#and honestly this fandom could use more complicated wlw dynamics
aroromantic · 2 months
Been thinking of the toxic Yuri potential of Vaggie and Lute lately. There are so many good flavors tbh.
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Toxic exes is the one I see most often and I do love that, but has anyone considered closeted-lesbian Lute with a crush?
To be fair, this would partly rely on heaven being homophobic which is unclear at best in the show (though I am half convinced Adam would be the type of guy who would sexualize lesbians and be offended when they weren't interested in him), but I think it's fun to explore anyway.
Like, the self-justification of Lute's actions, casting her crush from heaven because she doesn't want to deal with her feelings for a woman, especially one which disagrees with the system Lute upholds and gives up so much of herself for.
The realization when she sees Chaggie that she could have had that if she wanted to. If she tried to.
The doubling down on her role and beliefs in heaven partly as a justification for her actions. As a way of coping with the fact that Vaggie, in what was supposed to be her punishment, found more freedom and self-love than Lute has ever had.
Bonus points:
Vaggie having similar feelings for her at the time. Feeling betrayed when she was attacked, but also finding Charlie and slowly healing, physically and mentally.
Vaggie moving on and finding love, both for Charlie and herself, when Lute could not.
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I just think there's a lot there that makes it interesting.
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nakedmonkey · 3 years
i know you haven't written a lot of it past year but whats your top 5 gg fic from 2020?
Hi anon! Thanks for asking! I am honestly so surprised at how much this fandom has grown and just how huge of a selection of writers it has. We’re very very lucky. I remember posting my first fic when there were maybe 3 or 4 active writers, so this is very cool! That being said, I want to highlight the femslash in this fandom because it’s SO good, there could be more, and what little we have deserves some attention. So here are my top five of the year! 
Beth x Rhea
Soon, by watermelonriddles is a really sweet and sad snapshot of Beth’s guilt about taking Rio away from his son, and about her conflicting feelings for Rhea. The author captures Rhea’s trust in Beth and Beth’s nurturing side so well, and the dynamic we got a tiny glimpse of before Rhea was taken away from us (bring her back Jenna!). Beth’s intentions are never malicious but they’re often not the best choice, and that’s represented here in such a great way. 
Eager by nomind is just a sweet little ficlet about Beth and Rhea in an established relationship out on a date on their anniversary. They’re wearing dresses and being lovey and cheesy, they’re going to a movie. I love it I love it! Would LOVE some more of them. 
Beth x Ruby
Almost by subtlesraf is...oh my god. This fic took my breath away. I was surprised that after/during Beth and Ruby’s big fight we didn’t see a surge of femslash for these two because the prompt was THERE. I’ve always felt like Ruby and Beth’s relationship is so, so intense, like their love borders on romantic love canonically, and this fic captures the intensity of their love and the fragility of female closeness and the impact that betrayal has on these relationships. I love their love and I was so happy to read something that zoomed in on them so beautifully. 
Now for my ultimate wlw OTP in this show
Not So Simple by makemeanybraver takes place soon after Nancy gives birth. She’s struggling with postpartum depression and calls Annie for help. I find it really interesting that it’s canon that despite the animosity between them, Nance can’t help but seek comfort in Annie, and Annie can’t say no to providing that comfort. I love moments where relationships make significant shifts toward something more, and this is such a great take on that. I love these two and how complicated and beautiful they could be. This fic is such a great depiction of what could happen. 
june after dark by prettylittlementirosa AKA @hypermania is chef’s kiss perfection. First of all. What a title. It makes me want to scream it’s so good. Annie’s voice is perfect, Nancy’s voice is perfect, Ben’s voice is perfect. Everything is perfect. There are so many callbacks to those moments between Nancy and Annie where they were almost getting along, to Dakota’s birth, which in my opinion were Annie’s more intense emotional moments on the show. I love the complex shit they’ve got going on between them, and look, yeah this could be messy, but @hypermania captures exactly how this could work in one little portion:
Because it was there when Nancy was on her couch, venting about her marriage and her friends and her life. It was there when Nancy was clutching at Annie’s arms, wrapped tight around her chest, just trying to get through the horrors of child birth when she thought her life was falling apart around her. It was there the next time she saw Nancy, with a whole boob out, trying to get Dakota to latch on, mumbling something about normalizing breastfeeding and instagram hashtags and really, it’s been there ever since. It’s just that it feels impossible to ignore right now as Annie watches Nancy sway back and forth with Dakota, lulling him into a restful sleep, one hand propped under his butt, the other rubbing soothing circles into his back.
Without even thinking Annie reaches out to tuck an errant strand of hair that’s fallen in Nancy’s face behind her ear. Nancy freezes, her blue eyes snapping up to meet Annie’s, and fuck why did she do that?
She steps back, clearing her throat, and shoves her traitorous hand into her pocket.
“I’m just gonna go get Ben and we’ll be out of your hair.”
Nancy doesn’t say anything, just watches as Annie retreats.
And yeah, Annie’s mortified, but–
The way Nancy’s expression turns from surprise to confusion to something else is going to play on repeat in Annie’s mind for weeks.
Considering all of Annie’s questionable choices, pursuing a relationship with Nancy would be the best bad choice she could make and the only proof I need is this beautiful fic that makes me clutch my chest with emotion. 
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