#and his :D smiles in addition to the puppy eyes
galentir · 2 years
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Luke sketches! Absolutely adore his big round smile and silly hair
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freelancearsonist · 7 months
Hold Me Like a Knife
Joel Miller x fem!Reader
Rated MA for p in v sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, handjobs, smoking/nicotine use, excessive drinking, characters not knowing how to handle emotions properly (same), ANGST [please let me know if i missed anything at all :)]
6,003 Words
A/N: thank you to the lovely @shakespeareanwannabe for being my ever faithful beta reader ily 🥺
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Smoke disperses in abstract swirls from Joel’s parted lips, the tang of nicotine making his taste buds prickle. It’s been a long time since he’s been afforded the luxury of a cigarette and this first drag makes him think he might not want to pick the habit back up, after all. But you worked hard to find these for him after he mentioned he missed having a smoke, and he’s not one to let a gift go unappreciated. Especially now that gifts are off the table.
It’s become routine at this point. Waking up in the middle of the night; reaching for you, realizing all over again that you’re not there anymore; ruminating on what’s happened, how he’s taken you for granted. At least he has his cigarette to keep him company.
There’s no chance of going back to sleep for him–it’s 4AM anyway, close enough to a full night’s sleep. He takes another drag and decides it’s not as bad anymore. He just needs to get reacclimated to it.
He only allows himself to savor half the cigarette before he stubs it out in the ashtray on the nightstand–another gift from you–to save for next time he needs it. He wants to make this pack last; he doesn’t care as much about maintaining the habit as he does about having any little piece of you he can.
Two hours later, he’s bathed to the best of his ability given the stunted resources in the quarantine zone and ready for another day in hell.
He didn’t hate it nearly as much until he started working with you again.
When you see him you wear the same soft smile you always do, nodding your head in greeting as if nothing is wrong. His face remains flat as he nods back. Nothing he can do but play along–pretend you were never his to lose in the first place. After all, if you haven’t heard his heart fracturing into a million pieces by now, you never will.
“Either quit starin’ or go over there and talk to her,” Tess tells him sternly. He immediately snaps his eyes away and tries to shoot her a glare, but he’s a bit too embarrassed for it to actually land.
“M’not starin’,” he grunts.
She actually almost cracks a smile at his denial. “The hell you’re not, you look like a lost puppy. Why don’t you talk to her?”
“She ain’t interested in talkin’.”
“Bullshit. That’s all she wants.”
Maybe Tess is right. Maybe he’s the one who’s afraid. He’s not going to admit that, though.
“If she wanted to talk to me, she’d come talk to me.”
“You probably scared her off.”
Joel slams his hand against the wagon bed, startling everyone within a ten meter radius except Tess. “That’s enough.”
“Touchy.” Tess rolls her eyes but backs off nonetheless, not interested in poking the bear any further. 
Joel lets it go and turns his attention back to his assigned job for the day, mentally preparing himself for another night of washing the stench of death from himself and his clothes. Normally, you would do it for him without complaining. Now it’s just another addition to the list of efforts he didn’t appreciate enough while he had you.
Even though he dreads the consequences, he allows himself to become completely preoccupied with his work in a way he normally wouldn’t. It’s a reprieve from the constant swirling of his mind, from the overthinking that keeps him up at night or invades his dreams when he finally finds rest. 
The day is over far too soon, and then he’s back in his little apartment with nothing but his own mind for company.
His mind hasn’t been a friend lately.
He looks around and everywhere his dark amber eyes catch, he sees you. You sprawled on the worn couch underneath a threadbare blanket, you swaying your hips to the rhythm of silent music in the kitchen, you casually dropping the towel wrapped around your naked body to the floor as you step out of the shower and lure him down the hall to the bedroom.
He wants to crawl into a deep, dark pit when he remembers what he said and how he chased you away. Your only sin was introducing him to someone as your man, and he played like he was upset about it because that’s not what this was ever supposed to be. There had been an agreement, in the beginning, that feelings wouldn’t be involved. It would be you, him, separate, occasionally helping each other out. 
It so quickly turned into you and him, so inseparable you were practically living together. Neither of you even tried to stop it despite the agreement. And Joel was fine with it, liked it even. Until it was put into words.
Because he’s not supposed to be anyone’s. He’s Joel Miller, and he’s not deserving of belonging to anyone; including himself.
He didn’t mean to push you away. It was more out of instinct, an inborn urge to self-destruct.
The instinct has won, because he feels like mere pieces at this point. Like you’ve taken a sledgehammer to his heart repeatedly, which really isn’t fair to you. Space was his decision–you didn’t even fight it.
With a third of whiskey in his hand and an ache in his jaw from having it unconsciously clenched so long, he slumps down on his time-worn couch and begins a long night of rehashing mistakes and feeling bad for himself.
It could be so easily fixed if he just swallowed his pride. It’s a competition of will at this point–a game to see who can survive without the other for the longest. He hates that he’s losing, that it’s not affecting you; that even though it was his choice, he’s the one who’s suffering the most.
He must spill his drink–although he can’t find where it possibly could’ve been spilled, everything around him is dry–because it’s gone within a few minutes. He allows himself another glass as a reward for surviving a particularly shitty day.
When he comes to in the morning, there’s a pounding in his head so loud that it drowns out any other sound he might hear. It takes him a moment to realize that the pounding is on the door–then he processes how blinding the sun is coming through the slats of the tattered blinds precariously hanging over the window.
Joel pushes himself up from the couch with a grunt and stumbles a little, nearly falling right back into place. He curses himself for becoming such a lightweight as he stomps his way over to the door and throws it open.
“Jesus Christ, you reek,” Tess chokes, pushing past him to make her way inside. “I’ve only been knockin’ for ten minutes, what the hell were you doin’?”
“Sleeping,” he tells her with a pointed glare. It doesn’t ruffle her at all–it never does.
“Missed morning shift,” she notes. “How much you have to drink?”
“Not enough.”
“Alright, that’s it,” she tells him with a sigh. “It’s time to stop with the pity party if you’re not gonna play the hand you’re dealt. You know how stupid you’re being? She wants you. You want her. Two words’ll fix the whole thing and you’ll go right back to bein’ the disgusting little lovebirds you are. Apologize.”
“No,” he insists without thinking it over. Because he knows she’s right–he owes you an apology. And he also knows you’ll take him back the instant he delivers.
Which is exactly why he can’t. He knows he doesn’t deserve another chance to take you for granted. He didn’t appreciate you enough when he had you, and you deserve to find someone who will. Asking for another chance would be the most selfish thing he’s ever done, and Joel Miller is not a selfish man. 
“Then drink yourself to death.” As much as Tess plays at being frustrated with him, he’s never seen her this legitimately upset. “I’m done cleanin’ up for you. You’re acting pathetic, Joel Miller. Get yourself together or get yourself over.”
And before he can stop her, apologize, beg, plead, do anything besides bite his tongue in pure shock, she’s gone. The slam of the door rings through his head for a good minute longer than it should.
All he can do is slump like a sack of potatoes onto the couch, his center of gravity off balance from the weight in his heart and the churning in his stomach.
It was never supposed to be like this; it was never supposed to get this far. You were supposed to fight him, demand he stay, do anything to make him feel like you really want to be with him. Instead, you acquiesced without resistance. You listened to his offer of space and accepted without hesitance. Almost like you were looking for an out.
That’s what hurts most, maybe. That you can still afford to smile at him like nothing ever happened between you when he feels like he’ll never smile again.
He knows he can’t lose Tess over this–she’s the only friend he’s got and a damned good business partner. He knows it’s time to clean up his act. What he doesn’t know is if he actually can without you by his side.
Baby steps. He decides to start by showering and changing his clothes; the freshness should make him feel astronomically better.
He lets the limited hot water run over his sore muscles and through his hair, trying to wash away memories of you along with the dirt and grime. 
He thinks of long nights spent sneaking out after curfew–his pack heavy on his aching shoulders but barely feeling it when you’re so near. He thinks of nights in this apartment together, hours and hours spent reminiscing and planning new trips and even more hours spent in comfortable silence. He thinks of you on your knees in this very shower with him, of how he felt akin to a god beneath your praise and worship. 
He lets the thoughts swirl for just a moment, and then he watches as they trickle down the drain.
A towel off and a change of clothes later, and he’s almost a new man. The hole in his chest has shrunk a bit, at least.
One deep breath, then another. Joel can almost feel you slipping through his fingers, and for once the sensation doesn’t terrify him. There’s a quiet solitude, a resignation to his mind now. He’ll never be happy, and that’s okay. He might at least be able to find peace if he can’t have you.
He finds Tess and apologizes–at least in the best fashion Joel Miller can manage. It’s a grunted “sorry” and not much more, but it’s enough.
And then, because he has nothing else to do with his free time, he throws himself completely into survival. Working long shifts at the fires during the day, and even longer shifts as a smuggler at night. The crows feet at the corners of his eyes deepen and his hair grays rapidly, but he finds a way out. He finds a way away from you, and he doesn’t hesitate to take it.
Somehow, you beat him to Jackson. He doesn’t know how–he’s sure you were still in Boston when he left–but you’re waiting there for him when he arrives.
Waiting maybe isn’t the best way of putting it; you look at him like you’re looking at a poltergeist. Not just a ghost of your past, but a volatile and unpredictable one at that.
He can’t blame you. He ditched you, after all–not just emotionally, but physically.
You observe from afar for a while, like a timid animal meeting its first human. You watch his reunion with his brother, how he seems to fit like a puzzle piece into such a tight knit community. You even see him interacting with the young girl he’s brought along with him, and you wonder if he’s changed. If maybe he’s allowed his heart to open even just the slightest fraction.
The whole of Jackson gathers to greet this newest member, and you’re on the very edge of the crowd. But it’s like there’s an invisible string connecting the two of you—like the sea of people parts to make a path for your reunion.
Joel doesn’t know what to say. It’s been so long, and yet it feels like just yesterday he still had you in his arms.
You nod at him and awkwardly shuffle your feet against the cracked pavement. ”Hey.”
”Hey.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets to keep himself from reaching for you.
You don’t show the same restraint.
In mere seconds you’re on him, arms around his neck and lips pressed to his like he’s air—like if you don’t breathe him in you’ll die.
He grunts in surprise at the suddenness, but more at the fact that he can’t believe this is happening. That you’re really here, really in his arms, really kissing him.  He doesn’t know if it would be better to talk through everything first, but he’s missed you so badly that there doesn’t seem to be another way to communicate it other than to show you. His hands settle on your waist and pull you tightly against him, lips parting to allow your tongue access. It’s harsh and it’s frenzied, but it’s beautiful in the way a force of nature is.
And then you remember the prying eyes surrounding you and you reluctantly pull out of his grasp.
There’s a bit of muffled conversation and a particularly loud wolf-whistle from Tommy before the crowd disperses, and you’re alone together for the first time in more than a year.
”Sorry—“ “That was—”
He clears his throat, and you nod in signal for him to take his turn.
“How did you get here?”
“It was a fluke, really. I caught a radio broadcast and decided to check it out. The QZ didn’t feel like home anymore after you left.”
Joel tries as hard as he can not to read too far into that, but he can’t help the fleeting hope that it means you wanted to fix things. That maybe you weren’t as unbothered as you always seemed to be.
You clear your throat and continue. “But… what about you? Who’s the kid? Where’s Tess?” 
”I’m takin’ the kid to the fireflies. Tess is gone.”
Your face falls instantly. You’ve admittedly always been a little bit jealous of Tess and her closeness to Joel, but you never wished this upon her.
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
Joel grunts noncommittally, and you’re left to awkwardly shuffle your feet while you think of something else to say. You’ve spent so much time apart, there should be so much more to talk about. But even in the QZ, talking was never your speciality—and it definitely wasn’t Joel’s. More than anything with him, you’re familiar with the comfortable silence that surrounds two people who’ve spent a lifetime together. Your lifetime with Joel just happened to be over the span of a couple of months; but that’s how it goes with someone who matches you so completely. There doesn’t have to be anything said when he already knows what you’re thinking—when you’re two parts of a whole.
”Sorry. About kissing you. I… I’m normally better controlled,” you mumble.
”Don’t be.” He clears his throat, shifts his feet—does everything within his power from making eye contact with you because he knows if he does he won’t be able to stop himself. “Wasn’t bad.”
”We did agree we weren’t gonna do that anymore,” you point out.
”That was back in the QZ.”
”And here?”
The hope in your voice is unmistakable. You’ve missed him, and that’s almost impossible for him to comprehend. Joel wants nothing more than to lean into your hope; to give you—and him—exactly what you want. You’ve missed out on so much time, and there’s little time available to make up for it.
Fuck it, he decides. “Here? I’m pullin’ my head out of my ass.”
And then he kisses you, and it’s not sweet. It burns—with passion, desire, regret. He presses his lips to yours like he’s finally realizing what he’s lost and might never get back. Joel Miller isn’t a man who can say sorry easily, but he says it to you now with his lips, and his tongue, and his hands.
It feels like you’re learning him all over again. You marvel at how tall he is, how broad his shoulders are as you run your palms across them. You revel in the softness of his lips and the contrasting scratch of his patchy beard. More than anything, you’re in awe of the feeling of his hands—how familiar they feel even after so long as they trail down your neck from your face on the way to your hips.
You pull away sooner than you want to, but you both seem to realize that you can’t just snog in the middle of the street. Most of the crowd has cleared out by now, but there’s a few sets of wandering eyes to worry about.
“Tommy didn’t happen to show you your house, did he?”
Joel’s brow furrows in the most adorable way as he suddenly becomes aware of his surroundings. 
“I have a house? Is that where he’s taken Ellie off to?”
“C’mon, follow me.” With a wave of your hand, you’re headed down the street. Joel stands frozen in disbelief for a moment, utterly dumbfounded that you’re really here and really still want him the way you used to. He has to jog the few steps to catch up to your side, and then every ounce of effort goes into not grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers with yours.
You clear your throat in preparation for the question you have to ask. “I… I swear I don’t want to push labels or anything, but… what exactly is going on here?”
Joel sighs, and it’s easy to mistake it as a sigh of annoyance. You open your mouth to expand on your question, but he stops you.
”I made a mistake. I know it, I knew it while I was makin’ it. But I didn’t stop myself because… because you deserve better.”
You open your mouth again, and he holds up a hand to stop you. “Don’t argue. You know it’s true. And the thing is… I’ve spent a lot of time bein’ selfish, if fightin’ to survive can be called that. You’re good, and I don’t deserve to be selfish when it comes to you.”
”I want you to be selfish,” you insist as firmly as you can. “Joel, you don’t seem to understand how much I adore you, how much I rely on you. How much it hurt to lose you.”
He tries to shrug, but it’s half-hearted. There’s a kind of sick satisfaction to the fact that you were struggling just as much as he was. ”You seemed fine.”
”I was dying, Joel.” There are tears in your eyes now, and he feels guilty for insinuating that your pain wasn’t real.
”I was, too.”
”I just wish you would’ve talked to me,” you whisper. “I could’ve made it better. Things could’ve been different.”
”But they aren’t.” His tone is firm, but not malicious. He’s not trying to be mean—all he wants is for you to understand that there’s no point dwelling on the past. It’s something he’s learned over twenty years; that no matter how hard to focuses on all the mistakes he’s made and the things he regrets, there’s no way to undo any of them. No point in focusing on them at all, really.
”I… I miss you,” you tell him. “I don’t wanna keep going to bed alone and waking up wishing you were there. I don’t want to pretend we’re just friends with benefits or whatever the fuck we were supposed to have been. I don’t want to lose you over any more stupid arguments. I loved you, Joel. I still do.”
Joel swallows thickly. He’s known for a long time how he feels, and he also knows he doesn’t deserve to feel the way he does. Telling you might be the hardest thing he’s ever had to do. ”I love you too.”
”Then can we… stop being stupid?” There’s a giggle behind your tears, and it brings the smallest of smiles to his face.
”Yeah. Yeah, I think so.” He kisses you again, pausing on the steps of the house he’s supposed to occupy so he can pull you tightly into his arms. This one is sweeter, almost like a promise. Like he’s going to be a new man and this is his seal of authentication.
He scoops you up in his arms despite your squeal of protest, barely pausing enough to read the note on the door.
Took Ellie on a grand tour. We’ll meet y’all at dinner. - Tommy
You glance at your watch, then look up into his eyes. He’s thinking exactly what you are; his dark eyes are burning with tension. ”A whole hour of pure uninterrupted bliss. What’re we gonna do with ourselves?”
”I’ve got a couple ideas,” Joel grunts as he pushes the door open with his back, careful not to jostle you too much. “Startin’ with makin’ up for lost time.”
This time, he kisses you like you’re unbreakable. Like he’s diamond and testing your hardness, and you’re determined to meet his standards. You meet his lips with ferocity and take the initiative to slide your tongue over his bottom lip, reveling in the slight uptilt of his lips as he parts them for you.
You’re still in tune to his reactions, even after so long. You still know exactly where to pull his hair to make his hips buck towards you, where to kiss his neck to make him moan, where to place your hands so he’ll pull you impossibly tighter against him. He’s a puzzle you solved long ago, and even after taking the pieces apart you know where to put them back together again.
Joel’s head is all but spinning as he pulls you deeper inside, ignoring the urge to explore the unfamiliar surroundings for now in favor of finding a place that’s suitable to take you. He’s feverish and hurried, far from gentle because he knows he doesn’t need to be. You’re taking everything he’ll give and more. Later, there will be time for the gentle love-making that he admittedly prefers sometimes. For now, it’s desperate, wild, overwhelming in the best way possible. It’s getting reacquainted after so much time apart—old lovers using old tricks.
His hands have gotten rougher and even more calloused, but they remember you like it’s only been days since they were last on you. His palms trace every curve like you’re precious art. He holds you like water, like the slightest mishandle will send you spilling away from him; in complete contrast to the way he kisses you, harsh and nearly biting. It fogs your mind, sends you into autopilot. Your muscle memory takes command as you strip him bare and toss his clothes to the side, appreciating how little he’s changed besides the length of his hair and the extra gray that’s sprouted. He’s still your Joel, even after being apart for what seems like a lifetime.
”I never appreciated you enough,” he whispers into your neck as he unhooks your bra with a snap of his fingers. “Never worshiped you the way I should’ve.”
”I’m not a god,” you tell him, breath heavy even after parting from his lips.
”You are to me,” he mumbles into your skin, contrasting the honeyed praise with a stinging bite to the precise spot that makes your back arch.
He trails gentler bites down the flesh of your torso, leaving marks that contrast his statement. Gods aren’t meant to be owned, and yet he claims you in every way he can. He lays on you any little trace of his possession he can, because he knows how easily it could be taken away from him. He lost you once before, marks faded from your skin completely. He doesn’t ever want it to happen again.
The scent of you is heady, mouth-watering to a mind that was so sure it would never have you again. He knows he’s pressed for time, and he really does consider taking all of it to drink from you; to get his fill and leave himself unsatisfied if he has to.
But you’re whining and squirming, tugging at his hair in a feeble attempt to pull him up to you, and he knows he’d much rather give you what you want.
You’re wet enough to take him, but it’s still nearly painful when he pushes his full length into you for the first time in so long. He growls at the sensation, at every little pulse and flutter of your cunt around him as you struggle to accommodate him.
Your breath is airy and whiny as you glance up at him. ”Joel…”
”I know baby,” he coos, fighting for restraint so he doesn’t hurt you. “I know it’s a lot. But you can take it pretty girl, can’t you?”
You would take literally anything so long as he keeps talking to you like that.
You nod up at him, but it’s not enough.
”Words, honey. Tell me you can take me.”
He doesn’t miss the way your cunt contracts around him as you vow, “I can take you, Joel.”
”Atta girl.”
He starts off easy, slow enough not to overwhelm you but deep enough to nearly make you choke. His hips are flush with your ass at the base of every stroke, like he’s trying to push even further with each thrust of his hips. Maybe he is. Maybe all he wants is to get deeper and deeper until there’s nothing left out—until you’ve consumed him completely. He already feels halfway there as it is.
Your legs wrap around his waist in a desperate attempt to que him in on what you need—not long, languid strokes but hard, fast thrusts that’ll get the job done quickly. There is a time constraint to factor in, after all.
He grants your wish instantly, glad for the invitation because he’s finding it hard to continue his facade of self-control. He ruts hard and fiercely, one hand trailing from your waist to your knee so he can prop your leg up and allow an even deeper angle.
With the slightest shift of his hips he finds it—the spot that makes you writhe and scream for more. He revels in all the noises you make for him as you toss your head back and forth, like the pleasure is so overwhelming that you want to squirm away yet press closer simultaneously.
“That’s my girl,” he mumbles as his free hand finds its way between your entangled bodies. It’s almost like you’re magnetic, his fingers find your clit so easily. The small, firm circles he rubs against it with his calloused fingers are almost too much, but also almost not enough. Not until he picks up his pace, drilling into exactly where you need him with a fervor you didn’t even know he possessed.
It takes all the effort you can muster to warn him, ”S-so close…”
”I know sweetie,” he purrs, breath heavy against your ear as he shifts his hand to hitch your leg just the slightest bit higher over his hip. “It’s okay. Let go f’me.”
You’re nothing if not obedient, and Joel knows it. It’s only confirmed by the way you squeeze around him in a vice grip, legs shaking in his grip as your eyes practically roll back in your head. It’s bone-shattering pleasure, like he’s pulling you apart stitch by stitch and sewing you back together again with newer, more pleasurable fabric.
He’s quick to pull out, maybe a little prematurely as you’re still twitching with the aftershocks of your own orgasm, but even his pleasure-addled brain knows the risk he runs if he stays buried deep inside you any longer. He gives himself two, three firm strokes, then allows himself to spill over your stomach in thick, hot ropes that make you moan all over again.
He doesn’t hold himself up much longer before collapsing on the too-soft mattress with a heavy grunt.
”Missed this,” you murmur next to his ear as he drapes an arm over your waist. He pulls you in close and hums at the way you nuzzle your face into his neck despite how sweaty he must be.
“How much time we got left?”
You take a peek at your watch, then groan. “Five minutes.”
”Shit.” He’s not ready to let you go yet, but he pushes himself up to sit on the edge of the bed anyway.
”We could just skip dinner,” you suggest with a hopeful pout to your lips as you stretch out further over the floral bedspread.
As much as he wants to… “Can’t. Gotta grab Ellie. Can’t leave her alone all day.”
”You must really care about her.” There’s no malice to your tone—it’s more surprise. 
He simply grunts in response—he’ll never admit it, but he can’t deny it either. “C’mon. Clothes on.”
He gathers the pile from the floor and tosses it to you, practically burying you where you lay.
”Forgot how bossy you are,” you grumble but follow the instruction nevertheless.
It’s a little awkward, sitting across the table from your lover’s family like your legs aren’t still a little weak from being so thoroughly fucked. But Joel’s hand is a constant on your thigh, and you even catch him smirking a little as Ellie grills you with a million questions—mostly about your relationship with Joel. 
For once, everything feels normal. For once, you forget about the crumbling world around you. In this bubble with Joel, everything is stable and secure. There’s a future on the horizon and a chance to write your own story.
You drag Joel back home at the soonest opportunity, patiently biding your time while he settles Ellie in for the night. You hear heated conversation bordering on an argument, but he doesn’t say anything about it when he enters the room for the night.
Instead he drags you to him in a heated kiss, his large hands practically engulfing your face as his tongue sweeps into your mouth to re-familiarize himself with known yet long-unexplored territory.
He hates having to tamp down your moans, but he loves being able to swallow them with his own mouth as his fingers trace through your slick folds. You’re still puffy, wet, and sensitive from his earlier onslaught, but it doesn’t deter you one bit. He revels in each little whimper and gasp, all the involuntary squirms and twitches as he brings you to the brink on his thick, calloused fingers. He swallows every little sound with a fevered kiss until your lips are swollen and red—and then you turn the tables on him. You take him in your palm, whispering praises about how your hand can barely close around him while stroking him with the gentle, languid movements that you know drive him crazy. He fights to keep his sounds down as you settle close in his lap, chest pressed to his and legs locked tight around his thighs until the moment he has to pull your hand away from fear of finishing too fast.
This is the exact foil of the way he fucked you earlier in a frenzied, desperate passion. Now it’s soft and languid, more like searching and exploring than trying to find the end goal. It’s hot and sweaty and sticky from where your skin is pressed so tightly against his, but his strong hands only drag you closer and closer and you really don’t even consider pulling away—not when he gently tugs your hair to tilt your head back for a deeper kiss, not when he lifts you up so effortlessly to help you sink down on his achingly hard cock, not even when his hands squeeze your hips hard enough to leave bruises at the feeling of bottoming out in your soaked cunt.
You couldn’t count the minutes you’re on top of him even if you cared to try. It’s an eternity of softly rocking hips and open-mouthed kisses, like if he breathes air from anywhere besides your lungs it’ll poison him. He doesn’t even care that it practically feels like torture—like not enough but simultaneously far too much as you do nothing more than rock on his length. It takes a lifetime before he loses his patience and anchors your hips in his capable hands so he can fuck you properly. He guides you to bounce on him, hitting deeper with each perfectly matched upward thrust of his own hips.
You’re falling apart before you even know what’s hit you, biting your lip almost to the point of drawing blood to keep your sounds under control as you fall limp in his arms.
And Joel—sweet, sweet Joel—has the foresight to check in with you before he does what he has to.
”Good, baby? Feel okay? Wanna stop?”
You shake your head, and it takes you a moment to find breath enough to tell him, “Don’t stop. Come in me.”
The demand is so unexpected that it hits him like a tidal wave—and before he knows it, his cock is twitching with forceful spasms as he paints you from the inside out until you’re dripping his spend out around his softening length.
Evidently, you’re not the only one caught up in this bubble of paradise within the walls of Jackson.
He doesn’t say anything, just rolls onto his side so he can hold you closer without his cock slipping from your warmth. That’s exactly how you fall asleep—him snuggly inside you, kissing your hair and whispering the sweetest of nothings into your ear.
When you wake up, you feel empty in more ways than one.
There’s dust particles swirling in the sunbeam streaming through the far window, and your stomach sinks when you reach over and feel Joel’s side of the bed completely cold.
You try not to jump to conclusions, but you know exactly what you’ll find even before you read the note left on the nightstand.
Easier not to say goodbye. I promised I’d take Ellie to the Fireflies, and you know I always make good on my promises.
I promise I’ll come back for you.
It’s not a promise that he can make with complete certainty, and you know it. You’re sure he knew it, too; and yet he did it anyway, promised you the impossible. 
You remember far too suddenly that there’s risks involved with literally anything done in this crumbling, broken world—and just like that, the perfect little bubble you’ve lived in for the past sixteen hours has popped. There’s no fairytale endings here, no happily ever afters. 
There’s you, alone and aching, hoping beyond hope the man you love will return to your side.
And there’s Joel, out in the wilderness somewhere, wondering if he’s even worthy of returning to your side.
Maybe he’s not. But maybe making good on this promise—dropping Ellie off so they can find a cure—will tip his scales. Maybe he’ll be worthy of finally settling down with you the way he wants to after this one last job. He knows he’ll have to spend hours upon hours apologizing to you for it, but it would be worth it to know that he finally made the world at least a little bit better rather than worse—to know that he’s finally done something for you to be proud of.
He knows he has to prove himself one way or another before he can return to your side. And he will.
After all, Joel Miller is a man who always makes good on his promises.
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head-empty-just-ace · 17 days
Yes, I know the Ace, Sanji, and Zoro fics have their own NSFW scenarios...but for the life of me— I cannot do that to Luffy. I have tried but no. Just no. Also, the first chunk of it is how the crew would react to him. I think it'd be a cute addition.
Monkey D. Luffy x GN!Reader
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CW: Hinted sensory overload. Mainly just fluff.
Word Count: 500+
Fluff w/ Strawhats
Just. Pure. Chaotic. Energy.
Usually, Luffy's already pretty hyperactive. Messing around with the others and just a fun goofy guy. But now it's even worse because of his canine-tendencies.
Sanji has the fridge just chained down and placed multiple locks because Luffy kept eating all the food inside of it. Sometimes, he has to stand guard at night just to make sure they'll still have food for breakfast.
Usopp and Chopper are just messing around with Luffy. They're throwing him balls and frisbees to help him burn off all that energy. Even taught him tricks.
Robin uses her devil fruit to just tickle and indulge Luffy every now and then when the mood strikes. He adores it. It makes him laugh so hard.
Nami would play along for a bit when Luffy wants to mess around. But if she doesn't, she'll lie that Usopp is hiding a delicious portion of meat in his workshop.
Brook does notice whenever Luffy gets overwhelmed a bit by the noise, scent, and sceneries. So, he'll distract Luffy by playing a tune. It works so effectively on the captain.
Zoro's the one to reign him in. If Luffy's about to go overboard because he was chasing after some bird or a ball Chopper and Usopp threw? He's the one to either grab him the shirt or dive into the sea to save the guy.
Jimbei and his blessed patience always puts up with Luffy whenever he starts getting chatty— if Chopper and Usopp aren't around to play with him. He and Luffy would just share stories with each other excitedly.
Franky would just be very chill with Luffy. Telling him all sorts of inventions. Maybe even tricking Luffy into think they're playing a game but its just Franky getting Luffy to fetch tools for him while he works.
Fluff w/ you
You would either join in on the fun or be the one to scold him whenever he made a mess on the deck. At some point, you didn't know whether to laugh or lecture Usopp and Chopper for teaching him tricks as if he really were a dog.
Whenever it was mealtime, he'd rest his chin against the table while gazing up at you with the best pair of puppy eyes he could muster. He already cleaned out his plate and Sanji wouldn't give him any more food.
He's be even more clingy than usual. Using his devil fruit to wrap his arms around you like some snake to keep you close.
He'll even ask you to pet and scratch his head. Ofc, you indulge the guy. He'd sulk and pout otherwise.
If Brook isn't around and he gets overwhelmed, he'll come up to you and complain that its too noisy. You'll hug him against your chest and place your hands gently over his ears and hum a song— he usually falls asleep in your arms.
Similar to Ace, he doesn't like it when his hat bothers his ears. It just doesn't sit comfortably. So, he'll give you his precious hat bc he knows you'll take care of it for him.
He does get protective over you. If you're talking with anyone on the ship and you start laughing, he'll walk up to you and just hug you from behind. There's a small sulk on his face.
If you do lean back into his touch and scratch his ear— he'll melt back into a smile and join in with your conversation with the others. Still hugging you tho.
In the case that you guys get in a fight, his ears are flat on his head. His tail dull and slack behind him. A pout visible on his face.
Woke everyone up by howling at the moon loudly (it unfortunately happened multiple times and it doesn't help that he does it even when he's asleep).
If you liked this and wanna read more, here's my masterlist!
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sl-vega · 1 month
pairings: Bachira Meguru, Isagi Yoichi x [GN!] Reader
genre: headcanon/drabbles, imagines, fluff, can be read as canon compliant/pre-bluelock au or school/no bluelock au
synopsis: flowers that the bluelock boys would give you at different stages in your relationship
CW/additional tags: mild language, potentially ooc, potential inaccuracies with flower language, might make a second part with different characters if people want it.
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╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ DAFFODILS
daffodils are bright and sunny, just like the strange boy who seemed to develop an affinity towards you
"don't they remind you of me?" :D
Is what he'd probably say with the brightest smile on his face as he'd eagerly hand them to you
Bachira would probably hand them to you on the daily, sometimes he'd freshly pick them on his way to school, and while they were impulsive gifts, that doesn't mean he doesn't put effort into making them presentable
he'll usually add a matching pastel yellow ribbon to them, sometimes borrowing his mother's art supplies to fancy them up
You always thought the boy was rather...
peculiar, to say the least
but you could sense that Bachira meant well, he was incredibly open about his feelings towards you, he would never directly state that he was attracted to you, but it was rather obvious
you'd often catch him staring at you in class, shamelessly admiring your features or making eye contact that was way too close for comfort, and he'd never deny it if you ever caught him
of course, whenever you did, the boy would simply slide you a mini bouquet of daffodils with a cheeky smile, and a cute little note attached to it
╰┈➤ flower of choice: DAISIES
upon actually getting to know meguru, you realized that he was actually quite fun to be around
the boy's personality and smile was rather infectious, not that you were complaining
despite his extroverted and chatty nature, he was a pretty good listener
after becoming properly acquainted with the boy, you found yourself spending more and more time with bachira
some of your classmates had already assumed the two of you were together with how clingy the boy would be towards you, following you around like a lost puppy
sometimes, whenever he would accompany you on your way to school, he'd surprise you with little daisy chains he made on his way there
at first they'd be a little lopsided, but after seeing how much you liked the chains, he started to get better and better at them
he'd often place them on your head during lunch hours, or give them to you as bracelets, sometimes adorned with little clay or polymer charms that his mother would help him make
at this point in your relationship, he'd retire from attaching little notes to his flowers, one, because they weigh down the daisy chains, two because they make the flowers look less pretty and all lopsided, and three, because why write notes when he's perfectly comfortable telling you how he feels?
at this point in what you assume is a friendship with bachira, you can't seem to decide what you should label your relationship as
with how shameless the boy is around you, you're certain that you're supposed to be more than friends, but he hasn't fully committed to you yet
sure situationships suck, but with meguru, it's a little more bearable
╰┈➤ flower of choice: ✿ JONQUIL (NARCISSUS)
could you even label it as a confession?
is what you kept asking yourself as bachira held out the bright yellow petals as he professed his love to you in an oddly bashful way
much like how the narcissus is shameless in it's own beauty, bachira was shameless in his own love for you
except for now that is, the usual mischievous glint in his eyes was replaced with something else, something genuine and sincere
you already knew that he had feelings for you, all your classmates knew that he had feelings for you, at this rate, he may as well just shout it from the roof tops that he's head over heels in love with you
yet right here, right now, the few simple words that you thought you had been expecting all along, they had felt like a wave coming over you
you saw it coming, yet it had still shocked you
of course, you accepted his confession, how could you deny him at this rate?
he already had you far under his spell, even if he never realized it
╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ YELLOW TULIPS
even after he's finally won you over, bachira still makes a point to surprise you with cute gifts
flowers included
tulips represent deep, true love
not at all
sometimes, when he's luck and you let him play with your hair, he'll weave flowers into it, sometimes daffodils, sometimes daisies, sometimes jonquils, and most of the time tulips
you say that they look a little lopsided in your hair and that it makes you look strange, but meguru always assures you that you look gorgeous no matter what
it's safe to say that the tulips perfectly convey how he feels about you, deep and truly in love
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╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ GREEN ZINNIAS
when isagi first meets you, he's incredibly taken by you, head over heels, love at first sight, lovesick, you name it, he felt it
unlike bachira he's rather reserved when it comes to his feelings for you, he's hardly ever talked to you so actually making a move and trying to flirt is way out of the question
so he settles for becoming your secret admirer, discreetly leaving small bunches of zinnias in your locker
he didn't know what to give you at first, but after stumbling upon these lovely blossoms in a flower shop, he thought that they would suit the situation quite nicely
occasionally, on the days where he was feeling bold, he would leave a note with a short message along the lines of;
"you have a nice smile :D" -your secret admirer
sometimes, isagi would hang back as you got stuff from your locker just to see your reaction, it was always positive, and his heart would always leap into his throat whenever he saw you smile at his corny little messages
you had your suspicions about the boy, he wasn't the best liar either, but you never questioned him too much whenever you caught him lurking
it was rather cute honestly, he was rather intense whenever you saw him play soccer out on the field, but he was so bashful around you, a bit of a dork too
somehow you still hadn't put two and two together and realize that the was your secret admirer
isagi found your obliviousness adorable however
╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ GARDENIAS
after some time had passed, you and isagi had started hanging out more, and more and you had developed a close friendship with the boy
all while you still didn't know that he was your secret admirer
after becoming well acquainted with yoichi, you started to develop feelings for him, making you care less about your secret admirer, who's true identity was still a mystery to you
isagi, like the oblivious boy he was, didn't pick up on your newfound feelings for him, and only saw your decreasing interest in your admirer
perhaps you found out it was him and this was your way of letting him down easy
his head was always swarmed with thoughts of what he could've done to make you seem a lot more distant towards his anonymous affection
so he decided to change things up a little
he heard from a friend of a friend that you thought gardenias were pretty
so isagi "head over heels for you" yoichi decided that the only logical course of action was to buy you some gardenias, bunched together and carefully arranged, and wrapped with a lovely silky bow
upon doing some reading into it, isagi found out that gardenias actually symbolize "hidden love" which made it even more perfect for the current situation
he even included a cute little card with the meaning on it after he slipped the bouquet in your locker
over time, you'd grow fonder of the gifts once more, and isagi, like the sly little bastard he is, would always try to be slick whenever he asked you about the gifts
"so you have a secret admirer huh? cool, cool. hypothetically, if they got you this colour of gardenias, would you like them?"
and surprise, surprise, those very flowers would show up in your locker the following school day
after some time, you picked up and you were well aware of isagi's little game, you were more than happy to play along though
╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ WISTERIA
in western culture, wisterias represent the passing of time, new beginnings, and romance
several things that described your relationship with isagi
(he thought he was being so clever w/ this one, in his defense, he was, gotta give credit where credit is due)
so, several mirror pep-talks later, isagi finally musters up the courage to leave the final note in your locker asking you to meet him on the school rooftop after school
(cliche i know, but this whole secret admire thing is the most tropey you can get so it's go big or go home with him)
after finally climbing your way up to the top of the school, you are met with a familiar pair of bright blue eyes
bashful as ever, yoichi hands a small bouquet of wisteria flowers bound together with a cream white ribbon as he pours his heart out to you, a dreamy pink sunset painting the backround to his touching confession
after his whole speech asking you to go out with him, you naturally agree
"y'know, i had a feeling it was you all along..."
poor guy wishes you put him out of his misery sooner, but at least he's finally won you over
╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ WHITE LILY
white lilies symbolize rebirth or new beginnings
they are also commonly used during easter in catholic masses, as well as weddings! (isagi may or may not be planning in advance for all you know)
your newfound relationship with isagi is simply wonderful, he knows how to treat you right and he's just a wonderful guy in general
sometimes, for nostalgia's sake, he'll leave you notes in your locker with lilies attached to them, only difference now is that he's your boyfriend rather than your secret admirer <3
the second you close your locker and place the cheesy note back into it, you're always met with his arms wrapped around your waist and his lips against your own
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kingdomhate · 10 months
Getting Them Pets (Part two)
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Luke Skywalker: You both had agreed you wanted something to take care of, and given your guys' history with other animals: stray dogs, cats, birds, fish and a few bunnies, it was no problem. The only problem was: what to get? Luke wants a couple hamsters, and you? You wanted a rabbit. Now, as you and Luke speak to store-owners and even random traders, you cannot seem to find neither.
Sighing, Luke thanks the store owner and walks out with you. "I don't think today's our day." He frowns, crossing his arms to his chest. "What? Have a little faith, Luke." You urge, determined to get a pet. "You're right." He sighs a bit, regaining his normal smile. As you both walk down the road, you see a pen, filled with a group of pigs, chickens and two cows. In the big group of mud covered pigs, you can make out a tiny little figure, it was sniffing the mud and eating some scraps. "Oh!" You gasp, eyes lighting up with a radiant fire. "Luke, let's go here!" You practically scream with excitement and hope. "Huh? Why? What is it, Y\N?" He tilts his head, but you grab his arm and scramble over to the store. "Can I help you?" The owner asks, his voice bored and uninterested. "Yes! I'd like the baby pig that you have in the back." The store owner nods. "Sure. $230." He demands, and Luke's face contorts in disbelief, but seeing that your mood resembled determination and fierceness, he paid. The owner gave you the piglet, which was actually a girl. That night, you both had a fun time giving the piglet a bath, staying up discussing name ideas and just having fun getting to know the new addition to your family.
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Anakin Skywalker: It was the first time you guys discussed anything of the sort. Ani asked you multiple questions regarding what kind of pet, what would it be, look like, etc. Of course, you had no idea what you wanted, so you did a LOT of research on what could be suitable for a couple. Ultimately, you decided a bunny would be good, coming to Anakin with the idea wasn't going to be difficult.
And it wasn't. Quickly, you both travelled to the planet in which the bunny was likely to be in, picked one (and had fun petting, feeding and playing with the others) and then bought it. Along with the crate, food, collective toys and a few treats and a cozy little interior. The bunny was a fluffy white girl, in which the naming seemed perfect, you wanted to settle for Leah, or Amy. Again, the idea with Ani was settled as soon as he heard the names. In the end, Leah was picked. The three of you eager to start a new chapter of your lives.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Immediately, he was open to the idea. Knowing it was something like a new chapter, and you seemed very adamant and enthusiastic about the idea of a pet. Even better, you had a plan for which one and damn, did you have a great convincing plan. However, Obi-Wan being the kind, open-minded man, he did not need convincing (or at least too much, seeing as though looking at you convinced him in the first place.)
So, you both started your journey for a Belgian Malinois, a stubborn, alert and protective dog breed. The thought of having something as intimate as a shared pet to strengthen your bond was something that sparked excitement and determination in your heart. As you met the breeder of the herding dog, Obi-Wan started speaking of how it was your and his first pet and you had been very set on a Belgian Shepherd. The breeder nodded in understanding, indulging Obi-Wan in a short conversation about the breed, as you went to observe the dogs and puppies. The gorgeous amber eyes, black muzzles and a combination of amber and black in the two layers of coat, made you swoon even more. Eventually, the breeder and Obi-Wan disengaged and went over to pick one, and yet again, you found the perfect one: a boy, and about a year old so not impossible to teach. You plead with your boyfriend for the dog and he caves in easily, the breeder offers a reasonable amount of money and you two bring the dog back home. At first, he was weary, but he came to after a few months, now as loving and compassionate as you dreamed.
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crazyyfilmyfreak · 1 year
Soooo as always here's my opinion on First episode of Loki's Season 2 :)
Here are the things that i really liked and feel like highlight of this episode imo
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FIRST THINGS FIRST IT WAS REALLY NICE TO SEE Ke Huy Quan as OB aka Ouroboros... nice addition to the marvel family
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But in the End Mobius not only pulled himself off to do the task even tho he knew he could fucking die and risked it all because of his Long distance low commitment causal Boyfriend LOKI 😭💀
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And somehow loki and mobius not only pulled the task but loki infact helped mobius to get into the chamber safely....Mobius literally almost DIED TO SAVE LOKI and what was the first thing loki said " WE NEED TO FIND SYLVIE " 😭😭😭😭😭 LIKE NOT EVEN A THANK YOU TO MOBIUS LMFAOOOO ???
Ngl i am really loving this triangle love story bw them since Season1
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And in the end credits i really cried a bit for Sylvie ik you all hate her but listen to me behind the " Bad girl, boss bitch " behaviour she's is just a broken little kid who's never grown up, all she ever needed was love,affection and somebody to trust on and wanted to live a normal life but she never got that and everytime she trusted and loved someone they either broke her heart and left her alone and that's the reason she became who she is its hard for her to trust anyone bcoz she doesn't want to get hurt again coz she feels she had enough and finally when she looks at this people having normal lives and talking their friends and loved ones she finally has a little bit of hope in her eyes and has happy tears and smiles a bit THIS IS WHAT SHE ALWAYS WANTED 😭❤ And i am sure this is the direction marvel markers will go thru for Sylvie's character this season and i am excited for the coming episodes
Also Lastly WHERE IS THIS BITCH MISS MINUTES ??? where is she Fucking around and whose D... is she sucking ? everything is game for this annoying cunt coz The entire Tva is collapsed and she seems to be no found no where😤😤
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Anygayssss EPISODE 1 WAS REALLY FUN TO WATCH... I KNOW most of you are done with marvel or cbms stuff and even i felt i was done with this shit and i didn't even post during the secret invasion time 😭💀 but HERE I AM NOW LOKI S2 STARTED OFF GRANDLY Hope they will end it in a much grander way
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
Zora's eyes widened once they saw the sight before them. The sign at the new bakery was covered with a banner reading 'GOOD LUCK Z!' The lobby was covered with balloons and the tables were catered with all of the artist's favorite treats and meals. Confettie poppers could be heard from behind the counter where the new Luna family popped up with wide grins.
Two fang toothed children grinned brightly at Zora. Jason and Regine Luna, the two new additions to the family of witches. Like the rest of the Lunas, they had adorable noses though one could see their mother's influence as well. While Jason had a smile similar to his dad's, his eyes were much softer like his mothers. Regine, of course, inherrited those iconic puppy dog eyes that Chris was known for.
A young woman of average height offered a chill yet kind smile, Delainey 'D' Luna (nee' Harris). Like her children, she held a pair of fangs thanks to her vampire lineage. With her hair in braids, she had an look inspired by the 90's celebrity culture. Thanks to a black bandana covering her head that matched the converse on her fee she gave hints of the cool girl, even with the vintage Dungeons and Dragons shirt.
Finally was none other than Christopher Noe Luna, their best friend and planner of said party. Despite a few years passing, Chris still looked the same as the day they met. No doubt thanks to his witch side and maybe a healthy skin care routine.
A smile spreads across their face, "You guys! You didn't have to."
Chris and D could only shake their heads.
"Dude, we gotta. You're literally about to make a big ass step off the planet, it would be wrong if we didn't. Plus, it was their idea." Chris replied, hand ruustling the young Luna's hair.
Zora was then greeted by the family familars of Dee and Lord Quas, happily offering them cuddles. Knowing Quas and his theatrics, he thought this would be the last time he would get a chance to see the family close friend.
Zora was making preps to live off planet, journeying into the beyond. While they didn't know if it would be for good, the Luna's knew they would be gone for a while. As always they had their friends back, even if they would miss them dearly.
The night was filled with food, laughs, reminscing on fond and outright silly memories. Zora let out an uprorious laugh when they told the younger Lunas about how Chris and Delainey met.
"Oh trust me, I'll never forget your dad's face!" Zora laughed. "She literally said and I quote 'I could kill you where you stand'. Now tell me why Chris walks up to me talking about 'I...think I like her."
An embarrassed chuckle comes from Chris while his wife nods.
"Sure did, so you can imagine my surprise when I saw him again. Red roses and a card in his hand. 'Sorry about the misunderstanding...I hope this makes it up to you'." Delainey imitated her husband before giving him a playful nudge. "But he was cute and made it up to me with dinner."
"Then we had dinner or went to a movie every weekend before you...staked your claim on me."
A collective eye roll ensued.
"Oooooooooh brother! This guy stinks!" D laughed with another nudge, making Chris smile.
The youngest, Jason, looked up at Zora. Presenting them with a small wrapped box. Unwrapping the young man's gift, the artist found a box for a CD player along with a homemade CD. In a childish drawing, the cover displayed a picture of him playing ukulele to a planet sized crowd.
"...Um...I made some songs you might like. Like my own but there's also other songs you like on there..."
Z offered him a smile, rustling the adorable dreads on his head. "Oooh! I get the first CD? I'll make sure to keep it so you can sign it once you're famous." they chuckled, bringing an emberassed blush to the boys face.
Regine on the other hand, offered up a drawing. No doubt influenced by the anime her mom watched with her. Depicting the Lunas and Z as characters in an action manga.
"Me and Mom drew all of us as characters in my comic, I'm still figuring out the plot. But you get the first concept art!" Regine grinned.
"Ah! Glad to see creativity runs in the family! I'll make sure to keep this around when I need inspiration." Zora chuckled, pulling the young Luna in for a hug. For a moment, just for a second Z the thought of staying appeared in their mind but they wanted to stick to their plan.
"Well since everyone wanna give gifts or whateva, me and Chris made you a little something too." Delainey said, presenting a medium-sized white box. "A little something for when you go back in a more human form and want to flex on some people."
Curious, Zora opened said box. Inside was a custom carhartt jacket. On the right chest piece was a red and green logo inspired by Tribe's low-end theory album. The back held a design of the various Tribe members in a comic book style, reminiscent of MF DOOM's All Cap video.
"Chris made the designs, I just helped get it onto the jacket. It's a Carhartt so it'll last you a minute." she shrugged.
"Oh...man...this is," Zora took another look. "Beautiful...you guys really went all out on this...! Thank you..."
Chris offered up a smile.
"I mean we had to you're family, Zora. Always have and always will be."
The family said their goodbyes, each giving Zora a hug and promises of seeing each other again. D offers up the bakery as a place to stay if they decide to return before finally leaving the two best friends.
The duo stared at each other for an eternal moment before laughing, though one could see a tear forming in the baker's eyes.
"I knew you were gonna crack first!" Zora teased, making Chris shake his head.
"Nah, I saw you hesitate when Regine hugged you!" Chris replied, hand wiping away the teardrop. They finally embraced one another, Chris offering a squeeze. He knew this day was coming but he still wasn't prepared for it. Chris couldn't help but tear up at his best friend leaving. Despite the oncoming waterworks, the baker finally found the words he wanted to say to his friend.
"...I love you dude, "Chris finally spoke. "I'm gonna miss you, just know that. I don't know if you're gonna come back...but you always got a place here."
Even Z couldn't resist their own oncoming tears.
"I love you too," Z replied. "You guys are gonna be missed too...I appreciate everything you guys did for me. I'll be around at some point. I promise."
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headkiss · 2 years
Happy Tuesday! :) Could I possibly request something where Eddie is trying to gather the courage to confess his feelings to the reader? Maybe Wayne or the Hellfire boys hype him up and help him practice what he’s going to say?
hi! happy tuesday to you too and yes you can!! i hope u like it and that it’s kind of what you were thinking! enjoy :D | 1k words and fem!reader
Eddie had a crush.
A big, fat crush that all of his friends, even his uncle, knew about. He thought about it all of the time. He wanted to go on dates and take care of someone and be fucking soft. How strange was that?
He had a crush on you.
You were the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, the kindest smile and eyes that he wanted on his. You were never mean to him, never called him a freak like everyone else did. In fact, he’s heard you defend him multiple times.
“You don’t even know him.”
“He’s a good person.”
“If you actually knew him, you would never say that.”
What’s even worse is that you’re even kind when you try to be stern, your voice soft despite the conviction in your tone. He thinks you’re really, really cute.
He considers you a friend, but he knows he wants more. He wants to kiss you and hold you and walk around with his arm around you so the assholes at school stop looking at you.
“Dude, you’re staring again,” Gareth snaps Eddie out of it.
“Shit, sorry. What were you saying?”
He tries to pay attention this time, he really does, but he hears you laugh and he has to turn his head to see it. It’s sweet, the soft cloud of cotton candy if it was a sound. God, he has it so bad.
“You should just tell her,” Gareth doesn’t bother with his story anymore.
“She won’t feel the same. No way.”
“Do you hear the way she talks about you? And when you two are around each other. Come on! It’s so obvious.”
The two boys make their way to Hellfire, Eddie listening to Gareth go on and on about how he should just be honest and talk to you, but he can’t. He’s too scared. You’ll turn him down and then he won’t get to talk to you at all. He prefers the moments he has with you already than that.
The night's campaign goes as usual, some yelling, some laughing, and Eddie having way too much fun getting to DM for it all. It’s his favorite thing to do, an escape, really. And things only got better when Dustin, Lucas, and Mike joined. He saw himself in them, especially Dustin, and they were great additions.
It goes as usual until the door opens and everyone’s heads turn to see you standing there.
“Oh my god. Sorry,” you turn around and shut the door, embarrassed as you lean against the wall.
Eddie’s eyes are wide, and he doesn’t say anything, simply stares at the door where you just stood. He’s itching to get up, to go after you and talk to you and tell you it’s okay, you’re welcome anytime.
“For god's sake just go ask her out,” Dustin says what everybody’s thinking, though he says it in that tone of his that makes him sound annoyed, which he probably is, at this point.
Eddie’s been talking about you forever and they’re all sick of it, as great as you seem. The whole of Hellfire agrees with Dustin, chanting ‘do it, do it’ until Eddie shushes them and finally stands and pushes his way out the door.
He startles you, and you startle him. He wasn’t expecting you to be standing right next to the door with your head in your hands muttering something to yourself that sounded a lot like ‘stupid, he doesn’t like you’ and he can’t stop himself from hoping you want him to like you. You weren’t expecting anyone to come out and look for you, and you can’t help but stare at Eddie while he does the same to you.
You’ve liked him since you met him. He’s energetic and charming in his own, unique way. The way he spoke drew you to him, the way his eyes were always shining and sweet like a puppy. His long hair and his rings and tattoos. He was, to you, perfect.
“Oh. Hi,” Eddie says it quietly, like he’s nervous.
“Hi. I’m so sorry for walking in, I forgot Hellfire was today,” you’re looking down, feet kicking back and forth against the ground.
“No, no. It’s okay.”
You wait for him to say something else, because he looks like he’s going to, but he doesn’t. So you turn to walk away with a small ‘bye, then.’
“Wait!” He stops you, a hand around your wrist. You like the way it feels when he touches you, even the slightest bit.
“I wanted to ask you something.”
“Yeah?” You look at him, eyes roaming around his face and the way he licks his lips and takes a deep breath before talking again.
“Do you want to maybe go out sometime.. with me?”
He’s even more nervous now, because he doesn’t know if you’re surprised that he asked you out in a good way or if it’s negative.
“Um, yeah. I really like you. A lot, and I want to take you on a date if you’ll let me. I’m sorry if I just sprung it on you but I had to get it out.”
You surprise him this time by taking his face in your hands and forcing him to look at you.
“Hey. I like you too. I’d love to go out.”
“You would?”
“I would,” you nod.
He can’t stop himself, he kisses you then. Your hands stay on his face and his hold your waist. He feels like he might be dreaming because you’re kissing him back and it’s even better than anything he ever dreamt of. It’s broken up by your smiles and giddy laughs, but it’s amazing, nonetheless.
That night, after he kissed you some more and said goodbye and left you his number, after he finished Hellfire and tried to stop himself from blushing (and failing) when they all cheer after finding out a date has been secured and feelings have been returned, he goes home the happiest he’s been.
Wayne notices.
“What’s got you all smiley, boy?”
“Got a date.”
“With that girl you never shut up about?”
Eddie nods, his face heating up because he never realized he talked about you that much. He thinks it might only get worse after tonight. He knows how you kiss and he won’t ever forget it. The smile is still on his face.
“Yeah, she likes me, too.”
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bemylord · 3 years
haikyuu boys have a size kink
characters: ushijima, kuroo, atsumu, bokuto, tsukishima.
warnings: smut, oral, belly bulge, degrade, breeding and size kink, anal, gagging.
ᴜꜱʜɪᴊɪᴍᴀ ᴡᴀᴋᴀᴛᴏꜱʜɪ
like every boy who has a thick cock - he'd be smug whilst fucking your cunt to see how your belly is bulging due to his cock.
you'll boost his ego if you'd scratch his back or biceps, so ensuingly in the morning, his back would be dotted in the red patterns; screaming his name like it's the one word you know.
a big daddy in the bed. wanna stay all day in the bed and receiving cuddles and smooches? call ushijima daddy or captain. it would blow his mind, hearing your broken voice, thanks to his cock, moaning and whimpering.
'd-daddy!' you're getting lost in ushijima's thick cock, lacking of his deep, but morbid kisses. ushijima is biting your lips, immediately licks the blood that flowing down into your chin. strikes are powerful, beating moans and whimpers from your mouth every time his balls are hitting your ass. ushi hoists your up from the bed you were laying on: with one hand his holding your waist whilst another one is keeping the buttocks. nudging your tight and dripping pussy on his cock, feeling the closest orgasm.
'my baby, i'm close, i-' you're kissing the protruding bone on his collarbone, leaving there small hickeys that will come off in a couple of minutes. ushijima presses his lips against yours, increasing his tempo, pulling your closer to his body. 'let's do it together, honey, cum on my dick'
'cum inside me, ushi, i wanna feel your sperm inside me' you murmured wheezing, bouncing on his cock, feeling the wave is overwhelming you, bringing what you've been needy for a long time. as wakatoshi felt your creampie on his dick he bowed his head back, making his last movements 'till he did the last like you. he kept nudging into you a couple of times, make sure you've got off his semen in your belly. he kissed your sweat forehead, carrying you to the bathroom.
ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ ᴛᴇᴛꜱᴜʀᴏᴜ
kuroo likes to do it in a raw when you aren't prepared, just enough to feel how a big cock is stretching your walls, going in until his balls squish against your ass and going out, bursting inside with speed, beating out of you desperate, concupiscent moan.
being complacent through the whole intercourse, degrading and humiliating you by calling you slut or needy puppy.
kuroo adores when you're taking the initiative by getting fucked into his lap, controlling the pace, and watching your lover's lustful expression.
'bouncing on my fat cock like that should be illegal, babe, ah~' he groaned when you take his member all, drooping down, moving the pelvis forward and backward. 'jumping on it, babe' kuroo thrusts hips up, forcing you to grab his shoulders. you looked into his eyes, taking the massive dick which is destroying your cunt.
'kuroo, ng~' you whimpered, when kuroo put hands on your waist burying himself deeper. you put yourself at the risk, slightly blowing on kuroo's ear, moaning quietly as you're cumming. your walls are squeezing his dick so tight, that he groaning, bend you over.
'did you had my permission to cum? now, i'm gonna fill your cunt with me hot sperm until it'll be enough to dripping from your pussy'
ᴀᴛꜱᴜᴍᴜ ᴍɪʏᴀ
deep oral - his favorite one. as a punishment, when you wake him up in his dick inside your tiny mouth. frankly speaking, his dick is so massive that it barely fits in your mouth: you could suck only his glans, clearly can't put a cock deeper because of the length.
another one who would be smug when you can't take his cock entirely. would be grinning and laughing at your gagging face, when you're attempting to pull away to have a breath of air.
enjoys thrusting his pelvis up when you getting down on the dick, just to make sure he's the leader.
'gag on it, sugar. feel every inch of my thick cock' atsumu did a fist of your hair to use your head as he wants. atsumu didn't have time to breathe, practically choking by his dick. atsumu might be a boy who would cherish and loving a boyfriend, but when the last ray of sunshine leaves the earth - you should call him daddy. licking his balls to the pink head, being forcing to put a dick until the glans will touch your throat.
'those tears, baby girl, that's because it's big, isn't it? taste my cum, girl' atsumu wen crazy, when he sees your tears - he's the one who can ruin your makeup, making your eyeliner run down your cheeks, leaving the black patters. your closed eyes tight, open your throat to take his cock and semen. your lover came with a loud groan, making a serial of hits in you. the mouth is filled with a hot liquid just as atsumu wanted it. you swallowed the sperm, staring at his smug and sassy facial expression.
'now sit on my face, i'm gonna eat you dripping pussy'
ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ ᴋᴏᴛᴀᴜʀᴏᴜ
he's kinda clingy and tactile: pressing you against his muscle, interlacing your fingers, kissing your lips softly and lazily, contrary to his painful strikes in your pussy.
when he first made a push in you, he was over and over asking 'how do you feel?' or 'can i move, my angel?' when you get used to his size, bokuto acts more confident - he doesn't like seeing you crying because of his cock.
bokuto is a sweet pie when it comes to the aftercare - his treasured part. bokuto will spread smooches all over your cute face, making you blushed and smile.
'my little owl, it-' bokuto groaned, when you scratched his back, pulling him closer by his torso. he kissed your lips, running hands all over your body, trying to feel every curve, smooth skin, and irregularities. if there's kink named: the man who's obsessed with your body - it'd be koutarou's kink. the captain is terribly obsessed with you. every your 'defect' that you're trying to hide, bokuto adores.
'you're gonna make your captain cum, i-' before he could finish, the spontaneously wave of orgasm made him push inside you deeply. in addition, your walls are wringing out the last of his sperm. both of you felt your high note suddenly, remaining with his breath knocked out, drowning in each other arms.
'let's have a cuddle session!' you've got no way to run.
ᴛꜱᴜᴋɪꜱʜɪᴍᴀ ᴋᴇɪ
honorable master of degrading you. doesn't care about phrases he's talking whilst pumping into you. he'd degrade and humiliate through all the night you'll be fucking. actually, tsukki is tremendously affectional after that.
the perfect way to show who's the host? anal sex for sure. your hole isn't scratched for his massive cock - amazing for him, painful for you [could be a slogan for your night-life]
scoundrel when he watches how your facial expression changes from the 'wrong hole, tsukki, it hurts' to the 'please rub my clit, i'm gonna creampie, tsukki please'
'you know my name, slut, call it!'
tsukishima spanked your ass with a resounding sound that left the mark on your booty. you're on ll fours, hair pulled, back arched - as your daddy loves to. it hurts so much that you couldn't feel anything, but his dick. you screamed his nickname when tsukki found the right nerve profoundly in the ass. kei pulled your hair back, facing your ear, biting and licking. he knew what'll be if he dares to do that - you felt the familiar feeling inside your belly. a new batch of orgasm is about to come, kei rubs your clit as he learned to read the mind. unconsciously, you squeeze his dick while finishing, uttering the nickname. you sank to your elbows with a dick inside you.
'that's right, now daddy is gonna cum and cum until your ass will drain my balls'
why i did bokuto so sweet it must a nsfw work, but i hope you liked it!
highly recommending to listen 'lights down low' while reading it. omgfd it feels different.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
hi! ik sojourner's already ended but i have an(other?) idea in case u ever pick it up since i love ur albedo 😳😳 ok so
what abt a reader who is rlly excited abt alchemy, but they avoid talking abt it bc they start rambling and stuttering and stumbling over their words bc they're so excited? they get assigned/asked to go w/ albedo bc they're rlly good at alchemy too, but they end up fidgeting a lot, muttering and stopping just a few words in before their volume rises and giving short answers when w/ him bc they're afraid of rambling (since they do it to think better when alone, sometimes insulting and arguing w the objects when they don't get the expected result) & being seen as annoying or unprofessional?? i'd like to see how he reacts to these and what he'd think!! and how or when he discovers the reason reader is acting like that
it's kinda (a lot, rlly skowkskdk i always have ideas but never write them) specific, but i rlly like the idea!! i'd love to see what u do w/ it if u ever pick it up in the future :D hope you're staying hydrated and well🥺🥰 -🌌
What do you mean Sojourner's already ended, Sojourner is eternal, Sojourner is forever-
Kidding aside, this is too cute to pass up, even if it's quite a lot! Cute Albedo brainrot moments always please. It might be too much sometimes but I hope you enjoy my interpretation of it! Scenarios format! Starry night, oh I'm always hydrated, thank you and I hope you're well!
For the Record
Albedo working with a Reader that's highly enthusiastic about alchemy but insecure about rambling... (masterlist)
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You dealt with Alchemy a year before the Kreideprinz entered Mondstadt, your attunement to the mystic arts baffling and intriguing you every time. During that period, you're not really sure of what art you're doing but in the end, you kept doing great that the people had acknowledged your talents.
Through your own effort and self-study even if unnamed, you managed to put your talent into this art of Alchemy and created discoveries regarding powders and mineral-focused ingredients. It was a shame there was no one to share it to, and when you talk to scholars/practitioners alike, you end up rambling so much to the point that on their end you barely make sense. Whether this was caused by your eaten words or lax and personalized vocabulary over the matter, you're not sure.
Their confused and judgmental stare haunts you, leaving you alone with your raging thoughts and overworking mind when you just want to learn and expand your discoveries to other people without driving them away. Your enthusiasm is great and all, but it's not enough to make others understand.
So when the Chalk Prince entered Mondstadt, blessing the city with his scholarly knowledge and boundless creations, he easily made a name for himself and in extension the city itself.
Before Sucrose and Timaeus, you were called upon by the Grand Master Varka to accompany Albedo and be his temporary assistant seeing as his field in the division is still quite new and you were the only other 'Alchemist' in town besides him. You're both giddy and nervous, like really, really nervous.
You've heard of Albedo and maybe a caught a glimpse or two, but you've never actually interacted enough to know exactly what he looks like or how he is as a person. All you know is that he's a very, very attractive person overall.
"Good-looking, carries this aura of wisdom around him, he's just really charming," were the words that rang through your mind as you pointedly watched your steps, following the carpets leading to Ordo Favonius' laboratory while Lisa's words rang through your head.
Is he really that kind of person? You've heard that he's quite stoic too, but if he's really that distracting, you're scared that it would be harder for you to focus and help out. Honestly how would you even deal with him when your fields of Alchemy are so different from each other?
You have no idea how long you've been thinking, standing in contemplation in front of the set of double doors that leads to the workshop with nothing but doubt in your mind. But upon realizing the teal gaze of another person silently waiting instead of wooden doors, you figured it was far too long.
"Ah, I'm sorry! I was in my head, I wasn't expecting you to-!" You flailed your hands around comically before abruptly stopping, noticing the now confused stare of Albedo of which are distracted by your hands. Clearing your throat, you extended a hand towards him to shake, trying to stare anywhere but his face. "I'm (Y/N), I'll be your assistant until you're well settled in the city. It's nice to meet you, Ma-"
His hand finds yours in a firm grip, a firm shake so sudden you bit your tongue back, "Albedo, Kreideprinz of the Art of Kemia, but just Albedo is fine, I'll be under your care."
Albedo finds it intriguing and surprisingly not that distracting whenever you talk to yourself or to the ingredients whenever you so much as feel the slightest frustration. "Ugh, this Zinc powder is so stubborn, clingy," you angrily mumbled under your breath as you washed off the blue powder that spilled at your hand, "So, so clingy." Since you're facing the sink, you couldn't see the way he was holding himself from laughing audibly at your amusing antics.
You seemed lively and open, is what Albedo thought when he first met you. But this observation soon shattered when he kept getting hanged upon your abrupt stops when delving into your field, something he was really irked about the first few times. Your art of Alchemy is much different from his and he's wishing that you'd clarify and expound all your learnings to him, but in the end, you somehow step back everytime your words became lengthy.
Are you hiding something? Did you not want him to learn the same arts as yours? If those were the case, he couldn't bring himself to ask a simple question such ad why. Every time it crosses his mind, it brings a purse of a pout to his lips and furrowed eyebrows.
Every response you gave always hints even tiny bits of trivias and tips he's never heard, Albedo always takes note of your spills that always cuts before reaching its climax. "-sorry, yes, this is activated charcoal Geo and Pyro slimes reaction." He lets out an audible sigh upon your retreat, your frustrated mind too occupied to notice.
"Please," his desperation drips in his word when he looks at you with eyes filled with raw emotion you'd never know he'd be able to pull off. Your tightly locked lips only pressed on further at his puppy eyes, "Please continue, I wish to know more about your Alchemy, if you would be so kind."
"It's not really- I'm not really the best at explaining it..." You're almost fidgeting, cheeks aching from tensing and warmth. But he regarded you with a blank stare, forcing you to fill the silence, "If I- If I start, my ramblings may not uhm they're not easy to comprehend... or something."
Albedo had been watching more than he'd like to admit, and he's come to relieved (yet still confused) realization that your treatment with him wasn't his alone. You always step back before things get lengthy, words then cutting short and concise with a steeled expression. Lips caught between teeth.
"I digress," his hand motions to yourself to emphasize his next clause. "As your field and sole practitioner of this art, like my own condition, your word of mouth is the best ground of knowledge."
If he was irritated, he's doing a very good job in hiding it. And even with the respectable yet close distance in between you still felt cornered. This is still your master and it's not professional to refuse a scholarly talk, "The electro crystals when charged... ionized? create sparks, while also producing the same result when smacking- mining!"
The scribbles of his pen against his clipboard as he nods in attention urges you on, realizing his focus and sincere interest on the topic, "So when you put the little tidbits or even powdered version in a beaker thingy, depending on the material, they interact with the spark. Honestly, I'm unsure yet how lethal it is but if you put the sparks under fire too, they make like those makeshift gunpowder as well as additional reactions such as-!"
The lilt and proceeding high pitch in your voice usually signifies the approach of your insecurity as well as the climax of your enthusiasm. At this point, you pull your hand up to shut your mouth forcefully, and when Albedo really detests the abrupt end of the conversation his hand would shoot forward to grasp your own.
He'd intertwine your fingers to distract, before urging you to continue with a challenging stare, as if daring you to use your other hand to pull that off again. This whole scene felt oddly scandalous, but oh boy does it send your mind into a bambling, overloaded mess. A heated head forces your lips open even if they sometimes come out in a jumbled string, he learns to decipher them.
The more you get used to or feel more comfortable, Albedo uses that fondness skillfully whenever he wants. "Can you tell me more about the scarlet chunks from Dragonspine?" He throws it so casually in the silence as you two work back to back in your stations, without a beat as your mind is partially preoccupied, you answered into a narrative of trivia. It almost feels like you're talking to the flames of the bunsen while you wait, but Albedo smiles at the now filled silence as he listens with divided attention.
He really likes your voice, and the word of wonders you bring along with you.
"For the record, I don't mind it at all," his breath hovers on your lips, cold and prickly, "Whatever comes out of these lips, I want to hear it all."
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That last part eheh
Woah, this went long. Like reader babbling hahaha. I said I'm gonna speedrun, not freaking write this long smh
@zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan @creation-magician @hanniejji @gojos-baby @just-some-stars @volleybloop @tartuu @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @albaedhoe @xiaophilia @heisenwurst @childe-simp-exe
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mcyt-imagines · 4 years
hi hi ! first off, just a tip if you'd like more requests/asks in general you should prob turn on anon since this is like the only time i've sent a non-anon ask. but anyways, i'm assuming requests are open and i'd like to ask if you would write either just ranboo fluff in general or something like the tommy confession headcanons but w ranboo :D what you've posted so far is great <3
Thank you so much for letting me know! I thought I had anon turned on already, but it’s 100% turned on now! Regarding your request I got a little carried away and wrote both some general fluff and some confession headcanons for Ranboo so this post is a little long... Hope you enjoy! :D
(It’s important to note that these headcanons are a combination of ones pertaining to his Minecraft character in the dsmp and him outside of the dsmp roleplay!)
General Ranboo Fluff
- Dreamsmp Ranboo -
The first time Ranboo cries in front of you is when you confess to him and he is so happy and relieved that you reciprocate his feelings. He even smiles through the pain of his tears as you panic to cover the skin beneath his eyes, so your hands catch his tears to stop the pain.
Ranboo likes to ask if you need any resources from time to time and once you finally give in and answer, he spends the rest of his day trying to collect as much of it as he can. This has led to a few incidents in which you came back to your shared indent in the snowy mountain to find a chest stacked full with polished stone and countless ores. You’ve scolded him but the way he responds with big puppy dog eyes wishing to “just be helpful.” Sets the butterflies caged in your chest free every damn time.
Ranboo in addition to asking you for want you want he is also very observant in noticing what you need. Any tools close to breaking? Brilliant, he’s already got three more of the same tools ready for you to grab when you need it. He also names them using the anvil to some silly super cheesy pet names.
One of his favourite things to do with you is stargaze. You both travel to the top of your snowy mountain and clear out a space free of snow to lie down and simply hold each other. Ranboo has started asking Techno (on the nights you are away) to point out the stars and tell him their corresponding stories. He happily relays all of this information to you in exaggerated detail, looking at you in awe as your expressions change with the twinkling lights above.
Ranboo almost always carries a little umbrella around with him in case it begins to rain. Most of his friends notice and all start to buy him some. He now has a full collection that line his wall just next to the door. It’s those small things that allows him to remember who his real friends are.
Ranboo LOVES having his hair played with. He will fall asleep within minutes of you beginning to tousle his hair as he rests his head in your lap. He may make soft enderman noises, but you don’t dare tell him. Content on keeping that little secret to yourself.
Ranboo has to be kinda careful around snow considering that if it melts it will hurt him. Meaning he has to sit out on any snowball fights that occur. And they occur more frequently than you would think. It usually starts with Phil throwing a rogue snowball at Techno when Phil notices him slumping his shoulders. Which means it doesn’t take long until it’s a full-blown war. You usually find yourself smack bang in the middle of it and have to dive down to avoid getting pummelled in the crossfire. Ranboo will call you over to hide behind Techno’s house. As the onslaught continues between the two. you giggle and commentate over the fierce battle together.
- Outside of Dreamsmp Ranboo - 
Ranboo enjoys watching you whenever you are focused on something. He’s incredibly observant and finds himself mimicking the small little nuances he sees you exhibit. He gets incredibly flustered whenever you notice that he’s picked up on them, but he doesn’t bother to deny it.
Ranboo finds himself staring at you a lot. He doesn’t mean to but he can’t help it. You catch him frequently, “Watching me real closely, hm?” He tries to stutter out an answer to defend himself, but you just smile and tell him it’s okay.
Ranboo finds a lot of comfort in doing ‘domestic’ activities with you. However, one of his personal favourites is when the two of you go out to get groceries together. His mum will give him a small list and he’ll try his best to dawdle around the store whilst swinging your intertwined hands to make the visit as long as possible. It makes him think of a future in which the two of you get to do this every single week and that alone warms his heart.
Ranboo always has to be near you, he doesn’t have to be physically touching you but he prefers to just be stupidly close to you. It always makes you laugh when he sits just close enough to you that you don’t touch, so now he has to do it forever.
Your laugh is one of his favourite sounds. To the point that if you giggle or laugh at something, he will just keep doing it over and over again for as long as you keep laughing at it. Which eventually leads to the both of you red-faced and gasping for air.
Ranboo is a terrible cook. But he tries so hard to follow recipes and they always flop. He also for some reason, cannot attempt cooking without making an utter mess of himself. Whether it’s spilling flour all over himself, getting egg yolk splatter somehow in his hair or just spilling copious amounts of milk on the floor so that he slips. This boy is a walking, talking kitchen DISASTER. So now he can only cook with you supervising him. Which turns out, wasn’t as much of a punishment as it should have been. As your tutelage seems to have slightly improved his cooking skills. However, now you also get flour spilt all over you as well.
Ranboo Confession Headcanons
- Realising he likes you - 
Ranboo denies he has feelings for you at first. Believing that you’re just a good friend whose company he really enjoys. But the more he focuses on your friendship the quicker he realises he would prefer if you were more to him than that.
This thought alone sends him into a little bit of a spiral for a few days. Grappling with the thought of rejection and the guilt he would feel if he ever hurt you.
He spends most of the time grappling with his feelings he continues to try and act as normal as possible around you. You finding out would be his worst nightmare.
Ranboo realises he has absolutely no history in the dating department and desperately needs some guidance. He may ask Phil on a whim who would try his best to give the poor panicked boy some words of wisdom. Ranboo takes the advice to heart immediately, promising Phil he will update him on how his feelings for you turn out.
Ranboo finds himself writing about you in one of his many journals. He finds putting words on the page seems to help clear his mind. He tries to script his confession a few times. Desperately floundering to find the right words, but he always seems to fall short. He usually ends up scribbling all over those pages until you can barely tell someone had even written on them. Hoping to somehow erase the thoughts in the process.  
He even tries drawing you a few times when he finds himself with enough spare time. He doesn’t think they’re any good though. Sure, the sketches look like you, but they don’t make him feel the way you do. When he looks at the page his chest doesn’t tighten because of your beauty, but instead because of the way you’ve made him feel. Which he comes to the sad conclusion is something he simply cannot capture in his words or his drawings. He has to show it through his actions. Not exactly his strong suit. But he’s determined to do right by you. So, he devises a plan.
- Confessing to you - 
This boy plans the whole day down to a t, he has multiple back-up plans just in case his first one falls short.
Ranboo invites you over for lunch. Arriving at his place you notice how clean it is. He spent the last few days cleaning it top to bottom.
You spend a few minutes in the house chatting. You notice Ranboo is on edge almost immediately. Shoulders a pinch too tight, his smiles a little too wide and none of them reach his eyes.
You ask what you’re going to be having for lunch and he reveals a wicker basket from his kitchen. “A picnic!” Your heart warms, “I would’ve brought something if you’d told me beforehand.” He smiles at that, “Exactly. I even cooked without you, you should be proud.” 
He shuffles on his feet a little, wishing to be praised, “We’ll see how the food tastes first, maybe then I’ll tell you how proud I am.” You tease, moving to elbow him lightly. You notice the way his face flushes as you move into his space. His mother appears from upstairs, “Are you two leaving? I could drive you, y’know!” “No thanks mom!!” He is quick to grab your hand and practically drag you out of the house and away from his all knowing mom.
The bus ride is on the longer side and you find yourself feeling brave enough to scoot a little closer to Ranboo. “Hey, is it okay if I?” You gesture between your head and his shoulder, the cute, shocked expression he sends you causes you to grin. “Uh s-sure!” 
You softly press your head against his shoulder, “Thanks, pretty comfy shoulder you got here should’ve asked you to share it sooner.” You tease, nuzzling his shoulder lightly just for a reaction. And you get one alright, his skin goes such a lovely shade of red all the way up to the tips of his ears. You giggle softly, trying your best to hold it in and failing miserably.
You even manage to fall asleep despite your own heartbeat quickening at Ranboo’s closeness. You are tapped awake by him, “Hmm?” You rub one of your eyes knowingly appearing adorable and the way he looks at you makes it all worth it. “It’s our stop soon, we gotta get up.” 
You nod and lazily stand and he follows suit. Only for the bus to brake abruptly, promptly shoving you into his chest. He wraps his arms around you quickly to steady you whilst you desperately cling to the wicker basket, “You okay?” You both mumble to each other before laughing it off and nodding. “Oh crap.” Ranboo grabs your free hand and you both scramble to get to the front of the bus to hop off. Sparks fly up your arm at the extended contact, even as you jump off the bus.
Ranboo happily leads you to a spot he had picked out earlier in the month. A soft patch of grass below a large willow tree that now sways softly in the warm breeze. You set up your carefully packaged feast with haste now that your stomachs are grumbling.
Ranboo forcefully tries to make himself relax knowing you’ve probably noticed his tense state by now. But you choose not to push him on it, taking an educated guess on why he’s so stressed.
You are quick to compliment his cooking skills when he divvies out a freshly baked quiche.  Even though you know his mom for sure did most of the work. It’s the thought that counts. You hope that may snap him out of the stupor he seems to be in. However, no such luck.
“Hey Ranboo, do you want to talk about something?” Ranboo goes into full panic mode. He did not have a plan for you asking something like this. He thought you weren’t confrontational!! You watch as his expression changes rapidly. You look away, “You don’t have to tell me, it’s okay. I just thought you might want to-“ 
He takes one of your hands in his. Why is he doing this??? This isn’t part of the plan at all! “I…” His throat goes dry. All those hours obsessing over what he was going to say to you are sent out the window when he finally meets your eyes.
“I think I like you.” He hasn’t realised he’s even said it until its waaaaaay too late. Your eyes widen, you didn’t think he’d actually admit it to you. You squeeze his hand as you watch his eyes seem to lose focus, “I like you too.” He is silent for several long moments until he starts blinking rapidly, “Huh!?” The look of utter surprise on his face causes you to burst out laughing.
“Wait, wait, wait you’re serious?” He grabs your arm as a grin slowly starts to creep onto his face. “Sure am.” And as you meet his gaze you realise that his grin actually reached his eyes, for the first time in a long while. 
“So, you gonna kiss me now or what?” You tease as his face shines a dark red. “W-well I, uh-“ His stuttering only allows for you to sneak closer and press a firm kiss to his cheek. Somehow, he grows even redder and you sigh pleasantly. “My heart definitely made the right choice with you Ranboo.”
Meanwhile Ranboo is too busy freaking out over the fact that you weren’t even meant to find out he liked you until you were stargazing together later tonight. His plans are utterly ruined! But as you squeeze his hand again to bring his thoughts back into the present, he wonders that perhaps spontaneity isn’t such a bad thing sometimes.
~My ask box is always open if you’ve got any requests or just want to vent about the dreamsmp lore!~
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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making amends | mitch rapp
word count; 6262
summary; Mitch makes his girl angry, and now he’s making up for it.
warnings; smut and references to violence/injury.
notes; this is totally unproofed, because I wrote it in like twelve hours to make sure y’all had something today since I took the other fic down.
“C’mon, kitten, I said I was sorry.” 
Mitch’s voice felt irritatingly soft as he trailed you around the supermarket, watching as you pushed the cart and built up the groceries for your weekly shop, ignoring the way he whined a little as you continued to give him the cold-shoulder. “I thought I told you to stay at home.”
“Technically, you said ‘wash that fucking lipstick off your neck, while I go to the store’, and I did. I showered, I’m all fresh, and I’ve come to shop with you.” He bumped his hip against the edge of the cart, and you growled out, absolutely not in the mood to hear him sum up technicalities. He wandered along with you in silence for a while, occasionally reaching out to try and place a hand on your lower back, or wrap his arm around you, only to be shrugged off. It was at the bakery section, as you weighed out two different loaves of bread, staring at them intently, that he tried again; “Baby, please. It wasn’t like it was something I just did for fun, it was literally a life or death situation.”
“Was it, Rapp? Because the last time I checked, letting another woman crawl into your lap and suck on your neck was called ‘cheating’, not ‘surviving’.”
His own growl sounded out now, and he placed both hands on the front of the cart to bring it to a complete stop, the apologetic look on his face being gone as he glared at you, the intense stare-down taking place in the middle of the bread section, and it was hours overdue. “Do not call me a cheater. I didn’t kiss her, I didn’t initiate it, I just had to let it happen to keep my cover.”
“Where were your hands?”
“What?” Confusion flickered across his features, and in the middle of it all, you chose which loaf you wanted, dropping that down into the cart too, and you raised a brow at him, watching as he swallowed thickly, eyes dropping from yours for a split second. “You don’t really want me to answer that.”
“Yes, I do.”
He scratched at the back of his neck, sighing out, before his shoulders dropped. “On her ass. But, they were just sitting there, it wasn’t like-”
You turned from him, continuing on to find things in the aisles, but your head was a little lower, and he didn’t try to touch you anymore. He simply walked along beside you, adding the things he knew were weekly additions, until everything was prepared, and you had crossed everything off of your list. 
He helped to load things out onto the check-out, an elderly woman behind you with far more things than she had bags for in her hands, but you turned back to Mitch, finding him playing with his hands as he stared at you. “Are you breaking up with me?”
“Because of what happened on the assignment. Are you breaking up with me?” He finally looked up, honey-coloured eyes wide and glassy, and your angry stiffness slipped away, your body slumping a little, and you stepped slightly closer to him. 
He perked up a little, a breath of relief leaving him, and he reached out a hand, slowly to give you time to pull back, before it was settling over your jaw, and he was pulling you even closer, until your toes bumped his and breath was shared between you both, a little chuckle on his lips. “Do you want me to sleep on the couch for a few nights?”
You considered it, the pair of you shuffling up a little closer as your groceries moved, the elderly woman ahead of you still packing up, but you were in your own little bubble with the man you loved, even if, on the surface, you were angry with him. “No. You know I hate it when the bed is empty, and you only just got back. I don’t want you out of it any longer.”
He just nodded his head before closing the gap between you both, a soft kiss pressed to your lips. It was reassuring, and no matter how much you hated to give in to him so easily, it felt so right to be back in his arms, and feel the way his lips moved with your own, a pattern traced so delicately, mastered after years of practice but never any less passionate, and when you pulled away, it was with a happy hum and the feeling of warmth flooding through your body. 
“I love you, you know that, right?”
“I do know that.” You grumbled, smiling to the cashier as she began to ring up your products, and you began to bag them all up, feeling him bump up against you as he came to help. 
“And what?” You knew what he wanted, and you were playing coy, but he was fixing you with a wounded stare, some kind of puppy-dog eyes, and you gave him, rolling your eyes fondly and turning away to hide your smile. “I love you, too.”
He was overly pleased with himself, chuffing as his chest puffed out, and he packed the rest of the groceries with you while making idle small talk with the young girl at the register, the poor thing rambling about her upcoming maths tests, before he was punching his PIN into the device and scooping up the bags, following you out to the car. 
Loading it all into the back, he helped you climb in, before rounding the vehicle himself, and hopping up into the passenger seat. You turned to look at him as the car started, reversing out of the space, and he lifted your hand from the gear stick to pressed kisses along your knuckles once the two of you were making your way out towards the roads. “Didn’t you bring your car? I’m not driving you back here tomorrow to get it, just because you got needy and wanted to drive with me.”
“So mean.” He tutted, shaking his head, and you took your hand back from him, placing it on the wheel as you reached busier roads. “You don’t want me to sleep on the couch, but you’re still mad at me, because if you weren’t, you’d totally drive me back. It’s not there, by the way, my car is in our garage at home. I got a taxi.”
“That was optimistic.”
“Yes, it was. I would get a taxi from one end of the country to the other if it meant making you happy.” It was ridiculously romantic, and while Mitch was known for sweet-talking you, this was just sappy, his comments usually involved flirting and a playful comment as he teased you and tried to get you a little aroused. “So, please just tell me how to make it up to you, and I’ll do it.”
“Well, you can start by making me dinner.”
“I’ll make you that casserole that you like.” You hummed at the idea, enjoying the simple idea of the meal you loved so much, and he was continuing on for you, trying to charm you as he endeavoured to make it all okay again. “I’ll run you a bath too, and I’ll sit there with you the whole time, even though you know I hate baths. But, I do like the way your bath bombs smell.”
“You’re definitely getting there.”
He smirked, turning to look at you, the radio playing in the background and you could feel his eyes dragging along your body, the heavyweight of his stare on your form, and you only glanced at him, catching the cheeky look on his features. “Then, at the end of the night, I’ll take you to bed, and make you scream in all the ways I know you love, pinned to the bed as I fuck you senseless. I’ll take you apart, make you completely unravel, until you’re begging me for it.”
His grin fell away, a little startled at the fact it hadn't been an accepted offer, and he sat up straighter from the slumped position he’d been in. “What?”
“Not tonight.” He frowned, and it was your turn to smirk, what soon became a wicked grin as excitement flooded your veins with your own idea. “You touched another girl, so tonight, you don’t get to touch me until I tell you it’s okay.”
“Kitten, I d-”
“You’ll be begging me for it. Begging me to let you cum, begging me to touch you, begging me just to kiss you.” He was gaping a little squirming in his seat. “Tonight, you can submit to me.”
“We’ve never done that before.”
“That’s because you like to dominate, all the time.” You muttered, and he sounded his agreement enthusiastically. 
“And it works that way!” He reached out, to brush his fingers along your cheek comfortingly as you pulled up into the driveway, but you only pulled back, mischief taking over as you tutted at him.
“What did I say? No touching until you’re told to.” He whimpered a little, scowling at you as he pulled back his hand. 
“Baby, don’t do this to me. I like to touch you, and hold you, and kiss you. I want to take care of you. Let me take care of you.” You only shook your head, killing the engine and taking back the keys, before you were leaning over the centre console just far enough to press a kiss to his lips, and he whined when you pulled back far too soon for his liking, before he’d even had a chance to tangle his fingers in your hair and lick at you lower lip like he normally would. “This is going to be torture.”
“That’s the whole point.”
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Mitch did his best to do as told, he really did, but it was hard. He wasn’t used to being told what to do when it came to you, he was used to being the one giving orders, and doing the teasing, and being able to take what he wanted whenever he wanted it. Every time he kissed you, instinct kicking in, before you’d told him he could, you made sure to stick an extra five minutes onto the time before you got to the fun stuff, and you were loving it.
He looked physically pained when you’d told him you wanted to watch a movie before your bath, to use up the extra time he’d earned by growling and pinning you to the edge of the counter when dinner had been ready and you’d made a show of bending over the oven to pull it out, and while he had insisted that it had been worth it, he was now reaping the consequences. You did love him though, and so half-way through you’d given in to his sad pouting and sulking, shuffling across the cushions into his arms, letting him wrap you up tightly as he curled around you to hold on, your back pressed to his chest as he pressed kisses to your cheeks and jaw, anywhere he could reach as he craned his head around to you, and your fingers had woven together. 
That was when you found yourself in a much similar position, warm water swaying around you as your fingers danced over the bubble on the surface, entertaining yourself as you drew patterns, and Mitch’s chin was hooked over your shoulder, arms wrapped tightly around you. Your hair was pinned up to keep it dry, and he was entertaining himself by blowing a strand continuously, watching as it darted up into the air, before falling back against your cheek, tickling you as it did, before he was repeating it all over again. 
“Will you stop that? You’re making my cheek cold.”
“Sorry, baby.” He did as told, moving to press a wet kiss to your skin, the cool blows he’d been letting out having chilled that side of your face, and he nuzzled against the spot as he pulled away. “You know how bored I get in the bath. I don’t see the point.” You did know that, but you wanted to sit here a little longer, because as much as he hated it, you liked baths, and there was plenty that you did for him that you weren’t as fond of. Like watching every single baseball match that came on with him, and recording the ones he missed while he was away. 
“Just a little bit longer.”
“As long as you want, kitten.” You smiled a little at his voice, your eyes fluttering closed as you settled your head back against his shoulder, feeling the stubble on the underside of his jaw brush against the top of your head as you did, and he leaned it against you, trying to relax himself. “Don’t you feel like we’re just sitting in our own dirt, though?”
“You ask me that every single time. Even when you’re not even in the bath.” 
He chuckled, nodding his head a little, before finding your hands under the water, and weaving your fingers with his own. “I know, but showers are just better.” You hummed, barely acknowledging his statement, having heard the argument dozens of times, but letting him play it out, anyway. “They’re just cleaner! All the dirt and grime washes away, and they don’t get cold like a bath does, it’s always hot - well, until the water heater runs out - but they're quicker, too!”
He huffed, knowing he’d lost your attention, and you felt his thumb raise up to play with your own as he tried to entertain himself. “Besides, we can have fun in the shower.” You knew what he was hinting at, the tone of his voice gave it away, and your mind conjured up an image you were sure was accurate, brows wiggling a little as he grinned cheekily at his flirty comment, and you scoffed.
“We can still have fun in the bath.” 
You took his hand, his interest peaking as you dragged it down over wet skin, across your stomach, until the water was shifting as you parted your legs from where they were crossed, and the deep rumble in his chest was more than enough to show his enthusiasm, taking control over his limb as you let go, fingers drifting gently over your core as the surface rippled. Are you finally gonna’ let me touch you?”
“You’ve been touching me all night.” You taunted, and he nipped gently on your shoulder, still stroking his fingers slowly over your folds, waiting for the real permission, finally having learned not to just take what he wanted, hours of being denied making him patient as he waits on the precipice of getting what he really wanted. 
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know.” The tip of his nose dragged over your temple, lips following, and you gave in, the sweet and loving touches being all too much. You had already forgiven him, and deep down, you weren't even sure there had ever been anything to forgive. He did what he had to do not to blow his cover, to stay alive and to get the information he needed to get home to you quicker, but it didn’t make it any easier to picture the man you loved so much letting another woman take your place, even if it didn’t mean anything to him. “You can touch me, Mitch. I need you to.”
He let out a happy breath, fingers immediately working to part your folds, dragging calloused fingertips up gently, until he could circle your clit. “Missed you so much while I was away. You have no idea, I hate having to leave, especially when I don’t know how long it’ll be.”
“Every time you leave scares, I think you won’t come back.”
You lifted a hand, lacing it into his hair carefully, wet fingers making the strands damp, sticking to your fingers as your nails scratched over his scalp in the way you knew he loved, the shiver you felt as you did only confirming it. A single digit eased around your entrance, slipping in slowly, and your back arched as you finally felt yourself connecting with him again. You couldn't help it, the moan that fell from your lips as he pumped the sole finger slowly, and he whispered soothing words softly into your ear as he tightened the arm around your waist.
“I know, baby, I got you.” A second finger stretched you out, the pace picking up, water beginning to splash a little up the edges of the tub, and you moved, enough to be able to turn your head fully, lip finding his, and he moaned softly into your mouth as you did. Soft teasings, that only a second later became teeth grazing your lower lip, and tongues tangling as dove further into you, head tipping to the side and hand gripping your waist even more tightly. 
The coil in your stomach was tightening, your hips rocking up into his hand as you began to crave your peak, needing to feel everything you’d missed so long since he’d been away. The heel of his hand was rubbing against your swollen bud, his mouth dragging from your own when your head began to spin as you gasped for breath, feeling him move along your neck to find the spot he knew so well, licking and sucking his way, stinging flesh that threatened to turn to bruises, before he was finding the spot within you that threw you over the edge. 
There were whimpers of his name as you unraveled, walls clamping around long and slender digits as he eased you through your peak, a cry of his name that was quickly muffled as his mouth descended over your own once again, and then you were coming down, feeling him pull away from your core, leaving you empty as he pulled back. “I’m never leaving you, kitten. I promise, I’ll always come home to you. You are home.”
You could only nod, twisting in his arms straddle his lap, your hands cupping his face as he stared up at you, a small smile on his lips as he felt your thumbs smoothing over his cheeks, and you couldn't help but return it. While there had been no official confirmation of it, you knew where this was headed. When he’d asked whether you were breaking up with him, even at that moment, you’d both know it would never happen, because he was your end game, and you were his, and you never needed to say it, because it was evident in every moment of every day that you spent with him.
“I love you, so much. You know you’re my forever, right?”
“I know.” You whispered, pecking his lips gently when he puckered them for you, and he leaned in further, keeping your forehead pressed to his, even when you pulled away. “I love you too.” He grinned, one of your hands trailing down from his cheek to his chest, hard muscles littered with little scars, bumps of pink flesh that you were so used to tracing with your lips on the quiet nights when he needed a little more reassurance. Tensing and flexing under your touch, you shuffled back, sitting across muscled thighs, before wrapping your fingers gently around his half-hard cock, and he bucked up into your touch. 
His lips parted, mouth falling open, and you grinned as his head tipped back, body sinking further down into the water, head resting on the edge of the tub. Your other hand found the metal beside his head, leaning in to kiss and bite your way along his throat, and a whimper found it’s way to the surface leaning even further to let you have that more access, your lips sealing onto the place his neck and shoulders met. You could tell that much by the broken noise he let out, cock throbbing in your hand as he became fully hard, and water dripped from his hands as he lifted them to find your hips, groping tightly as he rolled up to meet your slow pumps. 
You slowed down, even more, grip tightening as you waited for him to beg, the same way he’d promised you would be, before you’d turned the tables on him. You’d never had much of a chance to see him this way, to take him apart slowly, piece by piece until he was begging you for it, and you gave in, moving your hand a little faster each time he moaned out, before a needy whine was the loudest sound yet;
“Kitten, stop teasing me, please.”
“But, it’s so much fun. That’s what you like to do to me.” He cracked his eyes open, somehow finding the strength to lift his head, muscles stiff as he neared the edge, but a defiant look was flashing through his eyes. “Don’t you remember, the time you made me wait hours to cum, I lost count of how many times you brought me to the edge, before letting me wind back down? I remember, I was shaking and crying, begging you for it, and when you finally let me cum, it was so good that everything went blank, and it took almost half an hour for everything to come back into focus.”
He smirked a little, the expression quickly dropping as his mouth formed an ‘o’ shape when you toyed with the patch under the tip of his cock that made him go weak, before you were slowing down once again, and a desperate sound left him. “I remember. How could I not? You were wearing my favourite lingerie, and it was the first time you squirted. It was incredible.”
“Well, you made me wait that night, so now, you get to wait.”
“No, no, please. I’m so close, I’m gonna’ come, kitten.” You stopped, hand stilling around him, before you were letting him go, solid cock bobbing in the water as a sob left him, and you caught his wrist in your hands before he could take his pleasure into his own hands. You knew very well that he could overpower you if he wanted to, and it looked like he was going to, before he was giving in, a defeated look on his face as his arms went loose in your grasp. “You really are torturing me.”
“Oh, honey, you’ll get what you want in the end.”
“Yeah, but how long do I have to wait?” He grumbled, watching as you stood up, dark eyes raking over your naked and wet form, licking his lips and grinning happily as you stepped out of the bath, just happy it was finally over. He pulled the plug on the drain, the water began to slip away, before he was following you, grabbing a towel from the rack himself and chasing after you to the bedroom as you dried yourself as you walked. 
A hand reached out, finding your waist as he turned you to face him, and you let him do so, before you were pushing him backwards, waiting for the back of his legs to find the bed and he fell backwards, sitting on the edge of the mattress, both towels falling away. “Tell me what you want, Mitch.”
“I want to come.” He hissed, a scowl on his face, and you tutted at his attitude, a shocked look flittering over your lover’s features at the sound. You were having fun at his extent, the role reversal being more than he could handle, but he forced himself to relax, shaking himself down and slumping down on the bed, his hands being all that was holding him up now. “I just want to come.”
“‘Course you do, and we’ll get to that, but not yet. Tell me what else you want.”
He considered it all, before a lopsided smile was taking over, and he was resting himself back against the covers. “If I tell you, will you give it to me?”
“Isn’t that what you always do for me? Take care of me, give me what I want without really giving me what I want.” He chuckled, nodding his head, and he watched as you moved around the bed, pulling the scrunchie from your hair and letting it fall free once again. 
“I would love it if you sucked my cock.” You grinned a little, his own hands twitching by his side as his cock bobbed in the air, angry and flushed, leaking precum at the tip as he balanced on the verge of coming. “Just the way you know I like it, when you let me fuck your mouth, choking on my cock, you look so pretty like that. I like it especially much when you let me paint your beautiful face, sticky and white.” He snickered at his own words, and you raised a brow, sinking to your knees between his thighs, and he propped himself up on his elbows as he waited for you to make a move. 
“You’re trying to top from the bottom, Mitch Rapp. That’s not allowed.” 
“Yeah, well, you already won’t let me cum. What else are you going to do?” He was so sure of himself, so confident, and so you traced your tongue along his length, top to bottom, and his stomach clenched up, lines of his muscles clear, and you chuckled as he reached a hand out towards you, the intention of lacing it into your hair. 
“You can’t touch.”
“What?” He was startled, and you repeated your motion, making sure to swirl the wet article around the head of his cock now too, and his hips bucked upwards, cock smeared across your cheek, and you glared falsely at him, taking him in your hand. 
“You asked what else I was going to do. You tested me. Now, you don’t get to touch, either. I know just how much you like to do that.”
He let out a string of curses, collapsing back into laying down once again, fingers twisting in the bedsheets as he tried to contain himself, and you wanted to push his limits a little more. Sealing your lips around him, you sank your way along his cock, until he was tapping the back of your throat, and a pathetic sound left him as the sheets shifted under his hold, pulling tight as he tried to contain himself. His hips were moving, pushing up into your mouth as he tried to get even deeper within the wet heat of your mouth, but your nails dug into his thighs, making him tremble as they dropped back down, body curling in on himself a little bit at the shock of the sting that moved along his body. 
Pleas fell from him from the moment your cheeks hollowed around him, tight and filthy, and you swallowed around him as you leaned down far enough to feel his tip hitting the back of your throat. The burn in your eyes was something you loved, tears slipping down your cheek as you gagged along his length, swallowing around him. Everything within you wanted to please him, to bring him to his peak, to hear him growl out your name alongside sweet praises as he always did, but today, it was different. Today, you were in charge, you were taking him apart, and you pulled back for breath, your hand finding his spit-slick cock and pumping quickly.
“Oh, shit, baby..” He was gasping for breath, body rigid and tense as you leaned over him, kissing along his stomach, tracing his happy trail with the tip of your tongue as he sighed, before sucking a bruise into the pale flesh of his hip bone. “Please, please, fuck, let me come..”
“You’re doing so good, though..” You mumbled, words whispered into his skin, and as you felt him near that peak, you pulled away once again, ignoring his sobs as he was left dry, and you tried to suppress your thrill, kissing your way up his body slowly, and his eyes were still screwed up when you reached his face, features softening as you leaned in to kiss him. 
He was more than eager, searching for any kind of contact at this point, and he lifted his head to meet you halfway. When you licked along the seam of his lips, he parted them happily, letting you explore his mouth as though you’d never done so before, coaxing him to join you until you could feel the tension slip away from his body, relaxing under your touch, the bedding falling loose again as his fingers uncurled from them. 
Taking his hands, one at a time, you lifted them up, pinning them over his head, and ignoring the way he let out needy noises into your mouth, muscles twitching under your skin as you trailed your fingertips back along his arms, featherlight touches that made him jerk a little as they tickled him. Taking a seat across his lap once again, joint sounds of pleasure erupted from the both of you as your sodden heat pressed along his length. 
Rocking your hips, you pushed down against him, and his head was pressing into the bedding, dark tufts of hair looking more than inviting to tangle your fingers in you rode him, something you rarely ever got to do, but your body was singing out, and you were more than happy to take this opportunity as it reared its head. The tip of his cock grazed your clit each time, you could feel every throb he made, and with a simple shift of your hips, he was lined up at your entrance, ready to sink into your welcoming warmth when you let him. 
His eyes met your own, and he lifted his head from where it lay flat, eyes dropping down to the place where you both connected, before they were rolling back in his head as you finally sank down onto him. 
“Oh, fucking hell, I’ve never loved your pussy more than right now.” He hissed the words out through gritted teeth, and you gave yourself a second to adjust, feeling the width of him stretching you out as your breath felt knocked from your lungs. That same desperate rigidity was back, short puffs of air as he struggled not to come undone, but then you rocked your hips, lifting yourself up just enough to slam down onto him, squeezing him as you did and with a loud cry, he broke. 
Ribbons of hot cum spattered your walls, filling you up in the most delicious way, the same way that always made you feel weak, your body trembling atop his as you tried to keep up your pace, the way he was sobbing and moaning your name was something so erotic you wondered why you’d never thought to want it before, and now, you knew why he dragged it out for you. It was a mind-blowing pleasure, the kind that made our head spin, and you’d always been on the receiving end of it, but you could see the appeal from his side. It made something that made you feel powerful, and confident, and entirely beautiful in your own skin, to see the effect you could have on another person, even through your insecurities, as you watched him fall apart. 
“Holy shit, that was incredible.”
His words were slurred, choked out through a contented sigh, before he was moaning again, thrusting up weakly into you as you continued to take what you needed and never once did he soften within you, he just continued to stay the way he was, his thighs tensing behind you as he pulled his feet up to rest flat on the bed. 
“That’s it, kitten. Ride me, you look so fucking good on my cock, tits bouncing, you’re absolutely perfect.” He was biting down on his lower lip, that one orgasm seeming to have cleared his mind, because he was right back to being the cocky tease you knew and loved, and as you felt your own peak climbing up, you fell forwards. Hands on his chest to support yourself, he pushed up into you as your nails dug into his chest, revelling in the little bursts of pain, it gave to him. “Please, kitten, you made me feel good. Let me make you feel good, too.”
His eyes were honest, and pure, and the way he bit down on his lower lip as he tried to fuck up into you was your final breaking point. “Yes.”
As soon as the words had left your mouth, you were flipped over, onto your back and his length left you as he did, before wide hands were parting your thighs, a flat tongue smoothing over your folds as he greedily took everything you had to give him, lapping at the slick that coated your thighs, a mixture of you and him, cleaning you of everything that had amounted, and your hands came down to tangle in his hair. Tugging harshly, he growled, biting down on the inside of your right thigh roughly until you yelped, jerking away from him, and he kissed over the patch carefully to soothe it, before two fingers were plunging into your centre and setting a speed you could barely comprehend. 
“That’s right, sweetheart, scream my name. That’s how it should be.” He was more than boasting, his ego shooting through the roof as your entire body quivered, and he pressed his other hand down flat onto your stomach to pin you down, roughly fucking you onto his fingers as you shot over the edge. Gushing arousal, you cried out, his pace never letting up as your back arched, eyes rolling and your screams went silent at this point, jaw slack. “I want to punish you, I want you to know that torture, but then again, I suppose I deserved it. Now, we’re even. I want you to have a climax like I did.” 
“Fuck, I can’t, Mitch!” 
“Yes, you can! You said that last time, but you came better than you ever did before. You came so good it went on for almost two full minutes.” He smirked, and you could feel that same kind of blinding ecstasy shooting through you, head to toe as every nerve lit up, and those same fingers left you for a second, before he was filling you up with something much larger. He wasted no time, cock pounding in and out of you as you clung to him frantically, nails dragging marks into his back. 
Frenzied kisses, a bruising pace, and then you were exploding, tears running down your cheeks as he eased you through it, following you into a second peak less than before but as he felt you explode, he followed suit. A chant of his name, a series of curses, wet kisses that were more just gasps for breath as your mouths melded lazily, before his sweaty form was collapsing down on top of you, spent and weak, and you held onto him tightly.
Your heart was still racing, so fast you thought it may actually give out, and then he was rolling off of you, trying to catch his breath as that same fucked out but blissful expression took over on his face. “As much as I hated that, I can’t deny that it was incredible.”
He cooed, rolling over and pulling you into him as exhaustion and laziness took over, and for a few minutes, you couldn't even force your eyes open. Just the feeling of his fingers stroking up and down your back, tracing your spine as he soothed you, before you were lifting your head, curling into him a little more as you threw a leg over his own, and he gripped onto you tightly. 
“Next time, let’s do it the usual way.” 
“I absolutely agree.”
He could only laugh, body shaking a little under your touch, before he was bringing his head up to peer at you, catching your lips in a simple kiss, before placing you down in the pillows. Wriggling the blanket out from under your body, he covered both of your naked forms with it, the heat having died down, and you were reaching out for him again, pulling him closer to you as you sought out his warmth and affections. 
“I meant it, by the way.”
“Meant what?” You whispered, fingers brushing over a yellowing bruise over his ribs that you hadn't noticed until now, but wanted to heal, and protect him again, now that he was home. 
“That you’re my forever.” A hand petting your hair, lips brushing your temple, and you were barely hanging on to consciousness, but these were words you wanted to hear. “I don’t want anyone else. Just you, I love you with everything I have. I know sometimes I’m not great at showing it, but it’s true. Sometimes I just need you to show me the way.”
“Well, you can show it by making me breakfast tomorrow morning.” You joked, a loud laugh leaving him, and you groaned as his chest shook under your cheek, before you were grinning yourself. 
“I manage to muster up the ability to say all that soppy shit, and that’s what you give me in return?” He pinched you lightly, happy with himself as you yelped, before he was rubbing the tender spot gently. “I hate you.”
“I love you, too.”
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myfeetkeepdancing · 4 years
Graduation Beach Party   |  Peter Parker x Male!Reader
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Request: So in this plot the Midtown Seniors Graduates (a.k.a Peter, Male!Reader, Ned, MJ, Betty, Flash, Teachers maybe, etc.) are having a Graduation Beach party to Huwaii organized by the Midtown school. It's kinda like the movie Spiderman: Far From Home, but different. I think I saw a post about Peter being insecure about his weird rip body but reader find it hot. So basically Peter is to scared/shy to show off his body with his shorts swim suit when he's going to swim with people around, even more scared/shy when his crush reader is going to see him like this. I mean, everyone will be shocked to see Peter that has a rip body even reader but found it attractive. @coledrawsstuff​
Words: 3301
A/N: I wasn’t sure how graduation parties went, so this is my take on it 😉
Peter dreaded this day would come. In more than one way. He wished he'd protested to the idea of going to Hawaii. Hawaii wasn't bad. Not in the slightest. But the plans that were going around scared him in the simplest ways. And the moment he feared most was just around the corner. Laying flat out on his bed, eyes plastered to the ceiling, thoughts far beyond the room. Within a few hours, the final party would be taking place right outside the hotel. From his room, he could hear staff preparing. Bringing out the barbeque, drinks, and all that was needed.
"Dude." Ned said while pulling Peter's fingers from his lips. "Don't bite your fingernails."
"Sorry… I' m-..." Shaking his head, followed by a long sigh, Peter raised himself onto the edge of the bed. Catching the last few rays of sunshine over the balcony as the sun began to set on the horizon. "I don't know. I'm not much of a party guy. Maybe I-"
"No, Peter!" Ned said, cutting him off mid-sentence. "Don't you think about it! This is the greatest day of our lives. I mean, look at this place. Look at those beautiful dancers out there." He said while staring down onto the beach, watching the scarcely dressed staff girls carrying torches and flower necklaces. "Go...Go… change…" Ned mumbled, trying to reach for Peter behind him, while being completely captivated by the girls. "-and get ready for the party."
 "Do you think…"
 "Sorry!" He exclaimed. "See you in a bit, Peter." Ned darted for the door past all the luggage on the floor. "That cute girl just winked at me. I'm so going to ask her to dance with me."
Peter listened to the door close softly into the lock as his mind wandered away. Peter found himself lost in his own thoughts again. Worrying about things no other kid of his age ever thought about. Every since becoming Spider-Man, his body had changed. At that age, everyone does. But Peter changed more than average. He grew stronger, and gained an additional mass of muscles. All he could think about was how he could explain it. Yet, he couldn't. His excuses always revolved around this internship and playtime with Ned and you. He'd never even set foot in a gym. Let alone exercise. Flash was bound so something. And he always timed such remarks in front of the group.
Peter felt incredibly insecure about all of it. The way he looked. The way he felt. He couldn't explain anything. And that made it worse with not being able to respond well to Flash's taunts and annoying quips. Even thinking about going on that photo shirtless made him cringe.
"Peter?" He whipped around, feeling caught as he heard you knocking on the door. "Ned said you were here."
"I ehm… yes...." Rubbing the crook of his neck. Panic hitting him as he sat there. Running over to open the door to you. Peter felt his heart skip more than one beat. Seeing you standing there. No shirt, just swimming shorts and slippers. Peter had a crush on you for a long time and found himself struggling. Day in, day out. Finding the last few months even harder than it already was.
"You ok?" You asked, following Peter into the room. "You seem... on edge?"
"Did Ned say anything?!" He quipped as he turned around. "Did he?"
"No-no, you're just sweating all over." Pointing to the glistening on his forehead. "Let's jump into the sea before the picture. Still have plenty time."
"I forgot my swimming shorts." He said. "I... c-can't..."
"Oh, well I got a spare one."
"W-W...What? You bring a s-spare?" He stuttered, cheeks turning red as he began to feel the nerves in his system go in overdrive.
"Yeah, I'll get 'em. I'll be right back."
Peter had just dug his own grave even deeper now. He was trembling all over at the thought of wearing his crush swimming shorts. Hastily walking back and forth, hands in his hair. This time he couldn't think of a lie or a bad excuse.
"Here, it may be a little bit too big. But if you tie up the strings, you'll be fine." Peter sat at the edge of his bed, looking at the colorful shorts, sighing deeply.
"(Y/N)..." He said in a low voice. "I'm not… I… I don't feel comfortable about it."
"Don't worry." You chuckled. "I washed it before packing."
"That's not it." He jumped to his feet, walking back and forth with a hand combing through his curls. "I… d-" Shaking his head without finishing his sentence.
"What's wrong…?"
"I don't want this photo to happen. I don't want any of it!" He yelled out angrily in a waterfall of words. "I hate it! The whole thing. And-"
"Peter!" With both hands, you grab his shoulders. "Calm down! What's going on? Did something happen?" His big puppy eyes stared in yours for a moment before rolling his head down.
"I… can't say." Pulling himself free from your grasp. "You-… Y-You wouldn't understand." Plopping himself on the edge of the bed.
"If you don't say it, I certainly won't." You crouch onto your knees, hoping to level yourself with him, catch a glimpse of his eyes. "Please let me, Peter. We'll keep it between us, if you like."
Peter felt the butterflies buzzing in his stomach. How he loved you. Sitting in front of you. Everything he ever wanted, so close. He wanted to tell, but not risk it. Yet, and the end of all this, there was a good chance they wouldn't see each other again. The thought of it alone brought him to the verge of tears. For so many years, Peter had found a friend in you; and more. The things he had in common, the laughter, the jokes, the science. Even the simplest things. Through the years, he had grown fond of you. And in his eyes, the biggest mistake of all, a growing passion for you. To such an extent, he didn't want to sleep in the same room in the hotel. Be near you for too long.
"I need you to be honest (Y/N)." He looked up at you, the red circling his eyes. "Promise me."
"Peter… I…" Your heart skipped a beat seeing his eyes watering like that. "Of course. I will. I promise." You said resolutely. "Always."
"I-I… I... don't feel comfortable... going without... a shirt on." He mumbled. Even as he said the words, he felt embarrassed. "It's… It's... difficult to understand. And everyone's out there. And… And… y-you a-are..." Peter buried his face into his hands, overcome by shame and worries.
With Peter, you always had to choose your words carefully. He wasn't quick to anger, but he is smart. And to convince Peter to do something, you either had to have a well-thought-through plan. Or trick him. You couldn't win an argument with him. "What is bothering you? Is it a scar?"
"N-No… It's different..." He sighed. Hunching together more and more. You sat in silence, wondering what troubled him. "I shouldn't look like this (Y/N)! Not on my age." He suddenly veered up from the bed. Aggravated and annoyed by his thoughts. "See!?" Lifting the hem of his shirt, revealing abs. You were taken by surprise how well built Peter was for his age. The abs were nicely sculpted and well developed. "Everyone's going to talk about it (Y/N)!" His eyes welled with tears, on the verge of spilling across his cheeks. "I… I can't do it."
You raise yourself back up again and approach Peter. Standing there, sobbing on his own. "Listen to me, Peter." Placing his forehead against your chest, you let your fingers rake through his brown curls. "Hey…" You whisper softly, trying to get his attention. But even in this situation, Peter tried to avoid your gaze. Placing your hands on his cheeks, you gently lift his head upwards. Up close, Peter was really something. Your heart fluttered, as you couldn't help but smile. Not because of his misery. But he looked so cute. Even now. "Peter, listen…" You said softly. His big eyes finally connecting with yours. They were puppy-like. So precious and impossible to not feel his emotions spilling over to you. With the pads of both thumbs, you gently wipe away the tears from his eyes. "Look at me." Finally, able to catch his full attention. "You do... look good, Peter." You said. "You always have."
"Y-You only say that because… I… wanted to h-"
"No-No-No…" You cut him short. "I said that… because I mean it. Now, go change into these shorts. And then let's have a look." Handing him several flower necklaces in various colors and lengths. You pull them back before Peter grabs them. "But only if you want to."
"I don't see the point…" Shaking his head, disappointed. "B-But…Give me a minute." He said, disappearing into the bathroom. The time Peter spent in the bathroom was enough to feel flustered by his image. If the last months weren't already challenging enough. The point where you couldn't stop thinking about was already crossed. Peter looked so good… Both outside, and inside. And that thought kept repeating in your mind over and over again. You had to tell him.
"(Y/N)" Peter calls again. Waking you from your thoughts. Hearing the door unlock. "Can you come look?"
With a mission in mind, you lift yourself from the bed. Feeling the nerves in your legs. You were shaking. And quite heavily so. You take a few deep breaths before you walk into the bathroom and see Peter standing in front of the mirror. Peter's gaze was elsewhere but looking at himself via the mirror. Too shy or scared to do so. Peter looked nervous, and you too felt like it. The moment you stepped in, there wasn't a glimpse shared between the two of you. So you slowly approach, and take a stand behind him.
With a slight shudder in your breathing, you try to focus. Keeping your eyes on the necklaces, with good intention. Peter had simply thrown every size and shape on. But you couldn't help but stare, if only stealing a few glances in-between. His pecs and abs. His shoulders. He looked stunning. His hand grabbed yours, out of the blue, when you tried to remove a necklace. A moment of tension that forced eye contact. It's that glance you give to each other, knowing how close you finally were. You could feel him shaking through and through. Hands warm and sweaty. "Wait." He spurted, slowly letting your hand slip from his fingers, and leaned towards the door, turning the little knob. "First, what do you think?"
"Ehm… Well, locking the door might not-"
"You said you would be honest." He turned around, watching you with big eyes. "Please (Y/N)..."
Your heart pounded in your chest. Blood boiling, but in the right way. It's there you realized you had never seen him without a shirt longer than maybe half a second. In the changing rooms, he'd always take the corner. Change within a heartbeat and disappear. "L-Let's remove some of these…" Removing the necklaces one by one. It felt tense. The way you incidentally brushed your hands against his skin.
Peter looked fantastic. Again those broad shoulders. His chest was big. So well rounded. So full. And that sixpack. Your throat was going dry the more you looked. "You… eh…" A shuddered breath left you, as you wanted to think of something to say. But you couldn't. Captivated by his eyes. That innocence. That sweetness. All the things you were going to say, washed away by his cuteness.
"(Y/N)... ?" Peter asked, feeling his blood pounding between his ears. He was as nervous as ever before. Being this close to his friend. His crush. He could hear his irregular breathing. See the blush on his cheeks. And most importantly, Peter sensed it. Your heartbeat. It began to race the moment they had the discussion earlier. Peter could feel his rapid heartbeat when he laid his head to rest on your chest. But now, it was the only thing he could focus on, as it went crazy. Crazy for him. He knew.
"H-How do… do y-you feel?" You asked with a slight unintentional tremble in your voice. "That's... the most important."
"Say it, (Y/N)" Taking a step closer. "Just be honest with me." His eyes looked red, almost as if on the verge of tears. But it wasn't without a smile, a growing one. "P-Please..."
"I don't know… how to say it… Peter." You mumble, holding both his shoulders and averting your gaze for a moment. Swallowing the lump in your throat. This could be it. After all this time. "But… if this... might be the only last chance… like this… the two of us… then-"
"Who says that?" Peter cut you off. "We still have the ceremonies and-..."
"And then we part-…" Your voice broke as you said the words. The thoughts alone had wrecked you for months. And the nerves had taken their toll. "-we part ways, Peter." Feeling the tears shimmer in your eyes. The fear showed in Peter's eyes. He knew what you were talking about. And he clearly felt the same. "I… I don't want that." You whispered to him. "I… don't…"
"A-Are y-y-you sa-.. s-saying that…"
"I've always liked you, Peter." The heat rushed through your systems. Felt weak in the knees, as you instinctively pulled Peter closer to you. Inches away from his lips. "More than anything. And today hasn't changed a thing. If only… it made it worse. Peter… y-you… make me-"
"I've had a crush on you for so long…" He outright confessed. "-t-t-that I can't think straight when you're around (Y/N)."
"I want you… to know… that… that… I love you, Peter." You stammered. "I love you." Breathing heavily, staring into his puppy eyes. With your trembling hands, you lift a necklace from his chest, and over his head, taking the last step in his direction. Peter pinned between the sink and you. Your noses almost bumping into each other, as you both showed a growing smile. It's a silent exchange of glances. But you both knew what needed to happen. You lean into him, gently landing your lips on Peter's. They're so soft and warm. Inviting to a degree, you've never felt. Your heart fluttered. And for that brief moment, in that kiss, the world fell away around you. Holding his body, leaning into you, meeting Peter's loving eyes up close.
"Peter…" You kissed him again. "You are absolutely beautiful." He was so flustered to a point Peter couldn't say anything. Only staring into your eyes. "With and without clothes." Returning the kiss to you before cradling his head in the crook of your neck. "Inside and outside." Kissing his hair. "Don't you forget that."
"Thank you (Y/N)." He quietly whispered, peppering small kisses to the skin of your neck. His arms holding you in his embrace. It's intimate at first, as the barrier finally had fallen. But as you stand there, together, it felt more than that. Reassuring and calming. Swaying in each other's arms, peppering small kisses onto each other. "I'm so happy…" He said, looking at you with red lines eyes. Rubbing the first tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. "I… I… love you (Y/N)." He smiled broadly. "I w-wanted to tell you... B-But… I never knew how to." Hugging himself tightly against you.
"Nor did I, Peter." You admitted. "It kept me awake for so long. The thought of leaving-…" Shaking the thoughts from your head, you tighten your arms around Peter. "Not anymore."
"I love you so much (Y/N)." He smiled. "C-Can… I… kiss you… again?" He stuttered but held back for a moment. "Oh, man... I'm still shaking all over." Looking at his trembling hands. "You make me so nervous… I… I…"
"Please, Peter…" You silenced his lips with your finger. "Kiss me until the nerves go away. And then… keep going." Peter's eyes sparkled as he cupped your cheeks. Taking your lips on his again. This time with confidence and power.
 - - -
 "And… that's how it happened." Peter beamed from ear to ear. Waiting for May's reaction as she held the picture in her hands. It showed the group picture on the beach in Hawaii. With the sun going down in the background, and everyone dressed in the right style. In the corner, top left, back row, stood Peter, together with you. Both their arms around each other. And as the photographer looked for the right moment, Peter had focused his spidey-senses. And leaned in. Kissing you on the cheek, just at the right moment, immortalizing the day forever. Peter had never felt so proud as in that moment.
"Peter! I'm so happy for you." May said. "I love it. It's perfect." And even before Peter realized halfway continuing his story about how funny and loving you are, she had driven her scissors deep into it.
"May!" Peter called, jumping up and over the couch, scaring her in the process. "What're you doing?!"
"Calm down, sweetie." She said with complete calm in her voice, patting Peter on his cheek. And continued to cut further into the picture. "I'm getting rid... of all these people… I don't care about. See?" With great care, she cut a frame around you and Peter.
"But… But… you love these pictures?"
"I do. And this is the best one." She reassured him. "I need these two close to me." Holding the small squared picture of Peter and (Y/N). "You two are the cutest." She smiled, pulling Peter in for a hug. Followed by a kiss on top of his hair. "I love it."
"You haven't met him yet…" Peter said as if she was overestimating you. "He could be-" As he was disturbed by a notification on his phone.
"No, Peter." May continued while he read your message. "He's cute. I can see it. You did good." Ruffling through his hair. "I haven't seen you this happy before." She chuckled as she tried to get Peter's attention again.
Peter felt amazing. He couldn't keep his eyes away from the picture. It held so many good memories for him. Thinking about you made him glow and seeing you in the picture even more. He felt the butterflies stirring his insides again. A blush warming his cheeks. Peter was absolutely crazy about you. "Yeah… He's great." He smiled, biting his lower lip. "But May... he wants to meet up. What do I do?"
"What do you want?"
"Well, I… I... want to be with him, of course… and…" Peter said with a slightly shaken voice. The smile on his face growing as he thought about you. "-and… you know…"
"Of course you want to." May said with a smile, knowing exactly what her little boy meant. "Now, Petey, send him a message back. Let him come over tonight." Pulling Peter's eyes up from the phone as she pulled the boy's face up by his chin.
"But how-?" Peter panicked slightly. "How do I look? How should I look? What if-"
"First Peter." May interrupted, trying to stop him from rambling. "First, you're going tell me all about him." Peter's eyes sparkled as he thought about you. And how you could spend the night together. He wanted nothing more. But how he should approach it, that was another thing. He never dated before. And in a way, he felt like it was a date. May led Peter back to the couch. "Then we're going to come up with something special for tonight. Just for the two of you."
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sunfloweroranges · 3 years
ummm hello 🥺👉👈 can i request hawks x nb reader + secret whispers:
"Hawks!" you hiss at the sight of the man in question floating next to your window. You open it in a rush, afraid someone would walk in and see him brandishing the bouquet of flowers he bought for you. "Do you even remember what we agreed on? You're not supposed to be here!"
𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕥 𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤
𝓗𝓪𝔀𝓴𝓼 𝔁 𝓷𝓫!𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
𝙷𝚒 𝚑𝚒 𝚋𝚞𝚋!! 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗!! 𝙸𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚒𝚝!!!!
𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝟚𝟝 𝔽𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕗𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕣𝕪 𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝! 𝙵𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗!! [𝚖𝚢 𝚒𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚡 𝚒𝚜 𝚍𝚛𝚢 𝚗𝚐𝚕]
𝙰𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢, 𝚒 𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝟹𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗, 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍 :)
𝚍/𝚓- 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚓𝚘𝚋
𝚏/𝚏- 𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛/𝚜
𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 690
𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚙𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚠 [𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎], 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏??
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This was supposed to be a calm evening with family, a quiet get together to celebrate Y/n finally getting their diploma, finishing their d/j course. Y/n specifically asked Hawks to not visit, as much as they wanted to celebrate with their boyfriend of a few years, this whole thing was a secret still, no one knew about their little relationship besides them of course. But of course, who was Hawks to listen to his partner? He wanted to celebrate too! How could they ask him to wait till their parents left, he didn't want their f/f to wither away while he waited AGES for them to finally get up to the roof and let him in.
Y/n stood by the window of their bedroom having went there to grab a watch which was one of the additional gifts for finishing the course, that was all, but a deep flutter and all too familiar red feather falling through their cracked open window made color drain from their face "Hawks!" they hiss at the sight of the man in question floating next to their window. They rush to it opening the frame properly letting the hero sit on their windowsill and swing his legs over and inside, in his hand a big beautiful bouquet of f/f
"Do you even remember what we agreed on? You're not supposed to be here!" They whisper- yelled a small frown settled on their features "Oh I know, I know songbird, I was supposed to wait, but-!" he spoke before their hand covered his mouth shushing him quickly afraid their parents would hear and come over. "Shhh-Shut up, Hawks you, out, now-" They spoke quickly making the winged man sigh and give you the sweetest puppy eyes he could manage.
"No- nonono, no. Hawks, no." They shook their head and waved their hands in front of them "You are not- and I repeat, Not staying here till my parents leave." They spoke before a small knock came from the door making them look to Hawks and push him out of the window, a reckless decision that made one of the pedals from the flowers fall onto the windowsill. "Honey, is everything okay in there? Do you need help finding the watch?" came their mothers voice from behind the door before they cracked open pooling light into the dark room, Y/n hasn't bothered turning the light on thinking the watch retrieval wouldn't be interrupted.
"No I'm okay mum, really, I just wanted to open the window for a moment- I forgot to earlier-" Y/n spoke leaning on the windowsill behind them looking at their mother "oh, Okay well Dad is really excited about that watch you know how he is with all these small machines and mechanisms" She smiled before Y/n pushed themselves off of the window and went to the bedside table grabbing a blue velvet box stepping to their mother they handed the box over and smiled "I'll close up the window, the handle works a little harsh, it'll take just a moment, can you give Dad the watch so he can examine it before I join you?" They spoke with one of those innocent smiles, the older woman nodded and left Y/n alone closing the door behind herself.
They sat on the windowsill again with a relieved sigh, head falling forward and eyes closing, just for a yelp to tear through their mouth- before it was covered by a familiar warm hand, a bouquet set on their lap. "Well that was just mean songbird~" Hawks purred by their ear the soft flap of red wings heard quietly before his hand moved from their lips "You're lucky I love you" He spoke before turning your head gently placing a chaste kiss on your soft lips "Ill be waiting on the rooftop for you, don't forget to set these in water, they cost half my salary" he joked pointing to the flowers before his hold on their waist slipped, just a single red feather falling on top of the decorative paper. "tch, you're the lucky one Hawks..."
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@ryosmne​ @love-amihan @falling4fandoms​​
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haikwritings · 4 years
Forgone | Part Five
Character Mentions: Kōtarō Bokuto, Shōyō Hinata.
Summary: Bokuto & Y/n haven't seen each other for five years, but an unexpected reunion awaits them when he learns that he has a daughter.
Next: Part Six
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Bokuto was extremely happy and excited for his little family to move in with him.
“Yeah, yeah, we need to return earlier, Hinata.” Bokuto said through the phone.
And that's why he had to return earlier from his two-week vacation which had Hinata a bit irritated.
“Yeah I know.” Hinata answered sweetly but a little irritated through the phone.
Hinata knew about the situation since Bokuto had told him— but he wanted to at least enjoy his vacation one more day.
“I’m sorry man, please be here in five minutes.” Bokuto said as he hang up the phone.
He knew he had destroyed his friend's vacation but he would repay him later.
“Spud, did you pack the clothes like I told you?” Y/n asked very sweetly, making Bokuto look at her daughter.
He was concentrating on helping his girls pack.
He knew that they would leave a lot of things behind and he wanted to take into account the things he had to buy when they get to his house.
“N-No.” Akiko answered shyly.
He wanted to support them and give them the best life that he could give.
“Bo, I will pack her clothes. Can you put her shoes on?” Y/n asked sweetly.
“Y-Yes.” Bokuto answered sweetly, excited to have his first moments with his daughter.
He hadn't been able to talk to his daughter much and he wanted to spend the necessary time with her.
“So? What shoes are we putting on?” Bokuto asked sweetly, looking at the white shoes her daughter was carrying.
“D-Dis ones.” Akiko answered softly while handling him the shoes.
He was laughing adorably inside at how small her daughter's shoes were.
“L-Let’s go with the right one first.” Bokuto said while putting her shoe on.
As he was putting it, he could tell his little daughter was laughing.
“Now let’s go with the left.” Bokuto said while putting her other shoe on.
And still, his daughter kept laughing.
“What’s so funny, little one?” Bokuto asked sweetly but curiously.
Suddenly feeling Y/n behind his back.
“B-Bo, her shoes are backwards.” Y/n pointed out in disbelief.
“W-What?” Bokuto asked confused while seeing his daughter shoes—
“Oh.” Bokuto answered embarrassed.
Bokuto had no experience taking care of children, he basically acted like one.
“W-We’re ready.” Y/n said as she was carrying her bags along with her daughter's.
But he knew that he was going to learn little by little.
“Kōntarō.” Hinata knocked at the apartament door.
And he knew he was going to learn how to be a father.
“He’s here.” Bokuto said as he opened the door.
“The cab is waiting—” Hinata was saying until he looked at the little girl who looked ALMOST EXACTLY like his friend.
He knew he would learn from her and his friends.
“I- I— B-Bokuto, s-she looks like you.” Hinata said in disbelief.
And he could tell they would be amazing helpers.
“C-Can you say hey hey hey?” Hinata asked sweetly.
And amazing uncles—of course.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Akiko answered giggling.
Making Hinata fall from the cuteness.
“A-Art.” Hinata praised.
After the adorable moment everyone witnessed—Hinata helped the little family put their bags in the cab.
“Hinata.” Bokuto called as the girls got inside the cab, not being able to hear the conversation between the two.
“I- I need you sit with spud at the flight. I need to talk with Y/n about...stuff.” Bokuto said.
“You got it, man.” Hinata answered sweetly.
After all, Hinata wanted to help his friend in any way.
“Where’s your destination?” The cab driver asked.
“The Airport.” Bokuto replied sweetly, while looking at his daughter and her.
On the way Bokuto only thought about how his life was going to change in a positive way. He was even looking for information on schools near the area—He just wanted to be prepared.
“I will buy snacks for the flight, little one. What would you like to eat?” Hinata asked happily.
“I want candy!” Akiko replied happily.
“Then you will have them, spud.” Bokuto said while giggling.
But what they didn't know was that the sweets made her very energetic.
“J-Just try not to feed her with candy so much.” Y/n said very sweetly.
Which made Bokuto confused.
“M-Mommy please!” Akiko pouted sadly, making her hair deflate— just like her dad.
But he somehow got the message.
“Just a little.” Y/n answered sweetly.
“Aww okay.” Akiko pouted sadly, looking at Hinata with puppy’s eyes.
Maybe he was like him—
He gets very hyper when eating candy.
“You can have all the candy you want.” Hinata muttered, low enough to not be heard by her parents.
“Y-You the best.” Akiko whispered sweetly.
When they arrived at the airport, they took their bags and delivered them to the front.
“Hey, why don’t you guys buy the snacks?” Bokuto asked, giving Hinata hints.
“Y-Yeah, sure.” Hinata said as he took Akiko.
He wanted to have the opportunity to talk to her.
“D-Do you want snacks?” Bokuto asked sweetly, trying to make a conversation with her.
“I- I will just take a water bottle.” Y/n answered sweetly.
“S-Sure let’s go get it.” Bokuto said as they both walked to a little store.
He wanted to win her back after all this years.
“A-Are you sure you don’t want a pj sandwich?” Bokuto asked sweetly.
He knew they were her favorites.
“I- I don’t like them.” Y/n lied, trying to make him believe her.
But he knew she wouldn’t change her favorite snack.
“I- I will buy one just in case.” Bokuto said.
He knew how stubborn she was.
“So...” Bokuto said as he grabbed the pj sandwich.
“So...” Y/n said while walking around the store.
“H-How have you been?” Bokuto asked, mentally hitting himself for the stupid question.
But she knew he meant to harm.
“Overwhelmed, but I will be okay.” Y/n replied sweetly.
And she knew he wanted her, she just didn’t felt...ready.
“S-So, umm, h-have you been dating anyone?” Bokuto asked while looking down.
She knew his intentions were good, but she just...
“N-No. I have been alone, Bo. Thanks for getting worried, though.” Y/n answered while picking a small cookie.
She just wasn’t ready.
She just felt insecure that he would leave her.
“Oh, i-is nothing.” Bokuto answered overwhelmed.
Since she had her daughter, she hadn't dated anyone. She hadn't even one night stands either—she was just alone.
“I- I look...” Bokuto said but was suddenly interrupted by Hinata.
“We’re back.” Hinata said while carrying a shopping bag full of candy.
“Mommy!” Akiko said sweetly.
“The flight is in ten minutes, we better get there.” Hinata said happily.
“Y-Yeah.” Bokuto answered sweetly.
But he still wanted to try, after all...
He wanted to be with her.
“Who’s spud sitting with?” Y/n asked confused while arriving to the plane.
“M-Me!” Hinata suddenly said as he remembered the conversation he had with his friend.
“O-Oh okay.” Y/n answered sweetly.
Immediately following Bokuto to take a seat.
“H-Here.” Bokuto pointed the sit next to him.
“T-Thanks.” Y/n answered very sweetly.
Bokuto had planned the things he wanted to say. He wanted to know her imput and wanted to know if he still had a chance.
“Are you okay?” Y/n asked worried as she saw him tense.
But he didn’t wanted to make her uncomfortable.
“I- I just...I just want to know something.” Bokuto asked nervously.
And she knew what was his question...
She knew him.
“O-Okay.” Y/n answered nervously.
She just knew him too well.
“Do I still have a chance?” Bokuto asked nervously.
“Bo—” Y/n was saying but was interrupted by him.
“Do I still have a chance to redeem myself?” Bokuto asked nervously again.
She knew he had the chance...
She knew he was a good guy.
“Bo...” Y/n answered softly.
But she was scared...
Scared that he would leave her again.
“You’re going to leave me...” Y/n said while looking down.
And he understood what she meant.
“And I don’t want to suffer...” Y/n continued saying.
And he understood what she was feeling.
“I- I don’t want to see you leave again.” Y/n said.
Both of them had strong feelings for each other.
Even after the years.
“I- I won’t.” Bokuto said while grabbing her arms.
They still loved each other.
“I- I won’t leave you.” Bokuto said while tearing up.
They never stopped thinking about each other.
“I- I love you.” Bokuto whispered in her ear.
“Good morning dear passengers. Please fasten the waistbands, the plane is going to take off.” The stewardess said.
“I- I love you.” Bokuto repeated, tears falling from his eyes.
They still had a connection with each other.
“Y-You promise?” Y/n asked while tearing up.
“I- I promise.” Bokuto answered.
“The plane is going to take off in 5 minutes.” The stewardess said.
“I- I love you.” Bokuto confessed again.
“I- I love you, Bo.” Y/n said, grabbing back his hands.
Because the red thread between the two never broke.
“L-Let’s make this work.” Bokuto said smiling, wiping her tears.
“L-Let’s make this work.” Y/n repeated smiling.
General TagList:
@elianetsantana @pillowpets @boosyboo9206 @chagi-nana @melacholy @kara-grayson04 @sangwoosashyashes @milkawabread @answer-the-sirens @habi20212 @thelilyflowersworld @kellesvt @yuueisteria @dai-tsukki-desu @saeranoppa @wompwompwompwompwompwompw1111111
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sleepylixie · 4 years
I Hate to Admit
College! AU Bang Chan X fem! reader
Imperium Universe || Jisung || Seungmin || Chan 
2k (I’m so sorry), fluffiest fluff 
Request? Yes! Hope you like this, Anon!! Apologies about getting a wee bit carried away. >.<
Warnings: None!
A/N: I liked writing this, even though it’s waayyyy longer than I expected it to be oops. This is an extension of the same universe as this Jisung fic and this Seungmin fic, but you can definitely read this as a standalone! Do let me know what you think about this fic, I’d love to hear feedback!! ONTO THE FIC :D
Requests are open for SKZ and BTS! || Masterlist
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The skate park right outside your campus was always an interesting sight. There were always a lot of people around, enjoying themselves on the gentle slopes and plateaus. You were always mystified by the way the skateboarders could so easily throw themselves into the air, seemingly unafraid of taking a tumble to the concrete floor.
You’d pass by the skate park thrice a week in the early evening, on your way to a part-time shift at Imperium- the closest bar to your university. Your shifts ran late sometimes, bordering on midnight when you’d step out of Imperium’s back door.
More often than not, you’d encounter the same lone figure in the skatepark on your way back- an average-sized, lean figure who had a way with the skateboard that you’d never seen anybody have before. The first time you spotted him, you stopped and watched for a few moments as he made his way up the slopes like it was nothing at all- he was that good.
Skateboarding wasn’t your thing as much as people watching- there were so many interesting people in the world, so many different kinds of personalities that you couldn’t get enough. You would write them into stories of back-alley romance, tales of rippling fantasy and chronicles of traitorous woe,  reveling in the way your worlds and characters built themselves up along the plot.
It became an unconscious habit, seeing the boy(it seemed like a boy, judging from his impeccably built shoulders and a penchant for extremely sleeveless muscle tops.) on your way back from your late bartending shifts.
He was curious, you decided. Who only visited the skate park when it was at it’s emptiest despite being so good? Did he not like attention? Was he shy? You made a mental note to try and talk to him one day- you weren’t hesitant with your curiosities. Someday, when you weren’t bogged down by your already numerous Works in progress and university, you would approach him and find out more about this midnight skateboarder.
But as it turned out, you didn’t have to wait too long.
“Y/N! Where were you, it’s almost 1 a.m!” Your sorority sister Chaeyoung sat up on her bed as you walked into your shared room. Her short blonde hair fluttered around her face as she slipped off the bed, bounding towards you. “I had a longer shift than normal, Imperium was weirdly full.” You responded, pulling your bag off your shoulder.
“Alpha Phi Alpha is throwing another rager. Do you want in?”
That’s when you heard it. You’d been so absorbed in the music from your own earphones that you didn’t even noticed the deep bass thumping through the air, the muffled cheers and screams of enjoyment. Of course there was a party going on, it was a Friday night.
Life next to a fraternity house wasn’t the most peaceful, but you didn’t mind it. Your sorority, Delta Kappa, was housed right next to the Alpha Phi Alpha frat house, close enough to share a fenced wall.
The Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity was the most sought after fraternity on campus; acceptance meant instant skyrocketing of social worth. It was all extremely cliché: the best frat on campus, filled with the smartest, most attractive guys, throwing the most memorable parties and yet maintaining their stellar record of being good at pretty much everything.
“Sure, why not? I have some energy to let off.” You smile, throwing open your shared wardrobe. Chae’s eyes shone wickedly, she was sold by the idea of any kind of party. “Are any of the other sisters coming??”
“Jennie, Lia and Yeri already left. I thought I’ll wait around for you.”
“How nice of you, Chae,” You huff out another laugh as you held out an outfit for her to see. “Ooh, I like it. Now hurry up, right?”
“Okay, okay!!”
20 minutes later, you were walking into your next-door frat house with Chae, already warmed by the electric vibe. “Y/N!!! You’re here!!”  There he was-tall, blonde and devastatingly handsome. Also seemingly tipsy, by the looks of it. Hwang Hyunjin was one of your closest friends, but he had a hard time handling his liquor, even though he would stoutly disagree when sober.
“What took you so long?” He slurred slightly, slinging an arm around you and giving you a tight, alcohol-smelling hug. “Unlike some of you, I have a job, Hyunin,” You quipped, returning his embrace and pecking his cheek- your usual greeting.
“Whatever, you’re here now.” He scoffed and ruffled your hair. “ We just made some new additions to the frat, you should come and meet them.”
“Sure, why not?” So Hyunjin took your hand and led you through the throngs of partying people. Soon enough, you stepped onto the roof of the frat house, a fairly clean space for being set up by a troupe of boys. Fairy lights left the people on the terrace bathed in soft yellow lights, a rather aesthetic sight.
There were around a handful of people lounging around on the couches and carpets, but Hyunjin led you to a particular group of people nearest to the railing, laughing and talking in a circle. You knew he had a gang of friends from all over the campus that just seemed to have an inexplicable pull towards each other.
You knew some of them by appearance from other ragers- music major Jisung with the cheeky smile, law student Seungmin with the puppy-eyes and an acidic tongue, Changbin with his almost flawlessly built body (you always paused for a second to admire his physique) and Minho, the guy who for some ominous reason always had bruised knuckles.
“Y/N! Hey!” Jeongin exclaimed, eyes brightening up in an endearing smile. “Hey Innie,” you grinned, happy to see another familiar face in the junior from the same major as you. “Yes yes hello and all that, Innie,” Hyunjin rolled his eyes, ignoring the look of mock offense he got from Jeongin. “I brought Y/N to meet Chan, coz he’s new to the frat, and my favorite sorority girl should be the first to know about the new fish.”
He threw an arm out, pointing to one of the guys leaning against the railing of the terrace, all smiles and black hair. You extended your own smile towards him, already giving him a casual once over- He wasn’t too tall, with impeccably built shoulders in a muscle top….wait. The question was out of your mouth before you could stop it.
“Are you the weirdo that goes skateboarding at midnight?”
A pause rippled across everybody in the circle, the smile on Chan’s face reducing to an incredulous splutter as Jisung choked on a giggle- that did it. All of the guys dissolved into peals of laughter, loud and unrestrained.
“Sorry about that,” You said, letting out an embarrassed sigh as you stepped around the circle to get closer to Chan. “I’ve seen you in the skate park when I’m getting back after work.”
He shrugged, his handsome features still splashed with sheepishness. “It’s fine, it was just a matter of time, I guess.” Over the laughter, you could hear how smooth his voice was, like melting chocolate.
“If it counts for anything, I thought you’re really good at it.” You weren’t the beat around the bush with your words. “You made it look so easy.”
A light blush reddened his ears as he grinned at the compliment. “Thanks.. Y/N, was it?”
You spent the rest of the night with the boys, caught in easy banter- but particularly, you got to know Chan. He had been living off campus until he’d decided to apply for the fraternities on a whim, ending up with an acceptance to Alpha phi Alpha. He was a business major, with a creative minor in music producing- just like Changbin. He was a natural extrovert, effortless with conversation and people skills, a man married to his work-to the point that he regularly lost sleep over it. He was also a bit of a dork, you noticed, with his random bursts of exaggerated hand movements and lame jokes.
The sun was beginning to rise when you decided to get back home. “It was nice getting to know you, Channie,” you grinned, pulling him into an easy hug and pecking his cheek.
“Likewise, Y/N.” He smiled his captivating smile at you, before walking you to the frat house door. “Before I go, what do you say about exchanging numbers?” You asked. He was a good sort, the kind of guy who’d make a really good friend. Why not?
Chan agreed amicably and sent you off with promises to catch up soon, leaving you feeling light and happy.
To your surprise, he ended up dropping by your sorority the very next morning, asking if you were up for waffles at a nearby café. You happened to be awake at the time and decided to tag along with him- even though it was 6 in the morning.
“The guys refuse to wake up early and join me,” he complained, holed up in the café with plates of waffles and orange juice in front of you. “Chan, be honest,” You chuckled. “The only reason we’re awake at ass o’ clock is because both of us can’t sleep to save our lives.” He rolled his eyes in amusement. “Stop wise cracking and get on eating, Y/N.”
That café run cemented your day-old friendship into one of peaceful camaraderie, a safe space for each other within the chaos of your friend circles.
Winter melted slowly into spring, bringing tidings of new beginnings, assignment and semester exams and subsequently, end of semester parties. As always, Alpha phi Alpha was throwing a rager of a party that was expected to be the best all semester.  Your entire sorority had received invitations and were all excited to drown out the stress of exams week. You, on the other hand, were also thinking about something else. Someone, rather-Chan.
You and Chan had only grown close over the course of the past months,  gradually bonding over ungodly morning cafe runs, late night texts between breaks and video calls asking for outfit opinions.
You frequented the frat house more often, a fact that Hyunjin rejoiced (and teased you relentlessly) over. Chaeyoung only gazed at you with a suggestive look in her eyes when you slipped into the room at 2 a.m in the morning with one of Chan’s many black hoodies hanging off your shoulders. What, it was winter, it was cold on your way back from Imperium and he offered! Chan, to his credit, seemed to be just as invested in this newly growing friendship as you were. He walked you back from Imperium whenever he was at the skatepark, invited you on his midnight skate runs,  even almost breaking his arm trying to teach you how to balance on his skateboard.
It was an outlet for his energy, he explained one day. Sometimes working on music or going on a run didn’t give him the same sense of calm that skateboarding did. It wasn’t about the attention for him- with Chan, it almost never was. Not surprisingly, you liked that about him.  You liked Chan, for all his insomniac, stress skateboarding, black hoodie hoarding self.
The party was already in full swing when you and Chaeyoung knocked on the main door. One of the frat boys you didn’t know opened the door, smirking at you before yelling over his shoulder. “Yo, Chan, your girl’s here!”
Your eyes widened, exchanging an amused glance with Chae, who was openly laughing at your expression. Chan’s girl? Not that you hated the sound of that.. But you were just a friend- a friend who had a crush on him.. Right??
Chan hurried to the door that very instant, shoo-ing his frat brother off. “Sorry about that,” he murmured , exchanging hugs and cheek kisses with you and Chae. “To the usual spot?” he grinned, comically offering you his arm.
“Of course, my dearest,” you gushed, the two of you bursting into a fit of giggles as you linked your arm with his, allowing Chan to steer you towards the staircase leading up to the terrace. Once on the rooftop, you were met with a familiar sight- 7 boys giggling and talking amongst themselves in a loose circle near the railing. “Chan, don’t hog all of Y/N’s attention, she’s here for the party, you know?” Jisung called out the second he spotted the two of you heading towards them.
Amidst a gale of laughter, Chan frowned indignantly, opening his mouth to give Jisung a tongue lashing before you broke in, a sly smile stamped across your own face. “Who says I’d mind it??”
A chaotic chorus of 7 male voices responding to you had you laughing aloud, scanning Chan’s face for any discomfort. But he only had flaming ears, shifty eyes,  and a shy smile trained on you- a smile that shifted from shy to teasing in split seconds.
“If that’s the case, then I’m stealing Y/N for the night, you guys!” He declared, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the door the two of you had just walked through. “Chan, what are you doing?” You breathed out in amusement, not pulling your hand away. Your heart was beating out of your chest at everything going on, especially with Chan’s warm hand enclosing yours and the way he’d just smiled at you-
“Something I’ve wanted to do for a while now,” Chan’s voice was exactly as you knew it, smooth, warm melted chocolate. “Come with me to the skatepark. Just for a while.” Who were you to say no to that voice?
Chaeyoung opened the door to the sorority early next morning, squawking in laughter when she saw who stood in front of her. You in Chan’s hoodie, your hand in his, your lipstick staining the side of Chan’s jaw and the kicker- you hugging Chan, quickly landing a soft kiss on his lips before skipping into the house.
Chaeyoung could only look at the adoring look on Chan’s face as you disappeared into the house and close the door, laughing quietly.  Ah, young love. 
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