#and i adore the shyness after breaking out of it
crispywizardtale · 2 months
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vanteguccir · 5 months
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          𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Chris is deeply in love with Y/N and isn't ashamed to show it; OR, 5 cute little moments between Chris and Y/N.
WARNING: Making out (4).
REQUESTED?: Yes, by @ecliphttlunar, @smileymilee and anons.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
1. Surprise on tour
A mixture of nervousness and euphoria coursed freely through Chris's veins as he prepared to enter the stage. The boy discovered after his first tour alongside his brothers that the sensations of being on a stage, surrounded by people who adore him, were very similar to the sensation of an orgasm. And he loved it.
As soon as the lights came up and the opening song started playing, he found himself fully immersed in the energy of the crowd.
While he and his brothers went through their usual fan interactions, Chris couldn't get Y/N out of his mind. He wanted her to be there with him, sharing this special moment with him and his brothers.
When it was time to take the break to talk to the fans again, Chris took a few seconds to survey the crowd in front of him, sweeping his blue eyes over each head he saw.
Until he founded her.
He frowned automatically, squinting his eyes into thin lines to try and see better, quickly realizing that it wasn't his mind playing tricks on him, Y/N was really there.
"Wait! Wait, can I- Oh my God." Chris interrupted Nick, who was speaking into his own microphone, raising his right hand towards his brother and holding it in the air, telling him to shut up silently. "Baby? Is that... Is that really you?"
Y/N - who was surrounded by fans who recognized her the moment she appeared there - felt her cheeks take on a reddish hue almost instantly, her eyes filling with tears from being able to interact in person with Chris after so many weeks apart.
The girl knew he couldn't hear her even if she screamed, so she just nodded, a huge smile decorating her face.
"Is Y/N here?" Matt's voice sounded over the speaker, his body moving closer to his brother's as he tried to find her in his line of sight. “Oh, hey, Y/N!”
"Guys, my amazing girlfriend, Y/N, is here with us tonight!" Chris shouted into the microphone, raising his free hand and waving his fingers in the air in euphoria, holding himself back from jumping in place.
The crowd erupted in applause and cheers as Chris explained how Y/N wasn't going on tour with them because of her studies. His voice could barely hide his excitement when talking about her, the volume having a constant fight with the loud volume of the fans' screams.
"Wow, it feels like I haven't seen you in weeks." Chris teased, throwing a wink her way.
Nick's laugh was heard right next to him, his voice echoing through the speaker with a random comment that Chris didn't try to understand, his eyes fixed on his girl as his heart overflowed with love.
"You look prettier than ever, babe." Chris flirted, his tongue escaping between his lips and wetting them as his ears were filled again by the euphoric screams of the crowd.
Y/N could only laugh out loud in nervousness and shyness, her red cheeks glowing under the colored lights. Some fans around her made funny comments about the situation, joking - or not - about how they wanted to be in her place.
It was safe to say that the night of the show was filled with comments and flirtations from Chris directed at Y/N, the boy having to hold himself back for long minutes to not run down the stage towards his girl arms.
2. Mispronounciation
"Is that açaí, Nick?" Chris's question caught Y/N's attention, who took her eyes off the nugget shelves she was analyzing in one of the freezers a few steps away from the triplets, now focusing on them.
"Did I hear açaí?" Her voice echoed in excitement, her hands quickly grabbing the package of nuggets that she liked the most before returning to the boys, placing it inside the cart with the other frozen products before standing next to Nick, analyzing the container in his hands. "Oh, it is! I want it, please?"
"Of course, we'll take it." Nick quickly responded, nodding his head as he turned, facing the cart and allowing the freezer door to close behind his back.
"Can we have condensed milk and milk powder to put in it? Oh, oh, and banana too!" The girl pleaded, her voice full of excitement as she clasped her hands in front of her chest, raising her eyes towards Chris and widening them slightly.
"Sure, babe..." Chris nodded almost instantly, unable to say no to his girl. "I still don't understand how she can have açaí with condensed milk and milk powder." He muttered only for the camera to catch it, failing miserably as his tone came out loud enough for Y/N and his brothers to hear it.
"Hey! It's the only right way to have açaí, okay?" Y/N argued, rolling her eyes playfully and turning back to the cart, arranging the container next to the other frozen products, as she did with the nuggets, being the type of girl that liked to organize her groceries.
"Guys, look! It's prepackaged, but we did find some asparagus." Matt interrupted the silence seconds after, rescuing the medium package of asparagus and quickly showing it to the lens with a proud smile on his face.
"I love aspargos so much. Your cooking will be the best in this series you guys are making, Matt." Y/N murmured, smiling big and pointing with her chin at the package while Matt put it back on its place.
"What did you say?" Nick asked with a frown. Being a little away from the three made it difficult for him to understand what they were saying, and it worsened with her pronunciation.
"Um... aspargos?" The girl repeated, frowning in confusion.
"The pronunciation is wrong, babe. You say it like s-par-gus." Chris corrected gently, lowering the camera slightly and watching her with caring eyes.
He loved the little pronunciation mistakes his girl made. He understood that she was still learning English and that her Brazilian accent could make it difficult to say one word and another, and all that made him fall in love again every day.
"Oh." Y/N bit her lower lip lightly, feeling her cheeks heat up in embarrassment, receiving an encouraging smile from Matt, who watched them silently while Nick was still collecting products from that aisle.
"Hey, it's okay, pretty girl. It's just one word, let's try it together, okay?" Chris assured her, handing the camera to Matt and approaching his girlfriend, taking her hands and squeezing her fingers gently.
The girl nodded, maintaining her eyes on her boyfriend's face before focusing them on his lips, watching him saying the word again before trying it herself.
"S-par-gus. Asparagus." She repeated slowly, trying to imitate the pronunciation and accent Chris had shown her, finally saying it correctly.
"That's it, babe. You did it!" Chris smiled big, his voice echoing louder than before and euphoria exuding from his body. He quickly pulled her into a big hug, sealing the right side of her forehead with his lips for long seconds.
extra - comments:
"It's so incredible to see how Y/N has evolved every day with her english pronunciation 🥺"
"the way Chris is patient and kind in correcting her 😭"
"Chris helping Y/N pronounce the word in the right way was the best thing I've seen today 😔✋🏻"
"I agree with her, açaí with condensed milk and milk powder is the best thing in the world 🤭"
"have a boyfriend who supports you like Chris does for Y/N 😫😫"
3. Euphoric mood
It was a busy day for Chris and his brothers. They were rushing from one appointment to another, trying to keep up with all the demands of the channel and their brands. However, what would normally be a busy day became even more chaotic due to Chris's uncontrollable euphoria.
From the moment he woke up, Chris was in full hyperactivity mode. He talked nonstop, jumping from one topic to another with dizzying rapidity. His brothers were beginning to get irritated by his incessant energy, unable to keep up with the frantic pace of his thoughts.
"Chris, bro, you need to calm down a little." Matt muttered, frowning as he tried to keep up with his brother's rapid-fire conversation.
"No, wait! I spoke to a friend who is going to medical school, Josh, you know him." Chris ignored him, continuing to speak without slowing down, his words coming out jumbled. "And if you had a broken bone or a sprain, you'd know already, you know? It's been so long since-"
"Chris, slow down." Nick shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb, feeling overwhelmed by the torrent of information coming out of Chris's mouth since hours before.
Chris stopped abruptly, looking at his brothers with a mixture of surprise and confusion.
"What? I'm just trying to help!"
Matt sighed, straightening in his seat on the couch, trying to find the right words to express his frustration.
"Chris, we understand you're trying to help me with my ankle, but you're driving us crazy with all this energy. We need a moment."
Before Chris could say anything, Y/N - who was in the kitchen preparing an afternoon snack for them - turned from her place and walked slowly into the living room, her hands holding a metal tray with the food, watching the scene with understanding eyes. She had noticed Chris's agitated state since the beginning of the day and knew it was time to intervene.
"Chris, honey." She called softly, placing the tray on the television stand and approaching him. "Why don't you sit down for a bit and relax? You're stressing yourself out."
"But baby, Matt has been in pain for days and doesn't want to take care of the problem, so I'm coming with the solution." Chris directed his gaze at her, frowning and crossing his arms like a child.
"I know, my love, and I think the boys understand that too. Why don't we watch something for a while? Your day was tiring as well. Maybe a little rest will help everyone, okay?" Y/N smiled gently, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
She guided him to the couch and made him sit with his back against the soft backrest, sitting next to him and raising her right hand, taking it to his head, stroking his hair gently with her long nails. Chris felt instantly calmer, his frantic mind slowing down.
Nick and Matt watched in surprise and amusement as Y/N calmed Chris with her simple presence and caring gesture. They never got tired of seeing the gigantic effect the girl had on their brother.
"Are you a magician or something?" Nick teased, earning a middle finger from Chris and a laugh from Y/N in response before finally grabbing his lunch from the tray.
4. Making out session
Chris and Y/N were lying together in their bed, wrapped in a soft blanket as they watched an old romantic comedy movie on the television. The soft light from the screen illuminated their faces as they snuggled together, enjoying the tranquility and intimacy of the moment.
As the movie progressed, Chris felt his heart beating faster as his closeness to Y/N seemed to be more palpable. No matter how many years they had been together, Chris always felt like it was still the beginning of the relationship, or, as they say, the honeymoon phase.
His blue eyes found her side profile, admiring the softness of her features and the sparkle in her eyes as she was absorbed in the story of the couple in front of them.
Without thinking, the boy moved his hand, reaching for hers and intertwining their fingers. Y/N smiled softly at the gesture, lightly squeezing his hand, conveying comfort and affection without saying a word.
The girl turned her face towards him, feeling his eyes burning into her for long minutes, ready to question him if he was still interested in the story, but her words caught in her throat when she saw the intensity of his gaze.
She knew that look.
Their eyes remained connected for long seconds, the sound of the television becoming muffled to their ears. With one smooth movement, Chris slid his free hand up to Y/N's face, caressing her warm cheek with his fingers in an almost ghost touch. He felt the softness of her skin under his, losing himself in the comforting sensation.
Y/N sighed softly, closing her eyes and pending her head against his hand, enjoying the gentle affection. In one quick movement, Chris got closer to her face, leaning towards her. Their noses met lightly, the boy caressing the area lightly in an eskimo kiss before adjusting his position, their lips finally meeting in a slow and gentle kiss, filled with tenderness and desire.
They explored each other gently, their kiss slowly gaining a rhythms as they gave in to the intimacy of the moment. There was no rush, just the sweet feeling of being together.
Chris's warm tongue caressed her lower lip in a silent request for entrance, which was quickly granted, their tongues intertwining in a wet and skillful kiss.
The boy raised his free hand to the back of Y/N's head, his thumb pressing the tip of her jaw, caressing the hot and flushed skin tenderly, feeling drunk by the natural scent of her body as they surrendered to the heat of the moment. Their hearts beat in unison, a symphony of love and desperation.
In one swift movement, Y/N moved under the blanket that covered their legs, strategically climbing into his lap and sitting on his gray sweatpants covered thighs, her legs wrapping around his hips securely. She moved her hands to his shoulders, tilting her torso slightly and deepening the kiss with the new position.
External sounds disappeared for the two, only the sound of their rapid and choppy breaths echoing in their ears, creating a warm bubble around them.
Chris's hands traveled over Y/N's body in a slow and sensual way, finding home on her hips and tracing imaginary shapes with the tip of his fingers above the thin fabric of her panties, lightly squeezing the area, a low moan escaping the girl's throat.
When the air began to run out, they reluctantly separated, their eyes closed while their tongues still savored the fresh taste of each other that predominated their mouths. Y/N leaned her forehead against his, lightly pressing their noses together as she caught her breath.
When her eyes finally opened, her first sight was Chris's swollen-lipped smirk.
5. Trying to match my boyfriend eating
Y/N's phone camera was already open, and the device rested on the nightstand on her side of the bed, propped up against the pink lamp so that the screen pointed towards her and, consequently, Chris, who would sit next to her.
The girl smiled at the front camera after clicking the red record button, settling back down on the mattress, waiting for Chris, who would return soon with the burgers they had ordered for delivery to eat while they watched a movie.
The sound of the door opening echoed through the room some minutes after, and the girl quickly lifted her gaze towards the source, smiling widely when she saw her boyfriend with the large paper bag in one of his hands.
She quickly took it from him, opening it in one quick movement and taking out the burgers, fries, and sodas, individually separating the ones that were hers and the ones that were his.
"Hungry, babe?" Chris asked with a smile in his voice, a nasal laugh following his sentence as he settled into bed next to her, retrieving his burger quickly.
"You have no idea." The girl murmured, taking advantage of the fact that Chris was unwrapping his lunch as if it were the most precious thing in the world to quickly look at her phone, winking at the camera, unwrapping her own burger.
Y/N wasted no time, noticing from the corner of her eyes her boyfriend already taking the first bite, quickly following him. She tried to bite off a piece in the same size as his, but her attempt was futile, only getting half of it, which was already too much for her.
Chris chewed the piece without any problems, leaning forward slightly and reaching for the remote control that was in the middle of the bed, quickly picking it up and clicking the play button, resuming the movie where they stopped before the food arrived, his mouth working on taking another bite without even looking at his burger.
Y/N's eyes widened, forcing herself to swallow what was still in her mouth so she could take more, this time a little bigger than the last. She found it difficult to chew as quickly as Chris did, closing her eyes tightly as she tried, futilely, to concentrate on swallowing as quickly as possible.
A cough escaped her throat, muffled by her closed lips, but catching the boy's attention, who looked up at her with his brow furrowed in confusion.
His blue eyes widened comically at the sight of her cheeks inflated because of the food and trying to chew, a loud laugh escaping his lips.
"Babe, what the fuck are you doing? Slow down." The brunette adverted, wrapping his burger again and leaving it on the bed - away from his legs so as not to run the risk of crushing it.
He leaned toward her, patting her back lightly with his right hand while his left reached for her Diet Coke, touching the end of the straw to her closed lips.
Chris watched her carefully and with worried eyes, waiting for her to swallow the food, finally taking a few slow sips of the sweet drink.
"I'm sorry." Y/N whispered, a small smile decorating her face along with her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "It was supposed to be a TikTok, but you eat too quickly."
The boy shook his head in confusion, running his eyes around the room and quickly finding his girl's phone recording them.
"Your food will run away or something?"
"Shut up."
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mirohlayo · 7 months
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( lando was ready to confess his feelings to you, but a misunderstanding changed everything. )
warning : fluff, so much fluff, lando being adorable
note : i want this boy guys. also probably my fav fic, it's just all cute omgg
word count : 3k
He was finally ready. He had finally gathered all his courage. Sure, he was stressed, but after months of hiding his deep feelings, he was determined to do it. Lando was ready to confess his feelings to you.
McLaren and their two drivers are now in Bahrain to test the cars for the pre-season. It starts in few days but they already started to work hard, especially on their new garage design.
As a friend of Lando Norris himself, he bought you a ticket plane for you to fly to Bahrain and spend some time with him, even though it was not the most exciting thing because you would just be around the paddock and the track, not doing anything special or funny. But still, you agreed to come because you couldn't spend a lot of time with him during the winter break. Turns out this man had fun traveling around the world.
But Lando had others plans. Of course, he dragged you and his others friends there to spend time with you, but he also wanted to do something. He thought about it a lot, also stressed about it a lot, but now he knows he's more than ready to confess to you.
This boy was already absolutely obsessed with you since the first time you met. Your smile, your laugh, your shyness... Every single thing you do only makes the situation worse and he feels himself falling more and more.
He's the type of guy to be confident to pick up girls and he has no problem to go for them. He is confident and shows no signs of weakness. If he likes a girl then he won't hesitate to show it to her. But with you it's totally different.
The so confident and flirty Lando finds himself so weak when it comes to you. His usual way of flirting no longer exists when he's with you. And you're the only girl he's ever met who makes him change his behavior like that. He is extremely shy around you. He's hesitant, he doesn't know if he's doing the right thing because he's too nervous about making you uncomfortable.
He is also no longer touchy at all. Usually he likes to be tactile with the girl he likes, but you are completely different. You have such an effect on him that he becomes clumsy. This is why when you touch each other suddenly, even for a short second, his whole being becomes alarmed. He blushes so quickly and hard, his heart beats so hard that he's sure we can hear it on the other side of the world.
Even his friends don't recognize him when he's with you. This is the first time he's been so shy and cautious with a girl.
This is why it was at first hard for him to get the guts to finally confess to you. But it's soon the start of the new season, so he thought confessing now would be a great idea. Because then if you reject him he'll be able focus on the races and get over it faster.
And the day finally comes. He starts to feel stressed. His heart is beating a miles but he tries to ignore it. He knows you're here, around the paddock, so he goes to looking for you. His thoughts have been the same for a few days: he hopes that you love him in return. He already spent five minutes looking for you, but it looks like you're missing. He was about to take the stairs to leave the McLaren building when he heard several voices coming from a room.
He cautiously approaches where the noise is coming from, and then presses his ear to the door. He listens carefully, and now he's hearing two voices. And he's sure your voice is one of the two. He would recognize it in seconds. He perfectly knows how your voice sounds. But soon the conversation you have with your interlocutor is breaking his heart in pieces.
"I already love him. God he's so cute !" You say in a excited way. He hears a girl's laughter. "Y/N, you haven't gone out with him yet." "I know but i can't wait. I think i'll go out with him in like two days or something like that" You reply.
Lando's heart misses a beat. Are you planning to leave him alone for another boy ? Are you serious ? Do you actually hate spending time with Lando ? He keeps listening, but he can't repress this feeling of pain.
"You're already in love with him right ?" The girl ask you. "Oh definitely. He's perfect. And he's so pretty too, look at him !" He assumes that you are showing a photo of this man to your friend, since there is a short moment of silence before you giggle. "Yeah, he's cute. I'm so happy for you Y/N" "I love him so much you know..." You keep saying.
That's enough for Lando. He doesn't know if he feels angry or sad right now, but he doesn't wait another second to leave the place, his breath heavy and jerky. So he spent all those months being so in love with you just to find out you're head over heels for another man ?
Jealousy runs in his blood. His feelings were always so deep and strong when it comes to you, so this jealousy is obviously hurting him. It breaks him, and his heart. His mind can't think properly. He wanted to confess to you, but your plan was to leave Bahrain and him in few days to go out with a man he doesn't know about his existence.
But he knows he can't blame you. After all, we don't decide who we want to love. Feelings can't be controlled. He fell so hard in love with you and it's not his fault, so he can't blame you for loving someone else. It's your feelings. But still, he's so in pain. The sadness is quickly taking hold of him. Because he realizes you won't be his girlfriend. And it sucks.
It's been two hours since he found out. He didn't want to think about this horrible new, so instead he went over his race team and started to work on the cars with the engineers. But his mind keeps playing again and again your so affectionate words that you said about this man he already hates with all his being.
He's talking with Oscar about the cars' grip when he hears a voice behind him. "Hello guys !". You walk over and you're now standing in front of the two drivers. Oscar greets you with a smile. "Y/N, it's good to see you here. I guess you missed Lando" the Australian grins at you, and gives his teammate a blow in the ribs.
But he doesn't move, and keeps a straight face. "I wanted to spend time with him but turns out he worked hard with you these two past hours. You steal him and our precious time." You points out to Oscar to tease him and he leaves his hands in the air, ridding himself of any accusation.
You feel Lando stiffen and he doesn't even dare to look at you. His jaw tenses and his arms are crossed over his chest. You frown. What's wrong with him ? "You prefer spending time with your so cute and perfect man huh..." He rumbled in such a low voice that you didn't understand what he just said. "What did you say ?" "Nothing. Just leave me alone, I am working" He turns back and walk away, leaving you alone with the aussie next to you.
You're so confused. Why he's like that ? Did you do something wrong ? Do you bothered him or what ? You send a look of confusion to the blonde guy next to you, and he too seems lost. He shrugs. "I don't know why his behavior is so aggressive towards you. When he arrived two hours ago, he didn't say a word and he seemed quite angry."
"Angry ?" "Yeah, well he wasn't too focused and sometimes I felt like he was about to cry". This is insane. You don't know what happened to him but it worries you. He was always so kind and caring with you, never getting angry at you. But it's so different today. It feels like he hates you.
Oscar pats your shoulder, gives you a small smile before leaving you here, thinking about everything that happened during those 2 hours.
He felt guilty. So guilty. Of course, it was the first time that he get angry at you. He was always trying his best to give you the best of himself but that day it wasn't the case. After speaking to you for the last time, it got worse. He couldn't stop thinking about what he told you. It was stupid of him.
But today was also not the day too. He's been ignoring you for two days now. He passed you a few times around the paddock but he always looked away quickly. He didn't really want to spend time with you anymore. And that got on your nerves.
He remembered that today you have to leave Bahrain and him to go out on a date with your man. Maybe your boyfriend even ? But you didn't warn him, so he wonders if you're really gone. Despite this thought, he didn't try to ask you and just figured you left without telling anyone. But as he walks towards the mclaren garage, your voice come from behind him. "Lando, wait !!"
He frozens. Are you really here ? His heart starts to beat faster and he turns around to see if you are there. His eyes dart out when he finds you standing here, in front of him. You look like you ran a marathon because of your messy hair on your face and your red cheeks. He clears his throat and tries to put himself together. "Are you... okay ?" You ask carefully. He seems surprised at first, but quickly get back to his straight face.
"Yes, I'm good." You feel like he was lying. "It doesn't look like though" His gaze shifts to the right. He avoids your gaze. "Why ?" He asks. "I don't know... You've been ignoring me for two days. You haven't spoken to me once since you asked me to leave you alone. I don't know if I did something wrong but I need to know Lando..." Your voice is about to crack and he notices it. He realizes he must had pain you. And it breaks him in pieces.
But he avoids whatever you're saying. "And you ?" His question make you lift your head up to cross his eyes. "Why are you still here ? You should be with your boyfriend on your date right now." He looks down at the floor, because now sadness and pain fill his whole heart. "What boyfriend ?"
Your question and your confused tone surprise him. His head lift up and for a moment your eyes meet, confusion can be read in both of your looks. No. He's sure he heard it right last time. "I heard you say you were going out on a date with a man today" You frown. "I don't have anything planned today. I don't even have a boyfriend or a man, Lan" You don't know where that comes from but it's just stupid. You are single, and if you should have a boyfriend of course you would choose Lando without hesitation.
After all, you fell in love with him too.
He's relieved. His heart slows down and he finally manages to relax. Now his whole being is relieved because it means he still has a chance to confess to you. "I know it's bad Y/N, but last time I listened to your conversation with your friend and you talked about a perfect and super handsome guy, who you were planning to go on a date with..." You were about to say something but he cuts you off. "So i thought you had someone you loved." His voice becomes quieter.
But now you understand. You start to laugh because you realized that he misunderstood everything. He looks at you, confused. "Lando, that day I wasn't talking about a human. But about a puppy. I'm going to adopt a puppy" You say between two laughters. His eyes dart out and his face looks so surprised.
Oh poor boy. He feels so dumb and stupid right now. How could he make such a fool of himself and distort your words? He has misunderstood every single word you said. And he feels even more foolish when he realized he was so fucking jealous of a puppy. A little puppy.
He blushes so hard now. Such a blushing mess. Not just his cheeks but his whole face is all reddish now, shame eats away at him. It's so embarrassing. But your cute laugh soothes him a bit. "Today was the day I had to pick him up and "go out" with him. But I was worried about you so I postponed the meeting" You explain and he feels even more embarrassed.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. No really, i misunderstood everything and i apologize for that. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ignore you. I'm so stupid" He doesn't stop rumbling and apologizing for all this stuff he created. "Hey Lando, it's okay. I am not mad at you. You didn't have the context so there's no point in apologizing." You put your hands on his shoulders and the touch gives him goosebumps.
It's not fair how you manage to have a hold on him. He's so desperate for you. "But I'm really sorry..." You stay silent for a moment. "But it was really a problem if I went on this date with a man ?". Everything goes into panic inside him. He can't confess, not now. Not after what just happened. "N-no, you can have a boyfriend and go out with whoever you want but... I mean, it's..."
He sighs and pulls backward. "Sorry. It's just that... I don't know how to forgive myself" he reveals. He nervously plays with his fingers and you can't stand this sad picture of Lando. That's why you got an idea. You smile to him. "Maybe you could come with me to pick up my puppy?" A grin takes place on your face.
And soon a grin comes out from his face too. He can't stop smiling like a child. "I'd love to".
"You can come". The old lady waves at you and the driver. You get up from your seats and enter the room where several puppies are playing around. You can't help but giggle. You love so much puppies and dogs. And so does Lando. He too looks in heaven. "Here's your little puppy." The lady hands you a cute brown puppy with big doe eyes.
You take him in your arms and without waiting another second, you attack him with kisses. You let out in between some giggles, while Lando stands there, looking at you with heart-eyes. But the more he looks at you and the puppy, the more he got jealous.
You kiss and hug the puppy like there's only you two in the room. All your attention is on the cute brown animal in your arms and you don't even look at the driver anymore.
Twice. It's the second time he got so jealous of a damn puppy. "What's wrong with me ?" he thought. But he can't help it. He desperately wants to be the puppy. To be the one who receives your kisses, your hugs, your attention. It's not fair. "You want to hold him ? I need to get the papers and stuff done" you ask to him and then right after he got the fluffy ball in his big arms.
Lando also has a dog. Of course he loves animals too. But here it's different. With a smile, you encourage him to wait for you outside while you finish to sign the papers for the adoption. So he waits some minutes, staring at the puppy. Or more like glaring at him. "You love stealing my girl from me huh ?" He asks to the fluffy ball, and he looks like he's about to pout.
But then you appear, a big smile on your face. You join Lando, too happy to notice the cute pout on his face. "Oh my baby, you're so cute" You take the little puppy back in your arms and kiss him again. "And me ?" Lando suddenly said softly, but you heard him.
"You ?" You ask surprised. Why he's suddenly like that ? You look at him with with a questioning look. "Am I cute too ?" He asks, still pouting. He doesn't think about what he's saying anymore, now he just needs you. You don't know what to say. But indeed yeah, his cute behavior melts your heart. "Am I pretty and perfect too ? Arghh fuck !!" He lets out a cry of frustration. "I can't get jealous of a puppy, that's so childish"
"Lando, what are you saying ?" You don't understand at all his behavior. He sighs and finally meets your gaze. "What I'm trying to say is that I'm such a child to be jealous of a puppy. Like... Like I want to be him so bad. I also want your kisses, your cuddles, your attention. I also want to be the reason of your giggles. I so want to be this puppy to receive your love too" You bite back a smile, but that's impossible.
You take a step closer. "You're cute too. So cute. And you're such a pretty and perfect boy too Lan." You grin to him. He didn't expect that. At all. But it genuinely melts his heart. He looks at you with adoration now, and he needs to fight the urge to kiss you. "I guess my jealous boy wants his kiss huh ?" You tease him. He blushes hard, and like a cute puppy he nods quickly. You don't wait a second to press your lips on his ones.
He smiles against your lips, and deepen the kiss by pulling you closer to him. His arms hold you tight, but he makes sure he doesn't crush the puppy between you two. The kiss is so sweet, Lando is savoring every seconds of it. You pull back, and rest yours foreheads together. "I'm so in love with you Lando. Maybe I love you more than our puppy" You laugh softly. He smiles with all his teeth, and press a kiss on your cheek. "I hope so, baby. I'm already tired of him stealing my girl away from me".
You let out a laugh, and like that, he presses a cute and small kiss on the puppy. His beloved puppy.
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jakesangel · 29 days
come here, come closer ꣑୧ - in which situations jake would say that
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꣑୧ flirty jake
this will surely happen early in the relationship, his shyness demeanor fading away as yours remains. if you still sit 'far away' from him on the couch, or is shy to start skinship. he'd take matters in his hands.
'baby, why are you so far away ?' jake breaks the silence as you two were watching a movie in his empty dorm. tho he is whispering, it caught you off guard, almost making you flinch. your head is still facing the tv and because you arent answering him, his hand touch your thigh, still sitting inches a part from you. ' you okay ?' he asked again. you're facing him giving him a shy smile, his puppy eyes too much for you to even stutter a word. he smiles at your reaction, his smirk a good warning of what he is about to do. he pretends to let you go, and you look back to the screen thinking it's all good, but to your surprise. his hand grabs under your thigh, and pull you closer to him. 'come here, come closer baby' he still whisper. you collide against his chest making you gasp a little , to jake's happiness as his smirk gets wider. he pretends to yawn, one of his arm over your shoulder, bringing you impossibly closer 'we're better like that. isn't it baby ?'
꣑୧ reassuring jake
still early in relationship, when you're the first one who's vulnerable in front of the other, too afraid to show your tears to your soft boyfriend.
'[...] i just cant do it anymore' you say as you vented your non-ending week to jake. it's the first time you cry in front of him, making you further more vulnerable and on nerve. you don't know how jake is going to react. tho he said he wants to support and can be a great ear, feeling his eye on you as you cry your heart out is too nerve wrecking for you. you hide your face under your hands, sobbing as you 'truly' can't do it anymore. and you were right. jake standing in front of your crying self, sadness overpowering his face. he doesn't know what to do, unsure of what you need right now. to be heard ? advice ? but what he is sure of, is that you need him and his comfort. he walks closer to you before staring to wrap his arms around your shaking figure ' come here, come closer' he says as he brings your face further into his chest.
꣑୧ needy jake
this surely happens throughout the whole relationship, after the first months pass and his shyness is completely gone, not embarrassed to show his neediness and eagerness he holds for you.
'come on baby, spend some time with me please ?' jake has been impossibly clingy today. he came to your place unnoticed because 'i miss my girlfriend' and kept on following you around the apartment as you had chores to do. and even tho you told jake you were busy 'seeing you is enough for me'. and obviously it wasn't. 'just lemme fold that, yunie', you tell him as you keep on folding your clothes to your wardrobe. 'how long is it going to take ?', he whines as he poops down on your bed. but as his head hits your soft mattress he got the best idea, and before you can even look back at the pile of clothes to answer him, he pulls you back, your back hitting his chest. 'play with me, baby', he whisper looking down on you. you try to look at cold as possible, but as you're looking up to him, he can only see your adorable round eyes to him, making him wanting you further more. so he walks off, a hand in yours, leading you to the bed. he sits down, and waits for you to do the same. but you stand there, hands on your hips, in between his legs, eyebrows furrowed symboling your duty to finish your weekly cleaning. he will not take no for an answer, 'come here, come closer' he says, as plops you on his lap. ' i'll help you do then later. just okay with me right, please ?'
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princess' love letter : thank you anon for the inspo >.< i hope it fulfill ur fantasy > < also for the other anon who talked about my layout being not that readable, is it better that way ?ᩚ please lemme kno ᵎ ♡ྀི
perm tag list ( open ) : @berryyuni @stwrjvke @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee @mioons @en-ner-jay @en-chantedtomeetyou @heeseungmyman @jlheon @ghostiiess @river-demon-slayer @djikeu @firstclassjaylee @pshwrldd
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 months
Just a cute, fluffy fic from Wayne's pov
"Hey Wayne, how do you know you're in love?" Eddie asks him as they eat dinner that night. Wayne nearly choked on the pasta he was eating but covered himself by gulping down some coffee.
Shit, he needs something a little stronger for this, like when he had the talk with Eddie a few years ago, that was awkward as hell for the both of them.
Fortunately for Wayne's heart, Eddie kept his love life a secret. There were a couple people that weren't serious, but that's as far as Wayne knew. Eddie asking about love, though? This was new.
"I haven't got time for falling in love, Uncle Wayne, I have way too much shit to worry about, and it's a bunch of bullshit anyway", were the words of Eddie just a year ago.
Wayne knew his nephew craved love but at the same time viewed it cynically, so whoever this person was must be special to change his views.
"Why'd you ask boy?" Eddie's cheeks turn pink and he shrugs, gulps down the warm coffee and almost scalds his tongue. "Ahh shit!" his eyes widen when there's a knock on the trailer door, and Wayne gets up to answer it; he knows who it is even before he answers.
You're standing on the step, a D&D book tucked under your arm, smiling at Wayne with just a little bit of shyness this time which was an improvement.
You hurry inside and tell Eddie you'll set the books up in his room.
For six months, you'd been visiting the new trailer (all paid for by the government, so no questions were asked about the old one), and it took a while for you to relax around him; now that you did, it was like your second home and Wayne was used to you being here.
You had been visiting on your own, but sometimes with Harrington and Dustin, Wayne doesn't know what went on during Spring Break, just that Eddie was injured during the earthquake, and you were there for him every step of the way.
His wounds had healed but left scars, and sometimes Eddie woke up screaming after horrendous nightmares, not when you were around, though. When you were around it helped Eddie, helped the both of you work towards healing.
The fact that both of you were obviously falling head over heels in love with each other, is something that Wayne has kept quiet about, waiting until Eddie approached him about it.
Today was the day.
Wayne smiles gruffly. "This about your girl?" he nods to you as you head into Eddie's room and Eddie's cheeks darken even more.
"Yeah, yeah it is. She's amazing, isn't she, Wayne?" he enthuses; I just wanted to ask. How do you know it's love? I mean shit, I uh look at her, and she feels like home, and I don't want to be with anyone else ever; I feel like I can be myself around her, and she'd never judge me; she makes me tongue-tied and my heart races and she's so distracting and I... I'm in love with her" he sighs content then looks up at Wayne panicked.
"Shit, I don't even know if she feels the same?" Wayne sighs, he adores his nephew, but the boy is completely oblivious at times.
"Son, she looks at you like you hung the moon so why don't you quit horsing around and ask her out" Eddie looks like all of his Christmases have come at once.
"You really think so?" He asks hopefully and his eyes light up when Wayne nods. "Maybe I will talk to her then" Wayne then proceeds to watch his nephew practically melt at the sight of you; that was something that so very rarely happened with Eddie, so he was completely smitten.
Here's hoping that he did pluck up the courage to talk to you.
It's late when Wayne comes home from work; the TV is on, so Eddie is still up, and Wayne would bet that you're here too.
Wayne sees the two of you giggling together, holding hands and exchanging kisses, there's a big soppy smile on Eddie's face and he only has eyes for you.
About damn time. Also, Hopper owes him a glass of his best scotch so he will make sure to collect that too.
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mshalfemptygirl · 25 days
Cupid (S.R)
Plot: Our favorite Doutor confess feels to his best friend also co-worker, Y/N.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAUFem!Reader
Contents: Really quicky mention to drinks, cases, makeout but fluffy for sure.
A/N: hello readers, I disappeared for a year because of work and college and a serious health problem but I'm better than ever and coming back to writing has brought me back to life. I hope you like her because she's cute, a couple from a romance movie basically, so like and share if you like it.
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"Alright, Spence. What are your thoughts on the woman over there in the dark green dress? She looks elegant, charming, and quite attractive. She might even share an interest in the books you enjoy, don’t you think? What’s your take?" I gestured toward the woman who had just taken a seat at the bar, alone. I was on a mission to play matchmaker for Spencer. Although he hadn’t asked for my help, I thought it would be useful to offer a female perspective. Spencer’s inherent shyness meant he needed substantial guidance in social situations, especially when it came to women.
The ambiance was pleasant. We were seated at a table near the main entrance. Given that it was Thursday, the bar was relatively quiet, but it was the only day we both had free to unwind after a grueling series of cases in New York. Honestly, I’m not sure what’s been happening this past month, but I’ve reviewed so much material that when I close my eyes, I still see the words on the pages. And Spence? The poor guy has never analyzed so many maps in his life. I thought this break was well-deserved, and he certainly deserved a chance to spend time with someone special. Well, both of us could use a moment with someone, but I’m on a cupid’s mission and need to stay focused—no distractions, no more than three drinks.
"She’s attractive, but I’m not fond of blondes, and she seems a bit too tall for my taste. I don’t think it would work out," he replied. I frowned and looked at him with disbelief. This was the fifth woman he had dismissed that evening, and his options were rapidly dwindling. I downed my beer in one gulp and stared him down, hoping to make him realize it was now or never. "Spence, you don’t need to be so selective. I understand it’s challenging for you, but you’re only looking for someone to kiss. I’d love to kiss that girl! She’s stunning. Just approach her, buy her a drink, and then kiss her. Go on, now," I urged impatiently. He needed to make the first move.
"I understand, Y/N. She’s attractive, but I don’t want to kiss her, that’s all," he said, turning back to the bar and taking a sip of his whiskey. I knew him well enough to sense he was hiding something. This was a significant step for him, and despite our discussions about taking a break, he seemed reluctant to pursue it. Ugh, he could be so stubborn.
"I know there’s more to it, love. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Am I being too pushy, is that it? I’m sorry if I’m a bad cupid. I’ll stop. Look, I’m waving the white flag—peace," I said, grabbing a napkin and waving it theatrically. I flashed a grin, and he chuckled. It was always like this: he was the serious one, and I was the humorous one. He loved books, and I adored movies. He was the little angel, and I was the little devil. "Very amusing, but I swear, I have nothing to hide from you," he assured me.
"Spencer..." I gave him my best puppy-dog eyes. He looked uncomfortable, but he started to speak anyway, with a hint of resignation in his voice. "Well, there’s this girl I’ve developed feelings for... she’s incredibly nice and fun. When she talks to me, I can’t think of anything else. I’m not sure how to articulate my feelings, but I don’t want to kiss anyone else. She’s everything to me now." I was overjoyed and exhilarated. I’d never seen Spence so in love before, and now he had someone special in his life. Of course, I felt a twinge of jealousy, but I was also genuinely happy for him. This was a delightful surprise.
"Spencer Walter Reid!! Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?! Did you—" I exclaimed, relieved that the bar was mostly empty. His face flushed red as he tried to cover my mouth with his hand. "Y/N, please don’t shout!!! I didn’t know sooner, I didn’t realize it until now..." he explained. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my excitement. "Alright... you need to go talk to her right now and give her a proper kiss! I’ll handle things here. Just go for it!"
He looked at me wide-eyed, his hands on my shoulders. "You really think so? Are you sure?" I snorted. "Absolutely, go now." And that’s when he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as if steeling himself for what he was about to do. His fingers gently gripped the back of my neck, his touch both tender and urgent. He leaned in, and I could feel the warmth of his breath against my skin before our lips finally met. I was stunned, my body tensed, and my eyes remained open for a moment, but his lips were so soft that I quickly surrendered to the kiss. Our lips moved together in sync, and I felt a profound connection. He wasn’t as shy as I’d thought—he had a way with words and was incredibly sweet. I couldn’t explain it, but he was perfect. Suddenly, I found myself bewitched by the very arrow of Cupid I had sent forth.
As we broke away from the kiss, I gazed at him, utterly bewildered, my heart racing with every beat. "Spence, what was that? You just..." I asked, my voice trembling with genuine confusion. He looked at me with an expression that blended sincerity and vulnerability before responding in a tone that was soft yet deeply meaningful: "Well, the truth is, the woman I’ve been admiring all along is you. I’m sorry if this comes as a shock, but you asked me to act, so I did."
I was momentarily stunned, a whirlwind of emotions overtaking me. How could I have been so blind not to notice this sooner? I opened my mouth for the first time in minutes to speak my heart. "Spence, there's no need to apologize. I'm just... surprised! That was really something," I said, still trying to wrap my head around the moment. I paused, letting it all sink in. "So, does this count as our first date, or would you rather have a more traditional one?" I asked with an amused tone, trying to ease the tension that had built between us, feeling a bit uncertain about what came next.
"Oh, I definitely want another date. How about I take you out for dinner, and you wear that dark blue dress you had on at Rossi’s? I love the way it looks on you," he said, his words making a warm sensation spread through me. "You’re so sweet, Spence. I hadn’t really noticed it before. If I’d known you kissed like that..." I replied with a laugh, hugging him tightly. "And you can bet I’ll wear the dress if it makes you happy." With a gentle caress on my face, I brushed his bangs off his forehead, feeling a bit strange about kissing one of my best friends, but I was glad he had the courage to confess something so significant.
I looked at his face again and could see him a bit embarrassed by the events of the night that had unfolded in a public place. It wasn’t something he had planned, and he likes to plan things. "Y/N, may I kiss you a little longer?" he asked, his eyes searching mine for permission. Instead of answering, I pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss, savoring the moment.
Talk to me
Spencer Reid Masterlist
A/N: let me know if you want me to tag you
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ihatedtoadmit · 14 days
Art study
pairing: Bang Chan x gn! reader
genre: ...suggestive
warnings: nothing actually happens, so none besides teasing
word count: ~1.3k
summary: You're doing an art study on muscles, and who's a better candidate for reference than your wonderful boyfriend who keeps feeding his delulu fanbase with half-naked pictures?
a/n: Well well well, Nat, you don't have to pay to see me write something like this after all (if you will ever see this, because no chance am I tagging you or anyone, dear). Here, have fun, this is the most spice anyone can get out of my asexual ass.
↳ Main Masterlist
All rights reserved. Please do not steal, repost or feed my work into AI. Thank you!
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You were a very reserved person, something your partner knew all too well. Every touch the two of you shared throughout the entirety of your relationship had no heat behind it, each one only fueled by pure adoration and love. Never once did a kiss turn hungry, hell, there had barely been any kisses the two of you had shared due to your lack of need for the action. Chan knew it all too well, and while he craved more, he also respected it. The last thing he wanted to do was to make you uncomfortable, and so he’d never stepped over that line.
That was the exact reason for his current shyness, the confusion that wanted to sit onto his face hard to mask. There he stood in your doorway, the desk before your hunched form cluttered with pencils and little crumbs of dirty erasers. You were entirely too focused on the task at hand to notice your boyfriend's presence, the song that flowed through your headphones much too loud to hear any footsteps or even words. And so you continued drawing, clueless about anything as your lover watched you work, eyes flitting between your sketch and the endless reference pictures on your screen.
Pictures about him, his back fully on display and unclothed.
A touch broke you out of your concentration as you erased a line for the fourth time, scaring you into throwing away the pencil in your clutches just so you could tear the headphones off your head.
“Interesting art you have there, love.” - Chan mused, yet his skin was as flushed as ever.
You joined him as you could feel your own skin heating up, ashamed that you’d been caught like this. Eyes looked at everything besides your boyfriend, yet you found comfort in that warm touch of his.
“I was just… doing a study, on muscles.” - the words were but a mere whisper, hand quickly reaching to minimise your browser and just hide it from a certain pair of prying eyes.
Still, there was a feeling clawing at the cage of your soul, ripping at the flesh to be let out and rampage freely. It was feral and vicious, planting a thought into your head that seemed impossible to get out, no matter how alien it felt. You could feel your breath hitch at the image that popped into your head, memories of the images you had been staring at for a while now overlapping.
The hand on your shoulder gently squeezed, breaking you out of your derailing thoughts.
“I don't mind, baby, it just… caught me off guard? Glad you enjoyed my performances though.” - Chan’s voice was light, mixing well with the shyness he was trying to hide.
It only urged that fierceness inside to break free, granting you a surge of confidence you would have never had otherwise.
Without any words you finally glanced up at the man you loved, finding him utterly handsome; you would hone your artistic skills for the rest of your life just to capture a fragment of that beauty. His skin was dusted with a faint red, ears painted by the deepest of shades. Those eyes you loved to get lost in were alight with an emotion you had seen them only hold whenever he looked at the boys, and it took your breath away within a heartbeat.
Your body moved on its own, towering over him as you now stood. His hair was still slightly wet from the shower he must have just taken, and you just knew he had been originally on his way to his room to swap his bathrobe for those comfy, black clothes he loved to don in his free time.
He searched your gaze, unsure, yet trusting. His hands comfortably placed themselves onto your hips; their touch was warm, the man before you always running hot. It was something you loved as he balanced out your always cold hands wonderfully, reaching the perfect temperature you both enjoyed.
“Hey, love. How was work today?” - you asked, leaning closer than usual as you swiped those dark curls out of Chan’s face. He leaned into your touch, eyes closing for a second as he thought about his answer.
“The usual, although Hyunjin managed to piss off Minho again. It was a shoe this time that was the weapon, by the way.” - there was an airiness of joy to his words, yet no laugh accompanied it.
No, Chan was entirely too enamoured with the look you were giving him, as if you were worshipping him with your eyes alone. And maybe you were. With each look you studied the way your lover's skin moved, the shadows conforming accordingly. It lured you in, as if Chan was the siren and you were his prey, fated to be drowned in the vast oceans and seas.
He didn't move as you took him all in, hands eventually unable to keep themselves away. Your fingers were cold against the warmth of his fair skin, and you could hear his breath hitch, the muscles inside his neck moving beautifully.
There was something different in your touch, that much he knew, yet he wouldn't have it any other way.
As if you had never seen anything like it before, your hands glided over any free expanse of skin you could reach, memorising how the muscles hidden beneath curved and jumped at your touch. Never once did your eyes stray, wanting to remember every little detail. You wanted your art to be perfect, after all, to represent the real thing as closely as possible and that meant every little detail in their complete glory.
Your eyebrows furrowed as the white robe blocked you off, and so you slightly slid it off from one of Chan's shoulders. His hold on you tightened and you glanced at him briefly, seeing an intensity burning in those dark eyes, one you had never seen before.
You were playing with fire, and you could feel the heat of the danger.
Despite the clear wanting signs, you ignored them much like Icarus, hands now gliding down your lover's arm. Each touch held meaning, praising him in silence, singing odes about this man’s beauty. There was something so intriguing about watching the muscles connect to skin and bone, oh so perfectly toned and reacting to every touch of yours.
You stepped even closer, breaths mingling together as you reached into his robe, mapping out the vast skin of your partner's back. Every dip, every rise and imperfection was noted inside your head, the scorching star in Chan's eyes only growing in intensity as time passed. Your eyes flitted between those deadly stars and his neck, seeing it strain, muscles so tight that they jumped out of the skin in that lovely V-shape you could never grow bored of.
Then, as if something snapped, he gripped your waist with incredible force, not giving you a chance to escape. Despite that, no fear took residence inside you, your now warm fingers still laid peacefully on his shoulders.
“And what do I owe this extremely special moment to, baby?” - his words were a deep rumble, eyes begging for an answer with desperation.
“For being the most beautiful human to grace this planet, my wonderful love. Be my muse, please. Let me draw you, let me study you.” - you answered, one hand now cupping Chan's cheek tenderly, despite the uniquely heated situation.
As if that was the magic word to undo his binding, your lover moved, hauling your taller form easily onto the bed with him. There you were now, sat on his lap as he looked up at you expectantly, the intensity and love never diminishing in those bright eyes of his. Your sketchbook was still sitting beside you on the bed where you had originally thrown it at, hands itching to take it and immortalise what you had engraved into your mind in the past few minutes.
“I'll be your muse whenever, baby. All you needed to do was ask.”
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Sleepy | L.N.
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Lando Norris x driver!reader
Summary: A rainy day in the paddock results in a sleepy cuddle.
Warnings: fluff<3
Word count: ~0.9K
The rhythmic sound of raindrops echoed through the McLaren garage, creating a cozy ambiance that contrasted with the dreary weather outside. Lando and you had just finished half of your laps when the heavens opened up, forcing you two to retreat from the track.
You both rummaged through your bags, pulling out hoodies and blankets to combat the chill in the air. Once settled, you both sank into the sofa, each engrossed in your own world of social media. The monotony of the rain against the garage doors created a hypnotic atmosphere, pulling you both towards a drowsy state.
Lando, trying to fight his sleepiness, glanced over at you, "So, Y/n, how do you think the convention's gonna go?"
"Probably the same as always. Lots of technical jargon and a few jokes from Zak." You, with a small smile, replied.
Lando chuckled, "True, true. But hey, at least we get to show off our dance moves at the team party later, right?"
You rolled your eyes playfully, "Speak for yourself, Lando. I'll be the one pretending not to know you when you break out those so called 'moves.'"
As you two bantered, the exhaustion from the day's activities began to catch up. The hum of conversation around you, combined with the gentle pitter-patter of rain, created a soothing lullaby that nudged the two of you into deep sleep.
As sleep took over, the atmosphere around you two seemed to shift. Unbeknownst to Lando and you, both of your bodies gravitated towards each other, seeking warmth and comfort. You found yourself resting your head on Lando's chest, hands comfortably folded between you two, while Lando's head found a natural spot against your own.
It was all in search of some warmth. Right?
Meanwhile, Carlos, entered the garage, catching sight of the unexpectedly adorable scene. A mischievous smile spread across his face as he discreetly snapped a picture of his favourite duo. Carlos couldn't resist the urge to wipe an imaginary tear from his eyes, fully embracing his parental role, “They grow up so fast…” he smiled a brilliant smile to himself.
Unable to contain his excitement, Carlos hurriedly went in search of other drivers to share the precious sight of the young pair cuddled up together. He rounded Charles, Max and Daniel up and brought them back to witness the unexpected scene unfolding on the small sofa. The men huddled together, huge smiles adoring their faces.
Carlos whispered, "Look at these two. They're out like lights. They’re so cute!"
The team erupted in silent laughter, thoroughly entertained by the unintended humor of their sleepy drivers. Despite the attention, Lando and you remained in your peaceful slumber, wrapped in the warmth you both provided for each other.
The dim light in the garage hinted at the passage of time as Lando and you stirred from your impromptu nap. You, feeling a mix of embarrassment and shyness, gently extracted yourself from Lando's arms, apologizing almost instinctively.
"Sorry, Lando. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you like that," you spoke, cheeks tinged with a rosy hue.
Lando, however, wasn't ready to let you go just yet. Feeling the chill in the air after being robbed of your warmth, he instinctively pulled you back into his arms, wrapping them securely around you.
"Come back here before I freeze without you. And no need to apologize. It's freezing out here, and you make for excellent warmth," he teased, a playful glint in his eyes. You couldn't help but smile, finding comfort in his embrace.
As you two nestled closer to share body heat, a flicker of light caught your attention. The two of you turned your gaze toward the television screen mounted on the garage wall, only to see yourselves, still wrapped up in each other sound asleep, broadcasted to the world. A video of your cozy moment had found its way onto the internet.
Your eyes widened in surprise, and you glanced at Lando, expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "Does that bother you?" you asked, your voice soft as silk to Lando’s ears.
Lando, unfazed, shook his head. "Not one bit. Let them see. It's not every day the world gets a glimpse of McLaren's dynamic duo catching some Z’s in the garage," he replied with a grin.
You pondered for a moment before smiling back at him.
"You?" he questioned you back, his eyes searching your own. One thing for sure, Lando did not want to overstep your boundaries.
"Not one bit," you echoed, looking up at Lando from you position on his chest, a content smile playing on your lips.
Quick to reciprocate the sentiment, Lando leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. It was a tender moment that the two of you enjoyed silently.
With a shared smile, you both settled back into comfortable positions, enjoying the simple pleasure of each other's company. As Lando closed his eyes, leaving you with your thoughts, you couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn of events. The garage may have been colder now, but in each other's arms, both of you found a warmth that transcended the temperature around.
A.N Just a lil something I cooked up because I should be studying for my exams but I choose happiness <3
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bruisedboys · 1 year
❛ here, give this a try and tell me what you think. ❜ may i request baker reader who teases miguel by giving him a sweet kiss after trying what they made :)
thank you baby for the ask! I had heaps of fun writing this :) also I cheated and changed the dialogue a little bit oops
miguel o’hara x fem!reader, fluff, spoiler free!!! (also not proofread very well)
Miguel’s not an overly affectionate guy. He likes you, sure, but he keeps the physical affection to a minimum — he kisses you and touches you minimally when there are others around. He’ll hug you if you ask for it, he’ll hold your hand too, but only when it’s just the two of you alone. It’s not that he doesn’t like you, because he does, a lot, it’s just not his thing. Neither of you mind.
When it comes to your affections, however, Miguel is practically bombarded with them every waking second. And he says this in a very affectionate way, mind you. You’re always telling him he looks handsome. Always touching his chest or his arm, putting your hand in his hair (when he’s low enough that you can reach it). You’re not afraid of letting him know just how much you like him. It makes him weak in the knees, if he’s being honest.
You appear in Miguel’s lab slash office with the air of someone who’s excited and can barely hold it in. You’re bouncing on your feet and you’ve got your hands behind your back, hiding something.
“Hi, handsome,” you say, a happy lilt in your voice as you skip towards him.
Miguel bites back a smile. If he smiles, you’ll tease him for it, for sure. He tries not to sound too lovelorn when he says, “Hi,” back.
It doesn’t work. It’s probably the sappiest he’s ever sounded saying one single word. It’s hardly his fault. You’ve caught him at a bad time — he’d just been thinking about you and then you’d appeared. Very inconsiderate of you.
You stop a little way’s away from him and then make a show of pushing whatever you’ve got behind your back further out of sight. Miguel raises a brow.
“What are you doing here?” He asks.
You roll your eyes. “Am I not allowed to visit my boyfriend at work?”
The way you say ‘boyfriend’ makes Miguel’s heart feel funny. You’ve only just started calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend. Before that it was coworkers, then acquaintances. then friends, then friends who kiss. Now he’s your boyfriend. It’s a new feeling. Not bad, just new.
“You’re allowed,” he says. “Of course you are.”
You beam then. It makes you look even prettier than you already are when you’re neutral-faced, your cheeks appled and plump, your eyes all crinkled at the corners. Happy you is his favourite you.
“Good,” you say. “‘Cos I brought you something.”
You take another step forwards and finally pull out the thing you’re hiding behind your back. It’s a Tupperware container with a blue lid. It’s decidedly ordinary, in Miguel’s totally unordinary work place. You step closer still and curl your fingers around the lid, pulling it up gently to reveal its contents.
Inside are a dozen or so chocolate chip cookies. Miguel looks at them, and then looks at you. You’re smiling shyly.
“I made them,” you explain, a shyness to your words that Miguel thinks is awfully adorable. “Thought you might be hungry.”
Miguel gets a very clear picture in his head of you in the kitchen, scooping cookie dough onto a tray, and thinks that maybe next time he’ll have to be there when you bake so he can kiss you stupid.
“Here,” you say , reaching for a cookie and breaking it in half. “Try this and tell me what you think.”
You hold out the cookie half to Miguel and he’d be an asshole if he said no to that. Plus, he can smell the sugar and the butter, and you’re right, he is hungry.
“Thank you,” he says, taking the cookie from your, his fingers brushing the back of your hand. You’ve got unbelievably nice hands. He thinks about it as he takes a bite of the cookie. Then he thinks about how good the cookie tastes. It’s caramel-y like you put a lot of butter in it, but he can taste salt too, and the chocolate is just dark enough that it’s not too sweet but still totally delicious.
“Good?” You ask, looking up at him hopefully.
Miguel swallows, then takes another bite pointedly. You giggle.
“It’s good?” You say excitedly. “I didn’t know if you liked dark chocolate, but it was all I could find.”
Miguel shakes his head. “It’s good,” he says. “Really good.”
You beam, looking like you can’t contain your glee. “Really? You like it?”
Miguel smiles at you. He’s feeling very fond right about now. And there’s no one around, so he reaches for your face and cups your cheek in his big hand. He stands over you and smiles in a way that Peter B. would definitely make fun of.
“Thank you,” he says, taking a step closer to you. “You don’t have to be so nice to me all the time, you know. Have you tried one?”
You shake your head. You’re decidedly silent, like you’re thinking about something but not saying what it is. You shuffle closer to him, the Tupperware container squished between your bodies.
“Lean down, would you, handsome?” You ask, a playful undertone to your soft request.
Miguel obliges. He’s pretty sure he knows where this is going. He leans down to a point where he knows you can reach and waits.
You look up at him for a moment. Then you push yourself onto your toes and kiss him, your hand pushing up against his chest to anchor yourself. Miguel’s hand latches onto your waist, fingers curling, subconsciously pulling you in. It’s a sweet kiss and Miguel wishes it would go on longer but you’re pulling away after only a few moments, smiling like a fool.
“What?” He asks, and your smile has caught on his lips, too.
“You taste good,” you say, giggling. “I think I did a pretty good job with the cookies.”
Miguel grins. “Really?” He drawls in a low voice, his tone borderline teasing, and your giggling subsides as he inches his face closer to yours. “Want another taste?”
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exhaslo · 8 months
Hii... Sorry to bother you.. Could you do bully Miguel x shy reader like Miguel always bully and tease reader, but reader also got bullied in the past by eddie who worse like cigarette burn something like that , but miguel kinda likes reader and have a soft spot for her , let me know what's on your mind , have a nice day ☺ (sorry my English is bad)
Sure! I highly recommend to check out my Puzzle Pieces story whenever you get a chance! This request is pretty similar to how I made that story, but I'll change this up a bit for your request~
Warning: Mentions of abuse, bullying, loneliness, fluff, handsy, touch starved
A cold droplet landed so perfectly against your hand as you sat alone on an abandon swing.
The cool wind that blew roughly against your face as you stared at the broken mats below you.
A heart breaking silence that could only remind you that you were alone in this place.
This place, and everywhere.
It had been a long time since you had a moment to enjoy yourself. Lately you've been in a downward slump. Nothing seemed to go right for you or get your spirits up. You just wanted a friend. Someone to help you get out of this lonely slump.
"This isn't a field trip," Miguel spoke as he approached you from behind.
"Isn't as fun as one," You muttered lowly, jumping off the swing.
"Let's get back to what we're supposed to be doing."
You just nodded as you followed Miguel. The reason you were in the middle of an abandon park was actually work related. Miguel was your coworker. Your tall, handsome, bossy and bully of a coworker. He added to your stress by workload and teasing.
"Hey, pay attention." Miguel huffed as he flicked your forehead. You whimpered quietly,
"S-Sorry," You apologized. Miguel sighed once more,
"Do you even remember what we're supposed to be doing here?"
"I-I...I do!" You cried, gripping your bag as you hurried to the grassy field, "I....do...just please....leave me alone for a moment," You whispered as tears threaten to spill.
Miguel watched you hurry off, resisting a chuckle. Lord, you were so adorable and easy to tease. Miguel loved it when your face would turn red from embarrassment. He wanted to see more of you. If only you would come out of your shell.
Miguel loved hearing your voice. Your little squeaks and whines. You were the best coworker he could have ever had. You were made just for him. Miguel just had a hard time showing his affection and it ended up coming out as bullying.
"I'll be over at this section, (Y/N). Let me know when you're done!" Miguel called out.
This was a simple field gathering that Miguel needed done. He wanted to collect some samples of the wild life bugs outside the city so he could return to the lab. While Miguel was the top scientist at Alchemax, you were just one of his measly assistants.
A cute one at that.
Miguel chuckled to himself as he thought of you being grossed out by the bugs. Despite your shyness, Miguel knew that you could never say no to him. Another reason why he was so obsessed with you. Miguel just wished he knew how to get you to loosen up around him some more.
After a while of gathering, you felt exhausted. Miguel had approached you a few times, checking up on you and offering water. It did warm your heart, but the man confused you so much. He always teased you, yet would turn around and treat you so kindly. Miguel was not the average bully.
At least you weren't sure. He did do strange things.
Once the two of you were done, you made you way back to Alchemax. Miguel offered the scenic route, stating that they could use the extra time for themselves.
"So hot. How could you wear long sleeves even in this heat?" Miguel asked with a huff as he fixed his bag. You gripped your sleeves,
"I....rather not say," You whispered.
Miguel noticed your grim expression and cussed mentally. He struck a nerve. Glancing around, Miguel smiled as he saw an ice cream shop ahead and grabbed your wrist, dragging you behind.
You cheeks grew flustered as Miguel dragged you away. You didn't know where he was taking you until you entered the shop. Confused, you enjoyed the cool breeze of the AC as you stood behind Miguel. It were these moments that confused you.
"What flavor do you want?" Miguel asked. You tilted your head, looking at the flavors,
"Oh," You pointed towards your favorite flavor, "Um...T-Thank you, Miguel."
You smiled softly as Miguel grunted in response. Now that sounded more like the Miguel you knew. As you held your ice cream, Miguel suggested to sit at the shop for a bit before returning. You didn't think too much of it, but this was making up for his behavior from earlier.
"You know...I can recommend a place that makes cooling long sleeve shirts." Miguel muttered. You almost didn't hear him, "If...you don't mind the suggestion, that is."
"I would love that. Thank you-"
"Whoa, is that (Y/N)?"
You felt your heart sink as you heard a familiar voice. Your breathing shuddered as you looked away.
"It is! Holy shit! Long time no see!!"
Miguel felt his eye twitch as he heard an obnoxious voice call out your name so casually and snobby. Glancing down towards you, Miguel furrowed his brows. You were shaking like a leaf and the blood had drained from your face.
"What? Too good to even say hi, (Y/N)?" The man snorted, getting closer. Miguel's lazily glare turned towards the man,
"And if she is?" He scoffed, towering over the man as Miguel stood, "Who do you think you are?"
"Name's Eddie, her ex."
"L-Let's...g-go." You whispered quietly.
Miguel felt your lightest tug against his shirt. You were scared. Now, while Miguel did enjoy bullying and teasing you for affection, it was clear that Eddie had bullied you for fun. That struck a nerve with Miguel.
"Well, Eddie, (Y/N) obviously doesn't want to talk to you. So fuck off," Miguel hissed, wrapping his arm around your waist.
Your eyes widen towards the warm of Miguel's touch as he pulled you out of the store. This level of comfort felt so right. So nice. This was what you felt like you were missing. Just a small touch. You had dropped your ice cream, but who cares.
This felt nice.
Once you were a good distance away, Miguel had you face him. Tears stained your cheeks as you quickly pulled Miguel into a deep hug. You really didn't want to let go of him. Not just yet. You felt so touch starved that you just needed this.
"You're okay," Miguel hummed.
This felt really nice. Having your arms wrapped around him. Miguel would love for this to be a constant thing. Resting his hand against your head, Miguel waited until you were ready. This was a side that he hadn't seen before...a side that he wasn't sure he wanted to see.
"(Y/N)...Sorry if I ever, get on your nerves." Miguel apologized, feeling as if it were the right thing to do.
You sniffled, looking up at him, "Y-You're not...as bad as he was." You whimpered. Miguel enjoyed the little squeeze you gave him, "T-Thank you...f-for standing up for me."
"Of course," Miguel wiped your tears away, frowning as you let go, "I tease you a lot because I like you. Now, I know that isn't an excuse, but I'm here if you need to talk."
"T-Thank you," You smiled and rubbed your arm slightly, "Um, C-Can I add...a stress hug to that offer?"
"Suuure?" Miguel was confused, but accepted none the less.
Oh, how Miguel loved these stress hugs. Ever since that day, you would just pop into his lab when no one was around and hug Miguel tightly. Those hugs would last anywhere between a few seconds to a few minutes. It was hard for him not to go back to teasing you.
"Mig?" You whispered, poking your head into his lab.
There you were once again. Miguel motioned you in and hid his smile as you quickly rushed to hug him. Your arms wrapping around his waist as you gave him a squeeze. Miguel returned the gesture, always wondering how far you would let him touch you.
"Your 'stress hugs' have been getting lighter. Sure this isn't a reason to embrace me?" Miguel said with a low chuckle.
"N-No!" You huffed.
Ah, the cute pout you did. Miguel smirked as his hands roamed your back, feeling your body shake and move with his touch. You were enjoying this just as much as he was. Who know how touch starved Miguel was until you started this.
"Excuse me, Miguel?"
Not wanting to get caught, Miguel quickly pinned you under his desk. He covered your mouth, signaling you to be quiet until the lab worker left.
"Hm? He must have left."
Miguel resisted a sigh of relief as he stared at you. Your body pressed against his as the two of you hid under a small space. Your legs were practically around his hips while your hands were resting against his arms.
Miguel felt like he was at a loss for words. Everything about this felt so right. Your body just melted against his. His perfect dream come true. Slowly moving his hand away from your mouth, Miguel waited for you to say something. Anything!
"M-Mig," You finally spoke, cheeks burning red. Miguel stroked your cheek, watching you lean against his palm,
"Think these....stress hugs can get a little more-"
You took the words right out of his mouth. Pulling you onto his lap as you both still hid under the desk, Miguel resisted a groan. How could he tease you to being his girlfriend? How could he bully you to be his? Miguel needed to know!
"I-Is it weird...t-that this is...calming?" You asked shyly, resting your head against his neck as you touched his chest. Miguel was biting the inside of his cheek,
"Yea, guess that means you're a pervert, (Y/N)." He chuckled. You frowned, glaring at him,
"S-So are you!"
Miguel grunted as he grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him as he inhaled your perfume. His eyes nearly rolling back as you trembled against his touch. Your soft hands playing with his hair was making him go crazy.
"I'll happily take that insult from you."
A small smile formed against your lips as you and Miguel stayed like for a few seconds longer. You had to get back to work, but at least you knew that the two of you could keep seeing each other like this. It felt good. It made you feel better.
No longer did you feel lonely as Miguel held you in his warm embrace.
No longer did you know that you were the only one who needed this escape.
You had Miguel to be handsy with.
You had Miguel to share your comfort. Even if he was a bully to you sometimes. Miguel would always make it up by calming you down with his touches.
Hope you enjoyed!!!!
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Since you mentioned Harwin… (smut pleek)
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Princess | Harwin Strong
i had no idea what you wanted other than *harwin* so i hope you like this!! (tho the title sucks so bad but i’m too lazy to think of a better one)
warnings: smut, 18+, mentions of loss of virginity?, bits of fluff ig, fem!reader (?) x harwin but other than that there’s no specifications!
idk how to do this warning shit ngl. also my first time writing smut and you didn’t really specify so… also it’s not proof read at all so read at your own risk
summary: the morning after ser harwin breakbones carries his princess to safety and has his way with her
word count: 1.2k (ish)
Whispers of dawn kissed her cheeks, bursts of gold rallying against the dark of her closed eyes, and the Princess smiled against the softness of her pillow as she registered the warm weight slung over her bare hips.
Harwin’s calloused hand was splayed against her stomach, holding her close throughout the night and break of day. Her smile grew wider as he grumbled unintelligibly and his grip tightened. She could only spare half a thought for her dear sister - poor Rhaenyra stuck with a heartbroken Laenor on her wedding night - as she felt her new found lover stir.
“Good morning, Princess.”
His voice, deep and still cloaked in sleep, was laced with a sense of smug satisfaction she would have found insufferable on anyone else. Luckily for Ser Harwin Strong, she found him far too endearing for her own good. “Good morning, Ser.”
She could feel his lazy grin against her shoulder as he peppered gentle kisses along her smooth skin. “So proper,” he teased as his kisses reached the slope of her neck.
“I’m a Princess,” she sniffed, tilting her head.
He smirked and bit her neck lightly, “A dirty Princess, what would your father think?”
Holding in her whimper, the Princess arched a brow despite knowing he couldn’t possibly see it. “I’d rather not think of my father at all, thank you.”
Harwin hummed as he nuzzled her jawline. His heated breath made her shiver and his grin widened. Last night felt like a dream - one he’d had many, many times over the past few moons. A dream that was often accompanied by his hand in his trousers after. King Viserys would have his head on a spike if he ever found out just what the knight had done to his precious daughter, but Harwin couldn’t find it in him to care much. He had the most beautiful woman in Westeros in his arms and he wasn’t about to let any man - King or not - stop him from relishing this moment.
She turned to face him and his heart stuttered at the softness in her eyes as she smiled. No one had looked at him like that before, certainly not a Princess.
His own smile turned just as soft. “You’re beautiful.”
She snorted lightly and he had to stop himself from looking like a complete idiot and confessing his love and adoration at the sound. “Rhaenyra is the Realm’s Delight.”
He couldn’t help himself; he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead and grasped her chin delicately in his large hand. Gods when had he last been this gentle with anyone? She seemed so small compared to him - although most people were small to him - and his chest felt tight in the best possible way as he looked at her. “You are the most breathtaking woman I have ever seen.”
A blush crept up her neck and Harwin smiled smugly at the sight. She had been so confident the night prior, seeing her uncharacteristic shyness before him now made his cock stiffen and, judging by her deepening flush, she could feel it too. “You’re the first man I’ve lain with,” she admitted.
He didn’t tell her that he hoped he’d be the only man she’d ever lie with. Instead he opted for the safer choice, “Well one union had to be consummated, Gods knows your sister’s wasn’t.”
She gasped indignantly and slapped his chest. “Ser Harwin!”
Clasping her hand to his chest, he leaned over. “Yes, Princess?” He was lying fully on top of her now and he felt his pride swell as her eyes flickered to his lips.
“You’re incorrigible.”
“I figured that having fucked the King’s daughter, a few jests on his heir’s behalf couldn’t make things much worse.” He grinned as she gaped up at him and took the opportunity to finally kiss her lips again.
She moaned quietly as she parted her lips for his tongue. Harwin made her feel a thousand things at once. She couldn’t tell if she was excited or scared or shy or offended anymore, all she knew for certain was the very obvious effect he had on her body.
The Princess had resigned herself to admiring the knight from afar until he had carried her to her rooms during the commotion at Rhaenyra’s wedding. Having him in her rooms after saving her like that… how was she meant to resist him?
She was no damsel in need of saving like in one of the stories her mother had told her as a child, but being tossed over his strong shoulder after he had immediately stepped into the fray to save her set off the butterflies in her stomach.
It was wrong. Her father would lose his mind if he found out, especially after the recent rumours of her sister’s indiscretions. But she couldn’t ignore the thought that he might consent to a match between them and her groan as Harwin slipped his hand between her thighs was far louder than she had expected.
“You’re so wet for me, Princess.”
She groaned again and shut her eyes, unable to stop herself from grinding against the palm of his hand as he fucked her with his fingers. Harwin didn’t bother to disguise his own groan as he watched his fingers disappear into her over and over.
“Look at me.”
It took an embarrassing amount of effort for her eyes to open and find his. His intense stare alone almost pushed her over the edge.
“You’re going to look at me while you come undone on my fingers, Princess.”
She couldn’t hold back her whimper. “Yes,” she breathed.
Harwin grinned at her. “Good girl.” He added a third finger and watched as she struggled to keep her orgasm at bay. Gods she was stunning: legs spread wide just for him, hair wild against her pillow and her chest flushed.
She could barely form a sentence. “Please.”
“Use your words.”
A brilliant shade of pink covered her cheeks. She’d never felt so submissive in her life. She was a Princess, she wasn���t meant to take orders from those beneath her, and yet here she was acting like a whore - on the verge of begging - for a mere knight. Gods she loved it. “I can feel it, please.”
“Such a good Princess,” Harwin murmured as his fingers found her clitoris. Her moans were so loud he almost feared the entirety of the Red Keep would hear but he didn’t stop and he didn’t dare tell her to be quiet. “Let go for me.”
He felt her shudder around his digits and he stared, transfixed, at the way her thighs shook and her bosom heaved. Her moans gradually turned to soft whimpers and Harwin made sure she watched as he licked his fingers clean. She tasted even better than she had last night.
It took a few minutes for his Princess to catch her shaky breath and Harwin swallowed roughly as he studied the glisten of sweat on her brow. “I suppose I ought to do the honourable thing now.”
The Princess looked at him in confusion, mind still clouded with pleasure. “Honourable thing?”
He couldn’t stop himself this time. “I’m going to love you, wed you and fuck you for the rest of your life, Princess.”
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cameronspecial · 11 months
Hi it’s me again! (Anon from the other Zach request)
I have another idea if you want. Basically I would love to see reader and Zach first kiss kinda like the one from the snowball kiss. Maybe reader is super shy and he’s like hyper confident and he thinks she is so adorable for being nervous over a kiss.
The Yin To His Yang
Pairing: Zach MacLaren x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.5K
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Y/N has never been one to go on dates, let alone go on dates with the campus’ star soccer player. But Y/N’s shyness is the yin to Zach’s yang, which is his confidence. He is never afraid to ask for extra caramel sauce when her drink doesn’t come with enough and she doesn’t mind staying in when he needs a break from his busy social life. She wants to take the next step and ask him to be her boyfriend, but she is scared he will say no. The probability is low; however, she is always afraid he will one day wake up and realize he needs someone more extroverted like him. She sits on the picnic blanket, waiting for Zach to meet her after his class. The quad is a very busy place, so she settles them down in a hidden getaway she found during her first year of school.
Her eyes are glued to her phone when a pair of hands block her vision. A grin crosses her face and she turns to wrap her arms around his neck. She places her head on his chest to breathe in his cologne. He takes her hand and leads her back to the blanket. “Wow, Baby. This all looks so great. Thank you for setting it all up,” he thanks, giving her a kiss on the forehead. She really wishes it was on her lips. She shakes her head, “It was no problem. It was my idea after all. I actually want to ask you something.” He picks up a cheese and cracker, putting it in his mouth with a nod for her to continue. 
His eyes are giving her his full attention and she gets very nervous. Her head drops, looking at her fingers playing with each other. He gives a soft chuckle, lifting her chin up so she can look at him again. “You can tell me anything, Baby,” he whispers, scooting closer to her. Her eyes dart to the tree they are under before looking back at him, “I was wondering if you wanted to be my boyfriend.” She says in such a quiet voice that, even with how close he is, Zach can’t hear her. “What was that baby? Could you say that again?” he teases, guessing what she wanted to say. She isn’t sure if she can get those words out again, so she smashes her lips against his. Zach leans back in surprise, bringing her with him. They fall over so his back is against the ground. He recovers from his shock and his fingers twine with her hair to continue the kiss.
Eventually, they have to pull away for a breath of fresh air. Zach rests his head on her forehead. “I still didn’t hear you.” She giggles, “Well, to get you up to date. You are my boyfriend and I am your girlfriend.” Zach loves her newfound confidence, but he misses his shy girl. The Yin to his Yang. So he gives her another kiss that would bring her back.
Taglist: @winterrrnight
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stardewremixed · 3 months
So... I was scrolling through fanart which turned into impromptu stream-of-consciousness writing prompts. I hope you like how it turned out.
WARNING: (Mild) smut, references to alcohol, drugs, and smoking. (Does not assume Farmer's gender).
Abigail - Organizes the town charity softball games, breaks a few windows (and a few hearts). Tough girl to hide her insecurities - you know the ones - her parents don't get her or support her and she's lonely as an only child (still living at home with her parents). She has this smug side smile when she's got you right where she wants you and will argue with you over trivial matters because she has to be right. She pitches in when there's a town disaster, the first to roll up her sleeves, not afraid to get dirty and work hard. Would absolutely be the tank in your DnD party. She dominates no matter what sphere she's in, including the bedroom. And Abigail is as wild and adventurous in bed as she is out of it. Oh and you always do it at the farmhouse because she's loud (and her parents are light sleepers).
Penny - shy and sweet as usual, intimidated by the ladies of the town, especially Abigail and Haley. Always carrying books, keeps her head down, and her heart is plagued by being the daughter of an alcoholic and a sailor who abandoned her mom. Dreams of a Beast to rescue her Beauty, would kill (metaphorically) for that library and yellow ball gown, but doesn't actually believe she's that pretty, even though she's stunning and educated and articulate, when she's not stumbling over her words in painful shyness. Reads everything she can get her hands on. Would write a children's novel if she could ever work up the courage to ask Elliott to be her editor. She is the blushy kind of lover and reads up on tips and tries to apply what she's learned. You think it's freaking adorable when she asks for 'sex lessons.'
Haley is not a natural blond (*gasp*) - we know! We were shocked too. She's notoriously vain but it's to make up for the fact that her mother was a supermodel and never had time to be a real mom, so she desperately wants attention and to be noticed as beautiful and worthy. Critiques her nose, the shape of her breasts, her thighs, her brows, her hair style, and hopes to someday love herself as much as her mirror does. Got the Dino tattoo on her lower back as a drunken dare from Emily and now she kinda likes it because it makes her not so perfect for once and that's a relief. She wears the best lingerie - pretty, feminine, lacy. And her fantasy she shares with you after a few too many Cosmopolitans? To do it in front of a full length mirror.
Emily - yes the girl absolutely presses paste jewels on her face because why not? She's the cool big sis (stepsister of Haley). The free spirit. Blue hair. Who cares? Other people's opinions don't really define her. Always wearing multiple necklaces and bracelets and rings. This girl has rings. Believes in crystal healing. Lets her sleeve slip off her shoulder after one too many drinks at half-price karaoke nights. She gives you that side-eye, daring you to take her home. And this girl has got some freaky passion (in a good way of course) and yes, she's flexible. It's not that she is really into one night stands, but she doesn't get hung up on the morality of sex. She just goes where the wind blows and enjoys every moment. No expectations. No labels. Just serious fun.
Maru - is a powerhouse genius with a sort of perma-frown on her face when she's concentrating that's somehow annoyingly cute. It's never quite good enough - whatever she happens to be working on. She has those glorious thick curls always bouncing around as she moves from project to project with eager determination. Summer humidity might create the great frizz storm, but she's too focused to bother taming it. Her rims keep it out of her eyes. Always a gadget or two in this girl's hands and she doesn't mind the Inspector jokes. She is far too serious about science and technology to worry about (or even notice) the random taunts of a more average intelligence population. But just because she's super smart doesn't mean she isn't kind. It just might take her longer to notice you, but that hyperfixation, those beautiful eyes, when they are on you, it's really special.
Leah- when doesn't she have paint on her nose? Dried clay on her clothes? Ink beneath her fingernails? Art is her life and the forest outside her door is a veritable landscape of dreams, the mountain tat on her sleeve a mere imitation. Her thick and wild red braid flows free and swishes back and forth as she moves and every once in a while she gets self-conscious. She knows she is pretty but she would rather have someone notice and appreciate her art. But there's something super sexy about the half-buttoned shirt, suspenders, and the nervous tuck of hair over her ear. People fall in love with her everyday but not everyone stays, as she's learned. Still she perseveres and pursues her love of art, capturing raw, pure moments away from her former bustling city life. When you offered to pose for her and be a subject for her art, it wasn't initially meant to be sexual. But she couldn't hide the flicker of interest in her eyes. And then a few weeks later when you finally kissed good night in her doorway, it was like a fire had been released. You tore each other's clothes off and did it right there standing up, then again halfway to the bed and finally made it to the bed for the third round.
Sebastian - the wild, just-rolled-outta-bed hair that's too long and his mother is always saying he should cut it, but he doesn't listen, just like the warnings she gives about the cigs perched between his lips ("those things will kill ya"). Multiple piercings, skulls on shirts, arm bands, the ripped hoodies - all symbols of his rebellious youth carried on because he can't shake the ghosts of his past. Secretly afraid that he is just a teenage boy trapped in an adult body. Hiding behind clouds of smoke and blue glowing screens make it easier to deal with the fact that he didn't follow his dreams. Freelance programmer. Dungeon master. Designing s video game. Lives in his mom's unfinished basement because it's quiet and Maru used to be scared of the dark. So when he does surface and you remember he's alive, it's actually a big deal. He made an effort and when you thank him, he just shrugs in that sexy casual way and says he wanted to see you today. It's simple but so meaningful. He's quiet but he loves you in simple ways - stealing glances from his computer, using coupons to buy your favorite foods at Pierre's, and delivering a piece of furniture you bought at his mom's shop (and conveniently 'forgot' so he would have to bring it to you, and he knows this and did it anyway). Oh and there was the time your computer crashed in the middle of the night (yes, really) and you were in the middle of applying for a farm grant and thought you lost everything you'd been working on for weeks, and you cried and called him, and he came over to fix it and recovered the data. And you may have made out and landed in bed together after (it was a dark and stormy night and the rain is like an aphrodisiac for you). You apologized a dozen times and said this isn't what you called him for and it wasn't supposed to be a midnight booty call. He laughs and kisses you gently and says he wouldn't have minded it if it was because he's wanted you badly for so long. And you went for round 2.
Sam has so much energy, too much, and he usually channels it into making mix tapes, half-finishing songs, pranking Morris and Shane at JojaMart, and skating half-pipe. But if you thought he was an empty airhead, think again. Behind the beanies, cut off sleeves, and ripped jeans, the crazy hair, and goofy smiles, there's a heart of gold. He will kneel down and tie Vincent's shoes for the five hundredth time, even though his kid bro should know by now how to do it. He'll carry those groceries all the way back to Evelyn's house for her, chattering about animal shapes in the cloud and a wicked sweet song he heard on the radio. Maybe someday he will write a jingle for the airwaves too. He will work a double shift so Shane can take Jas to swim lessons or the dentist or because Marnie was irresponsible again and left his god niece alone again late at night. And he will always buy his friends a round at the Saloon. Even if he's broke and spent all his coin on some vintage rock vinyls and the sugary cereal obsession of the week. He's a kid at heart, but he rocks hard and loves hard. That youthful exuberance is just what you need - bubble baths with rubber ducks, half-burnt pizza, dollar stor rose petals, and (root) beers in bed, making you giggle when he gives you foot massages, and tickling you with his tongue (oh yes, he knows all your sweet spots)!
Harvey may be older and mild-mannered, but he remembers little details about all his patients, whom he has come to know as friends and surrogate family. He never met his dad, his mom passed when he was a kid, and he was raised by his grandpa on canned pork and beans, microwave dinners, and model planes. His grandpa was a man of a few words, but they would paint models every evening. Sometimes they'd go out to the airstrip and watch planes take off and Grandpa would reminisce about the "good Ole days" when he still flew in the Air Force. And he always wore ties so the doc has kept up the tradition, and he still wears the coats with the elbow patches that smell of pipe tobacco and peppermint. And even though grandpa has been gone for a dozen or so years, Harvey still paints models most evenings. And every once in a while, he drives out to that airstrip with you to watch the planes while eating tunafish and pickle sandwiches and sipping wine in paper cups. And when he holds your hand, when he puts his arm around you, when he makes love to you, it's like he fits in your life and your body perfectly. Oh yes! The doctor is in!
Elliott - for all his flowery prose, his day to day speech is actually pretty down to earth once you get to know him. Maybe he comes across as a bit of a snob with his extensive vocabulary, but he really just wants to impress you, not turn you off. He (literally) likes long walks on the beach, dreamy piano sonatas, and long soulful ballads. On Chat nights you can find him loosening his ties, letting his hair down, and kicking back a pint with his BFF at the bar. He is never awake before 9:30 or 10 because his writer brain comes alive late at night. He has a flawless complexion (and he's proud of his skin care and hair routine). Inspiration might strike anywhere so he always carries a pen and notepad in his pocket and says things like "can I quote you on that?" for the Pelican Town Times, a newspaper he's trying to revive and has a circulation of maybe 3 people. He's always publishing poems under a pseudonym but his unpublished novel is his pride and joy and he doesn't let anybody read it so when he finally shares an excerpt with you one day it's a really important moment. And of course, when he does finally publish, the dedication is to you, which will make you cry, and he also dedicate it to the particularly bothersome seagull, which makes you laugh, the one that always squawks at the most inopportune times like when you two are trying to "have a romantic moment." His bed might be a little creaky and his cabin a bit drafty, but he treats you and your body like royalty (and to regular nightly full body massages).
Alex - yeah, he's not a complicated guy. He likes sports, surf, and sun. Granny has been his favorite, the first woman in his heart, and he's kinda spoiled by all her love and attention (yes she still cuts the crusts off his sandwiches and does his laundry), but he isn't a brat. He can fix a leaky roof, a leaky sink, a leaky sprinkler system. He mows the entire practice field at the high school in the spring, rakes leaves in the fall and shovels snow in the winter for his neighbors. He still sells ice cream from time to time in the summer, but usually works as a seasonal lifeguard on Ginger Island. Sure, he might be a bit disconnected and doesn't always know what his partners want, but when he's wrong and you tell him, he admits it. And while he can lift you up on his shoulders so you can pick fruit in the orchard and he has the stamina of a Greek god in bed, he doesn't brag about it (at least not very often). He really just wants to make you happy above all else. Oh and he wants to be a dad someday.
Shane was like a drug, in the beginning - you're addicted to this man, dad bod, scruffy face, and all. You love him in spite of his mean and grumpy exterior. Somehow insults turn into foreplay. Maybe it's toxic but you don't care. This man sets records in bed, and he's not a one-hit wonder. As you start showing him affection and stick around despite his numerous attempts to scare him off, he realizes you're here to stay and maybe he can have something of a life again. So he cleans himself up, goes to therapy, quits drinking, and detoxes. Boy! It's not pretty. But it's worth it to him if it means he can have you. And that makes you love him all the more. Sure he's still addicted to Joja colas, but that's really not so bad. Nothing fazes him. Chasing down cows in a thunderstorm, setting Jas' broken arm, putting out a barn fire, rescuing you from a capsized fishing boat, carrying you out from the mines for the umpteenth time, even a chicken landing on his head while you're discussing favorite sex positions in the garden. Come on. That should have elicted a laugh. He's come a long way from that scowling drunk in the corner at the Saloon who just wanted angry hookup sex. He has become your rock just like you were for him all those years ago.
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dira333 · 7 months
Date Nights with Hawks - Quality Time
From the Date Night Series - Keigo Takami x Reader
A/N: thanks for all the picky eater input. I'm saving it for later use, as this HC will probably live on forever
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Musutafu is spectacular from above. 
The wind is cold, clawing at your face and your hair, but you cannot stop looking, cannot get enough of the feeling of moving through the air like it’s no hassle at all.
Keigo lands softly on a rooftop, high above everything else. 
Your knees buckle under your weight but he catches you. You’re not ashamed to admit that you curl into the warmth of his hold. Had you known of this adventure, you would have brought a warmer jacket.
“What do you think?” He asks, his golden eyes eager for praise.
“Wow!” You say, voice breathless, still speechless. “Wow!”
“Great?” He grins, proud and smug, and everything else at the same time.
You nod, unable to form words that could accurately describe it.
“Wait till I show you the rest!” He crows, excitement spilling over.
You haven’t seen him like this before, you think. He’s like a little kid who gets to show off his toys, his talents, bathing in someone else’s attention. 
Keigo pulls you close and you fight against the urge to nuzzle into his warmth, to dip your nose against his neck.
You’re not yet sure what this is. Despite his appearance and his charming ways, Keigo hasn’t asked anyone out before, at least not at the agency. 
Is this a test? Is he looking for friends? Or could it really be something more?
You don’t get to ponder it further, because Keigo calls out to you to “Hold on tight” and the very next second he throws the two of you off the roof.
You’re falling, yet you don’t scream, the sound dying in your throat. Your eyes are wide open and you catch the proud smirk Keigo wears as he unfurls his wings, turns falling into flying.
You land softly fifteen minutes later, on the soft green grass of a park you haven’t been to before.
Keigo rubs your back as you stumble, laughing softly and mumbling about your adorable appearance.
“Come on,” he urges, “I need to show you something else, it’s-”
“Stop.” You call out, your nails digging into his arm. “Give me a minute, okay?”
“Oh?” He blinks down at you. You wonder what he thinks.
You’d been out of your depths the moment he asked you out. He could have had everyone, surely, but he came to you. For what, you’re still not entirely sure.
“I need a break,” your voice scratches your throat. “Something to drink, maybe? Can we sit down here?”
He looks around. There’s a bench not far from you, that you point toward. 
“Alright, little birdy.” He all but carries you over, coos when you hide your flustered state against his shoulder. “I’ll be back in a second, there’s someone selling drinks over there.”
You nod and lean back, the warm wood doing wonders to your chilled skin.
It’s nice, sitting here in the Spring sun. You can hear the birds chirp overhead and the laughter of children from somewhere further down the trodden path.
Keigo is back in a heartbeat, two bottles of soda in his hands.
“Are you having fun?” He asks, an unusual shyness to his voice. 
“I am,” you confess. And you are. It’s not every day that you get to fly over Musutafu. You’ve never had a fear of heights and your Quirk does not allow for sights like these. “But my heart’s still racing and I need a second to breathe.”
A proud smile dances over Keigo’s lips. 
You’ve noticed a similar thing in the past. 
You’re not as bold as the rest of your workgroup. You’re often overlooked or forgotten. But you’ve made it a habit ever since you were small, to praise those around you. After all, if people do not remember much about you, they should keep a pleasant memory.
And you might be completely wrong there, but it seems that especially Keigo brightens up whenever you voice praise.
“How do you do that?” You ask, cocking your head to the side as you look at him. “Flying all the time? It’s cold up there.”
“Oh, I’ve grown used to it. I run rather hot.” He sheds the thin jacket he’d been wearing and drapes it over your shoulders without asking. He’s right. It still holds his warmth. And his scent, something herbal and spicy that makes you want to dig your nose into it. But you prevail, trying your hardest not to embarrass yourself further.
“What did you like most about flying?” He asks, eager to hear more.
You lean back again, present your face to the sun, and close your eyes as you think. 
“Are you falling asleep?” He asks, voice almost timid.
You blink. You must have misheard. His eyes are still as confident as ever.
“No, nothing like that. I’m thinking it through. I want to give you the best answer. But the sun is so nice, you know? And if you’re quiet enough, you can hear children laughing.”
He closes his eyes as well, turns his face toward the sun.
Keigo’s pretty. You’ve never been so sure what his best feature is. His golden eyes sure hold your gaze too often to count. 
He’s extremely talented too, rising through the Hero Ranks with impressive speed. It feels like just a month ago he’d been Number five-hundred-something and now he’s closing in on the ranks below one-hundred. He’s smart too, able to change the way he acts in a heartbeat.
All the more reasons to ask yourself why he asked you out.
You close your eyes again, let the sun soak into your skin. You can feel yourself calm down, assured in yourself. As long as you’ve done nothing wrong, this cannot go wrong, whatever way it turns out.
When you’ve warmed up enough, you open your eyes. A quick glance at your watch tells you that it has been about fifteen minutes of Silence.
When you turn toward Keigo you have to hold back a surprised snort.
His mouth is slightly ajar and his breath comes easy. He’s fallen asleep, dozed off next to you. He looks younger like this, like an innocent child.
“Hey,” you whisper softly, inching your hand towards his that’s resting on the bench between you. Your fingers fold around his, warmth simmering under his skin.
Keigo flinches awake, eyes blown wide as he takes a second to find himself again.
“It’s me,” you say, “We’re at the park.”
“Oh shit,” He presses a hand against his chest, “I don’t know how I could have fallen asleep, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry. It was nice. Do you wanna get something to eat?”
He blinks, still a little frazzled, as it seems.
“I always see you eat chicken at Lunch,” you talk on, ”Do you want to get some?”
That seems to click something in his mind and he nods, gets up, and pulls you with him, a firm hold on your hand. 
Not far from the park’s exit, you smell the delicious aroma of fried chicken.
The restaurant is tiny, just a little hole in the wall, but plenty of other people are waiting for their take-out and the smell is almost intoxicating.
You steer toward it, surprised when Keigo pulls back. He’s still very much holding your hand.
“Everything okay?” You ask, surprised to see his brows furrowed and his nose wrinkled.
He shakes his head the moment you turn your attention to him. The smile he shows you cannot be real, even though it looks very convincing.
“Just peachy. Do you want to eat here?”
“Do you?”
“What do you mean?” His voice could fool anyone, for sure, but your gut tells you something else.
“Are you a picky eater, Keigo?” You ask. 
He shakes his head no almost immediately, laughs like it’s the most absurd thing in the world. But you don’t really believe him.
“What kind of chicken do you like to eat?” You ask, dragging him away from the restaurant before your grumbling stomach can give you away. “Any preferences?”
“I like the one from KFC,” He admits easily. “You?”
“Do you prefer one KFC over the others? I’ve heard the one down the street from our agency gives out bigger portions.”
“I wouldn’t know, I haven’t been to many other KFCs,” he admits easily and you nod, turn toward a Sushi Restaurant in an attempt to fool him before twirling around so abruptly you stumble into him.
“You okay?” He asks, blinking down at you. 
“Sure? How about we go and visit the KFC you know best?”
“But that’s not a restaurant you have a date in,” he complains.
“Says who?” You ask back, boldened by the fact that he hasn’t let go of your hand, that his jacket is still around your shoulders, that he does not seem to mind that you’re standing so close to him you can feel his breath wash over your face.
“Well, I booked a table at this fancy restaurant Chigiri recommended,” he says. “We’re a bit early but we can have a drink there while we wait.”
You’re a little dumbfounded by his comment. 
Chigiri is a foodie and he’s got a new girlfriend every month. Why would Keigo ask him for recommendations?
You shake your head to clear your mind and look back up at him, trying to ignore the twinkle in his eyes that has your heart racing again.
“Do you like the food there?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t been there before.”
“But you like KFC, so we should go there.”
“I’m not a picky eater,” he claims again, mouth now twisted into a line.
You shrug. “Maybe I am.”
That comment has him falter, just for a second, before he catches himself.
“Well, in that case, we can have a little snack,” he agrees. “But it’s way too far to get there by foot.”
“Oh, the train station is over th-” Your sentence is cut off as Keigo pulls you close and leaps up into the air. 
You laugh, can’t help it. “You’re such a show-off!” You tease him as softly as you can.
You rest your hand on Keigo’s naked back, feel the warmth simmering under the skin, the muscles pull taut at your touch, as if he can’t help flexing for you, even fast asleep.
He still sleeps on his stomach, curtesy to having his wings for most of his life. You rub your knuckles over the scarred skin and hear him groan low in his throat.
“Wake up, sleepyhead.” You sing, “Your son is coming over in an hour.”
“Not my son,” he answers groggily, “And I’m sick. I’m supposed to be sleeping all the time.”
“You stink, sweetheart,” You try a different route, “How about we take a bath together? I don’t want you to scare Fumikage away with your stench. And while he babysits you I can go out and get some food and stuff. It’s date night after all.”
That has him blinking up at you, hair a mess. He still looks so innocent when he’s waking up and you’d love to let him sleep a little longer. But you can’t suffer through another night when he can’t fall asleep in the evening, too wired after napping away the day.
“Are you going to wash my hair?” Keigo asks and you nod. “Of course. Wouldn’t dare not to. Come on,” you tug on his boxer shorts and he pushes himself up. 
He’s getting a little softer around his belly button, courtesy of teaching High Schoolers the ins and outs of the hero business instead of tracking villains down himself. Keigo fervently denies it, but his ongoing obsession with fried chicken isn’t helping.
Ten minutes later he’s dozing off again, squishing you into the tub as he rests on you. You’re working shampoo into his hair, taking your sweet time. So what if he rests a little longer, you think. Surely he won’t be as annoying tonight as he was yesterday.
You’ve barely made it out of the bathroom and into the kitchen by the time Fumikage knocks. He’s got his own set of keys but he’s polite to a fault, something his mentor should have tried learning from him.
“Hey!” You greet the boy with a hug. “How’s graduating coming along?”
“It has been tense,” he tells you in his usual tone. “Kaminari is convinced he’ll fail.”
“Kirishima too!” Dark Shadow cries out, peeking out from under Fumikage’s arm. You offer it an apple slice which it happily takes. 
“I’m sure they’ll be fine. Do you want some coffee before I leave? I have to get the groceries and you know how the big baby gets when he’s alone at home.”
“Hey!” Keigo exclaims from his perch, a rocking chair he found on the side of the street and has since claimed as his throne. “I’m right here! And I’m sick! I shouldn’t have to be alone.”
“You’re right, of course!” You tell him, winking at Fumikage as you speak, “How could I say such cruel things? Which is exactly why Fumikage will stay with you while I get groceries. Do you want chicken noodle soup with onions tonight?”
Keigo pulls a face. Another sign that he’s getting better. He devours that soup when he’s feeling unwell, but can’t stand the thought of it as soon as his health turns around.
“What about rice porridge?” You try again. His brows are doing funny things now.
“Well, what do you want to eat?”
“Can we have fried-”
“No,” you shoot him down. “You’d regret eating that. You barely managed to keep down the rice porridge yesterday.”
“Well then I don’t want anything,” he pouts, crossing his arms over his chest like a little kid. You roll your eyes, feeling nothing but affection bubbling in your chest. Sure it’s a little annoying sometimes that he’s this picky with his food, but you can’t help but be proud that he’s allowing himself to be honest with you, no matter how difficult it can get.
“I’ll think of something,” you promise and lean forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Fumikage? Coffee or tea?”
“Coffee, black, please.”
“Coming right up.”
By the time you’re leaving, you can hear their conversation floating down the hallway. It seems to be a more serious topic, so you decide against stepping in to say goodbye. You’ll be back in a minute anyway.
As you slip into your shoes, you make out bits and pieces.
“I just wanted to know… how you managed to get a girlfriend… like that?” Fumikage sounds unusually shy. Your heart swells at what this might mean. Keigo, however, is quick to answer.
“Hell if I know. I still think she took pity on the new guy.”
You barely manage to suppress a snort, hands pressed against your mouth.
Maybe later you’ll chime in on the topic, provided Fumikage asks you about it too, but now you’ll leave them to it.
“I’m back,” You call out almost an hour later, struggling with the door.
The boys are still where you left them, Dark Shadow curiously peeking over Fumikage’s shoulder, no doubt hoping to get some food as well. He might not need it, but he sure likes to join in. 
“What did you get?” Keigo asks eagerly, putting down the notebook he’d been going through.
“Here,” you put one of the bags down in front of him and take the other to the fridge to unload.
“Ugh,” you hear seconds later and turn to Keigo glaring into a Poke Bowl. “You know I hate vegetables like this.”
“Sure, but you’re staring at my food. Do you think I don’t know you? Fumikage, you’re staying for dinner right?”
“I shouldn’t,” he waves you off, “It’s your Date Night after all.”
“Oh, the more the merrier,” you disagree, “Besides, I bought Glazed Apples for Dessert. I know you like them.”
With Keigo’s help, you convince him to stay. 
And it’s nice. Fumikage might not be your son, but there’s a bond there, between him and Keigo, that neither one denies. Having him around always makes you feel like a little family. 
“You’ve been together… for how long now?” Fumikage asks over dessert. His eyes flicker from Keigo to you, but you play along happily to ease his nerves.
“Five years, right?” You turn to Keigo. He pouts. “Five years, nine months, and eleven days, but who’s counting?”
“Not me,” you joke and turn back. “Why are you asking?”
“Does it get boring, after a while?”
You laugh, surprised by the question, but shake your head. “Not with Keigo. Although I could do boring once in a while.”
“Excuse you? I can be boring! I’m a teacher now after all.”
You roll your eyes fondly at his dramatics but focus on Fumikage.
“We’re not inviting you to stay with us because we don’t have anything to say when you’re not around. I’m just one of the weird people who need to spend time with their partner to feel loved. It doesn’t really matter what we’re doing, as long as we’re together.”
“Ah,” Fumikage still looks unsure, so you drop your chopsticks and fold your hands.
“Friday nights have been Date Nights for a while. We’re still making up all the missed nights when he was out on missions. That’s an adventure I won’t miss.”
Hours later, when sleep is trying to pull you under, but Keigo’s still wide awake, too wired to nod off next to you and keeping you up with him by tapping his hands on every part of you he can reach, nibbling on your neck, breathing into your ear, the topic comes back up.
“Do you remember our first date?” He asks just as you can feel yourself finally slipping away. You pull yourself out of it and blink to stay awake. “Sure,” you mumble. “It was freezing up there.”
“Did you like that?” Keigo’s voice is soft enough to almost hide the quiver, but you still notice it, shuffle a little closer into his grasp.
“Sure,” you mumble into the soft skin covering his collarbones. “But that wasn’t the best part.”
“Hmm…” You move to put your arms around him, rub the scars that ache when he talks about flying. “The best part was when you fell asleep next to me on that bench. I’ve never seen you so relaxed before.”
“That was all you,” he swears quietly, “I didn’t mean to, but the moment was so calm and cozy.”
“Calm and Cozy are my middle names,” you joke and squeal when he starts tickling you.
“Mercy!” You gasp and he stops only to pull you as close as he possibly can.
“Do you think I’d be a good father?” The question gets almost lost in the shuffling of the blankets, the sound of your shared breathing. But by a miracle you catch it.
“Yeah,” you tell him, confidence clear in your voice. “You will be. But there’s no rush, Baby. You’ve got so much time to do all those things.”
You can feel him smile against your temple, his heartbeat steady underneath your fingertips. 
“When we have a kid,” he whispers just as sleep pulls you in, “I want it to be like you.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
tagged because of the picky eater post: @shoulmate @fuzztacular @emmyrosee @misfit-megumi @missalienqueen @maxreeeee @ilovetaylorswift4ever @ceetree
@beomtorii2 @cutedumpsterfire @qardasngan @s-tahir123 @bugsbeach @wroophruh @st0myy @chimkenuggii @exquisitelytae @skeletonmoths @sanitysnutshell @icyicleee @statui @claralouvette @gloomycheri @beelzebubthebee @breadnoises @brunette-sketches @moonyboony @rainytears05 @cherrie-pup @lotusstarr @takamihollowmoved @happyfaceghilxhbitch @1117sblog @kanamaru34 @rv19
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divinehedons · 1 year
lost and found
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pairing: soft dom!joel miller x f!reader
word count: ~4k
summary: your arrangement with joel miller is built on mutual trust. what happens when, in the throes of hedonism, he himself breaks that trust?
warnings: this is a dark, EXPLICIT fic, minors do not interact! no outbreak au, so many unrequited feelings, angsty angst angst angst, explicit p-in-v sex, dubious consent, use of a safeword, teeth-rotting aftercare and fluff, brief use of a sex toy, bath sex, brief depiction of make-up sex, somewhat (definitely) blasphemous and makes a mocking of religion (i'm not sorry :>>>>)
note: thank you very dearly for reading! please let me know what you think and what you see next; asks are very much welcome, reblogs and comments are much appreciated!
“See, this is why you need me, sweet girl. Because otherwise, who’s goin’ to make you feel this good?”
It was those words that follow you every day since you’ve begun such a tumultuous connection with the Texan contractor. Those words that stayed with you when you woke up from his tongue between your legs after the first night you fucked together. The words that stayed together when you made an arrangement. When you finally submitted to him.
You meet him in a shared apartment, in darkness, as well-put as could be from a day of work, kneeling with your wrists presented before you. By the end of the night, moments before he drops you off, he looks over your smeared lipstick, your neck littered with blood-red hickeys of his doing, wrists red. He'd look you over, then he'd smirk, waiting for you to turn back and wave goodbye. Only then will he have the last word. "See you next week, darlin'."
You met him at trivia night, glasses on, glass of whisky in hand, mere purveyor to the chaos you were causing. You, who he noticed to be naturally shy, sipping away at some colorful drink the weeks before, standing actively on your toes as you excitedly whisper the answer to a question. He saw, too, how happy you got, jumping on your feet when your little band of three pulls ahead in the game. But what caught his attention was how good you are. How you immediately sat down when your team asks you to, how you willingly go for drinks at the bar, not five feet from where he sat, emanating warmth from excitement.
You were so goddamn willing, he had to adjust himself once or twice, pictures of your submission burnt into the crevices of his brain. So when he had the chance, he had to take it.
“How did’ya know so much about the sixties, sugar?” he asked as you squeezed into the seat beside him, barely managing to steal it from the crowded bar. When you looked at him, he swore he almost saw your eyes gloss over from shyness. You just had to be adorable.
 “Oh! Well… I spent a lot of time with my grandparents.” You look down, fiddling with your drink before chuckling. “I didn’t know we were getting so much attention.” He swore he almost felt his cock twitch in his pants. Already, you were being so good, he physically had to swallow down the images of you happily bent over his desk with the rest of his whisky, throat burning be damned.
He realized, quite easily, that if he wanted you, he was going to have to be creative about it. And if he really wanted you, he had to put the effort in showing you he could be trusted; that he’ll take care of you. So he smiles, a calm smirk accompanying his salt-and-pepper beard, the warm crinkles in his eyes as he stills himself. He takes a deep breath, and it becomes so easy.
The night ends with you pressed against the door of your apartment, panties pushed to the side as he breathes whiskey into your face while you chuckle nervously. “D’you want it, sugar? C’mon, I need some words…” He almost wished he could take a photo of your face the moment he spears you open with his aching cock, cunt already fucked out by his fingers during the feverish truck drive where you almost get him lost from hazy directions.
He teaches you your safe words that night. An analogy of stoplights– halting reds, questioning yellows, and bright green gos.
He constantly checks in, and all you tell him is to go, go, go.
He likes it when you call him sir, a remnant of his Southern manners. Your cheeks warm up whenever you say it. He noticed when he had begun to cup your face, asking you to tell him what you wanted.
Just you, sir. All you, please…
He’s so indulgent about it, so eager to give you the pleasure you so desperately wanted without saying anything. But sometimes, that primal urge to own you manifests itself, as well. He particularly enjoyed the act of overstimulation. Just the sight of you, cockdumb and broken, limbs trembling from the way he manipulated the pleasure from your body… how could he ever resist? It’s why he was so willing to split an apartment with you; one meant for your excursions and hedonistic urges; the house of desire itself with a king-sized bed and a hot tub to defile.
You were chaos and innocence all in one, sweet like honey and sudden like the weather. Incomprehensible, unique you. Simply put, he enjoyed you. And the fact that you belonged to him will never stop getting him hard just from the mere thought of it. He started thinking he finally understood what it meant to be enthralled by someone. When you open your mouth wide, tongue extended and waiting for any shred of him to swallow, when you lay on his chest post-coitus with the sated nature of a feral cat, when he sees your perfect lipstick, waiting to be ruined by kisses.
Of course he’s insatiable. He will always keep wanting more. Perhaps it was that insatiability that led to that storming night.
He should’ve noticed when he opened the door and you were looking out of the window, eerily quiet, with the weight of the world on your shoulders. He drops the keys on the dining table, crossing his way to you, hands wrapping around your waist as he kisses your exposed shoulder teasingly. 
“Let me take your mind off of it, darlin’,” he whispers, and you feign a giggle at the way his beard prickles your skin. “Had a tough day, didn’t ya?” You look to him as if you were about to confess something, say something and break your usual submissive silence. But you catch his eye and you melt further into his touch instead as you sigh softly.
“Just missed you a little too much, sir…”
It satisfies him. It feeds his ego. But just in case… “Give me a colour, pretty baby. S’alright…”
You gulp, feeling your fingers turn cold as you process your thoughts. With a sigh, you press a kiss to his jaw.
“Green, sir.”
The word barely leaves your lips before he’s kissing you, swallowing down your soft whimpers as his strong arms take you, carrying you to the bedroom with renewed urge and desire. Settling you down on fresh sheets, he peers over your pretty little sundress, your perfect little face, chuckling at the shyness washing over you in the low lamplight. He kisses you again, insatiable hands tearing open your dress as your breath hitches, He does not stop, pressing wanton kisses down your collarbone, your breast, your stomach, spreading your legs so he can settle right between them.
“Y’wanna tell me why you weren’t answering my calls, darlin’?”
You try not imagine the panic you must have caused him for that very reason. The fact that you left him a message at three in the afternoon, I need to see you, sir. Only to have your phone switched off. There is probably a barrage of messages and missed calls. But seeing you here, he finally seems to settle. He seems to ignore your creased forehead, your shaky breaths.
“My phone died… I- I’m sorry…” He shushes you, kissing you again and running his thumb over your painted lips with a smile. “I just missed you, sir.”
You notice his eyes darkening, hands traveling down the expanse of your stomach, embracing and caressing each curve before his right hand completely cups your wanton cunt, willing and warm to the touch. “I think I can do somethin’ about that.” He pushes your underwear aside, two fingers delving into the soft, sticky warmth of your desire, spreading you open just for him. He periodically asks for your status, a colour to confirm your consent. You see it as a way of him asking if he could do the things he was already doing.
Green for the fingers already spreading you open. Green to take off the dress he had already torn off. Green to mark up the neck that already bore the wetness of his saliva.
“How was trivia night last night, sugar? I couldn’t get out of work soon enough to catch you there…” You manage a soft chuckle, now embracing him with a breathy kiss. “Although, I believe I heard from Clark that you did well enough, no?”
Your soft giggles melt against the skin of his jaw, your shaky breaths stuttering as you hear the clink of his belt buckle and the shuffling of his jeans. “Good old nineties, sir,” you murmur. “Your playlist was sufficient enough of a reviewer to carry me through.” It’s his turn to chuckle, cupping your face and peering down at you as he affectionately pinches the apple of your cheek with a sigh.
“One more ‘old man’ quip out of you and you’ll be askin’ for a punishment, li’l girl.”
You manage a soft smile. You like it when he cares. You like him like this. But just as easily as it came, the softness soon disappears as he returns to working the clothes off of your body, looking over the way your skin is void of the markings he left the last time he had you. You try to comprehend the secrets between his furrowed brow, the mutterings you try to hear in the semi-darkness. He always had a way of keeping that same professional barrier between the two of you, a barrier that you never know where it truly stood. A barrier of multiple dimensions. A barrier that was the sole purpose why you never confessed you stopped dating ever since he came into your life.
You remember the time you almost did. You had called him one evening, dressed up in the same apartment, bottle of wine chilled, rose petals all over the sheets. You told him you wanted to see him. You didn’t expect the ease that came with his rebuttal. Can’t tonight, darlin’, I have a lady friend keepin’ me company. How ‘bout Friday? You pretend, as you find yourself doing more and more often. You tell him to have a nice evening. You drink an entire bottle of wine by yourself. You dispose of the rose petals and ensure you left no traces by morning.
Looking at him now, he still remains cool, professional, boundaries locked and loaded between your bodies even when he presses the bulbous tip of a vibrator directly over where you need him most, firing it up the moment you said green. He told you once he loved the way you squealed for him, that it makes his chest bubble with incomprehensible glee knowing he could drive such noises from you, that shy little vixen that knelt for him when he said the word and opened her mouth wide. Maybe that’s why he always enjoyed pushing you to your limits.
Maybe that’s what he wanted to do now.
And you had to admit, you were willing to let him try.
The vibration jostles through your flesh, shaking awake your tendons. The initial shock sent your legs flailing, spreading, and eventually welcoming the affection. “That’s it… let me in, baby…”
Your cries emanate as the shock of the first orgasm shakes through your completely naked body, brushing against the course fabric of his jeans, his small snicker leaving him before he could stop it. “‘Course you’re so easy, pretty lady.” You feel your cheeks warm up at his words, looking into his eyes as he raises a brow, as if waiting for you to give him his dues.
It’s when you return to yourself, blinking away the haze in your head as you tilt your head back. “Thank you, sir… oh, oh– thank you!” When you look back, you see him through the mist in your vision, see that slow, cocky smirk encompassing his features. He likes this. He likes the way you’re absolutely fucked out like this.
The buzzing stops, and you blink awake shakily up at him. He leans down to kiss you gently, sighing as you come down from your orgasmic bliss. “How are we feelin’, baby doll?”
You grin up at him. Green, green, green.
He looks down at you, with that shit-eating grin on your face that you always have when you’re brimming with excitement and ready to burst. He tries to read your eyes just as you grow shy, turning over to embrace the pillow you lay on. What should he do when the prettiest girl in the world says “green” so voraciously?
There was only one answer. He can only go, go, go.
Joel Miller rarely calls anything heaven. He rarely finds anything that is so divine that he can surrender so easily in worship. And if he does, it’s even rarer that he is driven by anything so much as to take divinity into his own hands. But with you… he swore he finally saw the face of God. And it was dangerous. It was dangerous because it had awakened an arcane starvation that almost harkens back to his own primordial longings.
You tell him green, but if he was capable of confession, if he was more vulnerable to you… he’d confess that he’d gone blind, his senses dulled and only drawn to one thing and one thing only: and it was to take and take from you.
That was why he fucks you wide open with his cock, your walls trembling with the first sign of overstimulation. He sees the first sign of your hesitation and he barely stops himself to look you in the eye to say your status. You barely manage to tell him green, with a tone of hesitation, and he immediately pummels his hardness into your aching cunt, embracing you in his tense arms, growling into your ear as you feel his lips sucking a brand new hickey at the very crook of your neck. 
If he was confessing, he would say all he saw was the red of his blood pumping through his brain. It is only a few seconds later that he finally hears that shy, trembling voice of yours, echoing like a hysterical cry that tears through his defences. It is the words you had never uttered in these moments before now.
“Red, red, red!”
Immediately, Joel flies apart from you like shrapnel, blinking his eyes open just in time to see your grief-stricken face, splotchy from tears as you curl up in the upper middle of the large bed. From here, he finally sees the aftermath of his mindless fucking. His fingertips marking your skin, lovebite blood red and raging just as you peer up at him with eyes lit up with an emotion he had never seen before. You had never stared at him with that much fear before.
He attempts to reach for you, only to be frozen in his tracks the moment you flinched further upwards against the mattress. His blood runs cold when he hears your words. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, sir–”
Had he been that absolutely careless over you— precious, darling you that entrusted herself so fully to him? Had he been that selfish, so enthralled by the callings of his own flesh? This is the price he had to pay for tasting divinity— he just had to ruin you for it. He slowly recedes, heart thumping in his chest as he tucks himself back into his pants, keeping his hands visible for you, your watchful eyes never blinking away from you.
“It’s alright, darlin’. It’s alright. We’ve stopped.” Gently, he helps, carefully handing you a dressing robe to regain some form of second skin. He ascertains that his bare hands does not brush against you, not unless you ask him to. Not unless you wanted it. He did not deserve such a privilege, not after what he’s done. Not after how he broke your trust.
He shakes away the thoughts and self-doubt from the recesses of his brain. You do not need his remorse. What you needed was to be taken care of. What you needed was him to fulfill the role he had promised you from the very start of your… partnership. Whatever it was you had. The minutes pass in the silence. The apartment is silent, except for your shaky breaths as he waits for you to calm down.
“Sugar…” your bright doe eyes look to him, reddened slightly by tears before softening, your hands slowly moving to reach for him. He stops himself. “What do you want me to do, doll?”
You finally find the voice to speak again. “Just hold me… please.” Joel gently settles by your side, embracing you as you hide your face into his bare chest. With how close you press yourself to him, you feel the pounding of his chest. You feel your skin prickle, looking up into his eyes in soft, comfortable silence. “It’s like you couldn’t see me anymore when… when…”
He hears your breath hitch and he gently shushes you, carefully pressing kisses to the crown of your head. “Why did you apologize, sugar?”
It's difficult to comprehend feelings in an agreement that is supposedly devoid of them. It's difficult to reflect when you think you know every possibility when you say the truth and nothing but the truth. But you know, too, that you cannot solve the breaking of one’s trust, yours in this case, with the breaking of others’ trust. So you swallow, gather your thoughts.
“You’ve… you always made it feel like it’s my… my privilege to feel so good and… and…” you sniffle, burying your face against him once more as you sigh. “I feel guilty for… for having to—asking to—stop.” You feel his breath still, and you tug him closer out of guilt. It’s as if the motion gently shakes him awake and he embraces you, pressing careful kisses where he was able to.
“That was never my intention, darlin’...” He gently maneuvers you, just enough so you had to look into his eyes— those soft, warm eyes that looked at you the night you met in the bar. “I should be sorry, and I am. God, doll… we built this… us… we built it on the idea that we entrust each other with our… vulnerabilities, and that those vulnerabilities aren’t exploited.” He cups your face, the way he always does, but his touch his careful, the way one grasps precious. “You trusted me, sugar, and I’ve been reckless with my pretty girl. I’m so sorry.”
He barely finishes the last word before you’re kissing him, arms wrapping around him in comfortable silence as he cradles you, lets you indulge until you are the first to pull away. “Let me make it up to you, yeah?” he whispers, the prickle of his beard against your jaw enough to make you giggle. “How does a bath sound?” You manage a small nod, winding down from the events of the evening as he cradles you, gently bringing you to the bathroom and seating you on the nearest counter as he leans over to prepare the warm bath, head turned away from you with a sigh.
The confession lays heavy on your lips. The confession that you’re falling for him, eyes closed, no turning back. You’re in love with him, but you think in telling him, you risk losing this… having him in the soft silences where you can be vulnerable for him and only for him. You tell him, and you picture the nights alone, guarding yourself and knowing happiness shall not exist anymore for you. Not in this lifetime.
“Do you want me to give you some privacy?”
You look to him in silence before taking a deep breath, shaking your head before biting your lip. “Stay with me,” you whisper, looking down at your feet as he settles before you. “Please don’t go too far from me.”
It’s how the two of you end up, with you on his lap, the warm water encompassing the two of you as  gently scrubs through your back with slow, careful circles. “Promise me something,” he says, breaking the silence as he carefully pulls you closer to him. “Never ever think you cannot say no to me ever again.” Your head rears to look into his eyes and he couldn’t help but chuckle, kissing your cheek lovingly. “I’d rather have your scorn than seein’ you afraid of me, darlin’.”
You promise him. As if you would deprive him of anything ever again. As if you could bear the way you saw his heart break from your reaction earlier that evening. As if you could bear the sight of him pulling away from you ever again. If it meant keeping him this close to you for some time more—be it a day, another evening, another month, another year—you’d take everything you can.
The both of you make up shortly thereafter. Joel is half-surprised to see you crawling on top of him, facing him as you ask him. He groans at the feel of your nails digging down into the back of his neck as you fuck yourself on him. He lets you take what you want. As if he can deprive you of anything, be it affection or debauchery. He takes you by your word when you ask him to take you to bed— and he makes love to you in the darkness.
You are his God and all the Saints in the body of one mortal. Daisies and thunderstorms and metamorphoses combined. He looks for you in the other people he meets. But they do not have your shyness, your bright smile, nor the complete surrender you offer so willingly to him. He wonders, sometimes, in the darkness, if he will ever find it within himself to cross the boundaries he himself had built. So he tells you he loves you in other ways. When he cradles your face, when he wipes you clean post-coitus, showering your skin with kisses. When he embraces you in his arms when you drift to sleep with a wide, warm smile of peace etched on your face. He whispers it, sometimes, when he kisses your forehead before he leaves, dressed in his clothes from last night.
He’ll rather have you like this. If, by some twist of fate, he loses the presence of your divinity, then he shall forever return to this moment— you on your hands and knees with your back arching into his touch, your warm breath, your trembling breast. Perhaps an eternity, locked together this way, is the closest to heaven he will ever come across. And should he face damnation, flailed and torn apart by hail at the second circle of hell, he shall regret nothing. Should he be offered salvation in exchange of forgetting you, he shall spit at the face of God with a smile. He’d tell Him he’ll do it all over again.
A/N: this is the part where i say sorry for letting my current reads and whatnot influence what i'm writing. but this is also your sign to read the divine comedy if you want to :'DDD thank you so so so much for reading!!
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gold-rhine · 2 years
sub! character x Dom! Reader facefucking
Characters: Tighnari, Venti, Heizou x Kazuha, Thoma x Diluc
Warnings: nsfw, oral obviously, gagging, rough sex, bondage, spanking, slight degradation, vibrators. well, threesomes, if that wasn’t obvious.
Wordcount: 1,5k
Tighnari sucks your cock like it's a work assignment. He's serious and focused, there's no hesitation or shyness in him, despite him sitting naked on his knees in front of you, only a slight frown of concentration and ears attentively tilted forward, like he's figuring out the best solution to a problem. He doesn't start slowly, instead, immediately takes you in deep, starts bobbing his head up and down fast and diligent. As with everything he does, he's very good and he knows it.
But his seriousness also makes him very fun to provoke, so you turn on the vibrator up his ass and his entire body jolts up in surprise. He gives you a glare, disapproving from being distracted, but with his mouth full of your dick, it looks adorable instead of menacing. He keeps working on you with the same steady rhythm, but as you increase power of the vibrator, he starts gradually giving in into arousal, blush spreading over his cheeks and eyes lidding over. In a little time, his composure starts breaking, he loses the hard pace, his own cock leaking and knees spreading involuntarily on the floor. When you put your hand on his head and bury your fingers in his soft hair, he melts under your touch completely, his ears tremble and flatten back, tail twitching. You fuck his slack and drooling mouth while he moans quietly and needily around your cock, his eyelashes fluttering, eyes hazy from pleasure. He comes with a shudder when you tell him how well he's doing, what a good little pet he is and how much you like fucking his mouth. 
After, you pull him into your lap and tell him he's done a good job. His ears perk up, but he says with almost insulted peevishness, despite still leaning against you, sweet and weak after orgasm "I know, and I wish you'd stop interrupting me." You chuckle and kiss his blushing cheek. "You should let go sometimes and just enjoy yourself, baby."
Venti is wearing his favorite lacy lingerie, with high stockings that leave his thigh tattoo on display, and you internally debate whether to take his panties off or not before spanking him, but in the end decide to leave them on. In a few minutes, you're glad you did, the intricate white lace looks delicious on his reddened tender flesh. and he moans sweetly when you slide your fingers under it to grope his sensitive ass. You turn him over, and he immediately spreads and lifts his legs, offering himself up, his bright eyes meeting yours, open and shameless.
You crawl on top of him until you’re sitting on his chest, and when you lean forward to tie up his hands, he giggles, completely unfazed, lifts his head to lick hungrily at the side of your cock. When you look down, he gleefully presents his open mouth to you. You slide your fingers into his hair, your knees around his head, and ram your cock deep inside his throat. Venti’s form was made by his own will and functions as he desires, and he has been a whore for several hundred years, so he doesn’t have a gag reflex at this point at all (unless you want him to gag. Which you do, sometimes. But not today)
You fuck his mouth brutally, hitting the back of his throat at every thrust, and he screams around your dick, writhes in ecstasy under you, his own cock bulging in his panties, pretty pink head peaking from under the lacy band. For a moment, you slow down, look down at him and he meets your eyes, his own green and sparkling with tears under the fluttering eyelashes. You gently run your fingers through his disheveled bangs, your other hand reaching to stroke him between his open legs. 
“You’re such a fucking slut, aren’t you,” you say quietly, not really a question, and he grins around your cock, shamelessly raises his hips to rut against your palm. You grip his hair harshly and bury yourself in his throat and he comes with a moan when you grope his dick. You come over his face and he opens his mouth wide, his pink tongue sticking out, trying to catch as much as he can.
After, he curls against you, lets you clean and hold him. He created his own body, so he can control it, make it resistant to weakness like this, but he likes it, feeling raw and tender after being used, he always liked bringing others joy, at least for a few moments, be it from his songs or his body. And when you whisper sweet praises for him, stroke his hair and back, hold him close, and just for now, it feels like even as he truly is, weak and sinful, not living up to the visage of the Nameless Bard, he can be good enough. 
Kazuha x Heizou
They are kneeling in front of you, naked and flushed, both of their mouths on your cock. Heizou throws you a mischievous glance, draws a long teasing lick from the base to the tip, and almost climbs on top of Kazuha’s lap, both of them already hard and pressed against each other. Kazuha doesn’t answer a provocation, focused on pleasuring you, his sweet mouth working on your tip. Heizou reaches the tip and leans into Kazuha aggressively. They kiss around your cock, whimpers muffled with their mouths full. 
You slide your hand into Heizou’s bangs and he follows your lead, lets Kazuha go, giving you his mouth with a string of saliva breaking between them. You fuck him, reaching deep in his throat, while Kazuha holds him, their arms intertwined. You then turn to Kazuha, fill him in until he chokes, his fingers digging into Heizou’s shoulders, who watches excitedly.
You start changing between them, slide through the swollen tender lips, their mouths open readily for you, cheeks pressed against each other, pink tongues sticking out sweetly, waiting for you to fuck them. They writhe against each other, Heizou is unashamedly humping Kazuha’s thigh, and even the usually collected samurai rutting against detective’s leg. 
Diluc x Thoma
Diluc watches you fuck Thoma’s mouth, intensely focused, frowning so that he looks almost severe. He lost his youth to trauma and hunting darkness, and now he feels insecure and inexperienced. He’s used to holding himself to the highest standards and not being perfect at something makes him feel worthless, no matter how many times you tell him otherwise. He is not jealous or bitter towards Thoma, though, he’s grateful to have his support and guidance, an example to follow instead of feeling completely lost. He wraps his arms around the blonde and studies hungrily how easily and deeply Thoma can take you into his mouth, how good he can work your cock, expertly twisting his head while bobbing up and down. 
When you turn to him and ask if you’d like to be next, he looks down, blushing, clears his throat and says in a controlled, flat voice that he’s sure you’ll have better time without him. 
You catch his chin and tilt it upward until he reluctantly meets your eyes.
“That’s bullshit. You’re doing so good for me. I want you, beautiful.”
He blushes harder, Diluc can blush in such a brilliant scarlet like no one else you’ve ever seen, and slowly, timidly opens his lips for you. You tell him “good boy” and slowly, carefully slide inside his mouth. Thoma holds the redheads’ hand and wraps another one around him, kisses the corner of his mouth, whispering reassurance. You thrust softly, gently, but Diluc frowns, stubbornly moves to take you in deeper himself and almost chokes at the attempt. You stop, let him get his bearings, while Thoma strokes his back, presses himself against him, tells him to relax. With some time and patience, you move again, deeper and deeper every time until you hit the back of his throat. He gags a little, but it passes quickly and both you and Thoma cover him in praises. You gently run your fingers down the side of his face, press your palm against his cheek, stretched with your cock buried inside his mouth, and meeting your eyes watching him in adoring hunger, in that moment he believes that he’s wanted, and doesn’t have to prove himself worthy and that he’ll be wanted even if he “fails” by his own expectations. He moans quietly, leans into you so trustingly as you’re not used from his ever guarded nature, and you can’t help it, slide out of him and lean down to kiss his swollen smiling lips. He coughs briefly, but then laughs, a choked, unfamiliar sound from him. Melting in embrace from you and Thoma, his bright red hair mixing with Thoma’s russet gold, he finally believes that he might be okay in the end. 
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