#and he has a major crush on her 😂
duusheen · 11 months
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And Simone? Simone is still in highschool and living with her lovey-dovey parents, and not too long ago her friend Cash confessed his feelings to her, so Simone is now dating him. Poor Cash is dealing with the consequences of dating Leif's little baby (she's not a baby anymore, but she'll always be one in his eyes)
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will80sbyers · 2 months
I think the thing people forget is that Mike and El didn't know each other for long before they got their little crush for each other
they met, got a crush because the other one was a good person to be around and they were curious about each other and kissed and all in one week
then El has to stay away for one year and can only spy on him for that time so she gets to see him and his thoughts a lot and get to know him better and her crush grows to obsession
but listening to someone like they're on a podcast is not the same thing as interaction with them face to face, they don't really know each other by the end of season 2
and especially Mike doesn't know El, he just idealized her
also El herself hadn't even had time to know herself well during s1 because of how she grew up, she didn't know what she liked/disliked, what friends were, what some type of food was...
she was already a good, kind and brave kid but she had to "form" her character traits in a more personal way
when they get back together at the end of season 2 they like each other like you can like someone that you find pretty and also that you think are a cool person because they've been good to you / helped you
then in season 3 they start actually dating and we find out the majority of the time they just love to make out with each other so much to the point that Hopper gets upset about it because he sees that that's not looking like a healthy relationship for their age, kids in actual working long lasting relationships would be more outside having fun than closed in the house kissing, only the ones that have more physical chemistry than anything else want to only do that the majority of the time
then the writers also showed us little moments where we can see that:
They don't like the same songs, don't have explicit common interests except wanting to kiss and... Make fun of Hopper? 😂
Mike doesn't feel safe telling her about Hopper/still feels awkward with her about his own feelings
El was relying on Mike so much that she didn't even took the chance to really be friends with the only other girl in the group until he flaked on her
El and Max had much more fun than Mike and El and also the writers focused on making it clear that El needed to detach from Mike's influence and Hopper's too and get her own ideas about stuff and all and El's character started to shine more
Then season 3 ends with her regressing because she loses Hopper, she needed to be around someone "familiar" after that and getting back with Mike was what provided that for her
Then she starts being part of the Byers family so she got more support around her but she's also being bullied and I suspect she knows Mike idealized her so she started to feel too insecure about herself to actually open up to Mike about it and risk that him seeing her be weak is what made him not love her
In her mind Mike's presence in her life as a boyfriend but even as just a friend (which is what she really wants imo) becomes conditional to him thinking she's cool and not a monster and she starts lying
Meanwhile Mike is going more or less through the same thing because he thinks he's a freak nerd and a nobody compared to El and she will dump him soon so he starts closing off (he never really opened up to her because of his insecurities and also because they are not truly in love)
Then Lenora happens and all of this comes to the surface... In Lenora the writers do the same thing they started to do in season 3 showing us that:
El and Mike don't like the same food (milkshake, pineapple on pizza, burrito for breakfast)
El and Mike dress up to look cooler than they are and present a facade to the other instead of trusting that they will be accepted as they are
El doesn't seek comfort in Mike often, Mike is not good in providing comfort
Mike doesn't inherently feel the need to reassure her about his feelings for her because his fear/insecurity is stronger than his love for her
El and Mike are okay with lying to each other as long as this helps them keep the other in their lives or makes the other think they are cooler than they are
El is okay with leaving Mike behind and not involving him as her partner
Like it's pretty clear this relationship is not gonna last... I think they do love each other SO SO SO MUCH but not in a way that you can call "true love" in the romantic sense
They want the other in their lives forever and I'm sure of that, they do have love for the other, they think the other is a great person with a good heart and they did have a crush/like each other physically in my opinion (and that's why they stayed together this long) but they just are not in love, the writers have not showed me they are in love they have just made the characters say it (I think they do even think they're saying the truth when they aren't) without backing it up by the narrative they presented around them
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metalomagnetic · 3 months
I feel like I’m always harassing you with my asks (sorry!!), but bouncing off of my previous request for Black lore- what are the Blacks (that we know) like ✨in bed✨? What are they into?
I spent way too long thinking of this!
We'll start with Sirius the Grandpa Black. I have a feeling he was wild in bed, like he was wild in everything. Curiously, I spoke with a friend about this just the past week, and I said 'he made his wife very happy in bed, and exasperated outside of it'. He was a leg man- he loved long, shapely legs on a woman. In his time-period, no one could see a woman's legs, all hidden by long skirts, but he had a way of guessing beforehand lol.
Arcturus- funnily enough, in the new chapter I am writing, Sirius jokes that Arcturus probably only had sex twice in his life, because he cannot see his strict grandfather as a sexual being. And while he certainly had sex more than twice, I think he was pretty standard in bed, nothing crazy, just plain old missionary style. He was a virgin when he married and never cheated on his wife, even after she died, had no desire for anyone other than her.
Pollux and Irma (in my story she's also a Black, half, on her mother's side) have the same dynamic in bed they have in real life. Irma really likes dominating him, and in bed, he actually enjoys it.
Cygnus has a pregnancy kink 😂 That aside, poor man hadn't had much sex since his wife fell into a deep depression.
Alphard was into nerdy, quiet men with a hint of a wild side (he once had a brief crush on Tom Riddle, of course). He was a very generous partner, in bed and outside of it. His last partner, whom he'd been with on and off for like two decades, and actually lived with for the last five years of his life, almost made an appearance in Canis Major, but I had to let the scene go. Alphard left what remained of his wealth to Sirius, but he left his beautiful home to his partner, who was disowned by his family when he moved in with Alphard.
Orion, like the hypocrite he is, likes wilful, stubborn women that defy social convention. The surest way to attract his attention was to 'behave atrociously' (as he would call it) in public. He's twisted, and he enjoys pursing strong women, only to dominate them when he gets them. As soon as he 'tames' them, he loses interest in them. He's very good in bed, very open minded unlike in every other aspect of his life. No one ever left Orion's bed unsatisfied.
Orion needs intimacy- he never had a simple one night stand. Even with his briefest affairs, he still took the time to know them first, and never jumped in bed at the first opportunity, nor was he one to feel attraction for a woman just based on her looks. I think he liked 'the hunt' most of all.
That aside, if his marriage hadn't broken apart, he'd have never cheated on Walburga. Before everything went to hell, for the first ten years of their marriage, he didn't even think of other women, was 1000000% satisfied with his wife. Even after it all went down the drain, during the years, whenever Walburga gave the briefest sign she wants him back in her bed, he'd abandon whoever he was with and come *running* back home, eating up whatever scrap of affection he could get from her.
Walburga was basically into everything Orion suggested, and she had a few suggestions of her own (learned from those erotica and sometimes straight up smut novels that she loves and were mentioned very briefly in It runs) that she wanted to try out. She loves dangerous men (that's why we see her reading books with a naked, fanged vampire on the cover). I'm certain she made Orion pretend he was a vampire at least once 😂 She also had a slight exhibitionism streak when she was younger and they lived in Egypt, which put Orion on edge (but also secretly delighted him). They weren't even having full on sex back then (Orion insisted they wait until marriage) but she found ways to rile him up and play with him and drive him mad until they finally retuned to England and got married.
Bellatrix is creative and she always chases a thrill, and her sex life is fabulous. Rabastan, poor dear, had seen and heard things in that Manor that either give him nightmares, either inappropriate dreams staring his sister in law and his brother. Sometimes, Bellatrix likes duels as foreplay, so she and Rodolphus destroy parts of the Manor and then fuck in the middle of the damage. Of course, they also have calmer sex, an entire day of lazying in bed with Rodolphus, filled with gentle love-making. But when they're feeling more wild and duels come into play, whoever wins gets to dictate the encounter.
No one knows what Narcissa likes in bed, only Lucius, and it took him like a few years to find out. So whatever happens in bedrooms in Malfoy Manor, shall remain between them.
Andromeda takes after her grandmother Irma, both in bed and out of it. Ted is her boy toy. He does whatever she asks, and they both enjoy it a lot.
Regulus, the little repressed freak, once he finally gets to have sex, he lets loose, and then he feels guilty for it, because he considers whatever he did as something beneath a man of his station. Orion should have really paid more attention to him, but he was also very young when Orion died, so they didn't get to have fun sex talk like Sirius got. He's so allergic to feelings and affection, he enjoys impersonal sex the most. Regulus only knows to accept love and give it back with his mother and his brother, no one else.
Sirius is- well, we know Sirius. Because of the way he was raised and all the shit he got from his mother about liking boys, he does have certain unhealthy behaviours. He adheres to the strict gender roles when it comes to sex, so when he's with a woman, he must always be in charge. That doesn't mean he isn't adventurous, but only as long as he has control. Even when he first gets with Voldemort, he unconsciously puts Voldemort in the 'woman's role' in his head. It takes a while for him to get comfortable, and he's lucky Voldemort is a very patient dude. Obviously, after that happens, we can see Sirius definitely has some sort of Daddy kink. Not that he'd think of it like that, nor would the word 'daddy' ever be uttered while he has sex with Voldemort, but he enjoys being taken care of by an older, powerful man. He also has a big praise kink, so there's that.
He's into different things in bed, depending if he's with a man or a woman. And while he did have plenty of mindless one night stands, I think he is most satisfied when he has a deep connection with his partner. He's desperate for affection, for a true connection, even if he was also afraid of having a bond like that. It's why he tried to distance himself from Marlene, even if he wanted her, because he was simply afraid of growing too close.
You never harass me with questions! I love the questions, especially because they make me think of my lovely Blacks and their mysterious lives. ❤️
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neoninky · 3 months
So today I was binging Bridgerton cuz apparently I’m on a romantic drama spiral 😂 good ol stuffy British romances about rich people and their non-relatable problems 👍
Which has lead me to head canons surrounding a certain group of dashing young men who are basically from a historical drama…
Yes that’s right:
Diasomnia Courtship Head Canons
Featuring Lilia’s three sons (no this is not how I’m going to write them in my story-oh who am I kidding, yes it is 😂)
Tagging peeps for shenanigans: @nuitthegoddess @wysteriadelights @iscarlettappel @foxwitchaine @1ndigowitch @victoria1676
Malleus: The prince and soon-to-be king of Briar Valley, he is naturally expected to find himself a queen and future mother to his heirs. So courtship isn't something that comes as a surprise to him. In fact, it's something he was prepared for since he became old enough to understand what courtship and marriage even were.
For Malleus, this can go one of two ways: 1) if he's being forced to meet and court a some daughter of a noble family that he's not interested in, he'll be…avoidant. In other words, he out poofs away in firefly dust. Once the guards, or Silver and Sebek, OR Lilia, finally hunt him down and force him to show up, Malleus is polite. He goes through all the motions and acts like the perfect gentleman, but anyone who knows him well can see the distant, far-off look of escapism in his eyes.
OR 2) he's not only interested, he is INVESTED. Hoo boy, good luck stopping him from trying to be the only man on this girl's radar. Not only does he perform all the expected etiquette perfectly, Malleus Draconia is the epitome of "down bad". What's her favorite color? Favorite flowers? Does she like music? What's her favorite food??? This man will discover and procure all of it for her faster than lightning. Seven help him if she is (for some reason) not impressed, he'll be crushed. Seven help him if she is impressed and - dare it be so - shows appreciation and affection in return. Smitten doesn't even skim the surface, oof. Malleus Draconia needs to marry her now. His crew will have their hands full trying to help the love-struck royal not come on too strong (too late probably) or rush things too quickly. Either way, once his mind is made up, Malleus only has eyes for his queen.
Silver: Being a human raised primarily around fae folk or even half-fae folk, Silver is familiar with the range of courting rituals that various fae have performed over the years. Human courtship, on the other hand, well…he's a bit lost if not old-fashioned in that department. Mostly because of his lack of human interaction, but also because his father is Lilia. Self explanatory. He doesn't have a preference on fae women vs human/other women, though he understands that fae live far longer than humans so that might complicate things. Regardless, Silver is clumsy when wooing women (or anyone he might be interested in). He has the heart of the very best-boi boy but he can be a bit shy with showing/voicing his feelings at first.
The majority of his life has been dedicated to becoming a worthy knight for Malleus, though his school days allowed him some leisure and fun in between his training. Even so, Silver's bravery and tenacity in battle doesn't translate into romance. In fact, he often suffers from cold feet when faced with a potential crush/love interest. Silver logically knows certain things he can do to show his affection on paper. In action, however, he may need some help practice. Don't even get him started on the anxiety his sleep condition brings him. He gets so nervous about suddenly passing out in front of the girl he wants to romance that it will sometimes make him literally sick (poor guy). Once he FINALLY gets over his nerves and takes action, Silver can make his feelings known. It may be awkward but you won't find another more genuine confession from a guy who looked like he walked out of a fairy tale. Also don't be surprised if an army of woodland creatures was recruited to help out.
If rejected, Silver is nothing if not a man of honor. He sees no point in hounding a woman who isn't interested in him, no matter how much it hurts. If his feelings are reciprocated, the poor man might pass out from joy. If he prepares correctly, Silver drinks enough coffee to keep that from happening. Silver will then exhale in immense relief ask his beloved for an even more romantic date, which he spent at least three days planning out with the help of the other Diasomnia bois. Victory achieved.
Sebek: While Malleus is enthusiastic and full throttle and Silver is charmingly shy/awkward and slow to act, Sebek is somewhere in the middle. This man is and always has been very disciplined in all endeavors. For him, romance will be no different. Sebek Zigvolt has trained since childhood to be Malleus' knight. This is his greatest goal and ambition. Someday his lord will marry and have children, precious little princes and princesses! Naturally, their security and well-being are Sebek's top priority!! As such romance has been put on the back burner through the majority of Sebek's teen years.
Once Sebek sets his sights on courtship and romance, he will not settle for just anyone, no sir. He is a man with taste and standards. You know those girls who write down the traits of their ideal husbands in a list? Sebek is the male equivalent of that. It's not as shallow as it sounds, Sebek just knows what he wants. Granted he started the list when he was about 14 years old cough, so some things do change as he matures. Even so, Sebek is - like Silver - old-fashioned in romance. He knows all the moves: bringing her flowers on the first date, taking her on romantic moonlit walks while also respecting her boundaries and fighting off any hooligans that may threaten her dignity, getting her father's approval, the whole nine yards!
And boy is he prepared. He's actually quite proud - if not smug - of how much research he's put into properly courting a lady. His grandfather made sure to leave books out for him when he was young so of course he grew into an avid reader. Definitely learned a thing or two from romance novels but will not admit it out loud.
Either way, once Sebek finds his dream girl, he already has a strategy all mapped out. If one plan doesn't work, he's got backup plans. If things are going well, Sebek will not rush the courtship, but he will absolutely have the proposal and the wedding (hell, probably the honeymoon too dayum) all planned out in his head. If he somehow misses a detail, his mother and older sister will have at least five to ten different options at the ready to offer him and his lady love.
If for some reason Sebek's affections are rejected, he will put on a strong front…until he gets home/back to Malleus's castle and then he'll just fall to pieces. He's gonna need a grieving period, bless his heart. He will more than likely be a complete wreck until he gets the heartache completely out of his system.
If all goes well and Sebek does successfully get with his dream lady love, pssssh well OF COURSE he did! Was there ever any doubt?! Foolish humans, of course not! (Lies, Sebek definitely has moments of doubt that he covers up with loud outbursts and vigorous training to the point of exhaustion. Thank Seven that it did work out though, whew.)
Chaos ensues any time Lilia tries to make a meal to welcome his new 'daughters' to the family. The boys immediately go into covert ops to stop him from getting into the kitchen, sometimes asking their girlfriends/wives to help distract him or getting Lilia started on a story tangent about his travels, his glory days as a general, anything to keep him talking.
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kingofbodyrolls · 1 year
BTS fic recs: June 2023
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I've finally gotten back to reading again, so I wanted to make a monthly rec list of my favorite readings for that given month 🥰 All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fic’s post ♥ 
BTS fic rec index → May |💜| Jul | Aug | Sep (jjk)(knj) | Oct (pjm) | Nov (*) | Dec (ksj)(kth) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, personal favorites = 💯. 
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⭐The Boy with Galaxies in His Eyes 💯 by @oddinary4bts​ // jjk x reader // idol!au + fwb2l // 🌩️🥵🥰
📝 You had never thought the night sky could be found in someone’s eyes. That is, until you met Jeon Jungkook and his gravity pulled you in. Will he crush you with the galaxies in his eyes, or will you learn to explore his worlds and make them yours?
🗨️ It is a long one, but damn is it worth it! It will take you for the very best rollercoaster ride of your life. So if you haven’t read this yet, what are you honestly doing with your life? 
⭐The Boy with Galaxies in His Eyes: The First Time (drabble) by @oddinary4bts  // jjk x reader // idol!au + fwb2l // 🥵🥰
📝 Jeon Jungkook is an enigma of galaxies and black holes. When he texts you to hang out late at night, you can’t resist the gravity of him. After all, you’ve always been a sucker for outer space.
🗨️ This is a drabble of their first time together and if you read the parent fic, promise me you won’t sleep on this one! ✨
⭐I want to be with you 💯 by @oddinary4bts  // pjm x reader // idol!au + s2f2l (fan) // 🌩️🥵🥰
📝 Moving to Seoul has always seemed like a good idea, until the bubble bursts when you realize your new neighbor is Park Jimin, and he’s not the sweet angel you’ve always imagined him to be. Will the reality of Park Jimin forever be a nightmare, or will he turn into a sweet dream?
🗨️ This was the first idol!au that I loved (and made me read the others). I adore this and I will read it again sometime 🥰
⭐Beneath the Water 💯 by @jungshookz  // pjm x reader // fantasy!au + mermaid!au // 🌩️🥵🥰😂
📝 His legs were sparkling. You looked up from his face slowly and towards his legs, your head tilting in confusion when you were met with the sight of… well, it certainly wasn’t a pair of legs. What the fuck?
🗨️ This is just perfect; a tiny bit angst, gold certified comedy and fluff (with a sprinkle of smut). There’s also a bullet point drabble of this, so please check that out too (here).
⭐Failure to Communicate by @gukslut and @stutterfly​ // pjm x reader // college!au + r2l // 🌩️🥵😂
📝 Could either of you write an enemies to lover story about jimin and y/n set in college where he was her TA and got her kicked out of her major bc he didnt give her the grade she needed and was generally unhelpful?
🗨️ I don’t have much to say, just go read it - it speaks for itself ✨
⭐On Mute by @yoon-kooks​ // jjk x reader // office!au, coworkers!au, fuckboy!gamer!jjk + f2l // 🥵🥰
📝 You always assumed your handsome coworker was down to fuck anyone in the office except for you. He always assumed you weren’t interested in a guy like him. And both of you were content with never admitting your feelings… until he unknowingly confides in you in the realms of a certain tactical FPS game.
🗨️ It’s just so cute and wholesome 🥹
⭐Make Me 💯 by @jikookiekosmos​ // pjm x reader // office!au, boss!jimin/employee!reader + dom/sub themes // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 After a bad breakup, you decide to go out one night and drink your sorrows away - that is, until you see your now ex-boyfriend there with someone clinging to his arm. To get your mind off of things, you go back to your job after hours; what you don’t expect is for your boss and CEO of the company, Park Jimin, to show up and offer you help in ways you didn’t know you needed.
🗨️ It has heavy dom/sub themes (which I’m normally not into, but imma switch for this one!). It is incredibly hot and so, so damn perfect 🥵
⭐Pay Attention 💯 by @jikookiekosmos​ // pjm x reader // office!au, boss!jimin/employee!reader + dom/sub themes // 🥵🥰
📝 You’d mentioned it in passing once before, your fantasy about blowing your boss - and now boyfriend - under his desk during one of his important CEO business meetings. So what happens when you want to turn that fantasy into a reality, and he wants it just as much?
🗨️ This is a sequel to ‘Make Me’ (but can be read as a stand-alone) - and it is just pure dirty smut. The dynamic between reader and Jimin is just so good ✨
⭐On Call: part 1 & On Call: part 2 by @yoonjinkooked​ // jjk x reader // s2l + rom-com // 🥵😂
📝 After a catastrophic first date, you end up leaving the hospital angry, tired and date-less. Hoping to have a drink or five, you end up in a nearby bar, sitting next to the same doctor who caught your eye earlier. 
🗨️ Both parts are really, really good!
⭐Shake Shack 💯 by @kth1​ // pjm x reader // s2l (though they went to the same high school) // 🥵🥰
📝 Crushing on a man ever since high school, you failed time and time again to actively talk to him. Until one sweaty summer day, you finally developed the courage to ask him out on a date.
🗨️ The story is so good, perfect amounts of sweet, a bit fluffy and then downright saucy!
⭐A Night at the Mall by @bunnybubae​ // jjk x reader // f2l // 🥵🥰
📝 Your best friend Jungkook works as a security guard at the mall and everything takes an interesting twist when you go to visit him during his shift on a friday night.
🗨️ Jungkook is so sweet and funny in this, ahh.
⭐Backtrack 💯 by @mapofthesea​ // myg x pjm x reader // producers!yoonmin, assistant!reader, bi!yoongi // 🥵🥰
📝 There’s no telling just how long you’d been stuck in the windowless studio, and you’re just about ready to walk out and forfeit your paycheck for the week, until your bosses strike up an interesting bargain.
🗨️ Holy fuck 🥵 I feel like I need to take a very long shower now 🫣🫣🫣 this is probably one of the dirtiest fics I’ve read. It’s so good 🤤
⭐The Forgotten Spaces [completed series] 💯 by @oddinary4bts​ // jjk x reader // college!au, dancer!au + e2l // 🌩️🥵🥰
📝 you’ve been dancing on the same dance crew since your teenage years, and you finally have an important role in it. It feels like life is taunting you when your rival comes back after disappearing for a year, ready to tease you every chance he gets. Will the teasing turn into more, or are you going to take him down with you?
🗨️ This is truly a masterpiece! The writing is perfection and the characters have so much soul, dimension, hurt and love. It is exceptional 👏🏾♥️ you just have to read this gem 💎
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Thank you so much for going through my recommendations! I hope you find something that you like and show it some love. All of these fics and writers have inspired me to write again, so I'm finally working on my own stuff again (it’s been like 7+ years, yikes 🙈). Hopefully I'll actually finish something this time 😂 but damn it feels good to write again ♥ 
If you should be interested in more BTS fic recs please find more here 😀
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Family of LOG or 4th generation 🦋💛💙( imagine they are just under 15)
I wrote this a month back and now got the time to post it...these are just my ideas that randomly came and now i cannot let go off....
Nikolai king sokolav-Brandon sokolav king
David Sokolov king
Alexander Brandon sokolav king
Stella Hunter Sokolav king
( David and stella was through surrogacy and alex was adopted and Stella's middle name hunter is a honour to his dad ....stella has heterochromia... her one eyes is dark blue and one is dark green which her parents adore a lot....they all learn russian just like their daddy and speak in russian whenever they wants to do something which their dad bran will not accept like david wants to join in elites or heathens but bran said No because his uncle lan wants him to join elites whereas niko wants him join heathens 😂 he said you can only when you are on your correct age baby...
When David almost break someone bone because they spoke shit about his uncle lan...he called his daddy
Dad where are you?
"In the middle of the meeting" niko says while pausing his meeting in office..everyone knows niko will never ignore his family calls even if it is in the middle of an important meeting....
I broke someone's bone maybe not a major damage since josh dragged me away from that scumbag....
And the management called dad
Again...Niko asks
Yes..handle your prince charming...i will come home and explain to dad
Make sure you have valid reasons or else i also need to end up with you in your grounded for week punishment.. niko said
Definitely i have reasons..i will not use violence unless its needed and you and daddy knows that ...
Ok dad .bye.love you...
Love you too dav....niko hangs up
Yes it is very true that david will not use violence unless it is needed unlike stella ..his little princess have a same policy as him ''fist first, talk next'' not only this everyone knows them calls stella as little niko...since she is an exact carbon copy of Nikolai sokolav which is even agreed by landon king....
Stella even pickups Niko's obsessive traits and love for sweets.David is an copy of bran and lan since he is very quiet and emotionally strong .he observes more and will not tolerate any harm to his fam. Alexander is an carbon copy of Brandon king he is called as little prince and little posh boy.
Jeremy volkov -cecily knight volkov
Josh volkov
Cynthia volkov
(Josh and david are bestfriends just like their fathers...there is an interesting thing that is josh has an cute crush on Brandonking
On one vacation where everyone is having dinner its their habit to spend some time together....
Mommy what is crush? he asked cecy
Crush is someone you like baby...
Who's is your crush josh ... asked annika
Though everyone present there know the answer
Josh just turned towards bran and his eyes sparks
uncle Bran he says smiling
To which bran smiles and ruffles his hair
Why though? asked annika
He looks like a prince and he is so gorgeous aunt...josh said
"Back off buddy that's My Man" said niko smiling
Then uncle alex is mine...josh said shocking everyone
Little did they know josh likes alex......)
Landon king-Mia sokolav king
Sofia astrid king
Slvia king
(Sofia's fav uncle and god father is Nikolai.k.sokolav..and lan be like first my little bro and now my little princess..when sofia was young she had a nightmare of her uncle niko was getting into an big accident she woke up crying screaming even lan and mia tried their best to calm her but she said she wants to meet niko right now...lan can't see his little princess crying so in the middle of night they traveled all the way to states when they came to the mansion that niko and bran are living with there kid david...sofia calmed down only after when she saw niko and niko always brag about how he is sofia fav and they ended up staying in states with nikobran for a week )
Killian carson-Glyndon king carson
Meghan carson
Lewis carson
(Kill made sure that he will never ever do something like his father to his childrens ...he always made sure they both got his love and affection...one fathers day meghan did a handmade letter to kill to wish him fathers day and Killian carson cried so hard while hugging his daughter while meghan just pat him and tell him that he is the best)
Crieghton king annika volkov king
Mattew king
Mattew likes boxing just like his dad...he always won in every match...mattew almost fought with everyone in thier family but he always make sure that he don't hurt them in serious way still he can't find why he can't fight with stella like he can with others....stella also love boxing and violence when bran asked her if she wants to learn ballerina like aunt annika ended up with she asked her uncle Criegh to teach her boxing hence bran wants her to do what she loves.....
Eli king -ava nash king
Elizabeth king--isabelle king
Alacia king
(How everyone wants aiden to have a daughter but what if eli had daughters that too 3 daughters ....He will never ever have a chance to say no their one smile made him do everything they want...imagine having four girls in one household eli needs prayers and patience....)
Remington Astor-Ariella nash Astor
Taylor ron astor
Rythm Astor
(Taylor ron astor the middle name ron was an honour to his father that how great and best he is....Rythm is exactly a never ever mess with girl, imagine being raised by grandma teal and mom ariella and getting queen treatment from her grandpa and dad and brother her standards are higher then the mountain bruhh)
Vaughan Morozov-Maya sokolav morozov
Nazya morozov
Nicholas morozov
Nazya is the most humblest and kindest girl in these log family ...that's why everyone around her will always be protective over her...think about hurting her and her uncle Niko will end you without any second thought ...
Nicholas morozov was named after Nikolai yes it is an gratefulness that maya felt towards her brother for everything he done for her ...for always being there for her even in worst time...That’s why she wants to give her son her brother name and in the naming ceremony everyone felt so happy and niko was so stunned and suprised he love his sister despite of everything happened)
Kayden lockwood -Gareth carson
Hazel carson
(Hazel is adopted daughter .Gareth found her in an unexpected situation and can't let her suffer when she is just a month old ..he did take her to the heathens mansion where everyone is present for a party to celebrate kayden and gareth 's engagement....when he came while holding a baby., kayden rans towards him and asked him what happened? Gar just said i want to adopt her ...kayden just smiled and said ofc sweetheart but just tell me the whole matter please....ended up with adopting hazel and after 2 yrs they got married infront of hazel for that hazel just giggled and smiled at her parents she may not understand anything but she will be forever safe...)
Also Nikolai is everykids fav uncle because he is an absolute golden retriever... every kid like him to the core that one time when he was late to the gathering all the kids was sulking and gave him punishment to treat them icecream and need to spend the weekend with them in amusement park ..Niko ended up with booking whole amusement part for only them because he can't risk their safety......
Niko also appointed a huge number of bodyguards for his lotus flower since some years back bran was kidnapped...he will never forgive himself for being such careless though that was purely planned and done by the person that bran trust the most....
Okay there are some names which is inspired from some ffs of nikobran and that names really felt good so i really liked that names...THESE ARE JUST MY THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE ....🦋💛 if you guys like just lemme know
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silviakundera · 4 months
Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact Ep 1-3
I love me some xanxia, so I'm jumping in. I've been PROMISED a happy ending so there had better be. Don't fuck with me cdrama!!!!
Anti-human fox spirit clan ruled by 3 terrifying women, I like them already
The scene of calculation of costs to raise a human child 😂😭
He's the descendant of a Dongfang clan who have extra special spiritual blood... as dangermousie has so eloquently argued: magical girl!! \o/
I don't really get what anyone's deal is in this drama, like why the different factions hate each other and the significance of the Grief Tree and why anyone other than the foxes care about it.... But that's standard for me with xanxia. I don't try too hard to work out the details & don't really worry about it. Xanxia is supposed to be pretty & have fantastical VIBES & I want the main couple to have a happy ending. Making plot coherent sense is a bonus, not a requirement.
Very much enjoying Gong Jun as the Extra Special™ orphan human raised among fox spirits, playing straight all the standard tropes regardless of gender. Makes everything fresh & fun.
His obvious crush on the 1,000 year old fox clan leader makes sense (anyone in his position would!). She's gorgeous, powerful, and is his benefactor. Distanced enough that she would have been perfect 'safe' crush material as a kid... But now he's all grow up
As an immortal fox, the 16 years this human child spent in their clan must have felt a blip in time. So it also makes sense she still doesn't quite understand him. It may have been the majority of his existence, but it's less than 2% of her lifespan so far. If we apply that timeframe to a human life, it's about 1 and a half days. 💁
FL sets up ML to be able to have a cathartic murder party with his parents' killers, even assigning some to stall them in a appropriately whimsical fairy manner. Crush worthy.
Him walking around all bloodsplattered later brought me back to Word of Honor.
I know he's supposed to take back over the Divine Flame Villa but I don't want him to! Stay with the foxes! (tho if this goes the traditional route, the magical girl will regain her powers & family legacy and the stern, ancient immortal love interest will soften & retire from their responsibilities to accompany their young sprite.)
All the awards to the makeup crew. Gong Jun looks the part PERFECTLY. He has this dewy look of fantasy maiden protagonist. The soft lipgloss, the bangs, the makeup softening his face! The flowing clothes. It's not too much, it feels just right. A++ 💯💯
The plaintive sad eyes ML keeps giving 👏
We already knew from Eternal Love that Yang Mi can capably play an immortal who feels distanced from mortal concerns. But this isn't a retread of Bai Qian, who was unrestrained and relished life's pleasures.
I expect that our standard love trial sidequest in the mortal world will be instead those 3 stories we saw on the trailer. If that means we can avoid amnesia & drama for the otp, sounds good to me
The white fox plotline is going to be incredibly annoying, I can tell
The big black cloud of evil lady who appears to be our Big Bad feels like another Miao Luo from Eternal Love of Dream
It's giving Belle !
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Part 2 of Genshin characters getting drunk and crying when their S/O says they're not single.
(Sara, Gorou, Kokomi, Heizou, Al Haitham, Cyno, Tighnari, Itto, Jean, Dottore, Pantalone, Keqing, and Diluc.) To be honest I kind headcanon that one of the other reasons Diluc doesn't drink is because of him actually being major a lightweight.
😆 😂 I liked working on this one the first time
Sara - that stern demeanor is falling apart with the most crestfallen face ever
Gorou - tries to save face with a “oh they must be a lucky one,” but his cracking voice is not doing any favors
Kokomi - calm, enigmatic and shrewd turns disastrous as you reveal to her
Heizou - completely chaotic and almost begging, “I could be better than them!”
Al Haitham - wise and intelligent? More like crushed and a not so convincing “I’m fine 😔”
Cyno -curt and stoic now turns into a hot mess of “where did I go wrong?”
Tighnari - be gentle with him or at least clarify fast because he has that sad look on his face like “wh-what?? Who is it?!”
Itto - “whoever they are, they must be really lucky to have you 😞 😔”, “it’s you, you goof”
Jean - withdraws into herself for a good while
Dottore - a maniacal “they will rue the day they harm you!!”
Pantalone - turns a bit yandere-ish as he tries to convince you he’s better
Keqing - immediately wants to challenge the supposed “suitor” to a duel
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survivalove · 1 year
hii what type of tropes do u think katara fits ?? and what type of tropes do u think her character subverts ??
Hi anon! I’m not gonna lie this is a heavy topic which has been weighing on my mind ever since my Katara rant a few days ago. Tbh, I wasn’t going to make a post about this, just cuz I feel like maybe I talk too much 😂 but you just gave me the perfect excuse so here we go:
1. Girls are Healers, not Fighters
I want to start this off with the issue of misogyny in the Northern Water Tribe and how the fandom discusses Katara’s portrayal in LoK. First of all, the NWT not allowing girls to fight is misogyny and Pakku telling Katara to “go in the healing hut with the other women” very much sounds like “go in the kitchen where you belong”. This is something everyone understands.
However, I think we start losing the plot when people only focus on this aspect and ironically parrot the same misogyny when they talk about female healers in the franchise and in media. Let’s look at Yagoda. Yagoda is a recognized master. She doesn’t teach in her house, her kitchen or her bedroom. She teaches in a school alongside other master healers and students. When the Yue was stillborn, who did her family turn to at first? Pakku? No, the healers. During the civil war, did Katara just sit at home twiddling her fingers like so many in the fandom would have you believe? No, she was single-handedly healing dozens of rebels in her White Lotus outpost. The importance of female healers in the franchise and media in general should not be diminished when speaking out against this misogynistic trope. I just had to get that out of the way.
So, how does ATLA subvert this trope with Katara? They show her developing her healing abilities alongside her fighting skills. One does not hinder the other. When Katara discovers her healing ability, she gains respect for possessing a talent so rare and revered, by a man originally from the nation that wiped out the male and female waterbenders of her tribe. When Katara saves Aang’s life, the most important moment in the entire show IMO, in the same episode, she is also shown facing off a major enemy in battle and winning. These two sides of her are constantly shown in balance to the fullest extent of her power, without one skill being diminished to highlight the other.
2. The Hero’s Girl
I think this is another trope that’s prevalent in media, particularly shonen animes which ATLA gets compared to so often. A lot of times these female love interests are never in the main story without the main male character. They seemingly have a one-sided crush, fall apart at his feet, interacts with him only when he needs her (and only him), and can sometimes be a pick-me when it comes to any competing female characters. I think a lot of people see Katara this way solely because she gets with Aang in the end, when this does not even come close to how she is portrayed.
Katara is an extremely developed character. Her arc is largely independent of Aang even though there are so many parallels between the two. Katara initially sees Aang as just a friend and even when she starts seeing him as a potential love interest, she’s not begging him to notice her or accept her affections. She gets jealous but isn’t competing with anyone for his attention for long and she has relationships with other characters that further the story whether Aang is there or not. She doesn’t exist solely to be with him, in fact she even teaches him. Katara and Aang being endgame is not integral to either one of their stories. They don’t agree with each other all the time and when he pushes their romance too far, she isn’t framed in a negative light for rebuffing his affections. No one in the narrative forces her to be with Aang because he’s the Avatar for status, or anything else. Love is not her biggest priority and she chooses to put off her romantic feelings until the war ends.
Now does she get jealous of other girls who seem to like Aang as well? Yes. Does she cry and get emotional when something happens to him? Yes. Does she spend an episode pestering the fortuneteller about her future husband and get excited at the idea of falling in love? Lol yeah. Does she blush and hug and kiss Aang often? Literally every other episode. But that’s not all there is to her or their dynamic. I think some people often overemphasize the fact that Aang and Katara do get together in the end and act like it automatically voids the rest of her development in canon when it really doesn’t. Like I said in another post, I know a lot of Katara stans that don’t ship her with anyone or can discuss her character at great length without mentioning romance. People who choose to focus on her ending up with the hero to ‘defend’ her are more doing her a disservice if you ask me.
3. One-Dimensional Female Characters
This sort of ties into everything I just said and is also something the franchise achieves with all the female characters, but even more-so with Katara. Katara has several behaviors that directly contradict her general personality traits:
In the Chase, Katara lectures Toph about the importance of doing chores and being a team player and in the same episode, insults her, picks fights with her to the point she leaves the group entirely.
Katara loves her brother and always cheers him up when he’s feeling him down, but she still will tease and pick on him, and on a darker note, lashes out at him in the Southern Raiders when he doesn’t tell her what she wants to hear.
Katara turns up her nose at the wrestling tournament they find Toph in and winces as she attacks The Earth King’s soldiers, but still partakes in fighting the war because it’s for the greater good.
Katara from a young age had to take up the societal expectations that her mother would have had in her family and in her tribe, but is still a child and often takes delight in activities children enjoy, as she should.
The point is, Katara isn’t one-dimensional. There are a lot of contradictions within her that are usually juxtaposed one after the other. Yet, most viewers can only focus on one side at a time, usually choosing to focus on the negative aspects of her character. They will complain about her being motherly as if she never has fun. They will focus on the one time she was out of line with Sokka just to attack her character. They will cry she was too hard on Zuko, after 2.5 seasons of him chasing them down.
Most annoying of all, they will compare her to other female characters who are less hypocritical in nature and, in my opinion, simply not as complex as Katara. Don’t even get me started on how community is such an integral part of Katara, Sokka and Aang’s characters and how their character development often get overlooked in favor of characters with more individualistic and straightforward narratives. But this is about Katara.
Katara is an unapologetically feminine character that is sweet and kind without serving some villainous agenda that gives her a reason to be on par with the male characters when it comes to fighting skill. Her strength gets questioned in ways that Azula, Toph, Mai and Ty Lee’s do not. She subverts a lot of misogynistic tropes that a lot of 2000s female love interests in media suffered from and still do. She’s a very difficult character for most people to wrap their heads around, simply because she doesn’t stick to the script that most fmcs who look and act like her, do.
If we pretend she’s not fictional for two seconds, Katara is a hypocrite and hello? Who isn’t. It’s human nature for people to change their minds or do things that don’t really match up with that they’re say about. People who get mad at Katara for this, are essentially saying they’re mad because she’s not a flat character and they don’t even realize it. Her contradictions aren’t just one-off moments and her grief over her mother’s death isn’t something she only brings up once or twice. These occur over and over again because she is the other main character and with that comes a lot more screentime for her to be hypocritical, grow and show development to a level that the other female characters can’t.
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brunhielda · 8 months
Currently watching Tangled,
-for the first time is forever 🎶
Some thoughts:
Maybe the guitar music as the major instrument for this film has to do with the origins of Rapunzel from the Mediterranean?
The Royals might still have the sun plant somewhere. You replant, you “dead end” the flower to make soup, you continue to care for it with hopes it flowers again. Did that show up in the tv show anywhere?
Useing a pan to fight is a very traditional fantasy trope. Usually reserved for a side character, but still very present. Tangled just brought it out into the common zeitgeist.
Mother Gothel is the worst for many many reasons. Today’s realization- she never braided Rapunzel’s hair. It would have been easy to start when she was little and teach her how to do it herself. It would have meant tripping over it less and spending less time on brushing. You can even keep a long enough tail for brushing while doing the song. She didn’t. Why? Because it was another layer of control. It means it is harder for Rapunzel to leave. It means Rapunzel feels like she is cared for when Gothel brushes it during the song. It keeps Rapunzel “clumsy,” a reason Gothel gives not to let her leave. Or maybe Gothel is just lazy and neglectful. Either way- as someone with super long hair? I hate that woman.
Meanwhile- the Royals never gave up on thier kid coming home. It’s not just the tradition of the lights. It’s that crown. Baby Rapunzel wears that crown in murals. They had that crown sized up, EVERY YEAR, as thier child would have grown. They thought about what she would look like if she showed up tomorrow. They didn’t just recall a baby once a year and mourn. They planned for her to return. That hurts. 👑 💔
Realization after that one- Flynn you absolute RAT. How could you?!
Unintentional side effect of Rapunzel hauling a person up the side of the tower everyday- your girl has impressive upper body strength. She could toss a full grown man into a wardrobe. Gothel… much like keeping her birthday on the same day, your laziness has been turned against you. 😂
The Chameleon has not been out of the Tower any more than Rapunzel, he just has a deep distrust of Mother Gothel. ( proof is in him insisting they check Flynn for pointy teeth😂) I am so happy Rapunzel had that. It’s also even funnier to watch his reaction to everything after your realize that 😂
Dad- “Did you know one of the brothers is Ron Perlman?”
Me- “How could you not? Did you hear the voice?”
Later question- did the other one ever speak??
Flynn is BRUISED. Smacked with a pan, stuffed in a wardrobe, fingers jammed in a door, lands on his face, bashes himself in a fight several times, then is crushed by rocks while trying to escape drowning. Realistically, that song is the only reason the man is able to walk rather than limp into town the next day. 😂
“And you’re still gonna go back?” The girl stole his retirement (his dream, really), and has been a constant irritant since he met her, but the moment he knows the real situation she’s in, he is concerned for her happiness and freedom. He still doesn’t know how bad her mother is, just that she’s been confined. I love him so much. ❤️
And that gives her the confidence to tell her mother “No!” He didn’t even say any more than that. Haveing someone care for you when you are in a bad spot is SO IMPORTANT.
And then-! Just walks out of the wood and sees her standing a little too still. “Hey, are you ok?” 😍
This girl has never seen a horse in her life. And she does that. Seriously. That is a big beefy horse. I like horses, and I would be so much more cautious. Rapunzel knows no fear is all I am saying.
That man has spent time with children. He knew exactly who to ask. He LOOKED for them. Love that continuation of the backstory from the orphanage. Character continuity at its finest.
That dance music has become the sound of joy online. That is beautiful.
They showed the father grieving, and the mother comforting. That is so HUGE, I don’t even have words to explain.
I think Pascal wanted to see the lights almost as much as she did. 🥹
“At Last I See the Light” might be up there as one of the best Disney love songs. ❤️🎶 It is just such a perfect display of who the characters are, how they are changing, and why. And of course the imagery is soft, warm, and iconic. Just Beautiful.🤩
He really stopped caring about the life he dreamed for himself since he was a child. Idk if that says something about how in love he is, or something about how he always cared more for people than gold than he thought he did, but either way, I am still in love with this man ❤️
Omg- she embroidered her own dress. It’s such a small detail, but I love it. She learned all the cottage core crafts, didn’t she? 🥰😆
“It was the old lady” = her mother will do anything, including put her in danger, to keep her imprisoned forever. He is so real for making that connection so fast. Street kid knows what is up, and he will not stand for it. I honestly think he would have gotten her out even if nothing romantic ever happened, and that, at the core of it, is why I like him. 👍
Just- the sheer bafflement of the guards and Flynn alike in that entire escape scene 🤣
Maximus- don’t get this twisted. I am here for the girl.
Actually- now I want to know, what did the horse see that led him to lead an escape mission for his enemy? Did he follow Gothel to the tower? I am intrigued.
Just in case we weren’t convinced, they actually had her “kick the puppy.” 🥺
In revenge, Pascal is like “Nah, we ain’t waiting for her to die of old age.” Ruthless. 😈
As a thief and orphan/street kid, it completely tracks that he would see the life Rapunzel was made to live and equate it to death. I mean, it really was slavery. Imprisonment to ensure services. He was willing to die to keep her free- it is very Old School Hollywood Dashing Rogue of him, and again, I love it ❤️
Omg- Flynn Rider. Errol Flynn. I am a dummy. How did I not make that connection before?!
The king had the grief scene, and the Queen greeted her first. That feels so different from other movies.
They didn’t make her a carbon copy- Rapunzel was clearly her kid, but a younger version with a different chin. The designers put in work, and they have my respect.
That chuckle is the only spoken line the King has. Interesting.
The king is so soft. Big cuddly frame, soft pull into the hug, willing to immediately embrace the young man who brought her home as well. Who designed these men???
“I want something that I want” is currently the theme for my D&D character, and I suddenly am understanding it in the context of this movie. When I first heard it, I thought it was selfish, and it didn’t make sense to me. No- it’s not.
She has never been allowed anything of her own. He has literally had to steal to not starve. This is the feeling of being allowed to want for the first time. No wonder he was so good at helping her through things. It was probably very similar feeling when he first left the Orphanage. 🥹❤️
I imagine this song hit pretty hard for some scared and controlled kids out there. 🎶 Honestly, this whole movie was such a strong example of manipulative abuse, and I am so happy it exists. They clearly put in the work to make it truthful, and it must have helped so many people realize what was going on in their own life. I think every creative hopes to tell a story that connects with people like that.
Anyways, hoped you enjoyed my romp through a wonderful film 😁
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aizawasdumbwhore · 10 days
What if katara (from avatar the last airbender) joined the league of villains and she is the avatar and can bend all the elements including blood bending. But only ONE of the LOV members has a major crush on her probably Shigaraki or Spinner the most?😂
Oooh, this is really interesting. I'm loving the crossover. Katara as a bloodbending avatar would be lethal in both universes in my opinion. Now for the sake of this headcannon, she would obviously be aged up to about the same age as Shigaraki and Spinner (20-21)
I feel like Katara would be extremely powerful in the MHA universe. The ability to bend all 4 elements, plus assuming their sub elements, would make her an amazing asset to the league. She'd be able to heal herself AND teammates. So no more complaining from Shigaraki about how he doesn't have a healer after getting stabbed by Stain. She'd also control people, mostly heroes, to do as she pleased. It'd take a lot to break out of her grip. Fighting with Katara would be like dancing with death. She'd be one of the most feared villains.
Now if Shigaraki had a crush on her, I'd definitely see him admiring her a lot. He'd probably watch her fighting when he could just to marvel at her. Any opportunity to talk about how badass she was, he'd take it. He'd RUN with it. He appreciated her immensely. Shigaraki doesn't have much experience with the ladies so if anything, it would definitely be Katara making the first move for a relationship. But I could definitely see Shigaraki trying to swing his way over. Sometimes he has some good pick-up lines, other times they fall flat. But Katara notices and she appreciates them anyways. He would definitely blush or get flustered, but try to hide it the best he could so he could appear strong.
As for Spinner, all I can remember is when he was first introduced and he got flustered over a compliment. So much so that he almost got beat in the fight. He's not as bold as Shigaraki, so I'd imagine he'd just get really shy around Katara. He'd admire her like she was the most beautiful girl to grace the Earth. He'd take any opportunity to be around her. Sometimes he may even feel insecure because he doesn't believe he could be as strong as her. I could definitely see her comforting him for this. In the end, it would be Katara who would catch on and also make a move. It would be so obvious that even the other members of the league would tease him about it.
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YN Ackerman: Dating Jean Kirschtein
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Jean Kirschstein featuring the whole AOT gang x Yn Ackerman (Levi Ackerman's sister; she/her pronouns)
Warnings: swearing, kissing 😍
AN: This is a request from @lilacveiledsea! I figured we need a tiny change in fandoms for the day 🥰 also this is kind of modern remix with some of the wording. I can’t and won’t be stopped on my emoji usage 😂
Oh my dearest YN
Dear dear, innocent YN
You precious angel I'm so sorry 🤣
Not only are you related to this 👇🏻
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But you are also besties with the chaotic duo known as Hange and Erwin 😃
Thoughts and prayers YN 🙏🏻
Because wow is your life hectic!
Seriously I'm not sure how you do it
You basically wake up and your life is in shambles
"YN WAKE UP!" Hange screams, banging on your door
"It's 4am!" You yell
"Get up YN you're late," your brother shouts
"Late for what?!?! It's 4AM!" You again
"If you have to ask YN then you're already behind," Erwin shouts
You 👉🏻😐 dear god why me?
Life in the scouts is anything but boring for you
Seriously being the baby sister of Levi is a full time job
Mans needs someone to just chill him out Ok ✋🏻
"Levi will you please just calm down," you say exasperated
"YN we have alot to do before the next mission," your brother says
"Yes and we have time so stop running everyone ragged if you expect them to fight off 15 meter titans!" You argue back
Levi 👉🏻😐😑
You 👉🏻😠
Please YN you are the only one (besides Historia) who can talk back to him
Not that he takes you seriously 😒 but still
Not only do you hold major control over Levi but also you are the calm Hange needs
"Yes but it can wait for you to sleep for a few hours," you say, pulling your friend from their station
"YN I'm so close to a breakthrough!" Hange exclaims
"That's great but it can wait for you to take a nap," you say full on grabbing your friend and dragging them from their workshop
Literally YNs job is not to fight titans, it's to babysit the scouts 😅
Even Erwin relys on you to keep him sane
"Alright times up, put the pen down," you say, bursting into your friends chambers
"Just a few more minutes," Erwin says, scribbling on some papers
"No! The timer went off and the pen GOES DOWN!" You say going up to grab the pen from Erwins hands
"Just a few minutes YN," he says quickly pulling it away as you glare 😑
"I swear to god Erwin I will set fire to this entire office if you don't put that pen down right now-" you 😡
Erwin 👉🏻😐 you wouldn't dare....
You 👉🏻 🕯 try me....
The pen goes down as Erwin stands up, moving past you
"You are ridiculous," he says
You 👉🏻😊 🤗
But you see YN, your efforts don't go unnoticed...
Because a certain someone is always watching 👀
Kind of creepy but listen, his intentions are good ok
You see, a certain Scout member just so happens to have a MAJOR crush on you
Literally he's hard-core in love with you YN
Jean has always thought you were perfect and an all around amazing person
He respects everything about you from the way you kill titans to the way you care for your friends and family
You've sort of formed an interesting friendship with Jean
While we all know he can act a bit "childish" we also know he is super reliable and helpful
Hrs always there when you need him 🥰
So much so that you sort of, kind of, develop a teeny TINY crush on the man's
Honestly, do not blame you YN 🥵
But you had always thought Jean liked Mikasa
I mean, would wouldn't be entirely wrong YN but he still had more feelings towards you than anyone else
In fact 👀 he'd often get a little jealous when he say you talking a certain someone
"Hey YN!" Eren would say as you turned and smiled
"Hey Eren! What's up?" You asked
Jean rn 👉🏻 >:(
"Not much just taking a break," Eren would say sitting next to you
As in, RIGHT next to you...
Less than an inch apart 😑
So leave it to our buddy Jean to waltz right up to Eren and tell him off!
"Aren't you suppose to be cleaning Titan boy?" Jean would growl
You 👉🏻👀 🍿
"I'm just taking a break and I thought I'd spend it talking to a pretty girl," Eren said as you blushed heavily
Oof Jean was not impressed in the slightest!
"Maybe YN doesn't want to talk to you? She looks busy," Jean said, bending down in front of Eren and glaring at him
You are still just like 👉🏻😃
"Well if I'm bothering YN she can tell me herself," Eren says back, standing up and facing off with Jean
Alright nows definitely the time to interfere YN
Too bad your big brother has that taken care of
"YEAGER get your ass back to cleaning! KIRSCHTEIN pick up a mop, if you have time to talk you have time to clean!" Levi yelled as you giggled at both men
“YN WHY ARE YOU INCITING A RIOT?!?” Levi yells at you
You 👉🏻 🧍‍♀️literally existing
You see, Levi knows Jean had a crush on you
And he also knows you have a crush on jean 👀
And he doesn’t like it one bit
Jean also knows that Levi knows that he has a crush on you
Phew 😮‍💨 it’s like a game of telephone over here
But Jean isn’t deterred
He does everything and anything to impress you
From finishing his cleaning first to helping you clean to killing 15 meter titans
“Did you see that Yn?” Jean boasts as you smile and nod
“Everyone saw that brat,” Levi says, swinging by and killing two more 15 meters right in front of Jean
However Jean just takes that as a challenge to win your brother over
So when your ODM malfunctions as you are swinging through the forest, you panic
“Crap crap!” You scream as you fall
“YN!” Erwin and Hange both shout as they race to get you
Fortunately for you, a knight in shining armor comes to your rescue 💅
That’s right, Jean is there to save the day!
He catches you, carefully swinging to a branch and setting you down
“Are you ok?” He asks as he checks you over intently
“YN!” Hange and Erwin shout as they land next to you
“I’m fine, thanks Jean!” You say as your brother swings by
“YN your lucky there weren’t any titans around or you would have been a goner,” Levi says as you glare
“Well thankfully Jean saved me!” You spit back as your brother rolls his eyes and continues on
Poor Jean isn’t going to get Levi’s approval that easily
Good thing your an independent woman and you don’t need your brothers blessing
So when you get back to base, you confront Jean
“Jean, I just wanted to say thanks for today,” you say, playing with your fingers as he looks at you
Suddenly, you lift your head and your lips graze his softly
Jean rn 👉🏻😐😳
“I like you Jean and I was kind of wondering if maybe…” you say before you are immediately cut off, his lips on yours again
“I like you too YN, a lot actually!” He says as you smile
And everyone lives happily ever after 😌
The end.
Just kidding 🙃
Because one thing about being in the scouts in that you literally have zero alone time
Every time you and Jean think you can be alone, someon interrupts
Once it was Armin, another time Mikasa, then Eren
Literally there is no safe space
Thankfully you manage to find a safe space behind the stables
That is, until 👀
“HOLY CRAP I KNEW IT!” You hear shouting as you and Jean quickly seperate to see Hange and Erwin staring at you
You and Jean 👉🏻😳😳
Erwin and Hange 👉🏻😐😍
“Please please don’t say anything to Levi!” You immediately beg
Hange rn 👉🏻😐😏
“Don’t worry YN, your secret is safe with us,” Erwin says as you sigh in relief
“Thanks commander,” Jean responds as he smiles at you
“You two really like each other huh?” Hange says as you both nod
“You really think Levi would disapprove if you were happy Yn?” Erwin asks
You, Jean and Hange 👉🏻😐 really?
“Ok noted but I really think you should tell him,” Erwin says walking away
Sure, you’ll tell Levi one day
It might be on his deathbed but you’ll eventually tell him right?
Well unfortunately for you, things don’t happen that way
You see, Jean is kind of, well he’s a possessive guy
Literally he gets so jealous and so incredibly easily
So when Eren is innocently flirting with you in the dining hall 👀
Everyone including Levi
“This is fine just don’t make eye contact don’t make eye contact… CRAP,” you think as you accidentally look at your brother who is now glaring at you over his tea
“YN, Kirstein my office NOW!” Levi screams as he stops out
Hange 👉🏻🫡 fair well YN
Jean 👉🏻😃 crap-
You 👉🏻🙏🏻 counting your days
You and Jean enter Levi’s office and sit down
Not only is he sitting at his desk but he’s staring at both of you
“Levi I can explain-”
“It’s not Yn’s fault-”
Levi 👉🏻✋🏻
You and Jean 👉🏻🤐🤐
“I just want to know one thing… why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Levi asks
You and Jean 👉🏻🤨🤨 wait what-
“I knew you two liked each other for a while and I suspected you were dating but I’m just wondering why you wouldn’t tell me?” Levi asks
“I- I just thought you wouldn’t approve,” you say
Levi sighs, “are you happy Yn?”
“Im happy,” Jean says : D
“I didn’t ask you Kirstein! YN?”
You grab Jeans hand and smile, “I am!”
“Ok well that’s all I need,” Levi says, “now get out of here.”
You and Jean stand, quietly moving quickly to the door
“Kirschstein, I’m not done with you yet!” Levi says as Jean gulps
You just smile, turning to kiss you boyfriend
“Thoughts and prayers” ✌🏻
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madiisixx · 1 year
Hello I saw your post about sending in scenarios and if you’re still taking requests, I have one for you.
Maybe an Eddie and Reader angst where she’s like a cheerleader who has a major crush on Eddie but Eddie doesn’t believe her when she finally gets the courage to tell him how she feels and he ends up saying some very hurtful things about her. However, once he realizes she wasn’t kidding, he feels super bad because he likes her too so he tries to make it up to her.
You can end it however you like. Hope this also makes sense 😂
hey love! I have something similar to this already up on my page! You can find it under my stranger things masterlist :) the title of the blurb is 'I thought you loved me'. There is also a part two written to it as well! I can link it here for you :)
'I thought you loved me.'
Part 2
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muiitoloko · 2 months
Had an idea for an Alan Rickman story, he is best friends with an actress. Unbeknownst to her, he has developed feelings for her. They go out to dinner as they usually do, but he can tell she is not herself. Especially since he playfully pinched her desert and she didn’t reprimand him for it. So he asks her what is wrong. She tells him that her cheating ex boyfriend, who he knew well because of how many times the 3 of them had dinner together, had invited her to his wedding. He was marrying the girl he had cheated on her with, he helped her let out the pain she felt before coming up with an idea. Since the invite said she could take a plus one, Alan said they should go together and pretend to be a couple which they do. As the day at the wedding goes on, she admits she does have a crush on him. He then admits he has a crush on her and they decide to give it a try.
On another note, how are things with you? Have any positive changes happened for you? I hope things are going well for you.
I’m working on a one shot, that seems to be doing or should I say sounding better than I first thought. It should be ready by say, next century 🤣. It’s going slowly as I am trying to make it well thought out. Well, well thought out by my standards anyway.
Hey there!
First off, I love your idea for an Alan Rickman story—it's so sweet and has all the right elements of a romantic comedy! The plot twist with her cheating ex inviting her to his wedding and Alan stepping in to play the role of her loving boyfriend is perfect. It’s got drama, romance, and that touch of humor we all love. I can already picture Alan charming his way through the wedding, making everyone believe they’re a couple. And the mutual crush reveal? Absolutely adorable!
As for me, things are going well, thanks for asking! No major changes, but I'm keeping busy and staying positive. I hope all is well with you too!
And I hear you on the one-shot! Writing can be a slow process, especially when you want it to be just right. Take your time—perfection takes a while to brew, even if it feels like it might take until the next century! 😂 I’m sure it’s going to be fantastic when it’s done.
Keep at it, and thanks for sharing your wonderful story idea!
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galvanizedfriend · 9 months
I am me so I must ask about the two Christmas fics (Xmas Fic 2 and Other Other Christmas Fic). Also so intrigued by Mystic Tours Not This (and the what is this because smut obviously)!!!
Hi, Amanda bestie! 😊
I love silly Christmas romcoms (as you know 😂) and I spent the entirety of the month of December almost nothing else, so I get all these stupid ideas I end up never taking forward because at some point I realize they're too dumb to come into existence. 😂
Xmas Fic 2 was Klaus being a hotshot lawyer or something and inheriting a Christmas tree farm (because of course) that comes with a sort of Christmas village (obviously) from his biological father whom he's never really been in touch with. There are a lot of complicated feelings there. But anyway, he first wants nothing to do it, and then he is convinced by Elijah to at the very least take a look at what is there so he can sell it. So he heads over to the farm and that's where he meets Caroline (duh), Ansel's former lawyer ("I'm a good lawyer") and who also has close ties with the farm. She ends up convincing him to sell the place to someone who will be interested in reopening it instead of whoever, because there's a bunch of people whose livelihooods depend on it (Bonnie, Enzo, some other folks), and there are some complications halfway because Elijah sells the place to Tristan de Martel, who's obviously an evil asshole. But anyway, Klaus still very much wants nothing to do with Christmas or farms, but he does want to keep Caroline (also he gets to find out a lot of things about Ansel that Esther kept from him his whole life).
Other Other Christmas fic (lol) is one where Caroline gets invited to spend Christmas with Enzo and his new spouse (I honestly can't remember whether he'd just married Kol or Rebekah, but it was one of the two) at their family's ancestral home somewhere posh in England. But at Enzo's wedding, Caroline had an ~~incident with Klaus and she absolutely does not want to see him again, so Enzo ensures her he won't be there because he's the Grinch, so he doesn't spend the Holidays with his family, going on skiing trips instead. Except there's a snow storm and Klaus' flight gets cancelled and so he is, in fact, there when Caroline arrives, and then stuff happens. Very creative. 😂
The 'Not This' part in Mystic Tours is because I didn't really want to keep that title or that name in the story, but I was totally out of ideas so I kept it there provisionally. It's another AH AU where Caroline runs a mystical/supernatural tour agency in Mystic Falls she inherited from her mom (who started the business with Sheilla Bennett, who not only is a self-proclaimed witch but also a professor who teaches a very popular occult and folklore class at Whitmore). Now her mom's dead and Sheilla has retired and it's Caroline, Enzo and Bonnie working together to keep the business aflotat, but they're struggling. So she gets this chance to participate in some kind of contest which will bring a popular influencer to town to promote her business (I think I got this idea from Lovelight Farm, or something like that. Have you read it? It's really cute!), except she ends up adding a sob story about how the heart of her business if her own love story with her fiancé when she submits her application. She does that because she knows this influencer has a thing for love stories, but the issue is she not only doesn't have a fiancé, she's not even dating anyone. So after a strong reluctance she ends up asking Klaus to be her fake boyfriend for the duration of the contest. They've been unlikely friends forever and Caroline has had a major crush on him, but she's convinced he's not at all interested and way out of her league because he's a hotshot gallery owner in New Orleans who always seems to be surrounded by beautiful women. Loads of Mikaelsons, Kol being a little shit, Carenzo friendship, Damon is a douchebag. Major tags here are fake dating and idiots-to-lovers.
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nevraeldarya · 9 months
I wonder what are pjo!Apollo's intentions or thoughts towards Rhea because she explained the others about how in a lot of universes they always or the majority of the time end up together😂
And she's like "ugh😒" with him, it's hilarious
Oh he has a small crush, but with the whole thing that is happening he couldn't flirt with her, nor does she want him to.
But good news there will be romance in the future !
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