#and her just finding community and realizing she has so much of her life ahead of her
abimee · 8 months
hey I just wanted to say that b&g is one of my favorite pieces of undertale art in general. I'm muslim and the way you depict toriel reminds me of my own mother and other older muslim women that I meet a lot. It's very comforting. I don't see a lot of depictions of middleaged muslim women with dignity and respect that often. Of course, I love everything about your au and how you write all the characters, but toriel specifically really hits home for me
aww im really happy to hear that anon thank you :,,---( i remember Toriel originally wasnt supposed to be that big in my B&G world but with other characters getting their own time to shine (Kris and Susie about being teenagers trying to handle their struggles on their own, Undyne in being in her 20s but stuck in the past, etc) Toriel started developing in my mind, and her story is sort of an amalgam of all sorts of mothers and women ive met through babysitting and my own mother (though my mom isnt muslim as im a convert, so its all in just personality) so hearing someone else sees a little of their own mother in her warms me heart :,---] ty again
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neo-nomatrix · 9 months
The Olive Theory
Luke Castellan x Reader
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word count: 641
summary: Strawberries are your favorite thing in the whole world, luckily for you Luke seems to “hate them”
a/n: based on the olive theory from himym
There are two things you truly love in this world: Luke and Strawberries.
You often find yourself helping the Demeter and Dionysus kids in the strawberry fields, despite your actual job being at the infirmary. Miranda often scolded you for taking strawberries for yourself during the day, you didn’t mind though. The sweet yet tart berry was worth it.
Your obsession with the fruit grew even further. You begged the dryads for extra portions during dinner, pairing them with yogurt and melted chocolate. Your least favorite part was having to sacrifice the berry to your godly father. You debated giving something else to him but everyone at camp and above knew your love for them, there was no running from it.
Luke was well aware of your passion for strawberries. Going as far as joking that you love them more than him. You both aren’t quite sure if it’s a joke or not.
You sit at a picnic table near the Hermes cabin with luke. You had just sat down with Percy and three shortcakes for each of you. Luke leans over and presses a soft kiss against your temple as you sit down. Percy notices that you can barely acknowledge it since your focus is on the cake.
Both Luke and Percy stare at you in wonder as you eye the desert, they can’t seem to figure out why you haven’t eaten it yet. Impatient, you look over and luke with a wanting gaze.
“Oh- right,” he says understandingly.
Percy is clearly confused by the seemingly telepathic communication. His eyes dart between you and Luke, your gaze once again set on your plate. Luke picks off the strawberries from his cake and places them on your plate. As soon as the first two strawberries are there you start devouring the cake like a ravenous hyena. Percy starts to wonder if you’re even chewing. Luke starts to eat some of his until he stops halfway. He puts the remaining piece of cake on your plate for you. You eat it immediately as if it was there the whole time.
“Are you gonna have that?” You ask politely, eyeing a large, red strawberry on Percy’s plate.
His eyes shift down to where your gaze is settled, “No, go ahead.”
You smile and take it with your fork, biting into it quickly. Percy’s eyes shift back to Luke, who’s been staring at you since the moment you sat down. His face held a small smile as he admired you. You smiled as you licked the whipped cream off your fork.
“I think I'm gonna get another slice!” You exclaim happily, standing up and nearly skipping to where the dryads are.
Luke watches as you leave, eyes falling on your figure.
“I never realized she liked strawberries that much,” Percy said.
“Yeah, I'm kinda surprised she hasn’t turned into one yet,” he laughs quietly.
“I assume you don’t like them that much? I mean- you gave her all of yours and half of the cake,” Percy explains.
“Strawberries? no way, they’re great. But she loves them so much, and I'd do anything to make her happy,” Luke smiles as he nibbles on the remains of one of your eaten berries.
You come back with a widest smile on your face. You hold another cake alongside a cup of strawberries. You sit down, happily eating more of the cake and strawberries.
“Isn’t it so great that Luke doesn’t like them? I get them all to myself!” You say, beaming.
“Yeah,,, perfect,” Percy says slowly, remembering the new found information.
“Mhm; I’d give my girl all the strawberries in the world if I could,” Luke mumbles.
Luke has a single mission in life, making you happy. Even if that means giving up his favorite fruit for you. Your smile is worth much more than a simple strawberry.
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bixels · 10 months
Portal 2 is still the perfect game to me. I hyperfixated on it like crazy in middle school. Would sing Want You Gone out loud cuz I had ADHD and no social awareness. Would make fan animations and pixel art. Would explain the ending spoilers and fan theories to anyone who'd listen. Would keep up with DeviantArt posts of the cores as humans. Would find and play community-made maps (Gelocity is insanely fun).
I still can't believe this game came out 12 years ago and it looks like THIS.
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Like Mirror's Edge, the timeless art style and economic yet atmospheric lighting means this game will never age. The decision not to include any visible humans (ideas of Doug Rattmann showing up or a human co-op partner were cut) is doing so much legroom too. And the idea to use geometric tileset-like level designs is so smart! I sincerely believe that, by design, no game with a "realistic art style" has looked better than Portal 2.
Do you guys remember when Nvidia released Portal with RTX at it looked like dogshit? Just the most airbrushed crap I've ever seen; completely erased the cold, dry, clinical feel of Aperture.
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So many breathtakingly pit-in-your-stomach moments I still think about too. And it's such a unique feeling; I'd describe at as... architectural existentialism? Experiencing the sublime under the shadow of manmade structures (Look up Giovanni Battista Piranesi's art if you're curious)? That scene where you're running from GLaDOS with Wheatley on a catwalk over a bottomless pit and––out of rage and desperation––GLaDOS silently begins tearing her facility apart and Wheatley cries 'She's bringing the whole place down!' and ENORMOUS apartment building-sized blocks begin groaning towards you on suspended rails and cement pillars crumble and sparks fly and the metal catwalk strains and bends and snaps under your feet. And when you finally make it to the safety of a work lift, you look back and watch the facility close its jaws behind you as it screams.
Or the horror of knowing you're already miles underground, and then Wheatley smashes you down an elevator shaft and you realize it goes deeper. That there's a hell under hell, and it's much, much older.
Or how about the moment when you finally claw your way out of Old Aperture, reaching the peak of this underground mountain, only to look up and discover an endless stone ceiling built above you. There's a service door connected to some stairs ahead, but surrounding you is this array of giant, building-sized springs that hold the entire facility up. They stretch on into the fog. You keep climbing.
I love that the facility itself is treated like an android zooid too, a colony of nano-machines and service cores and sentient panel arms and security cameras and more. And now, after thousands of years of neglect, the facility is festering with decomposition and microbes; deer, raccoons, birds. There are ghosts too. You're never alone, even when it's quiet. I wonder what you'd hear if you put your ear up against a test chamber's walls and listened. (I say that all contemplatively, but that's literally an easter egg in the game. You hear a voice.)
Also, a reminder that GLaDOS and Chell are not related and their relationship is meant to be psychosexual. There was a cut bit where GLaDOS would role-play as Chell's jealous housewife and accuse her of seeing other cores in between chambers. And their shared struggle for freedom and control? GLaDOS realizing, after remembering her past life, that she's become the abuser and deciding that she has the power to stop? That even if she can't be free, she can let Chell go because she hates her. And she loves her. Most people interpret GLaDOS "deleting Caroline in her brain" as an ominous sign, that she's forgetting her human roots and becoming "fully robot." But to me, it's a sign of hope for GLaDOS. She's relieving herself of the baggage that has defined her very existence, she's letting Caroline finally rest, and she's allowing herself to grow beyond what Cave and Aperture and the scientists defined her to be. The fact that GLaDOS still lets you go after deleting Caroline proves this. She doesn't double-back or change her mind like Wheatley did, she sticks to her word because she knows who she is. No one and nothing can influence her because she's in control. GLaDOS proves she's capable of empathy and mercy and change, human or not.
That's my retrospective, I love this game to bits. I wish I could experience it for the first time again.
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bubblegump-1-nk · 6 months
Shall I Write It in a Letter
pairing: Gryffindor!Reader x Theodore Nott
summary: In which Theo wakes up one morning and realizes he can no longer not have you, so he writes you a letter. But when that letter gets lost, things become complicated. - inspired by Anne with an E; song: Bloom by The Paper Kites.
Warnings: angst that could be fixed by simple communication 😒, hints of cheating
P.S: I super duper highly recommend to listen to the songs either before, during, or after you read my fics . Not only do they encapsulate what the fic is about, but they’re also just super good songs!! <33d
Christmas break had been in session for about a week and a half, and Theo was spending his time off at home. Although he was sad to be away from his friends, he was happy for the much needed alone time.
The sun was shining brightly through the dark velvet curtains in his room, and he slowly woke up from his dreams. As his eyes fluttered open, he felt a pang of pain in his heart. His dream had been of you, specifically of kissing your soft lips on a warm summers day by the Black Lake. He’s found that more recently than ever, his head is full of you, as is his heart. As he’s laying in his bed, he closes his eyes once more, trying to hold onto the bits of you he won’t ever experience. In this moment, thoughts of you more prevalent than ever before, he realizes he doesn’t have to not have you. Quickly, becoming fully awake, he springs out of his bed and walks quickly to his desk.
He pushes all the papers and miscellaneous items off the surface, and pulls out a paper and quill. He’s become fully aware of just how much he longs for you, and why should he not be able to tell his best friend that he’s in love with her? He’s been yearning for your love for as long as he can remember, and it has finally transformed him into a fool, giving him the confidence to express his love for you.
My dearest y/n,
I’ve found that you’ve been circling my thoughts more than usual lately, so much so that I can hardly call them my own anymore. I think about you all the time, yet I’ve been too much of a coward to say anything. But I’ve realized that I don’t want to wake up one day, either in the near future or in the years to come, and regret not trying, because of pride, or embarrassment, or just simple fear. I need to escape this torture chamber I’ve made for myself, where I must hold you at arms length though I know I wish for nothing more than to be wrapped in your embrace at all hours of the day. So I need you to tell me if it’s all in my head. That the lingering touches and longing stares are just simple delusions I’ve created in my mind. But if they’re not, and Merlin how I hope they’re not, I’m telling you here and now that I am in love with you y/n l/n, and I don’t think I can bear to be apart from you any longer. I also want to go ahead and apologize for telling others I loved you, that they knew before you did, but to be fair I think everyone knew before I did, too. You are my breath of fresh air, the light in all my darkness, my proof that life is pure and good and that happiness is achievable. I may not be a religious person, but if worshipping you was a religion I’d be its most devoted follower. And if my feelings are not reciprocated, please find a way to put this past you because I could not endure losing you as my best friend as well.
Yours Forever, Theo.
After pouring his heart out onto the page, he carefully placed it into an envelope, wrote your name on it, and walked to give it to owl. After sending it away, he walked back to his room, his anxiety suddenly crashing through. Thoughts swarmed his head: She doesn’t love me, I’ve ruined everything, I should stop it from reaching her. But his heart quickly stopped his brain from doing too much damage. You needed to know or else Theo would live in agony for the rest of his life. Upon reaching his room, he sat back at his desk and sent letters to each of the Slytherin boys, confessing what he’s done. He even slipped a copy of the letter to Mattheo, the only one he felt he could truly trust with that piece of his heart.
It had been two days since the letter had been sent. Had his owl reached you by now? Had you seen it? What were you thinking?
He was an utter mess, his mind swarming with questions and his body teeming with anxieties.
Soon it was 4 days, then 6, then a week, and then the last day of break rolled around the corner. Still he had received no response from you, perhaps you wished to talk in person? His heart hoped that that was the answer, and that the lack of a letter was not your rejection
You got onto the train just as it was about to take off, thanks to your missing jumper. The train was packed with kids saying their hellos and catching up, and with much effort you finally found Harry, Hermione, and Ron and got inside the compartment.
“Is it just me or is it crazier than usual?” You ask as you sit down.
“Definitely crazier, apparently Lavendar and Parvati got into a huge fight over break so everyone’s running around to hear about it.” Hermione explains as she hands you some candy she bought for you.
You say your thanks and continue talking with your friends when there’s a knock on your compartment.
“Hi Dean!” You say as you get up to slide open the door. You step out quickly to talk with the tall Gryffindor boy.
You have a friendly conversation, lasting about 10 minutes before entering the compartment again.
“What was that about.” Ron asks, before anyone else has the chance to.
“I saw him at Diagon Alley over the break and he asked me out. We hung out a couple times over the break.” You explain.
“Never would have expected that one.” Says Harry.
You raise you eyebrow at him, “and why would that be?”
“Just always assumed it would be Nott.” Harry says.
“I can’t just sit around like a fool waiting for him. He’s shown he just sees me as his best friend and the quicker I get over him the better.” You explain.
“But, he hasn’t shown you that he feels that way.” Explains Hermione, who is team Theo and y/n.
“He hasn’t shown me any differently. Wake me up when we get there I’m taking a nap.” You say, tired of constantly being reminded of your inability to be with Theo.
You arrive at the castle, and you make your way through the crowds to find your Slytherin friends. Just as you spot their group, Dean Thomas stops you.
“Hey, I’ve saved you a seat next to me, ok?” He asks, while his hands snaked around your waist.
“Thanks, I’ll be right there.” You say to him, giving him a small smile before turning your attention back to the group
“Merlin.” Theo says, causing the group to turn their heads. He had seen you walking around the crowd, and had turned away quickly when you had finally spotted them. He hadn’t seen you on the train and obviously hadn’t received your letter, so a part of him still hoped that you just wanted to talk to him in person. His anxiety began to take over him when he saw you walking towards him - would you tell him to fuck off? That he’s some sort of creep best friend? Or would you tell him that your heart beat for him? - that’s when he saw it. Dean Thomas gripping your waist and you sending him that sweet, tooth rotting smile his way.
“Oh shit.” Said Mattheo, who had been the first to spot the pair.
“Fuck that’s messed up.” Said Draco.
“I’m sorry mate.” Enzo said, patting Theo’s shoulder.
“How’d that even happen?” Asked Blaise, confused because he had never really seen you interact with Dean.
Mattheo sent him a look, warning him to drop it.
“Let’s just get out of here.” Mattheo said, gently grabbing Theo’s arm, pulling him away towards the dining room.
Theo could still feel his heart breaking, each shard falling to the pits of his stomach and stabbing him. He got his answer at least, not only did you not love him, you clearly didn’t care enough about him to even write back to him. And now, his God-sent Angel, was flaunting around with another man. How could the sweet girl he grew up with, the one that showed him that even salt could be beautiful, break his heart and crumble its pieces in your fist?
You were confused when you suddenly saw the group leave, making their way into the dining hall. You tried to get to them, but the crowds of people pushed you back until finally, you realized it was fruitless when the crowd began pushing you back towards the Gryffindor side of the Great Hall. You decided to just sit down, and that you would try to find the group, Theo specifically because you missed him deeply, after dinner.
Dinner passed quickly after the tedious sorting ceremony. You talked with your friends and caught up with those around you, sneaking glances towards the Slytherin table as often as possible. Finally, Dumbledore dismissed the students and you all made your way towards your common rooms. Since it was the first day back, teachers were making sure students went directly to their rooms, leaving you no time to find the Slytherins. You decided it would be best for you to just wait until tomorrow, though you thought you might implode if you spent one more second away from Theo. A thought that made you feel instantly guilty when Dean appeared at your side.
The next day rolled around, and still you hadn’t been able to get ahold of the Slytherins. If you hadn’t known any better, you would have assumed they had been avoiding you. Finally, right before lunch you entered the library to grab some books when you saw the boys congregated in the back. You made your way over to them, carefully stepping around the stacks of books Madame Pince was reorganizing.
Once you finally reached the group, you went to announce your presence before Theo looked away from Draco (who was telling some boring anecdote) and looked down at you. Before you had any time to give him a smile or say your hello’s, he detached himself from the group and stormed right past you, through the stacks of books, and out the door. You stood shocked, facing the doors before finally turning back around to face the group. Your face was painted with an expression of confusion, which only deepened you received a nasty look from Enzo.
“We’ll be on our way now.” Said Enzo, walking past you with Blaise following close behind.
What..?” You finally managed to get out in your state of shock.
“Listen, y/n, just do us all a favor and leave us alone, especially Theo.” Mattheo said, in quite a rude tone before walking passed you. You stood confused and shocked at the interaction that had just unfolded. What had you done? Why were the boys mad at you? What had you done to Theo?
“I just have no idea what it could possibly be.” You said to Hermione, as you paced around your dorm room, recounting the story from earlier.
“Maybe it’s Dean. Maybe he’s just jealous.” Hermione offered.
“No, but I’ve had flings with guys before, and it’s not like he hasn’t been with girls before. It’s some thing deeper than that I know it.” You state, picking at your fingernails.
“And your sure you haven’t done anything? I mean you can’t think of one thing that could possibly have led to this?” Hermione asks, just as confused about the situation as you.
“Yes, I mean I literally cannot think of one thing that could have led to this. I would never hurt Theo, ever.” You say, plopping down on you bed, exasperated by the days events.
“I’m sorry y/n but I have absolutely no idea why they’re acting like this.” Hermione said, sad she couldn’t be of more help.
“It’s fine Hermione, it’s not your fault. I’m just going to go to bed.” You say, wanting this nightmare to end.
Could you really be losing your best friend to a reason unknown to you? Not only can you not be with the man that you love because he doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, but now you may have just lost him completely. You fall asleep after hours of rolling back and forth contemplating your complicated relationship with Theo, and even in your unconscious state you cannot escape him because he peeps into your dreams.
The following week is agony. Your best friend won’t talk to you, let alone allow himself to be in the same room as you, the boys you’ve known since childhood give you nasty looks every chance they get, you have to entertain a relationship with Dean your not even sure you want to get into and your teachers are stuffing you with assignments. All you need is a good party with lots and lots of alcohol. Once Friday afternoon finally rolls around, you can feel a slight weight lift from your shoulders.
You walked into the Slytherin common room with Dean. Pansy, Daphne and some other Slytherin girls hosted the first party since break and seeing as you’ve been close with them since 1st year, you were clearly invited. You decided you were going to look your absolute best for this party: you’re makeup was flawless, your hair done to perfection, and the corset and low-waisted mini skirt you were wearing was doing your figure perfect justice.
“Fuck me.” Said Theo as he saw you walk in with Dean. “I’m going for a smoke outside.” He says.
“Need company?” Mattheo asks, not wanting to leave his vulnerable friend alone.
“Nah mate, thanks though.” He says, before walking outside quickly, before he can see anymore of you.
It had only been a few minutes, and you had already downed about 3 drinks. Once the alcohol started to hit, you detached yourself from Dean’s grip making up some excuse, before finding your way towards the Slytherin boys.
You spotted Mattheo sitting on the arm rest of a couch, sipping out of a plastic cup. You walked up to him, hips still swaying to the music.
“Where’s Theo?” You stated, once you reached him, your confidence booming.
“What do you want?” Mattheo asks, looking up at you with contempt.
“I need to find Theodore Nott. Where is he?” You state.
“You have some serious nerve.”
“What?” You ask, taken aback.
“Listen, y/n, you’re once of my closest friends, but Theo’s my best mate. And what you did, that shit’s just fucked up. Like seriously, I didn’t even know you were capable of that.” He says, disgust leaking out of his words.
“I’m sorry?” You say, confused by his words.
“Merlin y/n, I mean how dull can you be? You just expect everything to be all right after you not only completely ignore his letter where he fucking tells you he fucking loved you, but you turn up with some Levski (famous quidditch chaser) wannabe? I mean that’s some next level shit.” Mattheo says, getting up as he presents his rage induced speech.
“What letter?” You say, unaware of what he’s talking about.
Mattheo just stares at you, stuttering to get some words out.
“I said: what letter, Mattheo?” You say, much more sternly.
“Wait, so you’re telling me you never received it?” Mattheo asks, in shock.
“I don’t even know what I didn’t receive.” You say, exasperated.
“Just, wait right here, I’ll be right back!” Mattheo says, before running up the stairs towards the dorms.
You stand there in shock, your adrenaline pumping. Had you heard him right? Theo had sent you a letter confessing his love to you? How had you missed it?
“Here! Here! I have it!” Mattheo yelled, running towards you, waving a piece of parchment around in his hand.
“This. One.” Mattheo says, between breaths as he reaches you, handing you the parchment.
You rip it from his hands, reading it quickly yet thoroughly. Tears brim at your eyes, did he really feel this way? Merlin you felt so stupid, how could this have gotten lost?
“I-I…” you stuttered, unaware of what to say.
“Outside. He’s outside. Go!” Mattheo said, stilling catching his break.
“I- ok, thank you!” You say, before quickly running out the door, finding your way outside.
You see Theo sitting outside, smoking a cigarette. His face is illuminated by the moonlight and you swear in that moment that you’ve never seen anything more beautiful.
“Theo! Theodore!” You yell to him, as you run towards his figure. The grass was still wet from the rain that had fallen earlier that day, and the blades of grass began to stick to your calfs.
Theo looks at you, before getting up and attempting to escape you.
“Theo, wait, please! Mattheo just showed me the letter! I never got it!”
He stopped in his tracks, and slowly turned around.
You finally catch up to him, breathing heavily.
“I never got your letter, I didn’t know about it until just now.” You explain, showing him the letter Mattheo had given you.
“What?” He said again, bewildered by what was going on.
“I wasn’t ignoring you, or your feelings. I just never got to read about them until tonight.”
“So, you’re telling me you never received it, at all?”
“No. I never got a letter.” You explain, your eyes searching his for some hint of how he was feeling.
“Did you read it?” Theo asked slowly.
“Yes, just now I did.”
“And…” Theo asked, hope returning to him and hitting him like a truck. He was filled with anxieties and he felts his stomach doing flips waiting for you to answer.
“Of course I’m in love with you, I thought I made it so obvious!”
“I thought I made it obvious!” Theo said with a laugh, all negative feelings and thoughts leaving his body and head at your confession.
“My heart quite literally beats for you, Teddy. I’ve never been so scared then when I thought I was losing you.”
“Really?” He asks. His eyes are lit up and he can barely contain his smile
“Yes you idiot!” You say, smiling wildly
“What about Dean?” He asks, afraid.
“Fuck Dean! It’s only ever been you, Teddy. It’ll always be you.” You say, staring up at him with nothing but love and devotion.
“Does this mean that you’ll have me?” He asks, grabbing your hands.
You nod vigorously, unable to get any words out as tears of happiness are threatening to spill if you utter a single word.
And with that, Theo dips down and kisses you. The kiss is deep and passionate. You two explore each others mouths, and your hands explore each others body. You taste every bit of each other, and feel each others hair, faces, arms, waists, chests, in ways that you’ve never felt before. You take this chance to make up for all the lost time you’ve spent pining for each other in secret. The kiss is hungry, yet gentle and Theo holds you close, as if if he doesn’t hold you as tightly as possible you’ll slip away from him. After a few minutes he pulls away, touching your forehead to his and holding your face in his hands.
“I’m so so sorry for believing the worst in you. I was just in so much pain. Ignoring you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done” He states, referring to the week prior.
“It’s ok, Teddy. Let’s not worry about that now.” You say, causing his lips to come crashing down on yours again.
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whateverisbeautiful · 7 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#6: Cuz I'm Okay Too (S4E16)
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Such a heartfelt and important moment in the making of Richonne. 🥹 The scene is brief but still manages to communicate something so important about Rick and Michonne's profound connection. That You're Okay/I'm Okay interconnectedness between them is one of those deep and consistent qualities that make Richonne one of a kind. By this season 4 moment, I really and truly believe Rick and Michonne had fallen in love and I cherish that this beautiful scene is a part of their love story. The scene is a true Richonne classic...
Richonne's love story has so much life to it because it was able to breathe as it evolved each season. And as much as the world was screaming at them - when it came to Rick and Michonne's pre-canon build-up there were these small quiet moments like the one in this s4 finale that still really helped to lay their foundation steadily and naturally.
I appreciate that Richonne's journey was a slow burn (the most fiery slow burn, might I add 🔥) and that we got to see their love story play out from the moment they first laid eyes on each other all the way to now as a husband and wife determined to find each other again. The build-up was as great as the payoff in the making of Richonne and this season 4 pre-canon moment between them is one of the foundational staples in building their relationship.
As I’ve stated before, I consider this 4.16 ep quite monumental to Richonne as I feel its by this point these two have fallen in love. And this scene just really backs that up to me and gives us our first insight into the unique interconnection they have.
The reason why I so confidently refer to these two characters as soulmates is because absolutely every time Rick and Michonne were together it was clear they had a deep mind-body-soul connection and a magnetic draw that showed they were tethered to each other and meant to be.
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They were so kismet that even in the beginning of their relationship they seemed to be strongly emotionally connected to each other.
In the early stages of their growing bond, Rick and Michonne really would often look at each other like they were both something special and inexplicably familiar, like a missing piece of themselves that they yearned for and felt innate trust and safety with. And, to me, this scene illustrates all of that.
I also noticed that since I've gotten so used to seeing team family in the 'stability' of ASZ for half the series, whenever I see scenes of them in these earlier seasons where they had no home base it makes me a little emotional because it makes you realize just how little they had, and how much they were being held together by their resilience and their family alone. It's really a testament to their strength and the family they built that fueled them to keep going.
I love the way this 4.16 scene is shot, the fall vibes are just nice with all the leaves as they walk. Also the show did a good job of always making it feel like there was some added weight to when Rick and Michonne were around each other. The two together on screen are just always electric as this scene solidifies.
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(Side note: watching this show back, I love how quiet the ambiance was in the earlier seasons, it really made the world feel immersive and lived in.) 
When Rick protectively sat outside of that car in the previous scene with Carl asleep in Michonne's lap, Michonne heard Rick talk to Daryl about who he is and why he’s here, and her expression as she listens was telling. I know R&M both were more aware of how much they mean to each other from here on out. And then that love only grows stronger, even as soon as their next scene.
So this #6 scene starts with Rick walking ahead, and I love how Michonne is looking at him as she walks closer to him. I’d love to know exactly what she’s thinking at this moment cuz she clearly has some thoughts. 😊
As she studies him in this scene I really do feel like it’s her seeing the resilient man he is and feeling a lot of genuine love and respect for him. Especially after seeing Rick go to an incredibly intense place to save her, Carl, and Daryl the night before.
Rick went to lengths not many would even think to go...but that level of fight in him is one Michonne knows well. It's in her too. And I think at this moment she knows truly that they are cut from the same cloth.
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She silently observes him and, before she even speaks, Rick senses her and asks if she’s okay. I love that he checks in on her after what they went through.
When Rick and Michonne found each other after the prison fell, they became a package deal and went through most things side by side from then on. And I love that through all the wild things they experienced together, they had each other to check in with and make sure they were okay because they got to be fully human with each other. 
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Michonne nods and says a reassuring 'yeah' and then again has those little glances at him that, to me, suggest sis has caught feelings. 
Then I always love that Rick proceeds to offer up that he’s okay. He initiates saying that because he wants her to know this and he knows this would matter to her. Ever since reuniting after the prison, Michonne has often brought up the importance of Rick healing and resting, so he knows she cares about his wellbeing and that he’s okay. 
And it’s also like by offering up, "I'm okay" he wants her to know he’s still okay as a person even after showing that he’s capable of some pretty intense stuff. I’ve always loved this, especially because as a woman traveling alone with men, it means a lot to have a man want you to know he’s still okay and safe to be around.
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But then what is so lovely about this scene is that Rick gets to see that he doesn’t need to do any convincing with Michonne because she has always seen and understood him on a deeper level.
(It makes me think of when Michonne talks with Merle during season 3 inside the prison. She defends Rick and Carl and notes that they're both killers but she doesn't say it as a condemning thing because even as strangers she understood that Rick and Carl are still good people despite what they've had to do to survive)
And as much as Rick is grappling with all that he’s capable of here at the end of season 4, it’s so refreshing that Michonne is right there to let him know he’s not a monster to her. So when he says he’s okay, she says without any doubt, "I know." 😊
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Then I so love that Rick asks, "How?" It’s an interesting thing to ask because he could have just left it at her saying she knows, but I love that he’s curious to know this. Almost as if deep down wanting to know that she really does see and understand him as clearly as he sees and understands her.
And when he can’t help but ask, I adore the way she looks at him and so effortlessly tells him, “Cuz I’m okay too.” 🥹
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Another classic line in Richonne's journey. 🥰 And a line that is as powerful as it is pretty.
I know I've said a lot of their scenes are giving romantic but this one is 1000% giving romantic. I mean this dialogue between them could be seamlessly inserted into a romance movie and I'd be like...
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And it is just such a sweet sentiment - "Cuz I'm okay too." Similar to Rick's "Must've been something else then," line, I'd love to know exactly what Michonne was aware of regarding her attraction and feelings for Rick at this time.
It’s significant for Michonne to vocalize this and let Rick know that she has developed enough feelings for him that his well-being impacts her own. He’s okay, so she’s okay. And we see that 'you're okay then I'm okay' thing that they have play out in so many moments between them in this series.
One that comes to mind is an honorable mention scene in s5 at Alexandria when Michonne can’t sleep, and then we see that Rick has also been up and unable to sleep.  It’s almost like Rick's restlessness played a part in what was affecting Michonne's ability to rest.
And Rick even vocalizes as much when he asked why they're both awake before touching her shoulder and her reacting in a way that further proves their magnets. Something innate within them is so often on the same wavelength, even when they have some different outlooks.
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I love these TWD reactors who noted how Rick’s mind silently racing was still so loud to Michonne and keeping her up in that s5 scene, whereas if Rick would sleep she probably would be able to fall asleep too.
Rick and Michonne are just one like that and they have always been so emotionally intertwined. They don't just understand what the other is going through, they feel what the other is going through. #TetheredSoulmates
So I love and appreciate this s4 finale scene for fully establishing Rick and Michonne's unique and heartfelt interconnection - both that they have it, and that they deep down know they have it too.
Rick nods after Michonne says this, and this subtle moment just feels like he gets what she means. She doesn’t even have to explain further cuz I think he knows he feels the same - You're okay, I'm okay.
And then the way Michonne is looking at that man at the end of this scene...Cupid got her, y’all. Just like Cupid got Rick lol. 😊
Richonne really was inevitable because right here in s4, seasons before their canon ep, these two loved each other and had at least some awareness that the connection between them runs deep. 
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Am I smiling from ear to ear rewatching this? Best believe. They just go together and it’s so clear here. And I love looking at this scene and knowing this is a husband and wife in the making who will bring a beautiful baby into this world. Won't He do it! 🙌🏾 It's scenes like these that confirm to me why Richonne’s pre-canon and post-canon moments are both top-notch.
As Michonne will tell Carl in a beautiful bonding moment later in the s4 finale, she knows the Grimes boys brought her back. They helped make her okay again. And the way Michonne brought so much good to Rick and Carl's lives, she brought them back too.
So I’ll forever love that in this quiet scene between Michonne and Rick, we see so clearly how they help make each other feel more than okay. 😌
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bigdsgirl · 19 days
Thoughts on LND Episode 8
spoilers ahead! and screams! because ya know. this damn show.
"do you really not know? from morning until night, from child hood until now, it's been my fate and my task" - bye, i am going to combust now
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the piano music has me rolling, i'm sorry lol
love that he is giving her time, especially after just shocking her with that announcement lol
the birthday card with no note. jfc. and the REPEAT GIFT??? omfg. i have so many feelings. and he goes back to the hospital!! oh it hurts!
the flashback at the pool -- oh she liked him first. "the feelings are still so vivid" - hate to say it but i think they never left babe.
his panic has me fucking cackling. "it was good, I did great" YES YOU DID BABY!!!!!!
alright the knife to head transition was kind of sick. i loved it.
throw the rock queen i dare you. NO YOU GO DO IT!!!!
I am just going feral waiting for them to open them at the same time - PUHLEAAASE! ugh boo.
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aw momma & son moment - oh shit you are pretending to FORGET. SIR. oh this some bullshit. just communicate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE TIE! THE TIE! AHHHHHHHHH. no don't give it back, just keep it <3 let's start our shrine to him.
oh god mom thinks it's the ex but you would be WRONG!
this girl just does not know how to respond, she is flustered as fuck and i love it
pick an expiration date to decide how much time she has lol and he is like PERISHABLE GOODS PLEASE I WANT YOU NOW!
hearts thumping let's gooooooooooooooo (and of course she bolts)
bahah this man gets sassed by the staff (i love it! you tell him!)
okay sir let's do the special! lets go! and of course we gotta start with his fave paramedic <3
the push ups oh girl, I am the same, we are just poor girls weak for our man
not the showing how they met please nooooooooo (or how mama imagines it?? lol)
i want this ex to GO AWAY PLEASE. idc what's happening, leave them alone! now!
her dad just standing right in front the CLEAR DOOR, in front of her and she doesn't see, god i love kdramas
ONLY 11 DAYS???? Girl, it's 11 days too many, just kiss him, <3
oh goodness, mom and dad got things to say. and i am sat for it!
"I don't want her to be a failure and live like me" well fuck that's a sucker punch. yikes.
these two men are hilarious i love that they are just such a mess together <3
"soaked in my feelings of inferiority" well holy fuck sir. "well mine is bone dry" OP--
dad acting like a 3-year old with his "why"
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awww shit, i was hoping to see him be drunk with her. ugh instead we just got hung over.
teeeheee flash back of the drunk daddios! hehe!!
the mountain stfu, this is the humor i need in life -- phenomenal, oscar worthy performance
the way this son rolls is just like my middle brother lol, the amount of times he has tried to get family members to try crypto, oh sirrr. i am with you seok-ryu!
oh the hole in the heart, the babying. my goodness. "see if you can treat your sick child that way" --> look i know what's coming and fuck that hurts.
seung-hyo you DOG, "there are 10 days left"
also sir, where do you get your work bag from? I need it <3
tae-hui!!!! baby girl!!! ily.
ugh ruined. freaking ex-poophead is here.
look i get it, they were cute its all cute. but it's the wrong person, so I don't care.
okay they be laying it on thick with the digestive health shit - i know what's happening and i do not like it.
omfg her shock that he told her! he told seok-ryu how he felt!
okay look sir, the way your hands be clasped? the suit? the watch? it is a felony and you need to be taken to jail. it looks too damn good.
tae-hui, her outfit. ma'am the woman you are.
wait shit. i just realized -- she said she doesn't drink if I remember right? or am I wrong.
oh babe while are you pulling out so much cash. oh no oh no. mom is finding out about the cooking class. i am not excited for this.
WAIT BABE DONT TRASH EM!!! give them to me. no don't waste them!
omg the bag, not the bag. oh no. not mom.
omg yay! they are interacting <3 i love it! NO WAIT NO ITS A RUSE WHY IS MOM DOING THIS.
the eldest daughter in me is fucking quaking. I hated this growing up. the expectations. the disappointment for finding out something she loves that isn't what they want. omg.
oh i am so glad he is here stepping up for her. thank god.
this fucking hurts. oh lord. my heart is shattering for her.
he immediately goes after her, my heart, my heart. oh it's breaking.
he has a spot to comfort someone in case something happened. STOP IT WAS FOR HER.
I am having worries. every time he is a few steps behind, i worry that he has to follow her in death too (i don't want this to happen but fuck the gut is so sure)
he offered his kitchen for her!!!! ah!!!!!! hell yeah hell yeah!
he just cannot take his eyes off of her. and the nine days left, you TURD I LOVE IT.
it's observation day!!! me when I see them together like this:
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oh my man look good in the uniform! <3 and they gave him a locker too??? how nice of them!!!
i freaking love the alarm music they use. the best thing ever.
oh wait. oh wait girl you gonna eat the side dishes??? hehe i love that. ope moment over. wait. he is being nice ish..... ish............ the joys of marriage lol.
oh no, oh no. is he asking for a divorce???? oh NO.
oh goodie, i hope the man is not allergic to bees. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. oh he might be. oh he is lol.
paramedics are the backbone, i always have such immense respect for them.
i also need to get this off my chest working in healthcare/public health -- never in a MILLION YEARS would a hospital actually allow the possible legal risk of having the man help with these calls. okay, now im back to la la land.
love the posters in the background of all the dramas 😭
the popcorn -- omfg. no no sir don't you dare. i will combust.
fuck he did.
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girl why you pause. why you be like this what is happening. oh god it's him. and of course he is a new client. of course!
the way my man seung-hyo be acting like a child with the ex here. i am eating this shit up.
LOL of course he needs to leave leaving the two together.
lol me - both get out, leave my girl to cook. these two are too much, i'm cackling.
THE POPCORN YES GIRL. he is so happy about this, he is just lapping it up. and same king. same. "have some" you MENACE.
lol this man is gonna faint it's so much work. YAY CELEBRATORY DINNER! lol the bladder infection, brother TMI!!!!
"we end up dating each other" man is gonna become a paramedic to make sure he and mo-eum are gonna be together forever and no one can come between them 🤭🤭🤭
BAHAHAHAHA THE MUDFLATS MAN RETURNS!!!!!!!! I am SCREAMING!!!!!! they both just panic. wait no hold hands down there, pls <3
wait shit girl, you don't look good. girly no.
oh damn oh damn. seok-ryu. i get it but oh. oh it hurts so bad.
oh sweetie no. oh i get it, my hear hurts for you.
the WAY I KNEW - his and her secret. oh my.
now i must wait FOR MY BABIES TO RETURN.
and i will be sobbing <3
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littlefankingdom · 1 year
I watched the One Piece live action and here are some notes I took.
I'm a huge One Piece fan since I was like 10-ish? And so, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about it. It had a lot of impact on my personality (Nico Robin is my role model). This live action adaptation matters to me and I'm going to rant. Spoilers ahead.
The director is a woman, and one of the two writers is a woman. Manga and anime are male dominated hobby (and the comic's world is sexist), so the live action of the most popular shōnen being run by women is so great, imo. Also, it's pretty successful, in contrary to other attempts, so it's a win for women.
Garp's actor is a very handsome man. Wtf, they made Garp hot. He also has a beautiful Welsh accent, which is great because it's an accent that gives a "tough guy" impression. At least, it does for me.
Luffy's actor is perfect. This Luffy is slightly different from the original one, but he's perfect in his own way. I will die and kill for him. Also, him being brown with a white grandpa is so good, it had a racial gap between the two of them, where there are already a generational one and a moral one. Like, the white grandpa in the army do not understand how his brown grandson do not like the gov, because he doesn't see it from where he is when the kid does.
Alvida's actress is so beautiful, she's so pretty. I suddenly support women's wrongs.
Damn, the violence is going up a notch (Roger executed on screen, Mr 7's body cut in half, MERRY IS FUCKING KILLED,...)
The actors for Koby and Helmeppo are queer (They/Them pals) Oda is, once again, showing his support to the trans community.
I do not like the colors. It's too dark for One Piece, imo. Look at how saturated the colored pages are, I would have preferred it to be more saturated. I know, this is because of the CGI (issues are less perceptible this way), I'm going to need to make some edits. But, they didn't have to do it to the costumes too. Like, Buggy, except from his hat, his outfit is not flashy like it should be. Would help with the colored hair if it was more colorful and flashy.
Young Luffy wear the same shirt as in the manga is a nice touch.
Dead bodies smell strongly, and Zoro is bringing half of one in a bar???
Episode 2 is pure art. I love it so much.
Buggy is attractive, wtf. I find him more pretty than Shanks.
Bogard is so cool looking. I'm gonna die if Hina is introduced one day (she's going to be so cool)
They changed the "If you’re gonna point your gun toward someone, you better use it" scene. The new one is cool, but the original is iconic.
THE MUSIC WHEN LUFFY REALIZES THAT SHANKS LOST HIS ARM! It's like the orchestra is interrupted, incredible, love it.
Nami and Zoro's siblings' energy is so strong.
Kaya and Nami interraction about the dress "it belonged to my mother" is so good, Nami gets uncomfortable because she also lost her mother and knows how it is to cherish her memory. But Kaya is nice and share it with her, which break her view of rich folks.
The decor's department must have had the time of their life for this show. It's a great job.
Zoro wanting to wear black and drink wine in the 3 episode, he's already embodying being Mihawk's adopted brat.
Kaya makes the oof roblox sounds when she slapped Usopp.
Usopp x Kaya let's gooooooooooo my boy deserves the best (Oda confirming a romance with one of his protagonists is huge)
Zoro IMMEDIATELY trying to look at something else the moment Kaya kisses Usopp.
Luffy sitting on Going Merry with "We Are" playing... Art.
Without a cook, they are eating pasta, with some fruit and drink (just like me, fr).
Garp is wrecking a brand new ship!
Episode 5 Title Card, my beloved.
Mihawk music, and voice, and character: beautiful.
"Oh, I do like your hat." Mihawk to Luffy upon meeting him, great.
Sanji needs to stop talking about food, I'm getting hungry but I'm broke and a terrible cook.
"Oregano is for savages!" 😂 ok kiddo.
Me watching Zoro nap for a whole episode because of 1 cut: "Bro, you’re going to go through so much worse, you better stop whining rn"
The "YES, YES WE DO" after Sanji says "heard you guys need a cook" is so good.
Sanji is, like, the only one after Nami to have the most experience sailing, they fucking need him.
Buggy coming back all the time is perfect. Love him.
Having Bell-Mere slaps Nami was not ok. Y'all are ruining a character I loved.
Sanji knows a man that can cook well is attractive.
Usopp and Luffy are 17 and drinking, and Koby is 16. Underage drinking baby 🍻
Garp is already having the crisis he has during Marine Fort Arc, it’s going to be difficult for him.
Buggy be swinging being carried by Sanji, who's fighting.
Luffy breaking Arlong's sword axe thingy is badass.
The fishmen are so ugly and weird looking
Buggy saying "I'm gonna get out of here" with 🖕🤡🖕(If we ever get young Ace, I expect so much vulgarity from his little shit mouth)
Usopp exploding star was badass.
Sanji's ass after Mouton Shot.
Zoro "Yeah, you're gonna fit in just fine" means you're as crazy as all of us
Sanji opening is arms for Nami and Nami ignoring him to hug her bros, lol.
Arlong Park destruction be crazy.
Sanji little laugh.
Luffy is a true bestie to Usopp.
It’s the confrontation from after Seven Arc
It's Logue town after right? Like, where Luffy's father is introduced? With the comparison to Roger? But they just compared them, are they going to do it again?
The wanted poster is the exact same, with usopp in the background.
Employee of the month lol.
Alvida and Buggy meeting, the bad bitches.
Mihawk and Shanks!!! (Shanks gave him the "ableist pos" look, lol)
Smoker introduced -> Logue Town
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sapientiiae · 3 months
@guideoftime continued from x
This was an unexpected turn of events. 
Or perhaps it shouldn’t have been unexpected. Living their lives the first time around had been challenging — the destinies they were meant to prepare for (hers never spoken of as openly as Sheik’s), having to stay one step ahead of Ganondorf, the training (hers delayed and delved deeper into once she was already in hiding), and the ultimate fight against the Gerudo King. 
The second time around had been equally as challenging, though for many different reasons. They’d already fulfilled their destinies, and now they were forced to relive their lives as if none of it had happened. Their memories had remained intact — though she hadn’t been able to anticipate Sheik’s would — and they were forced to go through the motions of an average daily life, always remembering how close Hyrule was to ruin while everyone else went about their lives completely oblivious.
The princess firmly believed she had it easier between the two of them. In that first life, she’d lost almost everything that had ever been remotely familiar to her — her mother, her father, her tutors, and her home. Loss had become a normal, albeit morbid, part of her life. Once they were launched back into their past to do it over again, she’d lost Impa, which was tragic and a hard pill to swallow, but she’d regained the majority of what was once lost. And, technically speaking, Impa wasn’t gone, she just wasn’t around to fulfill the same duties she’d once sworn to. 
Sheik, on the other hand, had lost two of the three constants in his life. The hero had been important to them both, but Sheik had been much more involved with him (he was the hero’s guide, after all) than she herself had. Impa had raised them both, but at least she’d still had a parent to look after her after the Sheikah tribe leader was gone; technically, Sheik had too, but that was a detail unbeknownst to him that she still hadn’t been allowed to reveal.
She also had a destiny still, a duty to one day rule Hyrule and lead them to unification. Sheik’s destiny, however, wasn’t as clearly outlined. He was to….protect her. Remain loyal to the Royal Family and continue to serve as her shadow. 
All this to say the second round was hard, but they’d learned to lean on each other and find comfort in one another along the way. Even then, their relationship almost seemed to come with unspoken rules; there were certain details about their new lives that they just didn’t talk about. 
Getting Sheik to open up about his emotions had always been difficult, even if they had made tremendous strides in the years that had passed. She’d known losing Impa had come with challenges (there were small clues that alluded to this), which was why she’d always attempted to find ways to support him, though she’d wanted to do so without overstepping any boundaries. 
When she’d learned of Sheik’s offerings at the Shadow Temple, she’d struggled to decide if this was another aspect of Sheikah tradition that was unfamiliar to her or perhaps a sign that Impa’s absence was affecting him more than she’d realized. Regardless, she’d offered to join him in an attempt to show her support, as she’d always done, but she hadn’t anticipated this particular question when she’d awoken that morning. 
But maybe it was time they talked about it. Maybe they needed to be a bit more open with one another instead of selectively choosing which topics they acknowledged. 
“'Whenever I want' may be an exaggeration. There are times when the other Sages are more difficult to reach. If they fall deeper into their prayers, communicating with one another becomes less clear — similar to when a person gets so wrapped up in a task they do not realize someone has entered a room or is speaking to them,” she explained, wondering if she was making any sense. “Also, while communication between Sages is encouraged for obvious reasons, the Sages still have free will.” Perhaps referring to it as free will was a poor choice of words, but she assumed he would understand what she meant. “They can choose to not respond when called upon. It…is most common between Ruto and Nabooru.” Ruto did have a large personality that was a bit of an acquired taste for some.
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The Hylian woman plucked a bit anxiously at the oversized sleep shirt that seemed to swallow her up. She’d known when she’d crawled out of bed after him that she was anything but the well-polished portrait that was expected of someone from the Royal Family. She’d had no intention of walking out of the Kakariko house in such a state, though now she was uncertain if she should be walking out at all. 
“And this is me saying that I do not have to come.” She was finally putting her thoughts into words, the stare she leveled at him resolute despite how disheveled the rest of her might have looked. “I came here with you because I want to support you, Sheik. Always. But if this is more private — if visiting the Shadow Temple and leaving these offerings is something you wish to do alone — then tell me as much.” 
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reggies-eyeliner · 1 year
THE CLASSIC MATCHUP - @nickeverdeen!
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#now playing ... "darling i'd wait for you" by delaney bailey!
gwen stacy's hugs are rare, so when they do happen, they mean something. the first time she hugs you is after a long day at the spider society, both of you are exhausted and just about ready to fall asleep. her hand is in yours as she walks you home, the moon shining brightly in the night sky, turning bits and pieces of the puddle-covered sidewalk white. the rain begins to pour harder, and soon enough, your synchronized walks turn into a pitter-patter of sprints as fast as the rain, and both of you are laughing hard barely seeing two steps ahead of you. when she finally does make it to your house, she wraps her arms around you, holding you tightly. at first, you're not exactly sure why she's hugging you, because she usually needs a reason to, but you roll along with it anyway. with hair dripping and clothes soaked, she pulls away and waves goodbye. you discover a few years later that the hug came from her realizing for the first time that she was in love you.
she absolutely loves that she's not the only one that gets louder the closer she gets to someone! knowing that you're there to ramble and talk just as much as she wants to is a feeling of comfort, so the conversations are limitless. she'll be there to listen to your favorite memories, and even if some are more painful than others, she'll be the one holding you and nodding encouragingly as you speak. she's also completely fine with you getting distracted or easily lost, because she really doesn't see that as much of a problem, knowing she was the same growing up. she's there to guide you through every obstacle of your life if you let her.
while she might not know the names of your favorite games or books or interests, she can and she totally will get onboard with them!! in regards to krav maga, if she doesn't know what it is at first, she'll ask you countless questions about it, and then go on a youtube binge to further study what it is.
when you face difficulties, whether it be dysphoria (i hc gwen as trans because yes obviously she would be so supportive) or familial issues or whatever it is, she'll keep her voice low and calm. the moment she sees you back away or even a flash of sadness on your face, she'll take the hint. gwen will make sure that you feel safe around her if it's the last thing she does. she'll hold you and press gentle kisses to your forehead, because she wants you to know that you're deserving of love just as you are.
" climbing in through the window in the pouring rain "
-> it comes to a shock to the spider society that you two never argue, despite gwen's occasional sarcastic comments. when you two do happen to disagree on something, she will never ever give you the silent treatment, and does eveyrthing she can to communicate what she has to say. but as always, some things become difficult, and gwen stacy eventually has to find a way to apologize to you (falling asleep angry is her number one aBSOLUTELY NOT rule in her book !!), and she'll text you at like . two in the morning and be like "hi can you open your window it's cold",, and she'll come in and genuinely apologize. she'll let you say what's on your mind. she'll hold you if you need it and she'll nod understandingly and UAGSH she loves you sm <33acaschhc
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#now playing ... " old with you " by grent perez!
"korra has an incredibly rare, never before seen soft spot for you," is what bolin marvels at after the first interaction between you two.
and oh man it is so true. korra will admit it proudly after a few weeks of dating, no doubt about it !!
korra loves loudly. she makes it clear just how much she loves you, but she also loves casually, which speaks volumes. she'll make sure that your hair stays out of your face, and will notice from the slightest twitches when you're ready to head back home to recharge, or you need to be alone. she loves proudly, too, and makes sure that you know just how much she cares for you
her job as the avatar is taxing, but being with you makes it worth it. she doesn't mind when you stutter at all, and will defend you to the end of the world if she needs to. she doesn't yell as often around you, either, and if she does, it's because she's passionate about something. she will never yell in anger around you.
memory problems? no worries! korra knows what it's like all too well, and will make sure that you feel comfortable enough around her to ask for help to find something. she'll make sure that your apologies aren't needed for making mistakes, and will guide you through the most difficult of times.
lots and lots of arms slinging around shoulders. wherever she walks, she walks so casually with you because she feels safe and comfortable around you, so much so that it gets her wondering why relationships are so stressful for others. your conversations mimic those of being awake at sleepovers when one should be fast asleep, with suppressed giggles and barking laughter.
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a/n: thank you so so much for the request!! i'm so so sorry this took me so long!!! hopefully this will suffice! if i missed anything please don't hesitate to let me know >:D!! have a great day and take good care of yourself ^^
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hotheadrednecksimmer · 2 months
Vault Tec Legacy Challenge
The Wastelands Part 2
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Ellis: Alexia, time to switch.
Alexia: *yawns* Okay, I'm awake I'm awake. Too bad we didn't bring coffee with us.
Ellis: That would be wonderful.
Alexia: Get some shut eye, I'll see you in a couple hours.
Couple hours later
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Alexia: Ellis, Time to get up and get some grub. I'm sure you're as hungry as I am right now.
Ellis: *Yawns and stretches* Yeah I could eat
Alexia: Great, I'm making weenies.
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Alexia: How are you and Kenzie adjusting to Vault life? I know you guys were out here for years before we accepted you guys.
Ellis: I'm really enjoying it, the safety and community alone is really nice. I don't have to sleep with one eye open anymore for myself and for Kenzie. I think Kenzie misses having lots of friends but that has more to do with the bombs dropping rather than being in the Vault.
Alexia: It must be tough to be the only teenager in the Vault. Val is turning 13 in a couple days but I know it's not the same. How old is Kenzie?
Ellis: She's turning 16 this year. Mary and I had been saving up to buy her a car for her 16th birthday. I guess the money is just wasting away in the bank now.
Alexia: Who knew bottle caps were going to be the new currency? I would have been saving for years. Maybe while we're out we can get a present for both of the girls.
Ellis: Yeah that would be nice. Something that she wouldn't be able to get in the Vault.
Alexia: I'd suggest a book since we're at the old library but I haven't seen her in the Vault library at all.
Ellis: She prefers hanging out at the pool. I think it makes her feel better about her skin wrinkling. It's something that she can control.
Ellis and Alexia sit in silence for a while.
Ellis: I notice something going on between Jameson and you. Is everything okay?
Alexia: Has everyone noticed?
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Ellis: I don't think everyone has noticed. I have the closest quarters to the Overseer quarters and I heard shouting. I also noticed Jameson not coming to your quarters at night.
Alexia: Jameson can't seem to understand how much I have on my plate as Overseer. I know we haven't spent time together as of late, but there's so much to be done. Plus, I was freaking out about the generator.
Ellis: I'm sure it's overwhelming. Work life balance has always been a struggle. Take it from me, I missed out on a lot of Kenzie's childhood because I was too focused on becoming the best scientist I could be. And have breakthroughs.
Alexia: I know I've missed a lot already with both of my girls. How did you manage it?
Ellis: To tell you the truth, I didn't. Not until she was all I had.
Alexia: I don't know how to do it. From the time I wake up til the time I put my head on my pillow, my time is filled with issues with the Vault, issues with Vault Dwellers, and planning for the future. I rarely get any social or me time. There's been many days I've forgotten to eat.
Ellis: You need help Alexia. I know you're the Overseer, but you deserve to spend time with your kids and your husband.
Alexia: I think it's too late for us.
Ellis: Why do you say that?
Alexia: I supported that man through all of his hobbies, every time he picked up something new, he was out with his friends or doing his hobby. There was no time for me. That was the first two to three years of our marriage. I never complained, he did his thing and I did mine. There would be some romance and intimate time, but not a lot.
Ellis: What changed?
Alexia: The bombs fell.
Ellis: Did he realize his mistakes?
Alexia: No, I never brought it up and we never talked about how he treated me. I think things changed because I was all he had.
Ellis: Oh.
Alexia: We've got a long journey ahead of us, let's get walking.
A couple hours later
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Ellis: I'm starting to get hungry, you?
Alexia: Yeah, I could eat.
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Ellis: I think we could go in there and find some food? We don't have much food leftover in our packs.
Alexia: Alright, let's check it out.
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Unknown: Stop right there! Why are you on our land?
Alexia: Sorry! We didn't know!
Unknown: You're gonna pay for that!
In the prison of the unknown camp
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Ellis: Alexia can you hear me? Alexia?!
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 7 months
wanted to say your post about right robot is so so good, so for a question maybe how you think their possible reunion would go?(prism and right ofc), or anything you wanna say about him in general
well one, i think if prism ever reunited with him again, the first thing she would probably do would be to wail. i definitely think that when the rest of her robots were destroyed, the shock and suddenness of the moment kind of... completely hollowed her out. she couldn't feel anything. and it took until after she left phoenix on the beach for any of those emotions to come back to the surface again. i think meeting back with her last remaining robot after already mourning each and every one would probably force some of those feelings to resurface.
i think right robot would take it a little better, but it would still be pretty hard on him, too. i imagine it must be frightening waking up to hear that all your siblings are dead, and your creator almost followed suit... so finally being able to see her again would probably be a huge relief. i imagine it can get kind of lonely being the only sentient robot in the agency... everyone othering you. no one communicating with you the same way prism used to... it must be a bit of a culture shock
i think their life post reuniting would be... stressful. i like to think one of prism's biggest regrets post-game is that she realizes she accidentally became horribly similar to the agency. they weren't originally even supposed to be sentient! she doesn't even know if they wanted to be robot agents! she never told them they could be anything else! they weren't able to do anything other than what she told them!
... and all but one of them are dead, now... and she can't help but feel like it's all her fault. she trusted too much. she didn't think too far ahead. her old factory has turned into a mass grave... nothing she does can possibly be enough to mourn every last one of them. as a result, i think she's very careful with her last remaining robot. as well as very paranoid about backing him up. she does so once a night, with three back-up backups just in case.
right robot... is glad to be back with her, don't get him wrong, but... it hurts to see prism tear herself up about everything. even when she says its fine, he knows that isn't true. sometimes, prism will look at him and... he can see the regret well up in her eyes. she's so exhausted... and even after everything, she works herself so hard. she beats herself up over her mistakes so often. it hurts to see.
he helps where he can... does anything he can to make prism's life easier. whether that's making sure she doesn't miss meals, or get to bed on time, or entertaining her whenever she's worried she forgot to do a backup the night before (even despite his constant reassurances that she has)... he loves prism very much. and it's so painfully obvious that she loves him, too. he wants her to be happy, so... he hopes that some day she can find it in her to forgive herself. he would like that.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Wait, so you mentioned a few times you've got Strong Feelings about 7RS, so uh. could you articulate those feelings please?
they are just so fuckin....
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like aight my initial reactions to some of the broadcasts were this
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(didn't have it figured out yet that Suns used they/them at that time)
because like lets set the setting for NSH here, alright? he has this friend he's been loving for who knows how fucking long. after all the Ancients left everybody was ought to feel lonely and thank the all good in this world he has probably found solace in this other iterator, Looks to the Moon. she means a lot to him. he wants her to be okay
so he tells this to this one other guy he's been talking with and also finding solace in. he tells them that he really cares for Moon, that they've been close, that he's so fucking scared right now for her because he just doesn't want her to be hurt. he cares for her to SUCH extent that he leaves behind his jokester shtick (and local therapist friend shtick, as per me headcanons and perception) and actually grows cold and actually kind of fucking bitey????
like in one broadcast i was marvelling over how healthy their communication actually seemed, next moment i know NSH is hammering it into Suns how much of a fucking idiot they are for all of this. the THERAPIST FRIEND goes OUT of his way to ATTACK HIS FRIEND (however subtly and verbally). that is INSANE to me, i'm often in the position of the therapist friend and it usually takes so much for me to actively attack and then give a cold shoulder to the bud???
and on top of all of this Suns goes ahead and call this entire dooming fucking situation a "SETBACK" to Pebbles' development into a satisfactory enough cynical person, i'm going to fucking throttle this toaster.
but at the other hand, despite all of this, Suns isn't necessarily a bad person! i'm not actually saying that nor i actually think that. they obviously care for people (Pebbles, Spear), but they are just so fucking emotionally stupid that they don't know how to go about it or they just really realize a thing much Later. they are slow as shit when it comes to processing emotions. they are analytical and very logic based, which isn't a bad thing but yanno! no matter how you are as a person you are still responsible how you are going to act towards the people around you. you are expected to Not Hurt others and such a thing as actually Hurting someone will not be accepted
low empathy or low sympathy or lack of experience with the emotional aspect of life does not equal or excuse being a shit person
again, but they do care. all of the iterators are fucked up by a religion taken to extremist reaches (as per my understanding of the lore and the RW world). so naturally, they are going to believe that sending step by step instructions on how to commit suicide is a good thing. so i don't actually blame them for that, even though it is horrifying when We look at it. it's how they showed that they care for this little pink fool. they tell him that everything is useless and they are fated to run in circles over and over again. that it is good to lose your ambitions and the fire of a fight in you. they truly think That is the best course of action one can take- the whole Society believes in that and because of That these helplessness inducing advices are signs of care and love
they want Pebbles to be happy. they want to lead him to safety and show him how things work. protect him from the tiring useless fight that is swimming against the stream of a river
and yet they are so cold and hurtful. Suns is a mess of opposites- the warm and kinder ones forced behind their Exact negatives
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Silver Springs Part 3
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader 
Word count: ~14k
Summary: Wanda tries to leave her mob life behind to start a family with you
A/N: Sorry about the typos, but here’s the next chapter! Crack incoming. 
Chapter Warnings: stalking, jealousy, mentions of blood
You in fact did not end up driving. You were with Wanda who decided to drive since she knew exactly where to go. Whenever anyone in the family gets sent to the hospital, she’s arranged for them to be isolated and kept as incognito as possible. It was too much of a risk for them to go through the ER like the rest of the public did. Wanda had a surprising number of people on her payroll at the hospital. In fact, when you first heard about this it started the very long conversation of how much money Wanda really had.
You knew early on what Wanda did, but you didn’t quite understand how lucrative it was until you’d witnessed it first-hand. You hadn’t meant to watch her drug deal happen, but you’d just happened to be visiting a certain bar when Wanda had claimed to be busy one night. You’d been surprised to see her and she’d noticed you almost immediately after you’d taken a seat at the bar. Your thoughts are cut off when you feel the car stop and you realize you’ve arrived. Wanda doesn’t hurry to get out, so you realize she’s waiting for Bucky and you stay put with a sigh.
“How worried are you?”
The question catches Wanda off guard and she’s quick to turn to you in confusion. She’d already told you that Nat was going to be fine, and as soon as she remembers this, she realizes what you’re getting at. You’re staring ahead at the building in front of you as you squeeze your wife’s hands and wait for her answer. You can tell she wasn’t expecting you to ask, but honestly you want to know what’s going on. You’d thought about it a little and you realize how rare it was for this to happen. Since you’d known Wanda, she’d only gotten hurt a few times, and everyone else had somehow avoided being sent to the hospital. Wanda had worked hard to make sure that her people would be kept safe. She had a lot of precautions in place and it was rare that there was a breakdown in communication like this. Since she’d woken up, she’d already received names of everyone who was involved in last night’s deal, and after scheduling a call with Pietro you knew that she’d figure it out. You weren’t sure how she’d do it, but you’d yet to see Wanda fail when she put her mind to something.
Wanda runs a hand through her hair before she shakes her head. She’s frowning as she tries to figure out how to tell you this.  She knows you’re smart and you have your suspicions, but having suspicions and her verifying them are two different things. She doesn’t want you to worry.
“I’m more annoyed than worried. Someone set them up, but we’re going to find out who it was.”
On your way into the hospital, you’re silent as you think about Wanda had told you in the car. You’re not really paying attention to where you’re going, but since Wanda is holding your hand and guiding you through the halls that’s okay. You think about the endless list of enemies your wife has made over the years, and you just hope she has a way of narrowing it down.
 “We’re here,”
You come to a stop beside Wanda and look into the room you’ve arrived to. You see Nat first. She’s lying in bed with a scowl on her face, and she’s certainly looking more annoyed than anything else. Next you realize who she’s scowling at and you see Yelena sitting next to her glaring back. They have a brief conversation in Russian before the sisters realize you’re there.
You don’t realize that you’re mad until you start speaking, and Wanda, Steve and Bucky just watch as you glare at Natasha who just sits in silence.
“Oh hey, Y/n. Wanda.”
“Hey? That’s all you have to say to me?? What the hell, Nat?”
You step into the room leaving your wife behind as you eye the redhead critically. She’s mostly covered by blankets, but you can tell by how she’s sitting where she was shot and you hate how your heart starts to race.
“How are you feeling?”
Nat just shrugs and mentions that she’s feeling alright. Just a little sore and very pissed. You don’t blame her but you figure the first part is because of all of the pain meds she’s on. You eye her fluid bag for a moment before realizing that you’ve completely ignored Yelena.
“Hi Yelena.”
You hug her tightly enough for her groan in annoyance before you pull away and shoot her a questioning look.
“Has this one been giving you too much trouble?”
The blonde immediately smiles before she nods in confirmation. As suspected, Nat is a horrible patient and has only asked and tried to leave half a dozen times since she woke up an hour ago.
“The worst. She’s such a pain in the ass.”
Nat scoffs before muttering something that you don’t catch, not that you’d understand it either. Yelena just rolls her eyes before she stands up and heads toward the trio still at the door. She claims that she needs to talk to them, and you watch as Steve and Bucky follow her out. Wanda spares Nat a glance before smiling teasingly.
“Glad to see you’re feeling fine.”
Nat rolls her eyes before attempting to sit up. She groans in pain and you’re quick to stop her before she rips out her stitches.
“I’m feeling great thanks. You’re not leaving me with Y/n though, are you?”
Wanda doesn’t respond with words. She just laughs at the idea of the actual assassin being afraid of her wife’s wrath. She could relate but in this instance she’s not sure she’d fare better.
You sit in the seat that Yelena abandoned before you move closer to the bed. You reach out for the redhead’s hand, worried when you realize how cold it is. Despite her quips about being Russian and never being cold, you still worry.
“I’m still mad at you, you know? This was a really shitty way of getting out of training with me on Saturday.”
Nat rolls her eyes before she pulls you up from your chair with little more than a grunt of effort. You frown in confusion until she pats the side of her bed that she’s not occupying. You’re hesitant to sit next to her, but the teasing look she shoots you eases some of your worry.
“Don’t worry, dorogoy, I’ll still be able to kick your ass.”
You mutter under your breath as you carefully settle down next to Nat. She’s laughing at you as you roll towards her so you’re tucked into her side.
“You wish.”
Nat wraps her arm around you while you rest against her with a sigh. You carefully place your arm across her hips. You can tell by the way she stiffens that you were right about where her injury was. You want to ask about it, but you’d rather not have to think too much about it. Not to mention, you’re sure she doesn’t want to relive it right now either. You close your eyes and just bask in the redhead’s presence. You remind yourself as you hear her breathe beside you, that she’s alive and – well she’ll be better soon. You sigh again before turning your face so all you can smell is her hair that reeks of blood and gunpowder.
“I’m glad you’re okay, Nat. I was really worried.”
You relax when you feel the arm around you tighten and pull you closer. You know that Nat wasn’t always the best with expressing herself or responding to strong emotions. It had taken time for the two of you to really be comfortable enough to be open with your affection for each other. Now Nat was only cold to you if she was in work-mode or she was truly pissed at you. Yelena was a different story. She still mostly balked at signs of affection, but you were getting her to come around.
“I’m sorry I worried you. This wasn’t exactly expected.”
You scoff at this because you hope that it wasn’t planned. You know that Nat and Yelena used to do some bat-shit crazy stuff back in the day, but from what you’ve been told, they’d mellowed out. This however was making you doubt that.
“I would hope not.”
You both sit in silence as you get lost in your thoughts. Nat is of course thinking about what happened and how things had all gone wrong. Everything was routine and it had gone according to plan until the cops showed up and started shooting them. No one had warned her they were coming and she had been blindsided along with everyone else. At least most everyone.
“How can you be sure?”
Of course, this is what Wanda had suspected, but she wanted to know why Yelena thought that they had a mole. She trusted the blonde’s judgment, and since this concerned her sister, she knew Yelena was even more motivated to figure this out.
She’d brought them all out to an empty on-call room where they could get some privacy and talk about one how Nat was doing, and two what exactly had happened last night.
Steve and Bucky were sitting on one of the cots while Yelena paced back and forth clearly agitated. Wanda stood with her back to the door, arms crossed as she tried to figure out who to put on her shit list.
Yelena shook her head as she recounted what Nat has told her as soon as she’d woken up. How everything had been going well but then all of a sudden it wasn’t.
“The two on watch hadn’t tipped them off meaning one of two things. They’re in on it, or they were taken by surprise as well.”
“Which could only happen if they’d had help from the inside?”
This came from Steve, but Bucky and Yelena were already nodding. The way that deals worked were pretty standardized. Only essential people needed to be present, but there were at least two extra who stood watch or served as security. The two from last night were seasoned employees and Wanda wouldn’t expect something like this from them. That said, people could surprise her, which is why she needed to get a complete report from her brother later.
“I’ll see what Pietro has to say about this. If he has any leads.”
Everyone seems to think this is a good idea and after discussing a little bit of other business, Wanda decides it’s time to head back. She hadn’t really said much to Nat yet, but she did want to talk to her before she left. If the other redhead was even still here. She would probably try to bounce at the next opportunity.
“I’m going to see what Nat thinks.”
Yelena finally stopped pacing and nods in agreement. She had only talked briefly with her sister before she’d had to make some calls. She’d like to be present to hear what Nat had to say.
“Good idea. Let’s go talk to her.”
When the group returned to Nat’s room, they were surprised to see that you were both asleep in bed. You were curled up next to Nat with your face hidden in her neck and an arm slung over her front as you slept peacefully. Nat was lying on her back with an arm around your shoulders to pull you close. Steve and Bucky hesitated to enter the room and opted to wait outside while Wanda and Yelena ventured in quietly.
Wanda can’t help but smile at how adorable you look cuddled up next to Natasha. Despite the rocky start to your relationship and then the surprise of meeting again, the two of you had grown incredibly close. You were close to both of the sisters, but you often migrated to Nat who was surprisingly the more affectionate one.
“Aw they’re so cute.”
Yelena says this quietly, but Wanda sees Nat’s breathing pattern shift and quickly realizes she’s awake. She holds you a little tighter and Wanda does her best to push down the jealously she feels towards Nat in that moment.
“Ah, sestra you’re back. Time to get out of here.”
Nat’s eyes open as she eyes her sister and Wanda who looks like she wants to say something. Nat glances to you before she turns back to Wanda who is of course staring at you too. She glances to her sister who just nods and moves to sit on the window sill while Wanda sits in the chair beside the bed.
“I’m sorry that I worried you both. I hope you didn’t lose any sleep.”
Wanda scoffs at the ridiculous statement because of course they did. It wasn’t Nat’s fault, but she couldn’t help but give her a bit of a hard time.
“We almost drove here at 3am. You’re not one to end up in the hospital, Nat.”
The other redhead nods with a groan before she shifts slightly to accommodate you as you move yet again. She’d forgotten how restless of a sleeper you are. It had been way too long since their last movie night/sleepover.
“I know, I know. Someone fucking narc’d.”
Wanda frowns at Nat confirming her suspicion, and all three of them get too wrapped up in their conversation about it to notice that you’re awake. You had a nightmare about killing and more of your family getting hurt when you’d managed to fall asleep beside Nat. You hated yourself for it, but when you awoke with a start, you realized that your wife was back and that she, Nat, and Yelena were talking about last night.
You make the mistake of turning slightly so your face is hidden in Nat’s hair, but you’d forgotten how it still smelled like smoke. You scrunch up your nose and since she was watching you, Wanda realizes that you’re awake. She stands up and rounds the bed to your side and reaches out for you.
“Who do you think it was?”
“Someone would have to know Lyle and Marks were posted.”
“Who other than you, Pietro, and everyone else in attendance would know that?”
“Alright, I get it. It’s not going to be easy.”
“Y/n are you awake?”
There’s a pause as you don’t move or even breathe before you mutter a ‘no’ into Nat’s neck. You have to hold back a whine when the redhead loosens her hold on you and you flop onto your back on the mattress. You’re pouting but seeing Wanda standing over you makes waking up a little easier.
“Morning Wands. Is it that dreaded time already?”
Wanda looks to her watch before nodding in confirmation. You need to head to work soon and Wanda needs to go talk to her brother. You sigh in defeat when she says this, but you don’t hesitate to grab her offered hand as she helps you get off of the bed. You shoot Nat another look before hugging her with a cheeky smile.
“You better not let this happen again, Nat. Our kid needs their aunt to spoil them.”
Nat smiles at this with a minute nod before she looks over to Yelena who immediately protests. She’s looking shocked and offended as she glares at you with her arms crossed.
“What about me?? I will spoil them too.”
You and Wanda both smile at the thought of the sisters’ influence on your child before you try to appease the irate blonde.
“I know you will, but you’ll also for sure scare them straight with your horror stories.”
Yelena rolls her eyes and mutters ‘сука’ under her breath to which you just laugh. You hug her goodbye before promising to see her soon, and you head out of the room to talk to Bucky and Steve. Wanda stays back to talk to Nat while you look to the duo with a tired smile.
“Thanks for scaring me shitless this morning. I hope to see you two soon. Maybe at a more reasonable hour? “
They both nod in agreement, and Bucky looks between you and Wanda quickly to make sure the redhead isn’t listening.
“For sure, Y/n. When you come train on Saturday, we could all have dinner?”
You nod eagerly before you hug both of them goodbye. You start to head down the hall slowly when you feel someone grab your hand. You turn to see Wanda smiling at you as she points over her shoulder.
“It’s this way, Y/n.”
You just nod with a smile before you squeeze your wife’s hand and follow her lead. You stifle a yawn as you walk through the halls back toward your car. You assume that Wanda’s just walking your there because she can’t leave Bucky and Steve stranded. Honestly, they were probably leaving with Nat if the redhead had anything to say about it.
“What are you doing for the rest of the day?”
Wanda sighs as she thinks about how she has to make the drive to talk to her brother today, but its unavoidable. They need to figure out what happened last night and they need to do their best to make sure that it can’t happen again. She squeezes your hand before releasing it as she opens the door leading to where they’d parked the car. She doesn’t miss how you turn back to shoot her a knowing look. You have a pretty good idea of what your wife is about to say.
“I need to talk to Pietro, and then hopefully we’ll figure out what happened to Nat.”
You just nod as you motion for Wanda who was still lingering on the steps to come closer. She does as you ask with a sigh as you pull her into a hug. You’re only a little worried about what today will bring, but you’ve been through this enough to know that you can trust Wanda. You trust her with your life, and you’ve learned to trust her with her own as well. She’ll be careful. Like always.
“Okay, love. Good luck, and let me know if you find anything out?”
When Wanda returns to Nat’s room, the redhead is unsurprisingly up and arguing with her sister. The duo was standing in the middle of the room and Yelena is holding Nat back, wait no, pushing her back toward the bed. Nat of course was resisting as she glared at her sister and argued in slightly intelligible Russian.
“You should stay here at least the rest of the day, sestra.”
Nat rolls her eyes before shaking her head and looking toward where Wanda stood behind Steve and Bucky in the doorway.
“What’s the point. I feel fine, and I’ll just be at the compound today anyway.”
Wanda frowns slightly at this because she’s certain that Nat is telling the truth about being at the compound. However, if she plans on being involved in figuring out what happened, she would be about as likely to sit back, as Wanda would be to if she’d been the one injured. She considers how to deal with this before eventually sighing in defeat. She wouldn’t mind Nat helping, but she’s not going to do any of the heavy lifting if she had anything to do with it.
“Alright, Nat. I’m headed there anyway, so why don’t you ride with me?”
If Nat was at all suspicious, she didn’t show it and she merely shot her sister a smug look before grabbing her things from the blonde’s hand.
“So are you going to tell me why you were so willing to let me leave the hospital?”
Wanda didn’t answer immediately, instead choosing to pretend like she had to focus on what she was doing. She’d made this drive many times before and could do it in her sleep, and she was certain that Nat knew it too. Still, she needed the time to figure out how to answer Nat’s question in a way that didn’t make her too paranoid, or rather any more paranoid than she already was.
“You’ll certainly be more comfortable at the compound.”
And easier to keep an eye on her there.
Wanda didn’t think Nat was in danger, per se. At least not in any more danger than usual. They both knew that their jobs, Nat’s now, was risky. There was no getting away from it in their line of work. However, it had been a while since either of them had been hurt. Wanda tried not to recall the last time she’d been shot because no part of the experience had been enjoyable. Sure, it hurt like a bitch and that was no fun, but she almost preferred that to having to endure what she’d faced at home.
Her thoughts are cut off when she hears Nat scoff, and she glances over to see the other redhead shooting her a skeptical look.
“For sure, but what’s really on your mind Wands?”
Wanda just shakes her head with a smile as she turns to Nat briefly before changing lanes.
“I want to make sure you’re home if and when shit hits the fan.”
This is true and even Nat can’t argue with this. Things always go better when they are all together. They’re a great team and they rarely lose when they all stand together. That said, since Wanda’s moved and Steve and Bucky have followed, things have been less predictable and cohesive. Nat doesn’t want to say this because she doesn’t want Wanda to feel guilty. She also has a feeling that the redhead already knows.
“I also need to be home by Saturday for Y/n’s training.”
Wanda rolls her eyes at this and shoots Nat a look that she responds to with her own eye roll. They’ve been through this dance before, and it always ends the same way.
“Be careful not to hurt her, Nat.”
Wanda was still struggling with the fact that you still wanted to train with Nat despite moving from the compound. She had assumed that the training sessions you two had would be enough for you, but you clearly still wanted to see your friend. This isn’t what Wanda was worried about. She just knew how you could get with Yelena at times, and she didn’t want you coming home hurt again.
“I know Wands. I’m not Yelena. I won’t train with her if she’s high.”
Wanda turns sharply toward Nat with a confused look. She hadn’t realized that this was the reason why you’d come home with a sprained ankle. You had told her that you had landed wrong. She’s assumed you meant a kick or jump, but now she wasn’t sure.
“She was high?”
Nat nods as she relays the story of how you and Yelena had gone from watching a movie and smoking a little to competing in the living room. You’d been trying to see who could jump the farthest off the couch and neither of you had thought it necessary to move the table in front of it.
Wanda sighs in defeat before she pulls into the driveway of the compound.
“Sometimes I worry about her.”
Nat just laughs before she shrugs and smiles cheekily at Wanda who’s too busy pulling into the garage to glare at her.
“It’s not always bad. Y/n getting high can be fun sometimes, right?”
Wanda doesn’t bother responding as she thinks of the times that weed has made you slightly less inhibited and much more eager to drag her to bed. Clearly Nat knows about this and she’s not even going to bother asking how right now. She’s got more important things to worry about that don’t involve her wife gossiping.
“I’m going to talk to Pietro. Are you okay to get to your room. I assume you’re going to rest for the day?”
The challenging look Wanda shoots her is ignored as Nat shrugs again before pretending to consider it. She’s going to wait and see what Wanda learns from her brother, but by lunch time she’s going to find answers on her own if there aren’t any.
“We’ll see.”
You arrive at work with enough time to make a cup of coffee before your first appointment. You yawned almost a half dozen times on the ride over, and you know that you’ll be useless without a little caffeine to get your through the day. You smile at the people behind the front desk before you head toward the back and upstairs to the doctors’ offices.
You sit down at your desk and turn on your computer with another yawn. It’s barely 9 and you already want to take a nap, but you do your best to stay awake as you chug your coffee and bounce annoyingly in your chair. Once the computer finally is up and running, you check your schedule for today and get to work. As usual you have a busy day, and when you see that you have a puppy coming in first thing you can’t help but smile widely.
There are few things better than getting to see a happy, healthy puppy.
Pietro was already talking to Kate when Wanda arrives to his office. He looks up as the door opens and despite being stressed and sleep-deprived his first words out of his mouth are genuine concern.
“How’s Nat doing?”
Wanda just walks into the room and closes the door behind her as she spares Kate a nod. She’s not sure how aware everyone is of what happened last night, but she wants to do her best to keep rumors from spreading and things getting out of hand.
“She’s fine, but you can ask her when she visits around lunch time for an update.”
Pietro sighs as he runs a hand through his hair in frustration. He looks to Kate who’s still a little miffed about Pietro’s reaction to her news, but she nods in agreement to what he says.
“That’s good. Kate was just telling me more about what happened to the two on watch.”
Kate, despite being relatively new to the team, was in charge of hiring people to put on their payroll. She was a very good judge of character, and of course the fact that she’s proven herself countless times allowed her to move up the ranks quickly. That and Yelena vouched for her from the very beginning.
“They were tranq-ed. Someone took them out so they couldn’t alert anyone about the cops.”
This is what Wanda had feared and unfortunately it raised more questions than it answered. Who could have done this? Who had the intel and the courage to pull something like this with both Clint and Nat present. They certainly had to know what would happen to them when they got caught.
“I know what you’re thinking, sestra, and I agree with you.”
Wanda looked to her brother who was sitting down in his chair with a scowl. He had gone over every bit of it last night, and after reading the file countless times he had concluded that someone had sold them out. He didn’t know who and he didn’t know why, but he was going to find out before this happened again.
He says this and Wanda merely sighs as she sits down next to Kate who’s clearly considering this as well. There were too many people involved last night to investigate them all. They needed to narrow down their options and luckily she had an excellent judge of character at her disposal. She turns to the brunette who’s obviously expecting her question, and she can’t help but smile as she watches her sit up in anticipation.
“Who do you think is responsible for this, Bishop?”
It’s almost the end of the day when the assistant you’d been working with today came to find you. She looked slightly worried, but you didn’t get a chance to ask why before she was speaking.
“Dr. Y/L/N? Do you have time to see a walk in?”
You’re a little surprised by this because honestly you rarely got walk-ins where you worked, and if you did they weren’t like this. You listened to Amina tell you about the dog – a stray, and how the person bringing him in had found him and decided to keep him. This part wasn’t weird because this happened all of the time. What you weren’t expecting was that he was insisting on having his dog seen today, and he was specifically requesting you.
“What did you say his name was again?”
Amina scrambles to look at the piece of scrap paper that she’d written most of the information down on before she frowns. She didn’t get a name, but you’re certain you don’t know this person either way. You eventually nod because the clinic is technically open for another 30 minutes, and this hopefully won’t take too long. It sounds like a simple establish care visit, and hopefully it wouldn’t take too long.
“Okay. Can you put him in an exam room? I’ll talk to him.”
You had been right to be a little on edge when you went into the exam room to meet the client. You confirmed that there was nothing wrong with his dog, other than having fleas, and that you didn’t recognize the slightly older man. He was taller than you and looked a little scruffy with his 5 o’clock shadow and his unkempt hair. He had brown hair and eyes and you definitely felt your skin crawl whenever he complimented you.
“You’re really good at this. He hasn’t taken to anyone else like he does you.”
As you pet his skittish dog you wonder how many other people this supposed stray has met. Instead of asking this you simply smile before offering him- Melvin another treat. He’s mostly finished with his visit, you just have to talk to his dad about the basics since he hasn’t ever had a dog before.
“Thank you, but I think he mostly just likes the treats.”
You brush the crumbs off your hands as you start to stand up. You open your mouth to start your spiel about being a responsible pet owner when the brunette speaks up.
“No, I think it’s you. You’re obvious very special, he’s a good judge of character.”
You can’t help but feel your face heat up in embarrassment. You’re not used to being complimented so directly by anyone that you don’t know well. Rather a complete stranger. You try to just smile gratefully as you scratch Melvin’s ears.
“You’re sweet, and so are you, Melvin.”
You’re not sure how to respond at this point, so you’re grateful that your assistant has returned with Melvin’s medications. The rest of the visit after that is a blur and you only realize how late it is when you come out of the exam room to find that there are no other clients in the building. You wait until you hear the front door close and lock before you head upstairs to your office. You hesitate in the doorway when you see a large vase full of flowers sitting on your desk. They’re beautiful and you wonder how long they’ve been here as you move to get a closer look. You look for a card among the petals and watch too many of them fall to your desk before you give up. You clean them up and reach for your phone in your coat pocket with a small smile.
You snap a picture of them and then text your wife before you sit down. You have a few records to finish up before you can go home, but seeing these flowers makes you want to just leave them for tomorrow. You look at the clock and see that it’s 6:15. If you aren’t done in half an hour, you’ll save the rest for tomorrow.
The rest of Wanda’s day was fairly uneventful. She’s spent most of it at the compound unfortunately, and it wasn’t until nearly 4 that she realized she’d forgotten about Boone. She’d talked to the two men from last night that has been on watch. They’d barely had anything useful to say and Wanda was left more frustrated than anything else after speaking with them. She had hung around and caught up with her brother and what he had going on before visiting with Nat again. She talked to the other redhead for almost two hours before she realized she needed to head home.
She finds Boone sitting on the couch downstairs when she returns and she quickly lets him out before she starts to plan dinner. She’s thinking about how long it’s been since she’s made her favorite, and she’s digging around the refrigerator to see if she has the ingredients when her phone rings. She ends up talking for almost half an hour before she gets a chance to return to dinner. She’s almost done cutting everything up and she’s about to throw it into the pot when her phone goes off again.
Wanda considers ignoring it, but then she checks the time and realizes you should be home soon.  She opens your message and immediately frowns when she sees the picture and the accompanying text.
Did you send these?
The beautiful floral arrangement was one that she would have personally chosen to send you. She’d learned your favorite over the years and the fact that someone else had sent you these made her jealous beyond belief. Not to mention a little suspicious as well. She puts down the knife she’s holding so she can text you back. She has to delete the first two messages she types that practically demand to know who delivered the flowers to you. Eventually she settles on something that is as nonthreatening as possible.
No. It seems that I have competition.
You laugh out loud when you sees this message a little while later. You roll your eyes before typing out a quick response and returning to your records. You almost finish up the one you’re working on when you get a response.
Yeah right. I’m yours, silly.
Wanda stops what she’s doing when she reads this, and she realizes just how long when she starts to smell something burning. She curses under her breath before turning off the stove and rereading your message with a smile. Although the rings on their fingers say as much, Wanda does appreciate the words of affirmation that you give her. She wishes you were home right now, but she figures you’re finishing up so she leaves you be for now. She sends one last text before returning to dinner. She shoots Boone an amused look as she turns to see him licking Fletcher’s head. The cat just holds her head up closer to the shepherd and Wanda leaves them be with a roll of her eyes.
You are finally finished with your work and it’s dark by the time you leave the office.
You just sigh in defeat because you wanted to be home sooner, but some days you just couldn’t manage it. You quickly get into and start the car before looking in the rearview mirror out of habit. You’re too shocked to react immediately when you realize someone is standing behind your car. You can barely see them in the headlights given that they’re dressed all in black, but it doesn’t matter anyway. You have no chance of identifying them as they take off down the street and disappear into the night.
You frown in confusion and try to shake your nerves as you pull your phone out of your pocket and dial a familiar number.
“Hey, what’s up?”
You put your phone down in your lap as you start to back out and head for the street.
“You’re not stalking me tonight, are you?”
Bucky frowns at your upfront question. Usually, you don’t want to know whatever it is that Wanda’s asked him to do, so he doesn’t tell you. That said, there were some times when you wanted him to back you up, and this thought has Bucky answering immediately.
“Not currently no, why?”
This was technically the truth. He was watching you as always, but he’d run down the street to grab something a few minutes ago. Last he’d checked, you were still inside the clinic working. You frown at this answer before turning onto the street to head home.
“Well, I just got into my car and someone was waiting behind it. They took off pretty quickly though.”
Bucky doesn’t wait to hear the second sentence and he’s starting his car and heading back toward you. You’re too distracted looking on all sides for the mysterious person to notice immediately.
“Where are you now?”
You tell him that you’re already on your way home as you get on the highway. Bucky mutters a curse under his breath as he does an illegal, precarious U-turn before heading your way. He doesn’t see anything obviously suspicious, and he’s more concerned about locating you right now than some random stalker at the moment. He’s speeding to catch up with you and he breathes a sigh of relief when he finally recognizes your license plate a ways in front of him.
“Good, I’ll just follow you, I’m on my way home anyway.”
You just roll your eyes before muttering an ‘ok’ and hanging up. You’re blissfully unaware of the fact that Bucky immediately calls Wanda until you arrive home to a near-frantic wife.
You barely have time to open your car door before Wanda and Boone rush out into the garage to meet you. You’re only confused for a second before it clicks as Wanda’s pulling you into a tight hug and Boone is jumping into guard dog mode.
“Thank god, you’re home. Bucky called.”
You sigh in defeat and realization as Wanda’s anxiety starts to make sense. You hug the redhead back and kiss the top of her head before offering her a smile she can’t see while clinging to you.
“Of course, he did. It’s fine, Wands.”
You know what she’s going to say before the words have even left your mouth, but you’re not prepared for how upset she is. She pulls away from you quickly as she shoots you an angry look.
“It’s not fine at all. Someone was stalking you, and someone sent you flowers. They could be the same person. Who knows what they could want!”
You don’t have a good response to this so you just hold up your hands in surrender. You’re about to come up with another argument that’s doomed to fail when Boone jumps out of your car. You jump in surprise, not even realizing that he’d gotten in, and you frown when you realize he has something in his mouth.
“Boone, come here.”
He ignores you much to your chagrin, and takes whatever he has to Wanda who frowns deeply. You watch in confusion as Boone drops something you don’t recognize into your wife’s hands. It’s a doll that you’ve never seen before in your life. It’s of a doctor with a white coat that vaguely resembles you, and if that’s not creepy enough, the head is dangling by a few threads from the neck.
“Well, that’s not subtle.”
You realize belatedly that you’re too tired to read your wife correctly in this situation. Your humor is certainly not appreciated by Wanda who shoots you a glare and ushers you inside the house without a word. You’re still putting together the events of today when Wanda slams the door behind you two, locking it immediately.
“This isn’t funny, Y/n! Someone is threatening you!”
You’d like to argue with her, you really would, but the more you think about it, you realize you can’t. It didn’t make a lot of sense to have flowers sent to you without a card, and it certainly wasn’t normal to have someone break into your car to put a mutilated doll in your backseat.
You look to Boone who is rubbing his head on your hand and you start to pet him absentmindedly as you try to address Wanda’s concerns.
“I don’t know why anyone would, Wanda. I don’t think I’ve pissed anyone off recently.”
As soon as you say this you realize this probably isn’t about you. As much as you would be creeped out by the fact that someone was stalking you to get your attention, you know it’s much more likely that they’re trying to get Wanda’s. They have certainly succeeded.
You watch as Wanda shakes her head with a scowl, completely ignoring Fletcher who is meowing as she circles her.
“It’s me who’s pissed someone off. I think Strucker is upset with me.”
You’re not sure what to make of this statement because last time you checked, your wife didn’t talk to the other mobster. She hadn’t since she’d left Pietro in charge. Wanda realizes her mistake a few seconds after you do, and she sighs in defeat as she tries to prepare for how you’ll react to what she’s about to say.
“Strucker? Why would he be upset with you right now?”
Wanda doesn’t answer immediately and that tells you all you need to know. As you wait for your wife to come clean, you notice a couple of things that you’d initially missed as you’d been practically pushed into the house.
Something smelled wonderful and it reminded you of how hungry you were. You considered venturing into the kitchen to see what your wife cooked, but you figured that you needed to have this conversation as distraction free as possible. You turn to Boone who is sniffing you furiously and you tap him on the nose before scratching him behind his ears. He must have gotten a bath today because he smells like his favorite shampoo, and upon further inspection you notice that Wanda has switched out his regular collar. You smile at how handsome he looks before turning back to Wanda who’s watching you worriedly.
She had been considering how likely it was for Strucker to pull something like this, and she realizes this is tame for him. He’s done much more drastic, violent things to get people to comply in the past, but the fact that she was more than just an employee- she liked to think this explained why he was being less aggressive. Either way, she didn’t appreciate it and she had a few choice words for him first thing tomorrow.
Wanda watches you love on your dog for a minute before turning your attention back to her. You watch as she sighs again before motioning you toward the kitchen. She knows you’ve noticed dinner is ready, and she’d rather have this conversation while you were both sitting down.
“I’ll tell you while we eat.”
You and Wanda sit down for dinner and only manage about 30 seconds of silence before you speak up. She’s expecting this so she just cuts to the chase because the longer she drags it out, the worse off she’ll be. Wanda tells you about how Strucker sent flowers to Pietro and requested a meeting with her. She’d called him and told him to talk to her brother about any business he wanted to discuss and that was the end of it.
“Or so I thought.”
You frown when Wanda says this because yes it certainly sounds like Strucker could be behind what happened today; however, you’d learned not to go with the easy answer for a reason. There were a lot of people that hated Wanda, and this wasn’t even the fifth time someone considered using you against her.
Wanda watches as you consider what she’s said, and it’s not hard for her to see that you’re doubting things. She wasn’t the only one who could be deeply paranoid. That said, you were never this paranoid before you’d met her.
“I don’t suppose talking to him tomorrow would give you an answer?”
You both were aware that Strucker could just lie and say he wasn’t involved, but hopefully Wanda would be able to tell if she talks to him face to face. She hates the idea of this, of giving him what he wants with a meeting, but she doesn’t have a choice. When you’re concerned, she’s going to do whatever she has to, even if it means groveling. She tries not to scowl at the thought as she nods in agreement. This is where she was going to start tomorrow as soon as she talks to Pietro to make sure Strucker hasn’t reached out to him.
“I’ll talk to him, and hopefully we’ll have our answer. If not, we’ll figure it out.”
You nod absentmindedly as you continue to eat your dinner. You pat your leg as you look at Boone out of the corner of your eye and you smile when he obeys and rests his head on you. You scratch his head with a small smile before you look back to Wanda who’s watching you carefully.
“I know we will. I’m not worried.”
Despite being worried enough for the both of you, Wanda was touched by the faith that you had in her to figure this out. You rarely worried when you had Wanda to take care of you. You’d been with her for years and it took you very little time to realize how competent your wife was. You also weren’t particularly afraid of Strucker. Sure, he could do his worst and try to have you killed, but you knew that your friends—your family had your back. This reminds you of your plans this Saturday and you can’t help but smile a little at the thought of how overprotective everyone is going to be.
“What’s that smile for?”
You look up from your dog to see Wanda smiling at you. You can see that some of the tension has left her, but she’s still, understandably anxious, so you do your best to take her mind off of it. You get up from your seat, jostling Boone who is immediately standing and ready to follow you, and you grab your plate. Wanda opens her mouth to ask what you’re doing, but you just circle the table and settle into the chair beside your wife with a smile. You reach out for her hand before shrugging slightly.
“I was just thinking about dinner this Saturday, and how hectic that will be. Especially if your brother shows up.”
Wanda’s already groaning at the thought of Pietro attending this week’s dinner. He had been insufferable last time because they’d shared that they were trying to have kids, and he’d shared that he would happily volunteer his services. Wanda had been disgusted by what that would entail while you couldn’t help but laugh hysterically at the look on your wife’s face. The two siblings had argued in Sokovian for a few minutes before Pietro was chased out of the room for saying something undoubtedly distasteful.
You can tell that Wanda is clearly thinking of this, and you laugh before kissing her hand that’s still in yours with an amused look.
“Don’t worry, Wands. There is no way he can be any worse than he was last time.”
Once you and Wanda are finished with dinner, you’re in the kitchen cleaning with Boone resting at your feet while Wanda starts to make coffee. You frown when you realize what she’s doing, and you open your mouth to question it as you check the time. It’s late and it’s been a long time since Wanda’s had to make coffee to stay awake. Rather, it’s been a long time since Wanda’s had a reason to do so. You shoot her a questioning look as she sighs in anticipation. She’d neglected to tell you this for a reason.
“Why are you making coffee?”
Wanda’s pressing the start button when she turns to answer you with a slightly sheepish expression.
“It’s for Bucky and Steve.”
You don’t get a chance to question this before the doorbell rings, and Boone is the first one to react. He’s running to the door to greet your friends as you just shoot your wife a look.
“You didn’t tell me they were coming over.”
You don’t mind seeing your friends, but it’s late, and knowing Wanda like you did you knew this wasn’t a social call. You figure you were just being watched a little more closely until Wanda can figure out what happened tonight.
You dry your hands and head to the front door with Wanda on your heels.
“They’re sticking close tonight, just in case.”
You simply nod at this before you open the door for your friends that are dressed warmly, and Steve’s holding a case that you know has at least two guns in it. You choose to ignore this for now as you step aside and motion for the duo to come inside. You let Boone greet them before you speak up and you’re impressed by how sympathetic you sound. You would be lying if you said having the men around didn’t make you feel a little safer.
“I feel like I should apologize for this.”
Bucky laughs first as he steps away from Boone to pat you on the back. You roll your eyes as you hug Steve as Wanda closes the door behind them.
“Nahh, it’s not your fault you’re very stalkable.”
You don’t even know what that means, and seeing Wanda frown just tells you to move on. The fact that she’s asked your friends to hang out here for the night tells you more than Wanda would be willing to. She’s worried.
You force a smile watching as Boone sniffs Steve and then his case with a whine. You have a feeling that he’s going to be on alert tonight as well.
“Don’t listen to him, Y/n. We’re glad to be here.”
 “Well let’s get you set up then, shall we?”
It turns out that they were both dressed warmly because they hadn’t decided who was going to be on the roof yet. They had coffee and space heaters, but they weren’t too worried. Bucky ended up being the one to hang out up there with Boone who would go in and out to check on him frequently. You watched as Wanda led Steve to a room that you rarely went into. Honestly, you’d probably only seen it once, and that was to see what Wanda had done to it. She’d set up the monitors for their many, many cameras around the property in there. There were at least 20 screens, and you’d immediately gotten a headache trying to watch them all. You figured that Steve would spend the night in there, and after leaving your friends with coffee and a hug, you and Wanda head to your bedroom.
The redhead looks over to you from where she’s standing in front of the closet changing into her pajamas. You are looking down at your hands instead of her so she speaks up to get your attention.
“Yes, detka?”
You look up and for once don’t take the time to appreciate the sight of your wife half-dressed as you figure out how to share the theory you’d been spinning since you got home. When you don’t answer immediately, Wanda hurries to put on her clothes before she sits down on the bed beside you. She’s frowning as she takes in your worried expression, and you reach out for her before she can offer her hand.
“Do you think that whoever followed me tonight was involved with Nat getting shot?”
Wanda’s eyes widen slightly because she hadn’t expected you to ask this. Sure it was a possibility, but Wanda thought of them as two separate, isolated events, but maybe that wasn’t the case. She briefly thought about how they could be connected, and who was responsible but she didn’t get far before her phone beeped. She took a few seconds to read the message from Steve before she put her phone down and focused on her wife again.
“I’m not sure, Y/n. I’m hoping we’ll know more tomorrow after I speak with Strucker.”
You nod at this before yawning in exhaustion. You had almost forgotten how long of a day you’d had after everything that had happened, and you wanted to sleep despite it barely being 9:30. You stand up and stretch as you turn toward the bathroom.
“I’m going to shower before taking Boone out again.”
Wanda shakes her head before insisting that she’ll do it while you’re gone. You had known better to ask her to join you and despite knowing it would have helped her relax, she’s too distracted and frankly on edge to give into you tonight. You just nod before thanking her and disappearing into the bathroom. Wanda waits until she hears the water start before she leaves to search for Boone. It’s too cold to linger outside too long, but she still grabs a coat from downstairs when she spots Boone waiting at the front door. She sighs as she types out a quick text to the duo on watch before she grabs Boone’s leash.
“Let’s go, Boone.”
Unsurprisingly Boone seems reluctant to leave his post. He’s smart enough to pick up on the fact that something isn’t right. Steve and Bucky rarely come over like this and Boone whines as he lays back down in protest. Wanda sighs in defeat because short of dragging him outside, she’s not sure how to get him to leave.
Wanda tests her theory by opening the front door and walking down the stairs to see if he’ll follow. He does, but he won’t go outside which makes Wanda sigh once again before she gives up and heads back inside. She walks back up the stairs and heads to where one safe is in the closet. She opens it quickly and grabs a gun that she loads and takes with her back downstairs. Boone is still waiting in the foyer and Wanda sits in the living room until you finish your shower.
You’re only a little surprised to find that your wife isn’t back yet, and you get dressed quickly to meet her downstairs. You find her sitting on the couch with Boone at the front door and you frown in confusion.
Wanda turns towards you with a frown and you can’t help but laugh at what she says next.
“Your dog is very stubborn and he won’t go outside for me.”
You shake your head before shooting Boone a look that he doesn’t seem to notice as he tries to jump up on you in excitement. You push him down before you head toward the hall closet to find a coat. You return to find Wanda standing as well, and you notice the gun tucked into her coat pocket as she zips it up.
“Is that really necessary?”
You know that sometimes you can convince Wanda to be a little more relaxed. You’ve learned to find ways to help her find calm and see reason, but tonight is not going to be one of those nights. She just responds with a nod as she reaches out for your hand before snapping her fingers at Boone.
“Come on Boone. Make this quick, I want to go to bed.”
You smile at this and Boone as he hurries to the door and sits patiently for you to open it. He’s out in a flash and you let him disappear past the lights illuminating the porch as you let the cold air wash over you. You can’t suppress a violent shiver that runs through you. You’re barely out of the shower, so the chill affects you more than usual. Before your shivering can intensify, you’re pulled into your wife’s side as she wraps an arm around you.
You sigh as you feel her warm breath hit your skin before she’s kissing your cheek.
“I love you.”
You turn to face Wanda so you can meet her lips with a smile. You hear Boone coming back but you don’t pay him any mind yet as you hide you face in her hair as another gust of wind hits you.
“You never told me how your day was.”
“I love you more.”
Boone rushes past you into the house and you and Wanda follow him inside. Wanda locks the door but leaves the lights on as she leads you back upstairs. You watch as Boone camps out in the living room before you start up the stairs. You stifle a yawn as you groan at the thought of how crazy this day has been. You follow Wanda into the bedroom with a small smile.
Wanda smiles as she sheds her coat and runs a hand through her hair before putting it up.
“Nothing too eventful today. This was the most exciting part of my day.”
You nod in understanding before you throw your coat on top of Wanda’s with another yawn. You pull the covers back on the bed before crawling in with a tired groan. This is one of your favorite parts of the day. You love sleeping, and you smile widely at Wanda’s knowing look as she joins you.
“What about you, detka?”
You assume that your wife means besides this fiasco that was the end of your day. You’re about to say nothing when you remember the odd walk-in client from this afternoon. You roll over so you’re facing Wanda before shrugging your shoulders.
“I had a new client today who had a really cute dog. He on the other hand was very flirty.”
Wanda’s smile disappears as you say this and she asks before she can stop herself.
“What was his name?”
You shake your head with a content sigh as you move so you’re closer to your wife. You mutter the answer into her hair and unsurprisingly she tries to pull away from you.
“His name was Melvin and he had fleas. Super cute though.”
You groan in annoyance when Wanda tries to move away, and you just reach out and cling to her in protest.
You shake your head because you don’t want to feed Wanda’s jealousy any more than you already have. You need to remind her that you’re here with her, and you’ll only ever be in bed with her. Unless of course you got wasted again and ended up passing out with Nat. That only happened once though, and you still weren’t sure if you passed out from being drunk, or from hitting your head on the ceiling as you and the redhead competed to see who could jump the highest on the bed.
“Wands, remember what I told you earlier today? I’m yours, okay?”
Wanda couldn’t help but smile at your insistence, and she kissed your hair with a small nod that you couldn’t see. She wasn’t going to lose her mind over the idea of someone else wanting you because honestly it was unavoidable. There were so many things that Wanda loved about you, and it would be foolish of her to think that no one else would see you for these things. You were kind, smart, passionate and beautiful., but what you said was true. You were hers.
She’s about to say something similar to you but you cut her off as you speak up.
“And to be completely honest, I don’t even remember his name. I dissociated a bit and thought about how terribly awkward you were when we first met.”
Wanda just scoffs at this and you smile against her neck as you realize she’s taken the bait. You are lying of course because when you had first met your wife, you were the one who had been an awkward mess. She holds you closer as she rolls her eyes and allows herself to be distracted as she thinks back to the early days of your relationship. You’d been studying to become a vet, and Wanda had taken a liking to you immediately. She’d been a little creepy and followed you around for a while before she risked talking to you.
You’d been reluctant to open up to her because she hadn’t been a student and you had no idea what she wanted from you.
“If I remember correctly, detka. You were an adorable skittish little thing.”
You laugh under your breath because you can’t even deny it, and Wanda knows it. You move so your body is flush against Wanda’s before settling back down. She tightens her hold on you and begins to run her fingers through your hair.
“Thanks babe. Love you too.”
Wanda just chuckles at this and the two of you fall into a comfortable silence. You’re almost asleep when Wanda pulls away from you to leave the bed. You whine, refusing to open your eyes so close to sleep. You don’t have time to ask where Wanda’s going before she’s back. You hear her set something heavy down on the bedside table, but you’re too tired to be bothered by it right now.
“Sorry, detka. Go back to sleep.”
You don’t realize that you’d fallen asleep until a loud noise wakes you up. Your eyes fly open, and despite it still being dark out you’re wide awake. This might have something to do with the fact that almost simultaneous to being woken up, Wanda was rolling out of bed. You didn’t know how she did that, but as you watch her your sleep-addled brain realizes she’s grabbing something from the bedside table.
“Stay here, Y/n. Lock the door behind me.”
You’re only just getting out of bed as Wanda disappears out the door, gun in hand. You try not to panic as you do as she says and hurry to grab your phone when it rings. You see it’s Bucky and you answer it quickly.
“Bucky? What’s happened?”
Wanda hurries down the stairs as quickly as possible in the dark. She knows that there’s no one in the house, but she’s cautious as she turns the corner into the living room to find Boone standing in the middle of the room on high alert. His yelp was the first thing she’d registered when she woke up, and a few seconds later she remembered the crash she’d heard just before. She wasn’t sure what had happened, but she’s relieved to see Boone alive, but he’s staring toward the front door in a way that immediately makes her tense up.
“There’s not anyone in the house, but someone shot through the front window.”
You frown in confusion as you hurry to grab a jacket to throw on. You barely have it zipped before you unlock the bedroom door and dare to venture downstairs.
“Have you told Wanda that? Is there anyone outside the house?”
You don’t have time to hear Bucky’s response before you spot Boone and Wanda both head toward the front door. You fly down the stairs two at a time as you glance around quickly to make sure that there definitely isn’t anyone lurking in the shadows.  You’re mostly just appeasing your paranoia because you know that your security system is both high tech and reliable. You’d asked Wanda once how much it cost and she’d refused to tell you.
Wanda is almost to where the broken glass had spread across the carpet when she hears your voice. She spins around and despite herself grips the gun in her hand a little tighter. When she realizes it’s just you and no one else, she sighs in relief, but this quickly turns to irritation at the fact you left the bedroom.
“Y/n, what are you doing? I thought you w--.”
You trail off as you take in the scene in front of you. There’s broken glass on the floor that’s littering the carpet. Luckily Boone’s not in the middle of it, but he is looking at the small hole in the floor that you hadn’t noticed. You follow its trajectory from the broken window and then turn to your door who is now licking his side.
Wanda’s cut off by the sound of your phone ringing again. You see it’s Steve and you hand it over to your wife as you move around her to check on your dog.
“Hey buddy. What happened...?”
“What the--.”
You barely hear Wanda talking to Steve on the phone as you drop to your knees beside Boone who seems more agitated than you’d expect. You can’t really blame him if what you think happened is correct.
“Boone, sit. Let me look.”
It takes telling him to sit again for you to get him to cooperate. You move his muzzle away as he tries to lick his side again, and at first glance it looks like he’s got a hot spot, but it only takes a few seconds for the area to start bleeding again and you curse.
Did someone really try to shoot your dog through the window?
You don’t realize you say this out loud until Wanda kneels down next to you and Boone. She’s frowning as she watches blood flow from a pretty substantial cut on Boone’s side. She berates herself for not noticing it earlier, and she’s quick to stand as she speaks with Steve.
“I’ll get the first aid kit. Steve, if Bucky says it’s clear he can come in. I need to talk to him.”
You move Boone away from the front door and into the living room so you can get a better look at him. You turn on the lights before meeting Wanda who’s grabbed a little kit you’d made for the occasional accident that Boone has around the house or out hiking.
With the lights on now, Wanda can see a clear trail of blood leading from the rug up front to where Boone stands now on the hardwood. She watches as you grab some gauze and hold it to his wound, and Boone, despite being well behaved yelps a little in pain. You shoot him a sympathetic look as you pet his head and mutter something to him that Wanda can’t hear. Rather she’s distracted by the sound of footsteps on the floor above them. She figures it’s Bucky and she pockets her gun before turning to you briefly.
“Do you need help?”
You turn away from the supplies you’d been gathering before shaking your head with a small smile. Boone is usually pretty good with things like this and you can tell Wanda’s itching to figure out what the hell happened. You are too, so you set her loose to talk to your friend who’s coming down the stairs.
“No thanks. Go ahead and talk to Bucky and Steve. We’ll be fine.”
Wanda nods before leaving you with your dog as she goes to greet Bucky. You’re half listening to them and you swear you hear him say that it came out of nowhere and not only do you hate to hear that, but now you’re even more worried. You give Boone a treat once you’re done stitching him up, and he licks you gratefully before following you to where Bucky is standing.
“Steve saw a blip on the monitor and then I heard the shot and Boone yelp. There was no one anywhere close to the house.”
You don’t know if you believe this, and since you’re not as familiar with it as Wanda you doubt what Bucky says. Wanda however starts to consider exactly how something like this was pulled off and she’s quick to drag you and Boone to where Steve is still hunkered down.
You don’t have time to object before Wanda speaks up, and you realize how on edge she is. You try not to worry as she ushers you into the room where Steve is sitting in front of an obscene number of monitors and shuts the door behind the three of you.
“Steve, can you show me what you found, please?”
You squeeze your wife’s hand as you watch Steve turn around and a few seconds later you see it. He’s frozen a frame from one of the cameras that was apparently a ways off from the house.
“He appeared and disappeared in about 30 seconds flat. He showed up, shot through the window and then left before we could even look for him.”
You can’t help but stiffen at the thought and the sight of someone on your property in the dead of night. He’s bundled up because of the cold and you can see him wearing goggles that must have helped him aim his rather intimidating gun. You don’t know much about guns, but you didn’t doubt that something that big could shoot from far away. Bucky crosses his arms as he looks at the picture and then the recording that Steve has playing on a different monitor with a frown. Your eyes widen as you watch a replay of the shooter firing a shot through your window and grazing Boone. Your first thought is how lucky you are that he was a lousy shot and that your dog is okay.
“Good thing the wind picked --.” You cut Bucky off before he could finish his thought, not that you didn’t appreciate the sentiment. Wanda and Steve both look to you, and Wanda’s eyes widen when she realizes you skipped right past fearful and landed on anger.
“I’m sorry, but did some guy creep through the woods to shoot my dog?! Why the hell would he do that?”
Wanda tries to figure out how to answer your question without actually answering it. She has a pretty good idea of why someone would try to take out Boone, and although she hates it, she knows that Steve and Bucky have come to the same conclusion. She looks to your dog who’s whining and rubbing his head against your leg in distress, but you’re far too pissed to notice.
“Does that make any sense to any of you?”
You sigh in exasperation as you’re met with silence, and you turn to your wife who’s frowning. She squeezes your hand before she spares a look at Bucky and Steve that says ‘back me up.’
“Y/n, it’s possible that whoever was following you last night, and whoever is after you wanted to try and get Boone…out of the way.”
You don’t say anything immediately as you consider her words. You know your dog is loyal and that he’d protect you and Wanda at all costs, but did other people know that? Other than your immediately family, not many people interacted with Boone. Sure he went to work with you sometimes, but he didn’t act like a guard dog there. Was it really that obvious to whoever was stalking you, that Boone would keep them from hurting you? This thought makes you feel even more love for your fur child and you kneel down next to him to finally give him the attention he’d wanted.
You grab his head and he licks your face as you kiss the top of his head with a sigh.
“That’s fucked up, Boone.  People are fucked up.”
Everyone nods in agreement, and Steve speaks up to address the issue that Wanda’s sure to have considered even before this happened.
“It is, and it seems like whoever’s after you is a little more persistent that we originally thought.”
You hate the sound of this because you know that it means your life is going to be disrupted. If Wanda got her way, she’d barricade you inside the house in a safe room somewhere that no one could find you. That said, you had a job, you had friends, and you didn’t want to hide away from the world.
You looked to Wanda at the exact same time that she looked at you, and you shook your head before she could even open her mouth.
“No, Wanda.”
“Y/n, we don’t know if he’s given up. He might come back.”
You think about this and you’re still shaking your head as you try to figure out how to get yourself out of becoming a prisoner in your own home.
“Isn’t that what the security system is for? He can’t get close.”
You realize how poor your argument is as Wanda shoots you an incredulous look, and your two friends suddenly decide that the blood stains Boone left need to be cleaned. They leave you with your wife who just shakes her head and glances back to the front door.
“Clearly if he can get close enough to shoot Boone, he can get close enough to shoot you.”
You don’t have a good response for this so you back track because honestly you hadn’t really let the idea of getting shot in your own home set in until now. You try not to think too much about that right now and you sigh in irritation as you reach out to pet Boone in an attempt to calm your nerves.
“Well, what if we had someone actually monitor the system while we’re here?”
Wanda doesn’t shut this down immediately which you take as a good sign. However, she’s not jumping on the idea so there has to be a reason for her hesitation. You know it’s not the money, she doesn’t care about that. If you had to guess it had to do with people being in her home whenever either of you were there. You didn’t think that it would be so bad to have Bucky and Steve around more.
“True, but I don’t know who I would trust enough to do so, detka.”
You stop scratching Boone’s ear and look to Wanda in confusion. It takes you a moment to realize what she’s getting at and your frown deepens as you and sigh in defeat. You glance over to your friends that are kind enough to pretend like they’re not listening as they scrub the blood off of the floor.
You sit down next to Boone and sulk at the thought of having strangers come into the house to stand watch. You’d briefly forgotten that your friends have their own lives and you wouldn’t want them to sacrifice them for your sake. You think about how paranoid your wife is and how unlikely she is to let someone she doesn’t trust completely into your home to protect you. You know that the odds of you not being carted off to the compound are becoming slimmer by the minute, and Wanda seems to pick up on this. She gets down on the rug next to you and holds out her hands to you. You know what she’s asking and you’re quick to shift so you’re sitting in her lap.
You sigh and relax immediately when her arms wrap around you and you lie back against her and close your eyes. You’re suddenly overwhelmed by fatigue as your body seems to remember that you’d been in deep sleep just minutes ago. You turn when Wanda rests her head on your shoulder with a thoughtful look.
“Can you give me a couple of days to make it safer here?”
You frown at the thought of running and having a longer commute to work. You then think about how you’d be back with Nat and Yelena and you realize it might not be all bad. It’s only for a couple of days. You don’t want to give in too easily but you’re too tired to try and bargain with your wife right now. Instead, you ask about what the redhead has planned.
“What does that entail exactly?”
Wanda’s still thinking about who she’ll call to make everything that she’s thinking about happen, so she’s not entirely prepared to answer you. However, she knows that you won’t tolerate being waved off on this and she’s already worrying about being able to get this together in two days.
Wanda smiles at you as she watches Boone lay his head on your leg and look at you with big sad eyes. You practically melt as you reach out for him and Wanda kisses your cheek before shrugging.
“Let’s start with getting the window fixed.”
Miraculously, Wanda lets you sleep the last few hours of the night in your bedroom upstairs instead of forcing you to leave. Steve and Bucky are still on watch when you wake up, and you set out to the kitchen quickly to make them breakfast as a thank you. You stifle a yawn as you walk to the kitchen with Boone in tow.
You’d forced him upstairs with you, and despite the night’s events it was not an easy task. You’d tried to just lead him upstairs, but he flailed and dug in his heels in an attempt to stay downstairs. You had hoped that he’d jump at the chance to get away from the cold downstairs, but you’d had to carry him all the way upstairs.
You’d checked on his wound this morning and it looked like it was still closed so that was good at least. You were still shocked that someone had tried to kill your dog, and you were so deep in thought as you gathered the ingredients for breakfast that you didn’t notice that you’re no longer alone.
“Hey that looks great! Can--.?”
You scream so loudly in surprise that Boone’s immediately by your side and your wife appears at the top of the stairs in a panic. She’s only half dressed, but once she sees you slapping Steve in annoyance, she rolls her eyes and retreats back into the bedroom.
“Jesus Steve! You scared me!”
She hears you yell this as she closes the door behind her with a sigh. She’s exhausted and she knows that she’s not going to get any rest anytime soon. She’s trying to figure out how to make the house bulletproof when her phone rings. She grabs the first pair of pants she finds and starts to put them on as she answers. Wanda balances on one leg and holds the device against her ear with her shoulder.
“Wands, Bucky told me what happened. Are you and Y/n okay?”
Wanda finishes pulling up her pants with a huff before she looks to the clock. She’s wondering at what time Bucky told Nat about what was going on.
“We’re fine, but Y/n’s pissed. What did Buck tell you?”
Wanda listens as Nat reminds her of what happened last night. She hates the idea of how she’d tried so hard to make this house safe for the two of you, but something like this still happened. Granted it could have been much worse, but if whoever had targeted Boone decided they’d wanted you instead, she’s terrified that she could have lost you. She doesn’t realize she’s lost in thought until she hears Nat call her name twice.
“Wanda you there?”
Wanda curses under her breath as she sits down on the bed with a sigh.
“I’m sorry what did you say?”
Nat frowns as she thinks about what else Bucky told her, and she has a feeling the couple’s visit is going to be more stressful than their house getting shot up.
“What’s Y/n think about staying at the compound?”
“No, Wanda I’m not. I’m going to work. Come on Boone.”
They’d just finished breakfast when Wanda told her that you couldn’t go to work today. You hadn’t even considered it because you had a full schedule today and you had to see your patients. You couldn’t just sit inside a fortress all day twiddling your thumbs while your wife worked on her master plan. However, clearly this was not what Wanda wanted to hear because the two of you started to argue with your friends awkwardly waiting by the mudroom door. They’d been briefed about Wanda’s plan, but of course it hadn’t been run by you yet and now you were changing things. They couldn’t say they were surprised that you weren’t on board, but they couldn’t say for certain who would win this fight. Usually when things were dire and the situation called for Wanda to handle things, you went along with it.
“Y/n you can’t go to work. You’ll be easily found there.”
You shake your head because despite the fact this is true, you don’t believe that anything will happen while you’re at work.
“Okay, let’s assume that’s true. Who would be idiotic enough to try anything in broad daylight?”
Wanda’s scowling as she thinks about how reckless, how determined this person is to get to you. She doesn’t think they’ll care about witnesses. She doesn’t say this exactly, but the way you roll your eyes at her and grab your keys which catches Boone’s attention, makes her want to say something that will sway you. Boone’s just been lying on the floor between you and Wanda waiting patiently as you argued. Now he’s jumping to his feet ready to go to work with you despite Wanda’s protests.
“I’m not missing work today, Wanda, so either have someone other than Bucky tail me or just let it go. I agreed to go to the compound for a couple of nights, but I’m not going to stop working.”
You wait for your wife’s protest but Wanda just sighs in defeat as she looks between you and her friends that are waiting in uncomfortable silence. The redhead concedes before she shoots you a serious look that you just nod at.
“Fine, but you don’t leave the clinic until you leave to for the compound, deal?”
You want to be annoyed, but you know you’re getting off easy. You’re surprised Wanda’s not pushing harder for you to stay home, and you know better than to look a gift horse in the mouth so you just leave it.
“Deal. See you tonight?”
You lean in for a kiss and despite being annoyed, Wanda meets your lips with a smile before she nods.
“I will see you tonight.”
Part 4
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
Life has been sort of a whirlwind since October. In all truth, since last October (of 2021) when I found myself single but still very much in love. Loosing her (the intimacy, not our friendship which we still very much have, thank fully) was a smack back to reality and the things I have been putting off changing in both my life and my living environment.
My teen is getting taller andd smarter every day as she heads into the end of her junior year. At once I worry about her and don't. She is independent and kind but still a teen with a teen brain. I trust her and try to balance that with not trusting her with too much. "No" is still a complete sentence in this house unless she is in negotiation mode then I have to expend the energy to explain things in a productive manner. AND I am not always right in my "no" so I have to be willing to occasionally back down without her thinking that she can always get her way by pushing back.
I have three plus jobs to keep the house and land I love and care for the animals I committed to from when I was married. A few have passed of age and sickness and it gives me some feelings of guilt to be somewhat relieved because less animals means less work and expense for me. I try and remember it also means more recources to care for my current pets. I have more time and money to improve the house and the land.
At 54 i am looking towards the long term. Somethings I can easily deal with now might be more difficult in the future. I see my older relatives, my older lesbians mentors, my friends who are MY age begin to stuggle with health, energy and Just STUFF that we all accumulate. I need to get rid of some stuff. I know my kids won't want 90 percent of what I own. Some of my young lesbian friends are now proud owners of early Fest T shirts and Star Wars lunch boxes. This clearing out will continue.
My writing has taken a back seat to manual labor, paying off and keeping up with debt and bills and planning ahead. I dislike this part. I miss keeping up with Tumblr asks and penning meaningful articles for small publications or for fun. I love writing cards and letters on vintage stationary and old cards but those too are being neglected, their boxes gathering dust and cat hair on my desk.
My house payment went up, my water heater was frozen to death in the Christmas blizzard, propane is always needing paid off , my subpump system is in dire need of maintainance before spring rains and now my cat has a runny eye. It is true what they say: When it rains in pours and if it isn't one thing it is another. Money doesn't grow on trees. And nothing breaks during the work week.
I love my land and I love my family and my life and pets. I am so lucky to have supportive friends in my life. My interactions on the internet and social media are generally kind and positive. Being a lesbian affords me a wonderful and easy connection with other women that brings me great joy. It is that connection that insprires me to share my stories and thoughts and to strenghten relationships with other generations and my own. It is my passion to instill hope for a happy future in lesbians and bi women who want build a life with and love other other women.
There are many things I want to do in 2023. Some I will accomplish, others I will not. Some are priorities and some are not. It is deciding which ones will yield the most benefit for my future health and security in the long run that I need to figure out. I also want to continue to focus on what I can do to bring about the most good help other lesbians realize their full potiential and feel comfortable and understand they are ok and wonderful just as they are because that is what feeds my happiness. I want to continue to help lesbians find cross generational community.
And probably cut back on the frosted cookies, at least until next November.
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tea-earl-grey · 6 months
from this ask game
🩷 Pink: Do you find a certain character (or characters) easy to write? More difficult -- and if so, do you avoid writing that character (or those characters) when possible?
Easy Characters:
One of the only characters who I've never struggled with writing is Irving Braxiatel from the Doctor Who EU. He has every single marking of being a Difficult character to write – his timeline is convoluted and contradictory to the point where the actual writers have just kind of given up, he is constantly 1000 steps ahead of other characters and eternally prepping for The Long Game, he's super pompous, he never says what he means, and he constantly references high art that I don't have the background to fully understand. But for whatever reason despite all that, I've always found him easy to write (even back to when I was 14) because I think once you understand how his inner world differs from his outer world and how his dialogue is always a performance rather than an expression of himself then it just clicks into place. It got to the point that when I was writing And They Became Monsters (the fall of great men) that I had to consciously remember not to write in Brax's voice while I was working on other things.
Also for Doctor Who characters, shout out to Liv Chenka for always having dialogue that never takes any effort and is always snappy and fun even if I only published one of my fics with her.
As far as Star Trek characters go, I honestly find Janeway fairly easy to write despite not finishing a fic with her because she has that nice duality I like between her inner world and outer world. She presents herself with total confidence and self assurance (totally unlike me but it's still fun to write) while internally suffering from self doubt and depression knowing that she can never express her insecurities. It's such a good place for a character to be in fanfic when you can actually explore how they perceive themself/how others perceive them.
I've also only written a tiny bit of Picard's dialogue (and not from his perspective) but his way of speaking was very easy to find after absorbing So Much Star Trek because of how consistently he's written.
Hard Characters:
There are a fair few characters that I've been intimidated to try to write – notably any character that uses a dialect that I'm not super familiar with because an incorrectly written dialect can immediately tank any good characterization. It's also probably why I avoid writing for contemporary characters in general.
As far as characters I've Actually Written for – the Doctor (from Doctor Who not Voyager) is really difficult for me to write and especially from their POV. I don't think I can even recall a fanfic or official media where I've thought that the Doctor's POV was written spot on. I also found writing Bernice Summerfield difficult but I think that was more because of her role in the fic I was writing and not her character.
On the Star Trek side of things – it took me awhile and a few rewatches to find Raffi's voice but I feel decent about writing her now after realizing how many of her actions and way of carrying herself is a result of her insecurities. Lately I've been struggling with writing Elnor which is why the next chapter of my fic is taking so long (sorry!) because I'm just so unused to writing characters who say exactly what they feel and are experiencing major life changes. In every other thing I've written, characters are constantly using double-speak and refusing to communicate so Elnor is just a completely different type of character to tackle.
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z-coil · 7 months
ur so cute didn’t know you were queer you will find new love and dating in your 20’s is weird and painful lmao i have met so many women who are emotionally unavailable after it also seems they convince me differently and we go out on dates, spend a lot of time together and like do very intimate stuff (sex???). im very communicative and upfront and tell ppl emotional availability is a baseline for me, even with casual stuff, even with friendships just everyone i let into my life i treat with a standard of care and respect and love and want the same in return. i enjoy romance and sweetness and identified as greysexual for a bit. i still have been one night stood lmfao. i blame it sometimes on hook up culture and heteronormativity. hooking up doesn’t mean there doesn’t need to be emotional baselines or after care, but since i guess straight people set standards people just are used to being treated like trash and also treating others like that in result. i have literally been rejected for being to “kind” or “caring” after banging someone. i wish you the best i was heart broken a year ago by someone who i was seeing routinely and intimate with who blindsided me with the emotionally unavailable thing and still feel sad. but eventually after i let myself process and feel sad, i feel normal again…it has taken a lot of realizing it’s nothing wrong with me but applying logic. thinking of compatibility and not in extremes and thinking things like “maybe not the right time”. there’s nothing wrong about you, you seem well rounded and like a catch
i really appreciate this, thank you.. i only realized i am a lesbian in the last year and am still 20 years old, which makes this loss feel a bit more painful considering it’s my first involvement with a girl, but it is tru i have so much more life ahead of me .. ❤️ I’m lucky that i still get to have this girl in my life as a close friend I think she’s a lovely person just going through a hard time right now, beyond her control
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