#and his relationship with agathario through time
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marsneptunes · 2 months ago
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Señor Scratchy | Earth land specie | Death’s servant | Agatha’s protector | Rio’s friend | Agathario’s little demon
“For winter, and you need some other color with all this green, purple will look good on you.”
Agatha said, as she handed him a gift.
At first he didn’t understand, his thick fur more than protected him against the cold days, and it wasn’t like a piece of scarf around his neck would make much difference, if that was really a necessity.
The confusion ended when he opened the scarf, eager to wear it.
In one part, a single word, in white capital letters.
A smile filled his eyes. The next year a sweater joined his scarf. And the year after that, a beanie. The last one, with a HV on it.
So Rio wouldn’t be so much angry about it.
After that, Rio gave up denying it. He had hoped she wouldn’t. He loved watching the two of them argue about who was right, the smile in his purple witch’s face whenever she called him a demon and Rio getting mad at it.
As Agatha would say, he was her demon.
When Rio was there he would hide the demon part, he didn’t want his green witch thinking he was betraying her and choosing Agatha’s side on their ongoing fight. Agatha knew he was a species from Death’s realm, she just liked to tease her wife.
But he also loved all the clothes his purple witch made, and Agatha knew it. And Rio always found it cute, she just wouldn’t admit.
They were his miladies.
And he was their demon. Their red eyes little demon.
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witchesverse · 4 months ago
life & death
pairing: agathario x reader
summary/request: the oldest deities, life and death, fall in love with a human but everything falls apart when her child dies. centuries later, you meet your past lovers on the witches' road.
content: angst without a happy ending, mention of death, crying, agatha being angry and hurt.
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You have been around since the start of life and since then, you have only managed to fall in love with two witches.
One of the witches was your complete opposite and not in a personality or aesthetic way, but in a way that she took life whilst you gave life. She was Death and you were Life. You would think that Death and Life would not be able to stand each other, but you craved each other.
For a very, very long time, she and you were each other's only lovers. Until you met Agatha Harkness. It was unbelievable that two of the oldest deities fell in love with a human, but it had happened.
Alas, it fell apart.
You had breathed life into the child growing in Agatha's stomach and all was good. His heartbeat was strong and you could feel his life churning through his body. Then, you felt nothing.
For the first time in existence, Life had fought Death.
It was wrong. It went against the natural order of life and death. But you could not bear to watch Death take away one of your most precious creations.
So, the boy lived for six years.
When Death came back for a second time, you couldn't fight her. It broke both of your hearts to watch Agatha cry and beg.
But even love cannot stop the natural order.
Once he was taken by Death, your relationship with the witches' was killed.
There was deep hatred in Agatha's heart for Life and Death. She hated how you did not keep the life in him and she hated how Death took the life. After that, everyone went their separate ways. The only connection you had with Death was feeling her take the life from your creations.
But centuries later, you met your lovers on The Witches' Road.
A grin was plastered across Rio's face as Agatha clawed at her and screamed in anguish.
"I hate you!" Agatha practically growled.
Rio turned to you with a dramatic surprised look on her face. "Do you hear that, my love? Agatha hates me! That's news I haven't heard before."
You stared at her, unsure of how to reply. Rio had always been the more sarcastic and cruel one, but her sarcasm seemed too cruel.
Agatha grunted, turned away and walked hastily down the Road.
Her coven glanced between the three of you with a look of confusion on their face.
You sighed. This was going to be horrible.
And so it was.
Rio continued to make comments towards Agatha, which only angered her. There were a few times you thought Agatha was going to slap her across the face.
You hadn't said much. Being Life, you preferred to watch people interact. You have done your job by breathing life into them, and now you can watch them use that life to their own liking.
It was as you all sat around a campfire you found yourself talking.
"I have a scar." Rio abruptly spoke.
Agatha laughed. "No, you don't."
Yes, I do." She insisted, glancing over at you and locked eyes. You shifted awkwardly under her gaze.
"A long time ago, Y/n and I had to do something we really didn't want to do, but it was my job and I had to do it."
Agatha stiffened.
"And in the process, we deeply hurt someone who we both love." You continued as you understood who she was talking about.
"And she is my scar," Rio concluded.
You wanted to say more, but Agatha stood and muttered something about needing fresh air. Naturally, Rio and you followed her.
Agatha stood in the middle of a deeper part of the forest. Now, that you were further away from the coven, you could feel how strong her life was and that made you smile.
You brushed your hand against Agatha's arm but she pulled away. "Don't."
"Agatha, you know we couldn't control it."
Wrong words. There were unshed tears in Agatha's eyes and her brow furrowed. You watched as pure anger filled her eyes before sadness washed over.
"Couldn't control it?" Her voice wavered with emotion. "You are Life and she is Death. What the hell do you mean you couldn't control it?"
She dug her finger accusingly into your chest.
Rio grabbed her finger and stepped into her personal space. Agatha tried to pull away but Rio kept a tight grip on her.
"I understand you are angry, but-"
"Angry? Are you fucking serious, right now?" Agatha made a noise of disbelief. "I feel furious, hurt, abandoned, heartbroken, and lost. You both took my boy away from me and expect me to just be angry? You are unbelievable."
You swallowed roughly. You had imagined this exact situation millions of times in your head, but now that it was actually happening, you didn't know how to react.
"Agatha, I loved Nicky dearly and taking his soul was the last thing I wanted to do. I gave you something that has never been given in all existence because I love you and him." Rio spoke calmly and sincerely, completely different from how she spoke sarcastically earlier.
"If you really loved me, you wouldn't have taken his life away." Her eyes flicked over to you. "And if you really loved me, you would've kept feeding him life."
"You're both monsters."
Those words stung. You bit your lip and held back tears from forming in your eyes. You didn't want to cry, not in front of them.
Being Life, you weren't used to being called cruel names. People praised and worshipped you. But being called such a cruel name by a person you loved broke your heart.
Agatha scoffed at the silence and walked back to the coven, leaving Rio and you alone.
Rio didn't seem as bothered by Agatha's words. Being Death, she was constantly called cruel names, therefore, she was used to it.
"It's okay to cry."
"I'm not going to cry." Your voice broke with emotion as you said that.
Rio sighed, pulling you into her embrace. You buried your face in the crook of her neck and you cried softly.
"Why can't she understand that we couldn't stop it?"
"Nobody will ever understand it. Humans think life and death are simple but don't realise how complicated it is."
Rio kissed your neck before pulling your face out of her neck and cupping it lovingly. She wiped your tears away with her thumb and sadly smiled.
It broke her heart that you were upset.
"I miss her." You sniffled. "I miss us."
Rio's brows furrowed and she wiped her own tears away. "I know."
You wrapped your arms around her neck and kissed her softly. Your heart fluttered and you relaxed in her hold. Kissing Rio was one of the most magical feelings.
When you broke apart, you rested your forehead against hers.
"Do you think she will ever forgive us?"
"No, I don't," Rio answered honestly.
You sniffled. Her answer broke you but it was the truth.
No matter what, Agatha would never forgive you for what you did. You will always be considered a monster to her.
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pandorascripts · 3 months ago
Familiar By Thy Side pt 2
super excited to share part two with all of you!! sorry it’s been a bit since I updated, my school clubs are starting up and I’ve been figuring out all my stuff as I go.
relationships: (drumroll) Agathario/Reader!
lots of yall said it should be agathario/reader, so I’m delivering! thank you for all the feedback :)
warnings: uhhh, I don’t think there’s any, but who knows.
The next time you’re able to remember current events, you’re laid down on a dock, in nothing but your wet undergarments. With a loud gasp, you shoot up, chest rapidly rising and falling. Everything is overwhelming, the noise of the lake, the splashing and laughter, the bristle of trees’ leaves, the creaking of the dock — it’s too much, everything is too much. You can’t recognize anything, your whereabouts completely unknown as the cold sinks into your achy bones and shaky fingers. 
Finally, you see someone just barely familiar. Nicholas, laughing and splashing his Mother just twenty feet off to your side in the shallow waters. With a hard breath, you look around and try to focus on regaining your senses. Previously dirty skin is shining clean again, your hands brushing over it in confusion. Agatha had bathed you? The thought of being unconscious and vulnerable makes your spine shiver, gaze hardening at Agatha. The moment you fully look at her, really recognize her, you have such a hard time hating her. The smile plastered on her raw face, laughter so hard she’s forced to wheeze and turn her back from her boy, she looks human to you for the first time in, well, however long you’ve been with them. 
Nicky is the first to notice you, his smile still wide as he waves to you. Agatha snaps her head to your direction, icy blue eyes running along your posture for a good read. There’s a subconscious relent in Agatha when she realizes how scared you are right now. There’s so much familiarity in that showcase of fear for her, that she’s slightly taken aback by the memories of nights when she was younger and afraid. A low growl dies down into a clearing of her throat, Agatha turning away. 
“Nicholas, you’ll get frozen if we’re here any longer,” she states, but Nicky knows it’s a demand. 
He pouts but doesn’t argue with his mom, waddling out of the water that Agatha easily cruises through. Her outfit matches yours — nothing but undergarments, and it’s clear that they had been playing in the water for quite some time. A weird thought festers in your mind, happy that despite being apathetic to everything, Agatha knows that her son is but a boy and deserves to have fun. 
By the time Agatha and Nicholas are fully dressed in their slightly damp clothes — ones you haven’t seen before, so you realize they must’ve been stolen during your lights-out phase — the embarrassment settles in. You feel even more vulnerable now, the only one absolutely indecent enough for viewing. Agatha lets Nicholas head back to their makeshift camp just some odd feet out, her journey steering to open a medium-sized leather pouch, and take out some clothes. Silently, Agatha walks down the doc to toss them in your lap. 
“What did you do to me?” is the first thing that comes out of your mouth, more so questioning how she managed to subdue you so easily. 
“Bathed you. Nothing more nothing less.” 
The sharpness of her tone makes you realize she believes you to be questioning something else, a small flinch on your face. 
“Not that, that I understand well. The time I was awake, we were fighting, and then…” 
“Then I came to the smart conclusion you were too shambled to make such a journey and made it so you did not kill Nicky, nor I,” she answers, still on the defensive. 
You don’t argue back with her. Neither do you even try to dry off with anything, immediately trying to put on your clothes. 
You stop at her words, convinced it was her magick rather than your obedience. “What?” 
Agatha walks off the dock, leaving you confused on whether or not you should continue. She turns her back to you again a couple seconds later, heading down the platform before tossing you a damp rag. 
“To dry. These clothes will be yours next few days, nothing wet against your skin will be comfortable enough for our journey. We leave tonight again.” 
You wet your lips, holding the rag before looking up at Agatha. Seeing her this close, it’s no wonder she was able to lure in many with a beguiling feeling of comfort. Agatha is motherly in many of her actions, even when she’s killing witches, surprisingly enough. Motherly or not completely monstrously, you’re not sure. 
“Thank you, Agatha,” you say softly, her name foreign on your tongue. 
“Make haste, the sun will set in a few hours time.” 
A simple nod from you has Agatha walking over to her son, your hands working to dry off your body with the rag. It’s slightly rugged, a little ripped and the edges are frayed. Although, you can’t be too picky, you suppose. Agatha almost gave you nothing. You’re not sure why she didn’t, why she let you dry off. It truly wouldn’t have been that uncomfortable for you, walking all that distance would’ve heated your body up and in turn the clothes would’ve probably helped cool you down. You turn around on the dock to run the rag over your chest, Agatha’s mean eyes running along your back. 
In her own mind, Agatha is beating herself up over giving you that rag. Why did she care if you were comfortable? If anything, Agatha only wants you to be uncomfortable around her, to be scared around her. It’s much easier that way, for you to be terrorized into obedience. She’s not sure, but maybe after being in your mind during the week in Salem she saw one too many correlations between you and Her. Agatha clenches her jaw, refusing to believe that after six years clean she’s genuinely letting herself feel the things she long ago buried about Rio. The name sends shivers down her spine, eyes running to find her boy. He’s nestled against a tree, fixing his hair into a braid. The facial expression she finds on him is way too similar to Rio’s mouth open in concentration, nose tilted up. Agatha comes to the realization that she can never get away from the sound of the woman that loves her, and it haunts her. Rio’s voice in the mornings, her small touch throughout the day, the sweet laugh she let out at Agatha’s off-colored jokes, everything that was and is Rio stays within Agatha. Her eyes fall down to her hands, balling them up tightly before she lets go of them with a sigh. 
You walk down the dock, fully dressed and mainly dry. Wet against your neck is your hair, but you simply scrunch it up and keep it behind your shoulders. Agatha is moving Nicky up, sitting behind him as she starts softly speaking to him and doing his hair for him. The braid wasn’t the best, so Agatha simply undoes it and starts over. He doesn’t seme to mind, lost in the conversation as he drags a stick through the dirt to spell out his name. The scene is a little too vulnerable and familial for you to want to engage in, even if you’re more calm than when you first woke. There’s some slight gratitude you feel for Agatha, considering that she didn’t completely undress you when bathing you. Despite the slight awkward dampness of the materials against your skin, it’s something to be thankful for. 
You’re too caught up in trying to figure out everything that happened — stubbornly refusing to ask Agatha — that you don’t notice her sit next to you. Of course, there’s still a couple feet of distance from the two of you, but you’re unsure why she wouldn’t sit by Nicholas. Until you realize he’s not here. 
“Where is the boy?” you ask, your body more unsettled without him. This makes no sense, and you know it, but you swear Agatha is almost human around him. Despite that she’s killed in front of the boy, openly explained that she kills witches to him, and still speaks down to you around him, it just feels safer when he’s around. 
“Off to harvest some berries past that brush,” she replies, and you’re almost surprised she actually does. 
You just stay quiet, a slight nod of your head as your eyes lock on the fire. 
“Salem was just fine, in case you were wondering,” mumbles Agatha, sniffling after as if to cover up everything she just said. 
“Have they still been killling witches?” 
There’s a small laugh from Agatha, her head shaking slightly. “Oh, please, we were much too clever to be killed during then. Those women were married to the worst of the worst, and killed simply so their husband could marry younger or justify his continuous infidelity.” 
“We?” you ask, head turning to stare at Agatha. You weren’t aware that she was living in Salem during those times, but then again, you’re not sure how old Agatha actually is. “Yes, we. Womanhood came to me after spending my youth in that town. I left soon after.” Agatha’s tone at the end, her licking her lips and turning her head too, tells you that there’s something there — a story, no doubt, but you don’t question. 
“Must have been quite fearful, I’d imagine.” 
“They couldn’t catch us, dear, only a few were ever caught.” 
The fire is crackling, your hands reaching out to warm up over the flames. Agatha watches, the way your hair falls off your shoulder and over, her eyes running along your clothes. You’re maybe in your early twenties, or older - it’s hard to tell with witches. Her body is way to relaxed with you so near, but she doesn’t know why. Maybe it’s because she’s sure you’re magic isn’t as strong or because she’s sure you’re not skilled at all. Either way, Agatha doesn’t like it. 
You don’t react to the word “dear” slipping from her mouth, certain its’ just another way to degrade you and poke fun. It doesn’t bother you. You don’t let it. 
“Man has never been smart, have they?’ you chuckle out, flashing her a small smile. 
Agatha responds with a shake of her head, pursing her lips. “Not much, no.” 
Silence absorbs the both of you for a couple minutes, up until Nicholas stumbles through the brush. He’s brushing off some burs with a distasteful look. 
“They’re so sharp,” he mumbles, very displeased with his clothes being covered in spikey balls. There’s a small smile from you, your hand lifting up to drop down. Just as the action is completed, all the burs fall from his clothes, his head snapping up to look at his mother. 
“Thank you, mama.” “Don’t look at me, boy, that had nothing to do with me,” she chuckles slightly. “Would’ve been quite entertaining watching you flounder about a bit longer.” 
Nicholas laughs slightly at his mom’s teasing, his eyes turning to you. “You then? Thank you.” 
Turning back to the fire, you remain quiet as Agatha and her son converse together, the sun starting to fall. You still aren’t clear how long had passed since you last remember anything, but you’re too nervous to talk. Wringing out your hands, glaring at the fire only to occasionally look at the duo before you, you can’t find a good enough time to interject. 
There’s a small huff from Agatha, her annoyed look turning to face you. “You’re loud.” 
“Excuse me?” you ask out, a little bewildered at her statement.
“Your mind that is, you’re insufferable. What is it you need?”
Closing your gaping mouth, you blink a bunch before relenting. “How long was I — how long did you have control over me?” 
Agatha wets her lips, turning back to the fire. “Maybe around eight days, including a portion of today.” 
Eight days. It had been eight whole days. You swallow thickly, looking down to stare at the dirt below. She had been in your mind, controlling you, full access to everything for eight whole days. You feel perturbed at this information, wetting your lips down as you struggle to come to terms with that. What had she done in there? What had she seen? What had she messed up? What had she learned? It feels like a violation to you, your head turned away from her. 
Apathetic to your discomfort, Agatha goes back to talking with Nicky about his day and what he found in the forest. 
The next few days are spent silently for you, simply walking alongside Agatha. You wish you could’ve been behind her, away from her, but she insisted you go next to her to negate any chance of betrayal from you. Far too tired to argue and far too worried she’d overwhelm your mind again, you just gave in. During this journey, you didn’t car to ask her where you all were going, you just walked. And walked. And walked. 
The group of you walked for days until reaching a newly-named settlement called Philadelphia, which had started booming since being labeled. Weirdly enough, Agatha was able to swindle an older man into letting the three of you crash, despite having no way of paying him back and being covered in grime. You watched the way she did it, hand on his bicep, straightening out his lapels, and showering him with praise. Alongside sickening you, you were intrigued. Agatha was a sight to behold, you were well aware of her beauty, but you and Nicholas being included on the deal? He was but a boy, and you weren’t ever the most attractive in your eyes, so how is it that he let all of you stay? 
Being rushed into his home by Agatha’s hand on your back made you forget your questions, slugging into the room he offered and laying down on a couch in the corner. There were two beds, one for Nicholas and one for Agatha, so you assumed you’d be cramped up here for however long the stay lasted. 
You were partially right. Agatha dumped her small amount of belongings onto the second bed, sorted them out into things that needed washing and things that were clean, doing the same with her sons too. Nicky sat on the first bed, shoes neatly tucked below as he took off his coat and fixed the collar of his shirt. 
Agatha grouped up all of the clothes, put them into a bag, and handed Nicky two coins and the pouch. “Round down to the market, Nicky. Find a woman willing to launder our clothes and pay her well for her troubles.” 
He gave his mom a look, a little shocked he was allowed to go out on his own, but he nodded his head and listened. Just as he slid off the bed, Agatha held his shoulder and leaned down to kiss his forehead. “Be quick, be kind, and use any extra to get yourself something you like.” 
Nicholas smiled widely at his mom, nodding his head before sprinting out when he was dismissed. Agatha started to fold the cleaner clothes, nestling them in the dresser nicely. 
“How did you manage to convince that man?” you ask softly, sitting up on the couch. 
Agatha turns her head to look at you, fixing her hair by tucking it just under her ear. “I’m persuasive.” 
“There was more than that, d’you’re magick permit you to do so?” 
Her lips are pursed as you push further, a small sneer on her face. “It is nothing of your concern, be grateful you’ve a placed to rest that isn’t dirt, girl.” 
Agatha is cruel in her words, so you settle for questioning when she’s in a much better mood. Your questions are only making her feel more at odds with herself, hating the way those powers only work on men. After all, Agatha would much rather have her succubus powers sway women, at least there could be something more she could get out of it. Now she’s to deal with this man trying to hit on her, much more disturbing when she’s with her young boy, but Agatha won’t risk disturbing her magick at work. The last thing she needs is this man kicking them out, or far worse, claiming witch because he was rejected by her. 
Nicky comes back twenty minutes later, hands full with two trinkets, and a wide grin. His eyes are sparkling as he runs up to Agatha. 
“Mama, this nice lady just minutes out from here gave me these — free of charge, she said!” he laughs out, setting them on the bed which previously held clothes.
“Nicky, get them off the bed. Lord knows where they’ve been.” Agatha directs the boy with her hands, moving him out of the way as she does it herself. Whilst holding the items, her face pales and she glares. “Who gave you these, boy?” 
“A woman, Mama, a kind lady.” 
“A kind lady she is not, not if she tried her hardest. Nicky, you stay inside, no matter what.” 
You watch Agatha, seeing her truly unsettled for the first time. The items as you look at them, are slightly odd, but nothing to signify anything perilous. One is a small painting of a flower, some sort of dipladenia if you can remember correctly. The other is a small, festive skull, something from the Spaniards’ holiday Día de los Difuntos, you reckon. There’s no reason Agatha should be this uptight over a simple gift from a townswoman. 
Still, you keep quiet as you fon’t want to upset her any more. Nicholas is slightly distraught, watching his mother behave like this. She looks over at you. 
“Watch the boy and stay here.” 
With that, Agatha turns on her heel, coat lagging behind in her twirl, and slams the bedroom door behind herself. Nicky sits on the bed, his hands playing with the sheets as looks at the items Agatha threw down. The painting of the flower is in his hands, fingertips running over the medium used. There’s a hint of pity you feel for the boy, a small forwn on her your face as you move to sit next to him. The bed creaks. 
“D’you know what flower that is?” you quietly query. He shakes his head. “It’s a diplandenia. A Rio Diplandenia. They take almost no care from others and thrive, very low maintenance from it’s maintainers. Beautiful, no?” 
Nicky nods his head, looking up at you. His eyes are a little glossy. “A Rio?” 
“Yes, boy, a Rio.” 
For some reason, that brings a smile to his face. You’re not sure why, but you just smile back and watch him, your hand moving some of his hair behind his ear. “Whatever reason your mother has for acting like this, I’m sure it will be alright in the end. No need to fret over her antics.” 
Nicky nods his head. “I’m not worried, I know what’s to come.” “Oh, do you now? Forgive me for not taking you as divination warlock,” you laugh slightly, bumping his shoulder. 
Nicholas shakes his head, rolling his eyes at you. “No, no, not like that. I’ve just — I’ve got an ease within me. I know I’m okay, that I will be. I just worry for Mama.” 
“Your mother is quite the strong witch, boy, she will be fine as well as you will.” 
Nicholas looks like he’s on the brink of saying something, but his mother comes through the door, two bags full of what you assume are stolen travel items. 
“Nicholas, these bags, now.” 
Nikcy runs over to his mom, grabbing them and checking their fastenings. You kick his shoes out from under the bed, sliding them over to him. With your back turned to the group, you grab the painting of the flower and slip it under your clothes with the intent to give it to Nicky later. 
In just ten minutes you’re out the door, your eyes just barely catching sight of a gray hand behind a corner wall. You swallow loudly, but remain vocally silent. 
You’re not sure how many days pass when you’re thinking clearly again, too caught up in wondering why Agatha was so uptight to even care. The knowledge that Agatha has full access to your thoughts doesn’t hit you until after all your hard thinking. Agatha hasn’t said anything about it, so you assumed she either blocked you out or was too focused on moving to care. 
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pruesgaultier · 3 months ago
a declaration of feelings
desc: singer agatha x actress rio. rio is away filming a movie and agatha writes a song (it’s totally not a love song.)
song used: forever, in this moment.
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a/n: welcome to the first installment of my agathario song fic series where I write one shots based on songs from my agathario playlist ! i won't be taking reqs bc i get busy with work and i don't want the pressure of trying to give myself deadlines or trying to feel for songs I don't know, maybe in the future. for now, this is just low stakes fun.
Agatha Harkness sighed as she sat in her home studio surrounded by papers, sheet music and half-written verses alike. She had already tried her usual methods of focusing which included but were not limited to brain-dumping on a white board, petting Senor Scratchy like a Bond villain, writing bad lyrics to good music and good lyrics to bad music, but her mind was too preoccupied. Instead of writing a new song for her band Coven of Chaos’s new album, all she could think of was her girlfriend. Almost 3 years ago, Rio Vidal swept into Agatha’s life like a hurricane and she hated it. 
Well, not really. She hated how Rio not only made her feel other emotions, but she made her want to show them. It wasn’t a super drastic change, but she was much nicer than she used to be…sometimes and she smiled more, a lot more. Rio made her smile, made her laugh, and more often than not, made her think about settling down. 
To put it simply, Agatha Harkness was in love and she hated it, except she really didn’t.
(She just hated that none of this helped her write this fucking song.)
── ⟢ ・⸝⸝
After deciding to take yet another break, the singer went to make herself something to eat, she couldn’t cook as well as Rio, but she could make something decent enough. As she moved throughout the kitchen, she found herself mindlessly humming some of the lyrics she had written earlier. 
“My heart’s gone. She no longer lies by my side. She left at dawn and once again I lie alone.” The singer sang quietly to herself. Three weeks ago, Rio left to go to London and even though Agatha spoke to her in every spare moment of their free time, it just wasn’t the same. She missed Rio’s cooking, god did she miss her cooking, but she also missed just being with Rio. No work, fans, or press – just them in their bubble, forever. 
“It’s been three weeks. Your voice is all I have. Awaiting my love’s return.” Agatha continued singing, putting more of the song together. At this point, it felt like the lyrics were pouring out of her and she stopped in her tracks. “Scratchy, I think I finally figured this song out and of course it’s about Rio.” she said, turning to the rabbit with glee. Her food forgotten, she ran back to her home studio, Senor Scratchy hopping behind her. 
── ⟢ ・⸝⸝
“You wrote a love song?” her band members exclaimed in unison. Alice Wu-Gulliver, Jennifer Kale, and Billy (just Billy. He didn’t like to use his last name, either one of them because he didn’t want to make his parents, all 4 of them, feel bad.) Agatha resisted the urge to blush. It wasn’t a love song per se, it was more of an expression of her feelings for Rio in song form, but NOT a love song. “It’s not a love song, it’s more of a declaration. I don’t do love songs.” Agatha denied. “The same way how you didn’t do relationships before Rio?” Jen shot back. Agatha let out an exasperated sigh “Look, is it good or not?” she asked. “It’s amazing and I have the perfect music for it.” Alice said, excitedly turning toward her laptop. “This might be one of your best yet.” That did cause Agatha to blush. She’d written one of her best songs and it was about her girlfriend. 
(But it still wasn’t a love song !)
── ⟢ ・⸝⸝
“I’m sorry I won’t be there to hear it live, my love.” Rio’s voice came through Agatha’s headphones as she sat in hair and makeup. Tonight, Coven of Chaos were performing Forever – Agatha’s not love song – for the first time. Rio was usually always there during the first live performance, but work kept her away this time.”
“It’s fine. Besides, you’ll be home soon and that’s more important.” Agatha replied, more than understanding about Rio’s absence. “Somebody misses me.” Rio teased, just to see Agatha’s face turn red but honestly she was in the same boat. “Well if these flowers are any sign, I’d say you miss me too.” Agatha gestured to the line of flowers that were delivered to her dressing room, all from Rio. “You bring out the romantic in me.” Rio replied. 
Before Agatha could respond, the door burst open and her manager walked in. “Agatha, it's 5 minutes until showtime, you’re already performing a love song about her, your phone call can wait.” Lilia Calderu, said frantically. 
“It’s not a love song, it's –” “A declaration of feelings.” Lilia, the hairstylist, the makeup artists, and even Rio replied in unison. Agatha scoffed to cover up her flustered state. “You’re a traitor, Vidal.” Rio rolled her eyes affectionately. “Yeah, yeah. I love you too baby. Good luck.” The singer softened “I love you more, my love.” she told her before hanging up.
“I love you too Lilia.” Lilia murmured mockingly. Icy blue eyes glared at her but the older woman ignored her, she was used to Agatha and her moodiness. “Let’s go lover girl. You have to perform your love song for your fans.” 
(Okay, so being in love does wonders for Agatha and she might have written a love song.)
── ⟢ ・⸝⸝
The next day, Agatha was in her home studio on live. She doesn’t go live often, but she really wanted to interact and talk with her fans after their support of Forever. She was telling them about her very chaotic time writing the song when a voice sounded behind her. 
“You know if this were a horror movie, you’d be the perfect target.” Rio said, leaning against the wall. Agatha turned around, startled. “Jesus Christ! Rio, what the hell is wrong with you?” The actress smirked, waiting for Agatha’s brain to catch up. “Oh my god, you’re home.” Agatha jumped up making her way over to her girlfriend. “Surprise, m’lady.” Rio held out a flower which Agatha grabbed before kissing her passionately. Rio’s arms instantly went to the taller woman’s waist, pulling her closer. 
When they pulled away for air, Rio glanced at the phone, remembering that they technically weren’t alone. “Baby, the phone.” Rio pointed out when Agatha tried to kiss her again. “Right. Them.” the blue-eyed brunette turned her attention back to the phone where her fans were freaking out. 
“Well that was a lovely surprise.” Agatha said, setting the flower down next to her book. Rio came and sat on Agatha’s lap, the latter wrapping her arms around Rio’s waist. “What were you talking about anyway?” the shorter woman asked. “I was telling them how I wrote Forever.” that made Rio smile. “You mean the song you wrote for me that’s definitely a love song but you refuse to call it one?” Rio asked, raising an eyebrow.
(Agatha hated how attractive she looked when she did that.)
That made Agatha scoff. “Who says I wrote it about you? It could’ve been about Senor Scratchy.” she retorted. Rio laughed loudly before replying. “Scratchy wishes he could inspire such greatness.” she said cockily. “Just admit, you wrote me a love song. It’s really good, but I expected nothing less.”
“Of course it’s good, I wrote it.” Agatha remarked. “She’s so humble.” Rio muttered causing Agatha to pinch her side. “I don’t write love songs, they’re so cliche. The song is a declaration that you and I will be together forever.” Agatha declared. “So it’s a proposal?” Rio asked. “No, that’s also cliche. When I propose, it’ll be a proper one, down on a knee and everything.” 
Blue eyes met brown, “When you propose?” Rio whispered, as if she never considered it. “Sweetheart, I wrote you a love song and performed it on live television, of course I’m going to marry you one day.” Agatha stated as if it was the most obvious reveal. The singer was confused when Rio laughed suddenly. “You called it a love song.” she said, a huge smile on her face. “No I didn’t.” Agatha denied. “Yes you did.” Rio argued. “I know one of you recorded her saying that.” she said addressing the fans, who were going crazy over this whole interaction. 
“It’s already trending on twitter.” Rio laughed reading a comment. Agatha groaned dramatically. “Why do I put up with you? Any of you, you’re supposed to be on my side.” she pouted. “Because you love me and them and you write songs about me that they love.” Rio smiled happily. “Yeah, yeah. Well, this has been fun, but now I’m going to have hot, sweaty fun with my surprise, bye guys!” Agatha announced, ending the live. “You’re shameless.” Rio chuckled, shaking her head amused. “And you love me.” Agatha said matter of factly. “I do, very much.” Rio turned to straddle the woman beneath her. “Now, I believe you said something about hot sweaty fun?” she inquired before pulling Agatha into a passionate kiss.
Okay, so Agatha doesn’t hate being in love and maybe she did write a love song like a cliche popstar, but she couldn’t bring herself to care when the woman she loved more than anyone in the world kissed her like that. 
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bluebirdsfeathers · 3 months ago
Let me protect you ❄️
Day 1: Winter
Relationship: Agatha Harkness/Rio Vidal, Agathario + Nicholas Scratch.
Summary: As winter arrives Agatha has to put aside her anger in order to protect her new baby.
Words: 565
A/N: Meant to post this on the first of Dec but got distracted hehe. Also i have no idea what the correct baby milestones are. Enjoy!
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Nicholas was growing fast. Even for a witch who had lived as long as Agatha had it was strange how quickly it had gone. Almost half a year old now by her math. He was getting so big but Nicky was still such a sickly child. He had been since the day he was born. Agatha’s heart ached thinking about that day.
“Please let him live! Please my love!”
Rio had told her the baby wouldn’t make it. That’s when she had left their shared cottage, somehow thinking she could outrun death just long enough to hold her baby. But death comes for us all eventually.
Nicholas was lying on his stomach inspected the grass around him. Giggling at the small bugs and flowers he could see. Agatha watched smiling as he made some good attempts at crawling on his own but the lingering feeling of dread was never too far.
The mornings had been growing colder as of late and Agatha had experienced enough trips around the sun to know what was to come. Soon the woodland they called home would be covered in snow and ice, and for the first time in decades she would have no shelter to protect herself. More importantly she would have no way of protecting Nicky.
The weeks went by and it only grew worse. The ground too cold and hard for Nicky to lay on, instead Agatha had him tightly wrapped up close to her chest to keep him as warm as possible. Despite this, his cries told her it was all in vain. His red runny nose and flemmy cough were clear signs she had to find shelter and fast. The nights were starting earlier and it would only get colder.
As she walked through the woods Agatha heard footsteps behind her, she turned around sharply, clutching Nicky close to her. “Who goes there!” She demanded before laying eyes on a painfully familiar face. “No please you can’t—“
“Agatha,” Rio said calmly, “relax. I’m not here on business.”
Agatha’s face contorted with anger as Nicky began to stir from his nap. She lowered her voice as not to upset him further.
“Why have you come. I told you I never wanted to see—“
“Agatha,” Rio said sternly cutting her off “Nicky needs shelter. Come home, my love.”
Rio’s face was soft, and her eyes kind, as she nervously fiddling with a flower. Rio slowly walked closer to the other witch.
“I don’t want to see your face, i told you that.” Nicky had woken up and began to cry, Agatha rubbed circles on his back trying to soothe him.
“He’ll die. Agatha. You know that.”
“How can i trust you?” Agatha took a step back before Rio could reach her.
“Because,” Rio continued to walk towards her, “He’s my son too…”
Agatha allowed Rio to close the gap between them taking the flower she’d brought along. A peace offering she assumed. Rio placed her hand on Agatha’s slowly tracing circles on Nicky’s back along with her. His crying stopped.
“Come, let me protect you.”
“I don’t need protecting.”
“Then let me protect him.” Rio’s eyes pleaded with her. “I promised time. I want to give you time. As much time as I can.”
Rio looked down at Nicholas as he snuggled against Agatha’s chest, her eyes stinging with tears knowing what she must one day do.
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trampledore · 4 months ago
Agatha and Rio's deal in ep 8
And their hostile dynamic in the end
After watching the finale the first time I really wasn't sure anymore what I thought about Agathario.
If they actually mutually love each other,
if it's a toxic one-sided thing that Agatha just plays into for her benefit and to survive.
If they maybe were in love once but then being in Death's constant company grew too much for Agatha and she wanted to be left alone. And Rio just won't get the message
Or maybe the mutual relationship just ended when Agatha couldn't forgive Rio for not using her powers to save Nicky. And now they're pining.
After the finale it really looked like the whole thing was quite toxic and sort of one-sided, especially after Agatha wanted Rio to "let her go" and not "pursue her anymore" as part of the deal at the beginning of episode 8.
HOWEVER, I have become completely obsessed with the finale. Just watched it for the 5th time again and
I've also come to the conclusion that Agatha does love Rio. As the person Rio appears at. She just resents Death. When they make the deal in ep8 about Rio never showing her face to Agatha again when she dies.. Agatha looks really put out that Rio actually agreed to it. I think she was trying to manipulate Rio.
Agatha's goal was to protect Billy. That was her goal from the moment Rio showed up on the road. She said herself that she was trying to distract Rio from Billy (and his true identity). And I think she did it again with this deal.
Effectively, if Agatha ends up handing Billy over to Death, then Rio would have to stick to their deal and stay away from Agatha forever. Obviously, after all these centuries, Agatha assumed that Rio would never agree to that, or not be able to go through with it. As a result, she would maybe not take Billy at all to avoid having to fulfill her part of the agreement.
I think that was the "calculated risk" Agatha took that she mentioned to Billy in ep 9 ("Btw I didn't sacrifice myself for you, I took a calculated risk"). Of course she could have referred to returning as a ghost, idk. But I think it's a possibility. But I digress.
My point is, I do believe that Agatha does not actually want Rio to disappear from her life forever. She merely tried to use Rio's love/obsession as leverage to protect Billy.
I might be wrong. I might be delusional. But I think it makes sense.
On the topic of their strange new dynamic in episode 8, when there was so much softness before: I think that also makes sense.
In episode 4, Agatha was getting attached to Billy, all the while remembering the time she spent with her son. She was also thankful that Death spared Billy after the second trial. All in all, she was feeling sad, and maybe melancholic, and overall glad that Death gave her special treatment again (with Billy, in that moment). So of course she was having a moment where she maybe missed their relationship and love. And was also sharing some of her grief with her ex, who might have been a big part of her dead son's life.
The softness makes sense here.
And the playfulness before that also makes sense, since Agatha probably spent centuries killing witches (partly) for Rio. So it's like old times for them, being on the road and massacring people. Yey.
BUT, in episode 8, there are no positive feelings flying around. There is no reason to be sad, or grateful or turned-on etc. Rio tells Agatha directly that she wants to collect the soul of another kid that Agatha cares about. And Agatha can only think about all the terrible experiences she's had because of Death (or at least she blames Rio for them in any case).
So they revert back to their disagreements and hostility. They end up back at the beginning - in episode 1, with Agatha fighting for her life, cause Rio wants to take her more than anything (pun intended I guess). Obviously even more than she wants to claim Billy's soul.
So, again. There is love, but there is also resentment. And for me it made perfect sense that there was no softness in their fight in episode 8. They are like any ex-spouses who hurt each other in the past. In good moments of shared memory, they want their old happiness and love back and wonder if there is a chance. But when the reason for these old hurts becomes apparent again, they go back to hating each other.
For them, that means Rio trying to collect her due (as Death), and Agatha trying not to get killed by her.
(I hope this made at all sense. I might just have followed my own incomprehensible logic.)
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wlwlibrary · 5 months ago
Get To Know Me
Hi I'm Teri, I'm 20 y/o and an aroace spec lesbian (I will not justify my sexual/romantic orientation online so if you have a problem with it you can just leave).
I'm autistic and am very passionate about my special interests. I usually cycle through them for longer periods of time (around a year or so), so some special interests lay dormant for a while but (might) come back someday.
My current active special interest is SwanQueen. I joined the fandom in late 2017 and I had 3 special interest revivals (currently in my 3rd SQ era). SwanQueen is my primary and longest lasting special interest (it's been 7 years now damn), even if new special interests come up and SwanQueen gets temporarily sidelined it always comes back and will probably stay with me for the rest of my life.
I'm an avid femslash/wlw ship lover. My OTP is obviously SwanQueen but some other ships I enjoy are...
Siuraine (Moiraine x Siuan from The Wheel of Time)
Agathario (Agatha x Rio from Agatha All Along)
Kirasaya (Kirari x Sayaka from Kakegurui)
Mariri (Mary x Ririka from Kakegurui)
Catradora (Catra x Adora from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Korrasami (Korra x Asami from The Legend of Korra)
HomuMado (Madoka x Homura from Madoka Magica)
Rhaenicent (Rhaenyra x Alicent from House of the Dragon)
Ava x Deborah (from Hacks, although I don't ship them in a traditional sense, I probably ship them more as some form of QPR since I quite like the complex nature of their relationship as depicted in the show, a relationship that cannot be put neatly into a box because it has aspects from all kinds of relationships, romantic and otherwise)
A list of Fandoms I'm in (non-shipping)...
Once Upon a Time (ONLY for SQ, I have an ambivalent relationship with the rest of the show because... obvious reasons)
Avatar the Last Airbender Universe (including The Legend of Korra and Prequel Books)
Kakegurui Universe (Main Series, Twin, Midari and Kakegurui Kari, I prefer the mangas to the anime, although the Twin anime is quite good, the main series anime is a bit oversexualized imo)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Agatha All Along
Madoka Magica (only watched original anime series + the 3rd movie)
The Wheel of Time (TV Show + read 'New Spring', and while I think the story is good I'm mostly invested for my baby fishwives)
I'm very interested in fandom culture, fanfiction as a whole and tropes. And I would love to discuss these topics with someone so if you're interested hit me up :)
I'm currently working on a worldbuilding website for SwanQueen. Basically I take all the bits and pieces of OUAT I like and change the rest to fit my SwanQueen version.
If I ever find the motivation to sort and polish my thoughts as coherent text, I will post meta analyses (on Tumblr) and the occasional fanfic (on ao3, under the same name as my Tumblr blog). Maybe I will also just dump my thoughts about SQ parallels, symbolism etc. on here (instead of loosing all my genius thoughts by talking to myself lol).
I've been an editor for 7 years now and will occasionally post SQ Edits on Insta (my IG is ortvs).
And most recently I started dabbling in digital fanart (will stick to SQ fanart only).
Other things about me...
I love dogs and I'm part of a service dog team in training. My service dog's name is Fenna, she's 4 years old and a mutt, originally from a shelter in Romania. She's incredibly cute and loooooves cuddles.
Another special interest of mine is autism and disability rights.
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