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ofrhysand · 1 year ago
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Okay, I have this thing that I have to get out about Rhys and friendships. 
In ACOMAF, we get the part where he, along with Feyre and Amren, go to the Summer Court to steal the book. He plays his usual role, but what comes as a surprise to him ( which is big, because he’s the kind of individual that thinks at least two steps ahead, planning for different scenarios ), is that Tarquin shared his vision. Tarquin, this young and untested High Lord that went through similar hardships UTM, wants a different and better world, just as he does. And here he is, having to deceive him for the sake of saving everyone. One of the reasons I think that it tore at him so much as he confesses to Feyre after, is because it’s not the first time he goes through something like that. I am, of course, talking about Tamlin. When he shares how he met him, how they were both sons of a high lord and that he was decent, compared to his father and brothers and they became friends.
Tamlin is someone outside of the Night Court that actually befriends him and I can imagine he’s so thrilled about this that he wants to share things, such as those Illyrian techniques he taught him, even though he shouldn’t have at all. They were close enough friends that they stayed in contact, he told him of things such as his family, that he was going to see his mother and sister. These little things may not seem like much but for someone like Rhys, they are big, that he opens enough to share those things ( even if back then when he was younger, those shields and walls around him likely weren’t as high or thick yet ). And then that one friend goes and betrays him. He didn’t only loose his mother and sister to a murder his friend was complicit of, but he lost that friend, and then was thrust onto him the throne of the Night Court with the death of his father. All of that brutal change, especially after the war ( that had already been traumatic enough ), must’ve shattered something in him, maybe the hope that he would get to have a friend or just someone else he can trust outside of Cass, Az, Mor and Amren.
And then here is Tarquin, unafraid to dare and try to go against the current by wanting an alliance, even if he probably was motivated by the mercy that Rhys showed UTM. But just the detail that Tarquin did see that mercy when no one else ( but Feyre ) did, that he even entertained the possibility enough to realize it and give him a chance, probably meant so much to Rhys as well. I do wonder if he was reminded of the time when he’d gotten that hope of a friendship back with Tamlin, if he was struggling so hard because of that as well, aside from the uncertainty that came with deciding to ask Tarquin for the book instead ( plus the factors of having too many people knowing the plans to risk it ). Probably what felt like rubbing salt to the wound is what Feyre says as well, how easy it would be to love someone like Tarquin, someone who didn’t have to worry for being resented and who would probably have less of a challenge with his vision of unity. It’s that same person that wanted to try fulfilling that dream with him, the older and hated high lord, and he probably envisioned how good it would be to make it happen.
He chooses to follow the original plan, to put aside that hope and it broke his heart when he received those blood rubies, the reminder of yet another piece of him that he had to sacrifice, another loss for what could have been. Willing to take it all as he is, it still pains him and for all his strength and bravado he uses to hide it all, it does come out in those snippets of brooding and sulking, of stepping away so that no one sees when he can’t hold it back when it overwhelms him, not even his family. The thought of a friendship, of someone other than IC looking at him beyond the ’monster’ and be willing to give him that chance, is such a big, big aspect, even more so with all that self-depreciation and self-blame. It also probably why he hides that because it’s a vulnerability, and why it’s challenging when afterwards, he lets that mask fall, exposing himself to that while probably suppressing the hope of wanting them all to see the truth and accept it. But also being, again, more than willing to shoulder it all if they don’t, to take on all that rejection, endure it, and move forward alone if he has to, to go to war and fight for them.
But yes, before I get ahead of myself in feels, this is it for now. I know I’m probably missing stuff but it’s tricky to put it all into words so hope this attempt makes sense!
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ofrhysand · 1 year ago
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𝐎𝐎𝐂; 𝙾𝚗 𝚁𝚑𝚢𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝙰𝙲𝙾𝚂𝙵
So this is a mix of a headcanon and a personal opinion ( which are rare that I share on dash ). 
We all know the dislike that many of us have for Rhys and his character during ACOSF, mainly keeping the truth of her pregnancy from Feyre. I’ve already expressed to a couple of RP partners my personal opinion on this and how it does disappoint me as a Rhys RPer but it is because I am a Rhys RPer that I can get into his ‘head’ and dissect the reasons behind his decisions in ACOSF. Reminder that just because I can do this, it does not mean I am justifying, absolving, defending, supporting his actions in any way. 
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ofrhysand · 1 year ago
𝐎𝐎𝐂; I've added Ruhn's 'The Night Court dude' to Rhys' nicknames section in his info page woops.
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ofrhysand · 1 year ago
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐂; 𝙾𝚗 𝚁𝚑𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝟸
      This one is shorter but no less important. Rhysand’s power is like a living thing prowling within him, and he’s in a constant struggle to TAME it. The closest example we have is Amren and the being that used to live under her High Fae appearance, trapped inside. It’s why she’s the one to teach Rhys how to control it, because she knows how it is and she’s had thousands of years of experience. This is why he has to keep a steady use of it, to feed that power’s need to break free, contrary to suppressing it. If he were to try to do that, it would be likely be a disaster for him and everyone around him. 
We see it in chapters where he makes these casual comments regarding what he could do, but chooses not to. How he could ‘unleash his power to reset everything’, how he could ‘force others to submit and do as he wants’. He’s in a constant struggle against that darkness, against the TEMPTATION that it keeps poking at him to be used. This is where that balance comes into play: if he doesn’t use it, it will consume him. If he does use it uninhibited, it will also consume him. Rhys walks this fine line every day of his long existence ever since he learned to control it. 
I am sure a good amount of ‘accidents’ happened when he was coming into his power. I do think that this is a great part of why he feels himself unworthy or undeserving of the power, because he doesn’t feel ‘selfless’ enough whenever these selfish thoughts surface. He has to shut them down frequently, and this struggle likely evokes in his a sense of self-depreciation, which in turn has him overcompensate. He takes on a lot of others’ problems and struggles thinking he has the tools to ‘fix’ them, that he has to find a way. He doesn’t feel wholly ‘GOOD’ because that darkness in him, that power, is constantly tempting him with the ‘easy’ way out. It’s also another reason why ‘CHOICE’ is such an important factor to him; because he could so easily deprive others of that choice with those powers. 
If you can connect all these things I just said into a better picture of Rhys, then I congratulate you because I know I suck at explaining the mess of headcanons I have for him. 
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ofrhysand · 1 year ago
𝐎𝐎𝐂; Finished HOFAS plus the bonus chapters yesterday and I have thoughts.... and emotions... But under cut for spoilers ( though wil try to not be super specific ), will just type down the ACOTAR ones ( and one ship that I think carried that book ).
So.... Bryce did annoy me, I will admit, but she got better later. Although I understood why she was like that perfectly and how I think it was in character for her to do so but still.... She annoyed me in Prythian. Wonder if things could've gone very different if she'd just... spoken a little more or cooperated.
Nesta seems to have grown a lot and I am all for that, and also big hint that she is a spoiling aunt to Nyx ok, she adores her nephew and how she called Feyre a 'perfect mother' in the bonus chapter, did things to my emotions. And also Az was perfect, no surprise there. The bonus chapter of them and how he liked the death metal music and dance was so fun to read ( would've been nice if it wasn't a bonus chapter because it added some bit of depth to the interaction ).
And was it me or there was a LOT of Elain language in the Avallen parts in the aftermath of the encounter when Bryce did the thing? I don't know, just reading it, my mind instantly went to 'Elain', not to mention that paired with the Prison events.... I think it's a big set up for her book.
Rhys... Yes, Rhys acted as was expected in the main book chapters but that bonus chapter of Ember and Randall... His Nesta treatment bugs me. Again, like Bryce, I understand completely why he is acting like that and it also makes sense for him, especially with Nesta, but I was glad when Ember intervened. And then it seems like he returned to being the same Rhys of always. But also Cassian was more pissed at her than even Rhys it seems? And Feyre defended her.
And ofc, RuhnLidia was gorgeous, it has always been a gorgeous ship development, and I've made no secret that I prefer them way better over Bryce and Hunt. They carried the romance in the book for me. And their bonus chapters was just lakdjflaksjdfklajsdfklajsdfaflkajdsf it was perfection. It definitely makes me wanna reread all their chapters and RP Ruhn.... for who i already have url and google doc set up woops.
Individually, when they took that antidote, their powers were very interesting... Yes, Ruhn of course will be a Rhys version I expect, but with more starlight it seems, plus healing... is that a dusk court thing I wonder? Or does the starlight allow for healing ( since it was a warm and bright light that came from his hand when healing )? Have to read up more on that. And when Ruhn did the THING to Autumn King... I cried there too, it was the muse of him that had me crying ok.
But Lidia lakjdsflkajsdlfkjaskldfjaskldf the whole flame language for her has always been a big clue to her being an Aelin descendant and I love it so much but also... THE KIDS, HER BBIES. The majority of times I had tears in my eyes were in all the Lidia and twins interactions.
But yes, I think that's it so far... Will post other stuff if more thoughts come to mind, I am still processing ok. Am all up for sharing thoughts and theories always!
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ofrhysand · 1 year ago
𝐎𝐎𝐂; CC3 comes out next week and I am again reading ACOTAR and I am determined to come back to Rhys because I just miss him so much. So that being said, I will be doing a google site for him, hopefully will be finished before Tuesday and then, we'll see what SJM has in store. Hope everyone's been good and will be looking forward to getting interactions going again!
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ofrhysand · 1 year ago
𝐎𝐎𝐂; CC3 comes out next week and I am again reading ACOTAR and I am determined to come back to Rhys because I just miss him so much. So that being said, I will be doing a google site for him, hopefully will be finished before Tuesday and then, we'll see what SJM has in store. Hope everyone's been good and will be looking forward to getting interactions going again!
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ofrhysand · 2 years ago
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𝐎𝐎𝐂; I am rereading the books, again.... Of course, the Rhys muse is quite pleased. Expect activity over here again soon. Hope everyone's (especially those still active and following, because you guys are awesome) been doing great!
(btw, also decided to move Az to a primary over here @ofazriel)
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ofrhysand · 3 years ago
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐂; 𝙾𝚗 𝚁𝚑𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝟷
        Had the sudden urge to post this so best do it while the urge lasts. I have discussed this previous with RP partners, the extent of Rhys’ power. In ACOSF, it’s hinted/suggested at in that conversation amongst IC, that the limits of his power are yet to be known. Both in the INTENSITY and the USES of that power. 
| UPDATED after reading Crescent City books. |
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ofrhysand · 3 years ago
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       I finished HOSAB…. I have… so many… THOUGHTS. Time to dive into the abyss of theories. Finally, will get some answers on Rhys’ lineage, am so glad for that… If only we didn’t have to wait so long. But that’s what RP’s for, we can fill in the blanks however we want in the mean time. But anyway, i will be adding Ruhn and Aidas as muses, and am considering Tharion, no yet sure. Hope you’re all having a great day! 
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ofrhysand · 3 years ago
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     ❛ 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝐅𝐋𝐘 𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚞𝚛𝚗 𝚊𝚜 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑. ❜
Introducing 𝐈𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐚, 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝 as featured on @seaofechoes [ 𝖬𝗎𝗅𝗍𝗂-𝗆𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝖿𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗌𝗒 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖾, 𝗆𝗒𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗒, 𝗍𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗏𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗈 𝗀𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗌 ]. Contains tagged NSFW. Scripted by: Tati
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ofrhysand · 3 years ago
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      I have been ( finally ) un-shadowbanned! So no need to do another blog👏🏼 That means DMs work again and I can continue RPing over here at last. I still have promos left to post but I will down those to one every two or three days but until then, I’ll lurk around and send asks in between ( maybe ) doing a draft or two. Thank you as always for the support and patience!
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ofrhysand · 3 years ago
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐂; 𝙾𝚗 𝚁𝚑𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝟸
      This one is shorter but no less important. Rhysand’s power is like a living thing prowling within him, and he’s in a constant struggle to TAME it. The closest example we have is Amren and the being that used to live under her High Fae appearance, trapped inside. It’s why she’s the one to teach Rhys how to control it, because she knows how it is and she’s had thousands of years of experience. This is why he has to keep a steady use of it, to feed that power’s need to break free, contrary to suppressing it. If he were to try to do that, it would be likely be a disaster for him and everyone around him. 
We see it in chapters where he makes these casual comments regarding what he could do, but chooses not to. How he could ‘unleash his power to reset everything’, how he could ‘force others to submit and do as he wants’. He’s in a constant struggle against that darkness, against the TEMPTATION that it keeps poking at him to be used. This is where that balance comes into play: if he doesn’t use it, it will consume him. If he does use it uninhibited, it will also consume him. Rhys walks this fine line every day of his long existence ever since he learned to control it. 
I am sure a good amount of ‘accidents’ happened when he was coming into his power. I do think that this is a great part of why he feels himself unworthy or undeserving of the power, because he doesn’t feel ‘selfless’ enough whenever these selfish thoughts surface. He has to shut them down frequently, and this struggle likely evokes in his a sense of self-depreciation, which in turn has him overcompensate. He takes on a lot of others’ problems and struggles thinking he has the tools to ‘fix’ them, that he has to find a way. He doesn’t feel wholly ‘GOOD’ because that darkness in him, that power, is constantly tempting him with the ‘easy’ way out. It’s also another reason why ‘CHOICE’ is such an important factor to him; because he could so easily deprive others of that choice with those powers. 
If you can connect all these things I just said into a better picture of Rhys, then I congratulate you because I know I suck at explaining the mess of headcanons I have for him. 
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ofrhysand · 3 years ago
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     The one use that ACOFAS has for me is that I can go in and reread the Rhys chapters when I feel like I need to refresh his ‘voice’. So will be doing that. But also a casual reminder that I do have a ‘Dark/Villain Rhys’ verse, if anyone feels daring enough to venture into that path....... 
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ofrhysand · 3 years ago
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          𝐁𝐑𝐘𝐂𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐄𝐗𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍 –– fae, in part though she is, to see a challenge presented before her and go for the bite. her best friend is a wolf, after all. no. no, she had been. danika had been a wolf. she was gone now, and there was only a handful of people in the world who she’d still do anything and everything to get back to. her mom and dad, for one. her brother. the people she’d give up her life for without blinking once. here in this new strange place, she fights tooth and nail day in and day out to push herself to find a way back. gods only know how long it had been back in her world… still, she has to find some way to keep herself sane. and rhys is… a surprising way to keep her mind sharp. every now and then he’d say something: bait, she’s sure, and every single time she can’t help but bite. it keeps this dynamic of theirs interesting, that’s for certain. 
on top fo that, something in her responds to him ––– on a subconscious level. like recognizing like. without ever realizing, that starlight inside her is called to him, glowing under her skin when the stars in his eyes sparkle and shimmer. bryce can hardly hold it back. ❛ well, I’d never want to pressure you, ❜ she responds, equally as casual, despite the shine of her skin. ❛ plus I’m not too sure you could handle someone like me. ❜ she grins, gesturing with a hand down at her body. ❛ I wouldn’t want you to get addicted to something you can’t keep. I’m just curious about what kinds of positions the high lord of the night court is partial to. that’s all. ❜ 
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░▒▌╳▐ ʀ ʜ ʏ s ᴀ ɴ ᴅ
      𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐈𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐀 𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌 he would use to describe his unwitting guest. Not merely because she has proven so during their conversations, but because he has  GLIMPSED  as much in her mind. Parties where the music blasted so loud he wonders how she's not deaf—Flashing lights, drinking, sedative substances he'd never heard of. And she laughed and danced, or at least, she used to.  SOMETHING  happened to Bryce that fractured her being, changed her. But Rhys would not pry further than what he needed to see in order to make sure her intentions remain  GOOD.  Although the male doubts he'll ever fully trust her, there's no denying that an  ATTRACTION  of sorts is blooming; and he wouldn't be against sharing in that fun.
         ❝ Hm, a curiosity that seems you'll never get to satisfy. Such a shame. ❞ The violet in his eyes darkens subtly, making the silver of those stars only brighter as his gaze  BOLDLY  follows the movement of her hand down very tempting curves. That wicked smile on his lips widens in undisguised approval when meeting her eyes again. ❝ Since it appears I'm not qualified enough to handle... all of you. ❞ The High Lord purrs playfully, following the  TAUNTING  banter and pretending like he doesn't notice the  GLOW  beneath her skin. Starlight that matches that of his night. Unbeknownst to the female, however; talons caress the edge of her mind to push through a series of quickly passing images. It took barely a few seconds for them to cross her thoughts.
The distance between them was no more, and Bryce was pressed against one of the posts of the bed—Her breasts squeezed against it while Rhys stood behind, one of those shapely legs lifted. He thrusts hard, grunting, and then the image changes and it's her back pinned against the pillar. The same leg is perched on his shoulder, hips grinding—Then it's her ass that's bouncing off muscular thighs, his mouth on the curve behind her shoulder. Another shift and the two are on their sides, half rolling over so she is atop him but only until he seamlessly pushes her against the mattress. Both on their knees, fingers desperate, groaning and moaning, sweat coating their nude skin—
Just as suddenly, the invading images slip from the woman's mind and Rhys remains leaning against that post of the bed, hands now in his pockets. But the smile—It was dripping with SMUG satisfaction. ❝ But I suppose I could think of a few. ❞
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ofrhysand · 3 years ago
↪  𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑫𝑺 .   (  a  collection  of  100+ question prompts .   adjust  phrasing  as  necessary . )
you’re  leaving ?
can  you  shut  up ? ❜
are  you  [ name ] ?
who  am  i  to  you ?
why  should  i  care ?
can  i  come  inside ?
did  i  do  something ?
you  don’t  trust  me ?
can  we  make  a  deal ?
are  you  lying  to  me ?
are  you  free  tonight ?
are  we  going  to  die ?
can  i  come  with  you ?
can  we  call  it  even ?
you  stay  here ,  okay ?
you  think  i’m  stupid ?
can  you  stitch  me  up ?
are  you  doing  alright ?
is  that  …  my  shirt ?
who  takes  care  of  you ?
have  you  seen  yourself ?
what  took  you  so  long ?
can’t  you  see  i’m  busy ?
who  do  you  think  i  am ?
why  are  you  helping  me ?
are  you  happy  with  him ?
are  we  having  a  moment ?
are  you  listening  to  me ?
how  are  you  so  arrogant ?
how  did  you  afford  this ?
what  are  you  doing  here ?
is  this  all  in  my  head ?
why  won’t  you  look  at  me ? ❜
are  you  here  to  kill  me ?
do  you  want  some  company ?
are  you  from  around  here ?
do  you  need  to  lie  down ?
are  we  on  the  same  page ?
why  didn’t  you  defend  me ?
are  you  sure  you’re  ready ?
where  is  this  coming  from ?
where  were  you  last  night ?
you  wanted  to  talk  to  me ?
will  you  PLEASE  be  quiet ?!
what  was  i  supposed  to  do ?
why  do  you  look  so  guilty ?
[ name ]  …  truth  or  dare ?
why  did  you  bring  me  here ?
are  you  looking  for  someone ?
since  when  does  that  matter ?
why  do  you  put  up  with  me ?
THIS  is  your  breaking  point ?
what  can  i  say  to  fix  this ?
do  you  think  i  deserve  this ?
hey ,  hey ,  are  you  with  me ?
why  are  you  leaving  so  soon ?
what  do  you  get  out  of  this ?
[ name ] ,  what  have  you  done ?
do  you  have  a  minute  to  talk ?
did  you  ever  actually  love  me ?
do  you  need  somewhere  to  stay ?
why  don’t  you  ever  listen  to  me ?
do  you  hear  yourself  right  now ?
you  knew  &  you  didn’t  tell  me ?
do  you  want  something  to  drink ?
when  did  you  know  you  loved  me ?
when  was  the  last  time  you  ate ?
what’s  your  favorite  scary  movie ?
do  you  want  to  get  out  of  here ?
why  is  this  so  important  to  you ?
can  i  at  least  buy  you  a  drink ?
how  can  you  think  this  is  funny ?
are  you  sure  you’re  up  for  this ?
are  you  trying  to  start  something ?
what  are  we  supposed  to  do  now ?
can  we  at  least  try  to  be  civil ?
why  won’t  you  just  leave  me  alone ?
are  you  thinking  what  i’m  thinking ?
why  are  you  so  concerned  about  me ?
why  can’t  you  just  stay  out  of  it ?
you’re  not  bailing  on  me ,  are  you ?
how  long  have  you  been  lying  to  me ?
can  you  keep  your  eyes  open  for  me ?
how  long  have  things  been  like  this ?
why  is  this  suddenly  such  a  problem ?
what ,  am  i  supposed  to  be  impressed ?
do  you  ever  wish  you  could  run  away ?
you’re  going  to  believe  them  over  me ?
why  are  you  looking  at  me  like  that ?
why  can’t  you  just  tell  me  the  truth ?
why  can’t  you  ever  take  responsibility ?
what  can  i  do  to  make  it  up  to  you ?
can  we  put  this  whole  thing  behind  us ?
i’m  coming  to  get  you ,  where  are  you ?
can  you  stay ?  just  for  a  little  while ? ❜
why  won’t  you  let  me  be  here  for  you ?
when  are  you  going  to  forgive  yourself ?
is  that  what  your  nightmares  are  about ?
what  kind  of  person  does  this  make  me ?
where  are  we  supposed  to  go  from  here ?
are  you  TRYING  to  get  yourself  killed  ?!
why  can’t  we  just  talk  like  we  used  to ?
why  do  these  things  always  happen  to  me ?
how  long  has  it  been  since  you’ve  slept ?
can’t  we  just  enjoy  the  moment  for  once ?
why  can’t  you  ever  stand  up  for  yourself ?
why  haven’t  you  been  answering  your  phone ?
what  was  i  supposed  to  do ,  let  you  die ?
can  you  listen  &  do  what  i  say  for  once ?
what  do  you  mean ,  you’re  not  coming  back ?
why  don’t  you  stay  the  night ?  just  once .  
can  you  see  how  many  fingers  i’m  holding  up ?
you’d  tell  me  if  something  was  wrong ,  right ?
where  do  you  go  when  you  space  out  like  that ?
you  were  going  to  leave  without  saying  goodbye ?
you’ll  stand  by  my  side  no  matter  what ,  right ?
what  kind  of  mess  have  you  gotten  yourself  into ?
i  need  you  to  sit  up ,  can  you  do  that  for  me ?
if  you  have  nothing  to  hide ,  what’s  the  problem ?
can  we  all  just  act  like  we’re  winning  for  once ?
can  we  talk  about  this  at  a  time  that  isn’t  now ?
you  really  don’t  care  about  any  of  this ,  do  you ?
can  you  just  tell  me  everything’s  going  to  be  okay ?
you  know  we’re  gonna  have  to  talk  about  this  eventually ,  right ?
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ofrhysand · 3 years ago
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐂; 𝙾𝚗 𝚁𝚑𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍'𝚜 𝙿𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝟷
        Had the sudden urge to post this so best do it while the urge lasts. I have discussed this previous with RP partners, the extent of Rhys’ power. In ACOSF, it’s hinted/suggested at in that conversation amongst IC, that the limits of his power are yet to be known. Both in the INTENSITY and the USES of that power. 
| UPDATED after reading Crescent City books. |
In order to keep that power from consuming him, he has to use it on a daily basis, and he applies it to all kinds of little things for that. But let’s see a quick recap on the big uses he has done. All the way from UTM with his waining power, he was able to throw a shield over Velaris, bind it to the IC, communicate with them and erase the memories about Velaris of all the members of the Court of Nightmares, on top of establishing a ‘mental network’ between their minds and his. This continues after his powers were bound by Amarantha. These are the gifts of a daemati, yes, but I am sure that his innate power enhances that part of him as well. An example of this is how he seems able to extend his power over very long distances, like the ‘blanket’ he does over and across Prythian to perceive the destruction of the Wall. 
These are abilities that other High Lords or daemati may possess but the difference between them and Rhys is the raw intensity of that power. They can all transform, they all have their specific gifts related to their Court, but why is Rhys still more powerful? Even Feyre having fractions of every High Lord’s power, including Rhys, doesn’t possess that vast, raw power as him. This, I believe, is where his Illyrian half comes into play. The ‘killing power’ that Az and Cassian have, Rhys does as well but unlike them who are not High Fae, he is gifted with those High Fae abilities of his bloodline. Rhys is literally a perfect hybrid between the two, one half enhances the other and vice versa. High High Fae part is kind of like the ‘syphon’ to his Illyrian killing power ( hence why he broke all syphons he tried? ). 
But anyway, for RP purposes, I think his power can even be applied into something ‘dimensional’ as well. He controls darkness/night, he can summon it, and there is darkness/night in all worlds, in the universe itself. Would it be too far-fetched to say he could manipulate it in time/dimensional aspects? Think of winnowing but instead of transporting himself through that fabric of reality, then would it be possible to create a bridge/wrinkle in that darkness to another place in time or dimension entirely? It would be like going with Amren’s little ‘what if’ in ACOSF, asking if he was sure he couldn’t turn back time with that power of his ( I think that was what she said, I don’t remember well ). 
It’s important to note though, it doesn’t mean that every High Fae/Illyrian half-breed can be like Rhys. I don’t think even his sister was like him in terms of power, because let’s remember that a High Lord’s heir is not chosen/appointed by the High Lord, but by the heir’s power. Rhys is the son of the High Lord of the Night Court as well, so he inherited that bloodline’s power ( something that other High Fae don’t have, unless they’re from that bloodline ). Like Tamlin ( not his brothers ), Rhys ( not his sister ) began to manifest a level of power that rivaled his father’s ( pretty sure was superior to, thanks to his Illyrian half ). Rhys was not born with wings either, unlike his sister, which could hint to perhaps his sister leaning towards the Illyrian genes over High Fae ones ( as we have Nyx do only thanks to the circumstances of his conception with Feyre having shifted into an Illyrian ). Like Amren said, Rhys alone was born with that power maybe for a reason, he alone had mix of genes and circumstances that made him who he is. 
There are other powerful beings out there, of course, but as High Fae, I am sure he is ( so far, we have to see how Nyx grows to be ) the most powerful BORN High Fae/Illyrian, not Made. Nesta, as we have been shown, could very likely rival that power and surpass it in ways, and very sure once Feyre trains and gains control and experience, she’ll make him sweat very much. But he does have a limit, as we have seen when he died from that complete power-drain, in the reserves of that power. That is his ‘restriction’ so to say, that he can still die if he drains himself ( along with the rest of the High Fae weaknesses ). 
But this unknown regarding the extent of the uses of that power is something I like to use in RP, especially for crossovers, and I don’t believe it would even be against Rhysand’s character. Simply because Rhys in the books has displayed an interest and factly knowledge of other universes/dimensions existing ( Amren, Aelin’s crossing over, the HOSAB ending, the interest in that research, etc. ). The thing is that Rhys I believe is apprehensive about fully exploring the uses of his power. If he knows there’s no danger to others, or if there is no choice for the sake of everyone, he will do it ( as he has done so in books ). But he doesn’t yet think himself ‘worthy’ of that power he was born with, he hasn’t ‘earn’ it. We’ll just have to wait and see what else SJM has in store. 
CC BOOKS UPDATE: So since we learn in CC that Illyrians were created by the Daglan/Asteri ( at least, it seems like it by what was said ), this does reaffirm my belief on how Rhys being half-Illyrian influences in the intensity of that power of his. That, and also the fact that now we know he’s a Starborn Fae, which also fuels that power, and we have Bryce, also a Starborn, crossing worlds... So yes, thank you SJM for making the headcanons seem even more like canon possibilities. 
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