#and he decided he was going to kill the man responsible for her parents' deaths for her
tmae3114 · 1 year
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(end cutscene screenshots borrowed from the TheRuinedShadow video for the quest bc I just. cannot beat the Zadd fight again. I tried so many times XP)
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littlefankingdom · 3 months
I saw another post criticizing Bruce for having children fighting at his side, and I must say: tell me you don't know shit about the batkids' stories without telling me. Bruce fucking tried to stop those kids from being vigilantes, but they keep doing it behind his back, so he decided the best thing to do was to give them the proper training, an armor and to have them stick at his side so he can watch over them. You know, like a parent telling their underage children that they can drink alcohol but only at home where they can watch over them.
Dick became Robin because he wanted revenge over his parents' murder. He would run out in the street of Gotham as a 8 years old, all alone, to go fight Zucco. Bruce helping him make Robin was the compromise to keep Dick safe, because the child would not listen. (And yes, it wasn't the case in the very first canon, but it was like the 40s. Do you know how many kids fought against the Nazis in Europe at that time???)
Barbara Gordon is not his daughter and he has no authority on her being a vigilante. He cannot even ground her.
Jason became Robin after helping Bruce take down Ma Gunn's school. It is implied by Bruce, while talking to Dick, that he offered Robin to Jason as a way to gain a child because he missed having Dick around. He didn't need a Robin, he just missed having a kid. Bruce used the Robin mantle with Jason like people use churu to appease stray kitten. AND JASON'S DEATH, let's talk about it. Jason ran away, which leads to him being killed, after eavesdropping on Bruce and Alfred talking about Jason's mental health. Jason is benched as Robin, but not because Bruce thinks he killed someone like fandom says, but because Bruce knows it is not helping or healthy for Jason. They are talking about getting him help for his traumas and how violence is not helping Jason. And, when he is older and has healed, they can try again if he wants to. That's why Jason or people saying that Jason died because he was a soldier, or blaming Bruce for Robin's existence is false. When Jason died, Bruce was against Jason being Robin for his own health! And Jason knows that, he heard the discussion, he wasn't bench like how so many of his siblings are, with little to no honest explanation. Jason died in the Robin's costume because of his own stubbornness, not because of Bruce. (And that's not blaming Jason for his death. He is not to blame, but neither is Bruce. It's just about the Robin's colors. Jason would not have been wearing them at the time if he listened to Bruce.)
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Tim Drake imposed himself as Robin. Bruce was against it, Tim literally went "Don't care, didn't ask". And Tim was already following them around before. Bruce already have Jason blaming him for making Tim Robin when he had no control over that.
Stephanie Brown became a vigilante before Batman knew her. He has tried SO MANY TIMES to make her stop, and so many fans hate that he did it. Make a choice, is it bad that he didn’t stop her more or that he didn’t let her more be a vigilante? He even got his kids to try to make her stop. AND SHE IS "KILLED" TO TEACH HIM THAT MAKING KIDS VIGILANTES IS BAD WHEN HE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OF HER BECOMING ONE AND TRIED TO STOP HER! No shit the man blames himself for things that are not his fault, everyone does it.
Cassandra Cain was 17 when she becomes Batgirl, so I don't know if she counts. But when Bruce tries to make her stop for her own health, with the support of Barbara and Alfred, Cass is devastated and doesn't obey him. She puts on her costume and fights him physically.
Damian Wayne was trained as an assassin. In every version of him being introduced to Bruce, Bruce is against making him Robin and Damian keeps sneaking out. Damian wants to prove himself to his father so bad and refused to be kept away from the fight. In the comics, it's Dick, DICK, that makes him Robin when Bruce is gone, because Bruce was against letting Damian out at night.
Conclusion: Bruce is a tired father of a bunch of kids that cannot understand they should stay home at night and not be vigilantes.
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queenvhagar · 1 month
I love your takes!! I would have loved to see Alicent raise her kids to be her strongest allies after realizing she had none at court.
Like THAT'S the greens! They are here for each other because nobody else is here for them.
Younger Aegon teases Aemond about his dragon in front of others, and his mother reminds him of the dangers of the future and the importance of defending this family. At Driftmark, Aegon complains about his match with Helaena (Viserys' idea in the books btw not Alicent - perhaps an unwillingness to marry Alicent's children into other houses and find potential allies in them, or perhaps due to Targaryen custom, as his own parents were siblings) and Aemond speaks of duty to their family in response, risking his lift to claim the largest dragon in the world. In retaliation for this he is ambushed and his eye is cut out, and it's this moment when all the Green children realize that they truly are the only people on their side. Their own father would willingly mutilate should they spoke the truth of Rhaenyra and her sons, their sister would have them tortured and disabled to help herself and her sons, and their mother is the only one who seems to care that this is an injustice. They learn that the threat to their person is real and excusable to the king and his heir should it be necessary.
From here, the siblings are united against this threat. Aegon and Helena marry and make heirs (Aemond and Daeron are still not betrothed, likely due to the reasons listed above). Rhaenyra comes to court to defend her son's claim to Driftmark as Laenor's trueborn son, and when one man says aloud the obvious truth that this is a lie, the king is determined to have his tongue cut out of his mouth, and he permits that he cut down from behind by his brother, Rhaenyra's husband, without consequence. At dinner, Rhaenyra's eldest asks Helaena to dance to insult Aegon, and the one who cut out Aemond's eye feels such little remorse that he laughs in his face about past harms. So Aemond baits them to fight by alluding to the truth, and when the first punch has been thrown against Aemond, Aegon joins the fight against Rhaenyra's two sons. Once Viserys dies, Aemond brings Aegon to the coronation, later going to Storm's End to betroth himself and gain House Baratheon as an ally to his family. Aegon celebrates Aemond's actions and invites him to his small council.
Blood and Cheese rocks the very core of this family when Aegon and Helaena's six year old son is brutally slain before Helaena and her mother's eyes. Helaena is forever changed and unable to leave her room. Aemond feels responsibility as it is all in response to his own actions. Aegon rages. Then the two work together with the lord commander to plan an ambush for their opponents and get vengeance for this terrible act inflicted upon their family.
If the writers needed Aegon and Aemond in conflict this season it should have been due to Aemond's actions being linked to the loss of this young child, but no matter the issue between these two it would never result in Aegon publicly humiliating Aemond and then Aemond suddenly deciding to kill him and his dragon.
This characterization of Aemond really is the last unraveling of this family in the show this season. He is suddenly antagonistic toward his own family, trying to kill them, physically grabbing them, removing them from power (though justified with Alicent's characterization). Alicent is afraid of him apparently enough to run to Rhaenyra and give up her children. Helaena refuses to ride her dragon in the war as she's unaffected by the death of her child and decides to tell Aemond his death to his face. Aegon knows he tried to kill him and runs away to Essos.
Realistically, Alicent would have raised her children to be their staunchest supporters and prepared them for the roles they must play. They fight for power as a family to protect themselves from threat, and Aemond would under no circumstances have actually tried to have Aegon and his dragon killed with the purpose of seizing the throne for himself. The Greens have legitimacy through Aegon, the king's firstborn son, and his heirs, and each of the fewer dragons they have on their side gives them a better chance against the threat of Rhaenyra's. Aemond would never willingly cause the Greens to lose Aegon and his dragon. The Greens have always known that it's them against the world and this would not change once war is declared.
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 8 months
(in no particular order)
Ciel hires a random naked dog man who can turn into a giant wolf to be his servant even though he literally does nothing around the manor and just hangs out with Finny all the time
Finny forms a crush on a character we later find out is an angel named Angela and after the dog village arc ends we never hear of his crush again
For the most part the curry arc is the same, but for some reason they decided to change the ending. In the manga Lau and Ranmao killed Nina and her husband, in the anime everyone becomes evil by eating curry, and Sebastian had to feed them all his curry buns to turn them all good again, WHAT??
Sebastian has sex with a Nun in some cult church
Angela took Vincent and Rachel's bodies and stitched them into a weird Frankenstein looking thing because apparently that would combine their souls in the afterlife so they could be together forever
Also the whole thing with Ciel being kidnapped by the cult is never explained despite Queen Victoria and Angela being responsible for the death of his parents, therefore you'd think they'd also be responsible for the whole cult thing? But they would have no reason to sell a 10 year old to be abused by a cult-
Ash (aka Angela because they're the same person) turns Queen Victoria into A FREAKING LOLI
Ciel is framed for drug trafficking
Sebastian is arrested and kept in a torture dungeon for like 3 days where he is BDSM whipped by Angela for some reason
Fred Abberline dies
Fred before he dies mentions he doesn't have any family yet he has a brother who shows up in season 2-
Lau and Ranmao die yet they also show up in season 2
Lizzy gets kidnapped by a doll man and is almost turned into a doll zombie (not a bizarre doll just a doll zombie)
Sebastian ditches Ciel in France for some reason
Ciel finds Undertaker on some random boat and then Undertaker tells him he's gonna freakin' die
London is on fucking fire
Who caused the fire? Pluto. And thats the only part of the story where he is relevant
The final fight between Sebastian and Ash/Angela is fucking awesome though
In season 2 Ciel is just in a suitcase and has amnesia
Alois pokes Hannah's eye out for spilling a drink or something
Ciel and Lizzy try to find a deer or something and everyone thinks they're gonna break up after just 1 argument
Lau even started a gambling thing where people put down their bets on whether or not Ciel and Lizzy were gonna break up
Some weird old lady set random people on fire because she didn't like her husband, for some reason the fire disintegrated the souls so Grell couldn't collect them which doesn't make sense
Some weird bullshit happens on a train with a Pharaoh, a murderer and Sebastian being cool like always
Alois has a dress up party at his house
Soma and Agni cry because Ciel has amnesia
Soma is dressed up as Sherlock Holmes even though black butler takes place before that came out
Lizzy dresses up as a Native American, lets just say she's lucky Twitter didn't exist in the Victorian Era
Kinda like the whole curry thing everyone turns evil except its from music from a magic instrument Hannah plays and not curry, and Sebastian stops it by playing his own music kind of like the final battle in Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks
Alois crossdresses and turns Ciel bi curious
Sebastian and Claude have sexual tension in the lake
Ciel and Alois have a sword fight, Ciel is thrown off a balcony and Alois is stabbed
We soon find out about Alois' backstory and it's actually quite sad and hits a bit close to home for me, I won't go into detail but the poor kids been through a lot, Alois is genuinely an interesting and kind of well written character its a shame he was put in the non canon pile of shite
Claude then crushed Alois' skull and takes his soul and puts it in a ring
Kids are getting their eyeballs ripped out and apparently Alois is doing all of this, but for some reason Scotland yard THINKS CIEL IS ALOIS WHICH IS SO DUMB BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN WORKING WITH HIM EVER SINCE HE BECAME THE QUEENS CORGI GUARD DOG
He is taken to some doctor and is dumped into a pool of gatorade to fuse his and Alois' souls
Ciel's backstory is basically half of Alois' and half of Ciel's and thinks Sebastian killed his brother Luca
Ciel doesn't like Claude because Claude is a goober
Hannah does a weird thing with Ciel she like... Possesses him? And his eyeball appears in her mouth or something? I had no idea what was going on
Soon it is revealed Hannah was the one who ate Luca's soul and is now feeling like a mother figure for Alois because of it
Grell shows up again (yay) and she keeps trying to take sexy photos of Sebastian
Soon Claude and Sebastian end up at a maze thingy and they need to answer trivia questions to get to Alois/Ciel's soul
Soon they go to some demon island and they end up fighting using a demon sword while Ciel and Alois talk about shit in some void
Claude fucking dies (rip goober)
Alois' soul is finally set free and the poor kid gets to be with his little brother again
Hannah turns Ciel into a demon so Sebastian can no longer eat his soul so Sebastian just becomes Ciel's butler for all eternity and I lowkey feel bad for him, because yeah eating childrens souls is wrong but BRO WORKED SO HARD HE LITERALLY BANGED A NUN FOR THIS CHILD AND THIS IS THE THANKS HE GETS??
Ciel and Sebastian fake their death, the end of season 2 and a few years after that the ACTUAL CONTINUATION OF THE CANON PARTS come out
Ciel in wonderland is very silly
Sebastian as the rabbit is hot for some reason, does that make me a furry?
There is a lot of weird fan service, for example Ranmao keeps shoving her boobs and butt into Ciel's face... LADY THAT IS A 13 YEAR OLD YOU CANT DO THAT-
I'm glad it wasn't canon because I love Ranmao and she would never do that in canon
Madame Red as the queen of hearts is very cool
Weebalu already mentioned this but I wish J Michael Tatum (Sebastian's dub voice actor) did a Alice In Wonderland audiobook in the Sebastian voice
The one where Ciel puts on a play for hamlet was funny, the part where they're practicing is funny because its like an actual theatre club
Soma and Agni are the kids who are always eating, Ciel is the kid who just sucks at acting, Grell is the one who is great at acting but is very annoying and Sebastian is the theatre teacher who wants to commit kms because of all of these stupid kids
Ranmao is seaweed
Grell tries to commit incest during the play-
The special where its basically a 'behind the scenes' thing kind of like an actor AU
Sebastian is a fucking 2010's boy band looking lad
Grell is just amazing in this
In the final "trailer" Grell got pregnant, Queen Victoria built a giant robot, Claude tried to destroy the world with the fucking moon, Hannah... Uhhh lets not talk about what she did, a whole load of "I am your father" type plot twists took place and Alois was Ciel and Sebastian's great great great great great great grand-
The special where theres this character who's basically a self insert but she's a white girl so if you're not either of those its kind of hard getting into it (cries in gay guy)
The POV shots look like something out of Dora The Explorer
Soma wants to marry us for some reason, I wouldn't mind that he's cute
We also get kidnapped by Viscous Druitt for no reason and then Sebastian and Grell save us from a boat in the middle OF THE OCEAN
Finally Will The Reaper (I'm sure there are more specials but I'm lazy)
Grelliam galore
Probably one of the best specials because Grell and William are the main focus and they're just the absolute best
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fushipurro · 3 months
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy
Chapter 4 - Black Star
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☆ Content: 18+ MDNI, cowboy!au, gangs, gun violence, graphic depictions of death, blood, mentions of alcohol, creampie, breeding kink, mutual masturbation, biting
☆ Word Count: 6.9k (tehe)
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A lot’s changed since you were last in Manzanita Post some years ago. What was once a one stop shop for hunting supplies has evolved into several storefronts, a couple homes, a dozen tents, and even a train station to increase foot traffic.
To reach Blackwater from Valentine, you inevitably had to pass through Tall Trees. You considered ignoring the fork in the road ─ one that takes you to either the post or the plains ─ to get to Kento sooner but ended up deciding on a quick trip down memory lane instead.
And a good decision that was; one you’ll realize in due time.
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The general store in town happens to be where your father had met your mother. The business belonged to her family after all; at least… it did back then.
After some time spent perusing the store, running your fingers along the dusted shelves, you leave with your satchel full, stepping out into the midday sun. The redwood trees offer plenty of shade, but not enough to cover all of the sun’s golden warmth.
There’s an acrid smell in the air as soon as you step out, one with traces of metal mixed with harsh vapors ─ blood and smoke. The man responsible is more than aware of your presence.
His familiar green eyes already locked onto your form, all in that same midnight leather outfit. He smirks when you finally catch his gaze.
“We meet again I see, and so soon too,” he purrs, a laugh rumbling from deep in his chest. “You followin’ me, sweetheart?”
You huff, almost caught off by his amusement. Satoru claimed him to be a grouch, but all you see is a flirt. “Could say the same to you, Outlaw Killer.”
“Are you making a confession? I’d remember any wanted posters with your pretty face on ‘em,” he says with full confidence. You gotta give him credit for being bold, any woman would feel red in the face hearing that.
“Then you must not have seen today’s paper,” you tease, though really, it’s just an attempt at getting on equal footing. He’s got the looks, now you just need to see the personality.
“Do they even have it up to date this far in the woods?”
“Touché, but you came here for a reason, didn’t you?” you muse, quirking a brow as you shift your balance to one foot. “If not me, then what’s the reason?”
He takes a drag of his cigarette then turns his head upwards, exhaling into the light. “I go where there’s money, simple as that.”
A reasonable answer, one you can relate to in your own journey.
“Can’t imagine there’s much of that out here for you compared to Valentine,” you remark. If he wanted a job, that’s gonna be the place.
Tall Trees has never been the most hospitable of places to settle down in. Many try, but having run-ins with bears on your way to and from the outhouse each day doesn’t make for a quality stay. Unless you’re a hunter, and a brave one at that, this is not the place for you.
“Check again, cowgirl.” The man taps the back of his hand against a sheet of paper nailed to the shop’s log exterior ─ a wanted poster. “I think I’ll do just fine out here.”
Your curiosity grows, wondering what sort of outlaw is here of all places. Posters like these are few and far throughout the years in Manzanita Post, for the same reason as the lack of housing. Stepping closer, you now realize why there’s a need for such a thing here.
The outlaw wanted ─ dead or alive ─ is none other than the man who killed your parents.
You expect murder to be reason warranting this, but instead, it’s robbery. Just robbery.
The poster lists how he and his gang have been ambushing traders in the area, holding them at gunpoint for their supplies.
Why isn’t it murder though? You can’t honestly believe everyone’s unaware or has forgotten what this man did to your family. Since coming here, you’ve already seen some remnants of your mother’s side or family friends ─ one of which is taking care of your mares at the moment. But all it took was for one rich city-slicker to get robbed before the world started causing a fuss.
How aggravating.
“Someone you know?” he asks, all signs of romantic intent faded from his expression, replaced with his own budding curiosity.
“What makes you say that?” you snap, a certain hostility lacing your tone.
“Your face,” he says, gesturing with his cigarette. He appears unbothered by your slight outburst. “Could kill a man with those looks.”
If anyone’s getting killed today, it’s going to be that man. He deserves a fate worse than sitting behind bars in a city jail. A fate you can grant him.
You don’t reply to the bounty hunter though, merely turning on your heel in the direction of your horses. Leaves and twigs snap harshly with every step taken, fueled by an ignited rage.
The cowboy snuffs his cigarette beneath his steel toe boot, deciding to follow after you. He doesn’t have to ask where you’re going; the answer is obvious, and he wants in on the fun. You’ve barely make it out onto the road west of the post before he’s already at your side atop his steed.
“Mind if I join ya?” He grins, eagerness evident in his features.
You spare him a passing glance before looking back ahead.
“Do what you want.”
And so he does.
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Toji, ends up proving to be refreshing company in a forest full of distant memories, aged like the trees themselves. Along the way, he recounts many tales of his previous hunts to you, all to help lighten the mood. Some are humorous, and others downright gloating, but you appreciate the distraction, nonetheless.
One such tale is about a guy who thought the best place he could lay low from the law would be some slippery rocks besides a stream of rapids. Needless to say, when coming face to face with someone as intimidating as Toji, the guy tried to flee, only to trip and fall into the current. It would’ve been funny had it not been a bounty where the reward would only come if they were still breathing upon return.
This went on for another dozen tales, all until arriving at the edge of Aurora Basin. And unlike the trading post, the lake hasn’t changed one bit.
On the far side along the shore, the cabin you called home still rests, nearly untouched save for nature’s reclaim. The afternoon sun makes it appear glowing in a thin sheet of gold; rays of light reflecting off the surface of calm waves and glass windows. In the distance, an elk can be heard and seen calling out for its herd. A bull and some cows, a few calves mixed in.
A family.
You wonder if the wolf dubbed Lobo still prowls these grand sequoias with his own pack. They no longer have the threat of humans mingling around their watering hole to worry. Not since the day you left these woods and into the frontier.
“Anything interesting?” Toji inquires, calling you back from your youthful reverie.
You take a moment to breathe in the familiar air that tickles your lungs with frostbite, shaking your head in response to the man. “Nah… just admiring the view is all.”
He hums, and although he’s unconvinced by your answer, he doesn’t push.
The remainder of the ride through the mountain pass is quiet, leaving you to ruminate your memories a little while longer.
You’ve spent enough time out here with all of Tall Trees as your backyard of play. You practically have a name for every tree and animal you’ve come across in your youth, all of which are now just a bitter reminder of what once was. You were born into this forest; it was your whole life. But for your father, it was an escape.
The gang he ran with originally was settled in the deserts down south, but he came here in search of a different life, separate from all the needless killings and petty thievery. He found that, and everything else he dreamt about having.
His biggest mistake however was thinking he could walk away from his past like nothing ever happened and believe there would be no repercussions.
Like many others in the growing world, the gang you’re hunting followed your father north for a fresh start as well. In doing so, they made their claim through the only way they know how.
“Hold up,” Toji suddenly says, drawing your focus. You turn to him as he’s already pulled a pair of binoculars from his bag, looking intently at something in the distance. “There’s a sniper up ahead in a lookout post.” He offers you his binoculars to confirm, and sure enough, you recognize the armed outlaw.
“Looks like we’re here,” you tell him, handing him back his gear.
Toji leans forward in the saddle over crossed arms, angling his head to look at you. “What is here, exactly?”
“Cochinay ─ the hideout of our target.” You move Valentine off the trail and into the undergrowth for cover. “We should go on foot from here on out,” you add, dismounting with your Springfield rifle in hand.
Toji hitches his black stallion ─ Blackjack ─ to a tree close by. “I get it’s none of my business and all but seeing as we’re fixin’ to bust through the doors of their camp, you might want to tell me a little more on what you know.”
Sadly, he’s got a point.
Your past isn’t something you often share, especially with someone you only recently met. Satoru was an exception ─ a brief glimpse at the overall picture of your youth. But this? This is where your old self died, marking the birth of the you from today. It would be wise to at least give Toji something to work with. And so, you sigh, and begin to tell him.
“I’ve got some history with this gang,” you start, moving stealthily through the shrubbery on your approach to the camp. “My father was a longtime member, he was born into their way of living.”
“Guessin’ that’s where you got the nerve to charge into an outlaw camp twice now including this?” His words referencing Suguru and his gang. You glance back over your shoulder, seeing the knowing smirk on his face. “What, don’t look surprised,” he laughs quietly, “I wouldn’t be a very good bounty hunter if I didn’t have eyes on everything goin’ on, now would I?”
Rolling your eyes, you press on, creeping closer to your destination. A wooden wall comes into view ─ high and spiked at the top. It wouldn’t surprise you to find some carcasses staked and on display as a warning to anyone who comes too close.
“Everything I am is because of my parents, not some degenerate group whose only motivation is liquor or gold,” you scoff. “Outlaws or not, I was raised to not back down.”
“So what happened to them?” His questions stops you dead in your tracks. Toji moves to your side to get a better look at you, your head hanging low, with eyes glued to some hummingbird sage at your feet. You reach out to said petals, the violet color meshing with the shadows and fading sunlight.
“That man on the poster.” You pause, drifting your gaze from the flower to Toji as a breeze kicks up, taking some of those very petals away and into the air. “He killed them.”
“I see,” he replies, offering no consoling words after. You’re glad, because what good would they do now? It’s neither the time nor place, and the memories you have are just that.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Life will always go on and all you can do is ride it out like a rodeo bronc, hoping that in time, everything will calm.
“You here for revenge then? I’ll warn you now, that can get pretty messy if you’re not careful.”
“Something like that, but don’t worry about me.” You end the discussion before he can say more by moving up along the wall.
He snorts though, continuing to follow. “Didn’t say I would,” Toji mumbles under his breath. Really, he doesn’t think he has to, given your headstrong attitude. So long as your arrogance doesn’t get in the way ─ you should be just fine.
You end up finding a section of the wall where the wood is rotted, or chewed away, enough so that it can be removed with ease, making for a silent entry. It’s funny how common of a theme this is becoming. Do these gangs not pay attention to their security? Even on the inside, the grass is kept tall with a plethora of barrels and wagons that are perfect to hide behind.
The camp itself is divided on the inside into multiple sections. With steep mountains resting on either side, any efforts to scale around would be futile. The only way to the heart of said mountains is through two sets of gates, the first of which has a pair of guards on sentry duty.
The only way to reach your goal is to go in guns blazing.
“Cover me while I handle the guards?” Toji requests, as if reading your mind. You respond with slight nod of your head, readying your rifle. “Best not to stray far once we make ourselves known.”
“Don’t go running in front of my sights now,” you tease, and he laughs one final time before his expression turns serious.
Toji sneaks around in front of you, inching closer to the gate. Once far enough away, you let a sigh when you know he can’t hear. It’s easy to feel safe in a camp of outlaws when your partner is coined the outlaw killer, but you can’t forget that you’re up against the man that shattered your family. One mistake, and you’ll be joining them six feet under, assuming they were ever buried to begin with.
“Howdy gentlemen.” Toji stalks up to the men seemingly without a care, tipping his hat all the while. One hand remains hooked on his belt, close to the iron at his hips.
“Who the hell are you?” one of the guards questions, not waiting for his response as his finger meets the trigger of his rifle.
Too slow. The bullet from yours whistles past Toji and into the outlaw’s skull. Their body collapsing with a heavy thump.
The other guard’s cry for help is silenced midway by a blow from Toji’s revolver. Either way, there was never a need to make the announcement, not when the sound of gunfire is echoing against the canyon walls.
From there, everything quickly turns to a blur fueled by adrenaline. With a revolver in one hand, and a sawed off in the other, Toji unleashes hell upon the camp while you snipe from afar.
The gate to the second area opens, cueing the arrival of a dozen more outlaws, completely underestimating what they’re up against. Their screams are nightmarish, as if met by Death himself, dressed head to toe in black leather stained in crimson tones.
Toji’s downright sinister smile never falters while reveling in the carnage crafted by his own making. It evokes a primal feeling from within watching one man inflict such destruction upon those who upended your life.
“Move up!” he shouts to you, stepping past bodies into the next section of camp. More outlaws await, fixing to meet their final breaths with an anguishing cry.
In your haste to keep up, you fail to notice one of the cowards slipping close to the wall as you enter. They grab your ankle unexpectantly, forcing you down and into the dirt. The outlaw kicks your rifle away, pinning your body down with their knee at the small of your back.
This position makes it near impossible to fight back, and your mind starts to race with thoughts and memories, flashing before your eyes. What a pathetic way this would be to meet your demise, and at the hands of some lowlife no less. For a split second, you wonder whether you should keep squirming or let the inevitable come sooner.
You wouldn’t have to fight anymore.
You may even see your family sooner, contrary to the brave front you always have up.
No sooner do you feel their grip loosening, on top of something wet hitting your back like rainfall. A long, serrated hunting knife falls dangerously close before your face. It’s blade and handle coated in fresh blood.
“Get up!” You hear Toji’s voice shouting at you.
Using the newfound freedom, you take the bloodied handle, curling your body around before snapping your arm to the side without any hesitation, slicing the outlaw’s throat. They cry painfully before meeting their end, choking on their own blood.
Toji rushes over, pulling you up by your arm. “Why didn’t you yell for me?” he says, his voice tinged with subtle anger, like a scolding parent. Another outlaw tries to take advantage of this reprieve but is quickly met with the barrel of Toji’s shotgun point blank between their eyes.
Another one down.
“It doesn’t matter,” you claim, picking your rifle back up. He doesn’t buy it, still giving you that disapproving stare.
“Stick close, I mean it,” he warns, waving his finger at you. His tone leaves no room to argue either.
You throw your rifle over your shoulder, swapping it out for dual revolvers prime for close combat. With your backs together, the two of you shoot all who dare to come close, sometimes maneuvering your arms around the other like a ballroom dance. Bullets fly all around, making you duck and twirl, spinning as one with elaborate footing.
“Cover me, will ya?” you call out over the gunfire into Toji’s ears. He responds by picking up his pace, refusing to let any threats near while you turn to an ole reliable from out of your satchel. Dynamite.
It’s not often you get the chance to use some explosives, especially without any drawbacks. You more than happily light it up before tossing it towards the innermost gate.
The blast ruptures, collapsing the gate and one of the guard towers as well. Pieces of the fence go flying in all directions, one even impaling another outlaw in the chest before your bullet could fire.
It takes a minute before the smoke clears, finally allowing you to see into the heart of the camp ─ seeing him as you do.
The bounty’s face is twisted with displeasure, knowing full well the dire state he’s in. It’s only a matter of time before his life and all his claims are forfeit to the one he took it all away from.
You pull up your rifle once again, aiming down the sights at his sorry face. Realization dawns on him the moment he meets your eyes through the scope, and right as you fire, he bolts down into a cave.
“Shit,” you hiss, abandoning Toji’s side to take pursuit. He shouts for you again, but his voice is clouded by the bloodlust you feel with your prey before you.
This isn’t your first time up in Cochinay, so you know full well the many tunnels feeding through the mountains. While they most likely provide shelter for the gang, they also offer a means of escape if need be.
You can’t let him get away.
With that said, you know exactly which paths to take to catch up. The bastard never even bothered to learn the best route to escape you soon realize. He was far too confident that nothing could take him down.
Big mistake.
It’s ironic how he took your father from you before your very own eyes, and then your mother’s soon after. Yet now, in the face of the one who got away, all he can feel is fear.
If your father is watching past the clouds in the skies, he’d be proud to know how far you’ve come and how close you are to avenging him. He raised you to outshine him in every way, and with this ─ you’ll finally have closure.
You fire a warning shot past the outlaw’s head and into the rocky formation.
“Turn around,” you demand, your voice cold as the ice clinging to these very mountaintops.
He does so, his voice quivering as he yells, “You can’t kill me!”
You kiss your teeth. “The hell I can.”
“You ran when I gutted your parents; I’m not afraid of you!” A lie, evident in his demeanor that’s starting to crack under the pressure.
“And yet you’re doing the same,” you scoff, further adding a manic laugh ─ Sukuna’s influence, taking hold. “The difference between you and me is that I never ran because I was scared.”
“Liar,” he spits, but you ignore him to continue.
“I ran to live another day. To roam this beautiful earth doing damn well what I please because I’m free!” You pause, taking aim with your gun. “You won’t be taking anything else from me.”
“Watch me.”
He moves to draw his gun from his hip, but you’re faster. You’ve always been faster.
Widened eyes and a look of shock replaces your features. You’re out of ammo.
That moment of weakness is enough for the outlaw to fire his own round, and it hits ─ igniting your arm with fiery pain.
“Got you now, bitch!” He charges at you and grapples your waist, sending you down into the cold stone, hard. The force knocks the wind right out of you, but you can’t lose yourself now. You got lucky with his mistake, but the next will cost your life if you don’t start fighting back.
You’ve angered him with your words, and now he wants you to suffer.
He has you on the defensive against his blows, pounding at you with his fists. “I’m not afraid of you!” he shouts between his onslaught, one landing right over your injured arm, raised as a shield. “I’ve been running this gang since before you were born. I can always rebuild and conquer again!”
He poses his fist high in the air to strengthen the next blow, and in your weakening state, you’re not sure you’d be able to handle it.
“Give your father my regards,” he says with finality, only for that very hand to rupture at the sound of thunder rocking the mountain in turn. You lift your head up to see Toji ─ a rolling block rifle in his hands, giving you the opening needed to finish this once and for all.
You reach for the gun still bound to the outlaw’s holster, turning it on him. “Won’t have to… because you’ll be seeing him first,” you chuckle, pulling the trigger.
As it turns out, this revolver belonged to your father. A fitting way to take revenge.
The tunnel is painted red with your words, sealing the outlaw’s fate. His limp body falls forward overtop your own, the light gone from his eyes. Toji rushes over, easily lifting the dead weight from you.
“What did I say about sticking close?” he scolds, offering you a hand to lift you up. “Could’ve gotten yourself killed; you know that? Unbelievable.”
“You sound like my dad,” you tell him while laughing before he flicks you on the forehead.
Looking down at his future paycheck, he sighs, but then cracks a smile that shows nothing but joy.
“You did it, cowgirl. How’re ya feelin’?”
“Relieved,” you say; relief from knowing the cause for your traumatic past is lying in a pool of his own blood at your feet. “Although I did get shot,” you add. The way you say that makes it sound like it’s a daily occurrence.
He flicks you again for that.
“Come on,” he drawls with a hefty sigh. “Let’s go raid their shit so we can patch you up.”
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The moon is high in the sky as you sit along the edge of a wagon, an oil lantern providing enough light for Toji to work. Thanks to the bastard’s shaky hands, the bullet missed its mark, narrowly grazing your arm instead of anything important. You’ll live, but you need a few stitches to close the wound.
“Gonna tell me now what you was going on in your head?”
“I don’t know what you mea– ow, watch it!” You wince when he tugs the thread a little too hard.
He mumbles a haphazard apology. “Don’t play dumb with me ‘cause I know you’re not. Twice today you could’ve gotten yourself killed.” He sounds annoyed telling you all this, but it’s coming a place of worry, whether you believe it or not.
“I’m not used to relying on others,” you admit after a minute of silence, taking a shot of some liquor to dull the pain in your arm and soul. As expected, this camp is riddled with various bottles and supplies ─ all free for the taking now.
“You don’t say,” he teases, and you shoot him a glare that he laughs off.
The next several minutes are spent in silence, admiring his handiwork. The needle and thread appear comically small in his hands, yet he offers a delicate touch. It’s safe to say this isn’t the first time he’s had to stitch up a wound, and you appreciate not having to do it yourself.
“For what it’s worth, I’ve learned not to rely on anyone either,” he tells you, his eyes flickering up to meet yours. The flame of the lantern burns bright in his eyes, reflecting amber tones mixed in a forest of green.
“I’m starting to get the feeling you have your own troubled past,” you muse, hissing at the final few tugs of the stitching.
“You don’t say,” he says again, that flirtatious tone from earlier returning. The gruffness of his voice ─ so close to your body ─ has your eyes fluttering back. His body being the only source of heat amidst the chilling air of the nighttime hours makes you wish to be closer, to embrace that heat.
He wraps a bandage nice and snug around your arm, dropping his hands to either side of your body, effectively caging you. You could shuffle away as there’s nothing but empty space behind you, but why leave the fire for the cold, when you instead could stoke the flames?
“Was there something else you wanted to say?” you ask in sultry tune, turning your head slightly to the side.
Toji moves closer, his eyes never leaving yours for even a second. His nose brushes against your neck, shamelessly taking in your scent. One hand moves up your arm, lingering on the side of your head, supporting its weight for better access.
“No,” he whispers against your ear, relishing in sound that involuntarily leaves your lips. So sensitive, he thinks to himself, and oh how he’s going to enjoy that soon. “There’s somethin’ I’d like to do though.”
Your hand comes up to meet his chest, bundling the fabric and urging him down to you. “Yeah?” you whisper back into his ear, smiling against his skin. “And what would that be?”
He chuckles, pulling back to see the look on your face when he tells you. You can see the desire building in his eyes, the lids half-narrowed, ready to swallow you whole into oblivion.
You take your hand away from his chest, moving slowly down until reaching his belt, grinning all the while. “Well, aren’t you bold? I can’t say I’m not thinking the same way.”
Toji holds your wrist securely in his hand, pulling it further down his body. He pleasingly groans when you comply by palming him over his dark denim jeans. He lets go of your wrist in exchange for your head, clumping your hair together and fervently directing your lips to his.
It’s a heated exchange, but not the ravenous sort with tongue and teeth mangling together. In return, he bruises your lips with power hungry kisses ─ frenzied with passion and longing. His other hand lowers itself near the apex of your thigh, the tightness of his grip changing with the pressure of your hand against his core.
He's huge, that much is certain. What a lucky girl you are to keep finding such delectable men in only a few days time.
Finally, he lets go of your mouth, allowing you the chance to breathe in shared air. “Take it out.” His voice is deepened and straining, with a sense of underlying urgency.
While you’re messing with his belt, he looks down on with a sinful stare, treasuring the near desperation in how fast you’re trying to get to him. Your reaction to its size is priceless, a sight that never disappoints, and he’s not even fully hard yet.
“My turn,” is all he says before his hands are on you. You hope the sound of fabric ripping is all in your hand, or maybe a twig snapping in the distance (it’s not).
The two of you then share a moment of reverence for the other, tracing each other’s body and sex as if committing to memory a divine work of art.
“So pretty,” he praises, trailing a finger between your folds. “And so wet for me, too,” he sighs breathily, eyes fluttering shut when you let out another angelic sound.
You place your hand back around his cock, feeling his hip stutter in response, rutting once into your hand. Using his free hand to balance himself, Toji descends again upon your lips kissing more sloppily with the growing ecstasy. He throws his head back when you tease the spot just under the tip before throwing himself back onto you ─ swallowing up every whimper and moan when his finger finally pushes its way through.
His finger ─ thick and calloused ─ curls inwards over that sweet spongy spot, forcing your back into an arch, demanding you to ride his knuckles for more.
“Toji,” you mewl with an air of arousal peaking; a plead, for him.
He adds another finger making you gasp in response, and he uses this opportunity to dip his tongue far into your mouth. The flavor is intoxicating, an unhealthy mix of aged rum meeting his preferred brand of cigarettes ─ the ones with the series of cards to collect.
Gambling was always one of his favorite hobbies, and he’s glad to have gone all-in on you. For once, it worked in his favor, and now you’re coming undone by the very hands dealing the cards to win.
Your hands start to shake when he adds a third finger, stretching you out from the inside while rolling a thumb along your clit. Your grip around him quivers, drawing out a resounding groan. Despite how big and intimidating he is, it all ends the same when they’re wrapped around your finger. Needy, and with such pretty noises that are music to your ears.
The kiss breaks, but only enough to breathe while your tongues remain tied together for a few seconds longer. He presses his forehead to yours, pupils blown, staring right into yours. Beads of sweat fall along your cheeks, cooling your heated skin. The alcohol in your system works not only to numb any pain but also to help enrapture your body, flushing your cheeks a cardinal tone.
“You gonna cum for me, sweetheart?” he asks, curling his fingers again making your whole body twitch. His cock does the same, leaking heavily with beads of cum. You can feel his veins practically beating at the same pace of your heart.
“Fuck ─ I could ask you the same thing.”
“Go on then,” he chuckles, trying to hide how shaken up he is. You hardly need to do much of anything with your hand as he starts jerking himself on you without shame. His lips return to your ear, biting at the lobe when he whispers, “Cum for me.”
Your jaw falls slack with the euphoric feeling. Your body spasming around his fingers, clenching with no remorse for his trapped fingers. With that, Toji can’t hold himself back from letting lose onto your hand, spilling out a heavy load of white.
The stars overhead are but a blur to you now in your high, a mere backdrop to the heaven on earth feeling coursing through each of your veins.
He pulls back from your body, grinning when he hears you whining at the loss. The real show has yet to even begin, this foreplay merely the opening act for a night to remember.
You watch as he takes those same three fingers, wet with slick, and runs them each into his mouth. His eyes closing with a heavy sigh as he indulges in your taste.
“Mhmm, so sweet.” He drinks up your reddened look, another spark of arousal hitting you at the sight of his joy.
You can’t help but do the same when you notice the mess in your hand ─ raising it up so you too can partake in this flavorful exchange.
That grin on his face grows even wider than before. “Beautiful,” he praises breathlessly. “Now come here.” He beckons you by curling those same fingers that were inches inside you mere moments ago.
Effortlessly, Toji lifts you up and off the wagon, leaving behind the only source of light as he walks you to some bedrolls he laid out earlier in anticipation of spending the night.
He kisses you gently this time ─ the calm before the storm about to come. While doing so, he removes the remainder of your clothes thus freeing your chest to his eyes. You do the same for him, one button at a time until all that’s left is the statue of a god, adorned with many scars that map history across flesh.
Another moment of reverence, from one godlike figure to another.
“Turn around. On your knees.” He watches you wordlessly obey, shifting himself behind you. With two hands on either side of your hips, he raises you up into his full view. The sight of your cunt glistening with fluid is captivating, inducing a sense of frenzy.
He kisses you there first, then draws a stripe with his tongue before burying it between the velvet lining. A prelude for what’s to come, once he’s quenched his thirst. You can almost cum again just from that, but he stops just in time to keep you riled up.
“Just fuck me already, Toji,” you say, a mix of warning and urgency on your tongue.
His palm meets the globe of your ass, not enough to hurt, but enough to be known and shock your body. “And how do you ask?”
“Please?” you reply, matching his mocking tone.
“Good girl.”
Next thing you know, his tip is hot against you, rubbing loosely between your folds. You jolt when it grazes your clit, groaning with anticipation. But before you can utter another word ─ another plead ─ he bullies his way inside, stretching you more than his fingers possibly could.
A burning pain hits you from the sudden intrusion. “Fuck!”
“There, there,” he coos, one thumb over your clit. “You wanted me, so take it.”
He watches with marvel at how his cock disappears into your cunt, his whole body shuddering in reaction.
“’S too much, Toji.” Hell, he and Sukuna are in their own tier when it comes to size.
“Shh, you’re almost there, sweetheart.” He grunts feeling you tighten around him, so eager to please and be praised. “I could get used to this.”
A few moments are all you get to steady yourself before he’s moving. His hands gliding along every curve, mark, and dimple gracing your back, tracing up your spine and back around to your hips. As his pace increases, so do his sounds. Each thrust is accompanied with deep, heavy sighs and salacious groans.
“You like this, huh?” His words barely register in your ears, too drunk off the way his cock hits your cervix with each thrust. He leans down, hunching over your back while at the same time snaking an arm around to your front. “What h-hahppened to your words, sweets?” A whimper catches in his throat. “Where’s that pretty voice callin’ my name?”
“Toji!” You cry out feeling his sharp, wolfish fangs burying themselves in your neck. One hand holding you at your stomach right over where his tip reaches, and the other loosely around your throat in a show of a dominance.
“What was that?” He sneers against your ear, his breathing growing more erratic by the second. “Gotta speak up and tell me what you want.”
“I want you,” you moan, drool spilling out the sides of your mouth.
“Y-you ─ Toji.” Another moan, higher pitched than before.
“Again,” he growls.
“Toji, Toji, ‘Oji-ahh!”
You keel over in his hold, violently shaking as an orgasm tears through your body like lightning. Wetness gushes out from you, rolling down your thighs and onto his lap.
“So fucking good ─ shit.” His arms tighten and he leans his weight further into you, pushing your body into the bedroll with only one thought in his mind. “You gonna let me fuck a baby into you?” He moves the hand on your stomach down to your clit, inciting the bundle of nerves with rough circular motions that serve to overstimulate you. “You’d like that?”
“Yes, yes! Please!” you whine as he forces you straight into another orgasm. With how sensitive you are, all coherent thoughts are erased except for Toji, Toji, Toji. In this pursuit of pleasure, he’s all that matters.
“Good fucking girl,” he growls, his voice straining, “Now take it!”
With one final cry of his name, warmth floods your body. Your nails dig into the sheets, uncontrollably squirming in a puddle of drool, cum, and slick. For a moment, you think you may have even passed out, because next thing you know, you’re on your side still wrapped in Toji’s embrace. His cock still several inches deep, with no apparent hurry to pull out.
The two of you lay like this for some time, coming down from the high mountaintops of euphoria. Black and white spots in your vision slowly morphing back into stars and the picturesque view of the Milky Way galaxy watching over you both. No words need to be shared. This is all you desire.
You never thought that one out of blue trip to a town like Valentine could jumpstart a whole new chapter in your life, subsequently closing the pages of old, tossing it to the flames. You never outright planned on taking revenge on the man who tore apart your family, but knowing you were there to see him crumble in his final moments brings a sense of tranquility you haven’t felt for some time.
Wherever you go from here, you know that it’ll work out. The future is in your hands ─ a frontier of its own, now ready to be explored without regret.
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You wake the next morning to Toji brewing a pitcher of coffee over the campfire. He hears you stirring from sleep, turning his gaze to yours with a content smile. There’s no arrogance or lustful feature ─ only a type of calm you see best at dawn.
“Mornin’, sunshine.”
“Morning,” you respond with a yawn, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Your voice is both thick with sleep and hoarse from screaming one man’s name a dozen times over.
He chuckles amusingly, pouring you a fresh hot cup. “Sleep well?”
Well, besides the whole-body ache… “Like a baby,” you tease. It’s a miracle your stitches didn’t open up once.
You take your time to enjoy the coffee and the morning view. Dawn always looked best up in these mountains with the cascading trees and fields of sage. If you close your eyes, you can hear all the familiar calls of birds and other wildlife mingling ─ the forest teeming with life at every inch.
“When we get his body back to town, that reward money’s all yours,” he says, while standing to stretch his limbs.
You shake your head. “Don’t bother, I got my revenge. That’s all I really wanted.”
Toji can’t be too upset at your words, it’s more money for him. He was already going to happily sell whatever he could find in all these dead outlaws’ pockets for his efforts, anyways.
“Ain’t that a shame.” He places a hand on his hip, green eyes cast down at your form.
“You know, we make a good team,” he starts up again after a brief minute of silence. “You ever thought about becoming a full-time bounty hunter?”
He flashes that devious smile of his once more, his sharp canines poking through when he curls that scarred lip upwards.
“Not a bad offer,” you hum, “Especially after last night.”
It’s honestly a thought you’ve had from time to time. There are always outlaws to hunt and money to make; you’ve done it before and if yesterday proved anything, it’s that you can handle yourself even when pitted against an entire gang.
As it stands, there are several options open to you now, with many possibilities for how life will unfold from here on out.
“So what do you say, cowgirl?”
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☆ Notes: I’d like to thank past me for coming up with the dad lore in earlier chapters on the spot, because I honestly didn’t expect to make it a whole theme for this chapter until I started writing it. Gonna be sad though seeing this series end soon, but I’ve got a dozen more stories I plan on writing, and I’m always open for more cowboy content in the future :)
Also, just to throw in my own little headcanon with the forehead flicking and all… you always see Megumi smacking Yuji or whoever when he’s scolding, and I like to imagine he got that from Toji or maybe even Mamaguro since Toji’s strong enough to take it (not in the domestic violence sense, but you know what I mean?)
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sunnybyler · 6 months
i’ve been sitting on my thoughts for so long but i just have to get this off my chest. i don’t like to yuck ppls yum so if you like e/riel pls scroll away nd keep having your fun it’s not my problem. however some of y’all can get mean as HELL and as an elucien i have to get this off my chest. (also warning for gwynriels i’m with y’all i defend y’all here however i do go in a bit on az in this so fair warning). i truly have no idea why e/riels cling so hard to the azriel bonus chapter in acosf because that chapter, more than literally anything else in the series, proved to me that e/riel is absolutely NOT going to be endgame. let me explain:
1. it is explicitly stated that azriel did not think of his relationship with elain outside of a sexual nature. i think some ppl get kinda annoyingly puritanical when trying to make this point when it’s like 100% certain lucien had sexual thoughts of elain too. the point isn’t the thoughts themselves. the difference here is the explicit mention that he didn’t consider anything with her outside of that.
2. the point above ^ is further exacerbated by the fact that az did not give a flying fuck if he killed elain’s MATE. even if elain hasn’t accepted the bond, it would still be extremely painful for her based on what we’ve seen with rhys, feyre, and even rhys’s parents (who weren’t good for each other, yet we saw how rhys’s dad lost it when she died). now of course us lucien lovers know damn well he would never in a million years call a blood duel to try to claim elain (and fuck u rhys for saying that, i usually have your back but come ON you are not the only male who can respect their mate’s autonomy). but az doesn’t know that!? in fact seems to agree with rhys that he could. ppl argue on who would win that fight — my opinion hinges 100% on if powers are fully unleashed but that’s not the point at all. no matter WHO wins, elain is going to feel responsible for someone’s death. of course it wouldn’t be her fault if men decided to be fucking stupid, but with the little we know about elain shows that she would feel so guilty if that happened. but azriel doesn’t seem to give af that anyone fighting to the death over her is the last thing she would ever want. not only did az not think of elain outside his fantasies and therefore not fully care for her, but he doesn’t seem to even KNOW elain in this chapter. now, i could go in on this in acosf as a whole. but i’m keeping it to this chapter alone.
3. and further on THAT point, az doesn’t really give any reasoning on his interest in elain outside of this insane “three brothers/three sisters” thing he fully pulled out of his ass. tbh i almost thing this is sjm’s way of addressing the fan theories on that. now i get it to some extent from az’s pov — seeing his brothers happy with these sisters must fuck with your head after you’d all been bachelors together for 500 years. especially considering how he’s felt unworthy of love his whole life and this seems to support that insecurity of his. i get that it makes him feel ostracized from them, and that he’s now an outlier not being with an archeron. i get that. i do. i sympathize with him here. however that does not change the fact that he isn’t speaking of elain like she’s her own individual here — hell he fully calls her “the other”. i think part of this conversation was him being frazzled, i give him a bit more grace than some do (tho he pissed me off BAD in this scene), but we were fully in this man’s head. did he give us a full reason why he liked elain besides his brother’s mates and his sexual thoughts?? they would’ve at least crossed his mind when rhys was grilling them if sjm was trying to set up her next romance here. as it is, we have literally nothing to imply azriel actually likes elain herself and not the idea of being closer with his brothers.
4. az has kinda a habit of ignoring the reality of the women he’s attracted to in some way. he has his own version of them in his head that he puts on a pedestal. now i could do a whole psych eval on this man and how he thinks he’s unworthy of love and therefore only allows himself to have feelings for women he knows/thinks he can’t have. but to focus on this chapter alone, my points above ^ about how he doesn’t really think of elain outside his fantasies/bringing him closer to his brothers and not really understanding her pretty much wraps it up there. i mean he even talks about how he thinks his scarred hands don’t belong on her because she’s so perfect in his eyes. that’s not love, that’s obsession and it’s unhealthy. he clearly thinks himself below elain and ignores that she has her own flaws too.
5. aaaand i saved the biggest for (almost) last….. GWYN. this is a genuine GENUINE question. why in the fucking hell. would sjm make half the chapter focusing on az & gwyn if she was teasing e/riel. like that makes no sense. not to be annoying and mention chekhov's gun but that idea applies to relationships too. i’m sorry but she couldn’t be more explicit about her future romances. you could argue “oh well it’s because there’s gonna be a love triangle”. y’all. elain has. elain has a mate. there already IS a love triangle. there was absolutely no reason for her to bring gwyn into this chapter other than her preparing us for a future relationship, literally none. especially with all the romantic subtext (hell not even subtext, just TEXT). gwyn getting him to talk about himself so easily when he’s so quiet usually, him taking the idea of making her happy and he “buried the image down deep, where it GLOWED QUIETLY” (which SCREAMS mating bond to me but even if it’s not it’s clearly something he cherishes deeply), the SHADOWSINGERS SHADOWS SANG FOR HER!?
6. the fucking necklace regifting. oh it’s bad. OHHH ITS BAD. when the girls realize it’s gonna be SO messy but im hoping sjm doesn’t go the stupid cat fight route bc neither of them did anything wrong. az did. i’m sorry i’m dunking on him so much in this post i rlly don’t hate him i just think he needs like decades of therapy (which tbf don’t we all) which i unfortunately don’t think sjm is going to give him before giving him his romance. but even the biggest azriel lovers have to admit that this was insanity. a few points on it here. first, if it’s so easily regiftable then it couldn’t have been that well thought out in regards to elain. say what you will about lucien’s gifts, even argue that he gave her jewelry too. but elain was actually shown wearing pearls. az’s gift seemed shallow to me — it was something pretty, and elain’s pretty, and it had a flower, and elain gardens. it’s clear lucien put SO much more thought into his gifts, whether he succeeded or not (which i need to remind y’all — we still don’t know. maybe she liked the gifts maybe she didn’t, but regardless she acted the way she did bc of her feelings about the bond, not the gift). and azriel has spent so much more time with elain than lucien has. if that necklace really felt like elain to him, he could’ve kept it or returned it. but nope. buddy gave it to a whole other girl bc he could easily associate it with someone else. he clearly felt some special pull towards gwyn too, going out of his way to give it to her. he had ONE meaningful conversation with her. i already discussed the quote earlier that makes me think mating bond personally. but no matter what, him giving her the same gift he gave someone he was pursuing romantically is a clear sign of what’s to come (and probably a setup for some sort of drama that i don’t think im mentally ready for).
so there we have it! why i think that the bonus chapter thoroughly proves that e/riel is not going to be endgame. i honestly think it’s possible they might be a thing for a minute (tho i could also see this being the closing of that chapter), but i don’t think it’s going to last. sjm just gave us too many blatant hints that elain and az would NOT work together long term, and that azriel in particular is more suited for someone else. i might’ve missed some points bc there is SO much that goes down in this tiny chapter so lmk if there’s other stuff you picked up on!
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cheesecakeluvrs · 5 months
I don’t think that Rogue is in any way responsible for Remy’s, or anyones, feelings however I do think that the scenes with Magneto showed how emotionally immature she can be at times - she’s still stuck in that thirteen year old girl mindset that is fixated on physical contact. Most people who have been in relationships or dated around a bit know that there’s far more to them than just the physical side but Rogue has experienced none of that, just the carefully constructed relationship that Magneto (and Mystique) wanted her to have. She went from almost killing her first boyfriend to being involved with a much older man who is able to give her the thing she’s been desperate for - physical touch. Rogue has never had a chance to experience all the in-between bits or understand that not everything needs to revolve around kissing and physical intimacy. With all of that combined its understandable that she sometimes doesn’t realise that her actions can hurt those around her. 
Then up pops Remy who is so full of life and fun and makes it obvious from the get-go that he’s into her. But he’s also been consistently shown to enjoy just spending time with her or doing things that have no relation to physical contact. I don’t think Rogue has the experience or understanding that those things can be just as intimate in a relationship as kissing or sex. Thats why she keeps fixating on the physical side and when that doesn’t work she’s understandably devastated.
For Rogue it feels like a win to realise that Remy is the one she wants, touch or no touch, and seeks him out without registering that this is a potentially cruel thing to do, because she can’t quite see outside of her own wants and needs. I think if she’d had a few relationships under her belt then Rogue would have realised that, regardless of intention, she had hurt Remys feelings with the dancing and the kissing - even if he didn’t see it, it’s not like nobody is going to tell Remy. 
On Remys part its just another instance where he is yet again nobodies first choice; his bio parents didn’t want him, Jean-Luc left him out on the streets until he was of use to the Guild then kicked him out again and the Xmen at times have one rule for him and completely different set of rules for everybody else re Antartica. Rogue turning around and deciding that she wants him barely ten minutes after telling him that she’d rather be with Magneto is only going to pick at these insecurities because Remy has his own trauma to deal with, trauma that isn’t directly related to his powers, kind of the opposite to Rouge which is a nice parallel. Again, most people who have dated would have clocked this and perhaps taken a different route. 
Anyway, sorry for the essay, i just really liked your post and I don’t think its fair to put Remys hurt feelings on Rogue. However I would have loved to have seen them have that conversation so that Rogue could have had some growth in terms of relationships. I love her but it can feel a bit one sided at times in that her feelings are always to be tended to first, regardless of what has happened.
Who knows, maybe we'll see that if we get Death Remy...
Yeah this definitely isn’t the end of the drama and all this is so true! Rogue has had so little experience with love so she is just very confused. She also can’t help the fact that she realized she wanted Remy RIGHT after rejecting him. Her whole life has been the same old chasing and yearning for touch and now she’s faced with the choice of either touch or feelings so she really doesn’t know what to do. She’s faced with all these realizations at once so maybe it’s a good things she’s not going to be getting into a relationship with Gambit right away. She needs some experience with relationships but right now she’s having way too much and I think she needs a little break to really understand her feelings.
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kpopscatterbrain · 10 months
Kdramas/Movies with strong female characters
Eve (2022): Lee La-El (Seo Yea-Ji) When Lee La-El was little, her father died unexpectedly. Powerful people were responsible for his death. After her family was destroyed, Lee La-El prepared for the next 13 years to take revenge. Starting by targeting Kang Yoon-gyeom, one of the main culprits who orchestrated the death of her father. Along the way she becomes torn between her desire for revenge and her feelings for Yoon-gyeom.
It's Okay To Not Be Okay (2020): Ko Moon-Young (Seo Yea-Ji) Ko Moon-Young is a popular children's book author with antisocial personality disorder. She had a troubled childhood and a turbulent relationship with her parents. She develops romantic feelings for a psychiatric caregiver after a coincidental encounter and often goes to extreme lengths to get his attention.
Hotel Del Luna (2019): Jang Man-Wol (IU) Jang Man-Wol is the moody owner of Hotel del Luna. The hotel catering to the dead has been bound to her soul in order to atone for the sins she committed 1,300 years ago. Through the new manager Gu Chan-sung, the mysteries and the secrets behind the hotel and its owner are revealed
My Name (2021): Yoon Ji-Woo (Han So-Hee) Yoon Ji-Woo’s father gets murdered suddenly. She wants to desperately take revenge on whoever is responsible for her father's death. She starts working for a drug crime ring that her father was a part of. Ji-Woo joins the police department as a mole for the drug ring.
Vagabond (2019): Go Hae-Ri (Bae Suzy) Go Hae-Ri is an NIS agent and is currently working undercover at the Korean embassy in Morocco. She is tasked to help the bereaved families of a fatal flight. She helps Cha Dal-Geon whose nephew was on the flight uncover a darker and more sinister conspiracy than they expected.
Sisyphus: The Myth (2021): Gang Seo-Hae (Park Shin-Hye) Gang Seo-Hae is an elite warrior. She can take down the biggest men with just her bare hands. She is a sharpshooter and a bombmaker. She learned these skills to survive in a world that is dominated by gangsters and military cliques. One day she time travels to save a genius engineer.
Mr. Sunshine (2018): Go Ae-Shin (Kim Tae-Ri) Go Ae-Shin is an orphaned noblewoman and a member of the Righteous Army. Her parents were independence fighters who died in Japan due to their colleague's betrayal. She trains as a sniper. An american soldier Eugene meets and falls in love with Go Ae-shin. 
The Glory (2022): Moon Dong-Eun (Song Hye-Kyo) Moon Dong-Eun was a victim of high school violence. She waited for the bully ring leader get married and have a child. Now she is the homeroom teacher of her tormentor's child. Her cruel revenge plot begins.
Tomorrow (2022): Koo Ryeon (Kim Hee-Seon) Grim reaper Koo Ryeon is the leader of a crisis management team. The teams objective is to save suicidal people. Choi Jun-Woong (Ro Woon) is a young job seeker who is unable to secure a job. One night, he accidentally becomes a new member of the crisis management team.
Remarriage & Desires (2022): Seo Hye-Seung (Kim Hee-Seon) Seo Hye-seung who lost everything in an instant after her husbands affair and su*cide. She signs up to a matchmaking company Rex for the upper class, and participates in the race of her desires for her revenge.
Under The Queen's Umbrella (2022): Queen Hwaryeong (Kim Hye-Soo) Queen Hwaryeong is supposed to act with grace and dignity, but she has troublemaker sons. The queen decides to abandon strict protocols to transform her sons into deserving princes through education and personal growth, all while navigating the complexities of motherhood and royal life.
Juvenile Justice (2022): Sim Eun-Seok (Kim Hye-Soo) Sim Eun-Seok is an elite judge with a personality that seems unfriendly to others. She hates juvenile criminals and gets assigned to a local juvenile court. There, she breaks custom and administers her own ways of punishing the offenders.
Kill Boksoon (2023): Gil Bok-Soon (Jeon Do-Yeon) Gil Bok-Soon is a single mother and a contract killer working for M. K. Ent. Highly regarded by her peers, she has a 100% success rate and is one of a few killers rated "A" by her company. Right before Gil Bok-Soon is set to renew her contract, she gets involved in a kill or be killed confrontation.
Ballerina (2023): Jang Ok-Ju (Jun Jong-Seo) Ok-Ju used to work as a bodyguard. Ok-Ju is friends with Min-Hee, who is a ballerina. Min-Hee asks Ok-Ju for a favor. She wants Ok-Ju to take revenge.
The Witch: Subversion (2018): Ja-Yoon (Kim Da-Mi) A young girl escapes from a mysterious laboratory where she was trained to become a murder weapon. 10 years later, the girl, named Ja-yoon, is living a normal life, apparently without any memory of her past, she becomes involved in a crime.
Special Delivery (2022): Eun-Ha (Park So-Dam) Eun-Ha is a special driver for deliveries. She delivers anything or anyone for the right price. Her success rate is 100%, but she gets involved in an unexpected delivery accident.
Brave Citizen (2023): So Shi-Min (Shin Hae-Sun) So Shi-Min used to be a boxer in her student days. She now works as a contract teacher at a high school. She confronts a school bully, who frequently torments other students.
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eurydycee · 2 months
Winter’s Thorn: chapter III
⚘ cregan stark x tyrell!OC
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format: series (ongoing) word count: ~ 4k warnings: women in westeros :( , not reread a/n: hello! The Kings Landing arc has ended with this chapter. The next arc will be their journey to the north where they spend time as betrothed
“There had been decided that you—” Crayn began his confession, holding her hand steadfastly.
Until a voice interrupted them, causing both to turn their heads toward the intruder. “Good morning, I see that you have awakened. You had us both worried, brother.”
“Aah, good to see you too, Adlyn,” the knight responded with a tight smile, silently thanking the gods that his brother came at the right moment.
Adlyn turned to Euphemia while simultaneously letting his hand stroke her coral weaves, a gentle motion that sharply contrasted his demanding words, “You need to quit coddling your brother and return to court and the celebrations immediately.”
“You made us look incompetent. Just so you know, people get wounded and killed—it's part of the game, a fact you should be well aware of. I will not have you pulling stunts like rejecting your title as Queen of Beauty and Love.”
“He was mocking us—”
“He is a friend.”
“Is that what you tell yourself as you act like his lapdog?”
That made him snap, grabbing a fistful of her hair before yelling, “It is not your place to talk back to me or any man in the Keep. If I were to tell you to go back to Cregan and beg his forgiveness like a true lapdog, you will do so. I am responsible for you, and thus you will comply with my commands.”
He then let go of her and went back to a calmer version of himself.
“I expect you tonight to attend the ball in honor of the tournament winners and their assigned ladies. This is my command, and you shall obey it. Understood?”
Euphemia wanted to yell at him, to insult him, but all she could feel was pity. The death of their parents, his cursed inheritance, the near attempt on his life, and Crayn’s injury had turned him into an ugly man with an even uglier temper. Yet, she couldn't bring herself to obey. When her words failed her, her actions became her pillar, so she nodded obediently.
Upon her walk back to her chamber, Euphemia couldn't help but notice the hushed whispers shared between courtiers, servants, and guards as she passed them. She had truly underestimated the impact of her absence. Though the walk to her chambers cost mere minutes, it felt like it took an eternity to escape the malicious gossip swirling around her. Even upon reaching her chamber, she was plagued by the overwhelming number of tasks that still awaited her: promenading with her dear friend Cerelle of House Lannister, joining the court ladies for lunch, visiting the sept, getting her dress fitted for the ball, and engaging in endless talking and gossiping.
Just when she felt like losing her sanity, Cerelle entered her chambers to fetch her, like the heroine she is, for their promised time together. The golden-haired Lannister moved with the grace of a lioness, her presence commanding attention.
“There you are, Phia. How I have missed you,” Cerelle exclaimed, stretching her hands out for Euphemia to grasp.
“How have you been after… well, everything? Once our time here is over, you must return with me to Casterly Rock, like when we were children. I long to relive our days there as young maidens, even for one more day.”
“Sister,” Euphemia gazed at her friend with genuine affection. Cerelle had always been the older sister she had wished for, possessing great beauty, sharp intellect, and an uplifting nature. She grasped her hand firmly, thinking how fortunate she was not to face the cunning people of court alone.
“Oh, I am even more thrilled to see you. It has been far too long,” she replied, her smile warm and sincere.
“Court has been both boring and heated lately. With your return, I hope to find some company and to bring some peace to this place.” The two girls stood up, leaving the chamber and allowing their feet to decide their destination.
“Tell me,” said Cerelle, turning to look at her friend. “Have you truly insulted Lord Stark, The Hand, the man who essentially holds the Seven Kingdoms in his hand?” Cerelle had heard many rumors about what had transpired but preferred to hear it directly from her friend.
“If you put it that way, then I suppose I did,” Euphemia scoffed, feeling her anger rise once again. “But I felt wronged, being crowned with such a loving title  after what happened to my brother .”
“Whatever happened is in the past, you mustn’t let the blame fall on him. Show yourself as a devoted sister, the ever-dutiful nurse,” Cerelle warned sternly. 
Euphemia considered her words. It was indeed wiser not to speak ill of others, especially when she was still uncertain of her place in the court. She needed to present herself as a rose—opening her arms like petals and hiding her thorns beneath them.
The two friends walked through the castle's winding corridors, their footsteps echoing softly against the stone walls. The scent of fresh flowers from the castle gardens wafted through the air, mingling with the aroma of freshly baked bread from the kitchens. Servants bowed as they passed, their eyes filled with curiosity and respect.
As they strolled, Cerelle shared stories of her time at Casterly Rock, her laughter like music to Euphemia’s ears. The memories of their carefree days as young maidens brought a sense of nostalgia, a brief respite from the burdens of court life.
As the evening approached, Euphemia stood in her chamber, surrounded by maids bustling about, preparing her for the ball. The scent of lavender and rose water filled the air as they brushed out her long, ginger-pink hair, pinning it up into an elaborate coiffure adorned with delicate pearls and golden filigree. A stunning gown of sage green silk, embroidered with golden thread, lay draped across a nearby chair, shimmering in the light of the setting sun.
Euphemia took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. The whispers and stares she had endured throughout the day still lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her thoughts.
“My lady, you look absolutely radiant,” her lady-in-waiting said, fixing the final pin in her hair.
“Thank you, Liora,” Euphemia replied with a soft smile. “It is beautiful work.”
Just as she began to relax, the door to her chamber opened, and Adlyn, strode in. He glanced around the room, his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in the scene, but there was a warmth in his gaze that belied his serious demeanor.
“Leave us,” he commanded the maids, who quickly curtsied and exited the room, leaving the siblings alone.
“Adlyn,” Euphemia began, but he cut her off with a firm raised hand.
“Euphemia, you must understand the importance of this night,” he said, his voice resolute. “Your return to court is not merely a personal matter. It is a matter of our family’s honor and standing. You must shut down these rumors and reassert your place in court.”
She sighed, feeling the weight of his words. “I know, Adlyn. But it’s not easy. The things they say…”
He stepped closer, his expression softening as he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You are stronger than you realize, sister. You have always been a beacon of grace and dignity. And there is another matter. Your relationship with Cregan must be mended. The hand´s support is crucial.”
Euphemia’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Lord Stark is attending? I haven’t seen him all day. Where is he?”
“He has been working in his office, dealing with important matters of the realm.” he answered
Euphemia nodded slowly in agreement. “I will do what I must. But, Adlyn, you must promise me something.”
He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “What is it?”
“Promise me that we will find a way to honor our family without sacrificing your own or anyone else's happiness,” she said, her voice steady but pleading.
Adlyn’s stern demeanor softened further, and he squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. “I promise, Euphemia. But first, you must attend the ball and show them all the strength and grace of our house.”
She nodded, her resolve strengthening. “I will, Adlyn.”
Adlyn's gaze softened even more as he looked at his sister, adorned in her splendid gown. “You look absolutely stunning, Euphemia. Your presence alone will silence many of those whispers. They cannot help but be captivated by your grace and beauty.”
Euphemia blushed slightly, a small smile playing on her lips. “Thank you, Adlyn. Your words mean a great deal to me.”
With a final glance in the mirror, she left her chamber, ready to step into the ballroom and reclaim her place in the world she had once known so well.
The ballroom was a dazzling display of opulence. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow over the assembly of nobles, their rich attire creating a sea of vibrant colors and shimmering fabrics. Music filled the air, and the scent of roses and fine food wafted through the room. Lords and Ladies of many houses could be spotted introducing themselves and greeting the royal couple.
Euphemia descended the grand staircase holding her brother's arm, feeling eyes turn toward her. Whispers and murmurs rose as she made her entrance, but she held her head high, her expression serene.
They moved gracefully through the crowd, exchanging pleasantries and smiles, determined to show no sign of the turmoil within. As they approached the throne where the king and queen were seated, they both did a deep bow to the couple. The young children of the royal couple returned a courtly nod, still visibly affected by the Dance that had impacted House Targaryen.
The winners of the tourneys were soon summoned, and they stepped forward to claim their appointed Queens of Love and Beauty. Each champion approached their chosen lady with a graceful bow, extending their hands to invite them for a dance. The room watched with bated breath as the tradition unfolded, the air thick with anticipation and admiration.
Euphemia stood at the edge of the gathering, observing the pageantry with a mixture of admiration and longing. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to find Cregan standing before her, his expression softened by a warm, earnest smile.
“Lady Tyrell,” he began, his voice steady and kind. “May I have this dance?”
She hesitated for a moment, memories of their previous discord lingering in her mind. But the sincerity in his eyes and the gentle strength of his presence reassured her. She placed her hand in his, and he led her to the center of the ballroom.
As they took their places, the musicians struck up a harmonious tune, and the dance began. Cregan guided her gracefully across the floor, their movements synchronized and fluid. The murmurs and whispers in her head faded into the background, leaving only the music and the rhythm of their steps.
“I owe you an apology,” Euphemia said softly as they danced. “I acted out of anger and grief, and I regret the rift it has caused between us.”
Cregan’s gaze softened, and he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “I understand. These are difficult times for all of us. But we are stronger together, and I want to put this behind us.”
She nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. “Thank you, my Lord. Your support means more to me than you know.”
As they continued to dance, the court watched in awe. The once turbulent rumors seemed to dissipate, replaced by admiration for Euphemia’s grace and poise. 
The dance ended, and Cregan bowed deeply to her. Euphemia returned the gesture with a graceful curtsy, her heart lightened by the reconciliation. And as they parted, Cregan noticed the smirks and snickers of his friends.
“Your time here has turned you into a true southerner, my lord,” one of them commented, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
“Good thing we’re returning home on the morrow,” Cregan replied, trying to maintain his composure as he chugged his wine, hoping to calm his nerves.
“She really has you in her grasp, doesn’t she, son? I’ve never seen you visibly shiver like that,” Lord Mormont added, his voice low and mocking.
“Can’t blame the lad. Have you seen her? In that piece of silk she calls a dress, she’s a living torment. I saw her today at the sept, praying like a good, devoted follower, while she carries herself as the embodiment of a siren at night.”
“Why are you lusting after her like a starved dog? She already has a thing with the Lannister,” a third friend chimed in, giving his friend a harsh push.
“What?” Cregan’s voice was sharp, his eyes narrowing .
“She apparently lived her childhood there as a ward. While there was never a confirmed betrothal to Leonore, everyone knows he’ll be the one to take her as bride.”
Cregan’s blood began to boil. Losing her meant losing the treaty for the North. That sly fox of Highgarden had misled him. Cregan could not hope for any aid if the marriage pact was not honored, and he couldn't take revenge anymore by marching his army across Westeros and the Reach to cleanse the lands of remaining supporters of the usurper. Blinded by rage, Cregan marched to Adlyn, his steps heavy with purpose, requesting a private word. Adlyn followed, his face a mask of concern, praying it had nothing to do with whatever his sister might have said.
“You liar,” Cregan hissed, his voice low but venomous.
“My lord?” Adlyn replied, his brow furrowing in confusion.
“The betrothal. With the Lannister,” 
“What? No, you misunderstand—” Adlyn began, but Cregan cut him off.
“You take me for a fool? You think you can just break your word to me and get away with it? I let you off the hook the first time, but now it is war.”
“What do you mean by bethroting the Lannister? If that is what you want with yourself, you can just go and ask Tyland and leave me be. I have little influence there, friend,” Adlyn said, his voice steady but his eyes betraying his unease.
Cregan’s hands itched to lash out at Adlyn´s fake innocence, to punch that pretty face, to burn his lands, to take his sister as a war prize, but he restrained himself, opting to finish this fight with the same fire the southerners played with.
“You lied to me about your sister’s hand. She is already set to marry the heir of Casterly Rock.”
“Leonore? No, no. I mean, Father intended for it, and I suppose if I hadn’t promised her to you, I would have given her to him, but there was no actual promise made to them. Cregan, she is yours, just as we discussed,” Adlyn said, his voice earnest, his eyes wide with sincerity.
“Then why do people still spread rumors of them?” Cregan demanded, his voice rising.
“This is court. People love to spark fights they can’t extinguish. Besides except for us and Crayn, there really isn’t anyone I have told,” Adlyn replied, his voice calming, hoping to soothe Cregan’s anger.
“She doesn’t know?” Cregan asked, his voice now quieter, but still tinged with anger.
“I wanted to tell her, believe me, but I feared making her upset. While a marriage with the house Stark is an honor, I suppose she preferred a marriage that wouldn’t drift her far from home. That’s why Father was keen on marrying her to the Lannister. She was a ward there, her dearest companion is his sister, and she and Leonore get along. It might have been a marriage filled with love.” he explained 
“Are you implying that I am responsible for an upcoming ruin in her life?” Cregan’s voice was low, dangerous.
“Possibly. But a marriage with Leonore would only serve her. I might have allowed that if I had many others in my house to make use of, but I don’t. My child is unborn, my brother is already married to the Hightower to keep Old Town under supervision. So, it is on her to do her part in serving our house and the realm,” Adlyn said, his voice firm but not unkind.
“What of the Lannisters?” Cregan asked, his voice softer now.
“They love her whether she is married to them or not, and therefore they love us. Furthermore, she’ll prevent bloodshed in their lands, so I think they owe her gratitude,” Adlyn explained, his voice calming, trying to diffuse the tension.
“So, when will you announce it? Our betrothal?” Cregan asked, his voice steady but demanding.
“I was hoping to depart with you to the North for the Great Harvest festival before the winter and announce it there. The later she knows, the easier she’ll accept it,” Adlyn replied, his voice steady but his eyes once again betraying his concern.
“I don’t care about you protecting your relationship with her. I want it announced tonight in front of everyone, or I’ll have His Grace announce it in your stead,” Cregan smirked, turning on his heel and leaving Adlyn with no chance to protest.
The grand hall was filled with the buzz of conversation and the clinking of glasses as the nobility of the kingdom gathered for the annual midsummer feast. Tapestries adorned the walls, and chandeliers cast a warm, golden glow over the assembled guests. Adlyn, standing at the head of the room, tapped his glass with a silver spoon, the chime drawing the room to a hushed silence.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Adlyn began, his voice carrying with the authority and ease of one accustomed to command. "I have an announcement of great importance to make this evening."
Euphemia, standing beside him, smiled politely, unaware of the storm about to break over her head. Her delicate fingers played with the edge of her gown, her mind wandering to the music and laughter echoing through the hall.
"Tonight," Adlyn continued, his eyes scanning the crowd before resting on Euphemia, "I am pleased to announce the betrothal of the Lord Hand Cregan Stark and the Lady Euphemia Tyrell."
The words hung in the air, heavy and unexpected. The hall erupted into applause and cheers, but Euphemia stood frozen, her smile faltering only for a moment. Inside, her heart raced and her mind struggled to process the shock, but she quickly composed herself, maintaining a calm and graceful facade.
Adlyn leaned in, whispering, "It is for the best, Euphemia. Please, trust me."
Euphemia's lips curved into a faint, practiced smile. She nodded subtly, acknowledging the congratulations of those around her, while a tempest of emotions churned within. Hurt, betrayal, and confusion welled up, but she swallowed it all, determined to uphold the decorum expected of her.
Cregan, who had been standing quietly by, looked at her with a mixture of triumph and concern. He reached for her hand, his grip firm and reassuring. "Euphemia," he said softly, "this union will strengthen our families and our kingdom. It is an honor."
Euphemia's eyes met his, her smile never wavering. "Of course, my Lord. I am... honored." Her voice was steady, though her heart was not.
The room's atmosphere remained jubilant, the guests blissfully unaware of the turmoil beneath Euphemia's composed exterior. She moved through the throng of well-wishers, accepting their congratulations with grace, while her thoughts spiraled inward.
"How could they decide this without me?" she pondered silently, her heart aching. "How could they assume I would agree without even asking?"
Her inner turmoil was a stark contrast to the celebratory air of the evening. The weight of the decision made on her behalf pressed heavily on her, but she knew better than to show discontent.
As the feast continued, Euphemia found a quiet moment to herself, stepping out onto a balcony overlooking the moonlit gardens. The cool night air was a balm to her heated thoughts.
Adlyn approached her, his expression softening. "Euphemia," he said gently, "I know this is sudden, but it is for the greater good."
Euphemia turned to him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "You could have asked me, Adlyn. You could have considered my feelings."
"I thought you would understand," Adlyn replied, his voice tinged with regret.
"I understand duty," Euphemia said quietly, "but I also understand respect. I wish you had shown me that."
With that, she turned back to the gardens, her calm exterior belying the storm within. She knew she would face the future and move on , but the wound of this night would not soon heal. 
For the rest of the night, Euphemia played her part perfectly, expressing her contentment with the marriage and sharing dances with Cregan that were all but stiff and cold. Each step was measured, each smile a mask. She even found a moment to approach the Lannisters, offering her apologies for any perceived slights and successfully earning their forgiveness. 
When the ball finally drew to a close, Euphemia excused herself, her facade cracking as soon as she was out of sight. She fled back to her chambers, the tears she had held back all evening finally spilling over. She collapsed onto the floor, weeping into the plush carpet, the weight of the night's betrayal too much to bear.
It wasn't until her lady-in-waiting, Liora, found her that she stirred. Liora gently helped her out of her uncomfortable gown and into bed. "My lady," Liora whispered, her voice full of concern, "you must rest."
Euphemia nodded weakly, her tears subsiding as exhaustion took over. "Thank you, Liora," she murmured, her voice hoarse.
As she finally drifted off to sleep, Euphemia clung to the hope that tomorrow would bring clarity, even as the pain of betrayal lingered in her heart.
Euphemia's sleep was sadly cut short by a harsh knock at her chamber door. Groggy and disoriented, she whispered for her guard, Ser Wayne, but received no answer. With trepidation, she stood and opened the door, only to find Cregan standing before her.
Cregan's gaze lingered on her for a moment, taking in her swollen eyes, a clear indication of her grief, and her nightgown, which left her in a somewhat indecent state. He quickly turned his back to her before speaking.
"The king wishes to see you," he said curtly. "The young man cannot seem to fall asleep. He has been plagued by nightmares," I assume. 
"And what can I offer my lord?" she asked curiously, fearing that the king wished for her to warm his bed
"Your singing," he replied, "I thought that might sedate him."
"Of course," she continued, relieved, "please allow me to fetch a proper gown and a chaperone."
"You think I will allow anyone else to witness the king in this state?" Cregan yelled quietly, turning back to her, taking off his coat and handing it to her. "You must come alone and now."
Euphemia hesitated but knew better than to argue. She took the coat and draped it over herself, its warmth providing little comfort but enough decency. As soon as she was covered, Cregan grabbed her wrist and led her through the dimly lit halls.
The journey felt interminable, each echoing step amplifying her anxiety. She struggled to keep pace with Cregan's brisk stride, her mind racing with worry of being caught and having her virtue but to question 
Finally, they reached the king's chambers. Cregan paused outside the door, his grip on her wrist loosening slightly. "Do your best to calm him," he instructed, his tone softer now. "The king needs his rest,"
Euphemia nodded, her heart aching with the sight of the troubled child. She gently stepped inside. The room was dimly lit, the flickering candlelight casting long shadows on the walls. The young king was huddled alone on the large bed, eyes wide with fear.
"Mother," the king's weary voice called from a nearby chair, his face etched with concern, mistaking her for his dead mother. "I miss you mommy."
Euphemia gave a small, respectful bow before approaching the bed. She sat down on the edge, cradling the boy and began to hum a soothing lullaby, her voice soft and melodic. The child's tense body began to relax, his eyes growing heavy as her song filled the room.
As she sang, Cregan felt a surge of tenderness. Despite having outgrown his childhood, Cregan felt yearning for joining them and laying his head on her tender breasts.
When the song ended, the king was sound asleep, their nightmares banished for the night. Euphemia stood and turned to the Cregan, who snapped from his absurd thoughts and gave her a grateful nod.
"Thank you, Lady Euphemia," he whispered. "You have done us all a great service."
With a final nod, Euphemia quietly left the room, Cregan followed her just outside, grabbed her wrist once again and escorted her back to her chambers, neither of them speaking a word. As they reached her door, he finally broke the silence.
"You did well tonight," he said, his voice devoid of its usual sternness.
Euphemia merely nodded, too exhausted to respond. She slipped back into her room, closing the door softly behind her. Alone once more, she allowed herself a quiet reflection before finally succumbing to sleep, hoping for a respite from the day's emotional upheaval.
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fastestmanalive333 · 4 months
Earth-1987 Files: Jason "Jay" Todd
Alias: Robin, Red Hood,
Age: 18
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: green
Born to Joseph and Trina Todd
Jason Todd and His parents grew up in the poverty of Gotham.. they did what they could to survive yet stuck together... one day they took their young son to see the flying graysons... where they also met with the drakes another family.. where they withessed their deaths.. as time got passed they were still financially struggling doing their best to raise their young son.. they ran a resteraunt below their apartment.. until the day they lost it... they hid that knowledge from jason... seemingly lost.. joseph and Trina inspired off the flying graysons along with their son decided to join an amateur circus, with little money, they called themselves the flying todds.. , they would tour around show off their skills they made money, finally they had a meal on their table to eat, they were happy... a year passed.. they called up the former orphan and member of the flying graysons dick grayson who decided to come to gotham.. to watch them play a performance in front of him they talked and dick was amazed he met with them, invited them to the gala of Bruce wayne, Jason was content... Trina walked in on dick, bruce and alfred in costume.. where dick allowed Joe and Trina in on a case.. they decided to aid in on his vigilantism... they left jason to stay with Waldo at wayne manor "mom... will you be back?"
"Before the sun rises dear" she kisses him on the cheek... before leaving off... jason stood there for hours.. on hours.. he was tired of waiting.. he wanted to know if they were ok.. he discovered the clock tower open.. the curious Lad decided to sneak down.. from there he discovered the batcave, from there on he put himself together a suit.. a suit he made on his own..
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From there on he snuck into the trunk of the batmobile and he snuck out to aid his parents, batman, Robin and Batgirl... once he got there, he took killer croc down.. he laughed, he kept laughing he looked around his parents weren't there, "where are my parents?" The Lad said to the croc he kept laughing.. he broke down with rage, fury he would have killed him.. until he finally revealed what had happened... they were fed to crocodiles... he would have murdered him he choked killer croc to a half inch of life "YOU KILLED MY MOTHER AND FATHER!!" His eyes widened with rage dick and barbara pulled him back before anything went further.. dick embraced the boy in his arms as he broke out into tears.... he knew how it felt... is this how Bruce felt with him? Jason broke down and hugged dick....
Wayne Manor
Dick spoke to bruce.. " I want to adopt jason i know what hes going through.." jay sat there still in tears.. Waldo sitting next to him for comfort, dick wanted to adopt him.. he came to grow fond of the boy.. but was he ready for that type of responsibility yet..? Bruce put a hand on his shoulder "you forget dick... so do i.." from there on jason walks out with jason.. they talk.. he feels better in a way.. Bruce would go on to adopt him.. something he hadn't done for dick.. they grew together, their bond one of the best.. dick was slightly jealous in a sense.. why did Bruce not adopt him.. nonetheless.. he stuck around with jason, they went to see the play Les Miserables together in Broadway.. jason was big on theater, poetry.... art he took his girlfriend kori along who he loved as well... he even met wonder girl.. his childhood crush... he fanboyed upon meeting her... upon time jason met Nocturna, he dyed his hair... and put on dicks costume.. his first villain.. the joker, the man who would make his life miserable.. he became the next robin... as Dick became nightwing he had decided to give his old costume to jason.. passimg he mantle to him him and batman would go on many adventures.. even getting in the middle of a custody battle with Nocturna.. on top of it all.. he met kid devil, he even for a period joined the teen titans.. that would all end upon him getting a box back from an old friend of his parents he took it back to the manor and inside... he found a birth certificate... s something...? Trina wasn't Jason's real mother? Was he lied too... he traveled everywhere to search for her.. Bruce followed along.. was this foolish? Perhaps but he needed to know... he met Sheila Haywood in Ethiopia.. she dated Joseph for a brief period yet his heart belonged to someone else... he went on to marry his mother... she then led jason to a werehouse.. the joker stood waiting.. she had betrayed him... why? Joker beat jason with a crowbar.. over and over and strapped Sheila to a bomb... before leaving.. jason with an inch of his life had freed his mother and went to the entrance of the warehouse.. it was locked.. as he finally got it open it was to late.... jason todd had died.... Bruce found the body he hugged his body in his arms... breaking down... dick.. having not received the call missed the funeral..... it was his fault in a sense... no matter how much kory needed to ensure him it wasnt.. he gave him his costume... his name was jason todd... a boy from a similar background to dick grayson.... Robin...... and now.... deceased... but not for long...
The league of asssassins go off and dig out Jason's body... talia takes the boy.... she throws the body into the Lazarus pit.... Life
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darlingggdearest · 1 year
Loved your yandere Enmu headcanons!
Is it ok I could ask for yandere Enmu headcanons again but this time with a willing female darling?
Basically darling's father died, her brother stole all their family's leftover savings and consequently ruined all of darling's chances at a decent life, and her sisters refuse to help her out.
So when Enmu wants her to be his rather than fighting him she accepts his "proposal". How would their dynamic go? Thank you so much for answering! 🩷
Oh my gosh, you're an evil genius. I wanna eat your brain and absorb its power. I also had another request a lot like this, so I guess I can kill two birds with one stone on this one.
WARNING: Yandere Enmu, death, I do not condone any actions that Enmu does in this post, if you are in a situation like this, please seek help.
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+ Enmu had been watching you for a long time.
+ Months, or maybe even years has gone by since he first laid his eyes on you. He's seen your life in vivid detail from the shadows, or outside your window. He's watched your best moments and your worst moments. Enmu closely waits for the best time to take you, the perfect time to snatch you away from those unworthy fools you call your family, and make you his for all eternity.
+ Enmu had never hated anything more than your family, he felt a sickening twist of jealousy and rage in the pit of his stomach whenever he saw you smile at anyone who wasn't him. He especially hated your brother, he saw something awful and untrustworthy in him, making the jealous feeling in the pit of his stomach morph into a strong urge to protect you from the bad vibes of your sibling.
+ In any case, Enmu had already decided when he was going to take you away. Your father had been ill for a long time, three years to be precise. Everyone knew it wouldn't be long before time caught up to him. Despite this truth, it didn't stop Enmu from speeding up the process by giving your father disturbing dreams that kept him up at night, further weakening him.
+ The morning was duller than normal, you had prepared breakfast and was heading down to your fathers room to serve him his meal. When you arrived you saw your father dead in his bed, he had died in his sleep.
+ It wasn't a shock by any means, he would've been gone any day now, but yet it was so much more painful and... real than you thought it would be.
+ The next day after the funeral, you had gotten the news from your brother that he had inherited all of your fathers riches and was now moving away to start a new life in another town. That was it, you had been abandoned for good. Being a woman in the tashio era was impossible if you had no parents or husband to take care of you.
+ That night Enmu emerged from the shadows to watch you once again. You were crying to yourself in the garden, an eviction note gripped in your right hand. Enmu, seeing your disheveled state, knew what had inevitably happened, and approached you.
"Why hello there darling!! Why so blue?"
+ You jumped suddenly as the strange man sat next to you, he sat closer than how a stranger would, thighs squished together on the bench, his warm breath warming your neck.
+ You had seen this man before, he was no stranger, as he had introduced himself to you at the market a number of times. But you never would have thought to see that same man sitting next to you on your property. Despite these obvious anomalies you croak out a response.
"My father died a few days ago, and my brother has left me with nothing, I'm being evicted, and *hic* I have no husband or family to take care of me."
+ You couldn't believe you were spilling your heart out to a man you hardly knew. But you were so torn down and broken you couldn't care less.
+ The strange man next to you did not seem as surprised as you thought he would be. Enmu looked at you with such warmth in his eyes you would've thought that he had known you for years. He put his hand on your thigh out of comfort and pity, and started to speak again.
"Sounds awful, I can't possibly imagine what you're going through dear... However..."
+ He took your face in his hand. His muscular form towering over you with a sparkle in his eyes.
+ You wouldn't deny that you felt a bit uncomfortable with his hand on your upper thigh, but you were in no position to deny kindness from a stranger right now.
+ You look up at him with your big eyes, mouth parted ever so slightly to show a sliver of your pearly white teeth and plump lips.
"You are clearly in distress, and have nowhere else to go."
+ Enmu couldn't believe how perfectly this was going. You would finally be his, and he didn't even have to kidnap you!
"Even though we only know each other in passing, I had fallen in love with you the first moment I laid my eyes on you. I will marry you (y/n), and treat you well. You won't have to worry about anything dear, I'll be the perfect husband for you."
+ Enmu brushed his thumb on your cheekbone to encourage you to choose the right choice. You were shocked, placing your hand on your mouth and closing your eyes as you sunk into your thoughts. A man you hardly knew was professing his love for you. You didn't know him, you didn't know his intentions for you, and you certainly didn't know what kind of man he was. However what could you do? You had no one, to say no to him was foolish. This was the best outcome for you. (Really it was the only outcome for you, however much to your oblivious nature, you didn't know that.)
+ So you excepted.
"You are a kind man Enmu, but I hope you are not marrying me out of pity.
+ He chuckled.
"I wouldn't dream of it darling."
+ He squeezed his hand around your thigh.
" Then I think... I shall except your proposal."
"Oh perfect!~"
+ Enmu leaned in and kissed your cheek, then placing a peck on your lips. He really wanted to do more, but he didn't want to scare off the little bunny he just caught.
+ You let him do as he pleased. If it meant getting out of the situation you were in, you would let him do anything. And oh how he relished in that wonderful knowledge. He would test that truth, soon. But for now he would enjoy just being able to touch you while you were awake.
Thank you so much for requesting!!! Please request anytime, my inbox is always open. I'll post a part two on what their dynamic would be like soon.
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articularreview · 1 month
⚠️Spoilers for Shinrei tantei Yakumo - the lamenting doll file 03 and the epilogue⚠️
Here in case you missed it
I just read it and spontaneously wrote this.
Be careful if you haven't read it yet.
The file starts with where it left off the last time with them deciding to locate Mahiro's mother.
I kinda forgot about it since we haven't seen Isshin for a while, but this volume reminded me of how much Yakumo is influenced by Isshin. Be it the way they talk or sometimes even their mannerisms.
It's pretty much a given that they'll have to stay another night at the hotel but that would mean Haruka will have to stay in that creepy ass room again. Isshin really told Yakumo “accept the situation or sleep with her”😭😭😭
But sadly It's just like Gotou said, Their relationship label won't allow it smh
Gotou's snores and Isshin's bad posture are KILLING ME. My mom entered the room while I was having a fit of laughter I just looked crazy to her 😭
Isshin is so chill he doesn't care if you try to make him look bad. Rather his hilarious responses made Gotou look silly for complaining. Poor Gotou-san. Maybe I should learn from him... Unbotherement sure is powerful~
Anyways I guess that means Yakumo is the only one who sleeps normally hahaha
Just like I expected, Mahiro's death is weighing Hiromi down. kinda knew it from file 02, but hearing the details from Masae made me want to cry. No parent should ever go through this.
And so they split into two teams: team Gotou and Yakumo. and team Haruka and Isshin. All I'll say is that the latter team sure is a good match.
And then we have Gotou-san who not only has to put up with Yakumo's comments but also got a Salary cut too!! He suffered too much this trip. Imagine wanting to skip work only to get dragged all the way to a whole different prefecture. Still kinda his fault for ignoring Ishii smh.
Speaking of Ishii I'm happy he and Makoto were mentioned even though they didn't make an appearance. Isshin's mere presence made up for any other character's disappearance. Kaminaga-sensei is a genius for mentioning Eishin too. I think references like that will increase in the complete version. Knowing the future and the direction of your work sure makes a big difference. It was really interesting knowing that Eishin was the one taking care of Nao when Isshin's not around. Nao must really miss Isshin even if she doesn't show it on her face. I head canon afterwards Nao being overjoyed to see not only Isshin but Yakumo and Haruka too after his two-day disappearance.
The scene when that madman dragged Haruka gave me the chills. Kaminaga-sensei using TTCM as a reference sure was brutal I ended up imagining it. Haruka did her best till the very end but the situation was hopeless. She can't even resist. her mouth, legs and wrists were taped. And on top of that he had the audacity to slap her! How dare him! If that man wasn't charged with attempted murder after all this I'm throwing hands!
In the end the case was solved and we find out that Takahiro-kun was the one talking to Hiromi all along. It really broke my heart knowing that all this time he didn't even know he was dead and yet played along to try to comfort Hiromi who was mourning for her child. What a strong kid. He and Mahiro are.
The lamenting doll huh... makes sense.
In the epilogue we learn that Yakumo can't handle hot food which I thought was really cute.
Tbh his whole food preference was quite unexpected. First we learn that he has a sweet tooth (Which Haruka thought doesn't suit him at all lol) and then a similar situation to the one in the epilogue happened in vol. 7 iirc when Yakumo was (again) staring at the sake and when Haruka asked if he can't drink he stubbornally tries to only to spit it out. This man just can't be honest😂 I actually really respect men who don't drink or smoke so that's a flex~
Now some of my favorite Yakumo lines which for some reason all happen to be verbally abusing Gotou (Can't blame Haruka for laughing because c'mon how could you not?)
• “You can say that because you've never heard it yourself. Compared to Gotou-san's snores, even a train would be quieter.”
• “A member of the police stating that he'll be driving under the influence? Japan is finished.”
• “I'm saying bears can't understand the taste of wine. What if someone made up a new proverb: bears and wine.”
• "I don't want to waste any more calories than this."
• "Well, that's not surprising. A bear with damaged taste buds such as Gotou-san will never understand."
Bye I'm using these irl.
I'll also add these two because I keep remembering these two exchanges and laughing:
"I see. If you don't want to, it's fine. But please stop bringing cases to me from now on."
"This and that are a different story."
"No, it's the same thing. Ah, that's right. So that Gotou-san will stop bringing me cases, I'll be reporting to the police that you've been leaking investigation details to a civilian."
"What!? Don't joke with me! I'll get fired if you do that!" Gotou shouted in panic.
"Good then. That way I won't have to involve myself in cases that have nothing to do with me, and taxpayer money won't have to go into paying the incompetent Gotou-san; just like killing two birds with one stone."
"What did you say!?"
"Isn't that great? This way, Gotou-san can also play around to your heart's content. So it'll be more like killing three birds with one stone," said Yakumo, grinning as he looked at Gotou.
He really stabbed where it hurt. Having been commented like that, Gotou wouldn't have a way to refuse. "Fine. I'll help. Happy?"
Gotou lifted his heavy bottom up from the sofa reluctantly as he sighed. Yet Yakumo wasn't done with his counterattacks.
"Not really, it's fine even without Gotou-san helping."
"That wasn't what you said earlier!"
"Sorry about that. Could you please tell me what I should do?" Gotou asked formally while swallowing his displeasure.
"You should know if you listened to the story,"
"I'm asking because I don't know."
"You should have if you paid close attention to the whole story."
"Well I don't know!"
"Is that something to be proud about? Good grief.”
Too much Yakumo😂
Volume 11 is up next. I'm really really excited for this one because Unkai and Miyuki are one of the best antagonists I've ever read. I'll never forgive them for what they did to Yakumo but their back stories are very very well written and explains how they ended up that way. That last arc will wrap everything up. I remember reading the book description a while back but Laute's translations stopped at the time so I thought I'll never read it.
The day has finally come!!!
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wings-of-ink · 4 months
I thought of the scene from the demo where the curse decided to manifest itself in the form of a tattoo on MC's body. What if MC couldn't take a breath and the disease ended up killing them?
Can we see parents and friends POV if that happened? Pretty please🙏
Sorry for the delayed response, Anon! This was legit kinda tough for me to think about, but no worries though, I’m really okay with it. I have considered doing a short about that moment from another perspective since MC was very out of it and tensions were high. Thinking about the MC succumbing in that moment breaks my heart. I probably won’t do a direct POV type scene for their death or anything, but just give some generalizations for your ask scenario.
It would be devastating. Extremely.
Kip and Dov would not stop trying to revive the MC for a long time. There would be much screaming and crying. Both would hold the MC in their arms and rock as they mourned. Grief never ends after that.
Betony and Kavi would do what they could, but ultimately would be distraught and try to just be there for Kip and Dov. They both take the loss hard, Betony always felt like MC was family, one of her babies. Kavi feels like a failure, he hates himself for letting MC suffer (this is where Lakota gets it).
Oswin isn’t doing well either. He is filled with regrets. He never told MC the news. He never gave them his gift. He never said he was sorry. He beats himself up so damn hard and it stays with him for his entire life thereafter.
Those were the five that were around for most of that moment. Lakota was tending to Willow at the time as she was having trouble. They will be bereft when they discover what occurred.
Lakota will blame himself for not finding a way to save MC. He’ll forever think that he must have missed something or he didn’t try enough things. He cries for years, and has to avoid areas that contain memories with the MC, which is a lot of places. Though his wife wasn’t as close with MC as Lakota, she feels it too. MC is not only a friend, but a person she respects and admires, who she knows helped shape the man she loves.
That's about as far as I’m willing to go on that one. I am already tearing up. I am a marshmallow @elegantunknownphantom can attest to that, lol. You are stronger than I, Anon! Thank you for the ask and I hope the answers satisfy a bit! ^_^
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aemonds-wifey · 2 years
Warrior Queen & Holy King
Chapter 1
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Summary: As heir to the throne of your fathers kingdom you have finally won back your crown , now justice is served it is time to pick up the pieces of your old life…and your old love , the baby Monk
The winds howls echoed through the open , cold castle courtyard . A small scaffold was built by the tower, you stood by the small almost ornate wooden block fashioned for the execution.
Your eyes scanned over the crowd, the nobles had gathered to witness this, you stood in your elegant armour- a steal breastplate covered with a cloak made of black and green colours that intertwined with each other.
Then the crowd turned , Two men, arguably two of your best fighters, Finan and Sihtric - followed by loyal banner man brought him to you , Haesten- bloody, battle worn and in chains. Your eyes never left him as they brought him over the light blanket of snow towards you, a rage that had burnt inside you was beginning to dwindle…seeing him helpless and take his final steps up the scaffold- you felt nothing.
When the siege was finished , only Haesten had remained alive, you offered clemency to him- but he openly tried to attack you when you dropped your guard. Only to be taken down by your superior fighting skills, you decided then and there he would answer for his crimes, by execution- by your royal decree.
They dropped him before the block, forcing him on his kneees , he now knelt before the block- at your mercy.
“Do you have any last words?” You asked inhaling the crisp thin air , the wind howled as the light snowfallHaesten ,at spat at your feet - you did not flinch, she only looked down at him pitifully. Finan moved his leg to kick the man about to meet his death but too held your hands up to stop him.
After all these years, all the torment you had suffered- the years in exile you spent away from your home and fighting to survive. Here you stood. Hands firmly on your sword, ready to behead the man who had brought her so much pain and suffering . The man who murdered your parents, tried to kill you in an attempt to take your throne was now going to face justice. Sihtric had offered to behead him by his own hand, but you insisted you passed the sentence, therefore you must be the one to swing the sword.
You gently knelt down , her face inches away from Haestens , your long silver blonde plaited hair that rested over your shoulder almost touched the ground, you paused before
Opening your mouth to speak.
“This is too good a death for you….but I intend to be a just ruler…to show my people that I will not be the wretch you tried to make me….”
Haesten watched as you rose to your feet, firmly holding the sword handle with both hands - you took a moment and in mere moments, you brought the sword down and severed Haestens head away from his body. His head rolled down off the scaffold and into the snow. He was dead. The people watching did not gasp, they looked on as the tyrant they had suffered for five years was brought to a swift end.
Your squire offered his hands to take your sword, you handed it over to him. Watching as the body was taken away to be burnt , after the head was collected you left the scaffold.
Overcome with emotion you sought refuge by the fire in the council room, as you walked through the many hallways of the old castle you were greeted with smiles and bows. This was the first time you had retraced your steps in the castle since that fateful night , It was still so alien to you, when you were named as your fathers heir you were immediately bewildered by the sudden responsibility on your shoulders - your mother was equally proud of this decision, your parents commanded great respect as rulers of their kingdom and they had bestowed it onto you , their only child. Guided by your parents you started your journey onto becoming a worthy ruler …but then it all changed on the stormy late summers night upon your fifteenth winter.
Haesten sought to claim the throne, believing he was more worthy than a girl , he attacked with a cold fury that shocked you to your very core. After he had slain your mother , he held your father atop of the balcony overlooking the large courtyard , you were stood at the iron gate, your fingers gripped on the metal and only watching at the horror before your eyes. Haesten made the foolhardy offer to spare him and let him wallow in exile if you agreed to marry Haesten. Before you could even refuse, your fathers actioned echoed your thoughts. He elbowed Haesten and screamed at you to run, you could only watch as Haesten mortally wounded your father and tossed him aside over the edge of the balcony. The high pitched scream that left your ears only amplified throughout the stone work of the castle, as you were dragged away to safety- the last thing you saw was Haesten crowning himself with the precious crown he had removed from your fathers head after throwing him over the balcony.
A knock on the door turned your attention away from your memory.
“Yes?” You asked removing the cloak from your shoulders.
Uhtred stepped in , bowing his head slightly. Closing the door behind him.
You smiled warmly, Uhtred was the man who saved you from the burning tower the night Haesten sacked the castle, Uhtred taught you to fight and how to prepare to take back your crown.
He looked so proud of you “Haesten is dead I hear?”
You nodded “Swiftly and quickly. More than he deserved.” You said
Uhtred agreed “true…but you have shown you are stronger …takes courage to not butcher a man out of anger …”
He placed a comforting hand on your shoulder as you inhaled slowly
“And now you will be a Queen…the mightiest warrior Queen this land has seen.” He said
“Uhtred I could not have survived without you, Finan , Sihtric all of you…I’m eternally in your debt…” you said humbly.
“You have overcome great odds…to win back your throne is no easy feet but you did it…and now the usurper is dead.” He spoke leaning against the stone wall folding his arms.
You inhaled stepping away from the fire, looking briefly at the table littered with open parchments and rolled up scrolls. So much was to be done. You gripped the table end with two hands, looking at the map that was now your kingdom, you looked at Uhtred “I thought you would have wanted to witness his end?” You asked
“I was taking care of another matter …” he said with a glimmer of hope.
“The prisoners…?” You asked standing up straight.
Uhtred nodded only once. “We found them…housed at the great castle on the coast…” he said.
Your heart churned at his words “You mean…? He’s alive?”
Uhtred smiled “Very much…and very eager to see you.”
Your hands clasped over your chest for a moment and your exhaled “Osferth…” knowing he was alive was the greatest news you could have received. Your hand moved to the gap between your tunic and you fished out the small necklace you wore, on a silver chain the pendant was that of a small cross. You held it closely to your lips.
Chapter 2
@chainsawsangel @schniiipsel @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @mischiefmanaged71 @namoreno @nolongereviliwantlove @yentroucnagol @talesofoldandnew @arcielee @bbyaemond @sscreamingbanshee @tssf-imagines @polkadotsocks1993 @lauraneedstochill @motley-baby @bellaisasleep @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @greenowlfactif @babyblue711 @happilyhertale @kateris-world @vhagars-dementia
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Beskar Doll - Ch. 21: The General
You finally meet the Imperial you've heard so much about. A continuation of Beskar Doll Ch. 1-19 found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Female Reader
Warnings: Canon-typical violence and a smidge beyond. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only
Length: 3.1K
You barely slept. Your mind was running through scenario after scenario, coming up with contingency plans. You had to fight to not pick up the com and try to talk to Din every five minutes. His voice was comforting. He was familiar and safe and when he was talking it felt like everything was going to be OK. 
It wasn’t like you hadn’t been in spots like this before. You’d been in tight places, you’d broken into bases, pretended to be Imperial, been pinned down and outnumbered. This was different. 
The Mandalorian and the kid made it different. You’d gone into the war expecting to not make it to the other side. Your attachments were few - Sosha, Dagres, your family, your fellow handmaids. You wanted to come home to them and survive, but you’d known that you probably wouldn’t. There was almost a comfort in the relationships you did have - that you knew Sosha wouldn’t put her life on the line for you. That wasn’t her job, it was yours. Your fellow handmaids would prioritize the needs of the greater good over you, including making sure Sosha and as many handmaids as possible made it out alive. Even your parents would choose the future of the galaxy over you. 
When Dagres had fought through troopers to get to you, when he’d ignored his own safety to help you and it got him killed, it was the first time you’d realized you were a liability. You didn’t understand your relationship with the Mandalorian. You weren’t sure he did, either. You weren’t sure if he even really liked you but he had, for some reason, decided he was responsible for your life to some extent. And he didn’t like to fail. If nothing else, your death would be a failure and that made you a liability. 
“I’m heading down,” you said, twisting the com between your fingers. 
“I’ll come get you,” he said quietly. “Right now. Let me come get you, tell me to come get you.” 
“We have to finish it,” you replied, looking out the window in the direction of the ship. 
He was silent for a moment. 
“Anything happens, call,” he said. “I’ve got the ship ready. I’ll get you out.” 
You made sure you had everything you wanted to keep on your person as you left the inn that day, settling in at the bar early. Now, you just had to wait. 
The man arrived, alone, at dusk, your stomach in knots. 
“Haven’t found a better job,” he said. 
“I’m still here, aren’t I?” you replied. 
“Still want to see what my contact has to offer?” He asked. 
“Can’t be worse than anything else I’ve gotten this week,” you said, slinging your bag and new rifle on your back. “But if he’s as useless as everyone else on this damned world, I’m leaving.” 
He gave you a cocky smile and led the way from the bar, into the street. You followed behind him, watching for everything around you, to a spot on the edge of town. There was a door at the side of the building, opening directly onto stairs, going down into a basement. You swallowed, your heart beating hard against your ribs. Basements meant less means of egress, easier ways to get pinned down. You looked toward where you knew the Razor Crest sat, where Din and the child were waiting. It was instinctive. You wanted to go home to them. They were home. You went into the basement. 
There were four troopers at the bottom of the stairs, armor dingy with sand and age. 
“We’re here to see the general,” your contact said. 
“Who’s she?” The nearest one stepped toward you. You met his eyes beneath his helmet. 
“Someone who doesn’t suffer fools and their questions,” you snapped. 
“She has to leave the blaster and the rifle,” another trooper said. 
“What, don’t trust me?” You asked the man. 
“I don’t even know your name,” he said. “Of course I don’t trust you.” 
You shrugged, taking off the rifle and slipping the blaster from your holster, handing it to the trooper. 
“Those are sighted for me,” you glared at him. “Fuck with them and I’ll kill you.” 
“They’ll respect your weapons,” the man said, opening another door and holding his arm out, inviting you in. You glared at him. 
“This had better be worth my time,” you said, your heart in your throat. You went inside. 
It was a larger room than you’d been expecting, it looked like storage for one of the shops that was above it. A man, wearing his old Imperial uniform, sat behind a makeshift desk, just a table with a crate behind it he was using as a chair. He was the right age, human, just had to confirm his identity. You crossed your arms, standing across the room, looking him up and down as the man who’d brought you followed you inside, the door closing behind him. Well, no in room backup at least. That made things easier. 
“My assistant has told me you wish to serve the Empire,” the man said. He was watching you, closely. 
“Only if the work will actually restore our Empire,” you took a step closer. “And only if you give me a good reason to serve you. I’ve encountered too many men like you, who just want revenge, who feel slighted. You want to feel like you’ve won, don’t give a damn about bringing back the Imperial power of my youth. I’m not wasting my life on that.” 
“I can assure you, my only goal is restoring our great Empire,” he smiled. His skin was almost sickly pale, he was probably spending a lot of time moving from basement to basement. “But first I need to collect talent. My associate said you served aboard the Executor.” You nodded once. “You look… familiar. I spent some time aboard that ship when traveling with Lord Vader. Tell me, what was your role.” 
You hoped the knots that had tightened in your stomach weren’t showing on your face. 
“Interrogation and information gathering,” you replied. You jerked your head to the man who had brought you here. “He called you general. General what.” 
“Shadrin,” he smiled. “And I haven’t come across an interrogator the New Republic let survive.” 
“Who said they let me,” you said. “I don’t answer to the New Republic, whether or not they want me dead is of no consequence to me. What’s your plan, to restore the Empire? Why would you need me?” 
He smiled, giving the man you were with a small nod. 
“You seem very interested in my plans,” he gestured to a crate on the opposite side of the table from him. You stalked over to it, keeping an eye on the position of the man you were with. You didn’t want him at your back. He followed and you sat on the crate, your escort taking a seat on the one beside you. 
“I don’t like wasting my time,” you snapped. “And you were a general before but that means you’re a general who lost us the war to rebel scum. I have no reason to trust your plans now.” 
He looked over your face, eyes moving from your eyes to your lips to your hair. He was analyzing you, like he was either trying to place you or trying to decide if he wanted to fuck you. 
“What have you been doing since the fall?” He asked, still examining you. 
“Getting by,” you replied. “What’s your plan.” 
“Oh I’m sure you’d like to know everything about it,” he said. “Handmaid.” 
You pursed your lips, glancing to the man at your side. He was frowning. He didn’t know. For a moment - not even half a second, really - the Mandalorian was there in your mind. The sound of his voice, the way he’d taken care of you, the feel of his hands on you. You’d never get to see him again and you’d never be able to tell him what he meant to you. You’d resigned yourself to death before, but this time was worse. You would be losing him.
But if you were going to die here, you could at least take some of the operation down with you.
“Well,” you sighed, slipping your hand into your pocket and wrapping your fingers around the handle of your knife. “Since I’m not leaving here alive…” 
You freed the blade and brought it down onto the hand of the man beside you, pinning it to the desk. He screamed and you grabbed his blaster from its holster before you yanked your knife free of his hand and the wood and jammed it into his neck, pulling it forward through the sinew and flesh until the wound was gaping and your knife was free. 
“That’s for Naboo,” you hissed, leveling the gun at the general as the man slumped forward, dead. 
The door hissed and you immediately dropped down, putting the dead man’s body between you and the troopers. 
“Find who she’s with,” the general demanded, sounding almost bored as he went for the door. “Take her alive.” 
Alive. Alive was a window. A chance to escape, they’d be trying to stun you or go for non-lethal targets. Alive you could work with. 
The troopers moved for you and you retrained the man’s gun on them, firing. They shot back, hitting the lifeless man you were using as a shield. The general was getting too much of a head start so you decided to risk it, standing to get a better shot. An almost eerie sense of calm took hold and you held the foreign blaster comfortably, downing all four troopers in seconds, your last shot landing just as one of their blaster bolts connected with your shoulder, sending you sprawling. 
You gritted your teeth and forced yourself up, yanking the com from your pocket. 
“Mando!” You said quickly. “Need evac, north side of town, I’m bringing company.” 
You stopped on your way out, grabbing your rifle and blaster, ditching the unfamiliar one on the stairs. 
Shadrin moved fast for a man who was on the wrong side of 60, heading, you were sure, for more allies. You got close enough and fired, aiming for his legs. Your second shot made contact, sending the man sprawling into the sand. People started emerging and you kept your weapon trained on the general. Someone stepped out to intervene but you shot at their feet. 
“Back off,” you snapped. “Next shot kills you.” 
They retreated and you reached Shadrin just as he’d pushed himself up to his hands and knees. You grabbed him by the back of the neck, pressing your blaster to the man’s skull. 
“They’d like you alive,” you said, breathing heavily. “But I’d like you dead. Give me a reason.” 
You kept the weapon to his head and your head on a swivel, watching for other threats. You caught a flash of white armor out of the corner of your eye and you aimed the blaster, dropping the trooper where he stood, continuing forward toward the north entrance of the outpost as quickly as you could, the general’s neck still tightly in your grip. You pressed your blaster to his head again.
The Crest passed overhead as you cleared the street you’d started on, the edge of the outpost in sight. The Mandalorian set the ship down and lowered the ramp, running to the end of it, blaster drawn. A bolt flew past your head from behind you and you ducked on instinct, Mando firing behind you as he ran for you, putting himself between you and whatever was coming for you. You heard the shots hit his beskar, the sound staying close to you. You threw a look over your shoulder. He was walking backwards, firing on the gathering Imperials, as you made it to the ramp. 
“Kill them!” The man in your grip screamed, as though that would make a difference. You tightened your hold and dragged him up the ramp, throwing him on the floor of the hold, keeping your blaster on him as you slammed the ramp button. The gate closed and Din ran for the cockpit, the general looking around in disbelief. You smiled. 
“We were talking about your plan, General?” 
Din wasn’t sure he’d taken a full breath between the time you’d called him and the time he set the jump for Nevarro. He all but ran for the hatch, sliding down the ladder into the hold instead of taking it step by step. You were there, blood at your shoulder, a man in a general’s uniform at your feet. 
“Found him,” you said, looking up at Din, still breathing heavily but smiling, smug. 
“Good,” the Mandalorian said. You turned your gaze back to the man at your feet. 
“Think your friend needs help pulling information from him?” You asked, your head cocked. 
“You’ll never get a word out of me,” he growled. You smiled, crouching low, grabbing him by the hair. 
“I like a challenge.” 
Din picked up the man by the collar and hauled him to the carbonite chamber, throwing him in. 
“We can make a deal,” he said quickly. 
“Shut up,” Mando said, pushing the button. He looked up, looking for you. You were standing at the entry to the carbonite chamber and the moment you saw the freezing process begin, you slumped into the door. 
“Doll,” he went for you and your threw your arms around his neck, clutching yourself to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist, his fingers clinging to you, holding you tightly to his chest. 
“I thought I was dead,” you were breathless, sobbing into him. “I didn’t think I’d get to see you again…” 
“I’ve got you,” he said softly, just feeling you in his arms. “I’ve got you.” 
He wasn’t sure how long he held you like that. He couldn’t bring himself to let you go. His hands adjusted, one arm going tighter around your waist, holding you closer, the other going to your head to press you against him. He knew he needed let you go. There’d been blood on you. But he needed to keep holding you, touching you, feeling that you were alive and back with him where you belonged. 
“Were you hurt?” He asked eventually, your cheek still pressed against his beskar. 
“Shot in the shoulder,” you said softly, sniffling a bit. He was able to pull back from you then, his hand going for your injury. “I think that’s it, it’s not bad. Were you?” 
“I’m fine,” he said, his hand moving from your shoulder to your face. You pressed your cheek into his palm, taking a shuddering breath. “Let’s get you fixed up, come on.” 
He kept his hands on you as you both went to the galley. He couldn’t help it, he couldn’t stand to have you any further away than that. Din helped you onto the counter, standing between your legs, and you shrugged your shirt down, exposing the injury. It was a rough shot, close range and dead on. If it had hit you much lower, you’d be dead. His heart clenched at the thought. 
“I’ll need to cauterize it,” he said. “Don’t have bacta right now…” 
“It’s OK,” you nodded and smiled a little, meeting his eyes below the helmet. “You’ve fixed me up from worse.” 
He removed his gloves and cleaned the wound, you wincing as he did. Once the cauterizer was ready, he guided your hand to his side. 
“When it hurts, give it to me,” he said, brushing your hair back. You nodded, eyes closed. He pulled your forehead to the cool metal of his. “Deep breath, Doll…” you obeyed and he pressed the cauterizer to your shoulder. You hissed and squeezed his side and he held onto the back of your head, keeping you close before pulling the cauterizer away. 
“I’m OK,” you said after a moment, nodding against him and opening your eyes. He released you and you leaned back, giving him space to check the wound. It was closed now. His bare thumb traced the uninjured flesh of your shoulder before going to your face. You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, your lips brushing the base of his palm. He watched you for a moment, the desperate, screaming need to be closer to you winning out over his better judgement. 
“Keep your eyes closed,” he said softly. You nodded into him. He slowly pulled his hand from you, watching you as he did, your eyes shut tight, brows drawn together in a slightly confused frown. He eased the helmet off his head, setting it down beside you on the counter. Your fingers brushed the cool metal and you jumped a little but your eyes stayed closed. 
Din took your face in his hands and softly, slowly, pressed his lips to your forehead. Your breath caught but you stayed still, the scent of you filling him as he held you. 
“Breathe, Doll,” he said quietly, his lips brushing your skin as he spoke. You obeyed, eyes still closed. He slowly, cautiously, moved his mouth lower, softly brushing against yours. Your arms hesitantly went around his neck, loosely wrapping around him. He pulled you slightly closer, lips fully meeting yours. You kissed him back, holding him tighter. His mouth moved with yours, his tongue dipping into you, tasting you, exploring you, and you moaned quietly against him. Your hands found his hair, wrapping your fingers in it, and he stilled against you, his lips against you. He reluctantly pulled back from you, his nose still brushing yours, his forehead still against you. You were breathing the same air, so close it was almost painful. 
“Din,” you said softly, fingers still in his hair. He kissed your forehead again before replacing the helmet. He brushed your eyelids with this thumbs and you opened them, slowly, keeping your head tilted toward the ground. He lifted your chin, wanting to look in your eyes. 
“You need rest, Doll,” he said quietly. You just nodded. The Mandalorian put a bandage over the wound. He stepped back from you but, before you could jump down from the counter, he swept you up into his arms, carrying you to his quarters. He set you gently on the bed and pulled off his armor, leaving his helmet on, before climbing in beside you. You immediately wrapped around him and he held you against him and he felt you relax into him. It was almost like you needed him as much as he needed you.
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Has survivor syndrome. What's that? Survivor syndrome, also known as survivor's guilt, is the response of a person when they believe they have done something wrong by surviving a traumatic event when others did not, often feeling self-guilt. This can be from being Kira or set before Kira, like an incident from his youth that he forever lingers with. This mixed with his "where's the justice" mind set only adds fuel to the fire of the war in his mind
Favorite food isn't apples as many would assume/joke about
The poor boy didn't really think of his sexual orientation until collage, didn't have the means or needs to and it wasn't only until he dated Misa and began to hang out with L he started to think on it more
In my AU Ryuk and Rem didn't give Light and Misa the Death Notes again and L, Light, Misa, etc didn't die, so this technically takes place the amnesia arc which I argue is a favorite okay?! Still doesn't mean Light gets dreams of him as Kira and isn't aware he was.
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Got really into the Gothic look after her parents' death where someone was a jerk and said a "joke" when she was still wearing black while she was still grieving
Didn't really fall in love with L right away (obviously) but she did care for him in a way that showed she cared
Loves bubble baths
Like Light she still has dreams of Rem and often find herself crying over the waking of her dreams as if someone killed her loved one in front of her
And like Light she knows after Rem confronted her she was the second Kira and feels terrible about it
Has a beautiful singing voice
After a lot her and Kiyomi kind of became friends, she honestly feels as if Kiyomi reminds her of someone she knew before (ie rem)
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Dude, this man was aware he liked both for a loooooonnng ass time, since Wammy actually
He knows Light and Misa were Kira, I mean he subspecies it since day one but to actually be right honestly hurt him.. He didn't want to be right in this case. So, he swore not to say a word since they're no longer Kira and 2nd Kira
Loves baths more than Misa
His family died in an domestic abuse murder suicide and he wandered out the house alone in which an officer found him and discovered his family's death, since then he's been emotionally isolated
Is autistic just doesn't get meds
Has lots of stim toys and objects he uses a lot when he thinks hard or under/overstimulated
Loves hot cocoa with marshmallows and whipped cream
Watari was basically his father after the many years they've known each other, doing the most of a father like role than others, helping the boy when needed, etc. And while L doesn't show emotions he generally is greatful and sees Watari as his father figure, even having him his best man and father-of-the-groom for his wedding
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As mentioned with L when I said "wedding", the three didn't really want a huge public wedding since that would exposed L's identity and it would be a headache to deal with so they had a secret small ceremony with friends and some family with Watari being L's father-of-the-groom, Sayu as Light's Best Lady, and Kiyomi was Misa's maid of Honor. They each wore a mix of white and black with some red elements thrown in there for many reasons but mostly cause L said they looked good so yeah
Their wedding cake was similar to these two:
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They all live in an apartment together, similar as to the building they were all stuck in, and have their own rooms/studies for work while Misa keeps working as a model and actress and both L and Light kept working as detectives until Light decided to leave being a detective after so many nightmares of cases and being Kira and decided to be a true crime/mystery novel writer
One day while they were chilling, pre-marriage them btw, L decided he's going to visit Wammy to get any plans of who his next "L" would be if he died and they came along with him. There they were able to meet Near, Mello, and Matt. The three kids hung out with them during their stay back in Japan to see who is perfect for the next role. Weeks pass and all three are doing really well and it didn't really sink in until later that L is actually doing this to see if he wants kids. Well, Misa and Light like the idea and they ended up adopting Mello as their son in which he admittedly cried
They go on date nights three times a week, one for each pair with their trio dates mostly being at home
After a few years of marriage they had two kids of their own in which Mello likes the role of older brother
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Like L, Near is autistic (I believe that's canon and people hate it??)
Is nonbinary. I'm sorry I honestly can't see this baby as cis at all!
Owns lots of pants, shirts, skirts, dresses, tights, boots, heels, flat shoes, socks that'll work with him with any gender dysphoria and day
Primally goes by Near since that sounded right
Suffer from night terrors which is how his spark of studying happened cause that distracted them
Demi-Sexual bean!
Got adopted by Kiyomi and gets spoiled rotten
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Choco-holic what else is new
Suffered an eating disorder which was quickly helped fixed with Matt and his new family
Mentioned above with L, Light, and Misa adopting him, he adores his family gratefully and it's not just cause L chose him out of everyone
Him and Near still have a rather strong rivalry but it's healthy now and also more so childish thanks to their adopted families
Likes his Uncle Matsuda a lot (Matsuda ends up marrying Sayu in this)
Is kind of that kid in school who knows shit and will market the crap out of soda and candies to the kids who have money and parents who won't allow sugar in his household
Often gets caught sneaking out to see Matt and sometimes (a lot) Near by his parents
Is Pan and always knew it
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Got adopted by Stephen and Teru in this AU
Still is obsessed with video games and eats candy cigarettes until he's legal to smoke if he wants to
Is straight besties with Mello and Near
Has so much gaming stuff it's unreal
Loves the rain
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Got together sometime after Near was adopted with Matt and Mello being a thing first and Near joined after
They're both protective of Near
And then Near would shock everyone with a thrown of a textbook to the face if someone says something bad about either of them
Misa is overly supportive of this relationship, Kiyomi loves to tease Near often, and the many times Teru and Stephen would interrupt calls with them to tease is too much
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