#and his mom would sit there too one thing about me i will always circle bakc to inko
beybuniki · 4 months
*stares at csp canvas* deku would never tuck in his shirt and wear fitting jeans but this is a date so maybe he would
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flickering-chandelier · 3 months
You Matter to Me
Pairing: Cassian x Reader
Summary: Reader is the mom friend, and she’s very good at it. While she is always taking care of everyone else, Cassian decides to be the one to take care of her. 
Based on this request! 🩷
Word Count: 2.6k
Cassian couldn’t help but laugh as you weaved your way through the dining room at the river house with Nyx on your hip, helping set up everything on the table while Rhysand and Feyre were finishing a meeting with Azriel and Amren in their study. 
“Oh, the wine!” you said suddenly. 
“Do you want me to get it?” Cassian asked. 
As he knew you would, you answered cheerfully, “Nope, I’ve got it.”
“At least let me hold the kid. I don’t want you falling down the stairs,” he said, reaching for Nyx and taking him from your arms before you could protest. 
You smiled at him before disappearing to the wine cellar. 
He was endlessly impressed by your incessant energy, never sitting down until everyone else was settled first, always the one to jump up and grab something if somebody needed it. Since you had come around, it felt like everything was always in order. 
Still, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was too much. If you were always taking care of everyone else, who would take care of you?
His attention was pulled when you glided back into the room, placing wine bottles on either side of the table, before the room filled with people, the rest of the inner circle spilling out of Rhysand’s study. 
Feyre smiled at Cassian, her arms outstretched to take Nyx. “I’m surprised she let you take him.”
“Practically had to wrestle him from her hands,” he teased, smiling at you as you sidled up next to Feyre. 
“He’s being dramatic,” you said. 
“Somehow, I don’t think he is,” Feyre smiled at you. “You don’t have to take care of us all the time, you know.”
You shrugged, your eyes shining as you smiled down at Nyx. “I don’t know how to act any other way.”
Maybe we should help change that, Cassian thought. 
Cassian’s eyes were on you all throughout dinner, as you laughed with Feyre, bouncing Nyx on your lap so she could eat. He hadn’t noticed before just how many things you did for everyone else. Feyre’s glass was empty, and likely before she even noticed herself, you were smiling at her, pouring more wine. Nyx knocked Azriel’s spoon off the table and in a heartbeat, you were handing him the clean one that you hadn’t used. Cassian himself unsurprisingly required another napkin and without looking up, you were reaching to pick one up and hand it to him across the table. 
It seemed effortless, like second nature, but he knew it couldn’t have been. It must be exhausting to think about everyone else. 
As dinner came to a close, you rose from your chair, collecting plates and dirty napkins. Feyre stood up to help, and Cassian found himself doing the same. Azriel looked at him with a raised brow, and Cassian just shrugged, snatching up Az’s discarded napkin and Nyx’s floor spoon. 
He followed you into the kitchen, where you already had the sink full of water and were soaking the plates. Feyre had gone back out to collect more from the table.
You looked surprised as you noticed him. “Do you need something?” You asked. 
Cassian tried not to be offended. “No. You think I would only come talk to you if I needed something?”
He tossed the spoon into the sink behind you and threw the fistfull of napkins on the counter to be washed before turning back to you, leaning against the counter where you were, his arm nearly touching yours. “I want to help,” he said quietly. “Put me to work.”
Shrugging, you said, “No, I just… Well, what are you doing?”
You waved your hand dismissively and turned away from him, going back to the sink. “You don’t have to do that.”
Cassian moved around you, cutting off your path. You looked up at him exasperated, and he couldn’t keep the smirk off his face. “Neither do you! You don’t even live here.”
“You know who does live here?” Cassian asked, moving in front of you again as you tried to side step around him. “The High Lord and High Lady. You do know they have servants, too right?”
“Servants deserve a break,” you said, finally looking up into his eyes. 
“So do you,” he murmured. Without thinking, he reached forward and brushed a piece of hair that had fallen on your forehead behind your ear. 
He heard your breath catch and warmth spread through him. 
You opened your mouth to respond, but nothing came out. 
Cassian smirked again. “See? You know I’m right. Put me to work.”
You blinked, then rolling your eyes goodnaturedly, you said, “Fine. Can you grab the rest of the napkins from the table?”
He gladly did as you asked. 
From that day, Cassian made it his mission to be the one looking after you. 
Not that he would let you know that, of course. He tried to be stealthy about it, so you wouldn’t shut down the whole operation. 
Most of the normal group was outside at the river house, enjoying the warm summer day. Cassian sidled up next to you as you were talking to Feyre and handed you a glass of lemonade. 
“Oh!” you said, surprised, but clearly pleased. “Thank you.”
It looked like you had needed it too, because not long after, your glass was empty. Cassian broke off the conversation that he was having with Azriel and wandered over to you casually, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Having a good day?” He asked, pulling the glass from your hand as you smiled up at him. 
“I am.”
“Glad to hear it,” he beamed, before heading back into the house and filling the glass up again. 
When he returned with it, you raised your eyebrow. “What are you doing?” 
Cassian furrowed his brow as he passed you the lemonade. “What do you mean?”
Your eyes narrowed slightly, like you were studying him, but you brushed it off. “Nevermind. Thank you.”
“Anytime,” he smiled. “Really.”
Cassian was acting weird. 
Feyre had been your best friend for years, and you were pretty sure Cassian had talked to you more in the last few weeks than in all of the previous years combined. 
You could feel his eyes on you often, and he was popping up next to you seemingly constantly, refilling your drink or handing you a snack from the kitchen. He even seemed to know which snacks and drinks were your favorites, though you weren’t sure how he would have figured that out. 
It was sweet, you supposed. If you really let yourself stop to think about it, you were willing to admit that it was nice to be taken care of a little for once. You got so busy looking after everybody else, you truly couldn’t remember the last time somebody had cared to pay attention to what you needed. 
But, at the same time, you felt a little bad, and you couldn’t understand why on earth Cassian suddenly cared so much. 
Cassian himself interrupted your thoughts, coming up behind you and wrapping a shawl around your shoulders. You realized that you were holding your arms together over your stomach, shielding yourself from the evening wind. 
You raised an eyebrow at him in question. 
“What?” he smiled, his hands lingering for another moment on your shoulders. “You were shivering.”
“Was I, really?” You asked, surprised. “I hadn’t noticed.”
He leveled you with a remarkably serious expression, considering how easy going he always was. The two of you were back towards the river house, away from the rest of the group who were gathered in clumps around the rest of the yard, laughing and drinking. 
“How do you always notice what other people need, but you give no thought to yourself?” He asked, his eyes softening as he looked down at you. 
You grappled for an answer, feeling slightly paralyzed under his gaze. “I don’t know,” you finally said honestly.
Cassian offered you a sad smile, taking your hand in his and squeezing it briefly. “You hungry?” 
You laughed. “A little, I guess?”
He smirked, nodding his head to the house, then pulling you forward by the hand. 
The two of you reached the massive kitchen. You started rifling through the pantry and Cassian placed his hands on your hips, pulling you back against his chest. 
You embarrassingly let out a squeak of surprise. “What are you doing?” You asked, trying to twist around to look at him, but he pushed you toward the counter, spun you around and lifted you to sit on it. 
He grinned, his hands still on your hips as you gaped at him. His eyes were locked on yours, and you felt your heart racing, but you were trying desperately to not let him see it.  
“Stay,” he commanded teasingly as he finally stepped away, but you knew he meant it. 
As he rummaged through the kitchen, you tried to steady your breathing. You had to admit, you had been thinking about Cassian a lot more often lately. And that… what he just did… that would not help matters. 
By the time Cassian was back towering over you, you felt more normal. He presented your favorite snack with a smile. 
You took it, thanking him. He hopped up on the counter next to you, his shoulder brushing yours.
After eating in silence for a few moments, you turned to him. “How did you know this is my favorite?”
He shrugged, turning his smile on you. You tried to ignore the way that your heart melted. “I pay attention.”
“Why?” You couldn’t help but ask. 
Cassian seemed to contemplate for a moment, his easy smile gone. He finally looked back to you, his eyes smoldering, and said, “You matter to me.”
Your heart pounded in your chest as he gazed at you, your cheeks warming, and you unfortunately could not think of a single thing to say. 
Suddenly, footsteps were coming toward you and the trance was broken as you looked toward the door to find Feyre striding into the kitchen. 
She looked surprised to see the two of you sitting together, and you knew her well enough to understand what her answering smile meant. 
You fought the urge to roll your eyes, hopped off the counter, quickly thanked Cassian, and retreated back outside. 
Your mind had been reeling with thoughts of Cassian for days. Something in the air felt different between you in that kitchen, but you weren’t sure exactly what it meant. 
A loud knock on your door roused you from your ever spiraling thoughts. 
Cassian was grinning as you opened your apartment door, holding a bag of food out to you. “I hope you didn’t have lunch plans.”
You gaped at him. “You’re feeding me in my own house now?”
“I thought I’d mix things up a little bit,” he said, nodding his head inside. “So, are you going to let me in?”
After studying him for another moment, you stepped aside. He walked right past you, going to the kitchen table and spreading the food over its surface. 
Giving in, you went to your cabinet to get cups and plates, but Cassian stilled you with his hands on your hips once again. “No, you don’t.”
“Cassian,” you huffed as he pulled you back toward the table. “You don’t even know where anything is!”
He pushed your shoulders down lightly until you were sitting in a chair. “You can point, can’t you?”
You rolled your eyes. “This feels excessive.”
“I disagree,” he winked at you before going to the cabinet that you were just at, pulling down a few plates, then placing them on the table. 
“Cups?” he asked. 
Sighing, you pointed to another cabinet and he went to it, jovially pulling glasses out and filling them with water. 
Within a few minutes, Cassian was piling food onto your plate, watching you intently as he ate from his own. 
“What is going on with you?” You asked. 
Casually, he said, “What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean! Why have you been hovering around, feeding me, bringing me jackets?”
The side of his mouth turned up into a lopsided grin. “Do you want me to stop?”
The question was not what you were expecting. You weren’t sure that you were willing to admit to him how much he had been affecting you yet. You sat back in your seat, crossing your arms over your chest. “Answer my question.”
His smile only grew. “Answer mine.”
You raised an eyebrow, determined. “I asked first.”
Cassian laughed. “Okay, fine.”
He leaned forward, bracing his forearms on the table in front of him, his eyes fixed on you. “You really want to know the truth?”
You nodded, forcing yourself to keep your eyes locked on his. 
His teasing demeanor dropped, his expression suddenly serious. “I was watching you at dinner with everyone a few weeks ago. And you were running around, taking care of everybody else the entire night. It was like you didn’t even think about it. It’s amazing how you can do that, and I know that everyone around you is thankful for it. But…” he hesitated, his eyes softening as he looked at you. “But, it also made me sad. I started wondering if anybody ever took care of you. And I figured I could be that person.”
You had to take a deep breath, your mind reeling. 
When you were silent for a few more moments, Cassian continued. “You don’t have to take care of everybody, you know. You can slow down. You can relax, and let someone else help you out, too.” He smiled slightly. “That’s what I’ve been trying to show you.”
Something seemed to snap in you then. You hadn’t even realized how badly you had been wanting someone to help you, to pay attention to you, to take care of you for once. The fact that Cassian had noticed even before you did how badly you needed someone to be there for you made it even more unbelievable. 
Your feet seemed to move without your brain’s permission, stepping right up to Cassian, cupping his face in your hands, and kissing him. 
Cassian responded immediately, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pulling you to sit on his lap. He weaved his hands through your hair, his thumb rubbing circles into the skin at your waist where your shirt had ridden up the slightest bit. 
His lips trailed down your neck, and he murmured, “You never answered my question.” 
“Don’t stop,” you panted. 
He chuckled into your neck before kissing you on the lips again. “Don’t stop kissing you? Or don’t stop taking care of you?”
“Both,” you smiled, taking his face in your hands and kissing him again. 
“You got it,” Cassian smiled against your mouth. 
After a few moments, you pulled back, tracing the edge of his jaw with your thumb. “Thank you, Cassian. Really,” you said quietly. 
He smiled, his eyes twinkling. “You’re welcome.”
“I didn’t even realize how badly I wanted someone else to watch out for me for once.”
Cassian kissed you gently. “I’m here for you now. Whatever you need. Whether you know it or not.”
You smiled, nuzzling into his neck, hardly believing it. 
It took some time, but you eventually became more used to Cassian’s eyes on you, to not be shocked when he handed you a plate of food or washed the dishes for you. 
You were still very much the mom friend who took care of everything, as it was in your nature. But you now knew that you had someone looking after you, too. And you couldn’t be more thankful, as Cassian sidled up to you, kissing you on the temple and handing you a glass of water. 
“Thank you,” you beamed. 
Cassian wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a kiss. “Anytime.”
@loving-and-dreaming @birdsflyhome @hanuh @sheblogs @iambored24601 @thalia-as-blog @ecliphttlunar @melmo567 @headacheseason @sillysillygoose444 @halibshepherd @cigvrette-dvydrevms @lilah-asteria @marina468 @evergreenlark @bookloverandalsocats @yourqueenlilith @mariamay02 @azrielshadows1nger @andreperez11
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Honey Girl. Chapter Ten.
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One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Eleven. Series Masterlist. The Playlist.
Chapter Synopsis - The two of you have some time to yourselves for what feels like the first time in forever.
Pairing - Dadsbestfriend!Bucky Barnes x female reader - soulmate au
Warnings - smut. cursing. mention of a panic attack. initial hospital setting. one alcohol mention.
Word Count - 4k
Authors Note - 10!! 10 whole chapters!! can you believe it!! pancake recipe taken from mr carlos sainz - thanks carlito <3. double date next chapter (with protective/jealous bucky, as requested ;)). and the much awaited conversation… coming very soon. thanks for the love and support and kindness. it means the world, always <3
as always, if you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging!! reblogs are the only way to circulate my writing, which generates more of it. feel free to send me a comment or an inbox, too!! thanks, my loves!! <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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“Before I came down to find you, your Mom raised a question with me.”
“… which was?”
He takes a deep breath. Exhales it shakily.
“She asked me how long you and I have been soulmates.”
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
“We can’t sit out here forever, honey.”
You stretch out your legs from where they’ve been tucked up against your chest, chin resting on your knees. Bucky places a hand on your thigh, thumb rubbing gentle circles.
“We can.”
He chuckles, pressing a kiss into the top of your head.
“I know it’s scary, but we can’t run from this any longer. We’re just going to have to face it head on.”
“I know,” you sigh, taking his hand in yours. “I’m just…”
You trail off, leaving words unspoken in the air like particles of dust in the sunlight.
“What are you so afraid of? Is it that they won’t support us? Honey girl, they aren’t gonna have much of a choice. We are literally soulmates.”
You’re trying to find a way to explain, but none of your thoughts are coherent enough to articulate into something comprehensible.
“I don’t know, Buck. At first, I think it was that. But now? Maybe I just feel guilty that we’ve kept something so huge a secret for so long. I used to tell my parents everything - by choice. That’s how we’ve always been. And suddenly, the biggest event of my life happens, and I… didn’t tell them?”
“You’re letting this guilt eat you alive, baby. Listen, I feel it too. You’re not alone in this. Do you know how many times your parents have asked me about dating in these last eighteen months? How many times we’ve talked about soulmates? And I guess I never lied… but I haven’t exactly told the truth. I’m just as guilty as you think you are.”
“I’m sorry,” you confess, resting your head against his broad shoulder. “I’ve had such tunnel vision with this whole situation. I’ve been selfish. I should have thought about you more.”
“You haven’t had to.”
“You’ve got nothing to apologise for, honey baby. You’ve never had to ‘think about me more’, because you’ve known how I felt this whole time. In here.”
He places a hand over your heart. You close your eyes, letting the warmth from his palm bleed into your chest. The weight of it grounds you back down to Earth, tethered to your soulmate in more ways than one.
“That’s the beauty of it,” he continues. “You don’t have to guess how I’m feeling, or when I’m feeling it - because I’m always telling you. And you’re always listening.”
“I don’t deserve you,” you whisper, squeezing his hand where it’s still linked with yours.
“The Universe disagrees,” he whispers back, leaning in to kiss the spot underneath your ear. “I disagree.”
It’s all so tender, so gentle, so real, that a lump in your throat forms instantly. You blink rapidly, fighting back tears as you press your side into his. If you could sew yourself into his ribcage and live there forever, resting your head on his beating heart, you would.
“Come on,” he coaxes carefully, pulling you to your feet and watching to see if you’re steady enough. “Let’s do this thing.”
You stare up at him, lost in those ocean blue irises. For a moment, you swear you see the waves moving in them, crashing against the shore in a motion so comforting, it reminds you of home.
“I love you.”
Bucky smiles at you, pupils dilating and heart beating that little bit faster. He’ll never get sick of hearing those words.
“I love you more than all the stars in the sky, honey girl. More than anything.”
Tangling your fingers with his, you inhale deeply before taking the first step forwards, towards the front doors of the hospital.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
When you reach your Dad’s room, you drop Bucky’s hand as if by instinct. When he links your fingers once more, you panic momentarily, before realising it’s futile.
They already know. There’s no point in hiding it anymore.
You walk through the door hand in hand, pressed into each others sides as if it’ll keep you standing upright. Maybe it will.
Your Mom instantly bolts out of her chair, coming over to assess you. She looks you up and down, cradling your face in her hands as she checks you over.
“You were gone a long time, sweetheart. You okay? Have you been crying?”
Bucky lets go of you to give you some space, but doesn’t go too far. You can still feel his warmth from behind you as you watch your Mom’s eyebrows furrow with worry.
“I had… I think it was, um… like a - a panic attack, or something. I don’t know. I just got overwhelmed.”
Your voice sounds so small again, so fragile. You mentally chastise yourself for not being stronger for her.
“Oh, honey.”
She pulls you into her chest, stroking your hair just like she did when you were a child and had a nightmare. You’d run across the hall and into your parents room - your Mom would always bolt upright when she heard little feet on the wooden floors, waiting for you with open arms.
“Your Dad is gonna be fine. I promise you, the Doctors have said he’ll make a full recovery.”
“It’s true.”
The voice is croaky and rusted from misuse, but it unmistakably belongs to the man lying in the hospital bed.
You make your way over and sit down carefully, cautious and calculated. Your Dad takes your hand, stroking his thumb across your skin.
“I’m gonna be just fine, kid. I know I scared you, and I’m really sorry. But I’m okay. Promise.”
You smile at him, genuinely this time, before leaning in to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“You guys should go home.”
“You heard me. Go home, get some rest. The two of you look almost as exhausted as Lori does.”
Your Mom laughs, shaking her head. You chuckle, watching them. There’s no one funnier than your soulmate.
“I think we should stay a little longer, Jack.”
Bucky’s voice has all three of your heads whipping around to face him.
“Buck, please be on my side here. You’re tired. Go home, sleep it off. All I’m gonna do for the next twenty four hours is sleep anyway. There’s no point in you sitting here watching me like a bunch of creeps.”
You chew your bottom lip, watching your Dad’s face carefully.
“Mom, Dad - we need to talk about-”
“I know, babygirl,” your Dad interrupts. “And we will. But not here, and not now. We’ll do it when I’m home. We can all sit on the couch and drink your Mom’s cherry lemonade and talk about how you and Bucky have been soulmates this entire time.”
“Not this entire time,” you grumble at his attempt at a joke.
“Seriously, you two. I won’t ask again. Go. Home.”
You look at your Dad for a moment, before averting your gaze to your Mom. They’re both wearing the exact same facial expression - the one they used to give you when you’d refuse your bedtime as a six year old on a school night.
“Come on, honey. You heard them. We’re practically dead on our feet.”
You rise from the bed reluctantly, pressing another kiss to your Dad’s cheek before doing the same to your Mom.
“Call me if anything changes, or if you need anything. I mean anything, you guys.”
They both nod as your Dad does a mock salute, laughing at himself.
Bucky extends his hand out for you. This time, you don’t hesitate to take it. You hold it tightly all the way back to his truck, and then all the way back home.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You and Bucky get ready for bed in silence, both of you flitting around your apartment as quickly as possible. You can’t wait to finally get under your duvet and lose the stress of the last twenty four hours.
The minute your head hits the pillow, you’re wide awake.
The exhaustion has seeped into your bones, making you weary but restless. You can’t settle, physically or mentally.
Bucky, on the other hand, is out like a light.
He looks so peaceful like this. The moonlight soaks through a gap in the curtains, illuminating his face like some sort of angel. His hair is a little longer than usual, stubble growing out across his sharp jawline. He looks rugged, a little rough around the edges. He’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
As if he can feel your gaze on him, he cracks an eye open, blinking to adjust to the dimly lit room. He has a pillow crease across his skin, cheek flushed pink with a dusty blush.
“You okay, baby?”
His voice is hoarse and all sleep heavy, rumbling through you like gentle summer thunder.
“Can’t sleep,” you whisper, trying to fight back tears. “I’m so tired, Buck. So fucking tired.”
“But you can’t sleep?”
He pulls you into his chest, tucking your head into the crook of his neck and stroking your hair soothingly.
“It’s like my body is exhausted, but my brain is wide awake,” you mumble into his bare skin. “Doesn’t make sense.”
“Nothing makes sense,” he chuckles lowly. “Nothing in this goddamn world makes sense. Except for me and you.”
Bucky spins you in his arms so your back is to his chest, bodies pressed together without an inch of space between you. Pressing a kiss into your neck, he starts mumbling.
“You just need to turn your brain off, baby. I know it’s easier said than done… so I’m gonna help you. All you need to do is focus on my voice, on my touch. Focus your attention on my hands on you, my lips on your skin. The heat of my body against yours.”
He skims his fingers down your side, gripping at your hips to ground you. He’s still kissing your neck, nipping occasionally to vary the sensation. He slips a hand down your front, cupping you over your underwear as you close your eyes, breathing him in. He smells like salt water and sea air and gasoline and home.
You cant your hips into his touch, trying to get him where you want him. Bucky takes the hint, slipping his hand into your panties and running a finger through your wetness. You groan, throwing your head back into his solid shoulder.
“Just switch off, honey baby. Give in to me.”
Bucky glides a finger into you, crooking it towards him. His palm hits your clit and you keen, whining all high pitched and breathy. His hips buck into your backside at the sound, and he chuckles.
“Fuck, you sound so sweet. Sweetest girl in the world.”
He adds another finger, using his thumb to circle your clit in precise, firm motions. You’re writhing against the mattress like a serpent, unable to stay still as Bucky takes you apart.
“Come for me, baby. Can feel you squeezin’ my fingers. That’s it, atta girl… ride my hand, take what you need. Wanna hear how pretty you sound when you come.”
Your entire body tightens up as you reach your climax, back arching away from Bucky as he continues to curl his fingers. He pulls you close, anchors you to him as you moan and shudder.
Your head is empty, besides the thought of your soulmate. All you can think about is Bucky.
Bucky Bucky Bucky Bucky Bucky.
You take a stuttered inhale as you try to catch your breath, beads of sweat dripping down your back.
“You okay?”
He’s muttering into your shoulder, mouth never leaving your skin. You nod, linking your fingers with his where they rest on your waist.
“You didn’t come,” you whisper, leaning your head back into Bucky.
He kisses your cheek, chuckling lowly.
“This wasn’t about me,” he reassures. “It’s all about you, baby. Always is.”
The two of you breathe together for a little while, allowing you to come down from your high. Eventually, Bucky taps your thigh, nudging you up.
“Come on, honey. Get up and use the bathroom, and then we’ll sleep for the next week.”
You do as he says, crawling back into bed with limbs that feel like jelly.
“How you feelin’?” he asks as he pulls you into his side, resting your head on his chest.
“Fucking fantastic.”
He laughs and you can’t help but laugh too, as if by reflex.
“Yeah? No more racing thoughts in that pretty head of yours?”
“None. All I can think about is how much I want to sleep right now.”
Pressing a kiss onto the top of your head, Bucky tightens his arms around you.
“Then sleep, baby.”
You snuggle into your soulmates side, relaxing into the mattress.
“I love you,” you mumble into his skin.
“I love you,” he murmurs back. “Sweet dreams, honey girl.”
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
When you wake, you can’t tell if you’ve slept for five minutes or five days.
The sheets are crumpled, linen strewn across the bed as the pillows sit completely unmoved at the headboard. Sunlight filters in through the curtains, warming your skin that’s exposed to the sea soaked breeze.
You reach over to the other side of the mattress, seeking Bucky’s warmth. You’re met with empty space, and the sound of a throat clearing on the other side of the room.
The man in question is leaning against the doorframe, shirtless and sun kissed. His boxers are hugging his thighs just right, and you repress the urge to crawl over and sink your teeth into the muscle. Later.
“Morning or afternoon?” You croak out, watching as he softly smiles at your sleep addled voice.
“Morning. Eleven twenty four.”
You stretch your arms above your head, unaware of the way Bucky’s eyes are glued to your bare stomach.
“You want breakfast, or have you eaten?”
“Haven’t eaten yet. Was waiting for you.”
You slide down to the end of the bed where Bucky meets you, leaning down to press a minty kiss to your lips.
“Have you been awake long?”
He shakes his head, stealing another kiss.
“Ten minutes or so.”
“How’d you sleep?”
He moves some hair away from your face gently, the morning affection making you light up inside.
“Like a baby. Don’t think I moved once.”
You laugh, running your fingers over his bare shoulders.
“I can’t remember the last time I slept like that.”
“Me neither. I think we need to start prioritising sleep a little more.”
“It’s just… so hard,” you murmur, rising onto your knees on the bed so you’re face to face. “I don’t ever want to sleep when I have the most handsome man alive in my bed. I can think of many other things I’d rather be doing.”
He groans, chuckling lowly.
“Watch it,” he warns. “Or I’ll keep you in this bed all day. Won’t let you leave.”
“Is that a threat or a promise, Barnes?”
He football tackles you suddenly, both of you falling backwards into the plush sheets. You squeal, caught off guard as his hands squeeze your sides firmly.
“Keep running your mouth and see what happens, angel.”
You card your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly to get a reaction. When his eyes flutter closed, you breathe out a laugh.
“I’m so scared,” you tease, peppering his face with gentle kisses. “Like, quaking in my boots.”
He goes to retort, but is interrupted by the deafening sound of your stomach rumbling.
“If we weren’t about to get noise complaints from the neighbours about that hunger of yours, I would absolutely continue this. But…”
“We need to eat.”
“Yes, we do.”
You peck his cheek before jumping off the bed, stretching as you make your way to the kitchen. Bucky follows you eagerly. Of course he does.
You click the coffee maker on as you spin to face him where he’s leaning against the counter.
“I’m about to make you the best pancakes you’ll eat in your entire life, James.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Watch and learn, baby.”
When he doesn’t move, you walk him backwards, pulling out the bar stool from underneath the island.
“You just sit there and look pretty.”
He shakes his head with a smirk as you wink, turning on the stove and grabbing your bowls and utensils. He didn’t ask for a cooking lesson, but you’re about to give him one.
“The trick is to separate the egg whites from the yolks, and whip them. When they’re fluffy, you fold them into your mixture, and it makes the pancakes light and airy and gorgeous. Then you add honey, for extra sweetness.”
He watches you flit around the kitchen as if you’re the sun, bright and warm and radiant. He can’t take his eyes off you for a second. He couldn’t if he wanted to.
Bucky’s blinking back tears, suddenly, as you sway your hips while flipping the pancakes at the stove. He wants to drop to his knees, yell out to a higher power and ask what the hell he did to deserve someone like you. He’ll beg, if he has to, for someone, something, to make sure that he finds you in every universe, in every version of this crazy life.
“I love you,” you beam at him, as if you’ve read his mind. “I love you more than anything.”
Your grin is so blinding, so utterly brilliant that the entire room lights up with it. Your own form of electricity.
“I… I-”
“I know, Buck.”
It gets like this, sometimes. Too overwhelming to put into words. To love someone more than anything, anyone - a love that knows no bounds - is completely indescribable.
So he doesn’t even try. He just nods at you, watching as your eyes light up at the sight of him.
“Will you pour us some coffee while I put these on a plate?”
“Anything you need,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your hair as he squeezes past you to grab the mugs. “Always.”
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You settle down to eat on the balcony, letting the midday sun warm you both up.
“I brought syrup, but, I also brought this.”
You hold out a plastic tub that contains a dark pink mixture, popping the lid off.
“Try it.”
Bucky sticks his little finger in, putting it in his mouth and sighing in contentment at the taste that coats his tongue.
“So good. What is it?”
“My homemade raspberry and lemon coulis. I make it to go on top of pancakes and waffles - it beats maple syrup any day.”
“You’re a genius.”
“So it’s been said,” you laugh, pouring it over your plate. “Now eat before they go cold.”
“Yes ma’am.”
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
“You weren’t lying,” he says when he’s finished. “They were the best pancakes I’ve ever eaten.”
You laugh, sliding across to press your side into his.
“There’s a lot more where that came from. I have so many recipes I want you to try.”
“God, I’m so lucky. I have the most perfect soulmate in the world, and she’s a baker. What did I do to deserve you, hmm?”
You lean in to kiss him gently, licking across his lips. He tastes like raspberries and sugar and eight hours of sleep.
You’re sat in comfortable silence when your phone rings, startling you both.
You smile instantly, and Bucky does too, by default.
“Your Mom called me and told me about your Dad. She’s been keeping me updated over text. How are you guys holding up?”
“We’re good, honestly. It was a little touch and go at first, but now… we’re okay. All of us.”
“Good. I love you guys.”
“Love you too. So much.”
She sighs all deep and wistful, and you can’t help but chuckle.
“What’s up, Lace?”
“Well… I’m calling with a proposition. And I feel like you’re gonna say no, but your Mom already told me that I had to force you to do it, so.”
“Oh, God.”
“Come on a double date with me and Cameron tonight. Come for dinner and drinks with us.”
You take a deep breath, looking over at Bucky. He nods in agreement, encouraging you.
Her surprise is undeniable, the octave of her voice rising ever higher.
“Yeah. I haven’t seen you in too long, and it’ll be good for me to meet Cameron, finally. Plus, we’re visiting my Dad this afternoon, so we have a free evening.”
“Oh my God, I am so excited! Okay, I’ll text you the address of where we’re eating. Cam knows so much about you already, he can’t wait to meet you. And I can’t wait to meet Bucky… again? I mean I’ve met him before, but not as your soulmate.”
“Yeah,” you giggle. “It’ll be good for everyone to get… reacquainted.”
“Alright, Lace. We’ve gotta get ready to visit my Dad, but I’ll see you later?”
“See you later, babe. I am so excited. See you then!”
She puts the phone down, and you can almost picture the cloud of perfume and pressed powder that’s about to rain down on her bedroom. You wish you were there to watch it happen, like old times.
“Our first double date, huh?”
“It’ll be our last if you don’t behave,” you tease, leaning in to peck Bucky’s lips.
“Don’t tempt me.”
You laugh into his mouth, running your fingers through the ends of his hair at the back of his neck. It’s the longest you’ve seen it, and it’s starting to curl all cute and soft and wispy.
“Come on. Let’s go see my Dad, and then spend hours mentally preparing ourselves for Storm Lacie.”
“I always liked her. Seemed good for you.”
“She is. She’s the best.”
Bucky wraps a strong arm around your shoulder as you swing your legs over his lap, burying yourself in his bare chest.
“You nervous?” he asks into your temple.
“A little, weirdly. Meeting each others soulmate is the kind of thing we’d talk about when we were kids. And now we’re doing it.”
“We can handle it,” he reassures, his thumb rubbing patterns into your arm. “We can handle anything, you and I.”
“Anything, honey girl. Anything.”
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tag list part one
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totalswag · 9 months
gender reveal — DREW STARKEY
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authors note thank you lovies for all the love and support on all my recent posts. we finally have the gender reveal for starkey #2 and this was such a cute fic to write. i’ve watched gender reveals on social media and it gave me inspiration.
summary the starkey household holds their gender reveal party for their second baby.
warnings drinking, tears, excitement and a wholesome content
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"Tatum are you excited to find out what your gender your sibling's gonna be?" Madelyn inquired, taking a seat next to Tatum on the table with two cupcakes in her hand and handing her the other.
"Very excited!" Tatum grinned before taking a mouthful of the cupcake, saying, "Thank you for the cupcake," her face packed with cupcake.
“You are too cute!” Madelyn laughs, tickling Tatum’s side.
Today is the Starkey’s number two's gender reveal party. Drew, you, and everyone else have been looking forward to this day since you announced it on New Year's Eve. Family and friends have gathered to find out the gender of your second child.
Something Drew and you didn't do for Tatum's gender reveal was have the guests dress in pink or blue, depending on what they think or want the gender to be. Madelyn hosted Tatum's party in her home and did an amazing job with everything. Drew and you are hosting at your place this time.
Drew and you have had a few conversations on what you think the gender is. You think it’s a boy by the way you are carrying and Drew is hoping for another girl. No matter what you will love your baby.
Tatum has been talking non stop about her new sibling. She gives your growing belly a kiss every morning and night, it warms your heart seeing her be so gentle. Tatum has said she doesn’t care about what the gender is and that came to a shock to Drew and you.
Drew’s brother, Lo, wanted to make a short film on the party. Drew and you thought this will be good for you to look back on when the kids are older and they get to see what it was like.
There’s a beautiful pink and blue balloon arch with a white back drop for plenty of pictures, games for adults and kids to play, and plenty of snacks, drinks, and food.
Everyone has said wonderful things about the theme. Drew and you did a lot going back and forth with the theme. Glad you two chose this theme.
You were in the kitchen with a three chocolate covered strawberries. You’ve been craving fruits since you started your pregnancy. Even before you got pregnant you would have fruits but you are constantly craving them.
Tatum and Madelyn were sitting on the high chairs eating their cupcakes. You watched them from the other side of the island laughing at Tatum stuffing her face with the cupcake.
"So how are you feeling about this pregnancy?" Melissa, your older sister, inquired, leaning against the counter as you bit into your chocolate strawberry.
"Feeling pretty good overall, I'm still thinking it's a boy," you paused, backing up and moving to the side. "I mean, look at how I'm carrying this child in me," you chuckle, moving your palm in circles around your growing belly.
"Fingers crossed it's a boy," Melissa squints, crossing her fingers.
In the meantime you tried your best to talk to everyone. You didn’t want them to feel like you were ignoring them either. Each conversation was either similar or completely different.
Seeing your family and friends from your hometown is always the best because it’s always great seeing them.
Drew and you have had opportunity to have your one-on-one chats. You enjoy being in his presence because, no matter what, he provides you comfort.
The games for adults and kids were played in the living room. The kids went down the hall into the playroom to play the kid games, your mom and Jodie helped the kids with their games then came back in the living room to play the adult games.
A few of your hometown friends called you over to the backdrop to talk a couple pictures. Other family and friends came over waiting to take pictures with you. Not a lot of people have gotten the chance to take pictures with you yet since you were doing other things.
Drew walked in the house with Tatum on his hip, she pointed in your direction signaling Drew she wanted to go over to you.
Tatum called your name and said, "Mommy, I want a picture with you and daddy."
“Of course sweetheart,” you smile.
You take a couple family pictures, ones with just Tatum and you, then ones with Drew and you.
“Can we please have everyone come in the backyard we are gonna find out the gender” Drew called out from the kitchen.
Mackayla ran outside to the car to grab the balloon.
Tatum started getting excited standing between Drew and you. She’s been talking none stop about her new sibling. She really wants a sister.
Once everyone was gathered in the backyard, Mackayla came into frame, smiling, holding the balloon, then handing the string to Tatum. Mackayla gave Drew and you a needle to pop the balloon.
"Before we start how many people think it's a girl?" "How many of you think it's a boy?" you ask as you glance around, seeing the hands in the air. The total is fifty-fifty.
“We are gonna count down by 5” Mackayla smiled, slightly leaning forward, pointing to you three.
Blue confetti came out, falling on top of your heads.
A boy
It’s a boy
You are pregnant with a boy
The second the blue confetti came falling out, Drew and you looked at each other with jaws dropped out of shock and emotion filling your faces.
Tatum was looking around confused as to way the confetti was all in her hair. She looked up seeing everyone cheering, she turned her head looking up at you with tears in your eyes then looked at Drew with tears in his eyes too.
“You are having a brother Tatum!” Drew cried, kneeling down, putting both hands on her sides.
Her face was filled with both happiness and sadness as she smiled. "I'm happy, daddy," she says
Everyone came up to Drew and you with tears in their eyes, giving you hugs and congratulations to the baby boy.
The fact that you are pregnant with a boy makes you even happier on the inside. You've had this gut feeling the entire pregnancy that it's a boy, and you were correct.
“I love you so much and I love you little man” Drew cried, cupping your face with his palms then looking down at your belly, smiling.
“I love you more baby” you cried, passionately kissing your husband on the lips like it was you taking your last breath.
You couldn’t wait to meet your son and have him in your arms. Words cannot express the emotions you are feeling.
Drew couldn’t stop talking about he’s gonna have a son for the rest of the night, you weren’t complaining.
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flemingsfreckles · 2 months
I’ll Look After You
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Synopsis: you and Jessie are still adjusting to life with a baby, Jessie notices that you’ve been struggling more and more recently, until you break.
Warnings: mentions of postpartum depression and anxiety, language
WC: 2.7k
A/N: hi, I haven’t posted in a while, just sort of been struggling, work has kicked my ass, and my motivation has just drained a bit but I’m trying to get back into it.
The first noise Jessie hears after the jingling of her keys in the sound of crying. It’s not an uncommon noise in your household, it’s an everyday, every couple of hours occurrence. But what she notices is the crying isn’t just that of your five month old daughter. She can also tell there’s the sound of an adult crying.
She quickly places the diapers and bag of baby clothes she had purchased on the counter and makes her way to your daughter's room.
She walks into the nursery to a scene that breaks her heart. You’re sitting in the rocking chair, your daughter resting in your lap. You’re both crying, your daughter wailing while you’re sniffling, shoulders shaking while you still try to console the baby in your lap. You looked exhausted.
“Oh my love.” Jessie says rushing to your side. “Let me take her.”
“No!” You snap at Jessie. “She won’t eat, but she’s hungry, that’s her hungry cry. She won’t latch, I can’t help her, but she needs to eat so she needs me.”
Jessie kneels in front of you. Her hands reach out to take your daughter. Already feeling panicked from the hours of crying you’ve sat through and the feeling of failure as a parent, you push Jessie’s hands away. You had been dealing with postpartum anxiety, you knew it and Jessie knew it.
It had started with just not letting your daughter out of your sight. She came with you everywhere, the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom, she was always just a few steps away, in every moment you had your eyes on her. Even as she slept you watched her though the baby monitor, hardly ever getting rest yourself. That lasted a for the first few months and then it only became worse.
Then you started having nightmares of terrible things happening to her. That’s when you started not letting her out of your grasp. You no longer brought her out to Jessie’s games. You didn’t let family or friends hold her, everything was a threat to her. You held her constantly, feeling as if any place besides your arms was dangerous to her little life.
This even meant Jessie’s arms. You knew deep down Jessie was safe, she was even more cautious than you were with her, but your anxiety refused to let up when it came to your wife. Any time the baby awoke in the middle of the night, you were up too. Despite Jessie’s insisting you stay in bed, being the first one out of bed to get your daughter, as she’d get up, you’d follow her. You watched Jessie like a hawk when she held your daughter, terrified something would happen. It was all crazy, Jessie was the best partner and parent you could’ve ever imagined but your postpartum brain remained in panic at all times.
“What if she just never eats? She’ll starve, it’ll be all my fault. I just want to help her.” You managed to choke out between cried. Jessie could see the dark circles under you eyes, she knew you hadn’t slept that night and now it was early morning, the exhaustion beginning to take its toll.
“She’s not going to starve babe.” Jessie tried her best to console you. She didn’t know what to do, she felt helpless so many times seeing you stress and worry about your daughter, knowing she could only ease your mind so much.
“She might Jessie! She won’t latch! I can’t fucking feed her. I’m a terrible mom, I can’t even feed her.” You move through anger, yelling at Jessie and your fist hitting the armrest of the rocking chair, to feelings of sadness in an instant, tears falling again.
“You’re not a terrible mom.”
“I can’t protect her. She’s always crying, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I can’t keep her safe.”
“You can keep her safe, you do keep her safe. She cries because she’s a baby, she can’t talk to us, her crying is not an indication of you as a parent.” Jessie’s hands gently caress your shins, trying to help you relax. “Now, can I please hold her?” Jessie brings her arms out again. She knew she had to be patient with you but she also knew you had hit your breaking point. Your lack of sleep, your mood swings, your frustrations, all worried her.
She knew you had been up all night with her. It had taken the two of you a while to get her to fall asleep, and just a short hour later she was up screaming again. You changed her and put her back down, before returning to bed. She had started crying at midnight and you had gone into the nursery, telling Jessie you’d wake her for the next time she cried. Except you hadn’t. You never came back to bed after that wake up. Jessie had heard the crying on her own and made her way into the nursery at 2am. You had sent her back to bed saying you had it covered. Jessie listened, knowing it was smarter and safer to have one rested parent, she also wasn’t interested in making you upset.
Then when Jessie woke up again and noticed you were not next to her, she came to find you. At 4am she found you asleep on the floor next to the crib. She had placed a blanket over you and let you sleep while she made herself coffee. The baby had woken up again at 4:30 and you had been up with her since. Jessie had run to the store to get some necessities, hoping when she got back the two of you would be sleeping again. You had now been awake all night, with only a combined hour of sleep worth of naps to hold you over. Jessie knew she had to take your daughter away from you, you needed sleep. She wanted you safe and she wanted your daughter safe.
You just stare back at Jessie. This was your wife, you trusted her with every bit of yourself, your fears, your accomplishments, you trusted her with your body, with your heart, but for some reason you were terrified to hand her your daughter, the baby she had a hand in making, the baby that was half her, you couldn’t hand her over.
“Babe.” Jessie’s tone was no longer asking politely. “For her safety and more importantly, for your safety, I need you to let me hold her for a bit, you need a break.” Her arms extend once again. She had realized this was getting out of hand, not only did she need to take your daughter in this moment, it was probably time to seek professional help. Jessie made a note to bring that up later with you.
“I don’t need a break, I don’t get a break, I'm her mom!”
“I’m her mom too!” Jessie getting more and more concerned about your own safety starts to snap at you.
Jessie was right, she was her mom too. You look down at your daughter, who is still whimpering. You look at her small face, her little nose, the way her eyes were scrunched and her mouth open crying. It had you tearing up again, seeing how upset she was with no relief thanks to you.
“I couldn’t help her, I changed her, she’s warm enough, she’s burped, I checked her over a hundred times, there's no scrapes or rashes, nothing should bother her. She just is hungry but won’t eat.” That’s when you start feeling your heartbeat in your chest, the whoosh of blood through your ears. You can feel your chest heaving as you try breathing in air.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Jessie’s hands come off your shins and onto your face.
“You’re okay. She’s okay, look at her she’s okay. You’re both okay. I’m going to take her just for a moment, I’ll stay here by you so you can watch. But I’m just going to hold her for a bit.” Jessie drops her hands from your face and gently scoops up your daughter, bringing her to rest on her chest. Your daughter’s head rests on Jessie’s shoulder. Jessie stands up and bounces her lightly, hand running down your daughter’s back trying to soothe the crying.
Jessie extends her other hand out toward you. “Come here, let’s go lay in our bed.”
You look up at Jessie and nod, taking her hand before dropping it. “Two hands on her.” You say, already worrying somehow your daughter will slip from Jessie’s strong grip.
“Okay, two hands.” Jessie shoots you a smile before placing her other hand onto your daughter's back. She follows you out of the nursery across the house and into your bedroom. You watch Jessie as she carefully places her into the bassinet next to the bed.
“There’s nothing in there right? No toys, no blanket, no pillows? Did you check that there isn’t a spider or anything?” It was your paranoia coming back, but you had to ask.
“No babe, just her. There’s nothing that’s going to hurt her in there.” Jessie says looking between you and the bassinet. “She’ll be okay, I’m going to pick her up again in a moment. Let’s get you changed first.”
Jessie took another glance at the bassinet before coming over to where you stood at the end of the bed. She lets her hands rest on your shoulders. “Would you like a shower?” You shake your head, you did but you didn’t have the energy. “New clothes at least? Brush your teeth? Wash your face? What can I help with?”
“I dunno.” You feel on the verge of even more tears, you’d think by now you’d be completely dry. You feel your lip start to tremble again and you bite it trying to hold back the sob ready to fall out.
“Okay, sorry, I gave you too many options. Let’s just get you changed.” Jessie says her hand gently falling to your shirt. “Can I take this one off?” You nod and lift your arms, Jessie gently pulling the shirt over your head. You stand there shirtless as Jessie walks across the room to her own dresser, pulling out one of her old shirts that you frequently stole and would wear to bed. On your way back to where you stood your daughter lets out a cry. You watch as Jessie quickly moves to grab a clean pacifier, placing it into her mouth before coming back over to you.
“Arms up pretty girl.” You do as she asks and she pulls the shirt down over your head. Her hands drop to the shorts you have on. “These off?”
“Ehh she didn’t puke on them, they can stay.” You say. And Jessie’s hands move off of them.
“Okay, in bed.” Jessie walks over flipping back the cover to your side and waiting for you to get in. You climb in and she gently pulls up the covers before walking around to the other side of the bed. She picks up your daughter from the bassinet before she climbs into bed next to you. “Come here.” She pats her side and encourages you to curl into her.
You watch as she holds your daughter, you watch carefully, making sure your daughter's head is supported, her back is in a good position, you watch Jessie, who’s looking between you and your daughter.
“Close your eyes, I’ve got her, she’s okay, if she cries you’ll hear her and wake up.” You lay there for a moment, Jessie was right, she was right next to you, if she cried you’d hear. You’d be able to get up and help in a second's notice. You take one last look at Jessie and your daughter before closing your eyes.
You’re not sure how much time passes when you finally wake up to the sound of your wife talking to your daughter. “Here ya go. This’ll make you feel better.” You blink a few times and see Jessie with your daughter, a bottle in her hand being held up to her mouth.
Your eyebrows squint as you try to take in the image of your daughter eating from a bottle. That was different, it was rare that she ate from a bottle especially when you were home with her, you’d wake up and feed her, there was no need for her to feed from the bottle. It made you upset that Jessie hadn’t woken you, maybe she didn’t trust you to feed her since you had failed earlier. Maybe she thought you were a bad mother.
“Why didn’t you wake me?” You feel Jessie jump, not having realized you were awake and being startled by your voice. “I don’t want her to have formula yet, we talked about it this.” You had been strong in your decision to feed her, Jessie knew that. Bottle feeding her was one thing, but you hadn’t pumped, there wasn’t milk for the bottle, Jessie had to be giving her formula. “You should’ve woken me up, I would’ve fed her.”
You move to sit up, starting to pull your shirt up and reaching for your daughter at the same time. Jessie’s hand gently releases the bottle for a moment before her hand comes down onto yours.
“You are feeding her. It’s not formula, it’s your milk from the freezer. You’re still feeding her.” Jessie says looking at you, her hand returning to hold the bottle to your daughter’s mouth.
“Oh.” You feel stupid, you had frozen milk. Frozen milk you had pumped and saved back when your daughter was first born. She didn’t yet eat enough to use it all, so you had saved it. As she grew she drank more and more and you stopped freezing it. You had completely forgotten. You had forgotten, Jessie hadn’t.
“Go back to sleep love, I’ve got her, well, actually you’ve got her, you’re the one feeding her, I’m just holding the bottle.” Jessie smiles down at you, bringing a hand to run her fingers through your hair. “Close your eyes.”
You feel a sudden rush of emotions again, feeling overwhelmed by the kindness of your wife, who you had been cold to since the anxiety started. “I’m sorry.” You can feel your chest tightening and your vision becomes blurry with tears.
“For what?” Jessie looks down questioning what you could possibly be apologizing for.
“Just everything, I’ve been so mean, and I just, I worry and I can’t let her go, if something happened to her, I don’t think I’d survive. I’m so scared for her, she’s helpless, and I’m her mom so that’s my job and I think sometimes I forget you’re her mom too, and I don’t want to burden you with the responsibility, and I just, I’m not being fair to you.”
“You’re also not being fair to yourself. You’re tired, you’re overwhelmed, I don’t like seeing you like this.
“I know I just can’t help it.” You blinked hard and the tears began to run down your cheeks, Jessie’s finger gently wiping them away.
“I know, it’s not your fault. We’ll talk about this later, just get some sleep honey.”
“Okay.” You sniffle, trying to slow down the crying. “I’m sorry, I love you, you’re a really good mom.”
“Shhhh.” Jessie lets her fingers run through your hair again, trying to soothe you back to sleep. She doesn’t need to hear you apologize for something that was beyond your control, she knew it was all hormones, your brain playing tricks on you. She knows she’s a good mom, she knows you’re a good mom, she doesn’t need your reassurance but it is nice to hear. “I love you. I’ll look after you and her. I’ve got you. Just close your eyes.”
You do, quickly falling asleep with the feeling of Jessie’s fingers in your hair and the sound of her whispering softly to your daughter about the first time you and she met, one of Jessie’s favorite stories to tell. The anxiety and stress wasn’t gone, but for once, with her by your side, it suddenly wasn’t all consuming.
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hyuckiefluff · 1 year
tease | lee haechan
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pairing: lee haechan x f!reader genre: enemies-ish to lovers, college au word count: 5.8k+ summary: Playing spin the bottle definitely wasn't what you had envisioned for your first college party. And the last person you expected to see was Lee Haechan. But life has a funny way of throwing surprises at you, and this time it came in the form of the bottle landing on some drunk dude who dared you to kiss Haechan. warnings: oral (m receiving), fngering, cursing, drinking, hc calls reader princess a/n: rushed this one a bit to post it on time for haechan’s bday :D i hope you enjoy! and happy birthday my haechan ilysm baby! - i recommend listening to sweat by zayn while reading
"New girl… what was your name... oh right.. Y/N” the guy's words stumbled out of his mouth, clearly too many drinks deep into the night. He was trying so hard to formulate a single coherent thought, but his speech was all over the place. And there you sat, legs crossed, waiting for whatever command he was about to throw at you.
"You should, ehm... uh… oh I know… you should kiss the person in front of you," he slurred, barely able to keep his eyes open.
You tensed up when the words left his mouth. You expected having to kiss someone in this game but you weren’t all that excited or open to the idea. Sure, you could've just taken a shot and avoided the whole ordeal, but you had already declined way too many requests and had knocked back enough shots for the night. Plus, your friend had disappeared into the crowd a while ago, leaving you to fend for yourself. You didn't want to push your drinking limit any further.
But honestly, the mere thought of kissing anyone at that moment felt too awkward. You didn't know a single person in this circle, and the boys surrounding you seemed ready to pounce at the opportunity. The uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach grew stronger. And just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, someone sauntered into the circle, nudging the guy who had been in front of you aside, without a single word of protest. It was as if the universe itself conspired to make the situation even more complicated because there he was, in all his glory, Lee Haechan.
Let me give you a short backstory. Haechan was one of your brother's closest friends, and you practically grew up with him. Well, maybe "in his shadow" is a more accurate description. His larger-than-life personality always overshadowed your shy self whenever you were in the same room. And there was also the teasing. Haechan took great pleasure in getting under your skin. While most of your brother's friends ignored you, Haechan found it amusing to embarrass you at every opportunity. He'd mock your fashion choices and poke fun at your taste in music. Basically, anything he could find that was worthy of a good tease, he'd go for it. Sure, you'll admit that you were a bit of an awkward kid back then, spending most of your time holed up in your room, jamming out to some obscure indie band, and wearing some questionable outfits (you can totally blame your mom for that until you turned 13). 
Anyway, let's just say Lee Haechan wasn't exactly the friendliest face in your memory bank.
It’s been two whole years since you last laid eyes on him, and you honestly thought you'd never have to see him again. Your big brother mentioned that Haechan went off to "some college" out of town, so you assumed your paths would never cross. But your brother also conveniently forgot to mention the crucial detail that Haechan had actually managed to get into your top-choice university. Yes, the very same one you had been raving about since the idea of higher education even entered your mind. Thank you for the heads up, big bro.
Now you were sitting here, about to lose your mind because the first time you’re meeting Haechan after all this time, you're being dared to kiss him...in front of all these people too. There was no way you could do this. Your hesitance was impossible to hide, and everyone seemed to notice. But Haechan, being Haechan, couldn't resist making a comment about it. Of course.
“She won’t do it.” He said, taking a casual sip from his drink. 
Though he pretty much spoke your thoughts out loud, you still paused and looked at him raising an eyebrow. You would've shrugged it off, but there was no way you were going to let Haechan continue teasing you like that in college. You were too grown and fed up to allow him to treat you that way.
“And why won’t she?” You asked, crossing your arms.
He chuckled “Because she doesn’t have it in her.” He said the words slowly to taunt you. 
Maybe it was the fact that he was talking as if you weren’t in the room, or that he seemed so sure that you were too much of a coward to kiss him but before you could stop yourself you started crawling up to him. The circle of people around you suddenly more interested in your every move. Now you were kneeling in between Haechan’s sprawled legs, so close to his face that you could smell the mix of alcohol with his cologne. He put down his drink, the look of bore left his eyes and he perked up a little at your sudden closeness. Without giving yourself time to cower away you closed the distance between your lips. You didn’t miss the slight flinch of surprise he gave when your lips touched, he really wasn’t expecting you to go through with it.
Haechan would sooner be caught dead than admit it but he really enjoyed getting a rise out of you. It gave him this weird rush whenever he saw you getting all flustered or even a little pissed off. Sure, you were usually the shy and soft-spoken type, but deep down, there was a side to you that had some fight in it. It wasn't something you showed to just anyone, but he had managed to bring it out of you on more than one occasion.
He never in a million years expected seeing you at this party. It had been a while since he even thought about you. So, when he spotted you in the crowd, he was completely caught off guard. He watched you intently all night, trying to figure out if it was actually you. It hadn't been that long since he last saw you, but there was something distinctly different about you. You were engaged in lively conversations, your laughter floating through the air. It was a stark contrast to the image he had of you in his head.
He only remembers how reserved you were, back then you weren't able to have a full conversation with him or even hold eye contact. So, when he ended up sitting in front of you, teasing you like he always did, he never expected you to do anything more than maybe give him some attitude and walk away. But man, did you flip the script on him.
Before Haechan could even process what was happening, there you were, on your knees in front of him. His attention instinctively went to your tongue darting across your lips, that simple action getting him way too excited. Before he had a chance to react, your lips were already on his. The kiss started off slow, like a cautious test drive. Haechan could tell you weren't exactly planning to go this far, he could sense that hint of hesitance in your every move.
This wasn't the kind of kiss he usually went for. He liked them rough, the kind that leaves you breathless. But, there was something about you taking charge that had him intrigued. Even though it was a simple kiss with no crazy fireworks, it managed to get both your hearts racing.
Your hands went to his chin to keep him in place while your lips fumbled in a slow rhythm that had Haechan going kinda crazy inside. He had to fight hard to keep his cool, resisting the urge to grab you and kiss you back as hard as he wanted to. His hands stayed glued to the floor. He was scared that if he touched you, he wouldn't be able to stop himself, and also because his palms were suddenly a sweaty mess and he doubted you’d like that.
You tilted his head back a bit causing his mouth to slack open. With this new access, your tongue shyly ventured into his mouth, as if following an instinctive cue. Haechan also took a chance and nibbled on your lower lip, causing a soft whimper to escape your lips. The sound made his whole body tense up. Your hands roamed from his chin to the back of his head, testing the waters by gently tugging on his hair. That's when an involuntary grunt slipped out of Haechan's mouth, snapping you both back to reality.
As you pulled away, his eyes slowly fluttered open. Yours immediately darted to his slightly swollen lips, tinged with the color of your lipstick. Acting on some unknown impulse, you brushed your thumb against his lips wiping off the lipstick. He glanced at your finger and then met your gaze again, his eyes filled with an intensity that made your breath hitch. You said nothing and wiped the remnants of lipstick from your finger onto his clean white undershirt, all while maintaining unwavering eye contact. 
You stood up, trying not to make it too obvious that your legs were weaker than before. Seeing the slightly shocked and amused faces of everyone around you would’ve scared younger you into running away but you didn’t feel intimidated at all. 
"I'm gonna grab a new drink," you announced, giving Haechan one final glance before making your way out.
Of course, you didn't actually head to the drinks table like you said you would. Instead, you dashed straight for the bathroom, your heart racing like a herd of wild horses. Closing the door behind you and allowing yourself a moment to process everything that just happened and pretty much freak out.
"Have you lost your damn mind, Y/N?" you scolded your reflection in the mirror, the harsh reality staring right back at you. Disheveled hair, smudged lipstick, and that dazed look in your eyes, mirroring the same one that Haechan had after the kiss. Letting out a heavy sigh, you rested your hands on the edge of the sink, reluctantly admitting to yourself that the kiss wasn't half bad. Who would've thought? Haechan, your tormentor, sure knew how to kiss. His lips felt downright amazing against yours, and the taste…  a mix of alcohol with a subtle sweetness that lingered on your lips, intoxicating your thoughts as you unconsciously replayed the moment over and over in your mind.
But before you could fully immerse yourself, the bathroom door swung open with a force, causing you to yelp in surprise. In your mortification, you had completely forgotten to lock the damn door. Oh, how you wished you had because to your horror, the intruder turned out to be none other than Haechan himself. His surprise at finding you in the bathroom was evident, though you couldn't help but wonder if he had followed you all the way here.
"You could've found a better hiding spot, you know," he jeered, leaning casually against the wall, his eyes meeting yours through the mirror's reflection.
"I wasn't hiding, Haechan. Can't a girl have some privacy in the bathroom?" you fired back.
"Sorry, it's just that you looked a little frustrated when you left, princess," he taunted, his words dripping with a mixture of amusement and something else you couldn't quite put your finger on.
"Quit calling me that" you shot back, irritation lacing your voice.
Haechan merely shrugged, his teasing smile still intact. "You're right. A princess doesn't run away like that after a kiss," he continued to taunt, enjoying the effect his words had on you.
"I didn't run away," you retorted, trying to maintain your composure. "But I don't need to explain myself to you anyway, so get out, Donghyuck," you said, turning around to face him with a glare.
His teasing demeanor faltered for a moment, a flicker of genuine surprise crossing his face at the use of his actual name. "Wow, it's been a while since anyone called me that. I like the way you say it," he admitted, attempting to lighten the mood. However, seeing your unamused expression, he raised his hands in surrender. "Come on, the kiss wasn't even that bad. You don't have to be embarrassed. Though it was so short, I couldn't really judge it properly."
"Pity, because you're never gonna get another chance," you replied, determination seeping into your voice as you turned your back to him.
Haechan studied you silently, his gaze fixed on your figure. There was a brief pause, a moment where the air between you seemed to thicken with anticipation. Slowly, he closed the distance between you, his proximity making you grip the edges of the sink tighter. He position his hands next to yours, his larger frame enveloping yours. Through the reflection in the mirror, his eyes locked onto yours. 
With a hushed voice, he leaned in close to your ear, his warm breath grazing your skin as he whispered, "We'll see about that."
The weight of his words hung in the air as he held your gaze for a moment longer. Then, with one final look, he pulled away, leaving you alone with your racing thoughts.
A few days went by until you saw Haechan again at another party. It was insane how quickly you were getting invited to these things. Your social life went from zero to a hundred really quick. Things were finally looking up, and you were having a blast, making more friends along the way.
But of course, there he was—Haechan, lurking in the shadows like some lingering ghost. It felt like he was always in your peripheral vision, pretending he wasn't staring at you. Seriously, why couldn't he just go away? You made up your mind that finding someone else to hang out with would be the perfect way to shake off his annoying presence. Preferably someone who didn't get a kick out of teasing you mercilessly.
Just when you were mulling over your thoughts, a smooth voice broke through the noise from behind you. "Hey there, what's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?"
You turned to face him and recognized him was one of the players from the spin the bottle game
 "Actually, I'm looking for my friend. She vanished into thin air, it seems," you replied, trying not to sound too awkward. Small talk was never your strong suit, especially with extremely attractive guys.
He nodded, laughing softly,  "Well, I can help you find her, but only if you dance with me."
You considered it for a moment, thinking it might be exactly the distraction you needed. "Sure, why not? Lead the way," you said, setting your drink aside and taking his hand as he guided you to the center of the room where people were dancing.
"I'm Jeno, by the way," he introduced himself, leaning in closer to your ear so you could hear him over the music.
You shouted back, "Nice to meet you, Jeno. I'm Y/N." He responded with an adorable eye smile, and you couldn't help but smile back.
In those few fleeting minutes with Jeno, you were already smitten. He was far more polite and considerate than the typical guys you had encountered in college so far. At first, there was definitely an air of slight intimidation surrounding him, probably because of his tall muscular frame and silver blonde hair, but as you danced together, he showed his soft and kind nature. His hands rested firmly on your hips, providing just the right amount of contact without encroaching on your personal space. As you felt more comfortable in his arms, you entwined your hands behind his neck, and only then he pulled you closer. The swift movement caused a gentle collision against his solid chest, confirming what you had suspected earlier—Jeno was no stranger to the gym. His white shirt was clinging to him in all the right places and you had to force yourself to look away before he caught you staring.
As the music played and your bodies moved against each other, Jeno leaned close to your ear once again. "You know... during the spin the bottle game, I was annoyed," he confessed.
Confused, you raised an eyebrow. "Why's that?"
"Because I was supposed to get that kiss from you, before that guy came and took my chance," he explained, his expression adorably pouting to emphasize his disappointment. 
Smiling at his confession, you couldn't help but tease him playfully. "Well, what if I told you I would've rather kissed you?"
His eyes lit up with delight, and you realized that he reminded you of a puppy. Jeno took your words as an invitation and slowly closed the gap between your faces, his lips barely grazing yours. But before the moment could fully unfold, the music abruptly stopped, and a crashing sound cut through the crowd. Turning your gaze over Jeno's shoulder, you saw chaos near the table where the sound system had been set up. 
The whole display had been knocked over, and the DJ  was engaged in a heated argument with another person. The other guy had his back to you, but you recognized that posture and when he turned his head to the side you confirmed who it was. Lee Haechan, his face contorted in anger as he flipped off the other guy who just kept yelling at him. His scorn only intensified when his eyes locked with yours, taking in the sight of you entangled with Jeno.
"What's going on over there?" you muttered to yourself, unable to tear your eyes away from the scene.
"Just some drunk jerk making a mess," Jeno replied, glancing back at you. 
You wished you could have resumed where you left off with him, but the interruption had shattered the moment. Not to mention, Haechan's piercing gaze lingered in your mind making you feel somewhat uneasy.
"Uh... I'm kind of thirsty. I should get a drink," you said, trying to find an excuse to escape the overwhelming atmosphere.
"I'll get it for you," Jeno offered, flashing a quick smile before heading off to fetch the drink. As he disappeared into the crowd, you ran your fingers through your hair, feeling the heat rising within you. The intensity of the almost-kiss and Haechan's intense stare made it hard to catch your breath. You needed a moment alone, away from the suffocating crowd.
You made your way to the bathroom upstairs, your go-to escape room. However, as you reached the door, you discovered it was locked, and the lewd sounds coming from inside let you know it wouldn’t be available for a while. Frustrated, you let out a sigh and glanced around, hoping to find another bathroom. Knocking on each door along the hallway, you realized that most of them were locked too, leaving little doubt as to what was happening inside.
Just as you were about to give up, the door at the end of the hallway swung open when you tried it, and you immediately slipped into the room discreetly. Closing the door behind you, you breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for this temporary escape. You stepped into the bathroom and splashed water on your face and neck, trying to cool yourself down. Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you couldn't help but feel frustrated with yourself for allowing Haechan to disrupt your thoughts once again. You hadn't even exchanged a single word with him tonight, yet he managed to occupy your mind so intensely. The realization hit you like a ton of bricks, and with a shake of your head, you resolved to leave the bathroom and rejoin Jeno, who was probably wondering where you had run off to.
But to your surprise and horror, someone stood on the balcony. You hadn't even realized the room had a balcony when you entered. The figure seemed unaware of your presence. So you attempted to make a silent exit, and almost succeeded until you accidentally tripped over a trash can. Wow, you really needed to pay better attention to your surroundings.
"Y/N?" a familiar voice called out, the one that had been haunting your thoughts just moments ago. Frozen in place, you debated whether to make a run for it. Surely he wouldn't stop you, right? He wouldn't chase after you... would he?
"Haechan..." you sighed, your tone conveying your frustration at seeing him. 
"Are you stalking me or something?," he asked, his teasing tone cutting through the tense air. You rolled your eyes at the absurd suggestion.
"Shouldn't I be the one asking that? It seems like you're always popping up wherever I go… first the game, then the bathroom, and now here," you retorted, counting off the instances on your fingers. "What are you even doing here?" You gestured around the room, emphasizing your point.
"I could ask you the same thing. Weren't you just getting cozy with that Kendoll downstairs?" he asked, hands nonchalantly tucked into his pockets as he gradually closed the distance between you. Now, up close, you could see him clearly. He wore a black graphic t-shirt with the words 'they come, they go,' and his jeans were ripped on the thighs. His hair was also somewhat styled. It was clear that he had put some effort into his appearance, unlike his usual messy style.
"You didn't answer my question," you persisted, fighting off the nerves that his proximity was starting to stir.
"Well, this happens to be my birthday party," he revealed, a hint of satisfaction in his voice at seeing the slight shock in your face.
"Oh… uhm… happy birthday," you awkwardly mumbled. His closeness now forced you to tilt your head upward, despite the height advantage your heels provided.
"Anyway, why did you make a scene at your own birthday party?" you asked, trying to kill the awkward silence and stepping away slightly to regain some personal space.
You made your way to the balcony, craving the fresh air as a relief from the intensity of the room.
"I guess you could say I wasn't vibing with the atmosphere, the music, the people... especially the people," he replied, his words hinting at something that you couldn't quite grasp.
"Hm, well, I was actually having a good time for once," you replied, leaning against the balcony rail. He mirrored your posture, but instead of gazing out at the street ahead, he fixed his gaze on you.
"Yeah, I could see that. So, who's your new boy-jock-friend?" he asked, his words dripping with sarcasm and… jealousy? You turned your head to the side, squinting incredulously at the ridiculous nickname he had given Jeno.
"His name is Jeno, and he's actually a really nice guy," you clarified.
"Is that so?," he hummed, his expression pensive. His lack of a proper response prompted you to look at him again, only to find him struggling to suppress a stupid grin.
"What, Haechan?" you demanded, growing tired of his antics.
"Nothing, just...I was wondering if you even like guys like that,"  he asked, shrugging.
"Why does it matter to you?" you shot back, your voice tinged with annoyance.
"It doesn't," he replied nonchalantly, but there was a subtle shift in his demeanor as he closed the distance between you. The intensity in his gaze mirrored the way he had looked at you after your first kiss. "But I know you don't like him." He whispered that into your ear, now standing directly behind you. 
Caught off guard by his statement, you instinctively turned around to face him. Bad idea.
"You're wrong," you managed to reply, though the pitch change in your voice betrayed your nervousness. His amusement grew as he leaned against the balcony rail, his hands positioned on either side of you.
"Then answer this..." he began, his hand gently brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear before cupping your chin, tilting it ever so slightly, "Why are you here with me instead of with him?"
You were at a loss for words. He was right. You should have been downstairs with Jeno, dancing some more, perhaps even kissing him. Yet, there you stood with this fool, your gaze inexplicably drawn to his lips and the way they moved, and how he unconsciously wet them every few seconds.
"Nothing to say?" he teased, his nose grazing against yours, and you couldn't help but close your eyes, knowing deep down that you were about to do something completely crazy. "I think we-"
"Shut up," you blurted out, unable to hold back any longer, and you closed the gap between your lips in a frenzy. The kiss was anything but slow this time; it was a messy collision of longing and pent-up tension that had been brewing for days. All the warning signs you put for yourself to stay away from Lee Haechan felt irrelevant now.
Your hands found their way into Haechan's hair, pulling on the strands as you tried to make him groan just like before. But this time, he surprised you by firmly gripping your thighs and seating you on the balcony rail. The cool metal against your bare skin made you shiver, but the sensation was quickly overridden by the warmth of Haechan's touch. The kiss grew more intense, a mess of lips and tongues, bites, sucks, and a chorus of eager sounds that escaped from both of you. The world around you faded away as you focused solely on how good his hands and lips felt.
"Please," you moaned against his lips, and he wasted no time. In a flash, he lifted you, carrying you effortlessly to the bed. The kiss never faltered as he positioned himself above you, his hands hungrily exploring your body. Your skirt was hiked up, and he suddenly grabbed your ass making you gasp. Clothes were becoming a nuisance, and Haechan noticed your impatience as you fumbled with his shirt. He couldn't help but chuckle at your eagerness, but he helped anyways, discarding the shirt and revealing a canvas of smooth skin that begged to be touched.
You traced the contours of his torso with your fingers, savoring the sight of every mole and line etched across his skin. Your ogling was momentarily interrupted when Haechan tried to remove your tangled shirt, provoking a dramatic sigh from you when he finally pulled it off your head. He laughed at this and your lips met once more in a short, sweet kiss before his attention shifted to removing your skirt. 
Lying before him in nothing but your underwear, you watched as he straightened up, his gaze locked on your exposed form. You felt self-conscious but the way he was looking at you with darkened, adoring eyes, let you know that there was nothing to be shy about.
You flung your bra aside after unhooking it, meeting Haechan's hungry gaze as he took in your now exposed chest. You grabbed his hand inviting him to touch you. His hand glided from your belly to your breasts, exploring your curves slowly. He leaned and latched his mouth on your right breast, playing, nibbling, and sucking. He wanted to hear every moan and whimper coming from your lips. Each sound you made spurred him on, his body instinctively grinding against yours, his growing hardness pressing against you with every movement. You knew he was growing desperate with every sloppy thrust and lick of his tongue.
You hooked your finger through the chain around Haechan's neck and pulled him up so he was face to face with you "I want to try something," you whispered, planting a quick kiss on his lips. Gently pushing him by the shoulder, he willingly allowed himself to fall onto his back, his eyes fixed on you, filled with anticipation.
"What are you doing?" he asked, a playful tone lacing his breathless voice as you slowly crawled down his body, stopping in front of his crotch.
"What do you think?" you teased, unzipping his pants and sliding them down. His black boxers clung tightly to his arousal, already dampened with pre-cum. Biting your lip, you could already imagine his thickness just by the sight of it over his underwear. Looking up at Haechan, you noticed he had his hands behind his head to get a better view of your actions.
Without hesitation, you pulled down his boxers, causing his erection to spring up in an almost comical manner. There was no time to waste, you could tell that he might explode if you delayed any further. Grasping him firmly at the base, you used the slickness of his pre-cum as lub, pumping him a few times. Haechan bit his lips to contain his desperate moans, he didn’t want it to be so obvious that your simple touch on his dick almost made him cum.
But you had other plans. You wanted to hear him. You wanted to make him moan, whimper, and maybe  even cry out in pleasure. Propping yourself up, you leaned in and without warning, kitten-licked his sensitive tip. Haechan's head flew back, as a string of curses left his mouth. Delighted by his fucked up state, you repeated the motion several more times before finally taking him fully into your mouth. Slowly, you went deeper, until he hit the back of your throat. Inevitably, a groan escaped him, his self-restraint crumbling as you began to suck him off properly. He moaned, thrusting his hips into your mouth, his grip on your hair becoming desperate to ensure you wouldn't stop. Seeing him in such a vulnerable and desperate state was a sight you never thought you'd witness - Lee Haechan squirming beneath you, completely undone by your actions.
"Oh, f-...uck... that feels so good," Haechan groaned, his voice strained as you hollowed your cheeks and sucked harder. He was thrusting against your face without even realizing it. You didn't blame him; he was so consumed by pleasure that he couldn't control himself. You reached down and gently played with his balls, wanting to see his reaction. The way his eyes rolled back, and his hips momentarily faltered, told you that another touch like that would send him over the edge. With a quick glance at you bobbing your head up and down his cock, Haechan decided he had reached his limit. He grabbed you by the cheeks, pulling your mouth away from his dick. The lewd sight of your saliva connecting you both in a string made him wish he could capture the moment in a picture to enjoy later.
"I need to fuck you right now," Haechan explained when you looked at him with confusion. With those words, he got off the bed and rummaged through one of the night tables, searching for a condom. As he pulled out the small wrapper, you couldn't help but ask, "How did you know that was there?"
"Because this is my room," he said casually, the revelation catching you off guard. Though, it made sense that this was his dorm, given that it was his birthday party. 
He swiftly opened the condom wrapper and rolled it onto his cock. Without wasting any time, he climbed back onto the bed and slowly removed your panties, tutting at the sight of how wet you were. "Look at you," he said with a smile, allowing his fingers to explore your slick folds. The way your mouth opened and your eyes screwed shut in response showed just how bad you were needing to be touched there. As one of his fingers slowly entered you, he leaned in and kissed you, his tongue drowning out the moans that escaped your lips. Sensing your growing desperation, he added an extra finger, expertly pleasuring you. "H... Haechan," you moaned into his lips, and he hummed in response, continuing to finger you with more urgency. 
"Please... more," you managed to gasp out.
"As you wish, princess," he whispered, removing his fingers from you and licking your essence off them. He positioned himself on top of you, aligning his cock with your entrance. Teasingly, he pressed it against you without fully entering. "Haechan..." you said, your tone suddenly serious, using his dangling chain to pull him closer. "If you don't stop teasing me, I swear I'm going downstairs to find Jeno."
He let out a bitter laugh, but the mention of Jeno noticeably changed his demeanor. Before you could say anything else, he plunged inside you. The immediate clenching of your walls around him caused both of you to moan loudly. Haechan gripped your hips and adjusted your position with surprising care. After a few more seconds, you grabbed his hips and pushed him slightly, indicating that you wanted him to go deeper. Without wasting any more time, he obliged, burying his cock further inside you. "Fuck," he groaned, the sensation of him stretching you feeling too incredible for words.
He began to move, his thrusts gradually gaining speed until he was practically ramming into you. The sight of his pretty face, screwed up with swollen lips from all the kissing and biting, dilated pupils, and droplets of sweat on his forehead, drove you wild. 
Effortlessly, he grabbed your leg and propped it on his shoulder, allowing him to penetrate deeper, hitting a new spot that had your mouth foaming. He continued thrusting hard and fast, relishing in the way your breasts bounced with each powerful stroke. 
Your whimpering only made him want to see you come undone even more. He leaned in and kissed you softly, the tenderness contrasting with his hard thrusts. You melted into the kiss, moans mixing between you both. He even slowed down his thrusts, lost in the kiss for a moment. But then he unexpectedly started ramming into you again, thrusting harder and pushing you closer to the edge.
"Cum all over my cock, princess," he commanded, his voice hoarse with pleasure. With a few more hard thrusts and the feeling of his mouth devouring yours, you felt yourself reaching an orgasm more intense than anything you've ever before.
"Fu-...oh my god," you moaned loudly, your legs trembling uncontrollably.
Haechan followed suit shortly after, his thrusts growing messier as you clenched tightly around him. He came with a loud, uninhibited moan that reverberated through the room, a sound that would undoubtedly linger in your mind for a long time.
The air grew still, and the only audible sounds were the heavy, ragged breaths escaping both of you. Lying on your backs, you found yourselves staring up at the ceiling, your legs still intertwined, too exhausted to make a move or utter a word.
But then, Haechan shattered the silence.
"Best fucking birthday ever."
a/n: btw i reached 127 followers right after posting this so thank you so much lol *cue the flute*
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jogetsobsessed · 5 months
Not Strong Enough - Paul Lahote
This is so rushed and you can tell lol. I started this months ago, last summer. Also I hate writing dialogue and this is basically all that so yay for Jo!
“ I know you're awake Y/n”. His voice cut through the silence of the night. 
You didn't stir. You were trying to keep your breath even, praying that he would roll over and go back to sleep. He didn't need to be bothered with the late-night demons you were fighting. He had so much that he was dealing with when it came to the pack, Sam has given him more responsibility in the past few months. You knew it was weighing on him but he never complained not wanting to burden you, even when you begged him to vent to you. Seeing him bottle his emotions only caused you to feel more emotional at the thought of him being sad and feeling like he couldn't talk to you. 
“Y/n you're not fooling me love”. He reached out and turned his lamp on before rolling over to face you. Still, you didn't move. 
Embarrassment flushed your cheeks and tears threatened to spill as you attempted to blink them away. Rubbing at your eyes to cover up the evidence of your dejected attitude. Even though Paul was quite literally watching your every move. 
“What's wrong?”. 
“I don't know what you're talking about Paul, you woke me up with your booming voice”. 
He opened his mouth to retort what you said but stopped. Pausing to tilt his head to the side, much like a dog does when watching in anticipation. His eyes scanned your body, up and down as he tried to figure out if something was physically wrong with you. When he couldn't find anything wrong his eyes traveled to yours, locking in place. You just blinked, not wanting to budge. 
“Y/n I love you, and I have loved you since I first met you. I know you. I know everything about you. Like how you always take a gasping gulp of air right before you fall asleep or how after you have been asleep for a little while you start to snore a little bit, not too loud but enough for me to hear. It's something I love, it soothes me. So yes, I know that you weren't sleeping”. 
That was enough to break the dam. 
Tears came out in droves as you bawled, burying your head in your hands. Paul acted in no time, immediately shifting to sit up, pulling you into his chest cradling your head as you sobbed. Fear was pulsing through his veins as he watched your chest heave up and down, gasping to catch your breath. His hand that wasn't holding your head rubbing small circles on your arm, attempting to provide comfort. 
Slowly your tears came to a sputtering stop as you were able to fill your lungs up with enough air to begin to calm down. His hand didn't stop, because he was right with what he said earlier, he knew you. His grounding touch in your moment of panic was one of, if not the only thing that could bring you back to reality. 
You turn your head up. Lifting it from his chest to gaze up at him. 
His face shone with pure love and admiration as he gazed down at you. The hand that had clutched your head moved to your face, his thumb wiping away the stray tears that had yet to cascade down your cheeks slightly puffy from your outburst. His lips softly pressed against your forehead, lingering as he felt you relax under his touch. You shifted again, this time turning so you could lean your head on his shoulder, your legs dangling off his lap. 
“So how are you going to tell me what's going on?”. 
“I'm scared”. 
You felt his body tense under your words. The sudden onset of anxiety filled the dimly lit room. 
“What do you have to be scared of?”. His voice was calm but the way his grip tightened around you was another indicator of his sudden mood change. 
“Becoming a mom, not being strong enough”. 
You knew it was silly. 
To let this fear consume you. It's not like the idea of becoming a mom was new. You have spent the past eight months preparing for your upcoming life change. Outwardly you put on a confident front. Accepting the advice your friends and random strangers alike gave you unsolicited advice. Spending hours upon hours shopping with Emily and Kim, letting some of the tribe elders teach you how to crochet different styles of blankets for your new upcoming arrival. Learning about the teas made up of all different herbs that were supposed to aid in various pregnancy symptoms like nausea and sciatic nerve pain. You took in all of it. 
But inside you weren't handling everything as well. 
No one wanted to talk about the fears that you were harboring. No one wanted to talk about what had happened to Emily during the birth of her and Sam’s first. About how she almost lost her life because of the blood loss, because children born from the wives of the shifters were larger than ones born to human fathers. About how Sam’s screams could be heard miles away as the healers tried to push him out of the room, away from his dying wife. About how that could happen to you. 
No one wanted to talk about how you could die. 
So every night for the past few weeks as your due date was nearing closer you let yourself think of the possibility, the possibility of your mortality. 
Normally you were able to suppress it enough to fall asleep shortly after Paul. But tonight was different. 
After a day spent in Forks going to get an ultrasound and then to the healers on the reservation, you had heard someone address the possibility of complications. The talk you got from them was different, seeing as the doctors in Forks didn't know about the lineage of your husband, and his genetic abnormalities that could and probably would affect your child's birth. 
Paul had remained stoic throughout trying his best to comfort you without showing any weakness. No matter how much you tried to drill it through his thick skull showing emotion didn't make him weak he didn't budge, that was going to be a lifelong battle. 
But their words had hit you hard, the fears you had been struggling with by yourself in silence were finally being brought to light, and someone wanted to talk about them. And you had gone through all the different possibilities, all the complications, and their varying outcomes. 
And that was why you had remained awake tonight. 
Your fears were fighting off the exhaustion you felt, as your mind was on fire. Paul hadn't brought anything up, other than commenting on how big your baby was getting and about running up north to Port Angeles this weekend to pick up the last piece of furniture for the nursery. It was typical of him not wanting to bring up the things hard to talk about. And you didn't want to fight, not after such an exhausting day so you said nothing, opting for silence. 
Paul didn't know what to say, no amount of circles against your arm could provide comfort in this moment. He couldn't simply solve this problem with his touch. 
“What are you talking about, my love?”. 
“Oh come on Paul, you're telling me you aren't scared. After everything we talked about today. The possibility of me die…”. 
“Please don't Y/n”. His voice broke as he closed his eyes pulling you impossibly tight. Normally you would stop, but not tonight. No, you couldn't bottle your emotions anymore. 
“Paul, we have to talk about it. Please, I can't do this anymore. I am so scared. Paul I'm terrified about what could happen, what if I can't do this. What if I'm not strong enough to go through labor”. Part of you was proud of yourself for fighting back your tears. 
His silence was concerning. But it didn't last long. 
“My sweet girl I want to tell you that there's nothing for you to be afraid of but I think we both know that unfortunately, that's not true. However, you're stressing yourself out over something that has a very small chance of happening -”. 
“But it happened to Emily!”, you cried out cutting him off. 
That hit him hard. 
The pack had to experience the pain that Sam had felt years ago. Feeling what was causing their Alpha to crumble to pieces, to be reduced to tears as he begged someone, anyone, to help his imprint.  
And Paul had never forgotten that feeling, the look on Sam’s face. So when you had broken the news to him, told him that he was going to be a dad he panicked. He had felt the same feelings that you were feeling now but as the months went on he pushed them down. Choosing to focus on the happier things in your pregnancy, accidentally ignoring everything that was bothering you. 
Though hearing you now he had realized he messed up. 
“Y/n what happened to Emily…it was horrible. But look at her now, she is a wonderful mother to three beautiful children. Her second and third deliveries went off without a hitch, you know this”. 
“But I'm not like Emily, she's survived so much. She's invincible”, your lip was wobbling now. 
“You are the strongest woman I have ever met, Y/N. I have complete and total faith in you. I know that you can do it”. His hands were resting on your bump, your child seeming to sense their dad's presence kicking against his palm. 
“Really?”, you sniffled, a small weight lifting off your shoulders. It felt good to have this hard conversation. You knew there was so much you needed to talk about, but the bulk of it could be had in the morning, once daylight was streaming through the sheer curtains.  “You are strong enough”
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wooahaes · 6 months
on repeat
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pairing: non-idol!dk x gn!reader
prompt: soulmate au series. 12/13
word count: ~7.0k
warnings: mentions of food. time loop au. some angst concerning not having a soulmate. also mentioned angst for other member (hao).
daisy’s notes: i feel like this one could have been longer but i didnt want it to get Too long compared to the other fics, yknow?
summary: What started as a day of making deliveries ended in Seokmin waking up on the same day. And then again, and then again… So, wherever you are, he needs to find you if he wants to see Saturday again.
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Seokmin had been living his life on schedule ever since he turned ten. Before that, truly, because his parents had always set something for him (school, play, dinner, bath time, bedtime), but he knew that it became a little different after he turned ten. He had doctors appointments configured into that schedule, and every appointment had his dad holding his hand as the doctor tried yet again to work out what Seokmin's sign could be. Some of them would always be subtle and hard to detect, but there were plenty of things they could figure out.
And then when that list was exhausted, the afternoon doctor's appointments turned into Wednesday afternoon appointments with Dr. Jeon. She'd spoken to Seokmin for their first appointment with his mother sitting next to him, gauging how he truly felt about the fact he might not have a soulmate. He didn't tell her at first that it hurt to be different. Not with his mother next to him, rubbing soothing circles onto his back. He needed to smile for his mom, to be the bubbly boy she knew and loved.
Wednesday afternoon, Seokmin went back alone starting with that second visit. "My classmates made fun of me again for not having a soulmate."
Dr. Jeon had adjusted her bright pink glasses, and frowned at him. "How do you feel about that?"
That they're right, so it shouldn't hurt to hear the truth. "Bad." He'd curled into himself a little more, tugging his jacket closer to himself. Maybe he could disappear if he tried. "I can't help it."
Dr. Jeon's room was lit only by lamps and whatever light made it through the blinds and curtains. She hated the overhead lights (they buzzed loudly and she could never hear herself think, she said), and Seokmin never minded that they were off. The orange glow made things feel oddly safer. So did the fake sunflowers on her desk, tucked away behind her behemoth of a computer (Dr. Jeon said she could never keep them alive if they were real). As much as he wanted to disappear, he felt safe here. Dr. Jeon wasn't his mom. He didn't have to pretend for Dr. Jeon.
"I wish I had a soulmate," his voice was quieter that time. "Some of my classmates think something's wrong with me. That..."
She looked up from where she's been jotting something down. "That?" She prodded in that inquisitive way she did last time they spoke alone for a few minutes, and Seokmin knew he couldn't drop it without feeling guilty. "It's okay, Seokmin. You can take all the time you need."
He didn't meet her gaze. "They think that I'm never gonna be loved."
Dr. Jeon frowned again at his words. "Do your parents love you?"
His head shot up. "Yes! Of course they love me!"
"Do your friends?"
He nodded furiously. "And—And I love my friends. But what does that have to do with my soulmate?"
Dr. Jeon shook her head. "Love comes in many forms, Seokmin. A soulmate's love isn't guaranteed to be romantic, but even if it was, you aren't guaranteed to be with your soulmate. Love takes effort. My husband is a relationship counselor," she twisted her wedding ring around her finger, "and he sees plenty of couples who assume being soulmates is the only thing they need to make it work."
"But..." He furrowed his brow. "I thought soulmates were forever."
"They can be." Dr. Jeon paused. "You're so young, Seokmin, but you'll understand one day. A soulmate represents the possibility of that love, not the only existence of it." She chuckled. "Besides... You're too young to worry about romantic love. But for now, we can work on acceptance."
"Whether you have a soulmate or not, Seokmin," she said, the big beads of her earrings clinking together as she set aside her pad of notes, "you're still a person capable of loving others and being loved. It's hard for kids your age to separate out love like this, but you'll realize it as you grow up. There is nothing wrong with not having a soulmate."
Seokmin hadn't been able to accept her words for a while. Every day, he saw something new in the world about soulmates. A new drama based around them, or a new discount to those who can prove they're with their soulmate, or a new magazine with childish quizzes that pretend to predict your soulmate's traits. Every Wednesday, he found himself back on that plush couch and talking about something new. A new thing he's eliminated. Another classmate discovered their sign. News of an intern at his dad's work that found his soulmate (this one Seokmin wasn't supposed to hear). And every week, he left Dr. Jeon's sessions with those words said at the end:
There was nothing wrong with not having a soulmate... So why did Seokmin want one so badly?
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Seokmin grew up. He started college, and he met Minghao through it. Eventually his routine changed as he began to balance work and school and a social life, all while living in a cozy little apartment with Minghao. Make breakfast, go to class, go to work, find time to shove food into his face, deal with more customers... It became a schedule he pretty much lived by with his social life a little less present. He'd get it back one day, hopefully. But he always made time for dinner with Minghao on Friday nights: their one day a week where they’ve completely slowed down together.
Minghao seemed more tired this week. "I'm tired of blue."
Seokmin looked up from his dinner. "Which blue?"
"Calm blue. Not sad. They're fine, wherever they are, and I should be glad for it, but I'm not." Minghao scowled.
Seokmin frowned as he watched Minghao. Their vision is filled with red now, he wanted to say. Are you okay with that? But he didn't, instead reaching out to ruffle his hair. "It'll be okay," he said. "At least they're calm now."
Minghao said nothing. He just sat there, staring, brows drawing together more and more.
"It's darker."
His soulmate was upset by something. Seokmin averted his gaze. He kept his thoughts to himself. No doubt Minghao already had them himself: his frustration upset his soulmate. He couldn't help but wonder if that was the kind of person Minghao's soulmate was: someone who empathized even though they had no idea where their own soulmate's feelings were coming from. No doubt their vision would be clouded by those same blues. Minghao could be sharp-tongued and snarky at times, but he wasn't a monster. He worried for them whenever his vision was lit up with fiery reds and deep blues and nauseating green.
"I used to be angry, too, you know." Seokmin kept his focus on his own dinner now. "That I don't have one."
"You know I don't believe that." Minghao had always been one of the ones who, for some reason, believed Seokmin did have a soulmate. His sign just wasn't one of the obvious ones like his or Seungkwan's. But Minghao was reasonable about it, too: Seokmin was the kind of person who could forge his own soulmate if things felt right enough.
Seokmin waved it off. "But I understand being angry. It's something outside of your control, and it's hard to let that... be."
Humans, in Seokmin's experience, liked having control over themselves. He saw it in himself as a child, always wanting to have some choice in what he wore, in the foods he ate. He saw it now, too, in children when he went shopping and saw patient mothers holding up two options for their child to pick from. But he always saw it the most with his friends. The frustration that etched itself into Minghao's brows whenever the colors changed, the subtle annoyance before his thanks when someone pushed Seungcheol toward the right object, the way Seungkwan would flinch from pain sometime and wave off any concern. All things that stemmed from depending entirely upon another person in one way or another. And Seokmin felt it, too, in not having. A soulmate was never a guarantee to have love in your life, after all. Yet Seokmin didn't get to choose whether he would want this person at all. Would he? If he had a soulmate, would he fall for them? He had plenty of love in his heart to give... but would they even want it from him, too?
"You're right," Minghao's voice was softer now. "I think... I want to meet them someday."
Seokmin smiled. "I think you should."
“I’m scared they’ll hate me.” Minghao let out a sigh, staring down at his food for a moment. “So what if they do?”
“Then you’ll figure it out.” Seokmin reached across the table, squeezing Minghao’s hand gently. “If they’re your soulmate… Then they’ll try to understand you. You’ll do the same, right?”
Minghao met his gaze, but said nothing. Today wasn’t a day that he could agree with Seokmin, already too inside his own head. In time, he’d accept it: Seokmin knew he would. He just needed time, and Seokmin was more than happy to give him that and whatever space he needed. He could believe in Minghao’s soulmate enough for the both of them. 
And the day he met them face to face, Seokmin knew he’d been right: Minghao’s soulmate was patient in the way he needed them to be. Understanding, too, without any hidden malice toward him. Exactly what Minghao needed.
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There was a text from Seungcheol in the group chat: dinner at jun's? i'm paying :)
Not everyone was able to make it, of course. It was horribly last minute, but Seokmin figured it had to be important since it was. A few people had their reasons to not be there (work, other things that needed doing). Seokmin, on the other hand, was free from his usual job. All he had was the option to make some deliveries for extra money, and he'd probably spend the day doing that to get some exercise in. He rolled out of bed, got ready for the day, and stepped out of his bedroom to see where Minghao was asleep on the couch. Seokmin paused, brows drawing together until he saw that he was clutching his phone still. Ah. He must have come back late last night and fell asleep while on the phone with his soulmate as they made their way home. Seokmin left him with a blanket draped over him before he headed out for the day. Maybe next time, Minghao would end up asleep in his own room.
He checked the app while waiting for the elevator. Sure enough, there were already delivery orders made. Groceries (he only ever accepted the small orders), food deliveries, flowers... Seokmin scrolled through for the closest pickup to start. He wouldn't mind the long ride to wherever he was delivering to, but there was a flower shop just down the street that Seokmin always loved making deliveries for. Flowers made people happy, after all. One popped up from someone named Minho for someone named Jinki ("a 'thank you' gift for my hyung"), and Seokmin accepted it without another thought. Soon enough he'd taken the elevator down and set out for the day, pedaling his way to the flower shop.
Jinki had been caught off-guard when Seokmin showed up to his workplace with a vase of sunflowers he'd protected with his life. He passed the message onto the man, and made his way out for the next delivery, bumping into an intern on his way out. He'd apologized to her quickly, and started out for another delivery. A grocery delivery for a single dad who was taking care of a sick kid, another run to a store for cat food for a man who'd run low and couldn't leave his apartment easily with a broken leg, a lunch delivery for a young woman at work... Seokmin went about his day like any other, always greeting people with a smile before moving onto the next thing. By the end of the day, he was exhausted, and immediately went to Jun's restaurant to rest.
Jun wordlessly set a cup of water in front of him. "Push these tables together after you wipe them down," he said. "Cheol will be here soon."
Seokmin had waved him off after agreeing, just enjoying a few minutes of downtime. It wasn't even his job—Where the hell was Mingyu?—but Seungcheol had insisted that it was important. He didn't mind helping out if it made things move a little smoother. He made his way to the back to grab the things he needed, and put himself back to work. The tables were wiped down thoroughly, and Seokmin pushed them together before straightening up. The next time the door chimed, Seungcheol had come in with the brightest smile on his face that Seokmin had ever seen.
"What happened?" He asked, pushing a final chair into place. "Minghao texted to say his soulmate had something come up. I'll let him know the good news tonight, okay?"
Seungcheol made his way over, shedding the light jacket he was wearing. "I should wait until the others get here, but..." He paused, and then shook his head. "No—I'll wait. It's important."
Seokmin stood still for a moment, mind already thrumming with possibilities. "It is good news... Right?"
He nodded. "It's..." His gaze softened a little as his smile fell a little. His happiness was still warm and welcoming, but now felt akin to the tenderness of a warm embrace than the crackling fire it had been before. "It's really good news, Seokmin."
The possibilities dwindled by tens and hundreds. No bad news... Which meant this had to be big. A promotion, or maybe he finally heard back from the graduate program he was trying to get into? Seokmin drummed his fingers along the chair he'd been clutching, before tearing him away from it. People began to file in over the next twenty minutes: Jeonghan and Joshua arriving together, Mingyu bursting into the room loudly (yes, Jun, he saw the restaurant was empty—and yes, he enjoyed resting after work) with Soonyoung coming in just a few minutes later, and eventually Vernon and Chan had joined the table while bemoaning a late bus. Mingyu helped Jun serve food as they caught up on life.
“Seungcheol,” Jeonghan called out from the other end of the table, a knowing look on his face. “You wanted to tell them something.”
Seungcheol fought back a smile. “I found them.” 
Immediately, the room went silent. Vernon was staring at him with wide-eyes, mouth agape. Jeonghan was just smiling, clearly having been informed ahead of time—and the same could be said of Joshua, who had this shit-eating grin on his face.
“Well?” Seungcheol pouted. “You aren’t going to say anything?”
“That’s great!” Seokmin decided to say quickly, and he saw the way Seungcheol then smiled. “Do you want us to keep it a secret, or can I tell Minghao?”
“You can tell him,” Seungcheol waved him off. “I just wanted to tell the rest of you. I told Seungkwan—” He then paused, “Speaking of—All of you are terrible!” He scowled a little. “I told him first and he immediately started sending me pictures of myself in ugly outfits you all swore went together!”
Jeonghan snorted, typing something out on his phone. “We didn’t do it all the time, you know.”
Seokmin chuckled, glancing over to where Jun had settled in the chair next to him. “Remember the shirt he wore to this place’s opening?”
Seungcheol let out another whine. “I didn’t know it was neon! Joshua said it wasn’t that bad!”
“It wasn’t!” 
If looks could kill, Joshua would be ash. But Seungcheol had started bickering with him about it (apparently that shirt had been a gift from Joshua… on April fools…), and Seokmin took his chance to steal another dumpling. His phone buzzed, and he glanced down at it to see it was the app he delivered for—there was someone for a restaurant not that far away. He dismissed it. He could use the money, sure, but… He’d stay at least a little longer. Just to see Seungcheol happy.
Fed up with his debate with Joshua (an immovable object against Seungcheol’s unstoppable force), Seungcheol let the topic go for now. “We’re going out on Tuesday, actually,” he said. “I think you guys will like them. We ended up shopping together for a while and talking—they’re really nice, and…”
Seokmin let his mind drift for a moment as he listened, his own heart sinking in his chest. Everyone seemed to be finding their soulmate over this past year. He looked at Jun for a moment. That meant he was the only one who hadn’t found his soulmate yet, right? He couldn’t imagine being the last person, but Jun seemed to be taking it well. Soonyoung, just as Seokmin did, went out on the occasional date—hell, both of them had dated a bit recently before deciding to prioritize other things for a bit. But it was weird knowing that he was going to be on his own now. Even Vernon and Jihoon ended up having soulmates. Seokmin had wanted to hold out hope that maybe that meant he had one, too, but…
The door opened, and in walked someone who looked at the group with wide-eyes. “Sorry—I thought this was still open—”
“It is!” Jun said, getting up and making his way toward the counter. “Sorry, how can I help you?”
The customer had started rambling about their friend, Minho, having been here a few days ago. Seokmin listened as they explained their own soulmate sign—the same as Jun’s—and he felt his feelings swirl inside of him. The computer chirped, and Seokmin moved to see that it was a takeout request. With permission from Jun, Seokmin accepted it and immediately went to snag the delivery request himself. He’d be back before the hour was over, and it’d give him some time to clear his mind. The customer had gone to an empty table, and Jun disappeared into the back to start cooking both their food and the order that Seokmin left hanging on the line.
“Hey.” Vernon had made his way over to the counter, voice lower, “Everything okay?”
Seokmin nodded, quietly sliding a fortune cookie across the counter. “I’m going to make a delivery,” he said. “Just to get some air.”
Vernon slowly nodded, immediately getting it. He’d stepped out when his own struggles were getting to him before he found his own soulmate, after all. “Gotcha. Is it a good tip?”
Seokmin glanced at the screen. Not really, but he didn’t mind: it was a small order and he wasn’t going far. It was better than no tip, at least. “Yeah,” he lied. “I could use the extra money.”
Vernon knew he was lying. But he nodded again, tucking the cookie into his hoodie pocket. “Travel safe, dude.”
All too quickly, Jun had plated the food. Mingyu had dipped into the back, delivering the dishes to the customer that sat alone, and Jun sat next to Seokmin. He’d uncapped a sharpie with his teeth, drawing a little cat onto the corner of the plate alongside a flower. Above it, he’d written some message of encouragement—all a part of the order’s request. 
“Someone else could pick up the order,” Jun capped the marker again. “If you don’t want to go.” 
Seokmin shrugged it off. “It isn’t far.” He paused, “Plus my bike is outside. I’ll be back soon, okay?”
Jun hadn’t responded, brows drawing together. He looked over to the customer in the room, watching as they ate for a moment.
He took a step away, realization spreading over his features. “Sorry, I just—” He walked away, quietly greeting the customer. Seokmin watched as he rounded the other chair, hands curling around the top of it as he said something… and soon Seokmin knew. 
So he packed away the meal, tying the bag, and confirmed that the order was on its way. He’d congratulate Jun later on finding his soulmate. But now, he just needed to get out before the heat and smell of spice suffocated him. He grabbed his bike, unlocked it, and took off toward the towering building not that far into the city. It was all too easy to get into the building and get pointed toward the right floor. Normally, he’d leave it here, but he decided to waste a few minutes heading upstairs.
A young man had greeted him, breaking away from where his coworkers were gathered around pizza. One of them had already heckled him for being the one person to order something out, but it all seemed to be in good faith. The guy—Soobin, according to the app—had thanked him, quickly enough. Someone bumped into Seokmin as he was waiting for Soobin to hand him a cash tip (something he’d insisted upon), and Seokmin felt his heart leap. Maybe he’d text Jun and apologize and head home instead. Things were… off. 
Jun didn’t hold it against him when he did. All he did was wish him a good night, and Seokmin was thankful for it. 
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There was a text from Seungcheol in the group chat: dinner at jun's? i'm paying :)
Which was odd. Seungcheol had already treated them out last night, so why invite them out again? What was he going to announce—a marriage proposal? Seokmin was still half asleep as he pushed himself out of bed. He'd agree to be there after he ate breakfast. He skipped it yesterday and soon regretted it. Yet the moment he stepped out of his bedroom, he saw Minghao asleep on the couch again. He sighed, rubbing his eyes as he made his way over.
"Minghao, your bed is more comfortable," he nudged him awake. "Two nights in a row? Really?"
Minghao had furrowed his brow upon waking up, staring up at him. "Two...? What are you talking about?"
Seokmin walked away, stretching as he went. "Didn't you fall asleep here the other night?"
With a confused look, he shook his head, running a hand through his hair. He stretched before reaching for his phone, looking down to see the new message on it. "What does Cheol want...? It's short notice and he knows it."
Seokmin looked up, already growing more confused. "He found his soulmate. Don't you remember? I told you when I got back last night."
"You were asleep when I got in." Minghao frowned at him. "When did he tell you?"
"Last night when we..." He trailed off, looking at his phone more clearly now. It was Friday, but yesterday had been Friday. He knew it, because he'd lived it. "We had dinner with a couple of the others, and..."
Minghao folded his jacket over his arms, and it was now that Seokmin realized this had been what he'd seen Minghao wearing on Thursday night. "You must be psychic or something," he made his way toward his room. "Don't ruin the surprise. Cheol will never let you hear the end of it if you do."
Yesterday was Friday. Seokmin knew that yesterday was Friday. So why the hell was it Friday again? Maybe he'd dreamed the entire thing. Was that a sign? He'd look into it later. Food and work would come first. He'd start looking into it when he showed up to Jun's restaurant tonight.
Sure enough, every single order he'd filled yesterday was right there today. Seokmin accepted those, too: maybe his dream meant something.
Sure enough, the night played out the same. Seungcheol announced having a soulmate. The others teased him over the past outfits he’d worn. Joshua poked fun at a neon shirt. Jun’s soulmate came into the restaurant. And Seokmin accepted that same takeout order. This time he had almost avoided the person coming in, and he’d given them a strange look when they turned back to acknowledge him this time. Again, they apologized to him after a moment before going on, checking their phone.
And then he went to sleep, and, again, it was Friday.
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Around the fifth Friday he lived through, Seokmin realized a few things. He’d already figured out that he both met his soulmate and missed them (he Googled a lot that third Friday), and that he just needed to find them to break the loop. Every single day, he tried to fill the same delivery orders. He tried to go to the same places at the same time. He met the same people most of the time—he’d already missed that final order twice now, snatched up by someone else while he was trying to figure out what was wrong. 
But that was… beyond several Fridays ago. This was Friday number fifteen, and he’d managed to exact a few things. Minghao had given him something to say to prove that, yes, Seokmin was trapped in a time loop (details of his date the night before, followed by a quick enough explanation that Minghao knew wasn’t bullshit by the panic in his voice), and it’d given him an ally in every repeat day. He’d slipped up and spoiled Seungcheol’s surprise during one of the loops and given up on finding his soulmate that time. It didn’t feel fair to potentially let that be the day. 
Minghao filled a cup with ice and water. “You’re not trying to make the day perfect though, right? Because you’re going to just prolong it if you do.”
“I’m not.” Seokmin had stretched out across their couch, arms resting over his stomach. He didn’t have to leave for another few minutes. “I just didn’t want to find them after I ruined Seungcheol’s surprise.”
“He doesn’t remember now, though,” he shrugged. “Try to find them soon, though. You seem tired.”
“I am.” 
Minghao came over to him, extending the glass to him. “Then get out there and keep looking.”
“I have to stick to the schedule, though,” Seokmin accepted the glass as he sat up. “Otherwise I’ll keep missing them.” 
“Remember what we all said?” Minghao crossed his arms. “You’ll know them when you see them.”
Seokmin moved over, giving Minghao space to sit next to him. “I don’t know what that means.”
“When I saw my soulmate, I…” He pressed his lips together, looking toward the windows for a moment. “I felt like I was at peace.” Again, he paused, thinking over his words. “Like… I was ready to try to love them. To learn more about them and see why they were my soulmate.” 
That night, Seokmin posed the question of how they all knew while sitting at dinner with the others. He mouthed an apology to Soonyoung for asking a question neither of them (to his knowledge) would ever understand, but he didn’t seem all too bothered by it. The group had gone quiet, all thinking about their individual answers. And as Seokmin expected, Seungcheol had his the soonest.
“I didn’t feel anything special until I caught them,” he admitted, looking at Seokmin. “But when I did… It felt like everything was right. Like… Everything had been leading to that moment. I was where I needed to be, I think. As much as I wanted to meet them sooner, I think we found each other at the right time.”
Jeonghan nodded along to it, a soft hum sounding from him as he agreed with every sentence. “Right. I know I’m different because I’ve always known mine, but… I felt like I’d found the missing piece in my life. I know that’s sappy to say,” he laughed softly, “but it’s true. I’ve loved them this long, you know?”
Vernon had pressed his lips together. And a moment later, he nodded, too. “Right. I’d liked them for a while, but I think realizing that our sign had been right there the entire time… It all just made sense—”
“You literally made out with them immediately, don’t act all sentimental,” Chan rolled his eyes. “But… I felt this pull when I met them. Their friend had caught me, but it still felt like something was pulling me toward them.”
“Right, right…” Mingyu nodded along to that. “It felt like things were right in this way I can’t describe.”
Joshua hummed to himself, the sole person without an answer yet. He raked his fingers through his hair before meeting Seokmin’s gaze. “Maybe I’m just weird, but I didn’t really have anything like that. Like… I knew I was about to meet them since we’d agreed to meet up at a coffee shop, but the most I felt was this comfortable warmth. Like, we’d grown up sharing this experience together. It just felt like I met someone who understood me in some way.”
Seokmin noted down everything in his mind. A feeling of things being right, or a pull toward someone, or even that he’d found something he’d always been missing (although maybe without realizing it, if it were to apply to him). 
Yet he went to bed that night, woke up to another Friday, and wondered if he had broken something along the way.
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Online forums helped plenty. He made and remade an account and the same post since around Friday number eight, always getting the same people chiming in and believing in him. You’ll find them soon! He’d always say how many Fridays he’d repeated, and yet there was always the same encouragement. Today was Friday number seventeen. Every single day, Seokmin woke up to the same situation. A new account, a new post. Seungcheol’s text. The same deliveries, the same thanks. The same breaks for lunch, including texting Mingyu about meeting up for coffee sometime (he hadn’t made it yet, but he was determined to). The people on the forums had told him the same thing his friends did: he would know his soulmate when he saw them.
So why was he so antsy today?
He’d shown up to Jun’s restaurant at the same time, wiping down the tables in record speed before relaxing with his cup of ice water. He listened to the clamor of pans in the back as Jun cooked for another table, eyes fluttering shut as he sighed. Friday number seventeen, and he wasn’t getting any closer, was he? Over two weeks and he’d found little ways to break up the monotony when he could. No one he delivered to was his soulmate. No one in that Jinki guy’s office had faced a repeat day (he’d done the stupid thing and stood up during day twelve and asked out loud, and he was thankful no one would remember it by midnight). No one in any of the stores he went to, either (again, day fourteen he did the same as he did with Jinki’s work). And he’d delivered to Soobin faster than ever before, only to receive no answer when he asked yesterday. 
So where was his soulmate?
Seungcheol arrived soon enough, smiling as brightly as ever. The others filed in over time, too. Jeonghan and Joshua arrived together once more, always talking about some movie they were still debating about the real meaning of. Mingyu made a big deal stretching and bragging about his short break at home with his soulmate—he’d bring the back takeout afterward. Soonyoung burst into the restaurant soon enough, always talking about how he was tired of his office being short on staff. Then Vernon and Chan, bemoaning their late bus as always, joined the table soon enough. Seokmin had known the following conversation by heart: Seungcheol announcing that he found his soulmate, followed by him pouting when no one immediately said anything. Seokmin always found himself being the first to congratulate him, saying he’d pass word along to Minghao if he wanted. Seungkwan sent Seungcheol all of the ugly outfits they’d lovingly tricked him into wearing over the years (never for serious events—always for a stupid get-together with the full group). The neon shirt. Jun’s soulmate would be there soon. They always came in at the exact same time…
Jun reached out, fingers brushing against Seokmin’s bicep and tearing his eyes away from his watch. “Are you okay?” His voice was soft enough to not alert the others, and Seokmin barely paid him any mind at first.
“Just waiting for something.” He paused, then realized that he was the only person present who knew of his situation. He looked up, shaking his head as he turned to Jun. “Sorry! Sorry, I’m fine. Just…” He glanced at the door for a moment. Any moment now. “Waiting.”
Seungcheol spoke up again about his soulmate, and Seokmin was thankful for the change in topic. He’d explain it all in due time. Hopefully today would give him another do-over and he wouldn’t worry Jun. Soon enough, the door jingled, and Seokmin rose up out of his chair. Jun’s soulmate was here, which meant the order from Soobin would be coming in soon. He’d made his way over to the computer, tapping at the edge of it as he waited impatiently. Soon. Soon. Jun had stood up, excusing himself from the group to unknowingly speak to his soulmate.
“Sorry,” Jun’s soulmate had said to him, and he slid them a menu without much thought. “My friend, Minho, came here with a couple of friends…”
Seconds passed with each tap of Seokmin’s finger. Soobin’s order. Always steamed pork buns and fried rice and some sort of beef or pork (the only thing that might change—the tiniest change that didn’t affect anything). He pressed his lips tighter together. Tomorrow, he’d start from the top. He’d ask everyone. He’d tell everyone that he was stuck in a time loop. Minghao would help him convince them all. If they knew that Seokmin was looking for his soulmate, they would help. 
The computer chimed. Seokmin tapped the order, reading over it. Steamed pork buns. Fried rice. Beef. And…
And more?
He hesitated to accept it, glancing over to Jun and his soulmate.  “Jun. There’s a request for takeout.” He paused for just a second, “I’m gonna confirm it, alright?”
Jun waved him on, and Seokmin felt his heart hammering in his chest as the ticket printed out. He made his way to the kitchen, clipping it to the line for Jun to refer to. This had to be a sign. You were there. You had to be there, right? No one ever changed their order like this. His brows knit together. Had he done something to set off some sort of butterfly effect? Was he just giving himself false hope now? He wanted out of this loop, soulmate or no soulmate. He’d lived this Friday seventeen times now, and all he wanted was to wake up on Saturday morning and go get coffee with Mingyu because Mingyu was offering. Mingyu would pay for a slice of cake or whatever dessert he wanted, too. And at this point, Seokmin had earned the same thing.
“Is everything okay?” Jun had approached him, keeping his voice low—again, mindful of what little privacy they had with so many of their friends present. “You seem… different.”
He shook his head. No need to worry him yet. “The ticket’s on the line,” he couldn’t stop staring at the screen now. An extra order. For what? For who? Jun hadn’t budged. Seokmin decided to lie: “Just… thought I recognized the name.”
Thankfully, Jun shrugged it off. Mingyu had made his way to the kitchens to help, and Seokmin held himself together. He would not get his hopes up. Not too high. This could be it, or it could be some sort of butterfly effect. He took a different way to the store earlier, after all. Wasn’t that what the whole thing was based around? Small actions having bigger impacts? Wonwoo would know. He was smart, he’d probably read about it. Maybe he’d ask Wonwoo about it on Friday number eighteen, if he woke up on Friday again. 
The food was made and plated before Seokmin knew, and he watched as Jun uncapped a sharpie with his teeth. He’d drawn a little cat onto the corner of one of the lids—the unfamiliar order, Seokmin realized—and then drew a little flower next to it. He’d always done it for Soobin’s order. Would that change things, too…?
“Someone else could pick up the order,” Jun said as he re-capped the marker. “If you don’t want to go.”
“No!” Seokmin paused. When did he get so desperate? He waved a hand, trying to act casual again. “I mean—The money is good, and my bike is outside.” Please don’t push. “I’ll try to be back to help clean up.” But if this is it, I won’t. I can’t. Please understand. Seokmin tied the bag tight after throwing in a few sets of utensils and more than enough fortune cookies. He picked up the bag, stopping to turn back to Jun. 
His soulmate was right there, and Jun hadn’t realized it yet. Maybe…
Jun looked up from where he’d begun to tidy up behind the counter, that same earnest look on his face. Seokmin always wondered what he looked like when he realized that person was his soulmate. Even when he missed being able to deliver Soobin’s order, he tried to go out, to retrace his steps and hopefully run into his soulmate. Then again… Would telling him throw things off even further? Or would Jun even want for him to tell him? 
Seokmin opened his mouth, then closed it a moment later. He turned, looking at Jun’s soulmate. They were sitting alone, about to break into their meal. Jun would know soon enough. And… if it were him, Seokmin wouldn’t want to have the moment given to him like this. He turned back to Jun one last time. “Actually… Don’t worry about it. I’ll be back later.”
He could see the concern on Jun’s face, clear as day. No doubt he would be calling him come morning. Seokmin made his way out of the restaurant, waving to the others and saying he’d try to be back as soon as he could. Soon enough, he’d unlocked the bike lock and tucked it into his bag, strapping on his helmet. He’d biked this path so many times he knew it by heart, no need to keep track of his location through his phone’s map. He left his bike near the doors in the lobby, the way he always did when the secretary let him into the building. The elevator ride felt shorter than normal, and Seokmin found himself hesitating. He could hear Soobin and his coworkers talking in the other room. 
He shut his eyes, took a deep breath, and made his way forward. Soobin lit up when he saw him. Again, he was heckled by another coworker for ordering something else, and Soobin waved them off.
“I’m not the only one,” he’d said this time. “They’re—” He paused, looking around, only to roll his eyes. “They’re in the bathroom still—”
“I’m here!”
Your shoulder bumped against Seokmin as you rushed in, and Seokmin felt his heart leap. It was you. You’d bumped into him that first day while Soobin was giving him the cash tip he’d insisted on. And now you were pulling out your own wallet, insisting on covering a cash tip since Soobin hadn’t tipped enough on the app. You’d been rambling about how today you felt like something other than pizza, and…
“It’s you.” 
You looked up, blinking as you stared at Seokmin. “Me…?” And then it clicked, those pretty eyes lighting up with realization. “You—” You had gasped, eyes already growing teary. “You’re—”
Seokmin could kiss you now, relief flooding every single cell in his body. He’d dropped the bag onto Soobin’s desk, ignoring the way the guy dove to make sure nothing spilled, and stepped forward. You had immediately wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him tight. Something felt right about it all, like his life had come together in a way he never knew it could have. The rest of your coworkers had gone quiet, and Seokmin had let himself cry a little. 
“I’ve been looking for you,” he said, voice wavering. He held you tighter, “I—I almost thought I wouldn’t find you.”
You said nothing and just let yourself cry out of relief. 
When you finally pulled away, it was to tell your coworkers that you needed to leave soon. You knew just as well as he did that the two of you needed to be together when midnight struck, and you weren’t going to work through the entire night. Not with Seokmin right there with you. It seemed to renew the energy in your team as all of you got to work. You pulled a chair over for Seokmin to sit near you while he waited, and he took the chance to text a few things out:
To Minghao: I’ll see you saturday
To Jun: I’ll explain tomorrow :) don’t worry about me. I’m okay now.
And to Seungcheol: I found them. 
You had paused for a moment, looking at Seokmin curiously. After a moment, you caught yourself staring, and grew flustered. “Sorry. Just… What do you want to do? We've got some time to kill until midnight, so...”
Seokmin had been living his life adhering to routine. From childhood to adulthood to the past seventeen Fridays, everything had a time and place for him to be. So he just smiled at you, rolling his chair a little closer to you: “Whatever you want to do.” He paused, deciding to go all in on being cheesy. “Let’s follow our hearts this time, okay?”
And you, who had found routine over and over in your own life, smiled and made living on repeat worth it with that smile.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @synthetickitsune @staranghae @porridgesblog @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @laylasbunbunny @bewoyewo
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melusines say the darndest things
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Even after successfully hiding your relationship to the eyes of Fontaine's people sometimes children melusines can have loose lips and accidentally say a bit too much and cause misunderstandings
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Wc: 1.2k
Cw: reader gets called mom by Ngen but treated as GN/ they/them, melusine causes a pretty big misunderstanding, ideas of having children (unspecified if pregnancy or adoption)
“Good morning, mister barista” a small Melusine calls from behind the cupboard, the little green girl tiptoes so her eyes could be seen.
“Morning Ngen, chocolate milk?” The kind man asks as he does everyday, and already knowing the answer he starts heating the milk.
“ Yep, thanks” she hops towards a table and keeps seated while kicking her feet waiting for her milk.
Soon after Arouet came with a tall glass with a little bit of foam on top and grated chocolate over “Here is your milk, do you want something to eat?”
“No, thank you” she smiles at him, making him beam, “but can I ask something?” She asks softly.
“Of course, what is it?”
“What is a mom and a dad? When I go play on the playground ladies always ask where are my mom and dad” she pouts
At the question his blood runs cold “ uhm, a mom is someone who takes care of you and comforts you when you feel scared and a dad is someone you know can protect you from anything and spoils you rotten?” The forty year old man never thought much about that but attempts to summarize it with his own experiences.
“ Oh! Then I do have a mom and a dad!” Her small eyes shine
“ Really? Good for you”
“ Yep! That makes Dr. YN my mom and Monsieur Neuvillette my dad! So that is why they sleep in the same bed then!” She clasps her fin like hands together as if she just figured out the answer to a riddle.
The base chatter that always swarmed the cafe and gave it its characteristic liveliness fell silent, the different tables all were interested in what the Melusine said.
The journalists found a fresh scoop that could be exploited for months on end, amdeven if the noblewomen would spread the information around their circles faster than they can finish editing the news, such a shame the great judge isn't a bachelor any longer but that does allow them and their husbands to try and social climb by associating with his spouse.
On the other hand the salarymen working for the palais mermonia were neither happy nor sad, simply concerned. If their boss had a fight with his lover or decided to take half a day on valentine's day or his anniversary would they have to shoulder the extra work?
“ Oh~ how cute” a pitchy and sickly sweet voice starts speaking at her, a woman with black hair and wearing a noble dress takes a seat next to Ngen “tell me more, shop owner get me a platter of macarons for the sweet girl!”
“ And a portion of madeleines!” The reporter sits on the other chair, leaving him facing the noblewoman with the Melusine on the middle
“I'm not sure… Dr. YN, I mean mom always says too many sweets are bad for you”
“ Don't worry! It's just some cookies for breakfast, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you don't eat dessert at night”
“ Exactly as the woman says, moderation is key”
As the plate with macarons gets settled on the table first the lady pushes it towards the melusine accompanied by her questions “So, tell me what do your mom and dad do? Do they frequent a certain restaurant? Or do they read certains books?-" Before any of the cookies were grabbed the journalists pushes the macarons away with the madeline plate, the colorful sugary dots moving to one of the edges because of the force.
“ At least ask something interesting, when did they get married? How long ago was that?”
“ What is up with those useless questions? How are you even using that information?” The manicured fingers tap methodically against against the glass tables, the noblewomen who were still on the other table started muttering about the scenario
“And for what use would knowing what books they read? Readers of the gossip column need to be started with the base of the gossip, like when and how it started“
Before they can keep bickering Ngen bit on a madeleine before taking another bite of the macaron as she spoke “ I know dad really likes soup at the hotel Debord so that is why mom rented the whole place for a night for next week” the journalist mentally notes the date for later use
“ A special secret dinner? So romantic”
“ Yep, mom said they wanted a private moment when they told dad…” she keeps speaking when suddenly she seems to notice something
“ Told what??”
“ Oh, does that make me a big sister then?”
“Is that another baby set?” Neuville looks at your reflection from the bathroom's mirror, your hands holding a yellow dress with daffodil embroidery and white knit socks
“ It's from Mrs Jonquille” you rub the cotton skirt between your fingers “ it seems to be good quality too”
Neuvillette walks towards you and grabs the socks, inspecting it awestruck. They could barely cover the tips of his fingers, causing you to laugh “ Are human newborns so… tiny?”
When suddenly a howl breaks the silence startling you both and leaving the set on the nightstand
“ I'm sorry, daisy!” Ngen apologizes to the puppy barking at her under her bed
You quickly tell her “Ngen, I told you to be more careful where you walk, daisy is still very little” a soft thumping against the tiles approaches the shared bedroom and a sad melusine hugs your leg
“ I don't want daisy to be mad at me” she whines into your pajamas
“Don't worry, I'm sure she will forgive you” you pat her head softly, messing the green and blue hair “she is just scared because you hurt her, but she truly likes you”
“ because I'm her big sister?”
As she asks that Neuvillette’s eyes dart towards yours, confusion meeting with confusion. The only idea that Neuvillette could conceive of the sudden titles being thrown around was Ngen being jealous of the attention towards the new puppy. Even then he recognizes to himself that he doesn't mind the familiarity and might even enjoy the cozy feeling in his chest.
Holding her in his arms a placid smile on his lips “Yes, Ngen, Daisy loves her big sister” Without her noticing the dog now peeks her head inside the room after hearing her name the puppy sits down at your feet and you hold her to Ngen’s face
“See? She was just scared. Now get ready for bed, it's past your bedtime”
“ Okay~” she quickly jumps out of Neuvillette's arms and the puppy follows after her, her tail playfully waging
A few seconds of silence settle in the room and you walk to the bathroom to brush your teeth
“Why did she suddenly start with the mom and dad thing?”
Neuvillette starts tying his hair back in a braid, his two blue streaks outside of it “ I'm unaware, she still referred to me as ‘monsieur Neuvillette’ when she accompanied me to the Palais mermonia” he sits down on his side of the bed, the white sheets matching his pajamas made of white silk and blue details “I hope it didn't bother you. If it did I apologize, I will talk with her about it tomorrow”
“ I didn't mind, actually. I think kinda sweet, like if she was our daughter”
As he pulls back the blankets he finds the baby dress on your nightstand and stretches over to grab it, the yellow cotton intricately embroidered with a darker stringing the form of daffodils, it was a very delicate work, noticeably even just by touch “it would be a waste for this to go unworn” he mumbles softly
“ It would, wouldn't it” you smile at him from the on suite bathroom
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mustainegf · 4 months
Story idea !
So you are James's friend and one day he gets drunk so you get him to his room and he kisses you and then you catch feelings too and then you get together
This is SOOOO cute, and so 80s James
I would totally love to make a oneshot-series out of this!! Lmk if you guys want a 2nd part!!
𝐖𝐀���𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Mention of alcohol, mention of throwing up, mention of vomit
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𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐊 ’𝐍’ 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 — 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏 ¹⁹⁸⁵
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 — part 3
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The Metallimansion, as they affectionately called it, was buzzing. This old, sprawling house was the place where James and his bandmates, Cliff, Kirk, and Lars, practiced, partied, fucked, so on...
Tonight, it was filled with the loud sound of heavy metal and the clinking of beer bottles.
I was hanging out with the guys, enjoying the night but keeping my drinking to a minimum.
They were all completely hammered, and I knew someone needed to stay somewhat sober to make sure things didn't get out of hand.
As the night went on, the band’s practice session turned into a full blown drunken hangout.
Cliff and Kirk eventually decided to walk back together, while Lars, clearly on the verge of passing out, announced he was heading to bed.
That left me with James.
He was always the life of the party, but tonight he was especially wasted.
He staggered around, laughing and slurring his words, his usually sharp blue eyes dulled by the alcohol.
I watched him with amusement and concern, knowing that he needed someone to help him to bed before he hurt himself.
"James, come on," I said gently, taking his arm. "Let's get you to bed."
He looked at me with a goofy grin, his long blonde hair falling into his eyes. "Yeah, sure. Bed. Sounds good," he mumbled, his words almost incomprehensible.
I guided him through the house, trying to keep him steady as he stumbled over his own feet. He giggled uncontrollably, his laughter infectious. Despite the state he was in, there was something sweet about his drunken vulnerability.
He nodded, leaning heavily against me as I wrapped an arm around his waist.
The weight of him was a bit overwhelming, but I managed to guide him through the living room and down the hallway towards his room. His steps were unsteady, and he kept giggling.
We were almost to his room when he suddenly stopped, his face turning an alarming shade of white. “I think… I’m gonna puke,” he mumbled, his voice barely audible.
My heart raced as I quickly changed direction, practically dragging him to the bathroom. We made it just in time. James fell to his knees in front of the toilet, retching violently.
I knelt beside him, holding his long hair out of his face with one hand while the other rubbed soothing circles on his shoulder.
“It’s okay, James,” I whispered softly, my voice calm and steady. “Just let it out. You’ll feel better soon.”
He groaned between heaves, his body trembling with the effort. When he finally stopped, he rested his forehead on the cool porcelain, his breaths gasps.
I continued to hold his hair, my heart aching at the sight of him so vulnerable.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, his voice hoarse from vomiting. “I’m such a mess.”
“Don’t be,” I said firmly, helping him sit back. “It’s why I’m here.”
I grabbed a damp washcloth and gently wiped his face, then guided him to the sink where he rinsed his mouth and brushed his teeth.
His movements were slow and clumsy, but I stayed by his side, offering a hand whenever he needed it. Which was often.
Once he was finally cleaned up, I wrapped an arm around his waist again and helped him to his room.
James was giggling softly, his eyes drooping with exhaustion. “You’re like… my guardian angel,” he murmured, his words tumbled but sincere. “That’s what my mom used to say…” he giggled to himself.
I shook my head with a smile, James was quite the charming dork. In his own interesting way.
When we finally reached his room, I helped him sit down on the edge of the bed. "Alright, James. Let's get you lying down," I said softly, trying to coax him into bed.
He resisted, though, looking up at me with a dazed but intent look . "You... you're really pretty," he slurred, his eyes locking onto mine. I felt a flush creep up my neck at his words, my heart beating a little faster.
"Thank you, James," I said, trying to stay composed, knowing it was just the alcohol in his mind. "But you need to lie down now."
He shook his head, reaching out to take my hand. His touch was surprisingly gentle. "No, wait. I... I wanna say something," he insisted, his voice thick with sleepiness.
I knelt down beside him, my heart aching at the sight of him so vulnerable. "What’s wrong?" I asked softly, brushing a strand of hair out of his face.
He stared at me for a moment, his eyes heavy-lidded but earnest. "I think... I think I…" he stammered, his voice barely more than a dull whisper.
Before I could respond, he leaned in, his movements slow. His lips brushed mine in a soft tentative kiss.
For a moment, I was completely frozen, shocked by the suddenness of it all. James hetfield was kissing me, okie of my best friends. But then I kissed him back, my lips moving gently against his.
I didn’t really care if he had thrown up his guts only minutes ago, a big part of me deep down had wanted this for a very long time.
The kiss was sweet and almost hesitant, packed with the kind of longing that comes from years of words left unsaid.
James pulled away first, his eyes fluttering open. "You're really... amazing," he mumbled, his words barely coherent.
He gave me a lopsided smile before he rolled over onto his bed, already half asleep.
I sighed, a mixture of emotions swirling inside me. I leaned down, brushing his hair away from his face. "Goodnight, James," I whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
He mumbled something in his sleep, a faint smile still on his lips. I watched him for a moment, my heart full.
This drunken confession might be something he wouldn't remember in the morning, but it meant everything to me right now.
I stood up, tucking him in carefully before turning off the light.
As I left his room, I couldn't help but smile. Tonight had been totally unexpected, but it had also been perfect in its own… interesting way.
I wondered what this meant for James and I from now on…
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Honey Girl. Chapter Four.
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Chapter One. Chapter Two. Chapter Three. Chapter Five. Chapter Six. Chapter Seven. Chapter Eight. Chapter Nine. Chapter Ten. Series Masterlist. The Playlist.
Chapter Synopsis - You and Bucky deal with the fallout of Cora's reveal. What's that saying? If you love something, let it go...
Pairing - Dad'sBestFriend! Bucky Barnes x Female Reader - soulmate au
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - cursing. angst. alcohol consumption.
Word Count - 5k
Author's Note - i can only apologise that this chapter took a little while!! my life is at a super weird place rn, so i'm just trying to find the time when i can. words cannot describe how incredible all of your support is for Honey Girl. the fact you all reblog and comment and send me asks means the world to me. love you all so much.
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback) are immensely appreciated!! your reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which keeps me going <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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You can't breathe.
It's like all of the oxygen has been sucked out of the air, leaving it dry, brittle, sterile. Your lungs are burning, scratched like sandpaper. The backyard is spinning, like teenagers at a roller rink - all flashing lights and endless rotations.
You haven't taken your eyes off of Bucky, and he hasn't taken his eyes off of you. If you were thinking more logically, you'd probably realise that you've been staring at each other for too long, and it's starting to look a little suspicious. You don't care.
Your ears are ringing. It's like there's been an explosion, and you're scattered amongst the debris. Smoke, flames, rubble. A catastrophic detonation in your parents backyard.
A gentle hand on your shoulder snaps you back to reality. The music is still playing, everyone around the table is still conversing, the house still stands. No explosion here.
It's your Mom, clearly sensing your distress. She probably thinks you're upset with her, for telling Cora. You are, but that's not what's causing the pain in your chest.
"Come inside with me, baby girl. Let's get away from the noise for a second."
She grabs your hand and pulls you out of your chair, still none the wiser to the magnetism preventing you from breaking your gaze that's locked on Bucky's. She practically drags you inside, the cool air of the kitchen waking you up.
"Sweetheart, I am so, so sorry. Cora overheard the conversation we had earlier. I thought it was good news, so I didn't think to ask her to keep it private."
She looks like she's being eaten alive by guilt. Your bottom lip quivers, your eyes well up, and before you know it, there are warm, salty tears dripping down your cheeks.
"Hey, hey. What's the matter?"
You sit down on the tiled floor, back pressed against the cabinets. Curling your knees to your chest, you try to stifle your sobs.
"Everything's such a mess, Mama."
She drops to the ground, gathering you in her arms. She holds you as tight as she can, rubbing soothing circles into your back and whispering comforting words in your ear. Eventually, she pulls back to look at you.
"What's the matter, baby? I thought Stella's call was a good thing - that you'd be excited to go back to California."
You take a shaky breath before replying.
"It's just... I think - I don't, it's... it's so complicated."
She traces her fingers over your cheeks, your eyebrows, your nose. She dances her fingertips over your face, as if she's committing it to her mind forever. It brings back warm and cosy childhood memories of her doing the same thing to help you sleep. The two of you would snuggle up against all of your pillows in bed, tucked up and safe. She'd lie with you until she was sure you were dreaming, before kissing you on the forehead and sneaking out.
"Talk to me. We can figure it out. We always do."
"It's not that simple. I just... there's a lot going on, I guess. I thought it'd be an easy decision, but it isn't, and it's all I can think about, and it's eating me up because I'm so scared I'm gonna do the wrong thing -"
You cut yourself off with a sob, resting your head on your knees.
"I knew there was something bothering you, sweetheart. Why didn't you come and talk to us? Even if we can't fix it, we can listen."
"I thought I could handle it. I thought I could figure it out on my own."
"You don't ever have to carry stress like this on your own, baby girl. Ever. You hear me?"
You nod and lean into her, letting her rock you in her arms on the kitchen floor.
"I'm sorry again, about Cora. She means well, you know she does."
"I know. Doesn't feel like it sometimes, but I know."
A pause.
"Okay, sweetheart. What are we going to do now? Whatever you decide, we'll support you."
"Your Mom's right," your Dad says from the doorway. "Whatever you choose, we'll be right alongside you. No matter what."
He strides over to join the two of you on the floor, sandwiching you between him and your Mom.
"If you need help packing up and moving, we're here. If you need us to create an elaborate lie to tell Stella, we're here. Either way, you've got us."
You smile at him gently, leaning to rest your head on his shoulder. Regardless of what happens, you have two parents that love you more than anything in the world. That has to count for something.
"You wanna rejoin us outside, or are you too tired? No one will blame you if you go home."
"I think I'll go home," you murmur. "I don't wanna face any more questions for today."
"Bucky's just gone too. Said something about an early morning tomorrow."
You inhale shakily at the mention of his name. You know you'll have to face him sooner or later.
Your Dad stands and grabs your hands to help you to your feet, before doing the same to your Mom. They both hug you tightly before walking you out to the front door.
"Promise me you'll call if you need anything. Anything."
"I promise, Mama. Don't worry about me. I'll be okay."
"Do you want one of us to walk you home?"
"No, it's okay. I think I need the air."
"Love you, baby girl."
"Love you too. Both of you."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You're halfway home when you decide to turn around. You need to talk to Bucky.
It doesn't take you long to figure out where he is. You can feel in your chest that he's close by, that he hasn't strayed far. He hasn't gone home, though. The Universe is pulling you in the opposite direction.
The beach.
You spin on your heel and start walking down the road, picking up pace as you go. You can feel rain in the air, threatening to spill from the clouds at any given moment. Before you know it, you're running, sprinting along the sidewalk in the direction of your soulmate.
You get to the small boardwalk and look out over the sand. The sky is grey as concrete, cold and unforgiving. You spot a figure in a worn brown leather jacket by the shore, and you know instantly. It's him.
You march onto the beach with your shoes still on, wrapping your arms around yourself to act as a shield from the wind. You left your jacket at your parent's house, too eager to get out of there in a hurry. The rain is suspended in the air, never quite reaching the ground. You know it's only a matter of time before the heavens open.
"Bucky!" you yell, practically bounding across the sand. "Buck!"
He doesn't turn because he hears your voice. He turns because he suddenly feels like he can breathe, which he hasn't been able to do for the last hour. He knew you were there before you shouted his name.
"Bucky, please!"
He spins on his heel and stops walking, waiting for you to catch up with him. You're sprinting, panting as you reach him. The ocean waves crash against the shore, dangerously close to his boots.
"Buck, just let me explain," you choke out, trying to catch your breath.
You finally stop running and look at him. He looks broken. His hair looks like he's pulled his fingers through it repeatedly, tear tracks staining his cheeks, lips bitten red. You've never seen him upset like this. It's the worst thing you've ever witnessed.
"There's nothing to explain," he begins calmly, trying to keep a lid on his feelings.
"There is, Buck. There is. I... Cora overheard me confiding in my Mom, telling her about a call I'd gotten, from a classmate at culinary school. It was just an offer - I haven't accepted anything! I never meant for you to find out like this, I swear. It's all just... it's all so fucked up."
He looks at you in disbelief.
"No, you know what's fucked up?" he asks, raising his voice. "Finding out that my soulmate is moving across the country from some alcoholic suburban mom at a dinner party!"
You've never heard him yell before. You don't like it at all. You gather yourself before replying calmly, determined to keep you emotions under wraps.
"I've been trying to find a way to talk to you about it, but I didn't know where to start. How do I even begin to explain any of this?"
"Maybe, I don't know - 'hey, Buck, I got a call and I'm thinking of moving thousands of miles away for my dream job,' would be a good place to start?"
"It's more complicated than that. I was trying to protect you."
"Protect me from what?"
"From blowing your life up for me!"
You stare at each other for a minute, both of you unblinking.
"What are you talking about?" he croaks out.
"You'd drop everything for me, Bucky, and I can't let you do that. You've worked too damn hard to let it all go."
He's dumbfounded, for a moment. Not because he doesn't understand. No. He's realising that you're right.
"I knew that if I told you straight away, you'd have persuaded me to let you come with, and I would have said yes. And then you'd regret it, and you'd resent me, and we'd be over before we've even begun."
When he doesn't say anything, you continue.
"The thing is, Buck, the selfish part of me would have happily invited you along. Me and you, in California, running a bakery? That sounds like a fucking dream. But I have to listen to the other side of me, the selfless part. And that part is telling me that you have worked too damn hard for too damn long just for me to take that all away."
You feel droplets of water on your face, and for a moment, you wonder when you started to cry again. Then, in the deep distance, you hear a crack of thunder. The rain begins to pour, both of you caught in a storm in more ways than one.
"You don't get to make a decision like that for me!" he finally responds, yelling to be heard over the downpour. "We're supposed to talk about these things! To figure them out together! That's what soulmates are - we're a team!"
"I can't think rationally around you, Bucky! It's like all logic goes out the window. I'm just so overwhelmed with-"
You stop yourself before the word comes out, but you both know what you were about to say. He feels it in his ribcage, the surge of emotion from you.
"-with how I feel about you. You're my forever, Buck, and I feel like -" a sob wracks through you, shaking your frame. "-like I've fucked it all up already."
Your tears mix with the rainwater, trailing down your cheeks. You watch as Bucky fights with himself, internally battling his feelings.
"You're not the only one fucking it up," he chokes. "You repeatedly told me we had to take it slow, but I just... couldn't help myself. I've never felt for anyone what I feel for you, and being away from you for even a minute is fucking torture. I moved us too fast, and now look where we are. We've become the equivalent of a married couple in a couple of weeks. No one can handle change that sudden."
"It's not.. none of this is your fault, Buck. I kept something from you, something big. I know it doesn't matter now, but I want you to know how hard it's been to not tell you. It was killing me."
"I felt it," he murmurs shakily, willing himself not to cry. "In my chest. You were so torn up about something, and I just couldn't figure out what it was. I should have pushed you more, but I was worried I'd push you away."
Your lip trembles as you watch him bite his own anxiously.
"I'm so scared, Buck," you whisper. "I feel so lost and so confused and like nothing makes sense."
"Me too," he whispers back, eyes never leaving yours. "I'm fucking terrified. Our worlds have been turned upside down."
"Is it... is it supposed to be this hard? Everyone makes it sound so easy."
"I don't know. Maybe the Universe heard that we were anti-soulmate and decided to be super tough on us. Cosmic karma, or something."
You choke out a laugh through your tears. The rain has plastered your clothes to your body, the salty wind chilling you to the bone. Without thinking, Bucky takes off his jacket and wraps it around you, unable to watch you shiver any longer.
"What now?" you ask quietly. If he wasn't standing so close, he wouldn't have heard it.
"Let's get out of the storm," he suggests, nodding his head towards the path home. "We can talk some more somewhere warmer."
You sniffle and take a deep breath, willing yourself to get it together. Bucky surprises you by linking your hand with his, warm fingers intertwining around yours.
He doesn't let go the whole way home.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Bucky takes you to his house.
You haven't been here since before your Tethering. You walk in the door, and your knees threaten to give way.
It's overwhelming.
Everywhere - everything - smells like Bucky. His scent clings to every fabric, every upholstery, every room. There's pictures scattered across the mantelpiece, his handsome face staring at you wherever you go. The house is warm, cosy, and just so Bucky it makes your heart ache.
You walk over to the fireplace, taking a closer look at the array of frames adorning it. There's one of your parents and Bucky smiling, sat out on his lawn last summer; another of Bucky and his team of mechanics, stood proudly outside his garage. A small black frame catches your eye. You pick it up, and your breath hitches in your chest.
It's a picture of the two of you on the deck of his boat, the day after you found out you were soulmates. The wind is blowing your hair, billowing your shirts, sun beating down on your skin. You're both beaming at the camera, bright and blinding, completely content.
You're holding back tears as you put it back in it's original place.
"My favourite picture," he murmurs from somewhere behind you. "We look happy."
"We were happy," you whisper. Then, quieter, "We will be again."
A pause.
"You want something to drink? Coffee, cocoa? Oh, I have that tea you like, the apple one?"
"You do?"
"Yeah. I, uh, bought some last time I went grocery shopping. In case you stopped by."
"Tea sounds good. Please."
You stay stood in the middle of the living room while Bucky puts the kettle on the stove, worried that your wet clothes will ruin his couch. As if he's read your mind, he pops his head around the door.
"There's a load of fresh clothes folded on top of the dryer. Grab whatever you want, dry off a little."
You wander into the laundry room, sorting through the pile. You find a t shirt with his garage logo on the back in big, white letters.
J.B.B. Motorcycles and Automotives.
The blocky, bold font swirls across the black material. You run your fingers over it, tracing the curves and spikes of the typeface. It's something you've seen him in a million times. You inhale deeply as you slip it over your head, revelling in the way it smells like him. You grab some boxer shorts and slip those on too, glad to finally be warm and dry.
Bucky loses his breath when you walk into the room. He's never seen you in his clothes before, and for good reason. He's about to have a goddamn heart attack.
"Tea is on the coffee table," he chokes out. "I'm gonna change, and then we'll talk, yeah?"
You nod gently, settling into the cushions of his couch and tucking your legs underneath you, mug warming your hands.
When Bucky returns, he's in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie that you want to burrow yourself into. He takes his place, careful to put a little distance between you. Far enough that you're not touching, but close enough that you almost are.
"I'm sorry," you whisper. "I'm not good at this."
"Neither am I," he smiles gently. "It's my first time having a soulmate."
"Mine too," you laugh softly.
It floors you, his ability to always be able to comfort you. It's like a superpower, the way he always knows what to say or do to put you at ease.
"I think we got a little ahead of ourselves," he begins, careful to keep his voice low and deliberate. "I keep forgetting that we have forever. Literally. I was so eager to rush into this with you because I got excited. Don't get me wrong, I'm still ridiculously excited, but I'm realising now that our version of 'slow' wasn't slow at all."
"This whole Tethering thing makes everything so intense. There have been times where I honestly thought I was going to drop dead if you didn't kiss me."
"The feelings mutual," he chuckles.
You lace your fingers with his, never breaking eye contact, before addressing the elephant in the room.
"What am I gonna do about California, Buck?"
Your voice cracks just saying the word.
"Stella needs an answer, and I've upset you, and my parents are clueless, and I just - I don't know what to do. Tell me what to do. Please."
"I can't tell you what to do, honey," he soothes, running his thumb over the back of your hand. "And I'm not upset. I was, in the backyard... but I was mainly just blindsided. I kinda get it, you not telling me. I'm not sure what I'd do in your situation either."
"I just feel like both decisions are wrong. I can't win."
"Hey, hey. Look at me, pretty baby."
Bucky cradles your face in his warm hands, forcing your eyes to meet his ocean blue ones. You have to focus on his words, so you don't get lost in the waves of his irises.
"At the end of the day, it's completely your decision, and no one in the world can change that. But-"
He takes a deep breath, and continues.
"I think that you'll regret it every day for the rest of your life if you don't take the incredible opportunity that's been offered to you."
You take a second to process what he's telling you, your mind running at a thousand miles an hour.
"Are you... you're... are you saying I should take the job?"
"Like I said, it's your decision, but... yes. I'm saying you should take the job."
Your eyes well with tears, and you bite your lip to stop them from escaping. Inhaling carefully, you put your hands on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat under your palms. He's calm. He's sure. He's collected enough for the both of you.
"What about us?" you ask, barely above a whisper.
"Like you said, baby. I'm your forever." Buck leans in, resting his forehead to yours. "We have time."
"All the time in the world."
You connect your lips to Bucky's softly, testing the waters. He kisses you back with so much feeling, tears slip from your lashes without warning. He's crying too, emotion mixing with yours, dousing you both.
You pull away and wrap your arms around him, curling yourself into his chest. He holds you as tightly as he can, knowing this will be the last time for a long time.
"So you'll go."
"I'll go."
"And I'll stay."
"You'll stay."
"And we'll be okay. No matter what, we'll be okay."
You and Bucky fall asleep in each others arms, cherishing the feeling of home one last time.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The happiness is starting to seep through.
You're devastated to be leaving Bucky behind, but you're trying to look on the bright side. Sunny beaches, new people, your dream job. If you think about the positives for long enough, the Bucky sized hole in your chest hurts a little less.
You're packing up your bookshelf when your phone rings, scaring the life out of you.
You know who it is instantly.
"Hi, Lacie."
"Where have you been? Why didn't you answer my text from last night?"
"Shit, sorry. I've been packing. What's up?"
"We're going out tonight. Not just us - all the girls. We're throwing you a goodbye party!"
You groan inwardly, massaging your temples with your fingers.
"A party? Lace, I don't need a party."
"Babe, you do. You really do. It'll be fun! I thought you'd be excited!"
You take a deep breath, and remember what you've been telling yourself. Focus on the positives.
"Okay, fine. Where? What time? What should I wear?"
"I knew you'd say yes! Come to my place at like... six? We can get ready together, like old times! And wear something sexy."
She doesn't wait for you to argue, just hangs up the phone. She knows you too well.
You know it'll be good for you, to see your girlfriends - but the thought of all the goodbyes you're about to say breaks your heart a little more.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"Okay, what the fuck is going on with you?"
You're sat cross legged on Lacie's living room floor, sharing makeup that's scattered across the coffee table. You sip your wine for a moment, trying to come up with an excuse. It's no use.
"I don't know."
You turn to look at her.
"It's bullshit, babe. Something's going on. You've been given your dream job, and you're moping around like you just got broken up with or something. Why aren't you happy?"
There's no malice in her voice, just pure love. She adores you. You adore her. She's the one person with an outsiders perspective on all of this. So, you cut the act.
"I had my Tethering."
She's processing.
"When? Who? Where? How? Oh my God what is happening? Why didn't you say anything? Fuck, I'm gonna cry. I'm so overwhelmed right now, I'm so happy for you! Wait... are we not happy?"
"It's... complicated."
There's a lump in your throat, but a levity in your heart. A weight has been taken off you. Telling someone the truth has made you feel a little lighter.
"Who is it, babe?"
You take a deep breath, and look her in the eyes.
Her jaw drops.
"Your... your Dad's best friend Bucky?"
"That's the one."
"Oh. My. Fucking. God."
"Holy shit."
"This is complicated."
"Aw, babe."
She pulls you in for a hug, not caring about the makeup you're smearing across her shirt. You cling to her as tightly as you can, savouring your best friends comfort.
"Does anyone else know?"
"No. We decided not to tell my parents for a while."
"Shit. No wonder you've been so sad lately. You're moving across the country, away from the one person you're supposed to be near."
"It's really hard," you whisper, tears threatening to spill.
"I can't even begin to imagine," she murmurs, holding you close. "I wish you'd told me sooner. We could have talked about it."
"I know," you sniffle. "I thought I could handle it on my own, but I really can't."
"You're not on your own, okay? You have Bucky, and you have me. You can always talk to me about this stuff. God knows I talked your ear off about Cameron."
You laugh softly, thinking back to that day that feels both like yesterday and a million years ago.
"Where is he tonight?"
"Out with his boys. It's good for us to spend a few hours apart."
You smile at the happiness that's radiating off her. She's glowing, beaming in all directions.
"Thanks, Lace. I love you. You know that right?"
"Of course I do. I love you too. So much," she leans forward to kiss your cheek. "Now let's have one hell of a last girls night, shall we?"
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You've lost track of exactly where you are.
You know you're downtown somewhere, in one of the bars. This one smells like wood and whiskey, lowlit and smoky. You hit the cocktail bar first, then the one covered in leopard print, then the monochrome pink one. Now, you're here.
The six of you are sat at a booth, high heels tangled and legs intertwined under the table. The wood is sticky with lemon wedges from tequila shots, salt scattered across the surface.
"If you find any hot west coast men, will you send them my way?" Reese asks, nudging you with her shoulder.
"And if you find any hot west coast women, will you send them mine?"
Everyone laughs, the scent of perfume filling the air.
"Rosa, what happened to Aubrey? We liked her!"
"Caught her kissing my ex girlfriend. So now they're both my ex girlfriends."
"Jesus Christ."
"Man, that's rough," Lacie giggles next to you.
The other girls continue to talk about Aubrey's infidelity as Lacie leans to whisper in your ear.
"Have you said goodbye to Bucky yet?"
You nod.
"Yesterday. I stayed the night, we fell asleep together. Said our goodbyes in the morning. It was awful."
"Love you," she whispers, squeezing your hand under the table.
"Love you too," you reply, squeezing back.
"There's a table of super hot guys over there," Maggie observes, tilting her head in their direction. "Maybe we should conveniently dance that way in a little while."
You don't bother to look over, knowing that none of them will compare to your soulmate. The other girls seem interested, though, so you smile along with them.
"Babe," Sam hisses, kicking you under the table. "There's a hot guy at that table, three o'clock, that keeps staring at you."
You glance over, and your heart stutters in your chest.
His blue eyes pierce your soul, even from across the room. For a moment, it's only the two of you, all the noise forgotten.
You're snapped back to reality by Sam.
"Fuck, he's hot. If you don't want him, I do."
"You should talk to him," Lacie suggests quickly. "Why not, right?"
She's practically pushing you out of the booth, high school wrestler style. In another life, you think, she would have made a good football player. All five foot four of her.
You walk past his table, eyes still locked on him, and towards the bathrooms. You know he'll follow you. You walk to the end of the hallway and out of the door, into the fresh night air.
You feel him appear before you see him. You lean your body against the wall, head resting on the cold brick. Bucky stands in front of you, shirt stretched across his shoulders gorgeously.
"Hi, honey baby."
You smile softly at the nickname.
"What are you doing here?"
"I got dragged to a boys night. What are you doing here?"
"I got dragged to a girls night."
He laughs, and all the tension melts from your muscles.
"Thought we said our goodbyes. I didn't think I'd see you again before I left."
"Me too. But you know the Universe. It hates us."
"Cosmic karma," you whisper.
The two of you stand down the alleyway, looking at each other carefully. Neither of you wants to spook the other person. You'd processed your leaving, said your emotional goodbyes. And now he's here, standing in front of you. You don't want to have to do it all again.
"I should probably get back inside, before the girls get the wrong idea."
"Baby, I followed you to the bathroom. They've already got the wrong idea."
You chuckle, kicking at a rock on the ground.
"Yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna explain this."
A smile. A pause.
"I'll let you get back to your friends, then."
You lean up to press a kiss to his stubbled cheek.
"Bye, Buck."
"Bye, pretty girl."
You push off the wall and walk away towards the door. Suddenly, a warm hand wraps around your wrist, yanking you into a solid chest.
Bucky kisses you like a man possessed. There's nothing gentle about it - just pure, unadulterated passion. It's all teeth and tongue and nipping and biting, neither of you willing to be the first to pull away.
He walks you back into the wall, pushing you against the rough brick. You hike a leg up onto his hip as he grabs your thigh to pull you closer, desperate to feel all of you. Your hands are in his hair, around his neck, tangled in his collar, his shirt, his belt loops. Anything you can get your hands on, you grab.
A distant chorus of cheers break you out of your lust fuelled haze. A bachelorette party walks by, one of the women winking at you as they go. You and Bucky take a step away from each other, straightening out your clothes and fixing your hair.
"Promise me you'll call me if you need anything," Bucky murmurs, leaning to rest his forehead on yours.
"I promise," you whisper, almost against his lips. "Goodbye, Bucky."
"Goodbye, honey girl."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The salty ocean wind whips through your hair, sun beating down onto your skin, some upbeat pop song humming from the radio. You keep your eyes glued to the road in front of you, begging yourself not to look back. You know if you do, you'll turn the car around and run straight back into Bucky's arms.
Let the happiness seep through, you remind yourself, gripping the steering wheel.
Let the happiness seep through.
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tag list part one -
@lillytracy6996 @securegorgon @roostersforevergirl @povlvr @val-writesstuff  @dreadfulxives18 @1deadpool26 @abbygraceasd @nyutasgirl @mavrellover91 @winterslove1917 @f-this42 @skewedcherries @noisesinthedark @kandis-mom @black-cat-2 @harrystylesandthegoobs @vladsgirlxx @h0nestly-though @arienotari @nash-dara   @wandaneedstherapy @galaxy-dusk @justherefortheficandsmut @cremebruleequeen   @cjand10 @buggy14 @avengers-fixation @blueberrybambi @beautiful-loserr @sarah1barnes @miss-rebel-without-applause @ragingrainbowshipl @shamrockqueen @savemeroman @jenn-f @8crazy-freak8 @daddyjackfrost @openup-yourmind @adangerousbalance  @mandijo17 @daddylorianisastateofmind @rcarbo1 @casa-boiardi @spideegwen @navs-bhat @mssbridgerton @asuni921 @middle-of-the-earth @mfrnchsk
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rosyrosethings · 3 months
CEO Harry and assistant goes to a wedding
Summary: Harry and His Assistant Y/n
Get ger invited to a wedding woth his mom and sister.
On an ordinary Wednesday, Harry and his assistant were working from his home office. Harry had opted for remote work that day, and Y/n was busy sorting through the day's mail. As she sifted through the envelopes, one caught her eye, addressed to Mr. Styles. She hesitated, wondering if opening it would be an invasion of privacy. However, she justified it by comparing it to her access to his emails and decided to take a peek. Inside, she found an invitation to a wedding.
The invitation read, 'Join us to celebrate the wedding of Lou & Cindy.' Y/n quickly scanned the details, noting that the wedding was scheduled for the upcoming Friday and that Mr. Styles could bring a plus one. Excitement surged through her, prompting her to dash upstairs to Mr. Styles' office.
"Mr. Styles!" she exclaimed, walking in and slightly startling him.
"Y/n, first of all, no yelling. Secondly, I've told you to knock before entering," he reminded her. She nodded, giving a quick pivot and leaving his office.
"Sorry," she mumbled before knocking on the door frame and stepping in without waiting for an invitation, taking a seat on the right side of his desk. Her legs crossed.
"I was going through your mail, and..."
"Isn't opening someone's mail an invasion of privacy?" he interjected, setting down his pen and turning his chair towards her. Giving her his full attention.
"Yes, but then I thought, as your assistant, I have the right to go through your emails. And then I thought, isn't mail and email basically the same thing? Yes, they are. So, I opened the mail, and you have an invitation to Lou and Cindy's wedding," she explained, slapping the invitation on top of his paperwork.
Harry picked it up, his brows furrowing as he examined the invitation. He had completely forgotten about the wedding.
"Who's Lou? Why haven't I heard of him? I know everyone you know. I schedule everything you do," Y/n inquired.
"Lou's my childhood best friend. I haven't seen him in years, ever since I moved and became CEO. I completely forgot about this," Harry confessed.
"Well, it's on Friday. I can reschedule everything. I can even arrange for Bridget to attend," Y/n suggested, though she wrinkled her face slightly because she wanted to go to the wedding herself. Plus, she wasn't particularly fond of Bridget.
"I actually can't go with Bridget. If I take her to a wedding, she might get ideas about getting married, and besides, she's gone to America for a business trip," Harry explained. He glanced at Y/n, who was sitting on his desk with a hopeful grin.
"So, that means you need someone to go to the wedding with you?" Y/n asked with a smile.
"Yes, it does," Harry confirmed with a nod.
"You know, I've always loved weddings, and I've got the best dance moves," she teased. She said hopping off the desk.
"Really? Such as?" Harry inquired.
"Mhmmm. My go-to moves are the Milly Rock and Shakira's hips. Everyone loves those moves," Y/n replied spinning her hips in circles.
"Do you want to come to the wedding with me?" Harry asked, chuckling slightly. Y/n clasped her hands together in excitement.
"I thought you'd never ask! I'm going to find our outfits. I'm so excited; I love weddings!" she exclaimed before jumping off his desk and rushing away, the sound of her bare feet echoing in the room, leaving Harry chuckling behind.
Harry and Y/n found themselves in the car, approximately 20 minutes away from the wedding venue. As they cruised toward their destination, a sense of anticipation filled the air.
"Oh, Harry, we're actually early! We're going to get some fantastic seats," Y/n exclaimed, her excitement evident in her voice.
"My mum and Gemma are already there. They saved seats for us next to them," Harry replied casually.
"Gemma and Anne are there too? You didn't mention that," Y/n said, her excitement growing.
"They don't know you were coming with me. I'm pretty sure they'll love the idea of us attending together," Harry chuckled, the corners of his lips curling upward.
"Not to mention, we're matching!" Y/n pointed out, highlighting the fact that her lilac dress perfectly complemented Harry's silky lilac button-up shirt. She couldn't help but steal a glance at him, noticing that a few buttons on his shirt were undone, revealing a glimpse of his chest tattoos. He looked even more attractive than usual.
"Oh, Harry, we have to dance together," Y/n insisted.
"No," Harry replied bluntly.
"Why not?" she pressed, her disappointment evident in her tone.
"I'm not much of a dancer," Harry confessed with a sigh.
"You asshole," Y/n mumbled under her breath.
"What was that, Ms. Y/L/N?" Harry inquired, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.
"Nothing," she pouted, refusing to repeat her remark. They continued the journey in a comfortable silence until they finally reached the wedding venue.
Upon arrival, they found their seats next to Anne and Gemma. Harry settled into the aisle seat beside his mother, while Y/n moved to sit in the empty spot next to Gemma.
"Where are you going?" Harry asked, reaching out to grab Y/n's wrist. She glanced at him before turning her attention back to Gemma, who was watching their interaction closely.
"I'm sitting next to Gemma, if that's okay with you," Y/n replied, now standing in front of him. Harry shook his head.
"It's not okay because I have space for you right here," he said, nodding towards the seat next to him. Gemma couldn't help but smirk at the exchange.
"Besides, you can use my handkerchief when you start sobbing," Harry added, a teasing glint in his eyes. Y/n rolled her eyes but ultimately relented, taking the empty seat next to him.
"Harry honey, if you wanted Y/n to sit next to you, all you had to do was say that. No need to embarrass the poor girl," Anne chimed in.
"Right, he just wants her all to himself, even though he bloody lives with her," Gemma added with a playful grin. Harry didn't respond to their teasing; instead, he focused on his phone, trying to ignore the banter. As the sound of music filled the air, signaling the start of the ceremony, they all settled into their seats, ready to celebrate the joyous occasion.
The groom made his way down the aisle, accompanied by the sweet melody that filled the air. Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as she glanced at Harry. She reached over and gently nudged him, trying to bring his attention back to the moment.
"Harry, the ceremony is starting," she whispered, her voice filled with excitement.
He looked up from his phone, his eyes meeting hers. There was a softness in his gaze that made her heart flutter. With a small smile, he pocketed his phone and turned his focus towards the front, where the bride would soon make her grand entrance.
As the music swelled, everyone in the room rose to their feet, their gazes fixed on the glowing bride. Y/n marveled at the sight before her—the radiant bride walking down the aisle, the proud groom waiting at the altar, and the joyful atmosphere that enveloped the entire venue.
Throughout the ceremony, Harry stole glances at Y/n, smiling at her beauty. Y/n and Harry made eye contact him during the heartfelt vows, finding solace in his presence. They were witnessing a beautiful union, and in that moment, their own connection seemed to grow even stronger.
When the couple exchanged their vows and sealed them with a kiss, the room erupted into applause. Harry joined in the celebration, clapping his hands and offering his congratulations to the newlyweds. Y/n couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading within her, grateful to be a part of this special occasion.
As the ceremony concluded, the guests began to make their way to the reception area. Harry and Y/n followed the crowd, their steps light with anticipation. The reception hall was adorned with elegant decorations, casting a magical ambiance that filled the room.
They found their designated table, joining Anne and Gemma. As they were talking and mingling. The Lou the groom approached Harry.
"Harry! Lad! Im so glad you made it." Lou exclaimed, engulfing him in a hug. Harry just as excited hugging him back.
"Congratulations man! I wouldn't miss my best mates wedding for the world." Harry said back as they pulled back from the hug.
"Thanks mate, and who's this beauty you brought with you?" He said, looking over at y/n. He took her hand and shook it softly. Y/n smiled at the compliment.
"Hi, I'm Y/n. Im Harrys assistant!"
"Ohh the assistant?" Lou said, y/n nodded.
"We are hoping she becomes more than an assistant." Gemma said laughing with Anne. Harry rolled his eyes at them. Quickly dismissing them.
"Dont pay attention to them. Take me to meet the Mrs." Harry said as him and lou walked away together.
"That wasn't funny. Mr. Styles doesn't like me in that way you guys. Now im embarrassed." Y/n said as looked at them both.
"Whatever you say Y/n." Gemma responded giggling.
The rest night unfolded with laughter, heartfelt speeches, and joyful celebrations. Y/n couldn't resist tapping her fingers to the rhythm of the music, her feet itching to hit the dance floor. Harry watched her from across the room. Harry was off mingling with people he hasnt seen in years. When a guy approached Y/n.
"Hi, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are. I was wondering if I could get your name?" She looked up at him and gave him a slight smile.
"Im Y/n, whats your name?" She said
"Im Joshua, did you come alone?"
"No I came with my friend."
"Oh, friend? Does that mean you're single?” He said, she nodded. Harry watches their interaction intensely from across the room. Not even listening to the woman talking to him. He mumbled a quick excuse me. Heading toward Y/n. Harry interrupted the interaction.
"Lets dance." Harry said to Y/n. She looked at him skeptically. Not paying attention to the guy in front of her. Placing his hand out.
"With me? Are you sure?" She said as she placed her hand in his still skeptical of his question.
"Yes you Y/n. Do you see me anyone else?" He said taking her hand as the current song was going off and the next somg was transitioning on. She followed him to the dance floor. She quickly said Sorry to Joshua.
Then thinking out loud by ed Sheeran came on. She felt nervous. Mr. Styles is her boss and he has a girlfriend why does she love him so much? She thought to herself. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Keeping a distance like they were at middle school dance. Causing Harry to chuckle.
"Scared to get close to me?"he said with a smirk. He placed his hand on her lower back. He pulledd her body closer. So there no space between them. He leaned down and whispered to her. Y/n scared
"You look beautiful by the way if i haven't already said that. " he said lowly, his voice radiating through her body. She basically melting in his arms. She whispered a 'thank you.' as their feet moved step by step and beat by beat. Moving slowly around. Only focusing on each other. Harry did not want to be anywhere else.
While Anne and Gemma we're watching in the distance.
"And she says he doesn't like her." Gemma mumbled to her mother. As they watched both of them dance
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justmeinadaze · 9 months
Children of the Night Part 7 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Some of my own personal damage has entered the angsty chat lol Enjoy!
Warnings: Vampire Daddy Eddie/ Sub Vampire Stevie/ Sub Human Fem Reader, SMUT, dp, dirty talk, biting (obviously), mentions of blood drinking (yeah they're vampires), etc, FLUFF, they love each other :), ANGST!! (because Im me), Slight Child Abuse Trigger, we meet reader mom finally and goes about as well as you would think, mentions of feeling like/being a burden (I'm noticing a theme in my writing *thinks*), Eddie touches briefly on his childhood and his dad being in jail, these three get into a bit of a fight, I believe that be it.
Word Count: 6015
Series Here
That following morning after they fell asleep, you snuck out of their house and drove away in no particular direction. You needed to get away not because you were afraid of them or anything but because you were utterly terrified of getting them hurt again or worse. You loved them too much to allow that happen so you reverted to your default and ran. 
You had many hiding spots around the city including the bar you were sitting in. Whenever your mom would come home in a mood or bring home a guy that made your skin crawl you went to one of these places. This bar allowed you entry even when you were underage because the owner knew one of the boys you had run with. As you got older he said you were always welcome to hang out should you need to. 
A part of you hoped you were far enough away that both boys wouldn’t sense you especially since as night fell, you couldn’t feel Steve at all. Part of you thought you’d feel anger or sadness but more than anything all you felt was guilt. 
The band in front of you begins to play a song you recognize and your heart breaks as you try to subpress the tears that want to fall by knocking back another shot. 
A cold hand taps your shoulder and without saying a word your eyes lock with Steve while Eddie silently takes a seat in front of you. The newly made vampire tugs on your bicep but when you subtly shake your head, he tugs you again until you rise to your feet and walk with him to the makeshift dance floor. 
“Tears stream down your face When you lose something you cannot replace Tears stream down your face, and I.”
Wrapping his arms around your back, your hands cling to his shoulders as you force yourself to look anywhere that isn’t his face. 
“Tears stream down your face I promise you I will learn from my mistakes Tears stream down your face, and I.”
Your bottom lip trembles as images of the last few days flash through your mind including the sight of him bleeding on your bedroom floor and Eddie’s panicked voice when he thought the man he loved may be gone.
“Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you.”
Feeling your pain, Steve’s palm pressed you into his chest as his arms circled tighter around you while he listened to you cry. He kissed the top of your head while you both swayed and rested his cheek in your hair. 
As the song ended and people in the bar clapped, you hastily pushed him back and headed towards the table to grab your things. You thought Eddie would try and stop you but he didn’t, his eyes watching you with what felt like pity. 
Slamming open the bar door, you inhaled the warm but breezy night air before heading for your car. Wind whipped around you and suddenly the metalhead was blocking your entry into your vehicle. 
“Move, please.”
“You’ve been drinking. I’m not letting you drive. You may walk if you wish.”
“You’re not in charge of me anymore, Eddie.”
“Oh, yeah? I didn’t get that memo. Is that why you left without a word?”
“I’m allowed to come and go as I please.”
“Not after someone tried to murder you yesterday. It’s our job to take care of you.”
Rolling your eyes, you stomp off towards sidewalk near the beach as they followed close behind. 
“Leave me alone!”, you shout as you try to walk faster. “I don’t want to be with either of you anymore!”
Your hair blew in front of your face as Steve appeared in front of you blocking your path. 
“Ok. You don’t want to be with us anymore. That’s fine but it’s not going to stop us from looking after you to make sure you’re ok.”
“I’m not your responsibility! Trust me. You don’t want that burden.”
“Interesting word choice. Did your mother teach you that?”, Eddie replied in a snark filled tone. “Because, princess, you aren’t a burden. We like taking care of you.”
“Oh, so, these past couple of nights have been fun for you?! Watching him bleed to death and then changing him was exciting, Eddie? All the pain you went through was fantastic, Steve?!”
“What happened wasn’t your fault, Y/N.”
“YES IT IS! If you two had never met me you would have had no reason to be at my house!”
“Then you would be DEAD!”, Steve growled loudly, his eyes turning black with anger as he stepped forward. 
“Sweetheart, it’s ok. Calm down.”, the metalhead coos as he rubs his boyfriend’s back trying to comfort him. “I think you forget, little one, how all this started. Remember, I told you I always felt you. I don’t know why and I can’t control it. I felt it with Steve even before I turned but it was stronger after. If everything had played out the same way, we would have gotten involved. Each time those assholes went looking for you, they intended to kill you and I will NOT allow anyone to hurt you like that.”
As you three glare at each other, the cellphone in your pocket begins to vibrate. 
“Hello?...Yeah, that’s me…um…ok. I’ll, um, I’ll be right there.”, you sigh as you slap the device. “Steve, what time is it?”
“8pm. Why? Why do you suddenly feel nervous?”
“Can one of you run me somewhere, please?”
“Where do you need to go, princess?”
Both set of eyes were now their regular color as they scanned you over with concern. 
“LA General.”, you reply flatly.
“Alright, perfect and here are your visitors passes. Just let the officer outside know you’re the daughter and they will let you through.”, the nurse grinned as you grimly smiled back. 
“Um, please don’t talk when we get in there. No matter what she says. Can you at least listen to me in that regard?”, you plead as you pause at the end of the hallway to address them. 
After both boys nod, you continue along your way, telling the officer outside who you were before he opened the door and allowed you three entry.
“Hey there. Are you Y/N?”, the doctor asks, politely shaking your hand after you nod. “It looks like the prison brought her in because her wounds were too severe to for their staff to handle. The guards said she got into an altercation with one of the other inmates and was stabbed by a shiv in her side. With some surgery and lots of blood, she seems to be doing better. Part of the reason we called you at the time was because due to her medical history with her liver we thought we may need a family member to donate the matching blood type but it looks like we had the perfect type here.”
“When are they taking her back?”, you ask. 
“Um, we need to keep an eye on her for the next couple of days but by the end of the week I imagine. She is a flight risk so we do have to…”, the doctor gestures towards her wrist and the handcuffs as you sigh. 
“Thank you for everything you’ve done. I appreciate it and I’m sure she does to.”
After leaving you alone, you take a seat by the hospital bed and both men do the same on opposite sides of you. 
“Is this your…?”
“Yeah, Eddie, this is my mom.” Your sad eyes scan her over making Steve wince as he feels your pain heightens, still not used to these new vampire things he’s experiencing. “She’s been in and out for years but this is the first time she’s been stabbed. Must have really pissed someone off.”
“I’m surprised you’re listed on her contact sheet. I would have thought due to the charge she wouldn’t be allowed to see you.”, the metalhead mused.
“I’m an adult now. When I was a kid she wasn’t but that was for like 3 years. When she was sentenced to 30 years, I was about fifteen. She tried to escape a few years ago but they caught her pretty quickly. They had called me to notify me thinking she may be coming for me. They found her at a bar about four miles away.”, you chuckled before leaning back in your seat and glaring at the tile floor. 
“I told you I’m not safe. People are always come for me. I never should have reached out to you guys. I should have left you alone—”
“No, no, Y/N. You should have. I know I’ve only been a vampire for a couple of days but this feeling I feel when it comes to you and Eddie…I don’t know how to explain it. When we woke up and you were gone…it felt like—”
“There’s a hole. Like something is missing.”, Eddie answered trying to help. 
“Yeah. If this is what he was feeling for two years after moved here…God, I wish I had known. I would have done anything to help him find out what they were and then find you.
“I thought it was just normal. I love Steve so much but there was always that nagging feeling that somethingwas amiss. Even you said those first few nights, I smiled more and laughed when you were there.”
A tear fell down your cheek as you shook your head. 
“You almost had that feeling again but worse because Steve was almost killed. I felt the things he experienced when he thought you were gone, Eddie. I can’t…I can’t do it. I love you both too much.”
“Jesus fucking Christ. Did I die?”, your mother whines as she cringes opening her eyes. “Trust me, she’s right. She was always meant to get in the way and ruin lives. Seriously, ask the condom that broke when she was conceived.”
Both vampires growled but she was in too much of a haze to notice as she tried to sit up. 
“What happened, mom? Why are people stabbing you now?”
“Because people keep trying to take what’s mine! Why are you even here, Y/N? Go away.”
“They called me because they thought they might need my blood since you’ve damaged all your other organs with years of alcohol. Blood that isn’t family’s surprising didn’t shock your system into shut down.”
“Always so fucking mouthy.”, she groans as she tries to reach for the call nurse button. “At least I can get some drugs.”
“Oh, mama. I’m sorry. Didn’t they tell you? As a ‘former alcoholic’ you don’t get the hard stuff but the Tylenol should be enough.”
At your sarcastic comment, Eddie and Steve felt both pain and satisfaction course through them as memories flashed through your mind. 
“Get. OUT! I didn’t want you here then and I don’t now!”
“Don’t talk to her that way.”, the pretty boy snarled in a deep tone. 
“Steve…please. You promised me.”, you plead. 
“Sweetheart, she shouldn’t be talking to you like this and you shouldn’t allow it.”
“Shouldn’t allow it? Are you fucking kidding me?! She’s weak just like her father was. Why do you think she ran off constantly?! She could never stay and face the music of trouble she caused so she ran and opened her legs to anyone who would take her. I’m not surprised you two fell for it! NOW GE—”
The wind swirled around you as the lights in the room turned off except for the overhead lamp above her hospital bed. Both vampires were on either side of her with Eddie’s palm placed over her mouth. 
“You know, I have a dad like you. Spent most of my life in and out of prison for petty crimes while abusing me and my mother. After she died, he just went out of control until they gave him life back home in Indiana. Thankfully, I had an uncle who took care of me after and then fell in love with a man who loved me for me. Unfortunately, your daughter didn’t have that. She spent her ENTIRE LIFE fighting for it up until a few weeks ago.”
“She seems to think all the bad things that have been happening are her fault. I wonder why that is.”, Steve asked rhetorically. “You don’t deserve her. Even now after everything you said she’s worried we’re going to kill you and, honestly, if she or Eddie wasn’t here I may have followed through with that.”
His eyes turned black in anger as her own widened in fear. 
“Stop it. Leave her be.”, you beg. “Please.”
“Are you sure, baby girl?”, Eddie murmured before abruptly both sets of black eyes looked your way. “Lose the attitude, Y/N.”
“I didn’t say anything.” You glared at them with a fury of your own. “But I guess it doesn’t matter. You’re going to do whatever the fuck you want anyway and I am NOT your baby girl. Not anymore.”
“You want us gone, honey? To ‘protect’ us?”, Steve growled as he began walking towards you. “Fine. Your wish is our punishment.”
Wind blew again and the lights blinked on leaving you and your mother alone.
“Jesus, this medication is a lot stronger than I realized.”, she sighed as you sat down again and began to sob.
True to your request, they left you be and it killed you. Even worse, they hadn’t streamed at all in over two weeks so you weren’t able to even see their faces except in your dreams. Occasionally, you checked the chatter on their site doing the job they had paid you for while reading through people’s comments. 
Most of their fans seemed to think the police had succeeded in scaring them away while others thought you were the reason saying that Mina must have talked them out of it for one reason or another. 
A knock on your door one Saturday afternoon startled you but you were prepared, grabbing a nearby knife as you peaked through the curtain. 
“Dustin? Hey, what are you doing here?”
“Hey, Y/N. May I come in? I swear it’s just me.” Nodding, you allowed the boy entry and gestured towards your couch for him to take a seat. “Oh, um, I won’t be here that long but I just came down to check on Eddie and Steve. Seems Harrington is struggling a bit with being a vampire. Not because of you or anything!”, he quickly countered when your head hung. “At least…I don’t think so.”, Dustin sighs as he leans against your kitchen counter. 
“Mike and I did a ton of research after Steve said Eddie was still alive to try and get some explanation about why he is the way that he is without resorting to regular vampire lore but we couldn’t find anything outside of D&D. Over the past two years, he seems to follow the regular no sunlight, needs blood, and hates crosses but what I’ve always questioned is that feeling thing he’s mentioned.”
“I know in some comics when a vampire turns another they have a connection and can feel each other’s emotions or share memories kind of like what he told me happened after you drank his blood. What confuses me is, you and Steve weren’t turned when he felt you two.”
“Dustin, honey, why are you telling me this?”
The boy sighs again as he crosses his arms over his chest. 
“I’m thinking…that has to mean something, right? Whether it be chemical, cosmical, or supernatural… and the fact that Steve feels it to… that’s not a coincidence, Y/N. They both have been having a hard time and you can see it in their faces… I can see it in yours to.”
“They are streaming tonight. They are going to answer questions and just be seen. I think that will be good for them to get their minds focused on something. Maybe, you should do the same.”
After giving him a hug and walking him out, you sat in front of your computer screen and stared at the blank background for what felt like hours before heavily exhaling and logging into their site. People were a buzz with the fact that they would finally be seeing the vampire they adored so much and the human that took care of him. They had no idea. 
Their grainy faces suddenly illuminated your moniter and your heart shattered into a million pieces. Steve didn’t look like the man you had met a couple of months ago but a shell of someone else. His skin was unbelievably pale and his hair hung in front of his eyes blocking a lot of his face from your view. His body folded into itself as the beautiful smile you had fallen in love with was noticeably absent.  Eddie didn’t look any better as he quietly maneuvered the mouse in front of him as his black eyes scanned the screen. 
“Hey…hey everybody. I know it’s been a while but, um, as you can see I’ve been taking care of Renfield. I…uh…I had to turn him so…”
StokersQueen: “Doesn’t Renfield die after he’s turned? Are we going to lose him?!”
“No…no we aren’t going to lose him. We’ve just been going through a lot right now.”
Dracula4ever: “Is it because of that bitch Mina? I notice she’s not there this time.”
Both men growled at the comment.
“Don’t disrespect her like that.”
Dracula4ever: “Oh please! This show used to be awesome but you bring in one slut and everything changes!”
Dracula4ever has been booted from the stream.
“Mina?”, Eddie asked as his eyes scanned the screen for any confirmation. 
Babygirl85: “Come on, Mina! If you’re there, say something!”
Justhereironically: “MINA! <3”
InnocentLittleMina: “Even if she be not harmed, her heart may fail her in so much and so many horrors; and hereafter she may suffer--both in waking, from her nerves, and in sleep, from her dreams.”
The metalhead exhaled at your quote of the novel as the fans in chat went wild with awes and even more questions. 
“Do you believe in destiny? That even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose? That the luckiest man who walks on this earth is the one who finds—”
“…true love.”, Steve finishes the quote with a deep tone that sounds nothing like his regular voice. “We miss you.”
“But we aren’t going to force you, sweetheart.”
Exhaling, they close their eyes as they feel all your emotions run through your body before finally landing on desperate wanting and immense love that you had never felt for anyone in your entire life. 
InnocentLittleMina: “I’m scared. Seeing you two in so much pain… I love you so much. I don’t…”
“I know. I know, Mina, but what happened wasn’t your fault. Your mom and childhood weren’t your fault. All the idiot men in your life who hurt you wasn’t because of you. Even as a human, princess, I would have done the same things to protect you because we love you to.”
“You deserve all the love you give to people, honey. It’s ok to let us take care of you and believe me. Out of everything I’ve experienced, this…”, Steve gestures to himself. “…is nothing. I get what Dracula is saying now when it comes to us and our guilt. NONE of this is your doing or your fault.”
They both softly smile at the camera as Eddie leans towards it as if he’s looking into your eyes. 
“Come back to Daddy, baby.”
You don’t even turn off your computer as you swivel in your chair and run towards the front door. Heavy rain hits your face as you search for your keys once you get to your car but ring laced hands abruptly grip your waist and after you blink you find yourself in their bedroom. 
Need overtakes you three as they lay on either side of you and remove your wet clothes while kissing any part of your skin they could reach. 
The sound of constant binging makes Eddie grunt in frustration as a grin stretches across your face. 
“You—mmm—you left the sound on.”, you pant.
Steve’s lips kiss along that sweet spot on your neck as the other vampire whooshes to computer, cheekily smiling as he quickly moves the mouse. 
“Sorry, guys. The three of us need to have a chat that doesn’t involve an audience.”
Getting annoyed with the machine in front of him, he yanks the cord from the wall before sprinting back beside you and attaching his mouth to your neck as well. Their hips grinded against your thighs as the pads of Steve’s fingers played with your clit.
After tilting back to remove his shirt, Eddie leans over your body and a long line of spit leaves his lips falling between your folds as the other boy collects it, pushing it into your pussy with his fingers making you groan. 
The feeling of teeth against your thigh makes you jump and the metalhead’s black eyes meet yours as they silently ask for permission before you nod your approval. Tugging on Steve’s arm, he brings him between your legs, kissing him passionately as their fingers play with your cunt. Both their lips travel along opposite limbs, licking and lightly sucking their way up to your meaty flesh. 
When their fangs penetrate your thighs at the same time, your eyes roll back as the pleasure courses through you. It wasn’t meant to feed, only to sustain as they snacked on your blood while their fingers moved faster against you; Eddie playing with your clit with his thumb while Steve quickly thrust his two digits into your center. 
Coming off you with a pop, you watch as the long-haired vampire made sure his boyfriend healed you properly before doing it himself. They licked your blood of their face and the sight alone had you shuddering as you came. 
“D-Daddy…”, you whimpered as he quickly came up to kiss your lips.
Flipping on to his back, he maneuvered you till you were sitting on his face while hovering over his hard, leaking cock. Spiting over the tip, you smeared it down him with your palm, enveloping your mouth around his length as Steve kissed random parts of your skin. 
Eddie’s tongue immediately began devouring you, flicking against your bundle of nerves as he wrapped his arms around your waist to hold you to him. 
“You look so beautiful like this. So fucking sexy.”, Steve murmured as his face pressed against the side of yours, his humid breathes warming your cheek.
Tilting his head just below yours, his mouth kissed and sucked on his boyfriend’s balls making him buck his hips up in pleasure, choking you slightly as drool spilled from your lips. 
As his lips encased around your clit, the sudden intrusion of Eddie’s finger into your ass simultaneously made you gasp as both vampires mewled at the feeling it gave as it coursed through them as well. 
“Did you like that, baby?”, Steve asked in a low seductive grumble that had you clenching around the other man’s tongue as he shook his head and pressed his face deeper into you. “Yeah? Fuck! I can feel you both. Have you ever had someone fuck you like that before?”
While your hand continued to pump him, Eddie slid another finger inside of you, stretching you further till your vision blurred as your orgasm was swiftly approaching. 
“Answer me, honey. Have you?”
“N-No. Please Daddy. It feels…”
“Yeah? Tell us, baby. How does it feel?” Pressing his nose to your cheek again, your mouth fell open as the English language left your brain. “Come on, Y/N. How does it feel?”
“Good! So fucking good! Please don’t stop!”
Steve grinned as he tenderly petted your head, opening his mouth wide, and holding his own head still as the Eddie rutted his hips quickly, thrusting his cock deep down the vampire’s throat. 
Your release rippled through you as you screamed into his flesh beneath you. Once you had come down, the metalhead firmly pulled on your hair, bringing you up so your back was to his chest while Steve laid in front of you. 
“W-W-Wait, please.” Both vampires pause as your little pleading voice cuts through their need. “If…If we do this…I want Eddie and Steve. Please…I’ve never…”
As they both blink, you watch as their fangs recede and their soft brown color eyes push forward. Eddie’s arm slides under the pillow around your front, hugging you to him as he kisses your shoulder. 
“Everything’s ok, baby girl. You’re safe. If you don’t feel comfortable or you want to stop just let us know ok?”
“Ok, Daddy. Just go slow please.”
As Steve caressed your cheek, you felt the metalhead lean away from you before a bottle popped open and he was on you again. You gasp at the oddly warm feeling of the lube as he works his fingers to take care of you.
Seeing the nervousness flash through your eyes, the other vampire softly tried to soothe you. 
“Daddy’s right, honey. You’re okay. Everything is okay.”
“I saw your first time with him.”, you smile as you cling to Eddie’s arm around your chest. “I felt how scared you were before.”
“Did you see how long we laid there till he really started moving? I thought I was ruining the mood.”, he chuckles. “But he made me feel safe…loved. I trusted him.”, he coos as his eyes flick briefly behind you. “I know you do to because we can feel it and we trust you, Y/N.”
A tear fell down your face and he quickly wiped it away. 
“I’m so sorry, Steve.”
“Hey, look at me. This isn’t your fault. Say it, honey.”
“What happened to you isn’t my fault.”
“I don’t believe you.”, Eddie added as his stern eyes looked you over. “Say it again.”
“What happened to Steve wasn’t my fault.”, you responded with a bit more confidence making them smile. 
“Good girl, sweetheart. Are you ready?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Do you think you can help me, pretty girl?” Taking a hold of one of your wrists, he brought one of your arms behind you and placed your hand on your behind. “Just hold it open for me so I can go slow, ok?”
After nodding, you did what he asked, your breath catching when you felt his cock line up with your entrance. As he began pushing himself into your ass, your body went stiff as your face scrunched in pain. 
“Breathe, Y/N. Relax, honey. It’s going to hurt more if you don’t relax.”, Steve whispers, resting his forehead on yours.
Doing small thrusts behind you, Eddie was pushing himself inch by inch, trusting that you or Steve would stop him should he need to. A small grumble immitted from his chest and his boyfriend reciprocated as his mouth fell open in a silent moan. 
“Fuck, baby. He’s having so much trouble control himself.” As the pretty boy murmurs to you, his hands begin to roam, kneading your breasts down to your center. “God damnit. You’re so wet. Does it feel good now, Y/N?”
Between his words and Eddie’s hold on you as he split you open, you couldn’t open your mouth. Hell, you could barely remember your name as the pain subsided and the need for him to fully take you took over. 
When his hips connected with yours, you whimpered as your head fell forward. 
“Talk to us, baby, please.”
“M-Move. You…you can move now.”
“Hang on, princess. We—fuck—we need to see if you can handle us both. God fucking damn it. Are you fucking kidding me?” 
You knew he wasn’t talking to you because you felt it to. You were so full of him you could only imagine how tight you were squeezing him. 
“Y/N, honey, I’m going to lift your leg over my waist, ok?”
“Ok, Steve.”
Scooting closer to you, his palm tenderly ran along the skin of your thigh as he pulled your leg over his hip causing you and Eddie to groan as your body jostled slightly. Running his mushroom tip along your slit, he collected your slick before slowly pushing his cock into your center. 
Your arm immediately shot out under his own to cling to his shoulder as a bunch of pleasurable feelings overwhelmed your senses. 
“Oh my god.”
Both vampires made subtle motions, pulling back slightly before thrusting all the way inside of you again. 
“Are…Are you ok, Y/N?”, Steve asked, his voice a mix between his and the gruff timbre of his vampire tone.
Nodding aggressively, you encourage them to make you theirs and they don’t disappoint. The obscene sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room mixed with loud moans from all three of you. They both hit a steady rhythm hitting all those sensitive spots inside of you at the same time till you were sobbing as your nails dug into their flesh. 
“Fuck… bite me.”
A different type of want and need flows through them at your request as they snarl under their breath. Lifting your head, you rest your cheek on Steve’s as he doesn’t even hesitate, breaking your skin with his fangs and draining your blood. Eddie tugs on his hair and the boy growls causing the metalhead to roughly grip his face. 
“I didn’t hear you fucking ask. She’s not in charge of your pleasure, I am.” Their black eyes glare at each other before he releases him to continue feeding. “I’ll deal with that attitude later.”
Turning his attention back to you, his demeanor softens. 
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yes, Daddy, please. I trust you. I trust you, baby.”
Biting the other side of your throat, your eyes roll and flutter closed as they pound into you harder, clinging to each other over you as they eat. The bed shakes at their quickened pace and your fingers tangle in Eddie’s hair behind you as you drag your nails down Steve’s back. 
You cum harder than you ever had in your entire life, shuddering against them as your body goes limp. 
Your tone was smaller than before but it practically screamed in their ears as they released you letting your head fall. You watched with hazy, half lidded eyes as their lips mingled together; panting into each other’s mouths as they came.
Steve head fell hard against the pillow as he tried to catch his breath while Eddie hastily healed the wounds on your neck, kissing them softly as they closed.
“Since its both of us breaking your skin, I don’t want to leave you exposed like that. Are you alright, baby?”
After carefully pulling out of you, the vampire in front of you tenderly pushed your hair away from your face as he checked you over. 
“I’m going to get her something to eat.”
While waiting for him to return, Eddie slowly pulled out of you as well, murmuring apologies as you winced. Running back to the bed, you grimaced at the sandwich Steve held in his hands. 
“I know it seems like a lot but we’ll just take little bites, okay?”
As delicately as he could, the long-haired vampire sat up, bringing you with him so you could utilize him to lean against as you ate and drank the water they gave you. 
“We’re kind of back to the trial and error stage. I was going to bring a coke but I wasn’t sure if that would be too much sugar plus you need to hydrate.”
“Maybe juice next time?”
“Yeah… I don’t know why I didn’t think of that.”
“It’s been a rough couple of weeks.”
You heard them talking but they both sounded so far away. You had never been in this headspace before; the little girl headspace. Even as a child you weren’t really allowed to be one having to grow up pretty quickly in your environment. An adults mindset found you before you entered your double digits and battled with the developing child you had been. Even as a current adult, you felt them go toe to toe constantly but right now in this moment… all you heard was the little girl.
“Baby, what’s going on?”
Blinking, your glassy eyes turned to face them as you scrunched your nose in thought.
“I’ve never…felt little…like this before. My…my mind…is so quiet. I’ve never… I’m sorry for leaving.” The crack in your voice broke their hearts as Steve set everything aside so he could move closer to you and hug you with Eddie. 
“It’s ok, sweetheart. You’re here now and these past few weeks have been scary for all of us.”
“I saw you on the screen. What happened? Were you not eating? Dustin said Steve was struggling.”
Before answering your questions, they took you in their arms and brought you to a bath. After setting you in the warm water and cleaning your skin, they each took a seat near the tub with Steve on the edge and Eddie on the floor reaching over to pet your head. 
“We don’t know how to explain it and, to be honest, we didn’t want to because we didn’t want you to feel like…you HAD to be here. I told you before I always felt you but after having you and losing you—”
“It was like being stabbed again.”, Steve cut in. “Honey, I was in love with you before but after turning and feeling what Eddie had been talking about… I felt like I did when I lost him.”
“Steve, I’m—”
“No, no, baby. I’m not saying it to make you feel bad. I just…all of my feelings were…are… amplified to a 10 and I didn’t want to do anything let alone eat. We did of course but it was never enough. Never enough to fill that hole of you not being here.”
“You complete us, sweetheart. You ARE a part of us and like Stevie said, we aren’t saying this to make you feel bad. If you want to leave again you can and we won’t stop you but even though you’re not a vampire I feel like you felt the same things we did.”
“I knew from the first time I saw you on your stream… I knew that I loved you; both of you. I just thought maybe I was being crazy.”, you giggle making them chuckle as well. “Not being near you or even seeing your faces these past couple of weeks has just killed me. I dreamed about you every night.”
“So did we, honey.”
While Eddie lifted you out of the tub and got you in comfy clothes, Steve rapidly changed the sheets so you three could promptly climb into bed. 
“Thank you for being so gentle with me.”
“Of course, pretty girl. Did you like it? What we did.” When you nod your head, his fingers caress your face and travel up into your hair. “Can you say it?”
“I liked what we did together?”
“What did we do, baby?”
Biting your bottom lip, you blush as he smiles while the other vampire settles in beside you. 
“I liked feeling you and Steve inside at me at the same time.”
“Good. We can show you so much more whenever your ready. Steve and I have experimented with a lot especially when we were starting to delve into the dominate world. Tomorrow I can show you one of those things when I punish this bad boy over here.”
“Me? What did I do?”
“You didn’t ask to feed on her and you gave me attitude. Who controls your pleasure?”
“You do.”
“I’m sorry, what? I didn’t hear that. Did you hear that, baby girl?”
“No, Daddy, I didn’t.”
Steve smirks as you and Eddie grin at him with wide, beautiful, tooth filled smiles. 
“I said you do, Daddy.”
@chelebelletx @mandyjo8719 @nailbatanddungeon
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lavendermunson · 10 months
gifts - steve harrington
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day 6 of leia's christmas tree farm
cw mentions of pregnancy. established relationship. future dad!steve and mom!reader. fluff fluff fluff. allusions to sex.
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Waking up on Christmas morning is always one of your favorite feelings. Waking up beside the boy you love so much is the best gift you could ever ask for, and today, you have a gift for him that is going to change your lives forever.
You glance at Steve, hearing his quiet and adorable snores. You climb on top of him under the sheets, straddling his hips and kissing his face to wake him up.
His eyes open slowly as they adjust to the light that comes from the window, watching as the girl of his dreams kisses him. He is never going to get tired of this.
“Good morning, baby” you whisper between pecks, your words tingling against his skin. Your fingers rub soft circles on his biceps.
“Good morning my love” 
“My love? That’s new!”
“I know, but you are my love” He places his hands on your waist, squeezing gently at your flesh as he finds your face. Steve smiles when he places a hand on your cheek, caressing as his lips brush against yours. 
He kisses you extra soft today, enjoying the way your soft lips brush against his.
You break the kiss and gasp for air, excited for the day that’s ahead of you.
“I have something very special for you today” you confess, as Steve’s brows lift up and he smiles.
“I have something for you too, can we have breakfast first?”
“Yes! What about some hot cocoa and the cookies Robin bought for us?” 
“I was talking about another type of breakfast” He gets up easily, sitting down on the bed and kissing your lips when his chest bumps against yours. 
“Baby” your lips press for a pout, watching as his sleepy grin shows on his face. “You might want to eat some breakfast first, I know you are hangover”
He laughs, wrapping his arms around your body to keep you close.
“You are right” he nudges the tip of your nose against yours “It’s too bad you had a headache, that wine was delicious”
“I can imagine, but you know I was scared that my headache would ruin the night”
“I know my love. Let’s have some breakfast then”
After making hot cocoa, add a lot of marshmallows to it and place the cookies in the center of the table. Steve decided it was better for you to sit on his lap, eating together as you laughed and talked about the night before. You two spent Christmas at Nancy and Jonathan’s new apartment, with Robin, Eddie, and the kids. They were your family and each Christmas gets better because you love them so much.
“I guess it’s time, don’t move! I’m going to get your gift!”
“Hey! I need to get yours too. Meet me here after you find it”
And just the little kids you were once, you run all over the place to find the gifts for each other. When you get back, Steve leads you to the couch. You sit just right next to him, the smell of pine from the tree and the burnt wood from the chimney makes the butterflies on your stomach fluttering.
“This is mine,” Steve says, kneeling before you as he feels the carpet under him. Retrieving a small velvet box from his pocket. “My love. We’ve grown up together, and since we were little I knew my heart was yours. I remember one time I asked you to marry me and you said ‘We are ten years old, ask me again in a few years’ and since then I've been thinking about it. I want to spend every summer with you, tell you all my dirty jokes, and save you a seat beside me at every table. You are my biggest treasure, the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and the girl of my dreams” He opens the box, and its content shines as your glassy eyes finally let the tears roll down your face. “Would you make me the happiest, luckiest man on earth and marry me?”
“Yes! Yes Stevie, my baby” You jump up, nodding as fast as you can. Steve places the ring on your finger, a promise of a lifetime together with all the love he can give you and all the admiration he has for you. He gets up and kisses you, holding your ringed hand against his chest, against his heart. He kisses you slowly as he always does, holding you close to him as his lips brush against yours. His heart pounding so fast against his chest that you can feel the beats underneath your fingertips.
“I love you” he whispers against your lips, wiping the tears off your cheeks gently with his thumbs. 
“I love you,” you say, wrapping your hands around his neck and getting him closer to leave a soft peck on his lips. “My turn!”
You turn around, and the box you have is bigger than his. You place it on his hands and he hesitates to open it, shaking it close to his ear to try and guess what’s on the box.
“Honey, if you get me another clock I'm calling it. You are the worst gift giver ever”
“That was one time! Please just open it, you are going to love it!”
He smiles, his fingers tremble slightly as he opens the box. His eyes glow as he glances at the contents of it. A mix of emotions comes to Steve in waves, first is shock, then fear but at the end is pure love.
“We are pregnant!” he takes the positive pregnancy test between his fingers, looking at you with shimmery eyes. “I’m going to be a dad!” He lifts the baby onesie that reads I have the best dad ever and drops the box so he can hug you. He spins around, while you wrap your legs around his waist and hold him close.
“Baby! Baby stop” you giggle, noticing Steve’s excitement.
“This is the best gift ever! You make all my dreams come true and I love you, I love you” he slurs, his breath hitching in his throat as he fights to not spill any tears but 
it’s too late. He feels so much joy, so much love.
“Just like the gift says, you are going to be the best dad ever, baby. I love you”
You kiss him again, trying to get another soft kiss from him but he breaks away from you.
“Does that mean I can't get my favorite breakfast anymore?”
“Is that what you are really worried about?”
He shakes his head, but you know he is just hiding it. He has too many things to worry about, but having sex with you is one of his priorities. 
“You can, we just have to be more careful”
“That I can do! I’m the luckiest man ever!” 
He runs towards your shared bedroom with you in his arms, as you giggle against his neck. You get so happy to see him smile, to see him as excited as he is now. Knowing your family is only going to get bigger from now on.
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reblog to support your creators! comments are appreciated !! ♡ thank you for following my christmas event, remember you can still request a gift!
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lunatic4toji · 1 year
thinking about richboy!gojo.
his mom gives him all the money he wants to buy whatever you want. they both love you.
he sets up mall dates, and you go into whatever store you want and buy whatever you want. he has one catch: he picks out a dress for you to wear to one of the many charity event parties hosted by his mom’s work.
and this is satoru gojo we’re talking about. so no way in hell is this dress appropriate for a company charity event. the one he picked out for you the other day is absolutely stunning on you. it’s not at all like what anyone else is wearing, for multiple reasons.
it’s very short, but of course that’s why he picked it. the slit? almost too high for you to even wear underwear. the neckline? shows way too much cleavage. (“not enough” satoru says.) would he fuck you in this dress at the company party? no. never.
that’s what you think until you’re in the coat closet, back against the wall and legs wrapped around him as his cock pounds into you. “mmph- toru- slow down-“ you can barely speak without your moans taking over and screaming his name. “why, princess? it’ll only make this take longer.” “someone- fuck- someone’s gonna hear-“ satoru smiles. “you’re scared of that?” you nod, because you definitely do not want his mother’s rich coworkers to hear you getting the shit fucked out of you in the coat closet.
“awh. princess. don’t worry.” you definitely do worry. the drag of his cock against you is brutal, and both the first and last thing you want him to do is slow down. “feels good, baby. so good, always. fuck- squeezing me so hard..” he grips your hips as he pounds into you, the wall behind you making a thump noise with each hard thrust.
“we gotta- ngh- gotta hurry, princess.. everyone’s gonna wonder where we ran off to, yeah?” you nod, and he moves one of his hands down to your pussy, his long middle finger expertly circling your clit. “you look so- so fuckin’ pretty in this dress.. knew i picked the right one.” you moan in response, eliciting a moan from satoru himself. “god, i love seeing you like this.. my pretty fuckin’ girl.. all for me.” you nod rapidly. “‘m your girl, toru..”
at that, his pace quickens and so does his finger on your clit. you yelp and he takes his hand away to slam it onto your mouth. “shh, princess. those sounds are only for- shit- for me. not those old asses out that wouldn’t know what to do with you even if i told them myself.” you clench around him, and he moans almost as loud as you did. he keeps his hand over your mouth and drills into you, his cock throbbing inside you. you tap his wrist and he lets go of your mouth. “‘m so close, toru.. cum with me. please.”
your words send him almost straight over the edge, his hips stilling and stuttering. he seemed to be malfunctioning. “god damn, princess. you’re- you’re- fuck. can’t explain it. just- so good for me..” he places his finger back on your clit and rubs aggressively. you twitch and spasm all over his cock without warning. you cover your own mouth to stifle the pornographic noises coming out of you. satoru should probably be doing the same, but he lost all shame years ago. he pulls out just in time, cumming all over the outside of your glistening pussy. you both sit with your foreheads pressed together, coming down from your earth-shattering orgasms.
satoru helps you up, grabbing a handkerchief out of someone’s coat and wiping his cum off of you, then sticking it inside your panties for later. he gives you a few quick kisses before smoothing your hair down and sneaking you around to the bathroom to touch up your makeup. he uses your lip gloss, then kisses you to put some on you so you don’t have to do it yourself. what a gentleman.
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
All Too Well
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Series Warnings: Language, drinking, military inaccuracies. Allusions to smut, eventual smut. Unrequited love, enemies to lovers. Adult themes and situations. 18+ Minors DNI
Next Part
Prologue: I Remember It
The sun was just setting as a red and black Kawasaki GPZ900R motorcycle pulled into the Hard Deck. The driver quickly dismounted and took off her helmet, shaking out her dark brown hair. She slipped a pair of Ray-Ban Aviators over her sage green eyes to block out the fading rays of light.
She draped her red leather jacket and helmet over the seat of her bike. No one around here would be stupid enough to mess with her things. After adjusting her clothes, she made her way across the sandy parking lot into the establishment.
Phoenix, Bob, Payback, Fanboy, and Coyote were gathered in a corner booth as they watched Hangman and Rooster duke it out in a game of pool.
It was a relatively quiet night at the Hard Deck.
Phoenix was busy telling the squad about her recent trip back home to see her new niece. She was just about to show the group some photos when the bell above the door chimed. Her eyes moved to see who the new patron was, and when she saw them, her jaw dropped.
"No way." She breathed out. "No fucking way." The group of men she was sitting with looked at her confused. Her eyes darted over to Rooster to see if he'd noticed who'd walked in. He was too focused on the game to pay attention.
Phoenix watched the woman head over to the bar and greet Penny and Maverick before getting a beer and turning to scan the crowd.
"Phoenix, do you know her?" Bob asks. "You guys don't?" She asks the group. "Should we?" Payback questions her. "Who is that?" Fanboy asks.
"Fellas, that right there is Y/N Benjamin-Mitchell, better known by her callsign, Hustler." Phoenix tells them.
"Benjamin- Mitchell? Like—" Coyote asks as he gestures to Maverick and Penny at the bar. "Yep." Phoenix replies, popping the "P."
"She's their oldest daughter. And she can fly circles around any pilot in the Navy, including Maverick." She tells them.
A voice yells out, "Bradshaw!" Everyone's head snaps up to see its the mysterious woman. She runs over to greet Rooster with a hug who looks dumbfounded to see her.
"She also the only woman Rooster has ever loved." Phoenix tells them. As all eyes turn to watch the seen before them
"Hus? What are you doing here?" Rooster asks you as he pulls back from your hug.
"Dad pulled a few strings and got me a permanent duty station here. He wants the family to be close again." You tell him. "Plus, I couldn't pass up on the chance to be close to my favorite guy again, now could I?" You bat your eyes and give him a big smile.
"Don't give me that look Y/N." Rooster warns you. "What look?" You ask coyly. Rooster knows exactly what you're doing. It's a routine he's fallen for many times, but he's determined not to let it happen again.
He grabs his beer and takes a long sip before speaking.
"It always ends the same with us, Y/N. Let's not start this time." Rooster tells you before returning to his game.
Dumbfounded, you turn on your heels and head back to the bar. You can already tell you're going to need your mom to make you something strong.
You sigh as you sit down next to your father before a tequila-soda is placed in front of you. "Maybe it was a mistake coming here." You tell your father. "Y/N, give it time, Bradley wasn't exactly jumping for joy when he saw me either." Maverick tells you.
"I just can't believe after all these years, he's still holding a grudge over something I didn't do." You say. "And the fact that you've breezed in and out of his life so many times doesn't make the situation any better." Your mother tells you. You look up and meet her knowing eyes. "Believe me. As someone who's been in his shoes, getting their heart broken by a Mitchell, it's not something that you just get over. Especially when you have a knack for re-opening the wound right after they thought it had healed." She tells you as she wipes the counter.
You sink down in your chair. You know what she's saying is true. Your parents had been on and off for the first few years of your life before your mom eventually gave Maverick an ultimatum, stay, or leave for good. He chose to stay, and it worked out for them.
But they were different than you and Rooster. You didn't choose to leave him the first time. No, the first time he pushed you away, calling you a liar and a manipulator. Saying that you were no better than your father. He called you a hustler, screaming that you used him to further your career.
You tried to make him understand that it wasn't true. You can still feel the got tears that streamed down your cheeks when you begged him to believe you, but it was too late.
So, you decided to lean into his words. If he was going to call you a hustler, then that's who you'd become. And for the past eight years, that's who you've been. Hustling your way to the top, becoming the best of the best, breaking records, and breaking hearts along the way.
It was thrilling at first, but then you were stationed with Bradley for a few months in Virginia. The two of you found yourself enthralled with each other once again, ending up in a tangle of sheets and mixed emotions before you were reassigned. You'd left without telling him. A year or so later, the two of you spent a few weeks in Lemoore, only for it to end with you leaving him again.
Then last year, you were in South Korea. You spent six months with him, and then one night, as the two of you laid together, he confessed that he loved you. That you were the only woman he'd ever truly loved. Instead of saying it back, you quietly slipped out of his room that night as he slept and avoided him on base. Two days later, he was called back to Top Gun for that faithful uranium plant mission.
You never got the chance to tell him that you felt the same. You were too scared to admit.
And now, you were back, and he was here, and you wanted to make everything right. You just didn't know how.
Over at the pool tables, Phoenix and the rest of the Daggers had joined Rooster and Hangman. Jake and Javy were currently playing a doubles game against Mickey and Reuben. She, Bob, and Rooster were standing against the wall.
"So—Hustler is back." Nat spoke. "She is." Bradley breathed out. "How's that make you feel?" She asked him.
"Angry—frustrated —nervous—like—" Rooster trailed off.
"Like you never stopped loving her?" Phoenix finished for him. Bradley shook his head before downing the rest of his beer. He throws the bottle away and excuses himself to the bathroom. Phoenix doesn't miss Rooster's lingering gaze towards the bar as he walks away
"Bob," Phoenix begins as she turns to her back seater. "I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending."
Okay, I was kicking this around in my brain. I'd appreciate some feedback on this prologue to know if this is a project worth pursuing!
Tagging some who might be interested: @thedroneranger @roosterscock @gretagerwigsmuse @desert-fern @teacupsandtopgun @mayhemmanaged @lovinglyeternal @lovingbradshawafterdark @wkndwlff @shanimallina87 @roosterforme @daggerspare-standingby @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @hecate-steps-on-me @bradshawsbaby @cassiemitchell
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