#and hunter x hunter which makes me so sick for 2019
sscrambledmeggss · 2 years
A girls worst nightmare (all her comfort media is upsetting/stressful)
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ultraericthered · 2 years
Anime Update V2 29
Wolf’s Rain - Episodes 5 and 6 certainly picked up the pace and intrigue of this series in ways you’re not exactly prepared for. Our main wolves went across a bridge to find a decaying slum town that’s home to another pack of wolves, with the leader distractingly having the voice of Vicious from Cowboy Bebop. These wolves have long given up their search for Paradise and even their belief in Paradise, and even worse, the pack are voluntarily harnessed like dogs and used by humans to haul cargo. We also finally got backstory from Kiba, and by the end Higa needs to be rescued and there’s even a small mutiny to be dealt with! The pack leader’s belief that there may be some wolves who can get into Paradise and some who can't is definitely something to ponder over as our strange journey continues.
Hunter x Hunter - The Phantom Troupe is still at large in Yorknew City, Light Nostrade is on his way back over while Kurapika and the others have to protect Neon (who is such a spoiled, sheltered, unempathetic little brat yet also oddly pure and precious too!), and now we finally have Gon, Killua, and Leorio learning about what the Spiders have been getting up to so that their plotline can connect with Kurapika’s. Though Kurapika seems to not have much interest in playing catch-up with his friends since he’s got a Spider to kill now...
Fruits Basket - Oh boy. Thought Kagura Sohma was a problematic character? Wait ‘til you get a load of Ritsu Sohma the cross-dressing monkey of the Zodiac. To put it simply, this character just reeks of unfortunate implications that are sexist, transphobic, ableist, and even racist! The 2001 anime episode to feature them was, to me, a method of torture. I mean, God almighty, not even five whole minutes of Ritsu on screen and I was getting so sick of their shit, and the way Mike McFarland voiced them really contributed to that - the voice sounded almost Michael Jackson-esque until the screaming starts, at which point it’s like a falsetto unholy blend of Mickey Mouse and Miss Piggy. It even had the gall to play Ritsu’s attempted suicide like a big joke, and too often I was finding myself agreeing with every self loathing statement Ritsu made about themself, which I shouldn’t!
The 2019 equivalent came much earlier on in the season (Ritsu comes in right before the climax in the 2001 series!) and in the exact reverse of what happened with Kagura, the episode is so much stronger and better to sit through, with Ritsu’s self loathing and depression over their gender identity and their attempted suicide being treated seriously, there being no “being a biological boy who dresses up in girl’s clothes makes you weak!” messaging, and the friendship Ritsu and Mitsuru strike up at the end helps a lot to make me not totally dislike Ritsu this time around. The one trade-off? Mike McFarland still does their voice and does even worse here, when Ritsu really should have been a recast role like Akito, Kagura, Momji and Hiro. They needed to be voiced by Greg Ayres, who could be grating in the role too, but would match the JP voice so much better.
Rozen Maiden - Know how I said shit would get darker now? Yeah, that includes character deaths. First Souseiseki bites the dust in a big fight of her VS Suiseiseki VS Suigintou (Shinku and Hinaichigo are fending off Barasuishou at the same time), and as sad as it was for Suiseiseki to see her sister go like that (major props to Rebecca Forstadt, that was some amazingly heartfelt voice acting!), I couldn’t feel too bad since Souseiseki brought it on herself by choosing her love for her father over her sister and betraying everyone. And I can’t be too mad at Suigintou for snatching up her Rozen Mystica since she’s just so awesome, I still love her dynamic with Megu, and now she’s turned on Barasuishou to serve her own interests, fuck yes! But I was not prepared for how sad Hinaichigo’s death would be. She’d grown on me so much at this point and having to watch her come to terms with her end as she slowly wound down and just...stopped? Heartbreaking. At the end we seem to meet “Rozen”, who is working together with Laplace and Barasuishou, as the grand finale begins.
Fate Zero - After a cute opening of Irisveil and Saber in a car together as the former drives like crazy, we get a brief but disturbing run-in with Caster, who reports back to his young serial killer master and begins to make plans that said master might not be too keen on. Also learned a little more about Lord El Melloi, the master of Lancer, and saw that Kiritsugu is in fact willing to 9/11 a whole tall building just to off a potential threat. How did this guy ever become such a paragon of morality for Shirou later? But by far the most captivating bit of the episode came last, with Gilgamesh and Kirei’s conversation as they enter a dark alliance of convenience, scheming behind Tokiomi’s back, and Kirei contemplates what is fulfillment to a man who knows no joy, what draws a man of God like him to the many darknesses of the material world, and why does he want the Grail? 
Revolutionary Girl Utena - When you think you’re getting another recap episode, and then suddenly....fucking Akio. He finally went and did what they made me so afraid he was going to do three episodes ago! He coerced Utena into having sex with him, which is pretty much rape in this case. Utena’s response, knowing she just lost her virginity to a man who might not be her prince, as she tries to distract her own mind by rambling about the other night’s food topic, was chilling in a way I’ve not experienced from other anime. Good lord...
Senki Zesshou Symphogear - Episode 2 kicks off with the fallout of Hibiki fighting and defeating the Noise with Gungnir, and I like how this show takes full advantage of its concept by having the idols sing their own songs as they do Magical Girl style battle. After we meet the members of S.O.N.G that Hibiki will now be working with (including an egocentric female scientist who is sus as all fuck), we see more Hibiki and Miku interaction and holy shit, I actually think Kumiko and Reina took a bit longer to get as blatantly gay! Throuh the next S.O.N.G exposition course and one Noise fight later, we can tell Tsubasa is struggling to accept this new girl inhereting Kanade’s power and weaponry. So when Hibiki asked if she and Tsubasa could “fight together” I immediately knew how Tsubasa would choose to twist that request. Very poor choice of words there, Hibiki!
MAR - War Game’s on break now, so none of this one for this week.
AMC: Moriarty the Patriot - Back to 19th Century England with the Noahtic two parter. Moriarty was as charismatic, devious and fiendishly brilliant as always, so I don’t need to dwell too much on him here. But two other standouts. The asshole noble victim this time was a General Zarroff Expy for some reason, but at first nothing about him was clicking for me since he is easily the most flat, absurdly one dimensional, unrealistic depiction of an evil nobleman seen in this anime yet, with his open, over-the-top classism fast becoming tired. But once on the ship, his sheer cartoonishness (like telling a lower class child who bumped into him, in her ear, “should we cross paths again, I will murder you!”) just crossed the line twice into utter hilarity, watching him get totally played by Moriarty was delicious, and his ultimate comeuppance was simply epic. (Also, Alejandro Saab would make a perfect Miles Edgeworth!) The other standout? Liam meets a passenger who is every was his equal in brilliance and might even pose a threat to his plans should he look into the Moriarty Brothers activities now that he clearly suspects foul play in the double deaths aboard the Noahntic. His name? Detective Sherlock Holmes! 
Death Note - It has been 15 years since the English dub of this anime came along, so I decided I had to give the premiere episode a rewatch for old time’s sake. Still as macarbe and psychologically twisted as ever, with Brad Swaile and Brian Drummond nailing it as Light and Ryuk respectively. Shame there was no L in this, though.
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Make Way For The New
Pairing: Abaddon x Demon!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: demon!reader, minor angst, minor fluff
Summary: You enjoyed your time on Earth, but you love being a demon just a little bit more. You have a new life, and if you’re going to continue to love it, you need to get rid of your biggest obstacles... the Winchesters.
Fandom: Supernatural
abaddon (2019 card) for @heavenandhellbingo​
if you want a thing done well, do it yourself for @as-the-saying-goes-bingo​
missing and presumed dead for @badthingshappenbingo​
betrayal in @ladiesbingo
traveling woman in @spnfemslashbingo​
abaddon for @spnvillainsbingo​
Author’s Note: Yes, there will be another part. Maybe a third depending if you guys want it. This is unbeta’d and all mistakes are mine. If you have any requests, please send them in!
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There are two sides to you: the past and the present.
Before, you did everything with the Winchesters. You met them when your life was at stake because a dragon captured you to eat. Yes, you were a virgin back then, but you quickly corrected that issue to prevent that mistake from happening again (or, that’s what you tell yourself). In reality, Dean was just too magnetic to stay away from.
Working with the Winchesters led to some really fun nights and some of the lowest lows you’ve ever seen yourself in. You three trusted each other with your life, always taking risks that the others wouldn’t. You used to put others before yourself all the time. It didn't matter if you know them or not. To you, everyone’s lives were worth more than yours… it’s why you and Dean got along so well.
You two became closer after you two had sex, even if it was the only time it happened. You’ve flirted with him almost every day, and there have been times when you two would make out, but it never went beyond that. It was just easier to sleep with someone you met in a bar and forget they existed the very next day. It was harder to do that with Dean since you lived with him.
Working with them was fine in the beginning, but the more hunts you went on, the more you realized how much you wanted a family. You’re always saving families and watching them reunite, and you long for one of your own. Dean tended to remind you that he and Sam were your family, and while that was true, you really wanted kids and to build one from the ground up.
It’s why you went your separate ways.
Sam and Dean wanted to continue to hunt, and you really wanted a family. That didn’t mean you weren't going to help if needed, you just weren't going to pick up a gun for them anymore. Whatever they needed, you helped from the comfort of your home. You kept in touch with them every day, told them about the men you were dating, and got so excited when one relationship lasted more than four months. They supported you from the Bunker, and you supported them from your apartment on the other side of the country. The only problem was that something was always dragging you back into hunting whether that would be a monster in your hometown, Sam and Dean needing your help on a hunt since they didn’t know anyone else, or whatever it was.
You got sick and tired of bailing on your boyfriends because you had to fight some monster. It wasn’t fair to them and it wasn’t fair to you. You ended up doing something you never thought you, as a hunter, would do. The need for wanting a family overcame the voice inside your head telling you not to do it. Of course, you never told Sam or Dean what you did… in fact, they hardly ever needed you for hunting after you did what you did.
You sold your soul for the apple pie life. Ten years being happy with a family is better than a lifetime of hunting monsters and never getting anywhere.
However, before you could get what you want, you died because you were in an accident. Now, you don’t know if it was some douchebag demon cashing in on souls early or if it was truly an accident, but it didn't matter because you went to Hell.
At first, it was torture getting tortured on the rack. It felt like a century being on there, but only a few years had passed. You’re used to getting a lot of pain from hunting with the Winchesters, but you’ve never experienced pain like that before.
You broke sooner than you hoped you would.
Instead of being tortured, you decided to do the torturing. It was nice to cut into skin that wasn’t yours. You knew Dean had gone to hell and was an excellent torturer, but you were better. You actually came up with ways that haven't even been invented yet. Everyone in Hell feared you, was scared when your name came into conversation. You got so good at torturing that anyone who was refusing to talk, did when they heard you were coming in.
After a few centuries of bringing the worst pain unto anyone that dare get in your way, you were promoted to a crossroad demon. It wasn’t as fancy as torturing souls, but you did get to see Earth. If you missed anything while you were human, it was being on Earth. Hell is great, but an argument can be made for Earth being a bit better.
After doing a few years being topside, you were a free demon, able to jump between Hell and Earth whenever you pleased. Crowley really wanted you to grab demons who were misbehaving and bring them back to him (injured or not), but you managed to slip into your old days of going to bars and picking up men.
Along the way, you met an equally scary demon, Abaddon. The only difference is that she is a Knight of Hell, and you’re not. You’ve never really clicked with anyone since going to Hell, but you did click with her. She never cared for other demons as her only goal was to overrun Crowley and become Queen of Hell, but you she cared for. There is something about you that taps into her emotions like no other.
You two became the dynamic duo, never going anywhere without the other. Whoever got in her way got in yours, and vice versa. There is nothing you two don’t do together, and that includes going to Earth to enjoy human things. You even traveled the world to see what you couldn’t when you were human.
The bar you two are in is lively with chatter, laughter, and all around good energy. You’ve been a demon for way too long, so you actually miss things like this. Abaddon is in one of her better moods which is why she agreed to something like this. The waiter just brought over your fourth round, and you take your glass to clink to hers.
“To us,” you grin.
“To us,” she smiles widely.
You down the shot, feeling no effect whatsoever. When done, you lean in and kiss her tenderly, glad to be by her side. It’s not every day that you can do this with her, so you’re cherishing each second until you have to go back to work. Your assignment: the Winchesters. But, more on that later.
“You know, I’ve never really understood Princes and Knights of Hell. Do you have wings?” you ask, staring at her in adoration.
“No, dear,” she chuckles. She cups your cheek with her right hand and rubs your cheekbone with her thumb. “That’s angels.”
You bite her thumb gently, and she pulls away with a smirk. She is about to suggest something else to do that’s way better than sitting in this dingy bar, but her phone rings. She’s still getting used to cell phones, but she answers it, nonetheless. You don’t know who is on the other line, but by the looks of her face, it’s not good news.
“What happened?” you ask once she hangs up.
“It’s those damn Winchesters… always getting in the way,” she growls. “They just won’t quit.”
You get an idea, suddenly, you and just smirk at the thought of it.
“You know, I used to work with them when I was human. Apparently, we worked pretty well together. I can make them stop… for good.”
“How?” she asks, intrigued.
All you can do is smile widely as the wicked thoughts enter your mind.
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Sam and Dean have yet to find Abaddon and kill her before she takes over Hell and becomes Queen. They’re not getting any closer, and the Mark on Dean’s arm is itching for something more… powerful than mindless demons and monsters. Dean slams his bag on the library table with a frustrated huff.
“We’ll get her, Dean.”
“Yeah, when?”
Dean’s phone rings, and he stares at the strange yet familiar name. It takes a few seconds, but it clicks in his mind that it’s you… after all this time.
“It’s Y/N,” Dean gasps.
“She’s alive?” Sam asks, just as shocked.
Dean answers the phone and puts you on speakerphone so that Sam can hear.
“Y/N? Is that you?”
“Hi Dean. Long time no… talk,” you chuckle, keeping up the innocent facade they know you to have,
“Where the hell have you been? We thought you were missing or dead!”
“I’ve actually never felt better. I needed time for myself, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was going away.”
“It’s been years, Y/N. That’s a little long for just ‘going away’. Where did you go?”
“Doesn’t matter. What matters is that I know how to find Abaddon,” you grin and wink at Abaddon herself.
“What did you just say?”
“I heard down the chain of command you’re looking for her. She’s not far from where you are, actually. We can sit here and talk about how I know where she is and all that or you can come meet me and help me trap her. I heard you have the Mark which means you have the First Blade… you can kill her.”
“Where are you?”
“Believe it or not, Wichita, Kansas. She’s always been close just watching you. It’s why you can never find her.”
“Alright, we’re on our way.”
“Okay, drive safe,” you say sweetly.
As soon as you hang up the phone, you lose the sweet facade and give Abaddon a smirk.
“You want them to stop following you? You have to take out Sam first. Dean will be so hell bent on getting revenge, and that’s when we can use the Mark against him.”
“You’re so bad,” she grins and pulls you in by the waist.
“I know,” you chuckle.
You meet her halfway and kiss her, excited to use your skills on your old life… flushing out whatever good that used to be inside you.
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Sam and Dean make it to Wichita in less than two hours, meeting you at the local bar. You told Abaddon to hide and wait for your signal. You dressed how you used to so that the brothers wouldn't suspect anything was wrong. If you want them to trust you after being gone for so long, then you really have to act the part.
“Sam! Dean!” you gasp with a smile, rushing over to them in excitement.
“It’s been too long, Y/L/N,” Dean chuckles and gives you a hug.
You remember what it’s like being in these arms, but you want to know what it’s like to watch his blood spill over them. Sam is next, and you silently size him up. You may be a badass demon, but they have been doing this a long time. If you’re going to get rid of them, then you have to be smart about this.
“Is she still here?” Sam asks when you pull away from him.
“Yeah. On the outskirts of town. She’s been there all day. I don’t know what she’s waiting for, but better make our move now.”
“Wait, are you sure you’re good? You seem a little too eager.”
“Let’s just get her while we can. Then, I’ll tell you all about where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to. Spoiler alert, I think I’ve done every sex position there is.”
“Gross,” Sam shakes his head.
“Nice,” Dean says at the same time as his brother.
“Come on, we need to get going.”
You lead the Winchesters to the edge of town where an abandoned farm is. On that farm is a barn where Abaddon is hiding out. You gear up with the Winchesters when you notice the Mark on Dean’s arm.
“Does it hurt?” you ask, motioning to it.
“I try not to think about it.”
You and the brothers head inside quietly, guns drawn. There is no one in the barn, and it takes Dean two seconds to figure out that she isn’t here, or that something isn’t right.
“Where is she?”
“Right here,” Abaddon smirks, entering the barn from where you three came in.
Sam and Dean turn, and yours and Abaddon’s eyes turn black.
“So glad you could join us,” you chuckle darkly.
You raise your hands, and Sam and Dean go flying across the room into the back wall. They hit their heads on the tables, causing them to black out. You and Abaddon high-five each other before heading over to them.
“This is going to be so much fun…”
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tumbler-tidbits · 5 years
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April 2019 Recs/May 2019 Recs
Smut,angst, fluff, and more, check out these awesome writers!
1)Nothing Else Matters by @67midnightwriter
Summary: None
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
My Review: This was just so poetic and absolutely beautiful! Logan you never cease to amaze me with your talents.
2)Doc and Sir by @crashdevlin
Summary: Y/n had a crush on Sam at Stanford, but she was sure he’d never look at her because of her weight. When he walks into her ER eleven years after the fire in his apartment, he reveals she’s actually more his type than she would have thought: sweet, innocent and corruptible.
Pairing: Sam X Plus size!Reader
Warnings: Dom/sub training, bondage, oral (male rec), 18+ HERE BE SEX DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!!  protected sex, fingering, gags,spanking, panty kink, non-consensual touching, unprotected sex, rough sex, bruises, creampie, mentions of marijuanalittle bit of flogging, mentions of breathplay, somnophilia, bondage, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, oral sex (fem and male rec).
My Review: Whew Lordy this ones H.O.T!! Idk about y’all but this one hit me right in the praise!kink and I was done for. Not only is there hot smut but smidge of angst and all the fluff! I LOVE the backstory! Link is for all parts and all warnings from each chapter are listed.
3)The Beard by @bamby0304
Summary: After Sam saves you from some nuisance demons he comes to check on you that night. Deciding to spend some time together, eventually you find yourself getting distracted by the his beard. It wasn’t your intention, or Sam’s, but neither of you stop when things start heating up.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Episode 14x01 spoilers. Explicit language. Angst. Fluff. Smut. Oral (female receiving). Fingering. Unprotected sex.
My Review: Beard!Kink-ers unite! This delicious little smut features our favorite moose and his grief beard from Season 14 that we love so much! It’s yummy 😋
4)What a Way to Go by @impala-dreamer
Summary: ~Dean tries to kill you... with pleasure.~
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, PWP. Just porn. Overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting... just smut. 
My Review: What a way to go indeed! Jesus Christ this one is a panty ruiner for sure! Prepare yourself!
5)Your Soldier by @winchester19-67
Summary: Military AU
Pairing: Soldier!Dean x Reader 
Warnings: Angst, fluff
My Review: This one hit my feels for sure! It is heartbreaking, yet so beautiful and fluffy! I absolutely loved it and the ending! Read it y’all.
6)Addicted by @maddiepants
Summary: Even as a demon, Dean couldn't get you out of his mind. Now he's going to make sure you can't ever get enough of him.
Pairing: Demon!Dean x reader, mention of Sam
Warnings: Smut, dub-con, blood drinking, sex toys, restraints, little bit of biting/markinh, unprotected sex, language, Demon!Dean (cause he's a warning)
My Review: Well. This is... I just. Words? Seriously y’all this piece is fucking juicy and delicious! Erica painted a very vivid picture that is sure to get your panties wet! And who doesn’t love some Demon!Dean?
7)Frozen by @wigglebox
Summary: “Don’t make me take you home and punish you.”
“You make a sound and its game over.”
Pairing: Dean x Cas
Warnings: Public Sex, Public Blow Jobs, Dom/sub Undertones, Jesus cameo, yes Eileen is alive
My Review: Fuck me, I have never read Destiel but this was wow 😲
8)Friction by @kittenofdoomage
Summary: This case requires acting. The problem is, you and Dean have been at each other’s throats so long, can you really pretend you like him?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: smut, drama, fighting, Dean being an ass, the reader being an ass, public sexy times, fluff.
My Review: This story was awesome! There’s not a ton of smut but the backstory and they way Rhi set it up is amazing! It’s a tad Angsty, a dash smutty and a whole lot fluffy :)
9)Never Have I Ever by @squirrel-moose-winchester
Summary: Sam and Y/N have the whole bunker to themselves. And what had started out as a simple game of Never Have I Ever, things started to get a little “deep.”
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, Explicit Language, Unprotected Sex (Always be safe), and Some Fluff.
My Review: Holy. Shit. Enough said.
10)Total Lack of Nudity by @wayward_and_worn on AO3
Summary: No plot at all. Dean makes a comment about how there is not enough nudity for him in the bunker.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader x Sam Winchester (No Wincest)
Warnings: See link
My Review: Well. This started off hilarious, I was laughing out loud ! And ended with me in a puddle. HOLY SHIT. Read it.
11)Proven Wrong by @rebelminxy
Summary: Sam and Dean are hanging out at a bar after a hunt when they spot the Reader celebrating with a few friends. When the Reader finds herself in a bit of a situation, she uses her self-confidence to get herself out, and give the boys a bit of eye candy fun.
Pairing: Sam x Reader x Dean
Warnings: see link, no smut
My Review: Sexy, confidant plus sized gal? Hell yeah! She’s caught the eye of our two favorite hunters, Now we just need part two 😉
12)The man Who has Everything by @littlegreenplasticsoldier
Summary: You're habitually quiet during sex and Sam leads you to be more vocal, even at the risk of annoying Dean.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: smut, flangst? Fluff and feels anyway.
My Review: This was so fucking hot and sensual and just makes you melt! Then the ending is just so sweet and fluffy! Love it!
13)I have a Dream by @idreamofplaid
Summary: The reader shares a special dream with Jared and realizes there’s more to her dream than she knew.
Pairing: Jared x Reader
Warnings: Fingering; Dirty Talk, smut
My Review: Robin creates a beautiful AU in this fic! She combined supernatural canon with RPF! And special stories behind the tattoos which are so beautiful! I loved everything about this! Read it and go beg her for part 2! 😘😘
14)Fat Bottomed Omega by @melonshino
Summary: None
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader (Female and Plus-Sized)
Warnings: very nsfw, smut, also some fluff, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, true mates, fingering, oral sex (female receiving), knotting, slightly insecure reader, not beta read
My Review: This was so sexy and sensual! I absolutely loved getting to see things from the readers and Dean’s POV. Curvy Reader was a bonus! And I love Dean’s considerations during their sexy time *wink wink. ALSO this is her FIRST smut AND a/b/o fic!!! Way to go!
15)Magic Dean by @kittenofdoomage
Summary: stripper!TFW
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Hot fucking smut!
My Review: holy fuck this fic is glorious!! I don’t even know where to start! The set up with the scene and characters is just perfect! And the gif/video attachment help paint a lovely picture of what our favorite boys would be doing!! If your panties aren’t wet after all that sexy they will be because there’s hot smut too! Whew it a good one! Trust me and read it! At home. In bed. Alone...
16)Skin on Skin by @glassjacket
Link is to part three, which has links to parts 1&2
Summary: none
Pairing: Jensen Ackles X Jared Padalecki
Warnings: graphic slash, m/m: oral sex, anal play, anal fingering, rimming, blow jobs, slight frottage, hand jobs, ejaculation breath play, bossy bottom Jensen / top Jared (though if you ask me I’ll tell you they’re both verses; these are just their roles in this particular fic)
My Review: I have never read strictly M/M as it’s just not my thing and I don’t ship J2, but MJ recommended this and OMFG. I read all three parts last night and couldn’t compose words until now!This is seriously fucking hot 🔥 ruined panties and everything. I also like the fact that it was very sensual and provided a sensory experience! Give this fic a try y’all!
17)A Place to Call Home by @luci-in-trenchcoats
Summary: The reader isn’t thrilled to be going to yet another foster home and is simply looking to get by until she’s an adult. Only her new family isn’t going to let her give up so easy…
Pairing: Jensen x foster daughter!reader
Warnings: language, angst
My Review: If y’all love fluff you have to read this series! I’ve never read another fic like it and it’s incredible! I love the storyline, the incorporation of the real Ackles family and the journeys we get to observe! This is one of my favorites!
18)Mommy’s Favorite by @impalaimagining
Summary: As a single mother, caring for a sick child is never easy, but it gets even worse when they’re terrified of the doctor’s office. Things take a turn when the doctor seems to be an angel who has taken residence here on earth. 
Pairing: Doctor!Jared x female!ReaderAU
Warnings: mentions of needles, fear of doctor’s offices, single parenting, Jared being a total sweetheart
My Review: This is seriously so effing cute! Jared is a pediatrician- enough said! Tons of Fluffy adorableness and maybe some angst if your a toddler 😜
19)Nesting in Vancouver by @idreamofplaid
Summary: The Reader needs her Alpha, and he’s in Vancouver.
Pairing: Alpha!Jared x Omega!Reader
Warnings: begging, fingering, smut, A/B/O dynamics.
My Review: This is so sensual and loving! It’s A/B/O and Jared gives the reader what she needs while she’s in heat and nesting. And of course Jared is a precious bean!
20)Captivated by @saxxxology
Summary: Working for the prominent lawyer, Sam Winchester, is the best thing to ever happen to you… or so you think. He’s smart, hardworking, and does his best for the people around him. He takes a firm interest in you, almost immediately seeing you as much more than just a lawyer-in-training, which quickly spirals into an after-hours life of trust, loyalty, and desire.
Pairing: Sam x Reader (Lawyer!AU)
Warnings: virgin!reader (eventual loss of virginity), smut, BDSM lifestyle, fluff, eventual discussions of non-con and resulting mental health problems, heavy angst,
My Review: Y’all this series is fucking incredible! It has everything we love about Sam! He is a sweet, polite, patient, caring, gentleman with a hit at his dominant side in the bedroom! It Is SO FUCKING GLORIOUS! I was literally a puddle the entire time! Something about Dom!Sam with the patience of a Saint and a gentleman to boot? Phew! You certainly had me Captivated!! I just wish I could read more! But I understand I mean C’mon people it takes 5 seconds to reblog gloriousness! You want more? Show the writer how much you love their work!!
21)Full Service by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Summary: Sequel to Bottle Service. Carly has accepted Jared and Jensen’s offer to be theirs. Now what?
Pairing: Jensen x Jared x Carly
Warnings: Jensen x Jared, J2, Dom/sub, BDSM, Daddy Kink, Daddy Jensen, Dom Jared, Verse Jensen, Jensen Topping from the Bottom, Dominance, Bondage, dirty talk (especially Jensen), cum marking, fisting, cunnilingus, no condoms, bathing, anal sex, female ejaculation/squirting, aftercare, polyamory
My Review: words cannot describe the emotion I experienced. Nothing has made me feel the way I did while reading this. I don’t even know how to describe it, I am speechless. Sweet fucking Jesus Christ tap dancing on a crumbling cracker! You have ruined me! You paint a gorgeous fucking picture! This is incredible and I can’t wait for part 2!
22)You Saved Me by @impalaimagining
Summary: see link
Pairing: Jared x Reader, past Evan (OC) x Reader, past Jared x Genevieve
Warnings: see link
My Review: I love this series! No disrespect to Jared and Gen I love their marriage. This is just a fun view of Jared navigating single dad life! Super sweet and fluffy, with a dash of angst and a pinch of smut!
23)Bittersweet Symphony by @ladywinchester1967
Summary: None
Pairing: Dean x Kaylee(OFC)
Warnings: (part 1) Drinking, swearing, mentions of homelessness, talk of abortion, Winchesters being adorable.
My Review: I absolutely LOVED this 4 part series! It has a little bit of everything; smut, fluff, angst, FLUFF! I love getting to see this side of Dean and it melts me every time!
24)The Mud on Your Boots by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Summary: It's been a while for Donna, and with a wedding and a recent purchase of sex toys, an unexpected visitor is more than welcome.
Pairing: Dean x Donna
Warnings: Vaginal fingering, dirty talk, fluff, consent is sexy, forehead kissing, period sex, fisting, blood as lube, shower sex, schmoop, fluff, face riding, drinking alcohol, drunk sex, chili stirring for @maddiepants cunnilingus, more dirty talk, tongue fucking, female ejaculation/squirting, Dean manhandling Donna
My Review: This series is glorious! I release a lot tomDonnas inner monologue in the beginning lol but Dean is just so sweet and gentle with her it makes me swoon!
Want to be tagged? Want off the tags? Just let me know.
Taglist: @idreamofplaid @dean-winchesters-bacon @maddiepants @pisces-cutie​ @covered-byroses @currentlyfangirling99 @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01 @sammyimpala-67 ​ @ladywinchester1967 @sweetiepie-dean @fangirl-forevers-world @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @bobasheebaby​ @evansrogerskitten @missjenniferb​ @sculptorofbeginnings​ @kbl1313 @spnskinnyballs @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @justcallmeasmodeus @ain-t-bovvered @purpleskiesandcherrypies @curly-haired-disaster @getnaildbyme @akshi8278 @rebelminxy
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kuliru · 6 years
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
Don’t have a closet. I’m poor
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
I’m Asian. Does that answer the question?
(3) Can You Whistle?
Sadly not
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
Awaken - Stray Kids. Stan them or fat 🤬
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
Currently dirty yellow green
(6) Relationship Status.
Taken by at least 150 boys that do not exist
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
28°C. This is considered VERY low here. Normally it’s a fucking oven in here — 33°C
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
I have never woken up peaceful in my entire life
(9) How Many Followers?
(10) Zodiac Sign.
The sexual position. Cancer ♋️ 💛
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
I’m not 6 🤬
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
Stopped ever since I became a teen #puberty
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
I only read manga
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
I want to die
(16) Favourite Anime?
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
Crying? What’s that?
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Screenshots. Specifically shirtless anime boys 💦🥵
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
I starve myself #RoadToAnorexia
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
Only on my dad’s yacht and private jet
(21) Favourite Animal?
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
Only Hentai
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
Hate swimming. I get tan so easily. I’d die for pale skin
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
Mine obviously is this even a question
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
Tap. Because it might not be clean and I can get sick and not live as long cause I hate living and want to die
(28) What Makes You Happy?
Hentai. Next.
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
Tumblr media
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
Study? What’s that?
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
Both. But I like dogs slightly more ...
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
Only the wrapper cause I’m not straight
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
No lemao
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
Naked rn
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
Pussy flesh
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
Sadly not
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
Sadly not. But I’ve caught lizards and moths call me Steve Irwin
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
Surprisingly no
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
I’m neutral about them. But one time. I was sick and rode on an airplane. MY EARS WERE FUCKING DYING. IT FELT LIKE MY EARDRUMS WERE BEING STABBED AND THE KNIFE WAS STUCK THERE and EVERYTHING HURT. Thank god the flight was only an hour. Cause the next one I had was 14 hours and by then my cold was gone
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
Your Name obviously. Oh and also the sad WW2 movies from Studio Ghibli
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
None ew.
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
Surprisingly not
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
FUCKING. I need at least 10 hours of sleep or else I can’t get through the day
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
Read manga, which, are Japanese mangoes for those of you uncultured swines
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
Only moaning. Next question
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
None I have servants for a reason
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Crown by TXT my phone knows me so well <3
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
It’s always summer here #BoringWeatherMuch
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now?
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
Tumblr media
(58) What Is Your Gender?
Unspecified. Ok but fr female
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
Never had homework ever since Oct 2018. It’s Mar 2019 now lol
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Straight as FUCK
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
Look at question 53 cunt
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
(64) Favourite Social Media?
Tied between ig and tumblr. Wait no. Tumblr
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
Better than sc ngl although sc started it
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
(67) Are You A Virgin?
You’re asking one rn good job
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
This is so weird.. even I don’t know... and I’ve been using the same product for months.. wait I’ve recalled it now. Both are dove
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Car for free duh
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
Parents? What’s that?
(71) Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
Seeing 5 ft apart on Friday what I have a life????
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?
Only sex sike
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
Fuck I don’t have one and can’t come up with one.. uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh... when Kakashi said you’re more than scum if you leave your friends behind. Cried like a bitch
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
Duh who hasn’t
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
What am I.. 11?
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
No. Herpes
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
No but I’ve been on it gay
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
No. Hate socialising. I only need my body pillows in life
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
Nope but I wear a dog leash
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
1. Starved 2. Shat 3. Do this
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed?
Nothing. I can’t afford clothes
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
I don’t need beauty products when I’m already a beauty myself
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
Lazy. But my absolute fave is walking dead
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
My mom left and she said to never answer the door and someone knocked on the door. She was standing there with demonic eyes and I was like “lmao”. Then I left that ‘person’ at the door and she kept scratching and banging the door that I went to the peephole again and it transformed to a bald man. He then started writing me a birthday card when my birthday is literally 3 months away and wishing me the best in life.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
I’m vegan
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
Giant tortoises mating
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
Born hideous lmao
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
Hentai jfc how many times must I repeat myself
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
A tattoo of your math grade <3
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
Ondo. Love that bitch
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ultraericthered · 2 years
Anime Update V2 22
Noragami Aragoto - Yato and Hiiro (Nora) went to rescue Ebisu from a situation he'd put himself in down in the underworld, and this part was great because Ebisu is quite the fun character, especially with Kent Williams as his dub voice. Unfortunately the other Gods of Fortune got implicated in a grave misdeed due to Ebisu's actions (including the Bryan Massay god who I keep forgetting is a thing). Hiyori's plotline, though, is a groaner since she's now losing her memory of Yato AGAIN, with the anime again neglecting to draw any parallels to the last arc of Season 1 where they used this plot device before. And this one high school boy who's totally not really Yato's dad takes advantage and forces a first kiss on her at the theme park.
Hunter x Hunter - The short but very engaging Heaven's Arena arc has begun.
1999 - Not too much different except that there's a comical scene with Gon and Killua involving Chocolate Robots, the girl working the elevator is more of a character and sounds like Arika Yumemia, the real high floor is a lot scarier, and Hisoka suddenly has red hair after having spent the entire Hunters Exam with blue hair. Also, what the "lie" that Wing told Gon and Killua about Nen was even supposed to be was totally lost on me, as his initial explaining of the techniques made a lot more sense. 2011 - Wing actually writing down the characters for what he was talking about and making the dinstinction between one "Nen" and the tecnhique he and Zushi use was very helpful in getting the point across. The higher floor was disappointingly less threatening than it was in the earlier anime, but 2011 Hisoka being true to form more threatening made up for it.
Fruits Basket - School is back in session with Haru and Momiji here!
2001 - Kyle Hebert as the Student Council President was very recognizable even back then, and Justin Cook still does great at Haru's two personalities, but good lord did Kimberly Grant not know how to emote as Momiji. And speaking of not emoting, the scene with Akito was meant to be terrifying and reflect the fear that both Tohru and Yuki had of him, but I did not feel that since Clad Cline's voice acting was just so laughably stiff and robotic - Aaron Dismuke as a much younger Akito had better delivery! Maybe it was just voice direction that told him to sound creepy and little else, since his final lines in the episode actually were well delivered and fittingly sinister. 
2019 - Ah, THERE we go. The scene that played out with Tohru, Yuki, and Akito with Colleen Clinkenbeard voicing Akito was spine-tingling, viscerally unpleasant and disturbing, just as it needed to be. I'm so glad that Tohru pushed the bitch out of Yuki's way, and relieved she did it without suffering Akito's wrath in return! I also think this one ended at a slightly better place than where the first version rather abruptly stopped. The one part that I did not get in either was what Haru showed the Student Council President to prove that his two-toned hair was natural. Apparently it was his pubic hair, but how was I supposed to guess THAT? He could've just washed his hair!
Rozen Maiden - Watched the two-part OVA Overture, which takes place between the end of the first season and the start of the second, contains set-ups for what will be going down in that second season, and flashes back to the origin story of both Shinku and Suigintou, and why Suigintou became so obsessed with becoming Alice and getting to see her father again that she turned to a life of cruelty and homicidal madness. I felt so terrible for Suigintou before but this really made my heart break for her. Now I’m just wondering how in all that is holy is she still alive and why’s she now some sick girl’s guardian angel? I’m eager to find out more in the season to come!
Fate/Stay Night - Watched the Unlimited Blade Works movie, which adapts the Archer route of the novel and goes to very different places than the anime’s story did despite starting off the exact same way. What Archer’s deal was and what his mythical hero identity is were left unresolved in the anime, so I’m glad this film was made in order to finally give us answers. While part of me did miss the bonding between Shirou and Saber, having him and Rin get the bond, and putting a lot more emphasis on Rin in general, were very welcome. This movie also had a notably higher animation budget that the show and did many things better - the final battle was notably way more intense, the forming of the Holy Grail more nightmarishly displayed.
But not everything worked, mind you. Ilya got done majorly dirty with a gruesome, totally gratuitous and preventable death, while that piece of shit Shinji Matou overstayed his welcome as one of the main villains. Kirei, I hate to say since he is such a compelling antagonist, was even worse handled here, going the opposite route of the show in that his role ends up mattering too little and feels pointless (Shirou never learns that Kirei started that big fire and killed his father here!) Archer actually being an alternate future version of Shirou himself should’ve been huge, yet they reveal it in the most underwhelming way similar to how they did things on the show. And lastly, what was with Gilgamesh’s look in this? He keep straight hair and casual clothing the whole way through! So much for “the golden servant!”
Revolutionary Girl Utena - Mitsuru’s diary, pretty much all about Nanami and what he learned through stalking her all the time (even for events we never knew he was there for, ‘cause when Nanami was around, he was always there!) was used for a humorous recap episode of all Crazy Nanami Antics just as a light-hearted breather after the dark and heavy shit of the previous two episodes.
Love Live! Nijigasaki School Idol Club S2 - The next School Idol Festival was held and we even met some new characters, but anything that went on here paled in comparison to two major occurances: Nana outing herself as Setsuna Yuki to the school, and Lanzhu Zhong, voluntarily and without second-guessing at all, played a big role in saving the day. She may not agree with the unified idol performances of the Nijigasaki Club girls, but she still resepcts them.
MAR - Fight 2 of Round 2 was Nanashi VS Loco, which was fun and all, and I especially liked learning about how Loco has actually been de-aging herself every time she uses her special ARM, but I sorta knew how it would end given the precedent established with Jack’s fight back in Round 1 - Nanashi loses, though interestingly enough it’s only because he couldn’t go through with making a killing blow. Which is the total opposite of what we get with Dorothy in the third and final fight. That it starts with Dorothy laughing her ass off at her opponent’s threat to kill her set the expectation and boy did she not disappoint. It was pretty much a curb-stomp in Dorothy’s favor, with Dorothy creating the first casaulty of the War Games by having Toto devour that cowardly cloaked serial killer. She scary, but I loves her!
AMC: Akumada Drive - In the two-part event of the third and fourth episodes, Cat Boy has the Akudama hijack a subway train, fight back against security and the Executioners again, and try to avoid the quarantine/disinfectant zone in order to retrieve some “cargo” being held by Kanto. That “cargo” turning out to be the two children Brother and Sister, the former being the one who’d been controlling the cat and speaking through it. But what stood out the most in the whole thing was how adorable and funny Swindler is and just how perfectly Macy Anne Johnson voices her. Between this and Shikimori, she really deserves to be cast in more leading roles! Just as good is how unrecognizable Zeno Robinson continues to be as Brawler. Also, am beginning to suspect there’s more to “Kanto” than what the weird Bunny and Shark propaganda cartoons have been telling us....
Code Geass: Akito the Exiled - Movie 3 was probably the best of them I’ve seen to date, even in spite of the offputing portrayal of Romani people at the very start. I was actually really into the further development we got from Akito- (not pronounced A-KEET-OH, thankfully!) and his psychopathic brother, and we even got Leila’s backstory and hints at something deeper, darker, and more Geass-driven going on with General Smilas. Of all entries in the anime section of the franchise, I really do feel these films get closest to getting down what the series should’ve been past the initial Lelouch of the Rebellion season - it feels like its own story playing out in this same larger world and I can both get behind the new central players AND get the chills with Lelouch (”Julius Kingsley”) showing up and using the same playbook as Zero, Shin revealing he’s figured out that “Julius” IS Zero, and Suzaku fighting with spin-kick moves and Lancelot. The one big waste of potential is that Lelouch and Suzaku do not go up against Akito and his allies, instead being regulated to an Evil VS Evil plot with Shin. If only this had been a larger series...
0 notes