#and hope I don’t get scammed 😅
sonofabiscuit101 · 2 years
Unable to tell if I’m being interacted with by bots or real people at this point 😭😂. Idk who y’all are, the support is still nice
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howdy ! i've never been matched up before and saw you were doing them so i'm curious to know who you'd match me with ^-^
i think i'm supposed to give a little description of myself first right ? Here i go
i'd say i'm a really stubborn person who doesn't care about others opinions and walk by my own rhythm but my anxiety has kept me from doing so and made me really shy and introverted , if i asked a friend to describe me they'd probably say anger issues (i've been getting better from them and that makes me really proud) and that i'm a people pleaser, i like helping others even when ik they wouldn't do the same for me ( don't put me in the same room as azul cus ik he'll scam me 😭) my hobbies consist of drawing and listening to music , i really like to try my hand at any type of arts and crafts but if I don't get if right the first time i'll probably give up on it 😅
okay so relationship wise i'm looking for someone extroverted who will make time for me and communicate with me , i'm tired of introverted boys who don't put any effort and don't communicate and just let me do all the work . i just want someone who i feel comfortable with , who ik i can joke with without walking on eggshells around them , someone who can be my bedt friend and lover , I mostly show affection through teasing and joking since i have a hard time talking about my feelings .
for the additional information: i'm an Aries sun , Leo moon , and Sagittarius rising and i'm an intp if that helps
sorry this ended up being way too long and clearly i talked as if i was at a therapy session but i hope you don't mind and find time to do my request,if not please just ignore this 😅
I AM HONOURED TO WRITE YOUR FIRST MATCH-UP! *shoots self-love at you* Oh, here he is!
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Kalim Al-Asim
Before everything else, he’s your friend. There to support you in his optimistic, sunshiney, well, Kalim, way. Even before ~da romance~ he is very forward with his feelings and would casually say, “I love you!” But one day everything just came together and he realized that yes, he loves you, and not in a friend way!
Yeah, the two of you are both people-pleasers, but through some growth together, you can both put your foot down and assert yourselves! Kalim will be there to reassure you in anxious situations as well. But he likes seeing you walk to the rhythm of your own drum.
He would giggle and tease you back, albeit his teasing is very lighthearted. He takes the joking like a champ, and you need not to worry about walking on eggshells around him.
Kalim is an open book, he may be busy, but he’ll set aside time for you… or just ditch his duties :D Why would he want to discuss silk prices when he could hang out with his favourite person?!
Even though he would be super excited to see what you created in your sketchbook, he also respects your boundaries. He may ask, but he won’t push. He is your number one supporter though. You don’t like it? Well, Kalim thinks it’s lovely!
Speaking of art, if he so happens to overhear that you want some high end supplies, well, you are now set for life! Kalim would also make you some drawings, or add a post it note on your sketchbook. “This is STUNNING! But not as stunning as you! :D ”
Impromptu dance party! He likes listening to music with you, be it just sitting quietly and moving his head to the rhythm with you, or dancing about and laughing. He would also invite you along to Light Music Club if you ever wanted to see him perform. “This one is for you, my sweet bee!” *queue drum solo*
He would also be there, and be more serious if you wanted to tell him something; be it something small that was bugging you, or something heavy that was weighing you down. He may be cheerful, but he knows when something is on your mind.
"You know, I'm always here if you want to talk, sweet bee."
Hope you like your match-up, Melice! Also, it's an honour to write your first one!
Yes, he calls you his sweet bee; people may think you're "angry" but he just sees a sweet friend trying to live their life. Plus, he also took note that you like the lil fuzzy pollinators, so you are now Sweet Bee!
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kleoyeager78 · 1 year
10 things I hate about you | 15
I was woken up by my phone ringing, I was tired I didn’t even look at the screen I just answered hoping it was scam likely and I could go back to sleep, “Hello” I said yawning into the phone.
“Hey, y/n!” I heard Furlan,
“Oh um Furlan” I came to my senses very quickly.
“Are we still on tonight?”
“Tonight? What’s tonight?”
“We were going to hang out” he chuckled and I began to get embarrassed.
“Oh my we are!”
“Yeah, it’s okay if you don’t want to anymore though”
“No. I want to, my memory has just been hazy lately. I’m literally getting ready as we speak!” I said crawling over Angie and getting out of my bed.
“Great I’ll pick you up at 9pm” with that Furlan hung up.
“Shit what time is it?” I said to myself.
“It’s 7:50 pm” I heard Angie say, I turned around and she was up.
“I’m sorry did I wake you?”
“No, I've been playing roblox,” she said, turning her iPad towards me. “But you’re leaving?”
“Yes I’m going to hang out with a friend” I said searching in my closet for an outfit.
“Cool” Angie said, going back to playing her game. “Good luck sneaking past dad”
“Wait, he's home?” I said confused. My dad usually stayed at work until 11 on Fridays so that he could get all his tests graded by Monday.
“Yup. He came in here earlier and told me to tell you to stop talking back to my mom. Apparently she’s been ranting about your lack of help around the house.” Angie rolled her eyes, “ I told him that you did everything and that you deserved to rest, but he just told me to stop talking back”
I chuckled, “thanks for that Angie. But anyways, how the hell am I getting out of here?”
“Language. And I’ll pretend to be asleep and you can jump out the window.”
“That’s actually a good idea. You’re such a smart kid.” I patted her head and made my way to the bathroom.
I took a shower and did my skincare while in the bathroom.
I was going to do a bit of makeup and my hair but that had to wait until I got back into my room so no one would suspect anything.
When I got back into the room I went over to my vanity table and turned on its light. Then I went over to my closet to pick out an outfit.
That’s when I realized I had absolutely no idea what we were going to do so I couldn’t pick out an outfit.
I texted Furlan to ask what I should wear.
What should I wear?
Furlan 💛
Anything. We’ll probably be running a lot though😅
Running? 🥲
Furlan 💛
Yes but I could carry you the whole time if you’d like 😇
What a simp 😭
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With that I closed my phone and looked for an outfit. I settled on a pair of shorts and a tank top.
(Or you can wear what you want!)
I sat at my vanity and tried to decide on a ponytail. That way my hair wouldn’t be in my face while we did whatever running Furlan was talking about.
Then I moved on to my makeup, I didn’t do much just enough to not look tired like I always do.
As I’m putting on my lipgloss I hear the door creak open and when I look behind me it’s my dad coming into my room.
I freak out a bit but then go back to normal since I already have a lie in mind ready to spill from my lips if he asks me why I have a face of makeup and an outfit on at this late hour.
“Hi baby” he hugs me from behind.
I make a face in disgust but refrain myself from telling him to get the hell away from me because I know Angie isn’t actually sleeping. Instead I try to pry his hands off me,”hello”
“How have you been?” He sits on Angie’s bed looking at me.
I continued to get ready, “I’ve been just fine” I said not paying him any mind. I could tell he was drunk by the way he wobbled over to me, and the way he’s smiling at me while sitting on the bed. Not to mention he reeked of alcohol.
After what happened that night I was never comfortable around my dad while he was drunk or at all to be completely honest but when he was drunk It was worse. He would hit on me with no shame especially after I hit puberty and it absolutely disgusted me. I couldn't even be in the same room as him alone when he was drunk because I knew exactly what he would do if he got the chance.
Although I wasn’t showing it I was shaking right now.
“Look how much you’ve grown.” He said looking me up and down, “ you know you remind me of your mother when I first met her so much.”
“You first met mom in a party bathroom doing illegal substances, how is that a compliment?” I tried to not say too much because I knew Angie had to hear all of this but still he was making me angry and I was about to blow.”
He laughed, “I meant how she looked. She might have been an addict but she was still sexy”
“Get out.” I instantly snapped. I didn’t want to hear any of this.
“How about we do something tonight,” he got up and stood over me which made me even more uncomfortable.
I stood up and repeated myself, “get out”
He chuckled and surprisingly walked to the door, “you’re a teenager now so I guess that means you don’t want to spend time with your old man huh?” He said slurring his words.
I rolled my eyes and as soon as he closed the door I locked it behind him and scoffed.
“You really don’t like your dad huh?” Angie said from next to me.
“I really don’t understand how you do.” I replied.
“He’s very nice y/n. You should give him a chance. He just tried to give you a compliment” Angie sat up in bed looking at me.
“That wasn’t the type of compliment you think it was,”
“How come? My mom calls violet sexy all the time and violet reacts to it like any other compliment.”
“Well, when your mom says it she doesn’t have any other intent behind it.”
“Intent?” Angie asked confused,
I chuckled, “I’ll explain to you when you’re older.”
“But I’m almost 13. Why can’t you tell me now? I really would like to know” Angie pouted.
“I still think you’re a bit young.”
Angie sighed, “well will you at least tell me why you hate him?”
“When you’re older.”
Angie scoffed and rolled back into bed going on about how I never tell her anything.
I got up from my seat and sat on the bed next to her, “I promise that you will know someday. But for right now I don’t think it’s a good idea to tell you,” you patted her head and got back up, “how do I look Ang?”
She looked up at me, “okay” she said uninterested
“That’s it?” I smiled,
“I mean for a girl who’s going to sneak out, yeah.” Angie shrugged,
You started to tickle her to make her less mad with you, “don’t be mad at me please”
“I’m not” she laughed,
“Liar” I tickled her some more,
“I’m not.” She continued to laugh,
“It’s not good to lie y'know” I laughed myself and stopped tickling her, “I love you Angie”
“I love you too y/n” we hugged and I open the window and climbed out.
“Call me if you need me, or ring violet.”
“Why would I call her?” Angie said in confusion,
“Believe it or not even though she tried to act mean in front of her friends, she loves you more than anything,” you said before closing the window and making your way to your front yard we’re Furlan was waiting.
Tags: @phantomcookiedough
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texasjen13 · 8 months
Can I vent a bit? 😅☺️
I logically can’t process the faking a marriage standpoint, I think Chris really married this girl, gaslight his own fandom to use this mess to gain traction for himself or/and her and it backfired greatly because he didn’t know his own perception and tried and failed to copy other celeb couples (real and fake) doing pr stunts.
I also think she’s going to share the wedding pics or some shit will happen that will be the final nail in coffin confirmation that he really is willfully in this mess.
The pr angle would be one hell of a Hollywood story and no I don’t believe those who believe it’s pr are crazy, I think they are very intelligent and spotted many holes but the pr is indeed real as well as the relationship which would make Chris a pathetic loser.
He has suffered from low self worth for years and now it’s lead to an extreme terrible decision but it may take him years to finally see it, marrying a twenty something was a safe and easy choice for him, he has the power in said relationship and we see it playing out.
It’s unfortunate because he gave many hope that decent men were indeed out there, but it was a scam.
I hope these 40+ yr olds see in the future, how disgusting they come off, imagine them having a little girl and she grows up and when she turns 23, brings home a 41 yr old, bet he wouldn’t be so calm.
Also I can’t ignore marrying someone who’s bestie is a racist. Chris loves to act like he’s in the know and socially conscious but how many times has he put his foot in his mouth.
I expected better from this man and deep down in my heart I wanted this FS person to be his legit one, but I never expected him to pull this mess.
If by some shock I’m wrong and this gets exposed as pr, I’d be 1% relieved yet still mad at him for taking his fandom for granted but there’d be slight hope, but the reality is I’m sure he and his friends and hers spend time laughing at the team pr vs team real mess that they created and breadcrumbed for two years.
Many random people over the last year came out and said Chris wasn’t like his image in real life and how he gaslights women….I now believe it because that’s precisely what he did with his fandom. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Love the readings, keep them coming, I’d love to hope for better but like I said he sat his butt on stage and stated he’s married so logically…..I’m believing him. I feel like an idiot either way sooooo…..
Whooo… thanks for letting me vent. I hope this mess is pr and just a bump in the road towards him finding his true love aka FS. 🤞 thanks for reading! 💜
You’re welcome and I agree feel free to vent anytime
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melis-writes · 1 year
There’s so many “should’ve, would’ve, could’ve” and “I’m disappointed in him” statements being thrown at Al for this pregnancy fiasco but he’s a millionaire with a huge team + legal firm behind him and that’s his personal life to deal with not for fans to judge so harshly 😭 Exploiting an elderly man and using a baby to get money is horrible but some comments are going TOO far past supporting him through this legal battle like wishing the worst to her and a practical new born baby so Al wouldn’t have to pay child support anymore
I appreciate Al’s fictional characters and this scandal is not changing that especially with the legacy he left on acting. To judge Al’s personal/love life based off the standards of the fictional characters he played is so unfair to say “Michael Corleone wouldn’t approve/fall for that scam” and proves we don’t know his private personal life much aside from what’s released to the public and what he brings into playing fictional characters
How can u be disappointed in him if u don’t know him like that? Maybe he should’ve chosen a better person to have kids with Diane Keaton like what ppl are saying but it didn’t work out for a reason and I don’t feel right to judge that
I definitely feel bad for him looking at the lawsuit summaries but thinking about an innocent baby not even 1 year old being brought in a public legal dispute like this is heartbreaking 😪 I hope this lawsuit works out to the where the baby will have proper loving caretakers, whoever that maybe, away from exploitation 💗 the hate comments are really getting too toxic and wish they stop targeting the baby
That’s my peace luv ya✌️ So excited for new chapter domestic Vichael‼️
My God anon, you really hit the nail on the head here!! 😅😅 That's exactly how I feel about all of this too omg. Thank you for sharing, I think we all were thinking the same thing mostly and just needed to get this off our chests. 😓😭 This is why you can't just put a celebrity on a pedestal (or anyone really for that matter; just doesn't seem like a good idea) because there'll always be something that goes against the idea of them you had or disappoint you.
Both are grown adults and like you said, have legal aid behind them. They're going to have to figure out with their lawyers and the courts one way or another... 👁️👁️ It is what it is lol and I know this whole scenario has really changed a lot of people's perspectives on how they see Al. Sadly, it's just reality.
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likedaylighht · 2 years
this is my first time buying tickets to see taylor!!!
i didn’t get it through presale (so sad) i’m trying to do the Capital One presale but ticketmaster keeps saying I have the wrong event for presale - is that because the presale window hasn’t opened for Capital One?? I’m so confused 😂
Also, i was verified for presale with Glendale and they use seatgeek - so is that why Ticketmaster won’t let me into the queue? Do you know if I will be let into the queue for Capital One for other venues in case I can’t get the Glendale location?
Omg first of all GOOD LUCK and I’m SO excited for you! Buying your first concert tickets is so exciting (although usually not his hectic 😅)
Prayinggg they held some seats for the capital one presale. I’m not sure exactly how it opens, but you just need to be on Ticketmaster for your selected show at 2pm local venue time (so if you are buying for a show not in your time zone make sure you know that!)
Glendale and Arlington have exclusive ticket selling deals with Seat Geek not Ticketmaster so you won’t be able to buy anything for those shows on Ticketmaster. And as far as I know the capital one presale is a free for all, you can pick any date/city.
Worst case scenario if you don’t get ticket there are plenty of fans who have ended up with extra tickets and are willing to sell them at face value and not scam you!
I hope that helps and I hope you get to go to tour!!!!!
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senanatheskenana · 2 years
Oh, I’d like to get in on your matchup survey if that’s alright!
1. I’m a major procrastinator. Whenever I get a task I estimate how long it’s gonna take and set aside exactly that amount of time to do it right before it’s due. I try to keep myself relaxed, because if I don’t, I’ll get super stressed out trying to make everything perfect down to the detail, which is, you know, unobtainable.
2. Oh I overthink EVERYTHING. It’s all 4d chess to me. Thankfully, I’m not easily stressed out by most things. The only thing that really stresses me out is my family, otherwise I’d be a nervous wreck.
3. Introverted for sure. There are a lot of days I spend inside just because I can’t stand to see anyone.
4. I’d go to Germany! I’ve studied German for about 8 years and I’d love to go there someday.
5. I’m currently working on a psych major with a German minor. I also study history on the side, specifically artifact repatriation.
6. I prefer sweets and savory foods. I have a bit of a weak spice palate and sour food makes me make faces.
7. I currently have a cat (his legal name is Mike, Short For Whatever You Want It To Be), but I would love to have birds or reptiles!
8. Oksy so funny story I’m actually aroace, I just like to put in matchups to see who I’d be most compatible with if I DID date 😅 no gender preference, I like them all the same
9. This is actually the hardest question for me because I have a hard time playing favorites with things I like but I’m gonna go with To The Edge by Masayoshi Soken from the FFXIV Shadowbringers soundtrack.
10. I have a little bit of a strained relationship with my family. On the surface we seem great but that’s because we all have so much against each other that we try really hard to play nice otherwise this whole thing would blow. I get along with my older brother pretty well though. As for kids, I’d prefer not to have any of my own, but I’m not bad with them nor do I dislike them. I make a good babysitter, but I’m aware that I would be a bad parent. I also think the marriage industry is a scam but I have nothing against the act itself.
I think you'd work well with Jean! Jean is someone who does get easily stressed out so having someone who can help her stay calm would really help. She'd also make sure you have enough time to do your projects and would try to stop you from procrastinating. She considers her relationship with Barbara pretty important to her even though they don't see each other every day so always strives to keep you on good terms, so there would always be good communication. I can also imagine that Jean's had pets, especially birds, in the past so while she might not have as much time to look after them, she would definitely enjoy having pets around. Jean's good with kids but she also doesn't want them due to her very busy position as acting grandmaster.
Hope this is ok :)
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lavendarneverlands · 15 days
🩵 Ashe’s ♥️ new album ❤️ Willson 💛
(go listen to it if you want to understand me as a person🖤 listen to Save Myself & then Moral of the Story & then Castle if you want to destroy yourself like my brand of musical taste😅 & while your at it here’s some lyrics cause I have to scream about this to someone until therapy next week😂)
Please don't fall in love with me
I'll give you almost everything, I'll melt myself to fit your mold, and carefully chip away my soul. Until there's nothing left to see. Oh, please don't fall in love with me.
I'll tell you all my secret fears, to weaponize against me, dear.
I'm just a girl with paper hands, and playing tough's my fatal scam.
You're Alice in my Wonderland, I can't keep up this fantasy.
Please take back your gifts and flowers (I can't reciprocate, you know they die anyways)
Please stop calling me your hero (I can't save myself, how do I even help out a somebody else?)
Running Out Of Time
I woke up in sheets that were laced with the scent of a stranger. Poured her a coffee, and sat on the porch in the back. I looked in the mirror, everything changes sooner or later. So, I cut my hair, even though I knew better than that. Left my bags in California, and never looked back… And I said: "I've got to go see 'bout a guy in Tennessee, and I don't care if I make it out alive. And I'm not sure if I'm in love, but it feels like freedom And my twenties are running, and running… I'm running outta time".
Pull The Plug
The monitor flickers, I've never been sicker,
You say it's fine if it's all in my mind. Oh, you look so real, but it feels like a lie,
Don't pinch me in case I'm asleep. In case you're not here, 'cause this is a dream. And we've never met, so we're not in love. In case I'm asleep, don't pull the—Don't touch me, this coma is nice. Too good to be true, so just let me lie. Down in the sheets, 'cause here we're in love. In case I'm asleep, don't pull the plug…
Cherry Trees
To be perfectly honest, I never expected to see you again. god, I'm embarrassed, it still hurts as bad as the day that you left.
All too uncanny, my misunderstanding.
So glad you look happy, but I wish you'd look at me…Carve our names in cherry trees, spray the room with cheap perfume, stay up late to watch me sleep, cut my hair to look like you, turn my stomach into knots, kiss me like you did before… I'm so sorry I forgot…You're not mine anymore.
I Wanna Love You (But I Don’t)
Just like a cashmere sweater on a dark December day, you were laying softly on my chest.
And I was someone special whenever I caught your gaze. Now I'm struggling to catch my breath.
You'll remember me just like a bad dream, but, baby, we looked so good together. And I'll remember you like you were brand new, I thought you'd stay that way forever.
I wanna love you, but I don't… I think that something went wrong. Now I don't know where I belong anymore, and I should leave you, but I won't… I've forgotten how to get back… but I remember what we had. The party's over and I know I should go. I wanna love you, but I don't.
Helter Skelter
Summertime has crystalized, ice blurring glass windowpanes. Tantalized, hypnotized, "You're happy, you're happy", they say.
Try hard as I may, think I'm losing my mind, I'm afraid. Nauseated, isolation, the ballroom was flooded by crowds. And all their mesmerized, eagle eyes watched me collapse to the ground. Under all of the haze and the gaze, I just needed a place to lie down…
Foul play at the cabaret, our bodies were covered in chills. Helter skelter in gold decanters, was melting the floor where it spilled. Let's all raise a toast to the things we love most, turning to smoke.
And if I had the chance, I’d start over again.
So, I'm not leaving the house today. I've run out of words I can say. Now nowhere feels safe anymore. I'm calling in sick to thе rest of this year.
Nothing you see herе is as it appears. I had hopes, but I don't… think I can go on with the show.
Dear Stranger,
Found the string to pull the parachute, just before I hit the ground, I stopped and thought of you. Oh, what a lovely view when you're not dying, letting go of you is terrifying.
I think the sun has parted with the clouds. They finally put their differences behind them for a while. And I can feel the heat kissing my skin. I can feel the blood rushing back in.
Hello again, dear stranger, hello again,
I hope you know I've missed ya, how have you been?
I've been pretty bad, but I am coming back, and I'll be seeing you again.
I said some things to you I did not mean. I promised more than I should have and ruined everything… But yesterday, oh, yesterday is gone… Heaven only knows the time I've lost.
I am not the same, I will not be the same again. Don't go looking for the girl you loved, her innocence is dead.
And I buried all my sin inside a casket in a grave "Here lies someone almost famous, who gave up everything".
Hornet’s Nest
I said "I love you" too soon. We were parked inside an open field. I said I needed your touch. I think I said too much…
You swallowed my gum, passed me half your cigarette.
Held the sting in my lungs.
And kicked the hornet's nest.
You made me someone, for once I was someone. And finally someone to myself.
But I started seeing your angels for demons. Now Heaven is hurting like Hell.
We'll drink the arsenic, set fire to the gardens.
…And I'll disappear with your help…
'Cause you made me someone, for once I was someone, but you made me somebody else.
Look at me now, in my castle made of glass.
Your hands are just like hammers, every touch another crack. Swing them any harder, watch my sparkling house collapse. I know I said I wanted this, but now I've come to see,
That I gave you way too much of me. You locked me up and hid the key.
Oh, you call it unrequited, while you stab me in the back. This must be love 'cause you decided it. But my blood is on your hands, it's spilling all over the rug.
You act surprised to see me lay here, tell me I've gotta clean this up. You think that time is gonna heal this, really, time is gonna heal this?
No, your time is up.
Call her a survivor or a victim. — Oh, where'd they get the nerve? — Keep using black and white on colored pages, to paint the one who's gotten hurt, but would you look at both her wings?
Is she an angel or a demon?.. Somebody better call the priest… Grab your pitchforks and your torches, start the fires, grab the horses. Let's all slay her like her beast.
I'm taking myself back. Even if I let everyone down. I don't stand a chance here. Finally I'm saving myself.
I hope you die first
I'll quit smoking every day, and I'll stop flying in airplanes. Yeah, I'll get inventive, I've got incentive, you make me want to change.
Don't you worry about me, we'll throw you a big ol' party. Then I'll light one up for you, and I will see you soon.
I don't wanna die before you, promise I'll be right behind, but I should be there to hold your hand.
It's already been decided, I'll be here to say, "Goodbye".
Honey, I want you to understand, for better or for worse, I really hope you die first.
I don't wanna say this, but, if I don't make it… Please don't rush for me… I'll be waiting.
Devil Herself
If I committed murder, you would've been my alibi. Woulda helped bury the body in the darkness of the night. Told the cops that I was sick in our bedroom the whole time. Moved us outta state and started a brand new life.
And, if I was a pyromaniac, you would've fetched the gasoline. Handed me the matchsticks to burn down everything. You would've told insurance agents it happened accidentally. Swept up all the ashes, and bought another house for me.
I knew what I was doing, gave you something to believe. I was gathering the harvest, had you raking up the leaves. I was feeding you the apple, you were swallowing the seeds. You were Adam in the garden, but your ribs were made of me.
Now you're not the same anymore (You're not the same). How do we go back to before? When you'd sell your soul to the Devil herself? I can tell you're not yourself (No, you're not yourself)…
'Cause I fell in love with someone else.
(She fell in love with someone—)…
I'm learning to like myself for the first time.
Tryna rewrite all the stories that I’ve told,
Everyone thought I had it all together, now my fair-weather friends are gone with the cold…
And I hadn't addressed the shame, I confess, it was eating me alive.
If you bury something so deep underneath all the laughter and the lies,
Guess nobody will believe you when you finally ask for help.
I've been crying wolf еvery day for a while now… I’ve been tеlling you I'm okay for a while now…
I'm outrunning the past, but it all has to catch up with the times… If I was faster, then I could pass the finish line.
And if none of this lasts, then I can't grasp the reasons that we try.
Will it matter when we all turn to ash? Will any of this matter? Will any of us matter in the end?
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cloudslou · 5 months
Hii im back. Good morning, i hope you slept well and that your day will be great.
Okay now to answer the message from before.
I am not into any motorsports or even watching other sports. I've mever found watching them fun, maybe its because i like playing sports better although i haven't done that in a while either 😅 but im always up for listening to others who do like watching them talk about them. But i think motorsports might actually be different so yes maybe i will take a look at f1academy.
Haha okay ill look away if you say so.
And about coming off anon, hmm maybe ill dm you? Its a little scary but i shall do it.
I have mostly just been slumping and i end up watching stuff on youtube instead. The last show i watched was s3 of young royals when it was released and i watched s1 and s2 of that in the end of 2023. And i think the second last show I've watched was shameless. And then there were two movies i watched recently where one was a rewatch. Idk if you've watched either of these. But even with them they were things i wanted to watch but it took a while to actually start them. Im like that with fics and books too. I usually need something to push me to pick one out of the long list of stuff i have (+ it also depends on how easy it is to find the stuff too). So for example ill see a post or posts about something and then ill go okay lets just pick this now. 😅 so hey i think this is that for derry girls! Now i have to update you on watching it too.
oooh what sports did you play?? i dabbled a but growing up but never stuck with anything, and now the only sport i watch is motor sports. i want to watch more sports but i just can never seem to find the time or motivation, so instead i have a few players i like and i just hope they’re doing well. (in footy it’s jude bellingham and marcus rashford, and i do believe jude recently did well! or his team did. u know.)
u don’t have to do anything scary if u don’t want i’m happy to chat via anon but i don’t think IM scary. i don’t rlly ignore ppl unless it’s like spam or randos? like idk ppl who mass sends messages to ppl cus they want followers or want to send u a donation post (which i usually think r scams in this case?).
i understand the slumping bc i think i’ve been there. i’ve been watching a LOTTTTT of youtube. what kind of videos are you watching?? i’ve been trying to get thru shows i want to watch but it’s slow going, but in currently making good time on bridgerton season 2! i’m rewatching before season 3.
i HAVE seen young royals and shameless!!! i haven’t yet seen s3 of young royals cus i also what to rewatch that to remember all that went on so i can go into s3 refreshed. and then shameless was like. my greatest guilty pleasure when i was younger. i think i’ve seen thru 9 seasons of it? just horrible. but so addicting.
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spottedstatic · 6 months
Hello, I hope your day is good. I was diagnosed with colon cancer, and now I am in a very bad stage. The goal is only 920 US.dollars, To make the treatment successful, I humbly, for your generosity, I am asking for a small amount of donation for radiation and other medical expenses.
NB; Please, pray for me too, Thank you and God bless you! 🙏🙏🙏 Please Donate if you can Or share to get more support.
Sorry, I don’t have money or a PayPal, I hope you can reach your goal and get support!
(I also hope this is not a scam or some sort, there are so many it’s hard to tell 😅)
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lyon-amore · 2 years
Mr and Mrs Liars Chapter 1
The prologue
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Jake POV*  If you can't beat the enemy, join them.  In the beginning, it was sheer hell, stealing while being watched. So I couldn't get the USB out and use it to get out of here. There was only one way and i hated it.  After a year, it was bearable. In a certain part.  It was much better not to make them angry. I could see from the table how they treated the other hackers they had working with them and how they treated them when they failed at their jobs. Some beat them, others took them away and didn't come back. I kept my eyes on both the computer and everything around me. Anthony Athem—clearly his last name wasn't real—the boss of the whole scam, it was easy to be friends with him if you laughed at his bad jokes and showed him what a great job he did. Part of the dirty money reached the candidate of whom he was a partner. They saved me the trouble of searching for information, here I had what I needed. The more time passed, the more he hated it. Just the thought of being able to get out of here someday and get back to MC was what kept me sane from doing something crazy. I hoped she hadn't been really upset that I had never arrived at the agreed time.  There were nights when I had nightmares about her. Everyone was hurting him. And she screamed for help. I wanted to hold her hand, but I never reached her, they kept her away from me. When I woke up, I told me that it wasn't real and that she was probably fine.  I had recently had the pleasure of the USB finally being able to make an appearance at a time when Anthony had decided I could be trusted. I had told him about how I had done the robbery methods, giving directions to the rest of the hackers. I even made jokes with him. All of them false. Every time I was friendly with him, a lump formed in my throat. This wasn't me. It wasn't my style. But all for getting back with MC. I make sure nobody pays attention to me and I open a secure chat from a perfectly secure organization. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nymos Is it already done?  Comet Yeah all done Are you sure of this? I don't think it's a good idea This could get you in big trouble 😓  Nymos What do you want me to do? This is the only way I have to get out of here. And that they sink.  Comet Yeah, but... And what will happen to you? 😑 Aren't you worried that you can't see her again? It's the government, man I don't think they're going to let you go free at first 🙄 Nymos I'll be fine. :) I know what I am risking.  Comet I know you lie, Nymos Oh well The idea is yours, I only take orders  Nymos Did you say something to Dog?  Comet Well of course! What's crazy is that he thinks like you 😒 He will try to back you up if anything happens He's also working on covering the security for the victims of all those bastards He is grateful to you for having trusted him  Nymos I'm sorry I hid it from him all this time. But his faith back then was so blind. Comet Contacted those who are not implicated in all of that information you collected They came and were arguing like crazy Looks like there's going to be a good one all over the country 😅 And all thanks to you  Nymos As long as a little of all that scourge is cleaned up, for me it's as if the world is on fire. You already know what I want more.  Comet Yes, Yes Your dear little angel 😆  Nymos Shut up. How long do you think they'll take? Comet Well, according to the tracking of their mobiles They should appear rightAt this moment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  A loud knock is heard upstairs. Screams start to be heard from a lot of people and I see our security guards draw their weapons. I touch the buckle for safety, checking that it's still there and I take shelter under the table, avoiding a possible hail of bullets. Anthony's men fire in the direction of the door. Some fall because they dared to shoot them.One of them falls directly near me. His eyes beg for help, wanting me to hand him the gun. Knowing that these people were criminals, I pushed the gun away when I saw that I could touch it with the tips of my fingers. I refused to collaborate with them.     "Lower all weapons!" the ‘intruders’ shout "Everyone!"       One by one, the survivors drop their guns to the ground and put their hands up. I wish I had seen the look on Anthony's face when he saw them enter.     "Where's Nymos?!” One calls me and from under the table I take out my hands first as a surrender too, and then I get up from under the table very slowly "Second team, take him away! " A group approaches me and grabs my arms. I really don't want to make jokes with these "Third team, take everything as evidence!” When I go out, the sunlight bothers me. I close my eyes tight, stunned.     "Come on, walk." One of the men with me pushes me forward. It's better not to piss them off. The positive of this: That I've come out of there. The negative: I think I'll get a good one for having put my hands where I shouldn't have put them. I thought they were going to take me straight to jail, but actually, they took me to the CIA facility.  So, locked in an all-metal cell with a horrible mattress, I wait for them to come for me.I play with the USB between my fingers, looking at it a little regretful for having done what I have done. At the same time, this little thing has saved me.I hear the door and as quickly as I can, I hide the small object in my belt. An older-looking woman with short blonde hair looks at me and sighs.     "Hello Jake.”     "Mathilde." I give her a casual wave of greeting.      That woman, she had been Dog's wife for only one year. They knew it didn't work if he was always on the lookout for security 24/7 rather than having a single break to pay attention to his wife. But if I had to speak as well, she was not far behind. She was even colder than him.     "Remember what I told you the first time we met?”  She approaches me, arms crossed ”At your sixteen years? ”      I sit on the edge of the bed, resting my hands on my thighs, unconcerned.   "That I wouldn't get into trouble?"     "And look where you are now, being all grown up and getting into trouble."     I notice that she is carrying a folder in her hand.    "Do you know what this is?" She picks up the folder, setting it on the bed.     I pick up the object and open it. They were names of those she had investigated. Just that there was a little mistake.     "This list is too short, more than half is missing," I say, looking at the only sheet that was there.     "That's what we got."      I understand. Dog didn't give all the information so I could do it. He wanted me to find a safe conduct if they tried to do something to me. I put the folder on the bed and try to clear my head. They left me with nothing to stay awake with, so I needed a shot of energy for all this stress.     "You're a mess," Mathilde says, looking at me with her green eyes. "I'll have you tidied up a bit, how long has it been since you shaved?”     "Don't you want to talk about the list first?" I look at him with some annoyance. The joke was not funny. She knew that I had been locked up.     "I'd rather talk to someone neat before going down to business, I'm not that cruel."     "Very considerate knowing that I've investigated quite a few people you trust."     "They're no longer trusted." She takes the folder from her and looks back at me, annoyed. "Seriously, you're a complete mess."      I nod sarcastically, watching her walk away. I throw myself into bed, tired. This was going to last a long time. I had not been allowed to fix myself. They didn't trust me to have anything sharp in my hands. I waited again in the room for Mathilde to arrive.  Once she enters, a smile slips from her lips.     "Do you see? Much better.” She claps her hands, looking at me like she's watching her son on his first day of school. “Shall we go now?”     "First I want to know what I'll get in exchange for this," I make sure first, not moving from my spot.     "You? Something in return?”     "I have a lot of information about a lot of people." I walk around the room, until I reach her and circle around her, intimidating her. "Many of them who work here and aren't even on that list, I've only counted three people. And there are quite a few."      I see how his jaw tenses. Frowning afterwards.    "Jake, you've hacked into very important government documents, they may be from criminals, but what you've done is a crime. You can't get off that easily."    "Bullshit!” I exclaim, while pointing at myself "I've spent six years*, SIX YEARS! On the run from the government, I have so much information I could bring down the entire CIA if I wanted to. Things are done my way, or there's no deal. I'm tired of running away and I'm not going to want to lock myself up again." The tension could be cut with a knife. Mathilde seemed about to explode.    "It would be positive, you would work with us uncovering the criminals.”    "Yes, locked up in a cell while you take away my freedom for having done something that NO ONE" I wave my hand, indicating the room, implying that I was talking about the entire building "has lifted a fucking finger to fix things." She sighs trying to relax, bringing a hand to his forehead.     "This is not in my hands," she replies, almost with ‘pity’. But I know it's not like that "I would have to talk to the higher-ups and it might take a long time. Accept our conditions, Jake, you have no choice. " I approach her face, threatening. I was tired of running away. Tired of being locked down. I just wanted to finally have a normal life. I wanted to get back with MC. I wanted to hug her again, tell her I was okay now and that I was sorry for worrying her.     "Well, either you accept my conditions or you won't see that complete list." I could feel my throat letting go of her angrily. Mathilde recoils, not in fear, but in disappointment.     “We will insist again tomorrow. Until then."      She turns around, leaving me alone.    “Fuck!” I kick the bed in anger.      I had looked for it myself.  Until they agreed to my conditions, there would be no list. I would push as hard as possible.  << Don't worry MC, I'll see you again soon. I will not let myself be separated from you. >> *MC POV*  I tried in the end to move on with my life, to leave Jake behind. I received nothing from him. There was no text, no call, nothing to let me know that he was okay or if he had actually thought better of being with me.  On the weekends, I always went to Duskwood. I would rather go there than stay at home waiting or crying. I didn't want to go through it again. If I stayed at home, I could go crazy. But perhaps there was also another reason…  It was a ritual for me to first go through the Bar Aurora. For my friends it was crazy, but for me… Well, it was a pretty big change. I stop to look at myself in the rear view mirror of a car, fixing my hair. Was my makeup right? Maybe I went a bit too far?    "Don't worry, MC, everything's fine," I tell myself, sitting up.      I walk into the bar and see Phil clearing tables. Now that he had entered, he couldn't back me down. I walk up behind him and put my hands on his face, covering his eyes.    "Who am I?" I ask, leaning close to his ear.    "Dan?” He replies with a hint of voice.     "Really? Dan?” I show annoyance. Well, faking it.     "Come on MC, you can't use those tricks anymore." He turns around and smiles at me maliciously. "You always arrive at this time, do not think that I do not know your schedule.”     "Are you stalker?”    "Everyone has a schedule to come here.”     I blush slightly. Last time I came, I extended my visit. I had accepted him on a date and wanted to give him a chance. It turned out pretty good.     "I wanted to tell you first," I say, a little embarrassed. He leans on the table, his hands in his pockets. He looks at me attentively. ”I have decided to change my cell phone number. No more waiting for messages from Jake.”     "That's fantastic!" He takes my hands, I'm shaking "Do I have something to do with it, Princess?”     "Oh come on, don't feel so important" I replied, trying not to show it. Yes, he had to do with it.     "That in a week after our date you have decided to do it, I think I have to do something with it.”      He caresses my cheek gently. I try to calm myself down.At last I don't feel guilty. I feel like I can do it.     "I wouldn't mind a second date…" I mutter, looking away in shame.     "What? I didn't hear you." He places his hand on his ear, teasing me with that wicked smile. "What did you say?”      I'm upset because I texted him that I wouldn't beg him for a second date. I had my pride in the ground for a foolish thing.     "I want a second date..." I repeated again, whispering this time.     "No, I can't hear you, louder."     "Okay you win Phil! I want a second date!" I exclaimed, with my face red. He makes a movement of celebration, as if he had scored a goal. It bothers me because deep down I also knew that I was going to accept it. Phil had been very nice to me ever since we met. I clearly had no romantic interest in him, but I did have fun with him. Besides, there was Jake. With him there were different feelings. But as soon as he found out that I stopped sending messages to a person who was never going to come back, he took the opportunity to ask me out several times. I admit I played hard to him, partly because I wasn't ready and partly because I was wondering what Hannah and Lilly would say to take their mind off Jake. But… Couldn't I move on? When I talked about it with them, it seemed good to them, they understood that at least I was worried about him just like they, who hadn't received messages either. We didn't want to think of the worst. Likewise, I couldn't continue to have that phone number and get nervous every time I received a message and go for it the first time. Pick it up, see it wasn't Jake, and start crying. I remember that the first time that someone saw me in that situation was Phil. And I told him everything. I broke my promise to Jake. I don't know if it was because I was mad at him or because I just wanted to talk about him. He promised never to say anything about him to anyone, to avoid getting me in trouble. Not to protect Jake. But me.   "You see it? It costs nothing to be honest with oneself.” He pulls me closer to him with his hands on my hips. My body tenses.     “I think we're skipping at least three dates doing this,” I say quietly, flinching at his touch.     "Are there any rules?" He brings his face so close that I can feel his lips brush against hers.     "I guess the rules shouldn't matter anymore..."      Right. There would be no rules anymore. I wouldn't have to take so many steps to go out with someone, I wouldn't have to hide that I have a boyfriend and I could if I wanted to have a photo of us as a wallpaper. He ends up kissing me. I don't stop him. I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled my body closer to his. He picks me up and sits me on the table behind him, kissing me passionately all the time.So this was no hiding? I feel happy, so much that I let go and put my hands under his shirt, caressing him.    "Oh, don't fuck with me..."      We stop kissing and turn our gaze to the entrance of the bar. Dan carries two cases of beer and looks at us like he's a disappointed dad. I gets off the table and fix myself up, as does Phil. Although he seems amused by the situation.     "Wow, we sure are punctual to interrupt," Phil says, putting an arm around my shoulders.      I want to die of shame.     "Would it help to take the leave if I put bleach in my eyes to erase this scene from my mind?" Dan starts walking over to the bar, setting the boxes down on it.     "Not if it's not accidental."     "MC, I'd be careful with this one if I were you," he points to Phil and I'm attentive to his talk “last weekend he went out with a girl, don't trust him or he'll break your heart.     "I was the girl, Dan, but thanks for caring." I try to avoid looking at his face, out of embarrassment, raising my hand as if to point at me.     "You have bad taste in men."     "Careful, you're talking about your boss."     "I'll deduct him from his salary for interrupting us," Phil continues joking, or so I think, and smiles at him wickedly.     "Then I'll report you for it."      We laugh and he continues to work. I break away from the hug, resigned because I had to go in part to meet the rest of the group.     "Well, I have to go now." I tried to sound dramatic, making him smile. "I'm sorry that I left you alone with Dan."     "Wait, come here." He pulls me in and gives me a little kiss, to which I respond slowly.      I would love to stay longer, really.     "I forgot to do something."      I pulls him away and pulls out my phone, texting him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  MC Do you want to meet for lunch tomorrow? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      "Here's my new phone number."      He lets out a weak laugh, looking at the screen. He starts typing and I get a message. I can't help but smile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phil I'd love to ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      "I don't know if you're going to be able to last that long." He winks at me and I raise an eyebrow as 'Are you serious?'.     "We'll see who is missing whom."       On my way out, I decide to send the rest of the messages to my friends. They immediately put me in the group that we had. But things got out of hand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan Guess that Phil and MC were making out?  Jessy WHAT!? 😵  Cleo Very good joke Dan  Thomas It's true?  Dan Sure, they almost didn't get it on one of the bar tables  Lilly Come on guys, don't exaggerate 🙄  Jessy BUT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT MY BROTHER!  MC DAN! You couldn't have shut up?! I wanted to tell everyone about it when we met! 😫  Hannah So is it true? Don't you deny it? MC Why deny it...  Jessy Meeting right now!! 😤  MC But if we were going to meet up to see each other 😅  Thomas I think she's really mad, MC I have a feeling that she is going to interrogate you  MC See you now  Hannah Just in case, come prepared with a shield  MC 😂 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Now I had to deal with some disappointed friends. It's going to be fun. We had arranged to meet in the market square. I couldn't stop shaking thinking that they were going to read me the primer as if they were my parents.The weather was nice, nice. Perfect for a spring day. As soon as they saw me, Jessy was the first to approach. She held me by the shoulders with her eyes wide open.     "How come you didn't tell me that you liked Phil?" Her reaction made me laugh, she looked like a gossiping teenager. "I'm your best friend! How can Dan know before I do? "     "Actually…" I glance at Hannah and Lilly, who covertly avert their gazes.     "I'm getting disappointed all the time... " I look at Cleo who looks disappointed. She doesn't like Phil at all. I walk over to her, with a smile.     "Angry?" I ask, trying to sound calm.     "No." A lie "Well, I guess I have to face it, does that mean we're going to be seeing him a lot with us?”     "Don't worry, you don't have to be with us if you don't want to."     “Nonsense!” Hannah imposes herself on us, holding my hands "MC, we're going to support you in everything, if one day we meet and he's there, nothing will happen.”      I try not to cry knowing that she supported me when I told her.     I nod and wipe a few tears away. Afterwards I get a hug from Lilly.     "Don't be a crybaby," she tells me, with a laugh "it's not that big of a deal." You have bad taste in men, it’s okay."     "Do you know that Dan said the same thing?"I say, rolling my eyes.     "It's no coincidence that two people tell you that." Thomas crosses his arms, looking at me like a worried brother. Hannah smiles at him and leans on his shoulder, also looking at me like another sister.I can't deny how lucky I am to have such a large group of friends.  They had become so important to me that I was sure I was never going to leave them. They were my family after three years.     "I'm still mad that you didn't say anything to me." Jessy gives me a dirty look, or tries to.     "Don't be mad, please!" I throw myself at her in a big hug and we laugh.      I definitely could not have been happier in a long time. *Jake POV*  It had been a couple of months and they still hadn't accepted my proposal. I kept myself sane by moving around the room, so I wouldn't lose mobility in my body. I hear the door open and Malcolm is let through. Dog. It surprised me that he came out of his lair.     “How are you, kid?” he asks me, keeping his hands in the pockets of his suit.     "Kid?" I let out a sly laugh. “I’m thirty-three years old."     "You're younger than me," he laughs, leaning closer to me to speak in a whisper. "Have you accepted their deal?"      I look seriously at him. It can't be that he came here to try and convince me of this.     "No, I haven't accepted, or can't you see where I am?" I point to the room in a dramatic way. "The food is good, but the facilities are shit. The bed is made for torturing."     "Okay, keep it up." I startled and crossed my arms. "Don't let them manipulate you, Jake, you may have done something illegal, but what you did wasn't bad.”     "Why haven't you given them all the information?"     "Because you need it more than I do," he looks at one of the cameras and then at me "you always have to have a pass. If something happens to you, I'll have to get involved."     "Even if it does cause problems with Mathilde?"     "Don't talk to me about that witch without a broom."      He separates from me now, more relaxed.  By inertia, I take one of my hands to the buckle of my trousers. So far no one has found out that it was a USB, just something that they left me to entertain me when I started playing with it.   "Is she okay?" I ask, worried about MC. "Does anyone know of her existence?"   "I haven't been able to see anyone name her, she's totally safe." I calm down upon hearing her words. "To them, that girl doesn't exist.”     "I'm glad." I sit on the bed with a long sigh. I look at him thankful. "Thank you for everything Dog.”     "You're welcome." He heads to the door and knocks. "Keeps insisting, in the end they will give in if it is so important to them.”     "How's it going out there?"     "Everyone's nervous and they look at each other." They open the door and he steps out. "See you soon, kid.”     "See you soon, old man."      Dog leaves and the door is closed behind him. Loneliness accompanies my room again. I close my eyes and imagine MC. In front of me. Technically I'm not a real criminal, I've just done what was right. Get that information that until now nobody had dared to investigate.  Until I see a contract where I talk about my freedom, I'm not going to lift a finger in offering them the information. I know it's risky for all the criminals out there on the loose, but if they're that interested, they'll have to do it as I say. Chapter 2 --------------- Six years*: In Duskwood it says that he spent four years, and at the beginning of this fic it was two years after that, hence the six years on the run.
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