#and he just gets stung. and says ow. and everyone moves on.
teehee-vibes · 4 months
Do you think Drey’s amnesia extends only to the lore or history based memories and events/people that factor into his trauma? Or do you think he’s also forgotten some mundane things?
Do you think Drey remembers that he’s allergic to bees?
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metallicamunson · 1 year
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Boyfriend(James Potter x FemReader)
Hi everyone, I finally finished this fic after months of starting it. It’s not my best work but it’s not too shabby considering I haven’t written in a while. Hope you guys enjoy this song inspired fic 🥲🤍
Word Count: 3,099
Warnings: Angst to Fluff, some cursing.
Summary: One where you and James find your way back to each other
If there is one thing you and James are good at, it’s getting under one another’s skin.
It didn’t matter that your relationship ended in your seventh year at Hogwarts. Having the same friend group means seeing each other constantly. Not to mention, the breakup was a mutual decision, deeming that it would be best to be friends while you both figured out what came after school.
Looking back, you can’t help but feel it was a stupid decision. A brash agreement made by two teenagers in love, scared to take the next step in their relationship.
You very much still love James Potter.
And James Potter is still very much in love with you.
Although- neither of you knows it.
Meanwhile, your friends watch from the sidelines, waiting for either of you to make the first move to rekindle your romance.
DATE ONE (James)
It all started when the marauders invited the whole group for brunch. They all sat around the table on the balcony of their home, enjoying fluffy waffles with various fruits spread over the table. You couldn’t help but sneak glances toward James; he looked good. The white T-shirt he wore- accentuated his muscular arms, and his waist in those trousers was a look to die for.
You bit your lip in embarrassment when you caught Remus’ gaze; his eyebrows raised and a knowing smirk on his lips. You shook your head, taking a long sip of your champagne.
“Word on the street is that Prongs got himself a date tonight,” Sirius says, nudging James in the ribs with an elbow.
Now that- caught the attention of everyone, especially yours. Your eyes met with James’ who looked like a deer caught in headlights. He let out an awkward cough, twisting the ring on his middle finger.
“Uh- yeah, it’s a girl I met the other day at a coffee shop.”
It suddenly felt like your intestines were twisting into knots as jealousy consumed your now racing heart.
“That’s great, James,” Marlene smiles; she can’t help but look over at you. “What's her name?”
“Hannah, but it’s nothing serious,” he quickly adds, “it might not even go anywhere.”
“Well, you better bloody make sure she has a good time- she’s fine as f-, ow what the hell!” Sirius glares at Lilly, who just kicked him under the table.
“Okay- enough talk about James’ lov-”
“I’m happy for you; I hope you have a splendid time with what’s her face,” you chirp, lips settling into a tight smile. “Maybe this time around, you’ll get the first date right.”
Now that stung, you always assured James that you loved your first date despite the minor- okay, major hic-ups along the way. Truth be told you- love it; you found him adorable when he attempted to fix everything. He thought you’d never want to see him again, but imagine his surprise when you kissed him at the end of your date.
“Her name is Hanna- Lilly; stop doing that!” Sirius exclaims, kicking her back.
“I know you did not just kick me, Sirius Black!” Lilly says, throwing a grape in his direction.
“Will you two stop acting like children,” Remus sighs, “now let's all take a deep breath-”
“You know what, I will have a great time with Hannah! I might take her to that little Italian restaurant with the good breadsticks!” James says, shooting a terse smile your way.
That’s yours and James’ place. The place you both first said, ‘I love you.’
“Sounds like a lovely idea.” You scoot your chair back, throwing your napkin on your plate. “You know what, I forgot I have an errand to run. Thank you for brunch, boys. Bye, everyone.”
You take your bag from the handle of your chair, exiting through the sliding door.
James groans, leaning his forehead against his fist with his eyes closed.
Later that night
“You know what, I’m happy for him. I’m sure he and Helen will make a great couple,” you murmur, pacing back and forth.
“Hannah.” Marlene corrects before shrinking back when you raise your eyebrow at her.
“(Y/n) Why won’t you admit it; you still love him!” Lilly sighs, sitting up from her spot on your bed.
“Me? Lilly, please, we both agreed our breakup was for the best. I’m fine with it.”
“Your eye twitched when you said that.” Marlene laughed.
“It did not,” you lift your hand to your eye. You lay down between the two girls, staring at the ceiling of your room. “Okay, maybe it hurt a little when he said he was taking her to our spot.”
“Oh, sweetie, I’m sure he wouldn’t do that to you,” Marlene says with a sympathetic smile.
“I don’t even know why I care; we broke up almost a year ago. One of us dating was bound to happen.”
It turns out Hannah was someone who liked to move fast. James couldn’t have made a faster excuse to leave when she mentioned what names he’d want for their baby.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t feel ecstatic when Remus told you.
“I’m sorry, I could have sworn I heard you say (Y/n) has a date with Caleb.” James laughs, walking into the kitchen where Remus and Sirius sit around the island. “You know the number of times he put the moves on her when we were dating; he should give it up.”
“Erm Prongs, I did say exactly that,” Remus chuckles nervously.
James stood still, the fridge wide open; his mind went completely blank for a few seconds. His grip on the handle tightened, grabbing the milk before slamming the fridge door shut.
“Are you okay, mate? I know this is the first date she’s been on since you two broke up.” Sirius slides a bowl across the island towards James.
“I’m fine. (Y/n) doesn’t owe me anything.” He shakes the cereal aggressively into his bowl. “I’m happy for her.”
Remus and Sirius share a look; they know for a fact that he is not okay.
A few days later
You knocked on the door of the marauders, your other hand holding a basket of pastries you made for them. A few seconds later, the door opens.
“Oh, hey.” James smiles, moving to the side to let you in.
You nod your head as a greeting, handing him the basket. “I thought I’d drop these off- Remus has been nagging me to make him my ‘famous brownies.’ I um- also made a few scones in there, or whatever,” you mumble.
You made scones, his favorite. He can’t help but grin; why does his heart feel like it is about to beat out of his chest?
“I smell brownies!” Remus runs down the spiral stairs, snatching the basket from James and rummaging through it. “Why are two just standing there- we have a couch, you know?”
James rolls his eyes, gesturing for you to move into the living room. “How did you smell brownies- your room is at the end of the hall upstairs.”
“You seem to forget about my werewolf capabilities.” Remus points out, moaning when he takes a bite of the brownie. “How’d your date go?”
James visibly tenses, staring at the side of your face. You shift in your seat, picking at your nails. “It went well. He treated me well, paid for dinner, and made me laugh.”
Remus nods in approval, though he can’t help but feel he jumped the bullet, bringing it up with James in the room.
James felt himself spiraling. What he said next wasn’t his finest moment.
“It seems kind of desperate going out with a guy who follows you around like a puppy.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean, James,” your head snaps in his direction, a frown now evident on your face.
“I don’t know; I just think he’s a loser- anyone who goes out with him must not have very high standards.”
Your eyes brim with tears, so this is what he thought of you. “You know what, fuck you, James Potter,” you scoff, “I’ll have you know he is not a loser- he's a gentleman!”
“He’s creepy (Y/n); the man borderline stalks you!” James laughs in disbelief.
“You know what, I don’t have to listen to this!” You exclaim, flinging a pillow in his direction. You turn to Remus, “I’ll call you later tonight- I can’t be around,” you gesture with your hands towards James, “him.”
You stomp your way out of their house, slamming the door shut.
“That was a dick move,” Remus says, taking another brownie from the basket.
“I’m looking after her!” James sighs, hugging the pillow to his chest.
“Are you sure it’s not because you’re in love with her and got jealous,” he looks over at James.
“What! No! Pshh, our breakup was mutual, remember?”
“Uh-hm, sure, keeping living in denial, prongs.” Remus takes the basket from the coffee table, heading towards the stairs.
“She brought those for all of us, you know!” James shouts from his spot on the couch. He rolls his eyes with a small smile when he hears Remus running up the stairs.
James was right. But you’d run around naked in negative-degree weather before admitting that- out loud.
DATE TWO (James)
You found out about his second date through Marlene this time around. It was some girl he ran into at the gym. According to Marlene, she was the one to ask him out, which intrigued James.
You were okay with it. Totally completely fine.
“Do you know where they’re going?” You say, trying to sound nonchalant, flipping through the channels of Marlene’s TV.
“Sirius said they were going bowling.”
You throw the remote beside you, your mind not focusing on anything but James. Ever since you went on your date with Caleb, the bickering between the both of you only intensified. The two of you could not be in the same room with each other without one or the other making a snide remark.
“Are you okay?”
“Mmhm, he’s a single man; he can do what he wants,” you murmur, tugging the blanket under your chin.
“So how’s it going between gym girl and James?” you murmur, sectioning Sirius’ hair in half to start braiding two braids.
“I don’t know, he hasn’t talked about it much,” he shrugs.
You frown; this could mean one of two things. They either hit it off and are keeping their relationship a secret. Or it went so bad that James refuses to speak about it.
“Ow! I would still like to have my hair intact after this love.”
“Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind,” you chuckle nervously, scratching his scalp softly.
“He talks about you a lot, you know.”
Sirius glances up at you, a knowing look in his eyes.
“I- we can’t stand each other. We can’t even have a normal conversation before an argument starts.”
“(Y/n), I love you, so when I say this, it’s with all the love in the world- you and James need to get your heads out of your arses and talk about it.”
You stand before the boys’ apartment; you raise your knuckles towards the door before pulling back. You’ve been standing here for five minutes- trying to find the courage to speak to your ex-lover. Do you still love him? Of course- you do. Why else would it hurt so much when he goes on these dates? What if he tells you he doesn’t want the same?
You shake your head, taking a deep breath before knocking on the wooden door. You rock on your heels, biting your lip nervously.
The door opens, revealing a woman who is the definition of a Vogue magazine model. She has straight blond hair, she definitely seems like she works out, and the band tee she wears- wait a minute.
Your breath hitches once you recognize it; you’ve worn that shirt one too many times after spending the night with James. You can feel the lump in your throat start to form.
“Hey, are you okay?” The blond asks, worry laced in her tone.
“Oh! Sorry, I got the wrong apartment,” you smile tightly, turning to walk away.
Yeah, James Potter definitely moved on, you thought.
“He’s a good guy! Come on (Y/n), let me set this up!”
“I don’t know if I’m ready for another date- Lils, the last one was a total disaster,” you murmur.
“To be fair, we did warn you that Caleb wasn’t a good idea- plus it’s been five months,” Lilly hums, poking your cheek.
You bat her hand away, sending a playful glare her way, “Fine.”
“You won’t regret it! I promise Mason is worth it!” Lilly squeals, clapping her hands together.”
Lilly was right- he’s perfect.
Mason Moriarty has a great job at the ministry that pays him a hefty number of galleons. His smile is one that would make all the girls swoon. He’s the kind of guy who holds the door and respects women.
He made you laugh and paid attention to what you were saying. Mason Moriarty was respectful and made you feel comfortable.
One date turned into two, and two turned into three.
He was perfect- so what was that nagging feeling in your heart?
Word spreads fast in the friend group. So it came as no surprise that James got word about you and Mason.
“Who even is that guy- he seems like a tosser,” James grunts, bringing his beer can to his lips. “I mean, she can do so much better!”
Sirius rolls his eyes, putting his book down. He couldn’t get any reading done with James’ constant outbursts.
“He’s a cool dude, he treats our (Y/n/n) well.” Sirius reaches over the coffee table to get himself a can. “At least pretend to be happy for her.”
“I can be happy for her! I just think he isn’t the one for her! The guy’s last name is Moriarty, (Y/n) Moriarty, sounds stupid!” James groans, throwing his head back on the couch.
“Enlighten me then, James- who should she be with then,” Sirius quirks an eyebrow.
“I don’t-” James sighs in frustration, “(Y/n) deserves someone who will love her unconditionally, someone who will cut the crust of her sandwich because she hates the texture. She needs someone who will hold her hand when she sees a pigeon because; for some odd reason, she finds them terrifying. It needs to be someone who will run to the nearest pharmacy to grab medicine when she’s sick because god knows she won’t go to the doctor’s office.” James rants, pulling at his hair.
“And Mason can’t do that?” Sirius pushes, a smirk forming on his lips, one he tries to hide with his hands.
That was the final straw.
“No Padfoot! Moriarty can never love her the way that I do!” James blurts out, throwing his empty can on the floor.
James’ eyes widen in realization, mouth opening, and closing with no words.
“Bingo! What are you going to do about it, Potter?”
“Nothing, there’s no way she still feels the same.”
“Wrong,” Remus waltzed into the room, sitting next to James, “You two are so in love with each other it’s sickening.”
James shakes his head in confusion, his heart racing at the possibility.
“I mean, for fucks sake, Prongs, are you blind?”
“I’m an idiot,” James groans, running his hands down his face. “Fuck, what if I’m too late.”
“I heard from a little birdy, that she cut it off with Mason.” Remus hums, a smile tugging on his lips.
James practically jumps up from his spot, an unsure look on his face.
“Go get your girl James.”
The Reconciliation
You squint your eyes, slipping on your slippers, the constant knocking on your door waking you from your slumber. You pause at the threshold of your bedroom, taking a vase from your desk. Warily, you look into the peephole of your door, sighing in relief when you see James. You open the door, a million thoughts running through your head.
“James, what- it’s two in the morning; what are you doing here?”
“I’m still in love with you,” James rushes out before he chickens out.
Your eyes widen, lips parting, “What-”
“I know this is coming out of nowhere, but I need you to know how I feel. I know it’s selfish, and Mason is in the picture- or not, I don’t know, Remus said he wasn’t. Anyway- I don’t think you ever left my mind (Y/n) from the day we broke up. I felt this void within me. The dates I went on felt wrong- it felt like somehow I was betraying you,” He chuckles breathly. “And when I found out you were starting to date, I was jealous- god that sounds immature. The point is, I thought our breakup was for the best- but (Y/n) I think I was just scared that I was falling more in love with you. I still love you, and I don’t know if I’m making a fool- out of myself- but I know I had to try and fight for you.”
“James-” you whisper, your lower lip trembling, tears welling in your eyes, “I love you.” You wrap your arms around his neck, careful with the vase in your hand. “I missed you so much, I know we were never really apart, yet you felt so far away.”
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” James laughs, his arms find home around your waist.
“We’re fools,” You giggle, “We should have never broken up, I was only kidding myself by thinking I would ever get over you, Jamie.”
“Yeah well, I’m never letting you go now you're stuck with me, sweetheart.” He grins.
“Wouldn’t want it any other way, Potter,” You hum, placing a gentle kiss on his jaw.
“Not to ruin the moment- but why are you holding a vase?”
You smile sheepishly, “I thought you were some kind of thief.”
“I am- a thief who stole your heart,” he wiggles his eyebrows.
“You are so cheesy,” you laugh, tugging him into your apartment and closing the door behind you. You place the vase on a nearby table before turning to face James again.
“You love it.”
“Yeah, I do- now come over here and kiss me.” You grin, rocking on your heels.
He beams, placing his hands on each side of your face, pressing his lips against yours.
Mission Accomplished
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cainluvr69 · 2 months
"Dancing this Short Summer Night Away with You" Cain SSR Card Story - Visiting the Orchestrion ~ Respite for Cain
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Here's something that happened on a day where the birds outside were singing especially cheerily.
Akira: (It's almost Cain's birthday. I wonder if he'd like to go to the Orchestrion of Respite with me to celebrate.)
I held the magic item that Rustica had given me--the Orchestrion of Respite--and drew my hand across the lid. It looked like a music box from back home, but if you held it while making a wish for a certain someone to be truly at peace, it would transport both oneself and the wizard in question to a little pocket dimension designed to do exactly that.
Akira: (But if I'm going to do that, I need to make sure I have a solid image of who he is. It's hard to sum him up in just a word, though…mm…)
Owen: Well hello there, Master Sage. Looks like you've got something good there.
Akira: Oh, Owe--waugh! You're all dirty and beat up! Did you get in a fight again…?
Owen: That has nothing to do with you.
Akira: Wah?!
Owen snatched the Orchestrion from my hands and promptly lifted himself up into the air, just out of reach no matter how desperately I tried.
Akira: Um, Owen…!
Owen: If you want me to give this back to you, then I need you to do something for me.
Akira: …Like what?
Owen: This can trap someone inside it, right? So I'm going to put Cerberus and wolves and poisonous insects in it, and you are going to go get Mithra for me. Isn't the idea of Mithra getting stung by bugs over and over in a place he can't escape from just delectable?
Akira: Are you mad at him right now…? Wait, no, that's not the point. This is supposed to be for letting everyone rest and recover…
Owen: Oh, is that right. Hey, out of nails and eyes and eardrums, which do you like best?
*Akira: Eek…!!
Cain: --Hey, Owen! What are you doing to the Sage?
Akira: Cain!
Cain ran out of the main building and stepped directly between me and Owen. Owen narrowed his eyes, clearly irritated, and put his fingers on the clasp that kept his trunk locked shut.
Owen: Don't interrupt. Do you want me to ki--
Cain: Yeah, yeah, I don't want to die, et cetera. Instead of worrying about that, check this out: I got crepes.
Akira: (Hello?!?! Owen's on the verge of releasing Cerberus and that's what Cain has to say about it?!)
Owen: … Crepes?
Cain: Yep, Nero just finished making them. I came out here to ask the Sage if they wanted any, but I guess you can come too, Owen.
Owen: …Are they filled with sweet viscera?
Cain: Viscera… Well, there's no custard cream, but there is whipped cream, fresh fruit, chocolate cream, and that stuff made by boiling apples.
Owen: It's called compote. …Hmph, well, I guess I don't need this after all.
Akira: Huh… Eep! Hey, don't throw it, what if I couldn't catch it and it fell…
Owen: Bye-bye.
Cain: Woah! He vanished… Good grief, he really just does whatever he wants, huh.
Cain shrugged. He looked a little frustrated, but he was still acting casual about it all. The two of them had a lot of history together, but the fact that things hadn't turned fatal was all thanks to Cain's natural personality.
Akira: (It's sort of like he's saying that he wants them to start over fresh. Even though surely there's parts of that history that stick with him, he's just accepted it and kept moving forward…)
Cain: Let's go eat, too. If we don't hurry, he's going to eat all the sweet stuff before we can have any.
Akira: Ah, okay! Yes!
I followed after him, admiration for his way of life warm in my heart.
A few days later…
Akira: (I'm getting hungry. I wonder if there's any snacks in the kitchen…hmm? I can smell something tasty from outside…)
Cain: Oh, Master Sage. I haven't seen you since this morning.
Akira: Oh, Cain! Good afternoon.
Cain walked into the hall with a paper bag in his arms, which was perfuming the air with the smell of butter and sugar.
Akira: Did you go shopping?
Cain: Yeah, I had some stuff to do near the marketplace, so I got some financiers to bring back. Want one?
Akira: Yay, thank you!
Cain: Let's go find Riquet and eat with him. He's usually…in the common room with Mitile around this time of day. Hold on, I'll go get them. …Wait, that's right. I still need to do something about the new one…
Akira: New one what?
Cain: Right, so, I actually ended up buying so much that the shopkeep gave me one of a brand-new flavor as a little bonus. But there's exactly one of them, so I'm kinda worried about people arguing about who gets to eat it. Arguing over snacks would suck.
Akira: Yeah, I get it. Well, since you were the one who bought them, I think you should--
But right as I started to say that, my stomach decided to make its irritation with its emptiness known and cut me off with a very embarrassing growl.
Akira: (I… I'm so embarrassed!! That was as loud as Oz's thunderstorms…!)
Cain: Ahaha! Sounds like you're feeling lively.
Akira: I--I'm so sorry!
Cain: What are you apologizing for? Here, say ahh.
Akira: Huh? Ahh…mmph!
I just opened my mouth without really thinking about it, and Cain pulled a financier out of the bag and popped it into my mouth. I snapped my mouth shut in surprise, biting into the sweet treat, and taste of butter filled my mouth.
Akira: Munch munch… That was so good!
Cain: Right? That was the new one. It was made with seasonal fruits. Pretty decadent, huh?
Akira: Huh?! I can't believe you gave me something so valuable just because my belly rumbled…
Cain: You don't need to get all worked up about it. If anything, it's good that I got to give it to you before anyone else got one. Now no one's gonna argue over who gets to have it. Everyone else will have the chance to go out and get one of their own, anyways. …Oh, Akira, hold on a second.
Cain brought his hand up to my cheek, an airy, careless gesture. The look of care in his eyes as he drew near, the feeling of the pad of his thumb brushing over my lips… It was hard to describe how they made me feel.
Cain: Haha. You had some crumbs on your mouth.
Akira: I…I'm sorry. Thank you.
Cain: What's your face getting all red for? Embarrassed?
Cain smiled his ever-charming smile. I felt the warmth of the summer sun blooming in my chest.
Akira: (Cain's kind, carefree nature is something I've been relying on since the very first day I arrived here.) (Ah… Yes, that's it.) Um, Cain, your birthday's coming up soon, right?
Cain: Oh, yeah. Something up?
Akira: The thing is, I…wanted to take you to the Orchestrion of Respite as a thank-you for everything you do. Would that be okay?
Cain: Of course, I'd be happy to go! Arthur told me about it a while back and I've been kinda interested ever since. I'll be looking forward to it, Master Sage.
Akira: …! Of course!
And I meant it with all my heart. I smiled and walked with an extra spring in my step--that day couldn't come soon enough.
And finally, it was Cain's birthday.
Akira: Are you ready?
Cain: Yep.
Cain nodded, clad in the outfit that Chloe had made especially for today. It made him look a little more classy…a little more formal than usual.
Akira: (Alright…) (I wish for Cain, so compassionate as to let bygones be bygones, so kind as to shine light into the hearts of others, to feel the same peace he grants to others.)
I squeezed my eyes shut and directed all the emotions in my heart into the music box in my hands. And then, the lid silently opened… On the stage within, a little doll that looked just like Cain began to dance, pirouetting in place. It took only moments before I could hear the sound of music, at first gentle, like a far off wave lapping against the metaphorical shore we stood upon-- And then, a dazzling light embraced us.
Cain: So this is the Orchestrion of Respite… All the greenery smells great. This is a nice place.
The light dimmed, and we found ourselves in a wondrous location. Transparent instruments, as though they were soap bubbles or made of glass, floated jubilantly through the air as sunlight filtered through the leaves above, gently illuminating the area.
Cain: What song is this? Obviously I can't see them, but is there an orchestra here, too?
Akira: Nope! It's all part of the magic, or so I was told. It's set up so that the person invited inside has a perfectly fitting song playing for them!
Cain: I see. Well, just standing here listening to it is making me want to gallivanting around in armor, so I'd say I like it. It's a good song.
Akira: I'm so happy to hear that. Alright, now come this way.
His smile had put a spring in my step, so I got there before he did. It didn't take long for him to join me at the edge of a small plaza that had low tables around the edges.
Cain: Freshly fried bacon, alcohol, juice… Were you the one who came up with all this?
Akira: Yes. I figured that knowing you, you'd want this to be a place where you could dance, so…here's a wide-open space to dance in, and snacks and stuff for when you want to rest.
Cain: Haha. You know me so well. Well then, let me take you up on that. Shall we dance, Akira?
Akira: Yes!
I nodded eagerly, and with one hand Cain took one of mine, and the other he placed on the small of my back. His mismatched eyes sparkled with hidden mischief.
Akira: Wahh…!
Cain: My fair Akira. Have you had the chance to dance a waltz before?
Akira: U--umm, I wouldn't say I'm good at it, but I know the basic steps, at least…
Cain: I couldn't ask for more. We're all alone here--let's dance however we want together. Now, let us take to the floor.
Keeping his hand on my back, Cain led me out into the clearing--a knight escorting his partner. At first it felt like we were just walking together, but soon enough I realized that I'd completely fallen in step with Cain. We were dancing together. I let myself get lost in his lead, laughing happily as we danced and twirled. All of my anxiety about if I could dance well had evaporated.
Akira: Happy birthday, Cain. And also, thank you for everything. You've been looking after me ever since the day I first arrived in this world.
Cain: Hey now, I should be the one thanking you. Thank you for keeping all of us together. I feel like if the new Sage was anyone but you, the twenty-two of us wouldn't all be living together in the manor the way we are now. Even if we did still end up living together, if it was because we were ordered to, or because someone was forcing us…we definitely wouldn't have the life together that we have now.
Akira: Th-that's giving me too much credit…
Or so I said, but Cain looked directly into my eyes.
Cain: It's because you're you, Akira. It's because of your kindness, your sincerity, and your fair and impartial judgment that all of us are together the way we are now. Certainly, unpleasant things have happened, and there have been times when I've just had to grin and bear it. But we've been able to talk things out, argue constructively, and the next day we all still want to stay here, together. You're an amazing person.
Akira: …I…
I didn't even know what to say. I just bashfully looked down at the stones under our feet. The weight of these words, coming from the person who had always been at my side…was so gentle that I wanted to cry. Today was his birthday, but I was the one who was being celebrated.
Cain: Getting to have you all to myself today has made this the best birthday I've ever had. Thank you for giving me such a luxury.
Akira: …I need to thank you too, for letting me spend today with you when everyone else loves you, too.
My chest burned with the heat of how grateful I was to have this irreplaceable moment with him--so I said the magic words one more time.
Akira: Happy birthday, Cain.
Training Episode: Until the Day I Pull the Cork
Akira: Good morning, Cain!
Cain: Oh, Master Sage. Good morning. Thanks for yesterday. Our party in the Orchestrion was tons of fun.
Akira: Oh no, thank you! It was your birthday, but I ended up feeling like I was being celebrated right alongside you. Right, speaking of, after the party everyone else from Central Country gave you a present, right?
Cain: Yeah, a bottle of liquor I really like. Apparently Oz remembered me saying how much I liked it every time I had the chance to drink it in Shylock's bar. Arthur was the one who actually acquired it, and Riquet made some prayers over it.
Akira: It's a present that has all their feelings wrapped up in it! The flavor must be extra special now.
Cain: Well actually, I haven't drank it yet. I know I'd just down the whole thing in one go, so I'm exercising my self-control instead.
Akira: Ahaha, I get you. I think keeping good care of it until you feel like the time is right is good, too.
Cain: Oh, I know. Maybe I'll put it up on display in my room with my memories of yesterday… Maybe I'll wait to open it 'til Riquet's had his first taste of alcohol.
Akira: Oh…! That sounds like a lovely idea!
Cain: Right? We could turn it into a whole thing and have an uncorking party with everyone under a big banner or something!
Akira: In that case, I'll have to make some extra special snacks for the occasion. If you don't mind me joining in, of course!
Cain: Of course you can! Ahaha, even though it's gonna be a long wait from now 'til then!
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your-space-brain · 1 year
Fall In Love Pt. 2
Happy Lowman x Reader - One Shot
Part 1
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Gif does not belong to me.
Moved from @spacedbrainnn
You thought you had everything you wanted. You thought that leaving Happy, that dangerous life, getting the ring you always wanted would bring you such happiness.
But it was a facade.
Not a single thing you thought would bring you joy did. The ring you wore, it was smoke. It was joyful for a moment then it was gone again. Lake Isabella, all those plans with Happy, his dog Opie, all of it wasn’t a thing.
You went with the safe choice and your heart was not fulfilled by it. You craved the tattooed man that brought you peace amidst the violence he lived in.
You had messed up, and you messed up bad.
The old Comet you drove roared to life when you started it. Sure, Joseph wasn’t all that bad but he wasn’t as thrilling as Happy was. He didn’t touch you and give you sparks the way that Happy did. He didn’t say your name and make your heart stammer. It just wasn’t right.
But, you knew what would make it right.
Each gear clicked from Park down to Drive. Highway 178 was begging for you to drive it the fifty-one minutes it would take you to arrive in Bakersfield. The car idled as you stared at the diamond ring before you rolled down your window and tossed it at your own door. It clattered, a discarded relationship you’d just ended.
It was fifty-one minutes of hell, twenty songs and forty-five miles of you going to find Happy in Bako.
The dog announced your presence before you did, standing at the window and barking at your car as you exited it. The bike in his familiar driveway signified he was home and you didn’t bother to knock.
Opie whined at your feet, the bulldog begging to be petted as you crouched down and gave him the loving he asked for.
“What are you doing here?” When you looked up, he was shirtless. His body was a mosaic of art and tattoos as you stared at him. There was a steaming mug of coffee in his hands. He must’ve just woken up.
“I came here for you.”
He was a man of few words. Still was, that would never change.
“Because I owe you an apology.”
“I’m okay.”
“I didn’t ask if you were okay. I came to say I’m sorry.”
“You did.”
“Dammit, Happy.” The words fell out exasperated as you straightened up, while he sipped the mug of coffee. He only grunted in reply. “I made a mistake.”
This caught his attention. He looked at you with a furrow in his brows. Everyone told him that you made a mistake but to hear it come out of your mouth stung.
“I made a mistake and I want you… I want us.”
He was silent as Opie whined at your feet, his whole back end wiggling as he wagged his tail, waiting for more attention.
“Okay.” That was all he said. Just, okay.
“Okay?” You asked softly. That couldn’t be as simple as it was… could it?
“Okay.” He confirmed, behind the mug. That’s when you saw it, a small curl of the corner of his lips. A small, faint smile.
— end —
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fuffyfun123 · 1 month
CheatingGiyu X Reader angst (platonic/romantic endings)
For years, you’ve been in a relationship with giyuu tomioka. Everyone knew you two as highschool sweethearts and now, you’re grown adults. Youve seen and went through a lot with him.
Although giyuu was awfully quiet, he was perfect. Nothing could’ve gone bad, right?
one day, when you came back home from work, you saw giyuu was asleep. You smiled softly and went to go cook until you kept hearing his phone buzz, over and over again. You had suspicions if he was cheating or not so, you checked his phone and realized he’s been cheating on you for weeks.
giyuu woke up afterwards and his face turned pale once he realized you saw the messages.
“Why are you looking through my phone. Give it back. I promise it’s not what it looks like.”
“What the hell is this….. how-… y-you’re cheating on me?” You stare at the phone in horror as your hands start to tremble from the sudden adrenaline rush.
Giyu quickly snatches his phone back. “I’m sorry! I just thought you didn’t love me anymore…and I…” he paused looking down at his phone ashamed and guilty.
“If you wanted to break up you should’ve told me how you felt!” U felt tears sting at ur eyes as your confusion and sadness turned into rage and betrayal.
Giyu always hated seeing you cry, but he always found a way to comfort you. But this time it was different. 
Giyu watched as tears streamed down ur face, his heart ached with guilt, he couldn’t bare to see u cry especially because of him. 
“I’m so… so sorry..” he stepped close to you reaching out his hand only to it being slapped away.
“Don’t come near me!” Giyu froze at your harsh words. All he wanted to do was to hug you, to comfort you but he knew his actions would only worsen the situation.
You wipe ur tears as u avoided his gaze “I want you out…”
His eyes widen in shock as he instantly looked at you again. “W-what?… you’re kicking me out?…”
“Well I’m sure u can move in with that other b*tch ‘Reina’ instead”
Giyu clenched his fists as your words stung at his heart. But he knew he couldn’t be mad at the truth he knew his actions were completely wrong.
He looked down again and began to pack his belongings as waves of sadness and guild washed over him at the memories you had together.
He zips up his bag and tosses the strap over his shoulder as he walked towards the front door waiting for you to say something.
“Well, I hope you get everything ur karma owes you” you cross you arms giving a cold glare.
giyu looks down, not having the courage to meet your gaze. He knows that you were right. He deserved this but.. it still hurt. It stung.
he opened the door and went to step out but, he stopped. He thought maybe— just maybe there was a chance of redemption. He looks back at you, speaking for the first time since he’s been packing.
“I.. I still love you.”
“I ‘loved’ you…”
(Platonic ending )
Two weeks later
it has been 2 weeks since giyu left your house. He was still with the other girl, although he still couldn’t help but miss you. He knew that you probably hated him right now, but that didn’t stop him from wondering how you were doing.
One day at the local market you walk around looking for spices when u see… Giyu Tomioka… your ex staring at you. You were grateful for the crowds of people not only to hide from Giyu.. but from his new girlfriend too.
His girlfriend who currently hasn’t noticed you drags Giyu away to another sales booth. You quickly turn away and walk off, accidentally bumping into someone. You quickly excused urself as you try to walk by. But that person you bumped into only stared at you, and slowly started to follow behind you.
You soon notice the strange man following you and you start to walking faster. But he also quickens his pace. And once you were in a deserted area he quickly grabbed you and pulled you into a dark alleyway.
“What the hell?!” You yell as you struggle to free yourself.
The guy doesn’t say anything. He just pushes you against the wall, pinning ur wrists to prevent you from escaping.
“What are you doing creep?!” A few moments pass by until he finally speaks. “I got bored and I saw u pretty little thing walking by…” his voice was hoarse likely from smoking cr*ck. 
You grimaced as he licked his lips. “Looks like your all mine sweetheart.” 
“Damnit” you cursed to yourself wishing Giyu was here. The guy continued to press you up against the wall, his hands wandering ur figure. He was about to say something when a voice interrupted him.
“Let her go.”
I looked over the guys shoulder to see Giyu standing behind the creep. He had a cold expression as he spoke, taking a step forward.
The guy immediately froze at the sight of Giyu. He slowly let you go and took a step away.
“I’m doing nothing, just having a little bit of fun. Nothing for you to worry about.. right, sweetheart?”
the guy spoke, but he was interrupted as you punched his face and kicked his privates.
the guy fell back onto the floor, groaning and clutching his crotch.
“OW..! You—“
he was interrupted by giyu as he crouched down and grabbed the back of the guy’s jacket, yanking him up and pushing him against the wall.
“Don’t touch her.”
giyu spoke with a cold tone as he kept the guy pinned against the wall. He was furious with what almost happened. He was even angrier at the fact that he almost walked away and left you with that guy.
the guy slowly brought his hands up as a sign of surrender, terrified at the look on giyu’s face.
“Okay, okay! I’ll leave her alone. Just— don’t hurt me..”
giyu didn’t say anything. He just held him there for a few more seconds before letting him go and taking a step back.
the guy froze and just nodded, before quickly scrambling away, disappearing from the alleyway. It was silent for a moment before giyu looked at you, his expression a bit soft.
“And don’t come back!” You remark before look back up at Giyu.
giyu just stayed quiet as he stepped closer to you, his eyes never leaving you.
“You know you really didn’t have to do that for me…” you spoke in a quiet tone.
giyu knew that, you were a strong and capable person, but he was still on edge. He clenched his fists again as he spoke with a cold tone, but there was a hint of relief there as well.
“Doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t have to deal with creeps like that in the first place.”
His heart flutters at the sight of ur smile. “Well uh- thanks anyway.” You tuck a strand of hair behind ur ear
giyu nodded, looking down for a second before looking back up at you. He took in the sight of you, looking at your smile. It was something he was missing in his life. He exhaled silently and ran a hand through his hair before speaking up again.
“No problem..”
A few moment pass by when u break the silence. “I think- ur girlfriend is waiting for you…”
giyu’s eyes widened slightly before he looked down and nodded silently. He knew you were right, and he did feel a little guilty about ditching the other girl to run after you. He shoved his thoughts away and spoke again with a low tone.
“Can- I ask you one question?”
“You just did” giving him an amused smile. 
“Do you still… hate me?…”
The lighthearted tone disappeared in ur voice as you felt a pant of guilt of that day, but you excuse the feeling as you pull him into a tight hug. 
Giyu was slightly taken aback but slowly melted into the embrace as he wrapped his arms around ur waist.
“I could never hate you…” 
your gentle and sincere words but him like a brick as he held you even tighter his nose burying into your hair as he breathed in your familiar scent. Memories of the time you two spent together flooded his brain, making him feel even more guilty for throwing it away. He closed his eyes holding back tears.
“I miss you so much…”
“Me too…” you felt a tear fall down ur cheek as you both slowly pulled away from the embrace.
 “Will you stay in touch with me?… even after everything we went through?” Giyus gaze turns to the floor as he spoke.
You place your hand on his cheek and softly graze your thumb against it, looking at him with a warm expression.
A moment passed by before Giyu spoke. “I probably should be going now… my girlfriend is probably worried now..” rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Oh ofc, yeah… well, I guess this is goodbye then.” You spoke in a slightly disappointed tone.
“This isn’t goodbye forever, I’ll see you around… and please.. take care of yourself.” He smiles still with a hint of concern and worry in his tone.
You give him a slightly defeated smile as he walks off. You felt gutted, but you knew it was for the best… he’s happy again… and that makes you happy… even if it’s bittersweet.
//Happily Ever After?//
(Romantic ending)
Two years later
it has been 2 years since giyu left your house. He has only been with the other women for a month the after incident but couldn’t help but miss you. He knew that you probably hated him right, but that didn’t stop him from wondering how you were doing.
You run into the meeting room for an interview for a job offer exhausted.
“S-sorry I’m late…” the fatigue starts to seep in as you settle down grabbing your resume and paper.
“It’s quite alright just-… y/n??”
You look up shocked as your eyes meet his… Giyu Tomioka
“Giyu?!” You stare at him shocked as old memories flood back into your memory, not much of him has changed but you never realized how attractive he looked in a suit.
The silence grows thick as neither one of you knows what to say.
After a moment you break the silence and remember you have a job interview and start speaking.
After the interview
“y/n I know we’ve had our… differences is the past but is it okay if we can… start over?”
Your eyes slightly widen at him as you finish packing all your papers.
“I-uhm… sure…”
He doesn’t say anything after but you notice the his expression becomes slightly more… joyful?
You two exchange numbers and move on.
After working together as coworkers for a month you get a text message.
‘Can you meet me at the park 5 pm tmr? I need to talk to you about something.”
‘Oh, yeah I’ll be there..’ you press send and turn off you phone as you begin to settle into your nightly slumber.
The next day you go on your daily routine and at 4:30 you begin to drive to the meeting spot at the park.
You park your vehicle and see tomioka sitting in a bench wearing a black T and sweatpants.
“Hey Tomioka” you wave as you begin to approach him.
His face relaxes at the sight of you “hello y/n…”
You sit beside him on the bench “so what do you wanna talk about?”
“…i know it’s been long since we’ve seen each other… but if I’m gonna be honest iv missed you…” his voice stands stoic.
“Iv missed you… so much y/n… there hasn’t been a day where I haven’t thought of you. And I just wanted to say that I’m sorry… I’m so so sorry for hurting and betraying you…” his body starts become desperate and shaky as you notice a slight tremor in his voice
“I know you won’t forgive me… but-“ His words were cut off as he felt you press your lips against his.
Shocked he looked at you a slight blush dusting his cheeks as his kissed you back melting into the intimate moment.
He wraps his arms around your waist wanting as the nostalgia of your guy’s past washes in in waves.
After a few moments you both slowly pull away staring into each other’s eyes.
“Iv missed you too…” tears begin to flow from your eyes.
He can’t help but break his stoic facade as he wraps his arms onto your neck sobbing into your shoulder. “I promise… I’ll never hurt you again, I won’t be such a foolish idiot.”
You wrap your arms around him as pull him closer.
“I love you so much y/n…”
“I love you too…”
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jeannereames · 1 year
Hi there, this may seem like a random question, but do you think Alexander would have liked sitcoms, like a show like the Big Bang Theory? He seems to have been a serious person, but also a people-person?
What were his favorite plays? Did Greek stories ever delve into daily life and relationships between friends? I've never wondered about this sort of thing with a historical figure, but Alexander's personality interests me.
Let’s begin with a quick summary of what sorts of entertainment were available in the theatre (or elsewhere).
Greek plays were either tragedy or comedy. We also had rhetors and epic poetry which might be performed in more private settings (or during some of the Contests, such as the Pythian Games). A serious shift in plays occurred between the Classical and Hellenistic Eras, in part owing to political changes instituted by Alexander. But Alexander, himself, was a product of the (late) Classical period. That was his “entertainment” world. That was the era of classical tragedy and Middle Comedy.
Both epic poetry and Greek tragedy were rooted in myth, and cyclic stories well-known to everyone. Even in old-style epic, most of these are “tragic” tales. Consider the Iliad. Does that really end well for anybody? Seven Against Thebes? Jason and the Argonauts? The Herakles Cycle? All of these, even if there’s a temporary victory at points, end badly for most of the participants.
Yet this was the popular stuff!
I think it a very important distinction to recognize for the Archaic and Classical world, as opposed to later periods, never mind popular genres today such as genre Romance, action-adventure, or dramady.
Comedy then (as now) required a “happy” ending. The original form was Old Comedy, which would be much closer to “Saturday Night Live” or Monty Python, than “Big Bang Theory” or “Black-ish.” It was POLITICAL. The settings were largely ridiculous, and meant to be, in order to highlight political satire. It was about ideas, not people.
Following the Peloponnesian War, the sharp sauce of Old Comedy stung overmuch, and comedic theatre moved into Middle Comedy. Here, we come a bit closer to the modern sitcom. Unfortunately, we have almost nothing from this period, just a little bit of Aristophanes at the end of his reign, and I’m not too sure we should use even his “Plutus” as an exemplar. We have more examples of New Comedy, where Romance took over. It’s hard to say if that was also true of Middle Comedy. But both sorts of comedy are sharp departures from Old Comedy. They represent more “escapist” entertainment.
We don’t know what his favorite play was, but we DO know Euripides was his favorite playwright, and, as with Homer, he could recite whole chunks of Euripidian content by heart. Then again, Euripides had a long-standing connection to the Macedonian court, having lived there as a guest of King Archelaos after the Peloponnesian War. Similarly, Alexander’s favorite poet was Pindar, another literati with connections to Macedonian royalty, in Pindar’s case, to Alexandros I, king during the Persian Wars.
There’s no real evidence that Alexander was a fan of comedy—but also no evidence he didn’t enjoy it. That said, we might understand why tragedy might have appealed more to him. If tragedy was about the fall of great men (according to Aristotle), it did focus on “great men”—heroes. In contrast, comedy (Old or Middle) tended to be about the average person and their foibles. Perhaps it’s no surprise that Alexander, who emulated the heroes, might prefer tragedy.
So, would he enjoy "Big Bang Theory"? Hard to say. It's a very geeky sitcom, and would take a fair bit of cultural knowledge to "get." But I do think, if he enjoyed comedy, he probably preferred wittier plays. We should also recall that Macedon might have been a bit behind the times due to the political/cultural chaos following the murder of Archelaos, when the kingship was passed around among various branches until Philip's father Amyntas (III) was able to keep it a while. Yet even that wasn't all that stable a period. Not until Philip secured the throne do we see a new influx of Greek culture from the south. Ergo, the average Macedonian may have found New Comedy less appealing than Old Comedy, as it was less familiar.
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mickimomo · 2 years
How RiRi’s Car Was Fixed (a tiny fanfic)
So, I rewatched BP2 for the first time since I saw it in theaters last night and had a series of realizations. This one, however, I need to share. 🤣 You guys remember the scene where Shuri gives RiRi back her car and says that it took days to fish it out of the river?
I think she lied and made Namor get the parts for her before giving him the eternal cold shoulder. 
And the scene kinda played out in my head like this:
As Wakandan aircrafts came in to escort the people of Wakanda back home from the sinking sea leopard, Namor and Shuri worked diligently to help and put their people at ease. It was clear that the people of Talokan wanted to kill all of the Wakandan’s, but they wouldn’t dare disobey K’uk’ulkan. Despite the tension between the two worlds, they all worked together to clean up their mess.
Attuma and Namora worked with Okoye and Aneka to coordinate plans on how they would get the sinking ship back to Wakanda. Any falling bodies and vibranium weapons that had slipped into the sea would have to be collected and taken back or hidden in Talokan as well. They couldn’t afford to leave an ounce of vibranium behind to be discovered by a greedy nation.
Namora found the entire affair irritating, but Attuma seemed eager to be around the former General. Standing closer than he probably should and happily accepting any glares Okoye tossed his way.
After helping a few of the wounded become stable, Shuri approached the god king.
His gaze lifted to meet hers before he excused himself from his discussion with a few of his warriors. “Shuri.”
“Thanks for all the help with this.”
He shook his head. “No need. We both played a part in this.”
“No. I wanted a peaceful solution.” Her eyes stung. “And you killed my mother.”
“Because she killed my people and stole you and the scientist away.”
“We could have talked about this. In what world would spilling more blood solve anything.”
“You tell me.”
“You robbed me of the only relative I had left after I told you about all of my losses.” Her eyes grew wet. “You burned down my world, so it was only fair that I returned the favor.” K’uk’ulkan watched her turn away while cursing under her breath softly as a few tears began to fall. “Nevermind. I don’t know why I even approached you.”
He moved around her and stopped her retreat. “Why did you approach me?”
She wiped her tears away. “You won’t help.”
He frowned. “I will help you do anything you wish.”
“Yes.” His eyes were soft. “It is the least I can do. Besides, helping you will legitimize our treaty.”
Shuri met his gaze. “I want to give my friend a parting gift, but the parts I need to finish her gift are at the bottom of the river you had your people attack us on in Boston.”
“Your friend?”
“The scientist you tried to kill.”
His eyes darkened. “Shuri I am not-”
“-Eh?” She approached him, invading his space with hell in her eyes. “You said you would help me with anything.” She tapped a clawed finger against his chest. “And you will.”
His eyes matched her anger as he grabbed her wrist. “You will owe me.”
“You are in no position to ask me for anything.” She snatched her wrist away.
Everyone fell silent and turned to watch their rulers glare each other down.
“Do not take my kindness for granted, Shuri.”
“I promised to keep your people and secret safe. My allies are not your enemies, K’uk’ulkan.”
His temper was assuaged by the use of his name. 
“Fine.” He grumbled. “I will get the parts and bring them to you.”
“Thank you.” She walked away before moving to help her people. 
The god king watched her before refocusing on the warriors he was talking to. 
and scene!
I could write more tidbits of them repairing RiRi’s car if you all want. I just felt this was way too short to drop on my AO3. 🤣 I plan on cracking out a Namshuri perspective of Sun and the Sky at some point, but until then- this is my tiny contribution to the ship.
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desolateice · 1 year
Cut because I rewrote it, ending of Wisteria Sherbet
So this is a spoiler for the end I ended up changing it and because it’s the end of the fic I’ll preface that under the cut. It’s from around chapter 28/29 of Wisteria Sherbert. Please note that the content beneath this cut is from an E or explicit a/b/o fic.
I was torn when writing the ending for @gjdraws‘s secret santa. On the one hand love a good rescue, on the other hand Johnny also kicking ass is important and I went with the latter when I made the final choice. I also wanted to showcase all the hardwork the kids were doing inside to save him. So it ended up being changed and slowed down over a couple of chapters.
I also just really wanted people to show up for him in that awful parking lot.
Johnny turned at the voice, at Daniel’s shout, at the smell of anger, pure undiluted hatred rolling off of him that was so strong it stung Johnny’s eyes and nose.
“Danny-boy!” Silver said. “I should’ve known you’d be around? How’ve you been?”
“Better if you get your hands off my mate before I rip them off,” Daniel growled.
That was the smell in the air.
Silver laughed, a warm chuckle, like he was dealing with an angry small child throwing a tantrum. 
“Daniel, I can’t. There’s nothing official, in the eyes of the law, while omega’s aren’t property any more…Johnny owes me,  he is so deeply in debt to me that between a claim as a mate and his debt, his debt is more important. You know that, you know how much he’s in debt. I’m acting within my legal rights. But this fire, this anger, delightful as always. But don’t worry, after about four kids, once he’s for sale again I’ll let you know. You can buy him for a couple hours. Maybe, if I’m feeling lenient, earlier. But really, John’s waiting at home, has been waiting. And he hates waiting.”
Johnny frowned looking at the ground, unable to raise his head to meet Daniel’s gaze. This was why he’d kept away, because at the end of the day, the debt, money, won out over anything else.
Johnny had tried, once, to escape, to go to the police, but a very tired officer sent him from one person to another, until he finally found someone to talk to who explained that debt, like his, was iron tight. Omegas weren’t sold, not really, not any more. They had rights and were just like everyone else. Unless they were in debt. And then, the law sided with the holder of the debt, every damn time.
He’d read story after story after story in that cramped office filled with papers, trying to find a case where it wasn’t that way and the lawyer had looked so regretful at him that it’d made him sick. That the only way he could stay safe, within the confines of the law was if he wasn’t presenting. Because it was the only loop hole. Only children hadn’t presented, only children didn’t have a scent, but as long as he hadn’t, Silver had had to wait. And now, now he’d leave his own kid, his own mate and maybe he would be able to retire in 15 years. But his kids would be grown up, his students would’ve forgotten him and Daniel would move on and find another mate.
He really hated this fucking parking lot.
“Here,” Daniel said, voice tight with anger. “I’ve raised 1/2 of it. Give me an account and I’ll send it now. I’ll figure out how to get the rest of it soon. Just need a little more time.”
Johnny’s head snapped up, looking at Daniel who held up his phone, an obscenely high number on it. He looked at Silver whose fingers dug into his shoulder.
“The number went up Danny-boy. John’s medical bills were added to the tab. I must say, your temper really has gotten away from you. What would that old Japanese man think?”
“Okinawan,” Johnny said, corrected, wincing as Silver’s nails dug in. 
Silver hated being corrected and he knew the promise in that grip. He’d misbehaved and would have to relearn all his lessons.
“Well, how much is it now?” Daniel asked.
Johnny watched his face fall at the number, only for a moment before he started thinking, planning, trying to come up with a solution like he always did. But there was no solution.
“I can accept the money, pay off part of his debt,” Silver said warmly, like he was doing Daniel a big favor. “We’ll just do three children then. And John and I will just see which one takes for the third one. We’ll keep in touch Daniel,” Silver said, pulling Johnny along, towards the shiny car he hated, the nice one that always smelled so much like Silver it made him feel ill.
“Oh what now? Do you know how late we already are?” Silver asked, hand a vice grip on Johnny.
“We raised more money than that,” Sam said, running across the parking lot.
“After school babysitting money and bake sales aren’t going to cut it,” Silver said.
“I know,” Sam said turning towards Miguel who looked out of breath a bag in his arms. 
He held it out and Silver took it with a frown.
“You expect me to sit here and count this all now?”
“You can’t take him,” Miguel said.
Silver sighed, “Go sit in the car.”
Johnny obeyed, slipping into the backseat, frowning at the box with his name on it. He poked it open, frowning at the black and white uniform. He hated the dress up games. He shut the box again and turned to look out the window, at the crowd that had gathered.
 His friends, the other dojos, the committee. 
They weren’t leaving like he’d expected. They weren’t heading home to celebrate and lick the wounds of their defeat. They were waiting, watching for Silver to count his money. And he did, carefully, every dollar, coin and check in the bag Miguel had handed him, his frown deepening as he did so.
Silver opened the door with a sigh, leaning down to look at Johnny, reaching out and cupping the side of his face.
“It would’ve been nice to have made our games reality. To see what sort of champions our combined DNA would’ve made. Be good to your mate, the amount of money they rose to pay off your debt is no small thing. Make lots of little LaRusso babies for him while you still can.”
Johnny frowned, pulling back and away from Silver, until Silver was pulled away, back from where he was blocking the door and Daniel was glaring at Silver, anger rolling off of him in heavy waves, reaching into the car, into the backseat and reaching out for him, pulling him out of the car.
“It’s paid fully right?” Bobby asked. “There’s no strings?”
“No Mr. Brown,” Silver said. “You all raised enough.” He sighed and rubbed his temple. “Maybe John will be happy if I pick up a puppy and bring it home, though it won’t look good in the outfit I bought.”
Daniel was holding him close, arms tight around him, prickly and pissed and daring anyone to come close, to take Johnny, eyes glaring down Silver.
“Well I suppose you’ve also paid for all of his things too, so I’ll send them to your place…or one of the offices?” Silver said stooping down to reach into the backseat, grabbing the box and holding it out to Daniel.
Daniel didn’t make a move to take it, but Amanda did, hooking it under her arm and placing a comforting hand on Daniel’s shoulder.
They didn’t move until Silver left and Daniel stepped back, cupping Johnny’s face in his hands.
“That scared the shit out of me. Why the hell didn’t you call for help or run? Why didn’t you fight him off? Did you want to leave with him?”
“Hell no,” Johnny said.
“What do you want to do now?”
“I want to celebrate with my students.”
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thegreatestshowfan · 2 years
I finished @the-passenger-if this morning and first of all OH MY GOD IT'S SO GOOD I'M BEGGING EVERYONE TO GO PLAY. Second of all, I have some thoughts on how my Newman would respond to a certain phrase (which I will not say here for spoiler reasons). So here it is bc I'm back on my shit for The Passenger.
Nash hadn't been paying much attention to Roach as he blabbed on behind them. They had promised Johnny that they would drop Roach off at his place before heading home for the night. Things had gotten out of hand back at Luna Ridge and they wanted to let him rest easy knowing he didn't have anything else to worry about. They'd take care of Roach.
The pair hopped off the bike once they arrived and Roach turned to Nash. Though he had been talking their ear off the entire way, there was a sudden silence that fell over the two of them. This was the first time they had been alone together since everything happened, this was the first time either of them could really face the realities of what they did.
"Newman..." Roach started.
"Roach..." Nash responded.
They blinked at him.
"I shouldn't have sold you out to that... Thing..." he sighed. "You've changed and I should have changed to... I'd been holding onto that... Hatred? Grief? I don't know... and I just wanted some sort of vengeance for what you did."
"I ate your entire family. Not surprising you didn't get over it," Nash said.
"Family is such a human way of putting it," he laughed.
"But that's what they were to you, weren't they?"
"Right... Just... Sorry..."
"You don't need to be sorry," they said, leaning against their propped up bike. "I should be sorry."
Roach looked up at them with surprise and they averted their gaze. They had given him a brief apology back in the cabin but they felt they owed him more.
"Look, I made a super fucked up decision and I'm really sorry. I hurt you. Sure, that's kind of the way of our world but I still did it... And I still feel bad."
"You couldn't really help it you were just kinda... How'd Johnny put it?" he paused. "Ah! Space abomination!"
"Abomination..." that word stung, "yeah..."
Roach studied their face. Most of the time Nash was able to keep it blank. They were wildly successful at keeping things hidden but right now, under the bright moon of little St. George's, they seemed... Hurt? Ashamed? Both? He gulped and looked away, leaving both of them in silence yet again. Acting human, no, BEING human had changed both of them in ways they hadn't expected. Things from the old days, when they were still in their true form, they made sense to them still. The hunt was how things functioned and they were still able to remember that, know what it felt like to live in that world, but being human on the other hand let them feel things much greater than just that. Remorse, kindness, pain... Love.
"I... I didn't mean it like that," Roach mumbled. "That's not what I meant... You're not..."
"I am," they finished. "Part of me will always be that... that THING that ate your kind. I'll always be an... An-"
Nash looked at Roach for a second. He was staring off at passing cars on the nearby road. He seemed to be thinking, reminiscing, something about that word seemed familiar to him.
"Humans tend to think in absolutes," he finally said. "If you're not all good, then you're all evil. Don't let yourself think like that Newman."
It was unspoken. He cared. They placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze as if to say they knew. Those things were behind them now and from here on out they were going to move forward. They didn't have to say anything to know they forgave each other.
Nash threw their leg over their bike and shared one last look with Roach.
Neither of them were absolute. They were not good or evil, human or otherworldly.
Nash smiled a bit and sighed.
"There's one thing that's an absolute actually..." They said.
"And what is that?" he asked, rolling his eyes. Of course they had to have something to nit-pick him on.
"We're..." they trailed off.
He knew.
He raised his hand as they tried to speak again. A gesture to signal they didn't need to speak anything else. He knew.
They smiled and started their bike up, giving one last look to Roach before heading home. It wasn't a long drive, but they knew it would feel like forever with the way their body ached.
Roach made his way up to his place and looked out the window in the direction of Nash's house. He smiled.
That's what they were and that's what they would always be. That was the one thing that was absolute.
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Reluctant Morals
This is a story about a DnD character from one of my friend’s games! Lyra is my PC! I adore Lyra, and I hope you also enjoy my little ball of anxiety and trauma.
Lyra stood stock still for a moment. No one had seen her yet, no one saw her turn the corner and watch as they yelled at Ilyam. Something about debt, something about payment, something about Lucia. Lyra began to slide back, turning to go around the corner, when one of the thugs grabbed Ilyam by the collar and began to hoist him to the air.
Lucia had told Lyra that she had a ‘special’ and ‘complicated’ relationship with her twin brother. Lyra could only imagine what that might have meant.
What kind of sibling relationship involved knowingly letting your brother be attacked? What kind of relationship allowed you to let your brother be hurt because of you? To use it to your advantage?
Maybe Lyra shouldn’t get involved, a voice in the back of her head said. Her anxiety felt physical, grabbing at her wrist, trying to drag her back away, as if she had never seen this.
Sometimes Lyra hated her sense of justice, her desire to protect, all the things that always pulled her in to this kind of situation. The loud kind, the difficult kind, the violent kind.
But that sense of justice pressed her forward harder than her anxiety pulled her back.
She quickly ran forward, stepping between Ilyam and the thug before he really got a hold of Ilyam. Everyone involved seemed surprised by this extra presence.
“Hey. Quit it. Leave him alone.” The words were soft and nervous, just like the majority of her was.
“Lyra-“ Ilyam began to say. She didn’t know if he was going to tell her to mind her own business or that this didn’t involve her or what, but the thug beat him to it.
“Get out of here, kid. This doesn’t involve you.”
“No. I’m not leaving. And I’m not a child.” Her voice was slightly louder but she could hear a couple of the thugs snicker at the shaking that she couldn’t force out of her voice, or the way she still avoided eye contact.
“You really don’t want to get involved in this. It doesn’t concern you. It’s not like we’re going to hurt him.” Lyra scowled at that one. She’d seen the bruise on Ilyam’s face not too long ago. “He just owes us something-“
“I said I wasn’t leaving, so you better involve me with this. Why are you bothering him, anyways? Isn’t his sister the one who owes you money?”
“Lyra-“ Ilyam tried to speak again, but the thug was too focused on this small girl trying to pick a fight with him.
“Lucia’s got to pay, one way or another.”
“He’s not Lucia! He’s her twin but he’s not her and you’re not accomplishing anything!”
“Lyra-“ Ilyam tried once again, grabbing her shoulders, trying to move her out from between him and the other thug, but Lyra only dug her heels in.
“The girl wants to be involved so badly? Fine. We can involve her.”
Before either Lyra or Ilyam could say anything else, Lyra wasn’t surprised but also wasn’t entirely prepared to be essentially slapped. She stumbled back, Ilyam managing to grab her and keep her from falling. It stung and might leave a bruise, but Lyra grit her teeth. She was still trembling, but she righted herself, exhaling heavily.
“We are not playing around, kid, get lost-“
“Last chance to back off,” Lyra interrupted. The threat threw everyone off guard. This girl was 5’1”, 100lbs when wet, she was still shaking and her voice did not sound intimidating at all.
“…I feel like I’m being intimidated by a cupcake. Don’t you know what’s good for you? Get lost, I will hit you again, I don’t care if you’re a girl or a child-“
The thing that was more surprising than the insult was the follow through.
A red energy formed in her palm - some kind of spell caster? But in an instant, it formed into a perfect shortsword in her hand. The speed and precision at which she swung it was unexpected. It was a glancing blow, but Ilyam, standing right behind her, could see that that was on purpose. It cut the man’s shirt, breaking skin and making him bleed but not much else.
But the surprise of a young girl summoning a blood red energy sword from seemingly nowhere was what she was looking for, not to actually cause damage.
The thug was reeling and Lyra grabbed Ilyam’s hand, dragging him behind her as she fled the alleyway. The few seconds head start was all they needed to find a different alleyway to duck into, some boxes to hide behind. Lyra held her breath and stayed silent, finally sighing when the footsteps were completely gone.
She finally turned to Ilyam who was absolutely staring at her, causing pink to color her cheeks.
“Lyra, what on earth was that?”
“I… w-which part?”
“All of it.”
“Well, I… they were going to hurt you. I couldn’t just let them hurt you. I thought about getting Cipher or something but I couldn’t just. Leave.”
“What about the sword?”
“Energy sword.”
“You didn’t even have to use any components or anything to summon it, what was-“
“Let’s not talk about the sword.”
“But-“ Ilyam began to argue, his curiosity piqued.
He sighed but relented immediately.
It was about this moment they both realized they were still holding hands. Her pink cheeks turned redder and he began to blush himself as they pulled away.
“W-well, I probably could’ve handled it myself but… thank you for helping me Lyra.”
“…of course. I’m glad I was able to. Should we go, um, report this to someone?”
“P-probably, yeah.”
“Please don’t mention the sword when we do.”
“I won’t mention it, but you know the thugs will when they’re talked to.”
“I know…” she said with a small pout as they began heading towards the governmental offices. “…I’ll figure it out.”
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
No Context AU (No-One Is Actor and No-One Is Each Other)
"What would you know about it?" Space hisses, jabbing his finger into Heist's chest. "Do you remember dying? Over and over and over again?"
"No." Heist stands his ground though, smirking. "Because I'm not a whiny bitch who got caught in a wormhole."
"But... you are." Illinois gestures from where he leans on the wall. "Yancy's got the proof on his arm."
"We're here because we all got caught in a wormhole," Date pipes up, sitting cross-legged on the floor. "I don't remember mine either. I'm not bragging about it."
Space grabs Heist by the vest. "Do you know how many lives I've lived? Do you want to meet some of the people I've been? Because I would gladly introduce you to the time I was a serial murderer." His form spasms, and for a he's wearing burgundy and a necklace and sunglasses and there's a knife against Heist's throat-
And then it's gone.
"I'm not scared of you," Heist scoffs. "I've faced way worse certain death! What was the one thing, Yancy? In the uhhh... zombie, thing?"
Yancy looks at his right arm. "Youse got shot in the chest?"
"Yeah! And I survived that, didn't I?"
"Big deal. So did I."
"Yeah, and then your Captain abandoned you, do I have that right?"
"They came back."
"Oh, goodie for you, yours comes back for you. I may not be able to remember much from the other timelines, but I remember someone a lot more eager to move on. Didn't even mourn."
"That's a complete self-burn, you know." Date picks at the petals of a rose. "Mine liked spending time with me. They had to get tricked in order to leave me behind."
"You mean shoot you?"
"Same difference. They had to be tricked to get me out of their life."
"Didn't you say they rejected your proposal once?"
"I just moved a little too fast for them! They still said yes to a second date!"
"Youse guys is doin' real good at rememberin' now. Wonder why."
"Because it's all we talk about?" Illinois kicks the wall with the back of his boot. "Y/N this, Captain that, my date this, we did this together, this happened to us... sometimes you just have to let people go. Everyone dies gruesome deaths, and that's okay. No need to try and save them. At least, no need to try very hard."
Space lets go of Heist, looking at Indy with all the shock his face can possibly express. "You don't value your Captain?"
"Not my Captain. And they're fine. But they're one of many, you know. Handsome and/or beautiful as any artifact, but just another in a long line of people who fall in love with me and end up dying or just not making the cut."
"Why'd you even come after them then?!"
"I didn't, really. I just jump through every portal I see. Usually leads to ancient gods and golden cities, not... tiny inescapable rooms full of assholes."
"Hey!" Date gestures to himself. "How am I the asshole?!"
"Youse made 'em pay for dinner," Yancy says. "And youse got 'em kidnapped if they didn't."
"That-! ... Is a fair point."
Space looks around. "They- they're The Captain! They're... they held on!"
"Got sucked away when I tried showin' 'em my new number," Yancy grumbles, accepting a rose to pick at then Date offers it. "They didn't mean too, I knows it! But it stung. Ow, like this stupid thorn!"
"Wait, I thought Yancy said I was the one with the hold on or let go options?"
"Youse both got 'em. But his turns out better." Yancy pats his left arm this time. "Like his more, honestly."
"Didn't you come from my universe?!"
"Youse showed up in his too."
"He did?"
"I did?"
Yancy peers at his arm, and taps one of the boxes. "Right heres, for a minute. Maybe less."
"Oh, great. I get a cameo in your shitfest."
Date throws down his rose. "Why are you such a dick?"
"Oh please, didn't you throw the rose away instead of giving it to yours?"
"That's not as bad as telling them I won't come back for them if they get caught during a heist!"
"At least I didn't wear sneakers with my suit! Or propose!"
"You wanted to go on a date too!"
"It's not the same!"
Space sits down next to Yancy, closing his eyes. "How am I more tired now than when I was undying in a timeloop for so long the universe ended?"
Yancy shrugs. "Youse is all pretty similar. Can be tiring."
"... Yeah. No kidding."
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alewritesfics · 2 years
Inappropriate Encounters
Summary: 2 more encounters that lead down to a more dangerous path
Paring: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma Sister!reader
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: unedited, probably bad grammar, Bee stings, Anthony panicking, Angry Y/n and bewildered Anthony, encounters that Y/n and Anthony should stop before it gets out of hand
Series masterlist
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I was walking around the garden meanwhile Kate was riding on a horse around somewhere. I breathed in the air, it hitting my face softly.
I got to the entrance, where I saw Anthony looking down at the flowers.
“Anthony” I called out
“Y/n” he turned to me “Is your sister..” he trailed off
“She is in her room,” I approached him “Not feeling her best today, it seems”
“What happened?” I asked “You told me you were going to propose to her, and yesterday was the perfect time to do it”
“I did not mean to disappoint her last night when I did not declare myself” He murmured “But she should not be disappointed for long, rest assured I will still propose to her”
“Well you should tell her that, not me” I huffed
“Last night wasn’t the right time, with my brother acting strange, and everyone staring at me, I panicked, my feelings would not allow me to speak ” He tells me as we walked back to the house
“So your feelings are too strong for you now?” I said incredulously
“No, no” I cut him off “ You did not see Edwina yesterday night, you toyed with her emotions, she was destroyed, she thought she was not good enough to be Viscountess and that she should have been better, you are my friend Anthony but if you keep on playing with her, I will never forgive you” I snapped
“Without offense y/n, but Miss Edwina seems perfectly capable of forming her own impressions-“
“So now you claim to know my sister better than me?” I said angrily
“I know she wishes to be happy-“
"Precisely" I exclaimed making him look at me annoyed
“That is all I want for her, I know you are a good man, you have been so good to me and with her,” he looked down at my chest, his face paling “but how is she going to be happy if you only delude her and when she is at the peak of excitement , you disappoint -“
“Do not move” he pleaded
“Do not interrupt me, I am g-“ I shook with anger
“No, No, stand still, damn it” he grabbed my hand exasperated
I stayed quiet and looked at him carefully, he was breathing heavily, looking down at my chest scared. I looked down and saw a bee, realization showing on my face. I moved to shove it off.
“No, do not do that!” Anthony exclaimed, I did it anyway, waving the bee off
“It will be fast and it will not- ow-“ I exclaimed in pain as the bee stung me. Anthony started breathing more heavily, panic in his eyes.
“Are you hurt?” He asked
“What?” with the pain I felt, I did not pay attention to what he was saying
“Can you breath?!”
“Anthony, I am fine, I have gotten stung before” I tell him
“Are you certain?!”
“Of course I am certain, Anthony-“
“No, No do not-“
“Anthony!” I looked all over his face, trying to think of something to do to help him with his panic attack
“I am unharmed” I shook my head trying to reassure him
“I am unharmed” I thought for a minute before grabbing his hand and putting it on top of my chest, on top of my heart.
“Anthony” I stepped closer, grabbing his other hand and, intertwined with mine and put it, this time on top of his heart.
“I am fine” I look at him sadly “Listen to me, I am fine” he nodded looking intensely into my eyes, trying to calm down
“Feel my heartbeat” I urged him, he rested his forehead next to mine, concentrating on my heart “Breath” he looked back into my eyes, his face getting closer to mine.
We jumped apart when we heard horses nearby and people talking. Anthony assessed me one more time before he walked away. I sighed, closing my eyes, thinking back to a few moments ago and that if we did not hear the horses, we could have possibly k-
I cannot possibly fall in love with Anthony, it is absurd, we are just friends, he is my sister’s suitor, no, just no.
I picked up my gloves, that seem to have fallen, from the floor, before running quickly to the nearest wall.
But I cannot ignore the way my heart raced as our faces neared each other.
I stare out the window, deep in my thoughts.
“Deedee? Is it the sting” Edwina said, I turned my head quickly towards her
“What?” I panicked thinking that she found out about what happened between Anthony and I “Whatever do you mean?”
“Is it still bothering you?” She clarified “seems ever since the awful creature stung you, you’ve been keeping to yourself” I shook my head
“No, not at all, bon” I tell her standing up
“Are you sure? You have been very pensive lately” Kate comments “Did something happened that you did not tell us about?”
“No, nothing happened, why?, should something have happened?” I rambled “Anyway, how are you Edwina, are you still feeling upset about Anthony’s lack of action”
“His mind also seems elsewhere lately, I thought I’d be announcing an engagement at tomorrow night’s ball” Edwina sighed
“We return to Mayfair in a few days, where there will be many other suitors” Kate said cheerfully
“Suitors will only suspect that there is something lacking in me when they discover the Viscount is no longer interested” Edwina snapped
“Bon,-“ I huffed smiling, going to hold her hand in reassurance
“He is the one I want, Y/n” My smile faded as she pushed my hand away “The Viscount, his family, this home, the life he offers me” Kate and I stayed quiet
“I’ve been thinking and, I am now quite certain I know why he has not made his declaration” I looked up at her “It’s because of you both”
“Kate, you hate one another and Y/n, he has seen how hostile you’ve been towards this past day and has regrets his decision on proposing to me” I sighed in relief
“I am sure that is not why” I assured her “ Anthony knows I am still his friend, and even if I am hostile towards him for 1 day, it would not change his mind”
“And hate probably too strong a word” Kate adds
“It is clear from your exchanges with the Viscount, that he shares your feelings” Edwina says “All this time I though I needed your help getting him to fall in love with me-”
“You know how Anthony feels about love, bon” I remind her, she only gives me a look
“Maybe it is something I can change” Edwina wonders making me laugh
“I love you Bon, but nothing and no one will change his mind, not even you, I know him and he told me so” I murmured
“That is why, you, are going to help me win over his heart” Edwina smiles, I looked at her shocked
“I beg your pardon?”
“You, will spend more time with the Viscount, tell him nice things about me, and subtly convince him to propose”
“Edwina I can-“ I start
“Please” She begs “I really want to become his wife” I looked at Kate asking for help, she only shrugged.
“fine” I agreed, she squealed in delight and hugged me tightly.
What have I gotten myself in to?
“Y/n!” Edwina calls out to me when she sees me
I smile and head over to where she is sat at, Anthony seated to the side of her.
“It has been a wonderful evening” i laugh “Little Auggie is the sweetest baby ever, he definitely gets that from his mother, although I have not met his father, the Duke, so I cannot be completely sure” I said sitting down opposite of Anthony, nodding at him in acknowledgement
“Did you tell the Viscount about your bee sting?” Edwina said
I sighed amusedly “ I got stung”
“Ah” Anthony said as if he did not know, I nodded
“I am well” I looked at Edwina
“Ah” He said once again, looking at me
“Y/n was telling me how eager she was to see more of the grounds of this magnificent estate” She informs him
“I was?” Edwina kicked my foot under the table, giving me a look “Yes, I was, you know I like to explore all kind of magnificent places” he nodded
“Might you give her a tour today while I spend time with the ladies” Edwina insinuates
“Uh i-“
“I am certain Lord Bridgerton is occupied with other guests” I said chuckling
“Shooting, in fact, with the other gentlemen” He said “the party is to leave quite soon, I am afraid”
“Did you know, Y/n, is an excellent shot, Kate taught her, after all” Edwina smiled
“I am sure she is” I raised an eyebrow
“Are you all set for the hunt brother?” Benedict approached us, patting Anthony’s shoulders
“Y/n! Tell him how you used to shoot all the time with Kate” Edwina urged me
“Miss Edwina” Anthony chuckled
“She is just being modest”
“Do you not think it true?” I asked getting angry, seems like ever since a few days , our friendship has gotten closer and closer to being non-existent. Why? Who knows
“Perhaps your sister aims straight in a field” Anthony started “but surely she would have some trouble managing-“
“Why would you assume I would have any trouble at all?” I raised an eyebrow
“I only mean to say-“
“Because I am a women, is that it?”
“No, no y/n, just only meant that-“ I could hear Benedict chuckling at his brother's expense
“What did you mean exactly?”
“You could get hurt, that is why ladies do not hunt”
“Do not, or are not allowed to”
“I am certain, Lady Danbury can spare a maid to act as a chaperone” Edwina cuts in
“No, there is no need Bon, I would not be able to endure being around egotistical, prideful men who think they are superior to women in every way” I stood up from my seat angrily “ If you excuse me, I am going to talk with the better Bridgerton’s, no offense Mr. Benedict” I marched away huffing, leaving Anthony to stare at me bewildered
“She has grown rather infuriating these past days” I hear Anthony say behind me, I stop in my steps
“Oh, I'll show you infuriating” I start to march back to him, Kate grabbed my hand, stopping me.
"Sister" Kate laughs nervously "Let us go calm down, yeah?" She led me inside the house while I muttered angry things about the Viscount
I lay in my bed, late at night, rain pouring down. I stared at the ceiling. Once thunder sounded again, I stood up carefully.
“Bon?” I hear Kate whisper
“I’ll just be going outside for a little, I won’t be long” I whispered back
I walk down the corridor, until I found the library, opening the door and entering after, leaving the door slightly shut so as not to wake anyone up with the noise it would make. I neared the bookshelf’s and grabbed a book. The door opening behind me full once I did so.
“Anthony” I turned around and looked at who entered
“I did not mean to startle you” He said “I saw a light and thought I let a candle lit” he explained
“No, only me” I stepped down from the stool
“Could you not sleep?” He asked, I stayed silent “If your lodgings are not comfortable-“
“No, it is the storm” I tell him “I’ve always found them unsettling”
“I was 12 when apa died, but I remember he used to read to my sisters and I during monsoons, now the rain makes me think of him” I approached him, he grabbed the book I was holding, grabbing it carefully
“This was my father’s library, these books were some of his most treasured possessions “ I stayed quiet
“I apologize for this afternoon, I did not mean to offend you in anyway,” he apologizes “it just is not appropriate for a lady to hunt around a bunch of me, that is not how the rules work” and there he goes again
“Ugh you and your rules” I scoffed, he started to get frustrated, I looked out the window
“Perhaps if you’ve not been out once again the other morning, we might not have been put in such a difficult situation” I looked at him once again
“Exactly which difficult situation are you referring too?” I scoffed
“Your-“ he stopped himself, I raised an eyebrow “The other morning” he nodded as if that made everything clearer
“When I was stung?”
“After which you put my hand to your bosoms”
“To show you I was unharmed, you were overcome, and I did not put your hand on top of my bosoms, it was my chest!”
“I was not!”
“You were the one who then looked at me”
“You looked at me!”
“Not in the way that you did”
“How did I look at you?” I stayed silent, us looking at one another, breathing heavily
“Alright” Anthony sighed “ Let us not fight, let us just forget about that accident and not speak about it anymore” I nodded agreeing
After a moment, he spoke up once again “I will need help proposing to your sister”
“I don’t really know how Edwina wants to be proposed to” I mused, he hummed
“How would you like to be proposed to?”
“Edwina and I are very different, I am not sure what I want is what she wants”
“Just answer my question”
I thought for a minute “I would like it to not be a big thing, the moment being private between us both or at least with just our families present. It does not matter if he gives me flowers or not, but it would be nice, Lilacs, especially, my favorite, symbolic of first love ” He nodded
“Although I am not sure if I would be able to marry, I would like to , yes, but I am not sure how” I admit
“What do you mean?”
“There is the matter of my dowry” I answer “ It is just mama, my sisters and I, we do not have any title or money, and no one will want to marry me without a dowry-”
“I would” I looked at him surprised “ I mean I would marry your sister regardless if she has a dowry or not, I have enough money as it is, I do not need more”
“Edwina is very fortunate” I smiled slightly
“And you need not worry” he assures me “ When I marry your sister, I myself, will provide you with a dowry”
“Are you serious?” I gasped
He nodded “Of course, we will be family and besides that, you are my friend” I laughed happily and hugged him, he gasped surprised, while I muttered thank you’s
“Once again, my sister is very fortunate that you are pursuing her” I pulled back from the hug and smiled at him as he stared at me.
My smiled faded as he continues to stare at me intensely. My eyes trail all over his face, before they stop on his lips for a second. I can feel him getting closer, his breath fanning my face as my heart starts to race. I look back up to his eyes, he leans in before a thunder interrupts the moment.
“Oh” I gasped pulling back “ This is not appro-“
“No, it is ok-“
“I should bid you goodnight” I say and bowed
I march out of the room and into my bedchambers, trying not wake my sisters up. I lean against the door, trying to calm my racing heart.
I am heading down a dangerous path, and I should stop before it gets out of hand.
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robincantfunction · 3 years
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♪
series masterlist|main masterlist|taglist
james potter x reader (previously)
sirius black x reader (in progress)
warnings: gif not mine, swearing, understandably bitchy y/n, JAMES REDEMPTION SKBDJDJSMAALA (sorry james haters <3 lil baby redeemed himself) one suggestive comment, i think that’s it.
summary: y/n had the worst day. and for once, james listened. james was there.
note: next chapter will properly focus on sirius x reader i promise !!!
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two months after the ‘incident’ as y/n has started calling it, she felt a lot better. sure, as every person does, she still held a grudge. but she didn’t feel anything for him anymore, which confused her. she still felt jealous, she couldn’t help it, but she didn’t see herself with him anymore. she was just beginning to go back to her normal routine, sitting with the marauders, which now included lily, because she knew it wasn’t fair to make sirius sit away from them. and although he really didn’t mind, he would do literally anything for her, and he shared a dorm with them, he did appreciate that she was thinking about him.
the first day she sat with him, she felt like she was gonna be sick. like someone was continuously punching her in the stomach with zero remorse. but then it got easier, and soon her anger faded into resentment, which was to be expected. she was still hurt, but there was no point in mourning someone who isn’t dead, in greiving a love that couldn’t have died, because it never even lived.
“moony i’m telling you, out of all the teachers dumbledore is the most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse” james said, waving his hands around animatedly. “no… no! minnie would be the most likely to survive, gals got some moves.” y/n and sirius were listening into the conversation, exchanging looks and giggled every time one made a stupid yet understandable point. “i got to agree with moony, mate. she’s badass” sirius said, deciding the conversation was worth joining. as they continued, y/n spoke up. “your all wrong. poppy would survive a zombie apocalypse much better than anyone else. point a) she could heal herself, and others. when you heal someone in a zombie apocalypse that person will owe you their life, therefore she’s like some weird merlin of medicine, slowly she grows followers and then an army, and then she takes over the zombies too. point b) dumbledore would bust a hip. and point c) i love minnie, but she’d be too much of a team player to survive a zombie apocalypse.”
they were all stunned, she hadn’t really spoken since she started sitting with them again. sirius was the first to break the temporary silence, knowing she wouldn’t want it to be properly pointed out. “y’know… i hate that you’re right” she smiled the. shrugged saying “i’m just a genius i guess.”
they were all happy she was coming back out of her shell. it was something they all missed, and all felt bad about. especially james. but since she started sitting with them again, he couldn’t find it in himself to wallow in guilt. of course, he still felt terrible, but everyone was happy right?
a few days later, y/n was not having a good day. she failed her transfiguration test, because james used to help her, and she had a run in with snape, who ended up embarrassing her in front of everyone near the black lake. part of her wanted to go to the park, but the other part of her knew she had to study and she wouldn’t get any work done there. and another part of her wanted to completely forget that place, she didn’t want lily or james to be there when she was. so in true y/n fashion, she was stressing herself out more than she needed to, and it was taking a toll on her.
when she sat down for dinner, she was running on her last bit of patience, which was wearing increasingly thinner as the day perused. “m’love, did you wanna work on the transfig homework later?” james asked lily, which stung for two reasons. of course, y/n failed her transfiguration test, so it was just another reminder for her. but also, james never called her ‘my love’, or ‘love’ for that matter. and in her current state, that was enough to snap her lasting patience like a fucking twig. “um, yeah, sure.” lily responded, then very indiscreetly adding on “or we could do something a little more… enjoyable” y/n rolled her eyes, not needing another reminder of what goes on with lily and james. she stood up and stormed off, trying not to make too much of a scene, but not going out of her way to hide the fact she was annoyed. sirius was about to go after her, but james stopped him “pads, lemme talk to her.” he nodded warily, knowing that if he said the right thing james would help more. “just… get me if you need me” james nodded, already hot on y/n’s trail.
“y/n!” he spoke loudly, but calmly. “go away james, i don’t wanna talk.” he shook his head, catching up to her before saying “yeah, we’ll whether you want to, we need to. properly this time.” she stopped, huffed a bit, and looked at him. “i know i’ve said sorry a hundred times, and i know that means nothing to you, so instead i’m going to listen to you, and you’re going to tell me what’s bothering you. not just what happened between us, because you’ve clearly had a shit day. so rant. scream. hit me, if you really want. just- let it out.” and so she did. with little hesitation, she let out an aggravated shout, before spilling everything out to james, and even if people were listening because she was practically shouting all of her problems out to him in the middle of the corridor, it felt good.
“i’m bloody pissed. i fucking- i hate this. i hate everyone walking on egg shells around me, like i’m going to break if someone looks at me the wrong way. it happened, ok! i was mad? yes! and i still mad? honestly? i want to be. i want to fucking hate you! i want to hate her! but i can’t. i just can’t. i’m not going to take bloody bereavement for a flame that wasn’t even lit!” she took a deep breath before continuing. “and i don’t even know why i’m jealous, because i don’t love you anymore. i’m over it, admittedly quicker than i thought i’d be, but i just look at you, and i see the perfect person. for lily. not for me. and i can’t be mad at that.”
she scoffed at herself before looking up at james. “and then i had a transfiguration test last week, and normally you’d help me study, but i couldn’t ask you. cause you’d be helping lily. so then instead of studying i was throwing myself a pity party for something that shouldn’t even bother me! but it does! so then today, i obviously found out i failed. and then snivellus thought it’d be real funny to tell everyone what happened. i don’t even know how he knows! it’s not like i told anyone, and i doubt you did. because as mad as i was, as sad as i was, as fucking furious as i was, i wasn’t going to tell people. because i don’t even care anymore! but then i do! and i don’t know why! so then everyone started laughing, and some people gave me these sorrowful looks, and i was just crying like a bloody idiot. and- and then you called lily m’love. and you never called me that. you never even properly told me you loved me, just in passing when i’d say it. and… here we are. and i hate that you showed her the park. it meant something to me, it was like my safe space. and now i can’t go there without worrying you two will be there.” at this point she was sobbing and hyperventilating. although james wasn’t sirius, and he knew sirius was the best to calm her down, he did the one thing he thought would help. he pulled her into a hug and let her break down. eventually they were leant up against the wall, having been dragged to the ground by y/n, and he kept a tight hold on her, and this time he wasn’t planning on letting go. because his friend needed him, and he needed this too. he needed closure as well.
“and selfishly, i want her to do a you, to you. and i fucking hate that i’m calling it that” she chuckled, a sob hiding behind it that she concealed relatively well, but james still noticed. “but i want her to have you wrapped around her finger, and the. when you’re sure that you’re in love, she drifts. and then she falls in love with snivellus.” he nodded “honestly, part of me wants that too. because i feel like shit, and there is nothing i can do to make either of us feel better.” she shook her head, sitting up and looking at him. “but you did. you listened to me” she chuckled properly “and, honestly… i feel so much better right now.” he smiled “i’m glad” he sighed before speaking once more “i’m sorry for showing her the park, i knew you hadn’t gone in ages and i figured you were done with it. i didn’t realise how special it was to you. we won’t go there anymore, i’ll make sure of it.” she smiled at him “thank you”
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cherri-cherri · 4 years
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× Little Flower ×
Pairings - Ryoumen Sukuna x Reader
Synopsis - No one was allowed to touch you as you were his. Those who dared would suffer a fate worse than death...
Warnings - Possible Grammar Errors, Slight Gore, Swear Words
A/N - This fic here is pretty short but I wanted to write this after having a weird dream with flowers and Sukuna. I honestly have mixed feelings about this one but I hope you all enjoy! - 🍒
"Speak, girl. Do you know why you stand here on trial here today?" A voice called out to you from above but you simply kept your head hanging down to stare at the stacks of dry wood pressed under your feet. Your body ached due to the countless bruises and cuts littering your skin and the tightness of the ropes cutting into your bound wrists weren't helping at all in the slightest.
"Y/N L/N, do you understand why you stand before us?" The voice repeated again, this time a rough hand grabbing ahold of your hair and gripping it tightly, forcing you to stare up at the man before you.
"Cat has your tongue? Well then, let me remind you that you were caught giving aid to the king of curses. No doubt spreading your legs for him like that harlot you are" his words only mirrored the disgusted look in his cold grey eyes, glaring down at you as his grip on your hair only tightened. Sad to think that you would be used to this knowing your uncle was not a kind or gentle man and yet his words only stung.
"...I did no such thing....He was hurt and I was trying to help, I was–" Letting out a yelp as your cheek burned from the slap your uncle gave you, you felt tears prickling your eyes as he leaned in closer.
"Liar!! Someone saw you with him, saw you hold him! It is obvious that your vile ways allowed him to take over your mind and possess you!" Yelling at the top of his lungs, you heard others around you cheering the man on as some even chimed in. So many hateful words, so many people who you believed to friends and family only for all of them to look at you with such disdain and anger. Tears began to form until your uncle released you and stepped away, "There is only one way to save your soul now before he swallows it whole. The flames will send you to the afterlife and maybe then, you will be saved."
Your heart dropped after hearing that. You were going to die, all because of giving a monster sanctuary, all because you tried to be kind. Men carrying large clay pots came to the stake you were bound to and then began splashing you with oil. Coughing as the liquid was poured ontop of your head, you heard the chanting of the people all around you, screaming and yelling for your death over and over again as your uncle came walking back towards you while holding up a lit torch.
This was the end. Your miserable life ending at such a horrible note, it made you let out a small saddened chuckle as you slowly closed your eyes and waited for the fire to engulf your completely until nothing but ash reminded.
You waited..
And waited..
The ropes wrapped around your wrists were soon sliced off and at the same time, you hear a few thuds collapsing onto gravel not too far away from you. When you opened your eyes, you found yourself staring at your uncle. Your now headless uncle. The blood erupting from his neck like a geyser as the body slumped down to its knees, occasionally twitching as the blood sprayed across your face and ragged dress. The color drained from your face completely as you stared down at the blood on your clothes, horrified until a large tattooed around wrapped itself around your waist. Freezing completely, you looked back forward to see the villagers beginning to flee until those who even took a step back were diced into cubed pieces.
"Any human who moves another muscle will die." A rough voice called out behind you, sending your heart to panic. Turning your head slightly to the side, you saw him.
Ryoumen Sukuna.
His eyes darted down towards you, crimson hues staring into your watery E/C eyes and he simply gave you a toothy grin. "Come on now, Y/N, you shouldn't give such a frightened look to your knight in shining armor. I just saved your life."
"Y-you killed them.. " you muttered, causing Sukuna to roll his eyes as he lifted you in the air before placing you down onto his shoulder to carry you. "And? I don't see what's wrong here. You're alive, they're dead. Now that we've been over that, I think you owe me a reward—"
"I knew it..." a woman said from the crowd, her knuckles turning white from how hard she was gripping her fists. She stared at the two of you with fear in her eyes, more so you than Sukuna. "Y-you were sleeping with him..you dirty whore...letting a monster in this village. Letting a curse spread in this village!" As she screamed out, blood soon enough trickled down her lips as she felt a pain in her chest before a growing numbness. Looking down, the woman saw nothing but a gaping hole in the middle of her chest, blood dribbling down the emptiness to the stomach until she slowly collapsed on her back. Others around her screamed out, some moving from the places they were standing before being sliced in half or trisected into parts. You gasped out, covering your mouth as you felt bile rising up.
"S-she did nothing wrong!" You yelled to Sukuna as he only stared at the remaining people in the crowd with a smirk. "Wrong...As far as I see, everyone here has committed a great sin."
Crimson stained the once grey pathway as people are killed by the curse one after another. A few brave (or foolish) souls attempted to even rush at Sukuna only to make it as far as five steps forward before their insides became their outsides. A woman tried to beg for her life by offering herself as Sukuna's personal slave, even going as far as to give away to lives of her children but once again it proved nothing as she too was killed.
It didn't take long for Sukuna to kill off the rest of the villagers, regardless of their age or even if they were innocent or not. They were all killed and slaughtered brutally without mercy, their blood mixing together as the smell of their corpses began to reek. You stared down at the headless corpse of your uncle, eyes dulled as you thought perhaps it would've been better if the fire had claimed you. Then no one wouldve been killed. No, no that wasn't true.
It would've been better if you never met him. If you simply continued on your way and left him bleeding out for the shamans to find. If you had never opened your heart to the curse..then no one would've died. Then no one would've been killed. Feeling a hand brush your hair gently with his nails and combing a strain behind your ear, you were snapped out of your thoughts. Sukuna pulled you closer towards him with one arm and wrapped each of his arms around your small frame before pressing his lips onto your forehead.
"They didn't have to die..." your voice was practically a whisper at this point, hoarse and dry from the screaming and begging for him to stop. Sukuna merely chuckled as he released you, "Do you feel guilty?"
"What sort of question is that supposed to be? Of course I do...." Saying that you didn't would only be half of the truth. Sure you were angry with how they were so quick to hurt you and kill you but then again, if you knew this was what Sukuna was capable, you would've accepted the punishment. You should've listened, should've stayed away from him that night yet apart of you knew that this perhaps wouldn't have changed much.
"I don't see why when because of you, your people get to live on..."
Those words got your attention as they left you confused. Before you could even question him however, you heard a small weak voice speaking out towards it. "You've doomed us all, girl..."
You could've swore that it was your uncle speaking to you and yet you knew that was impossible seeing as his vocal cords were severed alongside his head. But when your eyes slowly looked over to the severed head, you saw a large flower growing where the blood pooled over. It might have been beautiful if it wasnt for the fact that your uncle's face was on the flower, darkened eyes staring at you. Gasping out, you covered you mouth and took a step back, pressing your back into the warm chest of Sukuna as he pointed over towards the other bodies littered around the execution ground.
A variety of flowers had sprouted forth from the blood soaked ground, each with the faces of the dead villagers as they yelled and screamed out in agony at you. So many cried out your name, children who were unfortunately brought here wailed as their mothers simply screamed out multiple swears at you. Speechless, you froze at the sight as more flowers simply began to grow up around the two of you and were only spreading. Small vines began to creep towards you, only to be sliced away when it got too far, not to you but to Sukuna.
"Regret, anger, hatred, sadness. So much negative energy, so much rage here. I wanted to repay my little flower and what else to gift her with than a garden of her own." He hunching over and reaching for one the screaming flowers, he plucked it forth from the ground as the face on it contorted in pain before it began to beg for mercy. "Flowers for my flower. Though none of this compare to you." Sukuna chuckled, placing the plant onto the back of your ear before combing a strand of your hair.
You felt disgusted as the flower's voice grew more and more faint, it practically whispering in your ear for himself to be spared such a fate. You could do nothing but silently say how sorry you were yet your hushed apologies were drowned out by the voices of your new cursed garden.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
prompt 1 with older brothers best friends!harry 👀
1. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
8. “I said stop staring at me.”
23. “I have a name and it’s not sweetheart.”
Third wheeling could never be fun. Not when you’re basically not even a wheel but an invisible person on a vacation watching couples kiss and yada yada.
“For fuck's sake.” Y/N grumbles changing a side snatching the blanket that got stuck under her and sandwiches her face into a pillow when she hears the steel roof atop her creak furiously accompanied by high pitched obnoxious moans.
Y/N's brother brought her along to their Italy trip, his wife’s bestfriend and his own bestfriend tagged along too leaving only Y/N to grump about their wild sex rendezvous.
She’s sleepless, homesick and probably about to get a stomach bug for living in yacht for four days atleast!
What’s so fun about jiggling in your sleep? None perhaps and the waves crashing at night that threatens you to swallow you down to the pit of ocean --- my pal, nothing is entertaining about it. Atleast for Y/N. She’s more of a hill station going person with her pup Frankenstein that oogles out from his small globe like window, comfy in his lil bag that Y/N moves around on her shoulders everywhere.
When the fracas of whatever’s taking place up doesn’t comes to halt, Y/N had enough, she isn’t very versed in coping with such situations since her dorm-mate is very nice.
So, she’s throwing the lid away to pop her head through the square like space and spreads her elbows up the roof, “Aish.” She immediately covers her eyes upon the sight of his brother and his wife doing it.
Their expressions comically panicked as they embarrassingly scrambles to clutch the flimsy sheets over them.
“Who does it all naked under an open sky?” She squeaks out, feeling her pulse tick and she peeks out towards the darkness from the slight gap of her fingers which are barely helping her avoid the scene that’d haunt her for life.
“Them bunnies and monkeys, ‘n many of our kind, Sweetheart.” She rolls her eyes at the familiarity of deep slow rumble that’s a bit slurred, probably from the Tequila they took with them. The voice never fails to froth bubbles in Y/N's tummy and it always involuntarily makes her nails dig into her palms.
Harry and Tina’s bestfriend went out to roam around Italy, or they told so and Albeit Y/N very well knows their intentions were more to exploring the city she didn’t butt in.
“I’ve a name and it’s not, Sweetheart.” She dismisses him with a grumble and his smirk shines through the shadow aggravating Y/N to an extreme she slips down shutting the door (like lid) at the them.
Harry Styles. Y/N's brother’s bestfriend. He’s everything Y/N loathes about. Bright green eyes, silken features and that dopey pearlish smile that makes everyone fall in love with him in nano-seconds.
To Y/N. He is an incubus. A witch that allures people without even knowing.
He’s a narcissistic asshole and Y/N's bad boy dream, unfortunately.
She hates herself for having a puppy crush on him for years now.
That friggin, Asshole.
He’s with everyone but her. It seems as if he’s getting stung by bees upon the mere closeness between them. A lamb ready to bite her down his stomach if she steps a foot near him.
At the moment when she’s sitting with her knees pressed to her chest, swollen eyes and puffy lips from not getting sleep last night.
She’s really hating that Harry looks so hot from the swim he just took as he dries himself sitting opposite to her. The droplets twinkling on his tanned thick body, his trunks wrinkled and bunched up into his thighs baring the tiger tattoo on front, his hair wet and oh so fucking tug-able – Y/N feels like Rachel from friends thinking all of that.
“Stop staring,” She mutters out loud when he wouldn’t stop licking the saltiness from his pink bottom lip keeping his intense gaze on her.
“What did y'say?” He pretends that we too engulfed in something else.
“I said stop staring at me.” Y/N grits. It’s annoying because it’s making her belly feel funny and loopy.
“The hills behind y'are just s'admirable.” He elevates his shoulders a bit panicked from inside and Y/N forced herself to not to twitch her eye when his chest muscles flexes due to his action.
Bamboozled she takes a glance from her shoulder to where he diverted his sight once she caught him. Her nose scrunched up and chin butted in disgust at the scenery, “That’s literally a heap of dead fishes!”
“Better than starin’ into a dead soul.” His lips down turned into a careless grimace and Y/N gasps out loud pushing the strands of her hair sticking to all of her face because of the breeze gush, “Why would you say that!?”
“’Cos you’re so mauve, that’s why?” He just wants to take a piss out of her. Nobody’s around and he’s finally getting time to talk to her even if it just to sit cross legged on her nerves and sip tea.
He’s actually lying. He thinks she’s more than mauve. She’s all those colours that usually macarons have, all those hues that butterflies wings have and all those tinctures that one find in gems then keep them safe.
She’s the colour he misses in his life.
“And you’re so fucking blue!” She grumbles and that slithered a deep wicked smile on Harry’s lips, “Like this deep ocean yer afraid of?” Her eyes widens at that and she almost lunges on her knees.
How did he know? Ofcourse, he'd. He’s everywhere. In every damn picture of wherever they went for recreation.
“I’m not.” She scoffs, her tone inconvenient and hazy as she shrinks into herself.
“Then take a dip,” She wishes that she could wipe that beautiful stupid smirk off his gorgeous stupidly lame face.
“Kiss my ass.” She spat out throwing a cushion towards him that lands on his lap, “I’d love to.” He barks out a laugh that rings through the waves.
“You’re such a stinky asshole.” She hits him with another that dumps against his chest, “Ow!” He feigns hurt with ridiculous comical expressions and throws the cushion back towards her which she successfully dodges, but, it falls behind her into the water.
“Shit.” She complains ducking around the edge of the yacht and stretches her arm to the plausible extent to grab the floating cushion.
Though when the tips of her toes leaves the seat she was on and she’s bending too much for her own sake Harry’s standing upright, “Hey stop —-" But. It’s too late as with a high pitched squeaky shriek Y/N's rolling first and falling into the water leaving Harry frozen for a second.
Panic chokes her throat and she moves her limbs around everywhere splashing water vigorously. Mouth gasping for oxygen but all that comes is salty water filling her mouth and lungs too, maybe as she sinks deeper and deeper.
“Fuck, Y/N!!” He shouts out jumping to save her immediately knowing she doesn’t know how to swim and he’s wrapping his palm around her neck and pulling her from her waist to himself under the water as she watches him with frightened fading eyes.
He comes back to surface quickly and presses her to his chest. She too clings to him for dear life feeling herself drift into a state of unconsciousness and hard to breath while he grabs the deck and lifts her with himself to it.
He doesn’t risk a chance and lays her limp body down and clasps his hands together pushing them against where her heat beats feebly, winces when she spurts out water painfully.
“Baby...fuck.” He pats her soaked pale cheek anxiously when she still remains unresponsive to him, breathing wearily so he does what has to be done.
He grabbed her chin, squished her cheeks making her lips pucker out and wrapped his mouth around hers sucking the water out and spat it out once his mouth was full.
His eyes slip shuts and he slumps with relief when Y/N coughs out loudly into his chest and he brings her into him murmuring assurance into her wet hair.
“You’re okay darling,” His whisper wavers from the trembling of his lips and his fingers divots into her softest of skin when he hugs her tightly, “’M sorry ‘s me fault, Sweets.” He rubs the bridge of his nose to take the sniff of her scent to calm him down and she shakes her head unable to talk, hands bunched up against his tummy.
“You should rest, yeah?” His gaze soft with care and it’s baffling for Y/N that he ever had this side too. Before, she could be on her feet he slipped his strong arms under her and hoists her up and into him without any trouble.
If Y/N wouldn’t be feeling very droopy and breathless she sure would have fought with him, maybe blushed and hid her face into his neck but she’s already knocking out in his arms from the stingy feeling in her eyes that made her super duper sleepy.
Clouds. Y/N's merged into them and they cover every inch of Y/N, wait where am I? She feels real nice comforted around with such warm bedding and she sure knows it’s not hers. The blurry sight infront of her is enough to aware her and a perfectly calloused hand comes rubbing her shoulder when she tries to sit up.
“Not heaven, o'summat.” He chuckles airily. His smile small and a tad awkward, he’s changed into another pair of trunks that are yellow and his upper half now sadly is covered from a blue tee.
“How you feelin'?” Y/N let his question fly over her head and stutters out loudly, “Why you being s'nice to me now?” It etches a frown on his face but soon it vanishes into an expression that Y/N couldn’t pick point.
“You’ve always been such a meanie...” She murmurs glumly. White sheets tangling around her torso as she moves infront of him – their knees touching.
“I umm –-...like you, I guess?” He has never been this nervous and jumblish with words.
“You guess?” She asks and scared that he missed up he rushes out to hold her and to make her believe that his feelings are true.
“No, no! I’m sure. I like you very much.” That puts Y/N into silence where she stares the gleaming jewels onto his fingers and ponders over what he said.
Harry Styles. Her first kiss. Her very first candy love crush and her dream of bad boy actually likes her back.
She tries to ignore the party poppers going inside her body and the drums of happiness rolling around her heart.
“But ... Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy,” She doesn’t meet his eyes smoothing out the crinkles of sheets and her palm halts immediately when Harry hooks his thumb under her chin and raises it gaze lovingly into her eyes with sincerity, “Just ‘cos I stole yer first kiss?”
He laughs out sweetly when she bobs her head vigorously, “C’mon we were just sixteen! I’d have made sure to tell y'to keep it safe fo’ your precious person if I knew back then.” His pupils gleaming with hope and a tinge of eagerness.
The next thing she said with a slight bubbly pout caught Harry off-guard and in awe that how to process what she said with so much liability and vulnerability.
“But you’re my precious person!!”
“Yeah, baby?” He grins with a dimple tutting in and grabs her small cold hands to pull her closer to him.
The sweet name shies Y/N away and Harry thinks she couldn’t be more endearing as he takes her soft looking puffy face in the warm embrace of his hands and bops their noses together.
“Then g’na make sure ‘m your last.” He murmurs feathering his lips to the corner of her mouth that flutters her eyelids like butterflies and she pants out for more with a sweet whine, “Shit. You’re still very candy like since I last kissed ye'.” He giggles stroking his thumb up her cheek and takes a lick of her jutted bottom lip.
“Harry....” She complains tugging his weary shirt, “Yes me baby?” He quips out with those fake surprised eyes he makes with raised brows and puppy gaze.
“Kiss me alre –—,” He's swallowing her words down with the tender smush of his lips against hers in a kiss that’s slow and comforting at first, hearing onto the noises that she creates from tasting him and it deepens into something ardent and red when Harry pulls her over his thighs and guides her arms around his neck.
Their foreheads comes touching. Their hearts in sync and beside eachother. Their tongues loving on eachother.
“Dunno if I could ever stop.” He whispers breaking the knot of spit that connects their mouths with the stroke of his thumb against her shinning lip and pecks that spot twice.
“Then don’t.” Y/N looses her brain cells and only butterflies to whoosh into her skull as she grabs his jaw never letting him go and kisses him harder and rougher this time.
She’s gonna be in oh so much love with this bad boy that’s such a softie for her and she knows that there’s no going back.
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ghostgothgeek · 3 years
DP Shiptember 2021 - First Date
Pairing: Danny and Sam
“Ugh!” Danny groaned as he threw another shirt to his growing pile. “None of these are working!”
“Dude, they all look fine to me. Just pick one!” Tucker picked some lint off his shirt.
“I can’t just pick one! It has to be perfect!” Danny pulled on another button up shirt.
Tucker sighed and slid off Danny’s bed and onto the floor. “It’s just a date.”
Danny almost tore his shirt in half in anxiety when Tucker said that. “But it’s Sam! And it’s our first date! If it goes wrong she’ll suck me in the thermos and throw me down a well or worse - never talk to me again!”
Yes, Casper High’s lovebirds finally got together. Surprisingly enough, it was Danny who made the first move. Sure, he was nervous and had some encouragement from Tucker (and Jazz and Clockwork and just about every ghost or human who would listen to his anxious rambling), who assured Danny that his friendship with Sam would most likely be okay no matter what happened, but he finally asked Sam out. Sam was cautiously optimistic (she wanted to be sure it wasn’t a prank) but finally said yes. And Danny has been a nervous wreck ever since. He asked her out two days ago, and Tucker’s patience was being tested.
“Interesting how you think her not talking to you is worse than being trapped in the thermos forever. But exactly. It’s Sam. She likes you for you. Just be yourself, you’ll be fine,” Tucker reassured his best friend for about the twentieth time in the past 5 minutes alone.
“But myself isn’t good enough for her! She’s so pretty and smart and kind and strong and she has a good heart and she has my back and oh god have you seen her with the Fenton Bazooka? It’s so hot and -“
“La la la don’t want to hear that!!” Tucker put his hands over his ears.
“Well she is! And I’m just dopey Danny Fenton,” Danny sighed and plopped down on the floor next to Tucker.
“Dude, that's one of the things she loves about you. She knows who you are. You guys have been best friends for years. You know everything about each other already. It’ll just be like hanging out, but with kissing or something.” Tucker patted Danny supportively on the shoulder.
“I guess…I just don’t want to disappoint her.”
“You won’t. Trust me. I know you guys will have a great time and you’re perfect for each other.”
Danny’s face twisted into a goofy smile, “you think so?”
Tucker snorted, “everyone and their parrot thinks so and has for years. Including Sam.”
Danny exhaled in relief. “Okay good.” He stood up and reached for another shirt in his closet.
“Just go with the light blue one. It matches your eyes. She’ll love that.” Tucker dug his phone out of his pocket after it vibrated.
Danny looked at Tucker in bewilderment then shrugged and put on the aforementioned shirt. He quickly buttoned it up and stood in front of Tucker, bouncing up and down anxiously. “I think this is the one. I feel ready. I can do this. It’s all good from here on out.”
Tucker rolled his eyes at the text he got from Sam asking for his help choosing an outfit for tonight. She and Danny were definitely made for each other. He shot her a quick response saying he’d be over in ten, and looked up at Danny. “You missed a button,” he pointed out.
Danny looked down and groaned. “Fuck!”
Danny wiped his sweaty palm off on his pants and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. He tried shooing away a bee that was trying to get at the lilies he bought for Sam, but the bee kept coming back.
“No! These are for Sam, not you!” He held the bouquet of flowers over his head thinking it would be out of reach for the bee, then started whipping the bouquet in the air, the bee following the flowers in every creative direction Danny could think of. “Stupid bee! You’re gonna ruin everyth- ow! The little fucker stung me! I’ll show you…” He began to form an ecto ball in his hand before he realized the front door was open, and had been for quite some time. Sam was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed and trying to suppress a giggle. She was so cute. “Um…hi. How long have you been standing there?”
“Oh no, please don’t stop on my account. Want to introduce me to your friend?” Sam smirked as she pushed herself up from the door frame so she was fully standing.
Danny rubbed the back of his neck and held the flowers out. “These are for you!” He yelled a little too loudly. Danny narrowed his eyes when he noticed the bee on one of the flowers and let out a low growl.
“Thanks!” Sam grabbed the flowers, blowing gently on the one with the bee (which promptly flew away in response). She admired the flowers with a smile on her face. “Wow, you remembered my favorite flower.” She signaled a butler to put the flowers in a vase and grabbed her purse. “Are you ready to go?”
Danny stood there stupidly. He was just staring at her. She looked so pretty. Her hair was down and in loose curls, lavender eyeshadow and black lipstick adorned her face, and she was wearing a simple black sundress that fit her like a glove until the skirt flowed out. The dress landed mid thigh - which is where Danny’s eyes stopped. He couldn’t believe she was this dressed up for him. He was so lucky! His goth goddess was showing off her sexy long legs for him and he couldn’t help but think about how amazing they would feel wrapped around his waist while he loved on her and-
“Danny! My eyes are up here, babe.” Sam smiled smugly.
Danny blushed as his eyes returned to her face. “You look amazing! So pretty-gorgeous! Your legs and your face and wow!”
Sam laughed at his babbling as a small blush dusted her cheeks as well. “Thanks. You look really handsome too. That shirt really brings out your eyes.”
Danny smiled and noted he would have to thank Tucker for that one. Sam turned around and locked her door, and Danny took the opportunity to admire how amazing that dress made her backside look too.
He wiped off his sweaty palm again and grabbed her hand before immediately letting go. “Sorry! Is that okay? Friends don’t do that but I guess we aren’t friends anymore and no not like that I mean we aren’t just friends anymore because we’re dating you actually said yes to me and we’re going on a date and you look amazing! Nice boobs, I MEAN BOOTS! Well, your boobs look nice too but it’s not like that’s your only asset, and speaking of ass,”
Sam busted out laughing and somehow refrained from ruining her makeup with her tears. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I was nervous about this!”
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