#and i also kinda ran with the chance to discuss this whole confession business
jemmo · 3 years
read your tags under the pran gifset where he almost confesses, and i wanna say both times i had watched it and after that as well, i thought it was too insincere so i said "no pran no", but yea it makes more sense now. i still think pat did good by not letting him finish bc he deserves a better confession than that, but from prans side of things, he was at that point, he Was ready.
from a script perspective, i think they're either aiming at a late, private, and charged confession or an explosive, public, emotional one. and idk which one I'd like more tbh 🥲
(or they'll just shout it out onto the sea like in the end credit, and I'll be a clown.)
thank u sm for reading my tags bc this was literally one of my fave parts of the ep just bc of how interesting the whole conversation is. i still need to write a long ass post breaking down all the parts of it bc i have A LOT a lot to say.
but as for when a 'confession' will be, i dont know if im in a minority with this but i dont really need it?? like yeah would it be nice ofc, and there are some things that make me think it would be good for the characters and progression. pran has always had to love so silently and wordlessly that ofc i'd love to see him finally claim his voice no matter the form, being a whispered, quiet confession just for pat's ears or a proclamation to the world. and i could argue for both, bc its in pran's nature to not be loud, and so i think a quiet, private confession just to pat, in a situation that had no pressure or expectations, thats casual and fun, almost like he's saying it as a throwaway line, like he says it before he catches himself, i think that would be lovely, bc it would speak volumes for how truly safe and comfortable and free he is around pat that he voices his feelings without thinking twice about it, that would be great progression.
but equally great progression would be a loud confession, in front of people, a statement, a claim. bc the time skip has really made it so a lot of unseen character progression couldve occurred. and i think we see it both through pran at uni, the way he steps up and handles the play and talks to the guy that isnt pulling his weight. and also with pat, how he's developed confidence to instigate a lot of their flirting as well as take it further where pat wont. i dont think pre time skip pran would have the confidence to do those things. so a public confession, if hes ready for it, i feel like is possible. the only thing i dont want is for a first confession to come at a time when people are arguing. like yes it would be dramatic if the families were arguing and pran said enough im saying it im in love with pat. and yes ofc pat would appreciate that kind of commitment and dedication to him. but for the same reason that i didnt want a confession during this rooftop scene, i wouldnt want a confession like that either. bc its forced. it says to pat im only willing to confess my feelings when under pressure, when forced to, when theres no other option. i want a confession to be pran's free choice that he makes, not a heat of the moment choice he's forced to make. in that situation its too much of pran having to choose between pat and his family, and thats a situation i dont think pat ever wants to put pran in.
as for pat, who has to dig through the layers of meaning and implications in everything pran does and says, i think he'd like and appreciate a clean and bold statement. just a simple i like you. but equally, i think he doesnt need or expect one. like i dont think he thinks he deserves or is entitled to a confession, which is one f=of the many reasons i think the bet ended like it did. bc as much as he'd like to hear the words, he also understands pran. he understands him so wholly and completely. and unless it was pran's free choice to confess, i dont think pat wants to hear it. bc as much as he'd want it, he doesnt need it. his understanding makes it so that he can hear those words through everything else pran does and says. its in his smile that lights up whenever he sees pran, its in the joy he radiates whenever he gets to do something for pat and whenever pat does something for him, its in his eyes that just cant lie, his eyes that scream i love you louder than any voice could.
so if we dont get a confession, i wont be mad. bc id much rather watch a relationship where love flows out of every word and action two people say than a relationship where they say i love you but dont show it. for them, i think a confession is an addition, not a necessity, and it holds equal weight to all the other ways they convey their love.
#bad buddy#sorry for rambling on for your answer#especially as its not wholly what you were talking about#but im saving my feelings about the rooftop for a long ass post#and i also kinda ran with the chance to discuss this whole confession business#bc again i think its something p'aof is subverting#like why as an audience do we feel the need for a confession when its not always necessary#when sometimes love is displayed is evident is there and doesnt need to be said in those specific words#like yes confessions are nice good cute#they do serve a purpose and would do in this story#but i dont think they should be given such a weight#not all relationships progress in this clear cut step by step way#where a confession is the moment they become boyfriends#sometimes those changes arent evident#sometimes you just realise over time that youre in a relationship and have been for some time#and i think pat and prans relationship favours that natural flow much more#theyre are no signposts like on this day i started liking you on this day i confessed on this day we started dating#those things just happen those steps are made wordlessly without the need for recognition#and thats not to say communication isnt important bc it is you have to be on the same page about what stage youre at#but again if patpran have proved anything its that communication is much more about having a true understanding of the other#and sometimes you dont need to say the words you just know#god im rambling all over again in the tags sorry#but this is what i think what do yall think eh????#its just an opinion and a nonsensical one at that lol#patpran#made by jemmo
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cafeinthemoon · 4 years
Tobirama with a trophy wife 😳🤣
When I saw this request I didn’t know what to feel or think at first, but the idea turned out to be so funny to me that I had to give it a try lmao
Anon I hope you don’t mind if it doesn’t come out exactly the way you imagined bc this is my first time writing this sort of thing and I really don’t know what I’m doing but anyways, here we have Tobi with a 🏆 wife
Fandom: Naruto | Tobirama Senju
Symbols: 💗 | 💜 | 💚
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Things were never that easy for you and your family: war, poverty and other unpleasing circumstances molded your ways in life
You were never given the chance to be romantic. For a poor girl who wasn’t a ninja, the safest way to achieve something in life was through marriage. And a man from an important clan was your goal
There were a good amount of single guys who fit these requirements around
It didn’t make your work easy, though: ninjas don’t have much time to think of building a family if they’re not the head of their clan, and if they are they would only choose someone on their level
Besides, there were those clans whose members were not allowed to marry outsiders like the Uchiha and the Hyugga
But, well, the Senju were around and were more “progressive” than their allies towards these matters
You didn’t even take a look at their head, Hashirama: man was clearly reserved to some princess from a good family
And tbh you wouldn’t spend an entire day by his side without being annoyed by his dramatic manners
However, he had a younger brother who seemed to have all the intelligence and seriousness that lacked in him and looked like a prince just like him
Tobirama was his name, and unlike the other Senju he was a real challenge
He was clever enough to see through people's intentions, focused enough on his work to ignore you as if you were part of the furniture and too grumpy to let himself being led by a girl as a simple minded man would do
All of this just made things more interesting for you
By that time, the clans’ compounds were always in need of people to work on them, performing tasks that were impossible (or unworthy) to be performed by shinobi
This meant endless space for female workers
You took your chance and applied to work on the head’s house
Unfortunately for you, there were other girls with the same mindset as you working there
The environment was always tense with silent competition: they came first and wouldn’t give up their place for nothing
You knew that the solution was to find a way to surpass them without using the same tactics as them, since they clearly didn’t work: the Senjus were still single and those girls were still servants
Observing them, you noticed they all acted the same way: they would fight for attention, but once they got it, they didn’t know what to do, an the men’s interest quickly disappeared
You would have to do the opposite
You were always gentle, showed good manners and kept your mouth shut for most of the time, just like expected from a servant
You were dedicated to your job as if you were there just for it
But during your free times you took some minutes to educate yourself sneaking through the library and reading the scrolls, most of them filled with poetry or historical content
However, you were careful not to keep yourself apart from the other girls, otherwise they would find out what you were doing. You made one or two friends just to keep up with everything
This plan of yours worked right at the first month… But with Hashirama
He somehow started to talk to you, pointing out how silent and “different” you were
You just smiled and pretended you knew nothing about being different
As the days passed, however, some sort of friendship grew between you two, and you were now assigned to work closer to him, who were always with his brother
Hashirama often talked to you as a good friend, even in Tobirama’s presence
You soon saw your chance there and watched your steps when Tobirama was around
Because of Hashirama’s influence, he started to talk directly to you as well. Most of the times he just asked you favors or gave you orders, but every interaction counted
One day, you thought the Senjus were not at home and went to the library to finish a reading you’ve started the past week
You were there for some minutes when the doors were suddenly opened and Tobirama came in
“What are you doing here?” was his natural first question
Well, Tobirama was not like his brother, so an excuse weren’t going to work on him. You told him the truth: you’ve been visiting the library to read during your free time, but you didn’t want anyone to know because you were afraid of being scolded
Tobirama said he was not going to scold you for wanting to read some scrolls and even gave you permission to keep visiting the library after work
Then you started to talk about the scroll’s content. It was your first informal conversation
You were not blind to his qualities: he was smart, observant, articulated... You were more and more convinced that having a man like that as your husband was an achievement like no other
Hashirama was the first to notice the change in your interactions and started talking in your favor to his brother
You were more than happy with this
One day, you were talking to Hashirama and managed to discreetly compliment his brother
Tobirama came at that right time and overheard the conversation
You quickly excused yourself and ran out from the place
From that moment, Hashirama gave you the support you didn’t request but welcomed anyway
One day, your hard work finally seemed to pay off: Tobirama came to you during your free time claiming that he wanted to discuss something important with you
You went to a private place that reminded you of a garden. Was that a good sign?
You were nervous but managed to discreetly ask him why you were there
The way he looked at you before answering sent chills down your spine
But then came his words
“You do not need to keep pretending, y/n. I know everything”
Oh. God. What were going to happen to you now? Were you going to be fired? Exposed? Killed?
Tobirama never seemed so scary to you before. But he must have noticed the fear in your face, because his next words were sort of assuring
“Do not be afraid. I did not bring you here to scold you. I brought you here to say that I admire your cleverness and courage to try such thing with one of us. Let me say that your plan would work with a man like my brother. But unfortunately for you, I am from a different kind”
Despite your goals and methods, you still saw yourself as an honest girl, so you just told him your whole story and the things that led you to such ways
You also confessed that as time passed and you observed him and his brother working together as a team and a family, some changes occurred in your vision of them
You were impressed with something you’ve never dreamed of experiencing yourself
Your heart was divided: you had to assure your own comfort in life, but at the same time you no longer wanted to act that way towards him and Hashirama
He didn’t make it clear if he believed you or not, but it didn’t matter, for his next measure was even more shocking
“Y/n, I will be honest with you. In a strange way, I like you. And I sense that this feeling can grow into attachment if I give room to it”
“What do you mean with give room to it, Tobirama-sama?”
“I want to say that this is exactly my intention. I brought you here to inform you that I am going to talk to my brother about our marriage”
You had to do your best to not pass out after hearing that
Despite knowing you didn’t love him and hearing your true intentions from your mouth, he was willing to make you his wife. Why?!
“But, Tobirama-sama… why? Why would you marry someone after all you just heard? Besides, you don’t even love me. I don’t understand… Nothing justifies such decision!”
His response was to approach you and whisper in your ear
“Consider this as part of your punishment”
The other day, you were sent to Hashirama’s presence (Tobirama was not there)
He congratulated you for your engagement and explained that from now on you will have to call him your brother, for you no longer were a servant, but his brother’s future wife
He then came to hug you with all his strength, leaving all his composure aside
Everything happened so fast that day that you felt like you were inside a dream: you were sent to a new room, with new clothes and everything you needed
One of your old colleagues were sent to take care of you, and the surprise (and envy) on her face was impossible to disguise
However, you couldn’t say that it was a perfect dream: you finally got what you wanted, yes, but this didn’t bring you the satisfaction it was supposed to bring
The next days, you felt strange in Tobirama’s presence, and you sensed that the more you felt like that, longer was the time he spent with you, acting as if everything was okay
You can say that after your marriage, your life in fact changed, but not exactly for the better
Unlike the period you worked as a servant, you had some comfort and a good amount of free time now, but you soon found out that it didn’t mean true happiness
At first, you thought Tobirama would be a terrible husband in each way possible, but to your surprise, this was not what happened
He was always polite with you whether in front of others or in particular, but you would never call that gentleness
When you were alone, he was almost always busy with his own stuff and you were left to do the same with yours, which was never enough to fill your free time, so you weren’t spared from moments of boredom and loneliness
(Besides, his working process while creating his jutsu was kinda scary to you, so you never got close to his office during these occasions)
In the occasional times he took you, he never hurt nor humiliated you, but neither he was as warm and passionate as you’d like him to be
Apart from that, there was no regular physical affection between you two: a kiss on your temple or a brief touch on your hand was everything you would gain
You finally understood that this is what he meant when he said he was going to “punish” you: you would reach your goal, but you’d never get rid of the sensation that something was missing in your life
As time passed, however, some genuine feeling seemed to grow between you. It was nothing like love, but some sort of partnership
When Tobirama went to the battlefield, you found yourself worried about the possibility of seeing him alive for the last time, and when he came back with serious injuries you never abandoned the room where he was treated
When you got pregnant and was going to give birth to your first child, you were scared, but he was there to assure you and to help with anything necessary
Yes, after a long time you learned your lesson and grew as a person
And he learned to see in you more than he first expected to see
Despite everything, you could say you built a good life as a family
And yes, it was true that you still couldn’t give yourself the luxury of being romantic
But maybe the love you managed to get for you was actually the kind of love that works for you
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echo-three-one · 4 years
A Forgotten Memory
An Alex x OC fic
Previous chapter (I - Alex)
Next chapter (III - Alex)
Comments and corrections are encouraged as I also would like to grow as a reader
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II - Samantha
Crazy Haircut.
Scruffy Beard.
Arms filled with tattoos.
Three checks across her 'persons not to interact to' checklist. Samantha never expected that all those three would appear on just one person. And as soon as his cold blue eyes met against hers, she knew she had to run. And so she ran, she doesn't know where, but it's best to run away from a stranger who happens to look like he's waiting for her just outside her doorstep.
"Hey! Wait!" his voice dominated the busy streets', All the more reason to bolt faster, thanking that she isn't wearing heeled shoes, she squeezed herself against waves of people crossing the street.
She quickly glanced and saw the huge red hand flash on the opposite side of the road. He isn't going to catch up. Thanking her lucky stars, she quickly breathes a sigh of relief and dissappeared from the crowd. She was already too tired to go grocery shopping, but she has to pass the time and keep that creep of a man from meeting him. But then again, she couldn't help but remember how he stared at her. It's as if he looked 'familiar'.
She hastily rummaged her purse for her phone and immediately dialed Maxine. Two rings, she never does that on her free time, a wave of panic flashed her mind as she assumed that guy already got her first.
"Hey girl, got an early shift today. This better be important." she hushed over the other end of the line.
"Someone at our doorstep is after me. We need to look for a new apartment!" she almost yelled, gaining a head turn from all the other people on the cereal aisle.
"Oh him? Don't you know him from your hometown? He goes by Alex. He wanted to meet you, so I decided to tag along until my boss called." she replied casually ignoring her best friend's tone of urgency and panic.
"You what?! I.. I don't know no Alex from my hometown! How did he-"
"Duty calls, we'll discuss this after I get home 'kay? Love you." Maxine interrupted and hung up. Samantha cursed silently knowing the whole aisle might still be listening to her. She angrily grabbed a cereal from the aisle and continued shopping.
The supermarket is a huge and busy place, lots of people come and go and you'll get dizzy trying to remember how people look like. Samantha was a living proof of that condition, everywhere she looked she always felt uneasy, every arm tattoo or brown-colored beard bothered her. That 'Alex' guy was getting in her head, she reminded herself to scold Maxine as soon as she saw her.
It was already 9 in the evening when she left the supermarket. She can't imagine she stayed in there for four hours, maybe it's the adrenaline helping her push through and now she could feel it all wearing out. As the population began to disperse, so does the number of potential Alex's out to pursue her which made her ease her shoulders and let out a sigh of relief. She hailed a cab and went straight home, carrying a bag of groceries fit for about three months.
"How many of these did you actually buy?" Maxine asked as she pulled out the third jar of pickles, a disgusted face etched on her face.
"I don't know. All I can say for myself is I had to stay there as long as I can to hide myself. I can't believe you sold me out to a creep." She sighed, she was plopped like a plush doll across the sofa, her muscles so tired from the sleepless night and the petered out adrenaline rush from her so called stalker.
"I didn't actually sell you out. He said he knows you and would want to talk to you about something." Maxine corrected her as she placed the fourth jar of pickles on the cupboard.
"I don't know him!" she breathed out without any further remark, she began to realize that this train of thought is pointless. Maxine's words started to make sense. Samantha wouldn't know him yet if she really hadn't given him a chance to tell her which part of her life he was in.
"Besides, he's kinda cute. For once I thought he was a past lover or something, like maybe a boy next door who didn't really want to confess to you..." Maxine teased, peeking out of the kitchen to see her roommate's reaction. Samantha looked at her angrily, her cheeks puffed and brows furrowed like a little kid.
"Just messing with you. I'm sorry if it bothered you that I stepped up that way. I'll never let that happen again." Maxine stepped back to the groceries and sorted the items to their respective cupboards. As soon as Maxine was out of her sights, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks as she remembered the way Alex stared at her. His blue eyes were telling her 'wow you look like that now? I haven't seen you in ages' and she responded it with what she's good at, running away. Guilt rushed all over her as she lazily stood up and told her friend good night.
"What kind of a cereal name is 'OwO's?" Samantha sighed in disappointment as she poured out it's contents on her bowl.
"The kind of cereal that someone buys out of panic." Maxine retorted as she sips her coffee. Samantha's eyes kept on trailing at her then back on her cereal, it continued long enough that the blonde began to wonder.
"Is there somehting wrong with me?" Maxine asked and glanced at the nearest reflective surface, which happened to be her phone.
"Any chance you have Alex's number on you? I felt guilty I haven't given him a chance to speak. He might just actualy be a person from my hometown." Samantha murmured quietly, her voice barely audible. Maxine shrieked in excitement.
"You're giving him a chance? Ooooooh! Someone's been thinking of him all night!" Maxine cheered and sent her his number, creating steps on her victory dance, which actually looks like a worm on a stroke.
Samantha quietly stared at his phone number, ignoring whatever her roommate's doing over the other side of the kitchen counter. Whatever this guy's purpose is, she had a feeling it's never a good one.
"What did you say to him?" Maxine excitedly asked her, eyes sparkling and focused on Samantha, who's eyes looked lost on her phone.
"What should I say?" her expression was almost scared. Letting another man into her life doesn't really turn out good for her, and for him. She then decided she'll never involve herself too much with him and keep things friendly.
Maxine pursed her lips and ran behind Samantha's chair, her hand resting on her shoulders as she leans closer to her cellphone.
"How about..."
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bounnostra · 5 years
monkshood O bams O grand whatever trial one O re: ana
A tie, huh. That was new. Not really what Bams had expected them to cap out at either, somehow; a vote more one way than the other still might confirm more than just settling halfway without any further clue, even just in vague Gambit bragging or jeering or similar. Maybe now they could start getting round to which confessions or otherwise were fake, and then go for a nap, because holy shit her sleep schedule was bad normally yes but it had been days-
The group actually listened to her?
They were having a Grand Don trial Bams now realised in the light of day that she actually didn't feel prepared for whatsoever? She'd gone into the test with the same energy as her fifteen year old self calling a studying strategy washing down a sleep pill with an energy drink?
As strange a statement as it may sound, Ana's vague gesturing towards their previous discussions was the thing to prevent Bams from making like her fifteen year old self in that test and simply sitting there mentally repeating every swear word she knew by then, actually pulling a half smirk from her. 
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"Getting me to do the dirty work, huh, Ana. I see how it is."
But the joking didn't last long: the realisation of the weight of what the two of them might just have started in this room was starting to make itself known much more, every single added gaze on this idea threatening to push Bams further down into her seat and tell them to forget the whole thing, actually. But she swallowed the concerns down, massaging her temples to loosen up her memory before folding her arms and gripping them tight for support. 
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"...Okay. Let's see if I can do this justice. Really needs to be said in a more exciting tone, probably, but anyway. There's two facts we seem to know for sure. One, a group having a Grand Whatever is apparently unique to us. Two, there are other people lurking around this place that we've seen, more or less. Claire, Mothman, Benny, and we know Brandi and Mamoru were around at some point. The extra people in the Gallery, who knows. But for the sake of our sanity, let's work with who we know right now."
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"Here's where it starts to get weird. With everything we learned - and some stuff we haven't seen - it honestly doesn't sound like an... awful guess to suggest that originally our group started as more people than we see in this room. We never did get that group size question right. We think our original group was all of us who started here except for the Don in being unique, plus Claire and Mothman, plus Brandi and Mamoru. Not plus Benny, because I heard she said she never had a codename..? Still never spoke to her myself. Was a bit busy being a mushroom after we heard about her. Anyway, I think that's 21, which is a number we didn't try for that question."
Her gaze flicked to Scourge, where she mouthed 'brace yourself' before continuing.
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"...Anyway. We all get brought in, shit happens as it did here. Claire and Mothman die. Brandi and Mamoru think that's a bit shit, and do... whatever it was that they did. Something bad enough that Gamb had to ban it, and that game was fucked up, basically. Considering how long the murder circus has been going here, just a couple of deaths probably wasn't enough, so. He wipes our memories, plops us back in the waiting room to have a redo- because there is evidence Gamb can... rewrite memories. Like our first motive and our supposed time at Summit. But nothing to prove that he's able or willing to revive the dead, so our group got reduced by those who died in the first attempt."
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"...Should probably get to the Grand Jackass, huh. Right. In that little story Ana just launched at my brain at high speeds and I probably butchered there, they get placed into our game to run interference and keep everything being managed. They're even possibly some kind of higher up than Gamb in whatever system out there is deciding to run murder games, here to make sure he doesn't let something like that... gambit slip again. Maybe even censoring him themselves- have we all been present every time Gamb's been stopped saying something..? I don't envy anyone having to try fight a murder owl, but whatever. Kinda combines with the fact that they surely have to have some kind of hand in this game, right. If they were a complete dummy here for whatever purpose, why have people they're working with? Why be reaching out to people..?"
I ran out of serious sprites to break this up.
"...And here's where the request to please be goddamn civil about all this for now comes in. Our current working Grand Mess identity theory is someone who wasn't part of our original group and wasn't memory wiped on the topic of what's been happening here, who might be at odds with our original class' theme for being inserted into it later - if they were even brought into Summit naturally at all. Maybe also sticking with the danger loving and confidence traits, considering this maintaining Gamb thing does require them to be part of the murder game as is. Unless they have a completely OP immunity built in, somehow. Magical luck, some enhancement, I dunno. I realise just how goddamn vague a starting point this might be, but. It's like Ana said. We need to hear other perspectives and knowledge about other people, probably, rather than just us two going batshit in the Gallery. And... it's not a wasted vote if we miss the mark. If we can clear out a bias that builds up, for example- yeah, if this was our last chance circumstances might be different, but... as it is."
...Goddammit. Okay. She had ignored the current conversation long enough to get her serious points across, but the bullshit quota was screaming out for some relief. 
"God. At least take her to dinner first." 
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ravyns-and-magpies · 7 years
“A Bouquet Of Blue Roses”: A RoyKa Fanfic
Hey! So I’m here with a Valentine’s Day themed fanfic. Just a quick bit but this story transitions between Royce’s P.O.V., Hika’s P.O.V. And the end part is kinda a third person P.O.V. This •<=>• Thing means a P.O.V. Switch. Anyways, Enjoy!
Hika was stressed, and as always, it had something to do with Royce.
He was always doing something to stress her out, whether it be running off or, getting into an excessive amount of styling battles. And let’s not forget the multiple times he almost got hit by a car because he forgot you can’t just cross streets in Apple Federation without looking like in Lilith.
Surprisingly though, the culprit behind her stressing wasn’t Royce’s bad behavior.
Hika was in love with him. She adored almost everything about him, even the previously mentioned bad habits. It hard not to love him, from his upbeat and charming personality to his dashing good looks.
Her favorite thing about him though, was that he actually seemed to enjoy her company. She was used to people avoiding her, but Royce seemed to actively seek her out at times. She never really noticed the slight changes in his behavior until they were too obvious to ignore. Royce no longer ran off the second she turned around, nor did he ever seem unhappy to see her.
With Valentine’s Day two days from now, she wanted to ask Royce to be her special someone for the holiday. There was just one problem. She didn’t believe Royce would accept her confession. After all, why would a prince and top notch designer, who could most likely have any girl as his valentine, settle for her? She decided not to give up, she was determined to at least try.
Royce was also stressing about Valentine’s Day. He could have had a date by now if he wanted, but there was only one girl he wanted to ask out. The problem was that said girl was Hika, his guard and personal assistant who had never shown any interest in dating.
After all, why would Hika, the girl who probably hates him, agree to go on a date with him? He knew there was an almost 100% chance of his confession getting shot down but he also knew he’d regret it if he didn’t even try.
It was the day before Valentine’s Day now. Hika was out shopping with Royce. She didn’t remember exactly what they were looking for. It was probably just a fabric or something for a new design of his. It was completely normal for Royce to drag her along shopping, but Royce himself wasn’t acting completely normal. He seemed seriously nervous about something. He was fidgety and refused to make any sort of eye contact with her. She was so busy trying not fawn over him (which was extremely hard to do), and trying to figure out what was up with him she barely noticed Toto waving them down. And of course, no more than five minutes after a brief ‘hello’, they were locked in a styling match.
“Hika? Hika? Are you okay?” Royce asked. Confused as to why she was so spacey today. she was always so focused, but she didn’t even respond when he handed her the outfit for the styling match.
“Hm? I’m fine” came her delayed response. She then grabbed the outfit from him and headed to a nearby bathroom to change, leaving Royce to wonder just what exactly was wrong.
He was so in thought that when Toto chimed up from behind him “So then, Royce. Is Hika going to be your Valentine this year?” He visiblely jumped a little.
Leave it to Toto to butt into his love life. Still, it would be rude not to answer. “Well I hope so, but I’m not sure I’ll even be able to ask” he said.
“Aw why is that?” Toto asked, intrigued.
“You see, I’m just not exactly sure how to ask her” Royce replied, a little embarrassed.
“Oh! I could help you,” Toto said, suddenly excited “dating is my specialty after all!”. While Royce didn’t really like discussing his love life he needed all the help he could get right about now.
Hika finished changing and headed back to Royce and Toto. She accidentally overheard Toto informing Royce on the best way to ask out the girl he was interested in. She felt her heart drop a little. It seemed Royce already had plans to ask someone else out for Valentine’s Day.
She decided not to eavesdrop on them anymore and walked up to the two. Toto’s attention immediately snapped to her the second she was in Toto’s range of sight. Toto let out a little giggle of excitement before wishing Royce good luck and practically skipping off.
Royce seemed more than a little embarrassed when she looked at him. He was honestly adorable when he was embarrassed or flustered. The disappointment hit her again and she couldn’t look at him.
“Are we still competing?” She asked him suddenly, trying to get rid of the awkward silence. Royce suddenly seemed to realize that they were still in the middle of a match before looking around to see that Toto was long gone.
“I guess not…”
It was finally Valentine’s Day. Hika has finally accepted that she was going to have to spend today alone. She still had a job to do though so she got dressed and went off to find Royce. It wasn’t hard to find him, he was talking to Toto again. They were in the middle of a popular flower garden that was a hot spot this time of year. He was too busy talking to notice her walk up behind him. It took Hika half a second to notice how excited Toto was and how flustered Royce was. He seemed to be holding a bouquet of flowers. Well let’s just say she put two and two together and figured Royce was asking Toto on a date. “I’ll.. give you two a minute” She managed to say. Almost immediately turning around and feeling very embarrassed on walking in on the middle of a confession.
“Wait a second!-” She heard Royce tell her before she could get far. She reluctantly turned to face him and he blushed a few shades darker. He held out the flowers to her, which see she could now see were blue roses. “I.. um.. these.. are for you.” He barely managed to get out
“What?” She was completely dumbfounded and a stunned. Weren’t those flowers for Toto?
Her response didn’t seem very encouraging because Royce seemed to have an even harder time mumbling out a response. “Well.. it’s just that red roses are a bit cliche and these match your eyes better..” he got quieter as he continued.
She just kinda stared at him for a few seconds. Was he asking her out? “Are these for me?”
“Um yea, you don’t have to take them… he trailed off a little at the end. Hika seemed completely disinterested and he was starting to think this whole confession was a total flop.
“Are you kidding?” She said, now slightly angry.
“What?” Royce said, now confused and a little surprised at her anger.
“I’ve been trying to ask you out forever! I thought you were asking out Toto!”She seemed even more annoyed now.
“So it that a no then..?” He said, awkwardly retracting his hand.
“Of course I’ll be your valentine, Royce” she said, settling down. She actually seemed a little relieved now. She took the rather pretty bouquet from Royce.
“Really?!” He was completely shocked that the confession had somehow gone taken a complete one-eighty.
“Mhm, now come on, we’ve a day to spend together.” She said, happily grabbing his hand. It really was a nice feeling, to hold his hand.
“Ah, another happy couple. Now then, where’s that Libra of mine?” Toto chirped. Looking for her date as the new couple left together.
•<=><=<=><=~The End~=><=><=><=>•
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sae-you-sae-me · 7 years
Hey hey~ I was wondering if you could write a scenario in which MC works in the same field as RFA+V & Saeran and is v good, even to the point they're rivals? At first nobody has a clue, but the truth comes out eventually 😏 Thank you so very much for this blog! You guys are amazing ❤️
Anon said: Hi! HCs for 707 after finding out that his s/o is an agent too? )^o^( request are open so I immediately took the chance since i love this blog so muuuch 
Awww, you all are sweet! Hope you like these~
You actually had a crush on him when you two starred in your first musical together
He inspired you to work hard after that
You both ended up becoming very popular, and always tried your best to outshine the other
Whether or not you were acting together
When the whole thing with the messenger happened, you thought he would hate you with your little rivalry going on
So you kept your identity secret
Things go on and you two flirt a little and get to know each other on a personal level
But then you go to his house
There’s no hiding who you are now, and when he opens the door, he’s stunned for a good five minutes
You thought he hated you, but he’s just really confused
He admits when you first worked together, he too kinda felt attracted to you
It gets a little complicated when you start dating, because there’s the possibilities of scandals and also the company contracts
So, you two decide to keep your relationship secret from everyone but Seven and Yoosung for a long time, just to be on the safe side
Thankfully, things work out and Zen is able to work independently from any company
You two are able to go public in your relationship while still chasing your dreams in acting
You attend the same university as Yoosung but you don’t know
You start complaining about a certain professor, which kind of clues him off
But then one day he’s in class and you’re in the chat talking excited about getting an A on a test you failed
He looks to the side and saw you taking a picture…a few moments later, a picture appears in the chat
Instead of coming over and talking to you, he felt like you inspired him a bit
He starts working hard again at school, bringing his grades back up quickly
It’s amusing seeing you work harder to beat him, sometimes complaining about some random student throwing off your grading curve
When a big test rolls around, he’s finally ready to reveal himself
He logs into the chat after its over and starts asking how the test went
You’re so absorbed in talking with him that you don’t realize you two are discussing detailed questions
You stop half way when it hits you
You look up and he shoots finger guns at you from across the hall
On the bright side, you two can combine your smarts for finals
(AU where she opens the cafe without meeting you at the party)
You both owned cafes that were right next to each other
You always had this healthy rivalry going, and some customers even swore loyalty to one or the other
You two had never met though with all the busyness
Then the whole thing with the RFA happened
Jaehee noticed that the cafe next to hers had been shut down for the same amount of time you were told not to leave the apartment
She put two and two together and asked if it was you
It was odd speaking in the cafe since you had always been an unknown rival this whole time
But Jaehee ends the rivalry and keeps your cafe afloat while you’re dealing with the RFA
Once you’re allowed to leave the apartment again, you two get even closer
After a few months, you start planning a new project
You combine your skills and resources and break down the wall in between our cafes
A little renovation later, and you two become partners at a bigger and better cafe
His father wanted Jumin to marry this other young CEO from another company to combine companies
He was completely against the idea
You happened to be that brilliant CEO of another large company, so it happened
But you were also against the idea
You and Jumin’s first meeting was really rocky and he was really cold towards you
So, when you first entered the chatroom, you didn’t say who you were because you didn’t want it to be awkward
He acted a little different than from your first meeting
He was nicer and actually kind and you found youself actually falling for him
But you were still scared to tell him who you were
Seven wasn’t so reticent, so he told Jumin who you were after the background check
Suddenly Jumin started opening up to you more and more
Eventually it slips out that he knows
He starts inviting to you house and on outings
It works out really well as he’s happy, you’re happy, and your parents are happy
But you two still have a healthy competition when it comes to business idea
When you got caught up in the apartment thing, it was the least of your worries
You could handle hiding your identity, appearing as an innocent whirled into this mess
You were more worried that your rival at the agency was in this chat with you
You were a bit nervous at first, but you just went along with it
You found he was actually kind of nice when he wasn’t hacking against you
You would blush whenever he would make comments that 606 was his girlfriend, because that happened to be your agency number
Little did you know, he actually had the biggest crush on you from agency work…since you two did end up talking a few times before
It was a mess for both of you when he abandoned work at the agency to come and rescue from the bomb–despite your protests
When he started pushing you away because of the stress of not being able to finish his project at the agency, you were getting sick of his crap
You pull out your own equipment and finish the project for him
He gets a notification from Vanderwood that the project was carried out perfectly and the client was happy
He knows there’s only one person who was as good as he was…and when he finally notices the equipment in front of you, your identity is out
There’s a weird mix of him yelling at you and confessing to you at the same time
You guys have a long discussion about the agency and all the stuff you two put up with
You both come to conclusion that you needed to leave together, and with the skills of you both, it would be much easier
You were another unfortunate who got dragged into Mint Eye
You were just as good a hacker as he, so you two competed for Rika’s approval
When you found out about his plan with infiltrating the RFA, you did what you could to stop it
Even if it meant helping 707 and whoever he chose to go into the apartment
He took you helping his brother as an absolute betrayal to Mint Eye
So when you two were rescued, he cut himself off from you completely
Unfortunately, your healing process wasn’t overseen with loving family like he was
You got the psychological treatment, but you were still bitter
You ran into him at some public place much, much later and you can tell he’s different and…softer
But you still feel tense and on edge and try to avoid him
He already sees you though and comes to talk to you
He starts talking about starting new and ending the hostility between you two
You’re skeptical, but something about how calm he is intrigues you
You agree every once in awhile and talk about what happened
These sessions become addicting, just as his presence becomes addicting to you
Without the rivalry, you find Saeran is very similar to you
Neither of you had a moment where you established a relationship
Your bond was just something that came naturally and was something that was understood
We couldn’t really see him getting competitive in a rivalry. So instead of making him OOC, we’re omitting him for now.
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