#and her little sisters i made up in my head!!
deunmiu-dessie · 3 days
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(unedited)² retired simon has nowhere to go, so you offer. [ one, two]
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it took a lot of convincing to get him to your little apartment, like trying to move a massive brick wall with a feather. however, in the end, he gave in— not that he had much of a say in the matter, considering the fact that the two of you were already at your home amidst arguing (which, to be fair, was predominantly one-sided as he persistently uttered 'no' in response to all your counterarguments).
in all honesty, you couldn't quite figure out why you were so insistent on having a stranger, especially a strange man, stay with you in your much too tiny apartment. perhaps it was your festive december spirit, the idea of someone being alone during this time of year just didn't sit right with you. besides it was just for the night, then you could take him to the shelter.
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he’d been quiet as you set up everything for him, he was imposing, tall, and somewhat scary (primarily due to his skull mask and his overall silent demeanor). but strangely enough, you didn't feel unsafe with him, despite the fact that you probably should have. after all, he was a man, and he undoubtedly outweighed you by at least 100 pounds. killing you and getting away with it would be easy for him. and, why the hell were you contemplating this now, instead of when you first picked him up from the side of the street?
perhaps it was the way he carried himself, with a sense of calm and control that was almost hypnotic. or maybe it was the way his eyes seemed to pierce through you, yet held a hint of sadness that made you feel a strange sense of empathy toward him. whatever the reason, you found yourself drawn to him.
as you finished setting up the couch, you couldn't help but steal glances at him, trying to decipher his thoughts and emotions. but his expression remained unreadable, his mask hiding any hint of vulnerability or emotion. it was both frustrating and intriguing, making you wonder what secrets lay hidden behind that skull mask.
“um, so the shower is just down the hall, oh! feel free to look through the fridge for something,” you smile awkwardly at the tall man and gesture to your room door, “if you need anything just let me know.” his gaze remains fixated upon the makeshift bed you have prepared, adorned with a spare comforter of a soft, faded hue resembling baby blue, adorned with delicate flowers which sprawls across the expanse of your pull-out sofa.
simon, ever the brooding man, says a small, stiff thank you; ready for you to leave him alone you're sure. wiping your sweaty palms on your denim-clad thighs, you gently press your lips together and affirmatively bob your head. “alright, well, goodnight simon.” without waiting for a response, that you were sure you weren't going to get, you scuttle off to your bedroom, swiftly closing the door and attempting to lock it as quietly as possible. however, the resounding click makes you think he’s heard it.
letting out a weary sigh you slide down your door, reaching into your pocket to retrieve your phone. with a gentle motion, you begin to skim through your contacts and find your best friend. it rings once, twice before she picks up with a tired hello.
“if i die tonight, i love you.”
you catch the faint sound of her perplexed murmur, followed by the gentle click of her bedside lamp over the phone. it was late, far too late for you to have disturbed her with a call, you knew that— should’ve called your sister or something.
“have you been drinking?”
you give a slight eye roll before curling your legs up to your chest. “no, not yet. anyways, i think i might've done something very dumb," you admit, trailing off as you nervously nibble on the inside of your cheek, feeling the soft flesh give way under your teeth. your friend lets out a quiet grunt. “well? spit it out.”
“so, i picked up a homeless guy on the side of the road and offered him a ride to the shelter but instead i brought him to my apartment and now he’s in my living room, about to sleep on my couch,” you utter quickly— and she's silent for a moment, it's a loud silence, one that makes your heart beat quickly in your chest. you run a hand down your face and take a deep breath, sighing heavily. “say something.” your voice is filled with a mix of impatience and anxiety.
“what the hell is wrong with you?
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barcaatthemoon · 2 days
guiding hand || fridolina rolfo x reader ||
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you and frido sleep together for the first time.
minors dni, 18+, smut ahead.
it wasn't often that you found yourself in barcelona. frido hated pulling you from your studies, so she often found herself making the trek to sweden to see you. this little vacation to barcelona was like a dream come true. you had been waiting for months for frido to take the step and introduce you to her club teammates.
everybody on the swedish national team knew you. you were one of them, zecira's baby sister. it had been a huge deal when frido let it slip that she liked you, and an even bigger one whenever the two of you had started dating. you didn't care about the age gap, and it had taken a lot of work to prove to frido that you were mature enough for things to work.
you hadn't begun to worry about that until one of your teammates brought up sex. zecira and frido had rushed to make sure that you didn't have to answer the question during a team bonding truth or dare game. afterwards, it had been awkward when both your sister and girlfriend separately cornered you that night to ask the same question.
it wasn't a big secret, but you hadn't exactly been jumping at the chance to tell the team that you were a virgin. zecira had been somewhat relieved at the news until she saw how distraught you looked. frido had been great in reassuring you that things would move at a pace you were comfortable with. however, that didn't stop you from the terrifying thought of her not wanting to be with you anymore.
"good morning gorgeous," frido greeted you with a kiss to the cheek. you blushed as you pushed yourself back into her arms. she wrapped you up snugly, moving you along with her as she made coffee and breakfast for the two of you. "how did you sleep?"
"okay, but it would have been better if you stayed in bed with me," you told her. frido bit her lip as she turned you around to face her. "i know that you're being a gentlewoman, but things don't have to move at a snail's pace. i want more, i just need you to show me."
"i wouldn't want to overstep," frido said. she could see the frown forming on your face as you took in another rejection. it was starting to feel like maybe frido wasn't interested in you sexually. you felt like your relationship was closer to a friendship at times.
"it's not overstepping. i know you. i trust you. i like you. i want to give myself to you," you told her. frido swallowed nervously as she tried to back up, only to realize that she had trapped the two of you between the counter and island. "it doesn't have to be right now, but i'd really like for us to try something soon."
"i just want you to be sure." frido leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your head. she slid past you to get out of the kitchen, leaving you to stand there with what felt like another rejection.
"(y/n), i need to ask you something, and i need you to be honest with me. the sex, is that something that you really want? you don't feel pressured by anybody else or even me, do you?" frido's tone had your heart racing with fear. you didn't think that you had heard her that serious before outside of a big game.
"of course that's what i want. i've been thinking about it for weeks. honestly, the last couple of times that you've stayed over and didn't try anything, kind of made me wonder if you liked me," you told her. frido's eyebrows knit together as she stared down at you.
"don't think like that, i want you so badly that my heart aches. sometimes, i don't know how i keep my hands off of you," frido said. she moved forward a little as she pulled you to sit on her lap.
"you don't have to keep your hands off of me." that seemed to be all that frido needed. she coverd your body with hers, pressing you down against the couch. you felt safe pinned beneath her body as she kissed you. each kiss that you shared on the couch was sweet, but once frido picked you up to carry you back to her bedroom, the kisses became rougher.
frido started to press a little harder, leaving your lips bruised as you tried to suck in deep breaths. you were never given a chance to catch your breath, not that you wanted it. you were more than happy suffocating if it meant that frido would keep kissing you. you loved every bit of it from the firm press of her lips against yours to the little bites that she left in between kisses.
"lay back for me baby. you're doing so good already," frido told you. there was something about her voice that was driving you a little crazy. her words of praise made your stomach flutter pleasantly while her tone sent shivers down your spine. you doubted that she would even have to touch you if kept talking to you like that.
"frido please, i need you," you whined. you had never felt such an intense craving for somebody else before.
"okay, i just need you to do a couple of things for me. you can handle that, can't you?" there was something condescending about the way she spoke to you, but all it did was turn you on. you had spent so much of your life trying to be hyper-independent that you forgot what it was like to sit back and let someone else take over for you.
"i want to try. i'll try anything for you," you said. it felt so natural, despite what you had told yourself for years.
"that's what i like to hear." frido leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips. it was a small reward, one that left you wanting more. "first, i need you to take off your clothes for me. it doesn't have to be all of them, just what you're comfortable with, okay?"
you moved quickly to undress yourself. frido's gaze on your body was intense and lingering. she seemed focused, as if she was memorizing exactly what your body looked like. you stood in front of her naked, unsure of whether or not she would be okay with you covering yourself.
"it's not fair to make you stand like that alone," frido said. there was a teasing lilt to her voice that put you at ease almost instantly. frido made sure that you were relaxed as she stood up from the bed. it was a simple touch of her hand on your arm, but it felt like every single time that she had checked up on you before. frido wanted to protect you, no matter what the setting was.
"oh my god," you muttered as you forced yourself to look away from her. frido chuckled as she grabbed your hands and placed them on her hips. you glanced down at your hands, unsure of what to do with the mental image of your hands on her very naked body. "i don't know what to do."
"nothing right now, let me take care of you. think about all the things that my hands are doing to you, and then, later, if you're up to it, we can do this again, but you can touch me." the promise of touching frido was almost too much for you to handle.
frido seemed to understand that you were feeling like it was a lot, so she guided you back to the bed. you felt a little more comfortable sitting in her lap. you didn't think of the full skin contact, but rather the familiar warmth of being curled up with frido. she lured you away from your own racing thoughts with soft kisses and gentle touches.
"do you want to keep going?" frido asked as she held onto your hips. she was about to turn you around so that you'd be straddling her. it would no longer just be making you. you knew that, and with that in mind, you nodded. "if you want to stop at all, it's okay."
"i know," you told her. frido smiled as she flipped the two of you. you found yourself trapped beneath her body as she kissed you again. this one felt heavier than the rest. each of these kisses completely stole your breath as soon as you managed to catch it again. frido nudged your legs apart and gently stroked one of her fingers through your folds.
"do you like that? do you need less or more?" frido asked as she continuously stroked her finger against you.
"more," you told her. frido nodded and added another finger. she didn't dare try to slip them inside of you, just gently stroking. you weren't sure how far things would go. there was a somewhat familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach.
not that you had ever told anybody, but you had gotten yourself off a few times. it had always been rare before, but more frequent when you started dating fridolina. she was often the main thought in your brain whenever you found your hands wandering at night.
"stop that, i want to hear you." frido nipped at your neck, smirking against your skin when she heard the little yelp you let out. you had been biting your lip to keep quiet, unsure of how loud she wanted you to be.
"i'm sorry," you mumbled out an apology. you were careful to keep yourself unrestrained as frido touched you. her fingers worked your body up quicker than you had ever been able to do yourself. she wasn't touching you in a way that you hadn't attempted before. you couldn't believe how quickly she had you cumming, especially whenever you knew that she hadn't really done much.
"you've done so good for me. we're going to take a break, okay? i don't want to overwhelm you tonight," frido said. she ran the hand that hadn't been between your legs over your chest soothing, tracing little patterns into your skin with the edge of her nail. the fingers on her other hand slipped past her own lips as she got her first taste of you. "would you like a shower or should i come back with a washcloth?"
"shower please," you answered. frido started the shower up before she came back to get you. she let you go in first, and joined you a couple of minutes later. you were kept under the water while it was still hot. frido took her time in cleaning you up.
"i know that you brought your own clothes, but i thought you could sleep in something of mine tonight," frido said as she pulled you onto her lap. her fingers were dangerously close to your cunt, but frido was careful in never crossing that line.
"i like the sound of that." you let frido put a t-shirt on your body. you got up to put on the briefs that she had brought you. there was an old pair of sweatpants that frido had stolen from either you or your sister that you knew she had only picked out for you because you couldn't fit in them. frido pretended that she had no idea they were too small and just decided to sleep in them herself.
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Neon Moon
Azriel x Reader/Rhysand’s Sister - Angst
Rhysand’s sister grapples with a one-sided mating bond that has yet to snap for the Shadowsinger. When a drunken night brings the two closer together than ever, Azriel is made aware of a circumstance that could change the course of her life.
This is a one-shot that is able to be read as a stand-alone fic.
This is also a prequel to Wicked Felina and elements of this prequel will be involved in the remainder of the series.
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Warnings: Sexual content, alcohol, language, age difference concerns
Y/N - 19 Years Old
When the sun goes down on my side of town, that lonsesome feeling comes to my door.
Pretty moans echo through the walls of the House of Wind only broken by an ocasional deep groan.
I roll over with an aggravated sigh, pulling an overstuffed pillow across the back of my head, covering my ears. Not that it will do any good. Curse being High Fae and the exceptional hearing that comes with it.
I lay awake, taking deep breaths, trying to sink into the starry depths of my mind but Azriel’s hook-up of the week lets out a particularly loud cry of pleasure before her moans are muffled by what I assume is a gloved hand and a low reprimand.
I roll my eyes. He may as well chide her with a warning of “Shh, don’t wake the baby.” by the way he treats me.
Never mind the fact that I am an adult now. I have tits for cauldron’s sake, nice ones at that. I wouldn’t be wearing this oversized, ridiculously soft knit sweater if I didn’t.
And yet he still views me as a child.
It’s cruel to think that on my eighteenth name day, a golden thread snapped. Tethering my soul to him… and yet, he has no clue. That, or he does, and has no intention of acting on it, refusing to view me as anything other than the little sister of his best friend.
I’ve got a table for two, way in the back where I sit alone and I think of losing you.
So I grin and bear it. And if I happen to wear clothing a bit too cheeky when he is around and other males inevitably gawk at my exposed skin, thus prompting the overprotective bat to shuck his sweater off and toss it to me, and then I spend the rest of the night drinking him under the table? Well, that will have to do for now. So, I wait for the day his soul is ready to seek mine.
Y/N - 21 years old
He’s watching her again. He always does. She dances through the room like petals on a breeze, enamoring the crowd with vivacious conversation as she skirts throughout those gathered in the room. How will I ever compare to the radiant and lovely enigma that is THE Morrigan? I shouldn’t feel bitterness toward my cousin and yet I do. I get why people flock to her, she’s kind and lovely, strong, somehow both approachable and unobtainable. She’s a total pain in my ass busybody cousin-acting-as-older-sister I never wanted.
I requested that the band play Azriel’s favorite song tonight. The one time he’ll loosen up and let himself enjoy a moment. It has become a routine, our dance. The one time that he holds me a little closer. The one time I can pretend he sees me as the mature female that I am and not the child I was.
But tonight, the song plays, and it’s Morrigan in his arms, not me. It’s not the first time he’s chosen her over me. When she’s here, I don’t exist.
I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t watch this.
I spend most every night beneath the light of a Neon Moon.
I turn to leave, exiting the hall, winding through the crowd of pompous nobility from all courts. The garden. I’ll find solace in the garden, beneath the glittering stars, among the fragrant blooms. Sneaking down a quiet corridor and out a shadowed alcove, a guard opens the door for me and the warm, lavender scented breeze greets me like a friend. My steps fall swiftly, distancing myself from the evening revelry. As I wind down a path of blooming roses, a loose stone causes my sole to slip, bracing myself for the fall and the sting of rock to my palms. Instead, I am shocked to feel warm, strong arms catching me. Looking up at my savior, a few long golden locks of hair fall over the concerned, emerald green eyes staring down at me.
Y/N - four months later
“Shit, Shadowsinger. You look like you could use this more than me.”
The start of a grin tilts the left corner of his lips upward as an incredulous laugh slips from his throat. Reaching a scarred hand toward the bottle of my brother’s finer wine and swiping it from me.
Azriel’s hazel eyes assess the bottle, giving a raise of his brow. “Looks like you’ve done a number on this one already.”
“I never do things halfway.” I tease. Giving a nod toward the wine that was indeed half-empty. His dark brows rise again as I unveil a second bottle before he could remark on it. “Some Spymaster you are. You should’ve know I’d come prepared with the best selections from Rhys’ secret-” The playful jest is interrupted by the tickle of a shadow trailing up my arm and spiriting the second bottle right out of my hand, eliciting a pout of my lower lip.
“Hey, now that’s just greedy.”
The handsome planes of Azriel’s face illuminate in the twilight, causing my heart to stir. Perhaps it’s the way the night shrouds him in ominous twilight, or the way his shadows sit strewn across his shoulders but I know tonight was hard for him.
Mor had shown up to dinner as radiant as ever, a red dress clinging to her delicious curves, some male she’d picked up at Rita’s on her arm.
Now if you lose your one and only, there's always room here for the lonely
I should leave him alone but I can feel it in my chest. Stoic and broody? Yes. A lonely soul? Also yes.
And damn, do I know I deserve better than to be the female that will never be chosen first? Yes. And yet, he’s my mate and more importantly, my friend.
“Scooch over,” my arm waives in a correlating gesture. “This grass is dewy and cold and this dress is far too thin. Your leathers can handle the chill, I’m stealing your warmth.”
With a small shake of the head, a lock of raven hair falls over his forehead, Azriel scoots, exposing the vacated patch of grass for me to sit on. “Gods, it’s still chilly.” I complain as I swipe one of the bottles back from the Shadowsinger.
“Nobody asked you to come out here.”
“And yet here I am.”
Azriel eyes meet mine, a small flicker of emotion passing behind them. “Yes.” He whispers fondly. “Here you are.”
I ignore the blush threatening to redden my cheeks and fire back at him. “Your breath smells like a vineyard. You’d already gotten started on the drinking without me?”
Recognizing the rhetorical question for what it is, Azriel presses his lips to the bottle, tilting his head back as he takes a long swig of the bittersweet wine. My breath catches as a harsh swallow bobs his adam’s apple. Heat pools through me and I quickly turn away, searching for something, anything to distract from the effect he has on me.
To watch your broken dreams, dance in and out of the beams of a neon moon
Shadows dance around us, like figures on the wind, weaving in and out of the moon’s luminescent rays.
“Y/N…” I turn to face him as a scarred hand reaches for me before seemingly thinking better of it and pulling back. “I didn’t dance with you at the ball.”
It’s my turn to laugh incredulously. “That was months ago Azriel, why bring it up now?”
That peculiar flicker of emotion crosses his eyes again.
“I’m sorry.”
I pause, taken back by the apology. Had he known how much it hurt to see him dancing with her? Thinking on it, I can’t seem to grasp whether it is better or worse that way.
I freeze, grappling with emotion as he ruffles his hair with a scarred hand, dragging his palm over his face. “Y/N. The conflict that wars within me, it’s… .”
Confusion conveys on my features and I resist the urge to dive into his mind and read exactly what he’s thinking. “What?” I ask as his sentence trails into a void of lost words.
He shakes his head as if he’s already pushed whatever he was about to confess aside. Hurt washes through me and I begin to turn away. A broad, calloused palm grasps my wrist. “You’re beautiful, Y/N.” He leans closer, his wine addled breath mingling with my own, only centimeters separate his lips from mine.
I think of two young lovers running wild and free. I close my eyes and sometimes see you in the shadows.
I’m certain he can hear my heartbeat as it roars through my ears. My eyes flutter looking into his heavy-lidded hazel and onyx eyes. His head tilts, low voice barely more than a rumble.
“You’re everything.”
Azriel inhales, his gaze searching mine in a silent ask of permission, preparing to close the hairs-breadth of distance between our lips. Suddenly those lust-addled eyes go wide, nostrils flaring, and he abruptly pulls away, swiping my bottle of wine as he withdraws his hand. “You don’t need any more of this, Y/N. Go to bed.”
My mouth gapes slightly, processing what just happened. “What?”
“It’s late and I have to leave for a mission for your father in the morning.”
He stands straight, stretching out his tall body and those glorious, broad wings, stiff from sitting on the ground.
My heart is crushed, once again. The words that could change it all sitting on the tip of my tongue.
You’re my mate. You’re my mate. You’re my mate.
But his feelings for my cousin still run strong and we have centuries ahead of us. I refuse to be in second place.
Azriel extends a tanned arm to me, eyes now softened, a slight crease between his brows as he takes me in. “Come on, Y/N. Let’s get inside.”
Taking his extended arm, we walk in silence through the grand entryway of the House of Wind, winding down the corridors within, stopping at my room, I murmur a rushed “goodnight.” before escaping behind the shield of my door, to the quiet lonesome solace of my room.
I sense Azriel’s presence outside my latched door for several moments before his steps pad down the hall opening the door one down from mine, into his room.
No telling how many tears I've sat here and cried, or how many lies that I've lied telling my poor heart he’ll come back someday.
Azriel couldn’t take it. The way the walls closed in around him. Sleep was always just out of reach but tonight, he felt the weight on his chest in a crushing embrace.
If you lose your one and only, there's always room here for the lonely.
He’d spent the past few years dicking around, ignoring the shift he’d felt toward Y/N. For fuck’s sake, she was Rhysand’s little sister, barely an adult. She’d always gravitated toward him in her childhood. Looked up to him. And he cared so deeply for her, like a little sister. And then soon after her eighteenth birthday something began to shift in his chest. Something that he felt so incredibly wrong for feeling - and yet something he’d buried deep within begged him to accept that it was right.
He was a bastard for it and latched onto his feelings for Mor even harder, despite the fact that they’d simmered down in previous years. And then Y/N had changed her demeanor toward him and he knew- gods, he knew she wanted him but he couldn’t do it. Rhys would kill him for it if her father didn’t first. It was so wrong.
And it had gotten harder and harder recently. He’d brought females home, spent more time around Mor when she’d visit, anything to push her away without actually owning up to what his feelings were.
And then Mor had shown up on a whim tonight with some male that she’d picked up gods knows where, he couldn’t even fall back on clinging to her, leaving him forced to face how strongly he felt toward Y/N, so he’d indulged in booze and snuck out to sit beneath the moonlight and drown in his own pool of self-pity.
To watch your broken dreams dance in and out of the beams of a neon moon.
When she’d found him, any semblance of willpower was gone. Y/N was a goddess beneath the moonlight. Kind, strong, intelligent, and so damned beautiful and, out here, it was just the two of them. So, he’d finally given in. One kiss, one kiss would help him see how wrong this was. And yet as he leaned in, all he could feel was how right it seemed to be.
Until he’d inhaled, taking that final breath of courage to close the distance. That’s when he smelled it, the shift in her sent. Her scent was there but there was something somewhat familiar and earthen intertwined a scent so light and sweet, almost like roses. A scent that was not her own, not of her.
She was pregnant. He had no idea by whom but the realization sobered him up entirely. He swiped her wine and panicked. Did she know? Should he say something? Instead, like the older brother figure he’d once viewed himself as to her, he escorted her into the house and told her to go to bed, ensuring to keep the alcohol out of her reach.
Gods, he didn’t know what to do from here
He spent the rest of the night flying, taking in the stars and the moon as they shone brightly above, ethereal just like her.
He’d go on his mission this week, and Y/N and her mother would travel to the war camp that her father was at to visit him, and when she came back he’d talk it all out with her.
Yes, he’d support her and love her however she needed to be, whether it be as a friend, as chosen family, or as something more. It would all work out. It had to.
Come watch your broken dreams dance in and out of the beams of a neon moon.
Although this is a one-shot, it is also the prequel to Wicked Felina, you can read Part 1 here.
ACOTAR general: @lilah-asteria @thecollegecowgirl @mochibabycakes @nickishadow139
Wicked Felina tags: @glittervame @julesofvolterra @saltedcoffeescotch @candyjaypoppins @st4r-girl-official @nocasdatsgay @gxdsmonsters @honk4emoboyz
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afterglowkatie · 1 day
world cup surprises | s.c.
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steph catley x mccabe!reader | 3.8k | you propose to steph after the first match at the world cup
ˏˋ°•*⁀ this is part of the enchanted to meet you universe. it's fairly new but this is one of my favourite fics i've written and i really enjoyed writing it so i hope you all love it <3
You sat on the edge of the bed in your hotel room trying to calm your breathing. Your nerves were at an all time high and if anyone saw you they would think you were nervous for the match. Ireland’s first match at their first ever women's world cup. Being selected to be a part of the world cup squad was your dream come true and to experience it alongside your sister was even better.
Sure you were excited and nervous for the match that you were playing later today. The small box that you were currently fidgeting with was the main cause of your nerves. The moment you knew that Australia and Ireland were playing each other for the opening match of the world cup, you knew this was the right time.
You met Steph a few years ago through Katie. It was at a night out with the Arsenal girls, your sister invited you since you were going to be a new signing during the winter transfers. You and Steph instantly clicked. There were no awkward phases of friendship, the two of you genuinely looked like you had been close friends for years. That night out, you and Steph ended up separating from the others lost in your own conversation for hours.
From that night countless texts were sent back and forth until you moved to London, joining Arsenal and taking Steph out on a proper date. You fell hard and fast for Steph and luckily for you Steph had fallen for you just as fast and hard. To everyone else, you were a carbon copy of your older sister, but Steph got to see a different side to you. A side that you rarely showed to anyone. Steph had wormed her way into your heart and you would do anything for her and anything to protect her. 
When you first shared your relationship with Steph online, there were a lot of people who didn’t think you were the right kind of person for her. Neither of you let in impact your relationship, Steph really knew you and in a way that no one online ever would know you. You were content with yourself and you knew that you would give her everything she deserves and so much more.
You’d had the ring for a while now, trying to find the perfect time to propose to her. But your schedules had both been hectic this last year and you never felt like any time was the right time. You wanted the proposal to be just as perfect as you thought Steph was. 
‘I think I’m going to propose,’ You blurted out while you were watching a movie with Katie. Your words instantly got her attention, looking at you with her eyebrows raised slightly. It wasn’t a surprise that something like this would be coming for you and Steph, you were perfect together, ‘The first match, after that,’ 
Your sister could tell you were nervous. The two of you were quite close in age and having grown up so close and playing football together, she could tell these little things about you. Katie gave you a smile and a reassuring hand on your shoulder, ‘I’m happy for you. For you both. I’ve never seen a more perfect couple,’ You smiled at her words. Katie was the one person you were afraid to tell when you and Steph made things official. Even though there wasn’t much between you and Katie, to her you were still her baby sister and nobody had ever been good enough for you. Not until Steph, ‘Do you have any plans?’
‘Yeah,’ You nodded your head slightly. You had a few ideas but the one you really wanted to pull off, you were going to need the help of your teammates, ‘I’m going to need your help,’
‘It’s gonna be okay, as long as you don’t lose the ring,’ Katie’s hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality. 
‘It’s gonna happen now that you’ve said it,’ You groaned, gently pushing her away. You’ve been overly protective over the ring. Holding it feels like it’s the only thing that is currently holding you together. Feeling so much, you felt like you might burst if you lost sight of the ring for a moment. 
‘Relax, it’ll be perfect and Steph would be mad to say no,’ Katie sat down next to you, wrapping her arm around you, placing her other hand above yours to stop your fidgeting. Your sister always knew what you needed, whether you knew it or not, sometimes you think Katie knows you better than you know yourself.
‘Ooh, big proposal day,’ Grace poked her head into the room you were currently sharing with your sister, quickly moving towards you, ruffling your hair. You tried to move away but Katie held you tighter making you endure what you’d call torture from your friend, ‘Nervous?’
‘Grace,’ You whined, throwing your head back avoiding the question. The more you talked about it, the more you thought about it and the more nervous you got. Part of you wished that you had opted for a more quiet proposal instead of one that will be in front of thousands of people, but you knew this is the only way that felt right to propose. None of your other plans had stood out to you as much as this one had. You had a feeling that this way was the one, the same feelings you had about Steph the moment you got to know her.
‘Don’t worry, everything and everyone is ready and prepared. Just got to focus on the match first. C’mon,’ Grace pulled you up from your bed, you shoved the box with the ring in it into your pocket and followed your friend out of the hotel, meeting up with the rest of your national teammates.
As the match had gotten closer, you and Steph had talked less and less, both being busy with training and focusing on the world cup. You both had a silent agreement that you wanted to do the best while representing your countries so neither of you were upset with the lack of contact. 
It made the moment you saw Steph while lining up in the tunnel all the more worth it. You were excited, your country's first world cup match that you get to be a part of, being a part of making history regardless of the outcomes. You’d gotten the chance to travel all the way to Australia for a world cup, something you thought you could only dream of, and your girlfriend was standing right there wearing the captain's armband and looking absolutely perfect. 
Sure she was the captain of the opposition, but that would never stop you from admiring Steph, 7 was slowly becoming your favourite number. Steph turned around slowly, looking through Ireland’s lineup trying to see if you were there. Once her eyes met yours, her eyes softened and she instantly smiled, causing you to smile back at her. You silently wished her good luck which she returned.
‘Oi, stop eyeing your girl, she’s the opposition today,’ Macca nudged Steph lightly, a slight blush spread across her cheeks realising she’d been caught staring at you. Katie, keeping her eyes forward and seemingly focused on the match ahead, smirked slightly overhearing the interaction that happened next to her. Katie turned around to look at you down the line, discreetly holding her thumb up at you while smiling.
You’d had a few texts between you, Katie and Caitlin the last few days whenever the three of you could talk. You knew everything was all ready, you’d gone over everything a million times. Caitlin had reassured you countless times, along with your sister and teammates.
Your Arsenal teammates also knew, you regretted telling Kyra knowing she was the most likely to let it slip. But everything was going smoothly. You had to get through this match and then after the world cup you’ll hopefully be planning a wedding with the love of your life. 
On the pitch you and Steph were very different compared to how you both act off the pitch. Mainly when you were on different teams, when you’re on the same team you didn’t have to act all that different. Though on different teams you had an understanding that you’d put your respective teams first and leave anything on the pitch, only if something really bad happened or either of you were insanely proud of the other, which happened a lot, would you bring it back off the pitch into your relationship.
It’s what you both did during the match. The handshake before the match, you both smiled at each other whispering good luck to the other before you focused on your own teams and the match ahead of you. It wasn’t the first time you’d played against each other and it probably wouldn’t be the last.
Though since your relationship sometimes you’d have a hard time forgetting that you weren’t on the same team, that you weren’t just here to support Steph and that you couldn’t cheer or hug her if she scored a goal or did something amazing. You knew you were going to get caught during this match when you had to check yourself knowing how big you smiled when Steph scored her penalty goal. Almost fully celebrating but luckily you stopped yourself before you made a fool of yourself in front of everyone.
You’d only be on the end of relentless teasing from your teammates, none of them would take it seriously knowing how in love you were with Steph. Though some of the fans might not have been so happy. After the match you could tell her how proud you were, so you focused on your team helping bring the energy back into your friends to get them through the rest of the match.
Unfortunately for you, Ireland had lost, you were proud of your team, of your country. The girls had played hard right up until the last minute, unfortunately, it just didn’t go your way tonight. You gave your teammates pats on the back, giving Katie a big hug, ‘Head up, we made it this far. It’s an amazing achievement to be here right now,’ As much as Katie was always there for you, you would always do the same for her. She might’ve been your big sister but you could take care of her as well, ‘on to the next one, have a feeling you’ll score our first world cup goal,’ You didn’t realise that would come true, you were just trying to cheer her up.
‘Go to Steph, we’ll start getting everything ready,’ Katie pushed you towards where Steph was with her teammates. You smiled, slowly walking her way. You liked seeing Steph happy, so even though it killed you to lose, seeing her smile made it all worth it. 
‘Baby,’ Steph started when she saw you, but you wrapped your arms around her, picking Steph up and spinning her around before she could mutter how sorry she was that you lost. Right now you just wanted to celebrate your girlfriend, Steph who had scored Australia’s goal, you couldn’t be more proud of her.
‘Well done my love. I’m so so proud of you, always will be. You played so well, I almost cheered for you when you scored,’ Steph laughed at your confession. You were still holding Steph up when she cupped your cheeks, leaning in to kiss you. It was the first time you’d kissed her in a while and kissing Steph always made your head spin. 
You smiled against her lips, placing her down but never breaking the kiss. Not until Steph pulled away and rested her head on your forehead, ‘Thank you baby. I love you so much,’ You’d never hidden your relationship, though you both were private, slowly opening up on your socials the more your relationship progressed, but you’d never shown this amount of affection on the pitch. Even matches with Arsenal all fans would ever get to see is the two of you hugging and sometimes they’d see how clingy the both of you could be with either other, constantly hanging off the other.
‘I love you more,’ You mumbled so only the two of you could hear. You took a step back from each other, but your hands were still on each other, not wanting to fully let the other go just yet.
‘Not a chance,’ Steph smiled, you got lost in her eyes, ‘I’m proud of you too darling. Glad I got to be here seeing your first world cup game. Even if it was against us it feels kind of written in the stars or I wouldn’t have been able to witness this achievement for you,’ You melted into Steph’s touch while she spoke. Your heart fluttered and you couldn’t control the smile or the blush that spread across your cheeks, kind of glad that you could blame the redness from running around for over 90 minutes, ‘I think this belongs to me, just like you,’
You took a deep breath while Steph tugged at your jersey, you knew exactly what she wanted and you’d never say no to her. So within an instant you’d taken off your jersey, handing it towards Steph while she gave you hers. You normally shared clothes but wearing her jersey was a different kind of feeling. Also seeing your last name on Steph lit a different kind of fire inside you. You might need to get Steph to wear your jersey when you’re both eventually back home together.
‘You look good with my last name on you. Need to get you to wear it next time,’ You whispered in Steph’s ear, placing a kiss right below, your teeth grazing lightly. Steph pushed you away, not forgetting all the eyes that were on your interactions, even more so now you swapped jerseys. But you didn’t miss the hitch in her breath or the slight red tinge to her cheeks, making you smirk.
‘One day I’ll get my last name on you,’ Steph was determined to switch the roles, but it didn’t have that same impact on you. Your smirk turned into a soft smile, hoping that one day will be one day soon if the next few moments go to plan.
‘C’mon lover girl, should go meet our fans,’ Caitlin came over and pulled Steph away from you, leading her towards an area where she would be completely distracted. Steph pouted lightly, she didn’t want to leave your side, especially since she hadn’t been able to properly see you in a while. But she knew it was important, and she loved the fans and meeting them all.
Caitlin looked over her shoulder at you, giving you a look, one that you knew meant that everything was going well. You turned around to see your sister frantically rushing around trying to get everyone and everything into place, just like you’d gone through with her. You’re grateful that the fans in the stadium, the ones that were left, kept quiet and didn’t make any kind of reaction to what was happening while Steph was distracted. 
‘Here you go,’ Katie handed you the little box when you finally made your way over to her after helping to bring out all the heart balloons and roses out onto the pitch that would be surrounding you. You twirled the box around in your hand, going around and thanking everyone of your national teammates and Steph’s national teammates for everything they’ve done to help you with this. 
After a final check that everything was in place and ready, you shoved the ring into the top of your sock and stood next to your sister, having to hold your hands together in front of you to stop them from shaking. All you could think about was smiling and breathing, as long as you could keep doing that then it’ll all be okay.
Caitlin discretely turned to look your way, you sent her a nervous thumbs up, silently letting her know that everything was ready and she could bring Steph over this way, ‘We should probably head back now,’ Steph rushed a few last signatures on jerseys before saying goodbye and turning around to walk back to the tunnel with Caitlin.
However, when Steph turned around she froze in place for a moment, ‘What is this?’ Steph whispered, looking at Caitlin who just smiled at her and nodded her head for Steph to move closer. Steph walked slowly while taking in her surroundings. The entire stadium was quiet but there was a buzzing in the air at what everyone thought was about to happen.
Steph stopped for a moment at the start of the rose petal path that had been made that led all the way to you. Roses and balloons surrounded you along with both your teammates and Steph’s teammates who were stood lining up on either side of the makeshift path. Steph started to walk down the pathway before she was handed a single rose that had a photo of you and Steph and a note attached to the stem. The photo was from the first day you and Steph met, along with the note reading ‘the day i met the love of my life, meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me’.
The next flower, photo and note came from your teammate Grace. The photo was from the first date you ever asked Steph out on. It was summer and you’d taken her out on a picnic, you managed to capture the moment where the sun was shining just right across Steph’s face. The golden rays along with the smile you’d put on her face, Steph had no idea that this photo even existed. The note, ‘I love the way your nose scrunches when you smile. I plan on keeping that beautiful smile on your face for the rest of our lives’.
The entire way down the path, alternating between Steph’s teammates and yours, Steph was given a rose, note and photo. The photos going in order from the day you first met, going through the years to your most recent photo from the date you’d had right before leaving for your respective camps. Notes varying from the things you love about her to little memories you and Steph had created together over the years.
By the time Steph reached the end she had her arms full of roses, tears of happiness clouded her eyes and she didn’t know what to say or what to think. Steph felt like she was going to burst with the amount of love she was feeling for you at this moment. Her heart was racing, tears in her eyes, butterflies swarming her stomach.
‘I’ll keep these safe for you,’ Steph couldn’t tear her eyes away from you, barely registering when Katie came over to take the flowers from Steph so she could have her hands free before taking a step back and letting you and Steph have this moment.
‘Steph,’ You started, taking her hands in your own while smiling at her softly. You’d planned out what you were going to say but once your eyes met hers you couldn’t think properly, taking a few deep breaths before talking again, ‘From the moment I met you I was captivated. Not just by how beautiful you are, but from how smart, ambitious and hardworking you are. How gorgeous you are was definitely an added bonus,’ You both laughed a little which helped lessen your nerves, ‘I’m incredibly lucky that I got to know someone like you, that you let me get to know you and learn every little thing there is to know about you. Each day I fall more and more in love with you. I didn’t think I could fall for someone in this capacity but you proved me wrong,’ 
You had to take a moment, you could feel your own eyes start to fill up. Steph squeezed your hand reassuringly. It felt like it was just the two of you at this moment,’ I have loved you every single day since we met and I will continue to love you and treat you exactly how you deserve. Because baby, you deserve the world and so much more,’ You emphasised each word to make sure Steph could understand and feel how much love you have for her and how much she deserved everything you gave her, ‘I don’t let many people see me this soft, but for you it’s all worth it,’ You let go of Steph’s hands, reaching to grab the box before kneeling down onto one knee in front of her, ‘Steph, the love of my life, the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. I would be so lucky and honoured to call you mine forever. My favourite forever, will you marry me?’
You really didn’t have a moment of doubt that Steph would say no, but that didn’t help calm the nerves after you asked the question. Steph was so caught up in the moment she almost forgot to answer, she just wanted to take it all in before the chaos that was sure to erupt after she said yes. But when she saw the light leave your eyes a little the longer Steph made you wait she instantly changed that, ‘Baby, yes. A million times yes,’ 
‘Yes?’ You asked, making sure you heard her right. Steph reached out for you, pulling you up and pulling your body into hers.
‘I’ve been dreaming of marrying you for so long,’ You were ecstatic, there were no words that could describe this feeling. You could win all the trophies and titles in the world but nothing would ever come close to this moment right here. Shakily, from the excitement, you managed to place the ring on Steph’s finger, giving it a little kiss once it was there.
Steph cupped your cheeks and placed her lips on yours. The kiss was deep and full of passion, your arms wrapped around her waist lifting Steph up and spinning her around. Neither of you could hear how the crowd or your friends all erupted into cheers, it was like a movie playing around you on mute. Nothing was more important to you than Steph and nothing was more important to Steph than you. Everyone was happy for you, nothing but support flooded your inboxes, messages and socials for days afterwards. 
‘I love you so much,’ Steph whispered against your lips, hands finding their way around your neck, fingertips tracing over your back where her last name on her jersey you were wearing was sitting.
You smiled against Steph’s lips, leaning further into her touch, ‘I can’t wait to properly celebrate with you,’ 
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ohsc · 3 days
Hi! Welcome to the tumblr spn fandom! I wanted to make a request for a sibling!reader, who's about teenager age, meeting Sam and Dean for the first time and finding out that she is their little sibling?
(P.s. love your bots, and I'll be looking forward to your fics on ao3!)
hey lovely, tysm!! i loved the req, hope you’re having a good day <3
fem!reader, 1.5k, sfw — requests are open
Sam felt so bad he felt physically sick.
Dean, stood by his side, seemed more angry than worried. He was fuming as they both stood on the front porch, waiting for the door to swing open after he knocked a little too harshly.
“It’s messed up,” Dean grit his teeth, glaring eyes switching between Sam and the door. “How many other kids does he have knocking about, huh?”
It was messed up. Majorly.
When they had found out about Adam, that was bad enough. That their father had a whole other son that he had never told them about, that he secretly went and took to baseball games and bought Christmas presents for. And though it left a sour taste in Sam’s mouth to think of how different John had treated their brother, he was at least happy that he’d had a normal childhood, that he hadn’t been roped into their father’s life, his quest for revenge. But then Adam had ended up in the cage, and it still made Sam feel fucking awful.
But this? This made Sam feel so horrible.
Finding out that they had a sixteen year old sister was honestly like a smack in the face. It meant that she was just a toddler when John had died, and though Sam was glad that she had the chance to live a normal life, it meant she’d never even had the chance to meet her father.
Or her brothers.
Sam had pictured the conversation in his head over and over again on the drive to her house, but he still didn’t know what to say. How was you supposed to tell somebody out of the blue that they had two brothers? How could you drop that onto somebody?
The door handle rattled, and Sam looked up to watch as it was pulled open a few inches, still locked with the chain from the inside, but it was enough space to see the young girl stood there. She was so young that it left a horrible feeling in Sam’s chest for what they had to tell her, what they were there for.
“Hello?” Her voice was soft, gentle, so far from what they had expected of John’s daughter. “Can I help you?”
“Hey there,” Dean took the lead, offering a smile through his anger that still burned at the revelation they were facing. “Could you open the door up so we can talk, kid?”
She frowned, “You’re strangers.”
At least she was cautious, that made Sam relieved. It seemed like Dean agreed, as he hesitated before nodded. “Right, yeah we are, good call,” he muttered. “Look, kid-”
“We’re sorry to bother you,” Sam took the lead as soon as he heard the agitation seeping through Dean’s tone, a hand clasping onto his older brother’s shoulder, as if to say I’ve got this. “You’re Y/N, right?” He kept his voice gentle, not wanting to spook the poor girl who already seemed pretty weary.
Her frown only deepened. “How do you know my name?”
Sam offered a small smile, trying to be delicate about it as he asked, “Has your mother ever mentioned somebody called John Winchester?”
The recognition in her eyes was visible almost immediately, the way her expression shifted to accommodate the thought that ran through her mind. She hesitated, and only when Sam had murmured a few soft words of encouragement did she say, “She said John Winchester is my father,” she eyed up both Sam and Dean, her eyebrows scrunched up slightly as she asked, “Who are you? What do you want?”
“We just wanted to talk, um-”
“We’re John Winchester’s sons.” Dean cut in, and the bluntness of the statement made Sam shoot him a nasty glare. Given what had happened the last time they found out they had another sibling — it was fucked up that this wasn’t even the first time it had happened — Sam wanted to do it right. Not practically shove the information down the girl’s throat.
She blinked, took in an audible breath as she glanced between the brothers, before the door shut.
“Nice, Dean,” Sam immediately snapped, turning to glare at him. “Why’d you have to say it like that?”
“You were taking too long-”
The lock rattled and then the door was pulled open fully, and the brothers were silenced as they both turned to look at the girl, who seemed just shocked as she stood there in the doorway, her gaze flickering between the two of them. She eventually found her voice when she asked, “Do you have any ID?”
Sam liked how smart she seemed already, but held his tongue on it as he and Dean got out their only real IDs, and handed them over to her. She looked at them both a little intently, and when her eyes eventually lifted again, any skepticism that had been in her expression before was wiped clean.
“…do you want to come in?”
IDs were handed back, and five minutes later they were all sat in the girl’s living room, Sam shoulder-to-shoulder with Dean on a loveseat, and Y/N perched on the edge of a different sofa in front of them. They hadn’t even been sat there for long, but the entire time she hadn’t stopped fidgeting, her leg jogged up and down, fingers messed with a loose thread on her clothes. And though Dean seemed a little irritated by the uncomfortable silence — by the entire situation, really — Sam just felt for the girl. He couldn’t imagine being her age, and finding out he had two much older brothers who had literally turned up on her doorstep.
Then again, when he was her age, he was more often than not covered in some sort of monster’s blood.
“So, um…” Y/N took a breath, rubbed her palms on her knees, before she exhaled a bit sharply. “I’m sorry, this is really weird, I don’t know what to say. It’s just-”
“I know,” Sam eased, and offered a sympathetic smile. “I know, we’re sorry to just… drop in, drop this on you.”
“We thought you ought to know about us,” Dean added, his voice also came out more gentle than it usually was. “We were just as shocked as you when we found out about you.”
“What about your dad?” She asked, paused, then, “Our… sorry.”
“No, s’okay,” Sam cleared his throat. “He died some years ago, now.” He’d said it so much over the years that he just felt numb as the words came out. One glance at Dean and he knew that his brother felt the same.
“Oh,” her expression dropped, big eyes looking so guilty, “I’m sorry, I didn’t… that’s horrible, I’m sorry-”
“It’s okay, Y/N,” Dean cut in, waving the girl off. “You didn’t know, it’s alright.”
“Yeah…” she sighed, and took a sip from her glass of water that was sat on the table between them. “My mom said I met him once, when I was a baby he came by. But that was it, she said that he said he was busy with work.”
Sam grit his teeth, and had to glance away for a moment. Jesus, this poor girl. Sam knew how hard it was to grow up with his dad being there sometimes and other times nowhere to be found, but for her to have never even known him? He’d known his sister for all of ten minutes and already he felt almost protective of her.
“He was a mechanic,” Dean told her, offered a small smile. “Me and Sam worked with him until he died.”
“And what do you do now?” She was definitely a curious girl, but Sam couldn’t blame her for wondering about the family she’d just learned that she had.
“Still in the family business,” Dean continued, nodding. “What about you? Still in school?”
Y/N nodded, offered a small smile of her own. “Yeah, I’m a junior.”
“Man, I miss high school,” Dean sighed, leaned back in his seat slightly. “When I was a junior there was this one teacher, Mrs. Bradford, what I would have done to-”
Sam gave him a harsh nudge and earned a glare in return, and quickly muttered, “Shut up, not everyone spends high school skipping class to make out.”
Dean, who had been about to argue back, was cut off by Y/N’s soft laugh, and both brothers turned to face her, see the little smile on her face. “I do skip class sometimes.”
“Ha,” Dean hit his knee against Sam’s. “To do what? Smoke under the bleachers? Steal school supplies?”
“Jesus, Dean-”
“Actually, me and my friends skip to go into town together…”
Sam glanced between his brother and his newly discovered sister, and most of the worry that had been building in his gut earlier that morning had started fading. They still had a lot to even consider — telling her about what they really did, who their dad had been, why they were in town in the first place — but in that moment, starting to chat to her, Sam felt a bit better about it all. Maybe things would go better this time.
He hoped so.
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xoxoavenger · 3 days
The Perfect Plan
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
summary: Steve has a perfect plan to propose to Y/N, but the timing seems not so perfect.
word count: 2009
warnings: none
Steve had it planned out perfectly.
Everyone was back in town, the plan being that they were all gonna camp out at the lake as a reunion. Steve was sending all the girls out to get their nails done, so Y/N wouldn't be suspicious as to why her nails had to be done. Even Robin was getting hers done, if only because Steve told her the plan. Nancy seemed suspicious, but Steve was confident she wouldn't say anything. Now, all that was left to do was to get everything set up at the campsite with the boys.
"So, why are they all getting their nails done before we're going camping?" Eddie asks, helping Steve lay out one of the tents. Steve just shrugs casually, as if he didn't plan the whole thing.
"I thought Nancy told me it was your idea?" Jonathan asks from across the camp, pausing his fight with Will.
"El told me it was just them getting together before having to be here." Mike chimes in, dropping his tent and causing Dustin to jerk forward.
"Having to be here?" Steve repeats, feeling a little hurt that El didn't want to hang out with him.
"Max said they were supposed to be back, like, an hour ago." Lucas said, finishing his tent. They've got quite a few up, and Steve made sure his and Y/N's tent is furthest away from everyone. He finally finishes setting up the tent with Eddie. He looks over to see Mike and Dustin still struggling, but otherwise there are six (seven with Mike and Dustin's) tents standing between the trees.
Steve checks his watch for the first time since they arrived and realizes that it's been far too long, even with all six girls getting their nails done. It's starting to get dark, and he wanted them to be here before the moon settled in.
"What the hell are they doing?" Steve mutters, frown creasing his face. He looks toward the boys as they start yelling, still not having the last tent set up, when a couple cars start rolling in the dirt road.
"Finally!" Dustin throws his poles on top of the tent tarp and walks away. "Maybe they can figure this out." He mutters, and Eddie just smirks in amusement.
"Sorry we're late!" Robin runs out of Y/N's car, which she was driving. Steve tried to look around Robin for Y/N, but then Robin was in front of Steve. Her face was trying to smile but he could tell something was wrong.
"What happened?" Steve's heart is racing, thinking the worst.
"Don't panic," Robin starts, which makes him panic even more. Robin's about to tell him the rest when Y/N runs stumbles into Steve.
"Steeeve!" She screeches, flinging her arms around him.
She's drunk.
"I thought you were," Steve starts, but he catches Robin's eyes over Y/N's shoulder and sees her shake her head, pointing to her nails and frowning. Steve gets the hint that he should not talk about the nails for some reason.
"Steve!" Y/N cries, this time sadness seeping through her voice. "Steve, oh my God, they fucked up!" He's pretty sure there's real tears coming out of her eyes, so he just rubs her back while staring at Robin, mouthing what the fuck.
"She made us go to the bar and do shots." Erica sighs, walking up to the boys.
"How did you get in?" Lucas asks as he walks up, crossing his arms. His younger sister, the only one in the group not 21, just stares at him.
"Why did you do shots?" Steve whispers to Y/N, who's still hugging him close and crying.
"Look at these!" She cries, shoving her hands in his face. He grabs her wrist to see more clearly, pushing her hand away slighting so it wasn't right next to his eyeballs.
"What's wrong with them?" Steve asks, seeing the color. She had chosen a light, pastel version of her favorite color. They're short and cute, and Steve is confused as he stares at them.
"Are you kidding me?" She cries, tears falling down her face. She walks over to the far tent, probably because she wants to be away from everyone, and almost rips the zipper as she locks herself in. Steve is glad he put all their stuff in there before helping everyone set up the rest of the tents, because he thinks she could use a nap.
"I think she knows." Robin whispers as the other girls begin getting their stuff out of the cars and helping the boys finish up everything. The sun is starting to set, and Steve feels a headache coming on already.
"What?" Steve knows what Robin must be talking about, but he doesn't want to admit it to myself.
"She wanted white nails. White! But somehow, they were out of whit polish. I mean, what kind of nail salon runs out of white?" Robin looks over to the tent Y/N disappeared into, Steve following her eyes. It's quiet, but Steve is sure she's still crying.
"That's why she's upset?" Steve asks, trying to understand his girlfriend's frustration. It's just a color. Why would it matter?
"I wish." Max is suddenly next to them, and Steve almost jumps at the sound of her voice. "No, it's worse than that."
"Worse?" Steve is so confused and worried now, not sure what he can do to make this better.
"They cut her nails too short." Robin explains with a sigh, remembering the terrible experience at the salon.
"And the polish isn't even!" El chimes in from where she's helping Mike set up their tent. It's going much better than it had with Dustin, who has a beer cracked open as he watches Eddie and Argyle trying to start the fire.
"Shit." Steve puts a hand on his face, not sure what to do. This was supposed to be the perfect time to propose; they brought champagne, they're all here to celebrate. He can't push it off. Maybe it would cheer her up, if he did it tomorrow instead of on the last day?
Steve leaves everyone to go over to the tent, heart cracking when he hears the sniffles from outside the tent.
"Y/N?" He mutters before he begins to unzip the tent. She's laying there, on the small air mattress Steve somehow managed to sneak in and blow it up with only Eddie noticing. Eddie had asked if Y/N was pregnant, and Steve had almost slapped him, and then Eddie stayed quiet about it.
Steve isn't sure if Eddie thinks she's pregnant, but if it keeps him from telling everyone that there's a mattress in their tent then he'll let him think whatever. Now that Y/N is drunk however, he's not sure how long that secret is gonna last.
"Baby, what can I do?" Steve asks quietly, noticing how she put on the sheets and blankets and pillows on the bed but didn't get underneath it. Y/N just stays face down, sniffling into the pillow. He feels bad, but he has no idea what to do.
"There's nothing to do." Y/N cries, not lifting her head.
"What if I make a fire so you can have a s'more?" He suggests, rubbing her back. She looks up slowly, and he fights back a smile.
"That's fine." She says, sitting up and falling into him.
"And when we get home, I'll redo your nails." Steve has no idea how to do nails, but it makes Y/N give a watery smile.
"I wish I could go back in time." Y/N says, and Steve knows they need to get off this line of thought.
"If you went back in time then we wouldn't be having s'mores." He tells her, trying to get her out of the tent.
"You right." Y/N giggles, letting Steve lead her back out.
The next day, they're on a hike. Dustin is complaining, so much that Steve wants to throw him over the side of the mountain. It's not a large one, but needs some peace. His heart is racing, the ring in his pocket burning a hole in his thigh.
They all make it to the top, Eddie throwing himself dramatically over the bench with a groan while Dustin continues to complain. Everyone splits up, walking around the top and talking to each other. Y/N and Steve walk to the edge, overlooking the lake and the forest.
"We saved that." Y/N smirks, reminiscing on the UpsideDown days. Steve scrunches his face at the unpleasant memories but feels a little pride bubble up.
"I love you." Steve mutters, looking down at her and pulling away slightly. She smiles at him from under her cap, tilting her head to let him kiss her. He pulls away and is about to get down when Robin snatches his arm and pulls him away.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Robin asks lowly, eyes wide but brows pinched.
"What are you doing?" Steve asks, anger bleeding into his voice. "You're ruining my proposal!" He almost yells it, but one look over his shoulder at Y/N, who is now talking to Max and El, makes him lower his voice.
"Your proposal was ruined when Y/N's nails got all messed up! You can't propose because then every time she thinks of the proposal she'll remember her nails." Robin explains. Steve thinks this through; it makes sense, but he doesn't like it.
"But you said you thought she knew about it anyway." Steve argues. Robin just shakes her head. "So if I don't propose, she may get upset."
"Steve," Robin mutters, but Steve isn't listening.
"I chose this weekend because all our friends are here. If I wait, you guys won't be here. So if it's that big of a deal, I will go to the goddamn store and buy fake nails and glue them to her nails and paint them white then, fuck, that's what will happen!" Steve runs a hand through his hair, his voice raised louder than he realized. Robin was looking wide eyed behind him, and Steve was at the end of his rope.
"Steve," She says again, but he almost explodes.
"What?" He yells, watching Robin point behind him. He turns to see Y/N, mouth open as she stares at him.
His heart stops.
"You heard that?" He asks her, trying not to let his voice shake.
"Of course I did." She whispers, smiling with teary eyes. Steve isn't sure what to do, so he just stares. "Steve, I love that you would do that for me. But I don't need that. And I had a feeling you would propose, which is why I was upset. But I knew how much thought you put into this." She raises an eyebrow after she finishes, clearly waiting for Steve to finish what he started.
"I love you." He repeats, and she just smiles even harder as he gets down on one knee. "I have known it was you since the beginning. And I couldn't imagine my life without you. I don't want to. I feel like I finally found myself when I found you. And I want to feel like this forever."
Steve's back is facing Robin, so he doesn't see Robin open her mouth to say Get on with it! and Eddie skillfully putting his hand over Robin's mouth.
"Will you marry me?" He asks, barely getting the words out over the emotion in his throat. Y/N nods, and then Steve realizes he never brought out the ring. He fumbles for a moment in his pocket before grabbing the ring and pulling it out. She lets him slide it over her finger but doesn't even let him stand before she is tackling him to the ground in a hug. Everyone is cheering, their friends letting them have one moment before they join in on the dogpile.
"This is perfect." She whispers into Steve's ear. He just chuckles and rubs her back. He's barely able to breathe underneath everyone, but he doesn't tell them to move.
"Who brought the champagne?" Dustin asks, and everyone hikes quickly down the mountain to get back to the camp. 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @sadbitchfangirl @gloryekaterina  @oblivion-void @alexshaff2002 @m-rae23 @icequeen1371 @mcueveryday @parkershoco @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @peculiarwren @kenzi-woycehoski @multifandom-boss-bitch @freezaz123 @mads-weasley @johnricharddeacy @sweetdreamsshifter @param8re @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @wish-upon-a-star-1310
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kyracooneyx23 · 3 hours
You're My Little Secret - Kyra Cooney Cross
Kyra Cooney Cross x lionesses!reader
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summary - kyra's coming to arsenal and none of the girls know that you already know each other very, very well.
warnings - nothing except its kinda crap, lot's of rambling. (let me know if you want me to make this a series)
Kyra Cooney Cross was Arsenal's latest signing, the young Australian leaving Hammarby to come and play for one of the biggest clubs in England. Most of the girls had known for a while now about her joining you since before the world cup.
Since the news was properly announced, Caitlin and Steph had made sure to send multiple essays on all the group chats about making the girl feel as welcomed as possible.
Unlike Kyra who had already played for two clubs, Arsenal becoming her third, you were much like Leah Williamson, you'd been with Arsenal since you were 8 and had risen up to the top through the academy and now were a frequent starter for the senior team.
Arsenal had become a home for you, and you never planned on leaving. All the girls had become your family, every single one of you shared a special bond. That's what made Kyra coming to Arsenal so awkward.
You didn't mean to keep such a big secret from everyone, you and Kyra had just wanted to stay private. No one knew, not even Katie who was like your older (extremely annoying) sister or Vic who was your best friend. Kyra hadn't even told Mini and Charli. You just never felt the need to tell them.
Even when they would constantly pester you, trying to get you to go on dates you just let them go on, always ignoring them.
But still after over a year of calling Kyra your girlfriend, not a single person knew about the countless kisses the two of you had shared, or all the nights you'd spent with only each other.
Nobody knew all the coffee dates or the late-night walks.
Nobody knew of the hours you'd spent on facetime when you were away from each other.
It was hard acting like you hadn't already known the girl for 2 years and been dating for 1 and a half of them. But it was better that way. You'd seen how crazy fans went about trying to prove that Katie and Caitlin were dating and the stress that had caused on their relationship, and all the times when they felt like they had no privacy. You and Kyra didn't want that. If you didn't tell anyone, not even your teammates and friends, there was no chance of the public finding out as long as you stayed discreet. But that was easy considering the two of you had a long distant relationship and no fans even knew the two of you had ever spoken to each other.
It was going to be harder now though.
Kyra had received many offers from clubs around the world, but when Arsenal had offered it was a no brainer that she would join the red and white team. She would do anything to be able to spend more time with you, a nice change to the normal distance in your relationship.
A few days after the news Kyra had joined was announced, it was her first day at the club. And for you it was your first time seeing most of the girls as you had been out since the end of the world cup with a minor ankle injury missing out on the games against Linköping and Paris FC in the champions league qualification.
Vic was the first person you greeted as she walked in, practically dragging her feet along the ground. You leaped onto your best friend wrapping your legs around her, forcing her to give you a piggyback.
'Get off me Sunny.' She groans trying to shake her body and get you off. You just wrapped your arms tighter around her neck resting your chin on her head.
Sunny was the nickname you had received when you had begun properly playing with the senior squad. The girls had been talking about you when the topic of your bubbly personality came up. You can’t remember who, but someone said something relating you to the sun and ever since then the name Sunny had stuck.
'But I haven't seen you in ages.' You complain before giving up and sliding down her body and landing on your bottom on the floor. A small pout on your lips. 'I hate you.' It was meant to just be a whisper but she still heard you, resulting in a kick in the head.
'Get up you big baby.' The Dutch girl demands, and you do as she says following her to the room where most of your teammates already were.
You go around the room giving everyone a hug, except for Steph and Caitlin your favourite people to annoy on the whole team. You tugged at both of their hair as they were facing away turning away almost immediately and diving into conversation with Beth and Leah.
You didn’t get to say much though, as a pair of hands turn you back around and your greeted by two pissed of Aussie's faces. Y/n L/n,’ you wince at the full name, the girls only ever saying it when you were in trouble, ‘we haven't even said a word to you and you're already annoying us.' Steph gives you a stern glare and you smile sheepishly.
It was well known by almost everyone that you loved to annoy your older teammates.
'We've only just gotten away from Kyra and now we have to deal with you, and her when she gets here too.' Caitlin groans, 'Do you reckon Jonas will let me resign and go play in a foreign country?' You grin cheekily at her, knowing that she really loved you. Katie often joked that you were like Caitlin's child as you always came to her whenever you had problems, and she always had your back.
'It's ok Cait,' You say, giving her a light pat on her shoulder 'I know you hate to admit it, but you love me.' She rolls her eyes at you wrapping you up in a headlock, you wriggle around, making weird, suffocated noises as you try to escape her grasp.
It's almost like fate that Katie walks in in that exact moment, you slip out of Caitlin's grasp and sprint over to the older Irish girl. 'Katie, you need to sort out your girlfriend.' You tell her urgently 'She was trying to kill me.' Katie laughs, looking over at her girlfriend who is back talking to Steph. The Ireland captain was used to the playful banter you and Caitlin had, often having to be the one to step in when you both took it a bit too far.
'Do I not even get a hello?' She teases you causing you to roll your eyes and poke her in the stomach. 'Oi, I'll get Caitlin to put you in another headlock.' She threatens.
'Please. No!' You plead, putting your hands up in defence before running over to Lotte. You slung your arm over her shoulder. 'Carlotte Mae Wubben-Moy.' You grin watching her face to see her reaction at her full name.
'You know how much I hate it when you call me that.' You don't have time to respond to her when Steph and Beth come and join the two of you.
'Is she annoying you as well?' Steph asks Lotte, giving her a sympathetic look as she sees your arm over her shoulder and your signature cheeky, smug grin that you always have whenever you are annoying someone. 'God you and Kyra are going to get along like a house on fire.' She tells you, her face slightly scared as she thinks of all the pesty things you and Kyra would do upon meeting each other.
Little did she know that you and Kyra already got on.
You’re about to respond but don’t get to as Jonas walks in. A hush settling in the room.
'Hello girls.' The Swedish man shoots everyone a smile as you all move to sit down on the chairs so you're facing him 'Special welcome back to Sunny, so nice to see you again after the break, congratulations on your success at the World Cup, you played brilliantly,' the mention of the world cup sends a stinging pain through you. You still hadn't fully recovered from the loss in the final to Spain, you were so close to winning and were still devastated that you couldn't get the result. 'Before we properly talk about the season ahead and reflect on the games against Paris fc and Linköping, I'd like to welcome our newest signing who I am sure will play a massive part in helping to lead us towards success. I am sure you already know who she is but please welcome Kyra Cooney Cross to the Arsenal family.' Everyone claps and some people even cheer as the Aussie comes into the room.
You almost immediately make eye contact with her who had been searching for you the moment she walked in. You have to bite your lip to hold back a large smile.
You hadn't seen her since the Lionesses had played the Matildas in the semifinals. You had been too busy recovering from your injury so you could be back in time for the start of the season to have time to properly catch up with her, so it took all your self-control not to get up and run into her arms.
She goes and sits with Caitlin, not wanting to make it weird if she went and sat with you.
You turn to Alessia who is sitting next to you, the two of you have a short conversation while Kyra is settling in, before you have to listen to Jonas talking about important stuff, but it was pretty much the same talk he had at the beginning of every season.
When he lets everyone go and do a light gym session, before proper training after lunch, you are almost immediately on your feet and heading into the gym.
You talk to Alessia but are hardly paying attention waiting for Kyra to come out wanting to say hi to your girlfriend. When she does, she's with Steph and Caitlin who are pointing at all the girls, probably telling Kyra all their names and stuff about them. You'd already done that over face time.
When Steph points to you and Alessia, you make eye contact again. This time you smile and wave at them. Kyra says something to them that you can't hear but they begin to walk over to you.
'I don't know if we should be doing this.' Steph says anxiously, who you can hear now since they were getting closer.
‘Doing what.’ Your girlfriend asks.
‘Introducing you and Sunny, you’re the biggest pests in the world.’ Caitlin tells her.
'We'll probably end up regretting this moment when they start stealing our boots every training session' Steph says and you grin at the left back.
'That's such a boring prank, I've got much better ones planned already.' You laugh and Caitlin rolls her eyes.
'Kyra this is y/n, but everyone calls her Sunny, Sunny this is Kyra.' Caitlin says to the both of you. It was weird hearing people introduce the two of you like you were strangers, but you played along with it anyways, not wanting to raise suspicions.
You pull her into a hug, and she wraps her arms back around you in return. You almost melt into her warmth, the familiar smell of her perfume consuming your nostrils. You could stay in Kyra's arms forever, but you know it would look weird if you stayed like this for too long.
'Nice meeting you.' Kyra says holding her hand out for you to shake. Her acting skills were terrible, she sounded like a robot, and you had to hold your breath so you wouldn't laugh at her.
'I look forward to playing with you this season.' You say back, knowing you probably sounded just as awkward as she did. You shake her hand, and she smiles slightly when she sees one of her rings on your finger. When you let go of each other Kyra turns to greet Alessia, this time the interaction seems more natural.
'It's going to be a tough race to see which one of you is more annoying.' Steph tells you as you and her watch Kyra interact with Alessia. You're not trying to look like a lovesick puppy, but as Caitlin looks at you from the side it's all she can think of, she tells herself she's just seeing things though, you can’t be looking at Kyra like she’s your long-lost lover. Right?
'I need the toilet.' Kyra whines to Steph after a while as the five of you are walking to the weights area of the gym.
'I'll show you where they are.' You say almost immediately, cringing at how eager you sounded to show a girl, who supposedly you were only meeting for the first time, where the toilets were. You played it off though missing Caitlin's small frown of confusion before she shrugs and says she'll meet Kyra at the cafeteria at Lunch.
'Don't get up to any mischief.' Steph tells Kyra in a way much like how a mother would talk to a child 'you don't want to make a bad first impression.' Kyra nods and you both watch as the two older Australians walk away.
'Lessi, you coming?' You ask the blonde striker, who shakes her head. 'I'm going to go and see Lotte.' She says leaving you and Kyra alone.
As you and Kyra walked off, you felt almost giddy. You had time just the two of you for the first time in ages. When you were out of sight from everyone else, yours and Kyra's hands intertwined.
'I've missed you so much.' She whispers a small smile cracking on your face.
'I've missed you more baby.' You say, turning around and holding open the door for her stepping to the side so she can enter. 'I'll wait out here for you.' A small frown forms on her cute face.
'I don't really need the toilet.' She tells you as though it was obvious 'I just wanted to spend time alone with you.' She steps closer to you placing a hand on your arm.
You two had been in moments like this too many times to keep count, but that didn't stop your heart from racing. Every time you were with Kyra, whether it be on facetime or in person, you'd constantly be questioning how you got so lucky to have a girl like her.
When she's so close to you that your chests are basically touching, you close that small gap placing your lips on her. Your hand holds the back of her neck, keeping her as near as possible, whilst hers sneak underneath the fabric of your training top running up and down your back. The contact of her skin on yours gives you shivers, turning into putty at Kyra's touch.
As the two of you were sharing a passionate moment, Steph and Caitlin were doing warmups in the corner of the gym, their voices were hushed but intense.
'I don't know, Steph.' Caitlin whispered; her brow furrowed with suspicion. 'Did you notice how they were acting before? It was just… off.' Steph nodded thoughtfully, adjusting the weights before her next shoulder press.
'Yeah, it was weird. Like they were trying too hard to act normal.' She glanced around before leaning in closer. 'Do you think they're hiding something from us? Like, maybe they knew each other before, and they've been keeping it from us this whole time?' Caitlin eyes widened with realization.
'I think you might be onto something. How else do you explain why Sunny was so eager to take Kyra to the toilet. and the way she was looking at her.' They exchanged knowing looks.
'Should we ask them about it?' Steph asked her Aussie teammate who just shook her head.
'Let's just see how the next few days go,' Caitlin says, not wanting to jump straight to conclusions 'There's probably nothing even going on and we're just overthinking. Sunny can be very friendly, that's probably it.' Steph hums in agreement the two of them changing the subject to Steph's upcoming wedding.
Back in the toilets you and Kyra were still making up for lost time. The two of you had moved into the bathrooms, you were sitting on the sink your legs wrapped around Kyra's torso. She had undone your plait, so your hair was now loose, all knotty from her hands being tangled in it.
When you pull away Kyra's eyes are glued to your face. The midfielder memorising every single detail almost as if she was never going to see you again. 'God your gorgeous.' She mumbles placing a light kiss on your jaw, you lean your head back a slight sigh of pleasure escaping your lips. Kyra uses this as an opportunity to place wet kisses all along your neck but you're quick to push her away knowing it would look strange if you came out of the toilets with fresh hickies littering your neck.
'Not now.' You tell her when she pouts, your quick to slide off the sink and readjust your t-shirt. 'We should get going before anyone notices we’ve been gone for a while.’
‘But I’ve only just got to see you.’ She complains clinging to your arm like a koala clings to a tree. ‘five more minutes? She begs giving you puppy eyes that you normally found it very hard to say no to.
‘I’m sorry Ky, but we really got to go otherwise they’ll start wondering where we are.’ It takes a minute of persuading Kyra, and then fixing your hair and hers before you’re walking back out to where everyone else is.
‘I’ve never heard anyone call you Sunny before.’ Kyra says.
‘Really? Surely you’ve heard someone call me it before, everyone does.’ You say slightly shocked, even your parents had started calling you Sunny.
‘Nope, never have.’ The Aussie answers ‘I think I’ll stick with babe and my love. You know, the names only I can call you.’ She sends a wink your way and you shove her lightly.
'Who said I wasn't seeing anyone else?' A teasing grin plasters your face as you joke with Kyra, her face turning stone cold.
‘I’ll take my ring back; I’ve been wondering where that was for a while now.’ She warns making you laugh.
‘Oh yeah.’ You’d almost forgotten about the ring ‘I think it looks better on me though. I even put it on my middle finger so I could do this.’ You flip her off making her jaw drop.
‘That is not the way you should be treating your amazing, super-hot and funny girlfriend is it?’ She teases ruffling your hair.
‘C’mon Ky.’ You sigh, undoing your hair again and re-plaiting it ‘That’s the second time you’ve messed my hair up already today.’ She laughs.
You are back in the gym now, hopping onto the bikes to do your warmups while Kyra leaves you to go back to Caitlin. When you get off the bike you grab a mat to do your stretches, alone until Vic comes next to you.
‘I’ve been looking for you for ages.’ She says sitting next to you watching as you stretch. ‘We need to do our pull-up comp, you may have beaten me last year but I want revenge.’ She grins and you roll your eyes.
‘As if. I love your confidence though.’
‘I’m serious, I’ve got this one in the bag.’ Vic tells you one you've finished, you and Vic make your way over to the pull up machines. Manu noticed the two of you getting ready and since last year, when you two had started the pull up competition everyone had been placing bets on who would win.
‘Everyone, Vic and Sunny are doing the pull up comp.’ The Austrian shouts catching most people’s attention.
Kyra was with Caitlin and Katie at the far side of the room, but still heard the goalkeepers loud shouts. ‘What is that?’ She asked the older pair.
‘When Vic joined last year her and Sunny did a competition to see who could do the most pull ups. Sunny won and Vic is determined to win this year.’ Katie says, catching Kyra’s interest. She’d love to see her girlfriend doing pull ups with her muscles on full display.
'Let's go watch.' Kyra insists, not leaving the others much a choice as she's already gotten up and started walking over.
'Someone's a bit eager.' Katie chuckles to Caitlin.
'Yeah.' The aussie responds, though her voice is only a mumble as her thoughts were still thinking about her and Steph's conversation from earlier.
When the trio reached the pull up machines, you and Vic were mid argument about who was going to go first. 'I won last time so I should get to pick.' You stated, restating your argument for the 100th time.
'Exactly.' Vic sighs, 'You won, so you don't need an advantage.' Everyone groans, some people who had gathered round to watch debating walking away if the two of you were going to keep going back and forth arguing the same points.
'Do you want to do this or not?' Manu asks the two of you, standing in between you to temporarily stop your bickering. 'Because if you carry on we're going to have to go outside before you can actually do the comp.'
'Fine.' You spit giving Vic a nasty glare 'You can go first, but you'll still lose.'
'Will not.'
'Will so.'
Will not.'
Will s-'
'Can the two of you shut up for once?' Lotte interrupts and you look around noticing that Lia, Sabs and Stina had all returned to their workouts.
'Sorry guys.' You apologize before walking over to the bar and getting your grip ready. When Manu says go you start, at first its easy and you breeze past the first 8, but then your arms begin to ache and you slow down each pull up becoming harder and harder.
'C'mon Sunny!' People begin cheering, their shouts getting louder as you get to your 15th, you use all your leftover strength to do one more before collapsing.
After catching your breath, you get up, sending Vic a cheeky smile as she gets on the bar ready to have her turn.
You spot Kyra watching from afar with Caitlin and Katie, not knowing that the girl was replaying your pull ups in your mind. The whole time she had been practically drooling over you, mainly your biceps that were on display.
No one had noticed the midfielders lovestruck expressions as she watched her girlfriend work out.
Everyone except Steph.
When Kyra notices you staring she smiles, dimples forming on her cheeks. She walks over to you and you've completely forgotten about the competition, unbeknownst to the loud cheers as Vic also reaches 16 pull ups. People sighing as she's unable to complete a 17th.
'Maybe I should get some bars so I can see you do that every day.' Your girlfriend whispers in your ear when she reaches you a small smile breaking onto your face.
'You enjoyed that did you?' You tease flexing your muscles causing Kyra's cheeks to get a light pink tint and her to stumble on her words.
You pull your sleeves back down when Vic wraps her arms around you. 'Were you even watching Sunny?'
A feeling of guilt washes over you as you realise you were too caught up with Kyra to watch Vic have her turn.
'You little shit.' Vic gasps when you fail at lying 'I think you should be disqualified...' She turns around to everyone else 'Who else thinks Sunny should be disqualified?' she shouts everyone immediately agreeing.
'You guys.' You wine, hurt by their betrayal 'You don't even know why Vic thinks I should be disqualified.'
'Yeah but it's worth it to see you mad.' Katie laughs causing you to flip her off. 'I wouldn't be doing that if I were you.'
Later, when everyone was outside doing drills Steph and Kyra were distanced from the the others. The older girl asking Kyra about how she was settling in so far.
The left back, who had not been able to stop thinking about how you and Kyra had been acting strange decided now would be a good time to ask about you.
Steph leaned forward slightly, her expression curious yet casual. 'You and Sunny seem to get along really well. Do you like her?'
Kyra felt a pang of panic shoot through her. She hadn't expected Steph to pick up on anything. She tried to keep her voice steady, hoping that Steph was just being curious. 'Oh, um, Sunny? Yeah, she's… she's nice. We get along.' Kyra's words stumbled over each other, her mind racing for a suitable explanation.
Steph raised an eyebrow, her gaze penetrating. 'You seem a bit flustered,' she remarked softly, a knowing smile playing on her lips. 'Is there something you're not telling me?'
Kyra's heart sank. She hadn't planned for this conversation to take such a turn. You would kill her if Steph found out. She glanced around nervously, hoping no one else was listening in. 'I… I don't know what you mean Steph.' she managed finally, trying to keep her voice light despite the knot of anxiety in her stomach.
Steph leaned back, still smiling knowingly. She knew Kyra was hiding something. 'Come on, Kyra,' she said gently. 'I can tell when something's up. You can talk to me.'
Kyra sighed inwardly, knowing she couldn't keep denying it. She glanced over at Sunny, who was engrossed in her phone, oblivious to their conversation. 'It's… it's not like that,' Kyra began awkwardly, her cheeks flushing. 'We're just got along straight away.'
Steph's smile turned into a grin of amusement. 'Uh-huh,' she teased lightly. 'Sure, just friends.'
Kyra felt a mix of relief and nervousness. She hadn't intended to reveal anything, but now it seemed Steph was onto something. "I… I really mean it, I think that we're going to be close, that's all.' Kyra insisted, hoping her voice sounded convincing.
Steph chuckled softly, shaking her head. 'Okay, Kyra,' she said, her tone affectionate. 'Whatever you say.'
As they continued the drills, Kyra couldn't help stealing glances at you, when you looked up and caught her eye, you gave her a happy smile. Kyra thought Despite the awkwardness of the moment, Kyra couldn't deny the warmth she felt knowing that Steph suspected something, even if she hadn't outright admitted it.
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peachhcs · 2 days
high school signing day | the wonder years
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy's feeling lost with her college decision, so she looks to the three people she admires the most.
1.5k words
this is totally not samy and will, but this was requested!! there's like a little small bit of angst, but only if you squint. btw i'm not 100% sure how high school signing days work bc my school never had them really, so i just guesses lol
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the hughes sibling group chat burned into samy's skull while her thumb hung over the facetime button wondering if she should call them or just figure it out on her own. she hated bothering them, especially if they were out doing something because who wanted their younger sister bugging them when they were hanging out with friends?
that felt like the worst part about all of this. samy was the last one left out of her brothers. all of them were on their own now and while luke was still in michigan, it felt like he wasn't a lot of the time because of him being busy with college. the connection the four of them once shared slowly dissipated despite the promise they all made before quinn went to college.
"i promise we'll still talk everyday. we can't get rid of each other that easily. we're family," quinn glanced between his siblings as they stood in his freshly decorated dorm room.
"yeah, promise. we're all still in michigan, so we're not even that far away," jack had said with a slight eye roll. he wasn't as emotional as luke and samy were about their oldest brother leaving home.
talking everyday slowly turned to texting everyday which turned into twice a week if samy was lucky. she knew their lives would start becoming more important than texting the groupchat everyday, but when one of the most important things was hanging in the balance of samy's life, she wasn't quite sure if she could bring herself to call the three people who had been there for her entire life.
"just call them," samy muttered to herself.
somewhere, she gained some courage and clicked the facetime button where her screen split into four boxes waiting for them to pick up. her lip slipped between her teeth as she anxiously hoped one of them would answer.
luke connected first.
his face appeared with a small smile while samy watched him stick his airpods into his ears and walk somewhere which definitely meant she interrupted him from something.
"what's up?" the older boy wondered.
"hi, sorry. am i interrupting something?" the girl immediately asked.
"oh, no. i was just playing video games with some of the guys," luke shook his head, relieving some of the worries in the girl's chest.
quinn's square connected a second later. he looked quite comfortable in what must've been his apartment couch. "hi, what's up guys?"
"hi quinny," samy hummed, smiling at her oldest brother.
"hey squirt," quinn's little nickname made samy chuckle.
finally, jack joined the call from his new jersey apartment. he waved to the group, "whole gang is here. what's up?" the middle hughes wondered while their gazes fell to samy since she started the call.
"hi, i just wanted to talk if you guys aren't busy?" samy wondered.
"sure, what's up? is something wrong?" quinn's protective older brother instinct kicked in almost instantly making the girl smile a bit.
"no, not..not really. i'm just..thinking a lot lately with..signing day coming up," the younger brunette explained making her brothers quickly understand.
"oh right, mom mentioned that. have you picked a school yet?" jack asked.
"uh, that's the problem. i-i don't really know," samy frowned.
she'd been back and forth between michigan and boston for weeks now. both of them were such great schools and amazing soccer programs, she didn't know how to pick one. if she went to michigan, she'd continue her brother's legacy, but if she went to boston, she'd get to stick close to will and the guys she's grown so close over the last two years.
"what's got you stumped?" luke raised his eyebrow.
"i-i don't really know. they're both such good schools. i feel like i'm gonna let people down no matter which one i choose," the girl sighed a bit.
"wait, who are letting down? mom and dad?" jack grew confused.
"well, yeah, if i don't go to michigan and you guys in a way and i let down will and the guys if i don't choose boston," samy sunk down into her bed.
"wait, no, no, you're not gonna let us down if you don't go to michigan. you know that, right?" luke quickly cut in.
"i-i mean.. yeah," samy's voice grew quiet.
"we don't care where you go, samy. as long as you're happy that's all that counts. would it be awesome if you came to umich? yeah. my heart wouldn't be broken if you chose boston though. plus, i know mom and dad will be happy for you no matter what?" luke quickly reassured his sister, but she only shrugged.
"i just feel so..lost, i guess. i mean how did you guys even choose?" she mostly asked quinn and luke since jack didn't go to college.
"quinn sort of influenced my decision, but i guess i just loved the atmosphere michigan brought. it's like home to me. you just gotta choose where you most feel at home," luke hummed.
"if that's boston, that's great. if it's still here, that's also great. no one's gonna hate you if you choose one or the other," quinn added in.
a little smile danced across the girl's lips. "yeah, i guess you're right. maybe i'm a homebody, but michigan will always feel like home to me."
large smiles grew across her brother's lips hearing her say that. they would've been happy wherever samy ended up, but all of them were secretly hoping she'd land on michigan.
"you guys sure you can't come out for my signing day?" samy asked half joking, half not. she was mostly asking quinn and jack since luke would most definitely be there living so close to home.
"sorry, squirt. i'm not sure if i can get the time off," quinn frowned.
"yeah, me neither, but we'll be there in spirit. maybe mom can facetime us in!" jack exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood.
facetime us in. that phrase was common in the household nowadays. there were a lot of things samy's brothers have missed because of their obligations which she completely understood, but sometimes it hurt. she never once missed any of brothers most important days, yet they seemed to have missed nearly all of hers.
not to mention, facetime calls got old really fast.
"that's okay. i'll think of you. i better let you guys go though. thanks for talking," samy put on her best smile despite the pit in her stomach.
"of course. anytime, squirt. love you," quinn said while jack and luke echoed his sentiments. samy hung up first leaving the other three still on the call.
"are you guys for real not coming down?" luke wondered, tone somewhat bitter but not quite.
"i mean..i would if i could, but with a game coming up i just don't know if i can swing it," jack began.
"come on, she's been there for us our entire lives. she's been dragged to more of our shit than us to hers. the least we could do is be there for her for once," luke didn't mean to sound so angry, but he couldn't help it because he too was one of the forgotten siblings jack and quinn slowly stopped showing up for when they left the house.
quinn and jack's expressions fell soft and it seemed to ebe decided then as texts and calls were quickly sent.
samy sat at the table with her parents making up the last of the display. they all sported the infamous blue and yellow colors along with a banner laid over the table saying university of michigan. the decision seemed so easy after that conversation with her brothers and samy was glad.
she spotted will, gabe, ryan, drew, aram, jacob, and will vote up in the gymnasium stands watching down with proud smiles on their faces. sure, it hurt that they'd be separated in the fall, but the brunette knew they were all extremely proud of her.
samy's eyes weren't on the doors that opened a few seconds later with three very special guests walking in. instead, she watched her mom fix more things on the table that she also didn't catch her dad recording her.
"i'm glad we have another baby wolf in the family," quinn spoke first, instantly catching samy's attention.
she probably gave herself whiplash with how fast her head swiveled around to meet all three of her brother's gazes.
"o-oh my god. what are you guys doing here?" the girl exclaimed, jumping up to collect them into hugs.
"you'd really think we'd miss something like this?" jack laughed, nuzzling his head into his sister's head.
"i'm really glad you guys are here," samy grinned.
"wouldn't miss this for the world," quinn beamed as well.
after the hugs and reuinions, the entire family crowded around samy's table as she got the paper ready alongside the woman's soccer coach. her high school coach also stood behind her while the photographer got ready for the big moment.
they staged a handshake pose before samy began signing her name across the paper, beginning her contact with the ncaa.
"samy hughes, university of michigan women's soccer!"
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thecowinblack · 21 hours
Hi! Can you write a Luke Castellan x female reader, where they’re dating, Luke has a 4 year old little sister (daughter of Hermes) who is inseparable from him and the 3 of them act like a cute little family? I also had a thought of him calling them ‘his girls’. Maybe even a little angst at the end about him betraying the camp and seeing the two of them through an iris message comforting each other before sleep, bc his sister can’t sleep without him.
Thank you so much for sending this request, it was a lot of fun to write and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 💕
His girls
Pairing: Luke x Reader
Word count: 972
Warnings⚠️: Fluff, against, blood and injurys
Your table was completely empty since all of your siblings were away, they'd give home over christmas. Seeing everyone laught and have fun with their siblings made you feel so left out. Suddenly you felt two arms wrap around you, Millie. The 4-year old was probably the cutest human being in the entire universe and she always managed to paint a smile on your face.
“Luke is back! He's in the Apollo cabin, their checking a wound.” She told you excitedly. Luke had been gone for almost a month now and you'd missed him so much. Rushing up from the bench you ran to find him, Millie short after.
When you arrived at the Apollo cabin you told Millie to wait outside, if Luke was bleeding a lot then she shouldn’t see it. The first thing you saw was Will treating Luke as he sat in one of their hospital chairs.
“Luke!” You said, happily.
“Y/N!” He coughed. You resched his bed and saw a ginormous wound in his stomach. Fear filled you, what if he wouldn't make it? You couldn't lose him! Millie couldn't lose him. As if saw the fear taking over your eyes Luke mumbled:
“I'm going to be alright sweetheart, when they are done patching me up wouldn't you mind getting Millie?” You answered: “She's waiting outside, I didn't want her to get scared if there was lots of blood.” Luke har you a week smile and you took his hand sitting down in a chair that stood next to his bed.
After about like thirty minutes Will was done and Luke fell asleep. You called Millie and she came and sat in a chair next to you. You reached out for her hand and explained that he was fine, Luke would recovered fully in a couple days and then he could go back to practice. While you were calming her Luke woke up.
“Hi my sweet girls, won't you give me a hug?” Millie basically jumped on him and it was only when you said: “Careful!” She calmly hugged him. Both of them now looked at you and with a sight you hugged him to, you just couldn't say no to these two. Laying your head at Lukes chest he sweetly combed your hair with his fingers, you looked up and kissed him gently, afraid that it somehow would hurt him. He giggled like a child and kissed you harder, like a boy who'd been away from the girl he loved for far to long. Behind you Millie clapped her hands excitedly and a small laugh escaped you.
“Millie are you coming? Luke is waiting for us by the water!” You shouted, waiting for Luke's little sister. The two of you were supposed to meet with Luke by the lake ten minutes ago. Millie hadn't left her cabin yet. You decided to check on her in the almost empty Hermes cabin that you'd been waiting outside of. Walking in you saw Millie crying in the middle of the floor. “Oh gods what's wrong sweetie?” you said lifting her up and hugging her.
“I can't find the bracelets that I was going to give to you and Luke. I made the pearl's and they were so pretty, then yesterday I put them on my nightstand but now they're gone!” She cried. “Alright I'll help you look!” You said walking over to her nightstand.
A few minutes later the bracelets were recovered and you and Millie where walking down to the lake. The bracelet she'd given you was adorable; they were colorful and had your initials on. Luke had a matching one with his initials. As you finally arrived at the lake, Millie riding piggyback on you, Luke waited a bit from the water.
“Lukeeee!” Millie shouted.
“You’re finally here! What took you so long?” He asked rushing forward to take Millie from your back and placing his hand in hers and Millie quickly took your hand in her free one.
“Well Millie lost something, but we found it!” You said handing over his bracelet, which you had in your bag, filled with towels and bathing suits.
“Oh Millie it's beautiful, thank you!” He told her as Millie giggled. When you got to the beach you all changed into bathing suits and jumped into the water. Millie decided that the three of you were going to watch Percy trying to impress Annabeth with his water manipulation, it wasn't going so very well. As you stood there Luke threw his arm around your shoulder watching Millie play with the small water horses that Percy had created. Your little girl was giggling and laughing as they ran on the surface around her.
Luke thought that he'd never meet anyone even half as perfect as you. And as you stood there, watching Millie, he wondered how he'd ended up with these perfect girls, his girls.
You'd just finished reading Millie a bedtime story when she'd fallen asleep in your arms, no one in your cabin had a problem with her sleeping here after Luke's betrayal. Millie had just cried and cried in the Hermes cabin, not being able to fall asleep without her brother so you'd taken her here. Your bed was more than big enough. Listening to her snores you fell asleep, falling into the world of dreams.
Luke had meant to speak to you, he expected you to be awake when he Iris messaged you, as you'd always had trouble falling asleep. What he didn't expect was his girls curled up in your large bed. A book was sitting at your night stand and he could see your face. You were calm, happy with her. But something seemed to be missing in the large bed, a space that looked like they were saving, saving for him.
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dmercer91 · 14 hours
same old, same old | charred wings au, qh43
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in which matthew was right. (1.7k)
heeyyyyyyyy. welcome to the angst filled pit in my brain that is the charred wings au!! love u guys
it would've been weird for quinn to mention, or even allude to robin, during his acceptance speech for the norris. she knew that, and truly was not expecting any sort of appreciation.
so, she really had no idea why it stung so much when her role in his life wasn't brought up while he was thanking all the people closest to him.
what would he have even said? thank you, to my fuck buddy robin, who routinely cheats on her boyfriend with me! couldn't have done it without her.
she told herself that matthew had gotten into her head- that she felt linked to quinn's winning of the norris due to the conversation between her and her brother a few days prior. and though that wasn't true, she was gonna leave it at that.
she waited until the next award was being announced to stand up and leave for a smoke, mumbling about her plans to her brothers and sister and making her way out onto the porch.
her phone started ringing just in time for her to light her cigarette. she furrowed her brow gently, pulling it out of her pocket and watching as the screen lit up with quinn's name and the contact photo she hadn't bothered to change since they were sixteen.
no matter how badly she wanted to let it ring- she couldn't bring herself to turn the phone off.
she pressed it to her ear and exhaled a 'hey' along with the smoke of her fix
"smokin' again?" was the first thing he said, a smirk evident in his tone.
"never stopped. you call to quiz me?" she asked, taking a hint of an attitude with him. she'd rather seem annoyed than eager, she told herself.
"hm. called to ask if you're watchin' the awards" he clarified, and she could hear rustling in the background, figuring he was off to somewhere more private
"yeah. tell lukey m' proud of him for placing top three" she chided, and quinn could hardly hide his scoff.
the sound made a smile creep up on robin's face as she smooshed her cigarette into the stairs of the porch. she stayed outside, though. knowing she was gonna try her best to keep this conversation a secret from matt.
"not proud of me?" he fished, and she blinked. he didn't usually correct her when she would take this kind of route to get out of complimenting him.
usually, he'd stay irritated, knowing it was her way of pretending she didn't want anything to do with him.
she wasn't particularly fond of the change.
"thought you said you didn't call to quiz me. if you're tryna get off i suggest you wait until you aren't at an extremely public eve-"
"robin," he interrupted, sighing over the phone. he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration and shook his head at himself
he should've known she wasn't gonna take it seriously.
"i can't just want to call you?" he asked, sincerity dripping from his words and hurt hardly masked by it. she responded with silence, thinking of what she could possibly say to him
after a moment, she decided she was going to test the waters.
"why did you really call, quinn?" she murmured, whisper quiet. the churning in her stomach almost had her lighting another cigarette.
he sighed, running his hands through his hair and letting his head thud on the wall behind him. "it's kind of a big deal, robbie. winning something like this"
".. and?" she bit her lip, running the charm on her necklace back and forth across the chain.
"and you're important to me." he said, with full conviction, like his words weren't going to jab her in the heart. and he paused, picked back up again
"if i could've thanked you in that speech i would've, baby. before anyone"
"don't call me that," she stated, quietly and shakily.
"i don't want to argue, robin, that's not what i'm doing here," he tried, frustration evident in his voice.
"then what the hell are you doing? what am i supposed to say to that? 'you're fucking welcome'?" she said, starting to raise her voice a little, hurt and confusion getting the best of her
"jesus christ, you don't need to say anything, robbie, i wasn't expecting you to say anything. but you could at least not bite my head off when i'm trying to be genuine,"
tears pooled robin's eyes, and the only think she could think to do was keep biting back, keep hiding behind the wall of bullshit she'd been building
"okay, well, you called me out of nowhere to tell me that you wanted to thank me in your acceptance speech and that i'm important to you and i don't really know how to react to that, quinn, so i'm sorry for not just absorbing it and going on about my life pretending it's not weird"
quinn laughed. the sound coming through the phone and immediately causing a pang in robin's chest, for the tears welled in her waterline to start spilling down her face quietly
"we spent the last year living together, and it's weird to you that i care about you? that i want to call you when i hit milestones and that i'm not just being a fucking coward about the way i feel for you?"
he figured he wen't a little too far when he heard her sniffles through the line.
"fuck you, quinn." she breathed out, still trying her best to cover how stuffed up she sounded and how hoarse her voice was getting, the tremor vibrating throughout her body
"robbie, baby, that's not how i meant it-" he breathed out, squeezing his eyes shut and feeling his stomach drop at the sound of her shaking breaths
"fuck off, it's different for me. and i know that you really couldn't care less, because you refuse to acknowledge him, but i'm not ready to pretend he doesn't exist" she whispered, everything she was trying so hard to hide coming through the phone despite her efforts, and effectively rendering quinn speechless.
eventually, he found his voice "you can do so much better than him. it doesn't mean forgetting he exists, though, robbie,"
"yeah, okay. if you're trying to prove that point you're doing a really shit job," she wiped her nose, trying to calm herself down and cursing herself for finding that comfort in the hum of his voice
"bullshit, robin. brady's even saying he hasn't seen you as happy as you are in van since the ntdp days. s' all i want, is for you to be happy" he tried, smiling a little as she hummed
and neither of them really understood how it always seemed to go like this- an argument, started for no reason with no real fighting, ended in a matter of seconds with no resolution, no change. nothing ever changed.
they were still in love. she was still in denial. he was still going to try and fight his way out of a casual relationship. they were still going to come back to each other, if they ever left, and she was still going to hate herself for it.
from zero to a hundred, and right back down to zero with hardly any time to blink
"whatever we have, quinn. i need it to stay just.. what it is, for now. please? you need to let me go at my own pace" her words meant nothing by the time they hit his ears, because no matter how he responded, he wouldn't stop trying to prove she loved him back
"as long as you're still mine in vancouver, i think i can deal with the offseason" no, he couldn't
"don't think i could keep away if i tried," and with that, was finally some semblance of the truth. quinn grinned to himself, nearly from ear to ear and his heart swelled in his chest
"good. n' hey, get some sleep tonight, robbie. been a long couple days for you, i'll bet" she bit her lip, nodding in agreement despite the faceless aspect of their conversation
"g'night, quinny" she whispered, finally dropping the necklace pendant she’d still had kept between her fingers
"goodnight, baby," and there was the nickname again- going without argument, despite the boundary she'd set merely five minutes ago. they would never change and they didn't want to.
and as the sound of robin's phone signalled that the call was ended, she held it to her chest, and tears began rolling again.
she hardly had a moment to herself before the front door opened and caught her attention
it was matt, giving her a knowing look as he sat down next to her and took a cigarette from her pack, lighting it and taking a drag, giving it to her.
"quinn called?" and she just gave him a look, contemplating keeping the cigarette to herself out of spite.
"figured when your smoke break took fifteen minutes" he joked, smirking down at her
"you're a dick" she mumbled, handing him the cigarette and leaning her head on his shoulder
"you're crying.” he stated in retaliation, “went bad?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows, putting an arm around her
"it went like it always does." she sighed, shaking her head as he tried to hand the fix back to her, watching as he put it out.
"except this time i bitched cause he told me he cared about me, after i fully set him up to say it, so, there's that" she rolled her eyes at herself, leaning further into her brother
"take your time, kid. but i think you know where you want this to go and i think you've gotta start working with that," he said, his calm demeanour doing well to put robin a little more at ease
"i know, matty. i'm just scared." she whispered, looking up at him with a look he'd never wanted to see on her face
"i get it. i'm here though, and brae, n' taryn. you know that," he pressed a kiss to her forehead, and she wiped a new string of tears from her face.
she nodded, sniffling "i love you, big brother"
"love you too, little sister,"
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nottapossum · 2 days
Happy Stitch (Experiment 626) Day to Angel Dust! I've had a hyperfixation on the blue space alien when I was a teen, and I still love him today
Angel should have a Lilo and Stitch marathon with Kitty and any Itty Bitty Sinner that wants to watch ^^
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(It's almost not even stitch day anymore!
I spent the day sleeping!? What?! Nah! It's stitch day!
Funny, I didn't remember because my sister reminded me, lol 😆)
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Angel: *Shouting from the living room area* "Kitty! KITTY!"
*Husk walks in, panicked* "Angel? What is it? What's going on?!"
Angel: "Is Stitch day!"
Husk: *Blinks* "What?"
Angel: "It's stitch day! Gotta watch stitch today!"
Husk: "You want to watch Stitch?"
Angel: "No, we has to! Stitch day!"
Husk: "What?"
Angel: "Stitch!"
Husk: "Che vuoi?"
Angel: "Stitch!"
Charlie: *Walking into the living room*
Husk: "Charlie, can you translate?"
Charlie: *Smiles* "Of course! What's up, Angel?"
Angel: "Stitch!"
Charlie *Boops his nose* "That's right, it's Stitch Day! Vaggy, Dad, and I are getting set up now."
*Husk looks at Charlie, confused.*
Charlie: "We're having a lilo and Stitch marathon today!"
Husk: "Ah, that's what's going on. You're watching Lilo and Stitch."
Charlie: "Well, yeah. It's stitch day. What else would we watch?"
Husk: "What does that even mean?"
Vaggy: "June 26. It's 6/26 day."
Husk: "At this point, I shouldn't even be surprised."
Angel, holding his stitch plushie: *Whispers* "Kitty, watch stitch wif me?"
Husk: *Pets Angel* "Of course, Bambino."
*He knows the movie word-by-word due to how often Angel had convinced him to watch it, but he couldn't resist caving. Angel was too adorable to say no to.*
*They made snacks, set up a fort, and collected all the movies to watch. It was mostly Charlie and Angel's idea. They both love lilo and stitch.*
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Pentious: "Why is that koala hitting that frog?"
Angel: *Rolls his eyes* "It's stitch."
Charlie: "Angel, Pen hasn't seen this movie, we gotta be patient with him. Okay?"
Angel: *Nods, but he's still annoyed* "But it's stitch though. He's not a koala! Okay?"
Pentious: "Oh, alright."
Lilo, on screen: "That’s us before… It was rainy, and they went for a drive. What happened to yours? I hear you cry at night. Do you dream about them? I know that’s why you wreck things and push me.
Our family’s little now and we don’t have many toys but if you want, you could be part of it. You could be our baby and we’d raise you to be good."
*Lucifer looks over to Charlie, who had regressed during the movie. She was crying softly at this scene, so He pets her head, and Charlie hugs him tightly, and he comforts her.* "It's okay, Apple."
Lilo: "O’hana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind, but if you want to leave, you can. I’ll remember you, though. I remember everyone that leaves."
Niffty: "Alastor? Will you sing the Lilo and Stitch song to me?"
Alastor tilts his head: "The what?"
Niffty: "That song! From the movie!"
Alastor: "I've never seen that movie."
Niffty: *Clearly disappointed.*
Alastor: *Rolls his eyes* "Which song are you asking for?"
Niffty: "I don't know! That one Nani sings!"
Alastor: "Mhm. What if you asked Charlie to sing it to you? Or Husk?"
Niffty: "But I want you to!"
Alastor: "Why?"
Niffty: "Because you're family, broken but still good! Just like stitch said!"
*Alastor is still confused, so he can only think of one thing to do...*
*Lucifer is reading the ugly duckling to the little ones: Charlie, Angel, Pentious Vaggie, and Lucifer.*
*Charlie and Vaggy are sitting together next to Lucifer, Angel is on Husk's lap, and Pentious is sitting next to them.*
*Alastor walks into the living room, Niffty on his head.*
Alastor: *Walks in front of Husk, interrupting the story.* "Husker."
Husk: "...yes?"
Alastor: *Picks up Niffty and shows her to Husk* "Translate."
Husk: "Sure. What's up Niff?"
Niffty: "I want Alastor to sing the Nani song!"
Husk smiles at her, then at Angel.* "She wants you to sing Aloha 'oe by Lili'uokalani."
Alastor: *Knowing what song she's talking about now.* "Oh... Niffty, you need to learn the names of songs."
Lucifer: "Hey, I know. We can sing it together! How does that sound, Niffty?"
Niffty *nods.* "Yeah!"
Niffty: *Pulls Alastor's arm to sit down on one of the chairs. Once he does, she climbs up on his lap and hugs him.*
Everyone who wanted to sing did.
That included Lucifer, Charlie, Vaggy, Husk, and Angel:
*Alastor joined in once they started singing, not sure where their version of the song began and ended. But he sang softly, only loud enough for Niffty to hear him*
"Aloha ʻoe, aloha ʻoe
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo
One fond embrace
A hoʻi aʻe au
Until we meet again."
Husk: *Pets Angel's hair as they sang, thinking about the implications of the song...the fact that one day, if redemption actually works, Angel will make it out, he'll be safe, and everything will be so much better for him... and Husk would never see him again.
He knows how selfish it is to feel sad about possibly losing the spider...
But he wants Angel to be okay... wants him to be happy so...
If redemption is the only way to achieve that... he hopes it happens... Even if that means losing the person he cares about most.*
*It's not like Husk has never lost someone...
Like lilo, he remembers everyone that leaves... and he makes peace with it.*
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@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @stormy-is-hyperfixated @attagirljessy @legeufygeuber100 @thatswhat24 @hinata-chan-utaitelover
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narrans · 22 hours
My Borrowed Son | 34 | All On The Table
Chapter Thirty-Four | All On The Table
Parker continued to feel pressure all around him. It shifted from time to time, but he couldn’t command his body to react in any other way except to give into the darkness again and again. Parker’s senses were still on high alert. It was like a weird dream where he could hear and feel but had no control over himself. All he could do was wait and listen until this nightmare came to an end.
And, thankfully, it did.
When Parker finally gained control over his eyes, he forced them open and groggily looked around at his surroundings. He was on top of something that felt like a washcloth, and he felt completely and utterly drained. His blurred vision sharpened, but he wished it hadn’t because of what he saw.
Looming above him was Lyn. She was holding something in her left hand and a pair of scissors longer than the length of his body in her right hand. It sounded like she was cutting whatever she was holding, making Parker shiver.
He didn’t want to know what she was doing. Was she cutting up his tools and clothes? Was she preparing strips of tape to strap him down to the desk? Parker didn’t care.
The one thing he wanted to know was how to get out of there and away from this place.
The teen clenched his fists, which sent a shooting pain up his arm. The miniscule wince he gave was enough to gain Lyn’s attention. Immediately, those pensive green eyes locked onto him, and all color drained from Parker’s face.
He needed to act, and now.
With what little energy reserve he had left, Parker forced himself to roll over and stumbled onto his feet. A quick survey of his surroundings revealed he was on her corner desk. He’d seen it before when she did a room tour with him months before, so he knew where the electrical cords and books were – both being perfect hiding places.
Sucking in a pained breath, Parker lunged forward and dove toward the safety of the space behind the books. He slammed into the wooden back and spun into the shadows. Sadly, the electrical cords Parker remembered were no longer there; or, rather, they were behind a few new books he didn’t recognize. They were blocking his path and he was left trapped.
“Parker? Parker, hey. It’s okay,” said Lyn. Parker didn’t feel like he could believe it. Nothing felt real. This whole thing felt like a nightmare, and it wasn’t ending. The Borrower teen tried to move the books out of the way, but he was too weakened from his fight earlier.
It reminded him of how insignificant his strength was. It made him realize how easily his will could be overridden. All he wanted to do was hide in the walls away from everyone for the rest of his life.
Could he trust no one?
Parker slumped down and brought his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. It was only now that he noticed that there was part of a bandage on his arm. It was poorly placed, but it was helping him not bleed all over the books around him.
“Parker? Please, it’s me. It’s Lyn,” she said again. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Tears filled the teen’s eyes. Was it true? Was it a lie? Was Lyn just like her sadistic sister, Rachel, and trying to get Parker out so she could torment him with those scissors? A choked sob erupted out of Parker as he shook his head defiantly.
“No!” he shouted. “No! Just leave me alone!”
He heard a slight shuffle beyond the books, and it sounded like Lyn sighed, which wasn’t a good sign for Parker.
Was she getting frustrated?
Was she going to go after him? Pull the books away to reveal his hiding space?
Instead, she continued speaking in that same gentle tone Parker had come to know and love about her.
“Parker, I promise you’re safe with me. I was worried when you weren’t in class and didn’t respond to my messages. I thought something was wrong, but nothing like this,” said Lyn. Parker felt a pang in his heart.
That’s right. I had class. I missed a day of school, and maybe more with me leaving the way I did.
Regret didn’t begin to cover how Parker felt, but it was a start. Parker pressed his back against the back of the desk and looked up at the sliver of light he could see from the gap the books provided.
Then, Lyn said something that made Parker’s blood run ice cold.
“If… if you’re worried about me telling someone, don’t worry. I know the rules. I won’t tell your secret to anyone; and I know you’re not supposed to talk to humans or anything like that, but….”
Parker didn’t hear the rest. His ears were ringing too loudly.
Speak to humans?
Not tell anyone?
Parker felt himself threatening to pass out again as he slumped against the books, but he managed to stop himself. The Borrower teen’s mind was racing, but his impulses took over and forced him once again to his feet. Despite his instincts thrashing against his decision, Parker staggered forward and peered out from behind the books to look at Lyn.
The moment their eyes met, he knew she was being genuine. When he looked at her, the sense of imminent danger began to slowly subside. It felt like how it used to with his mom. His instincts hadn’t steered him wrong before, and for once it felt like someone who wasn’t directly involved in his life and history had answers.
“W-wait… do… do you know… what I am?” asked Parker. Lyn’s eyes widened ever so slightly at seeing Parker hiding behind her stack of books, but her features softened sympathetically as she nodded.
“Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t confirmed until now, but I had an idea that you were a Borrower,” stated Lyn. “A lot of us did, actually.”
Parker felt his head swirl. Whether it was because of the loss of blood or because of the realization, Parker suddenly felt his knees buckle and his vision darkening again.
“Parker?!” Parker registered Lyn sounding alarmed before landing on something soft. There was another moment of weightlessness as his senses came back to him. Parker felt something moving his body, maneuvering it so he was once again on his back, but it wasn’t until he opened his eyes that he realized he was back on the washcloth. Lyn’s fingers were mere inches from him, which made him flinch away.
The Borrower teen pushed himself up onto his elbows as he craned his neck back as far as he could to look up at her. Lyn looked genuinely concerned. There was obvious hesitation in her eyes, like she wanted to help and offer a hug or touch of consolation while also refraining because Parker obviously looked uncomfortable.
“I… I’m sorry. Are you okay?” asked Lyn. Parker shook his head and pushed himself up further, sitting in a crouched position and trying desperately to breathe in through his nose and out through his mouth.
“No… I’m… not,” he said in between breaths. “How? How… do… you… know?” Lyn obviously shifted, disquieted, but continued explaining.
“It’s… just something some of us talked about. Remember me telling you about all of the Discord chats I’m a part of? Some of them follow you and your writing on, ‘Welcome to My Little Life,’ and, well, there’s been speculation on multiple occasions that you were a Borrower. Your profile picture shows a massive phone behind you. Some of the things you talk about with your experiences and dreams just seemed a little different. Even the name of your channel feels like a hint.
“You’ve also never come into class physically and none of your school friends have ever met you in-person. Your clothes fit, but the stitching is a bit off, and you can see if you look hard enough that it’s handmade. Plus, some of the things set up in your room are miniature versions of things I’ve found on Amazon and other craft stores like your journals on your bookshelves,” explained Lyn. Her eyes narrowed as she examined Parker’s features, which were filled with shock and disbelief.
“You… noticed all of that? How? How did you know, and I didn’t?” asked Parker more to himself than to Lyn. He slumped forward and caught his head in his hands, entwining his fingers in his hair as he fought the urge to vomit all over himself. The teen’s ears were ringing louder than a foghorn blast.
Parker heard Lyn get up and leave the room. He momentarily considered making another run for it, but why would he? He finally felt a little safe after being out in the open and then brought within inches of death, and someone had additional answers which he could learn from. He elected to stay right where he was.
What more could happen to me?
What else could bring me down?
Lyn returned after several minutes with a tray and said nothing as she set it down on a clear part of her desk. Parker’s nose could smell something delicious wafting through the air, which confused his senses more. He was starving and sick at the same time. The thought of food made him nauseous, but he felt like he could finish the entire bowl of whatever was steaming nearby.
“Here. Put this on your neck,” Lyn instructed as she dipped a piece of cloth into another bowl nearby and brought it close to Parker. “Can… I get this close to you?” Parker registered the cloth in her hands and forced himself to nod. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen, so he might as well accept it and try to get better as fast as possible.
What Lyn placed nearby was an ice cold damp cloth, which instantly made Parker feel better when he slid it onto the back of his neck. His senses started coming back to him and only now did he realize how banged up he was.
There was a massive slice across his right palm where he had grabbed onto the lizard’s nose and mouth. His left arm was basically one big bruise with evenly spaced gashes in them. The bandage that was on his arm couldn’t hide the blood stains and the still seeping wounds. His pants were also torn in four distinct tare marks that undoubtedly came from the claws of the bearded dragon.
“Parker? Do… you want to get cleaned up? I can bring you to the bathroom and give you some privacy,” suggested Lyn. Parker thought about the suggestion for a moment. On one hand, he probably needed to clean the wound to keep it from getting infected. On the other, he would have to rely on Lyn to get him from place to place, which wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
At the end of the day, Parker came to one simple realization. Covered in mud, blood, and sand, Parker thought he probably looked like a complete wreck. His mom would undoubtedly lose her mind if she saw him in this state.
Just the thought of his mom seeing him like this was heart wrenching. Not only was he now missing for several days, but she would see him severely hurt. Tears sprung to his eyes again and he tried hiding his face in his undamaged hand. All of the thoughts from before about his mom not wanting him came back to mind. She was looking for him, but it didn’t stop Parker from worrying about whether or not his mom would forgive him.
“Oh… oh no… Parker,” said Lyn. “I’m sorry. Um… here… let’s get something to eat first, yeah? I made some chicken barley soup yesterday for meal prep and stuff. It might sound weird, but I like soup this time of year. Would that be okay?”
Parker swallowed dryly as his stomach rumbled hungrily at the mention of food. He’d been too anxious to eat before, and now it was all he could think about.
“Yes, please,” he said quietly. Lyn smiled and breathed a sigh of relief as she grasped a small bowl in between her fingers as well as a small plate with crunched up crackers on it. There was something that looked like a dollhouse spoon in the bowl, but that was far from Parker’s concerns at the moment.
Right now, he decided to focus on one thing that he could control at a time, which was finishing this bowl of soup. He blew away the ribbons of steam and sipped on the broth, which immediately ignited his appetite. Eating slowly didn’t feel like an option, but the heat of the bowl forced Parker to pace himself.
For nearly thirty minutes, the two of them ate in silence before Parker had his fill. The sense of nausea finally went away, and his senses started coming back to him. His vision was less blurry. His smell was sharpening. The ringing was finally subsiding. Sadly, with his senses came the intensification of his wounds.
The pain started like a dull throb but soon began to get a pulse of its own, making his muscles twitch and ache. On the bright side, he was starting to feel a little more at ease. He felt like himself, but he wasn’t out of the woods yet. Parker glanced at the contents of the rest of the tray and noticed other medical supplies like Peroxide, rubbing alcohol, bandages, Neosporin, and a few other miscellaneous odds and ends.
“I… thought you would want the full care package.” Parker jolted back to the present as Lyn spoke for the first time, breaking the silence between them. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. That’s why I was cutting the bandages earlier. One massive bandage was too much like a cast on your arm, so I was making a smaller wrapping by cutting the wrap.”
“N-no, that’s… erm… that’s good,” mumbled Parker as he dusted the crumbs off of his legs. “But… um… do you… think I could wash off first?”
“Yeah, absolutely. Would the sink be okay? Or do you want a bowl of water here, so you don’t have to be carried. Or I guess the tub would work too,” said Lyn. It made Parker smile seeing her slightly flustered. He was never able to get her off of her game during class or when they were working on a project together, but now she seemed nervous.
For just a moment, he felt like his old self and felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment. She was still cute, and he still liked her, which he took as a good sign.
“Sink would be best, I think,” he replied. “If… you don’t mind that is.”
“No, not at all,” smiled Lyn nervously. She placed her hand palm up on her desk and waited patiently. Parker could practically see her pulse from where he was standing on the desk. His nerves were also going through the roof. He had imagined meeting his crush in person for so long, and this was never a scenario he had played out in his mind.
Though he had imagined being held by her.
Parker shakily stepped onto her hand, hearing her disbelievingly exhale at his touch, and crouched, giving a nod that he was ready. Lyn was already prepped and ready to go. She lifted her hand carefully, stabilizing it with her other hand, and walked down the hall to a full bathroom.
She set Parker down on the seashell themed counter and quickly filled various soap container lids with shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. It took no time for her to sacrifice a few of her hand towels for a body towel for Parker and for some washcloths to be cut into perfect strips for him to use.
“In case you feel faint or anything, I can sit over here on the floor for you; but it’s whatever you want,” stated Lyn. The offer was a thoughtful one, and one Parker felt like he should take her up on. In the few minutes she was preparing everything, Parker felt himself get woozy three times to the point where he felt like he needed to sit down.
“Um… if you don’t mind. But no peeking! I’ll… I’ll give a shout when I’m done and in the towel,” directed Parker. Lyn smiled as if she already knew his answer and sat down after setting the water temperature on the faucet.
Parker’s heart was fluttering nervously as he slid down the edge of the sink into the main basin under the wide band of water. Taking his time pealing his ruined clothes away from his tender wounds, Parker finally managed to strip nude under the water. He looked at the deep bruises and punctures one his body. He was definitely walking away with scars. He couldn’t even begin imagining what his mom was going to say.
Now under the water completely, Parker let the warmth soak into his body. He let the worries of what his mom would think and the events from recent days wash away like the dirt and blood on his body. The feeling was refreshing and reminded him of his shower at home. Everything was starting to do that actually. The food. The feeling. Even being around Lyn was making him think about his mom and how much he missed her.
Parker knew he couldn’t do anything about it now and spiraling trying to solve the problem now while he was nude in his crush’s sink wasn’t going to help either. Instead, he focused on one simple task at a time. Scrubbing the shampoo into his scalp. Running his fingers through his unruly hair. Carefully scrubbing away the dirt and grime, careful with the wounds to make sure they were thoroughly cleaned to prevent infection.
Some of them reopened, leaving pink stains on the washcloth as he pressed it against the wounds. His entire body was stinging and tingling from his injuries. They seeped sluggishly, looking like red ribbons oozing out of him. Each little gash eventually stopped bleeding long enough for Parker to feel comfortable with getting out.
A little woozy, the miniature teen hoisted himself up onto the counter with a little bit of effort and wrestled himself into the nearby hand towel. It was soft, fluffy, and exactly what he needed as he began drying off his body. After thoroughly drying, Parker poked his head out from the towel.
He could see the top of Lyn’s head, which was several feet away. It looked like she was twirling something in her hands, but Parker couldn’t see what it was. Regardless of what it was she was doing, Parker knew he needed her help in order to get down. Unlike his old home, he didn’t have secure lines throughout the house.
What made it worse was that his clothes were in complete shreds and needed to dry. Just the thought made Parker’s cheeks pink. It changed nothing, so he took a breath and called out, “Lyn?”
She immediately looked over and spotted the top of Parker’s fluffy head of hair poking out from the top of the towel. She smiled warmly and stood up, turning off the water before addressing Parker again. She even chuckled as she got a full view of Parker hiding in a towel.
“Aww… Parker,” she cooed. It was completely involuntary, and her cheeks went scarlet the moment she did it. She looked away, totally embarrassed, as she scratched the back of her neck. “Sorry. I just… that’s really cute.”
Parker felt his insides flutter and flip. Hearing his crush call him “cute” made him jittery all over. The circumstances were a bit odd, but it still made him smile. Hopefully, she thought he was cute for the same reasons he found her cute.
“It’s… um… it’s okay,” mumbled Parker. There was an awkward silence for a few moments.
“Do you-”
“I brought you some-”
The two of them started talking at the same time, which made both of them chuckle.
“Here, me first. Do you think you could put my clothes over the air vent so they’ll dry? Or just tell me where it is and I can do it,” asked Parker as he readjusted the towel over him. He felt incredibly warm at the moment, and he was having a hard time concentrating. It felt like only parts of him had a strong pulse, and it made him squirm.
“Actually,” chuckled Lyn. “I have some extra clothing items that you might be interested. I usually use them for my photography models and they’re going to be horribly big on you, but… well… if that’s not weird or anything, you could use those. Um… here.”
Lyn held out the thing Parker suspected that she was playing with and set it downright next to him. Sure enough, it was definitely going to be too big. It was a matching pair of sweatpants, t-shirt, and a hoodie combination which were all black. Though the Borrower teen would’ve preferred his own clothes, he knew his own had been torn to shreds and the alternative was to not wear anything at all.
That wasn’t an option, especially with these weird warmth spurts Parker was going through.
He reached out and snagged the pants. They were incredibly soft and well made. It was the same quality his mom made sure he had when he was first learning how to make his own clothes.
“Are… you sure?” asked Parker.
“Yeah, absolutely. I’d say just put on the shirt and pants so we can bandage you up, but it’s honestly whatever you’re good with,” replied Lyn. Parker smiled sheepishly and pulled the clothes into the makeshift tent he had made when drying himself off and slide on the shirt and pants. His muscles ached and twinged as he pulled the cloth over his wounds, but they subsided after a moment or two.
Now dressed, Parker stood up and walked out of the towel. Sure enough, everything was horribly big for him, but it was comfortable regardless. Giving a bashful shrug as he looked up at Lyn, he asked, “So? Look okay?”
It was hard to disguise the look of adoration in her eyes. She knelt involuntarily and made no effort to hide her smile.
“Very good,” she grinned. Parker bit his lip nervously. Having her so close was intoxicating. She was even prettier in person than she was over the camera. When her eyes shifted to his arm and she looked nervous, Parker glanced down to see that beads of blood were once again starting to form on his arm and were even starting to drip onto the towel again. “Now, let’s get you patched up.”
Parker got onto her hand once again, having to shuffle a bit because of where the pants came down over his ankles, and watched Lyn quickly snag all of his clothes and remove all evidence that he was in the sink. Lyn poked her head out of the door, scanning her surroundings and listening for anyone in the house, before quickly retreating back to her room. Her feet were swift and her steps smooth as she whisked herself and Parker away behind her door, which she shut and locked behind her.
Setting Parker down on the desk, she found a small container that would usually be used to store berries for Parker to sit on top of while she worked. It was still a bit unnerving having fingers that were the length of his body approach when they didn’t belong to his mom, but Parker’s instincts had finally calmed and, from what he could tell, he was no longer in the danger zone.
In fact, he almost felt safer in his crush’s care. Applying the salve with the tip of her finger, Lyn’s fingers were incredibly nimble and gentle. Even as she wrapped the top part of Parker’s arm with the cloth bandage she cut for him, it wasn’t too tight, and it wasn’t too loose. Parker even helped tie the bandage at the ends when she was done.
“Feel good? Not cutting off circulation?” asked Lyn. Parker shook his head and gave his arm a few test flexes.
“Nope, all good. Thank you,” Parker said. Lyn beamed as she playfully tapped Parker’s leg.
“Good, then let’s get your leg bandaged next,” she suggested. Parker hoisted the pant leg up and watched as Lyn applied the salve to her fingertip and then spread it onto his leg. The cool gel made the slight burning stop, and the bandage she wrapped around it stopped the tingling. While she worked on his leg, Parker worked on his hand that was cut.
It was only after a few minutes of quiet as the two of them worked on bandaging Parker’s bruised body that Lyn chortled to herself and, in a disbelieving tone, muttered under her breath, “I never thought my model clothes would be used on an actual Borrower.”
This statement brought Parker back and made him want to shy away. All of those questions started coming back to him, and now he had the energy and presence of mind to ask them.
“Um… Lyn?”
Her eyes flicked up to him as her cheeks pinkened.
“Sorry. I know. It’s weird hearing a human say the word and everything; but, like I said, I’m not going to tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me,” reassured Lyn. It made Parker’s chest clench in relief for one odd reason or another. He figured it had to do with his Borrower instincts, but that wasn’t what was important right now.
“Um… that’s… not what I was going to ask,” stated Parker.
“Oh?” Lyn asked as she finished tying the knot by Parker’s ankle for his bandaged leg and started cleaning up all of the supplies she was using. “Then… what did you want to ask?”
Parker swallowed nervously and, after wrestling his pant leg down, played with the drawstring on his pants as he calmed his fraying nerves. “I just… I wanted to ask how you know that word. I mean what I am. A Borrower. Where did you hear that?”
“The word? Oh, from a book series I read when I was much younger. It’s by Mary Norton and it’s called ‘The Borrowers,’ which is about little people who live in the walls and stuff. There’s a kind of spinoff series called ‘The Littles’ by John Peterson, but his characters are more mouse-like with tails and stuff.
“There’s also a ton of writing and art online from fanfiction about these two major series. There’s always been a playful part of the g/t community who want Borrowers to exist and a bunch of other stuff, but no one really ever knows until… well… until something like this happens,” explained Lyn. “That’s why it came up in some of our Discord chats about you. Well, a few of the Tumblr lurkers out there. I’m pretty sure there’s a few other Borrowers online, one being Karl or Karmal and another called Zel, but I don’t know for sure. There are just some things that seemed a little different and everyone was laughing thinking how cool it would be if you actually were a Borrower; which, obviously, you are, meaning some of the others might also be.”
This was very quickly becoming too much for Parker.
A community online?
Was all of this true?
“Do… you have these books?” asked Parker. Lyn nodded and slowly pushed herself up away from her desk to a bookshelf by her bed on the far side of the room. She hummed curiously as her fingers danced over the spines of the novels stacked onto the wooden frame. In no time, she found what she was looking for and brought the book back to Parker.
Immediately, Parker felt himself pale. The image right there on the cover looked just like the home of the other Borrower family who was living in his mom’s attic. From the thimbles and rubber bands to the hooks by the coat rack, everything seemed to match up.
Parker’s racing heart made him shiver involuntarily as a cold chill ran up and down his spine. He sucked in breath after breath, gaining Lyn’s attention.
“Parker? Parker? Are you okay?” she fretted. Parker had to calm down for a short time, which Lyn let him do, before nodding.
“I… I think so,” mumbled Parker. “It’s just… I don’t get it. I mean, she hid things, but how could I have missed?” He held his head in his hands as the weight settled over him.
Lyn, on the other hand, looked at him curiously for a few seconds longer before her eyes gleamed with remembrance.
“Parker, you said something earlier. You said, ‘how did you know, and I didn’t.’ What do you mean by that?” asked Lyn.
The unnamed emotions swirled inside of Parker and, now fully rehydrated, felt fresh tears spring to his eyes. Thankfully, it wasn’t enough to make him choke up entirely. Silence was his enemy right now, and finally he had someone who he could talk to about everything.
Lyn knew him.
She understood him.
He decided that, of all people, he could trust Lyn; so, he did.
He decided to tell her everything, right from the beginning.
“Lyn, do… you think I could tell you something? And you not get… mad or anything?” asked Parker.
Lyn didn’t even hesitate as she nodded and said, “Yeah, of course.”
Parker took a breath and, after another moment to brace himself, told her everything. It was time to put everything on the table.
Parker told Lyn that he always thought that he was a human. He explained that he had lived with his mom, Amanda, all his life and that he genuinely thought that he had an extremely rare genetic condition called Parvi Homunculi Syndrome. He lived as a human boy, homeschooled and under the care of his mom for the past decade.
It wasn’t until someone, a girl named Kit, thought that he was in danger and tried to “rescue” him that his entire world had turned upside down. He explained that he had talked to an entire family of Borrowers who told him what he actually was and how another Borrower named Kers had actually been keeping a close eye on him for he past four years.
He told her about the nightmares and how they all made sense with the drowning and being left behind in a storm. Parker confessed he had these odd impulses and instincts that let him sense things and anticipate movements, but that he had always attributed it to his so-called condition.
Then, and only then, did he tell Lyn about all of the awful things he said to his mom when he confronted her about keeping everything a secret from him for so long. He told her that he had run away from home and had been missing for the past few days. This is why he was at the park, and this is when that girl, Rachel, had taken him.
It was only at the last part that Lyn’s eyebrows raised, but she still said nothing as she listened to Parker’s story. After everything, Lyn stayed quiet for what felt like an unbearable amount of time until Parker couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Please, Lyn… could you… say something? Am… am I wrong? Am I crazy?” asked Parker.
Lyn immediately shook her head dismissively. “No, you’re not crazy or wrong, Parker. I... I’m sorry. I had no idea. So… you… really didn’t know?”
Parker shook his head. “No. I didn’t know. And it turns out my mom actually put search restrictions on my computer to keep me from finding out on my own. I just…” Parker pulled his legs up close to his chest and pressed his face into his knees. “I don’t know if I can trust her, but I miss her so much. And I said such horrible things to her.”
Lyn didn’t say anything for a few more seconds. Then, quietly, she reached forward and carefully pressed her fingertips against Parker’s back. The warmth of her fingers spread through Parker’s body, and then impulse took over. He turned around and threw his arms around Lyn’s fingertips, gripping as tightly as he could as he felt ears welling over the rims of his eyes.
Lyn’s thumb brushed against Parker’s back as he let himself cry. It wasn’t until Parker turned around, wiping his eyes with the cloth on the back of his right hand as he looked back up into Lyn’s thoughtful features.
“Thanks,” he muttered, overwhelming gratitude apparent in his voice. “And… I’m sorry. You didn’t need all of this.”
“Hey, that’s what friends are for, right?” grinned Lyn. “And it’s okay. After everything you’ve been through, I’m impressed you’re holding yourself together so well.” Parker let out a choked chuckle but nodded.
“Hardly,” he mumbled. “I don’t feel like it.”
Lyn shrugged and shook her head slowly. “I’m sure it doesn’t feel okay right now, but you can start doing things now to make everything right.”
“Right?” Parker sniffled.
“Yeah, like letting your mom know that you’re safe and sound,” said Lyn. Parker felt himself involuntarily bristle, and Lyn noticed. “I know what you’re saying about trusting her and everything, but you have to see it from her perspective. She didn’t know about the series and I’m sure she didn’t want to tell you something wrong. Your mom was trying to protect you, even if it doesn’t feel like that now.”
“Protect me? She lied, Lyn! She knew the truth and kept it from me. She knew what she was doing. She… she could’ve just told me,” Parker said defensively.
“I’m sure she could’ve, but she didn’t. She thought she was doing the best thing for you, even though it seems wrong now,” reminded Lyn. “Think about it. You’re both very similar, but also very different. She probably didn’t want you to feel any different than any other kid just because of your size. It was a judgement call, and she probably could’ve told you something, and she did. She told you that you had a genetic condition. She just was calling it Parvi Homunculi Syndrome instead of being a Borrower.”
Parker thought about Lyn’s words and, slowly but surely, felt acknowledgement seeping into him. He had already thought of these things before, but there was saying someone was right and then accepting they were right.
Despite everything, Parker realized his mom had done everything she could to help him be the best person he could be.
And, just like the decision to tell Parker he had some made up genetic condition, Parker had made the wrong decision when he ran away from home.
He swallowed dryly and nodded.
“I… I know. I just… don’t know what she’s going to say. Will she forgive me? She was looking for me, sure, but… do you think she’s forgiven me?” asked Parker.
Lyn smiled and nodded without hesitation, saying, “I’m sure she forgave you the moment you said it, Parker. She loves you, and that’s never going to change.”
Relief, like the warmth of Lyn’s fingers, spread through Parker’s body and made him feel secure and warm once again. It was obvious what he needed to do next, and it was well past due.
“Yes, Parker?”
“Could… I borrow your phone? I… need to make a call.”
Continue | Coming Soon
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varietymagazine “fame just got to my head,” styles starts. “it was all my fault. im the reason my family was almost broken.” click the link in our bio to learn more about harry styles life, music, and more!
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Harry Styles: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly! 
When we hear the name Harry Styles, most of us scream our lungs out. The ex One Direction member holds our hearts in his hands without batting an eyelash.
Harry Styles was born in Worcestershire, England February First to Anne Twist and Des Styles making Gemma Styles an older sister. Harry would describe his childhood like any other.
“I was just a normal kid, playing football in my backyard,” he states. “I’d make fun of my sister while she called me a butthead before we’d go and watch something on the telly.”
Styles opens up about being a child from divorce. “My mom and dad had problems. They’d fight here and there and Gem and I would just hold each other in one of our rooms. My parents finally decided enough was enough and separated. I was ten years old, somewhat heartbroken but ultimately relieved.”
When Harry was eleven he met the most loveliest woman he’d ever seen. She’d just moved from America with her dad and five older brothers. The moment Harry saw her, he just knew!
“I couldn’t keep my eyes off of yn. She was breathtaking. I had to get to know her!”
Harry and Yn relationship begins when they were only twelve years old. From that moment they were each others first love. Harry states he’s never felt love like the one he’s had with YN.
Harry opens up about his personal life with his wife and his kids. Including the moment they became teen parents.
“We were young and dumb. The only thing we were thinking about was each other. When she called me crying, telling me she’s pregnant, we were both barely fourteen. We’d just started high school and we were scared shitless. I ended up getting a job at the local bakery and our parents helped us as much as they could. When our son was born we never felt so much pride and joy. We created this tiny little human out of love. Nothing has ever made either of us feel more proud.” Styles goes on to say.
Harry then talks about his dream of being a singer. He opens up about how silly he thought it was, but how his mom, sister, and wife talked him into auditioning for the X-factor.
“If it weren’t for my family, I would have never went to that audition! My mom and sister always encouraged me to live my dream. In my head it was a given. ‘Of course they’ll say this, im their son and brother.’ I thought to myself. But YN wasn’t either, I guess it was different when I heard it from her.”
Styles smiles as he discussed how he use to sing their son [Corbin Styles] to sleep. “He’d have this huge smile on his face. Every single time he’d close his eyes, he’d fight his sleep just so he could hear me sing. That’s really when I knew, I gotta audition!”
In that moment, Harry’s life changed forever! He was apart of the biggest boyband in the world, One Direction. Being put into a group with four other boys [Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, and Zayn Malik] Harry talks about his relationship with each band member.
“Being put into a group with four different boys was difficult, sure! Of course it was exciting and love there in the beginning. We’re just five boys who had the same dream. But we’re also five boys with five different personalities, five different voices, five different views of the world, five different love stories. We bumped heads a lot, especially towards the end,” Styles states. “I think after four years of constant tour, no breaks, arguments, screaming, and barely seeing our families, we were all kinda done. At this moment I was married to YN and wanted to see my wife and kid more. Louis was about to have his own baby, Liam was dealing with his own battles, Niall had family troubles, and Zayn had left the band. We were all kinda worn out. It was time we ventured out on our own and see where life would take us. In a way, it made our relationship better. Niall, Louis, and Liam are all uncles to my children. Zayn was my best friend in the band, he was named god-dad.”
We asked Harry about his first album, how it came about. “It was simple really! I’ve been writing my own music for a long time. I went to Jamaica with my wife and kid and it was lovely. I put together my own band, figured out which songs I wanted out there, and once it was ready, we set a date and even prepared for tours.” Harry smiles at the memory. Though it never reached his face.
This is when we asked him about his second album. Fine Line had been release two years after his self titled album, Harry Styles. Hearing it makes your heart break.
Harry talks about his relationship with wife. He opens up about his arrogance, ignorance, and his affair[s].
“I’m not gonna sugar coat it, I was a shit husband for a long time,” Harry tells us. “The moment we made it big, I’d get this big head and think, ‘fuck im the shit!’ so many women wanted me and would do anything to have me. I was weak and stupid. They all knew I was married with kids, I never hid that from my fans or obviously the women id sleep with.” Harry takes a deep breath. “YN and I would constantly argue. She’d cry herself to sleep at night when I didn’t come home or back to our hotel room when the boys and I were on tour. I remember when she packed her bag and left me.”
Harry wipes his tears before he continues. “It was around the last few legs of tour. I’d been sorta seeing at least two women regularly. [for privacy reasons harry didn’t mention names] She wrote me a note, stating she couldn’t do this anymore. She told me I either needed to get my shit together or she’d divorce me and get full custody. In this moment I knew, I needed to find myself again. Once tour was over, I flew to Japan, took a few friends, began the process of writing fine line, and went to therapy. I was gonna do everything in my power to get my family back together. from there, YN, me, and the kids would work on our new dynamic. I was slowly getting my family back.” Harry states.
Harry opens up about how a lot of the fans blamed YN during the time they’d been split up.
“I wanna clear this up, YN had nothing to do with our split. A lot of people assumed she’d been the one cheating or using me. She was always faithful and couldn’t care less if I had millions or pennies. She loved me for me. Fame just got to my head,” Styles starts. “It was my fault. I’m the reason my family was almost broken.”
YN has been known to be vocal to people who constantly hate on her. Harry opens up about the relationship she has with his fanbase.
“I think if you can’t respect your favorite artist relationship, you’re not a real fan. Truth is, YN is my wife. I almost lost her years ago, I’m not gonna lose her over something so petty. She’s the mother of my children and my wife. People should respect that!” Styles states. He continues to talk about her social media comments and post.
“She can do whatever she wants! I don’t control her, nor does my team! YN has always been very open when it comes to our marriage. She’s not gonna sensor herself simply because others can’t get the hint. That’s one of the many things I love about her!” Styles finished.
During our interview, Harry opens up about his next album before he leaves.
“The next albums gonna be filled with more love than anything. I think this one will be filled with dancing, smiles, and laughter. I’m really excited to share it with the world.” Harry states before he politely shakes our hands and walks over to his family.
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laiahernandeeezzz · 2 days
hi could u maybe write something about Florence bringing Y/n to a family gathering for the first time. They've been together for half a year and y/n being nervous. But then she befriends Florence's family especially Raffie, her mom and grandma. I am craving cute family fluff. And also the family members each secretly telling Flo that she choose a good one ? Thank youuu
I'm sorry for taking quite long, but inspiration had flown away for a while... I hope you like this
Paring: Florence Pugh x fem!reader
Words: 1.7K
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“I don’t think this was a good idea” 
Florence stopped sweeping to look at her girlfriend. Y/n was cleaning the breakfast’s plates, they just used to eat some delicious pancakes the actress made for the occasion. 
“My love, we’ve been together for months now, why would you say that?” The blonde girl approached her, hugging her from behind, while Y/n leaned her body back to rest against Florence’s front. “Because, what if they don’t like me? What if they think I’m not good enough for you?” 
“Well, then I’ll tell them to fuck off, because I’m the one who’s dating you” Finally a smile appeared on the taller girl’s face. She turned to face the actress, quickly pecking her lips. “Are you sure?”
“I love you so so much, worry head” … “Now, let’s go!” Florence pulled away to go search for their bags, not forgetting to, slightly, hit her girlfriend’s butt, making her laugh. Both women got everything they needed and headed to the car, Billie, their dog also going with them. Oxford was their destination. 
Once they parked the car in front of Florence's childhood house, Florence made sure Y/n was ready. “Are you prepared, my darling?” Y/n nodded, releasing a shaken sigh. They headed to the door, and before knocking, the actress kissed her softly, holding her hand and leaving a kiss in her knuckles too.
As fast as they knocked, the door burst open, Billie running inside, and Y/n was pulled in a tight hug. “I’m so happy to finally meet you, Florence has been talking to you non-stop”
“Okay, Raffie, I would like to keep my girlfriend alive” The youngest of the house let go of Y/n, to jump at her sister’s arms. Y/n smiled warmly at the scene, happy that the brunette seemed to already like her. “Come, mum is already preparing the table for lunch, and dad is cooking! You are going to love his food, it’s even better than Florence’s”
While Y/n laughed at Raffie’s comment, Florence gave her an offended scoff, as they entered the house, heading to the kitchen. Y/n kinda froze when she saw the full family getting everything prepared, only moving when a small warm hand was placed on her lower back. She looked at her side, seeing the loving stare her girlfriend had. Y/n knew that as long Florence’s family was a little like her, there shouldn’t be any problem. 
She first was welcomed by the other two siblings. Arabella hugged her shortly and told her she was so glad they met, much like what Raffie said to her, but a lot calmer. On the other hand, there was Toby, who made sure to embarrass her sister as much as he could. “Flo, you didn’t tell me she was so out of your league” or “I have so many embarrassing stories about her, whenever she told us about you, she would smile like an idiot and practically drool”.
“Leave them alone will you… The table still needs to be finished up” Y/n laugh, and Florence hugged tightly her mum, stepping aside, so her girlfriend could be properly introduced. “Mum, this is Y/n, my beautiful girlfriend”
Trying hard not to blush at Florence’s comment, she went to shake her mother-in-law's hand, only to, once again, be pulled into a warm embrace. This family loves to hug. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Pugh”
“Oh, none of that, call me Debs… Come, my husband’s still cooking” Deborah took Y/n hands, and Florence followed them smiling at how her both families got along. After talking a bit with her siblings, being teased by Toby and Raffie, she noticed that her girlfriend still hadn’t come out of the kitchen.
“Can I have my girlfriend back, or do you plan to keep her here for the rest of her life?” The picture in front of her almost made her tear up. Y/n and her mum were laughing at some of her dad’s jokes, sipping at her glass of wine. Florence knew it, but there were moments like these, where she became fully conscious about how desperately in love she was. It was soon, but she knew she wanted to marry that girl. 
“Flo! Your dad was telling me some stories when you were a baby” Groaning, she made her way to her girlfriend, stealing some of Y/n wine. “Hey, that’s mine” Florence laughed and kissed her quickly, “Yeah, well, what is yours is mine, you know”
“Don’t mess with her honey, you need to keep her, I like her” Y/n tried to not blush at Clinton’s words. “Food is ready, let’s eat!”. Holding Y/n back, Florence waited for her parents to leave the kitchen to kiss her girlfriend properly. 
“I think they like me?” Y/n said, while still receiving kisses. “They do like you, and I didn’t even doubt it for a second… I love you, my darling”
“I love you too” Before they could kiss one more time, Toby called for them from the living room, “Girl, stop hooking up, and come! We are hungry” Florence laughed as she took her girlfriend’s hand.
Lunch at the Pugh’s was quite funny to say the least. Conversation never stopped, hitting a hundred topics in five minutes. The food, obviously, was amazing and Y/n wasn’t surprised, knowing how Florence cooked. All the fears Y/n had that morning disappeared, feeling immensely welcomed and part of the family, even if she had just known them for a few hours.
She didn’t realize she had spaced out until she felt Florence’s hand on her thigh. “Are you okay, my love?” 
“Yes, I’m just taking it all in, I’m so happy” She pecked the actress’ lips, both girls not realizing the small smiles from everyone at the table. 
After a while, Florence asked, “Where is granny Pat?”. Y/n then thought that the blonde girl had told her that her grandma would be there. “Oh I’m sure she won’t be much longer” Deborah told them as she stood up to go search for the dessert. 
Only five minutes later the doorbell rang, and Florence quickly went to open it, excited to see her granny again after a while. Granny Pat, though, didn’t put much attention to her granddaughter standing in front of her, almost passing by. She simply patted her shoulder, as she went straight to the living room. “Where is my new granddaughter?”
Y/n quickly got up, and went to hug Florence’s grandma, “Hi, Mrs. Pugh, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Florence has told me so much about you”. Y/n found the woman adorable, being so tiny, but full of life and joy. Granny Pat irradiated happiness.
“Oh, I hope all good things… But I must ask you to call me granny Pat, you are part of the family now” The whole family laughed, and went back to sitting when they had also greeted the oldest woman.
Florence started to tidy up the plates, Y/n following her, receiving a glance from her girlfriend daring her to stand up, so she abandoned her intentions. Instead, she was followed by her sibling, after being slightly scolded by her mother.
“So, quite the girl you got, huh” Toby said as soon as he stepped into the kitchen. 
“Yeah, I do”, The actress smiled fondly, a warm feeling setting in her chest every time she thought of the girl. Her sisters approached her to give her a hug, also giving their opinions. 
Arabella was the mature one, “You look so in love, and I’m so happy you got someone who also loves you as much as you do”. On the other hand, Raffie, was more teasing, “She is nice, funny and gorgeous, you better keep an eye on her, because everyone will try to steal her from you” 
Florence thanked her older sister, and then slapped her younger one. “Don’t worry, I’m not planning on losing her ever”
After doing small talk at the table a bit more time, the family decided to go for a walk, Billie needing to do her need was also used as an excuse. Raffie quickly laced her arm with Y/n’s and both girls started to talk happily, laughing at their jokes. They quickly were quite ahead of the family, followed by the men of the house, and lastly the four women left. 
“You found a good one” Florence glanced at her mom’s comment, a smile, once again, was drawn in her face. 
“I found the best one”, she agreed, not hesitating for even one second. She knew pretty well, she’d never find another one like her girlfriend, knowing she wanted to stay with her for the rest of her life. 
“You better take care of her, or I’ll come after you” Granny Pat also made herself part of the conversation. 
Florence feigned offence, a hand on her chest to make it more dramatic, “Whose granny are you?”. The four women laughed, Arabella accelerating her pace to go talk with her dad and brother, shaking her head while smiling at the other’s small bickering. 
Granny Pat, however, insisted, “I don’t care, she is part of this family now too”. Florence kissed her gran’s temple, as she looked ahead seeing her girlfriend looking back at her, signalling her to come next to her.
The actress excused herself, and jogged to meet her girlfriend at her side. Raffie looked at them and started running, calling Billie to play with her. “What were you talking about back there?” Y/n asked, taking Florence’s hand. 
“Good things?” Y/n was confident she had made a good impression, but she couldn’t avoid worrying a bit. In spite of that, as she saw Florence’s loving eyes, she immediately relaxed.
“All great… They love you, but not as much as I do”
“I love you more, Flo” The girls softly kissed, it wasn’t long, the whole family was able to see them, although only the youngest had something to say about it.
“Get a room!” Y/n laughed as Florence flipped her sister off. 
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marymary-diva17 · 3 days
Soft hearted with a broken soul (2)
Tonowari x reader x ronal
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Taking cation of one words had been something everyone learned, from a very young age. Now that had become to be true as harsh words and cold treatment, had finally become the final straw for a spirt that felt broken. It was time now for one who had been broken to rebuild and live the life they wish, no longer letting anyone else stop them.
Y/n " ......." After the events that had unfolded between you and the others, life hasn't been the same that much. You had been obeying everyone wishes and keeping some distance yourself and them, all expect kiri who came to see you still.
y/n " you are doing an amazing job weaving kiri"
kiri " thank you"
y/n " so who are you making these gifts for"
kiri " my friend spider so when he gets here he will have I and my siblings to welcome him back, along with some nice gifts as well"
y/n " that very nice of you"
????? " kiri oh hello y/n"
kiri " tuk what are you doing out here alone you should be with someone"
tuk " well I came looking for you"
y/n " hello little one care to join us"
tuk " really I'm allowed to after all that happened with our mama and you"
kiri " tuk"
y/n " it okay you can stay tuk and your sister has told me so much, about you and your siblings"
tuk " thank you" tuk soon joined the weaving group and started weaving something, during this time she got to see that you are very nice.
y/n " good job little one you have a very good artistic talent"
tuk " thank you y/n"
????? " I leave you in changer of tuk for one afternoon and you lose her"
????? " I didn't lose her she wonder off on her own she might of not, gotten that far from here"
????? " don't worry we will find her and we might find kiri as well" the trio soon looked up to see the other kids standing there, you had looked at your kids and other two sully boys.
y/n "hello children it seems like you made your way here looking for tuk over here"
neteyam " hello y/n she had wondered off"
y/n " yes tuk here had come here looking for kiri and I invited her to come join us, will you all love to join us or no it up for you to decide"
lo'ak " after what happened yesterday you will be fine with us around"
y/n " yes I will not let adults words hold judgment on their children" the kids soon nodded their heads and soon joined you and the two girls while weaving, it was easy to tell that your kids had something on their mind.
Tisreya " mama"
y/n " yes my dear"
tsireya " we are sorry about yesterday what neytiri spoke was not true mama we love you and see you as our mama"
aonung " yes we are sorry and we are sorry for being distance lately, we didn't mean to hurt you mama"
rotxo " we also should of said something yesterday as well verse standing there, in silence allow neytiri to speak down on you"
y/n " my children it okay you all still have my heart and love, there is nothing that anyone could say that will change that ... but neytiri words did hurt that day and still do"
neteyam " y/n we are sorry for our mother behave I apologize on her behalf"
y/n " young man you shouldn't have to do that for her but it very mature of you, I will give your parents their respect space along with my mates as well"
neteyam " okay"
rotxo " what going in happen with your relationship with baba and mother"
y/n " distance seems to be the best for us right now I have done everything for my love to them, but right now the battle has become to hard ... I think I will need to use this distance to see where it will lead"
tsireya " oh mama we are sorry if there is something we can do"
y/n " no my loves this is between me and them but no matter what happens, I will still love all of my children"
aonung " baba and mother were wrong for yesterday and their reasons to not have kids, with you was completely stupid of them as well"
lo'ak " I have to agree you are good mother and good person for what we have seen and heard from kiri and your kids as well"
y/n " thank you all but now lets me show you all some new weaving styles" the kids had nodded their heads and agreed to stay with you for the remaining of the afternoon. Soon the group was heading back to the village.
????? " hello" everyone soon looked towards the water to see a boy standing there he looked just like kiri and lo'ak .
sully kids " spider"
spider " hey guys it been a while" spider soon passed out in the water as the sully kids race to his aid.
y/n " my sons race to the village and tell tonowari a teen boy, that sully knows has arrived here"
aonung " yes mama"
rotxo " right away" you soon went to the boy who was being held up by neteyam and lo'ak.
y/n " he exhausted we most get him to my home I can attend to him there"
kiri " can I help please y/n"
tsireya " I want to help as well"
y/n " sure come along all of you" the kids had followed you towards your home.
y/n " tuk grabbed the roll up mat over there and roll it out for the boy"
tuk " okay" tuk had grabbed the mat and soon rolled it out spider was soon laid slowly on the mat.
kiri " is he going to be okay"
y/n " he will be fine he just tried and seems to be hurt a bit, we will need to heal up his injuries"
kiri " I have some herbs we can make into paste that will be good for him"
y/n " good do that"
spider " umm where I'm guys .... guys"
lo'ak " hey bro we are here right now you are in a new friend of our home y/n"
y/n " hello young one you will be fine we will fix you up right away and you will need rest"
spider " okay"
kiri " here the paste is ready this is going to stink a bit spider"
spider " it okay" kiri and tsireya had placed the paste on spider body.
Jake " kids we came right away is spider really here"
spider " hello"
aonung " mother we brought them here right away"
tonowari " y/n"
y/n " the boy will be fine he will need rest but his injuries will heal, no need to worry that much right now Jake sully I think it will be best if you call your friends here"
Jake " yes I will do that"
neytiri " kids what are you doing here"
kiri " helping out our friend neytiri"
ronal " y/n why have you brought this child into our home do you know what you have done"
neytiri " he of demon blood you will bring doom to your clan"
ronal " y/n we need to have Jake and his friends deal with him as he their kind"
y/n " enough" everyone soon looked at you shocked by this behavior.
y/n " you four out now I will not have any your four upset the children anymore"
tonowari " y/n ....."
y/n " I said out now tonowari get out of my home now" the four adults had soon been taken out of your home, as you looked at them with cold glare.
y/n " he will be staying here under my care as he a child the same age as out kids"
neytiri " he is demon blood are you that stupid"
y/n " watch your tongue you will not insult me anymore neytiri, he is just like all of you kids no matter who blood he share ... shame on you for saying that to him and everyone else who spoke that way"
Jake " why is he navi he was human when he was taken"
y/n " it seems like eywa has work her ways to help on of her children, you can ask more later on call your friends as well"
Jake " yes I will make that happened"
tonowari " why did you bring him to our home"
y/n " my home we haven't lived together for a long time it my home and that is your and ronal home, remember tonowari so I have all rights to allow him inside my home"
ronal " y/n ..."
y/n " no I'm doing what best for that boy and the kids and you will respect that, please for eywa sake we can talk more tomorrow"
tsireya " mama will it be fine if we spend the night here"
y/n " yes you can"
ronal " no I will not ...."
y/n " they can stay that my discussion if the sully kids want to stay, with their friend as well they can"
tsireya " yes I will tell them that as it seems like they wish to stay"
y/n " good" tsireya soon walked back into the room as you soon looked at the four adults again.
y/n " I will take it from here and I will update you all tomorrow"
tonowari " ma y/n please ..."
y/n " I will update you all in the morning please thank those words, verse any actions that can happen" the four adults seem to back down with everyone else, when you gave them a cold glare. You soon went back into the home to attend to the children.
aonung " mama is everything going to be okay"
y/n " yes everything will be fine you all can spend the night here we can have some dinner, and talk a bit more"
spider " thank you for allow me to stay"
y/n " you are welcome" the kids had helped you make dinner and the rest of the evening seem to be going well, now it seems like you were no longer letting anyone push you around and fight for yourself. Now the former soft hearted navi women who soul seemed to be broken, was no started to rebuild herself and live the life she wanted and not have others control her or speak poorly of her anymore.
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torturedpoetmanor · 17 hours
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Did you miss me?
PAIRING(S): Toby x Fem!Tourette Syndrome!Reader
CW(S): F!Reader, Tourette Syndrome!Reader, cussing, murder mentions, talks of relationships, bullying mentions, before Toby’s backstory
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ SYNOPSIS: You were Toby’s girlfriend for 2 years until he disappeared. It’s been almost a year since his disappeared but one day after school he decided to pay a visit after a year.
A/N: This will be a story, as of right now, it’s un-edited, chapter two will be added onto this chapter once it’s done.
“d-d-do you w-want to be my girl-girlfriend?” Toby says in a shaky voice as his eye twitched right after, he held my hands for comfort, accidentally squeezing my hands in the process I didn’t know what to say as my body twitched the more I re-thought his words. “A-Are y-y-you serious..?” I asked as I tried to keep my composure. Me and toby have been friends since elementary school, but toby moved to homeschooling since the bullying got bad. I was still in school having to deal with the bullying but I’ve managed to make it through. “Of c-c-course, w-why wouldn’t I be? I l-l-love you..”
I soon nodded my head which made Toby smiles as he brought me into a hug. He held me tightly, rubbing my back, “oh t-thank fu-fu-fuck..Y-Y-Y/N you d-don’t understand how much t-t-this means to me..” Toby still held me as he buried his face into my hair. “How will my mom react to this?” I said giggling while holding Toby back. “Happy?” “No shit”. The two of us giggled as our hands intertwined. “So h-how is y-your sister and mom?” I smiled at Toby whose breath hitched up before looking away. I stared at him before stopping my tracks.
Toby stopped before looking at me confused. “Is e-everything o-o-okay?” Toby bit his lip after hearing my words. Toby began shaking a little more as he kept looking away. I tried to come closer only to be stopped when Toby looked back at me and pushed me away gently. I stared in confusion as Toby soon realized what he did as she looked down soon holding himself. “S-sorry..I j-j-just don’t want to t-t-talk ab-about it..” I stared at him before nodding as I held his hand soon holding his arm as Toby looked at me smiling.
“Let’s j-j-just go ba-ba-back first my place..my m-mom made dinner f-f-for us..” I said as I began walking, dragging the brown haired boy behind me who was soon smiling. We both walked to my home soon arriving at the destination as we both walked in, the smell of pasta soon consuming our senses which made toby and I quickly going the kitchen. My mom noticing us, she smiled as she hands us plates telling us to go at it on the pasta, I gestured toby to go first which he hesitated but soon went to the stove to grab pasta.
Before I went to the stove my mom soon grabbed my shoulder, I looked at her which she held a smile on her face before whispering in my ear. “You two seem more closer than ever, did something happened?” I just had a blush on my face before twitching a little before nodding I didn’t want to say anything yet since I was still embarrassed. She just hummed patting my back, I soon walked to the stove as I went to get pasta, my hand went to grab the spoon only to fling the pasta.
“well shit”
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