#and home-toasted pumpkin seeds
eats-the-stars · 2 years
love the fact that my sister is the kind of person who is both a minor impulse shopper, and also someone who is easily tempted by “fancy” or “odd” foods like pomegranates and dates and chocolate ants and fried grasshoppers and specialty olives and candies and cheeses or those whole foods veggies that not even the people at the register can identify. BUT she is also very much a meat and potatoes milk chocolate kind of person. the only vegetable she consistently eats is the carrot. there’s exactly one type of spaghetti sauce she likes. wheat bread is too exotic. off-brand cereal is intolerable. recently she was very excited because she tried a new juice (tart cherry) that she actually likes. when i saw a “new juice she likes” i mean she now likes exactly one juice. so you can see that she does not actually end up liking many new things. HOWEVER. the reason she feels secure to test new tastes is because i am the opposite kind of person. i like basically everything i try. i can list the things i do not like right now. celery. grapefruit. dill relish. sauerkraut. done. that’s it. everything else i can at least put into the “meh it’s okay” category.
#i get so many tasty treats that no one else in the house will eat when i'm not looking#honestly it's also worth the experimentation for moments when she finds something she actually likes#since she has such picky taste#getting to add something new to the list of things she likes is always a big win#like this tart cherry juice is basically the only juice she will drink#i think she likes like one other juice#and it's a specific cranberry/pomegranate juice or something that she struggles to find#she thought she would like an actual pomegranate due to liking the juice#but she did not. which i why i have 2 pomegranates to snack on#i'm not sure if her boyfriend or my dad would consider trying one#but i am pretty sure the amount of effort involved would scare them off#so no worries there#i also have dark chocolate kit kats (the dark chocolate aspect is still a No for her)#dates#and home-toasted pumpkin seeds#she might give the pumpkin seeds another shot later with a different seasoning and less toasting#but this batch is mine#so lots of snacks yum#love living with adventurous picky eaters#being the dumpster raccoon version of a human person#altho i am trying to curb my habit of eating things out of garbage bins#which is a real problem i have#i meant the raccoon thing seriously#being autistic has gifted me with the trait of not realizing things are socially unacceptable#until someone informs me that i need to get out of the fountain please#or that you can't just nap places#my main problem is that a lot of these rules don't make sense at all to me so i have a hard time being convinced to follow them#so when i do curb itself it is less like 'wow i will not play in this fountain because that would be silly and embarrassing#and probably illegal. no one told me this. i just knew it in my gut.'#and more like 'it would be so fun and completely harmless to play in this fountain. unfortunately
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live-laugh-legolas · 3 days
What are the fellowship's favorite fall activities?
The fellowship’s favorite fall activities
-This man loves a good bonfire
-He’s so proud of it too
-Does that dad thing of standing back to admire it with his hands on his hips
-He doesn’t like s’mores much but he teaches everyone how to toast the perfect marshmallow
-He loves roasted pumpkin seeds
-He would love a good hayride too
-He would enjoy helping Sam in the kitchen; and by helping I mean kind of being in the way and just doing what he is told
-He attends every farmers market and craft fair
-Ik these pop up all year really but I always see them most in fall
-Also not really an activity but he is constantly smelling the air
-Like you know when you first walk out the door and the cool air just carries the scent of the leaves?
-*sniff sniff*
-Not a fan of scented candles though
-This isn’t really an activity but he is always pumped to go full lumberjack aesthetic
-Will chop all the wood for Aragorns bonfires
-He refuses to go apple picking; Legolas made fun of him too much for not being able to reach
-Does love going to a pumpkin patch and picking the biggest pumpkin
-*slaps pumpkins as he walks by to “test the structural integrity”*
-First in line to get a pumpkin spice latte
-And he gets his Uggs out
-Man loves his comfort
-I imagine he has fond memories of going on a trail ride with Faramir
-It’s the perfect weather to take the horses out and it’s a beautiful view
-I think he likes horror films
-Like he will watch them anytime but in the fall he can convince his friends to watch too
-He isn’t scared by them; he hopes he will be but usually it’s too predictable
-He does not watch these films for a few years after coming home from the journey
-Chugs apple cider
-He would have those sticky gel window decor things that change with every season/holiday
-He loves to be able to bake all the autumnal dishes
-Spice cake and pumpkin pie are chefs kiss in his mind
-He doesn’t care much about Halloween; instead he spends October preparing for Thanksgiving
-He also won’t admit it but that he enjoys when his friends mess up his leaf piles
-Like he will rake it up into a huge mountain of leaves just for Pippin to jump out of the nearby tree into the pile (btw leaves do not break your fall much. You will hit the ground)
-This boy has the Halloween decorations out the second he steps on a crunchy leaf
-Fake spiderwebs EVERYWHERE (never puts them up after the events of lotr for Sam and Frodos sake)
-He also feeds the wildlife so they will be ready for winter (You’re not supposed to do this)
-He has fed a bear and was just casually friends with it (do not do this. I repeat, do not do this)
-Spooky season is very important to him and he takes it very seriously
-He carves pumpkins religiously every year
-Makes the pumpkin helmet
-And gives the innards to Sam so he can bake with them
-If he didn’t munch on it all while carving
-He loves jump in and/or run through leaf piles; but he won’t rake them himself because where is the fun in that?
-He maybe doesn’t particularly enjoy this but he doesn’t dislike it initially
-But he finds himself in a corner maze
-The hobbits convinced him to go with them but he lost them about 10 minutes in
-He has been in the maze for 3 hours now and is no longer having a good time
-Grumbling and swearing at every dead end
-The hobbits better hide by the time he finds his way out (there is nowhere to hide; he will find them)
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foolstower · 1 year
Pomegranates & Brunch
Elliot x reader (Stardew valley)
A/n: obsessed with the dew rn
A peculiar little fruit that you didn't much care for until you moved to Stardew valley. Cracking one open you could see it's ruby red seeds gleam under the sunlight. Maybe he'll come by today. He'll ask, how are you? With a smile. His voice carries with the wind and draws your attention each time. You try to say something different each day. Hoping one of the topics will keep him around longer than usual. But it's always ends the same.
You give him a pomegranate. Like you have everyday this fall.
Picking two more pomegranates from the tree, you gingerly place them in the woven basket you were using to harvest all of your produce today.
It's been two seasons since you moved to the valley and you never would have guessed that the tree growing on your property would bear such beautiful fruit. When you first got here you noticed this tree was one of the few well kept things on the property. You soon found out that one of the valleys locals had been making trips out to the farm since he'd moved here. He said it was the only place close that he could get pomegranates anymore, so he'd come out and make sure the tree was doing ok. He came by when you moved in to ask if he could buy the fruits from you since you'd be living there from now on. You'd told him not to worry about it, he was more than welcome to stop by in the fall and take as many as he wanted, it could be a way of thanking him for keeping it healthy for so long.
but it was only half the truth. You were mesmerized from the moment you met him. He can take whatever he wants.
Continuing on to the barns, you promptly gave you're cows some amaranth you had stored away and a pat on the head. Then you made your way over to the coops to gathered eggs. Maybe you'll make breakfast this morning? Fresh eggs didn't sound so bad with a side of toast and some bacon. Your stomach started growling just thinking about it. That's what happens when you skip breakfast in favor of brunch to get things done early. You tried to ignore the slightly queezy feeling in your gut and continued on. The plan was to make a trip to Pierre's for some more pumpkin seeds before you notice a ginger head at the entrance of your farm.
You started your slow trek towards him, basket heavier now that it contained more items and the heat was sweltering. He looked more casual today, in a beige knitted sweater and jeans. His demeanor seemed more lax too. Did something good happen?
The breeze felt amazing once you made it to the steps of your home. Elliot met you there and you both took a seat together. You placed the basket down next to you and couldn't stop the yawn that released now that you'd finally relaxed.
"You look absolutely exhausted. Are you alright?" He asked, concern laced in every word. You turned to face him, and smiled. He was right, you were in fact extremely tired. The only thing keeping you going was a coffee break you had an hour ago.
"I'll be ok. I skipped breakfast this morning, but I was actually about to go inside soon and cook up something." You said. You looked at the eggs and milk in your basket and briefly fantasized about what kind of omelette you could make. When you looked back at Elliot he was staring at the basket too seemingly deep in thought. You quirked a brow. What's he thinking about?
"If its ok.. will you allow me to cook for you today?" The offer floated around in the air for a minute while you triple checked if you heard that right. "Listen, I know I mostly use these hands for writing but I'd like to think I'm a pretty good cook too." He said confidently. "Plus you've been a pleasure to be around since you got here. Let me thank you." He added, voice borderlining a teaseing tone. You blushed at that but more at the fact that he would be coming into your house. You can't remember if it was clean. Did you wash the dishes? How could he cook if the dishes are dirty... Oh well if anything you can just clean as he cooks. Plus how could you pass up a home cooked meal from the man of your dreams?
"Ok! I think I would like that actually." You say finally convinced. Standing up from your spot on the steps, you make your way toward the door. You leave the watering can next to the porch and pick up the basket. "Sorry if my place is a mess." You half mumbled as you grabbed the door knob and opened it up.
"Algae literally grows on my floorboards y/n."
Upon entering your home you noticed that the dishes were in fact dirty but it wasn't a mountain by any means. There were still clean pans and other utensils to be able to cook effectively.
"You have a very welcoming home, it's definitely yours." He admired, observing the various pieces of art on the wall and potted plants scattered around every possible area. It was cute.
"Thank you. I've always loved these things and didn't know I would find so many gems in the Valley." You fondly think of the traveling merchant. She's introduced you to so many things since being here.
"I wish I would've known, there's so many things I've seen that would fit perfectly in here." He thought back to all the things hes seen that's reminded him of you since meeting. You're so nice and he's been wanting to return the favor for all the gift you've given him. "Sorry I got sidetracked, two fridges? Which one should I use?" He questioned.
"I keep most things in the big fridge but if you need something else check the mini fridge." You told him as you picked up the sponge near the sink and lathered it up with soap. Turning on the faucet you started washing the spoons and forks. Elliot came up to the right of you and after a few clicks from the gas stove, it lit up. He placed a pan on top of the burner and then started to gather his ingredients from the fridge. He already looked handsome without trying but seeing him in the coziness of your home, cooking for you, made him undeniably more attractive.
You looked back at the dishes in your hands and started washing the plates. Thoughts of what it'd be like to have him in your life doing this everyday danced through your head. A soft grin sat comfortably on your face. You could hear the soft clinks of a metal fork hitting the bottom of a glass bowl as he stired eggs, milk and other seasoning into the mix. You didn't notice that he had tied his hair back into a loose ponytail and rolled his sleeves up to his elbow.
You put away the last dish and dried your hands. The kitchen was starting to smell delicious as he chopped up some spinach to put in the omelette that he had cooking in one of the skillets. Bacon was now sizzling on a second pan and a loaf of bread sitting to the side to get toasted later. You put on some coffee and grabbed two red cups from your pantry. After waiting about a ten minutes, poured two cups and placed them at the kitchen table and took a seat. A book sat on the table that Elliot had given you a few weeks ago. When you had first gotten 'Camellia Station' you were non-stop reading but as summer ended and fall began you had gotten too busy to wrap it up. Taking a sip of the coffee, you grabbed it and opened it up to where you had left off. There were only a few more chapters until the end.
It wasn't long before a plate was gracefully placed in front of you. An omelette that took up half of the dish, a few pieces of bacon, and two pieces of toast with butter spread on top. Green leaves were mixed into a soft fluffy yellow, freshly shredded cheese oozed from the center. You closed the book and sat it back in its place.
"Wow Elliot... This looks amazing!" You cheered. Your stomach started growling on cue as Elliot sat down in the seat opposite of you. A soft pink coated his cheeks at the compliment making you gush on the inside.
"It's not a problem at all, I hope it tastes as good as it looks." He nervously chuckled. He'd never really cooked for others since moving here. With no kitchen in his cabin and no one to really cook for there was never a need to go out of his way to do something like that. But after all you've helped him with he hoped that it came out at least ok.
You cut into the omelette a took the first bite. His hopes came true. The omelette was perfectly cooked, seasoned, and the cheese melted perfectly. You would dare say this is the best damned omelette you've ever had.
Elliot was pleased with what he saw. The look of pure satisfaction on your face was all the thanks he needed to be able to dig into his own omelette. His wasn't as perfect as yours was, considering his was the practice trial before making the the other one. It was still just as good however.
Though Elliot wasn't lying when he said he was making this breakfast to thank you for hanging out with him, he was also here to thank you for something else. Within the time span of knowing you he'd never experienced such a rush of creativity. Before he knew it he'd written a whole book by the end of summer. That very same book was now being recognized worldwide and he thought he should come clean about how exactly he got the idea for this novel.
"That was so goooood." You sighed looking at the empty plate Infront of you. Your stomach that used to be churning was now full and you felt like you had enough energy to power you into tomorrow.
Elliot chuckled softly and took a sip of his coffee before sitting it back down on the table. "Thank you, I'm glad it was to your liking." He glanced at his also empty plate as you picked them both up and took them to the sink. He debated how he should even bring the topic up. So many ways he could say this but none of them sounded right for you.
"Elliot, you ok? You seem deep in thought." You prodded. He had an elbow on the table with his cheek resting on the back of his fingers. His brows were knitted together but relaxed once his gaze landed on you.
"Im fine but if I'm being honest I did come here with other intentions." He said his olive green eyes stared at you for a second before continuing. "I need to confess something to you." He admitted.
Taking your place back in your seat, you gave him a questioning look. A confession?
"Oh? What about?" You said trying to hide the nervousness in your throat.
"Well, you've been a great inspiration to me, and I did come over today to thank you but not just for hanging out with me." He said gesturing to the book sitting on the center of the table. "Camellia station. It's a book I always had a general idea about. I knew how I wanted it to go but I never knew how to take it there." He said picking it up from the center of the table. "it actually wasn't until the beginning of this year that I was able to find the motivation to write it..... It was when I met you." He stated, Absolutely loving the scarlet that coated your cheeks at that last bit.
"When you met me?" The only thing on your mind.
"Yes, I met you and your presence brought a wave of complex feelings that helped me write this novel." He confirmed. He flipped to a page in the book and read one of the paragraphs aloud.
"Gozman had never met someone quite like Clara before. She had a certain allure that had her on his mind night and day. She was a hard worker with a kind soul and took time out of her busy life to always chat with him when he travelled. He doubt she knew considering she was a busy woman. But whenever he'd book his flights he'd always try and book her's. She brightened up his life a little and he found himself wanting to be around her more and more each passing moment." He read to you. His voice was soothing and deep. You stared on in wonder. Confused on where this was going but liking it none the less. This is the longest he's stayed around before and you don't mind one bit.
He closed the book and held it in his hands, reminiscing all the other lines he wrote with you in the back of his mind. His muse, you were a drop of fresh water that allowed his creative soul to blossom again. In his mind he would never be able to really make up for just how much you've truly helped him.
"You were the one on my mind when I wrote that paragraph. When I think of you, I get unusually creative. You've really helped me open up more as a writer and describe things in a way I never have before." He said. "I'm sorry if this is coming on too strong but I think you know what I'm trying to say. Don't you y/n?" He said taking your hand in his, he gently rubbed the top of your knuckles. This definitely wasn't his plan when he came over but here was no backing out now.
"Do I know what you're trying to say?" You asked. Half a tease and also genuine. Now was not the time to make any wrong assumptions. But how wrong could the assumption be when he's rubbing comforting circles into your acheing hand? He smiled.
"It means I like you. I haven't known you for even a year, yet you've inspired one of my greatest works. You're charming and I can't help but feel invigorated when you're around." He gave you're hand a comforting squeeze as you stared at him in disbelief. "I didn't come here with a bouquet but I would be honored if you'd be mine." He finishes looking up at you.
You're a mess. You don't know what to say, not that you don't accept his confession but how do you react to that? You're heart was racing so fast that the adrenaline was making you shake a bit. This made Elliot look at you with a bit of worry. Maybe he did come on too strong?
"I-im sorry I didn't mean to-"
"I love you!!" You blurted out. Immediately you covered your mouth you can't believe you just did that but you saw how worried he looked and that was the quickest way you could think to dissolve those fears. He looked at you shocked, not even he expected such a bold proclamation from you. You quickly gathered yourself and continued. "I think I knew I liked you too when I started obsessively harvesting pomegranates to give to you. I didn't know how else to convey my feelings for you, but knew you loved these fruits so I took extra care of the tree and harvested it's fruit everyday." You said finally confessing your feelings to him as well. You both relaxed. You stood up and headed to the woven basket where the pomegranates you picked this morning still rested and picked out the biggest one of the two. You made your way back and stood in front on Elliot, offering him the fruit.
"I don't have a bouquet either. But you can take this pomegranate from me again today, as a sign of my affection for you. Like it always has been." You softly stated to him. He took it from your hand and softly set it on the table next to the book before standing up and holding your hands, his right hand trailed up your arm to cradle your face.
"I love you too, my skills with words are unmatched but I can't think of any ways to properly tell you thank you enough." His hand gently slid down your cheek slightly and his thumb traced over your lips. "Allow me to show you?" He whispered. You answered by closing the gap. Your lips melted together like they belonged to each other. Your hands made it up to his chest and his made their way to your hips. He gave them a firm squeeze and backed you up against the table. A soft sound escaped the back of your throat and he lifted you onto the table. your arms were wrapped around his neck and he had a hand still on your hip and the other on your thigh when you finally broke the kiss. You both sighed trying to catch your breathes. Red dusted both of your faces, he definitely wasn't going home anytime soon.
"You're gonna stay and cook dinner too right? I can make it worth your while." You said hand coming down to trail suggestive circles on his chest. He blushed but softly laughed.
"Anything for you my dear, anything you want."
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bolognese for the heart | chef!bob x oc
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Summary: chef!Bob making something with the pumpkin guts/seeds while OC sits nearby carving the freshly cleaned-out pumpkin. (wc: 458)
Requested: YES by @a-reader-and-a-writer
Warnings: fluff fluff fluff, knife mention, an entire backstory that i have yet to write (whoops)
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“Mm, the guts’re all yours, chef,” Georgia said as she slid over the bowl, a grimace on her lips and the last remaining strings of pumpkin insides dangling from her fingers. “Hated that.”
“I appreciate your sacrifice,” Bob chuckled as he kissed her cheek.
She wiped her hands on a towel. “Mm, you better.”
“So will you, once I get these guys toasted and seasoned.”
Bob took the bowl of guts over to the sink and began to pick out the seeds. Extracting them from the stringy insides and washing them off one by one. Once cleaned to his liking, he laid each of them out gently on a paper towel to dry. Georgia smiled as she watched him for a moment. Even after all this time, she could still watch him cook anything and be absolutely enthralled. Especially with the sleeves of his button up rolled up like that and his apron tied around his waist. 
“What’re ya gonna carve?” he asked, looking over his shoulder at her with a grin.
“Um —” Georgia turned back to the hollowed out pumpkin, staring up at her blank faced. “I don’t know. My family always painted pumpkins at Halloween.”
“Really? Why?”
“Less messy, more fun — less dangerous,” she said, picking up the paring knife she would use to carve warily.
Bob chuckled. “Guess that makes sense. You want help?”
He looked ready to stop everything to come back over and help her carve the pumpkin. Eyebrows raised and lips pursed, fingers third knuckle deep in pumpkin guts. Georgia shook her head with a smile.
“No, I got it. I wanna try your…The uh…”
“Sweet curry pepitas,” he filled in for her.
“Yeah, those — as soon as possible,” she said.
“Yes, ma’am.”
So they carved and cleaned pumpkin seeds quietly. A record playing from the other room and glasses of wine poured once Bob had seasoned the pepitas and put them in the oven to toast. He hummed quietly in her ear as he wrapped his arms around Georgia’s waist. Head rested comfortably on her shoulder as he watched her carve. She knew it was a little messy, but she was trying her best while also attempting to not cut herself. Bob just laughed lightly as she poked out the mouth, wide smiling and goofy — matched with a small pair of round eyes.
“He’s a very happy jack-o-lantern,” he chuckled, giving her waist a squeeze.
Their little country cottage filled with the smells of curry spices and brown sugar as they put in the electric tea candle and set the pumpkin up in the window. Even though they would be the only ones who would see it.
Just a small reminder of the perfect October night, and a bit of home.
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i no longer have a taglist, please follow @anniesocsandlibrary and turn on notifications for updates
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floralcyanide · 2 years
Autumn With Austin Headcanons
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>> okay so I had ideas and ran with them tbh 😭 I love fall and I feel like doing fun fall stuff with Austin would be the best!! so here’s some headcanons for that
masterlist || add yourself to the taglist HERE!
❁ buying the biggest pumpkin at the market so you two can spend the evening gutting and carving it
❁ y’all start throwing pumpkin guts at each other and end up making a mess in the kitchen
❁ making seasoned toasted pumpkin seeds and enjoying them with some spiked (or non-spiked) apple cider curled up by a bonfire
❁ watching your favorite scary movies every night until Halloween
❁ going to a haunted house or haunted trail
❁ dressing up your pets for Halloween
❁ handing out candy to kids on Halloween night before you go to a party
❁ dressing up for the party and taking selfies
❁ you dress as Sidney Prescott and Austin dresses as Billy Loomis and everyone loves the costumes
❁ going to each other’s family Thanksgiving and meeting family for the first time
❁ your grandmother pulls you aside and says Austin is the best looking man you’ve brought home
❁ your cousins take advantage of Austin’s height and are constantly asking him for piggyback rides
❁ Austin’s family thinks you’re the sweetest person ever and asks you to taste test everything as it’s being made
❁ decorating your house/apartment for fall on the day of the solstice because it’s your favorite time of year
❁ fuzzy blankets with hot coffee while watching movies
❁ making autumn pies and soups from scratch together
❁ matching flannels and fuzzy socks
❁ apple picking!!! also pumpkin patches!!
❁ taking selfies in a sunflower field
❁ getting lost in a corn maze together
❁ bobbing for apples, going on a hayride, and going gem mining at a fall festival
❁ taking autumn themed photos to send to friends and family
❁ jumping in a giant pile of leaves and making a mess in the yard y'all just cleaned up
❁ making s’mores
❁ renting a cabin in the mountains for a romantic weekend and watching the trees change colors
❁ breaking out your favorite sweaters and hoodies
❁ stealing all of Austin’s said sweaters and hoodies
❁ the super aesthetic posts on Instagram of y’all’s decorated house and fall outfits
@cozacorner @onxlymnsn @anangelwhodidntfall @butlersluvbot @austinbutler17 @misspygmypie @mamaspresley @mirandastuckinthe80s @bobbykennedyfan @sodonebruh @lizzymizzy-blogg @defnotreadingfanfics12 @izzvoid @homebodybirkin2003 @thatonemoviefan @sarachacha @kittenlittle24 @alltheflowerstomav @tubble-wubble @kaycinema @annamarie16 @adoreyouusugar @apparently-sunshine-deactivated @amiets2 @mrs-butler @mesbouquins @ari-nicole @austin-butlers-gf @feral4austinbutler @inlovewithchrisevans @shynovelist @mommy-maia @karamelcoveredolicity @thtguyovrthere @starry-night-20 @coldonexx @hangmanswhorey @shelbysbitchh @mavericksicybabe @coco-bitch @bobthefishiesworld @emmymaehereeeeee @myguiltypleasures21 @rainydayz101 @finelineskies @cryingabtab @kaitaesupremacy @ash-omalley @latenighttalking13 @inthegardensofourminds
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askwhatsforlunch · 22 days
Breakfast of Champions
Since the Paralympic Games have begun today, and I'm excitedly watching sports I already followed and discovering new ones, like goal ball (it's gripping as!); I find myself energised and wont to go to the park for my rugby practise or lifting weights at home whilst watching the athletes perform on telly! In any case, what's needed is a Breakfast of Champions, a nutrious meal to start the day well, and keep you going (and cheering) all day long! Happy Thursday!
Jammy Tomato Egg (Vegetarian)
Two Salmon Scrambled Eggs 
Spinach and Onion Omelette (Vegetarian)
Comte de la Roche’s Omelette Fines Herbes (Vegetarian)
Fried Egg Avocado Toast 
Spelt Pancakes 
Goat’s Milk Pancakes 
Coconut Oat Pancakes 
Lemon Kefir Pancakes 
Buckwheat Pancakes 
Tonka and Marmalade Yoghurt 
Coconut Chia Pudding 
Rhubarb Breakfast Parfait
Pear and Pomegranate Yoghurt Bowl 
Kiwi Kiwifruit Yoghurt Bowl 
Honey and Nutmeg Porridge 
Coconut Chia Overnight Oats 
Almond and Seed Overnight Oats 
Maple Hazelnut and Pecan Granola 
Pumpkin and Chia Seed Overnight Oats 
Manuka Honey Mango 
Lavender Apricot Compote 
Pistachio and Honey Plums 
Cherry and Peach Fruit Salad (Vegan)
Mint Strawberry Soup (Vegan)
Smoothie and Juice
Nettle Smoothie 
Mint Apple Juice (Vegan)
Tumeric, Apple and Carrot Juice (Vegan)
Green Elixir Smoothie (Vegan) 
Ginger, Curcuma and Lime Shot (Vegan) 
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heyyitsbe · 4 months
Day 2 of 28 days to lose all my weight
I copied this diet, the first week of a diet it's the worst for me but this was fulfilling.
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So here are the recipes
Breakfast (10am)
Matcha chia pudding (mine was a smaller portion than the photo)
500ml of water with lemon
-1/2 cup of almond milk or water (I used unsweetened almond milk)
-1 and a 1/2 tbsp of chia seeds
-1/2 tbsp of matcha
-A dash of Stevia because the matcha can be bitter
-2 toasted almonds
Mix the milk and seeds and leave overnight, before serving take half of the mixture and mix the matcha.
You can top it up with almonds and cashews or granola.
(the picture seems to have yoghurt too but I don't eat dairy, it seems as a layer of chia pudding with milk or yoghurt, chia pudding with water, matcha yoghurt with chia, granola, matcha yoghurt, granola, almonds and cashews)
Morning workout (10:30am)
I did the 30min cardio but y'all can do the 10min one
500ml of water + multivitamins after the workout (I got the care/of ones)
Lunch (2pm)
Pumpkin with stir fry veggies (I see some mushrooms in the stir-fry on the picture but I'm not sure what's the other thing... Some veggie or meat or something like tofu skin???)
A cup of green tea while I was cooking
500ml of water during the meal
-A quarter of sweet pumpkin
-1/4 cup of cabbage
-1 mushroom
-A quarter of onion
-garlic clove
-garlic powder, salt, pepper, soy sauce, coconut oil
So I put the pumpkin on a steamer with a bit of garlic powder and salt for 30min (it could be less just check when it gets soft)
I diced all the veggies and with coconut oil spray I stir fry them for a bit, after they cooked I added the salt, pepper and a bit of soy sauce.
Midday workout + Snack (3:30pm)
I needed to do some errands so I walked the whole time, it was till 5:40pm that I got home
750ml of water
10 green grapes
Dinner (9pm)
Miso soup Pak Choi with tofu instead of the egg
2 cup of green tea while I was cooking and after dinner
-1 small Pak Choi (you can use spinach)
-1 cup of water
-1 tbsp of miso paste
-1/4 cup of tofu (I believe I bought Sainsbury's firm tofu and cut it in 8 pieces)
Cut the leaves off the Pak Choi then the ends in quarters to boil in the water, when they get soft mix the miso paste and add the leaves and tofu just boil them for a minute or less.
Night workout (11pm)
I don't count calories anymore because it feels like a waste of time but I do control my portions that why I detail it more this time. I kinda have a vegan gluten free diet BUT I eat fish time to time so I'm not strict about it
I'm making this types of post because this was what inspired me the most and don't see it often..
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feelingnom · 11 months
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KABOCHA MOCHI LOAF!!!!! with sesame coconut topping.
this was originally going to be pumpkin mochi loaf with black sesame swirl which i saw someone on tumblr reblog the recipe for and i was like i need that in my mouth immediately—and because one of my friends is gluten free i’ve been looking for more gf recipes—but plans changed. Namely because in japan they do not really have pumpkin anywhere! definitely not canned pumpkin, but that was OK because i got to roast this kabocha and gut it and toast the seeds (which did not taste very good but maybe that was user error and not gourd variation).
kabocha is kinda like pumpkin in that it’s a gourd and also when i went to the grocery store and saw it with a sign that said happy halloween next to it i assumed it was pumpkin. technically kobocha is any kind of winter squash (so it can be a western pumpkin!) but this was definitely a little different than what i was expecting.
side note: i love the words gourd and squash! like what do you mean gourd and squash? you’re making squash bread? are you gonna squash it? gorge on some gourd, why don’t you?
i didn’t want to acquire black sesame when i had regular sesame at home and they taste the same so i just used what i had! also could not properly grind up the sesame (though i tried in the blender and with a rolling pin (neither worked)) so we improvised and it was yum sooooo
anyways, this was made for tokyo film nightttt! which we left way too early after but was fun. we watched “the thing” which i still need to think about some more. some crazy parts and some insane special effects.
showed up with half of this loaf gone though because i maybe had a piece or two before everyone else… and because i gave a slice to liz who was feeling sick! but worry not because everyone got goodies and treats and there was enough of this warm seasonal gourdy squashed bread to go around.
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abookishdreamer · 3 months
Character Intro: Matikós (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Ringmaster by the people of Olympius
Father by Thespios
Darling by his boyfriend
Age- 45 (immortal)
Location- Mania district, New Olympus
Personality- With a true love & devotion to theatrics and the arts, he has the personality to match- loud, bombastic, & over-the-top! He loves putting on a show, thriving on the applause of the audience. He's gay and is in a relationship.
He has the standard abilities of a god. As the god of performance his other powers/abilities include having an audiographic memory, elasticity, limited pyrokinesis, fire immunity, smoke generation/manipulation, character imitation, performance art mastery, circus mastery, being able to control/manipulate stage lights, & the ability of omnitone (is able to generate sounds in any pitch or tone).
Matikós is a single father. He has one child- a son Thespios (god of acting).
He and his son live on the top floor of The Tauros Building, a luxury high rise apartment building located in the Mania neighborhood of New Olympus. One of his good friends Rhapso (goddess of sewing) helped with the interior design. Inside the color scheme is gold, black, dark violet, & bright carnelian red. On all of the windows hang gold trimmed velvet curtains while most of the flooring is black velvet carpeting. The living room has leather & velvet furniture, Victorian inspired furniture pieces, as well as a crystal and diamond chandelier. The kitchen has an Imperial Gold popcorn machine, a gift from Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning). In Matikós' bedroom there's the latest iCHOR Tech smart flat screen TV, burgundy velvet carpeting, a dark mahogany four poster bed, decorative masquerade masks on the walls, & an Imperial Gold grandfather's clock.
Matikós and his son are dragonriders! Thespios' companion is a she-dragon named Ravenshade while Matikós' companion is a dragon named Anguis. The dragon has a serpentine body with speckled gold & dark red wings, gold horns, claws, and crests, & shimmering black scales. Anguis is often Matikós' primary mode of transportation as well as a featured act in the shows.
He's fluent in Latin, French, & Minoan.
Matikós starts off his mornings with an hour of stretching, meditation, and yoga.
He has a "no screen rule" implemented in the apartment for him, his son, & guests. No TV or phones while eating at the dinner table, giving the opportunity for undistracted conversations.
A typical breakfast for him is a homemade blackberry açaí smoothie bowl topped with fresh blackberries, unsweetened shredded coconut, chia seeds, & toasted pumpkin seeds. He's also fond of scrambled eggs (added with mushrooms, parsley, & peppers), Golly Grains caramel curls cereal, sliced papaya and mango (garnished with cayenne pepper & lime salt), and pao de queso- spread with butter.
Matikós always knew that he wanted to be a father. He went back and forth with the idea of adoption before finally settling on surrogacy. He came into contact with his son's eventual biological mother- a free-spirited & feisty maenad named Aida when he traveled to Thebes for the Dionysia holiday. They quickly bonded over their mutual love for wine and the performing arts. A few weeks later, the official process began. Matikós was Aida's birthing coach & was present in the delivery room during his son's birth. She even breastfed the baby for a few weeks before returning home. He and Aida remained in touch, mainly through phone calls & she would send breastmilk for the baby. Matikós even sent her photos of Thespios throughout his childhood. There are plans for his son to take a vacation to Thebes- where Thespios will stay with Aida and her girlfriend.
A go-to drink for him is a daiquiri. He also likes champagne, rum punch, p*rn star cocktails, red wine, manhattans, chocolate martinis, New Olympus Iced Teas, cuban almond cigar cocktails, a sex on the beach, red brandy sunsets, and cubatas. Usuals from Tne Roasted Bean includes a large iced tea & an olympian sized double chocolate chip creme frappuccino. He likes to make his own espressos and cappuccinos at home.
Outside his profession, he's very talented in interpretive & ballroom dancing.
Matikós and his son have a close relationship. He thought it was important to nuture and cultivate Thespios' interest in the performing arts. Every week they venture into the city to check out the latest film, play, musical, or opera. They also enjoy riding their dragons together! They really enjoyed traveling to the Underworld for the premier of the film Blooddancer- written & directed by Keres (goddess of violent death).
When he works out, he loves listening to classical music.
In the past he was a recreational user of lotus dust, mushrooms, as well as MDMA. Matikós stopped when it was confirmed that Aida was pregnant.
The peach & burrata caprese salad (topped with candied pecans & extra spicy honey dressing) is his favorite thing to get from The Bread Box.
He loves snacking on gourmet caramel honey popcorn.
Matikós income comes from his businesses- his burlesque lounge (located in the Skyline neighborhood) called Enchanté & his adult -centered circus called Mirage Menagerie. The circus is based in the city too (as he doesn't want to be far from his son)- having the realm's best performers of jugglers, clowns, acrobats, contortionists, knife throwers, tight rope walkers, stuntbeings, & fire eaters! Notable acts include the strength routine performed by conjoined twin cyclopes named Baron and Cosmo, the giantess Fantasia, & the nude painting duo (lotus eaters named Naima and Aster). There has been a MAJOR new development in Matikós' career. He's been offered a year long residency with his performing circus at Acropolis Square Garden. He's still thinking about the offer.
Two of his most guilty pleasures are black olive & green pepper sicilian pizza and steamed lobster tails with lots of garlic butter!
His best friend in the entire pantheon is Felis (Titaness of cats). Matikós loves flying to Arcadia to see her and he made her Thespios' noná. They tell each other stuff that they don't share with anyone else, like Felis' growing feelings towards Koros (god of surfeit & disdain). On a night out, they love scouting the newest & hottest nighclub! Matikós is also good friends with Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection), Kósmima (goddess of adornment), Apólafsi (god of enjoyment), Sponde (goddess of libations), Záchari (god of confectionery), Anatole (goddess of sunrise), Panigýri (goddess of festivals), Mousika (goddess of studying & music), Kéfi (goddess of mirth), Sardo (one of The Nesoi), Lyrikós (Titaness of voice & song), Epimetheus (Titan god of afterthought), and Priapus (god of fertility, vegetable gardens, livestock, sexuality, & masculinity).
Outside the pantheon he's good friends with one of the burlesque dancers at Enchanté- a siren named Myria.
Matikós officially mentored Melpomene (muse of tragedy).
His favorite frozen treat is pink lotus ice cream. There's an ice cream shop in the Chant du Cygne neighborhood that sells the flavor.
For the past decade, he's been in a committed relationship with a satyr named Silvano. Silvano plays the trumpet in a jazz band called The Gold Note Band. They first met at Yrgó Veloúdo- the smoking room/bar owned by Agathodaemon (Daemon) (god of vineyards, grainfields, & luck). Matikós was there with Felis while the band had a scheduled performance there. Under Felis' teasing & three glasses of red wine, he walked up to the handsome trumpet player, asking him for his number. The attraction was immediate and mutual with their first date being at a jazz club in the Lunar neighborhood of New Olympus. Matikós loves everything about Silvano- his full lips, his adorably chubby belly, his curved brown horns, & his mesmerizing hooded olive green eyes. He equally loves his boyfriend's family- with the two of them visiting Silvano's family in Athens.
He's not a musical snob, listening to a bit of everything. At the apartment, he has an extensive collection of vinyl records.
Matikós was Lyrikós' plus one at the Golden Laurel Awards where she performed with her daughter Aoide (goddess of voice & song).
He likes the jars of pickled peppers and homemade salsa Priapus gifts to him.
Matikós loves hosting dinner parties at the apartment. He and his guests are dedicated charades players!
He was gifted a pair of black velvet jeweled embroidered loafers by Kéfi.
He enjoyed traveling to Rhodes for the state's annual fireworks show along with Anatole, Apólafsi, & his family- his wife Eudaimonia (goddess of happiness) and daughter Paidia (goddess of play & amusement).
Matikós' favorite desserts are the pain au chocolat from Salon du Sucre & the tiramisu from Hollyhock's Bakery.
In his free time Matikós enjoys swimming, aerial yoga, roller skating, reading, tennis, football (soccer), sailing, cooking, surfing, writing, sunbathing, and sketching.
His all time favorite meal is feijoada with steamed yellow rice.
"Life is a circus and we're all performers."
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risingsoleil · 11 months
Hey its me lol. What fall activity does Linzin do with baby, carve pumpkins with baby or make/ give them a caramel apple. And what is the babys reaction-🧐🔎
This is a fun one! I think in the LOK canon universe, these kinds of activities don't exist bc it draws on various cultures across Asia/Inuit traditions. But regardless, they're still fun to HC and think about for Linzin and their baby! 🧡
With that said, here's a breakdown of what I think Linzin would do with baby:
Carve pumpkins - Tenzin attempted to cut the mf pumpkin,but didn't realize that you had to cut at an angle so that the top could rest naturally again. Thus, Lin became the designated executioner of the pumpkin. Once they can get inside and dig out the seeds, baby is helping Mommy and Daddy clean it. They get a small taste of the inside and make that 😖 face, but they give it a second chance when they try toasted pumpkin seeds. In fact, Tenzin might also use it to grind into a powder for medicine? It's Tenzin's bright idea to put the baby in the gutted pumpkin and take pictures of them bc "Look Lin, they can fit inside! They're so cute!"
Apple picking - Lin has never done this, but Tenzin did this apparently with Aang and his siblings before. But Lin enjoys this so much bc it's calming, peaceful, and most importantly, private. A few people try to make conversation with her but she doesn't really want to tell people about her personal life or family life to strangers. She lifts baby and they grab the apple, while Tenzin holds the basket for baby to drop it in. When Lin isn't looking, baby is trying to grab all the other apples and they want to stay at the orchard for the rest of the day. They throw a fit when they realize that Lin and Tenzin are taking them home, until Tenzin feeds them a few apple slices. They also leave with a few baskets bc Oogi deserves snacks, and Lin will use some apples for pie and other traditional desserts.
Mooncake Festival - This is a family-oriented holiday, so the whole Gaang is a part of it and I could do a long ass post abou this probably haha Anyway, Sokka is telling the baby stories about Yue bc he got to kiss the Moon Spirit! Lin is rolling her eyes, but baby is enthralled by Uncle Sokka's storytelling. The family is eating mooncakes together, baby is just stealing everyone's mooncakes by taking a single bite in each one 😂 They decide that the best ones are Aang's, he just has great taste.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Listen I know it's May but... any pairing + going to a pumpkin patch, choosing the perfect pumpkin, decorating for halloween together.
Reggie spotted it as they were taking a leisurely afternoon drive. "Oooh, look a pumpkin patch!"
Alex snorted. "Do you think it's sincere enough for the Great Pumpkin?"
"Only one way to find out!"
"Reginald I swear to God if you think we are staying the night in a pumpkin patch you're crazy," Alex stated, his voice firm.
"No, but we could go get some pumpkins for Halloween," Reggie replied. "It's only a week away and we don't have one yet."
"Because we live in an apartment and the landlord said no gourds in the hallway," Alex retorted.
"We can put it on the table, or the window. C'mon Lex, pleeeeeease?"
Alex knew if he looked at Reggie right then, he would see a pouty lip and big puppy eyes. Both of which he was fairly powerless against. But even without seeing them he gave a resigned sigh and turned towards the patch.
At least Reggie thanked him with a flurry of kisses to his face for it.
It turned out that the pumpkin patch had a whole thing going; a corn maze (which Alex put his foot down about-no getting lost), hay rides (which Reggie delighted in even if the hay made him sneeze), and apple cider which they both declared delicious and picked up a jug of to enjoy at home.
Then it was time to pick their pumpkin. Reggie insisted on traditional orange, even if Alex thought the green and white ones were a little more out there, he couldn't buck tradition.
They trampled through the paths, weighing their options. Alex liked the taller more oval shaped gourds while Reggie favoured a more squat and round pumpkin. So they compromised and got both, even if Alex had no clue where they were going to put two pumpkins in their tiny shoebox of a place.
But Reggie's joy all the way home was infectious as he talked about toasting the seeds to make pepitas, and using the flesh to make pie and cookies. One thing Alex would never turn down was Reggie's culinary efforts.
At home they covered the table in newspaper and got to scooping. Alex kind of hated the slimy pumpkin guts, but Reggie looked so happy to being doing this, and after he made an off hand comment about never getting to do this as a kid after leaving his MeeMaw's ranch, Alex kept his complaints to himself.
Plus soon the house smelled like toasting seeds, and Reggie broke out the apple cider they bought to contemplate their designs with.
"What's wrong with the triangle eyes and a mouth?" Alex asked.
Reggie gave a mock gasp of outrage, pulling out his pumpkin kit, complete with stencils. "No way can we go boring!"
Alex looked at the designs, and grimaced. "Reg, do you really think we can do any of these without cutting off a finger?"
"Sure we can grumpledumpus!" Reggie retorted, smacking a kiss to his cheek. "Just... here, do the friendly ghost. He's easy enough."
Alex looked at the stencil, and the small smiling spirit didn't look too difficult, so he started taping the design to his pumpkin. Reggie refused to show him what stencil he picked, claiming it was a surprise.
The next little bit was spent with the two of them carefully carving and cutting away, chatting aimlessly about anything and everything. Reggie eventually took the seeds from the oven, tossing them in a spice blend that made Alex's mouth water.
"We can eat them later, when we put on a scary movie," Reggie promised.
"I hate scary movies," Alex whined.
"I know," Reggie said with a grin and a waggle of his eyebrows. "But it means you cuddle me, which we both love."
"You could just ask for cuddles you know."
"Where's the fun in that?"
Finally, their pumpkins were done, and Alex thought his ghost turned out pretty good, even if the eyes were a little wonky looking.
"How'd yours come out?" he asked Reggie.
Reggie spun the pumpkin around and there was a replica of the Sunset Curve logo on it, with each of their initials being used as the road lines.
"Wow, good job sunshine."
"Thanks!" Reggie said, blushing. "I'm gonna get a photo for Insta, then we can get our cuddle on."
Alex pretty much immediately buried his face in Reggie's neck as they sat on the couch, preparing for creepy credits music. Only to lift his head when he heard a very familiar nostalgic tune.
"Seriously? We're watching Charlie Brown?"
"Well I figure we have a sincere enough patch right here, why not?' Reggie replied with a shit eating grin.
Alex smacked him with a pillow, but then snuggled in further, laughing every time Charlie got a rock.
Sure the Great Pumpkin didn't visit them that night, but even Alex would admit the gourd glowing merrily in their windowsill were great enough for him.
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mothgodofchaos · 2 years
I am on a fluff spree and I have been awake for sixteen hours against my will, so here you go. Cute little pumpkin carving date.
Antisepticeye x GN!Reader, TW: knives Words: 774
You pick out a couple pumpkins on the way into the grocery store, putting them in the bottom of your cart as you go through the aisles, collecting the groceries you need for the next few weeks. While yes, it is technically after Halloween, you intended to use these for enrichment. For your demon boyfriend.
Several websites online mentioned using pumpkins for enrichment for demons, similar to how they use them for predators in zoos. Now, while you didn’t plan on stuffing them with several pounds of raw meat, you were hoping that it would give him something to take his knife to, instead of threatening to stab clouds because they rained on him and made his glitching work. Despite being an internet demon, he still does not understand the concept of googling things.
The cashier helps you bag up your groceries as you finish making it through the shop, and you walk out to your car with the groceries, loading them up into the trunk. You get a text to your phone, a very impatient and grumpy green bean wondering when you’ll be home. You text him back that you’ll be home soon, and start the car. It’s not a far drive, but he ends up calling you anyways to voice his complaints.
“W’at’s takin’ so longggggggg?”
“Anti, I just went to the store. I told you I was getting you a surprise, so you couldn’t come.” “But I wanted t’!” “I know you did, but if you wait until I get home, which should take about ten minutes, you’ll get your surprise. Okay?” He grumbles for a moment, swearing in Irish under his breath.“Fine…” “Love you, diabhal~” “Love ye t’, acushla~” You get home and he basically pounces on you as you enter through the door, pinning you against the wall as you enter the door, nearly knocking the groceries that you were holding onto the floor. He barely catches all of it, you grabbing the last apple he missed. “Anti…” “Sorry, babe…” “I know you missed me, but maybe wait until after I put down the groceries for lovies?” “I missed ye…” “I was gone for maybe half an hour.” “T’at’s still half an hour wit’out ye!” You ruffle his hair which puts a smile back on his face. He helps you unload the car, revealing his present. “Ye got pumpkins??” “They were on sale, and you mentioned you liked them, so I thought we could carve some tonight.” You could’ve told him that he won a life supply of coffee beans, he looked so excited. He glitches them inside, getting your kitchen counters ready for pumpkin carving. Spreading out the plastic tablecloth, pulling out all the knives, and whiteboard markers for the designs. You preheat the oven so you can toast the seeds as you carve, turning back to him with a grin.
Anti hops up onto the counter, setting his pumpkin in his lap as he begins with the design, while you pull up one of the barstools to the counter. He’s scribbling away while you slowly sketch out his sigil, an eye with three pupils. Once you’re both finished, he slices off the bottoms, scooping out the guts of the pumpkins with his claws. You make sure it all gets into the bowl as you giggle, moving it to the sink so you can wash the seeds. 
Once tossed in oil and seasonings, you pop them in the oven, going back to your pumpkin. He’s already carving away with his personal knife, very intensely focused. You go ahead on your own, probably much more simple than his by the amount of carving and removing he’s doing of the pumpkin’s flesh. You finish up your pumpkin, moving to rest your head on his free shoulder to watch what he’s doing.
You see over his shoulder a carving off a knife, a stopwatch, a cat, a superhero mask, glasses, and a zombie hand. All very detailed, but you can tell he’s close to being done. He finishes up the design, signing it at the bottom. Anti looks up at you, waiting for approval. “It looks perfect, baby~” “Thank ye~” You sprinkle cinnamon in the tops, setting them out on the back porch as it begins to get dark. Taking the seeds out of the oven, you warm up some cider for the both of you as he grabs a blanket, moving to the back porch. You light the tea lights under the jack-o-lanterns, and snuggle up to the sound of crickets chirping as you watch the lights flicker against the art. You secretly wished pumpkin season was all year.
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endcant · 2 years
best ever food & drink
cucumber & watermelon (same to me)
tofu (many ways)
glass of milk and 2 cookies (various)
mini sweet peppers
egyptian kahk
homemade red bean paste (u can make a lot affordably, keep it a decent amount of time, and use it for everything)
chicken mole
sashimi (various)
bisque (various)
gazpacho (various)
fruit that you picked
the first bite of a california burger (burger with lettuce, tomato, avocado, and monterey jack cheese)
lemon pound cake
oxtail stew with chayote (white people not invited)
pozole blanco
buttered pumpkin ravioli followed by the raspberry gelato served in a coconut shell at the obligatory little italian place in my obligatory little not-italian hometown
oolong tea
lamb gyro
when i worked at the college i used to rinse out my cup noodles before microwaving them bc they were too salty. that was good
phó (various)
zalabia topped with sesame seeds
scrambled egg white with spinach and mushrooms
avocado smoothie
street corner strawberries, too ripe to be sold to grocery stores
homemade lengua estofado (white people not invited)
butterfish hand roll
fiji lakdi mithai
fruit salad consisting of: apple, jicama, oranges, cucumber, and optional melon (honeydew or cantaloupe) with mandatory seasoning of citrus juice, red pepper, and salt
fried egg over easy stirred into white rice with very small amounts of sesame oil and soy sauce
my dad is the only person who can make bbq ribs worth eating bc they are tender and heavily spiced with a homemade mustard-based sauce with more spices than i’ve ever seen on any other single object
japanese curry + chicken cutlet (my preferred curry but all are valid)
melted monterey jack cheese (any context)
go to 300 Juan Medina Rd., Chimayo, NM, 87522
homemade honey kale chip (YSAC)
extremely dry breve cappuccino
cinnamon life cereal
homemade sopapilla with honey
NYC mall shrimp tempura udon (ubiquitous in NYC indoor malls in 2009)
banana with brown sugar and a little butter heated in microwave for like 3 minutes. wait til it cools
just the crust of deep dish pizza without the toppings
buttered macaronis with white onion (poisonous to me)
hot dog and vegetable stir fry
chile con carne with MY family’s green chile recipe
oyster tasting paid for by somebody else
this one stout beer that i shared with my mother in 2017 that came in an unlabeled bottle found in the back of a restaurant that has since changed ownership. no other information
dishes containing roux, custard, or caramelized onions patiently made by your own hand (taste of the fruits of your labor)
my sister’s fucked up health recipes that are actually incredibly fucking good such as a very seasoned broth with like 5 different types of mushrooms, a buffalo chicken/sweet potato/turkey bacon casserole, and all of her various spaghetti squash glops. so FUCKING good.
arugula salad with nuts and fruits
steamed pumpkin (various seasonings)
any decently improvised sweet bread, cookie, or cake flavored chiefly with butter, white sugar, and almond extract
baked potato with the red skin no seasonings eaten outside in the cold
thick, ambrosia-like homemade horchata served in a mug at the mexican place with zero english speakers on staff
11 oz can apple sidra apple soda
banana at 2 am
worst ever food & drink
banana at 6 am
waffle house “hashbrown”
backsweetened fruit beer
whole wheat pancake
whole wheat or multigrain health flour tortilla. if you’re worried about your health just eat a corn tortilla or wrap ur stuff in lettuce
guiltiest pleasures of all time
bacon pb&j burger.
expensive californian bougie health snack bars that consist of unrecognizable seeds, unrecognizable nuts, and unrecognizable dried fruits, unrecognizably sweetened and stuck together in an unrecognizable mound
spoonful of stone ground mustard
back home theres a place where u can get craft beer, a rosé slushie actually worth havinf, taste 4 nearly identical dry red wines, and then say its ur birthday and get panini bread toasted with butter and a melted hersheys bar topped with whipped cream. the birthday treat only really tastes good once youve had the aforementioned quantity of alcohol, but i think that’s by design. like listening to shpongle while profoundly high on psychedelics
2 dennys pancakes with 2 eggs over easy placed betwixt, wherein they will be smashed and mixed with maple syrup until the entire mess is soggy yellow-brown and unrecognizable
bowl of chevys fresh mex salsa con cuchara
i experience that “just one more oreo” comic but with mazapan, & when i wake up from the mazapan fugue state every dark cloth in the house is stained permanently
hot cocoa consisting of: almond milk, dark cocoa powder, and stove heat
i will never forget starbucks sage and juniper latte in the fall of 2018. nothing else at that godforsaken restaurant will ever be that good.
those cute fude nuggets they sell at target that are like $15 per box that are shaped like stars, fishies, etc.
anything with garlic or onion (poisons me)
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dynamic: mostly alpha-adjacent, but with a bit of omega traits in there as well. they/he.
scents i can't stand: chemical-y artificial fragrances in the form of air fresheners, scented cleaning products, bug sprays and whatever those things are that people put in their toilet bowls to scent after each flush. not a big fan of citronella, either. and that smell in a high school girl's change room of too much fruity scented artificial deodorants, perfurmes and antiperspirants? olfactory hell. also hate the smell of chlorine.
scents i like: natural scents and earthy, spicy, herbal warm things like sandalwood, cedar, pine, cinnamon, nutmeg, anise, toasted sesame seeds, pumpkin spice, cloves, roast garlic, coffee, baked breads and pastries, anise, boiled candy, mint, rose, caramel, vanilla, chocolate and cocoa, sawdust, pine, smoke, frankincense, rooibos tea, warm milk, honey, barbequed and grilled meats, roast vegetables, caramelized onion, teriyaki stirfry, paprika, mushroom, damp moss, old leather, musty books, that ozone smell in the air before it rains/during a thunderstorm, sea spray, frangipani and hibiscus, rosemary, sage, lavender, the smell of freshly ground marijuana, whiskey and rum, hot spiced wine, citrus, baked apple
what i like in a partner/mate: someone like myself, aka someone who isn't afraid to laugh at some dark jokes or crack a raunchy one liner at a comedically inappropriate time. an adventurer and traveller, someone willing to find the fun side of life and take a few risks. affectionate, sensual, not afraid to get a little bit flirtatious and experimental (if you know what i mean, wink wink). preferably on the andromasc side, with a sassy boyish charm, impish grin, bit punky. all cheesy b grade movies and junk food binges, fast cars and long nights listening to music, talking about the weird eccentric things in the universe, sharing a joint or a glass of energy drink sipped out of the last clean coffee mug by the sink. kinda tacky, but able to make it work. not too over the top, though, there should be some rest and recovery between the partying but still able to keep it interesting. very warm and tender.
what i dislike in a partner/mate: not willing to come out of their shell and explore the world. too much of a stay-at-home type to the point that domesticity becomes repetitive, monotonous and mundane. i don't like when people can't find a balance between conservative/humble and wild/outgoing. if they can't take a dicey joke or get uncomfortable with heated topics, or are the type to get uncomfortable around my friends or become too possessive or clingy, it becomes offputting. however, i absolutely loathe feeling ignored or neglected myself and nothing bugs me more in a relationship than a lack of communication or disrespect for established boundaries and mutual comfort levels. dishonesty, lying and deceipt is a big turn off and long held grudges put me on edge. I also don't like having to be a 24/7 caretaker to someone else's emotional needs, especially if I don't feel I'm getting any tenderness and support in return. I value an emotional connection as well as a physically oriented one, and I don't bide well with casual hook ups or one night flings.
anything else?: nothing i can think of, other than the fact i like my scents and fragrances i wear on myself to be strong enough that even i feel a little affected by them. i like to feel that my own scents will affect my mood and either spice me up with confidence, or mellow me out and calm me down when I'm feeling heated and riled up.
Hi Anon! I love how much thought you put into everything!
Let's see, certainly a lover of the bold and authentic I would say. After reading through your post multiple times, I can't help but to think of Mulled Wine. Deep, warm and stands solidly.
I'd recommend you try the scents of mandarin to brighten and amber musk to heat you up with confidence. Clove would be a nice addition to keep it away from that overly sweet perfume smell you dislike.
I think with this smell combo, you'd walk into a room with so much confidence people will be begging to go on adventures with you.
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jamieaiken919 · 2 years
Hello! Are you excited for halloween? I’m carving a pumpkin tonight! How would you and Edward go about pumpkin picking and carving? 🎃
I am excited for Halloween! I’m not doing much for it this year, just because I’ve been kind of all over the place with getting my bedroom sorted out and going back and forth from my grandmas house, but I’m always excited for it!!🥰
NOW onto the real schmeat of the ask- how would Edward and I go about pumpkin picking and carving?
Well before the carving comes picking some pumpkins, and I’d definitely have to bring him to the farm stand near my house for that! They have a big field with pumpkins set out, where you can walk through and select the ones you want, so I’d have to give him that experience at least once (even if it kills my allergies lol). We take our time walking through the field, holding hands and pointing out which ones we think look good. And of course, we pause for some sneaky smooches every once in a while. Okay that one’s mostly me but still XD
Once we’ve picked out some nice looking pumpkins and have gotten them home, it’s on to the carving! I have to rely on Edward for most of the dirty work here- I do try to help, but trusting me with trying to get a knife through a thick ass pumpkin before it’s cleaned out is far more dangerous than you’d think lol. So! Edward takes care of the initial cutting and cleaning out of the pumpkins, while I busy myself with picking out and cleaning the seeds to save for roasting later! And of course, we’ve got music playing while we work- a mix of the classics he loves, and the newer music that makes me dance around the kitchen, which is something that always makes him laugh.
Once the pumpkins are cleaned out and the seeds are roasting in the oven, Edward and I set to the task of actually turning them into jack-o-lanterns. Neither of us would class ourselves as artists, so we stick to more basic faces, but it’s the experience of doing it together that brings us the most happiness. Once again, he helps me when I’m unable to get the knife through the pumpkin, but it’s much more easy going after his masterful cleaning of them. And we make sure to place them right beside one another on the outside steps- LED candles inside, of course!- where they’ll stay as a celebration of the season, and a signifier of us together🥰💖
After the eventful day, we sit snuggled up together under some heavy blankets on the couch, snacking on the toasted pumpkin seeds and drinking hot cocoa, watching some seasonal movies- ghostbusters and ghostbusters 2 marathon!!
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Goat’s Cheese, Apple and Nut Beetroot Leaf Salad (Vegetarian)
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It truly is a special kind of joy picking home-grown vegetables in the Kitchen Garden. A joy enhanced when one sees them on one’s plate, and taste their crisp, fresh, delicious flavour. I am still digging up Beetroots, and their leaves makes an excellent substitute to lettuce, like in this fragrant Goat’s Cheese, Apple and Nut Beetroot Leaf Salad! Happy Thursday!
Ingredients (serves 1):
the leaves, large and small, of 4 to 6 Garden Beetroot leaves, depending on their size
1/4 cup pecan halves
1/2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
1 heaped teaspoon Dijon Mustard
1 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon pure (Grade A) Canadian Maple syrup
a pinch of salt and freshly cracked black pepper
1 apple (like a Ribston Pippin or Golden Delicious)
30 grams/1 ounce soft goat’s cheese
Thoroughly rinse Beetroot leaves under cold water, until all dirt is removed. Dry them in a spin-drier. Set aside. 
In a small frying pan over  high flame, toast pecan halves and pumpkin seeds until just browned and fragrant. Remove from the heat; set aside.
In a medium bowl, combine Dijon Mustard, olive oil, apple cider vinegar and Maple Syrup. Season with a pinch of salt and black pepper, and whisk energetically until well-blended.
Roughly chop Beetroot leaves. Rinse, halve core and dice apple. Add chopped Beetroot leaves and diced apple to the bowl, and toss well, to generously coat in dressing.
Spoon Beetroot leaf and apple salad into serving plate. Scatter chunks of goat’s cheese liberally on top, and sprinkle generously with toasted pecans and pumpkin seeds.
Enjoy Goat’s Cheese, Apple and Nut Beetroot Leaf Salad immediately, or chill in the refrigerator until serving time (but toasted nuts are better still a little bit warm!)
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