellow instead of red!” Color choice is a creative choice and its value cannot be objectively measured. Just say it’s great and move on.
“Wow, this is way better than your old stuff.” Do I need to explain why this is bad? I hope not.
“Wow, you're really improving.” Slightly better than the previous one, but still bad. This is a really good example of something that might even feel like a compliment, but actually isn't. Saying that someone is improving is basically saying that it needed to improve.
Unless you are speaking to your own student or a child, or a really close friend or family member who has openly shared with you their desire to improve as an artist, this is completely unnecessary.
It's important to remember that not everyone is doing things with the same objectives as you. Not every artist or photographer is aiming for technical mastery. If an artist creates something that is very personal and feels pleased with it, the last thing they want is for someone else to come along and tell them what’s “wrong” with it.
Really ANY comment that suggests that the piece of artwork in question would be improved if it were altered in some way is a no no. Unless you are an art teacher or someone has specifically asked for you to give them this information, or you are paying someone to make something especially for you.
FANFICTION (or really writing in general)
“Oh man...I was so excited when I saw your story summary, until I saw the pairing.” Do not comment on a story just to tell the author that you don't like their pairing. Ever. If you accidentally click on a story without seeing the pairing and you are disappointed, your feelings are valid. But there’s no need to let the author know.
"This was good but I don't think (character) would say (quoted dialogue)." Then, you should go and write a story with that character, but where they say different things.
"I noticed you used a semi-colon in the third paragraph. Semicolons are actually supposed to...." Critique grammar, punctuation, spelling and writing mechanics ONLY if you are the author's editor, the author's teacher, or if the author requested it. Period.
If you are commenting to point out what you believe to be a factual error, stop and ask yourself...is this really an error? Is the error intentional? Does the error represent the views of the author or the views of a specific character in a fictional work? Does this story have a reliable narrator? If not, might that narrator be misinformed or biased? And the most important question to ask yourself before correcting an author...do I actually know what the fuck I'm talking about?
Once, in a story, I referenced Copernicus and mentioned that he was imprisoned by the Catholic church. Which we know that he was. Someone commented to leave a long, bullet pointed explanation for how this is a common misconception and that the Catholic Church never mistreated Copernicus, along with many links to articles and videos as evidence. Guess who made all the articles and videos? The Catholic Church. SKIP!
When commenting on a fictional work, consider letting the author know how the story is making you feel. Speculate about what you think might happen next. Express excitement and anticipation. Ask a question for clarification about what you just read. And you can never go wrong by simply thanking the author for taking the time to provide you with free entertainment.
I love to make people laugh. I have been making people laugh since I learned to talk. This was actually bourne out of an inability to interpret facial expressions. I couldn't tell when people were angry or annoyed. But when they were laughing, I knew exactly how they felt.
That being said, people on the internet LOVE to tell me when something isn't funny. The only problem with this is that humor is very subjective and often very esoteric. I have made memes that I knew were esoteric and knew that not everyone would understand them. I have memes just for birdwatchers. Hell, I have made memes just for a dozen people who participated in a specific academic discussion. But it amazes me how people who don't get a joke are often most compelled to comment and let me know that it isn't funny. How can you know if you don't understand it? Is it so hard to imagine that things exist for which you are not the intended audience?
It's perfectly okay to comment and say you don't understand, and ask for an explanation. But if you look at something and think "I don't understand this, therefore it lacks value" you may have some growing up to do.
Before reblogging someone else's joke to add to the joke, stop and ask yourself whether your intention is to correct or improve upon the joke, or if you are attempting to laugh along WITH the OP.
We've all done this, I'm sure. I know I have. But it really inconsiderate to hijack someone's meme, meta or artwork with a completely unrelated discussion. I can't tell you how annoying it is to post something and check my inbox days later, only to find pages of notifications of people reblogging my shit over and over as part of some completely unrelated discussion.
Once again, if you're commenting to point out a factual error, ask yourself whether the error was intentional. I recently made a meme about the Star Trek films in which Data uses contractions. All of his dialogue is ridiculously out of character, in fact. Which is kind of part of the joke. But someone felt the need to reblog AND comment to let me know that Data wouldn't say that because he doesn't use contractions. Which I already know. Because, well, I’ve been a ST:TNG fan since the day it first aired on TV. I don't even know what to do with a comment that, to be honest. I kind of feel sorry for the other person for not grasping the joke.
So, how DO you compliment someone whose work you enjoy? Imagine yourself speaking to them in person. Imagine that they are emotionally invested in whatever they have created. Consider your objective. Are you expressing appreciation? Or is there something else going on.
And avoid qualifiers.
When a compliment includes words like "if" or "but" then it's probably not a compliment. You would be so pretty IF you lost some weight is not a compliment.
Choose words that are unlikely to be misinterpreted.
If someone's art or writing IS improving and you really want them to know, a good way to do that is to use the word evolving. Wow, I really like the way your art is evolving. This works because it implies that the art is changing over time, as the individual grows as a person.
I know what some of you might be thinking...ugh...it's like you can't say ANYTHING anymore! Aww...boo hoo, fam. As a person on the spectrum, I’ve spent my entire life dancing around other people’s feelings, navigating neurotypical subtext and struggling to say things without offending anyone. This is a cake walk compared to that. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if actually thinking about how other people feel BEFORE you share your opinion would require a great deal of effort on your part, it's possible that you're just an asshole.
Creators of original content are actual human beings with feelings. Don’t offer them unsolicited advice or criticism. Think before you comment.
#I know this is long and no one is putting a gun to your head and making you read it#these are just my views#backhanded compliments#unsolicited opinions#unsolicited advice#how to comment without being an asshole#theory of mind#unwanted critique#critiquing#commenting on fanfic#fanfic comments#I have autism if I can be tactful then so can you
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Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but i was wondering if you could talk about/redirect me to your thoughts about studying for your Master's? I'm starting a Master's in Literature in September, and although I have a Bachelor's in Literature, I don't feel like I have an effective studying method/not sure how to approach studying at Master's :( Do you have any advice?
Hi anonymous! Thank you for your question!
Okay so here is the skinny: I didn't actually bother doing a masters. I graduated from my BA in July 2017 and i started my PhD in September 2018. HOWEVER I do have a few tips for studying effectively.
Find a schedule that works for you. Seriously. Okay so some things will be timetabled out of your control according to your profs availability or whatever but take control of the rest. I spent my first year of undergraduate studies trying to stay up late at night to work because I thought that was the done thing at university. It doesn't work for me. I get up at 6.30am every morning and i start my work day at 7.30/8am. I go to bed at 11pm. People think I'm crazy but that's when I'm most productive. Obviously this works in reverse too, don't sit at your desk at 6.30am if you're a late night worker - do what works best for you!
Follow your curiosity! Again, I wasted a lot of time producing mediocre essays on topics I thought my professors wanted to hear about instead of chasing the things that made me tick. Since I've started doing that the quality of my work and my enjoyment of it have sky rocketed.
Remind yourself breaks are PART of the process not an optional extra. Take five. Do a meditation. Eat something. Drink some water. Your work will be better for it.
In terms of how I actually study a TEXT the process goes like this: read the text, annotate as I go anything that looks interesting or weird or is repeated a lot. Write a lot of questions in my notebook. Finish the book- return to questions, select most interesting one with the most relevant textual evidence, search those key words to find out if anyone else has written an essay on this, if they haven't i attempt to answer the question, if they have I read it and see if I agree, and if I don't I write a response to their paper with my own answer to the question. If i agree with them i usually just pick another question lol
More on how to approach a text: look for patterns but also deviations and inconsistencies, look for where it is using other texts like novels or even songs or advertisements, think about tje context of its production, if all else fails go back to basics and close read the first page to see how it sets up the concerns of the text- then think about how well it follows through.
Ask for help and guidance. Professors are scary and you want them to think you're smart but not using them as a resource is dumb af. Go to office hours or send them an email if you have questions.
Tip for editing essays: read it aloud if you have time. Actively force your brain to engage with what you've written. Does it make sense? Does it flow? Most fun if you pretend you are giving it to a conference audience that will supply rapturous applause.
Find somewhere you can actually study. If you get distracted working in your bedroom don't work there. If the study commons or coffee shop is noisy and you need quiet don't work there. If the library is cold and it's distracting you don't work there. Find a space that will keep you on track (this can be hard depending on your needs but if it is hard TALK TO YOUR DEPARTMENT / UNI ADMIN- personally I had real difficulty adjusting to how noisy American university libraries are so I talked to a prof and he was like 'you can work in this disused classroom' - solved!).
Hand writing notes helps retention and also you will not be tempted to copy and paste note style writing into an essay. Again this really depends on what you are like as a student but I used to have this massive hang up that EVERYTHING I typed had to come out PERFECT. Now I am queen of The Draft(tm). I free-write/brain dump everything I think about my topic into my notebook. Then I type a first draft - even if some of the points are literally analysed by me typing "bla bla something about sun tanning and the beauty industry'. Then I print it out and go through and mark it with a coloured pen. THEN I type it up. Not edit it. I type it up from scratch. Then I read it aloud and make minor edits and submit.
Do your readings and go to class! Not sure if you have classes but if you do hijack that shit when appropriate. Obviously don't be That Guy. But if you are in a class and the discussion is moving towards talking about the presentation of Hollywood in F Scott Fitzgerald's work and you want to write an essay on that then speak up and utilise the hive mind. Say 'what do you guys think about how this guy uses a megaphone in this part and what does it tell us about different kinds of "directing" going on in this book?' Just say it- maybe someone else has noticed something you haven't and it will help!!
Anyway I hope this was helpful but please get in touch if I can provide any more clarification or examples! My final tip is to crush it ☺
#books#booklr#book#bookworm#bookblr#reading#bibliophile#litblr#studyblr#literature#studying#library#oxford#university of oxford#gradblr#libraries#studyspo#send me asks#ask me anything#ask
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Lady Killer - Requested
Tom Holland x Reader
Words: 2,174 (wooooo)
Requested by: anonymous
“Can you do one where tom is like sort of a player and you like him but pushed your feelings aside since he would never commit. But then he realizes he loved you the whole time you were friends and tries to win you back after you started dating someone etc etc??”
I have two completely different versions for this one, I’m such a mess lol. I am so so sorry this took forever. Ily. Good lord, I hope you like this one. REQUESTS ARE CLOSED FOR NOW. I’m sorry!!
“So what was her name this time?”
“I’m not entirely sure.. I think it was DeeDee? Something along those lines.”
“Your phone says it was Corinne and she thanks you for an amazing night.”
“Oi, give that here!”
Your friend, Tom, snatched his phone from your hands. Although hanging out with him was always the highlight of your day, there were always unanswered texts and missed calls that you would spot on his phone from different numbers that made your blood boil.
Tom was a full blown player, he didn’t look like it but that was what he was. And what were you? Oh, you were just his best girl friend (note the space between the words), who would hang out with him all the time until a booty call worth his attention called him away.
You were also his best girl friend who was in love with him, very reluctantly in love. It was such an unpleasant cliché, falling for a handsome, wickedly charming lady killer like Tom. Why you kept hanging out with him, you didn’t know why. Actually you did. You kept hanging out because you loved being with him.
But whatever, right?
“How did I get DeeDee from Corinne?” Tom mumbled to himself, standing from his seat. You two were on the train, heading back to his apartment from a late lunch. Your stop had just been called.
“Excuse me.”
You two turned around to find a chesty blonde eyeing Tom flirtily.
Really? On public transportation?
The blonde slyly handed Tom a slip of paper and winked at him before walking off to another part of the train. The doors opened and you couldn’t get out of there fast enough, your feet carried you speedily towards the turnstiles.
“Hey, Y/N! Wait up!”
Tom caught up with you and placed an arm around your shoulders, you really, really wanted to shrug him off but you didn’t want him to know you were affected. You two exited the train station like that, his arm around you. People looking on the outside would assume that you two were together and you wished they were right.
It was such a lovely day, as lovely as it could get in grey old London. The sun surely wasn’t going to be shining any time soon but it wasn’t as dreary and miserable as it usually was and it certainly wasn't as dreary and miserable as you.
“What’s up?” Tom asked you once you reached the park in his neighbourhood. He sat on one of the benches and patted the space next to him.
“What do you mean?” you asked as you sat
A harsh gust of wind blew past, making your hair fly into your face. You heard Tom laugh as he scooted closer to help you out. His hands wove into your wild hair, smoothing it back so you could finally see. The feel of his fingers combing through your hair was soothing, you closed your eyes momentarily.
“Y/N, we've been friends for quite some time, love. Don't you think I'd know when something's bothering you?” he spoke softly, tracing your cheekbone with the tip of his fingers
It felt heavenly.
“Was it the blonde on the train? I won't call her if you don't want me to. She's pretty fit though, it'd be a shame to miss out.” he mumbled the last part under his breath
That made you crash back down to earth. Why did he always have to ruin moments like this with his stupidity. You caught his hand before he could touch you again and you gave him a tight smile.
“Don't flatter yourself, Tom. I'm not jealous, I just got a bit dizzy.”
“Oh, so you don't mind if I call her up?” he already had his phone out, typing in the number on the little piece of paper he was given
“I'll be a minute, Y/N.” he kissed you on the cheek and went farther away, phone pressed to his ear
Why did it have to be like this? You just couldn't understand it, was there something wrong with you? How come Tom couldn't see you that way? Why was he always looking for something else when you were right there at his side?
All the questions floating around in your head didn't have answers, none that you could find, at least. You'd always tried your best to push aside your feelings for Tom since he was.. Well, Tom, and he didn't want anything serious. But every time you looked at him and he gave you that stupid smile, it felt hopeless.
Tom walked back to you, a smug look on his face.
“Got your date?" you asked, hoping his answer wouldn't hurt you too much
“Don't I always?” he replied, sitting back down and stretching his arms above his head
The following weeks, you and Tom continued your tradition of meeting for a late lunch then sitting at the park, swapping stories. The names in his would change regularly while only one name was the headline of yours.
“Y/N, you talk about this Sebastian a lot. Is there something I should know?” he questioned once he finally got fed up with it
You couldn't help the rosy blush that coated your cheeks, Tom noticed it and felt his heart drop. He waited for your reply with mild nervousness.
“Well.. Sebastian is the guy I'm dating, sort of."
“Dating? You're.. Dating someone?”
The stare he was giving you almost bore holes onto your face. Why was he looking at you like that?
“Jesus, Tom. Is that really so unbelievable?” you ran a hand through your hair, flustered
“No! No, that's not what I meant, Y/N! I just.. You do talk about him a lot but I didn't know you were dating him.”
Or anyone actually, he thought to himself. Tom crossed his arms and squared his shoulders, struggling to push off the uneasy feeling he was getting.
“So, tell me about him.”
You fiddled with the ring on your index finger, twisting it around and around. Tom observed the soft smile that was beginning to form on your lips.
“Well, he's quite nice really. Handsome.”
Tom rolled his eyes but you went on, giddiness blooming in your chest. He watched you beneath furrowed brows, the light in your eyes, the way you radiated a different aura when you talked about this Sebastian. He didn't like it one bit.
“Don’t tell me you fancy him already.” he didn't like the jealous undertones in his voice. He wasn't jealous. He shouldn't even be jealous.
“Maybe I do.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N. You've been on what, a couple of dates?” he scoffed in an attempt to hide how hurt he was starting to feel
“At least it’s been a couple of dates, you bed your date in the same fucking night.” you retorted harshly
Neither of you spoke, the stinging truth of what you said was still making its rounds within Tom. You wished you could feel bad, the way he was dejectedly looking down at his hands should've made you want to apologise. But it didn't.
“I'm going to head home. Text you whenever.”
He didn’t acknowledge that you said anything nor did he make a move as you left. Tom remained there on the bench, deep in thought.
Later that night you were all dressed up and ready for your date with Sebastian. He'd texted you that he was on his way but it’s been quite some time since then, it wasn't like him to be late and not let you know.
You were just about to call him to ask where he was when there was a knock on your door. You excitedly rushed to get it.
“Hey, I was just about to call you-”
“Well, I'm glad to hear that.”
There was indeed a handsome man on your doorstep, but it wasn’t the one you were expecting. Tom was standing in front of you, a big smile on his face.
“What in the hell are you doing here?” you hissed, stepping out and shutting the door behind you
He just gave you a dazzling smile in response, it just made your heart flutter. You hated it how even though he manages to piss you off monumentally, just one smile could thaw your initially icy demeanor towards him.
Before you could even stop yourself, a smile came unbidden onto your face. Once Tom saw you smiling back at him, he visibly relaxed. Because if his initial plan of standing at your doorstep while he smiled charmingly at you didn’t work, he’d have to resort to plan B, which was getting down on his knees and begging you not to slam the door in his face.
“I’m glad you’re dressed, you look beautiful, darling.”
Heat climbed up to your cheeks at his compliment. Despite dating Sebastian, and despite Sebastian being so sweet and nice, Tom still owned your heart, he always has.
“Tom, what are you doing here? I have a date, he should be arriving any minute now.” you made it a point to look up and down your street, searching for any sign of Sebastian
“That Sebastian really is nice.” he told you as he led you into his car, you wondered why you were just going along with him.
He slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine.
“What made you say that?” you asked as he left your street
“Well.. I might have.. Intercepted him as he arrived at your house. He was quite gracious about it.” Tom sounded impressed
“Oh my God, Tom. What the hell is this? Where the hell are we even going?”
“This is a date. And it’s a secret, sort of.” he stated, plain and simple. Tom Holland was finally taking you out on an actual date, after years of friendship and your one-sided feelings.
This certainly wasn’t what you thought you’d be doing with your night. A hijacked date and your womanising friend driving you to some mysterious location.
Turns out the mysterious location wasn’t exactly mysterious. Tom had taken you to the park in his neighbourhood, the park where you two always went. You climbed out into the cool night, Tom brought out a picnic basket and a few blankets.
You made the familiar trek to yours and Tom’s usual bench but as you walked closer, you noticed that fairy lights were strung along the sides, making it look like it was glowing.
“You did this?” you asked
“Uh, yeah,” he scratched the back of his neck, chagrined. “I know it’s not much.”
“It’s beautiful.” you mumbled as you sat down
Tom set the picnic basket down on the ground and wrapped a blanket around yourselves. He sat facing you, you felt the need to position yourself the same way. And so you two sat there, the fairy lights projecting shapes and shadows on your faces.
“Y/N,” he began, taking your hand in his “You’ve always been so kind to me, so patient. You’ve always been a good friend and you’ve always been there for me, even when I was being an asshole. And I never deserved any of it.”
You started to shake your head but he squeezed your hand to stop you from saying anything.
“Just, let me finish.” he took a deep breath and continued, “I never deserved you, Y/N. The things I’ve been doing, how I’ve acted, I know you never approved but you never said anything, you just let me be myself until I realised that I wanted to change.”
“And that’s what I love about you. You never pressured me to be something I’m not but I’m ready to change now, Y/N. It took you dating someone else just to make it all clear for me. I’ve been so busy getting caught up in other people,” his eyebrows knitted together
“That I didn’t see that I had this amazing person right next to me. And I’m sorry, Y/N, I apologise from the bottom of my heart that-that it took so long for me to realise..” Tom trailed off, gazing into your eyes like a man seeing colour for the first time in a field of flowers in the spring
The weight of his words began to sink in, you looked at him with wide eyes.
“Y-You mean..?” you stammered
He nodded, scootching closer to you. His hands moved up and down your arms.
“I’m here, if you’ll have me. Flaws and all. I know it might be hard considering.. What I was like, but Y/N, I promise you. On my mum’s life. I won’t hurt you. I may already have before but I swear to you,” Tom’s eyes shone with such emotion against the glow of the fairy lights
“I swear I will take care of you, I will love you and only you for the rest-”
You’d heard enough, you leaned over and pressed your lips against his.
#tom holland#tom holland x reader#tom holland fic#sam holland#harry holland#holland family#hollanders#quacksons#requested#REQUESTS ARE CLOSED#finally i managed to finish a request
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Fandom Fic Rec Days - My Personal Favorites Fic Rec List!
In honor of #ficrecdays (happening Feb. 10th, 11th, and 12th), and my stupidly long ao3 bookmarks page which is a pain to go through, I want to make this list of the best of the the best of my favorite fics - the ones that make me gasp or laugh or cry and just generally ache at their beauty each time I read them. I hope you’ll read and enjoy them too! I encourage you to try something even outside a fandom you know well because all of these works are great fiction in their own right.
This list includes a total of 24 fics or series from nine fandoms: James Bond (3 works), The Martian (1 work), Marvel which is mostly Captain America (5 works/series), Soccer RPF which is all FC Barcelona RPF (4 works/series), Star Trek (2 works), Star Wars (1 work), Supernatural (2 works/series), True Blood (1 work), and The West Wing (5 works).
Some of these fics are already wildly popular, but in order to promote less popular fic a bit more, within a fandom works are sorted from least to most ao3 kudos. Read on and discover my absolute favorite fanfics!
James Bond
Search and Seizure by @kryptaria00q and @stephrc79 (16670 words, James Bond/Q/Alec Trevelyan) - After two assassination attempts on MI6 executives, the British Secret Service now requires self-defence training for all high level employees. Bond and Alec have taken it upon themselves to help keep their lover safe, no matter how much Q might hate them for it. Too bad they never seem to be able to stay on track. (a.k.a. frisking porn with plot)
basically trust porn along with being real porn. everyone’s POV gets shown off and it’s just so much fun watching these boys interact when they so obviously care for each other!
Treasons, Traitors, and Treachery by kryptaria and @zooeyscigar (63245 words, James Bond/Q) - All James Bond wanted was a quiet holiday on his luxury motoryacht on the Costa del Sol. Time to recuperate and think about his future with MI6. But his plans get hijacked when a traitor to the crown returns, bringing news of an even greater threat to MI6. And the traitor isn’t working alone. Thankfully, neither is James.
every single character in here is written flawlessly, and the OC is one of the BEST OCs to ever OC. There’s sass and hilarity, believably written government intrigue, and a very realistic level of depth in all the characters.
so you were never a saint. by @paperclipbitch (12319 words, gen) - “I think Bond’s trying to be your friend,” Eve tells him. “…well,” Q says slowly, “this is a new and disturbing development.”
the asexual!Q epic that defined a lot of my Q headcanons. also a lot of my MONEYPENNY IS AMAZING headcanons! it’s sort of an ensemble fic and sort of a character study and it just makes me like MI6 so much.
The Martian
You Know You Have a Permanent Piece of My Medium-Sized American Heart by tricatular [on tumblr but I’m not able to tag them, sorry!] (9151 words, gen) - “Hey Hermes!” The ambient suspicion level in the Rec ratcheted up significantly. Kapoor was disturbingly cheerful. “We’ve sent you some mission updates in the data dump, but Mitch and I wanted to personally let you know—” Mitch visibly rolled his eyes in the background. “—That thanks to some…strong suggestions from the White House, and on Annie and Director Sanders’ recommendation, we’ve started releasing Watney’s Mars logs to the public.”
deftly mixes standard narration, transcripts of recordings, and social media posts to show what Mark’s journal back to Earth would have been like both for him and for everyone who cared about his story (ie. the whole planet).
Marvel / Captain America
Walking Far From Home by TaleWorthTelling (6222 words, various Sam-centric pairings) - Sam’s relationship with birds starts early and inexplicably.
basically, Sam Wilson’s whole life. as the author’s note says, “Sam is the only person with his shit together, but he got there the hard way.” and then we’re treated to 6000 words of what that path was like, including stellar input from Sam’s OC family and the familiar MCU favorites. and Sam can talk to birds!
The Murder Ballads by BetteNoire (160839 words, 3 works, Steve/Bucky) - Something wicked is coming for Steve Rogers. Luckily for him, something even more wicked stands in its way: the unrepentant, unbroken Bucky Barnes. A murder-mystery/action thriller with violence, magic, and several big MCU guest stars.
like most CA fans I’ve read a stupid amount of post-winter soldier fic, so the first praise for this series is that it has a completely original take on that subject. and that take - the plot complexity, the multi-layered characterizations, the sequel - made me fall in love with Bucky all over again and permanently changed the way I think of him.
your blue-eyed boys by Feather (123233 words, 4 works, Steve/Bucky with sides of Pepper/Tony, Bruce/Betty, and Clint/Natasha) - Steve has no plan. Not because he hadn’t tried to make one. He’d tried to make lots of plans. Plan, adapt, plan again, tried to think of every contingency. And then he’d thrown them away, because there wasn’t much point. What could you plan for? He couldn’t guess the possible contingencies, the situations, the potentials. And he sure as sure hadn’t figured on what’s happened now, on coming back to his place and finding Bucky here. He hadn’t even hoped for that. He hadn’t realized he could. [post-Winter Soldier recovery fic]
if you’d like a slightly more typically-plotted approach to your post-WS fic than “The Murder Ballads” you absolutely can’t go wrong with “your blue-eyed boys”. it’s the most realistic version of Bucky’s recovery that I can imagine - heartbreaking and sickening and real. and the love between Steve and him and the team as a whole is obvious. DON’T MISS the associated verse, which is 450000 words (and growing) of shortfic in the same timeline, and which incidentally has the best OCs in the entire fandom.
Hollow Your Bones Like a Bird’s by @scifigrl47 (95514 words, Clint/Phil) - In the wake of the Chitauri invasion, Clint Barton wakes up in a world that he very nearly had a hand in destroying. And confronting a loss he might not be able to cope with. The Avengers always needed something to avenge, but once the crisis is past, what keeps them together?
I have yet to see a better representation of grief in fanfic, and that’s only maybe half of Clint’s problems in this fic. maybe you’ve noticed I like realism when fic deals with hard topics, and this shies away from nothing - and Clint will treat you to excellent analyses of his friends, as well as many bird facts, along the way!
Ain’t No Grave (Can Keep My Body Down) by spitandvinegar [on tumblr but I’m not able to tag them, sorry!] (107076 words, Steve/Bucky) - It’s six in the morning, and Steve is heading out on a run when he nearly trips over a bouquet of sunflowers on the front steps of his brownstone. For a second paranoia takes over, and he kicks the flowers a little, waiting for them to explode. They don’t. They also came with a card, which he picks up. The front of the card has a tasteful picture of the Brooklyn bridge at sunset. It’s very nice and sedate, like the kind of card you would buy to give to your boss. On the inside someone has written a short message in big, shaky block letters. I AM SORRY FOR SHOOTING YOU. Steve sits down hard on the steps.
ok yet more wonderfully detailed post-ws Bucky trying to recover fic, except in this one Bucky is homeless and a drug addict and ADOPTS THE BEST OCS with the BEST POVS EVER, oh my GOD. also Steve is smart and kind, Sam is long-suffering (and smart and kind), and the whole thing is hilarious.
Soccer / FC Barcelona RPF
only the children (know what they’re looking for) by therestisdetail (7253 words, gen) - I drew a picture of him, later, but I shall not show it to you for it is a sad demonstration of what will happen if you stop drawing when you are six, and certainly much less charming than its model. He wore a shirt that was too large and had soft dark eyes hiding beneath dark, indecisive hair; it did not seem to know if it was short or long, or what shape it wanted to be. He was very pale, very slight, had no shoes, and held a battered football beneath one arm with an air of pride. (Le Petit Prince redone feat. FC Barcelona)
a young Andrés Iniesta meets an even younger Leo Messi, and they quite simply tear my heart in two. no knowledge of The Little Prince required, but the fic is just as understatedly beautiful as the original.
Like a Hand Grenade by @meretricula (20430 words, 2 works, Cesc/Messi) - Cesc Fabregas is born a girl. She still loves football.
full disclosure, I do not care about Cesc Fabregas. I didn’t care about Cesc Fabregas even before his career got, frankly, weird and dispiriting. but BY GOD these works make me care about genderbent!Cesc and everything she could have been. the sequel is particularly nice for some cameos from other well-loved players!
Go Gentle by @ferritin4 (20977 words, eventually Xaviesta) - Things change, but only some things. In which Barça is indeed més que un club, no one stays on top forever, and it all comes back to Andrés in the end.
hands down my favorite football rpf. uses the A/B/O trope and the idea of pack dynamics to tell the story of the last decade of Barcelona football, which makes a hell of a lot of sense, and although Andrés is quietly the star, the different POVs let a lot of people shine.
It’s Going to Take a Lot to Drag Me Away from You by meretricula (31296 words, 10 works, Xaviesta, Fabregas/Messi/Pique, and Messilla) - Everybody knows Barcelona’s midfielders are psychic anyway. (Soulbonding AU)
try to tell me that a soulbonding AU isn’t the most logical thing in the world for Xavi and Iniesta, just try to tell me that! there’s also a good look at how the politics of this system could get messy quick, which, let’s be real, just makes sense for barça-centric fic.
Star Trek
How Many Roads? or, 27 Times Jim Kirk hit on Nyota Uhura by Deastar (8806 words, Uhura/Spock) - After the bar fight, Nyota thinks to herself that if this is what being hit on by Jim Kirk leads to, she’s very glad she’s never going to have to see him again.
Uhura and Kirk’s relationship goes from the dumpster fire it was in Iowa to the professional respect we get throughout the movies, but we never really see how it happens. this fic shows all of that and much more, and oh my god, I just like these characters so much.
Counteractive Measures by rikke_leonhart (9159 words, loosely Kirk/Spock) - The thing is – giving Jim Kirk a dare will never ever work. “Enlist,” she repeats to herself as Pike’s back disappears out the door. She snorts. It’s one of those things that just keep getting funnier.
Jim Kirk’s whole life - if Jim Kirk were a girl, and slightly less cliche about her motivations and psychology. and if Spock and especially McCoy were just as awesome as ever, because of course they are!
Star Wars
The Last Poem of Jedha by @schweinsty (15486 words, gen) - How Bodhi Rook temporarily misplaced the two most important things in the galaxy, and how he found them again (with a little help).
literally every fic on this list is amazing, I promise, but this one is my favorite out of them all. if you’ve ever cared about star wars for five seconds, please read this. the world-building, the characterizations, the plot structure, the family and team relationships: all stellar!
In His Image by @whitmerule (153067 words, Gabriel/Sam and Castiel/Dean) - Kali can breathe life back into a corpse, but what exactly is Gabriel now? Gabriel flits around various centuries trying to work that out, Dean has another powered-down angel and a little brother to look out for, Castiel has forgotten how to trust, and someone keeps sending Sam annoying little notes on his laptop. Oh, and Bobby would like to remind you all that there’s an Apocalypse still going on. Covers season 5 from Gabriel’s death to the finale.
half season 5 AU, half historical fiction, it feels like one story thread should distract from the other but instead it all works together to make the definitive Gabriel-centric story!
Sammyverse by shangrilada (249230 words, 42 works, gen) - It’s an AU, but not a deep one, until season 4 or thereabouts, where it starts to get kind of weird. Basically, Sam has really hideous asthma, and the boys are both pretty excellent at dealing with it and each other. They’re [not] all from Dean’s POV, and even though I’m branching now into later stuff, I’m going to keep doing pre-Stanford–Season 2 for a long time because that makes me happy. Honestly it’s a lot of H/C porn of the boys just being friendly and affectionate towards each other, because that’s how I like them. It is, to put it simply, gen. To put it more honestly, it’s as fucked up as I see it in canon and not a bit more or less. You can read into it as much or as little as you like.
it’s just like the show, except Sam is chronically ill and also the boys like each other. based on the show you might think the boys already like each other, but my friends, this ‘verse will show you just how much was missing. Dean’s internal monologues are things of beauty, and I love how much Jess is featured in the Stanford-era fics. (note: this master list includes most but not all of the fic in the verse, so if you’d like the rest be sure to check the author’s page or ask me for links!)
True Blood
We Who Are Alive And Remain by @branwyn-says (10448 words, Sookie/Eric) - Terrified by changes she witnesses in herself, Sookie hides from the world and everyone in it. When Eric finds out her secret, she will either find that he is worthy of her trust-or she’ll be dead.
the non-linear timeline makes this fic shine, and from the very beginning the plot is intriguing. before the plot is resolved we get to see a lot about who Sookie is who Eric is to her, and the dynamics between Sookie and nearly everyone in her life.
The West Wing
We Don’t Notice Time Pass by pene (1304 words, gen) - “I’d no idea you’d even met her.” It’s friendship and it’s women.
focusing on female friendship within The West Wing is annoyingly difficult, but this story focuses on what relationships among women can be. Mrs. Landingham acts as a bit of a mentor to Ainsley, and Ainsley’s relationship with her childhood best friend is achingly and heartwarmingly true to life.
Define Your Terms by candle_beck (4443 words, Josh/Sam) - It’s very complicated inside Josh’s head.
Josh is manic and about five conversations ahead of Sam. it works out because these two idiots care about each other very, very strongly. I love Josh’s mental voice in this one!
Vidui by Marguerite (7358 words, gen) - In the fall of 2001, Toby went to shul. In past years he had carried sins enough to confess, sins both petty and great, transgressions against God’s ordinances and those of men.
a beautiful meditation on Toby’s relationship with the people he works with/calls his family, through an explicitly Jewish lense. Toby is the person, and the Jew, that I wish I could be <3</p>
The Thinner the Skin by Jane St Clair (2149 words, Josh/Sam) - Of couches and expensive suits, with some mention of madness.
if you’re going to write a Josh/Sam post-Noel fic, this is unquestionably the way to do it! nothing is shied away from but there’s all the best kind of comfort that h/c can offer, and nice backstory details that make the characters seem realer.
highways and byways and roads in between by @greatestheights (10456 words, Josh/Donna) - “Maps are for losers. Maps are for people with no sense of adventure, like you, and…I don’t know. Toby, probably.” Josh, Donna, the open road, five states, and some of the things they said while they were driving.
Josh and Donna and, just, everything that they are (that is, a well-meaning idiot and better than you, respectively), with a healthy dose of Donna/career. everyone is characterized spotlessly, the dialogue is episode-caliber, and there’s fun local geography/culture!
#ficrecdays#fanfic#fic rec#tricatular#spitandvinegar#tagging authors who i can't @ in the post why does tumblr always do this#if you know any of the other authors are on tumblr tag them for me or let me know please?#james bond#the martian#marvel#fcb#star trek#star wars#r1#supernatural#true blood#the west wing#*whispering* read these fics read these fics read these fics they're my entire heart in fiction form
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Resistance!AU (?) - angst
a/n: This is written for someone very dear to me who passed away yesterday. She experienced WOII and told me her heartbreaking love story I will never forget. So because of that, I have written this.
Every day people were taken away, ever since the enemy occupied the country. It could be your friendly neighbour, your family, maybe even the one you loved.
The current queen of my country has fled to England for safety, that’s were they couldn’t get them. That’s where she was able to reassure the people of her land to have hope through the radio.
However, people living in my country were living in fear.
Like a dark cloud that has come to shadow their lives, they are scared. Scared because they don’t know if today would their last day. People were hiding, holding their breaths, acting like they were fine when actually they were not. They are afraid to die but they try to have gope.
‘If you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide and we will not harm you.’
Those were the words of the enemy. Yet they attack innocent lives as if it’s all a game.
All that, only for power.
Everyone lived in poverty ever since the enemy entered. Not only had they bombed their way in, they also started to make the rules. Rules that would only benefit them.
Who was going to save all of these people?
Only a small group of people called the resistance tried to take action against the unwanted suppressor. One of those people was my boyfriend; Kim Junmyeon.
He was brave, loving and fought for what he felt was right. It made him sick to the stomach to see soldiers brutally ripping families apart and killing people for ridiculous reasons.
He was one of the leaders, and he led a small group of 8 other brave men who joined the resistance.
I remember him coming back home one day. A beaming smile on his handsome face as he opened his arms to embrace me, then spun me around. Just before he kissed my lips he gazed into my eyes. “You won’t believe what I’ve just been told.”
“What?” I laughed.
“I have been assigned to do a huge mission. One that could take the third biggest concentration camp down.” However instead of being excited I started to become worried… sad even, “There was an attack on a camp a few days ago which they won, but the ambushers – probably the Allies - were smart enough to bomb the place where the enemy keeps their weapons. Apparently they ordered a truck to fill the lack of weapons - and here comes the good part - Doyoung’s group hijacked the truck! Which means the camp is extremely vulnerable right now!”
He never had to do anything that dangerous before. The missions he usually got were sneaking targeted people across the friendly border to put them further away from the enemy but this… this could get him killed instantly. “Why isn’t Doyoung leading the mission then?”
The happy face on his face fades away and his volume lowers, “He died during the whole ordeal.”
He died.
A leader stronger than Junmyeon died.
How am I supposed to let him do this mission then? It’s way more dangerous.
“I don’t know, Jun. It sounds risky.” I try to convince him with my worried eyes but I can see there was no convincing possible.
He held me by the shoulders as to make it clear and said my name in a serious tone, “This could save a lot of lives. Thousands.”
“I find no amount of lives enough to risk yours.” His face softened. This could be a one-way ticket to misery and he knew, but he was going to contribute to the end of this country’s suppression. Yet he could understand my worry, because in the end I was as important to him as he was to me. “What am I going to do if this doesn’t work out?”
“Don’t make that face, you know my heart won’t be able to take it.” His hand was on my cheek, caressing in comfort. “I love you, and I’m sorry for putting you in worry but… I feel like this is the right thing to do.” His expression became pained. Yes, he had his doubts but he couldn’t back down now. “Look, I will be getting a lot more men. Do you remember Yoo? He will be going too as a leader; you know he is strong.”
“Yoo? All I know about him is that he’s hot tempered and very jealous of my smart boyfriend.” I smiled.
I remember Yoo as the man angry because Junmyeon got to become leader before him. “But he has never lost a fight and neither will I. Besides, I will pray. God will hear me.”
The day Junmyeon left for his mission was dreary. I cried in his arms and he tried to comfort me as much as possible. He had a lump in his throat too from leaving me like this, crying. He promised me to come back and there was a fire in his eyes that couldn’t be stopped easily.
“Please return to me safely.” I cried into his chest.
He was trembling a little so I knew this was hard for him too. “I’m going to miss you, babe.” He kissed me tenderly before letting go.
“Come on love birds, get off each other. We’re going.” Yoo interrupted us and Junmyeon sent daggers his way.
I wiped away my hot tears and tried to fix myself by putting on a brave face. “Do y-you have everything?”
He laughed, surprised to hear such a question instead of telling him to not go again. He raised his hand and spread his fingers to show me the rosary hanging on his fingers. This is what he prayed to every day. God would hear him and keep him safe. Definitely.
Sixty years later have gone by since then and I have become much older. I have kids, and those kids even have children. Although I’m old, wrinkly and a lot slower than before there is still much life in me.
“Grandmother, what’s this?” I saw my grandchild Eun on his toes trying to see what was lying on the big cupboard table. His finger was digging into the small glass saucer where he held up the item on it with his finger. “A necklace?”
“Don’t touch it so carelessly, Eunnie.” I picked him up. He was a lot heavier than a few years ago. “This is a rosary.”
His eyes widened in curiosity, “Special necklace?”
“It’s what people use to pray with.” He cocked his head in confusion. The rosary had a beautiful silver cross at the end and it’s still as shiny as I first received it.
“Where did you get this from, grammy?” He giggles and started playing with it.
I put Eun down and sat him on the sofa then put the rosary back. “I’ll tell you a story, Eun. Back when there was a war, the one you learned about in school, I had a boyfriend, Kim Junmyeon. He was with the resistance, and was a very manly and brave man. One day he went on a big mission to save people, but was betrayed. When he tried to save people, the enemy was already waiting for him. Because of that he was captured and thrown into a camp. Someone there managed to get out and gave me this saying; ‘He begged me to please give this to his girlfriend.’ And that’s the last I’ve ever from him…”
“Do you miss him, grammy?” By now Eun had a runny nose and was in tears because of the story. He was quite emotional so I hugged him as he cried while in my hug.
“Tremendously, this was the rosary he prayed with every day, and now I use it every day to pray, for him.”
a/n: In case you are wondering what part of this had actually happened and what not: first of all Kim Junmyeon was not her boyfriend hahahah. I just used him because he seems like a good soldier. Also I added many extra elements.
The story I was told:
‘Back during World War II, I had a boyfriend and we were both in the resistance. He got betrayed and was put into a concentration camp. There was someone who escaped and my boyfriend gave him this rosary, asking if he could ‘Please give it to my girlfriend’ It was the rosary he used every day to pray with, and now every day I use it to pray for him.’ And she did, she protected it really well and always kept it on her cupboard table… I’m basically Eun (and I chose Eun because I watched Scarlet Heart hahaha)
I miss her..
May she rest in peace..
NOTE: I refrained from using any countries in this scenario…..
#exo#exo scenarios#suho scenarios#junmyeon#junmyeon scenario#exo one shot#junmyeon oneshot#exo scenario#kpop fanfic#kpop angst#exo angst#suho angst#suho one shot#exo oneshot#angst
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New York: Day 2
JOHN: - ASSUMING they ended up sleeping in an alley, John probably cuddled up with Kankri. However, he miserably wakes up over and over to vomit, straying farther away from the group during these excursions for courtesys sake. He gets more sweaty, stumbly and shaky the more this goes on-
ROSE: -She looks up from her typing to watch John. At some point he feels her hand on his back, rubbing in little circles.- Good morning. ROSE: It is a punctual wake up call, if I were pressed to say one good thing about this place.
JOHN: - he is NOT having a good morning but he wheezes and smiles anyway. He's chewing some peppermint gum, and still slathering on the Vicks which is helping somewhat- yeah, no kidding. bright and early in flavor town.
ROSE: As far as I can tell, based on the feed, no one else is in any danger. ROSE: Immediate danger, I should say. But we're not sure where Roxy, Jake, your father or the cherubs are.
ROSE: It could be a good sign that they're off the grid like that.
JOHN: - Thank you for providing a positive option he'll be choosing that one- yeah. i mean... my dad is with them. i'm not worried. he probably has things on lock down. - oh how ironic this statement is-
JOHN: d'ya want some water? the only food i have is cake but i have lots of water bottles. - also the sort of shock blankets EMTs carry. there were likely three that they all had to share. -
ROSE: Wherever it is, I presume it's better than what you'd get if Banksy were commissioned to construct a parody of a city.
ROSE: ...Yeah. that would actually help a lot.
JOHN: - passes her one-
JOHN: - SIGHS because he already really hates this place. - this is beyond banksy this is like what michael bay would've done if youd asked him for a dystopian flick. pretty on the nose, betty. just sayin...
ROSE: Nothing is on fire except for our reliable steel trash fire, John, and I would never insult our most stalwart ally that way.
ROSE: Although if I see one single depiction of Ronald McDonald anywhere, I am extraordinarily liable to flip a tit.
JOHN: well i hate to say it, Rose but in all likelihood your tit is getting flipped.
ROSE: I said a tit, John, not necessarily any of mine. Ronald -- can I call him Ronald? Is that deemed appropriate?-- likely has at least one under that puffy yellow garment.
ROSE: All I am saying is that it is likely to be golden brown on both sides.
ROSE: Not unlike the McGriddle.
JOHN: - laughs helplessly even tho he doesn't want to. STAHP-
ROSE: -She twists open the water bottle-- grateful that they've got something-- taking a sip. Her head still hurts, but it's normal style headache, not migraine getting nuked by all the lights of times square, so she can deal a lot better.- ROSE: I mostly have some of Baldur's baby food I prepared. ROSE: I doubt that will last terribly long, but I'd like to avoid any of the food here if we can help it.
ROSE: So, we have banana and peanut butter mush, and cake.
JOHN: maybe the others have some more stuff. - he doesn't wanna wake them up yet tho. let them rest... -
ROSE: Well, it could be a lot worse.
JOHN: hey I'm not knocking banana peanut butter mush. sounds good honestly. - except he's not interested in any food rn, he's too nauseated. the only reason he stopped vomiting is because is tum is empty except for water-
ROSE: It is. Protein and at least one kind of potassium. The possibilities are endless.
MEULIN: -She's slept pretty restlessly -- post-traumatic stress and dangerous locations will do that to you -- and only manages to sleep soundly once she sees familiar words scrolling over her sunglasses, knowing that at least someone else was awake to watch out in her stead. It was difficult having only so many senses, being unable to tell if any noise should alert them. Now, though, she stirs again, squinting in whatever haze of light manages to permeate the neon signs.-
JOEY: =rubs at her eyes, sitting up= ...what guy?
ROSE: Fieri, comma.
ROSE: Morning.
JOEY: oh....
JOEY: he's still a thing?
ROSE: I took the liberty to scout by air a bit. I can confirm two things.
ROSE: One is that this city is hopelessly large, and most of the buildings are equipped with searchlights on the highest floors.
ROSE: The other is that he is very much still a thing.
ROSE: He's plastered all over the place.
JOEY: sorry ive been out of the loop in this universe for quite some time now
JOEY: i can tell you in some of them he is but a distant memory
JOEY: although it might be to give the world a false sense of security, waiting to rise again
ROSE: Let's start a fair clip back, actually.
ROSE: Should I be horrified by him? more so than everything else about this place, I mean?
[He's only the high chaplain of interstellar war. The key architect of the hilarocaust itself. Pay no mind to the fact that he ruthlessly murdered and cooked every supreme court justice in his rise to power]
JOEY: your guess is as good as mine =shrugs= i dunno what this version of him is supposed to be like
JOEY: hes either a harmless cook with his own tv show using way too much grease or not many really know about him
JOEY: here its obviously not the case
ROSE: Right.
ROSE: It's fine. We should eat, anyhow. Keep our strength up without succumbing to the Big Bite. Do any of you have food on you?
JOEY: oh shit! =rummages through her sylladex= i have a bag of milky ways!
ROSE: I wonder how long we can last on candy and baby food.
JOEY: =places a milky way fun size bar on her sleeping brother's head=
ROSE: Edible what, exactly?
MEULIN: ...RR...
JOEY: boogers are edible, yet....im not feeling that
JOEY: ???
ROSE: I really don't. Although I should disclose I was working under the assumption you were talking about edible panties or body chocolate.
ROSE: So they're probably not worse than that.
MEULIN: SO.........
ROSE: Well, that'll at least help us cope.
ROSE: We'll ration.
JOEY: hehehehehe
JOEY: we get high or get cavities
JOEY: it's a race to either
MEULIN: -casually pulls out Rice Krispies on that note... TIME TO GET FUCKING BLAZED. She offers one each to Joey and Rose.-
ROSE: ...Thank you. -TIME TO DO A WEED BREAKFAST. she might reconsider but she's sick of her head hurting, and she hasn't had a thing in her stomach since they arrived.-
JOEY: thanks
JOEY: =she wipes her hands on her pants before taking it. Does it help? Who knows?=
JOEY: =nibbles the krispie=
MEULIN: -They're pretty tasty and definitely Rice Krispie treats. They don't seem to taste any different than a normal one, but in about five to ten minutes they should feel a nice buzzy body high and a bit more floaty than before... depending on how high or low their tolerance is. They might be a lot floaty and a lot buzzy.-
JOEY: =she's a lusus vet. the occasion never called for drug use!=
JAMISON: =slowly lifts a manhole cover then jumps out of it. Where has this old man been?? Puts the cover back and scurries to the group= Oh fantastic you're eating! Here I've got some clean water. =thunks down a gallon jug, yes he's still shirtless... AND ARMED=
ROSE: -She's just starting to relax and let that buzzing feeling take over when JAMISON THE SUDDEN.-
ROSE: Fuck!
JOEY: =Nearly jumps out of her skin and fumbles with the rice krispie, almost dropping it. It's like when your parent catches you smoking! It's...almost like that, actually.=
ROSE: That was sudden. I figured you'd gone somewhere, but... It seems you went... There. This is good to have.
ROSE: Hello. Also.
JOEY: hiiii dad! um...where did you get the water?
JAMISON: Oh... didn't mean to give you all a start! Good morning! I'll go hunting down normal appearing meat later! No worries on the water I staked out a source and purified it myself with something I whipped up! :D
JOEY: =I knew it, it IS sewer water=
ROSE: That's a relief. ROSE: We were just taking supply of what we've got. Suppose we'll be able to manage for long enough to figure which way is... out.
JAMISON: Any way can be out, missy! Haw! Simply pick a direction!
JOLENE: -waddles over after disappearing herself. this is a bad habit this family has.- agreed! and if it requires blowing holes into any of the buildings then i have explosives. :)
ROSE: Well. Shit.
ROSE: Alright. I'd first want... a car. Because it seems kind of desperate if we're going to be making our getaway from acts of explosives on foot.
ROSE: I was thinking we could try and tail one of those freight trucks.
JOLENE: that's probably a good idea........ -she just wants to level this whole place-
JAMISON: =beams at Jojo= Like the old days!
ROSE: The old truck hijacking days.
JOLENE: it really takes me back...
JOEY: ive never heard this story =chinhands, munching on this riceweedie=
JAMISON: Oh! There's tons of stories we can tell!! =proudly beams=
ROSE: I'm sure there's... plenty of time.
JOHN: - HE GAVE MEULIN A LOOK LIKE... so it's you... you're the supplier. but given they're in a crisis situation he lets it slide. And takes a bite of a rice krispy hoping it will help with the nausea. -
JOLENE: yes, true. for now let's focus on getting out of here. -peeps the rice krispies- what have you got there?
ROSE: Breakfast.
ROSE: Laced with a relaxant to dull the overwhelming stimulus of our environment.
ROSE: -WOW she's starting to think she's really good at being high-
JAMISON: They've scrounged up some-- oh? Hm........
JAMISON: So long as your reflexes are kept sharp!
JOHN: - How elegantly she puts it-
ROSE: :)
ROSE: :)
JOLENE: ... -squints-
JOLENE: are those weed rice krispies????????????????
ROSE: ...There is a mite touch of THC.
JAMISON: Awww come now Jojo! The youngsters aren't used to such dastardly dangers as we are!
JOHN: - please body digest these faster so he can feel not sick-
JOHN: - pleading with your body is a common medical practice don't you know-
JAMISON: Also it's a bit hard to find something that seems safe to consume out here.... I've even got looking for meat but I apparently haven't gone far enough on my last search!
JOHN: well i have lots of cakes
JOHN: they're safe... my dad made them.
JAMISON: Oh! Well that'll do finely! Good job old boy!
JOHN: it's not the most nutritious thing but...
JAMISON: Mustn't be picky about what you get to feast on in the wild, it could be the last meal you pass up! Haw!
MEULIN: CAKE IS GOOD. -thankfully being high makes you also want to eat just about anything... unless it's made by Guy, because fuck him.-
JOHN: - he breaks two out right now. months old but they're kept fresh although they might taste like they've been in hammer space for a little too long-
JOLENE: -frowns thinking about the cakes because she knows james is missing...- i'll have some cake. thank you, john.
JOHN: - he's frowning for the same reason-
JAMISON: I'll take one as well! Need to keep my wits sharp!! =THEY'LL FIND EVERYONE AND FIX JADE, BUCK UP EVERYONE!!!=
JAMISON: Now then! I'll take that to go and SCOUT! :D
JOHN: -there's yellow cake that says HAPPY LATE DECEMBER and another one, chocolate that says HAPPY EARLY JANUARY
ROSE: Be careful. Try to avoid shooting anything.
JOLENE: .... -james............-
JAMISON: =DIBS ON THE YELLOW CAKE, pistol-winks at Rose= No promises but I will gather a route for us so get your rears in gear!!
JAMISON: And drink some water!
ROSE: -She is interrupted by a STOMACH GROWL. She levitates over a pretty large slice with her majyyks.-
JOLENE: -grabs a slice of chocolate cake and gobbles it down. YUM.-
JOHN: - HE makes sure everyone gets a large slice except himself because he's waiting for the cannabis to kick in-
JAMISON: =Bends down to touch his toes, stretches this way and that. If they're in the alley still he takes a running start at the wall and hardcore parkours his way up to the roof of one of the buildings= TALLY-HO!!!! =There he goes....=
JOHN: - bemused amazement at Jamison-
JOLENE: ... there he goes.
JOEY: so now we have dessert, candy, and happy times to fuel our energy =giggles=
ROSE: I... You know, that sort of reminds me.
ROSE: Obviously you are not beholden to stay, but I haven't seen any other trolls, outside of our group. Right? Just humans and... Less... Healthy looking humans.
JOHN: that is weird now that you mention it...
JOEY: if the troll to human ratio is low here, theres a chance of another group out there with one human surrounded by trolls
JOEY: =presses meulin's nose= boop
JOHN: hehehehe... boop! - does it too-
MEULIN: -IS BOOP!!!- (=゚・゚=)
MEULIN: PRRP! -bunts at their hands. Pet her.-
JOHN: - It's good luck! he gladly gives her head scratches. -
JOHN: i kind of imagined... more trolls?
ROSE: Yeah...
JOEY: =Pats Meulin's hair floof, shrugging=
JOEY: maybe were meant to be here
JOEY: if youre saying this isn't a coincidence
JOEY: =sorry! it's not a lullaby to her either=
ROSE: I don't doubt there was intent in the decision.
ROSE: What I would like to find is the purpose behind this place.
ROSE: What these glamorous banalities mask.
ROSE: You know, that shit.
ROSE: Chemicals, probably. Fuck it.
JAMISON: =APPEARS again= Mind-control! Well.. it's a theory. Also if you have the necessities then you control the land.
JAMISON: A typical tactic done with water mostly but food isn't any different!
ROSE: Chemicals. -nods-
JOHN: maybe the food is... - dramatic pause- PEOPLE
JOHN: nah just kiddin
JOHN: or not..???
ROSE: Let's not rule anything out.
JAMISON: True, we should keep open minds so to not be surprised! JAMISON: Whatever these devils are eating isn't good for them and I can't say cannibalism does a body good!
MEULIN: .....
JUDE: -he's in the bg here just perpetually going hhhhhhh-
JAMISON: =Peeps Jude.......=
JAMISON: Well yes, for you troll lot it is fine you're biology is capable of handling it. The same can't be said with our own digestive system. =Do you need a hug Jude? A sweaty, shirtless, hairy dadhug?=
MEULIN: -stares off into the neon distance...-
JAMISON: Then it's quite possible that cannibalism has been introduced or even forced upon locals!
JUDE: okay but haven't you noticed the traits the humans around here are taking on?
JUDE: ashen skin... they've got growths on their heads??
JUDE: it'd make sense if they're being forced to eat their own
JUDE: if the condesce is trying to convert humanity to troll customs-- no, worse
JUDE: convert them into trolls themselves
[No? Maybe. Look, it's a decent proposal. However, no, there aren't any signs EXPLICITLY advertising frying babies, or any other humans for that matter.]
JAMISON: Why that's a silly thing to do EVEN FOR Fish Hitler...... =squints= so she might just be doing it..... JAMISON: Confound it the seabeast is no genius when it comes to biology!.... Perhaps capturing one for testing is necessary....
JAMISON: I'm sure I would whip up a DNA analyzer!
JOEY: its a motivation if the fish queen wants an army of mindless followers
JOEY: rebuilding her race to the extent that all choice or doubt in her reign has been taken from them
MEULIN: MAYBE SHE SHOULD CLAWNSIDER REBUILDING HER BUTT WHEN I PUT MY FOOT IN IT. -grumpy growls. This cat does not like this town.-
JAMISON: Well said! There's ample space for my fists of fury along with your boot old girl!
ROSE: Haha. Fuck.
JAMISON: Right-o! Never stray for long when there's work to be done!
JAMISON: So, seeing how shooting is against the group consensus what about capturing?
ROSE: I could justify that, yes.
ROSE: We want to avoid a ruckus until we're certain they cannot corner us.
JOEY: .....(adorable...)
JAMISON: Meulin! Would you like to capture a zombie with me? :D
MEULIN: -SNRKS and nudges bashfully at Joey. She heard that!!!-
JAMISON: =Holds up a net he made=
JOHN: i think we should establish a base first that isn't an alley out in the open :0
JOHN: what about hijacking one of those trailers
ROSE: Was there room in those sewers?
JAMISON: Do we plan on being here for long? JAMISON: We could appropriate a building!
JOHN: - scratches under beard as he considers all these options-
ROSE: No, we need to catch up with the others. And despite her enthusiasm, I don't think Jolene has enough bombs to demolish this whole place.
JAMISON: Oh, well that's just a matter of creating more.
JOEY: we should keep a low profile before coming up with a solid game plan
JOEY: THEN we can make things blow up
JAMISON: Hm.... actually I would like to meet this "Guy" and take all his files.
ROSE: Well. Ideally, we would have a bomb on the side of town opposite we're going to escape from.
JOHN: hmm we're more than 20 hours from minnesota... if we somehow scored a trailer we could get out of town quickly if we need to and then take turns sleeping on the way there...
JAMISON: That is my near-end game to see what the devil is going on!
ROSE: Establish some sort of distraction.
JOEY: or direction
JOEY: if were going to sightsee, lets make an itinerary
JOEY: =smiles blissfully=
JOHN: - takes a deep breath. his stomach feels better and his nausea is gone. - those were really bomb ass rice krispies, meulin.
JOHN:... you still have that pb and banana...
ROSE: -SNORTS and laughs uncontrollably-
JOHN: @Rose
ROSE: -slides a lil plastic baby food container towards JOHN-
JOHN: - here he is, a grown ass man with a child eating baby food-
JOHN: - incredible-
JOHN: - also he feels all tingly-
MEULIN: -she hasn't kept up with the conversation too terribly, thanks to the fact that she doesn't have to listen and can read it instead.- I THINK THE SEWERS MIGHT BE GOOD. THEY HAVE LITTLE AREAS DOWN THERE RIGHT?
JOHN: alright well... we have a lot of different ideas. and i honestly don't know what's the best choice.
JOHN: should we vote?
JOEY: =her eyes get spherical=
JOEY: theres such a place as buffalo ranch nook hell?
ROSE: Let's steal the zepplin.
JAMISON: I would like to have a base of operations and the sewers weren't so terrible for tha- oh a zepplin would be grand!
JOHN: is that a serious option because if so i like it.
ROSE: Yes. Fuck it. Fuck the sky. Let's steal it.
JOHN: yeah! - fist pump-
JOEY: does anyone know how to actually fly one of those? it's hard from what i have heard :\
JOHN: oh, I have wind powers
JOHN: plus they probably do... - points at jo jo and jamison-
JOHN: - he just takes for granted that the old people know everything-
JOHN: - floats as an example for joey-
ROSE: I, too, have powers, but I'd also think that hauling everyone up into the sky will attract a measure of attention we're not prepared for.
ROSE: Which is second to my previously stated stance, fuck the sky.
JAMISON: Oh! Yes you have been floating as of late I recall... =strokes mustache=
JOHN: ohhhh thats true. - considers this-
JOEY: ... =glances down at the rice krispie- aight, how strong is this stuff?
ROSE: Thank you.
MEULIN: (ฅ•ᆺ•ฅ)
JOHN: - only took a bite of his and put the rest wrapped up in his pocket-
JOEY: since when can people fly??
JOHN: it's not such a weird thing where we come from.
JOEY: i come from earth. this earth! everything is weird to me!
JOEY: anger....stare....
ROSE: Redglare.
JOHN: but like... if we had somewhere to land it, i could use wind currents to bring down the zep. maybe rose's psiionics could steady the landing.
MEULIN: (●ↀωↀ●)
ROSE: I am a psionic, of sorts. -Little finger sparks to demonstrate...-
JAMISON: Probably!
JOEY: =whispers to meulin= (why is redstare so mad?)
JOHN: wow haha... settle down there.
JAMISON: Or capture them HAW!
JOHN: we don't have to kill anyone.
MEULIN: -considers giving her boss weed... hmm-
JOEY: =gasps= does she like desserts? what about one of your riceweedies?
JOHN: ok all in favor of trying to steal the zep say aye.
JOHN: that works.
JOEY: okay if you know what youre doing! :D
JOHN:... but we're not going to kill anyone unless they try to kill us first. - STERN GLANCING. -
JOHN: - makes a face. don't even joke about that. he wants to hide behind rose. -
ROSE: And we should kidnap a... are we really going with Zombie? As a name?
JAMISON: I haven't the slightest what the devil else to call them.
JOHN: hey we can knock out two birds with one stone. there has to be a pilot, right?
ROSE: Yes, but I doubt the people down here are running anything of importance.
ROSE: I mean, look at them.
JOHN: maybe the pilot will know more. - head scratcher-
JAMISON: By the time you all have the zeppy down Meulin and I should have one secure.
JOHN: alright. that works too!
JOEY: =starts singing, clapping john on the back=
JOEY: she says that my life is over
JOEY: "boy you don't know what you got till it's gone
JOEY: come put your head upon my shoulder"
JOEY: she gave me her hand but i ignored her
JOEY: oh dr. john
JOEY: what am i doing
JOEY: what am i doing i wrong?
JOEY: cuz i keep on trying
JOEY: something ain't going
JOEY: something ain't going on
JOEY: oh dr. john
JOHN:... - THIS CHILD. he loves her already-
MEULIN: -she would sway but she has no idea this is a song-
JOHN: - pushes her playfully- get back jojo!
JOEY: =im 37 my dude=
JOHN: - he has no idea-
JOHN: - you're like 10+ years older than him-
JOEY: =theres probably something in grubloaf tbh=
JOEY: =aww you say that cuz im your kid=
JAMISON: =Also he and Jojo have THE BEST GENES. Spry old folks=
JOEY: =that she wont deny=
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