#and he had what looks like a panic attack at USJ
talaofthevalley · 2 years
Shigaraki getting to have a cathartic cry after years of abuse and grooming and finally having his pain, victimhood and humanity acknowledged:
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The risk of his breakdown being broadcasted for the whole world to see because some snot-nosed business student thought to record the fight in a misguided attempt to 'one-up' the villains after they exposed their No.1 hero as an abuser and then a former villain youtuber decided to stream it:
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demonslayedher · 8 months
Not-very-spoilery thoughts on the movie release of Pillar Training (+SSV conclusion)
Behind a cut anyway just in case!
--Very nice to hear familiar background music brought back--Yuukaku themes when Uzui & his wives appear, Mitsuri's "Koi Kogare" BGM when she has a good batch of lines, Giyuu's BGM as he's like, "bye"
--I am very happy with the new OP, both sound and imagery-wise.
--One very short clip in particular made me, a fanfic writer, very very happy, but then there was more gratuitous focus that reminded me of another one of my best fanfics. The rewards of writing fic as closely based on canon as I could get them gives me the satisfaction of feel liking like canon-based imagery honors my fics by extension.
--Speaking of imagery in general, Ufotable is finding lots of ways to try to harp on the idea that everyone's wishes to destroy demons find their accumulation in Tanjiro, the Sun Breath user and first person in centuries to unlock the Mark. It is perhaps a little clumsy at times, but hey, that's a theme I like in this series.
--I was sad that Suma sounded so different, and had to look up afterward if she still had the same seiyuu. She does, but I think they might have given her totally different vocal direction so that she wouldn't sound too similar to Mitsuri
--Japanese crowds tend to be very quiet at movie theaters, but people could not contain their giggles at many of Mitsuri's lines
--I had the honor of sitting next to a huuuuuuuge fangirl who before the moving was saying stuff to her friends like, "(Hanae) Natsuki-san was at USJ the other day, and since it's a VR ride, you know, you have to wear the goggles, and I think, what if I wear the pair that he wore??? You know?? Our faces??? Would be so close?????" and then at the review of previous seasons at the beginning of the show, she started crying the instant the Mugen Ressha part started. Not loud crying, but crying.
--You can tell everyone was waiting for the "welcome back" scene, and although I thought Zenitsu would steal the show in that scene, it was indeed Nezuko. In the seiyuu greeting that was broadcast across all Japanese theaters on the opening day, Shimono-san noted that he thinks the audio was turned down on his performance of that scene. I think it was probably was too.
--So much happy daily life in this episode. If you have any friends who complained about last year's theater showing being a let-down because it was just regular anime episodes instead of a Mugen Train style movie, please tell them to just sit this one out and spare us their complaints. Most of this showing was just Tanjiro having a nice time after having a panic attack over Nezuko (oh, and like, killing Upper Moon Four, that too).
--Shinobu's hair seems distinctly longer. Giyuu's hair seems distinctly fluffier.
--Ufotable has put a lot of touches into humanizing Amane
--I wish Ufotable would stop trying to drive the "Zenitsu thinks Aoi is happy to see him (just because Aoi is a girl)" point. First off, yes, Zenitsu being a creep to girls is played up a bit in the anime. Second, the first fanbook states that the only kind of girl who is not so much his type is the Aoi-type.
--Also, on the promo art, I like the design they gave Shinobu's sword, but that's ignoring the fact that the four engraved kanji characters are on either side. Go ahead, Ufotable, hire me as your canon double-checker. EDIT: Oh wait, that is its sheath. Lovely, carry on.
--That said, the original filler they gave us? Gold star. Excellent. So happy with it. One... well, two tiny nitpicks that don't bother me much but stating it here would spoil it.
--One more non-spoilery thing to say about that filler: the people at Ufotable were probably like, "our fans are nerds. We already give them this, this, this, and that to nerd over. You know what else they are probably nerds for? Yeah. Let's give them that." Thank you, Ufotable. This nerd accepts and loved it.
--Tiny Nezuko filler as they set the stage talking about Muzan is probably looking for her? LOVE THAT TOUCH, at every level.
--Shinobu does have multiple goldfish, but they look a bit different?
--Genya's makes the best face in this whole episode
--Speaking of Genya, in the seiyuu greeting they had actors in big chibi costumes of the Kamaboko gang come out... PLUS GENYA. Giant chibi grumpy Genya was so, so, so, so freaking cute. Also, his seiyuu Okamoto got to join the stage with everybody and was talking about how he always used to scroll through his social media seeing the other seiyuu at KnY events and he was like, "sigh... sure looks like everyone is having fun..."
--Hanae Natsuki and his wife are big Genya fans, though, it seems
--Okamoto had a lot of trouble performing young Genya in the flashback, especially the emotional screaming. The desperation Genya always displays as he fights? That was Okamoto. --Meanwhile, Matsuoka always looks very overwhelmed at these things. I think having to embody the spirit of Inosuke terrifies him.
--Those actors in chibi costumes? The Zenitsu and Inosuke ones embodied them SO WELL. I don't usually care for those giant mascot character costumes, but these were legit so much fun to watch, like with Inosuke going right up into the cameras and Zenitsu trying to pull him back and then the two of them pushing and shoving. Zenitsu acting like he is being bullied and Inosuke showing off his muscles. I loved them. I am very sad that I will not be in town when they travel across Japan and come to my area.
--Also, the baritone voice of Oyakata-sama's personal crow? LOVED IT.
--Himejima at the the Pillar Meeting is such a statement. The new promotional material has a tag line that prominently uses one of the kanji in his name ("cry out"), and I feel like this is set-up for him to have a lot of impact later on in this season. Here's hoping!
--I am probably gonna go watch it again in a couple weeks, ufufufu
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Chapter 28: Part 1: What They Don't Know
Summary: The Commission react to the Danny & Endeavor fight
Word Count: 3039
“What was that?!” Ms. Makoto yelled across the table at Eraserhead. She really had lost all decorum. 
Keigo couldn’t blame her exactly. A lot of pressure was placed on her since it was her job to actually deal with Phantom. Not only that but with the heroes being attacked last night and now this, the commission were doing everything they could from getting the story out. How would the public react if not one, not two, not even three but four pro heroes got taken down, one of them being the #2 hero no less. They may have the luxury of hiding behind Phantom being a group, but how long will that last? So many N.D.As had been signed already. Panic will spread one way or another, right now it was all about controlling when.
“Can you be more specific?” Eraserhead dodged the question. He didn’t even look phased. Phantom put him in quite the state. With one hit he easily shattered Eraserhead’s nose and left him with two black eyes. Good thing he has that old lady to run back to.
“You know what I mean,” Ms. Makoto tried to sound more authoritative than she actually was, “What were you and Phantom talking about.”
“I was asking him to surrender.” He answered simply. 
Keigo hadn’t arrived on scene until both Endeavor and Eraserhead were loaded onto a stretcher. It was a bittersweet feeling to see your childhood idol being so thoroughly beaten. Keigo had gotten used to most feelings so he was able to push it back. 
He only got a brief explanation on what happened along with the others, baring a few details of course. He was also told that all the surveillance tapes in the area got corrupted, not that the Commission would let him see them if they weren’t. They were strangely secretive about Phantom, more so than any of Keigo’s previous targets. In was in part to the tapes that they even had to do this meeting. As it was now, they had no idea what happened between Eraserhead and Phantom aside from the reports. Having said that, doing it like this solved nothing and only caused more problems. 
“Why didn’t you use your quirk on him?” Ms. Makoto grit out between clenched teeth. It was a valid and most obvious question. Keigo stopped playing with one of his feathers and leaned closer in his chair. 
“He punched me in the face,” Eraserhead squinted at her as if to make it clearer, “I couldn’t see him.”
Keigo knew that was bull shit. He had seen the reports about the USJ incident not to mention had studied Eraserhead’s quirk extensively. He had erased quirks with far more damage to his eyes. 
“Why didn’t you attack him then?” The other obvious question. Judging from what he’s been told, Eraserhead put up no resistance to the vigilante, instead allowing himself to be hit. Keigo didn’t think he planned to fight, he didn’t even have his scarf with him. The hero looked almost naked without it. 
“I thought I’d be able to reason with him. He was surrounded. I didn’t know that he could fly.” Eraserhead reasoned. Nothing he said could be proven false and he knew it. 
“Didn’t you read the reports?” Ms. Makoto was on her last nerve. 
“What reports?” For a second there Eraserhead looked smug. 
“The one with Stain!” She blurted out. All too quickly she covered her mouth and turned to the other occupants of the room. They were the same heroes as the ones before when Endeavor made his little exit. Despite them being recruited to hunt down Phantom, the Stain as well as last night's full report were sealed to them. 
“Why would Phantom be in the Stain report?” Eraserhead asked, “I thought Endeavor took him down.” 
He knew, of course he knew. It was his three students that were attacked by Stain after all. 
“Uh yes. He did.” Ms. Makoto tried to fix her hair, “Of course he did. I just mean that it overlapped with the Nomu incident, that's all.”
“I don’t recall flight being mentioned in those reports,” Eraserhead said casually, “I’d have to look those over again, I apologize.” 
He had her and she knew it. Keigo smiled and Ms. Makoto’s head shot towards him. They held each other's gazes until he let go. It wasn’t worth it. 
A calm expression crossed her face and she sighed dramatically, “No that won’t be needed anymore. You are removed from the case, hereby immediately.”
All the other heroes looked around at each other confused. Even Keigo wasn’t prepared for that. Sir Nighteye stood up.
“Ms. Makoto, surely you don’t mean that,” he gestured at Eraserhead, “He is a vital piece in capturing Phantom, what with how many quirks there are. It would be foolish to let him go.” 
“Quirks?” He turned her gaze to him, “What do you mean ‘quirks?’”
“Doesn’t each member of Phantom have a powerful quirk? What else would I mean?”
Keigo couldn’t hide his smile from slipping once more. Ms. Makoto didn’t even challenge him on it. She just looked stressed now. Looks like someone was gonna get a stern talking to later.
“Yes, you’re right,” she tried to laugh it off but nobody bought it, “What else would I mean.” 
She fell into her chair and drank from the bottle on her desk. A tense air filled the tiny room as each hero watched her. Mirko glared at her angrily, one of her feet thumping the ground. Clearly, she did not like having information withheld from her.
“I understand your concerns, Sir Nighteye, but rest assured we’ll be able to capture Phantom just fine. We can’t afford to have that kind of hesitation when dealing with this menace. I’m afraid Eraserhead is still off the team.” She turned to him, “Eraserhead, make sure to leave your tracker at the door and we’ll have security escort you out.”
“I can find my way out,” Eraserhead protested. He bowed and placed the device on the table, walking calmly out. 
“You cannot be serious!” Sir Nighteye shouted, “Do you not understand how large of a threat Phantom is? He-” Sir Nighteye coughed, “They just took out Endeavor! Do you really think a team as small as this is able to handle that?!”
Keigo’s mouth ticked. Did he know too? How and for how long? Had he seen something with Phantom? No, he had to have come into contact with him for his quirk to work and he would’ve said something. Wouldn’t he? Sir Nighteye was All Might’s sidekick, perhaps he got the information from UA, but there was no way to confirm that. Keigo hated how UA interfered with the investigation. They hadn’t even made any obvious moves their people were everywhere. Eraserhead had shown more loyalty to the Commission in the past, but it was clear that was false. He didn’t even know why Ms. Makoto would let him on the case in the first place.  
“I assure you, I understand the threat perfectly. That's why I chose you all. I think that you all pose the best threat to Phantom working together.”
“Not with a third of our team gone.” Sir Nighteye bit back.
“If you don’t like it, you can leave.” Ms. Makoto challenged. She did not understand what she just did.
“Very well,” Sir Nighteye fixed his tie and Ms. Makoto smiled, “I will.”
“What?!” She stood up quickly, flinging her chair back. 
“No need to call security, I won’t be a fuss,” Sir Nighteye placed his tracker on the table and walked out briskly, clearly chasing down Eraserhead. 
Awkward silence filled the room once more. All that was left were the three heroes and Ms. Makoto’s assistant in the room. Mirko looked on the brink of attacking the lady that was meant to guide them while Ragdoll just looked concerned. 
“This is a bit too much for me,” Ragdoll blurted out. She still had her smile on, it was just more nervous than the eternal toy one. “If we maybe had more members or given more information, maybe we could do it, but as it is now…?”
She bowed and placed her tracker on the table as well, quickly leaving the room. Keigo couldn’t help it as he burst out laughing. Oh they didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell now.
“What the hell is this?!” Mirkio couldn’t stand it any longer and stood up slamming her hand on the table. Ms. Makoto slouched back into her chair. 
“That is the trash taking itself out, I suppose,” She waved her off.
“Oh no! You do NOT get to take that attitude with me, lady! Those are heroes you just insulted!” Mirkio looked around the room, a confused and disgusted look on her face, “Why is nobody reacting? We just lost our best chance at taking down Phantom and you look like you’re at lunch.” She started pointedly at Keigo. 
“We can get other members, that was never the issue,” Ms. Makoto waved her off.
“Then please,” Mirkio said sickly sweet, “What is the issue?”
“Information.” She stated simply. Mirkio sat back down and glared at her.
“Oh yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that,” the sarcasm was clear in her voice.
Ms. Makoto sighed once more, “We were waiting for more data and results before we told you all, but I suppose now is really no time to be secretive about it.”
Another wave of tense air spread through the room. Was she really gonna tell Mirkio? Honestly, Keigo was surprised they didn’t tell anyone at the last meeting, but that was the Commission for you. Everything had to be a secret, if they tell you one thing there’s gonna be way more they’re hiding. 
“This goes beyond a simple vigilante case, what I’m about to tell you could affect everything we know about quirks,” she let her words hang in the air and marinate. 
Keigo put his feather down. He was well aware of Phantom true numbers possible ties to the league, but that was it. He had heard rumors, of course. It was his job to hear rumors. Nothing concrete, just the vague whispers of a powerful villain and his spawn. A kid with a rotten dad and a powerful quirk wanting to be a hero. It would be more tragic if it wasn’t so predictable. No matter how much he investigated or poked they wouldn’t give him the information. Who could it be to keep it all hush-hush? 
“Miriko,” Mirkio’s head snapped to Ms. Makoto, “If you want out now, do it. Past this point it’s no longer a matter of losing your license if you leave, but relocation.”
 Keigo didn’t mention how she didn’t say his name. Mirkio sat and thought for a moment, her head clearly balancing the risks and the rewards. Information was powerful and if they went against Phantom they would need all the power they can get. 
A stressed expression took over her features, “What if we don’t end up catching Phantom? What if we end up like Endeavor or the other heroes?”
“If that is to happen, the Commission will take responsibility. You will bear no consequences. We understand your concerns, this is more about not wanting the information to get out.”
Another thoughtful expression crossed her face before she finally answered, “Alright, fine. I’ll do it,” She looked like she swallowed something sour. 
“I knew you were a good choice,” Ms. Makoto smiled and Keigo felt the need to barf. 
Ms. Makoto looked over at her assistant and she nodded in turn, handing her another folder. Ms. Makoto slid it across the table to Miriko and she cautiously opened it. She started reading it when her eyes widened, setting the folder down and looked at the others in the room in shock and horror.
“It’s only one kid?” She asked, her voice quiet. 
“Indeed,” Ms. Makoto began setting up the projector from last time.
“But that would mean…” Miriko trailed off, “How?”
That was the question on Keigo’s mind since he found out as well. He had his own theories of course. Phantom revealed himself the same night as the Nomu’s, it wasn't hard to make a connection between the two. The only difference between them was that Phantom appeared more stable and was able to talk, at least for now. 
“That is information even myself is not competely privy to.” of course she didn’t know. 
Ms. Makoto pulled some images on the screen. All of them were composite sketches of Phantom, but each one had varying facial features. The only constant detail was the color of eyes and his white hair. 
“As you can see we don’t even know what he looks like,” she pointed to the pictures, “we think he has a quirk that affects people's perception of him or that is the result of another quirk he has.”
“How many quirks does he have?” Miriko asked, confusion in her tone at trying to process the information. 
“We don’t know,” she turned to the next slide with information about Phantom’s theorized quirks, “This is what we’ve seen but it could be more. Endeavor hasn’t been able to report anything new for obvious reasons.”
“And the Commission still believes we can stop,” Miriko gestures at the projection, “This?!”
“Not without support,” Ms. Makoto turned to her assistant who was holding a metal briefcase. Keigo recognised the shape of it. There was a weapon in there. 
Now he was invested. He fully sat up in his chair, discarding the feather to join the others. 
“As I mentioned last time, the ice Phantom left behind as well as the radiation matched something in our archives,” she went to the next slide which showed an atomic model of something. It was labeled ‘ecto-ranium.’
“We believe this is how we can take down Phantom. His ice was not able to be chipped at or melted by normal means, but when our scientists used picks coated with ecto-ranium it was like normal ice,”
This Keigo did not know. He wondered if this had any similarities with Ectoplasm's quirk since they both were of similar material. He had heard that the hero’s clones were resistant and even corrosive to some types of metal, similar to what happened with Phantom and Stain’s sword. How effective would this ecto-ranium be against someone like him?
“Since that discovery, the scientists have been working on other ways to harness this material to take down Phantom,” She opened the briefcase. 
In it looked to be an ordinary gun, if a bit small. It was a silver color and faintly glowed, beside it were 3 bright green bullets. 
“This is one of the results,” Ms. Makoto put on a pair of latex gloves and held up one of the bullets. “This is no mere bullet, but rather a tranquilizer. It is designed to interrupt the flow of Phantom’s ectoplasm quirk that his body is made up of.”
“Made of- wha?” Miriko looked puzzled but suddenly a flash of anger went across her face, “No way, we can’t do that, that will kill him!” she shouted.
Even Keigo had a twisting feeling in his stomach. His feathers started bristling despite him not meaning in. He had to keep it in. Phantom wasn’t a person, he wasn’t even a kid, he was a target. And unless Keigo wanted to take his place, he had to do as he was ordered, no matter how he felt. 
“It’s entirely non lethal. Each bullet only holds enough to stun him and inhibit him using that quirk, in all forms. That should make him easier to handle and then capture. Think of it as a tourniquet to stop bleeding. The effects will only be temporary.”
“Still, you can’t be serious!” Mirkio jumped up from her seat again, “He’s just a kid, you’re talking about taking him out as if he were a wild animal!” she looked over at Keigo, “you have to see how fucked up this is?!” 
Keigo sighed, “All I see is a villain that needs to be taken down. He’s already proven to be a threat,” he looked at her in the eyes trying to look somber, “just look at what he did to Endeavor? To Eraserhead? He didn’t even attack him and Phantom just punched him. He’s too unpredictable to let him free…”
A horrified expression took over his fellow hero’s face and she back away, “No,” she shook her head, “this is wrong, this is-”
“What we have to do.” Keigo finished.
“Did you forget the terms, Miriko?” Ms. Makoto spoke up and Miriko’s head snapped to hers, “If you don’t agree, you will have to be relocated.”
“I thought you said that the Commission will understand if we can’t do it?” She looked frantic. 
“No, that is for if you fail to capture Phantom or are hurt in the process. The Commission holds no reservations about keeping you quiet if you leave now.”
“So I really have no choice?” Miriko laughed and it sounded small and pathetic. She fell back into her chair. 
“I’m afraid not,” Ms. Makoto shook her head. 
Miriko held her face in her hands, forcing herself to come to terms with what she must do. “I can’t believe this…”
Keigo had his own reservations. He knew what had to be done though and what that meant for Phantom. He was serious when he said he thought Phantom should become a hero. Not only was his display of quirks powerful, but the Commission could have concocted a sob story about how he always wanted to be a hero and the like. It wouldn’t be hard to take his ‘brothers’ out of the equation either. They would’ve created the perfect hero, a face loved by the people and a dagger to use in their pocket. It was the best outcome for the boy since Keigo knew that UA wouldn’t be able to handle him. He’d be under the Commission's thumb but at least he wouldn’t be rotting in a cell somewhere or worse. 
But now with Endeavor? Well, there’s no use having a puppet you can’t control.
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honey-katsu · 5 days
take her to the moon for me - ao3
Part 2 of 2
Part 1 here
Aizawa and a few of his students were given a job from the Hero Commission: stop the yakuza group known as the Bulls from selling any more quirk enhancement drugs. It should have been simple. Sneak in, destroy the drugs, and get out before anyone notices.
But of course, things never go as planned.
Warning (for all parts): violence, major character death, grief/mourning, panic attack/flashbacks
note before we begin: i am chickenKatsu on ao3. I do not give anyone the right to repost my work to another platform unless I’m asked then properly credited. Please support me on ao3 if you like it!
Izuku couldn't look at Present Mic. The desperation in his eyes broke Izuku’s heart. Present Mic stood frozen, a statue amidst swirling storm emotions. Izuku backed away from him, silently retreating to his room. 
Izuku quietly shut the door, collapsing to the floor. He couldn’t think. His world was changing faster than he could keep up. He heaved and gasped for air, room warping like a kaleidoscope. Everything sounded muffled and distant. The room was too bright, despite having all the lights off. Izuku knew he was spiraling into a panic. Logically, it made sense. Ever since the USJ attack, Tsu sometimes suffered from panic attacks. Izuku had extensively researched ways to help his friend, memorizing all her triggers, tell-tale signs, and prefered grounding methods. Maybe he could use that knowledge to help himself now.
He tried to breathe. Inhale slowly, then exhale, and in again, out, in, out… 
Suddenly, Izuku heard movement. The rumbling of footsteps pounded outside his door as the other students walked past. He froze. His breath quickened as the thundering train of noise approached. Light flooded the room, and Izuku buried his face in his knees, attempting to calm his breathing and failing miserably. Muddled voices and silhouettes surrounded him. 
Something warm and tight grabbed him. It was warm, too warm. It's hot. Like Kacchan’s explosions. Like the heat that ran through his face when he cried out for help. Like the burst of pain from a kick to the stomach or a punch in the eye. The rain of agony that wouldn’t stop.
It was heavy, like the crushing weight of his bullies. The weight of their feet pushing his arms into the concrete, enough to break bones sometimes. His head pummeled to the ground. His screams drowned, his pleas unheard…
Shaped like hands, the hands that had burned him. The hands that tightened their grip seconds before the burning pain. Handprints seared his skin. The starburst scars that littered his body. The smell of smoke, of his burnt flesh, filled his nose. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t move. If he did, he’d earn another round of explosions. He had to stay still. Maybe they’d finally leave him alone when they lost interest in their plaything.
Something cold pressed against the back of Izuku’s hand. It absorbed the burning warmth of his panic, chilly water running down his arm. A voice broke through Izuku’s panic-stricken mind.
“Izuku. Izuku, can you hear my voice? If you can, can you hold out your hand?”
Izuku did as the soft voice asked, meekly unwrapping his hand from his knees. The cold thing gently returned to his palm this time.
“Good job, Izuku. Can you describe what the thing in your hand feels like?”
“… Cold, nice…” Izuku’s vision slowly cleared. His surroundings gradually came back into focus. He glanced at his hand at the curious tingling sensation. “Ice?”
“That’s right. It’s ice. Shoto made it for you. Do you want to hold another piece? This one’s almost melted.”
Izuku noticed that the voice was right. His palm held mostly liquid at this point. He squinted a bit, trying to make out the figure in front of him. Slowly, his vision began to come into focus. Brown hair, round face, pink cheeks. A small smile and loving eyes. ”Ocha? I thought you were with everyone in the common room.”
“I was, but after you talked to Mic-sensei, a few of us wanted to come check on you.”
Izuku looked past Ochako to see Shoto crouching at her right. He was careful to keep his warm side away from Izuku and was already making another small ice cube. Kaachan stood father back, obviously concerned but trying not to crowd him. A few pairs of worried eyes peered around the doorframe.
“Izuku, you look kind of mystified. Do you remember what happened before you came to your room?”
Izuku frowned, rummaging through his foggy mind. Why were his classmates all in the common room but he wasn’t, again? Why did they come to check on him? What did he say to Mic-sensei that would elicit such concern, especially from Kaachan? And why would he panic about it? Why didn’t his friends call for Aizawa-sensei to help?
Aizawa-sensei wasn’t here. His classmates couldn’t call for him. He wasn’t here. He was dead. His body was trapped with the yakuza in those terrible underground tunnels.
Grief rammed into Izuku like a charging bull. He shrunk in on himself. A tsunami of tears flooded his eyes.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I left him behind! Aizawa-sensei promised he’d catch up. He-he promised. He’s not a liar, Ocha. But he didn’t. He didn't catch up; he didn't come back. It’s all my fault. I never should have left him. I should have been stronger. I should have noticed the ambush. He would still be here if I had died instea—”
Ochako wrapped her arms around him, tears stinging her eyes. Her motherly love warmed him to the core. “Izuku, there was nothing we could have done differently. Aizawa-sensei saved our lives. He saved your life. He values your life, Izuku. He wouldn’t want you to think that you’d be better off dead.”
“But I would.”
“No,” Shoto said, joining the hug, “you wouldn’t. Stay alive for Aizawa-sensei’s sake, even if you don’t think you deserve it. Try to see the value he saw in you that he would sacrifice himself for you and the rest of us. That’s what I’m doing. I’m still learning to love myself and my quirk, but I would’ve never gotten this far if not for you, Izuku. So let’s try together, okay?”
Shouto ruffled his hair and Ochako held the fragile hero closer. Bakugou was there now, wrapping his friends in a snug embrace. It was quiet for a while, giving everyone time to think and mourn the loss of their teacher.
Hizashi stumbled into his apartment. Shota was dead. His dear husband, the light of his life, his everything. Gone in the blink of an eye. Realistically, Hizashi and Shouta both knew that they could lose the other at any time. That was the dangers of hero work, after all, especially since Shota was an underground hero.
Hizashi knew Shouta’s death would be devastating, but this. This was worse than anything he had ever imagined. The grip of grief choked his lungs. He sputtered for air, the weight of thousands of punches pelting his chest. What could he do to get rid of this pain? Can someone save him from the rubble of his collapsing heart?
No one could save him. The only one who could was gone.
So he screamed. He screamed, screamed, screamed, and screamed, hoping Shota would hear. When would Shota come running? When would he use his quirk to stop the damage he’s doing to his ears? When would he come to hold him? When would his husband come? He screamed until his throat was raw and he could scream no longer.
All this was for naught. All this hardship. All this joy. All this love. Shota was gone, but Hizashi still needed him. His problem class and Eri still needed him. How could this have happened? Blearily, Hizashi glanced at his surroundings. The glass vase full of crimson roses was shattered, grinded into dust by his voice. The water drip, drip, dripped down off the entryway chest, pooling at his feet. Like Shouta’s blood must have. Hizashi immediately shook that thought away.
As he opened the door leading into the main area, Hizashi was reminded of how grateful he was that Shota had suggested soundproofing their apartment. After one too many cat mugs had been shattered by his husband’s quirk, Shota finally snapped. Hizashi chuckled at the memory of Shota going around the house and collecting all the fragile cups and mugs. He had declared that until the soundproofing was complete, Hizashi was only allowed to drink from red solo cups, even if that meant cold coffee on his way to teach at UA.
As Hizashi wandered through their home, memories resurfaced. Shota sleeping on the couch with their cats on his chest and a book on his face. The remnants of a coffee stain from when Rouge had rolled off the counter in his sleep, taking Hizashi’s cup with him. Shota couldn’t stop laughing for at least 10 minutes afterwards. And that one time they hosted a Halloween party. The ceiling fan blade was still bent from when Shota, dressed as Spiderman, had hung upside down from it and demanded Hizashi kiss him. 
Tears rolling down his cheeks brought Hizashi back to reality. Their cats Rogue and Trashbag weaved between his legs, purring and rubbing against him as he wandered. He found himself in front of their bedroom door. Swiping away his tears, Hizashi tried to open the door with shaking his hands.
Their room was exactly how he had left it. The bed was made haphazardly. An old cup of tea and Shota’s book sat on the nightstand. A pile of laundry had made its home near the dresser. The closet door was slightly ajar. Everything was placed as if someone would be coming back to clean it up. Someone who would never return.
As he ran his fingers along the surface of the dresser, Hizashi noticed a small wooden box. He’d never seen it before. Upon closer inspection, there was a small touchpad on the side. Curious, Hizashi tapped it. The box clicked, green letters that read Confirmed: Hizashi displayed on the screen. With a tender touch, Hizashi opened it. Inside was a copy of Shota’s will. Although heroes were required to submit a legally-binding copy to the Hero Commission, they were allowed to keep an enclosed hardcopy for their loved ones. 
Next to his will, Hizashi spotted Shota’s wedding ring on top of an envelope labeled My Hizashi in Shota’s stiff handwriting. 
Cautiously, he opened the letter as his tears threatened to spill.
Hey, Hizashi. I knew you would find my last note. I’m sorry, my love. You are my world and I hate that I left you. Please take my ring in remembrance of me. I never wear it on missions in case something happens. It should be in the same box as this note.
My beloved Hizashi… I’m so glad I knew you. You taught me how to live and not just exist. You taught me how to truly care. You taught me how to love myself and love others. I wouldn’t trade my time with you for anything. 
And I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll never get to tell you all this in person.
The last line of ink was smudged, as if it had gotten wet and the writer had attempted to dry it. Hizashi pressed on, his vision blurred by a cascade of tears.
Since you’re reading this, that means I’m gone. I was probably protecting my students, right? I would never admit it to their faces, but they mean a lot to me. None of them realize how important they are. And since I’m no longer there for them, I’ll never be able to teach them that. I’m sure my problem class is grieving right now, and so are you. 
The only difference is that they’ve never lost someone before. So I have a favor to ask of you, as a teacher, adult, and trusted friend. Guide them, please. Knowing them, I bet they're so very lost right now. Midoriya, Bakugou, and Yaoyorozu probably blame themselves. Tokoyami, Kirishima, and Shinso probably hate themselves. Look out for them; they struggle with undiagnosed depression and possibly anxiety. Hagakure, Jiro, Aoyama, and Ojiro are probably trying to comfort everyone, despite their own grief. Sato, Koda, Asui, Iida, and Uraraka are probably hiding their pain by staying active so they don't have to think. Make sure they take care of themselves; they might forget. Todoroki, too. He’s probably numb right now. Kaminari, Sero, and Ashido are probably trying to smooth things over with humor so they don't have to feel.
Make sure they all get counseling, even if they think they don't need it. They’re kids, after all. Don't let them make the same mistake I did with Oboro. I shut out my friends and family. I refused help as my soul slowly deteriorated.
That includes you, Hizashi. I know that sometimes you get so busy caring for others that you forget to care for yourself. Be a little selfish and take some time for yourself. Take a break and go to therapy, too. And don’t break any of our mugs or I’ll come back to haunt you.
Hizashi laughed, although it sounded more like a wet croak.
Oh, and I can't forget about Eri. I wish I had more time with her. She’s missed out on so much. I want to surround her with love and cats and everything she never got. Actually, I was planning on talking to you about adopting her, Hizashi. Eri would be safe from any villain with two pro heroes as her parents. We could send her to school and eventually UA; she definitely has the potential to be a great hero. 
Eri has so many dreams and ambitions. From the smallest things to the biggest for so many different reasons. She wants to pet an Egyptian Mau because it reminds her of Deku. She wants to save kids from bad situations like Lemillion did for her. She wants to catch a crab at the beach and battle my entire class with those pre-quirk lightsaber weapons (and win)… If I listed everything she wanted to do, the list would reach all the way across the galaxy. I want to see them all through, but I guess I couldn’t.
Take her to the moon for me. Well, that’s an impossible task, but could you try anyway? She has the potential to reach heights we never could have dreamed of. She just needs a little push.
Thank you to everyone who supported me or hated me. I don’t care either way what you thought of me, just that you knew me. If you knew me, you know who’s hurting right now. Do what you will, but leave those who loved me alone or so help me god I will come back from beyond the grave to move all your stuff one inch to the left every day for all of eternity.
And Hizashi my dear, I know I’ve written this so many times by now, but I have to just one more time. If you’re reading this, that means I’m dead. I’m sorry I died. I’m sorry I left you. I’m sorry you’re stuck in this miserable world without me. But you’re not alone. Nemuri and all of UA, including that infernal Nezu, are here for you. Accept their support like you would mine.
I love you, Hizashi. Take care of yourself and Eri and my problem class, alright?
See you in the afterlife,
Aizawa Shota
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nerdyquestier · 1 year
What If Oboro (#3)
What if on the third day of UA having Midoriya & co as students, the USJ is still attacked, but by Mr Compress in place of Tenko, a familiar voice making Oboro freeze momentarily and glance to Aizawa as he registered the voice of one of Kayama’s past classmates coming from the villain?
What if Compress similarly froze upon seeing Oboro, looking so similar and yet so strikingly different to how he did during their time at UA, eyes widening behind the mask as he glanced frantically between Aizawa and Oboro before an impatient whine came from beside him?
What if it wasn’t Aizawa who fought a Nomu, but Oboro, who proceeded to have a panic attack about it afterwards, knowing what happens to make a Nomu (even a failed one like himself, his mind echoes continuously), and being horrified that he hadn’t been the last The Doctor experimented on?
What if Compress watched the Sports Festival to get any sort of hint as to whether he caused his Kohai (however many years had passed since Oboro’s “death” and his own disappearance) any lasting pain, only to find out that both he and Aizawa had been forced to co-announce with Mic for the event, after which he couldn’t find it within himself to stop watching?
What if Oboro went down to the staff spectator area after the first event, smiling softly at the sound of cheering of the crowd (heroes, scouts and reporters alike), where he got a call just before the end of the second event that Tensei had been attacked by a villain and was hospitalised, unconscious?
What if he had to take Iida to Hosu in the middle of the event before he could tell any of his friends about having to leave past a message to Aizawa that he would have to look after Tenko (basically just drive him home and give him food, the kid’s 17 at this point but doesn’t trust himself to cook, Oboro doesn’t trust him to not burn himself) for the evening?
What if after over two years of having 3A (Togata & co) as his home room class, they all register and avoid asking about his dour mood when they have class on the following Tuesday?
What if the Hosu attack leaves Oboro with immense guilt, a heavily injured pseudo-nephew (Touya, who was able to get Iida and Native to safety), and a new scar that ran down his left outer thigh?
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aspenforest732 · 10 months
Mortem ad Wrens Chapter 5: USJ
tw: scars, pain, torture mention, threats of violence, graphic descriptions of violence and injury, blood, gore, near death, strangulation
Decided to catch y'all up with where fanfiction.net and now Wattpad are at ‘text‘ is JSL Text is thoughts
Akira barely slept Thursday night, having to change locations again and even going quirkless roof hopping in the few hours before school with their heart racing. After dropping by base to see if there were any updates on the attack – there weren’t – Akira took an early train and bus to school and shuffled in with Shinso and Ida, only lightly using their cane now that they were building up a buffer.
Shinso frowned slightly upon seeing them. ‘You aren’t normally here this early. Are you okay?’
‘Just couldn’t sleep last night,’ Akira tiredly signed back. ‘Feels like a storm is about to hit, but I can’t tell why.’ Akira stretched, letting their joints pop before dropping back down, noticing a worried look on Shinso. Glancing down, Akira grimaced and pulled out their scar cream to slather over their arms. After a moment, they hesitated. ‘I’ll be right back. Restroom.’
Shinso nodded, eyes still betraying concern as he watched them leave.
Slipping into the locker room, Akira pulled their makeshift long makeup brush from their duffle bag and covered their upper back as best they could before checking in the mirror. They applied a bit more to cover the top edges of their intricate scar before checking the time and sprinting back to class as they adjusted their uniform.
‘Are you okay?’ Tokoyami signed as they slipped in with the bell.
‘I’m fine, forgot part of my routine this morning.’ Akira signed, finger spelling routine since they hadn’t covered it yet.
Class presidency was shifted to Ida, to Midoriya’s obvious relief, and Aizawa announced Rescue training off-campus for their Heroics block. Like most of the class, Akira opted to wear their hero costume since they could at minimum get more used to their capture weapon and ease the strain on their legs without dragging their cane around. Akira sat near the back of the bus with Shinso next to them and Tokoyami and Koda behind. Assuming they would need their quirk, Akira pulled out two jelly pouches to provide a bit more buffer. The soft vibrations and gentle sway of the bus quickly put Shinso and Todoroki to sleep, letting Akira watch them a little more closely.
The two-tone son of Endeavor was much quieter than Akira thought he would be, and the scar was concerning. The pattern seemed more indicative of a steam or water-based attack, which none of his family had… Unless both his mother and father are abusing him? But it would take a special attack to cause that damage, and surely, they would know to do something less visible after three kids.
Soon, the bus arrived at USJ, and Akira gently nudged Shinso awake. Todoroki eyed them for a moment, curiosity flickering across his gaze before he stalked off.
As Aizawa and Thirteen explained the purpose of the training and that All Might wouldn’t be joining them, Akira surveyed the disaster zones, wondering briefly what the “Universal Studios” the other students mentioned was. It sounded more like a movie studio than display area like this, but-
What the hell was that? Akira flinched at the sudden burst of electrical energy that surged through the ceiling lights, winking them out and making the fountain stutter as it settled over the area. The lights didn’t turn back on, but the glass dome provided enough sunlight to see. Why would they be on unless…
‘Engine Calf run, get backup.’ Akira signed in a panic. Anii startled at their intensity and interpreted for them, drawing a confused glance from Aizawa as the central fountain distorted and filled with purple mist.
“What are you talking about? I won’t leave my class,” Ida rebuked, arm chopping the air.
“Gather together and don’t move!” Aizawa commanded as the mist expanded and people started to step through. “Thirteen, protect the students!”
‘Someone’s running electrical interference. They won’t know villains attacked!’ Koda squeaked as Anii interpreted, drawing a gasp from the students.
As the class tensely theorized their intentions and level of preparation, Akira shuddered, recognizing a few of the quirks from the streets. Shit, half of them are physical mutation quirks, so Erasure won’t be effective, and if Thirteen’s in charge of evacuation, he needs help.
As Akira’s Mortis mask slipped into place, Eraser Head told Thirteen and Kaminari to try contacting the school through the interference. Midoriya questioned Eraser Head’s strategy as Mortis stepped forward, just out of Eraser Head’s line of sight. ‘Engine Calf, if you don’t go now, I don’t know if we’ll get a second chance.’
“You can’t be a pro with just one trick,” Eraser Head said as he leapt over the railing. Ida finally seemed to listen and took off running, just barely getting through the doors as the warper appeared in front of them.
Mortis stared at the spiral growing into an almost humanoid shape. What the hell is this? The reality interference looks like a Breaker, but the warping aspect shouldn’t be this strong unless it’s a dual Mover, but no one’s successfully bred or broken that combo. Snapping out of their thoughts, Mortis started chugging jelly pouches.
“Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may have been presumptuous of us, but we invited ourselves into the home of heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have the Symbol of Peace, All Might, take his last breath,” the mist continued to monologue.
Mortis warped next to the mist as Bakugo and Kirishima leapt forward, slashing out their knives to the gap in the mist’s brace. They felt the slightest pull as they warped next to their first clone.
“My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!” Mortis felt their invisibility drop as the strange purple mist surrounded them, forming a dome not unlike a sandstorm.
Okay, not a Breaker but some kind of Shaker whose particle effects activate Mover warping? What the hell? Mortis barely had time to collect their thoughts before being unceremoniously deposited in the landslide zone with Todoroki.
In the blink of an eye, the eight villains approaching were stuck to the now ice-covered ground. Todoroki quickly iced a ninth as Mortis warped on top of a bird-like villain, slamming them out of the air. Looking around, Mortis didn't see Anii nearby so could only hope she had been outside the warp area.
‘You good?’ Mortis asked slowly. Todoroki nodded and started interrogating the villains, so Mortis just gestured to the plaza and started sprinting down the zone. From the blasts of various elements and screams, it sounded like the rest of the class was still inside the building, just in different zones. Mortis could just make out three small figures near the steps but still in the shipwreck zone edging towards the fight as Aizawa ran at Handsy.
Downing a fourth jelly pouch, Mortis warped into the fray, ribboning the knees of a Brute with gorilla arms and warping away as Eraser Head moved to engage the remaining two minions. Still invisible, they trained an eye on the hulking blue figure still standing by the fountain. What the hell is that thing and why hasn’t it engaged?
“Kid, stay back,” Eraser Head panted. Mortis choked back a gasp at the state of his right arm, skin crumbled like when a hardening quirk took too many hits. Warping forward again, Mortis slammed one of them away as Aizawa dispatched the other, whipping back to face Handsy. Mortis danced back, eyes darting in search of the blue figure as Handsy started monologuing again, only to catch a blur of movement as it suddenly grasped Eraser Head’s head and slammed him into the ground.
Blood spraying onto their costume, Mortis warped back in shock, stumbling into one of their previous clones. The purple mist materialized next to Handsy again, and to Mortis’s relief the few who remained with Thirteen seemed to be okay and at least Ida wasn’t pursued. A gargled shout snapped Mortis’s focus back to Eraser Head and, with the bosses distracted, they warped onto the Nomu’s back, driving a knife into its brain and wrapping their capture weapon around its neck. They pulled back hard as their muscles screamed, and Mortis drove another knife into its right shoulder as the creature shrieked, stumbling backward and releasing Eraser Head as its too-long arms reached towards them.
Mortis warped, noting it was difficult to move their left arm as they stood over Eraser Head. Drawing the creature’s attention, they sent out their capture weapon against its right arm again, dancing back and pulling as it tried to swipe at them. With a blur, Mortis was on the ground, pinned by a massive, clawed hand over their chest. Struggling to breathe, Mortis slashed at its wrist, only to see its wounds healing almost as quickly as they made them. Frozen, Mortis felt something in their chest snap as their breath abruptly left them. Gotta move, gotta move, gotta move, just MOVE!
“What a strange little npc. Let’s destroy some of All Might’s pride as the Symbol of Peace.” Mortis heard from above and behind, barely registering a hand reach down as they warped next to Eraser Head, chest heaving as their clone was dispelled. Noticing some of the villains standing back up, Mortis dropped back into a fighting stance, capture weapon floating around their shoulders and tassels rippling as they stood over Eraser Head.
In an instant, Shigaraki was on them, hands reaching out as Mortis tried to block with their knife, rotating to throw the man off balance. They stumbled at the lack of resistance when the first hand dusted the knife and froze as the other wrapped around their throat, white hot pain erupting from Shigaraki’s fingertips as their skin and muscle started to disintegrate, quickly spreading across their throat with sharp stabs of pain.
Suddenly, Mortis felt a sense of relief as their quirk stopped with the decay. “Damnit. You really are cool, Eraser Head” Shigaraki spat, stepping back and snarling down at the hero. Mortis swayed on their feet, shuddering as they felt pieces of flesh shifting and bleeding sluggishly. They sloppily struck forward with a knife as they commanded their capture weapon to wrap around Shigaraki’s arm to toss him, only for it to go slack halfway through the motion as stabbing pain broke their focus. Cursing inwardly, Mortis recalled it just in time to avoid Shigaraki’s touch, stumbling back with the unintended force behind the recall.
BANG! The USJ’s doors exploded open, a pale mist pouring through at the change in air pressure as a towering figure stepped through. For once, Mortis could understand a little of how most people felt when All Might arrived. Within moments, the thugs were dispatched and Eraser Head in his arms. Suddenly, Midoriya, Asui, and Koda were next to Mortis.
“I’m leaving Aizawa to you,” All Might said. “He’s unconscious. Hurry!”
Wincing, Mortis painfully signed, ‘Something broke in my chest; I can’t help carry him.’
“Your chest – Mori, of course you’re not going to carry him! Half your throat is missing, and you have a huge gash down your arm.”
Mortis started warping up the steps, using magnets to dispel their clones to avoid aggravating their injuries. ‘Help Eraser. Being carried slow,’ they signed after finally reaching the top. The room started to spin, and Mortis gasped as they became weightless before drifting to the ground. Mortis flinched at the faint sound of an explosion as the world faded to black.
I decided to look for JSL learning resources one more time, and it turns out they do have fingerspelling! I’ve seen a few people say otherwise, but the first video I found included fingerspelling for names at least. Nomu: *move so fast it’s just a blur* Akira: I can distract that! Nomu: *pins Akira at blur speed* Akira: surprisedpikachu.jpeg Todoroki: *freezes and threatens villains with frostbite* Akira: Ya good buddy? Todoroki: life is pain Akira: oookay Ima go over there
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mdccanon · 2 years
Why are "Suspected Traitor Midoriya Izuku" fanfics so painfully cliché and nonsensical?
The ONLY villain Izuku could be implicated in working with is Stain.
I thought this little subgenre of the fandom would produce a FEW interesting deviating AUs about Midoriya starring in The Fugitive. Instead, what I found was a poorly-written story template that erases 40% of Seasons 1 and 2’s plot points to make Hurt, No Comfort fanfiction about whumpee Izuku Midoriya having panic attacks from police brutality, and then attempting suicide.
The trend popped up in 2020, during the Overhaul Arc, but the fanfics feature so little in-story information and focus mostly on information from the first 5 episodes, with a hard emphasis on middle school. It feels like a MHA whump enthusiast started telling their community about an anime featuring a bullied crybaby and they flocked over. These stories have so little understanding of the actual anime, they read more like the writers only understand the story by other people’s fanfiction. Clips of the show, at best.
So, below are common flaws in these whump stories, how they could be improved, but ultimately how dropping the "He's working with the League" plot point and having them suspect him of working with Stain is far more plausible in-story.
This is all with the FULL UNDERSTANDING that these stories are supposed to be about an innocent Izuku being persecuted, betrayed, and heartbroken so that he can fall into despair, be abused, cry crystal tears of suffering… I’m into that shit. I had already leafed through a hundred or so stories of Bakugou and Shigaraki abusing him. And I wouldn't have read SO many of THESE stories if I wasn't looking for good content... It's just that even the most popular stories on AO3 are SO weaksauce.
Elevate yourself. Do better.
Ignoring Police Procedure because the Authors Prefer Nonsensical Accusations
The authors want to get to police/UA staff beating Izuku in an undisclosed basement as soon as possible… Which I wholeheartedly appreciate, but I suppose its a matter of taste that I don't share their opinion that Izuku's heartbreak is sweeter if the accusations make no sense.
I’d prefer either changing key details in the story so that the investigation has a plausible accusation (actually write the League framing Izuku) OR using the literal plot of the anime and being clever about what accusation could be made and by whom.
I read a story where Izuku was framed with a video of him setting fire to the school and because Aizawa and All Might were so mad, they skipped investigation and a TRIAL and just held Izuku in a sensory deprivation prison for five years. The League has a shapeshifter AND a clone-maker, y'all. I did a find search of the entire story. No one mentions Toga or Twice, not even once.
Story Ideas:
At summer camp, the League could implicate Izuku as their mole and reveal that kidnapping Bakugou was part of Izuku's payment. Hell, let Izuku run into the portal, restrain him, kill Bakugou, throw Izuku to All for One so that he can be miraculously healed of ALL of his injuries and tell him, "Good luck getting All Might to believe you weren't working with us." Because if the story is ALWAYS going to be "no one bothers to call Tsukauchi The Human Lie Detector until after they've mentally and physically scarred Izuku for life" ... could the prompt for the betrayal be a bit more interesting?
Or after USJ, Bakugou tells Aizawa Izuku’s “I was given a quirk” confession that, when paired with All Might telling him about All for One, leads Aizawa to quickly and quietly detain Izuku. (Which is also a good cautionary tale about why the hell Kacchan gets to be in the loop but Aizawa has no idea what's going on.) I mean, c'mon, the plot of MHA is basically begging for Izuku to confess that he was given All Might's power and Aizawa not believe him because, hello, All Might clearly still has his quirk.
Erasing 40% of the story to make a plot-holes doesn’t make Izuku’s heartbreak any sweeter. Making characters OOC requires massaging the plot, anyway. If you’re going to change Aizawa to foaming-at-the-mouth irrational or change Class A to being “so scared” no one assumes Izuku must have been coerced into working with Shigaraki information… the LEAST you could do is come up with an interesting red herring to explain why an underground hero lost the ability to do a proper investigation?
Izuku Writes Creepy Notebooks
For most of these stories, this is the only evidence that Izuku was working with the League, in some stories, Aizawa beats Izuku for simply having the notebooks; thinking he’s League traitor isn’t even mentioned! I can see why the bloodthirsty whump writers like this: the notebooks are connected to middle school bullying, so Class A resenting them can quickly segue into Izuku having PTSD panic attacks and running to make his first suicide attempt.
These stories also completely ignore that Izuku asks people questions. Authors will write that Izuku wrote several pages about Uraraka but never, ever actually talked to her to answer his questions: Would she lose her quirk if she loses even one finger (like Shigaraki)? Should Hatsume make protection gloves? How about Ashido, Bakugou and Todoroki? Would Todoroki's powers still work with protective gloves like Bakugou?
But, am I a bad person for wanting a bit more meat on this bone? Instead of Aizawa/Nezu expelling/arresting Izuku simply because they fear the notebooks could be used for evil in the future, doesn’t it sound plausible to believe and heartbreaking for Izuku to have to prove that "most of Stain's victims are profiled in the last few of Izuku's notebooks." (It would still be circumstantial evidence since, if Izuku writes profiles on hundreds of heroes across 15 notebooks, some of them being Stain’s victims is just par for the course. But I prefer this idea over “Izuku OPENLY writes in his notebooks every day, but doesn’t that just prove he’s the traitor even more because we’d assume no traitor would be stupid enough to spy on us in our faces? Gyah! His evil genius is staggering.")
PS: If Bakugou points out that shitty Deku has been making these notebooks for so long, #1 is more of a coloring book of his favorite heroes... he either gets called a traitor too and thrown into prison to be beaten or everyone's response is simply "But they exist! They EXIST! They are creepy!"
Let’s Ignore the USJ/Internship Plot, Even Thought the Fanfic is about the USJ/Internship
Izuku passed on information about Class A to Shigaraki... even though a major plot point of USJ was that Shigaraki didn't know anything about Class A's abilities.
Insist that Izuku’s multiple, painful self-sacrificing moments were all just covers for his evil plans. Either that, or don’t mention them at all, because pointing out that he broke his legs to help All Might sounds like too good of a reason to trust him.
Let’s erase All for One, Gran Torino, and the Nomus from the story because we either need All Might to assume Izuku told Shigaraki about his injury or the story features a quirkless Izuku and the accusation that All for One was rewarding him with a secret quirk is too logical to be allowed. All Might/Nezu/Aizawa cannot be allowed a plausible reason to assume Shigaraki seduced Izuku to the dark side.
Completely ignore that Tsukauchi The Human Lie Detector wrote Izuku’s statement.
Izuku did Summer Camp… Because
Since this is the arc that introduces the concept of “a traitor in their midst,” this trend just crammed Izuku into it without making it fit. So now most of the 400 fanfics are stuck rewriting a few templates of Class A and the teachers accusing him for no reason and ignoring what actually HAPPENED at the summer camp to do so. Because… he has notebooks…
Again, insist that Izuku’s multiple, painful self-sacrificing moments were all just covers for his evil plans. Either that, or don’t mention them at all. Because two broken arms, going out of his way to save a little boy, coming up with plans to save several classmates, and contributing to the arrests of two villains sound like too good of reasons to trust him.
Izuku TOLD the Pussycats who the target and was part of the vanguard protecting him. Without that message, Mr. Compass would have still captured Bakugou with NO ONE being the wiser. No, let’s go one step deeper. Izuku could have left Bakugou behind during the final exam so that he would be forced to take remedial lessons. If the kids who failed really were staying behind, Izuku would give that address. If it was just a logical deception, Izuku would give that address.
Honestly, I've never seen a "he told the League where the summer camp was" story that actually talked about what happened at the summer camp. These fanfictions will have CHAPTERS of Izuku having panic attacks from middle school days and never mention Bakugou... the reason for Izuku's lack of self-worth. Authors will give Izuku trust issues with teachers to make his panic attacks because of Aizawa more heartbreaking... and never, ever mention that Bakugou is the reason teachers didn't help him.
Completely ignore that Tsukauchi The Human Lie Detector wrote Izuku’s statement.
Overhaul is Such a Touching and Courageous Arc that it is Never Mentioned
Sometimes, sometimes... the whole "Gyah, Izuku makes creepy notebooks so lets turn on him!" plot happens after the Overhaul Arc... But his actions during the Arc are NEVER mentioned.
I do recall two stories: One where Aizawa accused him of working for Stain, the League and Overhaul at the same time and when Izuku points out that makes no sense, he gets punched and told not to talk back... And in another, they just accuse Izuku being the mole who informed the yakuza of the sting operations... and no one, not even the Big Three mention how little sense that makes.
Everyone shut up. Beating the every-loving shit out of Kaiju Overhaul and single-handedly saving the tortured girl are nothing compared to creepy notebooks.
Assuming Stain and Izuku are mentor and pupil
By using the plot of the anime...
Nezu/Aizawa/All Might assuming middle school Deku imprinted on Stain the moment he heard a “All Might alone is worthy” speech is a much better assumption than … oh, right, without All for One in the story, there is no logical explanation how NEET Shigaraki recruited Izuku, when he couldn’t even recruit decent henchmen for USJ.
I like the idea of Stain disabling the two heroes who didn’t save Kacchan. Two cowards scolding a child for being braver than them? Since Stain’s arc is a year and some change from Ep. 1, if those two heroes were among the first he ever attacked, it could cause someone to double-take that their last patrol before being forced into retirement was featured on the news with two future UA students.
Stain SAVED Deku from Shigaraki. For any Pro Hero to assume that means Izuku was working with Shigaraki instead of Stain is like watching a girl stick her tongue down a guy's throat and doubting they are a couple because you saw that girl snatch a weave off someone she hates in the school parking lot.
Stain followers, in plain view of Pro Heroes, have declared Izuku as equally a true hero as All Might, saved him, or helped him save the day. Not only was Toga instrumental in Izuku's success in the Overhaul Arc (and Uraraka and Aizawa were aware of that) but the only reason she HAD Izuku's blood was because of a discreet little meet-up during the PLE that could have gone completely unnoticed, except Sero, Mineta, and Kaminari loudly said they saw Izuku interact with a naked girl. Shit! Well, now Izuku has to mention Camie to Beast, it would be out of character to NOT ask.
The Mall Encounter implicates Izuku so much, I'm actually getting scared. IS Izuku Midoriya a Stain follower?! Here is the monologue straight from the DUB: "What's the difference? Your goals, your villains... I don't understand you. I don't agree with the Hero Killer either, but I can understand him. Because the Hero Killer and I have something in common. We're inspired by All Might. That night, he even saved me from the flying nomu. He's a maniac, but he doesn't destroy things because it sounds fun. And when things were looking bad for him, he didn't abandon his mission... Like YOU did. Even if what he did was wrong, he held true to his beliefs. That's the difference."
Now, when Tsukauchi The Human Lie Detector took Izuku's statement after the Mall Encounter… because yes, he takes Izuku’s statement after every fucking crisis, people… even if Izuku repeated that monologue word for word, all Tsukauchi would hear was the confused a innocent hero-in-training.
If Nezu/Aizawa/All Might read back that statement, they could EASILY reinterpret it as an idealistic young pupil disappointed that he couldn't convince his master to spare the lives of all of the fake, unworthy heroes he'd profiled for him. (This serial killer killed 17 and injured 24, now. That's a whole lotta people not killed for a serial killer.) How EASY would it be to suspect that Ingenium was only alive because Izuku pleaded his case? How EASY would it be to think Izuku only sent the signal to Class A to get Iida away from his master ASAP before he had to choose between his mission and his new friends?
And just to wrap up in a nice, neat bow how much the Mall Encounter makes Izuku look like a Stain pupil, the fact that it happened at all looks like Shigaraki flaunting how vulnerable Izuku is with his master in jail. A rogue looking to recruit the quirk analyst prodigy he suspects was that asshole's Player 2. "I hate everyone. But the Hero Killer pisses me off the most.” Izuku tried to act as ignorant as possible. “Wasn’t he one of your guys?” But then he dropped character when Shigaraki dared to compare himself to his master. Shigaraki asked why Stain had more YouTube views and Izuku responded with a shockingly personal declaration on his respect for Stain and All Might.
… Seriously, I’ve gaslit myself into thinking Izuku really is Stain’s pupil...
At this point, I’m just working out the kinks on either an actual traitor AU or a reasonable doubt fugitive AU.
I love making characters suffer. I genuinely do. I can tolerate melodrama for the sake of characters suffering. I love OOC because I equally love Aizawa beating Izuku and Aizawa dating Izuku... If someone has a recommendation on both happening at the same time, I'd appreciate it.
But I just don’t understand the appeal of lazy writing or nonsensical characters WITHIN the context of the story being written. Every time someone says "Izuku sold information about us" all I can think about is that Shigaraki has never understood any of Class A's powers. Just write that Izuku wanted the League to kidnap Bakugou. Use the fucking anime.
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gojifan97 · 2 years
Pretty please, an AU where Hana Shimura lives.
When Hana ran from Tenko, she was fast enough that Tenko couldn't touch her. His mother and grandparents found her and the rest of the family died as they did in canon. Hana fled in terror, missing their father's death. In the days afterward, she at first hid, traumatized at what she'd seen. However, soon her guilt led her to look for her brother. She found him under a bridge and tried to rouse him from his stupor. At the sight of her, Tenko, who thought she was dead, has a borderline panic attack.
She tried to calm him, but then heard something behind her. They weren't alone. AFO had come to claim Tenko. He had no interest in Hana who reminded him a bit too much of her grandmother. Hana yelled at Tenko to run and charged at AFO, but he swatted her like a fly. She was badly concussed and managed to crawl away while AFO comforted/stole her brother. AFO assumed she'd die and ignored her.
Hana very nearly did, but was found by a cranky old guy, who griped the entire time he was saving her. ("Back in my day we had the decency to almost die in front of young people! We didn't make old folks carry us to the hospital! Little brat!"). It's Gran Torino, who notices an uncanny resemblance in Hana to a particular friend of hers.
Gran finds out Hana is Nana's granddaughter and her family is a bit too dead to care for her, so undertakes that job himself! Anyone who knows him could say that he is NOT qualified for that, but nobody in the government knows him. Toshi finds out a few months later when Gran strongarms requests Toshi to visit, and Toshi opened the door to find a miniature Nana. Gran and Toshi tell Hana all kinds of stories about her heroic grandmother, inspiring her to be a Hero too. She's also become a mischief maker due to being trained by Gran Torino.
She feels Tenko would love this too, but doesn't remember what happened to him. Her injury caused her to forget about her encounter with AFO. Her quirk is Push, a telekinetic quirk to push objects away. She can even use this to fly! With AM and Gran's training, Hana becomes a talented Hero. She's friends with Hawks, but her best friend is Mirko, who she often spars with. She becomes a teaching assistant at UA when AM goes there to teach.
Then the USJ attack happens. During a lull in the fighting she attacks the main leader himself, the man with the hands. She knocks off his hand before the Nomu grabs her and holds her for the boss. He briefly hesitates when he sees her, but then starts reaching out. It takes her a few moments, but then Hana recognizes that hair, eyes, and quirk combination. Hana: Tenko?
Tomura freezes. As he tries to make sense of what's happening, between his amnesia of the attack and finding out his sister's alive, AM arrives. The battle happens mostly as canon, though Hana participates a little. When Tomura leaves, brother and sister watch each other. After that, Hana swears she's going to find and bring back her brother.
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nights-legacy · 2 years
denki (or any mha character you feel comfortable writing)x yn who suffers from ptsd (car crash)
angst to comfort?
like the class has to get a bus to usj for training & yn is kinda anxious from the start but ends up going into a silent panic attack on the bus and it takes a second for him to realise.
you don’t have to follow the plot, but you get the idea. thanks- this is more like a comfort thing.
(disregard this if you don’t want to write it,
it’s fine)
Sorry it took so long but here it is! I hope you like it!
Automotive Apprehension - Kaminari x Reader
Masterlist MHA Masterlist
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1270 Words Warnings: mentions of anxiety, descriptions of panic attacks. Please read with caution. Requests are still open! Checked pinned post for guidelines.
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Everyone was super excited as soon as Aizawa sensei told us to get ready to go to the USJ. This was the first time we’ve gotten to go since the incident on the 3rd day of class. By now, all of us have been able to get to know eachother better and figure out the beginnings of working together. 
“Woo Hoo!!” Kami jumped around in front of me. In that time, I had come to be really good friends with the electric ferret of the class. “Back to the USJ. Let’s hope there’s no attack again.” He looked back at me with a ‘uh oh’ face. I laughed at him as he jumped into place next to me. 
“Knock on wood!” I hit him in the arm. He overdramatically stopped before scrambling and yelling he needed wood. He ran around and in between people. He didn’t come back until we all made it to the bus. I froze on the spot when I saw the vehicle. Memories of a bad car accident flashing through my mind. 
“Found some wood.” I jumped out of my daze as Kami came back panting. I looked at him as he was leaning on his knees, catching his breath. He looked up at me after a moment. “Ready to go?” 
“Yeah.” I gave a side eye to the bus. I could feel the anxiousness rising slowly in my chest. I slowly followed the blonde to the door. I paused at the step. Kami must have noticed my absence because he looked back at me. 
“You good, L/N?” I looked up and nodded. 
“Yep.” I forced myself onto the bus and followed Kami to a couple of empty seats. Once everyone was settled, Aizawa told the driver to go ahead. With the jolt of the bus starting forward, my anxiety spiked. I clasped my hands in my lap. I tried to keep my breathing even but it was increasingly difficult. 
When I was 8 years old, my parents and I had gotten into a bad car wreck and barely survived. In the few moments the actual wreck took place, I remember every bit of it. To this day, I can’t be in a car without nearly panicking. Normally, my mom or dad is always there and keeps me distracted or comforted. Now they’re not. The first time we went to the USJ, the excitement of being in the hero course and going for training was still running high, keeping me distracted. 
“Shit.” I muttered as the bus got out into loud traffic. I pulled my arms in, wrapping them around myself while my leg started bouncing. I could hear Kami talking next to me but was retaining anything. 
“There’s a traffic accident up ahead and we’ll be delayed for a bit. Behave yourselves.” Aizawa announced. My head snapped up. I swallowed but it felt like it was caught. I slightly gasped for air while holding myself tighter. My eyes darted from the front view from the bus to the lines of cars on either side of us. 
“No, no, no.” I repeated in my head. Tears were building in my eyes. I closed them and tried to keep them in. Everything around me muffled out as I was trying to keep myself together. 
“L/N?” I heard someone call my name but didn’t look up. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. “L/N! Hey calm down.” I forced my eyes open and looked to see Kami looking at me worried. “What’s going on? What has you like this?”
“Pa-pan-panic att…” I tried to get out. He looked at me confused before finally connecting the dots. 
“Oh, oh! Shit.” He lowered his voice. “What can I do? Shit, do you not want me to touch you? I’m sorry!” He went to move away but I latched onto his jacket. He re-wrapped his arm around me. “What can I do?”
“Cover my…” I flinched and buried my head in his chest when a car honked near us. His hands gently grabbed my head. He maneuvered it to where he was covering one ear and the other was pressed against his chest. His other hand started rubbing up and down my back. I could feel him talking to someone before something was slipped over my ears. All noise was blocked out. I looked up at him. 
“Good?” I read his lips. I nodded and he smiled. He pulled me into close and continued to rub my back. He also sat where I couldn’t see out the windows. After a bit, I could feel the bus moving again. I tried to pay it no mind but still flinched and gasped every now and again. 
“Crap.” I muttered to myself as the bus stopped. The ear muffs were taken off and I looked up at Kami. 
“Come on. Let’s get off the bus and then you can tell me what happened once you’ve calmed down. If you want to, of course.” I nodded and followed him out.  He didn't let go of my hand all the way to the doors of the building. Once inside, Kami pulled me off to one side and sat me down. We sat silently while I finally caught my breath.
“Thank you Kami.” I said after a few moments. He smiled while squeezing my hand. 
“You’re welcome.” He rubbed circles in the back of my hand. “Can you tell me what happened back there?”
“Well…” I took a big breath. I went into the story of what happened to me years ago and now I have high anxiety when it comes to anything involving vehicles. I explained that it only applied to cars, buses, and such and that trains and planes didn’t bother me. I also told him that usually my mom or dad were with me and kept me distracted. 
“Wow. I am sorry that that happened to you. I know there isn’t much I can do then this but I’ll help you regardless.” He gave me a soft smile. “I will say that I am glad you did survive because I wouldn’t have met such an amazing person.” 
“Thank you Kami.” I said while giving him a hug. 
“Maybe we can even see if we can find a way for you to overcome this. I know you’re stronger than the fear. It just takes time.” 
“I’d like that. I don’t like this but I know with help I can get past it.” I admitted. He nodded before messing up my hair. 
“Ready to get to training?” I nodded. We got up and walked to meet the others. No one questioned our disappearance which I was grateful for. As we were being split up, Aizawa pulled me aside. 
“Yes sensei?” 
“You alright to train, kid?” He asked. I nodded. “Okay. If you need to in the future, bring earphones or something for the ride. Anything that will help you. I know PTSD can be.”
“How did you?”
“The accident is in your background file for the school. I also saw how you reacted when we got caught in traffic. I was able to connect the dots. So, do whatever helps you okay? Now get back to your group.” He dismissed me. I smiled before thanking him and leaving. 
“What was that about?” Kami asked as I walked back up. “Oh, just some teacherly advice and stuff. Nothing to worry about.” I bumped shoulders with him. “Now, I hope you knocked on enough wood earlier. Don’t need anything else to happen today.” 
“Don’t Jinx it!!!!” He yelled, causing all of us to laugh.
Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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just-my-fandom · 3 years
Heartache (Shouta Aizawa x Pro-Hero! Reader)
A/N: Ooo-kay, finally back from my month long, needed break from writing. I’m kinda attached to MHA at the moment, so that is what I am taking requests for.
Summary; The two times where two of UAs teachers nearly lose their lives to protect their students, mindful of the child they have at home.
Request; Can we have some pro hero love where reader (pro hero) and Mr. Aizawa have a daughter and Thirteen who is readers best friend is said daughters god mom while Present Mic is the god dad plz
Akari- Japanese name meaning “Light”. Readers quirk is the ability to send large waves of energy a selective distance, and shield herself with said energy.
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Two months prior- U.A.
“Alright, everyone,”
Shouta Aizawa seemed well too calm this early morning. Too calm despite the fact that he is holding a child on his hip, who looked all too like him.
“Today’s lesson is simple. Based on communication,” He starts, “Communication when it comes to citizens. This lesson will teach you how to comfort an injured or scared citizen during an attack, specifically women and children,”
“Uh, Mr. Aizawa?” Denki Kaminari was first to speak up, hand half raised in confusion, “Why do you have a baby?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Mina leans forward, eyes wide and gleaming happily, “That’s Mr. Aizawas and Neutron Shields baby! She looks just like him,”
“Lets not jump to conclusions,” Shouta hums, but the barely visible smirk on his lips lets his class know that the toddler is, indeed, his own, “I brought Akari here today for the lesson that will be taught. You will all need to learn and know how to comfort a child during an attack if the child has been separated from its parents,”
“Only, however,” Shoutas eyebrow raise causes his students to watch as his daughter leaned against his shoulder and glanced outward to the class, “Akari does have a quirk. It is similar to her mother’s, as Mina predicted, Neutron Shields. Meaning if she were to get defensive, you would have to calm the child from harming herself more, or you,”
“So we’re fighting a little brat,” Bakugou mumbles, rolling his eyes so when he looked back up to his teacher, said mans hair had raised and his eyes glowed red,
“Insult my daughter again,” Shouta threatens, instantly dropping his intimidating act when Akaris hand reaches up to pat his face. With a deep sigh, Shouta looks away from his daughter to his students, “No. Youre not fighting her. Simply consult her into comfort so she knows you’re not a threat. Akaris been taught how to control her quirk on demand,”
Lowering the toddler onto the floor, Shouta steps back as soon as his daughter began to tear up, twisting to reach for her father with quiet sniffles.
“Well?” Shouta eyes the students, when Akari hiccups and looks back to the teenagers, “She’s distressed,”
“I got this,” Kirishima is first to push out of his desk, hands out and steps slow as he approached the child, “Hey, Akari, it’s okay,”
Akari is swift to shake her head and twist her upper body away from the red head. On cue, a purple bubble surrounds herself, Bakugous brows pinching as Dekis mouth dropped, hand reaching over to pat Todorokis shoulder in amazement.
The bubble then expands to hit Kirishima and throw him off his feet, landing hard on his back so Akari blinked and giggled, loudly, the bubble then vanishing.
“Me next!” Mina exclaims, Akaris eyes flicking from the red head and to the pink skinned girl, who knelt down next to Kirishima and opened-closed her hands.
Hesitantly, Akami leant forward onto her hands and knees, ready to crawl up to the girl, but instead blinked so a bubble formed around Mina, the bubble suddenly shrinking so Mina shrieked and pressed her hands to the sides in an attempt to stop the shied like bubble from crushing her.
“Akari,” Shouta speaks up, his daughter blinking so the bubble vanished, her eyes shifting to her father before looking back to the class, Mina exhaling in relief and backing away.
“Come on, shit for brains,” Bakugou scoffs, standing to his feet so Akari stared at him, “We’ve trained with Neutron Shield before. The brats no different,”
“Akari is a child,” Todoroki reminds, on his own feet and stepping forward so Akari instantly reached up, the fire and ice powered male pausing to stare at her.
Her whine when he makes no move to pick her up causes him to do so, Shouta smirking as Akari stared at Bakugou and stuck her thumb into her mouth.
“It seems she has a favorite,”
USJ Training Facility
You weren’t sure what happened. As soon as you were in line of view, two of Shoutas students- Uraraka and Ashido- immediately began to panic from where they knelt down next to Thirteens collapsed figure.
“Mrs. Aizawa!” Mina cries, tears in her eyes as her hand rests on Thirteens shoulder, “Thirteen- she took a hit-!”
You are quick to move next to Ochaco, hand opposite of Minas so Thirteens head turned and her eyes weakly looked up at you,
“Thirteen,” You call, softly, “Hey. It’s okay,”
“I tried to protect them,” Thirteen murmurs, and you nod, sliding your arms beneath hers to heave her to her feet, Mina and Ochaco quick to stick their hands out in case she fell,
“You did,” You promise, “You did amazing, Thirteen,” Your eyes flick to the class, “Where’s Iida?”
“Getting help,” Mina heaves, shakily, “What- what’s going to happen to Thirteen?”
“Shes going to be okay,” You reassure, and shift Thirteens arm around your shoulders so she fell slump against your side, “I’m going to make sure of that,” Your eyes shift to your best friend, “Do you hear me, Thirteen? Akari needs her godmother in her life,”
“I’ll always be here for that angel,” Thirteen breathily laughs, watching as you looked over in alarm at the sounds of fighting, “Eraserhead. He stayed behind,”
“He can hold his own,” You murmur, but the doubt in your tone causes Thirteen to grasp the back of your suit,
“Go help him,” Thirteen demands, extending her free hand for Mina to drape at her shoulders, “I’ll be fine,”
You hesitantly peel away from the pro-hero, glancing between her and where the fighting could be heard, before you sprint down the steps, looking up in time to see Noumu, Shigarakis weapon, on top of your collapsed husband.
“Hey!” You call, raising your hands so a bubble surrounded you, expanding in a rush to hit Noumu so he stumbled off his feet, a good distance away from Shoutas figure.
Protect him. Protect him now.
With quick steps, you throw out a hand that forms a bright (Favorite/Color) bubble, which you slide under and next to Shoutas collapsed form so the bubble shielded both you and him.
“I always wondered when I would get to fight the famous Eraserhead and Neutron Shield at once,” Shigaraki speaks, your eyes shifting over your shoulder where he stood at one end of your bubble, while Noumu stood opposite of his leader,
“But defeating them both?” Shigaraki chuckles, “A dream come true,”
The first punch Noumu sends against your bubble creates severe damage to your shield. It cracks beneath his fist, giving the monster the confidence he needs to continue punching and clawing at the barrier,
“Mrs. Aizawa can’t take them both- not on her own,” Midoryia heaves from his spot in the water, where he, Mineta, and Asui hid a good distance from the battle.
“She has shields!” Mineta reminds, shivering in a panic, “She’ll be fine!”
“Ribbit, her bubble can only take a certain amount of damage before it breaks,” Asui states, “And the damage her shields take, her body takes,”
Where’s All Might when you need him?
With a weak breath, you slide your hand beneath Shoutas head, resting it in your lap as your muscles screamed for you to drop your shields.
“Honey,” You call, pleadingly, free hand resting over Shoutas chest- thankful to feel a heartbeat, “Baby, wake up. Please,”
Looking up, you watch as the top of your bubble cracks and shrivels in defeat, Noumu stepping back enough for the shield to drop and leave not only you, but now Shouta, vulnerable.
With a startled gasp, you raise your hand as Noumu then lunged at you, the shield only protecting your face, so the punch Noumu sends forces you feet back, tumbling backwards and onto your front, leaving Shouta out in the open yet again.
Fingernails grabbing at dirt, you moan out in pain, forcing your arms to push you to sit up, raising your head in time for Noumus claws to latch at your shoulders, shoving you onto your back, his weight forcing you to gasp for air at the pressure of him on your chest,
Raising a hand that clawed at his arm, you are quick to throw a shied, the edge slicing Noumus face so he only jerked back then growled down at you.
With wide eyes, you look over to Shoutas form, then up, at a distanced- “I am here!”
Noumus weight lifts as he departs, your lungs expanding as you gasped, coughing as you sit up, slowly moving up to Shoutas form.
“Help me get him up,” You demand, when Tsuyu and Mineta rush next to you, “Please,”
“Mrs. Aizawa- you’re bleeding!” Mineta stammers, your hand raising to your mouth where blood dripped.
Shaking your head, you allow All Might to take your hand and help you stand, “I’m not worried about me. Get him out of here,”
Camp Attack
Why were you struggling so hard to fight a girl with a knife? Maybe it was because you just couldn’t stomach the thought that your students- your husband were still somewhere in these woods, being attacked by someone else.
Your breaths are shallow by the time you pull yourself from your thoughts. With a hand grasping Togas wrist that held the knife, your eyes wildly search behind you, landing on two of your students,
“Asui, Uraraka, go,” You heave, grunting when Toga shoves at your front, “Go, now!”
Uraraka gasps in fear when Togas foot skillfully hooks around your ankle, jerking so you fell on your back with a pained grunt. Toga is quick to pin over top of you, knife held against the skin of your neck.
“Aren’t you supposed to be a pro-hero?” Toga grins, voice high as you narrow your eyes and suck in a deep breath through the nose, “You’ve gotten weak after having that stupid baby of yours,”
“Do not ever mention my child,” You heave, raising a hand so a shield formed, that instantly vanished when Togas knife slid across your neck, startling you to gasp in quick breaths,
“Mrs. Aizawa!” The two students shriek, your eyes pinching shut as you form a small bubble around you, successfully pushing Toga off of you so you could sit up and cough, hand covered in dark red blood.
You look over and form a bubble around Asui and Uraraka, looking back up at Toga when she giggles, dragging the blood covered knife across the bubble,
“You think a small bubble can stop me from getting what I want?” With a quick jab, the knife plunges into the bubble so you flinched and raised a hand to your neck.
Vision blurry, you blink, the bubble shattering so Toga giggled and lunges forward, not before a tongue shoots out and wraps around her, tossing her to the side and into a tree nearby,
“Mrs. Aizawa!” Uraraka quickly moves next to you, eyes wide as she watches you slowly lower back onto the dirt in defeat, “Mrs. Aizawa, stay awake!” Uraraka looks to Asui, alarmed to find Toga gone, “Tsu, go get help!”
“Uraraka, Asui!” The two girls look over, to find a group- consisting of Midoryia, Todoroki, Bakugou, Shoji, and Tokoyami- rushing towards them, “Come on! We’re heading back to the Camp!”
“Our pace will be slower with two injuries,” Todoroki states, eyes flicking to Midoryia on Shojis back, before he moves to help lift you up, your arms around his and Urarakas shoulders, “We need to find Mr. Aizawa, first and foremost,”
“They said we can use our powers to defend ourselves, and now we have two injured, one being a teacher,” Shoji states, “So don’t let anyone stop you,”
“You shouldn’t be moving around so much,”
You hum through a light laugh, lifting your head from where you rocked back and forth on your feet, your daughter curled against you.
“I’m not dying, Shouta. I’ll be fine,” You feel Akaris hand graze across the stitches at your neck, as you turn to face your husband.
“That’s nothing to joke about,” Shouta steps up, sliding his hands under Akaris arms to peel her away from you and against his own shoulder,
“Just thought I’d give a little pay back for the heart attack you gave me during the USJ incident,” You shrug, frowning at Shoutas glare, “Okay. Sorry. But honestly, honey, I’m okay. Recovery Girl said I should be fully healed by next week,”
“Until then you should be resting,” You roll your eyes at Shoutas statement, turning to then pluck a shirt from your pile of laundry to fold,
“Take your own advance, honey. You haven’t slept a full night in three weeks,” You turn, hand at your hip, “Why don’t we call Hizashi and let him take Akari for a day or two? Give us time to rest?”
“If you want another kid, just ask,” Shouta smirks, your lips parting as he moves around you, laying Akari in her own bed in the corner,
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,”
“Do I, though?” Shoutas hands rest at your hips, and you smile, hand at his jaw to pull his lips against yours.
“Seriously, though,” You hum, “Hizashi would love to see his god daughter. I promised Thirteen I’d help her with her own recovery,”
“I swear you love Thirteen more than me,”
“Oh, definitely. No questions asked,”
“Fine, go ask her for another kid,”
“Nah, I like my kids to have your attitude,”
“Oh, sure,”
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bakugousbussy · 3 years
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Plus Ultra
BakuDeku w/ Lee! Deku & Ler! Bakugou
Summary: Ever since being enrolled in U.A. Midoriya won’t quit saying “Plus Ultra!” Whether it would be meaningful like when he was giving a pep talk, or stupid like when he was trying to open a jar of pickles. And Bakugou was getting annoyed.
It started off as a beautiful day. The sun was slowly starting to peak out from behind the horizon, birds chirping a sweet tune, dew resting on the grass.
Bakugou opened his eyes, it was 630AM, he sat up and took a deep gulp of air. Enjoying the morning’s peace and quiet, sighing happily at the scene. Nothing could ruin his day.
Around 730AM, everyone else started to awake and emerge from their dorm rooms and into the common area. Small talk, morning greetings, and the smell of breakfast filled the air.
“Can you pass me the ketchup please?” Uraraka turned to ask Midoriya, while pointing at the red bottle that was next to him.
“Oh yeah of course!” Deku beamed her a smile as he passed her the bottle.
Uraraka fiddled with the cap for about a minute before sighing out loud, defeated.
“Deku can you open it?” She hands the bottle back to Deku, giving him a small smile and looking down at her food, slightly embarrassed. Imagine being a pro-hero in training and losing to a bottle of ketchup.
Deku notices her visual distress, “Hey, don’t worry! You know what you need to do? Go Plus Ultra! Focus all your strength and try again!” He shot her a wide smile.
Bakugou, who was sitting on the couch at the time, listening to their conversation, just rolls his eyes. “Go pLuS ULtRa!” He mocks, whispering to himself.
“You’re right Deku! Hand the bottle back!” Excitement and determination replaced her previous embarrassed face, as she grabbed the bottle from Deku before struggling a bit with the cap, but finally popping it off.
“Deku I did it!” Uravity exclaims, huge smile plastered on her face.
“Because you did it PLUS ULTRA!”
Deku and Uraraka laugh and continued to finish their breakfast before the school day started.
It was 830AM and the members of the Bakusquad were all seated in the common area impatiently waiting for Kirishima.
“Kirishima hurry up!” Mina sighed, looking at the red head.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I forgot about the math worksheet! I have like 5 problems left!” Kirishima responded with a panic, trying to quickly solve the math problems in front of him.
“We’re going to be late for school if you don’t hurry up, then Aizawa sensei is gonna chew us out!” Denki said with a hint of fear laced in his words.
“Tch. Shitty hair, we better not be late because of you.” Bakugou snarled from his position on the couch.
Midoriya sat on the opposite side of the table Kirishima was working on. Deku was engrossed in his hero notebook, writing thoughts, making up strategies, all while mumbling to himself. The green haired boy snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a frustrated sigh coming from Kirishima.
“Kirishima are you okay?” Izuku asked with genuine concern.
“This last problem is hurting my brain!” Kirishima whined, erasing his previous markings and letting out another frustrated sigh when he dropped his pencil from erasing too hard.
“Don’t worry! You know what you need to do? Just make your brain go Plus Ultra!” Midoriya nodded as he gave Kirishima his nonhelpful advice.
The phrase made Bakugou once again roll his eyes. Make your brain go Plus Ultra? How are you even going to do that? That was the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Nobody with half a brain cell is going to believe they can make their stupid brain go ‘Plus Ultra’. Bakugou thought.
“You’re so right MidoBro!”
Of course Shitty hair is going to eat that crap up. Bakugou finished his thought. Scowl on his face as he scrolled through his phone, angrily listening to the conversation.
“And there, it’s done!” Kirishima sighed in relief as he shoved his now finished math homework into his backpack. “Thank you for encouraging me Midoriya! And thank you brain for going Plus Ultra!” Kirishima happy danced his way over to the Bakusquad. “Alright let’s head to class!”
Time was going by so slow. Bakugou felt like he’s been in the same class forever. When the bell finally rang he jumped with excitement.
Finally, my favorite class. Bakugou thought, a small grin creeping on his face. Gym.
Everyone got changed into their gym clothes and met Aizawa sensei at USJ.
“Okay students, I will be splitting you up into partners and you will have to work together to stay hidden. Me and some of the other teachers are going to try to catch you.” Aizawa stated, monotone.
“Like a game of hide and seek?” Mina asked, excited that training today was more of a game than actual training.
“Correct. The winning team gets a prize.”
Ooh’s and ahh’s filled the air as the students got psyched to play. All wondering what the special prize at the end was. Everyone was determined. It’s gonna be one hell of a game.
Aizawa quickly broke up the chatter. “Listen, partners are:
Aoyama & Ashido
Asui & Hagakure
Iida & Jiro
Kaminari & Koda
Kirishima & Mineta
Ojiro & Sato
Sero & Uraraka
Bakugou & Midoriya
Shoji & Yaoyorozu
Todoroki & Tokoyami”
“Trade partners.” Bakugou asked everyone. No way was he going to be stuck with his childhood friend, turned enemy, turned rival.
“There will be no trading partners.” Aizawa stated, pinching the bridge of his nose in a annoyance. “You have 10 minutes to think of a strategy, you can use the whole training center, there will be a bell that rings after your 10 minutes of planning, when the bell rings, you have approximately 6 minutes before the other teachers and I start hunting. Understood?”
“Yes!” Said all the students unanimously, quickly finding their designated partners and started planning their survival, working together flawlessly.
All except Bakugou and Deku.
“Come on Kacchan I think it would be better to hide in the forest so we can hide in all the trees!” Deku whined at the explosive blonde.
“Tch. No nerd, we’re going to the city.” Bakugou stubbornly argued.
Bickering went back and forth and before they knew it, their 10 minute planning time was up and the bell rang. Everyone started to scatter, running to their chosen areas. Bakugou and Midoriya were too caught up in fighting that they didn’t decide on a place, so they both just ran. No plan, just running.
They ended up in the city area and hid in what seemed to be like a little bomb shelter. It was a little room underground, they had to take some sketchy staircase hidden inside a bar to get there.
Breathing hard, they both looked at each other and nodded, agreeing this was a good place to hide.
As time went by, Deku tried to make conversation with the explosive blonde, but Bakugou just ignored the green haired boy the whole time.
They heard some commotion outside of their hiding spot. Sounds like another team was hiding near us and got caught. Bakugou thought.
15 minutes of hiding passed, and Deku had a huge smile plastered on his face.
“What are you smiling about Deku?” Bakugou asked with annoyance.
“This hiding place is so good! It’s like we’re hiding Plus Ultra!” Deku beamed, hands shaking from all the excitement.
Not that shit again.
“You know what. That’s it.” Bakugou said as he tackled Deku to the floor, both boys landing with a huge thump. “I’m sick of hearing ‘Plus Ultra’ come out of your mouth. Plus Ultra this, Plus Ultra that. I’ll show you Plus Ultra you nerd.” Bakugou pins Deku to the floor and pinning his arms above his head with one hand.
“Kacchan wait!” Midoriya begs, shaking his head while tugging at his hands to try to get Bakugou off, not sure what is going to happen to him.
Bakugou wastes no time as he shoots his free hand into Midoriya’s exposed armpit.
“Every time you speak all i hear is ‘Plus Ultra,’ so I’m going to take your advice nerd, and tickle you. Plus. Ultra.” Bakugou teases, with emphasis on the last two words, digging in a little harder into the green hairs’ armpit.
“WAHAHAHAHAIT IHIHIHIHIHI’M SOHOHOHOHORRY!” Midoriya squeezes his eyes shut, kicking his legs miserably.
A distant memory floods Bakugou’s mind. It was back in their elementary days. The two boys were in this same position, Deku a giggling mess under Kacchan. They had just finished school, and Deku was in a rather sad mood, and Bakugou cheered him up with tickles. Things were simpler back then, Bakugou thought to himself, a genuine smile forming on his face as he thought of his childhood. He was brought back to reality when he heard a small scream.
“NGA! KAHAHAHAHACCHAHAHAHAN NOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHORE!” The broccoli headed boy cried out with laughter, trying to buck the blonde off of him.
Bakugou responded with an evil laugh, and released Midoriya’s wrists, and used both of his free hands to dig into Deku’s ribs. Resulting in waves of high pitched shrieks from Deku.
“STAHAHAHAHAP! NAHAHAHAHA! KAHAHAHAHCCHAN HAHAHAHAHAVE MEHEHEHEHEHERCY! SOHOHOHOHOME OHOHOHOHONE HEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHE!” Midoriya’s eyes started to collect puddles of mirthful tears, as he endured the ticklish torture.
“Tch. Deku, nobody can hear you down here. Guess you’re just gonna have to take it, and go…….?” Bakugou paused, words laced with that teasing tone that Midoriya couldn’t help but blush at. Continuing to assault Deku’s ribs, waiting for an answer.
“PLUHUHUHUHUS UHUHUHUHULTRA HAHAHAHA IHIHIHIHI GEHEHEHEHET IHIHIHIHIT!” Midoriya spat back, shaking his head, hoping the blonde had enough fun tickling the shit outta him.
Bakugou moved his fingers rhythmically, up and down Deku’s ribs, almost like playing a piano, not letting a single rib escape from his tickle attack.
“Oh-hoho, now you’re getting it.” Bakugou couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as he looked at the scene beneath him. “And now for the best part.” With those words, Bakugou stopped his fingers. And Midoriya’s eyes grew wide.
“No no no Kacchan, you know I can’t take it there.” Midoriya blurted out through gasps of air, tired from the previous attack, but still trying to push the explosive blonde off of him trying to protect himself.
“But what’s that thing you always say?” Bakugou pressed his fingers into his chin creating a thinking pose. “Hmmm, oh yeah! Don’t worry! You know what you need to do?” Bakugou’s hands lowered themselves to each side of Midoriya’s hip bones.
“Go.” Bakugou started to knead softly at Izuku’s hips. Resulting in loud giggles from the boy.
“Plus.” Bakugou added more pressure, circling his fingers on the sensitive bone. Louder laughter exploded from the boy.
“Ultra!” Bakugou dug his fingers into Deku’s hips and Deku lost his shit.
“KAHAHAHAHAA-” Deku couldn’t even finish his attackers name before he fell into silent laughter. His hipbones were the most ticklish and he couldn’t last very long once someone started tickling him there. Since they were younger, Bakugou would always use this little piece of information to his advantage.
The green haired boy’s tears finally fell from his eyes, leaving his cheeks tear stained. Midoriya’s arms flailed and tried to remove the explosive blonde’s hands away from his death spot. Failing of course.
About a minute later, the tickling slowed, until it finally came to a stop. Bakugou’s hands resting on the boy’s hips.
Residual giggles left Deku’s lips, and Bakugou hopped of his waist. Deku sat up, enjoying his freedom. Bakugou’s eyes were fixated on Midoriya. His hair a mess from the attack he just endured, cheeks still a little damp from mirthful tears, sweat building on his forehead. Bakugou mentally awed at the sight.
Midoriya could feel the stares coming from his childhood friend, and turned to face him, eyes meeting with each others. Deku gave Bakugou a smile and Bakugou looked away.
“Tch. Don’t think we’re friends or something, I just wanted you to shut it with that Plus Ultra shit.” Bakugou scoffed, permanent scowl plastered on his face. He knew that was a lie.
Midoriya was just about to reply when they heard loud bells, and an announcement that followed. “2 teams left! Who will be the last to survive?!” Both boys heard Present Mic practically scream out.
The game wasn’t over.
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thatanimewriter · 3 years
winged s/o shot out of the sky
➳ character/s: aizawa shouta, togata mirio
➳ warnings: mentions of death, mentions of kidnapping, blood, swearing
➳ notes: i just like angst
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› scared shitless
› 100% wanted to cry
› it was the usj incident and you were flying to try to check on all the students to make sure they were all alive and at least mobile
› aizawa didn’t doubt your abilities, so he wasn’t very concerned when you told him you were going to fly around the area
› one of the henchmen that wasn’t being attacked noticed you flying around and saw that as a threat, alerting the rest of his gang
› shigaraki also noticed you flying around
› you’d been pretty good at dodging the bullets that were coming your way, but you got distracted when the nomu revealed itself
› when it approached aizawa, you hesitated, debating whether or not to help him or continue checking on your students
› this gave the goons an opening
› the blood-curdling scream that erupted from your throat came before the burning pain that spread through your wings
› the blood soaked through the feathers, coating them in an uncomfortable layer of liquid
› unlucky for you, you crash landed near shigaraki
› the class stopped at the sound of your scream, and those who were nearby froze when they saw you fall to the ground ungracefully
› it would have been a lie to say shigaraki didn’t consider disintegrating you or at least your wings right then and there
› he stepped closer to your body, eyes trained on your wings, and reached to touch them
› nothing happened
› you raised your head to look at aizawa, who was glaring daggers into shigaraki’s head
› taking the opportunity to get away, you kicked shigaraki in the chin, scrambling to your boyfriend’s side
› aizawa glanced at your wings and called out to his students to take you somewhere safe
› he was angry, and what better target to take it out on than the nomu?
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› he had eri safe
› he thought he had you safe
› he was dead wrong
› overhaul was considering using the anti-quirk bullet on you as you flew around the catacombs, avoiding the spikes he threw at you
› then he realised it’d hurt more if you were just gone, letting this persistent boy give up long enough for him to take the child back
› you decided to fly above ground to get help from those waiting idly; something overhaul didn’t want you doing 
› he turned to chronostasis and demanded a gun, which was given without hesitation
› mirio’s eyes widened when overhaul aimed the gun at you and panic filled his lungs
› “[name]-”
› he tried calling out to you, but was interrupted by your shriek of pain
› overhaul manipulated the ground to bring your body to his feet, making no move to stop any further damage to your wing
› when your body stopped, he gripped you by your injured wing, plucking a feather from it harshly and letting your body fall to the ground limply
› mirio’s vision misted over when your whimpers reached his ears
› “any last words before she’s gone?” overhaul asked, pressing the barrel of the gun to your temple
› in his shock, mirio said nothing
› sir nighteye, who’d looked into the future, sprinted forward to kick the gun out of overhaul’s hand, pulling you to stand and motioning you to run to mirio’s side
› when you sat by mirio, wrapped in his embrace, you rested your uninjured wing over eri, shielding her from the fight
› you thought this was the worst it would get
› you were dead wrong
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phantoms-lair · 3 years
Hero's Spirit Snippet
Follow up to this
"Now, you two aren't in any trouble." Principal Nedzu was smiling, but neither of them felt reassured. "What happened was unfortunate, but ultimately trying to talk to a teacher after class is not an unexpected thing to do, and it was All Might who shouldn't have cut things so close by doing extra hero work. That being said-" The look Nezu gave them was sharp. "We cannot afford to have word of All Might's condition get out. It could cause a mass panic, as well as a rise in crime as many criminals stay their hands due to fear of Symbol of Peace. You mustn't tell anyone. Not your closest friends, nor you families." His tone brooked no argument.
"It's not just the villains. Several heroes would love to take him down from the number one spot. So no, this secret must be kept, even if..." Todoroki trailed off.
"You want you father to know?" Nedzu guessed.
"No" Todoroki snarled, "But Midoriya...a time limit explains everything."
"He had to hurry, that late in the day he likely only had minutes left." Iida surmised. All Might did most of his hero work early in the morning. Probably because of his job with the school. When the attack occurred was well after his normal hours. "He didn't look closer and realize the complexity of the situation past getting the villain to custody. He couldn't afford to." He steepled his fingers together, resting his face on them. "And Midoriya suffered for it."
"How so?" Nedzu asked, cocking his head.
"We're both born into hero families, we're more familiar with the business and procedures than many of our classmates." Iida explained. Todoroki knew that wasn't as much of the case as Iida thought. Endeavor hadn't cared to teach him much about dealing with civilians.
"All Might should have double checked all the details of what happened when he arrived. If he had, he would have taken the proper steps."
"But he was rushed, and since he didn't tell Midoriya he needed counseling after the attack, Midoriya believed it wasn't necessary." Todoroki concluded.
"There is obviously more going on here than I know. However, if I were to have All Might admit culpability to him and start him to getting the help you believe he needs, would that suffice?" Nedzu offered.
The two looked at each other and nodded.
"Then I think we're done here. Recovery Girl will take care of All Might, and you two should be getting home." It wasn't a question and the two student rose to go, leaving Nedzu with a lot to contemplate.
Not concern over his most famous teacher. These two he trusted to keep their mouth shut. Especially after how Todoroki reacted to the mere thought of his father finding out. And that alone was worth poking his nose into.
"Well, you probably gave those two boys nightmares for a week." Chiyo chided. "And all this could have been avoided if you didn't feel the need to go after every alarm you hear. You need to be more responsible."
"I understand," All Might said in a flat voice, lying on the couch in the teacher's lounge.
"I don't think you do. Or you wouldn't keep doing things like this. I'd thought you'd learned your lesson when you ended up having to sit out of-" No, that wasn't entirely fair to him. It was a poor showing that he's weakened himself enough that he couldn't go to class. But it was impossible to know his students would be attacked by villains. There was no way what should have happened did. And he shouldn't feel guilty for not being there when villains attacked.
"The USJ. But I got there in time. I did what I had to do. And I guess I thought if I pushed myself enough I could still do everything. But I can't."
Chiyo raised her eyebrow. That admission she wasn't expecting. "I didn't even realize I was letting things slip through the cracks. I'll never know how much. How many cases I've done more harm than good." No one would have gotten to Midoriya in time to save him. He was the fastest and he hadn't. But...another hero wouldn't have been rushed and done the proper follow up. He was the worst person who could have shown up. "I think...maybe it's time for me to start preparing my retirement from active hero duty."
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squishytenya · 4 years
𝕀'𝕞 ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝔾𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕟𝕪𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖
Aizawa’s wife (also a pro hero) that the students didn’t know about showing up with the other hero’s at the end of the usj confrontation and immediately going to her husbands side.
↬ Parings: Aizawa x reader
↬ Reader: Gender Neutral
↬ Warnings: the USJ incident, canon violence and injury, angst to comfort 
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You knew it was bad.
Nezu never called you unless it was bad, not even when Aizawa was injured. Shouta didn’t like to worry you so he never asked any of his co-workers to call you when he had been injured. Heck, he didn’t even like telling you himself. So yeah, Nezu calling you after your patrol had ended didn’t mean good things.
You ended up being correct in your assumptions of course and, despite Nezu’s warnings against it, you were quick to travel to the usj. Sweat beaded on your forehead and you were fidgeting just  imagining what could’ve happened to your husband. Would he still be alive when you got there? Yes, of course he would. Nezu would’ve told you on the phone right? Wait, maybe not. Maybe that’s why he wanted you to stay away oh my god. What if Shouta was dea-
No. He promised you he wouldn't leave. You remember it like it was yesterday, he had sat you down on the sofa in your guys house, just after you had finished moving in, and pulled you into his lap. You’d never forget the words he whispered into your hair as you drifted off.
“I’m not going anywhere”
Seeing the other teachers pulling up from the school pulled you out of your panic for a moment. The grim faces of the usually cheerful Hizashi and Nemuri only succeeded in making the hole in your stomach grow wider. A blue haired teen caught your eye towards the front of the group, he had to be Iida. Your husband had spent many nights describing his students to you with reluctant affection, the numb feeling returned when you realised that may never happen again. You felt numb as you got out of your car and joined the rest of them, sending a questioning look towards Hizashi.
“Villain attack,’ he whispered, “They were there for all might but only Shouta and Thirteen were there, we got told by the kid that Aizawa had taken on about 50 people at once’
Seeing the despair in your eyes he quickly backtracked.
“Nothing too harsh, some low level nobodies but you and I both know Sho can handle em”, he squeezed your hand in reassurance and you reached the door of the usj.
As soon as the door opened, you took in the damage. Several students and villains were spread out, some villains having been taken down by the students and Shouta. Said man had yet to appear in your line of sight but you kept looking, even as gunshots rang out and Hizashi’s scream echoed around the domed building. Frantic, you pushed villains away with your quirk, running to find the man you so desperately wanted to see. 
By the time you got there, you were aware of Toshinori losing his energy and quickly motioned for Cementoss to come over and help. As his steam settled a bit, your eyes landed on your husband, his bloodied face down in the dirt. A large chunk had been taken from his elbow and it almost looked like his skin had shattered like porcelain. Rivers of blood seeped into the ground around him but he was out of it. He seemed...dead.
A freezing cold feeling bloomed from your chest and it felt like your stomach had just gone crashing through the same floor that was stained by your husband's blood. The feeling was made worse by the choked sound that came from your throat as you finally willed yourself to move towards him. You ignored the whispers of his students, they didn’t know you guys even knew each other let alone were married. Shaky knees hit the ground next to his head and he made a harsh wheezing sound. You sighed in relief, at least he was alive. But tears still welled up as you saw the weakened and scuffed state of his body, more blood than skin visible on his handsome face. A pained smile was directed at you but you couldn’t see much through the thick cloud of your tears.
“Don’t cry Y/n, I told you I’m not going anywhere”
You laughed sadly at the fact it was him comforting you in this situation. How badly you wanted to hug him but you settled for grasping his hand and stroking your thumb along his bloodied cheekbone. It didn’t phase you, you would swim through the metallic liquid if it meant bringing comfort to Shouta. In response, he hummed and nuzzled as best he could into your hand but eventually stopped and cringed at the pain in his head. 
“It’s okay”, you whispered through your sobs, “rest Sho, you did so well” 
His eyes closed once again, the pain and exhaustion finally getting to him. It was okay though, you weren’t going to worry. Why?
Because he wasn’t going anywhere. 
This hurt my heart oh my godddd, but thank you for saying that! I am so happy I decided to start this too, I’ve met so many amazing people <3
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lovinkiri · 3 years
Undercover Wild Cat, Chapter Four
Warning: Blood mention, Puke Mention, Etc.
Description: What was supposed to be a trip to the USJ turns into a full scale villain attack in an attempt to kill All Might. And sadly, it's because of Sasha. She may be the cause, but she'll do what she can to fight for her classmates.
Art Credit: @jabberwockyface
OC Credit: @jix-the-dragon
<<< ♡ >>>
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Sasha sighed, leaning against a desk in an empty classroom. She couldn’t help but glare at the door leading to the hallway, where a commotion was taking place. Everyone was in a panic, fearing an intruder made their way into the school. She tried to find Eijirou in all of the mayhem, but she couldn’t find him. Eventually, it became too much; too many scents, too many voices shouting.
Of course, she wasn’t surprised by the intrusion. Shigaraki had told her the previous night about his plan to let in the press, presumably to send a message and set in panic. She couldn’t help but think something else was going on. Something he wasn’t telling her for whatever reason. But she was in no position to demand anything from Shigaraki, not at the moment at least. Still fairly new to the league, it’s not like he would tell her.
She perked up when she heard everyone quiet down and Iida explaining the situation. “At least one person bothered to look out the window. Wonder how he managed to get everyone’s attention though.” She mused to herself, jumping onto a desk. She decided to chill until the halls cleared a bit more. That’s when her phone rang.
Sasha owned two phones, her normal phone and her burner phone she replaced weekly. And considering that it was her normal phone ringing, it could only be three people. Hoping it was just Naomasa, she checked the caller ID before smiling and picking up.
“Hey, Uncle Nao!” She greeted, growing confused at the sigh of relief he let out.
“You sound chipper.” He said, glad to hear she was okay. The police department had been called to escort trespassers off of UA’s campus, and while he knew it was just press, he couldn’t be too sure. Especially when it came to Sasha.
“Yeah. I was worried they were calling me. Or him.” She looked at her claws, swinging her legs a bit. By they or him, she meant the commission or Hawks. Not that she didn’t get long with Hawks, they got along as well as they needed to. He and the commission just had a tendency to complicate things sometimes.
He chuckled to himself. “I’m just checking in. I know they’re just reporters, but I worry.”
She smiled softly. “Awe. No need to worry, everything is fine. You don’t have to come up here.”
The two exchanged a few more words before he hung up to allow her to go back to class. She walked out of the classroom into the mostly empty hallway and made her way back to class. When she entered, Eijirou jumped up.
“Sasha, you’re alive!” He grinned at her and she laughed at the exclamation.
“Yup! I had to split off for a little, it was all kinda much.” She shrugged sheepishly, taking her seat. “So what are we talking about?”
He leaned forward, pointing to Iida. “Our new class rep!”
Smiling, she looked at him. “Ah, congrats Iida! I wasn’t there, but I heard the way you took charge! I think you’re deserving of this role. Ah, no offense Izuku.”
Izuku waved her comment off, agreeing with her. Iida couldn’t help but smile proudly at the comment.
“Thank you, Quinn. Don’t worry, I won’t let any of you down!”
It didn’t take long after that for Aizawa to settle everyone back down, though it didn’t last long. He began to explain how today’s training would be rescue training and would include three instructors. This immediately excited the class.
Eijirou leaned in to speak to Sasha once more. “Real hero stuff! This is what separates the men from the boys. I’m shaking with excitement!” He said.
She nodded and sent him a teasing smile. “This is your chance to show me just how manly you are too.”
“Oh, you’re on Sasha!”
She laughed and checked her phone, having got a text. It was only then that she realized what phone had gone off.
��Ah, Mr. Aizawa! I have to use the restroom!”
Sasha smiled as she plopped down next to Eijirou on the bus. “Cool if I sit here?”
“Of course, like you gotta ask.” He scooched a bit to allow her more space. “You excited for today’s training?”
“Yeah! I wonder where we’ll be going though..” She nodded. Of course, she was well-versed in rescue training. Being a spy meant a rescue could be a bit more touchy than most. This is because spies dealt with more shady, dangerous people. Usually organizations. And against multiple people, a rescue was never easy.
But again, she was just as excited as the last class.
As they talked, he couldn’t help but notice her pausing to yawn every once in a while. He chuckled softly as she removed her hand from her mouth for the third time. “Are you okay, Sasha? You seem tired. Were you up training again?”
She nodded, recalling how it was actually the league who had her awake for a good portion of the night. “Yeah. Sleep is getting kinda hard to come by.” At least part of what she said was true. It was getting harder to sleep.
“Why don’t you take a nap? I’ll wake you up when we get there.” He offered with a kind smile.
She thought about it before nodding. She figured getting some sleep would only do her good. At least she’d be a bit more well-rested for after-school training.
Leaning her head back against the window of the bus, she smiled softly at him. “Thanks, Eijirou.” With that, her eyes closed and it didn’t take long for sleep to catch up with her.
It was only then that Eijirou took the time to take in her details. Details beyond her spotted skin and her hero suit.
First, it was her ears that caught his attention. They were kinda fluffy, so much so that he had to resist the urge to touch them. He noticed them twitch once in a while when a classmate got loud. He hoped they wouldn’t wake her up considering how tired she was.
There there were her fingers. He had no clue why they had caught his eye, but he figured he just liked looking at them. They were slender, delicate. He remembered how she tapped her sharpened claws against her desk on her thigh when she was bored. How sheepishly she’d grin when Aizawa grew tired of the noise. The memory caused him to smile in endearment, holding back a chuckle.
That’s when he felt something tapping his knee. Looking down, he watched as her tail swished from her knee back to his. She wasn’t hurting anyone, so of course, he didn’t mind.
Watching her tail, he didn’t notice the slip of her head. So he was fairly surprised when her head found its way on his shoulder. He quickly looked back over, ensuring that she hadn’t woken up before sighing.
“You know, you’re pretty adorable Sasha..” He thought. He had no clue why that had crossed his mind but he didn’t let the thought embarrass him. Instead, he chose to relax. He liked feeling this close to her. He was comfortable.
So why not just enjoy it?
Sasha whined as Eijirou called her name. “Mm.. Tired..”
“I know, sorry Sasha. But if you don’t get up, Aizawa might come back here and-”
The thought of Aizawa having to walk to their seats in the bus just to wake her sent enough adrenaline through her to make her jump from her seat. ”Well, good thing I’m up and there’s no need for that!”
Eijirou laughed and stood up, pointing to the front of the bus. “Yeah? Let’s get goin’ then!”
The two exited the bus, earning a look from Aizawa who was unraveling his scarf. Sasha could only imagine what he was going to do with it if they hadn’t come out when they did.
The class was greeted by a pro hero Sasha recognized as Thirteen. She hadn’t met her before but she’d seen tons of her work before. She chuckled, watching Uraraka and Izuku get more excited than anyone else.
Thirteen beckoned everyone inside, introducing the impressive building to everyone. “I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint! But you can call it the USJ!”
“And you made this place for students? That’s amazing!” Sasha grinned, looking around at each disaster zone. The shipwreck had caught her eye in particular.
Smiling, the hero nodded at her. “Of course. Anything to help the up and coming heroes of tomorrow!” She said before turning to Aizawa who approached her.
Eijirou looked at her. “This is gonna be awesome!” He cheered, looking at her. Sasha quickly nodded in agreement.
“Yeah! And look at this place! I’ve never been trained for a landslide! Or a shipwreck!” Her tail began to switch wildly in excitement.
Laughing, Eijirou tilted his head. “And you’ve been trained for anything else?” He asked jokingly.
She opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself in her tracks. “Crap, got a little too excited..” She thought.
Lightly jabbing his side with her elbow, she rolled her eyes. “Oh, you know what I mean!” She played it off, noticing how his inquiry on her choice of words didn’t seem very serious.
He nodded and smirked. “Okay, okay, I know!”
Thirteen gathered everyone’s attention once more to explain how deadly a quirk can be, emphasizing how important it was to remain focused and be careful. She further ahead and said that was a reason as to why we were learning how to use our quirks to save lives today.
“Being a hero sure is different than working underground..” Sasha’s thoughts were cut off when Aizawa decided it was time to start. But they didn’t get to start training.
At first, the lights flickered. Then, the water from the fountain began to stutter. That’s when a portal formed and she immediately recognized it.
“The quirk of Shigaraki’s right hand.. That means-” Her eyes went wide. By now, it had caught everyone’s attention. Aizawa ordered everyone to stay together and for Thirteen to protect the students.
“I thought today’s lesson was on protection,” Eijirou said, moving to take a step forward. Sasha quickly grabbed his hand, watching Shigaraki.
She was pissed, not having been told of their plan to attack the USJ. “I get that they don’t fully trust me yet, but..”
“Stay back! Those are real villains!” Aizawa shouted, Everyone except Sasha felt fear creep into them almost immediately, Eijirou gripping onto her hand.
“According to the press, All Might should be here. But the only heroes here are Eraserhead and Thirteen.” Kurogiri stated.
Shigaraki sighed in disappointment. “And I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends. Maybe he’ll come out if we kill a couple of kids.”
Aizawa and Sasha had the same idea. “So you scumbags used the press as a diversion and snuck on campus?” He spat.
“Villains..” How could so many of them get into a UA facility this secure though..?” Eijirou didn’t take his eyes off the villains. Momo nodded, turning to Thirteen for answers. “Yeah.. Thirteen, why aren’t the alarms going off?”
“I have no clue..”
Sasha felt guilt eat at her. Earlier, before taking off, she’d gotten a text from Shiagraki to disable the security on certain areas of the campus. She had to run off to inform the commission, who quickly got on it.
She didn’t think the plan was a large-scale attack. She thought it was something like more press, another warning.
She should have known better. This was a group led by All For One, they weren’t ones to mess around.
Aizawa went down to fight off the villains, and he seemed to be doing well.
Eijirou pulled at Sasha’s hand and that’s when she noticed the group following Thirteen out. She hesitantly followed, making eye contact with Shigaraki and noticing Izuku lingering behind to watch Aizawa.
“Izuku! Let’s go!” She called. He quickly turned and quickly followed. Before they could reach the door, Kurogiri intercepted them.
“I had heard that All Might would be here, but it seems not. Such a shame. This seemed like the perfect place for his death, yes?” He spoke calmly, almost too calmly.
Eijirou quickly shook Sasha off, he and Bakugou rushing at Kurogiri, though she knew it would do nothing to him.
“Eijirou! Bakugou!” She shouted out.
They sent a devastating attack, but as the smoke cleared, Kurogiri stood there completely unphased. “You should be careful children. Someone could get hurt.”
Sasha noticed the tip of Thirteen’s glove opening. “You two, get out of the way!”
Almost immediately, almost all of the class was surrounded by Kurogiri’s shadows. Everyone began to panic, unsure of what was happening. Then they were teleported away.
Sasha quickly landed on her feet, Bakugou doing the same. Eijirou landed next to them, stumbling but just barely catching himself.
“What the hell was that?!” Eijirou shouted. Bakugou scoffed, opening his fists. “Teleportation quirk..”
Sasha looked around. They seemed to be in a broken-down building. “Huh.. We must be in the collapse zone..”
She heard an explosion and turned to see Bakugou had blasted someone through a wall, leaving the walls shaking a bit. And suddenly, more villains were advancing on then.
The three got in defense positions and Sasha couldn’t help but feel a flicker of excitement at the thought of being in a real fight. “And we aren’t alone.”
A woman lunged at her, but Sasha’s reflexes were far too quick. She dodged the woman’s fists, weaving under her arm and hitting her palm against the woman’s stomach as hard as she could. The woman stumbled back and fell on her knees, throwing up. She heard Eijirou and Bakugou fighting behind her.
The three turned their backs to each other. Sasha slashed at whoever she could, not hesitating to draw blood. An enemy was an enemy after all.
They were fighting for who knows how long, as the enemies kept on coming. Sasha finished off the last enemy, slicing across his face before roundhouse kicking his jaw. She could hear the crack of his jaw but paid no heed.
Eijirou’s eyes lingered before looked down and began speaking. “I think that’s all of them. We should try finding our classmates. If we’re still in the USJ, they should be too. And not all of them have the offensive skills we do.” His hand softened. “We gotta make sure they’re safe, especially since Bakugou and I screwed things up earlier.”
“That’s.. Really chivalrous, Eijirou.” Sasha said, surprised by his bravery. “But yeah, that was really impulsive, you two! I was worried!”
Eijirou nodded. “I’m sorry, I know.. If Thirteen could have sucked up that villain, then we never would have gotten separated like that. We have to make it up to the others!” He turned to Sasha and Bakugou.
Bakugou scoffed. “You wanna go searching for everyone, whatever, have fun. I’m gonna go destroy that warp-y bastard.”
“Huh? But our physical attacks didn’t work on that guy! Don’t be an idiot!”
“Shut up! I’m gonna take him out because he’s their way in and out!”
Sasha’s ear twitched and she turned. She couldn’t see the enemy, but she heard his footsteps advancing. “Bakugou!” She reacted quickly, kicking the enemy at him. Bakugou caught him by the head, setting off an explosion. The invisibility wore off to reveal a chameleon-like man.
“Anyway.. If all of the villains are all bark like these guys were, our classmates can handle them.” Bakugou dropped him.
Sasha looked at him. “Awe. That’s the nicest thing I’ve ever heard you say, Bakugou.”
Eijirou smiled. “And since when do you act all rational? Usually, you’re all like..” He trailed off.
“Die! Die! Die!” Sasha gruffly mocked, making Eijirou laugh.
“I’m always calm and rations, you losers!” Bakugou shouted angrily.
Eijirou pointed at him. “Yeah, like that!”
Sasha sighed. “Well.. I can’t let you go alone, Bakugou. You coming Eijirou?” She turned to the redhead, who excitedly agreed, She nodded and Bakugou scoffed.
This was only the beginning.
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You're a good girl, well behaved.
Absolutely not the type to rail random guys in nightclubs.
Until you are.
Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Polyamorous Erasermic x Reader
Rating: Explicit, MINORS BE GONE
Trigger Warnings: None in this chapter.
AO3: Here | Want to support me? I have a Kofi
Chapter: 15/16 (all chapters)
UA’s press conference aired two days after the incident, a deceptively simple move in the grander scheme of things. Their status as a household name and initial hesitation to comment on the incident had captivated the country. By the time the conference began, everyone had grown morbidly curious. Reporters chomped at the bit for answers; the general public watched with bated breath.
Hizashi glowered into his beer at the izakaya, stomach churning as the other patrons watched in suspense.
Nemuri sat down in front of her TV, ready to bury her face in the pillow she held to her chest.
Shigaraki and the League of Villains watched with expressions of glee, glancing across at Bakugo every so often in the hopes of catching the exact moment he lost faith in hero society.
Jirou, Hagakure and the other students yet to recover from the forest attack watched from their hospital beds.
Midoriya, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Iida and Todoroki watched from Kamino ward, hands trembling at the grim reminder that they shouldn’t have been there.
Your mother watched from the couch in your childhood home, alternating between sewing and shooting disapproving glances at the television, all while your father bellowed into his cell phone, demanding to know the name of the person that had allowed Moonfish to escape. In an oddly fortuitous turn of events, UA had escaped his ire. He had been personally involved in Moonfish’s conviction and took your injuries as a slight on his honour. It had never occurred to him to blame UA.
The world watched as Aizawa, Nezu and Vlad stepped out onto center stage, a fact that was not at all lost on them. Vlad gave his tie a forceful tug before stepping out into public view. Shouta took a deep breath and followed.
He had taken a crash course in interview techniques the night before, though if anything Hizashi’s coaching methods made him even more nervous. Hizashi was used to taking interviews, a consequence of years as a public entertainer. Eraserhead was rarely seen in public, much less interviewed by the press.
As Shouta, Vlad and Nezu bowed in apology, your eyelids twitched. You opened one eye by a sliver and then the other, taking in the darkness around you. You were still woozy from surgery and multiple rounds of treatment from Recovery Girl, every inch of your body feeling like lead. You didn’t remember who you were, much less where you were, and your initial inspection of your surroundings gleaned little in the way of answers.
The last thing you saw before closing your eyes again, overwhelmed by exhaustion, was the punnet of peaches at the foot of your bed- a flash of colour in the otherwise monochromatic room.
You slept for two days after that, fingers and eyelids occasionally twitching. The doctors were hopeful that you would wake up soon, though the news of any potential recovery on your part was swiftly drowned out by the chaos in Kamino ward.
The age of All Might was over and all of hero society needed to adapt. UA needed a plan now more than ever.
You were moved to Musutafu’s city hospital three days after the incident, Recovery Girl insisting that you were well enough to make the trip and it would be more convenient to have you closer to home. You slept through most of this process, briefly opening your eyes and staring at the strip lights above your head as they wheeled you through the hospital corridors.
You woke up fully coherent the following morning, eyes burning as they opened. Your body didn’t feel as heavy as it had before, but it ached instead, as stiff and sore as if you had run a marathon at full speed.
You sat up and immediately regretted it, for your side throbbed and left you flinching. You stroked a hand over the spot, remembering the last few moments before you had lost consciousness. You remembered the blade cutting through you; remembered the tightness in your body and stench of blood. When you lifted your pyjama shirt, though, there was no wound, only a ghostly patch of raised skin.
You wondered how long you had been asleep and scanned the room for any sort of hint, heart fluttering at the realisation that you weren’t alone. Someone was sitting in the chair next to your bed, face obscured from view by a textbook and snoring softly.
From the clothes and book title, you were able to make an educated guess who lay beneath. You only knew one person who taught English grammar.
“Hizashi,” you murmured, reaching out to touch his arm. “Hizashi.”
You tapped his elbow and he shifted in place, perhaps thinking your touches were part of his dream.
You eased the textbook off his face and put it down on the bed, watching as he began to stir.
“You’ll get a crick in your neck if you sleep like that,” you said, poking his arm.
“Sorry, (Name),” he said sleepily, taking off his glasses and rubbing his face, only to freeze in place and realise what he’d said.
He jerked up straight and shoved on his glasses, hands trembling so much that it took several attempts to actually get them on, much less see you properly.
“You’re real, right? I’m not dreaming,” he said, sitting down on the bed next to you and throwing both arms around your shoulders, resting his chin on your head.
“If it is a dream, it’s pretty meta,” you said, reaching up to touch the arm closest to your collarbone and looking up into his face, gaining a faceful of scratchy, tearful kisses in response.
You remembered dialling Hizashi’s voicemail; the way you had cursed every time you reached his automated message.
You had resigned yourself to never seeing him again, but there he was, holding onto you and kissing your cheeks. You closed your eyes, absorbing his warm body and familiar scent, tears running down your own face before you realised what was happening.
“Hey, (Name),” he said, loosening his grip on you and stroking his fingers through your hair, “are you okay? Does it hurt?”
“I’m just so happy,” you sniffled, “I didn’t think I’d see you again.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t answer,” he said, planting a kiss to the top of your head.
You sat in silence for a while, overwhelmed with emotion and enjoying the moment. You rested your head against Hizashi’s chest, afraid that he’d disappear into smoke if you let go.
Unfortunately, the more you relaxed and focussed on his heartbeat, the more memories of that night came flooding back. You remembered stumbling through the woods, remembered why you had dialled his number in the first place.
You couldn’t breathe, your heart raced, memories of USJ creatures and men with patchwork faces dominating your every thought.
You knew you were having a panic attack; you knew dozens of techniques to get through them. Even so, it had been such a long time since you had had one and it crept up on you with so little warning that you were powerless to do anything. All you could do was grip onto Hizashi for dear life, hands growing sweaty and chest rattling with shallow breaths.
Hizashi picked up on your struggle relatively quickly and stroked a hand over your back, gently prising you off him and slipping one of his bracelets off his wrist.
“Here we go,” he said, slipping it onto yours, “slow and steady, focus on my voice.”
You reached for the bracelet and snapped the elastic against your exposed skin, relishing the sharp shock that rippled through your body and eased you back to earth.
“Just like that,” said Hizashi, stroking your hair, “nice and easy.”
You took a deep breath and rubbed your temples, head clearing and tension slowly leaving your body.
“How long have I been out?”
“About a week.”
“A week ?”
From the heaviness of your body and severity of your wounds, you assumed it had been much, much longer.
“Did you get my message? The address? What-“
“One thing at a time, princess,” he laughed. “A lot happened while you were asleep.”
“Well, for a start, UA’s reputation has taken a nosedive. Almost all of the students at the camp were injured-“ he reached for your shoulders as you flinched at the news, “-they’re fine, don’t worry!”
“Ragdoll,” you whispered, remembering the way she had told you to run, “is she-“
Get out of here, (Name). Tell the others!
Hizashi’s grave expression was all you needed to know. You clapped a hand over your mouth, shoulders shaking with silent sobs.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” you whispered, Hizashi letting go of your shoulders and holding you to his chest. “It wasn’t…”
“I know, sweetie, I know. We don’t have to talk about it anymore.”
“No, I need to know,” you said, wiping your eyes. “Is she dead?”
You needed closure.
“No,” said Hizashi, “she and Bakugo were taken away by the League of Villains. Ragdoll lost her quirk, but Bakugo was rescued in time…in part because someone led us straight to their front door.”
“Poor Ragdoll,” you sniffed. “And Bakugo? Is he…”
“He’s going to be fine,” said Hizashi. “The League wanted to recruit him, but no such luck.”
You knew from conversations with Shouta exactly how volatile he could be. It was naive to think villains wouldn’t have noticed it too.
“Wait,” you said, “Shouta...”
Had he been caught up in the villain attack? Was he okay? You remembered dialling his number too.
Hizashi frowned, which only added fuel to the fire.
“Hiz...Hizashi? I-“
You willed him to tell you Shouta was fine, that he hadn’t thrown himself into danger. You knew him too well to believe that, though. You remembered how angry you had been with him after the events of USJ; how quickly he had thrown himself into the line of fire to protect his students.
Your throat tightened and you snapped the bracelet against the inside of your wrist.
“He’s fine,” said Hizashi. “Came out of it with nothin’ but bruises. Thing is, though…because of everything that’s happened in the last few months...a lot of people have lost faith in UA. We’ve grown negligent, taken peace for granted…”
“What are you saying?”
“Something happened the night they rescued Bakugo,” he said. “All Might’s power. It’s gone.”
“ Gone ?”
“I don’t know all of the details,” he said, “only that he can’t use his quirk to fight anymore. He’s going to retire soon. Without him, though…”
You shuddered, knowing exactly where this was going. All Might had maintained Japan’s low crime rate for decades. His departure from the hero ranks would almost certainly create a power vacuum on both sides.
“What does that have to do with Shouta?”
“Well, as I said, UA’s reputation has well and truly tanked,” said Hizashi. “Sho, Nezu, Vlad and All Might are going to visit the students today...try and persuade their parents to let them come back.”
You tried to absorb the news, habitually snapping the bracelet on your wrist to keep you grounded.
“Is he...okay?”
Shouta would blame himself for this. You knew that much without having to ask and Hizashi chuckled under his breath.
“As good as anyone can be when their lady’s in the ICU.”
Your heart skipped a beat at that. You remembered plotting with the Pussycats, the strategy they had put in place so the two of you could talk alone.
You’d never mentioned your feelings for Shouta to Hizashi. You’d never told him the pair of you had slept together. Before leaving for summer camp, you didn’t think you had never given him any reason to suspect you might have been Shouta’s ‘lady’.
Of course, the more you thought about it, the more obvious it seemed. You remembered calling him ‘Shouta’ in conversation without realising; remembered probing Hizashi for his address. Hizashi wasn’t an idiot and knew Shouta better than you ever would. It was naive to think he wouldn’t have noticed something was off about the two of you.
“You knew about that, huh?”
“You kiddin’? I don’t get how anyone could meet you and not fall in love with you.”
His words were so sincere that you giggled.
“I’m serious,” he said. “Did you know you have your own background music? What’s it like having cherubs sing behind you every time you take a step?”
“Stop it,” you said, face flushing red, “you’re making me blush!!”
“Good,” he said, kissing your forehead.
“Say, Hizashi.”
“Don’t call me Shouta’s lady like I can’t be yours as well.”
There was no point dancing around the point now. You were well past the stage of breaking it to him gently.
For a second, you wondered if you’d made a mistake. He sat incredibly still, breath warm against your forehead. Slowly, he lowered his face, touching his forehead to yours as he caught your lips.
“Hizashi,” you murmured into his open mouth as he broke the contact.
“Sssh,” he said, cupping your face and moving in to kiss you again, “the cherubs brought out tiny violins.”
“You’re such a dork.”
“Adds to the appeal, don’t ya think?”
You looped your arms around his neck to draw him in deeper and lowered yourself down onto the bed. He crushed his lips against yours, every kiss sending ripples through your core.
It felt so good that you forgot you were in a hospital and why you were there. In that moment there was only you, Hizashi and months of lost time.
Hizashi slipped a hand under your pyjama shirt, lifting the fabric higher to expose your scar. He broke away from you and sat up a little to get a good look at it, pouting as you instantly dragged your shirt back down.
“I guess my two piece days are over,” you said, blushing bright red in an attempt to deflect your embarrassment.
You had exactly two scars on your entire body and both were from Moonfish, each as ugly as the other. Hizashi linked his fingers through yours and guided your hand away from your shirt.
“I was just thinking,” he said, exposing your scar, “it makes me kinda nostalgic.”
“Nostalgic? For w-“
You caught his meaning too late, remembering the night you’d slept together. You remembered the moment he dragged off the condom and came across your middle, covering you in spots as ghostly white as the raised skin.
“I can’t believe you just said that,” you squeaked, hiding your face in your hands.
“Am I wrong?”
He prised your hands away from your face, grinning widely. He wasn’t wrong and you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.
“(Name), look at me.”
Against your better judgement, you looked up at him, only for him to lean over and steal a kiss.
“Am I wrong?” he murmured, face inches from yours.
You looked up into his face, slipping a hand out of his and tucking a stray lock of hair behind his ear.
You looked into each other’s faces for a while, enjoying the warmth and one another’s presence. You had had so much to say, but the events at the lodge had given you a new perspective. It didn’t matter to you anymore if you said it out loud. Actions spoke far louder than an awkwardly planned confession ever would.
“Let’s get out of here,” you said at last.
“You sure?” said Hizashi, nuzzling his face against your hand. “You were really badly hurt, ya know? Couldn’t hurt to rest for a little longer.”
“No,” you said, motioning for him to get up. “I have work to do.”
You had been gone for a week and the world had fallen apart. The children needed you; your colleagues needed you. They were the future of hero society and had already suffered enough. You couldn’t fix the world or undo the night at the lodge, but at the very least you could give them pats to the head and a sympathetic ear.
It took a lot of coaxing for the doctors to let you discharge yourself. They insisted that you still needed rest, to which you argued you needed fresh air. You pouted your way through their examinations and tests, insisting you had rested enough. Your wounds weren’t open anymore and you hadn’t been on a ventilator since arriving in Musutafu. You were wobbly on your feet, but you weren’t in danger and you weren’t alone.
“Be careful,” your doctor sighed as you handed over your discharge papers, “your injuries were severe and it’s important you don’t push yourself too much.”
“I’ll be okay,” you said, knowing that he couldn’t stop you even if he wanted to.
“Don’t worry, doc,” said Hizashi, lifting you up into his arms like a newly wedded wife. “I’ve got Recovery Girl on speed dial.”
You giggled as he carried you out of the hospital and into the car park, holding you gently so as not to aggravate your injured side.
“Do you really have Recovery Girl on speed dial?”
“Of course I do,” he said in mock offense, “though I called her so many times this week that I’m pretty sure she blocked me.”
“Wow, should I be jealous?”
Hizashi laughed, stopping in place to kiss you on the lips.
“ Are you jealous?”
“Just surprised,” you said. “I didn’t have Recovery Girl pegged as a cougar.”
The pair of you sniggered as you crossed the car park, arriving at a flashy car that could only belong to Hizashi. He set you down on your feet as he reached for his keys and opened the doors, easing you into the passenger side front seat as if you were made of glass.
“Comfortable?” he asked as he fastened his own seatbelt. “I have some cushions in the back if you want one.”
“You sleep there often?”
“Only when I’ve got company!”
The ride home was a short one, though you made sure to absorb every detail; the soft synthwave music playing through the car radio; the city’s afternoon glow; Hizashi’s hand slipping into yours whenever you hit traffic.
Hizashi pulled up outside of your house and went on ahead to unlock your front door before helping you inside. You lingered in the doorway, Hizashi a couple of steps behind you.
“You good, little listener?”
“Yeah,” you said, taking a deep breath before crossing the threshold, “it’s just been a while, that’s all.”
Your home was exactly the same as when you’d left it, which shouldn’t have surprised you, yet did all the same. You hadn’t been there for so long that it smelled foreign. You normally didn’t smell the pot pourri or candles you had used to decorate the place, but suddenly they overpowered your senses.
You had left in a hurry, without much time to tidy up. Your breakfast dishes from that morning were still drying on the rack; your pyjamas lay abandoned in the laundry basket. You had left your laptop on the kitchen table, a pamphlet for Yamanashi next to it.
It was like a perfectly preserved time capsule and Hizashi wrapped an arm around your shoulder at your hesitation.
“We can go to my place if you’d like,” he said gently, “if it’s easier.”
“No,” you said, snapping the bracelet against your wrist and taking a few shaky steps towards the couch. “It’s fine.”
You sank down onto your couch, rummaging through your purse as Hizashi pottered around in the kitchen. At some point someone had switched off your phone and you turned it over in your hands, all too aware of how spotlessly clean it was. Someone had scrubbed away the bloody fingerprints, perhaps the same someone who had painted your nails. You spread out your fingers as you powered on your phone, taking note of how carefully it had been done.
Your phone came on at 13% battery, immediately bursting to life with messages, missed calls and voicemails.
You recalled the USJ incident, how overwhelmed you had felt back then when you had been in no danger at all and out of contact for only a few hours. This time you had a week’s worth of notifications to sort through. The groupchat you shared with your girlfriends had exploded; you had voicemails and missed calls from your brother, as well as a few from your mom. You had missed calls from Hizashi and Nemuri, though one name cropped up more than any other. Shouta seemed to have called you multiple times a day every day since the incident.
“Hey,” said Hizashi, sitting down next to you with a cup of steaming tea, “enough of that.”
He prised the phone out of your grip and set it down on the coffee table, slipping the tea into your hands instead.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, though for the tea or the intervention you weren’t quite sure.
Several hours later, you sipped ice water at the izakaya, Hizashi peering out from your booth to the doors.
As a morale boost, he had invited the other teachers to the izakaya for drinks that evening. If the students refused to come back, they could drink away their woes. If they agreed, they could raise a toast to the new school year.
He hadn’t expected you to be awake, much less eager to join them, but you had looked so desperately lonely that he couldn’t refuse. What’s more, he didn’t want to leave you on your own. He never wanted to ever again.
You had gotten there early, long before any of the regulars, much less other teachers. Despite being the one to suggest getting wasted in the first place, Hizashi stuck to soda, not quite so desperate to let loose that he was willing to drive you home drunk.
He stole glances at you every so often, watching for any shiver or grimace of pain. It had seemed like a good idea to steal you away from the hospital at the time. Perhaps it was selfishness on his part, but he wanted to relive the moment of joy when you spoke his name. He could think of no better way to do so than by reuniting you with the other teachers, who needed the excitement now more than ever.
Now, though, he wondered if he’d done the right thing.
After you had finished up your tea, he’d sent you away for a nap. You had been reluctant to go, but he’d insisted, claiming you needed your strength for the partying that night. You’d pouted as he tucked you in, only to fall asleep again in minutes.
For the past few days, Hizashi and Nemuri had taken turns visiting your hospital bed. They both had lesson planning to do, though nothing they couldn’t do remotely. Shouta had visited a few times as well, though lesson planning and dealing with the fallout of Bakugo’s rescue took up almost all of his time.
Hizashi had continued to plot out his schedule while you slept, getting up every so often to poke his head through your bedroom door.
Even now he watched you like a hawk. He knew your movements were slower than usual, that your injured side burned with pain if you stretched too far. He had helped you bathe and dress ahead of the night at the izakaya, only too happy to rinse the smell of the hospital from your hair under the guise of being a pervert.
It was a useful facade, for whenever you caught him glancing in your direction, all he had to do was slip a hand onto your thigh and tell you you were pretty to deflect how concerned he still was and likely would be for the rest of your lives.
Nemuri was the first to arrive, massaging her shoulders as she stood at the bar. She glanced around the room to see who else had arrived and waved at Hizashi, unable to see you because of the angle of the booth.
She cursed as she arrived at the table, beers under her arm as well as a portion of garlic fries.
“Wake me up when the-” she grumbled as she arrived at the booth, freezing in place when she saw you sitting there.
“Hi,” you said, to which she let out a shriek of joy and threw herself into the seat beside you.
“It’s you!” she cried out, trapping you in a tight hug that she swiftly reconsidered. “It’s really you!”
“Yep,” you said as she pressed your head against her chest and carded her fingers through your hair, “it’s really me.”
“How did you... when did you?!”
She glanced from you to Hizashi, suspicion and joy playing out across her face. You had been fast asleep the last time she visited you, fingers occasionally twitching.
“This morning,” said Hizashi, leaning back against the walls of the booth and sipping his soda.
He’d considered texting her with the news, but you had been sleeping at the time and he knew she’d come right over. He’d considered texting Shouta too but decided against it. It would come across as incredibly unprofessional if a text came through while he was speaking to a concerned parent, after all. In the end, for better or worse, selfish or otherwise, he’d left it as a surprise.
“I can’t believe you’re really here,” she said, tears rolling down her face. “Pinch me.”
You pinched her arm and she cupped your face, swiftly squishing you against her again.
“I’m coming to stay with you for the next few days,” she said, “we can watch movies, I can do the cooking-”
“Nemuri, she just got out of the hospital.”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” she said, glowering at Hizashi and stroking your hair. “(Name), just ignore him. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
Hizashi protested the point, though you barely paid attention, catching only the occasional word here and there. Nemuri combed her fingers through your hair, defending both her honour and cooking skills.
“Honestly,” she said at last, reaching up to touch her own cheek. “I should go and fix my makeup. (Name), you come too!”
Neither you nor Hizashi commented on the fact that her makeup was fine and you weren’t wearing any.
“It was you, wasn’t it?”
Nemuri paused, eyeliner pen in hand.
“Whatever do you mean?”
She had lifted you up onto the counter to get a better angle, silently painting away the dark circles under your eyes and returning the colour to your cheeks.
You spread out your fingers, flashing your scarlet fingernails.
“Guilty as charged,” she said. “It was the least I could do, considering…”
You remembered the last conversation you had had with her, right before you had rushed out of the door to meet Shouta and take on her duties as chaperone. She had sounded so upset over the phone; you had gone without a second thought.
“You couldn’t have known what would happen,” you said, tilting your head as she applied the eyeliner. “No one could have.”
“(Name),” she said, swallowing loudly, “the truth is...there was never anything wrong with me. I sent you there because...Hizashi and I wanted you and Aizawa to talk.”
You had wanted to get Shouta alone, of course, but hadn’t thought of the trip to the lodge as anything more than a lucky break.
Not for the first time that day, you realised exactly how naive you had been. How many conflicts had passed by without your notice? How many sacrifices?
Shouta had pushed you towards Hizashi, Hizashi had pushed you towards Shouta. Both wanted the other to be happy, both wanted the best for all involved.
You laughed, you couldn’t help it. Every moment of hesitation; every second thought; it had always been part of something much bigger. You had always been part of a far more intricate sequence of events and now it was unravelling before your eyes.
You laughed so hard that your eyes blurred with tears, Nemuri joining in soon after.
“I’m such an idiot,” you said. “We’re all such idiots.”
Nemuri laughed with you, doubling over and smudging your makeup in the process.
“It’s really been that simple the whole time,” you spluttered, “ all this time .”
You laughed until your side hurt and you sucked in a deep breath, touching your hand to the spot as Nemuri ran a makeup wipe over your smudged eyeliner.
“Did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Speak to Aizawa at the lodge.”
“Oh,” you said. “No. The attack happened before…”
Nemuri tossed aside the wipe and folded her arms with a smirk.
“Seems to me that you three have a lot to talk about,” she said, glancing from you to the makeup bag. “I need to rethink this...I need to rethink all of this .”
She reached for different eyeshadows and fresh brushes, ready to paint you in different colours.
“You listen to me, kitten,” she said, reaching for lipstick, “if they mess around with you like this again…” she ran her thumb over your bottom lip, “you come to me.”
Her thumb was warm against your lip, gentle enough to tickle but hard enough to bring heat to your cheeks.
Was she...
Surely she wasn’t...
Surely she didn't…
Your eyes darted from her slender fingers to the bright red polish coating her nails; the same shade she had used to paint your own. She smelled intoxicatingly sweet, like the fancy soap stores you often passed in Roppongi, the ones that left their doors wide open to lure in passers by with exotic fragrances.
Right then you felt just as curious; imagination wandering to paths never taken and decisions never made. A different lover in a different bathroom...maybe even this one.
Night had fallen by the time Shouta arrived at the izakaya, loosening off his tie with a grunt. He hadn’t bothered to hide the fact that he didn’t want to go. He could think of a dozen or more things he’d rather be doing. He had lesson planning to do, streets to patrol and that was without mention of stopping by the hospital. Your transfer to Musutafu made things a lot more convenient in theory, though his schedule had been so unforgiving that he still hadn’t been able to visit as much as he wanted to.
He walked towards the bar, ready to order something fruity and deceptively strong. For a moment at least, he wanted to distract himself from the chaos of the past few weeks.
“Sho,” said Hizashi, stepping out from a booth and draping an arm across his shoulders. “You made it!”
“Looks that way,” he said, eyes immediately darting around the room.
It had been a few days since they’d slept together and, in truth, he was still waiting for it to feel wrong. Hizashi had never been a stranger to putting an arm around his shoulders or reaching for his arm, but there was something different about his touches now. Shouta half expected everyone in the izakaya to stop what they were doing and stare in disgust, yet they carried on as if nothing had happened. Snipe and Nemuri faced off against each other on one of the arcade machines while Cementoss and Vlad played pool. Thirteen was sitting in a nearby booth with Ectoplasm, engrossed in a game of poker. All Might and Nezu discussed the day’s events, drinks long forgotten.
Shouta wasn’t used to public displays of affection. He wasn’t used to dating or letting down his guard. He had brushed off any of Hizashi’s attempts to hold hands, had been deliberately non-committal in arranging dates, and all because it felt like a betrayal. He wasn’t ashamed of being with another man, didn’t care that said man happened to be Hizashi. He did, however, care a good deal about doing either of those things without your blessing.
He didn’t want to commit to another person without hearing what it was you’d had to say that day at the lodge. He had told himself that you were better off not knowing how far you had gotten under his skin, but he didn’t believe himself anymore. He wanted the first thing you heard from him to be a prayer: a prayer that you wouldn’t leave him again; a prayer that you would forgive him for every time he had pushed you away and been upset when you didn’t follow.
Hizashi, who not only knew him better than he knew himself but had found himself in a similar predicament, didn’t push. Shouta told himself he would thank him for it when all of this was over.
“Listen,” said Hizashi, expression grave as he flagged down the bartender, “don’t freak out, okay?”
“Freak out? About what?”
“You can’t just tell me not to freak out without context.”
“Uhhhh...well...the thing is…(Name) woke up earlier on today.”
Shouta’s eyes widened. He was glad he hadn’t yet ordered a drink, for he was certain it would have shattered on the floor.
“I have to go,” he said without a moment’s hesitation. “I need to-”
He moved to leave, only to look back in surprise as Hizashi took hold of his arm.
“What are you doing? Let me go.”
Before this, Hizashi had encouraged him to go and see you. Why was he stopping him now?
“She discharged herself,” he said. “You won’t find her there.”
“She what ,” said Shouta, pulling his arm away. “That idiot , what was she thinking?”
“Wait,” said Hizashi, grabbing his arm again, “where are you going now?”
“Where do you think? I’m going to her house,” he said. “What if she tries to cook something and passes out by the oven? What if she tries to take a bath and dr-”
“Sho,” said Hizashi, looking more than a little bit offended, “you won’t find her there either.”
Shouta blinked, contemplating where else you might have gone. Had you gone to your parents’ house? No, he knew for a fact that it was unlikely. He paid close attention to just about everything you said and you hadn’t exactly made a secret of how little contact you had with your immediate family.
Had Hizashi set you up at his place? Had Nemuri taken you to hers?
Where were you?
He needed to talk to you, needed to wipe the last memory of you from his imagination. He didn’t want to speak your name and immediately think of you pinned to a tree. He didn’t want to remember your voice as a croak of despair.
Hizashi chewed at his bottom lip and Shouta’s imagination ran wild.
Was this his weird way of telling him you’d died?
“She’s over there,” said Hizashi at last, nodding his head towards All Might’s booth.
Shouta’s blood ran cold.
No way.
No fucking way.
He had wanted to speak to you so badly for so long. He’d wanted to see you up and about on your feet, back at UA as if nothing had happened. Now that you were there, though, in the same room and surrounded by other teachers, he didn’t trust himself to look at you. What if he fell to pieces like he had on that night at the lodge?
“You okay?” said Hizashi, prodding at his arm.
“I’m fine,” he said with a sigh. “Just...”
He wasn’t prepared to be vulnerable in plain sight. He didn’t know how he’d react when he saw you.
“Okay,” said Hizashi. “Hear me out…”
The past week had passed by you in a second, yet it felt like you hadn’t seen your colleagues in years and apparently the feeling was mutual. You found yourself on the receiving end of more hugs than you could count, more pats to the head in half an hour than you had received in the past twenty years.
That was without mention of your ever expanding collection of ice water. Everyone wanted to buy you a drink and you knew for a fact you couldn’t drink them all.
You ran your fingers through the condensation on your nearest glass as All Might and Nezu discussed the home visits, eyes darting to the izakaya doors every time they opened.
You had expected Shouta to arrive with All Might and struggled to contain your disappointment when that wasn’t the case. The more time passed, the more nervous you became. Part of you hated the idea of the first years’ hard work and training going to waste, but you didn’t know what you would do in their parents’ position. If your child went through the same experiences as 1-A and B, would you allow them to go back? Would your need to protect them overpower your need to see them happy?
You were biased and you knew it.
It was almost a relief when Hizashi came back to the booth and reached out an arm.
“C’mon, Little Listener,” he said, guiding you out of the booth and onto your feet, “let’s stretch those legs and greet your adoring public!”
You linked your arm through his and used his weight to steady your own, grateful for the prospect of leaving the booth even temporarily. You had been sitting there for so long that you were pretty sure it had remolded your butt.
“This way,” said Hizashi, leading you past the arcade machine and jukebox, through a side door that led outside to the back of the izakaya.
You took a gulp of fresh air, relishing the coolness against your skin.
“You okay, sweetness?”
“Yeah,” you said. “It’s good to see everyone again.”
He laughed softly, patting his hand over the one you had linked through his.
“ Almost everyone,” he said, pointing out a shadowy figure further along the street. You followed his gaze, eyes blurring with tears.
You would have known that silhouette anywhere.
You had wanted to see Shouta for so long; had wanted to speak to him for longer. There he was, right in front of you, and none of it seemed real.
He looked good , dressed up in a suit, though plainly tired of it, for he had taken off his tie and unfastened his top two buttons, leaving his collarbones on full display. You realised this was the first time you’d seen him with his hair up since Ego and, in all honesty, you were surprised your knees didn’t buckle.
“I’ll leave you to it,” said Hizashi, clapping his hands together and stepping back into the izakaya, leaving the pair of you completely alone.
You stared at Shouta; he stared at you, neither of you quite believing this was happening.
“I,” you said at last, “the thing is…”
You never got to finish your sentence, for Shouta moved, stepping closer and resting his head on your shoulder. For a moment, you were sure your heart stopped.
“Forgive me,” he murmured into your neck, voice rumbling against your skin. You closed your eyes, tears rolling down your cheeks.
You considered asking him what it was he wanted forgiveness for, though decided against it. He’d spent the entire day apologising for events out of his control and this wasn’t the time to dwell on them even more.
You reached up to cradle his body, one arm wrapped around his shoulders, the other combing through his hair.
“Okay,” you whispered back, saying nothing of the wetness against your neck from tears that were not your own.
He lifted his head and touched his forehead to yours, catching your lips in his in a kiss that consumed every inch of you, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes; a kiss you wanted to burn you to ashes and scatter you on the evening air; a kiss you would remember with perfect clarity for the rest of your life, long after other details of that night lay forgotten.
You stayed at the izakaya for another hour or two, Hizashi’s jacket draped over your shoulders while both he and Shouta hovered in your general vicinity like a pair of mother hens.
All Might and Nezu were the first to leave, staying only for a couple of rounds and catch up with Shouta, followed a short while later by Thirteen. Nemuri, who had had more than a little bit to drink by that point, tried to persuade everyone else to finish up the night at a club. Ordinarily, Hizashi would have said yes, but he had other responsibilities today, namely getting you home and finally hashing it out with you and Shouta.
He didn’t speak much at all on the drive to your house, glancing at you in his rear view mirror every time you hit traffic lights. He wanted to reach out for Shouta’s hand as he had yours; to congratulate him properly for his hard work that day. Once or twice, as you leaned your head against the passenger side window and drifted in and out of sleep, he reached in Shouta’s direction, only to pass it off as resting his hand against the gear stick.
Even if he did make contact, he knew Shouta wouldn’t accept it. He wouldn’t do anything without your knowledge. It was exactly the sort of honour he loved him for, but did nothing to warm his fingertips. Hizashi loved to touch and be touched; he liked being on the receiving end of attention almost as much as he liked giving it out. Not being able to touch Shouta was like being starved of oxygen and he felt himself wither with every second that passed.
It was a relief when they finally arrived at your house, Shouta lifting you up into his arms as you rifled through your purse for the key.
Hizashi followed the pair of you inside, watching as Shouta set you down on the couch and slipped off your shoes with a good deal of care- far more care than he ever afforded himself.
“We need to talk,” Shouta said as you rubbed your eyes.
“Sho,” said Hizashi, suddenly paranoid that you would be too tired for such an important conversation.
You sat up straight, though - of course you did - not quite wide awake, but coherent.
“It’s okay,” you said. “Let’s talk.”
The three of you sat in silence for a while. None of you had ever imagined getting this far.
Finally, Shouta broke it.
“I fucked Hizashi,” he said, so bluntly that Hizashi choked on his own spit.
“Hey, you...you don’t have to put it like that!”
“Why not,” shrugged Shouta. “It’s what happened.”
“Well yes, but...it sounds so dirty .”
For Hizashi, at least, it had been more than just fucking and even though he knew Shouta wasn’t an overly sentimental kind of guy, the notion that he felt otherwise prickled at his skin. He had been one too many people’s one night stand for it not to.
You glanced from Hizashi to Shouta with an unreadable expression. Finally, you nodded, crossing one leg over the other in the pose you very often took at your desk.
Hizashi was sure his stomach fell through the floor. He’d expected you to be shocked, hurt or at the very least confused. He hadn’t expected your reaction to be so subdued.
“Does it bother you?” said Shouta.
“Why would it?”
Hizashi glanced from you to Shouta, increasingly agitated by both of your poker faces. You were normally far more expressive than this and it was making him nervous.
“I fucked Hizashi too,” you shrugged and it took everything in him not to gasp.
It was one thing for Shouta to say it, but you?
“Does it bother you two?” you said. “That I’ve slept with you both.”
“Of course not,” said Hizashi, so quickly that it was a surprise even to himself.
The idea of being upset with you and Shouta for sleeping with each other was absurd. He wasn’t even completely upset that you’d kept it from him for so long. Shouta hadn’t been upset by the revelation that you had slept with him either, accepting it as easily as if he’d been told the pair of you had gone to the movies or eaten dinner.
“Then why should it bother me ?”
“We’re both men,” said Shouta almost immediately, to which you finally broke out into a smile.
“Trust me, I’ve noticed.”
“If we did it again...would it bother you?”
“Do you want to do it again?”
“Yes,” said Shouta, once again without any sort of hesitation.
“ Really ?” said Hizashi, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
You sighed and rubbed your temples, adjusting your weight on the couch. Both Hizashi and Shouta stepped forwards to help but you waved them away.
“It’s okay with me,” you said. “It’s not like I own either of you. You don’t need my permission.”
“No, but I want it,” said Shouta, stubborn as ever.
You pushed yourself up from the couch and folded your arms, wrapping your fingers in the sleeves of Hizashi’s jacket.
“Do you remember how all of this began?”
“ Ego ,” said Shouta.
“No, before that,” you said, shaking your head. “When I got dumped...it made me question everything. Akira told me he didn’t want to settle down, he didn’t want to lock himself into a particular path...and I hated him for it. I thought I wasn’t good enough, that I was boring, that my entire life until that point had been a waste of time…”
“(Name),” said Hizashi, but you waved him off.
“I understand it now, though,” you said. “It was never really about Akira. It’s just...up until then I’d always been the one who settled. I was always the one who made sacrifices and hard choices. I was always the one who caved. Up until Ego I’d never done anything self indulgent. I’d never thrown caution to the wind and chased something I wanted. Until then I’d shaped myself to fit other people, because at some point I’d convinced myself that everything I actually wanted was silly or an imposition.”
You breathed a heavy sigh, cheeks flushing a bright pink.
“I want both of you,” you said. “I don’t want to choose or settle. Life’s too short to talk yourself out of doing things that make you happy. If you want to choose, I’ll support it, but don’t feel like you have to because of me.”
Hizashi looked across at Shouta. Shouta looked at him. Both of them turned to look at you and all of the confidence melted from your body.
“That is…” you said, shuffling on the spot, “I mean…”
“This is new territory,” said Hizashi at last, “it’ll take time to figure it out.”
“If it doesn’t work we can just reset,” shrugged Shouta, “it’s not a problem.”
“We’ll need to,” you said, trying and failing to stifle a yawn, “....go over boundaries.”
“We can have a longer conversation about it tomorrow,” said Hizashi, as you rubbed your eyes. “It’s been a long day.”
He reached into his pocket for his car keys, turning to Shouta with a knowing look.
Hizashi had had you all to himself for much of the day. It was only fair that Shouta got some time too, especially considering how much you likely still had to talk about. He doubted either of you would declare your undying love in an alley behind the izakaya.
“I’m heading home,” he said, “you two...don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
After Hizashi left, you and Shouta fell into a comfortable silence. He helped you into your pyjamas and tucked you up in bed, planting kisses on your forehead any time you got close enough. It was so casually affectionate that you thought your heart might burst and you quite deliberately turned your face to his for more attention.
Your heart sank, though, when he actually tucked you in.
“I’ll be right next door,” he said, backing away, “call me if you need anything.”
You glanced from your bed to him, finally pulling back the sheets and motioning for him to come closer. You had wanted to hold onto him for what felt like an eternity and you weren’t going to pass up the chance now that it was right in front of you.
“Come here,” you said, patting the space next to you. “Get in.”
He considered it, the dilemma visibly playing out across his face.
“Fine,” he said, “move over that way.”
You did exactly that, wondering what his motives were. It would have been easier for him to take the side you pointed out to him. Had he picked the other side for no other reason than to be contrarian? It wasn’t outside the realms of possibility, but you had a feeling that wasn’t the case.
He unbuttoned his shirt and dragged it from his shoulders, exposing the sharp angles and scars of his body. This wasn’t the first time he’d done so in this room and heat pooled inside of you at the memory. You hadn’t been able to stop yourself staring then, either. You had seen the scar on his face from USJ, but not the mark on his elbow. You skimmed over the ripples in his skin, the same discoloration as on your own body.
Realisation sank in.
Shouta did indeed have a reason for choosing that side of the bed and it was far simpler than you might have imagined.
Anyone who broke into your house would have to pass your couch. Shouta had picked the side of the bed that was closest to the door. Anyone who came in would have to go through him to get to you.
You lifted up the covers so he could crawl in beside you, heart skipping a beat as he rested his head on the pillow. He looked at you in confusion, no doubt feeling your eyes on him.
“What is it?”
You rested your head on his chest.
In this situation, Hizashi would surely have pestered you for an answer. Shouta was almost certainly curious, but he didn’t say so, instead combing strands of hair out of your face in an attempt to see more of you.
You closed your eyes and listened to the steady thrum of his heartbeat, the warmth of his body enclosing yours. He held you close, though not so tightly that it hurt, the rise and fall of his chest lulling you to sleep.
You fell asleep safe and warm, with a peaceful expression that Shouta watched long into early morning.
A week passed.
Your energy returned, albeit slowly. It took the best part of a day to get through your notifications and update your friends and family on your condition, much less make the time to have them over. It took all of your energy on that first day to make a single pot of tea, much less make conversation.
Nemuri, true to her word, stopped in every morning to make breakfast and help with laundry. Her cooking wasn’t the best and you found yourself redoing the laundry more often than not, but her heart was in the right place and you couldn’t bring yourself to turn down her offer.
Hizashi created a group chat with you, Shouta and himself as the only members. You knew exactly what it was for the moment you received an invitation, smiling at the emojis he had used as a title: 🐱 🎤 👑
If you were all going to date it made sense to have a group chat, though it made your stomach flutter nonetheless. You still couldn’t quite believe you’d signed up for this, much less that Hizashi and Shouta were just as up for it as you were.
It didn’t sink in even as the three of you ordered food and worked over the final details, which in the end took only a matter of minutes. You were all fairly laid back when it came to preferences and boundaries. You didn’t mind who slept with who or how many dates you had with each other. You were all busy for one reason or another and there was no point in keeping score.
You discussed threesomes last of all. Given your triangular relationship, it had always only been a matter of time before it cropped up in conversation. You and Shouta had never had one, while Hizashi’s experience mostly amounted to drunken fumbling with beautiful strangers. He’d never done it with anyone he wanted to date, much less anyone he actually was . It was new territory for everyone and all three of you were nervous for different reasons.
You agreed that if you were to test run something of that nature, it made sense to do so before the next school term. The teachers would become incredibly busy almost overnight and, while Nezu had gotten you a temporary replacement for the first couple of weeks, you would have just as much to catch up on when you returned.
And so it was that Hizashi sent an address to the group chat, one sent you flushing a bright pink.
👑: You do realise that’s a love hotel?
🎤: Yup! Best for it to be on neutral ground, don’t you think?
👑: I guess you’re right .
🎤: Plus, this one has alllllll kinds of facilities. They have a minibar, they sell toys at the counter, they have every kind of lube and condom you can dream of...it’s the perfect place for  de p r a v i t y
👑: what do you think, Shouta?
🐱: whatever
🎤: Then it’s settled! We’re going to have so much fun! 🎉 🎉 🎉
You lowered your phone into your lap with a giggle, which prompted Nemuri to look over from the kitchen with a raised eyebrow.
She hadn’t asked too many questions about who it was you were always texting, mostly because she hadn’t needed to. Hizashi and Shouta took turns staying the night with you long after the strength returned to your legs. It never progressed any further than cuddles and they were always gone before she arrived, but you knew she wasn’t a fool and had likely already guessed what was going on. You’d agreed to tell her once the dust had settled and you’d figured things out.
“Something funny?”
“Somewhere, at this very moment, I’m pretty sure Shouta’s questioning his life choices,” you said between giggles.
“Ahhh,” she said, reaching into your cupboard for dishes, “must be Tuesday.”
However nervous you might have been about going to the love hotel paled in comparison to how it felt when you actually arrived.
You had spent hours going through your wardrobe, wondering what on earth to wear. Hizashi was quick to remind you that whatever you wore would end up on the bedroom floor anyway, which did little to quell your nerves. You wanted tonight to be special; the kind of night you revisited over and over to better enjoy each detail. In the end, you settled on a simple dress and shoes, with the fanciest lingerie you owned underneath.
Your stomach fluttered as you caught sight of your reflection while you were getting dressed, the anticipation of the night ahead almost too much to bear. After tonight everything would be different for what you prayed would be the right reasons.
You bobbed on your heels as Hizashi booked you in, glancing around at your surroundings. It didn’t look any different to any ordinary hotel, though you weren’t sure why such a thing surprised you. You had heard stories of people spending the night in one by accident, as well as people who took advantage of the cheap rate to do so on purpose.
You glanced across at Shouta to see if he was as nervous as you, only to see him examining one of the posters on the wall. From the looks of things, the hotel offered themed rooms as well as generic ones and while some of the themes were pretty run of the mill, some were far more unusual. They had a dinosaur themed room and an aquarium, as well as a superhero room designed to look like a back alley.
They also had a cat themed one, complete with fluffy pink bed sheets and equally fluffy cat themed lingerie, which seemed to have grabbed Shouta’s attention the most. You made a mental note to do some online shopping at the next opportunity.
“Let’s go!” said Hizashi at last, dangling a key labelled 215.
You took a deep breath and followed him through the building, taking note of the luxurious interiors. You’d expected it to look seedy and the reality was quite jarring.
“Who’s excited?!” Hizashi cried out as you took the lift to the second floor. “This is going to be awesome!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm, but even he fell silent when you stepped inside of your room for the night.
This...this was everything you had expected and more besides. Everything you looked at was more obscene than the last.
The room was bright red, with silk sheets and a mirror on the ceiling. There was a pole and set of couches in the right hand corner, as well as bookcases full of erotica. Across from the bed was an enormous flat screen television and a cabinet underneath it that you knew without looking contained porn.
Hizashi fiddled with the switches on the wall, ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the spotlights on the floor and ceiling, all three of you taking a step back when one switch made the room rumble. The ceiling mirror shifted and a set of straps lowered through the gap.
“Is that…” you whispered.
“It’s a sex swing!” cried out Hizashi, unable to contain his excitement.
You had only ever heard of them until now and mostly as a joke. Hizashi rushed across the room to test the straps, looping his wrists into the cuffs and hoisting his weight up off the floor, laughing as he began to swing as if the three of you were in a playground and not a room full of sin.
On the leftmost side of the room was a wooden divider screen, with multiple wardrobes behind it. You approached them slowly, morbidly curious about what you might find inside.
What you actually found there made you cry out in glee.
“Oh my god,” you said, rummaging through the drawers. “Oh my god!!!”
“What is it?” said Hizashi, trying to unravel himself from the swing.
“It’s...oh my god. They have costumes.”
“Oh? You gonna be a dominatrix for us?”
“No, you don't understand,” you said, stepping out from behind the divider. “They have costumes.”
Both Hizashi and Shouta’s eyes widened when they saw what you were wearing. You’d found a familiar spiked leather jacket and gloves, as well as the shades to match the set.
“Hey, hey, hey listeners,” you called out in your best Present Mic impression. “It’s a beeeeeeutiful day to boogie!”
Hizashi was delighted; he struck a pose of his own.
“Put on your dancin’ shoes and happy smiles,” he said, “tonight we’re going Plus Ultra style!”
“I knew it was a bad idea for you two to spend time together,” sighed Shouta, rummaging through the mini bar.
“Are you saying there’s not enough room for two Present Mics?” Hizashi pouted, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“I don’t think the world is big enough for one .”
Shouta pulled out three beers and unscrewed the lids, passing one to you and another to Hizashi.
“Cheers,” you said, taking a long sip before setting the bottle down on the nearest surface.
Hizashi and Shouta did the same, the reality of what you were about to do sinking in.
“Anyone want to back out?” said Hizashi.
“Nope,” you said, Shouta shaking his head along with you.
“Okay,” said Hizashi, “in that case, let’s set the mood .”
You stripped off the leather jacket and gloves, watching as Hizashi played around with the various switches in the room. He returned the sex swing to its original position and fixed the lighting, choosing a setting that left the room in a soft light that resembled candles.
Shouta pulled the pillows from the bed and set them down on the nearest couch, fluffing them up as you slipped behind the divider screen and unfastened the zipper of your dress. You slipped it off your shoulders and down to the floor, excitement rushing through you at the knowledge that neither Hizashi nor Shouta had noticed yet.
You rearranged your hair, taking a deep breath before stepping out and perching on the end of the bed, stretching like a cat and waiting for them to turn and look at you.
It was Shouta who noticed first, turning from the couch and freezing on the spot. You flashed him a knowing smile and he reached out for Hizashi, who was searching through his phone for the perfect playlist.
“...so I’ve been putting this together for the past few days. I wanted something that was mellow but had a bit of a beat and-ow!”
Shouta poked him in the ribs and pointed in your direction, prompting Hizashi to almost drop his phone.
“I seem to have lost my dress,” you said, crossing both arms over your chest in pretend modesty. “Won’t you help me?”
“O-o-o-of course,” said Hizashi, “though for what’s worth, you seem to be doing just fine without it.”
Shouta sank down into a chair at the foot of the bed, reaching for his beer as Hizashi climbed up onto the bed behind you.
“You look,” he said. “I’ll supervise.”
Hizashi’s breath was warm against the back of your neck and you shivered as he planted kisses along your exposed back.
“Maybe it’s hiding behind your ears,” he said, lifting your hair and swirling his tongue around your earlobe. “Hmmm...nope.”
“Maybe this one,” you said, tapping your finger against the opposite ear and giggling at the tickle of his lips against your ear.
“No,” he said, sounding genuinely forlorn even as he kissed the back of your neck. “Not there. Perhaps… maybe...”
He looped his fingers through your bra’s fastening and unhooked it with ease. Your bra dropped down onto your lap and you tossed it aside, watching as Shouta leaned back in his chair and sipped his beer, an expression of satisfaction across his face as Hizash looped his hands around your middle and reached up to give your breasts a squeeze.
“Not here either,” he said, tightening his grip on your nipples and grazing his teeth against your shoulder. “Where else might it be?”
He slipped his arms under yours, maneuvering them into his line of sight and turning your hands so they were palm up.
“Not here,” he said, spreading your fingers in the same way you wanted him to spread your legs, “my my, we are in a pickle.”
He set your hands back down and moved a little further up the bed, leaning over to pull at your shoulders so that you followed. He guided you up onto your knees and tossed his own shirt to one side before resting a hand over your lower stomach. He snaked his free hand over your breasts, burying his lips in your neck as his other hand dipped into your underwear.
“Is it in here, perhaps?” he purred, slipping his fingers into your folds and earning a gasp from you in response. “Hmmm…”
He slipped a single, exploratory finger into you and you nibbled your bottom lip, remembering the last time he had gone down on you. You’d been a shivering, shuddering mess afterwards and you couldn’t wait to experience it a second time.
“What do you think, Sho?” he asked, glancing across at Shouta, who had cast aside his beer in favour of reaching into his pants.
“I think you should get a better look,” he said, resting his free elbow on the arm of the chair and resting his chin in his hand.
“Roger that,” said Hizashi, taking his hand out of your underwear. “Lay back for me, princess.”
You obeyed, rolling over onto your back so that your head rested at the foot of the bed, facing out towards Shouta.
“That’s a good girl,” he said, easing your panties down your thighs and over your ankles before tossing them over to Shouta, who held them up to the light, admiring the way the soft light shone through the pattern.
You blushed, heat pooling deep inside of your core as Hizashi planted a kiss between your breasts, hair tickling over your lower stomach as he spread your legs wide to expose your cunt.
The chill of being so thoroughly exposed lasted only a second; Hizashi ran his tongue over your clit before it could truly register. You gasped, reaching down to run your fingers through his hair and catching your reflection in the mirror on the ceiling.
You knew for a fact what was happening; you knew you were there, you knew who you were with. You saw your face, your naked breasts, the lacy stockings you had yet to remove and Hizashi’s head bobbing between your thighs. Even so, you didn’t recognise yourself.
You released Hizashi’s hair and spread your arms across the bed, watching as the girl in the mirror did the same. You watched the pleasure play out across her face, the muscles in Hizashi’s back shifting as he reached to slip in a finger. You cried out and so did the girl on the ceiling, back arching from the bed.
You could see Shouta too, jerking his cock in time to Hizashi’s movements. You watched the ceiling, watched as Hizashi took note of your silence and followed your gaze.
“Ah hah,” he said, waving at your reflections. “So Sho isn’t the only one who likes to watch!”
You blushed and turned your head to look at Shouta. You were on your back, so he was upside down, but the intensity when your eyes met was no different than usual. Before you knew it, you were reaching out to him, willing him to come over. You wanted to feel his hands against your body as well, wanted to see all three of your naked bodies on the ceiling.
You didn’t speak a single word of invitation, but you didn’t have to. He got to his feet and kicked off his pants and underwear, showing off how hard he had gotten just from watching.
Hizashi sat back, wiping your juices from his lips.
“Nice of you to join us,” he said, letting you relax your legs and roll over onto your side. Shouta approached the bed and you reached for his dick, propping yourself up on your elbow to coax him closer. He climbed up onto the bed and sat down on his knees, providing the perfect angle for you to run your tongue over his hardness.
You hadn’t tasted his cock before. Technically speaking, you hadn’t tasted Hizashi’s either. You had dipped a finger into the pool of cum he left on you while he was busy running your bath, curiosity and lust overtaking you.
It was too simplistic to say it tasted good or bad. The only way you could describe it was that it tasted of him, sweet and earthy in equal measures.
Shouta’s cock tasted far more bitter, though in a way that was more intriguing than it was unpleasant. He was broad, so broad that you couldn’t take all of him into your mouth without gagging, though you were so intoxicated by him that you were more than willing to try.
Hizashi crawled off the bed and kicked off his own pants, slipping a kiss to the side of Shouta’s mouth before leaning back down onto the sheets. He shuffled his weight until he could comfortably rest his head between your thighs, lifting one of your legs up onto his shoulders before returning to his earlier ministrations.
Maybe it was the change in angle; the moans you dragged from Shouta every time you moved your head. Maybe it was the way Shouta used his position to grip onto Hizashi’s hard cock. Whatever the case, you found yourself quaking at the prospect of everything to come. You could feel your stomach churning in anticipation; the wet sound of your lips on Shouta’s skin combined with the wet feel of Hizashi’s lips against your clit sending shudders of pleasure down your spine.
The first time you came, it was like butterflies in your belly, sending shockwaves through your middle that teased at what was to come. You moaned onto Shouta’s dick, Shouta squeezed Hizashi’s and all three of you groaned at the combined sensation.
“Do you think you’re ready for me, sweetness?” said Hizashi, sitting up from between your legs to look you in the face.
You nodded, rolling over onto your back while he got up to choose a condom from the box beside the bed.
“Hey,” he said, unable to hide his glee, “they have Present Mic ones!”
He laughed as he tore open the packaging and pulled it on, still overjoyed as he got back up onto the bed and aligned his hips with yours. He gave your clit a tentative stroke and you raised your hand up to get a good grip on Shouta’s dick from this new angle, jerking it gently even as Hizashi held onto your hips and slid his tip into you. You sighed at the feeling of being stretched, Hizashi slipping himself in and out a little deeper each time.
Both of you moaned the moment you took him to the hilt, as he gave one gentle thrust.
“Oooh, she feels so good, Shouta,” he said. “I’ll get her all nice and warmed up for you!”
Shouta didn’t answer, he was watching the three of you in the ceiling mirror and Hizashi reached for his shoulder.
“Sho,” he said, “earth to Sho.”
Shouta looked down at him, only to be dragged into a searing kiss, one that came with its own soundtrack of moans and flesh hitting flesh. Hizashi thrust his hips into yours with such force that it pushed you up the bed, leaving you little choice but to grip one of Shouta’s legs.
“Okay, little listener?” said Hizashi, breaking the kiss to peer down at you.
“Not going easy on me, are you?”
“What me? Never!”
He slammed his hips into yours and crushed his lips against Shouta’s, all while you moaned and held onto Shouta for dear life. Hizashi held one of your legs in place to secure you further, tangling the other in Shouta’s hair.
You wrapped your free hand around Shouta’s cock, jerking it roughly in time to Hizashi’s thrusts. You looked up, watching the pair of them kiss both above your head and on the ceiling.
Your insides grew tighter still; a spring inside of you ready to unwind.
You weren’t naive enough to believe Hizashi would let you come there and then. Sex was an artform to him and he had had enough time to plan.
“You feel so good, cupcake,” he said, breaking free of the kiss for a second, “Sho’s really missing out.”
He slowed down his thrusts to an agonisingly slow and deep pace that left you gasping into the sheets and digging your nails into the back of Shouta’s legs.
“...listen to that,” Hizashi murmured against Shouta’s lips, forcing him to listen to the wet sound of him fucking you, “it’s driving me crazy and I’m the one balls deep.”
He stopped for a moment and Shouta reached for his jaw.
“Don’t hold out on me, now,” he said. “Don’t start something you aren’t prepared to finish.”
Hizashi grinned at the command; you realised this was exactly the outcome he had been waiting for. He fucked you so hard and fast that you squealed in a mixture of surprise and delight. Shouta adjusted his weight, crossing his legs beneath him and guiding your head into his lap.
He stroked your lips as gently as if he had kissed them, reaching for the hand that had held his dick not so long ago and planting kisses on your knuckles.
“Harder,” he said, in a commanding tone completely at odds with the tender way he held your hand.
Hizashi was only too happy to comply, lifting your knees higher to get a better angle. You gripped Shouta’s hand and arched your back, trying to link your legs behind Hizashi’s back to hold him in place, only for him to tickle your feet in punishment.
Part of you couldn’t stand the growing tension between your thighs. You wanted to let go and lose yourself completely. The other, more rational part of you wanted to relish this moment, the combination of Hizashi’s rough and increasingly sloppy thrusts and Shouta’s soft touches.
“Deeper,” said Shouta at last and you screwed up your face as Hizashi obeyed, so close to shattering to pieces around his cock and yet so tortuously far. You spluttered in sheer desperation, holding Shouta so tightly that you feared you’d break the skin.
“Oh my g-don’t stop,” you pleaded, “like that, like that, like-“
You let out a whine, holding your body still as pleasure rushed through it. You bucked your hips into his as flutters of delight rushed through your core, enough to shake your legs though not enough to take over completely.
“Oh fuck,” you said as your walls clenched around Hizashi’s cock, a taste of what was to come and enough to send him over the edge.
He gave a strangled whine as his cock twitched deep inside of you, holding himself perfectly taut to ride out the wave. You knew the exact moment he finished, for the bones left his body and he flopped forwards, a goofy smile on his face.
“You tryin’ to kill me, Sho?” he murmured, head resting on Shouta’s chest and dick still buried deep inside of you. He pulled out with a sigh and rolled backwards, climbing up off the bed without any sort of grace. He reached for his beer as he pulled off the condom, making an impressed sort of noise as he held it out in front of him. “Look how much you made me cum!”
He threw a couple of fresh condoms onto the bed and Shouta picked up the closest one: a luxury branded one in simple silver packaging. He eased your head up from his lap and shifted positions, leaving you to watch as he put it on, body so close to release that it ached.
“Come here,” he said gently, helping you up onto your knees and holding his body against your back. “Just like that…”
“I’m so close,” you whined, “so close…”
“I know,” he whispered in your ear, “you’ve been very good and patient.”
You laughed at that, knowing for a fact that you’d been anything but.
Shouta reached down to take hold of your waist, holding his hand over the flat of your stomach and kissing the back of your neck. You arched your body into his every touch and ground your ass against him, relishing every time you brushed against his hard dick.
He guided you down onto your hands and knees, slipping a finger into you a couple of times before replacing it with his dick. You moaned in relief at not only being filled again, but in a different position. Every time Shouta pushed into you, he teased the sensitive spot inside of you that would turn you into a squealing mess; a spot that had gone thoroughly neglected until Akira dumped you.
Shouta went almost torturously slow and deep, gripping onto your hips to steady you. At first you gripped onto the bed sheets, before sliding one hand down to your clit. You wanted to cum so badly, but no Shouta wouldn’t go any faster no matter how much you moaned.
You never made contact with your clit, though. Hizashi got there before you.
“Let me,” he said, sitting down next to the bed and leaning over to reach his head between your thighs. You gasped at the combined sensations: Shouta’s deep thrusts and Hizashi’s masterful tongue.
“Oh my god,” you said, so overstimulated that you feared you’d explode. “Oh my god, don’t st-ahhh!”
For a moment, it was as if time stood still. You weren’t there; none of it was real. All you knew was pleasure, rippling from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, Hizashi’s tongue hot and sticky against your clit while Shouta groaned, your walls clenching around him almost unbearably tightly.
Your body shook, still twitching as both Aizawa and Hizashi eased you down onto your back.
“You okay, listener?” said Hizashi, stroking sweaty strands of hair from your face. “Are you with us?”
You blinked, staring blankly into their faces.
“I think,” you said, voice hoarse, “I think my soul left my body for a second there.”
Something cold touched your cheek and you realised Shouta was holding out a bottle of water from the minibar.
“Maybe we went too hard on you,” he said, sounding more than a little concerned.
“No,” you said, flapping a limp arm as you leaned over to sip the water. “That’s not what I meant! It left my body in a good way!”
“Hear that, Sho,” smirked Hizashi, “your dick is killer.”
“Speaking of which,” you said, “you didn’t finish.”
“You’re right,” gasped Hizashi. “Where are our manners?”
Both he and Shouta had flopped down on either side of you, cocooning you in warmth to negate how cold you had suddenly gotten. Hizashi shimmied over to the other side of the bed, leaving Shouta in the middle, all of his earlier fatigue forgotten.
“Now then,” he said, peeling the condom off Shouta’s dick, “let’s do something about this.”
At first you watched, body still heavy. Shouta rested his hand on Hizashi’s head as he trailed his tongue over the underside of his dick, looking Shouta dead in the eye as he lapped up all of his precum and took his dick into his mouth.
It was mesmerising; so different to when you were on the receiving end. You could make out every flutter of Shouta’s eyelashes; the way his body tensed whenever Hizashi hit a particularly sensitive spot or sucked that little bit harder. He looked so vulnerable there and then and you couldn’t look away.
Shouta opened his eyes and looked towards you, crushing his lips against yours before cupping your face in his hand. He pulled you further down his body, until you joined Hizashi at his waist. Hizashi leaned back to make room for you, holding the base of Shouta’s cock and guiding your lips down onto it, earning a sigh of relief.
“Like that,” said Hizashi, holding Shouta in place as you sucked at him. “Wow, you’re really good at this, check you out!”
“Maybe one day I’ll be as good as you!”
“Haha! Maybe! Now, (Name), I want you to do something real quick.”
“I want you to sit tight and then, when I give you the nod, I want you to do this.”
He leaned over and wrapped his lips around the tip of Shouta’s cock, giving it a hard suck before letting go, making a loud popping noise as he let go. Shouta’s response was instantaneous; he hissed with pleasure and bucked his hips into Hizashi’s touches.
“Think you can handle that?” said Hizashi, bright eyed.
“I think so.”
He nodded and you sat up on your elbows to watch, eyes darting from Hizashi to Shouta as Hizashi began to jerk Shouta’s dick without a hint of mercy. Shouta ground his hips into the bed, arching his back just as you had and making deep, guttural noises you would never have guessed he was capable of. You could see how close he was getting, cheeks flushed and eyes darkened with need.
He gasped when Hizashi finally let go, though the torture wasn’t over. Hizashi gave you the nod you’d been waiting for and you wrapped your lips around the tip just as he had. You sucked hard, relishing the noises Shouta made almost as much as the pressure when he planted a hand on the top of your head in an attempt to hold you in place. You let go, knowing it would drive him insane.
You really were learning from the best.
Hizashi gripped Shouta’s cock and motioned for you to take the tip between your lips. He held on tight and jerked him hard, both sensations leaving him squirming into the bed.
“J-....F-...I…” he babbled, arching his back and reaching his free hand to grip the bed frame. “H-”
Hizashi tapped your chin, motioning for you to sit back. You obeyed and he jerked Shouta’s dick with even more force, only stopping as Shouta sighed in relief and cum seeped across his body.
You and Hizashi both watched him in contentment, taking in the ripple of his muscles as he gasped for air. You crawled back up to lay beside him, giving him a soft kiss to the cheek that he leaned into.
Hizashi crawled up to Shouta’s other side and flopped over onto his back, folding his arms behind his head.
All three of you stared at your reflections on the ceiling, drinking in the sight of your naked bodies and perhaps even thinking the same thing.
“Well what?”
‘What now?”
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Art by the lovely @earthbender/ earthbender on tumblr / ArtemisRedd on AO3~
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