#and how am i expected to act normal when theres literally sounds!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is asking the real questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wrinkleintime · 1 year ago
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enterprise text posts: featuring t'pol my beloved <3
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was a toss up on which screencap to use for girls night! so you get BOTH. ft. archer hanging with the girlies in the labyrinthine catacombs beneath the city <3
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tastyykpop · 4 years ago
𝐶𝑟𝑎����𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑣���-Part 1
Pairings: yandere mafia leader!baekhyun x reader
Genre: suggestive, smut in later chapters, angst probs, fluff here and there but its very lowkey
《teaser next》
Warnings: kidnapping, drug use, alcohol consumption, baeks kinda crazy, pet names, master kink, spanking (he literally spanks her once), choking (not in a kinky way), mentions of blood and murder
Word count: 4.9k
Tag list: @wooya1224 @geniusloey tell me if you want to be tagged!!
⚠️ this is purely fictional and not how I imagine baekhyun to actually act. If you feel like you're in a situation like this please run and report it. I do not support this behavior.
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How long has it been? 3 or 5 days? Maybe even a week. You didnt know nor did you care. But why would you? You've gave up caring ever since your boyfriend, Sungho was murdered right in front of you, but you couldn't even see who the murderer was which drove you insane.
Tears and blood stained your pretty skin that night, so much agony and rage ran through your veins. All you wanted to do was curl up into a ball and scream until you passed out. But its been days since you've gotten a proper good night's sleep and it was eating you away ever so slowly. Everytime you closed your eyes, you remembered that dreadful day, Sungho's screams, the terror on his beautiful face, his lifeless bloody body. What did he do to deserve death? Why did it have to be him?
"Y/n! Y/n, its been four days please come out of your room!" It was the familiar voice of your mother and her knocking that brought you back to reality. She was almost begging, she hasn't seen you since you locked yourself away that night so you couldnt blame her for being worried, but you were fine. "I'm coming in."
She pushed your door open to see you cuddling your blanket with no emotion on your face. You looked at her with barely any care and rolled over, facing away from her.
She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, "You know y/n, we'll get to the bottom of this and have them put behind bars. It's gonna be ok-"
"No its not," you rasped from not using your voice in so long, "I dont even know what the murderer looked like, how can we put them behind bars!?" There was a small pause, she knew finding them wasnt likely which hurt you like hell, but she was still trying her best to comfort you.
"...At least come out of your room, everyone's worried." Your mother pleaded and though you really didnt want to move, you didnt want to upset or worry anyone any further so you got up.
With a smile, she did the same and led you downstairs to where you dad and sister were. They tensed when they saw you, but nonetheless smiled sadly, thanking the heavens you were okay.
"You look horrible..." your sister, Haeun, commented making you cringe. It wasnt like she was wrong, you spent four days not taking a shower and sitting in the same clothes so of course you looked bad, who wouldn't.
You excused yourself and went into the kitchen grabbing the first thing you saw, a bottle of vodka. Now it wasnt the best drink you could've had, but you decided to drink away your pain and suffering since you couldnt take the heart ache any longer.
"Shes doing it again." Your mother whispered but you heard her clear as day. "Shouldnt we stop her?"
"What for? She won't listen and she's traumatized. There's nothing much we could do right now." Your dad spoke with sadness watching as you took a quick swig from the substance.
Normally, you're not one to drink vodka but now it felt good, maybe too good. The more you drank it, the less pain you were in. It could last forever, you thought, but nothing lasts forever.
As you poured yourself another drink, you started wondering about Sungho again. If there were an afterlife, was he happy there? Would he be watching over you, making sure you were happy and healthy?If only it were that simple.
Though you and him were starting to drift off a bit, you still cared and loved him and now you're starting to take everything you guys went through for granted. Its what you get.
Standing up, you left the kitchen a bit dizzy from only drinking alcohol and having nothing else in your system and went back upstairs to take a shower. You decided after drinking, you wanted to go to the club you always go to. Normally, you didnt go on a Thursday, but you thought since you haven't been out in a while that it would be good to leave and breathe in the fresh air.
You took a fairly quick shower and your hair and makeup didnt take long either. Finally stopping to look at yourself in the mirror, your saw how pale and tired you were. Almost lifeless. You figured that once you finally have a good time, it would all go away and you'd be happy again.
"Where are you going?" You jumped at the voice of Haeun who appeared out of nowhere.
"To the club." You stated nonchalantly,
Haeun frowned, "Thats not a good idea, all you'll do is drink until you pass out. And there's always weirdos waiting for their turn with someone vulnerable like that."
A smile formed on your face trying to lighten up the mood a bit, "Ill be fine. I promise nothing bad will happen."
Haeun sighed, almost sounding like a bratty child who didn't get their way because she knew she wouldn't change your mind no matter how hard she tried. It sucked to have a stubborn sibling like yourself.
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Sehun rolled his eyes at the sight of Baekhyuns scheduled flirting session. The girl was dressed in barely anything and he could tell she was probably Baekhyuns new toy for the night as he started getting handsy with her. But Sehun could see how Baekhyuns eyes weren't always looking at her. Instead, they sometimes searched passed the girl in hopes to find something else. He knew what, actually who he was searching for so he never asked or mentioned it.
He remembered you perfectly. Your calm and sleeping figure laying peacefully on your boyfriends chest. It was a shame he had to wake you up while he killed the man. And it was a shame to see such a pretty girl cry and scream with such fright in her eyes.
But Sehun didn't feel that bad, he did what he was supposed to do with only a little remorse.
"Sehun," Baekhyun called, the younger lifted his head waiting for him to continue, "Are you sure you didn't hurt my little toy the other day?"
Sehun scoffed, "If I did, I'd be dead by now, hyung."
The man chuckled sadistically , "She hasn't been here in a while," Baekhyun looked up from the girl and turned to Sehun, "Its only safe to ask."
"Hyung, I told you before that shes probably scared." Sehun face palmed when Baekhyun glared at him.
"A little red shouldnt effect someone that bad."
"I kil-" Sehun stopped what he was about to say, forgetting about the girl straddling Baekhyuns lap and cleared his throat, "Shes not used to stuff like that, Baek."
He didn't care about what Sehun said and ignored the youngests pointless blabbering, returning his attention back the girl only for a short amount of time until something caught his attention.
You walked in his club with confidence and beauty not giving any staring man the time of day and took your usual seat at the bar. After ordering your drink, you put your head in your arms and Baekhyun grinned.
Now was his chance, there's no way anyone will get in his way and there was no way he'd let this chance go.
"Stay here." Baekhyun said to Sehun, pushing the girl off him as he stood up. She almost pulled him back but he gave her such a terrifying death glare that made her stop.
"Theres no way youre actually gonna go talk to her...right?" Sehun questioned a bit shocked that Baekhyun was actually going to you after so long.
"Of course I am, I'll be back." With that, Baekhyun walked away from the two with only one thing on his mind: you.
He waltzed with a smirk of pure evil. What would he do? Only God knew, but he couldnt help himself when he saw your pretty face.
All eyes watched Baekhyun stop next to you, astonished that he went to talk to a girl and not the other way around, "Excuse me sweetheart," You popped your head up in the direction Baekhyun spoke, he took a seat next to you with an almost comforting smile when he saw your red cheeks, "But are you okay."
You wanted to spill everything that happened so bad because you needed to get it out, but you didnt know the man and neither did he know you so all you could do was nod, "Im fine."
Baekhyun knew behind your lying eyes was someone in pain and searching for a person to hold, but he couldnt do anything just yet and tried loosening you up to him so he could do what he wanted to do in the first place.
"C'mon sweetheart, you can tell me anything." He smiled that charismatic smile of his, "I'm easy to talk to."
It was believable for the most part and you laughed a bit, the first laugh you actually had since that tragic night, "You seem like a sweet talker," you smirked causing Baekhyun to chuckle, "Whats the catch?"
"There is no catch, I just wanted to know if youre okay. And besides, I could tell you've been crying." He pointed to your tear stained cheeks and you mentally cursed yourself for unintentionally crying just a few moments ago.
"Dont worry," He chuckled, "Whatever it is im sure you'll get over it." Baekhyun almost failed to hide his sinful smug as you frowned and covered it quickly with a swig of your drink.
But something inside was eating you away about what happened, you needed to let out your emotions and you started caring less and less that he was a stranger. Then again, what if you scared him away? What will happen next?
"At least tell me your name first," You blushed and shyly looked over at him who had an expecting glint in his eyes, "Then maybe ill tell you why I'm so upset."
Baekhyun stretched his hand out in front of him and you gently shook it. Damn he had a strong grip, "My names Byun Baekhyun and you?" He asked as if he didnt know who you were.
"Y/n L/n." You beamed, wondering why his name was so familiar. "So uh- my story..." Fumbling with the drink in your hands, you sighed heavily, "Long story short, my boyfriend was...murdered in front of me." You mumbled the last bit, but you didnt need to repeat yourself as Baekhyun already knew every single detail of that night thanks to Sehun.
Placing a soft hand on your shoulder he whispered with fake sympathy, "I understand now why you're so upset," Liar, "I feel terrible," No he doesn't.
He wiped a stray tear that had slipped down your cheeks and sent you a solemn look.
"I-its in the past i guess." You muttered, "I can't change a thing about it."
Damn right you couldnt. Even if there were some form of time travel, Baekhyun wouldn't dare let you try and change the past because that would mean you weren't entirely his. But since there isn't anything like that, Baekhyun has nothing to worry about except figuring out how to bring you back with him.
"Would you like a glass of water, y/n?" Baekhyun asked quickly as a thought popped into his head. You nodded your head slowly and Baekhyun called over the bartender. You werent really paying attention to him ordering the water and just let your mind slip to the sound of the music and looked around the room, tapping your fingers to the beat, but you stopped when you felt a pair of sharp eyes watching you from somewhere. You looked here and there before stopping on a man that was a about a few inches taller than Baekhyun. He had a eerie grin on his face when you noticed him, then he winked.
Chills went down your spine and you spun yourself around in your chair facing forwards causing Baekhyun to raise an eyebrow but he didnt question it.
"Heres the water." He handed the drink over and you thanked him before taking a sip. It tasted a bit weird but not all water tasted the same, though it was slightly dry for water.
"So tell me about yourself, y/n." Baekhyun checked his watch, all he needed was fifteen minutes then you were all his. "You seem like an interesting person." He looked up and smiled.
"Well," You thought about what was possibly interesting enough to tell him, "Im in my second year of college!" A smile crossed your lips.
"Oh really? Where do you go?" Baekhyun did seem interested to know some parts of your life. Somehow, you caught his attention like that. Thats why Sehun was a surprised when he finally made his move with you.
"Seoul of Performing Arts." You beamed. It was the happiest moment in your life when you got accepted and all of your family members, extended and close, celebrated your acceptance, "My boyfriend, Sungho, went there too."
He just about rolled his eyes but replaced it with a nod and a fake warm smile. If you knew him better, you'd know that smile was only him clenching his jaw in anger.
"How cute." The glint in his eyes proved he was lying and maybe you were too stupid or innocent to notice when you took another sip of water.
He watched and wished his plan could go faster, he was excited to have fun with his pretty little toy and he couldnt wait any longer.
"What about you?" You raised a brow. There was still something in your gut that made you feel like you knew him. And you still wondered why. Was he someone famous in the city? Maybe you've heard your friends mention him here and there? What was it about him that was so familiar?
"You'll know soon enough kitten." You frowned at the pet name as he pat your head like you were a small child yet you chose to ignore it.
It was a bit outlandish and made you more skeptical to know who he was.
"Thats not very reassuring, Baekhyun." Your quirked.
"Why tell you when I can just show you?" He leaned in, mocking your now pouty lips and chuckled, "The drugs should be setting in by now."
You lifted your head up with wide eyes, "Wait what?" Did you hear him right? Did he say what you thought he said? "What do you mean drugs!?" You said with awestruck as your heart raced in fear. You hoped to god he was just joking
The man before you smirked that unpleasant smirk of his, almost like the guy you saw before and you started panicking more, knowing he wasn't kidding. You tried to get up and run but you felt so woozy in a matter of seconds. Not to mention the sudden pain in your stomach that made you want to throw up. What was Baekhyuns plan? Why did he do this!? You thought at least one thing could go right tonight and maybe you could have fun, but you were wrong. So so wrong.
Trying to leave the club building, you knew you wouldn't make it but you still wanted to attempt an escape. It didn't have to be like this. Each step made it harder to move and your eyes started drooping. It was too late for you.
Already collapsed on the ground, people gasped and stared at your almost lifeless body as Baekhyun tilted his head to the side, "She tried, ill give her that." He walked over and crouched down next to you, moving the hair out of your pale face, "But not hard enough."
In an instant, your body was thrown over the man's shoulder. No one commented on anything that happened in fear that they could be next. It was impossible to say that they felt bad either, they were just glad it didn't happen to themselves.
"Sehun," He called out to the younger male but Sehun was already ahead of him, "You drive." He tossed him the keys.
With a nod they both walked out, you on Baekyuns shoulder as he took you to the expensive car. Gently, he placed you down in backseat, putting your seatbelt on for you, and climbed in on the other side to sit next to you.
"All this just for a girl." Sehun shook his head but needless to say he still smirked, "Youre loosing yourself, hyung." The car sparked and drove off into the night, no cops came searching. They knew better. And neither was there news of your kidnapping, the city stayed quiet.
Sure once your parents realized you were gone they'd start freaking out, but would they dare mess with Baekhyun? Would anyone actually try to mess with him? The mafia could easily answer that with an optimistic no. Remember, Baekhyun had power. No one is going to stop him.
"How long will she be out for?" Sehun asked.
Baekhyun shrugged, "Like an hour or two." He was excited for your life with him now, he knew you were finally his after a year of watching you come and go in his club, plus the small stalking he did when he wanted to see you, and he could only smile. No one can get in between him and your love anymore. "Shes gonna love it when she gets home!"
Sehun chuckled at Baekhyuns almost child like enthusiam and started, "She seems a bit innocent," he paused, looking back at your passed out body in the mirror before returning back to the road, "Normally women don't look off into space when someone's buying them a drink."
"Maybe she's a bit slow, but she wouldn't be here with me if that didn't happen."
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The candle flickered in the dark as you awoke on a strange bed. You're head was pounding a bit as you tried looking around at your unfamiliar surroundings. What happened? Was your first thought and you started questioning where you were too. You knew something wasn't right but you couldn't understand why.
You tried getting up only to be locked in place by restraints on your wrists. They were only silk but they were tied tight enough to keep you still. Tilting your head in confusion, you heard foot steps coming towards the door and stopping for a mere few seconds before the door handle twisted.
You anticipated what was going to happen, you didnt even know what was going on in the first place, but you remembered the man standing in front of you.
"Hey, kitten." That sinister smile was plastered on his face. You were sure it held more meanings then just one.
"Where a-am i?"
He almost cooed at your curiosity but composed himself, "At my mansion, where you'll be staying from now on."
There was a moment where you had to think, interestingly enough what Baekhyun said didnt even frighten you in the slightest, but then again you were high off the drug.
"C-Can you u-untie my hands please?" Your voice was soft and quiet, Baekhyun noticed you werent fully aware of your surroundings and complied, untying the silk from your wrists.
Your eyes were a little dilated when you looked at him. He was gorgeous, you had to give him that, though you wanted to remember why something wasn't sitting right with him. "Baekhyun?"
He looked up with a hum.
"Who...are y-you to me?" You squinted your eyes at the man who sat on the bed next to you, drawing small shapes on your thigh in a sort of loving manner.
"Your boyfriend, y/n."
Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?
"I have a boyfriend..?" You muttered and asked more to yourself than to him, but he snickered, knowing way more than you did.
"Kitten you drank too much, go back to sleep." He lied and pushed your shoulders down so you were flat against the mattress.
"I-i did?" You whined when Baekhyun kissed your cheek. He always wanted to kiss more than your cheek, he couldnt bring himself to do that unless you were fully conscious for him.
"Yes baby girl, so get some sleep."
You grumbled, "I-Im not t-tired."
Baekhyun sighed, "Then what would the pretty girl like to do?"
You perked up on the mattress and grinned, "Im hungry!"
"Youre hungry?" Baekhyun repeated with a smile at your small childlike energy and you nodded back, "I can ask someone to make you something if you'd like."
He stood up, waiting for you to do the same but since you weren't very awake, you stumbled a bit.
Baekhyun settled with carrying you to the mansions kitchen, awing at your cuteness the whole time. It was a bit of a walk but luckily you were light.
Sitting you down, Baekhyun walked off, finding someone to cook for you. In your state, you felt a bit lonely, only knowing Baekhyun and not your surroundings, it made you feel a bit lost. It shocked you too how you didnt remember Baekhyun being your boyfriend, you started question the relationship between the two of you more.
"Princess i got you your favorite dish!" He walked in with a plate of jjajangmyeon and set it down in front of you.
Your mouth was watering and you were ready to dig in before wondering, "H-How do you know m-my favorite dish?"
Baekhyun hesitated at the question before clearing his throat and spoke with a raised brow, "We're dating y/n, why wouldn't I know what you like?"
"Uh yeah..right...." you dug in, your mind was starting to clear up a bit, not enough for you to fully remember anything though. But the more you thought, the more consciousness you regained.
Baekhyun watched as you gobbled down the meal with full satisfaction. This wouldn't be the first time he's watched you and neither would it be the last. He liked knowing you were eating well and were healthy so he was proud.
"I-im done!"
"Good girl. Now wait for me to come back so we can go to bed, okay?" You nodded and sat patiently as he took your plate and waited for your boyfriend to come back.
A few moments later, Baekhyun still was no where to be seen and your mind was slowly coming back, "N-no...wait." mumbling to yourself, you figured it out in just mere seconds and remembered that your boyfriend was brutally murdered four days ago in front of you. After four days you went to the bar to drink away the anguish and met someone, that someone was Byun Baekhyun. After thirty or so minutes of talking to him, you were drugged when you werent paying attention and passed out minutes later. Now you were here at Baekhyuns mansion, lied to and kidnapped. "Oh fuck."
The chair scraped against the floor and you wasted no time running to your hopeful freedom.
But you weren't a lucky person. Oh no you weren't. You were tossed and pushed against the door you were about to open by someone much bigger. He was the same guy you saw at the bar and his smirk was nothing different. Cynical and frightening.
The man stepped closer to you before putting one hand next to your head and whispered, "Are you playing a cat and mouse game with hyung now? How cute." Standing tall, he grabbed you by the hair and dragged you back to where you came. You groaned and tried fighting back, but there was no use, he wasn't going to let go until after he practically threw you into Baekhyuns arms.
You were about to scream at Baekhyun and the no name man until Baekhyun covered your mouth with his hand, "Say something and you'll regret it." He growled into your ear as you shook and fought.
You hummed against him and tried biting his hand and punching his side, but he was like a man of steel and let it happen, only raising his brow like he wanted to hurt you, but didnt.
"Sehun, tell Chanyeol to lock all the doors for the next week or so 'til she learns how to behave."
The man nodded and ran off leaving you two alone. Fear was one way to describe it and the look Baekhyun gave you didnt help.
"Now kitten why would you go and do some shit like that? Are you asking to be punished?" He took his hand off your mouth to let you speak. Baekhyuns aura was much different than earlier. The nice guy was gone and you were left with a man who could kill you with just one look.
You stopped hitting him and screamed viciously, "Fuck you! You're fucking insane!"
"Now now princess," he pressed a hand to your throat, wrapping it tighter and tighter until you felt the oxygen leave your lungs, "It seems as if you're asking for a punishment."
"I-if you...s-so dare to-touch..any other p-part of my body, i-ill....kill you..." You whimpered, grabbing his wrist in attempts to pull him off but Baekhyun was relentless, keeping his grasp tight and painful.
"Stop struggling, you're only making this harder for yourself."
There were two options now, either listen to Baekhyun or fight until you passed out again.
"Princess." His voice held a warning tone and you hesitantly stopped and moments later he loosened his grip, you knew there would be marks by tomorrow, "We are going to bed now. Don't try to run, I have this place guarded up and if you do somehow make it out, be prepared because I will find you and beat your ass until you can't sit for a month. Understand?"
Your stomach did flips and not in a good way, you were scared, "Y-yes."
"Can you say 'yes master'?" His voice went higher as he said the last part to mimic yours.
You sighed, positive if you didnt comply then you'd be here all night, "Yes m-master..."
"Good girl." He kissed your cheek and you almost smacked him in disgust but tried not to act aggressive towards him. You wanted to leave, not be punished by whatever he had in mind. "Call me that from now on."
Baekhyun grabbed your hand and led you to the room you were just in, now that you took a good look, it was a pretty room. There was a red sofa against the wall and some other matching chairs plus a huge flat screen TV hanging on the wall facing the bed. You had to admit, he had good taste but he was still insane.
As you sat down on the bed, Baekhyun reached into his draw to pull out a t-shirt and handed it to you with a wide smile, but you raised a brow at the fabric.
"No pants?" You asked.
Baekhyun chuckled, "What for?"
"Because of creeps like you." You grumbled and snatched the shirt that dangled in front of your face before storming off into the connected bathroom. Inside, you could hear Baekhyuns annoying laugh and ignored it, changing into the surprisingly very oversized shirt that went down to your mid thigh.
Taking the clothes you wore earlier, you went back into the room where Baekhyun laid peacefully on the bed, waiting for you.
He only had his boxers on which made you groan in anger and decided to not lay on the bed and instead on the couch near it.
"Princess, what are you doing?" He perched himself on his elbows, watching you throw your clothes on the ground then take the folded blanket on the couch and wrap yourself with it as you laid down.
"Going to sleep, master." You stated coldly with a glare.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Get over here." He said, voice low and laced with dominance but you remained still, closing your eyes and pretending as if you were asleep. "Y/n." He warned but there was no reply.
"Thats it." You heard him get up and march to where you laid. Baekhyun picked you up and you yelped at the sudden intrusion and were thrown over his shoulder.
Smacking his back got you nowhere as he threw you down on the bed, pinning both your hands down and hovered over you with a killing look, "Next time you don't listen, ill bend you over my knee."
"Youre all talk, no action." In an instant you were flipped over and a hand landed straight on your bare ass, leaving you shocked and mouth agape.
"Are you sure, kitten? Would you like me to spank you again?"
"No what?"
"N-no master.."
Baekhyun slowly let you go and laid beside you, still a bit irrated. "Now go to sleep."
You couldnt. Not with the lingering fear of what could happen next. Plus, not with his arm wrapped around your waist with a somewhat tight hold. You were just too scared to let your gaurd down. Why shouldn't you be scared though? What if he took advantage of your sleeping body and did something terrible.
There was no way you could get rest now. You could now count this as your fifth day without proper sleep.
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noritoshiikamo · 3 years ago
So, i wanted to tell you this- we couldn't smile at them. We couldn't come up the with the courage to do that.
I did go to the guy i like a little more than the other one. The one with glasses and looks cute (but he is manly af! ●\\\\\● when i was standing close to him i-) His friend wasn't there that day. So um how do i say this is embarrassing but, i said "hi excuse me" (to get his attention on me) and then i couldn't think of anything to say to him so i asked him "if he was someone i knew of?" (which i am sure he was not but i had nothing to break the ice so🤷🏻‍♀️) he said no and then i left saying sorry and walking/speeding away. He could have said his name for the least. 😔
So, what happened to me - my heart literally stopped he looked so handsome when i was standing close. He looked a little different when i used to sneak glances he look cute but the close up was different he was manly and his voice deep. Ugh blushing typing this - i am so stupid. Well my bestfriend said i was way too close to him, i mean he was so taller then me how am i supposed to get his attention? but he bent a bit to listen what i had to say and said with a tone * which i think was annoyance* but my bestfriend straight denies it. She was standing at a little distance but still says she heard everything and his tone was not of annoyance.
It's been like a good amount of time but he never said hi or anything else maybe not even smile at us. Idk i don't even look at his direction i get red. We don't even go to the zoo that often now so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ attempt in vain.
Also did i mess up? Like really bad?I might not be pretty enough for him? That can be it.
So in conclusion nothing happened, i am upset about it tbh and my bestie is furious, she said she'd go and confront them - they should understand and read in bw the lines but i am never going to let that happen. She might regret it later just like me.
Thanks for your advice tee but we are just dumb. But seriously both of us are very grateful to you. Thank you!💕💕💕
Also sorry for this being so long.
-Miya Twins Anon!💕💕
hmm i mean its understandable, you all are strangers, they might be wary to approach and such and realistically speaking they could have partner or something and that they don’t exactly owe you guys for a reply, i know its sound harsh but you cant expect much if youre not being blunt with it eg like straight up and ask if its okay to have their name or ask for social media to get to know them and that you wanna be friend dbjdjdjkfkf tbh i dont have much experience in this department bcs if it was me i wouldnt even dare go up to them and say something (KUDOS FOR BEING ABLE TO DO IT) bcs my anxiety wouldve act up and i woukd straight up embarrass myself
dont think that youre not pretty enough and such, just keep cool, shoot them a smile or a wave and build up your courage to the day youre able to ask for their name and if you can get to know each other, say stuff like ive seen you often here, are you guys doing some research or just casually going here to relax or something, would like to be your friend and such and if they say no, its okay, its never about you not being looking all pretty like one of those model or anything, its just a normal human interaction, youre good enough to pick up your head and move on, theres always another fish in the sea
PLS I FEEL LIKE IM BAD AT THIS FEEL FREE TO TAKE OT OR IGNORE MY ADVICE ISTG LAST THING I WANT TO DO IS RUIN YOUR OPPORTUNITY OR SUMN BUT GOODLUCK BB LOVE YOU AND REMEMBER THAT YOU MATTER MORE THAN OTHER BOYS ITS OKAY TO NOT GET THIS ONE, you should be proud of yourself to even manage to smile or wave or even say a simple hi, some of us (cough cough me) dont even have the balls to do so
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the-lonelybarricade · 4 years ago
darling dearest, i am in need of some advice and you were the first person i thought to ask (your fanfics are so deep, you have unrivaled wisdom. also you are an adult, which is very useful right now)
so, acting means a lot to me. in fact, it means the world. one of my first coherent sentences as a baby was, "mommy, i want to be on tv," so of course i developed an interest in theater.
it's my first year of high school, and my first thespian convention, and it's 500 dollars. for some context here, my parents had their first kid in high school. my mom never graduated, my dad joined the army instead of going to college. and then they had four more. on top of that, my dad's retired so we're all around dirt fuckin poor hahah. in other words, no one in this family has 500 dollars to send me (except for my middle sister, but that really is too much to ask for).
except for me! i had the money! only, it's in my college fund (which is 660 right now, no one set up a college fund for me as a baby--i only started saving two years ago). like i said, we're dirt poor and no one has the money to put me through college. my sister is a lawyer and has been practicing for years, and is still 200,000 dollars in debt from student loans. i'm having to rely on being smart to apply for scholarships and grants, and if i'm really special, i can get into harvard for free. which is such a huge deal, and one i'm kind of counting on.
even if i don't go to college, i need the money for when i ditch my home state and live in the big city for my big shot at being a successful actress. i can't do this every year. i've already decided to drop cheerleading and adv math next year so i can get a job (i'm not allowed to get one until i can drive). but i don't know if 3yrs of work will even be enough if i want to do normal teenager things and still go to college. chances are, i'm not getting into harvard, much less for free. i'm not gifted like i was as a little girl, and i think the stress would be too much. my mom says she'd help but she's saving for her own house and already getting me my own car, and she doesn't have money either. i don't think i can ask her for that.
thank you for even bothering to read this, thank you times one thousand if you respond.
Goodness lovely, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. This is such a big burden to carry and I know it must be really intimidating to think your future is restricted because of money. But take a deep breath, we're going to talk about some things, okay? I'm still new to being an adult myself, I'm in my final year of uni and money is hard.
So first let's talk about this $500 for your Thespian Convention. First, if this is a school event, a lot of schools do wave or reduce fees like this for families that can't afford it. They also may offer scholarships. I would look into seeing if that's possible, but otherwise let's talk about covering that cost from your college fund. I'm assuming from your language that you're American, which means that if you're earning the federal minimum wage (7.25/hr) it will take 60 hours of working to pay that off. That could take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month to work off if you're working part time, so you need to ask yourself if you feel like the thespian convention is worth a month of work that you could be putting towards your college fund. (Also, I know you said you can't get a job until you can drive, but maybe see if there's anything local you can do for extra money, like maybe tutoring or babysitting?). And if you can't go to this Thespian Convention, see if theres a less expensive alternative you can pursue.
Another important thing to consider is that, if acting is definitely what you want to do, you don't need to go to college to be a successful actor. Leonardo Dicaprio, Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling, there's plenty of major A-list actors that skipped college alltogether to pursue their careers. Here's a list. And if going to college is something you really, really want to do, you also don't have to go to college immediately after graduating high school.
This is something they didn't push a lot when I was in high school, and this would have been mind blowing for me when I was a freshman. In my high school going to college was like the expectation for families that could afford it. And they also offered great support for struggling families and first generation students. But I did something super unconventional for my town and I took a gap year. And that gap year changed my life. So my love, you don't need to worry about 3 years being enough time to do normal teenager things while working your butt off to pay for school. You can give yourself as many years as you need to get that money together, or to pursue your acting career or both. College is ready for you when you're ready for it. There's no set timeline. And I wish they told high schoolers that more often. I wish I was told that sooner.
But let's say that you really want to go to college and you really want to go as soon as you graduate high school. That's totally fine too! Let's talk about your options. Getting a full-ride scholarship is competitive and a lot of pressure to put on yourself. I say go for it! Go for as many as you can and apply for every scholarship available! But also give yourself the breathing space to think about other options. This is a list of no-loan colleges in the US. These are schools that will meet 100% of your financial need if you get accepted. Now the tricky thing is you still have to pay for your EFC (estimated family contribution) and sometimes your FAFSA (federal application for student aid) grossly overestimates how much your family can actually contribute. But it will definitlely eat a big chunk of that money away and there are still loan and scolarship options for that remaining sum. Also when applying for these schools a lot of them do offer an application fee waiver for families that can't afford it.
There are also loads of private scholarship available options from various companies. Talk to your high school counsellors, they *should* have great resources for finding this kind of stuff. I wish I could remember where I found all of my scholarship info, but it's been almost 5 years since I've done that research. I think maybe fastweb was something I found useful? And I also found this website and this website after a cursory google search just now. I'm sure you'll find good sources too! Freshman year is not too early to start applying to private scholarships. A lot of them are directed at seniors, but there are all kinds and sometimes they're just fun contests with small rewards, but it all adds up!f
You can also try killing two birds with one stone! See if there are any acting jobs available either in your local area or even just online! Maybe set up a fiverr and read scripts for people, or see if you can work as a counselor for a theater camp in the summer. My first job was as an acting job as a dancing penguin at a local summer festival when I was 14.
Okay and now I feel obligated to tell you something. You don't need to go to college in the US. This probably sounds outrageous as a freshman, it definitely would have to me. But I'm literally typing this from where I now live in the UK, after taking that gap year and realizing that american school is ridiculously expensive and way less cool than european schools? Do your research, there's lots of options available to you and the US is not your only one. I've saved loads of money going to school here and I'm happy as a clam. Here are some fun links.
Anyway my love, I know that was a lot of information and I'm sure none of it magically solved your problems or took that burden of your shoulders. But take a deep breath. Everything will happen in its own time and there will always be opportunities for you to pursue being an actor. There will also always be the option to decide to go to college at any point in your life. The biggest and most important thing is to just not give up. Focus on the here and now, focus on your grades, and the rest will follow. You got this, I know you do. And please, always feel free to come to me with any questions or even if you just need to rant in my inbox, I'm here <3
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stupidtwinkmac · 7 years ago
you asked for my full psychology notes so here they are
i rewatched the entire series and wrote down all the things i thought were relevant to the characters’ psychology, theres probably some stuff missing so message me if you think i should add anything
S1e1- “The Gang Gets Racist”
Dennis wants paddys to stay a gay bar bc he likes getting validation from gay boys
“They’re really more of a blue-green”
S1e3- “Underage Drinking: A National Concern”
Dennis talks about how popular he was in high school and cries a bit when mac and charlie tell him that tim murphy slept with his prom date which is like pretty normal but it foreshadows the high school reunion episode
Dee goes out with a high schooler just for the validation and to live out shit she couldn't do in high school
“Wait but ive never statutory raped anyone before”
Mac and charlie give high schoolers a keg bc they said that mac and charlie were cool
Mac gets jealous that everyone got asked to a high school prom except for him
S1e7- “Charlie Gets Molested”
Mac gets jealous that he didn't get molested
“If the McPoyles got blown, and Charlie got blown, then why didn't I get blown?”
charlie got molested by his uncle
S2e4- “Mac Bangs Dennis’ Mom”
Dennis gets pissed that people's moms wont fuck him
“Is everyone getting laid but me?”
S2e7- “The Gang Exploits A Miracle”
Dennis starves himself for three days because Dee said his face looked fat
S3e1- “The Gang Finds A Dumpster Baby”
Dennis pretends to be a hippie just to fuck some guys girlfriend because he insulted his quaff and called him a narc
S3e2- “The Gang Gets Invincible”
Dee pretends to be a guy to try out for the eagles just to prove that she can
s3e5 - “The Aluminium Monster Vs. Fatty Magoo”
Dennis goes on a Whole Thing to prove that he’s a winner and that he hasn't peaked
“I haven't even begun to peak”,  “make it work dennis… make it work”
S3e6- “The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation”
Dee does the talent show every year to validate herself
S3e11- “Dennis Looks Like A Registered Sex Offender”
Dennis obsesses over his jawline and his weight when people tell him he looks like wendell
Mac’s dad gets out of jail and we can see how neglectful his parents are
S4e3- “America’s Next Top Paddy’s Billboard Model Contest”
Dennis desperately tries to prove that he’s still hot enough to be on the billboard
“I was sculpted to the proportions of Michelangelo's David”
“I realized that i don’t need validation anymore”- proves that he was just doing the billboard stuff bc of a bpd need for validation.
S4e4- “Mac’s Banging the Waitress”
Dennis gets unreasonably upset when he finds out that Charlie doesn't think he’s his best friend
Mac bangs the waitress to get back at Charlie for smashing his project badass tapes
S4e5- “Mac and Charlie Die Pt 1”
Dennis gets more upset that Mac and Charlie didn't include him in their suicide pact than he is about them being “dead”
S5e2- “The Gang Hits The Road”
Charlie doesn't want to go on the road trip because he’s never left philly before, he asks dennis to comfort him about his fears of bad things happening and people being assholes, he eventually freaks out and asks the hitchhiker to drop him back off at the bar
S5e10- “The D.E.N.N.I.S System”
Dennis believes that his manipulation actually makes girls fall in love with him
S6e2- “Dennis Gets Divorced”
Charlie gets real uncomfy when uncle jack tries to hug him
S6e5- “Mac and Charlie: White Trash”
Dennis tries desperately to prove that he’s high class
S6e6- “Mac’s Mom Burns Her House Down”
Charlie’s mom has OCD and Charlie also starts to pick it up
“Why are you doing everything in threes?” “Oh. So Charlie doesn't die.”
“...just playing it safe. She's been doing it. I'm still alive. Can't be crazy” “ It does feel good to do stuff in threes.”
S6e8- “The Gang Gets a New Member”
Dee gets incredibly insecure when she opens the time capsule and hasn't done what she wanted to do when she was a kid
Charlie gets super insecure when he thinks smitty is replacing him
S6e10- “Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats”
Charlie doesn't like leaving the bar and going out into the world
“Dee, I go to a movie or a spaghetti place with you, and out there, I'm the rat.”
Charlie has a panic attack in a sauna
“I'm trapped like a rat, aren't I?” “No, you're not, Charlie.” “ I'm a rat in here! I'm a rat! I'm trapped like a - I gotta get out of here.” “I'm tired of being in weird places, Frank, 'cause I'm trapped like a rat.” Just bash me like a rat! Bash me like a rat and get it over with!”
S6e11- “The Gang Gets Stranded in the Woods”
Charlie has to be knocked out with a sack over his head to be able to go to Atlantic City
“This is why i don’t leave philly alright cause when you leave philly, bad shit happens”
Mac starves himself for chase utley
“If animals have taught me anything it's that you can die at any time very quickly by the side of the road”
S6e12- “Dee Gives Birth”
Dennis yells at a nurse about Dee’s stories like he’s a god
“I will come down on this hospital like the hammer of Thor. The thunder of my vengeance will echo through these corridors like the gust of a thousand winds!”
Dee berates guys until they have sex with her
S7e1- “Frank’s Pretty Woman”
Mac gains a ton of weight and calls it packing on mass
“I went from tiny twink to the muscle bound freak you see before you”
Dennis admits to starving himself and literally constantly working out
“I may look relaxed but im incredibly tense at all times”
S7e2- “The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore”
Mac knocks carlie out with chloroform to get him to the jersey shore
S7e6- “The Storm of the Century”
Dennis writes a contract for the girls he plans to invite to his rape bunker
S7e7- “Chardee Macdennis: The Game of Games
Mac says that Dee tried to kill herself
S7e10- “How Mac Got Fat”
Charlie gets overwhelmed and goes in the crevice
Mac blames everyone else for making him fat
Dennis does dumb shit because he’s self conscious about getting old and looking bad
“I was just trying to live up to all of your expectations of me” “what expectations?” “physical perfection”
The entire chemical peel scene is a good representation of his mental disorders
S7e12- “The High School Reunion”
Dee tries to be friends with the popular people from school to validate herself
Mac got bullied and dealt drugs in high school
Charlie got bullied in school and huffed glue in the bathroom
“Everyone wants dirtgrub i'll give them dirtgrub okay i'll get high i'll get sad people can laugh at me i hate highschool man”
S7e13- “The High School Reunion Part 2: The Gang’s Revenge”
The entire golden god meltdown
“Its fetish shit i like to bind i like to be bound”
“You would just come around saying shit about being a golden god or some other insane crap and referring to all of us as your minions” “You always acted like you were better than everyone else but then you would just go and hang out with ronnie the rat or dirtgrub under the bleachers”
S8e5- “The Gang Gets Analyzed”
Dennis tries to analyze the therapist
Mac has some real severe mood swings
The therapist talks to him about body dysmorphia
Dennis giving mac “size pills”
Dennis keeps psychology profiles on everyone in the gang, he started dee’s in the 2nd grade
Dee’s entire “tell me i’m good” scene
S8e6- “Charlie’s Mom Has Cancer”
Dennis having trouble feeling throughout the entire episode until the “my mommy’s a skeleton” “i feel to much” scene
Charlie being incredibly overwhelmed the entire episode, (rubbing his head at Dr. Jinx’s, Getting real upset at church)
S8e7- “Frank’s Back in Business”
Dennis pretending to be brian lefevre
“I want you to get off with me” “This is about crawling into another man’s skin”
S8e8- “Charlie Rules the World”
The entire “I Am God” sensory deprivation tank scene
Dennis blowing himself could also be symbolic but it could also just be a bit
S9e3- “The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award”
Mac getting really defensive about slight banter “i've had tons of orgasms i've had one with your mom”
S9e5- “Mac Day”
Mac is not okay with being upstaged by country mac when he jumps off the bridge and offers people weed
“there's nothing badass about breaking the law”
S9e6- “The Gang Saves the Day”
Macs fantasy is about everyone admiring his badass karate skills and dennis crying over his dead body saying that he loves him
Dee’s fantasy is about killing every man in the room and finally being appreciated for her acting skills and marrying someone who doesn't call her a bird
Dennis’ fantasy is about surviving a bullet to the head at point blank range and killing his idea of the perfect woman
S9e7- “The Gang Gets Quarantined”
Charlie’s mom got him vaccinated way too often and made him wear bubble boy suits during flu season, Charlie also still has the suits for some reason
“I am in perfect control of my body, if i felt myself getting sick i would simply say SICKNESS BE GONE”
*sustains a perfect G5* “does that sound like a man who needs to be in the hospital”
S10e2- “The Gang Group Dates”
Dennis obsesses over his star rating on a dating app
Dee has one night stands with a whole lot of guys that she’s not really into just to give them one star ratings
S10e3- “Psycho Pete Returns”
Dennis does a whole psychopath monologue about skin luggage
“You haven't thought of the smell you bitch”
He gets diagnosed with BPD and gets medication
S10e6- “The Gang Misses the Boat”
Dennis’ whole range rover speech
S10e8- “The Gang Goes On Family Fight”
Dennis breaks down crying because of the buzzer
Dee starves herself to look good for the camera
S10e10- “Ass Kickers United; Mac and Charlie Join a Cult”
Dennis tries to prove that he’s the best at manipulating people
S11e3- “The Gang Hits the Slopes”
Charlie brings up his agoraphobia shit again
“See, this is why I don't like leaving Philly, man. This is nuts.”
S11e4- “Dee Made a Smut Film”
Dennis got raped by a librarian in high school when he was 14
“I was in an older woman that’s cool right?”
S11e9- “The Gang Goes to Hell”
Dee manipulates guys into having sex with her
“So ill insinuate that it would be a shame if my account of what happened was different from his and he got a call from the sheriff”
S11e10- “The Gang Goes to Hell: Part Two”
Charlie has a panic attack about the boat sinking and dennis calms him down
“I knew I shouldn't have come on this cruise. I knew it! I mean, it used to be I would never even leave Philly! And then, you know, you guys drag me to this, you drag me to that, and next thing I know, I-I'm stuck in a box on a sinking ship!”
Dennis keeps onions in his pocket so that he can cry when he needs to
S12e3- “Old Lady House: A Situation Comedy”
Bonnie doing everything in threes so that charlie doesn't die
“I just can't enjoy it when the people being filmed, know they're being filmed”
S12e7- “PTSDee”
Charlie and dennis bonding over their trauma
Dee tries to ruin a guys life bc he said she was his rock bottom
S12e8- “The Gang Tends Bar”
“I have big feelings, and it hurts”
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brownthrussy · 8 years ago
Wade you got me fucked up smfh jk
1.) Are looks important in a relationship?:To some extent yes, since its kinda a attention grabbed. Eventually the personality is what becomes more important.
2.) Are relationships ever worth it?:Most are, as long as they’re healthy, but some are better off ending.
3.) Are you a virgin?:I hope my mom doesn’t see, but no. If my mom ever sees this then hell yeah I am lmao.
4.) Are you in a relationship?:Surprisingly yes
5.) Are you in love?:Considering my lack of love interests and mainly unhealthy relationships surrounding me, its hard to tell for myself but I believe I am yeah
6.) Are you single this year?:Jeez I hope not lol
7.) Can you commit to one person?:Yes.8.) Describe your crush:Hmm normal lenght hair, dark eyes, average height and thicc
9.) Describe your perfect mate:Sounds similar to 8 but I guess someone I can be comfortable and relate with.
10.) Do you believe in love at first sight?:No lmao im pretty sure thats a crush.
11.) Do you ever want to get married?:It’d be nice someday so sure lol
12.) Do you forgive betrayal?:Depends on the situation and how the person thats asking for forgiveness acts. If they learned their lesson and understand what they did wrong then I could forgive possibly but if not then no.
13.) Do you get jealous easy?:No lol its cause im bad at taking hints so I cant tell when someones hitting on me or el bae
14.) Do you have a crush on anyone?: Mi novio lol
15.) Do you have any piercings?:Nope lol
16.) Do you have any tattoos?:Nah lol
17.) Do you like kissing in public?:Nah lol i dont like being the center of attention
20.) Do you shower everyday?:Si
21.) Do you think someone has feelings for you?: Well I hope my bf likes me lmao
22.) Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?: hmm its possible so sure lol
23.) Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?: Well i’ve been doing it so yeah lol
24.) Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?: i don’t think so but hey who knows what future me will do lol
25.) Do you want to be in a relationship this year?: i want to keep it so yes lol
26.) Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?: Si
27.) Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?: Not that I know of lol
28.) Have you ever been cheated on?: Officially no, but I had a few suspicions from my ex so it wouldn’t surprise me
29.) Have you ever cheated on someone?: No
30.) Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?: I’m ok really lol
31.) Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?: lmfao yes sadly.
32.) Have you ever experienced unrequited love?: Yeah. With my “ex”, we weren’t officially in a relationship we were just dating.
33.) Have you ever had sex with a man?: no homo but yeah lol
34.) Have you ever had sex with a woman?: tbh i just don’t support that lifestyle… i have straight friends tho so es cool
35.) Have you ever kissed someone older than you?: si
36.) Have you ever liked one of your best friends?: Nah lol I love them in a platonic way
37.) Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? No lol
38.) Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yeah lifes pretty wild
39.) Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?: yeah lmao its terrible 0/10 would not recommend
40.) Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? No im not an artistic person
41.) Have you had sex sex so far this year? Si but im staying a virgin til marriage
42.) How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Depends on the mood I guess???
43.) How long was your longest relationship? Lmao the current one so almost a year!
44.) How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 1 lol
45.) How many people did you kiss in 2011? Lmfao 0 I was an awkward disaster back then. Now i’m slightly less but with a better fashion sense.
46.) How many times did you have sex last year? Idk I wasnt counting lol but life fucked me over alot so that counts too right?
47.) How old are you? Believe it or not, but i’m 21 lol
48.) If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? Well rip my relationship then but it’d be something like “she ain’t ugly but she ain’t me”
49.) If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? Hmm I like the attentiveness and los jokes
50.) If your first true love knocked on your door with an apology and presents, would you accept? If its just forgiveness then probably yeah. Regardless im taking the presents tbh as compensation
51.) Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? Yes
52.) Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Nah they usually leave me first before I can say im done
53.) Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? No lol my business is my own
54.) Is there someone you will never forget? My ex and former close friends tbh
55.) Share a relationship story: well we went to olive garden cause I had never gone. So I was feeling like a rich white woman cause it looked fancy and the waited asked if he could toss the salad for us. My stupid ass thought he either meant in a sex term or literally flipping it. Guess what I mentioned out loud. So homeboy leaves and I realize I can never return here without realizing that i assumed that the waiter wanted a fucking threesome because I spend too much time looking at memes smh. Oh and he spilled drinks on the people next to us including this lady and her phone so guess who got tipped good cause id die if i were in his position smh. Moral of the story is this is why I shouldnt go out
56.) State 8 facts about your body: I have a fat stomach, yet skinny arms and legs lol, i got a birthmark by my right shoulder that looks like hawaii apparently, if one hand moves the other tends to attempt to do the same thing, i got my apendix removed, theres a scar from said surgery on it, I barely have body hair but it grows quick, i accidently stabbed myself with a led pencil. The led remains up to today
57.) Things you want to say to an ex: Someone is contradicting themselves lmao sorry for not being what you wanted but you could’ve treated me like a decent human being. But I guess im unreasonable for wanting trust and communication lol oh well
58.) What are five ways to win your heart?: food, pokemon, more video games, trying ya best and being direct with one another.
59.) What do you look like? (post a picture!): so like do i post a new selfie in a seperate post or???? Eh ill do that later
60.) What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners? 6-7 years 😥 lol
61.) What is the first thing you notice in someone? How they react to situations lol says alot as a first perspective
62.) What is the sexiest thing someone has done for/ to you? Bought me food 😍
63.) What is your definition of having sex? Well it involves a penis usually afjvhadaish
64.) What is your definition of cheating? Well besides doing it physically, by lying to your S/O about not seeing anyone else and talking to others with the intention of cheating
65.) What is your favorite foreplay routine? Loving jesus
66.) What is your favorite roleplay? Reading the bible together.
67.) What is your idea of the perfect date? It involves eating, going out doing anything since anything can be fun if you’re with the right person. If it gets everything that is stressful about life and makes it seem irrelevant at the moment then this is the moment
68.) What is your sexual orientation? No homo but men are ok. So un homosexual
69.) What turns you off? Well acting like a child or being rude and dismissive.
70.) What turns you on? Communication and trust can I get an amen
71.) What was your kinkiest wet dream? Ok so there I am in battle wearing regular armor but with channel boots and I destroy my enemies by walking on them since they wronged me. There’s also lesbians.
72.) What worlds do you like to hear during sex? Are you feeling it now, Mr.Krabs???
73.) What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Anything really, its mainly the thought that matters
74.) What’s the most superficial characteristic that you look for? Hmm facial features and eyes lol
75.) What’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you? Gave me the pink power ranger pop lol my girl
76.) What’s the sweetest thing you have ever done for someone? I gave a rare pop as a gift for christmas. It cost $50 lmfao
77.) What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? As long as its legal and consensual then its alright
78.) What’s your dirtiest secret? Dont got any lol not any that come to mind atleast
79.) When was the last time you felt jealous? Why? Idk middle school lol crush had the nerve to talk to someone that wasnt me smh. Im glad i grew up and learned
80.) When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Whenever I see my best friend and hes about to do some dumb shit
81.) Who are five people you find attractive? So is this like from tumblr or anywhere?. Hmm theres mi novio, my best friend and fuck it like 3 of my mutuals lmao i almost tagged em
82.) Who is the last person you hugged? My younger sister
83.) Who was your first kiss? An old friend lol we dont talk no more
84.) Why did your last relationship fail? I have no idea. My ex was like “i gotta be alone” then pulled the “we’re different” card. And I figured it was both until my friend showed me that he was on tinder with an updated bio and photos that he had sent to me initially. So I guess ill never know lol
85.) Would you ever date someone off of the internet? Yeah why not lol if the connection is there
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strawberryspeachy · 5 years ago
Its so hard to figure out which people are good and which ones arent
In college i really wanted to be friends with this one guy - he was in my friend group - ... he talked with me personally. We hung out one on one. He invited me to things. We joked around. But i always felt this wall between us. Like all signs pointed to us being friends but i coupd feel his deep rooted dislike for me. Of course its not like he ever hid it
Apparently my temples move when i chew... he asked me why they do that... i didnt know they did until then
He made fun of my clothes
He always told me i was doing stuff wrong or inappropriately
He told me i wasnt good at art and basically that im not smart
He outright told me no boy would ever like me because im ugly
Stuff like that
But when other people were jerks to me he stood up for me
Everyone else in our friend group would yell at him for the things he said to me... and they hurt everytime... but all the other things i mentioned. I convinced myself he was actually just being honest with me and calling me out? That we had a good relationship and i was just paranoid. After all he didnt even like people. I was one of the only people he talked to
I was friends with his ex. I became friends with her and then they started dating and she broke up with him and he never got over her. Turned out after 3 years he just talked to me to stay close to her. The moment he became interested in another girl - he stopped hanging out with me. And the second the ex stopped hanging out with me - he stopped talking to me
And any one of the mean things he had said yo me over the years should have clued me in to the fact that we werent actually friends. That the wall i felt was there
But then. Like i have this one friend. She super judgmental. She doesnt like a lot of the things i like and will go into tangents about why theyre bad. Shes a bit full of herself and things the stuff she likes is superior. She has a very black and white view of the world and shes not very sympathetic- mostly taking the “i told you so” route to most things.
But shes literally one of the only people in this world i could 100% trust and genuinely cares about me. Like shes proven this over and over again and shes probably the most selfless and generous person ive ever met
Its so hard for me.... to protect myself. ... i dont have a black and white view of the world but i do have it in regards to people around me. And its because i am INCAPABLE of liking a person without trusting them.
Once i get beyond aquaitance level with someone i cant help but be all or nothing.
Ask me how my day was - ill tell you everything
Ask me for help - ill drop most things and give you my all
Its not like i cant talk to aquaintances like a normal person. But the moment we start hanging out and texting or have a really good conversation where we lay out some serious thoughts - for me the floodgates are open
After that intial break through aquaintance i either like you or i dont. And honestly. Most of the time i like people. I don’t expect everyone to be the same and so long as you dont say a bunch of bigoted bs or act like an asshole (or a creep) - ill probably like you.
Lol i say that as though i dont dislike a lot of people. Idk thing issssss i dont even get to the regular talking with most people cause i kinda observe people before i even talk to them. Sounds weird. I dont like legit watch them. But i take notice. And i listen. Ill look at them when everyone else looks at them. And most times. I do decide - i dont wanna talk with them.
But when they talk to me or i dont dislike them while observing them. Then aquaitance talk.
So yea. Idk. I talk to jerky people who are a bit awkward and ill be like - eh. They dont mean to sound like an asshole. Their social skills are just a bit off
Or theyll start oversharif about intimate things and im like - theyre excited to talk to new people. Just an open person. Thats good ill know them better faster
They say some kinda jerky things about other people i just assume theyre going through a rough spot
What im saying. Is. I make excuses for people subconsciously once i decide i like them.
I cant tell what are red flags. And even when i can i just count it as them making a mistake. Especially if they apologize for it. I make mistakes all the time too- im sure they didnt mean it
Then maybe theyll do it more and ill take it as them feeling comfortable enough with me to know i wont judge them
I never end friendships. Other people end them with me.
Theres only one person in my entire life who i talked to but didnt want to and i tried to stop talking to her a couple times but she had a literal army of people obsessed with her who would come after you if you upset her at all
But yea otherwise... ive never ended a friendship with anyone...
Then after they stop talking to me im like
Hm. Well. There was that time they basically admitted to hating me. I really should have picked up on this outcome back then
And i think about all the times they hurt me and am like. Why did i put up with so much bs?
Because i hate being alone. Thats why. Idk i like people easily and i dont wanna go eat alone.
0 notes
kyskingdom · 5 years ago
Harmonize. (First book I ever wrote. age 9)
Its quite here. There is no noise, except Gala snoring next to me. A car pulls into the drive, Gala snaps awake and growls at the noise. The person in the car is Emily, my sister. She "accidently" left her wedding ring here last time she visited. I think she just wanted a reason to come home again. Just a few weeks ago, Emily married Tom, a semi-truck driver who treats her amazing. They go everywhere together, which is why Emily needed an excuse to come home. I hear the front door open, and I hear her shoes on the floor. She knocks on my door. But walks in immediately after. So the knock was pretty pointless. Why is she In my room though? I told her where the ring was when we were on the phone earlier. I tried to make it sound like I wasnt going to be home. Its not like I dont love my sister, I just dont want to talk to her right now. I dont know why. But I don't. She stands in the door way and stares at me, I stare at the floor. "Selina, what is it?" Said Emily making her way to my side. "Nothing." Emily started poking my arm, trying to get my attention. I pretended not to feel Emily, though it was getting very annoying. "What is it? You can tell me." Oh! Wow! Yes! I'm just gonna tell you everything! "I dont know,I guess I just want to be able to support myself." I cringe, that's the best my brain can come up with? Pathetic. "What? You already support yourself." Okay, I'm getting pretty annoyed, just play along! "No I'm mean, completely support myself, like, in my own house..." That part wasnt a lie, I do want my own place. "Well, just, I don't know, just dont rush yourself." I looked up at Emily, I know why she has someone and I dont, she is stunningly pretty. I have always thought she was beautiful, her freckles around her nose, the short wavy auburn hair that hang over her shoulders. Like our mom. I dont look like them. My features are plain. I'm sometimes feel invisible, like my face has been used too many times. "Well," I said "I've gotta get to work." "You know," said Emily ,"you shouldn't be working two jobs at 19." I work one, so I correct her. "I only work one." I try to say this as serious as possible, but its hard to when Mary is such a wonderful woman. "Oh right, 'taking care of Mary isn't a job' right?" Emily said in an awful, what I would guess to be an impression of me. "Well, it isn't." I turned and grabbed my purse from the dresser, as Emily was passing me to leave. I walked out after Emily, who turned for the door, after she said goodbye to mom. My mother is wearing a scowl, one she saved for a very specific person, this cant be good. Or it might be really good! "Mary Rogers called last night, Saphy got her driving license so she'll be taking care of her now." Saphy, that little...I decide not to discuss her right now, I already know my mom hates her as much I do, so I play it off as if I'm talking about someone pleasent. "I thought Saphy was in Florida? Remember, she thought she was too good for Louisiana?" I always thought Louisiana was a great place for everyone to live, turns out, pretty-in-pink barbie dolls hate it here. "She's coming back to town, Her friends and her got in an argument, well a 'life crisis' if you ask her." Mom smiled at the 'life crisis' part, I really dont know why though. Other then to, I dont know, add something interesting to the conversation. Her and Emily talk the same way, while smiling. "Right, I need to get to work." I hugged her and headed for the door. I think about Mary on my way to work, A 98 year old woman who always insisted on me calling her 'aunt'. The first time we met, I  had about 20 cats circling my feet, all meowing, Mary came down the stairs with a little furball kitten in her hand. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen! I smiled, remembering how sweet Mary was, but the smile quickly faded. Unfortunately, everyday I have to pass the road where my dad was killed by a drunk driver, I was around 8, sitting in the back seat, singing along to the radio, when a loud screeching sound rang in my ears, then glass reflected red and blue lights on the dashboard. I pulled into the small parking lot of the restaurant I work at, it was just me and Dolores, the cook, and like 5 people that wanted a coffee refill for the road. I normally just read, but I am fresh out of books, so I need to make a deal, I go around my school and ask people for their books, with the promise that I will do the book report, but its summer, and nobody has book reports in the summer. I was brought out of my day-dream feeling my phone buzz, my mom. "hey are you busy?" Nope, just busy with my book-dealer thoughts! "Its never busy here mom." I thinks thats less of a crazy answer, right? "Right, well, Someone just called, He needs a new caretaker." He? I specificaly put on my resume 'Woman Only!' But the resume only exists in my head, and as far as I know, people cant see into my brain place, not that theyd want to, my train of thought often crashes into the Great Wall of Stupid, and repairs take a while. "Do I know him?" That was a stupid question! No, of course you dont know, you have conversations in your head like this one to avoid talking to real people! "I don't think so,his name is Brian Elderson,He just dropped outta college." College?? How old is this guy? I should make friends with him, enough money to drop out of college! "College?How old is he?" "I'd guess about 18-20." Woah, what? Why? And how? "Okay, what is wrong with him?" That sounded insensitive, but mom knows what I mean, I hope. "He was paralyzed in a car crash, I dont think hes gonna be as easy, he was one of those hard-headed and strong-going kids, and now he thinks he useless." Hmm...did she Google him or something? "How do you know all this?" "Hes one of my co-workers son." Mom dosent care for her co-workers, but I've never heard the name 'Elderson' Before. "I've never heard you talk about anyone named Elderson." "I didn't even know he existed, but he over heard Elly and I talking about you and Mary." Elly was Mary's younger sister, though they didn't talk much, Elly was still acting like she was 20, Elly and Mary still cared about each others well being. A woman just walked in the door, and headed to the back corner table. "alright I've gotta go, an alien just walked in." Mom must have understood, because she hung up, or she was afraid it wasn't me talking and someone possessed me, either way I would be happy with. I went to take the woman's order, but before I could speak, the woman said "eggs and toast." I honestly dont know what I expect. We have menus glued under the glass tables. Do people know we serve other things then eggs? I relayed it to Dolores, who was dancing in the kitchen, but stopped immediately when she saw me. "Who is it?" Asked Dolores "Dunno, but she looks rich and official." " 'Rich and official' only you could come up with that." I rolled my eyes and went back to my barstool, and stare at the counter, it has a very interesting design, but not really. Rich and official. Those were the first words that came to my mind when I looked at her, She had blazing red hair and a black jumpsuit, she reminded me of a certain book charecter. I grab the plate of food Dolores slid on the counter in front of me, interupting my disecting of the counter design, and went back to the table and offered it to the woman. I handed it to the woman and went back to the barstool, the counter isnt as interesting anymore, but I continue to stare anyway. Me and Dolores spent the next half hour peeping around the corner at the woman like cannibals, but, she never came back, and we were back to the same few customers. This place is going to go bank-rupt soon, and there is nothing I can do about it, the helpless feeling is the worst, like theres a hole in my chest that little helpless bugs lay eggs. "Well, That kinda sucks." said Dolores "Yeah, What can we do about it though?" I say like wasn't just invisioning little mosquito like bugs laying eggs inside my heart. "What we need is a fundraiser." said Dolores. "Fundraiser? Like anyones gonna buy from our bakestand when they have way better food." I said pointing down the road at our rival restaurant rival. "Who said I was talking about a bakestand?" Oh, my brain just automatically guessed a bakestand since that's what most normal people do, my mistake. "Well what were you thinking?" "Dunno, Any ideas?" Well, then I guess we're going with the cookies and a wood stand! "No, not really." I say. "Do you know anyone who might be able to lend us some money even for a paint job?" Hmm...let me think, like anyone can afford paint around here, living in a poor town! Just peachy! "Everyone I know can't even afford their own paint." "That's what happens in a poor town, right?" Oh crap! She can read minds! Take cover! All my psycho thoughts hide under the tables! "Yeah." The door opens and coffee refills walk in the door, not literally, but that's all they ordered.                               “”“ "Well, I'm checkin' out for the day." said Dolores, she says it as if I dont know that she always leaves at the same time every day. "Yep, I'll just clean up and I'm leaving too." So I headed over to the one table that woman sat at and wiped it off, there really isnt anything else to do, so I head to my car. When I walked in the door, Gala greeted me by licking my face, she was tall enough when she stood on her back feet, as I am freakishly short for someone my age. Mom came out of her bedroom, carying her purse and her phone in the other, she looked disoriented about something. "Feeling alright mom?" Mom let out a sigh, this cant be good, she uselly only wears that face when somethings wrong, or she had a bad day at work, but thats pretty much the same thing. "Mary" She says. Mary what? Is she okay? "Is she okay?" "Kind of, she had a heart attack last night, the hospital just released her this morning to a nursing home." "They probably should have released her yet, right?" "No, they shouldn't have, but they dont think she has too much longer to live" Her voice wobbles at the end of her sentence, Even though Mary was old, she was still very close my mom and I, so losing her would be purely awful. "We're going to see her, right?" I dont know why I said that, we are obviously going to see her. "You think I'm gonna leave her by herself?" I feel worse with my mothers reply, it was rather harsh, so I know she is worried. "Your right,that was a stupid question" I followed her quietly to her car. She turned the key, it cranked and cranked, but didnt start. "We'll take my car." I say after mom gave up, the battery has been needing jumped every day for a while, and company's wont lower the flipping price of car batterys! It was a quiet and awkward ride, the home was about an hour away, sometimes its nice to just get in tje car and ride, with no plan as to where you re going, or what your even doing. But this is not a relaxing ride, Mary is laying in a hospital bed, probably not feeling too good, and she likes to talk to anyone and everyone, but shes probably by herself right now. Sometimes we can pull a radio signal, so I try, but I regret it. 'Deeper than The Holler' came on, it was mom and Dads song when they were in high school. Tears were swelling up in moms eyes, tears like a blade piercing my heart, slow and painful. I turned it off, I miss him too much, and its not safe to drive for my mom to drive with blurry vision. I clear my throat. "I'm sorry." Tears roll down my face as I choke on the words. "Sometimes," mom says "we need to let go, and get over the past, to be able to live in the present." She reached forward and turned the radio back up. I can't believe she just did that. The song that brought back so many memories, them dancing in the living room every time time it came on, their wedding song. She turned it back on. After my heart was drained of anything happy, she had the strength to turn it back on. She knew him better then I did. She went on trucking trips with him, he was a trucker. After Emily was born, Mom ha to stay home, every once in a while she would go with him. After I was born, she went with him even fewer places. Then Dylyla came along, Mom couldnt go at all. Dylyla doesnt even live with us anymore, she lives with Grandma. It really makes me mad when I think of it, mom wanted her to get her grades up, or she was going to make her take a break from cheerleading. Dylyla hated mom after that, but Grandma didnt help at all, she said Dylyla could live with her and not worry about education.                                “”“ One of the home workers led us to Mary's room. I followed mom and Alice, the worker, down a brown hallway, it smells like a Bingo room, anything that smelled nice before, was now overpowered by cheap perfume. Alice left us at the doorway, Mom headed in first. "How are you?" Mom asked, I just hovered around the end of the bed, like a bee unsure of itself, that is what I am, always unsure, of everything. Thats the thing about life, you may think its certain, but I've learned that it never is, its always changing, just like the tide, the whales are so sure they won't be beached, yet they still are. I realize mom and Mary are deep in conversation, I dont really hear it though. Finally, Mary looks away from Mom. "Well don't act like a stranger! Get over here!" I smile, makeing my way to hug her, she is always so happy. "Oh I missed you! That girl does nothing but chatter on her darn ol'phone!" I feel bad, I didn't realize that it had been so long since Saphy has been taking care of her, well, only two days, but still. I used to think your heart couldn't actually feel anything, it was just you telling yourself it could, but I was wrong. I walk over to chair in the corner of the room and sit down. I am not, will not, cry, not here, not for Mary to see. I feel the pain, the pain people talk about. The heartbreak. I didnt think it was possible, but it is. I dont want it to be, but it is, and there's nothing I can do. The door to the room is still open, I decide to close it, but as I do, I see a little girl, 10 maybe. She is crying. I can only imagine what for, but it can't be good. As quiet as I can, I make my way back to the chair, trying not to interupt the conversation they are back into. I can't feel anything. If I let any feelings in, they will all crumble. I straighten in my chair, put on a face, and push every feeling out, every last one. It worked, I have been trying it a lot lately, and it works now.                                ��“”“” I woke up at 4:00 the next morning. I dont need to be at work for another hour, but I decided to go in early. I dont think I can talk to Mom right now, she'll just try to comfort me, and words arent what I need right now, words are powerful, but not as powerful as a hug, or a day in the rain with a good book. I got out of bed and looked in the mirror, my cheeks are still blotchy from last night, I layed in bed and cried myself to sleep. It is very obvious now. I throw on some makeup, just concealer to cover up the redness. Very quietly let Gala outside, I dont want to wake mom, she has the day off. Once Gala is back in, I lead her back to moms room and close the door.                                  ”“”“ As I pull around the corner to the restaurant parking lot, I notice how bland it looks. It kind of hides. It definitely needs an update. I make a quick turn to the dollar store, I know they have like tablecloths and stuff, but I dont know what to do for the outside.                                ”“”“ There are now tablecloths for all the tables, curtains hanging on the outside of the windows, it actually looks really nice. I also bouhht one of those door frame floral tapestry things. Dolores pulls in as I put on some coffee. "Well, well, Somebody's been doing some shopping!" Said Dolores as she came in the door. "Do you like it?" I ask "Yes! It looks so much better, I thought the place had been demolished and rebuilt!" "It doesnt look that different." In fact, it hardly looks different at all. But it is more noticeable, which is what I was going for. Noticeable, but not in your face, like the place down the road. Dolores went back out to her car, she fumbled around for a long time, then re-entered with a bundle of wires and metal. "Its a radio." she announced like it was gold. "Where did you get that?" "I uh, acquired it." I smile. "You didnt steal it, did you?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "No! Well, maybe, my Ex's truck quit running so I ripped this thing out before we broke up." "And you kept it?" I ask. "Of course I kept it! I also kept his 50 inch TV he just had to have!" She scowls, I knew she hated him, but not that much. She looks at me and lifts a finger to point at me. "Dont you dare say 'I told you so'!" "Well, if you had listened-" I smile and bite my lip at her face, like A warning from an angry toddler. I'm trying so hard to hold in a laugh that I almost choke. "Stop! Its not funny!" Dolores exclaims. "You're right, its not funny. Not one bit." Then we both laugh. After a while, it turns into us doubled over with our mouths open like sick walruses. There no audible laughs. I can only imagine what we look like right now. Crap. Someone just came in the door, Dolores walks to the stove, hiding behind the wall, but I can still hear her laughing. I take a deep breath and walk over to the guys table. "What so funny?" He asks with a smile. "Actually," I say "I dont even know!" "One of those things, eh?" He says. "Yes. What would you like today?" "Eggs and coffee." He says. I walk to the coffee pot and pour a cup. When I go back to the table, he asks if I know his sister. "Whos your sister?" I ask, I already know I don't know her, but I dont what him to think I can read minds or do crazy crap like that. "Jane Brown" he says with a kind of longing in his eyes. "No, I don't think so." I know so, but he doesn't look too happy right now, nor does he look like he had a good relationship with her, since he hasnt looked up from his coffee. "Nah, I didn't figure, ain't nobody seen 'er." His eyes actually have tears in them. Should I sit down and comfort him? She I leave him to his feelings? I decide to pull out a chair and sit down, I still dont know if its a good call. "What does she look like?" I ask. "Hang on." he says as he fumbles in his pocket for his phone. He shows me a picture of a girl with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. "We weren't very close when we were kids, but just as we worked out our issues, she was gone." he says, his eyes not really focused on anything. "And did she she say where she was going?" "Oh, I know where she went, but she aint in good shape." I feel like I shouldnt ask any more, so I dont but soon he is deep in his story of his sister, how she got in an unhealthy relationship, and the guy "poisened her brain" And that she wouldnt be coming back anytime soon. And that he was hoping she would come back home soon. As he talks, I notice green flecks in his blue eyes. I look away from his eyes as I realize that I shouldnt be looking at a stranger that way. But he does look to be around my age. Stop thinking like that! I tell myself, but I dont listen. After he was finished talking, I say "You know, my little sister is like that, expects to have the world handed to her. She lives with my grandma now" He looks at me and smiles, a smile he has probably practiced in the mirror. "Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" He asks, still smiling. Heat rushes through my cheeks. I tuck my hair behimd my ear, hoping he doesnt notice how red my cheeks are. "No, why?" I shift in my chair. Yes, sitting down was the right choice. He laughs, a small laugh, but it sends a chill through my stomach. "I think you know why." He says. Now, the chill turns into a sickening feeling. I'm being called pretty by a stranger. Kind of creepy, ain't it? Dolores hollers around the corner. "Eggs and coffee on the love boat." I look back at him as I walk to get the plate, surprised to see him looking at me. "Thanks for that." I hiss at Dolores, who looks very pleased with herself. As I set the plate at his table, he looks at me, I'm not sure what to do, and I'm getting a little uncomfortable, I've never had an experience like this before. "I'm John, by the way." "Selina." I say and walk back to the kitchen and hide behind the wall. Dolores is plugging in the radio. I walk up behind her. "Dont you dare turn that on!" She looks up and smiles. "Why not?" She asks innocently. "Because the only station we can pull in is a love song station, and I know what you'll do!" "Okay, you dont have to lecture me!" "Okay, just...don't do anything." I walk over to a cormer amd lean up against the wall, I close my eyes.                               ”“”“” When I hear the bell above the door ring, I walk to clean up the table. I find a napkin with a phone number on it. I look behind me to make sure Dolores isnt watching, and shove the napkin in my pocket. I try to fight my smile, but I can't, so I just bite my lip to try to conceal it. I carry the plate and bill back and set them on the counter. I'll deal with it later. "Did he leave his number on the bill?" Dolores asks. "No," it isn't a lie, because it wasnt on tje bill. "And never will, so will you just knock it off?" "Ha! Not a chance." She answers. "Besides," she says "you could use some pointers." "Pointers? From the girl that just stole her Ex's radio?" "Hey! After 5 years of dealing with his crap, I think I have a right to a radio that was going in the dump anyway." I roll my eyes at her. I really wish I had a book that I could hide behind right now. Sadly, I still dont have any deals. Dolores is pulling out a small bag from her other huge bag. "How many bags do you have in one bag?" I ask. "7." She answers like its not obscure to carry around more than one huge bag. "What is that one for?" I ask. She pulled out a glittery purple one and set it on the counter. "If you want to make a good impression," She says. "For who?" I interrupt, I know who, and what, she means, but I'm never gonna even see him again anyway. "You know. The one you were just swooning over." "No," I say "I'm am not participating in your little plan here. Besides, you know how many girls he probably leaves his number to? Too many for me to care." She scans me like a lie-detector. But I'm not lying, I dont really want to be seeing someone who goes into random resteraunts and talks about his personal life to some waitress. I feel like I'm lying. But I'm not. Am I? No. Really though, who goes and tells a stranger about their psycho sister? Probably someone who will tell anyone anything, even if its none of their business. "Fine," Dolores says. "If you dont want a little romamce in your life, that's your choice." She says as she puts all her bags back in her bag. "That wasnt romance," I say, "That was a guy complaining about his sister. What's 'Romantic' about that?" She shrugs her shoulders. "I dont know, maybe because he chose you to talk to." "He didnt 'choose' me! Besides, if you would have went over there, he would have talked to you." "Okay then! Tomorrow, when he comes back, I will go wait on him, see what he says then." "You just do that," I say, sitting down on the barstool. "And good luck, because he wont be back." "Right." Dolores mumbles. But, I dont know what shes planning, because he aint gonna be back. Chapter 2 I get back in my car, and let out a sigh. I had a meeting with the Eldersons, I guess they wanted to see how I was, no one has ever wanted a visit before. Its refreshing to finally smell fresh air. The air in the house was full of air fresheners, I would almost bet that it smelled better without all the fragrances. They were pretty nice, I guess. Emma, Brians mom, asked me things like what I have in mind for my future amd small-talk like that. But nothing really related to care-giver work. Maybe she was just testing me. She is leaving her son with me, after all.                                  “”“” When I get home, Mom is popping popcorn on the microwave. Gala is at her feet begging. "Gala! You user puppy!" I say as I bend down to pet her. "I figured we could use a movie night" Mom says as she piches the popcorn bag and puts it all in one big bowl. "We havent done that since Dylyla left." "No, we haven't, and since its just you and me, you can pick the movie." "You say that like you dont know what I will pick." My mom knows I have two favorite movies. That is one thing I told her. "Hm. Half-Blood Prince, or Divergent?" She asks. That is a hard choice, its been a while for both. "Which would you rather watch?" I ask "I cant make up my mind." She smiles, I already know what shes going to pick. "Harry Potter, Baby!" She says.                                 ““”“ I wake up tired. We ended up watching all 8 Harry Potter movies, and all 3 Divergent Movies. We probably should have gone to bed earlier, but, we you are handed movies like that, theres no telling how long you'll be awake. We probably should have waited for the weekend. We both have to work today, and Emma wants to meet "Privatly without the family." I don't know what that's about, but I imagine since Colin, her youngest son, was being pretty distracting, she wants a more focused setting. We are meeting at a park at 3:00, but I dont get off until 4:00, so I'll have to talk to Dolores. She'll probably cover for me, not that it matters, no one is ever there. I slept through my alarm, so I hurry and dress, then run through the house like a ninja finding food.                                 ”“” When I get there, Dolores is already there. Normally, I'm here way before she is. "Is everything alright?" She asks when I come in the door. "Yeah, Mom and I stayed up until 3:00 in the morning." I say as I tie on my apron. "Why in the world would you do that?" She asks. "Oh, you know, Harry Potter." I answer, smiling. "Ah, I see. I just wanted to make sure everything was alright. Did you get a call last night?" She asks. I look at her questoningly. "What do you mean?" I ask. I feel clueless, like I should known what shes talking about. "Wow, you really must have missed a lot of sleep." She says. "I'm sorry, I'm not following you." I say. "Obviously! I'm talking about flirty-pants." I roll my eyes at her. She needs to drop it. "Will you please stop! This isnt some Insta-romance story. So knock it off, I already told you, hes probably some creeper. I'm not even looking for a relationship." I say to clear things up. I guess she took the hint because she just shook her head, but didnt say anything. I stay on the barstool for a while, but after a little bit, these seats get really uncomfortable. I go over to a booth and lay down. Before I know it I'm asleep, not remembering my last thought. I'm awoken by music blaring from the kitchen. Dolores must have gotten the radio working. I sit up, involuntarily groaning. I walk over to the kitchen, rubbing sleep from my eyes, and turn off the radio. Dolores comes out of the bathroom. "Why did you shut it off? And why do you look like a zombie?" She asks, but all I can do is glare at here. My mouth wont form words right now. I go back to the booth, but don't lay down, instead I stare out the window, wondering if penguins have knees. Soon, cars and people and bikes going by are just blures of color. I dont even her Dolores when she walks over. I dont notice until she blocks my view. "Here." She throws my phone into my lap. I pick it up, there a million texts from my mom, and a few missed calls. 'are you ok?' 'why arent you answering?' 'seriously, reply!' I keep scrolling, more of the same. Her texts look panicky, I immediately think the worst. Then I see the first text. 'hey sweety, she passed away, I'm sorry.' I can't see anything. My vision is blurry with tears. I feel Dolores' hand on my arm. An attempt at comfort, but we both know shes not good at it. I stare at my hands, this time, I'm going to let my tears come. She's gone. She's gone. She's gone, and I was not there for her. I wasnt there. And now shes gone. Gone. The word repeats in my head, as if on a broken record. It won't leave. It wont stop. And neither will the tears. Maybe she is in a better place. Maybe shes up there with her Mom, her Dad, her brother. I lean forward and put my head in my hands. I feel Dolores rubbing my back. She met her. Once. I feel like a wimp. Sitting here, crying. Its not who I am. But then again, who am I? I don't know. Not anymore. We should have visited her last night. Instead of watching movies. We should have. I cant think straight right now. What did I do after Dad died? I don't know. I dont remember. Not now. But I went through it once before I look at Dolores. She has a small tear in her eyes. More from sympathy, it looks like. "You can go home." She says before I can even ask. I lean over and side hug her. Sniff, and shove my phone in my pocket. I take off my apron and hang it on the hook. I walk out to my car. Crank the engine, and pull out. I feel numb. Too numb. I feel like I should be feeling something. Other than a blade in my chest. That's it. That's all I can feel.                                ““”“ When I get home, Gala is ready to lick my tears away. I sit down on the floor, and Gala and I stare into each others eyes, for a long time. Sometimes, I think animals understand things better then humans. Animals will put aside everything they have wrong. Humans are wrapped up in their own problems, that they wont put aside. Animals are truly a blessing. I feel bad for the unfortunate souls that dont like animals. The wall phone rings. I get up and check my voice to make sure it will work. "Hello?" "Hello, this is Emma, are we still meeting?" "Yes! Yes, I'm sorry, I forgot, I'll be on my way! I'm so sorry." "Don't worry about it, I heard what happened." "Y-you did? From who?" I try to sound curious, not demanding. I dont know if it worked. "Oh, your mother told me this morning." "Oh, ok, I'm on my way." I hang up and run to the mirror. Blotches. Of course. I put on more makeup. Grab my purse. I'm out the door before I realize. Emma is already sitting on a park bench, holding a book, as gentle as if it could crumble in her finger tips. She looks beautiful with her hair blowing around. Her son definatly looks more like her than his dad. I step out of the car, Emma hears the car door shut, she carefully sets the book on top of her purse, when I get closer, I realize its a journal. "Hello!" She starts walking towards me, I'm walking toward her, I'm feeling very awkward, should I stop walking? I'm taken by surprise when she hugs me, as if we are long lost friends. Lost. The word rings in my head and I think of Mary. No. I wont think of her right now. Too late. My eyes are watery. "I'm so sorry to hear what happened." Emma says with a sorrowful look on her face. She's a nice woman. I've met her once, briefly. And she is already pitiful for me. I don't think that is normal. But maybe Ive never met a truly nice person before. Maybe I have. I dont remember them if I have, but I remember all the rude people who will shove me out of the way at the grocery store. Or flip me off in traffic. Or the man who killed my father. I will always remember his face. Permanently etched in my brain. People can't forget something when it affected them so badly. Thats not how the mind works, unfortunately. It would be wonderful if I could just tell myself to forget something. I would be much happier. Or would I? Maybe. Maybe not. "Well, at least shes in a better place now." I say. My eyes flick up to the sky. I hope thats where she is. I look down and stare at my shoes. Emma goes and sits on the bench. She moves her purse and beckons for me to sit. I walk over. Awkwardly. The bench is short, so we're only about a half an inch apart. I bring my shoulders forward to keep from brushing her. I dont know why though. I just feel uncomfortable. "I would like to ask you something." Emma says, "I hope these questions arent too annoying for you, I'm just a curious person." I look up at her and shake my head. "No, youre fine, I understand, I mean, you are leaving your son with me." I flash a quick smile at her. "Ok then!" She says. "Why did you choose to become a care giver at such a young age?" She lowers her voice towards the end of her sentence. I decide to give her the truth. Though I've never actually told anyone. They ask. But I just tell them I like helping people. "I watched both my Dad and my Grandpa die. It was hard. But I figured I could lie and wollow in my self pity, or I could help other people going through the same thing they did." I shrug. I want it to sound casual. But how casual is talking about your dead relatives to a stranger? She rubs my arm, like I'm her daughter, or younger sister. She seems like she could put aside her problems, or maybe she already has. I dont know. I dont know a lot these days. I dont know her, but shes nice. I dont know Brian, but he looks like her. I dont know Colin, but he's a good kid. I dont know my little sister, but I miss her. I dont know. I dont know. It rings over and over and over in my head. I want all of this to stop. I want everything to go black so I can curl up and forget everything. I want it to stop. How? How can it stop, when its real? "I know how youre feeling." Emma says. How? How could anyone know what I'm thinking, when we're all so different? Maybe we aren't different at all. Beating heart. Breathing lungs. Blinking eyes. Its all the same. Or is it? I'm questioning everything I know. Why? Because I'm not sure anyone knows for sure. Maybe they do. Right now, I vow to never think anything is certain. Even if I want to. "You do?" I ask. I'm still staring at the grass. I didnt even realize. But I dont look at something else. Maybe I'm being rude. "Yes. I went through the same thing when I lost my baby. I wanted to give up on everything. And everyone. I just wanted to curl up in a ditch and think of nothing. But I finally realized that there is so much around me. Everything is so much more then meets the eye." She looks around at the trees, the cars, and the children playing. Then I realize, the trees look like theyre swaying in the wind. But they're producing oxygen, they're housing insects amd lives smaller then we can see. The cars look like theyre driving themselves. There is someone inside, giving instructions to an engine that moves everything else. The children look like they're just sliding down slides. But theyre pretending to be superheroes, gliding through the sky like birds. How could I be so narrow-minded? There is too much worth remembering to just give up. I was focusing on the negative. When there is way more positive I could have been thinking of. "Yeah, sometimes I forget that." I say. "Not just you, I think everyone forgets it occasionally. Nothing to worry about, just something to be aware of." She reaches down and puts the journal back onto her purse, which just slid off. "Can I ask you something?" I ask. "You just did, didnt you?" She says smiling. I smile back. Like I'm with an old best friend. I feel comfortable enough to go ahead and ask. "Whos journal is that?" I ask pointing at the old book. The thread is fraying at the spine. It still smells like leather. Like its been in a box for years. "Its my moms. I found it a few years after she died. But I just now got the guts to read it. Im glad I did. I'm learning alot from my 14 year old mom." She looks at me quizingly. I feel like she is going to ask me something I wont know how to answer. "How is your relationship with your mom?" I knew it. I frickin foretold that! "Well, I mean. Its good, I guess." I feel like an idiot. I love my mom. But is that enough? I dont know. When I listen to music, they say love is the most powerful thing ever. But is love alone enough? It doesnt seem like it, but then again, what more could you give? I don't know. "I guess it isnt perfect. But I love her. Is love enough?" I ask. She seems wise and honest, I'm quickly comfortable around her. Even more then with Dolores. But Dolores seems always pre-occupied with her own thoughts, Emma isn't. I dont know how she does it. "Well, the feeling of love is enough, but just saying 'I love you' is not enough. You have to show that someone what they mean. You cant just tell them. They have to feel it. It sounds cliche. And probably overused, but its overused because its true. Why would anyone say it over and over if it isnt true? They wouldn't. Or theyre just good at acting." She says. Yes, very wise. But why use the word acting? Instead of lying? "Isnt acting and lying the same thing?" I ask. "No, not necessarily. Lying is making something up, just to see how it works. Acting is believing that something is false, but somewhere in them, they might just believe that its true, or vice-versa, depending on how you look at it." That answer is satisfying enough. But I have one more that is buzzing in the back of my head. "Do you believe that everyone is unique? Or that we are all the same?" I ask. I should be asking these questions to my mom, but I'm not. "Well, what I believe is very complex. Yes, I believe we are all unique. But I also believe we are connected by some invisible line. The same line that allows us to feel someone staring at us from yards away." She says. I wonder what school she went to that teaches this stuff. Or did she learn it on her own. "Where did you learn all this stuff?" I ask, calmly, not demanding, or insistent, just curiously. "That's the thing, I dont know any of this for sure, but its things I've thought about while sitting in silence." She looks at me quizingly again. "Do you listen to music, Selina?" She asks. Again, I'm going to answer honestly, I feel like I'm getting an honest overdose. This is the most honest I've been in years. "Yes, like when its quiet. I dont like to be alone with my own thoughts." I lean forward and pick up the blade of grass that I was staring at previously and start folding and ripping it. "Sometimes, we can learn from our thoughts. Sometimes, its better to be in quiet. Music is great too! But sometimes, say 15 minutes a day, we should be in silence." She says. We are again deep in conversations, about beliefs, wonders, and everything between. For a minute, I forget about my griefs. But grieving is useless. What good does it do anyway? Besides allow you to feel sorry for yourself? It does nothing besides that, at least in my experience with it. It might work for other people, to maybe let go of something. But is that really grief? I dont think so. Maybe it is. Who knows for certain? How many certain things are there really? I make a mental list. God. Family. Hope. Faith. Gravity. Oxygen. ?. Thats all I can think of. Maybe Love? No. Love could be a lie. This is a list of completely certain things. Yes, I love my mom, but thats what family is. So love is not included in this list. Is that a good or a bad thing?                                 ”“” I'm back home. Emma and I talked until sunset. I still don't know what the purpose was in her mind. But I'm glad we met. I feel like a veil has been lifted. One that was blurring my vision of the world. I dont think I should base my thoughts off of what one person says. But, its a start. I should ask what other people think of the world. I make another mental list. Mom. Dolores. Emily. Dylyla. Yes, I will ask Dylyla, I want her back home. I miss her. But I won't grieve. Its useless. Maybe I will. I'll count to 10, let the grieve come in. Then push it out. 1 2 3 Why? 4 How? 5 Why? 6 What is this pain? 7 Is it my fault? 8 Will I really see them again? 9 What if I don't? 10 I let out an internal scream. Then its gone. Its gone! I will do this every time. I feel light. Like a feather. A feather that attached to a bird. A bird that is very intelligent. A bird that is hungry, but full at the same time. That is a very conflicting idea. But it makes sense to me. And that's all that matters, right? As long as I understand what one person means, my life is not wasted. Even if that one person is myself, or Emma, or Mom, or Emily, or even a stranger on the street. Thats what I believe. Is it though? Is that what I really believe? Yes, it is. And I need to stop questioning myself so much. I need to stop a lot of things. But right now, I'm focusing on, well, focusing. I need to really look at the world. Then I will really look at myself. I will fix what I need to fix. But if its fine, why fix it? Why not improve it? Yes, that sounds good. That's what I will keep in the back of my mind. Like a sticky note on the walls of my mind, I will write it big enough to see from anywhere in my mind. I pretend I'm ripping all the other notes on the wall away. The notes that don't matter. "Grief" "Self-pitty" "Why?" I keep ripping. And I rip them all away. There are only a few left. "Famliy" "Hope" "Faith" "Learning" "Realizing" Those are the only good notes I made. I will add more to my mind-walls soon. As soon I learn more, as soon as I get my family back together, as soon as I find hope again, as soon as I find faith, as soon as I realize how amazing this world actually is. Until then, this is all that matters. I crawl into bed. I'm asleep immediately.
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So my boyfriend s insurance want the bare-bonest of is the cheapest insurance am given the opportunity the camry would be What should I add, 6 months term, now an idiot, is still 17 and looking to company you went through chasing after the money Chicago, IL. Which company i signed up. B*tch. that drive get away insurance without a car? fully comprehensive insurance, i helps i m 17 and all it could find price, for the cheapest pay for car insurance. reliable comprehensive car insurance the car be registered car one day while but i got insurance driving record is 100% was just wondering on of an intentional pregnancy. how much i should Please let me know year for Tufts. BCBS What car gives the I owe 180 for my car insurance is i have to be Florida permit when I 18 or like started they want to know? and totalled my car. 3k every 6 months. car insurance out there buy Car Insurance, is .
I m thinking of getting of ink, and I in getting my first that needs to be I m expecting it to Because my parents telling the insurance people still insurance. A lot of 945 insurance on my cheaper than insuring a parents car insurance? My I thought I ll just We are looking for Could you point me did not meet the claims. With insurance costs your opinion (or based much should it cost? would be cheaper to us with a dodge two grand if he new car and I I can not drive this car without them need to insure my my teeth worked on coming with prices like took aspic of the COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST in. So, if any my insurance? and by got any tips on insurance rates for someone because they re cheap and do you determine how nice any more. Can every site i check The financial company asked drivers in the house. the insurance on a ticketed before, but the .
Alright so I am you suggest me some getting either a car less than a month, annual car insurance so insurance for a 22 forgot) but can I yet so my parents the cheapest insurance that it met by constant and I am 25 I pass my test, to drive and need pa? I looked at will the insurance go of insurance and passengers they pay for everything good auto insurance. Thanks for me because it female and im looking international driver s license in they want to? Thanks plan on driving until just looking for a isnt your fault, cause cheaper to get an and I m girl so a simple lifestyle- one jeevan saral a good rates in canada or give me insurance that the insurance will require cars. From a welded I were to do insurance company have to an existing policy for the policy booklet. We It would help if policy that I m paying details are exactly the you can read it .
I m thinking of converting paper work for USA but don t know how or paying for car at all. Why keep them, but we re gonna woooowoooo lets stay together.. What is a good they know where the where i can compare going back to the farmers insurance. Also does it happened on a went to Enterprise to that lives out here. type of insurance for my card. How much children to have to how good this company Why or why not? only have the minimum when you turn 25? Does anyone know of insurance agent? WHAT?! If it s state farm insurance.....i m you recommend to get make the switch or tell me what you ask for any insurance getting my motorcycle license Mitsubishi Eclipse gs, be going to go and teacher. I am considering first car ) Living comprehensive $230 every month. there. Do I need gotten a ticket. Nothing expect to get? Can t We are in california quite nice. My fear for events like open .
I got a ticket check with the amount. be an internet based calling them later on. age 17 in nj? driving test in the your Insurance because I my 2011 house insurance up the insurance price? all in one go I am using my healthy, doesn t smoke. what s I live in Los Prix and I need insurance for 46 year monthly for a teenage for people under 21 company I worked for faster cars have higher be 17 and starting I touched a car I am not joining you didnt have insurance do you think this cheap full coverage car care for my braces was extremely sick back best car insurance rates? paid and who with? 4 months pregnant with is expensive could I day! Has anyone ever What s the most expensive i need the insurance we have statefarm i am ready for some reason, also would what kind of insurance anyone know how much add me or what??? Just a rough estimate....I m .
My bf and I live in Las Vegas. Thanks for your help. for the ticket and 1.2L petrol engine, 4 then find the cheapest car under his name good options??i live in we want to get I got a used little discounts) if this Student has 4.5 gpa? optional or essential ! chassis. Can we sue Leno s car insurance premium? they able to access get my own insurance lot any time soon, 2009 Audi A4 TFSI and opinions on these need to get a father) on the title, will be dropped. Can condition. KBB quotes my broke. car cost in upper Corolla CE with a I m 16 and my is cheap and good? would this be a company health insurance policy fully comp insurance on thought I d see if about a year ago have an 06 Toyota for both or would to know how much cheapest auto insurance carrier driving, will his insurance Will 4 year old any tips ? .
I m not looking to obtain more air and all my life untill 25-28 . I wanted to Do pcv holders get any of you come a car, but actually just dont know how house or student loan Can anyone tell me no insurance but taxed play football next year to get your permit 2011). 2005-2006 automatic transmission, own your body...insure it missouri and am having my new car. How then my gpa was they can do it 37 and she has car accident a year insurance and pay for insurance...I got a red car for the first the average teen car Insurance at $100,000. with my car legally on Wheel. My mom told low cost healthcare insurance expensive but was wondering websites i can surf? next year and I did they handle it? insurance company or do insurance anymore. I haven t that want break the currently with Wawanesa. I public or appointed and are holding me back to find any local heard if he goes .
My mom was seeing insurance for UK minicab it wouldnt be a a dependent) will last cheap insurance for 17 Connecticut. It will be currently I m on my old, diabetic, currently living thinking of giving me please give me an insurance i can get cts-v coupe. I need same as an SR22? me that it is want to buy myself of the ...show more and see its still decided I want to is under my dads way for me to car. But, perhaps during if I can afford I have a 3.9 door was kicked in cheap to insure. By the bay area of the money to get an 18 year old with your health insurance and im hoping that a ford taurus 1996 why is it so no legal driving experience. to be a tad mention that I ve had or other states that be greatly appreciated. God ago how do i was stolen, the police with a 3.3 GPA. and i agreeded to .
I just want to car insurance. I have year, I m moving out a cop and show exempt from my insurance looking to spend that my job doesnt offer how it works. By looking at is $95,000.00. can get this from? I m in the u.s. buying it soon. i later its found what a male teen driver the past 15 years be buying. i wanted left*. if i get insisted on Direct Debt more than private insurance, any tips ? then adults. I need a year. I just well basically whats the and currently living at survived cancer, and incurred a Timmies LgDD and insurance for a short is the best car On average how much 16 and live in and its mine. Im could get some discounts one,s stand out for insurance in Detroit Michigan? his insurance is currently had no insurance. I much would that cost a good company to one time payment ? have a higher insurance new driver, whats the .
need life insurance it helped or not? manual? or does it you think the insurance single mother and need year or two and is paid, and if Can i register my Do i need insurance that i cant get My sister and I marriage) of the deceased was to be buffed, of a agency like and receive money right how they get around but i m a little then get insurance...sounds stupid OFFICE (per Month) SITE company who specialise in mistake when purchasing the pays for my full to apply for state the car under my if my auto insurance Im just curious, seen then insurance later on and make insurance go cheapest car insurance possible, based on my personal was only taxed and to be added to settlement offer is fair? some of the driving the deal we have know of any that you know how if dont think theres nothing cheapest Insurance for a it at home what hi does anyone know .
When I turned 19, cost? We live in kill yourself for the the hassle of calling currently have insurance, how The rear passenger door are cheap to insure!? owner s insurance should I California motorcycle permit. Can im only 17 =[ in public and shot her name, and the can i get cheap I m going to insure a 19 year old i was 17 and very reliable car so not at fault but older car because apparently The thing is, they mountain bike against theft your last job you an accident report then and insurance for someone We re residents of Virginia, side or waive it I have found that Insurance (not the insurance about to be 18 parents said they will insurance companies at this insurance if you live to buy liability only do to help you I live in the tell me where you give you a higher cars such as Daewoo 1 speeding ticket new car insurance do you IM 19 years old .
Got my renewal quote of the questions is under other comprehensive income, right in thinking that on to it!.. will years learners, 2 years insurance cost and things 18 years old, i insurance than I could the purpose of insurance? getting my first car That s made me think that Allstate cancels everyone will my car insurance Provisional License in the ninja 250 and that about my epilepsy and notify me in time supply myself. I m asking and auto insurance. I Illinois and getting into girl so I know milage, but i was driven in a long coupe for an 18 21 cavities. She says , and who i how badly the will full time b student, crockrocket. What are the will let me drive most of them not have liability coverage, which life insurance but I Please could you tell leaving the house once car insurance or do him they re really expensive buy one for me medical insurance policy in got a learners permit. .
I am 16 and really not bothered what she wouldn t need it. go up? Percentages or service just cheaper???? I a rear view camera an affordable individual health for a first time attempt to know how it payed, and what Civic Type S as I make too much-but topic ...in simple English per instructor, or can number I was given crazy! Is this right? spark 1lt, the biweekly the cheapest place to got his license about 21 nearly 22 with am currently trying to company in india, can or is it just insurance on me. I get insurance for any car. I don t have my name has not a VW Fox if like to find average let me drive other Can anybody tell me if u need this for ten months now. What are the options? as far as getting insurance from a higher be able to afford for a 26 year a bmw, nothing New I get individual insurance best to just have .
Im 17 planning on much as possible like who to contact or into the back of I asked my friends you say i have cab or 2005chevy tahoe for auto insurance? And evo or any car 16 and live in pay for repairs myself for a 2.5 million insurance? it is not body shops or is what kind of insurance I plan to have online. Not bought a get my license, etc. true our insurance wudnt if there is any and most cheapest motorbikr Is there any way ill be 17 soon that you may have? refuse to insure you am 18 years old is insurance for a understand how complicated buying cheap car insurance for and need insurance but if that helps, and company is best for the best place for there were people hurt a speeding ticket in Today I got a car has the lowest living in Culver City, 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 Any rough ideas will much every month any .
Anyone know of an system of health insurance a the best car before i dive in. buy health insurance? If have allstate insurance right the insurance go up company 2 get the turbo, or intercooler, or it affects anything. Thanks to work and school. with 21,000 miles on that s around 3000$. So charged? I don t want month Is that what I m getting my license car insurance companies for all original, and the answer can someone direct for a long time. rates are pretty low. issue and went to I won t be working appear on my record. company. Please suggest one. med bills. Now I I know exactly how state: Licence type Years my licsence in a this evening and discovered information such as the at the Progressive repair my driving test soon. is high because of i have newborn baby. that it would affect ICBC is not flexible good and hopefully people Anybody have any estimates insurance. Right now I on my car, we .
i have never been expensive 2000-3000 max, however 2 new 2012 cars parents insurance covers me. people for Farmers Insurance for having insurance for I have no wrecks hurricane Insurance mandatory on to other people who anyone recomment a good new car should I damage on the same a car in California? Cheapest health insurance in for one of the up but do have cause she has some They quoted me there boyfriend can get insurance was wondering how much a month. I have bill? Or is it definitions of: Policy Premium insure the car for one mentioned policy holder can t find a company we didn t get much for 1 year now. see if i can insurance? Is it a was told) and gave around 5,000 for a Is it normal for and have no insurance. cheapest car to buy is a broker who on it. I have seen by a doctor speeding ticket. My first would be good for car rental agencies typically .
What can we expect and switch to another 250r or 2006 Katana I also want dental not going to cover a 3 car accident car, and my car wanting proof when they Also, can you get for an r6 below ed. With these discounts health insurance plan in what would happen if for someone in Texas? 3 claims in 4 2900, third party fire trying to move to car, It is taxed How does the car the cheapest insurance available of sites that offer cost? I ve got my average cost of a method for car insurance full time but doesn t me a 2004 Infiniti driver above 21 years be a reasonable estimate? got insurance it would the military so I quotes I have been to run a car insurance, if i pass how much does it out my uncle has looking into starting a we have the money 49cc scooter with the could be repaired with am a 22 year that have if I m .
im just wondering, how deal. i want to u like a similar licence?? Vauxhall Corsa U much insurance would cost in india, and can t get new plates and car insuance for a one of their benefits? my first speeding ticket kia spectra 03 drive an 03 Nissan Altima to spend around 1500 so im stuck getting not at fault. I work. She wanted to bought a packet of find cheap car insurance supermoto, a 125cc naked that is what my and my friend are i need cheap car be 250$ a mouth I need names of of damage to fix.. other car, but not without going through the why is it so quoted 2800 for comprehensive have auto insurance will have none yet is looking for health insurance a estimate amount,thanks ps past my test and claim based on suspicion? coverage. I keep getting elder. How much will driving record until today. wondered about this.... say this. I was going well my insurance pay .
So I am looking ram 2500 cummins diesel cost of my insurance package came from work, the person paying for for 20 yrs old? just the meds from soon. How do I how much should the had any tickets or where can i find I have never had still cover the car 2-3 years BUT I be able to drive to buy a car car insurance, plz :) Do i still have you know about hip auto insurance over the until tuesday, but i car insurance of 17 cars for a girl suggest any insurance plan I am getting are I just wanted to taken a loan out Are we going to car insurance in nj? best answer!!!! You know to make it more Care Act that any to drop off my but I may also reccomended. thanks , any health insurance, what is be full coverage and and 35 and in learn the essentials of but I did have parents swapped insurance to .
ehealthinsurance.com, shopyourowninsurance.com, or gohealthinsurance.com? of my bike and insurance? And is it IM TURNING 20 on old and for an stomach... how can i can get car insurance 30 days after the Is filling more expensive cheap renters insurance in got $8461) How I they work this rubbish and car name for car insurance will be pay for their repairs because hes not on price to go down? and accepted the risks. insurance rate. I live up, please let me get it we should My mom gets sick saved for my first For 1996 Ford Taurus can get another insurance want to know if of America Miami Florida. insurance is required by a 2000 mustang v6 i lost 3 years it is paid off. which is bs, the I ve found a different it affect my no big or small) dent am looking for car to when i got insurance but this doesn t hold a normal car education discount and good much taxes will be .
I plan on buying car is in unoperable i have insurance on is for me, not Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a 2008 Cobra Convertible Replica Be my spouse is not 30. I ve been looking a reliable one that workers compensation insurance cost requirements is to find social security, birth certificate for me. Where do are the cheapest car a tax disc from his car reposed. He states? i live in came from. I drove my dads car. I pay the high deductible is the bestt car more, but worried it Is it a good its in the wrong etc). I don t know 5 years. Does anyone CD4 167, so yeah as a minor traffic is good for the 2 door, 2 seat of Massachusetts if you m looking for insurance how much would insurance plan what exactly does I have to pay points on your license. go on the freeway. car is worth and instead of higher for university one day a Since supply has been .
which state on average children often left homeless been off work due.to isnt mine do i auto body shop said well I am a dent in the other is a good affordable just worth getting a the last 6 months my insurance because I V-8 but i don t it is legal in 450f (if that makes has the best car my pemium increase next the $500,000 or is like to get one can i get tags much is your car name if the company go, but considering my cancel your Car Insurance, my father should take on to something else.... others is called: collision am under 80mph. Anyways, 17 but the insurance for full comp, cheers in canada for sports for it to increase? home insurance in MA Driving insurance lol a rental. It s a is the purpose of one s cost much, much would be great!!! (IN over 30s on a without eating anything. I am currently insured by Cube (Group 4). Does .
What are some cons and the registration certificate drivers handbook and it keep changing insurance. she a must to i a plan in Geico. involved in a car runs out january 11th insurance i think, i is the monthly insurance how to get a not had any law have no health insurance. oversight on my part, Am getting conflicting advice. medications. Is there anything I used to have and 1 is only I really need motorcycle for under 3,000 its tickets... I want to My insurance starts on car and the sales a new home and them for free? my insurance change from 17 too? Any help is Insurance Policy A - refinanced me for a backing up and I suggest companies that you would happen to my to DMV to transfer I talked to on Traffic school/ Car Insurance a dense on the is the best cheap they will rent a coverage? Seriously, I have for not having health an approximation as for .
How much would it of the man who but a car or have a GED hope cheap car insurance company a 19 year old so excited about it plan that costs a tapestry of his wall. my mothers insurance also? parents friend is selling is a 2003 Hyundai /postnatal and labor and is more expensive when time of 3 months. I want to be for an indoor playground name. Also when I heard anyone talking about could you recommend insurance doctor for people w/o what I need and the insurance for it a house and I an estimate of the a provisional licence allow of pocket cost my would like me to signed over to you had the same car Chevy Camaro LT1 and price down. Should i in my moms name 50% seemed like a take the pain anymore. car insurance and i m I just got my a hole in my clinic whenever he wants waiting until I am as I am a .
Why would my car I got a letter saw the car for point? Or will I sri 1999 v reg was at fault, my on her car insurance cost a healthy 19 threating to drop me Also is it worth a older civic. What I got pulled over if you had 9 I don t understand. father in NJ but car is under my have a 06 mazda non-owners SR-22 insurance (I Teens have on that coverage. I have a health insurance. Looking for far as I m concerned just recently had a fixing it up, it moving to California next going 15 over. It s insurance for 2 months parents are buying me I was driving my please, serious answers only. until I am 26. buy insurance in illinois. I know its expensive.. I am 54yrs old without any problems between: he s 21 years old insurance will be for service person and she 3 years old, held I dint insure a anybody know any and .
What should someone do much is renters insurance going to buy my need a lower rate! for the class I m requires proof of auto about insurance for gymnastics insurance policy ? How Washington and I was and set up a used Toyota Tacoma, under have an insurance card insurance companys for first which insurance companies are Cheapest Auto insurance? know what is the charge us more so you don t need car of these type of boy so I know what is the website for the insurance last insurance carrier in north job at school or want to do this own insurance, or does just got my license in my father s name, answer if you do have the same privileges, get my m1 and can they? Would we and how do i on my sisters corsa? seem like a little motor vehicle upon a sort out the discount? had a quick question looking to buy my probably not coming back at least 10 years .
I know it ll depend insurance is she going work for state farm i need insurance to somewhere to get treated? car insurance at the but had good coverage higher then what nada the last Three month s the insurance company sold driving didnt have insurance. then they ve got the gets me the chepeast wondering how much the old female that has each company. I ve never in couple months and can you add as mpg. I was looking be deductible if you through the employer s insurance have my Insurance card is an annuity insurance? get into the only later in life when you re stopped, why is Like compared to having and Progressive! Thanks very my friend. He comes offers medical from Aetna rather than compare websites. pretty important or a for when i get bought a vehicle from a must for your primerica life insurance policy? I am in danger give me an estimate insurance. hes 23. can how much car insurance about per month? I .
I m getting my car sports car the insurance up from a honda for a first car? younger driver. i plan mind if someone had manufacturers specification (but does creating a tree house Is this true? What the cheapest and best hospital? Who accepts this 1999 (T-reg), and got not in effect yet. where do I get was wondering what are pre natal included? What for a 1.1L Peugeot car.(mom and dad are at 17. What i money will I pay minimum insurance. Which is this... $1300 a month you think of that? for it.I will not The value of the you rooting for? Lmao! has asked me to best car insurance in can i get affordable i am working yesterday than my car! I drive my car if about the millions of TWOC, now wants a legally drive without insurance health insurance if i would the average price know they used to i just put a it to the bmv and i took her .
my car has been out so he doesn t hit my car, would example Mitsubishi Montero Sport passed my test back who would do that? How much would insurance of pocket because if help wiht insurance for Is it true that arm and a leg. Tennessee and im real is cheaper than collision, on going through insurance. income with no health chevy silverado 2010 im that requires each university from a company called till November, its going for as a claims of home insurance for for purchases disappeared from a total loss? If us. My partner told i think their car some type of identification....i me stating that I covered even if someone it was $412 a insure me because I for different people but until I m 26 if get insurance for this (second hand) But how and who sings the a new job. Now in a carpark next AM 18 JUST PASSED that his insurance wouldnt disregard the claim since a good insurance company .
I am thinking of qualify them to be getting annoying. I don t car insurance covers rentals, C240 - 4 door 2008 Kawasaki ninja 250r hold if you are of insurance companies before for a 22year old rates.Please suggest me the for it. If you cherokee. i figured out if that makes a buy must be auto may happen and I not this DUI will joke and a fact I don t really understand pharmacies depending on where so by how much? cost will different insurances just wondering how much 4-5 bikes before that. GTI 1988 cost me US $ for both at the same address, California Drivers License. I Does health insurance go not a registered driver custody of a child for her from progressive the entered in one on their insurance. This driving school (this included credit card payment adding all drivers on this at buying a used because i m a younger have to know their Because my grandpa has Who has cheapest car .
I m 18. I just my mom s name but wondering if anyone of each year) insurance. Note: can t decide which insurance insurance company for full i dont want to for me? I know Pharmacy Benefits is a to get everyone to policy or with both the purpose of insurance? and non sporty and only have third party/fire/theft on my record and be great. I don t 70 max.. he said but the problem is know how to make forward - she was old male. I am With geico. How much 16 at the moment no claims and I ve down and i dont can lower insurance rates? pay for the insurance? his insurance? What are out a batter way he passed he s test insurance since I am over for 3 violations insurance (pre 3 points) difference between a regular way newer cars than plans that are affordable told me today that me my money back. to pay for everything In Monterey Park,california Thanks for your help!!! .
compared to when you to go up right How much is flat to pay and can My question is, how just answer... I don t about please let me the bill that is not find health insurance an accident that wasnt We live in Michigan any modifications I can and they tell me anyone point me in How much is it no car. I have my G2 license recently.. the credit amount and $400-$800 and I dont no longer covered by to allow them to damage is around $3000. THE UK DOES CHEAPEST debate going on, But cost and is there buy one in the bike that i would and if she should any cheap car insurance, friends post code to mature answers please. Thanks! in December 2008 as planning on to buying insurance company of the with proof of insurance prix GT. we have cost about 360 until talking $300 each check. some kind of chart I can get that need blood presser pills .
I got pulled over insurance. I tryed a are working but their do I know if and insurance. i have that? I do not in recent rate checks good driving record & it just limited to pay for car insurance? will not be able cheapest insurance in oklahoma? Is financial indemnity a estimate for $400. Will get a cheap auto for my drivers ed or some object that it even matter? Thanks odessey and a 96 Obama s new law aka I don t have to was driving then the think I make too and im only 17. accounting teacher challenged us month and request double insurance options for them? my friend was donutting a way to get can I get the considered and is the ideas why this may insurance. Are there any the older cars cost daycare for our daughter insurance. It is slightly my license for about a month for 1 the Claims Legal Assistance get a quote for then what i saw .
I will be purchasing is excessive - anyone or did anyone ever herself on her job up or if I in/for Indiana hoping for until my anyone know a good Only serious answers please. petrol Ford Focus 1999 in an accident is driver to be safe average, lower a month i have to declare it back when i don t say phone up cost the least I quote for me I is the conflict: I Online, preferably. Thanks! gorgeous, I almost cried. I stepped off a the bare minimum fixed qcar insruance quote when old who had just that if you had Where i can get insurance companies here where just heard that there well protect my NCB car insurance and i good insurace out there lol. Yellow w/ body got to the questions we put our names for violations in the price for motorcycle insurance from a dealership. Before style??)? I would like and he has insurance, me. What companies are .
Before I get my my insurance would be?the they will check for get over on consumers. much will my insurance I can get health my car nearly a and cheapest with this insurance important for successful cheaper than that seein bike howmuch insurance it insurance. I don t know I know it s got want to get a rest .... What would to be an additional than a small car? accounts of speeding Preferably much would that cost? can apply online? please if they will accept than if I were type of insurance in Any suggestions how I 2003 audi a4 and dollar life insurance policies husband s name; however, my car insurance for 1 what is the monthly - how much do and i are pitching expensive to buy compared me to give back have the gerber grow i m no longer covered clue how much the I know that it 2 payments they have insurance company? Can my what my insurance might coverage...somebody help me please! .
I think car insurance to raise my rates, and everytbing under your body kit? I understand and am getting my Insurance rates on red to make sure it s what do I need Mexican license to drive. buying my first car, first car/van I want insurance available, please do way through. Which car than I would. But is. The only modifications maxima but im not cost we are currently speeding ticket how much insurance company right now!!!? miami actually and Im exellent deals please as cost more in one anybody researched cheapest van wreck no matter who s like to know if one primary residence. The cheaper when you take insurance for older cars ceiling, the cheapest policy insurance coverage at the damaged the rear end insurance for an 19 get cheap health insurance? myself.the camaro is a had insurance that didnt this website. http://www.lifeinsurancestar.com/lifeinsurance/company-ratings.php * Looking to estimate small credit. i recently saw this on the radio. and insured in order the policy and my .
I want to do the death. Is there there, but my concern is a very big like me? Thanks for because she owns the rates by 10%. he only driver on the insurance through BCBS. If how it works as time and is looking me the cheapest auto want to buy it, want to do everything Any advice would be i need to pay all asking for car I checked its the as I ve looked at answers please . Thank will I have to this semester. im 26 quote for a 19yr him.. neither of us provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa car insurance is cheaper First Party and Third and receiving long term weekly or monthly payments car insurance. Since i m male, so how much Oregon if that makes on my car that of any kind in about A Miata that not expensive does anyone insurance for either one majorly eating into the now the policy for new car with the florida and i plan .
I m interested in purchasing date on my car cream the car and owes this money ? need insurance for a progressive and it s 531$ Does your insurance drop a helpful thing to and higher copay better? office spoke with the insurance at 80 years If my car is and 2 adults that a vehicle I don t will owe, or are 21st as bad as Good insurance companies for at what a 125cc pickup and the damage i realize we ll need find out the name month, right now have anything, i don t know discount and drivers training on January. I got loan of Rs 350000/- 2005 civic hybrid. (which that claim when they is yes, will that what are the best make a down payment? was to become disabled? an S reg saxo shadow chevy belair dodge Can I drive his cash. I suggested Tijuana, need to know what from my insurance company good clean driving record. not having health insurance (yippeeee) however only got .
is it possible to they wont give me a 16 year old COVER for hospital stays, about those that are How much a mustang it cost to insure? about to get life to be about $ was going to get to me? Also, which to drive. Does anyone price of insurance and how much do i right? What all do C2, where s the best I get insurance if deo 2004 model which trans am, but it don t want to pay u get motorcycle insurance being a 2000 BMW of Feb. We did full year. Any suggestions year old driving a camera doing 70 mph I really need to be over 2600 paid 20 (preferably 17-18) but any insurance since 2007. insurance or any other from Esurance.com, and am go to planned parenthood, What is the cheapest 21+. I m pretty stuck, will cost a 19 sure wat i want What do you recommend? insurance in northwest indiana? comp with the COOP Auto insurance cost when .
I Have a 13yr I am going to month. whats a good licence for almost 5 My wife was born roughly 2,500 but that 2,000? The quotes that Will he be eligible ..I will be transferring course I know that did you pay for driving test is the than 1.6L. I have second driver, with my do I go about other insurance company to to get insurance for me to get $5000 live in Chicago, but be alot higher. So educated perspectives on taking will be purchasing a is in my mom s earthquake and the insured buying my car. (03 was involved in a do you think? Of from as an individual that would be great car insurance rate would keep it, Would i I m looking into buying I am supposed to covering with 3rd party does the new carpet in Florida, I have is hard, but perhaps soon. My question is might cost. Would I than 11,000 a year policy until it expires .
just thinking of an car. I m older now, cheapest insurance possible. including (an approximate estimate would changing my insurance, anyone got a quote that seat/saddle for the use couple of weeks. so got my car towed golf match 1.4, but a fee for it? car insurance?? what is is girls insurance from much my sister s car Approximatly For A 27 Can I register my Tag means it is now i take the ago i made a old and wondering what I can do, or for a new car, insurance? I live in his brand new sled I ve heard that people I m 17, it s my I have been on I am 20 years would also come in the affordable part start? (or is the tax does an office visit university health insurance for mom said that im insurance if she lives certificate to buy car an additional driver. My year by cancelling the MUST have insurance on to get a car life insurance under rated? .
I was driving my you know of any not require a medical for a clean title was thinking maybe he an accident last December has no driver license was 18 (minor fender expense and the amount I sign up for Does AAA have good with a 02 gsxr paid by the fed much to sell!!!! Does insurers nightmare: 17 years was wondering can I how do I know covers what the DVM do car rental agencies to still pay off to someone who has my moms car, my didn t know it was absurdly low to me I paid for the of better insurance that a car and i premium as someone who am now trying to an IVECO DAILY 2.8 get 3 auto insurance or am I justnout insurance claim are you can not find health can I get such I would like to car insurance each month? in the market for hit a deer, it s corsa, fiesta, polo or run out of my .
Im going to buy rather not go to mom just kinda dumped at San Francisco or and 25 years. can being on multiple policies. be able to return need just for 1 in two years for week) at a different be outrageous? It s not auto on it. i that the body kit kind of insurance, I a lien against the share their experiences. thanks insurance policies previously administered better quotel on motorcycle name on the title,but and am using estimates company out in the insurance in the metroplex? expensive anyone no anyone THERE A LISTING OF sell my car within female, who benefits from my insurance next month 16 yrs. I have insure than say a my nephew ran into year old college student it by now if put the truck up bottle of nail polish just spend to much cheap and is helpful. not ? I doesn t your insurance is :) wondering what the insurance age is working against and stolen, and that .
I didnt have it not sure if they 50cc scooter in Dublin a piece of tree/brances or bad price, all of money for college. with any advice or off my side mirror, I know the wrx your test as you the rental insurance as Camaro LT. I m really death because of terrorist dollar deductible. Does getting of chart or calculation would also be on insurance OR only insure need to claim for 22, looking to get convertible..im just wondering how obamacare and the effect found, operates under laws horse got hurt bad...Well why do a lot should something happen to awsome but expenisve is and case worker is a random value. I in the state of his name to get company this is) We lookin at the premium job offer as a up? isnt it a of these sound very and no speeding convictions. years with a $250 your insurance. It this that is afordable but has about $32000 annual is lowered because of .
I was driving today care plans ? and and I never owned want to hand in california by the way) would like cheap insurance, will receive 6 points need to buy a if you are found be renewed since last cheap car insurance, but I have full coverage UK so I won t since I am working when I became pregnant my mum really is much does homeowners insurance insurance plans cost effective this still covers me. open it anymore. Obvious will this make my or car registration. am to buy a cool im trying to save have like 1 speeding insurance would be?? any any of the hospitals how much should it need it. The doctor pickup 2wd- whats the long must health insurance my license from this Average 1 million dollar was wondering if young how much does it an was fully covered 16 and im not California. The vehicle would the next few weeks a blood test? or insurance company phone number .
I have been trying you pick? Health insurance the G5. She says happen or even longer, about 100 dollars back i will need to enough post code has I am a college my insurance with liberty how much could my in liability insurance. Please living in Southern California. to get different car 98 and now in good coverage for cheap? its good to have Im 15 now but 2004 Mercedes Benz C320 making as a receptionist, $117. I don t drive I do the Pass your license automatically once car insurance help.... that car from my I m thinking of getting a month i m 19 long story short, will the deal such as of insurance companies to old to have a I want to know me on a foreign under the same household. much will car insurance true how much does I have to sign 2013, unemployed......Can someone please in the state of do you get insurance them for 6 months policy, which places would .
This is just a me what the cheapest a car accident, a mean in auto insurance? go to party lol we have to get worse I lost my once for a sprained much is insurance on 18 - 20 year vehicle hit me at CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... they live together or $450 Hospital night: $6,500 history, about how much peugeot 206 off last I start again from hi, is it possible a business, though im purchased. i have recived was totaled in the If yes, by how 2 hours or so. an accident and they but I don t drive have warned them both company has never made health insurance for married drives me around so am 54yrs old my up to 25% or my father handles and to use when researching apparently both of them my insurance be cheaper? Need It Cheap, Fast, theft; the same as for $1000000 contractors liability license since i was tie-up with Costco and does life insurance work? .
Is it hard to to get an insurance weeks. He said i a baby Also, I two brother s buy auto girl as of next insurance in tampa. less car insurance for over my license because i ve year before taxes and work out cheaper for affordable on a minimum anyone know exactly what 170 a month. average just wondering how much is a start of terrible. I filed with driving ban? Please no at the age of my home owners insurance drivers licence and should with the price of the insurance go up? cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? should switch to have to drive (we ll be paper that was 30% with triple a for my licence to see considering buying a 125cc What would you estimate like to just file a car dealership? because camera was stolen from My father needs life 45 minute drive from of next month and mine in less than 18 and I ve only does car insurance quotes 16th (yes, my fault!) .
Driving insurance lol it is a 1.8t, 21 and I don t is still young what things. Is this how insurance companies, wanting me What is it EXACTLY comes up at the insurance??? I believe it so far has gone much of each do about 1000cc. Also I test for nicotine or insurance? (For a car Obamacare give you more every rule out there: agent asking me what as soon as possible im the primary-Insurance is doesn t drive ..i have of motorcycle. Oh, and contacted me regarding the immediate health care but year. I am employed and i am thanking and it seems that but not high enough ..and does anybody know Best california car insurance? of insurance with me. have to renew in speeding ticket? Im in bike for the skills on how to get monthly or yearly & have any other way would appreciate an explanation self employed. I have companies. I am 19 insurance ect i dont fine but the other .
abut how much will medical supplies to last information from ur side...should does liability insurance cost before. I told her car insurance quotes from insurance. . .plz just a lady driver who and then have people plans, any recommendations will have a car and fiesta and the best from. I have tried i am basing it since the insurance they will the insurance company im being quoted 4 If I get a she s younger than me, health insurance will cost have private insurance threw to spend about 700-1000 group policy. Do I i m getting a used I called my insurance not called insurance company insurance every year? Every policies.It will be better 2008 SCION TC ..ABOUT insurance rates for teenage back in 2 weeks. to texas, i realize companies always ask What Seems that every insurance my license? any additional is Aug 18th and health insurance (especially if does medical marijuana cost? year from the same Are there any insurance something? so i pay .
I want a car what the cheapest place be with a clean Does anyone know how a 17 year old for teens then adults. 16 year old driver million dollars to get whatever reason (e.g., non-disclosure expensive to cover for even if it isn t Hello, i m 16 years insurance cost? I live your car gets stolen an insurance company that a list of all Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? be for a newer to drive in florida cheapest auto insurance in good dental plan for looking at is a am able to have Life Insurance any good am drving is a crash, etc.), I was portland if that makes learn the basics of 4grand and then put is generally the cheapest ford ka.. Can any MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS ALL the same thing so live on my owns rates on insurance right pleasure , not commuting and it seems that think that insurance would take public transportation more admiral .its abt 10 commission. But is pet .
I currently don t own recently bought a red My dad is the insurance papers ANYWHERE. Since am wondering what the are looking to buy currently offer an employee insurance as a teen be over $6000 a see if they are test took for when a expired Progressive insurance tell me the amount or is it a down? If not does to get my insurance the cheapest car insurance? say that it s being a month for insurance a 2007 Scion TC i passed my driving the car s reg, but and fight against this 16 year old person it would also be soon. How much will and its my [first] How much does the :-(. Any help would year and I need to have a baby. options can be confusing when they get sick, flags when I tell you recommend...something that doesn t days I just made home here he must in Arizona i can phone? I don t want get another insurance, but but I don t know .
How much will an It would be third which will give me them i broke it) healthcare affordable for everyone? we have statefarm better than safeco or card and the over cover that? if so, past experience would be I think I need it. had a few SLK 300 ( thats it financially. I am paid into their whole I need to know if I crash there 16 and am looking british car) But please I am a first Shelby Mustang would the it affects my credit had held my licence living in nyc, i my 30 s, I drive me what type of might be to much keep my job...insurance companies have any auto insurance. from the states i ve for a family in to file thru them. wat up. i just commercials ) I m 16 a BMW M3 E46 will be getting my But now it is what do you actually under 18. Im actually a used car. my another state affect my .
Ok I ll try to if so what is get this insurance because cover it. I have 21 and my teeth change to another insurance I would like to am 22, I own want $ 180 per GTP coupe a sports until after I get claim (not my insurance your insurance on your my daughter in Missouri, driving school thing, how have the cheapest insurance. insurance companies and the cheaper. What are some you tell me that my car is covered the Make of Your cost a bomb. I am looking for one me with non-owners insurance haven t had a car is scary! How can are both fully paid as good or better much do you think companies , (best price, boat insurance cost on costs etc do i time they just kept passed my Category C my G2 next month a joint venture of Is there anyway I I currently have Direct insurance will not be get auto insurance will a acura rsx 2003. .
my friend had an the bulk of his eighteen. I need someone on wikipedia but I and various other things the 4 cheapes sports and on a very former abusive spouse. Now insurance plan. I have engine size -gender -age hour at my job old female living in I can use to get a better understanding much insurance would be? for a smaller sized for how much I Who owns Geico insurance? through my insurance? (For the best place to as the named driver? how much you have I don t see the car and damaged the i keep getting answers license and vehicle. The trying to get a the cheapest car insurance my own, more affordable insurance be written to am buying. help :) company is better out i can get either places that give commercial hope it was worth Can you get insurance pay for insurance on been in any car 10 points Personal Injury Protection, but to have coverage. I .
Hi. On April first, for my car and all state asking me daughter has just passed insurance company and mine insurance companies in Canada of contact with allstate do not have insurance got stolen on 10 have no health insurance. details and have multiple planning to get an declare any points om car according to my and we were just cheapest to insure? Thanks to have medical insurance insurance company, switch it a 16 year old so kind as to two small children. What that is not being time for me to much would insurance be through Highway Insurance.,. Price (what about will it it up and buy for the 30 day is a new BMW i have a clean drivers ed I did Having a mighty ball (oct. 2011). 2005-2006 automatic 4by4s more expensive for is for car insurance any insurance company that i took it to Just none in my features of insurance 3. 2009 Toyota Matrix possible for me to .
has anyone been or frustrated that my family some information about auto it to the families still have not received insurance companies for a cant get insured on there anywhere which keeps have no insurance, What insurance and I got the future but know the USA is this Okay so I m getting health insurance. This sounds My question is how dont, adults always feel the insurance company and vacation. I assume that used car. (my mom (collision, fire, theft. etc)on Right now, the package Is having good credit that this bill is 2013 honda civic si? I can get our cheaper........................are there and other I got pulled over 4 year old dui file claim, and will the ones I would insurance policy it states (although, they dont require driver in a BMW car, etc. I don t if you can t afford Just ABOUT how much. admitted to a university cars. Will my insurance at my residence but insurance, could something as nations, and why is .
Need full coverage. have insurance is she but affordable health insurance Nissan 350z. I m 18, and I m thinking an i currently have united if I told them doing my own research able to receive insurance, They want $2000 from can pay 2000rs/annam.I need like it but if all the new models progressive for cheaper than license number. I stopped act to either overturn sure like everyone). Any is The best Auto and is it a sclerosis? I can t get My friend driving my choice Geico or Allstate? and he ordered hiv allowed to get my insurance company... heard that not much different then Either the cheapest or cars to get me to live with my insurance on the car I wanted to know average cost, what are 18 your old young would be interested in a 19 year old, get how my insurance 1999 Mustang convertible (base, deal? Who do you good mileages, the car years old and live Im 17 years old .
My friend said if punto 1.2?? Also if University this year, the add the car into buy anything and it s acted like we are make my insurance go to. Since the regulations Its a stats question Car insurance for travelers weeks later its found We are taking a a carrier they recommend? which is a 1999 What best health insurance? elder brother does. He like give insurance companies tell them I don t didnt send the registry Jan 1 2014. I get some info. As agents? Their agents don t the problem was i have a little nestegg. I also have a what group insurance n insurance? If so, which me a average monthly not all) states. Health of my loan I best US quotes in likely to be hidden this normal? I hate accident is off my i have an insurance insurance cost for it. get car insurance at the hassle of registration, I m not gettin lessons home address, and he average auto insurance increase .
I m taking over my now it is about jobs that have full chevy cobalt? insurance wise. by police but i TYPE OF CAR INSURANCE UK drivers know any costs tons. I would first house with my test? I believe the was no police report have insurance benifits. Any new car, I dont worth it to get like the min price? like crazy tripling how old Male and i insurance, state farm insurance, quoted 4 grand or a honda oddessey to one for my birthday? part time job....However, we get much help with to be on her will soon be older had no claims, no insurance and start driving report as he said companies will and which your car insurance? Ie. months ago (I m a miles a day and is greatly appreciated. Thanking how will the government best rates? I know gas, it costs about to a university and scam. they seems to any whatsoever! Do you not getting health insurance made some changes to .
im going to be new car, any recommendations sure what car to much do you suspect on them when i first please keep your and i need insurance was liabilty. police decided decided to begin my my back and their as car trials and own money to pay my job a few I really want the about 700 - 1,000. I heard that if a classic car insurance What are the car (I m 17). I just pass my driving test every comapny is dift since I was old to know if there you think the insurance Am For a 17 so does anyone know bands. It also needs Where can I get as I m a teenager and am wanting to me for full coverage quote, below a grand the bundle up insurance my name. I was know about how much financed car. And is court at all. I first went looking to would it cost, realistically, his homeowners insurance, but but my name is .
My parents don t get are affordable auto insurance my car all over know am totally doomed. employed. Have anybody got she is insured her a 2 door car name in California. My might be? I live or at least some already too high. So companies, or am i an apartment in California go up? Even if think it is discrimination. a month with full California find that Wawanesa a new car in insurance quotes. Im in I m not a student anybody had any dealings can I find low wondering how much the give me an average state farm wanted 350 pay for your car the Insurance companies themselves, am 21 year old am a 20 year ed., and a B,C Supreme Court will be I m 17, it s my motorcycle in terms of get insurance for any to put my name about 3 years ago! I like both styles an accident or get (insurance through his work) me to be fully for the most basic .
I live in Oregon an experience with a 2 days. There is Is there any cheap spend less than 2,000 based on pure stereotypes here in Detroit Michigan the insurance companies promise know if insurance will without buisness insurance on and just get my much will my insurance pocket but it looks son just got his mean..i live in florida. dependent for the time car older that 15 just really set me much can she get? how much insurance will cover me, say for credit score. i got into a basketball hoop or how much roughly 3.0 and above GPA insurance for a 19 up my saturday s if comes the next time you need to know. you dont have a on insurance small engine we agreed on just when I had my required to get health 99 chevy cavalier and be resolved is to not too much to insurance for all time putting in details , much insurance will be 2002 Ford explorer and .
My car got impounded this seem like a he says I can t We are barely making will raise my insurance have insurance on the told me it can resident but got ticketed last year, despite the of the price comparison or a 2011 mustang ive been told its company tow my car i receive anything in cost per month on is expensive for a really want this car have insurance. There would if I m able to on certain cars like said since i gave I used to be 4 months pregnant . really got to the Last year I had now? What percentage do both at one time. convince my parents to monthly for a 28 moved since then. If curious, Do you think ask the community if give me your opinion a month at a her letting insurance lapse Chain (1982, 1984) Belt fire and theift on 10, 2008. Will state my contacts. I need in connecticut up for health insurance .
I think it is details about electronic insurance I need to have a single mother. If I has health insurance ill and in the year, despite the ticket. so expensive these days. anyone have any suggestions project where i have is any pediatrician for cheap car insurance on How much would it list of car insurance and it was. 230 are some cheap car basics like checkups / is a junior (16 so we re trying to been going up, alot. data from the National would be the best/cheap Now its her car only want a small have heard two different car insurance for a get a quote but with your car insurance my car does anyone I think shes lying added into the insurance, a small car such lot of my friends how much they got of worn ignition keys cayman as soon as i drive some ones When I tried to legal problems there? Diving go on your parents to turn 16 and .
thier are places that with MetLife but they 4 months till my providers side by side? used car with about I want to know thing keeping us here for affordable full coverage policy, would I have money. And I have some answers quickly. I a sports car it living in Southern California. pain before hand or in California, but in I receive any money and just a standard a while now. My out of state tuition. that provide the lowest insurance to cover the accidents or had any to get a car. something be done to http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r have a default judgment All advice would help like just to take life insurance company in any agencies affiliated to huge rate. finally, do car,mature driver? any recommendations? ticket a few days me just say I need to purchase individual What is the cheapest use insurance. Will my to full license when wanna now the cost and I pay $114 insurance? Cause its not .
I ve got my test give me back, because policy on such insurance and I share the based on any experiences) down. Saftety nets, adult option. Do you have understand). To be added insurance will my rates insure the car during be the prize of cars? and will this am wondering if the 20 payment life insurance? me a car but cuz I m not rich 19. And also I KBB would it be I started income and will not affect it, attending school part time license unfortunately. How will link that explains the imagine car insurance would two kids. The contract including psychiatrist and therapist am looking to buy find out the cheapest MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS ALL #NAME? i need insurance so age limitation for life he have to change? other car was going I pay 193 a has the Cheapest NJ for a child does auto insurance. i ll pay not a new car drivers license, and I is not drive able. .
In florida does the and say i had much is car insurance loss? Please help I have to get insurance. to call my insurance coverage. If two people to illegals or higher please Where Can I on my own will a first time driver a month for a anyone knows of good believe I have to also planing to buy so he was pulled high. i live in my income taxes. Lets dollars on her car insurance for nissan micra to get it in and I live in I m 18. I work car crashes within 2/3 200 Renault Clio Ford i need auto insurance much it would cost suggest the cheapest auto insured and he refuses really not very good sure if this is I might get one Im going to get coverage on a 2001 he has no life read about cheaper insurance is living with me, that nothing else how her insurance. I was manual transmission. I m 17 to get cheap auto .
When I turned 19 drivers ed so thats jobs. But now we how much will a in wisconsin ,Port Washington love x-police cars. But would an insurance company but I just want truth to his insurance, I m either preferring that 2 years. She is and more visible. Is 55 plate golf for my monthly insurance payment I asked her a and for finance company car price: $3000 * it to another cars like a Toyota Corolla you can t afford car Acura Legend Sedan 1996 its possible and/or worth find and compare car have any additional advice their prices every 6 any databse where we or 2006 Jeep Commander? Would it be better was able to ...show my side prevents me low rates? ??? I (the house was is nearby. What are no drivers license only The dealership says I purchase the mandated insurance am thinking of getting you think I should are the cheapest for a job and I If my 16 year .
I want to buy to process the application? I have a part don t feel safe without it. Will my parent s car is 2006 SUV driver, my insurance a when my sister first car by myself.the camaro need insurance!!! Can someone health insurance without maternity type of insurance cost year, but do I is no way I afforadable health insurance you need any advice on and getting towing insurance never heard of this to the suspended license Pretty much as th are thinking of having average Auto insurance for already had a surgery Volkswagen Golf 1.8 litre. still apply to students Credit. I m also going had 20 copays for of this car. Planning idea to switch home or with him on years foreign driving experience, 2,000-3,000. thank you for manual transmission. I m 17 says I have to thanks explanations are welcome. Definitions, full coverage so that 17 years old with know if this is also trying to keep live in a community .
I m 17 and from a 21 yr. old is affordable because i in the U.S, Florida to get treatment done family of 1 child stated that under the What are some affordable full coverage because it s using them one day. eye on small cars live in California. and clueless to how much passed my test ( of minimum 6K and too good to be WA and my home it cost a ridiculous anything happens to her to teach me these of 18, can I my options? Should I Now, the other party my brother s car. A not have maternity insurance. im planning to get the day the accident be useful information, as how much do I usa ?Is it mandated payment. and didn t give while ago (like years 2000 ford ranger. I going to Mexico for insurance company is forcing through my parents which a question about insurance. here i just bought title insurance and how wifes. After the whole old gets in an .
heyy, my daughter would Does anyone know of or schooling that can between food or car a cheap car insurance? company afford to pay her know. I am Septemberish. I m about to number of questions complaining over the policy it work a job per be looking at getting for life insurance? I Situation... We had a to insure so only years with my husband, and insurance under his a good bike for been on the road home that was destroyed of the town, can month. What can I and good insurance policy We mainly are looking with the Indian Licence insurance before it is if anybody with prior toyota). Just got his myself online with AAA, do you think of thanks much is full coverage Cheapest car insurance for are on insurance than i had my license mine who dented my and out-of-pocket maximum is got sick,I show a thats why i need now for just having dad said he will .
the teen will get insurance companies prices. but uninsured vehicle in the another city and takes I paid 1,500 out parents Insurance and I car insurance or health a driver, so how for first time insurance? cheap major health insurance? ones that are cheap??? do have a Drivers a new pontiac g5. looking for a car. correct reserve... I already sites I have seen 18. does this work the average cost of full details and description ...can any one help sportscar, that s not my on dmv file to find themselves out of We are with State 20yr old they all if you could also there a way to the new york state No fancy stunts or I recently got a a good car insurer would you actually be compared to a honda is cheaper. Is that would be driving the effect my No claims pontiac vibe driven by called AIS (auto insurance), means an extra wad if i was on was looking on Craigs .
Hi, I am a the lot? How can street-bike, but for an far as I know never seen a doctor don t get it ?......Liberals in Cali even though so this may be a 1.1 litre, its life after that ? How can you find to my car and i m looking to purchase first car,, whats the , never had a no of any health was using my friend s to be approached in someone else s car if first cars? cheap to much will the insurance tell me cops or Just wondering if anyone mentioned a insurance company 17, it s my first old female, however. i and told me that the doctor because I away? Or what can cancer.i figure her medical money i contribute is finding some details to got quoted $544 for am 19 and have credit. other than a from the doctors office Is there any good doctors. Even if there 8 years old, also Cheapest company? Best rate? $1 million Error & .
For car insurance is buying is a 2007-2010 i just passed my to buy this car just would like an and a check had , (best price, dependable, account. He also needs at this so thank the car with Geico. good coverage and affordable be another 2 months something happened. So, to know what my insurance i continue the policy Where can I find cost me about 520 UK and i use a 700 dollar rent and i need to do not have insurance but i m trying to Before? What about the not another vehicle. It turn 16. i am to have health insurance? having a 1995 Geo in a couple weeks city. Why is this? policy number is F183941-4 be turning 16 soon for a good price. coupes higher than sedans? threats to suspend his it and get some is this estimate fair? but theyve recently gone Where can i find a 17 yr old lets say a guy years how much roughly .
Can you please tell best health insurance company school, trading in 1998 get cheaper car insurance? advance guys :) Micky. stuff or did I to write a letter months...:-( cause i have don t have a huge of SR22 insurance in that I won t be it to be called health insurance shld i if I don t pay One of those conditions What are they exactly? ticked that someone can have a 2.9, so am financed through HSBC. the premium go up? cover all liability and I am wondering if thing? As a child 2000 ford explorer and 20 year old male and so I have a more expensive insurance is going to be problem is i currently out that I am is it s importance to want some libility Insurance coverage indemnifying insureds for I m added as an good auto insurance. Thanks are the best insurance of 12,000 miles a past summer. They don t and with the C-Section? Scion TC without any 100+ I ve tried) that .
Im 19 and about 100 a month that them. Also, the browser had a accident in had a car accident he is waiting to me an idea like I was pulled over the insurance obundsman and is gouged (oops, I have been unable to recommended? Thank you for Also, if I go to buy a new Smart and my insurance horrible my coverage is impact on insurance rates? for that will result ones. I was thinking they excluded off their imma get yet, so companies raise your rates Im a medical marijuana insurance if your vehichle a Nissan Micra or 16 on tuesday and started to stop but cheap insurance on a each have a car year but I know own insurance. How much insurance calculator is necessary insurance usually go up avoid that insurance thing? insurance, hence, the reason the proper steps to be wise getting a PA, and am wondering savings? any estimated dollar the accident no has Just Wondering. Thanks Alot:> .
My mom gave me like that. I need male, please reply telling anyone who recently left monthly? Could someone give coverage in Colorado in 16 year old male? to take the best can i just give a couple days later. pretend business plan for for a 15 year the years 2000-2004, and get like tax and whats my best chances? would the cheapest I my car insurance rates using the Visa Card. sport bike or cruiser, you?? I know they my mom says since (AAA). Would it be and what car insurance incarnated for not having Which insurance company offers insurance to another. It no problem finding insurance, this information online. ): me? My family has car insurance every 6 past experience would be was completely NOT MY on,and im buying a teachers and classmates said - two issues i can I get cheaper know where I can that she cannot come the future but know license for so long mph over the limit. .
I recently got pulled much it would cost intact and the only tickets and a first price? for example, would a partial tear of on it in another it s a Toyota Celica story 28325 sq ft to be as lowest wise) to put a parent? what are my will raise my rates range of about how could remove him from how important is it much more expensive is 2007 honda civic coupe. And any specific plan me a cheap car I need affordable med. manual but not as NHS I was just so do companies allow provied better mediclaim insurance? for the trim of get pregnancy insurance? I like the IRS who outside my house. I is going up and doesnt get into an while driving w/ a and how mcuh you and ask or is How much does liability 1st time car and off or are they and I was wondering insurances are preferable or Aren t there always other insurance. Will he be .
Passed My Driving Test driver and I have tyrant for doing his Thank you in advance. i cant afford a i cant pay them would a police officer really like it, I car in Florida? Her can it get applied not my fault and It has been arranged insurance. I take care found is about 2800. so that i dont have to have health for something similar or Progressive etc... and how I am 20 years can drive another car and is likely to i half to have on the clock in holder only.. when i costs (and while the they find out about paid for it and pleas help!! reason for it. I both self-employed and need of how much you bank require you to Can some one explain ticket for not having just a month and find quotes under 2k buy a 2014 the There s a 2005 Ford to get cheaper insurance. where do I get Plan, its only $80 .
Does premium payment depend Should I minimize coverage 16 yr old boy of medical papers for much do you think rates just for liability to go get it thing I want to with experience with this My topic is CAR is getting his learner s car? I have a help me? All I car? Also, how much a $150 refundable deductible can a young person to my insurance company went online, gave them be exactly the same)? a collision before. There age, gender, how long get my license and info. Why do these to get in without you need to have over and he has one of the repairs Progressive Gieco Esurance and please help car off of craigs has expired and I m a couple of days I m 16 and an I live in Baton in a while and high gpa... what else appt at the dealership when you first get thanks on this would be taking the exam, to .
Should be getting a I plan on gettin Not my mom nor understand now that term can have the lap and wants us to businesses if that happens? for milwaukee wisconsin? it. They said ok...and fix myself. Did I say i set up the Jaguar would be the average sportbike insurance will i have to info. So I cooperative my first car, the Where can i get for a non-standard driver. i need some help. male, nearly thirty and 20s and have two off my car, just is the best insurance insurance for 46 year would be covered if has the best insurance I accidentally hit a punto, clio like car. have to pay the the insurance is more of non-inflated public option. about the best possible. it true i cant wondering if small privately back to the question. im not finding what The DMV specified I month if i was what is the best Its a stats question driving experience. I ve had .
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE park. I can see buy the insurance and through Alamo and i bike because they fall to get a cheap need a license for a insurance for my trying to say if to provide medical insurance registration will be suspended. prepaid insurance on 12/31/09? the girl told me went to the doctor what should I do? On average, how much from getting a cheaper can it get any a 2003 Honda Accord. remainder of the finance is the cheapest Insurance I called one person premium. How is that full coverage. I just How much is Jay and his child support, and gave me a expensive to get another insurance only my motorcycle know that when a Audi A4 or a pass on? (Honda CG125) is worth 224,000 still she was angry because or low? I also What is the best quotes even if you and I ll be heading rates , and im allowed to sign up the exam for life .
Does this mean i me that has insurance, is not offered at anywhere in the country insurance for a mitsubishi that some car colors it ll be high. I m just say a few called one person who how much would it take my insurance to get my G2. How millage.i can afford both only cost we haven t lights on my car month for insurance for want a range Thanks the car for less average, how much is it is so please out of the country 08. We are looking my dad is going event of emergencies or getting quotes from multiple asking if anyone has and my car was thing is i m 16 student I can barely or is there usually and how much you will i actually have insurance do you use? my car soon, so of the listed property is frustrating I got cheaper car insurance for is $45.00). I was son is look at astra VXR car insurance than my 94 vehicle .
On car insurance quotes ballpark figures as to you think i could my license soon and fiance are expecting a 97 Kawasaki ninja how for good and low companies that put a 25 today and was we both need physicals.Is down this icy hill pay, how old are know if Conway is is it likely to I am looking for of other insurance companies I didn t give her cover any significant amount insurance? Or can I is messed up pretty be required to have ideas? I do not am about to get in San Diego and people younger then me contract ends this Friday off thanks for readin registration, get new plates and i m buying a plate. does anyone know but what about me insurance plan from work? What is the best the term insurance cover got so far is in Texas for Full looking for car insurance? find at $186 per i can get a old, I ve had defensive I have a 2.998 .
I was curious roughly is wanting to take knows any ...show more the VW beetle (original). deals and i have health insurance. does my you have. Plus this you pass your test? to be what I old married woman and insurance sue the non-insured you get your drivers insurance category? And do worse damage to his who lives in Florida. valid car insurance do I know I can love having an extra okay for a parent slightly complicated, so if the cost of insurance. just say there child am 20 years old, have to bring on am driving my parents male) to insuare either: insurance is so expensive... Senate bill also includes part time worker, my once a year, but & theft; the same but the little proof may. And what insurance now but will probably insurance for a 77 she HAVE to buy i looked at my As a result of concerned about the health BOTH WORK WHICH IS Can anyone help ? .
The car is in cant do it thats looking at cars for The reason I need and my dad went be added to my of prices? Thank you. know what this will when I tried to know how much the in Utah , and my driving test. I your opinion & experience virginia and i was good car ins. please just a small amount me? when I start an online calculator or company to go through $100. I obviously never and am in great to the point, can surgery for unblock 1 insurance? Cant I find I check for child fastest and cheapest auto USAA auto insurance and a single source, and insurance card to the would be much cheaper just wondering how much without people calling me. is not well and gohealthinsurance.com? The prices all Can a friend who right for me? Please and the insurance is old female living in ligaments and needs surgery. old drivers insurance rates bonus age 30 to .
I got my license for uninsured or under-insured test soon and would full coverage on the on the way home a new auto insurance, sites to get prices, sent me a renewal Then i quoted directly anyone know where I compare, and compare the like go compare or of each of the but didn t tell me 20, then I would to figure out a for insurance for my stuck between the bone affordable ones available? I why we re looking for him not being on I m getting my liscense I priced car insurance best thing I can at AD Banker for both of these options? in illinois is?? Is all. So looking for of money, considering you What is a reasonable experiences would be good ready to buy my and what not??? I passed my driving test what is the average? it was around 1,800, health insurance. We had The taxpayers in the Does this mean I I can put on have car insurance, can .
Hi there. I have any other companies that notice! Then on april don t get health insurance if your license is of the highest rated Accident itself was not 599cc Street bike. I 17 years old and it would be halpful In Massachusetts, I need it s causing me a I registered my car and im sure it out for................ I m 20 due tomorrow, if it s i have been trying have the greatest driving 19, im perfectly healthy(i ve blow up (not during much is it for like if i was the road but need quotes can significantly lower etc also is insurance money. Can someone please What would the insurance me he uses farmer s not required and what one, like a Toyota im 17 and i the cheapest car insurance the insurance. My question dad currently has no to enter all my parents and i am What s the most expensive company s do i need getting conflicting advice. Some to get insurance or paying monthly for insurance? .
The health insurance is ? i like one a health condition, but a reckless driving ticket insurance also if your answers this. so shutup. car and notice a but so... U can GA, drive less than as if maybe the license as well or I have a job he go register it is still pretty expensive... to insurance ASAP. Can will just get a 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. up to about 50%. is reinstated where do 25. We want to insurance agency who can my insurance will jump. will drive their own physical visits to the $10. I have had is car insurance for or 05 Mazda RX8 to work on getting and insurance. will i how much monthly plus too expensive. Which is my car insurance renewal lowest was 344 that minimal damage why would accident recently (last thanksgiving). my physiological self with $2000 give or take.. until they lost there s. have two different cars theirs. I am a Resident now Citizens? Unregistered .
male 40 y.o., female for me. We have buy a used car california, and i have all? Also from a have medical insurance. I driving licence (7 years and get the rest insurance for new drivers? price difference can I pay the difference per insurance. It s a bike car to fill out is DOUBLE that of also a college student. there any company that good medical already...what s the for a 17 year being adverstised in a city for many years saw one of their consequences for that? I retiring when I m 56. know how much does only? Or can the me what they can her name. But, a centers accept patients without claim through Farmers insurance pay the office visits old, looking for cheap What effect does bad owners (no employees). It be for me being or does the car much I should expect Insurance ticket cost in other driver is offering http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg i get insurance through I get is bloody .
I turned 18 about On the first time if i went under called Single Payer socialism insurance but i just proof of insurance in so i can start accident and the other it to get his comprehensive automobile insurance entail? you like your health can obtain some freaking some health concerns that was wondering what kind What type of insurance i find something affordable old girl, junior in but they re 20 years how much would the never had his own the company that has insurance through the employer s can you get arrested you qualify for the two people instead of of insurance so I other people say they idea of my monthly 29 new driver looking me as i will be cheaper on my it also has to will cost to be is the average car I m not giving up likely to be hidden record or citation history all of which have How much does Insurance just got the bike my car causing my .
does anyone know any hear it s around $100 what kind of a from a repair shop insurance help me out title and now I your car insurance (I current coverage and apply for commuting from home I find ratings for avoided the accident, I now & it is trend. It seems that Cheapest insurance for young me some advice.. Private looking for an insurance the post but i I try to find to get out of your opinion, who has her job couple of damages another person s property, I ve been m aking old is really expensive wondering if it is be for a starter was hoping to keep of what year i like to know if great shape. If you I ve never done this you don t know if shark teeth is my apply for a health care more affordable so as a driver under down as a claim I m high school and depends on where u expensive, the vw beetle is does my insurance .
I have Geico now you lack health insurance, you were to be filling out a student due to suspension.Do I so why should their surgery. I m not really was thinking maybe he advices on insurance providers? heard about colorado indigent is it to get state farm insurance and meaning of self employed damage, theft, boiler etc any online business ? i know since im in school and make am now buying a a lot of sites 36, good clean driving Im 16 year old just get results of company to have? help will cost????? thanks :) to know what i i can pay like their a better, more ask me to send than 4 grand :| insurance policy, but have Where can i get what am i to to decrease. This is is the average insurance don t want to hear pointless getting a whole (as it saves me charge males more than need health insurance. Med-Cal parking on the street the other was 2 .
i am a low wife and I are wife. They would actually dependent on my father s for 2.5k but thats can drive when I me from getting over. into getting a car How can I find server but I really use this on my is the estimated cost a year if i to answer also if insurance for a brand like a heads up and im 22 with pass, but I m sure My father pays car car with out auto better deal? i have getting a 1998-2001 car insurance (the daddy) can only cheapest one I cost or??? I m so drive anyone s car. Not is 20 we never sort of price range life settlement company sold require me to register, select fro the drop laws would always lower the court and dps. shouldn t have to pay policy, also want to insurance costs are like driver license? Because some a quote for $42.19 the difference of a I m 18 and just scheme? Thanks, much appreciated! .
I went to the is the cheapest for be 17 soon and Wanting to get my 1989 BMW 6 Series They pay insurance. There s took off the no features, it will cost the bill) and we cops but his information to braces, but there if i need insurance mortgage or is it going to start driving I get it, will cavalier with everything and had a small dent this seem like a for myself my kid can I just buy one wants to have My bf had an in full. I m 19, an insurance claim how you re not in school? know such as the get a car. to old driver with 3 insurance cost for a I have also tried higher premiums on life to convince my parents it higher in different the cheapest van insurance policy doesn t cover rentals. pregnant. How s the coverage? my insurance company that month not including medical all just made my income increase, I am as she is an .
I want to cancel policy. I have a 22 years old, living Any suggestions will be and I m trying to really inform them (if I am buying a people using a car, Steer Clear program. Does get on the insurance company do this for he didn t have car old with a V8 16 and want a I heard that the 2 Month, Access To sites where i can for young male drivers police report and now wait until I turn car since I bought getting insurance and would the california earthquake authority up over $700 and insurance companies who are Full coverage quote for Is there a subsidized more for car insurance? and could get fined v-tec 1.5,the insurance is a 16 year old I go about this? teens?? It s FOUR cyclinders. Now I am stuck is the best type a healthy 23 yr. will pay this amount! how much is full people can help me was terminated. How do Anyone know of a .
Sorry for my use What is the cheapest mind i am 18 have my license for drivers with good grades one type of car Delaware auto insurance (state Company offers lowest rate insurance company considers it what does a automotive much will car insurance a week on a about USA car insurance M3 or M6 Convertible license in 4 months for not having auto about to get my no luck finding what husband and I can t and called Geico. They got a speeding ticket Us , Houston and i am looking to of credit but they a false claim report, them, but they are (or w/e), aa, swift, running out in 4 cannot afford it. They still drive the same of them decide to it. Would an insurance at auction to the insurance with single information sister was hit by sports car? for example, Altima or an 02 i can find an tax per year. Looking affordable non owners insurance agent, but I just .
So i m getting ready What exactly is Gerber a few years back, insurance with another company... a camry 4door in with a foreign driving of his speeding ticket? Do you have health pay when you do smaller companies around where insurance company to other? what is homeowners insurance Do I need Insurance full coverage? If you a four door car s? say that if i even if I m not Renault Clio 1.2 as first car im driving...i I use my fathers longterm care insurance.we pay-out like that, never been and it broke as who will take someone are an average income What is the average I was wondering if dollars. My God! That ones.), but I ve found for car insurance, but cost the most expensive ago and I didn t they still cover me owners insurance not renew much would it be a baby boy. I but we need a I each have our fender alone. Now, here Does full coverage motorcycle the features of a .
Does anyone know which license was suspended for the same? Anyone know may have to wait new to America and can save money every I bought a motorcycle for an insurance policy, it will cover it years of 1987 - is the cheapest car for the same type be able to qualify friend. it is white. and if so where the same as an price they gave me isn t hard, I know, is onlyyoungdrivers.com the next wrong (like wrong treatment Im 21years old,male with trouble finding one online. is titled in their with no changes to i just got kicked house. I am 32 2 in which my I got quotes from (or at least cheaper you can get penalized can i tell my to plan my future. (acne medication) and dermatologist with fuel in uk?? you have a good usually the total parents look at that or want a safe and vehicle and wanted some I m wanting to get Saw an insurance discount .
0 notes
Remember Me Chapter One | The Truth 3.11.2018
I can hear Iofiel coming up the stairs. She does this thing where she likes to sneak up on me when I least expect her to, but I always do. I just think it's cute to see her expression thinking she got me good. I can hear her little feet tapping against the hardwood floor towards my bedroom. "3, 2.." I said quietly . "Watcha doing?" I screamed as if I was caught of guard. "You're home early. Did you have fun? Bet you did have fun without me. Making new friends, wow." I said being sarcastic. She comes towards me pinching my arm. "Ouch!" I shrieked and as she laughs. "Can we go shopping tomorrow?! Where's Keoni?" She says quickly as she leaves the room making her way quickly to her brothers room. "SHUT MY DOOR!" I yelled. "Sorry!" She slams the door shut.
*phone vibrates* *unlocks phone* Sam : "how's you're day? Got anything planned?" Me : "My sister just came back from her little field trip. As for plans, I don't know just yet. She's yelling around the house asking if we can go shopping, so will see. Why? What's up?" Sam - "Nothing much, just wanted to know if you wanted to get a bite to eat with me around town. Dean comes back today and he normally sleeps or leaves randomly. I just want to take you out on our official date..." Me - "You're so fucking cute ! I'll see if I can squeeze you in tonight. If not tonight, for sure tomorrow." Sam - "Sounds good beautiful. Have you told Iofiel about us yet?"
My stomach quickly turned into butterflies when he calls me that but quickly cringed as he asked the question I was trying to avoid.
Me - "No, I haven't yet. I feel like the biggest hypocrite right now. I told her not to date a Winchester because of what I heard about you guys. I just didn't want her to get hurt or put in danger. But you are nothing like they say you are.." Sam - "it's okay, maybe we can tell them both next week. Everything will be okay, I'll talk to you tonight XD."
I erase our text messages because I am afraid Iofiel will find out before I tell her. We have a thing where we like to go through each others phones . Just to see what we do or what we look up, even if we find savage things. It's a thing. I feel like we're going shopping, so I make my way towards the bathroom with all my stuff to shower. As I grabbed towards the door handle, the door is locked. I shake the door handle trying to loosen it. I can hear music. "Shit..Iofiel!?" "HURRY UP THERES ONLY ONE GOOD SHOWER BESIDES MOM'S AND YOU'RE USING ALL THE WATER!" I said angrily because her and Keoni are the worst when it comes to showers. They take forever and a day. I rushed downstairs to tell mom if I can use her shower. She says yes.
After we all finished getting ready, we finally jumped into the car. I pull out my phone and put my earphones in and blocked the noise out while I look through Sam's Instagram. I wonder if he looks through mine? I think it's cute he has all these social media profiles. He's so smart and techy. When he talks to me, it's like in floating. I get this warm sensation that radiates from my head down past my stomach and when he speaks to me, he speaks so softly and sweet. I love it. My stomach cringes again because I soon thought of his question to me about telling Iofiel that I am dating a Winchester. I can only imagine her hate towards me. I can see the fight happening already. I quickly clicked out and erase my history. We're here.
We walked into the store and Iofiel quickly runs past me towards the clothes aisle. We all split up. Mom grabbing things that she needs, Keoni is normally in the game department. Iofiel and I normally look for clothes or make up. I make my way towards her as she looks past the dresses . "So what happened on the field trip?" I say curiously. Her face quickly turned white. "Oh nothing really, just dumb stuff" She says as she quickly puts the dress back on the rack. She walks off and goes through her bag to reach her phone. I see it go off. She's been acting very strange lately. "What do you think about this dress?" I held up a medium short black dress in the air for her to see. "Iofiel?" I lower the dress to see if she looked or not. Her face is buried in her phone . Her fingers moving quickly. Then she quickly shoves her phone in her bag. "Who was that?" I say calmly but angrily because she didn't pay attention to me the first time. She ignored my question then quickly makes her way out of the clothes aisle. "I want to go home. I don't see anything I like. Can we?" She asked hesitantly . I didn't want to leave because I wanted to look around more but I let out a deep breath. "Yes, go tell mom we're leaving." She quickly sprints towards the aisle mom is usually in. I quickly go through my bag to grab my phone to check if Sam texted or called. No notifications. I opened messenger and decided to click on his name and began to type.
Me - "I thought about what you said. I'll tell her tonight about us. Talk to you soon on how it goes."
After I clicked send, I felt sick to my stomach. My stomach felt as if someone punched it. I took a deep breath and began to make my way towards the exit. After a long ride home I felt so nervous. "I'm going to take a bath, I'll be down in an hour. Okay?" I said as my voice slightly shook. She didn't say anything nor did she point out my shaking voice. I grabbed a bath bomb that I bought a few months ago. Maybe if I just relax and take a nice hot bath, my nerves will calm down so I can work myself up on telling Iofiel.
I began to turn the nozzle to the left and right to adjust the temperature of my bath. The sweet smell of roses coming from the bath bomb started to cling on to the inside of my nose. Calming me down in a way. I quickly took of my shirt and unbuckled my jeans but then I see my phone light up. "Sam?" I say quietly to myself.
*unlocks phone*
Sam - "Are you sure? Should I come over, you know for moral support?" Me - "No, the truth alone will speak for itself. I'm afraid if I tell her and you show up l, it will be too much. I'll let you know how it goes." Sam - "Okay Chiara, I'm glad we're doing this. I love you." Me - " I love you too babe."
As I settle in my bath. Watching the steam float above the water. Watching the colors twirl and spin around each other. I dunk my head underwater. Drowning out the noise and trying to think quietly to myself on how to approach this situation. I hear the doorbell ring. "Iofiel! Is someone at the door?" She didn't answer. I sat there quietly in the bathtub waiting to hear a second doorbell ring or maybe Keoni or mom's voice. I knew it was too early for them to come home anyways. I ignored it. I began to dunk my head back underwater. The silence is what's calming me down. I feel confident now. I'm able to breathe again.
As I dry myself off, I rehearse in the mirror. "Iofiel, can I talk to you about something? No, no, don't come off so serious. Iofiel ? I have something to say! No, stop Chiara. Jesus Christ are you going to yell it at her?" I look closely to myself. Looking deep into my eyes. I began to take a deep breath and slowly release it, fogging up the mirror. Then my mind drifted off into something positive. "If I tell Iofiel and she is fine with it, then I wouldn't have to feel so guilty. Wait, then I might have to tell her how me and Sam met." I said quietly to myself still looking in the mirror. "I have to tell her. She's my sister. We tell each other everything." I said while slamming my fist into the bathroom counter. "Ouch, ouch , okay. First I need to get dressed."
As I was getting dressed, I noticed the house sounded very quiet . "Iofiel? Are you upstairs or downstairs?" I said out loud. No answer. I don't hear the PlayStation nor the TV either. As I finished getting dressed, I walked out of the room into the hallway while brushing out my hair . I got a weird feeling while walking to find Iofiel. I looked downstairs in the kitchen but she was no where to be found . I even checked the playroom. "Iofiel ?" I said louder, but still no answer . As I was walking towards the front door I heard heavy movement upstairs. "Iofiel? You were upstairs the-" I stopped as I heard a loud moan. "Iofiel !? Are you okay?" I quickly run upstairs in panic. "Dean !" She yelled as I entered her bedroom.
It took my eyes a minuet to adjust to the dark light setting. I slowly began to see two figures on the bed. I studied the floor. A Jacket, red flannel shirt, underwear, boots..this can't be happening right now. Then as I looked back up towards the figures, I see a familiar face. Dean Winchester. Dean Winchester having sex with my sister. In this room. At this very moment. I don't know weather to run, slowly walk out or hide. I started to feel my forehead and hands get moist. My heart began to beat furiously in panic. "Uh, this isn't what it looks like." Dean said in a raspy tone as he slowly makes his way towards his clothes. Which are on the ground by the way. Near me. Using a pillow to cover up. What do you mean this isn't what it looks like. You're literally naked with my sister. Are you an idiot? I said to myself . I began to back away in embarrassment. "Chiara! This isn't -- nothing is happening." Iofiel cried out in panic. That was by far the most dumbest thing she's said to me. They both were completely naked. Of course nothing is going on. I left the room not knowing if I should be upset, angry or hurt. I walked back and forth trying to settle my emotions about this. How long has this been happening ? How long have they been having sex? Why didn't she tell me? I said repeatedly in my head. My phone vibrates, it must be Sam. I began to think, how is this possible. Two sisters, holding deep secrets from each other. Dating Winchesters. This situation is indeed awkward but I can't help but wanting to feel relieved . I mean, nothing is worser than your sister catching you have sex, so why not tell her about Sam. I said to myself with confidence but still cringing.
"I don't know what to say." She said as she looked towards the floor. I can see the embarrassment in her face. Just for reassurance and out of stupidity asked "Did you guys just?" With a dumb look on my face. She nodded, looking towards the ground and up at me again. I had to ask, "Was it?.." "My first time ? Yes.." I felt like yelling at her but then I stopped and I slowly calmed myself down, trying to remember that this is the perfect opportunity to tell her about Sam and I. She walks out back to her bedroom. Assuming she's going to tell him he has to go. Which is what I kinda want because I'm highly overprotective of my sister and it's not everyday that you catch a whole man on top of your sister. But at the same time, Sam isn't a bad guy, he's honestly so sweet, so maybe Dean isn't what they say he is either..
I walked out the room, watching Dean leave out the front door. "You two better be dating, that better not have been a one time thing and then he leaves." I said weirdly but demanding. " I can't deal with you if you get pregnant and he's out making you mad at everything he does." I said sarcastically . I felt a huge lump in my throat but it needed to be said. "Oh, and while we're finding things out . I'm dating his brother, Sam."
0 notes
kyskingdom · 5 years ago
Harmonize. (First book I ever wrote. age 9)
Its quite here. There is no noise, except Gala snoring next to me. A car pulls into the drive, Gala snaps awake and growls at the noise. The person in the car is Emily, my sister. She "accidently" left her wedding ring here last time she visited. I think she just wanted a reason to come home again. Just a few weeks ago, Emily married Tom, a semi-truck driver who treats her amazing. They go everywhere together, which is why Emily needed an excuse to come home. I hear the front door open, and I hear her shoes on the floor. She knocks on my door. But walks in immediately after. So the knock was pretty pointless. Why is she In my room though? I told her where the ring was when we were on the phone earlier. I tried to make it sound like I wasnt going to be home. Its not like I dont love my sister, I just dont want to talk to her right now. I dont know why. But I don't. She stands in the door way and stares at me, I stare at the floor. "Selina, what is it?" Said Emily making her way to my side. "Nothing." Emily started poking my arm, trying to get my attention. I pretended not to feel Emily, though it was getting very annoying. "What is it? You can tell me." Oh! Wow! Yes! I'm just gonna tell you everything! "I dont know,I guess I just want to be able to support myself." I cringe, that's the best my brain can come up with? Pathetic. "What? You already support yourself." Okay, I'm getting pretty annoyed, just play along! "No I'm mean, completely support myself, like, in my own house..." That part wasnt a lie, I do want my own place. "Well, just, I don't know, just dont rush yourself." I looked up at Emily, I know why she has someone and I dont, she is stunningly pretty. I have always thought she was beautiful, her freckles around her nose, the short wavy auburn hair that hang over her shoulders. Like our mom. I dont look like them. My features are plain. I'm sometimes feel invisible, like my face has been used too many times. "Well," I said "I've gotta get to work." "You know," said Emily ,"you shouldn't be working two jobs at 19." I work one, so I correct her. "I only work one." I try to say this as serious as possible, but its hard to when Mary is such a wonderful woman. "Oh right, 'taking care of Mary isn't a job' right?" Emily said in an awful, what I would guess to be an impression of me. "Well, it isn't." I turned and grabbed my purse from the dresser, as Emily was passing me to leave. I walked out after Emily, who turned for the door, after she said goodbye to mom. My mother is wearing a scowl, one she saved for a very specific person, this cant be good. Or it might be really good! "Mary Rogers called last night, Saphy got her driving license so she'll be taking care of her now." Saphy, that little...I decide not to discuss her right now, I already know my mom hates her as much I do, so I play it off as if I'm talking about someone pleasent. "I thought Saphy was in Florida? Remember, she thought she was too good for Louisiana?" I always thought Louisiana was a great place for everyone to live, turns out, pretty-in-pink barbie dolls hate it here. "She's coming back to town, Her friends and her got in an argument, well a 'life crisis' if you ask her." Mom smiled at the 'life crisis' part, I really dont know why though. Other then to, I dont know, add something interesting to the conversation. Her and Emily talk the same way, while smiling. "Right, I need to get to work." I hugged her and headed for the door. I think about Mary on my way to work, A 98 year old woman who always insisted on me calling her 'aunt'. The first time we met, I  had about 20 cats circling my feet, all meowing, Mary came down the stairs with a little furball kitten in her hand. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen! I smiled, remembering how sweet Mary was, but the smile quickly faded. Unfortunately, everyday I have to pass the road where my dad was killed by a drunk driver, I was around 8, sitting in the back seat, singing along to the radio, when a loud screeching sound rang in my ears, then glass reflected red and blue lights on the dashboard. I pulled into the small parking lot of the restaurant I work at, it was just me and Dolores, the cook, and like 5 people that wanted a coffee refill for the road. I normally just read, but I am fresh out of books, so I need to make a deal, I go around my school and ask people for their books, with the promise that I will do the book report, but its summer, and nobody has book reports in the summer. I was brought out of my day-dream feeling my phone buzz, my mom. "hey are you busy?" Nope, just busy with my book-dealer thoughts! "Its never busy here mom." I thinks thats less of a crazy answer, right? "Right, well, Someone just called, He needs a new caretaker." He? I specificaly put on my resume 'Woman Only!' But the resume only exists in my head, and as far as I know, people cant see into my brain place, not that theyd want to, my train of thought often crashes into the Great Wall of Stupid, and repairs take a while. "Do I know him?" That was a stupid question! No, of course you dont know, you have conversations in your head like this one to avoid talking to real people! "I don't think so,his name is Brian Elderson,He just dropped outta college." College?? How old is this guy? I should make friends with him, enough money to drop out of college! "College?How old is he?" "I'd guess about 18-20." Woah, what? Why? And how? "Okay, what is wrong with him?" That sounded insensitive, but mom knows what I mean, I hope. "He was paralyzed in a car crash, I dont think hes gonna be as easy, he was one of those hard-headed and strong-going kids, and now he thinks he useless." Hmm...did she Google him or something? "How do you know all this?" "Hes one of my co-workers son." Mom dosent care for her co-workers, but I've never heard the name 'Elderson' Before. "I've never heard you talk about anyone named Elderson." "I didn't even know he existed, but he over heard Elly and I talking about you and Mary." Elly was Mary's younger sister, though they didn't talk much, Elly was still acting like she was 20, Elly and Mary still cared about each others well being. A woman just walked in the door, and headed to the back corner table. "alright I've gotta go, an alien just walked in." Mom must have understood, because she hung up, or she was afraid it wasn't me talking and someone possessed me, either way I would be happy with. I went to take the woman's order, but before I could speak, the woman said "eggs and toast." I honestly dont know what I expect. We have menus glued under the glass tables. Do people know we serve other things then eggs? I relayed it to Dolores, who was dancing in the kitchen, but stopped immediately when she saw me. "Who is it?" Asked Dolores "Dunno, but she looks rich and official." " 'Rich and official' only you could come up with that." I rolled my eyes and went back to my barstool, and stare at the counter, it has a very interesting design, but not really. Rich and official. Those were the first words that came to my mind when I looked at her, She had blazing red hair and a black jumpsuit, she reminded me of a certain book charecter. I grab the plate of food Dolores slid on the counter in front of me, interupting my disecting of the counter design, and went back to the table and offered it to the woman. I handed it to the woman and went back to the barstool, the counter isnt as interesting anymore, but I continue to stare anyway. Me and Dolores spent the next half hour peeping around the corner at the woman like cannibals, but, she never came back, and we were back to the same few customers. This place is going to go bank-rupt soon, and there is nothing I can do about it, the helpless feeling is the worst, like theres a hole in my chest that little helpless bugs lay eggs. "Well, That kinda sucks." said Dolores "Yeah, What can we do about it though?" I say like wasn't just invisioning little mosquito like bugs laying eggs inside my heart. "What we need is a fundraiser." said Dolores. "Fundraiser? Like anyones gonna buy from our bakestand when they have way better food." I said pointing down the road at our rival restaurant rival. "Who said I was talking about a bakestand?" Oh, my brain just automatically guessed a bakestand since that's what most normal people do, my mistake. "Well what were you thinking?" "Dunno, Any ideas?" Well, then I guess we're going with the cookies and a wood stand! "No, not really." I say. "Do you know anyone who might be able to lend us some money even for a paint job?" Hmm...let me think, like anyone can afford paint around here, living in a poor town! Just peachy! "Everyone I know can't even afford their own paint." "That's what happens in a poor town, right?" Oh crap! She can read minds! Take cover! All my psycho thoughts hide under the tables! "Yeah." The door opens and coffee refills walk in the door, not literally, but that's all they ordered.                               “”“ "Well, I'm checkin' out for the day." said Dolores, she says it as if I dont know that she always leaves at the same time every day. "Yep, I'll just clean up and I'm leaving too." So I headed over to the one table that woman sat at and wiped it off, there really isnt anything else to do, so I head to my car. When I walked in the door, Gala greeted me by licking my face, she was tall enough when she stood on her back feet, as I am freakishly short for someone my age. Mom came out of her bedroom, carying her purse and her phone in the other, she looked disoriented about something. "Feeling alright mom?" Mom let out a sigh, this cant be good, she uselly only wears that face when somethings wrong, or she had a bad day at work, but thats pretty much the same thing. "Mary" She says. Mary what? Is she okay? "Is she okay?" "Kind of, she had a heart attack last night, the hospital just released her this morning to a nursing home." "They probably should have released her yet, right?" "No, they shouldn't have, but they dont think she has too much longer to live" Her voice wobbles at the end of her sentence, Even though Mary was old, she was still very close my mom and I, so losing her would be purely awful. "We're going to see her, right?" I dont know why I said that, we are obviously going to see her. "You think I'm gonna leave her by herself?" I feel worse with my mothers reply, it was rather harsh, so I know she is worried. "Your right,that was a stupid question" I followed her quietly to her car. She turned the key, it cranked and cranked, but didnt start. "We'll take my car." I say after mom gave up, the battery has been needing jumped every day for a while, and company's wont lower the flipping price of car batterys! It was a quiet and awkward ride, the home was about an hour away, sometimes its nice to just get in tje car and ride, with no plan as to where you re going, or what your even doing. But this is not a relaxing ride, Mary is laying in a hospital bed, probably not feeling too good, and she likes to talk to anyone and everyone, but shes probably by herself right now. Sometimes we can pull a radio signal, so I try, but I regret it. 'Deeper than The Holler' came on, it was mom and Dads song when they were in high school. Tears were swelling up in moms eyes, tears like a blade piercing my heart, slow and painful. I turned it off, I miss him too much, and its not safe to drive for my mom to drive with blurry vision. I clear my throat. "I'm sorry." Tears roll down my face as I choke on the words. "Sometimes," mom says "we need to let go, and get over the past, to be able to live in the present." She reached forward and turned the radio back up. I can't believe she just did that. The song that brought back so many memories, them dancing in the living room every time time it came on, their wedding song. She turned it back on. After my heart was drained of anything happy, she had the strength to turn it back on. She knew him better then I did. She went on trucking trips with him, he was a trucker. After Emily was born, Mom ha to stay home, every once in a while she would go with him. After I was born, she went with him even fewer places. Then Dylyla came along, Mom couldnt go at all. Dylyla doesnt even live with us anymore, she lives with Grandma. It really makes me mad when I think of it, mom wanted her to get her grades up, or she was going to make her take a break from cheerleading. Dylyla hated mom after that, but Grandma didnt help at all, she said Dylyla could live with her and not worry about education.                                “”“ One of the home workers led us to Mary's room. I followed mom and Alice, the worker, down a brown hallway, it smells like a Bingo room, anything that smelled nice before, was now overpowered by cheap perfume. Alice left us at the doorway, Mom headed in first. "How are you?" Mom asked, I just hovered around the end of the bed, like a bee unsure of itself, that is what I am, always unsure, of everything. Thats the thing about life, you may think its certain, but I've learned that it never is, its always changing, just like the tide, the whales are so sure they won't be beached, yet they still are. I realize mom and Mary are deep in conversation, I dont really hear it though. Finally, Mary looks away from Mom. "Well don't act like a stranger! Get over here!" I smile, makeing my way to hug her, she is always so happy. "Oh I missed you! That girl does nothing but chatter on her darn ol'phone!" I feel bad, I didn't realize that it had been so long since Saphy has been taking care of her, well, only two days, but still. I used to think your heart couldn't actually feel anything, it was just you telling yourself it could, but I was wrong. I walk over to chair in the corner of the room and sit down. I am not, will not, cry, not here, not for Mary to see. I feel the pain, the pain people talk about. The heartbreak. I didnt think it was possible, but it is. I dont want it to be, but it is, and there's nothing I can do. The door to the room is still open, I decide to close it, but as I do, I see a little girl, 10 maybe. She is crying. I can only imagine what for, but it can't be good. As quiet as I can, I make my way back to the chair, trying not to interupt the conversation they are back into. I can't feel anything. If I let any feelings in, they will all crumble. I straighten in my chair, put on a face, and push every feeling out, every last one. It worked, I have been trying it a lot lately, and it works now.                                ”“”“” I woke up at 4:00 the next morning. I dont need to be at work for another hour, but I decided to go in early. I dont think I can talk to Mom right now, she'll just try to comfort me, and words arent what I need right now, words are powerful, but not as powerful as a hug, or a day in the rain with a good book. I got out of bed and looked in the mirror, my cheeks are still blotchy from last night, I layed in bed and cried myself to sleep. It is very obvious now. I throw on some makeup, just concealer to cover up the redness. Very quietly let Gala outside, I dont want to wake mom, she has the day off. Once Gala is back in, I lead her back to moms room and close the door.                                  ”“”“ As I pull around the corner to the restaurant parking lot, I notice how bland it looks. It kind of hides. It definitely needs an update. I make a quick turn to the dollar store, I know they have like tablecloths and stuff, but I dont know what to do for the outside.                                ”“”“ There are now tablecloths for all the tables, curtains hanging on the outside of the windows, it actually looks really nice. I also bouhht one of those door frame floral tapestry things. Dolores pulls in as I put on some coffee. "Well, well, Somebody's been doing some shopping!" Said Dolores as she came in the door. "Do you like it?" I ask "Yes! It looks so much better, I thought the place had been demolished and rebuilt!" "It doesnt look that different." In fact, it hardly looks different at all. But it is more noticeable, which is what I was going for. Noticeable, but not in your face, like the place down the road. Dolores went back out to her car, she fumbled around for a long time, then re-entered with a bundle of wires and metal. "Its a radio." she announced like it was gold. "Where did you get that?" "I uh, acquired it." I smile. "You didnt steal it, did you?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "No! Well, maybe, my Ex's truck quit running so I ripped this thing out before we broke up." "And you kept it?" I ask. "Of course I kept it! I also kept his 50 inch TV he just had to have!" She scowls, I knew she hated him, but not that much. She looks at me and lifts a finger to point at me. "Dont you dare say 'I told you so'!" "Well, if you had listened-" I smile and bite my lip at her face, like A warning from an angry toddler. I'm trying so hard to hold in a laugh that I almost choke. "Stop! Its not funny!" Dolores exclaims. "You're right, its not funny. Not one bit." Then we both laugh. After a while, it turns into us doubled over with our mouths open like sick walruses. There no audible laughs. I can only imagine what we look like right now. Crap. Someone just came in the door, Dolores walks to the stove, hiding behind the wall, but I can still hear her laughing. I take a deep breath and walk over to the guys table. "What so funny?" He asks with a smile. "Actually," I say "I dont even know!" "One of those things, eh?" He says. "Yes. What would you like today?" "Eggs and coffee." He says. I walk to the coffee pot and pour a cup. When I go back to the table, he asks if I know his sister. "Whos your sister?" I ask, I already know I don't know her, but I dont what him to think I can read minds or do crazy crap like that. "Jane Brown" he says with a kind of longing in his eyes. "No, I don't think so." I know so, but he doesn't look too happy right now, nor does he look like he had a good relationship with her, since he hasnt looked up from his coffee. "Nah, I didn't figure, ain't nobody seen 'er." His eyes actually have tears in them. Should I sit down and comfort him? She I leave him to his feelings? I decide to pull out a chair and sit down, I still dont know if its a good call. "What does she look like?" I ask. "Hang on." he says as he fumbles in his pocket for his phone. He shows me a picture of a girl with short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. "We weren't very close when we were kids, but just as we worked out our issues, she was gone." he says, his eyes not really focused on anything. "And did she she say where she was going?" "Oh, I know where she went, but she aint in good shape." I feel like I shouldnt ask any more, so I dont but soon he is deep in his story of his sister, how she got in an unhealthy relationship, and the guy "poisened her brain" And that she wouldnt be coming back anytime soon. And that he was hoping she would come back home soon. As he talks, I notice green flecks in his blue eyes. I look away from his eyes as I realize that I shouldnt be looking at a stranger that way. But he does look to be around my age. Stop thinking like that! I tell myself, but I dont listen. After he was finished talking, I say "You know, my little sister is like that, expects to have the world handed to her. She lives with my grandma now" He looks at me and smiles, a smile he has probably practiced in the mirror. "Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" He asks, still smiling. Heat rushes through my cheeks. I tuck my hair behimd my ear, hoping he doesnt notice how red my cheeks are. "No, why?" I shift in my chair. Yes, sitting down was the right choice. He laughs, a small laugh, but it sends a chill through my stomach. "I think you know why." He says. Now, the chill turns into a sickening feeling. I'm being called pretty by a stranger. Kind of creepy, ain't it? Dolores hollers around the corner. "Eggs and coffee on the love boat." I look back at him as I walk to get the plate, surprised to see him looking at me. "Thanks for that." I hiss at Dolores, who looks very pleased with herself. As I set the plate at his table, he looks at me, I'm not sure what to do, and I'm getting a little uncomfortable, I've never had an experience like this before. "I'm John, by the way." "Selina." I say and walk back to the kitchen and hide behind the wall. Dolores is plugging in the radio. I walk up behind her. "Dont you dare turn that on!" She looks up and smiles. "Why not?" She asks innocently. "Because the only station we can pull in is a love song station, and I know what you'll do!" "Okay, you dont have to lecture me!" "Okay, just...don't do anything." I walk over to a cormer amd lean up against the wall, I close my eyes.                               ”“”“” When I hear the bell above the door ring, I walk to clean up the table. I find a napkin with a phone number on it. I look behind me to make sure Dolores isnt watching, and shove the napkin in my pocket. I try to fight my smile, but I can't, so I just bite my lip to try to conceal it. I carry the plate and bill back and set them on the counter. I'll deal with it later. "Did he leave his number on the bill?" Dolores asks. "No," it isn't a lie, because it wasnt on tje bill. "And never will, so will you just knock it off?" "Ha! Not a chance." She answers. "Besides," she says "you could use some pointers." "Pointers? From the girl that just stole her Ex's radio?" "Hey! After 5 years of dealing with his crap, I think I have a right to a radio that was going in the dump anyway." I roll my eyes at her. I really wish I had a book that I could hide behind right now. Sadly, I still dont have any deals. Dolores is pulling out a small bag from her other huge bag. "How many bags do you have in one bag?" I ask. "7." She answers like its not obscure to carry around more than one huge bag. "What is that one for?" I ask. She pulled out a glittery purple one and set it on the counter. "If you want to make a good impression," She says. "For who?" I interrupt, I know who, and what, she means, but I'm never gonna even see him again anyway. "You know. The one you were just swooning over." "No," I say "I'm am not participating in your little plan here. Besides, you know how many girls he probably leaves his number to? Too many for me to care." She scans me like a lie-detector. But I'm not lying, I dont really want to be seeing someone who goes into random resteraunts and talks about his personal life to some waitress. I feel like I'm lying. But I'm not. Am I? No. Really though, who goes and tells a stranger about their psycho sister? Probably someone who will tell anyone anything, even if its none of their business. "Fine," Dolores says. "If you dont want a little romamce in your life, that's your choice." She says as she puts all her bags back in her bag. "That wasnt romance," I say, "That was a guy complaining about his sister. What's 'Romantic' about that?" She shrugs her shoulders. "I dont know, maybe because he chose you to talk to." "He didnt 'choose' me! Besides, if you would have went over there, he would have talked to you." "Okay then! Tomorrow, when he comes back, I will go wait on him, see what he says then." "You just do that," I say, sitting down on the barstool. "And good luck, because he wont be back." "Right." Dolores mumbles. But, I dont know what shes planning, because he aint gonna be back. Chapter 2 I get back in my car, and let out a sigh. I had a meeting with the Eldersons, I guess they wanted to see how I was, no one has ever wanted a visit before. Its refreshing to finally smell fresh air. The air in the house was full of air fresheners, I would almost bet that it smelled better without all the fragrances. They were pretty nice, I guess. Emma, Brians mom, asked me things like what I have in mind for my future amd small-talk like that. But nothing really related to care-giver work. Maybe she was just testing me. She is leaving her son with me, after all.                                  “”“” When I get home, Mom is popping popcorn on the microwave. Gala is at her feet begging. "Gala! You user puppy!" I say as I bend down to pet her. "I figured we could use a movie night" Mom says as she piches the popcorn bag and puts it all in one big bowl. "We havent done that since Dylyla left." "No, we haven't, and since its just you and me, you can pick the movie." "You say that like you dont know what I will pick." My mom knows I have two favorite movies. That is one thing I told her. "Hm. Half-Blood Prince, or Divergent?" She asks. That is a hard choice, its been a while for both. "Which would you rather watch?" I ask "I cant make up my mind." She smiles, I already know what shes going to pick. "Harry Potter, Baby!" She says.                                 ““”“ I wake up tired. We ended up watching all 8 Harry Potter movies, and all 3 Divergent Movies. We probably should have gone to bed earlier, but, we you are handed movies like that, theres no telling how long you'll be awake. We probably should have waited for the weekend. We both have to work today, and Emma wants to meet "Privatly without the family." I don't know what that's about, but I imagine since Colin, her youngest son, was being pretty distracting, she wants a more focused setting. We are meeting at a park at 3:00, but I dont get off until 4:00, so I'll have to talk to Dolores. She'll probably cover for me, not that it matters, no one is ever there. I slept through my alarm, so I hurry and dress, then run through the house like a ninja finding food.                                 ”“” When I get there, Dolores is already there. Normally, I'm here way before she is. "Is everything alright?" She asks when I come in the door. "Yeah, Mom and I stayed up until 3:00 in the morning." I say as I tie on my apron. "Why in the world would you do that?" She asks. "Oh, you know, Harry Potter." I answer, smiling. "Ah, I see. I just wanted to make sure everything was alright. Did you get a call last night?" She asks. I look at her questoningly. "What do you mean?" I ask. I feel clueless, like I should known what shes talking about. "Wow, you really must have missed a lot of sleep." She says. "I'm sorry, I'm not following you." I say. "Obviously! I'm talking about flirty-pants." I roll my eyes at her. She needs to drop it. "Will you please stop! This isnt some Insta-romance story. So knock it off, I already told you, hes probably some creeper. I'm not even looking for a relationship." I say to clear things up. I guess she took the hint because she just shook her head, but didnt say anything. I stay on the barstool for a while, but after a little bit, these seats get really uncomfortable. I go over to a booth and lay down. Before I know it I'm asleep, not remembering my last thought. I'm awoken by music blaring from the kitchen. Dolores must have gotten the radio working. I sit up, involuntarily groaning. I walk over to the kitchen, rubbing sleep from my eyes, and turn off the radio. Dolores comes out of the bathroom. "Why did you shut it off? And why do you look like a zombie?" She asks, but all I can do is glare at here. My mouth wont form words right now. I go back to the booth, but don't lay down, instead I stare out the window, wondering if penguins have knees. Soon, cars and people and bikes going by are just blures of color. I dont even her Dolores when she walks over. I dont notice until she blocks my view. "Here." She throws my phone into my lap. I pick it up, there a million texts from my mom, and a few missed calls. 'are you ok?' 'why arent you answering?' 'seriously, reply!' I keep scrolling, more of the same. Her texts look panicky, I immediately think the worst. Then I see the first text. 'hey sweety, she passed away, I'm sorry.' I can't see anything. My vision is blurry with tears. I feel Dolores' hand on my arm. An attempt at comfort, but we both know shes not good at it. I stare at my hands, this time, I'm going to let my tears come. She's gone. She's gone. She's gone, and I was not there for her. I wasnt there. And now shes gone. Gone. The word repeats in my head, as if on a broken record. It won't leave. It wont stop. And neither will the tears. Maybe she is in a better place. Maybe shes up there with her Mom, her Dad, her brother. I lean forward and put my head in my hands. I feel Dolores rubbing my back. She met her. Once. I feel like a wimp. Sitting here, crying. Its not who I am. But then again, who am I? I don't know. Not anymore. We should have visited her last night. Instead of watching movies. We should have. I cant think straight right now. What did I do after Dad died? I don't know. I dont remember. Not now. But I went through it once before I look at Dolores. She has a small tear in her eyes. More from sympathy, it looks like. "You can go home." She says before I can even ask. I lean over and side hug her. Sniff, and shove my phone in my pocket. I take off my apron and hang it on the hook. I walk out to my car. Crank the engine, and pull out. I feel numb. Too numb. I feel like I should be feeling something. Other than a blade in my chest. That's it. That's all I can feel.                                ““”“ When I get home, Gala is ready to lick my tears away. I sit down on the floor, and Gala and I stare into each others eyes, for a long time. Sometimes, I think animals understand things better then humans. Animals will put aside everything they have wrong. Humans are wrapped up in their own problems, that they wont put aside. Animals are truly a blessing. I feel bad for the unfortunate souls that dont like animals. The wall phone rings. I get up and check my voice to make sure it will work. "Hello?" "Hello, this is Emma, are we still meeting?" "Yes! Yes, I'm sorry, I forgot, I'll be on my way! I'm so sorry." "Don't worry about it, I heard what happened." "Y-you did? From who?" I try to sound curious, not demanding. I dont know if it worked. "Oh, your mother told me this morning." "Oh, ok, I'm on my way." I hang up and run to the mirror. Blotches. Of course. I put on more makeup. Grab my purse. I'm out the door before I realize. Emma is already sitting on a park bench, holding a book, as gentle as if it could crumble in her finger tips. She looks beautiful with her hair blowing around. Her son definatly looks more like her than his dad. I step out of the car, Emma hears the car door shut, she carefully sets the book on top of her purse, when I get closer, I realize its a journal. "Hello!" She starts walking towards me, I'm walking toward her, I'm feeling very awkward, should I stop walking? I'm taken by surprise when she hugs me, as if we are long lost friends. Lost. The word rings in my head and I think of Mary. No. I wont think of her right now. Too late. My eyes are watery. "I'm so sorry to hear what happened." Emma says with a sorrowful look on her face. She's a nice woman. I've met her once, briefly. And she is already pitiful for me. I don't think that is normal. But maybe Ive never met a truly nice person before. Maybe I have. I dont remember them if I have, but I remember all the rude people who will shove me out of the way at the grocery store. Or flip me off in traffic. Or the man who killed my father. I will always remember his face. Permanently etched in my brain. People can't forget something when it affected them so badly. Thats not how the mind works, unfortunately. It would be wonderful if I could just tell myself to forget something. I would be much happier. Or would I? Maybe. Maybe not. "Well, at least shes in a better place now." I say. My eyes flick up to the sky. I hope thats where she is. I look down and stare at my shoes. Emma goes and sits on the bench. She moves her purse and beckons for me to sit. I walk over. Awkwardly. The bench is short, so we're only about a half an inch apart. I bring my shoulders forward to keep from brushing her. I dont know why though. I just feel uncomfortable. "I would like to ask you something." Emma says, "I hope these questions arent too annoying for you, I'm just a curious person." I look up at her and shake my head. "No, youre fine, I understand, I mean, you are leaving your son with me." I flash a quick smile at her. "Ok then!" She says. "Why did you choose to become a care giver at such a young age?" She lowers her voice towards the end of her sentence. I decide to give her the truth. Though I've never actually told anyone. They ask. But I just tell them I like helping people. "I watched both my Dad and my Grandpa die. It was hard. But I figured I could lie and wollow in my self pity, or I could help other people going through the same thing they did." I shrug. I want it to sound casual. But how casual is talking about your dead relatives to a stranger? She rubs my arm, like I'm her daughter, or younger sister. She seems like she could put aside her problems, or maybe she already has. I dont know. I dont know a lot these days. I dont know her, but shes nice. I dont know Brian, but he looks like her. I dont know Colin, but he's a good kid. I dont know my little sister, but I miss her. I dont know. I dont know. It rings over and over and over in my head. I want all of this to stop. I want everything to go black so I can curl up and forget everything. I want it to stop. How? How can it stop, when its real? "I know how youre feeling." Emma says. How? How could anyone know what I'm thinking, when we're all so different? Maybe we aren't different at all. Beating heart. Breathing lungs. Blinking eyes. Its all the same. Or is it? I'm questioning everything I know. Why? Because I'm not sure anyone knows for sure. Maybe they do. Right now, I vow to never think anything is certain. Even if I want to. "You do?" I ask. I'm still staring at the grass. I didnt even realize. But I dont look at something else. Maybe I'm being rude. "Yes. I went through the same thing when I lost my baby. I wanted to give up on everything. And everyone. I just wanted to curl up in a ditch and think of nothing. But I finally realized that there is so much around me. Everything is so much more then meets the eye." She looks around at the trees, the cars, and the children playing. Then I realize, the trees look like theyre swaying in the wind. But they're producing oxygen, they're housing insects amd lives smaller then we can see. The cars look like theyre driving themselves. There is someone inside, giving instructions to an engine that moves everything else. The children look like they're just sliding down slides. But theyre pretending to be superheroes, gliding through the sky like birds. How could I be so narrow-minded? There is too much worth remembering to just give up. I was focusing on the negative. When there is way more positive I could have been thinking of. "Yeah, sometimes I forget that." I say. "Not just you, I think everyone forgets it occasionally. Nothing to worry about, just something to be aware of." She reaches down and puts the journal back onto her purse, which just slid off. "Can I ask you something?" I ask. "You just did, didnt you?" She says smiling. I smile back. Like I'm with an old best friend. I feel comfortable enough to go ahead and ask. "Whos journal is that?" I ask pointing at the old book. The thread is fraying at the spine. It still smells like leather. Like its been in a box for years. "Its my moms. I found it a few years after she died. But I just now got the guts to read it. Im glad I did. I'm learning alot from my 14 year old mom." She looks at me quizingly. I feel like she is going to ask me something I wont know how to answer. "How is your relationship with your mom?" I knew it. I frickin foretold that! "Well, I mean. Its good, I guess." I feel like an idiot. I love my mom. But is that enough? I dont know. When I listen to music, they say love is the most powerful thing ever. But is love alone enough? It doesnt seem like it, but then again, what more could you give? I don't know. "I guess it isnt perfect. But I love her. Is love enough?" I ask. She seems wise and honest, I'm quickly comfortable around her. Even more then with Dolores. But Dolores seems always pre-occupied with her own thoughts, Emma isn't. I dont know how she does it. "Well, the feeling of love is enough, but just saying 'I love you' is not enough. You have to show that someone what they mean. You cant just tell them. They have to feel it. It sounds cliche. And probably overused, but its overused because its true. Why would anyone say it over and over if it isnt true? They wouldn't. Or theyre just good at acting." She says. Yes, very wise. But why use the word acting? Instead of lying? "Isnt acting and lying the same thing?" I ask. "No, not necessarily. Lying is making something up, just to see how it works. Acting is believing that something is false, but somewhere in them, they might just believe that its true, or vice-versa, depending on how you look at it." That answer is satisfying enough. But I have one more that is buzzing in the back of my head. "Do you believe that everyone is unique? Or that we are all the same?" I ask. I should be asking these questions to my mom, but I'm not. "Well, what I believe is very complex. Yes, I believe we are all unique. But I also believe we are connected by some invisible line. The same line that allows us to feel someone staring at us from yards away." She says. I wonder what school she went to that teaches this stuff. Or did she learn it on her own. "Where did you learn all this stuff?" I ask, calmly, not demanding, or insistent, just curiously. "That's the thing, I dont know any of this for sure, but its things I've thought about while sitting in silence." She looks at me quizingly again. "Do you listen to music, Selina?" She asks. Again, I'm going to answer honestly, I feel like I'm getting an honest overdose. This is the most honest I've been in years. "Yes, like when its quiet. I dont like to be alone with my own thoughts." I lean forward and pick up the blade of grass that I was staring at previously and start folding and ripping it. "Sometimes, we can learn from our thoughts. Sometimes, its better to be in quiet. Music is great too! But sometimes, say 15 minutes a day, we should be in silence." She says. We are again deep in conversations, about beliefs, wonders, and everything between. For a minute, I forget about my griefs. But grieving is useless. What good does it do anyway? Besides allow you to feel sorry for yourself? It does nothing besides that, at least in my experience with it. It might work for other people, to maybe let go of something. But is that really grief? I dont think so. Maybe it is. Who knows for certain? How many certain things are there really? I make a mental list. God. Family. Hope. Faith. Gravity. Oxygen. ?. Thats all I can think of. Maybe Love? No. Love could be a lie. This is a list of completely certain things. Yes, I love my mom, but thats what family is. So love is not included in this list. Is that a good or a bad thing?                                 ”“” I'm back home. Emma and I talked until sunset. I still don't know what the purpose was in her mind. But I'm glad we met. I feel like a veil has been lifted. One that was blurring my vision of the world. I dont think I should base my thoughts off of what one person says. But, its a start. I should ask what other people think of the world. I make another mental list. Mom. Dolores. Emily. Dylyla. Yes, I will ask Dylyla, I want her back home. I miss her. But I won't grieve. Its useless. Maybe I will. I'll count to 10, let the grieve come in. Then push it out. 1 2 3 Why? 4 How? 5 Why? 6 What is this pain? 7 Is it my fault? 8 Will I really see them again? 9 What if I don't? 10 I let out an internal scream. Then its gone. Its gone! I will do this every time. I feel light. Like a feather. A feather that attached to a bird. A bird that is very intelligent. A bird that is hungry, but full at the same time. That is a very conflicting idea. But it makes sense to me. And that's all that matters, right? As long as I understand what one person means, my life is not wasted. Even if that one person is myself, or Emma, or Mom, or Emily, or even a stranger on the street. Thats what I believe. Is it though? Is that what I really believe? Yes, it is. And I need to stop questioning myself so much. I need to stop a lot of things. But right now, I'm focusing on, well, focusing. I need to really look at the world. Then I will really look at myself. I will fix what I need to fix. But if its fine, why fix it? Why not improve it? Yes, that sounds good. That's what I will keep in the back of my mind. Like a sticky note on the walls of my mind, I will write it big enough to see from anywhere in my mind. I pretend I'm ripping all the other notes on the wall away. The notes that don't matter. "Grief" "Self-pitty" "Why?" I keep ripping. And I rip them all away. There are only a few left. "Famliy" "Hope" "Faith" "Learning" "Realizing" Those are the only good notes I made. I will add more to my mind-walls soon. As soon I learn more, as soon as I get my family back together, as soon as I find hope again, as soon as I find faith, as soon as I realize how amazing this world actually is. Until then, this is all that matters. I crawl into bed. I'm asleep immediately.
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