#and he's like sorry... and gives you a big warm hug as an apology
bluesidez · 14 hours
Hello!!! Love that you’re taking requests now 🫶🏽 would you write a domestic!miguel fic? Like showing the chaotic but fluffy dysfunction of the O’Hara household. Miguel and the reader already have two kids, maybe reader is pregnant with the third (if you’re comfortable with writing that)
I just really need some fluff in my life lol 😅
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[Five Peas In A Pod]
lab taster: @scorpihoooe 🩻
pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Pregnant!Reader
summary: No family's life is exactly perfect, but it doesn't make them any less beautiful.
content warning: lots and lots of fluff, mentions of vomit, mentions of pregnancy and pregnancy cravings, mentions of food, could possibly be suggestive? but not enough to warrant a huge warning, a lot of crying but I promise it's not sad
word count: 4.3k, not proofread
a/n: I apologize for this being so late! But I'm really happy with how it turned out, so I hope you enjoy it as well!
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Miguel slid under the covers, grunting as he inched towards your back. His breath was warm on your head as he positioned one arm under one of your pillows and another around your waist.
“How are we feeling?” he kissed your scalp and rubbed down your stomach.
“Not too great, she’s been kicking for the past forty minutes.”
“That’s no good,” Miguel shifted to place his mouth on your shoulder. “What’s wrong, mija? Did you miss me?”
Your baby girl brought her feet to where Miguel held his hand, tapping away like there was there was no tomorrow. Miguel chuckled and wrote a pattern into your skin with his thumb.
“I’m glad you two are having a lovely reunion, but I’d like to go to sleep.”
Miguel kissed up your shoulder and neck as you sighed.
“Hear that Gabi? Can you calm down until tomorrow? Mama needs to sleep so you can keep growing. We can talk in the morning.”
Like magic, Gabriella’s little feet slowed to a halt.
“She hasn’t even seen you yet and she’s already a daddy’s girl,” you weave your fingers through his over your stomach. “What’s next? She’ll look like you too?”
“Mm,” Miguel placed his lips behind your ear. “I hope she looks like you. She’ll be the most beautiful in the world.”
You smiled, “Yeah?”
“Of course.”
Miguel took his hands down your body and massaged your hip and lower back. You groaned and melted into your pillow, arching your body into Miguel’s hold. With his ministrations and your daughter giving you a break, you start to fade into dreamland.
You could almost visualize your next craving you were going to make tomorrow. A big bowl of mashed potatoes with chunks of pickles, bacon, and caramel drizzle. Maybe some sprinkles too.
The door of the bedroom creaked, Miguel looking over his shoulder.
“Daddy? Mommy? I threw up.”
Miguel’s hands paused and he heaved a heavy sigh.
There was a dip in the bed and a shuffle of slides across the floor.
“Is your stomach still feeling funny, bub?”
You turned your body to watch Miguel bend down and check your second oldest for soiled clothes. Daniel shook his head and tucked his chin into his chest, eyes welling up with tears.
“Hey, hey, what’s the matter?”
“I’m sorry,” his voice was shaking. “I didn’t mean to.”
You got up on the edge of the bed and walked around to the other side. You sat on your knees next to Miguel and pressed the back of your hand to Daniel’s forehead. He wasn’t burning up, but he was trembling.
“We know you didn’t mean to, honey. Sometimes, we just get sick. It’s ok!”
“Yeah, buddy. Papá gets sick all of the time.”
“Really?” Daniel looked to Miguel with big doe eyes, a baby picture of Miguel brought to life.
“And Mama has to nurse him back to health-”
“Ok! Here,” Miguel tugged at the sleeves of his shirt while you laugh. “Let’s clean you up and get you some medicine. It was probably really scary, huh?”
Daniel nodded his head as Miguel helped him take off his pajama pants.
“C’mon. Let’s take a quick bubble bath. How does that sound? No need to be sad,” you gave Daniel a hug and kissed his cheek.
“I’ll get the sheets and clothes in the washing machine and join you.” Miguel said as he helped you up. So much for cuddles before bed.
Miguel was quick to scope Daniel’s room. Any smell of tonight’s stir fry mixed with the chocolate milk from lunch and your waves of morning sickness might come back. He was quick to transfer the sheets to the washing machine and spray the room down with disinfectant. Luckily, the damage wasn’t drastic, so a quick change of sheets and a mop to the floor was all that was needed.
By the time he got to the bathroom, Daniel was wrapped up in a green dinosaur hoodie towel with a smile on his face as you blew raspberries into his cheek.
Miguel gasped, “Are you two having a party without me?”
Daniel folded his hands under his chin and nodded meekly, face rosy.
“Nonsense!” Miguel swept him up in his arms. “There’s no party without Papá, no?”
The hall filled with giggles as Miguel airplaned Daniel back to his room. The chatter amongst them filled the noise as Miguel reassured Daniel that he and mommy would only be a room away if was feeling sick again.
He ran lotion over his body and placed him in paw print pajamas. He wrapped him tight in the covers and shifted the star night light on the nightstand. With a whisper of goodnight, Miguel inched his way to the door.
However, the crumbling face of the five year old as Miguel looked through the crack tugged at his heart. He opened the door, swept Daniel up, and trudged back to his own bedroom.
Walking into the room, you were laying down with the opposite side of the duvet flipped up and an extra pillow in between yours and his.
Your face was knowing, a shake in your shoulders as you watched Miguel rock a clingy baby in his arms to the bed.
“Joining mommy and daddy, Daniel?”
“Uh huh,” he crawls to the middle and pulls the covers up. You lay a hand on his tummy over the duvet as Miguel slips in with a deep sigh.
He turns and places his hand over yours, the two of you acting as a shield. “I love you’s” and “good nights” are exchanged and a kiss between the two of you is shared before Daniel whines about wanting a kiss too. Both of you laugh and kiss him on his cheeks as he settled into his pillow.
You rub his chest lightly, something that put him to sleep easily as a baby.
His eyes start to close, almost gone to the world, before he jerks back up, startling Miguel whose eyes were just as heavy.
“Papá, can you sing the night-night song?” Daniel pleads.
A soft breath escapes your nose as you watch Miguel blink his eyes open and comply.
“But you have to go to sleep after this, bub.”
Daniel promises to do so as Miguel starts up a lullaby about a baby that wants to sleep but can’t.
It works on you too, the low drum of his voice holding you in his arms as you held your baby in yours.
Gabriella moved, and as softly as you can, you take his hand to your stomach. With this, she taps softly to his palm.
Miguel smiles sleepily as he watches you take a little breath, the rise and fall of your chest showing that you were in a deep sleep.
He only stops singing when he’s sure all three of you are asleep.
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“Jaime, I’ve asked you five times to get up already. Get it together.”
There was only one more hour left before everyone needed to be out of the house or else you’d be late to your appointment.
The lump in the bed only moves a bit before it’s still again.
“Jaime, please. I don’t want to have to pull you out of the bed.”
Today was already starting out all over the place. You woke up sweaty and achy, the heat radiating from your furnace of a husband and your snuggly son was too much. Your ankles felt a little more swollen than usual, and you wanted chewy spicy rice cakes with extra cheese, but the heartburn wouldn’t be worth it.
You sighed as your eldest stayed put. A soft pat to the bed only earned a whine and a wiggle from him.
Looking towards the growing footsteps at the door, your husband was frantic and glaring at his watch as if it cursed him.
“What’s the holdup? We need to be in the car soon and Daniel has to be at school early for a field trip.”
You held your hand out to the bed, face defeated.
Jaime shot up with a wobble to his lips and a scrunch to his face at the tone of Miguel’s voice.
You folded your arms, half concerned, half offended.
“I know you hear your mother asking you to get up.”
“Jaime O’Hara.”
The tears start to fall as he shuffles out of bed and goes to the bathroom, his cries pitiful and broken.
He swings the door like he’s about to slam it only to close it softly at the end, the sound of his voice carrying through then hallway.
“Was I too hard on him?” Miguel’s shoulders drop.
“No? I don’t think so. But I think there’s something he’s not telling us.”
“Is there something going on at school? Did we miss an important date?”
The two of you stare at each other as Jaime continues to sob in the bathroom.
“There’s no award ceremonies. He hasn’t said anything strange about his classmates. His birthday isn’t until the end of the year. He does have his game coming up.”
Miguel gasps and runs his had through his hair, “He’s been worrying about his 3-pointers nonstop. He’s probably nervous about it.”
He puts his face in his hand and mumbles through his fingers.
“How could I forget?”
You pat his shoulder, “Don’t worry about that right now. What’s important is that we talk to him. Check up on him, calm him down, explain things to him, and encourage him. Right?”
“Absolutely,” Miguel kisses your temple. “You’re so good at this.”
A snicker follows his statement, “And so are you. Now, can you go stop his crying while I make sure Daniel hasn’t made a mess in the kitchen? He’s too quiet.”
Miguel’s eyebrows shot up again as he realized he left the kindergartner to his own devices. The last time he did that, he walked onto a floor covered in flour and dusty, giggly baby.
“Smart idea.”
“Mm hm.”
Miguel turns and heads towards the bathroom, giving it two knocks before asking to come in.
Jaime takes a deep breath and pushes out a yes.
Miguel opens the door to him crying in the mirror while he puts up his toothbrush. If it were anyone else’s child or baby brother, it could have been funny and dramatic, but Miguel sees himself in the way his entire chest jumps when he breathes in.
He hopes Jaime always feels that home is a safe place to cry and yell, something his own parents never offered him.
“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?”
He left his frustration with the frantic morning at the doorway and stepped inside. With one hand on the counter and another arm resting on his thigh, he squatted down to Jaime’s level.
His son rubbed his eyes from the inside of his elbow to his arm, “I kept messing up.”
“Messing up what? Your shots?”
Jaime nodded his head, curly hair bouncing along with it.
“At practice, Coach made us do Around-the-worlds and the further from the goal, the more I kept missing. But the game is soon, and I can’t mess up at the game.”
His voice reached its highest point and he bit his lip in order not to cry again.
“Oye, está bien. That’s just practice, mijo. The game isn’t until a few more days. There’s plenty of time for us to get to a court and do some more drills. I know it feels like a lot right now, but we can always work to be better. Understood?”
Jaime nodded his head.
“Can you look at me?”
Jaime pouted as he turned to Miguel.
“I apologize for not giving you the space to explain yourself this morning. I was rushing and I didn’t take the time to check on you. For that, Papá’s sorry. Lo siento, mijo.”
With a calmer demeanor, Jaime forgives him. No whines and no hesitation.
“Still, when you’re feeling like this, you need to communicate, ok? Mamá was there and you could have told her that you were worried. You could have even called for me and I would have come running.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt Mamá.”
Miguel bit the inside of his lip in order to not coo, “I know you didn’t. Would you like to apologize to her like I did to you?”
Jaime collided with Miguel’s chest and wrapped his arms around his neck. He could feel the movement of his head nodding.
“Ok, buddy. Let’s go find her after we get your uniform on.”
Jaime wasn’t budging from his spot so Miguel let him cling off his neck as he got up. One day his eldest might not want to do things like this again, so for now he’ll cherish it.
One blazer, some knaki shorts, and a button down later, Jaime was all ready for school.
“And what do we say when we’re feeling down about ourselves?” Miguel asked as he tucked in the end of Jaime’s belt.
“Nothing can stop me from the path I want to take, not even my doubts.”
“O’Hara’s may make mistakes, but O’Hara’s bounce back. O’Hara’s succeed.”
“¡Exactamente!” Miguel patted his back.
“¿Sí, mijo?”
Jaime held his hands up, silently pleading with Miguel.
With an easy tug, his son was in his arms. As tall as he was getting, he was still Miguel’s baby.
In the kitchen, you were leaning over the island as you listened intensely to Daniel talk about types of dinosaurs. You looked up to your son in your husband’s arms and you knew they had a good talk.
Miguel strode up to you and looked at Jaime expectantly.
“I,” he picked at his uniform tie. “I’m sorry for not listening to you this morning Mamá. I was sad but that- that doesn’t mean I was supposed to ignore you.”
Your eyes started to water, “I forgive you, Jaime. I’m glad you were able to figure out what was wrong. Can I give you a kiss?”
“Yes, please.”
With that, you kiss his cheek and place a hand on his head.
“Papá, pick me up too!” Daniel huffs out.
Miguel complies, holding him in his other arm like nothing. You giggle at the three of them, all very similar in some way. Their skin, their hair, their smiles. Your precious, precious boys.
A sharp kick to your stomach causes you to suck in through your teeth.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Miguel asks with a pinch in his brow.
“No, I just think a certain someone wants your attention, too.”
You gently press your stomach to your husband’s, hoping that he could feel Gabriella’s tap dance performance.
“She’s going crazy in there,” you mumble.
Miguel can kind of feel her little feet through his shirt, but really, he was staring at you.
Even as you frowned at your stomach, you were still so beautiful. Your skin was glowing, you were giving him more smiles than ever, and the pregnancy was treating your body right in his eyes.
You peer up at him and it’s like a halo appears above your head. He’s quick to slot his lips against yours and hold it, the feeling of warmth settling into his bones.
“Eugh,” Jaime scrunches his face up in disgust.
You pull back and shake your head with a heated face, brought back to reality. Daniel is giggling behind his hands.
Miguel turned to Jaime and bombarded his face with kisses to, leading the 9-year-old to scream bloody murder. You joined Miguel on his attack, not stopping until Jaime waved his white flag.
The two of you looked at each other and then at Daniel simultaneously who squeaked when he saw you grin. Laughter filled the kitchen as the three of you gave Daniel some love.
Mornings were for chaos, but they also brought you together.
By the time Miguel was walking to the car with his kids, it was far past his estimated time.
He turned and looked at you still standing by the kitchen counter.
“Baby, c’mon.”
“But,” you pause, smile growing on your face. “The baby wants to be carried, too.”
You think he’s about to brush the comment off with a sigh but he gives a “One sec” and disappears into the garage with the kids.
You go to gather your purse and your water, checking that all of the lights and appliances are turned off.
“Ok,” Miguel rushes back in and claps his hands, “vamos.”
Three blinks at his wrestler stance and it clicks. You walk to him and your feet leave the ground.
“You’re so silly,”
“Just in love, mi amor.”
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The gel was still as cold as ever, you could never really get used to it.
Looking to Miguel, you could see that he could never get used to sitting next to you in these rooms either. His grip on your hand was tight and solid.
The obstetrician slid the transducer on your lower stomach, her eyes sliding over the screen.
Gabriella’s little heartbeat bounced through the room, fast and strong.
Miguel’s grip on your hand loosened as he smiled at the screen.
“Baby girl is looking good,” the doctor says. “Everything is in place and she’s growing perfectly. You both should be proud.”
She paused and looked at you both, specifically at Miguel, “I would be worried about how she big she’s getting at this stage, but I can see why. How tall are you?”
“Uh, 6’9.”
A whistle passes her lips, “Godspeed, Mama. You’ll need it for the next several months.”
“Two boys and my only girl is going to give me a run for my money,” you mumble.
Jaime and Daniel were so tiny when they came out, both of them barely showing at five months. Gabriella is close to being almost twice their size at this rate, and the soreness all over your body was showing it.
At least your husband made time to make you feel good in more ways than one.
“Is there anything that she should look out for? Other than the obvious?” Miguel asks, always the worrier.
“No, I think you guys are good to go. I’ll get you some pictures of the baby and get you checked out. Just keep taking your vitamins, get plenty of water, get those feet up, and stretch as much as you can while you still feel like it. The least stress you have, the better.”
Your stomach is wiped clean and in no time, you’re back in the car trying to decide what to get for lunch.
“I feel like I should have asked more questions,” Miguel’s fingers tapped on the wheel.
“I’m sure you’ll have more that you can call her for later, baby. Right now, I want a milkshake.”
“You need some nourishing food, too.”
“Is that what you want Gabriella?” you ask your stomach. No taps, no spins, no twirls. “What about a milkshake? Chocolate oreo? Extra whip cream?” Gabriella thumps three times.
“My girl is already so smart,” you say to Miguel who scowls.
“Already so spoiled.”
“You love it, though.”
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Miguel swore he would never be like those fathers that only connected to their children through their own expectations of them, and to be fair, he was the complete opposite.
Though seeing him stand at the bottom of the bleachers with a baseball cap, folded arms, and a stern face gave the impression that he was that type of dad.
“¡Ay, eso es faulta!”
“Babe. Maybe let’s let the couch and the referee do their jobs.”
“They don’t know what they’re doing. That was clearly a foul and my son should be holding the ball right now.”
You sighed and continued to chew on your nachos with Daniel who was just happy to be out of the house later than usual. Miguel was about to burn a hole in the gymnasium floor with how stiff he was standing.
Behind him was a family that couldn’t see, leaning around him.
“Miguel, honey, please sit down so everyone can see.”
He sits and folds his hands under his chin. His muscles bulge through his jacket as his legs bounce.
You place a hand on his leg and put a water bottle to his lips. He takes a few sips and focuses back on the game.
“Let’s go, Jaime! Make it count!”
He’s back on his feet again as Jaime gets ready to shoot some free-throws.
Jaime looks at Miguel, a hint of fear in his eyes. Miguel brings his hands up and pushes them down, motioning a deep breath.
“You got this, mijo. Just like we practiced.”
Your son dribbles once, twice, and takes the shot.
The basketball flies through the air and brushes the rim of the basket. It spins and the gym goes quiet. You don’t realize your holding your breath until it comes back when the people behind you stomp on the bleachers.
Jaime looks to Miguel with the brightest face he could muster. Miguel almost springs through the ceiling with how high he jumps.
“That’s my son,” he claps his hands like thunder, chest puffing up. “That’s my son!”
The game continues with Miguel milliseconds from fighting with the official, Jaime looking to Miguel for encouragement, and you smacking the back of his thighs whenever he was standing too much.
When Jaime made the final basket, you were scared Miguel might do a backflip.
Jaime ran to him and jumped in his arms, Miguel spinning him around and laughing with glee.
“I did it, daddy! I did it!”
“¡Eres increíble, mijo! I’m so proud of you.”
“Did you see me, mommy?”
“I did! I couldn’t take my eyes off of you!”
Daniel jumps up and down, “You made the ball go whoosh! And, and, and when it went in everybody screamed!”
Jaime and his brother played together as the gym started to empty out.
“What do you say we celebrate with some pizza?” you ask Miguel as you watch Jaime help Daniel dribble.
“I think that’s an excellent idea.”
“And what do you say to carton of cotton candy ice cream after the kids go to bed? Maybe even a soak in the bath?”
Miguel looked to you as you blinked your eyes at him. You slid your hands down his arm and tilted your head.
“You want vanilla wafers too?”
You nod.
“And strawberry syrup?”
“You’re such a good husband.”
You pull him down to kiss him, heart soaring.
“Mamá! Look what I can do!”
“No, Daniel! Don’t jump off that!”
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“If I hear that raccoon sing that song one more time, I’m going to lose it,” Miguel bit into a slice of pizza.
You reached across the table to wipe some ranch off of his lips and lick it away.
“I like the song! He’s a little off-key, though.”
Miguel had a grimace on his face, the energy from the building overwhelming. Or perhaps it was Daniel clinging tight to his side whenever the mascot came close to their table.
A couple of kids ran by, running towards the line for laser tag.
You listened to them go over strategies, all very serious coming from them.
“God, I can’t believe he’ll be 10 soon. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
You poke the straw of your cup in and out, pout on your face. It felt like just yesterday you and Miguel were setting up his nursery.
“I remember him grabbing my finger at the hospital. So strong for someone who couldn’t eat solids yet.”
“Now he’s running around and blooming into this perfect little boy,” you sigh, watching him catapult into a ballpit. You should definitely make him take some vitamins later, just to be sure.
“And this little boy is the sweetest,” Miguel kissed the top of Daniel’s head, who seemed to be pre-occupied with a coloring book you packed.
“And once our little girl is in our arms, it’ll be so special,” you say. “She’s already making an impact.”
“I’m already crazy about her,” Miguel grins.
“And I’m ready for her to come out,” you snicker. “I have a feeling that whatever she’ll do will involve these rapid fire feet.”
“I need to get some new running shoes then,” Miguel replies in all seriousness. Daniel interrupted him with a drawing of a T-rex.
“When she gets here,” Miguel comments in between his praise for Daniel’s skill, “how do you want to celebrate afterwards?”
“I don’t need anything. Just maybe a plate of food I couldn’t eat and a comfy bed.”
“Mamà, c’mon,” Miguel held your hand across the table. “That can be arranged easily. I mean something especially for you for doing something so amazing. It can be anything. I’ll make it happen.”
Your heart sped up, a bit giddy.
“Well the last time we took a trip to an island and,” you panned to Daniel, “we both know how that ended. Maybe the mountains?”
“We can do the mountains. Or just you and your friends if you want.”
Miguel thought about you all bundled up and cozy, enjoying s'mores and wine in a sweater and a blanket. Peak cuddling form.
“That would be very nice. Thank you, Miggy.”
“Of course. Now what do you say to a friendly game of arcade racing?”
“There’s nothing friendly about leaving you in the dust.”
Miguel scoffed and slid Daniel into his arms.
“It’s on.”
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As always, if you enjoyed, please like, reblog, and COMMENT! This was very sweet to write!!
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meownotgood · 1 month
aki hugs.
that's today's thought.
just aki hugs.
not even just as an "I'm sad rn, aki, give me a hug plspls" but like...
I just know aki gives the best hugs...
just oug.... his hugs would be so warm and secure, he'd hold you so tight as if you're the most precious thing ever...
being in aki's arms would just make you feel so safe and protected, like nothing could ever hurt you just as long as he's got you....
oh aki I crave for you
you're really reading my mind because today... I crave to hug aki.... just hug him tightly and feel his warmth... tight and perfect and comforting hugs...... GAH
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savanir · 3 months
DP x DC prompt [6]
Weapon design always came easy to Jack Fenton. He grew up with it, all the way back in Atlantis, when he was just a little guppy.
What he wasn’t aware of at the time was that his parents were from a long and prestigious line of scientists and weapon manufacturers in Atlantean society. But things had been getting dangerous. 
The King at the time cast them out when they refused his demands of greater, stronger, deadlier weapons. The kind of weapons they knew would not only destroy their enemies, but themselves as well.
They fled and went where they thought they would never be found, the surface.
Jack had the easiest time adapting, being as young as he was getting used to breathing air was a lot less of a struggle. 
He adopted one of the most generic male names he could, and adapted the family name of Fenestratus into Fenton. And then it was just living as a human, as humanly as possible, nothing to see here.
By now Jack basically doesn’t know any better. but this piece of heritage is coming back now all these years later, when his son is looking to him for help from the government.
But first he holds his boy close and apologizes, because he sees the fear, and he understands a little too well, and he doesn’t like the picture he’s seeing now that all the puzzle pieces are falling into place.
“I almost became the thing I hate the most. I’m so sorry Danny, I’m sorry I made you feel unsafe in your own home”
The hug is long and warm and tight and Danny isn’t ashamed to admit he might have clung a little bit.
Then Jack holds Danny tightly by his shoulders and gives him a big grin, “Good news though, you’re only half ghost, the other half is not only human but also Atlantean, and there are laws protecting us now” Jack mutters to himself, “I wonder if the whole ghost stuff would actually be put under the meta protection thing… hmm”
Danny blinks for a moment, Jazz gapes, Maddie is suddenly no longer spiraling about how her baby boy got in a terrible accident in their lab and she didn’t know.
“I’m also what?”
“oh did I forget to mention that? I thought I did, I know for certain that I had been meaning to”
“Jack sweetie, are you-”
“oh yes, and I remember now, I decided to tell you after our big breakthrough because I didn’t want to distract you, and-” Jack looks sheepish, “I hope you aren’t too mad at me Maddiecakes”
“mad? oh I would never be mad at you about this but we could have- I don’t know, accommodated- Atlanteans are aquatic, well I guess that explains how you could always put away so much water, and when you gave me your umbrella and I thought you were just making an excuse when you told me you didn’t mind and in fact loved getting pelted by the rain-”
Maddie goes on, and Jack thinks to himself that this is exactly the reason why he kept it to himself at the time, Maddie never half asses anything, he’s sure a lot of things are going to change in the house now, it honestly only makes him fall in love with her even more.
Meanwhile Jazz had filled up a bucket of water and then dunked her head in, then came back out not even slightly gasping for breath, just saying “oh my god” over and over.
Danny timed it, “yeah okay, I guess that proves it. now I’m starting to wonder if my weird relationship with air is ghost related at all”
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randomshyperson · 2 months
Saw your drabble list challenge thingie, here's my request, absolutely no pressure or whatsoever though.
Wanda + hugs + no. 24
Your writing makes me so giddy and warm, like a school girl kicking her legs while reading dork diaries.
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
prompt: hugging with height difference | warnings: none.
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The team had thrown a big party to celebrate your return.
Wanda was feeling a bit out of the loop. Of course, she was relieved and genuinely happy that you were back, safe, and with little more than a few scratches on your face. But the setting, a room full of Avengers and anyone else Tony Stark could get at such short notice, wasn't exactly her scene.
Besides, Wanda barely had time to see you. Your sudden arrival at the compound was as quick as your departure - Shield had a lot of questions about your last mission. And the brief wave and a whisper of "see you later" was the only greeting Wanda received.
She forced herself to go to the party - Out of consideration for you and also because the Black Widow had politely persuaded her to attend.
But going didn't mean participating, and Wanda spent most of the night hiding in the bar while you told people all about your adventures in space with Captain Danvers and the God of Thunder - the latter seemed quite happy to have the attention stolen since he could focus on his fiancée Jane, instead of fawning guests.
Wanda hadn't seen Carol since she arrived, and she wished you had been as quick as the captain in escaping the guests.
Her patience grew thin as the night went on. In fact, Wanda could have stopped pouting at any moment and gone to greet you (Natasha's words, not hers) but she ended up being overcome by introversion, and the pain in her feet from the heels she chose, so just before they cut your cake - a birthday lost due to your time out of the planet - she sneaked out.
She could talk to you tomorrow. Or any other day, when she no longer has that nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach every time she imagines herself under your attention, talking directly to you, or being alone in your presence.
The path to the room is lonely since that side of the compound is empty due to the party. She holds her heels in her right hand but almost drops them on the floor when the elevator at the other end of the hallway opens, and you stumble out, breathless as if you were running to catch up with it.
"Hey, Wanda!" Your face lights up with a mix of happiness and relief, having managed to find her, so close to her bedroom door. She shifted her weight between her feet, smiling awkwardly. You tried to seem less flustered. "I can't believe you ran away from my party."
Wanda only realized how much she missed having you torment her when you did it again. She felt a lump form in her throat, surprising herself with the sudden urge to cry. You sighed immediately, as affected to see her again as she was.
"Sorry." She murmurs hoarsely. “Parties aren’t really my thing.”
“I know.” You give her a small smile, and Wanda bites the inside of her cheek as she notices your footsteps toward her. “I guess I’m the one who should apologize. For not coming to talk to you sooner.”
She shakes her head. “You seemed busy.”
“Busy for my best friend? Never.” You assure her, earning a tearful laugh from her. Wanda isn’t surprised when your hands find her cheeks, wiping away the tears she hadn’t even realized she’d let fall. It was the first thing you did for her so long ago, back in a cell in Sokovia when you first met her, and something you’ve done ever since whenever she thinks of Pietro. You frown, worried about her tears, and Wanda sniffs softly, trying to control her emotions. “Did I say something wrong?”
She brings her free hand to your left wrist, massaging your skin with her thumb, while your hands linger on her cheeks, caressing the damp skin. “It’s just… so good to see you again.” She confesses, smiling through her tears. "You took a while." 
"The longest months of my life, believe me." You comment, offering her a small smile. There's a quick exchange of glances between you. Wanda thinks she imagines your eyes falling to her lips before you sigh and look at her with such affection that she feels her heart swell. "Come here, Wands."
She doesn't need to be told twice. It's not the first time she's hugged you, but it's only the third. The first time, you carried her in your arms away from a fallen city, and Wanda let her arms wrap around your neck. She couldn't even tell if it could be considered a hug, but it meant the world to her. The second, the first real hug, was on impulse after long training sessions in the tower and you were on enough adrenaline to forget about your super strength. Wanda complained softly, and you never hugged her again after a series of apologies.
But tonight, you wrapped your arms around her. Gentle at first, then as tight as you could. Wanda let her heels slide to the floor, her hands moving up to your back. The height difference between her and a Kryptonian was considerable, but it only made everything more perfect. She didn’t think much, just buried her face against your chest, inhaling deeply and letting her body relax into your hold.
Your fingers wrapped around her hair, massaging her scalp and running through the strands as she felt the heat from her cheeks spread throughout her body. She could no longer tell if it was emanating from you or her.
"I really missed you, witchy." 
She nodded softly at your words, her heart racing in her chest. She realized at that moment that there was no way to put into words the feeling that your absence caused her. She sighed, tightening the hug a little. You seemed to understand exactly what she meant.
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theprettyarachnid · 1 year
JJK characters and their reaction to a sensitive, innocent and easily flustered s/o🌹
a/n: yes <3 also i was on a roll with this one and i’m proud of myself
also sorry for the depression fest lately, my bad yall
warnings: the more you scroll the more nsfw it gets
characters: itadori, megumi, inumaki, yuuta, gojo, suguru, nanami, sukuna (some characters aged up)
🕷️ he thinks it’s really cute how flustered you get over the simplest of things
🕷️ he’ll hold your hand and he catches a glimpse of the tips of your ears turning a little red
🕷️ yuji once made a dirty joke while hanging out with you, megumi, and nobara and while the other two were rolling their eyes or saying their piece about the joke, he noticed you having this confused look on your face
🕷️ almost like you were a stranger within an inside joke
🕷️ he took note of it and will occasionally say things that are dirty when it’s just the two of you only to watch it fly over your head
🕷️ yuji doesn’t really lose his temper but you did something reckless on a mission once and he got really upset
🕷️ he couldn’t stop himself from yelling at you out of concern and fear but when you started crying he stopped
🕷️ he immediately gave you hug while you kept apologizing only to hear him shush you
🕷️ he was upset with himself for the rest of the day and a little more
🕷️ he cuddled with you for hours even when you told him you had something to do
🕷️ “just a few more minutes, you’re warm and i don’t want you to go”
🕷️ you can say whatever you want, i think megumi gets a little flustered at times as well
🕷️ in the beginning of the relationship, nobara and yuji would be snickering in the background as megumi tried to make a move
🕷️ your sensitivity can sometimes be a problem because megumi is naturally stand-offish and can sometimes come off as kind of mean
🕷️ especially because we know he can be kind of bad at comforting people but he’s gotten better at it because of you
🕷️ he likes to tuck your hair behind your ear because he likes seeing your lips thin out while you shyly look down
🕷️ not huge displays of affection in public but even when you two are alone and you kiss both of you end up having coloured cheeks when you pull away
🕷️ if he’s feeling like it, he makes you flustered on purpose just for your reaction
🕷️ as well as he’s not one to be ashamed of showing his affection so throughout the day he holds your hand, kisses your cheek, twirls your hair when he’s bored
🕷️ but he finds it funny when he shows big displays of affection watching you try to run off before everyone starts staring but he catches your hand so you can’t leave
🕷️ “tuna!”
🕷️ when you two are alone he’s noticed that you’ve become a little less embarrassed when it’s just the two of you
🕷️ movie night with the gang
🕷️ everyone has turns picking out the movie so panda or gojo (on the rare occasion he joins) might put on a scary movie
🕷️ you’ll cover your eyes at certain parts of the movie but be peaking out a little because you’re too interested
🕷️ he pulls the cringey yawn over the shoulder thing even though he doesn’t have to and he knows it’s cringe
🕷️ also finds it cute but goes easy on you even though he could do a lot worse
🕷️ occasionally pokes fun at you but gives you a quick kiss so you know he’s joking and you don’t have to get upset about it
🕷️ sometimes he can’t help himself and puts his hand a little lower than usual or will gently squeeze your waist
🕷️ can be overprotective during missions
🕷️ when he leaves for missions, he gives you multiple pairs of sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc for you to wear and even when people ask “is that yuuta’s” and you get embarrassed you still keep it on
🕷️ yuuta can’t help himself when he gets back, as soon as he sees you he picks you up bridal style and spins you around while kissing you
🕷️ by the time you’ve stopped spinning, you’re out of breath, dizzy, and grinning like an idiot
🕷️ consider getting a restraining order
🕷️ like sometimes it can be cute like he’ll call you beautiful but other times he gives you a quick smack on the ass or squeezes your boobs when no one’s around
🕷️ you yell at him at times especially if it was in public and really embarrassing with red cheeks
🕷️ and as a sensitive person myself, probably a little tears in the eyes
🕷️ he feels really bad when you yell at him and hugs you for however long he feels necessary
🕷️ for some reason he really likes seeing you in his shades and randomly will put them on you
🕷️ it doesn’t really make you flustered, you actually find it kind of funny at times
🕷️ even when his eyes are covered, you can feel him staring at you and when his eyes are uncovered it’s in adoration
🕷️ gojo just thinks you’re so pretty and he can’t keep his eyes off you
🕷️ he finds it funny how suggestive jokes go right over your head so he’s more direct when it comes to you
🕷️ he whispers something in your ear occasionally and bites the tip of your ear watching your eyes widen and your face getting red
🕷️ he wiggles his eyebrows whenever he says some promiscuous which makes you make your mouth agape as you just turn your head away
🕷️ finds it amusing
🕷️ isn’t as relentless but occasionally will intentionally do something here and there
🕷️ when he’s talking to one of his disciples and you’re with him, he slyly moves his hand down to your ass gently squeezing it
🕷️ the disciple usually looks confused when they notice you hide your face while staring at the floor
🕷️ likes to sneak up on you and will give you a kiss behind your ear and feel the blood rush up your neck and onto your face
🕷️ gently cups your cheek and compliments you a little too loudly so people will hear
🕷️ he likes how innocent you are because the less you know the more he can expose you to
🕷️ is really gentle with you so you don’t get upset
🕷️ death penalty to anyone who makes you upset, the more upset you are the more miserable the death is
🕷️ he doesn’t let you know though, the last thing he wants is to see who he really is when it comes to others
🕷️ noticed it the first time he leaned over you to see what you were doing
🕷️ it was only out of curiosity of what you were doing but he thought it was cute seeing how flustered he made you
🕷️ notices how you keep stealing glances at him when he loosens his tie which shows a bit of his collarbone
🕷️ “you know, you don’t have to be embarrassed around me dear.”
🕷️ even with his statement though, you still would
🕷️ occasionally asks you to loosen his tie for him and watches as you look at the floor quietly giving an “okay” before walking over
🕷️ he takes this opportunity to wrap his arms around you and give you a kiss to the forehead
🕷️ he gives you a small smile when you look up before gently kissing you again on the lips enjoying how your hands tremble a little as you still loosen his tie
🕷️ if he raises his voice out of frustration and sees you curl into yourself while looking at the floor, he makes sure to take a breath and apologize
🕷️ it’s a very rare occurrence but it still happens
🕷️ likes when you sit on his lap while he works because he likes how close you are to him and how you stammer a little bit whenever he talks to you
🕷️ oh god
🕷️ not to be cringe but you’re literally in the lions den
🕷️ sometimes literally if you’re in his domain
🕷️ sukuna always makes a point for you to look him in the eyes whenever he talks to you, no matter what he’s saying
🕷️ if you look away from embarrassment, he grabs your chin to make you look at him and sometimes even makes you repeat how he wants you to look at him when he’s talking to you
🕷️ “what did i say about keeping eye contact? say it so i know you understand.”
🕷️ occasionally gives you a break if he’s feeling nice but will still do things to get a reaction
🕷️ you sit on his lap on his throne, one of his arms wrapped around your waist and the other on your thigh
🕷️ a little too high up your thigh most of the time
🕷️ lifts your chin up before he kisses you
🕷️ he doesn’t care if one of his servants comes to him about something and he’s doing whatever to you just to hear you stumble with your words while nervously playing with your hands
🕷️ loves fucking you especially in his true form because he has more arms, two of them holding each of your wrists while another one is slung over his shoulder and being extended just a little too far
🕷️ to make it even worse he makes you beg most of the time and watches your tears run down your face
🕷️ isn’t exactly the nicest person, i mean he’s the king of curses, so he says a lot of insensitive things
🕷️ he rolls his eyes and tells you to stop crying which usually only makes it worse so eventually he gives some weird half-assed kind of an apology so you’ll stop crying
🕷️ he doesn’t say “i’m sorry” but pulls you closer so your head is against his chest while he plays with your hair and that’s usually the closest you get to an apology
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bedoballoons · 1 year
heyheyhey!! i would like to req for a fic, where after a BIG fight with your s/o (any genshin char), you're extremely clingy in the morning.
(because fluff after angst is heaven)
Omg I saw this request and literally went YAY! (Fluff after angst is just chefs kiss) I hope you like this and sorry it took awhile to write!!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Being clingy after a big fight~༺}
CW: Slight angst because mentions of a previous fight, overall super fluffy though!
(Includes: Diluc, Lyney, Wanderer, and Neuvillette!)
Your eyes fluttered open, dried tears clinging to your lashes from the night before, reminding you of the argument that caused you to go to bed crying. You glanced at the sleeping man next to you, who had originally had his back turned to you but must have shifted in his sleep, his face now mere inches from yours...and his own sadness visible.
You couldn't even really remember what the argument was about anymore and in that moment...your heart didn't want to fight about it, so you moved in closer, cuddling up to his warm figure and resting your face in his chest. To your surprise his arms wrapped around you tightly, holding you against him as he kissed your head softly and whispered with that morning voice you loved so much, "I'm sorry..."
You looked away as Lyney opened the door, leaving the room the two of you would usually have shared and looking rather depressed as he glanced at you, your hands instantly busying themselves with the dishes so you wouldn't have to talk. "Mon amour..." He said softly, voice just above a whisper as he stepped closer to you...his fingers gently touching your chin, guiding it so you'd look into his bright purple eyes. Their normal mischievous glint replaced with guilt and sadness, he was hurting...just like you.
You bit your bottom lip, tears welling up in your eyes as you hugged him so tightly, saying apologies between sobs and rubbing your face in his clothes, the comforting scent of rainbow roses making your heart ache. "Oh mon amour...I'm sorry too..." He said quietly, embracing you just as tightly as you had him and wiping your tears with his thumb before placing loving kisses on your cheeks.
(I used the nickname Scara here!)
The sound of knocking pulled you out of your thoughts, your eyes flicking to the door to see Scara, who to your surprise was leaning against its frame with his hat turned downwards so you couldn't see his face. Your chest tightened at the sight of him, the harsh words you'd both said the night before flooding into your mind and making your heart ache, was he here to argue more...you honestly couldn't bare the idea of it.
After a few moments of silence, you finally stood up from your chair and took cautious steps towards him, your voice shaky with sadness as you said his name "Scara...?"
Suddenly he grabbed ahold of you, pulling you into him like if he didn't he could loose you forever, his face buried in the crook of your neck as he held you tightly and your heart pounded against the walls of your chest, tears welled up in your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him. His breath warm against your ear and his voice softer than you'd ever heard it as he whispered a apology against your skin.
You sighed quietly as you opened the large door, watching as it swung open slowly to reveal Neuvillette, who glanced up at you from his desk, his eyes instantly filling with love and slight guilt when they landed on you. He cleared his throat, about to stand and most likely apologize again for the fight the two of you had previously, but you didn't give him the chance.
Instead you walked over to his chair, climbing into his lap with a light blush on your face and snuggling into his clothed chest as he embraced you tightly, not a word had to be said between the two of you to confirm that everything was alright again. He held you like that as he signed multiple papers and studied previous cases, placing kisses on the top of your head ever so often.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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floydira · 9 months
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₊˚﹒✶﹒trolls headcanons .ᐟ
brozone, creek & king trollex with a reader going through a breakdown, overthinking and panicking and how they deal with them.
note ; I somehow(?) accidentally deleted the person's ask for this. I don't remember exactly what they asked word for word. (I'm down on my knees apologizing to you rn, I'm so sorry anon 🙏) so hopefully based on my memory this is at least close to what you asked for. I also hope this headcanon is to your liking.
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John Dory
erm. well. let's just say when it comes to dealing with other people's emotions, he's not really the best guy to depend on...
BUT considering he spent years by himself (and rhonda) with no other socialization, plus leaving his brothers behind and coming back to them after awhile out of conscious but seeing them nowhere to be found, he definitely felt lonely and HAD his own breakdowns before.
so he'd understand how you're feeling, or at least try to understand.
when he first saw you breaking down, his first instinct was to ask you questions "why are you breaking down?" "did something happen?"
if he doesn't get a reply from you, he'll respect your boundaries and not ask any further questions. he'll just focus on comforting you in the present, awkwardly patting your back and giving you words of affirmation that he thinks would work. like those motivational phrases or quotes online, maybe even those ones that facebook moms use.
if you do give a reply, he'll sit down next to you and hear you out. sipping a drink and lending his ears for you to vent. he'll keep quiet (internally, he's restraining himself from outing his own opinions on whatever you vented to him about).
In summary, he's a listener. If you let him voice his own opinions, he'll tell you his thoughts and views. more often than not, if he does give advice, it's probably best you don't actually follow them. I feel like he's bad at giving advice...
at least, he's got the spirit!
this troll has a wife and kids. I'm sure he's knowledgeable in comforting someone when they are breaking down or overthinks a lot.
if you're overthinking, he'll support you and keep you company but he's also honest that helps you actually evaluate your overthinking thoughts and not stress too much about them.
once you come to him looking vulnerable, he'll immediately try to soothe you by rubbing your back gently. yk like those back rubs that puts babies to sleep? yeah, he'll do that.
while he rubs your back, he urges you to take a deep breath and let it all out. so you do. unknowingly you ranted and ranted, every little detail spoken word to word. he just has that affect on people.
lets you know that what you're going through is valid.
once you're all done, he'll give you advice to ease you or if you're not looking for advice, he'll just comfort you until you feel better.
he literally is in a sad book club, he'll have the knowledge about it and how to deal with it. except...he's slightly bad at executing it.
he'll snap you out of overthinking by yelling positive stuff to you, that are actually...effective???
if you rant to him, he'll listen to you attentively and pat your head afterwards. it's just something natural that he does, honestly head pats are soothing ok.
if you're okay with physical touch, he'll caress your face while giving you actually reassuring words. (LIKE. have you SEEN him literally pinching and squishing branch's face when he first met him after 20 years?!) of course, it's effective, combined with his already nice vibe (I feel like he naturally has a healing presence, he's just a sweet little boring cutie)
his method of comforting you naturally makes you feel better. he doesn't have to try hard because just watching his body language and mannerisms are dorky enough that it'll make you smile. he's unknowingly comforting in a silly dorky way. even with how badly he persists to be a very "serious" guy.
he'll definitely give you a big warm hug after everything.
he's literally called the sensitive one. out of the brothers, he's definitely the one who understands you the most.
I don't think I even need to explain, you already know how perfect he is with dealing with stuff like that. like the time he talked to veneer about how his sister treats him and how he shouldn't let her be like that to him.
his face is full of worry if he sees you in a vulnerable state.
he literally gives the best hugs, it's canon, I know it's canon.
this emo mf knows exactly the right words to get you out of your vulnerable state for a while (bc the phrases he gives to others are probably what he wants to hear given to him).
he'll be really patient with you and help you with every step along the way even if you're having a hard time changing your bad traits.
he's also attentive at listening, he'll caress your hands with his thumb with a reassuring smile.
he'll be really sweet at tackling your situation and never makes you feel overwhelmed.
will cry with you tbh.
he's kind of helping himself when he helps you, because he's similar in a way.
branch was quite the panicker himself during the times when bergens ate trolls.
so he'd also know how to help you deal with it because he understands you.
he had to figure it out himself and was mostly alone to deal with his own vulnerability so he's happy to help you.
he'll look calm, composed and collected externally but even he, himself is slightly panicking on the inside. afraid that he'll let you down or he won't be of much help. don't worry though, he has it all put together after a bit.
If you're panicking, he'll help you focus, calm down and ease your hyperventilation.
"concentrate on your breathing, okay?"
once you've calmed down, he'll provide you with reassuring words.
he'll keep you company and stay with you until you feel composed enough to talk about it with him. he'll lend you an ear.
afterwards, he pats you on the shoulder and gives you advice that worked on him before.
as bad as he is, he's literally the best when it comes to relaxation. he has that zen-like wisdom, so he'll calm you down and help you relax if you're panicking or overthinking too much.
just like floyd, he also knows exactly what to say to reassure or cheer someone up.
he'll give you a more positive outlook on whatever happened to you so that you don't overthink it.
tbh his voice itself is enough to calm you down.
he encourages different methods and ways(that he knows of) to you that could help.
King Trollex
this sweet goober offers you all his emotional support.
he feels upset, if you're upset. he's all frowny when he sees you vulnerable.
"can I give you a hug?" ofc he asks for consent.
will hug you tightly (he thinks hugs are a remedy for everything, besides music), quiet sobs are heard as his face is smooshed against your chest. just like bruce, he'll also rub your back soothingly while hugging you.
Intertwines both of your hands and encourages you to put your thoughts into words so that he knows what's going on that head of yours that's overthinking a lot of stuff.
keeps eye contact with you as you rant to him.
"you can get through this." he'll say with his cute smile.
the most he can provide is listening and comfort. he wishes he could help you more.
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hxltic · 1 year
if you’re writing , pls do konig x reader and the reader is a cry baby
Cry baby as in like sexually?? i got you
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König is horrible at teasing you, frankly because he gives in himself. Never has he slapped the tip along your folds, or made you grind on him to ruffle your own mental—but today, he has brought you to your breaking point. all you’ve wanted all day was him.
He finally returns to you, and the first thing you did was hug him around the neck. Both your legs swung up to the top of his hips so he could carry you away. Once ridden of the day and full to his stomach, König finds you in the bedroom in all your needy glory, pleading for him but unwilling to disturb his peace or alone time after the day’s mission.
He teased like never before. Even going as far to play with your dripping pussy with his big fingers, dipping it into the wetness and rolling it around your clit. You don’t know what made you this way, and you were excited at just the thought of your mysterious hunk of a man coming home to you.
But not this. You begged and waited (impatiently) for his gratitude. He flattened his tongue so you could grind on the warm sensation, but with each hand under your knee on display for him, it literally wasn’t possible to move because of his strength. At this point you were so frustrated you probably could cry.
“Kö please, what did I do? I w-won’t do it again I swear,” you attempt, asking for forgiveness at you don’t even know what. Truthfully you hadn’t done anything wrong, but even after given colonel position, you’re still the only one he feels genuinely in charge of like this. He never thought he cared until the high he got from hearing you whine for him came along. You don’t want anyone else. Just him.
On that thought, once he inserted himself, his pace was unbelievably slow. König never prided himself on his self-control but he knew his size, and had he went any faster you would’ve came on the spot.
“‘m sorry, faster please,” you tried again. “I’ve been waiting for you all day!” Already on the verge of tears as your nails dig crescents into his muscled back, when he finally gives you what you want, you lose your mind.
Nothing was slow. Almost a signification of flipping the switch, he throws you over to your stomach effortlessly. He spreads your legs and brings you to your elbows with your ass in the air, then splits you open. It doesn’t take long before your hips start to bruise.
“Wait wait-“ König hears faintly, but he knows that’s far from what you want. He was correct because you cum immediately after. He feeds off the sight of your ass bouncing and rippling off him. His only responses are grunts.
“It’s what you wanted right,” his accent still thick and releasing words he wouldn’t even think of saying regularly, “you waited all day for this?”
Now deep in you and the ecstasy, it’s like you’ve switched roles. He technically was edging himself too. He was rock hard and heavy through his pants, all at your pretty voice and begs.
Soon apologies start flying out of his mouth, you being almost too lost in the euphoria to hear them at all. “Liebling, you feel so good-I’m not sure if I can stop now.”
“Kö you’re gonna-“ is all that comes out in your short breaths.
He replies, “I won’t, I won’t liebe,” as if he knows what you’re going to say, even though he doesn’t. He’s not thinking about much right now. As if to make what you were going to say worse, he lifts your shoulders and grabs your breasts to hold you up and crane you back, your hair falling between the two of you and your head to his neck.
The new position calls for a different spot inside of you and he’s lucky he hasn’t short circuited.
“…break me…half,” is all he heard. He’s too lost at your slick cunt gripping him tight, to hear the sniffles. He does look down though, and spots a tear about to fall down the path of the others. The only reason it doesn’t is because you’re basically upside down.
“I’m sorry,” is all he can say, and despite how sweet he is, it doesn’t sound genuine. Especially not after his hips chase into your entrance like it’s heaven.
“König, cum, again,” you choke out beside a sob, but König is in too much pleasure to feel bad.
“Huh,” he questions. It doesn’t come out as such; more like he’s physically present but isn’t actually asking.
“I’m cumming,” you repeat, and not long after do you hiccup.
There’s a second of silence, then, “I know,” he glances down in pity and bliss. “Your smile is hard to beat but this is far better.”
He never thought he’d like to see you cry, which he doesn’t, but sexually seems to be a different story. They were steaming now, just before your eyes squeezed shut.
“Oh my god,” you whimper, and tighten around him, eliciting a deep groan.
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simphornies · 8 months
Breathtaking [Vox x Secretary! Reader] part 2 (NSFW)
A/N: This honestly took a little bit longer than I expected. Apologies!
Warnings: cunninglingus, creampie, implied bondage
Word count: 3.5k (3,500)
You've hit a year with VoxTek working as Vox's personal secretary. Though, you're confident your role in the company will change considering you are now his current romantic interest. You form a bond with the other Vees over time. With the exclusion of Vox, Velvette and Valentino brief you on Vox's little secrets he'd most definitely not want you to find out about yet.
With a lot of convincing and a tad bit of peer pressure from Valentino, you sneak into Vox's bedroom at night while he stayed up working against your advices. You cuddle up into his pillow, his scent lingering. You knew it was going to be a while until he walks in. You scroll through your phone, given to you courtesy of Vox, watching anything he starred in today.
It wasn't long for you to fall asleep, phone in hand. You had dozed off to the sound of his voice.
"Fucking hell..." Vox stretched his arms, "I'm not going to hear the end of it from Y/N tomorrow." He mumbled to himself. It was way too late for him to finally go to sleep. He was up and with a quick clip of Alastor roaming around the streets a little bit too close to his building, he went into a fit of rage. He had to reboot himself. Twice.
It was so late that the usual servants opening his door weren't even there anymore. He opens his door, aimlessly scrolling on his phone. When he looks up he sees you sleeping on his bed. Cuddled up on his pillow. You. On his pillow. Vox paused. Dead in his tracks. His grasp on the doorknob slips past his fingertips. He might have to reboot himself again.
Who knows how long he stood there in disbelief. He ended up locking the door behind him when he finally came to his senses. So nobody walks in. Specifically Valentino.
He sat beside your sleeping figure. The weight of him sitting down stirred you awake. You rub your eyes, adjusting to the light emitting from him. He looks down at you, capturing this very moment in his mind forever. There you laid, in his bed, wearing a nightgown that was almost see-through. So close to being see-through that you laying there innocently was such a tease to him and the fact that all you had to was exist rendered him speechless.
"Vox?" You spoke, voice in a hushed tone. "It's late...I told you." You groaned, choosing sleep over lecturing him. "Mmmm. Ne'ermind...Lay down. Go to sleep." You pat on the empty space next to you.
He lays down on his back where you patting, leaving an awkward gap between both of you. A disappointed huff escaped your lips. You scoot closer, laying your head on his chest. "G'night." And just like that you were fast asleep, soft snores coming from you. He soon dozed off, his arm wrapping around you.
The next day came and the two of you were now spooning. He hugged you tight, the warmth radiating from you giving him a new sense of comfort. He could get used to this.
You lean back into him more, enjoying the attention you received. "Mornin' Vox." You yawned, stretching out your limbs. You pushed back into him, wanting to be even closer than you already were.
"Why don't I just move you into my room." He says in a rare soft tone, "I'd want to wake up to you everyday."
He hummed in response, you turn your head to face him. His eyes were still shut. "Yes, dear?"
"Morning wood." You calmly state, feeling the bump behind your ass.
Vox had barely the energy to fully comprehend the situation, though he did start to grind against your body. You move his arms off of you, turning to face him now, "Vox~" You purred, "Wake up. Let me help you."
He finally opens his eyes after a big stretch and yawn, "Hmm?" He groggily asked, "What--Oh! Ohhhh! Oh fuck." The realization hit him making him laugh nervously, "Yeah. I'm sorry. I promised myself to hold back on that but you're just so warm and-"
You laid next to him and in his eyes it was the most seductive post ever. "Let me repeat myself, sir~" You purred, "Do you need assistance?"
With no hesitation he throws himself on top of you, "You are just," He plants a kiss on your cheek, "Absolutely." Another kiss on the other side, "Stunning." He crashes his lips on yours, his tongue slipping out of his screen. He couldn't stay still. His hands roamed all over your body, you feel how gentle he's being with his claws. The feeling of them lightly grazing your skin sent shiver throughout your entire body.
He pulls himself off of you, trailing his tongue down to your neck and collarbone. His wandering hands had lifted your nightgown, allowing him access to everything underneath. He pulled your underwear down, revealing the wet dripping mess you created.
"You're ready, huh?" He grins up at you, his tongue licking your slits. You squirm with pleasure, muffling your moans into his pillow.
"Ah ah ah~" He threw the pillow away from your reach, "I want to hear it all, babe. Since you wanna be so bold and all." He quickly goes back to licking your wetness, his tongue slowly starting to enter you.
"V-Vox!" You moan out, unashamed. "If—Oh fuck—" You were gasping for air, his tongue ravaging your insides as you dug your nails into the mattress beneath you. "If only you'd—Ah—Noticed my advances sooner."
You managed to lock his head in place with your thighs, the sudden dominance shocking him into freezing. "You would've been had this all night, sir."
You let him go from your thighs, "Now ravage me the you do with your eyes."
And just like that he goes wild, devouring you, relishing in your taste. You feel a knot forming in your stomach as quickly as he noticed it. He didn't slow down. Even after releasing on his tongue, he continued to feast on you with his tongue, his fingers.
He pulls himself off of you, "You're not done yet, Y/N." You look up breathlessly as he towered over you. His pants off and you see his cock, dripping with pre-cum. You couldn't help but fulfill your hunger now, taking him into your mouth eagerly.
He throws his head back, hand resting atop your head. He groans in pleasure, bucking his hips into you as you suck him with hunger. "Someone's ravenous~" He teased, his voice having that effect you've always craved to hear over and over. You look up at him, lust in your eyes almost pleading him to finally take you.
He pulls you off and grins at you with the smile that's won you over since you've ever laid eyes on him, "Let's get the main point, shall we?" He positions himself, teasing your clit with his tip. "Beg, dear." He whispers in your ear.
You flip on your stomach, head down with your ass up. "Please Vox," You whine, "Fuck me silly and record it for yourself."
He sparks with joy, entering you. Your tightness catching him off guard. He was in absolute bliss and with the way your walls held his cock well, he almost didn't want to pull out. "I could keep my cock in you like this..." He licks your neck, "...all fucking day."
You were a mess, drooling the moment you felt him go inside of you. "F-fuck..." You whispered, "Vox please."
His slow paces didn't last, he went straight to pounding you into his mattress, your nails audibly ripping his sheets. "You're going—Ah—" You managed to say, "I'm not going to be able to live without this."
He chuckles, "I wasn't planning on leaving you a day without it the moment I entered you." He sped up, hips slamming into yours. You felt his sparks every time he hit the entrance of your womb, sending light electric jolts of pleasure all over your body.
You became a screaming mess, repeating his name over and over as if he were to forget. He pulled out of you for a brief moment, causing a whine to escape your lips quickly replaced with a moan. He had flipped you on your back, he's now staring down at you, watching your face drowned in pleasure.
"How about I mark you mine, huh?" You feel his tongue ravaging your chest, filling you with overstimulation. "Fucking hell I'm going to mark you."
"Mark me, Vox!" You scream, "Fuck I'm gonna—"
The knot came back, faster and hotter this time. The way you two made ravenous love to each other could improve the Sin of Lust himself.
He rubbed against your g-spot, driving you wilder. "Ri-right there! Fuck Vox I can't—" You were interrupted yet again with him making out with you. His dick grew bigger inside of you, indicating he was close to his climax just as you were.
"Inside, Vox" You whispered into between kisses, "All of it, as deep as you can."
You didn't have to tell him twice, he grabbed your hips with one hand, the other rubbing your clit truly sending you over the edge. Your walls tighten around him, squeezing every single drop into your womb.
He stayed inside you for a while after you both came, making sure every little bit stays inside. Your limbs were weak as you laid in his bed helplessly.
The sight of you got him rearing to go again. To which you happily obliged.
Your personal endeavors lasted for hours, to which the other Vees pieced together fairly quick. After losing count of how many times you two indulged in each others' bodies like ravenous beasts, he prepared a bath for you. Making sure you got the best damn aftercare of your life.
"You need to sit back and enjoy the show, baby." He purred into Vox's ear.
Turns out you had cancelled his entire day so he had nothing to worry about. You two were basically official but he had yet to pop the question for you wanted to be his and his forever in hell.
"Vox, love." You speak softly, humming, "You have to let me go out eventually."
He hasn't necessarily let go of you since you got dressed from your bath. He had been stuck in and on you all day. Not that you necessarily minded. "I have to pick up some weapons for us for the extermination later on, you really are going to have to let me go."
After multiple "10 more minutes" requests, you were freed from the grasp of your almost boyfriend. You needed to check on the production of tools from Carmilla Carmine. On your stroll there, a familiar voice catches you dead in your tracks. Behind you stood Alastor, the radio demon, evident with his eerie shadow.
You kept walking, hoping his business wasn't with you. But it was. He teleported in front of you and smiled. You hated his smile, you weren't able to read the emotion behind it.
"Why hello dear! The name's Alastor!" He grabbed your hand and shook it against your will, "It's a pleasure to be meeting you, quite the pleasure!" His hands were cold and the way he touched you gave you goosebumps.
"It's wonderful to be finally meeting you! Why I've heard much about you! You're Vox's new plaything." His voice distorting into radio static along with his eyes changing. You were shaking but you weren't about to back down. "Too bad you'd already given him your soul. I could have offered you more."
"I didn't make a fucking deal with him. He loves me. Something you wouldn't be able to understand." You hissed making the radio demon laugh.
"Well how about we make a deal." He reaches his hand out to you, "I can provide you with so much power, enough for you to be a worthy overlord next to your poor choice of a demon lover. And in return, your soul."
You start to take a couple of steps back, "I..." You stutter, absolutely petrified. His antlers were peeking from the top of his head. "I don't need to be an overlord next to him. I'm fine like this."
Your statement received static laughter. "Haha! You foolish little doll." His grin was menacing now, taking a step forward each time you took one back. "You would become an easy target. Just like you are now. And I would absolutely love to kill you if it means I get to ruin that picture box nonsense's eternity in hell."
Your heart was pounding in your chest. You shut your eyes, terrified to do anything. You knew you can't win against the radio demon. He made a point. Your powers were nothing in comparison to the demons Vox had to deal with. Maybe...making a deal with him would be a smart idea.
Zap! You heard an electric box crack. Your eyes dart up to the sound and you see that the other boxes exploded soon after. You see a car absolutely speed down the road and in a blink of an eye, you were getting yanked into the moving car and into Vox's arms.
"That motherfucker—He didn't hurt you, did he? I'll fucking kill him!" Vox was seething, glitching all over the place. You held his hand and he seemed to calm down a bit. You put a hand on his chest, his heart was pounding faster than yours.
"Vox, I'm fine. He just wanted to scare me into making a deal with him."
"A deal?!" He looked at you with terrified eyes, something you've never seen him wear on his face once. "You didn't...right?"
You shook your head, "Of course not. I would never make a deal. With anybody."
Vox takes you to his room immediately as soon as you both arrive home, "I moved your things into mine. We'll share this space now." He sighs, "The moment I saw you in that situation I just...I panicked. I'm sorry I couldn't get there sooner."
"Vox...I'm fine. I can manage." You gave him an empathetic look, "I didn't get hurt because you were there just in time."
"But...He was right you know." He said with a hint of annoyance in his tone. "Without a deal between us, your powers...as amazing as they are! Don't get me wrong but...I deal with overlords here. Demon overlords." He holds your hand in his, you feel him shaking slightly. "If...If you make a deal with me."
"No." You said a little too fast, "I don't make deals. I work for what I have. I don't take shortcuts. I can't."
"Not for your soul! I just want you to have the powers I do. It's for your protection." He begged.
"But it won't work that way! I cannot give my soul away like that. I can protect myself just fine!" You pull your hands away from him. The thought of you actually being weaker than Vox despite the control you have over him due to your mutual love angered you. You didn't want to be weak. But he was right. Only a deal between you two would strengthen you tremendously.
"Y/N—" He protested, "Why won't you let me do this for you." His voice distorted. You snap back, "Vox, sir. Why don't you listen to me when I say I don't want my soul on the line for powers. It's how I lost my damn parents."
He froze. You froze. You said too much. "Y/N I—"
"Nothing! Nothing. Don't fucking worry about me, okay Vox? I just. I can't." Your head drops, your chest tight with pain.
He sighs, taking your hand once more. "Y/N...Please hear me out." He was met with silence so he continued. "Make a deal with me. For your soul I'll share you my powers..." He lifts your chin with his finger, "And I'll share you my soul."
This caught you off guard. A soul for a soul? You've never heard of such a thing. Would that be really possible? He was willing to give his soul away to you, "Vox..."
He smiles sweetly, "You already own my heart. You own my entire life. I am in love with you, Y/N. Fucking hell, I will cut electricity off in this entire city just for you." He gave you a quick kiss on your forehead before stepping back, letting go of you.
"Do we have a deal?" He reached his hand out, glowing with sparks flying from it. You look at him, "Your soul...are you sure? For mine?" He nods with confidence. You take his hand and sparks fly the moment you shook it. It felt like a strong gust of wind and force pushing into you.
And in that instance, you feel electricity course through your veins. Your eye starts to morph to be more like his. You look at him and his eye was spiraling. By the look of his face, yours did too. You blink and shake it off.
"The deal is done. I now own your soul and you own mine." Vox hugs you, "I love you, Y/N. I don't ever want you to be in danger. I will give up everything for you."
You hug him back tighter, "I love you too, Vox." This had been the first time you've said this to him. He was ecstatic. You feel him lift you and spin you a bit in excitement. =
Ever since your run-in with Alastor, you had never left the building without too many guards and Vox by your side. If he was busy, Valentino would be with you. You two were already friends but the constant shopping together just brought you two closer.
"You know, I never thanked you for pressuring me into sleeping in Vox's bed while he stayed up." You laugh, elbowing the moth demon.
"You're absolutely welcome," He pinched your cheek lovingly, "And was it a fun night?" He teased though you were used to it when it comes to him.
"It actually happened in the morning and it was bliss." You sigh happily, "I felt like I was getting bred the way he was pounding me. Asmodeus would've been proud of us."
You both share a laugh together before exiting the limo and out to the shopping district. You were bored and wanted to see what random thing you can buy and Valentino wanted to scout new hires.
Valentino drags you into his lingerie store, "Oh Y/N~" He grinned, "You just have to wear this for him."
"Valentino those are ropes." You say, a little too blankly. He stared back at you with a look of 'Are you serious?' plastered on his face.
"Precisely. Let's put you in this and leave you in his room." He pulls out a photo on his phone of his last rope play porn shoot with one of his employees. "See? Oh this sill drive him mad. Vox loves being in control."
You think about it, not too long honestly, but you did think about it. You ended up purchasing it and whatever else Val told you to get. And maybe you went a little overboard getting almost every cute thing you saw.
As soon as you get home, you were being followed by two employees whose hands were full of your bags. Vox greeted you with a spinning hug. "How was it? I see you got a lot of things. What'd you get?" He was like an excited puppy for you.
You smile at him with a mischievous look in your eye as you gestured to a shopping bag from Valentino's lingerie brand(that you got an amazing 100% off deal from), "Oh just you wait, sir." You state before pivoting on your heel, walking away. He tried to chase after you but was quickly stopped by Valentino. "Wh-Val! Get the fuck out of my way what does she mean by that."
The moth demon chuckled down at him, "Oh she has a surprise for you that'll definitely keep you both all night." Before he could protest and argue he gets a message on his phone from you.
'Be a good boy and wait 30 minutes before coming in.'
Followed by a photo of you stripping. On his bed. He just adored you being on his bed at any given point in time.
"Now stay here," Val pats his shoulder before walking in the same direction you went, "She asked me to tie her up the way you like it for you before you get there."
Safe to say it was a long, loud, powerful night that surprisingly didn't cut power in the city. And you were grateful for the soundproof walls he had in his room. And Vox had everything on camera.
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 16 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley finally comes clean about what's really going on and begs you to forgive him. You both know what's at stake now and agree that some things need to change. But it's so hard staying away from each other, especially after a week apart. He shows you how sorry he is over and over again.
Warnings: Angst, smut, fluff, swearing, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4900 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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Your ears were ringing. Bradley's words did not make sense. "What?" you gasped.
"Meredith wants custody of Noah."
You suddenly felt dizzy. Maybe you had misheard. But you could tell by the look on Bradley's face that he was stressed and upset. "No," you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him tight. "No."
"Yeah." His big palms were warming you through your dress as he pressed his face against your neck. "And I'm so sorry."
"Don't apologize to me," you told him as tears filled your eyes. You couldn't imagine a world in which Noah grew up in a different house with a different parent. The idea of if was unsettling. 
"But I lied to you. On purpose. I wanted you far away from Noah and I, but I couldn't stand it. And I need you to be safe."
"Safe? From what?" you asked, easing away from him a bit so you could look him in the eye. He shook his head, still reluctant to tell you everything. "You keep saying that. You can talk to me, Bradley. About anything," you said, stroking your thumb along his mustache. 
He kissed your nose. "Baby, when you got hurt in the park? That was intentional. Meredith was trying to throw me off. She came here and told me she intends to get custody of Noah. She... insinuated that she followed you to there on purpose, and she promised me she wouldn't hesitate to go through you again if she had to. To get to Noah and I."
Your skin broke out in goosebumps as you shivered and gaped at him. "What?"
He nodded, rubbing his hands along your back. "I can't let anything bad happen to you. That's why I had you come here that night, and I lied my ass off to get you mad enough to want to stay away."
"But I don't want to stay away from either of you," you whispered, and he kissed you softly. "Bradley, you have to fight for Noah.
"I know, Princess. I know. But I have no idea how long this could take. And if you and I are something, then Meredith can try to use that to hurt you. Or twist it into some fabricated story about..." He shook his head, hesitating before he said, "About how you're so much younger than me. It would look bad."
Something. Being something with Bradley would feel so right. "Is that what you wanted to talk about before Meredith found Noah and I at the park?"
He nodded miserably. "I wanted to talk about us."
Your heart couldn't handle this. You looked at Bradley's gorgeous face and emotion filled expression, and you felt tears again as you stroked your fingernails along the short hair at the back of his neck. It felt good, and it looked like he was starting to calm down as you dug your fingers in a bit more. 
"You can't worry about that right now. You need to worry about Noah. Do you have a good lawyer? Someone you can trust who knows what a good dad you are? Will it help if I give a statement about how you take care of everything for him? You're so responsible, you even hired a top notch babysitter."
You laughed softly when Bradley smiled at you, but now your tears were starting to fall. 
"It's okay, Princess," he muttered using his thumb to brush them away. 
"No, it's not okay. Because you're Noah's dad. You'd never abandon him. You love him." 
Bradley kissed your cheeks, damp from the tears. The prickle of his mustache on your skin and his hands on your body felt so good, it was almost unbearable. "You're so fucking sweet," he crooned. "I can't believe I told you I wanted anything else except you. Can you even forgive me?"
You nodded with your eyes closed as his lips brushed along your forehead. "Of course. But don't hurt me again."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I won't."
You wanted to be able to trust him again. You thought you could. "What does this mean then?"
He shook his head, still looking sad. "I can't give you a commitment, baby. Not now. I need to focus on Noah and my lawyer and this fucking court case."
You nodded as he kissed your forehead again and again. "What if you had started dating one of the women from the app?"
"I'd have ended things. For real. And it would have been easy to put Noah and myself ahead of them. Not like with you. You're different."
"Oh," you gasped as he backed you up against the counter. His words made you feel as good as deleting the dating app had.
"I want you. But I need to give the appearance that I'm one hundred percent focused on Noah right now. Distraction free. I couldn't ask you to wait for me."
You let Bradley's words wash over you, and you marvelled at him. "You would want me to wait for you? You would wait for me?" 
His eyes were wide as he squeezed your hips and nodded. You were both silent for a moment as the skim of his thumbs along your dress was somehow enough to leave your breath ragged. He licked his lips  "You want me to beg?"
"Yes, Daddy."
You moaned as he dropped to his knees in front of you, and you grabbed two fists full of his hair. You bit your lip as he looked up at you with his pretty brown eyes. "Please, Princess?" he asked. "When you look at me like that and talk to me like that, I just about fucking lose it, baby."
"Bradley," you moaned, pulling him closer to you. And then his hands were at the backs of your calves, and he was kissing your belly through your dress.
"I barely lasted a week without you," he whispered, his hands slowly making their way up to your thighs. He rested his chin just below your belly button and looked up at you with needy eyes. "Do you have any idea how jealous you made me feel today? I couldn't stand it when Jake was touching you. I wanted to level him to the ground when he kissed you." Bradley guided your dress up to your waist and kissed along your belly until his nose was buried against the front of your underwear. 
"Daddy. I'll wait for you."
He kept his eyes on yours as he bunched your dress up in one fist and pulled your underwear down with his other hand. Then his lips were on your pussy, so soft as the rough feel of his mustache made you gasp his name.
Bradley licked slowly along your slit, separating you until he had his lips wrapped around your clit. Your fingers were still wound so tight in his hair, but you couldn't let go as you bucked against him. 
"You're so damn sensitive," he growled, wrapping his hands around your thighs and lifting you up onto the counter without warning as he stood. 
"Bradley!" you screeched, tugging on his hair as he set your bare butt on the cold granite. He kissed your lips and pulled your dress over your head, and then he pulled you to the very edge of the counter as you let your own taste linger on your tongue. "What are you doing?"
He looked you up and down, sitting there in your bra and sandals with your underwear dangling from your right foot. "Gonna make you cum."
And then he was back on his knees with his face buried in your pussy while you braced yourself on the edge of the counter. He was so good at this, and you couldn't help but rock against his face as you watched him get you so close. 
"Daddy," you whined. "You really like doing this, don't you?" He sucked on your clit until you were squeaking and kicking the lower cabinet. 
"Eating pussy?"
"Yeah," you moaned as he licked you while he grinned.
"I do. And a pussy as sweet as yours? I never wanna stop."
Your eyes fluttered closed as he slipped two fingers inside you. You arched your back and accidentally put your hand in the corner of Noah's leftover birthday cake as he nibbled on your clit. "Oh, fuck."
"Remind me," he said, in that deep Daddy voice. "Anyone else ever put their lips here, Princess?" He kissed you so softly just above his fingers sliding in and out of you. 
"No!" you nearly screamed, so thankful that Greyson was just a boy compared to Bradley. Just the idea of Greyson was laughable. He wouldn't do this for you, and thank god he hadn't. It would have been so disappointing. 
"That's a good girl," he crooned, and your hand sunk further into the cake as you came.
Bradley's lips and mustache were wet and his dick was so hard. You said you'd wait for him. He couldn't believe he had been bold enough to even ask you. 
Bradley watched as you pulled your right hand out of Noah's birthday cake. You looked like you were in a daze, already so pliant in Bradley's arms as he stood and unhooked your bra. "You feel good, Princess?" he asked softly, and you nodded as he eased the fabric away from your tits and tossed your bra on top of your dress. "Perfect."
He raised your bandaged arm and kissed the inside of your elbow softly before taking your thumb between his lips to clean off the icing. He licked each of your fingers in turn until you were mostly cleaned up.
"Are you gonna fuck me?" you asked as your eyes followed the movement of his lips gliding along your hand. 
He leaned in to kiss you, letting you taste the icing as it mingled with your wetness. "Do you want me to?"
Bradley groaned as you reached for the front of his jeans with your left hand and yanked his zipper down. "Easy, baby. There's no rush."
Your moan was so pretty, head tossed back as you whispered, "You're such a man."
Bradley stripped his shirt off before toeing off his shoes. You watched him ease down his jeans and remove the rest of his clothing before he came to stand between your spread thighs. He knew he was big, and the sight of his cock rubbing through your wet pussy had him grunting as you whined loudly. 
Thank goodness Noah was gone for the night. 
He pushed himself inside you with one hard thrust, and your body completely lit up for him. "Daddy," you gasped, keeping your wide eyes on his as you wrapped your fingers around the back of his neck. Your perfect lips were parted, and when he pulled your bottom lip between his, you moaned. 
Then he started thrusting into you as his hips rubbed the insides of your soft thighs where you were spread wide for him. "I knew I needed it to be special," he mused out loud, tipping your pretty face up with his big hands on your neck and cheek. "You're so fucking perfect."
He shook his head and went harder as your hands fell back next to your ass to brace yourself on the counter. "No more college boys. No more Jake."
"No," you gasped, the quiver of your voice getting louder and higher. "I don't want them!"
"Just us," he said, and you nodded your head vigorously as you bit your lip.
Bradley could feel your thighs tighten against him as you pulsed softly around his cock. "Fuck," you groaned, looking up at him, your face screwed up in pleasure. 
"You're already close." He couldn't believe it. He wrapped his hands around your waist and gave you long, hard strokes as you shook your head slowly from side to side. The tip of your tongue met the corner of your lips, and then Bradley's mouth was all over yours. He swallowed every gasp you made before you started keening and gripping him harder.
"Oh my god," you whined, cumming around him when he reached for your clit with his thumb. And there went your hand, right back into Noah's cake. Bradley smiled and enjoyed the bounce of your pretty tits as he fucked the last bit of your orgasm out of you.
You were shaking a bit, looking up at him in shock as his movements slowed. You leaned forward to kiss his lips softly, and your clean fingers trailed down the front of his body. Bradley groaned loudly as you grazed his pubic hair and reached down to cup his balls as he was still hard and buried inside you.
"You gonna keep going, Daddy?" you asked him softly, your eyes entirely too innocent looking for your own good.
"I can stop if you need a break," he promised, kissing your cheek. Your fucked out face was going to be his undoing.
"No," you whined, wiggling your pussy up and down his cock. "I want you to cum, too."
Bradley let you fuck yourself on him while he stayed still. Your gaze was transfixed on your pussy as you took him nice and slow. "God, you're big. Daddys are big," you whispered, seemingly to yourself. You were getting icing all over his counter and your thigh, and Bradley wanted you to fucking stay here with him forever. 
"You want me to cum too, Princess?" he asked, his voice rough, drawing your gaze up to his face.
He had you off the counter in an instant, spinning you and bending you over. "Good girl," he crooned as you spread your legs a little wider and got up on your tiptoes for him. "Yeah, you know what to do." He guided himself inside you again, fucking you as he palmed your ass. Your cheek came to rest on the granite counter, and Bradley watched you lick icing from your hand as you took him.
When he held you by your hips, he pulled you up so you were barely touching the floor. He could see how tight you were, gripping onto his cock with each thrust. You felt too good to be true, honestly better than anything. And you were just whining and licking up the icing like the most beautifully depraved thing he could have ever imagined.
"Daddy," you groaned, your voice shaking as Bradley fucked you harder. "Oh!"
Each thrust was somehow better than the last, and soon his hips were jerking in rough little strokes. His body was slapping against yours, and his head was tipped back. "Oh, hell yes," he growled, squeezing your hips tight and clenching his eyes shut before he watched those final few strokes of his dick in your pussy. 
And then he was filling you with his cum as you whined his name. He fucked his cum deeper as you looked up at him over your shoulder. You had icing on your lips, and he leaned down to lick you clean. 
"Mmm," you moaned as he pulled out of you. But when you went to stand, Bradley pushed you back gently onto the counter and knelt behind you. 
He kissed your ass and the backs of both of your thighs, and then he watched a bead of his cum drip out of your pretty, little pussy and down to your clit before dropping onto the floor. "Jesus fucking Christ," he whispered, mesmerized by the mess he had made and how pretty it looked oozing out of you. He kissed along your backside and whispered so much praise until you wiggled yourself back against his face. 
"You okay, Daddy?" you asked, and he stood up to collect you against himself. You were a mess of cum and icing, and he kissed you gently, trying to convey how much he needed you.
"Yeah, I'm good, Princess." You wrapped your arms around his waist and kissed his neck as he reached above you for a plate. He used the plastic utensils and cut an enormous piece of cake. And then he helped ease you onto the floor with him.
You giggled as he leaned back against the cabinet and pulled you against him. You were straddling his left thigh, making an absolute mess of his cum, sticky between the two of you. It was perfect. And you settled your cheek against his shoulder as he fed you a bite of cake.
"I'm so happy you came over today."
You took bites of the cake from the shared fork, practically moaning over how good it tasted after getting fucked so well.
"You were hard forever," you murmured. "How did you last so long?"
"I'm not one of your college frat boys, Princess."
"No, you're not," you said, meeting his eyes. The quickie in your bedroom and the other times you'd been with him had been exceptional. You always came! He made sure you were enjoying yourself! He never asked for anything for himself! "I know we can't be...official," you whispered, sounding ridiculous to your own ears as your pussy rubbed along the coarse hairs on his thigh as you sat up straight. You met his eyes as you asked, "But are you going to stop messing around with other people?"
Bradley looked at you and cocked his head to one side. "I'm confused. What do you mean?"
You sighed and tucked your face against his neck. "You wanted me to wait for you?" you whispered, and Bradley started laughing loudly. You jerked back away from him. "What?" you asked as you tried to scramble out of his lap. But he held you firmly in place. 
"I haven't been with anyone except you in almost a year, Princess," he said, his tone slightly self-deprecating as his cheeks flushed. "That fantastic blowjob you gave me ended my dry spell."
You just gaped at him before you asked, "When I left and walked back in to get my sweatshirt?" When he nodded you grinned. "You were about to masturbate that night, weren't you?"
Bradley groaned. "I was. But I got something so much better than my own hand and your sweatshirt to smell."
You moaned softly. "How? How did you go that long? A year?"
"Noah," he said with a shrug. "If I have to choose between him and seeing someone, I obviously have to choose him. I mean I also want to choose him." He paused and fed you another bite of cake. "But you don't make me choose. You let me be Noah's dad, and then you let me spend my extra time with you. I missed you this week. I missed your Skittles, Princess."
Your head was swimming with his words as you leaned in closer and whispered, "I missed you so much, Bradley. Both of you." He set down the plate and pulled you against him. "What are you going to do about Meredith?"
He ran his fingers up and down your back as you melted against him. The rumble of his deep voice had your eyes drifting closed. "I'm going to fight for Noah. I don't know what else to do. Tracy, my lawyer, thinks I have a good case."
"That's good," you whispered. "Noah needs you." You couldn't tell him that you needed him, too. That you needed both of them. Not yet. For now you could feel secure in the knowledge that Bradley would be waiting for you, ready for a commitment after he won custody. Because he would definitely win custody. "If you need me to watch Noah for you or make a statement in court, I can do that."
He hummed against your hair and said, "I don't want you to have to do that. Meredith and her lawyer will try to find a way to make you look bad."
You pulled away from him and rolled your eyes. "Now that I know who Meredith is and what she's all about, she doesn't scare me, Bradley. I'll be there in an instant if you think it would help. There has to be some reason she's trying to get custody all of a sudden. You need to figure it out with Tracy."
"I know," he mumbled. "I'm going to keep Noah with me. I have to. And I'm going to try to get Meredith out of the picture for good."
"She doesn't deserve him."
Bradley's heart was telling him that you were the one who was good enough for Noah. You loved his son, and Noah was enamored with you as well. More than anything, he wanted to label this now. He wanted to put a tag on this feeling of holding you on his kitchen floor while you were a mess from his cum and the icing. He wanted you to be his for real. 
"How's your arm feeling?" he asked, rubbing the gauze on your forearm gently. 
"It's getting there," you whispered against his neck. "Hard to change the bandages by myself though."
"I'll do it." His immediate response had you looking up at him and nodding. "Might be easier to clean it up in the shower? And then rebandage everything?"
"Yeah," you agreed, and Bradley was scooping you up as he stood. When he set you down on your feet, he reached for your hand, but instead of leading you to the bathroom, he took you to the refrigerator. 
"You want a beer?" he asked, grabbing two in one hand.
"For the shower?" you asked with a laugh. "I guess."
Then he kissed the tip of your nose, and led you down the hallway. "You've never had a shower beer before?"
You giggled at the scandalized look on his face. "No, I can't say that I have."
"Well, shit. Stick with me, baby. I'll show you the finest things in life." He set both bottles down on the ledge next to his shampoo and turned the shower on, and while the water warmed up he pulled you close. 
"You are both ridiculous and adorable at the same time," you told him as he started to remove your bandage. "And I'm really happy you didn't start dating anyone from the app."
He groaned as he examined your arm. "That fucking app. I know Nat meant well, but I'm never doing that again. That was a waste of time."
"Good," you whispered as he ran his fingers gently along your healing scrapes. "I don't want you to."
Bradley reached back to test the water temperature before stepping in with you and sliding the glass door closed. First he took the time to clean your arm up as gently as he could. You watched him quietly, and every time he met your eyes, he kissed you. He knew he was going to have to focus on so many other things this week, so he just wanted to enjoy this moment with you while he had it.
After he rinsed your arm, he handed you one of the beers and tapped his bottle to yours. Then he took a long pull of beer while you took a sip of yours, pressing the bottle to your pretty lips. 
"Cold beer? Hot shower? It just makes sense, right?" he asked as you laughed. 
"I hate it when you're right," you said. "I figured this was one of your silly, old man philosophies, but it actually does somehow make sense."
Bradley rolled his eyes while he drank and then set his beer down. "You told me I'm not that old."
"You're not, Daddy," you whispered, taking a long drink before adding, "I just like to mess with you." 
Bradley reached for the soap while you drank. He was admiring the water droplets rolling down your neck to your tits and belly. When he licked up some of the beads of water from your collarbone, you moaned around your beer bottle, and Bradley's cock twitched. He coated his hands in soap before rubbing them along your beautiful skin while he hummed.
"I know that song," you murmured, head lulling to the side slightly as his fingers met the undersides of your breasts. "I was playing it the first time I babysat Noah. You were surprised I knew it."
"It's my favorite song," he quickly supplied. "And now it reminds me of you. And for some reason, I don't even find that annoying."
You almost knocked the beers down as you reached for him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you kissed him. He loved this. The feel of you in his arms, the warmth of your body under the cascading shower, and the taste of his favorite beer on your tongue. 
"I don't know why I like that so much," you told him between kisses.
Bradley reached for your hips and pressed himself against you as he said, "The song makes me happy, and so do you, Princess."
Your soft gasp had him a little dizzy. "You're already hard again," you whispered in wonder, running your painted fingernails down along his length. "We just had sex in the kitchen."
He nodded as you wrapped your hand around him. "I could get hard for you anytime." 
The whimpered, "Daddy," that escaped your lips made him throb. And this time when he fucked you from behind, it was slower, and maybe a little sweeter. You had your right hand planted against the tile wall and you were turned back to look at him over your right shoulder. Every soft whimper and each flutter of your wet eyelashes had him spewing out the kind of depraved nonsense he couldn't remember ever telling anyone else.
You're so perfect, baby.
Nobody else feels this good.
I could spend the rest of the night making love to you.
I think I need you.
And you let him say every single word to you as you whimpered for him. Whined for more. So he rocked into you and kissed your neck and cheek and shoulder. He buried his face against you, somehow still smelling wildflowers on your skin. He had so many words on the tip of his tongue, and he started to lose track of what he had even told you.
He was all lips and hands and praising as you came for him, again. And when you turned to face him, back against the tile and eyes wide, you pulled him to you. Then you kissed him until he was ready to keep begging you for more.
After Bradley dried you off and took you into his bedroom, he pulled out a well worn Top Gun tee shirt and some gym shorts for you to wear. He was just strutting around naked, looking hotter than sin as he tightened the drawstring of the shorts for you. "Since your dress is covered in cum and icing," he said, kissing your cheek while you laughed. 
"It was a kitchen casualty, and I don't mind at all," you replied, frowning a little bit when he pulled on some underwear. 
"Yeah, well," he grunted, "I'm not complaining about how tonight ended up."
"I was really mad at you when I got here, and since then, we've had sex multiple times," you said blandly. 
He linked his fingers with yours. "Thank you for listening to me. I'm not gonna hurt you again, Princess."
"You better not." He tugged on your hand and took you back to the kitchen, which was actually a mess. But when you started to clean up, Bradley shook his head.
"Absolutely not." He flipped on his fancy coffee maker and then grabbed a first aid kit from under the sink. "Come here." You sat on his left thigh as he took the time to carefully examine your right arm, pausing now and then to kiss your fingers. "It looks pretty good. I hope it doesn't scar," he said looking up at you with a very serious expression. "I can't believe this is my fault."
You kissed him and shook your head. "I don't care if it scars. And it's not like you forced Meredith to be a flaming bitch."
He just grunted and very gently rubbed first aid cream onto your scrapes before taping some fresh gauze into place. He actually did a pretty good job.
"You're my favorite nurse," you whispered, and then he laughed. 
"You're my favorite nurse, Princess." 
He set you down on the chair and brought you a vanilla latte in a mug that said I Like to Wing It. And then he proceeded to steal so many sips that you said, "Next time, make two, Daddy."
"Next time," he murmured, kissing you until you knew you had to leave before you just didn't.
"I should go," you told him, standing with the mug.
"You should stay," he replied, taking the mug from you and swallowing hard. "Please?"
Your eyes fluttered closed. "I want to, but I don't think we should get into a habit of that. Not right now."
He sighed and dipped his head down. "Someday, I'm going to want you to stay, and I'm never going to want you to leave."
You met his eyes and told him, "That sounds good to me, Daddy."
Hey, no cliffhanger! It's all out in the open now. Lord knows what he was close to telling her in the shower. Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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pookietv · 5 months
"don't worry, i'll do it" | arthur tv
i find the little things so adorable, so here!!
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arthur had always been a caring person, the entire time you knew him. it was like his brain had always wired in a way to help people or be nice, and when you had started dating, you noticed it immediately.
you first noticed on your first date, you had shown up to the pub slightly nervous, seeing him sat at a booth, wearing a green jumper and clearly had a fresh haircut, when you looked to him and saw his head tilt upwards, notifying that he had seen you with a grin, he stood up straight away, giving you a hug to greet you and pulling out the chair so you could sit down. he sat opposite you, both smiling a little awkwardly before you could say anything, he was already standing up and asking what you wanted to drink so he could go and order it.
on your second date, a more casual outing to the museum, when he brought sweets you had said you liked on the prior date, producing them from his backpack which he took with him everywhere with a small smile and "these are the ones you said you liked, right?" as he passed them towards you, which made your heart melt a little because he had actually remembered. when he held the door open for you in between each section of the museum, happy to point out any information he knew and chatting along to you as he did so.
the first time you slept at his house, when he had bought a toothbrush for you, laid on his sink ready, and a shirt of his with some tracksuit pants which would maybe be too big for you but he had folded them at the end of his bed nonetheless, hoping to make sure you felt comfortable. in the morning, when he woke up with his hair all over the place and despite at first dreading the thought of leaving the warm bed with you in it, he would make you a cup of coffee (after he had tried to subtly ask how you took your coffee the night before in hopes of getting it right) because he thought you might be cold and tired and a hot cup of coffee may help with that.
when you first made him dinner at your house, a casual setting as you had promised him a home cooked meal since you noticed how little he actually cooked for himself, making honey-soy chicken and broccoli noodles, and he would try and help in every way, whilst not being too disturbing, his hands gently brushing past you as he tried not to knock into you in your small apartment kitchen, or him gently pushing against you whilst grabbing plates and cutlery in an adorably domestic way, setting the table as if it was routine. once the meal was cooked, tidying the plates away and running water in the sink to wash up, pressing a kiss against your forehead and thanking you for the meal, ensuring that he didn't mind clearing and wanted to do it as a thank you for the food.
the first time you met his friends, heading to the local pub as they were going to watch the football, his thumb gently rubbed over the outside of yours in a comforting reminder, if he felt you were nervous he would always try help bring you into the conversation without ever pushing you talk. his arm slung around your shoulder once he had a few drinks, explaining small jokes to you if you wouldn't understand them. once you had left, reassuring you that they loved you and you had made a great impression before you had any chance to think otherwise.
after your first argument, a small petty thing over the phone that had just irritated you a little too much, and ended with a silent night of no replies from you, ending up with a knock on your apartment door, peeking through your peephole to see arthur's guilty looking face that said "i'm sorry" before he even needed to, leading to you opening the door and giving him a hug, and him staying the night at yours. waking up the next morning to an empty bed, and the smell of cooking food downstairs, an 'apology meal' he called it with a sheepish grin on his face.
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necromelli · 9 months
Finnick romantic 73 maybe pls? Only if you're still taking requests <3
sender  and  receiver  stand  in  stunned  silence  after  a  fight + sender  cradles  receiver’s  face .
combining this request with another because i need a happy ending.
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that was how it was going to be, huh? finnick shutting you down entirely when you demanded to know why he'd be gone for days at a time, refusing to answer his house phone or his door. sure, maybe you could've demanded an answer in a nicer way. maybe asked him. but, you knew deep down that it would end up in a fight no matter what.
"so, that's it?" you asked, voice tight. you refused to let the ache in your chest devour you whole. if you let it, you would apologize and beg for his forgiveness. "you aren't even going to give me a tiny bit of an explanation."
"i can't," finnick sighed, exasperated with your never-ending slew of repetitive questions. he turned to look at you, saw how warm your face had gotten, and forced himself to turn back around. he might give in if he looked to long. "i told you this already."
"you didnt even tell me why you can't tell me!"
finnick's hands twitched at his side, picking at a nonexistent thread on his linen pants. he wanted so badly to tell you, but he couldn't. the risks were too high. he couldn't stand to put you through it, as well. to have you affected, tainted.
it was silent. he didnt say anything, and you didnt either. the thoughts that you had for weeks now cross your mind, and in that moment of hurt and betrayal, you couldn't stop the words from flying out. "fine." you said numbly. "that's it. i'm not doing this anymore."
"what?" finnick asked in a similar tone. "not doing what?"
"this." you answered, gesturing between the two of you despite the fact he didnt look. "i deserve better than this. i'm not putting myself through this anymore."
"no." finnick breathed out. it sounded like you were breaking up with him.
"i've tried and tried and tried for months to be understanding. but, i get it." you swallowed thickly, fighting back the tears. "i'm not as attractive as those in the capitol. i get it. who wants some district four fisher, huh?"
"well, ill do you a favor, finnick, and make it easy for you." you started for the door, slipping past him as you entered the living room.
finnick couldn't let you leave like that. not when he loved you, not when you were seconds from crying because of him. he grabbed your arm, making you look at him. "don't do this, honey."
you frowned, turning your head away from him. you didnt want to see him because then you'd stay. "this is it, finnick, it's over."
"no," finnick repeated, his big hands cupping your cheeks and making you look at him. he frowned at how distraught you looked - tear eyed, quivering bottom lip, cheeks so warm they were almost feverish. "no, it's not. i'll tell you if you'll promise to stay."
you only looked at him.
"it makes sense, baby, i promise." finnick brushed the tears out of the corners of your eyes and you felt yourself melting. he swallowed thickly, his adam's apple bobbing. "i'm sorry if i made you think i loved someone else. i dont. i promise, i love you."
finnick pulled you into his chest, burying his face in your hair, breathing in your scent. you fought back tears, kicking yourself for not pulling away sooner. but, when he started to softly explain to you why, what snow made him do, you felt like the biggest asshole in panem - next to snow, at least.
"i'm sorry." you mumbled, your arms wrapping around finnick's torso. you pulled him into a tight hug, before you pulled back to cup his cheeks like he had yours. "i'm sorry. i didn't know."
"i know you didnt-"
"no, finnick, please," you whispered, just wanting him to let you apologize. he gave you a small, slightly defeated smile. you gave him a kiss on his lips, short, sweet, before grasping his cheeks again. "i'm not going anywhere. just let me in. please, finn."
he leaned his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. it was a relief to hear that. despite telling you, finnick feared you'd still leave even after knowing. he kissed your forehead, then your nose, and then your lips. "i love you."
"i love you, too, finn."
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hisokakissmeplz · 1 year
How They Sleep
Adulttrio + Kurapika and Leorio
Slight nsfw for Hisoka
Would suffocate you.
Like I will not take criticism on this one, he needs to be as close as humanly possible to sleep at all
he doesn't sleep much but when he does it's quite peaceful and he doesn't move much
As I said before he likes to be close to you and the closet he feels he can get is you lying on your back and him lying on your stomach so that's how you all sleep
I feel like he would also like read to you or tell you bedtime stories
There are books upon books stacked on his end table so you have a large variety
He sleeps in black sweats and a tee btw
Idk that's it ig
the coochie man
Kind of a creep like he would want you to lay a certain way so he can have his hands on your ass
Doesn't he sleep naked in the 1999 version
Idk either that or boxers he likes to stay cool
Would snore like honk shoo honk shoo most definitely and then denies it in the morning like
One morning you call it to his attention and he's like 'um no I was not snoring you were. ' and gives you the silent treatment until you apologize
Probably goes to bed super late because he's studying yk and would let you fall asleep in his lap if you are tired before he was.
Sometimes he falls asleep with you and you guys wake up together in his chair and he just kisses your forehead and nuzzles against your shoulder
He doesn't
Not much anyways
He would make a fuss if you ask to cuddle him even though he loves it
He wants you to think he's tough so he won't verbally ask if you want to cuddle he'll just kinda drag you into the bed with him and wrap his arms around you
lays on your chest and let's you braid his hair
Big spoon he likes to protect you even while you're sleeping
listens to your heartbeat to fall asleep
Sleeps in his sweats and shirtless
His body's naturally pretty cold so you guys kind of just huddle up under the blanket and fall asleep like that
His grip would be so tight like even while he's asleep he would not let go
if you wake up before him you'd have to wake him up if you wanted to get out of bed otherwise you're not leaving
He always apologizes the best he can when you tell him you need to pee or something
'sorry I guess I didn't realize' and you would tell him it's fine and he would kiss your cheek or your hand on
Does it all again when you get back in bed
kind of like chrollo he loves cuddles
He'd probably suffocate you too
he doesn't sleep as much as normal ppl do but is less against it than Illumi
Likes to sleep in any position with direct contact and prefers to sleep with his head on your chest and his hands wrapped around you waist or vice versa
Always big spoon he likes to engulf you with his arms and body
His body is really warm and produces a lot of heat so sometimes you get hot but there's no way he's letting you go til he's ready to get up
His hair is long and down while you're asleep so when you wake up it's either in your face, splayed out over your shoulder or chest or just barely covering his face while he sleeps
Would dream of you almost every night
Wet dreams ofc
Don't be surprised if you hear him moaning in his sleep bc we all know he's a creep
That's why he likes to sleep with his face in your chest if you have tits
If he wakes up first he'd probably try to wake you up by kissing your neck and leaving hickeys or groping you if you're okay with that
He's a somnophiliac but would only act on it if it's consensual as with everything thing else
morning sex obviously
Probably has sexsomnia too
Anyway he sleeps naked
He would wear his boxers if you make him put on clothes but would whine about it
'but baby please, you see me naked all the time what does it matter if we're sleeping' or 'but love, you know I get hot at night' don't suggest not cuddling either because he will grab a hold of you and almost smother you in a hug to prove his point
Kisses you good morning and good night
Like Illumi he doesn't sleep much
An extremely light sleeper too like je can hear a pin drop in his sleep
He has nightmares sometimes and wakes up in the middle of the night
Cuddling you always make him feel better
Would switch between big spoon and little spoon
Blankets and lots of pillows surrounding you almost like a pillow fort
Sleeps with a fan on bc he likes the noise
Would hum to you while you lay on his chest
Likes to curl up behind you and cuddle you with your back to his chest
If you get up while he's asleep he'll wake up no matter what
'where are you going? Oh okay, come right back alright?'
Let's you play with his hair
Kiss your head and whispers 'i love you' once he thinks you've fallen asleep
You can probably tell who my favorite is but that's okay. Also I was not expecting my last post to get any attention but ty all<3
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cjayius · 7 months
ditto — yang jungwon
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⭑ i want you so , so say it ditto . bsf!jungwon + bsf!reader , kinda idiots to lovers . wc 1.8k
headphones blasting the opening bars of the smiths, you lightly skipped to the bus stand, bag in hand. the light drizzle didn’t bother you much as you walked through the light drops of water without an umbrella.
“ shit. “ you muttered to yourself as you checked your watch. five minutes to nine, you barely had five minutes before you were late to your first day of class. the wait for the bus felt like hours, tapping your foot in impatience.
as if things couldn’t get worse, a tall figure ran at you, stopping too late and as a result, crashing into your small frame. along with said boy, you were thrown to the ground, mud splattering your new white lace shirt. you stared at him in surprise as he mumbled several apologies, helping you to your feet.
“ i’m yang jungwon, and im so sorry about your shirt, i can get you a new one if you want- “ he blinked his eyes in confusion when you interrupted him, touching his arm lightly. he thanked you as you handed him his bag, “ don’t worry about it, jungwon. it looks like we’re headed to the same class, do you want to go together ? “
needless to say, both you and jungwon were late to class that day, though the incident made the two of you close. so close that you could call him your bestfriend now.
now eighteen, fresh out of school, all you planned to do was relax for the summer. the exams were more than enough stress, and all you needed was a break. which is why jungwon suggested that you stay over at his house for the week.
you were skeptical, but how could you say no to those big brown eyes ?
that was how you ended up sprawled on the couch, with jungwon’s legs resting atop yours. he was fresh from the shower, hair damp and hanging over his eyes, brown eyes plastered onto the tv screen. you hated how it felt so comfortable, so normal and you hated the fact that you loved moments like this with him.
you turned away as soon as he glanced at you, blush rising to your cheeks as he reached out to pull you closer. “ its coldddd, come closer ! “
maybe you liked him just a tiny bit.
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second year of college was hectic, but being in the same college as your bestfriend did have its advantages. you smiled as he ran towards you, tackling you in a warm hug. ruffling his hair as you pulled back, you take a good look at him.
three years together, and the two of you really had changed. his hair was longer now, he had dyed it a lighter shade of brown, and he had become way taller than he was the summer of two years ago.
“ hi, won. “ you sounded breathless almost, as jungwon smiled that amazing smile at you. god, you were so in love with this boy, but you would never let him know. so in love with the way his eyes twinkled when he looked at something he loved.
too bad you never looked at him long enough to notice him looking at you that way.
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the new years party before the next year of college would start, was a tradition for you and jungwon. usually, the two of you would be in attendance together, dancing and singing by each other’s side.
that was until this year swung by, and he was seated on the other side of the room with your classmate, both of them laughing uncontrollably, minhee placing small touches on his arm, here and there.
you hated the feeling brewing inside of you at the moment. you hated that you didn’t like seeing him with a girl who wasn’t you.
after all these years, you had assumed you were the only one who could make your bestfriend laugh like that, but maybe you were wrong, considering that he hadn’t left minhee’s side the whole night. maybe you weren’t good enough.
the time to dwell on your thoughts was snatched away from you by a boy you were quite familiar with. you raised your eyebrows as nishimura riki pulled you to your feet, grinning. “ dance ? “ he held out his hand for you to take.
when you still looked unconvinced, he chuckled. “ i thought you looked a bit sad staring at jungwon hyung and his date, so i thought i’d distract you for a while. “ you giggled as he smiled at you, accepting his hand.
jungwon loved riki like a younger brother, and you could tell why. the boy certainly did a great job of distracting you from jungwon, entertaining you all night and never leaving your side, except now, to find his phone.
you barely spared jungwon a glance as he walked up to your side, leaning against the drink table. “ fun night, yeah ? “ he frowned, as you nodded, briskly walking away from him.
“ hey, what’s wrong ? “ he stepped closer to you, trying to reach for your hand, but in vain, as you stepped back. “ i’d tell you, but you don’t want to keep your date waiting. you’d better go back. “
“ date ? no i- “ you didn’t give him a chance to question your sudden change in behaviour as you walked out, heading straight to your dorm room.
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even a few days after you had stormed out on jungwon, the two of you hadn’t talked. well, jungwon did try, but you brushed him off each time.
he was confused as to why his bestfriend was acting this way; he had an idea, of course, but he didn’t have the courage to actually voice it.
you, on the other hand, knew you had no right to be mad at jungwon. he could date anyone he wanted to , but you wanted that person to be you.
three years of spending every single day with your bestfriend, and you had forgotten what it was like to be alone. it was the night before your twentieth birthday, and you were whiling away time by playing with your cat.
“ i miss won, momo. “ you sighed to yourself as you gently ran your hands through the white cat’s thick fur.
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thirty minutes past twelve, and you were now twenty. it seemed a scary age to face on your own and you were putting your coat on, about to leave to apologize to jungwon, when your door was flung open.
you stared on in surprise as a half asleep jungwon hung from jay’s shoulders. the older male looked exhausted as he glanced back at you, pleading for help. “ thank you so much, jungwon’s really heavy. “ he sighed as you helped jungwon off, letting the boy lean on you.
“ he’s really tiring, i don’t know how you’ve made it out dating him. “ he laughed lightly, but you were confused. “ d - dating ? me and won ? “ you pointed to yourself in shock.
“ well, yeah. i just assumed after all these years that-“ jay stopped short, tilting his head at you, pausing for a few seconds before breaking out into laughter. “ oh god, you’re both idiots, aren’t you ? i’ll leave you to it, then, take care of won for me. “ to say that you were left even more confused was an understatement.
but it was not the time to get caught up in your thoughts because it looked like jungwon was about throw up, all over your new rug. “ won, no. you are NOT throwing up on this rug, it was expensive as shit. “ you groaned as you dragged him to the bathroom, his hand thrown over your shoulder. god, he really was heavy.
anyone who had seen you would have laughed at how much you struggled to get jungwon to wash his face. three changes of shirts and a whole hour later, you finally got the boy to comply with you, patting a dry towel onto his damp hair.
yet again, his gaze never left you, brown eyes staring up at you in admiration. you absolutely hated when jungwon did this, it made you feel weird. which is why you resorted to looking at anything but the boy before you.
jungwon seemed to be coming to his senses and by now had noticed you avoiding his gaze, which wasn’t something he appreciated. he took ahold of your wrists, halting your motions on his hair. “ why won’t you look at me ? “ he pouted, bottom lip jutting out.
you sighed, throwing the now damp towel on the counter and walking past jungwon. you had barely made it into the living room when his pleading, desperate voice stopped you. “ i love you. “
well, now you felt like laughing. did he think this was a joke ? " jungwon, don't say things you don't mean, alright ? now come with me so i can get you some soup. "
he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, flush against his chest. " no, i love you. i have since we were seventeen, and i'm sorry it took me so long to tell you. "
you felt like you were in a dream as his arms gently wrapped around your figure, " it's just - riki told me that minjae from business was going to tell you he liked you, and he seemed like a way better option than me, and i was just scared that- "
he paused, confused when he heard the sound of your laugh. turning around you placed a hand on his shoulder. " won, you're so stupid. how have you not realized that i've liked you all this while ? "
jungwon felt like he was going to combust when you stood on your toes to hug him. the girl he had liked for so many years, actually liked him back ? god was real.
he smiled, hugging you back, " we really are idiots, aren't we ? " his grip on your waist tightened when you pulled back to look at him, placing a light kiss on the corner of his lips, " yes, but you're my idiot, so it's okay. "
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tags : @gfkims @mellowdyverse @cassie6392 [dm or comment to be added]
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lani-heart · 7 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> kang yeosang x reader warning(s) -> mentions of abuse, words -> 1.2K
abstract -> "...I need to get used to it. feeling loved.."
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y/n's perspective
“I can do–” “Yeosang” I said again and he smiled awkwardly. “Right, sorry” he said. 
His training was so hard to overwrite. Everything anyone does for him. He tried to repay. It was hard to find a way to break this cycle of expectations for him. 
He tries to find a way to pay me back and it saddens me… he asks what he can do with his sparkling eyes and a soft smile. 
“It’s hard… I feel like San and Wooyoung do a lot and I just sit around and look at your routines. It's… hard” he said and I nodded and ruffled his hair causing him to chuckle.
“Don’t feel bad, besides they decided to do that on their own. Wooyoung cooks because he likes it, and San helps me write because he likes my room. They're not doing it for an incentive… have you thought about doing sessions yet?” I asked. It was a suggestion Kun made last week. It's been a month with him around… and he said sessions would help him realize what he was used to wasn’t what I expected of him. 
“I don't know yet… believe it or not I don’t like being around people'' he said and I nodded. Wooyoung was still the one accompanying me outside the apartment despite his excitement. San wants me to have one of them around for safety… but Wooyoung gets distracted easily. 
“You don’t have to. I just want you to be comfortable here” I said with a smile and he nodded. “Y/nnie!!!” I heard Wooyoung run towards me and hug me.
“I need groceries,” he said calmly, making me laugh. “Let me get dressed, then,” I said and he nodded. “Can I go with you?” Yeosang asos, surprising me. “If you're okay with that,” I said and he nodded. “I'll stay here with San then,” Wooyoung said as he started writing what he needed. 
I went over to the window to see how it was outside. It was gloomy and rainy… 
“You should wear something warm” I heard as I saw yeosang was still with me. “Yeah, I know… besides the grocery store is also cold, '' I  said and he chuckled. “Do… you want help?” he asked and I smiled. 
“If you’d like to go ahead~”
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I knew Yeosang knew fashion. He was a social media influencer… or the closest a hybrid could get to famous. He laid out a warm and comfortable outfit for me. 
“Maybe I should make you my stylist~” I teased as we were now in the elevator down to the grocery store. I noticed his ears twitching and his tail wagging slightly. “I would love to,” he said genuinely. It shocked me… I didn't question it, however…
As we made it outside he grabbed the umbrella to hold it over our heads. “Wooyoung gave you a big list,” he said and I chuckled. “Well we are the size of a family, and besides San and him eat a lot,” I said and he chuckled but I noticed his flushed look. “Family, huh?” he asked and I smiled. 
“Don’t you think?” I asked and he chuckled and gave me a wide smile. “I like to think so,” he said and I was happy he saw us that way. He got along well with San and Wooyoung. The two love to tease him. 
I noticed he was slightly getting wet making me grab his hand to put it in the middle. “You're gonna get wet” he whined. “But you're already getting wet, '' I said and he got closer. 
Yeosang… he was such a well-behaved hybrid. I sometimes wished he’d have a little fun and think selfishly. 
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“Do you see how many bags there are?! Wooyoung, you should be more considerate” Yeosang scolded Wooyoung. We carried a lot of bags back to the apartment. 
“Ah… sorry” he apologized and I smiled. “It's fine, you’ll make us something tasty right?” I asked and he nodded as he started putting things away. 
“Give him a break, he didn’t do it on purpose,” I said when I saw Yeosang still sulking and he nodded. “He shouldn't be making you do too much,” he argued and I smiled. “I helped him with groceries… I did it because I wanted to, " I said and he chuckled. 
“I get it… you do these things without asking to be repaid” he said and I nodded. “Besides… I like doing my part around here. I know you want to help… but Wooyoung is the cook. He’s already kicked you out of the kitchen and San does his best to clean around here even if he hates it. I want to help… I do the same thing but Yeosang... You sometimes have to let people do kind things for you” I said and I noticed his eyes turn glassy.
“I'm fine, don’t worry… it's– I need to get used to it. Feeling loved I mean” he said and I smiled while hugging him. “You’re a part of our family now. Don’t push yourself too much, okay? We accept you just the way you are. We’re not asking for anything in return” I said and he nodded. 
“I sometimes feel that I suffered everything that I went through to meet you,” he said, shocking me and he chuckled. 
“I’ll forever be grateful for you, and I owe you a lot even if you say I don’t, '' he said and he grabbed my cheeks to kiss my forehead. 
“I’ll do the sessions. It’ll help me right?” he asked and I smiled. “You don't have to–” “I want to. I want to accept everything you give me. I want to do it to get over my old life” he said and I nod. 
“Anything you ask of me, I'll do my best to fulfill it” I said and he chuckled. 
“You really are an angel” 
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Yeosang started sessions. Kun would give me reports every week on his progress and his mental status. He… wasn’t a happy hybrid. Not when she was his owner… He’s just as damaged as San, and just as scared of the future like Wooyoung. I tried my best for him… it's all I could do. 
He also thinks he hasn’t found a place in our little life. 
He’s definitely what San and Wooyoung needed. An older brother to play with… He also took the stylist thing I said seriously. He started planning my outfits… whether i'm going out, hanging out with the girls, or just staying at home. I would wake up to an outfit at the edge of my bed. 
It was… cute. 
Yeosang was now a crucial part of my routine… just like San and Wooyoung. 
Waking up to the three hybrids saying good morning in their own ways was reassuring. San would grumble good morning since he only wakes up early because Wooyoung threatened him with no breakfast if he woke up late. 
Wooyoung said good morning and gave me a hearty breakfast, while Yeosang would knock on my door to fix my hair and call me that nickname. Angel… I don’t understand why he sees me that way but I accepted it, like how I accepted him. 
I wouldn’t trade any of this for anything
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tkaulitzlvr · 10 months
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synopsis: when tom comes home from rehearsals in a bad mood, you suggest a way to make him feel better.
content: smut
a/n: i hate this but i haven’t posted in a while so hopefully it makes up for my absence. i’m having to reupload this bc for some reason it didn’t show up under any tags when i posted it the first time 😍😍 i love tumblr such a great smooth-running app 💗
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the front door opens and closes quickly with a loud thud, soon destroying the peaceful silence that had remained throughout the house all day. it was evening, the sun almost set as it cast a plethora of dark purples and oranges across the cloudless sky. the day had been totally unproductive on my end: tired body sprawled out on the couch, enveloped in soft blankets, hands reaching lethargically to the bowl of popcorn resting in my lap, eyes fixed on the series that i had insisted to spend one hour watching, knowing that i had countless jobs to do - though time quickly passed by until it had totally slipped through my fingers.
tom however, had been the complete opposite of lethargic, having woken up early this morning and leaving for the studio as he had done everyday for the past week, a big show coming up at the weekend that he needed to be well prepared for. he had sealed our lips in a sweet kiss before exiting, embracing me in a quick hug before hurrying out of the door, seeming as happy as he would be any other day. yet the chaotic entrance he displays as he enters the living room tells me that he is not feeling at all content, his jaw clenched, with anger clouding over his expression, painting the beautiful features with a dark stare that admittedly frightens me the second i register his change in mood.
"tom?" i call out, leaning forward as his sultry frame nears my own, walking towards me slowly and slumping onto the couch beside me, maintaining a distance too large to not be questioned, instead of wrapping a gentle arm around my waist and attacking me with kisses as he usually would after a long day like this one.
he utters an almost inaudible 'hey baby', his words tender despite the lack of kindness that his tone and actions display, before letting out a deep sigh and massaging his temples, his head falling backwards in what i can only assume to be frustration. in any normal circumstance, he would be showering me with affection and asking me about my day amidst subtle complaints towards his own. yet he remains distant, eyes skittish, leg bouncing up and down as he refuses to shift his gaze towards mine or make any conversation, creating the questions of whether i am the reason for his current bad mood.
"what's wrong?" i ask, turning to face him and moving closer, placing my hand on his thigh in attempt to bring any comfort, no matter how small.
"nothing." he mutters, refusing to look in my direction, the harsh expression plastered on his face failing to soften. though he doesn't refuse my touch, allowing my hand to run soothingly across his thigh, my touch tentative as i test the waters.
"you don't come home looking this upset every day." i respond, not giving up despite his cold demeanour. my voice is soft, barely above a whisper, not wanting to frustrate him any more than he clearly is, instead opting for a more subtle approach, recognising the comfort that he silently craves. "talk to me."
the gentleness within my tone appears to work in my favour, tom slowly seeming to warm up to me, an exasperated sigh escaping his mouth as he turns to look me, his expression immediately softening, any remnant of tension fading away. he extends his hand outward, placing it on top of my own and giving it a small squeeze, the small act silently saying 'sorry for being a dick', though he quickly verbalises his apology as his mouth opens to speak.
"shit- i'm sorry baby." he mutters, shaking his head in apparent disapproval towards his own actions, the grip that his hand has on mine tightening slightly, his thumb running slowly up and down the skin. "practice was really stressful today, that's all. everyone expects so much of me and it's just a little too much sometimes. i didn't mean to take it out on you, i just-"
i immediately cut him off, resting my head on his shoulder and angling it slightly, allowing our eyes  to stay interlocked, a soft smile now etched upon his face, though i can tell it is forced, one that aims to console me instead of signal towards his happiness. "don't apologise, i get it. is there anything i can do to make you feel better?"
"it's okay schatz. i'll be alright." he mutters, resting his forehead against my own. the sudden close proximity allows me to register the rapid change in his eyes, the sea of brown soon taken over by lost as they darken, his gaze flickering from my eyes to my lips. he hesitates though, head nearing towards my own at an unimaginably slow pace, leaning in until our lips eventually touch, sealing in a sweet kiss. he is gentle, choosing to savour the tender moment rather than act on his impulses that are becoming increasingly obvious despite his attempt to hide it. i quickly kiss back, my hands naturally wrapping themselves loosely around his neck, tom's soothing my waist whilst the other reaches not so innocently, grabbing my ass and pulling me onto his lap.
i break apart from the kiss, moving downward slower and slower, hands trailing teasingly down the spread of his thighs, eventually stopping once my head is eye level with his crotch, noticing the way that his bulge becomes prominent through the material of his jeans. this angle allows me to notice his chest heaves up and down, ragged breaths leaving his now parted lips, legs spreading apart to allow my head more space where he wants it most.
"how about..." i mumble, voice low and seductive, lashes batting as my eyes look upward into his own, whilst my fingers reach towards the button of his jeans, making contact with them ever so slightly. "i make you forget about it all. hm? how does that sound baby?"
"mhm." he whines, hands reaching for the button of his jeans, doing so with limited success as i reach to stop him, much to his dismay. "fuck- please, just do something."
"just sit back baby. let me do the work. you're stressed out, i wanna make you feel good." i whisper, slowly moving his hands to rest at his sides, fingers hooking around the zipper of the oversized denim as i tug it downward, eyes never leaving tom's. he hoists his hips upward, allowing me to remove the jeans easier, letting the material pool at his feet, wasting no time before sliding one finger into the waistband of his boxers.
"jesus christ- please, don't tease. need to feel you." he breathes out, his voice low and ragged, clearly unable to withstand the slow pace of my movements, wanting more than just my touch, needing it to travel elsewhere, his boxers an obstacle to his desires.
somewhat pitying his desperation, i nod my head, complying with his plea, my fingers wrapping securely around the cotton, finally pulling them downward, his dick springing from the material, a loud groan sounding from his lips at the feeling. his eyes darken, no longer kind and forgiving as they had been when he was pleading just a few seconds ago. they are different, reflecting the desperation which is made more evident than ever before, no longer concealed by the thin material of his boxers.
and, before he is able to utter another breathy complaint of my hesitance, i soon put any ability to form coherent sentences to bed when my lips make contact with the tip of his dick, hand resting at the base as i slowly take it in, studying the way his mouth falls open, eyebrows threading together as he is unable to do anything but watch in awe, tired lust fuelling his motivation to keep his eyes open, refusing to tear his eyes away from the sight unfolding below him.
the temptation to stop just before taking the final few inches in becomes real once i realise that i cannot take much more, my entire body stopping momentarily to accustom to feeling so completely full, though the motivation of his short moans, quiet and almost unnoticeable, prompt me to go just that little bit deeper, until his tip hits the back of my throat, hand beginning to run up and down what i am unable to fit in.
almost instinctively, his hand threads through my hair, collecting the loose curls within his fingers, threading through it roughly as they begin to craft a makeshift ponytail, though i soon pick up on the true intention of his touch, realising that it is nothing close to resembling innocence, every ounce of intent behind it as i recognise the gentle movements the palm of his hand initiates, encouraging my mouth to move just a little faster.
"fuck schatz- just like that..." he allows a much more obvious moan to sound from the back of his throat this time, no longer concealing his recognition of pleasure that i provide, his walls soon crumbling down when i speed up, deciding that pretending to be in any place other than heaven itself would be foolish, unable to deny the way my mouth moves in just the right way, prompting him to his release faster than ever before.
the tears that soon cloud my vision act as no restraint towards my movements, cheeks hollowing as they tighten around him, the effect that this has on him impossible to deny as he curses under his breath, a guttural moan leaving his parted lips in clear confirmation of his satisfaction, this all i need to sink onto him further, determined to push him towards his release.
and he is clearly not too far away from it, his hips beginning to thrust upward, meeting my own movements as his steady hand on my head becomes not so assured, fingers shakily threading through my hair as he manages to take some control, though not enough to direct the way that my mouth moves. nothing has ever been clearer than his desperation, his hips stuttering more often than they manage to keep their movements contained, his tip repeatedly hitting the back of my throat, tears soon cascading down the tinted skin of my cheeks, the feeling of his dick beginning to twitch inside telling of just how close he is to his climax.
"fuck, don't stop baby, gonna cum..." through his moans he manages to speak, his mouth opening and eyes finally squeezing shut, this the only warning i receive before he shoots his hot cum into my throat as i quickly swallow it, a loud groan following his release. thrusting sloppily into me a few more times, his eyes open slowly, chest heaving up and down, entire body trembling as he comes down, finally allowing my mouth to leave his dick, saliva coating the length once i move away.
even when i adjust myself, collapsing beside him breathlessly, i can tell that this isn't enough for him. he craves more, beyond his fucked out expression, i see that he needs to feel me once again despite the evident fatigue etched upon my face. and he shows no shame in acting on his desires, reaching forward and pressing his lips onto mine once again, the kiss lacking the softness it had before. this time, it hints towards pure lust, desperate touches being nothing more than physical evidence of his hunger.
"just one more baby. can you do that for me?" he mumbles against my lips, our foreheads touching as he hovers above me, my head slowly nodding before i impatiently pull him back downwards, initiating the kiss this time as our lips reconnect once again, this time with more desire. he seems pleased by my sudden acceptance, enjoying the way i reciprocate his movements, craving nothing more than to see me begging for him, no longer looking for the innocence that had initiated whatever ungodly acts that are about to resume. his tongue delves into my mouth, teeth sinking into my bottom lip as he becomes rougher by the second, not interested in wasting time as i had the first time. his hands find the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head in one swift motion, taking only a few seconds to admire my frame, instead rushing to kiss the soft skin of my neck, his impatience taking any ability to appreciate what is in front of him away, though i know that he silently always will, his actions evidence of his adoration no matter how impulsive they seem.
heavy sighs escape my lips as he continues to mark my neck, hands fumbling with his t-shirt, desperate to remove it. tom quickly catches onto my impatience, removing his lips briefly from my collarbone to discard the material. my eyes immediately lock onto the soft skin trailing from his upper shoulders, gaze ending on his lower stomach, each inch of skin being caressed by my soft touch hand, running carefully over each muscle, the pads of my fingertips making gentle contact with his front whilst we maintain eye contact, the silence only frustrating tom more.
"i need you so bad." he mutters, hands finding the waistband of my leggings, my hips shifting slightly to allow him to tug them down. the air between us is a barrier to him, separating him in every way possible despite its invisibility. i feel it, almost as much as i do his body against my own. i long to be closer to him, yet he is connected to me, our torsos pressed together with our legs intertwined. we are so close, aligned with each other both physically and mentally, but it isn't enough. my heart twists at the gut-wrenching realisation that this moment will not last forever, aching to be intimate with him for every remaining second of my life. and each kiss he plants on my lips i gladly reciprocate, sealing our love in the most pleasurable way possible.
though when his lips kiss just above my panties, i lose all sense of reasoning, all ability to think about anything beyond the feeling of his mouth working against my body. it is enough to send me into a trance, hypnotised by the possibility of being pleasured, using this reality to tune out any thought that doesn't centre around him. he is my oxygen, his touch my endless supply of, the way his hands run along my body casting every worry, every mere uncertainty, even my surroundings away, my mind solely focused on the pleasure he is giving me, every crevice of my body caressed by his wandering hands, until they reach my underwear, tugging them down at an agonisingly slow pace.
"please." it is my turn to beg this time, soon realising how completely irritating it is to be so close to the very thing you want, the feeling soon becoming nothing short of a need as i gaze desperately into his dark brown eyes, willing to plead until my throat turns raw if the reward is feeling him inside me.
"be patient, meine schatz." he briefly responds, joining our lips together whilst one hand reaches behind me to unclip my bra as it quickly falls to the floor along with the rest of our clothing.
i struggle to be as complacent as i had been, failing to hide my growing desire to have him inside me, pulling him downwards into me and clutching his upper back so tightly as if he can slip out of my grasp. this emotion is overwhelming, every inch of me fuelled with utter ecstasy, thoughts of heaven itself seeming pathetic compared to this.
becoming overly impatient, my hands scramble for his underwear, pulling it downwards whilst his lips are attached to my collarbone, leaving purple-ish marks. he quickly pulls away, staring tenderly into my eyes, his gaze carrying thousands of emotions despite the silence between us.
"are you ready?" he whispers, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear as he positions himself. "tell me if i hurt you, okay baby?"
i nod my head eagerly, knowing that any pain that would come from this would be insignificant in comparison to the pleasure. "i need words honey." he whispers, kissing my cheek repeatedly, finally satisfied when i utter a confident 'yes'. he pushes into me, a choked moan escaping from my parted lips, a slow groan coming from his as he begins to move. the euphoria coursing through every vein, every nerve within me is set alight the second he bottoms out.
it takes a few thrusts for him to create a steady rhythm, and even less for him to recognise the angle needed to drive me close to insane, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as he hits the place where i long for him most. small groans sound from the back of his throat, his heavy breath fanning over my neck with each thrust, head buried tightly into my neck. any chance to get closer to him, i feverishly take, wrapping my legs around his torso, allowing him to hit deeper spots nobody has ever felt before.
"oh fuck..." he mutters, speeding up as his hands find mine, interlocking instantly as he moves them above my head, our eyes catching each other's. the way he looks at me with such love, eyes capturing my own with such tenderness, such desire that it almost pushes me to my climax itself. it is this small act that brings along the realisation that i am hopelessly devoted to him, willing to put myself in almost any situation if it means that i am able to cherish moments like this with him, because without him i am an empty vessel. he fills me up in a way that has me begging for more, a moaning mess beneath him.
"please, don't stop!" i whine tiredly against his lips, feeling my release coming closer as my stomach tightens. desperate to reach it, i slowly begin to move against him, his hips stuttering against me in response, giving me the signal that he is close too.
"i know baby, i know." he recognises how bad i need it, speeding up in spite of his evident lethargy, his breath getting caught in his throat as he thrusts a few more times, throwing his head back and letting out a loud sigh, his release triggering my own. i swear i can see stars, my vision fading away, body so lost in intense pleasure that it is unable to focus on anything else but the steady movements of tom's hips as he rides out our highs.
breathlessly, he collapses on top of me, lazily stroking my hair as his lips are slightly parted, sweat glistening on his forehead whilst he attempts to regain his composure. this time i know he is finished, body tired and exhausted as it rests against my own, the room silent besides from our heavy and irregular breathing.
"thank you baby. always so good for me, love you." his voice is ragged, throat raw and tired, yet he exercises his limited energy to remind me of our love, his lips planting a slow kiss on my forehead.
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