#and i am just tired of this attitude of hello i am a random stranger on anon demanding something of you and you’re a bad person if you don’t
spacelazarwolf · 1 year
Please capitalize sentences my eyes are not eyeing correctly anymore autocorrect will do it for you anyway this has gotta be on purpose atp
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herohotline · 5 years
Wet Clay (P.1)
Shouta Aizawa x Reader
A/N: alright let's try this again. take 2 everybody
Summary: You’ve been officially hired as U.A’s first school counselor. You’re assigned to help the hero course- learning more about their students and teachers along the way. And if you manage to catch a crush on one of said teachers... You just hope he doesn’t distract you from doing your job.
Word Count: 3,300+
Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
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If there was one thing you knew about U.A, it was that the school seemed like a never-ending magnet for trouble. They’ve already been on the news twice this year due to villain attacks, and it made you wonder: hey, who’s taking care of the aftermath? 
You’ve been working as a freelance therapist for over ten years, and you reached into several things. Family sessions, PTSD recovery, addiction therapy, the works. So with high hopes, you came to U.A one day with a proposal for the principal. Getting a meeting with him wasn’t easy, so you intended to use the time you got with him wisely. 
Your meeting was scheduled at a random time of day- the middle of the school day, really, so when you made your way to Nezu’s office, you saw several students. They seemed like busy little bees, rushing over to the cafeteria with smiles- it must be lunch hour. The whole place was insanely big, and you wouldn’t have been able to navigate it on your own- so good thing you weren’t. 
Your tour guide sure was loud, though.
“It’s great that Nezu let someone in, but he wouldn’t tell us what it’s for!” The hero you recognized as Present Mic had been chatting animatedly the whole time, and you tried your best to keep up with his energy. 
“That’s strange,” you say back to him, adjusting the grip on your briefcase. They checked it at the front gate- happy to see it was only a few business papers. “I don’t think what I’m talking to Nezu about is very secretive.”
Present Mic waves his hand in the air, making a ‘ppsh’ noise with his teeth. “Nezu likes to mess around with us teachers a lot. I’m not surprised! Oh, and here we are!” He spins rather suddenly to face you, presenting the large office doors to you. 
You look at it curiously. “...Isn’t Nezu supposed to be a small animal?” How could he fit through the door…?
Mic laughs as if you had made some sort of joke. He opens the door for you, patting your back as you walk inside. “I’ll be here to escort you out when you’re done, good luck!” He whispers- well, his own way of whispering, which is still very loud, before thrusting you in the office and closing the door behind you. 
You blink once to try and realize what just happened.
“Ah, ___!” Nezu greets you as you stand still in the rather large office, his little body looking comical behind his desk. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting with you!” Oh boy, here we go. You don’t really appreciate Mic thrusting you into this, literally, but you smooth out your clothes and walk toward the principal’s desk.
“I feel the same way, Nezu,” you smile at him as you shake his little paw across the desk. “I’m glad you’re willing to listen to what I have to say.” He gestures to the seat beside you and you gladly take it, making yourself comfortable.
“Of course. It’s been chaotic but I’m always willing to hear ideas for the school. You mentioned therapy?” The business has begun- but oddly enough, the animal pulls out a tea set and begins to brew. 
“Simply put, yes. With all the events that have been happening at your school lately, I believe it’s due time for a therapist to be hired. You’re training heroes, and while it’s important that they’re physically ready for the world of heroics, I believe they should be mentally ready as well.” You take a cup from him, muttering a ‘thank you’ as you continue to give him your proposal. “Just this year, you had a kidnapping. I know you took care of it, but those sorts of things have a large impact on kids- they might be teenagers, but they aren’t fully developed. Then there’s just the thought of studying and working to be a hero- it’s stressful, and I believe every child should have a good outlet for when it gets to be too much.” 
Taking a sip of the tea, you hum under your breath. It’s a wonderful citrus flavor.
Nezu smiles. “I looked into you- I hope you aren’t offended, it’s merely what we must do for letting strangers into the campus. You’re a therapist, correct?”
You nod. “I’m not offended, I figured as much. And yes, I am. I’ve been in the field for over 10 years, so I’d like to think I know what I’m talking about when it comes to mental health.” 
“Of course! I don’t doubt you!” Nezu laughs- a squeaky little noise. “You’re right, the students deserve a good person to talk to about their struggles. The question is… are you sure you can be that person?”
So he had caught onto you. Yes, more than anything, you wanted to be the one to help these kids. It’s a bit ballsy to walk into an office and suggest they hire you, unprompted, but you believe it’s the right move to make. Nothing will get done if you don’t put the first foot in, after all.
“Yes,” you tell him, as determined as you can. “I would like to be the test driver in this. With how many students U.A holds, one therapist for so many kids is nearly impossible. I’d die of stress before they do,” you pull your briefcase up to your lap and open it, handing him a few papers. “These are the things I’ve planned if you were willing to go through with hiring me. I’d like to focus on the hero course first, a few sessions with each kid throughout a few months. I want to learn about these children, and from what I learn, I can fully deduce what sort of changes need to happen in U.A. Like if my work is even needed here, or what type of therapy should be offered or special programs.” 
Nezu flicks through your papers with an impressed smile. “You’ve thought a lot about this,” he says, “you seem to care very deeply.” 
“I’m passionate about helping others how I can,” you tell him honestly. “And frankly, if you don’t mind my honesty, U.A is long overdue for a school counselor. Every child deserves to have someone to confide in, plain and simple, Nezu.”
At your statement, he laughs. It’s not because he thinks you’re joking, but he knows you’re right. “I love your attitude!” He says. “And you’ve convinced me. We’ll start our hiring process right away, and you can show me more of your plans. I’m happy you came to me today.”
“Oh, what?” Your eyebrows stand up in shock. “Really? Wh… really?”
“Yes!” Nezu smiles. “I had already decided on hiring you before you came. But meeting you was a pleasure and convinced me more.” He hands out his small paw again and you slowly shake it.
“Welcome to U.A, ___.”
Getting home, you looked back at the meeting and for a second you think you were tricked. But you’re soon emailed several background check forms and sessions for drug testing- the works of getting hired at a very cautious school. So you deduce that it’s not a trick- but it’s very strange. 
You’re grateful though, and you accomplish what you can right away such as the background check, quirk information and license, and sending in your history with therapy. Nezu told you that if you were quick, you could have your first day in just a week. It shocks you- a week? It’s so soon!
Maybe, you think, they’ve already been thinking about hiring a counselor for a while. It was long overdue, and now they’re in a rush to get you in and working. You suppose that with everything that’s been going on for the school, that’s fair. 
You hope you can do this- the last thing you want is to let this opportunity slip through the cracks and let everyone down. 
After a full week of filling out paperwork, various meetings, and a lot of movement speeches that you’ve given yourself to get through it, your first day at U.A comes, bright and early on a Monday morning. And, interestingly enough, your first big task of the day is getting dressed. 
The students have uniforms, but the teachers all wear their hero costumes, and you’re not a hero. So what on earth do you wear? You glare at your closet for a long time before finally slipping on a simple button-up shirt tucked into some slacks. It’s the most professional-casual you can get, right?
Taking the train to U.A was a bit busy, but you were buzzing with first-day energy that you couldn’t even mind the pushing and shoving of people coming on and off the train. You’re sure that the longer you have to take the train, the more it will bother you, but today it seems like nothing can break through your hopeful exterior. 
God, you hope this works. You hope the kids like you. 
It feels funny to walk into U.A with no guards hounding you- but thanks to your I.D that you got just yesterday, you walk in without any problems. It makes you grin. Your first stop for the day is to find Eraserhead- you’re meeting with his class first and taking over homeroom for today. Tomorrow, you’ll meet with the other hero course. 
When you walk into the teacher's lounge, nerves are tingling your senses. It feels like it really is the first day of school, but instead of a student, now you’re a teacher, sort of. The room looks empty, so you assume the teachers have all gone to their classes for the day. You wonder where Eraserhead is…? 
It’s as you walk around the desks in a curious manner that a yellow bag on the floor catches your eye. Quite frankly, you do a double-take on it-- is someone sleeping in there?
“Hello?” You walk up to the bag. “Is that you, Eraserhead?” 
You remember Nezu joking about something like this, but you didn’t take him seriously. As the sleeping bag rolls around, your eyes widen in surprise as you see that yes- this is Pro-Hero Eraserhead sleeping on the floor. 
His tired, dry eyes look up at you. “You’re the therapist?” He asked, his voice deep and scratchy. 
“...Yes. ____.” It’s all you can manage to say as you watch him slowly crawl out of his bag, picking it up and standing on his feet. All of a sudden, he’s looming over you with his height and it almost catches you off guard. “Thank you for working with me,” you shake yourself out of your thoughts and present your hand to him. 
As he shakes it back, you notice that his hand basically engulfs yours. Woof. 
“I’m glad you’ll be working with the students,” he says, and his honesty throws you for a loop as he begins to walk off, you following him from behind. “Do you mind telling me what you have in store for the day?”
“Right!” You try to walk a little faster so you can walk side-by-side with the man, his legs quite longer than yours. “I figured I'd like to introduce myself, let the kids get to know me. It’s hard to suddenly have a new face around, as well as being expected to talk about your problems with a stranger. So I just need to not be a stranger anymore.” You look up to Eraserhead and he silently nods. You figure that’s his way of telling you ‘good idea’? 
“We’re here.” He stops in front of, again, another rather large door. They all seem to look like this. “Get ready.”
As the door opens, you’re immediately met with the sound of teenagers laughing and yelling. Eraserhead heads in first, thankfully, and you peek your head in to get a look of the students. You’ve seen a lot of them through the news, so some faces are familiar, while others aren’t. 
“Class,” Eraserhead’s authoritative voice cuts through all the noise. The students are quick to sit in their seats, heads up and attentive for their teacher. He sighs, his shoulders sagging in a tired manner. “Today, ____ will be taking over the class,” you take that as your cue to enter the room, standing next to Eraserhead silently. “I’ll still be here, so don’t disrespect them. Listen to them, take what they have to say seriously.”
That seems to be the end of his little speech as he shuffles away in that same sleeping bag you found him in. You step up to the podium, and your nerves are back as you look at the sea of students. Oh boy. 
“Hello, everyone,” you smile. “As Eraserhead mentioned, my name is ___. There’s no need for formalities with me, you can just call me by name. My job here at U.A is to be your school counselor.” You watch as several of their faces change and you laugh a little. “I know, it’s strange. I’m here today to ask you a few questions. My first question being, how many of you are comfortable talking with a stranger?” 
None of their hands raise beside a rather sparkly boy with blonde hair. 
“I appreciate your honesty!” You gesture for him to put his hand down and he does so. “Most of you aren’t going to come to me right away with struggles you may have, and I understand that. My job today is to have you all get to know me. We’ll be doing a few activities, and by the end of home-room, you’ll go back to your regular classes. Are there any questions?” 
A hand shoots up right away, and you nod your head to the girl it’s attached to. She looks very attentive and scholarly- you have a feeling she might be a class president or something like that. “Why has the school decided to hire a counselor?” 
“That’s a good question. What’s your name?” You ask. 
“Yaoyorozu Momo.”
“Thank you for asking, Yaoyorozu. Truthfully, with all the events that’s been going on in your district, the school believes we should be more attentive to our students' mental wellbeing.” You feel like you’ve gone over this pitch thousands of times… “It’s important that you all have an outlet when you’re stressed or upset.” 
Yaoyorozu seems satisfied with your answer as she nods, her hand going back in her lap. Another hand rises after that- not as confident as Yaoyorozu, but still there. 
“I was wondering- my, uh, name is Midoriya Izuku! I was wondering what we’d talk about in your office?” The boy has wonderful green hair that curls at the ends, freckles on his cheeks that make him look innocent and cute. He’s somewhat nervous, which intrigues you, but you move on to his question. 
“Yes, in my office…”
The rest of the period goes like this. You eventually get a question out of almost every student, and they seem to be warming up to you already. You’ve learned most of their names- but you’ll probably need a few days until you remember them all. After the questions, you do a few games together that you thought up- things that typically would be done in middle school. You split up the classroom as you have them learn more about each other- things like ‘go to the left side if you’d rather lose your taste, go to the right if you’d lose your smell’. They were simple activities that the students seemed to mostly enjoy, and you participated in them as well. 
At one moment, you asked a very specific question on purpose: how do you feel about your quirk? If you like it, you would go to the right side of the room. If you dislike it, you’d go to the left. If you weren’t sure how you felt, you’d sit in the middle. In the end, only you and boy with white and red hair stand in the middle as the rest of the class sits on the right. 
“What is your quirk?” He asks you and you smile down at him. Everyone turns their attention toward you, clearly interested. 
“My quirk is called Sensory. If I use it right, I can heighten my own or someone else’s senses such as their hearing or sight. But if I use it wrong, the person goes into sensory overload.” You explain it as simple as you can, and a pink hand raises in the air. You can’t quite remember her name… 
“Why don’t you like your quirk?” 
“Well, I don’t dislike it,” you quickly reassure the class, “but I have my reasons, as I’m sure Todoroki has his own as well?” You look down at him and he nods silently. “Anyway, I asked this question so that you all would get to know who I am a little better. Quirks are a great way to express yourself, but it’s important to remember that it isn’t the only way. It’s okay to not feel completely at home with your Quirk, but it’s important to understand it and accept it as a part of you.” 
After the activity ends, the period is over and it’s time for you to go down to your office. Eraserhead offers to walk you there since you’re still new to the building and you gratefully take it. The two of you leave the classroom with a stern word from the teacher for his students to wait patiently for Present Mic to arrive ‘or else’. You have a feeling that there's no real threat behind his words, but it seems to work. 
“So,” you fill the silence in the hallway, “do you think it went well, Eraserhead? You know them best.” You look up at him and the hero reaches up to run his fingers through his hair. He’s not quite looking at you, but you know he’s paying attention. 
“You don’t have to call us by our hero names,” he huffs and his hands go back into his pockets. 
“Oh! Well… To be honest, the forms Nezu gave me never mentioned any of the teacher’s names, so I don’t actually know…” 
“Typical of him,” the man rolls his eyes, his lips tugging upward just a bit at the ends. “You can call me Aizawa,” all of a sudden you both come to a stop and you realize that you’re outside of your office on the first floor. “Mic is Yamada and Midnight is Kayama… I’m sure you know who Yagi is.” You nod. “You’ll learn the rest of their names along the way. The 1-B teacher is Kan, by the way.”
“Oh, good! Thank you, Aizawa,” you smile up at him. “And thank you for walking me back.”
“You’ll get used to it in a bit,” he sounds sure of himself, making you believe him. “And… you did fine with the kids. I can think of a few who might come over by the end of the week.”
His reassurance is honestly very touching, as you weren’t really sure of yourself. 
“I hope I have at least a week, my office is kind of baren right now,” you laugh at yourself a little. “And thank you- it’s good to hear. I really hope this goes well, you know? I think I can really help them- I want to help them.”
Aizawa just stares down at you but you’re honestly getting used to his silence. You can already tell that he’s a man of few words, so you’re grateful that he’s talked to you as much as he has. You laugh again- you’re not sure why- before opening your door and waving goodbye to him. He leaves after that, and now it’s just you alone in your office.
You sigh as you look around the room. It’s got the essentials- two chairs, a couch, and a table in the middle. Then there’s a desk in the corner of the room, but other than that, it’s empty. You’ll definitely have to fill up the area to make it seem more welcoming- maybe you can bring some things over from your apartment. 
All you know is that you’re determined. By the end of the week, you’re going to make this place feel like home.
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littlemessyjessi · 5 years
“Blood of My Enemies”: BBC/Netflix Dracula Imagine
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BBC/ Netflix Dracula  Imagine BBC/ Netflix Dracula x Reader, PS Reader, Plus Size Reader
At four a.m. I had just left after working a sixteen hour shift at the hospital.
My patience was beyond thin as I stood in line at the twenty four hour mini mart.
All I wanted was my bottle of wine, a shower and my blissfull, blessed bed.
After wearing my scrubs for that long I felt disgusting.  
I was an unholy amount of bitchiness standing there and when I heard a distinctly male voice behind me....I nearly snapped.
"Excuse, madam."
The accent was nice but I had no patience.
I turned on my heel and looked at him.
"Yes?" I asked offering nothing but vacancy across my features.
"Come now, darling." he said. "No smile?"
My eyes narrowed at him for a moment before I bit the inside of my cheek in anger and sat my wine down on the shelf nearest to me.
"Listen." I said tucking my hands into place on my full hips. "I have just spent the last sixteen hours on my feet at the hospital covered in other peoples piss, shit, vomit and blood.  I have been yelled at, slapped, had a gun pulled on me and had to hold someone while they died.  And that's just tonight.  I am in no mood for some random guy trying to flirt with late night scragglers."
"Listen, darling. I just-"
"No you listen!" I snapped. "I just want to go home, drink my wine and hibernate for the next four days and if I could jump start that process by being left the fuck alone that would be great!"
Was I an unholy bitch?
Was it uncalled for?
Probably but in that moment I couldn't have cared less.
"You have my most sincere apologies, madam." he said. "Allow me."
He reached for my wine and I promptly smacked his hand.
"I don't need you to buy anything for me.  I just made it glaringly obvious that I worked very hard for my money.  I'm good." I snapped.
"Yes, you have made it obvious.  Please, if you'll allow me to purchase it... as an apology.  I assure you I am a gentleman and I wouldn't want to leave you with the impression that I was anything less than such." he said.
With an underlying attitude of hostility, I let him purchase the wine and he gave the bag to me.
"Again, I'm terribly sorry for any trouble I've caused you." he said, his dark eyes twinkling in a way that I wasn't totally sure if I liked or not.
He was quite handsome.
In a sort, old school classic type of way.
It wasn't something you saw a lot of anymore but it was nice.
"Thank you." I said.  "And sorry for biting your head off.  I'm a bit testy after working overtime for the fourth night in a row."
"That's understandable." he said with a slight smirk.  "Besides, I've always been fond of women who have a bite to them."
His corny remark got the best of me and I couldn't help but smile a little in spite of myself.
"I figured your smile would be lovely." he said. "I see I wasn't wrong."
My glower was a little less intense as I looked over at him.
"Well, thank you again." I said.  "But if you'll excuse me I need to go home, get piss drunk and attempt hibernation."
He chuckled a bit and opened the door for me and fell into step with me as I headed down the street.  
"Would you like an escort home?" he asked and offered his arm.
"Look." I said turning to him. "While I appreciate this whole dapper gentleman routine, I don't know you, man.  I'm certainly not leading you back to my home.  Try not to take it personally but I'm not that stupid."
He sighed again with a small shake of his head, "Seems I've overstepped again. I just wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet.  As you said, you are tired and in need of sleep. It would be selfish of me to keep the beauty from her sleep."
"Hey, if you're awake at this hour you'll probably see me again.  I usually work night shift.  I'm just covering someone else's shifts this week because her kid's sick. There's only a handful of places open around here at four in the morning.  And trust me, I'm definitely always popping in here on my break for coffee.  Otherwise know as the blood that runs through my veins." I said.
He said, "I look forward to that."
"See you later, Mysterious Stranger." I said and turned to leave.
"See you later, Fiesty Nurse." he said.
"Oh, I'm not a nurse." I laughd. "I'm a much bigger nightmare."
"A doctor?" He laughed.
"No." I said turning and walking backwards for a moment.  "A CNA.  Twice the bullshit for half the pay.  Evil incarnate is probably a better name for me."
"Evil incarnate is it!" he called after me.
"Night!" I said. "See ya in four days!"
And I did.
Every night that I worked, I bumped into the mysterious stranger who I soon came to know as Dracula, later shorted to Drac.
Eventually those chance meetings became planned meetups.
He'd be waiting on me with coffee and something to eat- always having claimed to have already eaten or drinking some type of thick liquid from a travel mug.
I wasn't surprised.
He looked like a fit guy and it wouldn't have shocked me in the least for him to be drinking some type of beet juice cleanse.
As was so popular these days.
Fuck it- I just wanted my nachos, man.
Tonight was no different as I approached.
"Hey, Drac." I said as I walked up to him - supremely happy to be rid of my workplace for the night.
"Hello, darling." he said handing over the coffee and whatever he decided to give me to eat.
"You know, you don't have to buy this for me every night." I reminded him. "I mean, don't get me wrong. I appreciate it but-"
"Yes, yes, Miss Independent.  I get it.  However, I like knowing I can buy you a coffee and a meal occassionally." he said taking a sip from his drink.
I eyed it for a moment and sipped my coffee but apparently he could see the wheels turning.
"What are you thinking?" he asked with a slight smirk.
"I think many things." I answered elusively. "I'm a CNA.  I'm still cussing the patient who gave me the bird and his wife who accused me of checking him out.  I mean, I was but checking out someone's abs out of lust and out of a need to cleanse a fucking bullet wound are two different things."
"Don't beat around the bush." he teased.
"I gotta ask." I said before taking a hulking bite of the sandwhich.  "What is that red sludge you're always drinking?"
"The blood of my enemies." he quipped with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.
"You should market that." I said and nudged him with my elbow.  "No really? Is it some kind of beet juice monstrosity?  Because how dare you, sir?  How dare you?"
He chuckled for a moment , "Just a source of nourishment.  Everyone has their diet thing these days don't they?"
I shrugged, "Yeah, I guess.  My diet thing is that I am deeply offended by brussel sprouts.  I hate them so much I would even go so far as to have a doctor LIE and give me a statement to say I was allergic."
"What is your reaction to them?" he played along.
"Extreme bitchiness." I said.
"Oh, so we've got a list of other things that you're allergic to as well." he teased and I promptly socked him in his rather solid arm making him laugh.
"Jerk." I giggled.
"What if it was blood?" he asked.
"Huh?" I asked, draining the last drop of my coffee.
"My drink." he clarified. "What if it was the 'blood of my enemies', so to speak?  What would you do?"
"Look, man." I sighed. "I had a woman come into the emergency room the other night drinking a tea she made from her own hair.  She carried it in a flask on her hip.  I've seen it all. "
He chuckled, "I suppose you have."
"You ok?" I asked noticing his change in demeanor. "Something wrong?"
He gave me a smile but I knew it to be fake.
"Nothing, love." he said settling a hand on my knee.
I looked at it for a moment before I took it in my own.
I could feel him looking at me but I was determined to just look up at the moon instead.
"Drac, you could be flesh eating demon and while it might be a bit shocking- honestly, I've seen worse." I said.  "I've had little girls brought in the emergency room by their supposed father's.  They've had broken arms and bruises and I've wanted nothing more than to take them away from those heartless bastards who I knew were doing unspeakable things to them.  But I couldn't.  But I didn't have prove.  Sometimes you just know but you can't do anything about it.  That's my cross to bare.  Hell, if I had a bloodsucking beast at my disposal I could sick her on every evil person I know."
"Her?" he chuckled. "It's a woman?"
"Well, we are the root of all evil aren't we?" I smirked finally meeting his gaze.
His other hand came up to rest on mine and he sighed and stared at our intwined digits.
"Let's say I knew such a creature." he said. "And this creature was infatuated with you. More than infatuated.  Positively spellbound. And this creature did have to do horrible things to survive but he also cared for you so deeply and would never harm you.  Even knowing what kind of terrible creation he was....would you have him?"
"Are you the creature in this scenario?" I asked and he finally met my gaze.
A deep sigh left them.
"At times, I both love and loathe how clever you are." he said. "But yes."
"Then yeah, sure." I said simply.  
His full brows furrowed as he looked at me, "Yeah? Sure? That's it."
"Listen, man." I said. "If you want me as a snack, I'd already be dead. Plus you buy me food and coffee every night.   That's trustworthy material right there."
"Food and drink earns your trust now?" he chuckled.
"You're not listening." I said. "I work in the medical field. Coffee is my blood and I am always hungry."
"I adore you." he said with a lightness in his dark eyes. "You're impossible but I adore you."
"I tolerate you." I teased him.
He took my teasing in good nature and placed an arm around me, "Just so we are clear on the matter, I have contemplated you as a snack on many occasions.  Just not in the way you might think."
"Oh, I'm not a snack, honey." I sassed him. "I'm a full course meal."
"I shall await the day when I can taste it." he said teasingly.
"You filthy whore!" I laughed and smacked his chest.
And that was how I ended up in relationshp with five hundred year old vampire of all things.
What was most surprising is that he turned out the best relationship I'd ever had.
Hello, darlings! I hope you enjoyed this Drac fic! I just love that handsome devil! Thank you for the requests and feel free to send in more Drac requests! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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favefandomimagines · 5 years
Fight For Me (t.h.)
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Summary: It’s time for Tom to start fighting for you.
AN: Downey!Reader because that’ll make things interesting 😉
“Tom, did you seriously not see it?!” You yelled at your boyfriend.
He had just arrived home from an interview and the interviewer was saying some really horrible things about you to Tom. And Tom didn’t say anything to stop it.
You had gotten phone calls and texts from Zendaya, Jacob, Chris Evans, even your own father. Who was less than pleased at your boyfriend’s blasé attitude.
“He wasn’t saying anything bad about you, Y/N!” Tom rebutted. “Oh really? So the comment about me gaining weight was just a funny punch line? Looks like I failed to see the joke in that one.” You snapped. “He didn’t meant it.” Tom retorted. “And how the hell would you know? You clearly didn’t see the problem in it!” You snapped.
Tom scoffed and rolled his eyes before they landed back on you.
“He didn’t say anything bad about you, Y/N. You’re being dramatic.” He said. It was your turn to scoff as you pulled your phone out of your pocket. “Then I guess Zendaya, Jacob, Chris and oh my father are being dramatic too.” You said.
Tom’s face fell when you mentioned your dad. Even before you two started dating, Robert’s approval meant everything to him. It was just amplified by a hundred when he asked you out.
“What did your dad say?” Tom asked in a softer tone. “That interviewer is going to lose his job and he’s not very thrilled with you either.” You said with a stone cold expression.
“Tom, I’m tired. This isn’t the first time this has happened and both times, you didn’t say anything. I need you to fight for me if this relationship is going to work. If you can’t do that then-“ You started before he cut you off.
“Please don’t say it.” He whispered. You sighed before grabbing your car keys. “Y/N,” He started. “I’m going to stay with my dad tonight. Watch that interview while you’re here alone. Maybe that’ll give you some perspective.” You told him before exiting the house.
Tom wanted to stop you but you were so stubborn and headstrong that no matter what he said wasn’t going to make you stay that night. You needed space and time and he was going to give you that.
You arrived at your dad’s house and used the spare key to get inside. 
“Hello?” You called. “Y/N? What are you doing here?” Susan asked, appearing from around the corner. “Tom and I got in an argument and I just needed some space for the night.” You explained. “Was it about the interview?” She questioned. “You saw it too?” You asked. “Yeah, your father showed me. I’m sorry, honey. That interviewer shouldn’t have said that and Tom should have stuck up for you.” Susan said. 
You gave her a solemn smile before your younger siblings ran to you. “Y/N!” Exton yelled as he practically threw himself at you. “Hey, bud! What are you two up to?” You asked, Avri appearing at her brother’s side. “Tonight’s movie night, so you picked a good night to stop by.” Susan answered. 
“Is that Y/N I hear?” Your dad’s voice came from down the hall. “Yeah, it’s me.” You called. 
Robert joined the rest of the family by the door and pulled you in for a hug. “I’m sorry, kiddo. What did he say?” He asked. “That I was being dramatic.” You answered. 
“I’m gonna need to have a talk with that kid.” Robert muttered, letting you go. “Dad,” You started. “No, Y/N. He’s your boyfriend and he didn’t even see that during that interview, that man was making terrible comments towards you. He should have defended you. Now I’m going to go talk to him.” Robert said as he grabbed his keys and left. 
“I’m sorry.” You said to Susan. “Hey, it’s okay. Let’s go watch a movie and have some ice cream.” She said walking with you to the theater room. 
Robert arrived at your shared home with Tom and used his key to enter the house. He saw Tom sitting on the couch, with his headphones in and his laptop propped up on his lap. 
At a closer glance, Robert noticed that he was the watching the interview in question. He walked up behind the young actor and pulled the headphones off his head. 
“Jesus, you scared the hell out of me.” Tom gasped, trying to get his heart rate to return to normal. “We need to have a little conversation.” Robert said, sitting on the coffee table across from Tom. “I know. I watched the interview and I don’t know how I didn’t see what he was saying. I guess I was just excited about the interview that I wanted it to be great.” Tom replied. 
“You hurt her, Tom. This is the second interview that this guy has done with you and has talked badly about Y/N. Forget her being your girlfriend, she’s my daughter. And as her boyfriend, regardless of if you’re famous or not, you’re supposed to stand up for her and protect her when I can’t. And I get you’re a nice guy and you hate being confrontational but in this case, you have to stand up for her, especially when she can’t stand up for herself.” Robert said. 
Tom nodded his head and looked at his hands. “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to get as bad as it did. The first time, I thought he was just trying to get a rise out of me and when I didn’t give him what he wanted, he’d stop. I guess I was wrong.” He said. “You shouldn’t be telling me that, kid. You need to tell Y/N.” Robert told him. 
After a few more minutes of talking, Robert left the house and made his way back to his own. It was after midnight and he knew that Avri and Exton would be asleep and you would be held up in your old room. 
When he got home, he walked to where your room was and knocked on the door lightly. “What’s up?” You asked from behind the closed door. 
Robert opened the door and leaned against the doorway. 
“Please tell me you didn’t kill him.” You said to your father. “I didn’t kill him. I just gave him a nice reality check.” He answered. “What did you say?” You asked. “Now, that’s private.” He joked. You rolled your eyes as you closed the book you had open in front of you. 
“But, I told him that he needs to stand up for you when you’re not around to do it for yourself.” He added. “I just don’t get why he didn’t notice. I mean, the guy said I was talentless and the complete opposite of worthy to date Tom. You’d think a random stranger questioning our relationship would have set something off for him.” You said. 
Robert walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Just like he used to do when you were little. 
“Do you remember when you would have a nightmare and you would call my name but I wouldn’t come right away? Not until you started crying?” He asked. You nodded your head wondering where he was going with that analogy. “Well, this is that for Tom. You walking out was just like that. He didn’t hear it until then.” Your dad explained. 
‘He would turn that into something philosophical.’ You thought. “Thanks, dad.” You told him. “Of course, kiddo. That’s what I’m here for.” He said standing up from the bed. “I love you tons.” He added standing in the doorway. 
You chuckled lightly before replying. “I love you 3000.” You said. Robert smiled at you before he exited your room and closed the door. 
The next morning, you ate breakfast with your family though Tom was blowing up your phone.
Tom: when are you coming home?
Tom: i hated not waking up to you this morning...
Tom: well if you can’t come home for me, come home for Tess, she misses you.
You sighed at your phone while your dad and Susan exchanged knowing glances. They knew you were going to go back home because that’s where you needed to be.
You took your sweet time getting there though. You stopped at starbucks and got yourself some coffee. Then put gas in your car before finally deciding Tom had waited long enough.
You stepped through the front door and immediately, Tessa came running up to you.
“Hey, Tess! I missed you too.” You greeted the dog. “Y/N?” You heard Tom’s voice call from the kitchen. You froze slightly as you heard Tom enter the entryway.
You looked at him hesitantly as he looked back at you.
“I’m so sorry. I’m terrible.” Tom said. “I take it you watched the interview.” You said dropping your bag. “I did and I can’t believe I didn’t see it the first time. None of what he said was true. You’re too good for me, not the other way around. And you’re absolutely beautiful and you most certainly haven’t gained weight and if you have, who cares? You’re gorgeous because you’re you.” Tom ranted.
You looked up at the ceiling so the tears that were in your eyes wouldn’t fall. “Y/N Downey, I love you. More than I thought was possible and I am so sorry.” Tom apologized. You looked back at him and practically threw yourself at him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you.
“I never should have let him say those awful things about you.” Tom mumbled into your neck. “It’s okay.” You whispered. “No, it’s not. I know you’re just saying that because you don’t want to fight anymore.” He rebutted.
You laughed dryly, knowing he was right. You were tired of fighting and you just wanted to go back to normal.
“Yeah, that’s true. I don’t want to fight with you anymore, Tom. So can we just lay in bed with Tessa and watch Stranger Things?” You offered.
It was then Tom’s turn to laugh as he cupped your face in his hands. “Of course we can, love.” He said. You smiled up at him before placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
You soon fell on to your own bed and sighed contently. Tom soon joined you and you cuddled up next to him as Tessa positioned herself in between you two.
“I love you.” You told Tom. “I love you too.” He replied before placing a kiss on your forehead.
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Lean on me
Lauren has a perfect life, which consist of a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect colleagues; everything about her screamsperfect but what is the life’s intentions, if you are perfect and still living. Right there is no word called perfect, we all thrive to be perfect but in reality we are thriving for being almost perfect…..          So what is Lauren missing that can make her almost perfect and make her existence living.. Miami Whatever you achieve in your life there is this part always reminds of your old days, old place, old people or sometimes old habits too… And they may be cherished or they can be act of regret.   So after a long time Lauren has arrived to her own hometown. She is beyond ecstatic. As soon as she arrives in the airport there are some paparazzi who has gathered around her.     Obviously, how cliche of her life, she works in scientist association and does some research in field of advance medicine and technology and she was recently a part of very successful cancer medicine which helps in rapid growth of immune system which fights the deadly monster.. and she was the main part of it.   “Lauren”   “How does it feel to be back home” “Can we ask about your new research” She was always a private person. She just ignores paparazzi as some kind of bugs and that’s why she is mystery to the media. She barely answers them, only in her private interviews she gives out about some work she is been working on but not all. When she gets bombarded with such questions she simply ignores them but when it gets to whole new different level, she forgets from what status she is coming from and all the formalities, and simply lunges to whoever they are like a rebel teenager. Like now, the man who is standing close to her is throwing his camera straight onto her face. What happens next paralyzes whole media around her, the man who was smirking a few seconds ago, is writhing on the ground with pain in his groin and his camera now is just a broken piece, poor him -he was target of Lauren’s exhaustion and aggression, but according to her it was completely his fault. Soon there were flashes over everywhere. “What has made Lauren so upset that simply taking her photo becomes crime in her book” “Is she working in most secretive yet powerful research that is keeping her this insane, considering that she cures insane people” Speaking of curing; she was not only scientist but she was as well a psychiatrist. She used to work in NYC Sanitarium in New York, the reason behind her coming to her  hometown was her profession itself. Few days before New York “Hello is Dr.Jauregui there?” “Yes, she is. You have appointment?” asked the receptionist in very monotone voice. “No, this is  close friend of her, Dr.Kordei from Miami speaking, she has her phone turned off, so can you like connect to her like right now, it’s emergency”. “Alright I’ll just connect you to her office hold on” The receptionist soon calls Lauren’s office and asks her permission and after she has got one she immediately connects to her office. “Hey! Mani, how’s you? Sorry I had my phone switched off due to some stuff” “It’s alright Lo, I just wanted to check on you and had some really important news to convey” “Okay, is everything alright?” “Yes everything is just fine, but coming to main intention of calling you is -we need you here in Miami” “Why? What happened?” “There is this special case which I was recently assigned to but no matter how hard I am trying– I can’t work out any trick to cure the patient, it needs more knowledge and utmost care and I have some other stuff to take care of, so that explains I can’t give all the time to solve this case which is the main requirement and you are the best fit for this” “Oh! Okay, but have you asked my dad about this and consulted any other specialist?” “Believe me we have tried everything, and  you are our last choice” she voiced with hopeful yet firm stance. “Count me in, I am coming as soon as I can, I have left with some ends to tie” “I am so grateful, I will be waiting Laur, see you soon”. Lauren sighed with longingly. She was a family woman. Sure she pursued her  ambition and chased her profession all over to New York but Miami has always been important part of her life. She has grown up there made best of friends had some teen love and also lost her loving mother. It was so bittersweet to her. After her mother’s demise she was devastated, she was no more a cheerful yet rebel teenager that once she was. She joined scientist association especially in advanced medical field the sole reason for that was her mother’s death.She gave away all her youth life to just make her dreams come true. She dedicated her whole life to people she wanted to serve and help the society grow. She was one of the most influential people around the world. She has everything which she can ask for but not the peace and love which she so wanted achieve. Yes ‘achieve’ cause she has this policy of targeting and chasing. But apparently, that’s not the case in her situation, right now. Love and Peace are not to be achieved they are to be cherished. After resigning her job as a doctor in New York much to her boss’s dismay, she immediately flies to Miami few days later. Present day As she pushes and dodges all the media around her she simply searches for her best friend at the baggage counter. “Yo, Lo!” She soon searches for the source of the voice but to no avail. “Here bitch” she is soon met with her best friend hugging her in most suicidal approach. “Veronica, you are suffocating me” she struggles as she voices out and tries to break the hug. “I am meeting my bestie after a long time and all you say is I am suffocating you. How can you?” She wiped her imaginary tears off of her eyes. So dramatic, after all where should all her theatrics go. Latins are born drama queens thought Lauren. “It’s not like that, god you have grown so much and gorgeous too"said Lauren with admiral. "You have plenty of other ladies to show off your charm and I am not falling for it Jauregui” Vero said with a chuckle, which was soon joined by Lauren. “I missed those days where we used to hit on random girls” Lauren said with some glint in her eyes. Soon they were out of the airport and were in Vero’s car hailing to Jauregui’s Sanitarium. “So what’s next?” asked Vero. “After visiting my father and Asylum, I have nothing to do” voiced Lauren. “Seriously, we need to hit the club, seeing you with all your medical stuff and with all your research work, I don’t doubt that you never got laid in these days” Veronica was most blunt in her group of friends. She never felt offended with her bluntness instead she felt proud that she had most honest friend. “I don’t have time for all that Vero” “You need some lady loving girl” smirked Vero. “But wait since you didn’t had any pleasure, did you make any medicine that can help you with desire and satisfaction” “Nope I don’t research on such things” firmly said Lauren. “Then you have to for my sake cause, all the ladies here are becoming boring now and I am only becoming young and horny day by day” she said with fake arrogance dripping in her voice. *** As soon as she was dropped off infront of her father’s sanitarium, she sighed. It was such a long time that she visited this place. The whole sanitarium was lit up in small lights and balloons as a welcoming gesture for Lauren. There was huge board captioning– 'Welcome Home Lauren’. Lauren was overwhelmed by all the gesture. “Hey Lo, sorry I couldn’t make it up to airport” said Normani while hugging the dark-haired woman. “It’s alright Mani, Vero was there” Lauren said with a smile on her face. “I heard about your mood at airport, your dad was complaining” “Yeah, I was exhausted and tired and all the media was being nothing but gentle” she retorted sarcastically. “Oh, enough of your sass, Mike is waiting for you in his cabin and meet me tomorrow, I have to discuss about that special case, now I am running late for my lunch date” she bid her friend good bye and made her way to her father’s cabin. “May I come in” she said after knocking on cabin door. “Mija! I missed you so much” squealed her dad while crushing her in a bear hug. “I missed you too Papi” “Now why were you grumpy at the airport” Mike asked in a stern yet amused voice. “Dad I was just exhausted” she rolled her eyes. “If you say so, you still had some work right then why did you come so soon” asked her dad in a confusion. “Mani said it was emergency, and I missed you all too” “But there was no such urgency mija” said Mike. She was so confused, she just couldn’t understand her dad. “I want to remain close to my family and friends now, I had had enough of all chasing” Mike was not satisfied at all. Why though? Who knows. She was just exhausted and wanted to go home and take a nap. “I will see you at home dad” *** “Felicita a Lauren por no olvidar su patria” all clinked their beer glasses for Keana’s cheering. “Qué bueno de ti Kea” sassed Lauren. “I am not returning from war” “Will you stop that bitchy attitude for a second” Lauren just scoffed. “Where is Normani?” “She had some work, she will be here by any minute” “OK we are going to dance floor, are you joining us?” asked Lucy. “No I’m fine” “Hey beautiful” she heard a husky voice from behind. She turned to see who the voice belonged to. She saw a brunette with beautiful brown eyes staring right at her with a smirk. She was surprised cause she used to be the one who hit on others not the other way around. “Hey” “So, can I know your name?” Oh straight to the point. She liked it. “Sorry, I don’t indulge with strangers” “Funny how asking name means indulging in anyway and here I thought you were a smart woman” replied the brunette. She was quite taken by it. “Lauren” she smiled at the brunette. “Isabella” the brunette sat across the older woman. “You seem to be underage to me” “Are you proving that you are smart by trying to guess my age and kick me out of the club” “So that confirms you are under aged” “Don’t worry I have fake ID unless you rat me out” “Not that I want to, but be ready at any moment” Lauren bantered playfully. She noticed the other brunette’s sad demeanor. “Are you alright?” She asked concerned. “Yeah, I am fine, now look at you caring for the stranger eh?” “It comes by profession I guess” chuckled Lauren. “So you do charity services?” “Nope, I am a psychiatrist” “Oh, then you go on reading people’s mind and stuff” brunette said playfully. “No just help people come out of their depression” “I know I was just kidding, but if you have a patient like me then you will be the one with the depression at the end”. She laughed at the other brunette’s words. “So what made you hit the club?” “I have just ran away from California to meet my sister here” the brunette couldn’t keep it anymore and now that beautiful psychiatrist was interrogating. “Why? Are you not living with your sister there?” “It’s a long story” sighed the brunette. “Where does your sister live?”. Soon she noticed the changes in the brunette. The entire playful face which was mere seconds ago was replaced with pain and tired expression. “Oh–” they were interrupted by the loud voice behind them. “Izzy come we are getting late” brunette’s friend shouted from the other end. “I really had a great time with you, see you soon and I didn’t get your number incase I get mad and need immediate help, you’ll be the one helping with” soon they exchanged their numbers and brunette left the club with her friend. “With whom were you chatting?” Normani inquired now replacing the place of the brunette. “It was just a random girl Mani” “Random girl who you were trying to get it with, I suppose you are still the player we have known back in the days” “Oh no it's  nothing like that, we were just talking” “Okay, if you say so, anyways I wanted to discuss that case with you” “Yeah, now that I am bored with this club you can tell me about that case” “I don’t know, I’ve never seen this type of case ever in my life, at the beginning I thought this was just a disorder that I could help her with but as time passes there is no progress made at all, and believe me I have tried everything” This made Lauren think. She was intrigued by it. If she had called for emergency then this must be serious issue. “Don’t worry we’ll check out the profile tomorrow, and how did your date go” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively to which her friend blushed. She had lost count of how many drinks she had, what she remembered was–she was taken to the dance floor and soon her vision was nothing but blur. *** “Chancho, come on you have to eat it” Dinah said with trembling voice. But nope there was no response from other side. Camila just stared right back at her blankly. Her then bright chestnut eyes were now bore just dullness. Dinah was sitting with her for an hour now. Dinah tried to cheer her best friend by telling her their old memories and stupid jokes they used to make but she was failing miserably. She tried to hold back her tears for her friend’s sake but now she was on the edge. She turned her back to the older girl. “You don’t know how it pains to see you in this state” finally she let a loud sob which she couldn’t contain anymore. “Visiting you everyday is just worsening the pain, How stupid of me I could have not fought with you that day, Clearly this is all my fault, I had all the chance to protect you but no, I wasn’t there for you when you needed me the most” she turned back only to notice the brunette was already gone out of the room. Another failed day. She hoped she gets her friend back as before cause she considered her best friend as her soul sister. “Hey,it’s alright” Normani hugged her. “No, nothing is alright Mani. When does she get better. This is all my fault” she wept on her girlfriend’s shoulder. Normani felt sorry for her. “It was not your fault, stop blaming yourself, what happened to her was not because of you, this is nothing to do with your fight that day, if you were having slightest clue about what was gonna happen to her then you could have come to her rescue but you weren’t knowing. I have arranged everything. Now everything will fall back in place”. They stayed there for few more minutes in loving embrace. “Thanks for being there for me” “No thank you for confiding in me, will you join me for  the party, you need some change” “No I can’t, I have some errands to run, Thanks though” *** “They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” — Carl W. Buechner **End of Chapter one** - A/N: Well this is my first ever fan-fiction. Feel free to comment 😊 also check it out in the Wattpad… Thank you. Love, ~Charlie
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zhaoly · 6 years
ok really long post ahead, sorry for mobile users since i dont think the spoiler break works on mobile iirc
i finally finished the main quest for fo4.. um.... was that it?? that was kinda my first reaction lol. ok i have SO many thoughts as i always do when i finish a game.. maybe more for this one tho
so i ended up doing both the minutemen and bos endings because they split relatively late in the story so i just made two separate saves... they were basically the same except i thought following liberty prime was kinda fun lol. i liked watching him pick up a behemoth and then just throwing it to the ground
so now that i’ve like... finished the game.... i guess i can see why people complain that fo4 is more of an fps than an rpg
like.... i’ve dumped a ton of hours into this game, but that’s mostly because i’ve spent a lot of time building settlements lol. besides that, the story does seem to be lacking a bit. i think it definitely had potential, but nothing was really fleshed out that well... like if i try to think back on what i did, i’m like.. ??
maybe part of that is because four main factions was a little ambitious? i just feel like there wasn’t much opportunity to actually get to know each faction and like actually feel like you were involved with them
1) minutemen - i mean, you got a shitton of radiant quests from preston (which drove me crazy very early on and got modded out)... and then what? you claim settlements and that’s about it. reclaiming the castle is as deep as the story gets. besides that all you have is radiant quests
also there were like... zero named characters besides preston who were actually really involved with the minutement. like there was ronnie shaw but she just ends being a merchant later, and i didn’t even get the proper armory quest from her because my game glitched out. so basically she was just a unique merchant for me
and like... who else is there?? there’s the sanctuary crew and some named settlers but none of them are really part of the “minutemen.” so like you didn’t really get to talk to members of the faction and stuff and actually feel like you were immersed in the story. like i know that the story is that you’re rebuilding the minutemen so there’s supposed to be no one but preston, but later on as you claim settlements and expand the minutement and stuff there’s still nothing... no new story, quest, npcs... you have to do some dungeon clearing quests for some of the named settlers but that’s literally it.
i liked their general “for the people” thing but like... they never really expanded on it... they did end up being one of the two factions that i sided with because of their cause but i just think the story (or lack thereof, really) with them was pretty bland
2) railroad - well i was considering joining them very early on cause i do think their cause is decent, i like deacon, and i accidentally spoiled for myself that danse is a synth (i like danse because i mean you know me and my beef)... but then i felt like they were a little too focused on the synths. like that was literally just their entire cause. and i just felt like that was just too narrow.
and you met these characters that you really just.... met and then nothing ever happened later with them! like high rise, mister tims, idk what the point of drummer boy was, etc..
and again there were just a ton of radiant quests... at least they were all finite, but like there was what? helping that one safehouse (forgot the name), mila quests, and pam’s caches. the ticonderoga quest was kinda interesting but i wish there was something more besides “here’s ticonderoga. oh whoops it gets destroyed later. haha!”
3) institute - well i disliked them right off the bat because they were the ones who not only MURDERED MY HUSBAND but also KIDNAPPED AND BRAINWASHED MY CHILD (yes i consider it brainwashing)????? like come on. i take this stuff very personally man. it’s the same reason why i joined the stormcloaks in skyrim (before realizing what a bunch of racist assholes they are but.... i digress) cause i was like WHY tf would i join a group that tried to execute me with absolutely zero cause
so i’m just like why would i join a group that murdered my husband (right in front of my eyes i might add) and kidnapped my child. hello??? like yeah i hated the fact that they gave you a goddamn baby in the first place, but since i had it i was like WELL I AM OUTRAGED THAT THEY DID THIS TO MY CHILD.
then there was the whole deal with them actually taking real people (and presumably murdering them) and replacing them with synth copies. i HATED that a lot and it was a big turnoff on top of all of my personal grievances against them. their elitist attitude towards the commonwealth was annoying as fuck as well as their manufacturing of gen 3 synths for what was basically slave labor. also there were like random conversations that would occur between scientists and synths and the scientists were such assholes.
oooooh and the part where you ask shaun why he decided to let you out of your cryo pod and he’s like “well... i suppose that i just wanted to see what would happen” and i was like BITCH WHAT?????? EXCUSE ME?????? THAT’S YOUR REASON?? 
like the shaun/father thing was an interesting twist in the story... but it def was not enough to make me want to join the institute. esp with that craphole reason that he gave me for letting me out of the cryo pod. and like the dude is basically a stranger to you, why tf would you just join the institute bc he’s “”””family””””? i suppose they tried to make it a more difficult dilemma by really trying to push your character’s story in the “i’m looking for my son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” direction before you actually find out what happened to shaun, but i didnt find that a very compelling plot point in the first place.... so it had pretty much no bearing on my decision
also. the synth shaun. he made the synth shaun which is like super weird and a little creepy. like this kid’s never gonna age.... i mean 50 years from now he’s gonna be a 60 y-o in a 10 y-o’s body!!!!!!!! who tf thought that was a good idea?? i mean i’m on the “gen 3 synths are truly sentient” train cause the game basically does nothing to show you otherwise. you have institute scientists telling you that they aren’t, but literally everything in the game shows you that they are. also danse
and then their cause... they say they’re the “best hope for humanity” and stuff but like what are they actually doing to help humanity. the only beneficial thing they did was create gmos like that huge pumpkin (while replacing roger ww in the process which as i mentioned before was something i hated). besides that, wtf are they doing besides hiding away in their blindingly white laboratories experimenting w/ synths?? 
anyway yeah i hated the institute but i guess in terms of “story” they did a little better than the railroad and minutemen. but they honestly got a helping hand from the fact that shaun was involved with them and a large part of the story early on was looking around for information about shaun and being able to ask npcs about the institute. however once you proceeded past a certain point they also fell into a very boring routine of having a handful of radiant quests available and not much else involving them
4) bos - well.... i def felt like they were super culty when i first went onto the prydwen. and i really dont like their stance on gen 3s and non-feral ghouls. but i do like that theyre out and about clearing the commonwealth of super mutants, ferals, and raiders lol. 
i really really hate the whole danse thing tho and how close-minded they are about him :( i did see that there was actually cut content where you could challenge maxson and danse would get his rank back and i kinda wish that they actually implemented that. i dont really want the elder role but i’d like the chance to do something where you could shift the bos’s opinion on gen 3s, even if only slightly... like THAT would be a good story element, come on! 
but w/e. i really didnt like them at first but i like their aesthetic compared to everyone else and their general cause (at least theyre not like opening fire on the slog, right... ?) ..
anyway i might just stick with their ending as my “main” playthrough cause afaict they’re not much diff from the minutemen ending except i get the sentinel rank, and you actually have some named people that you can interact with about your choice.
ok im actually really tired of writing this post... i actually have so many more thoughts haha but i dunno if i’ll be able to get them all out because as if on cue i’m getting tired around midnight.. anyway
yeah so the story was eh and i wish it went more in depth. like, even though i wasnt super fond of fnv’s story, i did think it was more immersive and detailed... i think fo4 had a lot of potential but sadly didn’t quite deliver. tbh i think the game couldve gone without the railroad if four factions really did just spread them too thin while in development.
like i think the part of the story with kellogg was good... the whole thing about trying to find the identity of this guy, searching his home, searching for him, looking through his memories, etc was pretty interesting. i liked how we were able to see his backstory and something about him that wasn’t just “dude who murdered my husband.” like that was all good stuff! but the story REALLY deteriorated after that... i mean you just end up having to kill the guy and then he’s just out of the story completely.
oh and like related to that--what was that whole deal with nick speaking in kellogg’s voice briefly after you finish in the memory den??? why would they just throw in a line like that and not expand on it at all???? that bugged me SO MUCH because again there was so much potential there!!! if kellogg had somehow gotten into nick’s mind you could be presented with so many new options. like how do you get him out? can you get him out? who do you go to for help? etc etc etc NOT JUST SOME THROWAWAY LINE THAT ACTUALLY DOES NOTHING AHHH
speaking of which. fo4 seems to do that a LOT. like maybe it’s recency bias bc i really dont remember all the details of fnv to be able to compare, but i feel like fo4 has a ton of little throwaway things that are interesting details but aren’t expanded on at all. like not even a little bit. i think there needs to be a certain balance between details and mini stories... like fo4 dangled SO many of these little details in your face that you just never got to expand on at all.. i love an interesting world where you can discover things that dont really have an impact on the main story or anything but these scraps just drove me crazy.
also there were like... no vaults??? i feel like fnv had a lot more... fo4 has vault 95 for cait (and a kinda boring purpose/story imo). the vault of triggermen where you find nick. the vault for refining human genes. vault 81. and that’s it.. i felt like i spent a lot more time in vaults in fnv? and they had some creepier stories/experiments too
ok like my brain... is really slowing down but i will at least get a few more thoughts down before i go to sleep
SETTLEMENTS. LORD HELP ME. again, a great concept with so much potential but poor execution. i really enjoyed settlements--with mods. vanilla settlements are just so horribly lacking. for one thing not being able to clean up your settlement is just terrible. you really would just have to leave piles of trash, garbage, debris, 200-YEAR-OLD SKELETONS, etc, lying around your settlement!!!!! where you’re supposed to have people living!!
settlers themselves also have some pretty terrible ai. theyre stupid af. their pathing is godawful. i am extremely proud of them when they actually are able to successfully navigate a structure i built because it is such a goddamn struggle for them! like they’re literally coded to take the shortest possible straight line path so i get tons of them walking into walls trying to get to their destination instead of walking around them, going through doorways, using stairs etc (yes theyre all navmeshed)... it’s actually so aggravating
also settlements themselves are incredibly and frustratingly buggy. the resources getting messed up in your pip boy bug is super annoying. there’s a shit ton of other bugs with them that i’m just too tired to list but i’m like ahhh god i feel like i’m playing a beta version of this shit! also what’s up with them spawning on top of buildings in sanctuary?
ok yeah i have a lot of crticisms for the game so it may not seem like i enjoyed it but i actually did. i think the story was decent up until after you finished kellogg’s part, cause after that it just got really boring (which is lame because seriously, the story gets boring after you can start decided which faction/s you want to join??)
but mods def contributed a lot to my enjoyment, esp my settlement mods... like most of my mods are settlement mods lol. so like... if i played vanilla fo4 i do doubt that i’d have enjoyed it as much. i do actually like the fps aspect of it, but i think there are too many places that are overloaded with enemies.. so you’re constantly fighting shit. it gets kind of annoying after a while.
OH THAT JUST REMINDED ME. GUNNERS. another thing that had potential but ended up just being... ??? raiders but fancier??? you could literally switch out all the gunners for raiders and nothing would change. when i first encountered them i was really excited cause i thought it was a new side faction but they’re literally just... raiders. but fancy. it’s disappointing af. there’s no story behind them... you can get into gunners plaza and find some holotapes from the leader and some members but then there’s nothing else! you don’t ever get to find out what the story is behind all of it! again with dangling some details in front of your face and then just never expanding on it at all. ugh gunners were seriously a big disappointment for me.
okay i’m actually done now cause i’m tired and typing this out actually took a lot of time lol. i still have a ton of thoughts but i need to sleep. lame
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