#and handler does treat her a bit like an adoptive daughter
jamethinks · 12 days
So, regarding my previous post: the 3 cats Nightfall has are based on each of the Forgers (not on purpose)
Kot is the adult male Siberian weighing in at about 9kg. His exact age is unknown since she had him since he was an adult. It is known that he is a bit older (notably older than Anya). She got him as a kid, and to avoid talking about her backstory, let's just say at some point she went back to Russia for him. Because of his age, he's not as energetic as most Siberians but definitely more energetic than a normal cat. He's got bone problems and has to take lots of meds.
He's the Loid of the cat team. Very serious, observant, and has no time for Koshka's shit. Because he was alone for so long, he actually prefers solitude. Finding a nice high place to perch up on and watch over everything. He's not openly affectionate and only prefers to cuddle with Fiona. He is a very patient cat though making him the perfect companion for Anya. She loves to pick this big heavy cat up and walk around with him and he just sits there with a grumpy face and everyone is worried she's annoying him but he's actually just chilling and kinda likes her.
The next is Kit. Kit is a purebred Sphynx that Fiona got from a gang of traffickers. It was a bunch of these chicken cats that they were trying to take to the use to sell to breeders and skinners. She rescued all and decided to keep one. Kit is very very affectionate and snuggly. He loves cuddling with Fiona at night and following her around during the day. Whenever she's not around her berries himself in Kot's fur and sleeps right there. He's not very suited for the eternal Ostanian fall so he has to be kept properly warm and is very pampered.
He's obviously the Yor parallel. Initially seen as weird and unusual, most people prefer to avoid him, and some even scream and run. In reality, he's actually the sweetest, most gentle cat of the bunch. Again, he is super affectionate and very extroverted. He's very social and warms up to the Forgers immediately. He even gets along with Bond loving to really get caught up in the big dogs endless fluff. Yor at first was creeper out by him but ended really warming up to him, and he spends most of his time there just following her around and accepting so many pets.
Koshka is the baby. Nightfall got her from the old man spy. He saw how sad she was because Twilight was too busy with Operation Strix and thought she just needed a baby for herself and that she did. Koshka is extremely energetic, like constantly bursting with energy. Stuck in an eternal state of zoomies. She's actually albino with a thick white coat, blue eyes, and partial deafness. She was born on some breeding farm and deemed defective and was set to be put down before old man spy got his hands on her. She's only around 6-9 months, so really a baby.
She's again meant to parallel Anya, I think he description alone shows why. Interestingly, though, she's Loid's favorite. He never liked cats because he thought they were mean and very solitary animals. He liked dogs because they're more social and just seemed more useful. Koshka absolutely broke his brain with her very dog like personality. She was super clingy and nagish just like Bond and would actually start climbing him if he didn't tend to her in time. She would be bolting back and forth through the house, jumping all over the furniture like an energetic puppy. At first, Loid found it annoying, but it also felt so familiar. Because she's so young, she hasn't been trained, so he enjoys dealing with this unpredictable little kitten.
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st4rshipr4nger · 3 months
okay so im the handlers daughter (she adopts me she is NOT my birth mother) and then she adopts lila but were the same age so anyway she like raises us and stuff cause shes mother and so she trains us and shit like she does in the show with lila and also me and lila kind of have the same powers ish because okay idk if youre familiar with xmen but i like have rogues powers so like power absorption and taking peoples energy and stuff so like if i touch someone skin to skin ill take their powers if they have any and their energy and i kind of get their memories too, and so she makes me wear these gloves because one time i accidentally touched her when i was a baby and took some of her energy and she almost passed out or something, anyways being the handlers daughter obviously comes with trauma so when im like ten im like mom i dont like this i dont wanna do this anymore and shes like well thats too damn bad and i tell lila im running away but we make a plan to like meet up in the future so i run and shit one night and i find the umbrella academy a few days after and Pogo answers the door and i tell him about my powers because ive seen the hargreeves on television and on billboards and im like can i just like stay here for a little while and hes like yes ofcourse but i need to talk to sir reginald and hes like wow youre weird and then i kind of become like his labrat because he wants to see exactly how my powers work but hes also like youre fucking dangerous, so he gets this serum that makes my powers go away for a limited amount of time and i have to get injected with it every morning but i meet the hargreeves and we all get along pretty quickly and they like accept me into the family and oh my god GRACE :(((( i love her so much me and ben obviously have like a LITTLE thing but none of us is gonna admit it until like later but yeah reg doesnt trust me going on missions at first but he lets me go on one which kind of ends bad so he doesnt let me go on anymore and i have to stay on the sidelines with viktor ALSO me klaus ben diego and vik are super close i get closer with everyone else too but like specifically them so like yeah!! me and ben kiss literally like three days before he yk and then i want to kms !!! but its fine he watches me as a ghost for the next 18 years!!!! but yeah its obviously hard for all of us to take and stuff
so when were all older we obviously go our seperate ways but i kind of stay in touch with diego klaus and viktor (allison never answers her damn phone and luthers on the moon) i read viktors book and i thought it was fine like i dont have an issue with it he was speaking facts that nobody else in the house wanted to admit and we were pretty much treated the same also after bens death i kind of like started doing drugs with klaus again because the serums were also just drugs like be fucking fr anyways klaus also never tells me that ben is looking over us and he feels bad about it but like klaus and i are really similar [in my dr everyones like oh hes just klaus but in another body] so im not like yk i cant like stay mad but trust in my dr i will be sorry buddy anyways i still talk to diego cause me and him are also bestfriends and i try to send messages up to the moon sometimes to luther cause he and diego were literally like i actually felt like family around them theyre like my brothers but obviously wtv
thats like kind of a backstory thing i left some things out but i love oversharing about some of the things in my drs its fun
let me know if you wanna hear more cause like eeeeeeeee
also im scripting that like i dont know klaus has ben on his shoulder and that stuff cause i like to make myself suffer a little bit
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years
Umbrella Academy Recap 2x04
1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10
2x01 2x02 2x03
Well, last episode was pretty emotionally draining.  Not only did we get Allison’s husband, Ray, learning about her powers and reacting badly (though not unrealistically), but Lila, the young woman Diego might be falling for, is also seemingly in league with The Handler.  Oh, and Luther is still a pain in the tailbone, being all mopey over Allison marrying someone else.  So what’s going to happen next?
The episode actually addresses one of our first questions at the very start of the episode, showing us exactly how Lila got involved with The Handler in the first place.  It seems that the story Lila told Diego, about her parents being killed in a home invasion, was partially true.  Turns out, they were actually killed by The Commission, possibly because they could have potentially altered some major historical event in some way and therefore had to be eliminated.  And I won’t lie, seeing the scene of them tied up on the floor while begging for their lives was rather disturbing to watch.  After the temporal assassin murders the young couple, with The Handler watching, they begin to leave.  But before leaving, The Handler notices a child’s toy lying nearby.  Which tips her off that there was a kid in the house.  Almost immediately after this discovery, The Handler hears a noise coming from a nearby vent, which leads to her locating a young Lila hiding in a secret compartment in the wall.  The Handler promptly takes Young Lila under her wing and raises her as a daughter.  Though it’s definitely not much of a loving relationship, as The Handler’s parenting style is on par with Reginald Hargeeves’.   And this is driven home when we see The Handler forcing Lila to go through some sort of obstacle course while shooting at her with a Tommy gun, drills her in learning Mandarin and even sent her on a mission to kill a man.  Of course, this does mean that Lila has more in common with Diego than either of them might realize.  They both were raised by a less-than-loving adoptive parent who treated them more like a weapon than an actual child.
Flash forward to the present.  Or at least what is the present in the show’s timeline, considering we’re still in 1963.  The Handler has instructed Lila to protect Number 5.  Lila is surprised by this, considering how much trouble Number 5 had caused for The Commission last season. Not to mention it was partially because of him that The Handler got demoted.  Still, The Handler feels that Number 5 is worth more to her alive.  As their conversation continues, Lila voices her annoyance over the three white-haired temporal assassins that shot at her and Diego as they tried to escape the mental hospital.  She is not pleased when she learns that The Handler was the one who sent them, considering they might have killed her, even though she’s working for The Commission as well.  But The Handler waves away her anger, stating that it’s all part of the act, and it’s important to not let on that Lila is with them.  And she also insists that if the white-haired trio really wanted to kill her, then she’d already be dead.  As The Handler leaves the room, she once again instructs Lila to protect Number 5, no matter what.
Elsewhere, Luther is waking up after throwing his fight and getting his butt handed to him.  To his surprise, Vanya is sitting by his bedside, offering him a pillow or some aspirin to ease his headache.  Right away, Luther realizes that Number 5 had managed to locate her.  Vanya confirms this by stating the brother in question is waiting outside in the car.  She then goes on to explain that Number 5 had filled in some of the gaps in her missing memories, but had been vague in regards to the apocalypse.  So Vanya suspects that she might have had something to do with it and she asks Luther about the matter.  Luther admits that Vanya caused it, stating she got angry, lost control and blew up the moon.  Although, to Luther’s credit, he also states that it wasn’t completely her fault.  Before they could get much further in their discussion, Mr. Ruby barges in.  He is furious that Luther threw the fight, especially since he now owes a lot of money (because people were gambling on the outcome of the fight).  Luther tries to apologize, but Mr. Ruby states that their partnership is done and walks out.  Luther, visibly crestfallen, tells Vanya to leave.  He then punches a hole through the wall, allowing him to see Number 5 looking up at him from the street below.
Vanya, taking this as her cue to leave, exits the building.  As she passes by Number 5, she announces she’s going back to the farmhouse.  Number 5 insists that’s not acceptable, as they have to stick together.  At this, Vanya begins laying into Number 5 for not telling her that she was the one who caused the April 1st 2019 apocalypse and asking him if he was ever going to tell her the truth.  Number 5 admits he wasn’t planning on mentioning it, since Vanya had a tendency to blow things up when she got mad.  After a bit of back-and-forth, Vanya announces that she can’t help him, stating that whoever she was before, it’s a new timeline.  And therefore, she can start anew.  Number 5 tries to tell her it doesn’t work that way, but Vanya drives off, leaving him alone, with Luther glaring down at him from the hole in the wall.
Over at the Chestnut household, Allison is going nuts since Ray hadn’t come home after the riot.  She starts to berate herself for rumoring that cop who had been beating him, stating that she’d promised herself that she’d never use her powers again.  Klaus attempts to reassure her, pointing out that she’d saved Ray’s life, as the cop would have killed him if she hadn’t stepped in.  He proceeds to tell her his own version of The Scorpion and The Frog fable to further cheer her up, but this goes as well as a porcupine in a balloon factory and she quickly runs off to try and find Ray.
Allison eventually heads over to Odessa's hairdressers.  She is shocked to find Ray is there, and is holding a meeting without her.  Allison voices her anger that he didn’t even bother calling her to let her know he was alright, as she had been up all night trying to call numerous hospitals and fearing he was dead.  Ray proceeds to lead Allison outside to talk.  It soon becomes clear that Ray is suspecting that Allison was a plant for the police and had been simply infiltrating their group to spy on them.  Allison insists that wasn’t the case, and that she can explain.  But when Ray tells her to do so, the words fail Allison.  Which is understandable, because how does one go about explaining everything about having supernatural powers and traveling in time?  So Ray, taking her silence as confirmation of his suspicions, goes back inside.
Saddened, Allison proceeds to walk about seemingly aimlessly.  But this leads to her reuniting with Luther, who is also feeling dejected after his falling out with Mr. Ruby and is currently stuffing his face at an outdoor barbecue restaurant.  Their reunion is reasonably sweet. They proceed to catch up with each other, though they gloss over their personal heartbreaks.  Allison asks Luther if he’s heard from the others, so Luther tells her that Vanya is living on a farm and is actually really happy there and that Diego is in a mental hospital.  (Luther doesn’t know Diego broke out at this point.)  In return, Allison tells him that Klaus has become a cult leader.  Of course, when Luther states that Number 5 turned up again, he tells her that they will somehow cause a second apocalypse, which is supposed to occur in 7 days.  Allison is clearly taken aback by this.
Back at Elliot’s apartment, Number 5 has regrouped with Diego, Lila and Elliot, stating he’s confident Vanya will come around and rejoin them eventually.  Diego asks him if he’s sure the white-haired assassins (who Number 5 refers to as The Swedes) will go after her again.  Number 5 says he can’t be sure they won’t, but right now, their priority is locating 1963 Reginald and asking him some questions about his possible involvement with the approaching Kennedy Assassination. Fortunately, Number 5 knows just where they can find him.  During their previous search of 1963 Reginald’s umbrella factory, Number 5 had located an invitation to a gala that’s being hosted by a man named Hoyt Hillenkoetter.  Immediately upon hearing that name, Elliot’s ears perk up.  It appears that Hoyt is a member of The Majestic 12 (roll credits), which is some secret governmental group that I imagine is in the same vein as the Illuminati.  Elliot proceeds to show them a photograph that had been taken of the Majestic 12.  How this photograph came to exist is not explained, but I’m sure Elliot wasn’t the only conspiracy nut in the 1960s.  Lila voices her observation that there are only 11 men in Elliot’s photograph.  In response, Elliot states that nobody has been able to identify the mysterious 12th member.  Upon hearing this, Number 5 and Diego share a look.  It’s obvious they’ve concluded that Reginald was the 12th member of this organisation. 
Meanwhile, Vanya has returned to the farmhouse.  Upon her arrival, she is immediately greeted by Sissy, who is overjoyed to see her.  She asks Vanya what happened.  Vanya admits she doesn’t know where to begin, so Sissy states they can talk over breakfast.  And so, Vanya fills Sissy in on the finer points of what happened after she left the farmhouse.  Specifically the part about The Swedes being after her.   Sissy suggests going to the police, but Vanya turns down that option, as the matter is complicated.  Instead, Vanya feels that, in order to make sure Sissy and Harlan remain safe, she has to leave.  Sissy is dead set against this, though.  She tells Vanya that they can just go away somewhere, and that she’ll do whatever it takes to protect her from The Swedes.   At that moment, they both realize that Harlan had been in earshot of their conversation.  Realizing that Vanya was considering leaving for good, he runs out of the house, clearly upset, and Sissy and Vanya race after him.  They quickly lose sight of him, though, forcing the two women to split up in order to find him.  After a frantic search, Vanya overhears the sound of water splashing.  Following the sound, she sees Harlan’s bird toy floating in a large pond.  Which clearly indicates he’d fallen in.  Vanya, in a desperate attempt at saving the boy, concentrates on tapping into her powers.  (Either she knows she has them now or this was just her instincts taking over.)  With her powers, she pushes back the water in the pond like it’s the Red Sea, enabling her to retrieve Harlan’s unconscious form.  Once they’re safely on shore, Vanya begins performing CPR on him.  At first, it looks like it’s all in vain, as Harlan remains unresponsive.  But then, small specks of light enter into Harlan’s mouth and go down his throat.  In the blink of an eye, Harlan comes back to life, much to Vanya and Sissy’s relief.
Upon returning to the farmhouse, Sissy brings Harlan up to bed.  When she rejoins Vanya downstairs, she suggests not mentioning what had happened with Harlan nearly drowning to Carl (who is away on a business trip in Waco).  As Sissy begins to drink the liqueur Vanya poured for her, the events of the day catch up to her, and she breaks down crying.  She acknowledges that Harlan would have died if Vanya hadn’t been there.  Vanya consoles her, pointing out that Harlan is going to be fine, as the doctor had already checked him over and determined that he’d pull through.  Still, Vanya feels that things might be best if she left.  Clearly, she’s still thinking of The Swedes.  Sissy then begins confiding in Vanya that she felt unfulfilled with her life, as her husband doesn’t see her and her son doesn’t talk to her.  But then Vanya came into their lives.  She then kisses Vanya, and, after a pause, Vanya reciprocates. 
Over at a diner somewhere, Klaus jumps right into his personal mission by approaching Dave and trying to convince him to not enlist in the army.  Because if he does, they’re going to send him to Vietnam, where thousands of American soldiers and millions of Vietnamese soldiers will die for nothing.  Unfortunately, Klaus’ efforts are spoiled by Dave’s uncle, Brian, who is clearly of the mindset that being a military man is the highest honor imaginable.  Uncle Brian begins throwing homophobic slurs at Klaus and orders Dave to punch Klaus.  In the end, Uncle Brian’s taunts force Dave to comply with that order, though it’s clear that Dave isn’t happy about doing so.  Klaus then leaves the diner, as Ben, who had been watching the whole scene unfold, stands by in visible shock.  
Ben later catches up to Klaus, who is trying to drown his sorrow with alcohol.  He tries to talk Klaus out of it, as Klaus has been sober for the past three years and can’t throw out that progress now, but to no avail.  And Klaus proceeds to drink from a bunch of bottles.  (And I’m a little surprised he was able to get away with drinking in the liqueur store.  Were the rules about drinking alcohol before actually paying for the bottle looser in the 60s?)  Unfortunately for Klaus, when he returns to his mansion, he finds his followers have all managed to track him down.  Horrified, Klaus turns and retreats, with his devoted followers all running after him, not picking up on the obvious indication that he wants to get away from them.  Eventually, Klaus manages to give them the slip and returns to the Chestnut household, looking for a place to crash for the night.  Allison, while it’s clear she’s exasperated with her brother’s antics (and still upset over how things went with Ray), allows him to camp out on the couch.
Elsewhere, Luther finds that he’s being kicked out of his small apartment, as he’s now on Mr. Ruby’s bad side and his landlord doesn’t want to end up crossing Mr. Ruby, either.  So Luther is forced to head over to Elliot’s place to look for Number 5.  Of course, Number 5 has already left for the gala with Diego and Lila, so only Elliot is there to let him in.  They then proceed to get high on some nitrous oxide.  As they sit around giggling and swapping man stories and what not, Luther lets slip that the world will end in 7 days.  While Elliot is shocked and confused by that statement, the laughing gas high prevents him from really reacting to this.
At the gala, Diego, Lila and Number 5 plan to infiltrate the party.  (And I have to laugh here.  While Diego and Lila managed to locate the appropriate attire to attend a fancy soiree, Number 5 is still wearing his Umbrella Academy schoolboy uniform.  What, did they not have tuxes in child sizes in 1963? Or could Number 5 not be bothered to try and blend in?)  Before they try to sneak in, however, Number 5 makes sure Lila knows that he doesn’t trust her.  (And, knowing what we know about Lila, Number 5 might be smart to be suspicious of her.)
Once inside, Number 5 slips off to search the upstairs for 1965 Reginald.  Once they’re alone, Diego pulls Lila aside to ask where she ran off to last night.  It seems he’d woken up while Lila was off meeting with The Handler and noticed she was no longer lying next to him.  Lila smoothly covers up her absence by stating she’d slipped off to a drug store to get more gauze for his stab wound.  And then, to further distract him, she pulls him onto the dance floor.  They proceed to have a pretty nicely done dancing scene.  However, their dance ends abruptly when Diego spots something that makes him freeze.  To his amazement, the Hargreeves Siblings’ robot mother, Grace, or someone who looks remarkably like her, is standing amongst the other guests.  So of course, Diego has to go and approach her.  Of course, it’s not clear if this is actually the Grace that Diego knows or not, as this Grace has a strong Texas accent.  However, Grace does state that Reginald is there as her date, but he slipped off to attend a meeting 20 minutes ago.  As Grace heads off, Diego suddenly remembers Lila and hurries off to find her again.  But we then see The Swedes are also there at the gala, posing as members of the wait staff.
Upstairs, Number 5 teleports himself into a closet.  This enables him to spy on the meeting of the Majestic 12, who are planning to organize the assassination of President Kennedy, in order to prevent him from continuing his investigation of their activities.  As Number 5 and Diego suspected, Reginald is indeed among them.  But when Number 5 accidentally makes his presence known by inadvertently making a noise, he has to teleport away before 1963 Reginald can stab him with a fireplace poker.  Number 5′s bad luck continues when he materializes right in front of one of The Swedes.  A fight immediately breaks out between Number 5 and The Swedes, with Diego joining in early on.  As the fight continues, Lila also stumbles onto the scene.  After a brief hesitation, she goes to assist Number 5, following The Handler’s orders to protect him at all costs.  As a result, they manage to seemingly kill one of The Swedes.  But amidst the confusion, the Majestic 12 decide the secrecy of their meeting has been compromised and that they should regroup later at their backup location.  When Number 5 sees them leaving though the window, he teleports off, with Lila hurrying away as well.  While this does leave Diego at the mercy of the other two Swedes, he manages to overpower them and gets away as well.
Outside the Gala, Number 5 calls out to 1963 Reginald in Ancient Greek.  1963 Reginald reacts to this briefly, but he still gets into the car with Grace, driving off.  When Grace asks him who Number 5 was, 1963 Reginald states he was nobody important.  But it’s still made clear that whatever Number 5 said struck a cord with him.
Closing thoughts/questions:
So, was that actually the Grace the robot mother from the first season?  Because I thought the implication was that Reginald had built her specifically to be a nanny for the Umbrella Academy kids that wouldn’t get killed by Young Vanya’s outbursts.  However, it’s currently looking like Reginald had purposly modeled Grace the robot after this woman.  Which does suggest that she was someone particularly memorable to Reginald.
Really hoping that Klaus can succeed in saving Dave’s life.  It’s really unlucky he’s under the psychological grip of his homophobic, military-loving uncle.
Also hoping Allison can patch things up with Ray.  I’d hate for things to end on such a sour note for them.
What exactly was up with those glowing lights that went into Harlan’s mouth, seemingly resurrecting him? Is this a more advanced stage of Vanya’s powers, or is it something else?  Because they almost looked like those glowing lights Reginald released from the glass jar in the 1x10 flashback.  Which makes me wonder if my theory of those glowing lights have a connection to the miraculous birth of the Hargreeves Siblings (and the other 36 Miracle Babies) might actually go somewhere
The fact that they’re now presenting us with Sissy and Vanya as being in love is interesting.  Of course, there’s the question of what they might face if they’re found out.  Especially since Sissy is married.  Wonder if they’ll explore that.
Really hoping Lila ends up being a good guy in the end.  I still enjoy her relationship with Diego.  Even though she does chose to save Number 5 over Diego to abide with The Handler’s orders, the fact that she’d ealier stated she didn’t want to kill Diego suggests that she does have some manner of affection for him.  But will it be enough for her to overcome her mental programming?
I also wonder what exactly Number 5 called out to 1963 Reginald.  Hope they explain that in the next episode.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Bad, and Beautiful: 45457 -5 yeans old, 62 lhs Della BELIEVE IN YOUR SELF BEAUTIFUL GIRL Faarful n strange shalter enunonment Said to be gentle & playfu uwith childran, uary housatrainad, dog friendly-Spayed & ready fon α nau family At Manhattan ACC waiting fon Jou **** TO BE KILLED - 10/29/2018 **** Beautiful Bella wears a pristine white coat which while at the shelter is mostly seen trembling. Fear is an emotion whose strength can overpower everything else, which is precisely the case for Bella. Her world was torn apart when her owner passed, and of course that translates to a death sentence for her. She is a doggie who thrives with security, which is why she loves her resources so dearly. Now separated from every part of her world, she avoids all interaction and awaits the tragedy that comes with being on the list. Notes left on her behalf report that once she is comfortable and knows people, she is most excellent, house trained and loves to be near her loved ones. She enjoys blankets and toys, again all the comforts of security. At just 5 years old, she has a long life ahead as long as someone is willing to give her that chance. Bella has already suffered great loss, we would love nothing more for her to know a new beginning. So many shelter dogs blossom once safely out of the building, Bella is so hoping to become a success story. Please message this page if you can foster or adopt this lovely girl. BELLA@MANHATTAN ACC Hello, my name is Bella My animal id is #45457 I am a desexed female white dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old, 62 lbs Came into shelter as a agency Oct. 24, 2018 Bella is rescue only Bella is New Hope Only determination. While we have been able to take her out, she is sensitive with touch and handling and avoids some interactions. Medically she is healthy and we just recommend some weight loss. My medical notes are... Weight: 62.4 lbs Vet Notes 27/10/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~5yrs based on O hx. Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative. placed by LVT History : O surrender Subjective / Observed Behavior - fearful. twitches when touched, whale eyed. jerks back quickly when head touched. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective BCS 7/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears visualized from a distance as P would not allow exam, looks clean; no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: did not evaluate due to behavior. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: spayed female. scar seen. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: grossly normal externally. Assessment overweight dental disease fearful Prognosis: excellent Plan: rec weight management -- weight loss of ~10lbs. recommend behavioral training including socialization SURGERY: already spayed 28/10/2018 S/O - pt very timid, anxious, trembling A - Anxious P - Trazadone 5 mg/kg BID for 14 days Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 2. Blue Behavior History Behavior Assessment Upon intake, Bella was growling and barking at counselor. Counselor did not handle. Staff had to use a snare pole to transfer her into a kennel. Date of Intake: 10/24/2018 Spay/Neuter Status: Spayed Basic Information:: Bella Thorne was brought into our facilities by the NYPD after the original owner died and no one in the family was able to care for her. She is roughly 5 years old and the prior owner had her for 3 years. Bella Thorne originally came from an out of state animal shelter. Previously lived with:: 2 adults How is this dog around strangers?: Bella Thorne is fearful of strangers and may take several days to warm up. She may also bark or growl at strangers. She would play gently and exuberantly with adults. How is this dog around children?: Bella Thorne has spent time around children and is described as being relaxed and respectful around them. She may play gently or exuberantly with them. How is this dog around other dogs?: Bella Thorne has spent time around other dogs and may play gently or exuberantly with them. How is this dog around cats?: Bella Thorne has never been around cats. Resource guarding:: Bella Thorne will growl, bark, snap, and may bite if you try to take her food, treats, or toys. There has been one bite incident involving someone getting near her food bowl while she was eating. Bite history:: Bella Thorne has had two bite episodes. The first happened a little over a year ago and the person was bit when they were crawling on the floor to pick up something that was near Bella. The second happened closer to a year ago, and it occurred when someone was near her food bowl while she was eating. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: High Other Notes:: Bella Thorne will bark at people if they approach her owner or family. She tends to guard her things and will react with barking, growling, and potentially snapping or biting if approached. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: Yes Medical Notes: Owner's daughter stated that Bella Thorne has a bad tooth. For a New Family to Know: Bella Thorne is described as generally being friendly, affectionate, and playful. She liked to follow her owner around and would greet the other family members as well. She liked to be in the same room as her owner. She likes to play with blankets and anything made of plastic, like a water bottle. She slept in her dog bed. She was fed Pedigree brand wet and dry food whenever she was hungry. She was not allowed to have rawhide type treats due to how quickly she would eat them and the associated choking risk. She is very house trained and does not have accidents. She would use wee wee pads when inside and any surface when outside. She was never left alone in a yard nor was she crate trained. She is used to walks on the leash and off the leash dog park time for exercise. She will pull lightly on the leash. Date of intake:: 10/24/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray (In home for 3 years, information from owner's daughter) Previously lived with:: Adults Behavior toward strangers:: Fearful, barks and growls Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and respectful of children she knows Behavior toward dogs:: Playful Resource guarding:: Yes, Bella will growl, bark, snap, and may bite if her her food, treats, or toys are taken. Bite history:: Yes, Bella has bitten twice. The first bite occurred when a person was crawling on the floor to pick up something near Bella and Bella bit the person's chest, breaking skin. The second bite occurred when a person was standing near her food bowl and reached down to touch the bowl, the bite was to the person's forearm and broke skin. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Bella is described as generally being friendly, affectionate, and playful with a high level of activity. Date of assessment:: 10/28/2018 Summary:: Bella has allowed minimal handling at the care center, and when she has allowed some handling she has then bared her teeth, displaying a rapid progression to aggression. Due to safety concerns and out of concern for her stress levels, she is not a good candidate for a handling assessment at this time. Date of intake:: 10/24/2018 Summary:: Growling, barking, was unable to be handled Date of initial:: 10/27/2018 Summary:: Whale eyed, fearful, jerks away ENERGY LEVEL:: Bella is described as having a high level of activity. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: 10/26: Upon approach Bella Thorne is on her bed growling. She approaches the front when the handler tosses treats in, occasionally continuing to growl or bare teeth. Bella T. eventually takes treats from the handler's hand. When attempting to leash Bella, she hard barked and retreated. Bella is still wearing 2 collars and 2 leashes (from owner) and the handler was able to get the leashes and feed the slip lead down them and over her head. She pulls on leash going outside and explores the yard. After a few minutes of walking on leash Bella jumps up on the bench with the handler and allows gentle touch. She allows the handler to loosen the non-clip martingale collar and remove both this and the choke chain over her head. She allows scratching on the neck where the collars were very tight but after approx. 2 minutes she turns and bares teeth at the handler. When the handler stops petting and gets up from the bench she does not escalate. She is easily replaced in kennel. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to Bella's bite history, we recommend an adult only home. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to Bella's bite history as well as the rapid escalation to aggression she has displayed at the care center, the behavior department recommends she be placed with a New Hope placement partner who is able to provide an experienced adult-only foster home. A period of decompression is recommended to allow Cinnamon to acclimate comfortably to her new environment; force-free, reward based training only is advised when introducing Bella to new and unfamiliar situations. Consultation with a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended for guidance to safely manage/modify any behavior Bella presents with outside of the care centers. Potential challenges: : Resource guarding,Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,Multiple-bite history/risk of future aggression Potential challenges comments:: Resource guarding: Bella displayed a concerning level of resource guarding in her previous home, biting a person's chest on one occasion when she attempted to get something that was near Bella and on another occasion biting someone when her food bowl was touched. We recommend that Bella be left alone while eating. We advise against ever removing items from Bella's possession without safely trading for an item or greater or equal value. Guidance from a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended to aid in safely managing/modifying this behavior in a new home environment. Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Bella is reported to bark and growl at strangers. At the care center, she has allowed minimal handling, and has bared teeth after allowing some handling, displaying a rapid escalation to aggression. Guidance from a professional trainer/behaviorist is recommended to assess behavior after decompression in a new home environment. Force-free, reward based training is advised when introducing or exposing Bella to new and unfamiliar situations. Multiple-bite history/risk of future aggression; Bella has bitten twice in her previous home and has displayed warning signals at the care center and to new people, both in her previous home and at the care center. Guidance from a professional trainer/behaviorist is recommended to assess behavior after decompression in a new home environment. BELLA IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HER LIFE.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Apparently, and Beautiful: BLUE ID# 43106 or ROOKLYN ANIMAL CARE CENTER Showstopper ready to steal your heart 2 yrs old 58 lbs TO BE KILLED 10/17/18 Beautiful Blue is a very waggy, sweet and cute young man in excellent condition. He is friendly around strangers, seems to be housebroken and passes other dogs just fine. Please share handsome Blue for a new home! A volunteer writes: Blue is sweet and friendly with just a touch of shyness. He was a bit submissive when I took him out of his cage - wagging his tail while crouching down a little - but he happily came out and we went for a walk. Outside, Blue allowed me to pet him and wagged his tail quite often, though he remained just a little bashful. But oh boy...once we got back to the shelter, I saw the true Blue! When he spotted one of his favorite staff members, his tail went way up and started wagging like a little helicopter; his eyes widened; his ears perked up; a big doggie smile came across his face; and he made a beeline for the employee. Blue then jumped up to greet his friend, who in turn, gave Blue lots of cheek rubs. Blue stood there with his eyes closed and his tail wagging, just taking in all this love and attention...it was pure doggie bliss! Blue then thanked his friend with lots of face kisses. Watching this interaction, I assumed the staff member had spent a lot of time with Blue. But no....he had walked him only a few times! So even though Blue needs time to get to know new people, he seems to warm up very quickly. Blue's previous owner described him as friendly, affectionate, and mellow; and stated that he loves to run and play fetch with balls. If you'd like to meet this adorable little sweetie-pie, come on down to the Brooklyn ACC shelter where he's awaiting his forever home. VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LltDsS7bQDU Blue ID# 43106 Brooklyn Animal Care Center 2 yrs old, 58 lbs Gray / White Male Medium Mixed Breed Intake Date: 10-01-2018 I came into the shelter as a owner surrender on 01-Oct-2018, with the surrender reason stated as animal behaviour - not good with kids. SHELTER ASSESSMENT ~ EXPERIENCED HOME No young children (under 5) Behavior History Behavior upon intake: Blue was relaxed during the process. He had almond eyes, ears up and wiggly tail. He allowed to be petted and was taking treats gently. He allowed to be collared and he sat down for his picture. Blue scanned positive for microchip. Basic Information:: Blue is a 2 year old gray and white male dog that was surrendered by his owner due to behavior concerns. The owner stated that he bought Blue off of a friend when he was 8 weeks old. The last time Blue has been to the vet is unknown. Previously lived with:: Owner 2 adults 2 children. How is this dog around strangers?: Owner stated that when around strangers Blue is friendly and outgoing. When playing with adults he is exuberant. How is this dog around children?: Blue has spent time in the home with a 4 and 8 year old child and he was relaxed and affectionate. As of recently Blue has started to growl and snapped at the 4 year old child in the home. When playing with children Blue can be somewhat rough. How is this dog around other dogs?: Blue has not spent time in the home with other dogs. His owner stated that when around other dogs Blue will bark, growl and may possibly snap. How is this dog around cats?: Blue has spent spent time in the home with cats so it so unknown how he will react. Resource guarding:: Blue is friendly if someone was to touch his food treats or toys. If someone unfamiliar approaches his home he will bark. Bite history:: Blue has no bite history. Housetrained:: Partially Energy level/descriptors:: High Other Notes:: Owner stated that during loud noises and fireworks he isn't bothered. He has never been brushed nor has he had his nails trimmed. Blue will tolerate being bathed. He isn't bothered if he is restrained pushed off the couch or disturbed while he sleeps. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No Medical Notes: No reported medical concerns. For a New Family to Know: Owner described Blue as friendly affectionate and mellow. Blue loves to run and play fetch will balls. He has been kept mostly indoors and eats dry dog food. When using the bathroom he will go outside on the grass or cement. When left alone in the home Blue is crated and he does well for up to 8 hours. He has never been left alone in the yard so it is unknown how he will react. Blue knows how to sit, lay down stay heel and come when called. He is used to brisk walks on the leash. When on the leash he pulls hard. When off the leash he will run away. Behavior Assessment Date of intake:: 10/1/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner surrender Previously lived with:: Owner 2 adults, and 2 children ages(4 and 8 year old) Behavior toward strangers:: Blue is friendly and outgoing. Behavior toward children:: Relaxed and affectionate(recently began growling and snapping at 4 year old) Behavior toward dogs:: Blue will bark, growl and may possibly snap. Behavior toward cats:: Behavior unknown Resource guarding:: None reported Bite history:: None reported Housetrained:: Partially Energy level/descriptors:: Owner described Blue as friendly affectionate and mellow with a high activity level. Other Notes:: Owner stated his daughter was playing last night when Blue was sitting near them. Blue got up and his daughter told him to sit down and pushed him back resulting in Blue snapping at her. He stated that this was the first time that Blue had this behavior towards his daughter. Date of assessment:: 10/3/2018 Look:: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, ears are back, tail is down, relaxed body posture. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity:: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, eyes are averted, and tail is in neutral position with a relaxed body posture. Dog's mouth is likely closed for at least a portion of the assessment item. Tag:: 1. Dog follows at the end of the leash, body soft. Paw squeeze 1:: 1. Dog gently pulls back his/her paw. Paw squeeze 2:: 1. Dog gently pulls back his/her paw. Toy:: 1. No interest. Summary:: Blue came into the assessment room loose and wiggly, he was friendly and playful towards the handlers. Summary (1):: According to Blue's previous owner, Blue growls, barks and snaps at other dogs. 10/2: Blue is uncomfortable at the gate when greeting the novel female. He displays a tense posture before hard barking and walking away. An attempt was made to place a muzzle on him but he frantically pawed at it. Date of intake:: 10/1/2018 Summary:: Blue was relaxed during the process. ENERGY LEVEL:: Blue displays a high activity level in the care center. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: ADULT ONLY HOME Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13) Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to some behavior concerns displayed in the previous home where Blue snapped at a child when she pushed down his rear, we feel that an adult-only home would be most beneficial at this time. Potential challenges: : Handling/touch sensitivity Potential challenges comments:: Handling sensitivity: Blue snapped at a child when she pushed his rear end back. It is important to be cautious when touching him in other areas as we do not know where he may have other sensitivities. Positive reinforcement, reward based training should be used to pair touch with good things such as food rewards in order to teach Blue to be more comfortable with this. My medical notes are... Weight: 58 lbs Vet Notes 7/10/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~2 years according to o Microchip noted on Intake? negative History : o/s Subjective: BARH Observed Behavior - very sweet. Energetic. Did well for all medical handling and procedures. Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = wnl R = eupneic BCS 4/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal discharge noted Oral Exam: clean adult dentition, no oral lesions noted PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupneic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI, 2 testicles descended MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: Apparently healthy Plan: Continue to monitor while at BACC Prognosis: Excellent SURGERY: ok to schedule for surgery 15/10/2018 Progress exam-New CIRDC noted on rounds History: Intake 10/7-APH Subjective: QAR. Noted on rounds board to be having diarrhea for 3 days. Also has serous nasal d/c and is early CIRDC. Bloody nasal d/c noted on rounds board but not on exam. Objective: EENT: serous nasal d/c bilaterally, no ocular d/c ou L: Eupneic, normal RR/RE MSI: Ambulatory x 4, good haircoat CNS: mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: CIRDC Diarrhea Plan: Start baytril 10mg/kg PO SID x14d until 10/29 Start doxycycline 10mg/kg PO SID x14d until 10/29 Start metronidazole 15mg/kg PO BID x5d until 10/20 Recheck at day 7 Move to iso Prognosis: Good 16/10/2018 Progress exam History: Intake 10/7-APH 10/15-started on doxycycline, baytril, and metronidazole for CIRDC and diarrhea Subjective: QAR. Noted to be lethargic but took oral meds and ate entire tray of canned food. Objective: EENT: serous nasal d/c bilaterally, no ocular d/c ou L: Eupneic, normal RR/RE MSI: Ambulatory x 4, good haircoat CNS: mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment: CIRDC Diarrhea Plan: Continue baytril 10mg/kg PO SID until 10/29 Continue doxycycline 10mg/kg PO SID until 10/29 Continue metronidazole 15mg/kg PO BID until 10/20 Iso CTM appetite Prognosis:good * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! * STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU CANNOT GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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