#and house has probably given it to him before anyways but if wilson strips to his underwear while drunk i can believe he’d groggily declare
jimmywilsonschutzpah · 9 months
New fic idea: 5 times Wilson or House drugged each other with zolpidem, inducing sleepwalking shenanigans, and 1 time they accidentally drugged each other with z at the same time and got a rare (and originally intended) peaceful night of sleep.
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elcorhamletlive · 6 years
fandom: MCU (Alternate Universe - High School) ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark tags: Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Tooth-rotting fluff, Pining
Dear Journal,
Jarvis told me a journal could help when I can’t use my phone in class and I get bored because I already know everything the teachers are saying. So now I’m in Math class and I’m super bored, so I decided to write to make it seem like I’m taking notes.
Ms. Karen is looking my way right now. Let’s see if she buys it.
She bought it. Great. This class is already starting late because she took time out of it to introduce the new student, so I guess she doesn’t has time to check if I’m actually copying the equations.
The new guy is kind of funny. His name is Steve and he’s really small. I kind of like him already because now I’m not the shortest guy in our year anymore.
Great, the bell rang. Ttyl.
Book of Tony
Tony’s Declassified School Survival Guide
Death Note
Dear J,
Yeah, that works for me. I like calling you J. Not my best nickname, but it will have to do.
Today I’m in History class, and it’s been a really fun class. The new guy, Steve, sits right in front of me.
And, like, he’s definitely a huge nerd. Not in the sense that he gets good grades, because I don’t know if he does, but he’s always paying attention to the teacher’s every word. And he never talks during class (I don’t think he’s made any friends yet).
But today he talked. Because Hodge was picking on Banner, and then Steve just stood up and went right in front of the table and told him to stop. Just like that.
Hodge laughed, of course. But it was still pretty cool.
Dear J,
Here’s a list of all the things more interesting than this class right now:
Dum-E’s beeps when he manages to hose something.
Mold forming under the teacher’s table.
All the Star Wars prequels.
Steve Rogers’ socks.
(They’re, like, actual wool socks that go all the way to half of his calf. It’s like he deliberately set out to dress as an uncool loser. They have a pattern of little cows. It’s amazing.)
Dear J,
I can’t believe I’m writing this, but History class was awesome.
Get this: Steve got into a fight with Mr. Jenkins about Columbus. Because Mr. Jenkins had just finished reading a passage from a book about him, and he asked if anyone had any questions, and Steve just raised his hand and Mr. Jenkins was like, “Sure, go ahead, Mr. Rogers” (the teachers like Steve because he’s so quiet) and Steve just said “Why doesn’t it say anything about all the rapes and violence he committed?”.
I don’t think Mr. Jenkins likes Steve very much now.
Still, it was the most interesting thing to ever happen in his class in years. He should be grateful.
Dear J,
I thought about talking to Steve after class, to let him know I thought it was cool, what he did.
I don’t really go to the cafeteria during lunch, because since Rhodey graduated I don’t really have a table to sit. Eating alone suckssss.
I thought I could sit with Steve, maybe? Because he’s new, so I thought, he probably doesn’t know anyone yet.
But it turns out he does know someone. He sat at the table of this big dude named Bucky Barnes.
I’m eating at the informatics club right now.
Dear J,
A probably incomplete list of Steve Rogers’ socks:
plain black socks (my least favorite)
the ones with the cows I mentioned before (he seems to like those, he wears them a lot).
red and blue stripped socks (sometimes just one foot paired with another one from the list, usually the plain pair. not sure if political commentary or not)
blue socks with little stars
blue socks with little R2-D2s (by far my favorite)
The last one makes me wonder if he’s into Star Wars. Maybe he just thinks R2-D2 is cool, though, which is also a valid opinion.
I kind of want to ask, but he’s always with that Barnes guy. It’s hard to get a moment to talk to him.
Dear J,
Talked to Steve today right after Math class. Ok, actually I kinda ran into him, but then we started talking? I complimented his socks and everything. At first he thought I was making fun of him, but then I showed him a picture of my star wars Lego set and he believed it. We talked so much Ms. Hill had to tell us to shut up and let her start the class.
He’s really funny, J. I didn’t know he was funny.
Dear J,
Steve invited me to have lunch with them today. Ngl I was a little nervous – didn’t wanna talk to Barnes – but I met his friends, Sam Wilson and this girl, Sharon Carter, and it was actually kind of fun.
It certainly beats eating in the informatics room.
Dear J,
Yesterday at lunch, Barton sat with us. I didn’t mind it (Barton is ok, I guess) until he decided to make a stupid comment about Barnes and Steve. It was so fucking stupid. Just because Barnes gave Steve his fries. Like, are you in fifth grade?
I could’ve given Steve my fries. I wasn’t gonna eat them anyway. But Barnes offered first. damnit
Dear J,
Today Steve asked me to help him with his math homework. I said yes, I’d love it.
(Why the fuck did I say that? Like, sure, I could’ve said yes, but why did I say I’d love it? That’s such a weird thing to say.
Steve just smiled. But I bet he thought it was weird.)
Now I’m in last period, ignoring Mr. Coulson and getting all nervous because I’m supposed to go to Steve’s house after school.
What if say something stupid? Worse, what if I start rambling and I say something shitty and he gets mad? And am I gonna be a good teacher anyway? I always go off when I talk about Math, sometimes I don’t understand what I’m saying. What if Steve sits there, looks at me with those blue eyes they’re so blue, holy shit and I end up, like, talking about the Hodge conjecture or something? That’s not really date talk.
And is that even a date? Would Steve even want to have a date with me?
Ok, class’s over. Gotta go, J. Wish me luck.
Dear J,
Yesterday was AWESOME.
We talked a lot. I even told him about the Hodge conjecture after all!! And Steve said it was amazing I know this. He sounded like he really meant it (he always sounds like he means everything he says. It’s something in the way he talks).
Steve thinks he’s bad at math, but he isn’t. He just has a harder time with numbers. He’s actually super smart. And he’s so fun to talk to, J. He’s just so...
I don’t know if it was a date. We didn’t kiss or anything. But I had a great time. I hope he asks for help again.
Dear J,
He asked again!! I’m supposed to help him with his chemistry homework on Saturday. Again not sure if this is a date, but it’s so awesome.
Today at lunch there was something a little different with us. Barnes was there, sure, but I could barely notice his presence, and I bet Steve didn’t either. We were talking about what might happen to Kylo Ren in the next movies. I’m pro-redemption, he’s against it. We talked so much we didn’t even notice when the bell rang.
Anthony Stark-Rogers
Anthony Rogers
Anthony Rogers-Stark
Dear J,
Can’t really focus on writing lately. I’ve been just scribbling stuff.
(Don’t give me this look. You’re a journal, you can’t judge me.)
Dear J,
It’s been almost a week since I last wrote here. Feels a bit weird to write down what went on, honestly, but I’m gonna try. I missed writing in you.
So. Apparently, last time I scribbled those stupid names (so fucking stupid), I was grinning like an idiot, and Hodge started teasing me, asking me what was up. Of course, I can’t keep my mouth shut, so I snapped back at him and he got angry and he and his friends cornered me on the way out and took you out of my backpack and, I mean, you were there. They started reading aloud, laughing the whole time.
Steve was in the bathroom, so he only got to it around the ending, but he definitely heard enough. I was so fucking embarrassed, I couldn’t even think, I just grabbed you and ran away.
Now Steve keeps calling me and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to answer him because I don’t want to hear him rejecting me, and I don’t want to have to apologize for writing all that stupid shit about him because I didn’t think anyone would read it! I just thought I was being dumb in my journal, alone, like it’s my God-given right as a stupid teenager in love with someone.
Yeah, there, I said it. No point in pretending anymore, I guess, since the whole school has probably heard it by now. I’m in love, and Steve isn’t, and now everyone knows and I just want to stay in my room for the rest of my life.
Dear J,
Barnes called me. I answered almost out of surprise, to be honest– I didn’t even know he had my number. He didn’t bother telling me how he got it, he just straight up started saying I needed to answer Steve before he did anything dumber. And then I said “you mean, before he does anything dumb” (I don’t normally correct people, but I wanted to be an asshole with him), but he answered: “No, idiot, he already did something dumb”.
And then I found out Steve got suspended.
Because he punched Hodge in the face.
I kind of didn’t have anything to say to that, so Barnes was just like “yeah, I know” and told me the whole story. Apparently, a few days after the mess, Steve went to Hodge, because he wanted to get Hodge to apologize to me (he’s a fan of impossible causes) and of course Hodge told him to fuck off and I guess he said something about me (Barnes didn’t know what it was because Steve refused to repeat) and then Steve punched his face.
And that’s. I mean, that’s the most awesome thing I’ve ever heard, right? So I told that to Barnes, and he was all like: “Of course you think that. You two idiots were made for each other”.
So I guess I don’t hate Barnes anymore.
And I’m calling Steve tonight. Wish me luck.
Dear J,
I’m writing this now in Steve’s room. He went downstairs to see if the popcorn was ready, and I thought I’d update you a little.
When I called him, yesterday, at first he was super shocked I was actually talking to him. I asked how he was, and I told him about my talk with Barnes (guess I should start calling him Bucky now?). He said he was fine, which is Steve speak for “Hodge totally punched him back”, so I wanted to see him, and he told me come over.
And… I’m here now, so you can guess how it went. We didn’t fuck or anything – Steve told me he’s never done it before with anyone, and when we do it I want it to be special, so special he never wants to do it with anyone else. But we kissed, and we kissed a lot, and let me tell you, we’d totally still be kissing if we didn’t have to stop and do other meaningless things, like breathing and sleeping.
Steve says he didn’t kiss many people before me, but he’s such a great kisser, J. He’s just- he tastes so good and his mouth is so soft and just… Yeah. Awesome. 10/10, would do it again (will do it again as soon as he gets back with the popcorn).
We talked about you, too. He said he thinks it’s "super cute", that I write in you – and then he flushed and started saying he didn’t mean to be condescending, which was super cute too. He says he’s not good at writing many things, mostly he draws.
He showed me a few of his drawings. I’m in a few, and there’s one of both of us holding hands, which was how the kissing started.
Now I’m listening to his steps coming up the stairs, so I better go. I’m so happy, J. I didn’t even know I could get this happy.
Dear J,
The best things about dating Steve Rogers, in no particular order.
Getting to see his socks’ drawer and pick out my favorites for him to wear on our dates (the R2-D2 pair is still the winner, but he’s got one with little stars he only wears at home that I kind of love because I’m the only one who sees it).
Eating his mom’s cookies.
Joining his mom in her efforts to make him eat more (and the way he frowns and gets all grumpy about it).
Watching him shoot angry glares at Hodge any time he breathes in my direction (I considered telling Steve to relax, but, honestly, I kind of love it when he does that).
Cuddling with him in bed while he watches this youtube video I found that proves Kylo’s redemption is inevitable.
Kissing the little freckles behind his ears and watching as he blushes all over.
The smile he’s gonna give when I show him this list.
Gotta go, J. Ttyl.
P.S.: It’s totally gonna be “Stark-Rogers”.
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malapertmarquess · 8 years
Now you've read all the plays I'm curious to know which Shakespeare movie adaptations you've seen. And what you think of them.
WELL THEN YOU ASKED FOR THIS HERE WE GO (sorry about the super long post guys)
Olivier, 1948 - Half the plot was cut to shorten the running time, which surprised me but does make sense. I thought that the focus on Hamlet’s family troubles was done quite well, and it works well. Did not like that Hamlet was one-dimensionally moody. Also the first production to put the infamous closet scene in Gertrude’s bedroom because Olivier quite liked Freud (he even cast a woman 14 years younger than him to play his mother, so super Oedipal). Do NOT agree.
Zeffirelli, 1990 - I know I’ve seen it, but it was pre-2008 sometime and I remember very little about it. I think it was also quite Oedipal? And I don’t think they kept the original text (I wish they had; Mel Gibson trying to speak in Early Modern English would be fucking hilarious). I don’t remember being terribly impressed. Like Braveheart but Danish?
Branagh, 1996 - Olivier’s antithesis! This film was everything Olivier’s was not: the scale was huuuuge, Branagh kept every line of the original text (and added a lot of flourishes), it was very anti-Oedipal (GOOD). The cast was very star-studded, which was cool but seemed to detract from the storytelling a lot because you’re too focussed on the fact that Robin Williams is in it for no known reason to pay attention to the text. Branagh’s characterisation was way more manic than the melancholy Olivier, but still came off as being a bit flat because his only emotion was ~INTENSE~.
Doran, 2009 - My fave.
Much Ado About Nothing
Branagh, 1993 - Kind of quintessential? I watched it in high school when we studied the play in record time because the teacher had us on the wrong one for two weeks. Emma Thompson was in it, and I eternally adore Emma Thompson. Also featured were the guy who plays Wilson on House and Keanu Reeves as the evil Don John, doing a wonderfully mopey Don John (guy’s such a wet blanket). There was a ridiculous scene when Bea and Ben “discover” their “love” for each other and decide to love the other back, which for some reason involved Emma Thompson on a swing and Kenneth Branagh splashing in a fountain. WHY.
ShakespeaRe-told, Nicholls, 2005 - A modern adaption set in a television studio. Very cleverly done, and given more of a sense of realism in a modern world than the original text has. I liked that at the end *spoilers* Hero wasn’t keen to get back together with Claudio, which is how most modern women would react in that situation. *end spoilers* Good actors, good adaption.
Rourke, 2011 - Another filmed stage show starring David Tennant (shut up). He’s opposite Catherine Tate, and OH MY GOD I love the energy those two have together. There’s a reason Donna’s my favourite Who companion. Both fit their roles very well and carry a believable relationship built on teasing each other mercilessly. The staging was brilliant, with a revolving circle making up most of the stage with some pillars to create separate spaces and for the actors to interact with. Also: Benedick enters majestically in a golf cart. And gets covered in paint. And Beatrice gets hoisted into the air by her belt. Basically this show is a JOY to watch.
The Taming of the Shrew
Zeffirelli, 1967 - I’m pretty sure I watched this one pre-2008 too, so I don’t remember much. I think I liked it well enough? There was a hayloft? Elizabeth Taylor was pretty great I think.
10 Things I Hate About You, 1999 - Pretty fab. Great casting, and I liked the changes they made to the story to make it more in keeping with the setting. Generally pretty good.
Twelfth Night
She’s the Man, 2006 - Another pre-2008 movie. I liked it a lot! I don’t remember terribly much, but I remember that. Makes my li’l cross-dresser’s heart happy.
Van Someren, 2014 - This is the one with Tom Hiddleston. I like Tom Hiddleston. Almost as much as I like David Tennant. Hey, they should work together on something... Anyway, I watched this before I read the play, so I was unprepared for just how GAY it is. Like, Coriolanus and Aufidius are clearly either boning each other or having a lot of uncomfortable dreams about boning each other. Also Hiddles strips off his shirt early on, and even a flaming asexual can appreciate the beauty that is Tom Hiddleston’s chest. His muscles are very impressive. Another filmed stage show - this one had a fairly minimal set, which I like! It had a really gritty, warlike feel, almost industrial, which worked really well with the grimness of the play. I probably would have gotten more out of it if I’d read the play previously.
King Lear
Nunn, 2008 - Ian McKellan is a brilliant Lear! You can really see how delicate he is, despite all the posturing. The madness scenes were very heartstrings-pulling, with his flowers and all. It’s another stage show, but you’d hardly know it with the amount of dirt and tussock they managed to get hold of. Like how is that workable?? I’m a bit amazed. The costumes are GORGEOUS. So great. I’m retrospectively a bit disappointed that Regan wasn’t cleverer in this version. They did manage to answer the question of the Fool’s disappearance quite well, though.
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo + Juliet, Luhrmann, 1996 - It’s very iconic, and Luhrmann uses imagery really well, but I’m just not that into it, despite Tumblr’s obsession with the film.
Titus Andronicus
Titus, Taymor, 1999 - This film is fucking WEIRD. I watched the first 10 minutes of it in a uni class, and they made zero sense. I later watched the whole film, and it made slightly more sense. The film is completely anachronistic, with ancient Rome superimposed onto the twentieth century, or maybe the other way around. There is symbolism in SPADES, and it’s really artsy symbolism that isn’t always clear. Anthony Hopkins plays the titular role, and I think he’s well suited to the role. It also has Alan Cumming in it, and I don’t know how that happened.
The histories
The Hollow Crown, Eyre, 2012-2016 - Lumping this all together because it’s easy. I really liked this series for several reasons:
It presented most of the history plays together in a way that emphasised their interconnectivity, because out of the 10 history plays, 8 of them are consecutive, and the same characters pop up in several plays. It also provided a lot more context for the later plays and about the Wars of the Roses in general.
Margaret of Anjou is a BAMF. Like, so cool. She murders people like it’s the most fun she’s had all day, and she’s fierce and fearless and spitting curses, but she’s also a mother and a powerful leader and strategist.
Bolingbroke/Henry IV is so damn serious - such a stick-in-the-mud - and he tries SO HARD, but then he gets stuck with Harry and is So. Disappointed.
Harry and his gang are pretty great, especially Poins. I may have started lowkey shipping Poins and Harry.
Benedict Cumberbatch plays Richard III, and while I’m not as enamoured of him as I was, I still have mad respect for his acting ability, and he does the part really well.
So yeah. A+ work.
Richard III
Loncraine, 1995 - Sir Ian returns as one of our favourite villains. Always a pleasure to watch him, almost as much as watching Maggie Smith as his mother. That woman is a gem, and I can still remember the thrill of hearing her spill all the venom she feels for her son. The setting is a 1930s fascist dictatorship, so obviously a lot of telling imagery there. It was interesting, but I wasn’t as thrilled by the direction as I was by Dame Maggie.
So that’s all of them, And I think I might have seen Branagh’s version of Love’s Labour’s Lost? It’s a musical. And there was colour symbolism. I remember nothing else, so I’m not counting it.
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