#happy Lowman one shot
your-space-brain · 1 year
Fall In Love Pt. 2
Happy Lowman x Reader - One Shot
Part 1
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Gif does not belong to me.
Moved from @spacedbrainnn
You thought you had everything you wanted. You thought that leaving Happy, that dangerous life, getting the ring you always wanted would bring you such happiness.
But it was a facade.
Not a single thing you thought would bring you joy did. The ring you wore, it was smoke. It was joyful for a moment then it was gone again. Lake Isabella, all those plans with Happy, his dog Opie, all of it wasn’t a thing.
You went with the safe choice and your heart was not fulfilled by it. You craved the tattooed man that brought you peace amidst the violence he lived in.
You had messed up, and you messed up bad.
The old Comet you drove roared to life when you started it. Sure, Joseph wasn’t all that bad but he wasn’t as thrilling as Happy was. He didn’t touch you and give you sparks the way that Happy did. He didn’t say your name and make your heart stammer. It just wasn’t right.
But, you knew what would make it right.
Each gear clicked from Park down to Drive. Highway 178 was begging for you to drive it the fifty-one minutes it would take you to arrive in Bakersfield. The car idled as you stared at the diamond ring before you rolled down your window and tossed it at your own door. It clattered, a discarded relationship you’d just ended.
It was fifty-one minutes of hell, twenty songs and forty-five miles of you going to find Happy in Bako.
The dog announced your presence before you did, standing at the window and barking at your car as you exited it. The bike in his familiar driveway signified he was home and you didn’t bother to knock.
Opie whined at your feet, the bulldog begging to be petted as you crouched down and gave him the loving he asked for.
“What are you doing here?” When you looked up, he was shirtless. His body was a mosaic of art and tattoos as you stared at him. There was a steaming mug of coffee in his hands. He must’ve just woken up.
“I came here for you.”
He was a man of few words. Still was, that would never change.
“Because I owe you an apology.”
“I’m okay.”
“I didn’t ask if you were okay. I came to say I’m sorry.”
“You did.”
“Dammit, Happy.” The words fell out exasperated as you straightened up, while he sipped the mug of coffee. He only grunted in reply. “I made a mistake.”
This caught his attention. He looked at you with a furrow in his brows. Everyone told him that you made a mistake but to hear it come out of your mouth stung.
“I made a mistake and I want you… I want us.”
He was silent as Opie whined at your feet, his whole back end wiggling as he wagged his tail, waiting for more attention.
“Okay.” That was all he said. Just, okay.
“Okay?” You asked softly. That couldn’t be as simple as it was… could it?
“Okay.” He confirmed, behind the mug. That’s when you saw it, a small curl of the corner of his lips. A small, faint smile.
— end —
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justanoasisimagines · 27 days
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Hey my lovelies, I'm back with another love letter. My requests are open and my request and guidlines are pinned to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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I know you're pissed off with me. I told you I wouldn't get caught again. I tried, I really did, but how was I supposed to know the guy was an undercover cop? I need you to help me, I need you to go see Clay and ask him to get me out of here. He knows the deal. The second thing I need you to do is to agree to let me stay at your place. I got kicked out of my last place. Also, it would look good on my parole papers with your status within the community. You have a stable job, you are a homeowner. No one would suspect you'd be with a man like me. So unsuspecting, aren't you.? This wasn't the way I wanted to move in with you, but I'll take what I can get. If all goes well, then I hope to be out in a few days.
Remember go see Clay as soon as you get this! Love, Happy
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
With their drunk girlfriend
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Finally finished I have been working on this on and off for a few days as work has been really busy. I hope you guys enjoy it I am not sure what topic the next group drabble will be so let me know what you guys wanna see next ♥︎
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @hatersaremymotivators @theshynerdsworld
♥︎ If you wish to be added or removed from this taglist comment or message me ♥︎
SoA Masterlist 🌸 Main Masterlist
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Chibs looked across at his girlfriend as she laughed loudly at something one of club hangarounds had said. It was easy to see that she was thoroughly drunk, as she stumbled about and slurred her words. He watched her with a mixture of amusement and affection, shaking his head at how adorable she was when she got wasted.
As the night progressed, Chibs kept a watchful eye on her, making sure she didn't do anything stupid or get into any trouble. He even stepped in when some drunk guy tried to flirt with her.
By the time the club party came to an end, his girlfriend was stumbling around bumping into things. Chibs chuckled and steadied her, slinging her arm around his shoulders to support her.
"Come on, lass, you're wasted," he said, leading her towards the exit. She giggled and leaned heavily against him, her legs apparently made of jelly.
"I'm not drunk," she protested, slurring her words. "I'm just... a little impaired."
"Uh-huh, sure you are," Chibs said, humoring her. "Just hold on tight, okay?"
He guided her to the parking lot where his bike was parked. He helped her on to the back seat, making sure she was sitting securely. As he straddled the bike, she wrapped her arms drunkenly around his waist and rested her chin on his shoulder.
"Mmm, you smell good," she mumbled, nuzzling her face against his neck. "Like... leather and... and... danger."
Chibs chuckled and shook his head, starting up the engine. "And you smell like beer and trouble, lass."
The ride back to her house was slow and careful. Chibs kept a steady pace, mindful of the inebriated passenger clinging to him like a koala. She kept giggling and commenting on how fun it was to be on the motorcycle, her words a slightly slurred mess.
When they finally arrived at her house, Chibs dismounted and helped her off the bike. She stumbled a bit, but he caught her, holding her against his chest.
"We're here, love," Chibs said, a fond smile tugging at his lips. "You made it in one piece."
She looked up at him with glassy eyes, her face flushed from the alcohol and the wind. "I had the best night ever," she declared, grinning goofily.
He chuckled and shook his head again. "I'm glad you had fun, but you're going to have a hell of a headache in the morning."
He led her up to her porch, his arm around her waist to keep her steady. She leaned on him heavily, her steps uneven.
Once they got to her front door, he pulled her keys from her purse and slowly unlocked the door. He steered her inside, flicking on the lights as they entered the quiet house.
He helped her to the couch and sat her down. She immediately flopped onto the cushions, a contented sigh escaping her lips.
Chibs looked down at her, a mixture of amusement and concern on his face. "Stay there, okay? I'm gonna get you some water."
He disappeared into the kitchen, leaving her on the couch. He rummaged through the fridge, finding a bottle of water. When he returned to the living room, she was already fast asleep, her body sprawled across the cushions.
Chibs couldn't help but smile at the sight of her asleep. He knelt down next to the couch, taking a moment to study her face. She looked so peaceful, a stark contrast to the wild laughter and stumbling from earlier.
He carefully placed the water bottle on the table, then reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes.
He sat down on the edge of the coffee table, his gaze never leaving her. He knew he should probably leave her to sleep off the alcohol, but part of him didn't want to go. He liked being near her like this, watching her chest rise and fall with each breath.
After a few moments, he let out a soft sigh. Reluctantly, he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "Sweet dreams, love," he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur.
He stood up, giving her one last glance before reluctantly turning away. He switched off the lights as he left, shutting the front door behind him quietly.
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Happy sat on the couch in his dimly lit apartment, holding a glass of whiskey, his eyes fixed on his girlfriend who was currently stumbling around, giggling to herself. She was clearly drunk, and had been for a while.
"Hey there, princess," he called out, setting his glass down on the table. "You need to sit down and rest before you fall down."
His girlfriend looked at him, her eyes half-lidded and glassy, a wide smile spreading across her face. "I'm fiiiine," she slurred, taking an exaggerated step forward, nearly tripping over her own feet. "I can totally walk."
Happy chuckled softly, shaking his head. "I've seen more coordination from a newborn deer," he said, standing up to approach her. "Come on, sit down before you hurt yourself."
His girlfriend pouted but didn't protest as he gently took her by the elbow and led her to the couch. She flopped down onto the cushions with a heavy sigh, looking up at him with a grin that was equal parts cute and ridiculous. "You worry too much," she said, waving a hand dismissively.
Happy sat down next to her, shaking his head again with a slight smile. "Maybe," he admitted, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close. "But someone's got to keep an eye on you when you get like this."
His girlfriend snuggled into him, resting her head on his chest and letting out a content sigh. "You're so comfy," she mumbled, her words slightly slurred. "Like a big ol' teddy bear."
Happy chuckled again, gently running his fingers through her hair. "That's me," he said, his tone both dry and affectionate. "Big Bad Biker Teddy Bear."
His girlfriend giggled, nuzzling her face against his chest. "Mmm, I love your chest," she said, her hand slowly snaking down to rest just above his belt buckle. "It's so... hard and muscley."
Happy raised an eyebrow, a devilish grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Is that so?" he said, his voice dropping a note lower. He gently took her hand in his, preventing her from moving it any lower. "You're very handsy when you're drunk."
His girlfriend pouted again, trying to pull her hand free, but Happy held it fast. "I'm always handsy with you," she whined, looking up at him with puppy-dog eyes. "Don't you like it when I touch you?"
Happy's grip on her hand tightened just a bit, enjoying the game. "I never said I didn't like it," he said, his voice a low rumble. "But you seem a bit too wasted to be playing those kinds of games right now."
His girlfriend huffed, looking for all the world like a petulant child being denied a treat. "I'm not that drunk," she protested, wriggling a bit in his lap.
"look I'll prove it" she said holding a hand up going to touch her nose with her pointer finger but misses completely.
Happy couldn't help but laugh at her failed attempt. "Yeah, you're definitely wasted," he said, amused. "If you can't even touch your own nose without missing, I think it's safe to say you're done for the night."
His girlfriend stuck her tongue out at him, a childish gesture made even cuter by her inebriated state. "You're no fun," she muttered, resting her head back against his chest. "You never let me have any fun."
Happy chuckled again, resuming his stroking of her hair. "Trust me, princess," he said, his voice dropping back to a deeper, huskier tone, "We can have plenty of fun when you're sober. And you'll remember it the next morning."
His girlfriend nuzzled against his chest again, her eyelids drooping as the alcohol began to pull her towards sleep. "Promise?" she mumbled, her hand once again trying to snake back towards his lap.
Happy gently moved her hand away again, though he couldn't help but smile at her persistence. "I promise," he said, his voice soft. "You get some rest, and we'll pick this up in the morning when you're not seeing double."
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Jax glanced over at his girlfriend, who was slumped against his side, her eyes half-lidded and a goofy smile on her lips. She'd had a few too many drinks and was now completely wrecked. He couldn't help but chuckle seeing her like this.
"All right, come here," he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer to him. He could feel her body sway slightly, her head lolling against his shoulder.
"Yurrrr so strong," she slurred, giggling.Jax rolled his eyes, his lips curling into a small grin.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm a big, strong man," he teased, gently patting her on the head. "Let's get you to bed, yeah? You're completely hammered."
He carefully helped her to her feet, keeping a tight grip on her as she wobbled. "Come on, babe. You're not walking anywhere like this." He guided her towards his dorm, one arm wrapped around her waist to keep her steady.
Once they were in the room, he sat her down on the edge of the bed with a soft thump, then knelt down in front of her to take off her shoes. "You're a real light-weight, you know that?" he teased as he slid them off her feet, setting them aside.
"Am NOT," she tried to protest, but the words didn't quite come out right. She wobbled again, nearly toppling forward before Jax caught her.
"Whoa, whoa, easy there. Don't go falling over now." He gently pushed her down onto the bed, helping her get comfortable amongst the pillows and blankets. He sat down on the bed next to her, watching her with a mixture of fondness and amusement.
She let out a contented sigh as she settled, her eyes fluttering closed. She mumbled something incoherent, and Jax couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head in amusement. He leaned down, brushing the hair away from her face before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Get some sleep, babe."
He sat there for a moment, listening to the sound of her soft, even breaths as she started to drift off. He knew she'd be out for the night, and he'd have to look after her in the morning when she woke up with a killer hangover. But for now, she was safe and sound in his bed, and that was all that mattered.
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Opie returns home late one night after a long day to find his girlfriend already on the couch in the house, a bottle of beer in her hand and a flush to her cheeks. He can already assume she is drunk and he has to bite back a smirk, knowing the kind of trouble you get into when she is inebriated.
As soon as she hears him enter, she jumps to her feet, almost toppling over, but just about saving herself by grabbing the back of the couch. “O-Opie,” she stutters, a goofy smile on her face. “You're home.”
“Yeah, I’m home,” he replies, unable to hide the amusement in his voice as he takes in the state of you. “And you’re a little drunk, aren’t you?”
"No....I have only had to beers" she whined frowning at the 2 bottles on the table.
Opie chuckles when he spots the bottles realizing she found the super stong home brew he got as a gift from Bobby. “Those ain't beer, baby,” he says, shaking his head and folding his arms across his chest. “That's Bobby's 'special brew'. It would get most people drunk within minutes. How are you feeling?”
"I'm totally fine," she mumbles, her words slurred as she tries to lean against the couch but misses and almost falls to the ground if it wasn't for Opie's lightening reflexes. He quickly catches her before she hits the floor and pulls her body up against his chest.
"Yeah, you're definitely not fine," he murmurs, holding her close to him. He can't help but feel amused by how adorable she is when she's drunk. "You're gonna have a hell of a headache in the morning, baby."
She groans and buries her face in his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I feel funny,” she mumbled. “And spinny.”
Opie laughs softly and holds her closer against him, his arms wrapped tightly around her as he tries to steady her. “That’s because you’re drunk, sweetheart,” he says gently, running his hand up and down her back. “Just lean against me, okay?”
She nods and sighs contently as she leans against him more, burying her face in his chest once again. “You smell good, Opie,” she mumbles, her words still slurred and her breath warm against his chest.
He chuckles softly at her drunken compliment and tightens his arms around her, holding her even closer against him. “And you smell like a distillery,” he teases, his voice filled with affection.
She groans again and pouts up at him, her lips in a cute little frown. “You’re mean,” she sulks, her bottom lip sticking out in a pout. “You’re not supposed to be mean to me when I’m drunk, you’re supposed to be nice and tell me I’m pretty and buy me chicken nuggets.”
Opie grins, amused by her drunken requests. "You want chicken nuggets?" he teases, lifting an eyebrow. "At this hour?"
She nods enthusiastically, practically bouncing on the spot in her excitement. "Yes! I'm starving," she whines, her eyes wide and pleading. "Please, Opie, I want chicken nuggets. Please please please."
He laughs, unable to resist her adorable drunken plea. "Alright, alright," he says, letting out an exaggerated sigh. "I'll get your chicken nuggets, baby. But you have to promise me one thing."
She nods eagerly, her focus solely on the promise of food. "Anything," she slurs, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes.
He grins down at her, amused by her eagerness. "You gotta promise not to throw up on me, okay?" he teases, gently poking her on the nose with his index finger.
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Juice leans against the doorframe, watching his girlfriend stumble around, completely intoxicated. She's laughing and swaying attempting to dance, clearly not in full control of her actions.
"How much did you drink, baby?" he asks, stepping closer.
"Dunno," she slurs, grinning sloppily at him. "A lot."
Juice chuckles, shaking his head.He moves in and scoops her up, pulling her into his arms with ease. She's lightweight to him, and he easily supports her against his chest.
"Let's get you to bed, you're wasted." he says, carrying her towards the bedroom.She giggles uncontrollably, burying her face in the crook of his neck as he carries her. She's making these little hiccup sounds that would be cute if not for the fact that they're coming from a drunk woman.
Juice sets her down on the bed, carefully arranging her head on a pillow. She's still giggling and murmuring incoherent words, clearly oblivious to the world around her.
"You're a mess," he says, rolling his eyes but there's a hint of fondness in his voice. He pulls off her shoes and lays a blanket over her.
She's attempting to say something but it's coming out as garbled nonsense. He leans closer to try and make out her words but they're not making any sense.
"Shhh," he soothes, smoothing a hand over her hair. "Just sleep it off."
He settles down on the edge of the bed, watching her as she fidgets and mutters to herself, her eyes fluttering shut and then opening again. She keeps reaching out for him, her hand flailing in the air as if trying to grab hold of something.
He can't help but chuckle at her antics, despite the situation. He reaches out and takes her hand in his, giving it a squeeze to reassure her.
She mumbles something that sounds like his name, her fingers wrapping around his.
"Yeah, it's me," he replies, his voice soft. He continues sitting there, holding her hand and stroking her hair until her breathing becomes steady, signalling she's fallen asleep.
He sits there for a few more minutes, quietly watching her. She looks so peaceful now that she's asleep, a complete contrast to the stumbling mess she was just a while ago.
Slowly, carefully so as not to wake her, he gets up and turns off the bedroom light, leaving the door slightly ajar so he can hear her if she needs him.
He goes to the kitchen filling a bottle with water and ice taking it back into the bedroom leaving it by her side going into the bathroom to find some painkillers.
He comes back into the room, carrying a couple of painkillers. He sets them down on the bedside table, making sure they're within reach for when she wakes up.
He looks down at her sleeping form, contemplating waking her up to give her the medicine, but decides against it. She's in deep sleep, and he doesn't want to disturb her. Instead, he pulls up a chair and sits down to keep an eye on her, just in case she wakes up and needs anything.
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Kozik and his girlfriend had spent the evening at a party hosted by the club. As the night went on, his girlfriend had indulged in a few too many drinks, while he had remained relatively sober.
As the party began to wind down, Kozik noticed that his girlfriend had become quite drunk. She was stumbling around, struggling to speak clearly, and seemed on the verge of passing out.
Seeing her in this state, Kozik knew he couldn't leave her on her own. He made his way over to her, gently placing his arm around her to help her stand steady.
"Hey, sweetie," he said, his voice soft and caring. "I think it's time to get you home."
His girlfriend protested, insisting that she was fine and wanted to stay at the party longer. But Kozik gently but firmly shook his head.
"No, babe," he said, guiding her towards the door. "You've had a little too much to drink. We need to get you home and into bed."
His girlfriend groaned, but she was too drunk to put up much of a fight. Kozik led her out of the party and helped her into the passenger seat of her car.
As he buckled her seatbelt, he could see that she was struggling to keep her eyes open.
"Just hang in there," he said, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "We're almost home."
The drive was quiet, with his girlfriend dozing off in the passenger seat. Kozik kept his eyes focused on the road, his hand occasionally reaching over to pat her leg reassuringly.
When they finally arrived at her house, he helped her out of the car and guided her up the driveway. She stumbled on the way to the front door, but he was there to catch her, holding her steady against him.
Inside, Kozik helped his girlfriend into bed, pulling the blankets up around her and making sure she was comfortable. She mumbled something about wanting to stay awake and chat, but her eyes were already shutting.
Kozik chuckled softly, sitting down beside her on the bed. He brushed the hair back from her face and tucked the covers in around her.
"It's time to sleep," he said gently. "You'll feel better in the morning. I'll be right here."
His girlfriend nodded sleepily, her eyes closed now. Kozik stayed by her side, watching her breathing even out as she fell asleep. He leaned back against the headboard, content to keep watch over her until morning.
As the night went on, Kozik found his mind drifting. He thought about the party they had just left, his brothers back at the club, and the life they lived. But throughout it all, his thoughts kept returning to the woman asleep beside him.
He knew he was lucky to have her. She was feisty, spirited and beautiful. And she was all his.
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Tig was watching his girlfriend's every movement from a safe distance. Not because he was worried, but because watching his girlfriend when slightly hammered was always fun. She always let her inner self shine when she's had a few drinks. She's not as shy and reserved when she's like that.
Right now she was giggling up a storm with some of the guys from the club. Her cheeks were a rosy shade and her eyes were bright. A little smile played on his lips as he took another long sip from his beer.
He chuckled to himself, watching as his girlfriend stumbled on her own two feet. She reached out and grabbed onto the nearest person to steady herself, who just so happened to not be him. His smile disappeared into a slight frown, and he took a few steps closer.
He quickly intervened and wrapped an arm around her, steadying her. He kept a tight grip, not too tight but tight enough to keep her from toppling over. "You okay there, sweetheart?" Tig asked, his voice holding a touch of amusement.
She looked up at him, her eyes bright and her cheeks flushed with alcohol. A huge smile graced her face and she let out a small giggle. "TIGGY!! I'm good, just got a little dizzy." She replied, leaning a little closer to him, clearly tipsy.
Tig chuckled and instinctively tightened his arm around her. "Yeah, I can tell. You should slow down on the drinks, doll." He teased, looking down at her with a mixture of affection and mild concern.
"I'm fine, really. I can handle my boooze." She stated, trying to sound firm, but the slur in her voice gave her away. She stumbled again and Tig quickly caught her again, pulling her closer against him to keep her steady.
Tig rolled his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah, you're doing a real good job handling your booze right now.." he replied sarcastically. He let out a chuckle, his hand gently rubbing her back, soothingly.
She pouted and smacked his chest playfully. "Shut up, I'm not even that drunk." She retorted, her voice still a little slurred. "I had like, three beers and a shot then another one...Oh then Bobby made a toast so i had another few. I can handle that."
Tig raised an eyebrow, his smirk growing wider. "Oh thats all, huh?" He teased, his tone laced with amusement. "Yeah, sweetheart, that sounds mighty reasonable for a lightweight like you."
She huffed in mock annoyance, but couldn't help the grin that tugged at the corners of her lips. "I am not a lightweight." She argued, but her unsteadiness and rosy cheeks said otherwise.Tig couldn't help but chuckle at her denial. He continued to hold her close, enjoying the feeling of her warmth pressed against him. "Right, sure you're not. That's why you can barely stand up straight on your own."
"I can stand just fine, thank you very much!" She retorted, her drunken confidence taking over. She tried to step away from him to spin in a circle and prove her point, but she stumbles again, wobbling on her feet.
Tig quickly wrapped an arm around her again and pulled her back towards him. He chuckled, now finding her attempts to prove her point even more amusing. "Yeah, you're a regular ballerina on those feet, darlin'."
She went quiet too quiet. And has a weird look on her face
"Ah shit" Tig groans and quickly scooped her up with practiced ease, knowing what was about to happen. "Looks like it's a one-way ticket to the porcelain throne for you, sweetheart." He joked as he started to rush her towards the nearest bathroom.
Once they reached the bathroom, he gently set her down in front of the toilet just in time before she started to retch into it. He knelt down beside her, holding back her hair as she emptied her stomach. Tig winced in sympathy as he heard her getting sick.
"There you go, get it all out, doll." He comforted, rubbing her back soothingly. He was thankful that the bathroom was mostly empty, and he knew the guys would keep other people out.
Once she was done, she slumped against him, weak and shaky. Tig pulled her onto his lap, holding her close and letting her rest her head against his chest. He gently stroked her hair, trying to soothe her. "You're gonna be feeling like hell tomorrow, baby." He said with a playful hint of amusement. He knew she was in for a rough morning, but he was also secretly enjoying having her so dependent on him for awhile.
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ravennaortiz · 8 months
Happy for 2 and 13. Angst turned fluff. Our Killa doesn't always realize he deserves good things too.
P.S. If you get sick of my asks feel free to tell me to fuck off. I just adore your works and have a serious thing for Happy (and Chibs and Tig, but mostly Hap 😋)
You are speaking the truth! He does not at all and we will fix that one story at a time!
The way I busted out laughing at the P.S section! Mam you can do no wrong in my eyes and I will never get tired of tired of your asks! I will write you Happy stories until my fingers bleed and my eyes blur from staring at the screen! So send them in as you think of them!
Now back to your order. Looks like you want a Happy Meal with Angst and a side of fluff. With the prompts 2: I'm not the right man for you and 13: I promise. *Excellent Choice*
Happy had been dreading this conversation all week. Being on a week long run had given him the excuse he needed to put distance between the two of you. Allowed him to rebuild those walls he had been letting your chip away at the last few months. Tonight he was going to destroy the relationship you two had in order to keep you from meeting an early grave.
His lifestyle and past were too dangerous. Demons chased him and he couldn't think of you getting caught by one. His sins were not yours to atone for. The club shit lately was getting darker and darker. The last straw for him was what happened to Tara a couple of weeks ago. He had been haunted by the image of it being you. You in a pool of cold blood with eyes glassy and fixed on nothing. The sound of Juice's voice pulled him from his well of sorrows.
"Hap! Your girls here" called Juice as he saw you walk in. Happy had asked him to keep an eye out for you so that he could do this quick before you got to far into the clubhouse. The smile and wave you shot him was like a punch to the gut as he slammed his beer down and made his way too you. Grabbing your arm roughly he pulled you out the door behind him making you stumble as you tried to keep up.
"Happy? Whats wrong?" you questioned worry obvious in your expression as he turned to you. Happy had to ground himself as his resolve weakened at the concern in your voice. Giving himself a shake mentally he reminded himself this was what was best for you.
"We are over and you're not welcome here anymore" stated Happy firmly his face expressionless. "What? Why?" you struggled to get out as tears spilled down your cheeks. Happy shut his eyes and his voice shook slightly as he spoke again. "I'm not the right man for you. Life I lead isn't built for you and I don't deserve the sunshine that is you. So were done. Leave" replied Happy trying to be harsh at the end.
You were silent for a couple of minutes as you considered how wrong the stoic man in front of you was. Happy readied himself for the swift sting of a slap as he felt your arm move under his loose grip. The softness of your skin as you caressed his cheek had him opening his eyes. "Here I thought you were one of those smart bikers" you murmured as his eyes met yours. "Didn't even check me for a weapon before trying to break my heart" you chided giving him a soft smile.
"I can protect myself" he grunted as he grabbed your hand that was on his cheek. "Please go" he added quietly. "No. I don't accept your break up Happy. You're scared. Shit has been crazy I get it but that doesn't mean you get to push me away. " you stated defiantly eyes ablaze with passion as you spoke.
"I promise you Happy, you are the right man for me. " you added before leaning up on your tip toes to kiss his nose. "I love you. You're perfect in my eyes and need to stop being so damn hard on yourself. Just because you do....questionable things doesn't mean you don't deserve sunshine, rainbows and nose kisses" you soothed as you pulled him into a hug.
Happy sighed as he let you wrap yourself around him. "Guess I'm stuck with you" he rasped knowing you had won. "I can't wait to tell your momma how you tried to dump me when we go over to her house for dinner tomorrow night." you chuckled into his chest. "I'll have to check her for a weapon first" laughed Happy. His momma didn't play when it came to you.
Want more Happy? Click here
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lostgirlfandom · 2 years
Sons of Anarchy/Mayans MC Masterlist
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Old Masterlist
Jax Teller
Tig Trager
Opie Winston
Chibs Telford
Juice Ortiz
Happy Lowman
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Hank "Tranq"
Marcus Alvarez
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juancarlos-ortiz · 2 months
Espresso - Happy Lowman x Reader One Shot (NSFW 18+)
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A/N: MINORS DNI. Inspired loosely by Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter. I cannot help but write steamy stuff for this man! In my Happy Lowman era fr. And he is down BAD for reader in this one. Anyway enjoy my loves!
Warnings: Reader has female anatomy but I tried to keep pronouns to a minimum. Slight soft!Happy. Kissing, swearing, alcohol. SMUT - oral sex (f and m receiving) fingering, penetration, sex without a condom, cum, slight dirty talk, mature content 18+ (please let me know if I have missed anything)
Word Count: 2373 words
Happy pulled his cut on roughly, throwing open the door of his dorm and storming out. "Are you fucking kidding me?" the scorned croweater called after him as she hastily pulled her clothes back on. Happy ignored her, glowering at the Prospect behind the bar and shoving him out of the way before grabbing a glass and pouring himself a shot. Throwing it back he pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened his contacts. His thumb hovered over your number. This was not the first time he had been unable to perform with a croweater in his bed. At least not the first time since he had met you. No matter how hard he tried - even going as far as trying to close his eyes and imagine it was you underneath him - he couldn’t do it. You had officially ruined anyone else for him and he was pissed. It wasn't meant to be this way. You weren't meant to do this to him. To affect him like this. He stalked out of the club house, jabbing his thumb against his phone roughly and calling your number.
It took several rings, and Happy was sure it was going to go to voicemail, before you picked up. "Hey honey," you crooned down the phone. Just the sound of your sweet voice had a zing shooting up Happy's spine, his skin prickling with desire. It was like your mere presence, even through a phone, was a shot of espresso that woke up every one of his nerve endings. He had never felt so vulnerable. "You up?" he asked gruffly. He heard you sigh through the receiver. "Really Hap?" you asked, your tone teasing. "Four nights in a row, you sure you wanna go there?" Happy grunted, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. He knew why you were teasing - when you had started sleeping together Happy had made it clear that this was extremely casual. "Don't expect me to be here every night," he had specifically said. You knew he would probably still be sleeping with whichever croweater landed in his bed on the nights he wasn't with you, but you had never complained. Happy liked that.
But now… now he wasn't so sure casual was what he wanted. And the idea of you sleeping with anyone else - which you certainly had the right to - made him want to cave somebody's skull in. He wouldn't though. He was pretty sure that wouldn't win him any favours with you. "You up or not?" he repeated, starting to grow antsy. He was having trouble physically staying away from you, couldn't even go an hour without thinking about you. Your smell, your taste, the feel of your skin under his fingertips, the way you said his name, how you laughed at the things he said because you actually found them funny and not just because you were trying to gain something from him. Somehow in the short span of your casual trysts you had wormed your way beneath his skin, the very being of you curling around his heart and squeezing it tightly. It scared the fuck out of him but it was something he couldn't deny. Happy didn't know how to go about this, but surely just being with you was a start. Your light chuckle came through the phone. "Come over."
You smiled as you heard his bike pull into his spot out the front of your house. His spot. You rolled your eyes at yourself. You knew you were getting attached the moment things had begun with Happy. But you were quite proud of how you had handled him being so adamant about this being casual. Of course he wanted to keep things casual - surely no man in his position, a bad boy MC member surrounded by all the women he could get his hands on up and down the west coast, would want to be tied down to just one person. It hurt, but you found it easy to squash those feelings. It surprised you though, the frequencies of Happy's visits these past few weeks. His presence in your life had gone from once or twice a week, to every second night to now 4 nights in a row. Maybe there was a sweetbutt shortage? He pushed the door open and paused when he saw you standing close by waiting for him. "Should be keeping this locked," he said, motioning to your door.
You smiled softly and walked over to him, leaning past him to push the door closed and lock it. "Happy?" you asked, referring to the lock now being in use. "I'm always Happy," he deadpanned. You let out a laugh and Happy felt his heart squeeze in his chest. You stopped laughing when you noticed how intensely he was staring at you. Happy was already a very intense guy but something seemed off with him. "You ok?" you asked, taking a tentative step towards him. "You really can't get enough of me huh?" you asked, testing to see if teasing him would make him relax a little. Happy moved quickly, gripping your jaw almost painfully as he pressed his mouth to yours. You gasped in surprise and he pushed his tongue into your mouth, pulling a moan from you as you gripped his t-shirt under his cut. You grasped the leather, pushing it down off his shoulders before breaking the kiss and tugging at his shirt, helping him pull it over his head.
You grasped at the skin of his torso, mapping over the various ink he had. You skimmed quicker over the smiley faces, aware of what they represented. Now was not the time to think about what his hands, which were gripping onto your jaw and the side of your neck, were capable of. Happy leaned in, kissing the side of your neck roughly, smiling as you shivered against him. "'Course I can't get enough of you," he admitted, his brain trying to catch up as his traitorous mouth took over. "What did you do to me huh?" he asked, pulling back and pressing his forehead against yours. "Can't get you out of my head. Can't even get my dick up for anyone else. Can't sleep, even if I do you're in my fucking dreams anyway," he panted out. Your heart was pounding in your chest at his words, but you tried to school your face, smirking and your eyes hooded heavily. Happy growled and brought his lips to yours again, kissing you roughly and grunting with appreciation when you gave as good as you got. He walked you backwards, having been in your house more than enough to know the layout.
He got as far as the loungeroom and decided this was good enough. He roughly tugged your shirt off of you, his hands immediately pawing at the bra you were wearing, his lips and teeth trailing harsh kissed down towards your breasts. You moaned, your hands grasping at his shoulders. None too gently he pushed you down onto the lounge, falling to his knees in front of you and pulling you by your hips towards the edge of the cushion. He leant forward, pressing a kiss to the skin of your stomach before gripping the waistband of your pants and panties and pulling them down your legs. He gripped the back of your thighs and pushed them back toward you, spreading you lewdly. You whined and wriggled under his grasp, but he only pressed you back farther, the burn in your hips toeing the line between pain and pleasure at the filthiness of it all. Happy groaned as he took you in, the slickness that had begun to gather at your entrance, the way you spread out so pretty for him.
He knelt forward, his mouth landing on your pussy so suddenly you yelped and jumped in your seat. Happy continued to hold you down, running his tongue up and down the centre of you, dipping his tongue in and out of your hole at times, his mouth watering at the taste of you. He lapped and moaned, his eyes nearly rolling back in his head as he feasted, pulling whimpers and moans from you as the shuddered beneath him. He placed his lips over your clit and sucked harshly, making you arch and shriek under him, your hands falling to cover your own mouth in surprise at your outburst. Happy looked up at you and laughed while keeping his mouth on you, the vibrations making your toes curl. "Happy," you whined, trying to sit up and grasp his head. "Want you to fuck me," you breathed out shakily. Happy pulled back, this sight of his lips covered in his spit and your slick making your pussy clench. He harshly smacked your thigh. "You're gonna let me enjoy eating your pretty pussy and then," he smacked you again, making you gasp. "I might fuck you." Who was he kidding. There was no way he wasn't fucking you tonight.
He resumed his measures, rolling his tongue through your folds, before swiping it over your clit repeatedly. His fingers were suddenly pushing at your entrance and you felt your stomach clench as they slipped inside of you. Clenching your teeth, your head flopped back and your legs began to shake. Happy didn’t let up and suddenly, you were crying out, unable to stop as your orgasmed tremored through you. Happy pulled away only when you began to jerk under him, oversensitive. He stepped back up onto his feet and began to unbuckle his belt, smirking at the spent mess that was you. He roughly pushed his jeans and boxers down, gripping himself and passing his hand over in a couple of pumps. Suddenly, your eyes were open entirely and you slipped onto the floor on your knees in front of him. You pulled your bra off before grasping the shaft of his cock and pulling the head straight into your mouth, rolling your tongue over the slit. Happy grunted in surprised, gripping the back of your head.
You sucked him in greedily, pumping him in and out of your mouth as spit began to pool. Happy breathed heavily, his nostrils flaring as he met your stare. He wasn't the loudest guy in bed but you had come to learn how to tell he was enjoying himself. His grip tightened on your head and suddenly he was pulling himself out of your mouth. You whined and made to reach for him but he stepped around you and took a seat on the lounge. "Ride me," was all he said, reaching his hands out to you. You stood and walked over to him, straddling over his thighs has he gripped your waist. Reaching under you, you grasped his cock in your hand and moved his tip to your entrance. You lowered yourself slowly onto him, your pussy gripping as he slid in. Happy sighed and rested his forehead against your collarbone. Slowly you began to move, whimpering as his cock nudged against that sweet spot, nestled so perfectly against your walls. You moved leisurely, switching your direction and movements, gasping and moaning at the feeling of him inside of you.
Happy's hands were gripping your skin so tightly you knew there would be a bit of bruising. He was grunting softly and you could tell he was getting impatient. You sped up your motions only a little, smirking when Happy looked up at you, his jaws clenched and irritation in his eyes. "Don't be a fucking tease," he ground out, trying to pull you up and down on him quicker. You held your ground, grasping the side of his face as you planted your lips on his. Happy bit down on your bottom lip, making you gasp and pull away, your hips stuttering long enough for him to take control. He pulled you off of him, somehow spinning you both quickly off the lounge. Suddenly you were pushed onto your knees, facing the back of the lounge, your arms rested against the backrest. Happy gripped your hips roughly from behind you, his thumbs spreading your ass cheeks apart, his dick pushing its way back into the warm confinement of your pussy. You shuddered and moaned as he pushed in and out of you rapidly, leaning over you to bite down on the junction of your neck and shoulder.
His hand slipped under you, pressing his fingers against your clit and rolling over it as he fucked you harshly. Your eyes started to roll back, your moans becoming broken and your stomach coiled tighter and tighter. "Gonna let me cum in you tonight," Happy asked, his own voice strained. "Gonna let me fill you up like a good girl?" His hips snapped against yours, your skin almost feeling raw. You nodded dumbly, words no longer achievable. Happy's chest rumbled in approval, and he continued to rub light circles over your clit. The coil in your stomach snapped and you cried out, your second orgasm slamming into you so suddenly your arms collapsed beneath you and your face pushed into the lounge as Happy continued to pound in and out of you. He gripped your hair, pulling your head up as he pushed harshly in and out one, two, three more times before stopping with his cock filling you up entirely, groaning as he came. He pulled himself out of you, watching as his spend pooled at your hole, a proud smirk on his face.
Noticing how wrecked you were, he pulled you to your feet and guided you towards your bathroom. Turning on the shower and pulling you under the stream. He wrapped his arms around you as the hot water sprayed over you both. You pulled away and looked up at him, exhaustion lining your features. Happy smiled and leant down, capturing your lips in a kiss uncommonly soft for him. You sighed as he pulled away, leaning your head against his chest once more. "You got me, Hap?" you asked. He smiled, his throat tight and heart clenching once again deep within his chest. He pressed his lips against your hairline. "Yeah baby. I got you."
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Congrats on the follower milestone! Well deserved! Could I request a 19 with Happy Lowman?
What a Mess
Contains: Fluff
1.1K words
“Whoever said you can't buy Happiness forgot little puppies.” - Gene Hill
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Happy wouldn't tell you where the puppy came from, he just came home one day covered in human blood and handed you a scruffy crying puppy with a grunt. After you had washed the puppy and given it some boiled chicken, he gave you a Happy style explanation about how he "found" the dog when the SONs went to visit a drug dealer.
Two days later, Juice would tell you the truth. The drug dealer had bought the puppy early that day and just gave it to Happy when he decided it was too much work. The blood came later when Happy decided that giving a dog to strangers with guns was unforgivable.
She got her name the first night when she made her way between you and Happy as you settled into bed and flopped into your pillow. Happy turned into a total dog dad, carrying her everywhere because she hadn't got her shots yet and he didn't want her to get sick.
It soon became clear that Mellow was some kind of horse because she was putting on a pound a week and the more she ate, the more she wanted. Which led you to where you were now, looking out at a kitchen covered in roast beef scraps while she wagged her tail at you, "Did your daddy put the roast too close to the edge of the bench?"
Her tail wagged and she let out a yip as she wagged her way over to you, "I hope you like that because that piece of meat was very pricy." All Mellow did in response was lick your hand, "I'm not mad at you, you're just being a dog, but your daddy's in the poo."
"Why am I in the poo?" You turned around as Mellowed rushed to greet Happy.
"Because I asked you to put the roast in the middle of the counter when you took it out and you didn't so someone ate half of it." She let out another yip, and Happy bent down to scratch her ear while her tongue lolled from her mouth, "Hap, we pay really good money for her to have good nutrition. She can't be eating stuff off our table unless we let her."
He sighed, "I know. I meant to push it further, but she took her ball to the door and I wanted to play outside with her. I forgot where I left it."
You nodded, "That's alright, there was nothing in it that could have hurt her so no harm done. How about you clean up here while I give her a bath and then you can go and get us some takeout?"
Happy nodded, "That's fair."
You bent down and tapped your legs and Mellow came bounding over to you, "You wanna have a bath, you smelly girl?" Her tail waged and she placed your growing paws on your legs as her whole body wagged with her tail, "I'll take that as a yes."
She jumped off you and raced towards the tub and you sighed as Happy followed you, "Yes you can help but after that I want to kitchen spotless."
Happy smiled, "Hell yeah."
Mellow looked from you to Happy and with a wave of your hand, she was leaping into the tub joyfully. Happy raced over to the cupboard and returned with her brush, the nail trimmers and a bag, "What's that Hap?"
"I got her some soap." He opened the back and pulled out two large bottles with paw prints on them.
Your eyes grew wide when you realised what he had done, "Hap, that stuff is for show dogs, it's thirty dollars a bottle."
He shrugged, "She should only have the best."
You shook your head, "She already gets the best Happy, I get her shampoo and conditioner at the vet."
"Well this isn't shampoo and conditioner, it's prewash and after bath fur oil." He held up a finger and reached into the bag again, "I also go her paw balm."
You sighed, "Alright, just tell me how to use it once I've brushed her and done her claws."
Happy smiled, "It's easy, the lady at the store said it would make her coat nice."
You nodded, "I know Hap." Mellow could barely contain her joy as you brushed her fur and she slammed her growing feet into your palm when it was time to trim her nails.
"She's so well trained." Happy sounded so proud.
You shook your head, "Wait until the water turns on, she's just going to want to play." Sure enough, she was sliding around the bath with suds flying everywhere when it was time to wash her, Happy laughing as her floppy jowls went in every direction.
She yipped happily and hopped out of the bath when the hair drier came out and her tail flicked water everywhere when the warm air hit her skin, "She is the weirdest dog on earth, I've never met a dog that likes all parts of getting a bath."
Mellow stayed with you while you cleaned the bathroom and Happy headed to clean the kitchen, and she watched him on the couch as he mopped up all the mess, "She had fun here."
You nodded, "Yes she did."
Once everything was cleaned up, Happy walked over to you and kissed your temple, the Mellow's forehead, before heading out to get dinner, "You want anything special?"
You shrugged, "You know what I like."
"Yeah, I do."
Happy served you dinner, making sure that Mellow was occupied with a toy so you could eat without her feeling left out, even though you both knew she wouldn't beg for anything.
"I'm sorry about the roast. I know how hard you worked on it." He sounded sorry too.
You smiled softly, "I know, she's a puppy, there's no harm done." You pointed to the fridge, "Plus, you brought me cake, all is forgiven."
Happy looked at Mellow and smiled, "Do you think she knows how much we love her?"
You nodded, "I do. I mean, I don't love her as much when she pushes me off the bed but I love her with all my heart the rest of the time."
The side of Happy's lips ticked up in a smirk, "That reminds me, we're going mattress shopping on the weekend. I know a guy who can get us one of those huge orgy beds."
Your eyebrows wrinkled, "Those are big enough for more than two people and a great dane, what are you thinking Hap?"
"Well, you know how much Mel likes cats right?" You nodded, she had to say hello to every cat she saw, "I thought we could get a kitten, and then I read that two was better than one. I figure if we have a bed big enough, you won't say no."
You sighed, "I'm not going to say no anyway, you know how much I love cats."
Happy smiled, "I knew you'd say yes."
You shook your head, "You're lucky I love you."
He reached across the table and took your hand, "I love you too y/n."
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shyanddreamy · 1 year
You can't save everyone
Happy Lowman x Reader | Part 1
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Nights at the club were always great, but not as great as this one. This night was savage; it was pretty obvious that Sons knew how to party. Music was loud and booze was plentiful, and after another round of tequila shots, there you were, observing them with a stupid drunken smile in your face. You wasn��t sure at the beginning, when you first moved to Charming, but you like them. They were your family. Or the closest thing to a family you had ever known.
Your gaze met with Happy’s eyes, who had a croweater sitting on his lap. That woman was dynamite, she was one of the prettiest, and had made clear her preference for Happy. Even so, the passionate way she kissed his neck was not to your liking. After a few minutes of awkward eye contact, he decided to push her aside and walked towards you.
“Are you having fun?”, you asked him.
“I am”
At that time, he had his hands on your hips and his lips dangerously close to yours. You weren’t his Old Lady; not even his girl. The first time he brought you to the clubhouse, he told his brothers you were a friend. His exact words were “someone you can trust”, but your relationship was much deeper than just that.
Without saying any other word, he kissed you softly. He looked all tough, but he liked that kind of kisses. Hardly anyone would think that Happy could be delicate, but you knew it well. You swore you could have melted on his arms sometimes. But this time wasn’t one of them.
“I’m not gonna fuck you, Hap”, you murmured.
“Why?”, he asked you with his raspy voice.
“That croweater had touched you everywhere by now. You even have remnants of her red lipstick on your neck”, you said as he put more distance between both. “I don’t eat leftovers”.
His grimace didn’t change at all; it was as impassive as always.
“So, I better go”, he suggested.
You didn’t answer to that. It was pointless. You wanted him to stay and enjoy the rest of the party together, talk with his brothers and the rest, have fun, drink more… But what Happy wanted was different, so you just nodded and let him go. And he left for the dorms, but not before putting an arm around the shoulders of that croweater who willingly accompanied him.
It was nothing that hadn’t happened a dozen times before. You knew him and his way of life. And maybe you weren’t much better. You tried to convince yourself that it didn’t hurt anymore, but it was a bit disappointing and always left a bitter taste.
It was a long time ago when you first met Happy. Now you could say it was a funny story, more or less. Someone had killed one of his brothers in Tacoma and Happy broke into your house at night accusing you of being the murderer. Actually, it was pretty scary to see Happy in your living room with a loaded gun ready to pull the trigger after getting your confession. But you were innocent. Apparently, the offender who shot the Son was driving your car, that’s how they thought you were guilty.
“The car isn’t mine”, you assured him. “Is new. Stolen”.
“If I wanted to make up an excuse, I would have chosen a better one, dickhead”, you said. “Yesterday, someone tipped me off about an abandon car not far from here. My intentions were to give it a coat of paint, make a few changes, and sell it again. I need the money, that’s all. I haven’t killed anybody”.
“Who?”, he asked you. Since the beginning, you learnt that chatty wasn’t a good adjective to describe Happy.
“Who what?”
“Who told you about the car”.
Although he was deadly serious, you smirked slightly.
“I know how you guys work. You hate rats”, you warned him. “And I ain’t no rat”.
Happy was intimidating in the distance, but even more when he was near. However, you kept your chin up. He was at your home accusing you of committing a murder you haven’t done. You had nothing to be ashamed of.
“I’m gonna get out of your house with his name”, he insisted. “And it would be better for you to talk now, or we won’t chat anymore”.
“What will happen to him?”
“Not your business”
You moistened your lips and intensified your gaze, while his grew darker by the second.
“That motherfucker beat me up twice. If you promise me you’re gonna kill him, I’ll gladly tell you his name”.
You had done some business with him before, but he was a little piece of shit who was always trying to play you. World would be a better place without him.
“That’s a promise I can keep, little one.”
Happy killed the guy two days after. And it would have been the last time you would have seen him if it hadn’t been for a prospect, who decided to show up in your house more than two weeks after that meeting. Apparently, Happy had sent him to invite you to the Sons of Anarchy clubhouse on Friday night. You thought about it all week before finally deciding to go. It was a dangerous move, but bad choices in life had always made it more interesting.
When you arrived at the club not knowing what to expect, you found it crowded. A lot of booze, lots of drugs and lots of noisy drunks. You noticed Happy minutes after your entrance, but he spent almost an hour staring at you from the distance while you were drinking in the bar counter talking with the prospect. He was the one who invited you, so he was the one who had to make the first move. Until he finally did.
“You’re here”, he said as he sat in the stool next to you.
“You wanted me here”, you clarified. “Why?”
“I liked our talk”.
“The part where you threatened to kill me or the part where you threatened to harm me?”, you asked him ironically.
“All of it, I suppose”.
“So, why am I here?”, you insisted.
“Wanted to see you again”, he answered.
You smiled slightly, shook your head, and took a sip of your beer.
“If these are your best phrases to flirt, I have to say that they’re lame”.
“I don’t usually need more”.
You gave him a look, but he was completely confident. And strange as it may seem, it worked. That tough appearance, his mysticism and those black eyes that seemed capable of knowing what you were thinking actually worked.
You spent a few hours in the clubhouse barely talking, drinking, smoking, and watching the stupid things drunks usually do. It was an unpredictable night, but it was a good one. And when he offered to drive you home, when you got there, you let him in.
“That thing your brother asked you. What he called me”, you said, unable to remember the word. “He asked you if I were a new…”
“Croweater”, he answered.
“What does it mean?”
“The chicks who are always around the club. To serve us some drinks. To hook up”, he briefly explained to you. “That’s a croweater”.
“I’m not a croweater”, you assured him completely serious. In response, he reduced the distance between both and brought his hand to the back of your neck with a softness you weren’t expecting from him.
“I know.”
That was the first night you spent together, but it was far from being the last. From that day on, you started seeing each other almost weekly. He would come to your house at night, you would fuck, and he would leave in the morning. Maybe it was because the sex was great, maybe it was something else. There was not much talk, but eventually –and just sometimes– you shared something more about yourselves and your lives. It could be just a stupid story from your childhood or a dream from last night, but it was nice. It felt right. Nevertheless, after a few months with that routine, Happy announced you one day that he was going nomad, which meant he was leaving Tacoma.
“First time I saw you, I thought you were dangerous”, you confessed to him on his last night, both naked on the bed. You were outlining his tattoos with your fingertips. The truth was that you felt safe with him. Your head on his chest, the sound of his heart beats, his arms around you, his calm breathing… You would miss it. “And I know you are dangerous, but it’s not the kind of danger I imagined. You are fucking addictive, Happy.”
When his lips kissed your head affectionately, you closed your eyes trying to feel as much as you could now, so you could remember it once he was gone.
“I understand the feeling. I feel it too.”
For long weeks, you didn’t hear anything from him. It was as if he had vanished. And it was awful. It was until one day Happy called you to say he had two days off and suggested you spend them together. Obviously, you accepted it. You couldn’t refuse that offer. When he left again, the pain came back, but that time something changed. After those days, he started calling you more often. The calls were sporadic and brief. He didn´t talk much in person, so he didn’t on the phone either. But hearing his voice was enough for your sad soul. Anyways, they were always the same three questions: “how are you going?”, “are you safe?”, and “haven’t you killed anybody yet?” He never said “I miss you” or anything like that, but you knew he did. Words weren’t necessary.
Perhaps he had his reasons, but came the moment when he announced to you that he was no longer wanted to be a nomad. Instead, he was moving to Charming. And surprisingly, he asked you to go with him. It was an easy decision to take, as there was nothing special to stay in Tacoma for.
“I want to know why you want me to go there. With you”, you told him the day he knocked on your door with that proposition.
“I’m going to be there. And I want you to be there with me too. That’s all.”
“I don’t get it, Happy”, you insisted. “I don’t get anything that’s going on between us. We've been doing this, whatever this is, for a long time.”
Happy tensed his jaw. He knew as well as you that it was strange, but you have never had that conversation.
“I like having you around. Spending time with you. And I don’t want it to end”, he responded. Happy wasn’t the kind of man who was good at expressing his feelings, but this time he seemed genuine. “I want to keep you close. Know that you’re safe. And you're always gonna be safe with me”.
At his words, you felt your hearth melt.
“It’s crazy, Hap. Where am I gonna live? I don’t have enough money to move at the moment.”
“I’ve already got a house there”, he said. “And you’ll have your own dorm. We can share the rent. That way's cheaper”.
“Always thinking about ways to spend the less amount of money”, you smirked as you walked towards him and put your arms around his neck. “The money is your only reason? Is not because you want to be able to fuck me more often?”
Although he curved the corners of his mouth into a mischievous smile, Happy just shrugged his shoulders.
“Moving together is a big step. It could be kind of scary”, you murmured against his lips.
“I’ve seen a lot of scary things in my life. This is not going to scare me, Y/N.”
That’s how you ended up in Charming. And unlike when you were in Tacoma, in Charming you spent a lot more time with the Sons. Almost every afternoon and every night you were in the club, with them, and it was perfect. At least it was perfect at the beginning. As time goes by, the coexistence became more difficult, adding the fact that the dark times were harder than you might have expected. Every time Happy left, you didn’t know if he would come back. And when he was there, he wanted to be with you as soon as bang any random chick. Waiting worried for his life only to see him go into the arms of a croweater on his return was harsh. But you got used to it.
The problem was that now you were in what seemed to be a long period of peace. And without more fights and deaths, you had begun to hope something else. Something more. You weren't sure of what it was, but there were things that were wrong. It no longer felt right.
After several unsuccessful attempts to keep the fun going, you decided it would be better for you to go home. Unfortunately, Chibs noticed your intentions.
“Going home already?”, he asked you. “Thought you were going to wait for Happy.”
“I don’t mind walking home.”
“You’re alright, lass?”, he insisted. Chibs was too perceptive sometimes.
“Don’t know”, you muttered with a little sad smile. “I need to think”.
“I’ll tell Happy you left”, he nodded. “Keep yourself out of trouble.”
“As always, Pres.”
In your way home, once everything around you were in complete silence, you tried to rethink about what had happened tonight. But this time, you tried to be completely honest with yourself. And the truth was that you couldn’t bear it anymore. You were tired and stagnant. Life was too short, even more when you were in the outlaw world. Maybe it was time for a change.
As someone entered in your dorm, you opened your eyes.
“Didn’t want to wake you up”, Happy said.
“It’s okay”, you sighed.
“Can I come in?”
“You never ask for permission.”
“You never go home without me”, he answered back. However, he decided to walk towards the bed and lie next to you in the space you had already made for him.
Having two bedrooms, you didn’t always sleep together, but Happy used to enter in your room even if it was only to spend some minutes in there with you. You loved that habit as much as you loved to embrace him and lay your head on his chest. Nevertheless, this time you stayed in the same position you were before.
“What time is it?”
“Midday”, he replied.
“Have you come back now?”
“A while ago. I've taken a shower before.”
“I’m glad you don’t stain my sheets with red lipstick.”
You heard Happy sigh, but he didn’t answer. You understood that dialogue wasn’t his thing, but sometimes his silence was exasperating.
 “I think I need to go.”
“Where?”, he asked you.
“Don’t know. Far from Charming”
“Why? And for what?”
“Stop with the fucking questions”, you complained. “I just need to go. I can’t stay here anymore”.
“Are you running away from me?”
Listening those words from his mouth was painful, so you needed a few seconds to calm down before you turned on the bed to look at him. His eyes were fixed on yours as if he wasn’t able to look at anything else.
“I don’t want to run away from you, but I need it”.
“That makes no sense”.
“It makes sense for me”.
“Is because that hoe? Are you mad at me?”, he asked, frowned.
You took your hand to his face, caressing his cheek softly, but his expression did not relax in the slightest.
“You are the most valuable thing I have in my life, Happy, and I’m glad you let me into your life and spend so much time with you. But lately things have changed. I need to leave Charming and clarify my ideas. And then I’ll come back”.
“Or maybe you never do it”, he retorted.
You felt the tears in your eyes, but you did your best to hold them back.
“I love you in a way you can’t reciprocate. And it’s okay. I’m not mad at you for that. But every time I realize you don’t feel the same… It’s killing me, Happy. And I don’t want to end up dead inside.”
After a few seconds of awkward silence, he wrapped his arms around you, guiding your head to his chest like most mornings. And once again, there were no words from him. You decided to caress his abdomen while his fingers caressed your body with tenderness. You would have stayed in this exact moment forever, but it was just a fantasy.
“I have to go to Santo Padre in two days”, he announced. From time to time, he went there for club business. “You can come with me. Maybe the travel is good for you. We can talk more. Spend more time together. Just us”.
“Okay. I’ll think about it”.
The club wasn't worried about the fact that you were going to Santo Padre with Happy. They trusted him with their lives, so they asked no questions about his decision to take you with him this time. So, with just a backpack as your baggage, you got into the van and started your journey.
In a normal situation, you wouldn’t have talked much unless you tried to engage in conversation. But this time, you didn’t. Actually, you didn’t even know what to say. Anyway, the conversation was light and trivial. It did not escape your notice that Happy was more talkative than usual. Maybe he was doing an effort.
After hours of travelling, you arrived at Santo Padre, Mayans’ territory. They were waiting for Happy in their clubhouse, so there was where you went. You felt some gazes on you as you got out of the van, but it could be just curiosity given that it was strange for them to see Happy with feminine company while he was doing business.
The right thing would be to wait until Happy was done at a prudent distance, but your bladder was full by then, so your only option was to ask them as politely as you could if you could go inside to use the bathroom. You knew they do trust Happy when they let you into the clubhouse alone, without one of them keeping an eye on you. Or maybe they could tell by your face that you really needed to go to the bathroom urgently. Unfortunately, when you opened the door, you found out that someone was already in there.
“Fuck. Shit. I’m sorry”, you said, half-closing the door again in a rush. “Can you just hurry? If not, I think I’m gonna make a mess and I don’t…”
You couldn’t end the phrase before the Mayan who was inside came out of the bathroom, letting the place completely free for you. You saw his smile, as if he was ready to laugh at your desperation or to make an ironic remark, but you didn’t have time for that either. So, as soon as you crossed the door, you closed it in his face.
“Fucking Happy”, you growled. You had told him that you needed to stop somewhere for a toilet break, but he had insisted that you were almost there. Of course, that wasn´t true at all.
Once you left the clubhouse, relieved, you decided to wait near the van until their man talk ended. It only took about ten minutes more before Happy shook hands with the Mayans Pres.
“We’re ready to go”, he said to you.
“Can you drop me off in the city centre?”, you asked him, but Happy frowned in confusion.
“You’re not coming with me?”
“I’ve never told you that”, you answered.
“But I thought… We are far from Charming. That’s what you wanted”.
“It is not what I wanted. I need to take a time for myself. I already explained you that”.
Happy tensed his jaw, but he added nothing more. So, assuming that the conversation was over, you threw away the cigarette and went inside the van again. Happy hesitated, but in last instance, he approached again to Mayans Pres and VP, who had been watching you still outside their clubhouse.
“I have to ask you a personal favour, Bish”, he told him. Even though from your position you could not hear him, you had a good idea of what he was saying. “She’s gonna stay here for a while, in the city. I would appreciate if you could keep an eye on her. Just in case”.
“Ok. No problem”, Bishop answered. However, he was a little confused. He wasn´t expecting Happy to be dealing with that kind of things.
As Happy got into the driver’s seat, you glanced over him with your arms crossed.
“I can take care of myself”, you mumbled.
“I know.”
The short drive was in completely silence, but this time, it was an awkward one. However, it was impossible for you decipher what Happy was thinking. And once he stopped the van again where you had asked him, you knew this was it.
“I should go now, I guess”, you said, but Happy did not open his mouth. He even refused to look at you. You weren’t expecting one last kiss or a deep conversation, but at least a goodbye would have been nice. “Take care, Happy”.
As soon as you opened the door, his hand caught your forearm. Every single muscle of his body was tense, and his gaze was more intense than ever before.
“Call me”, he simply said. “If you need something. Anything. Just call me”.
“Okay. I’ll do it”, you assured him softly.
You took the hand that was grabbing your arm with yours and kissed his knuckles lovingly. It was hard for you as well, especially as you had not been separated for a long time, but it was for the best. You couldn’t say what would happen or when you would see each other again, so it was better to not say anything at all. With a last brief smiled, you left the car.
→ Part 2
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samcrosfaith · 23 days
SUMMER NIGHTS 𝟎𝟕| 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖕 𝖆𝖙 𝖆 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊
Happy Lowman x fem!oc
a/n; you'll find all chapters in my main masterlist pinned post it'll lead you to the right masterlist. 🤎🩰
word count; 2253
tag list; @mamawiggers1980 @elmiramager
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IT HAD BEEN FIVE DAYS since June had returned from her trip to Bakersfield and since then not a day had gone by that Happy hadn't called her at least three times a day to ask how she was doing and whether she was taking her medication. The last two days he had even brought her dinner. Once from her favorite restaurant here in Charming, and once from one that he knew Alanna and Callie would enjoy.
And these gestures did a lot to June. This was the man she had fallen hard for back then, the man who made her heart beat faster. It was the little things that June valued so much. Things that she had to live without since they had split up.
Sure, she could've been stubborn and stayed with Happy like Tara had stayed with Jaxᅳ but she just couldn't. If she had stayed, she would've just constantly thought about the kiss between Happy and that bitch. The fact that it was all just staged to push her away didn't matter.
He was the one who wanted to push her away, to finally get her to leave him because he couldn't leave her. And that's exactly what she did. But the weekend in Bakersfield, the sheer worry and fear in his eyes every time she felt a little weaker, didn't let her go.
He took care of her the whole time, just as he did back then. Basically, he never really wanted to lose herᅳ and that was exactly what she had realized.
So, should she fight for him? Their marriage? He wanted her back, he had told her that clearly and unambiguously. But only as soon as the danger had been eliminated, as soon as the Argent Devils were gone. But did she want to wait that long? Just to fear that he would push her away again the next time there was danger?
No, she had to know that it wouldn't happen again. June had to know that he would stay by her side, even if there was danger. So if he really wanted her back, then it would be now and not when the danger was gone at some point.
But right now she didn't want to put any pressure on him nor her and wanted to take things slowly. One step at a time.
To show how grateful she was for his help, for not leaving her alone for a second over the weekend, she decided to ignore the regular visiting hours. The kids needed their dad and he needed his kids. So fuck the rules.
As she backed into her usual parking spot at the club, she turned off the engine and took off her sunglasses, her eyes landing on Alanna.
June gently pulled the headphones off the nine-year-old's head and smiled warmly when she finally had Alanna's attention. "Can you do me a favor, sweetheart?"
Unsuspecting, the girl shrugged her shoulders, nodding. "Sure, what is it?"
"Be nice to Dad, okay?" June pushed a strand of brown hair behind Alanna's ear, whose features darkened slightly. God, she looked so much like Happy when she did that. "Look, I know you're still hurtingᅳ but he misses you, so much. Give him a chance to make up for his mistakes, would you?"
"What's the point if nothing changes anyway?", she asked, the corners of her mouth pointed downwards. "He won't come home just because I'm nice to him."
June glanced over her shoulder and to the backseat, but Callie was still dozing in her car seat. So June could talk to Alanna without worrying that the three-year-old would hear them.
"Baby, he loves you. He's your father and that will never change. And who knows what the future holdsᅳ maybe things will turn out differently, better, than you think", June told her, her tone soft.
"Means what exactly?" Alanna pressed, her slender body now turned toward her mother as an eyebrow shot up. "What happened in Bakersfield, mom? You and dad...you haven't spent this much time together in ages. But since that weekendᅳ it's like you're getting closer again."
Well, shit. The kid was smart. Not that June was surprised, Alanna was just as observant as her father and could practically sense things without her having witnessed them.
Sighing, June let her head fall against the headrest of her seat, scratching her eyebrow. "I'll tell you the truth if you promise me not to worry unnecessarily, okay?"
"Whatᅳ Mom, what happened?" Of course the nine-year-old was worried. But then the penny dropped before June even said anything. "Was it something with your heart?"
June's heart bled when she heard the sheer worry in Alanna's cracking voice, so she quickly grabbed the girl's hands, squeezing them. "I'm okay, baby, it wasn't a heart attack. But it could've ended worse", she trailed, chewing her lower lip. "But Happy was there and reacted immediately. And believe me, he was so scared he totally lost his shit and almost his mind."
"You should've told me about it!" Tears filled Alanna's eyes as she unbuckled her seatbelt and in the next moment snuggled into her mother's arms, who welcomed her openly. Sniffling, she hid her little face in June's chest, glad that nothing worse had happened. "I don't want to lose you, Mom."
"You won't, sweetheart", the former Teller whispered, clearly affected by Alanna's heartbreaking reaction. "Do you understand now why I want you to be nice to Dad? He loves us just as much as he did back then and he'd still do anything for us."
"I'll be nice", the nine-year-old mumbled against her mom's sage green top, which now had one or two scattered tears on it. "Next time, please tell me right away if you're not feeling well. I'm old enough to help, mom."
"Thank you, baby, I appreciate it." June timidly cupped her daughter's face in her hands and smiled weakly. "It's not your job to worry about me or to take care of me. I only told you about it because I want you to know how important we are to your dadᅳ that's never changed."
"It still sucked that he left", Alanna muttered with a frustrated sigh while clutching the Polaroid camera around her neck, but the fact that her dad was there at that exact moment and prevented something worse from happening to her mom changed her perspective a little. "Will you pick us up tomorrow before or after school?"
"I know, Lana. And he knows that too", June assured her as she gently squeezed Alanna's face before placing a kiss on her forehead. "After school, then we'll finally look for a new school backpack."
"I like that", the nine-year-old smiled as she quickly wiped her cheeks dry. "Please take care of yourself, mom."
"I will, I promise", she said seriously before she released her daughter and got out of the car with her.
At the same moment, as if he had tasted the arrival of his family, Happy stepped out of the clubhouse. And to say he seemed surprised was an understatementᅳ after all, the last time June had been here at the club was ages ago.
At the same time, he was also alarmed when he finally reached the car, tossing his toothpick to the side. "You okay?"
"I'm fine. I just thought you might wanna see them more often again", June shrugged her shoulders with a small smile while she leaned against her car, her forearms folded on top of the still open car door. "If you want they can stay with you tonight, you'd just have to drop them off at school in the morning. But I can alsoᅳ"
"No, I can do it", Happy nodded immediately, swallowing the small lump in his throat as he was relieved to see that June and the kids were fine. "Since when don't you care about the visiting hours?"
June just shrugged her shoulders with a faint smile. "I want this to work, Hap. They need you."
He didn't answer, instead he just nodded, gratitude flashing in his dark orbs. As Alanna strolled around the car, the SAA tensed up, expecting his daughter to still not want to spend time with him.
But when Alanna shot him the first genuine smile in over a year and wrapped her arms around his waist, Happy's throat released a nearly shaky breath as he wasted no time in pulling his daughter into the tightest hug possible.
June rested her chin on her forearms, which were still resting on the top frame of the car door, and watched the scene in awe, feeling her heart swell with love.
"Like I said, I'll pick you up from school tomorrow, okay?" June knew she didn't have to tell her daughter to behave. Alanna was one of those children who knew from a young age how to behave at home and outside. So she just stretched her arm forward and stroked Alanna's cheek after the two had pulled away from the hug. "Call me before you go to bed, I wanna say goodnight."
"I will, mom", Alanna promised, her eyes glassy but a genuine, happy smile on her lips. You could see that she needed the hug just as much as Happy did. "Love you."
"Love you too, sweetie." June watched as Alanna walked towards Jax, who just came out of the clubhouse, a cigarette hanging between his lips which he threw away before he hugged his niece and shot his sister a smile.
June, however, just glared at him, even though she was secretly glad that he and Maria had come up with the plan. But he had to know that he can't pull this kind of shit behind her back.
"Jesus, still mad at me?", he asked, amusement lingering in his cocky grin. "I apologized. Even Happy isn't pissed anymore."
"Well, a simple 'sorry' isn't going to help this time", she called across the property, a snort coming out of her nose as Jax just rolled his eyes and chuckled. "You better get back inside before I kick your ass."
"As if you would", Jax teased. But they were still siblings, loving to provoke each other in a loving wayᅳ most of the time at least. "I'll see you later?"
"Maybe, don't know yet", she shot back with a cheeky grin. "If you bring me donuts and a coffee, I might let you in."
Now Jax snorted, but never without losing his grin. "I'll think about it."
June gave him the finger, in a loving way, and got one from Jax in return, whereupon Alanna gasped in mock shock.
Shaking his head, Jax threw an arm around his niece, ruffled her hair and led the whining nine-year-old, who was now busy pushing her hair down, inside.
"He's such an ass", June muttered, chuckling before her eyes met Happy's again. A smile spread across her lips as she noticed him looking at her with nothing but admiration. Another thing she missed. "Should I leave Callie here too or just Alanna?", she asked, resuming the conversation.
The sunglasses sitting now on top of her reddish, chin length hair, perfectly styled as always, the sun adding an extra shine to her piercing blue eyes, the smile on her pale peach colored lips grew when she saw Happy's lips twitch into a smile also.
"You think it's okay if I spend a day just with Alanna?", he asked almost cautiously, not wanting to seem like a father who only preferred one daughter. But after the hug, after his baby seemed to finally allow him to get close again, he just wanted to show her that he was there for her, that he was still the same. "You look good by the way, June."
"Thanks, Hap." June's cheeks turned a light shade of red, causing her to sheepishly tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. She quickly waved it off to distract from her reaction. "No, I think it's actually a good idea if you spend time alone with Alanna."
"Yeah, I guess", he croaked, taking a step closer towards his wife, his intense gaze always on her. "Would you come over tomorrow night? I'll cook for us and we'll just talk, that's all I want. If it's going too fast for youᅳ"
"I'd love to come over", June interrupted his rambling, pushing her body up on her tiptoes before she planted a kiss against his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow", the SAA croaked, smiling to himself as he watched June slip back into her car. He glanced at the backseat so he'd at least see Callie, but he didn't want to wake her. Then his eyes met his wife's blue ones again. "Call me if you need anything, you hear me?"
"You tell me that every day, Hap. Don't worry so much", she replied softly. "Can you tell Mom to call me later? We need someone to watch the kids tomorrow night."
"Sure", Happy assured her, tapping the roof of her car before stepping aside as June started the engine. "Drive carefully and tell Callie she can call me later."
"I'll have her call you", June promised with another smile before she closed the window and left the property.
Her plan was definitely to come by more often again from now on, also to finally spend more time with the other members again.
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your-space-brain · 1 year
Fall In Love
Happy Lowman x Reader - One Shot
Part 2
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Gif does not belong to me.
Moved from @spacedbrainnn.
If Happy wasn’t a shell before, he was now. Things had been different since you left and moved on to Lake Isabella. Lake Isabella was a little town near his of Bakersfield, and it was what you fell in love with. You swore to him all up and down that you would move there… together.
So why weren’t you together?
Well, anyone could tell that you two were in love. You’d brightened the man’s days and his attitude. He was still closed off, but anyone could see the light in that man’s eyes when he met you. Big brown eyes, from icy murky waters to those of a puppy in love, and now, they were just guarded.
You had been talking about forever since the two of you had gotten together. Something about meeting him had fixed you.
“So you want a ring, huh?” He smelled of Lucky You cologne and leather polish. He had just shined up his leather and taken care of it while you were finishing some paperwork for work.
The look in your eyes when you looked up from the coffee table while he wiped his hands was enough to stop a grown man in his tracks.
You were so pretty sitting there, that little smile on your face as you spoke. “Of course.” You told him.
“Okay then.” That small smile curled on the corner of his lips as well.
But then things shattered.
It was midnight in Shafter, and he was driving your car home. The smiley faces on his abdomen had been growing and you didn’t know what that meant, but all you knew was that it wasn’t good. The club kept things in a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ manner, and all you knew was that they kept him away from you.
The tears down your face could’ve stabbed Happy right in the throat. “But what about us?” You asked as you stared at him, one of his hands on the wheel as you rode passenger in your own car. He was choked in the throat but it didn’t show. He just didn’t speak, hidden behind a theatrical plain mask of no emotion.
“You haven’t had time for us in months, Happy.” He swallowed and his lack of reply made you demand your next words. “Stop the car.”
“Stop the car, Lowman.” He did. He stopped and you stepped out in the pouring rain, stomping off and leaving. He waited, waited for you, drove around for you but you’d already gotten a taxi to your best friend’s, Jax’s.
All of these memories came to surface every time he looked in his mother’s eyes. She loved you, so much. You still talked to her.
“She’s got a new man in Lake Isabella, Hap.” She told him as she rocked in her chair. “I tried… to tell her not to do it, baby.” He looked over at her as a sigh fell out of his lips.
He didn’t say anything, but it showed in those brown eyes that seemed emotionless. They were big as he pet the dog laying in his lap.
“I know, mom.”
Everyone knew. You settled. You were scared to fall in love. And he missed you more than anything.
- end -
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garbinge · 2 months
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One shots of Happy's daughter, OC Scarlett Lowman.
Flower Crowns - Happy Lowman & Daughter OC Scarlett Lowman
Misdirection - Happy Lowman & Daughter OC Scarlett Lowman // Jax Teller & OC Scarlett Lowman
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
When You Love It
Happy Lowman & Daughter!OFC (Diedra Lowman)
Inspired by the quotes from This Post
Warnings: 18+, angst, blood, murder, implied/referenced physical assault
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: I have so many thoughts and feelings about these two, and about Diedra in general. I feel like I get in my own way trying to wait and think of some big overarching longfic for my ocs when really I should just get more comfortable writing down the ideas I have for them and posting them. If things end up connecting down the road, great! If not, that's great too! This is definitely more of an origin story type of thing lol. I was originally going to add more to this one-shot but I didn't want it to feel forced so I just left it as-is. Hopefully there will be more Lowman Sister stuff in the future!
SOA Taglist: @withmyteeth @garbinge @espieviolet99 @littlekittymeow @chibsytelford @meadowofsinfulthoughts @i-just-read-stuff @bport76 @buckybarneshairpullingkink @paintballkid711 @jitterbugs927 @fanfic-n-tabulous @mijagif @frattsparty @winchestershiresauce @beardburnsupersoldiers @choochoo284 @artemiseamoon @nessamc @passionatewrites (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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She still remembered the first time that she had to help patch Happy up. It wasn’t the type of thing that someone forgot, even though she was young when it happened. Despite the fact that she was only eleven at the time, even so many years later she could still vividly remember the sound of the front door slamming shut in the middle of the night. It had been loud enough to stir her from her sleep, but not her younger sister, who was still peacefully slumbering on the opposite side of the room.
She’d tip-toed out of their room and down the hall until she reached the staircase. She could hear heavy footfalls and the clattering of things in the kitchen. She assumed that it was her dad, but there was no way to be sure unless she went downstairs and checked it out for herself. And what if she was wrong? He always told her not to put herself into situations that she wouldn’t be able to get herself out of.
The footsteps got louder and she gasped as she went to turn and scramble back to her room. She didn’t even make it so that she was standing all the way upright before she heard his tired, currently strained voice from the bottom of the staircase.
“Di? That you?”
She stopped in her tracks, feeling nervous as she descended a few of the stairs. Her bare feet made almost no sound as she stepped, unlike her father’s. Her voice came out as a timid whisper, afraid that she was going to get in trouble for being up so late, for sneaking around the house. “Yes.”
He let out a sigh of relief as he leaned against the banister at the bottom of the stairs. Reaching over, he flipped the switch that turned on the singular light that hung over the staircase. He ignored the wide-eyed look that he got from his daughter when she saw the shape he was in.
“You know where I keep the first aid kit?” he asked her.
She nodded, and shot right back up the stairs without another word. She all but ran down the hall to the bathroom. Kneeling down, she opened the doors to the cabinet underneath their sink and grabbed the red and white plastic box that was sitting there with various other bottles of soap and other miscellaneous items. She tucked it underneath her arm before shutting the cabinet and making her way back towards the stairs.
When she reached the stairs, he wasn’t there anymore. She watched her step as she tried to go as quickly as possible down the hardwood steps without slipping and falling. When she reached the bottom and rounded the corner, she saw him sitting in his recliner. He was leaned back, practically disappearing into it in the darkness. His eyes were closed, his breathing steady. There was the same frown on his face that she had gotten so accustomed to.
He didn’t open his eyes when she stopped in front of him. She waited for a few seconds, and when he didn’t move or say anything, she cleared her throat to get his attention. His expression didn’t change except for the fact that he opened his eyes. She held out the kit to him.
“Here.” Her voice was still soft, still scared.
He groaned slightly as he sat upright. “Gonna need your help.”
Her eyes widened. “What?”
“Grandma’s been teaching you and your sister to sew, right?”
She gave a slow nod. “I’m not good at it, though.”
“You’re good enough.”
She knew better than to argue, so she just nodded. Unsure of what she was supposed to do now, she stood there and watched as he slowly shrugged his kutte off his shoulders and draped it over the arm of the recliner. Next, he reached, both hands gripping the collar of his t-shirt before he pulled it off over his head. The tiniest groan managed to get past his gritted teeth as he slipped the blood-stained fabric off and dropped it to the floor.
If Diedra had looked startled at the cuts on his face, the gash going across the left side of his abdomen left her frozen. Her hands trembled as she clutched the first aid kid. In the back of his mind, Happy knew that it wasn’t right or fair to put this on her, but he didn’t have much of another option at this point. He wasn’t going to his mom, not with this. And hospitals were out of the question. So, here he was, relying on his young daughter’s rudimentary sewing skills to patch him up.
“Go turn the light on,” he nodded towards the switch for the living room.
“What if I—”
“It’s gonna be fine.” He didn’t quite snap, but there was more of an edge to his voice than there usually was. He knew it was the pain that was making him sound that way. He just hoped that his daughter knew it too.
Diedra did as he asked, scurrying over to switch on the light before walking back over. She stared where his skin was torn—the bleeding still hadn’t stopped. She hadn’t even opened the first aid kit yet. Her hands were still trembling a fair amount as she stared at him.
“You’re still bleeding,” she said softly.
“It’ll stop,” he said matter-of-factly.
He leaned, ignoring the pain in his side as he did, so that he could reach and open the first aid kit. He grabbed the medical wipes and hastily cleaned the area by the wound. He cleaned it up enough so that Diedra would be able to stitch it with relative ease. She was right in saying that he was still bleeding, but the bleeding had slowed down considerably since it happened.
“Dad, I—”
“Please, Di.”
He laid down on the couch and Diedra sat down on the edge of the coffee table, the open first aid kit sitting in her lap. He gave her step-by-step instructions, trying to be as reassuring as he could manage given the circumstances. He was thankful that she probably had too much on her mind to look at or think about the numerous smiley faces tattooed into his opposite side. He tried not to think too much about what he was doing to her, the little girl sitting there in her oversized pajama t-shirt and pants that were covered in horses. Her hair was still messy from sleep, her eyes somehow simultaneously tired and frantic. This wasn’t the job for a child but there she was anyway.
She had tears in her eyes the whole time, her fingers fumbling every so often, but she kept on trying to muddle through. Happy nodded in approval and grit his teeth through the pain as she worked. No matter how long it took, it was still better than bleed out, and it was better than sitting in a jail cell.
“Alright,” he nodded back towards the kit when she had finally finished sewing him back together, “now just get the scissors and cut it.”
Her fingers trembled as she made the final cut. Happy’s head dropped back against the couch cushion as he let out a sigh of relief. His arm dangled off the edge of the couch, fingers brushing against the hardwood floor. He was staring silently up at the ceiling as his daughter sat there staring at him.
“What happened?” she asked as she stared at her handiwork.
“Got into a fight.”
“With who?” There was a slight tremor to her voice, like she knew that she wasn’t supposed to be asking him that question. That was one of the rules—no questions about dad’s work or about dad’s club.
“Bad guys,” he answered shortly. He didn’t say anything else for a minute but he felt her staring at him. Turning his head to look at her, he said, “Go put the kit away and get back to sleep.”
“Go to bed, Di,” his voice was firmer this time. “Try not to wake up your sister.”
Her voice was quiet, defeated, “O-okay.”
He watched as she closed the kit and started to head back to the stairs. When she reached the bottom of the staircase, he spoke up again. “Hey.” He waited for her to look over at him, exhaustion and fear etched into her innocent little face. “Thanks, kid.”
She didn’t sound any more reassured or confident than before as she said, “You’re welcome.”
She went to the bathroom to put the first aid kit away. She tucked it back underneath the sink the exact same way that she’d found it. Standing back up, she turned the hot water on in the sink so that she could wash her hands. She scrubbed hard, trying to get all of her father’s blood off of her palms and fingertips. She didn’t even understand how it had gotten onto the backs of her hands too, but it did. She kept applying more soap and scrubbing over and over again until the water ran clear, until her tanned skin was free of any red.
When she got back to the bedroom that she shared with her little sister, she didn’t know if she wanted to go inside. She didn’t know what else to do, though. So, she quietly stepped past the threshold and padded quietly over to her sister’s bed. Her baby sister could sleep through anything, so she hardly stirred at all as Diedra scrambled into bed next to her, pulling the blanket up over both of them before trying to go back to sleep.
She also remembered the first time Happy had needed to help patch her up. She was fifteen, and by that point it had been about five years of her playing emergency doctor for her father whenever he got too banged up doing whatever it was that he did for the club, the number of smiley faces on his side steadily increasing but neither of them said anything about it. They still weren’t allowed to ask questions, but Diedra knew a little more than her sister. It was only fair since she was the one mastering the use of the first aid kit. Her stitching had gotten a lot better since that first night, although Happy still had the messy scar on his abdomen from the first one, a scar that he hadn’t gotten tatted over.
But now he was the one who needed to help Diedra with her mess. When he got the call, the thought crossed his mind that maybe if he hadn’t put so much on her over the years, that she would have normal teenage girl problems. He’d wondered over the last year or so if it was going to be a problem. The few fights that she’d gotten into at school always getting more out of hand than they would for a typical fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl. Sure, Happy taught both of his girls how to keep themselves safe if they had to, but these had been more than that. He wondered if it had been his fault.
Then, as he listened to the shake in Diedra’s voice as she spoke to him via the payphone she walked by every day on her way home from school, he couldn’t help but to think that it was too late for him to fix any of it.
“I don’t know what to do,” she told him honestly.
He didn’t have to see her to know that she was crying. “Stay put. I’ll be there soon.”
“Dad, I’m not, I can’t,” she tried to get a sentence out, “People can’t see me like this.”
His brain was running at a mile a minute as he tried to figure out what to tell her. He didn’t know what she looked like, but she was smart, smart enough that he knew that she wasn’t worrying for nothing.
“Go to the bathroom behind the gas station. I’ll be there in ten.”
“What if—”
“Don’t open the door.”
For a split second, she had the same soft, scared voice of the eleven-year-old girl who had to stitch up her father’s stab wound in the middle of the night. “Okay.”
Happy tore down the streets on his bike. Speed limits and cops be damned, no one was going to slow him down now. He practically skidded to a stop in front of the bathroom door. Tearing his helmet off, he jumped off the bike and quickly strode over to the door. He jimmied the handle and found it locked. He let out a sigh of relief at that before knocking.
“It’s me.”
Seconds later the door unlocked from inside. Diedra pulled the door open a crack. Her eyes were red and watery, her ponytail almost completely fallen out with her hair sticking out in multiple directions. It hadn’t even crossed her mind to fix it as she paced inside the cramped, smelly, gas station bathroom.
Happy pressed his hand against the door to push it farther. “Open up. It’s just me.”
She did as he said. Pulling the door open farther, Happy was able to really see her. And he immediately understood why she didn’t want anyone else to see her. The white tank top that she had on had rusty red smears all over, splatter marks across her chest. There were a few flecks of blood on her face, too, along with tearstains. The most concerning thing, though, was the bruising that he could see around her throat. It took all of a split second for him to know that the bruises would match up with the shape of someone’s hands.
“What happened?” he asked.
She sniffled, shaking her head. “I don’t…I don’t…”
“Where are they?”
She nodded in the direction that she’d come from. “Back there. I don’t…I don’t think he’s…”
Happy didn’t say anything to her in response to that. Turning around, he went and grabbed a sweatshirt from the bag on his bike. It was old and ratty, but it would cover up the blood-stained tank top that she was wearing. He held it out to her without saying anything, and she took it from him silently as well. She pulled it over her head, letting the hood stay flipped up. When her hands came out the bottom of the sleeves, he saw the blood all over them, too.
“Any of it yours?” he asked her. She shook her head but wasn’t able to verbalize an answer. That was enough for Happy, though. He pulled his phone from his kutte and quickly dialed. He held it to his ear, not taking his eyes off of Diedra as the phone rang. The second there was an answer on the other end of the line, he started talking. “Hey, Mom. I need you to get Kota. Yea, she’s at the house.” He paused, waiting for the questions to stop. “No, I’ve got Di. We’re fine. Yea. I’ll get her tomorrow. Love you.” He snapped the phone shut before shoving it back into his kutte again. “Let’s get you home.”
“What about—”
“I’ll take care of it. Come on.” He reached, taking her by the elbow, his grip simultaneously firm and gentle as he brought her back to his bike.
He reached up, pushing the hood back down off her head. He grabbed his helmet, putting it on her and tightening the strap on it before clipping it beneath her chin. Neither of them said anything as they looked at each other. He was trying to figure out if she was on the brink of losing it, and she was looking at him hoping that he would give her any kind of reassurance that she was going to be okay.
Without another word, he climbed back onto his bike and motioned for him to get on behind him. She did, her arms wrapping around him. He couldn’t help but to notice that she was squeezing herself much tighter to him than she usually did. Both his kids were comfortable on the back of a bike—it was just the nature of being his daughters. But he could feel the extra layer of fear between them.
The first thing he said to her when they walked through the door was, “You need to go shower.”
She sniffled, nodding as she wiped at her eyes. “Right.” She felt the way her tank top was stuck to her skin, still tacky with blood. “What about my…” her voice trailed off as she pulled at the fabric of the hoodie.
“I’ll get rid of them.” He paused. “Toss them outside the bathroom door before you get in the shower.”
He nodded towards the stairs. “Go. I’ll be back before you’re done.”
“You’re leaving?” panic saturated her voice.
“Just to clean up. Then I’ll be back.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Before you’re done. Promise.”
She didn’t have anything left in her to fight about it, so she just nodded and made her way up the stairs. Happy watched until she was out of sight, and only then did he sigh, his shoulders sagging in defeat. They would talk about it when he got back. Until then, his mind was just going to race with all of the worst-case scenarios. It wasn’t the time to push her about it, though. Right now, the main concern for both of them was cleaning up.
The second he heard the shower start, he went back out of the house and immediately made his way for the pickup truck. He jumped in and peeled out of his driveway, right back the way that they’d just come on the bike. There was no guarantee that the guy was dead, that he would still be there, that the cops or some random bystander hadn’t already come across him. But judging by the state that Diedra was in, wherever the two of them were, it hadn’t been a high-traffic area.
He would do the real work, the actual cleanup, tomorrow. But he cleaned the mess up enough to buy him enough time to spend the night at home with his daughter. He knew how to get rid of bodies. The rest of this mess, though, that was new territory for him.
True to his word, he was back before she’d stepped out of the bathroom. The water wasn’t running anymore, but the bloody clothes were still in a heap outside the bathroom door. Happy grabbed them, immediately heading towards the back yard, for the fire pit.
He was poking what little was left of the charred fabric with a stick, mixing it with the branches and lawn clippings that were also in the fire pit with it. Diedra silently materialized beside him, wearing a pair of her own sweatpants but still wearing the sweatshirt that Happy had given her earlier. Her hair was just dry enough to not be dripping, the long waves coming over her shoulders and peeking out from under the hood that she had flipped up. He could still see the bruises through her damp locks of hair. He knew that she could still feel them, too.
Her eyes were fixed on the flames when Happy turned to look at her. He studied her face intently, but he couldn’t get much from her expression. Moments like that reminded him how much Lowman she really had in her. It was harder to see with her sister—she took more after their mother which was a different kind of heartbreak. But Diedra seemed like she was more than just 50% Happy. Maybe it was because he had been pulling her into the mess of the other side of his life for years now. But as she stood there, glassy-eyed but otherwise stone-faced, it felt like they could’ve almost been the same person.
“What’d you do with him?” she finally asked, still not looking at him as she tucked her hands into the pocket that went across the front of Happy’s sweatshirt.
“Took care of it.”
“That easy?” she asked, her voice weak.
“More to do tomorrow,” he told her honestly. “But for now, it’s taken care of.” He waited for her to ask or say something else. When she didn’t, he said, “Your turn.”
She turned and looked at him, eyebrows raised slightly but she didn’t say a word. He could see the confusion on her face at his statement.
“What’d you do with him?” he rephrased.
Her scoff turned into a sob, a sound that sent a shot of pain through her as it rattled against the inside of her bruised throat. “You saw.”
“You gonna tell me what happened?” He saw her bottom lip start to quiver. “You know who he was?”
She shrugged and shook her head. “Not,” she wiped at her eyes, “not really. He was always around when I would walk home from school. He’d say weird shit to me sometimes.”
“Your sister ever see him?”
She shrugged again. “I don’t know. He only ever said anything to me when I was alone, though. I never…I never said anything back to him. Even when I wanted to tell him to just—" she stopped herself as she shook her head.
“What happened?”
She was watching the last of her tank top and jeans finally crumble into nothing but ashes. “He came up to me. Followed me. I was, I was ignoring him the way I always did. Then he grabbed me, pulled me into that alley. He was gonna try to—” she sobbed, unable to finish the sentence.
Happy was already seeing red, fighting to keep what little composure he still had for the sake of his daughter. “What did he do, Di?”
She shook her head, angrily wiping at the tears on her face. “Nothing. I mean, he, you know,” she motioned towards her neck, “but nothing else. He didn’t get the chance to.” She dragged her hands down her face. “I keep that knife on me. The one you gave me—tuck it on the inside of my jeans like you told me. I forgot about it at first, because of everything. But then, when I thought I was gonna…” her voice trailed off for a moment, “I remembered.”
“Anyone around?” He was asking for her sake as much as his own. He didn’t want anyone to have seen her. No witnesses was better because of how it’d played out. But if someone had seen what happened and didn’t step in, didn’t say anything, there was going to be more than just one body for Happy to take care of the next day.
“I don’t think so. The way I walk home is usually pretty dead. That’s why I go that way.” She paused, finally turning so that she was looking Happy in the eyes. “What are you going to do with him?”
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Dad…” She stared at him until he leveled with her gaze again. “What are you going to do?”
He nodded towards the fire. “Same thing I did with your clothes. Burn him. Bury whatever is left when it’s done.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“I ki—” she couldn’t force the word out, so she rerouted, “I did this. You need to tell me.”
He mulled that over for a long time. He was just trying to protect her, although it felt too late to try and do that now. It felt like he’d already failed. He didn’t want to pull her even deeper into it though—she’d been through enough. But, if he had been in her position, he would want to know too. The problem was, that he didn’t want her to be him. He wanted her to be different, better.
“Do you want to go with me?” he asked against all better judgment. He saw the way Di froze, thinking over her answer. “We can go tonight after it gets dark.”
“Okay,” she said with a nod, her voice not sounding as small as it had before.
It was pitch black in the woods except for the warm light being given off by the flames in the shallow grave that Happy and Di were standing next to. Diedra was still in her sweatpants and Happy’s hoodie. Happy had left his kutte at home, opting for a plain black sweatshirt instead. They each stood there, watching the flames with their hands shoved into their pockets. Neither of them had said anything the entire time, not since they got into his pickup truck at the house.
“What now?” Di asked, speaking just loud enough over the crackling of the flames.
“Wait for it to burn out. Fill it back in and—”
“No,” she cut him off, “I mean, what do we do now?” She finally turned and looked at him, tearstains on her cheeks contrasting the hardened look in her eyes.
“Everything is gonna be the same,” Happy said, tone as neutral as it had ever been, “but it’s all gonna feel different.”
She nodded, accepting that answer for the time being. She sighed, tucking her chin down towards her chest. If they’d been different people, Happy would’ve draped his arm around her and pulled her close. She would’ve folded into him and cried. However, they weren’t different people. Happy took a half-step closer to her so that the outside of his arm was pressed against the outside of hers, giving her a barely-perceptible nudge, a gesture that she returned.
Neither of them said anything else after that, not for the whole ride home. It wasn’t until they were getting ready to head to bed, not that either of them were going to sleep, that Happy spoke up and said something. He asked if she wanted to spend the night somewhere else, and when she said no, he kissed her forehead, said I love you, and sent her off to bed.
Since she couldn’t sleep that night, Di stayed up until the grey light of dawn started peeking through her bedroom window, giving herself a small, scratchy stick-n-poke tattoo on her hip in the shape of a smiley face.
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juancarlos-ortiz · 3 months
Distraction - Happy Lowman x Reader One Shot (NSFW 18+)
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A/N: Going in head first on the smut train with this little Happy story - MINORS DNI. I haven't written smut in years so I hope this is ok. Super fun to write for Hap too!
Warnings: Reader has female anatomy but I tried to keep pronouns to a minimum. SMUT - nipple play, nipple sucking/licking, masturbation, mutual masturbation, fingering, handjob, cum, swearing, mature content 18+
Word Count: 2373 words
You smiled as you put your keys in your front door and worked the lock. Happy's boots were at the door, and his bike was parked out on the curb. The pot plant that you had your spare key hidden in was slightly off to one side - only something you would notice. Closing the door behind you, you made your way up the hall, your smile growing when you spotted Happy on your couch. He was nursing a beer in one hand, his other lazily petting your cat that was curled up against his thigh. His eyes were trained on the television. "Hey," you murmured quietly. Happy turned his stare to you, his eyes hard and jaw set. You noticed the tenseness in his shoulders and exhaled a sigh out your nose.
Stakes within the club were getting higher and higher, Jax's control over himself and his decisions seeming to become more strained and erratic everyday since Tara's murder. Happy would never admit it but it was difficult to watch the man he called brother and President slowly begin to lose his way, and have the fallout of that affect the club he loved so much. Happy had always been a very intense individual. You could admit that before you started hooking up a couple of months ago he actually frightened you. But after spending time actually getting to know him and see past his Sargent at Arms patch, you could see that beneath his tough exterior was a man who loved hard. Between his relationships with his brothers to the way that he doted on his mom and aunt, that much was clear.
You dumped your bag on the floor and traipsed over to the lounge. You sat next to Happy, nudging your cat gently so she would move from between you two, allowing you to sidle up against him and wrap your arms around his torso. You cat sprang off the lounge and meowed in annoyance, sending a scathing look your way. "Sorry kitty," you mumbled as Happy wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "She likes you, ya know. Usually she hates guys," you told him. Happy's laugh rumbled in his chest. "Usually I hate cats, so I guess we're both making exceptions," he replied. You pulled your head up from his shoulder and looked into Happy's eyes. "Are you okay?" you asked. Happy sighed, his mouth falling into a small frown. "Yeah," he said. "You don't gotta worry about me."
You pursed your lips, your brow furrowing. "I always worry about you," you admitted. Happy's eyebrows rose. "Is that right?" he asked. Your face flushed, the sudden heat in your cheeks making you divert your stare. Happy laughed again, the gravelly sound making your stomach clench. You laced your fingers with his and stood from your seat. Happy stared up at you fiercely. "You need a distraction?" you asked. He smirked. "You gonna give me one?" You tugged on his hand to pull him to stand with you. You grabbed the nearly empty beer bottle from him and placed it on the coffee table. Then you turned and began to guide Happy to your bedroom. His grip on your hand tightened.
You stood at the end of your bed and faced him. As you reached for the buttons of his cut, he grasped your wrists. You cocked an eyebrow. "Close the door," he ordered. "What?" you laughed. "Don't wanna look up while I'm inside you and see your cat starin' at me like last time," he stated. You laughed and stepped over to the door closing it, half amused half turned on by his brash choice of wording. Stepping back to him you ran your hands up his chest, pulling at the snap buttons. "Better?" you hummed. He just nodded and let you get to work. You undid his cut and slid it off his shoulders before peeling his shirt off of him too. You traced the inked lines across the plane of his chest and stomach, noting how his skin tensed and pebbled at your touch.
You moved your hands towards his belt, pushing the fingers of your right hand beneath his waist band to grasp it whilst your left hand gripped the knife at his side. You pulled him towards you. Happy's eyes widened as he grunted at your actions. You smirked and ran your hand up his chest to grip the side of his neck, tugging him downwards to meet your kiss. You sighed as your lips met, slanting against one another as the fight for dominance began. Happy's kiss was bruising, a landslide of want and pent up frustration barrelling down upon you as he gripped both sides of your neck with his rough hands. You gasped and he took the opportunity to push his tongue past the seam of your lips.
His hands descended down your body, gripping your shoulders, pinching your sides gently, running a hand over your breast, grasping at your hips. In a rush, he crumpled the hem of the shirt you were wearing in his fists and pulled away from your mouth to roughly pull it over your head. You blinked rapidly as he pulled you to him, mouthing at the junction of your shoulder and neck, teeth scraping harshly. You sucked in a sharp breath. "Wait," you choked out. "Wait, hang on," you pushed him back gently. Happy pulled back, confusion written all over his face. "You want to stop?" he asked, trying to downplay the bewilderment in his voice. "No, I don't want to stop," you replied, holding him still once more as he tried to restart what you had paused. "I just… I thought maybe we could try something different tonight." "Different?" he asked.
Happy was no stranger to your body and how to make you feel good but usually every dalliance in the sheets with him ran a similar course. Hard, rough, fast. He always made sure you enjoyed yourself, but it was clear to you that many, if not all, of his previous experiences hadn't been about anything other than getting off. You loved the rough stuff, but there were moments that you wished you had both taken more time with each other. Smiling softly, you stepped into his space again. "Want you to let me take control. Is that ok?" you asked. Happy stared down at you, grappling with your words. There were very little instances in his life where he would let anyone take control away from him. But the way you stared up at him, chest rising and falling with rushed breaths, your tongue darting out to wet your lips - how could he say no.
He swallowed thickly and nodded. You grazed your fingertips down his torso once more, your hands landing on his belt buckle. Slowly, you undid it, revelling in how he shivered as your hands ghosted the skin above where he was beginning to grow hard and aching for you. You nudged his jeans and they fell to the floor - his chain clinking against the hardwood. You ran a finger across the waistband of his boxers. Happy breathed heavily and closed his eyes. "Wanna touch you," he professed, his hands twitching at his sides. You smirked and dipped your hand under his boxers, grasping his cock in your hand. It continued to harden in your grip. "I know baby," you lent forward and pressed a soft kiss against his chest, feeling the vibration under your lips as he groaned. You stroked him slowly from base to tip.
"Look at me," you taunted, smiling when Happy's eyes met yours, his nostrils flaring. "Want you to undress me," you whispered. In a flash Happy's hands were on you, gripping at the button on your pants. "Slowly, slowly," you tutted, pulling your hand from his boxers and gripping his wrists. He clenched his jaw in frustration, making you smirk. You pulled his hands up your sides and around your back to the clasp of your bra. "Kiss me," you breathed. He leant down to press his mouth against yours, unhooking the clasp of your bra and pulling it slowly down your arms. Your skin goosebumped as the garment was taken away, your nipples immediately stiffening into hard buds. Happy pulled back from your kiss to run his hands over both of your breasts, cupping them gently and staring intensely. You flushed under his observation. Moving softly, he swiped both of his thumbs over your hardened nipples making you arch into his touch. He looked up into your face and moved his thumbs again, studying your reaction.
He didn’t realise this was something that was so enjoyable for you. Sure he had used his mouth and hands to play with your nipples briefly before during the act of sex but he had never realised that this act alone could be so… erotic. He pinched them gently, his cock straining as your eyes fluttered shut and a hitched moan fell from your lips. His mouth watered and he lowered his head, taking a nipple into his mouth, his groan matching yours as he lathed his tongue over it. Your hands flew to his head, gripping him and keeping him there. That was fine with him. He would happily stay here for hours if he could get you to make that noise again, if it would make you shudder in his arms over and over. He pulled away and you whined before gasping again as he moved his efforts to your other nipple, making him smirk.
You grasped his free hand and began to move it towards the waistband of your pants. He flicked the button open and shoved them down, chuckling as you eagerly tried to hop out of them. "Slowly, remember," he teased. You pulled your pants off and rolled your eyes. "Shut up, Lowman." He moved to take your sensitive nipple back into his mouth, pushing his fingers down into your panties and groaning at the slick wetness that had already gathered there. Roughly he slipped his fingers between your lips and began to quickly roll your sensitive clit in circles. You shuddered and clenched your thighs around his hand. He growled, trying to move his hand against you. "Slowly," you scolded, although it mostly came out as a panting grunt. Happy released your nipple from his mouth and spun you before pushing you gently against the bed. He sank to his knees and pulled your panties down with him.
He leant forward and pressed a kiss to the apex of your pussy, making you shudder. Gently he pushed you to sit on the edge of the bed. "Show me," he breathed, grasping both of your ankles and setting your feet up on the bed, spreading you out before him. You burned with both desire and embarrassment to have him staring at you so closely and intimately. You tried to close your legs but he held them steadily. "Show me how you like it," he leant forward and gently sank his teeth into your inner thigh. You gasped and immediately your hand moved to your pussy. You pushed your middle and ring finger over your clit and down through your slit before they reached your hole, shivering as you pushed them in all while Happy watched. You gathered some slick on your fingers, dragging them back up the way they came.
You pulled your hand up to your mouth and ran those fingers over your tongue, gathering the spit that had pooled there to add to your makeshift lubricant, simultaneously tasting yourself. Happy groaned and you watched his hand move, knowing it was now in his boxers and he was fucking his fist. The sight turned you on further and you moved your hand back down to circle your clit. You moved it slowly the way you like it, feeling your stomach tighten as you clenched and unclenched, Happy's eyes never leaving your pussy. "Happy," you choked, dipping your fingers down into your hole again before returning to your clit. "Tell me what you want," he growled. "Your fingers… in me…" you panted. He obliged, pulling his hand out of his boxers and licking his own middle and ring fingers.
He pushed the tips of them against your entrance and moaned at how you responded so eagerly, your eyes rolling and pussy clenching before he could even inch them inside completely. You rolled your fingers over your clit quicker and he slowly pressed his fingers inside of you. "What do you want me to do baby?" he asked, crooking his fingers against the soft walls of you, never taking his eyes of where his knuckles were pressed up against you. "Like that please," you mumbled, moaning as he continued to crook his fingers, only moving them in and out in small thrusts. You tightened around his fingers, pulsing and thrumming as your fingers continued to move over that bundle of nerves. Happy could feel his balls tightening, his own stomach heavy and coiling just at the site of you working together to make you feel this good.
You moaned and arched, throwing your head back as all of the blood in your body felt like it raced down to every nerve ending south of your navel. "Hey," Happy growled, smacking your thigh with his free hand. Your head shot up, eyes meeting his as you both continued your assault on your pussy. "Look at me," he barked. You whined, fighting to keep your eyes open as your orgasm crested, jolting through you making your toes curl and your calves nearly cramp, keening and shuddering, your fingers never slowing down. Happy grunted and stood, continuing to plunge his fingers in and out of you and stroke himself with his other hand. With a moan he came, his hips jerking as warm stripes of his cum painted your pussy, mixing with the wetness that had accumulated. Sighing, you laid back with your legs still spread, your chest heaving as you tried to clear the fog in your mind. Suddenly the bed dipped and Happy leaned over you. You smiled and pressed your mouth against his. Pulling away he smirked. "Show me again."
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zaenight · 1 year
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MAMA DIDN'T RAISE NO BITCHES // Ez reyes : Nestor octeva CHAPTER 1
Patiently waiting for ep 1 and 2 of mayans s5 😗
"Uncle Tig we'll be fine , you said Marcus set us up with a house , stop whining." Jess said , Jessie Trager , the youngest niece of Tig , told the man who was spouting out profanities.
"He's right to worry , what if the sons and mayans go to war and they try to kill us for being related to him." Sage , her older sister stated.
"Thats not helping! , and your the one who wanted to move!" Jess exclaimed jumping up and down.
"Just stating the facts." Sage said .
"The lass is right , yer sure ya can't move somewhere close by." Chibs said , he became the president after Jax teller passed , he also happened to be Jessie's godfather.
"Alvarez said they needed a Docter that they could trust , Moving to santo Padre could make the bond stronger." Happy lowman stated , The tacoma killer was the godfather of Sage , who like him , was an expert of torture.
"I like torturing more than I like healing , but we get a house already set up and everything , It would be a shame to waste this oppurtunity , Plus Chucky's there , we'll know someone." Sage stated as Jess made a noise of disgust.
"Still can't belive you lost the card game and had to give up
Chucky." Jess said to Chibs.
"We'll be a call away Little girl , just calll if we need to kill some Mayans." Happy stated as Sage got into their packed car , Jess hugged the three men , hopping in.
"Where's the fun in that when you could do it yourself." Sage said winking  as Jess started rambling about getting this show on the road.
The two arrived at a house , it Reminded the girls of Piney's cabin , which they stayed at frequently , No other houses around , but not too far from town , it was perfect.
"Marcus , Thank you for this." Sage told the man she and her sister have known since they were children , The mayans and sons had their ups and downs , not only that but Sage had dated his son Esai , who would've proposed to her , until his death , she still has the ring on a chain around her neck , It was found by Diana , his mother ,and the first wife of marcus alvarez , who gave it to the then seventeen year old, no one has seen her sense the death of esai.
"No need for that niñita , welcome to Santo padre , if you two need anything , call." He said as they thanked him.
"Angel where's your Prospect?" Obispo Losa , also known as Bishop , president of the mayans charter , asked
the man.
"He went too see our old man." Angel Reyes said , his little brother had some years shaved off his sentence , and is now prospecting for the club.
"Need him on this run , and Marcus wants him to show the trager girls around." Bishop said to him.
"Protection? , and the Bone lady and that little manipulator are here?" Angel said , you may be asking why he called Jess a manipulater , simply because she'll act dumb then end up beating you at your own game.
"Yes those two , Sage will be our go too doctor , Think he's ready?" Bishop questioned.
"Yeah." Angel said.
"Good." The shorter man said as he and Hank walked away.
It went wrong fast , they got shot up , Sage and Jess drove to the rescue , Miguel was Pissed as he greeted the two.
Sage rushed over to Creeper , Greeting the men , Jess knew a bit of medical stuff thanks to her , so she helped with Riz,Ez and Sage locked eyes before she focused on creeper.
"So who was it ?" Miguel questioned the men , Creeper winced as Sage took a bullet out , cleaning the wound.
"Don't know , they were pros." Bishop said as Galindo looked through a book of fabrics.
"Well At least we didn't lose 2.4 million in product to a bunch of amateurs." Miguel stated.
"They ambushed us sir , came out of nowhere." Creeper said as Sage made a makeshift sling out of fabric , Riz had somewhat recover , Its the best she could do without proper equipment , he'll have to go to another doctor untill she can get her hands on Stuff.
"You'll need time to heal , no going out and about for awhile." Sage stated to creeper , as Jess started twirling around in circles until she sat down.
"We change route... , vehicle...,time and day, every run is different , So... they came out of somewhere , and someone gave them the details." Miguel stated getting up.
"No one in my club." Bishop stated as Creeper winced.
"Implying im the one foolish enough , to employ a traitor ? , hmmm." Miguel said , no one noticed the two girls , angel , and coco , glance at eachother.
"The guy holding Gilly was dark skinned , Ink on his arm , it looked like uh... tribal letters , B-T-T." Ez said , as a prospect , a new one , speaking out of turn without being asked was a big no no.
Sage loved it , she was gonna enjoy every second of it.
"He remembers shit , had guns at our heads , who knows what the hell he saw." Angel sajd turning back around.
"The Prospect." Miguel said as Jess got up looking through fabrics.
"B-T-T , base town tribe , samoan gang out of san Bernardino." Bishop said thinking.
"Didn't some of them do time for killing Haji ?" He asked.
"Fallujah , Rival company crazy as fuck." Coco said.
After discussing who it was that shot them up , Miguel wanted the shot caller , and they were gonna get him what he wants , threataning to kill a mayan if the shot called isn't at his church pew by tommorow , but the girls did realize he glanced towards them for a bit.
Yeah so much for not being on his radar.
But anyways Bishop had punched Ez for speaking out of turn.
"You don't speak unless we tell you too , I don't give a shit what you remember , Educate your prospect." Bishop told him before turning to angel.
Sage clapped slightly gaining their attention , Before helping Ez up , checking his face.
They walked away with taza telling them to Bring creeper to the doctor that usually takes care of them , honestly why is she here , he also stated that El Padrino's on his way.
They're lucky she's being paid , Jess was skipping around creeper , who laughed at the girl , who seemed to brighten things up.
"Padrino , Godfather." Ez translated as Angel got him up from the chair Sage sat him down on.
"Alvarez , The reason me and Jess came here." Sage stated , As Jess ran ahead of them spouting nonsense,into the tunnels they went.
"Right there , Careful!" Sage exclaimed , as She helped the older male docter prepare stuff.
"Hiciste un buen trabajo, quizás tenga que contratarte." The doctor said to Sage as Jess sat down.
(you did a good job , I might have to hire you)
"gracias señor, hice lo mejor que pude con lo que tenía a mano, y podría aceptar esa oferta." Sage replied perfectly.
(thank you sir , I did my best with what was on hand , and I might take you up on that offer.)
And then they got to work , with Jess asking when the fuck she learned spanish.
Part 1 of ep 1 perro/oc
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shyanddreamy · 1 year
➼ You can´t save everyone ⇢ Happy Lowman x Reader (+ some Neron / Creeper) ⇢ Part 1 ⇢ Part 2 ⇢ Part 3 ⇢ Part 4 ⇢ Part 5 [COMPLETE]
➼ A beautiful soul ⇢ Juice Ortiz x Reader ⇢ Part 1 ⇢ Part 2
All posts are independent, so you can read them as a one shot or check the others to have more context. Gradually, there will be more!
➼ A Helping Hand ⇢ Niragi Suguru x Reader
➼ Some things never change ⇢ Niragi Suguru x Reader
➼ Curiosity killed the cat ⇢ Chishiya Shuntaro x Reader x Niragi Suguru
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samcrosfaith · 6 months
SKIN AND BONES 𝟎𝟕| 𝖆 𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖜𝖆𝖞
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Tessa followed the CPS lady through the quiet house. As almost always, Happy was in the clubhouse or out and Maria was still in town with Gemma, waiting to hear from Tessa if she wanted to come along so they could do something nice with Sawyer later.
The Lowman woman definitely wanted to spend enough time with Tessa and Sawyer before she would return to Bakersfield. Her sister would ultimately move back in with Maria to support her now that Tessa would stay in Charmingᅳ which made Maria happy and sad at the same time.
Even though she would miss the young woman, Maria knew that Tessa was in good hands here with Sawyer. What's more, she wasn't blind. Sick, yes, maybe a little older, alsoᅳ but she could still see well enough to observe the looks Tessa was giving her son. And, she had also caught Happy a few times when he had dared to take a look.
"So." With her nose wrinkled, the woman in her early forties pushed her glasses a little higher up her nose, her slightly stern look landing on Tessa. "The size of the house is good, at least there's enough space to create a separate room for Sawyerᅳ that's what you're planning on doing, right?"
"Yes, yes of course", Tessa shot back quickly and full of enthusiasm. "Sawyer will get the guest room until we find our own apartment, that's already been agreed upon with the owner of the house."
"The owner you say, huh.." the woman cleared her throat, her eyes narrowed slightly as she wrote something down on her notepad. "Mr. Lowman, correct?"
Tessa nodded again, always a polite smile on her lips. After all, she had to make an impression. Before the woman showed up, she had also changed her outfitᅳ just to be on the safe side. Normally the raven-haired woman didn't care about what others thought of her, but in this case she had to care if she wanted to keep Sawyer.
Instead of her black, sometimes provocative clothes such as short skirts, tight tops and fishnet tights, she wore simple jeans, sneakers and an inconspicuous dark red long-sleeved shirt that didn't have a neckline that showed too much of her cleavage. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her make-up only consisted of eyeliner and mascara.
"Yes, exactly, Happy Lowman. Why?", she asked, curiosity lingering in her tone when she noticed the woman's suddenly snide tone. "Is there a problem?"
"As far as we know he belongs to a gang...the Sons of Anarchy, is that correct?" Mrs. Lynn's gaze shifted from the notepad in her hands to Tessa. “Do you think this is the right person to have around a four-year-old?”
"Oh, rightᅳ the usual prejudices", Tessa uttered with a soft snort, the prejudices towards Happy leaving a bitter taste on her tongue. Something about it just bothered her that the woman allowed herself to be so discriminatory. "First of all; it's a motorcycle club, not a gang, and Mr. Lowman isn't home most of the time. Besides, without his help, my son would still be stuck with my father, who has fooled you and your colleagues for years", Tessa paused , raising her hand as the woman began to speak.
"You looked the other way, let a little boy live with a woman who was absolutely not good for him. How many times have I asked for help, told you that my father is lying? I'm sure that's nowhere written on your funny board, huh?", Tessa huffed mockingly as she pointed at the board in Mrs. Lynn's arm before she then crossed her arms. "The house here is clean, my son is in good hands and, most importantly, he's happy. You've seen for yourself how comfortable he feels here. So what's the problem?"
Rubbing the tip of her nose, the older woman cleared her throat, careful not to let her facade fallᅳ but the young woman in front of her had a point and she knew it. If Tessa wanted, she could even file a lawsuit because no one in the department had ever followed her suspicions. No one ever checked on Mikael or Susan Laney because they simply didn't care much.
"Miss Laney, we just want to make sure that Sawyer is okay and that this doesn't happen again", she finally said reassuringly, a tight smile on her thin, orange-colored lips.
The color of the lipstick was definitely one you had to get used to, yet Tessa was the last one to say anything about itᅳ after all, she was the one who always wore dark red or even black lipstick.
"Sawyer is fine", Tessa emphasized, this time with more willpower and conviction in her tone. "My son has everything he needs, as you can see."
"Well", the woman weighed her head slightly, sighing. "He doesn't have his own kid bed, nor does he have a proper play area. Listen, Miss Laney, I don't want to take Sawyer away from you again, that's not my intentionᅳ and I can see that your son is really important to you. But there are still some requirements that need to be met."
Tessa bit her tongue to keep a stupid, possibly cheeky statement from falling from her lips that could get her in trouble. Instead she forced a smile on her lips as she offered the woman a seat in the kitchen as they entered.
There, too, Mrs. Lynn's gaze observed every shelf. At one point she even ran her fingertip over one of the shelves to check for dust, which she ended up wiping off her finger with her nose wrinkled. Tessa just simply ignored it with a roll of her brown eyes.
"What other requirements are there?" Tessa asked with a sigh, exhausted by all this nonsense that was completely blown out of proportion. "Whatever it is, I'll take care of it as long as Sawyer can stay with me."
"Well", the woman began, placing her board on the table. Straightening her black pencil skirt, she sank into one of the chairs. "We believe that Sawyer needs your full attention now, which means you need to find an apartment with himᅳ quickly. He also needs to have children his age around him, which is why he should be enrolled in daycare within a month at the latestᅳ and he has to visit daycare at least four times a week. Andᅳ"
Tessa stared at the woman in horror, her eyes wide and her lips parted, causing Mrs. Lynn to interrupt herself and lift an eyebrow.
"Is there a problem, Miss Laney?", she asked.
"No, generally not. Butᅳ", her slightly shaking hand from feeling all overwhelmed, closed around the ponytail that she let slip out of her grip a moment later again with a sigh. "Do you know how difficult it is to get a daycare place in such a short time? And how long do I have to find an apartment? I'm already on it, as I told you earlier, but it's not that easy."
A hint of condemnation reflected in Mrs. Lynn's dull, loveless eyes. "That's not our problem, Miss Laney. You understand that, right?"
"Of course I understand", Tessa replied, careful not to sound too snarky. "But first I have to find a job that pays well enough so that I can afford daycare and my own place to live."
Mrs. Lynn shrugged nonchalantly, waving her hand around. "You have to manage that somehow, otherwise we'll have to find another solution for Sawyer."
"This isn't fair! What theᅳ", once again Tessa quickly bit her tongue before she could say anything worse. She had always had a fiery temper and was always brutally honestᅳ but right now she had to smile away her anger. "That won't be necessary, I can manage it. Again, how long do I have to find an apartment?"
"You better do", remarked the woman with the stern look and her perfect blonde bun at the nape of her neck, her ice blue eyes trained on Tessa. "Exactly three months. Of course, I, or a colleague, will continue to pay you unannounced visits to make sure that Sawyer is okay. The visits will stop when we can be absolutely sure about that."
This time Tessa couldn't help but let out a huff, feeling offended by the woman's words. "You never did that to my aunt, even though I asked. Is it my looks? Or my young age? What exactly makes you people think I can't be a good mother?"
"Miss Laney, we are only human. Mistakes can happen", the woman justified herself with an arrogant look, insecurity containing in itᅳ but she wasn't feeling a hint of guilt at all. "All factors come into play. And if you're smart, you'll just let us do our job."
Mrs. Lynn's suddenly sharper tone awakened Tessa's uncomfortable side, which the twenty-one year old had to suppress with all her willpower. Why did this Mrs. Lynn thought she had a right to treat her so unfairly and condescendingly?
So, Tessa just shrugged her shoulders. "You know what, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Do your job, you'll see that I'm a good mother."
"Okay, we will", the woman replied with a somewhat challenging smile. "There's one more thing.."
"And that would be?" Tessa wanted to know with a sigh. Great, probably even more requirements that were almost impossible to fulfill.
"We need the name of Sawyer's father. He has a right to see his son as well", the woman paused, making a note on her notepad. "And if there's no interest in that, he still has to pay child support, which Susan Laney never received while Sawyer was in her care."
"Because Susan doesn't deserve to see a freakin' dime", Tessa seethed before her blood ran cold at the thought of Sawyer's father. "I don't know Sawyer's biological father. It was a one-night stand after a long night at the bar."
That was a blatant lie. Of course Tessa knew her son's father, she had never been the 'slutty' type to sleep around with different men every weekend and not using protection. There was a long history she and her ex shared and every time one of those memories came up, Tessa could cringe at her own nativity at the time. How she could ever fall for a man like Cal was still a mystery to her to this day.
But daughters usually chose guys who were like their father, right? Or how did the saying go again?
She'd rather Mrs. Lynn think she was a slut before the woman would actually contact Cal. That wouldn't be good for her or Sawyerᅳ and she would protect her son at all costs, especially from the heartbreak that man would inflict on her son, who never wanted Sawyer in the first place.
"Are you serious?" Mrs. Lynn asked, her glasses now sitting further down on her nose as she studied Tessa, not surprised but still condemning, before a sigh fell from her lips. "Well, I hope you don't expect to get any support from the state."
"Don't worry, I don't need money from others. I can take care of my son and myself", Tessa replied, bitterness dripping with every word she spoke. "Are we done? I wanna go to town with Sawyer to get him some nice things."
"Mhm, do that", the older woman hummed as she stood up, her thin heels clicking on the older wooden floorboards as she found her way out of the kitchen, Tessa close behind her.
When they reached the door, the blonde woman turned around again and bore her icy blue eyes into Tessa's soul. "If you want to keep Sawyer, I advise you to stay away from Mr. Lowman. Bikers aren't good company for children, don't you agree?"
"Oh please, save your breath. I may not be the smartest, but I know my rights. That's no reason to take my son away. And now", with a very friendly fake smile, Tessa opened the door and made a swinging hand gesture forward. "..please leave his house if you don't have anything nice to say about the owner."
Indignant at the younger woman's knowledge and fierceness, the woman with the glasses let out a high-pitched snort before strutting toward her car, her heels clicking loudly against the grey concrete while Tessa could only shake her head in amusement.
She wasn't going to let anyone use her as a puppet, that much was certain. Even though Tessa was often insecure, she still had enough dignity leftᅳ and she knew what the woman could and could not use against her. And Mrs. Lynn's prejudice against Happy was anything but professional and had nothing to do with Sawyer's caseᅳ so Tessa wasn't going to take her shit.
With a warm smile, Tessa looked down at her son as he hugged his new stuffed animal tightly as she entered the clubhouse with him and told the four-year-old to sit next to Abel. The two boys hit it off right from the start. Happy had taken Tessa and Sawyer to the clubhouse shortly after their arrival to introduce them to the others.
And Tessa found every single one of the scary-looking bikers, who were actually a bunch of nice, polite guys, pretty impressive. Everyone had a sense of humor, Tig and Happy's a little darker than the others. Plus, everyone was caring and immediately offered their help if she ever needed it.
And the small group's president, Jax, also told her that Sawyer was always welcome and could play with his son any time. Apparently Abel was a bit reserved and didn't have anyone his age around him except when he was in day care at the hospital during the day with his younger brother Thomas while his mother worked there.
Tessa couldn't say much about Tara Knowles yet. In the few days that she was here, she was mostly at Happy's house or just found the guys here in the clubhouse or a few women just hanging around. They were called Croweaters, that's what she knew so far, and they didn't think much of wearing a lot of clothingᅳ but Tessa wasn't one to judge and so she had no problem with the scantily dressed women as long as they were nice to her or simply ignored her.
She was able to get to know Gemma, the queen of the bikers, with whom she got along pretty well so far and realized relatively quickly that they were both on the same wavelength. Seeing how well Maria got along with the matriarch was another reason to trust that Gemma, despite her sometimes harsh nature, was a good soul.
Looking around, she spotted Happy coming from the dorms. He sent the woman, who was still clinging to his arm and giggling stupidly, away with only a stern look when he spotted Tessa, whose smile threatened to fall when she saw Happy and the blonde woman being so close.
But he needed this, to let off the steam and just fuck someone's brains out, to clear his mind of the very woman who was now standing in the middle of the room, kneading her hands somewhat awkwardly while trying to keep her smile.
Happy sighed to himself before he crossed the room and walked towards her, his dark eyes immediately searching for hers. "I didn't know you were coming."
"Yeah, it was a pretty spontaneous idea, sorry if I disturbed you", she finally answered, trying not to show how a little bit of jealousy was bubbling up inside her. Why the hell was she even jealous?
"You're not", Happy assured with a shrug, a part of him even pleased that she was hereᅳ which, as usual, he didn't show. "How was the appointment with the CPS lady?"
"Is she your girlfriend or something?", Tessa asked, her gaze falling onto the blonde, who sat bored on one of the couches while putting a piece of chewing gum in her mouth, before she let Happy gently push her towards the bar after he quickly greeted Sawyer with a wink. "The appointment was..strenuousᅳ and that's putting it nicely."
"Who? Mandy?" Happy asked, his brow furrowing before he grunted, shaking his head as he leaned against the counter, his forearm resting comfortably on the surface. "She's just a distraction, nothing more", he said with a shrug, looking Tessa over.
He hadn't forgotten the brief but intimate moment between them that had happened this morning. The scent of Tessa's perfume still lingered in his nose as if he had just inhaled it. Even though he had just let off some steam, Happy felt the fabric of his jeans tightening againᅳ whereupon he quickly redirected his thoughts.
Tessa's doe brown eyes looked up at him in confusion, her plump lips formed into a thinner line. "Distraction from what?"
"Club shit, it's a bit stressful at the moment", he grunted as he couldn't think of a better excuse. "Now tell me about the appointment. Can you keep Sawyer? What did she say?"
"Oh, don't even get me started on that." With a snort, Tessa waved her hand around, lifting her body weight to sit down on one of the stools a moment later. Her fingernails ghosted over the counter, here and there feeling the sticky remains of spilled beer. "I have to fulfill some requirements and of course she didn't miss the opportunity to say a stupid shit about you and your club."
Happy just let out a huff before he told the prospect to bring him a beer and Tessa a coke, making the young man behind the bar jump. "Nothing newᅳ we're used to it. What requirements do you have to fulfill?"
"Still, they don’t know shit about you", the young woman, still slightly  annoyed about that, grumbled, her fingers immediately curling around the glass as it was placed in front of her. With a smile she thanked the man with the dark hair and the mustache before telling Happy what the requirements were.
Meanwhile, the door to the clubhouse opened, Chibs and Lyla coming in. So far Tessa had only spoken to the blonde once, but in detail and a certain connection was there immediately.
As Tessa found out, Lyla's ex, the father of her son Piper, was just as much of an asshole as her own ex. However, Tessa didn't say anything about Cal but just gave Lyla a sympathetic ear. Apparently the blonde didn't have many friends her age either.
Tessa was also ten years younger than Lyla, but the Laney woman had always been a bit more mature than others her ageᅳ she had to be.
"Hey brother", Chibs' Scottish accent boomed across the room before he slapped Happy's back after setting down two large bags that appeared to belong to Lyla. "Tessa", he gave her a friendly wink. "Did t' appointment with t' CPS lady go well?"
"I told him", Happy rubbed the back of his neck as he gave Tessa an apologetic look. "I hope that's okay."
"Aye, now this is awkward", Chibs murmured, clearing his throat, before slapping Happy on the shoulder again. "Sorry brother."
"Don't worry, it's okay",  Tessa assured both men with the slightest of smiles. Why should she have a problem with it? "It's tiring, but I'll make it somehow."
"Bitch thinks we're bad company for Sawyer. Now she has to move out and put the kid in daycare, doesn't matter if she wants to or not", Happy said with a shake of his head, even he found the requirements stupid as hell.
With his hands on his hips, Chibs shook his head with a sigh. "They really don't have any other problems, huh? I can't believe this stupid shit."
"Yeah, and now I have to find a job that pays good enough so I can afford the rent for an apartment and daycare", Tessa added with a humorless laugh as she put down her glass, realizing  she needed something stronger than her coke. The next moment she reached for Happy's beer and took a sip, earning two slightly worried looks from the men. "I have no idea how this is supposed to work out. I mean, have you guys seen the prices of apartments here in California? So if any of you hear that someone is looking, I'll take anything."
"We are looking." With her sweet smile, Lyla approached the group after she put some of the things from the large paper bags away, listening to their conversation every now and then. "If you want, I could introduce you to our current boss."
"Hell no", Happy almost barked at the blonde, his gaze determining. "She won't start doing pornᅳ no offense."
The Killer liked Lyla and had no problem with her job. Hell, how many times had he watched pornᅳ that's exactly why he didn't want Tessa to take the job. The thought of other men drooling at the sight of her naked body, jerking off while watching Tessa being fucked by another guy or even more, awakened a relatively new feeling in him, one that he himself had never experienced before.
Maybe it was jealousy, or maybe it was simply the urge to protect the young woman, to protect her dignity.
"Happy.." Tessa's tone was gentle as she looked at Happy. "Don't you think that would be my decision?"
Even if this was one of Tessa's last options, it would certainly be a more than well-paid job that would make her feel shabby, yet it would still give her the money she needed to put food on the table for her son and herself.
Even if this was one of Tessa's last options, it would certainly be a more than well-paid job that would make her feel shabby, yet it would still give her the money she needed to put food on the table for her son and herself.
"I think so too", Lyla chimed in, her features becoming even softer than they already were. "Besides, she wouldn't do porn."
"I don't care, you don't do porn. Conversation's over", Happy admonished again, kind of sounding like a possessive boyfriend, but he didn't care. He joined the staring duel with Tessa, who looked at him just as stubbornly. However, he then narrowed his eyes at Lyla. "Then what kind of job would it be?"
"She would only be our model." The blonde suppressed a mischievous grin. Happy Lowman was jealous, that was definitely something new.
Her eyes darted to Tessa reassuringly. "You would present our production company. Of course not alone, we all do itᅳ but we are looking for a new main face for the new commercials. It pays really well and you wouldn't have to do movies."
"That sounds pretty good", Tessa exclaimed enthusiastically, definitely more convinced of the idea of being the headmodel of a porn agency than Happy. However, her euphoria faded somewhat. "They're probably nudes, right?"
"What the hell do you think they are, huh?", Happy muttered from the side, whereupon Chibs lightly elbowed him in the side.
"Let t' girl make her own decisions, brother", he told Happy with an encouraging smile, but the SAA was anything but enthusiastic that Chibs wasn't on his side either.
Lyla cast an uncertain look back and forth between Happy and Tessa as they stared at each other stubbornly again and were about to slide into the next discussion.
"Okay, you know what, just stop by CaraCara tomorrow morning", Lyla placed a supportive hand on Tessa's arm that was resting on the counter. "There I'll explain everything again and show you examples. Then you can decide whether you want the job or not."
"Thanks Lyla, I'll do that", Tessa said, grateful to even have a job offer. Sighing, she turned her gaze at Happy as he grabbed his beer with a huff and stood up. "Where are you going?"
Happy took a few steps, stopping again to look down at her. The gentle look in her eyes almost made him feel guilty for being an assᅳ almost. "Why do you care? You don't care what I think either."
He watched as Tessa's eyes widened, wallowing in guilt as she could hear the anger and disappointment in his tone. The thought of her getting naked for other men, even if it was just for a photo, didn't exactly bring out the best side of him. Knowing that he couldn't get any more attached to her, he would just mostly avoid her until she had her own apartment. That's why he left her at the bar, nodding the blonde Croweater from earlier over, who followed him like a puppy.
"Give him time, lass", Chibs reassured her with a sigh and a faint smile, squeezing her arm. "He's just worried, even if he's acting like a prick right now."
"I didn't mean to upset him", Tessa mumbled sheepishly, genuine remorse in her tone as she folded her arms loosely, hating the fact that the blonde was giving Happy company again. "But I need the job, even if he's not a fan of it."
"Just talk t' him again later", Chibs advised with a wink. "I have t' go, Jax needs me. See you around, ladies."
"Bye Chibs", Lyla waved after the Scotsman before looking sympathetically at Tessa. "I'm sorry if I got you in trouble. I didn't think Happy actually likes you that way."
"No, you just wanted to help me, and I can decide for myself", she said firmly, although a blush took over her cheeks. "We're just friends, nothing more."
"Yeah, sure", Lyla snorted a soft laugh, bending over the surface of the bar with a meaningful grin. "Happy doesn't have female friends. Either he just fucks the women, which I thought was the only option, or he starts to care about them, which I guess means a lot and happens rarely. He's definitely into you, girl."
"Yeah, I think you're putting too much into this", Tessa said with a nervous laugh but a glimmer of hope in her eyes, receiving a 'mhm sure' look from the blonde before she continued clearing out the bags.
Could it be that not only did she feel jealous seeing Happy with other women, but that he was jealous too? No, he probably just didn't want her to sell her body because she was family after all.
That had to be the reasonᅳ nothing more, nothing less.
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