#and how emo I am about top and not going to this amazing looking tour
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blossoms-phan · 6 months ago
i wish I could put into words how much oldies station means to me I’ve done a full wraparound of music fixations and am back on repeat clancy since tour started (I play the cd in my car all the time but the first half or so goes the hardest while driving tbh) but it just like. instantly comforts me? it’s so simple but the lyrics “you don’t quite mind how long red lights are taking” might have shifted my life and perspective soooo much like it’s so easy to get caught up in the little things sometimes but the time will pass anyways. anytime I feel anxiety or just need the reminder “push on through” just instantly comes into my head and i still feel lost in my head a lot of the time but I’m not a depressed 14 year old listening to “before you start your day” at 7am on a cold winters morning anymore so. yeah. push on through ig ✌️
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emy-loves-you · 4 years ago
Wrong Numbers and Useless Gays Chapter 4
Sad Boys and Fun Facts
Patton’s a sad boi but Virgil has a distraction
Chapter 3 | Masterlist | Chapter 5
Three weeks had passed since Virgil had first texted Roman. In those three weeks, Virgil had learned a lot about his new friends.
First, there was Patton. God, did that man love puns. Virgil also loved puns, but he preferred reading Patton’s puns over making his own. Remus had caught Virgil blushing at his phone and made a comment about his new “friends with benefits” (Virgil had been unable to respond. He was too busy trying to hold back his giggles from one of Patton’s pun tangents). Patton also made it clear that he was the “Dad Friend” of the group. Virgil couldn’t type a single self-deprecating comment without Patton threatening to physically fight him. It was rather terrifying, really. He also made sure that everyone was taking care of themselves. Once they learned that they were in the same timezone (They hadn’t shared cities yet. Friend or no, Virgil was telling where he lived in that quickly) Patton made it his goal to check in and make sure that Virgil ate at mealtime. One last thing about Patton was his… struggle with technology. He tended to send almost everything directly to the group chat instead of private messages. Logan said that he tried to teach Patton how to do so, but the lessons never seemed to stick.
Speaking of Logan, the nerd had his own quirks. He didn’t type much, usually only responding when someone required everyone to respond. The other time that he typed was during debates. Nine days into their friendship, Virgil had mentioned saying “you too” to a cute barista and claimed that he ruined any chances with his new crush. While Patton and Roman offered words of encouragement, Logan remained silent. Virgil had assumed that Logan agreed with him but didn’t want to upset his boyfriends. As soon as their conversation ended, Virgil received a private text from Logan, requesting to debate. They argued over cognitive distortions for a whole hour before they reached a compromise. Logan had called the debate “lit” and asked if they could debate again in the future. That was another thing about Logan. Apparently, he had vocabulary cards for slang words. When he was talking out loud, he would hold the card up so the others knew what slang word he was attempting to use. When texting, he would put quotation marks around the word. It was adorable, in Virgil’s humble opinion.
Then there was Roman. Princey was known for his dramatic flair and Disney references. When he was feeling especially Extra™ , he would use “thees” and “thys” and call people peasants. He also had a love for nicknames. Patton had very few personal nicknames, with most of them being terms of endearment like “honey” and “amor.” Most of Logan’s nicknames pertained to him being a nerd, such as “pocket protector” and “Microsoft Nerd.” He seemed to have a limitless number of nicknames for Virgil, with most of them referencing his emo-aesthetic (how Princey had discovered that so early in their friendship, Virgil had no clue). He never repeated Virgil’s nicknames; the only exception was “storm cloud,” which he tended to use at least once every conversation.
Virgil had become extremely close with the trio over these three weeks. That wasn’t the only thing he did, just the thing he did most often. The Dark Sides had finalized their contract with Thomas, who set up a tour almost immediately. Virgil really should have seen that coming. Their band had become extremely popular over the past few years, and they had only done one tour before this. Performing across the country would help boost their popularity even further. Virgil sighed, his anxiety spiking at just the thought of seeing all those faces in the crowd. That was why he used the persona Anxiety. Anxiety wasn’t afraid of anything, he was fear. Being Anxiety allowed Virgil to be confident and suave without worrying about judgment. They judged Anxiety, not Virgil. The case was similar for Janus and Remus. Deceit was elegant and mysterious, while Duke was loud and over-the-top. They didn’t have to be rejects wanting to fit in with society. No, they were Rockstars. Society wanted to fit in with them. And Virgil was just fine with that.
Vigil glanced over at his phone. He was in Los Angelas right now, around halfway through his tour, which put him 3 hours behind his new friends. He glanced over at his clock, 9:45 PM glaring at him through the dark. He turned back to his phone. Why are they up at 12:45 in the morning? I know Logan keeps them on a rigid sleep schedule.
P- (9:45 PM) Ro? Are you still up?
V- (9:45 PM) Pat, why are you still up?
P- (9:45 PM) Why are you still up, kiddo? It’s almost 1 AM! Don’t you have a hangout with your friends today?
Virgil sighed, thinking of the concert he had tomorrow. He glanced over to his sketchbook. Patton had been really impressed with his sketches, so he had been practicing less gory drawings to show him. It had evolved into something almost therapeutic. Knowing how he worked, Virgil would probably sketch until around 2 in the morning, then sleep until 8 AM. The concert wasn’t until 7 PM, so he had enough time to sleep in if necessary.
V- (9:46 PM) First of all, you know I’m in California right now. It’s 9:46 for me. Second of all, we’re not hanging out until tomorrow night, so I can sleep in if needed. Third of all, you’re avoiding the question: What are you and Roman doing up at 1 in the morning? I thought you guys had work in the morning.
P- (9:47 PM) We do. Roman got a burst of inspiration at around 10, and he usually refuses to sleep until he writes it all down. He probably fell asleep at his desk, that silly billy!
V- (9:47 PM) That doesn’t explain why you’re still awake. And why didn’t you get up to check on him? I thought you guys lived together.
P- (9:47 PM) We do! I just couldn’t fall asleep tonight. And the bed’s too warm to get up!
V- (9:48 PM) Well, Princey’s probably being a “sleeping beauty”
Virgil frowned at his phone. Patton hadn’t responded to his text. Sure, that wasn’t a very good pun, but it was still a pun. Patton laughed at every pun he saw, or at least followed it up with another pun. He could be asleep, but didn’t he just say that he had trouble sleeping?
V- (9:50 PM) Pat?
P- (9:50 PM) Yeah, Kiddo?
V- (9:50 PM) Are you okay?
V- (9:52 PM) Patton?
V- (9:52 PM) I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Just because you didn’t answer my pun doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with you. I’m sorry that I sounded like an asshole.
P- (9:52 PM) No, Sweety. It’s fine! It’s nice to know that someone cares about you!
P- (9:53 PM) I’m just a little sad today.
V- (9:53 PM) Do you wanna talk about it?
P- (9:54 PM) I’m fine, Kiddo! This just happens sometimes. No need to worry!
Virgil sighed, thinking about how much Patton reminded him of Janus. Janus grew up neglected, and was taught to convince everyone that his life was perfect. By the time Virgil had met him, Janus was 19 and a compulsive liar. Virgil wasn’t much better, having just gotten kicked out of the foster system. Virgil lived with Janus (and soon Remus) until The Dark Sides had enough income for Virgil to live on his own (technically Janus had more than enough money for that- his parents were loaded. But Virgil wanted to have something that he earned. He wasn’t just some charity case). When they first lived together, Virgil could never tell what Janus was actually thinking. It took a lot of time and trust to separate Janus from Deceit. Now, he was still heavily sarcastic, and he tended to close himself off when he got upset, but Janus had come a long way.
Virgil looked back to his phone. Patton didn’t seem to have it as bad as Janus did, but you could never tell. At least he acknowledged that he wasn’t okay. There is the chance that something really is bothering him, but Virgil had to trust Patton on that note. It is entirely possible that Patton is just feeling down today; God knows how many times Virgil would question why he should get out of bed. He bit his lip. What helps me when I feel sad for no reason? He smiled, remembering when Remus would spout the most obscene things to distract himself from his own negative thinking. A distraction.
V- (9:56 PM) Did you know that giraffes can clean their ears with their own tongues?
P- (9:56 PM) What?
V- (9:56 PM) “Rhythm” is the longest word in the English language that doesn’t have a vowel.
V- (9:56 PM) Elephants are the only mammals that cannot jump.
P- (9:57 PM) More like Elecan’t!
V- (9:57 PM) Haha :)
V- (9:57 PM) Without food coloring, Coca Cola would be green.
V- (9:57 PM) A 3-year-old boy was elected as mayor in Dorset, Minnesota
P- (9:58 PM) No way!
V- (9:58 PM) Yes way! His name was James Tufts.
V- (9:58 PM) 7 different dogs have been elected as mayors in the US.
P- (9:58 PM) I love dogs! They’re such good boys!
Virgil smiled, adding Loves Dogs to his mental list of Quirky things I like about Patton Morale. They continued to talk about dog mayors for a while until Patton ended it abruptly.
P- (10:14 PM) Why are you doing this?
V- (10:14 PM) Doing what?
P- (10:15 PM) Why are you going out of your way to try and cheer me up? You should’ve stopped talking to me 20 minutes ago. Instead, we’re laying here at 1 AM talking about dog mayors! I would have been fine on my own. Why are you wasting your time on me?
V- (10:16 PM) Pat, if you tell me that I’m wasting my time talking to you, I’m going to have to physically fight you. You are my FRIEND. I care about you. When you’re sad, I WANT to cheer you up. When you’re happy, I WANT to laugh along to your punny jokes. Because I know, at the end of the day, if I was sad and needed someone to cheer me up, you would do it in a heartbeat. You, Lo, and Princey are amazing people, and my time spent with you will NEVER be a waste. I swear.
Virgil sighed, dropping his phone on the bed. He might’ve been too forward with that last text. But it was true. While the four of them weren’t nearly as close as Virgil was with Janus and Remus, he still cared about them a lot.
P- (10:18 PM) Thanks, Virgil. That really means a lot to me
P- (10:18 PM) I’m gonna try and get some sleep now
V- (10:18 PM) Alright Patton, Goodnight
P- (10:18 PM) Goodnight
The next day, Virgil saw a postcard in the window of a gift shop. It had a puppy with sunglasses on the beach, with cartoonish letters saying “Having A WonderFUR Time!” He took a picture and sent it to Princey.
V- (1:08 PM) What’s your address or PO? I wanna send this to Patton.
R- (1:09 PM) Say no more, Hot Topic!
V- (1:09 PM) Aw, you think I’m hot.
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @itawalrus
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wwilloww · 3 years ago
OH. MY. GOD. I just finished Chapter 8 and WOWWWWW! Hand gestures while reading were involved. The tour with Namjoon and the doors with no keys (getting a spooky/fantasy vibe with this by the way and I'm EFFING LOVING it!) And the vibes and feelings and everything happening between y/n and Namjoon were SO REAL. Like, don't get me wrong, I love a honky dory scene sometimes, but when you feel the slight awkwardness along with the comfortability of a close friend: *chefs kiss*. DON'T GET ME STARTED
(spoilers for sh. chapter eight beneath the cut)
xwhiskeytango asked:
ON HOBI (Okay, get me started on Hobi ayyy) Like. Hobi, babe, from one Aquarius to another, I get it, but your Aquarius is showing a little too much and I need you to not DEFLECT WHEN EMOTIONS/SERIOUS CONVERSATIONS ARE TEETERING. Willow, I love a good push and pull - a tease if you will - AND WHEN I TELL YOU THESE CHARACTERS ARE IN THE TOP OF THE BEST ONES I'VE EVER READ (Please know I'm yelling out of love and passion for the story). And then the bear! Realistic situations people! This was - GENIUS! Pure genius. Once again, the imagery is bar none. Also, I don't know if you did this intentionally, but the symbolism of the open outlook/on the cliff with Jimin and then the huge mountain ravine with Hobi?! Like with Jimin - completely open and yes we have communication and trust and sexual awakening I love it. And then with Hobi - I saw the ravine as the walls between Hobi and y/n because of a multitude of reasons that I speculate on. And behold! There's a ravine! There might a little hope and breakthrough for them! And then the bear came and let's run away from the ravine symbolically and physically. Ahhhhhh! Jin! He knows. Like he KNOWS. He might not know exactly. But I love this maturity and wise soft dom you've got going for him at the moment. I was speculating about him and Tae and they totally make sense in the story. I feel like they're one of the couples who make eachother better the longer they're together. BUT THE BOOK! Another spooky/fantasy element and I'm here for it! Also, the imagery with the library and the moon and the shadows and - I felt like I was there. Spectacular once again! Also, once again, I've rambled on for too long. I feel like it goes without saying I loved it haha. I hope you're having an amazing night lovely. This is also your reminder to stay hydrated.
oh my god. oH MY GOD. LOOK AT YOU, YOU FUCKING BEAUTIFUL SOUL. Kristen. i am swearing up and down the street at how overwhelmed (in the best way possible) i am after reading this. there is something so fucking special about getting to see this story through your perspective.
i fucking LOVE your brain?!?!!? like the way you think about landscape and metaphor is RIGHT up my alley and i just wanna nerd out with you about this.
getting to hear your thoughts and perspectives is like broadening the world. like it makes it come alive, makes it feel somehow magical again. not to get all emo on you, but thank you for bringing some extra magic to this story. 😢 my heart feels like it's overflowing. thank you. thank you thank you.
(as for the hydrated, my new roomie is also on that cause and i've never had more water in my body than i have these past couple of weeks.)
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greenflamedwriter · 4 years ago
Percy AU
Percy Jackson AU
Keith as Nico di angelo and Lance as Percy Jackson.
But Lance was never claimed so he assumed he was Hermes kid he meshed well with them.
But once Keith got claimed so did lance and then shiro their dads had some sort of rivalry.
They didn’t account for the three to fall in love with each other. After an intense mission to save medusa. For lance.
Personophene for Keith and Ganymede for Shiro.
1 Lance is really nice and open with people until he realises that both Keith and Shiro are Roman descendants and not greek so they clash a little, Keith insults greeks and Lance is offended.
2 dinner and theres a party and lance is in the middle of it trying to get the daughter of Athena (Allura) To dance with him and that’s when it happens. Shiro is claimed by zues and everyone applauds then Keith by Hades and hears other say (it was so obvious he was an emo) But then lance is claimed by poseidan and everyone just stops and stares. What?
3 Lance is mad, he was a hermes kid wasn’t he? He looked like them, he had the same jaw line and nose and they all got along so well...this had to be a mistake and why now? He blames the new kids and this is when the party Lance becomes grouchy.
4 They get a quest (to save the victims by the abuse if the main three gods. Medusa, Personophene, Ganeymede)
5. Lance remembers his mother, and he always heard the tale of Medusa and thought it was sad. So when they go to the statues, and realise it’s people Lance keeps talking about how sorry he was and how being how she looks was to protect herself, Lance wanted to sacrifice himself and asked to let Keith and Shiro go to save kids. Medusa realising no trick lets him go.
6. Personophene and Keith, Keith apologises since Personophene hates Hades he thought and she blinks “I’m a god, I don’t eat.
Period. I knew underworld food would keep me trapped I hadn’t eaten in months and all of a sudden I’m peckish? Pul-ease.” Keith blinked confused.
“And I don’t hate you, you didn’t ask to be born. And I know Hades returns to me in the end.” Personophene brushes his cheek “You have his eyes, maybe thats why I can’t bring myself to hate you.”
7. Ganeymede. The boy who was stolen, raped and made into Zues personell wine waiter then demoted to a fate taxi cab telepromter. Boy he hates Shiro because who can actually hurt Zues?
Camp halfblood, was Lance’s home since before he could remember. He was here when he was seven years old and in all that time ten years later, he’d never been claimed.
He like any other child who wasn’t claimed stayed in the Hermes Cabin. They’re cabin was huge and the many children and teens there were very sociable. Sure at times they were a bit..much. But their pranks were legendary.
Lance always figured he was a hermes kid, he looked like them. Racheal was practically his twin, with long curly hair and Veronica was like his big sister, Luis and Marco were always taking care of him.
The hermes kids were amazing but Lance?
He just existed, everyone in the camp had gone on a quest, they’d been choosen. And some kids died young. Most die on they’re missions and Lance was the oldest person here.
The looks he got...it made him feel guilty and yet he was terrified of a prohecy that would choose to kill him.
He felt like on of the unlucky kids whose wisdom teeth hadn’t grown in yet.
And he was terrified.
But living his life in fear got boring after awhile and who had time to be afraid when an honest to god goddess lived in camp half blood whose name began with an A?
No not aphrodite, they weren’t that lucky.
Allura Altea- The most beautiful girl here also his age, but she has been on more quests and regained so any trophies. Lance could only gaze from afar and hope that one day he’ll have a quest and prove how much of a badass he was, maybe she’d give him the time of day.
Allura was at the pool, still in her white vest top and brown trousers sitting crosslegged and plaiting Romelles hair. They were best friends and girls always did stuff like that.
He sighed wistfully, maybe one day he’d sit over there playing with Allura’s hair and she’d kiss his cheek.
“Fuck Zues!” Lance cried out almost punching himself in the face. Alfor the camp’s leader raised an eyebrow.
“Are you busy?”
Lance stood up hastily “No- No not at all.” He brushed grass of his legs, he would never admit his feelings for Allura with Alfor.
The guy was like her dad, well he was like everyones adoptive dad, along with Coran. So Lance would never tell him anything about that.
“What is it?” Alfor had his arms crossed and a knowing smile.
“Lance I would’ve asked but since you’ve been here longer, I hope you would do me a favour?”
Lance blinked “And what’s that?”
“Two kids from the roman camp got lost and found themselves here. They have no where to go and I thought someone like you would help them settle in, show them around.”
Was alfor...dumping these kids on him, why couldn’t he do it?
“I’m already introducing the first year campers, my hands are tied.” Lance raised an eyebrow then sighed “Fine.” It wasn’t like he wasn’t doing anything anyway.
Plus, being a tour guide to a bunch of snot nosed brats might not suck so much.
They were not brats.
Lance didn’t even think they were kids, he took a step out the cabin where they reside and made a show of looking around.
“Excuse me, have you seen any kids from a roman camp?” Because these guys had to be counselors, one was built like superman with beefy titties of doom, and a thin dorito shaped body and Lance had a good feeling he had a nice ass to go with the combo, he had a lock of white hair and beautiful almond eyes with a scar along his face. The guy could stop a room and the other one wasn’t bad looking either.
He looked like the type of guy Lance would ask to step on him, he was scowling with a cute pout and raven coloured hair that curled around his face and- god that was a mullet, well everything else made up for it.
These two were sculptures carved by pygmalion himself.
“Eyes up here,” The big one spoke and oh god even his voice sounded delightful. It was obvious, some higher power made these two to tempt him and Lance honestly didn’t mind.
He grimaced “Sorry,” He slid inside placing a hand in his pockets “Well I’ll take it you guys are the roman kids- and not some new counselors?” Who happen to model in their spare time, he kept to himself.
“Yeah, the roman camp just wasn’t for us.” The big man spoke again. Lance shrugged “Ever since the whole Roman and Greek exposure everyone feels as if their camp isn’t the right fit.” Lance shrugged “Who knows- am I the son of Hermes or the son of Mercury?” At this the scowling one looked surprised.
“You know the roman equivalents?” Lance winked “Not just a pretty face.”
He looked flabergasted and Lance almost laughed at him, he heard the other chuckle.
“I’m Shiro, and this is Keith. We were not selected yet which is why they sent us here. In case the greek gods want to claim us.” Lance grimaced “You might not get claimed some kids here have lived here years and still hadn’t been claimed. The greek camp is just a glorified holding place for the newbies and the unclaimables.” Lance beamed.
“So want a tour?”
Both glanced at one another then shrugged “Sure.”
Lance gaped at the white lighting bolt floating above Shiro’s head and then a purple scythe above Keiths. The other campers gasped as they drew away from the two except Lance as he beamed.
“Dude that’s amazing!” He clapped Keith on the shoulder “Claimed on day one, I’m jealous.” Then everyone was staring at him.
Keith looked up “I thought you said you were a kid of hermes?” Lance frowned “I am?” He glanced up and froze.
Above his head was a blue trident.
Poseidon's trident.
His eyes fell to the Hermes cabin and felt his heart shatter. They weren’t his family- they weren’t his brothers and sisters.
Alfor came and the rest was a blur, Lance was mostly in shock. It wasn’t until after when Alfor told him he’d have to move his stuff to his new cabin that he realised how severe it was.
His empty cabin, not much children of the big three stayed in the greek camp all of them were moving to rome. It was the only place that was big enough where they could live past eighteen. Allura the daughter of Athena mentioned moving there once, Lance never thought he could, he had his family here- or he thought he did.
His eyes slid over to Keith and Shiro, both looking excited and relieved that they were claimed.
Lance scowled he was never claimed before. Not once, then they show up and suddenly he is?
It was their fault.
Their new quarters are empty, there has never been children to the great three gods in a while, he’d been told. Shiro lay upon his bed glancing up at Zues. He looked ready to smite Shiro where he lay.
Where was the happy Zues from Disney? Shiro sat up, unable to sleep. Waking up somewhere different has always been scary and knowing Keith isn’t there? It’ll kill him.
He stood up from his bed and moved towards the back door opening it up with a slide onto the patio and took a step onto the wooden decking.
“Oh.” He flinched looking up then relaxed to find Keith there, looking awkward.
“Keith,” He asked relieved and the other relaxed too “Want to go for a swim?” Shiro glanced at the lake then smirked.
Lance couldn’t sleep.
He was in a new bed, with new sheets and a much larger, emptier room.
He rolled over and sighed, and that was loud. The silence was killing him, he sat up scowling into the darkness. He wasn’t sleeping no matter what.
Lance slowly makes his way towards the lake, he’s done this thousands of times and when he couldn’t sleep it usually helped in the past.
He heard a sound of splashing then laughter his head shot up and froze to see both Shiro and Keith in the lake.
Making out.
That...makes so much sense. But honestly Lance felt even more peeved.
“Oh come on! Really?” Both startled away to see Lance but he scowled shaking his head and tossing of his towel violently “No it’s too late,” Lance began to take of his shirt “I’m already out here, keep your cooties to yourself.” He dived into the lake and started swimming making lots of noise. He loved the glare the two had then dived into the water and kept swimming.
It felt fitting, sharing a lake with the kids that started this.
Sure it wasn’t their fault but if they didn't come to the camp Lance wouldn’t be choosen by poseidon in the first place.
He couldn’t see beyond the moonlight but he felt calm, he hated poseidon for doing this but it answered questions, made him lighter why he liked the water why sometimes the hermes kids were a bit...much.
And Lance just floated in the water and shut his eyes. There was a prophecy long ago about the greek children of the big three would cause the apocolpse. It ended and it turned out they didn’t do the apocalypse just the trigger for it, it was all dumb, but the fear remained. Roman kids were the exception...until now.
Lance opened his eyes still fuming, it happened four hours ago- he had a family, his friends in the Hermes Cabin now they looked at him weirdly he even had a chance with Allura (He didn’t) But now she couldn’t stand the sight of him.
It took him a few moments to remember that he wasn’t holding his breath, Lance brow furrowed huh?
He took a long inhale and he was breathing, like he was breathing air. This was- he was close to panicking now, had he ever tried this before? Well no what idiot breathed in water besides drinking it, of course he hadn’t tried this before. Until suddenly something grabbed his arm and he thrashed and felt something pull him up, the surface broke as he gulped in large bursts of air that burned his throat he was still being pulled he blinked water out of his eyes to see-shiro?
Shiro picked him up and practically tossed him on the back gasping, Lance gasped hand on his chest.
“Dude what the hell?” he asked outraged, what was Shiro’s deal?
Shiro glared at him then a voice spoke behind him “We thought you were drowning, idiot!” Lance turned and gasped to see not only Keith in a towel dripping wet and looking pissed, there was also
Alfor the Camp leader and Coran were standing just behind him.
Lance felt his throat close up “Uh h-how long was I…?”
Shiro looked up through his bangs grey eyes brewing up a storm that could rival Zues’s thunder “Almost twenty minutes.” Lance eyes bulged.
“I...I wasn’t drowning, I was always able to hold my breath under water.” Lance couldn’t say he wasn’t holding his breath period but admitting something like that would only solidify he was the son of Poseidon.
But shiro rolled his eyes “Son of posedion, typical.”
Alfor cleared his throat “What I have to ask boys, is what were you doing out in the lake past curfew.”
Now Lance almost stopped breathing. His first time in trouble, he glared at Shiro and Keith.
This was all of their fault.
Lance hides behind a pillar panting with a cut down his cheek. Oh god he was going to die!
Lance turned to see Shiro lunge forward eyes closed “If you want a fight come and get me!”
Lance gaped what?
They were in the car silent, “Um, a-about medusa? I pretty much handled it.”
Keith snorted from the back even Shiro’s grip tightened on the wheel “Walking out into the open to face Medusa knowing full well what she was going to do to you?”
Lance felt himself flush “We had to save them shiro- she was my responsibility- you didn’t have to jump in there to help me,”
“She was going to kill you!” Shiro snapped almost swerving on the road, Lance and Keith gaped as Shiro continued his tangent “Like hell I was going to sit there and let her.”
“I’m trying to say ‘thank you’ you ass!”
The car became silent and Lance shuffled in his seat glancing away “You didn’t have to help me but you did, so, thanks by the way…”
He crissed his arms and Shiro was surprised even with Keiths bewildered look in the background “Your welcome.” Shiro said softly as they aimlessly continued west
“Cone on Keith wheres your sense of humour!”
“Lance, no.”
Lance grabbed his arm and dragged him backwards towards the carnival with Shiro following behind. Lance pulled Keith onto every ride forced him to eat cotton candy but what stopped Keith from snapping at the kid.
Was when Lance played a shooting range gane and gave Keith a hippo.
“Only the best for the prettiest boy.”
Lance grabbed his hand and pulled Keith fir more open stalls with merchendise.
Keithseyes were shinning theough the whole trip and Shiro was able to watch it all.
Carnival leads to persophene
After Aphrodite crisis to pair the three up.
Lance jumps at the teenage girl sitting at the pool beside him, “So why don’t you try them, I know you like them.” Lance flushed “What?”
“It’s obvious, except not obvious enough for those two. Love does make a person go blind.” Lance shook his head “What no? Come between Keith and Shiro?”
She looked amused as he babbled “I can’t do that to them, they’ve been through so much.” Lance looked over to the two his eyes softening “Shiro has been hurt so many times, gladiator fights? It was compeltely barbaric and his hair is white- and Keith he’s a demon with a sword and can raise skeletons from the dead! Both are so strong but only vunerable around each other...they’re perfect for each other. When I think of Soulmates I think of them two...I hope I can find someone like them one day.”
“Like them? Why not just court them, I doubt the two would mind.”
“Making them pick each other or me? That’s stepping down.” Lance said unknowing why this stranger tried to sabotage Keith and Shiro, was she a siren? If so it wasn’t working.
She shook her head “No, it is possible to be partners with three people. I should know, Hephaestus is very accepting of who I am and who I bed with.”
“Heph- wait.” Lance’s eyes widened in shock as he looks at the golden teen properly.
She was big, round belly and thick legs and arms with golden healthy hair curling at her shoulders her face plump lips tilted into a smile as sea green eyes seemed to swirl, unnatural. God like.
She looked exactly like the painting, Venus stepping out of her sea shell.
She stroked his face “We share waters, both are lovers of the sea.” She kissed his cheek “If Gods could adopt demi-children, all of Poseidon's folk would be mine. Artemis can do it, why can’t I?”
Lance gaped “I can’t turn my back on poseidon he’ll drown me.” She smiled “What’s wrong with co-parenting? Do him proud by defending his name and waters and do me proud,” She nudged his shoulder and glancing at Keith and Shiro “By falling in love.” Lance’s eyes widened “I give my blessing, and I wouldn’t do this for a lost cause I stoke the fires for love. Never extinguishing them.” Lance blinked and she was gone.
The beautiful teenager, Aphrodite.”
Ganeymede they use their powers keith summons dinasaurs lance dives underwater to save shiro (ganeymede drowns shiro as zues cant save him)
Ganeymede “Zues is gay!?”
Both Ganeymede Keith and shiro raised an eyebrow “Ih yeah, who wasn’t gay with the greek gods.” Lance felt as if his whole life was a lie.
“I feel like I should know this as a fellow gay,”
Keith oatted his head “Your a newbie gay it’ll take a while to figure out.”
1 note · View note
andrewdz · 5 years ago
Favorite Albums of 2019
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2019 was a big year for me in music. According to my Last.FM stats, it’s the most music I’ve listened to in one year. That played a big role in why I have a top 50 albums list for the year. There was a lot of stuff I really enjoyed.  
I tried to find new bands this year because I’m over 30 now which they say is around the time you stop seeking new music and I want to prove that wrong. 14 out of my top 50 were brand new artists to me, which I wish was higher, but that’s a goal for next year now. 
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I also reignited my love for some bands. I got really into the Go-Betweens in 2019. I bought a documentary about them, a book about the two founders of the band, and got a box set of their last three albums that is now one of most prized music possessions. I also found some Deerhunter records in Nashville that I listened to quite a bit. I also got to see them live this year which was a real treat. Other artists I got really into this year was Townes Van Zandt, Guy Clark, Bombay Bicycle Club, Chris Isaak, Hightide Hotel, The Brave Little Abacus and Titus Andronicus (who I was already into, but got almost all of their albums on vinyl now).
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It was another terrific year for live shows as well, as I got to see a lot of artists I loved as well as ones on my bucket list. Kacey Musgraves, Sharon Van Etten, Priests, mewithoutyou (2nd time), Tigers Jaw, Titus Andronicus (2nd Time), Angel Olsen (3rd Time), Deerhunter, Trampled by Turtles, and Miami Horror. The best month was late April to late May when I got to go to five amazing but very different shows. It was one of the most fun months of my life. I got to see the Drums (2nd Time), PUP, Ratboys, Doomsquad, Operators, Desire, Chromatics, and Passion Pit! All of them were some of the best shows I’ve ever been to.
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Now enough about my music year, let’s get to the list. I only wrote things about the top 30 but wanted to highlight some other ones so expanded the list to 50. Like I mentioned earlier, it was a really great year of music. Not sure if I will release a list of favorite songs this year, but we’ll see. I’ve lately become more of an album fan instead of singles. Let me know what you checked out this year!
50. Chromatics – Closer to Grey  
49. Hatchie – Keepsake
48. Nilufer Yana – Miss Universe
47. Denzel Curry - ZUU
46. Pedro the Lion - Phoenix
45. Proper. - I Spent the Winter Writing Songs About Getting Better
44. Turnover – Altogether
43. Jay Som – Anak Ko
42. Big Thief – Two Hands
41. Jimmy Eat World - Surviving
40. Titus Andronicus – An Obelisk
39. The National – I Am Easy to Find
38. Priests – Seduction of Kansas
37. DIIV – Deceiver
36. Mildura - Mildura
35. Jamila Woods – LEGACY! LEGACY!
34. Doomsquad – Let Yourself Be Seen
33. Charly Bliss – Young Enough
32. Operators – Radiant Dawn
31. Black Marble – Bigger Than Life
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30. The Get Up Kids – Problems
I was late on the Get Up Kids (I know, I know, I’ll turn in my emo card after this article), and I’ve been trying to catch-up these past couple years. And what perfect timing because it’s the first album in eight years (They also had a terrific EP in 2018). It’s a really good return album from them. They can still write amazing pop punk anthems, and few bands leave songs stuck in my head as often as the Get Up Kids do. It’s interesting that the early wave of emo are now elder statesmen of the scene and they touch on that a little in this album. Reflecting on the past and what it means to be a band in 2019. It’s always good to see a band not only not just rely on nostalgia to tour on, but still release relevant music that stands up with some of their best material.
Favorite Track: Satellite
29. Bon Iver – i,i
It’s interesting where Bon Iver has gone in the past decade. First bursting on the scene with the perfect story of going to a cabin and recording a heartbreaking breakup album. Since then he’s won some Grammys, been featured on Kanye West songs, and embraced the synthesizer. For some reason, however, this album reminds me more of “For Emma, Forever Go” than his previous couple albums despite still using the more electronic approach. It has that same raw honesty that his debut had. He’s not alone in the woods anymore. He’s commanding a large group of musicians now, creating this huge sound without losing any of his heart. He also sounds more assured in himself. It’s seems like the beginning of a new era for Justin Vernon and the last song “RABi” sounds like his “riding off into the sunset” moment. Awaiting the next adventure.
Favorite Track: Faith
28. Yola – Walk Through Fire
A really strong debut album from singer/songwriter Yola. It’s really soothing with a nice wall of sound production that just sweeps you away. It also helps that she has such an amazing voice. Songs like “Faraway Look” & “Lonely the Night” feel like songs I’ve known my entire life, but was just waiting for Yola to record them. Really excited to see what she does next.
Favorite Track: Lonely the Night
27. Prince Daddy & the Hyena – Cosmic Thrill Seekers
“Cosmic Thrill Seekers” is an ambitious album, like “The Monitor” level of ambitious. It’s written almost entirely by Kory Gregory about his cycles of struggling with mental health with allusions to Wizard of Oz. They take you on a journey on this album. The feelings of self-destruction, to wanting to escape from people who aren’t even your friends, and not quite fitting in with rest of the world while also playing the most anthemic guitar riffs and crashing cymbals.  I can only imaging what the experience is like seeing this album performed live. It would have to feel like a sonic tornado, and you would wonder what just happened after you’re walking away on the street. This album didn’t make it number one on any charts, but this album is going to mean so much to so many people. Also, the last track goes right back into the first one to begin the cycle again.
Favorite Track: Lauren (Track 2)
26. Strange Ranger – Remembering the Rockets
It’s amazing how much this album reminds me of 90’s indie rock. It is so easy to picture Strange Ranger playing this album in between sets of Mazzy Star and Teenage Fanclub. I had not really clicked with Strange Ranger’s earlier stuff, but this album just seemed to make sense to me. It sounds like a fully formed album with a band that is confident enough to be more adventurous. There are some incredibly poppy hooks, but also some interesting synth beat choices. Also the switch of singing songs about the end of the world to being excited to go on a date gives the album a little extra something. A good mixture of despair and hope.
Favorite Track: Leona
25. Lost Under Heaven – Love Hates What You’ve Become
I love when a band just says “F*** It! Let’s make songs meant to be heard in a stadium,” even though they will never get a chance to. This is one of those albums that is meant to be turned all the way up with you screaming along to every chorus in your car. They are definitely wearing their hearts on their sleeve on this one, encouraging you be the best version of ourselves so by the time the album reaches it’s colossal closer “For the Wild,” you are ready to take on the world. It’s fun when a band decides to be super sincere on an album. You actually feel like rock and roll will save us, just like you did when you were a teenager and first found music for yourself.
Favorite Track: For the Wild
24. Mark Ronson – Late Night Feelings
I think my favorite thing about a Mark Ronson record is how much they seem like an awesome compilation album, and this one lives up to its name and is a perfect soundtrack for late night out on the town. He’s got a great ear for collaborators creating the perfect songs to best suit their voices. Lykke Li, Angel Olsen, Alicia Keys, and even Miley Cyrus have some terrific showings on this record. There’s no super hit like “Uptown Funk” on this album, but it is a fun listening experience, and I cannot get enough of Angel Olsen’s “True Blue” on here (Which really should have ended the album. It’s a perfect end credits song).
Favorite Track: True Blue
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23. The Drums – Brutalism
The Drums are a group that has had quite a decade. They’ve released four albums, and every member but Johnny has left the group. “Brutalism,” however, is still a strong album in one of the best indie rock discographies of the past 20 years. There are some throwback songs to the early Drums days (Body Chemistry), a rare acoustic ballad (Nervous), and one of the catchiest songs they’ve ever written (626 Bedford Ave). The Drums get overlooked, but they’ve quietly created an impressive catalogue that is just begging to be reevaluated with “Brutalism“ adding a lot to that conversation. Not many indie rock bands make it to five albums, let alone having songs on that fifth album that fit along their biggest hits.
Favorite Track: 626 Bedford Ave.
22. Brittany Howard – Jaime
When I first heard this album was coming out, I thought it meant that Alabama Shakes were done as a band and Brittany was going to be an exclusively solo artist now. However, after listening to this album, I understand why it was not an Alabama Shakes record. This is a very personal record that just wouldn’t sound right as a band collaboration. This is Brittany’s story. She’s singing about life on the road, her faith, first crushes, family, and making sense of what it’s like growing up in the south. This solo record also gave her a chance to explore some different sounds than she would have on an Alabama Shakes record. You can hear some Prince influence, especially on the final track “Run to Me.” Not sure if she plans to release more solo records, but I hope this isn’t the last.
Favorite Track: History Repeats
21. (Sandy) Alex G – House of Sugar
“House of Sugar” has probably got my favorite Side A of any record this year. It just gives a chance to showcase what I love about (Sandy) Alex G so much. You’ve got the psychedelic drone style and that fast almost folk-punk style. It’s just filled with this fun eclectic sound and his voice, while probably viewed as limited in sense of range, just captures so much emotion in the music. I found this record to be one that rewards you the most the more you listen to it. I feel like I’m always discovering something new with each listen. I always enjoy checking out the latest (Sandy) Alex G record because his albums are always adventurous, and “House of Sugar” is definitely that. I would have a tough time describing this album. It’s like when you’re in a dream and there are those moments that completely change the scenario and location, but for some reason it makes sense to you in a way you can’t explain. That’s what this album is like for me.
Favorite Track: Gretal
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20. Angel Olsen – All Mirrors
If I had to describe this album, I would say it’s Angel Olsen’s “Nebraska” if she had Bauhaus as her backing band. This is a big sounding record, and it’s easy to let the emotional crescendos take you away. You feel every emotion she’s putting on this record, and it is a wild ride. It’s a breakup record, and this album does a good job of capturing that feeling fresh off a breakup that just feels like a tornado of feelings. It’s a storm of emotions, but sometimes there’s a beauty in a storm as well. She said there’s an acoustic version of this album that will come out next year, but I’m glad we got to hear this version first. We get to feel the real raw emotion on this, and then when more time has passed a chance to be softer with a more reflective look back.
Favorite track: All Mirrors
19. billy woods + kenny segal – Hiding Places
It really sounds like Woods is letting it all out on this album; frustrations with music, other people, the current state of things, and his intensity is only amplified by the beats from Kenny Segal. The samples on this album are not catchy, and they shouldn’t be. This is an album that wants you to reckon with what Woods is saying. That’s what makes the final album so impressive. It’s a perfect blend between Wood’s lyrics and Segal’s beats. Complimenting each other in frustration and uneasiness. I was not familiar with either artists before this album, but I’m definitely a fan now, and I hope they will collaborate again in the near future.
Favorite Track: Red Dust
18. Truth Club – Not an Exit
There is something very old school about Truth Club. They’ve got this post-punk nasty guitar riff energy that just make this an album a delight to hear. They sound like a band with something to prove, delivering exactly what you want from a post-punk record. Sweet riffs, monotone vocals, and done in less than a half-hour. Love it.
Favorite Track: Student Housing
17. Helado Negro – This is How You Smile
Sometimes records just feel like a dream as if you can just see the music and travel in it. That’s how I feel every time I listen to “This is How you Smile.” The mixture of electronic and folk makes such beautiful music and Roberto Carlos Lange’s voice is perfect on top of these amazing collections of sound. Apparently he invited a lot of different musicians to play on this record and it really sounds like a group of friends got together and had the perfect jam with Lange’s artistic vision taking the lead. Some songs tackle today’s issues with even some field recordings from an Abolish ICE March in Brooklyn and singing about being proud of being Latinx, but not being confrontational about it. It’s beautiful music with a message.
Favorite Track: Please Won’t Please
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16. Deerhunter - Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared?
You’ve got to give credit to Deerhunter for continuing to make really interesting albums throughout all of the 2010s, and this one seems like a good one to end the decade with. When so many of their contemporaries have disbanded or walked away from music, Deerhunter has kept going. Not resting on their past success, but creating new sounds and challenging their audience to go somewhere new with them. They can still write an amazing hook and the lyrics are as sharp as any previous album. It’s an ode to a world that seems to be on the brink of destruction by its own design.
Favorite Track: Plains
15. Anderson Paak – Ventura
Anderson Paak is on quite a creative streak with this being his fourth album in five years and I think this one may be my favorite. He’s got some amazing guests singers on this album including Andre 3000, Brandy, and the legendary Smokey Robinson. It just sounds terrific too. The 70’s soul-funk inspiration makes for some of the best grooves I’ve heard this year, and it’s a perfect album for a night drive.
Favorite Track: Jet Black
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14. PUP – Morbid Stuff
Few bands do “ANGER” as good as PUP, but Morbid Stuff is not the typical angry record either. It’s like “I’m angry. You’re angry. Let’s be angry together” kind of record which is perfect for the general attitude of 2019. PUP inspires a real passionate fan base, and on this record it’s easy to see why. They packed it with cathartic anthems for the disenfranchised. Not getting along with your family? Not quite over your ex? Feel like you missed that turn you were supposed to take in life about four years ago? Get over here and let all that anger out by singing along with us. This album is community even though you can’t be with this group in person. It also helps that this is a band that can PLAY. The musicianship is just fantastic which is probably helped because this is a band. These four guys have been PUP since the beginning and they sound better and better on each album. So let’s get angry!
Favorite Track: Kids
13. Raphael Saadiq – Jimmy Lee
It’s been eight years since the last Raphael Saadiq album, and it’s understandable because this album is dealing with a lot of heavy issues; addiction, incarceration, faith, and losing family. It’s also an album that Raphael Saadiq could have only made after being a bit older with some life wisdom to look back at. Sometimes it can be uncomfortable to listen to, but also necessary. It feels like a very personal album, and you can tell how much work must have been put into producing it. The album sounds terrific, which makes sense for how much experience he’s had producing other projects in-between albums. I also forget how talented of a singer he is. This album is a real showcase of his vocal skills. Some songs sound like he’s pouring his soul into it, and just somehow keeping his voice from breaking. You get swept up in that anger he feels. This album will make you really think about where the world has been, where it’s at today, and where it’s going. A powerful and necessary album for 2019.
Favorite Track: Rearview
12. Orville Peck – Pony
Orville Peck’s music is the kind of music that would sound just as perfect being performed on stage at the Grand Ole Opry as it would hearing it off a jukebox in a dive bar in the middle of nowhere. Peck’s really tapped into that timeless country sound that just seems to sounds good anywhere in any situation. Feeling sad? Perfect. Feeling that freedom you get from just hitting the road alone? Perfect. That baritone voice is so beautiful to listen to as well. It’s a new generations Roy Orbison or Chris Isaak. Beautiful but haunting, and it wouldn’t sound out of place in a David Lynch film. The storytelling in the lyrics are also astounding. I can picture the desert riding while listening to “Dead of Night.” It’s fascinating to know that this is Peck’s first album because it’s so well formed in terms of lyrics, vocals, and hooks. Makes me even more excited for what the next album will sound like.
Favorite Track: Dead of Night
11. Great Grandpa – Four of Arrows
“Four of Arrows” sounds like a level up album from Great Grandpa after their terrific debut “Plastic Cough.” It’s a great example of a band expanding their sound without losing the identity that made their first album special. The band sounds tighter, richer (especially with the addition of strings and synths on some songs), and more ambitious. It also helps to have the amazing Alex Menne vocals. She really conveys an energy that escalates these songs’ emotional payoffs. Especially on a song like “Digger” where she sings (almost screams) “That’s why I hate you,” “That’s why I love you” with almost the same energy. You may not know what each song is about, but you certainly know how it feels.
Favorite Track: Treat Jar
10. Holy Ghost! – Work
Sometimes all you need is great dance album in your life, and Holy Ghost! provided that for me this year.  They have a kind of style of dance music that has fallen out of critical favor by the end of this decade, but I still love to hear it. They continued the tradition of Daft Punk’s “Random Access Memories” of applying their flavor to 70’s dance music, and it’s terrific fun. This album is super catchy, has wonderfully danceable grooves, and features a 7-minute plus dance closer. A perfect dance record.
Favorite track: Do This
9. American Football - American Football (LP3)
With emo revival being a big topic of conversation this past decade in certain music critics’ world, it’s only fair that one of the greatest emo bands ends the decade with a terrific album. After reuniting a couple years ago for an okay album, I’m glad they went back to studio to create an album worthy of comparison to their first album that influenced so many amazing artists. The musicianship on this album is just stunning, with a rich tapestry of melancholy permeating throughout. They also happened to create possibly the best duet of the decade by having fellow emo legend Haley Williams join them for “Uncomfortably Numb.” Just beautiful. #defendemo
Favorite Track: Uncomfortably Numb
8. oso oso – Basking in the Glow
To be honest, I feel invested in oso oso. I remember a few years back he released “the yunahon mixtape” as a pay what you want on Bandcamp and planning to walk away from music. I checked it out, and loved it on first listen. Then the album got some nice shout-outs from critics and other artists and eventually found an audience. So to see not only oso oso stick with music, but to release this terrific follow up record as well, feels like a win for everyone. There is a common misconception that emo=sad music, but this album shows that is not the case. There’s a joy on this album that is super infectious. He wants you to feel a part of his joy. It’s an album of positivity that we needed in 2019, and it helps that so many of these songs are very catchy. This is the “dance around your bedroom” kind of album, and just let yourself go for a half-hour. I’m so happy that this album is getting recognized on so many year-end lists. It feels like a win for the entire emo scene that usually gets ignored. The fact that it happened to oso oso makes it all the better.
Favorite track: The View
7. Big Thief - U.F.O.F.
I always thought of Big Thief as a perfect band for fall. Something about their music feels like the end of something before dealing with something that will be tough but necessary. That they’re the ferryman taking us into the next stage in life, and the cost is you’re going to feel a little sad listening to some heartbreaking tales. U.F.O.F., their first album of 2019, can break you down. In the first track “Contact” we hear lead singer Adrianne Lenker let out these howling screams. Giving ua permission to let yourself go. Be your most pure self as this album takes you on a journey. I don’t mean to make this album sound depressing, because even though there’re numerous allusions to death it is quite hopeful. You get to LIVE because one day you will die. It makes life more important because it has an ending.  This album doesn’t have a lot of hooks on it, but it just makes it more important to listen to it as an album. It’s one big piece that feels so right together. It’s hard to imagine anyone having as creatively successful year as Big Thief did in 2019. Kind of apt they got it in right before the end of a decade. A necessary end, I think.
Favorite Track: Cattails
6. Mini Dresses – Heaven Sent
Listening to Mini Dresses’ “Heaven Sent” feels like I found some hidden album demo from the early 2000s that was secretly a masterpiece. I truly do not know why hardly anyone seems to be talking about this album. If it came out in 2008 it feels like it would have been huge on indie blogs. This album is so catchy and a style of indie rock that doesn’t seem to be big anymore, which is a shame because it’s too good to miss. This album reminds me of Blondie if they would have been part of the indie wave of the mid-2000s, which if that sounds cool to you, please check this album out.
Favorite Track: Rank and File
5. Better Oblivion Community Center – Better Oblivion Community Center
After hearing “Would You Rather” on Phoebe Bridgers’ phenomenal debut album “Stranger in the Alps,” I suppose we were all secretly hoping for more songs from Conor Oberst and Phoebe. There are few songwriters that can capture the feeling of loneliness and emptiness, but still have that sense of hope that it can somehow get better like these two can. “If you’re not feeling ready, there’s always tomorrow” on their last song “Dominos” really hits that point home. Their voices sound great together and the production on this album is fantastic. They’ve got the hooks, they’ve got the ballads, and they’re ready to make you cry, but they will be the first ones to help pick you back up. This album feels like an old friend that knows you get sad sometimes, but is always there for you when you need them.
Favorite Track: Dylan Thomas
4. glass beach – the first glass beach album
There’s nothing better than when a band just goes for it on an album. I haven’t listened to an album that has made me think of emo, Disney, Hellogoodbye, and Playstation video game soundtracks all before I’ve even made it to track 5. It’s like they threw everything on the wall and everything stuck. I would not be surprised to find out that this band is around my age. It sounds like an album that only someone who grew up in the 90’s and early 2000’s could make.  Just picking sounds from everything in that era and making an album out of it. It’s pure chaos, but somehow completely makes sense. This album is not for everybody, but if it clicks with you, it’s like it’s looking into your soul.
Favorite track:  cold weather
3. Slaughter Beach Dog – Safe and Also No Fear
I was a big fan of Modern Baseball, like all good emo revival fans should be, and was super sad to hear they were going on indefinite hiatus. When I heard Jake Ewald was starting a new project as Slaughter Beach Dog, I checked out some songs from his album “Birdie” but didn’t really connect with it. Probably because I wanted something more like Modern Baseball. Then when this album came out, it had some buzz from critics whose opinions on music closely line up with mine, and I checked out this album. Whatever opinion I had on the first album, this one was the exact opposite. I really connected with. Listening to it feels like those times where you visit your old hometown, driving around the old spots you used to hang out. Then you realize these spots don’t mean what they did to you anymore, and they never could. No matter how much old friends want you to be that old person again, you can’t go backwards and you’re fine with that. This is also a beautiful sounding record. It sounds like Jake let the other musicians have a bit more say in the sound, and it does sound like a band collaboration. It’s a sweet indie/folk/alternative sound that just pierces my soul. If we don’t get another Modern Baseball reunion, that’s fine. It sounds like Jake has moved on, and I’m ready to follow wherever his new music takes him.
Favorite Track: Black Oak
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2. Sharon Van Etten – Remind Me Tomorrow
It’s always exciting to witness an artist make the album they were always meant to. All of her work has lead up to her masterpiece. You feel her soul on this record. Not one moment feels faked. She’s not hiding anything from the listener. Talking about letting go of your past self (I Told You Everything), making a new version of yourself (Comeback Kid), letting yourself love again (Jupiter 4), and what it’s like to be a mother (Stay). Also, on this record she embraces the synth and it makes for some tremendous production. The anthems have an extra kick to them. Not only is this a terrific album for 2019, but one of the standouts of the decade from an artist who already had an impressive discography these past ten years. I’m not sure where she will go next, but I’m hoping this is a sign of what to expect from her in the 2020s.
Favorite Track: Seventeen
1. Purple Mountains – Purple Mountains
This is my favorite album of 2019, and it’s not even close. I was not familiar with David Berman until I heard the first couple singles before the album came out. His name was one that I heard critics tweet about or referenced by other artists, but had never really checked out his music. However, after hearing “All My Happiness is Gone” and “Darkness and Cold” I could not get enough of this music. The melodies were incredibly catchy, I thought the lyrics were super memorable, and they just felt like they really connected with me. He sounded like a natural storyteller, and I was hooked on every word he said. I’m not usually a lyrics person, but I paid attention when I heard these songs. Then when the album came out, it was a treasure trove of an album that I could really dive into. This heartland country sound with a terrific backing band, Woods, complimenting David Berman’s unique voice. I loved it immediately. Then when the tragic news came out of David Berman’s passing, it hit me hard. It’s difficult to talk about this album without acknowledging David committed suicide shortly after it was released. However, I don’t think of this album as a suicide note. This really felt like an album about life. There are struggles, but there are the good moments too. Find the happiness where you can. Margaritas at the mall, that lovely connection of a child with their parent, and if the snow is falling and it’s looking bad, enjoy how warm it will be inside. Berman’s legacy will be everything he contributed to culture; his poetry, his wit, his dark humor, and especially the music. Every once in awhile now when I hear “All My Happiness is Gone” on the radio or if it comes up on a shuffled playlist, my eyes start to well up. Not because I’m sad, but because I’m happy David shared a piece of his soul with us. That’s the real power of music.
Favorite Track: All My Happiness is Gone
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current-mcr-news · 6 years ago
Casual Interactions 10: Full Transcription
John: Greetings from Asbury Park, New Jersey and welcome to Casual Interactions. I'm John "Hambone" McGuire, and today we've got Frank and the Future Violents here in an airstream trailer outside of the Asbury Lanes, and we're gonna talk to you about the album Barriers and a little behind the scenes action about Frank's upcoming video for Great Party, as well as his summer tour that's going on right now. Now this is a little bit different than your traditional episode of Casual Interactions. Unfortunately, Shaun could not be here with us to hang out, he is here in spirit. And Frank, Shaun, and I will be back in the fall with more episodes of Casual Interactions as promised. This is just a little something to get you through the summer blues and hopefully to get you excited to go see Frank on tour right now. Check it out. This is everyone's first time playing at the Lanes since they've redone the lanes.
Everyone: Yes.
J: Anyone play here before?
Everyone: Yeah.
Frank: I've been here before. Yeah, Thursday did a couple shows here.
Tucker: Four nights of it, yeah.
F: Oh damn!
J: No big deal. Sold out every one. 
T: In a row.
F: Did you say fortnight? 
T: Fortnight, yeah. Two weeks worth. 
J: Put me on the guest list, I appreciate it. 
F: Hey, what are you gonna do? 
T: I'm always gonna do that for my friends. 
J: It's a Jersey thing. I call him up, I say.
T: I got a guy down there.
J: "I know your mom." 
F: Thursday, playing on a Wednesday. 
T: (unintelligible) 
F: Oh man. Alright, so flashback to about 20 years ago. 1999, say.
J: -ish, yeah.
F: Ish. Pencey Prep signs to Eyeball Records, right? It's a band that myself and Hambone were both in. At that point, Tucker's in Thursday still, and you guys are on Eyeball. Waiting is coming out, or just came out?
T: Just coming out, I believe. It was like, that day or something, it feels like. I remember it being simultaneous. 
J: You know, for the longest time I thought that that album was actually called Porcelain. Yeah.
F: Originally?
T: I think it might've almost been called Porcelain. 
J: Yeah. It definitely wasn't called Porcelain. 
F: I remember though, being at an Eyeball party. I feel like the best thing about Eyeball house and Eyeball parties, was that every time you went there, you were gifted the new release. 
J: Yes.
F: Even if you had it already, you were still given the CD. So I got Waiting and I remember then going on vacation and listening to it nonstop.
J: Right.
F: In Long Beach Island, and thinking like, "Oh my god, this fucking record's amazing." And then meeting you at a party later on, and being like, "Alright, I wanna be in a abdn with him."
J: It was a game changer, for sure.
F: Yeah. And then shortly after that, meeting Matt because Murder By Death, or at that time, Little Joe Gould.
Matt: Right, it was still, yeah.
F: Was touring, or you guys met them on tour?
T: We met them on tour at a coffee shop together. 
M: No, it was the stinky Anarchist bookstore. 
T: Same thing.
M: Close enough. Much worse smell.
T: Potato / potato.
J: I've heard it both ways. 
M: It was called The Secret Sailor but it was actually known as The Stinky Pirate. 
F: Weird.
J: Where was that?
M: That was in Bloomington. And at that point, Full Collapse was recorded but not quite out yet.
T: Yes.
M: And our friend who had booked the show said, "Hey, this band needs to jump on," and we were like, "Okay." And I think it was Geoff, was like, "I got a friend in Jersey, he's gonna put your record out." We were like, "Nice to meet you, you guys are great, we'll never talk to you again." 
F: That's actually called the Jersey role. That's what we usually do. We always make some plans, then we'll never see you again. 
T: It usually means, "Get away from me," or "Let's actually do this."
M: Turned out it was "Let's actually do this thing."
F: So then I remember, flash forward a couple months later, being at the Eyeball house and Alex who ran the label, and Mark, got a card from you guys in the mail. Like, a handmade card because they had signed you, or said they were gonna put your record out. I mean, at that point it was just handshake deals, but got a card saying, "Thank you. We're so glad to join the family," and everybody was so excited, and then we heard your record, and everybody was like, "Oh my god, we need to get better right now." Because I remember everybody at the label being like, "Oh, we all thought everybody on the label was good, but this is the best record we've ever put out. This is the best record."
J: Banger.
F: Yeah.
T: Aw. 
F: It's true.
J: And then we actually saw you live and then everyone actually started practicing. 
F: Yeah yeah, totally! Yeah.
J: Because, I don't know if you recall when, the first time they came around to the area, they just got thrown on a show at the Loop Lounge. And this is a little ways after Great White burned the club down, but still early enough that Carl and Bruce would let you light things on fire onstage, so Little Joe Gould at the time had a stage show where they'd be blowing fire. They had a little keyboard player, Vincent; a small, unassuming, meek little dude who would actually spit Gene Simmons fireballs, and then the old drummer Alex would light the cymbals on fire. And this is a small club with not the highest ceiling. 
F: And the ceiling's covered in just shit on the wall, Applebee's type things. There's a motorcycle, and there's dust on top of that, and a fish tank with dead fish in it.
T: And all of it was on Alex's head. 
M: Yeah, but stuff that wants to be on fire.
F: Oh yeah, probably, yeah. He's burned me.
J: Almost took out the disco ball one night.
M: We had some close calls in those days. I remember playing at the Fireside Bowl in Chicago and the guys came up and they're like, "Listen, we don't wanna do this, but we have been told if you do the setting shit on fire thing, we're supposed to kick all of your stuff over and blast you with fire extinguishers and you don't get paid." We're like, "That's probably bullshit, but point taken."
F: Yeah, "gotcha."
M: "Cool, we'll take the night off." 
F: Alright. So let's stop there, and go to the weird other thing that happened was Kayleigh, you at this point are in upstate New York.
Kayleigh: Yes.
F: Right? Alright, in college?
K: Where are we going? 
F: Well, you took a class.
K: Oh yeah! Okay! 
F: And Tucker, yeah.
K: I was like-
F: I'm sorry!
K: "At what part of my life am I in upstate New York? What's happening?"
J: Real long way to go to get a superhero origin story.
F: Watch though, this is crazy. So, you're-
K: I went to college at Fredonia State, which is a very unassuming college in western New York, but it's really great for, at the time, it was one of the only state schools that was offering music business as a major. So, I went there to study music business and get a degree. I was touring in a band at the time, and my parents told me if I got a degree, that after I graduated I could come home and tour. So, went to school for music business, and the thing about Fredonia that's really cool, is that it has a great sound recording program because Dave Fridmann lives in Fredonia. So, all the time, there's also this awesome bar called BJ's who everybody used to play there, but all of Dave Fridmann's bands when they were recording would also usually play at this tiny dive bar. Because they'd be working on new material, or just finished a record, or whatever, so I saw MGMT, I've seen Explosions in the Sky, all these- Sleater Kinney.
F: That was like your Wayne Firehouse, basically.
K: It was the coolest little place, and yeah, one day I went to class, my music business class, and Thursday was the guest speakers at my class.
J: And this class was, "Don't take a handshake deal at a party house."
F: "Never sign a man named Matt from Indiana and bring him to Jersey."
T: I just remember going into this class. It was Geoff and I, and you know, everyone looked like babies to me, because we felt like old people in there, but everyone was like, "Get out of here. We don't care about a single word you have to say, you hacks."
F: "Go cry about it, emo kid." 
T: "Shouldn't you be partying instead of teaching this class?"
K: But I think that's also funny. It didn't dawn on me that that actually happened until we were rehearsing at your house. And I said something about Fredonia, and you were like, "Oh, I've been there," and I was like, "Oh my god, you have. And I was there too."
F: I like how Fredonia also sounds just like a place that Dave Fridmann would make up in his head of like, "If I were the ruler of a kingdom, it'd be Fredonia and I would have a music school there and I would bring Thursday in to talk!"
T: Exactly. Fridmann, Fredonia. 
F: Come on.
T: His name is Dave Fredonia.
J: Writes itself.
F: Just saying. 
M: It also sounds like a medication to get you off of something else. 
F: Oh yeah, that too.
M: Like, "I gotta run this cycle of Fredonia."
T: In the commercials, people are riding bikes through a really green field, you know?
Evan: Side effects are deathly diarrhea. 
T: So much diarrhea in one of those two bathtubs on the hill for no fucking reason. That's the one.
J: Yeah, but you know what? You could climb mountains and kayak.
T: Probably after the diarrhea. You do what you gotta do.
J: One would hope.
F: Alright, last circle of weird coincidences. So, My Chem goes on tour and Murder By Death plays with us at Club Krome, right?
M: Yes.
F: With Vox.
M: That was the Halloween show.
F: Halloween show. And Evan is at that show. That's also the first, I don't know if that was the show or the venue where your first band, On Arms, we had you guys open for My Chem.
E: That's right.
F: Was that the same show?
E: I don't think so. I don't think that was the first one.
F: But it was the same venue.
E: It might've been Starland. 
F: Oh shit.
E: It was right when you guys released Three Cheers, I think.
J: No, it was neither one of those clubs. It was the Birch Hill Nightclub.
F: No, we never got the play that because Otter took a shit downstairs and it blew the fucking pipes up. And then they flooded the whole room and no one could, you couldn't play there for months. It was crazy! It was like the dead of winter. Alright, so in the dead of winter, we show up and it's a long drive, it was like 20 minutes or whatever, so Otter's like, "I gotta go to the bathroom." So he runs down to the downstairs and he takes a poop, and he flushes and it blows the- it explodes the entire pipe system at the venue. So it floods the entire downstairs and they have to close the club down.
Geoff: Hey guys.
F: Hey Geoffy.
J: Hey buddy!
F: We're talking about history.
G: Oh I love history.
J: And poop stories!
F: So yeah, for the longest time, you couldn't play Birch Hill Nightclub anymore, and what was the venue attached to it?
J: That's what I was thinking of.
T: Was it Stingrays?
J: Stingrays, yeah.
T: There was a two room deal.
J: What was the show that we did I Am A Graveyard before My Chem, when Gerard came out and did the big Winston Churchill Iron Maiden intro?
F: Yeah, that was weird. That was a one-off thing I think.
J: Either way, at that time, Otter was subsisting on a diet of nothing but Popeye's fried chicken so you can understand how what was gonna happen, was gonna happen.
F: And Fredonia. High dose of Fredonia. Oh man. So that's over 20 years, that's how this band is kinda starting to form, right? And then, I guess flash forward to 2017, 2018? No, alright, let's flash forward to 2016 because we get into an accident, and then shortly after that, we ended up starting touring again, and we go on tour with Dave Hause and the Mermaid, and that's how we really meet Kayleigh. And our first show is in Williamsburg, a music hall in Williamsburg. I remember watching Dave's set, especially seeing Kayleigh playing and how she sings and all that stuff, playing basically everything on the stage, she would just run around and play everything. I was like, "Holy fuck!" These are the types of people, getting to see Thursday, getting to see Murder By Death, and the way that these people in thsi room thought about music. How it wasn't just like, "Oh, I'm just following a guitar part," you know? You see a performance where it's like, "There's three guitar players onstage. They're all playing the same thing. That's so weird. Okay, I guess nobody wanted to sit down." But you know, the idea that you're creating a soundscape with a bass, you know? Or you're playing a melody on the drums that's like, that's the hook of the song. Even though it's very rhythmic, there's a melody there. Same thing with Kayleigh, her solo records and the stuff that she was doing with Dave, that's the stuff that I saw, it was just like, "Whoa, these people think on a different level," you know? So, I started those other projects and had Evan in with the Cellabration and the Patience, and I always knew if I can, I never wanna be in a band without Evan again, you know what I mean? So that's just always gonna happen. But how do we fill this out, how do we do this, get to the next step, next level, and have people in it that are really pushing the envelope and inspiring you on a daily basis? And it just so happened that at the end of 2017 or beginning of 2018, everybody was going to end up being free to do some songs. Or at least Tucker and Matt and Evan were, and then we found out later on that Kayleigh might be free to come in and write some stuff with us.
J: It's awesome. I know from an outsider perspective, watching you go through the different bands. I'll tell you, Evan's great because no matter what band of guys you got backing you up, I always know it's Evan playing guitar. 
F: Right, yeah.
J: You're like the secret weapon. You know? He's like the secret sauce. Like the In 'N Out sauce except we can get you on the east coast which is nice. You know? But I mean it's a cool thing because having written a record, I've written a bunch of music with you, and then watching you write the songs for My Chem, because you were pretty writing them in my apartment.
F: That's true.
J: I know what it was for you to strike out on your own and do the Cellabration and do the Patience, but always kinda having that really nice constant which is Evan. 
F: Yeah.
J: And then I also remember sitting there over breakfast, me, you, and Shaun. By the way, Shaun couldn't be here tonight, he had something else to do. Anyway...
F: He got him so good, look at him!
J: We were having breakfast and he was telling me, he's like, "Yeah, I'm starting up a new thing," and I'm like, "So who you got?" And he goes, "Well of course Evan. But I think I can get Tucker, I think I can get Matt," and I popped. I was like, "Really?!" And I've compared it to getting the stacks rhythm section, like the MG's backing you up. And I was psyched.
F: And the MT's.
J: Yeah, the MT's.
T: I came in cheap, four million.
J: Print some t-shirts, make some money together.
T: Five grand.
J: And I mean, I heard the songs too. I came over to your house and we hung out.
F: That's right! You sat in on one of the early recording sessions.
J: I sat in on one of the early writing sessions. And he's like, "There's this girl, I wanna bring her on, I think it's gonna be the difference maker," and it was. You came in.
F: I agree.
J: Like the secret weapon.
F: That was the final brick in the wall. It was like, "This is really something awesome and special, but I know what it can be and how incredible it can be," and that was bringing Kayleigh in. 
J: And I'll tell you the Stomachaches and Parachutes both are incredible records.
F: Thank you.
J: But this is the first record that I've heard you do in a while where I feel like you were writing with other people. Other people who were not just sitting there being like, "Alright, you play this, you play this, you play this," like everyone brings their own their own unique, special thing to the party, and it's fucking awesome. 
F: I agree. That's the thing too is like, this is the first record where people are writing in a room, they're familiar with the songs, they're writing the parts that they wanna play, and really knowing what the song needs, you know? So like, they're writing for the betterment of that song, and then going into the studio and they're the ones that are playing it, live in the room, to tape. That, we've never had before. You know?
J: Now how many songs did you have written before you started bringing other people in? Not counting Evan because you guys work together a lot, but you know, how many skeletons did you have before you started bringing people on board?
F: Well I had a list of like 21 skeletons, a lot of which we never even touched. And then that would kinda be filtered out. I'd bring one in, I think the first one we worked on was Moto Pop. And that was, "Alright, we're on a roll here." There's songs like Medicine Square Garden that started as a kind of an idea I had written down on paper but I couldn't, I didn't have the full idea of what the song should look like. I couldn't be like, "Oh it's E, F, G," it wasn't like that. It was more like, "I had this idea of a song where it feels like this, and the guitar line sounds like this and follows the vocal but it doesn't make sense so I can't just write it down."
J: So what was the song when you brought everyone in, where you're like, "Fuck yeah, this is it, we got something."
F: I think Medicine was the first time it was like, "Whoa, we did it."
T: That was like the end boss, that song.
F: Yeah, I agree.
T: It was like, "If we can conquer the initial structure of that one."
F: "Then we can do anything." Yeah.
M: I think the first time I came over, I think Young And Doomed was one of the first ones that we worked on just because it's like, we can get something mostly nailed down with that but when we got into Medicine, I remember that one was giving me fits, because it was like you were describing it and I don't know what my part of that is yet. And for the first couple of days it was like everything I tried to play sounded like Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi or something.
F: Yeah yeah yeah!
M: And this is not what it's supposed to be, but it's the only thing my stupid hands do.
J: You are in New Jersey.
M: Right.
J: It's contagious.
M: Maybe I'm trying too hard to sneak in under the Jersey radar.
T: The gift that keeps on giving.
M: But when it clicked it felt like such a victory, you know? It was like, "Okay, we can do it."
J: How about you, Kayleigh? When was the moment for you?
K: I think that what Matt was describing was pretty much my entire- because I came in late to the project because I was busy for the first half of the year and then-
F: She's been on tour for three years straight.
J: Oh yeah, she's a musician's musician. You're even sneaking off to do a show on one of your days off.
K: I know. Surprise, yeah. Surprise show.
J: That's fantastic.
K: But doing multi-instrumentalist work, I think it's I'm a glutton for punishment in the best and worst ways because I kind of approach this project like I don't know what- not only do I not know what to play, parts wise, I don't know what instrument would be best for this song. And also kind of trying to figure out the groundwork that was the bones of all of these songs was already so put together, and so awesome, that I was almost- it really challenged me where I was like, "I can't fuck this up, what am I gonna- what kind of sprinkles am I gonna put on top that's gonna make it, can I make it better? Am I gonna make it better?"
F: What's funny I think is you tread carefully on that stuff because you don't want to step on toes like that, but you're initial instincts are always so great, and make, at least me, think about songs in different ways, and that's why it was so amazing having you come in. To jump forward again, having a new band play old songs is kinda crazy. And then also bringing in musicians that play different instruments is like, "Wow alright, now you have to really reinvent songs off Parachutes and Stomachaches for the live show." So like, she'll be like, "Oh, I was originally thinking violin on a song like Veins," and I was like, "Wow, that's so fucking crazy!" I never would've thought to do that. But now, I can't not hear that song without that instrumentation, it's crazy.
J: So let me bring it back a second. You know, a lot of musicians play a lot of their songs and their hits for years and years and years, and it's almost taboo to kinda try to reinvent that. I mean, we remember the Bob Dylan incident at the Tropicana where we didn't remember-
F: That was so weird.
J: We didn't know a single song until he got to the choruses, but how does it feel for you to have new life being breathed into these songs.
T: He just grazed right over that, by the way.
F: I love it.
J: I'm good at what I do, Tucker. I'm a goddamn professional!
T: You really are!
F: I love it. That to me, having that ability and opportunity to be creative on the road as well as in the studio, that fucking rules, you know? To know that- here's the thing that I attribute that to, that Lou Reed thing where he would put out a record and then you'd go see him, and that shit was different already because he was already onto the next thing. I think that you have to do that type of shit.
J: Now are you pulling out some songs that maybe you would not have played on this tour because it's more fun now with everybody?
F: Yeah, I guess so. I mean, I've put together a list of songs that I thought would be really fun to do with this band, and that's what we've been doing. But I think now, seeing how those things have changed and how much better we've made then, I would like to kinda go back and look at other stuff. But also at the same time, you run into this project, all you wanna play is new stuff.
J: Of course. What old song do you think is the best, is better now having the new crew?
F: Man. I like Veins with the violin in it, it's fantastic to me. I think Let You Down, now Kayleigh's playing an acoustic on there, I've always wanted that rhythmic section to that. We've been doing this rendition of Miss Me with just acoustic guitar and violin and I think that's really really fun. 
E: Viva with the violin too sounds incredible.
F: Viva, oh my god! Yeah, that might be my favorite.
J: Kayleigh, how many instruments do you play?
K: Pretty much violin, guitar, piano. But then the mandolin is the same as the violin, so that makes- that adds that to it. I play the ukulele but who doesn't?
J: That's right.
K: And then there's that whole assortment of keyboard based instruments that if you know how to play piano, you can pretty much weasel your way around.
J: You would think that ska bands would've figured out getting a multi-instrumentalist years ago, instead of having like nine guys.
F: Eight guys, and one guy dances.
J: Four dudes, Kayleigh, and a dancer who also sells merch.
F: But yeah, I don't know.
T: The Merch Pit.
F: I'm having so much fun, seriously. I will say this too. In addition to the playing, which is beyond anything expectation I had, I've never laughed more than in this band.
J: That's awesome.
F: It hurts your lungs.
T: Oh totally.
F: It's kind of amazing, yeah.
J: How was the first leg of the tour, speaking of people you're gonna laugh with, with James Dewees?
F: Oh my god.
E: He is such a character. 
J: Did he make you watch a lot of Seinfeld?
E: Well, we were going to originally! I actually brought-
K: I'm not sure who wanted to watch Seinfeld, James or Evan.
E: That's true. Apparently, James had all of the episodes on his iPod. 
F: Yes.
E: He would just watch them on his iPod. Which a screen of an iPod, old school iPod classic, is what? Two inches by an inch and a half? 
J: Yeah.
E: And he still watches all of them?
J: All the TV he needs.
F: I feel like James has pigeon sight, where he can see in 360 and everything looks big. I think like an iPod screen, that's fine. 
J: I think all the candy he eats helps him focus.
E: Yeah exactly. But I had brought all of the episodes on DVD with us, but of course, this bus that we just had didn't have a DVD player!
J: That's old technology.
E: I know!
T: This stack of shit would just get moved to this side, to this side, to this side.
J: It was a lot of seasons!
T: Yeah.
J: Oh man. So that first leg was James, this next leg of your tour, you're going over to Europe first with Laura Jane Grace.
F: Yes. Yeah, and The Devouring Mothers. Yes, we get to hang out with Atom and Mark Hudson, it's gonna be fun.
J: And then when you're back in the states hitting the west coast, it's when Geoff.
F: Geoff, yeah. Who's actually playing tonight as well.
J: Fantastic. 
F: So we're going to do the UK. We got a couple of festivals actually happening next week. We're going a UK festival, we're going a couple of shows in Russia, Kiev, and then a Czech festival, and one other that I can't think of.
E: Back in the UK.
F: Another UK. And then we'll be back here to do a festival in upstate New York.
J: Cool.
F: With Taking Back Sunday and the Menzingers. 
K: Oh, that's right.
F: And Glassjaw, right? And then we do the west coast Warped Tour, and then we do our shows with Geoffy, and then we go back to the UK to do it with Laura Jane. And then, well, before that I think, our video for Great Party is gonna come out.
J: Oh cool!
F: Which I'm really excited for because you're in it too.
J: I'm totally in the video! 
F: I know! And it's really good.
J: Yeah. It's a super fun video and we super top secret did it Memorial Day weekend, right? 
F: I know. Which I can't believe we got the venue for it. We did it at a Masonic Lodge in Clifton on Memorial Day weekend, and I feel like, even though that's not tied in with veterans and stuff like that, I feel like those things are usually rented out.
J: I thought those guys would be at barbecues, to be honest with you, but they were like, "Yeah, we'll clean up after you guys. We made coffee."
F: It was rad. 
T: They were like, "We'll watch you clean up."
F: But I mean the directors, David was amazing, and our friends from Surfbort came out, Sean and Dani.
J: They were amazing.
E: Yeah, they were awesome. 
F: Dude, that was the thing too. When I wrote the treatment for the video, the thing that I saw in my hand was Dani's face, really, setting this bomb off.
M: And if you don't know what that face looks like, it'll all make sense when you do.
F: Yeah exactly. That smile, it's all about that devilish grin, it's awesome. It's beautiful.
J: It's gonna haunt your dreams.
F: Yeah, she's so unique and just so amazing.
J: Have you seen the finished product yet?
F: I have, yeah. It's done. I think it comes out on the 18th or something, or the week of the 18th. So yeah.
K: Awesome. 
F: I'm very excited.
J: Very cool. I mean, I'm not sure what this day this is gonna drop, but it's gonna drop something around then. So you're either going to get excited because the video's coming out, or be excited because now you've seen the video and you know what we're talking about, and you've seen the face.
F: My kids are excited too because they're in it, but for a split second, so they were really excited to be in it, and then they saw it and they were like, "What the fuck! I'm not in it for long enough!" I was like, "Well, it's not your video." 
J: "They cut out my stage!" 
T: "You write a song."
F: Yeah.
J: "I thought the kids stayed in the picture! Not this one."
F: "Hey, I told you to clean up your room."
T: They did write a song, Best Friends Forever and it's pretty good.
M: Write another one.
F: Another one!
T: "It's not even on an album, that's on an EP." 
J: I think their college funds have been doing fine on royalties.
F: "Write an album track. See how easy it is."
T: "Bring me a single."
J: Alright, so this was Casual Interactions with Frank Iero and the Future Violents. Definitely check them out if they're coming to your town on tour. You will absolutely not regret it. You're gonna have the time of your life. 
F: Sick. 
J: Party on, dudes.
F: Great job.
E: Love y'all!
K: Thanks!
T: Thanks, Hambone.
J: Bye! 
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robinrunsfiction · 6 years ago
Ok I’ve had this idea in my head for weeks and I trust you to write it. Person A: I’m in love with (person B)?! Why didn’t you tell me? Revenge Frank x reader during warped tour. Where the reader does merch for either my chem or another band and she’s kinda girlier (soft emo? Idk) and frank keeps finding excuses to talk to her and the band keeps teasing him about it. Just lots of awkward but cute fluffiness. Sorry it’s so long I’ve had this idea for weeks and can’t get it out of my head.
Summer of Like, Summer of Love 
Pairing: Frank Iero x Female ReaderRating: GeneralRequested By: @scrolling-my-life-awayWord Count: ~2,400Author’s Note:I love this request because I’m biased toward the early to mid-2000s as this is when I discovered FOB, MCR, all of them really! Also this request gave me an excuse to look at pre-hiatus FOB pics, revenge era MCR, and my own facebook photos for inspo! Also a little background Petekey for fun!
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On the 2005 Warped Tour, the heat of the summer sun bakedeveryone alive during the day, and the parties revived everyone at night andtonight was no exception. You were only about a week into your first majortour, running the merch booth for the hottest new band, Fall Out Boy. You weresipping on a cup of stale beer as you looked around at all the band members,roadies and groupies who were partying after the last sets of the nightfinished.
You tried to pick out anyone you recognized when suddenlyyou thought you spotted a face that looked familiar. There were tons of bandsyou loved on the tour, but more than any other band, you really wanted to meetthe guys from My Chemical Romance, and you thought you saw them across the way.You could have sworn for a second Frank was even looking your way.
“Hey, (YN), wanna go grab some food?” Your cousin Patrickasked, seeming to appear out of thin air.
“Jesus, Trick, you really have to scare me like that?” Youjumped.
“Sorry, you wanna go grab something to eat or not?”
“Yea, I suppose,” you said setting your mostly empty cup ona table before following Patrick toward the van waiting to take the band out toget dinner.
From across the parking lot, Frank watched you walk away.
“Hey Mikes, what’s that one band you can’t shut up about?”
Mikey thought for a second. “You mean Fall Out Boy?”
“Yea, we should check them out tomorrow.”
The next day Frank, Mikey and Gerard were standing just offstage as Fall Out Boy performed.
“Who are you looking for?” Gerard asked as he watched Franklooking around at everyone but the band on stage.
“No one,” Frank replied snapping back to attention. “I’ll beright back,” he replied wandering off.
“Wasn’t this his idea?” Gerard asked his brother whoseattention was glued to the band, specifically the bassist on stage. “Never mind,”he muttered to himself.
Frank’s suspicion was correct. The girl he had spotted thenight before was singlehandedly working the Fall Out Boy merch booth, but atthe moment she wasn’t busy since all the fans were watching the band play.
“Hi, what can I- oh my God, you’re Frank Iero. Sorry, I justlove your music,” you gushed, blushing crimson.
Frank laughed and looked down to keep from blushing himself.He was used to girls fawning over him, throwing themselves at him, but this wasdifferent. He was certain you were the cutest thing he had ever seen.
“Thanks, I appreciate it. Umm, what’s your name?”
“(YN),” you replied. “Sorry, again, you just startled me.”
He laughed again. “Are you gonna be at the party tonight?”
“Yea, usually am,” you replied, starting to notice peoplewere standing back, looking at the merch. “I’ll see you there?”
“Yea, I’ll see ya,” Frank said before waving and headingback to the backstage area before he got mobbed by fans.
Knowing that Frank was probably going to come talk to you atthe party tonight, you decided to put a little more effort into yourappearance. You had been avoiding wearing makeup during the day, since it wouldjust melt off in the heat, but now you made yourself up, and pulled on a pinktank top and a denim mini skirt.
You found Patrick and Joe by one of the kegs and Patrickpoured you a beer. You talked for a while before Pete and My Chemical Romancearrived. Everyone introduced themselves and you couldn’t help but notice Frankhad come to stand over by you.
“(YN), you need a refill?” Patrick asked.
“No, I’m good thanks,” you replied as some more people cameover and started talking. You spotted a picnic table close by and sat down.Much to your delight, Frank followed.
“So, is that your boyfriend?” Frank asked almost shyly.
“Patrick? Oh my God, no! He’s my cousin! He got me the jobmanaging the merch booth because I just graduated college and don’t have a jobyet.”
Frank tried to keep his cool and not let a relieved smilewash over his face. “Oh, sweet. What did you major in?”
“Marketing with a minor in graphic design. It was kind of amiddle ground. My parents would pay for school if I majored in something Icould get a job with.”
“So, what do you wanna do with it?”
You sighed. “I dunno, maybe get a job at an ad agency or-”
“No no, not what do your parents want you to do, what do youwanna do?” He asked, looking dead in your eyes. You stared back, a slow smilecreeping across your face. You were surprised he was able to see through yoursafe, but boring response.
“I wanna design band merch, and logos, and album art, all ofit. That’s why Patrick put me up for this job, he knows I’ve been obsessed withthis for years.”
Frank smiled once he heard the truth spill from your lips.“That’s so cool, I’d love to see your work some time.”
You shrugged, trying to play it cool. “I have a sketch bookback in the bus I could show you.”
“Hey (YN), Frank, we’re going to a party, wanna come?” Peteshouted before Frank could reply.
“Wanna go?” Frank asked you.
“Sure, I could use a change of scenery.”
The party was at an over-full house, and most of the peoplein attendance were from the tour as well. The stench of stale beer and weedwafted through the air as music blasted through speakers.
“So much for a change of scenery,” you muttered as youfollowed the gang through the crush of bodies.
“Should have stayed outside, it was cooler out there,” youheard Ray comment behind you.
“Come on,” Frank said taking the lead, charging through thecrowd toward the back of the house. Soon you had escaped into the backyard andinto fresh air.
“This is better,” you commented, straightening your skirt.
Both bands assembled outside around a fire pit that someonehad started but left unattended. Gerard and Andy watched over their friendslike two sober babysitters as everyone got drinks and sat around the fire. Youfound a lawn chair and got comfortable. You weren’t sure if you should try tojump into a conversation, but again Frank made his way to you, pulling up hisown chair.
“Is this your first time being on tour?” Frank asked.
“Yea, I’ve worked some of their local shows and helped makeshirts for them and stuff, but this is the first time I’ve gotten out on theroad. It’s such a different experience. Do you like it?”
“Yea, being in front of the crowds is amazing, but anytime Ican do anything with music I’m happy.”
“Being on this tour I’ve seen a lot of awesome bands, butyou guys are the best. Like, your energy on stage is incredible,” you toldFrank.
“Thanks,” he replied with a grin, again looking down,feeling a blush on his cheeks.
As you and Frank talked, you both leaned closer together, withyou occasionally getting up the nerve to place your hand on his arm, and hewould look you in the eyes adoringly. Neither of you quite believing what youwere experiencing between you.
“Do you think they see what’s going on between them?” Gerardasked.
“I have no idea,” Ray replied with a laugh as he tookanother swig of his beer.
“Just don’t think you can steal our merch girl, she’s the onlyone who can put up with them,” Andy said nodding to his band mates.
“As long as Pete doesn’t runaway with Mikey,” Gerard said with a laughand a glance toward the bassists who had wandered off from the group.
It had been a couple weeks since the start of the tour and Frank wasstill going out of his way to hang out with you when he could, and your crush onhim was as strong as ever. Even though so many people looked at you and how youdressed, or did your hair, and thought you didn’t belong with the punk or emo scene,Frank made you feel like you belonged because he looked past that and got toknow you. And as Frank got to know you, his feelings deepened for you as well.
You had been in your bunk, listening to music as you drew inyour sketchbook when you heard Mikey and Pete leaving the back of the bus.
“Wait, Mikey, are you going back to your bus?” You asked,scrambling off your bed.
Mikey stopped almost out the door. “Yea, why?”
You handed him the folded piece of paper. “Its just a designidea I thought Frank might like,” you explained.
Mikey smiled knowingly. “Sure.”
When Mikey arrived back at the My Chemical Romance bus, hefound Frank reading in the back.
“Here,” Mikey said handing his band mate the piece of paper.
“What is it?”
“Its from (YN),” the words barely left Mikey’s mouth beforeFrank snatched the paper from him, a grin forming on his face.
“Oh this is so cool,” he said in awe.
“What is it?” Gerard asked as he and Ray came into the backof the bus.
“(YN) made something for Frank,” Mikey answered.
“It’s a cool design of my name,” he said still studying thedetails around the letters of his name, running his fingers over the lines. “Ishould write her a song to thank her,” he thought aloud, momentarily forgettinghis band mates presence.
“Damn Frank you’ve really fallen for this girl,” Ray saidwith a laugh.
“What? No, she’s just super cool, and really cute, andalways smells good and she’s easy to talk to.”
“And you never stop smiling when she’s around, and she’s allyou can talk about when she isn’t, and you wanna write a song for her,” Gerardsmiled, hoping his friends mind would go where he was leading.
Frank sat for a moment and then a look of realization washedover him. “I’m in love with (YN)? Why didn’t you tell me?” Frank exclaimed.
“I think you’re the only person who never noticed,” Mikeylaughed.
“What am I gonna do?”
“Ask her out like a normal human being?” Ray suggested.Frank shot him a look that said that was the stupidest thing he had ever heard.“What? It’s really not that big of a deal. I mean, I could ask her out if Iwanted to.”
“No!” Frank shouted, jumping up. “I’m gonna do it.”
It was nearing the fourth of July, so almost everyone whoshouldn’t have been allowed near explosives had purchased fireworks. Frank was scanning the crowd nervously looking for you. Thenhe spotted you looking uncomfortable with some guy talking to you. You caught Frank’seye and felt relief wash over you as he came your way.
“Frank! There you are!” You said jumping up and wrappingyour arms around him. To your surprise he hugged you back just as tightly. Overyour shoulder Frank glared at the guy who had been talking to you and he tookthe hint to get lost.
“Thanks for that, he was really bothering me,” you said whenhe pulled back and saw the guy was gone.
“Its no biggie,” he replied smiling. “I got your design bythe way, it’s amazing, thank you.”
“No problem. I still gotta show you my whole sketchbooksometime when we aren’t so busy.”
“I’m not busy now,” Frank replied.
You smiled and nodded. “Yea, come on then,” you said headingtoward the buses. As you moved through the dark you felt Frank’s hand graspyours and you smiled, butterflies soaring through your stomach.
When you made it back to the bus, no one else was around. Youwent back to your bunk and pulled out the notepad. You switched on the lightand sat down on the sofa next to Frank.
“Ok, so this is my favorite so far,” you said flipping to apage with Fall Out Boy logos. “I did a few for My Chem too,” you said turningthe page.
Frank examined everything on each page carefully, notletting you rush past, even if you argued that the ones he was looking atweren’t good.
“Pete should give you a job at his label, these are awesome, you reallyhave a lot of talent,” he said looking up at you in awe.
You shrugged. “I’m afraid my style isn’t edgy enough for alot of bands.”
“Nah, it’s cool, and I think you could be edgier if youtried. Its there under the surface, I can tell.”
“Thanks,” you laughed.
“I’m serious, you’re awesome,” he said looking in your eyes.It was now or never. “Umm, (YN) do you wanna go out with me sometime?”
You were shocked and then thrilled. “Yea, yes, that would becool,” you grinned.
Frank grinned back and suddenly you were both leaning in,lips inches from each other.
“Oh (YN) you’re here- oh shit sorry,” Patrick rambled realizingwhat he interrupted when you and Frank both sat bolt upright.
“What’s up Patrick?” you sighed, looking over at yourembarrassed cousin.
“They’re starting the fireworks soon, I know you alwaysliked them,” he replied, looking at his shoes.
“Thanks,” you replied sincerely. Patrick waved as he walkedout. “Umm, do you wanna look at the fireworks?”
“Sure,” Frank replied with a smile. Anything to spend a little more time with you.
You found a spot back from the rest of the people gatheredaround watching the amateur pyrotechnics. You and Frank sat down on thescratchy grass and Frank wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You looked upat him and he smiled down, and you felt yourself leaning in again. When yourlips finally connected with his, you couldn’t help but smile. You pulled back fromthe kiss, the grin still plastered across your face.
“Holy shit I do love you,” Frank said, his eyes wide. Youlaughed and the smile on your face grew even larger. He grabbed your face andpulled you back into another kiss, the momentum of which caused him to tumblehim back into the grass with you laid out on top of him. Needless to say, neitherof you saw much of the fireworks that night.
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kookiesspacebuns · 6 years ago
Suite 114 | Pt. 17 |
Tumblr media
| Pairing: Jimin X OC |
| Genre: Fluff, Angst |
| Words: 3k |
Thursday morning, the day after my eventful little meeting with Taehyung, turns out to be the best morning I've had in awhile. Sometime around one a.m. Tae sent a short, but amazing message that set the stage for my day.
My heart grasps back onto the hope that it had lost at exactly six a.m. when my alarm goes off.
New message from V
V: We talked :)
Two words.
And probably the most beautiful emoji smiley face I’ve ever seen…
Are what give me the energy I need and the mental strength to get my day started with a lot more enthusiasm than usual.
As I get ready for work I think how it almost feels silly now to regain hope, just a few days before they leave for their North American tour. No matter what happens, he’ll be leaving. Gone for months. And if things aren't even somewhat resolved by then, I fear that his feelings for me will slowly fade away. He’ll get used to the way things were before and forget me completely. And if it weren’t for the phone call between him and Tae yesterday, I would think that he has already. All while I’m stuck here in Korea sulking, watching videos of him on stage from across the globe, my heart full to the brim with regret.
Waiting for him to return.
But, right in this moment, I’m done with doubt. I’m tired of thinking negative thoughts that ultimately do nothing but bury me deeper into the dirt. As painful as it is to think, I know there is a high possibility that things may never work out, but I still have to go on with life. So instead of overthinking, like i always do, I should try to stay as positive as I possibly can. It sure sounds better than moping all day, achieving absolutely nothing.
Also, knowing that there's someone on my side vouching for me is something that I can cling to for now. Tae seems trustworthy and genuinely concerned about my well being and happiness. I don’t know how to ever repay him, whether things work out in the end or not.
Once my hair is re-straightened and I'm dressed for the surprisingly cool weather, I saunter into the living room and find my sister relaxing on the couch eating a yogurt parfait so fast that she doesn't notice me enter.
“Don’t choke.” I utter, startling her.
She drops her spoon and grunts as she leans down to pick it up. “Shit. You almost made me choke.” her eyes glare at me playfully.
“Sorry.” I say, raising my shoulders out of remorse.
She chuckles and points her spoon towards the kitchen. “There's one in the fridge for you too.”
My face lights up and I dash to grab the glass jar, filled with granola and berries, from the fridge. As I'm grabbing a spoon from the drawer Vee yells from the living room.
“I added extra strawberries too!”
I lick my lips in anticipation before digging into my breakfast delicacy. It’s a relief not having to make myself food before work. Now I can relax a little before leaving.
My sister's jar now sits abandoned on the coffee table, her legs folded underneath her as she watches me eat.
“You seem happy today.” She points out, wrinkling her brows at me.
“I am!” I pop a strawberry halve into my mouth and smile down at my food that's quickly disappearing.
“Yes, but…. abnormally happy.” She adds.
I shrug and turn on the TV, leaving it on whatever channel it was last on, which turns out to be a drama network. Overly dramatic music plays as two characters come close to kissing. I giggle and prop my feet up on the coffee table. It's been so long since I've sat down and watched anything on cable TV. I peer over at my sister, feeling her eyes on me. Her dumbfounded expression makes me stop chewing.
“Whah?” I say with a full mouth.
I watch her face change, as if she's had a revelation. “Oh my God. He talked to you didn't he?” She sits up and turns her whole body to face me.
“Umm-” I swallow my mouth full of food and ponder my words. “Well…..no.”
She throws her arms in the air and grunts. “Are you in denial or something? Because….yesterday you barely even wanted to talk to me and you blasted emo music all night, but today you’re the happiest you've been in a while. What's going on?”
“Nothing.” I shrug again and scoop the last bit of yogurt out of the jar.
“Anna.” She lowers her eyelids, attempting to intimidate me, but instead it makes me laugh and almost spit my yogurt on her.
I cover my mouth to keep it closed as I giggle. I can't help but feel strangely giddy, as if there’s not one negative bone in my body.
“Things are okay. I found out that he wants to talk, but he's just afraid.”
“And that makes you this giddy?” She asks, raising one brow.
“Well, yeah. That's a good thing!”
She shakes her head as she rises up from the sofa and grabs her dirty dish to take it to the kitchen. “Young love.”
“Your not even that much older than me!” I yell, following her into the small kitchen with my own jar.
The glass clanks loudly against the sink when she places it inside with the rest of the dirty dishes. She pivots on her heel and rests her hip against the counter and I have to reach around her to put my own jar in the sink.
“You know,” Her long arms fold across her chest, “I think he’s acting like a total baby.”
I’m caught off guard by her statement and stare at her with a face of shock. “Wah? He has every right to-”
“Yeah, but you didn’t actually cheat on him. He needs to grow some balls and talk to you. It’s something that adults do, you know. Nothing is going to be solved by ignoring it.” She sighs, clearly annoyed by the topic. In three small strides, she's sitting at the table digging through her purse, pulling out trash and balled up receipts. After the table is covered in random crap she keeps in her bag, she reaches the item she's looking for.
“Here,” I’m handed a tube of bright red lipstick, “This will look good on you.”
I stare at the little tube, popping the top off and twisting it up to get a better look at the color. It’s a bold shade of blood red that I’d never even consider wearing. But, without a moment's debate, I apply it to my lips. She’s never been wrong before about what looks good on me.
Her bright smile fills me with joy, reminding me of when we were younger and how she always had a smile on her face no matter the situation. She thinks shes slick though, trying to change the topic.
I rub my lips together before speaking, “So are we not going to continue our conversation?”
Her long, silky locks fall into her face as looks down, shaking her head. “I don’t know. If I were you, I’d have gone to his house already and confronted him.”
“And that’s where me and you are different.” Chuckling, I grab my little leather backpack and put it on.
“If you don’t hear anything by tonight, go to him tomorrow.” Her voice sounds as if shes joking, but her face says otherwise.
“You’re crazy.” I say, now standing by the front door.
“And so are you for giving up so easily.”
My shoulders lower as I sigh. Little does she know that I feel far from ‘giving up’. It’s hard to not seem obsessive in this situation. Showing up at his door sounds a little to tempting right now though…..
“Hey,” I say, needing to be the one to change the topic now,before my thoughts become crazy, “Will you be home normal time tonight?” Her job has been keeping her extremely busy as of late. I feel like I live alone most days.
She grabs her things off of the table and walks over to me, ready to leave as well.
“Yes, actually!” Her usual tired face looks joyful. “Things have been slowing down at work, thankfully! Why? What’s up?”
We step out of our tiny apartment and she locks the door behind us.
“We should do something tonight. Like maybe watch movies and binge eat.” My words garner the reaction I expect: her loud snorting laugh and a pat on the back.
“There’s the Anna I know and love. Of course we can! You get the snacks and I’ll get the movies.”
Once we reach the end of the walkway leaving our complex, we go opposite directions to our respective bus stops. I place my hands in my jean pockets and smile the whole way to work. I have a nagging feeling that today is going to be a good day.
After a surprisingly stressful day at work, I decide not to trust myself anymore when I think it’s going to be a good day. It’s as if the universe kept saying ‘fuck you’ all day and everything that could go wrong at work went wrong. So I make an in the moment decision and walk to the grocery store instead of taking the bus, with the intent of clearing and relaxing my overworked mind.
Glancing up at the grey, cloudy sky, I make a mental note to be quick in the store. It looks as if it could start pouring down raining any minute. The sky darkens into a more sinister color the closer I get and I consider grabbing the next bus.
Too late, I think as the storefront comes into view, faster than I expect.
A forceful tremor runs through my body when I enter the warm store, making me realize just how chilly it is outside. I guess it’s time to start taking a jacket to work. Finally. I’ve missed the cold.
Grabbing a little plastic handheld basket I stroll through the store, pulling any and everything off of the shelves that looks the least bit yummy. By the time I'm standing in the middle of the chip isle, completely overwhelmed by the selection, my basket is full of nonsense. Chocolates, chocolate covered things, things filled with chocolate and a few different sugary, caffeinated drinks. Obviously my goal tonight is to stare down the throat of diabetes.
Choosing which chips to buy is too daunting alone, so I pull out my phone to send a quick text to Vee. It’s then I see that she’s already texted me and I see that my phone is still on silent from when I turned it down earlier at work. Admittedly, I have a small heart attack seeing that I have a message from anyone starting with the letter ‘V’. I’ll have to change either my sister or Taehyung’s contact names later.
Vee: I’m really sorry but my boss asked me to stay later tonight. I really wish I could tell him no, but we both know that’s not an option with him. :( Forgive me Anna. Love you. Raincheck?
I can’t prevent the pout that sweeps over my face at her message. I was truly excited to spend time with her, and not even just to get my mind off of things, but because I miss our sister time.
Oh well. I know she’s a busy woman now. That doesn't mean that I have to cancel things.
I shove a couple of bags in the basket and make my way towards the checkout lines, determined to have a fun night of pigging out by myself. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done it. What else do you do when you have too many feelings and no way to express them? You have a deep conversation with a tub of ice cream or a whole bag of chips.
I’m forced to make line behind two teenage girls, since only one register is open. The cashier is taking her time ringing up the few things an elderly man is purchasing. I sigh deeply and switch my weight to my other foot, waiting a little impatiently for the belt to move forward so that I can be free of this heavy basket. The voices of the two girls in front of me grow louder as they flip to another page in the magazine they are looking at between them. Due to our close proximity, I can’t help but pick up their conversation, especially when I hear the word ‘Bangtan’.
Gulping and pulling the basket closer to my center, I glance over the other tabloids, desperately trying to not hear their loud voices. Little bits here and there force their way into my ear though.
“Scandals like this usually destroy groups.”
“They might just kick him out instead of everyone disbanding.”
“That poor girl.”
I push down the vile rising in my esophagus and quickly unload my things onto the conveyor belt as it inches forward. In my happiness, and later stress, I had forgotten completely about the pictures the whole day. The reminder of it all has me close to dropping everything and leaving the store empty handed, just to avoid hearing more of their small talk.
With anger and anxiety slowly taking over, I slam the sodas down onto the belt, not caring about their potential loss of carbonation. The girls look over their shoulders at me, judgement being the only thing I can read from their almost too perfect faces. My movement and blood freeze as they look me over. My heart pounds, thinking that they must recognize me from the photos, despite not sporting my usual curls. I smile softly at them and place the rest of my things down, pretending to not be affected by their quizzical stares.
“Are you a tourist?” One of them asks, rudely.
I almost forget my fear as the urge to slap her takes over. As many times as I’ve been asked that in my life, none of them have been in such a negative way as just now. The anger must show on my face, as they both shrink back a little.
I stand up straight, feeling like I need to assert my dominance over them. Technically I am her elder and she just spoke to me in a purposely rude tone of voice. So I can be as bitchy as I want, right?
Maybe I shouldn’t.
“No actually, I was born and raised here.” I respond, lacing my words in false kindness.
The girl who questioned me glances down at the magazine in her hands and then back up at me. “Oh, okay.” She says.
They pay for their things and leave the store, taking my anxiety with them. It’s so hard to control myself sometimes when my emotions are all out of whack. I mentally pat myself on the back for not giving into my anger and also for forcing myself to wake up early every morning to do my hair. It truly, honestly helps. Those girls, for sure, would have been much more curious and questioning if I had my usual hair style. My hair has always been the one thing that stood out to people ever since I was a child.
Once I’ve paid for my ridiculous amount of snack foods, I place the heavy drinks in my backpack and carry the light things in a grocery bag. I race home, through the light sprinkling rain, in fear of the clouds opening up and drenching me before I make it there.
I breathe a sigh of relief when my front door comes into view and rush inside just before rain starts pounding against the roof. Unlike normal people who shut everything whenever it rains, I walk around opening the windows in the living room and my bedroom, allowing the fresh rain air to filter in. Just breathing the clean, crisp air during a storm always gives me an indescribable feeling. Like calm and still, despite the tumultuous rains outside.
Standing in front of my open bedroom window, I take a few deep breaths, inhaling the dewy air and letting it relieve my muscles and mind. After forcing myself to shower, before I became too lazy, I search through my drawers for pajamas that I have stored away for winter time, but instead I come across something that makes my mood go downhill fast.
In the bottom drawer, underneath a few pieces of clothing I hardly wear, I see a glimpse of Jimin’s striped shirt. The shirt i accidentally stole from him and hid away along with the tears it for sure would bring on. But, now as I stare at it, I feel sadness but also another emotion that I can’t place and I pull it out and slide the soft fabric over my head. I press the sleeves against my face and inhale, the scent of him faint but definitely still there. I quickly bury the emotions boiling up within in me, not wanting to revert back to uteral miserableness.
Pulling on a pair of soft shorts, I wrap myself in my blankets and lay down on my bed to watch TV, the snacks long forgotten. Scrolling through the channels, I stick to the first one that isn't playing a sappy romance movie or show, which turns out to be around the 30th channel. I guess everyone’s a sucker for romance and heartbreak, that is until they've experienced the two of them themselves.
As the room gets chillier and darker, I wrap myself tighter in my bundle of fabric and drift off to sleep a couple of times. Each time catching myself and sitting up straight to stay awake. A knock on my door startles me, effectively waking me up. I yawn and turn on my phone to see that it's just past ten p.m. Where did the time go?
I don’t remember my sister getting home, but with how much I’ve been drifting in and out of sleep, she had to have slipped in without me hearing. I climb off of my bed and open my bedroom door, expecting to see my sister there in the hall, but there’s no one. Fear seizes my heart for a moment. Is my apartment haunted?
I step out of my room hesitantly and peek into the bathroom, when I hear another knock but this time on the front door. I exhale, relieved that it's just my sleepy mind confusing me. I drag my feet to the front door, rubbing my arms at how cold the room is.
Nothing is out of place and all of the lights are off so Vee must have forgotten her keys again.
I pull the door open quickly, “You should make a checklist or-” I stop mid-sentence, staring in shock at the person standing drenched on my doormat.
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crazylivingx · 6 years ago
me expressing my love for love yourself: answer
it’s only been 3 days into 2019 and i’ve been emo about love yourself: answer because i recently bought the album in korea and their lyricism makes me want to cry pls ignore this if you don’t wanna read about my feelings towards the solo songs released throughout the love yourself era because the pure genius and passion put into this project is truly astounding yalls pls love yourselves this is also really personal you’ve been warned (also apologies if i’ve made any grammatical errors lmao)
*i’m going by the ly: answer sequence
(as im writing this in my language and literature class my lecturer goes “my daughter loves bts” and cue my friend and i shouting the member’s names to guess his daughter’s bias and its jhope like wow we stan a jhope stan he said she thinks he “has such a blinding smile’ and thats honestly the biggest mood)
this song is innocent af when i first heard it i knew it was a bopping bop the synths in the chorus can kick me to switzerland i barely even remember what the video was about all i remember is jungkook and that yellow jacket lmao his vocal runs when he sings “won’t you please stay in dreams” is just heavenly it honestly feels like i’m floating through the clouds with this song this song can convert people who don’t like good songs with synths bet i can’t imagine anyone other than jungkook singing this song tbh if you get an s.o. i hope you experience this song
favourite line (i know it’s not a singular line pls bear with me):
You’re the sun that rose again in my life
A reincarnation of my childhood dreams
I don’t know what these emotions are
Am I still dreaming?
This dream is a blue mirage in the desert
A priori deep inside of me
I’m so happy, I can’t breathe
My surroundings are getting more and more transparent
I hear the far-away ocean
Across the dream, over the horizon
I’m going to the place that’s getting clearer
Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria
trivia 起 just dance
this whole song shows how much jhope loves dancing and it’s so sweet??? wanting to dance with your partner under the moonlight and slowly falling in love???? the song just screams jhope especially with the chorus you can just imAGiNe him dancing like he has no bones because he DoeSn’T,,,, it has a synthetic feel but it also feels really passionate and human like jhope can #getit we stan a multitalented man the lyrics in this song is probably the lightest but it’s still fun and easy to understand and listen to
favourite line (yea i know it’s like an entire verse but i love their lyrics okay):
In my muddy life
You were like a single stem flower
Even this suffocating studio
If we’re together, turns into paradise
My dreams that once had no answer
Now becomes something we can relate to
Because our rhythm is matching
Because we have our dance, it’s a fate-like beat
i remember covering my screams when the mv for this song came out before dna was released and my mom instantly knew what was up lmao this song was kind of my style of music with the #chillvibes it gave out but the chill-ness of the song didn’t make forgettable i’ve played this song in the car before and now my dad can recognize it lol even khalid liked it you go you funky little chimchim,,, i never really paid attention to the lyrics in this song but it sounds really innocent and possessive at the same time lmao i’ll give bts the benefit of the doubt (i also prefer the short version over the full length version don’t kill me)
favourite line (at least these are lines. i know i said line not lines let me live):
As much as my heart flutters, I’m worried
Destiny is jealous of us
Since the creation of the universe
Everything was destined
Just let me love you
trivia 承 love
this song man. namjoon. the piano chords in the beginning is what gives me life. the moment i heard them i instantly knew this was going to be a fave. i love the slight discordance no matter what i will instantly start bopping to it because it’s such a bop that you HAVE to bop along with it. rm loves wordplay in his lyrics, and when it crosses with his intellect something beautiful emerges. this song feels like a flower i love the melody of chords like the chords sold me immediately. and then after i was sold the lyrics stabbed me. there is no escape.
favourite line (god where do i begin):
I live so I love
I'm just a human, human, human (the ㅁ in 사람 saram which means human)
You erode all my corners
And make me into love, love, love (becomes ㅇin 사랑 sarang which means love)
We're humans, humans, humans
In that myriad of straight lines
My love, love, love
When you sit on top of it and you become my heart (if the ㅇ the word 사랑 is squished, it’ll look like a heart ♡)
You make I to an O
I to an O
Because of you
I know why human (saram) and love (sarang) sound similar
You make live to a love
Live to a love
Because of you
I know why a person should live by love
It's a long way from I to U
I crossed all the letters and I reached you 
(i really suggest going to genius’s website to fully understand the song if you want to)
kim taehyung better square up because i would buy burger king and fight him in the parking lot because he stole my toenail,,,, bighit released this song while i was in hell aka university and bOY was i hshshshhshdhdh <— thats the best way i can describe my feelings,,, like he made my tears flow upwards or something the music video was aMAZING and i was shooketh ihatehimsmjkidontbutyouknowwhatimean back to the song - serendipity was also pretty chill but in a darker way and i love it as well. to me the lyrics mirror fake love because it portrays how walking on thin ice feels and how you’ll lose your own voice just to suffer to make sure the person you love will continue loving you (the lyrics are also really slow so it made it easy for me to read the lyrics in karaoke lmao) singularity was a goddamn package for me the mv, the performance and v himself just hshshshshs when i listen to this song i feel like i’m lying down on a giant leaf floating on a clear pond watching a dim but twinkling meteor shower with giant water flowers surrounding me and fireflies are swaying along with wisps of smoke and this is getting too long winded i’ll stop here as i’m writing this i just remembered namjoon wrote this song in one shot after having surgery what a mans
favourite line (its long but it doesn’t feel complete if i break it up):
A thick ice has formed
In the dream I shortly went into
My agonizing phantom pain is still the same
Have I lost myself
Or have I gained you
I suddenly run to the lake
There’s my face in it
Please don’t say anything
Reach my hand out to cover the mouth
But in the end, spring will come someday
The ice will melt and flow away
Tell me if my voice isn’t real
trivia 轉 seesaw
oh boy. suga. min yoongi. this has been said before but the use of seesaw as a metaphor for a dying/toxic relationship is truly artistic and clever. the way he describes it in his lyrics creates a really clear picture of what’s happening. how if one person gets off a seesaw the other will get hurt as they’ll start to fall to the ground, how neither wants to get off because they know they’ll hurt whoever’s on the other side, and how staying or leaving this “repeated seesaw game” will hurt the both of them no matter what choice they choose. i’ll let the lyrics speak for themselves. (suga singing and dancing was also a pleasant surprise i fell on the floor)
favourite line (get ready i’m about to put like 80% of the song in here the lyrics is a masterpiece):
Repeated seesaw game
I'm tired of this
Repeated seesaw game
We're getting tired of each other
Were the petty arguments the start?
The moment I became heavier than you
Because there's never been parallels in the first place
Maybe I became more greedy and tried to fit in with you
Is there really a need to keep repeating ourselves
Saying this was love and this is love?
They're tired of each other, they seem to hold the same hand
People can be so crafty
They know they’ll get hurt if one person is missing
Because we don't want to be the villains
In the midst of a series of vague responsibilities
And we get so tired or if that we finally became parallel
But we didn’t want this kind of parallel
At first, we showed off who was heavier
We'd brag and smile
Now we're trying to beat each other
We're in a competition
The fire of a quarrel
It’ll only end if someone gets off right here
We’re acting like we’re comforting each other
But it’s mixed with thorns
Can’t keep doing this, we need to make a decision
(Hol' up Hol' up) I walk on this seesaw without you
(Hol' up Hol' up) Just like the beginning when you weren't here
(Hol' up Hol' up) I walk on this seesaw without you
(Hol' up Hol' up) I'm getting off this seesaw without you
(like trivia 承 love, you can read more about the song on genius’s website)
stream epiphany. our boy kim seokjin’s vocals have truly improved huh. this to me felt like a response to awake (you can fLY JIN) and i applaud bighit for giving him this song. he finally gets the recognition and lines he deserves smh. you really feel like a proud parent when you watch the fancams throughout the love yourself tour and hear how his voice improves after each performance. the song is also kind of the ‘final act’ to all the solos in ly: answer and they finally get to spread their message of “its hard to love yourself, but that’s why you should so you can love others as well”. after becoming the shell of what you once were, the only way you can fill it up again is to love yourself, and that’s my pov of the whole point of the song. i’m gonna be honest i wasn’t really into this song in the beginning but i started to fall in love with it after a few listens (i listened to it sm that when i was downloading the ly: answer album i forgot to add epiphany cause i was streaming it LMAO)
favourite line (i know they’re verses as well hshdhds):
I’m the one I should love in this world
Shining me, precious soul of mine
I finally realized so I love me
Not so perfect but so beautiful
I'm the one I should love
I may be a bit blunt, I may lack some things
I may not have that shy glow around me
But this is me
My arms, my legs, my heart, my soul
bonus song - answer: love myself
doing a pewdiepie and adding a bonus song lmao my first listen of this song was in my friend’s house and we had the lyrics on and let me tell you the moment we read the lyrics we wanted to hug bts because it was so soft and it was so uwu we were so ready to love ourselves lol yes it sounds like a church song but like epiphany i learned to love it too this was also my first song of 2019 so if you decide to, please listen to it with an open heart
favourite line (hey look actual lines this time yes lines not line):
Maybe I fell in order to take the place of those countless stars
The target of thousands of bright arrows is me alone
Why do you keep trying to hide under your mask?
Even all the scars from your mistakes make up your constellation
that’s all from me bye sorry for the long post
bighit pls hire me as an album promoter
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forumofkuka · 7 years ago
Vans Warped Tour 2018: My Amazing First & Unfortunate Last
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When I discovered my love for the emo subculture during the summer after 7th grade, I began expanding and refining my taste in both fashion and music. Spending countless hours on Tumblr - discovering new artists and designers - I eventually came across the epitome of emo/punk celebrations: Vans Warped Tour. As a nationally-touring, all-day rock & roll/punk/metal festival, Warped Tour became the unofficial holiday for all those who identified as “alternative,” almost like a family reunion. Each date of Warped Tour across the United States was a unique opportunity for all the surrounding scene queens, metalheads, and pop punk kids to come together, an event that truly seems like the only one of its kind. Here, dozens of bands/artists come together, perform sets on various stages scattered around the arena, sell their merchandise at (sometimes discounted) prices, and host meet & greets/signings for their fans to attend. Additionally, in the midst of all the music, alternative clothing brands, charity organizations, and local food trucks offer all kinds of products, some you buy and others you can win! Warped Tour is an opportunity for devoted fans to see many of their favorite artists take the stage, as well as discover new ones.
Ever since I discovered Warped Tour, I’ve wanted to attend; every summer, they make a stop in my state, in a city that is barely 20 minutes from my house, yet I’ve never been able to go because the festival always seemed to fall on my mother’s birthday or a vacation outside of the country. Finally, as I’ve graduated high school, Vans announces that 2018 will be the final year for a cross-country Warped Tour. Seeing the heightened stakes, I knew that this was the year I had to go, no matter what; fortunately enough, my local date fell three days after my mom’s birthday, and with a couple of friends, we bought a 4-ticket pack and planned our attendance!
Although it has become less prevalent in my day-to-day demeanor and appearance, my love for alternative music and edgier style hasn’t faltered. Sure, I’ve given away many of my Hot Topic graphic tees and lessened the black makeup, but if anything, I’m listening to post-hardcore, newcore, hard rock, and pop punk even more. Warped Tour encouraged me to step outside of my usual and to finally listen to iconic groups that I’ve neglected to give a chance in the past. Their names were very familiar in my head, but when it came to their actual music, I was clueless.
Two weeks before my mid-July date, I decided to create a collaborative Spotify playlist, where my friends and I (mostly me haha) added our favorite bops from artists that we knew we HAD to try and see. Through personal exploration, I finally listened to Tonight Alive’s latest album, Underworld, and absolutely fell in love. I wish I had given them a chance earlier! Although I didn’t end up sticking around until their set, I know now that I have a new band to keep up with and to hopefully get to see live in the future.
In addition to ‘studying’ for Warped, I spent a couple of weeks coming up with the ultimate outfit. Because I don’t get decked out in checkered patterns, fishnets, and band tees on a regular basis, I wanted to go all out for this festival, even more so because I’d be surrounded by people who were going to do the exact same!
When we finally arrived, July 15th, 2018, at Xfinity Theatre, I felt almost euphoric. I don’t think my friends or I could describe to you how smiley I was. Because of crazy traffic, we walked a little over half a mile to the actual entrance. As much as I’m super proud of being an emo, I didn’t hold back from laughing with my friends at how stereotypical or cringey some of our fellow concertgoers were - I mean, come on, alternative kids are usually outcasts for a reason and I’m not going to deny that we’re usually freaks LOL, I know I am! It was so so so hot outside, but there were many opportunities to affordably stay hydrated, since Vans Warped Tour hosted a large, FREE hydration station right by the Journey Stage and the entrance. At most concerts, any beverages - alcoholic or not - are never complimentary, and so I think this anomaly only shows the care and consideration the creators of Warped Tour have for its fans and attendees.
I felt so in my element. For years, I had only ever had a handful of friends who only moderately shared an interest in this subculture, but it was never to the same extent as I did. Being at Warped Tour finally gave me a chance to feel free, an opportunity for me to not have to tone down or hide this actual part of my identity. Looking back, I’m happy with how it went. We ended up splitting up in pairs for parts of the day, but I was able to watch or listen as I walked around to the sets of almost a dozen bands: Doll Skin, Issues, Real Friends, Unearth, Wage War, The Amity Affliction, The Story Untold, Northlane, Ice Nine Kills, Crown the Empire. Although I didn’t watch all of them fully, and there were various others I had wanted to see, it was so much fun to get a taste of different styles of music, ranging from pop-punk to metalcore, and to also see the vibes of the crowds. Never in my life, have I seen so much dust in the air from crowd-surfing, headbanging, and mosh-pitting. It was amazing, and with concerts already being such a euphoric and almost spiritual experience for me, I loved it even more.
Out of all four of us, I’m definitely the one in the group who is more extroverted, aggressive, eccentric, and just overall “out there.” I almost ran away from the group at times, as I would walk ahead of the group, looking around, and was the only one who seemed to be able to beeline through the crowds. 
Rather than spending ridiculous amounts on junk food, I was able to bring in half a dozen, packaged mini cucumbers, and surprisingly didn’t get them confiscated. Although it was a strange snack to bring, it worked out pretty well as an addition hydration boost!
Instead of droning on about the minute-to-minute occurrences of the day, I’ll summarize some highlights.
One of the funnier moments of the day was unexpectedly walking by a faculty member from high school, decked out in all black with his swoopy, punk-styled ginger hair. I had no idea he was into this kind of scene, but seconds after we walked by, a set ended and he quickly left. While I don’t know if he walked away because he saw that we had seen him, it was such a surprise that the one familiar person we’d see that day, wasn’t a student but someone who had worked in the IT department at our high school.
Another moment was when I was buying an Official Vans Warped Tour T-Shirt, and a girl came up to me, in order to compliment me on my outfit. To be honest, she wasn’t the only one to praise me for my checkered overalls, blue barlot crop top, fishnets, and dark gray Doc Martens. I even received a free sticker from a vendor for my overalls! I felt so warm inside, seeing others appreciate these stylistic choices that I had very much been excited about displaying! What stood out to me about this moment with this girl, in particular, was that she had actually tried complimenting me from her car, as my friends and I were walking to the venue, but I hadn’t heard her! The fact she came across me and went up to me, just to tell me, was so sweet <3
To continue on this train of highlights, although I had went into Warped Tour, not planning on getting anything signed or waiting in line for a meet & greet, I ended up meeting The Story Untold and getting all of their signatures on my phone case! Before Warped Tour, I had definitely seen their name around the internet, knowing they were a pop-punk band. Nonetheless, I had never listened to them before and didn’t get a chance to before the festival. When we were walking around the different stands, partly to see what’s there, partly to kill time until Ice Nine Kills was set to take the stage at 4:00pm, we decided to take refuge by the Fueled by Ramen stand and reapply sunscreen in the shade of the tent. While standing there, we had overheard a really good set by this pop-punk band that turned out to be The Story Untold. Hearing how good they had sounded, we decided to get closer and become more a part of the crowd. After jamming out to their songs, “History” and “Delete,” they had announced that they were going to their nearby stand for a meet & greet shortly after. Seeing as we had loved their set and weren’t planning on going elsewhere for the next hour, we quickly ran to their stand and managed to be within a dozen people from the very front of the line. When watching their set, their lead singer vaguely reminded me of All Time Low’s Alex Gaskarth, in both appearance and sound. In between songs, he mentioned something about the group being French-Canadian, with the drummer, Johnathan Landry, having horrible English, as a part of a bit that continued on. While waiting in line, I kept thinking about why these two thoughts felt familiar, until I realized that the lead singer was Janick Thibault. Back in 2016, I remember watching a few of his All Time Low/Green Day covers on Youtube, at a time when I don’t think he was in the band. The world truly works in mysterious ways. I hadn’t thought about him since, and so it was crazy that we happened to be chilling by the Owly.fm stage, right when they were in the middle of their performance.
Aside from The Story Untold, my favorite set was by Ice Nine Kills, a band that was in my Top Three to see for the day. Besides being basically in love with Spencer Charnas, I absolutely loved their performance. In addition to sounding great, they really took their theatrical sound to the next level by having everyone in the band dress up as iconic and classic horror movie serial killers, such as Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) and Freddie Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street). Having probably something to do with their two latest singles, “The American Nightmare” and “Thank God It’s Friday,” it was really fun to watch, and their music completely encouraged an awesome moshpit (that I watched from afar) and a ton of head-banging.
The one downside of the day was having to leave 3 hours or so earlier than I had planned. Of course, it was mildly expected, but that’s part of going in a group, you make compromises, and with some friends not feeling well periodically throughout the day, it was my turn to sacrifice, especially since out of everyone, I was able to see the most artists on my list. Although it was advertised as the last cross-country tour, I know my friends and I - as well as many others - hope that that simply means that Vans Warped Tour might be a regional event, with separate tours on the East and West Coast. Warped Tour was a true moment of liberation for me and I will forever remember July 18th, 2018 as a peak of not only my 2018 summer, but my 2018 year as well.
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notsodarkacademic · 6 years ago
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2018 summer film & tv bops that i watched + my opinions
to all the boys i’ve loved before (6/10): it was pretty cheesy and exactly what i expected to come out of a contemporary teen book adaptation. i liked the actors in it and the representation, but otherwise, it wasn’t that unique concept-wise. it felt like i was watching a movie i had already seen before or like i was watching an old wattpad story come to life. i hadn’t read the book beforehand so i went into it thinking that it’d focus more on lara jean’s letters being sent out and her own personal development rather than a fake relationship that turns into a real one. it was just overall a little too unrealistic and cheesy for my taste.
the big sick (9.5/10): hilarious and fresh. i actually laughed out loud during this movie. the relationship between kumail and emily is so cute and their families are even cuter. 
eighth grade (9.5/10): i LOVE bo burnham with a passion and his movie did not disappoint. it was realistic and brought me back to the weird and uncomfortable eighth grade feeling. i’m glad that kayla didn’t necessarily do anything monumental, but started to learn how to deal with her own issues.
baby driver (10/10): i’m kinda biased towards this movie bc i’m in love with ansel elgort AND lily james. setting my crushes on them aside, i loved this movie a lot. it was exciting and had just the right amount of everything. it’s in my top fave movies now so yah. go watch it bc it’s really good and lives up to the hype.
ex machina (8/10): tbh i don’t know what i was really supposed to learn from this movie, but i’m sure there was a lesson in there somewhere. beautiful to watch in my opinion.
emo the musical (7/10): i watched this movie bc i thought it’d be kinda cringey and funny, but it was surprisingly good for what i was expecting. it’s definitely a self-aware movie. definitely gave me some dear evan hansen and be more chill vibes even though they’re all very different. good movie for when you kinda just need to watch something while doing something else.
leave no trace (8/10): really cool story. i got annoyed with the daughter’s voice at first, but eventually just got use to it. i thought it’d focus more about them actually living in forest park, but the rest was interesting too. the ending was kinda weird and most of it felt weird tbh, but still a good movie.
anna karenina (7/10): first off, anna is kinda annoying and vronsky is literally way overrated. i liked the side story with kostya and kitty better. however, i thought the transitions and how to story was told was super intriguing and made watching anna turn into a mess a little more enjoyable. i do sympathize with anna for some parts of the movie, but ultimately, i think that she got the fate that she chose for herself. i did like the look into russian society and the role of women in the male-dominant world. overall, it was visually beautiful and had unique storytelling, but anna and vronsky’s love story wasn’t enough to make me root for them.
anne with an e (8/10): started this thinking it’d be kinda boring because it’s just about farmy people back in the day, but damn.... farmy people got a lot going on. the stories are intriguing and most of the show is pretty wholesome and sweet. anne can be a little annoying, but what 13 year old isn’t? gilbert is my man and i love him. i also love cole a lot. all the characters are well-written and have their own nuances. this show also deals with big issues pretty well like racism, sexism (kinda), LGBTQ+ issues, and more! seriously 
series of unfortunate events (7/10): this show is obviously geared towards younger kids, but it wasn’t any less enjoyable because of it. the show is clever and has a unique charm to it. this show is pretty perfectly cast and has good comedic timing that isn’t kiddish. i especially enjoyed all the references to difference works of writing.
dear white people (10/10): this show is so so so good. idk even know why i love it so much, but the characters are all so amazing. i was really sad when i finished season 2 bc i binged it and didn’t have anything to watch anymore.
i am not a robot (8/10): skeptical about the concept of this show at first, but it turned out to be really cute and good. i also am a fan of chae soo bin (loved her in cheer up and strongest deliveryman). yoo seung ho was also cute in this show and i’m glad that being a rich person wasn’t his only defining character trait. all the side characters were phenomenal, even the ones that i got annoyed by sometimes. 
my only love song (k-drama) (6.5/10): if you haven’t noticed yet, i tend to watch things with my faves actors and actresses in them. i only watched this k-drama because gong seung yeon and lee jong hyun were in it. it was an ok drama. the story wasn’t the most interesting and it felt slow at times. the buildup to on dal and su jeong’s relationship was almost non-existent which was weird. i still liked it for the most part, but wish it were done better.
suits season 8 (usa) (8/10): i’ve been really enjoying this new season. tbh idk why everyone hates katherine heigl, but she’s doing pretty well in suits. i need harvey and donna to just get together already bc if they don’t, i will sue. i miss mike’s character and his relationship with harvey, but i also feel like his story’s ending on the show made sense. even though she’s a great actress, meghan markle’s character honestly was one of my least favorites so i didn’t really even feel like there was anything missing from the show when she left like i do with mike.
the package (k-drama) (8/10): super beautiful to watch since it’s set in france. the characters in the tour group ensemble are so interesting to watch. their stories each slowly unfold throughout the show. it was lighthearted and playful while also dealing with big life issues and it was all done so beautifully.
judge vs. judge (k-drama) (9/10): literally one of the best plots in a k-drama that i’ve seen so far. there’s always a twist every episode and the story is crafted so well. the romance in this drama is very subtle, but the plot is amazing. has a different feel than other k-dramas, probably because it doesn’t have a romance as the main plot point. seriously could not recommend this drama more, especially is you like crime dramas.
super tv season 2 (8/10): tbh i liked season one a tiny bit little more bc it focused on suju more rather than other groups trying to promote, but this season was good too. it was fun seeing suju interact with other groups. my fave episodes were the last two when they went on vacay with ryeowook.
ducktales (9/10): i like watching cartoons as a therapeutic type thing bc cartoons are less serious than live action things most of the time and they’re simpler than real life. ducktales has been a solid one for me lately. it’s a cute show with a good plot. there are definitely a bunch of filler episodes that have nothing to do with the big mystery, but those ones are still pretty fun to watch. if you feel like being nostalgic and just more like a kid, watch ducktales.
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Reputation Tour - Minneapolis Night 2 - The Show
I am so extra when it comes to these types of posts so I am going to start with the concert itself (nothing before or after)
Well ok, we can start with the pre-show setlist because it was lit. 
I knew that she played Tequila and Bad Reputation but I didn’t know the rest 
*** disclaimer: I’ve low key been following the concerts, but I’ve mostly been following the B-stage song (and fans reactions and experiences ofc). I’ve looked at the full setlist before but I only knew the first and last song. I had a phase where I would follow along to a lot of an artist on tour and see how each show went but I actually prefer this because it’s more of a surprise, I’ll likely follow more now that I’ve had my show. 
Babe, Selena, Roman Holiday, Curious. I loved when My My My came on and in my head, I was like I’d love to hear strawberries and cigarettes, and what does she do? Play it right after.
This past spring, during my last semester I had both songs on a short playlist that I would play on repeat when I was studying for tests, it got me through. The only thing about listening to them in the stadium is I realized as a college student I listened to a lot of music but I don’t necessarily know all the lyrics to songs I listened to at the time bc I was multitasking. Rip.
I loved that she played Obsessed, I thought that was hilarious, I was into that song during junior high. 
Anyways now on to the concert.
I don’t even know how much I’ll have to say because I was just DANCING AND SCREAMING LYRICS most of the time, like there were certain points where I had to bring myself back to reality because I was so lost in the music that I forgot to focus on Taylor  - Like that tells you that it was a D*** good show. 
ok lets go song by song. 
…Ready for it? 
I wasn’t sure where she was going to come out but WOW WHAT AN ENTRANCE. I loved the fog and ahhhhh
I Did Something Bad
I felt bad bc one of my friends really wanted to come to the show but it didn’t work out and this was the song she wanted to see the most.
Like this song DESERVES to be heard live. Like honestly this entire album the live versions bring it up another level. 
I can’t
you could literally FEEL the heat from the flames. I wow. 
During the bridge when all of the dancers were lying on the floor as burning witches - it reminded me of the thing Taylor does best, the theatrics. SHE PUTS ON A SHOW. Like idc what people say about Taylor's music, you don’t have to like it, but you can’t say that she can’t put on a show.
This song is such a BA and makes me feel powerful. It doesn’t take any sh**
We love transitions. SOme of them are cheesy but I am such a sucker for them. I love that the screens show pictures of the Olivia and Meredith. 
Ok so this song took a while for me to get into when it first came out. Now i love it ofc. but like this son also deserves to be heard in concert because it’s fun to be over the top with it. 
Style / Love Story / You Belong With Me
Have I mentioned that I love this woman with my entire heart? One thing that I love about concerts, is how the artist changes the arrangement, and this mashup exhibits that well. 
Like as a fan who has been here for 10 years I appreciate her singing old songs so much. Also Style is wow one of my fav songs off of 1989. 
She acknowledges the band during this mashup, and bjwailvuke,hrgoiuelakrj,nfwleiaksjbvn IM SO EMO ACTUALLY GOING TO CCRY that was one of my favorite parts of the show when Taylor was leaning against Paul and Amos while they were playing. They’ve been there with her through it all. They’ve stuck around. They could get any job in the world and they stay (my eyes are watering up so much I can’t see). I clapped so hard for them. I appreciate them so much and they deserve all the love in the world. I can’t imagine how emo they get over long live because I get emo over long live referring to them more than anyone else wow. 
AND WOW you belong with me. That gave me Speak Now flashbacks in how the screens looked (she played that song going back to the stage from the b-stage during that tour).
Look What You Made Me Do
I feel like seeing rep in concert just made me appreciate the album 10000 more than before it is so POWERFUL & SEXY. The sound of this song live mixed with the power of the music video wow. This woman OWNS THE WORLD
I didn’t realize that they actually did the phone call during the show but I LOVED being able to scream she’s dead. 
Lol I was so focused on the screen or in my head at some point that I DIDN”T NOTICE THE SNAKE COMING OUT OF THE STAGE. My friend was FREAKING OUT as was half of the audience. I knew about the snake pre show but it was still like wow hi hello. 
End Game 
I guess if there is anything that I was ??????? mildly disappointed with was that this song was so short, I mean like I didn’t know what to expect either because I didn’t expect her to do the rap or ed’s part. This is just one of my favorite songs so I would’ve loved to hear the song for longer. 
King of My Heart
I guess out of the entire show this one stood out the least, but like that means very little because I was still screaming the lyrics and dancing the entire time.
I love the harmonies in this song and it was*sounds of heaven above* to hear it live 
A good transition to the slower songs. 
For her speech - I was surprised by how many people hadn’t seen her before but I was just smiling because I was so happy for them.
Also, I don’t remember if this was during this same part or when it was but when she was asking who was from MN and who was from elsewhere - can I just say that I met someone who was from KOREA attending the show. And she had seen it the night before and if that doesn’t tell you the power of music there’s nothing else. 
Ok actual disappointment of the concert. NO ONE BY ME SCREAM 1, 2, 3, LETS GO BITCH I was so sad. And I forgot to tell the friend I was going with about it. The other friend I was hoping to go to the other night did know tho and wanted to do that. But I was like I’m not going to scream profanities is no one by me is so I kinda mumbled off at the end of the phrase. (more like it made me self conscious that I was saying it at the wrong time, but I wasn’t) It sounded like other sections were louder like it was loud enough to be recognized in the venue. But idk if ppl who aren’t part of stan twitter would understand what was being said unless they were by a fan who said it. 
Lol I’ve probably watched more videos of people saying this that of the rep songs pre my show. 
Ok I didn’t realize that this was the song that she goes over to the b-stage with and awwww. I knew it was pretty but it was gorgeous. My friend (who is more of a casual fan but was still hype and singing during the show to everything besides the expected (long live, TTWAS, and should’ve said no) was so appreciative of that part, she was like it felt like she was looking at me. I was just so happy during that moment she makes me so happy. I was one of the few people not waving because I was just taking it all in, the beauty of it all. 
Shake it off
lol the one song I completely forgot was on the setlist I was so surprised. I didn’t realize that the openers were on the stage until they had been on the stage for like 45 seconds. Before my show, I didn’t see many people post videos of this song. And the visuals were so fun and colorful and the confetti.
Also like after the song confetti was flying through the air during the acoustic show and PRETTTY.
After this song was over my heart was beating so fast because I couldn’t wait to hear what the secret song was.
So it goes… 
Ok so this is the part of the show were I got very confused.
So, the one downside of looking at the setlist was that I KNEW that this song wasn’t on the setlist. So I thought this song was the secret song, so ngl I got low key sad even though  ITS MY FAV song off the album (not including singles) (ranking to be posted sooon, idk my order yet, still).
I was still happy to hear it, but I wasn’t able to appreciate as much as I would’ve. I did later tho. 
The morning of the show, or the night before, someone who had met her night 1 had posted that she had talked to taylor and knew the two options taylor was thinking of for tonight. And I was like ugh I wish she could givea vague hint, that no one would be able to guess, but would make so much sense after the fact. I didn’t want to be spoiled but iwkjbsvk still the part that I was most excited about. (fun fact it didn’t end up being either song that the girl had discussed with taylor)
Taylor talked about people saying she’s been listening to people from all platforms asking her to play old songs. At one point she even said 13 years, and in my head I was like is she actually going to play I’d Lie (DO IT). But once she started describing the song I knew it right away. Lol I recorded the speech beforehand and you can just hear me muttering tied together with a smile over and over again.
I was correct
Tied Together With A Smile
This song has always been beautiful. From 2007 I have always liked it because sonically it’s soothing (I know I’ve been through other stuff with this song but not enough to be remembered). But honestly, doing my album rank the other week made me REALLY REALLY appreciate this song, in a way that 6th grade me wouldn’t have been able to comprehend. I know I’ve cried to this song before, but not in memory of the way I realized it.
This song is me during the end of high school. I always did well in school but suddenly I was struggling and I fell apart. I put so much pressure on myself and I felt like such a failure. It would lead to bad anxiety, breaking down, and later being depressed. And then during my first year of college, I was in a depressed mood state still and I just felt so numb I couldn’t feel anything. 
I SCREAMED THIS SONG. I probably shouldn’t have during the verses. BUT IT DESERVES THAT. This song is one of those songs that you sob to, and honestly, at one point I looked like a wreck during this song because I almost cried. 
I am so happy she sang this song. Like she reminded us to be kind to ourselves. ANd can I cry again? I love her so much. Like honestly this is something we all need to remind ourselves at times. 
ugh what beauty.
When the show was over I thought we had heard every song from rep, but after research, I realized that she switched dancing with my hands tied with so it goes… Like wow am I happy that I got lucky enough to get to hear one of my fav songs and I got a DEBUT ALBUM song what even. Like rip for 1989 the secret song was mean. for red both songs were really good, but the night that I wasn’t there was just a little bit better. I still love begin again it is gorgeous. But like tied together is a song that SO many fans haven’t heard live before 
(I’m listening to each song while writing this post and Carrie Underwood came on shuffle after this song and I got so distracted, I never realized that I know almost all of her music except her most recent album and few singles)
(now I remembered that I need to listen to troye new album, but back on track. Troye’s album can wait, memories on the other hand only last so long)
Blank Space 
This happened a few times during the show where I just started singing the lyrics but I didn’t know what I was singing. That’s what happens when you know the entire discovery of someone who has more than 2 albums out. 
This was another song that I completely forgot that she was performing. It was fun. The arrangement felt different which I appreciated because it freshens up the song, and for people who went to 1989 it’s not an exact repeat. 
this song has the best visuals and dancing with it.
Everyone was looking at the back screen to get to unedited close up of her but I was staring at the main stage. 
It was enchanting and that’s all I have to say. Beautiful. A Masterpiece. 
Bad Blood/Should've Said No
Lol the snake bring her back to the stage went so fast. Low key felt bad for the people on the other side because I feel like they didn’t get as much time as she went past. 
Based on how hard I went during the concert this was my favorite song. I WENT SO HARD during should’ve said no. 
Boy go home.
This song was such a tease tho bc the music of shoul’ve said no kept playing in the background while she was still singing bad blood. I liked the visuals of this version of bad blood better than the 1989 tour. But I will say that it is one of the songs that stood out during the 1989 tour. During 1989 tour I got that out of this world chance to sit front row middle catwalk during that tour and the next night I won ticket in the lower level. And during the second night the visuals stood out (same goes to ootw).
Wow I want to hear should’ve said no live again.
I heard it during speak now, but wow it went so HARD>
Also I kept thinking of the CMT performance. 
Don’t Blame Me
This song was all about the hand gestures. I love the gospel choir feel of this song. 
Long Live/New Years Day
Lol this is probs the only part of the show I was relatively chill. Because I was just so happy so many memories, so proud of taylor, so happy for her crew band and dancer, and everything was right. Still screamed some of the lyrics of long live when I probs should’ve been quieter (or at least been trying to sing like a normal person)
Why She Disappeared
Ok I was excited for this. This is one of the things I purposefully didn’t watch bc I wanted to save it for the concert. But I must’ve blacked out or something because I remember trying to film it. Then my space filled up. But I barely processed half of it. So I am going to have to go back to that. But I do like the transition - and the story she tells. 
Getaway Car
after so it goes… this is my next fav song off the album. The visuals were very entrancing during this song as well.
She was so cute during this song. She did a little slide. And wow now that I’m watching a video from last night I didn’t realize that this is the only song shes alone on the main stage?? 
Also, I love this outfit. 
wow I love her so much
(now I’m just thinkng of how powerful it is for her to be on stage ALONE in a room over 66 thousand people.)
Call It What You Want
This is the point where I don’t have much to say
this song is also a fav and the confetti she’s so pretty the song’s pretty, she’s in love and I’m so happy for her. The fountain was out and suddenly it was bittersweet. I didn’t want the night to end. 
She laughed during the song. ugh I love those small moments when she smiles or reacts to something. 
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together / This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
This moment is so beautiful. While it’s talking about people that we don’t want to be friends with and we need to let go (doesn’t mean we don’t get upset about it) but we were in a room fill of people all there to have a good time and all there for the same reason
To have the times of their life and to share their love for Taylor and her music
One thing that really stood out about this concert was how nice everyone was, the warmth felt through out the stadium there was so much love. And wow.
It was such a great night.
I’ve been to speak now, red, 2 nights of 1989, and now one of reputation and this was by far her best tour ever.
Thank you for coming to Minneapolis. I hope you had an amazing night I sure did. 
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hermitologist · 7 years ago
My 17 Favorite Records of 2017
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Hello, Internet. Yet another year has passed, and because I’ve made a habit of making year-end lists, this old man has gone and done it again.
I listened to a veritable buttload of music this year on my morning runs, which I decided to post about on Instagram most days in a concerted effort to keep myself accountable bore every last one of my followers to death. I think it’s working.
What follows, is my list of favorites. Not “best”. “Favorite”. *My* favorite. So, spare me the “Your list sucks. WTF. I can’t believe “A Vest For Jerome” by Turd Circus isn’t on there!” comments. I’m sorry we don’t have the exact same taste in music. :)
As usual, I feel like the top 5 or 6 here are pretty carved in stone, but the last 12 and some of the honorable mentions could totally be flip-flopped depending on which side of the bed I woke up on. I actually fiddled with a few spots five minutes before posting this, which is either a testament to that or Exhibit 4,923 in my undiagnosed OCD case.
Anyways ... TL;DR. Here’s what I was into this year. I hope you find something you enjoy.
IMPORTANT: Please let me know what I might missed out on (as I’m sure there’s a ton of it), and share some of your favorites in the comments below. Thanks!
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17) Japandroids - Near To The Wild Heart Of Life
This didn’t quite grab me the way Celebration Rock did, but it’s got a good number of super infectious earworms that got stuck in my brain at the top of the year. 
Listen here.
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16) Sorority Noise - You’re Not As ____ You Think
Excellent “emo”with that feels like it could very easily fit into Brand New’s discography (and I mean that in a very complimentary way). Highly recommended if you’re looking for something to fill that void. 
Listen here. 
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15) Queens of the Stone Age - Villains
This took a little while for this record to sink its teeth into me, but once it did, it didn’t let go. The arrangements are so nuanced that I’ve found little bits of ear candy each time I’ve listened to it, and while the mix is not my favorite, the songs are so brilliantly catchy and drumming so monstrous, I’m hooked. And Jon Theodore is the best drummer on Earth. That’s not debatable either. It’s fact.
Listen here.
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14) David Bazan - Care
It’s no secret that I’m a sucker for anything and everything Bazan. His lyrics and the timbre of his voice cut to my core, and the songs on Care are no exception -- even when they’re delivered over minimalist electronica (which is not my favorite vehicle by any stretch). Another Bazan masterpiece.
Listen here.
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13) Glassjaw - Material Control
This record is perfect in that it is exactly what it needs to be. It’s Glassjaw doing what they do best -- intense, vibey, groovy, heavy post-hardcore that is a logical follow-up to Worship & Tribute, while flexing and pushing enough to make it feel fresh. A tremendous return to form, and a record that was well worth the wait.
Listen here.
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12) Julien Baker - Turn Out The Lights 
Sprained Ankle blew me away and knocked me on my ass, and somehow, some way, Baker has leveled up and topped that. The stripped-down “artist + guitar” intimacy is still there, but the heavy moments hit even harder because of the additional orchestration on this record. Such a promising future for her.
Listen here.
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11) The Life & Times - S/T
Another excellent record from some of one of Kansas City’s best bands. There are few who do airy, melancholic, spacey, dynamic rock better than these guys. And Chris Metcalf is one of the best drummers on the planet right now -- so pockety, tasteful, and effortless. Highly recommended if you dig Failure, Shiner, Hum, Antenna-era Cave In, et al. 
Listen here.
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10) METZ - Strange Peace
This beast is 36 minutes of noisy, nasty, heavy post-punk with stellar guitar and bass tones, and badass drumming that sounds like the best parts of Nirvana and Young Widows had a perfect lovechild. I dare you to listen to this record and not have an overwhelming urge to play it as loud as you possibly can and headbang until your eyes fall out of your skull.
Listen here.
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9) CHON - Homey
I really enjoyed this when it came out, but it wasn’t until we spent five weeks on tour with them and got to see them shred a handful of these songs on a nightly basis that it really grabbed ahold of me. This record is stellar. Sure there are a ton of notes, but they’re all tasteful, never bogged down in painfully long prog opuses, and there’s so much feel here ... which is so rare in the new world of insanely chopped, gridded and sampled prog. The splashes of hip-hop and glitchy Prefuse 73 style electronica are a killer addition to the mix as well. This is the feel good record of the year for me.
Listen here.
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8) Kendrick Lamar - DAMN.
There really isn’t another rapper who holds a candle to Kendrick at the moment, and this might be the best work of his career. I haven’t had a hip-hop record hit me like this in at least a decade. I was hooked from the second the beat dropped in DNA., got roped in even more by the slow jam LOVE., and HUMBLE. sealed the deal. What a beast.
Listen here.
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7) Cloud Nothings - Life Without Sound
This record rules, but I’m not sure I can put my finger on exactly why I like it so much. It’s got tiny elements of so many bands I love or used to love without being overly referential. It’s got a melancholic vibe but never lacks energy. And it is packed with really, really well written and catchy songs without full-blown pop circus. You know you’re listening to a great record when you’re playing a deep cut and uncontrollably blurt, “Fuck, this song is good.” 
Listen here.
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6) Converge - The Dusk In Us
Nobody does it better than these dudes, and it’s been that way for the better part of two decades. The Dusk In Us is yet another record a discography full of bar-setting hardcore/metal/noise records that elevate the ceiling of the genre and make everyone else sound/look bland in comparison. This one slides right into the #3 or #4 spot in that storied discography. So great.
Listen here.
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5) Manchester Orchestra - A Black Mile To The Surface
This is one of those rare records that blows you away on first listen, and gets better with each subsequent listen. The former happens when the songs --stripped to their bones -- are stellar, and the latter happens when the arrangements and mix are somehow even more stellar. ABMTTS checks the shit outta both of those boxes and then some. Aaaand it was made with multiple producers, but doesn’t sound disjointed in the slightest, which seems damn near impossible. It’s the perfect Manchester Orchestra record ... “The Gold” was stuck pleasantly in my head for a majority of the year.  
Listen here.
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4) Pile - A Hairshirt Of Purpose
Disclaimer: I am a late adopter of the majesty of Pile, but I am happy to announce that I am hopelessly hooked on their soulful, noisy, schizophrenic, (occasionally) dreamy, fusion of post-punk, blues, and all sorts of other good things. My entry point was Dripping, but A Hairshirt ... cemented my love for this band. It’s weird, it’s beautiful, it’s energetic, it’s heavy, it’s ethereal, and the musicianship is frustratingly good. If you know, you know ... if you don’t, just trust me. Spin it with an open mind and meet one of your new favorite bands.
Listen here.
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3) Propagandhi - Victory Lap
I grew up on Epitaph and Fat Wreck Chords punk rock in the 90s, and these guys (and gal) are legitimately the only band of that era that continue to excite and inspire me. I look forward to every release, and they manage to deliver every. single. time. It’s not a nostalgia thing with Propagandhi. Chris Hannah’s lyrics, melodies, and guitar playing continue to push the boundaries of what can be done in that genre. You might expect a group of 40-year-old punks to decline or at least plateau, but they’re still on an upward trajectory and it’s  inspiring as hell. Bonus points if you’re a parent and can listen to “Adventures In Zoochosis” without tearing up. Victory Lap is outstanding -- one of their three best records without question. 
Listen here.
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2) Cloakroom - Time Well
If you’ve been following me here, on Twitter, or Instagram, it’s no secret that I’ve got a massive soft spot in my heart for bummer jams -- especially bummer jams of the heavy variety. Time Well is a damn near perfect in those regards. It’s shoegazey without being tired or overly jangly, mildly doomy without being mind-numbingly boring, and fuzzy without sounding like it was recorded inside a sleeping bag. I’m pretty sure I listened to this record more than anything else this year, and after probably a hundred spins, it hasn’t lost any of its luster. It’s outstanding (and it’s got some damn tasty drumming on it too).
Listen here.  
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1) Elder - Reflections Of A Floating World
My buddy Scott Evans (Kowloon Walled City vocalist/guitarist, Antisleep recording engineer/producer, multi-talented human, generally outstanding dude, recommender of many amazing bands) turned me on to these guys earlier this year by sharing 2015′s Lore with me. That record f-ing floored me. Riffs for days. Heaviness. Prog vibes. Stoner rock goodness. Dynamics. Space. Sabbath-y vocals. It checked all of the boxes. Needless to say, I couldn’t wait to hear Reflections Of A Floating World. 
ROAFW dropped in June, and it’s even better than I could have imagined. I’d wager that there are more sick riffs on this record than your favorite band has in their entire discography. I dare you to listen to this and not get a twitch to start a play air guitar. Also: How the shit do you write 15-minute songs that don’t bore people into catatonia? This is how. Just like this. Parts never drag, parts never feel like they’re just filler, and there isn’t a wasted moment in 64 minutes of music. That’s a remarkable feat in and of itself. This is a goddamn timeless record, and there’s no doubt I’ll have it in heavy rotation for the rest of my life.
Listen here.
The Effects - Eyes To The Light
Brutus - Burst
Nate Smith - KINFOLK: Postcards From The Edge
Employed To Serve - Warmth of A Dying Sun
God Mother - Vilseledd
Slowdive - Sugar For The Pill
Hundredth - RARE
Mutoid Man - War Moans
Grizzly Bear - Painted Ruins
Quicksand - Interiors
Death From Above - Outrage! Is Now
Power Trip - Nightmare Logic
Health - DISCO3
Vince Staples - Big Fish Theory
All Them Witches - Sleeping Through The War
Code Orange - Forever
Blis - No One Likes You
Bjork - Utopia
Less Art - Strangled Light ;)
Town Portal - The Occident
The Stella Link - Mystic Jaguar... Attack!!!
Chapo Trap House (Grey Wolf Feed)
The Trap Set
Song Exploder
Slate’s The Gist
Slate’s Hang Up & Listen
The FilmDrunk Frotcast
How I Built This
Freakonomics Radio
This American Life
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df71soul · 8 years ago
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I just don’t know what to say. 💌_ I can’t even begin to explain how much you boys means to me and how important you are to all of us The fact that they have come from nothing, to having everything. It’s just absolutely amazing and these boys have been such a big inspiration in my life. The 7 of them are always in my head, motivating me to work as hard as I can so I can become successful in my life. The fact that 2pm have stayed together for 9 years now, it’s absolutely mind blowing. They’ve got such an amazing friendship, or should I say brothership? Is that even a word? Who knows. Anyways, their ‘brothership’ is really what they’re made of. Always supporting each others back, make sure to protect each other whenever bad times come, they’re always together no matter what. I really don’t know what else to say, I’m just really proud of them and really happy that they’ve come so far. ♡♡♡ dear 2pm thank you for sharing your passion for music. You set out to be “a group that is not to be taken lightly” and you have proven this to be true with each breaking record and award. The love and support you receive from your fans has not wavered because of your love in return. You’ve given us so much. Thank you for the music, for the love, for these amazing 9 years. We look forward to what comes next and will continue to be by your side forever as we promised cause all of you tried so hard to please us even when you guys had a hard time at the begining you didn't stop you continued and blessed us with the music 9 years has passed yet you guys still stuck together and i'm 100% sure that even jaebeom is still close to you ... jaebum had a hard time back then bacause he was a teen and did bad things but still he is the best leader my ult fav leader wait am emo right now should we talk about him ?
okay so i remember in 2008 when I saw the teaser for 2pm✨ ✨ ✨. I immediately thought wow the guy with intense and crazy haircut was amazing ( jay lmao ). I was new to kpop. I was new to this whole realm, but this man stuck out to me like a diamond in the ruff. Since then, I saw him get kicked out of 2pm for his fucking Bad shit and he left indefinitely, which broke my heart into tiny pieces but I will never forget the day he posted nothing on you. I ran to my bestfriend's House and banged on the door. I ran to her laptop to show her the video and we both screamed in absolute joy to see him again. Who would of thought that after that day Jay Park would literally start his underdog story. This man is the epitome of humble beginnings. This is a man who has been through and seen some intense shit and was kicked out of company that easily could of blocked him from seeing the light of day in Korean music realm. But he said fuck that. He picked himself back up, dusted off his shoulders and realized I will not let the talent God gave me go to waste. Jay became the ceo. Jay topped charts. Jay made a company that has become a household name in the Korean music genre. Jay never forgot his family and friends on the way. Jay blessed the world with his art that he truly didn’t want to go unheard and for that I am eternally grateful. Everyone knows he is my UB, but to be honest it is more than that. When I am sad, his music always makes me feel better. When I need a pick me up just watching him on a variety how makes me smile instantaneously. This man has been my fave for 8 years, and he has truly made these 8 years truly wonderful. To have such a strong man as a leader is something I cherish and will continue to cherish for a very long time. To the man behind artists only money getters, to the man who can go from on it to the promise, to the man who has literally given me the best music I could possibly ask for. i want to thank every single member for the 9 years that passed ;'') ....
i want to thank taecyeon ✨ for being the coolest yet the warmest member i want to thank him for leading the dorks even if it's not his thing ... i mean leading so taec the charismatic member that shows what a manly idols mean but ofc we know how crazy and dork he is :''))) i want to thank him for getting 2pm to this level :'') .it's minjun's time i want to thank him for giving us such a great beats and songs im so damn proud of him and he even promised us once that he will keep creating suchan amazing songs for 2pm till his last breath also once he said We will continue to make music until the day we die. Together. The six of us…. Please wait and see.” the old ahjuma is our blessed song machine ... nichkhun hum~~ i want to thank thai prince for not leaving us till this moment he could've left but he choosed to stcuk with the dorks and am so thankfull for this :'(( wooyoung ugh i want to thank my babe for staying strong all these years and for defending 2pm he once said “It’s fine if you laugh at us. It’s good. Whatever you say… whatever bad comment? It doesn’t matter. We, will be 2PM until the end, with the 2PM name we will do our best to go right to the end.”- and now it's actor butt time thank you for being so good to your hyungs thank you for sharing your succes with them thank you for always giving them the 1st place in your career :') ... Chansung's now butch you(ve so much you are and adult man now thank you for collecting 2pm's moments in your pc cause you treasure them we all know that you take a pictures of them secretly :'') thank you so much for being the greatest maknae . okay we done thank you 2pm for being the amazing people you are and tbvh i don't know how am gonna deal with you all being away from me the next coming years :'( It’s not a problem for people to be multifandom but it’s hard for people like me, who only stan 2PM from the Bottom of the heart …. Waiting all member be back again after discharge from army about 4 years, stand together again as OT6 really really hard for me…nI need to make myself busy, making money waiting 2PM together again. And will buy 2PM album after their comeback & also buy all goddies…’sobs’ And As Jun.k Said @ The D-6 of the Galaxy Tour we will keep doing music the six of us Forever .....
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girlsagainst-archive · 7 years ago
An Interview with Beyond Recall
On 25.09.17, in Manchester, GA rep Sophia sat down with Zaid – lead singer of the band Beyond Recall – to talk about their music, their message, and more…
First, can you pitch Beyond Recall to people who haven't heard of you before?
I’d say we are the love-child of All Time Low, Don Broco, and nu-metal. We come at you from all angles. They’re pop-punk tracks at their core, but then there’s rapping and screaming too.
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You've been on tour with Young Guns recently – how's that been?
The tour has been a dream come true. Josh (drummer) and I have been best friends since 2010, and we first hung out at a Young Guns show. So it’s come full circle. It’s been amazing – the artists that we look up to I can actually call my friends. [Young Guns] have been the nicest guys, and playing in front of their crowds every night really is an honour.
What’s your favourite gig memory?
My favourite gig memory is from when I went to see Enter Shikari in Bristol, and letlive. opened the show. It was – wow, it probably would’ve been 2011/2012 – and it felt like I was the only one in the room who knew who letlive. were. Jason Butler didn’t care whether anyone knew who they were, and he controlled the stage, he controlled the audience. He just took over the room and I just remember thinking, “this guy right here, he’s killing it”. That’s probably my best memory of being in the crowd.
What about from one of your own shows?
It’s probably from when we were in Edinburgh, on tour with our good friends in THE AFTERPARTY. We’d never been to Edinburgh before, and honestly I thought about 10 people would come to the show. But then we got this half-packed room – and sure, it was a small room – and they all went crazy. That night, I felt like we had ‘made it’. It’s still one of my top 5 shows.
Which songs do you get most pumped up to play live?
I think my favourite to play live is ‘Almost’. There’s a part that’s just so fucking catchy and new people can sing along easily. Also, I love playing ‘Tomorrow’, because I get to let everybody know how I feel about the world.
What inspired the lyrics to ‘Tomorrow’?
I had a mum come up to me at a show once, and she thanked me for giving her daughter a safe place. That same night, her daughter came up to me too. She hugged me and started crying. I was a bit taken aback for a moment, thinking “shit, what do I do?” But then I realised all I had to do was be there, be me, be in this band, perform and connect with people. That’s what ‘Tomorrow’ is about for me.
Could you tell us about your new single 'Wonder'?
‘Wonder’ is all about trying to find a place for yourself. I was feeling unsure and outside of life, and I used that to create a character. I wrote about that person for this song. It’s also a great one, for me, because it shows the more pop-punk side of the band. It’s a fun track with a serious message.
You play a lot of shows and do talks at schools. How did that start and what do you talk about?
We started an anti-bullying campaign in March [2017], because we knew that there was a lot going on at schools and on the internet between young people. We go into schools to talk to kids about online safety, bullying, and to give them a safe space to open up.
You speak very frankly on stage about the issue of suicide in young people – why is that a topic you speak about?
We speak about it because it’s a huge issue. It’s the number one cause of death in young people in the UK, and yet people overlook and dismiss it. People think it’s a joke, like something that’s a goth or emo ‘trend’ – but it’s not. It’s serious. Everyone ignores it until it happens to someone they know – and the response is always “I didn’t know” or “but they were always smiling”. And that’s a problem because suicide doesn’t have a face.
Before becoming aware of Girls Against, how aware were you of the sexual harassment that goes on at shows?
I knew that sexual harassment went on at shows, but I’ve never witnessed it at our shows – though it may happen. I unfortunately can’t see beyond the first three rows, so I don’t know.
But I have had a girl grab my penis once – she kept doing it throughout the show. Afterwards, I didn’t want to talk to anyone, I was so annoyed and so uncomfortable.
I don’t understand why people think it’s an okay thing to do.
By the way, I am so happy that this campaign exists, and I want to thank you for doing what you do.
Do you have a message for those who have had that kind of negative experience at a show?
Speak to the appropriate people – the security at the venue. Make it public [if you feel comfortable to].
What would your message be to the perpetrators of that behaviour?
You’re idiots. That is so inappropriate and wrong. You may feel like you can get away with it, but you can’t.
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Finally, what's coming up for Beyond Recall?
With the anti-bullying campaign, we’re really excited too. When we started it 6 months ago, we decided we wanted to reach 10,000 students by 2018 – but, as it stands, we will hit that number in November. We want to get out and tour more too, because we haven’t been able to do that enough lately – doing this tour has shown us how much we’ve missed it. Mostly, we just want to make people feel better.
You can follow Beyond Recall on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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83gigsof90semocore-blog · 6 years ago
Post 4: The letter C
Welcome back! It sure wasn't yesterday, how have you been? I'm fine thanks, been a little busy myself and had to put this project on the backburner as you can probably tell. I alluded to being really busy in the last post and that's been pretty much true for all of the past year. Luckily, things are looking a bit better up ahead so I might actually start posting regularly soon!
Much has happened outside of the blog too. I toyed with the idea of moving this beuat over to blogspot (where all the real emo blogs are anyway) when it looked like tumblr was self-destructing for a hot minute. But in the end cooler heads prevailed and it looks like tumblr is just gonna keep existing albeit with less popularity. In the emo world, 125, Rue Montmartre, the first band I covered about a year ago are releasing their discography on vinyl and are now on spotify. All thanks to my blog, I'm sure. Don't be fooled by my modest follower count
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I actually have quite a few prestigious readers. Most notably perhaps being Prof. Anders Ahlén, a man important enough to have his own wikipedia page.
C has been the longest letter so far by far clocking in at a mighty 6.56 GB as opposed to the average of 2.8. I've been listening to it in phases with sometimes a month or more in between so it hasn't really been a coherent experience. It has been a real slog though, which is part of why I gave up several times. This has also been a letter with a great number of "famous" emo bands. Because part of the purpose of this listening experience is to experience 90's emo "as it was" rather than colored by nostalgia or what is deemed worthy of attention by the internet discourse I'm disqualifying bands that are prominent in the emo canon from best name, song or image. I will however still do a quick write up on them for those of you not as familiar with emo, chances are I'll reference them in the future so do take notes.
Emo classics
Cap'n Jazz
It's almost impossible to tell the story of 90's emo without Cap'n Jazz. Among their members they have Tim Kinsella, who would later go on to play in Joan of Arc and Owls, his brother Mike Kinsella who would later play in American Football as well as Owls, Their/They're/There and Owen and also Davey von Bohlen who would later play in the Promise ring. When they formed in '89 they where just a bunch teenagers, Mike being just 12. They released their first album 6 years later which goes by the title Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We’ve Slipped on, and Egg Shells We’ve Tippy Toed Over, but is simply referred to as Schmap'n Schmazz by fans. Most of the lyrics where supposedly written by Tim one night while high on mushrooms. They have a wonderful surreal dadaist quality to them with lines such as Hey coffee eyes, you've got me coughing up my cookie heart or You are colder than oldness could ever be. The music is chaotic and full of a warm messy energy. I am personally absolutely enamored with their cover of Aha's Take on me which I insist on putting in as many playlists where it makes some sense whatsoever. As you can hear, Tims vocals do absolutely not Morten Harkets heights (not an easy feat in Tims defense) and you can plainly hear a teenagers voice falseto-cracking and it's absolutely amazing somehow.
Cap'n Jazz really hit the spot of this awkward sensitive yet punk energy that from the start was very central to emo. Although Cap'n Jazz are a big helping sillier and more pubertal than, say, Rites of Spring.
One popular quip about the Velvet underground is the following:
The Velvet Underground didn't sell many records, but everyone who bought one went out and started a band.
I suppose Cap'n Jazz is a bit like that for emo although their presence was perhaps felt as strongest around 2010 with bands such as Snowing, Glocca Morra and in particular Algernon Cadwallader aping their style.
Christie Front Drive
I think part of the reason for Cap'n Jazz's status as a cornerstone band stems from their originality. Christine Front Drive is in contrast a very prototypical 90's emo band. They have a sound that borrows heavily from both post-hardcore and indie-rock with the slightly whiny vocals typical for the genre and era. On their song November they sing Still the same // Fucked for what you've done // Still over // Staged over // November's almost done // Still the same which I think is a nice cross section of their lyrics (most of the rest of the song are just variations on the same words with "remember" also thrown into the mix). The overall sound is slow, moody and a bit dreamy, very typical of their brand of emo. As easy as it is to find bands that sound similar to CFD, I dare say that they did it better than most and that this is what has earned them their spot in the emo cannon.
Cursive formed in 1995 and has since been together on and off up to the present day, the drive only has music up to 2005 though. This includes their 2003 release the Ugly Organ which was released by Saddle Creek and is the only one I've heard before starting this project. By that point they had already moved away from their emo roots though, and I'm glad to finally have gotten around to their earlier stuff. The Ugly Organ is artsy, catchy and a bit baroque, but also definitely on the outskirts of emo to the point where I'd perhaps describe it as an indie/alternative album if I wasn't talking about them in the context of emo. This doesn't mean that it isn't worth a listen because it absolutely is. Their early stuff is more typical of what the rest of the drive is like with a sound more in the ballpark of CFD but much more punk, with a higher tempo and angrier vocals while still maintaining a somewhat whiny voice, introspective lyrical content and the cold, big guitar sound typical to this branch of emo.
My favorite band
Car vs Driver
So far I've generally picked bands that stand out a bit because in a long stream of relative sameness, that's what you end up paying attention to. Car vs Driver is however not one of theses bands that stand out but rather pretty typical of the emocore sound. They do it pretty well though. They are undeniably punk, but with more introspective lyrics and a slightly melodic edge, which is exactly how emo was first conceived. One some of their tracks like the featured Without A Day day even flirt a bit more with an alt-rock sound but they also have songs that are a lot more hardcore like Livid Step.
When researching them I half expected them to be a pretty substantial band that I had somehow managed to miss, but they're actually very unheard of, something which I consider to be a shame.
I did however find that the drummer of the band has a blogspot at beyondfaliure.blogstopt.com where he catalogs various bands he's been a part of. There is a collection of Car vs Driver flyers as well as two live recordings and this summary he wrote for their discography
Car vs. Driver began when I was 17 years old. By the time we played our final show, I was 19. This band was the music of my life during a period when people usually experience the greatest amount of freedom, which is what I think of whenever I listen to this music now. There were so many new experiences: living on our own, meeting new people, getting a new perspective on life. Our lifestyle in turn gave us a new perspective on expressing music, and we poured all of our energy and emotion into it. Music that now seems a world away – music from a different life. It’s hard to remember that everything about being in a band at that time was simply making a 7”, buying the cheapest van you could find, and touring the country for the summer. There was no infrastructure to build your music around, which also removed its barriers. Instead of running our band like a corporation, we played peoples living rooms and basements, engaged in kickball tournaments, made record covers out of manila envelopes, slept on top of our van, cooked pasta, and played with some of the most amazing bands in the process. Bands that epitomized the time – like Spirit Assembly, Policy of 3, Friction, Current, The Yah Mos, Assfactor 4, Frail, Hoover, Freemasonry, Scout, and Inkwell. The experience we had is something that could never be recreated, and I consider myself incredibly lucky to have been a part of that moment in time. Thank you Matt, Steve, and Jonathan for bringing this to me.
James Joyce August 2004
This compilation is dedicated to our faithful roadies Ashley Lawrence Moore and William Anthony Nation.
We froze, sweat, bled, argued, and laughed.
Amazing stuff in all, I can highly recommend clicking around their for a while if you, like me are a bit obsessed with the 90's emo scene.
My favorite band name
Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin is a screamo band that go pretty hard. The name is a funny contrast to this and the juxtaposition between childhood nostalgia and angsty screaming works really well.
My favorite picture
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Featured is the cover to a demo tape by french screamo band Cather Mathra, which features songs such as Ils M'ont Oubliés (they forgot me) or Leur Révolution (their revolution). You can read more about them on psychoviolence, a blog dedicated to French punk & violence. I think that using a medieval (?) drawing for a cover is pretty cool, especially if you're a french screamo band.
Curiosly they don’t have any music on youtube, you’ll have to check out the drive if you want to listen to them. Tumblr has a limit of 5 embedded videos anyway, so that worked out nicely I suppose.
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