#and he was like ‘i can make dinner’ no it’s her bday we are going out to eat are you INSANE?
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leemarkies · 2 years ago
being the eldest daughter or just child in general is hell on ur parent’s bday
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inmyheaddd · 7 days ago
✦ we found wonderland - averyjameson
wc: 6.5k warnings: drinking, like 2 suggestive jokes lmao a/n: this fic is for @x-liv25-jamieswife 💘🙈 i love you so much girl youre literally the funniest ever, and you are the biggest averyjameson stan in the world (and the best one) so ofc i had to write this! i'm sorry this came soo late— i know its been like a month since ur bday 😓 anyway i hope you enjoy this!!
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32 seconds. That was exactly how long it took Jameson to get to Avery's room when she texted him she needed help.
He knocked hurriedly, then barged in anyway. 
His breath caught in his throat— but for all the right reasons. Avery simply stood there, down at the end of the room, not in distress like he feared, with the barest hint of a laugh on her face.
She looked at him through her floor length mirror, their eyes meeting. 
“Heiress? What's...'' The words died in his throat as a slow grin spread on his face, his head tilting to the side. ''I didn't know we were going out.''
She glanced over her shoulder, her hair falling in effortless waves over her backless dress— her favourite colour, emerald green. 
She bit back a smile at Jameson’s expression when he walked over to her, his hand resting on her lower back. 
''We aren't going out.'' She told him in the mirror. ''it's girls night.” She let those words hang in the air for a moment, studying his expression.
“Why dont you have a...'' Avery grimaced. ''a boys night, hang out a little with your brothers, I don't know.'' She shrugged a little, craning her head to see Jamesons face, feel it close to hers.
Jameson gave her a slow smile as his hands trailed across her back, ''Ive spent my whole life 'hanging out' with them,'' He rose his brows, his hands now on her shoulders. ''I think I'll pass.'' 
“I guess, but, I hear Xander built some new drink or dare machine. Measures your heart rate and all, so, it'll know if you're really truthful.'' She refocused her gaze on the mirror, her hands habiutally reaching for her necklace to fiddle with, but she was met with nothing. 
She traced her fingers over her collarbones, tilting her head, ''Anyway, help me with my necklace?'' She asked, already picking up said necklace from her vanity.
In an instant Jameson was grinning again— of course he’d help her with her necklace, ''S'that all you called me for?'' he muttered lowly, moving her hair gently over one side of her neck.
''Yeah.'' She said through a light laugh as she handed him the necklace box. “I can barely even move in this dress.'' Avery watched him through the mirror, toying with the ends of her hair. “Thats why I only go to dinner in it.”
Jameson hummed in response , opening the box and carefully picking up the necklace and letting out a low whistle of appreciation as he saw the gleam of the diamonds. 
“Well,” he started, meeting her eyes sharply in the mirror, letting his smile change into one less sweet, “I could always help you change into something more comfortable.”
Expectedly, amusement flashed across Avery’s eyes for a moment. “Please, Jameson,'' Again, expectedly, her gaze flickered away for a moment as she whacked his arm, unable to hide the flush creeping up on her face, “put the necklace on already.”
Their eyes met again in the mirror, his tongue poking his cheek as he laughed. 
Jameson had got what he had wanted, which in all honesty was just seeing Avery smile. “Alright, alright,” he mumbled, that totally-not-sweet grin still on his lips as he looked back at the necklace. 
His calloused fingers were a stark contrast to the delicate necklace held in between them. 
Jameson purposefully let them brush against her neck as he hooked the necklace on, making tingles shoot straight down her spine.
Avery's breath hitched. Even after being together so long, his touch still managed to make her flustered. 
His touch always felt softer than she remembered, which was strange, because she truly believed she had memorized the way it felt.
It was engrained in her mind. But still, every time her hands brushed over his, it felt like the first time. 
Every time the pads of his fingertips touched her face, the gentleness of the act would always spark her nerves for a second, before she fell into that familiar daze of comfort she felt around him.
Now, Jameson’s expression was one of focus, his brows slightly furrowed and his lips parted the tiniest bit. He noticed the hitch— as he noticed everything— but didn't say anything.
He placed his hands on her shoulders gently, slowly moving up and down her shoulders as he looked at her once again in the mirror. His voice was light, “You're beautiful.”
Avery smiled, her heart skipping a beat, or multiple, as she turned her head to actually look at him. “You say that a lot.”
Jameson narrowed his eyes jokingly, “Of course I do, it's always true.'' He told her, and Avery turned so she was fully facing him now, eye to eye. “I'm a simple man, Heiress. I say what I see.''
She couldn't help but laugh, ''You're anything but simple.'' She told him, which was the truth. 
He had so much to him, so much to know, so much to love. Simple was the last word Avery would use to describe Jameson Hawthorne. 
''You spoke in riddles for the first month I knew you. You still do.''
He considered that for a moment, “Well, you answered them, did you not?'' Jameson replied simply. 
Avery had to focus on holding back her smile at the memories of them when they first met, when she first realised she wanted to know Jameson. Wanted more than what she had. 
''Atleast I get to be simple to you. With you.'' He continued, and there was a hint of sentiment in his words, an odd glint of sadness behind his eyes almost masked by the usual teasing glint, and something about it made Avery's heart twist.
Instinctually, Avery’s hand reached out for Jameson’s, and his thumb brushed against the back of her hand.
I get to be simple to you. She knew how much those words meant. To everyone else, Jameson had always been the reckless, yet mysterious boy who you could never truly understand. 
And at first, thats what Avery had categorised him as. 
She'd never been more wrong in her life. 
With you. Being with Jameson was quite possibly the most right thing in her life. 
It wasn't simple at first. But they tried for each other.
No one had ever put that much effort and want into getting to know Avery before. 
They’ve had their fights. And after every single one of them, they’d only come out loving each other that much more. 
The way he’d hold her face in his hands, like she was precious to him, the way she’d run her hands through his hair, soothing the both of them as they fell asleep in each others arms. 
Now, being with him was as easy as breathing, as simple as counting to 10. It was second nature to care for him, they were a unit.
Avery smiled, her hands on Jamesons chest. Jamesons eyes glittered as he gazed at her, his eyes flickering between her features. 
“God, Jamie. I cant leave with you looking at me like that.” She slightly pushed him away, flustered. “Stop it.”
He was even closer now, and she didn't make any efforts to push him away. Instead, Avery's arms instinctively wrapped around his neck. One of his hands came to hold her face gently, his thumb brushing slow circles on her cheek.
She could feel the heat radiating off of him, “Then don't go.” Jameson murmured, his eyes fixated on her lips for a moment longer, before returning to her eyes. “Even forever isn't nearly enough when it comes to you.” 
His gaze flickered between the two of her eyes, but Avery felt like he was seeing much more than that. 
He saw through her, saw all the parts she didn't particularly like about herself, and only loved her more. 
He loved her. She knew that. 
But when she allowed herself to truly think about it, think about the fact that every time they’re together, and he looks at her, he feels the same way she does when she looks at him.
It was bizarre. A part of her almost felt like laughing and skipping around whenever she did think about it too much— like a perpetual state of joy when one finds out their crush likes them back.
God, she had a crush on her boyfriend. He had one on her. They'd been together for nearly 2 years. 
She almost wanted to laugh.
Avery smiled to herself, “If I find a way to make us live forever and one day," Her arms slid down his neck, one of her hands coming to jab at his chest gently. "You'll be the first to know.'' 
Jameson hummed in consideration, and Avery found it hard to focus when his thumb moved up and down her cheek. ''What if I find it first?" He said lowly. 
Competitions were fun, but with them together, they were infinitely more fun. 
“You won’t.” She smiled, matching his grin from earlier like a poker player would. “But, you could go and get a head start— ask Xander while I'm gone with Libby.” She continued softly, a slight hum in her voice. ''If anyone knows the answer, it'd be him.''
A slow grin stretched on Jameson's lips, his other hand coming to also hold Avery's face. “Offering me a headstart? You must really like me. I was absolutely unaware that you thought I was that special.” 
Avery's cheeks flushed, and she was acutely aware that his hands were on her face, so even if by some miracle he couldn't see it, he could definitely feel the way her face heated up.
She managed an eye roll and a dry chuckle, ''You're weird.''
Jameson only grinned in response, and Avery got the feeling he saw her flush and felt it. 
She wanted to roll her eyes again, maybe huff, but he quickly quipped back: “You're gorgeous.”
''That's...'' Avery faltered slightly, her head tilting as she fought a smile. She was supposed to call him weird, he was supposed to annoy her back. ''That's not how it works.''
''I've never liked to do the expected, Heiress.'' He told her, hands coming away from her face, though his eyes never left hers. ''You've known that about me since day one.''
Avery would be lying if she said everything didn't suddenly seem colder without his hands on her. 
She hummed in thought for a moment. She needed to change the conversation and steer his focus away from her flustered expression. 
She doubted it was even possible, but she tried. “If you're always doing the unexpected, it becomes expected of you 'to do the unexpected.’ So at one point, doesn't the expected become unexpected?'' 
Jamesons eyes glittered slightly, and Avery knew he was revising over the question in his head. “Good question,'' Jameson responded, “Unfortunately I've just heard the word 'expected,' too many times in the last minute. I don't have an answer for you.''
“I’ve rendered you speechless?”Avery smiled, speaking in the exact same tone Jameson was speaking in moments earlier. 
Jameson grinned, nodding to further emphasize that speechlessness. Avery fought back a stupid smile at the look on his face. 
She could never get enough of his smile, his humor, his voice, of him. Ever. 
Avery rose her brows in a display of fake judgement, though her fingers twitched with excitement at her sides. “Good, I’ve had enough of you talking.”  
Jameson’s eyes flickered down to her lips, one hand coming to her jaw as he raised a brow in question. 
With her heart fluttery, Avery bit back a giggle— he was really taking this whole speechless bit thing to heart.
Avery rose a brow back wordlessly. She wouldn’t give in that easily.
Jameson exhaled, “Heiress, I’m no longer speechless.” He finally spoke, his voice low and smooth and making Avery’s stomach flutter. “I also, would very much like to kiss you.” 
“I suppose you can kiss me,” Jokingly, Avery shrugged and puffed her lips out in faux boredom.
Jameson rose a brow, feigning offense, “That’s not a yes.”
She felt herself smile as she rose to her tiptoes, barely brushing her lips against his. 
She felt his breath on his, and murmured, “Fine,” she said in a breath out, “I would also very much like you to kiss me.” 
In an instant, Jameson brought his other hand to the back of her neck and held her as he pressed his lips against hers. 
Those fingers that were twitching at her sides now ran through Jameson’s hair as he pulled her close. 
When they finally pulled away from each other, nerve endings sparking and energy buzzing, her hands trailed down to his chest once again. Their foreheads stayed touching, breathing heavy.
If Avery was being honest, she didn't know if she had it in her to leave if she looked at him a minute longer. 
Especially not when he was smiling at her like that, and all she wanted to do was kiss him again, and feel that smile on her lips.
She thought about seeing Libby though— a quiet dinner, just the two of them, and she felt as if she'd regained her footing. 
She let out a chuckle, "Alright, I actually have to go," She trailed off, her hands finally sliding off of his chest. ''But I'll see you later tonight, when I get back."
"Have fun, Heiress.'' He said, pulling her in one last time for a short kiss. 
He wasn't trying to distract her. Avery knew Jameson's kisses when he was offering a distraction, and Avery knew Jameson's kisses when they were simply goodbye kisses.
Regardless, she ended up getting just a little distracted.
It took a lot more of her willpower and self-control to take a step back than she expected. Jameson's eyes, and maybe even his lips, were a force greater than gravity.
Avery then walked away from Jameson and out of the room, fully aware of his gaze lingering on her. 
"Oh, oh, I have a really good one." Libby laughed, walking in a line that was anything but straight, knocking Avery to the side a little.
"Okay," Avery laughed back, her coat wrapped tightly around her, and her heels held in one hand as she walked no less wonky than Libby. "But don't say something like, would you rather dye your hair blue or purple."
Avery and Libby had gotten back from their dinner an hour ago. 
They had been at the restaurant bar for a little, but they quickly ended up getting bored. Too many men had tried hitting on them, but Avery had an inkling of a feeling that Libby enjoyed waving her hand in the air, specifically her right ring finger, and saying, “I’m a married woman!” 
Now, they were in the Hawthorne House back yard, — if you could even call it that. 
The land seemed to stretch on forever, with gardens, statues, fountains, benches everywhere, swings built for the boys from their childhood days, a maze, and a wrecked treehouse. 
Avery had made countless discoveries during her time at Hawthorne House. 
Today, she made another one: Drunk Libby was not good at 21 questions. 
''My questions aren't that bad!'' Drunk Libby was also apparently not self aware. ''Its just... You know what, I don't like this game.''
''Hey, you're the one who suggested it.'' Avery bumped into her purposefully as they walked side by side, nudging her shoulder. 
Libby groaned, throwing her head back exasperatedly. A laugh left avery’s lips, then she suggested, ''Okay, one more question, then we'll stop.''
''Good lord, we're so pathetic,'' Libby snorted, looking at Avery for a moment. ''We only got to 4 questions.''
Avery couldn't hold back her own snort, ''Good lord? Who are you?'' 
''What?'' Libby asked half confusedly, a half smile on her lips. Then her face fell slightly when she realised. ''Oh, shut up, you." 
Libby couldn't hold back that lovesick smile on her face when she talked about her partner. Avery knew the feeling. 
Libby continued, "Obviously I'm bound to pick up on his lingo just a little bit. He's my husband."
“I don’t mind it!” Avery teased, dragging out the last two words. She then tapped her chin, thinking. “It’s cute, I can imagine my little nieces and nephews wearing cowboy hats and saying things like hold your horses.” 
“Woah!” The shock on Libby’s face was priceless, but Avery saw the way her eyes gleamed a little. Libby started laughing like a madwoman, “Okay, seriously hold your horses, that’s a tad too far.” 
She stopped for a moment, then murmured to herself, almost in consideration. “It would tiniest bit cute though, little country accents and all.” 
Avery’s gaze softened at the sight of her sister, then she let out an amused chuckle. “It would be sickeningly adorable, Lib.” 
''Okay, let’s change the subject,'' Libby let out an airy, slightly flustered laugh, then hummed, ''Next question. What do you think past you would be most shocked about your life now?''
''Oh, God,'' Avery let out a chuckle in half disbelief. How'd they go from questions about cats or dogs, blue or purple, to this? ''I dont even know. Honestly, just—“
"No." Libby interjected, "I already know what you're going to say.'' She fixed her gaze on Avery's, a slight teasing smile on her lips. “You can't say everything.''
''Thats impossible!'' Avery laughed, even though it wasnt particularly funny. She looked down at her hands as they continued walking through the dim, warmly lit back yard. 
“I don’t care,” Libby giggled, jabbing at Avery’s shoulder. “Think of a different answer.” 
''Okay, then,” Avery chewed on her bottom lip in thought, her mind running through all the different ways her life had flipped upside down. It was all insanity. But one thing stood out more than the rest. 
“I guess probably everything with mom.'' She finally decided on, not meeting Libby’s gaze. ''And that Harry wasn't really Harry. And that mom wasn’t really Sarah. And that the postcards were never just postcards.''
Avery kept talking, the words leaving her mouth faster than her brain could catch up. 
''I think... I think I'd be most shocked, and almost annoyed, to know that even after all the mysteries we uncovered, I still don't really know what mom's big secret was. Ideas, sure, but not an answer.''
She didn't realise how much finally saying those words out loud affected her. 
Avery never admitted it, but the fact that she'd never be able to solve that one mystery, finish that last game — I have a secret... — would always linger in the back of her mind. 
''Ave...'' She brought her gaze up to Libbys, who was looking her with her brows scrunched up sympathetically. 
Her hair looked almost black in the faint orange light with the dark sky behind her, and it reminded Avery of when she dyed it brown, to appease Avery's team, to look ordinary and fit in the new world they were shoved into. 
She hated it. 
''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the vibe," Avery quickly shook her head, a forced chuckle leaving her lips. "I should've said something like not living in my car, or that people ask me for my autograph.'' 
She looked away, sniffling and wiping her eyes with the back of her hands quickly before she looked back at Libby, laughing slightly. ''Isn't that weird? I didn't even have a permanent home 2 years ago.”
''It is weird." Libby assured her softly. "All of it is weird. It's not wrong to feel weird.'' 
Avery sniffled once again, muttering a quiet, “Yeah, I guess.” 
They were both silent for a moment as they continued walking around the premises. 
Avery knew like she would miss this moment of peace and vulnerability with Libby, and it hadn't even ended. 
She was already dreading the fact that it would have to end eventually. 
She hated it when she thought like that. 
Suddenly, she met Libby’s calm eyes and those thoughts stopped, she found herself truly happy in the moment. 
''Well, it wasn't my question, but I think you'd be most shocked that you hadn't really changed one bit. Even after everything.'' Libby admitted quietly, a sad smile playing on her lips. 
''You're still my little sister, you're still the same girl who would play chess with a homeless man on the street. You're still Avery. Not the heiress, not the whole Avery Kylie Grambs and all that comes with it, not some saint. You're still the same Ave you've always been.''
Avery's full name was an anagram for 'a very risky gamble.' 
And for a long time after inheriting, thats all she figured she was to people around her. 
A gamble. Something that was only worth it sometimes. 
She knew she was much more than that now— she had the best people around her, reminding her every day that she was capable of being loved and loving. 
But still, hearing the words come out of Libby's mouth moved her more than anything. 
She would always be her sister, even if everything else went wrong. 
Avery’s eyes stung, she had to blink multiple times to keep those pesky tears away. ''I wish we had more time together as kids. I wish I remembered the times we did have, like your birthday with mom.'' Avery confessed, unsure where the words were coming from, but welcoming them nonetheless. 
She noticed Libby's expression falter slightly, the corners of her lips turning down.
Avery referred to Hannah as 'mom,' with Libby, even though she wasn't biologically Libby’s mom. Regardless, Avery knew she was more of a mom to them than Libby's mother ever was. 
''I know. But... at least we have now.'' Libby murmured. ''Thats more than enough for me.'' 
Libby suddenly paused. ''Are you crying?''
Avery straightened her posture, whipping her head up to meet Libbys eyes.
"What? No. God, no.'' She wiped at her eyes hurriedly, sniffling. ''I don't know.'' Avery hasn’t even realized she was crying. 
''Aw,''' Libby crooned, opening her arm out wide as she tilted her head, her eyes a little bleary herself. ''C'mere, you silly girl.''
Avery rolled her eyes, unable to hold her smile as she melted into her sister’s side, her arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. 
Avery’s head lay on Libby’s shoulder,  the warmth from her and simply her familiarity calming Avery’s nerves, soothing her.
The world felt a little less loud.  
"Your hair smells good.’’ Avery mumbled without really thinking.
Libby kept walking as Avery felt her chuckle. 
“What are you saying?”
"I'm sorry.'' Avery laughed lazily, ''I'm not a good drunk.''
''Hey. You're an amazing drunk. And an amazing sister. And an amazing role model. Just... Amazing!'' Libby giggled, swaying them side to side as they walked through a path with bushes either side of it.
''What are you saying?'' Avery echoed, laughing and straightening her back, picking her head up off Libby’s shoulder.
“Hey!” Libby laughed, wrapping her arm back around Avery’s shoulders and pulling her in. “I never claimed to be a good drunk either.”
“Yeah,” Avery rose her brows exaggeratedly, emphasizing the obviousness, “cause you’re not a good drunk.”
“Okay, you can’t make fun of me.” Libby suddenly said, putting her best attempt of a serious face on. “I'm still your big sister. Y’know.” 
She sighed, running her hand up and down Avery’s shoulder. ‘’I miss when you thought I was crazy cool and intimidating.’’
Avery leaned her head on Libby’s shoulder once again, sighing. ‘’You’re still crazy cool.”
''Not intimidating?''
Avery hummed. 
She thought the time when Libby chased Xander around the house with a whisk in her hand, after he stole a few of her unbaked cookies. "If you don't face my wrath, you’ll definitely be facing salmonella’s! It isn't as forgiving as I am!" Libby once yelled.
Avery knew her answer immediately. "You're very intimidating.’’
“Why, thank you.”
They continued walking, recalling random memories from their childhood and talking about people they didn’t like but Avery was forced to stay civil with for connections. Unsurprisingly, there were a lot. 
10 minutes later, after they continued to walk and recall random memories from their childhood and talk about people they didn’t like (unsurprisingly, there were a lot), and made their way sleepily to the doorstep. 
Libby swayed side to side behind Avery, laughing to herself. ''Ave, do you remember-'' she cut herself off with a laugh, and Avery turned around, lazily chuckling at the image of Libby literally laughing over nothing infront of her. ''Remember when, we dressed up... as…”
Avery's hand was on the doorhandle now. She giggled to herself, and Libby came to stand next to her. She rang the doorbell, but no one answered. 
“Huh, weird…” Avery muttered, then Libby then took out her spare key from her purse, and they were just about to let themselves in when she suddenly heard a large crash. 
Then, they heard multiple voices, specifically three voices all shout: XANDER!
Avery winced. 
She couldn't quite make out the rest, but she heard something like, ''... It was an accident! It was an accident! ACCIDENT! NOT ON PURPOSE.'' 
And was that... The Mamma Mia soundtrack playing? 
Avery and Libby exchanged wary looks. 
“I don't want to go in,” Libby mumbled, whining in distaste.
Avery sighed, then turned to Libby. “50 bucks atleast one thing is on fire.”
“Oh, please.” Libby deadpanned. “I'll bet you 100 there's at least 5 broken things.”
They both took a deep breath in, pushing the door open carefully. 
When they finally went inside, Avery realised they truly underestimated the Hawthorne brothers and their capability of chaos. 
The light in the foyer was turned off, and from the looks of it, it seemed that all the lights in the house were turned off. Avery wondered if the power had somehow went out, courtesy of Xander. (Hey, it happened before.)
Her and Libby went upstairs, following the noise of Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA, and Avery realised the power couldn't have been out, because there was a strobe of faint neon lights that could be seen from the end of the hallway, leading into the main living room upstairs.
She also heard shouts. A lot of shouts. 
Chaos immediately met her the second she walked into the living room. 
“God! You!” Avery’s eyes widened comically as Xander pointed at her dramatically , a hand coming to clutch his heart.
“Me?” Avery pointed at herself, looking beside her, but then she realized Libby was no longer by her side, and was already making her way to Nash who was sitting on the couch, leaning back leisurely with his cowboy hat tilted sideways on his head.
“Yes, you!” Xander shouted again, with no little amounts of dramatic flair, taking steps towards Avery. 
The flashing lights and music made it hard to focus. “You wretched, conniving, deceitful, amazing, wonderful, friend. You left me here with these two.”
He huffed, gesturing to Grayson and Jameson who were just now realizing Avery and Libby had arrived, and paused their game of just dance. “And they've been competing in the most ridiculous things ever since.”
Competing sounded like them. “Ridiculous?” Avery asked.
“Yes!” Xander huffed, “and that is I- Xander Hawthorne, the master of ridiculousness saying that. We played drink or dare, and then... “ Xander shuddered, holding his hand out like he couldn’t bear the words. 
Avery already knew she wasn’t going to like where this was going. “…And then?" she prompted, motioning for him to go on with her hands. 
Xander shook his head morosely at the floor, his hand still on his heart. Then he met Avery’s gaze, “Jameson dared Grayson to a bake off.” 
Avery glanced at Libby who was sitting next to Nash now, and was thankful she couldn’t hear the words Xander said. 
Jameson’s cooking was good— way more than good, but his baking? Avery wondered how the same person who would make 3 course Italian meals on their date nights, managed to somehow make muffins as hard as rock. 
She glanced back at Xander, “That’s… That’s not good.” 
“I know that, Avery!” Xander huffed petulantly, then pulled out his phone and pressed pause on the music. “They tried to see who would make the best scones, and the judge was obviously me.” 
He lowered his voice for the next part, hushing as if he were confessing a dark secret. “Listen, I love scones, but, I’m afraid my brothers were the first to ever manage to make them disgusting.” Xander shuddered once again, “I can’t look at them for atleast a week.” 
Holding back a laugh had been easy for Avery until then. She tilted her head, trying to compose herself, “Them as in your brothers, or scones?” 
Xander widened his eyes, his expression horrified. “Both!”
Avery took her gaze to Jameson, who looked absolutely enthralled to see Avery. He beamed with a smile at her, setting down his remote and walking towards her.
Grayson’s clothes were disheveled, his hair messy too, and Avery looked between at four of the brothers once again.
They were more drunk than she and Libby were. 
She quickly realised telling Jameson about Xander's new drink or dare machine was not the best idea.
Xander kept ranting, as Jameson finally stood infront of Avery. “Oh! Aveeeerrrry! It’s so nice to see you again.” Jameson slurred as he wrapped an arm around her, then removed it and pressed a messy kiss to the tip of her head.
Avery’s heart melted on the spot. She took a step back, “I missed you too.” She paused for a moment, looking him once over, “Jamie, how much did you drink?"
“Barely anything. Just a little bit.” Jameson shook his head profusely, and Avery quirked up a brow. “Well, perhaps a little more than a little…” He admitted with a slight tilt of his head. “If yes is one, and... once...” 
Jameson murmured nonsense, his voice low, “… Triangle... “ He suddenly put both his hands on Avery’s shoulders. She heard Xander snort. Jameson rose his brows, his expression about as serious as it could get when he was that drunk. “I love you very much, you know?”
“Sure, Jamie.” Avery nodded, patting his arm, “I love you very much too.”
“If you'll excuse me,” Grayson interrupted, stumbling over to them and standing a few feet away from Jameson. 
“Me and Jameson have an incredibly important... event... taking place.” He adjusted his sleeves cuffs, but he didn’t look all that collected or poised, because his shirt was buttoned wonkily and he just looked… Messy. “Please allow him to return to his duties” 
Jameson snorted. ''Duty. Ha.''
Grayson glared at him, “It's an important endeavour.”
Avery and Xander shared a look. She furrowed her brows at the two brothers, confused. “It's Just Dance.”
“It's more than just a dance!” Avery would’ve never known Jameson was a die hard fan for Just Dance. Now she did, because his voice held pure emotion, his eyebrows near the top of his head. 
“Heiress, the thought behind the characters, the storyline, the—“ 
“—You know what,” Avery interjected, patting Jameson’s arm once again and pointing to the large TV. “Why don’t you go back to dancing. I’m sure you’re both amazing.” 
“They’re both horrible.” Xander rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. “Nash is better, but neither of them will admit it.” 
“Okay…” Avery trailed off, eyes flickering between the 3 of them. Where did Libby and Nash go? “Well, uhm, I have to go change...”
Jameson’s eyes widened, taking her hands in his. “Can’t you stay for just a minute? I would like to show you my dance moves. I’ve missed you truly.”
Surprise flickered across Avery— her whole face scrunched up, “Jamie, is that a British accent?"
"That’s not the point." Jamesons voice was back to normal. “Please, I’ve worked really hard on perfecting this.” 
“No you haven’t.” Xander and Grayson both said at the exact same time, both of their tones equally as annoyed.
“This is absolutely ridiculous!” Xander lifted his arms in the air, then they fell back down with a huff. 
Jameson’s hands dropped Avery’s, his jaw dropping open too as he took his surprised gaze over to Xander, who was about to go on a rant.
“First, Max wasn’t able to come because of med school exams. Then, the offense to scones by my awful brothers. Now, I just had the same thought process as Grayson! The universe has done me wrong far too much today. Goodnight. I’m done with this day.”
Grayson’s expression was almost comical with the way his eyes widened. He furrowed his brows, “Going through the same thought process as me is surely not an offense.” 
Xander heard none of it though, because he was already storming off, muttering something angrily under his breath about: “Next time, I’m just going to Max.” 
Avery fought back a grin. She was telling Max about all of this. 
“I suppose I should also get to bed.” Grayson grumbled, checking the time on his watch. “I’m picking up Lyra from the airport tomorrow morning.”
“Next time tomorrow?” Jameson suggested with a grin, nodding towards the paused Just Dance game on the screen. 
Grayson paused, humming like he was really thinking about it. “Well, It’s very likely I’ll be busy. I’ll have to ask her and see." He paused, murmuring to himself, "She dances as well, perhaps she could join...” 
He sounded so… sophisticated, Avery hard a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that the subject matter was a dancing game with special effects and people wearing colorful costumes. 
Jameson shrugged, “Dancer or not, I’m winning regardless.” 
“That’s enough from you.” Grayson quickly replied, then his expression went back to normal, “Goodnight, both of you.” 
For a moment, Jameson and Avery were silent. Then, Jameson turned to face her with a grin. “Then there were two.” 
Avery blinked at him, “There’s about to be one. I have an insane headache, and I need to go shower. I feel gross.”
Jameson’s grin faded at the utterance of her headache. He brought a hand to caress her cheek, “I’m sorry for pestering you with just dance, Heiress.” He mumbled, his worlds slow and slurred.
Avery chuckled, smiling against the hand on her cheek. “It’s no problem, Jamie.”
He furrowed his brows, “If I knew about your headache,” he started, his tone sincere and innocent, “And that you wanted to go shower… Well, I would’ve been out of here in seconds.” 
Avery’s smile dropped, “You’re gross.” She couldn’t help but laugh, though. “I’m leaving.” 
She turned Jameson's hand falling off her face, and she heard him chuckle behind her.  
She continued walking, then: “Wait, I’m sorry!” He suddenly called out, grabbing her hand gently. She turned once again to face him, her expression one of faux boredom.  
She was trying very hard not to laugh, and his face told her he was finding this nothing but funny.
He held both her hands, pleading. “I’ll get you your painkillers while you shower. And I’ll fill up your huge water bottle that you keep in your room.” His eyes were pleading, but the corner of his lips kept fighting a grin. “I’m sorry.”
Avery stayed silent for a moment, looking him up and down and letting her gaze flicker across his face. She sighed, though her smile started to match his. “All is forgiven if you add extra ice.” 
The corner of his lips stopped fighting that devastating grin. “You already know I'd do it.” 
An hour later, with her water bottle filled, sitting on her nightstand (extra iced), headache gone (what would she do without painkillers?), and freshly showered and in her pyjamas, Avery lay awake in her bed. 
She was too focused on her breathing, as she didn’t want to move Jamesons head that was lying on her chest. 
His face looked peaceful, his face slightly squished, but it was only adding to the affection and warmth Avery felt in her heart. 
He looked perfectly illuminated from the yellow bedside lamp Avery had turned on. 
She always had it on— she didn’t like the dark much. 
She remembered Jameson convincing her to use one, after her troubles sleeping because of certain events she didn't like talking about— they simply hurt too much.
‘I’m not a child, I dont need a nightlight.’ She told him, giving him a look that said: drop it. 
"I once needed one, for a long time, Heiress.’’ He confessed, his eyes pleading with worry as he took her hands in his. “Try it, if it doesn’t help, forget I ever mentioned it.’’ 
When Avery’s eyes wandered away from his and to the ground, his features softened with a slight grin. "You can even say "i told you so.’"
She looked at him again, and he didn’t seem to be have any teasing manner in his voice. So the next time Avery went to sleep, she turned her little night lamp on.
She didn’t say ‘I told you so.’ 
He was right.
And for the first time, he didn’t tease her about being right. He simply held her tighter when they'd fall asleep.
Avery couldn’t help but smile slightly at the memory, no matter how much of her energy had been depleted from the day. 
She brought a careful hand to his hair, running her hands through it. 
She looked at Jameson for a moment. She sighed a little, biting back a stupid smile, and turned to look at the lamp next to her.  
Avery traced her fingers along the scar on Jameson’s torso. 
He once couldn’t sleep in the dark. 
She didn’t have to be a genius to understand why.
A sense of melancholy washed over her. 
Jameson had been through so much before she knew him, and through even more when she did know him. 
The discoveries they made together, the things they learned about the old man— they troubled her, and she didnt even know the guy. 
Just how deep did it affect Jameson?
Looking at the boy on her chest, she allowed herself to truly look at his face— the freckles you couldn’t see unless you were right next to him, the slope of his nose, the way his lashes looked enviously thick, his slightly puffy lips, that weren’t in that awful (not awful at all) smirk that they were perpetually in. 
She loved him, not for whatever physical features he had, no matter how perfect they were, but for who he was. 
The fact that she could get distracted and lost in his endless green eyes was only a bonus— worth nothing next to the fact that those same eyes looked at her like she was his whole world. 
With a soft sigh she reached over, careful not to wake up Jameson — though a part of her knew that even if she did wake him up, he wouldn’t mind in the slightest — and turned her lamp off.
Darkness enveloped the room, but it didn’t feel like it. 
If anything, it was comforting, because now the only things that existed in that moment were her and Jameson. 
She couldn’t see anything, the house was quiet— but she could feel Jameson in her arms, and smelled the scent of whiskey and cedar she had grown so accustomed to, and if she really concentrated, she could remember the taste of his lips on hers.
She wrapped her arm around Jameson's torso with the other in his hair, all her senses full of him. And for the first time in a while, she fell asleep in the dark.
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taglist: @x-liv25-jamieswife @wish-i-were-heather @thecircularlibrary @whatsamongus @littlemissmentallyunstable@anintellectualintellectual @lovethornes @maybxlle @sheisntyou @emelia07 @midiosaamor @sweetreveriee @charsoamerican @hxress23 @imaseabear @clarissaweasley-10 @off-to-the-r4ces @thelov3lybookworm @graysw1fe @lanterns-and-daydreams @hermesenthusiast @elysianwayy77 @that-daughter-of-hephaestus @apollosmusee @hijabi-desi-bookworm @goldi-1-graysons-version @saigonharrington @peppapigsposts @thoughtdaughter3 @apollospoem@jjsblueberry @yayyy-insecurities
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imfinereallyy · 1 year ago
Dinner Date
For STWG daily drabble and, more importantly, for Goldie @steventhusiast. Happy Birthday, you deserve the world. I know you’re asleep right now, but it’s technically still your bday here. 
“Dingus, this is a really fancy restaurant.” Robin leans back in her chair, but her hand plays with the fork on her napkin. 
Steve sips his wine; some of it tips over the edge onto the tablecloth. “What? Can’t a guy take his best friend out to a fancy dinner?” He tilts his head and takes in his best friend. What was once an awkward teen now had a beautiful, but still awkward, woman in her place. 
“Steve, I love our friend dates, but usually they take place in a greasy diner or dollar pizza.” Robin picks the fork up and starts twirling it into her napkin. Steve watches her get mesmerized by the wrinkles that wrapped around the silverware, even though they both know the napkin should be in her lap by now. 
Steve smiles softly, moves his napkin from his lap to the table, and begins to mimic Robin. “Okay, maybe I wanted it to be a special occasion.”
Robin giggles at Steve's poor fork-twirling form and leans over the table to fix it for him. “All occasions are special when we are together, so that doesn’t really mean much.” Robin’s nose scrunches in concentration as she gently guides Steve’s hand. She has done this plenty of times before, guiding Steve where he needed to be. Like taking him to the bookstore near her college so he wouldn’t have to go into sex with Eddie blind, or when she taught him how to whisk eggs properly. Both are equally important skills he now uses in his everyday life. “But you seemed nervous. You keep sipping your wine, and I know for a fact that you hate dry wine.”
Steve puts down the glass that was halfway to his mouth, “It’s not my fault Moscato tastes like candy!”
Robin snorts, “Seriously, Dingus. It’s just me. What’s up?”
Steve puts down the fork and his glass and looks Robin in the eye. “I wanted to ask you to be my best man.”
Steve expects a lot of reactions out of her: excitement, an eye roll, hell, even straight-up rejection. Maybe a little speech about how weddings for them aren’t even legal. Instead, a look of betrayal crosses her face. “You asked Eddie to marry you, and you didn’t even tell me you were proposing?”
Immediately, Steve clenches his stomach in outrageous laughter, nearly having to bend over the table. Steve tries to take Robin seriously; he really does. But she is supposed to be the smart one out of the two of them. 
Rage takes over Robin completely as she reaches over the table to start slapping Steve’s arm. “Don’t laugh, you asshat! I am actually mad at you!”
“Ow—” Steve laughs. “Ow, Robin!” Another giggle escapes him as he gets her to sit back in her chair. “I’m laughing because, of course, I didn’t propose to Eddie without talking to you first.”
Robin settles a bit at this, “I’m confused.”
Steve reaches for her hand across the table; Robin doesn’t hesitate to wrap her fingers around his. “I’m asking you to be my Best Man first, doofus. Before I even pick out the damn ring. Which I definitely need you to steal one of Eddie’s rings for me so I can get the size; man watches those things like a hawk.” 
Robin squeezes his hand, “Wait, why would you ask me that first? Isn’t that kind of backwards.”
“I do everything kind of backwards, babe. Kinda the Steve Harrington special.” Steve rubs a thumb against the back of soulmate's hand. “Of course, I ask you about being my best man first. There would be no wedding without you, so if you say no, there would be no proposing.”
Steve could see tears beginning to fill Robin’s eyes, “What are you saying?”
“Whoever gets stuck with me gets stuck with you. We’re a package deal, babe.” 
Robin throws herself across the table, knocking the wine everywhere. Steve laughs and clenches her tightly. “Of course, I’ll be your best man! Someone’s gotta make sure you don’t hurt yourself going down the aisle.” She sobs.
Steve’s throat gets thick, “Pretty sure that’s the father's job, Robs. And you’d have to fight Jim for that role.”
“Fine.” Robin sniffs, leaning back to look him in the eye. “But I get stand by your side as you make a complete fool of yourself with your vows.” 
Robin leans forward, placing her forehead against Steve’s. “You and me against the world, babe.”
Steve hugs her tight, “You and me against the world.”
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evandsolo · 6 months ago
𝑫𝒂𝒅!𝑨𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒛 | Their Child's first bday | Hyung Line
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Ateez hyung line x f!reader 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : est. relationship. family. dad!ateez. fluff. 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 3.267k in total 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: parenting. difficulty in conception. Maknae line coming soon - LIBRARY -
𝖠𝗎𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗋'𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾 : I really wanted to write about Dad!Ateez for pretty much the beginning of my adventure here. So here we are ! I hope you like it !
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒘𝒉𝒂 - ( wc : 853 )
“Okay, it’s cake time !” You said, clapping your hands with impatience. You had made small cupcakes for your baby’s first birthday, which came way too fast, if you were asked. Time was running, but your baby was running faster for a few weeks now. You just spent the day with your family, had a real good time at the beach. You took a bunch of cute pictures to send to all the uncles and family. Seonghwa was the best playtime partner, since your son seemed to be insatiable about playing today. Balls, toys, cubes, and everything. He wanted to have the best time of his life. This day was a core memory. You came home at dinner time, to celebrate with a little fancy dinner yall could share. The little one had a good time, but now it was time for him to blow out his first candle. You light it in the kitchen, while Seonghwa keeps your son busy. You finally come back, starting to sing the usual traditional "Happy Birthday." Your partner joins you to sing with you, as you advance the cake at the boy’s height. But his reaction makes you smile. "He’s fascinated." You point out to the dad. "Do you think he’ll want to blow on the flame? Is he scared?" You could feel in Hwa’s voice that he was starting to panic a little bit. What a hands-on dad he was. “Breathe honey, he’s just looking at it waving.” You try to reassure your lover. “You’re gonna burn yourself, honey.” You nod your head negatively before turning to the baby. "Are you blowing on it, angel?" You’re showing him how to do it, without extinguishing the flame, but he’s completely fixated on the movements she draws. “Come on, sweetheart, you can blow on it. We’ll help you if you want." Keep encouraging Seonghwa. Suddenly the child started to laugh as he looked at the flame. You and Seonghwa exchanged a puzzled but amused look. What could have made him laugh like that? Finally, before the wax from the candle runs over the cake you blow on the candle, while your companion puts a kiss on the top of the skull of your little boy. “Happy birthday, angel." He said. You put the cake on the baby’s high chair after removing the candle. He immediately put his tiny hand on the cream at the top of the cake to put some in his mouth, but ended up putting food all over his face, which made him laugh so much. He was such a happy baby, you couldn't help but feel so much love and tender to that little person. 
Later on, after a good cleaning session, you three were seated on the giant bed you and your husband were sharing. Unwrapping presents before bedtime. “Okay buddy, here’s the last one. And Dad chose it, very specially for you.” Said your partner by your side. The box wasn’t that big, but it made a lot of noise if you shake it. “ Oh ! What could it be, Bubba ? Open it !” You tear a small part of the paper, so that it can reach and pull on the paper in turn. Her tiny, poteled hand closes around the paper and you come to help her remove the wrapping piece by piece. "Oh! Look, honey, Lego!" You threw, surprise. You didn’t know he was going to give her this. But in the end, you could almost have guessed it. It was not as if your companion’s desk was filled with little figurines, raised of course since the baby was born. “It’s giant Legos ! That way, we can both make small constructions!" Seonghwa says with a little too much excitement in her voice. " Your first Lego! You’re going to have so much fun with Dad, angel." The toddler babbles between your arms, before crawling gently towards his father, not caring about the game box that was in front of him. Would you like to go and try them now?" he asks, catching the little one up against him. You realize at the same time how much they are alike, both of them. You had given birth to your husband’s perfect copy. It was just as well that he became a fan of construction as his father and now you will have the impression of having given him a tiny version of himself. The boy’s head is resting against his dad’s chest, yawning with his mouth open. "I guess that’s a very honest way to say no. You’re right, it’s tiring to be a year old." You both left the bed to hug him very tightly and say a few times how much he was loved and cherished. You put him in his bed, when his eyes were closed and took the time to admire the little perfect man you made, pressed against Hwa’s body. “You’re the best dad in the whole world for our little boy.” You whispered. He kisses the top of your head, tightening his embrace. "I would be nothing without him, and even less without you. You are my world.”
𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈 - (wc : 575)
“You definitely should be asleep now” You begged your little boy that would not go to sleep tonight. You tried everything, feed him, change him, rock him, sing him lullabies. The poor boy was constantly showing his dissatisfaction with tears and cries. His bad mood was not of tonight. It must have been because his morning nap made him angry. Or was it the teeth that were hurting? Your baby was babbling and leaving traces of it on the way. Whatever his grumpy mood, you didn’t really know what to do. Especially since you still had so much to prepare. Tomorrow you will go to the Hongjoong family for your first baby’s birthday. You couldn’t even delegate, since your partner was still in the studio. "I beg of you." you sighed at the little human who lay between your arms. Even the carrying did not work, although he loved to rest against your heart. 
"It’s your birthday that makes you sad? It’s your poor mother who should be sad that you’re growing up so fast!" You say, watching him without understanding why he was so upset. "What should I say then?" You hear the voice of your companion rising in the living room, making you jump. With the baby crying you didn’t even hear him come in. "Well, that’s a hell of a chagrin!" he said, approaching you. He puts a kiss on your lips, and a hand on yours against your son. I don’t know how to calm him down, he refuses to fall asleep, nothing works." You’re groaning and resting your head on his shoulder. “Okay, would you let me try?”You nod and let him try to put the baby carrier, before handing him the little sobbing boy. As soon as he was perfectly installed in the fabric, your son instantly stopped crying. “You just wanted your dad…” Your mother’s heart is tinged with a sweet emotion, while an ounce of relief creeps into your mind. The little boy’s sobs cease and he slowly puts his head against his father’s chest. “Little daddy’s boy.” Your partner says, while wrapping his arms around you, your baby was surrounded by the two of you, now. but his big round eyes were darted on the face of him, whom he looked so alike. Hongjoong was the only one who could put him asleep when he was just a newborn. As he grew up things changed, but on the eve of his first birthday, we must believe that he needed nothing more than to feel his dad. “As in his first days.” You commented. “I can’t believe he’s turning one tomorrow.” Life has been crazy, lately. “The best year of our life, baby.” he says, making you smile. “It was. We’re lucky.” You add, before coming to drop a kiss on the top of the skull of your still well awake baby. “Appa!” Said the little boy, making you both surprised. He never said a complete word before, only baby mumblings until tonight. “Did you say Appa ? Can you say it again ?” Hongjoong asks to his son. And the baby did. Appa ! You couldn’t help but feel so proud of your son, even though he definitely was his father’s son. “Your first word on your birthday ! I’m so proud of you buddy.” You say to the baby. “And I’m proud of us, honey.” Add Joong to your hear. You definitely wouldn’t have it any other way.
𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒐 - (wc : 970)
“How’s my little pumpkin this morning ?” You say, while taking your baby by your side on the bed. Covering both your bodies, while nursing her for the first time of the day. You took the time to picture her small little face against your skin. You didn’t realize she was already one. She was the perfect little cutie. Since birth she slept nearly through the whole night, only waking up a few times to be fed and changed. She used to sleep between you and Yunho, who loved having his daughter by his side. At one point, he was the one who refused that she goes into a big girl bed next to yoursYou understood real fast that he was way more anxious than you were about the baby's safety. He took her everywhere he could and when he couldn't, he rushed back home as soon as possible. It was really important for him to be able to feel her and to build a strong connection with his daughter. He helped her to learn everyday, and she's the best learner ever. You were both so proud of her. 
You caress her little cheek, You love those little times, when your bodies are pressed against each other, her little hand caressing your skin. It was a privileged time with her, and you cherished every little part of it, even the hardest ones. Suddenly, the buzzing sound of your phone, took you out of your admiration. It was Yunho facetiming you. “Hi, handsome.” You say, answering the call “Hi, pretty ! Wanted to see if you were okay.” He says, all smiley through the screen. The phone is tilted to allow him to admire the two women in his life. “We're all good. Pumpkin was very hungry this morning.” You said, feeling her moving against you, so her eyes could reach her dad through the phone. She quickly comes off to stand up against you, while you lift the fabric of your top. “-ppa !” squealing the little girl and waving her tiny hand, as if to grab the phone. “Yes it's Appa, honey.” You confirm, surrounding her little body with an arm. “Happy Birthday, princess !” he says. The baby started clapping happily in her hands. “When are you coming home ?” You ask since you wanted to spend that special day with your husband too. “We're at the airport! I'll be here in a few hours !” He made sure everything was right to be here right on time. “My case is full of sweet presents for our little pumpkin.” He was way too joyful. You were pretty sure that there was a present for him in this suitcase, such as a new game or new devices for his setup. “Our angel will be so spoiled ! Have a safe flight, sweet. Love you !” You say, before leaning to your baby and whisper in her ear. “Send a kiss to Appa, Pumpkin” Automatically the baby stas sending kisses to the phone, melting your heart seeing how cute she was. “Can't wait to be with you. Love you too, my dear.” The call ended and you grab your baby to take your breakfast and start the day. 
The sweet little girl has been a pure angel for the whole morning. She refused to take a nap but wanted to play all the time. For a few times, she tried to take her first steps, but ended up failing and falling back on her tiny butt. The last time she fell, she left her sweet teary eyes at you. “Oh no, baby, it's okay, don't be sad. You'll get it !” You hand her another block to distract her little mind from the failure. Soon you heard the door opening and you immediately lifted your head to catch Yunho's gaze as he entered the room, fully packed. “Here's my little family !” He says, the cutest smile on his face. He let down his bags just so he could rush to kiss you. “I hate being far away from you.” He whispers after kissing you. It was only two days but you missed him so much. “ Come here little Pumpkin.” Yunho says, rushing to his now one year old. “You've grown so much, in just two days !!” You couldn't help but smile. The baby laughed at all the kisses he left on her soft skin as if it tickled her. He put her back on the mattress, to go and grab a little package from his suitcase. “Hey. We said we would give her presents at the party.” You complain. You wanted to give her all of her beautiful new toys. But your husband had another idea. He sat on the mattress next to you. Your daughter was standing, playing with her cubes on the bench and she turned her head to her dad with the biggest smile. She reached out her little hand to her father, who urged her to join him. For a few seconds, the toddler looked for balance before she did it. One foot after the other, she took her first step before your perfectly amazed eyes. She lost balance in her father's arms who looked at her with so much pride. You couldn't hold back the little tear of pride. “You did it, Pumpkin! Just like the little champ you are.” He greeted her. You clapped your hands to congratulate her and she joined you, with all her joyful heart. “I'm so proud of you ! That's a big step, just on your birthday !” How amazing that was. “ She was trying for a few days, but kept falling in the end.” You informed your husband. “She waited for us to be reunited. Now she's going to run everywhere.” He says, wishing you both good luck. But you knew he couldn't wait to chase after his daughter.
𝑲𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒈 - (wc : 869)
It was the most perfect day ever. You had the best party at home for your son’s first birthday. Everyone was there, the boys even wore their alter-ego costumes for the birthday boy’s delight. He couldn’t help but giggle all day long, watching his dad and uncles playing cute. You had to admit it was quite fun to see them play. When the little party ended, you three met again to blow out the candles one last time. It was a great emotion to see that your baby was already growing so fast. Yeosang had also had bright eyes all day, he shared your emotion. You had tried for a long time to have that little piece of you, that today you cherished the least of the moments by his side. Now you were gently playing on the playmat, when you saw the baby yawning vividly. “That big day was exhausting, right ?” You say to the sweet and discreet boy, crawling to his dad, who catches him real fast, to hug him tight. “We should go to bed, buddy.” Yeosang says, patting his son’s hair, which was so endearing. “One last pic, first !” You say, while grabbing your polaroid camera, that followed you through your pregnancy and the first year of your dear boy. The flash of the camera blinds you for a few seconds, before printing the image. “Who do you want to go to bed with, baby ?” You ask the little one. He clenches himself even more against his father, showing how much he wished that it was him who accompanied him to the arms of Morpheus. “Seems like it'll be me for today.” Says your partner. “Imma sing him to sleep, I'll be back in a bit.” A wave of kisses to your husband and your son and a hug later, he disappeared in the baby's room. 
You could hear him sing from the living room, where you were still seated. He used to sing lullabies to the baby when he was in the womb. He did it for the whole nine months of your pregnancy and now he practically was the only one who was able to put him to sleep. His voice was soothing the baby the way nothing or nobody does. It was pure magic. 
You take a look at the Polaroïds you took earlier, and it was the most heartwarming thing you've ever seen. The three of you were all smiley and purely happy. Compared to the first pic you took as a family, your boy looked so grown up. You grab the white box that was hidden under the couch. In there, there was every little memory of that first year. Your pregnancy test, your first ultrasound, the bracelet the baby wore in the hospital. There also was the little thing that announced his name and his birthday. His first beanie, his first socks, his tiny handprint, but most of all, every picture you took, through this whole year. “Darling ?” Yeosang says, through the room. “Are you okay ?” There's no doubt, he got all your emotions. He knew you so well. “Y-Yes ! I was going down memory lane. All of this feels like it was yesterday.” You say, emotions tangling your voice. “I know. But this one, this is my favorite memory.” He pointed to the polaroid Yunho took the day before you gave birth to your treasure. Yeo was holding you so close, his hands resting on your baby's home, there was sunset behind you. It was an amazing picture. “I remember that night, everything went so amazingly, and everything that happened next, made me love you even more” Your heart bursted so fast, as he said those words. “I love our family so much.” You say, resting your head on his shoulder, and taking the first sleepers your baby wore in the hospital. “Do you remember when he was so tiny ? You could fit his two little feet in your hand !” An emotive smile took place in your face. “Yeah. He was so small I was afraid to break him.” He confesses, wrapping an arm around you. “We should write him a note, for when we’ll give him this box.” He suggests and you nod real fast, you take a paper and a pen. “Wanna go first ?” You ask by handing her the pen. "We should both do that instead. You write?" You nod and both of you start thinking about what to write. Finally the word is written by itself and you come out, your heart swollen with tenderness. Everything was perfect. 
To our treasure. 
You who were so expected and we loved from the first seconds. You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened to us. You are loved, pampered and protected from the first day to the last. You can always count on us. Be who you want, make your life a dream. Be happy. Live, laugh, love, cry. Mom and dad will always be there to support you. 
Our little warrior, our little angel, you will never be alone. 
We love you with all the intensity of the world. 
Thank you for this year and the ones to come. 
With love, Mom and Dad.
I really hope you appreciated it, do not hesitate to reblog or to leave a note i’d love to read all about your thoughts. ✿ MAKNAE LINE COMING REAL SOON ©evandsolo, 2O24
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ilwonuu · 1 year ago
hi! can u req a joshua fluff (with smut haha) in which shua will surprise wife!y/n on her bday but y/n has bigger news (🤰).. thank u 🩷🩵
omg yes!! i love this idea sm!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR REQUEST💖💖
▸ ִֶָ ⊹all for you. h. jisoo
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summary- your husband wants to make your birthday the most memorable birthday you have ever had. he surprises you with a beautiful date night. but you have a bigger surprise;)
warnings- fluff with plot, smut with plot, lots of love (ew), pregnancy sex, unprotected sex, pet names(honey, my love, reader calls joshua shua a lot), dirty talk, oral fem receiving, breeding kink kinda???, creampie, lots and lots of affection, hoshi is mentioned a few times, happy marriage, lmk if i missed anything 😘
authors note- i made this way longer than i intended it to be bc i kinda got carried away. i hope there isn’t too many typos since i haven’t proof read it yet and stuff anyways thank you for reading<3
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joshua always would go all out for your birthday. he would do anything he can do make sure you had the best day ever. you never had any worries about your birthday but this one was a little different. you had something important to talk to him about. it was that you guys are going to be parents. you know he will be happy with the news but there is a voice in the back of your head saying that this might ruin your birthday. you love your husband and he loves you but we’re you guys ready to have a baby?
you roll out of bed around 10 am seeing your husband is nowhere to be found in the bedroom. making your way to your bathroom to wash up. “shua?? where are you?” you yell loud enough for him to hear from the bathroom. “honey im in the kitchen! im making you breakfast in bed so go lay back down.” he says shouting back. you smile at his words complying with what he asked you to do. getting back into your shared comfy bed.
joshua comes into not to late after you do with a plate of pancakes, bacon,fruit, and your favorite coffee he makes for you. “happy birthday my beautiful wife. you deserve the world.” he says setting your food down on the table next to you bending down to pull you into a sweet kiss. “thank you shua. i really appreciate you.” you smile at him and grab your food. “and i love you so much. i have so many things planned for you today. you feeling up to it?” he asks sitting next to you on your bed. you nod eating your food. “i love you too.”
he kisses your cheek and steals a piece of your bacon. “can i have this?” he asks taking a bite. “shua you’re already eating it.” you laugh at him taking another bite of your pancakes. “i did good on this bacon. it tastes so good.” he smiles at you and kisses your face all over. “okay my love i was thinking we could go shopping a little bit and then we can come back and watch a movie then i can make you dinner. or we can go out to eat. whatever you would like honey.” he says giving sweet kisses against your neck. “mm that sounds so nice shua. you are too sweet to me.” you finish your food turning to pull him into a hug. “you deserve it beautiful. wanna go back to sleep for a little longer or should we start getting ready?” you get under the covers. “definitely more sleep.” you say pulling him to cuddle you. “of course honey. rest all you want we can get up when you want.” he say kissing you before closing his eyes nuzzling his face into your neck. you two both falling asleep tangled in eachothers arms.
you wake up a few hours later shifting slightly seeing a still asleep joshua. kissing his forehead slightly before heading to the bathroom. quickly peeing before coming back into your bed room. “mm honey are you ready to get up?” he says still with his eyes closed. “yes i am if you are shua.” he finally opens his eyes stretching slightly smiling at you. “okay honey we can shower real quick then we can leave to do your shopping.” you nod making your way to the bathroom with him slowly following behind you. shutting the door after you both. “come here my love.” he says pulling you into a hug kissing you softly. “you look so beautiful today honey. i can never get bored of looking at you.” he kisses down your jaw making his way down your neck. “mm shua that was cheesy.” you laugh moving your head a little so he can have a better angle. “you love it tho.” he lifts you to sit on the sink smiling at you while he pulls off his shirt. “you smell so good. i bet you’ll taste even better.” he smiles pecking your lips again. “can i?” he asks rubbing your thigh slightly. “hm can you what shua?” he laughs. “can i eat you out? i really want to make you feel good. then we can take a shower hm??” you nod slowly.
he smiles at you before kneeling in front on you slowly pulling your shorts and panties down in one quick movement. “my love you’re soaking. what have you been thinking about?” he looks up at you kissing your inner thighs. “y-you. i want you shua pl-“ he cuts you off by licking a long stripe up your slit humming against you. causing you hands to immediately go to his hair. “o-oh shua feels so good.” he smirks against you slowly inserting his tongue inside of you fucking it into you slightly. you tug on his hair slightly rougher this time throwing your head back in pleasure. “holy shit shua. p-please don’t stop.” and he doesn’t he continues his movements looking up at you through his eyelashes. slowly bringing his finger up to rub your clit. he is moaning into your pussy sending tingles down your spine. he is lost in eating you out. his face now having your arousal all over it.
his dick is now rock hard in his shorts as he watches your face change more and more with the pleasure he is giving you. “shua im gonna c-cum!” he continues watching you rubbing your clit faster feeling you clench around his tongue. you immediately release on his tongue moaning his name. he licks up all you cum before standing up and smiling at you. “i can never get enough of that my love. you taste amazing.” you still trying to catch your breath before moving to stand up. he pulls you into a sweet kiss. “see? you are so sweet.” he kisses your cheek. “lets shower hm?” he smiles before pulling both of your clothes off starting the water for the shower.
“shua i’m all ready to go!” you say making your way to your living room where he is waiting. he smiles at you. “you look beautiful honey. lets go.” he grabs your hand leading you guys out of the house and to his car.
the car ride to the mall was filled with you two singing the music that you wanted to play. “okay we have arrived!! lets go in.” he smiles getting out of your car making his way to your side to let you out. “my love.” he smiles grabbing your hand. “my shua.” you say laughing. “what store do you want to go in first?” he says as you two are hand and hand making your way into the mall.
what you didn’t know is that joshua had a surprise for you. he has asked the guys to help set up your house for the perfect movie and dinner night. and thats why he had you guys leave a little early to go shopping. joshua is somewhat nervous something will go wrong. causing him to be paranoid sending soonyoung a text.
joshua- are you guys almost done? y/n is getting tired of shopping she wants to come home soon.
soonyoung- yes! we have a few more things to do for your room like you asked and then we’ll be leaving.
joshua- oh thank god. thank you thank you. i appreciate you guys helping i owe you.
soonyoung- no problem. we love y/n she deserves a good day!!
joshua- love u😘
soonyoung- love u too 😨
soonyoung- tell me how she likes it!!!
“joshua? who are you texting?” you say smiling at him and his focused expression. “just soonyoung. him and the guys say happy birthday.” you make a sweet expression. “aw thats sweet. tell them i say thank you and that i love them.” “will do my love.” he smiles putting his phone away. “okay i’m thinking one more store then we can leave okay honey?” he says smiling before walking into another store with you.
soonyoung- we just finished! good luck bro tell me how it goes
“okay my love you ready to go?” you nod quickly. “please my feet hurt.” you say laughing as he puts you on his back running to the car. “joshua im heavy you better not drop me!” he laughs at you. “first of all you are nowhere near heavy and i would never drop my beautiful wife okay?” you roll your eyes at him. “you’re being so cheesy today.” he puts you down as you make it to the car. “once again i know you love it.” you scoff looking away from him. “okay maybe a little bit. but only a little!!” you say as he opens your car door for you. “come on my love lets get you home.” he says quickly starting the car to head back to your house.
you two arrive back noticing his mood changing slightly to a more nervous one. “you okay shua?” he smiles at you. “of course i just want you to have a good day.” “shua i am having the best day ever. you are treating me so well do not worry.” you rub his back. “i always worry because you deserve the best y/n.” “you are the best shua. you are the sweetest person i could ask for. you never have to worry you always make me feel so special.” you pull him into a kiss. “come on love lets go inside.” you say getting out the car following him into your house.
you walk into your home seeing all the rose pedals and candles lit. “joshua you didn’t have to do all this.” you look at him lovingly feeling him pull you in to hug him. “i know honey but like i said you deserve the best. i asked the guys to help with the decorations. do you like it?” he asks rubbing your back softly. “i love it joshie thank you.��� he smiles. “okay my love have you decided if you wanna go out to dinner or have me cook?” “mm i don’t really feel like leaving again i would rather stay and have you cook for me if thats okay.” he kisses you sweetly. “of course my love. you hungry now or do you want to wait?” you think for a second. “i’m a little bit hungry now.” he nods kissing your forehead before making his way into the kitchen. “okay well you get comfortable i will start on dinner okay?” you nod smiling at him making your way to the couch.
you loved joshua. he is the best husband you could ever ask for. he was always this sweet. when you guys first started dating he was embarrassed about how much he would do for you. he would go out of his way to see you even when he barely had the time. joshua loved you and he had no doubt that he was gonna spend the rest of his life with you. when he asked you to marry him you were shocked but relieved that he felt the same way about how strong your love is. you had nothing to worry about with him. now you’re feeling a little uneasy. what if he isn’t ready to have kids with you? he knows that you guys have unprotected sex all the time. but sometimes he just doesn’t want to pull out. it was bound to happen right? how do you go about tell him? before dinner? after dinner? tomorrow? you’re all over the place. you took the pregnancy test just a couple of days ago. but last night you took another just to be sure and as they all said you were pregnant.
you turn on your tv pulling you away from your thoughts for a moment putting on a rom com for you and joshua to watch when he is done cooking. you get lost in the movie as you wait for the food to be done. “my love dinner is served.” he says bringing over a steak dinner he prepared. “shua it smells so good. thank you so much.” you smile at him as he sits down with his food next to you. “of course honey you know i’d do anything for you.” he kisses your forehead again before both of you begin to eat. you finish your food rather fast causing joshua to laugh. “you really were hungry hm my love.” he smiles finishing up his food shortly after. you nod moving closer to him.
“what do you want to do now my love? want to watch another movie? want a massage? i can make love to you. the choice is yours.” you shake your head. “actually um..i need to tell you something.” he shifts to look at you. “oh really? whats up my love you look nervous.”
you don’t look back at him. trying to figure out how to tell him. “um well uh i went the store the other night right and i grabbed a few things.” he nods showing you that he is listening to you closely. “u-uh so well i got a few pregnancy tests just to have them. and i took the tests just because i wanted to see what it would say. um joshua i’m pregnant.” he doesn’t take his eyes off you. not know what to say right away. “are you serious? we’re gonna have a baby?” he says immediately holding your stomach looking at you so happily. you nod tearing up slightly. “we’re gonna be parents.” you smile now crying a little bit. “oh my god??? we’re gonna be parents. you’re gonna be a mom! im gonna be a dad??” he pulls you into a kiss. “i love you so much. i cannot believe this. im so happy y/n. i wouldn’t want to experience this with anyone else.” he rubs your stomach softly. “you are gonna be the most gorgeous mommy.” he kisses you and pulls you onto his lap. “i was so nervous to tell you all day. i was scared you were gonna leave me or something when i told you.”
he shakes his head “my love you know i would never leave you in a million years. you’re stuck with me forever.” he kisses you deeply rubbing your side slightly. you start to grind your hips down onto him moaning slightly. “is making love to me still on the table?” you ask smirking slightly. “of course honey whatever you want i will give to you.” he pulls you into another kiss. this one seeming more desperate and rough causing you to moan slightly into the kiss. “mm lets go up to the bedroom so i can do this properly.” he lifts you up and takes you to the room. he lays you down on the bed gently climbing over you. “i can’t wait to see you with your baby bump. you’re gorgeous now but i know im gonna fall even deeper in love with you.” he says causing you to tear up again. “j-jesus joshua you’re gonna make me cry.” he wipes the tear that escapes your eye and kisses you cheek. “don’t cry my love. i mean what i said. you are everything to me. let me show you how much you mean to me.”
he slowly takes off both of your clothing. he trails kisses down your body making you whimper quietly. “mm honey i want to hear you okay? don’t hide from me. you sound so beautiful.” he says before kissing around your neck and chest.
“let me finger you so i don’t hurt you m’kay?” slowly gliding his finger over your slit.
joshua wasn’t huge but he was not anything close to small. you will never get used to how big his dick in no matter how many times you guys have had sex.
he slowly inserts a finger into you moaning as he feels how wet you are. “my pretty pretty girl. you look so gorgeous like this. i wanna look at you forever.”
you moan as he slides another finger into you gently as he kisses your nose. “mm shua please more. it feels so g-good.” your eyes rolling to the back of your head. he complies sliding a third finger into you kissing up your body again. “yea my love? you gonna make a mess on my fingers? do it honey i want you to make a mess for me. can you do that pretty?” he smiles moving some of your hair out of your face. you nod as he curls his fingers deeper inside you. hitting the spot you need him at most over and over. “s-shua i’m gonna cum.” he nods “yea honey? cum for me. i want to taste all of it my love.” he pulls you into a kiss slowly slipping his tongue into your mouth. that brought you over the edge. you clench around his fingers pulling away from the kiss releasing a loud moan. “mm thats it pretty. fuck you’re doing so well.” you immediately cum after hearing those words. he continues to fuck his fingers into you having you ride out your high.
pulling his fingers out shortly after to pull them up to his mouth and suck on them licking them clean. “you taste so fucking good every time. i could eat your cum for every meal if you’d let me.” you laugh at him slightly. “mm i could do the same for you.” he smiles slighting rubbing his dick along your folds. “you ready my pretty girl?”
you nod quickly looking down at where he is rubbing you. seeing he immediately starts pushing in slowly. his head is thrown back and his head is already sweaty causing hair to stick to his forehead. “fuck you are so tight still my love.” he watches you face as your fucked out expression turns into a more fucked out expression. he pushes in all the way bottoming out not beginning to move yet so you can adjust. “you okay honey? you’re taking me so well. “ he doesn’t take his eyes off of you and where you two are connected. “i-i’m okay shua. you can move.” he smiles before pulling out and slowly pushing back in causing him to release a few grunts. “s-shit you’re always so tight. i’m sorry baby im gonna cum so quick.” you just moan as you feel him thrust deeper inside of you.
“you’re so wet my love im sliding right in.” he says with his mouth falling open as he watches how he fucks you. sex has filled the room. the sound of your wetness, skin slapping, your high pitched moans, and joshuas deep grunts. “s-shua harder please.” he doesn’t say another word grabbing your hands and pinning them above your head fucking you deeper and harder. “like this?” he says cursing under his breath again. “y-yes fuck! oh my god you’re so deep shua i cant.” he groans again leaving more kisses on your body.
“you’re taking me so well my love. pretty pussy, pretty girl, everything about you is so. fucking. pretty.” he punctuates the words with a harder thrust each time.
“i’m c-close shua!” he moves his other hand down to open your legs wider. “shit honey me too im gonna fill you up. you want that? want me to fuck another baby into you?” you nod dumbly not being able to respond at this point. “you gonna cum pretty? i feel you clenching around me. feels so fucking good.” he throws his head back again feeling you release your juices onto his dick. “fuck yes my love. cum on my dick. make a mess all for me.” his dick twitches at his own words as he cums deep inside you.
fucking into you slowly as he calms down from his high. he pulls out a little after watching as his cum mixed with yours flows onto the bed. “look at you my pretty mess. fuck honey. you did so well for me.” you nod at him and sit up slightly feeling more cum drip out of you. “let me get something to clean you up my love.” he gets up pulling on his shorts heading into the bathroom to grab a rag. he wets it with warm water before making his way back into your room cleaning you up gently.
“you okay honey?” you hum. “never been better.” he finishes cleaning you up and grabs you a new pair of clothes handing it to you. “here you go honey let me change the sheets then we can lay down.
you didn’t realize that you fell asleep after you guys got back into bed after cleaning up. you wake up to see your lovely husband laying next to you. talking on the phone to who you assume is to be soonyoung or seokmin. “yea shes sleeping right now when she wakes- oh shes awake one second.” h shifts to you. “im so sorry honey did i wake you up? you were sleeping so peacefully.” you shake your head and smile. “its okay shua don’t worry.” he nods before pulling his phone from his ear putting it on speaker.
“soonyoung she can hear you say hello.” he says looking at you. “hi y/n!! happy birthday i hope you liked the decorations.” you smiled “yes i loved it so much. thank you guys for helping shua do that for me it means a lot.”
“no problem at all y/n we love you more than we love joshua!” you laugh slightly as you see your husband roll your eyes. “oh soonyoung i can tell you our news now that shes awake i didn’t want to tell you without her.” he is all smiley now excited to tell him what is gonna be in the next chapter of your life. “okay tell me!! are you guys moving into a new house?? what hurry up!!!” soonyoung says causing you both to laugh. “you want to tell him honey?” he says grabbing a hold of your hand. “yea. well you’re about to be uncle soonyoungie!” the line is silent for a second and then there is a loud scream. “Y/N YOURE PREGNANT OH MY GOD.”
“yes we are having a baby.” you smile at joshua to see that he is already looking at you with so much love in his eyes. “that is amazing you guys. im so happy for you. we need to throw a baby shower! got to go i need to start planning this!” he hangs up making you and joshua laugh at him again. he pulls you into his arms. “i love you so much. can’t wait to see you be the best mom ever.” he kisses you deeply not letting go of you for the rest of the night.
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cameronspecial · 1 year ago
Candle-Lit Dinners
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Suggestive Ending
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.5K
Request by @arim250: Hey! Kinda was thinking a request whenever u can. something w either drew or rafe about celebrating yn bday (bc my bday is coming lol) Ik I said my bday is the 25th but doesn’t have to be said that day maybe just around the holidays or however u would want to write it… he plans a romantic evening a restaurant or made at home food reader maybe comes home and there’s rose petals/candles food and ending w a sexy night I wouldn’t want to be like smut but still something around there lol
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Her parents took Y/N out to lunch and she spent the afternoon with them at the mall. She watched a movie, did some shopping, and was now ready to go home to her boyfriend. She opens the front door to find rose petals leading into the dining room. The house is filled with the aromatic smell of spices from her favourite meal. Creamy Thyme Chicken with Sautéed Apples and Mushrooms. She pads her way toward the candle-lit dinner and Rafe is standing over the table, pouring wine into glasses for them. “Happy Birthday, Baby,” he wishes with a smile. He comes around the table to take the bags out of her hands and kisses her lips. The bags drop to the floor by the archway. She grins at him, “Thank you. Dinner looks delicious.” He pulls the chair out for her and pushes it in once she is seated. “You’re welcome. What did you do after I dropped you off?” he questions. Y/N and Rafe had an early breakfast together before going to the beach to spend time on the sand. It was too cold for them to go swimming. There, he gave her her gift of a necklace with his initials on it. She takes her utensils in her hands, “We had lunch at the country club and then we watched that new rom-com that came out yesterday. I did some shopping too. What have you been doing?” 
They begin eating and Rafe’s leg reaches out under the table to twine with one of hers. “I’ve been preparing for all of this. I went grocery shopping because I didn’t want to buy the ingredients early and have you figure out my plan. It took me a while to figure everything out,” he replies. Her eyes look up from her dinner to stare at him through her lashes, “Well, thank you for going through all this trouble for me.” “No problem, Baby. Anything for my girl, especially on her birthday,” he says, leaning across the table to kiss her. 
The meal is finished over the course of an hour. The lovers take the time to talk to and be with each other. After dinner, he lets her help clean up because he knows she just wants to spend time with him. They finish the dishes and she orders him to stay downstairs. She dashes upstairs with the shopping bags she brought home, changing into a certain outfit she bought for today. She returns downstairs and watches the growing boner in her boyfriend’s pants. She motions towards it, “I see you like my gift to you.” He nods vigorously and beckons her forward. “It’s your birthday. I should be showering you in gifts,” he points out, pulling her onto his lap. She sits back on his knees as she straddles him. Her hands play with the hairs on the back of his neck, “I can think of a few ways that you can give me more presents and they could all be given right now.” “I think there are too. I think we have maybe five more gifts for me to give you,” he agrees against her lips. She giggles, “Five. That’s a lot.” “What can I say I’m a generous man,” he teases. They spend the night making passionate love by the candle-lit.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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intimidating-fettuccine · 6 months ago
Can I get some Kate the Chaser bday headcanons? We share the same bday :) hope your day is going well
I hope your day is going well too, and I hope you enjoy
I think Kate is one of the creeps who really enjoys having a big party for her birthday, and I feel like they always try to plan a surprise party for her every year. Still, she ends up asking people what the theme is or what they're doing because she wants to help with decorations and planning, and eventually, someone spills the beans and she gets super excited and starts helping out. She doesn't think it's fair to make everyone else handle the whole party planning for her, so she likes to pitch in, even when they insist that she let them handle it because it's her big day.
She stubbornly refuses to not help them in some way, whether with decorating or preparing all of the food, but Slender usually forces her out of the kitchen so he can make all her favorites himself. She'll spend the day doing fun activities with everyone, ranging from playing video or board games to doing some outside activities like playing some sports or maybe something like cornhole. She just likes spending time with everyone, and she'll goof around with all of them until it's time to go back in and eat her special birthday dinner and the cake everyone worked hard on preparing for her. She always insists she takes the last piece to be cut since everyone works so hard for her on her birthday, and it just doesn't feel right for her to take the first piece, even on her birthday. After that are presents, and she always gets really emotional when it comes to gift-giving. She had a normal home life growing up, and it makes her emotional because it reminds her of being home with her family, who she can't see anymore. She always cries, and she has to assure everyone that it's happy tears, but they are tears nonetheless, and she's always incredibly grateful for whatever anyone gets her.
After that, she wants to go back to just spending time with everyone, having fun, and doing various activities with them, because that's what really makes her happy, having everyone together and enjoying themselves. If you're in the picture, Kate makes sure to involve you in pretty much everything as much as she can. You're the person she wants by her side most, and having you there to spend her birthday with her just adds an extra layer of happiness to it all. If it's your birthday too she makes sure to ask what you wanna do too so you can spend time doing what makes you happy as well, and she always gets you a whole bunch of gifts, because she loves giving back and so your birthday is the perfect time for her to spring a whole bunch of presents on you. She'd also make sure that they make some of your favorite foods too, and that the cake is a flavor you both like. Regardless, she's just happy to have you there. She always takes a whole bunch of pictures with everyone on her birthday to print out and have to remember, and she takes an especially large amount with you in them, and those photos are always her favorites. Her birthdays with you by her side very quickly become her favorite days to look forward to every year.
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hughesmedicine · 7 months ago
birthday day girl 2 | q. hughes
quinn hughes x burrow reader
a/n: happy birthday girly pop, I love you so much and in a few months we’ll be meeting for the first time and seriously cannot wait for that moment🩷. I’ve seen you grown into this amazing person and I’m excited to see you grow into the person you deserve to be. Enjoy being 18 and I love you so so much, continue to make me so so proud!! Go and be the most amazing vet I’ll ever know!(and marry a football player!) @burreauxinfinity
(I’m not happy with how some of it turned out but had to do this for the bday girl🩷 yearly tradition ofc!)
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liked by _quinnhughes, joeyb_9, lahjay10_, and others.
ynburrow heres to 25 years and making that daily post🩷 thank you quinny for making this year the best year of my life. You’ve believed in me through everything and I couldn’t have asked for a better support system through my career and through yours, becoming captain was insane and I’m so so proud of you!! @/jackhughes I’ll see you tonight for shots
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_quinnhughes happy birthday love! Can’t wait to see you tonight and snatch you back from Jamarr
lahjay10_ ay man she was my best friend first, I have rights
ynburrow sorry baby but he’s right
jackhughes 25 for 25?🤭
ynburrow YES! PREGAME AT THE LAKE HOUSE HUGHES! We’ll do the rest at the bar ofc!
joeyb_9 absolutely not, you can’t even handle 25 shots!
ynburrow bold of you to assume I’m doing 25😭 I’ll make jack split it
joeyb_9 that’s the y/n I know
trevorzegras but you’ve done 25 shots before? Literally have video proof
ynburrow TREVOR STFU joe didn’t know that shit!
trevorzegras oh god I’m dead
lahjay10_ yeah you are, good luck man.
trevorzegras thanks I’m going to need it.
maxverstappen happy birthday y/n! Your gift should be arriving in the mail soon!
yourusername omg. Somebody pinch me, is this happening?
landonorris not dreaming bestie! (But I’ll still pinch you)
ynburrow your pinches hurt stay away! You do it way too hard for a normal person☹️
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liked by ynhughes, elhughes, joeyb_9 and others.
_quinnhughes birthday dinner for my girl🩷 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY I love you so much and couldn’t ask for anything better then you. You make my day sm better and know how to keep me in check. Enjoy your big day hun and your present is at home waiting for you!
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edwards73 SIMP ON THE MAIN?? lhughes06 your brother is so down bad.
lhughes_06 that’s nothing new?
ynhughesburrowoh Ethan let’s not forget how when Quinn first brought me over you liked me😭 tripped up the steps trying to flirt with me
edwards73 this is why we have beef y/n/n
ynhughesburrow mhm “beef” he says as he’s currently tanning with me outside and ranting about girl problems
edwatds73 _quinnhughes get your girlfriend man!
_quinnhughes sorry I cant control her🤷‍♀️ enjoy your tan baby
lhughes_06 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER IN LAW! permission to take you out for a few for some birthday shopping??
ynburrow YES PLEASE I need to go to the Lego store and stock up on the new f1 series they have
lhughes_06 looks like I know what I’m purchasing for you! We can build it together and also got you tickets the Vegas f1 race
lhughes_06 I am! Have a game in Vegas that week
maxvertappen1 and you’re gonna be sitting in the Red Bull garage y/n!
ynhughesburrow omg this is the best birtbday ever!!😭 you guys are the best thank you so much.
_quinnhughes and ynhughesburrow
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liked by ynhughes, lhughes_06, lahjay10_ and 62,714 others.
_quinnhughes here’s to forever with you my love! Thank you for coming into my life and making it better🩷. I’m still glad Luke dragged me to that red wings game that day or we wouldn’t have crossed paths. Can’t wait to start our own family and have one like mine. (It has to be three boys)
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ynhughesburrow I’m actually sobbing, I love you so much😭🩷 my lifeline I swear, thank you for coming into my life baby. It’s been better with you and I can’t imagine bullying my brother with anybody else🫶🏻 (and I’ll die if I don’t get a daughter q)
_quinnhughes I love you so much more, seriously thank you for everything you’ve done for me. (Fine one girl three boys)
ynhughesburrow you better learn how to get pregnant if you think I’m pushing out four kids baby
_quinnhughes don’t worry I know I can convince you
jackhughes god you guys make me sick( DIBS ON HAVING NIC STAY AT OURS DURING VACATIONS, Luke and I need our sister in law time )
lahjay10_ man why do you guys keep stealing my best friend?? Sleepovers are our thing!
ynhughesburrow I get a kick out of these comments😭😭 you guys are so entertaining
jackhughes what if I said you were invited ja’marr?
lahyjay10_ then yes we can have that sleepover then!
_quinnhughes not you guys stealing my wife, go away! I get my time with her now
elblue6 thank you for loving my son y/n! You’ve lit up his world and I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter in law😭🩷 I’m expecting grand babies soon!
_quinnhughes MOM
ynhughesburrow I’m wheezing 😭 but yes soon momma el! Have to create our own hockey family (or football considering who the uncles are)
joeyb_9 oh the kids will be interested in football! I’m babysitting them a lot!
lhughes_06 Quinn save them now. We need the Hughes hockey legacy to continue
ynhughesburrow the kids will have control over their own futures! If they want to play either or they can and if they don’t they don’t have to. But I do hope one of them joins f1👀
joeyb_9 yes ma’am!
lahjay10_ yes ma’am!
lhughes_06 understood!
landonorris if you bring him around when you do have we can convince him bestie!
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danikamariewrites · 1 year ago
Could I possibly request a fluffy Rhys x reader celebrating his birthday?
I found out that Rhys’ birthday is November 20 and he is one of the very few in the SJM universe where we actually know what their zodiac signs are lol
Happy Birthday
Rhys x reader
A/n: I also just found out it’s Rhys’s bday so cheers to the bday boy!
Warnings: suggestive, fluff
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Rhys reached out for you, wrapping his arms around your middle to pull you on top of him. You giggle and place small kisses on his neck.
Your mate squeezes you to his chest. “Good morning my love.” Rhys mumbles out. “Happy birthday Rhys.” You sit up, straddling his hips and tracing his face with your fingers. You look down at him with a small smile pulling at the corner of your lips.
Love twinkling in your eyes as you drink him in. Your mate. Husband. Love of your life. The most powerful high lord. And he’s all yours. You planned on appreciating him all day making sure he knew how special and loved he truly is.
“I can’t believe the Mother blessed me with you 537 years ago. I love you baby, so gods damn much.” Rhys is beaming up at you with that same soft, loving look. He gently grabbed your wrist turning his face to press a kiss to your palm.
“Thank you darling. I love you too, more than you’ll ever know.” You lean down to press your lips to his full ones. It starts slow, sending an overwhelming amount of love down the bond.
Before the kiss can get heated you move across his cheek, down his jaw and neck. You trail your tongue down his torso, kissing and nipping at him down to the band of his boxers.
After your euphoric morning in bed you took a bath together where you pampered Rhys. Washing his hair and giving him a massage.
You had Cassian and Azriel take Rhys out for brunch. You wanted them to avoid the cabin since you were setting up for the two of you tonight.
Elain and the twins were making his cake, Feyre was helping you with decorating, while Mor and Amren went to pick up his gifts.
You paused for a moment to take in the hustle and bustle of the house. Everyone is happy. Like there isn’t a single thing to worry about.
Good. They all deserve peace after everything the family has been through. Especially Rhys. You didn’t think he’d be here for this. You didn’t think you’d ever see him again.
You felt tears pricking your eyes. You wipe them with the back of your hand, placing one of Rhys’s many cards on the mantle.
Feyre wraps an arm around you pulling you from your thoughts as you adjust the other cards. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” You look at her, a wide grin on your lips. “Nothing, I swear. I’m just…I’m really happy. Thank you for all your help today it means a lot.”
You hug each other tight. “I’m happy to help. He deserves a good birthday.” Pulling back from Feyre you give her another smile. “I’m happy you’re here Fey.” “Me too.” She whispered.
The boys came home around sunset. From their overly joyous attitude you could tell they had a fun time going on their bar crawl of Velaris.
Dinner was a wonderful time. The twins out did themselves with the meal, Elain’s cake was delicious, and the toast his brothers gave brought tears to your eyes. You could tell Rhys felt loved surrounded by his friends and family.
He wraps an arm around you placing a kiss on your temple. “Thank you. All of you. I am truly grateful for you all sticking by me through everything. And to you, my mate,” he says sweetly staring at you with unending adoration. “You celebrate me every day but today you’ve gone above and beyond! Thank you darling.” His lips meet yours in a soft kiss.
“If anyone deserves it it’s you baby. To Rhys!” You say raising your wine glass. “To Rhys!” Everyone around the table cheers, raising their own glasses and taking large swigs of their drinks.
As the night started to wind down and everyone headed to bed you kept Rhys in the living room. Standing from the couch you hold his hands, pulling him up. You give Rhys a mischievous smirk. “What are you up to my little vixen?” He teases. “You’ll see.” You tease back.
Darkness envelopes the two of you, transporting you through space and time to your home away from home. Rhys looked around seeing the ambiance you had spent all afternoon setting up. He smirks down at you again. “Is this my second gift of the evening?” He drawls.
You let out a hum, wrapping your arms around his waist. “I grabbed a few bottles of the good wine, why don’t you go to the bedroom and get ready for me, yeah?” Rhys growled with anticipation. “Anything you say darling.” Walking down the hall Rhys throws a smirk at you over his shoulder that tells you not to take too long. You smirk back as he uses magic to slowly shut the door. Seductively unbuttoning his tunic as he disappears. You had never rushed through the kitchen faster.
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foster-the-world · 2 months ago
Stocking stuffers?
Any ideas for stocking stuffers for my 70yo mother. She likes cocktails, tea, reading, traveling, sweets, etc. Need to fill her stocking as she does it for 12 of us. But she's frugal and doesn't want me spending a lot on trinkets she won't use.
Our flights were very expensive so she told me not to give her a gift at all. I still got her one of those sweatshirts with the grandkids name on the sleeve. Need something for her Birthday. Will probably do a gift card somewhere. She's very practical and does not like material things much. We are going to a comedy show and dinner the day of her Bday. Which will be fun.
My mom hosts a nice dinner/drinks/snacks for roughly 30-40 family members every Christmas. Plus, she does dinner for 15 people for Christmas Eve. For Christmas Eve my cousin buys/brings shrimp. She makes everything else. She would never accept money but we always leave a grocery store gift card when we stay for the week. She also hosts New Years for my brothers and I's family. She's done crab legs but they got pricey. So we are doing fondue for the second year in a row.
We also do a smaller family christmas with my brothers, aunt, and one cousin. My mom was going to host but my SIL offered. Then my SIL texted my younger brother and I to say "Since your parents always hosts all of us the three of us should split the costs of the pizza delivery." Which I find rude. I would never offer to host and then ask for money. You can't buy my family $30 worth of pizza? I'm confident they've never offered to pay my parents for the many, many dinners they've hosted. If my brother and SIL were generally frugal people or had any financial troubles I'd be fine with the request. They do quite well and have no problem spending money on themselves. They've visited/stayed with us - where no money was offered. I would have never accepted anyway. I can't imagine texting my SIL (after she paid a ton of money on flight tickets to come to NYC) to say "since her parents hosts Thanksgiving they should split pizza delivery costs when they come over for dinner" My mother agrees. My Mom is extremely frugal but not when it comes to being generous with other people. We also agreed we would not bring it up. Its annoying enough to bitch about not worth discussing with them. Maybe she's bitching to my brother that we don'f offer to pay. They hosted one other time three years ago. Generally speaking my SIL is great and I have no complaints but this rubbed me the wrong way. For the record, if we were staying at their house overnight I would offer money but not for one meal. Do others agree its rude or just me?
My parents also just gave my 16yo nephew a Jeep. Its old but my Dad fixed it up for him. My parents are extremely generous with all of us. Depsite being on a tighter budget then any of us. Which is another reason I find the request annoying. I know they aren't asking my parents for money but it seems by proxy they should be willing to pay for everyone.
Threw up last night. Then again this morning. Was really hoping to be feeling better but not, yet. Baby boys school messaged to say he was having a hard day. Crying for his Mom and Dad. Saying he was worried about me being sick over and over. Which is unlike him. He saw me running to the bathroom to throw up this morning but didn't seem bothered. Poor baby. As long as I feel better tmrw I am going to keep him home. All of the holiday stuff can be too much for him, even if he loves it. We will do all of the things he loves best. Santa visited the school today. He seemed happy in the pictures, at least.
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toomuchracket · 10 months ago
bday party girlie and matty at the met gala! and charli and george too!
girls stun while the boys simp and cause mayhem
MAYHEM MENTIONED???? nah fr though i love thinking about this, especially if it's like the first Big event you and matty go to as a couple. i haven't yet moved on from that time matty was working with dior, so in my mind that's who you're both wearing, and god knows you analysed the essay/story they gave as theme inspiration within an inch of its life because "there is no way in HELL i am letting some tiktok twink call my dress off-theme. not a fucking chance" - matty is so fucking entertained by that, all ":D i love you so much" lol, and there's also no way in hell you're letting him turn up in a black suit, so that's that. anyway!! your outfits aren't matching, but they do correspond perfectly together, and actually you assume you'll barely get a wink of sleep the night before the met because you're so fucking excited to see your boyfriend all dressed up and hot, but he tires you out enough (wink wink) that you're both very well-rested. and matty's SO cute while you're getting ready - he's documenting it all on video like "an angel! glowing! most gorgeous woman in existence!", and you're like "baby please stop making me giggle my foundation will crease" (but actually you very much enjoy him just sitting shirtless and wet-haired and looking at you lovingly. you're only human, after all). he actually tears up when he sees you completely ready for the first time, which your MUA gets on video, and you really do feel like the prettiest girl in the world when he sniffles like "christ, you are SO beautiful. i love you. and i'm honoured to do that", bless him. and GOD, matty looks amazing, all curls and slut hoop and clean-shaven face and the colour of his shirt making his skin glow, so you have to take approximately eight million pics of and with him before you can leave. in terms of walking the carpet, you start alone and then go up the stairs and take pics together (matty's adamant he's helping you up the steps in your heels "just so you don't have a jason derulo moment, babe"), and it's testament to how truly happy matty is to be with you that he smiles for almost every pic you take together; there are a couple where you whisper "baby. i think we should be cunty" and it's both of you smizing/giving blue steel lmfao, but most are just big smiles for the camera and tender glances at each other where it is so blisteringly obvious that you're in love. they split up couples at the dinner section of the met, but it's still nice getting to meet people you think are cool at your table (zendaya! she likes your dress! she said she had your first book recommended to her and loved it!), and you sneak off to hang out with your boyfriend in the toilets (iconic, really) or the smoking area. and of course you run into charli and george - literally, the boys aren't looking where they're going and walk into each other and find it absolutely hilarious - and take some (illegal!) pics; once again, george is like "we really are punching above our weight with the girls, aren't we? look how good they look" to matty while you and charli force them to take pics of you together, and matty's literally like "yeah..." in a daze just looking at you lmfao. and if you think he's simping now, well, seeing you in your minidress for the afterparty is SO MUCH WORSE - he's jaw-on-the-floor like "must we go? i can't just keep you all to myself?", and you're like "we have to go, but i do actually plan on clinging to you on and off the dancefloor the whole night", and needless to say he's convinced lol. the events are so much fun, but your favourite bit is getting back to the hotel and ordering room service to eat in bed with the love of your life, before giggling in the shower with him while you wash each other's hair, and then falling asleep curled up safe in his arms. perfect <3
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callsign-dexter · 1 year ago
Undercover Desires (18+)
Request: Alright, I have an idea 💡 I'd also ask this for my bday but then I feel bad for all other which requested before me :( 
Another Antonio one where they're a couple and she works as an officer on the road, but one time Hank asks her to help them out undercover, all dressed up hot and sexy, which makes Antonio really jealous and possessive but he can stay professional. Just until they get home, where he rips of her dress and shows you that every part of you belongs to him ? 🥵💗
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x Cop!Reader
Warnings: smut, implied smut, swearing, fluff, angst
A/N: happy birthday to the anon that sent this request in! I hope you like it!
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You loved your job and wouldn’t give anything up for it. You liked the thought of working in Intelligence but you liked being out there on the streets more. You are a cop for Chicago PD and currently loving it. You also didn’t want to put your boyfriend’s, Antonio Dawson, job at risk and risk the chance of clouding his head if you two did work together. You and Antonio have been together 2 going on 3 years and you loved each other with everything you got and you wouldn’t trade anything for it.
Intelligence was currently working on a case and you could tell it was a tough one considering the way Antonio would come and collapse. Every other cop had been asked to help on the case but it wasn’t as in depth as Intelligence was working. You wished you could help more but right now all you could do was patrol the streets and alert if something was out of the ordinary. The case was about how a man would abduct ladies at a bar and then sexually assault them and then end up killing them and dumping them. The FBI should’ve been called in but Intelligence was given a chance to catch the person before the feds were called.
You had gotten home from work before Antionio and had changed out of your work clothing and started some dinner. It wasn’t even 30 minutes until your boyfriend had walked into the shared apartment with a sigh and keys hitting the table beside the entry way. You turned around and smiled at him sympathetically. “Hey, Baby. Rough day?” You asked him already knowing the answer.
“Very. We aren’t any closer than when we started.” He said and walked over to you and hugged you and you returned the hug.
“I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help out. Food will be ready in 10 min.” You said when you released each other.
“You’re doing all that you can, Babe. Anything I can do to help?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No. You go and get changed and it’ll be ready by the time you get out here.” You said knowing his routine and how he liked to take a quick shower after work to as he puts it ‘wash off the day’. True to your word when he joined you back into the kitchen and you had already began to plate his food. He smiled and took the plate from you and kissed you, you closed your eyes and leaned into the kiss. He pulled away and then you plated your food and joined him at the table but not before grabbing two beers and opening them and sitting one in front of him.
“Have I told you lately about how beautiful and sexy you are?” He asked and you furiously blushed and dipped your head and shook your head.
“No, I don’t think so.” You say looking up at him still blushing and you could see the light twinkling in his eyes.
“Well, in that case you are one sexy woman. The most beautiful one I’ve seen and don’t know how lucky I got to call you mine.” He said and that had you blushing even more. Let’s just say you both didn’t finish your supper and headed off to bed early.
The next morning you both woke up cuddled into each other’s arms with no clothing on. You smiled at each other and then started to get ready for the day. When you were ready you kissed each other and headed to the precinct. You normally didn’t ride together due to the different times you both got off. When you arrived, you kissed each other and went your separate ways but not before telling each other that you loved one another and to be safe.
As you we greeted Trudy and she gave you a look of annoyance and rolled her eyes as you walked past her to grab the keys to your cruiser. While you grabbed them Hank walked in and spotted you. He walked over to you and you looked up and smiled at him. “Hey, Hank. What’s up?” You asked and he smiled at you.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m gonna need your help with something.” He said
“Yea, of course, what is you need?” You asked this is what you had been hoping for.
“We need someone to go undercover and we can’t send it Hailey or Kim. They would be recognized almost instantly and they don’t look like the woman he has been taking. I want someone that hasn’t been seen with us and you also look the other women.” He said and you thought about it and you seriously wanted to help.
“Absolutely, I would do anything to help you guys.” You said and you could see some of the tension fall from his face.
“Thank you so much.” He said and you nodded “Be ready up in Intelligence in an hour. I’ll have the girls help you get ready and wired.” He said “Also I need you to wear something that would catch his eye. So, if you have anything at home I would suggest going and getting it.” He added and you nodded.
“You got it.” You said and he thanked you one last time and then you both headed your separate ways. When you got your car, you headed to your and Antonio’s apartment to grab a form fitting dress and some high heels. The dress didn’t cost much and had been saving it for any occasion and what better occasion then a short undercover operation?
You patrolled the area for awhile until it was time to head to the precinct. When you arrived, you parked the car and headed in with your stuff. Trudy looked at you and walked over and punched in the code to let you up. You smiled at her and she smiled back and shook her head. You both were good friends and liked to tease each other and it just flowed smoothly.
You walked up the stairs and everyone greeted you but Antonio and you could see the wheels turning in his head and he shook his head. “Did Hank put you up to this?” He asked you and you just smirked.
“He asked me and I said yes. No shame in helping out.” You said and walked over to him and kissed him which he returned.
“Glad you’re here.” Hank said and you broke the kiss to look at him “Kim and Hailey will help you get ready.” He said and the girls mentioned came up and took both of your arms and headed into the locker room.
“So, how bad is Antonio freaking out about this?” You asked with a smirk as you started to remove your uniform.
“He didn’t know who we got to do it until you walked in.” Kim said and you shook your head.
“It’s going to be an easy one. Get in there have him confess and get out.” Hailey said and you nodded you slid on the dress.
“Since you’re going to be wearing a dress, we got a necklace with a mic in it so we can hear everything.” Kim said and you nodded your head and they put the necklace on you. You all continued to talk while they got you ready to go. Once you all were done you put on your heels and headed out to the bullpen. Kevin, Jay and Adam complimented you but Antonio had yet to say anything but you could tell by the way his pupils dilated that he had liked it and could he wanted to shield you from other guys.
“Antonio?” You asked with a smirk and you could see how he was having a hard time controlling himself.
“You look perfect, Babe.” He said while looking you up and down.
“Ok, now that you’re ready we can get going.” Hank said and you all nodded and headed out to the van and the vehicles. You knew what you were doing to Antonio, you could see him squirming in his sit and had to adjust himself several times.
They briefed you one more time and then you were heading into the bar. Some catcalls were made at you and you just knew Antonio was not taking it well. When that man gets possessive, he gets turned on and it led to some incredibly great and rough sex, which you loved. You found a seat the bar and waited and you didn’t have to wait too long until a man approached you.
“Is this seat taken?” He asked you and you turned to look at him, he was handsome, tall, dark hair, a dazzling smile, and chocolate-colored eyes. You smiled at him.
“No, not at all.” You said and he sat down.
“I haven’t seen you around here before.” He said
“My work is demanding but I decided to take sometime for myself.” You said and you knew you were lying.
“My name is Tyler Shane.” He said
“Well nice to meet you, Tyler. I’m Abbigail Lawson.” You said giving a completely fake name. You could just imagine Antonio smirking.
“Well, what do you say to getting out of here?” He asked and you nodded.
“Ok. Your place or mine?” You asked.
“Mine.” He said as you began leaving with him you made sure to adjust your necklace a sign that you had him. Once you reached outside and began heading towards the car Intelligence jumped out.
“Chicago PD!” Hank yelled out and Tyler put his hands up while Hank cuffed him and Antonio came over to you and wrapped his jacket around you.
“You fucking bitch! You’re a cop?!” Tyler yelled out looking at you and before you could respond Antonio beat you to it.
“You bet she is. She’s a damn good one.” He said and pulled you closer to him shielding you away from Tyler. Hailey and Kim came over to you and removed the necklace and then you all went on your way.
When you all arrived back to the police station Hank allowed Antonio to take you home and Trudy didn’t even say a word. You decided to leave your car there and ride with Antonio back home. The ride home was all sexual tension. Antonio had his hand on your high and it was slowly rising to the hem of the dress. “My girl is badass.” He said and his voice had gone an octave lower a sign that he was really turned on. His hand slid up further until it reached your underwear and he started to stroke you which quickly had you a moaning mess.
“Antonio.” You moaned out and then you were stopped at a stoplight he leaned over and kissed your neck. That and the combination of him slowly stroking you had you hot and bothered. The light turned green and he didn’t move until a car horn blew and then he returned his attention back to the road he pulled his hand away and whimpered at the loss of friction. He smirked and drove the rest of the way to the apartment. He as hard and you could tell from the bulge in his jeans. You reached over and rubbed him and he actually swerved but quickly corrected himself.
You arrived back to the apartment and he parked and killed the engine and you both walked into the apartment. When you got the elevator, he pressed the button and when it opened you two walked inside thankful nobody was there. Once the door was shut, he had his mouth on yours and hand returning to your soaking hot core. “So wet for me and only me.” He said and bit your sweet spot and you moaned. You were close and could feel that rubber band tightening just a little more and it would snap. He seemed to have had noticed that because he pushed your underwear to the side and slid a finger into you and began to finger fuck you. He had you a moaning mess. He then curled his finger hitting your g-spot and it was over you came over his hand then the elevator dinged and he pulled out and you whimpered again. He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean. “You taste absolutely delicious.” He said and you pressed your thighs together trying to get the friction back that you so desperately needed. He held his hand out to you and you walked out and to your apartment he had already had the keys out and unlocked the door and once you were inside, he had your back against the door attacking your neck.
“Antonio!” You moaned out. You felt him smirk you kicked off your heels and wrapped your hands around his neck with one hand in his hair. You turned you head the side letting him have more access.
“You were so hot today. Had me hard while we were in that van.” He said and brought you hand to the bulge in his jeans. “You’re mine and only mine.” He said while looking into your eyes. “I want to get this dress off of you.” He said and took it in one hand and tugged the dress ripped with ease and you gasped.
“That was my favorite dress.” You whined out.
“I’ll buy you a new one.” He said he had you jump and you circled your legs around his waist and he walked you over to the counter and laid you down on the cold surface which felt great on your burning skin. You were so out of it that the sound of material ripping had you looking at him and you saw your torn underwear in his hands and a smirking Antonio, you glared at him.
“Antonio.” You said in a stern voice and he just smirked.
“I’ll get you new ones.” He said and you rolled your eyes but it didn’t last because the next thing you knew he was licking a broad stripe up your folds that had you toes curling. You moaned and your hands went to his head and pushed him further into you. He rolled your clit and gently bit it at times and probed your entrance with his tongue. After a minute he pulled away and you groaned at the loss of contact, you were so close.
Your hands fell from his head and you watched him rid himself of his clothing and you got rid of your bra. Once he stepped out of his jeans, he was stepping over to you and roughly shoving his girthy cock into you. The familiar stretch and burn were perfect and you loved it, your head went to the counter and he started a rough pace thrusting in and out of you. You and he were a moaning mess. “Right there! Feels so good!” You moaned out and he latched onto your right nipple and set a brutal pace that you loved. He caged you in with his arms.
He rolled your nipple in his mouth and gently bit it and then soothed it out after a few minutes he let go of it and looked up at your face and smirked. “You’re mine and only mine.” He said and you nodded “Words use your words.” He said and you moaned.
“Yours.” You said and he gave a sharp thrust into you and then attacked you left nipple giving it the same attention as the other. He then let up and pulled out and you whimpered at the loss of contact but you didn’t have to wait long because he was helping you down and then bending you over the counter and then shoving himself back into you. You could feel the coolness on your breasts. You turned you head the side and he put one hand on you head holding you down while the other one held your hips.
“Tell me who is making you feel good.” He said
“You.” You said and he gave a harsh thrust.
“Who is making you feel this good?” He asked again.
“Antonio!!” You yelled out and he smirked.
“Good girl.” He praised and you felt that knot forming in your stomach again. You were so close.
“’M close.” You said and he leaned over you going deeper.
“Not yet.” He said and you whimpered he pulled out again and then turned you around and had you jump again and he walked you to the bedroom. He gently threw you on the bed and then crawled up to you and guided himself into you again and set a brutal pace again.
“’Tonio, close.” You said and he just smirked loving when you couldn’t even form sentences. He himself was close too.
“Let go.” He said and as he said that you did and his thrusts grew sloppy and he stilled inside of you throwing his head back and moaning as her painted your walls white. When you both came down from your high you were both panting and the room smelt of sex, you both were sweating. He rested his head on your and smiled and you smiled back. He kissed you and you kissed back. He slowly slid out of you.
Antonio got up and went into the bathroom and came back with a wet washcloth he gently slid it through your oversensitive folds and you moaned and your legs shook. “I’m sorry.” He said and you shook your head.
“Nothing to apologize for. Just sensitive.” You said and he smirked knowing he made you that way. He threw the washcloth into the basket. He walked over to the bed and pulled the covers back and you both crawled into them. He pulled you into him to where your back was to him.
“You’re mine and only mine.” He said and you turned to face him and smiled.
“Yours and only yours. If I get rough sex each time you get possessive or jealous each time I go undercover or someone flirts with me, then I should do it all the time.” You said with a chuckle and so did he. You closed your eyes “I love you, Babe.” You said.
“I love you too.” He said and felt you smile against his chest and kissed your head and felt your breath even out and then he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Oh yea if he was like this every time you went undercover or he jealous and possessive when someone flirted with you then yea you were going to do it more often.
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ginnympotter · 2 years ago
A little belated Harry bday ficlet:
“Got you a gift,” Ginny said as she sat beside him on the grass of the Burrow yard. She presented him with a glass of water and smiled. “Happy birthday. Sorry I kicked your arse.”
“You’re so not sorry,” Harry retorted, wiping the sweat off his forehead. “But I’ll accept your water.”
Harry took it from her and chugged it rather quickly. Ginny laughed as Harry sighed with contentment. “Best birthday gift ever.”
“Better than last year, even?” She asked, raising her eyebrows.
Harry smiled at the memory, putting the glass down. “I guess they’re comparable.”
“Git,” she said, nudging her shoulder against his. “You know the water’s not your real present, right? I was going to give it to you after dinner-“
“Ginny, don’t worry about it, really,” he insisted, grabbing her hand. “I have all I need.”
“But we want to celebrate you,” she said softly.
Harry shook his head. “I don’t really feel like celebrating so much this year.”
Ginny snorted. “If there was any year to celebrate, it’s this one.” She picked up their joint hands and kissed the back of his. “None of us knew if you’d make it to eighteen.”
“And no one who’s…gone… would want you to abstain from celebrating that fact.”
Harry thought on it for a moment. Ginny used her free hand to trace the lines on his face, then his scar, then sift her fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation.
“And besides, my mum made like, three treacle tarts for you. But if you insist on not celebrating, I’ll tell her to throw them away-“
“No,” Harry interrupted, opening his eyes. He laughed at her winning expression. “I suppose you’re right,” he surrendered.
She smiled, leaning forward and planting a gentle kiss to his lips. “That I always am, love.”
He smiled against her, then kissed her again, this time more thoroughly, deeply, unapologetically.
They broke apart and Ginny stood up, offering him her hand. “Now, c’mon, let’s play another match. Getting your arse kicked will help work up your appetite so you can eat all the treacle tart the world has to offer.”
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dc418writes · 2 years ago
•Daddy Dare Care•
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✨Pairing✨: mechanic!Ari Levinsonxblack!reader
Summary🪄 : Ari’s bright idea to stay with the girls to give you a break may not go as smoothly as he thought (Operation: Rekindle addition)
⚠️: dad!Ari (truly a menace Lol), all fluff💕
A/N🎙️: Just something short and sweet. It started out a bit self indulgent since it was my birthday on April 18th☺️, but since that has definitely passed and it switched to Mother’s Day (which also has since passed🫠 lol). Either way, we now have a change in celebrations! Hope you guys like it! *If I can push myself, I have 2 other belated bday/self indulgent fics I want to put out but we’ll see!*
*DISCLAIMER!*: Although collage was made by me, I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of any pictures used as they were all found on Pinterest
“Ari, you sure you’re gonna be okay?,” you ask in a hushed whisper daring not to wake your sleeping twins. As angelic as they looked at this moment in their matching bassinets, long lashes resting peacefully against their cheeks, you wouldn’t believe they were screaming like mad men an hour before.
Aliana was hungry, but wouldn’t take your breast milk from the bottle her father so nicely warmed for her. She wanted it from the source, which wouldn’t have been an issue if her sister Brynn wasn’t so keen on staying attached to you today.
So unsurprisingly, she wasn’t happy when you and Ari had to trade.
And sensing her sister wasn’t happy, Aliana therefore would not feed and instead cried in solidarity with her sister.
Like she’s done pretty much every other day since you’ve moved in, Mrs. Holloway shuffled her way across the hall knocking on your door to check on your little family and make sure everything was fine after over 15 minutes of wailing. Although a very sweet gesture, you really weren’t in the mood for her “what I used to do is…” at that current moment.
“I probably shouldn’t even be-,”
“Y/N it’s Mother’s Day. You deserve to get out the house and have a break,” Ari responds. “Go and have fun, we’ll be good.”
You honestly felt guilty how much you longed for more than the monotonous cycle that was your life these past months. Not a complete change, just a little twist in the routine if you will
Seeing your friends going out for dinner and on trips made you miss your college days of exploring the city or those around. Not caring about what time you came back because you only had yourself to worry about.
Yes you knew you needed a break - your doctor and the girls’ pediatrician always emphasized that during your respective appointments - but you honestly felt like you didn’t deserve it. As your mother said when you announced your pregnancy, “Say goodbye to whatever you consider fun and the life you had before. It’s now solely about those two until they’re good and grown. Heck even past that really.”
By the time you realize you’re crying, Ari’s already wiping away the lone tear with his thumb sweetly smiling at you as he caresses your cheeks.
“Baby I know it’s hard, but this is good for you. It’s okay to have a life outside of our girls.”
“Is it though?,” you whisper. “What if 20 or so years from now they need therapy because I wasn’t there?”
“…Well seeing that they’re infants, I doubt they’ll even remember this,” Ari lightly chuckles successfully making you smile - even if for only a few seconds. “Plus it’s only a few hours sweetheart. It’s not like you’re leaving for good. At least I hope not.”
His feigned suspicion and playful, narrowed eyes make you giggle as you lightly shake your head. “I’ll admit that was a bit dramatic.”
“But it’s just you being a concerned mama, which I understand.”
There he was being that grounding force you always needed. Helping quiet the noise from your brain to bring you a step closer to peace.
His warm palms still on your cheeks as you gazed into his eyes, you were happy to have him back - unfortunately only just for a short amount of time.
Ultimately, he was your center and from his absence you learned without him everything was off.
Unknown to you, he felt the same way of your presence. During your time apart, he honestly thought he wouldn’t make it how his body seemed to crave more than your touch. To hear your footsteps coming down the hall. Feel you under the same roof even if you weren’t in the same room.
Your buzzing phone signals your best friend’s arrival outside making you both separate - and further miss having such an intimate moment with each other again.
“If you need anything please call. Don’t try to struggle through so I don’t worry.”
“I will.” Ari’s hands on your hip and lower back gently move you towards the door not giving you a chance to possibly change your mind. “And you try to have fun. I don’t even want you thinking about us until you get back. Okay?”
“Kay,” you sigh stealing one last look at your beautiful girls. “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Just be sure to call when you’re on the way so we can kick everyone out and have everything cleaned up from the party.”
“Very funny.” His lips on your forehead smooth away your worry lines; instead replacing them with a flush of heat and a soft smile.
Instinctively, he wanted to lean down and meet your lips as well but he somehow restrains himself. Flashing his adorable tilted smile as a last assurance everything would be fine before you’re out the door walking down the steps to your friend’s Lexus. After a final wave, you’re both gone and he’s left with the quiet apartment and two sleeping babies.
Definitely not secretly worried himself as he sits on the couch with both bassinets in front of him. His girls and the tv in perfect view.
“Alright ladies, looks like it’s just us,” he quietly speaks to no one in particular. “So far so good right? Yea I think so too.”
As if sensing her father’s anxiety and mother’s absence, Brynn begins to wiggle and whimper as she typically did before having a full fussy meltdown. Luckily he’s able to get her before she could wake up Ali. Gently holding her close to his chest as he slowly rocks back and forth quietly shushing her.
“Hey it’s okay, I’m here babygirl. Nothing to worry about we’re alright.” In a matter of seconds she’s back to sleep and Ari’s smiling to himself comfortably sitting back against the soft, decorative pillows.
What was he nervous for? He had everything completely under control and these next few hours would easily fly by.
Or so he thought.
A couple hours later and his little angels were wide awake loudly broadcasting their requests for new diapers through their tears.
“I know sweetheart, I know. Daddy only has two hands though, so he’s working as fast as he can,” he responds in a sing-song tone to Aliana using one hand to try and tickle her cries away while the other steadies her squirmy sister.
He never really realized how long this takes not having any help.
Now they sat, relatively calm, in their high chairs watching as Ari opened their containers of food to place on the small plates in front of them.
“Okay my loves, dinner is served.”
With a fist full of smushed peas and carrots, the nine-month olds each inspect their hands before deciding they’d rather not.
“What’s wrong? You guys love this.”
Brynn just smashes more veggies between her fingers while Ali fiddles with the side of her chair as if trying to let herself down.
“Cmon girls you gotta eat,” Ari states grabbing two plastic spoons in each hand. Expertly, he’s able to get something on each one before holding it up to the twin’s mouths. Ali whines moving her head away, and Brynn smacks the utensil from his hand finding it quite hilarious when it drops to the floor.
“Alright, if you don’t want that let’s try this then.”
With the clean spoon, he digs into the clear baby food container before holding the yellowish goop to Brynn’s lips letting her taste. Smacking her lips once, her face contorts in disgust as she holds her tongue out not wanting anymore of whatever that was.
Ali does the same with the addition of smearing the remaining food from her lips to her cheeks and nose.
“It’s chicken and rice guys, I know it can’t be that bad. Here, watch dada.”
Getting a healthy spoonful for himself, he quickly realizes that probably wasn’t the best idea once it settles into his tastebuds.
Whatever this was definitely did not taste like the chicken and rice he was used to. And why did it almost taste like medicine?
He’s quick to spit it back into the jar gagging and frantically searching for a napkin to wipe the remaining residue from his tongue. His two angels giggling the entire time enjoying the impromptu show from their father.
“Glad my pain could make you laugh,” he shakes his head sliding the terrible chicken and rice to the side so he’d remember to throw it away later - and any other food from that brand.
Sighing, he journeys back to the fridge wondering what could work for his extremely picky girls as his oceanic blues scan along the shelves.
“Well since those two were a no, maybe we’ll have better luck with this.”
He takes one small container of strawberry yogurt and scoops the pink substance on one mini placemat before taking another to do the same on the next.
Just as they did with the peas, the yogurt oozes between their fingers then is brought to their mouths where they seem to enjoy the cold treat.
They reach for more practically sticking their entire hands in their mouths trying to eat as much as they could. He even hears a “mm” come from Brynn while Ali gnaws on both hands with that adorable dimpled smile.
“You like it girls?,” Ari asks chuckling at his messy little ones who’d definitely need a bath when they were done. “Don’t worry we got plenty more.”
Returning to your apartment, you’re a bit nervous as to what you’d find on the other side of the door not hearing anything from Ari since you left.
Everything seems okay though, seeing the pristine kitchen and dishes drying on the pad next to the sink.
As you step further into the living room, the only noise is some colorful cartoon character running across the tv screen while Ari snoozes with his head on the couch’s armrest. He must really be exhausted how his mouth is parted letting his snores freely escape to the open air. There’s even a bit of drool glistening in the corner of his mouth.
And you’d still gladly give him another child if he asked.
Perching on the edge of the cushion, you turn to run your thumb over his thick brow while gently calling out his name until he’s shifting and mumbling. “Ari, I’m back.”
One eye squinted, he tiredly smiles as he stretches his limbs - and you try to hold yourself together watching his muscles flex under the black Nirvana graphic tee. You shyly turn away, busying yourself with one of the girl’s rattles once his tummy pokes out along with a bit of his happy trail.
“Back already?,” he asks with a yawn.
“Ari it’s almost eight,” you softly chuckle as he looks towards the window to find it completely dark outside. A short “hm” rumbling in his chest as he sits up.
“I was out longer than I thought then.”
“How was everything? Were they fussy when I left?”
“It was good,” he smiles instantly making your own form. “And no, they actually stayed asleep for a couple hours before they woke up. Then had diaper changes, ate, and played until they got tired. Before you ask, yes I took plenty of pictures.”
He chuckles at the way you giddily bounce as he hands his phone over. The screen already showing a photo of your babies with messy faces and hands as they ate their yogurt. How did they always manage to get it in their hair?
“How was your girl’s day?”
“Pretty good. We went to that new little area, Midtown. They have some cute shops and things so we stayed there, talked and ate.”
“And see? Everyone’s fine, no one in any emotional distress,” he adds nudging your side and making you roll your eyes.
“I know I know, the world didn’t end,” you giggle standing as you hand his phone back - trying to ignore those fuzzy feelings in your stomach for the second time today when his hand touches yours. “I’m uh gonna go peek in on them before getting ready for bed.”
“Okay, just uh let me know when your done so I can change and everything.”
It’s been months, and it’s still taking time for both of you to get used to the new arrangements of your “separation”. At least once a day Ari had to remind himself how it was your bedroom now. How he was basically the guest in your home.
You, on the other hand, would never get used to the cold bed though having had your own personal heater for years.
Secretly, you didn’t wash the pillowcase from his side for the longest not wanting to get rid of his smell. The last remnant of his former presence in your little apartment.
Nodding your head, your sandals dully flap against the carpet as you make your way to your girls. More than ready to attack those chubby cheeks with kisses and nibble on fingers/toes if you could. However stepping foot in the door, that excitement soon turns into dread.
“Um Ari,” you sweetly call over your shoulder, “come here please.”
In seconds, he’s by your side still yawning the residual sleep from his body.
“What’s-,” his words catch in his throat as the horrendous scent finally touches his nostrils. “What died?!”
In their crib, Brynn and Aliana sat quietly covered in green, pasty poop that seemed to have run from their diapers out onto their starry mattress cover.
More specifically, Brynn sat squeezing poop in her fists while Ali lied on her back staring at the ceiling as if saying, “why me?”
“Exactly how much yogurt did you give them?”
“A-and a half,” he adds nervously scratching the back of his neck.
“Ari!,” you whine with hands on your hips. “The girls don’t do well with lots of dairy or sugar. It’s why we have the ‘only one’ limit.”
“But they really liked it! You should’ve seen how cute they were doing that excited shake thing. Plus they wouldn’t eat anything else I tried to give them,” he explains hoping to make it to the twins first birthday.
Sighing, you kick off your shoes before leaning down to pick up Ali being careful to not get any feces on you. “Let’s get you cleaned up my love. Can you get B please?”
Hesitantly, Ari reaches over the wooden railing to get his daughter trying to control his gags as she joyfully reaches out wanting to be held closer. “Please tell me you didn’t try to eat it.”
“Sorry I messed up,” Ari whispers as the four of you lie in bed. The girls, now freshly cleaned and in new onesies, each on their stomachs gently breathing. “Now you’re never gonna want to leave again.”
“It’s okay Ari, it was an accident. Need I remind you of the trip to your mom’s?,” you both chuckle.
“I just don’t want you worrying every time you step out the door.”
“That’s gonna happen no matter what. I love you guys and don’t want anything to happen.”
That innocent admission had a bright gleam forming in Ari’s eyes and a warmth blooming over his body. He tried ducking his face deeper into the pillow, but that smile was hard to hide.
“Thank you for everything today. I feel like I don’t say it much, but I appreciate all you do for us.”
Luckily his blush was easier to conceal from how dim the room was. “Anything for my girls.”
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sugurusdiscordmoderator · 1 year ago
Levi one shot (cont.)
A/N : merry christmas to those who celebrate and happy birthday to our lord and savior Levi Ackerman. I’ve been working on this for 3 days and did everything in my power to finish it today for his bday 💚 starting the third part now
Here is the link to part 1 but you don’t need to read it to make sense
MDNI 18+
cw: giving head, penetration, praise kink, alcohol, spitting, showering together, being sore from sex, being a shy little bbygirl
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You were adapting well to squad Levi after your first day. Captain Levi took things a little easier on you and you were able to prove your talent through the other integration trainings.
It was the cold season so the scouts weren’t going on exploratory missions, but rather impromptu help needed near the walls.
Erwin approached you one day and asked if you Petra and Hange would be interested in planning the Scout’s winter solstice party, a new tradition he is starting since he is now basically second in charge. He explains that he wants you in charge due to your great work ethic and your work on projects in the past with the scouts and paperwork etc.
“Yes sir! I’d be happy to.” He leans on the door frame of his office while you’re standing in the hallway. “Are there any particular guidelines? A dress code?”
“There is a pretty fancy abandoned scouts camp that looks like a castle. I was hoping we could get it cleaned up and spend an evening there. Give members an opportunity to wear something outside of the ol’ uniform for once.” Erwin winks at you. “If you need any additional help please let Captain Levi know and he can allocate some of your team as resources.”
You blush at the thought of having a non-work conversation with Captain Levi after what had happened previously but graciously agreed and thanked Erwin for selecting you.
Walking back to your room, you are engorged in the map that Erwin have you with directions on how to get to this party location. You round the last corner to your hallway and bump into someone solid with an “oomf”.
“L/n, what is this?” Captain Levi looks disgruntled at the collision and grasps the paper out of your hands.
“Hi Captain, my apologies sir, I just got delegated planning the winter party for the scouts. Erwin would like to have it at the location on the map.” You crisply respond avoiding eye contact.
“I’ve been there before. Do you need some help?”
Your jaw drops and closes before you know how to respond. With a little too much excitement for him, you answer, “That would be so great Captain!” Smiling brightly at him as he maintains a deadpan expression.
“I’m sure it will need cleaning. It’s been abandoned since I was a new recruit, they don’t take a lot of people there. The whole squad will go tomorrow. I’ll command cleaning and you can get all the guys to.. uh.. help move things.” He presses his lips together as a tiny smile takes over the corners of his lips.
“Yes sir thank you so much.”
“Stop by my office this evening and we can go over details.” He quickly breaks eye contact after this last sentence, a tinge of pink brushing across his cheeks to his nose.
“Yes Captain,” you smirk at him, and nod your head slipping around the corner and float to your room as quick as you can.
Little do you know Levi watched you as you walked away shaking his head and smirking.
As dinner comes around you sit with your usual crew of Petra and Hange chatting over some soup, chicken, and bread. The two grow quiet as you finish talking about some ideas you have for the party. Petra clears her throat which signals you to stop taking, “Good evening Captain Levi,” she addresses and Hange follows with a “good evening.” You turn around to look up and greet him. “Hi sir, uh how can I help you?” He can’t help but notice the way your big doe eyes look up at him and what other act you may do for him looking up at him on your knees.
“Evening ladies,” he nods at the two across from you, then looking down at you over the bridge of his nose he struggles to keep eye contact as he asks “I was going to see if you’d like to walk back to my office with me.. for the um meeting we discussed earlier?” You notice a hint of bashfulness in his tone as you struggle to maintain your cool as well.
“Oh uh, yes sir, captain!” You stand up from your bench lifting your empty tray to return it to the dirty pile. He awkwardly walks about 2 steps behind you until you leave the food hall doors. Looking back to see most of your fellow scouts starring at the fact Captain Levi is leaving with a girl. Hange throws a wink your way giggling with Petra as Captain Levi walks in beside you now on the way to his office.
The walk consists of mutual silence, neither of you knowing what to ask each other without making it too weird. Almost as if you both forgot orgasming by yourself to each other a few weeks ago.
As you reach his office door, he holds it open for you as a small smile splays on your lips. He pulls out two chairs for you to sit on across from each other.
“Could I offer you some wine or tea?” He stands back up making his way across his neat office to wear he keeps all of his personal beverages.
“Um… whatever you’re having sir, I’ll have as well.” You smile with your teeth showing and he looks back over, almost as if he was impressed with your answer, raising his eyebrows with a smirk.
“Can you tell me about your plans for this party?” He asks as he starts opening a bottle and lifts two wine glasses out of the cupboard. You start explaining, “well sir, it’s very new to me as of this morning. I know the location and I believe we’ll have it next Saturday the 25th and the dress code will be fancy so people can dress up not in uniform.” As you finish he walks back over setting a glass down in front of you with no emotion showing on his face. As he sits down and straightens his jacket he stares into your eyes intensely. “The 25th? And your sure this is just a work party?”
“Yes sir, a winter solstice party per Erwin, and it falls on the Saturday after the shortest day of the year so I thought it would be great.”
He nods, sipping his wine and you follow. You wonder if there is something wrong with the 25th to him.
“I don’t know what condition this abandoned castle is in, I appreciate you lending the squad to help-”
“Were a team. And I believe a team is only as valuable as their work ethic and cleaning,” he cuts you off.
“Yes sir,” you nod taking another sip of wine. You note that if this conversation stays this awkward your glass of wine will be finished in no time.
“Please L/n, you don’t have to call me sir or captain behind closed doors, unless you want to of course.” It seems he turned his flirty tone on that you heard the other night, but you can’t tell.
“Oh um yes sir. Oh wait sorry um whatever you say.” You giggle at your stumble of words, “I’m just so used to addressing my superiors like that, it may be a hard habit for me to break.”
“By all means, if you’d like to call me that you can. I’m just letting you know I respect my squad enough that they don’t have to.”
“I suppose you’re right,” your cheeks tinge pink in the candle lights of his office. “I feel too old when people around here call me ma’am.” You roll your eyes teasingly as you see him crack a small smile.
You take another gulp of wine, noticing how he is staring at his glass, swirling the deep red liquid around, thinking.
“How did you decide to join the scouts?” He says once again with little emotion. You can’t tell if he actually cares or if he’s going to judge you for your answer.
“Well sir,” you blush as the title slips out but continue your sentence, “I was getting to the age where my parents were pressuring me to get a job or marry off to become a house wife to someone in the interior, and I didn’t want either of those things. I wanted to make my own choices and it seems like the only place women are respected within the walls is in the military.”
He raises his eyebrows, “interesting.” And takes the last sip of his wine glass. He stands up as you follow suit and grabs your glass to go refill them.
“Can I ask you how you got here sir?” Your voice raises nearly an octave of nervousness, knowing he doesn’t like to get too personal with anyone at all.
He doesn’t turn around to acknowledge he heard you, merely standing there in silence filling the glasses, finishing the bottle between the two of them. He turns around holding the two studying your face before he starts walking back towards you. “You haven’t heard the rumors? Why do you need to know from me?” His voice has a slight punch to it, you’re not sure if he’s angry, disappointed or a mixture.
“I’m sorry captain, I’ve heard the rumors, I just would prefer to hear it from you since you heard my story.” You reply shying back into your seat as he sets the glasses down again.
“Nobody usually cares to hear it from me. They’ve heard it from the higher ups and that’s enough for them,” he says looking at his shoes and not daring to make eye contact.
You stand up and rest your hand on his that is resting near his wine glass, “You don’t have to tell anyone anything, but if you do want to I’m here to listen.” He looks up at you as you say those last few words, a more gentle expression on his face from 2 minutes ago.
Levi dares to look away from your eyes only to look at your soft plump lips that always seem to be curved upwards. He can’t help but feel an urge to press his lips against your own. He looks back up at your beautiful eyes, licking his lips. He slides his hand out from under yours to take another sip of his wine.
You feel that he didn’t want you touching him so you move to sit back down across from him. “So uhm, tomorrow..” you start looking at your hands in your lap thinking about his mixed signals, “what time would you like to leave here?”
Levi clears his throat to get your lips on his out of his mind, “it’ll take about an hour on horse back to get there. I think we should try to get the squad to meet at 8 at the stables and head out as soon as everyone is ready.”
“Sounds great.” You feel your cheeks warming up from the almost half a bottle of wine that you have drank in such a short time frame. You still don’t dare to look up again, thinking about how you saw him looking at your lips but also brushing your hand away.
It is now captain Levi’s turn to stand up, reaching over to touch your chin with his pointer finger and thumb. “What are you thinking about, l/n?” You feel sparks on your skin where his fingers are, trying to think fast to come up with a lie but your brain short circuits.
“You,” you whisper.
“Really?” He whispers back, leaning down now so he is eye level to you. “And why is that pretty little head thinking about me?” You can smell the wine on his breath with the proximity of your faces, and you know he can smell it on you as well.
Your face shys away from his trying to look elsewhere in the room. His grip on your chin and jaw bone tightens, “I asked you a question, don’t get shy now, huh?” The newfound sultry voice he was speaking in made you feel like there were sparks in your lower stomach and between your legs.
“Well sir, we still haven’t really discussed what happened a few weeks ago and when I am around you alone I find it just… intoxicating” you respond with a smirk, not knowing who is going to initiate the kiss first.
“Hmm,” he backs his face away standing up straight again. He walks around behind your chair, moving your hair behind your ear and picking up the remaining few sips of wine you have in your glass. “Intoxicating you say?” He asks, lightly gripping your jaw again to tilt your head backwards to look at him.
“Open.” He looks at your lips again, and that spark you felt in your abdomen earlier seems to ignite all over your body. You comply to his request opening your mouth and keeping eye contact. He tilts half of the wine glass into his mouth and the remaining he pours into your open mouth. He is watching you intently as your throat bobs and you reopen your mouth for him, not knowing the glass was empty. He leans over spitting the wine that he had just had in his mouth into your open hole and closes your jaw for you.
Realizing what just happened an immense blush comes over your cheeks he walks around your chair to your front, motioning you to stand up now. Mere inches from your face he whispers “Good girl.” You whimper as your knees almost give out now realizing how turned on by this you are. His hand wraps around the back of your neck as he begins to lean forward to kiss you. After your lips barely connect he leans back, “does getting called good girl make you weak L/n?”
You don’t respond initially, leaning in to deepen the kiss. When you break away again you pant “Please call me y/n outside of work,” taking your turn to flip the cards on him.
The lust in his eyes darkens from a steel gray to almost black as you notice a bulge in his pants.
“Cmere y/n,” he says walking towards the one door off the side of his office. You feel chills all over your body hearing your first name roll off his tongue for the first time and follow him like a lost puppy through the mystery door. It turns out his sleeping quarters are right next to his office, a large bed neatly made with a few plants and another desk, and a small couch which looks like it’s never been sat on. He grabs your hands, “you can look around later, eyes on me.” He sits on the edge of the bed pulling you closer to him between his manspread legs. You begin to kiss him again, deeper, more passionately this time. Initiating your tongue entering his mouth, he groans and rolls his eyes back making your kiss vibrate some. Your mouths fight for power, biting at each others lips and twirling your tongues around each other. He wraps his arms around the small of your back pulling you to straddle his lap. You stumble down trying to continue kissing him all the while. He pulls back, fully smiling for the first time you’ve ever seen. He looks so impressed with you although you’ve hardly done anything.
You adjust your hips as you straddle him so the bulge in his pants runs right against the seam that goes up the middle of your pants. He goes for your ear and neck, kissing and licking. You pull at his uniform jacket sleeves as permission to take it off him. He mumbles something along the lines of “go ahead” against your neck and you pull off the sleeves and throw the jacket further back on the bed. Your fingers reach to undo his cravat but he pulls away, hand grabbing the collar of your shirt. “Tch, not so fast my dear. You want to see me that bad? You desperate for your captain?”
It then hits you that you are currently hooking up with your superior and your eyes widen, regret filling them but the wetness in between your legs being too bad to ignore.
“‘Ts okay baby, if it makes you feel better this is my first time hooking up with someone in the scouts too” he kisses your collar bone and shoulders a few times and pauses again, “we can stop whenever you want.”
You shut your eyes whispering near his ear “Please Levi, don’t wanna stop.” With that he begins to unbutton your uniform blouse kissing along the seam as he goes down. “Good, me either,” he pants looking up at you as he kisses between your breasts.
You work your hands down again to try taking off his cravat and this time he lets you. He throws off your shirt after finishing the last button as he runs his hands over your curves and feels your ass over your jeans.
You begin unbuttoning his shirt, fingers shaking and fumbling with anticipation to see more of this beautiful man. He helps you, working from the bottom up. As your hands meet in the middle of his chest he rests his hand over yours. You nervously look down at his torso scared of staring for too long. He finishes taking off the sleeves as lays back on the bed with you still straddling him. “Go’n baby it’s okay if you stare,” he says plainly. You look over his defined stomach muscles and the various scars that cover his body where you can’t see in uniform. You softly run your nails up from his v-line to his neck, finishing with a kiss to his jaw and neck. You crawl off to the side so you are no longer on top of him, working to unbutton your uniform pants, knowing it takes a hot minute to undo some of the straps.
Levi sits up starting to undo his pants as well leaning into kiss you again while you both do.
As you’re there in your matching lace panties and bra and he’s in his black boxer briefs you can’t help put look to wear he pokes out and has a small wet patch of precum.
“Captain…can .. can I taste you?” You nervously look at him while rubbing his larger than average erection through his undergarment. His eyes flutter closed at the contact. “Please, yes please.” He practically begs and you rush to your knees in between his legs as he moves to the edge of the bed and pulls down his underwear. His cock is so veiny and large, it slaps up against his abdomen as you whimper slightly. Your noise makes him twitch and he reaches his hand out to help fix your hair, ever so gently.
You lean in, deciding to go for it before you get too nervous to back out. You take his cock head leaking with precum in your mouth, twirling your tongue to taste it. “Mmmm” you moan against him, causing him to cuss under his breath. You begin bobbing your head up and down reaching further down the shaft each time.
Levi’s cute moans, groans, and borderline whimpers send you over the edge, reaching down between your legs to feel your wetness. “Naughty girl,” he groans and draws your eyes up to look at him directly. “God I’ve thought about your eyes looking up at me for so long,” he admits. Your cheeks blush with his cock down your throat knowing your captain has thought about this before. You moan reverberates against his shaft as your fingers run over your folds and circling your throbbing clit.
“Can I taste you hmm?” He smirks down at you, and you bring the two fingers from between your legs to his mouth. He sticks his tongue out seductively before sucking each individually and then licking in between them while keeping eye contact.
“Fuck Levi, that was hot,” you take his throbbing member out of your mouth to whimper.
He holds your hand in yours, “please, can I taste more of you dear?” You hop off your knees a little too excited as he pushes you gently to lay back on the bed. He pulls down your panties throwing them with the other pile of clothes. With his right hand he fists his cock still moist from your mouth. He uses his left hand to run his pointer finger from your clit down to your hole before inserting it. Your eyes roll back in excitement, and he takes the opportunity to insert a second. You adjust to the second finger well, moaning loudly already.
“That’s it pretty girl, you’re doing so good. Do you want my cock in you?” He asks as his fingers pumping in your are in synch with his hand wrapping around his throbbing erection.
“Yes please sir,” you whine as you have your arm over half of your face embarrassed of the expressions you’re making out of pleasure.
He smirks up at you, “even still calling me sir when you have me in bed, what a polite little slut.” Your cheeks blush again as his words make you clench around his fingers. He leans his head down to begin licking and sucking at your clit and assisting the work his fingers are doing.
You do your best to hide how surprised you are at how talented he is with his tongue. He is flicking your clit with tiny licks at the perfect pressure and speed.
“Fuck, just like that, c-captain,” you moan out, unable to stop the whorish noises leaving you. He stops jerking himself now, afraid of cumming too soon. You feel your orgasm building up as he goads you on, “you going to cum pretty girl?”
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, fuckkk Leviiii,” you moan out probably a bit too loud as his fingers continue curling up and reaching the perfect spots inside you. He sucks and licks at your clit a bit harder now, wanting you to lose it.
Your back arches and your eyes roll back as you warm feeling in your abdomen explodes and your toes curl. You’re a babbling moaning mess at this point, Levi still fingering you through your orgasm. It’s taking everything for him not to cum feeling the way your tight hole spasms around his fingers.
A beautiful smile comes across his face as he quits sucking on your bud to watch your face. You hold eye contact as your orgasm finishes, something about seeing him smile makes you want so much more. “Gooood girlll,” he says quietly, leaning over to kiss your forehead and then your lips and you cannot help but let out a meek “thank you captain” with flushed cheeks and trying to catch your breath.
“Do you want to keep going my dear?” He asks, looking down at his painfully hard cock.
“Mhm!” You answer a bit too excitedly making him chuckle as he helps position you on the bed so he can line himself up between your legs.
“Are you ready?” He whispers leaning over to your ear, leaving small kisses all over your ear and neck.
“Yes, sir” you answer and Levi groans at the way you’re so obedient. He grabs the base of his cock rubbing his tip through your folds gathering the wetness, before tapping your clit making you shudder. Once he is contempt with his teasing, he slowly pushes his tip into your wet cunt.
“Oh” you moan, forgetting how good it feels to have a cock inside of you, let alone one this massive.
A mix of expletives leaves Levi’s mouth as he fills you all the way up, feeling his tip touch your cervix. He slowly withdraws his cock to the tip before fucking it back inside of you, a little harder than the last. Levi picks up his speed as you moan with every single thrust.
“Fuck, your pussy is just so pretty and taking me so well, shit y/n” he says looking into your eyes, pupils blown out with lust. You unknowingly tighten at his words making him go further with his approval, “mmm, you like it when I praise you? Are you going to keep being a good girl for me?”
You can’t help but let out a particularly loud moan at his words, squeezing your eyes shut as he continues his thrusts in and out of you with more force now.
“Answer me, y/n. You want to be a good girl? My good girl?”
You open your eyes taking in the gorgeous man over you as your mouth drops open but you find a lack of words coming out. He gives a little slap to your clit to try to jumpstart your brain again, “cmon pretty girl, are you too fucked out already to answer?” His thrusts continue building up harder as you try to get the words out of your mouth.
“F-fucking shit, oh fuck - captainnnn, oh my god right there, yes yes yes I’m your good girl.” You whimper out as he rolls his eyes back in pleasure at your words. He grabs your right leg by the ankle pulling it up over his shoulder to get a deeper angle for both of you.
“I … can’t … believe … you’re … still … calling … me … captain … when … I’m … fucking … you” he says inbetween his powerful thrusts. This new angle has you a moaning mess, eyes watering from how good you feel. He licks the thumb of the hand not holding your leg and puts it down on your little sensitive clit beginning to rub, as he knows you’re building up to another orgasm.
“Leviiii, fuck yes!” Is all you can get out of your mouth at this point feeling your lower abdomen grow hot, you squeeze your eyes shut seeing stars. He moans watching your pleasure, knowing he isn’t too far behind you with his impending orgasm.
“Moaning like a slut, the whole barracks can probably hear you. They know you’re getting fucked by your captain, and you’re loving it.”
“Shit-yea, fuck captain, fuck me, fucking love it, please don’t stop-” you babble watching him smirk as you can hardly form a sentence after just a few minutes of his cock inside of you.
“Captain,” is all you manage to whimper out quietly as your orgasm washes over you, your tight hole clenching down on him making him curse and grunt. You look into his eyes the entire time as you grip the bed sheets, moans just falling out of your lips with no control. Your eyes water more, a few tears leaving as your high finishes, the pleasure just being too much.
You lay there panting as Captain Levi comes undone, watching his beautiful black hair with some sticking to his forehead with sweat and the way his eyebrows knit together as he bites his lip inbetween talking dirty to you. “God baby, so perfect, so tight for me” he mumbled as his hips start to lose their pace and stutter. He closes his eyes as he pulls out of your warm cunt and only takes a few stroke of his hand before he is shooting a massive load of his cum over your stomach and tits. “Y/n,” he nearly whimpers as the last of his cum lands on you, gently putting your right leg back down on the bed.
He bends over, kissing you with the longer pieces of his undercut running against your forehead tickling you. You smile into the kiss and he pulls away smiling, rolling over to lay on his side next to you.
“You have a really beautiful smile, you really should smile more.” You blurt out, embarrassed as that is the first thing that came to your mind after getting your brains fucked out. He sits up and walks through another door which you assume is the bathroom, grabbing a towel for you.
“Mhm sure, thanks,” he dismisses. “You want to take a shower?”
“Yeah but won’t people suspect if we go into the shower rooms together?” You giggle.
“Fine we’ll just pretend we happened to bump into each other on the way there,” he fake rolls his eyes, “you’re lucky I have a corner room so that the whole block didn’t figure it out from your moans.”
You pretend shove him, wrapping the towel he gave you before heading to the showers.
He is so gentle with you, washing your body in the shower and letting you wash his hair. His hands caress your every curve and if you didn’t know any better you think he might just bend you over right here in the shower.
You can’t help but get butterflies at this different side of the captain that you’re seeing this evening. Not awkward, being nice, smiling. Maybe all he needed was some pussy to stop being so gloomy. You both finish showering and decide to go to your room down the hall to get dressed. You think you see a little pout on his face at the decision but you kiss his cheek regardless. He responds with giving you a final kiss on the lips as your both drying off with towels.
“I’ll see you in the morning?” You say meekly
“Yeah sure,” he responds plainly.
“Hey, umm, thanks captain, for the sex, uh it was great.” He laughs and shakes his head as you make your way out the door, skimpering towards your door so nobody sees you.
The next morning you realize you left your uniform all scattered around Levi’s room and office and feel slightly embarrassed. Luckily you have more than one set of pants and shirt but that is your only tan jacket. You get dress hurriedly and put your hair into a low bun, and bust out your door in socks. You see your officer down the hall speaking with Miche outside of their rooms but he’s holding your things. You make your way over to him trying to make it inconspicuous, however Miche is one of the sharpest scouts there is. He has a superhuman sense of smell and all over just smart.
Levi’s eyes widen as he sees you approaching but he tries to keep his cool. He wraps up his conversation with Miche suspiciously fast as he opens his office door for you but the observant man already gives Levi questioning eyes. You hurry inside as the raven haired leader follows behind you.
“You have a huge hickey on your neck. Didn’t you look in the mirror?” You can’t tell if he’s gloating or angry.
You take your boots and jacket from him, sitting in the same chair as last night where he spit wine into your mouth. You strap up as fast as you can, not wanting to be late. You take your hair out of the bun and decide to braid it on the way to the stables so it will fall over your left side and hopefully hide the bruise. Nothing is said between the two of you as you make the walk there trailing behind him. You try to think is something to say but are at a loss for words at the time he used with you this morning.
You can’t help but think about the way he smiled at you last night and how he showered you so gently. Is he going to pretend like nothing happened? Your heart sinks as you think about that possibility. Do you have feelings for him? Was this going to be a friends with benefits situation? Or was it a one time thing?
He glances back at you, “hey” he says softly.
Your eyes go wide as he pulls you out of your train of thought. “Hey,” you respond sheepishly. “Don’t think too much into it.” He tells you before you both arrive to the stable so you can’t think about it.
As the squad finally arrives you all hop on your horses, as Levi leads and you are riding beside him. You can’t help but flinch a little at the soreness between your legs brought to your attention from riding.
You and Levi are far enough ahead that he doesn’t think people will hear him. “Are you um sore?” He glances at your face then down between your legs biting his lip.
“A bit, not too terrible,” you smile back at him letting out a little laugh to try to ease the tension.
“Good.” He says plainly although you can tell there is sincerity in his voice.
You ride mostly in silence, although you hear some of the squad behind you whispering and laughing and you can’t help but feel left out. Levi steals glances at you from time to time although you don’t want him to know you can tell.
You decide try to ease the tension asking, “That was really good wine last night, where did you get it?”
He scoffs over at you “Tch, wouldn’t you like to know. I may have to keep it a secret so you can come over to my room when you want it.”
You laugh at his joke, “Twist my arm, I guess,” as you dramatically roll your eyes.
The castle comes into your view in the distance and you can’t help but imagine how good it will look for the winter party.
“Don’t get too excited, we have a lot of work to do to get it cleaned up.” As if he read your mind Levi says also looking at the large building in the distance.
The squad enters the old dusty castle as the wagon carrying Levi’s cleaning supplies pulls up.
“L/n, are you good at cleaning?” Levi says in front of everyone. “I suppose?” You answer.
“Half with me and half with y/n. We’ll split the cleaning in half between dusting and mopping.”
You try your best to hide your blush as Captain Levi calls you by your first name for only the second time, and in front of everyone. The squad seems to only want to go with you, which ends with Levi calling about about 8 people to help him. You all gather your supplies and begin wiping down every surface from windows, ledges, railings, door knobs, lighting fixtures, and more. Your team finishes the main ballroom as you go over everything for a second time. You split them up to handle the other rooms and foyer earlier. It leaves just you in the large ballroom until you hear footsteps approaching you. You keep cleaning until you feel someone standing right behind you, arms on both sides of your head. You feel your ass rub against who you could only assume to be your partner from last night.
“Good work, L/n,” Levi whispers seductively in your ear, leaving a little bite and kiss on the right side that happened to be hickey free. Your breathing hitches and you find your fingers unable to continue with his close proximity. Right then he backs away and a few seconds later the door swings open with his team coming in. You turn around slack jawed at your interaction with captain Levi. One of the other men from your squad asks “y/n are you okay? Your face is kinda red, did you inhale too much cleaning product?” He elbows the man next to him attempting to make a joke, but it happens to be Miche who looks at you plain faced, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah I’m great! Just working a little too hard I guess,” you awkwardly laugh, ignoring the throb between your legs. Levi is standing so no one could see his face but you, begins smirking, thinking about how fun this will be to mess with you.
After a few hours the place is fully cleaned up to Captain Levi’s standards. He dismisses the men to make their way back to base and stays back with you as you sketch down ideas for decorations. He nods at each of your ideas, agreeing with all your plans.
“And everyone can bring dates and we’ll hire musicians from town, and we can drink and just have so much fun!” You ramble on about how excited you are as Levi looks at you with a slight upturn to his lips.
“Will you be my date?” He blurts out.
“Are you joking? Just because were planning this together doesn’t mean you need to have me as your date…” you blush looking down at your notepad.
“No, I’m asking you because I want to.” He says tilting your chin up to look at him, followed by him leaning in to kiss your lips.
Part 3 coming soon besties , thanks for reading ❤️💚
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jonathanbyersphd · 11 months ago
🥳 Will Byers 53rd BDay ficlet 🥳
Will can hear his husband rummaging through the hallway closet as pulls his jacket on. He wonders what he could possibly be searching for. Both of their umbrellas are by the door, he already gave him the new Princess Peach game as a birthday present this morning and he’s already wearing his jacket. Will checks his watch again, they’ve got seven minutes before they miss the train. 
“Mike come on we're going to be late”  Will calls.
“I'm looking for betrayal at the house on the hill, have you seen it?” Mike yells back.
“You seriously think Nancy's going to play board games?” he laughs.
“Well, it is her favorite brother-in-law’s birthday,” Mike argues.
Will is about to defend Holly’s husband but there’s a crash from the hallway before he can. 
“Are you-”
“Found It”
Mike meets him in the foyer, wide grin spread on his face and a stack of board games in his hands. Will smiles in spite of himself.  
“Besides, Jonathan and Matty definitely will ” He declares before giving Will a quick kiss.
“I thought Matty couldn't make it?” Will asks. 
“No, Sammy can't. Midterms. Geez old man keep track of your kids” Mike teases, packing the games into a bag.
“Haha very funny”
“Don’t worry no matter how old you get I'll still love you” he promises with another kiss.
“Remind me again why they can't come to dinner here?” Will sighs, and he swears Mike’s smile fades for the briefest second. 
“When in the last twenty years have those two ever come to Brooklyn?” Mike complains with an eyeroll
“They used to for the kids birthdays” Will reminds
“And we were pushing our luck then, Babe” He contends. 
“I'm just saying we could stay in, get pizza, crush you in Mario Kart” Will shrugs checking his pocket for his keys one last time. 
“If that's really what you want I can text the group chat” Mike offers quietly. 
When he turns around, he can tell that Mike doesn’t love the idea and he tries not to feel too guilty about not wanting to go into Manhattan in the rain. 
“But Nancy already picked up your cake” Mike entices
Ok, so maybe he’s been thinking about a double chocolate all week but he’s sure they have the ingredients in the kitchen. 
“And Jonathan's making lasagna” Mike coaxes. 
And sure, no one can replicate Karen’s lasagna recipe like his brother can but pizza is fine. 
“Let me guess, Matt’s already there?”  Will questions hesitantly, not wanting the answer. 
“Yea, but he's spending the weekend. So that's not a big deal” Mike shrugs, and Will’s surprised that he’s coming around. 
“Jordan did fly in from L.A. though” Mike admits. 
“Just for my birthday???”
“It's a family thing you know how she is with family things and you're her favorite uncle” Mike grins.
“Look, whatever you wanna do it’s fine. We just better decide before it starts pouring” Mike encourages. 
Will can tell he’s not telling the full truth. He’s not sure why their niece would fly in for such an unremarkable birthday. But, he would feel a little bad if she wasted the trip. Not to mention that changing the plans means Matt drove into Manhattan from Burlington for no reason. And as much as he wants to stay in he’d feel way too guilty about doing that to his kid. 
“Let’s go” he resigns. 
Half an hour, one horrible subway ride, and a short walk in the rain later they're standing on the porch in Greenwich Village and Mike is frantically texting. 
“Just ring the bell” Will admonishes right as the front door swings open. 
“Hey Buddy, happy birthday” Jonathan greets with a hug. Practically pulling them into the house.
They quickly take off their coats and shoes. 
“After you birthday boy” Mike insists cheekily and Will rolls his eyes but leads the way up the stairs. 
When they reach the kitchen, the lights are completely out and before he can say anything someone flips a switch illuminating the room. Noisemakers and shouts of ‘surprise’ fill the room. He barely registers that Sam is there before El excitedly pulls him into a hug and Dustin, Lucas and Max quickly follow suit. He tries to ignore the tears forming in the corners of his eyes. 
“What are you guys doing here?” Will beams with only a couple sniffles.
“We heard there was a party” Lucas jokes. 
Before Will can joke back about coming all the way from Chicago for some cake. Matty and Dylan start a spirited, if off-key, rendition of Happy Birthday with his fire-hazard of a cake in hand. 
“You going to be able to get all those” Jonathan teases from behind his camera as Will takes a deep breath to blow them out. 
Somehow, he gets all fifty-three candles in one go and Nancy swiftly takes the cake away to cut slices at the kitchen table with Jordan. Sammy crosses the room and gives him a tight hug. Will doesn’t even think to chastise him for not being at school.
“I can’t believe you did all this” Will smiles. 
“Yea well, it’s not everyday you turn fifty-three” Mike jokes as he places a birthday hat on Will’s head and hands another one to Sam. 
He chases down Matt to give him a matching one and Jonathan takes their picture. The four of them must look ridiculous but he’s so happy to be with their family he doesn’t care too much.For the tiniest second, Will worries that there’s no way he’s going to be able to match this surprise for Mike’s birthday. But Mike tenderly squeezes his shoulder and the feeling is gone just as quickly as it came. 
“What’d you wish for?” Mike asks once Jonathan finishes his photoshoot. 
“Nothing, I don’t need anything else, this is perfect. Thank you” Will admits quietly, trying not to get over-emotional. 
“It’s nothing really, just a couple phone calls” Mike shrugs. 
“I’m impressed you kept the secret” Will commends. 
“The things we do for love” he responds, dramatically. 
“I love you” Will responds leaning in for a kiss.
“But I’m still gonna crush you at Mario Kart” he taunts and Mike laughs.
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