#and having a loyal and dedicated crew that acts as your family
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year ago
Shadow vs meta knight who will win
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that's a tough one
i always thought they'd be cool friends though :]
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opmilfzine · 3 months ago
✨ "Mother Knows Best" Advice Column: Big Mom! ✨
(written by @ensignsenna)
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On 'Family':
Q: How do I keep my crew in line?
Oooh, now that’s a tricky question. No matter how powerful you are, there will always be some people who just won’t listen. 
The best advice I can give is to stop as much of it as you can before it starts. Think of your crew like a family. You are the mother and they are your children. Care for them, protect them, teach them. Make them depend on you. The ties of family should keep most of your people close and loyal to you.
But it won’t always work. So what then?
Sometimes the infractions are minor, which means you can bring everyone back in line with some thoughtful discipline. Tell them what they did wrong and make sure they know they’re being punished for their insubordination or inability to follow rules. Then take some of their life, or cut off a body part, to really make sure the message sticks.
Other times, it’s more serious.
First thing you need to do is figure out if they are acting on their own, or under someone else’s influence. When you’re in charge, people will naturally start trouble. You’re probably properly suspicious of strangers, so they’ll try to use your family. 
If they’ve been corrupted, decide if they’re worth bringing back into the fold. Some family is worth more than others, unfortunately. How dedicated have they been? How much have they sacrificed for you, and you for them? Do they fill an important role?
If you don’t need them, the answer is simple - cut them off. Do it with your own hands. They were family, they owe you that life. If you still want them, don’t accept them back until they have properly admitted they were wrong. Never. You are the leader now and it’s important that everyone in your family - or crew - is willing to admit that.
Finally, if they were influenced by outside forces, they’ll be trying to take your throne.
Don’t let them.
Give them no quarter. Don’t just beat them. Destroy them. Obliterate them. Leave just enough of their group to let the story of what they tried escape. As your notoriety grows, the weak will flee. The strong will challenge you. But eventually, they realize that you’re just as powerful as them. Just as dangerous. 
And when they come to that realization, then they start trying to curry favor and you can truly begin to consolidate your power. With a loyal family at your back, you can protect vulnerable lands in return for tribute. Marry members off in political alliances. 
Make the world tremble before your power, shrink at the very mention of your name and throw you parties whenever you want!
Thank you for the boost! 🥂 @opfandombase @opzinebulletin
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atomic-thomas · 1 year ago
(Fake ASMR Commission) Sailing With The Undead Pirate Queen [Part 2]
*just play the sound of the open ocean for the entire audio. this whole thing takes place out at sea*
"Ahhh, the smell of the open ocean. It's been ages since I felt so invigorated. It beats the smell of low tide any day."
"Yes, I can still smell. What, did you think being undead removed my senses? I've been able to interact with you this whole time without issue."
"What's it like. Well, being undead has some perks, but also some downsides."
"On one hand, I have several advantages over normal humans. Unnatural spiritual strength, desensitization to pain, an eternal body & no need for essentials like food or water. The afterlife is a self-sufficient existence.
"But on the other hand, it feels... Physically uncomfortable. I mean... Just look at me. The lower half of my body is skeletal & the upper half is comprised of putrid, gross, rotten flesh. I emit a horrible stench. My body is cold. And worst of all... I'm hideous. I used to be so pretty when I was alive."
"You think I'm still pretty. Come on. You don't have to senselessly flatter me. I know you don't really mean that. I'm basically a walking corpse. I literally look like death."
"Okay, well... Even if you are serious, how are you not bothered by the stench? The smell of decay is foul."
"I still smell better than a skunk. Wow. So the bar for compliments is really that low for me, huh? It's better than nothing I suppose."
"Just why are you acting so peachy anyway? I did try to kill you earlier, you know."
"You think I'm... Cool. Well... Yeah. I suppose it makes sense that you'd think an Undead Pirate Queen is cool. I thought you were getting cozy because you know I respect you now."
"No, that's not a problem at all. You earned it. You fought for your life, I saw that fiery determination in your eyes, you gave it your all &... It was a good enough display in the end. I see you as an equal. Someone I can clash swords with to get my thrills. Cure my boredom. Assuming we meet again of course. I don't really know what's gonna happen after you & your crew return home."
"Oh, don't fret about it. I won't force duels upon you if you're not in the mood. And even if we did fight again, it would just be friendly competition at this point. I like you."
"No, not in that way you silly swashbuckler. Someone like me can't be in a relationship. I'm a feared pirate legend. The queen of crime. The scourge of the sea. And in my eternal existence... That's all I can do. Raise hell until the end of time."
"Well, no. I don't technically have to. But it's not like I can restore my humanity. I'm dead. I'm too far gone... So far down this rabbit hole... Even in death... That nothing else can be done. My existence would be pointless otherwise."
"I shall spend all of eternity being the villain that I've always been known for. Killing... Stealing... Wreaking havoc on the Seven Seas with this rickety old ghost ship. All while being accompanied by the spiritual blue flames of my loyal crew."
"I do love my crew very dearly. They're basically family to me. I treat them with kindness & care. And in return, they show me their dedication."
"Not very pirate-like. What do you mean? Did you think I keelhauled them or forced them to walk the plank if they made a single mistake? No one's perfect. And besides... Being cruel & merciless to those who are close doesn't exactly command respect. I need their loyalty. If I'm gonna be the boss, then I wanna be the best damn boss there ever was. We even used to partake in Sea Shanties to keep our morale up."
"Oh... You're curious about the spirits of my crew themselves, huh? Well, from what I've observed, their spirits appear to have aspects of literal fire. You got stranded on that island because my crew set your ship ablaze. So they're clearly capable of causing physical burns even in death. It's quite extraordinary."
"I've also noticed that if they're in water, their spirits persist as a faint glow. And when they're out of water, they reignite as if nothing happened."
"I'm not actually sure if they can control their flames. Are you asking if you can touch one of them without getting burned?"
"Well... Let's find out then, shall we? Hey! One of you there. I need a volunteer to test something for me."
"You'll do just fine. Now... Try touching our new friend here without burning them. I want to know just how much control you have over your flame."
"Hmmm... Interesting. You appear to be fine. How does it feel?"
"Pleasantly warm. I see. So my crew really does have control over their fiery spirits. Fascinating. Even in death, they still manage to surprise me."
"It'll be a while before we make landfall. I wonder if that blasted kraken will show up again."
"Truth be told, I don't know if it's even still alive anymore. It's been many years since that fateful day. It may have died of natural causes... Or it could've been slain by formidable forces."
"Or perhaps... It may still live... Lurking beneath us just waiting to strike at any moment."
"Yohohohohoho! Fear not, matey. If that beast does show it's wretched mug again, we're far more prepared this time. Not only do we have strength in greater numbers thanks to you & your crew... But me & my crew have further advantages.
"A mortal creature cannot kill what no longer lives. The blazing spirits of my crew will roast that kraken alive. Then we can dine on delicious fried calamari afterwards."
"I dare that behemoth to show itself! It'll be the last mistake it ever makes."
"Nothing. Hmmm... Well, no matter. I don't care either way. Regardless of what happens, I'll see to it that you & your crew make it home safely. And once we part ways..."
"I'm not sure how I intended to finish that sentence. What will you do? Venture out to sea to pay me a visit? Clash swords in a friendly spar perhaps? I may act vile towards those who haven't earned my respect, but you're special. A pirate's honor."
"How would you find me. Well that's easy. I can just send out my crew to patrol the ocean. You're bound to encounter at least one of them. And when you do, they can lead you to my ship. It's really that simple."
"For now, just kick back & enjoy the ride."
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years ago
Hello! Before I request anything, I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your writing and hope that every works out for you in life❤
I wanted to request Marco, Sanji, Shanks, and Ace with a new female crewmate who everyone thought was male from their tomboy appearance. And then they found out by walking in on them naked as they just came out the shower.
Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night!💞
*cries* you're so kind, anon!! I love you so much!!❤️❤️ I wish nothing but the best in your life and I will keep you in my heart!!
Babes Below~!
Marco the Phoenix
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He was the first in the crew to know, not due to your figure or voice, anything of that sort, but due to being the doctor of the ship. He had to do checkups on you and the rest of the crew, it became certain you weren’t originally male. Though whatever your reason for not coming out wasn’t his to disclose. 
Marco would actually keep an eye on you and do his best to make sure you aren’t left alone with any questionable members (Teach-). He won’t make it a big deal, just will pretend he needs something from the storage room or hallway you might be stuck in with someone. 
Now say he did walk in on you changing, it was definitely by accident and he would walk right out. Though will stand guard at the door to make sure no one else did the same as him, accident or not. 
After talking, if you ask him to keep your secret, he will agree and continue to be your watchful guardian. If say, you just figured everyone thought you were a girl, he would start addressing you with more feminine pronouns, but still wants to make sure no one tries anything. They may be a family, but pirates are still pirates. 
Vinsmoke Sanji
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Sanji is a different one, it wouldn’t be weird if you kept your gender closed because of the man, he tend to fall for any woman that walked by him and you saw how he acted with Nami and Robin. It was completely understandable that you didn’t want that in your life either.
Once he walked in on you though, be prepared for his love and attention. I feel everyone would have known you were female, but maybe him, Zoro, and Luffy. Even then the other two don’t care, so now he gets more of your attention not having to compete with anyone. 
Though he will quickly leave, respecting your boundaries. Be expected to see a trail of blood and screaming of your name with a -swan at the end however. For the rest of the evening if you come back out, he will be following you around like a lost puppy.
Doesn’t treat you as rough like he used to. Now that he sees you as a female, you are placed on the pedestal he puts other women. No work for you, no fighting, must be loved and protected. He appreciates your strength and dedication to the crew and sees you as someone worth protecting, but now that you are a female to him, you get that tenfold! 
“Red Hair” Shanks
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Shanks doesn’t care if you’re male or female, as long as you are a good person in his eyes and loyal to his cause, then you’re cool to him! He gives me the vibes who feels his crew members are family and it would be really tough for him to fall for a crew member, so if you aren’t interested in him sexually you’re good, if you are, you will really have to convince this man not to see you as a sister figure.
He is more observant than people give him credit for, so he might have already known you were female and just didn’t say anything. A few other members would know too, but similar to their captain see you as a sibling. Now if he did walk in on you, it would have been when he was drunk and his guard was down.
If it was anyone else and they tried to make a move on you, be prepared to face the wrath of big brother/father figure (if you are younger) Shanks! Man doesn’t take kindly to people trying to take advantage of his crew. 
Profusely apologizes, but doesn’t move. You would have to shut the door, throw something at it, or someone would need to move him. He’s too drunk to realize social etiquette is to move. Will honestly forget about it the next day however, so feel free to make inside jokes, he’ll just laugh not understanding he is the joke. 
Portgas D. Ace
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Ace had no idea you were a female and wouldn’t know until he accidentally walks in on you. I feel the group he usually hangs with (Marco, Thatch, and Izo) would know and make jokes about his idiotic behaviors. Will laugh when he calls you bro or some more masculine name, though due to being a tom-boy you might not mind.
Again, he would accidentally walk in on you. Even though he is a pirate and a wanted criminal, the man is legit a good boy and wants to be respectful to people. Will run off and tell the others he saw you naked and whether or not he should drown himself for being so klutzy. 
Feels guilty for an entire month! Bows down on his knees and head on the floor asking for forgiveness, does all your chores and duties on top of his own, and even gives you his favorite desserts if Thatch served it. Also will take your side in any arguments and helps you if you need it in battle!
He’d be the biggest one to gain a crush on you out of all the boys. It mostly be some puppy love thing that if you didn’t want he could get over quickly, but if you did like him as well, those feelings will only grow. I just see him as the type to have crushes on stronger women who don’t mind putting him in his place (also because I see him as a sub-).
Tag List: @chloe-nanami @musical-apple @luxiditea @macdonaldsmanager @onepieceya @undercoverweeeb @pebbsie @athenaportgas @my-one-piece-experience @iam-gaaras-loveintrest @nephytale @xxtoothachexx @simpforroses @thatbadbruja @sanjissunflower @portgaslari @lukasismissing @chocolate-n-cheese and anyone else who wants to join in!
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windblooms · 4 years ago
hihi :’) way overdue – but here are the matchup requests that i received.  please check for yours below if it was sent in!  ctrl+f on desktop for your mbti/zodiac, or something you remember adding in if the post is too long to scroll through.
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Hello! I'm INFP and 98% Type 4 & 92% Type 9. I'm a sun Pisces & moon Aquarius. I'm fairly introverted but can be kinda silly if I'm trying to be social. I'm also empathetic & sympathetic with plenty of self-confidence issues. My main hobbies are playing games, looking into social issues, thinking about game characters,etc. I keep bouncing between visions but Geo might be fitting since current Geo characters are a little more on the introverted side. Not sure if I'm late but wanted to try <3 I'm the INFP Pisces & Aquarius Geo asker and forget to mention that I'd like 1 platonic and 1 romantic!
romantic match-up: kaeya.
although it might be odd at first to pair him with a sensitive and introverted soul such as yourself, on the contrary, kaeya won’t have any issues relating to your emotional nature, even if outwardly it doesn’t seem so (behind his light-hearted and diplomatic dialogue, he’s got a transactional relationship with the knights he’s “loyal” to; his own brother is distasteful towards him; and he’s got an agenda that goes against everything he currently lives with.)  he’ll get a knack out of teasing you when the mood is fitting, and while he may not be the one to give you the best of pep-talks, his self-assured disposition does have its uses: confident words soothe over the creases of your worries and troubling thoughts, and when things are more light-hearted, the two of you will bounce off of each others’ playful mannerism.
platonic match-up: barbara.
barbara is a sweetheart who’s incredibly devoted to both her companions and her aspirations.  wholesome and energetic, she’s sure to keep you on your toes dancing, whether it be about how beautiful it is outside or the potential of a rainbow after a storm.  while she’s a clear extrovert, barbara is also insightful to the feelings of others – after all, an idol must understand her crowd! – so she’s sure to dial down the energy if you’re ever feeling weary that day.
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hihi !! can i please submit myself for the matchups ? i'm intp-t, scorpio sun and leo moon. i'm 5'11, female, and am described to be a very energetic person. i like to think optimistically and have a special love for philosophy and chemistry !! my hobbies include reading and writing - i've also recently picked up baking. i think i would have a hydro vision in genshin - hydro users tend to be healers, and i think that's something i would specialize in. can i please have 2 romantic matchups 🥺
i'm the scorpio sun leo moon intp matchup ask !! i forgot to mention that my enneagram type is seven, sorry 😔
romantic match-ups: childe/tartaglia and jean. 
childe hyperfixates on individuals he deems strong.  while this usually translates into people who have experience on the battle field, in your case, he finds it admirable that you’re able to keep up with so many hobbies and interests.  your thirst for new experiences and stimuli is akin to his own sense of adventure, and your devotion to each and every one of them resonates with his own conviction to his aspirations.  you’re strong mentally, and when you interact, he always has to dedicate himself to you fully in order to keep up; there’s never a dull moment when you’re around him.
a workaholic in denial, jean’s position as acting grand master never gives her a break.  she’ll insist that she’s fine, that she’s content with her oversight of the knights, that they are her priority.  and while this is true, when you talk about how your interests range from chemistry to baking, it’ll remind her of the time she doesn’t have to do “normal people things.”  again, not that she’s miserable with the knights, far from it – it’s just that your life and spontaneity reminds her of the things outside of the knights that she wishes she could do, too.  your genuine energy never fails to make her smile – perhaps you were who she’s been waiting for.
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hi, congrats on the 1k followers! i really enjoy your writing and i’m glad to see that you’re doing well! i hope the rest of 2021 goes well for you!
for the matchup event, i’d like one platonic and one romantic relationship. i'm an infp, 6w5, scorpio sun and virgo moon. my attention span isn’t the best and i’m an impulsive dumbass, but i still manage to get good grades somehow. i try to be sociable, but i have a habit of clamming up so i usually just end up sticking to the people i know. i’m kinda all or nothing with the effort i put into things; i run out of steam pretty easily so i tend to leave things unfinished, which i hate, but sometimes i’ll go wild and finish a semester-long project in one afternoon. overall, i really like helping others and being seen as reliable! i was really dependent on others in the past, and although i still kinda am now, i’m trying to be someone others can depend on.
as for hobbies, i mostly just play video games and scary stories. i’m also into a lot of crafts, particularly knitting and bracelet-making. i find the motions relaxing, but i enjoy it the most when i have someone to make things for.
as for my vision, i think hydro suits me best because it seems more support-oriented overall, which is the kind of role i’d like to have. however, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be used to do some serious damage if needed.
has lots of energy that’s hard to direct, but can plow through things they set their mind to.  likes security of things they know, and wants to give security as well.  creative outlets.  seems a bit finicky?  but insightful with their own emotions. 
romantic match-up: mona.
outwardly stubborn but inwardly self-critical, mona has dedicated her entire life to the stars, and it shows: her masterful grip on astrology is nothing to scoff at, and she’s arguably the most practiced mage in all of teyvat.  at first, she’ll be baffled at your impulsiveness and “lack of focus”: how will you ever get anything done? she’ll wonder.  but when you prove her time and time again that you can plow right through an obstacle just like scissors through paper, so long as it seizes your interest, she’ll take moments to think about her own outlook on life.  when she realizes your comfort in abstract, artistic past-times, she might ask cutely for you to teach her.  surely, if she can talk to the stars, she can make bracelets . . . ?  o-of course they’d be for you!  who else would they be for, if not someone she deems endearing.
platonic match-up: beidou. 
the personification of a tidal wave, beidou’s ferocity hits hard and leaves a mark.  the two of you will find it easy to bounce off of each others’ ideas – maybe even concerningly so to the rest of the crew – and hell, she might even sway you to sneak into a hilichurl village to steal some carrots if it’ll provide for some overdue fun.  lots of  pats  slaps on the back, and she’ll always beckon you over when she learns about something new, thinking that you might find it interesting, and when she wants someone else’s input.  she trusts your judgement like family, and knows that you’ve always got her.
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hi! i would like to request a genshin character matchup (2 romantic). my mbti is infj and enneagram 2. i am a cancer sun and aries moon. i am calm and reliable, but i do have a mischievous side and use a lot of dry humor. when it comes to having fun, i like to enable others! i am also deeply passionate about community service. my hobbies include yarn crafting. my genshin vision would be cryo because i am highly motivated by love/emotion, can come off as cold, and love the ice aesthetic! tysm!
romantic match-ups: diluc and lisa.
often broody and contemplative, diluc has a whirlwind of thoughts in that hard head of his.  through your first interactions, he’ll piece together your intense devotion towards your loved ones and willingness to help others.  he’ll warn you that you should take time to consider yourself, too, and that it shouldn’t always be give, give, give, but those same traits in you that he worries about are the same qualities that draw him in.  once, too, he was as uninhibited as you, had the same energy.  perhaps it’s because you’re both so similar, both in internal hopes and mannerisms, is why he finds it easier to loosen up – even if he doesn’t immediately let go of that deadpan attitude of his when he knows you can come back just as hard.
she’s enthralled by your willingness to engage in her banter.  often, those she teases (flirtatiously or otherwise) leave with a red face and an adorable stutter, but it just so happens that you’re one to fluster her instead.  it’s been a long time since she’s met someone who can keep her guessing, yet is incredibly insightful to themselves and those around them.  she finds your qualities of fun and sincerity to be charming.  you’re a breath of fresh air compared to the stern knights she’s around all day, and she looks forward to meeting you after work, conversing with you as you walk down mondstadtian streets and eat over dinner.  there’s never a dull quip from your lips, and she’d love to hear everything on your mind.
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hii hope I'm not making this too hard on u lol one romantic and one platonic please! either gender is fine I'm bi as Hecc mbti: enfp-t sun taurus moon aries I think my vision would be cryo because people say it's connected to loss and I've lost some pretty important people to me and also. I hate the heat I really like cards, wolves and the stars, my hobbies include working with robots and the general aesthetic of the mid 2000s, my favorite season is winter and I love buying ppl gifts ♡
platonic match-up: chongyun. 
immediately, your avoidance of heat and affinity to the calm will give him someone to relate to, and your attraction to the abstract will pique his interests.  (perhaps, once he’s become more confident with his exorcist abilities, he could pick up some of your hobbies?)  your practicality, in contrast to his often self-critical mindset, will ground him in times of need, and he’ll always ask you if he can help you out in return.  while he looks up to you as an individual, he’s honored to also be your friend, or at least someone you devote time to.
romantic-matchup: ningguang.
you both understand sacrifices and loss.  while it’s a rather bleak realization upon getting to know each other, your rationality and perseverance despite the past stirs her respect for you; your mindsets are incredibly alike, and she’ll often input your reasoning into her plans, and deem you a trusted associate of the liyue qixing.  in her demanding position, you are someone she can readily relate to and rely on.  in times when things are less hectic and the two of you can more freely relax, she’ll indulge in a shopping spree with you.  as someone who’s intimate with her in both profession and emotional relations, she’d love to show her gratitude. 
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hi! i'd like to participate on the match up event!
i'm an infp, and also type six on the enneagram test, my sun sign is aries and my moon sign is pisces. i like arts in general with my favourite ones being music and painting, but i also enjoy writing and i spend a lot of time songwriting! also as a person i'm rlly clumsy and i kind of look mean bc of my resting bitch face lol. i think my vision would be anemo because i think it can be really useful in many ways and i like the reactions it has with other visions. i'd like two romantic match ups! i hope this was understandeable, as my english isn't the best. thank you! 💌
romantic-matchups: mona and zhongli.
mona will find your interest in the arts intriguing.  you always seem to get ideas at the most random of times, often startling her with how active your mind is.  and despite how she doesn’t reply much in return – she’s not versed in words or drawings, even if she won’t verbally admit it – you seem to be satisfied with her . . . reactions?  even if the most she can relate them to is astrology, it seems to be enough for you, so long as she isn’t uptight that day.  your creativity and attraction to the abstract gives her comfort: there aren’t many people in mondstadt who appreciate her profession, so even if you aren’t into the exact same things, she’ll at least know that there’s someone who looks forward to seeing her.
on his quest to “learn what being a human” is, zhongli encounters a myriad of occupations.  typically, the people of liyue are wound up with economics and realism, but your joy in the possibilities – how you can convey your emotions, through what mediums – of life has to offer reminds him of humanity.  with you, he’ll explore what mortals call “the small things” in life: akin to the spark of appreciation for flying lanterns, autumn-colored lights at night, feelings of wonder – that’s what you instill in him. 
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hello!! id like a matchup please!! im an INTP-T and im Type 5,, im capricorn sun and libra moon. im a reserved person and kind of angry all the time,, and i get overwhelmed easily. im not that good with affection,, but me actually welcoming you into conversation or my room or smthn, or actually responding to you means something. im just scared to be open with affection because its always done me wrong in the past. anyways,, id like a platonic matchup and romantic matchup please!! thank u and congrats!!🥳🥳❤️❤️
hello,, im that Capricorn sun libra moon anon,,, very sorry to disturb you,,, but i didn’t mention what my vision would be!! i think id be pyro,, ive always been a bit cold or i usually shun people away,, so i think id be cryo!!!! or maybe hydro because im constantly having a mental breakdown LMAO(but i fr think id be cryo)
platonic match-up: sucrose.
while she’s constantly on-edge from work, sucrose will always make time to check on her dear friend.  after all, you do the same for her, even if you insist that you might not have the right words ready.  “partners in stress,” kaeya would teasingly dub the two of you as, but you don’t pay mind to him.  as quiet and reserved individuals, you find tranquility within each others’ company.  
romantic match-up: venti.
whimsical and regarded as a mere bard by most, venti puts up a convincing front.  but it’s just that: a front.  the real venti is concealed by a chipper voice and mercurial agenda, when underneath, there’s a solemn musician who’s burdened.  you’ll most likely be off-put by his facade, as he’s trained himself to constantly be lively – comes with being a performer – but will soon find that he understands your turmoil.  he’s not the best with sentimental words, but will instead convey his sympathies through strums of his lyre.  while it isn’t obvious that there’s security in freedom, he’ll be sure to encourage you that there’s a way.
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Hello Al! For the match-up event would it be possible for me to ask for 1 romantic and 1 platonic? As for my MBTI I am an INFJ-T. As for the ennseagram I am 98% type five and 90% type 6. I am a Taurus sun and an Aquarius moon. I tend to come off as polite and often times a bit shy/reserved irl. I love learning new things. Conversations that have all parties thinking critically are definitely my favorites. My hobbies are writing, drawing, learning new things, reading, and playing video games. As for Genshin vision I'd have to say cryo. I've taken a quiz on quotev and got a tie between cryo and anemo. Cryo's description seemed to fit my personality better. I also seem to have a connection with the cold. Let me know if you need any more info. Remember to take care of yourself. ~Taylor💙
platonic match-up: albedo.
you both have your inquisitive sides, and albedo is more than willing to talk to you about his discoveries.  while he might not proactively reach out to you – more like, if you’re nearby, and he happens to catch you peeping at his work, he’ll engage with you.  he finds your takes thought-provoking and your candor respectful; a fellow of agreeable disposition, your calmness and supplementing nature also makes it easy for him to work.
romantic match-up: zhongli.
both intuitive and practical in your approaches, zhongli’s given a new perspective when you converse, or at least, a new thing to ponder over.  many regard him as stiff besides his gentlemanly disposition; your focused and insistent care will enrapture him as heartwarming, that there are “acceptable” vulnerabilities, but they’re not weak points at all – far from it.  your security and assuredness is harmonious with your emotion insight, making for a stable lifestyle that he easily molds into.  the conversations that the two of you engage in are nothing short of provocative.  just as much as he learns from you, he also provides with tales of the old days. 
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Is - is the matchup thing still relevant? If not you can just ignore this message - its ok, i know ur busy :)
If it is still on tho, i wonder if i could get a platonic and romantic one?
Im a INFP-T(??), Type 4, pisces sun sag moon.
Im a dumb nerd with big glasses who loves t shirts with puns ot jokes on it. Im not sure about my hobbies, i just like anything that can make me think - memes, books, music, games with lore. I dont like boring, overly normal stuff. I have shitty sense of direction and i suck at math.
I think that my vision would be anemo since thats (i think) an element that requires both creativity and knowledge to work with, which is very special and interesting to me.
Thank you so much in advance! Or sorry if i sent this too late 😅
platonic match-up: xinyan.
both of you are free-flowing and seek excitement.  you’re the gasoline to xinyan’s match: you both feed off of each others’ knack for new things, stimuli, and the bold.  you could be walking down the streets of liyue, eating bags of mora meat, and then suddenly run down to the northern wharf to catch passing boats and playfully debate over which snobby aristocrat is being shipped off.  there’s never a dull moment between the two of you, and the plan is always no plan.  spontaneity is the name of the game, and it’s one that you can go at for ages. 
romantic match-up: beidou.
there’s hardly a moment to breathe on the crux fleet, that’s for sure.  be prepared to explore the entirety of teyvat with beidou, because she’s got you covered with all of your “new thing” needs, alongside your ocean-borne family.  she’ll find it humorous that you’re not practiced in navigation – ironic for a seafarer.  but steering is complex, and she’d gladly help you out in learning, just another thing to do in a day’s work. 
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Hi! For the match up event, I'm 98% type 3 and a 97% type 7, I'm am Intp and my moon sign is scorpio, my sun sign is Pisces. I'm above than average in math and I like to draw from time to time, I've tried to learn the ukelele but ultimately failed. I'd like my vision to be an electro cause my fav color is purple and I like how the electricity sparks and stops my enemies, I'm also a fan fic writer and love manhwas
Hi! I'm the last anon that you reminded that should have put 2 romantic in the ask! Sorry about that, it just completely flew over my head
romantic match-ups: ningguang and childe/tartaglia.
your ambition knows no bounds, and your drive is a force to be reckoned with.  some may call your approaches headstrong, but your ability to take initiative is something that ningguang greatly admires.  it’s something she professes that you two have in common – granted, even if her economic tendencies are more cutthroat.  while the two of you have incredibly firm opinions that might send shocks across the room you’re debating in, ningguang trusts your rational thought and explorative mindset.  your like-mindedness, in this instance, brings great relief to her in her position.
childe is also someone who would take interest in you.  he’s not one for schemes like the rest of the harbingers, and would appreciate your straightforward approaches and the focused energy you put into each project/obstacle you face.  it makes it easier for him to speak his mind, and he’ll find comradery with you fairly easy to come by.  gradually, the zeal the two of you share can draw you into more adventures, and he’ll have someone he can call a trustworthy partner. 
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Hello! For your generous match-up event, could I request two romantic matches please? My MBTI type is INFP and my enneagram type is four. My sun sign is Aries and my moon is Gemini. I am a quiet but curious person who can be really flirty and sarcastic in private. I am very caring to those I love. My hobbies including writing and drawing. For my vision, I think I would be cryo? I’m a secretive person who has trust issues and can be cruel. I love your blog, you’re so skilled! Thank you so much!
romantic match-ups: kaeya and jean.
you’re a trusted soul by all, even if many also regard you as reserved.�� kaeya isn’t one to grow attached (it’s hindered him in the past), however after being paired with you on multiple missions, he’ll feel more at ease around you due to your good nature.  your duality is also a breath of fresh air, and each time he talks to you afterwards, he’s reminded that there are individuals who have others’ best interests at heart.  many knights will catch the two of you tossing jokes back and forth at each other, but for once, kaeya isn’t trying to swindle anybody. 
the acting grand master has a lot on her plate, but she finds that when she’s in your company, the tray is a little lighter.  she relates to your sincerity and good intentions, a welcome refresher in the world of forced diplomacy and tedious hours.  you also seem to know just the right things to say to lighten the mood, with a cute smile to top it all off. 
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hello! Could I request 2 romantic match-up? I'm ENFP, enneagram 2w3. Sun Sagittarius, Moon Scorpio, Asc. Virgo. My hobbies consist of anything generally creative, gaming/anime, hanging out with friends esp!! I'm the type of person to show affection by physical touch and by gentle ribbing-- I love making other people laugh. I'm always down to do things, new or not, and an honest and easy-going person. My Vision would be Geo bc I think it reflects how I am as a person-- stable n loyal :) thank u!!
romantic match-ups: venti and beidou. 
no one would’ve thought that you and venti would be a pair – then again, when they consider your tendencies for jokes and charisma, it’ll all come together.  wherever the two of you go, laughter follows, like dandelions in the breeze.  venti hits it off with you almost immediately after you meet, your natural social nature enabling easy conversation.  you’re also very zealous with topics that pique your interest.  it’s a genuine, eager curiosity that he can’t help but consider endearing.
the two of you are always searching for new things, be it small islands in the horizon or neat little specialties that you manage to catch in the corner of your eye.  there’s never a dull moment when the two of you get going on ideas, and while you may be the more rational, beidou will always insist on adding some more “zest” into whatever you come up with.  if you push her, she might accidentally shove you off the boat with the playful enthusiasm of a golden retriever. 
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Hiya~! Thank you both for doing this! For the character match-up, I'd like to request two (2) Romantic please lmao, with a side of French fries.
I'm an INFP, Libra sun/Scorpio moon. My external personality might lead ppl to think I'm a charismatic extrovert, but that's the face I show for the 5 whole minutes I'm socializing, and then return to my introvert turtle shell for the next week. I cycle through hobbies since I get bored quickly, but I always come back to music since singing is my passion. I know for sure my Vision would be Anemo bc I need to be free to feel comfortable and tend to react rather aggressively when I feel restrained 🤔
I'm deeply emotional, sometimes impulsive, and dislike relying on others. I tend to be cat-like in my affections... sometimes I Love, other times Do Not Want. Except for animals, they always get my love ❤ ehehe....
romantic match-ups: mona and kaeya.
mona considers your nature incredibly easy to grasp.  but don’t take it as an insult or offense – in fact, your simplicity is a constant in mona’s life: you like time to yourself, and when you’re alone is when your energy comes out.  she doesn’t have to worry about reading too much into your feelings when she can see that you’re independent.  your interactions are calm and reassuring; she doesn’t have to be uptight around you, because she knows you trust in her abilities and lifestyle, and security with herself and those she cares about is her top priority. 
kaeya’s able to relate to your social tendencies.  there’s a front that he puts up in front of his colleagues (purely for professional purposes) before reverting back to his natural state of mind.  he finds your distance understandable, and considers it something the two of you have in common.  when you talk one-on-one, it’s easy to bounce ideas off of each other about mondstadtian culture and other topics of interest; while your independent natures may lead to some time apart, there will always be fresh experiences waiting when you do meet again.
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urmckidding · 4 years ago
╰ °✧ that’s MARLENE MCKINNON and SHE seems to look a lot like NANA KOMATSU. according to ministry files, the PUREBLOOD used to attend HOGWARTS and be in GRYFFINDOR. now, they’re TWENTY and is A RADIO BROADCASTER. red wine stains on white linen ; bloody lips pulled into a defiant grin ; plunging into cold water ; the twist of your gut before you make a stupid decision ( still laughing despite the fear ) ; loud and unapologetic laughter echoing out ; a soldier — scared but marching on nonetheless ; a bonfire roaring to life, wood hissing and sparks flying are the best way to describe them. it doesn’t say in their file, but word around the street is that they’re a ORDER MEMBER.
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hullo  ,  it’s  ME  ,  bri  (  she/her  ,  23  ,  est  tz  )!!  this  is  my  trash  daughter  ,  marlene  ,  but  don’t  tell  her  i  said  that  because  she  will  bully  me.  any  who  ,  you  can  find  more  about  miss  mckinnon  under  the  cut  including  wanted  connections  (  at  the  way  bottom  so  feel  free  to  skip  the  about  bit  if  it’s  too  long  )!  and  feel  free  to  check  out  her  ABOUT  PAGE  &  PINTEREST.   
FULL NAME:  marlene  isadora  mckinnon
AKA:  marlie  ,  len  ,  mckinnon
AGE:  twenty  years  old
GENDER  & PRONOUNS:  cis  woman
PRONOUNS:  she/her
SEXUALITY:  biromantic  bisexual 
BLOOD STATUS:  pureblood 
FORMER HOUSE:  gryffindor
OCCUPATION:  radio  host  ,  order  of  the  phoenix  member
marlene’s  radio  show  is  anonymous  and  she  mainly  uses  it  to  shit  talk  the  deatheater  movement  and  share  stories  about  the  order  of  the  phoenix  and  their  allies.  it’s  fairly  similar  to  the  potterwatch  radio  show  that  lee  jordan  runs  during  the  seventh  book.  of  course  ,  since  this  is  marlene  she’ll  also  put  on  some  music  during  the  breaks.       
FACECLAIM:  nana  komatsu 
POSITIVE TRAITS:  humorous  ,  protective  ,  spirited  ,  passionate  ,  loyal  ,  courageous  ,  persistent  ,  independent  ,  playful  
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  bullheaded  ,  impulsive  ,  impatient  ,  self  destructive  ,  arrogant  ,  attention  seeking  ,  argumentative    
DEMEANOR:  marlene  can  come  off  one  of  two  ways  :  friendly  and  playful  or  cruel  and  spiteful.  she  is  a  person  set  in  her  ways  ,  that  means  she  probably  has  already  decided  how  she  feels  about  a  person  either  before  or  in  the  first  couple  minutes  of  meeting  them.  to  her  friends  and  family  ,  marlene  is  a  spitfire  with  a  penchant  for  adventure  and  trouble.  she  likes  to  make  her  loved  ones  laugh  and  have  fun  and  is  incredibly  protective  of  them.  however  to  those  she’s  not  so  crazy  about  ,  she’s  a  spitfire  in  a  less  fun  way.  she’s  hard  to  win  over  if  a  person  has  already  felt  her  judgement  but  it’s  possible  ...  maybe  ...  who  knows.      
𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓  (  trigger  warning  :  the  death  of  a family  member -  i  will  tag  the  paragraph  it’s  in.  )
the  mckinnon  brood  resides  in  SCOTLAND  ,  her  father’s  family  having  settled  there  for  quite  some  time  while  her  mother’s  side  has  never  left  japan  —  save  for  her  mother  of  course.  they  are  a  large  crew  even  when  only  counting  marlene’s  immediate  family.  she  has  four  siblings  ,  all  older.  it  had  been  a  contentious  subject  whether  to  send  the  kids  to  hogwarts  or  mahoutokoro  in  japan.  her  father  won  the  fight  eventually  and  the  mckinnons  went  on  to  scatter  themselves  throughout  gryffindor  and  ravenclaw.        
as  a  note  ,  the  mckinnons  have  not  mingled  with  many  of  the  other  zealous  pureblood  families  for  a  long  while  now  having  marked  themselves  as  blood  traitors  generations  ago.  they’re  a  rough  and  tumble  kind  of  group  who  don’t  care  for  haughty  parties  or  the  politics  of  it  all. 
marlene  has  always  been  a  whirlwind  of  spirit  and  trouble.  she  was  infamous  for  the  pranks  she  played  on  the  family’s  tutors  and  her  disappearing  acts  ,  though  her  parents  could  hardly  blame  her  with  the  kind  of  examples  they  set  ;  both  aurors  who  threw  themselves  into  trouble  even  when  the  odds  were  against  them.  marlene  grew  up  hearing  stories  about  their  misadventures  ,  all  tied  up  in  a  nice  little  bow  as  if  her  parents  weren’t  risking  their  lives  as  the  war  worsened.  but  it  was  not  them  that  marlene  wanted  to  be  like.  no  ,  she  completely  adored  and  idolized  her  grandmother.   
KIRA  MCKINNON  was  a  staple  in  the  mckinnon  household  ,  floating  in  and  out  as  if  it  was  her  own  home.  she  doted  on  marlene  as  her  youngest  granddaughter.  she  would  often  steal  her  grandchildren  away  to  different  adventures  in  town  or  the  lands  surrounding  the  mckinnon  manor.  marlene  always  looked  forward  to  her  grandmother’s  visits.  
even  when  marlene  was  whisked  off  to  hogwarts  ,  she  and  her  grandmother  exchanged  letters  —  probably  the  one  thing  that  marlene  would  let  her  friends  tease  her  about  solely  because  she  didn’t  care.  
marlene  was  sorted  into  gryffindor  ,  like  her  father  and  older  brother.  she  made  herself  comfortable  quickly  and  garnered  a  reputation  as  a  fairly  opinionated  and  sharp  witch.  she  liked  the  flashy  spells  and  never  cared  for  the  classes  where  she  was  required  to  sit  still  —  “  what  a  bore.  ”  she  would  often  say  during  history  of  magic  and  potions  classes.  
she  had  grown  up  playing  quidditch  with  her  family  and  tried  out  as  soon  as  she  was  able  to  ,  earning  a  proper  spot  on  the  house  team  in  her  third  year  (  either  beater  or  chaser  ,  whichever  position  works  with  the  other  gryffindor  headcanons!  ).  
most  notoriously  ,  marlene  had  trouble  picking  her  fights  wisely.  she  has  always  been  the  type  of  person  to  act  first  and  think  later  ,  which  during  her  time   at  hogwarts  got  her  into  an  awful  amount  of  trouble  —  fights  on  the  pitch  ,  in  the  corridors  ,  sometimes  even  in  classes.  it  was  difficult  for  her  to  stand  down  when  she  had  a  problem  with  someone  ...  
this  passion  became  more  and  more  focused  around  equality  efforts  for  muggles  and  muggleborns.  that  conversation  was  had  frequently  at  the  mckinnon  house  and  it  was  clear  who  her  family  stood  with  :  the  order.  however  ,  marlene’s  passion  for  it  was  based  in  the  seeds  her  family  planted.  i  think  that  if  the  mckinnons  sided  with  the  death  eaters  ,  marlene  would  have  fought  just  as  passionately  for  that  ...  at  least  until  around  the  time  the  rp  takes  place  because  this  is  when  she  begins  to  form  her  own  opinions. 
FAMILY  MEMBER  DEATH  TRIGGER  WARNING  BEGINS  ...  though  marlene  was  obvious  in  where  she  stood  in  the  war  ,  it  never  became  real  to  her  until  her  seventh  year.  she  had  nursed  a  quiet  fear  for  what  waited  for  her  outside  of  hogwarts’s  walls  until  she  received  news  of  her  grandmother’s  death.  kira  mckinnon  had  garnered  her  own  reputation  throughout  her  career.  she  was  no  one  to  scoff  at  as  a  looming  figure  in  the  efforts  to  catch  war  criminals.  however  when  she  retired  those  she  had  helped  imprison  didn’t  forget  what  she  had  done.  she  had  been  on  the  death  eaters’  hit  list  for  quite  some  time  and  they  finally  crossed  her  off  —  marking  the  beginning  of  the  mckinnon  family’s  demise.  marlene  refused  to  leave  school  and  took  her  grief  out  on  students  who  she  suspected  stood  with  voldemort.  it  nearly  got  her  expelled.  but  her  grandmother’s  death  left  her  with  a  nearly  paralyzing  need  to  fight.  TRIGGER  WARNING  ENDS.    
upon  graduation  ,  marlene  —  seventeen  and  burning  with  purpose  —  signed  up  to  join  the  order.  her  family  welcomed  her  ,  though  her  parents  had  reservations  about  their  youngest  and  most  reckless  joining  up.  they  tried  to  keep  her  off  missions  as  long  as  possible  and  so  marlene  went  elsewhere  to  try  to  help. 
she  began  her  radio  show  ,  title  TBD  ,  when  she  was  nineteen.  it  requires  a  special  tune  in  in  order  to  hear  and  is  riddled  with  passcodes  and  code  names  but  she  mainly  reports  on  news  and  stories  ,  including  her  own  passionate  rhetoric.  she  operates  it  out  of  a  wizarding  network  who  she  hosts  a  show  for  during  some  weekdays  but  at  night  she  uses  the  instruments  to  hold  her  own  show.  of  course  there  is  music  during  breaks  because  marlene  needs  to  jam.  
since  she’s  joined  the  order  she’s  actually  been  included  on  missions  and  meetings.  all  she  can  see  is  the  fight  right  now  ,  but  in  that  reckless  and  young  perspective  where  she  can  only  see  it  ending  well  for  her  and  her  friends.  because  of  that  she  tends  to  act  fearless  and  downright  stupid  ,  glossing  over  her  fears  and  worries  with  humor  and  general  avoidance.  
TLDR;  marlene  is  a  chaotic  dumbass  who  runs  a  secret  radio  show  under  the  guise  of  an  actual  radio  host  for  a  wizarding  network.  she’s  a  dedicated  order  member  who  will  absolutely  throw  herself  in  harm’s  way  because  ...  she’s  a  chaotic  dumbass.     
RIDE  OR  DIE’S  —  these  are  the  people  marlene  would  go  to  battle  for.  she  is  a  fiercely  protective  friend  and  would  rather  herself  get  hurt  than  those  she  cares  for.  these  are  also  the  people  she  would  actually  confide  in  too.  she  very  rarely  shares  what’s  going  on  in  her  brain  except  for  when  it  involves  these  people.  on  the  flip  side  ,  if  no  one’s  in  peril  ,  marlene  is  that  friend  who  always  pushes  her  limits  a  little  too  much.  she  wants  everyone  to  enjoy  themselves  but  it  won’t  stop  her  if  they  decide  not  to  partake.  she’s  a  bad  influence  point  blank.      
HOOK UPS  &  FLINGS  —  marlene  is  straight  up  afraid  of  serious  relationships.  she  sees  her  parents  and  their  parents  and  relationships  like  theirs  seem  so  out  of  reach.  i  wouldn’t  say  she’s  a  serial  one  night  stander  but  she  has  definitely  left  some  broken  off  flings  in  her  wake  because  of  this.  any  gender  ,  anyone.
LOVE  INTEREST  —  me:  *says  marlene  is  afraid  of  serious  relationships*  also  me:  *puts  love  interest  under  wanted  connections*  exCUSE  ME  if  i’m  a  sucker  for  a  guarded  person  falling  in  love  oK.  anyway  this  could  really  be  any  dynamic  but  personally  i  am  a  sucker  for  a  past  hook  up  catching  feels  but  marlene  doesn’t  return  the  sentiment  unTIL  LATER  or  enemies  to  friends  to  lovers  or  literally  anything  ,  it  does  not  take  much  to  please  me.  again  ,  open  to  anyone.  
RIVALS  &  ENEMIES  —  marlene  is  an  absolute  rage  machine  and  has  probably  started  fights  with  a  lot  of  people.  with  that  said  ,  her  favorite  people  to  hate  are  death  eaters  or  their  sympathizers.  other  than  that  ,  rivals  or  enemies  could  be  a  former  school/quidditch  competitor  to  someone  who  looked  at  her  funny  once.  
MENTOR  —  hello  i  am  a  sucker  for  the  mentor  -  student  dynamic  and  if  anyone  wants  to  knock  some  sense  into  marlene  ,  please  do  not  hesitate  to  do  it.  she’s  young  and  stupid  and  naive  about  the  war  efforts  ,  she  doesn’t  have  an  accurate  view  of  the  world  ,  a  place  she  thinks  is  neatly  divided  into  black  and  white.  your  character  can  tell  her  she’s  not  all  good  and  she  can  be  a  pain  in  your  character’s  ass!!  a  win  -  win  honestly. 
LITERALLY  ANYTHING  —  i  ,,  Love  to  plot  and  am  so  down  to  brainstorm  new  fun  things  with  y’all!!  
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crewfm · 5 years ago
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・゚   ☾         round   two   of   intros   and   none   the   less   messy   !   crew’s   a   new   muse   so   his   intro   will   likely   be   shorter   than   ripleys   but   who   knows   i   love   me   a   lil   dancing   hypebeast   so   maybe   i’ll   ramble   on   .   disc   /   ord   is   @𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢   𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫   !#6439   since   i’ll   be   mobile   for   the   afternoon   !
💀  * [ brandon arreaga + cis male + he / him ] —— have you met  galamiel ‘ crew ‘  rivera ? they are a twenty - one year old junior currently studying music production & visual arts. they live on keating house, and word around campus is that this gemini is fervent + jocular, as well as imprudent + mercurial. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. light shows in your messy dorm , feet that never cease moving , feeling the rumble of a pounding baseline in your chest .  [ ooc: teddy. ]
EDIT : wanted and current connections can be found here !
galamiel   alejandro   luis   santocruz   rivera   (   the   family   had   a   ton   of   people   they   needed   to   honor   in   the   naming   system   )   is   born   smack   dab   in   the   middle   of   a   huge   family   of   seven   siblings   .   his   dad   works   construction   and   his   mom   is   the   sweet   woman   who   mans   the   butcher   counter   at   the   local   grocery   store   that   is   in   the   heart   of   their   tiny   new   mexico   suburb   .   
children   of   immigrants   ,   his   older   siblings   tend   to   jump   into   working   straight   after   graduating   ,   with   his   brothers   taking   on   the   family   construction   business   and   his   sister   working   as   a   secretary   for   a   local   school   .   nobody   really   dreams   of   leaving   their   town   except   for   one   bright   eyed   baby   boy   ,   who   points   out   an   airplane   that   flies   overhead   every   time   he   spots   one
nicknames   come   and   go   until   ‘santocruz’   becomes   the   family   moniker   ,   eventually   shortening   to   just   crew   when   the   white   kids   at   school   inevitably   butcher   it   .
good   natured   and   curious   ,   he’s   less   complacent   than   his   siblings   were   but   more   willing   to   take   risks   ,   asking   questions   and   pulling   things   apart   in   order   to   put   them   back   together   .   his   middle   school   teachers   tell   his   parents   that   he   shows   great   promise   for   a   future   in   engineering   ,   given   his   smarts   and   curiosity   at   such   a   young   age   .
his   father   takes   it   even   harder   when   crew   begins   to   dress   more   eccentrically   ,   the   sole   creative   of   a   family   so   rooted   in   their   simple   way   of   life   .   when   crew   expresses   interest   in   music   and   stays   back   after   school   to   join   the   dance   team   ,   it’s   a   stark   difference   from   the   football   games   and   soccer   matches   his  father   was   so   used   to   cheering   at   for   his   other   children   .
though   he   never   says   it   outright   ,   crew   isn’t   oblivious   to   the   rift   between   himself   and   his   father   ,   the   unspoken   rejection   after   crew   refuses   to   work   for   him   one   summer   in   favor   of   going   to   los   angeles   on   an   internship   for   a   production   studio   .   it   hurts   like   hell   ,   but   the   support   of   his   mother   and   his   more   understanding   siblings   is   enough   to   keep   his   head   up   .   
he   comes   to   holloway   as   more   of   an   escape   than   anything   ,   a   desire   to   leave   the   sleepy   desert   town   that   suffocated   him   and   truly   breathe   before   his   plans   to   move   to   LA   permanently   .   he’s   the   first   to   go   to   college   in   his   family   ,   setting   the   example   for   his   younger   siblings   ,   and   even   if   it’s   not   for   engineering   like   his   parents   had   hoped   ,   his   mother   still   proudly   flaunts   his   school   logo   everywhere   she   can   .
he’s   studying   music   production   with   the   intention   of   becoming   a   producer   ,   posting   music   to   his   soundcloud   every   weekend   that   he   produces   from   his   mini   studio   set   up   in   his   dorm   room   .   he’s   double   majoring   in   visual   arts   bc   he’s   an   artsie   bitch   and   just   likes   to   be   able   to   wax   poetic   about   proportions   and   negative   space   and   having   an   opportunity   to   do   so   without   being   called   pretentious   is   invaluable   to   him   .
PERSONALITY   :   crew   is   a   ball   of   energy   simply   trying   to   make   it   through   each   day   .   he   has   an   eye   for   art   that   keeps   him   centered   on   seeking   out   pretty   things   and   new   experiences   that   can   inspire   his   creativity   .   it’s   not   unlikely   to   find   him   microtripping   on   a   casual   tuesday   and   wanting   to   go   explore   a   church   ‘   for   the   architecture   .   ’   he   has   zero   filter   and   tends   to   use   humor   to   placate   the   average   situation   ,   passionate   about   making   people   feel   something   whether   its   through   his   art   or   through   his   presence   .   
he’s   not   necessarily   outgoing   ,   but   is   dedicated   to   his   inner   circle   .   romantically   ,   he’s   the   type   to   write   or   perform   about   every   interaction   he’s   had   ,   leading   to   rather   intense   flings   that   are   often   shortlived   despite   the   illusion   that   crew   was   invested   .   he   doesn’t   know   how   to   do   things   in   small   doses   and   tends   to   burn   himself   out   due   to   this   .   
one   of   his   fatal   flaws   is   his   tendency   to   not   take   the   world   at   face   value   and   act   on   impulse   ,   following   whims   without   thinking   them   through   and   having   a   reputation   for   being   rather   unpredictable   and   hard   to   follow   .
RANDOM : dresses   the   way   he   does   bc   he   thinks   fashion   is   fun   and   if   u   cant   fw   the   vision   he   doesn’t   want   ur   energy   near   him   !
secure   in   his   masculinity   and   his   sexuality   ,   openminded   about   his   attraction   to   energies   rather   than   simply   physical   features   
every   time   he   ft’s   his   mom   with   a   new   piercing   or   tattoo   she’s   like   ‘   mijo   you   can   get   all   the   mess   you   want   on   your   body   but   dont   TOUCH   YOUR   FACE   ’
pretentious   and   goofy   all   at   once   and   that’s   sort   of   his   brand   ?
likes   to   pretend   he’s   a   photographer   but   he   really   doesn’t   know   what   he’s   doing   .   some   of   his   shit   do   be   comin   out   cool   tho   !
loves   his   homies   .   would   genuinely   get   his   friend’s   names   tattooed   on   him   he   said   im   loyal   for   LIFE
dances   semi-professionally   and   has   been   in   some   music   videos   for   notable   rappers   /   hip   hop   singers   !
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girlobsessed21 · 6 years ago
The 100 6x12 discussion: Screw protocol and kill them all
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My fingers hovered over the keyboard with nerves and you will see my prudence shine through in the post. Look, this is my favorite show, probably of all time, and this entire season has been an absolute doozy to experience. Then, I get to the penultimate episode and I suddenly feel off my game. Not sure if it’s the abundance of storylines happening at once, the few plot holes, Sheidheda or inconsistency, nonetheless, here’s my experience.
You can go back and read all my discussions from the trailer to 6x11 and I never wavered in my stance that Russel may have morals but he is a well-rounded baddie and the main villain of the season. Sure, we had Josephine and whether it’s Eliza and Sarah’s remarkable acting or the sociopath's substance, I’d love a spinoff series about her. It sure is a fruit salad when you add the monstrous commander to the mix, though I don’t expect that storyline to be resolved by next episode. Clarke never found the notebook and Raven seem to be struggling with his disengagement.
In line with the rest of the season, this is filled with the good, the bad and the beautiful. Russel vs Gabriel, Abby vs Simone, Emori vs Murphy, the devout vs nonbelievers and ultimately kill the few to save the many vs taking no lives at all.
Before all the gory details, I just have to say Eliza Taylor is out-and-out iconic. I cannot sing her praises enough with the shrewd way in which she fits into each character’s skin. The lucid distinction between Clarke and Josephine with her emotions surfacing in her ruse as the latter is exceptional.
In peace, you left this shore, Abby
If you follow my weekly posts, you’ll know my opinion on Abby is quite brutal. I’ve never liked her, perhaps a little in season one but she still caused her own husband’s death.  Season after season, episode after episode my fury towards her grew exponentially and I was more than ready to say goodbye - until now.
Looking into your daughter’s eyes, knowing it’s not her must be soul-crushing. I felt it with Abby, Clarke and Delilah’s parents, which is why I completely understood her threatening Russel. A little tear escaped my own eyes when she cried for the loss of Clarke while Raven tried to comfort her.
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Keeping her promise to her daughter, Abby turned herself into a nightblood to save Madi. This has to be one of her most heroic moments ever. I’m not sure if Kane’s final words or this instance bears the turning point in which her past mistakes catch up to her, either way, it’s appreciated. Albeit a strong callback to the Finn and Pike’s deaths.
She did not get a redemption arc but at least her sendoff included a final forgiving chapter.
Ugh, I wanted to punch the smugness from Russel’s face when he realized Abby will be the perfect candidate for his wife. But it came as no surprise, I suspected it.
Her moment with Jackson and the apology to Raven was delivered with such intimacy and poignancy that it provokes a chilling heartbreak when Russel plunges the needle into her neck. Not to mention the way her life flashed before her eyes as she fell to the ground. Paige Turco truly is an amazing actress and I’m curious to see her portrayal of the prime queen even if it’s just for one episode.
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At least she had a beautiful, although short, reunion with Clarke.
One last thing I need to add, Raven’s humbleness this episode was more than welcome. I needed to hear that she acknowledges her judgmentalism as a flaw which requires resolve. A lot can be said on the topic, as I’ve done many times before, though I hope it holds up. Seeing such a strong and smart character in constant high-horse mentality is infuriating, to say the least.
To the glory and grace of the primes
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Props to Emori, she has really grown into quite the benevolent character. I’ve always liked her, but throughout the entire series, she has only improved. From a scavenger to becoming Raven’s skilled apprentice and a loyal member of the Spacekru family. And if 6x08 wasn’t enough to lionize her, she refuses to play house with people who deems a threat to her and her friends.
All while, Murphy’s plan was to show Russel that they’re useful and on-board with being false gods. I thought he would try to find a way to save Echo but clearly being immortal is his first priority. Apart from asking nicely, he did nothing to protect his friends. Did he justify the decision in his mind? Where is the John Murphy I’ve come to love? Raven’s look at Murphy mirrored all of my own feelings on the matter.
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I just have to add that both of them looked stunning when they emerged hand-in-hand as brother and sister. Emori’s dress, damn baby, she hot as hell.
Clarke, on the other hand, is more than resourceful by using Ryker as a bargaining chip. No pun intended. As a mother herself, she knows it’s the quintessential key to Priya’s compliance. And Echo’s attempt at stopping them - top-notch. But can someone please explain when they became friends because if my memory serves correctly, the last time they were together, Echo tried to kill her? Even if she defended her in 6x01, I wasn’t aware they are on hugging terms.
Raven’s perception of the primes as serial killers in royal robes couldn’t be more fitting.
Like I said last week, Gabriel reminds me so much of Monty. Perhaps Mr. Green was slightly stronger; he did kill his own mother when it was necessary. Though, it doesn’t compensate for the lack of Jordan, where is he? Being such an innocent yet brave member of the ensemble, I cannot help but take his absence personally. It’s slightly ridiculous in my opinion.
Anyway, the prince of peace is hellbent on putting a stop to namings day and instinctively changes the plan. Even if I enjoyed his “there is nothing more powerful than the truth” speech, facing a king singlehandedly is foolish. Unfortunately, his presence alerts Russel that the red sun trigger is a fluke. And I suppose unlike all the other heroes of this show, he’s never killed anyone with a gun before. Then again, would pulling that trigger have made any difference with Simone being alive?
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Why did Russel not kill Gabriel though? Was it because Dr. Santiago brought his daughter back and gave them the privilege of immortality? Sorry, that part confused me.
Abby!Simone sure is a vision in white, wow but what a total self-centered biatch!!! At least Abby’s death blew the morality right back into Murphy. The two of them have always had a strong bond since he kept Clarke’s heart beating.
Poor Clarke though, seeing Madi bound and realizing her mother’s dead must have shattered her soul. That, right after seeing Bellamy and Echo in each other’s arms. My heart goes out to her still playing the role of Josephine with enough conviction to fool her parents. Our female lead is one strong woman, blaming the tears on her mother’s return and Gabriel’s betrayal.
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Now, Madi being alive and well is a bit of a conundrum. Sheidheda said he’ll kill the girl if Raven continues. So, my guess is that he let her live since Raven’s tied up and he needs to wake the Wonkru army and they’re playing right into his hand.
Finally, that standoff ending between the primes threatening Madi and Gaia against Indra, Niyalah and the rest of the crew was supercharged. I’m still yelling, “No, this can’t be it!”
The calvary protocol adjusted
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There’s nothing more fun to watch as the Blake’s on good terms. Man, I love it. Octavia being the supportive sibling even more so. And It seems like Bellamy is becoming quite the clown this season. If I’m not mistaken, “I told you she’d get it done,” was like his third joke. He’s always been my favorite, can’t help but smile when he graces my screen.
Fun stuff aside, death to primes.
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Bellamy and Echo reunite. Clearly, he’s delighted to find her safe and sound after learning him she’s in trouble. I believe him to be more than guilt-ridden about abandoning her to save Clarke, even if it ultimately was the right choice. I hate to sound like a typical Bellarke shipper but if their relationship continues with no addressing the last three episodes, it would trigger grave blemishes in the storyline.
It’s degrading for Echo to idly accept her boyfriend’s dedication to another woman. And Bellamy has to face those conflicting feelings inside and make a choice; right now he has his cake and takes little nibbles when the hunger strikes badly.
Of course there’s no time right now. It doesn’t have to happen right away or even in this season, yet it can’t simply be ignored. The looks on both Clake and Octavia’s faces suggest they're less than pleased with the intimate embrace.
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Moving on, his inspirational declaration of the truth took me right back to season one. The man sure has a way of influencing the masses. Sadly, Russel’s had a bomb of his own which causes one hell of an outbreak for those without anti-toxin and Priya’s death by the hand of Delilah’s mom.
Convenient how there just happened to be a lockable storage unit nearby which Echo knew about. Was it one of her hideouts? And won’t they have to kill all the believers anyway once they break down those doors? Guess we’ll find out next week.
I can’t believe there’s only one episode left, I’m already dreading the hiatus. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts! May we meet again next week.
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homenum-revelio-hq · 5 years ago
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Iyla!
You have been accepted for the role of non-biography character MUNDUNGUS FLETCHER with the faceclaim of  Tom Payne! We’re so excited you’ve decided to apply for a second character, as Caradoc has brought so much to the game! We really enjoyed how you included the differences between Caradoc and Mundungus and how that will affect writing and plot. Also, the slang terms were just delightful! 
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME:: Ilya
AGE: 32
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I’m pretty much still in the same situation as before. I don’t have yet a set schedule, but lately I’m trying to be more consistent with the time I dedicated to replies. I still fully intend to aim for more than a post a week!
ANYTHING ELSE: No specific triggers or squicks!
NAME: Mundungus Fletcher
AGE: 31 (June 17th, 1950)
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY:  Demi male. He/Him pronouns. Bisexual.
Mundungus doesn’t have a problem with the gender he was assigned at birth, but if he were to be perfectly honest he wasn’t sure it fitted him perfectly. He sees it more as a well-worn dress that while it won’t sit comfortably it is at least familiar.
As for sexual attraction, he noted from a young age that he was attracted to more than one gender and has never made a big secret out of it. But he knows when he needs to be discreet about it.
Officially, Mundungus is a halfblood. That’s what one would find written on his Ministry file, and that’s what he says when anyone asks. But he has Goblin blood on his mother’ side, making him a half-breed (¼ Goblin).
ANY CHANGES: Low Level member of the Order. Previously an Affiliate.
‘But when all is said and all is done / Jefferson has beliefs. Burr has none.’
Far from being Aaron Burr, nonetheless, this passage came to me when I first thought how to describe Mundungus’ personality and it stuck because of the simple fact that Mundungus is the opposite of Caradoc.
Where Caradoc has a strong sense of morality and personal responsibility, Mundungus has little to no morals. He is ultimately someone who has no care for society and its rules, be it laws or social conventions, and has a somewhat cynical view about life. 
Yet, he never lets this stop him from fully enjoying life. If anything, seeing the ugliness in the world makes him do everything he can to savour the good and beauty in it with a carefree attitude. In a way, he shrugs everything off because in the end he won’t let himself be tied down by things that are of no consequence for him. And thus makes interacting with him, when being on good terms, a fun experience, if somewhat chaotic.
Because of his lack of regard for social conventions and laws, he often acts antagonistic towards law enforcements and people that work for the government and in general showing a rebellious attitude when it comes to respecting authority.
He’s also far from being the crusader that Caradoc is. Fundamentally, he is  a coward, always looking to save his own skin. Looking for any way to avoid pain, imprisonment, impoverishment, no matter what he has to do for it. Even, say, rob the dead or sell light drugs to teenagers or jinx someone in the back.
On the other side of that coin is loyalty. While he would never stake his life for ideals, for a group of people like Muggleborns or Goblins, not even to avoid living in a world run by Death Eaters, he would for that one person he is loyal to. Bound to fealty, one could say loyalty gets in the way of his cowardice more than the other way around.
A sound mistrust of wixen and the name he was stuck with was all that Dardanos Datchery, manager of young witches with talent and too much trust for their own good, contributed to his son’s life. Mundungus has never known his father aside from the tales he heard from others, and no matter how pink his mother’s glasses were with which she looked back on her past with the wizard, it was clear he was a piece of dragon dung and someone better not to have in his life.
His grandmother, Cleometra Fletcher, was his role model and teacher. She taught him all he knew about conning people and picking pockets, and the two were thick as thieves—pun intended. Despite being a witch herself, she also taught him to mistrust anyone and everyone and to rely solely on himself to live his life successfully.
While officially, she was an ‘artifact dealer’, everyone in the underworld, and a few figures in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement knew that many of the artifacts were stolen and part of the illegal deals. Still, she lived to be a free old witch, still pulling a smuggling stint now and then.
More than a decade ago, his mother, Calypso Fletcher, had been known in the Wizarding High Society and all those theatre-loving wix, as Kallisto Datchery. A stunning beauty and astonishing actress, London had fallen in love with her. Wixen desired her and when all their attempts were rewarded only by smiles and giggles, maybe the occasional cheeky kiss, then rumours started floating around that maybe it was all a trick. She had to be a Veela; that was everyone’s guess, incapable to accept she could be a common witch or better: that she was actually part Goblin. 
She had left that world behind, finding it too fake and her part in it a role too suffocating to carry without killing a part of herself, and exchanged it for an old rickety theatre that had seen all of his chairs empty and her family. She taught her son the love of theatre and being on its stages, but most importantly she taught him about courage and family when she chose to reconnect with her own mother and to be one to Mundungus. A mother who was there for him, always, and would teach him about life and its trick, even if it meant to leave behind her fame and the man she had loved for so many years. It was worth it, and she proved it to him—always making sure he felt loved and safe.
Mundungus’ dream was to become an actor, and once he graduated from Hogwarts he was sure he’d make acting his career. Only, it didn’t turn out quite like that. He spent six months auditioning, both in the Wizarding and Muggle world, but each time he was passed over for someone else. When he tried improv and little open shows, he was booed out of the stage and ended up banned by the manager from ever going back because of how bad his acting was.
Still, not wanting to give up, he worked as crew in the theatre for a while before being thrown out for substituting a sick actor and causing the whole show to get what is considered the worst review on The Daily Prophet since its first publication.
After that, he found help in Aberforth Dumbledore that let him work at the Hog’s Head Inn as a bartender for a while. But that job, too, ended when Aberforth discovered that Mundungus sold alcohol and other illegal substances to Hogwarts students. He was fired and banned from ever entering the pub again, a ban still standing.
So, he made crime his primary job. From pickpocketing to little cons, from burglaries to elaborate con schemes. All while still trying to audition, sure that one day he’d get his break. Other jobs, bartending, shop keeping, all were part-time, just something to give to the Twiggies* and the Minnies** when they questioned him about some inquiry on criminal activities. “I ain’t anything to do with that, guv. I was doing me job.”
Since coming back from Paris, in the summer of ‘81, he’s back to holding just a part-time job. Right now he’s looking for a new one, someplace he can be helpful to the Order.
*Twiggies = slang term for Aurors. **Minnies = slang term for Ministry Employees.
Low Level member. He used to be an Affiliate.
Albus Dumbledore started approaching him early on, before the Order was the proper organisation that it is today. Mundungus refused back then. How dare a pureblood wizard approach him for help, not even offering anything in return?
But Dumbledore tried again, after he ended up in trouble with Aberforth Dumbledore and got banned from the Hog’s Head Inn, only to be turned down once more. And then again and again and again, but each time the Order of the Phoenix was something that Mundungus wanted to have nothing to do with. What good could wizards do, anyway? So he would return any favour he owed Old D and then parted ways.
Then came 1971 and things truly got dire for Mundungus, Albus helped him once more.  This time, he didn’t know how to repay him if not by working for the old bag of socks steadily. Mundungus ‘joined’ the Order in an affiliate capacity, taking orders given directly by Old D and him alone—he wasn’t going to be ordered around by any other wizards, thank you very much.
As the years passed and the war escalated, Mundungus found a new motivation to be in the Order. 
In May 1981, he went to Paris and considered staying there, enjoying life away from the war. But he found that while his instincts told him to rebel against Old D’s rule—why should he take orders from him and do anything he said?—loyalty commanded him that he went back. So, when everything turned a mess in France, he rejoined the Order with his loyalty to Albus Dumbledore going hand-in-hand with the feeling that the war had now grown personal.
So he, begrudgingly, moved out from the shadows of being just an affiliate, to take a deeper and more meaningful step into the Order of the Phoenix, deciding that he’ll show them, he’ll show all of them—Death Eaters, Order and Ministry alike—who was better here.
His role is to gather information from the Wizarding underworld about Death Eaters and anything of interest. He also provides the Order with illegal items, or things they want to keep under the radar of the Death Eaters and the Ministry, much like his counterpart, Lucinda Talkalot, provides for the legal ones. 
He is also very skilled at undercover work, though, sadly, every time he tries to show someone he’s just rubbish at it. Yet, he still comes from tales he could have only heard or seen if he had been in the room where it happened.
He is squatting at 133, High Holborn Street, London, the old building of the now abandoned British Museum Station of the London Underground. Having fitted the building with all the spells necessary to make sure no Muggles or passing-by Wixen could find him, Mundungus is the only person living inside. The only other tennant is the Egyptian ghost of Nefertiri, who resides in the old tunnels underneath but sometimes pops up just to scream at him when she feels particularly cross or happy or bored.
Mundungus Fletcher would be the last person one could see risking their own lives for something like the Order of the Phoenix, and this is because he hardly ever appears to stick his neck out for anyone but himself, often disapparating out of a situation at the first sign of danger. He is vocal about his lack of care for society at large, and he has never let his air of indifference break in public.
He also knows how to lay low and disappear when needed, along with knowing how to make oneself useful. When it comes to criminal enterprises, he doesn’t discriminate against clients. After all, making sure his hands are on multiple pies is how he gets the Order the information they need, and how he gets his cake and eats it too.
It helps that people underestimate him. He is notoriously such a terrible actor, banned from numerous stages, that no one would ever think the witch in the corner of the Leaky Cauldron, seated strategically close to hear a very important conversation, is actually Mundungus Fletcher.
For all Mundungus’ indifference and dislike of an entire group of people, when things get on a person-to-person level, he can grow quite attached to people without meaning to. Yet, this still doesn’t stop to sometimes take advantage of them or drag them into his own schemes, no matter how ill-advised that is. He is a mischief-maker, though he prefers to be backstage of his own tricks most of the time when it comes to pranks—all to avoid the possible ire of his victims.
Because he is never one to wallow on bad and sad things, he often tries to cheer people up, even if it’s just so he doesn’t have to be around misery, and tries to always find something to laugh about. He cares little to nothing if he is the focus of ridicule, since he has learned to let insults wash by him without having his pride or feelings hurt by them.
While in the past he kept his distance from the other members of the Order, now that he has committed to being a member, he doesn’t keep himself apart any longer. If anything, he’s compensating a bit, trying to get into people’ spaces so they know he’s not going anywhere.
Albus Dumbledore: Mundungus has mixed feelings about Old D. He’s grateful, of course, for the favours the old wizard has done for him in the past and especially the latest one, that allowed him back in the British Isles and back into the Order. But it’s a resentful kind of gratitude, even now. Still, even with the resentment, the distrust he still feels towards the man and being a coward himself, he is never going to betray the man. He can’t promise he’ll stop stealing his socks, though.
Lu Travers: It had all started with an “I owe you.” Lu got him out of a very sticky situation with the French and ever being one to stand this sort of debt, Mundungus found himself helping them get into the British Pureblood Society and passing for one of those old sacks of entitlement and perpetual stink under their noses. At first, he hated how that shiny world got another Muggle-born to fall for it, but then he found himself drawn into this way past what he had owed Lu. Truly, it was beyond him what they saw into that shiny world, especially because despite (and because of) the quarrels, jabs and insults, he was growing to like them. But a promise was a promise, and this might turn into his best con yet.
Other possible connections:
Adonis Carrow: It happened and still does, that from time to time, Mundungus comes in possession of some fine artifacts which he would much rather not have found on his person. The thing is, often he needs someone to tell him what they are and how much they are worth, and maybe even help him find someone that might be interested in buying them.
Alice Longbottom: One might say it’s a side effect of being in line of work that Mundungus and Alice are to ending up crossing each other paths. He was used to getting stopped, now and then, to make sure he wasn’t somewhere doing something that law said he shouldn’t be doing. Sometimes the person on the other side of the table was Alice Longbottom, and he was always amused to play the part of someone that didn’t know what this twiggie got up to when off the clock. Just as she had to pretend not to know what he did for the Order. Still, he really didn’t want to test her acting skills, if she ever were to catch him for one his personal missions
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: I don’t have any set ship. Like for Caradoc and as a general rule, I do prefer to ship chemistry. But I do want to point out that no matter how it can come off, I am categorically NOT shipping Mundungus and Dumbledore (either brother).
Since childhood, the whispers and rumors of what he was have followed him along with all the chosen insults that were hurled his way. Half-breed. Half wizard and half-anything they could imagine, anything that could be demeaning and hurtful.
His grandmother taught him to not to care much for those insults and to take revenge by making fools out of those wizards.
Because of those past experiences Mundungus has a lot of prejudices against wizardkind: they all think themselves better than any other kinds. The one exception that he makes are muggle-borns, which he sees more as fellow half-breeds. Until, of course, they also get corrupted by that same thinking. Just as some Squibs have been. 
He tends to use his own prejudices as reasoning and justification for his cons. If wizards are so much better than others, they ought to prove it, don’t they? How can they be better, though, if they keep falling for his cons?
These heavy prejudices are reinforced by the one privilege that Mundungus has in the Wizarding World: being able to pass as a halfblood wizard. His looks are not so distinct that they draw attention, and his Ministry file reports ‘halfblood’ in the field ‘blood status’. While, of course, some still think themselves better than Mundungus, it’s impossible not to notice how differently they behave with him when it’s halfblood instead of halfbreed.
As I mentioned, I usually avoid Marauders Era RPs but Mundungus was my first love. Especially because I like to challenge people’s idea of who he is. Yes, he’s the amoral, cowardly thief we see in the books, but I also think that Mundungus is someone that has lost a lot. Lost friends and probably lost himself.
Watching the movies we tend to forget how young the marauders were when they met their demise, and how many of those that were in the Order died or disappeared. Who was left? Mundungus was, and I think surviving took its toll on him.
I look forward to playing him during the war with a destiny that is not set in stone. Maybe someone could teach him some morals, or give this Cowardly Lion a bit of courage. Who knows.
In terms of character-related plots, I’d love for Mundungus to start becoming loyal not just to Dumebledore but others within the Order. Seeing his cowardice tested time after time by this newfound loyalty, too.
Having Mundungus create a bit of ‘innocent’ chaos, by helping people with pranks and agree with any conspiracy theory it comes his way: the more absurd the better.
He’s a Gemini and a Slytherin: https://hp-aesthetic.tumblr.com/post/146954905907/gemini-slytherin-moodboard-slytherin-geminis
Growing up with his grandmother, a thief, Mundungus came to learn everything there was to know about surviving on the streets of the Wizarding Underworld, while his mother, a stunningly beautiful half-goblin actress, taught him to love the theatre. His dream was to become an actor, but alas every time he tried, he ended up botching the part so badly that even today, people are still recovering from the failure and second-hand embarrassment they’d felt that night. Yet, away from the limelight, Mundungus was a master of working under cover. He could transform himself completely and pass for a whole different person, conning people out of their money and any valuable information for future schemes. Unfortunately, because of the secretive nature of this particular stage, no one would ever know how great of an actor he truly was. Being, in fact, so good that, but for a few exceptions, no one ever even noticed they had been conned by Mundungus Fletcher. His face stayed a plain one, easily forgotten, and never associated with any of the many aliases he used. Never, until: Albus Dumbledore.
Flattered by the recognition but holding too much distrust of wixen, Mundungus turned down each of Albus’ offers to join the Order of the Phoenix and worked for the man only sporadically, when a favour was owed. The cause he believed in, why wouldn’t he want a fair and equal world? But because of his resentment against Dumbledore and those wixes pretending to care about the lives of halfbreeds, he only showed up to take his orders and carry them out—seemingly—reluctant. Nonetheless, whenever he succeeded in one of his missions, he couldn’t help feeling relieved and satisfied. Almost proud.
After almost a decade working for Dumbledore, something big happened. Something that could cost him his freedom, perhaps life. Albus offered to help him—in return for a favour. A big one. Bigger than any other ever before. So it became clear to Mundungus that it was time to call it quits. Time to leave Britain, to take his mother away from all this violence and to give her the life she deserved. Paris seemed a much nicer place, despite the French, and it offered new opportunities. Yet, much like Leprechaun Gold—even though at first it had felt good to be out of the oppressive shadow of war—the world there felt lackluster. The novelty of conning French fools soon wore off, and Mundungus became sloppy with his work. For the first time in his life, he felt bored and nostalgic. And the Order and its cause simply wouldn’t leave his mind. The threat of Death Eaters and their vicious plans for the Wizarding World had not reached Paris at that time, it didn’t affect him, but still he couldn’t shake the memories of his time as an affiliate for the Order. Yet for a man with little pride, he had just enough to stop him from taking the first Portkey back. He couldn’t go back to Dumbledore and the Order, no matter how he missed them both. Hence, when a young Muggleborn needed his help to con the Pureblood Society of Britain, he gladly jumped on the opportunity to go back home. To his mother it was obvious that Mundungus had only waited for such an opportunity to arise, an excuse to finally accept Albus’ offer after all, but Mundungus insisted that he was being selfless, and solely doing this for the young Muggleborn in distress. Either way, he returned to Britain, let Albus wash his name white and in return paid his debt: he joined the Order of the Phoenix.
FC CHOICES: Tom Payne. Taron Egerton. Michael Socha.
I like how Tom’s face has this youthfulness about it despite his age. I like to think Mundungus’ face has this same quality of looking old and young at the same time, making it a little difficult to guess his age.
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internetremix · 6 years ago
In IR lore, what are the personalities of your personas? Basic likes and dislikes?
Kristen: Goggles is An Child and behaves as such. She's very cheerful, very curious, a bit mischievous and also 100% obsessed with making fanwork of her internet family... like a goddamn weirdo. She'll usually be hanging out with everyone, spot some sort of inspiration, squeak with joy and then rush off to write or draw. She's also the defacto leader of the Smol Squad, which is composed of herself, Shyner, Jojo and Chi-chi, and she's usually the one squeaking out ridiculous plans in muppet for dumb shit like stealing cookies and trying to trap people in fanfiction scenarios. She likes to help and can often be found doing such things as assisting Xander in his many schemes or just popping up to provide shit like charts or hold things for other people- basically whenever it would be funny to have some goddamn muppet backing something up.
She loves plush toys, particularly Crockernanner, and also loves sugar, star decorations, and cuddles. She likes being picked up and loves attention, and she's pretty consistently attached to at least one person, often her big brother Split if she's not with the Smol Squad. She is in eternal war with Phill since he bullies her constantly, and will occasionally try to set up elaborate traps for revenge only to fail miserably. Also she's a huge weeb. She does not like to sleep and will often go days without it before being dragged off by some bigger person to take a goddamn nap you ridiculous child.  She is also very afraid of thunderstorms, she doesn't like loud noises or the dark.
She also has... various flaws and problems. But those are spoilers and I have no idea when/if we’ll be doing story stuff with IRsonas so I don’t want to give too much away with that.
Sorry this is very long, I think about my child a lot.
Jojo: JoJo is also a very happy child... like, stupid happy all the time. Like, they don't really have a concept of being angry. they're either manic happy or a bit sad. They love to find any way to make anybody smile or laugh, whether it be a somber happy, or a crying fit of laughter. They thrive off of happiness. They're a bit mischievous as well, and will try to play pranks and swipe things to chew on. They'll just appear in random places you'd never expect. like, in the pantry, the vent, or in your drawer. They chew things all the time to keep their dragon teeth sharp! They do tend to come off as obnoxious and kind of useless sometimes? But that's ok.
They love happiness, rocks, swimming, sandwiches, Vanilla coke, coffee, pianos, stars, ghost stuff(horror genre), and laughter. JoJo is pretty similar to Goggles now that I think about it x_xJoJo is best friends with Phill, and will always be on him in some way. Like his leg, back, holding onto his scarf by their teeth, etc. They're also very close with Goggles and Shyner, and Scott (even though Shyner tries to chase JoJo off with knives, JoJo will take it as a game of tag or something)JoJo doesn't like being yelled at or being told to go away. They get spooked easily by loud noises. They always get paranoid when they think someone is mad at them and will go to ungodly lengths to make them not mad or slightly annoyed with them, which sometimes makes people more annoyed with them than they were before.
JoJo is just an exaggerated version of me XD
Atwas: Atwas is fairly easy going. They make light of things often, and often hide serious sentiments behind jokes. They’re the type to roll with goofy and silly situations, and are very “yes and” type that enjoys escalating things in the name of light-hearted fun. They enjoy playing pranks, especially ones that take advantage of their hologrammatic nature (being able to enter and ‘possess’ electronics is something that they take advantage of often). Being technically in the cloud and a part of the internet at all times, they will often chime in with fun (often unrelated or humorous) metrics about situations and people as they occur—and often forgets that having a HUD isn’t something everyone has access to.
Being ‘technically’ invulnerable, atwas isn’t phased by the more dangerous things that go on in the IR tower, but usually prefers being a spectator or commentator as opposed to being an active participant in general shenaniganry. They don’t have any particular animosity towards anyone, and will occasionally help manage technical parts and functions of the tower.
They enjoy things like tech, cold weather, tea, fun statistics, darkness; and aesthetics like Film Noir and Retrowave.
They dislike things like excessively hot weather, being interrupted, getting too personal, having to put in a lot of “effort”, and being out of the loop.
Shyner: Shyner can easily be summed up to a tsundere in denial, and is the definition of an agent of chaos. If something goes wrong, she’s the one pouring a trail of kerosene to let the fire spread. She's loud, impulsive, and really doesn't give two shits. While quirky and charismatic, she’s also sarcastic and witty, reveling in the amusement of making fun of others. She’s often stubborn and impatient, thinking highly of her own beliefs and angered by those who dare to challenge her ideals. She also lacks a filter, and enjoys garnishing her words with colorful profanities. Filled with gripes of past trauma, she’s engaged in a constant internal war of turmoil and grief. She’s incredibly cautious and closed off around those she doesn’t trust, and can be very selfish.  Despite this, she’s loyal to the few people she cares about, going out of her way to put them first if a dire situation were to arise. She’s also very sneaky and mischievous, often finding amusement in spying on others. Her MBTI is INTP-T.
Her hobbies include stargazing, ghost hunting, spying, and Satanic worship. She enjoys melancholy vibes, horror movies, animals, thunderstorms, and has an unhealthy obsession with sweets. Yes, this child will stab you without hesitancy if you take her cookies. She dislikes seafood, big crowds, kiddie leashes, and is afraid of experiencing intense emotion she doesn’t understand.I love my satanic smol bean very much. If I may be so bold as to dive into the nitty-gritty psychology, Shyner possesses many flaws, a lot of which I personally struggled with growing up. She is a reflection of my past self, some gripes with my current self, and the perception of how I could have turned out if I hadn’t met my family at IR. Hiding behind the exterior of being a merciless bully, she still has an intense internal desire to be a good person, but gets frustrated and often derails herself in the process of fighting her desire to act on impulse. She keeps most relationships with people at arm's length, fearing that if someone were to think highly of her, it would only be a matter of time before they’re disappointed. If we were to go full-fledged story mode, she would most definitely have an intense character redemption arc, making the revelation that being shitty to those who care about her isn’t the way to run from her problems and hide away from her own sense of self-insecurity/hatred.
Phill: Phill likes mischief, bad jokes, sexual undertones, Jojo, sexual overtones, bullying Kristen, and the colour pink. That's it xD
Jojo: :D yay
Alex: Alex don't give a shit but is for whatever reason the bossman and is also as powerful as silver age Superman, just don't try actual murder of the crew and he won't yeet you into the sun
Moon: 2019 Moon is an idiot. If we didn't know any better, we would assume he was born from nothing but an old head of lettuce in Satan's refrigerator. Think like Scott from Monster Prom, but different. He knows his right from his left, but the compass is still just "NESW" to him. Impulsive, lovable, and kinda loud, this muscley dumbass will do practically anything you tell him to if he finds it enjoyable. When paired with a few people, he works well as a second to many dynamic duos. Brodingles and Moon/Split and Moon are two really good ones, dangerous shenanigans ensue. Can and will rap like a beast, any challenge to a freestyle will result in a career ending and a death being sentenced. Extroverted people pleaser, definitely shooting high to perform and when adapting to a character, goes a little too hard. This man played Gander in Charlottes Web and didn't stop making goose sounds for months. Did I mention he's also a disney princess? Singing, animals, mortal enemy falling to their death? Everything
Dawn: ToonWolf/Dawn's personality falls within the confines of recklessly adventurous who doesn't think things through entirely. They like to try and rope others into going on various hikes, treasure hunts, mythic/cryptid searches, etc. Unapologetic sailor mouth. They will fight for friends and family. Various animals, trinkets, treasures, and cool but useless garbage are brought back to the tower often (oops theres a liiiiiiitle bit of hoarding). Sometimes those animals consist of dogs, cats, lizards, bears, wolves, The Great Noble One, horses, lions, elk, you get the idea (Can I keep them?Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaseeeeee??????????).
Overall they are most comfortable and relaxed in/around water and likes a whole lotta things including sailing, swimming, adventure, stargazing, animals, mythology/legends, friends, family, and drawing.
They dislike waking up early, limitations, being talked down to, boredom, desert/hot/humid/dry weather, coffee, and the movie "Cube"
Tex: Tex is an avid cryptid detective + has a surprisingly good intuition when creating conspiracy theories about them to follow. Mm lots of memes and disguises. Smart, but usually just off on their own thinking about other stuff.Totally has a wall in their room dedicated to figuring all the cryptids out with like, red string and everything.
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mooniessuniverse · 7 years ago
Presentation || Chris Evans
Requested: Nope
Prompt(s) used: ---
Summary: Everybody were asking you about wedding of your coworker which led to the conversation about your celebrity crush, Chris Evans. You decide to explain to them why him in an interview done by Ellen.
Warning(s): my bad humor (I personally love it), brief mentions of break-up and cheating, few swear words
Word count: 2800+
A/N: I don't know what made me write this (okay, I know but that's a talk for another time) and I know I said that writing about real people made me uncomfy but inspiration striked and this came out. Enjoy!
My masterlist || Characters list (aka who I write for)
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You had been in this interview for a while now, answering question mostly related to your upcoming movie project, and then a few questions about your co-worker's wedding that you had attended a few days ago. The interview had been good, mostly calm, but you knew there was a question that Ellen wanted to ask. She just needed to find the right opportunity to ask.
"Did you have a date?” she asked nonchalantly. “I saw that you posted some photos but your boyfriend nowhere in sight.”
You gave her a small smile. “Yes, I had. His name is Aaron and he is the best seven years old gentleman I ever got a chance to met.”
“So, you were kind of babysitting?”
You playfully glared at her. “Only person who was babysitting that day was his mother. We had a lot of fun together and his mom wasn’t really fond of the fact that we ate the wedding cake under the table where we decided to hide from her. We shared our strategies in hide and seek, danced together and let me tell you, that little boy is something else. My ex should learn from him,” you laughed when her expression changed to schock.
She cleared her throat. “You seem better now, I couldn’t help but notice that you looked a bit troubled few weeks back on your social media. This was the reason why?”
You nodded. “Our relationship was complicated, we had a lot differences and we had a hard time to manage to see each other which led to many unnecessary fights and misunderstanding between us. We decided to end things after one event three months ago. But we still talk and are friends so, ugh, that’s it.”
It was hard for your boyfriend to reconcile the fact that you can’t be with him everytime he wants to see you. As a rising star in the movie industry you had to fight for the roles you wanted to play and it needed to lot of practise and a hard work to accomplish it. He was your boyfriend of six years and you both felt as the spark in your relationship burned down a long time ago, that you were together just from the habit.
Maybe that was the reason why you pulled yourself up so quickly after you found out he cheated on you. It was weird but it didn’t mean as much as it would for example a year ago. But you were glad it was like it is because then it would be a lot harder.
“Do you have someone new on your mind, Y/N?” Ellen broke your train of thought, thankfully.
“Not someone with whom would be a relationship realistic, no,” you smirked a bit when you saw how she sat more comfortably in her chair with a child-like smile on her face. You could hear her next words in your head before she even started talking.
“Someone like Chris Evans, your celebrity crush?" Ellen said, earning whistles and cheers from crowd.
You nodded in agreement, straightened your back and gave her and the crowd an overdramatic look.
You pulled out a note book from next to your sofa you put there earlier when you came on stage, continuing your motions even as the audience stared in curiosity. You took a black marker from the table in front of you that you had placed there earlier and put big, goofy clear glasses on, large enough to cover half of your face. Ellen watched you with curious eyes and smirk on her lips as you wiggled your eyebrows at her.
This was either going to be the most embarrassing thing in your life, or the goofiest. Either way, you thought this was funny and you hoped that the crowd and Ellen would think the same.
Then you assumed the best serious face you could, "I am glad you started this topic. As you can see, I expected this and I want to apprise you with my reasons. Let's start here," you opened the note book and revealed a framed picture of the infamous Chris, with hearts decorating the frame. Ellen giggled at the sight and crowd quickly followed suit.
"I have nothing to hide. He is a great, talented guy who can sing," you turned a page and presented a page solely dedicated to the recent play he starred in. Loby Hero was written in perfect cursive, a font that most definitely was not your handwriting and was obviously printed. The crowd cheered.
"Oh boy," Ellen said, not even trying to hide her laughter.
You frowned at her. "Ah, ah! No interrupting during my presentation, Ellen!" you scolded her. She nodded quickly putting a hand up to her mouth to try and hide her infectious giggles, readjusting herself in her seat.
You tried your best to remain unaffected by her contagious laughter, holding your face in a stoic manner as you presented your creation to the audience. You continued, trying hard to ignore the smile tugging at your lips, "He is an incredibly intelligent man," you gestured to the screen behind you where Chris's tweets and gifs appeared, and you made a personal reminder to thank the tech guy who helped you set this up.
Ellen gasped and burst out in laughter, no longer trying to hide behind her hands and clutching her stomach in her seat. "How did you make this happened?" she questioned in disbelief, wiping the tears away from her eyes.
You winked at her, "I compromised a guy from your crew. Your employees aren't as loyal as you thought," you adjusted the dramatically large glasses on your face, pushing them up your nose.
"He might have told me to ask you to not fire him because this was my idea and he thought it was hilarious but who am I to fill peoples wishes, I'm not a genie," you pretended to look into the notes that were very clearly blank and observed her from the corner of your eye. She turned around to look at people from her team and made a, what you guess by laugh from the crowd, threatening and angry face.
"He is also really sweet," you turned your pen around so red pointer shinned on the screen behind you. There was pictures of Chris with his fans, family and such. "Awww" sounded throught the whole room.
"Funny," Photos and gifs of Chris doing dorky things with his co-stars or fans or him alone doing faces appeared behind you. People laughed.
"He can look all innocent and hot at the same time and make you question everything you've ever thought about what men could make you think and feel." That was probably what everybody waited for. There were loud cheers and applause when sinful (okay, maybe not sinful but you definitely thought they were) photohoots of Chris flicked behind you.
You let them enjoy their view before you continued. "He is well known for his boob grab that he does when he laughs." You kept your nose into your fake notes while there came pictures of him laughing and doing his famous boob grabs. A lot of people giggled.
"But maybe, just maybe!" you pointed your index finger at Ellen, "I adore his dog, Dodger," you turned another page on your note book and showed everyone a lot of pictures of Chris's dog Dodger. Photos of him appeared also behind you, turning into a collage "Do it for him!".You earned another loud reaction from the crowd. Ellen looked like she was about to faint from how much she was laughing by now.
"I adore Dodger more and try to hide my true feelings behind tweeting about Chris, which I do way more than I should, so you can imagine how much I want to meet this dog," you looked into viewers of today's show. "But first off, I would have to meet his owner, the dear Chris Evans, also known as the "Dorito man", which he said himself and what I assume is true. Don't worry everyone, I am working on it. And I swear to god, I'll do anything to get to pet that dog."
Maybe this wasn't such a disaster as you thought it would be. People were laughing and Ellen was almost lying on the floor, tears spilling down her cheeks. You smiled to yourself and giggled shortly before closing your note book and taking your glasses off. You stood up and bowed before your audience.
"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen and all the people out there behind television or computer screens, for your attention and that you listened to my presentation about Dodger, the thief of hearts, hidden behind my presentation about Chris Evans who has raw acting talent, who needs more recognition and is surely an absolute sweetheart. But, that's yet to be discovered," you smiled at them brightly and sent them a wink.
Everyone applaused loudly. All these noises and lights made you forget your surroundings for a while and you focused, not on cameras or nervous feeling in your stomach, but on the great energy around you.
After a while, everything calmed down and Ellen was sitting in front of you, wiping tears out of her eyes, "Oh my god, that had to be the best presentation I've ever seen! Now I really want you to meet Chris. The best and the most random thing that would happened tonight would be if he was here, right now, maybe hiding in the crowd, am I right?" she told you and you widened your eyes at her in shock.
The wide smile on your face suddenly disappeared and one of grave embarrasment replaced it. You stared at Ellen with wide eyes which the crowd seemed to enjoy greatly judging by their rambunctious laughter.
You leaned forward in your seat, placing a hand over your heart, "Please, Ellen, tell me that you are just joking because I can't deal with this stress right now, this was a problem for future Y/N, not me."
Ellen began laughing again, "I could be carrying a child, you know how bad the stress would be for it?" you tried to reason with her, giving every excuse you could find. It was lame and desperate but you couldn't help it.
"Are you pregnant?" she fired back with raised eyebrows.
"No, but I could be!" you let yourself be heard as your voice raised an octave higher. "Come on, Ellen, I was supposed to be all cool and funny when I get to meet him, maybe I could write a script for myself with all possible scenarious to be ready and instead of that I am bambling mess and I am making myself even lamer than I already am and you are laughing at me!"
You threw your hands in the air, frustrated with her silence. You were starting to shake. She would never, wouldn't she?
She gave you a knowing look with a smile tugging on her lips and you quickly hid your face behind your palms. This was the day you were going to die. Jesus Christ, why. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Chris Evans on our show!"
And it was there again. The crowd stood up and clapped loudly while Chris Evans stood up from his seat within the crowd, came down the stairs to the stage, to you and Ellen. You watched him through your fingers as he, in all his glory, walked in the middle of so many people like it was nothing. He was smiling fondly, ever so charmingly.
His hair was longer now, coming back to his usual look. His eyes were bright and framed by few wrinkles of laughter. He was wearing a dark blue jeans and black shirt with rolled up sleeves, with a watch around his right wrist.
You were sure that if you stood up you would fall back into the sofa. You were pretty sure you were a completely different shade of red, a red so bright and deep that you resembled a tomato. Your face burned with needles as you watched him with your mouth agape. The lights from above bounced off of his body, providing a golden silhouette around his broad shoulders and his handsome face. He was the epitome of an ancient god.
"Well, thank you," Chris said with a light blush dusting on his cheeks and smug smile on his face.
You stood up quickly, your knees buckling under your weight. He quickly caught you with ease, his hands placed on your ribcage to steady you. You kept your eyes trained on his broad chest, unable to meet his gaze.
"Do you think I will turn into the stone if I look into your eyes?" you asked him quietly, trying not to speak into the microphone that would surely amplify your statement and literally kill you.
You were away from each other at an arm's length. He was still slightly supporting you. You were well aware of his touch and you had to say, it was greatly distracting.
He laughed and got closer to your ear. "Why don't you look up and find it out yourself?" You could hear a grin in his voice.
You spoke up before you could stop yourself. "Jesus Christ, do you lure sailors into your traps with that voice?"
He laughed wholeheartedly and you couldn't help but look up to see with your own eyes how he looks when he is laughing. His blue eyes were closed a bit and he had one corner of his lips higher than the other a little. He was so freaking adorable.
You couldn't help but smile with him. You were blushing a lot and not even make-up could save you now but you didn't really care. You met your idol and he looked pleased by your compliment.
"This is so much better than any lovestory I've ever heard. Look at her, she is so starstruck," Ellen commented, effectively snapping you out of your dreamlike state. You took a tiny step away from Chris, making some space between you and his enchanting eyes.
You stretched out your hand as an invitation for him to shake it. "I am Y/N Y/L/N and I am about to faint," you introduced yourself as he took your hand.
He had still a charming smile on his lips. "I am Chris Evans and it's really nice to met you."
"The pleasure is mine, really," you shook his hand too long. You let go of his warm hand as if it was made from hot iron and gestured to the spot next to yours on the sofa.
After Chris greeted Ellen properly and you three seated, Ellen spoke. "Chris, you once told me that you wanted to meet Y/N a long time ago but never got the right chance."
He sat more comfortably next to you and you widened your eyes when his knee brushed against yours and at the realization of that statement.
Ellen should get a bigger sofa or I am gonna loose my shit, you thought, careful to not accidentally voice your thoughts. You fixed your skirt even though there wasn't anything to fix.
"I thought that only person whose secrets will get out there will be of the beautiful woman next to me but I guess I was wrong." You couldn't help the smile forming on your lips.
Ellen waved him away. "Chris, Chris, Chris, what a foolish thing of you to think that. I don't do anything half heartedly."
"Yeah, you are right, you are right. And when we are talking about doing things," he turned to you and you looked up at him with your Y/E/C eyes, "Would you go out with me?"
Your mouth hung open. You stared at him in disbelief while the audience was losing their minds. You watched him in the attempt to find out if this was an act and he was doing this just to have fun. But when you saw just sincerity in his eyes, your mouth closed and you gulped.
"Are you serious? Are you sure? Even after you saw that presentation just a few minutes ago?"
He grinned and leaned to you, taking of your goofy glasses. You felt like your cheeks were on fire at this point. "I think it was really creative, funny and it warmed my stone cold heart. And who am I to not give you a chance to meet Dodger. He likes to meet new people and even more those that are just as excited to meet him as he is about meeting them."
Your eyes lingered on his face a little bit longer than you intended. When you didn’t see anything else than flirty smile and sincerity, a wide smile spread across your face. "I think that my answer was obvious the moment you let it out but I will gladly say it out loud - yes, I would and I will if you are one hundred percent sure you are able to spent time with this," you gestured towards yourself and grinned.
"It would be my pleasure."
Beta-read by wonderful @haztory​ (check her work out, she is an amazing writer!!)
Tag list: @the-right-drug-wrong-time @haztory  (if you would like to be tagged in my future work, send me an ask or a message)
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chicagoindiecritics · 5 years ago
New from Every Movie Has a Lesson by Don Shanahan: REWIND REVIEW: Where’d You Go, Bernadette
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(Image: cnn.com)
For an occasional new segment, Every Movie Has a Lesson will cover upcoming home media releases combining an “overdue” or “rewind” film review, complete with life lessons, and an unboxed look at special features.
There are parallels between which filmmaker Richard Linklater always seems to operate. It was either “free-wheeling fun” or “poignant realism” with “scant middle ground.” Call them Party Linklater and Deep Linklater. The question mark skipped from the title of Where’d You Go, Bernadette can be placed in the sentence of which Linklater did we get? Welcome to the uncharted and unexpected “scant middle ground” where grandiose fiction is the party and odd eccentricity is the depth.
Neurotically charming, yet misshapen in many ways, Where’d You Go, Bernadette is wholly unique from the Texan and Hollywood outsider. The movie has the equal ability to disarm and disgust depending on your perspective or experience with the Maria Semple source material. Non-readers will float with the staccato blustering and the Antarctic kayak currents of fancy. Ardent fans will wonder where all the scintillating mystery went that gave merit to all the haphazard happenings beset on the family of narrator Balakrishna Branch, affectionately known as “Bee” and played by debuting talent Emma Nelson.
Bee is the uber-precocious 15-year-old daughter of a pair of brilliant-minded, attracted opposites. Her father is the Microsoft-backed tech innovator Elgin Branch, played by Billy Crudup, earning industry kudos and TED Talk stages with groundbreaking new mind-to-text recognition software. The extroverted and borderline workaholic is matched by his reclusive and agoraphobic wife and Bee’s titular mother, played by Academy Award winner Cate Blanchett and her bangs. Detailed by exposition-minded video essays viewed by characters on screen, Bernadette Fox was once the toast of Los Angeles and the most brilliant architectural design savant of her generation before professional disappointment burned and stomped over her creativity.
LESSON #1: “THE BRAIN IS A DISCOUNTING MECHANISM” — Bernadette’s own explanatory observations of self-diagnosis are fueled by empirical study, plenty of science, and a side of doubting bullshit. It’s true that the brain looks for risk and signals accordingly. To call it a design flaw for danger instead of joy, however, is where you squint at the woman’s nuttiness to a degree. Still, this background and Cate’s delivery of it all sheds light on the movie’s nervous system.
For years, Bernadette has buried herself in two projects: being a mom and endlessly tinkering with restoring a huge derelict old school building into the family’s home in the Seattle burbs. Anxiety has grown into to insomnia and a racing heart during social and domestic confrontations. Her most common clashes are anything requiring Bernadette to interact and keep up with the joneses of the hoity-toity private school Bee attends (something matching of Semple’s inspiration). That judgy crowd is led by the granola and snooty next door neighbor Audrey (Kristen Wiig) and her minion Soo-Lin (TV actress Zoe Chao) who works with Elgin.
LESSON #2: DIFFERING PERSPECTIVES ON FAILING LIVES — We learn a great deal about where Elgin and Bernadette stand in a dynamite sequence of two separated venting sessions. Elgin has approached a psychiatrist (Judy Greer) about how to deal with his wife. In a different location, Bernadette catches up with an old colleague (Laurence Fishburne) that she hasn’t seen in years. Deftly constructed with surgical editing from Linklater regular Sandra Adair, his lament combines with her rant. His conclusion is help while hers is to create, showing just how far apart the two former lovebirds are now.
Outside of her impressionable daughter, Bernadette’s verbose and unrestrained external monologue is received and filtered through “Manjula,” her unseen automated text-to-speech personal assistant service. Even with the prospect of an Antarctic cruise vacation for Bee on the horizon, all of the loose threads of Bernadette’s current course are unraveling to several breaking points. Everyone can see these potential disasters coming except her and the loyal Bee who considers her mother her best friend.
LESSON #3: LOVE SOMEONE’S FLAWS — The movie presents a family that still loves the mess that Bernadette has become. Her husband, for all his worry, remains a willing confidante. The nearly unconditional love between daughter and mother is tremendous. Mom defends her daughter’s independence and the resilient girl gives it right back in the face of the catty other moms. Accepting and inspiring familial love trumps every quirk or mistake and the film forces a great many syrup-coated steps to ensure that happens.
Showing off as much if not more unstable petulance as she did winning the Oscar for Woody Allen’s Blue Jasmine, Cate Blanchett bring a dizzying level of detail to her characterization of depressed pizzazz and wallowing pluck and play Bernadette Fox. There is never a wasted movement or breath with Cate. This is complete immersion and her vocal and physical expressions and actions of exasperation are fascinating to watch. Sure, maybe we’ve seen this level of difficulty before from the newly-minted 50-year-old, but the capability and brilliance she brings to these odd roles is nearly second to none. Put her right there next to Meryl Streep where her dedication to any and every challenge cannot be questioned.
Across from that celebrated star of rich and storied career heights is Emma Nelson, the rookie in her first movie. Experience be damned, she becomes the emotional linchpin of the whole darn thing. Every arc of personal improvement for Bernadette lifts one for Bee and the first-timer exudes mettle and moxie. That girl is going places besides just her next year of high school.
Admittedly, Where’d You Go, Bernadette is tricky business for Richard Linklater. Semple’s best-seller is a uniquely mystery-driven collection of documents, emails, and transcripts, stuff not easy or clear to translate on screen without heavy narration or the wild visual creativity of something like Searching. Linklater and the Me and Orson Welles screenwriting team of Holly Gent and Vince Palmo bent and stripped away that hop-scotch of truth and “you never know everything” intrigue to fashion something more straight-forward and safe as a character piece narrative. In doing so, the resulting film skimps on opportunities to wreck more havoc in personal lives. The fits and spurts of how far to raise eyebrows comes out in the film’s unevenness. Luckily, the acting is steadfast and satisfying.
LESSON #4: TAKE A JOURNEY OF SELF-DISCOVERY — Critique aside, the clear goal for Linklater was to create or hone something more pleasant than a tawdry yarn of competing gossip. The third act of this movie takes a walkabout-ish excursion and turn for Bernadette and company brings aims positivity to elevate the doldrums of everyone’s downward spiral. Choose your journey to reinvigorate your soul. The Antarctica location doesn’t matter. It’s the fact you take one when you need it most.
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(Image: filmlinc.org)
The 20th Century Fox home media edition of Where’d You Go, Bernadette offers a tiny sprinkle of background on Linklater’s feature film. Tiny does mean tiny. There are only three special features and one of them is a 26-picture gallery of production stills. That’s hardly a deep dive. Someday, a talkative casual guy like director Richard Linklater needs to grace us with an audio commentary on the level with his legendary Dazed & Confused track. Until then, these vignette crumbs made the Trailer Park Content house will have to do.
The main feature is the 15-minute “Bringing Bernadette to Life.” It’s a sharp behind-the-scenes retrospective on how this project came to be with its assembled talent. The blue-jeans-casual director talks about how he was introduced to and dissected Maria Semple’s book with his trusted screenwriting collaborators Holly Gent and Vince Palmo. Linklater was captivated from the opening line of “Just because you can’t fully know somebody doesn’t mean you can’t try” while Cate Blanchett called it a “bugger” to adapt with its format of letters and emails. Richard’s goal was the show everything about the main character and not shy away from raw truths and painful confrontations.
Blanchett was the actress Linklater pictured while reading Semple’s novel and came to realize she was the only one to pull off this discombobulated lead role. The Oscar winner puts in her interview time in the feature discussing all the quirks and themes. For a fun fact, Blanchett wore Semple’s own sunglasses from when she wrote the novel. Furthermore, nice bouquets are also shared by Emma Nelson, Billy Crudup, and Kristen Wiig. Each player speaking on the main character and her wavelengths.
The second mini-doc is the five-minute “Who Is Bernadette.” For a movie about thinking and talking out loud, we get the talent thinking and talking out loud. It’s more of the same with the edited montages set to the voiceover sharing of the cast and crew. It’s not much, but the insight is appreciated, especially with Semple herself offering her stamp of approval. All in all, the special features won’t be the reason one purchases this movie. They’ll be there for the finished film itself.
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sapphosrevenge · 6 years ago
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Name: Fiero de Baldovinetti Age: 31 Pronouns: He/him Faceclaim: Luke Pasqualino
Biography: Introducing Fiero, the self proclaimed master thief who claims that he can open any lock.
Fiero was born in the year 1618 to a wealthy noble household within Venice, Italy. The Baldovinetti family were the owners of a successful trading company: owning several trade vessels that traveled all across the trade routes leading Europe, even extending to Asia and even North America.  
As the oldest child of three brothers and two sisters, Fiero lived a fairly strict lifestyle growing up in preparation of being the next owner of the family business. But despite these expectations as the next heir to the family, he was very close with his parents and his siblings, he was especially close to his father who took him under his wing to be educated, learn the business and essentially teach him how to become a man. Fiero taught the art of perception, diplomacy, charisma, and skills in athletics and the blade. Since Fiero’s father was a self made man, he wanted to ensure that Fiero would grow up to be self reliant and use his wits despite growing up in a wealthy lifestyle. He often spent most of his young life practicing in honing his swordsmanship while traveling with his father on important business in his youth, experiencing different cultures and the world around him. He’s visited several different countries and spent his fair share of time on boats. As he got older he grew more cunning and mischievous, he often snuck out his estate with his friends often picking locks and sneaking into places he was not allowed in. He often got into various forms of trouble for his reckless behavior, but because of his family’s vast reputation and influence, Fiero often got away with his actions with only a slap on the wrist.
When Fiero was fourteen years old, tragedy stuck. There was a large house fire that quickly spread and engulfed his estate while he and his family were still inside. As Fiero rushed through the halls of his burning home in an attempt to search for his family, in his parents room he saw the corpses of both his mother and father, standing before their bodies were four men dressed in robes and shanty clothing.
Fiero and both of his younger sisters managed to make it out alive, however his remaining siblings and his parents didn’t make it out of the house that night. While the fire was considered to be an unfortunate accident, Fiero was 100 percent certain that his parents were murdered that night and that the fire that consumed his home was merely an attempt to cover it up as a tragic accident. What happened after the tragedy only confirmed his suspicions, due to their parent’s death and there being no suitable heirs to inherits and step forward as the new head of the company, all assets of the company and its wealth were split apart and given to investors. Fiero and his two younger siblings were split up and immediately sent to orphanages across Italy with little to nothing of their previous life. After everything, it was abundantly clear that those men in his home were hired to murder his parents and they succeeded.
The orphanage Fiero stayed at was an organization run through the church that ran strictly through donations and charity, naturally they were barely scraping by. With his status gone and having lost everything, it was revealed to him just how cruel and awful people were, they treated him with disgust and saw him as a rat. Not to mention, that night his parents were murdered and the faces of all those responsible were still etched deep into his memory. The events that conspired and the way the world was around him opened his eyes to reality and proved just how sheltered and naive  he was as a noble child. At that point Fiero realized what his father meant about being a self made man and clawing your way up to the top to reach your goals in whatever ways necessary. From that point onward, Fiero swore he would avenge his parents and find the people responsible for their deaths, even if it meant dedicating his life to doing so.
Slowly, Fiero’s perception on the world started to turn and it prompted him to start turning towards thievery and more criminal activities. Starting with simple cons and pickpocketing, it soon escalated to banditry and robberies. Using the skills he obtained growing up, he perfected his abilities and became an expert thief, entering and exiting any building as if he was never there. And using his expert charismatic skills, he learned how to lie, cheat and manipulate others into doing his bidding, making elaborate plans to accomplish his ambitious goals in clawing his way to the top again. Soon enough he began to obtain a negative reputation, known as the ‘masked rogue’ to the public for the masquerade mask he’d place over his face, these accounts claimed him as a man who plagued the streets of Venice with his villainy, it definitely an exaggeration but he had to admit he loved the attention.
As time passed on and through extensive research on his family archives and the company records, he eventually found a few leads which ending in him involving himself in the piracy business. Onboard these ships, he’d use his expert skills in picking locks, finding information and obtaining loot for the crews he worked with. After cycling through various different crews for various reasons, he eventually wound up where he is now on the Sapphos Revenge, still intent on finding the people responsible in his family’s demise.
Though in regards to the money he receives for his work? No matter how large the sums of money he’d obtain through his actions, he always takes more than half of his earnings and makes ‘anonymous’ donations every year to the orphanage he grew up in.
Personality: When you first meet Fiero, the first thing you’d likely notice is how carefree and aloof he is. He often acts very friendly and casual towards most people, while having a sharp tongue and wit at those he’s not particularly fond of.
He’s very smooth with his words and eccentric, always seeming to know what to say and having a somewhat charming presence to him. That being said, by all means Fiero is far from a saint; he is notoriously manipulative, using this charm and wit to get others to do what he wants. He’s very skilled at deceit and trickery, sometimes getting people to dance around his fingertips. Fiero is also very perceptive and calculating, always wanting to have the advantage in situations to ensure things go his way. On the job he’s always very careful, cautious and always like to plan ahead to ensure he has some sort of idea if something were to go horribly wrong.
Despite all these negative qualities, he still has a conscience, a strong sense of morality and a sense of pride. While he’s still a thief and a pirate, he generally only tries to steal from people who he believes deserve it or from those who wouldn’t miss whatever he’s taking. He is firmly against attacking the innocent and if the people he works with go against his ideals and prove themselves to be awful people, he generally doesn’t hesitate to stab them in the back and take all of their belongings when their backs are turned. This exactly doesn’t put him in a good position and leaves him with many enemies who want his head, but he’s generally very loyal to those he respects. He’s far from selfish and despite being a thief, he doesn’t pinch pennies and tries to give to those who are less fortunate.
And while Fiero might seem carefree and friendly on the outside, he definitely doesn’t trust easily and absolutely doesn’t open up to people. Fiero is a very independent man and he likes to solve problems and deal with his own issues on his own, whether it’s because of his pride or stubbornness, he doesn’t want to burden those he cares about with his baggage. Due to his background and his past, he still has a lot of anger and hatred in his heart towards how he was treated and what happened to his family, the last thing he’d ever want is to involve others in this mess of his life.
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steelmistsrp · 8 years ago
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Congratulations && welcome, Ange !!  You have been accepted for the role of The Paragon: Briesie Venture.  Please be sure to make a separate blog for your character && send it into the main within 48 hours !!  Once that is submitted we will invite you to join the OOC blog && an option to join our skype chat if you should so choose !!  Any triggers you (and other applicants) have submitted have been added to our trigger list.  Please be sure to read our Welcome Checklist as you begin to get started.  The Follow List && OOC page will also be updated for you once your blog has been submitted.  Thanks again for you application && we look forward to writing with you !!
Ange, Briesie (which, first of all, is a fantastic name choice!) is absolutely what we had in mind for our pure-hearted cop.  Pun absolutely intended, she has a heart of gold, and we cannot wait to see how her influence effects the less than honest of those in the rest of the group.  You really nailed the concept behind her motivation to become a cop, but it does not define her entirely, which is exactly what we were hoping to see !!  Your inspiration board was particularly lovely. Thanks && Welcome !!
Name: The Ascendant Asshole Ange Age: 3.14159265359 32 Pronouns: she/her Timezone: CST Activity Level: Constant lurker/ruiner of lives
Skeleton Name: The Paragon Character’s Full Name: Briesie Elena Venture            Briesie - Breeze in Africaans. Because you cannot name her twin brother            Hammond and not expect me to name her something to do with Breeze. Faceclaim: Meagan Tandy Gender and Pronouns: Cis-female, she/her Sexuality: Demi-sexual, bi-romantic Age and DOB: 31 - 19 Tindwyllin 521 because she’s a winter Capricorn baby and you best believe I’m picking Tindwyllin as the month Education Level:  Graduated University with an emphasis on law and criminal justice
Biography: (tw: death)
Being a Venture was a complicated thing. The family was descended directly from the last Emperor, but he had spent much of his life denouncing his family. He himself had not lived long enough to have children and there are those who believe the Venture line should have died with him. Those that survived the Catacendre did so either because they opposed the Emperor or because they did nothing to assist him. Survivorists especially see this as problematic, but they are not alone in their belief.
Though the family had come a long way since the Days of Ash, Briesie has always been compelled to do more than has come to be expected of those bearing her name, a trait that was nourished and encouraged by her parents. Serving the community was important; Harmony taught that a person ought to give more than they took and the Ventures agreed. They had more than they needed and therefore it was their duty to do what they could to give to those who did not, even if the community did not always like them. They tended to stay out of the spotlight, living in Elendel’s society but not always a part of it.
In Briesie’s first year at University, the Ventures were thrust into the spotlight again.
A masked thug, high on metalfire, broke into the Venture estate intent on destroying what he believed were traitors to the Last Emperor and the Survivor’s crew. Using multiple metalfire injections to give him as many allomantic abilities as possible, he pushed himself into her parent’s window, shattering the glass and pushing bits of broken metal into them with the abilities of a coinshot. Briesie and Hammond both heard the noise, home for their mother’s birthday, and emerged into the hallway to find the stranger coming out of their parent’s bedroom. Hammond, a sentry who could feruchemically store wakefullness, moved faster than Briesie. He was able to tap his metalmind – a bronze ring styled exactly like Briesie’s gold one – and rid himself of sleepiness despite it being the middle of the night. Charging at the intruder proved to be a mistake as the man sprayed a handful of nails, bolts, and screws down the hall with deadly accuracy, leaving Briesie time only to scream as she watched her brother fall. Seconds later several jagged bits of metal tore through her, throwing her to the floor. If not for the metalmind she wore, Briesie would have died then and there. The man threw himself out another window at the end of the hall, leaving shards of glass and dead bodies in his wake. This tragedy marks the last time Briesie compounded her metals.
Healing the holes in her body was easy, healing the holes that were left by the loss of her family is an entirely different story. It has been more than a decade now, but the murder is still unsolved. Briesie took the rest of the year off from university, returning the next year with a different major and a different focus. Constables had not been able to find the man who murdered her family, despite excellent efforts made. When she returned to school, Briesie began studying law enforcement and criminal justice, eventually joining the constabulary with the hope that she could keep anyone else from going through what she’d been through.
In the last decade since her family’s murder, the constabulary has changed. There are days when Briesie feels like she and her partner are the only honest cops left in Elendel. It’s hard to tell who to trust; the Iron Syndicate and The Burning Word both have several officers in their pockets. Crimes that should be easily solved are taking months, cases are being dropped, evidence is being mishandled, and as much as she hates to admit it, the department is riddled with dirty cops. Though she knows she cannot singlehandedly clean up the constabulary and the city, Briesie refuses to compromise her own morals and beliefs. She could be nearly invincible if she chose to compound her gold allomancy with her gold feruchemical ability, but doing so can be addictive and leave gold compounders thinking of themselves as gods. To Briesie, it’s not worth the risk. Being a bloodmaker is enough to keep her safe and she will only compound in the most dire of circumstances.
– The losses Briesie has suffered have left her a bit standoffish and difficult to get close to. She has a tendency to keep people at an arms length, preferring not to get too close to someone only to lose them again. Those that do make it past her self-constructed walls find in her an incredibly loyal friend. Her cousin is the only family she has left and she considers it her duty to make sure he’s alright. Rumors have started circulating that he’s been spending more time in soothing parlors and she knows she’s been spending too much time focused on work instead of watching out for him.
– Many allomancers consider the ability to burn gold kind of useless, but Briesie likes to use it as a self check. Burning the metal will show her different versions of herself if she’d made different choices. It cannot predict the future, only confirm the decisions she’s made or make her reconsider and hope it’s not too late to backtrack. She always keeps gold flakes on her, despite her reluctance to use her allomancy to aid her healing
.– ISTJ - The Logistician - The Logistician personality type is thought to be the most abundant, making up around 13% of the population. Their defining characteristics of integrity, practical logic and tireless dedication to duty make Logisticians a vital core to many families, as well as organizations that uphold traditions, rules and standards, such as law offices, regulatory bodies and military. People with the Logistician personality type enjoy taking responsibility for their actions, and take pride in the work they do – when working towards a goal, Logisticians hold back none of their time and energy completing each relevant task with accuracy and patience. Logisticians don’t make many assumptions, preferring instead to analyze their surroundings, check their facts and arrive at practical courses of action. Logistician personalities are no-nonsense, and when they’ve made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action. When Logisticians say they are going to get something done, they do it, meeting their obligations no matter the personal cost, and they are baffled by people who don’t hold their own word in the same respect. Combining laziness and dishonesty is the quickest way to get on Logisticians’ bad side.
– Lawful Good - A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.
Extra Content (OPTIONAL):Inspirations: http://weheartit.com/thebutlerdidit/collections/120557977-briesie
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trendingnewsb · 7 years ago
Monarch Airlines collapse: UKs biggest peacetime repatriation under way
Civil Aviation Authority says it is taking action to get 110,000 people back to UK, with 300,000 future bookings cancelled
The UKs biggest peacetime repatriation is under way after the collapse of Monarch Airlines, with 110,000 customers to be brought home on specially chartered planes.
The accountants KPMG announced at 4am on Monday that Monarch, Britains longest-surviving airline brand, had been placed into administration and that all further flights from the UK had been cancelled and would not be rescheduled.
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What happens next for Monarch customers?
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What happens with Monarch Airlines now?
Monarch hasgone into administration after failing to gain a renewal of its Air Travel Organisers Licence(Atol) from the Civil Aviation Authority. This meant it was no longer able to sellAtol-protectedholidays from midnight on Monday and, accordingly, it announced it had appointed KPMG as liquidators. The CAA hastaken over Monarch’s websiteand the Department for Transport has set up two helplines: for passengers in the UK, 0300 303 2800; for passengers abroad, +44 1753 330 330.
What if I have booked a package holiday with Monarch?
If you bought a package holiday while the licence was still in up until midnight on Sunday/Monday you will be Atol-protected. That means if you are abroad, you will be put on an alternative flight home with another carrier. If you are in the UK, you will be entitled to a refund.
What if I have booked a flight only?
It is unlikely you will be Atol-protected. However, if you paid with a credit card and the cost was more than 100, the credit card company is liable and you can claim the money back.
How will I get home if I have a flight only with Monarch?
Passengers who are already abroad awaiting a Monarch flight home will be returned at no cost to them, by the government via one of 30 planes being chartered by the CAA.
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The Civil Aviation Authority said it had launched a programme to bring back Monarch customers to the UK over the next fortnight on 34 chartered planes.
All Monarch customers who were due to return to the UK in the next two weeks would be flown home at no extra cost and did not need to cut short their stay, the regulator said. However, 300,000 future bookings had been cancelled.
Hundreds of passengers flying early on Monday arrived at UK airports to find their flights cancelled, some just minutes before they were due to board, leaving their plans in tatters.
The CAA chief executive, Andrew Haines, said: This is the biggest UK airline ever to cease trading, so the government has asked the CAA to support Monarch customers currently abroad to get back to the UK at the end of their holiday at no extra cost to them.
We are putting together, at very short notice and for a period of two weeks, what is effectively one of the UKs largest airlines to manage this task. We ask customers to bear with us as we work around the clock to bring everyone home.
Haines said the CAA had been putting together contingency plans over the last four and a half weeks, but only had a clear indication that Monarch was about to go into administration late on Saturday night.
Speaking on BBC Radio 4s Today programme, the CAA chair, Dame Deirdre Hutton, said no one was stranded abroad, but the news for people yet to travel with Monarch was not good.
Im conscious that people who have booked holidays will be distressed … Im afraid the harsh message is that they must not go to the airport. There will not be a flight for them.
Customers affected by the companys collapse have been urged to check the dedicated website monarch.caa.co.uk for advice and information on flights back to the UK. It also provides information for passengers who have future bookings but are yet to leave the UK.
Haines said the CAA believed about 50% of Monarch customers would have full Atol protection, and most of the others should receive refunds on their flights through credit or debit card providers. However, customers who booked accommodation separately may struggle to reclaim money, with many travel insurers excluding airline failure from their policies.
Haines said it was a very mixed picture for the 300,000 customers yet to travel, but discussions were continuing in order to see if other holiday companies could take over the bookings.
The CAA said passengers would be brought home on flights as close as possible to their original times, dates and destination, but some consolidation, disruption and delay was inevitable.
The 34 aircraft will be chartered from 16 different airlines, including Qatar Airways and easyJet, operating about 700 flights over the next two weeks. The biggest numbers will be through Spanish airports, starting with Alicante, along with Malaga, Palma Mallorca, Ibiza, Lanzarote and Tenerife, as well as Faro in Portugal.
Commenting on the extraordinary operation, the transport secretary, Chris Grayling, said: This is a hugely distressing situation for British holidaymakers abroad and my first priority is to help them get back to the UK. That is why I have immediately ordered the countrys biggest ever peacetime repatriation to fly about 110,000 passengers who could otherwise have been left stranded abroad.
Nobody should underestimate the size of the challenge, so I ask passengers to be patient and act on the advice given by the CAA.
Monarch (@Monarch)
If you’re abroad see https://t.co/buw8yPzDGY for details of your new flights which will be available a mini-mum of 48hrs in advance. http://pic.twitter.com/ozT4QRaxMV
October 2, 2017
Monarch, whose headquarters are at London Luton airport, was founded in 1968. It operates from four other UK bases London Gatwick, Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds Bradford travelling to more than 40 destinations around the world.
The company employs about 2,750 predominantly UK-based staff, its website stated. Monarch said it would work with the administrators and the unions Balpa and Unite to help its employees find new jobs as quickly as possible.
Unite accused the government of sitting on its hands while Monarch went bust. The union, which represents about 1,800 engineers and cabin crew working for Monarch, said potential investors and buyers were deterred by the continuing uncertainty surrounding Brexit and whether British airlines could continue flights around Europe.
Unite said ministers had rebuffed requests by Monarch for a bridging loan of the kind the German government recently gave to prop up Air Berlin.
Oliver Richardson, a Unite national officer, said: Monarchs workforce has worked tirelessly and loyally, with great sacrifice, to try and turn the airline around in the last year. Their hard work has been undone by a government seemingly content to sit on its hands and allow one of the UKs oldest airlines go into administration.
Monarch enjoyed a good reputation for customer service but its long-term future rarely looked assured. In 2014, its Swiss family owners sold the company to the investment firm Greybull Capital, a deal that resulted in airline staff being forced to agree to pay cuts.
A Greybull spokesman said: We are very sorry that we have not been able to turn around the Monarch Group, and for all the inconvenience and distress that this administration will cause customers, employees and the many people who are associated with Monarch.
Greybull said the airline had been buffeted by factors outside of its control. Terrorism and the collapse of the pound after the Brexit vote were the two main factors, it said.
Two of Monarchs biggest markets, in Egypt and Tunisia, were closed to tourists after terrorist attacks. The Foreign Office advised against travel to Tunisia and Egypts Red Sea resorts after the shooting in Sousse and the bombing of a Russian airliner in 2015, stopping charter flights from the UK.
Unrest in Turkey also badly affected Monarchs holiday business. A resulting flood of seats across airlines to its core business in Spain and Portugal meant cheaper fares, which were unsustainable for Monarch.
The fall of the pound left Monarch paying 50m a year more for fuel and aircraft, purchased in dollars.
In a letter to staff, its chief executive, Andrew Swaffield, said the airline was carrying 14% more passengers than last year for 100m less revenue. He said the root causes of its declining revenue were terror attacks in Egypt and Tunisia and the decline of its Turkey business.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2xK4h3K
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2hPOeec via Viral News HQ
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kickstarter-promotion · 8 years ago
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Another Amazing Kickstarter (THE ILLS) has been published on http://crowdmonsters.com/new-kickstarters/the-ills/
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About this project
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Hello, we are the Bruno Brothers! Thank you for visiting our kickstarter page for The Ills.
We started working on this project about two years ago. Our initial goal in the writing process was to create a dark thriller with a perspective more familiar to our experiences, but also one that has depth and explores dramatic themes. Since our major influences growing up were mostly psychological thrillers, thought provoking mysteries, and sci-fi (Videodrome, 12 Monkeys, Mulholland Drive.. to name a few), we thought, how cool would it be to tell a similar story within a setting that we could confidently explore. The answer became clear. We merged three thriller story ideas that we were previously working on for an anthology. This became one (pretty complex) script concept.
What we ended up with was a very lengthy screenplay that just had way too much going on. Most folks who gave us feedback would say, “this is great – but it would work much better as a series”, and we couldn’t agree more. What we have today, is a trimmed down version that simply tells the core of the story.. “a young couple encounters a cult and, how they must navigate the situation in order to survive. This we feel, is a very compelling premise in its own right.
So that’s the story we’re telling. But we can certainly use your help!! Please contribute in any way you can!! Thank you!
THE CAST (so far..)
Alex E. Miller – RAMSEY
Ramsey, late 20s male. Lives with his girlfriend Alexa, whom he is very protective over. He’s a bit of a control freak, but at the same time somewhat absent minded.  Not great in social settings, Alexa has helped him to be more confident in himself. He makes a conscious effort to stay away from some modern technologies and social media.
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Alex took acting classes at 4D studios in Tampa FL which led to appearances in videos/commercials for Fortune 500 companies like McDonalds, Pepsi, as well as Major League Baseball. Alex also writes and records music, started a record label “Red Carpet Entertainment” and he’s opened for A-List artists like Pitbull, T-Pain, Flo Rida and Rick Ross. Alex experienced 10 deaths in his family in a 10 year span and resorted to gluttony as a coping mechanism. Eventually, he hired Tuck Taylor of Beast Athletics and lost the 40 lbs in 3 months, leading to the transformation that saved his life and inspired him to pursue his dreams. He’s been interviewed on NBC, CBS and ABC sharing his story of turning tragedy to triumph!
Zoey Butler – ALEXA
Alexa, mid 20s female. Lives with her boyfriend Ramsey. Very comfortable with who she is, and is usually able to work out a solution through any problem. Her vice is a slight addiction to social media, but she’s working on it. Her intuition is often but not always spot on, and really brings balance to her relationship with Ramsey.
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Zoey Butler studied theater at the Lois Cowles Harrison Center for the Visual Performing Arts. She attended the University of South Florida and Antioch University to study English Literature and Humanities. Zoey has also performed in various stage plays, but this will be her first real film role to date.
David McMahon – ROBERT
Robert, a loyal member of the cult who is dealing with his own internal struggles. He seems to always be conflicted, and doesn’t have a great sense of self. His troubling past is revealing of why he sought out the cult in the first place.
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Two-time Florida Rising Star recipient and 2016 Tampa Bay Actor of the Year, David McMahon has acted in over 40 short films and several features, including a gripping, 0.7-second scene bolting from falling sharks in “Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!” Perhaps best known for his Funny or Die musical short, “Gynecologist: The Musical,” David shares an equal passion for both comedy and drama, and has been recognized and awarded for his work in both genres. When not filming, David works full-time as an advertising writer, and resides in St. Augustine, FL with his film-widow wife, Betsy, and “fur kids” Max and Rufus.
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How funds will be used:
FOOD – To keep the momentum going, we have to make sure everyone (cast/crew) is well fed. 
EQUIPMENT – Some equipment is needed to add to what we already have, to make our production efficient and effective. Quality is key.
PROPS – This film relies on the use of props and background elements to really tell the story and paint the picture. We want to make sure we do this right.
INSURANCE/PERMITS – Although we plan to use mostly locations that we have access to already, there are a few places where we may need to be insured to shoot. 
TRANSPORTION – Our production will span across Southwest/Central Florida areas. Alleviating the pain of transportation costs for our cast/crew will be very helpful.
Risks and challenges
Any and every low-budget film comes with certain risks and challenges. We think the best way to avoid mishaps on a production is to keep MOMENTUM. Based on our experience, we have seen way too many projects fall apart because of the lack of momentum during any stage of execution (pre-production, production, and post). We are equipped to take that challenge head on because of our experience working in the field. Our time working independently and with PBS has certainly helped shape our work ethic and communication skills, which are key qualities to any effective team. When people believe in a common vision, anything can be achieved. Our cast/crew and contributors are very valuable to us, and we know that success relies on the collective.
Since this project has been a total independent effort thus far, it is extremely important that we build this crowd funding support system. Production delays realistically may happen, but a well funded project is better equipped to maneuver those situations gracefully. There’s nothing like rushing through a day of shooting just to stay on schedule, knowing the pivotal scene shot just wasn’t quite right.
Another hurdle that is common in independent or low budget films is running out of money after allocating funds towards equipment/props needed for production. We feel that we are at a slight advantage because throughout the years, we have acquired some of our own equipment or gained access to several of those essentials. We don’t have it all, but with your help we feel confident in our ability to execute.
We are fully dedicated exclusively to this project until it is completed and good, and all our effort and energy will go towards that. We thank you for helping us in the process.
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