#and he picks curt
haveihitanerve · 10 months
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if anyone's curious where ill be its six feet under because i just died of cuteness
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somegrumpynerd · 16 days
Ink listing off a couple of Cross's canon events from the last timeline of xtale like things xGaster did and said to him and Nightmare gripping his mug so hard you can almost see his bones through the goop
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untimelyambition · 1 month
curt and kim being dance partners in all the scenes at the castle is something that is so special to me
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toringo · 2 months
Owen needs more whimsy and silliness
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thirstyvampyr · 7 months
when curt got up to beat that guy's ass and was saying to buck "please i got this ill owe you one, i got this" how sexy is that?? like he doesn't even know if the other guy is decent or not but he just knows he's gonna put him to sleep. it's like speaking to some primal part of my brain like this guy can protect me and it's HOT AS FUCK
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noxx-33i · 6 months
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Sword doodles... i loev.. himb...
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meyerlansky · 2 months
it is Sad About CurtBucky Sunday apparently
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uhhhitsme · 1 month
ok so i completely scrapped what i was writing for this and wrote this in the span of 1 hour lol anyway i finally have that drabble for you :] i don't like how it came out, but i've tried writing this too many times and just sort of gave up lol :P hope u enjoy :]
(the prompt was "it could be worse" and curtwen i believe :])
"it could be worse."
"correct dear, you could be dead."
after a mission where just about everything that could, when horribly, horribly wrong. The pair were being moved to a nearby safe house while their agencies figured out where to go from here.
they had ended up miscalculated just how many people were in the facility during their prior stake out. leaving them wholly unprepared during the mission. The pair of spies were left effectively cornered by enemy guards as they went to leave with the files gathered moments earlier. Fortunately they were able to escape, not without sustaining a few injuries. it wasn't their finest moment, but it could've gone worse all things considered.
Well, most things could've gone worse.
“c’mon owen, why- why’re you so upset abou’is anyway?”
Curt is still standing stubbornly upright even as he fumbles with the hotel key. How he’s even conscious, let alone lucid is perhaps more of a mystery then why Curt somehow has the gall to whine about Owen not entertaining his piss poor attempts at convention.
if he were in mood owen would have probably already made multiple references to shakespeare’s julius caesar, perhaps even a mournful monologue about how he knew that curt’s life would have ended today as his body lays a bloody fountain. of how he had dreamt of it the night before but had swallowed his worries for his partner’s sake. Unfortunately Owen was not in the mood for their normal post mission chitchat; even if that meant passing up the opportunity for poorly concealed literary references.
“it's ot’even the worst mission we've been on, heh, wait owen you remember bac’in- fuck, dropped the key.”
“just hand me the key curt, we don't have all day.”
Despite Owen's explicit request, Curt stayed positioned in front of the door, trying to get the now blood-slicked key into the slot. At this rate Curt could very well be dead before he even got it in the keyhole.
Why had he even gotten shot as much as he did? Owen barely had a single bullet nick him yet Curt seems to be sporting three bullet holes. two with exit holes, one without. the one without an exit hole far too close to the heart for Owen's liking.
Curt eventually gets the door unlocked, signaled by a quiet “ah ha!”. He pushes the door open, and gives Owen a smile that's way too cocky for someone who just spent 7 minutes trying to open a door. once inside their crappy hotel room, well not crappy per say, it is marginally nicer than most of the rooms they've been given, this one has a actually functioning shower, so that was something. owen goes to grab what he needs to care for curt's gapping bullet wounds.
“Curt, love, go lay on the bed would you?”
“Mmhm, ‘ine.”
Curt slumps down on the nearest of the two beds, and it immediately becomes more apparent how well he’s faring, which to put it lightly, is not well. He’s shaking rather violently, his head is tipped back and his eyes are screwed shut either in an attempt to block out the pain, or to avoid seeing the blood thats currently escaping his body.
“ow’n what's takin’ so lon’? you're the one who wan’ed to take that bull’t out of me any’ay.”
that was not a good sign, curt doesn't even slur his words that much when he's completely shitfaced. in more of a panic than he'd like to admit, owen grabs the medical bag, which was thankfully left out on the table. bringing to back to where curt is he beings layout what he'll need. bandages, tweezers, a pre sterilized suture kit, and curt's flask of whiskey.
“shirt off old boy, need to see the damage.”
with a grunt curt manages to shrug his jacket, and after a hard fought battle against his undershirt, sheds that as well. leaving him in only his pants, which lucky for owen's sake, aren't hiding any injuries outside of a few scratches.
taking some of the gauze and wetting it with the whiskey, owen begins to clean of the surrounding of the wound; being gentle with the already agitated skin.
“mmhm, i know love, it'll just be a second. can't have you getting an infection now can we?”
after the three spots of interest are deemed cleaned enough for owen's liking, he sets the last bit of gauze aside and goes to grab the tweezers. giving no warning, he plunges the them into hole in curt's arm, pulling a high pitched cry from his mouth. owen may be playing nurse for curt right now because he cares about the man, but that doesn't mean he still isn't livid about curt taking unnecessary injuries for no reason.
“oh, sorry darling, did that hurt?”
his voice is dripping with faux sympathy, and even in curt's state he's picked up on that.
“ ‘top being a dick ow’n, m’ sorry about gettin’ ‘urt ok?”
“how about you stop looking like you're someone’s target practice?”
owen discards the bullet and the tweezers beside him, he clean it up later. next his hands move to the suture kit. grabbing the pre threaded needle he begins stitching up curt’s skin.
“why are ‘ou even so worked up about this? you ‘id’nt want’a talk ‘o me.”
“i just don't understand why we always end up here.”
“en’up where?”
owen doesn't respond
“stitchs are done.”
surely curt has to understand what he's getting at by now? grabbing a roll of bandages, he begins slowly wrapping around curt's bicep. his sharp, clipped tone moments ago in juxtaposition to the way he delicately holds his arm in place; all the while carefully covering the newly stitched injury on his arm.
“ wait no ow’n wha’ did you mean by ‘at?”
“we always end up like this curt, because you can never seem to not get your ass used as a training dummy it seems-”
“i said i was ‘orry-”
“that's not enough curt! jesus christ- you're always running into danger without thinking,it's getting to the point where i'm starting to wonder if you're trying to get yourself killed!
“i- ow’n.”
letting out a shaky breath owen stand up and begins to put everything away moving back to his suitcase.
“your bandages are done.”
“please owen-”
“tell me why.”
owen turns around to face him.
“tell me why it's seems like you have a death wish curt.”
curt stares at him wide eyed for a few seconds
“i don't ‘ave a death wish.”
a sardonic chuckle worms it way out of owen's throat
“really? i'm hard pressed to believe that.”
“i don't, really!”
they stare at each other for a few painful moments before owen turns around. they prepare for the move to the safe house in complete, awkward silence. leaving owen's mind to wander. normally in the silence left between them he’ll go to ideas about what a life with curt would be like, sweet, silly fantasies that would never see the light of day.
however, in this particular instance he keeps being drawn to infinite different ways the two of them could die. trying to push the thoughts aside owen sighs, closes his eyes, and lays himself on the bed he claimed the day prior. soon after he hears the creek of the adjacent mattress as curt sits himself on the side of it.
before being able to slip into what he hopes is a dreamless sleep, he’s dragged back to reality by curt mumbling something.
“what was that love? speak up would you?”
“i do it to protect you”
owen sits up at that
“im sorry?”
“i do it to protect you, i mean, i throw myself into danger to protect you.”
“you don't have to protect me”
“but i do, i do. i need to, i wouldn't know what to do with myself if you died”
well if that isn't a confession that shakes owen, not really knowing where go go from there, and being admittedly way too tired from the day to think reasonably, decides that now’s as good a time as any to make a stupid, idiotic, possibly life-ruining decision.
crossing over to curt's bed owen sits down next to him. curt, too busy messing with the sheets, doesn't notice owen until he grabs his hand in his own
curt turned and with him looking up at owen with poorly concealed hope, he decides that, fuck it, i guess he's actually doing this.
“i wouldn't know what to do with myself either”
“well- how about we just stick with each other then?”
“you know that it wouldn't be easy."
“it could be worse”
“a lot of things could be worse doll”
“i have to agree with you there”
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heirscrchd · 4 months
lok azula realizing shes becoming the iroh equivalent for her brother's granddaughter... imagine that happening l o l
oh dear anon :)
you've figured out my grand plan
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datastate · 1 year
scratching at the walls. i need to volunteer at the library but one of the librarians scares me...
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kakusboyfriend · 10 months
Do you have any websites to recommend for marvel comics.
I need. Scarlet Spider.
So I was made aware of reading guides a couple months back and those are a huge help!
This is literally just the first result I fetched, but there's tons of lists like this that help you pick up on a character you like more easily :-) comics are such a huge nightmare I hope you find something that works for you
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haveihitanerve · 9 months
please feel free to explain any of the above choices
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killjoy-prince · 2 months
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Was replaying her normal end before I got her good end later today and I still love the fact that they fight over me here
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feyburner · 11 days
I ??? woke up at 3am with this scene fully written in my mind palace and quickly jotted it down in the Notes app
Clark’s shaking his head before he realizes he’s doing it, and feels a twinge of embarrassment at his own bad manners when Bruce stops mid-word to look at him, brows raised.
“No?” he says.
“No,” Clark says, again without thinking, and again with the reflexive urge to apologize. Somewhere his mother is tutting without knowing why. But he doesn’t apologize, because he’s already saying, “No, it can’t—it can’t be that.”
“Okay,” Bruce says slowly. “Can you elaborate?”
He is, honestly, having trouble taking his eyes off the screen. The mockup design of his new suit is there, dark and sleek, ridged like tactical gear. The blue is like the last shade of evening before you can’t call it evening anymore, the color of nine PM in Kansas in July, so exact there’s a strong chance Bruce color-picked it from a photo. The yellow accents are the cool fluorescent yellow-green of lightning bugs. The red is dark as arterial blood. Every aspect of the suit has been updated—the colors deeper, the angles sharper, the S extending to the corners of its frame—but Bruce has done it without changing the fundamentals. It’s immediately recognizable as the Superman suit, just… well, a little cooler, maybe. A little more of the times. Even the tailoring is modernized. The neckline. The shape of the boots. Where the belt hits at the waist. Clark can tell just by looking that Bruce has not only spent a lot of time on this in general, he’s spent a lot of time designing it specifically with Clark in mind, Clark’s needs and preferences and the small discomforts of his current suit, things he might have mentioned offhand after a mission but never with the assumption that Bruce was listening or filing it away. No doubt the next slides of this presentation will detail all the hidden features of the new suit, and they’ll all be incredibly thoughtful if not slightly overkill, and Bruce will pretend his sole motive here was practicality and risk reduction and respond to any thanks with a curt nod.
And Clark wants to thank him. He will. It’s just.
“It can’t be… cool,” he says, inane. Bruce is watching him with that steady look that used to feel clinical, piercing, and now mostly reads as attentive. “It can’t be—like yours. Tactical, military-grade.”
“Lightyears beyond, actually.”
“It has to—Ma said once, a kid should be able to draw it with crayons. You know? I can’t look like a weapon. I have to—I want to look like a friend.”
He can feel himself flushing. It’s rare that he speaks like this, and rarer still that he does so while being stared at intently. Bruce may think of himself as the darkness, but his gaze is a spotlight: unwavering and revealing and more a little sweat-inducing, for one reason or another.
“Sometimes, when I show up, people laugh,” Clark says. “If it’s somewhere out of the way, where they haven’t seen me before. I show up and I look like a festival performer. It’ll be the worst day of their lives, and they’ve got no reason to trust my face, but when they see what I’m wearing—it goes from ‘Who are you?’ to ‘Who is this guy?’ And that’s a good thing.”
“Hard to be afraid of a man dressed in primary colors,” Bruce says, almost to himself.
“I see. Thank you,” he says, “for explaining.”
Clark tries not to show how surprised he is to hear that. Judging by the crook of Bruce’s mouth, his success is negligible. “Of course. Sorry I didn’t—I mean, thank you, obviously, for going to such trouble. I didn’t mean to come in here and—I really do appreciate it, I can tell you put a lot of work in—”
Bruce’s eyes cut away. “No. No need. I didn’t ask, before I…. It was only a first draft. If you’re amenable, I’ll incorporate your feedback into the second one.”
“Oh! Yeah. Yes, of course, but you really don’t have to—”
“If you have any further notes, I would like to hear them.”
There’s something determined in the lines of his face. Clark has the sense that this moment is important, that it’s a turning point, even if he’s not sure why. It feels like striking out into a sea of ice, a blank white expanse under which something precious and vital is hidden, has been hidden all along, just waiting for him to find it. To want to.
“Sure,” he says. He looks back at the suit and swallows, and knows Bruce will see the flicker of his throat and take some meaning from it, and wishes he knew what the meaning was. Or maybe Bruce won’t notice or read into it at all. Maybe Clark needs to calm down, in fact. “Um. I don’t want to assume, but does it… do things?”
“It does things,” Bruce confirms, after the barest pause. “Let me show you the next slide.”
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hoshigray · 30 days
It’s been almost a year, and I still can’t get ex-husband! Toji out of my head…
꯳⃘꤫⃛✿ contents: Toji x afab/fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - anal - backshots/doggy style position - fingering (f! receiving) - clitoral play (swiping) - [un]protected sex - creampie - pet names (baby, mama, sweet thing) - Toji loving on your body, even though he shouldn't be - mention of excess cum.
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“What in the world are you doing?”
“What’s it look like I’m doin’?”
Tsumiki and Megumi weren’t at the house yet — the children were still busy at school with extracurricular activities. Ex-husband! Toji, the dutiful and responsible adult he is, swore to pick his kids up once the hour hand reaches the sixth hour and the minutes nearly touch the thirtieth number. In the meantime, he stays at your home, where you call up a pizza dinner order for the children to eat after a long day before returning home with their father. However, while the youngsters are away, the black-haired man takes the time to do what he does best: pester you with his company. 
“Like you’re about to stick your dick in my ass.”
“And if I am?” He sneers, teeth peaking under the deft scar of his lips. “Y’re the one that said y’r pussy’s off-limits.”
You lift your brow as your ex-spouse spreads your legs, sitting with his knees atop your bed in your room in your abode. Do you really want to be doing this, letting this brawny man strip you off your bottoms and unzip his jeans to free the erection poking under his boxers? You have to bite your lip to conceal the smirk you share with him, watching him rip the wrapper he pulls out from a pocket and screen his cock with a rubber. 
“And why are we doing this again?” Forest green eyes flick from your lower region to your face, having to suck in the gasp creeping into your neck. 
He scoffs, “Because we’re killin’ time.” Wrong: You were already killing time by reading and replying to emails on your bed, under the impression that this grown man before you could spend his leisure time watching sports highlights or something in your living room. Clearly, Toji had a different proposition. “What, can’t spend a few minutes with ya while the kids are away?”
You roll your eyes with a smile. “Last time you tried to spend a few minutes with me—“ A cold sensation near your entrance has you pucker involuntarily, Toji pushing the covered glans of his cock. “We missed Tsumiki’s soccer game by thirty minutes.”
“Still made it, didn’t we?” 
Had to fight rolling your eyes the second time. “Only one time.” You hit him on the back with your foot when he grins. “One time. And don’t—Mmmph!” Finally, the cockhead is inserted into your hole, stretching it with his girth as he pushes it inch by inch carefully. “…Make a mess, either.”
And you know he heard you perfectly well, a curt nod and a whisper before seizing your lips with his, “Yes, mama.” Sure, he can be a bit of a hard-headed dickhead, but his attentiveness is as strong as a titanium. Therefore, you can instantly trust him — an ex-lover you would depend on and rely on if it could come to it, and of course, you’d do the same for him and his kids. 
…But not as strong as his playful stubbornness as the man drills his raw cock inside your ass. 
“Dahhh!! Ahhh, fuck…God, this ass…!”
“Nnnmm! T-Toji, I said ONE time!!”
You should’ve known it would end up like this — the two of you were already glued to each other from the excess amount of come that coated his dick, burrowing to and fro from the innards of your rear channel. His firm hands grab hold of the flesh of your butt, and you can only grip the sheets beneath you while your face is smooshed to your pillow. 
God, you had a feeling this would happen, knowing that your ex-husband is the type to get all riled up like this and steer off course. Would’ve been best had you put your foot down when you had the chance; however, it’s too late now that you’re mewling under his bow, all desperate from his balls smacking onto your skin. 
“Good God, baby,” he exhales with a smile, massaging your butt in loving kneads, observing how his girth disappears inside you. Fuck, you looked too good, making his whole body itch with want. “Can never get over this sweet ass of y’rs.”
“Tojiiii…!!” His name leaves with shrills; you sense him bending down to your ear, and the added weight of him from behind makes you feel caged and submissive. “Shtoop it, we can’t…! Gotta st—Ooop!”
“Y’don’t want me doin’ that, sweet thing,” he murmurs to your ear, breath hot to your cold helix and lobe. “Can tell ya want this just as much as I do with—shit—how twitchy y’re bein’ right now…And, maybe here…Heh, thought so,” his chuckle, so close to you, has you moan with flat lips after he sneaks a hand in between your thighs to palm your vulva, fingertips teasing the lips of your vagina and feeling it pulse at the touch. “Can tell how excited y’ are fr’ me. Y’re twitchin’ so much, baby.”
“—Mmmff, b-because, you’re making—Hnnmm!!” You nearly wobble at his fingertips swirling circles around your clit, trembles forcing you to quake as he gently pinches and swipes the pearl. While Toji drives his length slowly yet precise, the tip grazing your wall so much you howl cutely. “F-Fuuuck, so good, Toji…right there, right thereee…!”
Toji coos, “Shhh, relax, baby,” kissing your ear as his fingers glide to your folds; you can’t stop spasming, so many senses putting you through an overload! “Right here, sweetheart? Ya want me here?” The tip of his forefinger taunts the opening of your cunt, and you can’t take it anymore!
“Oh fuck, yesss,” you turn over your shoulder to plead. “Please, stick them innn, g-gonna cum, wanna cum on your fingers!!” 
Oh, that dialed Toji’s excitement more than expected, slipping his digit into your slick, and you scream aloud. “There you go, mama…” A free hand grabs your chin so he can claim your lips. You pepper him with kisses enthusiastically, your mouth agape for him to shove his tongue to dance with yours. All the while, his thick finger scrapes around to scratch your texture, and the pace of his pelvis grows staggering. 
With every rushed push and grind is another wiggle inside your chasm, struggling to hold your balance on your palms as the shocks become irresistible with more clamps of your asshole. You release, your body shackling with the wave of pleasure and your nerves keen to the highest point. You can’t stop whimpering, so overstimulated almost to the brink of tears.
And Toji is right there with you, feeling you squeeze him with your holes and whining as he sucks on your tongue and nibbles on it with sportive intent. You felt too good to him, clenching onto him like you could never let go, so it’s no wonder he’s seconds away from climaxing alongside you. Hot groans fill your space, passionate saliva keeping you both stuck as he pumps his load into your fluttering anus once again.
Tense bodies fall into tranquility as the seconds go by, and the trembles subside, smacking lips with each other as if lost in desire. Until you remove away from his scarred mouth with a hum, shamrock eyes hooded like yours before a fit of laughter is shared.
“You done now?” You inquire as noses brush up. 
Toji lifts a brow and looks to the side, faux pondering before smacking a rut to your butt again. “Mm, not really.”
“Oh, for God’s sake, Toji!” You move to push him off you, yet you underestimate how easily he can maneuver you to your back. “Go pick the kids up so they can eat and go home!”
“They’re grown enough to wait on me,” he snickers and cages your hands above your head. “As fr’ me, I don’t got another two weeks to wait.”
No bothering hiding your annoyance in your eyes, even if you permit him to kiss you again. “Hopeless as ever.”
He chortles. “Y’re one to talk.”
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© HOSHIGRAY2024 – reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ⊹ dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more.
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neos127 · 2 months
enhypen x fem!reader | brought the heat back
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genre. toxic enha! established relationship + hcs cw. the boys are pretty toxic & manipulative notes. obv this isn’t how i believe they act irl! i was just inspired by bthb lyrics
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heeseung . . . ‘why is he looking at you like that’, heeseung thought as the two of you were sitting in a cafe. to say he was a jealous person was an understatement— heeseung was very possessive. you were his and his only, why couldn’t people understand that.
“hee, calm down.” you mumbled, noticing the way he gripped the small coffee cup, the drink spilling onto his hand. heeseung sighed, letting you clean him up. as soon as you discarded the coffee covered wet wipe, heeseung immediately pulled you to his side, making you sit against him in the booth.
“heeseung…” you warned the boy, feeling his lips trace your neck. the man who had been looking at you prior looked away in embarrassment. you never really favored pda, but your possessive boyfriend certainly did.
“tell me that you’re mine. mine only.” he muttered in between kisses, causing you to blush furiously. you let out a nervous giggle before turning your head to meet heeseung’s eyes.
“i’m yours, always.”
jay . . . you were positive that jay’s arms hadn’t left your waist since you arrived at the party. whenever you two stood in a group, jay would stand behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist and his chin on your shoulder/head. any time a guy even glance at you, his grip would tighten. you had to stop jay from getting into a fight when a guy had approached you, trying to get you into one of the spare rooms.
jay had thrown his beer into the guy’s face, about to swing at his face before you pulled him away.
“jay…i was okay. i can handle myself.” you sighed as the two of you sat on the front lawn, waiting for his best friend to pick you both up.
“i know but, you’re my girl. they don’t even deserve to have the pleasure of looking at you.” jay muttered, his jaw clenching. you let out a curt laugh before reaching over and messing with his hair.
“and i wouldn’t want it any other way.” you replied, leaning over to kiss him.
jake . . . your boyfriend was acting like a child, and you weren’t too pleased about it.
“get off the phone.” he murmured against your ear before continuing his assault on your neck. you were positive that jake had left a couple hickeys on your skin already. he had been sucking on your neck and running his tongue over the marks constantly since you started your project. you were working on it with a male classmate and jake didn’t like that.
jake’s kisses only increased the more you ignored him, his hands slowly sliding under your shirt and resting under your bra. you let out a soft moan, freezing when you realized that you were still on call.
“y/n, you okay?” your project partner, heeseung spoke up. before you could even get a word in, jake spoke up for you.
“she’s busy.” jake sneered before pressing the red ‘end call’ button on your phone. you turned to face the man, about to sold him but jake didn’t care. he interrupted you with a kiss, already lifting you out of your seat and towards your bed.
“it’s my turn to have your attention.”
sunghoon . . . you had never seen sunghoon so angry before, it was honestly worrying. you knew that your boyfriend was the jealous type, and his emotions were only heightened whenever he had a game. a member on the opposing team made a score, winking and making some crude remarks towards you. sunghoon already hated him, especially since he always seemed to hit on you.
your boyfriend was already pissed off so he absolutely lost it, throwing his helmet on the ice and roughly spitting out his mouth guard before slamming the guy against the wall of the rink. you didn’t pick up much of what sunghoon said, only a couple of curses here and there. the guy pushed sunghoon off which resulted in him swinging at his face. you gasped and stood up, watching as sunghoon was pulled away by his teammates.
he ended up receiving a red card and was chewed out by his coach before he stomped to the locker room. you followed after him, wanting to comfort your boyfriend who was obviously fired up.
“sunghoon! what the hell was that?” you called after him, nearly getting hit by the door on your way into the locker room.
“that dickwad is a piece of shit. i can’t stand him. especially when he thinks that he can just look at you without me wanting to pull his teeth out.” sunghoon snarled, his voice still raised as he paced around.
you frowned, putting a hand on his chest to try to calm him down. he stopped, taking a deep breath before placing his hand over yours and leaning against the lockers.
“you’re mine only. i can’t let other guys talk about you like that.” sunghoon said, leaning over to rest his forehead against yours. you smiled, finding his possessiveness to be a bit attractive. even though it got him benched for the next few games.
“don’t worry, i don’t accept attention from any other guy but you.” you whispered, running your thumb on his bottom lip.
sunoo . . . “who was that guy you spoke to earlier.” sunoo asked, cornering you in the kitchen one night. you jumped a bit at his presence, not expecting your boyfriend to still be up as you grabbed a glass of water.
“just a friend.” you replied, shrugging as if it was no big deal. to sunoo it was a big deal. he couldn’t stand the attention you would get from men, it made him extremely envious when you decided to be nice and engage.
“why were you smiling at him like that?” sunoo asked, his tone extremely calm but his gaze was hard and set on you.
“sunoo, he didn’t mean anything to me.” you replied, placing the glass down and walking over to sunoo. you rested your hands on either side of his face, giving him a reassuring smile. you knew how jealous your boyfriend could get, especially when it came to guys giving you their attention. if a guy happened to look at you for a second too long, sunoo felt like snapping their neck.
“he better not.” he mumbled before pulling you into a heated kiss.
jungwon . . . was it unfair of jungwon to rip you away from a lunch with your friend? possibly. but the friend was a guy, a guy who wasn’t your loving boyfriend. he couldn’t have your attention stolen by sim jaeyun when he was simply sitting at home bored out of his mind. so, jungwon called you up, pretending to sound sick so you would come to his apartment. he knew that he was your weakness, you would do anything for your precious jungwon.
so you excused yourself from lunch and raced to jungwon’s apartment, worried about your boyfriend. jungwon laid on his bed, putting a frown on his face as he explained that his ‘stomach ache’ was debilitating. you cooed at the boy, softly running your hands through his hair.
jungwon sighed, fighting back a small smirk. he finally had you to himself again…he was in heaven.
riki . . . the boy was fidgeting, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as he watched a store clerk clearly flirt with you. he had been watching the guy ever since you two walked into the store, the punk had been waiting for a chance to get you alone.
“i was wondering if i could get your number?” the guy asked, pulling his phone out. you froze, feeling awkward already. you were about to tell him that you had a boyfriend before you felt a presence behind you.
riki towered over you, his height seeming to intimidate the store clerk in front of you. he wrapped his arms around your waist possessively, resting his head on top of yours.
“she’s taken.” riki said curtly, his eyes darkening as he stared down the guy in front of you. he nodded, quickly walking away without another word.
“riki…” you giggled, turning around to face your boyfriend who looked extremely pissed. riki had always been a jealous boyfriend and it was amusing to see how he subtly staked his claim over you.
“these idiots don’t deserve an ounce of your attention.” he grumbled, keeping an arm around your waist as he pulled you out of the store. you let out a laugh, shaking your head.
“riki, where are we going? i want my snacks.”
“a different store without that asshole.”
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