#and god i wish i was this tiny. let me just 💥💥💥💥💥
so-very-small · 7 months
new freak just dropped: this tiny has the power to explode people with their mind
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julians-boywife · 11 months
Hi fungers. Do NOT read this it's just me rambling about my funger 1 body hcs so I don't forget them. I love you ♡
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Starting off with my wife, Cahara. I think he's medium height, shorter than Enki and Rag so like 175 cm. I think he'd be pretty tan and have a bit of a red/orange undertone. His hair is thick and wavy and it seems like he has made a decent attempt at taking care of it. On a similar not idk what kind of skin care and what not they had back there but he certainly takes care of his appearance. He needs to look good for his wife obviously.
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This man is not as stinky as he looks. I'd like to think he showers daily but he can get rid of the candle and old book smell on his skin and clothes. He probably reads books in the bath. Anyway he is quite thin and malnourished but also has a fat ass and slutty waist??? Like why do you need that?? Also a bit taller than Cahara 180.5 cm or some shit idk I'm making it up.
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This man is huge. Comically. 187.2 cm and jacked. Guys, you'll never guess who I find most attractive. Anyway, he is the idea of a Greek God body to me. He's tan like Cahara but has less color because he lives and breathes snow. Fat tits??? Yes um I think so. I'd also like to think he doesn't use soap when he washes himself but somehow isn't stinky. He just smells like ash and damp forest but it isn't bad.
.... 17 cm, uncut, red tip- 🔫💥💥💥💥 woah guys who said that haha what
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My favorite girlfailure. I don't even like girls but I'd let D'arce fck the shit out of me. Anyway sorry about that. I'd like to think she's got a bit of a tan from training outside and freckles scattered here and there. She is strong woman and has a healthy amount of muscle and fat but her body is mostly lean. I am a tiny titty D'arce ENTHUSIAST and ACTIVIST. Justice for tiny titty girls I see you I love you. 168.5 cm I love her she's so dear to me.
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STINKY !!!! UGGOO!!!!! sorry I have a raging love hate relationship with this fuckass. I think he looks really silly in his sprite for no reason lmao. Anyway this man is ETHEREAL just absolutely gorgeous. I wish Miro made him look more feminine in the game do girl Le'Garde justice. He defiantly only takes bubble baths like a fucking loser. He's 176.7 cm and is like weirdly insecure about not being taller?? I feel like if you jokingly called him short he'd throw a hissy fit.
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Nosramus also looks really silly in their sprite oh my god. Honestly I think Nosramus is intersex and just refuses to choose either or. They're pretty pale from being away from sunlight for so long and have a yellow undertone. They are surprisingly not stinky and take care of themself somehow and it's unclear what access they have to water or soap. They just always smell clean no matter what.
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j-zzlie · 3 years
Vinnie's POV (5 months ago)
"Pretty kitty" i mumble to Hera softly as i stroke her back. Soft mews erupt from the feline, along with deep purrs. I enjoyed my cat, her black, grey and white fur, making her look beautiful even when she manages to piss me off. "You and the cat still makin' love, or can i come in?" Jordan said, standing in the doorway, his sandy blond hair a fucking wreck, but none the less it fit him. "Seeming as you're already..in." i mumble. "And i wasn't makin love to Hera, i was just giving her attention." "That's what they all say." he says wagging his eyebrow, in a segestive way. I give him a glare before going back to giving love to my cat. The soft furr leaving tingles on my fingertips, This always calmed me. "There's a party tonight." Jordan continued. "I know you dont like parties but i was kinda hoping you'd come to this one. A new tik toker is being added to the Hype house, we get to meet her then." He was now leaning against the doorway. I dont want to go. honestly. "You have to." Jordan said reading my mind. "I've got a stream to do." "Nah, Thomas already got that cleared, everyone is free tonight." i sigh "Is this really such a big deal. Do i haveee to go, or is this just a "lets make her feel welcome' meeting?" "Both." he said simply, his eyes daring me to keep going, i wanted to, i really did want to piss him off, instead, i began to scratch Hera's head, her purrs sending relaxation into my body. "Fine. i'll go the fucking party." Jordan claps and locks his fingers in place. "Lets. fucking. GO!!" he shouts
Dress. Dress. Suit. oh GOD. ugly suit. i counted once, twice, maybe even three times how many people were here. And thats number is three times less, than the "Let loose" or "have fun" talks i've gotten. "No really!" nailea laughs, her voice rough and funny as always. "Let loose hacker, enjoy it." she knows i hate parties, she's even offered to take me back to the house. "I'm good." i said once more, sullenly, sipping my flat sprite and watching everyone dance. Felt like hours. Me. Flat drink. People dancing. "Hi." a random voice said next to me. The voice oddly pleasuring. I turn and look down, being met with the biggest green eyes i have ever seen. "hi.." i sigh out reluctently, my face felt warm, very warm. "i'm vinnie." She laughs, mouth open head back, a silly carefree laugh. "I know." she sticks out her hand. "i'm Elora." Even her name fit her. I gave her face a once over. Her face voidant of makeup. The only thing on her was some lip gloss. and maybe some mascara. "Nice to meet you...Elora" i bet i sound like a fucking weirdo. "Nice to meet you too Vincent."
An hour later.
"Wait, wait, wait," she said laughing so hard she was clutching her stomach. "You're telling me, you hate being shirtless?" "Yes!" i shout shoving a cookie in my mouth, loving the look on her face and the taste of the cookie. "BALOGNIA" she pouds the wall, her laughter getting louder, we were currently standing by the food bar, everone else dancing while we stayed in our little worlds. "Whats so funny about it??" i ask, my hand on my heart as if im wounded. "Hold on." she says breathlessly. "You..Are Vincent Cole Hacker.. wait scratch that. You're Vincent shirtless Cole Hacker..plus have you forgotten your tiktok account?" "You watch my tik toks?" i ask, feeling just a tiny bit flattered that she's watched enough of them to see the pattern. "Is that all you cought from what i just said?" "Sure is."  a cocky grun spreads on my face.
Late late that night.
I didn't get her number. i wish i did tho. i lay lazily on my bed, editing a tik tok i just made. I even captioned it with the nickname she gave me. i hit play on the video, Gangsta by Kahlani began playing. (vinniewhore -omg look at the discription😫) (Bells- who thought of that? bc i know my vinnie didn't) (Perkysockcubine-💥💥😍) (TheOriginEL-Glad to know you caught something else from the conversatin Hacket.) I sat up in the bed, my fingers simaltaniously clicking on her profile. it's private so i go to twitter. (You're conversation with TheOriginHa) Vin- I never got your number
ELA- lackin
Vin- can i have it?
ELA- 👁️🫦👁️ ELA- No.
ELA- i'll give you my instagram tho
Vin- ): fine
ELA- cry baby
Vin- 🙄🙄
ELA- TheOriginalHJ
Looked it up, smiled and followed.
(DM message from ELORA_Jakens)
(Wanna bet by morning i'll have 100+ dms)- E (no)-v (why not?)-E (bc you'll win and take my money, i'm boke)-v (broke*)-v (#boken 🫤💔💔❤️‍🩹💀💀)E (stfu before i unfollow u)V (im scared.🥲😮‍💨)E
i laugh outloud, hera beside me, cudding my leg. Guess this is how heartbreak starts.
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tasha-lemon · 3 years
Boo ! Soft and pure asks, le retouuuur ! Toutes s'il te plaît, parce qu'elles sont cool. For the last question : are we throwing an Halloween amitié-versaire or a pool-party amitié-versaire ?
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
Absolutly ! Not only romantic soul mates, I believe you’ll meet amongs your life some people and yours souls will found each other resonate so much you can’t help it but love them. They’re parts of you, after all, ya know ? I’m lucky I found my first one when I was only seven ;)
💌- diary or journal?
Neither one or the other. I don’t like it XD.
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
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I heard Maki’s laught in the background but Bakugo Katsuki, of course. I never saw a character that embodies so well my gremlin chaotic energie and god, the more i read the manga the more i am mortified, like I just see myself when I was a teenager throught his actions. Fucking angry pomeranian. Gifted child raised in such a competitive way, not allowed to express himself so he transform all his emotions in anger, cause that’s the only he can manage, prefer not to try rather than taking the risk of failing. If he’s not the number one then he’s nothing. Turning very aggressive if he feel excluded from his friend circle and cutting himself of those friend cause he can’t handle that feeling of being put aside. Yes, it’s a resume of most of my more important flaws and yes, I need a therapy XD.
💕- are you crushing on someone?
My partner, who’s also my best friend. 12 years since i’m crushing on them, i’m ridiculous.
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
I kiss with eyes closes, so light or no, no difference. HOWEVER, RAINS ?? Give me that ! GIVE ME THE FRENCH KISS IN THE RAIN !
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
🍋🍋🍋🦈✨🫖 💥🍋🍋🍋
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
I have a lot XD. I tend to cherish all good memory. But if I had to choose, i remember so precisly the fist 4h-snack I took at your house. I remember feeling so great, it was the first time I ever meet someone who I realy realy want to be with them, to spend time with them. To feel accepted too and not having to compromised or try to fit in XD. Anyway, my tiny brain associate that amazing discorvery of, well, SOUL MATE FRIEND, to the taste of pancake your father made us those day, with quince jelly. Somehow you are associated with quince jelly I think, and believe me that’s one of the best taste I have in my life. I already have three jar of quince jelly even I eat them slowlyXD.
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
Cornflower ! I just found them so pretty and cute ! And I always loved the big big wheat fields, gold in the summer lights, with those little dots of colors ! Absolutely amazing.
💖- have you ever been in love?
Of course. Question is, was I ever NOT been in love XD ?
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
Both. But if I must choose, chocolate XD.
🍯- describe your favorite smell
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OKAY OKAY : when it rains, in Guyana, when its rains so hard but so briefly, the road is stil hot, and god, the smells of all the plants with the hot and wet tar… I wish I could tattooed this on my body.
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
- I would wish for the univers to grant my partner a full magical transition
- More room for books cause I’m begining to put them on the floor T-T
- I wish for one more christmas with all my family cause we have a very agressive-cancer-situation, who makes things complicated…
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
Both. Everytime I bake, I eat what I call the Baker’s tithe so i eat a lot of dough and I adore it. So goood.
☕- coffee or tea?
Tea or I will kill someone.
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
I would love to live in the sea… But I think my sould would be more happy in the forest with fairies ^^. But I would go swiming everyday !
🍂- what’s your middle name?
Julie. I hate it XD.
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
I'm not good in astrology but glad for me, Maki is XD :
Sun sign : Cancer
Moon sign : Aquarius
Rising sign : Capricorn
I have noooo idea what's all of that mean
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
Wrapping myself in a plaid, with some hot tea, a good book in my hands and if i’m lucky, a good playlist.
🍭- how tall are you?
1m65. I’m a very little goblin.
💒- which show would you want to live in?
SENSE8 !! I would trade so much thing to be a sensate, to live what other people live, to BOUND with people ! HUMANITY !!
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
Halloween. It’s a holiday for me XD.
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
I don’t like scented candle, I don’t know, they smell good, obviously but they feel a little bit too… artificial ? I kinda don’t adore them. If I had one I light them happily wut otherwise, I don’t crave them.
🎶- favorite song right now?
What ? Good Taste ? Ho, mine are immaculate XD.
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
- Humor, make me laught and I’m already conquered
- Food. FOOD. I shit you not, my mum taught my partner how to cook rougail when we were 15, and when we ended up together again, one of their first words as « official partner » were « ho, I need to practice my rougail cause otherwise i won’t be able to keep you » XD.
- Kindness. I always fall for small small thing but who contains the world : the way my ex always slide me their scarf in class cause they know how much I love their parfum. Ridiculous nickname, like one of my best friend calls me « Maurice » cause of the french ad, you know, « Tu pousses le bouchon un peu trop loin Maurice »XD. My other-ex who care so much about me he told me « If your mum don’t stop to harassing you, I do not give a shit, I took you out of this place and yes, that means paying two air-flight tickets I don’t care ».
🍩- current mood?
Happy. I wear my aegaho hoodie with a good tea, what can go wrong XD ?
❄️- what is your favorite season?
💍- your current relationship status?
I have a partner, it’s been four years officialy… But we kinda been together for like… twelve years undercover ? We didn’t cheat on our previous partners, of course, we just knew at some point we will end up together again.
��- a photo of yourself
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That's one of my favorite picture of me. I adore the fact that I was dead laughing, with you, on our way to one of the best evening on my life (I could put that on the best memory as well XD). Absolutly a very good picture that could end in a album if I did one XD.
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?
Yes. But meaningful thing only. I don’t like fancy, expensive stuff, like don’t waste money on me everXD. Every thing I cherish are just small thing but they do mean the WORLD to me : the book you gifted me on women-artist, the stunning shell that i adore, or the fact you accepted to read my novel, Maki’s little Bakugo plushie, my best friend’s amethyst that make her think of me, my friend who gifted me a shark kigurumi absolutly adorable (and he slided a bakugo’s note in the package that made me laught so much i hanged it on my wall).
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
- I eat the same breakfast since almost 17 years. The two only exception on my muesli-yogurt are croissant/pain au chocolat or english breakfast, once in a while. Otherwise, if i don’t have my breakfast, I tend to be a little more agressive throught the day XD.
- I can’t eat if I don’t have a book in my hand. It’s very problematic for my closest ones but I adore it XD
- I adore putting my cat’s ears in my mouth. Freyja is completly used to it, she doesn’t care, but Zeera my god, she hates it in a very passive-agressive way, so everytime I try, she moove like a snake trying to escape me XD.
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
As a goblin, mostly XD.
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
Mum friend. Sweet. Too dam loud and very bad player. A terror in Uno. Worst humor and loudest sneeze.
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
HAHAHHAHA, WELL «girls with short hair, guys with long hair » OF COURSE XD !
Otherwise, I love laughts, body modifications, deep or cute voice, tall people (i love tall people, I adore tall people), passionate people. The kind of people you can talk until dawn with them.
🍓- one secret about yourself
… Me and my partner are saving some money to bought us a special-sex-couch. It’s a sofa and it’s gonna be called the socul (french pun XD)
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?
Like a damn fool. Usualy, other people and specialy my friend, know WAY before me when I have a crush cause I tend to erase the world around me. I’m not subtle at all.
💔- the reason behind your last breakup?
I fall i love with someone else.
💬- what your last text message says?
« Gollumasha ? » It’s absolutly incomprehensible without context so : one of my best friend is working on a writting app for her internship and they asked her to test the damn thing. So she set-up a story that is absolutly chaosand puts me in it as « Lemon » (she legit describe me like that :)
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(For non-french people : Lemon, 72 years old, Goblin. Enthousiast, always angry, scream for nothing, unbearable but we love her anyway)
She read me the first paragraph where Lemon was travelling and could, because of my « goblin nature », eat raw fish. So I reply with a gif of Gollum with the fish, she laught so hard she called me gollum and I mixed Gollum and Tasha… But we ended up not keeping it XD.
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
I tend not to watch a lot of show, as I found them so time-consomming… But the last season of Grace and Frankie just got out and I wanna watch.
⛅- what is your morning routine?
- Go to the bathroom cause my bladder is suuuper small and catch up the 26 tiktok Maki send me during the 45min she’s up and not me. Proceed to be late XD.
- BREAKFAST while reading knowing I’m gonna be late cause I will read a little bit too much
- Being late so I rush the kiss to my partner, the dressed up plan, the cats, every oneXD
💗- who do you miss?
My friend… It’s been a while since i see you, for exemple XD.
🥀- last time you cried?
A week ago, I had my period and apparently my brain though that my partner telling me they love me was enough to cry ? My brain is stupid.
🎁- when is your birthday?
26 june, PRIDE MONTH baby
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🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
All my experience with predators. Kinda not soft isn’t it XD ? I’m sorry, it just human are the worst sometimes and they were the creepiest. Specialy the one who proceed to exhibisted himself in front of a 13 years old, fucking pedo.
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?
It depends on the age gap, i think.. but I always date people born the same years… With a absolut win for my partner : they were born exactly a month before me, 26th may XD. Super easy to remember.
🎀- are we throwing an Halloween amitié-versaire or a pool-party amitié-versaire ?
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Thank you so much for asking !! It took me a little time but it was sooo fun and lovely ^^ !! THANK YOU !
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heartboudoir · 2 years
His eyes darken and it takes everything he has to hold back. He dips his head into the crook of your neck and promises, I won’t hurt you, kissing your pulse before flattening himself against the mattress between your legs.
Both hands travel up the body of your thighs, slowly pushing up your nightdress as they go. He leaves it below your hips, your pure white panties peeking through underneath and keeping what’s most precious safe.
He hooks your right leg over his shoulder, both hands now focused on this side as he feels for the right spot. Kisses trail from the inside of your knee, closer and closer to your core, until he stops just at the innermost part of your thigh.
He kisses the spot over and over again, getting you used to his touch in a place so intimate. His eyes flick up to meet yours: I vow to keep you, and protect you, for as long as we are on this earth. Another kiss— no harm will come to you, lest the heathen wishes to be slaughtered where he stands.
Despite the violent words, it’s incredibly sensual. His dark tone and even darker eyes sending chills down your spine.
You feel the press of his teeth against your flesh, his peculiarly sharp canines already piercing the skin, but you don’t even feel it. Somehow, he’s able to make this the most pleasurable sensation you’ve felt in a long time, even the breaking of skin pulling a moan from your innocent lips.
I melt at his words, they’re full of honesty and affection— by the time that his teeth press into me, I gasp and lean my head back. I expect pain, searing aches through my skin but instead it’s pleasurable. I can hear him groan quietly, my lips parting into a tiny moan and my legs parting to give him some more room
“Oh… oh god Katsuki…” I moan, taking some deep breaths and letting my hands fall to lace through his hair and tug gently “shit…”
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