#and he's like well do you want children? and she'll be like yes...
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agathabridgerton · 10 months ago
colin 🤝 anthony: making an heir in s3
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harunayuuka2060 · 9 months ago
*Imagine #12*
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Leona, Ruggie, Lilia, and Malleus: ...
Baby Leo: *strangling a snake that has crawled into his crib*
Ruggie: Bruh-
Lilia: Fufu~ We have another strong baby in the family.
Malleus: Little one, you must let go of the snake now.
Baby Leo: ...
Baby Leo: *cries*
Leona: No, no. You keep it. That's yours.
Baby Leo: *stops crying* *giggles*
Malleus: ...
Leona: *smiles proudly*
Ruggie and Lilia: ...
Toddler Luna: How are you, Mama?
Yuurin: I'm doing well.
Silver: Have you checked on your baby brother, Luna?
Toddler Luna: Yes, Baba. He looks like Mama.
Silver: *smiles* Indeed he is.
Leona: *walks in with Baby Leo*
Baby Leo: *still holding the snake he caught earlier*
Yuurin and Silver: ...
Leona: Heh. Isn't he just like you?
Baby Leo: *giggles upon seeing his mom*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *smiles*
Leona: *brings him to her*
Baby Leo: *lets go of the snake and seems to give it to his mother*
Yuurin: Thank you.
Baby Leo: *giggles again*
Yuurin: *looks at the snake*
Yuurin: Hara mou, this snake is still alive.
Silver: I'll take care of it, Agapi mou-
Toddler Luna: Can I have it?
Silver: Are you sure?
Toddler Luna: *nods* I'll make it listen to Leo.
Yuurin and Silver: *both smiles at her*
Yuurin: Go ahead.
Toddler Luna: Thank you, Mama! *kisses her mother's cheek*
Silver: Be careful.
Toddler Luna: Okay, Baba! *then runs out of the room with the snake*
*The first-year gang (except Sebek and Ortho) talking through a video call*
Ace, Deuce, and Epel: EH?!!!
Epel: Is that true?!
Jack: Yes. I came to visit them.
Ace: Damn, bruh- Yuurin's children as strong as heck!
Deuce: I wish I had seen that myself!
Epel: *sigh* I hope we have a school reunion soon. I want to meet her kids.
Ace: Same, but I'm sure my wife will tell me to stay home, and she'll be the one going.
Jack: Huh? Why?
Ace: Apparently she has a crush on Yuurin and wants to befriend her. 🙄
Deuce: Wow, your wife is ready to replace you.
Ace: Shut up!
Epel: *laughs*
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witchthewriter · 9 months ago
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐀𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, Valyrian blood (dragon rider), and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
idea from: @archer10.
a/n: This is pure headcanon; based on their personalities (that I've felt they're close to). And yes, I know there aren't facts about how dragons lay eggs/parent/act around younglings. But this is too cute. And dragons are very smart - I think more human than animal at times.
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
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・Much like his original rider, Aegon the Conquorer, I think Balerion would be a pretty good dragon-dad
���Very present and contributes to the upbringing of his lil ones
・HUGE compared to the hatchlings and is so careful about it
・Most likely mated with both Meraxes and Vhagar (if a male has to be involved???)
・Tears up when he's proud
・Knows that he might put too much pressure on his kids - but he refuses to bring them to the dragonpit, or any small enclosed area.
・It is known that dragons grow faster and larger when they have their freedom.
・The dragonpit is essentially stunting the dragons growth.
・Balerion is 100000% protective; even if his rider is there. He has his eyes on you, his current rider. Huffs when you get a bit too close.
・Especially if it's his first clutch.
・Feels bad about it but knows you understand. Dragon babies aren't like regular babies. They're very uncommon.
・When he has another lot of babies, he absolutely wants you involved as well. He realises that hatchlings aren't glass. And being around a trusted human can help their growth.
・You'd end up being parent no.3
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・Gentle, loving and has said she has eyes in the back of her head
"But Mum that's impossible!"
"No it isn't, now go and play with your siblings"
・Wants to show off her babies to you, her rider, immediately.
"Look! We can have babies at the same time!" She says, and you just smile faintly at her. She truly is your best friend.
・Purrs at her nest, her big wing covering them so they're at their warmest.
・Completely allows you to come and sleep with them at night. It's one of the greatest experiences you've ever had. Four little dragons huddled around you, as you lay right next to Meraxes.
・Her wing like a shelter for the five of you.
・You could have sworn she was singing to help all of you sleep
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・All her hatchlings turn out to be strong dragons
・But she only has one clutch and she's done, not raising anyone else
・Is a bit touchy if her rider (You) makes sudden movements around the younglings
・But you know her personality well. Very well. Similar to your own. You know when enough is enough.
・Hides them away for the first few months
・But still does her duty to you -
・However, every night she goes back to where she left them to find them all asleep. Little snores coming from the biggest baby.
・She huffs in delight. Upset that Balerion isn't here to see this. He would have loved these children.
・They little ones love you though. You'll bring them something to eat and then stroke their little bodies. They absolutely purr with delight.
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・Single Mother
・Type of Mum who gets the car seat ready, the bag ready, hops in the car and feels like she forget something - yeah the kid
・The hatchlings get her tail and accidentally hit each other in the face
・So excited to show them how to fly, it brings her a lot of joy to show them the world.
・They have a special call if anyone gets lost; there's all different types. For example, if someone is in danger, if they're hungry, scared, by themselves etc.
・Very comfortable with you, her rider, interacting and playing with her little ones.
・Just don't take them away or anything...otherwise she cannot be held responsible for what she'll do next.
・Constantly makes happy chirping noises
・Licks them clean until they're old enough to fly with her to a waterfall
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・"Too Small To Eat"
・Then he grows attached; there was only one that hatched and he said 'shit now I have to protect you.'
・Growls when he's had enough of the youngling. At first the little one was frightened of the big black dragon, with vibrant eyes and fire the colour of wildfire
・But then the youngling understood what set off the old dragons moods, and what made them better.
・Rough relationship at the start
・But being alone starts to sound kinda shitty when he has a lil friend with him.
・If anyone or anything tried to hurt his youngling, he would tear them apart.
・Pretends he doesn't know, but whenever the hatchling gets tired of flying, he'll land on Can's back.
・Booped Can's nose once and than ran away and hide for like thirty minutes.
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・As the mount of Jahaerys, he and Alysanne's dragon, Silverwing, were practically married. (Jahaerys and Alysanne were married and had 14 children)
・Grumpy Dad Who Loves His Kids
・Huffs when they climb on him - an attack of the hatchlings, he pretends they're winning and then jumps up and shakes them all off.
・They definitely whine like, "aww daaaaad! we were wiinniinnggg!"
"Sorry, I have to go pee."
"Ew dad!"
"What! Like you don't pee. Little hypocrites." He says while trudging away. Tail swinging from side to side just in case a little one is there. He does love giving them a lil slap.
・Not one to push the younglings to their limits; he's probably the most accepting of his children out of the male dragons.
・Very very anxious when they were first learning how to fly, and he nearly died when they started flying long distances.
"Honey, I can't handle this. My heart-" Vermithor chokes out.
"Oh knock it off," Silverwing replies with a laugh.
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・She has that energy of being a great Mum to me. Especially with her rider being Alysanne, who was an advocate for women in Westeros.
・It is canon that she and Vermithor were close, and in my eyes they were mates. Partners. Married <3
・So, I think around hatchlings she would be such a mother hen.
・Letting out little noises to let her babies know she's close.
・Would definitely do 'The Mum Face' when she's fed up. Doesn't snap unless the hatchlings try to hurt each other.
・The most present mother out of the bunch ...
・Kicks Vermithor awake in the mornings; 'they're your kids before the sun's in the sky'
・Panics when she doesn't know where everyone is
・ExtreMELY protective of her babies; I think she had a very clutches that never hatched and she felt the loss of them.
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rekino2114 · 1 month ago
Fem!kaiser and fem!ness with a cold reader
A/n:I've decided that I'm gonna do a blue lock post basically every week (or just when I feel like it) because again it's my current obsession. I wrote this because I am currently freezing to death (when am I not?) And i didn't feel like doing a request (the next bllk posts will probably be requests though) I chose kaiser and ness because i assume it's colder in Germany.
Fem!Michael kaiser
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Michelle is naturally used to the cold. She has a higher body temperature and she had nothing no cover herself with when she was a child so she's used to it
She also already knows that you don't do well with the cold. She saw you shiver and freeze a lot during those cold days spent together in the streets of Berlin when you were children who only had each other (I love childhood friends to lovers kaiser and will mostly write for her with that in mind or implied)
But she still definitely teases you for being unable to withstand a bit of cold temperatures. She doesn't actually mind, though, since she thinks you look adorable bundled up in blankets
She doesn't like seeing you uncomfortable, so when she sees the temperature is getting colder and you're shivering, she asks you to cuddle and tells Ness to bring a blanket
You two just cuddle and watch whatever football match is going on, with kaiser constantly complaining about every mistakes the strikers do and saying how you two could do so much better
If there's no match currently going on, you'll just watch the highlight reel of your most recent match while she's constantly complimenting you on every action you did during the game (she expects you to do the same)
She also likes to take long warm baths with you. It's an opportunity to warm up and get even more comfortable together. You don't do much most of the time. Just wash each other and talk about whatever comes to your mind, it's one of the more relaxing and calm things you do in your relationship and it's also perfect to make yourself warm
If you have to play during a cold day or in a cold place kaiser complains to noa about it, while he looks at her like "wtf am I supposed to do about it" but then gives you some gloves specially made for the cold to help you
"Schatz, are you really that bothered by a bit of cold, I thought you'd be used to German weather by now"
"I think you of all people should know how I am with cold temperatures"
"Don't worry I know, should I ask ness to bring a blanket or two?"
"Yeah I'd like that thanks"
"Of course, anything for you, schatz."
Fem!Alexis ness
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This girl is literally the definition of would do anything for you. It's genuinely concerning how fast she says yes to anything you ask her
You could literally ask her to help you hide a body, and she'd somehow already have a shovel and know a perfect spot to do it. Your happiness is literally the most important thing in the world to her, and she will do literally anything to make you happy
So the exact moment she saw you shiver even once she already went to grab 3 heated blankets, the softest pillows in all the buildings, and two cups of your favorite hot drink that she somehow made in record time
Cuddling is one of her favorite things to do with you (don't ask her which one is her favorite she genuinely couldn't decide) and the fact that it's cold means that she gets to cuddle with you basically always. Cuddling with Alexis genuinely fells like heaven she's so damn warm and comfortable it's insane. She also can adapt to whatever your cuddling preference is. If you like being the little spoon, then she's an amazing big spoon and the same goes for the opposite. She's at least top 3 best cuddlers in blue lock change my mind
If you have to go anywhere when it's cold she'll offer to go instead because she doesn't want you to get sick or even slightly uncomfortable with the cold. But if you do have to go then she comes with you, tells you to wear warm clothes and holds your hand the entire time both to warm it up and because she loves doing it
If you have to play in the cold then she tries her best to make you comfortable, including bringing hot tea in a thermos so she can give it to you to drink during break time
"Are you alright y/n? Do you need anything else?"
"N-no it's fine lexi, I already have everything I need"
"Are you sure? More tea, maybe? Are the blankets warm enough? Should I put on a movie? Or maybe a match? Do you-"
"Lexi please calm down I'm fine it's not a big deal"
"But you told me you didn't like the cold, I'm just doing anything I can to make you warm and comfortable liebling"
".....I swear every day I fall more in love with you, do you wanna cuddle? I'm sure your love will warm me right up"
"Awww thanks so much y/n, I love you so so so so so so so much, of course I'll cuddle you, the cold has nothing on me, especially if It's for you"
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taesansbeloved · 4 months ago
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synopsis: heeseung meets your 4 year old daughter for the first time. warnings 🚨 children, angst if you squint, fluff, skinship, petnames, and all that good stuff. Not proofread 👍🏻
Nova notes: I kid you not, I had this idea for around two weeks now but was too lazy to write it. Hope you like it though! MWAH!
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You were sitting on the couch watching Areum, your 4 year old daughter, play with her toys on the ground. You were bouncing your left leg up and down anxiously, catching Areum's attention.
"Mommy, you're nervous." Areum stated, looking up at you with big doe eyes.
Today was THE day. Heeseung, your boyfriend for 1 year now, was coming to your home to visit your daughter for the first time.
You had Areum in your early collage. It was a stupid one night stand thing. One time, you were heavily drinking at some frat party, and then you found yourself in some guys bed in morning. You didn't think much if it then.. not until you found out you were pregnant two weeks later.
At first, you were trying to find ways to get rid of her. Like how would a 19 year old have a child already, that by itself sounds absolutely bonkers. You thought of abortion, putting her up for adoption, but you couldn't get through with any of these. Before Areum was even born, you felt extremely close with her. You loved her. So much. So you decided to keep her.
You decided, for your safety and for Areum's, to not date again. You had no interest in dating or anything of that kind. You were content with being on your own with your little daughter.
But 3 years later, you met heeseung. He was a random customer sitting in the café you were sitting in, studying furiously and quickly, trying to finish quickly to pick up Areum from her daycare.
Heeseung, who was watching from afar, was intrigued. A girl, adorable looking, with wide black rimmed glasses studying with her brows furrowed really caught his attention.
He walked up to you and sat in the seat opposite with a ridiculously good looking smile.
Your first reaction was, 'holy shit, he's gorgeous', the your reaction was, 'ew, no that's a guy.'
You looked at him from above your glasses with a 'what the f are you doing here look'. And he gave you another stupid smile.
"Hey." He simply said as you looked behind you, wondering if he's crazy.
"What do you want?" That was the first words you uttered to him and he was shocked to say the least.
"Just wanted to say hi." He said, covering up his shock and confusion.
"Well, bye. I have to go I'm in a hurry." You said quickly as you took a quick glance at your watch and realised that Areum was about to finish her day at the daycare. And you quickly gathered your stuff and left Heeseung sat there confused and looked at your rushing figure with eyes of intrigue.
Ever since then, Heeseung went to that café every single day for a chance to meet you again, which he successeded at every single day.
Few interactions here, few interactions there. Heeseung's gentlemanleness and acceptance about you having a daughter had you rethink your thoughts about that dating thing, and gave it a chance.
Now, a year into the relationship, you decided to introduce the two most important people in your life yo eachother.
You were worried for the sole reason of Areum disliking Heeseung, cause if she did that means that he's not the guy.
Now to the present day, you glanced at your beautiful daughter with eyes of adoration. "Yes, I'm just a little nervous today cause we're having a guest over." You said nervously l, watching Areum's reaction carefully.
She smile up at you with a beautiful smile and jumped up happily, "really? Who? Who? Who?" She asked excitedly as your nerves grew, scared of disappointing her.
"A special person that I think you'll love very much." You said picking her up and placing her on your lap.
"Do I know them?" She asked with big eyes that reminded you of Heeseung's.
Before having the chance to answer, there was a knock that can be heard from the other side of the front door.
"Is that them?" Areum asked, jumping down from your lap and ran to the door, waiting for you to open it.
You brushed your sweaty palm down your black sweatpants and got up to open the door.
You took a deep breath and opened the door slowly, revealing your insanely good looking boyfriend.
He was standing there with a bouquet of Lily's, your favourite, and a box full of goods and snacks that Areum really liked. The attention to detail that this man had drove you crazy at times.
"Hello." He said as you came inside, his calm, gentle voice filling the silence.
"Woah." Areum voiced unconsciously as she looked up at Heeseung. "You look like bambi." She continued, staring at Heeseung with and open mouth.
Heeseung's smile spread even more as he looked down at Areum with the most soft smile you've ever seen.
"You must be Areum. Your mom told me a lot about you." He said, crouching down to her height (that was still impossible because he's that tall) you didn't even realise that Heeseung was still not even inside the house so you opened the door further, but heeseung didn't make the move to walk inside.
Areum started shying away and hid herself behind your leg. Heeseung laughed softly as he got up and walked inside the house and closed the door gently behind him.
"Hi, baby." He said, kissing your forehead lightly and wrapped an arm around your waist.
Before you could respond, you heard Areum gasp. "What are you touching my mommy?" She asked with a deep frown, chiding Heeseung.
Heeseung immediately removed his arm from stood away from you. "I'm sorry. Hi, I'm heeseung and..." He glanced at you, asking for help on how to introduce himself as your lover.
"And he's the special someone I told you about." You helped and Areum glanced between you two suspiciously.
"I got you a gift." He said as the three of you walked to the living room. Areum sitting between you two on the couch, to keep distance ofcourse.
He placed the basket of goods, toys, and snacks on her tiny lap, gently holding it to ease the weight from her legs.
Areum looked at the him suspiciously then her eyes lit up at the sight of the content that's in the basket.
"OMG! Mom, look! He got me Monster Munch (it's a British baked corn snack, my fav :>)!" She exclaimed as the shoved the packet of Monster Munch in your face.
You and Heeseung watched as she rummaged deeper through the basket, exclaiming at each and every thing.
While watching your daughter with a fond smile and warm eyes, you felt a gentle hand tapping your shoulder. You looked past Areum and saw Heeseung looking at you with the same warm eyes your giving Areum.
"Do you think she likes me now?" He whispered, brushing a stray piece of your hair behind your ear.
"Oh, she adores you now." You whispered back, leaning into his touch.
While you and Heeseung were sharing your moment, you felt a slight tug at the ends of your shirt. You looked down and was met with Areum's bright eyes.
She gestured for you to bend down and whispered in your ear, "is he my new daddy?" Your eyes widened as Heeseung smiled widely.
"Do you want him to be?" You asked, feeling Heeseung's eyes on the both of you.
"Well, is he bad like my actual daddy?" She asked, voice too innocent to be uttering out those words.
You shook your head quickly as Heeseung got up from the couch and sat on the floor, opposite of her.
"I'm not a bad guy, Areum. I actually came today to ask for your blessing." He said, voice so soft and gentle as you and Areum looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"Blessing for what?" You asked.
"Marriage, mommy." Areum answered you as Heeseung chuckled at your daughters smart brain.
You looked at Areum then at Heeseung then at Areum again and asked, "and do you agree?" Areum looked at Heeseung with soft eyes.
"Well, he's handsome, looks like bambi, and he loves you. So yes!" She exclaimed as Heeseung stood up quickly and picked Areum up and spun her around.
"But!" She yelled making Heeseung pause. "I will FULLY accept if you go with me to the father-daughter dance with me." She said, still in Heeseung's arm with her arms crossed.
"I would not want anything more than go to the dance with you, sweetheart." He said, hearts coming out of his eyes.
Areum grinned and hugged his neck tightly.
You can feel tears prickling in your eye sockets, watching the beautiful moment between the most important two people in your life unfold.
"Mommy, join the group hug!" Areum exclaimed as Heeseung pulled you closer by your waist.
"I love you so much, my love." He whispered and kissed your lips gently.
"Ewww, not infront of me!" Areum said, covering her eyes making you and Heeseung crack up.
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Do not copy this post. Spam likes = blocked. Spaming and plagiarism are not tolerated. Respectfully follow these rules :)
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pierregazly · 2 years ago
a diamond's gotta shine ꨄ lance stroll smau
lance stroll x fem!reader
pic credit: pinterest
i know lance is daddy's money through and through (and i love a nepo baby sorry), but he is so 'my love language is gift giving so i'm going to spoil my girlfriend with everything i can' boyfriend material so here's that basically
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liked by lance_stroll, chloestroll, estebanocon, and 467,891 others
yourusername he ALWAYS let me drive the truck... sorry taylor
view all 1,347 comments
lance_stroll it is not a truck and PLEASE stop eating in the aston martin
lance_stroll at least stop eating in it without me
chloestroll wouldn't want a matcha date with anyone else 💗
liked by yourusername and 462 others
username imagine just casually eating fruit in a literal aston martin??? i dont even eat fruit in my car in fear of everything getting sticky 😭
username i want her life so bad
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tagged yourusername
liked by yourusername, chloestroll, fernandoalo_oficial, and 1,206,708 others
lance_stroll spent the last 2 years with her shoes in my hands after nights out, hoping for a hundred more
view all 9,071 comments
yourusername i am SO obsessed with you
yourusername even after 2 years, gonna be obsessed with u forever lance_stroll wouldn't have it any other way
username the toaster and i have a hot date with the bathtub tonight
username the things i would do to have lance stroll hold my shoes in his million dollar hands after a night out :(
username i want someone to love me even half as much as lance loves y/n ugh
chloestroll i taught you well
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tagged lance_stroll
liked by lance_stroll, yourfriend, estebanocon, and 450,687 others
yourusername all i asked for was a picture, and he decided to give me 2 years of his life and his heart. i'll love you til my lungs give out.
view all 3,491 comments
username all she asked for was a PICTURE 😭 and he gave her his heart 😭 and she'll love him til her lungs give out 😭
username im literally throwing up, sobbing, screaming, dying at this caption
lance_stroll my heart has been yours since the day you blew my breath away
liked by 5,782 users
username i usually hate lovey-dovey couples but these two... girl they got me wanting to be adopted frfr
username im calling it... girlypop's gonna have a ring by year 3 for sure
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liked by yourusername, mickschumacher, chloestroll, and 203,456 others
lance_stroll yeehaw
view all 2,340 comments
username this is such a look... are we sure this man isn't from alberta
yourusername i will save all the horses if it means i get to ride this cowboy
username y/n.... estebanocon there are children on this app
username i was literally waiting for that y/n comment... these two are disgustingly unhinged
yourusername has added a story
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liked by lance_stroll, chloestroll, and others
lance_stroll why didn't you post the pic of both of us in the bath :(
yourusername i wasn't trying to traumatize your family my love lance_stroll u posted that you're going to 'ride this cowboy' but a pic of me in the bath is too much?
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tagged lance_stroll
liked by lance_stroll, scottyjames31, chloestroll, and 102,340 others
yourusername do you think i get to meet emily in paris or am i stuck with lance
view all 1,341 comments
lance_stroll i just bought you that croissant and coffee and this is what i get as thanks????
yourusername i am so obsessed w u im sorry my favourite cowboy 🥺
username this is so wholesome lance is so boyfriend coded im crying
username y/n is literally living her best life ever i want to be her so bad
scottyjames31 i just know all of these photos were taken at least 75 times
yourusername mind ur own business scotty
lance_stroll and yourusername
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liked by chloestroll, estebanocon, mickschumacher and 2,304,550 others
lance_stroll watching you walk down the aisle will make me the luckiest man alive
view all 6,789 comments
estebanocon did you pay her to say yes?? congratulations you two 🥂
chloestroll even though i helped plan this entire thing i STILL cried on the phone. so happy for you both!!
username this man bought her like 5k worth of goodies and then put a RING that's probably worth my yearly salary on her finger??? god has chosen his favourite
yourusername im so lucky to be the one you've chosen to spend the rest of your life with. je t'aime 💗
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@leclercdream @myescapefromthislife @leclerces
i didnt tag anyone that specifically requested in the replies to be tagged for 'to live for the hope of it all' and all its parts (mostly bc idk how taglists work and i dont wanna bother yall), so if you'd like to be on my taglist for everything please send me a quick ask/dm (or u can just reply and say you'd like to be tagged for everything)! thank you for all the love
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the-froschamethyst4 · 9 months ago
Ex’s and Oh’s
𖤐Paring: Ex Husband! Ghost x Ex Wife! F! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐AN: Sorry, it has taken me so long to post this, I've been busy and struggling with writers block for a while, it was hard to think of a way to start this story and also trying to not make it boring as well. Anyways, I hope you all will enjoy the fic version of headcanon
𖤐Based On: ex-husband-simon
𖤐Warnings: fluff, smut, language, ex's to lovers, children, kissing/making out, more use of Simon, abusive relationship,
𖤐Summary: Divorce is hard, and Simon didn't know it at all, he loved his ex-wife and did everything he could to be there for his kids
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Simon waits in the driveway for his kids, Silas the oldest child and Luna his youngest. He remembers this house his first house he's ever bought with his now ex-wife Y/n.
Y/n had given Simon divorce papers because she was always worried about Simon when he was away on deployment. When she was pregnant with Luna, she couldn't handle the stress.
He watches the front door open and his kids come rushing out, Luna hugging Simon's legs and Silas hiked his bags into the back seat of his fathers truck.
"Come on, kids," Simon says, he turns and sees Y/n in the doorway being hold by her new boyfriend, Duncan. Simon couldn't stand him.
Duncan just leeched off of Y/n. Her money, home, food, he didn't pay bills, he was basically a roommate. Y/n tried to get Duncan many jobs but he never lasted then 4 days.
That was all information from Silas and Luna.
Simon looks at his kids helping Luna into her car seat.
"Daddy, can we go to the Zoo?" Luna asked.
"Maybe next weekend," Simon tells her.
"But I wanna go today."
"Not today baby."
"Because...it's close for cleaning."
"The Zoo isn't closed," Silas jumps in.
"Yes it is," Simon says, looking at his son to be quite. At the moment Simon didn't have anything plan with his kids, he just wanted to relax with his children and help them with homework if they needed it.
"Daddy?" Luna looks up at him.
"Not today," he says again. He shuts the door.
"I'm sorry for the last minute pick up," Y/n walks to her ex-husband.
"It's okay.
Y/n had a meeting and she didn't trust...Duncan. Sure they're dating and all, but she trusts Simon a lot more than Duncan.
"I can't believe you asked him to do it...I'm surprised he even agreed," Duncan says, watching Simon pull out of the driveway. Duncan acts like Simon is a dead-beat father when he's not, Simon works and barely even gets to see his kids.
And Duncan doesn't even help out with the kids, the week ago, Silas needed to be picked up from football (Soccer) and Duncan "forgot" and Luna was home but locked out of the house and didn't know if anyone was home or not.
"What the hell do you mean? Simon is a good father, this isn't his first time picking up his children," Y/n says.
"But like...I'm surprised really," he chuckles.
"Duncan, he's not a dead-beat father," Y/n says.
"Sure, he is, sees his kids 40 days out of the year."
"He...works Duncan, unlike you," she says. "I need to get going."
"Can't believe you married that guy too, seems like an asshole."
"He never was!" Y/n stood up for her ex-husband but why? She's the one who gave him the divorce papers, why is she standing up for him? Because she still loves him.
Duncan was a distraction for Y/n, she still loved Simon, but couldn't bring herself to tell him that, she thought if she had a boyfriend maybe her mind will love him instead but it wasn't, she still loved Simon, and she'll defend him even if he doesn't want her to, she'll still do it for him.
Duncan also doesn't know he's a 'distraction' he thought Y/n did like him.
Simon looks at his son and daughter in the rearview mirror they were eating their chicken nuggets or small cheese burger. They were hungry since Simon had picked them up around lunch time.
"How's everything?" Simon asked them.
"Good." Luna says.
"Amazing," Silas says.
"Good," Simon says as he starts to drive to his apartment complex.
Simon parked in his usual parking spot and he helps his kids out of the back seats of his truck. They head to the elevators and hit the 5th floor button going up.
Luna played with the toy she just got and Silas played with his. Once the door opened Luna headed to the apartment door and Silas walked with Simon holding his bag as Simon carried his daughters bag.
Simon opens the door and his kids rushed in going to their rooms grabbing more toys and dragging them to the living room that Simon cleaned just for them to mess it up again.
Simon smiles at his kids and jumps in to play with them, he jumps from playing Monster Trucks and Wrestling to Princesses and Pet Shops.
He likes to play with his kids, enjoying how they play and missed all times him and Silas use to play with each other, before Luna was born, he didn't play with her as much because of the divorce.
He lays on his back and Luna sits on his stomach, she pats his toned chest and was using his chest as a mountain for her Barbies to play mountain climber, he knew he had a big chest but he didn't think it was that big.
"Daddy, stop breathing it's messing with my Barbies."
"Baby, I can't just stop breathing," he chuckles which now causes his chest to bounce.
"Daddy," she groans.
"Okay, okay, I'll stop laughing, but I can't stop breathing," he smiles.
"Dad," he looks at his son, but he was looking at him upside down.
"Yes, buddy?"
"I don't like mama's new boyfriend," Silas says.
"You don't?"
"Yeah," Luna now jumps in. "He yells at us sometimes, even for nothing."
"Yelling at you? Are you sure it's just because you two might have...I don't know actually done something wrong?"
"Daddy, are you taking his side?"
"No, no, but-"
"No reason, dad," Silas says.
Simon sits up now holding his daughter so she doesn't fall and she slides down on his lap.
"I understand," he says, letting go of his daughter as she goes back to her Barbie's dreamhouse.
His children had gone to bed now, and Simon decided to do something, something he's never done because it was never his business.
Duncan Matthews Age: 31 Height: 5'11 Job: Unemployed Criminal Background: DUI, 1st degree Stalking, Demotic Violence
"Goddammit Y/n...you're smarter than this," Simon groans.
Simon copies the link and pulls up his email, he was going to send it to Y/n. If she was unaware, which she's not, she wouldn't keep this guy around.
Y/n was working late, she needed to get some files done and then she sees a notification pop up, it was from an anonymous email account.
She clicks it and then reading upon the email.
You're smarter than this with the screenshot of Duncan's police report attached to it.
She felt like she knew it was from. But she goes ahead and reads it anyways and then reading his charges.
Did you also know he yells at the children for no reason?
*Simon...what are you doing?* She thinks to herself.
Y/n then thinks of it, when she first brought Duncan home he was very rude to her children, but she brushed it off because sometimes her kids could be a little frustrating to deal with but she still loves them.
Duncan has also claimed that he didn't like kids and even though he knew about Y/n having kids still proceeded to be with her. Silas has brought up the fact that Duncan yelled at him and Luna a few times but Y/n thought was because they were doing something Duncan had told them many times to stop, so she brushed off again.
She now knows...she needs to listen to children more.
A Few Hours Later
Y/n was heading home now, she looks at her home from inside her car watching as the only light was on was the living room light, Duncan must've still been up.
She gets out of her car and locking it up and heading inside, she was right, he was still up, playing video games and yelling while he played them.
He was so annoying.
"Duncan, can you turn that off? It's almost midnight, and I have to go to bed to be able to get ready for work tomorrow," she says. She doesn't want to be up all night because of her dumb boyfriend always yelling at the games he play.
"Later, I'm not done-"
"Now, please," she cuts him off.
A sharp pain stung on Y/n's right cheek, she holds her cheek, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
He just smacked her.
A Few Days Later
Simon held his daughter and set her in her car seat. Silas buckled himself up and was ready to go back to his mothers house.
As Simon pulled into the driveway helping his kids out of the truck, the front door opened and he turns with a smile on his face ready to tell her how much fun his children had at his apartment, but he sees her face.
She looked upset, and then he sees a bruise over her left eye and a red mark on her cheek.
"Thanks for bring my kids back safely," she says, giving him a smile.
"Hey...are you okay?"
"Don't worry about me," she says.
"Hey," Simon then cups her face. She doesn't move, it was like she misses his touch and his worried face. "What...the hell happened?" He asks.
"Oh finally you brought the kids back, how was it, rug rats?" Duncan asks coming outside and Y/n moves her face from Simon's hands.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?" Simon grabs Duncan and Y/n ushers her children inside to not witness whatever Simon is going to do to Duncan.
Simon grabs Duncan's shirt throwing him to the ground, Duncan let's out a groan when his back hits the concrete.
"SIMON!" He stops whatever he's about to do, and starts pushing Duncan down the concrete stairs.
"Get the fuck away from my family!" He yells and Duncan starts to scramble to his feet and run away from the house. Simon was breathing heavily to stop himself from chasing after Duncan.
Simon turns to Y/n and her children hiding behind their mom, they've never, never, ever seen Simon like this before, it was almost like they didn't even know him.
"Are you okay?" Simon asks, Y/n.
"I know...I don't need to fight your battles for you...but when I saw you standing there with bruises on your body, I just lost control because I knew he was the one who didn't, you don't just get those from nothing," he says.
"You-I could've called the police!"
"Tell him to collect his things, I'll be here when he does show up. I don't want him near my children or you ever again."
"You're not my dad-"
"So, you want him to keep doing what he is doing?"
"Then call him and tell him to collect his shit, and I'll be here to make sure no funny business happens, do you understand?"
It was a week later now, Simon did what he said he'll do and he stayed in the house as Duncan and few of his friends gathered his shit and left, it was easy, a little too easy.
"Don't ever fucking come back, do not ask her for forgiveness, now fuck off, all of you," Simon says, slamming the door in their faces and he watched as they left the driveway.
"That was too easy, dad," Silas says as he stood next to Simon.
"I know..." Simon bends down to his son. "I want you to keep an eye on your sister and mother, anything happens, you call me or the police do you understand?"
"Yes, dad."
"I don't need protection," Y/n says.
"You do, if I'm not around," Simon says.
"Mommy, daddy, can we go to the park? It's nice out and I want to play outside," Luna says from the living room.
"Sure, come on, go get shoes on," Simon says. Y/n looks at Simon in a 'are you serious?' type of look, she wanted Simon gone, she wanted to spend her day with her children since Duncan was now gone for good.
"What?" Simon teases.
"Mama, are you mad at dad?" Silas asked, looking up at Y/n.
"No, no, I just...I just wanted to spend time with you guys."
"You can spend time with us, with daddy!" Luna yells coming down the stairs.
Y/n looks at Simon then down at her kids. Maybe, just maybe she'll let this slide once, she's only doing this for her children.
Luna was going down the slide and Silas was at the bottom of the slides arms wide open catching his younger sister from falling onto the dirty mulch.
"I'm sorry, he did those things to you-"
"Could we not bring him up, please. I'm only here for my children, I'm not here...to be friends with you, Simon."
"I don't understand what I did for you to hate me?"
"I don't hate you Simon."
"Seems like it," he rests his chin on his palm.
"I'm just...annoyed...I'm not a Princess that needs saving every time I get into trouble, I can handle myself. It seems like every time you're over here, I'm somehow in trouble and you come to my rescue," she says.
"I know you're not a Princess, Y/n...and I don't mean to come to your rescue every time, but I can't just sit back and watch someone hurt you for no reason," he tells her.
"Mama! Luna is picking weeds again!"
"DANDILIONS AREN'T WEEDS!!" Luna yells at her brother while giving the brightly yellow flowers to Y/n.
"Thank you, baby," she kisses Luna's temple as her kids went back to play.
"I'm glad you let me come," Simon says.
"Again...I only did it for my kids."
"I know."
A month later now. Simon was waiting for his kids, Luna or Silas haven't said anything about Duncan in a while, or anything about Y/n since the park.
Simon sees his kids rushing out and Luna pulled on Simon's hand.
"What, Luna?"
"Mama, wants to see you," she says.
"Okay, okay, get in the truck and I'll be right back, okay?"
"Okay," she says as his kids get inside the truck he goes into the house.
"Y/n?" He calls out. "Y/n?" Once more.
"Upstairs," he goes upstairs and sees at the end of the hallway, her bedroom door open, he walks to the door, peeking through seeing her in a towel and she seemed like she was getting ready for work.
"Y-You wanted me?" He asks. Y/n turns and let's him in.
"Yeah, can you tell me which shirt would go great with my skirt?" She holds up a red button up and and black on, her skirt was just a plain black pencil skirt, black goes with anything, but why is she asking him? She already knows what will go good with the skirt.
"I think they both will look good with it-but why are you asking me?"
"Because...your opinion is a bit valid," she says, dropping the shirts.
"My opinion is valid?"
"Forget it," she says, she turns her back and Simon smiles, she was asking for his opinion.
Simon walks to her, his hands gently caressing her waist. She doesn't stop him, she misses his touch. It was always gentle and soft, he wasn't demanding for her attention or anything, he just wanted to know if his touch still had an effect on her, and it did.
He kisses her neck, earning a soft moan from her lips, her hand goes to his cheek to let him keep going. Y/n then leans back into his touch, his hands going to her towel and letting it lose and fall to the ground.
She turns and looks at Simon, his eyes roam all over her body, from her breasts and her perky nipples to her thighs that were squeezing together. She didn't cover herself up like she was embarrassed that he was staring at her bare body. For fuck's sake, Simon has seen her naked body before.
Simon picks her up and putting her on the bed, moving her clothes out of the way, he picks up her thighs and moving them against her chest, he leans down and kisses her lips.
His tongue along with hers dancing around, and soon her was messing the belt of his pants. He looks into her eyes almost like he was asking for permission. She slightly nods her head, allowing him to push himself into her, earning a soft moan from her lips.
He slowly rocks his hips back and forth watching her head go back against the mattress of her bed, her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to her chest and his kissed both sides of her breasts and then started to suckle on her left nipple while his hand kneads her right breast.
Simon starts picking up the pace her moans were loud now and with every thrust, her moans would go at a higher pitch. She missed this feeling of Simon being inside her. Duncan could never do what Simon does.
Simon looks down at her stomach seeing him just barely bulging from her lower stomach. He smirks and holds her face to let her look at him as he goes a bit harder now. Her nails dug into his arm from the pleasure.
"S-Simon." She moans.
"I know, baby, I know, you can come," he tells her, with a few more thrusts she ends up coming on his dick. He smiles and pulls out watching both of their cum mix together.
He goes down and starts cleaning her up, he then remembers.
"The kids! I need to get going," he says. "I love you, and I'll see you later, sorry for this all of a sudden."
Y/n smiles, he's so flustered, he's never been like that before, she rolls on her side to watch him leave, she gets up and starts cleaning herself up and starts to get ready for work.
She missed him, she truly did. She just hides it.
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crystallizedtwilight · 4 months ago
🎃 LSBC Questions: Part 20! 🎃
Part 19 here!
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She wants to adopt every dog she meets honestly 🥹
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If Oogie was in a gambling mood it usually wasn't a good thing.
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Something equal parts dangerous and hilarious apparently! [x]
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They already have their skincare routines down!
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There's a couple of those in the lb tag 😚 Barrel is very romantic and Lock loves to be showered with affection as long as it's in private.
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Thank you! And yes! They do prank each other on occasion. Gotta keep each other sharp! [1] [2] [3]
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He did at first (and was too "cool" to tell anyone) but now he's an expert at capturing them.
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Mike Cachuela, who helped design the trio, stated how he spoke with Henry Selik, the director of the movie, about who the trio could be. The initial concept was that that they were tasked with keeping Oogie Boogie imprisoned and feeding him bugs. However, this concept was later changed so the trio would be Oogie's henchmen instead.
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No, all three of them love their natural hair colors! (Which, lucky, I've been dying my own hair for 10 years lol)
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She gets up, makes herself some tea, and reads her potion book to clear her mind. If that's not enough, she'll go for a flight.
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No. I'm aware he returns in several spinoffs—Oogie's Revenge, Kingdom Hearts II, one of the novels—but this AU uses the movie as the sole source material. Resurrecting Oogie is an easy way to reintroduce peril and doesn't require writers to explore who the trio are without him. That separation, freedom, happiness, and concept of the trio stepping into their own identities is exactly what I want to explore!
(Zero's Journey is my favorite tnbc book because the trio are shown carrying on happily without Oogie for once and I love that!)
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The trio state that they believe they will be harmed for failure / displeasing Oogie across multiple media:
"We can't say, the boss'll whomp us if we do!" (whomp, verb: to strike heavily) - Lock [source: game, The Pumpkin King]
The trio tremble visibly at Oogie's feet, holding onto each other as he reveals his plans. [source: game, Kingdom Hearts I]
In an interview Stephen mentions that, out of the three of them, Oogie might be meanest towards Lock or treat him the worst. [source: Stephen Buckley, one of the main animators on the movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas]
"If I were on his Boogie list, I'd get out of town." / "We do our best to please him and stay on his good side." - Lock, Shock [source: movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas]
"Jack will beat us black and green." - Lock, Shock [source: movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas] Through Jack has never shown himself to be physically violent, the trio assume all authority figures show their displeasure in this way.
"Don't hurt us, Jack! She's with Oogie!" - Lock [source: game, The Pumpkin King]
"'Stead of treated we get tricked. 'Stead of kisses we get kicked!" [source: stage performance, 2003 Disneyland "Haunted Mansion Holiday" wherein the trio perform an excerpt of "Hard Knock Life"]
"Looks like my no-good henchmen thought they'd cool their heels in Halloween Town 'stead of helpin' the boss man do his job...well, I can decide which of 'em I want to eat later." - Oogie Boogie [source: game, Disney Magic Kingdoms]
The camera pans out, displaying the masks of several previously devoured trick-or-treaters on the treehouse walls. None of these fit the trio's faces, revealing that Oogie has eaten several children in the past. [source: movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas]
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abbysimsfun · 19 days ago
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 141 (Safe and Sound?)
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Ash's family, friends, and pets rejoiced over his safe return to a brisk Brindleton Bay - where it still would not stop snowing. Gord followed Ash like a guard. Hazel, who'd been watching Lavender with Heather and Conrad in Sulani, warmly embraced her nephew when he raced to greet her. "Ashy, I'm so glad you're safe."
"Me too, Auntie Hazel. But we totally outsmarted the time travelers! And Felix Psyded and the Grim Reaper helped, too!"
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Hazel nodded and pushed out a smile. Heather had told her everything by text from the flight home, and she was still trying to wrap her mind around the whole thing - just like Heather and Conrad. Time travel was one thing, but murderous hitmen and vengeful exes were another thing altogether. Ash seemed the least disturbed by the strange reality he found himself in, which was at least something the adults could take comfort in.
Lavender was unaware her brother had been kidnapped, least of all by time travellers, instead thinking he'd stayed an extra night in San Myshuno with his other family, but she was happy to see him again nonetheless. "Ashy want to read with me?" she asked, sitting next to him on the living room sofa.
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"Sure, Lava," he said, and she handed him their worn copy of The Giving Tree. As he read, his voice trailed off, and suddenly he looked up with a smile. "I just got an idea!"
"Like the icy chippy?"
"No, this one will work. All we have to do is tell Mom and Conrad we want them to finally get married."
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Lavender looked at him wide eyed as she shook her head. "Mommy said no snow."
"I know, but Mom really missed me while I was gone so she'll say yes. Especially if we tell her we'll plan it and promise there won't be snow."
Lavender cocked her head slightly. "How we gunna plan a wedding?"
"Auntie Hazel will help us, I bet. And Uncle River, too!"
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"I want wedding cupcakes!"
"No cake? Just cupcakes?"
Heather smiled as she listened to them from the computer, where she answered an email from Marisol Quesada, the artist in Ciudad Enamorada who she'd commissioned to work on her video game's concept design.
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She would agree to her children's plan when they presented it to her; with another baby on the way, it was well past time for her to make things official with Conrad, and now she was up against fitting into a wedding dress with a baby bump. The sooner, the better, if there was no snow. But for now, as her life returned to normal, she refocused on Marisol.
(Thank you @igglemouse for inspiring another crossover with your incredible storytelling. I love your words as much as we love Marisol's artwork!)
The artist's emails were professional, her work was incredible and they had a similar vision. She hoped Marisol wouldn't be upset that her latest response to their collaboration was a few days late; Marisol was always prompt with her replies. Heather wasn't sure how to say she'd had to focus on her kidnapped son instead of the latest proofs, so she made up an excuse about pregnancy fatigue - which wasn't entirely a lie, anyway.
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While Heather focused on designing Furever Friends: Stray Valley and her clinic, Conrad was dealing with Ximena and Rafa's cases - what had once been slow investigations taking years off his life were now meetings with judges and lawyers and filing evidence for discovery. But he still found time to help Hazel and River plan his wedding to Heather.
River came to Brindleton Bay for a vet appointment with Duchess and suit fitting with Ash and Conrad, and as her morning sickness finally subsided, Heather was more than happy to focus on her work.
Her regulars were excited for the new clinic, and she was excited to give pets and their owners an even better place to heal when feeling sick. But for now, the old clinic that helped make her the vet she was today still felt like a home away from home.
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(Heather would never think of asking her recycle disciple brother not to hug his bag of trash while in her clinic. He loves it too much!)
A few nights before the wedding, Ash was wearing his wedding suit around the house in anticipation, and once his homework was done and he'd helped Lavender stack blocks, he sat down to watch his father on Simlandia National's 6 o'clock news. But even Conrad was intrigued enough to sit and watch when he realized what they were talking about.
"We bring reports this evening of a turquoise-haired man named Emit Relevart, who told several sims in Willow Creek Park he's a time traveler from the future asking for help with his latest mission. Police in Willow Creek say the man is harmless but annoying, and he's unwilling to leave the park until he's found a fellow time traveler and several stolen items he believes have been dropped through time. Sims are asked to beware of Emit Relevart when walking in or near Willow Creek Park, and officials advise against following him through any strange looking portals. Guard your safety, Simlandia."
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Ash's eyes bulged. "More time travelers?"
"We don't know that for sure," Conrad said carefully. "Emit Relevart could be a hoax."
"But his name is time traveler backwards!"
"That could all be part of the hoax," Conrad assured him.
"I wonder if Emit knows Marco and Ximena in the future."
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"After what happened in Sulani with Rafa, hopefully Ximena's still behind bars in the future, and Marco's gone. He was off the grid for years, but when he died in Sulani, we found a death record for him in San Myshuno."
"So if you time travel but then you die in the timeline where you already exist, your other self dies, too?" Ash considered the questionable and confusing science of time travel - still a bit much to grasp for a genius nine-year-old - but Conrad didn't know how to explain it any better, either.
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"Are you worried more people who knew Ximena and Marco will try to find you again?" he wondered, and Ash nodded. "The Landgraabs increased security, and your mom and I will never let anyone hurt you. Same as always," he said.
Ash soon refocused on the wedding, which carried his excitement through the evening until Heather and Conrad tucked him into bed. He fell asleep with his blankets curled around his shoulders, bundled under heavy cotton sheets in the cool spring night of Brindleton Bay.
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While he slumbered, Marco's ghost stood over him with a frown. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 2.1 Summary
Gen 1 Start | Gen 1 Summary
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harleehazbinfics · 10 months ago
Absolutely Smitten [Can we? continuation]
Prev | Author profile
a/n: hi im back with more word puke. enjoyyyy
song credit: Dodie - Absolutely Smitten
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A few months later...
"Your highness, are you sure about this?" Mary, my handmaid, worried asked in a shushed tone as she followed after me in the crowded city.
"Oh, Mary! It's fine~ No one here even recognizes me with this disguise on! It'd be a waste to let the day pass by without seeing the festival for myself!" you say joyfully as you held her wrist and dragged her with you, while your knight followed after you obediently also dressed as a mercenary.
You dragged her to all sorts of places in the kingdom. Eating street foods, playing with the children while they braided your hair (that was dyed), and sang and danced with the people in the plaza.
You laughed as you got passed to another partner in the dance. You were met with a familiar shade of red and yellow eyes.
It was his majesty!
"Lucifer—!" your exclamation was cut short when he shushes you with a playful look in his eyes.
"Shh, you'll blow my cover, love," he jests before tugging you to the rhythm of the music.
"I-I thought you couldn't come," you reply feeling happy to be sharing this dance with him.
"It'd break my heart to see you dance without me. Of course I'd come if it's you," he confesses fondly at you.
You blush and beam him a smile. You honestly did think you'd go through the day without dancing with your husband in the festival that the both of you planned for the people.
You were truly excited to take part on the first day of the festival. Though, you didn't want to be a spectacle and cause a commotion that'll hinder the people from enjoying their day with their friends and family. So, you opted for a cover.
You invited Lucifer of course, but due to the piled-up work that needed his attention, he said he couldn't attend with you. Truly this was a pleasant surprise to see him now with you. His usual blonde hair was now colored black and red cheeks nowhere to be found. You'd recognize immediately his eyes and the way they shined mischievously. That was your husband alright.
"You're staring," he says twirling you.
You smile and answer, "You still look handsome with black hair."
He chuckles and bows his head, "Why, thank you, fair maiden."
"Unfortunately, for you my good sir. I'm happily married to my husband," you played dramatically.
"He must be the luckiest stud alive if he could have your hand in marriage," he continues.
"That he is," you finish with a giggle.
She knows this feeling all too well,
She feels her heart begin to swell,
Handsome stranger, you have made her insides turn to jelly.
You laugh and shriek as he tosses you in the air, still doing the dance together.
She wants to dance around the room,
Kiss you until her lips turn blue,
You hug his neck once you landed back into his arms. Him securely holding onto you also liking how you were squeezing him.
But handsome stranger, you have made her wonder,
Is she pretty?
He pecks your cheek as he sets you down and runs off with you leaving your attendance in a panic.
But it's too late,
She believes in fate.
You look at him in bewilderment following after him.
She's absolutely smitten,
She'll never let you go.
You laugh once again and run alongside him as you escaped your maid and squeezed his hand tightly.
That girl just there, yes, she's the one,
With Cupid's arrow in her bum
You were standing in front of a stall that sold cotton candy. You pointed to the candy that was bigger than the size of your head. Lucifer smiled at you so lovestruck at how adorable you were being in front of him.
Handsome stranger, you have made her happy,
The first in a long time
You stuff his mouth full of cotton candy and laughed at his reaction. He was wide-eyed shocked at the sweetness that was stuck in his teeth. You would have fell over if you hadn't held onto his arm.
He shakes his head playfully and straightens you up his arms before swiping his hand across your face to tame your now unruly hair.
He leans towards you and bumps your heads together with a smile before whispering, "You're so adorable and, oh so, beautiful. I love everything you do. I love you."
Did you just whisper in her ear?
Words she only dreamed to hear?
You cover your mouth with red dusting your cheeks from his confession. You've never been confessed to so sincerely before. It was thrilling and it made your heart feel full being loved by someone you loved.
Pretty lady, look at how he's smiling,
I think he likes you.
You stare at his red eyes that was tinted in orange hues from the light. He looked at you so intently as if he was being enchanted. Any bystander would take notice of his affection towards his lady.
But it's too late,
You believe in fate.
You bashfully took his face in your hand and leaned closer to him for an emotional kiss.
You're absolutely smitten,
You'll never let her go.
"I love you, Lucifer," you whisper as you broke the kiss somewhat breathless.
He practically beams as radiant as the sun and engulfs you in a hug lifting you off your feet. Elated that you finally said those words to him.
"No take backs now, (Y/n)! You said it yourself!" He exclaims twirling you both around til you were dizzy.
"Alright, alright! You win!" You call joyfully clutching onto his clothes.
🔗 Other Lucifer Fics:
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darkbluekies · 1 year ago
Halloween special<3
Warnings: the three dirty yanderes being dirty as usual
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Genuinely loves halloween, loves to scare little children for absolutely no reason at all. But he doesn’t want you to want to do the same thing — or whatever you wanted to do. He wants you to be with him only, dressed up for his eyes. He has never allowed kids to come for trick or treating, but you manage to convince him to leave out a bucket of candy this year. You sit curled up in the window in your costume, watching to see if any kids will come take from your prepared bucket. Time goes, but no one comes. 
“Don’t be sad, little thing. They’ve never been allowed to come here so they probably don’t know that they can come here this year. And I think that their parents know who I am, so they don’t want to send their kids over here anyhow. I know that you were excited, but this is the reality of being a criminal. Bring the bucket inside and we can overindulge. By the way, your costume turns me on.”
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Dr Kry: 
Dr Kry has given you a little makeup to paint you into a vampire. You have a bucket of candy in your hand while Dr Kry brings you through the hospital to visit small children laying in their beds. He thinks that you’re adorable with kids and finds himself staring at you talking to a little boy. You pet his teddy bear and give him a chocolate bar before walking out of the room to go to the next. 
“You’re really nice, and great with kids … wow. Why I’m not dressed up? I don’t like that very much, but I like to see you dressed up. That fulfills my need of costumes for this year. Next year maybe. Let’s see how much candy you have left. Do you want to keep those for yourself or give them out? Give them out? You’re so nice, Y/N. Let’s move on. You need to go back to bed soon, so better hurry. Before the air and its toxins get to you.”
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King Edmund: 
Halloween doesn’t exist in his timeline, but he decides to have a masquerade ball for kids and by your request, the doors standswide open for the entire kingdom. Parents of all classes came to drop of their kids in cute costumes. Edmund sits on his throne, watching over you and the fifty children in the big hall. He looks at you with a small smile, seeing how you take such good care of the little kids. While they dance, you go to get a bucket of candy. Edmund gets down from his throne and walks over to you. 
“It seems like you have quite the control, my dear. I can't understand how you like these creatures. Yes, I know I've been a kid and yes I know I'll have to have a kid in the future, but still. Look at them? You're doing great though. Keep doing that and I'll have to pump a child in you sooner than planned."
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She refuses, but gives in once she gets to hear that she can scare the kids. Doesn't want to couple match because she finds it cringe, but if you're going to match, she wants to be superior to you like owner and dog or queen and peasant, or even cop and jailcriminal. 
"I'm going to scare so many fucking kids, this is going to be amazing. Don't give me that look. It's trick or treat! You give the treat and well … I do the trick. Stop being a baby, it'll be fun. We could do role-playing in these costumes, by the way. Just wait until we get back home. I'll show you what a queen does to the peasant who hasn't given crops to the castle."
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Of course she'll love it! She will buy too much candy and decorate the entire mansion for kids to come trick or treating. You'll be in adorable couple costumes (chosen by Hedwig of course) and have fun with the little kids. Hedwig shines every time she pretends to get scared by a little kid.
"You look really cute, Y/N. Do you like this? Imagine when we get kids, we can do this every year, create our own traditions. We can dress in family costumes and … and have really, really fun. You look really cute with kids, Y/N. But I’m starting to wonder if you like the candy more. It’s okay, we have a lot, sweetheart, just eat away.”
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wenclairfamily · 3 months ago
"Wednesday's Acceptance"
A Brand New Wednesday Addams Tale
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"You enjoying digging up all the fake dead bodies I hid around the yard for you?"
"While the exhilaration of unearthing decaying flesh would have been more preferable… your birthday gift to me this year is indeed well appreciated."
*Cover Artwork by @emeriart
Links to the Full Story: Wattpad, Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net
-Or just click keep reading to see the full story immediately!
*Many Years Ago:
In the Addams Family mansion: a five year old Wednesday Addams was sitting in a black night gown next to her father Gomez, who was reading a book to her. As Gomez held the book in front of Wednesday, he had a big smile on his face as he said, "And then the wolf ate Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, and he lived happily ever after. The End! So... did you like that bed time story my little storm cloud?" A smiling Wednesday then said, "Oh yes father. It was such a wonderfully violent story. But... I still see there are more pages after the last one you read. Why is that?" Gomez looked a little nervous as he said, "Well... maybe we'll talk about what eventually happened to the poor hungry wolf when you're older."
Suddenly Wednesday's mother: Morticia walked into the bedroom and said, "Oh Wednesday. For your birthday party next week, are there any friends from school you want to invite over?" Then an excited Wednesday said, "Oh yes. I want to invite everyone from class here. I can't wait to show them around our house that's so nice and gloomy." Gomez however looked surprised as he said, "You want to invite your WHOLE class here my little death trap? Wouldn't you rather just spend your whole party throwing knives at me and your Uncle Fester, or try to poison your brother?" Then an excited Wednesday said, "Oh, no. I want to show all my classmates my guillotine, and my pet spider and scorpion." Before Gomez could say anything else, Morticia stepped forward as she happily said, "If that's what you want for your party Wednesday, that's what we'll do. Now good night my deadly daughter. Have sweet homicidal filled dreams tonight."
Gomez then stood up as he and Morticia stepped out of Wednesday's bedroom. Once they closed the door to the bedroom, a concerned Gomez said, "Tish, are you sure inviting all of Wednesday's classmates here is a good idea? I'm concerned they might be becoming a bad influence on her. They all wear clothes filled with so much... color. You know many people in my family have an allergic reaction when exposed to too many bright colors. What if Wednesday has inherited that gene?" Morticia however kept a calm demeanor as she said, "Nonsense Gomez. We live in a diverse world, and we must teach our children to be tolerant of other people, no matter how disturbingly bright their clothing is."
Gomez however still looked worried as he said, "You know I was never keen on sending our children to public school. They were doing so well in their voodoo doll making skills with Grandmama back when we only educated them here at home. I mean what's the point in having children if we're just supposed to send them away from us five days a week!? Plus, if little Wednesday starts spending too much with those unusual technicolor looking children at her school, pretty soon she'll be joining the girl scouts, adopting cute little puppies, or even worse... going to pop star music concerts!" Morticia chuckled a bit, and then calmly said, "Oh Gomez, you're just over-reacting. Like our little Wednesday would ever go to some pop star music concert filled with bright lights and loud noises..."
*The Future:
An adult Wednesday Addams stood with an angry glare as she was amongst many spectators at a crowded music concert. Standing next to Wednesday were her teenage daughters: Harmony and Ana as they excitedly and loudly sang, "Oh, I leave quite an impression! Five feet to be exact! You're wonderin' why half his clothes went missing! My body's where they're at!" Then Wednesday turned her head, and began to walk away as she angerly said, "I'm leaving." Then Ana suddenly grabbed Wednesday as she said, "Come on mother. The Sabrina Carpenter concert just got started!" Then an excited Harmony screamed, "Ooo! Here comes the chorus!" Then together with the singer on stage, both Harmony and Ana loudly screamed/sang: "Heard you're back together, and if that's true: you'll just have to taste me when he's kissin' you!" Wednesday meanwhile kept a straight face, as she angerly said, "When you both told me I was being brought to a place where there would be lots of screaming and shrieking, this isn't what I had in mind."
Ana then giggled, and said, "Come on mother. Everyone loves Sabrina Carpenter! She is my free pass!" Then a confused looking Harmony said, "Wait Ana. I thought you only preferred guys... and ghosts." Then Ana casually said, "Yeah, but... look at her! Even the straightest straight girl would go gay for Sabrina!" Then Wednesday reluctantly said, "She did indeed have quite the twisted sense of humor when we met during..." Then Harmony suddenly grabbed Wednesday out of excitement as she said, "Hold on mother! You met Sabrina Carpenter!? WHERE!? WHEN!?" Then Wednesday suddenly looked a bit nervous as she said, "I... well..." Then with a silly tone to her voice, Ana said, "Ooo. Are you gonna tell us that was you who kissed her in that Taste music video, and not Jenna Ortega?!"
Ana and Harmony laughed hard for a moment... but then the two noticed Wednesday was looking much more uncomfortable now, and starting to blush. Then with a very excited smile: Harmony said, "Oh my God! Was that actually you in that video!? Now the dark twisted tones of that music video make so much sense, and it explains where you disappeared off to last summer!" Then Ana began to clap her hands as she said, "Ha, ha! This is epic! Does mom know about this!?" Then Wednesday began to look very uncomfortable as she said, "Any special high paying tasks that I reluctantly agree to take on to pay for both of your college education expenses are made completely transparent with your mom... and also arranged by her... unfortunately. Now if you excuse me... I need a break from this hormonal driven insanity."
Then as Wednesday walked out of the concert, Ana turned her head and said, "Hold on. Where's Stormageddon the Conqueror? He was chilling right near me." Then Harmony pointed to the stage as she excitedly said, "Look!" Then on the concert stage: Sabrina Carpenter stopped singing as she said, "Oh, hey. Where did this cat come from?" Then Ana's cat appeared walking across the stage, and stopped right near Sabrina Carpenter's feet as he innocently said, "Rowr." Then Sabrina Carpenter picked up Ana's cat as she said, "Aww. You're a cute little guy. Wanna come back to my place tonight and have some fun?" Then Ana's cat looked very excited as he happily said, "Rowr!" Meanwhile, in the crowd: an impressed Ana said, "Dang Stormageddon the Conqueror, you are the ultimate playah!"
Meanwhile, Wednesday was walking out of the concert and slowly looking more relaxed as she distanced herself from the loud noises. However, just as Wednesday began to look more comfortable, her eyes caught a poster hanging on a nearby wall. The poster featured a blonde adult man in a suit smiling, with large words underneath his face that said: Vote Dalton Davis for Governor: The Man Who Will Cast Out the Outcasts. Horror and anger went across Wednesday's face as she took in the image of the poster. Then Wednesday quickly pulled the poster off the wall, tore it into many pieces, and then stormed away.
*Many Years Ago:
Young six year old Wednesday Addams was leading a group of children her age around her bedroom as she said, "And over here is my collection of Marie Antoinette dolls." Then one little girl in the group asked, "Why do all your dolls have no heads?" Then a smiling Wednesday said, "Because they all got their heads cut off in the French Revolution." Then suddenly a large pig walked into the bedroom. Many of the children looked surprised, as one boy asked, "What's that pig doing here!?" Then a sweet sounding Wednesday said, "Oh. That's me and my brother's 'Piggy Bank'. That little guy there eats up all our money, so we can use it later." Then one little girl in the group asked, "How do you get your coins back after feeding them to him?" Then little Wednesday, in a matter of fact way, simply said, "When Gradmama makes bacon sandwiches. Discovering coins as you're biting into them is so much fun."
Then one young blonde boy looked annoyed as he said, "Come on. You said there was gonna be a piñata with goodies in it at this party. Lets see it." Then Wednesday smiled as she said, "Don't worry Dalton. That's the next thing I was going to show you. Follow me." Wednesday then led the group of children into a dark empty room with only a spider shaped piñata hanging from the ceiling. The little boy Dalton looked excited as he said, "Now that's what I'm talking about! Bring on the goodies!" Wednesday then picked up a bat, as the living hand: Thing appeared. Thing quickly crawled up Wednesday's back as it held a blind fold between two of his fingers. Wednesday then put the blind fold over her eyes as Thing tied the blind fold behind her. Once she was completely blind folded, a smiling Wednesday said, "Thank you Thing."
Wednesday then began to use her bat to hit the piñata hard. As Wednesday kept whacking at the spider shaped piñata, all of the young children began to look excited as they yelled, "Candy! Candy! Candy!" However as Wednesday broke open the piñata, suddenly a swarm of spiders burst out of it. All of the children screamed as they began to run out of the room. However only Dalton stopped for a moment, as he angrily looked back at Wednesday while yelling, "You're a dirty rotten freak Wednesday! You and all you stinking outcasts should just go back to the mud-hole you belong in!" Then Dalton and the other kids ran out of the room, while a young Wednesday (who had spiders crawling all over her body) just stood looking very confused.
Morticia then walked into the room looking curious as she said, "I heard screaming, so I thought the party was going well. However... I don't see any of your friends. Where did they go?" Wednesday stood looking very confused as she said, "When I surprised them with spiders, they all ran away. Why is that mother?" A sympathetic Morticia then embraced Wednesday, hugging her closely as she said, "Oh, Wednesday... some people just don't appreciate a beautiful gift when it's given to them." Then as Wednesday looked at Morticia's face, she said, "Dalton said... I was a dirty rotten freak that belongs in a mud-hole. Is that true mother?" As Morticia looked at Wednesday with loving eyes, she warmly said, "Oh Wednesday. You're not a dirty rotten freak that belongs in a mud-hole... You're a dirty rotten gothic princess that rules all mud-holes." Wednesday began to smile as she hugged Morticia while saying, "Thank you mother."
*The Future:
An adult Wednesday sat next to Enid and other Nevermore Academy teachers at a staff meeting. As a female Nevermore Academy administrator stood before the teachers, she said, "And that concludes all our major talking points for this meeting. Oh, we have a group of new teachers starting this week. We're providing them large lunches every day around noon, so be sure to pop on by to the training room and introduce yourselves." A concerned and confused Wednesday then raised one eyebrow as she said, "Would you care to explain why we are giving brand new teachers extravagant meals every day during their week of training?" The school administrator looked a bit confused herself as she said, "It's just... a nice thing to do Mrs. Addams. It helps motivate our new staff to be their best."
Wednesday however began to look angry, and spoke in a harsh tone as she said, "How does rewarding teachers before they've done any real work make sense? New staff members shouldn't be given five star meals for just existing. They've gone from unemployment to getting a paycheck. That's the only reward they should be receiving, and nothing more. New staff members deserve the least ideal parking spaces, the smallest offices in the building to work from, being tasked with the most difficult to teach students, and should receive no perks whatsoever, which includes free meals. Staff members in any establishment should earn any type of special treatment or lavish benefits. If you create an environment where people are treated like they're special just for existing in the world, you're enabling them to do whatever they see fit; including harming whoever they see fit! Then the next thing you know, they'll be getting away with murder and be allowed to run for governor!"
Everyone in the room then began to look at Wednesday with confused looks on their faces. Wednesday then began to surprisingly look embarrassed and humiliated, as she stood up and said, "Excuse me." Wednesday then began to quickly walk out of the room, as Enid had a concerned look on her face.
*Many Years Ago:
Young six year old Wednesday Addams was walking down a sidewalk near an ice cream shop while holding a leash that was attached to her pet scorpion. As Wednesday walked, she looked down at her pet scorpion and smiled as she said, "Come on Nero. Just around the corner is a nice colony of ants you can subjugate over." Then suddenly Dalton and several other boys on bikes started to ride near Wednesday. As the boys looked at Wednesday, Dalton stopped on his bike as he said, "What kind of girl walks a scorpion?" The other boys snickered as they got off their bikes. Quickly, two of the boys grabbed Wednesday by the shoulders and arms and pushed her against a wall. As Wednesday was forced to let go of her leash, she said, "Oh no. Don't let Nero wander into the street. She's just a baby."
Dalton laughed as he said, "You call that scorpion a 'she'? That's an 'it'. Scorpions are just freaky little monsters; just like you Addams!" Then as the scorpion walked onto the road, a scared Wednesday said, "No. She's more than my pet. She's like a daughter to me. Don't let a car hit her." As Dalton and one of his friends got on their bikes, Dalton smirked while saying, "Oh, we'll make sure a 'car' doesn't hit it." Then Dalton and his friend rode their bikes towards the scorpion. Wednesday struggled to get free from the two boys that were pinning her against a wall, as she yelled, "NERO!" Then Dalton and his friend rode their bikes over the scorpion, instantly killing it.
The other two boys let go of Wednesday, as a horrified Wednesday fell to the ground with tears in her eyes. Dalton and his friends then rode off on their bikes laughing. Looking desperate, Wednesday jumped up and ran over to a nearby male police officer walking around the corner. Wednesday immediately pulled on the police officer's sleeve and said, "Officer! I need to report a murder!" The police officer looked puzzled as he said, "What? Who committed a murder!?" As her heart was racing, little Wednesday said, "It was Dalton Davis!" The police officer had a major look of disbelief go across his face as he said, "The governor's son? I doubt that. Who do you think he murdered?" Then Wednesday pointed to the remains of her pet scorpion on the road as she said, "My pet scorpion Nero!"
The police officer then chuckled as he said, "Oh, boys will be boys. Listen sweetie, you only cry 'murder' if a real person is killed. Also, don't be accusing the governor's son of wrong doing. You don't wanna get yourself in any trouble now." The police officer then smiled as he walked away. Little Wednesday meanwhile looked completely devastated as she walked towards the remains of her pet scorpion on the road. Wednesday then fell to her knees as tears were coming from her eyes. Wednesday closed her eyes, and then titled her head back as she shrieked in agony.
*The Future:
A crescent shaped moon shined in the early night sky, as an adult Wednesday walked into the back yard of her home looking frustrated. She then stepped into a partially dug up grave with a shovel. As Wednesday began to dig up the dirt from the grave using the shovel, she also began to slowly take deep breaths in and out. As time passed, the longer Wednesday digged, the calmer she started to become. As Wednesday's digging continued, Enid silently walked into the yard and moved towards Wednesday. As Wednesday continued to take deep breaths in and out while digging up the grave, Enid calmly sat on the grass near Wednesday and began to look at her phone for a moment. Then Enid slowly turned her head to look at Wednesday, while Wednesday slowly turned her head to look at Enid. With a warm sound to her voice, Enid said, "You enjoying digging up all the fake dead bodies I hid around the yard for you?" In the private setting of their yard, Wednesday showed her gratitude to her wife by presenting Enid a genuine small smile on her face as she said, "While the exhilaration of unearthing decaying flesh would have been more preferable... your birthday gift to me this year is indeed well appreciated."
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As Wednesday went back to digging her hole, Enid put her phone away as she said, "You wanna talk about what's bothering you?" Wednesday then tilted her head down as she bitterly said, "Dalton Davis." Enid looked confused as she said, "The guy running for governor? What about him?" Then Wednesday began to dig deep into the dirt around her as she said, "The problem with him... is that he is the one that killed Nero when I was six years old." Enid's eyes widened with shock as she said, "Oh my God! Your pet scorpion? I... I had no idea you had history with him that far back." Then as Wednesday began to dig the dirt around her more quickly, she clenched the shovel tight as she said, "Indeed I did. Not only has he been bullying and spouting out hate speech towards outcasts my whole life, but he's been allowed to get away with murdering innocent pets and countless other crimes against the outcast community just because his father was a long time governor. Now that hateful bigot is about to become a governor himself, and get away with who knows how many more untold crimes. I just..."
Then suddenly Wednesday froze, as her hands began to shake, and a few tears began to come from her eyes. As the tears began to form in Wednesday's eyes, she kept her head turned away from Enid's gaze so that Enid couldn't see her tears. Enid then jumped into the hole Wednesday was digging in, stood behind Wednesday (without looking at her face), and then immediately hugged Wednesday from behind. Enid closed her eyes and hugged Wednesday lovingly, while Wednesday simply remained still as she closed her eyes as well. Then after a long moment, Wednesday wiped away her tears. Soon, Enid stepped away as Wednesday began to shovel at the ground again. However Wednesday quickly saw she had reached the coffin beneath her. As Wednesday opened up the coffin, a smirking Enid said, "So... wanna relieve some stress and make out in the coffin for awhile?" Wednesday then turned to look right into Enid's eyes as she said, "That... would be splendid."
*Many Years Ago:
Fifteen year old Wednesday Addams was being led into Nancy Reagan High School by her brother Pugsley. As Pugsley walked close to his sister, he made a little smile as he said, "It's so nice that you got transferred here Wednesday. We finally get to be at the same school again." Wednesday however kept a straight deadpan face as she said, "Considering I've tortured students at all of the other public schools in the county that you didn't already demolish with your explosives, it was inevitable." Then suddenly a teenage Dalton and his friends walked over to the two, as a smiling Dalton said, "Yo 'Pigsley'. Who's this? Is it your new girlfriend, or the owner of the farm you live on?" As Dalton's friends laughed, Pugsley looked annoyed but also scared as he said, "This is my sister." Suddenly Dalton's eyes widened with a smile on his face as he said, "Whoa! Yo guys! It's the freak girl! Remember her? Little Wednesday Addams is all grown up! Hey, you guys remember how this freak girl invited us to her crack house when we were kids, and how she used to have a pet scorpion? Man, that was so much fun when we ran over that thing back in the day."
Then Dalton and his friends began to laugh as they walked away. Wednesday suddenly looked very angry as she began to pull a concealed sword out of her umbrella while saying, "Excuse me Pugsley. This will only take two minutes." Then Pugsley looking scared, stopped Wednesday by grabbing her arm as he said, "Wait Wednesday. Dalton's dad is the governor. That means that anyone that messes with him or hurts him at school will get into super serious trouble, like going straight to jail, and I don't wanna see you go to jail Wednesday. No one else tortures me in the electric chair as good as you do." Wednesday looked very frustrated for a moment, but then relaxed slightly as she said, "Very well. Dalton shall be excused from my wrath... for now."
*The Future:
An adult Wednesday sat in her office at Nevermore Academy as she was looking at her laptop. On the laptop screen, a video was playing of adult Dalton who was standing in front of a crowd as he proclaimed, "Currently, we are having tax dollars being used to fund outcast healthcare. Tell me, do you want your tax dollars to be used to help sharpen a werewolf's claws or a vampire's teeth so they can attack your children? If elected, I will dismantle our state's Outcast Healthcare Act, and put control of the people's government back in the hands of true people!" Wednesday then angerly shut her laptop closed as rage filled her eyes.
Suddenly Enid stepped into the office as she said, "Guess what Wens-babe! I got a surprise for you. I just got the school administrators to approve for us to take a two week vacation starting right now!" Wednesday looked very surprised as she said, "You planned a vacation without telling me?" Enid then walked around the room, stood behind Wednesday, and then began to rub Wednesday's shoulders as she said, "I know we both agreed it's important for us to make plans like this together... but I really felt like you needed a break. I mean... you have been getting more stressed than usual." Wednesday then kept a serious deadpan look to her face as she said, "Enid, I have no need to go on an impromptu vacation right now. I am perfectly capable of dealing with the current level of stressful factors in my life."
Then suddenly both Wednesday and Enid heard the sound of an explosion. After a moment, Ana suddenly ran in the office covered in smoke. Ana coughed for a few seconds, and then said, "Sorry. That was my bad. Although you can't blame me for playing with active plutonium if the Mafia Mice from Minnesota are just gonna make it so easy to steal from." Then suddenly the loud sound of laser fire could be heard in the hallway. Ana glanced into the hallway, and then loudly yelled, "Aah! The Puppy Posse from Poland is trying to steal the secret formula we made! Quick Stormageddon the Conqueror, activate the candy canes!" Then Ana ran into the hallway, as the sound of loud puppies could be heard mixed with laser fire. Wednesday then immediately turned her head to look right at Enid as she said, "Now I'm ready to take a vacation."
*The Future:
Fifteen year old Wednesday Addams was walking through the main hallway of Nancy Reagan High School. Wednesday soon reached her locker, and upon opening it: she immediately saw Pugsley inside her locker tied up, with an apple stuffed in his mouth. Pugsley quickly fell to the ground. Wednesday then got down on her knees, pulled the apple out of Pugsley's mouth, and immediately said, "I want names." A scared looking Pugsley was on the verge of tears as he said, "I don't know who they were. Honest. It happened so fast." Wednesday then began to untie Pugsley as she said, "Pugsley, emotion equals weakness. Pull yourself together... now!"
However Wednesday's concentration stopped as she immediately had a vision from minutes ago featuring Dalton and his friends attacking Pugsley, and pushing him into the locker. As soon as Wednesday's vision finished, she saw a worried Pugsley looking up at her as he asked, "Are you okay?" Wednesday was silent for a moment... but then in a matter of fact tone said, "Leave this to me." A worried Pugsley then tried to sit up as he said, "Wednesday, what are you going to do?" Wednesday then looked straight at Pugsley, and with a calm deadpan face she said, "What I do best." Then Wednesday walked over to a nearby payphone that was still working in the school. Pugsley soon was able to stand up, and walked over near Wednesday so he could listen in on what she was about to say.
Wednesday immediately dialed a number, and soon heard a voice on the other line say, "Joe's Pet Store." With a deadly direct tone to her voice, Wednesday immediately said, "If you don't wish for your wife to find the pictures I took of you and your secret mistress at the Motel 6 last week, you will make a special delivery to the back door of the Nancy Reagan High School swimming pool within the next half hour." As Pugsley listened in on the conversation, he said, "Wednesday, are you sure you wanna do this?" Wednesday then glanced back at Pugsley, and with a practical tone to her voice she said, "Of course. The school swimming pool has the best acoustics in the building to enjoy the echoes of screaming." Then Wednesday focused back on her phone call as she said, "Now then Joe, here is what I want to see inside two bags that I'll be holding in less than 30 minutes..."
*The Future:
An adult Wednesday angerly walked into the lobby of an old hotel made mostly out of wood, where a young female adult was standing behind the counter. The young adult woman was looking at her phone, barely making eye contact with Wednesday as she said, "Are you checking out?" Then an angry looking Wednesday said, "Yes, with a refund; for this entire building is infested with insects all over the floors and walls." The young adult woman then took a good look at Wednesday as she said, "Why would you care? I thought outcasts like you enjoyed that kind of thing?" While Wednesday maintained a calm composure to most of her body, her face showed great frustration as she said, "That may be the case for me, but my wife has a great aversion towards them. Considering we have only been here for less than an hour, I demand a refund immediately."
The young adult woman turned her head away slightly, and went back to looking at her phone while saying, "You'll have to call the manager when she comes in tomorrow for that." Then Wednesday banged her hands on the counter as she said, "You introduced yourself as the manager when we first arrived. Now provide our refund now." The young adult woman still kept her eyes on her phone as she said, "Well, you gotta call Booking dot com for the refund." Then Wednesday leaned her face forward as she bitterly said, "You are the hotel manager. You are the only one that can provide a refund; not the booking agency!" The young adult woman still looked at her phone as she said, "Sorry. You have to call Booking dot com."
Wednesday began to breathe deeply as she held out her phone, and began to scroll through many photos showing insects all over the walls and floor of a hotel room. As Wednesday held the phone right near the young woman's face, she said, "Can you honestly say that these photos I took of the insect infested hotel room that me and my wife were assigned to are acceptable!?" The young adult woman was still looking at her phone as she simply said, "There are no insects in this hotel." Then Wednesday loudly pointed to her phone screen as she said, "They are literally in the pictures I took!" The young adult only barely looked at Wednesday for a second as she said, "There are no insects in this hotel."
Then Wednesday banged the counter with a fist, and then loudly said, "Give us the refund we deserve, or face the life threatening consequences of crossing one of the Addams lineage!" The young adult woman finally looked directly at Wednesday as she said, "Don't threaten me you freaking outcast! It's your kind that are taking all the good jobs from us hard working normal people! Once all the smart guys that wanna get rid of you outcasts win in the election, me and all us normal people will finally get to have good jobs and be rich! Also, I don't care if you attack me! If you do, you'll just be thrown in outcast jail where you belong!" Wednesday's breathing began to increase, as she angerly said, "If you believe putting people in power who unite their followers through hatred and fear of others shall make your life better: you are the one that is casting yourself out from reality! As for having you face life threatening consequences... I won't have to lift a finger..."
Suddenly the building began to shake. The young adult woman started to look scared as she said, "What's going on!?" Wednesday however stood very calmly as she said, "Perhaps if you weren't so busy looking at your phone, you would've already noticed." The young adult woman turned her head and saw millions of termites eating through the wooden walls of the hotel. The young adult woman screamed as she said, "Ahh! This place is infested!" Then Wednesday made a small smirk as she sarcastically said, "Well how can that be? You stated multiple times there are no insects in this hotel; which certainly means that a sanitary establishment of such high quality would've certainly used the proper types of insect repellents that ward off common bugs, carpenter ants, and mutant super powered termites that can eat through wood at one hundred thousand times the speed of their more common brethren."
As the room shook, the young adult woman dropped her phone as Wednesday began to casually walk out of the hotel. The young adult woman then turned her head as she said, "Where did my phone drop? Where is it? Where did it go!?" Then suddenly the wooden roof broke apart and began to fall down on the young adult woman. Then seconds after Wednesday left the building, the entire hotel came crashing down on the young adult woman as she screamed in pain.
Wednesday soon approached a black car that Enid was sitting in. Wednesday soon sat in the passenger's seat as she calmly said, "We will have to find sleeping accommodations elsewhere." Enid smirked as she said, "Well, I guess that lady had it coming considering the thousands of 1 star reviews that place had." Wednesday then turned to look directly at Enid as she said, "Wait. If you knew this hotel had such terrible ratings, then why did we come here?" Enid made a warm smile as she said, "Because you haven't been in the best mood lately, and I know torturing someone always livens your spirits." Wednesday then looked directly into Enid's eyes, and with gratitude she said, "Thank you Enid... although... sadly, torture hasn't always proven effective at improving my mood..."
*Many Years Ago:
Fifteen year old Wednesday Addams sat in a court room on the witness stand. She was sitting near an older male judge, while facing an older man who was standing near Dalton (who was sitting in a complete body cast). On the other side of the room watching her from afar was Gomez, Morticia, Pugsley, and Lurch. The older man then stepped up as he said, "Your honor, as this state's governor: I must make it clear why I am taking time out of my busy schedule to take a short term return to my old career as an attorney. It is to ensure that the individual who nearly murdered my son face justice. But rather than explain and spell out all of the details as to what happened... I believe the school's security camera footage will do that on it's own quite nicely."
On a nearby television screen: security camera footage began to play of Wednesday walking into the high school swimming pool room. As many male teenagers were practicing their water polo skills in the pool, Wednesday approached the waters' edge. One of Dalton's friends noticed Wednesday nearby and said, "Yo Dalton, look. Pigsley's sister." Dalton then turned to look at Wednesday as he said, "Hey freak. This is a closed practice." Then Wednesday with a straight deadpan face said, "The only person who gets to torture my brother is me."
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Then Wednesday suddenly revealed what she had just been hiding behind her back... two bags full of very hungry looking piranhas. Fear suddenly entered the eyes of Dalton and his friends as they immediately began swimming to the edge of the pool. Wednesday then immediately dropped the bags into the pool, and the school of piranha instantly swam at top speed towards the teenage boys. The sound of panic, whistles blowing, and teenagers swimming at top speed filled the large room, while a small smirk began to appear on Wednesday's face. Then within seconds: the sound of Dalton screaming could be heard as blood began to fill the pool, while Wednesday's face quickly began to show a large smile filled with incredible joy.
Back in the court room: the video footage stopped playing. Dalton's father then turned to look at Wednesday as he said, "So Miss Addams... what do you have to say to the inhumane actions you did against my son!?" The older judge then turned to look at Wednesday as he said, "Miss Addams, I don't usually do this, but I will remind you that you have the right to not have to answer such vague and indirect questions that could further incriminate yourself." Then Wednesday calmly said, "No. I wish to answer." Then Wednesday looked directly at Dalton's father with angry glaring eyes as she said, "I did what I had to governor, because you and your son's legacy of hate filled bigotry has lasted far too long. Someone had to end the lineage at some point." Meanwhile in a corner of the room: Gomez and Morticia held hands as Morticia said, "Oh my. Wednesday is likely going to jail for attempted murder." Gomez began to shed a few tears as he said, "I know Tish... and I've never been so proud of her."
*The Future:
An adult Wednesday sat in the passenger's seat of Enid's car looking out the window silently, while Enid was driving. As she drove, Enid took a few quick silent glances at Wednesday. Eventually Enid opened her mouth and said, "You doing okay there?" Wednesday glanced at Enid as she said, "Indeed, I am. There are simply many matters dwelling in my mind that I am finding difficulty losing focus on." Enid made a little sigh, and then said, "Yeah, I hear ya. A lot has changed in our family recently. We're no longer running a company we invested years into, Harmony is already attending college with Megan, and Ana is now dating a ghost... and that fact alone wakes me up at times with so many questions on how that is supposed to even work." Then Wednesday calmly said, "On the contrary, I am quite pleased with Ana's choice of mate. She's found someone that will have the ability to haunt her through spectral manifestations and affect her through dark supernatural means for the rest of her life. It's actually the most romantic thing I've ever heard of." Enid made a little smile as she said, "Okay then. So... what is on your mind?"
As Wednesday began to look out the car window again, she simply said, "Well... as much as I have great confidence in how well our children will evolve for the better in time... I have little confidence in the rest of the world evolving for the better as that happens. Ever since Dalton led his moronic followers in killing Nero when I was a child, I am constantly reminded that I live in a world that rejects myself and my family, and wishes for none of us to exist in it. It's not that I mind that on a basic level... in fact, in many ways I enjoy it. However, it's the fact that cruelty towards innocents and unjust hatred never stops continuing to grow in the world at large that bothers me. Despite all we've done to improve the quality of life for those in our community, despite how much time I spend teaching by example to others how to be strong, despite the fact that we've literally saved the Earth multiple times now... the world at large still treats me with the same level of disrespect I received on that fateful day of my childhood when the world didn't care about the loss of my pet... or the loss of my innocence... and while I can cope with continuing to experience that myself... at times I cannot cope with the fact that my children and the innocent at large must reside in this decaying reality we are forced to endure." Wednesday then sat completely silent as Enid (who was also silent) had a uncertain look on her face.
However, after a long moment passed, Enid finally spoke up as she said, "Wednesday, the world does indeed have a problem with hatred spreading. The fact that more and more leaders, including more leaders in government now, are uniting people based on unjust hatred, lies, and fear towards others is unforgivable. I mean, I get that everyone has different dreams and goals in life, and sometimes those come in conflict with the dreams and goals of others. However using lies and hate in an attempt to build the foundation of a seemingly better world is only causing the foundation of the future to be built from rot. But with all that being said... the power of love and acceptance is also spreading as well. As much as it feels like the haters are winning at times, history has always shown that people who unite others towards the goals of peace and making a better life for all: always have the much more longer lasting impact. We just have to believe that with every act of love we show to people, ever act of compassion, and every time we show strength in how we defend others and fight for justice: we are making the world a better place." Wednesday looked at Enid for a moment... and then looked back out the car window as she said, "A noble sentiment... however, my own personal history has shown that those filled with deep unjust hatred always seem to prevail..."
*Many Years Ago:
Fifteen year old Wednesday Addams sat in a small conference room facing Dalton's father, while Dalton (who was wearing a full body cast that covered everything but his head) was sitting in a wheelchair nearby. Dalton's father was chuckling as he said, "So let me get this straight Miss Addams. Not only have you, a teenage girl, chosen to represent yourself in court... but now you think you can make a deal with me? I'll have you know young lady, back when I was a prosecutor: I made deals with no one!" Then Wednesday kept a calm deadpan face as she said, "There's a first time for everything." Then Wednesday snapped her fingers twice. Suddenly the living hand: Thing quickly came into the room, and tossed a folder into Wednesday's hands. Dalton's father looked surprised at the sight of Thing, while a very calm Wednesday said, "Thank you Thing."
Then Wednesday opened up the folder, and showed several photos of Dalton kicking and punching students at school, along with pictures of Dalton pushing Pugsley into a locker. The eyes of Dalton's father widened, as a deadpan Wednesday said, "You're not the only one who has access the school's security camera footage. I have on tape more than fifty examples of Dalton harassing students at school without facing any consequences throughout the last year. I also had my 'handy assistant' here get copies of every 'generous check' you sent to the school over the last six months; the date of each check timed right around each occasion Dalton was caught on camera harming other students. Now then, you may the keys to my future Mister Davis. However if all this information I have here was to be leaked to the media, I would find myself with the keys to ending your political career permanently. So the only question is... do you value the rule of law, or your desire to maintain power more?"
Dalton's father sat angerly for a long moment... and then he finally said, "I can have all the felonies dropped, but you'll have to at least go to court mandated therapy. I can't just let you go completely free after everything the judge saw. However the one thing I won't negotiate on is: you never attend another school within sixty miles of this town again. In fact, unless you're coming to and from your parents' home, it's probably best if you never show your face anywhere in this town ever again." Wednesday kept a simple composure as she said, "Believe me when I say, I don't wish to see anyone in this town if possible for the rest of my days either. Your terms are acceptable.
Suddenly the door to the room opened, and Gomez and Morticia stuck their faces into the room, while Gomez asked, "How is everything going my little death trap?" Wednesday then stood up as she said, "We have reached an appropriate settlement. However I will need to be transferred to a new school far away from this dreadful town." Morticia and Gomez glanced at one another, as a smiling Morticia said, "I think we have some ideas." Then Pugsley suddenly walked into the room carrying a fish bowl full of piranhas as he said, "Are you going to jail Wednesday!?" Upon seeing the bowl of piranhas, Dalton's father stepped back fearfully as he said, "What are you doing with those!?" Then Pugsley, in a matter of fact tone, simply said, "These are my new emotional support animals. My sister gave them to me."
Meanwhile Wednesday got her belongings together as she simply said, "Come on. Lets go back to the court room." However as everyone else began to leave, an angry Dalton looked at Wednesday as he said, "You may have gotten out of jail Wednesday, but I still got what I wanted. I got another freaking outcast out of this town. Just make sure you don't trip on your slimy self while heading on the road out of town... because if you do, maybe someone will be decent enough to run over YOU." Wednesday's eyes widened as she looked at Dalton with great hatred in her eyes... and then after a long moment of silence, Wednesday slowly left the room.
*The Future:
An adult Wednesday was sitting in the passenger seat of Enid's car as Enid was driving. However as Wednesday looked out the window, she began to look a bit confused as she said, "Hold on. End, where are we?" Enid smirked as she said, "You should start learning how to use Google Maps Wens-babe. Although I'm guessing you're starting to realize that we've just entered a pretty familiar area... Westfield, New Jersey!" Wednesday's eyes widened with surprise as she said, "You've taken me to my childhood hometown!? I told you I had no interest in visiting my parents during our vacation." As Enid kept driving, she smirked as she said, "We're not going to your parents' place. We're going to check out downtown Westfield. We never went down there during all the times we've visited your parents before." Wednesday began to looked annoyed as she said, "I... what... when did... errrr."
Enid looked at Wednesday with concern as she said, "What's wrong Wens?" Wednesday sighed, and then said, "It's just... I haven't been to downtown Westfield since... the day Nero died. While I did go to a community center on the outskirts of town every Halloween for years, and would often spend many days around the cemetery at the edge of town... I've completely avoided going downtown since I was six. Even when I would go to and from my parents' house, I always made sure I traveled on a route that avoided going through town. There are simply too many painful memories there... and too many hateful and bigoted people that would prefer I never return." As Enid continued to drive, she simply said, "Well, I think it would be nice if you confronted your past Wednesday. Okay now, lets see. We're going past your parents' place on Cemetery Lane, and now we're turning onto Elm Street and heading towards downtown Westfield."
As Enid continued driving, Wednesday looked out the car window and saw the familiar sights of a town she had almost forgotten. However Enid started to slow the car down as a heavy amount of traffic was ahead of her at an intersection. Enid then parked the car on the side of the road, as Wednesday said, "Do you know why such heavy traffic is ahead of us?" Enid made a little smile as she said, "Hmm. Lets go see what's going on." Enid then led Wednesday to a nearby blocked off street where a large crowd of people were gathered. Suddenly Wednesday's eyes widened as she stood surprised at the sight of a large sign ahead of her that said: Addams Fest.
Suddenly, both Wednesday and Enid saw standing in the midst of the crowd was Gomez, Morticia, Harmony, and Ana. Ana then waved as she said, "There they are! Hey mother! Hey mom! Over here!" As Wednesday and Enid approached the four, a happy Gomez said, "There's my little storm cloud and her horrific wife! I'm so glad you two got my letter about this event." Wednesday however looked confused as she said, "What letter? What's going on here?" Enid smirked as she said, "I may have known about a little event happening that I didn't share with you..."
Suddenly a tall slender man in a suit approached Wednesday as he said, "Mrs. Addams, what an honor it is to meet you. I'm Mayor Charles, and might I say: thank you so much for being here. You are certainly our most honored guest on this historic day." Wednesday continued to look confused as she said, "Why would that be?" Morticia stepped towards Wednesday as she said, "Well, didn't you know Wednesday? Thanks to the best selling books based on your life, and the television program it inspired: Westfield has become quite the tourist destination now, bringing much commerce to the community. Combined with the fact that your father has donated and invested in so many small businesses in town over the years: popular opinion demanded that the town create a special day designed to celebrate our family."
Mayor Charles smiled as he said, "Indeed. The cemetery you used to spend many days at, and even the school swimming pool that you unleashed piranhas into are historical landmarks now. We're also using this event to spotlight the history of all notable outcasts that have lived in this area at one time or another, most notably the many witches that have lived in Westfield over the centuries, thanks to our new Outcast Museum that has just recently finished construction."
As Wednesday continued to look confused she said, "I don't understand what's happening here. This is the very town that wanted nothing to do with me." Then Enid held Wednesday's hand, and smiled as she said, "Well, it would seem that your hometown has actually changed for the better Wednesday, and it looks like your actions actually helped make that happen." Then Harmony put a hand on Wednesday's shoulder as she said, "You never needed to torture anyone mother to take away unjust hate and bigotry from the world. You just had to be yourself."
Then Ana grabbed Wednesday by the arm, and said, "Come on mother. You need to check out the town lake. They have a model there of Grandpa and Grandma's house, and they also have this cool rose garden right near it. They even made sure that every rose in the garden has had its' petals cut off. The town decided to call it the Nero Memorial Flower Garden." Wednesday's eyes suddenly widened as it looked like just a small amount of emotion and tears were beginning to form on her face. Suddenly Enid pulled Wednesday away as she said, "Come on Wens-babe. We have a festival to check out!" Then Wednesday and her family walked off into the festival dedicated to them...
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An adult Dalton stood before a large crowd of people as he said, "As your newly elected governor, I promise you that this fine state will finally be made a wonderful safe place for all true people again. Thank you!" A smiling Dalton then walked away from the crowd and into a building. Dalton walked down a hallway by himself, as he approached his new office. Dalton then opened the door to his office... and suddenly stopped in his tracks, standing wide eyed as he saw Wednesday Addams sitting at his desk. Fury and anger entered Dalton's face as he said, "Wednesday Addams! What the hell are you doing in my office!?" Wednesday then raised one eyebrow as she said, "Is that any way to speak to your 2pm appointment?" Dalton looked confused as he said, "You're the person my secretary set me up with that claimed to have important outcast related issues to speak about?"
Wednesday then stood up as she said, "Indeed. I also wish to speak to you about the expectations of your beginning term in office." Dalton then stepped towards Wednesday as he said, "Listen to me you psychopath! The era of outcast loving propaganda is over. The grown ups have finally taken control of the government, and your days are numbered! Face it Wednesday. You lost, and no pool of piranhas are gonna stop me this time." Wednesday then stepped towards Dalton, and glared directly at his face while saying, "On the contrary, I know exactly how your term in office is going to affect me; because I spent my entire childhood experiencing it. You and your supporters will harass me, spread lies about me, treat me like I don't deserve to exist, and try to fill my soul with endless darkness. However... my soul has been filled with darkness nearly my entire life. I've mastered living in a dark cruel world. You however Dalton, have no idea of what one such as yourself is about to experience."
An angry Dalton then made a fist as he said, "I know what this office gives me. Power over you demonic outcasts." Wednesday then began to very slowly circle an angry Dalton like a predatory animal, and with a determined face: Wednesday said, "You think gaining public office will gain you real power and control? Having control over one single branch of the government does not give you full control of people's minds. You will spend the next four years in complete misery; due to the fact that nothing you do can change the beliefs of those who oppose you, no matter how much hate and lies you spread. In addition, your endless tirade of hatred will never leave you feeling fulfilled enough, and your endless stream of misinformation will forever put you at odds with countless people questioning how your claims don't match reality, which you unfortunately still have to live in. You see Dalton... I don't have to torture you anymore. You got into politics. You're just torturing yourself now." Then Wednesday turned her back on Dalton and left the room.
Dalton stood where he was angry for a moment... until his female secretary, a reporter, and a camera man walked into the room. The secretary smiled as she said, "Your first TV interview as governor is ready sir." Dalton smiled as he said, "Thank you. Finally, a conversation that will be pleasant." However before anyone could sit down, the reporter glanced at a fish tank sitting in the corner of the room as she said, "Ooo. What a fascinating fish tank you got here. What's in there?" Dalton looked confused as he said, "Hold on. That fish tank wasn't in this office this morning." The secretary smiled as she said, "Oh. Those were delivered an hour ago as a gift to the governor. They're a rare breed of piranha that are now an endangered species." Dalton suddenly looked scared as he said, "Wait a minute. I..." The reporter however interrupted Dalton with a smile as they said, "Good to see you care about endangered species governor. Most people aren't as kind and thoughtful as you." Dalton then began to looked very annoyed, but tried to keep a smile on as he said, "Well... I just saw those creatures... and begrudgingly had to accept they were here to stay..."
-Addams Fest is a real celebration held in Westfield, New Jersey every October. The town in actuality is the hometown where Addams Family creator: Charles Addams grew up. While "Cemetery Lane" is a fictional street name that does not exist in Westfield; the other street mentioned in this chapter: "Elm Street" is actually the real life street where Charles Addams' childhood home, elementary school, and high school were located. A road that intersects with that street is where much of the outdoor Addams Fest activities do occur. While the daytime festival is more of a generic Halloween festival with activities mostly aimed at children, the town does indeed have many Addams Family related decorations and art around town every October.
-The "photographs" near the end of the chapter feature AI created images of the Wenclair Family mixed with REAL photos from Addams Fest 2024. The characters are AI generated, but the backgrounds and art work are 100 percent real.
-Some of Gomez' dialogue early in this chapter is similar to some of his dialogue from the first episode of the original 1964 Addams Family TV series: "The Addams Family Goes to School".
-The Sabrina Carpenter music video that's mentioned in this story is a real music video that actually did feature actress Jenna Ortega in it.
-The family pig featured briefly in one of the flashbacks of this story was originally featured in two episodes of the original Addams Family TV show: "Fester's Punctured Romance", and "Morticia Joins the Ladies League".
-Several moments from the flashbacks in this chapter are lifted directly from Wednesday Episode 1: "Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe", and from Chapter 25 of this series: "Aftermath".
-The plot point of Wednesday getting her piranhas from a pet store owner that she blackmailed (and the reason why she chose to attack Dalton in the swimming pool) was lifted from the Wednesday Season 1 novelization.
-Wednesday, Enid, and Harmony all reference in this chapter Ana's new ghostly boyfriend: Gerard. The three women were first made aware of Ana's relationship with Gerard at the end of the previous story in this series - Chapter 70: "A Girl and a Ghost".
-The idea of Pugsley getting at least one of the piranhas Wednesday used on Dalton to keep as a pet was lifted from the "I Am Wednesday" children's book.
-And finally... while working on this story: famous YouTube sensation: "Fake Ortega" made a reaction video to the Wenclair Family of this series, that can be seen here.
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diminuel · 1 month ago
Stressful days suck, hope you're getting your energy back soon, take care of yourself! <3
Have few thoughts about timetravel!Xebec since I absolutely adore your version of him, those boots def can walk all over me OwO
the timetravel def wasn't planned, he had found the spell by chance and it never specified what would happen so he kept it as a backup just in case
during the God Valley incident he got cornered and used it when it became clear he wouldn't otherwise get out of the situation
He thought that his crew would keep watch over his child until he could get back to them since Crocodile was raised with them (looking at you Newgate and Linlin)
(You know what they say about assumptions)
Instead of landing near his little Pebble, he turns up in front of ASL and subsequently has to learn to live with the facts that a) he's def not in his original time anymore and b) that somehow the spawn of Monkey D. Garp managed to romance his Pebble
Xebec: This might as well just happen to me...I would love some spaghetti
ASL not taking him seriously (S: Should we tell baba or dad? A: nah, he's kinda pathic)
Would be kind of funny if Xebec is just laying head down on the table while Luffy pokes him (Ace and Sabo are judging Xebec...hard) when whoever is supposed to be watching them appears
People finding out in a ranking order of how hilarious I imagine it:
Makino (in the case that ASL are having their lunch in Party Bar) -> "Oh, who is your new friend? Rocks, I have never heard of that name but I can ask around Foosha? Oh, you mean Wani, they're currently on a work trip so I'm looking after the boys, do you want me to take a message? ...What do you boys mean he just appeared??" While Xebec is trying to impress on her the fact that a) he's a scourge of the seas, b) yes please, he does need to talk with his Pebble ASAP and c) no, he does not mean any harm and he's not some crazy stalker!! Ending with him nearly being run out of Foosha or Garp being called on him because he's visiting
Garp -> but in this case ASL already finished their lunch and went back to their tree house (still with the premise that Dragodile is gone for some reason and that they're currently babysat on Dawn), they decided to let that fancy guy follow them because Luffy likes him and they trust his intuition so, so it's just a row of ducklings with Ace and Sabo at the front bickering about Xebec while Luffy follows happily and Xebec is just trudging along, shell-shocked because his Pebble has children!! and being tired af after God Valley, they decide to park Xebec with Dadan because that's where they got left when their gramps didn't know where to stick them (Dadan: I am not running a charity or hotel!! ...fine, I guess he can stay), imagine Garp turning up a few days later and finding not only his grandkids but also that guy he and Roger tried their hardest to kill and who then seemingly disappeared from thin air, Garp and Xebec just staring slently for a moment with completely blank faces before Garp turns around and walks back into the forest, ASL are delighted and want to learn how to do that to gramps before a sudden ruckus starts and Garp comes charging back and just starts trying his best to kill Xebec, cue both of them just screaming at each other over perceived slights while everyone else is just absolute lost (X: My Pebble and your family?? G: And they also became a government sanctioned warlord!! X: NooOOO!!)
Dragodile -> "What do you mean a strange man just appeared and you fed him because he looked kinda pathetic?? Dragon, this is your fault, you and your bleeding heart, we should just remove hi- DAD??"
Thank you for this delightful ask! I do enjoy pondering this AU and you have great and amusing ideas! X'D I don't know which scenario I find most hilarious! Maybe Garp, because poor Dadan has to deal with another guy. But he's so wet and pathetic that she can't say no. She'll just make Crocodile pay for this freeloader since his kids dragged in this guy. And then poor Dadan almost gets her house destroyed when Garp and Xebec clash. (I assume Xebec is stronger than Garp if it took both Garp and Roger working together to defeat him. But maybe he's just strangely depowered from God Valley and the impromptu time traveling so he can't fight at full strength.)
I have some thoughts too but they might be darker than the comedy route we seem to be taking for this AU *lol*
I was imagining that Rocks vaguely knows what the spell does. That it connects blood to blood. Stealing from Supernatural some more, it's possible that he knew that it was going to activate the moment he dies - the energy unleashed in death can be harnessed and directed so that instead of the soul of the person going wherever it goes in the OP world it stays on earth, but Xebec doesn't know what exactly is going to happen. Will he just become a spirit? Fine by him, he's gonna haunt Roger.
It's possible that it was announced that the God Knights managed to kill Rocks' kid, WB believing it because he saw the familiar clothing (that Croc might have exchanged with one of the many civilian casualties because he heard that he was hunted. He's a tough, resourceful 8 year old.) but Rocks knows it can't be true. So he goes to fight, not caring if he dies. Because if he dies and his Pebble is still alive, blood will connect to blood with the spell. If he dies and his Pebble is also dead then it doesn't matter anyway.
And if the spell doesn't do anything or does something else, surely WB or Linlin will take care of his Pebble (who has to be alive.)
So for all Garp knows Rocks is dead. He killed him. And then a blast of energy hit them and they thought this was just some sort of self-destruction by Rocks so that the Government couldn't get his body. But nope. He's here eating Spaghetti with his grandkids. Still as young as he was that day. X'D
And I guess Crocodile would recognize his dad in this case. Because I've also played around with an idea that he, for some reason, doesn't recognize him, doesn't remember anything about his childhood before waking up on a random island, all alone.
But we can do funny/ silly for this AU, I don't mind! Plenty of other AUs I could load full of angst >:3
(Do I need a Rocks D. Crocodile tag or something...?)
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ethicaltreatmentofcowplants · 3 months ago
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transcript + more info
berenice: aha! she'll never find me here watcher: you mean 'here'? "in moonwood mill, my most favouritist of worlds 'here'?" berenice: ahhhh! i mean, i didn't do it? i've been framed. it was the full autonomy, i swear... watcher: did you just sign up for deanna's bachelorette? berenice: maybe... yes? watcher: do you even *like* other women? berenice: i like other women! i have other women... friends?? watcher: *SIGH* watcher: berenice, this kind of stuff just doesn't happen in real life berenice: what kind of stuff? watcher: he will never like you back like that berenice: he? who's he??? watcher: don't be obtuse, i can see your moodlets berenice: well this isn't real life because i'm a pixel! silly you, watcher...
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Young Adult • Ciswoman (she/her) • Physics Major (incoming senior)
TRAITS: genius, overachiever, cringe, paranoid, socially awkward, creative (bonuses: mentally gifted, always welcome, morning sim, night sim, storm chaser)
MISC: Valedictorian and championship chess captain at Copperdale. Actually wants to catch lightning in a bottle someday.
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(This is a mischief interaction. She's not evil - just a disaster.)
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By day she’s a straight A student, freelance programmer and budding Plopsy empire builder - and a shoe-in for valedictorian to the point where most would happily bet their own mother’s mortgage on it (yeah, please don’t actually do that).
By night, however? A cheater cheater pumpkin eater! Well, not quite (the pumpkin eating allegations however are indeed true).
Her secret? She’s a spellcaster. Her other secret? Plentiful needs potions - and lots of ‘em.
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Yes, you too could manage the highest GPA in the school plus every extracurricular that didn't throw you out on your rear end (she and that dungeon master still aren’t on speaking terms), tutoring, plus a fulltime job and another part-time job, had you the equivalent of 24 usable hours in every day.
Obviously this isn’t illegal, as the greater pixel world doesn’t know about spellcasters (see: my legacy heir who still freaks out over her spellcaster husband, brother and her three children). And there’s nothing stopping anyone from washing down caffeine pills with red bull that doesn’t actually give you wings (though Berenice could attempt a potion for that). Aaaand it could be argued that werewolves who can recharge extremely quickly with a wolf nap and vampires who don’t need to sleep at all should not occult their way through Foxbury's hallowed halls. 
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But there’s a difference between being thought of as just that amazing, and being thought of as significantly less amazing, because any fool believes that they can achieve what Berenice does with all that extra time she has.
Why is she entering this competition? A very good question. Well, it may be called ‘Dating Deanna,’ but this dumb smart girl has a completely different York in mind. Namely Deanna’s brother Joey, who she’s had a massive crush on ever since she met him one summer holiday in Tartosa.
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"I've got this!" "I don't got this..."
She therefore signed up on a whim, and while hindsight is currently coming down on her like a tonne of bricks, she’s too obstinate to pull out now. Bernie Smalls, quit a thing? Never!
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All in - feel free to message me!
In terms of romance with other contestants, as she's a 'troll' concept have at it. Maybe not woohoo though since she's still trying to determine her sexuality.
She would be very open to flirting - and well, anything else with Joey. Will she get the opportunity? I highly doubt it but this experience can be a moment of growth for her 😆
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(iou a sfs zip after dinner and other adulting!)
@changingplumbob's dating deanna bachelorette challenge (i am so sorry deanna)
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glorysbox · 1 year ago
I would love to see a continuation of those bihan fics you have but after he's gotten his son. Like how would he act afterwards?
(pregnancy talk, bihan lowkey/highkey has mommy and daddy issues)
bihan loves you, in his own way.
i can see him having a "marriage" (for lack of a better term), essentially letting everyone know publicly and officially who you belong to. if you bother him enough, he'd probably give you a wedding—though small, most likely only having the people he trusted (like cyrax and sektor) and maybe some of the people you'd request like family or close close friends. you'd really have to convince him, though…
he'd definitely start kissing you more. he loves the feeling of your lips on his; finds himself seeking the warmth of your lips and body on his more than he'd like to admit. bihan would definitely be opening up to you (physically), allowing you to cling to him in private or acquiescing to your pleads to be in the room with him while he's doing paperwork or foreseeing future battles with his second in commands.
bi-han would be wanting to see you often, going as far as making you sleep in his quarters instead of your own. you're barely halfway through your pregnancy by the time he's ordered you to stay with him in bed. at first, i don't think he'd been to receptive to any cuddling. but if you complain enough, he'll give in.
he's protective; the grandmaster of the lin kuei does have many enemies after all. (really, they'd never be able to breach the temple of the lin kuei. he uses it as an excuse to be with you constantly and oversee you during pregnancy. he doesn't want to lose you like he'd lost his mother or his brother.)
when it comes to the labor + aftermath… he doesn't really leave your side, ever. he's there when you give birth. he insists on being the one to cut the umbilical cord (with a blade made of ice). in the meantime, all of his responsibilities are passed down to sektor and cyrax, leaving him with more than enough time to nag you about the way you handle his son. he's often telling you how to do what since he "cared for kuai liang while he was a child", which means he knows more than you. (he doesn't)
surprisingly enough… he's "sweet" with his son, especially as he gets older. i think bihan's father wasn't the best to him (which i believe is why he let him die and acted the way he did in mk1). knowing how it feels to be treated less than favorably by his father, he would never repeat the cycle onto his own child. this doesn't mean he'll allow his son to be soft, though. expect your son to go through a LOT of training in the future to be a formidable grandmaster himself.
your relationship with him definitely undergoes many changes, too. you used to consider him much higher than you, but as the years go on, you start to see him as more of an equal. he does the same, considering you his equal way earlier than you him. you're not allowed to call him grandmaster anymore, only "husband" or "bihan" (he will still pull the obey your grandmaster card on you to get what he wants, though)
and yes, bihan wants another son too. he wants his first son to have a brother as soon as possible (which strangely parallels his own life… he'd never admit it to anyone but you, but he finds himself missing his little brother at times.)
you're expected to be a good mother as well. he expects you to be like his mother—who he thinks did a great job at raising him. you'll have to be tough and no nonsense, and willing to discipline your children to teach them lessons at a young age. he'll definitely get on your ass if he finds you coddling his son far too much and making him "weak". if you have a daughter though… imagine his protectiveness times one trillion. seriously. she'll probably be just as spoiled as you are. and yes, you are spoiled. the members of the lin kuei basically treat you as an extension of bihan. and he always makes sure you get what you want.
he was comfortable having just you to defend and protect, knowing that his sons also could protect you… but with a daughter thrown in the mix, expect the both of you to never be let out of his sight. he would be soooo annoying about it!! god forbid he has to go somewhere without you—you're stuck listening to sektor ramble on and on about whatever silly scientific experiments while he babysits you and her.
you'd probably catch him more than a few times being uncharacteristically sweet to your daughter—especially if she resembles you or resembles his mother. he'd definitely soften up with her (not in front of anyone but your family, however.)
still, bihan is a cold man. literally and figuratively. don't expect him to talk much about his family life or his feelings. he does demand to know everything about yours, though...
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russellsppttemplates · 1 year ago
What if you and the kids gang up on me? (Pierre Gasly)
Pierre is doing what he can to makes sure his children are raised knowing their roots
Note: english is not my first language. As you maybe know by now, talking about these subjects is a big responsibility for me, but I always hope that I have treated them properly. Also, these are some traditions that I remembered and that I know about!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: pregnancy
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Did you find what you were looking for?", you asked your husband when he found you in the living room. Because Alexandre had been a little bit fussy the night before and you still had some things to prepare and sort out for the big night tomorrow, you ended up staying with your little boy at home while Pierre went out to get something he needed.
"Yes, they fit well, too. I just put them in the washing machine. And how's this little guy, hm? Is he feeling better?", he pointed to your son. He had been attached to you the whole day, so he had ended up falling asleep on top of you, "he's feeling a bit sorry for himself still, but he's sleeping now, so I guess that's a good thing", you chuckled, remembering the past night where you and Pierre almost slept in shifts since your little boy kept needing your full attention.
The next day, Pierre's parents arrived after lunch, making it the perfect timing to get the kitchen and the dining room ready for the New Year's Eve celebration. Because of how young your son was, you opted to stay inside and have dinner with your in-laws, making the situation a lot more flexible.
"Are you not going to put on the dress you bought?", Pierre asked, taking Alexandre from your arms, "I don't know if it fits me all that well", you admitted, "I'm sure it will, amour, you look gorgeous in everything", he ushered you up the stairs.
While you got ready, Pierre softly knocked on the door of the guest room his parents were staying in, "are you guys ready?", he asked, seeing his parents dressed according to the request he made. Moving to the nursery, he laid his son on the changing mat, grabbing the white shirt and soft pants from the wardrobe before pulling his own trousers he had hid in the room, "let's surprise mama, yes? I bet she'll be so happy to see you. You look like the most handsome boy ever", he kissed his cheek, changing himself as well and walking back to your bedroom to surprise you.
"Me and Alexandre need you to close your eyes", Pierre said after he knocked, "my eyes are closer then", you said, hearing footsteps approach you when you heard your husband's command, "you can open them now".
Opening your eyes, you saw both of your boyd in all white outfits, matching your own, "I know you always wear white because of the traditions you have, so I thought it would be a good one to start now that we have this little one", he smiled, handing Alexandre back to you when you opened and closed your hands and encouraged him to do so.
"This is amazing, amour", you thanked, kissing his lips before taking a good look at both of them, "look at you, meu amor", you kissed your son's cheeks, earning a little giggle from him, "you look so handsome, although I think your outfit won't be this clean for much longer", you tapped his nose.
"Knowing you, yours won't either", your husband teased you, "you look amazing, mon ange", he kissed your forehead, "breathtaking as usual", he smiled, "C'mon, my mother also needed help with her dress and my father was having some trouble with the zipper, and you might be the only one to be able to fiddle with it".
"Papa, I want something sweet to eat", Alexandre said, looking for a snack in the cupboard, "do you know how to make those chocolaty balls mama makes? The brigadeiros", the boy struggled with the last words, the letter R still a challenge for him to bend, "Oh, those are so good, papa, please make them!", Louis said.
Pierre had seen you make them what felt like a thousand times before, but now he was doubting himself, "How about we do them together?", he suggested, thinking that if the recipe tasted different, he could also blame it on the fact his children helped him do it and that's why it tasted off and not because of his baking skills.
"First, ingredients!", Pierre announced, moving to the cupboard where you kept the sweet ingredients, "we need this can here, which is called leite condensado, and some cocoa powder", he helped them reach the shelves and grab what they needed, "we also need margarina", he showed them the block of margarine he got from the fridge, "Oh, the word is very similar to the French one", the oldest boy said, "that's right, a lot of the words are similar", he smiled, grabbing the measuring spoons and the pot they needed.
"It makes it easier to learn, even if I'm not that good at it", Alexandre admitted, pouting slightly, "the other day I asked mama to speak to me in Portuguese and I got her request messed up, she wanted her hairbrush and I got her a hair tie", he confessed.
Helping Louis up on the wooden tower so he could be at the level of the counter, Pierre spoke to Alexandre, "you know learning a new language is hard, you're still getting used to it, right? And you're doing a good job, buddy! The first time mama asked me for something in Portuguese, she said it was in the bathroom and I went to the kitchen", he nudged him, seeing his smile creep up.
"So, we have to heat this up, and we have to be careful because we can't have bubbles, alright boys?", Pierre pointed the spoon, "so we just keep stirring the chocolate in now?", Louis wondered, "yes, carefully for a good while".
Despite their usual excitement and rush because they were just kids, the boys actually held up to the request and waited patiently until the bowl had cooled down from the fridge enough so they could roll up the balls, "mama usually makes different toppings, like coconut, and cocoa powder too", Pierre added, "so it's really up to you what you do with yours".
"Can we leave these ones for mama?", Alexandre asked, setting a small tupperware box on the side with some of his and his brother's creations, "yes, I'll put them in the fridge for when she gets back from work, I bet she'll love them".
"Come here", your husband whispered, seeing you finish rubbing the cream on your arms, "I want to talk to my little girl", he urged you, helping you sit on the bed so he could scoot down and face your bump. Because this was your third pregnancy, your bump was growing at a much faster pace, making it more prominent and, therefore, a place where you would usually find Pierre's hand whenever he was near you, and tonight was no different.
"Olá, meu amor", he began, "hoje deste um dia complicado à mãe, hm? Mas é um bom sinal, porque significa que estás a crescer e que estamos cada vez mais perto de te conhecer e de te ter nos nossos braços", he smiled, kissing your soft skin. Hello, my love (...) today you gave mama a hard day, hm? Bur that's a good sign, it means you're growing and that we are closer to meeting you and to have you in our arms
"I'll never get over you speaking my mother tongue", you brushed your husband's hair by running your fingers through, "you speak mine, and I have to know, too. I mean, what if one day you and the kids gang up on me?".
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