#and he told me she just broke up w that same boyfriend bc she got together w a guy at work
cherrygarden · 5 months
#I was at a party and my friend's friend's boyfriend told me he knows the girl who broke my heart in hs#the girl I had a homoerotic friendship with who then ghosted me while I was half a world away#bc she got herself a boyfriend. and didn't explain until months later when I insisted <3#these are my university friends!! and everything that happened w her was in 2017.#when he told me I was SHAKING bc I lowkey never got over that situation. I got over her a while ago and I even remember her fondly sometime#but the whole thing was shitty and left me with a broken heart and unresolved issues that she never fully took responsibility for <3#and he told me she just broke up w that same boyfriend bc she got together w a guy at work#while they were both in a relationship that they each ended so they could be together#and yeah that's shocking but the fact that he knows who I am is WILD to me#he still was a bit shady on how he knew#bc he said she recognised me from something he posted on his story (genuinely don't remember him posting me)#but he knew my last name for some reason before that. sooo#anyway he was cagey abt what he knew and just said that she told him we were best friends and that we liked each other#and then i left and the time difference got a big too much for her and she got together with this guy#and that she regretted it. and like yeah I guess that's what happened and I'm glad she admits her guilt when retelling it#but it freaks me out that she is out there. talking abt me. just openly telling anyone abt how she broke my heart#like that's my story!! it makes me mad bc it's stupid but I hadn't realised she could tell it as well? it's silly#that she regretted how she dealt w the situation btw not getting with the guy#alsooo what is she telling ppl about me. im lowkey scared of his perception of me now bc I was very intense#and even worse at communicating and did get too in my head and pushed her a bit#bc I was a teenager with these strong ideas of what love should be#so I acted difficult and I wasn't my best version ik ik#but still who does SHE THINK SHE IS#to be telling ppl about me#what the fuck!!!!!!!!!
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kissitbttr · 5 months
how would frat!mig be in a huge argument w his girl?? idk a part of me feels like he’d be lowk immature abt it. of course he makes up to her un the end bc i cant stand angst 👎👎🧌
oh very
“so that’s it? you’re not even going to talk to me?” miguel stares at your moving figure, who’s hastily picking up a fresh shirt from the dryer. “never realized i’m actually dating a child” he scoffs when you don’t answer to him,
before the two of you started dating, you already knew how many girls miguel had swept off their feet. the ex-girlfriends, the jealous glares, the talking in between groups. it does brings the greatest displeasure in you to witness all of that. but miguel’s top priority is to ease your worries, and he doesn’t want to lose you over something that’s not worth to be talked about.
but the thing is, miguel sometimes forget how to set boundaries. almost like he’s not even trying anymore.
like today during practice. when you were practicing your tumblings and routines whilst miguel did his football drills. your eyes fell upon a familiar blonde girl from the volleyball team making her way towards your boyfriend.
it’s not like you don’t allow miguel to talk with other girls, you’re not as insane. letting a girl touch and feel his biceps is another story. you don’t need a damn book to know what the girl’s intentions are. obviously she was being flirty. blinking her eyes up at him, subtly biting her lip though knowing he’s taken.
the girl was previously known to be acting like a total slut. not that you’re shaming her when it really is a fact. prances herself around other guys even though their taken. you and gloria shares the same mutual dislike towards her when she had told you how the blonde kept trying to get into beck’s pants. thankfully, beck knows how to handle it.
so you waited. waited and watched at how your boyfriend would respond. instead he did nothing. nothing but a smile on his face without brushing the girl’s touch. they carried on a small talk
it broke your heart. and to some, it may sound a little bit too exaggerated but they wouldn’t know for sure until their partner was being felt up by other people and them not doing anything about it.
you were about to make your way towards the two of them, wanting nothing but to rip that girl’s hair off of him but stopping when your coach calls you to inform the practice is starting soon,
your mind wasn’t at ease for one bit during practice.
“i’m a child for wanting to communicate over what happened today? yeah, sure. talk your fucking shit, o’hara” you reply to him, rolling your eyes as you furiously toss your other belongings into a bag. “a real keeper you are”
the sound of his last name falls upon your lips doesn’t feel right to him. sure, you may have called him that in a fun manner but he knows that this time you’re actually pissed.
and miguel is not an expert at expressing his feelings and emotions. he’s got a lot to learn. the only way he knows how it to use anger and frustrations, which is something that he should control. especially when he’s talking to you.
“por el amor de dios! are you serious? we’re still on about that?! get over it, muñeca. it’s not a big of a deal!” he exclaims, removing his shirt before throwing it away on the nearest chair of his room,
“not a big of a deal?!” your tone rising as you walk out of the bathroom to see him. “you let another girl felt you up, letting her get close to you and you said that it was nothing?! are you out of your mind!”
“veronica and i were just talking! am i not allowed to talk to other girls simply because i’m dating you? that’s quite ridiculous, baby” he chuckles but there’s no humor in it, almost like he’s mocking you. receiving a baffled look from you.
“stop putting words in my mouth, that’s not what i said! you missed the part where i said you were letting another girl touching you, when you already have a girlfriend!” you point at him, trying to get him to understand but it seems like it’s no use. seeing him only roll his eyes and dismissing your words with a wave of his hand. it furthers your already broken heart to more pieces,
“fucking immature little shit” you spit, going back to zip up your bag,
he laughs loudly at that, shaking his head. “look who’s talking!” he turns around to face you. “i can’t control the people that like me, sweetheart. what am i supposed to do with that?”
“you really are entitled and narcissistic” you laugh sadly, “maybe try setting up boundaries between people especially girls? ever thought of that?”
“ever thought about not being insecure and jealous all the time? may come off handy”
and that does it. the words just pierced right through your heart, making you stop your movements all together.
never thought in your life that miguel would be the one person to say all of that to you. is that how he views you as? a insecure girl?
is it wrong that you love your boyfriend so much that you want him all to himself and for him to learn how to listen to you?
“if that’s how you feel, then maybe we should just end it here” your eyes turning glossy, trying not to break down in front of him. “if you missed being flirted by other girls or flirting back to your flings, then i am not stopping you. so instead of making me feel like shit, calling me insecure, we should just see other people”
that’s not what miguel had expected you to say. his blood runs cold, face faltering at your suggestion because that is not what he wants. not at all.
hearing what he just said to you makes him want to crawl into a hole and let himself die. he didn’t mean it! he didn’t mean what he said, he’s just grown tired of this argument that he wanted nothing but to end it. yet instead of making you feel secured and listen to you, he chooses the latter.
holy fuck, o’hara what have you done?!
“wh—n-no! muñeca, I didn’t mean what i said, i did—“ he stutters, walking closer towards you only for you to step back. “baby please i wasn’t thinking—“
“exactly! you weren’t!” you yell, picking up your bag and getting ready to walk out of his room, the frat house and his life for good. “i’m giving you, your freedom card from now on”
this can’t be it, right? fuck, no, no, no
“you’re not leaving” he says while trailing you from behind, hands shaking at mind in scrambles at the thought of you walking out of him for good. “y/n please—please don’t leave me—i’m sorry—i—i cut off every girls on campus if you want me to, just stay—please” he tries to reach out to you but your pace is quicker while walking down the stairs, ignoring the looks from some of his frat brothers,
shaking your head, you try to ignore the pain in his voice. part of you wants to hug him and tell him that you won’t be going anywhere. but part of you realize that this time, you need to put yourself first. because as much as you love him, you love yourself more,
this is going to be painful.
“that’s not what i want you to do, i just— i can’t do this, miguel. at least not now” your head shaking, voice lowering to prevent the eavesdropping ears from the kitchen. “i—i need to think, for a while. competition is coming up and exams are too—everything is just so overwhelming. i think we need a break. i think you need a break”
“a break?! I don’t need a break. i need you” his voice cracking, tears welling up in his eyes as he gathers your hands quickly and pull them into his chest. “i love you, muñeca—please—i’m so sorry—i’ll do better i promise. just stay, por favor”
his eyes are pleading at you, staring intently into your eyes as his grip tighten around your smaller hands. for just one second, you almost cave in.
you smile sadly, “just give it a week or two, okay? and we’ll see after that”
but miguel doesn’t need a week or two. he doesn’t need to see after. he knows who he wants to spend the rest of his life with. he knows who he wants to marry. he knows who he wants to have his kids with.
and it’s always going to be you, no one else.
however looking at the state of you now, miguel has no right to force you to do anything. he cares too deeply about you,
so he complies,
“o-okay” he nods and agrees with a heavy heart. “if that’s what you want—i’ll give you space, but just know that you’re the only one that i want. the only girl i want to have by my side. keep that in mind, okay?”
a small smile appears on your lips, as you reach up in your tippy toes and give him a soft kiss on his cheek before you turn around and open the door. giving him one last look and walk out of the house, carrying his heart as you do.
miguel breathes out a shaky sigh, watching the door closes. his tears are rolling down his cheeks without him realizing.
without you here right now, what else is he supposed to do?
don’t worry, i’ll make these two make up :)) i just think that miguel needs to be humbled rn lmao
also, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated xx
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this is gonna be about Nebuya’s parents and how he came to be born, and is my first time doing HCs so please bear with me :)
His dads name is Andwele/Andi and he is from Tanzania 🇹🇿 and his moms name is Alisha (idk, it’s giving that forme) and she is a black american and they met in middle school (american school system)
Alisha would bully tf out of Andi bc he was the new and he was not having so he kept the same energy but cussed her out in Swahili that shut her up
she liked that and tried to be friends with him afterwards AND IT WORKED by the time they hit 7th grade they became friends and he also taught her a bit of Swahili actually
When they got high-school they gained feelings for each other freshman year and they both knew this, Alisha was waiting on Andi to make the first move but she got impatient and just straight up asked him to be her boyfriend
he said yes while standing in shock like this: “😮”
they got together and became INSEPARABLE, you couldn’t see one w/o the other <3
After graduation and being awarded valedictorian and salutatorian (i’ll let you decide which one got what) Alisha, being the baddie she is, joined the Army and Andi went to college for Software Engineering
When Alisha when to basic training it was hard on them bc it was the first time they have been separated like this without any contact but being the strong willed people they are they got through it
After she got back from basic Andi surprised her with a trip to California Disney for completing the grueling training she went through (she cried up a storm) and he just needed a break from classes
On the last day of the trip they went to see the fireworks show at the castle and he proposed to her and she said yes 🥹
Right after the proposal Alisha got right to work on planning the wedding, Andi had no say in the wedding because he said he didn’t want to “ruin her special day”
BUT she made him pick the color scheme which was blue and white (WHICH ATE BTW)
After a 1 year and 6 months of planning, preparing, and being perplexed about the wedding and about being engaged they said “i do” and went straight into the honeymoon phase
BUTTT that didn’t last long because she got orders to be stationed in Tokyo, Japan which they were both very excited about.
They had 3 months to learn as much Japanese as they could and they learned enough to hold a small conversation
When they arrived to Japan, Alisha found out she was pregnant!!! (they wanted to keep the gender a secret) so she had to go on leave and stayed home which she could handle by herself
Andi at the time started a engineering job for one the top 7 software companies in japan, but don’t worry he still made time for Alisha and took care of her any way she needed
but he still felt bad about not being home enough so he bought a dog to keep Alisha company ( she was an Akita named Star)
By the time her 3rd trimester came they were very nervous about the birth
when i mean “they” i just mean Andi, Alisha had to smack him a couple times to get him to calm down and act straight
then one faithful morning Alisha’s water broke but she was didn’t notice so she was just peeing thinking she just drank too much fluids
Then Andi was like “girl your water broke” and she said “oh that makes sense🧍🏾‍♀️” and they went to hospital
When they got to the hospital (they are both fluent atp) and told the staff what they needed to get for Alisha
And mean like 9 pounds 9 ounces big, he was a chunky baby (the BEST babies btw)
After the birth one of Alisha’s commanders said that they could move back to the states since Big E (yes that is his nebuya’s nickname)
But Alisha said “i am not about to leave a country when i spent months cramming the language in my head… we staying”
The end :)
a/n this was just random and this is cannon ( i was Alisha’s left big toe) hope y’all enjoyed it!!
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moonjxsung · 5 months
i'm ranting about my ex boyfriend because he's so mean and i'm literally. i'm just here i just exist and he hates me idfk
so i call him an ex but really he was a fucking 4 month situationship i should've ran MY BAD GUYS !!! anyway we had a little thing i guess and we broke up around January/february. things were so good in the beginning, but the main reason why we didn't date was because he wasn't over his ex. i know i'm side eyeing my screen too. ANYWAY so things were sooo good and i was like "omg ! he really likes me and he wants to be in a relationship soon !!" i was very wrong.
okay so something about me is that i have bpd and it's not like. super horrible but i still do have it on top of attachment issues, fear of communication (trauma lolll), jealousy issues, etc. he used to always talk about his girl friends and say how funny they were, send me screenshots of their chats, games they were playing, said "sorry i hang out with ____ to much she's affecting me". BRO WHY DIDNT I RUN anyway i was just really sad and felt jealous but felt like i couldn't because we weren't. yk. technically dating BUT HE TOLD ME HE WANTSD TO 💔💔
anyway another thing is he was a really big gamer and. was not. he wanted me to play games with him and i told him i was really bad but he was like "it's okay i'll teach you !!" lets just say i don't really like to play games anymore. :( he used to yell at me for being bad to the point i had to mute myself sometimes and try not to cry in a match because i felt horrible for disappointing him. i spent hours learning his favorite games just to still not be good and it made me feel really horrible and upset. then i just told him i don't really wanna play and he said "it's okay i'll just play with (insert girl here)" and i was just like :(((( and he played with those girls every single day and would ignore me to play with them which made me feel worse.
another thing is he talked about his ex all the time. and i let him vent to me about her. he even called her "my qiqi" which was his nickname for her when they were dating while venting to me. i'm gonna cry typing this bye
anyway at the end of our situationship he got really mean and really didn't give a shit if it hurt my feelings or not. he got mad at me for going on a date WITH MY FRIEND FOR VALENTINE'S DAY because he posted "fuck valentines" and didn't do a single thing or even text me on that day. so yeah i just didn't even say anything and blocked him because he was manipulating me and was awful and abused me !!! don't date men who aren't over their exes guys !!
- 🦢
Situationship the bane of my existence 💔💔💔💔
ALSO WHY IS IT ALWAYS BC PEOPLE AREN’T OVER THEIR FUCKINF EXES WHAT RHE FUXIDIKSK can yall like get over your stupid exes before pursuing a 4 month situationship good GODDDD I’m so sick of it 😭 idc if you’re not over an ex like that’s completely normal but please don’t make it somebody else’s problem while actively pursuing them and then making them look stupid when they inevitably catch feelings???!/!/! Where is the logic here
Why do I feel like we had the exact same ex lmffmdkdkkdkdkd mine used to talk about his sexual experiences w other girls soooo much and then it’d always turn into some giant fight when I told him to stop. One time he got mad at me for saying Timothee Chalamet was cute and he was like “if I can’t talk about the girls I’ve had sex with then I don’t want to hear about that loser” like it’s the same thing???? HUH
Men who talk about other girls or their sex lives to you while falsely pursuing you 🤢🤢🤢🤢 also the part about the gaming??? The fuck???????? My ex was ALSO a huge gamer and he added me to his guy friends’ discord server and literally pleaded me not to send anything or participate so he could keep his rank good fuckinf lord maybe put that energy into a job application 🫶 feel like our exes should date each other they have so much in common 😍
I’m so sorry you went through all that you deserve so so so much better ☹️ all my love sweet angel. somebody better will come along who’s meant for you and they won’t make you feel like any less than you deserve
Don’t date people who aren’t over their exes guys 🫶🫶🫶🫶 it is a living hell 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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atlabeth · 3 years
hold onto me (im a little unsteady) - sokka x reader
i was listening to the song when i came up w this so feel free to listen to that if you want
summary: a late night with sokka reminds you that even on the worst days, you always have someone in your corner.
a/n: lmao this is 100% self indulgent i have no excuses. my parents are getting divorced and almost every time they're together they argue and so this is just a comfort fic after it happened again tonight bc GD i wish i had a sokka. this one goes out to all my divorce babies or people with parents that never stop arguing. you are very loved<3
wc: 1.7k, this got away from me lol
warning(s): mentions of parents arguing n shit, like the tiniest mentions of implying sex and problems with consent (in general, not with them), but this is all fluff
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hey. i know you’re probably asleep right now but could you come over?
It was far too late at night when you sent the text. A question asked on a whim, an offer that would most likely go ignored due to the boy on the other end being asleep.
But goddammit, you really didn’t care. Even if he didn’t respond, just hitting ‘send’ made you feel slightly better. You had already taken refuge in one of the sweatshirts he had left at your house (read: one that you had stolen and refused to give back) and as your eyes fell on the glow of the digital clock on your bedside table, you were once again reminded of how stupid this was.
But you heard the telltale buzz of a notification and all but lunged for your phone, an uncontrollable smile tugging on your lips. You didn’t know why you ever doubted him.
sokka💙: you know i never sleep babe
sokka💙: a curse of my genius
sokka💙: im omw
you’re the best thank you love<3
A pair of fuzzy socks and a refilled water bottle later, you heard the sound of something hitting your window. Though you tensed up at first, a roll of your eyes was all it took before you remembered just who you had invited over. Another smile took over as you pushed yourself off of your bed, pushing the curtains aside in time to see another pebble hit the pane.
A physical effort took place to stifle the laugh as you pushed your window up, and you leaned against the sill on your elbows to get a better look at your ridiculous boyfriend.
“Throwing rocks at my window? I think I’m stuck in a bad romcom.”
He grinned and let the remaining pebbles fall to the ground. “It’s what’s to be expected from your Prince Charming, right? Besides, I’m assuming that your parents wouldn’t just let me walk through the front door at this hour.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. Just the sight of Sokka was always enough to make you feel better, and tonight was no exception. The vice on your heart was already starting to loosen. “Right as usual. Think you’ll catch me if I jump?”
He laughed and made a show of looking up and down the distance and then at his arms. “I’d like to say so, but I think we’d have better luck if I climb up.”
“You sure you can do that, big guy?” you asked with a teasing grin. He rolled his eyes with the same sentiment.
“Of course I can. I just thank nature that there’s a tree so close to your window. It’s saved me from a lot of embarrassing falls.”
You chuckled and backed away from the window, the slight chill from the night air beginning to get to you. “I’ll leave you to it while I get things ready.”
Truth be told, your room was a total mess at the moment. You knew Sokka wouldn’t care, especially not now, but it put you slightly more at ease to have something in your life that you could control. You were in the middle of shoving some previously strewn-about clothes into your closet when you heard the click of your window closing. When you turned around, you were met with your boyfriend’s smiling face.
“You’re so pretty,” you murmured as you walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you kissed him lightly on the lips, unable to stop the blossoming smile nor the warmth that the action gave you. “Thank you for being here.”
“Of course.” The softness of his words were in stark contrast to the joking bravado from only minutes earlier, and as you stepped away from his embrace and pushed yourself onto your bed, he joined you on the other side. “And not that I’m not happy to be here, but I just wanna know. What’s going on?”
You sighed, letting one leg hang off the bed as you tucked the other in. It was a testament to Sokka’s power how quickly he had gotten you to forget about the new mess of the night. “The usual showing of fuckall and fuckup. I’m more impressed by how they never run out of things to scream at each other about.”
Your bad joke didn’t get a laugh out of him, which you were secretly glad for. Instead, he snaked an arm around your back and tugged you closer, a contented sigh falling from your lips as you nestled your head into the space between his shoulder and his head. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “You know it’s not your fault, right?���
The phrase had gone in one ear and out the other more times than you could count from your parents, but each time Sokka said it, the words held a different weight. You knew it wasn’t your fault in the first place, but guilt didn’t care all that much for logic. You knew he meant it though, and once more the vice loosened.
“I know. But it still helps to hear it.” You glanced up at him, reaching a hand up to twist a loose strand of his hair around your finger. “You should wear your hair down more often,” you mused. “It makes you look like a prince.”
He chuckled, amusement glinting through his ocean eyes. “I did say I was your Prince Charming, didn’t I?”
You smiled, slowly uncurling his hair from your finger. “Yeah.”
“That means I’ll always be there for you. Especially to save my royal from their evil stepparents.”
Another laugh bubbled in your chest at that, and you leaned closer into him. “Thank you. The more I visit your place, the more I want your family to be mine. Hakoda is like, the nicest man I’ve ever met, and your mom? She actually makes me want to cry with how sweet she is. I think I know where you get it from.”
He grinned and bumped your leg with his own. “You know you’re welcome over there any time. But maybe you shouldn’t — I think my mom might actually adopt you with how much she loves you. That… that would be really weird.”
His joy was infectious as you planted another kiss on his cheek, something that earned you a, as you liked to call it, dazzling Signature Sokka Smile. “I’ll make sure she holds off on the adoption papers for now.”
“I’d like that.”
And though the happiness you felt at the moment was almost overwhelming, that was just what caused that tiny sliver of doubt to come in. When people invited their partners over at three in the morning, it usually wasn’t to sit on the bed and talk about their problems. It was… it was for more, and you didn’t want that right now. And because you were an expert at it, you decided to put your foot in your mouth and start talking.
“I— I’m sorry that I called you over here so late, for no reason. I know you probably expected something else than me ranting, but…” you sighed, drawing your knees closer to your chest as you brought your other hand to Sokka’s resting on your shoulder. “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea.”
He sighed at that, but you knew it wasn’t one of disappointment. “You know I’m here for you. I don’t care if you just want to sit in silence for the next five hours while we stare at the wall, or if you want to watch sappy rom coms until your eyes bleed. I’m more than okay with staying like this. I didn’t come over here because I expected anything from you — I came over here because you needed me, and so I’m here.” Sokka smiled, an image you didn’t think would ever stop making you melt, and intertwined your hand with his. “This is perfect. You’re perfect.”
You were so stunned at the brazen declaration that your voice got stuck in your throat for a moment, holding back tears. (Happy tears. They were never anything other than happy tears with Sokka.) It hit you then that you didn’t really know what it was like having someone get close to you without an ulterior motive.
“Thank you,” you murmured after a moment of comfortable silence. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You knew he was smiling, even without having to look up at him. You could hear it in his voice, feel it in the kiss he pressed to your hairline.
A comfortable silence hung in the air for a long time until you broke it. “You know… my dad kinda ran off to a motel for the night after this whole thing, and my mom leaves early in the morning. If you were serious about those rom coms…” You allowed the unsaid question of staying the night to fester so Sokka knew he could say no if he wanted to, but he didn’t even hesitate.
“Of course I was serious. I mean, I’ve gotta get the ideas for our future wedding from somewhere.”
You laughed, a sentiment that had occurred more times in the ten minutes he had been here than the past week, and picked the remote for your little box TV off of your bedside table. You clicked through various movies until you found one Sokka liked, and then you cuddled deeper into his side to prepare for the ride you had ahead of you.
Thirty minutes into 27 Dresses, he had fallen asleep, arm still around you and one of his legs slightly intertwined with one of your own. But it’s not like you minded — the familiar weight of Sokka in your bed had caused all your worries to melt away, if only for the night.
You didn’t expect him to last past the first movie, but you were sure you would at least get through until Katherine Heigl got the man. But there was an overwhelming feeling of safety permeating the air with Sokka’s arms around you, and you ended up knocked out before she could even get through all twenty seven dresses.
It wasn’t lost on you how fortunate you were — he didn’t expect anything like that from you, he just wanted you to be safe. He was there for you. You would never understand how you had gotten so lucky with your boyfriend, but you would never stop being grateful for him.
this is the most self indulgent thing ive ever written and i am NOT sorry
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
atla tags: @marianne1806 @brown-eyed-thang @akiris
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Jane Foster’s child
Jane Foster x child!reader
Thor Odinson x Foster!child!reader
a/n: no not a foster child, jane foster’s child 😌 also im so super glad you liked those!!! hope these are just as good!!! and im genuinely so sorry these took so long
prompt: anonymous: “Hey! I just read the Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader HC and I loved it! Would you do the same but with Thor and Jane? ❤️”
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no babysitter = go to work with mom
dr. selvig gave you a rubik’s cube to keep you entertained
“fuck that! here, y/n, you can play my DS” -darcy
“can you not swear in front of my child?” -jane
you thought tonight would be boring, but then your mom and darcy collectively hit a homeless guy with a car!
“holy crap, we’re all going to jail!” -you
“don’t say ‘crap,’ y/n! we need to get him to a hospital!” -jane
ngl this dude was kinda funky
darcy used her taser and your mom covered your eyes, but you still peaked ;)
ride to the hospital
“don’t touch him, y/n”
“sorry, doc”
and the very next day you guys stole him 💕
“mr. thor, where are you from?”
“i am from asgard! it is much different from this realm, but your’s is adequate, i suppose”
you could see the way your mom looked at him, though
he ate all the pop tarts >:(
she gave thor her ex boyfriends clothes
“yeah, donald was a real ass—” -you
“don’t say ‘ass.’ darcy curses too much” -jane
“sorry, mom...anyways, donald forgot to pick me up from soccer practice like, a dozen times. he sucked” -you
“this ‘donald’ doesn’t seem like a very good man...also, what is ‘soccer?’” -thor
you grabbed a soccer ball and tried to show him how to play but there was some other stuff the *scientists* had to take care of
you were a regular at izzy’s diner (well, mom was) and they always made you cute pancakes in different shapes!!
“ah, it’s a smiley face! that’s adorable!” -thor
“yeah! they like to surprise me whenever i come in. they’re pretty awesome” -you
*your mom literally beaming at how good thor is with you already*
you and thor were drawing on paper placemats
and then he broke a glass and you started giggling hdhshshs
but he had to leave
“no, thor, please don’t go!”
“i hope to meet you again one day, little one. hopefully fate sees it through”
no time to be sad bc ur mom’s lab got hijacked by the government
“hey, no fair! that’s my diary!” -you
“sorry, kid. there are constellation drawings we have to observe” -coulson
“aw, you draw constellations? wait, not now. you can’t just take all our stuff. especially that! that belongs to a child!” -jane
“sic ‘em, y/n!” -darcy
“don’t listen to darcy, y/n” -selvig
chilling in the trailer and missing thor bc he was the most interesting thing to happen to you and your mom in a while
and you wanted her to be happy even tho he was kind of crazy
“hey, mom? do you want to watch the stars tonight like we used to do? we could make s’mores?”
“that sounds like a great idea, baby! i’ve gotta go take care of some science stuff, so i’ll pick up some s’mores stuff while i’m out. love you!”
yeah she went to go see thor and he kinda got arrested but your mom came back home so you could watch the stars!
“so, do you like thor?” -you
“what? what makes you say that?” -jane
“it’s cool if you do, i think he’s awesome. a little weird, but at least he’s nice”
then thor and selvig came home and selvig was drunk as a skunk
*poking him while he giggles and tells you about thor*
“i wish your grandfather could have met that guy! he would have loved him...i wish you met your grandfather, too” -selvig
thor inviting you back outside
“i’d like you to teach me more about this ‘soccer’”
by the time you guys were done, it was 3am and you were too pumped to go to sleep
so thor told you stories of his home and battle and family
you didn’t want him to stop, you were fascinated by it all
and uhhhh yeah then earth kinda had some vikings show up
they told you that you’d “make a fine warrior one day”
and then yall got attacked by a ????? a what??? a destroyer???????
“get y/n out of here now! they shouldn’t have to see this!” -thor
you were still nearby and saw thor become thor again
after he was done fighting the destroyer, you ran to give him a hug
“that was awesome! can i hold your hammer?”
“maybe someday, little one”
then you didn’t see him for 2 years
which upset your mom a good bit, you had to help her through that episode. lots of sitting on the couch and eating ice cream together talking about how he wasn’t worth her time even tho you missed him too
but he came back! and then your mom sent everything flying bc she had an “infinity stone” inside her and thor took you two to asgard
“y/n! you’ve grown so much, i almost didn’t recognize you!” -thor
tbh you really digged the outfit they gave you, but also you were on another planet? thor insisted on giving you a tour (by flying you around)
“i do hope you’re having fun, little one!”
worrying about your mom simultaneously bc you overheard she was sick
but asgard got attacked and you and jane were confined to a room in the palace, which sucked because you wanted to see it all
but thor sent guards to bring you anything to keep you entertained
“maybe we’ll skip the mace for now, thank you” -jane
after several events that count as child endangerment, this chapter came to an end and your mom and thor finally made it official
loki called you a rodent and then saved your life so you were kinda iffy about him
about a year or two later, your mom had to travel a great deal in order to get some work done, so you were left in the care of thor, who took you to avengers tower
“oh, my girlfriend’s child is an angel! and they’re so intelligent, just like their mother!” -thor gushing to other partygoers
“yeah, thor, your ‘angel’ is sneaking drinks from the elderly” -tony
*sipping his beer* “they’re a growing teenager”
you did have an amazing time interacting with the avengers
and once they tried grabbing the hammer, you knew you had to get in on it (but you failed like the rest)
“don’t worry, my y/n, you have to be eighteen years of age to be able to lift mjölnir!” -thor
“oh, that makes sense!” -you, while thor aggressively shakes his head at the other avengers. he just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel bad you weren’t worthy yet :(
more child endangerment but really what did you expect?
thor went off world and your mom split it off w him but you did have his email so you were still in contact with him
swearing you saw odin on the street once or twice (fast forward)
and then your mom dusted and thor found you as soon as he possibly could, it was so good to see him
he took you in since you were alone now, you moved to new asgard and became prince(ss) of the new land by relation?? makes sense right
basically you and valkyrie made all the calls while thor grieved for years
but he still took care of you
“y/n, would you like to play video games with me? i think it may be a good bonding experience, what do you say?” -thor
uncle korg made you help him with fortnite while thor was asleep
you wished to wield stormbreaker one day
showing thor earth media! his favorite star wars character is r2-d2 dont ask why
he taught you asgardian recipes and you taught him...earth recipes?
when he was drunk he’d ramble on about his childhood and battle and enemies and jane and loki and hela and frigga and literally anything that came to mind
“y/n, could you please get me a beer? and get one for yourself, too” -thor
valkyrie most definitely gave you some battle training so you you blow off some steam, you were glad she taught you how to fight like a true warrior
thor wanted to teach you battle tactics so you could fight alongside him, but he never got around to it
a raccoon and bruce banner visited later on, proposing a way to get your family back, thor was an emotional wreck
his debriefing on the reality stone was tense when he started crying about your mom and everyone stared at you
“hey, don’t look at me. i don’t control the god, i just keep him company”
ending up waiting 1 second for the avengers to come back from their mission, resulting in you being stuck in the middle of a very heavy battle
“y/n, get out of here!” -thor
“don’t worry, thor! valkyrie taught me a few moves!”
“you make me incredibly proud, little one!”
“i’m not so little anymore, am i?”
“you will always be my little one, y/n. blood or not, that will not change!”
victory, but at what cost? it was a rough ride, you needed to get patched up, but your mom was finally home and thor...he decided it was time to leave earth again
“don’t worry, my y/n. i will see you again.” *tearing up* “i’m so glad i got the pleasure of raising you these past few years. i love you dearly, now go be with your mother”
you straight up wanted to bawl your eyes out right there
“well, y/n, you’re next in line for the throne of new asgard. what is your first command?” -valkyrie
“actually, i think you’d make a much better ruler than me. i’ve got to spend some time with my mother now that she’s home”
“you’re so much like him, you know that?”
staying with your mother, who was diagnosed with cancer not long after returning from the soul stone (a/n: jane getting cancer is canon in the comics and confirmed for thor 4)
“i missed five years of your life and now i’m sick, that’s just our luck, isn’t it?” -jane
she was understandably upset, but she also felt guilty
“mom, don’t beat yourself up. everything is okay, we’re still together right now. i won’t be going anywhere, i promise”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck //
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New person, same mistakes (1)
This was requested a very long time ago. I disappeared bc school is hard lmao. I’m back and will take requests!
Summary: After losing your parents, you move to the OBX with your cousin to continue your teenage years. The RULE makes for unsteady relationships, and several heartbreaks. 
Warnings: mentions of sex, drug use, abuse, violence , read at your own risk. 
Kie and her family were such angels for letting you come stay with them. After losing your parents, a new way of life was so incredibly refreshing. You were finally finding out who you were. Your aunt and uncle were so accommodating, and Kie made it much easier to make friends.
After a long day on the boat, you were finally stepping off onto steady ground. Your legs were sore, skin burning from the blistering sun, and to say you were dehydrated would be an understatement. The boys only brought alcohol along, and you and Kie had brought along some Capri suns, but ran out halfway through the day. The alcohol was still in your system, and you slowly trotted to the chateau, cooler in hand making the trek no easier.
“Hey, let me get that.” John b spoke, coming to your side. You looked at the brunette boy, his freckles prominent due to the sun exposure.
“Uh, it’s okay John b, I’ve got it.” You sighed, refusing the help of your former flame.
“Seriously, give it here.” He sighed, his hand brushing yours as he took the cooler from your grasp.
You lied there, completely bare with the brunette boy sighing next to you.
“We can’t keep doing this.” John b broke the silence.
You froze, trying to comprehend the words that just fell past his lips.
“W-what?” You said, rising and letting the cover fall exsposing your bare chest.
“Cmon y/n, you know the rule.” He breathed, standing from the bed to put his clothes back on.
“What? The stupid no pogue on pogue macking? You’re really gonna try to enforce that now?” You scoffed, standing to get dressed as well.
John b looked at you, “if the others found out, they would flip. And we’ve been best friends for years. I feel like we should stop while we’re ahead.”
“Seriously? Stop while we’re ahead?” You scoffed, pulling your shoes on “ I’m pretty sure they’ve got a pretty good idea about what’s going on already.”
“Maybe I just want to stop.” He said, making you freeze once again.
You slowly turned to face him, trying your best to keep the tears from spilling over your eyes.
“You want to stop? What happened to love John B? Huh? Was that all a stupid play to get in my fucking pants?” You spoke, your voice raising slightly.
John b shot his hands out towards you, in an effort to keep you calm. “Y/n! They’re outside, don’t wake them up!”
“Whatever John b.” You scoffed, grabbing your things and flinging the door to his room open.
You quickly made your way through the living room, seeing JJ smoking God knows what on the couch.
“Hey, where are you going?” He asked, his face suddenly scrunching in concern as John b came out behind you.
“Home- kie’s- what the fuck ever!” You groaned, finally making your way out of the chateau.
JJ watched as you got in your car, and swiftly drove off, dirt flying up behind your tires.
“John b-“
“Don’t, it’s nothing.” He sighed, dropping his arms to his side and making his way to the fridge.
“Y/n?” You wer suddenly brought out of your thoughts when JJ spoke to you.
John B had long ago made it into the chateau, and you and JJ were the only ones outside.
“Uh yeah, what’s up J?”
“Well you were just kinda standing here, not moving.” He told you.
“Yeah, just, lost in my thoughts I guess.” You stifled a laugh.
He nodded, and the two of you made your way through the thick summer air to the chateau.
Kie always told you that you were too good for John b, he didn’t really know what he had when he had it.
It took months, but you finally got back into the dating game eventually. And so say the other pogues were happy for you would be a lie.
You missed John b, you missed what the two of you had. But you were with someone else now.
Before you entered the chateau, tires crunched onto the rocks, signaling someone pulling into the chateau.
You turned to see the all to familiar car, music blasting for everyone to hear.
You rolled your eyes as your boyfriend stepped out of the car, strolling up to your place on the porch causing JJ to scoff.
You slapped him lightly
“I’m gonna go inside before I kill someone.” He spoke, causing your boyfriend to roll his eyes.
As JJ stepped over the threshold into the small house, your boyfriend wrapped his hands around your waist.
“Hey rafe.” You giggled, turning into his chest and inhaling his woody sent.
“Hey babe.” He sighed, slightly stumbling as he pulled you in even closer.
“Woah, are you okay?” You questioned, tugging away to get a better look at his face.
He was flushed, warm with beads of sweat cascading down his forehead.
“Of course I am babe.” He brushed you off, moving his head to place a rather rough kiss on your neck.
“Rafe, what are you doing? We are literally on John B’s porch.” You spoke, trying to push his heavy weight off your body.
“Cmon baby, let’s go get in the car and I’ll make you feel good, yeah?” He purred, his hands snaking up your bikini top.
“Rafe!” You said loudly, finally mustering the strength to push him off you.
“What’s your deal?” He yelled, shocking you at his sudden outburst.
With wide eyes, you scoffed, “what’s my deal? What’s yours! You’re literally trying to get into my pants on someone’s porch!”
“You don’t want me.” He deadpanned, taking his sunglasses off and running his hands through his hair.
“Of course I want you, just not right now, an-and not on a front porch for Gods sake!” You responded, pulling your face into his hands.
“Rafe,” you questioned, staring into his eyes concern and fear bubbling in your stomach.
“Rafe, are you high right now?” You whispered.
He rolled his eyes, “it doesn’t matter y/n, what matters is you don’t want to have sex with me, you want to break up!” He nearly cried, sitting on the steps with his hands pulling at his hair.
“Baby, of course I want you. But not while you’re high off God knows what! What have you been doing?”
“Just get away from me!” He yelled, swatting his hand at your legs before standing to walk to his car.
You jumped back in surprise, and watched as your boyfriend stalked off to his car before swiftly pulling off onto the street.
You were shocked to say the least, why was he being like this? You gave him every part of you, sometimes when you didn’t even want to. All you wanted to do was please him, make him happy.
You turned to see your friends watching intently from inside, and your cheeks flushed hot with embarrassment.
You opened the door to silence, other than the light ping of a bottle cap hitting the counter as JJ brought a cool beer to his lips.
“Are you okay?” Kie began.
You scanned the faces in the room, some of concern and others reading disappointment.
“Let’s just go home.” You sighed, turning to begin walking out. Kie said bye to the boys and quickly followed you onto the path.
“What was that?” She questioned, the orange glow from the sun casting beautiful shadows across the water.
“I don’t know.” You sighed, continuing the walk to your home, or, Kie’s home.
You tried calling Rafe a million times that night, laying in bed contemplating what you did wrong. Why did he feel like he needed to use drugs, were you not enough for him, like you weren't enough for John B? 
thankfully, a light knock at your door pulled you out of your thoughts. A blonde head of messy hair peaked around the corner of you door. 
“Are you dressed?” JJ’s voiced sounded, and you just curled up into your covers more, willing him to go away. 
“I’m coming in wether you like it or not, and to be honest I don’t really care if you’re dressed or not.”
Once JJ fully stepped into the room, he contemplated following kie’s orders to drag you along to the kegger. 
“JJ I don’t want to go.” You spoke, staying put in your mountain of blankets. 
“Well kie is gonna kick my ass if i don’t come downstairs with you, so this isn’t really about you.” 
Sighing, you sat up to see JJ’s lips quirked into a smile. You knew she really would kick his ass, so for the betterment of your friend you obliged. 
“okay, but I’m not going to have fun.” You told him, and he chuckled softly. 
“That’s okay, come on you can wear that, we’re already running late.” He said, pulling you out the door. 
The kegger wasn’t too crazy, just a handful of people and a cool night. You sat in a lawn chair, eyes on the fire when you felt a presence next to you. you were met with those all too familiar hazel eyes. 
“Hey.” he spoke. 
you cleared your throat, “Hey John B.”
He sighed, kicking sand as he rested his chin in his hands. He took a deep breath before sighing,
“I just thought you should know that I’m with sarah now.” 
you rose your eyebrows, “Now? You were with her before we broke up, and then threw me away like I meant nothing to you.” 
He sighed and stood before saying, “Y/n I loved you, I really did-“
“Yeah but you love Sarah more, don’t you?” You chuckled dryly, bringing your beer to your lips.
“Y/n we-“
“Just go John b, I don’t want to hear it.”
He slowly stalked away, joining the blonde girl who had no idea you’ve had your hands on every inch of his body. Touched every dimple and freckle that littered his skin. 
Before you could spiral any further, a loud motor lured you from your thoughts. 
seriously, who would bring a motorcycle out here? 
Oh, thats who. 
You stood apprehensively as Rafe made his way to you. 
“Hey baby.” He smiled, wrapping you tightly in a hug. 
“Rafe where did you get that motorcycle?” You asked him. 
“Don’t worry about it! Do you wanna come back to my place?” He asked, placing his hands on your hips, slowly drinking in your appearance. 
“Um, no not right now.” You said, notice the same dilated pupils you had seen just hours earlier. 
“Rafe, your’e high.” You scoffed, pulling away from him. 
“Yeah, so what,” He chuckled, reaching into his pocket retrieving a bag of a curious white powder, “You want some?” He offered, pushing the bag to you. 
“What! No!” You said, shaking your head at the boy in front of you.
“Whats your problem Y/N? Just take some, it makes you feel good.” He pushed further, dumping some of the contents onto his finger. 
He thrust his powder covered digit towards your face, and you turned away in disgust.
“No Rafe.” 
“Cmon, stop being a bitch and take it.” He harshly urged, grabbing you by the back of your head, gripping your hair and placing his finger under your nose. 
You thrashed in his grip, before finally falling to the ground. White powder falling over you, almost like the snow from back home.
“Seriously! You fucking bitch! Do you know how much that cost me!” He yelled, throwing his hands up in anger. 
He was starting to catch the attention of the others around you, especially JJ.
“Rafe I-I’m sorry.’ You choked out, starting to stand when a blunt force rammed into your side. 
You screamed in pain as you fell back into the sand. A dull throbbing shooting through your body. 
Did he just kick me? You struggled to sit up as he continued his mindless yelling. 
Instantly someone was at your side, helping you up as you watched JJ and pope hold Rafe from doing any more damage. 
tears spilled over your cheeks, and your body racked with sobs as kie pushed your hair out of your face, trying to calm you down. 
Of course John b wasn’t here to help
Rafe noticed your tears, and he instantly calmed, his face softening. 
“Oh, y/n I am so sorry-” 
“Shut up Rafe, we’re through!” You screamed at him, sobbing harder as kie held you against her body. 
she shot at look at JJ and pope, making JJ say, “Okay man, you gotta go.” 
“No! Y/n I’m sorry!” He cried, fighting against the two boys once more. 
“I said go man!”JJ raised his voice, forcefully pushing Rafe back to the bike he came in on.
Rafe sighed, and turned pulling his hair and kicking sand.
JJ made his way over to you, standing behind you and placing his hands on your shoulders while kie continued to tame your sobs.
“JJ h-he kicked m-me.” You choked out, and he whispered a soft I know in your hair.
JJ nodded kie off, and she took the hint, allowing you to fall into JJs grasp.
“Cmon, let’s go get you cleaned up, yeah?”
You nodded, leaning into him as he held your arm to aid your limp.
“Where’s John b?” You whispered, and JJ kept quiet, slowly leading you back to the chateau.
The others started to clear the party, wanting you to be able to calm down alone.
Once again, someone treated you like you were nothing. Maybe you are trash. Where did you go wrong?
JJ slowly walked by your side, letting you lean into him before you reached the porch of the chateau.
“JJ, I-I’m sorry.”
“What? You have nothing to be sorry for?” He spoke, leading you through the kitchen and into the small bathroom.
“You- you told me about him, you warned me, a-and I didn’t listen.” You sobbed, JJ slowly easing you down onto the closed seat of the toilet.
“Sometimes you can’t help who you fall in love with, it’s not your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for. And he’s lucky I didn’t bash his face in right there.” He said, squatting down to your level and Placing his hand on your chin to make you look at him.
Tears continued spilling out of your Y/E/C eyes, as JJ moved the sand clumped strands of hair out of your face.
His blue eyes looked into yours, and for a moment he contemplated his next moves, should he go beat the fucker up?
But he decided he needed to be here with you.
“You need to clean up, do you want me to leave you or?”
“I-I don’t think I can, my side really hurts.” You choked, steadying yourself in the blondes shoulder.
“Okay, I’m gonna go find kie-“
“No JJ, it’s fine, I just want to get cleaned up so I can lay down.” You told him, looking back up to meet his eyes.
“Okay, I’ll run you a bath.” He spoke softly, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder before starting the water.
“I’m used to people seeing me at this point.” You whispered, as he helped you stand and remove your clothing.
“What?” JJ was confused.
“I never really wanted to do the things Rafe wanted me to, I just thought I had to. I didn’t want him to leave me. But I guess it never really mattered.”
JJ wanted to cry, and go beat the shit out of the boy who forced you into things, kicked you, and made you feel like shit.
“You don’t ever have to worry about him again, I got you. I promise.” He said, lowering you into the warm tub water.
You closed your eyes as the warm water hit the throbbing bruise on your side, you continued crying as the events replayed in your head.
JJ slowly leaned you back to wash the clumps of dirt and sand out of your hair, your body limp as he held you.
His face scrunched up in concentration, seeming to have never washed another persons hair before.
You watched as his eyes focused on your h/c locks, rinsing them tenderly as to not cause you any unnecessary pain.
He raised you, water cascading down your back when a knock sounded at the door.
“Yeah?” JJ questioned, dunking a washcloth in the water and lathering it with soap.
“JJ, have you seen y/n?” Kies voice sounded from outside the bathroom.
“Yeah, she’s In here.” He spoke, beginning to wash your arms and torso as kie pushed the door open.
She gasped at the sight of her cousin, kneeling down beside JJ.
“I’m okay.” You croaked, throat sore from sobbing.
“That bruise is bad, do you think you need to go to the doctor?” She asked you, pushing strands of wet hair from your face as jj ran the washcloth over the forming purple and red contusion on your ribs.
You gasped and he let a soft sorry fall past his lips.
“I think it’s ok.” You whispered, as JJ finished and grabbed a towel to help you from the tub.
“I um- need clothes.” You whispered, clinging on to JJ as you stepped from the now cool water.
“Okay, I have some you can borrow.” He told you, sitting you down on the toilet to retrieve some clothes he had left in the chateau.
Kie looked at you concerned, wondering what you were thinking.
“I would’ve helped you with the bath you know.” She told you, sitting on the counter top.
“I know, I’m okay with JJ though.” You whispered, twirling your hair into a bun.
“Hey, are you alright?” Pope spoke, coming into the bathroom.
“Uh yeah, a little shaken but I’m fine.” You smiled.
He smiled back at you, falling into conversation.
Jj was rummaging through his room in the chateau, trying to find something decent to let you borrow. He could hear noises coming from John Bs room, and he rolled his eyes at the fact John b was to caught up with a kook to even know what had just happened to you.
Jj returned to the bathroom with a T-shirt and boxers, handing them to you before walking out with Pope to let kie help you change.
“He’s lucky I didn’t bash his face in man.” Jj sighed, leaning over the kitchen counter.
“What a dick.” Pope responded, falling onto the couch.
“John b doesn’t even know.” Jj said, looking to his friend.
“I know.”
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shotokimchi · 4 years
Hii! I feel like shit rn bc my boyfriend just broke up with me. I was wondering if you could write a bakugo x fem reader where class 1A is having a sleepover and the reader randomly gets a phone call. when she answers it it’s her boyfriend and he breaks up with her. so the whole night is basically just trying to cheer her up after that. and bakugo tells her that her ex was a dick and that she could do better/deserves better. just some baku fluff (Maybe her and baku start to date?) I totally understand if you can’t write this 🖤
Ofc, I’ll write a fic for you baby! I hope this makes you feel better and don't forget that there will always be people who will support you and love you no matter what! Just know that you deserve better <33333
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: none
Y/b/n: your bf’s name (but you can say jerk if you want to)
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As every Friday night, class 1-A was having a slumber party in the common room. Everyone was gathered to eat junk food, tell stupid horror stories and have a pillow fight, even Bakugou was hyped for the pillow fight.  Bakugou, who managed to turn an innocent pillow fight into a real battle every time because of his contestant and ambitious character, was planning to do the same today. Everyone was sitting in the common room, it was crowded bc of some snacks, blankets, pillows and other unnecessary stuff.  Momo was trying to braid your hair, but you were so excited, you wanted to have a pillow fight and team up with Bakugou, he was very fast and had a strategy that’ll both lead you to victory. “Enough of this boring stuff!” Bakugou roared and pointed towards his pillow, “Let’s fight!” his sadistic smirk was sending shivers down your spine but it was somehow funny. Just when you were about to join him, your phone rang and everyone looked at you. “Sorry guys!” You muted your phone and turned towards Momo and whispered. “It’s y/b/n.” Momo gave a curious look towards your phone and whispered back “It can be an important thing, you should call back.” You nodded and when you were about to call y/b/n, your phone started to buzz in your hand. It was him, you had a weird feeling in your stomach but you ignored it “I’ll be right back, don't you guys dare have a pillow fight without me!” Mina gave a thumbs up and Kaminari whined “It’s your boyfriend isnt it? Arrgh why am i so single?!” Jirou snorted and replied “Because you are stupid.” Sero snickered and Kaminari pouted.
You went out of the dorm and sat on the stairs. It was a little cold and it caused you to tremble. You took a deep breath and answered the call. “Hey babe, what’s up?” When you heard a sigh coming from the other side of the line, you knew something was wrong. “Y/n, I can't do this anymore.” Your breath hitched in your throat and you tried to reply with a shaky voice. “W-what do you mean?” He was trying to be patient with you but you weren't having any of that. “Tell me!” He sighed again and started to talk with a stern voice “I don't want a relationship anymore, it feels like I don't have any freedom.” His reason for the break up made you even angrier, you weren't a controlling or possesive person, your relationship with your boyfriend was a healthy and happy one. “Are you cheating on me y/b/n? I never did stuff to restrict your freedom, im not a super jelaous or possessive person either! So you should give me a better reason than this!” When you didn't get any response, tears started to gather in your eyes. “No Y/n, I'm not cheating on you. I just don't want to date someone, it doesn't make me feel happy.” You started to shout “So you are throwing me away because you got bored! This is your reason?!” When he was about to reply, you hung up on his face and sat there with tears in your eyes. You wanted to sob loudly but didn't want to alarm or worry your classmates, just when you were about to get up, the door of the dorm opened.
Bakugou wasn’t a patient person so when you left to answer the call from your bf, he got pissed. “Why are we waiting hah?” Kirishima sighed and patted his shoulder “What if it's an important call?” Bakugou growled and got up from the floor “I can't wait for someone’s lovey-dovey shit!” Then started to walk towards the exit, he opened the door and saw you sitting with your head between your hands. “Oi L/n! You are making us wait-” just when he was about to burst, he heard Y/n’s silent sobs and realized that she was shaking. Bakugou could look like a mean person but he actually cared about his friends, so he started to walk towards her and waited. “O-oh Bakugou! I’m sorry, I’ll be there in a minute.” When she didn't turn to face him, Bakugou tched and sat next to her. “Why r u cryin?” He mumbled and she looked at him with a confused expression “Huh?” He was embarrassed bc he wasn't the perfect person for comforting, so he started to look somewhere else and shouted “I said why are you crying, dumbass!” Then she sniffled and started to play with her fingers “My boyfriend just broke up with me, he told me that he wasn't happy but... I gave my all, just for him.” When Y/n started to cry again, Bakugou felt mad, how can someone dump her when she gave everything she could? He remembered the times that she was going out on dates with her bf, that guy looked happy, so why he was being such an ass? Bakugou took a deep breath “Because he is a good damn extra and a jerk.” Y/n stopped sniffling and looked at him, she was listening to him so he continued. “I thought you were stronger than this, is this really gonna make you cry?” Normally someone would get angry or offended at his words but he was trying to comfort her and Y/n understood Bakugou’s intention, so she smiled. “No, I'm not weak. You are right Bakuogu, thank you.” Then she got up and gave him a small smile “Wanna team up with me for the pillow fight?” Normally his competitive personality wouldn't let him but since she was having a hard time Bakugou smirked “You better give your all!” She nodded and ran inside.
Your back was pressed against Bakugou’s, both of you were taking this pillow fight seriously so the others did the same. “Aaaaah!” You let out a battle cry and hit Mina with all your might, she backed away with wide eyes “Geez Y/n, I'm not a villain!” Bakugou let out a sadistic laugh “You scared raccoon eyes?” Then Kirishima charged at him and they started to wrestle on the ground, after taking care of Mina, you realised that Kirishima managed to knock the pillow out of Bakugou’s hand and he was blocking Kirishima’s hits with his arms, you quickly grabbed the pillow and shouted “Bakugou, catch!” You threw the pillow towards him and he gave Kirishima a sadistic smirk. Kirishima’s eyes widened “Uh-oh.” Now Bakugou was in advantage and you started to laugh but felt someone’s presence behind you “Todoroki!” You immediately dodged his pillow and swung yours at his face “You need to do better than that L/n.” Then you started to run around with Todoroki while laughing like a little toddler. Bakugou’s eyes fell on you and he sighed, “You are relieved that she’s happy now, huh?” Kirishima’s words made him scowl and he started to hit his friend “What do you mean shitty hair?!” Kirishima pushed Bakugou and managed to escape while shouting teasing words like ‘aww you actually care’ or ‘you are a great friend bro!’ oooor ‘softie’
After the pillow fight, most of your friends gave up bc of Bakugo and you. Then everyone started to get into their sleeping bags or layed on their mattresses, your eyes fell on Bakugou, he was getting ready to sleep. He usually slept early so you knew he was tired but decided to give a shot. You slowly approached him “Hey Bakugou, do you have a minute?” His eyes found your form and he had a stoic expression on his face, he wasn't scowling or growling. He nodded and got up but his eyes met with Kaminari and Sero’s they were grinning like stupid hyenas. He gave them a horrifying look and that shut them up. Then the both of you walked towards the kitchen, and you gave him a thankful smile. “Thank you so much for tonight Bakugou. If you wouldn't have come outside, I don't know if I could managed to handle my emotions.” He huffed and tried to look anywhere but you, he never got a sincere ‘thanks’ the only people who knew about his soft side was Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero. You couldn't control your happiness and gave him a quick hug, that caught him off guard and he tensed “S-sorry!” Actually, the real reason I wanted to talk with you is that... Uh, I know you like spicy food so wanna go grab some spicy fried chicken tomorrow?” He wasn't experienced when it came to doing stuff with people other than his squad so he felt nervous but he wasn't going to hide like a little boy so he nodded “Sure, whatever...” He answered like he didn't care but actually he was panicking.
After your conversation with Bakugou, the two of you left the dorms to have some spicy food and after that you started to chat about regular stuff like training, his hobbies and you told him that you love the arcade and even he had a calm expression on his face, you noticed the glint in his eyes when he heard the word ‘Arcade’. He huffed and mumbled “Guess we need to go to the arcade, what a pain...” But you grinned and decided to tease him, bc you knew that he wanted to go too. “You aren't gonna back away right? Bc I'm so good at those games!” His eyes widened “HAAAAH?! Are you underestimating me?!” You started to laugh and tugged at his coat “Ofc not! Come on, let's go!” He tched but didn't yank his arm, he let you tug on it and his expression softened.
And that's how you started to date Katsuki Bakugou, you guys were regularly going to the arcade to let out some stress, having spicy food competitions and going out for morning runs together. He always looked so calm and unaffected but, the butterflies in his stomach told him otherwise. You were funny, thoughtful, calming to be with, beautiful (but he calls you ugly, what a tsundere). You balanced him and he was relieved to have you in his life... Like every morning, you were jumping trying to stretch your muscles while waiting for him to come and join you for the regular morning run. When the door of the dorm opened, your eyes sparkled with happiness. “Good morning Katsu!” The nickname still made him blush, but he successfully managed to hide the pink dust on his cheeks and huffed. “Morning, dumbass.” You chuckled and pecked his cheek, his cheeks got warmer and he covered his face “What are you doing dumbass, it was weird! What if someone sees us?!” You chuckled and poked his cheeks “Its called affection, Katsu!” He grabbed both of your wrists and looked into your eyes, you were giving him the most beautiful smile. He tched and turned his cheek towards you, you gave him a confused look and he growled “What are you waiting for dumbass? Do it again..” He mumbled and you giggled, after showering him with a lot of kisses he was running like a god damn horse. His blood was pumping, he felt like his heart was about to get out of his chest but it wasn't because of running, it was the kisses... Then you managed to keep up with him and quickly pecked his cheek “Catch me if you can Katsu!” You speeded up and giggled, now his face was as red as Kirishima’s hair. “Come here!” He shouted and you laughed, your break up with your ex wasn’t a bad thing after all... You found someone who cared for you and loved you, even if he was bad at showing it, Bakugou Katsuki was the best boyfriend ever...
A/n: I hope you liked it baby! When I saw ur ask I immediately sat down and started to write it so I’m really sorry if its a mess <3
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zozophoenixxx · 4 years
Friendly reminders about The Flash⚡️
Things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Season 4✨
Even though this was honestly one of my least favorite seasons it was pretty interesting to watch and it had some pretty cool, badass and hilarious scenes lmao
Ok but the intro on the first episode was kinda cool
Cisco, wally and Joe working together... we stan 🙌🏼
Also the new star labs tables and tech make it look pretty cool
Samuroid, Kilg%re, Hazard, Amunet Black, T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r, Black Bison, The Thinker, Bᵣₐᵢₙₛₜₒᵣₘ, 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ, Prank and Trickster Jr., Dwarfstar, m̾e̾l̾t̾i̾n̾g̾ ̾p̾o̾i̾n̾t̾, Null, The folded man
Ramsey Deacon aka Kilg%re
Rebecca Sharpe (Becky) aka Hazard
Ralph Dibny aka the elongated man
T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r
Mina Chaytan aka Black Bison
Dominic Lance aka Bᵣₐᵢₙₛₜₒᵣₘ
Neil Borman aka 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ
Sylbert Rundine aka Dwarfstar
Izzy Bowen
Matthew Kim aka m̾e̾l̾t̾i̾n̾g̾ ̾p̾o̾i̾n̾t̾
Janet Petty aka Null
Edwin Gauss aka the folded man
Wally can speak Japanese😂
Joe being able to forgive Caitlin after what she did is amazing I love them 🥺
West-Allen kiss count (approximately): 46 😘
Cisco being upset because he was at the "doghouse" in ep2 is hilarious
"Rule number 1, when a girl say it's fine, it's not fine" i- I'd be happy with Cisco as my boyfriend
Gypsy's gorgeous bro 🤩
Ok i'm sorry but that "we are the flash" bothers me
Not Cisco, Barry, and Caitlin playing laser tag... AGAINST KIDS😂💀 And Cisco really went "you have failed this city" I love them (ep3)
Jesse just broke up with Wally... With a…
Breakup cube i-
Joe being lost or done with everything going on around him is hilarious, and he also looked so sad when Cecile asked him to sell the house
Iris and Barry really would've gotten married out of the blue if it hadn't been for Kevin (the lil boy in ep3) LMAOOO
This boy really used cinnamon incense on purpose when the father was allergic to it and just went :) ┐(´ー`)┌
"no need to shame the little boy" I-
We love Barry defending little kids 🥺
I liked Cisco's shirt in this episode
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense
Not Wally leaving 🥺😩
BAHHAHHSXHAHSGHASGAH Joe's reaction when Cecile told him she was pregnant
OMG just realized that in the beginning of ep4 when Cisco and Gypsy are making out on Cisco's bed that… BRO I-
After Cisco asked Gypsy what her real name was she went to the bathroom and he stayed in bed but went to look for something in the little night table… that something was probably a condom… Y'ALL WHAT BAHBSAHBSHAS
Ralph Dibny used to be a dirty cop, I had Completely forgotten about this man
I just noticed that every time that Barry goes into a new room he looks around and i guess he tries to grasp as much information of it as possible and it's kinda cute
I like how Breacher always has a serious face but when Gypsy talks to him he smiles 🥺
Also Breacher being Danny Trejo (Machete) from Spy Kids
"Good people don't destroy lives and call it noble"
Gypsy's real name is Cynthia and Breacher's Josh
Girl Night's out was an awesome episode, I mean we got to see the girls working together, Felicity, Drunk Barry and Cecile going #feminism it's just great
Amunet was kinda funny lmao Annoying but funny lol
BAHSHAHHA that scene when they get mugged by the guy that try to mugged Barry in s1 is hilariousss (ep6)
Ok but Black Bison (Mina) was right like why are things that belong to people that are still here in a museum?
Uff istg I hate Marlize sm like she's so manipulative and she just slapped Barry like bro u know ur guilty he's just doing his job ugh, I know she becomes good at the end but still 😤🙄
Harry and Caitlin 🥺
I love how Cisco's powers improved throughout the seasons. Like at the beginning he needed his goggles to vibe and now he just did it without them.
Bro even tho Amunet is evil she really just encouraged Caitlin and let her know that she is amazing for her, not only for killer frost.
I like Iris and Caitlin's friendship
The fact that she decided to go after Caitlin, instead of Barry shows how good of a leader she is
"those white girl dreads came straight from the 90s" BAHSHAHHA I love Cisco
Bro no wth I only saw Dominic for one episode and I already loved him 🥺
UGHHHH He didn't do anything this is not fair it makes me so upset like it was so infuriating to see him go through trial for something he didn't do🥺
Ig that's what he felt like when his dad-
Caitlin holding Iris's hand during trial 🥺
Ralph really protected Joe and prevented him from basically destroying his life by planting fake evidence on Marlize's shoes
Ok but I love 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ's episode because I think it's like the first time that we get to see Killer Frost fighting alongside them 🥺
They really helped Caitlin turn into Killer Frost with... puppies 🥺😂❤️
Bro the amount of people that are in jail for crimes they didn't commit makes me so upset
And the fact that he got the same cell as his dad 🤌🏼😩
"I'm the fastest mop alive" I love how even when he's in prison he's still finds a way to smile or make Iris smile i-
Zoey Clark was James Jesse's girlfriend and Axel Walker's mother.
Ralph's first superhero name was stretchy man
Lexi La Roche was Caitlin's childhood bully
Omg just saw Nora for the first time in s4 ehhh actually probably not the first time since I think she appeared in the crossover but I skipped that episode so oh well 😂
She's so awkward- her Barry is showing lmaoooo
OMG I love this, Cecile just found out she can read minds lmaooo
Big Sir's real name is Dave and i-🥺
BARRY'S A CHEATER ABSHAHAHH he cheated on poker lmaooo
Cecile would definitely be me if I had powers
Harry's actually pretty insecure
Mini Ralph and Mini Cisco are hilarious
I will forever love Big Sir like 🥺
The fact that he did get his happy ending 🥺☺️❤️
Bro I felt so bad when the bus metas were almost free and Devoe took them 🥺
I'm ngl I'd love to get a pep talk from killer frost
OMG THATS WHY HE NEEDED T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r i never really understood why he needed him but it was to keep Marlize in love
BAHSHAHHA I love Cisco "Ralph I love you but you sleep on a futon" (a damp futon)
Ok but I love Izzy Bowen's energy, she reminds me of Laurel sm
I love how Harry calls Cecile- DA Cecile Horton
The Flash s4:E14 "Subject 9" minute 12:14 - Cisco yelling "Iris" with the voice Crack is the most hilarious thing I've seen today lmaoo
Just realized that the first time we saw Izzy Bowen she was singing Somethin' Bad which was probably foreshadowing what was going to happen with her character
Bro izzy🥺
Iris being a speedster is kinda cool and I like that her lightning is purple :)💜⚡️
Cisco just saved Iris 🥺
Poor Cisco, Harry just destroyed his little airplane thingie he was working on because he was looking for his thinking cap that Joe had because Harry was getting addicted to it
And Joe noticed because Harry had the same symptoms as Francine did 🥺
Bro that scene in ep18 where Marlize and Iris are fighting is pretty badass, especially when Iris basically stabs herself to get rid of Marlize or when Joe makes it into the Cortex with the Samuroid's head in a pole lmaooo😂
Ralph and Killer Frost 🥺
I love Snart from Earth-X
Bro no I love Cisco and Gypsy I cried when they broke up 🥺
Amunet's real name is Leslie Jocoy
Diggle throwing up after running with Barry every single time is hilarious😂
I love it when Cecile inhabits other people's minds right when she's about to give birth BAHSHAHHA SHE REALLY IMPERSONATED JOE PERFECTLY
Joe and Cecile baby's name is Jenna Marie West🥺☺️
This house is bitchin' BAHAHAHA I hated this cliffhanger like I loved it bc it wasn't that bad but it was yk?😂
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s-nh · 3 years
It’s been 2 days since I went to my friend from high schools wedding and my friend was marrying my ex boyfriend from high school, sister.
It was my first time seeing him since sometime in 2017 & I was so nervous knowing we would finally be seeing one another after so many years.
I was 17 when I met him. It was my first time experiencing butterflies in my stomach, experiencing excitement from being around someone, experiencing caring about someone, it was my first time experiencing love.
He was my first love. It’s almost 4am and I just got done talking to my sister about how I felt seeing him and I found myself talking about the first time I met him which was at the mall’s food court, second table against the glass railing. I told her how we talked for months before meeting, to then only dating for a short period of time, To then us going to the same high school together and me breaking my own heart chasing for his attention even tho he was already w someone else at the time.
I told my sister how he we sat next to eachother in English class and we’d flirt all the time, how there was this security guard at school & she would actually let us walk around campus in the middle of class for a few mins just to go kiss behind the building.
I made him this huge Valentine’s Day card and got him candy and put it on his desk before class started for him to walk into and be surprised.
I think for his birthday I even got him a tiny piñata and he attached it to his backpack walking around school with it.
He would call me almost every night and we’d fall asleep over the phone. But there would be days where I’d be so sad knowing we were playing “boyfriend and girlfriend” at school but he had an actual girlfriend of his own. During those phone calls I remember telling him I didn’t wanna do what we were doing anymore bc it was too painful and I needed to move on and accept that we weren’t gonna be anything.
He would tell me not to and that he loved me. “But if you love me you would have still been with me.” No response. Not a good one at least.
We graduated and I never saw him again and I got into a new relationship. A long 5/7 year relationship of toxicity. During that bad relationship I broke up w my at the time bf for a year and then Chris walks back into my life that year I break up w my boyfriend of 2017.
We hadn’t seen each other since high school and we spent a lot of nights just hanging out and talking for hours till I had to leave.
He was still with that girl and lived with her at her parents house but according to him, they have both mentally and physically checked out from the relationship and he was even sleeping on the couch now. From what it sounded, I guess she didn’t wanna kick him out because his relationship with his parents at that time wasn’t the best.
I even remember driving him to his parents house because his step dad wanted to talk to him and I waited for maybe an hour before he came back apologizing like crazy about making me wait. From his behavior after that talk I guessed that his family just finally wanted to be on good terms.
He confessed after some time that he still had feelings for me after one of our hang outs and I was trying so hard not to feel the same. I had fear. I didn’t want to be hurt by him again.
I tried dating someone else that 2017 and it ended up not working out. I told Chris about it and mentioned how I wasn’t feeling it with that guy and he took that as an opportunity to kiss me.
All I remember was fireworks. Remembering those flutters and beam of excitement like I did when I was 17 from kissing him.
One night we were hanging out and we ended up in the back of my car kissing and I saw how excited he was getting that I thought to myself, I always thought I would lose it to him but I didn’t. For some reason we’re finally here again with one another and I know we’ve both always wanted to be intimate with one another.
But when I was 17 I told myself that if I was gonna lose my v card, I wanted to be in love and I wanted the person to feel the same.
I still knew I loved him and he loved me. And although he basically played me all my half of junior year and all of my senior year, and I was a dumbass letting that happen, somewhere and some way we both knew we had love for one another.
We finally did it. And after that night I never saw him again. Why? It was the end of 2017 and my ex who I broke up with reached back out to me and asked to see me to catch up. Catching up led to another few years of unchanged behavior and continuous negativity until I broke it off for good February of 2020.
By the end of 2020 I noticed Chris creeping on my Instagram stories and decided to add him.
There we found ourselves messaging one another and just simply commenting on each others stories and him finally asking me what happened that night after we had sex.
How he ended up being blocked and couldn’t find me anywhere.
I explained that it was all due to ex boyfriends and drama and that I didn’t know it bothered him.
“I thought we were finally going to be something”
To my shock: “really? You would have wanted that?”
“Well I wasn’t trying to hit it and quit it.”
He told me thought he did something horrible that night for me to just completely ghost him for what became years but really it was my ex blocking him bc of the relationship that I was in again.
We talked about how we realize that there’s still gonna be love between us and care for one another.
We talked about what could have been.
He finally apologized for the first time for how he treated me and made me feel.
He said he would have wanted us to happen to this day.
Then I finally see him at the wedding.
We looked at each other Forsure when neither of us were looking.
I walked up to the bar for a drink and as I waited in line I hear,
“Hi Natalie.”
My already semi drunk self looks at him carrying his now one year old daughter in his arms.
He was now in another relationship. He was now a father.
“Hi Chris.”
He looks at me and then at his daughter “can you say hi?”
His daughter was beautiful. An equal mixture of Chris and his new girlfriend. She definitely has his eyes and nose.
I told him how beautiful she was and the conversation didn’t last long at all. I’d say a solid minute till he had to leave back to his table where his girlfriend was at.
I ended up having to leave so my sister and I congratulated and thanked my friend for inviting us. We said goodbye to the groom, and I said goodbye to Chris’s little brother and his girlfriend and didn’t see Chris around to personally say goodbye but I at least sent a message saying goodbye.
It felt normal but a bit nerve wracking seeing him again but felt over all happy to get the chance that we both finally did once again.
We weren’t meant to be but I know in some way we’ll always be connected. Forever love you Chris.
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yyxgin · 3 years
no bar!! never fret about replying late. i know what it’s like to not want to talk to anyone. honestly. i won’t call it (my experience) a depressive episode bc one of my friends used to brush off me when i was saying things like i’m depressed and say ‘sad’ instead. like if i were to say ‘that made me/i am depressed’ she’d say something like ‘oh god same! like if it’s making you sad,, don’t do it.’ which is a v poor example of what she did but i never called it depressed after that bc she pissed me off n was disregarding of my feelings (even though she’s incredibly anxious herself) bc i didn’t get it officially diagnosed. idk if you’ve ever read about birth control pills but i always read on tumblr people calling them literal depression pills and i ignored it, thinking either 1) people were being dramatic / were over-dramatising it or 2) it wouldn’t happen to me anyway. it fucking happened and they were not being dramatic. i was never happy n always working on minimal sleep n making self depreciating jokes all the time bc it was the only way i could cope with my thoughts n constant mood swings. so what i’m trying to say is,, i know how it feels. if that’s any consolation. it’s not me trying to be ‘oh me too!’ or ‘mine was worse than you’ it’s just me being understanding n telling you it’s okay. also lemme at your friends!! i’ll stomp them out n get the barman to run them over for you!! they’re so mean to forget you!! i find that deciding i want to do something specific n then asking the appropriate people if they want to do saïd thing/place works for me. it can be a simple ‘we should do this, when are you free?’ helps. making it known that you want to do things helps. or aggressively remind them that it’s nice to be asked bc it means they thought of you even if you couldn’t go n tried to include you. or we can revisit me stomping them out w my beloved barman,,, whatever works best for you my dear <3
admittedly me and one of the girls were discussing that we are going to miss our manager. even though literally everyone moaned about her (i feel like it’s impossible to avoid in literally any job/situation) she did have her moments and she did a lot for the staff like after work-drinks, asking the chefs if we could order off of the customer menu instead of the staff menu or whatever they cook in bulk for everyone to take home in the evening. apparently she did this a lot more than the previous manager. she has a good heart but sometimes she ignored some of the girls when we ask for days off or our availability for the week which was very annoying of her. it could’ve been a lot worse, i suppose, but overall she wasn’t terrible.
thé lady who lives in my town and drops me given the chance, told me the other night that she used to be the duty manager. i asked her why she stopped and she explained that when they furloughed everyone they asked her to come back on like half pay or something? idk i just remember it being explained as they wanted her to come back sooner and take away her furlough so she said no and got demoted. but somehow she still gets some of the furlough? idk i have been taught that asking how much or discussing specifics of paychecks kind of thing is rude, growing up. she has been telling me they keep asking her to come back (now they’re asking her to be a supervisor since she declined the manager role) and she keeps saying no. i love her and want the best for her so i won’t say anything to anyone about the conversations me and her have had (i mean, apart from maybe my mum if i can remember, and you bc, let’s be real, you don’t know me and idk you) and she says they’re just difficult to work with as a management team. she even said our area manager isn’t impressed with our current assistant manager (who is currently the only person on an houred contract since our manager left) which shocked me since i personally think he is quite good considering he has a good relationship with the staff and kitchen (he’s thai so he can communicate with the kitchen better than most of the wait staff (some wait staff are thai but mostly not)) i think she doesn’t want to be the eldest person in management or she doesn’t want the age gap to be so big since she has a kid she can lecture at home, she doesn’t need to be looking after people at work, y’know?
also today, me and one of the girls were upstairs (two floors of the restaurant!) and it’s nearing 11pm and her brother (who also works there) comes up and asks us when we’re finishing (mostly her lol) but we had two tables just sitting talking amongst themselves so she just said idk. he was saying he wanted to go bc he’s tired etc n he’s driving n she was like it’s fine go home i’ll call an uber or something n he was refusing to leave her behind. (i feel like i brushed over the two tables sitting there but it must be noted they’re the only tables left in the entire restaurant and we were the only two wait staff still there, apart from her brother but he changed and was waiting downstairs). anyway, she was sweeping (i was cleaning the booth/sofa thingy chairs as it was a mundane task we could do to pass time and while she was sweeping by one of the tables thé boyfriend was whispering to his girlfriend saying ‘should we go?’ and the girlfriend said ‘why should i care?’ and the girl came over to tell me v quietly and i got so upset for her. bc she is literally the sweetest person on the earth and the only reason i didn’t go to ask the manager to see if i could go home with the lady who offers to take me (ex-duty manager lady!) was so she wasn’t alone up there. if i had been the one sweeping near that table i would’ve snapped so fucking hard at them. i mean, we’re 18 and have lives and sleep schedules, and we’re working until 11pm on a thursday before we even get home?? like i wouldn’t have minded staying if they were reasonable tables but after the gf said that i was like ‘shall i go get our stuff from the staff room?’ so i could split as fast as possible. in the end the temporary acting manager came up and told us we could finish and she kicked the tables out ten minutes later. i told her what the table saïd and she thought that was mean and unnecessary too. i was also worried about my sleep tonight since i have my first vaccine tomorrow morning. that’s why i was more pressed about what time i left work today. oh well.
im sorry for talking so much about work! sometimes i don’t have someone to talk to about it (at home) bc of my weird hours and sometimes i don’t like re-explaining things to my mum if she doesn’t get it the first seven times. sometimes it’s just a little too draining as she doesn’t understand since she’s a lifer at her job. it’s easier to explain to my dad but then i get a whole lecture on something that i ultimately have no control over n id rather just bitch w the girls at work but the problem is WE’RE AT WORK!!!
also i booked for my first tattoo!! i’m excited. it’s for next week,, which was super quick considering i was expecting to have to wait soooo much longer. i’ve been telling people about it and that it’s happening but i haven’t had the pleasure of telling people exactly where i got the idea from. bar, my dear, you know wheein’s new album, redd? well, it comes with loads of things, including these stickers (one for each song) and the one from springtime was just so perfect and when i saw it my first thought was, this would be a perfect tattoo. and so i am having it tattooed on my body. a subtle nod to kpop whilst also having something meaningful on my body. i also have just decided i want a small, minimalistic (or one-line art) rose on my sternum, kind of in the valley of my breasts, bc my nan was a rose. i like having her close to me. i recently got her necklace fixed which has left me feeling so incomplete after it broke in august last year. it’s been almost ten years and i think i’m long overdue something to remind me of her. i fiddle with my necklace when i’m nervous which is why i love it so much but incase it breaks again (i pray it doesn’t but i have a long life ahead of me) i would like her close still.
gosh there’s never enough space in my head to remember what i want to tell you so i’ll stop here for now since i should sleep to be able to wake up in time for my first jab. i’m scared but it’s whatever i’ll do it i suppose,, eeek 😨
ilyl ~ 🌻
thank you so much for opening up to me about this, it means a lot to me :( i am so sorry you had to go through this and honestly,, i really resonate with you. i feel like when i talk about my emotions and my sadness (dont know if its okay to call it depression either but yea), my friend either always either makes me feel like my emotions arent valid or she tells me she doesnt know how to help, which is frankly, why i dont talk about my emotions to people irl anymore. i dont open up and it takes me a long long time to do so if i ever do, because i tend to feel insecure/not safe :D so really, thank you for telling me and i hope you are doing better. your emotions are valid and i am always here for you 
HAHAHA i mean i dont have many friends so theres not many to stomp on:( but i mean,, i get passive aggressive when i feel forgotten/left out so you best believe i told my friend how im feeling, but like uhhh it didnt do much. i spent the whole weekend at work and i was free on friday but my friend decided to ditch me and yeah. i havent been out in like two weeks now and i mean i am an introvert so i dont mind that much but even i want to socialise sometimes
aah i mean every manager has their flaws, no one’s perfect. my manager keeps calling me to go to work even though i was literally there for 11 hours on saturday AND sunday which means i worked for 20 hours in two days. and i work 20 hours a week at max. and i already worked some hours before the weekend so i think i have like 30 hours now and she keeps calling??? dude i need a break too,,i am so exhausted and tired of this shit :dd
oh i totally get what the lady that drops you off sometimes told you. i would feel a little iffy if i heard it too, but like,,,judge by your own experiences!! if you feel like something is off, you can always leave,, so i wouldn’t be so stressed about it.
why are people so rude ??? dude,,you should care, because we are all human. everyone has their needs and their lives and i bet he wouldnt like it if he was the one in your place. why should you stay there longer just because he didnt want to leave?? that was so unnecessary. people are weird beings and i learnt that after working with them this weekend,,,like i litereally got screamed at because i couldnt accept cash in different currency. like,,what tf do you want me to do?? i dont have every single currency with me so i could give u the change ?? tf ??
ALSO ITS OKAY TALK ABOUT YOUR WORK HOWEVER MUCH YOU WANT !!!! i also feel like i dont have anyone to talk to about work bc my parents dont listen to me as much as they used to these days and my friend unsurprisingly just doesnt care bc she doesnt work,, and i dont wanna talk to my internet friends abt it as much bc i feel annoying so i am glad us two can talk about these things together !!!! 
YOUR FIRST TATTOOOO WHOAAAH thats so cool. i love tattoos hihi dfkja idk if u already had the appointment but tell me how it went after !! i wasnt able to find the sticker on the internet but im sure it looks hella pretty. also i love how it reminds you both of kpop and your grandma, its wonderful <3 i really want to get a tattoo one day,, and i also want something meaningful (not that i am hating on people that tattoo themselves just for fun and have no meaning behind their tattoos i just have commitment issues so i want something long lasting). alSO my crush (yes i have a crush now ew) has a tattoo and it looks like satan lowkey,,but apparently its a japanese something (i forgot the word oopsies) and it means jealousy, bad past and wisdom ?? i was like BOY IF U DONT??? fjdkla he has blue hair btw i am very much whipped but he also doesnt know me and i am older than him so this is embarrassing
ily <333
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shoujoaccent · 5 years
can you share your thoughts on kuro and iwanaga pls 🥺
ok first, i love them, so jot that down lmao i’m just going to be rambling w/ the information i have today!! which is ep7 of the anime & vol.10 of the manga!!
the first thing i want to touch on is this recent idea that kuro is with iwanaga by force, or her persistence, or not having romantic feelings for her... and even though i can see why people have that conclusion, i feel like a big factor to that ideal has been from 1) their romance has been subtext because of the genre and the fact that their relationship is established, and 2) the fact that kuro’s character, especially in the anime, is flat and often misconstrued... when he both has valid reasons for his characterization and has proven that he genuinely cares for her, her well-being, and their relationship. 
again!! i must repeat!! they are together in an established romantic relationship. this is not a budding romance, so we’re not going to get a lot of moments of them realizing their feelings/etc. he may have moments where he’s not prioritizing her, but he always makes up for it, and shows that he goes out of his way to make her happy. yes, he teases her relentlessly, and yes, he says he’s going to break up with her..... but literally all of his actions indicates his care.
also, the second thing i want to touch upon is that kuro and kotoko’s relationship is complicated because individually, they are complicated themselves. kuro’s lack of attachment can be explained away with the abuse of his grandmother, his strange relationship with rikka, and the fact that he’s immortal (like, why is he going to get legally married when he’ll never have a death certificate?). kotoko flirts, sure, but she’s distant herself. she’s shown that she has no hesitation of bending ethics to uphold the natural order, and that her job will always become before everything, even her health. before kuro, she’s described to being to herself and rare to any emotional outburst. nonetheless, she’s still a rich, protected daughter that was found dismembered... like she has her own rich backstory that doesn’t go away just bc she talks about being horny 24/7 lol
ok more things under the cut bc of spoilers and i cant be vague anymore:
THIRD THING!! another thing that gets brought about kuro’s feelings and it’s the fact that he has feelings for his cousin and saki still. therefore, his relationship with kotoko is strictly platonic... but that’s... that’s just not the case. i need to break this down into parts bc WHEW I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS
FIRST, if kuro has feelings for rikka, then there should have been no problem for them to be together. in the recent volume (10), she literally states that he was supposed to be hers... but what eventually ended up happening is the fact that kuro did get closer with kotoko. 
and see, the thing with that is..... if kuro has had nothing but feelings for rikka, then his relationship with saki wouldn’t have happened in the first place either. not to sound pro-inc*st, but they are immortal beings and the last of their family line. there’s literally nothing stopping them besides kuro not wanting to pursue a romantic relationship with rikka... and he didn’t. he got engaged to saki instead.
kuro has also stated that rikka was only in the hospital because she wanted to be mortal again, aka she wanted to die... but why? there’s events that we’re missing and won’t get to see into later down the line. regardless, it’s safe to say that kuro loves rikka to his full capacity as family and as someone who shared his same horrid past, but he doesn’t love her more than that. (he also said she was a monster beforehand anyway so.... idk, maybe that has something to do with that LOL.)
but that also brings us to the next thing: why saki?
it’s been clear that he dates saki because she looked like rikka. they were together to the point of engagement and talks of marriage, but nothing came into fruition bc he’s an immortal that scares off spectres.
but thats the thing too, their relationship would’ve never worked bc 1) he was always hiding the fact on who he was, and 2) again, he is immortal. maybe she was his attempt to be normal, but kuro’s very aware of his situation at all times. i don’t doubt he loved saki, but a lot of his residual feelings from the lady steel arc indicate guilt rather than lingering feelings.
and of course, he feels freaking guilty!!! he lied to her about his condition, and then scared her to the point where she couldn’t even eat certain meats. that’s a heavy burden to be at fault for. (luckily, they do resolve this and apologize to each other!! but that’s the thing too: be the end of lady steel, they aren’t letting go of their feelings. they’ve been aware that their relationship was over for a long time and that they both moved on. there were just some leftover wounds.)
AND AHHH!!!! i think its also to point out the fact that rikka approved saki (aka her clone), but she never approved kotoko. rikka said that she thought she could wait for kuro to get tired of kotoko, but he never did. that’s why kotoko became a bigger threat than she already was. not only was she an indicator that kuro wasn’t looking for rikka in people, but because his feelings for kotoko are genuine. it drives rikka to the point of insanity bc she literally is trying to create something to kill a god.
so to summarize: kuro loves rikka, but only as family. kuro dates saki bc she reminded him of rikka (aka probably the only he did know in his fucked up childhood), but it doesn’t work out bc he’s immortal anyway. kuro dates and ends up having actual feelings for kotoko, which brings us to the present and why rikka feels threatened to the point of violence.
also, since we’re nearing the end, there’s something also interesting about kuro and kotoko’s relationship that i’ve thought about since their christmas chapter. kuro is a broke college student. kotoko is an heiress. they’re constantly going on trips and dates, but for the most part, kuro is going out of his way to treat kotoko. he’s thankful for her parents for taking in rikka, but there’s not a plot about him being indebted to her/etc... and i’ve been thinking about this since the christmas chapter bc he chose to work at his part-time job than spend it with her. at first, it’s easy to be upset about it...... but again, kuro’s a broke college student. of course, he needs to work a lot. he not only has school, bills, and groceries, but he’s trying to accommodate kotoko to a lifestyle where she’s happiest in (like a goOD BOYFRIEND) and it makes me wanna cry ok
in conclusion, i just think it’s dumb to act like these two aren’t together or that they don’t have feelings for each other. it’s there. in fact, it’s probably the only constant/consistent thing in a story with a lot of moving parts. they both lead incredibly complicated lives, but they’re there for each other.
i won’t lie, kuro talks a lot of shit lmao, but i don’t get how that’s different from kotoko being overly sexual/vulgar when she doesn’t mean it either. kuro literally told her that he needs her and her response was telling him to not think he’s hot shit lololol. i get also bc kotoko’s overtly sexual (and lbr, attracts a lot of lolicons), so if she’s not being praised/not being treated like a princess by kuro, then that makes him a worse boyfriend... but he doesn’t treat her poorly. hell, that pinocchio proved that she really takes for granted that he dies a lot of her sometimes to the point with other spectres (aka the things that want to see kuro die LOL) think she (aka their god that they praise 24/7) is harsh.
but that’s what being in a relationship too is. you’re not going to appreciate someone at all hours of the day, but the point is, you have to be constantly taking care of each other, even when you don’t want to. kuro and kotoko are constantly taking care of each other, and thinking of each other’s well-being first and foremost. they might bicker, but that’s a fact that’s always acknowledged by everyone around them, despite initial opinions.
and tbh, i feel like kuro also feels a lot of guilt for rikka. maybe not for returning her feelings, but because his happiness with another person (kotoko) was the catalyst of her running away and causing havoc. i think that adds another layer to his distance with kotoko, but it doesn’t mean he has feelings for her romantically. what i really appreciate about the story is the fact that as simple as things are presented, there’s always a complex reason/backstory for it. there’s never a single moving part for anything. there’s plenty of motives and reasons.
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foolgobi65 · 4 years
careful man’s careless daughter
@philtstone prompted: Anne/Gilbert babysitter au fake dating prompt #5 let’s go laydees “you have the emotional capacity of a brick. that slate I broke over  your head.” (we’re pretending people still use slates now....american schools have no money...its possible ok) 
k so i was trying to figure out how to work in the babysitter + fake dating and ... like a flash the plot to this old telugu/tamil movie i love missamma/missaimaa came to mind -- its not quite the same because they’re two people pretending to be married so that they can make money as school teachers/live in tutors for a wealthy family’s daughter but it works just enough that i decided to roll with it lol. 
this technically isn’t the actual babysitting, nor the fake dating which I actually turned into a fake marriage lol, but i hope u still like it, even though it is all over the place and a general wreck because i wrote it straight through without any editing or thought towards pacing/characterization bc i havent written in forever lol!! im not even sure what the time period setting is lol, and i dont think my translating of the anne events into a semi modern day even works but w/e lol. 
u are the truest of friends, the light of my life, and have certainly heard more than your share of my mental breakdowns both in the last month and the last few years lol. u deserve all the good things, all the good fic, all the time. 
title is a perversion of a tswift lyric because it came up on youtube. if anyone wants to send in prompts from here
“You owe him how much?” 
Anne sighs, crossing her legs to hide how uncomfortable she is in this moment -- here she is in the park, fifteen thousand dollars plus interest in medical debt for Marilla’s eye surgery and being hounded by Roy Gardner, ex boyfriend apparently turned loan shark who was on his knees proclaiming both love and loan forgiveness should Anne just accept his proposal. 
Here Gilbert Blythe is, sitting on a park bench after two years without contact, watching the whole thing. 
“Marilla doesn’t have health insurance,” Anne says, eyes on the ground as she uses the toe of her shoe to grind a leaf into the sidewalk cement. “Even when I was teaching, the union plan didn’t let people add parents on as dependents.” She sighs. “With everything happening with the farm, she couldn’t afford to put money towards a plan and so when her eyes got bad....” 
For a moment, there is silence. Anne can almost hear Gilbert’s jaw clench “That’s just wrong.” 
Anne laughs, and because her eyes are averted she doesn’t see Gilbert flinch. “That’s America, Blythe.” 
“Well,” she hears him say, tone just dripping with what Mrs. Rachel would call the Blythe Stubbornness, “It shouldn’t be.” 
She won’t ever admit it, but there’s something Anne has always found deeply compelling about Gilbert when he gets into these moods -- all righteously indignant in a way that Anne feels inside of her own body. Or felt, before Matthew died and left behind debts not even Marilla had known about, and Marilla’s eyes worsened around the the time Anne was let go from her teaching job and even if she had had the job it wouldn’t have mattered, she knows, but still. Beautiful, wonderful, beloved Diana had offered to help, of course she had, but Anne knew that Fred’s business wasn’t yet where it should be and that the parents Barry were still unimpressed with their son in law to be’s financial acumen. So she’d had to go to Roy, who had of course lent his beautiful Anne the money, and of course had arranged for Marilla to be treated at the best hospital in Toronto, of course had set them up in the apartment of a friend of his right in downtown where the rents were a thousand maybe two per month. He’d popped the question for the third time the second Marilla had been released back into Anne’s care. 
Almost as if he can hear her thoughts, Gilbert speaks -- “Gardner shouldn’t be harassing you like this either. Who ever heard of charging interest on a loan to a friend? And what on earth does he think he’s going to take from you if you just don’t pay?” 
Anne burns. This, she hasn’t told Marilla, nor even her darling Diana. For some reason, it seems alright to tell Gilbert. “The farm,” she mumbles.
Gilbert snorts. “I’m sorry, I must have misheard. Are you saying that Roy Gardner, heir to one of the biggest fortunes in Boston and your ex boyfriend, took your home as collateral on a loan for money you needed to pay for your mother’s surgery?” 
Anne says nothing. She still hasn’t looked up at him, hasn’t been able to meet his gaze since she sat down on the bench and told Roy to get up off his knees and wait two months for either his money or her affirmative answer. She blinks, having mercifully forgotten that Gilbert was present for that last bit. She hopes he’s forgotten too. 
“And wait, before he left you said....” No such luck. “Anne!” Anne’s sure her entire head must be flame as she closes her eyes, bringing her knees up on the park bench and burying her face into her own lap. “Anne you said you’d marry him if you couldn’t get the money!” 
“There’s no debt between spouses,” Anne mumbles. “We’d get to keep the farm, and I wouldn’t ever worry about Marilla’s health again.” 
“But you don’t love him!” She doesn’t know if she’s ever heard Gilbert sound so scandalized. 
“I used to!” she tries to retort, but even Anne knows that her voice betrays her when she tries to speak this lie. “I used to think I was,” she amends, “and maybe that’s as close as I’m allowed to get -- he’s rich, handsome, he even loves me! What more could I ask for?” 
“Coercing you into marriage, demanding interest on money that we all know is just pocket change for someone like him...that’s not love,” Gilbert Blythe responds, with all that....that all-knowing Blytheness in his voice that Anne has hated since she was 13 years old and the new kid in a class of people who had always known each other just as easily as they had known themselves. “Love is selfless, Anne, strong and kind. It makes you better for giving away your heart, even if the one you love doesn’t give you theirs in return.” 
Gilbert Blythe, always acting as if he knows something Anne does not. He speaks as if he’s been in love, at some point over the years since he was last in Avonlea and for some reason Anne absolutely burns with that knowledge. Ooh she just hates him, now at 24 just as easily as she had at 13! 
“And what exactly is love worth if it means I just lose the farm trying to pay for Marilla’s surgery, and still have nothing for the next time she’s sick?” Suddenly Anne is on her feet, hands on her hips as she glares at Gilbert looking quite alarmed as he still sits on the bench. The words she has kept locked on the inside, too private to even be written in a diary, come pouring out in one big rush:
“Three of my four parents are already dead, Gilbert Blythe.” Her voice hitches, to her horror, her sudden fury vanishes as she has to blink away the tears she has kept at bay since she and Marilla buried Matthew. Damn Gilbert, for bringing this out of her as well. “I can’t...I couldn’t bear to lose anyone else.” Her lips thin, and with a breath, her voice steadies. “I don’t care what you, or anyone else thinks about my choices if it means that I can take care of Marilla.” 
Gilbert’s eyes have the sheen of his own tears when he stands, his own lips wobbling just slightly. “I...” he swallows. “Of course, Anne.” Something Anne recognizes as self hatred passes briefly over his face, but she doesn’t understand. “I wish I had money like Gardner to give you, I really do.”   
Anne gentles, even if something inside her twists to be the object of the long-old guilt mixed with pity, much less Gilbert Blythe. Since Matthew’s death, every person in Avonlea it seems has sat with Anne and Marilla and offered their deep condolences, their absolute shock at the pair’s financial state of affairs, how much they wish they could help but sadly cannot, what with the way the bank’s collapse has hit their own finances. Only families like the Gardners survive economic crashes with money to burn. 
“I wouldn’t have taken it even if you had,” she offers instead, shrugging casually. 
His eyes flash. “But you took Gardner’s?” 
“I thought he loved me!” Anne closes her eyes, somehow feeling her cheeks flush even deeper. This is why she’s avoided all mention of Gilbert Blythe so strenuously since high school graduation, because more than anyone else he is the one who drags out the words she is always learning to keep inside. Here he is, somehow pulling confessions Anne hadn’t even dreamed of telling Diana, confessions that make her seem small, and stupid, lost in a world so much more complicated and treacherous than she can handle all on her lonesome. 
Well, she thinks, in for a penny -- 
“I thought he loved me,” she says, “and that he had the money to spare. I didn’t realize...” She looks away again, so that she never has to see him react to her folly. 
“Oh Anne,” Gilbert says, for some reason so soft and stricken that Anne’s knees go weak with her sudden desire to fall to the ground and weep. “You deserve so much better.” 
And now she’s angry again. “What would you know about what I deserve?” Anne spits, “you haven’t even been home since you started med school!” Vaguely, Anne thinks that Gilbert hasn’t been home since she and Roy had gotten serious, serious enough for her to bring him to Green Gables and show him the place that had been her very first love. Coincidences can be so strange. 
“It doesn’t matter,” she says, glaring again at the ground. “None of this matters. I’m just going to go home” Anne clenches her jaw, knowing that when she gets back to Green Gables she will go into her room and play every excruciating part of this conversation back in her head, again and again until she throws up or passes out at dawn from sheer exhaustion. Maybe both, if she’s lucky. She leans back slightly and manages to turn around on her heels, a trick Gilbert Blythe had always pulled at school and had had girls thinking he was so cool.
She’s five minutes away from the park bench when suddenly she hears him call out her name. 
“Anne,” he shouts again much closer, bending at his waist to balance his hands at his knees as he pants. “God, it really has been two years since I was on the university football team.” 
Despite the roiling emotions of five minutes ago, Anne’s lips quirk. “I can’t imagine you all practiced very much to end up near the bottom of your league every year.” 
Gilbert’s eyes widen, and for some reason he flushes. Maybe he’s so out of shape that it’s from exertion? “I didn’t realize you kept up with my matches.”  Ah. Anne, it seems, will experience nothing else but one long sustained flush as long as she is in front of Gilbert Blythe. “You know,” she tries to say casually, “you hear things here and there. Diana told me the village gossip.” 
Gilbert opens his mouth, but then suddenly shakes his head, like a dog trying to dislodge water from its fur. “I have...” he frowns. “I have a proposition for you.”  Anne raises what she hopes is an elegant eyebrow. “Oh?” 
He grimaces. “There’s a boarding school, a Catholic one, that’s asking for teachers over the summer for a few of their select students who want to be coached for college admissions. Essays, standardized tests, everything. They’ve got heaps of money, and are willing to pay salaries up front. Plus, they cover all your expenses while you’re there!” 
Anne blinks, feeling the beginnings of hope gather as kindling at the very dredges of her heart. Once, both Anne and Gilbert had competed so well against each other that they had both gotten into Harvard. Then, Matthew had died, and Anne decided she could just as easily get a teaching degree at the state school and stay closer to Marilla too. Gilbert alone had had the distinction of being the first from Avonlea to reach such heights, and had reached even higher when he had been accepted again to Harvard Medical School. 
But at one point, both Anne and Gilbert had taken their SATs. They’d both written their application essays. They’d both gotten in. Anne, even, had been offered a full ride compared to Gilbert’s only partial scholarship, so there could even be an argument that of the two, Anne had been the one on top. 
And if nothing else, Anne is even better at teaching than she was at taking tests. 
“I’ll do it,” she says firmly. “Where and when do I need to report, and how much money are they offering?”  For a second, a bright, dazzling grin paints Gilbert’s face. “Really? Ten--” he coughs, “Twenty thousand.” Anne frowns. 
“Each?” It sounds like a dream come true. Five thousand more than Anne needs, and paid upfront. She could save the farm, and put away five thousand towards the farm’s debts. “That sounds....exorbitant.”  He nods, suddenly more confident. “Yep! Twenty thousand for sure.” He laughs. “I know Gardner was supposed to be slumming it at state school, but you really can’t be surprised at how much money rich people are willing to throw at a problem.” 
“The problem being...their children.”  Gilbert’s grin turns wicked. “The problem being their children’s SAT scores, and lack of compelling anecdote to base an admission’s essay on, yes.” 
Anne laughs, wicked in this moment as well. She wishes in this moment, fiercely, as she has many times over the last few years, that she had been able to go to university with Gilbert at her side -- as the friends they had slowly begun to be after years of one and two sided enmity, before time and distance had turned them into near strangers. She doesn’t regret staying back, not really, but there is a part of her that no one had ever understood half as well as Gilbert Blythe, who had, after the Harvard interest meeting, drawn and pinned up a schedule for practice SATs that took into account both his and Anne’s often conflicting life schedules. 
“What’s the catch,” she asks, grinning when Gilbert chokes “come on, Blythe, there’s always a catch with offers like this. Is it across from a waste manufacturing plant? Is the principal a pervert?” 
Slowly, Gilbert Blythe is turning red. “Ah,” he says, shuffling like he never did even when he was an errant schoolboy. “Well,” he says, and....is that his voice cracking? 
“Gilbert,” Anne says, trying to reassure him, “I grew up in the foster system, I can handle much worse than bad smells and pervert principals, I promise.” 
He frowns. “It’s not that,” he says slowly, “but basically they’re looking for two teachers, a man and a woman to manage the boys and the girls while the rest of the staff go on vacation.” 
Anne smiles, trying to ignore the jolt of her heart at the thought of an entire summer with Gilbert, studying like they used to but as friends. Her old dreams, finally coming true. “That’s perfect then, you take one job and I’ll take the other! It’ll be like old times, kind of.” 
He smiles faintly, as if, even after locking horns with the best and brightest at Harvard, Anne is still the person he wants to be trading barbs with over the heads of high school students for months on end. “I’d like nothing better, he says, except...” 
Gilbert inhales. “ExceptTheSchoolWillOnlyHireAMarriedCoupleSoThatTheyDon’tHaveToWorryAboutOutofWedlockSexorTeachersHavingSexWithStudents.” All in a rush, and now Gilbert is the one who can’t apparently handle eye contact.
“The school,” Gilbert says to his shoes, “since it’s Catholic, and also since they’re lazy, only want a married couple so that they don’t have to have anyone watching to make sure the teachers aren’t having sex with the students. Or each other.” 
Anne blinks. “But we’re not married!” 
Gilbert grimaces, opening his mouth, but then just biting his lip. They could be, Anne thinks, only a tad hysterical. Only all of Avonlea was matching them up all the years of high school, and even the years after until she’d met Roy. It would be so easy to get a certificate. They could get a divorce by September, even annul their marriage since they definitely wouldn’t be having sex. 
Twenty thousand dollars. 
“So what you’re saying,” Anne says slowly, her lip curling of its own accord “is that after all that talk about what love is and isn’t, and telling me that I shouldn’t marry Roy for the money he’d give me, your blockheaded solution is instead, for me to marry you?” 
Gilbert looks up. “Well when you put it that way--”  Anne sees red, even as she already sees herself in one of her old white lace dresses, standing with Gilbert at the courtroom and signing. “Gilbert Blythe I don’t believe you! Sometimes, I think that you really do have all the emotional capacity of that slate I broke over your head!” 
“I know,” he says tone heavy with something so sad that Anne’s hearten softens a bit of its own accord. “But you really need the money, and I promise we’ll get a divorce by September.” He smiles, but there’s something bitter at the corners that Anne has never seen before -- she almost raises her hand to rub the strand of emotion off his lips. “And you’re not the only one who needs the money. Will you do it?” 
Twenty thousand dollars. The farm, Marilla, an end to the eternal pity of Avonlea. And also, a small part of her suggests, an opportunity to finally spend time with this new Gilbert Blythe who went off into the world and left her behind. 
She sighs. “I vote that you be the one to tell Mrs. Lynde.” 
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kimnjss · 4 years
Fuck it.
They're both idiots and both horrible. I take no argument on that. NONE.
Up first, Jimin. I appreciate that he told her that instead of just sleeping around or restraining himself for 2 years and thus possibly being annoyed with her because he felt she was a hindrance to him doing whatever. But he's a fucking dumbass. You don't tell someone you want to be able to see others and then end up plastered everywhere putting your dick in all these women. Especially since it was clearly a constant. More so because even if it wasn't on the internet they went to the same school and he's well known, so him sleeping with everyone was bound to work it's way back to her. It wss just a dumb fuck move, but I don't blame him or hate him for telling her what he wanted in an attempt to not end up doing it and hurting her more.
That leads me to my other issue with him though. Despite him being the type to focus on what he wants, he was good at gauging YN's shit too. Her feelings were something he was aware of. So him coming back after telling her that and sleeping around is fuck shit. Especially because he should at least realize that seeing him plastered everywhere after sleeping with this and that person would hurt. Especially if his dumbass didn't keep in contact. That part should be fucking obvious, which should lead to understanding of how telling her he wanted to see others as he worked hurt her. Even if she is the one who broke up with him.
I refuse to say he broke up with her because they were broken up and that was very much her decision, not his.
Now, on to dumd fuck YN. Her feelings are valid. Going through all that and then having him decide he wants to see others would hurt like a bitch. And since I don't know if he emphasized that his seeing others was temporary or not to her, I can't touch on that. Not that it takes away from her pain. But what is not valid is her deciding her fuck girl antics making her kinda shitty. I brought it up before and I just despise this rating game she's doing. It's trash. Even if the guys don't know, her friends do. And no one seems to he telling her shit. Like wtf JK! I expect better from him. To stop her from being that bad at least. And for Hoseok to not have to he the one to call her out on her shit. Like JK has dropped the ball and I don't care for him at the moment tbh.
But anyway, to go to the mention of her rating people. I could be wrong in this, but I'm going to say it as if I'm right. Because Jimin's sexual exploits were everywhere for her and anyone to see she wanted to do the same thing. Put her sex life on blast on the internet, but she doesn't have the balls to make that clear to others not in her friend group let alone Jimin. So she plays her little rating game and it's almost like she's on an even playing field with Jimin. As if they're both hurting each other with annoucing their conquests. Which just makes shit sad. Makes her kinda sad to think about.
Like I want to get that she lost her friend and then her boyfriend, but seeing as Jimin didn't make that choice until he was leaving to somewhere else from New York she should've been processing that shit. It takes a while, but that should have been in motion. Especially seeing the dumpster fire of a "friend" fles after he tried to hurt her one last time. So I can't truly accept that as part of the reason she's acting out. It's basically a nonfactor for me when it comes to it. And it isn't a necessary addition. Him hurting her is enough for her to make a change (even if part of that change makes her kinda trash).
I also feel the need to point out she can sleep around all she wants, but issues are with everyone else.
Oh and back to Jimin. Well not Jimin, his friends. I need those dumbasses to stop telling him to drop and actually fucking sit there and tell him he needs to fucking see past what he wants. Yes, they say it but intertwining it with leave her alone forever isn't helpful. Tell him he needs to sit and think about what he did. Or lead the dumb bitch to the answer. Fucking do something. Punk ass Yoongi still got shit to make up for and is bestie's with Hobi so he might as well be useful for once. AND YES I'M STILL MAD AT HIM!
Like everyone is failing at this point expect Hobi. I only trust him right now. It's fuck JK hours if that wasn't clear. Disappointing little shit. Also I get because he and Tae are being baby back bitches who refuse to address whatever the fuck happened he'd be less inclined to get YN to, but I expect better from him got damnit. I'm surrounded by idiots and Hobi.
Also to repeat YN is just as bad as Jimin. They are equals. Until he learns what the fuck he should already be seeing or she admits her feelings and talks to him they shall remain equally dumb bitches. Though I expect her to make things worse, ngl.
Sigh... I shall live in a world where I get to love and cuddle Hobi so I don't have to deal with Dumber and Dumber.
Also I apologize if that's all over the place, I lost focus during some parts.
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righhttt! jimin telling her wasn't a bad thing, honestly. he thought he was doing the right thing instead of sleeping around behind her back. he knows himself nd the fact that sleeping around even crossed his mind, he figured breaking things off with her first would lessen the blow . buut what he failed to realize is that w his new fame and the fact that he's been with everybody – everything that he's been up to is like right there in her face.
him not seeing that how he acted would hurt yn simply comes from him not wanting to believe that he would ever hurt her. because he loves her. just how he didn't want miju to have feelings for him, so he just ignored all the signs. jimin hasn't changed in that sense that's the way he's been and it takes someone literally pointing it out like this is xyz for him to finally be like 'oh, maybe that could be true'.
yeah, she definitely broke up with him. but bc jimin wasn't technically onboard, him going back and saying 'we should definitely see other people' was like a double back on it. up until then they were just holding out for each other.
for jeongguk and hobi calling her out (gonna skip over jin bc that boy is in love and really doesn't have time to worry about all this pettiness) but hobi has (and will) on many occasions try to call yn on her bullshit, but she'd either brush him off or explain away her reasoning until he's backing off. jeongguk use to back hobi up, but since his break up with taehyung he's been siding with yn more and rooting for her outlandish behavior. so it's lowkey two against one nd they never listen to hobi, but he never hesitates to point out where they're wrong.
this. the rating theory, dude. this is why i love reading your asks so much bc that's exactly it! mixed with her not wanting to get attached so she thinks doing this would keep them at an arms length, but honestly – it comes w her having to see jimin doing his thing left and right and she's sort of like 'i can do that too'. but of course, they're still in college and people talk, so she doesn't want to be the point of gossip, so she does it secretly nd keeps it between her and her friends.
jimin's friends not speaking to him properly and only telling to leave yn alone is mainly bc they saw everything that yn had to go through with getting over jimin, but at the same time them being friends with jimin is kind of a blocker?? if that makes sense, they know how jimin is aand how he reacts in situations and how he can sometimes be overbearing, so if they were to tell him what's wrong he would do the most and might make things worse. also, they're all in their own lives (joon being newly married, taehyung dealing w his feeling for jeongguk) that it really leaves it to yoongi to fully step in and he's already feeling some type of way for ruining things the first time.
yn is definitely not in the clear though, they've both did their part in making the relationship the way that it is now. and it's going to take the both of them to fix how things are going to be in the future (if they have a future) but it's just jimin who's going to have to take the first step nnot only bc yn is stubborn, but bc he 'left' first.
hobi though, always listen to hobi. he's the only rich guy we can trust!!
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lesbianfreyja · 5 years
Can you please fill me a bit in whats happening with shameless? I stopped watching it last season, just couldnt handle the soap opera of it all
i only watched the ianmickey scenes so i dont know too much abt the others but here’s what i’ve gleaned from the bits of scenes i catch bookending the gay stuff:
debbie: began offering bjs for money as a distraction (?????) when people began to question the clothing scheme she was running. possibly trying to send her kid to foster care, difficult to tell when lip’s gf takes care of the baby most of the time. more of her in a minute though. frank ruined debbie’s scheme and now somehow she’s sleeping with a high schooler AND her mom, the mom gives debbie money to be a trophy wife basically. not sure how that happened. debbie’s bi now and just began sleeping with mickey’s lesbian cousin
lip: BORINGGGG. lip is boring now. he works at a mechanic’s and lives in an RV behind the house (?) with his hot baby mama. they raise their kid and do boring house stuff and are working toward like being normal
carl: ??? failed out of west point or something, i think he’s undercover doing weird shit to get into a gang or something. lost interest in him after the huge racist arc in s7 tbh. had to watch him have car sex, 0/10
fiona: moved out, left debbie 50 grand. not sure where all that went. i’m pretty sure she moved out in the same coat she almost ran away w/ jimmy in at the end of s1, which would be cool except maybe she just only owns one jacket
frank: who knows. i keep scrolling past his naked body when trying to fast forward though >:(
liam: kinda unsure except he talks now and is hanging out, independently, with what appears to be a high school basketball team. i think he just realized his dream (?)
ianmickey: HEEERES the juice gays. okay so ian and mickey were cellmates in prison except they were fighting bc they were in close quarters way too much and every little thing annoyed them so ian got manipulated by a guy who didn’t want to be parolled into stabbing the guy so that ian would go to solitary and the guy would stay in jail except then mickey took separating for a bit to mean a breakup so he tried to break up with ian first by stabbing the guy so they both stabbed him except they had a nice CO who just escorted them back to their cage POST-STABBING and mickey was still mad because ian was fucking him with mayo every morning except then ian got paroled and mick asked him to stay in jail since apparently he WENT to jail just to BE with ian (which apparently viewers already knew like that wasn’t a revelation) and then ian said he’d do it if mickey wanted him to so he went to stab someone else to throw his parole but mickey stopped him last minute with his gang and told ian it was wrong to ask him to stay and also ian had a gay friend group in prison (who were murderers) and mickey went to his dad’s nazi friends for boy advice (who gave it to him) and then ian got out and then thru circumstances i don’t understand mickey snuck out? was paroled? and ended up on a bus where his PO found him but just sorta escorted him home so mickey goes home to ian who now has a PO that is blackmailing him into running an insurance scam and the PO “always wanted a milkovich” so she bribes mickey’s PO to transfer mickey to her but she sucks and so she gets thrown out of a window shortly thereafter and ian thinks that mickey did it and mickey thinks that ian did it so he goes to his dad and his lesbian cousin and it turns out mickey’s helping them restore & move guns or whatever and mickey’s dad knows he’s gay because mickey goes to him for advice on what to do about ian and terry is almost just regular-homophobic for a second about the whole concept of mickey caring for ian because they’re together but once someone brings up marriage he calls mickey some slurs and threatens to kill him and gets real specific with what genitals mickey’s partners need to have and at the same time as this is all going on, ian is separately getting advice to marry mickey so they get engaged to abuse spousal privilege (because they both think the other one killed their PO) except when theyre at the courthouse they see that the PO’s blackmailed lesbian lover did the crime so they get in a fight about the “real” reason they got engaged and even though he’s upset mickey signs the marriage cert anyway but ian doesn’t because he’s too self-loathing to think he deserves love so they break up and mickey starts fucking a “glittery twink” (his dyke cousin’s words, or maybe ian’s?) that he obviously hates and also he’s pretending that he’s vers now so they make a bunch of homophobic jokes about the boyfriend (that mickey’s moved in with, and he drives a moped) and as revenge ian gets a grindr date to where mickey’s going that night and he meets them there with his extremely flamboyant date so they make a bunch of homophobic jokes about him and then the glittery twink says something mean about mickey so ian beats the shit out of him and then mickey knocks ian’s date out cold for saying he’d sit on ian’s dick later and ian proposes to mickey even though earlier at the courthouse mickey pushed him down the stairs and broke his leg but regardless mickey says yes so they get engaged and terry comes back the next morning with a gun and calls mickey slurs outside the house and they pull a gun on each other and more homophobic things are said and mickey begins getting really really into wedding planning “as revenge” to make it the most nauseating thing his dad’s ever seen but he very obviously actually deeply cares and wants all of this because mickey has been turned into a caricature of himself whose only traits are violence and honed, homophobic stereotypes of domesticity
and that’s what you missed on shameless.
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spaedia · 5 years
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alrighty dudes, dudettes, and everything in between. this is the last post i intend to ever make on tumblr, so listen up. in regards to the bullshit “callout” posted the other day:
so let’s start w/ the screenshots in question. i haven’t read the callout, so idk what was used, but considering i had upwards of 5 people come to me and ask me if i was okay, i can take a guess. let the record show that all of the messages i sent to dev and norgie regarding wart was in the midst of our breakup, which was messy enough as is. when wart and i first broke up, i had dev and co blocked bc of personal reasons. devil then decided to HUNT DOWN ONE OF MY BLOGS and follow me (after i assume staking it out, bc he’s known for stalking people). i confronted him, and he gave me some shtick about how he’ll “always care about me” and i’m “still his little sister”, blah blah blah other manipulative bullcrap. against my better judgement, i let him back in.
wart was my first boyfriend. i adored him with everything i had, so naturally, this breakup left me in a bad emotional state. devil and norgie took COMPLETE ADVANTAGE OF THIS, and when i told them what happened between wart and i, immediately began twisting it to make wart out to be the bad guy. it was norgie who originally suggested that i had been emotionally abused, and in my vulnerable state, i began to see things that way. 
not that it’s anyone’s business, but if you wanna know how the breakup went, it was something like this: wart’s mental state was deteriorating, i suggested maybe we take a break, immediately went back on that statement, wart broke things off the next morning. there was no emotional abuse, no threatening of suicide, no physical violence - it was a breakup. things didn’t work out. it happens. but of course, this didn’t fit dev and co’s narrative, so they needed to get me to admit things were much worse than they were. when i later came to my senses and realized this was all bullshit, devil and norgie then decided to GUILT TRIP ME by pointing out how they spent “two hours” on call with me while i cried. after i had just had my heart broken. no shit i was upset. newsflash: wart spent a lot longer with me on call while i was breaking down. hell, he broke up with me and still let me cry on his shoulder. and unlike dev and norgie, he never once acted like i owed him, because that’s what friends do. but hey, go on and talk about how wart’s the abusive one.
devil has spent years abusing my trust. every time i tell him i don’t want so speak with him, he comes back awhile later with some new apology and reasoning for his behavior. and like most toxic relationships, it was hard to let him ago, especially after losing the person i cared most about. he blatantly took advantage of my situation to fuel his vendetta. the only reason i told him anything was because he promised me he wouldn’t make a post unless wart “stepped out of line” (which, looking back, is a huge red flag: what gives him the right to police other people?). and had i not begun to confront him about all the bullshit he made me say, he probably would have held off. in fact, he told me that one of the “main reasons” he felt this “needed to come out” was because i was starting to defend wart. when i realized that dev was serious about making this callout, i told him i wanted no part of it. he asked me for screenshots of some of my and wart’s conversations, to which i gave him a hard no. did that stop him from using our personal messages in his sorry excuse for a callout? of course not. these are the type of people who don’t care about anyone except themselves, dev has made that perfectly clear. MY PRIVACY AND AN INNOCENT MAN’S WELL BEING MEANT NOTHING TO HIM. all he and his friends cared about was spurring along their vendetta. and honestly, if i was wart, i would have sued y’all for harassment and defamation of character ages ago.
with the matter of those messages out of the way, let’s move on to dev’s actual claims. this is where the defamation gets real, because he had the nerve to call wart a predator. seriously? what, because he dated someone a few years younger than him?
dev loves to throw the word pedo.phile around, despite the fact that he obviously doesn’t know what it means. pedo.philia “is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children”. i started puberty when i was twelve, and wart and i didn’t even meet until i was fifteen. so immediately, he doesn’t fit the bill for a pedo.phile. #sorrynotsorry.
but let’s work around that. let’s say, that because he was romantically attracted to me, that automatically makes him a pedo.phile. i’m going to remind everyone of something devil would love to leave buried: the fact that, when i was thirteen, and again at fourteen, devil tried to coerce me into writing smut with him, along with a sixteen year old girl. he used my trust of him to assure me that it would be fine. his excuse? “my (ex)girlfriend made me do it.” cause that’s a solid argument alright. so fine, label wart a pedo.phile. i sure hope dev’s planning on giving himself the same label, because what he did is a lot worse lmao.
i don’t have screenshots from dev and my conversations, i think he deleted that account, but here’s him w/ the other girl.
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so yeah long story short: dev knew this girl was underage, still tried to smut with her. take my word that he tried with me, i guess. i don’t think he’s ever denied it.
now, admittedly, i didn’t need to bring this up, but according to devil it’s important that predators get called out, so...he brought this on himself.
now i’m going to tell y’all the story of how wart and i started dating, because it really puts a hole in this “predator” story. see, for wart to be a predator, he would have had to target me in some way (come to think of it, much like devil did to me). when wart and i got together, dev and i weren’t talking, and i never got around to telling him how this happened, only that it did. (if i did tell him, i forgot about it, and that makes it even worse bc he knows this already lmao.) 
it was may sixth. i was fifteen, wart was nineteen. we had been talking for awhile, and sometime in the past week or so, i had talked to my mom about liking this guy who was older than me. she told me about her own relationships with older guys when she was my age, and that so long as he didn’t try anything, she was fine with it. so on that spring day, i confessed my feelings to wart. and y’know the first thing he said to me? “wait a few years.” a logical statement, one i probably should have taken to heart, but i was a fool in love, so i didn’t. i spent the next hour or so convincing wart to go out with me, and he eventually pitied me enough (he’d admit to something along those lines not long after) to agree. neither of us expected this to become an actual relationship, but hey, a year and a half’s not a bad run.
to make a long story short: i asked wart out, not the other way around. i begged him to date me, not the other way around. and this wasn’t some secret relationship. my parents knew from the beginning, and gave it the okay.
i think i addressed everything in that lameass “callout”, but because dev’s The Worst, i know he’s going to pull at threads to try and get his “predator” accusations to stick. i’m going to post this, and devil will immediately reply “but wait!! he is a predator: you said you two slept together!!” and then post the message where i said exactly that, added some details to make it realistic, whatever, but then fail to post the message a few days later where i told him IT WAS A HALF-BAKED STORY.
see, after wart and i broke up, i heard rumors that he and i had been sleeping together when he was up here. i’m gonna shoot those rumors down right now. a) i’m asexual and sex repulsed. i wouldn’t sleep with someone if they paid me. devil and norgie know this, but they chose to ignore it in favor of a juicy story. b) the story i gave them was incredibly inconsistent. to the point where even devil pointed out my inconsistencies, but then conveniently forgot that ever happened, then, when i told him it was bullshit, TRIED TO INSIST IT WAS TRUE. as if he knows better than i do what happened lmao. c) wart and i were never alone for more than a few minutes. my bedroom walls aren’t exactly soundproof. my bed frame is metal, it squeaks whenever i sit on it. so yeah, obviously we got away with having sex. dumbass.
now, when i heard these rumors, i decided to roll with them. what did i have to lose, right? so yeah, i spiced it up, gave devil and norgie some random details to make it realistic, and told them not to tell anyone (which as far as i know, they haven’t, so thanks for not spreading rumors i guess). when devil brought it up to me during his rant about how this callout “needed to happen”, i pretty much laughed in his face and told him it never happened. and then he tried insisting it did and i rolled my eyes so hard i think i gave myself a headache. 
tl;dr: someone started rumors that wart and i slept together, i confirmed them for shits and giggles, but no, it never happened, for all the reasons stated above.
oh, and as for dev’s reason for this vendetta? he’s told wart that it was because he (wart) wrote a character that dev wanted to write. i’m still convinced it’s over a fragile ego. either way, Real Mature, dude.
NOW i think i covered anything. phew, that’s a doozy. as i said, this is the last post i intend to ever make on this hellsite, but i encourage everyone who sees this to reblog it so that we can clear a (mostly) innocent man’s name. did wart hurt me? yes. was it enough to warrant this abuse?? not in the slightest.
my discord is still on my blog if anyone wants it (unless you’re friends with devil, norgie, kirby, or anyone else involved in this. if that’s the case, i’ll see you in hell). as for my legacy on this hellsite, let it be known that i tried to fight the good fight. i hope it’s good enough.
el psy kongroo.
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