#and her model has slightly longer hair so. why not?
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sun-marie · 1 year ago
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It turns out the portraits in PoE are stored as .pngs in the files, so I made some alterations for Sabina 😊
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evieelyzabethh · 3 months ago
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⭒"baby do you wanna touch? look at how you make me blush"⭒ Arcane characters as different romance tropes {fem reader}
cast ✧ Vi, Ekko, Jayce, Viktor, Mel
cw ☞ slightly pervy jayce, lots of fluff
♞Vi ~ Opposites Attract♞
♞Vi really likes being able to be the protector. It's a bit too much pressure having to be a good role model, she struggles with the idea of people looking up to her. She's brash, she has a foul mouth, she can never seem to make the right decision, the only thing she feels like she's capable of is fighting. She's always rough, her hands are perpetually bloody and bandaged, her lip is cut, her hair cut is choppy and haphazard, she stomps when she walks. No one expects her to be with someone so soft
♞Not Piltie soft, not softness afforded to you because you'd never know suffering. Not soft like a downy blanket or a stuffed animal, soft like a worn t-shirt or like the petal of a flower. Something worn and broken down, something that rather than becoming hard or wilting away, it remained. Soft doesn't have to mean innocent, sometimes the softness is out of spite; out of determination to thrive. Softness as a form of rebellion.
♞ She would be in awe of you. Everyone in the lanes ends up fucked up. Overrun with shimmer, Grey, and cycles of violence, you don't have a choice in being hardened. Theories of evolution don't support softness; no good armor is gentle. And yet, the way you patch up her wounds, the way you communicate, the way you move, is all languid and smooth. You're like water and, for the first time, she isn't oil, she's ice. You aren't all that different, all she has to do is be willing enough to melt into you.
♞This isn't to say your helpless. You can throw a punch just fine but defense may just be the best offense. Turns out, knowing how to punch isn't as important as knowing when. You play defense, you bob and weave through physical situations and have a way with words that isn't often appreciated down here. In a world where everyone is always on high alert, shoulders tensed and fists clenched, you just breathe. It sounds simple, what if you just didn't fight? Not just through actions, but also through how you move. If stealing is inevitable, why not learn to grow? It's not just kindness, it's awareness. Why is stealing inevitable? Why do all of us starve? Why do we fight the neighbor; because the people who built the complex are too far.
♞Your softness brings out domesticity in Vi. Even though she still enjoys pit fighting on the side and the occasional bar fight, it's only because she looks forward to coming home. She enjoys the warm bubble baths and the shoulder massages, she's satisfied to see all the dirty and grime wash down the drain, she likes feeling not just clean but lighter. It's safe. Usually, she's the bigger spoon, but in your admittedly cramped tub, you sit behind her, and she allows her head to sink into your chest, the warm water sitting at her chin as she listens to you giggle as you kiss her sudsy neck and ask how her day was.
♞She indulges you when it comes to your self care days. She rolls her eyes as you slide the fluffy headband over her face, but she can no longer hide her content when you hold her hand to paint her nails after you use some sort of wooden tool to dig the dirt from beneath him. Every night with you feels like heaven after she just dug her way out of hell.
♞The perfect end to these nights is requesting you read something to her. It doesn't really matter what, it could be some cheesy romance or sciency textbook you swiped from Jayce's lab. She forgets how much she likes to read; she often doesn't have the time for it. And sometimes the words tend to swim around, floating through one ear and out the other, fighting to stick into the grooves of her brain but ultimately slipping right out, but even that does matter. It's the time spent. It's the hard cover and the soft pages. It's you and her.
★Ekko ~ Time Travel Romance★
★He is convinced you were made in a lab. He thinks it is impossible that you were just made that way, seemingly made just for him. Sometimes it's like you share the same brain, you think of the same jokes, you have the same ideas, it's like there some sort of bridge between both of your brains where even your synapses connect and blink in unison
★He's sure there's some sort of sappy saying that applies, one or two times of these occurrences just being a coincidence but after ten it's fate. What does it mean if these instances are innumerable, these moments of connectedness. Meeting you was a coincidence, sure, but you were always you before you met him. You laughed at the same things, you laughed in the same voice that from the start seemed to be in perfect harmony with his, the sound came from the same lips he's kissed thousands of times that practically fit together like puzzle pieces. In his mind, maybe even meeting wasn't a coincidence, with how perfectly you slot together, maybe even that was fate
★He was never even a big "fate" guy. He likes to believe that every one's choices are their own just as every one's consequences should be their own. The idea that his forever was already planned and picked for him, even if it was the most perfect pairing he could ask for, wasn't appealing because it wasn't his pick. His choice matters. His actions matter. He doesn't think of it in a "fate" way, he doesn't think he was always destined to pick you, he hardly even thinks of you as a separate entity
★Not to get existential or anything, but people are born from a hole and get placed into one after they die. Stars hit the end of their life cycles and from their ash come new stars. Every second someone dies and someone else is born. It's all so incredibly cyclical. Everyone ends up back where they started until forever. I mean, there's no proof for it, but surely the heat death of the universe would cause the spark that creates a new one, to be alive is to make life. The very act of breathing gives life to trees, the life of everything is in some way dependent on the life of another, all of which provides life to the whole. And surely our ash won't disappear, just as even the tiny neurons in our brain remember those whose voices, scents, and touch we can't remember. Essense never seems to leave. Your own is your own and it seems to have a never-ending magnetic urge to come back together and be whole. The cycle never ends because everything desires to be whole.
★That's how Ekko feels. With everything desiring to be whole, time is the throughway. It's the channel that brings everything together, not fate. You weren't destined to be together, you were made to be together, you had always been together. Two parts of the same whole which is part of an even bigger whole that has yet to be discovered and found, but you will together. The larger the magnet, the bigger its field of attraction, and you two will grow and grow until either you have become completely whole, or you shatter from passion in the process, the pieces of you mixed and spread to be reunited even stronger just a few moments later. Moments that could be seconds or millennia. When time is the only infinite and the desire to be whole is constant, what significance do those moments matter.
★Ekko knows better than to push the limits of time, so I use this trope very lightly. He does travel through time, but in much smaller ways. 4 second ways. It's a beautiful thing to not be confined to the parameters of time, even better to understand the sheer power of the second. This isn't to say he's never felt the urge to go back further, only that he knows that the universal and personal consequences would be even greater
★Thinking of it less like time travel, it's more akin to a replay feature. To go back further and change too much maybe wouldn't be a sci-fi disaster, but it certainly would be a disaster in his mind. Sure, bringing stopping Powder from blowing up that factory would have maybe prevented the death of Vander and even further instability in Zaun, but he would remember. The weight of his time would never leave him. What he changes in a matter of 4 seconds has changed the outcome of his entire universe, he knows that small time can matter just as much as big time. That big change certainly would change how you meet. If you two ever meet. He cherishes what you two have to even risk knowing what he left behind for the potential to make everything better. In his whole life of being selfless, this minutely selfish act he believes he's owed. He has absolutely no desire to push forward.
★Instead, he replays his little moments with you. Sometimes it's to prevent small mishaps, like dropping your favorite mug or the embarrassment of tripping in public. Sometimes it's just to relive you. It's a guilty pleasure of his when he can't stop you from leaving to replay your goodbye kiss at least once more until he's ready to let you go. Some may say he abuses his control of time, but he never takes what isn't his, so what can be the harm in elongating what's already eternal.
❂Jayce~ She Fell First, He Fell Harder❂
❂Jayce is hard not to love when you understand him. Just visually he's appealing enough, but internally he's very endearing. He's dorky, and sweet, and one of the most intensely loving people you've ever met. It's a real skill to so thoroughly have faith in humanity. Yes, he's naive, and rather dependent, and maybe a bit of a perv, but he's also touch-starved with a deep desire to be affectionate. He's touchy; emotionally and physically.
❂ Things are always sweet, even before he really falls. He does all the gentlemenly things, he holds open the doors, he ties your shoes, he gives you his jacket when you get cold. They're noticeable actions, his consuming hand on your knee as he steadies himself while double knotting your laces, his large jacket swallowing you in his scent and warmth. Eventually, it gets smaller. He keeps hair ties on his wrists, when you can't decide on what you want for dinner, he knows for you, your music recommendations being to pop up on his playlists. Rather than consuming you, he's being consumed.
❂There is no such thing as being too close. He actually gets frustrated that he can't be even closer. His favorite moments are when he's wrapped in you, when he's listening to your music, when you hug him, when your thighs are wrapped around his head. He likes being consumed. He likes knowing how your brain works; what makes you tick. He likes to know what you like, what you don't like, what you think of his haircut, what you think of his projects, what you think of him. He's probably asked you that a million times. What was your first impression of him? Did you love him at first sight? Did you think he was handsome?
❂If he could crawl into your skin he could. Being a very touchy person, it's not a surprise to anyone that he enjoys having sex with you. It's how he feels most intimate; he likes to be inside you, it's how he feels most connected. It's not the simple fact that you feel good, he likes the warmth, he likes how you suffocate him, he likes to make you feel good, he lives for it, it's the fact that there is no clear separation between the two of you. It's not clear where you end, and he begins, whether it's his cum or yours leaking out of you, whether it's his moans or yours bouncing off the wall. He likes there being ways of separating the two of you, so thoroughly mixed, there's no point in pulling him out of you.
❂While you fell first, there was never a moment where he didn't love you. Certainly never a moment where he didn't notice you. It's kinda like you were always there, and eventually you coagulated into something so great he couldn't just ignore you anymore. You were always in his lab, always in the corner of his eyes, always looking out for him, always lingering. Your scribbles on his notes, the clicks of your shoes, your fingerprints on his machines. He never didn't like you, it's just that the like accumulated to love and, if you can believe it, the love became something else entirely. He's a scientist; The Man of Progress. If nothing else, he is an inventor. He used science to make magic, surely, he can make love into something even greater.
❂He draws you constantly. Your name lives in the margins of his notes, your face can be made from his pointless scrawls, your voice can be heard through his. Even when he's not thinking, he's replicating pieces of you. You are his brain's base state, that is how totally you consume him.
☽Viktor ~ Oblivious☾
☽Viktor is someone who never put much emphasis on a relationship. He liked to focus on his craft, spend all day in his lab, and go home to his empty apartment, maybe crack open a bottle and read near his desk lamp. He just never thought he needed it. Obviously, relationships with others are important, but he never expected to find what he wanted in a partner from Piltover
☽It couldn't be clearer that he was from Zaun. The way he dressed, the way he spoke, hell his illness is a byproduct of him living in Zaun. You can take the man from his home, but you will never take his home from him. This being said, he's no stranger to the cold looks and the effort put in to minimize his efforts. Jayce's name is on the patents, Jayce speaks to the people, Jayce is the man of progress, not Viktor. If he wanted affection and appreciation, he wouldn't think to look where he was at.
☽This being said, he is completely oblivious to you crush on him. It's not even a complete focus on work, it's because he wouldn't assume that of a Piltie. It's also not a self-worth thing, he has never been insecure of his home, and he has even less felt a desire to assimilate better within Piltover and beg for their approval. He is as prideful as he is stubborn, he has never thought he was less than. Due to the arrogant attitudes of the world around him, he assumed you were the same
☽He takes your kindness for pity as for. He assumes you tidy his space as a passive aggressive way of telling him he's a slob. He thinks your warm greetings are all part of some large joke. He assumes the snacks you try and share with him are out of obligation rather than sincerity. He never listens to Jayce when he tries to tell him that you're just nice. What would Jayce know? Everyone is nice to him because he's...well, Jayce. He's been to council meetings, he's seen the Lanes, he's heard the snide remarks since he got here, he knows that kindness to people like him is never just kindness.
☽Still, as you persist, he softens some. He finds that you're quite nice to talk to. The more you come around, the more he expects you to. Almost anxious, he's filled with something in his chest, maybe anticipation. He wants to know the ideas you have on the new blueprints he just drafted. He wants to hear about your studies. He wants to hear about that book you started reading. It's a breath of fresh air to have someone to talk to about non-work matters. A friend is what he thinks of you, and how he thinks you see him. Never mind how your eyes seem to dodge his gaze and your cheeks redden on the rare occasion that his hand brushes over yours or his knee grazes your thigh. He doesn't even try and make excuses for it because he doesn't even notice it.
☽He also doesn't notice a few things about himself. Mainly about how he puts a brush through his hair in the morning or how he straightens his tie while he waits for your knock at the door. His thigh bouncing is surely just because it's colder than usual in the lab. He doesn't notice how much he talks about you. How much he looks back over the notes you leave, both the meaningful ones and the small hearts and stars you leave on his pages. Even worse, he doesn't notice when you ask him to be your date to an upcoming gala
☽He thought you were kidding. Galas weren't at all his thing, he wasn't that smooth on his feet, and to be quite honest, he found most of those around him to be insufferable. He knew you enjoyed things like this, and strangely after mentioning his mind would infrequently wander to images of you all dolled up, but he didn't picture himself with you. Oblivious to your very obvious crush on him, he doesn't see himself as someone you would want in your happiest moments. So, when you asked if he had any plans that night, and he mentioned his lab, and you asked if you could meet him there to escort him to the party, he thought you were kidding. You were not kidding.
☽You looked beautiful. Viktor isn't often at a loss for words, but when he heard you knock and walked over to open the door for you, his bad leg nearly gave out, pushing himself further into his cane. He looks...disheveled. Glasses perched low on his nose, ink on his hands, hair in a state of disarray, wrinkled clothes. Even worse, you looked disappointed. You tried to make a joke of it, asking if that's what he planned on wearing, and he replied in a confused tone that he didn't think you were going to go at all.
☽You cry and for the first time he recognizes that the way he feels may not be as uncaring as he thought. He's bad at comfort, lightly tapping your shoulder as you confess through labored breaths that you really liked him and you thought he liked you back and if he really didn't want to be bothered with you, he could've just said as such. You push away from him, surprisingly, eyes puffy as you notice his shocked impression for the first time. "I didn't know." is all he can muster. He didn't know you liked him, and he certainly didn't know he liked you.
☽Even more surprisingly, as you dust yourself off to spend the rest of your night alone with a pint of ice cream, he pulls you in for a kiss. It's awkward and stiff, but when he realizes what he's doing, his eyes finally close and he holds your face as he wipes the tears from your eyes. He apologizes about the gala, not that it mattered all that much now. You had only wanted to dance with him, which you did all night long anyway.
☼Mel~ Friends to Lovers☼
☼Affections is something that has never come all that easy to Mel. She was always told that she needed to be the wolf, she was supposed to be cold, unfeeling, and ruthless. And while that never would've been her, affection is not her first instinct, receiving or giving. She has gotten quite comfortable with you over the years.
☼The friends to lovers would be so smooth that there is no place you could pinpoint when the friends became lovers. Even as friends, she spent more time with you than anyone else. You took your meals together, you practically lived together, you worked together. So many nights were spent just casually in each other's presence, slowly getting closer as you would move from her couch, then the chair by her bed, to being halfway up under her as you fell asleep sprawled on top of her sheets.
☼Even more than the close proximity, was the emotional and physical intimacy. Learning about her mom, her brother, hearing her question what she's even doing here in Piltover, listening as she dreams of a world with no rulers and no warring countries and just peace where she can live on her own little island and just sleep. A world where her mom feels at peace enough to stop making war, a world where there is no undercity, no topside, just the sun, the land, and peace.
☼And she tells you all of this and more. Simpler and lighter things, that new dress she saw when window shopping, the latest gossip, this new tea she tried a week ago, and she tells you with her hand casually thrown over yours or her head on your shoulder. She doesn't notice when she starts, but eventually her hugs become less sporadic. It's no longer startling for her to just come up to you and hug you, and when you ask her why, she just replies with a smile and says because she wanted to. She does a lot of things because she wants to, lightly running her hands through your hair, lightly bumping into you when walking side by side, plopping down right next to you as you finish work.
☼You two had been inseparable for a while now. While not sharing every moment of the day together, the moments that matter are always spent in each other's company. The hard moments after meetings with her mother, the tiring late nights after a long day of having to be social, the happy times of enjoying the hard work of a new recipe. Even before people started speculating if you had been dating, it was always Mel and You. You two were almost defined by each other, traits being compared in relation to who the other was. You were nicer but Mel was more talkative. You were always linked together in conversation.
☼Ambessa wasn't a fan of this, of course. She knows what it feels like for others to make you weak, and she may have a point when she tells Mel that to protect herself, she also had to protect you. However, Ambessa underestimates her daughter. She underestimates your bond. Mel has no qualms with being your protector just as you don't mind being hers. Mel understands love far better than her mother does, love isn't only having someone to protect but also having someone to protect you. You aren't some princess in a castle, and she is no knight who must keep the dragons from your tower, you can take care of yourself. If you need her, she's there. Love is her willingness to be there, it doesn't force her
☼Mel doesn't question anything about the two of you. She loves the way you both flow. She cares for you deeply. That's all there is to it. She never saw the point in putting any sort of label on it, she's been telling her she loves you since she realized that she did. There's never been any shame in that, because she does love you. What's the point in saying I love you as a friend or as a partner, she loves you in a way that transcends both those terms. She loves you deeply. So deeply it fills her, it fuels her, it makes her feel whole. Though, you've always made her feel whole.
☼So, when she starts referring to you as her lover, there is no big fanfare. The relationship had never really changed, how you felt certainly didn't change either, just the name you told everyone else to put on it.  
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avaf00rd · 1 year ago
Arsenal x teen r where she has had a really tiring day and falls asleep on the bench during the game. (Minor ausenal x r bc she’s a Tillie)
the big screen
Arsenal x teen!reader
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super short but pretty cute
Warnings: none
You were still sprinting. It felt like you hadn’t stopped in days. Receiving a ball from Lia you made your way around some of the west ham girls, ball at your feet, running towards Beth who seemed to be completely open and running up with you, before you no longer felt the ground at your boots and were knocked down.
Quickly getting up and throwing your hands up at the ref who kept on running with the play, you were running up and down once again. Your body was younger than the rest of the team, so you could physically handle longer minutes than most of the older girls. And were usually playing a full game, but, tonight it was killing you.
When you finally found your number on the substitution board you quickly made your way over to the sidelines, bringing in Kyra for a split hug before she was taking your position for the remaining time.
A few of your closest teammates were currently on the bench. You hugged Jonas briefly and he acknowledged your great efforts, Viv and Vic split from sitting next to each other so you could sit in between, vic shuffling over one seat.
Puffer and water bottle now in hand you comepletly collapsed into the seat. Throwing your head back in exhaustion.
“Brilliant work tiny!!” Vic cheerfully said ruffling your hair
“Thanks” you smiled at her
“Yeah you played incredible” Viv said rubbing your arm. Leah quickly made her way over from where she was to squeeze both your hands standing in front of you.
“Brilliant effort so so proud of you” she smiled at you.
During the match, you managed to assist two goals in the first half, with Beth and Steph.
2 minutes later, your head met Viv’s shoulder. You were incredibly tired and as the hammers slotted in their first goal, you sighed, your eyes slowly shutting.
commentators ;
“Now looking at that incredibly talented bench for the um Arsenal. Including injured Leah Williamson, England captain, who is set to play her first match back in early 2024”
the camera quickly zooms over to you asleep.
“And our teenage star for Arsenal seems to have fallen asleep” the commentator laughs along with the other two on the microphones. Some in the stadium laugh at your fast asleep state on the big screen amongst emirates stadium.
Vic, wanting to see your reaction, quickly shakes you awake, your eyes slowly flutter open with both Viv and Vic laughing. You immediately saw a replay of your face asleep, now flicking back to the present image of you laughing. Face bright red. Before it quickly pans back to the game.
“Why did you let me fall asleep!” You exclaim hitting Viv in the chest.
“You’re a cute sleeper tiny” Viv giggles.
You were pulled by Leah to join her post-match interview with Alex Scott. You were familiar with the ex Arsenal girl and looked up to her as a role model.
“Hello star!” Smiled Alex as she hugged you, before hugging Leah. Someone working for the broadcast handing both of you microphones. “Now y/n, you ran insane, you were always on the ball. Your performance definitely impacted the result of today’s victory. How are you feeling right now?” Alex said slightly giggling with the last part.
“Physically; tired-“
“Oh sweetie we know” Alex laughed with Leah.
“You know I’m not super proud of Emirates stadium seeing that! I don’t know how I managed to fall asleep right there” you exclaimed laughing
“no but obviously a little sore in the legs but mentally so so proud of this team. To Steph and Beth for both of there incredible shots. And everyone who gave their ultimate effort, we took another win and we will take it again next week” you smiled with pride.
Slightly looking at Leah as you spoke, looking for an acknowledgment that you were saying the right words. She would just smile and nod at you to keep going.
“I’m sure the team is so proud of the effect you have made on the team since your singing” Alex said, directing towards Leah
“Yeah we all watch her play and give it 100% every weekend and it’s incredible, and you know in training she’s a tough player to get past I won’t lie” you smiled as Leah spoke, hearing the girls you have looked up to since you were a little girl made your heart heat up immensely.
“Oh awesome well I’ll catch up with you lot later and enjoy your night”
“Thanks Alex” you both smiled before leaving the interview and hugging her goodbye.
“Now let’s get you back home so you can sleep hey?” Leah said squeezing your shoulders as you walked across the pitch.
“Har har. Now please carry me” you said sarcastically before smiling at the taller girl. She slightly rolled her eyes before turning around ready for you to jump on her back.
“Woo!” You yelled as Leah ran with you on her back.
kinda made me cringe at this writing but oh well.
Love you all xx
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dany-is-my-queen · 8 months ago
Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader, Alicent Hightower x reader
Word count: 2.6k
Summary: When dragons of green and dragons of black dance, you have to choose the color that suits you best.
Note: Rhaenys, you Queen.
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"I fear this plan will not succeed," Addam said hesitantly. You had not yet had the opportunity to bond with him, yet the boy had grown fond of you. Having lost his older brother, he now saw you as a role model, and you found solace in the few moments you shared, reminiscent of your dear Laenor.
Rhaenyra appeared hesitant as well, though you endeavored to adhere to her strategy as closely as possible. Having her close and away from the tensions at the castle brought you relief, especially given the intense animosity between her and the dowager queen. Your feelings towards Alicent were conflicted; you loved her, but since the arrival of the silver-haired, your emotions had been in turmoil. You wondered why you had remained on the wrong side for so long—not due to a lack of care for Alicent or Helaena, but because you had always known Rhaenyra was being denied what was rightfully hers.
"Y/N," the queen spoke. They stood by the dock, awaiting Vhagar’s arrival. Aemond was impulsive, but seeing you there with Rhaenyra tempered his rashness. Though he suspected a trap, your presence allowed him to approach.
Perhaps he sought absolution.
The enormous dragon arrived, accompanied by the prince. Rhaenyra's expression was a mix of urgency, pain, and lingering anger, yet she maintained a calm, controlled demeanor.
"Sister," Aemond greeted briefly, looking at you, with Addam standing a few meters away. "My lady."
"Your mother has been asking about you," you said indifferently. He smiled slightly, as he often did.
"I don’t know if I am her greatest concern now, or if it’s still my brother. I don't believe this is an ambush; Vhagar and I have scouted the area. What are you seeking?"
"Fetch Aegon," the queen answered without hesitation.
"I have no idea where he is."
"Find him."
"I don’t take orders from you. You are not my queen."
"The city belongs to Rhaenyra, Aemond. Your closest allies are dead. Otto, Cole, and others have gone into hiding, knowing the fate that awaits them. Your younger brother Daeron is adamant into fighting. He would, out of duty, but I don’t want him to suffer the fate of so many others. It’s time to reach an agreement—that's why we are here now, even after everything." You concluded.
"How much longer will they tolerate the false queen?" he asked, but his eyebrows suggested a hidden sentiment, still being uninterested.
"You killed my son."
Aemond’s demeanor suddenly crumbled, his eyes freezing.
"I didn’t mean to do it." He looked back at the ground for a fleeting second.
"Find your brother and make him see reason. Your mother and Helaena are safe in King’s Landing. They will return to Oldtown."
"And we will be put to the sword, won’t we?" he asked incredulously.
"You will go to the Wall," she said.
“I’m not proud of what I’ve done, of what I took from you. Nothing will change that now; these are the choices we made. The throne is not yours; you are keeping it warm for the true king."
"And that’s what you want to be, isn’t it?" Rhaenyra stated rather than questioned.
"I don’t know what will become of my brother; he was gravely injured the last time I saw him. I don’t wish for him to be dead. But if the gods have so decided, my father had a second legitimate son."
You were not surprised by Aemond’s ambition for the throne; it had always been latent. Now, more than ever, it could manifest; he remained the greatest threat to the kingdom, though even with his formidable dragon, he was no match for all the dragons at the Queen’s disposal.
"Consider it, Aemond; this may be the last time. It is the last time," you urged, trying to reach him to no avail. He let out an arrogant snort and walked away.
He was broken, angry, and aimless. There was nothing more you could do, neither Rhaenyra, nor anyone.
Or was it?
When Aemond turned away and vanished from sight, you hastened to your own dragon. Silverwing awaited, as did Seasmoke and Syrax, though they stood a bit farther from yours. Swiftly, you mounted the silver beast and ascended into the sky. Vhagar was still visible, making its way to the other side of the hill. Due to its immense size, it was hard to lose view of it, so you urged Silverwing to pursue at a brisk pace.
Truth be told, this was not part of your plans, nor those of the queen. Yet, upon seeing him once more, a surge of desolation and deep-seated rancor overcame you, compelling you to attack. First, for your nephew, Lucerys, and for your late mother, Rhaenys, who had not long ago faced such a beast.
You had buried the memory, the vivid recollection of Vhagar cornering Meleys, of its enormous, razor-sharp teeth sinking into the neck of the Red Queen.
The images flashed back into your mind instantly, a harrowing vision of blood and your helplessness to intervene or change the dreadful outcome.
Unable to contain the hatred and impotence that had festered within you, you pursued the one-eyed prince.
“Dracarys.” You commanded in a single, resolute breath. Aemond did not see it coming; by the time he did, the fire had already erupted from your dragon’s maw, scorching part of Vhagar’s tail, who quickly wheeled around to face you.
In Aemond’s gaze, there was surprise and a clear frown of rage. Had it been a trap all along?
No, this was not premeditated. This was personal. He knew better than to try reducing you to ashes or to launch a fierce counterattack, though perhaps that was what he should have done.
It would not be an easy task, as Silverwing, though not matching Vhagar in size, was still a giant and seasoned dragon, unafraid even of the oldest and fiercest dragon.
Aemond growled, trying to evade the slashes Silverwing hurled, but a dragon disobeys its rider’s commands, does it not? Vhagar, enraged by the claws digging into its abdomen, let out a shrill scream and struck Silverwing hard, forcing it to retreat considerably. You held tight to the reins and lunged at him once more.
You wanted to end the prince’s life then and there, nothing else mattered but finishing off the one who had taken two loved ones from you. He had to pay; it was time.
Aemond managed to urge Vhagar onward, and when you were about to utter another Dracarys, another dragon emerged from the tall trees. At first, neither of you recognized who it was in the heat of the moment, until you realized it was Addam.
Relief washed over you that it wasn’t Rhaenyra coming to your aid, as you had rushed off so quickly earlier that you hadn’t even heard her.
However, you worried for young Addam; your rash course of action had led him to assist you, and when Seasmoke breathed fire, something ignited within the ancient dragon, making it lose all control that Aemond held over it, and Aemond himself decided to counterattack with his own fury and disdain.
In a blink, Vhagar tore off Seasmoke’s left wing. You, lunging at Vhagar’s exposed neck, managed to make it bleed profusely. Fire rained upon you, and you shielded yourself, dodging. You saw Seasmoke plummet. Vhagar charged, but you were faster. Silverwing’s claws sank into Vhagar’s earlier wound, causing great damage.
No longer determined to finish the matter then and there, you headed to where Seasmoke had descended, just as Syrax made its appearance, trying to provide aid. Vhagar and its rider fled the scene, trailing thick blood in their wake.
Both of you dismounted your respective dragons and arrived where Seasmoke lay, groaning in agony, clearly missing a limb. It had weakened so much from the injury that it quickly lost its life. Addam, miraculously and incredibly, did not perish from the impact; he was unconscious but breathing, with noticeable fractures, yet not in mortal danger. You thanked the Gods for sparing him, but your heart shattered upon realizing that, because of you, Seasmoke had met its tragic end, though protecting its rider with whom it had not spent much time, yet still cared for until the end.
Rhaenyra was beyond furious with you, and justifiably so. Not only had you disobeyed, but you had cost her a dragon for her cause, and nearly an important ally.
Above all that, you had the audacity to risk your own life, which was inconceivable to her. She could not believe your poor judgment and rash, foolish decision. Although it was what she wished to do upon learning of her son and cousin's deaths, this was not in her plans at all.
Upon returning to the capital, she scolded you with a thunderous voice.
Her council was furious with you; Corlys did not know how to approach you anymore. After your mother’s death, a chasm had opened between you, vast and insurmountable, and his attempts to speak with you had ceased completely.
The Queen Dowager no longer spoke to you either, hurt by your abrupt change of allegiance, your lack of communication, and your choices which she had always contested. She did not bother to seek you out, nor you her. She clearly learned of your attempt, and that’s when she finally understood that your loyalty to her cause had definitively ended.
Desperation and disappointment gnawed at you; you no longer knew how to find yourself again, how not to drive away all those you once loved and still loved.
“I lost contro, Your Gracel.” You admitted without preamble.
“I care little for what my half-brother thinks, but those were not my instructions. You acted beyond my orders.”
“It was an impulse.”
“You have no idea the fear I felt seeing you battling Vhagar. My soul left my body.” The Queen touched her temple, frustrated, and after a few prolonged seconds, she approached you with a more open demeanor.
“I was thinking of my mother. Of Luke.” You confessed honestly, to which she let out a heart-wrenching but silent sound, as you knew how much the past weighed on her still.
“They should be here today. Alive, breathing. Jacaerys…” Your voice broke entirely at bringing them back with your mention. Rhaenyra could not help but start shedding bitter tears. You embraced her, or perhaps she embraced you; it mattered little as you immersed in each other’s arms.
“Don’t ever do something so reckless again. Promise me.” Rhaenyra pleaded, but you could not make promises you would not keep. “Now that Aemond believes it was all a plot, he might to return here. I do not know what to expect.”
“Honestly, Your Grace, I doubt it. He will probably head to Harrenhal once and for all. Now that the castle has been abandoned by Daemon.”
“Not truly abandoned. The Tullys and Blackwoods are settled there. And their other bannermen. Daemon has also returned there to handle that matter, precisely to prevent Aemond from seeking him in battle.” She confessed.
“Is that good for you?”
“My lord husband is accompanied by the rider of Sheepstealer. They had direct orders from me; I previously tasked him with returning and preventing any trouble that Aemond might bring. My last attempt for a somewhat belated and futile peace, but it had to be made.” She finished saying.
“We know his nature. They could soon meet their end, both of them.”
“There are high probabilities, yes.”
Once again, the same dream, once again, the same black fire invading your vision.
What kind of cruel pattern was this?
Weeks had elapsed since that fateful encounter with Aemond, and the news from Daemon was scarce and unreliable. You knew he and Nettles, a brown-skinned girl you had never met, were lying in wait for the prince, tempting him to emerge from his current hideaway.
Still, there was no news from Aegon nor the clubfoot you so despised. The queen ruled over a divided and fragile populace, uncertain whether to support her reign or oust her. Many believed she could bring peace and prosperity once this turmoil ended.
That vision… where you were paralyzed, immobile.
You began to hear a whispering voice, “They will come for them.”
A woman appeared before you, someone you had never seen in your life, her pale skin and black hair like a raven’s.
Finally, you managed to react. Was this truly a dream?
“Get out of my head,” you demanded with impetuousness. The woman approached you closer.
“The decision lies with you, but you cannot save both.”
And suddenly, you shifted to another plane; it was Dragonstone, by the seashore.
A young Rhaenyra appeared before you, dressed in red and black. She gazed at you sweetly, without malice in her eyes. You swallowed hard, registering her presence.
This couldn't be real, that witch.
“Nyke’m isse jorrāelagon rūsīr ao (I’m in love with you.) Even if, for some bizarre reason, my father decided to make me his pronounced heir, I would give it up. I’d give everything up to be with you. In a heartbeat. Sagon rūsīr issa (be with me).”
Those words endured through the years. The first part had become reality, but what of everything that had happened since then?
The young Rhaenyra gently caressed your cheek, her thumb gliding over your earlobe and lips.
In an instant, you were in another plane again, now in front of a young Alicent, who radiated hope and joy, in an emerald green dress, in that meadow on the way to Oldtown.
“These ones are called Meadow Daisies.”
“Woolly blue violets.”
“And last but not least, wild poppies! Do you still think my books are dull?”
The memory of Alicent telling you about each type of flower in the area always stayed with you, and recalling it filled you with nostalgia and peace. And what of everything that had transpired since then?
She entwined her delicate hands with yours, feeling the tender warmth they emanated.
One of the last planes you ended up in was a remote place that felt quite unfamiliar.
“Your father was born here,” the woman, making herself noticed again, clarified. You felt tension running through your muscles, curiosity too, and extreme confusion. It was Myr, in Essos.
“My father?”
A young man came to the picture; he couldn't see you. It was just an illusion after all; she was playing with your mind.
Now she took you to the shores of Driftmark, where you watched him disembark from his small boat, which he proudly handled, to meet a tall and charming lady with silver hair.
“You must give birth to my child; they deserve to see all the wonders this world has to offer,” he said buoyant, his noble heart evident from afar.
The silver-haired girl looked at him tenderly while he gently held her belly.
“Y/N was the name of my dear sister. She always wished to have a daughter, and after her passing, I promised that mine, if granted one, would be named after her,” he said with melancholy.
“You are in great danger by continuing to return here, and you are aware of it, Dustan. I do not wish anything ill befalling you,” admitted the maiden.
Dustan looked at her deeply, and you heard him murmur, “You and our unborn baby are worth any risk. Because even if I can’t raise her myself, I will love her eternally.”
“You cannot save them both.”
And the black fire consumed you once more.
Your eyes filled with tears, and you awoke from the painful and incredible journey you didn’t comprehend whatsoever. What on earth had happened?
Taglist: @nnightskiess @loveislove4 @evattude @lethal-minds @sophiexoxsblog @claymoresword @tired-ninfa @glorioushamsterqueen @barbicent @newcaptainofsquad9 @pindoris @oh-thats-cute @rxscpctals @laenordeservedbetter @voniikg @toot-is-tired @letlovee-in @urmomsgirlfriend1 @valenciavv @the-camilucha @joliettes @itssecret2109 @i-nail-jello-to-walls @cone-fused-mind @livingdreams97
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sakurawolfy · 26 days ago
I redesigned Chiffon slightly (not many big changes tbh) and then it made me want to compare when I first created her to now, because she is so different now 🥹 it's like she grew up... so here is a comparison of how my IkeRev OC was back in 2020 and how she is now in 2024/2025 (^o^)
2020 Chiffon:
- she basically was created for Twitter RP groups and I confess I just created her because I didn't want to feel left out of the OC groupchat (but between managing both her account and a Seth RP account it became too overwhelming to me so I ended up giving up on her for a while lol)
- I also admit I molded her way too similar to Mousse (likes to sleep, worked at the Civic Center, etc)
- she used to like to bake for her friends (I didn't change that tbh)
- much shy-er and quieter than she is now
- also she was clumsy for some reason, but idk why lol
- she wasn't paired with anyone back at that time also
- and here is her original first design made in a picrew:
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(You can see how she looks shy and a bit "what am I doing oh my")
(Also her hair is definitely supposed to be darker lol, Picrew is a bit limited in hair colour sometimes)
And now for 2024/2025 Chiffon:
- she got a more bubbly, hyper personality and she is still shy, but much less
- more confident too
- she works at a bakery (or a coffee shop, I still haven't decided which one)
- (that is also why she still likes to bake for her friends lol)
- she also still likes to sleep, but unlike Mousse, she isn't an usually sleepy person
- but she likes travelling and maps and reading about other cultures (her big brother is her role model)
- if I had to compare Chiffon back then to Chiffon now to any character, I think the 2020 version would be similar to Noelle from Genshin Impact and the current version is more like Navia/Mualani
- she didn't have a pet when I first made her either, but now she has two... a deer and a shima enaga
- now for the slight redesign, I gave her less formal clothing (it is a modern au) and also made her bangs (fringe? Whatever you call that part of the hair) longer. Everything else is pretty much the same 🩷
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Look at my girl nowadays, she grew up so much 🥹
I shall eventually do art of her in IkeRev's art style (and also more art in my own art style)
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solkteaa · 10 months ago
Hiiii! How are you ?
I Hope you had a good day. I saw your post about taking requests and wanted to request something :)
So my idea was like being Marie’s s/o ( so a x reader story ) that behaves like an old person as in hobby’s and such. This is like kinda based on the comment Callie makes on Marie’s hair…
Preferably I would like a gn!reader but you do as your comfortable I don’t really care! + you don’t have to take this if you don’t want to
Being Marie's S/O, but she has old lady habits.
[Author's note; I literally forgot about this, sorry!1!!! I didn't know how to put this into a story, so instead enjoy the head cannons]
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Grrr I love doing these they're so fun
MARIE, who has one of those small beaded coin pouches
She used to collect these pouches and shows them off to you, but now she learned how to make them and even made you one!
She has one for coins and one for those little candies most grandmother always had.
She mainly keeps those strawberry ones and butterscotch ones.
She munches on them before concerts.
MARIE, who has all this money and could get a fancy, brand new Bugatti if she wanted but instead has a 2011 Volkswagen that she refuses to get rid of.
When you first saw her car it caught you off guard. I mean, she's definitely pretty wealthy but it doese make since she's not pretty materialistic, given her personality. Though you'd think she'd at least get a newer model.
When you asked her about why she hasn't gotten a new car yet, she felt judged.
"If you have a problem with my 2011 Volkswagen named Beatrice, you can get out and walk."
Don't judge her car she will fight you over it.
MARIE, who sits on the patio with her little "Fish in the area wants me" mug in her hands every morning.
It's her own little ritual she does.
Every now and then she'll ask you to sit with her, which is a honor as usually she doesn't want anyone to bother her or near her when she does this.
MARIE, who bakes
this originally started because growing up she would make cakes for her parents for their birthdays. To perfect her recipes she would bake everyday until it was were she liked it.
Now it's became a habit.
Considering your her S/O, she'll randomly bake for you.
It's not too rare for you to come home and there will be a fresh batch of cupcakes or brownies waiting for you!
She'll also pull you out of whatever your doing just to taste test for her.
"Marie, I'm in the middle of a turf battl-"
"I don't care, I need you the try this icing."
Just make sure your home when she's experimenting.
MARIE, who gardens in her freetime.
she's always had a green thumb for plants, but I'd like to think the one thing she can't keep alive is orchids.
It's just simply to hard not to overwater them, or give them too much sunlight.
Worse part, they're her favorite flower.
Don't give her orchids, she'll cry.
MARIE, also has a garden in her backyard and plants out through her house.
Her worse fear is being on tour for a month or more and coming back and her plants are dead.
So she begs you to check up on them for her!
Just keep in mind, you kill her plants, she'll kill you.
You swear she gives more love too her goddamn flowers than you at times, but as long as she's happy!!
MARIE, who's bedtime is strictly 7pm.
if she stays up any longer she's a moody and slightly clingy mess.
MARIE, who crochets.
She has many quilts and sweaters she's made.
She would make some custom just for you, but that's too much effort so instead she let's you have some of the ones she already made.
She's also tried sowing.
She kept on poking her fingers over and over again and had enough.
It looked like a murder scene and she'd went through a whole pack of bandaids.
So much for those expensive ass fabrics she bought to make you something.
Never again.
[Unfortunately ran out of ideas but this was fun anyways. Thanks for requesting!!!]
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sodapop-hospice · 11 months ago
My “Roman Empire” is how two furbies of the exact same model can look this different.
I have a bunch of duplicate furbies but Nausea (she/her) and Brittle (he/him) are my favs so I’m going to talk about them….again.
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Nausea’s hair is short and therefore very coarse, while Brit’s is longer and softer. Brit is overall bigger and rounder both due to his fur and simply being made a bit differently. Nausea’s eyelids are much sturdier while Brit’s are prone to cracking and denting (his eyelashes and paint slightly disguise this). Nausea’s face and eyelids are perfectly matched while Brit’s face is slightly translucent and yellowed, therefore not matching his eyelids. Even their ears are different, with Nausea’s being sort of (American) football shaped while Brit has one angular ear and one football-ish ear.
But they’re both fresh orange Furby babies. Though I’ve customized them to be even more different, they’ve always been pretty easy to tell apart.
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Here you can really see how different their colors are. Even their manes are different lengths! I think it’s wonderful that classic furbies aren’t all identical.
Their diversity is so charming, and I think that’s why I don’t like the newer models. They’re so cookie cutter. They have much less personality.
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katyahina · 7 months ago
Colors of DLC NPCs
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I've finally put them in one place for a quick reference!! All thanks to this ( x ) video! Points of interest:
1) Although the clouding obscures it, Igon apparently has beautiful bright blue eyes XD This is the most saturated blue color in the entire cast, although now one eye is nearly blind and another is lost. Still useful if anyone will ever want to draw his younger self!
2) Technically, Florissax and Dragon-man aren't needed since their transformation look IS their true appearamce! They just needed an NPC base as they use the same mechanics
3) They continue the trend of eyes being effected by what character is exposed to! So, Thiollier has purple eyes and Ymir has very deep purple, like cosmic void! Leda is said to have slain all her Needle Knight fellows to the point the blood still can't be fully cleansed from her blade, so red clouding might reflect succumbing to the bloodlust ommmgggg is this a BLORBOrne reference *head explodes* ! If you side with Hornsent to fight her, she drops an item reflecting a pupil directly touched by Miquella's magic, so I guess he deliberately made her no longer look through bloodlust lense.. but quite literally so.
Both characters affiliated with so-called "bear communion" have dark green clouding coming over their eyes but despite color similarities their faces are distinct enough for me to not blame the devs for simply making one model atop another and not bothering switching colors :p So I like to think it is intentional! Green eyes are also eyes of Dancing Lions and the lion beasts kept all over Lands Between as guardians. Rakshasa's bright green clouding is extra-interesting as Godrick's Rune does have bright green hue, and she endlessly devours her victims!
4) Jolan and Anna are literally just 🌑🌕
5) All hornsent have slightly greenish skin tone and very dark eyes. They're missing hairstyles, probably because of the problem of putting horns on NPC model, however they are not bald by default of course as the Hornsent who don't use NPC base do have hair!
6) Apparently Hornsent have their own relationship with the light vs darkness, as you can see they have golden light clouding too! The exception is Lamenter who casts darkness and whose eyes went dim upon transformation. In the gaol where you fight him you can also find a lantern that is just human head, illuminating the surroundings from the eyes and having a skill 'Blindfold of Happiness'. In another gaol, near Bonny Village, a Curseblade (the hornsents with awful posture and round blades) is said to succumb to darkness after his partner died and literally casts the darkness during battle. So, they have some sort of capacity of unleashing literal darkness from within if they succumb to grief.. It might add extra layer to why Hornsent focuses on revenge instead. They must not cry and despair, basically, but instead have purpose 🤔
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hanaluna111 · 1 year ago
Be mean to me
Ryomen Sukuna/Female! Reader
Summary: After a chaotic party you decide to end your relationship with Sukuna genre: light angst, college au (reader is in college) warning: usage of alcohol, toxic relationship, foul language, mentions of cheating, MDNI! Notes: Can´t write for shit (!!!) but Sukuna has me in a grip, english is not my first (nor second) language, so bear with me :( Words: 4.1k
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"Where is your boyfriend?" Nobara questioned, sipping from her drink as you both held a conversation in the kitchen, not ready to return to the party. You shrugged your shoulders, still irritated with Sukuna, who had decided to ditch you for his friends.
The semester's coming to an end, which meant the exams were around the corner, your days consisted of relentless studying and last-minute reviewing until the late night.
The last time you saw him was weeks ago and you would have preferred to stay at home and catch up with him when he invited you to his friend's party.
He had grabbed your waist and asked, “When was the last time we did anything together?”
His hot breath on your neck, “Just this once, can't you just put your studies aside and have some fun.” pressing soft kisses on the most sensitive part, causing goosebumps all over your body. You loved him, and he knew you would never want to turn down his wishes, even if it meant going against your better judgement.
As soon as you stepped through the door, he promptly disregarded you to catch up with his friend Uraume. “I'll be right back, babe,” he said, not noticing your dumbfounded expression. Unbelievable, why did he make you come here only to brush you aside? You really looked forward to spending time together, but it appears you were the only one.
Sukuna was not the man you typically go for. He always carried himself with a slightly arrogant attitude and smug sense of self-importance, attracting followers wherever he went. You bit the inside of your cheek, taking in how the crowd parted for him, the girls eyeing him up and down like fresh meat, oblivious to his taken status. Can you blame them? He had it all – handsome features, an impressive physique, dyed hair and those delicious tattoos, which only added to the allure of the “bad boy” image that he projected. He was the type of guy every girl would love to have but knew they shouldn’t, as heartbreak was never far from him.
When starting a relationship with Sukuna, who was never interested in serious relationships and changed girls faster than his underwear, you knew that it was a risk. However, you were willing to go all in and prove that Sukuna could change for you.
The majority didn’t believe you both would last long which made you desperately prove them the opposite.
The first time you saw him was as a model for your anatomy class, the memories of it come flooding back to you.
You had been excited for this course, finally elevating your skills on how to draw realistic figures and portraits. However, you would’ve never expected an utterly mesmerizing, one-of-a-kind men stepping through the door.
Reflecting back on that moment, it wasn’t a surprise for someone like Sukuna to jump at the opportunity to showcase his body as he craved the spotlight and thrived in it.
His face took your breath away; you found yourself mesmerized by the black lines tracing the sharp contours from his cheeks to his jawline, soft amber eyes gazing intensely at you, appearing almost crimson. The intensity of his gaze was almost overwhelming, you felt every memory and emotion of yours is laid bare for him to experience.
He was the first to break off eye contact to talk to the professor, and you slowly let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. At once, your heart began to return to its natural beat as your body loosened from the intense grip of his hypnotic eyes, no longer victim to his spell.
You allowed your eyes to travel; the sight of his muscular physique fills your entire field of vision. The fabric of his black shirt was almost stretched to its limit, the outline of his well-defined abs prominent underneath, and his bulging biceps straining against the fabric, the seams ready to burst open any moment now. Protruding veins ran down his hands, where rings decorated his fingers and nails painted a deep shade of violet.
Your eyes travelled lower, feeling the tension building in your core, your mind going dizzy with desire. He wore loose grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips, and you just knew that his legs were muscular underneath. He moved slowly, starting to remove his clothes, and you weren’t sure if it´s just your imagination, but it felt like as if he was taking his sweet time stripping, showing off his bulging biceps as he moved his arms up. 
Now only standing in his underwear, you observed his body in its full glory, covered in a series of precise lines, tracing the outline of his muscles. You couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to run your fingers along his firm muscles, itching to trace every line and curve of his tattoos. Or how his long, slander fingers would dig into the soft flesh of your hips while your hands were busy roaming over his chiselled chest and broad shoulders. At this point every rational thought was thrown out the window, every fibre of your being in need of his touch. Sukuna´s toned body was the result of endless hours of intense training and dedication, that even the gods themselves would be envious of such perfection.
Raising your eyes once more, you were met by the sharp gaze of Sukuna, one eyebrow raised mockingly, and a smirk slowly spreading across his plush lips.
You felt your face heat up with embarrassment and your pulse rising. Shit, how obvious was it that you were checking him out? His smirk grew wider as he noticed you flushed expression, a malicious idea forming in his mind. While he was talking to the professor, he had felt you shamelessly admiring his toned physique. His need to humiliate you almost as strong and evident as his desire for admiration.
“Want me to take my underwear too?” he taunted you and made sure to stretch the fabric of his underwear with his thumbs, taunting with what lies beneath.
Utterly and completely mortified, you wished for the ground to open up and swallow you whole as you looked down on your blank canvas.
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"Y/N? Earth to Y/N, are you there?" Nobara nudged you in the side with her elbow, shaking you out of your daydream.
"Sorry, I was completely zoned out," you muttered, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Yeah, I can tell," she chuckled, "Felt like I was talking to myself for a second there.”
She grabbed your arm and gently pulled you out the kitchen. "Let's get moving, I can't stand seeing you waste your time sulking instead of partying.”
You were met with loud music thrumming in your ears, bones vibrating due to the heavy beat, immediately filling your body with energy. Nobara took you to the dance floor, pushing through the swarm of dancing bodies before turning to you and taking your hands in her. “Come on now,” she shouted “it’s time to bust a move!” you laughed for the first time since you arrived, putting your arms over your head and swaying your body to the beat.
The air was heavy with your laughter mingling with the pungent scents of sweat, perfume, and alcohol. Immersed in the moment, your worries dissolved as you danced your heart out, lost in the music, enjoying yourself despites your boyfriend’s sudden disappearance. The all-too-familiar aching feeling in your heart, which was a constant companion since you started dating him, slowly faded into the background.
As you lost yourself in the music, you didn’t even notice Sukuna walking towards you, his eyes followed each of your movements, appreciating the way your dress swirled and puffed around you like a wave as you spun. You were all he saw in that moment, the only thing that mattered to him, the sight of your twinkling eyes and your childlike smile brought out a soft grin across his face; there was something building in his chest every time your presence filled his senses, it felt like a pressure, restricting his oxygen flow. He didn’t understand why his chest tightened ever so slightly with each breath, but he also wasn’t afraid. Instead, he welcomed that foreign feeling, desperate for it to continue grasping him. He wanted more, he needed more.
Strong fingers wrapped around your waist and snapped you out of the dance as Sukuna greeted you with a sly smile across his face.
He drew your body closer, his heat seeping into your skin and making you feel hot. “Missed me?” he mumbled against your neck, his lips planting a soft kiss and sending shivers down your spine. You gave him the silent treatment as you couldn’t shake off the hurt of his abandonment earlier in the night.
When he attempted to kiss you, you moved your head at the last second. His hot breath touched your ear, a subtle sigh leaving his lips before locking eyes with you, a subtle twitch played on his smirk. “Why, is something the matter?” he asked, his grip tightening around you.
Annoyance flashed through his eyes, but as soon as he saw your crumbling expression, his attitude shifted drastically as he softly cupped your cheek, stroking it with the rough pad of his thumb. “Talk to me, baby.”
This wasn’t the first time that Sukuna had left you behind for his friends, you recalled the multiple times you had already spoken to him about this. God, it’s all so frustrating; Growing tired of his constant antics, you looked away, heat gradually crept up your neck. He should already be aware of why you were acting that way. Matter of fact, he should be the one to try and talk to you not the other way around.
Sukuna seemingly read your mind, understanding the reason for your upset. “I am here now, aren’t I?” he husks, angling your head towards his. You were frustrated with him, not liking the idea of brushing the issue under the rug once again and letting him get away without consequences. No, this time you wouldn’t tolerate his disespect. You were, after all, his girlfriend and not just a plaything.
The words had instantly left your mouth, your voice shaking with uncertainty as you felt him pulling away from you. “You keep doing this to me,” you pleaded with him, feeling downright deceived by his nonchalant attitude.
“Am I not a prior- “
“You´re making a big deal out of nothing. I'm here with you now, isn't that enough?” he huffed, his glaring eyes boring into yours. To him it was a pointless argument that didn’t need to happen.
His sudden outburst left you speechless and you were unsure what to say or do.
The sharp sting of his words clawing its way deep into your skin, leaving your emotions all tangled up in a confusing mess – was it not possible for you guys to have a conversation, why did it always have to end up in an argument?
Noticing the tears threatening to spill from your eyes, he ran his fingers exasperatedly through his hair, not sparing another glance at you. It was clear that he was through with the entire situation, disregarding your feelings.
“Come find me when you’ve calmed down.”
You wanted to call after him, but the harshness in his tone, and the way he abruptly turned and left you behind was to much for you to handle.
Instead, Nobara put her arm around your shoulder and guided you to the kitchen.
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With emotions running wild, you found yourself pouring alcohol in your red cup and immediately gulping it down before pouring another.
A part of you wanted to chase him down and tell him that you were through;
but another dumber part of you wanted nothing more than to apologize him and take fault for the whole fiasco.
As if you did something wrong.
Your blood boiled at the pathetic thought, as you replayed the scene in your mind. Shame filled your mind, the realization that you were allowing yourself to be disrespected repeatedly made you more furious than the thought of him treating you with such.
“Son of a bitch, how dare he,” Nobara barked furiously, her loud voice echoed through the room. “His sorry ass should be glad to even breath the same air as you,” she continued, slamming her fists on the table with aggressive force, causing the liquids in your cups to slosh around, threatening to spill out.
She paced back and forth in front of you as she ranted, “He´s just- argh- I’m gonna beat him up.” The heat of her anger seemed to hit you like a blast of hot air. You’ve had only seen her so worked up before when Yuji went on a date with his former classmate Yuko, but she couldn’t longer handle the way her best friend was being treated in her relationship, taking every hit and blow. She always knew he was bad news.
Finally standing still, she puts her hands on your shoulders, a hint of frustration crossed her face as her eyes seemed to pierce through your soul, not giving you a chance to hide your emotions. „Are you happy with him?” she asked, her voice laced with concern. Your brows knitted together in confusion, having not expected that question, her words lingering in the air like a ghost.
It was those five little words that brought the truth to the forefront, releasing all the pent-up sadness that had built over time. Despite your attempt to hide the rough patches of your relationship from your friends and play everything off as alright (as they constantly told you to not involve yourself with Sukuna), you could no longer suppress your trembling within you, a sob left your lip shortly after.
It was as if the dam had broken, anger and hurt crashed relentlessly into you like strong waves to the point where you felt like drowning in an endless ocean of misery and despair, all for the sake of keeping the relationship afloat. In the expanse of your love for Sukuna, you found yourself submerged, desperately seeking to inhale fresh air, yet your lungs filled with salty water, the burning consuming you. Meanwhile he was standing safe and secure at the shore, looking down on you and simply watching as you struggled to keep your head above the water.
“No,” you replied quietly, your eyes darting around the room. “I feel like everything I say or do pushes him to the edge. He…He’s like a ticking time bomb.”
Shoko started shaking your shoulder, her tone stern. “You seriously need to-”
You interrupted her, admitting, “But…I don’t know if I am ready to leave him,” the internal conflict evident. Yes, you were be angry and hurt, however you still loved him enough not to want to lose him over something like this.
Those times when he didn’t act like a total jerk, he acted gentle and caring– a side not many got to witness, not even his younger brother Yuji. So, giving up on your relationship and leaving after he showed you his vulnerable side felt like betrayal on your part.
“Huh?” The air felt thick and heavy between you both. With her mouth wide open, Nobara’s face was frozen in a look of disbelief, as is she couldn’t believe what you were saying. How the hell did she miss the severity of your situation? She took a deep breath to gather herself, trying to find the right words before focusing her attention back on you. “How about we leave the party, hm? Sleep it off for now, and then you can tell me everything that has been going on with you two.”
Up to this point the alcohol hit you hard, spinning your head and clouding your thoughts.
You knew she was right, and you gladly accepted her offer, ready to end this chaotic night. But before that, “I need a cigarette.”
Exiting through the kitchen door, you both stepped into the garden, the warm summer breeze enveloping you, the air refreshing and calming. Looking around the garden, you spotted familiar faces such as Yuuji and Megumi, talking to each other. It has been weeks since you last saw them, and you wanted to catch up to them.
Suddenly, a fleck of pink caught your eye. You turned your head and saw Sukuna, leaning casually against the wall, an unlit cigarette between his curved lips. His eyes were fixated on someone before him, flickering with a flirtatious glint. When Sukuna looks at someone, he can make one feel like the only person in the world, the intensity of his undivided attention will leave you intoxicated, craving it like a drug you couldn’t live without. It’s the same look he gave you back in the early days when he´d forced you to talk after class with him. Now the same flirty look is directed at Mei Mei, who had positioned herself dangerously close to him. One hand lay rest on his bicep, while the other held the lighter, her eyes glued to his lips, waiting for them to curl to light up his cigarette.
A pang, no, explosion of jealousy seared through your body- a flaming hot flush spread from your cheeks down to your neck as your thoughts scrambled to make sense of what you were seeing. Tears started to form at your waterline. “This must be a bad dream,” you whispered to yourself, praying any seconds now you´ll wake up at your desk, your sketches splattered around as if no time had passed.
But as hard as you pinched yourself, the nightmare didn’t end, and instead you were haunted by their presence, her wandering hands on his arms, bodies almost flush against each other.
Your trembling hands clenched into fists as you tried to contain your anger.
You wanted to scream at the top of your lungs, but all the words are caught in your throat.  Even through the ringing of your ears, you could hear the sounds of their laughter, echoing in your head, as if mocking you.
Suddenly, you were embraced in a big hug from your friend Yuuji. “Hey Y/N, what’s up?” he beamed at you, his loud voice almost bursting your ears as it pulled you out of your thoughts, only for you heart to drop in your stomach as your boyfriend looked in your direction. While you half-listened to Yuuji's endless ramblings, your attention was solely fixed on Sukuna's stupid lips, losing their smirk, his stupid eyes widening for just a split second and his stupid hands finally pushing Mei Mei away. As he walked towards you, you couldn’t help but wonder, would he have kept on going if he hadn’t been caught?
“Don't make a big deal out of this, okay? Just trust me." Your mouth hung open in shock, your brain struggling to process what he just said. You would’ve thought he´d come here to at least give you a half-assed attempt at an apology, and maybe show remorse for his actions, but even that was too much for his pride. The way he looked at you, his eyebrows pinched together, made your pulse rise, your body ready to lash out and hurt him as much as he hurt you.
You were reminded of all the times you were sticking up for him, fighting tooth and nail for your friends and family to give him a chance. He promised to try his hardest for this relationship to work, and like a fool, you trusted him. You should’ve known that you can entertain Sukuna for so long before he gets bored. “You left me to hang out with your friends, after you convinced me to come. You´ve been shitty and moody, ruining my entire night. And now you have the audacity to ask me to trust you, after I caught you cheating on me?”
“I´m not fucking cheating on you,” he sneered, eyebrows pinched together. Being so caught up with your boyfriend, you didn’t realize that everyone around you was silently watching and listening. But he did as he whispered through clenched teeth, “And stop making a scene, are you trying to get attention?”
A dry laughter escaped your throat as you began to walk away, far away from him. “I guess you´re right.” The tears burned your eyes, but you refused to let him see them. At this point you had no energy left, exhaustion finally caught up on you, the only thing you wanted was crawling into your warm and cozy bed. “I´m done with you and done with this relationship.”
“What do you mean done?” he asked, his quick footsteps almost catching up on you and he was hoping that you would slow down. “Babe, just wait a damn minute.”  he called, an exasperated sigh followed. Soon he overtook you with his long legs, his big hand circling your wrist, his grip as firm as cement, in vain you tried to pull your hand away.
“I shouldn’t have let her put her hands on me like that, I admit it,” the timbre of his voice changed, showing his dire attempt to look apologetic. “Only you´re allowed.” You didn’t feel any comfort; his words rang empty.
“Yeah, right.” Your eyes glistened with unshed tears, remembering the scene earlier, tugging at your heartstrings. You saw it in his eyes, how he almost gave in to temptation if not for Yuuji´s loud voice interrupting them. How could he not? Mei Mei is beautiful vixen. It´s obvious to anyone with a set of eyes that she was trying to seduce him and even someone as smart and quick-witted as Sukuna isn’t immune to her charms, as he is, after all, just a man. “Did you forget that you are mine, not hers? Did your thick skull seriously forget you have a girlfriend again?!”
“No. But do you seriously expect from me to totally ignore other women, because you´re acting like a jealous bit-”
Slap. The crisp thud of your hand slapping across his face echoed in your head. There´s a lingering tinge of numbness in your hand, but every fibre of your being was engulfed by an intense flame, that it didn’t matter. Sukuna held his now red cheek, the sharp pain left him stunned.
“Don’t you dare insult me,” your voice rose. “You humiliated me in front of everyone! Are you that desperate to entertain any girl who looks your way?” chests flush against each other, your eyes shoot daggers as you tried to contain the rage you felt.
“Do you honestly believe I´ll just sit quietly and watch while you cheat on me?” Your voice cracked in the middle of your sentence. “You may think you´re some kind of king, who can do whatever he wants. Well, newsflash, you´re not. You´re a nobody, a mistake. It´s over now, you’ve had your fun with me.”
He stood tall and broad, his muscles quivered with barely restrained fury, like a force on the brink of explosion, but he still managed to display a vicious grin that promises nothing but bad intentions. “I can't say I had my fun with you, can I?” His breathing became unsteady.
“Didn’t even let me fuck your stuck-up ass,” he sneered, each word he spoke was like a thundercrack landing nearby, the impact making you flinch. It hurt. It hurt so much, that you were unable to stop the tears pouring down your hot, blotched face.
“Aw, don’t cry baby,” he taunted, his thumbs wiping the tears from your face, smearing them all over your cheeks. “It's cute how you thought I actually cared about you. You were nothing more than a project for me, you know? Just wanted to see out how long it'd take for little miss prude to open up her legs for me. I guess we'll never find out now.”
He leaned in, grinning, whispering in you ear like it was some secret. “What a shame.”
With your eyes growing distant, you felt his sharp claws piercing your heart, squeezing the life out of it. Like the cruel monster he is, Sukuna ripped your heart violently from your chest, held it in his hand and feasted on it with his sharp fangs. His eyes turned cold, relishing the pained expression on your face, enjoying the sound of your gasps as it was some kind of sweet music to his ears.
In a swift motion, you rushed out of the garden, leaving him with his heart still intact while yours is shattered into a thousand pieces, Nobara quickly rushed up behind you. Once you were out of his sight, she wrapped her arms around you in a comforting hug as you screamed all your pain in a torrent of tears and sobs.
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pavlovianpanic · 28 days ago
just some interesting little details about the beta "what if?" playable (mostly) build from june 27, 2014). i haven't seen too much comparison, so that's why i'm here.
this post goes over this video, so not the whole build. note that this is episode 1, which is about 1hr 40 min of content. it gets less and less as the build progresses.
the first big one: rachel amber is jessie palmer here, as well as arcadia bay, oregon being aurora creek, oregon.
when max approaches the lighthouse, she goes forward in-game.
there's a rock blocking max's path with a fallen tree originally, causing her to go a separate way to view the storm. in-game, she goes forward because that path is not blocked. the graffiti on the rock from the beta is removed. it says:
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alyssa is different in clothing and hair color (blue is chloe's color in-game, but alyssa used to have blue hair).
mark makes some more dated references.
mark is much more harsh looking versus the "softer " stern look he has (smug).
the line about taylor turning in her work was originally about hayden from mark
the binders in the back of the classroom are the same ones as the dark room. same in the finale game.
max's shirt cut changes a lot. it was way lower, she has more cleavage. a better decision to make her more modest in-game. it fits her better.
a lot of the models are untextured so sometimes you can see stand-in models that are untextured of max and nathan for npcs. you see this with other characters, too, such as alyssa.
nathan's beta model ... note that he's wearing a red sweater over the jacket he always wears. also he chokes chloe in the beta, not in the final game when they are having their confrontation with the gun. his shoes are super red. he's similar, but different to himself in his final iteration. kind of archie-coded ngl.
nathan says this line in the beta: "either it's doctors shoving pills down my throat or teachers."
the conversation with chloe and nate is different. chloe mentions specific drugs that nathan is giving out such as ghb (liquid ecstasy basically) and molly as well as other drugs.
nathan tries to bribe chloe with drugs, she denies him. actually it's interesting, the whole scene is longer in her "rewind version". some of the dialogue matches in-game, some of it is totally different.
the principal figure here is way more agreeable. example: if you tell on nathan for the gun, he commends you right away
the diary photos are insane, some are concept art, some are just actors. not a lot of diary content yet.
a lot of the dialogue is rough. there was a definite "way too direct" translation happening here from french to english or something.
evan says he loved jessie in secret.
they mention as a texture thing this overarching idea of all these ads to place around in a placeholder asset. they suggest a "club 23" and promoting it. max also calls victoria "practically the leader" of club 23.
jefferson invited victoria to dine in at his home. what? then it follows up with her saying they had a successful dinner together. she has the contest in the bag. it seems implied mark liked victoria more in this build.
victoria's strained relationship with her parents, her parents are divorced, she is going with neither parent for christmas.
it also infers there would have been a pic of zach and victoria in bed, so it was more than sexting. potentially two photos of this.
the kate and david scene is super weird? he's way more aggressive with her, grabbing her, poking her by the shoulder, and pushing her.
honestly a lot of these changes were probably to please producers but also please an audience. this is why additionally
chloe's license plate was different. no line from juliet about warren. pompidou is outside.
based on this model, warren is likely 5'6-5'7. they do look slightly more alike. nathan is 5'10 based on my estimations of how he stands (hunches a lot, making him look shorter) and using chloe's confirmed height of 5'9 as a reference. nathan and chloe are the same height.
warren directly asks max out like "do you want to go out with me?" but less fluid and more stammering. her options are "err", "i don't know", or "maybe".
in the parking lot, nathan has most of his original dialogue to start, but he straight out calls her a bitch, asks if it was her in the bathroom, and her prompt options are yes or no. he still headbutts warren. the rest of the parking lot scene is pretty much the same.
chloe knows mark in this iteration. she mentions him by name.
chloe's room has some room changes, of course, i can't name them all, but interestingly under her everybody lies graffiti there is a drawing of "daria". probably removed from the final cut for copyright. chloe likes the band korn, as well as a band called iron and wine.
so, here's when it changes: when max and chloe go into her room, this is all voiced now, but not ashley and hannah. but this doesn't last? the voices also didn't match the dialogue with the stand-in VAs. weird. the AI tends to follow the subtitles. actually, this kind of jumps in this scene? between VA and AI voices. you also can't break chloe's snow globe here.
also chloe had fuck written all over the american flag, but that probably didn't go well here with test audiences or something. censorship blah blah.
everyone loves radiohead.
jessie goes by jess. rachel goes by rach. cute.
jessie seems to have had a folk aesthetic versus a punk aesthetic. chloe's laptop in-game shoes three pics of chloe. in the beta, it shows chloe having up folk music. max questions what got chloe in that. likely jessie.
in this build, she calls jessie a ray of sunshine, and says she met jessie a couple of days after her dad's funeral. just after max left basically. more context for sure. chloe in-game infers it was close to when max left that she met rachel, but in the beta, chloe says she knew rachel confirmed for five years. this means chloe met rachel at 14, literally replacing max.
rachel is gone for 7 months in this iteration, not 6. this build might take place in november, they mention christmas with victoria, not halloween. this game build might have accounted for how short the in-game timeline is.
chloe mentions all the girls wanted to be jessie, all the guys wanted to sleep with her, but nobody knew her. she mentions jessie was a people magnet.
music sometimes changes but it seems like they had licensing to a lot what they wanted.
chloe shows no smoking habits yet.
on chloe's door, the sign says "wrong way".
the animal product line about chloe and make-up is added in later.
max calls the bathroom meds tranquilizers. it's basically just prozac lmao.
some of the living room is different, nothing major.
no real phone stuff yet. no texts.
no bongo. rip.
on one of kate's photos that david has, there is a french text overlay. it says "kate marsh. elle sait, quelque chose!" which means basically she knows something. there is also one that says parking de la blackwell academy.
chloe's smoking habit is shown / inferred a bit when max returns.
chloe knows victoria in this build. :)) if you took the photo of her having paint of her, that is. chloe can only seem to reference that inf that is the case. based on victoria coming to blackwell this year for school, how does she know chloe? chloe remarks she is a skank.
chloe asks if max if she kept what happened with nathan to herself, and max can say either she told mark or no one. this choice isn't in the game build of the beta. you still tell the principal. however, when choosing to say you told mark, max will comment that mark said he'll deal with nathan.
different song chloe dances to on her bed.
when david confronts chloe, it is voice acted again. not completely.
chloe calls david "old man" several times.
max says chloe drew a marker to her house, in the final game max mentions it's to the tree fort.
max tells chloe that she saw david grab and shake kate, and that it was scary.
while a lot of the conversation is structurally different, their scene at the lighthouse gets to the same point.
chloe does describe nathan's behavior at the bar a bit different than canon. she mentions in the beat him drinking glass after glass alone, keeping a wad of money out purposefully for everyone to see, and that she approaches him like a silly local girl who's over-impressed by his money trick, and he swallowed it nicely. calling herself a local implies that nathan is not local.
she describes her plan in the beta as "they were going to grope a little" and she would "finish him" by getting him drunk, then flee with his "cash and gold".
nathan drugs her with what chloe suspects is ghb.
chloe says when she felt the drug, she tried to run, but nathan cornered her. she says he cornered her. she also says "he wanted to get me naked and take pictures".
in this iteration, she broke his camera, not his lamp. actually, the dialogue is worded so weird. what she's inferring is likely that she hit his camera into his mouth before escaping, catching him off guard.
the drug made her sick, she vomited after, and slept for two days. she called nathan instead of writing him a letter and demanded he pay $3k or she'd tell. he agreed. that's why she showed up.
mark has an open desk in the final game, but has a huge inferred mac desktop in the beta. he has a laptop in the final cut.
the handwriting on the dark room folders is better.
this is pretty general, it's not every little thing, but the stuff i found noteworthy.
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btsficsandsuch · 1 year ago
can you write something about reader who has chronic pain x doctor yoongi?
I hope this is okay!
Dr. Min
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“Miss Y/N, You can come on back.”, the nurse said while standing at the door. You grabbed your bag and walked over giving a quick smile before slipping past her into the hallway. You followed her over to a corner section where she instructed you to take off your shoes, “Okay Y/N, we’re just going to get a quick weight and height check and then we’ll be in room 3.” You do as she instructs before following her into the third room on the right. “Take a seat and Dr. Min will be in shortly.”, she said again with a smile before closing the door behind her.
You sat in the room fidgeting with the end of your shirt. You didn’t know anything about this doctor which was very unlike you. Normally you’d do weeks of research, reading reviews and any article you could find about the doctor before making an appointment but you were desperate at this point. For the last two years you had severe chronic pain in your right leg. You were pretty sure you tore a muscle while playing basketball two years ago but you didn’t have insurance at the time so you never got it looked at. Now you had a good job with insurance so you decided to finally try to fix the issue. If only it was that easy.
Every doctor you’ve seen so far brushed you off and told you to just try to exercise your leg and take aspirin if the pain was too much because at this point there was nothing they could do. After every appointment you felt a little less hopeful. You were complaining to your best friend Jimin about how the pain was getting worse and worse and you didn’t know what else to do. He told you about this doctor that he had seen and he did wonders for the chronic pain he was having in his knee so without really thinking you called and made an appointment with the doctor.
You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard a quick knock at the door and in walked a man about your age. He flashed you a big gummy smile. He had jet black hair which was slightly longer than you’d expect a doctor to have but it looked good on him. You were taken back by how handsome he was. Why did he have to be so good looking? You made a mental note to scold Jimin for not mentioning the doctor was a GQ model. Most of the doctors you’d see were old enough to be your parent and were grumpy, probably from the years of practicing medicine but that’s what you liked. You felt like they had a significant amount of experience and would be best able to treat you. The young doctor brought you back out of your thoughts again. “You must be Y/N. I’m Dr. Min. It’s nice to meet you.”, he said extending his hand for you to shake. Shyly you reached out and shook his hand, “Nice to meet you too.”
The doctor pulled over the stool so he could sit facing you while balancing his laptop on his knee. He must’ve noticed you staring as he looked up and gave you a smile, “Don’t mind me Y/N. I’m just going to make some notes to have on record. What brings you in today?”
Taking a deep breath to calm your shaky voice you began, “Well I was playing basketball a couple years ago and I went up for the rebound and I came down and landed weird on someone’s foot. I felt something snap in my leg and instantly felt pain.” You sat there and watched as he nodded to let you know he was listening while typing away on the keyboard in front of him. “Did you see a doctor when this happened?”, he asked. You shook your head, “No I didn’t have insurance at the time. After a couple months it felt better but then the pain came back and it’s getting worse.” He continued to type away, “Wow Y/N you must be pretty tough to just now seek help. I’m sure that was painful.” You shyly smiled at his compliment.
Dr. Min closed his laptop and walked over to the sink to wash his hands. When he came back he instructed you to roll up your pant let. Thank God you shaved beforehand you thought to yourself. “So what I’m going to do Y/N is just squeeze around on your leg for a little. Just let me know when it hurts the most.”, he said while sitting down next to you. You were trying so hard not to stare but he was so close you could smell his cologne, you could see his perfect skin, his beautiful dark eyes. Suddenly you jumped when you felt his hand grab your leg. “Sorry, I know my hands are cold.”, he chuckled. You prayed he couldn’t see the blush creep up on your cheeks.
He continued to squeeze and push on your calf and you’d tell him where it hurt the most. “So were you playing basketball for your school when you were hurt?”, he asked trying to make small talk. You nodded, “Yeah I played in college a little.” “Me too. Until I got to medical school. Then I just didn’t have the time. Actually I always wanted to go to the NBA.”, he laughed. “What made you decided to be a doctor instead?”, you asked. “Well unfortunately I stopped getting taller even though I drank milk religiously and since there’s no height requirement to be a doctor I switched.”, he smiled while looking up at you.
The doctor grabbed your hand and helped you to stand up, “Okay Y/N, now what I want you to do is walk back and forth a few times. Tell me when it hurts so I can see how your foot is positioned.” You did as he said even though you felt silly. After you were done he had you sit back down on the table and began typing in his laptop again. “Y/N I’m going to order some imaging tests on your leg. It looks like we’ll be able to do a surgery to repair that torn muscle in your leg. I just want to see the scans first before we make any definitive plan.” You felt your whole body tense at the word surgery. You’d never had surgery before and the thought terrified you. Dr. Min must’ve noticed because he placed a reassuring hand on your knee, “It’s nothing to be scared of Y/N. It’s a pretty standard procedure. The surgery will take about three hours and you’ll be able to go home 48 hours later.” You nodded and gave him a small smile before he walked you to the door out to the waiting room. “I’ll have my receptionist call you to set up your surgery date. Take care of yourself in the meantime Y/N. Try to rest that leg and ice can help with the pain.”, he said before opening the door for you. You thanked him and quickly walked out of the room ignoring the whispers coming from the nurses and front desk staff.
Just as the doctor had said the receptionist called you a week later to let you know the doctor said your scans looked good and you were approved for surgery. You scheduled the date for three weeks later.
On the day of the surgery Jimin drove you to the hospital so you could get there at your scheduled 6am arrival time. You got changed into the hospital gown and were laying down in bed when Dr.Min walked in. Just as handsome as the first day you saw him. “Good morning Y/N. I’m sorry we had to schedule this so early.”, he said. “It’s okay. This way I don’t have to be stressed out all day.”, you said with a smile. The doctor wrote something on your chart before looking up at you and smiled, “There’s no reason to be stressed. I’ll take good care of you. I promise.” You could feel your cheeks heat up at his words. “I’ll see you in the operating room.”, he smiled before walking back out the door. You heard Jimin scoff from beside you, “He didn’t even remember me.” You rolled your eyes, “Do you know how many patients he sees? How do you expect him to remember you?”. “He’s certainly going to remember you though.”, Jimin said with a laugh. “What do you mean by that?”, you asked. “Oh come on Y/N. That doctor was totally flirting with you.”, he laughed. All you could do was roll your eyes. “Don’t worry Y/N. I’ll take good care of you.”, he said while fluttering his eyelids in an exaggerated way. Luckily the nurses came in to wheel you to surgery before this conversation could go any farther. You gave Jimin a hug and then you were wheeled out of the room.
The operating room was freezing and that was doing nothing to calm your nerves. Just as the tears started to form Dr. Min walked over and pulled his mask down giving you a comforting smile, “Y/N, this is Dr. Namjoon Kim. He’s the anesthesiologist that’s on call right now. He’s going to explain what’s going to happen and then we’ll get the surgery started. It’ll all be over before you know it.” Dr. Kim came over and explained the process before placing a mask on your face instructing you to count back from 100. You got to 74 before it got harder and harder to concentrate and you drifted off.
“Miss Y/N, you need to wake up for me.”, the nurse was saying while lightly shaking your shoulder. “Where am I?”, you asked feeling like you had the worst hangover of your life. “You’re in recovery dear.”, she said. You started to move but felt a large cast on your right leg reminding you about why you were there. After a few minutes you finally felt coherent enough to process things so they let Jimin come in to visit. He was holding a big teddy bear that had a ‘It’s a Girl’ balloon tied to it. You chuckled when you looked up at the balloon. “Hey they didn’t have a balloon for this scenario and this one had a puppy on it so I knew you’d appreciate it.”, he said placing it on the table next to you. Before you could respond Dr. Min walked in and was immediately confused by the ballon even stopping to make sure he was in the correct room and looking back to you surprised. “Don’t ask.”, you chuckled. “Everything went great Y/N. The muscle was pretty damaged but I was able to get that repaired. You’ll still be pretty sore for a few weeks but once you’re up to it we can start you on physical therapy and then you should be good as new.”, he smiled. “Thank you for helping me Dr. Min. You’re the only doctor that had taken me seriously.”, you said eliciting a smile from him. He lifted the blanket to check the cast before placing it back and tucking you in, “I’m sorry I have to leave so soon. I have another surgery scheduled today. Let me know if you need anything.” You smiled and thanked him before he walked out of the room. “Let me know if you need anything.”, Jimin said in a mocking tone. You smacked his arm to quiet him, “Shush. He’s just being nice. It’s called bedside manners.” “Riiigghht because there aren’t a ton of nurses and aids and on call doctors that can take care of you right now, but he said to let him know if you need anything. He totally has a crush on you.”, Jimin laughed. “He’s just being nice.”, you said again but secretly hoping that Jimin was right.
The stay in the hospital wasn’t too bad. Jimin stayed with you as much as he could before he had to go to work. Dr. Min came to visit you a few times, even offering to get you a coffee from the Starbucks downstairs when he saw you drinking the crappy waiting room coffee one of the nurses had brought you. Each time he seemed to stay a little longer, almost like he didn’t want to leave.
Finally you were being discharged. You were given a handful of paperwork with instructions on what to and not to do. They also had you schedule your follow up appointment with Dr. Min for six weeks from now. Jimin and the nurse helped you off of the bed and into the waiting wheelchair so they could get you down to Jimins car.
Six weeks went by quickly and you were happy to be sitting in Dr. Min’s office finally able to get this cast off of your leg. “Y/N, you can come back with me.”, the nurse standing at the door said. She helped you get down to room 4. “Take a seat. Dr. Min will be in shortly.”, she said with a smirk before closing the door behind her. You expected to wait a while like any doctors appointment but Dr. Min was surprisingly quick. “Hi Y/N, it’s good to see you. How are you doing?”, he asked. “Even with the cast on I already feel much better.”, you smiled. Dr. Min got to work removing the cast and then took time inspecting the sutures. “I’m going to remove the stitches. It shouldn’t hurt but you might feel a pinch.”, he said while grabbing the needed tools. He was very gentle. You could tell he was really focused on making sure he caused you the least amount of pain possible and before you knew it he was done and cleaning up the area. “It looks really good Y/N. It healed great and I think you’re going to be much happier. We can help you get your first physical therapy session scheduled and that will help you greatly.”, he said while washing his hands.
“Alright let’s get you standing.”, he said walking back over to you. You grabbed onto his hands and he gently helped you stand up. Gingerly you started putting weight on your right leg. “Alright be careful and go slow.”, he said. You swear you could see him holding his breath as you took a few steps like he was worried you’d somehow hurt yourself. “How does it feel?”, he asked. “Still a little sore, but nothing compared to what it was.”, you replied. He flashed a big gummy smile, “I’m so glad to hear that.” “Thank you again Dr. Min. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I didn’t think I’d ever find someone to help me.”, you said looking down at your shoes trying to hide the blush on your cheeks. “No need to thank me. It’s my job.”, he said and you felt your heart sink just a little. You knew it was crazy but a part of you had secretly hoped Jimin was correct about him having a crush on you but it sounded like you were just another patient to him.
Not wanting to stand in the awkwardness any long you grabbed your purse and began to walk towards the door after saying another goodbye. “Y/N”, Dr. Min stopped you and you turned to face him. He cleared his throat, “Umm technically you’re not my patient any more and I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go have dinner sometime.” You felt your heart swell. “I’d love to Dr. Min.”, you replied. He walked over and opened the door for you before placing a hand on your back to escort you out, “Please, Call me Yoongi.”
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velvetsssapphic · 2 years ago
More Inside Out lore, found on tvtropes !!!
Disgust originally had a purple dress, and a slightly longer hair style. It's unknown why this was changed, although it's probably so that each character has their own individual color scheme. A maquette of her displayed at the former Disney Art of Animation exhibit showed one potential design would have had really long hair.
In an early draft, Fear (originally called Freddie) was supposed to be Joy's sidekick, not Sadness. One of the reasons this was changed was because it made more sense for Anger, Fear, and Disgust to exist during Riley's culture shocks, another was that the writing team couldn't get much mileage out of the idea aside from a few jokes. A third was to remove the idea of shipping between Joy and Fear—not that that hasn't stopped Starnerve from being one of the most popular ships in the fandom.
One of those particular Joy-Fear drafts involved Riley getting knocked unconscious in the woods and the movie mostly taking place in her head. Bill Hader protested that worrying about Riley would really distract from the journey.
The film's original plot involved Joy trying desperately to keep Riley from growing up by clinging to her childhood. Joy and Fear's journey involved them chasing after a childhood memory. According to Pete Docter, this version of Joy was too aggressive and the staff feared audiences would find her off-putting.
Two characters named Logic and Reason were removed in order to give Riley more free will.
There was going to be a sixth emotion, Surprise, matching more closely with the Ekman classification model Pixar was following, but they decided that was too close to Fear.
There was originally going to be an emotion named Pride, but Disgust ended up taking his place. There was also an emotion named Hope, who ended up mostly merged with Sadness.
Joy was going to be named Optimism, until Pete Docter discovered that optimism is not an emotion.
A few other plot lines for Riley were considered, including her wanting to be the turkey in a Thanksgiving play, and her trying to decide which kind of chips to bring to a party (to show how small things could be a big deal inside her head).
Originally, the film only planned to have Joy with the particle effect, only for it to prove expensive and time-consuming. They decided to scrap it. Then John Lasseter saw it and went "Great! Do it for all of them".
Production designer Ralph Eggleston: You could hear the core technical staff just hitting the ground, the budget falling through the roof. But it was all good. They found a way to make it work.
There was originally going to be more imaginary friends aside from Bing Bong, such as Mrs. Scribbles, a crayon drawing, who helped with the Train of Thought railway system, and a half-Sun that was created from Riley only scribbling half a Sun on the side of a notebook page.
There was originally a Stream of Consciousness beneath the Subconscious area. This concept made it into the Expanded Universe picture book The Bing Bong Book, in which it flows through Imagination Land instead.
There originally was an antagonistic force/character known as "Gloom". However, it ended up being too close to depression for comfort, and Docter didn't want to demean real depression sufferers by having their condition be defeated at the end of the movie, since real depression never just goes away like that. Gloom was therefore cut to avoid Unfortunate Implications, and his role as the personification of Riley's mental breakdown was taken by a literal breakdown, with Riley's personality islands crashing down into the memory dump whenever Riley does something directly counter to the island's intent (not responding to her father's attempts at lightening the mood kills Goofball Island, performing badly and rage-quitting at hockey practice is what does Hockey Island in, Friendship Island crumbles when she finds out Meg has a new friend, stealing her mom's credit card breaks Honesty Island, and Family Island slowly crumbles as she becomes more distant from her parents, culminating in her running away from home).
The earliest concepts started with Riley waking up in Headquarters itself and meeting her emotions, and another concept where Joy served as an entity that hung around Riley's shoulder. The author of the fanfic "Intercom" took the first idea and ran with it.
Sadness was originally going to have a more monstrous and furry appearance (most early Concept Art has her looking similar to a large blue mattress), but was changed to a more human design to make her more sympathetic and non-threatening for audiences. Additionally, the character was initially going to be more demonstrative and constantly wailing, but they decided that would not only get old quick, but that sadness was better displayed with a more somber, dialed-down characterization a la The Eeyore. She was also originally sketched as wearing pajamas (the idea being that sad people often don't feel like changing), which eventually evolved into the sweater she wears in the final product.
They were originally going to have 27 emotions in all, but reverted to five to make it less complicated.
There was going to be a Music Island, though that found its way into the Disney Infinity game.
Although it's a rather moot point in the final product, Bing Bong's first appearance involves him hoarding memory orbs into his sack. Animator Matt Jones shows some old concepts which clarified that Bing Bong was addicted to collecting memory orbs with him playing with Riley and he eventually came upon the memory where he was relinquished from her childhood. There was also a scrapped scene in that draft where he utters a curse word.
Riley's mind went through a lot of different variations. One sketch depicted it as a fantastic city.
The next film in Pixar's roster was meant to be Newt. However, due to problems in pre-production (i.e., Rio beat them to it by a longshot), the project was handed to Pete Docter, who instead decided to pitch a completely new idea.
An early Concept Art has the emotions literally plugged into Riley's mind as they monitored Riley's physical state.
Joy and Bing Bong were also going to disguise themselves at some points.
The crew went through a lot of ideas about what Riley's conflict would be over. One of the ideas was whether or not to buy lime flavored chips.
Disgust went through a lot of different designs, mostly because the staff couldn't figure out whether she was supposed to be disgusted or disgusting.
At one point, Riley's growing up was represented by new construction occurring, and Bing Bong was some kind of Well-Intentioned Extremist displeased with the construction being at the expense of other areas (we see remains of that with the demolition crews in Imagination Land) and attempting to sabotage it.
Bing Bong's dog-like ears originally came from an early concept of Bing Bong that was part chicken, dog, and pig, but mostly elephant.
In the original draft of the film, the slow deterioration of Family Island did not lead to Joy and Bing Bong falling in. According to The Art Of Inside Out, Goofball Island's collapse was supposed to lead to them falling down. The line "See you after school, monkey! We love you!" appears to be an artifact of this idea. Also in the same draft, Riley slamming the door after being told to go to her room led to the collapse of the bridge to Headquarters, not the fall of Goofball Island.
Justin Bieber was going to have a cameo in the film.
The Pixar team originally had Hayley Mills in mind for the role of Joy. Mills also played the trope namer for The Pollyanna, a character known for her relentless optimism.
Bing Bong was planned to walk on his hands and hind legs to travel rather than standing in one of the later concepts.
Bing Bong was originally an angry, gruff-voiced, violent anarchist. This Bing Bong was actively rebelling against any signs that Riley was growing up. In one deleted scene, he spies some construction workers expanding Riley's mind and immediately starts chucking bricks at them. According to director Pete Docter, the idea was that Bing Bong used violence to make sure Riley didn't grow up, all "for his own self-benefit."
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69misato69 · 2 years ago
Grips your shoulders. Transfem Kaveh x Transmasc Haitham. Please.
If you're taking NSFW requests I need Al Haitham to ride Kaveh's brains out. If not then I need Al Haitham to kiss her dumb. Both are good. Both are amazing. It can also start with kissing her dumb and suddenly Something's Up (literally)
i hear you loud and clear ✍️
little to no medical transition for either of them — cw: graphic explicit sexual content
proceed with caution and i hope you enjoy !
"haytham—hngh—stop it!"
alhaitham takes a break to ask innocently before his lips land on kaveh's nose yet again.
"i can't breathe!"
he hums, it's understandable. kaveh is exhausted, laying next to him lazily to get some rest before she has to get back to modelling and sketching.
fingers intertwined with alhaitham's, one of his shirts on her back. it doesn't take long before alhaitham is hovering over her face, kissing up at the bridge of her nose and her forehead.
loving, longing pecks on her cheeks and eyes with alhaitham's hair tickling her face. "apologies." he says, yet dives in for more kisses.
"and i have to... work."
"so do i. just a bit longer."
he pulls away slightly, one hand slipping under the shirt to wrap around kaveh's waist.
alhaitham pulls her closer and moves down to her neck, covered in marks of his own.
"if you keep doing — that... neither of us are getting back on track anytime soon."
kaveh feels light-headed already, warmth seeping into her skin — wet kisses along her neck and collarbones. it doesn't take long before she feels her pants tighten around the crotch, an erection growing with every kiss until it's fairly visible to alhaitham as well.
"ecstatic." alhaitham smiles, "is it so wrong that i need my beautiful wife from time to time?"
"you think sweet-talking will get you far."
kaveh realizes that her efforts are futile. and besides, her husband — all over her, clingy and needy even when he thinks he conceals it well. it would be a shame not to take care of him, the way he deserves it.
"seems to be working pretty well." alhaitham jests when kaveh's hand travels down to his groin.
one finger sliding over the fabric of his boxers, enough to shake down his cocky exterior.
alhaitham hisses, realizing how much more sensitive he is than he'd realized — putting a satisfied smirk on kaveh's face.
he watches as kaveh slides down the boxers and gently plays with his glistening folds. the insides of her fingers move up and down, pleased to find alhaitham so soft and wet.
so ready for kaveh as always, warm. eager to suck up her fingers, her tongue or her cock. ready for whatever his wife will allow him.
she licks into alhaitham's mouth, different than how she usually does. less like she's kissing him but instead — almost in the way she eats him out.
he can almost feel kaveh's lips stretched out over her cunt, a ghost sensation. her tongue dives in deep, devouring and nibbling passionately.
"kaveh..." he pulls back, already out of breath.
"hold still, i'm barely touching you."
kaveh feels him stabilize, thighs spreading even wider as he sinks down on the mattress next to her. deep breaths and twitches that gradually slow down at kaveh's will.
"good boy." she whispers. lips pressed behind alhaitham's ear and a finger rubbing circles over his clit, "so good for me... it's why i can't resist. not just because of your words."
her fingertips dance along every nerve that drives alhaitham insane. soon, her painted nails disappear into him, tender fingers digging deep to find—
alhaitham bites down on his lower lip, doing his best to stay still as kaveh abuses the sweetest spot inside his walls. two fingers thrusting in and out at a steady pace, lighting a fire at the pit of his stomach.
until — he's unable to take it any longer. he guides kaveh out by the wrist and climbs over her with trembling legs.
"you're getting heavy." she chuckles.
"just so i can carry you everywhere." alhaitham is quick to quip — endearing and affectionate. his fingers wrap around kaveh's cock, jerking her up and down with the thumb teasing the slit on her leaking tip.
he leans down to lick a drop of precum glowing under the setting sun. one, wet stroke enough to have kaveh's heart skip a beat.
she reaches up, one place on alhaitham's chest and the other on his belly. kaveh cups his breasts as alhaitham slides down on her cock.
they settle in with drawn-out, low moans. gazing at each other lovingly — realizing how much they need each other and how simple it all is.
kaveh, filling him up to the brim perfectly with a delicious stretch.
and alhaitham, made for her cock, made to keep her warm and satisfied with her sopping wet cunt that aches for his darling wife.
tight and hungry on kaveh's lap as he rides her deep into the night. severed by her teeth and nails, damp with her sweat and spit, adorned with her kisses.
between "slow down"s and breathy "i'm gonna cum"s, needy moans and desperate pleas, alhaitham sucks her dry. he rolls his hips and crashes into kaveh's groin until her seed spills out from alhaitham's abused hole — only to keep going.
to tease kaveh and play with her until she grows hard inside of him again.
alhaitham's eyes, shadowed with lust yet glowing with a feral spark, don't see anything but kaveh's reddened cheeks and parted mouth. he lowers his face to lick the tears of pleasure off of his lover's chin.
"i can't—do it, haytham."
kaveh is certain that she doesn't have anything left. barely any energy that holds her intact and certainly nothing left to leak out.
"please, my dove... one more." alhaitham cups her cheek, as tired as she is but still burning up with desire, "for me."
kaveh leaves kisses inside his palm, allowing alhaitham to hold her close to his chest.
bodies glued together, kaveh's screams escaping into his shoulder and nails digging deep into the skin of his back — brutal enough to draw blood.
yet, she hangs on. until she spasms a final time inside alhaitham and feels him clench around her intensely.
through a blurred vision, kaveh sees him smile blissfully.
and, as for the kisses on her face — they restart, never to cease until the morning.
thank you for reading take care !!!
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 1 year ago
Here’s the continuation of this short
“Audrey had just returned to the real world after a trip to the ink realm. She fell onto her bed and put her hands in her face.
“Ugh. If I have to stop anymore lost ones from killing each other I swear to goddd” she said as she rubbed her face.
She felt horribly tired. She couldn’t even remember the last time she slept. She checked the time and saw it was 7:45. She could probably go to bed now. It’d be fine.
She layed her head on a pillow and was about to go to sleep. Until she heard
“Audrey?” She opened her eyes to see bendy at the doorway.
Dammit Audrey.
She thought to herself as she sat up. “Audrey!” Bendy yelled as he ran and jumped up to her. “Hey lil budd- oof!” She yelped as the little 5 year old jumped into her arms and nearly knocked her over.
Kid must’ve gotten stronger since she’s been gone.
“I’m glad sthee you! How wasth your trip? Did you take anything with you? What happened? Were there monsthtersth? Did you fight anybody? Why do you look stho tired?” He bombarded her with questions.
She was about to attempt to answer, but looked down at bendy and noticed something odd about his appearance.
“What’s this?” She asked as she gently grabbed a little curled up tuft of black fur on the side of his head.
He had them on both sides of his round head. Along with a bit that look like curled up hair on the left side of his face.
“What’sth what?” He asked as he gave her a puzzled look. “When did you get fur?” She clarified.
Bendy felt the tuft of fur Audrey just let go as he thought about the question. “Idk” he muttered as he shrugged.
She scratched her head in confusion as bendy stared at her. His horns looked a bit longer too now that she thought about it. And he seemed a bit bigger than she remembered…
“Hey bud. You wanna go see how tall you are?” She asked him, curious if her suspicions were correct. “Sure!” Bendy said as he jumped off the bed.
She got up and went to get a marker from her desk before leaving her room, bendy following her. They went into the living room and she went to the wall the other markings were on.
“Alright bud. You know what to do” she said as she gestured to the wall. Bendy stood there, confused.
“Is something wrong?” She asked him. “What am I sthupposthed to do?” He asked.
“Don’t you remember how you’d stand against the wall and I marked how tall you are?” She asked. It hasn’t been THAT long since they did that… has it.
“Isth that what thosthe are?” He pointed to the old markings as he asked.
“Yeah! These mark how tall you are” she said. She then noticed that, even only being a little close to the wall, that bendy was clearly a head taller than both marks. “Were…” she corrected herself in a confused and slightly concerned tone.
Bendy gave a worried look, picking up on something being wrong with Audrey’s reaction. Audrey tried to backtrack.
“Alright. So what you do is stand against the wall as straight as you can” she said as she took his arm and gently guided him. “ and you hold still until I make a mark on the wall on top of your head” she finished.
“Ok!” Bendy said as he smiled. Audrey marked his head and he moved back to look. Just as she thought, it was a decent foot above the older markings.
“ woahhh. I got a lot taller” bendy said as he looked. “You’re… growing up?” She muttered to herself.
“Isth that a bad thing?” Bendy asked, hearing her. She gave a surprised look as she panicked slightly. “U-uh. No no! I-it’s just….”
Audrey what the hell are you thinking?
Bendys not going to become like him.
But then why is he becoming off model?
Could it mean-
“Justht what?” Bendy asked, having a concerned face. Audrey didn’t know how to answer.
“I-it’s nothing, bud. Just silly adult thoughts. You don’t have to worry about it” she responded as she rubbed his head and got up.
But his expression only became more concerned as he said in an apprehensive tone “ ok…”
The two stood in awkward silence as Audrey tried to think of anything to change the subject.
“Whatsth that?” Bendy asked as he pointed at marking higher up than all the others.
“Oh! That’s my height” she responded. “You’re pretty tall” bendy said.
“Yeah. Just a little bit” she said. She didn’t really see herself as tall. She wasn’t really short either. She was probably the perfect height for a woman of her age to be.
“But I bet I’ll be taller than you when I’m all grown up!” He said confidently. She gave a little chuckle.
“Sureee you will, lil bud” she said as she kneeled down to pinch his cheek. Bendy got annoyed as he picked up on her sarcastic tone and tapped her hand away.
“I will!” He said in a mad tone. She kept laughing at his insistence. “Oh really? You think you’ll be tall enough to pick me up like this?” She said as she picked him up and held him like a baby, even if he was too big for that.
“Yesth!” He yelled as he laughed. “Hmm. Doubtful. You’re always gonna be my tiny little bendy. And there’s nothing you can do about it!” She said in a joking tone as she tickled him.
“Ahh! I will! I’m gonna be sthoooo tall I’ll be able to beat you up like it’sth nothin!” He yelled as he tried to get him off of her.
“Huh! You wanna beat up your own sister?! And after all I’ve done for you? Im hurt!” She said in fake sad tone.
“You taped the kitchen sthink nozzle stho it’d sthpray me when I turned on the sthink a few weeksth back” he responded.
A few weeks ago?
She could’ve sworn that wasn’t THAT long ago
“Hmm. True. Tell you what. IF you somehow grow up to be taller than me, you’re allowed to try to fight me. Deal?” She said with a mischievous smile.
“Hmph! Ok” bendy agreed in an annoyed tone as Audrey put him down.
“Will you read me a sthtory now that you’re home?” He asked. “aren’t you able to read on your own now?” She asked.
“Yeahhh. But I like having you read them to me” he said, playing up the cuteness. She rolled her eyes while smiling.
“Ok bud. But only one” she said. “Ok” bendy said as the two walked off to his room.
Audrey walked through the door, soaking wet as it had been pouring outside. She rubbed her eyes as she sighed.
She was pretty sure she’d have to go back to work early tomorrow. Going immediately back to work after spending days in the ink realm trying to wrangle cultists probably didn’t lead to the best storyboards.
She went to walk into her room to get to bed early when she got knocked onto her butt after running into something. Or rather, someone.
“Ouch!” Bendy yelped as he he also fell, a book falling next to him. He looked to see who knocked him over as he rubbed his head.
“Oh hey, auds!” He said. Audrey noticed that while he still had a child’s voice, it had deepened slightly.
Bendy got up first. He helped Audrey up before giving her a hug. “Hey bud! Feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!” She said as she rubbed his head.
She was starting to get used to the idea of him growing up. But as she got a good look at him as he let go, she noticed just how…. Different he looked from the bendy she Drew constantly.
The fur on the sides of his head had grown longer and the tips split into two on both sides. The bit of fur on his face had curled up more and was much more noticeable. He also now had a chunk of black fur sticking out the top of his head, between his now longer horns and covered a bit of his white face.
His face was also longer and more triangular than the circular face he used to have, his cheeks being more prominent.
He was also a lot taller. Despite only being 8, he looked like he was only a few inches away from being as tall as her.
“How was your trip?” He asked. She snapped back into reality as she heard the question.
“Very long. Very glad to be home now” she answered. “I’d love to talk more with ya bud, but I’m horribly drained. I gotta get some rest so I won’t be all tired and cranky for your birthday in a week. Excited to be 9 years old soon?” She said as she walked past him to get to her room.
Bendy gave her a confused look. Audrey noticed as she turned to say goodnight. “Is something wrong?” She asked.
“Auds. I turned nine like two weeks ago” he responded. She gave a shocked expression. “What?? That can’t be right!” She ran to the kitchen to look at the calendar.
Oh my god it was
“Oh my god I missed it! Oh! Bendy I’m so sorry!” She yelled. “It’s fine sis. No biggie” bendy responded in a chill voice.
“No it’s not! I promised I’d be here before your birthday and I wasn’t!” She exclaimed, feeling very guilty.
“Eh. I’m used to you making promises you can’t follow through on. I kinda figured you’d miss it anyway” he responded calmly.
He heart sank to her stomach at that response.
Was she really that bad at upholding promises??
“Ohh I’m so sorry bud. I’ll make it up to you, I swear! Once I finish up work this week we’ll have a proper celebration, ok?” She said.
“Sure” bendy said in a fake nice tone as he shrugged his shoulders. She didn’t notice the fakeness in his tone as she noticed something else.
“Wait. What happened to your lisp?” She asked. “My what?” He asked, confused.
“Your lisp. You haven’t been able to pronounce your s’s without a “th” to it. But you’ve been talking just fine this whole time” she said.
Bendy gave her a look that was a mix of confusion and annoyance. “Dude. I haven’t had that for months” he said in a slightly baffled tone.
“Did you seriously not notice?” He continued. Audrey felt surprised at his aggressive tone.
Bendys eyes widened as he realized how rude he came across. “It’s fine. You’ve been busy” he backtracked.
“A-are you sure?” She asked. She wanted to move on but felt like she shouldn’t. Bendy panicked slightly as he looked around for a distraction.
He noticed those old markings on the wall in the living room. “Hey! Why don’t we do another height check. Bet I’m taller than you now!” He said in a fake excited tone.
Audrey wasn’t sure how to respond. She knew she should figure out what’s going on with bendy but-
“Come on!” He said as he nabbed a marker from a kitchen drawer and tugged her over there.
“O-ok” she responded. Bendy stood against the wall after handing her the marker.
She pushed down the fur on top of his head as he marked the top of his head.
He moved next to her to take a look. “Hm. Not quite to your height yet. But I’m gettin there, huh?” He said to Audrey.
Audrey became lost in her own thoughts. Simply responding with a quiet “yeah… getting there…”
They stood there as bendy tried to think up a way to leave the awkward situation.
“Imma go read in my room before bed. Night sis” he said awkwardly as he walked off.
Audrey snapped back into reality as she realized what bendy said. “Oh! Umm. Goodnight!” She yelled, but bendy was already gone.
She hugged herself as she felt a pit in her stomach.
How much had she missed?
Audrey felt loopy from fatigue as she got out a ladder. She wanted to just lie in bed for the day. But she said she’d replace the air filter, so she’s replacing the air filter.
Her balance was a bit off as she climbed up the ladder, feeling a pang of lightheadedness with each movement of her head as she opened the vent.
She must’ve been real loopy. Cause she could’ve sworn the filter already in there looked clean.
She took another step up, only to lose her footing and fall back. “Woahwoahwoah!” She yelped as she braced herself to hit the floor hard.
“Oh shit!” She heard a male voice yell as she felt someone catch her before she hit the floor.
She looked up to see that the person who caught her and was now holding her bridal style was her little brother.
“Hey sis what’s up?” He asked in a nearly adult voice. She blinked in confusion at not only the situation, but also at her brothers voice.
Even for a 13 year old, it was oddly deep.
As he put her down, she asked “when did your voice get deeper?” Without thinking.
“Well when a boy grows into a young man, his body goes through special changes-“ he said in a sarcastic tone.
“Ha ha. Very funny” she said in an annoyed tone. As she stood straight, she noticed something else.
Bendys fur on the sides of his head had grown even more to now split into three parts on each side. And the tuft of fur on top of his head between his even longer horns had split into two parts and covered more of his face.
His face had also sharpened quite a bit. It was still soft, but it was far more triangular. And he was also..
“Did.. did you get taller than me?” She said as she realized SHE needed to look up at HIM.
Bendy chuckled as the two walked into the living room. “Sis I’ve BEEN taller than you for a little while now” he said as he leaned against the wall.
Tha sane wall with the markings. That even leaning, bendy was taller than all of them.
A pang of anxiety started to build inside.
“I-I guess it’s just… it feels like only yesterday I was able to pick you up and swing you around as you’d laugh and smile. And.. now…” she was struggling to find the words.
“Well now I can return the favor” he said as he went up to her. With a mischievous smile, he grabbed the sides of her shoulders and picked her up above his head.
“See?” He said with a smile. Audrey felt panic pour over as her mind flashed to something.
The demon who towered over her
Picked her up like she was weightless
Opening his mouth to-
“AHHHH!” She screamed in fear. Bendy dropped her in surprise as his eyes widened.
“Woah woah! What’s wrong?!” He said. Audrey gasped for air as she tried to calm down.
She looked up at bendy as he gave her an incredibly worried expression. She tried her best to regain her composure.
He’s not him he’s not him he’s not him
“It’s… it’s nothing… I just… don’t like heights that’s all” she responded. Bendy didn’t buy it for a second.
“���ok” he said reluctantly as he helped her get up. “Sorry about that” she said. “It’s fine” he said in a bored tone.
She looked down in thought. “Imma go hang in my room if you need me” he said as he tried to walk off.
“Wait!” She said as she grabbed his arm. “A-are… are you really fine” she asked.
“Yeah. I already said I was. Can I go now?” He said, trying to tug his arm away from her grip.
“You know you can talk to me if something’s wrong-“ she started before being interrupted. “Yeah sure I could. Now fuck off” he said as he continued to try to tug himself away from her.
“Hey language! We don’t talk to each other like that!” She yelled in a stern tone before bendy managed to pull himself away.
“Ugh! Maybe I’d know how we should talk to each other if you were around to talk to more” he let slip.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” She responded angrily. They both knew they should stop here, but they were both too heated to back out now.
“What do ya think it means?!” Bendy yelled in her face. He was about to let his anger out fully when he suddenly clutched his head in pain.
No… stay out of this
Bendy thought as he looked back at Audrey. He had to stop it here, whether he wanted to or not.
“Listen. I said fuck off, now fuck off!” He said angrily, making his headache worse.
“Go to your room!” Audrey shouted as she pointed to the hallway. “Already planned to!” Bendy shouted back as he walked off.
“And don’t come out until you learn how to be respectful!” She shouted again. “Not like you’ll be around to see when that happens!” Bendy shouted back before slamming his door.
“Ugh!” Audrey groaned loudly as she leaned on the nearest wall and slumped down.
She took a deep breath as she calmed down.
God she handled that horribly
She looked at the markings on the wall next to her.
He used to be so small. So harmless. Unable to hurt even a fly.
She didn’t have to feel worried about him like she did with him.
She didn’t have to even think about being afraid of-
Audrey buried her face in her knees.
Why’d you have to get taller?”
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electricsun85 · 2 years ago
“Ichiro’s been unwell, that’s all they need to know” she grinned, her eyes flickered up at him, happy she’s the secret accomplice he hoped her to be.
“Then I’m not going tomorrow” he said jokingly and let out a sniffle just to see her reaction.
Amused, Stella wasn’t buying it, slowly she poked her finger into his left rib and teased: “Ha? A fever? A stuffy nose? Is it contagious? Then stay at home Lycheee stop spreading your germs all over the place.”
She proceeded to wipe her hands on his shoulder playfully in disgust.
“Then, why are you here?” he asked her without hesitation. Stella bent forward, hugging her schoolbag close to her chest and looked like she was about to tell him something important.
“Are you sure they won’t find us here?” she asked him unexpectedly which caught Ichiro off-guard.
“Why? Scared you’ll get in trouble?” teased Ichiro aware how it must be rather odd to others that a role model student like Stella is still hanging out with someone like him.
Looking slightly puzzled, Stella paused for thought before putting her earphones back on and sighed.
“You really think they’d come looking for me?” her voice trailed in the breeze as her expression grew more serious.
Before he could answer, she shook her head nonchalantly and clenched her teeth, “Not a chance.”
And he knows this was no longer about school.
“What do you mean?”  
Ignoring him, she took a glance at her phone before switching it off. “But you know what? Maybe it’s better this way…”
As much she tried to keep her feelings under wraps but the quiver in her voice gave it away.
“Do they even know where you are? Have they called?” asked Ichiro who saw right through her whole act of defiance. It made him wonder if she headed straight to their hideout without even going home first.
Her eyes dug deeply into Ichiro, hinting at him to take his best guess.
Ichiro felt he needed to say something but Stella abruptly cuts in, “But its no big deal now I’m in Ichiro’s world.”
She chuckled, fluttering her fingers like they’re in for some ‘magical adventure’ together. Real Magical.
But he was no fool. To his credit, Ichiro has always been very good at picking out the cues, that’s how well he knows her – like the back of his hand.
But Stella knows her way around. She feels she’s good at covering her tracks and nobody could tell how deep these waters run from the surface – not even Ichiro.
“This girl…” muttered Ichiro, wondering why was she being so evasive despite how long they knew each other. It didn’t make any sense.
From this viewpoint, they would spend their time after school together – a rare refuge from the mundane affairs adults kept themselves preoccupied with.
They were inseparable, their rapport rock-solid and it was too easy to think they were in some kind of special affair. But that’s ridiculous! They’d laugh it off at the slightest suggestion!
Their relationship was no secret, it flows mutually with no loose ends and runs free like a calm, lazy stream. It was expected – even ordinary.
Taking aim, Stella pointed her finger-gun at the sentry at sea, narrowed her eyes and lets one fly.
“Pew…pew…” she bared her teeth and ‘pulled the trigger’ at the target – like she looked real-cool.
Seeing her reminded Ichiro of something and he really needed to know. As soon she noticed him, Ichiro asked: “Have you seen anything on your way here? Like something weird?”
Stella gave him a focused stare and blinked hard but it seemed the question flew over her head.
“Hmm? Like what? You mean Jase? He’s probably on his way and…” was her reply much to Ichiro’s disappointment.
“That’s not what I…”
“Yeah. You mean the shooting star? Pretty rad huh?” sneered a male voice which caught Stella completely by surprise.
Appearing behind, a young man in his early twenties, piercing eyes, dark red wavy hair, emerged from the shadows with a wide grin on his face.
“Betcha enjoyed the view all the way up here. Must’ve been quite the show,” said Jase and Ichiro’s face brightened up.
“Very funny, Jase,” muttered Stella who didn’t appreciated being jumped on like that. She was reaching for the nearest anything she could find – twig or dirt to throw in his hair when Ichiro got in the way.
The sight of Ichiro walking towards Jase made her smolder in silent fury.
Down to his last stick of cigarette, Jase puffed away, enjoying the peace and quiet after another punishing day at work.
“You know? It’s not always in your head,” he chuckled at Ichiro before shoving a plastic bag at his face. 
“Thanks?” grumbled Ichiro after realizing it was filled with meal bags for two wrapped neatly in brown paper.
He didn’t feel hungry but Jase was always bringing them dinner from that deli where he worked, so it would be a bad idea to turn it down.  
“What are you looking at? Eat up. We don’t have all day,” replied Jase curtly, putting out his St Regis cigarette and flicked it into the wind.
“But WE have all night,” Ichiro beamed with sarcasm as Stella peeked curiously into the plastic bag he was holding.
Jase snorted in reply and pretended he didn’t hear that. It’s not to anyone’s surprise Ichiro prefers hanging out with the crew for jamming sessions until very late.
Anywhere was better than having to deal with annoying calls back home the very next morning, plus he could go straight to school.
“Look. I can get you home by tomorrow morning but I won’t make it out there in one piece,” complained Jase flatly with his arms folded across his chest.  
“Don’t tell me this is about Ichiro’s dad again,” groaned Stella but it was entertaining to see Jase become so unsettled.   
“Coward” muttered Ichiro under his breath as he sank his face in his hands when he realized everything was not going according to plan.
“Besides, I’ve got enough problems, Ichiro. And I’m not getting into another argument with that dirtbag,” he told Ichiro with a stern face.
“It’s Mr. Masato isn’t it?” asked Stella and Jase threw his arms in the air and started cussing almost instantly. 
Stella lets out a satisfied chuckle, unfazed by Jase’s angry glares.  
Almost breathless with anger, Jase stood up to protest and started wagging his finger at Ichiro and Stella, “You know? I didn’t start this...”
Jase can vent all he wants but he wasn’t entirely blameless for this protracted cold war with that old man.
Slowly rubbing his forehead, Jase took a step back to give himself some space to think but he wasn’t quite done yet, “Shiro. Is your dad still involved with BOA Institute?”
He went straight there, thought Ichiro. Even if these two are never on the same page but somehow Jase just wouldn’t shut-up about his father’s work.
Ichiro’s father, Masato Mizota had an interesting past career with BOA, the lead research agency behind the acclaimed ‘CORD fusion’ which can be simply referred to technology of unknown origin. He was the founder and Chief Executive in charge of secret projects, overseeing all underground ops, the works. 
All to which a bored Ichiro replied: “So what?”. It has been such a long time since his father was in the loop after the day the board decided his advice was no longer needed.
Jase was rooted on the spot in disbelief at how casual Ichiro sounded despite the decades of work was put into CORD.
It’s nothing special, insists Ichiro. While he may appear indifferent but he was adamant the whole fascination with fusion technology was a bad idea.
It was his father who raised such concerns until he got…
“Don’t be ridiculous,” began Jase, “I bet the place is crawling with insiders feeding him all the intel.”
“Yeah, what do you wanna know?” concedes Ichiro, knowing Jase only wanted answers so he can stay ahead of the debate. It’s as if Jase and Masato have their fates intertwined in this never-ending peeing contest on whether it was safe or not to meddle on such ‘breakthrough’ technology.      
“Just what kind of research are they running in there?” Jase asked with a hand on his hip as he gave Ichiro a more focused glare. 
Is this an interrogation? Ichiro looked at Jase silently as he pressed a twig on the ground until it snapped, “Well CORD microchips were supposed to be experimental but…”
“But what?” asked Jase, tapping his foot impatiently as if nothing else mattered.   
Lifting his head, Ichiro shrugged, his whole face and body devoid of any genuine concern. “What if I tell you UNV mechs are getting upgrades? with CORD.”
It was not until his father’s dismissal BOA’s Ochre Board greenlights the plan to have new variants of UNV mechs fitted with the novel microchips. And these ‘revolutionary’ microprocessors are written with decrypted codes from the Soluu artefacts, Masato’s life work.  
“You know what? They’ve already hit the assembly line,” said Ichiro much to Jase’s amazement, “They say it’s going to change the world.”
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not-your-fucking-kacchan · 3 years ago
OMG THE PLATONIC AIZAWA HAS ME SCREAMING ILHSM but onto the request aizawa x reader (platonic again) where reader is like really chaotic and short and constantly kicking minerals ass cause they’re tired of him assaulting them and the other students and just what aizawa would say to them abt it??
Im sorry i got to this as late as i did! How do people have hobbies with a full time job they literally expect the whole world from you :(
Anyway I hope you like it :)
Masterlist <3
Warning: mentions of disordered eating, Mineta 💀
Aizawa x Student!Reader (Platonic) Headcannons - Mineta
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You were getting really pissed off now. For the third day in a row you had been sent to the principle's office for violence against another student. What bullshit. Obviously Mineta should expect a complimentary kick in the balls every time he comments on yours or Momo's boobs. She's just too sweet to have to deal with that - poor Momo didn't do nothing to nobody and she must be protected!
The same goes for every other girl in your class. And boy, for that matter. Every time he'd say something to upset one of the guys you were immediately there to back their corner and shut Mineta's closed mindedness down. Nobody could run from the protective, mama wolf in your genes. Protect the pack at all times.
You were always very protective and possessive over your friends, and it was something that lost you a lot of them, but luckily, your new friends at UA can handle you. In fact, they not only handle you, but they enjoy your company and treasure you as much as you treasure them.
But noone realises as Mineta sews the seeds of doubt in your mind. Every time he compared your body and personality with your friends', you had looked at yourself a little differently in the mirror that night. You suddenly found yourself very sickening, and it was poisoning you. Your waist isn't as thin as Momo's, you're not as busty as her either. Would anyone ever choose you over her?...
Stop. You are not about to let these stupid feelings and thoughts affect your relationship with your friends, you love them more than you could ever love yourself.
The next day, you return in baggier clothes and a slightly longer skirt, and you pull the back down and keep it flush to your skin as you walk up the stairs on your way to class. None of the girls find it wierd, because they do the same in fear that Mineta is behind them, looking up their skirts because he's been caught before for that.
But Aizawa is horrified. He's horrified, and absolutely livid when he clocks why you're always cussing out Mineta, why you hold your skirt down with fists closed so tight that your knuckles turn white and the fabric wrinkles, why you never walk in front of the purple haired boy, or group with him in a project, and why you refuse to bend down to pick something up, or go to the school's toilets. In fact, none of the girls do any of these things.
You catch his attention, though, when you collapse during training because you haven't eaten enough. You've been on a strict diet and didn't want to gain weight because of the ridicule you might get. Heroes are pretty, after all. They should be model worthy, and if people see you as bland in comparison to all of your friends, it makes you feel envious of them in ways you couldn't understand. You've never blamed or hated them for it though. You could never.
When your Sensei finally manages to ask you what's going on instead of assuming, your answer doesn't surprise him. He's not surprised at all, actually, but one thing he is, is enraged. And when he spoke to all of the girls in the class he realised that they had all been pretty much silent about their feelings, but they felt the same. Crushing guilt was the next thing he felt. How could he have not noticed?! His students are suffering and he didn't even bat an eye? Some teacher he is.
"Why are you putting your body under so much stress? It's not wise, and if you think it's going to make you a better hero, i've come to nip this in the bud. Future heroes don't make dumb decisions like this."
"... That's not it."
"... Why, then?"
And it's so much worse when he finds out that all of you'd had issues with your self image because of one student who just couldn't keep himself in check. When he had been told of all the borderline predatory acts Mineta had done, he may as well have been expelled on the spot.
It had taken a lot of courage to tell him about something like this, so when the class was rewarded with less homework and an icecream the next day, everyone was pleased, and everyone knew why.
Noone had anything to say about it though, so we all just let it go.
Mineta ends up being blacklisted from entering any hero school in the future, and not a soul is surprised or upset about it. And when Aizawa quietly offers free counseling for what damage Mineta had done, you politely decline with the promise that it'll get better with time and attentiveness.
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