#and i am not defending him because of my url or because i don't like qimir
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maulfucker · 4 days ago
I was originally gonna leave this in the tags but the character limit started pissing me off so I'm saying it in the post proper —
Maul is not the gloating type most of the time, actually. See his duel with Pre Vizsla for the throne of Mandalore for example: he lets the fight drag on for longer than he probably needed to, yes, but once it's clear he's won he goes straight for the kill. When the stakes are clear, he doesn't play around.
In his fight with Ahsoka he wasn't really trying to kill her, he was trying to get her to join his side. His overconfidence in this case was in his ideals, not in his fighting ability.
His overconfidence only really comes out when fighting jedi, so whether or not he would get distracted before dealing the finishing blow entirely depends on whether or not he would consider Qimir a jedi. (personally I would say he doesn't count as a jedi, but who knows)
He has experience fighting enemies who use "tricks" to try to win at any cost — once again see his duel with Vizsla for example: Vizsla spends half the fight in the air and throws all sorts of things at Maul, and all it does is gain time and piss him off, so even the hidden lightsaber dagger might not surprise him much. But Vizsla is not nearly as experienced in lightsaber combat, so Qimir would probably fare much better than he did against Maul.
(but also Maul was fighting with a single blade rather than his usual dual blade, so he wasn't even at full power, so to speak)
But — and this is a factor canon doesn't seem to be aware of most of the time so some might prefer to disregard it — as a zabrak Maul has one big advantage over every human enemy: increased stamina. The longer the fight lasts the better his chances of winning.
So I'd say overall Maul has a better chance of winning, but definitely not an easy win either way
Crazy to me that this of all things is what makes me type out a post when I have so many in drafts just waiting to be completed but hey. Gotta vent. Here goes.
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Everyone was commenting in bad faith, in the comments and X is where intelligent discourse goes to perish, so taking this seriously (or as seriously as a "who would win" debate can allow):
This could go either way!
On the one hand, yes, Maul is the more skilled fighter.
Sure, technique-wise, Qimir is very skilled... but he fights like "a mean Jedi who cheats in a fight."
Maul-- *Darth Maul fights like a Sith Lord. He's been trained the old fashioned Sith way from a very early age.
From a narrative POV too, this tracks.
Qimir's master is Plagueis, essentially a Sith whose interest and focus is in science and the occult. He taught Sidious just enough for the latter to master the seven forms, then went back to his research.
Sidious, on the other hand, was a political animal who NEEDED a more fighting-savvy apprentice to do the dirty work in the shadows, and thus molded Maul to be such a weapon.
And you see this too in how either fighter maintains control of a duel.
I'd rank Sol and Qui-Gon at a comparable level.
We see that when Sol gets either angry OR focused, Qimir finds himself at a disadvantage and begins to falter, either retreating or drastically changing tactics. Qimir loses both those fights.
Compare with how Maul handled Qui-Gon in either of those states. He lets Qui-Gon rush at him, then resorts to dirty tricks when Qui-Gon is in a more defensive state. That's how a Sith does it. That's why Maul wins.
HOWEVER! Maul has a flaw that he never, ever outgrows.
In a situation where he's superior, he gets arrogant. He gets cocky. He takes his sweet time to gloat and do the flips and whirl the saber and taunt his prey.
It's why Obi-Wan almost always beats him. It's why Ahsoka, an inferior fighter, beats him too. It's why he didn't see Sidious coming.
Like a true Sith, Maul's overconfidence is his weakness.
You know who doesn't have that weakness?
The guy who does have Jedi training. Who put in the work and already outgrew his own ego and arrogance.
Friggin' Qimir.
Who is seen pulling off no-bullshit kill after no-bullshit kill. Screw the pageantry, screw a clean win.
Padawan breaks his mask? Stabbed in the heart.
Jedi attacks him by surprise? Breaks his neck.
Multiple Jedi attack him? Trakata moves left and right until they're all dead.
So Qimir is a more calculating and focused fighter.
Which means that what a duel between the two comes down to is external circumstances. Their levels aren't so distant that Maul would blitz the Stranger, this would be a long duel.
That said, Qimir is more likely to die in the heat of battle.
But if Maul merely wounds him? Then 9 times out of 10 he'll hang around and gloat, which is something Qimir would capitalize on to deliver a killing blow.
Procrastination over, venting complete.
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ponett · 2 years ago
Hello, wanted to say thank you, I'm really glad I found your work and I find your insights very helpful.
I wanted to ask something strange, as someone who has gone out of their way to dedicate a very detailed blog to the works of an outspoken artist, can you give me advice how to maintain healthy distance with ideas and individuals I might outright oppose, but have morbid sense of curiosity about them? Or it it just better to not indulge at all?
It's a difficult balance to achieve, and I won't pretend I've always been perfect about it on TKP
The thing is that you have to not obsess over the person too much. You have to focus on their work, not detailing every single thing they've ever done or said to keep receipts on them. You do not, under any circumstances, want to turn into the freaks who make and watch hundred hour long "documentaries" on CWC and Sonichu, or the people who run the Bad Webcomics Wiki
The point is to do media criticism, not to make a callout blog. Details the artist has shared about their life may sometimes help inform your reading of the work - art isn't made in a vacuum, and artists' life experiences and worldviews often shape their art. But you don't need to pry too much and piece together their full life story and psychoanalyze them if that information isn't already available in an autobiography or whatever
On TKP, one of the most important things I do to try and keep that distance is simple: I don't follow Penders on Twitter. I don't need to know every single thing he says, nor do I need to report on it. I'll check in when I hear he's made some kind of announcement regarding his work, and when looking for behind the scenes info I'll sometimes term search on his Twitter because he's far more vocal about what happened behind the scenes than the rest of that creative team, but that's it. I'm not thinking about him every day. I also haven't gone in-depth on his non-Sonic work to help drive home the idea that TKP is a blog about the American Sonic comics with a quippy url, not a blog about shitting on Penders
(On that note: I don't interact with him directly, either. I do not need to dunk on him in his Twitter replies. I do not need to lure him into an interview where I totally own him. I am not sending him my criticism like he owes it to me to read it and improve his work. I leave the guy alone)
As the blog has gone on I've also tried much harder to be objective about him and his work. I'll admit that early on, before the blog blew up, I was eager to see what all the drama was about and why everybody hated the guy. But my goal isn't just to find excuses to hate on him, or to spread baseless gossip, and that shouldn't be the mindset you go in with. I've offered praise for some of his work where I thought it was deserved, and I frequently correct people on misunderstandings about him and the lawsuits, even defending him on certain points
This is an extremely basic and hopefully obvious element of good media criticism, but it should also be said that just because an artist depicts something doesn't necessarily mean they endorse it, and that your goal isn't to piece together the artist's beliefs based on their work and then call them out over it. It can go the other way around - you can analyze how an artist's stated beliefs and values are reflected in their work - but, like, Penders writing a story where Knuckles decides to forgive his shitty fascist uncle for no reason does not mean that Penders is a Nazi apologist. It's just a story.
Again: your main goal should be to criticize the work, not the artist
And, of course, a huge factor is simply how famous the creator in question is (and also if the creator is still alive). You wanna do a deep dive on the works of Steve Ditko and criticize his Randian objectivism? Go nuts, buddy! You wanna shit all over Lovecraft? Have at it! Wanna tear apart the neoliberal politics of Harry Potter? Well, okay, Shrieking Shack already did that one. But if the person you're thinking of doing a sprawling, in-depth teardown on is, like, a smalltime webcomic author? Some hobbyist indie dev? A fanfic writer? That sort of thing? Hell, even someone in the middle like a cartoon storyboarder, or a freelance writer who does articles for Kotaku sometimes? Maybe reconsider. Just because someone's online doesn't mean they're a Public Figure, and there's a line where a deep critical dive on someone's work quickly turns into painting a target on their back
(This ended up being more about Criticism than how to just engage with stuff you hate, but also you can just, like. Look away. And find something else spend your time thinking about.)
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transradfem · 1 year ago
@ mspec-defender
really classy of you to reblog and then block me so that you can't see my answer. i'm not tagging your url because I'm sure you don't want to have your notifications clogged. anyway.
how many shitty men do i have to sift through to get to the great ones? I'd consider my father to be "above average", but even he forgets basic household tasks and ends up making more work for my mother. no matter how many *individual* men may be good or nice or acceptable partners, men as a class oppress women as a class. in no other divide are minorities expected to cohabitate with their oppressors. statistics are not on the side of women who fall in love with and marry men. they are more likely to fall behind in their career, more likely to have a lower life expectancy, more likely to lose touch with female friends.
men are not demons, they're human, obviously, but I personally do not see the point in extending the olive branch (and then doing the dishes, mopping the floor, and wiping his ass for him) when i'm more likely to find a fulfilling relationship with another woman.
I also, on a personal note, am petrified of pregnancy and never want to have penetrative sex, with or without a condom. this is not a fear i see value in "getting over", it is what it is. what man would be willing to put up with a woman who won't let him fuck her? what woman is willing to put the effort in to find such a man? ultimately, it is my fucking choice to focus my attention elsewhere, like on my career and friendships. why does it bug other people so much why some women who could be attracted to men decide not to date them? if you think i see men as demons, why would you want me to date them?
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silvercat-s · 1 year ago
Thank you for responding! I think I understand what you mean by the change of your views, since I have been following you on and off since then, I have happily witnessed your evolution here. As far as memory serves, you started off on the note of seeing Henry in not so insightfully nuanced way as you do now, and that's actually something no one can blame you for, the play did make us truly connect where Jamie Campbell Bower's empathetic defense emerged from since the beginning. Deep down, I wanted him to be redeemed too (his moments with El seemed way too genuine to be overlooked haha) but just like that you, I felt I didn't have enough evidences to point towards that direction till TFS spoilers started to drop by. But I am replying to you here to make you know that the perception which we have had it now overwritten under new Henry Creel content's light was not something to be embarrassed of. That was still you and your amazing analytical skills to have drawn what you drew with whatever limited info we were given. I understand that we are constantly growing, changing and that's a great thing, but that doesn't make your earlier reviews to be entirely wrong, they rather add beauty to its complexity which I believe we all should be proud of. It also commemorates our growth as a dedicated fan of a show which has a thing for life-changing twists for 001 of its characters. (pun obviously intended lol). Besides some of your speculations hit the bull's eyes. ( George being Henry after all) So your older blogs are still "a nice walk down memory lane" memories :))) I still admire your bravery for voicing your opinions no matter how odd one out they seemed at that time. Secondly, ( yeah I have already written so much I should be at its last para by now but still xD) I also understand the discrepancy of ship you are onboard now. And it doesn't bother me at all honestly. I actually believed in Creelarke before the play had me doubting till I decided " I will first watch the play whenever it streams on Netflix and then see for myself, what seems more canon lol" I am not like one of those toxic fans who would harass you or hold a legit grudge for changing your opinions or no longer agreeing with something rarely mutual as the matter is honestly very subjective at this point, but I appreciate the warning of ' things not being the same' you put in your response :) And lastly, (yeah finally), whenever I click on those 3 dots which would open to " view archive or block user yada yada" options, it no longer contains the Archive feature. I even tried the URL trick lol, ( yup completely not that desperate) but it would come back to this page, it's honestly like Eleven running in Nina only to return to the Rainbow Room with Henry being "Well well" haha. Hence, I hope you look into it!
You're right, I was never one of those "Henry is a heartless monster who deserved all the abuse he suffered" people, he was always my favorite character after all, and I always believed his fate could've been avoided if he had got any true help and love, and that his fondness for Eleven was genuine, but I was still wrong about him in many ways, I used to think he always had those murderous tendencies even as a kid, and I just assumed that was the direction they were taking it, it never crossed my mind they would want to subvert the evil child trope, even tho the clues were always there, I just ignored them for a lot of reasons.
TFS was a very happy surprise after the initial denial stage lol it forced me to acknowledge so much, and I'm now very glad to know the duffers actually put so much thought and care into his character and that there is still so much about him left to discover!
And don't even get me started on Jcb; that poor man was defending Henry from the very beginning, and I'm sure the play made him feel so vindicated 😅
I wouldn't say I even have any analytical skills, but thank you! I'm not really embarrassed of how I used to see Henry, because, like you said, I was doing my best with the information that we had (with some wilful blindness added to the mix), and I was having fun, in the end it's just a fictional character, you know? It's not that serious, it's not a real life issue, we should be allowed to have fun and be wrong about things, and move on.
but I'm embarrassed over how I behaved toward some of the most dedicated Henry analists. I have apologized and they have forgiven me, but it still bothers me that I did that, I could've handled that so much better
And oh god YES I'm so glad I got a least one or two things right! it saved me from feeling completely humiliated 😅 and ugh, you're almost making me regret deleting some of my posts, but I think I mostly deleted the ones where I was being a mean idiot, hopefully there's still something for you
I'm just not sure what you mean with ship discrepancy. I've never really been much of a shipper, I don't really ship anyone with Henry. I did used to ship hentty in a "well, they are canon" way, but after seeing what some of the people who watched the play said about them...they are cute still, but definitely not a one true love situation, Henry deserved someone who truly loved and stood by him, and Patty apparently wasn't that person at all, but I would still love to see the play for myself to form a better opinion on it too!
And I'm not a creelarke shipper myself, but I do understand the appeal now, and I would support anything that would bring that poor guy some happiness 🥲 so don't worry! I don't really have an issue with any ship or even have a strong opinion on it, just whatever makes our boy happy
AND I fixed it! It was the "hide blog from people without an account" setting, I had no idea it did that; it's disabled now! I'm actually very honored and surprised that you liked my posts enough to do that haha, you're very nice and insightful, I hope you come off anon someday! ❤️
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ofrhysand · 1 year ago
𝐎𝐎𝐂; Finished HOFAS plus the bonus chapters yesterday and I have thoughts.... and emotions... But under cut for spoilers ( though wil try to not be super specific ), will just type down the ACOTAR ones ( and one ship that I think carried that book ).
So.... Bryce did annoy me, I will admit, but she got better later. Although I understood why she was like that perfectly and how I think it was in character for her to do so but still.... She annoyed me in Prythian. Wonder if things could've gone very different if she'd just... spoken a little more or cooperated.
Nesta seems to have grown a lot and I am all for that, and also big hint that she is a spoiling aunt to Nyx ok, she adores her nephew and how she called Feyre a 'perfect mother' in the bonus chapter, did things to my emotions. And also Az was perfect, no surprise there. The bonus chapter of them and how he liked the death metal music and dance was so fun to read ( would've been nice if it wasn't a bonus chapter because it added some bit of depth to the interaction ).
And was it me or there was a LOT of Elain language in the Avallen parts in the aftermath of the encounter when Bryce did the thing? I don't know, just reading it, my mind instantly went to 'Elain', not to mention that paired with the Prison events.... I think it's a big set up for her book.
Rhys... Yes, Rhys acted as was expected in the main book chapters but that bonus chapter of Ember and Randall... His Nesta treatment bugs me. Again, like Bryce, I understand completely why he is acting like that and it also makes sense for him, especially with Nesta, but I was glad when Ember intervened. And then it seems like he returned to being the same Rhys of always. But also Cassian was more pissed at her than even Rhys it seems? And Feyre defended her.
And ofc, RuhnLidia was gorgeous, it has always been a gorgeous ship development, and I've made no secret that I prefer them way better over Bryce and Hunt. They carried the romance in the book for me. And their bonus chapters was just lakdjflaksjdfklajsdfklajsdfaflkajdsf it was perfection. It definitely makes me wanna reread all their chapters and RP Ruhn.... for who i already have url and google doc set up woops.
Individually, when they took that antidote, their powers were very interesting... Yes, Ruhn of course will be a Rhys version I expect, but with more starlight it seems, plus healing... is that a dusk court thing I wonder? Or does the starlight allow for healing ( since it was a warm and bright light that came from his hand when healing )? Have to read up more on that. And when Ruhn did the THING to Autumn King... I cried there too, it was the muse of him that had me crying ok.
But Lidia lakjdsflkajsdlfkjaskldfjaskldf the whole flame language for her has always been a big clue to her being an Aelin descendant and I love it so much but also... THE KIDS, HER BBIES. The majority of times I had tears in my eyes were in all the Lidia and twins interactions.
But yes, I think that's it so far... Will post other stuff if more thoughts come to mind, I am still processing ok. Am all up for sharing thoughts and theories always!
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hi welcome to my silly sunny blog
jasper, 23, he/him
prev urls: brainfogdennis, sparkleondennisreynolds, transmascden
european (derogatory)
transgender faggot + autism swag
dennis takes a mental health day defender
minors don't follow please + don't interact with my nsfw posts (if a sfw post of mine comes up on your dash then idc, but for the blog itself there is 18+ content here). this is a new thing so i'm currently going through my following list to unfollow minors
also terfs, fascists, bigots etc are not welcome here and if i think you fall into that category or just think you're weird i will simply block.
sunny is a massive hyperfixation for me and this blog is my outlet for that. i am very critical of sunny but bc of this i don't think this blog is always the most appropriate place to express all of that. there will be sunny criticism stuff sometimes because sometimes things have to be said but otherwise this is just an autism outlet place
if im very active it's because i'm a) hyperfixated on this show and b) unemployed
if i'm not active it's because i hyperfixated so hard i got tired of it. i'll be back.
i'm a macdennis truther because it's fun lol. i already see it as canon and like to have fun and get silly with what they may do with them next. also a lover of charmac charden and deestress. peace and love on planet earth
sometimes i treat sunny like a sandbox where i just do what i like even if it is wildly detached from the show
i'm weird and autistic about dennis reynolds. i think he's a pathetic lowlife and i'm fascinated by it
my s16 tag is #sunny sweet 16 but i'm bad at using it
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gemharvest · 2 years ago
u for the ask game?
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Fighting my urge to list off obvious responses like the Fukawas/ Reigen/ Spamton etc because like, I post about them all the time; we all know Karl is obsessed with them!! Instead gonna dig my mind for guys I'm not often super vocal about.
Kenny (Telltale's The Walking Dead) - I am the world's biggest Kenny defender. Jane fans hate me. I need a T-shirt that says "Kenny (TWDG) didn't do anything wrong" or however the phrase goes. I am exaggerating for the bit here I do acknowledge his faults HOWEVER I love him in spite of said flaws. He's just a guy who cares deeply for those he considers family and even when it comes out in bad ways I just can't hate him for it. Very uncomfortable with how violent he's written to be in s2 but there's still the Kenny I know and love from s1 down in there so whatever.
Zack Addy (Bones) - He is everything to me I'm gonna be real. I cannot describe to you how much it hurt that he didn't really come back after the Gormogon arc aside from like, some brief appearances as well as his side-arc or whatever in s12. I think the rotating cast of interns after his departure was fun and I really liked some of the guys that showed up from that but if you gave me a button that made Zack stay as a main character for the whole series I'd press it so fucking fast.
Ekubo (Mob Psycho 100) - I FEEL LIKE THIS ONE IS ALMOST AN OBVIOUS CHOICE GIVEN [*gestures at my url] BUT. I don't really post about him solo all that often which is funny given I think a lot abt him outside of Ekurei posting. I care his character growth over the series so much and if I wasn't so Reigen-brained I'd probably be so fucking annoying about him specifically. Fortunately my brother picks up the slack on that front o7 to him but yeah, give it up to Ekubo who would have to be my overall 2nd fav from MP100.
Jack Baker (Resident Evil 7) - I don't have a big spiel for him like I do the others idk my brain just latched onto him one day and I haven't been able to shake it since. I'm too much of a pussy to get myself to play RE7 (despite now owning it lmfao) and yet it's a comfort game of mine. Wild. ANYWAYS JACK BAKER him as an enemy is super fucking cool and he scares the crap out of me BUT I also like his uninfected moments. He's such a sweet father and it makes the tragedy of what happened to his family even more worse. Guys who I wish were my father.
Aoi Asahina (Danganronpa) - AOI MY SWEETHEART!!!! I know I publicly rotate the Naegis or the Fukawas or Kazuichi or etc. a lot but I'm also a big Aoi fan. Her relationship with Sakura makes me ❤💔❤💔❤💔❤ and genuinely I remember feeling so happy that she ended up being one of the survivors from that game. I still have yet to get through the dr3 anime but seeing her in the future arc is always a treat I love getting to see her again. Like Jack I don't have the deepest words for her but she just makes me so happy also like a lot of Danganronpa characters I wish she came from a better source media.
FTR I could give you so many more favs ESPECIALLY from Bones where I love the majority of the cast. But I'm holding back on giving an honorable mentions list since it would kinda defeat the purpose of the prompt AHJSNJKKGDJNNGKJ. Feel free to ask me about my opinions on the Bones cast or like my other favs. But also the Bones cast I am holding my tongue so hard on them.
[Ask game can be found here.] Don't be afraid to send an ask in I love talking about this stuff!
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iwantjobs · 2 months ago
Let's pray that the US Army black hawk didn't intentionally crash into the small American airline because of it did, then America and Trump needs to worry for some of your young people (including military) is done fighting over religion, stealing land, bombing babies, especially in Holyland where religious wars have been going on for 3,000 years. Two years ago a white white US young airman named Aaron Bushnell set himself to death on fire for a free Palestine. Then another white white airman quit his job and protested in DC with signs for peace or ceasefire in Gaza. Then another chubby white young man burned himself in the American for a children of Gaza. A black ex soldier in Afghanistan did the dirty terrorist work praising ISis flag in New Orleans on his own black people for this war include a black general, vice president who is half black, and a UN rep is a black woman. Some young white children don't want to lose their land to the native Americans after we die if Isrealis are able reclaim their ancient land while using American tax dollars. America, like Palestine region, is at the same age (400 years). Ancient Jews were the first colonizers of that land (stole from the Cannaatites who were the original indigenous people) lived there 3,000-5,000 years ago. Native Americans lived on this land 14,000 to 20,000 years ago. I think because Trump came into power and got hard like Biden's hard sending all the weapons and bombs to flatten Gaza. Trump's policy is to remove all Gazans to neighboring countries which makes right wing Isrealis very happy. Trump's policy is to move the uS embassy to occupied Palestinian territory in occupied west bank to confirm this section of land also belong to Israeli which made Iran and Hamas angry 3-4 years before October 7th erupted. Trump just removed Biden's block to send 2,000 bombs to Israel. Biden probably blocked it because his karma caught up with him sending massive amount so do 2,000 bombs to blow Gazan into pieces and flattened Gaza to defend religious symbol of Judaism on Israeli flag, war rooms, war planes, and IDF uniforms against separation of church and state defense in the US Constitution of th Firat Amendment. Furthermore, this war continues as American tax dollars is allow their buddy Israel to kill 10 people last week and a baby in a raid in occupied West Bank to inch closer in seating Jesus' birthland---using our tax dollars to fight to steal Jesus' birthland, the most religious land in humanity. Well folks, I could be wrong but I have done my part warning you. I am off to relinguish my genocide-gay-Spanish-as-2nd-language American citizenship to return where I belong if it's. Or too gay (Vietnam, Cambodia to pay the Vietnamese sin for occupying Cambodia during Vietnam war to drive out the Pok Pok man who committed genocide of 1 million smart and educated and artistist Cambodians, or else Laos. I would choose Nepal but Nepal is a second Asian country that allows gay marriage to no more Nepal. If Asia turns gay then I'll go to Iran and live underground during an atomic bomb between two forces of humanity (gay democracy of Israel or barbaric hardcore heterosexual of Iran, once I tell Iran not to have sex in th female's buttock to prevent. Pregnancy for that is one door closer to gay sex for the texture of that female back hole or similar to the texture of a man's back hole. Try 3rd-base sex). Bye. Good luck and wish you lots of happiness, health, peace, and wealth. Happy Tet or Lunar new year or Chinese new year to all. Trang's work to find evidence of the higher force in God's database at 51.75 year old. If violence gets worse, I'll be posting on the below URL. Peace and love via suing. I am out of here to save my old self.
Did I mention that I was punished badly for my sin of having an abortion at around 3-4 months into pregnancy? So no abortion after the 12 weeks safe time or it's attempted murder and murder. Birth control OK. If baby falls out of womb during abortion, then it's a baby and it must be to saved and donated to an orphanage. When the law and society start rewarding women for not getting abortions, then reduce abortion by 99%.
It's time to pat reparations for your ancestors ' and your sins, America. Extra 4% federal tax on every single American until the end of America. I'll start first which I have already been doing with my ch cl as. Part-time caregiver for IHSS in Santa Clara county. Since I make less than $13,000, I can get that money back if I do my tax, but I decided to donate it back to the IRS. And I am semi-homeless and broke,too. Even when I live in Vietnam to the day I died living there after I lost my American citizenship, I'll still send money of 4% tax of what I amek to pay for my sins living in American as a once US citizenship. I am a human being who hates having Deb's and I want to clean out my bad karma before I die, or the bad marka or debt will chase me in the next life, if there is a next life.
P.S. Pro-israelis like to talk about losing land in Gaza in loss of war, if this is true then why didn't they take land from Germany after Hitler and Nazis lost. Why did you have to take land in the Palestine region (Palestinians sides with Hitler dying the war because some Jews were fighting in this area to take back their ancient land) by the British to be given to the Holocaust Jews? The Palestinians didn't jail the Holocaust Jews and put them in gas chambers. Why take their land? Why not take the Nazis land and give it to the Holocaust Jews for them to build their own country there plus the Holocaust Jews look more German and Europeans than the people in dark Palestine region next to the mouth of dark and black Africa. This you justification to take Palestine region to give to Holocaust Jews is absolutely wrong. However if you continue to say you are right, the. After we die, your children a d future white DNA will lose their colonized land to indigenous people in America, Canada, Latin America, Greenland, Scandinavian, Australia, New Zealand, islands in south America and next to Spain, and even south America. And APAIC people will be the first to be forced to leave America since they are the ones who wants to fight for their own country called Isreal while being US citizens. Since I am leaving America to rerun where I came from,AIPAC people have to leave too. Fair game.
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burning-sol · 2 years ago
Like okay. If I had to give some notes, here's what I'll say.
Gillion: The latest reference of Gillion is still not the exact vibe but I'm so glad how built he is now. Like he's the tank of the group, you can't just make him look like he does in the thumbnails. He looks like a chad in saturndigital's art and I find that funny btw. Great work :)
Chip: New Chip is a step in the right direction so props to renrooked, can we make him a little more ugly though?
Jay: Please give this poor girl to a lesbian artist like she rightfully deserves. You know, those women who draw the girls in a still stylised but more realistic style who knows how to give a girl some fucking good looking arms. If it were up to me orion13 or moonfruito are peak Jay Ferin artists but I'm trying not to list specific artists.
Rand: Solid piece of art, I'm digging it!!! That's definitely a Rand to me. If I had to pick another artist then I'd probably go for someone who can draw a really good gross guy. But naw cryingwyvern has a great style, I'm cool with it.
Kian: On the opposite end Kian is the worst fit of an artstyle I've ever seen. The design should have gone to a queer artist who draws women that are men and men that are women, you get me? Again, make him look more like a drag queen or something. The american horror film campaign has no room for anime boys.
Rolan: I think cryingwyvern could have done a pretty good Rolan but hm. I think a step in the right direction would be one of those artists who draw the men from survival horror games fucking. Get an artist that can draw a good middle aged tired lawyer. Please.
Prime Defenders: It's REALLY shocking to me that I know there's a whole bunch of artists out there who have appealing comicbook style art, and I think I've yet to see anything reminiscent of that. In the SUPERHERO campaign... Again, I love all the art and the artists as they are, but this is a major flaw in artistic choice!! Please, PLEASE change this.
Peter and Exandroth: Perfect. Look at them. Don't look at thumbnail Sqloint, he can't hurt you, look at the canon art Charlie drew. I could never ask for anything else. This art is beyond perfection. No but like seriously, I don't think there's any artist on earth that could draw Sqloint in a way that fits him. It's not possible. There's only maybeee one fanartist out there that I think has drawn him close to what he would look like, but I can't remember their url unfortunately. Sqloint is just way too unique sorry.
Rumi: Rumi is a JRPG character, that was the intention I think, so I will make an exception just this once. Rumi is allowed to be anime, I decree, and the anime fans rejoiced!!!
Thanatos: The art has great vibes!! I'm chill with this. Also, there's a definitely a whole genre of soulsbourne artist though and I would have really digged that. That would have popped off.
Fated: Br'aad looks silly I like him :)
Thumbnails: I know we're probably not gonna slip out of the grasp of anime anytime look but I'm on my knees begging that maybe one day we will be. Surely. SURELY...
Also if I seem down on general anime artstyles, I'm sorry. I really do love that style, but I'm so tired of seeing it like ALL the time, especially in media where it doesn't fit. It's not even all anime styles I dislike, you know? Like god, what I would give for an anime that looks like Fruits Basket again... It's just that a lot of that style ends up lacking variation and are incredibly clean and I just don't think that slots in well for characters like the Albatrio who are meant to be a gang of pirates who fight and break they bones and don't shower. I know I'm not perfect but I am trying to improve, because Gillion should not be a little skinny boy, thas a fish, please make him look like a big fish.
Okay that's the end of my ramble.
u know the one thing abt jrwi i will criticise is that sometimes i wish they picked dif artists to commission. like im sorry, i do love so much of the art and appreciate the artists, but please fuckinggg their style does not vibe with the assignment. cryingwyvern has like the coolest artstyle and i feel it fit bitb really well, which makes seeing the art of kian and rolan feel like im being rammed into a wall repeatedly. why did kian have to be an anime boy when he was built to be a drag queen.
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leotello · 2 years ago
I have a different ship for every iteration, so working backward of the ones I know is:
2018 leotello bc I just love them. Two smart people come together to make a whole idiot. Also just. Twins. It gets to me. My OTP. Rise leotello owns my soul.
Bayverse ot4 because. Because. I don't know man, they're all just. So adhd. They're all just a mood and I just cannot see it happening any other way.
2012 ot4 because of that one post you made about Leo falling in love with his brothers. Also because it just feels like he could never love any of his brothers more than the others. Idk, I just think it works. But leo/Casey Jones is cute in this iteration too.
2007 tbh? I'm torn. I love Leotello. I love leoraph. I love leomikey. I love ot4. Anything works here. Honestly, I just like him coming back and having to deal with them kinda moving on without him and struggling to get back into their good graces.
2003 leomikey. Ngl this is kinda bc I hardcore ship raphtello in this iteration but I also just like leomikey in this iteration. Leo needs to fucking relax, honestly, but also I love when he has that moment of "oh, hes not just the baby sibling, is he?"
So yeah.
leotello! my url. i am a sucker for twincest, apparently even if they arent even canon twins. there's just that "other half" thing that i find so romantic. and twin telepathy! the way they understand each other so well. mmm such romantic tropes
i dont ship anything in bayverse, but that is cute. i feel like if they got into a relationship it would be all of them.
and YES, god ot4 with leo falling in love with them is SO close to my heart. leo is the incest king and i just cant imagine him not falling deeply in love with his family.
07 leoraph is the SHIT ok, like im sorry but the rooftop fight scene sold me on it. theyr so homoerotic. theyre so obsessed with each other. they love each other so much it causes problems. they NEED to fuck it would do them so much good. but like, i can also see the ot4 there, like you said, with leo trying to find his place in the family again. and oooh, can you imagine if his time apart allowed certain... feelings... to fester, and now, being around them again, those feelings have to be dealt with? impossible to ignore, now
03 leomikey is SO good, dude i was just talking to PF on twitter about this. leo has a soft spot for mikey, canonically. watch grudge match--leo lets mikey get away with things that raph and donnie cant do. mikey also defends him to raph and donnie and points out everything he does for them, where raph and donnie didnt even seem to notice or realize. mikey appreciates leo in a way raph & donnie don't. which is not to diss them or anything, i know they love leo with their entire souls. all three of them do. but they're obviously less aware of how hard leo works for them. mikey is consciously aware of the fact that he can goof around all day like a normal teen because of leo. i also hc leo as the subbiest sub in the house and mikey as the dommiest dom... so yknow. its a good match.
and mm 03 raphdon is good shit. theyre such stupid sappy idiots in love, but also fucking horny.
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cassioppenny · 2 years ago
top 5 pkmn rivals OR top 5 non-pokemon video games :D
starting with rivals...
5) silver
he is so silly his favorite video game is probably unironicly shadow the hedgehog. i think it's sad he has never interacted with red once not even in pokemas which is so weird to me. milesverse silver and red (also leaf/green but she's from an alternate universe so she doesn't count) are brothers (same dad) so uh yeah. more milesverse lore silver basically tried impersonating red during the main story ethan like immediately figures out he's full of shit not only because he looks nothing like him but also silver dropped his trainer id so lmao. the team rocket grunts he fights don't realize though. so uh yeah the meow meow
4) blue
kanto trio sweep. i love blue a lot but like specifically the made up version of him in my head and also anything post gen 1. gen 1 blue by himself isn't like incredible or anything though he is easily the best character in gen 1 by virtue of being the only character with more than four lines. though milesverse gen 1 era blue is my little meow meow i have given him every mental illness
3) cheren and n
i don't know who i like more so i put them together. very swag dudes i like them a lot
2) all of the sv rivals
i love them so much i had to put them all on here but i didn't want to put any of them higher than eachother i love them all equally they are my besties for real
1) wally
walter my little meow meow he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone i will protect him with my life he is my little guy. here's some milesverse lore he's like basically the main character in the gen 3 adaptation though brendan is like thoroughly convinced he is. wally, brendan, and may end up calling themselves team sky when they start going against magma and aqua. wally kinda just blurts it out during the part at the waterfall place and the gang rolls with it. also wally summons rayquaza like how the player does in emerald so uh yeah wally swag moments. he also becomes champion at the end
and now vidya games
5) sonic 3 & knuckles
i love sonic <3
4) sonic adventure 2
i love sonic <3
3) undertale
undertale sweep i love undertale so much. when i was a kid i though aus were so cool i made an au where all the characters were pokemon. i love that game. i actually like deltarune more but it's not done yet so undertale takes its place for now
2) persona 3
it's an incredibly wonderful game about living your life to the fullest even though death is inevitable with characters i adore. it is also a game created by a guy who said that he has never had a friendship with a woman and it shows. never play a persona game worst mistake in my life 0/10 don't recommend. it is also one of my favorite games of all time. special mention to the new content added in persona 5 royal actual peak fiction it is so good and on its own could be my favorite game of all time. too bad it's still persona 5. persona 4 is just bad for the love of god never play persona 4
1) kingdom hearts 2
i am. a big fan of kh. sorry for liking the disney game i can't help it. the kairi in my url is in fact kairi kingdom hearts. i will defend her honor to the end of times no one gets to bully her when im around. i kinda hate the kh fandom though specifically the people who are really invested in the ships there is a lot of misogyny there i fear. back to the game kh2 is fucking amazing it's so fun to play and the ending is so cool and the first four hours is good actually fuck you. hashtag kairi sweep give her a game square enix you cowards
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toadettexbowserjr · 2 years ago
After not being active on this blog for about 4 years I am officially pulling the plug on it. My reason being that I have completely exited out of the Mario fandom and no longer have interest in the shipping publicly. My experience on Tumblr with fandom hasn't been the most positive for me tbh. I didn't exactly know how to use this site and I ended up getting into situations that looking back, hurt me and just generally other people because I blew stuff out of proportion instead of letting things go. I was not mentally prepared for things and it lead me down this dark past on myself and other people. I was an idiot, a massive fucking idiot I defended shit like underage nsfw of Bowser Jr when I was 15 just because I got mad someone I was following didn't like it. I got accused of being a pedo and it made go down this rabbit hole and I ended up getting groomed into drawing shit that looking back I would NEVER engage in or encourage. I became paranoid and lashed out hurting people in the process over a fucking fictional character. Meanwhile I was accusing others of the same thing when I really should of looked in a fucking mirror. I'm sorry, like truly sorry for the mental damage I've done with this ship and just my ignorance when I was a minor.
I still ship Bowser Jr x Toadette but it's privately on Discord now and I feel much comfortable that way, since I now talk in a space I feel most comfortable in and do not have to fear judgement. You can follow my main account at @demonicvampirebat (which I'm wiping of past stuff and replacing it with stuff that makes me who I am now) as if you've noticed the url on that blog was changed to this one. I've gotten a lot of mental help over the years and no longer associate with discourse. I will however keep this blog up just because it has things from the past I still occasionally come back to. I don't think I'll remake this blog active for a highly long time just because I'm not very interested in reassociating with the mario fandom but also because Bowser Jr is canonly a minor. I can't really take the stress of shipping him with Toadette even if he's aged up it's to controversial for me.
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So, I decided to check my past url tag to find something that someone had written for me and the posts tagged under my past url is just sickening...
People are calling me a pedo, a groomer, a sicko, a weirdo, a terf, a transphobe, an ableist, and saying I'm sickeningly lusting after Aidan because they've taken everything I have ever said or posted blatantly out of context and saying that me saying that I'm not a pedo is an excuse and a cover up to hide how I really am...
Cool... Just... Cool... Awesome... Great... That's really great...
I only keep bringing up that I'm not a pedo and that my feelings for Five has absolutely nothing to do with how he looks is because people have thrown nasty accusations at me because I treat, love, see, validate, and respect him as the elderly man that Five actually truly is. And I have even stated time and time again how I am not attracted to Aidan at all. And I'm still not and I never will be.
And that one person going around and posting about me didn't "politely ask me to call Vanya Viktor" they spammed "His name is Viktor" in a nonstop row on every single post where I was talking about S1 and S2 and the past, and referring to the actual character when they were Vanya in the show to keep my posts from being confusing timeline wise. I blocked this person immediately because they were being obnoxious and nonstop spamming my notifications like an immature child.
I was obviously not trying to deadname anyone, but now I have people calling me a transphobe and a terf too on top of everything else.
I don't think I'm going to post about Five or TUA anymore. I'm done.
Will I lose my will to write for Five too?
Who knows? It's a gamble at this point of how many more hits I can take.
People can say whatever the fuck they want about me I don't care anymore. I'm no longer defending myself from shit or deflecting it.
The people that actually know me, have actually spoken with me, and have truly read my posts and stories and understand the deeper meanings and context to them know who and how I truly am.
Again, people can say whatever in the fuck they want about me, spreading lies and rumors about me are their problem, not mine.
And when I say the phrase "It's not a sex thing." I actually mean it, because it's truly not. It's nobody's fucking business, but I am a sex abuse victim that is excruciatingly Demisexual and has little to no sexual desire ever. I can't even say I have a libido. All of my attraction and feelings towards Five are all purely emotional and mental. But, who the fuck actually cares to actually take what I say and write at face value. I am the most transparent person you will ever meet, I don't even have an online persona. But, what the fuck ever.
I'm trying to not let a bunch of strangers that don't know me at all ruin things that bring me joy, but damn is this getting exhausting.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years ago
btw my rating system will not be coherent at all. also this isn't in a particular order it's just when i think of them
1: Nico di Angelo
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[ID: the official Nico di Angelo art. He is pale with dark eyes and black hair. He is wearing a bomber jacket. He looks apprehensive. end ID]
Rating: This Wasn't a Crush, it was Gender Envy
you can tell my actual feelings on this character by looking at my transgenderism and url
2: Maid Marian
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[ID: Maid Marian from Robin Hood. She is a humanoid fox wearing pink and purple. end ID]
Rating: I Was Seven, I Don't Need to Defend Myself
i liked her because she was a pretty cartoon character. i no longer like her, because she is a fox
3: K.C. (K.C. Undercover)
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[ID: K.C. from K.C. Undercover. She is played by a teenaged Zendaya, and has light brown skin, brown hair, and a red shirt. end ID]
Rating: It's Fucking Zendaya. I Was Right
i watched all the spiderman movies with her in them and remember nothing but her. this was this year. i havent changed
4: Shang and Mulan
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[ID: Shang and Mulan from Mulan. They are Chinese characters in 90s Disney style with light skin and dark hair. Shang is in armour. They are looking at each other. end ID.]
Rating: Bisexual
on a related note, Mulan has always been one of my favourite movies. mushu is great and the whole "when will my reflection show who i am inside" was nice for the transgenderism in me. also,,, shang . mulan . i wanted to be shang when i was like 8 bc he was a big strong man who was dating Mulan but i ALSO wanted to be Mulan bc she was a girl who got to dress up like a man and date Shang. anyway im transgender and bi now
5: Nick Wilde
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[ID: Nick Wilde from Zootopia. He is a red humanoid fox with a green shirt. end ID]
Rating: Yeah I Deserve to Be Bullied For This One
disney foxes . god damn disney foxes . i was 10 ok
6: Milo Thatch
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[Milo from Atlantis. He is a white skinny man with big glasses and brown hair. He is wearing a green vest and white shirt. end ID.]
Rating: I Still Have a Crush on Him
im only aware milo exists because i saw a picture of him on buzzfeed when i was 9. i've never even seen atlantis. i don't know what it's about or any other character but one. all i know is i would marry this man on the spot and also i want his gender so so so bad
i should rate all the fictional characters i had a crush on when i was little
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imagineyourstars · 8 years ago
hello!! can i request a match-up? the idea is too cute to pass up ^o^ i'm 170 cm, short dark curly hair in a bob, light brown eyes. i love music, and i compose my own pieces. my sense of humor is very deadpan, and sometimes that can come across as very aggressive to people who don't know me very well. i pick on my friends in an affectionate manner, and love teasing them. i adore public speaking and debating. i also practice witchcraft, and believe strongly in spirituality. thanks a bunch!
of course you can ! but what’s with that url, please don’t blame the nohrians too much, they did their best- i hope you’ll like it ! ♥ ~ mod mademoiselle
Your match isNatsume Sakasaki !
Honestly,at first it wasn’t clear whether Natsume was going to love or hate you.You can be sure you intrigued him greatly when he first met you. You’re notexactly forgettable, after all, being good at speaking and yet having a senseof humor that can come off as aggressive. He didn’t make any comment about it,but you can be sure he noticed you and kept an eye on you…
Your uniquepersonality caused quite a few unusual people to take you under their wing,especially Rei and Wataru. All the more reason for him to closely observeanything you do : if his beloved seniors think you’re interesting, theyprobably have a good reason to… Maybe he also got so interested in you becauseyou seemed to resemble him so much. Deep inside, he was afraid you’d take hisplace in the heart of the people he admires most.He wasn’t entirely convinced about your worth, though, not even once he heardyou could compose music. Managing to get close to Rei and Wataru was a thing ;earning his favors was another. He made his best to not rely on you as aproducer, instead preferring to trust his own methods. Whenever he’d absolutelyhave to work with you, he’d carefully observe you first. Not one of youractions can go unnoticed when he’s that focused on you ! He also tended totease you, and he has a gift to hit the nail right on the head. Fortunately,you’re pretty good at that kind of verbal sparring and you definitely provedyou could defend yourself. He didn’t show any of it, but he was actually prettyimpressed about that. There are too little people who find the nerve to answerhis verbal attacks…
You thoughtyou finally earned Natsume’s trust by passing his little test, and yet the boywas as elusive as ever. He’s really acting like a cat : he’ll disappearwhenever he wants, come back when he feels like it and come to see you once ina while, only when he needs something from you. You only really got closer to him whenhe found out you practice witchcraft. To be fair, you’re the first person he’sever met who does so ! His own practice of it is pretty messy, and you’re stillnot sure whether he truly makes rituals or if he’s just passionate aboutspirituality and science. But he got extremely interested in your rituals,often asking to see you perform one. He’ll always pretend he’s just evaluatingyour skill, but really, he’s learning one thing or two from you.That’s how, from someone he was wary of, you became someone he was extremelyinterested in. He’d randomly come to see you after classes, or even at yourhouse. He’d also offer for you to join his club’s meetings, as he’s pretty muchalways in the game club’s room. He won’t say much, but he’s staring at you withhis signature little smile. You sometimes feel like you’re his test subject…
Sometimesthe two of you go on endless teasing wars. He’s a very sore loser, and you can’t bring yourself to accept to lose justto spare his ego ! Both of you actually think the other would be much cuter ifthey just stopped and admitted their defeat…Natsume was pretty impressed with your love for debating. Finallysomeone else masters words as well as he does ! Conversing with him truly feelslike a challenge : he has enough finesse to make it seem like he’s just leadingan innocent conversation with you, and yet it gets so deep and he sets so manytraps for you to fall into that you can’t help but feel like this discussionsomehow became a war. Hey, at least he keeps you intellectually stimulated !Sometimes he’ll graciously accept his defeat, only to see you smile. But bewary : that boy never truly accepts defeat… He’ll get his revenge soon enough.He also came to love your sense of humor ! You always make him chuckle. He has amore subtle way to do things, so he appreciates your deadpan and sometimesblunt humor.
It took youa while to even acknowledge him as someone you could potentially beromantically interested in. I mean, we’re talking about Natsume, right ? Thatone guy who stares at you for hours before finally chuckling ominously, who’shaving a lot of fun teasing you day and night and who won’t ever accept losingto you. No way in hell you’re falling for him. Nope. That’s nothappening. Surprisingly enough, everyone around you was pretty much convincedthe two of you were already dating. After all, you’re always together, and sometimes you’re seen playfully elbowing each other while giggling and just being lost inyour own little world… Besides, once you were found sleeping on each other. Yeaah, sure, itwas an “accident”. You were just tired, fell asleep, happens to everyone. Butthey don’t hold hands doing so. Or nuzzle close to each other, for that matter.
Natsume washaving a lot of fun surveying your reactions from afar, as you startedwondering what exactly you were feeling for him. Maybe he was growing on youmore than you’d thought… When you understood he was going to play dumb forever,you took matters into your own hands and told him how you felt directly. He waspretty pleased at this, admitting he was not expecting you’d do it that soon.Of course, being who he is, he tried to play it cool, saying he “might also be interestedin you”, but there’s no fooling you, now. You know him better than most peoplein this school. And you know he’s actually happy you feel the same.
DatingNatsume is like a never-ending war. You don’t know when or how he’s going toattack, but you’re pretty sure he will. After all, he hates getting bored andhis favorite thing is to get new reactions out of you. He’s a pretty privatesort of person, so he doesn’t like dates very much. He’s happy just staying atyour place overnight, listening to you babble at 1 am while he just watches youand nods. Oh, but he won’t ever get rid of that annoying signature smirk. All in all, he’s pretty much like a cat. He’ll come and go as he pleases, helikes to piss you off just because he can and he’ll sometimes stare at you whenyou sleep, but he needs your presence and affection to truly feel at-ease. Don’tever expect him to tell you that aloud… but if he’s feeling generous, he mightleave a few hints for you. Who knows…
Other possible matches : Wataru, Rei, Eichi
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inhvmanmind-blog · 8 years ago
About your post talking about how you personally don't see Izaya as human and that he does not have a good side...I don't think he is a good person, but I don't think he's necessarily all bad either. I don't know if you've read the novels, but Izaya is far more complex in them than just some heartless evil creature that wants to make everyone miserable. Shinra describes him as having a heart more human than anyone else. He's described multiple times in the novels as not good or bad. 1/2
2/3 Now. In Izaya’s own novel series, Kadota is interviewed about Izaya, and he states that Izaya is surprisingly loyal and has a strong sense of friendship towards those that actually consider him a friend. It’s stated in the novels that Izaya is neither good or bad. You say he is shitty towards Shinra, but the way I see it, Shinra is far more shitty to him. Izaya never involves Shinra in his schemes are uses him like he does others. After Shinra is stabbed, he spends years making Nakura pay.
3/3. After Adabashi attacks Shinra, he takes revenge on him as well. He actually is stated to consider Shinra an actual friend. However, Shinra has told Izaya he wouldn’t care if he died, as long as he has Celty. All he cares about is Celty. He does not truly care for his friends. He did not care when Izaya was in the hospital. Shinra is very selfish when it comes to his obsession with Celty. Shinra wouldn’t be moved if Izaya died, but Izaya exacts revenge on those who hurt Shinra. One more…
4. I’m sorry this has gone into another message. Izaya kind of looks out for Shinra from afar, but due to not wanting to feel too attached, he still keeps his distance, and honestly, Shinra’s detachment from humans, even his friends, helps Izaya with that. There was the one time Izaya was about to betray Shinra and bring Celty’s head near her, and at the thought of betraying him, he got upset and punched a pole, and is implied to have maybe teared up by Narita. He felt guilt for betraying his…
5. He felt guilt for betraying his “only friend” as described in the novels. This scene was left out of the anime, and the anime tends to paint Izaya as more of a straight up villain than a complex human with many sides. Izaya is stated to use his obsession with humans as a way to distance himself from others because he’s terrified of having his heartbroken, or being betrayed. It doesn’t excuse his actions, however. But he is shown to be lonely, and perhaps doesn’t think so highly of himself….
6. I don’t think that he’s someone who just needs love and that he’ll change. However, I also do not like the idea that Izaya is just through and through awful, and has no capacity to be decent to anyone or to care for anything that doesn’t benefit him. So I do, maybe controversially, think he has at least some good, but he is not a good person, or bad. I’m not good at explaining, and I understand this may be your personal view of him. Sorry for the long rant-ish messages. (End)
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you should have stopped while you were ahead because now… i’m done with you and not in the mood to phrase any of this ‘nicely’.
okay, first off — you do know that you sound like a royal douche bag, right? probably. it’s why you came into my inbox and decided to tell me everything wrong i’m supposedly doing with izaya on my blog where frankly, i can do whatever i damn well please. you’re also not sorry or you wouldn’t have done it and crawled up onto your high-horse of ‘oh, that’s cute, but let me tell you why everything you’re doing here is wrong’ — phrasing courtesy of a friend who is as fed up with you as i am. now that we got that out of the way —-
thank you so much for ignoring literally every single page on this blog, rules, about, and canon divergent. as well as every single post, headcanon, thread, and ask answered save for that specific one. where you ALSO ignored a shit ton of information because 1, it’s stated in that very ask that i got this url from the novel and 2, where in anything have i called izaya ‘some  heartless evil creature that wants to make everyone miserable ‘? or even suggested it? nowhere, that’s where. you’re pulling stuff out of your ass, mind pulling your head out of there, too? maybe then you’ll be able to read better.
i am well aware of izaya’s friendship with shinra. i’m also well aware that izaya uses him and acts like he stabbed shinra to avoid people from realizing that shinra was stabbed by nakura to defend him. i’m also painfully aware that izaya still makes nakura’s life a living hell to this day for it. but none of that means izaya isn’t still shitty to shinra ( also, yes, shinra totally wouldn’t care if izaya died when he literally got stabbed for him. ) — you know he was also ready to kill aoba, right? had a scalpel ready and everything? but seriously? acknowledging someone’s flaws, and izaya has many, doesn’t mean shinra doesn’t care. he cares about celty most, sure, but it’s inaccurate and degrading to his character to think that it’s all he cares about ( he’s not a fanboy – another friend wants to make that VERY CLEAR ) and he wouldn’t be friends with izaya at all if he didn’t care about him… a friendship i’m fairly certain shinra started. as for the hospital thing…. you do know that shinra knows izaya won’t react well to concern, right? or is this just more shit you pulled out of your ass? how much bullshit have you crammed up there?
and as for the betrayal — do you mean the moment where he had a bit of a breakdown because he couldn’t deal with that feeling of guilt? where he didn’t know exactly how to properly regulate the emotion? compared himself to one of his humans because he hated feeling that way? yeah, that doesn’t clue you into izaya’s inability to deal with things like the typical person at all. like that’s not at least part of the reason he’s stated to have an inhuman mind ( along with shizuo’s inhuman body — did you catch the novel reference this time?! or do i need to repeat myself AGAIN!? )
izaya is a complex character with a lot of components to him and i play him that way, this isn’t my first go-round with complex or manipulative characters. but izaya is NOT GOOD. at all. he’s just not ‘master evil villain’ bad either, but he is VERY BAD — extremely so. he’s fucked with women ready to commit suicide, drugged them, and then put them in suitcases to be left in the park in the middle of the night. he let himself be kidnapped just to fuck with the lady, let her torture him. he kept celty’s head away from her and tossed it around like a baseball. he’s caused people’s entire lives to be ruined and not given a damn. he caused a gang war in his city for fun. he was ready to shoot people if anri didn’t back off because humans were his.
him caring about a few select people who he can hardly show much care for in the first place does not cancel out the fact that he is a very bad person. he’ll be decent to some people if it suits him, but he’ll just as soon put a knife in your back. being ready to kill someone or make their life miserable because they hurt one of those few select people doesn’t just wash away these aspects of who he is as a person. and maybe you’re the one that needs to get your eyes checked or take off the rose colored glasses because i may love izaya, but i’ll call him out on his bullshit until the day i die.
so yeah, get down from your high horse trying to preach to me on how to write a character because that is exactly what you’re attempting to do and no hiding behind your ‘ i understand if that’s how you see him ‘ bullshit because it won’t work here. you’re an asshole and you have no right to try and dictate how i write izaya ( who i’m TIRED of being seen watered down like you’re trying to do because ‘he’s not evil!’ when i never said he was, i just said he was BAD and i wouldn’t tone that down like so many fucking people do. do i need to get you a dictionary, too? ) because guess what? this blog is ALSO canon divergent so fuck right off. you’ve frustrated more than just me with your superiority nonsense.
and no, i won’t apologize for being an ass. you did it to yourself. now leave me alone.
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