#and give m BITCHIN fics
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fiovske · 4 years ago
simply not there in fandom
where did you come from............ and where did you go. where did you come from cotton eye joe. your character is almost never explored in the fanfic community, however, when it IS, you are given the most ballin pieces of fanfic out there. the people who do acknowledge you are HARDCORE. if i were to give you a song to listen to, i'd recommend "9/10" by Jeff Rosenstock, "Hymn for a Scarecrow" by Tally Hall, or "Ghosting" by Mother Mother :]
here's a quiz i made so you can learn what type of fanfic character you would be <3333
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kuiilandtorch · 3 years ago
Your Friendly Neighborhood DinLuke Fic Rec Masterpost*
*Plus some bonus genfic at the end that's too good not to include
For all you dinluke homies out there wanting a breath of fresh air or just a nostalgic reminder of what made you fall in love with the ship in the first place, or a handy starter guide for anyone new to the fandom, here's a by-no-means-exhaustively-comprehensive but still nicely thicc rec list. This is the Way...to some bitchin' good fic.
Under a read more because this is ridiculously long, sorry not sorry.
Gravity Well by shirozora (rated T)
Over twenty years after Chancellor Palpatine's failed takeover of the Galactic Republic, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker-Naberrie is asked to join a diplomatic mission to Mandalore to help negotiate a trade agreement with the new Mand'alor. While he is assumed to join as an observer and mediator in these talks, his real mission is to investigate rumors that the Mand'alor's child is powerful in the Force and offer a future for the child within the Jedi Order. The already difficult task compounds when he keeps failing to gain an audience with the mysterious Mand'alor, but distraction comes in the form of a strange, faceless Mandalorian palace guard he keeps encountering at night, someone he keeps gravitating towards despite himself.
The Dangerous Dreams series by shirozora (rated T)
The future of Mandalore is in his hands, no matter what Din Djarin actually wants. While picking up jobs to pay off a new gunship, he runs into the Jedi again and learns that he too holds the future of his kind in his. In the shadow of a fallen empire and the light of a nascent republic, they begin to rebuild what was lost-- their peoples, their cultures, their histories, and each other. "To want something for yourself, that is a dangerous dream."
Currently consisting of The Storm, The Suns, Between Planets, and The Stars.
oh the things we left behind by furiosophie (rated M)
After he commits every single weapon in the hold to memory, Din finds himself cataloging more and more things about Skywalker instead, small observations that carve out a space in his mind unbidden. --- As much as Din likes to tell himself that he’s just been taking a well-deserved break, the truth is that for the six months following their daring rescue he’s been nothing but truly and utterly lost. That is until Luke Skywalker gives him a ship and hires him to help figure out what the hell the Empire needed the Child’s blood for. As they drift through the empty void of hyperspace, they slowly find unexpected companions in each other and realize their respective paths might not be as set as they once thought.
Also part of a series, oh the things that shine bright
The Wanderer and the Seer by aiden_ng (rated T)
Din Djarin is temporarily relieved of a single dad's responsibilities, only to be saddled with the much greater responsibilities of Mand'alor. Temporarily. Hopefully. This is not the story of a great man becoming king; it's the story of some dude finding his place in the galaxy, freedom, and personal happiness through having some goddamn decency and good manners. Also the power of love, or whatever.
The Father the Son and the Exile by Sushiburrito (rated M)
Luke Skywalker has vanished. Declared a missing person two years after the Battle for Endor, the unofficial bounty for Skywalker has become the largest ever recorded. Hundreds of hunters search the galaxy for his whereabouts; yet despite this, no one has managed to find Skywalker. No one, except a small Force sensitive child and his Mandalorian father. Or an alternate universe tale where Force visions warn Luke about Ben Solo several decades earlier but the consequences still force him to go on the run, this time directly into the path of Din Djarin.
The Broken Threads series by Sadie1902 (rated G and T)
The battle is over, the rebels have won. But Luke Skywalker is still reeling from his ordeal in the Emperor's throne room, both physically and emotionally. Wracked with pain and fatigue, he tries to recuperate on Endor with a few days of much-needed rest. But before he even has a chance to relax, he's captured by an enterprising bounty hunter in Mandalorian armor. Din Djarin can't believe his luck. It's the score of his life, the bounty they all said was impossible. The payout will set his Tribe up well... so long as they don't know exactly who he made a deal with. But the job turns out to be more than Din bargained for when his bounty collapses from mysterious injuries, and he must face the truth of the horrors the Empire has wrought. Now, on the run from half the galaxy, it's a race against time as Din helps Luke find a cure for the disease that's slowly breaking the hero apart. There's only one problem... they need a Jedi. And Luke is the last of his kind. Or is he?
Currently consisting of Broken Threads, Sister, Game Night on Bogano, Chasing the Dawn and The Starbird
No Glory in the West by leorizanzel (rated T)
Texas, 1870 - Din Djarin, a bounty hunter with a mysterious past and the quickest draw this side of the Mississippi, finds a new gig escorting a strange young man to his destination. Inspired by Casual Cowboy Friday and my love for the American West as a whole.
Also part of a series, The Lights of All The Western Stars, including Drive Me, Crazy (rated E)
The Once and Future King by leorizanzel (rated T)
“Din Djarin, the Once and Future King,” Luke declared, his voice somehow ringing through Din’s head rather than through his ears. It sounded as though another voice spoke over Luke’s own. This man was Luke Skywalker, and yet, was not. “You wield the Darksaber, won in honorable combat, as Kings of Mandalore before you. The Force commands you to seek the Child and save it from its doom, and in doing so, will save the galaxy and reunite your people under your banner. Do you accept your quest?” The Force delivers a dire prophecy to Din Djarin, demanding he take his rightful place as the king of his people. With the help of the last Jedi, he must gather his closest allies and prevent the worst to come.
Last of the Old Gods by angiebodies (rated E)
A chance meeting puts Luke Skywalker and Din Djarin back on the same path. As Din comes to terms with his obligations to Mandalore, Luke begins to question his own commitment to the Jedi Order. Together they learn that the truths of their creeds are mutable, but their faith in each other is absolute.
I Want a Moment to be Real by Purplesauris (rated E)
He wakes up cold, alone, and without a single memory to base himself off of besides his first name. Who is he, and why was he left for dead in an abandoned facility?
The Vanishing Breed series by annathaema [moony] (rated T, M, and E)
The first thing Din noticed was the fire in the hearth. Near the hearth was a small, handmade crib, and from the crib came an excited cry. It spread through Din's chest like a bloodstain, perhaps it had in fact pierced his heart. He knew that little voice. “Hey, you,” said Din softly. He dropped to his knees as the Kid scrambled out of the crib and scampered to him, crawling into his lap and burbling happily. “That’s the most excited I’ve seen him in months,” said Skywalker. Din hadn’t even noticed him sitting across the room at a rough-hewn wooden table, nursing a cup of something. He wore the same carefully neutral expression he'd had on Gideon's ship, but his clothes were now desert-colored and hung loose around Skywalker's wiry frame. His hair was in disarray and it made him look much younger than he'd seemed on the ship; there, he'd seemed world-weary and ancient. Now, Din felt an insane need to protect. Skywalker raised his cup at Din in greeting, a lopsided smile on his face. “He’s missed you," he said. “Feeling’s mutual,” said Din gruffly. ___ The Mandalorian becomes Din Djarin. Din Djarin becomes. (Luke helps.)
Currently consisting of His Beacon, His Harbor, The Hidden Riches of Secret Places, and Interlude: Among All the Stones in the Sky
you're going to have to relocate the covert by aiden_ng (rated T)
‘This is the Way,’ Din says aloud to the empty cavern. He feels—or he seems to hear—his kin and his vanished forebears echoing the words back to him, ghosts in the walls around him, all the dead and the scattered and the not-forgotten. He walks with them, these watchful invisible companions, on the way of the Mandalore.
Sweater Weather by shirozora (rated T)
For two months, Din Djarin has been delivering the same order from the same restaurant to the same address every several days. The customer is a newcomer to Nevarro, a PhD student who seems out of place in the city but has become part of Din's everyday life. Then Luke changes their routine with a small gift and the uneventful, mundane life Din made for himself and his adopted son Grogu starts to unravel.
but home was a dream by redyucca (rated T)
Din takes off his helmet and learns how to put it back on. Which is, like, a metaphor.
Also part of a series, including keep the noiseless tenor of my way
And this, your beating heart by sluttysuperheroes (rated G)
After winning the Darksaber from Moff Gideon, Din accepts his role as the new leader of Mandalore and returns to the ancestral home of his people. While he grapples with the responsibilities that come with his new title, he begins to build a friendship with Grogu's new Jedi master -- and begins to question his identity, his Creed, and his place in the galaxy.
Dralshy'a Drabbles by HeadOn_HelmetOff (rated T)
dralshy'a: stronger, brighter Sometimes a Mandalorian bounty hunter just wants to be a side character while figuring out how to parent a tiny sorcerous gremlin, sometimes a bitch just wants to see him squished up against a tenderly chaotic Jedi.
I have made this place around you by HeadOn_HelmetOff (rated T)
“Do you know who you are, Din Djarin?” Survivor of Aq Vetina. Mandalorian. Bounty hunter. Apostate. Father. Mand’alor. “...No,” he uttered. Luke nodded sagely. “Then that’s what we’ll focus on first.”
Luminous Beings by Gluten_Full (rated T)
On their first night together, truly together without any beskar or Jedi robes between them, Din had promised that he would go to the far edges of the galaxy for Luke. They were old now, weather-worn and tired. The cold of Ahch-To hand long since sunk into their bones, making them achy before their time. When Luke senses a rising darkness in his padawan, he relocates his school to a more remote and ancient place in pursuit of balance.
That We Still Feel by actualbabe (rated G)
Luke gets hurt. Din takes care of him. It is incredibly simple and yet unfathomably intimate, and Luke realizes that he has never felt anything like this.
Restorative Work by draculard (rated G)
In which Luke plays therapist, Din faces his past, and Grogu learns that it's not always scary to face your traumatic memories when you have a friend there to help you get through. Based on that comic by ngrogu.
Five Days on Yavin by rinwins (rated G)
"He’d seen so many different versions of Luke by now -- implacable knight, patient teacher, fearless pilot, loyal friend; the Jedi master who could move a starfighter with his mind and the Tatooine farm boy who laughed at his own ridiculous jokes. And they were each, somehow, still the true Luke, none of them contradictory-- all except this version, the exhausted young man asleep in the bed. It didn’t suit him, the sense of having been through entirely too much." Luke crashes his ship, and his recovery has complications Din doesn't really understand.
A different kind of blood by HeadOn_HelmetOff (rated T)
A slight twist on events in Ch. 5 of The Book of Boba Fett: when Grogu is afflicted with visions of his father injured on Glavis, he and Luke make a decision that will greatly influence Din Djarin's journey toward redemption and reconciliation with the survivors of his covert.
HURTS SO GOOD (but not too much)
The By Fortune Or Its Re!verse series by CatalpaWaltz (rated E)
Luke imagines explaining this to him. The response he gets, when he spins the scene out to its inevitable conclusion, is not promising. The Mandalorian will tip his head downward, or cock it to one side, and settle deeper into an implacable stance. "Am I supposed to be flattered? To be some kind of experiment for you?" Or: Luke, struggling for insight into Jedi teachings on the renunciation of possessive love, discovers a possible solution in soft-domming the hell out of his boyfriend.
Currently consisting of By Fortune Or Its Reverse, So I Can Wait Behind, and The First Hour of the World
Thaw by spqr (rated T)
That’s what hope does to you, Luke remembers now. It lingers at the back of your mind, whispering maybe, maybe, so that knowing a plan is stupid isn’t enough to keep you from trying it.
down to a sunless sea by spqr (rated M)
Din's first scuba dive was when he was six, which is illegal in every country on earth that has laws about that sort of thing.
Christ in Repose by spqr (rated T)
More on this story as it develops. Subscribe to HNN’s JEDI WATCH newsletter for instant updates on Jedi sightings throughout the galaxy.
La douleur exquise by HeadOn_HelmetOff (rated T)
Pain is a fine razor’s edge—too much robs your focus and strength, but a lack imparts no discipline or mettle. Pain can be as useful a teacher as it is a dreadful enemy. You’ll dodge faster from the next knife blade and blaster shot to avoid it. It can brand your memory like a bruise to press upon, invoking the raw resolve to finish a job or enact vengeance. Above all, it’s another fact of life he’s had to largely deal with alone. Sometimes his brethren in the covert treated him when he came limping home, moreso in earlier years. But this is usually as insular a practice as the rest of his rituals. Even after bonding with the kid and seeing his astonishing works, it’s not something he considers changing. His love for his son expects nothing from him; he’s not going to exploit Grogu’s abilities for his own benefit, not when he’s perfectly capable of handling himself. Somehow Din forgot to factor Luke into this equation.
The In Which Chaos Is The Primary Goal of Our Beloved Main Characters series by Oystering (rated G and T)
u/throwRAgroundrunner posted: AITA for sending my step-son to his father with my droid? Luke Skywalker is facing a moral dilemma after sending Grogu back to his father... so he turns to the holonet for help. (This is pure crack)
Currently consisting of Only the Force Can Judge Me, The Galactic Court of Moral Judgment, and What a Man(do) Gotta Do?
Mornings of Gold, Valentine Evenings by leorizanzel (rated T)
Figure skating champion Luke Skywalker meets Team USA Hockey Captain Din Djarin at the Winter Olympics, and it all goes downhill from there in the best way possible.
He was a figure skater, he was a hockey player - can I make it any more obvious?
We Can't Keep Meeting Like This by celinamarniss (rated G)
Din, searching for a Jedi to train Grogu, finds two. (Five times Din crossed paths with Luke and Mara and one time he stayed for good.)
Bonus: cover art by lil old me. :D ;)
unstoppable force, immovable fathers by godbinder (rated E)
“I just need a refuel,” Luke tells the droids, carefully throwing his legs over the edge of the cockpit to slide to the ground. Grogu coos softly, his hands opening and closing his three fingers. “Not a problem, we’ll have you—ready to go...” She trails off when she gets a look at the child, who begins babbling. The Force moves around her in happiness then surprise, shock, then something akin to anger sparking faster than a thermal detonator. Before he can open his mouth, in a move that would have left Han impressed, she has a blaster in hand and shot him in the face.
buy a big house where we both could live by lacecat (rated M)
Din trails behind them and reminds himself this is temporary. He’ll make sure they get to the temple safe, and once he’s sure that Luke agrees to continue training Grogu, he’ll leave them. Grogu reaches up with his hand to tug at the edge of Luke’s shirt, and Din’s fingers flex at his sides. This is the way, he tells himself.
Nurse & Protect by BrownEyesBrightEyes (rated T)
Dr. Luke Skywalker is a pediatric resident struggling through his intern year, when a new child abuse patient case turns his life upside down. Now, along with his intern responsibilities, he has to deal with his growing attachment to the charming child, Grogu, and his assigned Mandalorian guardian, Din Djarin.
parry, parry, strike by AlchemyAlice (rated T)
“Oh? What are you, their king?” the Senator says sarcastically, and then freezes at the same time Din does. “...No,” Din says. He does not sound convincing.
The Mand'alor and the Jedi series by theunacknowledged (rated G and T)
A run-in on an Imperial ship between Mandalorians and New Republic pilots ends in violence and stalemate. Tensions are now heightened as several New Republic senators extend negotiations to the mysterious rule of Mandalore, a reformed planet isolated from the rest of the galaxy. Mand'alor Din Djarin and Duchess Bo-Katan Kryze begin defensive discussions with the Galactic Senate, opposed to becoming involved in any outside government after so recently reclaiming their home planet. As they aim to keep Din's identity confidential, the Mandalorians hunt the rest of the Empire in the Outer Rim and attempt to avoid the New Republic's domineering presence. But Senator Leia Organa isn't taking no for an answer with peace on the line. (Oh, and of course, the clan of two reunites.)
Seriously, can't rec this entire series enough, you're welcome. Currently consisting of Until Our Paths Cross, Mando'ad Draar Digu (A Mandalorian Never Forgets), Found, and Legends of the Outer Rim.
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kinktae · 6 years ago
bitchin’ || (M)
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The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.
pairing: fratboy!jungkook x reader
word count: 4.8k
genre: 1980s au, eventual smut, e2l
warnings: multiple smut scenes, science talk, banter, jealousy, alcohol & LOTS of colorful 80s slang lmao
A/N: Bitchin’ is a multichapter fic, surprise!! This fic was inspired by To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. Thank you to @junqkook for letting me use her likeness and helping me with Yara’s character overall.
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
12:16 pm.
The time on the clock was glaring at you, a silent caution that today's lab was going to totally suck.
You could feel irritation start to eat away at you. You and your best friend, Yara, had a deal. She would show up to the dissection today and, in exchange, you would gladly do all the work. But given that class would start in four minutes, you had a sneaking suspicion that Yara was going to in fact skip class after all.
You let your chin sink down into the comfort of your open palm, eyes flickering once again towards the black and white clock that was perched up above the classroom's blackboard. Usually, you could hear each small tick of time, but seeing as this lab was more exciting, every student in the room was currently chatting amongst their peers, covering the clock's sound.
You considered for a moment making conversation with your professor. That idea was quickly squashed once you realized that he too was preoccupied – his attention set on the clock as well, allowing the minute hand to make its final journey before beginning the class.
Suddenly, you realized that not only had Yara left you alone, but she had also left you without a partner to do the dissection. You glanced around the room, frowning as you saw that every other table was evenly numbered, meaning you would be forced to join a random pair to make a group of three.
"Good afternoon, everyone." Mr. Kim began, pausing to take a swig from his coffee mug. "I hope everyone read the email I sent out yesterday in regards to proper attire. If anyone isn't wearing actual shoes, then I suggest you beat it unless you're particularly amped at the idea of losing a toe when someone accidentally drops their scalpel."
A few isolated giggles rang out, but no one made any move to leave.
"No one? Radical. Feet are gross anyway–"
The sound of the classroom door suddenly being pushed open stole away everyone's attention. The late boy that walked in froze momentarily, clearly not expecting all eyes to fall onto him, but quickly regained his composure as he flashed a smile.
"Sorry I'm late, Seokjin." He apologized lazily.
"Better late than never, Jeon." Mr. Kim acknowledged briefly, raising an eyebrow. "Although, if you call me Seokjin again then you'll be the next thing I have the class dissect."
The threat was empty and pulled a shared laugh from the students, including the one it was directed at.
You hardly had time to laugh yourself because before you knew it, the boy was headed towards your table.
Not wanting to hold eye contact with the tardy student as he made his way over, you let your stare fall onto your lap. The worn-out denim of your jeans wasn't distraction enough from the sound of the boy taking a seat beside you, his bag being thrown carelessly onto the floor.
Glancing at him from the corner of your eyes, you watched as he began to rummage through it.
Jeon Jungkook.
You had recognized him the moment he had stepped in; the two of you had attended the same high school after all. Not that he knew that. You were reasonably sure that the two of you never crossed paths back then. Well, unless you count the time him and his asshole friends tore down the pep rally banners you and the party planning committee had spent so much time on.
You were well aware of the fact that he was in this class as well, but this was by far the closest you had ever physically come to him.
Jungkook was the kind of guy people noticed– muscular build, dark, messy hair with an attractive smile. Not that any of that interested you, of course. As far as you were concerned, he was still the same disruptive tool that he was in high school
Oh, god. Please don't let him be your partner.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Jungkook spoke suddenly, heat rocketing through your body as you realized you had yet to pull your eyes off of him.
"S-Sorry!" You stuttered out, turning in your seat so that he couldn't meet your eyes, horrified that he had caught you staring at him so openly.
Jungkook clearly didn't think much of it your total social faux pas, as a boyish laugh escaped him.
"Don't sweat it." He shrugged, dropping a sheet of paper and a pen in front of him. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, by the way."
"Yep." You nodded absentmindedly.
He seemed taken aback at your response, noticeably confused. A nervous giggle escaped you, realizing how incapable of communicating you had become.
"Uh! I just meant–– I know who you are. We, like, went to high school together." You admitted, leg bouncing anxiously under the table. "I'm Y/N."
Jungkook cocked his head, clearly surprised. "Oh shit, did we?"
You let out a noise of confirmation.
Mr. Seokjin suddenly began speaking to the class, and you turned your attention to your professor as he started to introduce the lab.
"Who was in your circle?" Jungkook asked as if he didn't even hear his professor speaking.
You offered him a sparing glance, "What?"
"Like your friend group. You had friends, right?" Jungkook teased.
"Yes, I had friends." A serious tone on your tongue, trying to somehow still listen to what your professor was saying while Jungkook conversed with you. "I just… don't think you'd know of any of them."
Jungkook seemed unsatisfied with your response, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Did you do something? Like were you on any teams or anything?"
For a moment, you contemplated telling Jungkook to bag his face, that you were actually trying to hear what Mr. Kim was saying as you genuinely cared about passing this class. But seeing as he was sitting beside you, it was probably best not to piss him off.
"Well," You began cautiously, keeping your voice low, "I was a member of mathletes–"
Jungkook cut you off immediately.
"Woah, hold on. Mathletes? Like math?"
You turned towards him, fighting back the urge to roll your eyes. You weren't at all surprised by his reaction. You couldn't imagine someone like Jungkook who spent the majority of high school cracking out jokes from the back of the classroom giving a single shit about academics.
"Yes, like math. I was also in our marching band." You offered as if that would make any difference to him.
"So... you were a loser. Gotcha." He mused, causing you to frown slightly.
Alright, asshole...
"No." You countered calmly, trying not to reveal how offended you were. "We just had different interests."
"Like totally different." He grinned stupidly.
"Yep." You responded dryly, turning away from the dark-haired boy. You were also student body treasurer, but frankly, you no longer cared enough to tell him that. Your self-esteem wasn't fragile enough to be shattered by some asswipe calling you a loser, but it certainly didn't feel good.
"Alright, so with that said, go ahead and pair up. Coats and goggles are in the back of the room. Don't let me catch you doing anything stupid and have fun." Mr. Seokjin's words caught your attention, luring out another sigh from you.
Sliding off your stool, you tried your best to avoid the stare that Jungkook was pressing against your skull, walking into the crowd of chatting students who were making their way over towards the back. Surely he had friends in this class that he could partner up with. You'll just join someone else's group.
You were just beginning to button up your white lab coat when a towering presence made its way over to you.
"So, nerd." Jungkook's voice called out, reaching around you for a lab coat. "Are we doing this thing or what?"
'Or what.' You could feel yourself wanting to answer back almost immediately.
You turned away from Jungkook to glance over the room, feeling your shoulders sink as you realized everyone was partnered and you were undoubtedly stuck with him.
Jungkook stood there, an amused look on his face as you gave him a skeptical one as if measuring him up.
"Fine." You answered begrudgingly, grabbing a pair of goggles of their rack. "But I'm taking the lead on the dissection. You can take notes and observe what we find."
Just because you were agreeing to partner up with him didn't mean you were willing to sacrifice your lab grade. And if Jungkook didn't like that then… well… he could go find someone else to annoy all class.
At your words, Jungkook let out a laugh of surprise, clearly not expecting such an authoritative tone.
"Damn, you got it, Captain. The geek ship is all yours." He joked cheekily, holding a hand to his head as if saluting you.
You sent him a tight-lipped smile, already collecting a few choice words you'd be gifting Yara the second you saw her.
"God, gag me with a spoon." You grimaced, a foul odor attacking your nose as you bent over to get closer to the preserved frog you had laid out on your tray. You picked up the scalpel, trying to prepare yourself for the first cut mentally.
Jungkook's eyes flicked towards the creature before letting out a noise of awe.
"Oh, gnarly! One of its eyes is stuck open!"
"Don't say tell me that as I'm about to cut into it!" You squeaked out, gripping your blade. "That's not exactly a comforting observation as I'm about to expose its insides. Besides, I need you taking this seriously."
Jungkook raised his hands up by his chest, waving them defensively.
"Sorry, sorry. Happy cutting." He apologized, resting his chin in his palm.
The dissection wasn't particularly hard, in fact, if it had gone as you envisioned it – you cutting and describing what you saw with Jungkook writing down notes – you imagined it would go by rather quickly. Unfortunately for you, Jungkook had a constant need for small talk and very little desire to help get this lab completed quickly.
"Let's give him a name." He called out after maybe two minutes of uninterrupted silence.
Jungkook tutted in disappointment, "Why not?"
"It's dead, Jungkook." You reasoned.
"Doesn't mean he can't have a name." He pointed out. "I'm gonna call him Bernie."
You shut your eyes, stilling yourself as took in a deep breath.
"Jungkook... please. I'm just trying to do this lab. For the both of us." You responded, pulling away from the dead frog.
"And I'm trying to pass the time. For the both of us." He mocked, an attractive albeit irritating smile on his mouth.
You set down the cutting utensil, letting the metal clang against the tray, your temper finally catching up with you.
"Has anyone ever told you you're kind of insufferable?" You said pointedly.
You weren't usually this outwardly direct to people you hardly knew, but holy cow something about this kid pushed every single damn one of your buttons.
Annoyingly, Jungkook didn't even seem to notice your change in tone, a laugh escaping him.
"Well, you certainly wouldn't be the first. Definitely the first of your social status, though." He smirked. You let out an exasperated huff.
"What the hell is your damage?" You snapped.
"What do you mean?"
"I know a loser like me probably isn't your usual company and that you clearly don't give a shit about the fact that this lab is worth twenty percent of our grade but I do. All I want is to get this lab done so we can get the hell out of each others' hair. So if you have a problem with me or something that you want to get off your chest, speak now."
There were a few silent beats where the two of you just stared at each other, Jungkook looking pensive while your chest rose and fell slowly as you tried to control your angry breaths.
"Okay." He spoke finally, catching you off guard.
"My girlfriend left me for another guy today. It's why I was late. I'm just trying to get my mind off shit, I guess. I'm sorry I keep calling you names, that's just how I joke around with my friends. It probably doesn't translate well with strangers who don't know me. So, I'm sorry. I'll stop." He explained softly, a foreign expression on his face.
You blinked.
"Oh. Uh, well... Apology accepted." You replied, awkwardly.
When you had gone on your little rant, you had been hoping that it would make Jungkook feel just uneasy enough to shut up and focus on the lab. You weren't expecting anything of substance to leave his mouth, so you really had no idea where to go from here. Especially with the way he was looking at you like you had just kicked him.
"I'm sorry... about your girlfriend."
Jungkook shrugged, "Shit happens."
"Did you, like, know the guy?" You asked cautiously in a weak attempt to comfort him.
"Yeah, he's one of my brothers." He nodded.
"She left you for your brother?!" You exclaimed, your jaw all but dropping. Immediately, Jungkook flinched, eyes flickering across the room where a couple of students had turned towards the two of you in interest.
"Pipe down, okay? I don't need everyone knowing my business, damn." He frowned, throwing you a glare.
"Sorry, I'm just... that's gonna be one awkward family dinner." You scrunched your nose.
"What? Oh no, not my actual brother. He's in the same fraternity as me. Frat brother." Jungkook clarified.
"Ohhh." You nodded.
His... fraternity brother. Of course.
You bit down on your lip.
Jungkook eyed you for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Go ahead."
"What?" You cocked your head in fake confusion.
"I already know what you're thinking."
"What am I thinking?"
"You're thinking that me being in a frat just confirmed the fact that you think I'm some sort of meathead." He continued, rolling his eyes.
A sharp laugh fell through your lips and Jungkook's eyes widened at the sound. It was the first time he had made you laugh, he realized.
"Psshh, not even." You lied through your teeth, trying and failing to suppress your smile.
"Even." He countered, playfulness in his tone. The both of you held each others' eyes for a moment, mutual grins exchanged.
"Anyway, I'm sure she'll be back soon enough." He continued calmly.
"Oh, so you're gonna try and win her back?" You asked.
"Hm? Nah, we've always been on and off, she'll come back eventually."
You frowned, "And you're okay with that?"
You weren't typically one to judge others' love lives given how you currently didn't have one, but you couldn't help but marvel at Jungkook's words. He shrugged in response.
You shifted uncomfortably, "Have you considered moving on? Or at least doing something to get her actually to stay with you?"
"Like what?" Jungkook laughed, clearly not taking you seriously.
Great question. You weren't particularly skilled with knowledge when it came to romantic relationships; you had only ever had one boyfriend, and while it was fairly serious, things had ended amicably enough.
You thought back to your sisters at that moment. The twins were older than you and had both gone through a significant number of breakups. When the three of you were growing up, they usually relied on one another when it came to boy troubles, but that didn't mean you didn't get an earful late at night. Your bedroom shared a wall with theirs and, well, Rosa and Lia had always been loud people after all.
"Give her a reason to regret letting you go... become a better man and whatnot." You responded after some contemplation. "Show her what she's missing."
"Oh, she knows exactly what she's missing." Jungkook smirked, eyes flickering towards the front of his jeans. "Why do you think she keeps coming back?"
You blinked.
"I think I just threw up in my mouth."
"Dick this good doesn't come around that often." He continued seriously, wagging his pointer finger from side to side.
"Incredible. I just did it again." You deadpanned, causing Jungkook to snort.
"Seriously? I'm what's grossing you out in this scenario?" He mused, looking down at the frog you were previously dissecting. You let out a hum, nodding.
"As much as I appreciate the 411 on your dick, I've got a layer of fascia to cut through."
"Fine. Why don't you try and make conversation then, since your baggin' on everything I bring up?"
"I don't have anything to talk about." You shrugged, moving over to the frog, beginning to cut.
Jungkook raised an eyebrow, "Really? Nothing exciting happening in your life?"
"Yes, actually. I just located Bernie's trachea." You revealed. Jungkook walked over to your end of the table, eyes wide with disbelief as he leaned in for a closer look.
Your eyes widened as his shoulder brushed itself against yours, his sudden proximity unexpected.
He smelled like cologne, clearly wearing enough to make itself known past the stench of formaldehyde and you found yourself taking a step back, slightly flustered.
Sure, Jungkook was just a dumb frat boy, but he was an attractive one and it was just a little bit daunting.
You watched his profile as he marveled at the revealed insides of the frog, even reaching for a pair of forceps to pull back the flap of skin to get a better look.
"Actually, there is something I'm excited about."
"If it's his heart, I'm already one step ahead of you." He quipped back, not looking up from the frog. You shook your head.
"I want to throw an event on campus."
Jungkook's eyes flickering towards you was your cue to continue talking.
"It's to encourage more women to pursue careers in science and engineering. I've planned the whole thing and even made flyers."
"Well… it's no frog heart but that's certainly something." Jungkook smiled, causing your heart to pound.
You nodded, suddenly growing excited.
"All I need a sponsor. I can't afford to throw it myself– not to mention the fact that I'm not even sure people would even show up. I just think there are so many opportunities in STEM fields that more girls would thrive in if they were just encouraged enough." You continued, eyebrows furrowing as you began to think.
"Do you know that just a few years ago we made the first-ever artificial heart. A heart, Jungkook; a man got to live an additional one hundred and twelve days even though his original heart was nearly ripped to shreds. And just a few months ago, a child was born through gestational surrogacy. The woman who birthed her was literally just a human surrogate, she didn't pass down any DNA to the child. None! I mean, babies can be born from Petri dishes! We are literally changing the boundaries of fertility and sterility as we know it!"
Jungkook was grinning as he watched you speak. He couldn't help it. Here you were, decked out in your lab coat and goggles, scalpel in hand as you rambled on about science. It was kind of endearing, he noted... in a dorky way, at least.
"So, uh, yeah. Sorry, I just…" You came back down to earth eventually, noting the way he was staring at you with amusement. You hadn't meant to get so caught up in your thoughts. "I realize that probably isn't as exciting to everyone as it is to me. That was my attempt at making conversation."
Jungkook had a dumb look on his face, and you weren't surprised at all with his reply.
"You know... I bet there's someone out there that finds all your science talk really hot."
You let out a deep sigh, shoulders slumping down in defeat.
"Not everything is about sex, you know."
"No, but everything interesting is." He grinned lopsidedly.
Jungkook had this unusually natural composure about him. As if he could shrug off any inconvenience with one stupid smile.
How frustrating. It made it increasingly difficult for you to stay mad at him for very long.
"Come on, meathead. Let's get this over with." You rolled your eyes, nudging your shoulder into his muscular one.
"Y/N!" Jungkook's voice called out, halting you mid-stride.
You let out a sigh, forcing a smile onto your face as you turned around, watching as an expectant looking Jungkook jogged over to you, his hair bouncing with every step.
"Hey," He breathed out as he reached you, "you left so fast I didn't get a chance to say goodbye."
Yeah, and you thought you had gotten away with it too.
Jungkook wasn't a bad kid; he was funny and didn't take things too seriously– even if those qualities about him were slightly frustrating. No, Jungkook was alright you supposed, but that didn't mean the two of you were suddenly best friends. You didn't care much for formalities, especially when all you wanted to do was go back to your dorm, shower, and take a nap.
"Oh, right. Sorry." You recognized, adjusting the strap of your bag over your shoulder.
Jungkook merely smiled at you, and you wondered if he was gonna say anything else. Realizing that he wasn't, you pressed your lips together awkwardly.
"Well... bye." You nodded stiffly, already moving to turn and make your exit. A warm hand wrapping around your wrist stopped you from getting any further, however.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
You stared down at where Jungkook's fingers touched your skin, your eyes wide in surprise. He must have noticed the way your body tensed because he let go of you as quickly as he grabbed you.
"I've, uh, actually got something I want to talk to you about." He grinned sheepishly, the same hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck.
You cleared your throat, pushing down the way your stomach was doing nervous flips, unfortunately, affected by the unexpected skinship. You tilted your chin up silently, urging Jungkook to continue.
"This is gonna sound sudden... and I know you don't really know me..." Jungkook began, causing your stomach to drop in horror.
Oh, God. Was... Was Jeon Jungkook going to ask you out?
"Spit it out, Jeon." You ordered, voice spiked high as your nerves began to rack.
"Would you mind dating me to make my girlfriend jealous?"
You blinked dryly, taking a moment to replay in your head just exactly what Jungkook had asked of you.
Okay... so not quite the love confession you were anticipating...
"Would I mind– What?" You gaped in disbelief.
"It wouldn't be for, like, too long. Probably just for a party or two." Jungkook shrugged as if anything he was saying was making any sense.
You shook your head, "Wait– Seriously, time out. What on earth are you asking me right now?"
Jungkook slipped both his hands into his jacket, which you had only just now taken a moment to admire. It was a brown leather bomber jacket with a few military patches sewn into the sleeves that you assumed must have come with the jacket as Jungkook didn't seem like the crafty type. Most of all, it looked warm and it reminded you that every second you stood here talking to Jungkook was a second you could be spending warm in your dorm under your covers.
"I was thinking about what you said. About showing my ex what she's missing." He explained.
"And you thought that was me auctioning myself off to be your fake girlfriend?" You laughed.
"Look, I know her, okay? If she were to think that you and I were a thing, she'd want to get back together."
You let out a sigh. This relationship of Jungkook's was revealing itself to be suckier and suckier as time went on.
"Why me?" You pressed. "I don't even know who your girlfriend is and I doubt she knows me. Is she in a sorority by chance?"
"Well, yeah–"
"Great! Get with one of her sorority sisters then. Give her a taste of her own medicine." You actually weren't usually one to promote revenge but, hell, if it meant it would get Jungkook off your ass then you were all for it.
"No can do. It's gotta be someone new and that Kiri doesn't know otherwise she won't care." Jungkook tutted.
"I'm not following." You admitted, truly not understanding why Jungkook was asking you of all people. You had only spent two hours with the guy. What about you in a lab coat and reeking of formaldehyde had told him that you were fake girlfriend material?
Jungkook suddenly took a look around and you followed suit, growing even more confused when Jungkook stepped closer and dropped his voice low.
"Kiri... she's president of her sorority; pretty, social, popular, you feel me? If I get someone like her then it just looks like I'm trying to replace her. But if I get–"
"If you say 'someone like you' as in implying I am neither of those things, I'll sock you in the nose." You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
"–someone smart and independent, things that she's not, then she'll think I'm trying to forget her, which is what will get her attention. She'll be pissed, it's perfect." The dark-haired boy concluded, looking smug as if he had said something profound.
"Wow, you really are prince charming." You mused dryly. "Well, sorry to burst your bubble but I have no interest in being used as a pawn in your love game so..."
"You wouldn't be a pawn." Jungkook shook his head. "You'd be rewarded for your services–"
"Isn't that prostitution?" You cut off cheekily, causing Jungkook to roll his eyes.
"–I can help you fund your event." He continued.
At his words, you froze. Your head cocked to the side cautiously as you stared back at him, trying to decipher his sincerity.
"You can?"
Finally. This was the first time Jungkook could tell he had actually piqued your interest enough to really listen to him.
"Beta Tau Sigma. Our frat gets a monetary grant every semester in exchange for helping out in the community and helping fund an event for education sure would make us look damn good. While I'm not on the finance committee, one of my closest brothers is and I can totally pitch hosting your event to him."
"Holy shit..." You breathed out quietly, his words clearly making an impression on you.
If Beta Tau Sigma were to sponsor your event, not only could you afford to throw it but there was a real chance that people would actually come. Greek life was everything to your university and there weren't many significant school events that a frat or sorority wasn't behind.
Hold on. Why were you seriously considering this right now?
"But, I mean, you don't want to get involved in my love life, right? It's cool. See you next class, Y/N."
Jungkook shrugged coolly, spinning on his heel as he began to walk away, dismissing you with a simple gesture of a hand.
Your mind was racing. You had poured so much time into planning this event... Could the solution to finally getting it standing on its own two feet be found in some cocky frat boy? Was your pride that dismissable that you'd pretend to date him just to get what you wanted?
"Jungkook!" Was your inner conflict's final decision.
The boy paused his motions, his knowing smirk hidden as he had his back towards you.
"Hm?" He feigned innocence as he turned to face you.
"If you can seriously get your frat to sponsor my event, then..."
You took a step towards him, words trailing off.
Jungkook took a moment to look you up and down. You were dressed in jeans and a black knit sweater, the outline of a small kitten embroidered on it with white thread. It was an amusing juxtaposition given the nature of your personality.
Your hands were clenched into small fists, a shining, determined gleam in your ardent eyes.
"Then?" He mused smugly.
"Then I'll be the most bitchin' fake girlfriend you've ever had." You declared, a wide grin crawling along the length of your mouth.
Jungkook said nothing at first, just staring at you in silent reverence. He knew he hardly knew you but something about the resolve in your tone had him believing every word.
He extended a hand out towards you, catching you by surprise.
"So, do we have a deal? Partners?" There was mischievous timber to his words, the kind that made you feel as if this would all later come back to bite you in the ass.
Pushing that pestering thought away, you took his hand into yours, holding his eyes as you gave it a firm shake.
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magicalsalamander · 5 years ago
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↦ Baekhyun
Bringer of Light @mint-yooxgi | MFA; Dragon shifter 
↦ Kyungsoo
Audiophile @8bityeol | MF; Audio porncaster (?)
Please @soonarios | MF; Blind Soo
Noise @underthejoon | MF; Supernatural-Telepath
↦ Suho
Clarity @mint-yooxgi | MFA; Dragon shifter
↦ Chanyeol
Monster @fairyscribbles | MFA; Werewolf
↦ Sehun
I Know @fairyscribbles | MFA; Werewolf 
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↦ Jungkook
Spellbound @jeonseok | MFA; Demon
Since Day One @gukgalore | MFA; Tattoo artist & Werewolf
Bunbun @jungkookienoona | MFA; Hybrid
Breaking and Entering @jungkookienoona | MFA; Police officer
Five Dates @kpopfanfictrash | MFA; CEO & childhood2l
Wanted @jincherie | MFA; Alien & Renegade
Symmetry @ddaenysus | MFA; Hogwarts & e2l
Bitchin’ @kinktae​ | MFA; e2l & Retro
Paralian @kpopfanfictrash​ | MFA; Pirates & Mermaid
↦ RM
Daddy Devil @dom-joonie | MF; Devil
Intro: Her @jamaisjoons | MFA; Single Dad & Veterinarian
Adoration @lovesickjoon | FA; Dragon shifter
Something in the Way @tayegi | MFA; Wolf & CEO
More Than Anything Else  @seokkgenie​ | MFA; CEO
↦ Jimin
Our Little Family @nightbts | MFA; Single Dad & Pre-school teacher
No Strings @kpopfanfictrash​ | MFA; f2l
Tentacledipity @jincherie​ | MFA; Alien
↦ Taehyung
Paper Cranes @aquaminwrites | MFA; Childhood2l
The Changing of Seasons @kittentaegu | MFA; Shifter
Little More Bite @lovesickjoon | MF; Hybrid
On the Significance of Names @wildernessuntothemselves | MFA; Witch & Werewolf
Bibliotheque @joonbird | MFA; e2l & Librarian
Tasty Tryst @dark-muse-iris​ | MFA; Strawberry Farmer
↦ Jin
Of the Sol @floralseokjin | MFA; Dragon
The Devil Wears Armani @floralseokjin | MFA; Devil
Pink Panther @gimmesumsuga​ | MFA; Hybrid & CEO
Seaside Sebatical @dark-muse-iris​ | MF; Fisherman & Accountant
Perfect @btssmutgalore​ | MFA; f2l
↦ Yoongi
Little Bit @hayjeon | FA; f2l & Police officer
Choices to Make @hayjeon |Hades & Persphone | e2l
Surround Me @miniflix | MFA; f2l
Felix Culpa @army-author | FA; Incubus & Fairy
Siren @foreverpark | M; Police Officer
Fallen Empire @junqkook | MFA; 100′s & arranged marriage
Dig Deep @johobi | MFA; Alien
↦ Hoseok
Tip 143 @minflix | MFA; Camboy/girl & f2l
Court of Curses @readyplayerhobi | MFA; Vampire & Witch 
My Soul to Reap @readyplayerhobi | MFA; Reaper & Harpy
Saudade @btsinned | MFA; Mermaid & Hogwarts
Heartbeat @joonbird | MFA; Gangster
Madeline @kpopfanfictrash​ | MFA; Arranged Marriage
Run Little Rabbit @readyplayerhobi​ | MFA; Hybrid
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 ↦ Mingyu
Forever in a Night @goldenscript | MFA; bestf2l 
↦ Woozi
Customer Satisfaction @writesaboutbangtan17 | MFA; sex shop worker & e2l
↦ Seungchol
It’s You @95boysbe | MFA; Werewolf & lovers2strangers (Blue Moon Series)
↦ Junhui
Bad Dog @gamerwoo | MFA; Werewolf & bestf2l
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↦ Shownu
Call On Me @miss-noo-na | MF; Demon
The Naked Truth @kittae​ | AF; Werewolf
↦ Kihyun
Comfort @gamerwoo | AF; Blind & Werewolf
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↦ Jackson
Angel @kpopfanfictrash | MFA; Nurse & Doc
↦ Mark
Ablaze @yehet-me-up​ | MFA; Soulmate
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Thank you to all the amazing authors for giving us these stories. We appreciate your effort and hard work. Please send all the love to the authors and let them know how much you also enjoyed their fics.
511 notes · View notes
themfchase · 5 years ago
Fic Recs.
Fanfics on this list are mostly Jungkook/Reader, rated M for Mature. The ones on this list are my favorites, and I have a deep love and care for them, so be nice to the author and give them a shoutout, a like and reblog! Have fun! Five Dates - Jungkook/Reader @kpopfanfictrash Word Count: 17,578k Parilian - Jungkook/Reader @kpopfanfictrash Word Count: 41,878k Mind In The Gutter - Jungkook/Reader @kpopfanfictrash Word Count: 18,074k Angel of Death - Jungkook/Reader @btssmutgalore Word Count: 16.9k Lowkey - Jungkook Reader @joonbird Word Count: 6.2k The stars, they cry for us - Jungkook/Reader @zienth Word Count: 1,308k The Turing Test - Jungkook/Reader @fortunexkookie Current Word Count: 67.3k Falling Skies - Jungkook/Reader @fortunexkookie Word Count: 50,055k The Sea and The Storm - Jungkook/Reader @jamaisjoons Word Count: 20k Gingerbread Man - Jungkook/Reader @btsracket Word Count: 7.8k Bitchin - Jungkook/Reader @kinktae Word Count: 4.8k The Suspenders - Jungkook/Reader @kpopfanfictrash Word Count: 2,048k   Sunny Side Up - Jungkook/Reader @jungkookiebus Word Count: 1.9k Rottenfolk - Jungkook/Reader @junqkook Word Count: 13,563k (everything Yara writes tbh) Void - OT7/Reader @btssavedmylifeblr Word Count: ???? Floods in a Flame - Jungkook/Reader @httpjeon​ Word Count: 7.1k Microwave (Mis)Adventures - Jungkook/Reader  @bymoonchild​ Word Count: 20k Written On The Sky - Jungkook/Reader @inktae​ Word Count: 22.293k Noise - Jungkook/Reader @jjkfire​  Word Count: ????  Wanted - Jungkook/Reader @jincherie​ Word Count: Completed.  Strike Three - Jungkook/Reader @avveh​ Word Count: 24.4k Room For Dessert - Jungkook/Reader @avveh Word Count: 40-50k-ish Aromatherapy - Jungkook/Reader @iq-biased Word Count: ????
267 notes · View notes
appreciatethefoolishness · 6 years ago
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Do you also laugh a little when you read a badboy!Jungkook fanfic and want some more realistic? Because we all know how humble and kind Jungkook really is, so I'm here to help you! (This is a list parted in two because of the links limit hih)
Jungkook = badboy 
Jungkook = an actually nice and lovely guy ❤️  
⌜(m) = smut, mature
 (f) = fluff, cute shit
 (a) = angst, sad stuff or action
 ✓ = finished
 ** = a favorite    
oneshot = story with only 1 part
series = story with more than 1 part    ⌟
sorted by word count, this is over 90 fics and yes, I know I have no life but I don’t see any problem with that lol
(By the way if you’re wondering why some of the summaries suck it’s because I wrote them due to that some authors don’t write synopses lol)
last updated: 27 May
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AND BY THE WAY thank you so much all the writers here for taking your time to write these amazing fics and publish them for our enjoyment! I’m so grateful to be able to read and love them and don’t let anyone tell you different because you all are REALLY good at writing, like damn. Thanks again and have a great Jungkook reading 💙❤️💜 💙💜💚💞💞💞💛💚🖤💜💛💙💜💙💜💚
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Animal (m) (a) ✓
[115.9k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 
“As a nursing student you struggled financially but when your best friend suggests a way for you to make some illegal money you can’t say no and that’s when you meet him; Jungkook, an underground fighter who you can’t stand but seems to stay on your mind nevertheless.”
THE WRITER > @cutaepatootie
For science (m) (f) (a) ✓ **
[95.9k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 
"Jungkook asks you to let him watch you get off. For science."
THE WRITER > @boymeetsweevil
Falling into you (m) (a) (f) ~ ongoing**
[94.2k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 
"Jungkook’s innocence is like a breath of fresh air in your wild life, and though you know you’re toxic for him, you just can’t seem to stay away."
THE WRITER > @kookingtae​
Charmolypi (f) (a) (m) ✓
[69.3k words] series pt.0 pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9
“Work and pleasure should never be combined — or so the saying goes. But you were never really one to follow the rules in their entirety and neither were the ones around you. Love, lust, interest. Five people. In the workplace. What could go wrong? Everyone just wants to get something, after all.”
THE WRITER > @njssi
The Turning Test (f) (m) (a)~ongoing**
[67.3k words] series masterlist
“’The Turing Test, developed by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.’ Jungkook fiddled with your hands in his, humming softly, as if deep in thought. You noted the way his eyebrows had furrowed, the sweet way his lips formed a pout, and wondered what could possibly be troubling him so much. What had he learned today? ‘Creator,’ he began, dragging his gaze up to meet your own, ‘you gave me a mind that thinks, hands that feel, and a heart that beats, but did you give me a soul?’“
THE WRITER > @fortunexkookie 
Bandslam (a) (m) (f) ✓
[59.6k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
“Cocky drummer Jeon Jungkook has never been the type to hate on anyone. But when his best friend Taehyung unexpectedly leaves the band and leaves you in his place, he can’t really blame himself when he acts with disdain towards you. Not even when there’s a prize at stake.“
THE WRITER > @ironicarmy​
Ego (f) (m) ~ ongoing **
[59.4k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6
“What’s a girl to do when her sweet, innocent baby lab partner isn’t quite so sweet and innocent? well, he’s a grown-ass man, and you’re about to learn that the hard way.”
THE WRITER > @suga-kookiemonster
Givenchy & gold (m) ✓
[59k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 
“You’re the supervisor of the clothing department with a lot of useless lingerie knowledge, Jungkook is the jewelry department’s defiant hot boy who flirts in wristwatch brands. basically an upscale retail au, but with lots of implied under-the-counter sex. and when an opportunity presents itself to fuck each other in the boss’s office after hours, you’re both too hot for each other to say no.”
THE WRITER > @prolixitae 
Wanted (f) (a) (m)  ✓**
[56k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 
“ You were a deserter, a renegade, a wanted “criminal”. It was never in your plans to crash land on that planet, and it most certainly wasn’t in your plans to fall in love with it’s handsome ruler.”
THE WRITER > @jincherie
One thing right (a) (f) (m) ✓**
[55k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9
“‘i’ve been wrong about a million times, but i’ve got one thing right.’
or, desperate to get your ailing mother into the best care possible, you ask your childhood friend turned enemy to marry you for his health insurance benefits. the only problem is it’s illegal. and he’s the sheriff. and you swore to hate him since the day he broke your best friend’s heart.”
THE WRITER > @hobios
(Y)our name (a) (f) (m) ~ ongoing**
[54k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5
“It's always been the two of you since you were little. People came and went in your lives and Jungkook didn't mind until you turn into grown-ups and he starts to mind a bit too much.“
THE WRITER > @jjkpls
True care (m) (f) (a) ~ ongoing **
[53.8k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7
“Your (endearingly) shy bodyguard- hired by your father- would do anything for you. Even though you roll your eyes at his persistence and pretend there’s no need for him to follow you to every and any place you go, there might be many more hazards in your life than you let on. And you might end up needing him in more ways than you- or your father- would ever think.”
THE WRITER > @joonsgalaxy
Moonlight melody (f) (a) ✓
[51k words] series pt.1 pt.2 
“When your loving best friend playfully pranks you one too many times, you decide that revenge is best served hot, over a period of thirty days, and with a little extra help from the best violinist you know (sorry jimin). or, the one where during your month-long vacation in italy with your youth orchestra, you realize that vengeance is sweet but fake dating jungkook is sweeter.”
THE WRITER > @gukyi
Falling Skies (a) (f) (m)✓ **
[50k words] series masterlist
Jeon Jiyeon was your childhood best friend; her brother, Jungkook, was something else entirely. Once upon a time, she had called you her sun and him her moon; it was fitting, given the constant push-and-pull between you two. You used to consider him a friend, but then he had gone from endearingly frustrating dumb boy to card-carrying fuckboy so fast it had given you whiplash. You often wondered how Jiyeon wasn’t bothered by his behavior. In fact, she often seemed to encourage it. What you failed to see was that she was just trying to show you how he reflected your light. Jiyeon had realized he was in love with you even before he did, but of course she knew. It was a twin thing. So despite the fighting and teasing, you always found yourself drawn back to him. You knew he was one of two constants in your life: the Jeon twins were - and had always been - your one indisputable truth. You were the sun, Jungkook was the moon, and Jiyeon was the sky holding you both up When she died, it ripped a black hole right through you.”
THE WRITER > @fortunexkookie
Bitchin’ (f) (m) (a) ✓
[49.5k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10
“The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.”
THE WRITER > @kinktae
Paralian (f) (a) (m) ✓**
[48.3k words] series pt.1 pt.2 
“Far away, under the sea exists the merfolk Kingdom of Venetus. Y/N is a warrior princess, sworn to protect the nation she loves. Each night she and her unit are tasked with patrolling the ocean, until one night they come across an unmarked ship. The ship carries a dangerous secret which tears Y/N’s ideals apart. In the midst of escaping said danger, Y/N is forced to rely upon a Prince. The Prince of Pirates, whose fate and Y/N’s seem inexplicably entwined. Whether their meeting will end in joy or heartbreak remains to be seen. (A -very- loose retelling of The Little Mermaid).”
THE WRITER > @kpopfanfictrash
Tantalizing (m) (a) ✓
[47.9k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8
“Back in high school, you were nothing more than a nerd Jungkook wanted to deflower, to get a good fuck from. When he sees you at the club, though, things have changed drastically, and his dominance starts to teeter on the edge.”
THE WRITER > @littlemisskookie
Equilibrium; Polyamory (m) (a)  ~ ongoing **
[47.7k words] series pt.0 pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10 pt.11 pt.12 pt.13 pt.14 
“Polyamorous relationships are not as glamorous as they appear in the movies. Granted, the sex is better- tangled limbs and wet kisses on every inch of skin imaginable, but not even the sex is worth the mind-numbing jealousy, the utter despair. Because equilateral triangles do not exist in real life. There is no sense of order in human affections. No balance, no equilibrium. You are in love with Jimin, who loves Jungkook. And Jungkook loves… Has he ever loved anyone but himself? On the outside, you smile widely and pretend that you’re perfectly content with this arrangement. But your façade crumbles, bit by bit, every time Jimin goes to Jungkook instead of you. You’re not sure how much more you can take.”
THE WRITER > @tayegi
Worth fighting for (f) (a) ~ongoing**
[43.7k words] series masterlist
“Fresh out of the perils of war, Jungkook didn't think that his task as the newly appointed general would be to look after you.”
THE WRITER > @joonsdiary​
The Monogamy Monologues (f) (m) (f) ✓
[42.7k words] oneshot here 
“ The year? Some point after college. The occasion? Namjoon is getting married and the Rich Man’s Crochet Club has convened once again. Somewhere between the drinks and the laughter, everyone has the same realization: Jungkook has never been in a serious relationship. In the name of all that is holy (Overwatch and booze), the club’s mission is revived. Now though, their goal is much more perilous. Now, they aim to find Jeon Jungkook a girlfriend.”
THE WRITER > @kpopfanfictrash 
The devil’s change up (m) (f) ✓ **
[41.3k words] oneshot here 
“Majoring in athletic training means you have mandatory observation hours to perform with every single sports team at your school throughout the year, and so far it’s been going pretty great. However, when regrets from your past cause your rotation with the baseball team to become a little rocky, there’s one star pitcher who says that he can make it all better.”
THE WRITER > @jungblue
Frost Impressions (f) (m) (a)  ✓ **
[41.3k words] oneshot here
“Jeongguk is so disgustingly smitten with his new coworker that he ends up making a terrible first impression, and neither of them realize they’ve actually been in love with each other for the better part of a decade. “
THE WRITER > @fortunexkookie
And action (f) (m) ✓ **
[41k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 
“Jungkook likes to film illegal stunts around the globe for his dedicated audience. because of you, his right-hand navigator, he gets to travel to beautiful places he’s only ever seen in textbooks. but in the wake of a mishap involving poisonous shrubbery, now’s a perfect time for him to confess his undying love for more than just videography. or, ‘I know you’re my best friend but I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day we met’ au.”
THE WRITER > @prolixitae
Baby, my baby (m) (f) (a) ✓
[39.6k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10
"Raise my child, just for twelve months."
THE WRITER > @pjimims
A well-oiled machine (f) (a) (m) ✓ **
[38.2k words] series pt.1 pt.2
"Your life takes a bit of a turn when you stumble upon an android in pieces, hidden in an alleyway in an area known for its shadows and debauchery. Taking him home to fix him might have been the best decision you’d ever made, but perhaps there was a little more to the android JK01-97 than you’d initially thought."
THE WRITER > @jincherie
The lionheart’s oath (f) (m) (a) ✓ **
[36.7k words] oneshot here
“There was no happy ending, no dragon slayer to save the kingdom and get the princess — there was only him: Jungkook. A simple orphan that was lucky enough to be invited into the castle, a former homeless thief that had found shelter in the form of an elysian heir. Now, after twelve years by your side, he was about to lose you to the world you sought to explore.”
THE WRITER > @sugaxjpg
Employee Perks (m) (a) (f)~ongoing
[34.6k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
“Sure, the employee perks at your job were bonuses, life insurance, sick leave, health benefits etc. etc., but the best employee perk of all was working with a man known as Jeon Jungkook.”
THE WRITER > @chiminiemoans
In Bloom/Lake of Fire (m) (a) (f) ✓
[33k words] pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
“One of the consequences of being a werewolf was the yearly heat that took place for three whole days, Jungkook had warned you not to come near him under that period of time for your own safety but your never-ending worry for him made you disobey his request.”
THE WRITER > @tayegi
New toy (m) (f) (a) ✓
[32.8k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
“Your new neighbor turns out to be the perfect toy for you.“
THE WRITER > @btsjeonjazz
Ramen (m) ~ongoing 
[32.8k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 
“‘It has certainly been quite the party,’ you began, taking a stroll around the table to give his friends time to ogle you. ‘But I'm here for someone else on his special day.’ The end of the riding crop snapped suggestively against your open palm and you felt excitement bloom around the large table. “Now, let me see if I can find out which of you is the birthday boy..." 
The charade of finding your fare was one of the oldest tricks in the book. After years of sex work, you knew that as soon as you said, ‘let me see,’ the eyes of the bystanders would point you in the right direction. And sure enough, as you pretended to identify your prey, the men’s line of sight fell on the far corner of the table. The choice of the corner was quite surprising, as you expected the shy wallflower of the group to sit there, not someone who was supposed to be the center of attention.”
THE WRITER > @dark-muse-iris
Gravity (a) (f) ✓
[29.2k words] oneshot here
“The universe works in mysterious ways.“
THE WRITER > @donewithjeon
Not quite strangers (f) (m) (a) ✓ **
[29k words] series pt.1 pt.2 
“There are two things that you very much hate in this world; first being woken up in the evening, second being woken up in the morning – and Jeon Jeongguk, the stranger a.k.a the guy who lives across your shitty apartment does just that, every single fucking time.”
THE WRITER > @seokwaves
Rigor Mortis (a) (f) (m) ✓ **
[28.5k words] oneshot here 
“A night out at a bar results in you going home with a young and attractive police officer. But if you think the night was something to remember, that’s nothing compared to waking up to find a zombie outbreak in the city. A chance encounter with Officer Jeon leads to him helping you escape from the plague infested city.”
THE WRITER > @readyplayerhobi
Something in the water (m) (f) ✓
[25.8k words] oneshot here
“Sleeping in is a foreign concept to Kim Taehyung and his awkward, mismatched gang of pals. This is made all the more apparent when they rock up at ____’s doorstep at the ass crack of dawn, as if it is a natural time for any college student to be awake. But when she is informed that it was the youngest of their group who insisted she join them on their spontaneous camping trip, she is suddenly not as reluctant to play along than when she was first awakened by her enigma of a best friend, slamming his fist against her front door.” 
THE WRITER > @vankoya
Roommates (m) ✓ **
[25.8k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 
“Letting your best friend’s baby brother live with you didn’t seem like a problem until well... you discovered how hot he had become.”
THE WRITER > @tayegi
Snow and Ice (m) (f) (a) ✓
[24.8k words] series pt.1 pt.2 
“ Three thousand athletes from 92 countries from the world meet every four years to show off what they have, the pride of their countries and families weighing down their perfectly sculpted shoulders. This year’s winter Olympics holds something a lot more interesting.”
THE WRITER > @hayjeon
Ace (m) (f) (a) ✓ **
[24k] oneshot here 
“Jungkook only cares about three things: Baseball, painting and his team, but soon he’s adding you to that list when love comes flying at him fast and hard, knocking him right on his ass.”
THE WRITER > @hijoonie
New romantics (f) (a) ✓**
[24k words] oneshot here
“Jeon Jungkook will go down in history as one of the best Quidditch players that ever graced the Hogwarts scene. It seems like he always gets what he wants—his life is very predictable in that sense. What he cannot predict, however, is the newest weekend employee wiping down the tables at the Three Broomsticks.”
THE WRITER > @cupofteaguk
Save Me (m) (a) ✓
[24k words] series pt.1 pt.2
“Jungkook’s a vampire who has an interest in you and you have feelings for him, but he sleeps around with other human girls as well and when you start to get tired of it you cut off communication with him and avoid him so he tries to get you back through sweet gestures and staying with you instead of going around.”
THE WRITER > @baeseoul
Catharsis. (m) (f) ✓
[23.5k words] oneshot here
“No matter what kind of release you need, he’s there.”
THE WRITER > @junghelioseok
Swipe right (f) (a) (m) ~ ongoing
[23k words] series pt.1 pt.2 
“Jungkook wasn’t always like this. Or maybe he was and you don’t want to admit that he had you fooled. You quickly discover he has a lot more to offer than exchanging pleasantries and awkward small talk. In fact, he never seems to shut up.For the better part of a year, he’s held your irritation hostage, never passing up an opportunity to deliver savage one-liners at your expense. When he discovers you’re on Tinder, he turns up the brattiness factor and intentionally seeks you out. Who knows? Maybe if you gave him a chance he could charm the pants right off of you. Then again, maybe he’s just a fuckboy.“
THE WRITER > @stutterfly
Hot confusion (m) ~ ongoing
[22.9k words] series (on AO3) here 
“Jungkook thought his body had already matured, turns out he's a late bloomer and goes through puberty hell when he turns 16. And it doesn't end until he's 19, the worse part is that all along the ride he can't stop the constant sexual arousal he gets around his best female friend, Y/N.While he's confused whether it's her just her body that turns him on, or also her personality, he can't help but feel jealous when other boys start to take interest in her. All he knows is that he wishes he'd stop having wet dreams at 4 AM about Y/N, he's running out of excuses to his mom to why he needs to do the laundry.“
THE WRITER > @partyjunkie 
Blue orchids (a) (f) ✓
[22.6k words] series pt.1 pt.2
“Hanahaki & soulmate au.”
THE WRITER > @inktae
If I told you (f) (a) ✓ **
[22k words] oneshot here 
“In order to pay for university, jeon jungkook decides to market his most valuable asset to the wealthy socialites of campus: himself. donning a suit and tie, tousled hair, and glasses (to look smarter), he becomes every rich daughter’s dream: the perfect boyfriend to bring to balls, dinners, and business gatherings. all while you watch from the sidelines, only able to dream of having that much money to buy yourself what you really want: him.”
THE WRITER > @gukyi​
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➔PART 2 
(Disclaimer; if you ever find a badboy!jungkook fic here it means he wasn’t a total asshole in it and I didn’t mind his character lol)
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olderthannetfic · 5 years ago
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37 Days Till Escapade!
There’s still time to make it to this year’s con. It’s going to be a good one!
Due South was a staple of late 90s slash fandom and predictably popular at Escapade. It was a fun buddy cop show about a mountie and two different Chicago cops named “Ray”, Ray K and Ray V, or as I like to think of them:
The Cute One and The One Who Can Act
I kid! I kid!
The series started out by teaming Fraser up with Ray Vecchio, salt of the earth local Chicago cop with the stereotypical big Italian family and a sadly prescient surname. After two seasons, the show got canceled. Fans went nuts trying to get it renewed. For once, their beloved show actually came back!
But as often happens in these situations, some of the actors had already moved on. Ray V’s actor left the show and was replaced by “Ray” K for reasons too stupid to need exploring at this or any other juncture.
(Okay, look, he’s undercover as Ray V so Ray V can go undercover with the mob. They look nothing alike. Ray V’s family has to play along with this. Like I said, it’s absurd.)
Incidentally, if you see fans using some version of “For reasons that do not need exploring at this juncture”, that’s a Due South reference.
Fraser/Ray V already had a following amongst slash fans of the later zine era, but Ray K hit just at the right time. It was 1997: the public was getting online, and fandom was expanding rapidly. Free mailing lists and online fic archives were possible on a scale they never had been before. And Callum Keith Rennie is awfully pretty, isn’t he?
I think you can guess what happened next.
Overnight, the new juggernaut with The Pretty One dwarfed the old ship. The show changed tones somewhat, and later viewers who were pimped in through the new ship didn’t always even bother to watch the first two seasons. Remarks were made about the shipability of the balding one. Fans who felt like their efforts to save the show were what eventually got it renewed felt betrayed both by canon and by fandom.
Massive butthurt ensued.
So virulent were The Ray Wars that there are places on LJ/DW where to this day you cannot talk about Due South without instantly restarting the fight. If there was one silver lining it was the many snarky Livejournal icons proclaiming: “I swing both Rays”.
I’m bi and I like terrible dad jokes. I am required to love that.
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Sample lulz from isis, though made by lozenger8. I know like 50 of you had these damn icons, but it’s probably been 15 years since I actually saw one used.
Escapade Due South panels include:
1996: Perfectly happy couple, or the world's most dysfunctional relationship? And where does the wolf fit in?
1998: Is 3rd Season an AU? (Get that strange man's hand off my Mountie! Is Due South like M*A*S*H* - strong and secure enough to survive the loss of a major character? Or will Fraser wake up and find Ray Vecchio in the shower, and the third season just a dream?)
1999: Can this Fandom Survive with Two Rays? (No matter what you say, they're both good for Benny. And bad for him. Is there room in Benny's universe for two loves? Maybe neither of them is right for him. Turnbull, anyone? )
2000: Season 3/4 (Fraser/Kolwalski: who's really in charge here? Who's needier?)
2002: Swingin' both Rays (Fraser cares for both of them, so why can't we? Is it possible to accept all seasons as canon? Is it necessary, or desirable, to go beyond OTP in order to embrace all the wonderful characters Due South offers?)
2003: Small Fandom or Monster in the Closet by Alice in Stonyland, Sharon Marais (This panel will discuss both viewpoints; audience is encouraged to share their stories and opinions.)
2014: Due South Retrospective (Let's stage a dramatic historical reenactment of the Ray Wars for the benefit of those who missed it the first time around! Or we could skip that part and just talk about how awesome Benton Fraser is.)
2017: due South: For Reasons That Continue To Need Exploring At This Juncture (Whether long-time fen or new to this fandom, an opportunity to give and get fanworks recs, share links to social media due South community sites, display show-and-tell due South memorabilia, squee about canon and about fanon. May also include topics that are Canadian Six Degrees (AKA Six Degrees of due South).)
2018: Do Slash (Rey Fraser/RayV? Fraser/RayK? Ray/Ray? Fraser/Ray/Ray? Red ships, green ships, other dS ships? Let's show the love for any of them! Share fanworks recs! Reminisce about how we first found dS slash! Discuss dS slash zines (plus some announcements about NEW dS slash zines).)
Personally, I’ve seen exactly three episodes of Due South: The first one, the first one with Ray K that’s a huge callback to that, and the one where Fraser fakes his death. (What? A girl has needs, okay?)
As pretty much a bystander, I gotta say... wow, the potential between the Rays is so interesting.
Here’s Ray V off on this deep cover mission for ages and ages while Ray K is pretending to be him and hanging out with his family and his old partner. Imagine the loneliness and insecurity of knowing you’ve been replaced at home. Imagine the mindfuck of stepping into some other guy’s life and feeling like a fraud. Ray K ends the series riding off into the sunset with Fraser... while Ray V marries Ray K’s ex wife. Whut?
It is no surprise then that my very favorite Due South vid--and it has a lot of competition because this fandom is known for vidding--is Phoenix by Scribe. It’s a constructed reality of Vecchio’s time undercover. (Helpful of that actor to have been in like 800 mafia canons!) I saw this at Bitchin’ Party a number of years ago and was blown away.
Phoenix on AO3
Due South has tons of great fic, making it another great older fandom to check out. The big archive was the Due South Archive, but like so many other great slash archives of ages past, it now resides conveniently on AO3.
I suppose Due South must have had a het arm of the fandom at some point, but if so, I sure don’t know where it hung out. Fanfiction.net has like 800 stories, as compared to AO3′s 12,580.
Due South on Fanlore
Due South on AO3
Countdown to Ray Wars 3.0:
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blackmissfrizzle · 6 years ago
Spring Break
Title: Spring Break
Pairing: Dean X Black!Reader, Sam, Bobby, Rufus, Trent (OMC)
Word Count: 2,082
Summary: Reader gets caught by her dad on a solo hunting trip when she should be in school ( college) instead
Warnings: Colorism, cheating, cussing
A/N: Finally got something out after having writer’s block. I’ve been wanting to do a fic with Rufus, but it wasn’t coming along in my head. Again, this fic is for all my black girls who love Supernatural but don’t get a chance to see themselves in the show or in fanfic.
What a shame, at this time you were supposed to be knee deep in sun, sand, and margaritas at South Padre Island, not knee deep in vampire blood and guts. But you can thank your cheating ass ex-boyfriend Trent for your change in spring break vacation plans. You just chopped off the last vamp’s head when you heard rumblings of a car. You were confident that you killed all the vamps, but just to be careful you did your best to hide your thick and curvy frame between two columns in the warehouse.
“What the hell? Who did our job?” one voice curiously asked.
The next voice, which was deep and low confirmed your guess on who the duo was, “Dude, who cares? Less work for us to do, but they at least could have cleaned up their mess.” Being familiar with their banter, you knew your two new guests were, Sam and Dean Winchester, your two favorite hunters, after your dad and Uncle Bobby. Finally, deciding to reveal yourself to the boys, you conjured up your best Crowley impersonation and emerged from the shadows, “Hello boys.”
“Y/N, what are you doing here? And by the way your British accent sucks ass,” the eldest Winchester said. Sticking up your middle finger and a mocking laugh, “Hardy, har, har. And by the way you’re the ugly Winchester.” Sam couldn’t help letting out a small chuckle while, Dean put his hands over his heart in mock offense, “Ouch, that hurts.” “Mmm, I’m pretty sure you been through much worse.” Looking up to ceiling in deep thought and finally making his way towards you for a hug, Dean replied “Yeah, you’re right.”
After hugging Dean, you went to Sam for a hug, “Hey Sam.” “Hey, Y/N. What are you doing hunting, shouldn’t you be in school?” Nonchalantly shrugging your shoulders, “Its spring break.” It was the eldest Winchester turn to speak, “Well, you sure don’t know how to spend spring break. Shouldn’t you be getting wasted and making questionable decisions, not hacking up vampires?” You were about to give a witty retort when you heard a third person enter the warehouse, “What the hell are you idjits up to? We don’t have all night.”
You smacked the two brothers across their shoulders, “You didn’t tell me Uncle Bobby was here!” Dean tried grabbing your attention, “Y/N, wait, There’s something you should-“But you didn’t give Dean a chance to finish, as you were making your way to greet Bobby. Unfortunately, you should have waited, because you weren’t expecting Bobby to be accompanied by the only person in the world you didn’t want to see right now. Giving the new duo a small finger wave, you greeted them “Hey Uncle Bobby. Hey Daddy.”
“Y/N Y/M/N Turner, what the hell are you doing here!?” You were racking your brain for a believable excuse, but you were interrupted by your dad before you could come up with one, “Nevermind. I’ll here it when we to get to the motel. Get your stuff little girl and follow me and Bobby,” then he pointed to Sam and Dean, “You two, clean up this mess, then meet back up with us.” Bobby and your dad turned on their heels making their way out of the building, and you followed behind them with your head down like a scolded child. As you made your way through the door you heard Dean complain, “How the hell we get stuck cleaning up her mess?”
“But, daddy-“
“I have a really good reas-“
“Aw hell, Rufus. Let the girl explain herself before you go about your bitchin’ and moaning.” “Go to hell Bobby.” Rufus raised his hand toward you, “Go ahead and explain how my lovely, beautiful, and smart daughter ended up making a dumbass decision to hunt a vampire nest alone and not being boggled down with school work.”
Dean and Sam had just entered the motel room when you were about to answer, “Its spring break,” Dean answered matter-of-factly. Your dad gave Dean his signature scowl, “Thanks smartass! But I was asking my daughter.”
Nervously scratching the back of your neck, you muttered out quickly, “Um, Trent may have most definitely cheated on me with his TA, which ruined my whole plan for spring break in South Padre. And I wasn’t gonna sit around moping after a sorry ass nigga.” There was uncomfortable silence in the room until your dad finally broke it, “I’m gonna kill him. I’m gonna kill him nice and slow.” “Me too,” the rest of the men exclaimed.
Rising from your seat on the bed, you went to calm down the group, “Wait a minute guys. Its not that serious, and I handled it by the way. Trent has not one but two black eyes and some broken ribs, that he has to explain as a result of a horrible mugging instead of a beat down from his ex.”
“That’s my girl,” you dad and Uncle Bobby said in unison with admiration. But that didn’t get you off the hook. “That still doesn’t explain why you went hunting alone. You’re about to graduate in two more months Y/N, why risk it?” Gone was your usually surly and sarcastic dad and he was replaced with the sweet and worried dad that only you had the privilege of seeing. Sighing, you looked up to your dad, “Daddy, its practice, its to keep my skills sharp. Right now, I’m being recruited by the alphabet boys. Don’t you think if I can take down a monster with little to no problems, then fighting some human psychopath or terrorist should be a piece of cake?”
Sam interjected, “Rufus, she does have a point.”
“I know, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. Why the hell you interested in being a fed anyway? Why couldn’t you go to school to be a lawyer like your momma?” Smiling to yourself, you remembered your dad saying the same thing when you told him your career plans to be a federal agent. He couldn’t understand why you would choose a job so similar to hunting, but you told him like you told him before, “What’s the point of hunting, if there’s no world to save?” Rufus chuckled, “Damn it, little girl. You’re good. Next time just call for backup and save me from adding a couple more of gray hairs. I’m too damn handsome for that bullshit.” This time it was your turn to chuckle, “Yes sir.”
After a couple beers and greasy burgers, you left the quartet of men inside the motel room to have some alone time, because being the only woman in a group of men could get tiring and you needed the break. Thankfully, it was a beautiful night; the sky was clear with the moon and the stars shining brilliantly, and it was the perfect temperature: not too cold but not too warm, with a slight breeze.
Sipping on a beer and leaning against your car, you thought of Trent’s last words to you before you put the beat down on him, “You’re just not the marrying type Y/N. What man wants to marry a woman who gets into bar fights, curses too much, is a little on the heavy side, and refuses to put a relaxer in their hair. And let’s face it, if we had babies together, they be a little too dark for my taste.” That what was really pushed you over the edge. You weren’t mad about the cheating; you were pretty sure you loved the idea of Trent, but you weren’t head over heels in love. He didn’t catch your attention like a certain hunter, who appeared at your dad’s door three years ago. It was the unfavorably comments on your blackness that made you give him two black eyes and some broken ribs.
You were pissed at yourself that you didn’t notice his self-hate and anti-blackness at the beginning of your relationship. He would always comment on how he really enjoyed when you had straight weave, or suggesting a salad instead of a burger, or always planning indoor activities when he knew you loved being outside. It was all clicking together when suddenly you were being interrupted by Dean snapping in your face, “Y/N. Hey, Y/N are you okay?”
Blinking rapidly, you replied hazily, “Huh? Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Mmmhmmm. Now tell me the real reason why you broke up with that jackass. I know cheating doesn’t result in two black eyes and broken ribs. Maybe one black eye and a messed-up car, but not all that extra stuff.”
“Promise you won’t tell my dad?” “Scouts honor!” You punched Dean in the shoulder, “You weren’t in the boy scouts” Nodding his head, “It’s true, but I promise your secret is safe with me.” Deciding to trust Dean with the truth you told him what Trent said. When you finished telling Dean, you could feel the anger vibrating around him, he had both hands in clenched fists by his sides. Dean growled, “I’m gonna do worse than give him a couple of black eyes and broken ribs. What the hell is wrong with him, you’re perfect.” Dean’s last comment caught you off guard. Did your secret crush just call you perfect?
“Perfect? I mean damn, I’m a Turner so awesomeness is guaranteed, but perfect seems a little far-fetched.” Dean turned you to face him, “Yes, perfect. Any woman who can match me drink for drink, kick my ass, and speak five different languages is perfect.” Holding up both hands, you corrected Dean, “Ten. I speak ten different languages.” Dean gave a thousand watt smile and help up his hands in mock surrender, “I’m sorry. Ten different languages.”
“I should’ve known better. The signs were all there. I paid attention to all the signs with you, I don’t know why I didn’t with Trent,” you muttered to yourself, but Dean heard. “What did you mean by the signs with me?” Rolling your eyes, “C’mon, Dean. You don’t date girls that look like me. You date the girls with ivory skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes.”
“You were wearing a yellow dress, that just made your skin glow. I for sure thought you were some sort of goddess and I was scared that I was gonna have to gank you,” Dean rambled.
“Huh? Dean what the hell are you talking about?”
“That was what you were wearing three years ago when I showed up at Rufus’s door with that bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label, asking about Bela. Sweetheart, from that moment on I noticed everything about you. So, don’t ever in your life say, I don’t date girls that look like you,” At this point, Dean had your heart pumping a million beats per minute. He continued by grabbing your chin to look at him and dropped his voice even lower, “Because Rufus won’t be the only one you call daddy.”
Suddenly your throat was dry as the Sahara and your pussy was wet as Niagara Falls. Feeling bold from Dean’s words you inched your mouth closer to his, until you were close enough to feel his breath on your lips. Dean was closing the gap when an unexpected guest decided to make an appearance. “Oh hell no! Dean Winchester get your nasty ass hands off my baby girl,” your dad ordered while he stormed towards you and Dean. Dean reluctantly but hurriedly let go of you, so he could avoid the wrath of your father.
As you felt Dean’s hands leave your body, you felt you dad’s instead, and they were steering you toward your motel room. Pointing a finger at you, your dad ordered, “You stay here. Ya hear me?” You playfully rolling your eyes with a smirk, “Yes sir.” Rufus’s voice got stern, “I mean it, Y/N.” “I promise I will listen. Good night, daddy.” But you weren’t only saying good night to your dad, as you stood up on your tippy toes and placed a kiss on your dad’s cheek and gave him a hug, you made sure you were looking at Dean when you said daddy. He gave you a wink and smirk that were full of promises as he mouthed ‘Good night, sweetheart’ as he entered his shared room with Sam.
Once you got your dad to his room and you were laying in bed, you thought to yourself: maybe hunting during Spring Break wasn’t so bad after all.
Tagging those who liked a couple of my past fics: @meishaabae @dannixchristian @cosmicmelaninflower @lastaciontricia @asprinkleofweird @mml232 @aliceinchristmasland @xy-zero @1000roughdrafts @httpchxcxlateapple @hisxblackxqueen @eidetic-spencerreid @blacknthemix
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monsterleadmehome · 6 years ago
Monsterleadmehome 2018 Works Masterpost
Well, this is overdue, but I wrote ~200k words in 2018, so here’s a handy masterpost of my my fics! 
Reylo Fics:
Midnight in the Resistance Base - Rated T. My first Reylo one-shot! This was a scene I just couldn’t get out of my head after seeing TLJ. Leia discovers the Force bond between Rey and Ben.
Dawn of the Rebellion - Rated T. taking place immediately after Midnight, this was my first multi-chapter. Basically my wishlist for IX.
Chariot - Rated E. My first attempt at the smutty one-shot! Title is from a song that had little to do with what actually happens in the fic, but I was drunk when I wrote it so it made sense at the time. Modern AU. Ben and Rey meet at Dr. Anakin Skywalker’s memorial.
Training Day - Rated E. Canonverse. One-shot. Ben and Rey are good at sparring, not so much at sex. But all that is about to change...
Code 288 - Rated E. One-shot. Detectives Ben Solo and Rey Johnson have been partners for the last five years. Now he's going to another precinct to take over as Captain. He asks her for help saying goodbye with a romp in the interrogation room.
Careless Whisper - Rated E. One-shot. 80′s AU. Rey doesn't know why she lets her college roommate Rose talk her into going out, but she does. She should be studying, but instead she is at the bitchin' new club everyone is talking about. Then a stranger in a Duran Duran shirt catches her eye and suddenly it's not a wasted evening.
Truth Be Told - Rated M. Multi-chapter. Unfinished (but hoping to start back on this one soon!) Alias AU. Rey is an agent with SD-6, a secret branch of the CIA. But a chance encounter with the mysterious agent Kylo Ren could send everything she knows crashing to the ground. Could she be working for the very enemy she thought she was fighting?
Spicy Dreams - Rated E. One-shot. Probably one of the dirtiest things I’ve written. It’s Breylo tentacle, ya’ll. What happens when Rey eats a burrito then takes a nap.
America’s Asshole - Rated E. One-shot. Ben Solo is a critically acclaimed (but widely despised) movie star. Dubbed "America's Asshole" by the press, he has recently finished a stint in an anger management facility after punching his last agent in the face.Rey Niima is a top talent agent and is outraged to find out she has been assigned to be Ben Solo's newest victim. When they start to work together the sparks will fly (in more ways than one).
let’s be human (while we still remember how) - Rated E. 2 chapters. Complete. Canonverse. Kylo Ren has defected to the Resistance and will only speak to Rey of Jakku, much to General Poe Dameron's chagrin. Can Rey get the information from him that she needs for to turn the tide of the war? And what is she supposed to do with all these feelings that Ben Solo has stirred in her soul?
caelum et infernum - Rated E. 10 chapters. Complete. A/B/O. Supernatural AU. Kylo Ren is a hunter. You name it, he hunts it: demons, vampires, ghosts, werewolves, etc. His alpha designation makes him exceptionally good at it. Scarce in today’s mostly beta society, alphas are treated as outcasts, making his life on the road lonely. That is until he meets Rey Johnson, a prophet who sees visions of the future. She also happens to be a rare omega. Once he saves her life, she must join him on the run as they are caught up in a battle between Heaven, Hell and their inexorable pull to each other.
Whiskey & Superstition - Rated E. 6 chapters. Complete. Reylogan AU. Rey Johnson is a junior agent in the FBI, trying to prove her mettle. So when Special Agent Sarah Grayson sends her on a secret mission to Boone County, West Virginia to scope out the Logan family, she readily accepts. Only the mission may not be all it seems, and Rey certainly didn't expect to fall hard for the bartender with a heart of gold, Clyde.
Walk This Way - Rated E. 3 chapters. Complete. Modern AU. Rey Johnson is the lone female on a crew of construction workers renovating a building in the NYC neighborhood of SoHo. She hates the way her teammates ogle and catcall women. One day, a handsome passerby catches her eye and she develops a staring problem. Her foreman, Poe Dameron, notices and decides to help her out. Ben Solo works for a publishing company in the heart of SoHo. He's made a comfortable, quiet life for himself. Then a pretty construction worker shows up on the stoop by his work and suddenly he's got a new morning routine. The last thing he expected is for her to actually be interested in him.
pools of sorrow, waves of joy - various ratings. 35 chapters. A collection of Reylo song prompts.
Aim True - Rated E. One-shot. Robin Hood AU. The masked bandit Kylo Ren has been robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, much to Sheriff Hux's chagrin. There is a sizable reward out for his capture. However, when another masked thief crosses his path, he is presented with an interesting choice.
Reylo Monster Week (One-shots)
Catacombs - Rated E. Vampires.
Howl - Rated E. Werewolves.
Don’t Fear the Reaper - Rated M. Demons & Angels.
Out of the Ashes - Rated E. Mythological Beings.
The Great Lake - Rated E. Sea Creatures.
Torchlight - Rated M. Naga.
Boys & Ghouls - Rated E. Free Choice (Bigfoot)
Tryptophan and Seratonin - Rated E. 2 chapters. Complete. Ben Solo hates Thanksgiving at his family's house. However, this year, his mother has invited a special guest - Rey Abrams, the girl he's been crushing on at work. When Ben consumes too much turkey, he falls asleep on the couch and has a rather vivid dream about Rey. Will he be able to hold his composure and finally ask her out?
Category 4 - Rated E. 3 chapters. Complete. Ben Solo goes home for his parents' anniversary party. Little does he know they invited the girl he had a major crush on two summers ago. Or that they're about to be stranded together in the midst of a hurricane.
Mind if I Move in Closer? - Rated E. One-shot. It's Christmas Eve and Rey has left her shopping till the last minute. Fortunately, she runs into a fellow last minute shopper and they decide to get a bite to eat at one of the only places still open...
The Echoes They Left Behind - This originally published in the Reylo Charity Anthology so I’m counting it for 2018. Rated E. 7 chapters. WIP. In present day Takodana, upstate New York, Rey Johnson is the caretaker of the abandoned Takodana Sanatorium, a facility that used to be an asylum for the criminally insane as well as a tuberculosis ward during the epidemic. Ben Solo has been sent by First Order publications to do an article on the old asylum before it is torn down. In that same sanatorium, in the 1940s, Kira Kenobi is an idealistic nurse whose world is upended by the arrival of the dark, mysterious patient Kylo Ren. As the past and the present collide, can Rey find out the secrets the spirits of the asylum want her to know before the wrecking ball destroys it all?
The Stairwell - Rated M. One-shot. Ben Solo has worked with Rey Johnson for the past two years. And he's been in love with her the whole time. He just needs to work up the courage to tell her... unless she beats him to it.
All At Once - Rated E. One-shot. Canonverse. The First Order has taken over the planet Neftali in the Soccoro system. Every year, the town of Cordel Cove hosts a winter carnival that culminates in a masquerade ball. The presence of one Supreme Leader has been requested. The Resistance has come to Neftali to strike a deal with a shady organization, using the carnival as a distraction. They send Rey to the masquerade to keep an eye on things. After one too many drinks, the masked man all in black catches her eye and asks for a dance. But what will happen when the masks come off?
Dramione Fics:
Marked - Rated E. One-shot. A/B/O. Hermione Granger's heat wasn't supposed to start for another two weeks. But that was before the intoxicating scent of an unknown alpha triggered it as they passed in the atrium. Can she make it through the rest of the day before starting her leave? And who is the mysterious alpha who smells like her perfect mate?
A Fantastic Assignment. Rated E. Projected 4 chapters. WIP. Fresh off a win from the passing of Dobby's Law, Hermione Granger is given a new assignment for her job in the Department for the Regulation and Care of Magical Creatures: track down a missing selkie that has been kidnapped from the care of Rolf Scamander. When reports of the selkie being taken to New York City show up, the ministry assigns an Auror to accompany her to the US: Draco Malfoy. Can the two of them work together in order to capture the thief and bring the selkie safely back to Britain?
Stay tuned--I’ve got more Reylo and Dramione planned for 2019!
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kinktae · 6 years ago
bitchin’ || pt. 2 (M)
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The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.
pairing: fratboy!jungkook x reader
word count: 4.4k
genre: 1980s au, eventual smut, e2l
warnings: multiple smut scenes, science talk, banter, jealousy, alcohol & LOTS of colorful 80s slang lmao
A/N: Bitchin’ is a multichapter fic, surprise!! This fic was inspired by To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. Thank you to @junqkook for letting me use her likeness and helping me with Yara’s character overall. Hope you appreciate the easter egg based on her!
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
The eyes belonging to the girl in question, flashed your way, widening in alarm.
"Oh, yikes." Was her automatic response, her bag of cool ranch Doritos falling onto her lap.
You were angry, that much was evident to her. Yara was sat in your shared dorm's living room, a thick blanket engulfing her small frame. You briefly glanced towards the TV, it was tuned into MTV, the familiar music video of Every Breath You Take by The Police playing, before directing your glare back onto the copper-haired girl.
"Before you say anything," Yara began, swallowing down whatever remaining food was in her mouth, "you should know they were having a rerun of the VMAs – which I missed last night – at the same time as the lab."
"You left me alone! You said you would go to the lab yesterday!" You griped, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Yes, yes that is true but I would also like to point out the fact that Madonna performed, so it wasn't like I even had a choice when you really think about it." She countered, tone pitching comically.
"You absolutely had a choice!" You laughed, shaking your head.
"Mm... I could argue that it is a subjective opinion."
You walked over to your best friend, sighing as you slumped down beside her, placing your backpack onto the floor.
You offered Yara a sideways glance.
"Did Duran Duran at least win something?" You asked begrudgingly.
"Nothing. They were robbed!" She squinted, shaking a fist in the air angrily.
A small chuckle escaped you despite yourself.
"You really should have gone to the lab, you know." You reasoned, reaching into the bag of chips.
"And smell like frog insides for the rest of the day? Grody to the max." She responded, before flashing you a look. "No offense."
"None taken." You grumbled, her observation fully noted though.
"Besides the makeup lab is next week. What could I have possibly missed this class?" Yara dismissed you absentmindedly, turning back towards the television as she reached for another chip.
"Well." You chuckled nervously. "For one, I have a boyfriend now."
At your words, Yara froze, a chip still in her hand as she paused mid-bite.
"You what?!" She all but shrieked, causing you to jump.
"Who? How? When? Tell me everything!" Her hands found your shoulders, shaking you slightly. You shoved her off with a laugh.
"Uh, well, his name is Jungkook–"
"The Jeon Jungkook?! From our lab?" Yara interrupted, eyes wide and shining with interest.
"Um... yes?" You responded cautiously.
Yara let out a scoff, leaning back further into the couch.
"Unbelievable. I leave you alone for one day and you get a boyfriend! And a fine one at that. This is so bogus."
"Mine and Jungkook's whole relationship is bogus, Yara." You rolled your eyes.
At your words, your best friend raised an eyebrow and you took that as an invitation to continue speaking.
"I'm only pretending to date him to make his ex-girlfriend jealous."
A sharp laugh from Yara caused you to pause, watching the way her amusement was short-lived, her smile fell as she took in your serious expression.
"Oh, you're serious." She deadpanned.
You nodded, "When you didn't show up Jungkook ended up being my partner and... well, I'm still not sure how it happened but he basically offered to fund my STEM event in exchange for helping him making his girlfriend jealous."
"They are the weirdest couple." You breathed out, shoving another chip in your mouth.
"Wait... he's gonna fund your event?! Y/N, you've been planning that thing since we got to university!"
A smile found your face, your excitement once again seeing you.
"I know! I wouldn't usually get involved in someone's love life like this but was too good of an opportunity to turn down."
"Man, I'm so happy for you! Still kind of disappointed but happy nonetheless." Yara smiled, causing you to frown.
"Disappointed? Why are you disappointed?" You pressed.
Yara clicked her tongue at you, looking at you as if the reason should be obvious.
"What do you mean why am I disappointed? Here I was ecstatic to hear that my best friend has gotten a boyfriend only to find that it's got a contract behind it!"
You giggled, nudging your knee into hers. "Think of this as a smart business venture I'm embarking on."
Yara stared at you for a moment, something clearly weighing on her mind as her lips fell into a subtle pout.
"What?" You mused.
She fluttered her eyelashes, "Does this mean you aren't going to fuck him?"
Your eyes widened in disbelief.
"Yara!" You gaped.
"Because, if you want to get technical, you kind of have to so I can live vicariously through you. It's girl code." She continued, reaching over and popping another chip into her mouth.
You frowned. "That is gross and also not a thing."
"I'm serious, I'm not accepting anything less than, like, third base." Yara pressed with a wag of a finger.
"Why don't you worry about your own sexual escapades instead of worrying about mine." You paused before continuing. "Which won't be happening, for your information."
The snacking girl let out a deep groan, throwing her blanket off of her as she stood up, taking the bag of chips with her much to your dismay.
"Well, it's not my fault I'm not getting any, okay! So do us both a favor and freak his shit." She called out, walking over to the kitchen.
"Can you stop emphasizing your lack of dick for one second?" You chuckled. "If you're that desperate for dick go back to Eunwoo."
Eunwoo was a boy Yara messed around with last semester. The relationship was short-lived, Yara quick to cut things off as soon as she realized Eunwoo was looking for something more than just a brief fling. Because ironically, despite how Yara crowed about being lonely, there was nothing that sent that girl running faster than actual feelings.
"Sweetie, I'm desperate for good dick." Yara scoffed, having had emerged back into the room, her auburn hair now let down, her trusty scrunchy back around her wrist.
"Was Eunwoo really that bad in bed?" You wondered, eyeing your best friend curiously as she moved to turn off the TV that had gone neglected the moment you stepped into the room.
Yara shrugged. "No, he was fine."
An enthusiastic pound against the poor television box rang out, the soft side of Yara's fist having had slammed down dramatically.
"I don't want just fine, Y/N! I want dick so totally tubular that I feel it in my guts." She declared.
A sputtering cough fell from your lips as you choked on your inhale of air.
Yara looked at you with mild concern, suppressing her laughter as she walked over and began to pat your back.
"I seriously question how you wiggled your way into being my best friend." You breathed through your coughs,.
"Eat my shorts, Y/N. You love me and you know it." She dismissed easily.
You merely grinned, unable to dispute your best friend's claim.
"Now go shower." Yara ordered, using one hand to point in the direction of the bathroom, and the other to pinch her nose shut dramatically.
Sighing, you heaved yourself off the couch. You doubted you smelled as bad as Yara made you out to, but you couldn't deny that a shower sounded terrific right now.
"Yes, sir." You sent her a salute cheekily before turning to head to the bathroom, shaking your head as she called out after you.
"And when you come out I need to know every single word you and Jungkook exchanged. If you're dating him then so am I, bitch!"
The weekend had breezed by quickly, homework and the newest Cyndi Lauper album occupying all your free time. You hardly had time to contemplate your new role as Jeon Jungkook's new girlfriend.
You and Yara had been in the midst of a conversation about what exactly she should get her little sister for her 13th birthday when you first spoke to Jungkook again.
"Cabbage patch kid?" Yara offered, causing your nose to scrunch up.
"How old do you think your sister is?"
"Hey, don't sass me. For your information, Lyanna still has all her Care Bear tapes. She threw a hissy fit when my mom tried to give them away last Christmas." Yara recalled.
"Still, she's becoming a teenager. I vote no on the cabbage patch kid."
"I'm with you, babe." Jungkook spoke up suddenly, lips pressed together as if in contemplative thought.
You hadn't even noticed him enter the classroom, much less approach and listen in onto your conversation.
"Jungkook!" You breathed out in surprise, stomach fluttering slightly as you realized what he had just called you.
"Why don't you get her a pair of roller skates?" He ignored you, placing a hand on the table and leaning onto it. You tried your hardest to ignore the way the muscles in his arm flexed with the movement.
You cleared your throat, "Roller skates?"
"Yeah. Every kid has to get a pair of roller skates. It's like a rite of passage."
"I never got roller skates…" You muttered.
"And you were robbed of a childhood." Jungkook informed you solemnly, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Sup." He said suddenly, eyes flickering to Yara as he offered her a casual nod.
You watched in amusement as a pink hue made its way onto your best friend's face, nodding back at him.
Seeing as Yara had remained silent this entire time, you realized it was probably best you introduce the two.
"Uh, Jungkook this is Yara, my best friend. Yara this is Jungkook, my... "
Business partner?
Temporary acquaintance?
"Her boyfriend." Jungkook finished for you cheekily, sending you a wink.
"Fake boyfriend." You reminded, causing Jungkook's eyes to widen.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He stated bluntly, eyes gesturing to Yara forcibly.
Oh. He thought you wouldn't tell your best friend about him? Hah.
"She already knows we're not actually dating–"
An angry shush came from the messy-haired boy, preventing you from talking further.
He hunched closer, eyes flickering across the classroom, "Keep it down, would ya? There are eyes everywhere."
"Sorry, jeez." You apologized dryly, raising a brow as you mimicked his motions.
"Bold of you to assume I won't be guiding Y/N throughout this entire arrangement." Yara spoke finally, her nose turned up slightly.
"Is that so?" Jungkook looked at her in surprise.
"Yep. In fact, I've self-appointed myself manager of your entire relationship." She replied smoothly.
Jungkook grinned, clearly finding humor in her words, "Well, then. With that kind of assertiveness, I'm sure we're in good hands. Nice to meet you, Yara."
You frowned as your best friend and Jungkook shook hands.
"Anyway, as your manager, my first bit of advice for really selling this whole fake relationship thing is for the two of you to sit together. So if you'll just excuse me..."
At the sight of Yara reaching for her notebook and pen, alarm ran through you.
"Wha– Excuse me, what are you doing?" You protested immediately.
Jungkook, on the other hand, simply grinned. "Great advice!"
"Why thank you, I accept payment in cash and Annie Lennox cassette tapes."
"Yara, where are you even going?" You whined, watching as your best friend chucked her things into her bag.
"To sit at another table. Who am I to keep people in love apart? Jungkook you can take my seat."
Your shoulders slumped miserably as you watched as the smirking boy replaced Yara's spot on the stool beside you.
"Have fun, kids." She teased, waving the two of you off with a hand as she walked over to another table.
"I like her." Jungkook smiled cheesily.
"She's not kidding, you know." You warned. "If she says she's our manager then you better believe it. Whether you like it or not, she's gonna accomplish what she's set out to do."
"Reminds me of you." He replied with a hum.
You blinked in surprise.
"Was that... a compliment?"
"Was it?" His eyes went wide, voice pitched in feigned surprise.
A small laugh escaped you and before you could retort with your own sarcastic comment, your professor began to speak.
"Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you all had a good weekend." Mr. Kim greeted, his usual coffee mug in hand. He looked somewhat worse for wear, you noted. "I did. And as I sat here and reflected the choices I made Sunday night, I came to the conclusion that I will be sparing you the boring lecture this class and putting on a movie.
Widespread chatter of relief fell over the class, everyone elated to hear that this specific class would require minimal effort.
Mr. Kim had just sunk into the chair by his desk when a hand of a student shot up.
"Yes?" He answered.
The owner of the hand spoke up, "Should we take notes?"
Mr. Kim stared at the student with subtle bewilderment.
"I mean if you want? Guys, I'm gonna be honest with you all, I'm hungover as all hell. As long as you watch quietly and keep the lights off, I don't care what you do."
And with that, all the students turned back to chat amongst themselves.
It was funny, Jungkook thought, how easy you were to read when you thought no one was looking. He had been watching you through the corner of his eye, watching the way you hung onto the professor's every word and how disappointment washed over you when you realized there was no learning to be done today.
"Cute." He muttered to himself.
"What was that?" You replied absentmindedly, reaching for a sheet of paper.
Jungkook straightened in his seat, unaware he had said that out loud.
You paid his reply no mind, however, pencil in hand as you began to write something onto a sheet of loose-leaf paper. Jungkook's head tilted in mild curiosity as he watched, wondering what it was you were doing.
To his surprise, the very paper of interest was then thrust his way, a soft sound ringing out as it rubbed against the cold surface of the lab table.
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"What am I looking at?" Jungkook deadpanned. You shifted in your seat before responding.
"I think it's about time we talked seriously about this... relationship of ours. We need to establish rules."
Jungkook glanced back down at the paper.
"I see."
Suddenly, Jungkook's hand reached out for the zipper of his bag. You watched in silence as he pulled out the first writing utensil he could find – a blue marker – and jotted something down quickly.
You frowned, scooting your stool cautiously closer to him to get a proper look at the paper he had just written on.
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"What is this?" You frowned.
"I believe it referred to legally as an amendment." He informed, eyes twinkling mischievously.
"Jungkook, I'm not going to kiss you."
Despite your seriousness, a smile nearly escape your lips at the sight of Jungkook's mouth falling into a pout.
"Why not?" He asked.
You raised a brow, "Um, we're not actually dating? Did you forget that?"
Jungkook let out a small noise of what you could only assume was indignation.
"Not to sound like a total douchebag but the fact that you don't want to kiss me is, like, totally insulting."
"I agreed to be your girlfriend, not some disposable pair of lips you're allowed to use whenever you need your ego stroked. Do I need to remind you that I hardly even know you?" You hissed lowly in case someone was listening in on your conversation.
For a moment it was just you and Jungkook glaring at each other. Neither of you was going to budge, he realized. He let out a sigh.
"Look, I see your point and what this is looking like but I promise you I'm not being creepy here. No one is gonna believe we're together if we don't kiss each other. To anyone that looks, you could just be my friend if we don't show some kind of affection towards each other."
Your arms crossed over your chest, your hard expression not letting up.
"One kiss. That's all I'm asking for. Just a peck, if that's all your comfortable with." He continued, causing you to hum.
He was certainly going to a lot of trouble just for one peck.
Maybe he did have a point. One kiss wouldn't kill you, would it?
"When?" Was your response, taking him by surprise.
"Uh... whenever? Preferably somewhere people will see. Maybe at the Halloween party this weekend?"
You frowned, a thought crossing your mind.
"You want me to kiss you at a party? In front of a bunch of people?"
"Well... not if you really don't want to..." Jungkook replied, suddenly feeling bad that you might really not be all that comfortable with this whole thing.
You shook your head, "No, it's not that."
Kissing Jungkook wasn't as daunting as the idea of doing it in front of a lot of people. It wasn't that you were socially awkward, per se, but the possibility of stage fright was undoubtedly a real one.
You let your thoughts run for a while before you finally came upon a slightly annoying solution. An audible sigh left you as you grabbed your pencil and reached for the paper.
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"I don't want to embarrass myself." You told Jungkook bluntly as he read the contract's newest addition, your eyes fixated on the sheet as you couldn't find the courage to meet his eyes.
"So I want our first kiss to be somewhere private where I can make sure I know what I'm doing. Familiarize with... how you kiss... and stuff..." You trailed off, the warmth in your face suddenly too distracting to let you think intelligent thoughts.
Jungkook's eyes were as wide as saucers, glued to the side of your face as if trying to decipher whether or not you were being serious. He assumed you must be as the tone in your voice wasn't mocking in the slightest.
"Oh. Yeah, sure." He nodded quickly, still noticing the way you couldn't look him in the face.
A shit-eating grin found his face, "Y/N, are you embarrassed right now?"
"No." You stressed quickly, looking over at him defensively. Your eyes fell onto his lips against your better judgment and once again you turned away from his stare, heat rocketing through you. "I just don't want you thinking anything weird like this is me wanting to kiss you."
The dark-haired boy pressed his lips together.
"Trust me, you've made your opposition against kissing me abundantly clear." He told you pointedly before reaching for the contract. You watched him gratefully, thankful for the shift in interest.
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"I'm serious about there being eyes everywhere. If Kiri finds out the truth, it's game over. I'd look like a total wastoid. Not to mention I'll never hear the end of it from my brothers." Jungkook told you, pushing the paper over for you to read. Tapping the end of your pencil against the table, you pondered something before scribbling else onto the rules.
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"Fair." Jungkook expressed. "As long as you can guarantee she won't tell anyone."
"Yara is lonelier than Henry David Thoreau, you have nothing to worry about." You shrugged easily.
"I... have no idea who that is."
"He's a transcendentalist writer who spent two years in isolation–"
"Oh, so you're not just a science freak. You're a well-rounded nerd." Jungkook teased, causing you to scowl.
You grabbed your pencil. You could feel Jungkook lean to peer over your shoulder, laughing lightly as he took in what you wrote. No sooner had you finished, the paper was yanked from underneath your palm, your pretend lover quick to scribble back a response.
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And that was how the two of you spent the next twenty minutes, discussing rules and filling the rest of the page, muffled exchanges of giggles catching the attention of students near you as they began to wonder could possibly be on that sheet of paper that had the two of you blushing and whispering like that.
"Can I put my hand in your pocket?"
The request came seemingly out of nowhere. The class had just finished and Yara had passed by your table briefly only to insist that Jungkook walked you to your dorm, promptly informing you that she and you would not be walking back together as usual, before she left the room altogether.
You sent Jungkook a pointed look as the two of you exited the classroom and walked out into the hallway.
"What like in Sixteen Candles?" You presumed, throwing your bag over your shoulder. "Nice try scumbag, I'm not letting you cop a feel of my ass."
"Why do you assume everything I say has some sort of hidden motive behind it?" Jungkook scoffed. "I was trying to be romantic."
"Oh, really?" You asked, sounding skeptical.
"I mean, sure, getting to touch your ass would've been a nice perk..."
A pleasant laugh escaped you and Jungkook felt something in his chest tightened, and before he could think to warn you, his hand found yours.
You glanced down at the gesture, a shy expression finding you suddenly as you look back up Jungkook, eyes wide and face warm as he offered you a small smile.
"It's no hand in your back pocket but... this should still get the message across to everyone." Jungkook's fingers laced between yours and you tried your hardest to appear nonchalant as if your heart wasn't in your throat right now.
You simply nodded, continuing to walk alongside him as the two of you began your journey towards your dorm building.
It wasn't entirely awful, you found.
Jungkook's hand felt nice in yours. It was warm and soft– your ex wasn't one for PDA so you had always wondered what it might be like to walk around with someone you liked like this.
Shame your first time had to be with your fake boyfriend.
You hadn't realized how social Jungkook was until just now, however. It hadn't been more than a seven-minute walk but more than a handful of people had called out to Jungkook, offering him a greeting and a wave as they went about their days.
You had brought up his apparent popularity to Jungkook but he merely laughed the statement off, saying that it just came with the territory of being in a fraternity.
"Yara's gonna be so proud when she finds out we thought to hold hands all on our own." You brought up on the elevator ride up to your dorm.
The romantic embrace had been severed the moment the metal doors had closed on you two, no longer having an audience to perform for.
"She's quite the character that Yara girl." He noted.
You shrugged, "She's not too bad once you get used to her."
Jungkook shook his head as if you had miss understood him.
"I didn't say it was a bad thing. You're a lot like her, you know."
"Am I?" You raised an eyebrow.
Jungkook nodded, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Headstrong... passionate... won't take no for an answer... seems like the only person you two would listen to is each other."
You were surprised. Once again, it was a seemingly genuine compliment that had come out of nowhere and you weren't entirely sure how to respond. You clasped your hands behind your back, a grin washing onto you.
"Pretty sure you've got bigger balls than I do." He finished his thought, causing you to snort.
"Sorry if we challenge your manhood." You joked, nudging your shoulder into his just as the elevator door open. You slipped out onto the floor, Jungkook following behind you.
"Oh don't worry about that, babe. You two can test my manhood whenever you want." He told you greasily, a suggestive smirk on his face.
"If I weren't contractually obligated to be nice to you, I would smack you."
You reached the door of your dorm a few moments later, turning to Jungkook awkwardly.
"Well, thanks for walking me." You said.
Jungkook tucked his hand into the pocket of his jacket, shrugging coolly.
"I'll see you in class on Wednesday then."
As if on cue, the door of your dorm unlocked, swinging open enthusiastically, revealing a smiling Yara.
"Wrong. You'll be seeing her tomorrow." She stated matter-of-factly.
"I will?"
"He will?"
You and Jungkook both expressed your confusion in unison. An amused expression fell over Yara.
"I did some thinking on the walk back from class and decided that Jungkook is taking you out on a date tomorrow." She explained before turning towards the man in question. "When do you finish class tomorrow?"
"Uh... three o'clock?" He answered slowly, eyes flickering to yours to see if you had any idea what your best friend was talking about. You didn't, of course.
Yara tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Perfect, Y/N's last class is at two. Come pick her up here around four."
"Oh, uh, sure." Jungkook nodded, looking somewhat scared of the small but authoritative girl standing before him.
As if snapping back into reality, you shook your head. "Hold on, I didn't agree to this. Don't I get a say in this?"
Yara's eyes flickered towards yours dully, "No."
She clapped her hands together suddenly, directing her attention back to your pretend lover.
"Thanks for walking her over. We'll see you tomorrow at four. Don't be late, bye!" Yara sang sweetly, hand reaching out to wrap around your forearm.
You let out a yelp as you were tugged into the dorm, door slamming shut as you left behind a perplexed looking Jungkook.
"What the hell was that?! Why am I going on a date with him?"
Jungkook could hear your voice through the closed door, pitched angrily and clearly directed at Yara.
"Third base, Y/N. Don't make me say it again."
"I literally can't stand you."
A small laugh fell from the boy as he stood in his place in the hallway, eyebrows furrowing in amused bewilderment as he wondered how he ended up with not just one but two stubborn fake girlfriends.
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kinktae · 4 years ago
rose: [creates the rewind series] bighit: WRITE THAT DOWN!! WRITE THAT DOWN!!
Anonymous said: Rose, did you see 70s!Tae in the MV in all his glory? 😱😏
Anonymous said: Dynamite goes well with your rewind series 👌🏽🤩
shy-kpop-girl said: Okay... DYNAMITE M/V and Groovy? Did BigHit get inspiration from your fic because the whole time I was thinking about you and could not wait to send you this ask! 😊 The 70's was not my fave style era but BTS makes it look GOOD! Holy Hoseok! And what the hell Taehyung? 🥵 Anonymous said: ROSE FOR YOUR BITCHIN AU WITH JK??? THE ROOM THAT HE'S IN FOR THE DYNAMITE MV? LITERALLY BITCHIN VIBES AJKSKSKS
spicybangtanwings said: im a lil late how are we doing with dynamite jk???? i personally am not coping well. i cant get this correlation between dynamite jk and bitchin jk out of my mind and ALL I could think about is them making out in that attic full of posters and keyboard and guitar 😩😩😩😩 oh yeah did I SAY I LOVE BITCHIN SO SO MUCH i finished it a while back but sometimes i would just space out at work thinking about the characters and how well it was written. ok i am done have a good day/night!!!
Anonymous said: I just re-read the rewind series after 'Dynamite' comeback, I cant helped it! I just had to do it! It sets the moods so damn right! I've actually been roaming around tumblr looking for your blog because I forgot to like the masterlist and all i can remember was "groovy" as the title lol, ANYWAY Dear sweetness human soul, Thank you so much for your amazing writing, i hope you're having a great day! 🥺😭💜
Anonymous said: jungkook in the dynamite mv and the concept photos gives me mAJORRR bitchin' vibes
Anonymouse said: Rose!!!! I screamed when i saw Jungkook in Dynamite mv, his LOOK and his ROOM omggggg, it reminded me a lot of Bitchin'
Anonymous said: i HAD to come back and read groovy again after dynamite’s release, groovy singlehandedly sparked my obsession with the 70’s. your work it just so well written, it’s honestly mind blowing.
Anonymous said: When dynamite MV came out I immediately remembered your 'groovy' and 'bitchin' fics, your writing is so amazing 😭
Would u guys unfollow me if i said i hadn’t watched the mv yet.... KSFDJSKDJ DONT GET ME WRONG IVE LISTENED AND LOVED DYNAMITE IM JUST SCARED TO WATCH IT I KNOW IM GONNA SCREAM and im so exhausted atm i can’t commit to it ksdfkj that sounds dumb but THE SCREENIES I SAW ACTUALLY HAD ME SCREECHING ily ily ily
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