#and harry and john going from strangers who didn't know what to make of each other. john scared the hell out of harry on set the first day
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Hold on hold on hold on Dan going from "we have to kill him" in the pilot to "hey H, you wanna go to dinner with me?" in one of the very last episodes
#and harry and john going from strangers who didn't know what to make of each other. john scared the hell out of harry on set the first day#to the cast members who stayed closest over the next 25 years. who guest starred on each others' shows. whose kids are friends.#oughhhh#dh#if I said 9x19 was the only valid episode of season 9 bc it finally had dan and harry in cahoots together again.
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sleepless || harry styles
pairing: Harry Styles x OC
synopsis: the first meeting
disclaimer: physical violence, cursing, talk of hookup,

Everybody needs that - a meaning of life
Sometimes she wants to be Michael Jackson. Sometimes Paul McCartney. And on occasion, maybe even Miss Henson from next door. That is just how most people thought she assumed. Everybody wants to be someone else and if not constantly, like herself, then sometimes. Whether or not they tell anyone is their own business.
The life of others always seems easier than your own, or at the very least more bearable. Painted in colors so much brighter than your own. Regardless, at the end of the day, everybody goes to those same dark places.
“You want another one, mate? Well, there you go!” Avery jumps at the loud voices in the alley down the road. It is right around what looks to be some kind of night club. Out of the corner of her eye, she can see two men standing in front of each other, fists raised, and both drunkenly stumbling. One of them connects his fist with the other man's face, who immediately falls to the ground, letting out a yelp of pain.
“Fucking prick!’’ The man who is still standing says once again. He begins to turn away and leave, but before he can do so the other one grabs his ankle and pulls him onto the ground right alongside himself. Avery's face has changed color and her normally rosy cheeks have now gone white, competing with the artificial light of the street lamp.
“Hey, you can’t do that.” she croaks trying to raise her voice but failing as the stress of the current situation takes over her body. His gaze wanders away, looking for anybody who could stop these two men from beating the life out of each other.
That's when she realized that they weren't beating the life out of each other but rather the one on top was beating, what appeared to be an unconscious body lying lifelessly on the ground of the alley. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Her mind was racing with memories and it became difficult to concentrate on the present. Her breath began to quicken, but Avery made her way over to them.
It's on America's tortured brow. That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow. Now workers have struck for fame because John Lennon is on sale again.
“Hey, you! Why are you punching him?” She politely yells, trying to calm down the mood that had been created. She was never one for heated situations of any kind, as they never suited her well or did her any good.
“Cause he deserves it.” The man grumbles, landing yet another punch to the jaw of the other before spitting into his face. “Fucking prick.” He murmurs again before finally getting up from the ground, and taking a glance down at the damage he had caused. From far away he had seemed a lot smaller, now he was towering over Avery, making her feel incredibly thin and useless.
“You know him?” he nods towards the ground. There's sweat rolling down his face and his pupils are dilated. He honestly looked like he just escaped prison with his freshly buzzed hair and white wife-beater top.
“Yes,” She quickly nods as her palms begin to pool with sweat, the man steps even closer towards her.
“You plan on telling anybody what you saw?” He came impossibly closer, so close that she could smell the copious amounts of alcohol on his breath. Avery shakes her head without hesitation. The guy nods and takes another glance down at his victim before walking deeper into the alley.
The boy on the ground has yet to move an inch
“Uhm… Are you okay?” She carefully steps forward toward the motionless body. That is the first time Avery can get a clear view of his features. His brown curly hair is covering his right eye, he has a very structured face with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. Though his features are quite strict he looks sympathetic.
A second later the guy coughs, holding his chest while doing so. Avery jumps back a little when he props himself up on his elbow, still in a coughing fit. She stays quiet, watching the stranger, her heart still beating heavily.
“That was a nice speech.” He finally manages to say, now properly sat up while leaning on his elbows. He looked like he was comfortable like he was casually laying on his couch instead of in the dirt behind a sketchy club at 1 in the morning. “I had everything under control, but I owe you a thank you.”
Avery swallows, her eyes not leaving the handsome boy. “Why did you punch him?” She asks, instead of accepting his apology. He didn’t have to apologize.
“He looked at me funny.” The guy shrugs, finally getting up from the ground, patting away the dirt from his shirt and black jeans. Avery immediately avoids his gaze, her eyes focusing on her shoes. “That was a joke.” He adds as he notices her behavior.
“Oh,” she murmurs, still not looking up at him. “I'm sorry, I don't get that.”
“It's fine,” His voice has changed from being quite confident and careless to calm and careful. This is why she just avoided talking to people. “I’m Harry, is there anywhere I can take you?”
Avery raises her head, Harry looks rather presentable again. Ignoring the fresh cut on his face, it wasn't obvious that he had gotten into a fight. “I’m good.”
“Why are you out this late all alone?”
“Why are you out this late all alone?” She replies, fidgeting with the hem of her sweater because she can't rid herself of the anxiety she is feeling. Always a racing mind, always a loud heart.
Harry dodges her question. “You know that song?” he is quiet for a second before starting to quietly sing, to her, an unknown tune. “If you be my bodyguard I can be your long lost pal. I can call you Betty and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al… maybe you're my Betty, I mean you did just save me.”
Avery had never heard the song before nor did she understand what Harry was implying, so she just lied. “I'm not that into music.”
He frowns but soon after a grin appears on his face. “Uptown girl, she's been living in an uptown world, I bet she never had a backstreet guy, I bet her mama never told her why… Let me take you home.”
She couldn't tell if him making these music references was a normal thing for him. Or if it was simply because he was slightly tipsy.
“I don't know you.” Her nervousness had calmed down considerably until he took another step towards her, holding out his hand. Avery immediately jumped back, wrapping both of her arms around her small frame, her big eyes fixed on Harry.
“Are you okay? Did something happen to you?” He lowers his hand and looks up and down the street. “Did someone hurt you?”
Her breath quickens as the memories begin to flood in all at once. “No,” Avery manages between gasps. “I was alone. Can I just go home, please?”
Harry steps back, eyes not leaving the strange girl standing in front of him. “I’m sorry… Uhm… Are you sure you are capable of making it home on your own?’
She slowly nods. Harry didn't look like a threat, nor did he act like one, But he was still a stranger who had just moments before gotten himself into a fistfight with another guy.
“I'm not going to harm you if you think that. We can keep a healthy distance between us if that makes you more comfortable.”
Avery shifts her weight from one foot to the other. Her mind begins to think of a thousand things once again. “Why would you do that?”
“A favor. I can't risk the very savior of these dangerous streets getting harmed on her way home. Now, can I?” He jokes, giving her a warm, genuine smile.
“I wasn't planning on going home actually.” What would she do back at home? Drown in her thoughts once again, making it another night doing things she knows she shouldn't. She’d rather be outside.
“Great, let's get a fish and chips then.” Harry grins, leading the way without paying any attention to whether she follows behind him or not. Just before he disappears into the darkness of the streets, Avery begins to trail closely behind him. And he knew.
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#me who hasn't read the bible and know about christianity from tumblr and pop culture
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-I was born in March 20
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Current Favorite Song: Prom Queen
10 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 00:07:24 GMT
Peggy Carter is a fucking bicon!
12 notes • Posted 2021-11-12 23:20:29 GMT

To make you sad, here is a sad short fic.
Sirius was supposed to be getting drunk with James, Remus and Peter.
He was supposed to use his hands to get a piece of cake, purely just to annoy Peter.
He was supposed to have tea with Andy and her daughter.
He was supposed to have fun and be 21.
Instead he was rotting in Azkaban, singing Happy Birthday to himself. Not that he deserved to do anything he was supposed to, he killed his best mates. He killed James and Lily. If only he let them make him secret keeper, maybe they would still be alive.
Or maybe Sirius would betray them, he already betrayed one brother, what's another brother to betray.
Sirius was innocent of the muggle killing, he didn't rat out Lily and James, but he as good as killed them.
Happy Birthday Sirius!
13 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 14:34:23 GMT
28 notes • Posted 2021-10-16 00:58:23 GMT
Leigh Bardrugo is a horrible piece of shit, the Grishaverse makes no sense when you think of the place and time it is based on. I am younger than her and I know more about Russian names than her. She made Aleksander part of a minority, she made him also the antagonist, are his ways a little extreme, sorta, but is he in the wrong, no. He is the antagonist but he shouldn't be. The Grishaverse makes zero sense. Why would any grisha follow Alina, they should follow Aleksander. THEIR LEADER. He made a save space for grisha. A bit of context for you people who have no idea what the Grishaverse is: people who can do magic(they call it small science) are called grisha, they are a minority, in Fjerda they are burned as witches, in Shu Han they are experimented on, in Kerch they are sold into slavery, in other places they are treated just as badly, in Ravka Aleksander made the Little Palace for grisha as children, their parents do not stay with them. Aleksander can control shadows, Alina our protagonist is boring and is the sun summoner. Alina and Aleksander have chemistry but Ms. Bardrugo would pair Alina up with her toxic childhood friend Malyen Oretsov. Aleksander created the shadow fold which is great for Ravka but it also split Ravka in two, he plans on expanding the fold with Alina's help as the Sun Summoner(which has never been heard of) but Alina doesn't want to be Grisha she wants to be normal(no Grisha should follow her). Leigh has committed culture appropriation. She has made Sasha(Aleksander) the villain but he just wants what is best for the Grisha and wants them to live lives. It seems Ms. Bardrugo has never met a minority in her life, she is white, cis and straight. No minority would want to be oppressed any longer. I am a poc, genderqueer, and pansexual. I would gladly follow someone who would help me be treated as an equal to a white, cis, straight man. As society wants everyone to be white cis het males.
EDIT: It has come to my attention that Ms. Bardrugo is Jewish and based the grisha prosecution on Jewish prosecution. This makes it much worse. Why Ms. Bardrugo, why?
29 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 17:05:11 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
#my 2021 tumblr year in review#your tumblr year in review#me who hasn't read the bible and know about christianity from tumblr and pop culture
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Saw a post on one of the pages I follow on Facebook that I thought seemed kind of fun. If you're bored, post a picture of your bookshelf and talk about each of the books that are on there. If you are in self quarantine and find yourself incredibly bored with nothing else to do feel free to comment. It will give you something to do for a little bit. If your bookshelf is to big, take a photo of one shelf or grab a few books that you love and comment about those! I'll put a 📚 to indicate that the book is on my tbr pile.
*Note it doesn't have to be books. If you have a shelf of movies or CD's/Records, feel free to comment about those!
1. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
A memoir between Albom featuring lessons on life from his dying professor. Highly reccomend. It's one of those books that I can reread and learn something new every time.
2. The Five People you Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
A new look on what it means to die and how our vision of heaven isn't what one would expect. I try to reread this one every year because it's a good reminder that even the little things we do could effect not only the people we know, but complete strangers.
3. The Next Person you Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
A sequel to The Five People you Meet in Heaven and a great follow up!
4. Scythe by Neal Shusterman
A great young adult novel! It's about a futuristic society where due to medical advancements, people can live forever and even do things like make themselves look younger. However, there's a catch. The Scyths people who act as a kind of population control. The story follows two teens as they train to be scythes.
5. Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman 📚
6. The Story of King Arthur and His Knights 📚
7. The Book of Joy by The Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Adams
Haven't finished it yet, but it's a conversation between two people of different religions and backgrounds. An interesting read.
8. Code Name: Lise by Larry Loftis 📚
9. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
Almost halfway through it. Story premise is interesting though.
10. Lord of the Rings boxed set by J.R.R Tolkien 📚
11. Dear Evan Hansen the Novel
I am Musical theater trash. I love this musical. The book gave me more of an insight to it beyond listening to the album on repeat.
12. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
A teen novel about the black lives matter movement. Honestly, this book was so good. 100% reccomend even if you aren't a teen.
13. Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone
I got this copy while I was in Scotland at Blackwells bookshop in Edinburgh (oh how I am longing to go back there) - please notice in front if the book the tiny Proffessor Quirell-
14. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
I want to get the entire series in these covers. I didn't get this one in Scotland it was a Christmas gift.
15. The Little Book of Lykee by Miek Wiking
A book about the Danish art of Happiness
16. The Little Book of Hygee by Miek Wiking
A book about how to make your life and home more comfortable to life in the Danish way.
17. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Another book about life told by a dying man. This is a good read. Follows Randy Pausch, a Proffessor, as he has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and continues to teach and prepares for his last lecture.
18. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Had to read it for school in high school but I do like this book when I'm not required to read it too.
19. Let Morte D'Arthur📚
20. Pygmalion 📚
21. Little Women 📚
22. Walden 📚
23. Pride and Predjudice 📚
24. The Time Machine by H.G Wells
Books about time travel are a weakness of mine.
25. Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
Read it so I would have something to talk about with my coworker who is now my boyfriend. Also I liked the cover and the theater show is fun to cosplay.
26. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 📚
27. Peter Pan 📚
28. 20,000 League's Under the Sea 📚
29. Treasure Island 📚
30. Moby Dick 📚
31. The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin 📚
32. The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See 📚
33. Fatal Throne 📚
34. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho 📚
35. Coraline by Neil Gaiman 📚
36. Stardust by Neal Gaiman
Loved the book. If you liked the Princess Bride I reccomend this book and its corresponding movie.
37. City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab
Love the author. This book is a kids book about a girl who can see ghosts. Her parents are ghost hunters who have a tv show where they travel to Edinburgh and she learns a lot about her powers.
38. A Darker Shade of Magic Trilogy by V.E Schwab
Again. LOVE this author. Highly recommend this trilogy. One of my favorite authors of all time.
39. The Sand Warrior 📚
40. To Kill a Mockingbird
Again. One of those I had to read for school but do actually like reading without the pressureeof having to read it.
41. Howl's Moving Castle 📚
42. A bunch of Hardy Boys Books 📚
43. Neverending Story 📚
#books#favorite books#bookshelf#bookworm#bibliophile#booklr#booklife#reading#reading list#tbr#shelfie#doesn't have to be books#music#cds#figurines#records#collectibles#whatever you want#quarentine#shareyourshelf#boredom#something to do#readingblr#cozyvibesonly#cozy photos#cozyvibes#cozy#cozy aesthetic#classics#fun
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Title: Prologue
Word count: 1,586
Characters: John Watson and Matilda May
Warnings: Hints of abuse, unedited.
Notes: So here’s the prologue of my Sherlock story. It’s shorter compared to the next chapter I’m currently working on. If there are any triggers please tell me so I can add them to the tags. I haven’t edited it yet so take all typos and grammar mistakes with a grain of salt.
The waiting room was nothing like she'd imagined it being. It was small and crowded. Crowded with sick adults and sick children. It appeared each and every seat was filled by someone. Not everyone was sick but they were clearly afflicted with some sort of ailment or issue, very few appeared to only be in for a casual check up. Every now and then a nurse would come call out a name and off the patient in question went. They'd disappear behind the plain painted blue doors.
At least the waiting room had some form of entertainment for the young children. A small flat screen hanging from the wall about the children's area. She'd seen it on her way in, mutedly broadcasting Peppa Pig, that hadn't interested her in the slightest. Instead she focused her attention on the floor, head down trying to bring as little attention to herself as she possibly could.
She didn't dare touch the toys. Not only were they colourfully decorated breeding grounds for germs, they weren't hers. And she'd been rigorously taught, never touch what doesn't belong to you.
So she sat. Sat amongst the grownups in the room. Her neighbour seated to her right a complete stranger seated to her left.
A sharp acidic smell burned her nostrils. An unmistakable mixture of both cheap booze and classless cigarettes. She had a hunch the foul smelling stranger beside her engaged in the distasteful hobbies as her father.
She wanted to look, to just sneak a peek at the person beside her, but again that was something she knew better than to do. So she kept her eyes, those deep, earthy brown orbs, trained on her old trainers. They were so worn, her big toe was pushing its way through her right toe cap.
All she could do was sit and listen to the gentle repetitive tune of the wait rum music. It's soft rhythmic hum provided some comfort. It was enough to relax the poor girl's tense muscles. She didn't want to be there. She couldn't be there. But there she was and she felt utterly sick.
It was her well to do neighbour who'd made the appointment. The young woman claimed she wanted to ease some of the weight off the girl's busy father's shoulders. The child had had questions but thought it better not to ask them. She should have been more bold. Then perhaps she wouldn't be there.
Her neighbour, Cartia Hennigan, was a lovely young woman approaching her early thirties. She often meant well but had a tendency to overstep her bounds. Nonetheless, the little girl couldn't help but feel pity for the woman. Cartia, all her kindness and charity was nothing more than a façade, covering her great loneliness.
The little girl twiddles her thumbs, replaying the unfortunate event that landed her little butt in the stiff plastic chair. I have to be less of myself, she swore, this never would have happened if I had.
She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. Her forehead throbbed, as if her brain was protesting. Her rational analysis was fighting against her self blame. She massaged her temple with her left index and middle fingers, pressing her right arm tightly against her stomach. It didn't help.
She sat straight, mimicking the posture of a proud queen, eyes still shut, she placed her palms on her knees gripping the fabric of her pant leg. In times of great distress she often found it best to disappear. Unfortunately, unlike the deep sea pelagic octopod she couldn't actually become invisible. She could retreat to the quiet sanctity of her own mind.
Some people retreat to what they call a "happy place". Her? Well... At least she had some place all her own, where the world would slowly fade away.
"Matilda Hennigan.”
Her little head flew up, eyes snapping to the kindly nurse standing in the door separating the waiting room from the rest of the clinic.
Her eyes darted to Cartia who was already standing, walking toward the blue, aluminum trim door. Her eyes widened, pupils anxiously constricting, she quickly pushed herself out of her seat then hurriedly followed after her neighbor.
When she finally reached the door she cast one more nervous glance up at her neighbor. "Shall we?" the nurse smiles warmly and holds the door open wider for the two to enter.
Matilda sat on at the practice table hands folded like so, neatly rested on her lap. She had to admit this wasn't going as terrible as she'd originally envisioned it going. From what her father had told her, the doctors clinic was an utterly awful place reserved for terrible, no good people. And Matilda was certain she wasn't a terrible person. Or at least she tried not to be.
Her dad mustn't have done his research or had to have been thinking of another clinic. This one was adequate.
The nurse was nice enough. Mary? Yes, that was her name.
She was kind, she made the tedious tests Matilda was forced to endure more bearable. She'd commented on how cute Matilda purple pink polka dotted leggings were. And even promised the little girl a lollipop before she left.
Mary did however seem suspicious when Cartia explained the reason for her bringing Matilda to the clinic in the first place. Matilda wasn't sure why, maybe the explanation sounded weird. It was rather silly. She shouldn't have been playing so close to the stairs.
Matilda tried not to vocalise her disappointment when Mary left to retrieve the doctor, but failed accidentally letting slip a small puppy like whimper. It was unintentional and it bothered her.
Now she sat in the room, not quite alone, with her neighbour. Matilda hated the dressing gown. It left her exposed, back half vulnerable and visible.
At the very least if she moved in front of the mirror she could count how many freckles dotted her skin back there. Maybe like her forehead, nose, and cheeks they formed shapes in a connect the dots kind of way.
Matilda pushes herself up and jumps to the floor. Pain sliced upward like a swift blade through her left ankle. This unbalanced her making her landing less than perfect she ignored the feeling knowing the pain would subside momentarily. Then under the critically watchful eyes of Cartia, she pressed forward across the room toward the only thing that interested her. At least now that Mary was gone.
It was like most things in the public clinic, cheap, only standing about two Tildas tall. Matilda, standing a little less than an arms length away from the mirror, extended an arm gently resting her hand on the smooth reflective glass. It felt cool, good against her skin.
She stared at her reflection, eyes narrowing. She angled her body to one side. She didn't get why both Cartia and Mary seemed worried. She thought she looked fine.
Two rich brown eyes sparkled back at her - the colour of the earth after long torrential rains. Freckles dotted her face, like a chaotic mess of chipped marble. Matilda loved her freckles. A tumble of stringy blonde hair, with dark brown roots, messily pulled back into a low lopsided pony-tail hung between her shoulder blades. Yeah she looked fine.
Hold on. Matilda rolled her tongue across her cheek. There was a jagged cut that'd scabbed over on the right side of her temple, giving her a Harry Potter esque mark.
Matilda frowned, noticing the somewhat sickening shade of blackish blue on her skin, creeping out from beneath the neck lining of her dressing gown. Matilda pulled her collar down revealing a dark purple bruise spreading from the lower half of her neck to her shoulder.
Matilda could feel a lump form in her throat. Still... nothing to worry about. Bruises fade. She shouldn't have played so close to the stairs.
Matilda heard the door open and shut, it's swift creaking noise made her arms go rigid.
The Doctor entered in a cable crew neck sweater and dark almost black jeans, his pepper salted hair was closely cropped. He had a face like some guy that'd seen much pain, and suffered much loss.
"Hello." Greeting the two, he had the posture of a soldier but after shaking hands with Cartia he visibly relaxed. "What's your name?" His voice came out like he'd just pulled a double shift the day prior, only functioning because he was running on six cups of tea.
Whilst he exchanged casual pleasantries Cartia, Matilda mindfully walked around him back to her seat at the practice table.
She knew how to keep a poker face, even in uncomfortable situations. As she went she observed the doctor carefully, eyes critically analysing every last detail of the pale man. Matilda bit her inner cheek. She'd found it was always best to keep her final findings to herself. Kept her out of trouble.
Dr. Watson gave a brief look at his clipboard before turning to Matilda. Already still, she felt a tight knot form in her chest, under his gaze. He knelt in front of Matilda, allowing her to see the stethoscope draped round his neck. Her first thought, strangulation hazard.
She leaned back sitting further in your seat. "Hey there, you must be Matilda." Her breathing stopped momentarily as the man extended his hand out for her to shake. "What a lovely name." He gave her a smile that just seemed so genuinely sweet. "I'm your doctor, Doctor Watson."
I actually really enjoyed writing this story and it might be the one I chose to continue. I’ve seen stories where Sherlock has a child but none with John and so I’m writing this. Her name is Matilda in honour of my favourite reading character as a child. I hope she lives up to her namesake. She doesn’t have a last name as far as anyone thus far is aware hence her name being Matilda May. Her first name and second middle name. I do enjoy this story but am considering another for front runner of the year.
#bbc sherlock#sherlock fandom#sherlock fanfic#john watson#john watson x oc!child#platonic fic#platonic#mild angst#matilda may series#MM Series
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