#and had the beastly quote
zero-ek · 5 months
As soon as Yuu was released the first thing i did was to listen to her voice lines, not only because of who is voicing her (the Sailor Moon!!) but because i was very curious as to what sort of dimension her voice would add to her character.
And it's particularly interesting the way that her voice sells how... empty she is, like not only in that losing her memories destroyed her sense of self and her morality (like i had initially expected), but in that she doesn't seem to have a firm grasp of anything beyond the ideas of "Yuu", Shii, the list, Magical Girls and Witches. Like, it's like she doesn't even know what being a human even is.
That much is obvious just in the way she speaks, like she keeps switching back and forth between multiple voices and running over her own words, like she speaks out of muscle memory and can't control the sounds that her mouth makes. But also, some of the stuff she says is... concerning, here's a few lines:
(I got these from her F*ndom quotes page i didn't know where else to find them)
"We're together today too... is that the same as yesterday? Does that mean tomorrow's gonna be the same!? And two days ago too? I guess after tomorrow too... wait so even today too!?"
From her first login, notice how by the end of the sentence she forgot about whay she said at the start completely. Also it's hard to convey through written text but, not only her sense of object and spacial permanence is nonexistent, she seems to genuinely have a hard time undertanding the concept of time:
"Did you just say good morning? Oh that must mean it's morning nowiseewaitdid i... did i sleep? I'm bummed... no i'm not, aha! Morning!"
Her morning login.
"Did you just tell me good night...? 'Good night' is what you say when you're done for the day!? So if we keep repeating 'good night' forever, can we stop tomorrow from coming...?"
Her night login
A couple of her lines showing her extremely short memory, and how it affects her fundamental understanding of things:
"Man, i'm so hungry... WAIT! I think i was just full...! Which was it! Doesn't it really suck how you can never tell what's inside of your tummy?"
Noon login.
"Sorry! I...! What was i thinking about? Do you know? Can you tell me? What a bummer, what a bummer... Wait, what was i bummed about?"
Her standard login (honestly same).
"I gotta get goinghmm...? Where was i going again?"
Story end 3
"If your arms or your legs get really old, then why not just rip 'em off? It's gonna grow new ones so it's okay, here, lemme help you!"
Tap 4.
"Nagisa-chan loves cheese, meanwhile i have 'someone'... 'someone' is me! So don't forget about cheese and 'someone' even when tomorrow comes, alright?"
Magical release 1
"Y'see, ghosts only come from the past, they don't be coming from the future! So why... can i only go to tomorrow?"
Magical release 2
Also this one is just, man...
"No matter how many times time turns back, i'll keep doing the same thing! 'Cause i don't wanna pretend that all the times i messed up and all the times i was sad weren't real!"
Tap 8
It's also extremely unnerving how genuinely childlike and innocent her "main", higher pitched voice is, like i can't explain why but it really sells that she does what she does all because she genuinely doesn't know any other way to live, not least because it seems she wholeheartedly doesn't seem to be able to think beyond the current moment, like she just goes with the flow of time without having anything to ground herself on.
I think that, while having a fully fledged design added to her "inhuman" factor in a creepy manner, like, compounding to the idea of this beastly Magical Girl that rips people's organs off, her voice made her "inhuman" in a much crueler and sad way, in that it served to illustrate that she is the way she is because it's quite literally the only way of living that she knows.
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
🎍Find the Words Tag🎍
Thank you @frostedlemonwriter for the tag!
Rules: Post an excerpt from your wip containing the word given by the person who tagged you. Then, tag others and give them 4 words to find and write.
My words: Time, Lovers, Possess, Heart
。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。
I felt my youth cripple away the moment I set foot in the borders of Soilaila. A fraction of time I had claim to, lost with every step I took forward. My life shortened with the hunch of my shoulders and the ache in my back. Still, I pressed forward, moving inland to the queendom I once called home. - Throne of Vengeance, Volume 1
*I don't have the plural form, but I have the singular, so I'll use that instead.
An obsessive laughter echoed in the voices of the abyss. As though every shadow were a corpse, and they were all laughing at me-- that was what his laughter sounded like. Deranged, but not in the way Von Doro's was deranged. Hers carried the insanity of a ruler gone mad. A beastly tyrant who got high off power. His? His laughter carried the obsession of a man in love-- madly so-- to the point where they would kill their lover themselves, just to claim them in the afterlife. His laughter clutched my heart and admired the colour as it bled, if it meant I only bled for him. He was deranged in all the shades of obsession, laughing in all the melodies that made your skin crawl and your only instincts plead for you to run away. - Throne of Vengeance, Volume 2
"We are perfect. The only limitations we possess are of our own moral obligations, and the easily soluble fatigue of overexertion. But such is not a design imperfection. I tell you this, Erevana-- imagine a Cairoyas above all, unbound to societal expectations or fatigue. Whose mind is elevated, insusceptible to external or internal corruptions." The glory of his vision twinkled in the baby blues of his eyes. He raised one of his wrinkle fingers and trembled it in my direction. An uncanny grin unravelled with his fantasy. "You, Erevana, will be that Cairoyas. We will train you profusely, until your strength exceeds that of ten dragons and your mind is enlightened past the glories of the Arcane World. You asked me to be your mentor, and I said I'd make a Limious out of you. These are the fruits you shall bear. You will be my prodigy." - Throne of Vengeance, Volume 1
"I want him dead. I want his heart ripped out. I want his brain exploded to smithereens. I want his limbs chopped up and strung on a garland for me to wear every day around my neck. 'Proudly', he said." Her sobs echoed in another burst of the volcano. "I will slaughter him proudly. No-- No..." The agony in her voice tightened until it was shrill and villainous. "I want you to kill him for me, Markum. I want you to decorate the streets with his blood and mix it with broopasha for me to feast on. I want him to suffer, first by your hand, and then keep him barely alive so he can spend his last moments suffering by mine." - Throne of Vengeance, Volume 2
。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。
What an interesting range of quotes. Anyways! I'll tag my regulars oopsie daisies!
Your words are: Lively, Illusion, Fragile, Broken
@satohqbanana @mysticstarlightduck @harps-for-days @the-golden-comet @did-i-do-this-write @aalinaaaaaaand @drchenquill and @honeybewrites ! Message me if you want to be added to the tag list or removed. Vibes B)
Happy Writing!
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tabswrites · 4 months
One to Five Tag
Tagged by @willtheweaver here!
Tagging: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @pandoras-comment-box @rachaellawrites @axl-ul @thatndginger and an open tag!
Rules: Follow the prompts, change one if you like, and tell the lovely world of writeblr a little something about your WIP! Answers to the prompts can be in the form of quotes or anything you’d like!
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I’ll be answering this for The Tomb of Light!
One word to describe your wip: Multi-faceted
Two lines that you love:
The void had released him straight into a world of chaos, and he devoured it like the starved animal he was.
“What beastly form does the truth take when it torments you? Does it look like me?”
Three times you cried while writing:
Writing Sophie’s death scene
Writing Ch. 11-14 (I cry a lot)
Any scene with Mara and Oliver
Four feelings from your characters:
“We thought you were dead. It was very emotional.” ~Oliver
“I wish I had your courage. Perhaps I would not have so many regrets.” ~Mara
“Oh, I hope it’s cute!” ~Hettie
“You can believe that I’m going to bury you for what you’ve done.” ~Adrin
Five tropes featured:
Medieval-adjacent setting
The Chosen One(s)
Powerful artifacts
Unlikely allies
Reluctant hero
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yanderelucy2 · 1 year
Forever With My Beast Opinion (Clavis/Chev)
After reading Chevalier’s route and then Clavis, Chevalier was a solid 7/10 compared… it made me feel terrible about myself, but put good perspective how much MC needs to grow and how Chevalier will always hold her hand every step of the way (good support)… but ugh Clavis’ is SOO GOOD!!
Chevalier Sweet+Premium
Regarding Chevalier’s route… I understand that there is a definite divide between both King Chevalier and MC, but it hurts a little that during the premium route even Chevalier seems to doubt their relationships slightly. For the record I’m referring to when he begins to think about how he is more human compared to before he met MC, and the fact he changed his plans for her is sweet… but it didn’t feel like it flowed smoothly. For starters he hadn’t even told her he changed his plans/ideas. He even hints that thinks it brings a less guaranteed victory to unifying the nations. (Although sweet he’s doing it for MC) Tracking back to where he refers to himself as more human-like and “giving up” his beastly ways, it definitely hurt to see Chevalier seem to have doubts of his own victory, there were hints that he as well thinks MC is dragging him down, but I guess that’s what the sweet end is for. To show that he does believe in her, but seeing MC’s POV she doesn’t really seem to believe in herself, I’m glad she has good ambition and resolve, but I don’t think that’s enough. Overall his route WAS well written in regards to showing that their relationship is not perfect (which is my favorite part about the story) and the fact that they have hardships they will have to go through together! But it’s definitely not feel good for second anniversary, very good for slight angst and a hit of reality.
Clavis Sweet + Premium
I adored his route.. although I may be biased LET ME EXPLAIN!! His route just gives a better more “in-depth” view on how HE views love.
For example: (quoted directly from the route)
“ ‘It’s easy for me to dote on her. If I lended her a hand, I’m sure she could complete the proposal before the day ends. However, that way, she’s not learning to stand on her own two feet. To me, it seems like Y/N is thoroughly enjoying the process of striving towards her own goals and putting in the effort to do so. In which case, it’s far more beneficial for us both if I take a step back to let her do her own thing. She has fun doing it. I have fun watching her improve.��� Being engaged didn’t mean I had to constantly coddle her. That wasn’t what love was about. In fact, love is often the opposite. “
In the WHOLE route he is the sweetest man to her and he LOVES her SO MUCH. It’s insane. He loves her no matter any feeling she feels or what she does!! There’s a part where he literally tells himself not to smile too hard at her mad face. In the first part of the route as well he goes to her and immediately is ready to listen to her complain about her worries. Also the way SHE LOVE HIM UGHHH I love this route too much!! His words are like light in a dark cave!! NOW!! I said some harsh opinions about Chevalier’s route, now it’s Clavis’ turn to take my take! I didn’t really get hurt or hate anything… BUT… yes there is a “but”… anyways… I didn’t really like the fact she asked Keith for advice… because man that hurt ME! Like ouch… not asking your fiancé. I also was not really a fan of how Clavis didn’t really HELP, like yes he supports her and gives her a good guide on how to start her goal, but dude you’re the King… help her a little to start with educating your kingdom… guiding her is only going to get her so far. Either way though I have nothing bad to say other than superficial shit.
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jpriest85-blog · 2 years
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"Do they truly believe that just because your heart is within the homunculus you’re at their mercy? Do they think that you’ll be compliant with their orders because you can’t use your arcane potential to its fullest? Just who do they think you are?
Have they forgotten that they’ve brought back a Harbinger from the dead?
You’ve had enough of all of this.
Everything about this is annoying, and you’ll prefer it all to disappear into the void if you could thrust it into the Void’s embrace itself. You no longer have patience for anything. Not when the mortals continue to test it at every opportunity they have. The muscles of your body twitch and grow tense, your once cold blood boils, heat emits from within you. Countless new emotions unknown to you flurry into your mind.
You’re incapable of thinking straight.
Not when your mouth salivates and the sounds escaping your stomach desire for the abyss within to be sated. You want to be full. To seek the answer to these unfamiliar emotions that course through you, hoping for them to disappear. But nothing comes to mind, even as you attempt to conjure a plan for your escape. It’s empty. Your mind is bare of thoughts.
There is only hunger in your head."
A picture of my Harbinger Thuban in her Abyssal form as well as a quote from the @fell-star-if demo of low sanity Harbinger about to go on a terrifying kaiju rampage. Lbr Thuban is known as a Harbinger for a reason. Yes she can be charming and likes to dress elegantly but she's still a beastly eldritch being of blood and chaos. The fact that the scientists that resurrected Thuban thought putting her heart in a child homunculus likes Shian would be a good idea to keep her in check?!
For such educated folks Amaryllis and the others woefully under estimate Thuban for not considering the possibility of her imprinting on Shian and going full on Mama bear.
Good job morons you just made an ancient and powerful being even more dangerous by triggering protective Maternal instincts!
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kanafinwe-makalaure · 2 years
Funniest passage from a fic
Rules: Quote a passage from a completed work or WIP that made you laugh as you wrote it. 
Since @tinnurin , @skaelds and @dreamingthroughthenoise all tagged me, I suppose I really have no way of getting around doing this :D Thanks for tagging me!
I’m not sure if I do a lot of humour, I literally have like two funny passages that I know if in all my fics. This is from One Last Chance:
[Maglor] stretched and yawned heartily, and when he opened his eyes once again, he found himself looking directly into an enormous, elongated beastly face only centimetres away from his own. Stumbling backwards, he screamed again. “Greetings, traveller who forgot what a horse looks like,” said the dark-haired man who sat on the horse. Another identical man, who also sat on a horse a little behind the other one, chuckled. Maglor could not muster a single word at first, and not for disuse of his voice (well, that, too). Luckily for him, the rider continued to speak. “Say, my brother and I are looking for an old, senile beach hermit who desperately needs a bath; have you seen such a man?” “That way,” Maglor replied dutifully and pointed vaguely over his shoulder. Then, the rider laughed, leapt down from his horse, and took Maglor into a bone-crushing embrace, and the other one followed right after. Tears pricked at the corners of Maglor’s eyes as he took them both into his arms. They were all grown now, in spirit as well, but to him, they would always be those curious little Elflings Elrond had one day brought with him to the beach and introduced as his sons. “You smell like rotten fish, Grandfather,” said Elrohir cheerfully. “And you look truly, wholly awful,” Elladan added. “To ward off rude children,” replied Maglor pointedly.
No pressure tags for @i-did-not-mean-to and @sehnsuchts-trunken and anyone else who would like to do this :)
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amplifyme · 1 year
I have an update on Acquainted With the Night! :DDD
Finished Part I (of III); and Nan's writing is stunning. Only watched the Pilot episode of the show (will watch more when I get my hands on the series), but she nails the atmosphere and ALL of the character voices and motivations and is so beautifully, intelligently capable of so many things on so many levels. Incredible. (Glad you sent me the wikipedia link to catch up-- never would have seen those plot twists and turns coming from a mile away.)
I love Diana, love her to death. It's interesting approaching her character through a (I presume) post-series lens as opposed to seeing and growing attached to Catherine's love story. She's already firmly attached to Vincent; but the love really blooms after slowly getting used to his life Below. And him and sunlight...???? Beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful, uhhh.
I love the quiet, the dark, theatrical fairytale mixed with the brash-in-check, empathetic street smarts of an on-the-ground, workaholic cop. Mouse's backstory (I understand now why you love his character so much), Vincent's teen years (Winslow and Pascal-- Nan's writing made me remember their character names within paragraphs of meeting them) Diana's loft, the computer, the fire, the roses, the danger and injuries, the tunnels, the wedding, the Bowry... but most of all, Vincent and Diana's completely in-sync communication that doesn't require them to "speak" the same and yet understand each other's language: ex. she calls him babe and yet he never asks why until halfway through; she defines rape and sits, watching him come to his own conclusions for over an hour; she cops out his motives yet misses the nuances, but understands his flowery interpretations and translates them with her playful and crudely simple analogies; etc. His trauma and gradual acceptance of and outreach for touch was... touching (heh.)
I'm so hooked on this series. Aaaaaaaaaaand I found "To every craft, its proper mystery"! What a surprise~~~~. (I tried to type the phrase into my search engine to see if it was a quote from somewhere else, too; and thus far nothing-- the only search results that come up are your blog, unprompted, and a few other assorted sites.) There are so many quotable lines that happen every other sentence... and all of them are beautiful.
Again, I am delighted that you posted the excerpts you did; otherwise, I would have missed out on a brilliant, brilliant story.
Responding under the cut...
You have no idea how happy this makes me! One of my favorite things in the world is being able to share this magical world of BATB and Nan's AWTN series. I've long considered it one of the best pieces of fiction ever written - fan or otherwise. I have to pull out the zines every couple years or so for a re-read, just because it's that good. I just wish there were scans of the zines themselves so you could experience all the fan art, too.
Your presumption is right: this is written through a post-series lens, often referred to as 4th Season fanfic. I love that you loved Mouse's origin story! Cat and Mouse is one of my very favorites in the series.
Oh, I was gonna warn you about You, Darkness, since it's a rather dark (but truthful) portrayal of Vincent's otherness and drives home the fact that he's not just a man who looks like a lion, he is a beast, too. So many of the Classic fans (those who ignore or deny the 3rd season and only accept Vincent with Catherine) prefer to overlook that beastly aspect of Vincent and don't seem to understand the terrible toll all the killings he committed in Cathy's defense had on the part of him that is a man. In the episode The Outsiders, Cathy tells him that there are dark places in all of us. His response sums it up well: "But part of me feeds in that darkness, and I am lost in it."
The S2 ending trilogy of What Rough Beast, Ceremony of Innocence and The Rest Is Silence examines the damage that darkness did to Vincent. Nan novelized those eps in the official book Beyond Words, Beyond Silence, which is my second favorite of her works. It's on the web page I linked you to and well worth reading to get a better understanding of Vincent. One of my favorites in AWTN 1 is Dialogues, because it really drives home how damaged he is post-Catherine. It also explains why I came to love Diana so. She never wanted a watchdog or Vincent's protection. All she ever wanted was him, in all his aspects, no apologies, no excuses.
The entire 3rd season is set up as a sort of flip-side to the V & C story. In it, Diana is the one to find an injured V and bring him to her home to heal and grow stronger. She's his protector. And I love that about her.
"To every craft, its proper mystery." ❤️ That's the single line of Nan's that's stuck with me all these years. It just really struck a chord with me. Such a short phrase, but it packs a punch.
Anyway, I'll stop before this becomes novel-length. Enjoy your journey, and keep me updated. You get to meet Devin, Vincent's brother, in AWTN 2. Oh, and As On a Darkling Plain is so, so good! I'll give you the backstory on that one once you get through it. I sure hope you're able to find a way to watch the entire series soon!
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charlenasaxen · 2 months
And Then There Were None Favorite Quotes
“One little soldier boy left all alone;
He went and hanged himself
And then there were None.”
“she had proceeded to Syria where she proposed to bask in a yet stronger sun”
“He’d have a gin and ginger beer. Fizzing hot day!”
“young women looked at him admiringly—his six feet of well-proportioned body and intensely blue eyes”
“Watch and pray,” he said. “Watch and pray. The day of judgment is at hand.”
“a car was coming. A car so fantastically powerful, so superlatively beautiful”
“a great roar of sound echoed from the rocks of the bay”
“a correct butler was awaiting them, and something about his gravity reassured them”
“there was no land to be seen anywhere—just a vast expanse of blue water rippling in the evening sun”
“something magical about an island—the mere word suggested fantasy”
“lost touch with the world—an island was a world of its own”
“Anthony Marston was in his bath. He luxuriated in the steaming water.”
“Emily Brent, dressed in black silk ready for dinner, was reading her Bible”
Into that silence came The Voice. Without warning, inhuman, penetrating….
“Ladies and gentlemen! Silence please!”
“Prisoners at the bar, have you anything to say in your defence?”
“somewhere outside the room there came a scream and the sound of a thud”
“Quite right, sir. It was entitled Swan Song.…”
“hoped I’d excuse informal invitation. Haven’t kept the letter, I’m afraid.”
“U. N. Owen. Or by a slight stretch of fancy, UNKNOWN!”
“And his mother—she was so kind. If even she didn’t blame me.”
“I left them to die.”
His amused eyes looked into her horrified ones.
“Beastly bad luck.”
“For them, or for you?”
“I killed her all right. Poor devil—elderly woman—simple job if I’d been sober.”
“He gasped for breath—then slid down off his chair, the glass falling from his hand”
“Dead? Dead? That young Norse God in the prime of his health and strength.”
“He was so alive. He was—oh—enjoying himself!”
“When he came down the hill in his car this evening he looked—he looked—oh I can’t explain!”
“Anthony Marston, in the height of his youth and manhood, had seemed like a being who was immortal. And now, crumpled and broken, he lay on the floor.”
“I shouldn’t have said Mr. Marston was a suicidal type of gentleman.”
“as though they clung to each other’s company for reassurance”
“Somehow, that was the most frightening thing of all….
They exchanged good-nights.”
“His fair hair, his blue eyes, his habit of looking you straight in the face with a pleasant air”
He was staring at the china figures in the centre of the table.
“That’s a rum go! I could have sworn there were ten of them.”
“But not the day that the lesson was read about David putting Uriah in the forefront of the battle”
“That charming girl—the voice had accused her of drowning a child! Idiotic!”
“He knew, suddenly, that he didn’t want to leave the island”
“Death was for—the other people….”
“Providence leaves the work of conviction and chastisement to us.”
“Notice how her husband hung over her as she was coming round. Not all husbandly solicitude!”
“There’s only eight, sir! Only eight! It doesn’t make sense, does it? Only eight.…”
“Vera did not answer. She was fighting down a rising feeling of panic.”
“My dear fellow, I’ve no medical knowledge.”
“No, no, I mean as to the general situation.”
“Oh, that’s different.”
“Why make me say it? When it’s on the tip of your own tongue. Anthony Marston was murdered, of course.”
“The Unknown Soldier! X! Mr. Owen! U. N. Owen! One Unknown Lunatic at Large!”
“Fact is, it must have been done! Now then, gentlemen, let’s make a start. Nobody’s got a revolver, by any chance?”
“Many homicidal lunatics are very quiet unassuming people. Delightful fellows.”
“If we had a boat, we’d all be halfway to the mainland by now!”
“It’s only in books people carry revolvers around as a matter of course.”
“That chap moves damned quietly. A minute or two ago we saw him in the garden.”
“What’s the sense of making yourself offensive?”
“Oh yes, Mr. Owen’s hand is plainly seen—but where the devil is Mr. Owen himself?”
Downstairs the gong pealed a solemn call to lunch.
“They knew—knew without being told….
As by common accord, they all rose to their feet.”
“Seven people looked at each other and could find no words to say”
“It is perfectly clear. Mr. Owen is one of us.…”
“If I may so express myself, a bogus little soldier boy.”
Lombard murmured to Vera Claythorne: “The summing up will now take place!”
“I don’t fancy that there’s anything insane about you, Vera. I’d stake my reputation on your sanity.”
With a slightly wry smile, Vera said: “Thank you.”
“That must go to a man’s head eventually. He gets to see himself as all powerful.”
“Did I write that? Did I? I must be going mad….”
“Anyway it doesn’t matter. You can’t kill anybody with an oilsilk curtain. Forget about it.”
“Good night, gentlemen. May we all meet safely in the morning!”
“No more china-soldier tricks tonight. I’ve seen to that….”
“Vera Claythorne was dressed. Emily Brent’s room was empty.”
“My dear girl, I’m prepared to think anything of anyone!”
It was Vera who saw it first.
“The soldiers! Look!”
There were only six china figures in the middle of the table.
“It corresponded only too well with the deep wound in the back of Rogers’ head….”
“The girl could have done it easily—she’s an athletic type.”
Shaken with wild bursts of laughter: “Do they keep bees on this island? Tell me that. Where do we go for honey? Ha! ha!”
“She’s not a hysterical type.”
Armstrong agreed.
“Oh no. Good healthy sensible girl. Just the sudden shock.”
“Hadn’t turned a hair! That girl, coming all over hysterical—well, that’s natural.”
“She’d only do that if she knew that she had nothing to fear. That’s to say if she herself is the criminal.”
“All I can say is, if you’re the criminal, you’re a damned fine actor and I take my hat off to you.”
“Miss Claythorne was wonderful—kept her head—started off swimming after Cyril at once.”
“Six people, behaving normally at breakfast….”
“Bees and honey….
She liked honey. Honey in the comb.”
“There was no one else in the house. She was all alone….
She heard footsteps—soft dragging footsteps.”
“The bee was buzzing—buzzing….
And then she felt the prick.
The bee sting on the side of her neck….”
Vera cried: “Look—a bee—a bumble bee. Remember what I said this morning!”
“The contents of the suitcase were turned out on the floor.
The hypodermic syringe was not there.”
“Then he recoiled with an oath.
The drawer of the bed table was empty.”
“Beside it was a smashed china figure—a sixth broken soldier boy”
“without result. The revolver was still missing.”
“One of us … One of us … One of us….”
Three words, endlessly repeated.”
“five enemies linked together by a mutual instinct of self-preservation”
“She looked dazed. She was like a bird that has dashed its head against glass.”
“The depressing sound of the pattering rain nearly drove them mad”
“one person left the room at a time. The other four waited till the fifth returned.”
“Only a quarter past three!… Oh, God, I shall go mad myself”
“Five candles were lit and placed about the room.
The time was a quarter to six.”
“As she opened her door, she suddenly halted and stood stock still”
“Vera screamed. She screamed and screamed—screams of the utmost terror—wild desperate cries for help.”
“What’s happened?” “Good God, what is it?”
“I got it from downstairs.”
Vera cried: “I won’t drink it….”
“Good for you, Vera. You’ve got your wits about you.”
Vera, her wits revived by the brandy, made a diversion by saying: “Where’s the judge?”
“Of course, he’d be bound to go slower than we did. He’s an old man.”
“There was no answer. A deadly silence filled the house.”
“what shocked and startled the onlookers was the fact that he sat there robed in scarlet with a judge’s wig”
her voice shook with horror: “Miss Brent’s missing grey wool….”
“Here’s one more of us who’s been proved innocent—too late!”
Vera said: “I shall never eat tongue again.”
“That’s what he said … and now he’s dead!”
“Everyone dashes up there thinking she’s being murdered. And so—in the confusion—someone—caught the old boy off his guard.”
“Miss Claythorne was screaming, the wind was howling, we were running about and calling out.”
Vera staggered to her feet. She said: “I feel awful. I must go to bed … I’m dead beat.”
“They went up the stairs.
The next move was a little like a scene in a farce.”
“Four frightened people were barricaded in until morning”
“He stood there, staring down at the revolver that was inside it….”
“Oh, good egg, Miss Claythorne! That will be a lark!”
“He hadn’t answered the one letter she had written to him….
“She didn’t like that hook on the ceiling. It drew your eyes, fascinated you … a big black hook….”
“Somebody in the house had got that revolver….
Downstairs a clock struck one.”
Vera’s voice, startled, answered him. “Who is it? What’s the matter?”
He rapped sharply on the panel.
There was no answer.
“We’re hunting Armstrong. He’s out of his room. Whatever you do, don’t open your door.”
“Only open your door if both Blore and I speak to you. Got that?”
“Don’t be a damned fool, Blore! I’m not going to shoot you!”
“she, like an idiot, would remain barricaded in her room until it was too late”
Lombard’s voice said: “Vera. You all right?”
“Yes. What happened?”
“The window has been smashed—and there are only three little soldier boys on the table.”
“It might have been thrown into the sea.”
Lombard said sharply: “By whom? You? Me?”
“There’s a slight difference in size, my dear, between a man and a revolver.”
“We’re the Zoo… Last night, we were hardly human anymore. We’re the Zoo.…”
“Why, I could shoot you both this very minute if I liked.”
“And supposing he gets—us?”
Lombard said softly, patting the revolver in his pocket: “I’m going to take very good care he doesn’t.”
“Touching faith in me, haven’t you, Vera? Quite sure I wouldn’t shoot you?”
Vera said desperately: “All right. I’ll come with you.”
“It was shaped like a bear….”
But Vera clung to him. She cried: “Don’t be a fool. It’s us now! We’re next!”
“He’s twice as cunning as any one sane can be.”
Lombard put back the revolver in his pocket. He said: “Come on, then.”
“And if any one comes up toward us, I shall shoot!”
Vera said with a raucous laugh: “Cold? I should be colder if I were dead!”
“The man was wedged between two rocks, flung there by the tide”
“Slowly, very slowly, Vera Claythorne and Philip Lombard lifted their heads and looked into each other’s eyes….”
Lombard laughed. He said: “So that’s it, is it, Vera?”
His voice was a snarl—dangerous—menacing: “This is the end, you understand. We’ve come to the truth.”
“Vera leaned against him, helping him. She pulled and tugged with all her might.”
Vera said: “Quite.”
Her tone warned him.
“Even as he clapped his hand to his pocket he knew that he would find it empty”
“Give that revolver to me.”
Vera laughed.
“Automatically Vera pressed the trigger….
Lombard’s leaping body stayed poised in mid-spring then crashed heavily.”
“There was no more fear—no more steeling of her nerves….
She was alone on the island….”
“She sat there—exquisitely happy—exquisitely at peace …
No more fear….”
“By her own quick-wittedness and adroitness she had turned the tables on her would-be destroyer”
“The sun was setting, the sky to the west was streaked with red and orange. It was beautiful and peaceful….”
“One little soldier boy left all alone.
She smiled to herself.”
“Ordinarily one wouldn’t care to sleep where there’s a dead body in practically every bedroom!”
“There were still three little china figures in the middle of the table.
Vera laughed.”
“You’re behind the times, my dears.”
She picked up two of them and tossed them out.”
“You can come with me. We’ve won, my dear! We’ve won!”
“She did not notice that she had dropped the revolver. She was only conscious of clasping a little china figure.”
“He went and hanged himself and then there were None….”
The little china figure fell from her hand.
“But afterwards you went on remembering….
She climbed up on the chair.”
“Hugo was there to see she did what she had to do.
She kicked away the chair….”
“And what does he say about it all?”
“He can’t say anything, sir, he’s dead.”
“They’d begun to feel that anything to do with Soldier Island would necessarily be incredible.”
“As a matter of fact she behaved very well, swam out to the rescue.”
“But if so, who took away the revolver from him? For that revolver was found up in the house.”
“But that chair wasn’t found kicked over. It was, like all the other chairs, neatly put back. That was done after Vera Claythorne’s death—by someone else.”
“he was not the man that you’d ever accuse of a desire for abstract justice.”
“But in that case,” he said, “who killed them?”
“It thrills me still—and for that reason I have adopted this course—writing my confession”
“deliberate murder—and all quite untouchable by the law”
“the inexorable diminishment—the sense of inevitability”
“their word is perforce believed by virtue of their profession”
He said, “I’ve known a murderess—known her, I tell you. And what’s more I was crazy about her…”
“You see, she did it more or less for me … Not that I ever dreamed …”
“What she didn’t realize was that I loved that kid….”
“No, my death should take place in a blaze of excitement. I would live before I died.”
“now to the actual mechanics of the crime”
“Those whose guilt was the lightest should, I decided, pass out first, and not suffer the prolonged mental strain”
“somehow, you know, it pleased me. I liked adhering as closely as possible to my nursery rhyme.”
“A little plaster of red mud on the forehead—the red curtain and the wool and the stage was set”
“A red herring swallowed one…” He took the red herring all right.
“I saw Vera Claythorne shoot Lombard. A daring and resourceful young woman.”
“state of nervous tension consequent on having just shot a man, be sufficient, together with the hypnotic suggestion of the surroundings”
“I shall be found, laid neatly on my bed, shot through the forehead in accordance”
“Times of death cannot be stated with any accuracy by the time our bodies are examined”
“There will come from the mainland boats and men.
And they will find ten dead bodies and an unsolved problem.”
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amberedcorpse · 1 year
@viracmia , sent 📖 for a starter based off a quote.
We couldn't understand because we were too far and could not remember because we were traveling in the night of first ages, those ages that had gone, leaving hardly a sign and no memories.
These had been the first words to pass the gate of Billie’s lips since the start of her trip. She had driven through the country for days, spurred on by dreams and the god who painted them. Somewhere in the older cracks of the U.S., which men had yet to fully poison, there laid a fragment of a fragment. A chunk of something unnamable. She had to have it, possess it, it was meant to be used for- for- for-...
The prophet pressed her head against the steering wheel, and for a while felt only the thrum of the engine as it bounced the car in place. She had worked the old thing to the bone, it was a miracle she hadn’t crashed along the way, or ruined some integral part of the system. Yet miracles, she knew, were very short lived. 
Billie turned the keys in the ignition and silence all but swaddled her. The distance and the harshness of traveling had muted her enthusiasm, but the quiet raised her adrenaline to an all time high. There were no sounds coming from the Kisatchie National Forest, nor were there any lights beyond the treeline of the still flatwoods. She had purposely driven away from the official entrance and struggled her way into unmarked openings. But her placement on the park map couldn’t explain the lack of chittering bugs or croning night birds. She had to be on the right track, she thought, the strangeness only followed her when she was. 
It took her another pause to finally strap on her backpack and get out of the car. The heat, coupled with the anxious quiet and the strangeness, made her sweat like a rabbit leaving the safety of its warren for open fields. Yet, something beyond her, beyond her fear and even her own understanding, drew her into the dark grasp of the forest. Her god’s will made it impossible to step back... 
The next time she looked over her shoulder, she had already lost sight of her car and had, to her surprise, been walking in the near blackness of the park unaided. If only to resist giving herself entirely into the whims of the weird, she pulled out a flashlight and resumed the trail with its clear guidance. However, she was less successful in resisting the urge to point the light between the trees, half expecting the glinting of predator eyes and the horror of beastly shapes. 
She continued on like that for another half hour until the light, to her alarm, managed to catch something. Right as she saw it, she turned off her flashlight and stood stock still. If it had been an animal she would have chanced a better look, but her eyes had made out the all too familiar sight of two legs. 
Be quiet, be quiet, you have more to do than die, you came here on Their will and it shall be done.
Billie waited, listened, and searched for the knife in her pocket.
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voyeuristicvixen · 1 year
Capts Log No.43_ VoyeurMe
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UGH. Idc im so stubborn I will fucking do it fucking again it will fucking be better than the last time bitch. So what I was saying, DISCLAIMER THIS BLOG FOR MATURE AUDIENCES. If you my pops you def cant reaad this lmao. Consider this the lock on my diary. I wasnt going to tell this story, then that shit that just happened made me feel like I DEF shouldnt tell the story but I love the quote I was literally just tryna add a quote at the end and fucked it all up... whatever whatever.
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From time to time I go to this place called Social Island. Its nice place for ppl watching, if you are observant like me.. I love to observe nature, the stars, people, and SL residents! The profiles, expressions, avatars, its always something new and different to see and people from all over are just right at your fingertips. You can learn about their country, customs, whats going on present moment the things the news won't tell you. Its a trip. Yea thats the internet but SL is the whole experience of it, and IYKYK! Theres also of course the occasional debauchery of trolls, loud ass music players and sexual harassers.
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So one day I see HELLBOY. *swoons* Like- I can't explain how or why folks, ,but I got so hrny seeing this avatar lmao. Sexy af to me. I was just like, lemme get my tredente waaataaa cuz why am I so thirsty all of a sudden this is unnacceptable!!! But then I look at the profile..
No text. No description. No picture of their avi, just a glitched out looking Skullhead. lol. Idk I have always had a thing for beastly characters. Like the beast from beauty and the beast was one of the first fictional characters i was attracted to lmao.
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So I see my RL birthday is the dudes REZ day. Cant make this shit up guyss, I was looking at something on facebook, a sl couple that had this exact situation that were like celebrating something and I was like oh shit that so cool/cute. Next day this shit happens! Okay and then peep the days, 4440. lol .... We talked for about 6 hours.
About deep shit like spirituality, past lives, the usual thing I go on about.. but this dude was skeptic, intelligent. Non-believer. I should have clocked at some point how much he didnt believe in shit but it is nice to talk to people who do not believe in what you do and are still open-minded to hear you out. So that was cool.
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I hate how happy we look in that pic on the left lmao because no, this does not end well! The last thing I gotta say haha because after all this is VoyeuristicVixen I cant not ... He had a lot of forms and one of them was VENOM. *sticks tongue out* Have you ever been ate out by Venom? I- lemme just stop there lmao *sips tea* Press play & cont: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWWrEMPLQog
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He visited my crib in Jamrock, he even joined mystory lol.
So on his 4444th day, all hit the fan. I decided to have the talk that you know I dont want anything serious, I am still going through healing from a divorce yadda yadda. And it was a great day to do it because 4 represents foundations... four fours is like ultimate foundational energy.
I dont wanna really date on SL or RL at all right now, If anything I want to demo what open relationship situation would be like to see if that is something for me. SL is a great place to test what you are comfortable with in a safe way. Especially with BSDM matters but thats for another blog. So anyways I am telling him about 4444 from my favorite source, and how excited I was for that day for him.. Remember the dude a skeptic.
Long story short, I gauged something that he was doing and called him out on it. When I ended up being right I joked like yea cuz im psychic which is true but i was being vibey.. lol he ends up revealing some prejudices he had against brown people calling themselves psychic. He from India, brown too. But that dont make a difference. People can still be programmed against their own. I was a fun four day fling and I do not regret a thing!
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The main lesson I was tryna quote myself on in the last version of this blog lmao was that not every sign or symbol needs to be acted upon. Not everything you attract is worth your time. This world is literally made of constant synchronicities and patterns of numbers and instances. If you really look closely you will see it all.. Everything really is that deep dont get me wrong.
"you dont have to look down to gather water from the well." -FOXEY HENDRIX
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i am currently obsessed with this new Alchemy viewer, it does need a few things like a better flycam system for controller and also the ability to pose like the BD "poser" tool & OMG *chefs kiss*
Ive been going EVERYWHERE, like-
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Mentoring has been a trip also, its really fun to observe how people go about their first moments on the grid. Last night had someone almost give up till we talked them off the ledge XD For me it was always easy and intuitive to pick up SL was not too hard. But a lot of people just want to start experiencing and connecting and dont care for the technical stuff! It really means a lot to me to be able to make things easier for folks so they have a chance to enjoy the things we all enjoy about Secondlife.
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Lmao people will literally be naked all the time but not even their fault they just get stuck trying to change. There are changing rooms, but people dont usually bother to walk to them even if we offer to take them there. I usually just direct them to where they can switch the default avatar so they find clothes quicker.
But omg, this one person kept switching into all kind of random forms that were highly disproportionate you can kinda see ... and then this female had a random bt plug just chillen there. THEY DONT SPEAK. which is the funniest part becacuse you cant tell what the hell is going on. They just start doing weird things to simulate "the act" XD im like " yes we love all expressions here on sl and there are designated places for that! " & they actually do listen to me. Sometimes my fellow mentors will freak out at trolls, and im like.. trolls? my specialty!
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exhibit a. the OG trolls of SL used to grieve regions like this, falling d*ck orbs idek what to call them but i remember this day like it was yesterday, i was shopping for clothes at this cute korean place, back then there was a lot more asian creators for mesh clothes .. and suddenly the sky changed i kid you not. Also i think something about the sounds changed too like there was sirens, something that made me walk outside the building, then it was raining d*cks !!! ROFL. I miss when trolls were super original like this... ive also heard some other great griefer stories, I want to find the infamous bomb case.. apparently there was once a case that would basically make everyone in the room crash lol. But I think the servers are built against that very well now.. (not me talking about SL terr*sm) I have no inention to use these things it would just be great to meet someone who knows about those times XD I have to put these * by every word because I dont wanna get fl*ggd lmao. OKAY IM DONE TILL NEXT TIME!!
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Shout out to these WelcomHub cutiess <3 Heather is always in something fly shes the dopest!
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romancereadingdiva · 2 years
God of Wrath by Rina Kent
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I wholeheartedly loved this God of Wrath! 👑👑👑👑👑 [5/5]
Another emotional, rollercoaster ride that I wholeheartedly loved from this author! I was riveted to the pages from beginning to end. Jeremy and Cecily’s love story was slow yet magical, and they each had a character journey that I appreciated. This quote from Jeremy sums up why I loved this book: “What started as a game of twisted lust and beastly desire is turning into dangerous possessiveness and a deranged obsessiveness I can’t put a halt to.” 
*Read through Kindle Unlimited.  ▪️Blurb:
I'm trapped by the devil. What started as an innocent mistake turned into actual hell. In my defense, I didn't mean to get involved with a mafia prince. But he barged through my defenses anyway. He stalked me from the shadows and stole me from the life I know. Jeremy Volkov might appear charming, but a true predator lurks inside. He's out to possess, own, and keep me. But I have no plans to stick around in his blood-soaked world. Or so I think.
📌 Available Now! FREE with Kindle Unlimited!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3d7fkKY
Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/GodofWrath
Paperback: http://bit.ly/3EwMEpo
Special Edition Hardcover: http://bit.ly/3g6bFhN
Audible: http://bit.ly/3AhieVU
➕ Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/GR-WRATH
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whimsicaldragonette · 2 years
Blog Tour & ARC Review: The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthews
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Publishing Date: October 11, 2022
Welcome to the Belle of Belgrave Square book tour with Berkley Publishing Group. (This blog tour post is also posted on my Wordpress book review blog Whimsical Dragonette.)
A London heiress rides out to the wilds of the English countryside to honor a marriage of convenience with a mysterious and reclusive stranger.
Tall, dark, and dour, the notorious Captain Jasper Blunt was once hailed a military hero, but tales abound of his bastard children and his haunted estate in Yorkshire. What he requires now is a rich wife to ornament his isolated ruin, and he has set his sights on the enchanting Julia Wychwood.   For Julia, an incurable romantic cursed with a crippling social anxiety, navigating a London ballroom is absolute torture. The only time Julia feels any degree of confidence is when she’s on her horse. Unfortunately, a young lady can’t spend the whole of her life in the saddle, so Julia makes an impetuous decision to take her future by the reins—she proposes to Captain Blunt.   In exchange for her dowry and her hand, Jasper must promise to grant her freedom to do as she pleases. To ride—and to read—as much as she likes without masculine interference. He readily agrees to her conditions, with one provision of his own: Julia is forbidden from going into the tower rooms of his estate and snooping around in his affairs. But the more she learns of the beastly former hero, the more intrigued she becomes….
Author Bio:
USA Today bestselling author Mimi Matthews writes both historical nonfiction and award-winning proper Victorian romances. Her novels have received starred reviews in Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, and Kirkus, and her articles have been featured on the Victorian Web, the Journal of Victorian Culture, and in syndication at BUST Magazine. In her other life, Mimi is an attorney. She resides in California with her family, which includes a retired Andalusian dressage horse, a Sheltie, and two Siamese cats. Learn more online at mimimatthews.com.
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Author Photo by Vicki Hahn 2021
My Rating: ★★★★★
*My Review, Favorite Quotes, and Excerpt below the cut.
My Review:
I loved this so much. I loved the first as well but I had reservations about it - not so here. Everything about this story was historical romance perfection. I had a smile on my face the entire time I was reading.
The romance was swoony, the characters beautifully written, the struggles and misunderstandings relatable, and the closed-door romance a big plus for me. I also really loved the use of the Bluebeard story - and the way the expectations arising from that were flipped. It was also really well-written - I had no problems at all with the writing like I often do with romances.
The plot felt familiar to me but I think this was a combination of having read the preview at the end of the previous book and also that it just hits every historical romance beat to perfection. This makes it somewhat predictable but isn't that one of the main selling points of romances? I like that they're cozy and predictable and follow a familiar pattern. I also am a huge fan of almost all of the tropes used in this book so that probably contributed as well.
The children were adorable in their wildness and reluctance to open up, and also in the sweet way they responded to Julia. Captain Blunt was broody and cold for a reason and as he opened up and showed his true self I couldn't help but love him. I was SO happy to see Julia learn to stand up for herself and believe in herself and her worth. I also really appreciated seeing her anxiety - I really felt for her because I, too, have extreme anxiety and would generally prefer to be reading a book. Every part of this novel just made me so happy, I was reluctant to put it down and wanted the story to go on forever.
I highly recommend this.
*Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for providing an e-arc for review.
Favorite Quotes:
In a novel she was safe. Her throat didn’t close up and her palms didn’t grow damp. She could experience things in a way that didn’t overwhelm her.
“Laws are made by men and, therefore, fallible. Justice is something greater. Most of us—the poorest and the weakest—won’t see it on this side of the grave. But sometimes, on rare occasions, someone manages to balance the scales. It can be difficult to reconcile it with the law. That doesn’t negate the rightness of it.”
Non-Exclusive Excerpt:
Cossack tossed his head at something in the distance. Julia's gloved hands tightened reflexively on the reins. She squinted down the length of the Row at the rider coming toward them. "Easy," she murmured to Cossack. "It's just another horse." An enormous horse. Bigger and blacker than Cossack himself. But it wasn't the horse that made Julia tense in her sidesaddle. It was the gentleman astride him: a stern-faced, battle-scarred ex-military man. Captain Blunt, the Hero of the Crimea. Her mouth went dry as he approached. She was half-tempted to bolt. But there was no escaping him. She brought Cossack down to a trot and then to a walk. She'd met the captain once before. It had been at Lady Arundell's spring ball. Viscount Ridgeway, a mutual acquaintance of theirs, had introduced him to Julia as a worthy partner. In other circumstances, the interaction might have been the veriest commonplace-a few polite words exchanged and a turn about the polished wood dance floor. Instead, Julia had gawped at Captain Blunt like a stricken nitwit. Her breath had stopped and her pulse had roared in her ears. Afraid she might faint, she'd fled the ballroom before the introduction had been completed, leaving Captain Blunt standing there, his granite-hewn features frozen in a mask of displeasure. It had been one of the most mortifying experiences of Julia's life. And that was saying something. For a lady prone to panicking in company, mortifications were a daily occurrence. At the advanced age of two-and-twenty, she'd nearly grown accustomed to them. But even for her, the incident at Lady Arundell's ball had marked a new low. No doubt Captain Blunt thought her actions had had something to do with his appearance. He was powerfully made. Tall, strong, and impossibly broad shouldered. Already a physically intimidating gentleman, he was made even more so by the scar on his face. The deep, gruesome slash bisected his right eyebrow and ran all the way down to his mouth, notching into the flesh of his lip. It gave the impression of a permanent sneer. Rather ironic that he was hailed as a hero. In looks, there seemed nothing heroic about him. Indeed, he appeared in every way a villain. "Miss Wychwood." He removed his beaver hat, inclining his head in a bow. His hair was a lustrous raven black. Cut short to his collar, it was complemented by a pair of similarly short sideburns edging the harsh lines of his jaw. "Good morning." She scarcely dared look him in the face. "Good morning." He didn't reply. Not immediately. He was studying her. She could feel the weight of his stare. It set off a storm of butterflies in her stomach. Ride on, she wanted to say. Please, ride on. He didn't ride on. He seemed intent on making her squirm. She suspected she knew why. She'd never apologized to him for her behavior at the ball. There'd been no opportunity. Perhaps he wanted her to suffer for embarrassing him? If that was the case, Julia was resigned to take her medicine. Heaven knew she deserved it. She forced herself to meet his gaze. The butterflies in her stomach threatened to revolt. Goodness. His eyes were the color of hoarfrost-a gray so cold and stark it sent an icy shiver tracing down the curve of her spine. Every feminine instinct within her rose up in warning. Run, it said. Flee. But this wasn't Lady Arundell's ballroom. This was Hyde Park. Here in the open air, mounted on Cossack, she wasn't the same person she was at a ball or a dinner dance. For one thing, she wasn't alone. She had a partner-and an imposing one, at that. Cossack lent her his strength and his stature. Made her feel nearly as formidable as he was. It's why she was more confident on horseback. At least, she'd always been so before. "How do you do?" she asked.
"Very well." His voice was deep and commanding, with a growl at the edge of it. A soldier's voice. The kind that, when necessary, could be heard across a battlefield. "And yourself?" "I'm enjoying our spell of fine weather," she said. "It's excellent for riding." He flicked a glance over her habit. Made of faded black wool, it did nothing to emphasize the contours of her figure. Rather the opposite. It obscured her shape, much as the net veil on her short-brimmed riding hat obscured her face. His black brows notched into a frown. She suppressed a flicker of self-consciousness. Her clothing wasn't meant to attract attention. It was meant to render her invisible. But it hadn't-not to him. The way he looked at her . . . Hades might have regarded Persephone thus before dragging her down to hell to be his unwilling bride. And everyone knew Captain Blunt was looking for a wife. If one believed the prevailing rumors, it was the sole reason he'd come to town. He was on the hunt for a vulnerable heiress he could spirit back to his isolated Yorkshire estate. An estate that was said to be haunted.
"You ride often at this time of day?" he asked. "Whenever I can," she said. "Cossack is glad for the exercise." "You handle him well." Some of the tightness in her chest eased at the compliment. "It's not difficult." She stroked Cossack's neck. "He may look imposing, but he's a lamb underneath. The biggest creatures often are in my experience." Captain Blunt's own mount stamped his gigantic hooves as if in objection to her statement. She gave the great beast an interested look. He was built like a medieval warhorse, with a broad chest, heavy fetlocks, and a thickly waving mane and tail. "What do you call him?" "Quintus." "And is he-" "A brute through and through," Captain Blunt said. "Sometimes, Miss Wychwood, what you see is precisely what you get."
Excerpted from The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthews Copyright © 2022 by Mimi Matthews. Excerpted by permission of Berkley. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
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dogboycolumbo · 2 years
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baron harkonnen from dune (2021) and penguin from batman (2022)
havent seen anyone here talk about the gross trend of high budget productions spending thousands of dollars on prosthetic fat suits rather than hiring fat actors, and the how the suits, which take hours to apply and are destroyed when removed after a day of filming, are built to be as beastly and inhuman as possible.
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
The heavenly Sword and the "Ballad of the Goddess" prompted me to another request. How would the Champions from Botw react to the fact that the reader is a goddess, and she is Hylia's sister. She owns the precious triforce, which passed to her long ago after the death of Hailya as an inheritance. Thank you again ( ╹ ▽ ╹ )
Heyo!! Sorry this took me so long school and work has been a lot lately. Anyways this is a joint headcannon for the Champions as a whole so enjoy!!
I'm gonna make this an age of calamity timeline sort of because some things will change with you around
First of all, you were a wandering goddess, helping out where you could without using your full power. Without the Triforces power you were strong but you preferred to allow humanity to solve their own problems. With a little heavenly guidance
Your main power that you used was music. You could play a melody on your flute and it would guide a person's soul, helping them to understand their desires and purpose.
With calamity rising once again you decided to investigate the castle where you knew Ganon would strike. What you weren't prepared for was the organization of the Champions to be in the castle and for the princess to notice you.
You had snuck to the lowest levels of the castle with your little egg friend to try and place a seal that would hold Ganon back as long as you could when you felt her.
This girl looked so much like your beloved sister, but the aura told you all you needed to know. This was her. Your sister reincarnated once again
Behind her stood a member of each kingdom scattered across Hyrule. You easily connected them as the elite guard you had heard whispers of.
It took some convincing but with a show of your powers and carefully sharing your aura with Zelda, although you had to approach like they were scared animals when faced with the protective circle around the princess.
Zelda was the first to trust you, although your little guardian may have seriously helped with the process. You allowed her to spend all the time she wanted with it and you got to know eachother.
Zelda confessed to you about her struggles with her powers and you declared you would do everything in your power to help unlock hers.
It took time but you managed to help her learn. It came down to her accepting a lot of emotions she had pushed down and finally allowing herself to be free of expectations. Yeah. Not an easy task. But you managed to help her feel confident and your efforts were greatly appreciated by her and the ones who cared for her.
In the beginning you would have to play your flute to allow her to find that inner harmony and then she could use her powers of light
Urbosa was someone who came around pretty fast. She has this mom instinct and despite you being thousands of years older her brain saw you and Zelda giggling as you did research in the fields and her brain went ah yes. Another child to take care of.
She also has a really good judge of character and do she knew immediately you only had the best intentions.
Mipha loved to hear your stories. You once found her talking to Vah Rutah and you mentioned that her ancestor Ruto would be proud of the Champion she became. Mipha asked to hear about stories and you gladly obliged with her wishes. Telling her all about the young Zora sage and how she had fallen in love with the hero too.
Mipha saw you as a mentor person and you would share your knowledge of her kind and you would help her perfect her ability with her trident. With your help she learned to defend against any attack and to carry that confidence into her life outside of battle.
Revali was a tricky one to get close to. He didn't trust you and the closer you got to the other the more he came to resent your presence. It wasn't until he found you atop Hebra peaks playing the flute when he finally allowed himself to get close.
The Rito are a musical people, not that Revali would ever allow others to witness his incredible prowess (yes that's a quote). But seeing you nestled in the snow playing that melody, each snowflake twirling around you as if by your command. He understood why everyone was so in awe of you.
Soon enough, Revali would meet you in the highest peaks of the Hebra mountains to play together. He would confess how he wished he could do more than play the side character but you would remind him that without his assistance Link and Zelda would never be able to defeat Ganon. His role was not small or unimportant nor was he.
Daruk may have been the easiest to befriend. You visited Death mountain and there was a rockslide. You punched one of the rocks splitting it into pieces and the big man was your new bestie.
Not to mention that super spicy marinade for a tasty rock made him know you were as stand up as they come
Honestly you and Daruk could be a dangerous combination. Super powerful dirty meets indestructible shield. You once blasted his shield with you powers and sent him bouncing down the mountain. He was fine but you were both banned from hanging out without supervision.
Link was one person who could not be that supervision. He tried his best to be the stoic hero everyone expected of him but if you three were alone together, the brain cells ran away fast.
To be fair it was a great combination in battle. You could use stasis on Daruk and Link would hit him as hard as he could creating a meteor of mass destruction barreling into your enemies.
After a battle you all would have a camp out where you and Link would work perfectly together to whip up something mouth watering. You had millions of recipes from your time wandering and just as many stories to tell around the fire.
It took time and convincing, but you managed to get each champion to bring along an instrument and play through the night. Sometimes Daruk would get a little crazy with a drum solo or Revali would get snarky if he felt like he was being stared at but eventually you would all relax. You would lead a melody and they would all fall into step bringing forth a tube that could bring a year to your eye or convince you to dance.
It wasn't long before Ganon came forth, malice reaching out across the land and taking hold of guardians and Divine Beats alike
Using the power of the Triforce you placed protection on each of the Champions. They would be unable to die until the sun rises
With your divine blessings and the power of the Triforce you were able to grant the Champions a boost on their strength and powers. You focused all you had on protecting them from injury and fatigue.
Unfortunately the sun would rise soon
With the help of your little Guardian you tapped into the warp pads on each Divine Beast and teleported yourself, Link, and Zelda to them.
Each battle was draining on your powers, you had extended you halo of protection to all of Hyrule. No citizen would die while you were watching over them.
Finally the Champions we're ready to face Ganon. Together you and Zelda merged you powers to trap him in a bubble of light. The Champions locked the Divine Beasts onto the beast and blasted him. You forced him into his beastly pig form where Link and Zelda together could finish the battle
Powered by the Guardians blasts you created a gate around the fight keeping him contained. Using your flute, you played a rythm to confuse Ganon.
With the Master sword and the bow of light, Ganon was finally defeated.
Hyrule was saved and you were finally done with your goal. You giggled as your egg teleported the Champions together to celebrate.
You were tired from the long battle but happy nonetheless. As you watched the Champions celebrate- even Revali grudgingly allowed Daruk to ruffle his feathers- you smiled. You thought of your sister as you watched over her creations and you knew she would be proud.
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luthienne · 4 years
Your blog's *chef's kiss* and I wish to ask do you have any quotes or what comes to mind when it comes to love mingled with grief/pain? Like losing someone at the stinging cost of the other? Or looking at a completed wonderful thing but knowing the pain and blood it stands on to be that way? Or when you look at someone realizing you now share hearts whether youd like it or not, that no bond in both your lives will ever come close to what both of you have(1)
how the love stiches both of you up, how achingly tender & vulnerable & warming it is and almost crying looking at where it is, how it is, what it became and what it grew from. Would love to hear if you got any that pops to your mind❤(2)
you are so kind! thank you, angel ♡ here and here are posts that reflect love mingled w grief/pain and tender/sweet love. here are a few more quotes that sort of encompass both for me:
“Not a day passes that I do not see ourselves, you and me, as we were when we met first. Every day of my life I see that.”
James Joyce, Exiles: A Play In Three Acts
“We can never go back. I know that now. We can go forward. We can find the love our hearts long for, but not until we let go grief about the love we lost long ago, when we were little and had no voice to speak the heart’s longing. All the years of my life I thought I was searching for love I found, retrospectively, to be years where I was simply trying to recover what had been lost, to return to the first home, to get back the rapture of first love. I was not really ready to love or be loved in the present. I was still mourning — clinging to the broken heart of girlhood, to broken connections. When that mourning ceased I was able to love again. I awakened from my trance state and was stunned to find the world I was living in, the world of the present, was no longer a world open to love. And I noticed that all around me I heard testimony that lovelessness had become the order of the day. I feel our nation’s turning away from love as intensely as I felt love’s abandonment in my girlhood. Turning away we risk moving into a wilderness of spirit so intense we may never find our way home again. I write of love to bear witness both to the danger in this movement, and to call for a return to love. Redeemed and restored, love returns us to the promise of everlasting life. When we love we can let our hearts speak.”
Bell Hooks, All About Love
“My heart is full not of guilt, or shame, or remorse, but of grief… Everything has become too terribly mixed up.”
Boris Pasternak, in a letter to Leonid Pasternak, from Letters Summer 1926: Pasternak, Tsvetaeva, Rilke
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Jamie Anderson // Art piece by Ikenaga Yasunari (x)
“But if it’s love, by God, what is this thing? If good, why then the bitter mortal sting?”
Petrarch, from the ‘Canzoniere’ (tr. Mark Musa)
“bittersweet, undefeated creature – against you there is no defence”
Sappho, from Poems and Fragments (tr. Josephine Palmer)
“And if I should pick out the good in you – each shard of broken light, like glass from the wreck of such beauty, and look at that – or one golden afternoon when you hovered above me in rapture, oh half god – how would I bear to lift my hands, how would I bear to close my eyes and let you fall, and love be damned?”
Cecilia Woloch, “Lucifer, Full of Light,” Carpathia
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Ada Limón, Bright Dead Things; “The Good Fight”
“...and if I cut myself, it was you I bled.”
Jeanette Winterson, Lighthousekeeping
“I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds– but I think of you always in those intervals.”
Salvador Plascencia, The People of Paper
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Henry Dumas, Knees of a Natural Man; “Valentines”
“No te nombro; pero estás en mí como la música en la garganta del ruiseñor aunque no esté cantando.
I never call your name, but you are in me like the song in the nightingale’s throat even when it’s not singing.”
Dulce María Loynaz, Absolute Solitude: Selected Poems; “Poema LVII” (tr. James O’Connor)
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Marguerite Duras - India Song (1975)
“I am sad because I love you, because I love you so much, and because I am not a bee to buzz with you lightly. I am not a flower, not a tree, not a rain-hewn stone. I am not a storm or a cresting wave, not a thorn or a vine. I am not the sun stinging the water, not the moon on the snow. I am not a star in the dark. I am not the dew-wet wind, not the cloud-stained dawn. I am only a girl, a small, plain girl, a girl who must smear her lips in honey to be found sweet.”
Amal El-Mohtar, The Honey Month
“Whether it was the quality of light or the clarity of my feelings for you, I don’t know, but there was softness and no blurring. ‘This is not a lie,’ I said to myself. ‘It may not hold, but it is true.’”
Jeanette Winterson, Lighthousekeeping
“He takes her in his arms. He wants to say I love you, nothing can hurt you but he thinks this is a lie, so he says in the end you're dead, nothing can hurt you which seems to him a more promising beginning, more true.”
Louise Glück, from Averno; "A Myth of Devotion"
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Anna Akhmatova, Final Meeting: Selected Poetry (tr. Andrey Kneller)
“Your dying is my dying. / In you I exist—to live or not.”
Euripedes, from Alkestis (tr. Anne Carson)
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Richard Siken, “Scheherazade” 
“First love tempts / then puts out our eyes.”
Salma al-Khadra al-Jayyusi, from ‘Dearest love - III’ (ed. Charles Doria), Women of the Fertile Crescent: An Anthology of Modern Poetry by Arab Women (ed. Kamal Boullata)
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Interactive :: House Saints by Hala Alyan
“We were the heartbreak of truth. / We were willing to break even more.”
Andrea Gibson, from The Madness Vase; “Close For Comfort”
“God, what are you doing to me? / What am I doing to myself?”
Adonis, from ‘Concerto for the Veiled Christ’, Selected Poems (tr. Khaled Mattawa)
“No. I was not afraid of him; but of myself. I seemed reborn in his unreflective eyes, reborn in unfamiliar shapes. I hardly recognized myself from his descriptions of me and yet, and yet – might there not be a grain of beastly truth in them?”
Angela Carter, from “The Bloody Chamber”
“It is true we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another.”
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus
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Keaton Henson, “Alright”
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Velimir Khlebnikov, The Collected Poems & Writings of V. K. “My Darling,”
“But love is impossible and it goes on / despite the impossible. You’re the muscle / I cut from the bone and still the bone / remembers, still it wants (so much, it wants) / the flesh back, the real thing, / if only to rail against it, if only / to argue and fight, if only to miss / a solve-able absence.”
Ada Limón, Bright Dead Things; “In A Mexican Restaurant I Recall How Much You Upset Me”
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The Letters of Frida Kahlo: Cartas Apasionadas, tr. by Martha Zamora
Letter to Diego Rivera, July 23rd, 1935
“I want to give you everything. This is called a sickness.”
Camille Rankine, from Possession
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Rainer Maria Rilke, Book of Hours: Love Poems to God; ‘Lösch mir die Augen aus: ich kann dich sehen’, tr. Anita Barrows & Joanna Macy
“Love that incorporates, that devours the other person, that cuts the tendons of the will. Love as immolation of the self.”
Susan Sontag, from Reborn: “July, 1958”
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dancemachinetrait · 3 years
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1st May, 1908- Little Windenburg Village Hall
Extract from Clem’s diary
The Church Ladies outdid themselves for the dance. There wasn’t a surface to be seen in the hall that wasn’t bedecked in flora. It’s been absolutely cut-throat between them all and the atmosphere in church has been sizzling every Sunday for a month. Miss Lee and Mrs Yates are practically cutting each other dead. Still I must say it looked magnificent, like Titania’s bower. 
I felt sure I’d be a wall-flower all night, despite Daisy’s best efforts to remedy the pig’s ear I’d made of my hair, but Oliver Elbsen asked me to dance right away.
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I overheard Myrtle Stephens make a cattish remark to Sybil Copeland about what gangly, red-headed babies we would have. The very thought sent a shiver down my spine. Still, I managed not to tread on his toes, or if I did he was too polite to say so. I was dreadfully afraid that I’d put one of my beastly French heels right through his foot.
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Afterwards he insisted on fetching me a glass of punch as though I hadn’t two legs in perfect working order. (As well as they could work in those wretched shoes! When I think what they must have cost Mother I am racked with guilt for despising them.) We ‘sat out’ and talked of football and what he had read in the Boy’s Own. He supports Foxbury Town, I, of course, the ‘Windies’ (Windenburg Wanderers), and we had a heated but amiable debate. 
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I was beginning to think we could be chums, although I would have much rather talked to Hon. Poor Hon! It seems so beastly unfair that I should dance, and hate it, when she would love to and isn’t allowed. I could tell she was sorry about it although she wouldn’t have let anyone see it for the world. What a brick she is. 
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Dizzy was the belle of the ball, of course. There was scarcely a boy in Little Windenburg she didn’t dance with. She stopped by in between dances to fill me in on the pertinent happenings. Norman Dunn caught it with the Church Ladies for taking liberties with Midge Sheldon’s person- although Midge didn’t seem to mind the taking of the said liberties, and might be said to have given of them freely. (Not Daisy’s exact words.) Myrtle and Justice Bowlinger had danced together twice, and she looked like the cat who got the cream and was lording it over all the other girls. What a perfectly pompous pair they would make! I wish them joy of each other. 
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I had almost begun to enjoy myself, in spite of the pinching of the horrid shoes. And then as Oliver and I were walking out of the hall, he stopped at the door and waited for me to go through. Nobody ever did that for me before. And I was struck with this awful thought, like a bolt of lightning: ‘He thinks I’m a girl.’ I couldn’t say a word to him after that. I couldn’t stop thinking it. I still can’t. What can it mean? Of course I’m a girl. I have to be one. 
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And yet...and yet, I know in my heart I’m not. I’m not, and I can’t make myself be. There! I’ve written that down now. I shall have to hide this diary more carefully than ever, and leave instructions in my will to have it burned. When I think of living my whole life with everyone thinking I’m a woman I want to scream and scream. 
I got up just now and looked at myself in the mirror. I don’t look very girlish. I’ve got straight eyebrows and Papa’s nose and- thank heaven- hardly any bosom. The idea of having a bosom like Mother’s always filled me with dread and I hadn’t the least idea why. 
What am I, if not a girl? What hiatus is there between my bodily structure and my feelings? Perhaps I am neuter, like the bees.
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A big fat L-O-L to the idea that I was ever going to get this done before actual May Day came and went.
In terms of Clem’s pronouns, I am going to continue to use she/her in the story until Clem has figured out how they prefer to be referred to. Outside of the story I currently think of them as they/them.
I drew on a couple of real historical sources for this story. Clem’s moment when Oliver holds the door open is based on this passage from Out of the Ordinary, the autobiography of Michael Dillon. Dillon was a trans man who transitioned in the late 1930s. The story he tells took place in around the 1920s, but I saw no reason why something similar couldn’t have happened to Clem in 1908.
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The second source is an anonymous queer person who was interviewed by Havelock Ellis in the late 19th century. Ellis conducted numerous interviews with queer people and got them to write testimonials about their life experiences which were published anonymously. They are a fascinating look at how real queer people saw themselves.
The end of Clem’s diary entry references this quote from one of the testimonials:
‘I had never come across any theories on the subject, but I decided that I must belong to a third sex of some kind. I used to wonder if I was like the neuter bees! I knew physical and psychical sex feeling and yet I seemed to know it quite otherwise from other men and women. I asked myself if I could endure living a woman's life, bearing children and doing my duty by them. I asked myself what hiatus there could be between my bodily structure and my feelings, and also what was the meaning of the strong physical feelings which had me in their grip without choice of my own." Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume II, History XXXIX
Last of all, but most certainly not least! Thank you so, so much to the lovely @simming-in-the-rain for making me so many beautiful sims (including Oliver!) when I hit a brick wall and simply could not make any more background characters. I’m sorry to the other people who made me sims I didn’t get to use this time; they may turn up in a later installment.
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