#and he finds Mr plant being creepy
rabideather · 6 months
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Horikoshi giving hero tropes to the villains is probably my favorite part of bnha.
He presented us with a nervous wreck of a boy at the beginning of the manga. Look, he seemed to say, isn't he creepy? isn't he evil? He met Tomura in his most lanky form. Malnourished, neglected, real dead hands all over his body and blunt nails digging mercilessly in his skin.
Sure, the story paints him as a real villain. He is there to kill kids, after all. He wants to kill the light of the hero society, to spread violence and hatred all around. He's also very very suspicious. You get that feeling that there's more to the story. It's in the way he acts, his desperation. He looks sick. What is he making him so? What is his story?
Tomura is a loser. A failure since the beginning, if you follow the narrative. Characters like Stain, Overhaul and Redestro point it out: Tomura isn't the best strategist per se, they can't understand his reasons to do what he does, there's something wrong with him in villain terms.
That's when the brain starts to pick up the signals and plants the doubt. Many people don't notice it, but something in the story gives away that he is a very special type of villain.
We see him alone in his dark messy room, staring at a screen. We see him drinking alone in a bar as he sits on his misery. Over and over, we see that evil boy and his burdened stance. Only Kurogiri is there. His master only talks to him through some radio. He doesn't mention anyone else. No one else seems to live in that bar but Kurogiri and him.
Back then, when Tomura was all about AFO and All Might and no one else, he felt hollow. Rotten.
We first saw him approach someone for help and some company after the first LOV members were introduced. We meet Toga and Dabi, then Tomura goes to find Deku. Is he still creepy? Yes. Is he still evil? Also. We have Giran talking about Tomura with the fondness you reserve for a spoiled child. The way Kurogiri and Giran talk about it, it's more like Tomura needs to make some friends. He's not used to it, so he's being rude to them.
He's a chosen one reluctant to make friends, since he's used to doing things on his own— or at least with people he didn't care about. Next time we see him, his telling Kurogiri that he doesn't want them to die, he wouldn't sacrifice them for a goal and he actually wants them to succeed. He talks like a leader, he considers them important.
When they show us the LOV around Tomura as he talks to a kidnapped Bakugo, there's something in there already. How they worry when Bakugo hits Tomura and knocks the hand out of his face. They humanize Tomura, which is a lot to say when AFO did everything he could to dehumanize him. They make Tomura be more mature, more responsible and more capable. While AFO paints Tomura as a foolish child that cannot get things right until he's guided there, the LOV trusts Tomura to take care of himself and guide them.
That's when the hero tropes with villains started.
A quick list from the top of my head:
Twice overcame his trauma mid-battle in order to save Toga and then the LOV.
Tomura was tempted by Overhaul to betray the LOV in exchange for power. He pretended to agree, only to backstab Overhaul because Tomura would never forgive those who hurt his friends and would never betray the LOV.
Magne went to attack Overhaul for offending her and her friends, defending their ideals and their right to exist 'til death.
Mr. Compress took the leading role in many dangerous situations to assure that the LOV would get their win, but also to assure they'd make it out alive.
Tomura would forgive people not on his behalf, but for the benefit of the LOV.
Giran refused to sell any info about the LOV and laughed in his captors face because he was not so important to them. Turns out he was bluffing about it being all business, since we know from Twice's flashback that he did it also for the fondness he felt towards the LOV and the LOV went there to rescue him.
The LOV rushing through a battlefield the size of a city while desperately trying to find a way to save Tomura.
Twice and Mr. Compress refusing to leave Tomura fighting Gigantomachia alone and taking the burden of his training with him.
Dabi doing all he could to save Twice and snapping when he realized Twice was dead.
Mr. Compress worried about Toga and her solo mission.
Spinner telling Toga that she needs to come back safe and sound to them.
Tomura refusing to die or give up while the LOV still needs him (to be a hero).
Twice already dead and still moving because he needed to save Toga.
The entire LOV refusing to even consider defeat because they blindly believe that there is no way Tomura can lose.
And there's so much more...
The LOV made Tomura act heroic. They gave him a reason to want to save and protect, instead of just wanting to destroy.
The power of friendship but for evil.
Isn't it the best thing ever?
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finxeydav · 3 months
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Heheheheh yandere, still patiently waiting for Argos to kill out of jealousy for mr plant :33
also I’m using that guys name from the valentine video instead of mr plant since I don’t think they have that kinda, dynamic? I mean Argos stalks him and is obsessed for sure, but mr plant isn’t scared of him, and he doesn’t really care and loves him anyway(I think he even finds it endearing), so Argos being creepy and stuff to mr plant isn’t really as scary, but the scene this is based on is scary, so,,, yah know, it’s spookier this way I think (also the parallels between the stalker in the video and Argos are uncanny like-)
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Original scene btw
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leemillion · 1 year
Theory Time!
Alright so I have an abundance of theories for The World of Mr Plant so I’m just gonna spill them all here. Maybe I’ll even update it as more theories arise, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
~Mr. Plant always loved Argos~
Now call me crazy but I think Mr. Plant always had a thing for Argos. He just didn’t fully realize/come to terms with it until the valentines episode. And even then he struggled to express emotions at first, but he’s been getting better at that.
Now adding on we all know Mr. Plant won’t hesitate to kill any minor inconvenience that comes his way. And Argos supposedly annoyed him to hell and back. So why didn’t he kill Argos? Sure he thought about it, but he never actually went through with it. It makes no sense to kill a random stranger just for a job but then leave someone you supposedly hate alive, but that’s just me:
Maybe he mistook his feelings for Argos as anger or tried to deny it by rationalizing it in some weird way. I mean it doesn’t seem like he has any relationship experience. Maybe this is his first time feeling these things and that’s why he was so hesitant and confused.
~Why Mr. Plant joined the scouts~
Now I find this one pretty wholesome. Mr. Plant doesn’t like kids at all so Argos being apart of the scouts was something he actively discouraged. Yet by the end of the episode he chose to join them 😌
Now I have 2 reasons for this. It could either be one of them or a mixture of both of them.
Reason #1 - After the incident with the “human” he thought “oh shit I get to kill people and murder people holy shit-“ and decided hey it can’t be that bad
Reason #2 - After the incident with the “human” he realized Argos and the scouts might need someone to protect them so he decided to join to keep them safe.
I think I like the second reason it’s so fucking wholesome. Argos and Mr. Plant have 3 unofficially adopted children now 😌
(One more thing that’s not important to the theory but I didn’t know where else to put it: On the phone Mr. Plant immediately ran over the second Argos mentioned he was “right across the way” Do you think Mr. Plant knew about the creep that lived there??? That he knew about him kidnapping and doing who knows what with kids?? And once he heard Argos was over there he was like “oh fuck no not my Argos 🔪” That’s so cute wtf 😭)
~Mr. Plant’s other half~
So we all know Mr. Plant is half banana leaf. But what about the rest of him? I’ve seen many theories of him being part walker plant, imitation plant, and even human. And I think imitation plant might make the most sense (I still like to think a small part of him is a walker though)
I mean in Gardening with Argos, Argos refers to some of his plants as his “favorite flower.” We all know Mr. Plant is obviously his favorite 🙄
Unless… Mr. Plant isn’t considered a flower at all?
Now this could be a stretch. Maybe there’s 2 types of plants. Those that are considered people and those that are considered just plants. But who knows.
~The mushrooms found Argos creepy~
This might not be so much of a theory as it is an observation.
At first when I watched this episode I thought “tf they mean creepy? He’s like the most normal guy here” And then I realized Argos looks the most normal to the viewers but not the other characters.
Every other character either has an object head, an animal head, a plant head, a body part head, and of course the “humans” with their uncanny ass proportions. Argos isn’t the most human looking thing in their world. In fact there isn’t anyone else in the void who looks like him.
Maybe that’s why he’s always seen as “weird” or “creepy.” Plus we never know much about his family. Just his great great grandfather banana leaf. Maybe his family is some rare species.
Holy shit what if they’re hunted for sport and that’s what those “accidental deaths” were??? Maybe not. Maybe I’m going insane.
~It’s been a long long time~
So I found this comment on a TikTok video:
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I did the math and they’re correct. And if Argos is around the same age as Ashur is (23) then he’s been in this specific void since he was about 5 years old. He’s been marking up the days since he was old enough to write.
Meanwhile Mr. Plant moved in almost 2 years ago.
Argos was part of the welcoming committee then right?? I like to think he fell in love the minute he saw Mr. Plant 😌
So what’s next for them? Who knows but I’m rooting for lore in the next episode. Andddd I think that’s about it for theories for now, or at least until I suddenly come up with another. See you all next time :D
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Oh For a Muse of Fire! Part 1
Yeah...I know I said I would be taking a step back but then my muse went “Brrrrr!” and wouldn’t let me up until I had over 6k words and several more scenes I wanted to do, including the end.
Art student!Steve and Live Model! Eddie AU. Enemies to lovers. Eddie is a straight up ass in the first few chapters of this.
Steve was in the library looking at his schedule with Robin.
“It’s my last semester, Robs,” he said squinting at the computer screen. “And then I can graduate.”
Robin sighed. “I still have a year to go, you are so lucky.”
Steve was looking at the remaining credits he needed to graduate with art teaching degree and was shocked to find that he only needed one class.
She leaned over his shoulder to look at the computer, too.
“Shit,” she echoed.
“Live figure drawing,” Steve muttered with an air finality. “The class I failed three times.”
“Mhmm,” Robin agreed. “Once a year.”
He banged his head on the desk. “I hate that class. And it’s always awful. There was the creepy old man that kept hitting on me the whole time.” He had been forced to drop the class. He had been reimbursed for it, but because it happened just after the midterm, insta-fail. “Then there was poor heavy-set girl. The constant sniggering and jeering made me ill and when the professor refused to anything about it...” he shook his head.
“Yeah, that was the worst,” Robin whispered. “But at least that incident got that professor fired.”
Steve nodded. That had been the only good thing that had come out of that class. But getting him fired made for another insta-fail. He tried to protest that one, but the Dean refused to budge.
“The last time was all you, though,” she said, pushing at his shoulder.
Steve cleared his throat and hung his head. Because, yeah that one was on him.
The new professor brought in an extremely fit basketball player. Steve had spent very little time drawing and a lot of time trying not to stare. So when he turned in his final with a blurry face and nothing drawn in the middle, he had failed the class again.
Robin pointed at the screen. “It’s a different teacher again this year.”
Steve lifted his head to look at what she was pointing at. J. Byers.
“Shit,” he murmured. “You don’t think that’s like Joyce Byers, do you?”
Steve had done a lot of babysitting and holding down two jobs to pay for school out his own pocket because his dad wasn’t willing to pay for what amounted to an art degree. He would work at Family Video while the kids were in school and then work at the plant at nights on weekends.
Will Byers was one of those he babysat. The kid had an older brother. But he had been working full time to keep the lights on while their mom got a master’s degree.
Robin’s mouth worked but no sound came out.
“I think this got even more awkward,” Steve murmured.
Robin just patted his shoulder in sympathy.
Steve was in hell. That was the only explanation for all of this. It had been Joyce Byers and he had to get the Dean to sign off him being in her class because she might be accused of favoritism. In fact if it hadn’t been the only class Steve needed to graduate he was pretty sure the Dean wouldn’t have allowed it.
Which was fine. Awkward, but fine. Nope. The part that made it hell was who was currently sitting on a stool in the middle of the classroom, (completely dressed, thank god!) was Eddie Munson.
The so-called Freak of Hawkins High. Or as Steve called him in his head “Steve Harrington’s biggest gay crush.” So yeah. All that work to get special permission to take the class and he was going to fail anyway.
Joyce stepped up to stand next to Eddie. “Hello, I’m Mrs Byers. Or Joyce, whichever make you more comfortable. Because that’s the point of this class. You being comfortable. I know this not ideal for a lot people. Especially young people like yourselves. So we’re going to start off slow. Working on different parts of the body and then for your final it will the complete nude form.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath. He wasn’t the only one, thank god, but if Eddie had stripped then and there, Steve would have fainted.
“This will be your live model this semester,” she continued, indicating to Eddie on the stool. “Why don’t you introduce yourself?”
Eddie grinned, his dimples making themselves known. “Hi! I’m Eddie. I was looking for a way to make easy money between gigs with my band. I have tattoos, but Joyce here has assured me that that won’t be problem for you sweethearts as this is an advanced art class.”
Steve gulped. It wasn’t going to be a problem art-wise. But libido-wise? He was in so much trouble.
After class he stopped to talk to Joyce.
“Hey, Mrs Byers,” he greeted with barely the hint of a stammer. “How’s Will?”
Joyce hugged him. “It’s so good to see you, honey. Will is doing great. He’s navigating school better now that we’re back in Illinois.”
Steve nodded. They had briefly gone out to California so that she could get some special accreditation or something like that.
“Tell him I miss him,” he said.
Joyce smiled. “Of course, sweetie.” She gave his hand a squeeze and said she had to get back to work.
Steve nodded again and walked out the door.
“Well, well, well,” Eddie said. “If it isn’t the former king of Hawkins High. I thought I saw you lurking in the back.”
Steve closed his eyes and turned slowly. There he was, leaning against the wall, one leg propped against, while the other stretched out in front of him. His arms were crossed, and his hair dangled in front of his bowed head. Steve itched to draw him oh so badly.
“Munson,” he said trying to keep the tremor from his voice.
Eddie lifted his head. “So you do remember me, should I feel honored?”
Steve let out a heavy sigh. “You do what you want, you always have.”
“I heard you got special permission for this class,” Eddie sneered. “You convince the Dean to take the class for a lookie-Lou? Sorry to disappoint, Harrington. Not some hot chick you can leer at for fifteen weeks.”
Steve’s head rocked back in shock. “Fuck you, man. For starters I got special permission because being the former babysitter for teacher is a bad look for both of us. For another, this is my last class I need for my art degree.”
Eddie raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Daddy let you take art? Must really not need the dough.”
Steve balled his hands to prevent the rage from tumbling out. “No. I worked hard to get where I am. And for the record...they never have hot women. Not if they don’t want to get sued for harassment. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go to work because not all of us can take our clothes off and be paid.”
He stormed off, tears streaming down his face.
Eddie watched him go with a slow lick of his lips. That went differently then he expected. He didn’t think Harrington would cop to admitting that he was there to leer, but his lie about art school? That was a new low.
And babysitting? No parent in their right mind would leave Steve “the Hair” Harrington in charge of their kids. Lie number two.
And then trying to get out of talking to him by saying he had work? Harrington lived in Loch Nora. The richest part of town. He didn’t have to work a day in his life. Lie number three.
And what was that about not being able to take off his clothes and get paid? It didn’t sound right to his ears. It was like he wasn’t dogging the modeling gig but that he couldn’t.
Which anyone who had eyes knew that was bullshit.
Joyce came out and saw him still standing there. “Thank you again for doing this, Eddie.”
“You’re welcome, Joyce,” he said with a charming smile. “I don’t mind. I’m sorry your other model bailed on you last minute though.”
Joyce sighed. “She got a bar tending job that starts on tonight and I’d really prefer not to have my models fall asleep in the middle of posing.”
“Chrissy’s good girl,” Eddie said. “I’m actually glad she got the job at the bar. Some of the guys in the class looked pretty slimy.”
Joyce sighed. “It happens every time. They take just enough art classes in order to get in and then are disappointed when it’s not some pretty girl.”
Eddie nodded, thinking of Steve Harrington.
“And this school has had a problem with a couple of the last models they had,” Joyce murmured. “If another incident occurs, the class will be dropped all together and I’ll be out of job.”
“I’ll keep an eye out for you,” he said, with a gentle squeeze of her shoulder.
Joyce looked up at him with a smile. “You’re so sweet, Eddie. I’m glad Will found someone like you to look up to.”
Eddie blushed, shoving his hair in his mouth. “I like the kid. He’ll do just fine.”
Joyce nodded. “See you tomorrow.” She waved goodbye and walked away.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Epilogue
Just tagging a few of my regulars, but if you want to be tagged let me know in the comments. Thanks!
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369
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mangoisms · 1 year
come back to bed, my love, my light is low
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━ pairing: tim drake x f!reader
━ summary: Tim gets dosed with fear toxin and you are there to pick up the pieces.
━ word count: 3.3k
━ contains: established relationship, emotional hurt/comfort, non-sexual intimacy
━ a/n: technically takes place as an extension of my other tim fic, i'll be the dangerous ledge (you be the parachute), but prior reading is not required! title is from this song
━ you can read this on ao3 as well
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Gotham has always had a fairly impressive rogue gallery. 
You have limited knowledge of the other cities and their various rogues but you think Central City and Keystone City, the Gem Cities of the midwest of which the Flash is in charge of, are some who can match up to it. 
But in the end, Gotham’s will always beat them out. 
You have the Joker, indiscriminate in his havoc, truly, truly unpredictable and for no reason other than he simply wants to. You have Two-Face, fates decided upon the coin toss. You have Mr. Freeze, Black Mask, Poison Ivy, Mad Hatter, and so many more. 
The Joker is the worst of them, though. That is the general consensus in the city. 
But for you? 
You have always found Scarecrow particularly unnerving. 
Sure, the Joker has his clown thing going on but…
When you were a kid, during the fall, the town over from your own would host a Halloween festival. You could come down and pick pumpkins straight from the patches, take hay rides, drink apple cider, gorge on candy apples, and roam their corn maze. 
At the shy age of seven, you ended up getting lost in the corn maze. Separated from your parents, from any other parents or remotely responsible figure, you wandered for some time, crying, terrified, thinking, in typical seven-year-old fashion, that you would be lost forever as the sun set, plunging you into darkness. 
You remember accidentally stumbling into a Scarecrow, just a decoration for the maze, but it had seemed so lifelike with its hay-stuffed limbs and mean face scowling down on you. 
That would be your boogeyman for a long while. 
Eventually, the fear faded and you forgot about it. 
Moving to Gotham gave it a little more life. 
But it’s never been an issue. 
Still isn’t. Not technically. 
After all, you think, perched on your couch, anxiously watching the news, it’s not you currently barricaded in the water treatment plant with Scarecrow and a new batch of fear toxin, fighting to make sure he doesn’t release it into Gotham’s waters. 
No, it’s Tim. The others. 
But the fight is over. Cameras showing police officers with gas masks emerging from the warehouse with Scarecrow tucked between them, hands cuffed. His scarecrow mask is creepy as ever, scowl etched permanently in the rough material of the mask. 
“Still no word on whether Scarecrow was able to contaminate Gotham’s water supply but we do see the few workers he had hostage are now being escorted out. Little is known about this new strand of fear toxin but tips to the GCPD say that it is able to be dispersed either as a liquid or a gas. Previously, the toxin was dispersed only as a gas, but it seems Scarecrow has upgraded to another venture of chaos.”
You drum your fingers on your thigh, eyes intent on the flatscreen. Trying to pick them out in the background. But Bruce does his best to keep Batman and the others out of media eye. At least here in Gotham. When it comes to the Justice League and the Titans, they have little choice. They’re officially sanctioned teams by the UN. Batman can’t be an urban legend there. None of them can. 
Pictures here are blurry, though. Nothing more than grainy, shadow figures in the night. No stopping for interviews, no stepping into the light. 
Outside? Well, you’ve seen literal Getty Image photos of Batman at a UN hearing with Wonder Woman and Superman, looking none too pleased about it all. 
You’re not going to find them, is what you’re saying. But you try anyway. Amidst the sea of police cars, blue and red lights flashing in the night, reporters perched several feet away, debriefing their audiences. 
Just another night in Gotham. 
But not for you. 
Your fingers itch to grab your phone. Tim assured you it would be fine as he unlocked the hidden room in your walk-in closet, the room reinforced by multiple layers of lead (Bruce insisted; Tim, annoyed, relented) and only accessible by fingerprint and retinal scans from him and you, as it is the room that holds his Red Robin gear, private servers, and other confidential items. The room you could hide away in if enemies ever managed to breach your stiff security protocols (installed and programmed by Tim this time) and the thick walls and bulletproof, bomb-proof, and heat vision proof windows of the apartment. 
You’re safe as can be. 
You don’t think the same can be said for Tim. 
Even if he told you he would be fine. That Bruce and Damian are constantly mixing antidotes to the new strands of fear toxin and Joker venom that pop up. That Duke and Steph, both of whom have slowed in their vigilante duties like he has, are coming back on for this one. In addition to Cass and Bruce and Damian and Kate and more. The Birds were on standby, too. 
You can’t help but worry anyway. 
Just a feeling. A bad, bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
The phone call you get in the next minute affirms it. 
Caught up just as Scarecrow unleashed the toxin… Had given his own mask to another worker trapped there… Didn’t yet have an antidote… Only received one a few minutes later… in very fragile condition…
Your name jars you from the cold, petrifying fear inside you. 
“Are you alright?”
“Sorry, Alf,” you mumble, standing and shutting off the TV. Your hands shake as you do it. You feel jittery and restless. “I’ll leave now, I don’t know how fast I’ll be able to get to the manor, though, I’m sure traffic is just crazy right now —”
“That won’t be necessary.”
“But —”
“Master Tim has insisted on returning to you. Miss Stephanie agreed and so, it is next to impossible to get them to change their minds.”
“Right,” you say, sitting back down, flexing your fingers, which have gone cold, despite the apartment being well-heated for December in Gotham. A little voice like Tim’s matter-of-factly says, You’re stressed. Blood doesn’t flow as well to the hands and extremities because of it. 
You try to regroup. “Are the others okay, then?”
“They all had their masks, so yes, they’re alright. A few scrapes and bruises but nothing we aren’t used to. Master Tim and Miss Stephanie are on their way now and I imagine you’d like to prepare for his arrival.”
“Right, right, yeah, thanks, Alfred.”
“I should thank you for taking care of him. There is a reason he wants to be with you there rather than with us. It is most likely self-explanatory, but it should still be said.”
Of course. 
After so many years, he is your home. The harbor to your tempest. And it is the same for him. 
“Thank you, Alfred. I appreciate that.”
“Of course.”
You bid your goodbyes and hurry to prepare for their arrival. 
A hot meal sounds in order but you don’t think he’ll be up for it immediately, so you grab a pack of crackers. You ensure you have water, as well as some Sprite. You don’t know if he showered there, he probably didn’t, so you grab a fresh change of clothes for him, leaving it on the counter in the bathroom and grabbing him a new towel, too. 
You go back to the living room to turn the TV back on, changing it to Ice Age, then lighting a candle you like to turn on every now and then, lavender and vanilla scented. Something familiar, something to ease him. You don’t know if it’ll work but you have to try. 
After that, it is simply a waiting game. 
You keep a close eye on your phone, where you get notifications from your security system. 
Fifteen minutes later, you get an alert — not about movement on the balcony, but at the front door, camera feed showing you Tim and Steph’s figures in heavy thick coats — appropriate for the weather and to hide their suits, since their usual masks are gone. You guess he wasn’t in good enough condition to grapple with her. The thought makes your heart clench. Dismissing the message, you hurry over to open the door. 
“Yeah, there you go, sweetie, you’re home now,” she’s murmuring to him, voice softer and gentler than you’ve ever heard. 
She glances up at you as the door opens, shooting you a sad smile, then nudging Tim gently. 
Your throat tightens painfully as you see his face, paler than usual, eyes glassy, gaze far, far away from here.  
His eyes shoot to you. 
Then he’s moving, strength and vigor seemingly renewed at the sight of you, and his arms are wrapping around you, tight, like steel, painful, hurting, cutting off your breathing, but you don’t care, don’t say anything, you just hold him back, as tightly as you can. 
The pain is just a reminder that he’s here, with you, once again. Like it should be.
Steph leaves silently, mouthing Thank you. 
You mouth back Be safe. 
She shoots you a thumbs-up, then slips out, door clicking closed behind her. 
Tim is shaking, you realize, body trembling against yours. 
“You’re okay,” you whisper and his hold tightens painfully again but you push through it. “We’re okay, honey. We’re okay. You’re okay.”
What must he have seen? 
Fear. Jonathan Crane’s greatest motivation — to master fear itself and to push those boundaries by using his fear toxins on others. 
Your greatest fears, convincing you that they have become reality. 
For you? 
Losing your family. Losing your friends. Losing Tim. 
For him?
He has already lost so much. 
Been through so much. 
You can surmise that you must’ve been part of it. Of course. Of course. 
“We’re okay,” you whisper again, squeezing him. 
He buries his face in your neck, inhaling deeply. You run your fingers through his hair, not caring about how sweaty it is, Gotham clinging to him even now. You hate it. Can’t he get a break? Can’t he be free of it for even a few hours? 
But that’s why you’re here. 
To help. To ease the burden. This monumental burden put on him when he was a mere fourteen-years-old. 
You two stay there for a little while. You feel him toe off his boots at one point, which makes you smile. 
He keeps his face in your neck, despite you knowing the angle must start to bother him. But the contact is what he needs so you’ll give it to him. Whatever he wants. 
“Are you up to eat something?” you ask softly, fingers still running through his damp hair. 
He shakes his head. You guessed as much. 
“How about a shower?”
Quiet for a minute. You feel the rise and fall of his shoulders and the tickle of warm breath against the sensitive skin of your neck. Then he nods. 
It takes longer for him to let go. You don’t rush him. And even then, he doesn’t let you go far, holding onto your hand as you lead him into your shared bedroom and then into the adjoining bathroom. 
Large and ridiculously luxurious, it has a jacuzzi bathtub, a large walk-in shower with a rainfall shower head, two for the body in the wall, then one detachable head, and it’s controlled by a waterproof touchscreen. Definitely a step-up from the bathtub shower you two had at Rose Oaks. 
You turn on the shower, making it hot, then turn to Tim, reaching for the coat. 
Underneath it is his suit. Most likely, he and Steph rode here by motorcycle, then she put them both in coats for the walk up here. It’s a bit of a silly image, especially since his cape is longer than it, and you smile to yourself as you pull off the coat.
“What?” he asks quietly, voice raspy. The first time he’s spoken so far. 
“You’re cute, that’s all,” you murmur, dropping the coat onto the floor, then reaching up to unsnap the cape. 
He doesn’t say anything else. Just looks at you. By this point in your relationship, the intensity of his gaze, taking you in fully, no details missed by keen eyes, does not fluster you. It just warms you. You feel seen in the best of ways. Wanted. Loved. 
You love him, too. So much more than you thought possible. Sometimes it feels like you might burst with it. You hope he knows that. You’ll show him. 
You take care of the rest of his suit. Fingers finding hidden zippers, carefully unlatching his utility belt and setting it aside, slipping off his compression shirt and the rest of it. 
By the time everything has been taken off, the bathroom is muggy with steam. 
You step back but he grabs your wrist, saying your name, blue eyes pleading. 
“Stay. Please.”
“I am,” you soothe. “Just let me get out of this, okay?”
You strip, too, much more quickly. He steps in and you follow him, gently guiding him underneath the stream of hot water. Your skin breaks out in goosebumps, a little bit chilly from the sparse water touching you, but you ignore it. 
Everything seems to fall away. Tim’s eyes slide shut, head tilting back, letting the water run over his face, thick chunks of dark hair sticking to his skin, the water washing away the terrors of the night. You sigh, hand slipping to his cheek, rubbing the skin there gently. 
When he pulls his head away from the stream, you reach up to comb his hair away from his face, fingers stroking over his skin idly, tenderly. He leans forward, arms coming around your waist, pulling you into him. 
You go easily, hands sliding over his shoulders as he closes the distance between your bodies, dropping his head against your chest this time, right over your heart.
When you think of the reason why, your throat squeezes. 
“We’re okay,” you whisper, fingers tracing odd circles on his back, running through his wet hair, gently detangling the knots that formed during his work tonight. 
“I know,” he whispers. “I just…”
The fear toxin is effective in what it was conceived to do. Even for Tim, as analytical and logic-minded as he is. When you live this kind of life, the threat of loss is a real one. Janet Drake’s death was entirely accidental. Not for any rhyme or reason other than misfortune. Jack Drake’s, however, was intentional. The list goes on and it’s hardly limited to loss by death. There are so many things that can happen. Things that can happen to you. Either because of Tim Drake or because of Red Robin. Or both. 
But you don’t care about that. You never have. The danger is real but what you would lose in that trade-off is not worth it. 
It doesn’t help, you think. Not now. Not when he knows, vividly, how he may lose you, because saying that now is as good as saying you’re okay with dying and he doesn’t need that. 
He just needs assurance that you’re here now. And you’ll give it to him. 
“I love you so much. You know that?”
You feel his breath stutter, arms tightening, chest pressed so closely to yours you can feel the unsteady beat of his heart pounding against you, his fingers digging into the skin of your hips so hard it’ll probably leave bruises. But you don’t care. 
“And I’m not going anywhere,” you murmur. “Not in a million years if I had a choice in it.”
A small sniffle. “That’s not physically possible. Unless you’re secretly Kryptonian.”
Your lips quirk. You reach for his shampoo, squeezing out a dollop, then smoothing it into his hair. He sinks further into you, letting out a small noise of pleasure. 
“Not Kryptonian. Just human. And very dedicated to those I love.” 
A sigh. “I know.”
“Whatever you saw tonight,” you murmur and he tenses sharply but you keep going, keep massaging shampoo into his hair, soapy bubbles spilling over your palm, “it wasn’t real. I’m here. We’re all here. And we aren’t going anywhere. I’m not going anywhere.”
He’s quiet for a long while. Enough for you to rinse out the shampoo and rub in the conditioner. 
You reach for his body wash. Your body wash, really. He hasn’t used his own in a long while. 
His hand wraps around your wrist, though. Stopping you. He pulls back to look at you. 
His eyes are on your face. Soft. But still a little hard to read. 
He turns you, switching your positions. You jump at the first douse of hot water but don’t fight it, allowing him to push you under the stream. You close your eyes to keep the water out. His hands come up to your face. Stroking your cheeks. Pushing your wet hair out of your face. You lean into his touch. 
“I love you,” he whispers. “More than anything.”
“More than anything,” you echo, leaning into him. He wraps his arms around you. Hugging you. Tightly but not painfully. 
You think you might hear him whisper Thank you but above the sound of the shower, you aren’t sure. 
Slowly, you get him cleaned up. He insists on returning the favor and you let him, even if you already showered earlier. It’s a small thing to ask, after all. 
After, you step out and dry yourselves off. You help him into his clothes and he helps you into yours. Insistent on reciprocation. Wanting to do something for you. But also just wanting to be near you. Touch you. Helping you gives him assurances, you think, of your presence. The thought makes your heart ache. 
His hair is wetter than you’d like it to be, so you grab a towel and lead him out into the room. He sits on the edge of the bed and you stand between his legs, taking the towel to his hair, gently drying it. 
Tim holds onto you all the while. 
You comb through it afterward, gently taking out the tangles. 
He has a distant look in his eyes when you finish, tossing the towel and comb to the side for now, not wanting to be too far from him. 
“What are you thinking?” you prompt gently, sitting next to him, taking his hand in yours. 
“That I think the last person who did that was my mom.”
You pause. “Was it… I’m sorry. I didn’t ask —”
“No,” he says, looking at you. “No, it was… it was nice.” His voice is small. A little embarrassed. A little bashful. Red stains his cheeks and you smile at the sight. 
“I’ll do it anytime you want,” you promise. “In the meantime…”
You leave it hanging, for him to fill. 
He sighs. “Let’s just go to bed?”
“Sure. Can I get you to drink some water first maybe?”
He acquiesces, drinking a glass of water, then sliding into bed. You clear the security system — with him peering over your shoulder, making certain for himself, too — then turn out the lights, curtains automatically drawing over the floor-to-ceiling windows.
Tim keeps you close underneath the covers, settling low, laying his head on your chest like he did in the shower. You press a kiss to his head, running your fingers through his hair, feeling sleep start to tug at your senses. 
By the way he relaxes into the memory foam of the bed, you know it’s not far off from him, either. 
You stay awake to make sure of it. 
Feeling his body go lax, his breathing even out. Hoping, praying, his dreams are peaceful tonight. To whoever will listen. The universe, some higher being, you don’t know, you simply want to give him a break. A break from all of this. 
It’s just a bad day. You know that. A bad day that stands out in a sea of so many good ones. But bad days for him, for you, are something so different from others’. Unforgiving trauma. Potential loss of life. 
But honestly? If changing that meant leaving him… you wouldn’t change a thing. 
God, you hope that as the time goes on, he’ll fully step back. 
Until then, you’ll be there to pick up the pieces. To tend to the aftermath. 
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c0ntr0lledchaos · 1 year
oh god the brain rot.
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generation loss brain dump under the cut as I go back and analyze the vod
so, my first thoughts are the set is very different in this episode, and we see that the more gl!ranboo moves around. The first episode was very much a stage-like set while this one was set in what looks like a mall. if that has anything to do with this episode showing more characters becoming aware of their situation and it not being just a show anymore idk.
It's fairly obvious that while looking for the key in gl!Charlie something happened so that the act was dropped for a couple seconds and what was 'really' happening was shown. I wonder if that was due to the person who has been communicating with gl!ranboo (I'm assuming they're 'the savior') trying to hack in.
that last point also makes me wonder if at the end of this, we will see clips from the first episode shown in a 'new light' and see what was actually happening. I already saw someone point out that the bowl of slime looked the same as the guts. was gl!charlie covered in blood actually? Were some of the ingredients not what they seemed?
Mr squiggles saying 'Hey new friends!' to a group of people tied up with bombs around their necks was just the start of all the creepy vibes I was getting from them this episode
THE HAT. Mr squiggles did not like the hat. the hat is defiantly the one gl!Sneeg wore in episode 1 but it is also implied it was planted in this episode since Mr. Squiggles says 'Who put that there.' (That is later confirmed by the savior as he was trying to save gl!Sneeg as well) as soon as gl!Sneeg put the hat on he immediately started freaking out and his eyes start darting around the room. we already saw that the slime was guts but what else did he see I wonder
the chills I got when the showfall masks came into view
gl!Sneeg gets back in place, the mind-control mask is removed, a new hat is put on his head, and the person doesn't even bother to handcuff him again before leaving, confident that he wouldn't try to escape. then everything goes back to normal and gl!Sneeg is notably using his 'streamer voice'
in that scene the camera also focuses on the puzzler's face a few times, showing a look of what I believe was confusion. he didn't know what was going on but was aware of what was happening unlike everyone else
Mr squiggles also goes on as if this is the first time they are acknowledging gl!Sneeg
again, Mr squiggles with a cute little animation saying 'I like them all, I wish they could all live' just unsettling now
The puzzler seems to have just a little bit of knowledge about what is actually going on, hinting to Chat being in control of helping during the choosing of who gets to live and also when gl!Sneeg and gl!Niki are about to go through the tunnel
shout out to @twilight-trix who translated the winding:
"Ah it's simple you just have to find the cage"
"The cage that's in Charlie remember?"
"Another piece is in a jar of something sweet"
"The last one comes at a price :/"
the fact that all the other victims were kept alive means they planned for all of them to die in the games and puzzles. for gl!Niki's death even though Mr squiggles had already said a price needed to be paid, the puzzler still acts surprised that she had to die even though he was the one who killed her
also, I scanned the QR code, it just takes you to the genloss website. buy their merch, this shit is fantastic
this fucking screenshot has no business being that creepy
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so showfall grabbed the back of the mask and the light on the logo came on but what exactly did that do? did it just up the filtering considering what was 'really' about to happen would have been pretty gruesome. EDIT: so I didn't notice before but the mask flashed and turned off as Ranboo went to leave the room. maybe the mask only works for so long before it has to be turned back on?
again, the puzzler seems as if he is talking about chat, saying that someone is saying his puzzles are too easy and 'is this one too easy' before another pipe puzzle shows up on the screen. he even finish the puzzle for us
gl!ranboo said a few things threw out the episode that sounded like generic videogame protag dialogue but it felt strange having the prompts like 'where should I search?' but not giving us the option to actually choose. I wonder if that is due to the first episode being a point-and-click style while this one was more dedicated to puzzles. is he still stuck on point-and-click mode? or are the other NPCs searching before we even get the option?
speaking of protag dialogue, gl!ranboo says 'It must not be the way, maybe there is somewhere else' in the same tone while staring hard at gl!Ethan, the next person to die. I've been thinking about how much control showfall has over everyone in this episode since they seem to have at least a little control over everyone except the savior trying to help gl!ranboo. I don't think gl!ranboo knew that gl!Ethan was next to die but I also don't think he is the one talking when he says stuff like that. just like a game's dialogue is supposed to prompt the player in the right direction, I think showfall is using him to prompt their show in the direction they want it to go. not all the time but at least sometimes
he also does not react at all to gl!Ethan dying or the pool of blood, speaking again in the same tone
and now that gl!Ethan has died, gl!ranboo is the first to say the other door is the exit even though he had just said that it must not be that door. he even volunteers to go first! I wonder if in the next episode, gl!ranboo will feel guilt over the deaths he was forced to help cause
the puzzler is fiddling with the detonator, working on it for some reason. why?
'I hope he's ok' gl!ranboo says in the same unfeeling protag voice. there is a chance he is just doing it whenever to drive home the fact of he is a protag but whatever
gl!ranboo solves a freaking Rubix cube in less than a minute then immediately says that he doesn't know what to do. yes, it might have been just an excuse to flex his Rubix cube skills but him saying that after makes me think. Gl!ranboo is a really smart person but is being controlled by showfall to forward the plot whenever they see fit. just how much of the actual gl!ranboo have we seen and how much has been showfall speaking through him?
I think this is further proven when he declines to solve the other cube in favor of looking around more even though we saw how fast he could do it the first time
the puzzler says he had been prototyping toys that go on people's heads, could he have helped make the mask gl!ranboo is wearing? what if he is an ex showfall employee and that's why he seems to know a little bit about chat
I think the fact that the camera remains on the empty chair for so long means that showfall was not prepared for us to go into that room. gl!ranboo was not supposed to go in there
the puzzler knew he was going to die but didn't know how. he knew that showfall was going to kill him
the puzzler tells gl!ranboo to go, to be set free, and gl!ranboo ignore it. once again showing how he is under Showfall's control
even while the savior talks Mr squiggles is trying to tell gl!ranboo and us not to trust him
gl!ranboo looks at all the cameras, looking at the one that was following him just as it fades out
closing thoughts:
the cast is made up of npcs, gl!ranboo (who is the only playable character), and the savior who is not under showfalls control.
the 'vilians' are not actually villains, seen as gl!charlie (and I do mean gl!charlie and not cc!charlie) played a random person this episode and also the villain from the first episode. the npc's are random people who have had personalities programed by snowfall to help push the protagonist forward, like most story. I made a joke to my partner about gl!sneeg being 'factory reset' when the mask was put on him but I think that is more true than I realized.
the puzzler is still an npc but is special, he was on showfalls hitlist for some reason. I am going to go ahead and guess he was a former employee and because of that he has managed to retain some of the information even after being put in the show. that is why he knew he was going to die and spoke to chat a couple times.
finally, gl!ranboo, the only playable character but not to us. I belive it is showfall who is 'playing' gl!ranboo and is simply letting us make a few choices along the way. that would explain why we didn't get to control gl!ranboo as much as we did in the first episode. we are the viewer's, not the players. why we get to control him at all? I'm sure that will be discovered in the next episode now that the fourth wall is gone.
also, the mask is definitely who gl!ranboo is being controlled so storywise it would make sense if at the end of this, when he truly brakes free, he takes it off. while I'm not entirely sure if that is going to happen I have two guesses on what might happen if it does.
he takes the mask off and this is the biggest fucking face reveal ever that will be extremely difficult to beat
or he has some really cool gory sfx makeup under it that will be horrifying.
I will not be disappointed no matter what happens though so until then, we will just have to wait for the next episode.
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cottoncandykev · 1 year
Twomp headconnons
Argos can close his eyes, all of them
Argos has audhd and can have drastic shifts between understimulation
Argos has chronic migranes and light sensitivity bc of the eyes (me too man)
He is slowly developing more eyes, kinda like a parasite. I also belive they may kill him someday
He has those like, children's stars around his room
Argos tried to follow/stock/became obsessed with Mr Plant to purposefully get hurt by Mr. Plant in one way or another, as Argos seems to have depression to me and little to no self preservation. Possibly intentionally.
He struggles to read because of the overwhelming viaual stimuli from his eyes. He writes a lot but struggles to read what he has written afterwards. He needs big letters to be able to read.
Argos likes pampering Mr. Plant, by giving him things like spaw days or grooming his petals.
Argos is part spider or biblically accurate angel.
Argos is from the void. And that not everyone else there is actually from the void.
Argos secretly wishes that he could find other people who look like him.
The "humans" in the void are are humans that have been disfigured, eaither forceably or voluntarily to make themselves look like void residents. (Don't fully belive this, but I have some reasons why I belive this that I will probably get more indebth in a future post.)
--Mr. Plant--
Liked Argos from the start/secretly wanted Argos to keep coming around. He had chances to kill him and never did. And the episode when he went to Argos seemed more like a realization that he did care about him.
Mr. Plant does not think he's a bad boy and is confused why people think he is.
Mr Plant wanted to be a cryptid when he was younger, looking up to figures like Mothman.
He pitties Argos greatly.
Mr. Plant needs Argos more than Argos needs him.
Mr. Plant uses it/he pronouns and prefers being seen as an entity more than a man
He uses photosynthesis to get energy naturally,, but because it tends to be dark in the void and even then he barely leaves his own, he struggles to keep energy, and he doesn't retain it from food as easily.
He's MUCH more clingy than Argos. When he can he holds that man. All the time to the point where Argos finds it borderline annoying/exhausting
Mr. Plant secretly wants to be closer to people but between scaring people off and his anger issues he convinced himself he didn't.
Mr. Plant doesn't know his other half and doesn't want to know.
He won't show his arms to anyone. Because of sh such as scratching stats.
His hands are very rough and he's self conscious about it. (Alternatively Argos has UNATURALLY soft hands)
He has scars on his hands for one reason or another.
When he was younger he'd accidentally pluck his own petals.
His petals regrow, and he eaither looses one eveytime they regrow, or they have a randomized number every time they're plucked.
He is homoromantic asexual
He likes cats.
He can be watered. Argos likes to water him.
His petals are extremely sensitive and he tends to attack things thay touch his petals (Argos is an exception after he starts trusting him but he's not super fond of it unless its a spa day or smthin.)
He finds some of the things Argos does as creepy, yet endearing.
Let me know if you want more!! I probably have plenty I'm just not thinking of rn
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Cruel and Malicious Phraseology
Since the JLA ban on profanity in the workplace took effect, some of us have gotten rather inventive in expressing our less positive sentiments. No guesses for which member of the Old Guard had the most insults hurled at them, but... his initials are HJ. There is no context, only hostility.
"I could put an entire box of alphabet pasta through a spin cycle and come up with a better plan than that. Stop trying to be Batman, one is enough."
"Go stick your head inside a black hole, you posh knobhead!"
"Listen here, you overhyped rodent posterior... rocking up like you're the brightest glow stick in the rave negates the very idea of a stealth mission. Adjust your glow to match your intellect, please."
"You got this, huh? Looks like you handled that masterfully. Tell you what there, Mastermind... let me know if you need help finding your teeth after that glorious victory."
"Plans A, B, AND C all tanked? Over to you, Glowworm, you usually head straight to Plan D for "dumb crap" anyway."
"Quick question, do you even Metal Gear?"
"Oh, what in the unholy name of Ymir's jockstrap did we walk into this time?"
"Do... do the Big Bosses not realize pockets are a thing? Like, where am I supposed to keep my wallet, or anything, really? Is the Marquis de Sade the staff tailor, because wearing this is gonna drive me mad."
"You and I have been friends for a while, but... when you say things like that I kinda want to stab you in the eye with an explosive arrow."
"I get now why you prefer being underwater. Less dumb. Much less screaming. Speaking of... I bet you know some epic dive spots. They'll be at this for hours, we're not needed here. If the Boss asks, you're teaching me marine ecology in the wild."
"Huh. Here I thought Joker held the title for "Most Punchable Face on Earth", yet here's the new heavyweight contender, ready to throw down for the belt."
"Go boil your head in some more of that cheap weak sister beer!"
"Why don't you go hug a claymore mine already?"
"Eat my boots!"
"No, ma'am, I'm not ready for that jelly, I prefer cream cheese on my bagel anyway. You're... not talking about food, are you? Oh, monkey bread."
"Repeat after me: Pants. Are. Not. Optional!"
"I'd rather drown than EVER go clown. I might not have taste, but I have standards."
"Oh, by Artemis' sandals what did you do this time?"
"Yanno, you and a certain dirty old man thunder God have the same issue: too focused on the ladies to do your job. Eyes in the head, you ain't her type. Trust me."
"IN THE NAME OF SIGYN'S GIRDLE WILL YOU STOP SNEAKING UP ON ME LIKE THAT! The Boss can get away with it, as he was trained in silent infiltration and is not a creepy drunken sorry excuse for a washout. Either knock on the door like a normal human, or run the risk of having to sing "I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts" to even enter the men's locker room."
"You died? I see your brain sure stayed dead."
"It's a RAID, not a rave. Lose the shiny stuff and glow trim, we're trying the Splinter Cell approach. Also... do you really need the three extra ammo belts? They're thugs, not the blooming Xenomorphs."
"I know over 20 languages, yet cannot explain exactly how much I'd like to beat you with a pufferfish."
"But did you die again? No? So... why so grumpy, Mr. Grouchy von Groucherson?"
"How? How do you claim to be a master shot, yet miss the ginormous glaring weak spot every time? Are you a plant from the Court of Owls? Make it make sense."
"Huh. Sniper scope, but still can't see the obvious. Just ask her already! Aphrodite help me, but you're blind if you can't see she likes you."
"Thanks, but I don't associate with the chronically dumb."
"A date? Let me check my calendar. Sorry, looks like I'm going to be washing my hair for the foreseeable future."
"Would you kindly get your head out of the poor man's rear entrance so he can get some work done?"
"Games teach you problem solving in real time, teamwork, the importance of understanding the mechanics in any situation, how to manage difficult individuals, pattern recognition, and much more. Odin's eyepatch, you must be a pretentious little sod to think you can't learn from gaming. Now quit whining and pick your fighter already. You're holding up the match."
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rockyroadsmith · 3 months
I love your little disney story retellings with the Monster Rancher characters! Could you maybe do Monster's Inc? (I think very fitting maybe lol)
Aww I’m so happy you like them!! I have a very weird sense of humor. XD I haven’t watched Monsters Inc. since it first came out so I’m a bit rusty on the details, but I’ll do my best!
In the city of Monstropolis, the best way to make a living is by scaring the literal shit out of small children because it’s easier than making power plants, for some reason. A company run by Mr. Moo called Monsters Inc. has portal doors to every child’s bedroom that allows monsters to enter their room (not for that reason, goddamn) and scare them for energy. The monsters also think all children are toxic and coming in contact with one will kill them, so a team decontaminates everything.
Enter Hare, the best scarer who even though is adorable, anyone leaping out of your closet at night is bound to scare you. His assistant, Suezo, is a sarcastic one-eyed monster who is more bark than bite. Naga, the second place scarer, is a pissy monster who wants to kick Hare’s ass. Mocchi, another employee, is a huge fan of Hare but no one really notices him and he disappears as a background character. Another employee is Tiger, who doesn’t put up with any of Suezo’s crap and always has a resting bitch face.
One night, Suezo is in a hurry to meet his girlfriend, Holly (who is definitely a human monster and not a human wearing a snake hat for this skit XD), for a date. He realizes he forgot some paperwork, but luckily for him, Hare volunteers to take care of it. As Hare returns to work, he notices a door is still set to be used. Curious, Hare peeks inside and by the time he closes the door, a dopey human boy has ninja rolled himself into the monster world. Hare, terrified of the boy, tries to shove him back into the door, but the boy is an energetic little shit and follows the rabbit monster. Hare shoves the boy into a suitcase and goes to deliver him back to the door, but he realizes Naga is pouting by the door and sends the door away.
Now stuck with the human, Hare runs to find Suezo in hopes of getting some help. At the restaurant, Suezo and Holly are having a romantic dinner, with the eyeball monster hoping to eat more than just dinner tonight. Suezo’s dreams are crushed when Hare crashes their date and at realizing he lost the boy, the restaurant erupts into chaos as other monsters spot the boy. Hare and Suezo literally abandon Holly and escape the restaurant with the boy, whom Hare calls Genki after the boy went on a rant about being Mr. Energy and some other dumb shit, and they realize that his laughter generates a ridiculous amount more energy than fear.
The next day, Hare dresses Genki up as a dopey pink monster and Genki just shrugs. The plan is to get Genki back to his door, but the whole office is going crazy, especially Naga. The purple serpent talks to Suezo and says he’ll help find the door, but since he’s always a douche, Hare know it’s a trap. While trying to prove it’s safe, Suezo stupidly gets trapped and is taken away by Naga.
In traditional villain fashion, Naga shows Suezo his new invention, the “Scream Extractor”, to more efficiently get screams from children, and Suezo notes how creepy that sounds. Hare comes to the rescue and releases Suezo before the Scream Extractor can be used, and Naga sulks. The trio escape and Hare tries to tell Mr. Moo about it, but he gets Hare to do a scare demonstration before he’ll listen and this scares Genki, who calls Hare a dick and accidentally reveals himself. Hare feels guilty, and Mr. Moo feels it’s best to get Genki home.
When they get to the door, they notice it’s not the correct door since it’s lacking a Pixie pinup poster, and Mr. Moo throws their asses into the goddamn Himalayas. He flips them both off and leaves them to die. Luckily they meet Golem, who makes lemon snow cones, and he directs them to a local village. Suezo is pissed and splits from Hare, so Hare uses a door to get back to the monster world alone.
Mr. Moo and Naga prepare to suck out Genki’s screams, but Hare breaks the machine and escapes with the boy. Suezo shows up to help after finishing his tantrum, and they struggle to find Genki’s door. Luckily, they’re able to trick Naga into entering a door where he’s brutally and painfully mauled to death. The trio cheers! Mr. Moo won’t let his company fail, though, and is tricked into announcing to the entire company his plans of kidnapping children, which obviously doesn’t go over well. Tiger was undercover the entire time trying to expose this plot, but he still thinks Suezo is an idiot.
Mr. Moo is arrested and with the plot resolved, it’s time for the monsters to part with Genki. Even though he was annoying, Hare still cares about Genki and when he leaves him behind, Genki’s closet is no longer a portal and is shredded.
Hare, ever the opportunist, comes up with the idea to use laughter for energy and becomes the CEO. Suezo was able to save his relationship with Holly, and he’s hoping the next date he gets a little action. In an uncharacteristically kind act, Suezo reveals he put Genki’s door back together, and Hare happily reunites with the boy who almost got him permanently banished to the Himalayas. The end! XD
This one I thought would be easy but was really tough! I need to rewatch these Disney movies! XD
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humansbgone · 2 years
A Humans-B-Gone Dream
Last night I dreamed I was… somewhere in Formicosa. At least I think I was. I know it was purple, and there were macrovolutes there, though at this point I don’t remember what kinds. They might not even have been real insects or arachnids, maybe just mishmashes of random bug parts that my subconscious put together like Frankenstein’s monster. I think one of them might have been bright red.
I’m not sure if any of them saw me- I was up high on top of something, probably a plant. The scenery reminded me of a 3D platformer game, maybe sort of like the Kelp Forest from SpongeBob: Battle For Bikini Bottom: Rehydrated, but without the water. Or… maybe it was like Sub-Con from A Hat in Time? Or maybe the Forbidden Woods from Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Regardless, it felt like I was in a 3D platformer game, and I was afraid to come down from my perch because I didn’t want to “aggro” anyone. (Also, I must note that I had no PPE on here, just my pajamas.)
I don’t remember when or how the scene changed, but I went on Tumblr and saw that you’d posted another spider character who’d appear in the next episode of Humans-B-Gone. He was roughly the same shape as Rose, only brown, except for his four front legs which were orange or beige, had no joints, and wiggled like tentacles. And unlike Rose, who’s afraid of humans, this spider ATE humans! And yes, I’m pretty sure other macrovolutes thought he was weird for it.
I think the scene went back to on top of the plant, and I was nervous that Mr. Man-Eating Tentacle Spider would find me, but then the scene changed to the inside of a shed or log cabin of sorts, that had beds inside, but no windows or doors. Some guy in front of me told me that I and the other people in there with us (human people, that is) weren’t allowed to leave, because I’m guessing he thought it wasn’t safe outside. Then a door, or rather a door-shaped hole, appeared behind him to his left while he was talking, and I snuck outside. Outside the shed it was grassy, with some more giant kelp-like plants scattered around, and I found a glass wall that I could climb up the plants to reach the top of.
Over the glass wall was an eye on a blue stalk that I climbed up the plants to get a better look at. It didn’t look like an insect or arachnid’s eye, just a googly eye. When it looked back at me, I heard Sophodra’s voice say “This is the kind of interaction I love to see!” I don’t remember what else she said, and I didn’t see her, but I was a little nervous that she might come back from wherever she’d wandered off to and stare at me with those big creepy mantis eyes.
Oh, wait, I just remembered, she did. She wasn’t quite as big as she was supposed to be, though. I reached over the glass to touch her face and my finger left a trail of grease on it, which she was not happy about, so she scolded me and left.
As you can see, my subconscious got a lot of things about HBG wrong. Sophodra even called me a gub, which she doesn’t do because she doesn’t like that term. Maybe my subconscious just isn’t used to making me dream about bugs that aren’t hostile.
(submitted by @soft-cookie-aka-aquadrop--hope it’s okay to post!)
Love that people are having dreams about HBG! Very fun details in this. Imagining the tentacle spider being someone Rose would be very awkward to be in the same room with.
Anyway, Sophodra just gets excited when she sees humans interacting with the blue googly eye beast and forgets her manners and also vocabulary
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shithead-123 · 1 year
Kotlc collecting habits Pt.1
Basically what I think various kotlc characters (mostly the kids) would collect. other than prattles pins bc we all know everyone collects those so.
this is inspired by my own habits of picking random shit up and stuffing it in my closet.
Sophie: she doesn't rlly have the time to like exclusively go out and collect things she wants. I think she's rlly causal act what she keeps. if she see's a pretty rock? yoink. some nice smelling flowers? she'll pluck a few to maybe sundry when she's not busy saving the world lmao. I do think she would collect garden gnomes tho. Bc of mr. forkle's human house having the gnomes (the most weird or scary looking ones ofc, shoppes a weirdo 100%). It reminds her or her human past, and it also srsly weirds out like everyone who comes Havenfield which is is plus. Like just imagine a whole line of creepy ass gnomes lined up right outside havenfields entrance. She names them all too. they all human names ofc ofc. like bob. and carl. and other such things.
Keefe: I think he collects things based off of ppl if you know what I mean. Like he see's a bottle caps that reminds him of Sophie's exact eye color and adds it to his Sophie collection. Or if he see's like idk a purple rock that reminds him of like that one time Biana painted his nails the most vibrant and gaudy purple color she had, he adds it to his collection of things that remind him of Biana. maybe he adds little pieces of art he did for each person he collects stuff for. idk. Omg and maybe someday like he has all these collections and like the gang happens to fid out, and they start going through that shit. Keefe's so embarrassed and low-key scared they'll be mad, but they all love it. Fitz finally reunites with his long lost Bramble Jersey! Keefe immediately steals it back tho dw. he's such a people person fr. Especially bc of his empathy. He doesn't have collections for his parents. He used to for Gisela but when she was revealed to be a part of the never seen he showed her's into some dark corner of the house and hasn't looked back.
Biana: ikkkk ppl are gonna say that she collects hair pins and like jewelry and makeup and other stuff like that. And she does, She has an entire closet dedicated to dresses and shoes she has over the year. Like this is canonical. But her most prized and valued collection, is her stick collection. She has so many sticks. She has such stick fight vibes. She used to beat Keefe and fitz up with them. She organizes them by height. She lovingly pets them all. No one is allowed to touch her sticks. Biana = stick girl. One time when the gang was like idk practicing fighting with their bodyguards, she found the biggest most beautiful stick ever and literally screamed. No one knew why Biana, the girliest of girlies (said lovingly ily Biana) was so worked up over a stick. It's ok Biana, sticks r amazing fr.
Dex: I feel like before he became a techno path, he would collect like plant ingredients for different potions and elixirs needed at slurps and burps. He likes the idea of being useful, bc all his life he's been seen as a mistake. He's trying to prove his worth constantly. Kesler happened to ask him to get a like plant in front of a noble, and the noble complimented Dex on being such a good kid, so now he's like oh, I'm a good kid! which makes me so sad. But also he collects like useful things exclusively bc of the triplets. Like he can't bring shiny rocks or shells that he finds on the beach bc the triplets will get to it so fast that he won't even be able to like have a collection to adds things to. Instead, he collects pieces of scrap metal, herbs, wires, wood pieces, etc. so that he has the excuse of saying that this is material he needs for gadgets and elixirs and whatnot, so the triplets can't steal/break anything. he collects pens too( he is anti pencil).
Linh: Because of her being banshed for like 3+ years, I can't say that Linh is a big collector, neither is her brother. She didn't have the means to have things simply for enjoyment. Whatever little she owned went to keeping her and her brother alive and fed. It's hardcoded into to only take what she needs and nothing more bc of her previous life style. But now that she lives with Tiergan (NOT choralmere I REFUSE), I think she might start buying like little trinkets. Maybe stickers or small bracelets, or charms. keychains. Friendship necklaces. She would definitely buy lotttttts of excess things for princess purryfins. Like fancy collars, or little animal clothes. combs to brush her hair. Linh spoils her sm I swear. I wish is was Princess purryfins fr. I also think she would invest in a lottt of water proof clothing/goggles/etc. Like overly so. More than she needs. it's a way of calming her anxiety act her ability. Even if she messes up and loses control, at least she and everyone in Tiergan's house (I forgot what hi should is called) will stay dry. She hasn't fucked up completely.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
4x2 heroes & villains (https://scriptline.livejournal.com/40160.html)
I like how the transcript calls him "creepy guy" even tho we get his name Watched this ep with my older bro. He has a lot to say about jewish comic artists & police interference.
*Deep male voice* wouldn't the creep be weirded out seeing someone dressed like that? *casually cuts the guy's hand off* *somehow able to cut him in half even tho that's not exactly possible* (actually I just wasted time researching & watching videos, idk if it is possible to cut someone in half if they are standing up, but u can cut em crosswise for sure.)
Why that knife rick? RC: I seem to remember asking you to make me an E.T. Halloween costume and you told me you didn't know how to sew. MR: Details. Besides, you were 32 at the time. The point is, proper wardrobe helps an actor connect to the words. (won't clip)
Poor rick, he just wants his daughter Lol I skipped my grad, ran & hid by climbing up a giant storage crate. So valid bestie (password sharing) MR: Lady Beckett, my lord. Richard, are you crying? RC: No, it's the onions. RC, next scene: Okay, I'll admit, it wasn't just the onions, not completely. I mean, she's gonna be gone in a few months. My little girl. (could clip but I'm low on time)
[They approach the body halves, covered in yellow plastic on either side of a pool of blood, feet sticking out.] Lanie <3
Ok so what kind of steel is it? A lot of japanese steel will actually break or chip if it hits bones, so it might not be best for chopping someone in half but it definitely broke off
Swords are so good so cool. JE: Tyler Ferris. He just got out of Sing Sing a year ago for sexual assault. KB: Okay, we got any witnesses? JE: Yeah. The girl he was in the middle of assaulting oof (I shouldn't find that funny, I know it is tragic & it really sucks, but I'm allowed to find humour in my pain & past.)
Poor gal still has blood all over her She's right lol Lol the "touche"
Love mrs ferris Don't get me wrong. I never expected my boy to end up in two hunks, but I always knew one day he'd end up there laying on a slab. KB: Do you know if he was involved in anything that might've gotten him killed? Ferris: Well, I certainly expect so. Is "ship coming in" a figure of speech?
KB: Ma'am, um, I'll need the names of all the enemies your son may have had. Ferris: You're gonna need a bigger pad.
As cops, Ryan is right. As people, Esposito is right. JE: Well, maybe a sword is a justice system. So true bestie.
KR: This other guy have a name? JE: Yeah. Tony Valtini. *KR perks up* This guy's got a record, too. KR: Damn right, he does!!! (won't clip) I remember Valtini from back in Narcotics. The guy is totally Mobbed up. You know what else, his family owns this meat packing plant out in Jersey. Tony's nickname: Tony the Butcher. JE: I bet he split a few sides of beef in his day. except you usually split the sides carefully, not with one big swing. ugh this is going to be a long episode if I keep bringing up culinary school.
TV: I am a legitimate businessman. Castle it's not funny. KB: You never reported an attack. TV: I don't like to be a burden on law enforcement.  *casually shucks his pants*
(just one buttock) JE: The sword of justice, bro. It's going to end up being esposito. (NEW FANFIC IDEA BABES) (ryan & his signature mug. it's the little things in the show) Mum & lil bro watch superhero shows so this episode was great with the two of them the hero (probs not super) looks definitely very male
KB: She didn't think that we'd believe her. And, quite frankly, she's right. probs delusional, probs right. Def has something going on castle. reminds me of the time the school got a mascot & then the two furries in the school accidentally outed themselves to each other bc they recognized the work. Castle writer moments, & he's not too far wrong red marune is so adorable I love him. isn't that redundant? LARRYBOY ryan *watching the caskett argument from the distance* cyclist *gives rick a delivery in the middle of the bullpen*
Ryan really is becoming castle jr, the nicknames on the wiki were right Just marvel? No dc no dark horse no anything else? I just listed the mainstream ones. Castle was quick putting together that vigilante board (need to pic this) JE: *sus* KR: *interested* JE: they're make believe KB: All driven by the death of a father or loved one Gates is kind of right But then Castle actually had a point Castle chill XD
RC: hardcore skjdflsdkfsljdk KB: Elektra RC: Ah. A ruthless assassin who hides from her emotions. KB: No, maybe it's because she's got badass ninja skills.
RC: Ah. Try billionaire industrialist Bruce Wayne, A.K.A. The Dark Knight. He's brooding, he's handsome, and he has all the coolest toys. You are the billionare non-cop crime solver, castle. (won't clip) (lol I had my french keyboard on so my apostrophe didn't show up at first)
I love mike hoover. Well castle wasn't the one who actually wrote the graphic novels, heh. kind of a chronically online nerd but I love him so so much. Love his hat too. Which one?
There is a T in vigilanTe (I used to say vigilanté but now I say vigilantie like everyone else) Nice, webcomics. Unless the hero is the writer babes
JE: Yeah, well, whoever he is, I can't connect him to any swords either. I pray we nail this dude before I have to call every store on that list. KR: I thought you were kind of rooting for this guy? JE: That's when he was Joe Citizen taking it to the bad guys. Now he's just some nimrod in a suit. (making espt call a bunch of stores) KR: Ah. You gotta give him props for spirit, though, right? I mean, haven't you ever wanted to be a superhero? Going out there, prowling the city, knocking some heads? JE: I do that now.  ew cops & their hero complexes. castle acab moments. (but still clipping)
did CSU not find it? Why is it perfectly timed that lone ranger aka LR is here rn? (looks like he could be a woman in theory) hella cool parkour tho Fun timing esposito calling right then. Has he been called espo yet? I don't much like the name. I feel like "sito" are the stressed syllables. (dw dm, he gets called Zito/'Sito later.) Also in her phone he's just esposito, no first name? Also why didn't she just decline the call? Espt talkin p slow today huh.
lmao I love this kid so much. He's so silly & adorable. superheroes have a billion different villains bc they had to start putting them in jail with cops & there was never allowed to be any tragedy or escapes where the villain got away. or so big bro says Chad: My father's in miami
Neither would lone vengence! Comic book characters aren't real, okay? I love chad he's so adorable & sweet I was about ready to hang up my tights for good "lone" Poor chad. There are def going to be A Ton of these characters. Remember Jumping Jack? & Mere do well?
GATES I told the Mayor we had our man. BECKETT Yeah well, you shouldn't have done that. GIRL YOU SAID THAT TO HER FACE IN THAT TONE
Not looking at the writer?
castle printed them out? Alexis is so pretty Did she ever get that motorcycle/scooter Mum got classes that would count to dad's drama minor or philosophy major that also counted to her education major or whatever mum's minor was, & she got classes that would count credits for her major+minor but would also count for her friend's major. But anyway ew math castle isn't wrong but like... AC: Why does everything I do have to make sense? Why can't I just do what I want once in awhile? That's all you ever do.
That's some intense yoga. Yk, yoga is not just workouts, not just funny positions & stretching, not just low impact training, yoga has a spiritual component to it & it makes me just a bit upset that ppl don't even know that let alone respect it.
FInally anagram I was right! trace the IP or smth?
wait the captions said faris this time. is it ferris or faris? the transcript has both lol THE WHAT NOW COMICS I was not expecting slutty schoolgirl comics to make an appearance here. Mild mannered is "out of the ordinary" for him lol. Mom: He was different. Wore a suit. Castle: As in, mask and cape? Mom: Jacket and tie
oh yeah a crime reporter? Definitely ryan sounds like castle rn i love it KB: *sips coffee* JE: *watching from the phone* RC: *raises eyebrow* RC: The student has become the master. Or at least, he tried. Actually, for a truly Castle-esque theory, it has to be fully thought through. (yk I might clip this) KB: Since when? KR: I did think it through! (mr detective man) *ryan & castle bouncing off each other now* (I said a bit ago that castito & ryckett were decent but now I'm looking at especkett & rystle & have been often this season during my normal watch through. idk anyone's ship names I'm making them up every time I say one & they often sound bad or end up different esp with esposito bc his name is twice as long as anyone else's)
man's a FULL ass hero tyvm! (tho only a half assed superhero bc superpowers don't exist) RC: Hmm. That is one block away from Comicadia. JE: Mm KR: Mm
I love the comic bro kid
VG: Really. Our killer's a writer? RC: Well, writers can be men of action. VG: I've yet to see that, Mr. Castle. VG: So, he's a journalist like Peter Parker? KB: Actually, Peter Parker was a news photographer. RC: Yeah, our guy's a little more like, uh, Clark Kent. And he's mild mannered, just like I…predicted. VG: *the look* I like how gates at least communicates with becks this time.
PW: That's just a--a character I create. It's not someone real.
I'm sure he can still write comics from prison... Left-handed Castle writer moments
Hand was before...
protecting someone obv RC: Because Paul is protecting the real killer. Paul is the writer, Lone Vengeance is the subject. That's their relationship. (to Beckett) It's you and me, all over again. But I'm Paul and you're Lone Vengeance. KB: Really, Castle? Is that how you see me? Like a sword wielding killer? (No, a crime fighting machine!) RC: Depends. Will you be scantily clad? KB: In your dreams. (probably will be tbh) JE: Not to rain on your comic book fantasy, (clipping) Esposito's shirt is so boring. Personally I would wear it but not to work. Collarless long sleeve, neutral colour
wall's obv a fake bro. remember the magician's lair? Oh wait it isn't even a secret room it's a thing of swords & that's it LV def looks like they don't need to be male rn & dun dun dun a woman & dun dun dun it's a cop
Ryan's shirt is ugly & he doesn't have a tie. Why?
KR: Can you believe it? Lone Vengeance, sword wielding killer, ends up being one of our own. JE: I don't know. Maybe she had her reasons. KR: Whoa. "Maybe she had her reasons"? What happened to" nimrod in a suit"? (after "woah nimrod? what happened to sword of justice?") JE: Well that's before I knew she was a cop. wow acab much
her being a cop is cool, she WOULD know how to clean the blood up, probably, AH: Someone killed my dad. Nothing'll ever be enough. But doing what I do makes me feel better. I respect it actually, I can see it, & the mirror with beckett is great
BECKETT You crossed the line, Ann. HASTINGS Don't pretend like we're so different. BECKETT Let's talk about Tyler Faris. HASTINGS Didn't you lose your mom? BECKETT We're not here to discuss that. HASTINGS Didn't you shoot the guy who killed her right here in this precinct? The bullet that you took, isn't that connected to her murder, too? Because that's the rumor. BECKETT I am not like you! I didn't chop a man in half! HASTINGS Neither did I.
AH: It wasn't from my suit. And the only reason I wanted it was to figure out who's behind this. she's a cop so it's cool she canvasses & learns & is friends with a crime beat fellow, I would watch a spinoff of those two. Or a mini series. I've said, castle could have used a few mini series episodes.
good ep bro but I was working or writing when castle went to turn the board over & beckett just Stopped Him like "no hun, we're not doing that rn" (or it was the ghost hunting the ring episode)
When did they grab the cousin's prints?
KB: Ann, you're a good cop. And you've got somebody who cares about you. Don't be so driven by the past that you throw away your future. Take care.
RC: Well, a murder solved and a notorious hoodlum off the streets for good. I call that a solid win. VG: I agree. All because of the hard work and dedication of this team. RC: Thank you, Captain. That means a lot. VG: Of police officers. (XD) Team of police officers, Mr. Castle. Detective, about Officer Hastings. She, uh, fled the alley when you ordered her to stop. Some reason you're not pressing any charges? KB: VG: I think that, given the number of folks wearing that costume, we can't prove that it was her in that alley. Or anywhere else, for that matter. (I thought she was very by-the-book) KB: Exactly, sir. VG: She's a promising officer. That said, it'd be bad for all of us if Lone Vengeance were to show up ever again. KB: I don't think that that will be a problem, sir.
RC: Either she just grew a heart… KB: Or she's worried about how it would look if the press found out that Lone Vengeance was one of our own.
RC: A writer and his muse, fighting crime. Just like us. *paul & ann kiss* Caskett: *awkward* (clipping)
RC: You know, even when you were a little girl, you were a serious person. I think I've just gotten used to you being sensible and mature. Even more than me sometimes. AC: Sometimes? RC: Point taken.
Emotional family moments, dad moments, advice, & so much cute stuff! love love love!
AC: I know. Especially if we move in together. RC:
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I don't think I have time for another one today. Sad.
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ilovebuthatemen · 2 years
After Midnight
Elvis!Austin x FEM reader
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: in which you’re the girl who showed up to Elvis’ hotel room <3
smut heavy! this gets riiight into it so you have been warned! 18 plus warning!
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sorry for the scratchy writing I’m so not used to it. But this fanfic is pure FILTH. Enjoy, my loves !
What was she doing? She had just saw the man preform once in the Louisiana Hayride and already declared that he was the love of her life. One little performance of a man shaking his hips and she could’ve sworn they were made for each other. It wasn’t long after seeing him first on the stage that she managed to find the motel he had been staying at for the time being from a few of her friends that were just as obsessed with the raven-haired boy as she was. She knew she had to look creepy, stalkerish even but she wasn’t alone and any better. She fit in.
Y/N was never one for little rendezvous but something overtook her body that made her muster up that courage to knock on the wooden motel door. He was inside, she could see his shadow and for a blissed moment she wished he hadn’t of been. She knew she couldn’t turn back now, so why would she bother. The least that could happen is she gets rejected and can move on. But damn, with his hips she didn’t want to move on. 
A creak of the door sounded in the air as minutes had passed of the girl just waiting for a miracle. His shadow easily overpowered hers, he was leaning against the door with the softest look of surprise on his face, it made him many more desirable. His thumb drummed against the door frame, taking the girl that had now been shaking with embarrassment in.
“May I help you, darlin’?” His southern accent was thick, deep sounding and rough around the edges. If she hadn’t been eager before, she had been all the more now. It was the first time hearing his voice in person and she knew from that moment forward that she can’t get enough of it.
She didn’t reply, instead took the opened space to step inside much to her dismay that he didn’t stop her. She couldn’t reply straight, not now when her voice would probably come out small and shaken to the core. It had taken her more than a few minutes to recover before even attempting to, she didn’t wanna keep her desire-filled mind waiting for any longer than she already was.
She swallowed a breath. “Just here to ease some pressure, Mr. Presley.” was all she could think of in that hot moment to respond, maybe she shouldn’t have worded it that way, maybe it was stupid but it didn’t matter when she had finally looked up to meet his iced eyes to meet with a look that had been blown out like any other. She supposed it worked a lot better than her confidence had led on.
He didn’t seem to have a reply to her comment, instead just took the time that she had been distracted by her own doubts to push her up against the wall, the door slightly kicked shut behind her. He let out a rasped chuckle. “C’mon, mama. I told you to act believable, you’re actin’ like you haven’t got a clue what you’re sayin’” He teased, one arm rested over her frame.
All Y/N could do was roll her eyes. “It’s your fault for wantin’ to roleplay, just kiss me Presley.” When her boyfriend had brought up a means of acting as if they didn’t know one another as a way to spice up their sex life that really didn’t need spicing up to begin with she had already been reluctant to Elvis’ dismay. She supposed it was a way instead for him to say that he was bored of her but by the way he acted like she had been the only girl that’s worth the trouble, she narrowed it down to him just being a typical horny boy.
Besides, he looked cute when he tried to act like he had no clue who she was.
It wasn’t long until she had gotten her wish, rough hands wrapping around her lower waist to pull her into his lips. A soft kiss at first planted along her lips made her melt into his grasp, something that had been taken advantage of to catch her off guard once again that night. His hands that had been glued to her hips trailed their way slowly up her sides, as if to feel all of her skin in one go. It wasn’t too terribly long until the leather dress had been lifted over her head and tossed onto the floor with swift ease.
“My girl deserves a reward for tryin’, yeah?” Elvis whispered against the shell of her ear, she could only nod at his words. She knew she did, she went this far with his story that she was just dying for him to get on with it already.
And get on with it he did. He slowly lifted the black leather dress she had on over her head, messing up her pinned up hair in the process to which she paid zero mind to, she needed him too much to even notice she had her hair done in the first place. She hadn’t been wearing any material underneath, something else that she had been instructed to do by her boyfriend, earning a low chuckle once he had realized.
“You do everything I ask?” He teased, running a sly finger up her bare side, the cool air causing shivers to form on the surface of her skin. “Elvis..” She whispered, only to be cut off by a finger across her bottom lip to shush her. “Of course you do, baby. You’re such a good girl aren’t you?”
She froze. He never was this serious with her and the words and praises alone made her eyes widen, nothing but her and Elvis existed in that moment. “ ‘Just for you..” She finally answered among minutes of pure disbelief that he had found yet another way to keep her excited.
“Good. Now how about you let me make you feel good?” He whispered again, this time only centimeters away from her lips, letting their bottom lips touch bud not letting them connect. She could only let out a low whine right from her throat, tugging on his open shirt to pull him down into her. Their lips moved with ease, hunger, like their lives depended on it and to her, it did.
It wasn’t much time before she had practically been thrown on the bed, watching her raven-haired boy in admiration as he slipped off his blue button up, eyes roaming his tanned chest. Just the right amount of muscle, as usual. She could lust after every inch of this boy. He had already been reaching down to fumble with his belt before her shaky hands brought themselves up to overlap over his. “Let me, daddy..” She muttered, not even noticing the pet name that had just slipped out her lips. Didn’t even realize Elvis freeze from on top of her, instead just focusing on his belt, sliding the leather through the loops before letting it fall with a thud.
“What’d you just call me?” She could hint an almost stutter to his voice when he had asked that. Only then did she notice what she let slip. “And i was here thinkin’ my baby was innocent.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re gon’ be the death of me.” He whispered, a thumb running along her collarbone.
Right as his belt fell to the floor, he wiggled out of his pants and his boxers, letting the material just fall to the floor to form a beautiful pile of clothes on the floor. He wasted no time whatsoever to trail slow kisses down her body, raising a leg to rest on his shoulder. His kisses found their way back up her body and to her lips.
“Let me take care of you, mama.” He spoke against her lips, his southern accent peaking through a little more than normal, not that she had been complaining in the slightest. His fingers trailed down her body and dipped themselves in her wetness, grunting at the touch, his head shaking with a slight smirk played on his lips.
“Was i bothering you this bad?” He chuckled deeply, slow circles pressed onto her clit, making her look up at him with heavy eyelids, needing more of him. Way more than he had been planning to give in that moment.
“Please..” She whimpered into the thin air, making him raise a steady brow, humming as he looked down at his delicate baby. Begging for more of him. She was adorable to him.
“Please what, baby, hm?” Elvis purred against her ear, his finger now dipped between her folds, circling around her entrance but only granting here mere friction and that was it. “I wanna hear that name come out of those pretty lips again.”
Her face was that exact shade of pink that he had been hoping to see on her, gripping onto her wrist before she even tried to cover up her face. It took her a while to process for she had been on cloud nine even due to the little actions she was getting. She yelped as he pushed a finger halfway into her entrance, her bottom lip through her teeth, just the right amount to draw blood if she bit down any harder. “Say it, baby. Be my good girl.”
“Please, daddy.” It didn’t take her long to blurt that out as soon as she had been encouraged one last time to do so. That’s what all it took for him to pull his finger out, pushing the digit between her lips as he used his other hand to line himself up. He didn’t waste any second at all before pushing himself in, her automatically clenching around him that only granted a low grunt that slipped past his lips at her warmth.
He rested his hands above her head on the pillow above her for leverage as inch by inch filled her stomach, low whines rewarded by his movements. He had waited until she was adjusted to his length before rocking his hips forward, steadying himself from coming undone right then and there.
“You’re still so tight, baby.. Can never get enough of you.” He sighed out from above her only getting a drinkable moan in response, he tucked a hair behind her ear. He was sweet, always sweet at first until he turned into an animal. He says constantly it’s because he can’t get enough of his girl, and he always spoke nothing but the truth when it came to that.
Just as her eyes relaxed, his pace became a lot more rapid. Y/N’s hands tangled themselves in his hair, pulling on the edges just as he liked it. It was the only action that made him turn the way she liked him, his wild side was something she beheld.
“Lord.. What you do to me.” Was all he cooed out before pounding his movements into her. Within seconds, all that filled the comfortable silence was the sounds of skin slapping onto skin which didn’t take her much to unravel from. She pushed onto his bicep in a lame attempt to stop him. It was a situation she would lose but she didn’t necessarily want to win.
“Elvis, baby.. I’m close.” She stuttered out. She never had been able to put out as much as she used to before Elvis. He thought it was cute how she completely changed when she was with him, she wasn’t one to argue, especially when everyone around him was so right about his award-winning hips.
Her feet began to curl up, one last thrust and she came undone making him chuckle from above her, his muscles flexing as he reluctantly pulled out. “Cmere, baby..” He purred, waiting for her to crawl over before engulfing her in his arms.
Maybe roleplay wasn’t bad. One thing was for certain though, she wasn’t the best at it but my lord, Elvis definitely had been.
ITS SO BAD HELP i’m so sorry 😞 i tried my best i’m so bad at endings :/ <3
~ 𝘁𝗮𝗴 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ~
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rewatching “Depends on the Wagon” and Curtain and Reynie’s scene is SO much better written than I realized on first watch. Pretty much everything Curtain says is subtle manipulation to get Reynie to trust him, and it’s creepy as hell.
For starters, he walks in and says he’s “so glad” that Reynie “decided to come,” and then pauses, as if confused, after Reynie corrects him and says he was summoned; this does plant the idea in Reynie’s head that he WANTED to come, and also that Curtain is a safe and friendly person to casually go to; in fact, Curtain would be totally chill if Reynie just showed up to hang out. If you’re a safe person to hang out with, and confide in, whoever’s talking to you is more likely to... let things slip.
Throughout the scene, he doesn’t acknowledge SQ at all (only mentioning him once later to the chef), barely acknowledges the chef, and focuses all his attention on Reynie, (with one exception, noted later) making Reynie seem very important to him, as well as, again, trying to make him more comfortable talking to him. Considering he knows Reynie’s an orphan (his paperwork listed him as transferring from the orphanage), this could easily be a setup of “nobody else listens to you, but I do.”
The conversation starts with simple small talk (basically “did you get here alright”), then immediately moves onto a compliment (”your test scores were quite impressive”)... and then also immediately, Curtain starts sowing seeds of doubt in Reynie about how much he should trust anyone but the headmaster. He throws out there, basically for no reason, “I don’t see you as bland or unremarkable at all,” and before Reynie can question that, he presses on with his compliments, then again says “Unlike others I don’t find your scores surprising...” This is not only basically hinting to Reynie that people are against him, talking about him rudely, possibly trying to sabotage him, but it also frames Curtain as the good adult who knows that Reynie is Special™ and Smart™. In his compliments, he also compares himself to Reynie a lot (”people call me a maverick”), obviously as another ploy to gain trust.
Curtain also drops the potential promise of Messengership, as another “look how cool/nice I am to you, you’re so special I’m already planning to put you in the inner circle.” To also note, he says this right after he says he doesn’t find it “ethical” to make overpromises, giving Reynie the impression that he’s SO special and smart that he’s an exception, and Curtain can already see that. Add more compliments, making Reynie like him more- “you’re destined to do amazing things in this institute” was an interesting line for example, as it’s implicitly saying “you’re destined to do amazing things for me.”
Then... he moves onto Sticky. He quickly tries to make the topic casual, joking about his name, then asks about their relationship. When Reynie mentions that they’re friends, you’ll notice Curtain gestures for the chef to bring over their salads- intentionally interrupting the conversation, making it a little awkward. For the first time since he entered the room, he ignores Reynie, instead talking to the chef about SQ. Without directly saying anything, this easily could make Reynie feel like he said or did something wrong- “oh no, he was paying attention to me before, but now when I talk about my friend I’ve lost his interest. sticky must be a bad subject. bad sticky.”
Does this work on Reynie? I don’t think so, as when Curtain turns back to him he’s ready to continue the conversation as if they hadn’t been interrupted. (Not to shove my autistic!Reynie headcanon in, but the “not understanding social cues” trait is very present there.) Curtain then compliments him on being “intuitive”, then becomes more direct, advising him to “not let [his] guard down with anyone,” saying that the school is competitive and people’s motives might not be clear- now, Curtain’s motive with that sentence was clear, to tell him that people are going to try to stab you in the back.
He then once again compares Reynie to himself, as well as throwing in a pity card for the obviously empathetic child, saying “I had to learn that lesson the hard way [read: so I’m teaching it to you now, because you’re so clever and amazing], because my brother betrayed me [read: isn’t that sad? But I rose above it, which makes me the hero in the situation.].”
We know from the book (unless they changed it?) that Curtain doesn’t know at all that the MBS are spies, so what’s this manipulation for? What it is, is simple abusive tactics. The implicit message in the entire conversation is “It is bad for you to trust anyone except for me.” Once a victim is isolated, they’re easier to control. And as we know, control is very important to Curtain. So when Reynie turns up with amazing test scores, meaning he’ll likely be promoted to messenger "faster than any kid in the school,” Curtain’s ready to start the manipulation just as fast.
Also, a prop department note: while Mr Benedict’s study is filled with books, so much so that you can barely see anything else... Curtain’s books are all fake. The shelves on the wall are photographs. Visual cue that there’s no real knowledge valued here.
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xninetiestrendx · 3 years
I’m constantly making new friends on here along with the friends who’ve been here for a few months now and I’m still learning so much about everyone I want to reintroduce myself. I kinda did that almost a year ago when I knew no one and didn’t interact. How things have changed. Anyway.
Hi I’m Mikayla, I turn 28 in June and I’m born&raised in Texas
I’m the youngest of 6. 4 half brothers and 1 full sister. She gave me my nephews who are the absolute loves of my life
My professional career is esthetician but I’m also a part time manager of the beauty store my spa is in. So I’m always working 😅
I started watching Shameless on Christmas Day 2020
I knew I was going to love Mickey instantly. He yelled “Ian Gallagher” and I had little cartoon hearts around my head
Some of my other favorite shows are: Boy Meets World, One Tree Hill, New Girl, Stranger Things, Brooklyn 99, and Schitt’s Creek
Some of my favorite movies are: The Princess Diaries, Peter Pan, Where The Heart Is, Legally Blonde, A Walk To Remember, Clueless, and Mrs. Congeniality
I’m a huge Taylor Swift fan (heyyyy Elle) and have seen her in concert for her 1989 and Reputation tours
I love flowers and plants, butterflies, baking, and crafts like embroidery and diamond painting
After an long, long time of questioning I came out here as bisexual, the first of 2 places. Unfortunately I’m not in the place to come out publicly in my personal life but I’m okay with it being here for now
I’m Christian but after acknowledging some trauma and a lot of brainwashing I no longer believe in the church
I actually love season 11 of Shameless. The dumbing Ian and Mickey down and using them for comedic value was annoying but I love seeing them as husbands.
I’ve always been fascinated by the city of Chicago, one of the reasons I started shameless after hearing it was set there. I’m going there for vacation in about 5 1/2 weeks but I hope to move there in the next few years
I had/have a very minor heart condition called Wolf Parkinson White. I had an ablation for it almost 3 years ago, didn’t find out until about a month before I had it but just think it’s funny how the name sounds like a law firm
I don’t like scary movies but I do like to be creeped out. I’ll listen to creepy story narrations on YouTube, watch abandoned building videos and people like Hailey Reese or Loey Lane
There’s so many amazing people here I hope we can be friends for a long time and if anyone wants to chat about anything at all I’m always here
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