#and getting ready for college auditions and auditioning for different competitions and events
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trevination · 19 days ago
man. i’m so proud of myself
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shintorikhazumi · 4 years ago
A/N: Clearly, based on Kehlani’s song. Also, One, I did not try to learn the song on guitar just for this fic… Two, this may or may not be an advertisement to the Pole Dancing! AU I’m planning once I’ve completed A Warm Diana. That pole dancing au is completely separate from that one-shot I released, “Dance For Me.”, though it’s possible that a chapter may be named as such. Been a while since I did a songfic so… woot. The events here probably won’t happen in the final AU tho, but the world details are shared~. Not as much pole dancing as the last, sorry
Dedicated to @kagarikhylev, thank you! I said last, last weekend but I got swamped by college starting up again, all the LWA reposts to ao3 since I’m behind, and just generally… being distracted by a lot of things, so deepest apologies.
This fic may or may not be good. I am screwed because I have a 7am quiz and it’s 9:48pm, and I did not study a thing. Priorities, amiright? My concentration is busted.
Also. Diana is an idiot.
~Shintori Khazumi
“I like my girls just like I like my honey, sweet
A little selfish…”
She walks through the halls, following the echoing of unfamiliar lyrics against the empty corridor. The clock ticks just that bit closer to five in the afternoon, and the east wing is relatively empty, save for the presence of a voice carrying that pleasant tune, and words that pique her interest. At the moment, she should be on her usual search for her friend who has been avoiding her like a pandemic these past few days, but her body is keen on taking a detour, her ears the leader that guides her whole way. Eventually, she finds herself standing in front of the sliding door to one of the dance course’s practice rooms. She expects that to be here, seeing as the music programs featuring vocal and instrumental courses held their classes on the opposite side of the large building, according to the map posted down the hall.
What she isn’t expecting is the singing present in the air. Because why would singing come from here? From a dance major?
While singing might not be solely reserved for the ones actually studying it, it is a rarity for occasions such as this to happen in a school that had students ready to ridicule anyone not up to par with their personal standard of skill. This holds especially true for those majoring in classical music as they often have their heads lifted high, considering their genre to be ‘superior’ to the rest.
So, she understands why theater children stick to theater, why dance majors stick to moving their bodies to the beat, and why people aiming to get into Philharmonic- much like her- only stick to performing and doing what they do best, in-and-out of class hours.
Here, in this institution, resides a slightly toxic, competitive atmosphere that forces you to give your all for your craft, and not insult others by dabbling in their own specialties half-heartedly. There is no encouragement, there is no beautiful rivalry.
Or at least, that’s what she’s known since entering both vocal and instrumental programs. As a flutist, in particular, there remains quite a bit of competition for seats in their prestigious school’s main touring orchestra, so auditions that may as well be full-blown battles were common. The dance majors always look so friendly from afar, though; maybe they are different.
And maybe that’s why they remain the school’s outcasts.
Breathing out her thoughts into a puff of air to clear her mind, she peeks through the small window of the room’s door. Her eyes widen in surprise, but pink lips tip into a fond smile as she spots a familiar tuft of brunette hair in that signature hairstyle she knew all too well. The one she’s been looking for.
‘What a treat.’
She leans heavier on the glass, pressing her ear against the door, believing it might allow her to hear this secret serenade better.
“I like my women like I like my money, green
A little jealous-“
In the light of the late afternoon sun, the singer is enchanting, magical. Reflected through ocean blues, she always has been. Ever since they first met. But something’s changed. There is a different kind of blossoming taking place in the musician’s heart. She doesn’t understand it. But she wants to. However, she wants to understand it with that particular girl- singing with abandon on the floor, antique guitar in her lap- by her side, but being avoided doesn’t make her need any easier to satisfy.
She doesn’t understand it at all. Why she can’t solve it on her own. She doesn’t understand why she’d being avoided either.
Hums ease the creases that have subconsciously formed on her forehead, the gentle voice tickling her ears pleasantly. It eases a weight off her soul, and she relishes in the ambience of the present hour.
She would have loved to listen for much longer had she not accidentally placed her full weight on the door at the wrong angle, sliding it open with a very audible screech. And the next thing she knows, she’s falling forward, and the floor comes up, about to give her a kiss she won’t forget, and it’s not the one she would have preferred.
But no, that should not happen. If her moniker of ‘Miss Perfect’ was anything to go by, she is sure she can do anything. Including catching herself against the now stuck door, leaving her bent in an awkward posture, face hovering inches off the floor. The sudden chain of actions has her heart jump up to her throat, all the calm air in her lungs stolen by shock. She remains in an awkward position for a while longer, gathering her bearings, and thankful she didn’t injure herself with what had just occurred. The room’s occupant is just as surprised as she is, apparently.
Shaking away her initial wide-eyed expression and donning an appreciative smile, she poses a casual statement, trying to brush off the awkward situation as she stands up to her full height, brushing imaginary dust off her jacket at the same time.
“I didn’t know you could play the guitar.”
There’s a curious pause, wine-red eyes stunned at the brash intrusion to her solo afternoon world. The perpetrator feels her toes clench in nerves, hidden behind closed shoes. She’s hoping her companion wouldn’t just… stare. She’s certain those eyes have a million questions running amok in her pretty little head, but she is beginning to feel the heat rising its steady course up her face, and is unsure she could handle this atmospheric pressure any longer.
By some deity’s saving grace, there’s a blink to reboot the mind of those same questioning eyes, the room’s initial occupant finally managing a response. “It’s a little hobby… I almost didn’t hear you come in.” Stood by the door, the newcomer wonders if that was meant to be a joking or a literal statement.
“And you never said you could sing.”
“I don’t.” The guitar is kept to the side, in a place hidden from the immediate view of anyone casually visiting the room. “I dance, is what I do.”
“I know.”  The flutist replies as casually as she strives to look in these strange moments; she hopes to keep the conversation flowing, to keep the person in front of her from leaving her side again. “I watch you.”
“Of course, you do.”
She wonders what the song is all week. It replays over and over in her head in class. It haunts her dreams at night, and plagues her in the waking hours. She even unconsciously hums it while doing her homework in the library. This leaves her friend, Hannah, wide-eyed.
And she appears to be wide-eyed as well.
“Diana!” Is the harsh whisper in her ear. She doesn’t like the feeling of hot air there, but her astonishment at the fact that this song has now consumed her renders her the tiniest bit numb.
“What.” Diana replies just as quiet, but softer in delivery.
“Why are you singing that?” The brunette queries, voice no longer a whisper, and away from Diana’s ear, but low enough to not be overheard by anyone else in the vicinity. She doesn’t look mad, nor is she upset. Diana takes note of this. She’s merely… very, very befuddled.
“Is something the matter? I think I like the tune.”
“Do you really not know what that song is about?” Is the bewildered reply. “I mean… I know you aren’t that straight, m’lady…or at all…” The last part, she whispers under her breath. “but… like… I didn’t think you would expose yourself like this?”
With the faintest flush on her cheeks, Diana responds in confusion. “What are you saying? Am I not supposed to like this song?”
The shorter girl is taken aback slightly. “N-no, you can like… it. Just… your voice professor would have a heart attack if she hears you sing that and knows the song, so let’s not. Okay? Not in public, at least. Especially with your status.” She huffs, then whips her head back up, recalling something. “Don’t play it on you flute either. I see Barbara wasn’t lying when she freaked out earlier at lunch telling me about this.”
“I still fail to understand the problem?” Diana states, impatient as her foot taps on the wooden floorboards.
“Of course. Because you’re dense.” Is the offensive reply she gets. Before she can retort, or pose further question, Hannah takes her by the hand, clearing up all their stuff single-handedly with the other, showcasing surprising efficiency; and she drags her friend right out of the area.
As they turn into a relatively empty hall, the heiress’ hand is released, and she walks side-by-side with her friend who releases a snort that is succeeded by a fit of giggles that are quickly replaced with bouts of laughter. The brunette bends over, hitting her knees, tears at the corners of her eyes.
“Diana, you utter idiot.”
All too quickly, the laughs dissipate and a serious Hannah slaps her hand on Diana’s shoulders in a firm grip.
“I would have hoped you’d look up the lyrics if you recalled them, but then again, you’re hopeless with technology. Or if you only heard the tune… well, I guess that’s understandable too.” The brunette patted her cheek fondly.
“It’s called Honey.” And Hannah finally tells her the title she’s been seeking; feeling grateful she hugs her friend.
“Wh-what’s happening?! Will I die tomorrow?”
“You overreact.” Diana rolls her eyes, but smiles nonetheless. “Thank you.”
“Don’t listen to it too much that you become addicted. Don’t want to catch you at the head of even more rumors than you already are.” Her shorter friend teases, picking up the materials she dropped earlier as she made a grab at Diana. “I’m serious.”
“Do you doubt my self-control?”
“After meeting her, what I do doubt is if you have much left.”
Diana splutters, chasing after the fleeing imp sticking her tongue out at her.
She’ll get back at her.
Hannah is rarely right over her, after all.
Hannah is right, after all.
Immediately after reaching her room, Diana had looked it up; her barely cooperating fingers carefully typing in five simple letters… that soon became nine with a space between the previous ones and new ones as she clearly knows that she’s not looking to view videos of bees and liquid gold in glass jars.
And after the first click, she’s defeated. She listens to it over and over.
And over.
And over.
And over again.
[“'Cause I'm a beautiful wreck
A colorful mess, but I'm funny”]
The video plays on her phone for the thirtieth time that day. Considering that it is barely noon, with classes in between this time and the moment she woke up, that’s probably a lot of repeats. It isn’t unhealthy yet. Right?
And she likes the song. It plays well in the background as she does her homework. She’s too distracted for the lyrics to register properly in her mind anyway.
So a woman was singing about her companion who she seemed to be very loyal to. Just as Diana was to her new best friend. The singer also appeared to be bragging about their charm… and their preferences on women’s attitudes? Or visuals? Did this person like green-skinned ladies?? Who happened to be jealous and tasted sweet? Diana always thought the skin had a more… salty flavor to it.
Maybe she should ask what her new friend, Akko, thinks about this. She has been slowly sharing bits and pieces of her world to the unknowing prodigy, and she always likes hearing the brunette’s opinion on various subjects. Akko’s opinion.
Ah, yes. Akko. Right.
And Diana goes back to that afternoon with Akko and the guitar. The catalyst for this strange addiction to Honey. Not the food, she added to herself. The song.
The song, yes, now entering the thirty-first cycle. As the words came to play with the dancing melodies, Diana muses that the lyrics certainly suit the girl who had introduced this wonderful song to her.
[“'Cause I'm a beautiful wreck
A colorful mess, but I'm funny”]
And she reaches this part once more, still thinking of the one named Kagari Atsuko. The dance major, and her newest best friend. Friend. Yes, that’s what her other friends had said. She's been spending far too much time; sparing too much attention on her… friend, so they were a little lonely.
She digresses.
Anyway. Akko. Yes. She may not be much of a wreck– scratch that, maybe she was. Diana chuckles. Nevertheless, as the lyrics preach over and over, she was a beautiful one. Incredibly so.
She is all the vivid colors of the world, incredibly funny. Diana is not one for comedy, but Akko pulls laughs out of her with fabulous ease.
She closes her eyes, seeing that loveable face blinding her with the brightness of the sun, encompassing her with its warmth, and inspiring her each day. What an amazing friend.
As blues are revealed to the world behind the fluttering of thick lashes, she takes in the vast rehearsal room designed for the practices and assessments of the dance majors for ballroom. It houses a piano and a few of the larger percussion instruments for the live accompaniment of collaborating music majors. It also serves as the general area of practice for when the school would prepare for their showcases and events. Or well, this room used to be all of that. Now, it simply remains as a spare practice and storage room.
After the students had fallen into an unfixable dispute due to their hardheadedness towards their differences, collaborations seldom happen. When they do occur, they are looked down upon by the rest of the body. It was a shameful ordeal, supposedly.
It is a shame, Diana agrees. That they would sacrifice the beauty of performance for pride.
Only the people who come to utilize all this free space clean it before and after using. That is rare as well. Anyone who reserves this room becomes the target of rumors to want to unify a broken crowd.
And nobody wants that. That’s what the populace says.
The poor unused floorboards, the scarcely maintained instruments and tools… and here she sits at the aforementioned sad piano, lid sliding open, fingers splaying across ivory keys. She punches a note. And another, and the tune that has been imprisoned in her mind- or has it imprisoned her mind- is now escaping into the air, into the theme that fills her senses. She first tests it out with just the melody on one hand, but then her left comes to join in the only dance she really knows how to do.
This moment is hers alone. No one can come to break it.
Hannah can’t complain if she goes against her advice and performs the song for no one anyway.
A beautiful song for a beautiful no one.
She caresses it like a ballad, hands deftly sweeping over the keys, light and gentle.
Piano used to be her first love. Her mother loved it more. After she passed, Diana had lost many competitions, and she was forbidden from touching one ever again.
Only in secret could she stroke her lover’s keys, that beautiful ivory, that shimmering black. Only in secret could she kiss the melodies with all her affection, press down with the right pressure to allow the instrument to voice its beautiful moan of music.
Only in secret would could she play this song on repeat; only in secret could she play it herself; only in secret could she think on the lyrics well; only in secret would she link every syllable to one girl.
Only in secret could she wish she were here.
Only in secret could she realize and admit,
“I love you… Akko…”
A clanging sound, loud, metallic.
There’s a pole rolling on the floor, and the sound of shuffling, a figure scrambling to gather her belongings now scattered everywhere.
“Diana. Hi.” Rubies flit about, landing temporarily on anything not Diana. “You… were practicing… a thing?” Her voice is choked, its timbre pitched higher than the usual. “I guess I should leave you-“
“NO!” She doesn’t mean to yell, but her desperation has the better of her. She only has so little time to stop the girl from escaping her again. “S-stay. I… I mean… stay? Please stay? Please Stay.” She says the same words in different ways and tones, unsure. “Don’t… leave me.”
A nod is the only movement the frozen body can manage. There’s this stillness between them before Diana pushes out words from her frenzied mind.
“C-come here?” She pats the bench beside her awkwardly, not knowing if her invitation was a welcome one. She breathes a sigh of relief when Akko places her things to the side, neatly against the wall before walking up to her, standing by the bench, staring at the hand still covering the seat.
She hesitates.
She does. She leaves a hand’s-width of space between them.
And it’s a painful silence.
One Diana tries to break.
“Hi.” She seeks her eyes.
“Hi.” They don’t seek hers. “What did you call me here for?” Akko asks nervously, feet shuffling against the floor.
Think fast, Diana. Anything to make her stay longer.
And it’s only honey on her mind once more. Her saving grace. “C-Could you sing that song for me once more?” Akko looks like she’s having difficulty recalling. “The one I walked in on...”
Akko bites her lip nervously as she contemplates that, and Dear mother of Cavendish Diana finds that so attractive.
“I don’t… think I know what you’re talking about.” The dancer plays dumb.
But Diana wants her plan of… whatever she’s trying to do… to work. So, her mind, as helpful as it is, hides the memory of the title she’s replayed over and over. She tries to tell her the song anyway. As best she can.
“It’s… it’s the one about loyal friendship.”
“F-friendship?” If Akko had been playing dumb earlier, she no longer was. She doesn’t recall singing a song about friendship…
“And the singer boasting of their charm… and their… preferences for women, I suppose? Or maybe it’s not friendship. Companionship? Partnership? The one where… something about jealousy and sweetness and colors, and flying- and dear Beatrix, I deeply apologize for my incompetence, Akko…” Diana covers her face in a shame that’s burning the blonde alive.
“Pffft- what the hell Diana, ahahahaha.” Akko finally loosens all that tension she imposes on Diana, relenting. Diana was just too irresistible. Knocking lightly against the music major’s head, she makes known the song’s name once more. “It’s called Honey.”
She doesn’t understand this sudden change in mood, in mind, but Diana now has the opportunity to play it cool, her plan of keeping Akko there, having Akko want to stay there is working. So despite not understanding, she welcomes this in comparison with the cold she’s received as of late.
“O-Oh? I didn’t know that.” But of course, Diana does. Clearly.
“Well, you do suck at using your phone. And your laptop. And the internet.”
And there’s that pretty pink flush on her face once more, annoying her.
“Fine.” Akko says.
“I’ll sing it.”
“Y-you will?!” Diana finds herself standing excitedly, hands clutching Akko’s.
“Wow, you really must want to hear that song.”
“I… I’ve been a little curious…”
Akko smiles that gorgeous, honest smile. “I can see that.” She gets up as well, facing Diana, but then remembering something. “Ah! But… what time is it… I was supposed to be practicing for the show at the bar later, and I have class in-” The time read two pm, on the dot. “Shit, I only have an hour, and I have to leave for my job right after the lesson…”
That explains the pole she had with her.
It was no secret to Diana that Akko had gone to school here at Luna Nova against her parents wishes. Akko also worked a night job, pole dancing in secret. It was- is her passion. Not to entice people into desiring her body, by any means, but to tell a story of grace, honor, sensuality, and honesty through her dance.
And the medium Akko chooses is the pole.
“Oh, I know!” The brunette interrupts her reverie. “How ‘bout you play the song again, and I’ll practice to it. The music I was going to use has roughly the same tempo, I think.”
“…are you going to sing while dancing?” Diana speaks to the retreating back that moves to prepare her set-up, Akko loosening a secret portion of wood on the floor away to reveal a hole that would snuggly hold her practice pole in place.
“Eh, why not?” She shrugs, nonchalantly and Diana is amazed by her as always. “Two birds with one pole, or something.”
“Same thing.”
Finishing her little stage, Akko smiles in triumph, chucking her jacket and jogging pants to the side without a care. Not even for Diana who pries her eyes away from toned muscle.
“Ready when you are.”
Diana isn’t, but she plays for Akko’s sake anyway. Her hands traverse the keys on instinct, eyes on the slender figure that begins its preliminary moves in grace and desire.
Red meets blue and the show starts.
  “I like my girls just like I like my honey, sweet~
A little selfish”
It’s a simple twirl about the pole, with a wink thrown in, but Diana thinks it’s the most spectacular motion already.
“I like my women like I like my money, green
A little jealous”
And there’s the pleasant laugh she adores.
“'Cause I'm a beautiful wreck
A colorful mess, but I'm funny”
Akko sings in that strong voice, as she runs her hands through her hair, shaking the strands loose as she prances around the metal shaft before clutching onto it, allowing herself to fly through the air. By the next line, she’s sliding down painfully slow, body pressed against the reflective equipment in the room, eyes locked with Diana’s. A hand clutches the thin fabric barely covering her chest, the other reaching out to pull Diana in, only strong legs keeping her up.
“Oh, I'm a heartbreak vet
With a stone-cold neck, yeah, I'm charmin'”
‘You truly are…’ Diana says to herself, her heart starting to physically hurt with the desire to touch, and to hold in her arms. That smile shot at her was simply unfair.
“All the pretty girls in the world
But I'm in this space with you”
For a second, Diana feels as though Akko were speaking these words to her for real. That idea makes it that much tighter in her chest. There was no way. That Akko finds her appealing like that, that she would choose to stay with Diana here… Diana… hadn’t forced her to do this little thing they were having at the moment, right?
“Colored out the lines
I came to find, my fire was fate with you”
‘Fate…’ Her sight turns bleary, but she doesn’t understand why. Warmth traces after the wetness that rolls down one cheek. And that hand surprises her, cupping her cheek, prompting her to look up into emotional pools of red that are very, very close. Their proximity is far too close. “Wha-“ When had Akko…
“Heartache would stay with you
Fly great escapes with you, oh…”
-are the murmured lyrics, breaths ragged puffs of air brushing against her parted lips. A hand rested over her own that had now crumpled the cloth of her shirt over her chest, fist gripped tightly.
“You… stopped…hah… playing… Diana.” Akko gets out, breathing uneven the sudden change of her moving body to its stationary state.
Ah. She has. Her other hand is simply resting on the keys, motionless. She feels kind of bad now, to have cut Akko’s practice performance short; but she can’t even work a reply out. Her lips tremble, facial muscles feel wobbly.
“Hmm… that’s no good. I can’t complete your request without your help.” Akko muses, taking a deep breath of air as she pulls away from the shaken heiress. Index finger of her free hand tapping against her cheek, her eyes lit up in realization. “I know!”
“Diana.” At the call of her name, she offers her attention. “Come dance with me.”
“W-wait, I can’t-“
But it’s too late for that, and she’s easily dragged by the overwhelming force of Akko’s strength built from the foundation of dancing and every other physical activity she must have done to mold her body into the shape that it is now. Striking, alluring, lean, and every bit the exquisite art that Diana sees it as.
And now said art presses against her back, pushing her against the cold metal Akko clings on to on a regular basis. Hands guide her own to grasp the bar, and soon they slowly spin. A soft voice hums into her ear, those sounds turning into the lyrics she’s far past memorizing now.
They are engraved in her very heart.
“I countdown to the clock, saw you awake
Don't walk away, or would you wait for me?”
How ironic that Akko should sing this for her. When Diana has been the one pleading for her to stay day by day- maybe not in words, but in her gestures, in her eyes, in her sighs. How hurtful she was being, when Diana has been the one seeking after her. When Diana is already the one waiting.
How cruel, Akko.
“I go out to the bar, fuck hangin' with the stars
Don't even have a car, but you would wait for me, mm-hmm”
A shiver crawls up her neck, tiny hairs upright as Akko’s lips vibrate against the skin there as she hums the end of the line. The touch is ghostly, barely there, but Diana knows. She knows.
It was painful.
So, so painful for Diana.
Akko feels that pain as it drips onto the arm she has wrapped around Diana’s waist, the girl curling into herself as she bites her lip to keep her sobs trapped within.
“I-I’m sorry, I… I don’t know what’s come over me, I should just!” She wants to escape. Just escape and run from the confusion that hangs in shadows over her clarity.
But Akko doesn’t let her.
Quickly, she’s in a tighter hold, a gentler hold; the scent of strawberries and sweat permeating the bubble of air they are locked in. Her eyes see black as a hand goes over to cover them; she feels Akko’s movements through the back of her shirt.
They make another twirl.
Everything in her heart stirs along with the motion; it aches.
“All, all, all…”
Diana waits for those familiar lyrics to go on, each word digging painfully into her, because, in the end, that’s all they are. Lyrics. Lyrics that make her realize just what it is that draws her like a moth to the everlasting brightness that is Kagari Atsuko.
What it is that keeps her listening, if only to fuel her imagination when all these lines point to the same girl, painting pictures in her dreams of them walking aimlessly on a street, Akko smiling at her, laughing with her. So beautifully.
“…all the pretty girls in the world…”
She braces herself for the same old lines, ones that mean nothing but the words to catchy music.
“But they don’t compare to you.”
And they don’t come. The change of words had her whip her head up, craning her neck to look behind her, puzzled; Akko had already hidden herself against Diana’s nape. Those… That’s… not… how she remembered the song…
“You’re the color of my life
I’d battle fate if it meant I’d stay with you”
“My heart aches; it longs for you”
“That isn’t…”
“…I know I’m in love with you.”
And Akko releases her, stepping away from the pole, and from her. It’s all cold again, freezing the blood that pumps through her veins after the bombardment to her senses.
“I’m sorry.” There are tears in Akko’s eyes now. And she just stops singing altogether. “I’m sorry.” Her voice loses that melody, now replaced by sobs. “I’m sorry.”
“You must have realized, right? What I’m feeling.” She smiles grimly. “Ugly, dirty… wrong feelings… for someone like my best friend… and… I’m sorry I made you cry. You must have felt creeped out and harassed, huh? You must have been scared because I wouldn’t let you go…”
“That isn’t, that’s-“
“I’m sorry, forcing myself onto you after being so cold. I… I didn’t mean to avoid you, I just-“ She meets the confusion that clouds the sky in Diana’s eyes. “I didn’t want you to know if by chance you didn’t feel the same way.”
“I… when I came into the room, I thought I’d heard wrong. What you said… the… c-confession…” Akko clenches her eyes shut, willing the tears away. “But then you said the song was about friends, so I probably have the wrong idea, and you might have just meant that you… l-love me as a friend.” She sniffles. “So, I’m sorry. I just…” I sob rips its way past the barriers of her lips, and more tears spill down apple-red cheeks. “I didn’t want you to find out like this… but I’ve… for so long…”
A beat passes, and Akko’s teary hiccups, and the pair’s mismatched breathing are the only sounds that remain in the room.
“You… You can reject me now, or something. Please don’t be this quiet, Diana.” Akko laughs bitterly, saltiness escaping sealed eyes. “I guess, I just couldn’t help it any more. Ran out of options, had nothing else I wanted to do here but tell you I love you.”
Another beat. There’s a breeze that rustles the leaves outside closed windows. Breaths calm, and the only noise that remains is the occasional sniff.
“Please just say something so I can leave.” Akko whispers, only for them to hear.
“That’s… that’s wrong.” Diana finally manages to complete her sentence.
“Loving you? Yeah. I know.”
“Oh, leaving after telling you something so imposing like that-?”
“No, what’s wrong is… That… That’s not…”
“That’s not what, Diana?” Akko asks, a little high-strung from everything. “You’ve been repeating those words a while now.”
“That’s not how the lyrics go…”
“…Diana, you dense little- mrrnngghhh!” Akko reaches forward, hands almost touching Diana’s cheeks before they pinch the air, shaking with whatever feeling fueled her strength to have her hands trembling like that. “I cannot believe you. I just… I just confessed to you, poured my heart and soul out, and all you remember, all you can say about that WHOLE thing, was that I got my lyrics wrong?!”
Akko fumes, red in the face with frustration, or sadness, or confusion, or maybe all of those combined.
“… yes?”
“Well, ain’t that great, then?” Akko sarcastically utters. “You seem relatively unaffected by all of this. Guess I should have only worried about unrequited feelings.” She begins trudging toward her water bottle by the window, donning her jacket after taking a few sips.
She is just about ready to leave.
“What next? You at least want to stay friends now? I can stay friends if you give me… space for the next couple of days to get over you-“
“Why would you have to do that? Can’t we be friends at the same time?”
The pair blinks synchronously in their shared confusion.
“I mean... Don’t we feel the same way? I know dating follows after these kinds of events… and then we become l-lovers… but I believe that being best friends on top of that is even more wonderful-“
“Waitwaitwaitwait, hold it! Hold it right there!” Akko waves her arms frantically in front of her.
“I- what do I hold… exactly?”
Slapping a hand over her face, Akko lets all this information sink in, processing it with her brain that has definitely shrunk from all the stupidity taking place in one room. Is it her? Or is it Diana? The one who is misunderstanding things? Or are they both not coming to an understanding? Do they just not understand each other?
“So let me get this straight…” Akko pinches the bridge of her nose, a migraine coming on.
“Of course.”
“We’re both not straight.”
“… ah.”
Akko looks to her companion curiously at the weird sound.
“That’s what Hannah meant.” Diana says with an audible snap of her fingers, face looking very enlightened, a smile decorating her features.
“Eh- Akko? Where are we going? Akko?!”
“I could kill you right now, but it’s almost time for my class. You are coming with me to work, and we will talk about this afterwards.”
“Finally! One of us understands.” She drags Diana behind her, marching towards her classroom.
“Then, why must I accompany you to your class?”
Diana feels a tingle in her heart at the sight of red-tipped ears, at the feeling of a heated hand holding hers, and words that are the lyrics to the best song she’ll ever hear in her lifetime.
“I love you, and I just found out you love me too… so I wanted to kiss you…”
Diana’s smile grows wider, now a stupid grin on her face. “But?”
“I’m late for class, so staring at you will have to suffice.” The blonde is pleased to know they both have their priorities set. Though she wouldn’t have minded straying from time-to-time.
“You’re beginning to understand a lot of things now, it seems.”
“Naturally. I’m a fast learner.” Diana boasts. Akko simply rolls her eyes at that. “Am I allowed to stay with you in your class? What is your next class, anyway?”
“I think it’s the required language class?”
“Oh, I have that now too... Wait- we share that class, don’t we?” Diana realizes, her steps speeding up and now she’s the one dragging Akko.
“Oh, right~, wait- Diana?”
“We have a quiz in that subject.”
“Fucking run, Diana! Remember stuff like that and tell me sooner! You idiot best friend!”
“I’m your lover now too!”
“I love you too, Akko.”
“I love you most.”
  “I (I), I like my girls just like I like my honey, sweet
A little selfish… huh”
“You’re selfish”
Akko pauses in her guitar playing to slap the blonde’s hand.
“I like my women like I like my money, green” Both chuckle at the joke only they share; Diana rolling her eyes, sporting a blush, her minty strands fluttering in the wind. “A little jealous”
“Am not.”
“Are too.” Akko teases, kissing red cheeks.
“Oh, I'm a beautiful wreck
A colorful mess, but I'm funny”
“You are.”
“Oh, I'm a heartbreak vet (oh)
With a stone-cold neck, I'm so charmin', oh, oh”
Shifting to a position behind Akko on the little hill they’ve chosen for their first date, Diana wraps her arms around the slender waist, planting a kiss to Akko’s shoulder blade before resting her head on the girl’s shoulder, positioned in a way that she could just watch the expressions on her girlfriend’s face.
“I love you.”
Akko gives her a wink as she continues her song, everything she is- her tone, her warmth, her body language- exclaiming that she loves Diana back in the way words can’t.
Do-do-do do-do
Do-do-do do-do
Do-do-do do-do
Da-da-da da-da
Isn't love all we need? Is it love?
Do-do-do do-do
To be the same prophesy? Is it love?
Do-do-do do-do
Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti, is it love?
Do-do-do do-do
Love (ooh), do-do-do do-do”
It’s a sweet kiss. Gentle, intense, with all the colors of the rainbow, and the passion of the burning sun.
Just like Honey.
  “It’s love.”  
A/N: If you’re wondering what Diana typed, it was “Honey song” because she doesn’t know the artist. Aren’t we glad Diana is such a smart lass?
Also, this was not supposed to be this long and frustrating. Sorry for the mess and bad plot?
Comments, kudos, reblogs, any feedback is always welcomed!
~Shintori Khazumi
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sejinxlgc · 4 years ago
hi hi hi legacy! this mono (from @woobinxlgc​) back with another try at a second muse oops this sunday i have this wonderful boy OH SEJIN for you! he’s been at legacy since july 2019 and while he originally joined to be an idol, lately he’s been taking an interest in musical acting. he loves to sing, especially with his trusty ukulele, and would likes to dip his toe into modeling when given the chance! he’s what most would call a soft boy and the physical manifestation of a cloud. you can find out more about him below the cut as well as some quick plots!
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i’ll be getting to everyone’s lovely welcome messages as soon as i can, but for now if you’re really vibing with sejin or any of the plots i’ve listed you can like this post and i’ll come into your dms! OR i’m also available on discord @ mono#5074 and twitter @monosmuses later i’ll also be making a  thread call/tracker for all the events going on right now!
find out more about him, and have some plot ideas.
a brief look into : SEJIN !
born and raised in honolulu, hawaii. yes he can technically surf but he’s honestly crap at it compared to his family. he preferred collecting seashells on the shore (he has a whole collection and brought a few of his favorites to seoul with him).
he’s always done well in school and actually considered being a mathematician at one point (math is just super fascinating to him, the art of higher level math is just beautiful) but he decided he liked singing much more than calculus!
theatre kid! got really into musicals when he was in high school and his theatre department were begging for boys to join his sophomore year...he had nothing better to do and biology is hard so he joined. this is where he fell in love with singing and stage performances.
started playing ukulele at age fifteen. he’s definitely not the best and is quite inconsistent with his practice but look at it! it’s a little guitar!! how cute!!! he strums on it a lot when he’s bored or homesick.
has always been a big kpop stan (his parents are from korea so he heard a lot about it from his cousins) especially blazing! his not very secret talent is girl group dances. decided to audition for legacy his senior year of high school, because he knew being an idol would be more fun than going to college. however his parents only agreed to let him go all the way to la for the audition if he promised to finish high school while training and got into a university (thank god he got into seoul institute of the arts).
much more of the timid and sensitive breed of shy. he’s not one to start a conversation up with a stranger by himself, but he has a warm disposition.
nintendo stan please let him show you his island it’s so cute and he’s got a bunch of flowers and he finally got the coelacanth statue he’s been trying to get it for ages.
recently has been much more enthusiastic about training and life in general! in high school he always felt like the foreigner but now that he’s in uni doing something he really loves, he finally feels like a real adult and is ready to focus on what he wants.
a few quick plots/thread concepts !
korean teacher/translator! he really struggled with the language & culture when he first got here so anyone that can help him out is very much appreciated and gets all the hugs!
fellow vocalists, especially ballad enthusiasts because they do not get enough love in sejin’s opinion. let’s have a high note competition.
someone get frustrated with him and yell at him make him cry especially if it’s something acting related cause that is something he really wants to do good in!
oh god he is lost again please help him find his way 
study buddies! he’s in university now and has to do well in that if he wants to stay in his parents’ good graces.
you and sejin haven’t ever interacted or really known of each other existence (different focuses/skills, seperate training groups, or just coincidence) but somehow you’ve ended up stuck together for one way or another. this could either go terribly or the both of you have just made a new best friend.
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half-bakedboy · 6 years ago
New York Pride
Read on AO3
Simon’s van was filled to the brim with flags of all colors, glitter of all types, and the grinning faces of the large group of friends. Jace sat in the passenger seat, his body angling toward the back seat with one hand resting on Simon’s thigh. He was talking to Clary, Izzy, and Maia, who were all squished in the back seat. Izzy had her legs thrown over Maia’s lap and her head resting on Clary’s shoulder. Clary placed soft kisses on her head intermittently, the smile never leaving her lips as Izzy twirled her red hair in her fingers. Maia tapped out a beat on Izzy’s legs, matching the punk rock music Simon had playing on the stereo. Helen and Aline were attached at the mouth in the very back with an incredibly annoyed Raphael smushed next to them. The music was loud and the laughter was louder as Simon drove the short distance to the end of the New York Pride parade.
As the group stumbled out of the van, they were immediately bombarded with the loud sounds of pop music pumping from the speakers and the cheerful laughter of the guests. Simons grin widened as he caught a glimpse of the pansexual pride flag blowing in the light breeze. He’d always known his sexuality was fluid, but it wasn’t until he’d met Jace that he realized just how fluid. The blonde man sparked something in him which was a mixture between constant anger and overwhelming love. He was pushed out from his thoughts when Jace’s arm flung around his shoulder, pulling him close.
“Ready to get your stuff? You’re on in about 3 hours.” The excitement and support evident in Jace’s voice, it was enough to cause Simon to lean over and place a wet kiss to his cheek. Jace pushed him away jokingly, their hands now connected as they walked toward the stage. “We’ll see you guys in a bit. Enjoy pride!”
Jace had been obsessed with redheaded women for as long as he could remember. The moment he laid eyes on Clary, he thought he’d found the love of his life.  Jace had never felt an interest in men, that is until Simon walked through the door. He knew Alec was gay for a long time, so it wasn’t something completely foreign to him, but there was never anyone who stuck out to him. That all changed the minute Simon entered the coffee shop. With his glasses just a little askew on his face and his hair just a little messed up, Jace was hooked.
It took more than one “accidental” run in for Simon to realize that Jace was interested. Simon had always assumed Jace was trying to get with Clary no matter how many times Clary told him that wasn’t the case. What made Simon realize their connection, was when Jace pretended an ex had walked it. Jace quickly wrapped his arms around Simon, planting a kiss on his lips. When Simon asked what was going on, Jace shrugged and introduced Simon as his boyfriend. From then on, that introduction stuck. It wasn’t until a few days later that Simon learned that the “ex” was actually Jace’s sister, Izzy.
Jace wanted nothing more than to explore New York Pride with Simon, but the pride he had for his boyfriend eclipsed that need. Simon had landed the opening spot to perform on the main stage at this giant event. He’d auditioned only because Jace tricked him into it. When he got the call, Jace had hugged him so hard, he’d lifted him up off the ground. Simon’s smile was the only thing in the world that made Jace’s heart start racing and to see it shine so brightly on a day like today? He couldn’t believe how he’d gotten so lucky.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jace saw Simon continually glancing over to one of the booths selling flags. Right before they reached the stage, Jace redirected them to the booth, Simon resisting the tug of Jace’s hand.
“Jace, what?” Jace walked to the booth, looking at the assortment of flags in front of them. Finding the one he wanted, he reached out and grabbed it before placing a few bills on the table. He turned towards a slightly red Simon and wrapped the flag around his neck, giving Simon a pansexual cape.
“You’re Pan Man. The pansexual superhero who’s about to rock the stage at New York Pride!” Jace yelled excitedly, twirling Simon and gaining the interest of a few people around them. Simon shook his head before he leaned in and connected their lips in a fiery kiss. A few whistles and calls were thrown in their direction, all positive, earning a wide smile from both of the boys. “Let’s get you over to the stage,” Jace muttered, throwing his arm over Simon’s shoulders and leading him toward their destination.
Izzy was always dressed to kill. Her black leather dress was short and deeply cut, but this was Pride and she could be whoever she wanted to be. Yeah, it might have been a bit too hot for leather and it was probably not the best idea to wear 6-inch heels, but she looked good. And she wasn’t afraid to show it. She looked to either side of her to make sure her girlfriends were still close enough for her to defend if they needed it. Not that she expected to need to, but she was the momma bear of the group.
She’d met Clary first. Pretending to be her brother’s ex-girlfriend in order for him to finally land the guy he’d been pining over for weeks. It was uncomfortable and weird, especially when she’d had to wait another month to see the redhead again so she didn’t blow Jace’s cover. When she was finally introduced to Clary officially, Izzy had immediately fallen in love with her creativity and soft nature. When she found out she was in a relationship, it had taken Izzy a few weeks to convince herself she could just be friends with Clary.
What she wasn’t expecting was to go out on a date with Clary and Maia and fall in love with them both. They were the most interesting couple Izzy had ever met. Clary was a gentle creature who giggled at everything around her. Maia was tough and badass and radiated confidence at every turn. Izzy knew she was in trouble from the start. When Clary asked her on a one-on-one date, Izzy wasn’t even sure it was a date. Until Clary had tucked her hair behind her ear and ran her thumb across Izzy’s lips. Izzy asked about Maia before their lips touched and Clary just giggled softly, rubbing her nose across Izzy’s softly. Clary informed her that Maia would get her turn and proceeded to kiss Izzy so gently, she thought she may melt.
From that moment on, their relationship had grown into one that Izzy never thought possible. She loved Clary and Maia equally and they loved her the same. Izzy never felt like she was ‘joining in’ on Clary and Maia’s relationship and the two women made a point of that. Izzy felt loved more than she ever thought possible and she loved in return as much as her heart would let her.
Walking around pride with her hand grasped tight in Clary’s while Maia had an arm around her shoulder was the most free Izzy had ever felt. They all wandered together, never breaking their connection as they passed booth filled with flags, pamphlets, and drag queens. Izzy stopped abruptly when she saw the pi symbol out of the corner of her eye. As a major nerd, Izzy wondered what the pi symbol was doing on a flag, so she detached herself from her girlfriend’s and moved through the crowd to get to the booth.
“Excuse me?” Izzy said softly, motioning towards the black, red, and blue flag. “What is this flag? For like nerdy gays or something?” Izzy joked, earning a hearty laugh from the large man behind the counter.
“Honey, it’s for polyamory. Like, dating multipl--” Izzy squealed before she could stop herself, a shocked look crossing the man’s face. She turned towards Clary and Maia only to meet their smirks.
“You never told me we had our own flag!!” Izzy accused, reaching over to grab one and tying it around her shoulders. Clary and Maia giggled together, their hands attached as they watched their adorable girlfriend pay for her flag. “It has pi on it, guys! Pi!!” Izzy reiterated, twirling to show them her newly acquired accessory. Maia stepped forward, pulling Izzy into her arms and kissing her cheek. Clary leaned over and pressed her lips to her other cheek softly, both pulling back to smile at each other.
“How in the world did we find her?” Maia asked, a look of pride on her face as she glanced back at Izzy, excitedly speaking to the booth owner. Clary shook her head, leaning her shoulder against Maia’s.
“Just lucky, I guess.”
Aline was used to pride activities. Growing up, her mother was always supportive of her sexuality. Of course, Aline was never going to take anything but what she deserved. She’d always had a strong personality and a hard head. Her mother knew that and if Aline said she was a lesbian, than she was a lesbian. That was that. And her mother would love her no matter what. Aline had never really shown interest in romantic aspects of life. She’d been focused and competitive throughout high school and even more so in college.
The minute her eyes met Helen’s, she knew she was toast. Helen had just joined the gym Aline worked at as a trainer part time in college. She immediately signed up for all of the classes possible, most of which Aline taught. When Helen walked into the first class, Aline immediately matched up with her. She had tried to make it obvious that she was interested. Helen was a bit more shy than Aline, though. It took a few more weeks for Aline to convince her to go on a date. Their first date was a huge success though and they’d been together ever since.
Aline glanced over at Helen, who was rifling through the graphic t’s on one of the tables. The woman behind the counter was helping her and Aline could see the flirting from her position a few feet away. Obviously, Helen was oblivious, so Aline had to step in.
“Hi, beautiful. Which one do you like?” Helen held up a shirt with three moons in different phases, filled in with the bisexual flag. Underneath, it said ‘I am not a phase’. Aline sighed, pulling Helen into her arms and kissing her forehead gently. It was no secret to the two of them that Helen’s family didn’t believe in her bisexuality. They thought she’d get over it and when they met Aline, they finally realized that it wasn’t something to get over. Unfortunately, that caused a rift between them and Helen was all alone. But she had Aline and Aline was sure to remind her that she wasn’t alone every chance she got.
“I want to get this one, I think,” she said softly, holding it out to the woman behind the booth along with her payment. Aline smiled at her and held Helen just a little tighter. When the woman walked away, Helen giggled into Aline’s neck. “She wasn’t flirting, babe,” she said through her laughter. Aline rolled her eyes and placed her hand on Helen’s chin to meet her eyes.
“I never said she was, babe,” Aline responded, placing a gentle kiss on her lips just as the woman came back with her change. She smiled at the two of them, placing the money on the counter.
“You are really cute together. I hope you enjoy pride!” The woman said happily. Aline instantly felt relief flood through her. She was as competitive as anyone else, but she didn’t feel like ruining pride over something like jealousy. Aline wished her a happy pride back and pulled Helen along by her waist. She stopped at another booth and pushed Helen into the seat. At Helen’s questioning look, Aline just smiled, pointing to the glitter tattoos being offered.
“How about a pink, purple, and blue fairy for my fairy?” Aline said, beckoning the artist over. Helen nodded her head before pulling Aline into her lap and letting the artist start her work. Aline watched as Helen talked with the artist, a smile never leaving her face. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this happy and it was all because of Helen.
Pride wasn’t really Raphael’s thing. He didn’t understand why people like him needed a giant event in order to be proud of who they were, but he wasn’t one to step on his friends fun. Well, he absolutely was, but not with this. His group of friends had accepted every aspect of him like it was no problem and he’d promised himself he’d always do the same. He glanced around at the rainbow colors flying through the air and sighed to himself. The sun was too hot, the colors were too bright, and he really just wanted to be at home right now.
“Mind if I join you?” A smooth voice asked. Raphael turned to see a beautiful man standing in front of the bench he had claimed. He gestured towards the seat next to him, moving over slightly so he could sit down. Raphael looked back at his phone, assuming the man just needed a seat away from the excitement but his voice chimed again. “I’m Meliorn. And you are?” Raphael looked up from his phone to glance back at Meliorn, raising his eyebrows. Meliorn mimicked him, the look on his face urging Raphael to introduce himself.
“Raphael,” he said quickly, looking back down at his phone. He heard Meliorn laugh beside him and rolled his eyes.
“You know, for someone at the happiest place on earth right now, you’re pretty glum,” Meliorn remarked, crossing his legs on the bench and facing Raphael. Raphael looked up once more, turning to really look at Meliorn. He had to admit that he was pleasing to look at.
“I’m here with friends. I don’t really belong… here.” Raphael looked around at all the sexually explicit material and the half naked and leather clad men and women surrounding him. Meliorn tilted his head in question and Raphael sighed. “Not that I need to explain myself, but I’m asexual. I don’t fit in with the LGBT crowd,” Raphael mumbled, a bit scared to meet Meliorn’s eyes.
It was only a few months ago that he found a term for what he felt his whole life. While other kids in high school were experiencing their first times, Raphael stayed on the sidelines, content to just listen to their stories in silence. In college, when his roommate would kick him out of their dorm to bring a girl home on a Saturday night, Raphael would go study in the common area. People had always told him he’d be happier if he just ‘got laid’. Or that he’d obviously just never found the right person to have fun with. He didn’t see it that way.
One late night, after the rest of the group had gone to bed, he let out his sorrows as the alcohol swam through his system. He had his head in Simon’s lap and his feet in Izzy’s and he just let it all out. How never in his life did he feel that urge to join with someone. He never looked a woman or man and thought about what they’d be like in bed. He confessed to them about how he wanted a partner, someone to share his life with, but sex just wasn’t something he was interested in doing. Izzy nodded, rubbing a supportive hand up and down his shin while Simon played with his hair. Izzy said the word first. Asexual. She read the definition out loud and something clicked inside Raphael. His tears fell more freely then and his embarrassment was suffocated by the love he had for his best friends beside him. In the end, he’d felt more secure in what he was and he had them to thank for it.
“You belong here, Raphael,” Meliorn said softly. Raphael could’ve sworn his voice sounded like velvet. Meliorn reached towards his hand and Raphael quickly pulled it back, a fearful look on his face. “I want to show you something. Can I?” Raphael nodded slowly, letting Meliorn take his hand. They walked through the crowds of people, their hands never leaving each others grip. Meliorn stopped in front of a booth, finally letting go of his hand. Raphael looked up from his feet to see an upside down triangle filled in with white, gray, and black. He tilted his head back to take a look at the name of the organization and gasped softly.
“Welcome to The Asexual Visibility and Education Network’s booth, fellas! We have some free stickers and pins and for a small donation, you get a flag!” Raphael gaped at the man and blindly accepted the sticker and pin he had offered. Meliorn handed over a small amount of cash to the man before wrapping a flag around Raphael’s bicep.
“This is pride, Raphael. You belong here. Just the way you are.” Meliorn gripped onto his arms underneath the flag in a sign of comfort. Raphael didn’t know what overtook him, but he threw himself into Meliorn’s arms and hugged him as tight as he could. Meliorn smiled into Raphael’s shoulder, holding him back just as tightly.
“Thank you…” Raphael didn’t think the words were enough and he stared down at the black, gray, white, and purple flag covering his bicep. “You… You don’t know what this means to me…” He shook his head as Meliorn took out a marker from his backpack.
“If you ever need to talk or you know, want to hang out, here’s my number.” Meliorn wrote down the digits quickly on Raphael’s wrist, blowing on the drying ink and causing a shiver to rush through the other man. Raphael shook his head, finally noting the bisexual flag on his cheek.
“But you… You’re bisexual?” Meliorn nodded, taking a few steps back from Raphael.
“Sex isn’t a deal breaker, Raphael. I’ll see you around,” he shouted as he disappeared into the crowd. Meliorn didn’t know how much that sentence meant to Raphael or how much that day changed him.
The beginning of the parade was starting to look like a riot with the amount of people rushing to their places and making last minute adjustments to floats. Andrew was content watching his boyfriend direct orders to everyone beside him. He just sipped his water bottle, avoiding runners left and right.
“We’re almost done with the lineup! Marshalls, are you ready?” Lorenzo shouted, standing back as the music started playing on the first float. The Marshall’s shouted back and Lorenzo motioned for them to start. The crowd immediately went wild. Andrew had to hold onto the blockers behind him in order to stay on his feet. He’d never heard anything so loud and cheerful.
“You okay, love?” Andrew heard Lorenzo’s voice next to his ear and unconsciously leaned towards the sound. Lorenzo’s arm wrapped around his waist as they watched as the parade moved slowly forward. Andrew nodded, letting his body lean into Lorenzo’s chest.
Andrew had never been to a Pride before. In fact, he’d never really considered it as something he needed to do. When he first came out, he didn’t have any friends who were part of the community. He’d grown up in a small, unpopulated town, where everyone knew everyone and most everyone was straight. It wasn’t until he got to college and met Alec that he realized how many people just like him there were in the world. With Alec came Magnus, the extravagant, flamboyant, tornado of a bisexual man. He’d never met anyone like Magnus before. And with Magnus came Lorenzo.
Lorenzo Rey.
Andrew never expected to find the love of his life in college. He had always assumed that when he was 30, he would get tired of waiting and join some online dating service for the incredibly awkward and settle for a less-than-ideal man. He never expected he’d meet Lorenzo. If he did expect it, he would have changed the circumstances considerably.
Magnus was always the life of the party. And since Alec was more of a sidelines type of guy, Andrew had taken it upon himself to join their club excursions to save Alec from getting hit on every woman and man who didn’t see the undying love in his eyes for the dancing man on the floor. Magnus was so grateful for the new addition, he invited his oldest friend to join them one night. The one night that Andrew decided to get incredibly drunk and dance with Magnus for the first time just had to be the same night.
This wouldn’t necessarily be a problem for most people, but Andrew was a mess on the dance floor even when he was sober. His body moved to the beat, limbs flailing around carelessly before he smacked a drink right out of someone's hand and all over his pants. In his drunken haze, Andrew had kneeled in front of him, dabbing at the stain with his t-shirt, not noticing the stares and laughter around him, Magnus’ included. It wasn’t until Magnus pulled him up by his arm that he got a look at Lorenzo. And man, was he glad to look. He would have been embarrassed about his previous move if Lorenzo’s eyes weren’t so kindly staring at him. The rest of the night was filled with more kindness, less embarrassing laughter, and gentle kisses Andrew would never forget.
A few months later, when they had gotten more serious, Lorenzo mentioned to Andrew how the next few months were going to be extremely busy for him as he had many meetings to attend. When Andrew inquired further, Lorenzo shyly admitted his role as Head of Parade Operations for New York Pride. While Andrew had never been to a Pride, he knew that New York had one of the biggest and most exorbitant parades in the country. He was incredibly impressed that Lorenzo was the one that put it all together.
Andrew had gone to a few meetings with Lorenzo as his boyfriend insisted on ‘showing him off’ to the other members of the group. The group was incredible. They’d ask for Andrew’s input constantly to help him feel included and he’d never heard such a collective gasp when he mentioned he’d never been to Pride. Lorenzo gaped at him but quickly changed the subject upon sensing Andrew’s discomfort.
After that, Andrew told him about his childhood. It was the first time he’d spoken about it with someone who was like him. Lorenzo had been nothing but supportive of his stories of growing up in a small town where he couldn’t really be gay. He was open about being gay, but he didn’t feel like he fit in anywhere and Lorenzo just grabbed his hand and spoke to him about how much he fit.
With Lorenzo in his arms, the music and cheers filling the air, Andrew felt an overwhelming wave of emotion rush through him. For the first time in his life, he felt like he fit.
“Sweetie, ready to head to the end?” Lorenzo whispered, placing a soft kiss on Andrew’s ear and holding him just a little bit tighter. Andrew shook his head, taking a deep breath.
“Just a little bit longer?” Lorenzo squeezed his waist, nodding his head before placing it on Andrew’s shoulder. Andrew basked in the feeling of being accepted and loved, closing his eyes and taking in all of the sounds around him.
Alec knew he shouldn’t have gotten involved in yet another one of Magnus’ crazy ideas. His husband was full of them and somehow, marriage meant Alec was always dragged into them. This was how he found himself sitting in a makeup chair, face covered in makeup and a wig on top of his head. It itched more than he liked and the urge to run his hands over his face was stronger than usual. Magnus finished up the final touches of glitter before kissing his fingers mimicking a chef.
“Perfecto!” Magnus shouted, twirling Alec around so he could look at himself in the mirror. Alec shook his head, his eyes wide with worry.
“Magnus, what? I don’t know about this…” Magnus just laughed, wrapping his arms around his husband’s shoulders, pressing the lightest of kisses on his cheek, careful not to mess up his hard work.
“You look fantastic, my love. Plus, you know that Pearl backed out last minute and she was my duet partner. I need someone I trust who has been to every rehearsal and knows the words and moves. Who better than my at home dance partner?” Magnus fluttered his eyelashes and Alec sighed heavily. There was no way he could say no to that face.
“I will do the performance with you at the end of the parade. I will wave and throw candy because I support you with my whole heart. But I will notbe happy about it.” The smile widened on Magnus’ face and Alec couldn’t help but mimic it. He pressed his bright red lips to Magnus’ cheek as he stood up and pulled on the ridiculous outfit Magnus had chosen for him. Magnus had looked amazing in his hot pink leather dress and Alec found himself drooling any time he entered a room in his outfit. Together, they waltzed onto the float, hand in hand to be met with the cheers of the crowd.
Alec was true to his word, at least mostly. He waved and tossed candy to the crowd, but he was happy about it. He was having a blast. Yes, his wig was hot and his makeup was probably ruined at this point, but the energy was unparalleled. It wasn’t until he heard the whistles and catcalls that he felt a blush creep on his cheeks. He looked toward the crowd to see his group of friends going absolutely crazy. Izzy was jumping up and down, unable to contain her excitement. Maia and Clary were cheering loudly, Maia putting her fingers to her lips for an ear piercing whistle. Jace and Simon were laughing their asses off, both winking when Alec made eye contact. When the float stopped and the first chords chimed, Alec froze. It wasn’t until he felt the reassuring slide of Magnus’ arm around his waist that he snapped back into reality.
“Ladies and gentleman and everyone in between, welcome to New York Pride!” Magnus shouted, earning a flood of cheers throughout the crowd. Magnus had chosen Lady Marmalade for his performance song and his outfit was enough to have Alec drooling just at the sight. As nervous as he was to perform, the fact that it was Magnus beside him had him moving his lips along to the song. The cheers from his friends boosted his confidence as he strutted his stuff across the float, moving in sequence with Magnus. He dipped and spun and twirled Magnus on cue, both of their smiles lighting up the float just a little more. When the song ended, Magnus pressed his lips to Alec, neither caring about their makeup as they kissed fiercely for all to see. Alec pulled away at another wolf whistle from Maia, waving shyly at his friends. The float moved slowly towards the end, both him and Magnus jumped off only to be pummelled by hugs from the group.
“Holy shit, Alec. Who knew what a hot girl you’d make?” Jace said, twirling a strand of Alec’s blonde wig in his fingers. Alec shoved him away, rolling his eyes.
“Okay, but those heals! How are you doing that? They’re taller than mine?!” Izzy screamed, wrapping her arms around her brother’s waist. He held her back, lifting one foot up to take another look at them.
“Magnus makes me practice with him and apparently heels are a necessity?” Alec replied lamely, suddenly very aware of the outfit he was in. The silver sequined bra was sparkling in the sunlight, the corset around his waist was making it a bit hard to breath, and he couldn’t help but tug down the short skirt Magnus had somehow convinced him to wear. Magnus strutted over, wrapping his arms around Alec’s neck and kissing him once more. The group took pictures of the two of them and Alec made a mental note to destroy them all later.
“Happy Pride, Alexander,” Magnus whispered, glancing around at all of the beautiful people surrounding them. Alec sighed, pressing a kiss to Magnus’ head. He never thought he’d be this comfortable in his own skin. Magnus had shown him that he could be exactly who he wanted to be and more and he was grateful for his husband every day.
“Happy Pride, Magnus.”
I owe my life to @schmicosmalec for dropping everything today to beta this for me. You’re the best parabatai a girl could ask for. 
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sakuswritersblog · 6 years ago
Accidentally Engaged - Part 1 of a Noah Centineo Mini Series
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A/N: Hey everyone. The Noah Centineo mini-series I promised you is finally here! This story is based on the movie ‘Accidentally Engaged’ which some of you might be familiar with. I just changed a few bits and pieces of the storyline to adapt it to Noah’s life, but otherwise kept most of the plot the same. If you’ve already seen the film you’ll know how the story ends. I still hope that those who watched it, still decide to read this series since I worked really hard on this idea. Plus you’ll get a little bit of asshole Noah which I had a lot of fun with as well!
This is an AU because a lot of Noah’s lifestyle and family dynamic is different than from his actual life. I had to change these things, so they’d work with the story I was going for. Ps: I have nothing against Camila Mendes!! I actually think she’s amazing, so please don’t hate me for using her as the mean girl.
you can read part 2 here  and part 3 here
Everyone had dreams growing up. Some dreamed about being a doctor, firefighter or police officer while others dreamed about marrying a prince or being a wizard and going to Hogwarts. My dream had always been the same. Ever since I was little I wanted to be an actress in Hollywood, playing alongside acting icons such as Angelina Jolie or Leonardo Di Caprio. 
   I've always loved acting and jumping into different characters. I joined every drama club in all of the schools I went to and felt at home whenever I was on stage or standing in front of a camera. 
Despite a lot of people telling me to give up and move on from my dreams, I was determined to make them a reality. So, after I finally graduated from college, I packed up my old, boring life in Conway and moved out to Los Angeles, the city where dreams were supposed to come true. Once I got here though reality decided to hit me right in the face. 
Moving out to L.A. didn't launch me to where I wanted to be and I soon started to realize that working in this industry was harder than I first anticipated. The standards and competition I was up against were nothing like I ever expected. I knew that being rejected was part of the job, but it still wasn't easy to deal with, especially if it happened over and over again. I didn't give up though. I went from audition to audition, fighting for my dreams and working my butt off to better myself in every possible way. 
Luckily all of the hard work I put into improving myself eventually paid off and I finally managed to land a small role in an upcoming movie. While a role with less than ten lines wouldn’t seem like much to many people, it meant a lot to me. Now I finally had the chance to prove everyone wrong and most importantly prove to myself that I was good enough.
I was backstage with the makeup artist and stylist who were helping me get ready for my first shoot ever while waiting for my cue to go on set. The movie I was a part of was called Coffeeshop Crush, starring two of the biggest stars in Hollywood right now. The male lead was played by Noah Centineo, the internet's sweetheart who every girl wanted to be with, while the female lead was portrayed by Camila Mendes, a beautiful yet very presumptuous actress. Of course, it was an honor to play alongside these two talented actors, but I didn't really understand the big fuss everyone made about them. 
  “Alright, so we got you your director approved apron. I like this one a lot better than the other one.“ Kelly, the stylist said as she put it on me. I smiled at her, nodding. 
  “So... I saw his abs.“ She said, clearly talking about Noah Centineo. 
  Sidney, the makeup artist gasped, “Seriously?“ Kelly nodded, “Yeah. He just ripped his shirt of right in front of me. He got abs for days.“ She explained, fangirling a little. 
“And what did you do?“ Sidney asked while she continued doing my makeup.
      “What any girl would do, of course. I asked him to take a selfie with me for my Instagram so I can brag about meeting him to all of my friends.“ The both of them just started laughing while I just sat there and smiled, listening to them gushing about Noah. 
  “Are you gonna be able to look into his eyes without stumbling over your lines?“ Sidney asked, looking at me. 
  “I'm sure, I'll manage. I mean he's just a person like everyone else, right?“ I answered, looking back at them. 
“Right.“ The both of them answered simultaneously before starting to laugh. 
   “Okay, we're ready for her. Let's go.“ The assistant interrupted as she walked in to come and pick me up. I nodded and followed her. 
  The set we used for the first scene was a coffee shop where I played the waitress, which was quite ironic considering I worked as a waitress in real life too. 
 “Okay, everyone. Quiet on set! We're running in 3...2...1... and action!“
Noah walked in and sat down in front of Camila, who was already seated at a table. She looked up and smiled at him, “Hi.“ 
 Noah smiled back at her, “I didn't see you last Friday.“ He said, looking at her. 
  “Or the Friday before. But you were here-“ 
 “Three Friday's ago.“ Both of them said at the same time before laughing with each other. 
  “I thought I'd never see you again.“ Noah said, probably making every girl's heart beat faster by the way he delivered this line. 
  “Well, I'm here now.“ Camila responded, looking at him with loving eyes.
  Noah smiled, “Let me buy you a cup of coffee.“ He waved at me which was my cue to walk in. My heart was beating like crazy, but I tried to ignore it. I took a deep breath before walking into the scene with a pot of coffee in my hands and a big smile on my face. 
I started to pour some coffee into Camila's mug, “Can I get you anything else?“ I asked before pouring some into the other mug as well.
Noah shook his head, “I think I got everything I need right here in front of me,“ before he could continue with his next line, the lid of the coffepot slipped off, causing the coffee to spill on both Camila and Noah's clothes. They both gasped before jumping off their seats. 
“Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!“ I apologized, feeling awful about messing up the scene. 
I looked at Camila and apologized again, “I'm so sorry.“ She just glared at me and said, “Uhm no,“ before walking away from me. 
I sighed and turned to Noah, “I didn't know the lid wasn't-“   
“Don't sweat it. Wardrobe has doubles.“ He said, patting my shoulder before walking over to the wardrobe to change. 
Once he left, the director approached me. “You come with me.“ I sighed and followed her, knowing I screwed up. She walked me out of set and immediately fired me. She also told me that someone like me didn't deserve to call herself an actress and that I should probably reconsider my life choices. 
   I left the building, feeling like crap. I got into my car and decided to drive over to my Agent Natalie. I knew she would probably give me one of her famous pep talks, which was exactly what I needed after I just ruined my acting career. 
“Oh honey, you always gotta check your props,“ Natalie told me after I explained what had happened. 
I sighed, pacing through the room. “I know that now. Gosh, I made a complete fool of myself in front of two of the hottest actors in Hollywood right now.“ 
“Oh, please. Camila Mendes is a notorious diva. It was probably her bad karma that caused it to happen in the first place. And Noah... he's sexy and all, but no brain's above. I doubt he'd remember you if he saw you.“ She said, trying to comfort me. 
“Natalie... I know how hard you worked to get me that audition.“ 
  “Forget it, okay? You still got paid and we'll keep it on your headshot until we get you something better.“ 
  “Yeah, but what if this small part could've lead to something bigger? It was the first role I got after two years and I messed it all up.“ 
 Natalie looked at me, a small smile on her face. “(Y/N), it was seven lines. It's not the end of the world or your career. You're still young.“ 
  “So is Camila.“   
“Do not compare yourself to her, (Y/N). You are such a talented actress. So, you're not all lips and lashes like Camila. You're beautiful just the way you are. You look like a storybook princess. You're vulnerable yet you're strong. Honey, you have star quality. That's why I signed you, okay?“ 
I nodded, “You're right. Besides... If I don't believe in myself who will, right?“
Natalie smiled, “See, you are a great actress.“ 
I looked at her confused, “what?“
“Well... even though you're down on your luck and you don't believe a word you just said, you still had me convinced.“
I smiled at her, “Thanks, Natalie.“ 
   I was right about her being able to make me feel better and giving me the pep talk I needed because she did. She was definitely the best agent I could have ever asked for and I was glad to be signed to her. 
“Alright. You go home and get some rest and I'm gonna get you out for a commercial audition on Friday at two in Studio City, okay?“ 
“Oh, I can't. I'm going back home for a bridal shower, remember?“ “Yes, you're maid of honor at your best friend's wedding, right?“
I nod, “The honor is all mine.“ 
“Well, it'll be good for you to get away and not think about auditions and Hollywood for a while. Go and have some fun.“ 
I smiled and got up from my seat, before walking towards the door. “Oh and (Y/N)?“ 
I turned around, looking back at her. “Life is a movie if you let it be. I know.“
Natalie smiled at me. “Alright, go and have some fun. Bye, honey.“ 
“Bye.“ I waved at her before leaving her office and walking back to my car. ****
I was working my early shift at the café that paid for most of my bills while trying to clear my head from yesterday's events. I still couldn't believe that I lost my first ever movie role because of some stupid mistake I made. I know Natalie told me that losing my role wasn't the end of the world or my career, but it definitely still hurt. I let out a breath and pushed all these thoughts away and focused back on my shift.
“Can I get you anything else?“ I asked the couple that seemed to be out on a date, after serving them some coffee. 
  “No, I think we're good.“ The boy answered, smiling at me. I nodded and walked over to the next table to take a new order when I saw that Noah Centineo was the one sitting there. 
“Uh... Noah.“ 
He was staring at his phone and looked up once he saw me standing in front of him. He seemed to recognize me immediately and forced a small smile at me, “Hi.“
“Uhm... Hi.“ I replied, looking at him. 
“You know, I... uh... think I came to the wrong place.“ He said before getting up from his seat and walking right out the door. 
I put the coffeepot down on the table and looked at my co-worker Melody. “Hey, Mel, can you watch my tables for a second?“ She nodded and I followed Noah outside, where he was talking to someone on the phone. 
“Yeah, the menu here isn't so great. We could get some take out.“ I heard him say into the phone. “Okay, bye.“ He ended the call and put his phone back inside his pocket.
I crossed my arms in front of my chest and cleared my throat. Noah turned around and glanced back at me.
“You didn't even look at the menu.“ I said, raising my brows at him. 
 “I just didn't think my publicist would like it here, so.“ He defended himself while fidgeting around with his hands. 
“What? You thought I was gonna pour a cup of coffee in your lap again? I'm not an idiot you know? I wait tables for a living.“ I knew how pathetic my statement sounded after what happened yesterday on set, but I needed to put him in his place. Just because he was a Hollywood star, didn't mean he had the right to be a jerk to everyone around him. 
“Really?“ He asked, raising his brows at me. 
“What exactly are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be brunching at the Ivy with some Teen Choice Award winners or something?“ I asked, a hint of annoyance in my voice.
“Uh...I don't even know your name so why are you even mad at me? Besides, you're the one who set our shoot back two hours.“ Noah said, giving me a reproachful glance.
“Seriously? Why does no one blame the prop master for not doing his job?“ I asked, throwing my arms in the air defensively. 
 “Checking your props is practically acting class 101.“ He commented, running a hand through his curly hair.
“Oh, yeah? Since when?“ 
“Since always. I don't know that doesn't really change.“ 
I shook my head, laughing. “Great. I'm getting acting advice from a Disney Channel star.“ 
  “You watched Austin & Ally?“ He asked, sounding a little surprised. 
  I shrugged my shoulders, “Everyone our age did.“   
Noah laughed and pointed a finger at me, “You had a crush on me, didn't you? Come on, admit it, you thought I was cool.“ 
   Now he was really taking it too far. Who did this guy think he was? I don’t think I've ever met someone in my life, who was so full of crap and I seriously had no idea what everyone else loved so much about him. Noah Centineo was an asshole who clearly only cared about himself and his career. 
“I have to get back to work.“ I said, turning away from him. 
  “Okay, but just remember... coffee is better in a cup than on your shirt.“ 
  I decided to ignore his comment and just glared back at him. 
  “I'm joking, girl. It was just a joke.“ Before he had the chance to say anything else, I walked back inside the café, slamming the door behind me.
I grabbed the coffeepot from the table and walked behind the counter.
“Uh excuse me. Was that Noah Centineo you just talked to?“ Melody asked, looking at me. I nodded my head, “Yeah... the one and only.“ 
  “Okay, wow. He sure is hella dreamy.“ She gushed, making me roll my eyes. “Yeah and he knows it. Gosh, that guy is so full of himself it's almost pathetic.“ 
She stared at me for a minute before saying, “Uh huh. You clearly are just saying that to cover up the fact that you two are actually a thing.“ 
I immediately shook my head, feeling a little offended by her assumption. “Ew, no, what the hell. That's definitely not the case. Why would you even say that?“ I asked, looking back at her. 
“Because of this pic, I saw online.“ She said, grabbing her phone.
“What pic?“ 
“The one of you and Noah leaving some VIP lounge in Hollywood.“ 
“I can assure you that it definitely wasn't me.“ 
“Okay.“ She said, clearly not believing me.
“It wasn't, I swear. Why would you even think it was me?“ 
She pulled out a picture and showed it to me.
“I don't know. I mean you can't see her face but she has the same hair as you.“ 
I glanced at it for a second and shook my head, “It's not me.“ I said before walking into the kitchen to make some new coffee. Once I finished my shift and got back home I immediately called my best friend Emily, who's bridal shower I was going to tomorrow. We both talked for a while and I poured my heart out to her, telling her about the last couple of days. She always knew exactly what to say to make me feel better and of course she did this time too. 
  Although I did get some bad news from her as well. Because I was so busy with going to auditions and focusing on my acting career she decided to change my title from 'maid of honor' to 'co-maid of honor'. 
The actual maid of honor now was our friend Ashley, who organized the bridal shower and also most of the wedding next weekend. Even though I'd been fired as the maid of honor, I still looked forward to going back home to Conway. It would be good for me to leave Los Angeles for a while and to focus on my friends and family back at home. I was excited to see them and hoped that it would distract me from all of the madness in my life. 
After a long flight and a two-hour drive, I finally arrived at my best friend's house where she held her bridal shower. 
I parked my car and knocked at the door. When no one answered, I checked if the door was unlocked and when it was I entered the house. 
  I walked through the familiar place until I reached the backyard where a lot of people were already waiting. I saw all of my friends gathered at a table and smiled. 
“You guys seriously started without me?“ I asked, walking towards the table they were sitting at. My friends Ashley and Jane squeaked before running over to greet me. Emily followed them with a big smile on her face. 
Ashley and Jane both looked me up and down once we pulled apart from the hugs.
“Oh my gosh, that color looks so good on you! And the L.A. weather must be good to you too  because you're tanned as hell!“ Jane said and Ashley nodded. 
“You look so hot, girl. Come on, let's take a selfie for Instagram.“ Ashley pulled out her phone and held it in front of our faces. I smiled at the camera and we took a couple selfies before both of them started asking me question after question.
“Oh my gosh, I heard you're filming a movie with Noah Centineo! The Noah Centineo. Is that really true?“ 
“Yes, is he as hot as he is in person? Is he tall and oh my gosh did you touch his hair?“ 
“Yeah, did you? What does he smell like? Are his eyes really that sparkly?“ 
  I let out a breath, feeling a little overwhelmed about this whole situation. I loved my friends a lot, I really did, but they were really hard to be around sometimes.  
“So... the maid of honor has finally arrived.“ Emily said, saving me from this crazy situation.
Ashley cleared her throat, looking at Emily. “I mean co-maid of honor.“ She corrected herself, smiling at us. 
“I'm just teasing, (Y/N). When you're here, I want you to do everything you can. And when you're not, I just wanna help out.“ Ashley said, smiling at me. 
  I smiled back at her. “Thanks, Ash. I think it's really sweet of you to help out while I'm stuck in L.A.“ She nodded before she and Jane disappeared to grab some champagne.   
Emily walked over to me and hugged me. “It's good to finally see you, (Y/N).“ She said once we pulled apart from each other. 
I nodded and linked my arm with hers, “It's so good to be home. I missed you guys so much.“ 
  “and we missed you.“ She smiled at me before we walked back to the table. 
“By the way, I didn't tell anybody that you got fired.“
“Thank you. I really don't feel like talking about it.“ 
“I know and you're welcome.“
We sat down at the table and waited for the others to arrive. Once everyone was there, we raised our glasses in a toast to officially celebrate Emily's bridal shower. 
  “So, how's Los Angeles, dear?“ Allison, Emily's mother, asked me
. “It's good. I'm going to lot's of auditions and also work at this cute coffee shop. I really like it there.“ I answered, looking at her. 
  She smiled at me before Jane asked me another question. “So... is Noah Centineo really that tall? Or just kinda tall?“ 
  I sighed, “No more questions about Noah, okay? Today is all about Emily.“ I looked over to my best friend and smiled. 
  She nodded her head and smiled back at me. “Yeah, (Y/N)'s right. Today's all about me. You guys know that I love being the center of attention.“ 
We all laughed at her comment before we moved on to open her gifts. 
  While Emily was opening her presents I went back inside the house to grab some more champagne for us, when I ran into Jake, Emily's fiancé. He was six years older than all of us which we often liked to tease him about. 
  “Hey, grandpa.“ I said, waving at him. Luckily he was a cool guy and immediately played along. 
  “(Y/N?) Is that you?“ He asked, doing a terrible grandpa voice.
I laughed and pulled him into a hug. “It's good to see you, Jake. Congrats.“ I smiled at him.  
“Thank you. And thank you for flying all the way in from Los Angeles. I know it means the world to Emily.“ 
 I nodded and grabbed the bottle of champagne before going back outside. Jake followed me and I stopped in my tracks to look at him. 
“Uh, since when does the groom join the bridal shower?“ I asked, raising my brows at him. 
   “Since the groom's poker tournament ended two hours ago.“ Jake said before making his way outside. I shook my head laughing before following him. 
   On my way out I ran into Dylan, my childhood crush and best friend for years. I barely recognized him. He lost so much weight since the last time we saw each other and looked even better than I remembered him.
“Dylan, oh my gosh, I didn't even recognize you.“ He smiled and pulled me into a hug. 
“Hey, (Y/N). I missed you.“ Dylan said once we pulled apart from each other.   
I looked him up and down, a proud smile on my face. “You look great. How much weight did you lose? I mean you look... wow.“ 
I blushed a little and Dylan laughed. “It's okay, (Y/N). You can ask.“ 
“How much weight did you lose?“ I asked again. 
“58 pounds.“ 
My eyes widened. “Wow, that's incredible. When did this all happen? I mean the last time I saw you was barely a year ago.“  
Dylan nodded, “Yeah, I know. It happened after grad school. I took spring break off, got a personal trainer and been focusing on my body ever since.“ He explained while we walked back inside to sit down at a table. 
  “and what are you doing now?“ I asked, looking at him. 
“I'm a project manager at a tech firm near the beach.“ He replied.
“Wow, that's amazing. Congrats. I didn't know you moved back here.“ 
  “I didn't. I'm close though. I visit on and off. I got back here for Jake's poker tournament which didn't go too well for him.“ Dylan laughed and I joined him. 
  “Yeah, he's awful at poker. My grandma plays better than him.“ I joked and Dylan laughed again. 
  “I destroyed him. But anyway, what about you? How's L.A. treating you?“ He asked, looking at me. 
  “It's good. You know... dreams don't disappear.“ 
  Dylan nodded, “Yeah, they don't. You know what does though? People.“ 
  “Ouch, was that directed to me?“ I asked but he shook his head. “No, of course not. I just... missed you a lot.“ 
  “I missed you too, Dylan. But you were the one that ran off to Atlanta for college, remember?“ 
  He sighed, “Yeah, but that's still a closer drive back home than from Los Angeles.“ 
  Before we could continue with our conversation, Ashley walked in and joined us at the table. She kissed Dylan on the cheek and sat next to him. 
  “Now I know what was taking so long for you to get that champagne.“ 
Ashley said, looking at me. “Did you two have some time to catch up?“ She asked and Dylan nodded. 
  “So... how long have you two been together?“ I asked looking at them. 
“Two months.“ Both of them said and I nodded. 
“Well... I'm happy for you guys.“ 
Ashley smiled, “Thanks. So babe, are you ready to go home?“ 
Dylan looked at her confused, “I thought we'd stay a little longer. I haven't seen (Y/N) in a while. It'd be nice to you know... talk a little more.“ 
  “Okay, sure. Let's go back outside then.“ She said, getting up from her seat. 
   I could tell how jealous she was and that she didn't like how close I and Dylan still were. I didn't really blame her though. Dylan and I had a lot of history together. At some point in our lives, we both had feelings for each other. Things got really complicated between us though, which ultimately lead to the end of our friendship. Thankfully a lot of time has passed since then and we're now back at being friends. 
“Yeah, let's go.“ Dylan said before getting up from his seat. I followed him and the three of us went back outside.
It had gotten dark outside when we joined the others and most people had already left the bridal shower. Ashley, Jane, Jackson, Dylan, Emily and I were the only ones left and we all gathered around at a table. 
“(Y/N), you have to tell us. Have you been dating any celebrities?“ Jane asked, clearly a little tipsy from all the champagne and wine she'd been drinking all day.
  “Not really. There were a couple of guys I really liked but they all ended up being total psychos so nope, no dating. Especially no one famous.“
“What about that director guy Zeke?“ Ashley asked but Jane shook her head,“No, we hate that guy. He dumped her on her birthday.“ 
“He didn't really know that it was my birthday, but whatever. That was a lifetime ago. Besides, I just wanna focus on my career right now. So it's fine.“   “Well, that's a good thing.“ Dylan commented.
“Yeah, but that's all by choice, right? Of course, all the guys adore her out there.“ Emily said, smiling at me. “and I totally respect that you wanna focus on your career. That takes a lot of dedication.“ 
  “It sounds like it's paying off though. I mean with this big movie role and all.“ Ashley added, looking at me. 
  “Wait, you booked a movie? That's awesome! Congrats, (Y/N).“ Dylan said, sounding all proud. 
  “When does it come out?“ Dylan asked curiously. 
  “I don't know. My scene might get cut anyways.“
“Wait, why would your scene get cut? I mean don't they need you in the film? I thought you were like a lead character.“ 
“I wouldn't say that, exactly.“ I responded, looking back at Ashley who was the one asking me all these questions. 
  “You guys it's complicated. You know she has to sign like a non-disclosure deal and all that stuff. She isn't really allowed to talk about it.“ Emily chimed in, saving me once again. 
  “Yeah, she's right.“ I said, mouthing a 'thank you' at her. 
  Jane's phone beeped and she immediately started squeaking. “Oh my gosh... no way. That's you, (Y/N)!“ She said, showing me a picture on her phone. 
It was the same picture Melody showed me the other day of Noah Centineo and some girl leaving a VIP lounge in Hollywood. 
She showed the picture around the table. “She's the mystery girl! The one that's been kissing Noah Centineo.“ Jane said and Ashley looked at me. 
  “You said you worked with Noah?“
“Yeah, I did.“
“So you guys are more than co-workers then?“
“Yeah... are you?“ 
  Everyone had so many questions about me and Noah which made me a little uncomfortable. I felt like I was being interrogated by the police or something. 
“I wouldn't really say that.“ I replied, looking back at them.
“Then... do you even know him?“ Ashley questioned, raising her brows at me.
“Yeah, I do. He just showed up at my work yesterday.“ 
“Then it is true! You're dating Noah Centineo!“ Jane laughed, nudging my shoulder. 
  I didn't really know what to do. Everyone was staring at me and I felt really pressured which is why I said, “Yeah. It's true. It's all true.“ 
  “I just want to know if he's coming to the wedding because I want him to sign my bridesmaid's dress.“ 
  “Oh, really?“ Emily asked, giving her a weird look. 
  “I don't know what the big deal is. It's not like I'm gonna wear it again.“ 
  I shook my head, “No, he's not gonna come to the wedding.“
“Oh, he isn't? Why not?“ Ashley asked curiously. 
“Because no one knows yet. It's a publicity thing, you know. So you guys can't say anything.“ 
“About what?“ A familiar voice asked, causing me to turn around. My parents were standing behind me and I immediately got up from my seat to greet them.
   “Mrs. (Y/L/N), you didn't tell us your little girl was dating Noah Centineo.“ Ashley said, looking at my mom.
“Well... I... I didn't know.“ My mother said, looking at me surprised.
“Uh, hi mom. Dad.“ 
  “Who's Noah Centineo?“ My dad asked, confused.
“Oh don't worry, honey. He's a cutie.“ Mom said, patting his shoulder.
“What are you guys doing here?“ I asked, looking back at them. 
  “We were just driving by and we didn't really know if you had a ride home or not.“ My mom answered. 
  “You're staying with us, right?“ 
“Yeah, but my stuff is in the car. I can meet you guys at home, though?“
“No, we can hang. Can't we?“ “No, you know what? I'm exhausted. Let's go.“ 
“Sure, honey,“ Dad replied before he and mom turned around to go back to their car. 
  I waved at my friends before walking towards the house. Once I got inside I saw that Emily was already waiting for me. 
  “So, is it true? About Noah?“ She asked, looking at me with questioning eyes.
“Of course it is, why would I lie?“
“Maybe because you don't want any of them to know you got fired from your job? Look, (Y/N), it's okay if you're struggling. I promise you all of them will understand.“ 
   “It's just like I said. I can't say anything.“ I felt awful about lying to my best friend, but I was already too caught up in all the lies.
Besides, she would never find out the truth anyway. After I leave Conway and get back to L.A. this whole story won't be relevant anymore. No one's going to talk about it and I won't have to worry about explaining myself to my family or my friends. 
“Okay, fine. I just don't understand why you wouldn't have told me.“
“Yeah and you could have told me about Dylan and Ashley too, you know.“ I said, looking at her reproachfully. 
  Emily sighed, “I just didn't know how to tell you. They started dating when he got back and I didn't even think it would last in the first place.“
“It's fine. It's just kind of weird, you know? Ashley used to make so much fun of him back in school.“ 
“Yeah, but he's a lot different than he was in school.“
“I guess. I mean he looks great.“ 
“Yeah. But so does Mr. Noah Centineo.“ Emily said, wiggling her brows at me. 
“I'm so sorry about how all of that came up. Today really should have been about you and not me.“ 
“It's okay. I'm just glad that you came.“ 
“Yeah, me too.“
“Hey, but no more secrets, okay?“ Emily looked at me.
I nodded, “okay. No more secrets.“ 
  I felt horrible. I know I had to tell her the truth, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I kind of liked that everyone thought I was Noah Centineo's mysterious girlfriend, even though it wasn't true. It just felt really good to have this kind of attention from everyone which makes me feel even worse about lying to all of them. 
“Anyway, I have to go now. Bye. See you soon.“ I said, waving at Emily before grabbing my bag and leaving her house.
I woke up the next morning with some surprising news. Apparently, the whole internet world was talking about me and Noah Centineo, which I knew was Ashley and Jane's fault. 
Everyone assumed that I was Noah's secret girlfriend and even pictures with my face were going around the internet. Some newspapers and magazines even talked about it. So of course when I landed back in Los Angeles people were going crazy. Paparazzi were following me everywhere and even a few girls approached me and asked for a picture.
It was insane. Of course, I wanted to be famous and always dreamed about being in magazines and newspapers, but not like this. I didn't want to be famous because of a  celebrity I supposedly dated. Especially if that celebrity was Noah Centineo. It was my own fault that all of this was happening though. I never should have lied about being with him in the first place. I mean I didn't really lie, it was more like a misunderstanding that lead to a lie, but still. It was what got me into this mess. A mess I didn't really know how to get out of. A few days had passed since I got back and people were still talking about me and Noah. I was working my morning shift at the café. Almost everything seemed normal, except for the fact that a lot of paparazzi were gathered outside, taking pictures of me. 
“All the paparazzi sure love you a lot.“ Melody said, looking out the window. 
“Yeah, try to go to an audition at 8 am with three cars chasing after you.“
“Ohh, poor you.“ She said, rolling her eyes. “You said you two weren't dating though?“
 “No, we're not. This whole thing was just a big misunderstanding. Noah Centineo wants nothing to do with me.“ 
“Then why is he here?“ Melody asked, pointing towards the door. I followed her gaze and saw Noah, who had just entered the café.
“Oh no.“ I said, walking over to him. 
  His arms were crossed in front of his chest while he was staring back at me.
  “Noah, I'm so sorry about everything. I swear I didn't tell anyone we had a thing it was just a huge misunderstanding.“ I explained, looking at him.
“But you did tell people it was you in the picture?
He raised his brows at me. 
“Well yes, I mean not really. Look, they all said it was me and I just didn't tell them no. I went home for a bridal shower last weekend.“
“Ugh, bridal shower. You're the bridesmaid?“
I nodded. 
  “Yeah... those can be pretty rough,“ Noah said, hiding his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah, tell me about it.“ I replied, thinking back at how crazy the bridal shower had been before adding, “look, I just didn't want to tell them I got fired, okay?“
“So you told people we were together instead?“ He asked, giving me a weird look.
I sighed, “You don't know these girls. They create fantasies in their heads.“
“Well, it clearly looks like they're not the only ones.“ He glanced at me.
“Hey, if you want me to go out there and tell everyone it was a lie, I'll do it.“ I said, pointing outside to the paparazzi. 
   Noah put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me over to one of the tables. 
“Actually... there's something I need your help with.“ 
“My help with what?“ I asked once we sat down at the table.
“I was kind of hoping we could break up. In public.“
I looked at him confused, “Break up? Why?“ 
  “No one can know who was really with me in the photo that night so I kinda need people to keep thinking it was you.“
“Who is it?“ I asked curiously. 
  “It's complicated. If people find out I was dating this woman it could ruin both of our careers.“ He explained. 
  “Well, you didn't really seem to care about helping me save mine.“ 
“You didn't ask.“ 
  I rolled my eyes at that. 
“But I am. I'm asking for your help here. Besides, this looks like it might be pretty good press for you.“ Noah looked over his shoulder and pointed over to the window where all of the paparazzi were taking pictures of us. 
“It's not the kind of press I'm looking for. If I actually get famous I want it to be because I played the perfect part and not because I was the chick dumped by Noah Centineo in public.“ 
“Well... what do you want then? Money?“ 
“No. I'm not gonna lie for money.“
“It's not lying, it's acting. Besides, you didn't have a problem lying to your friends back home.“ 
  I sighed. He had a good point.
“Alright, just tell me. What do you want?“ 
 “We have to break up in a way where neither of us gets humiliated.“
Noah nodded, “Yeah, I completely agree. But we need to do it fast. Like this weekend fast.“ 
   “I'm not around this weekend.“
“This can't wait. In my experience, these things get out of hand pretty quick.“
“You know, this is perfect actually. You wanna do it this weekend? Then you come with me to a wedding.“ 
  Noah shook his head, “No. Definitely not. No way. No.“ 
  “This is the least you can do, Centineo,“ I said, looking at him. 
 Noah sighed, “Okay, fine.“ 
I grabbed a napkin and wrote down the details for the flight he had to book.
“So here's the flight you have to book. And you also have to promise not to embarrass me, okay?“ I said, before handing him the napkin.
“Pretty sure you'll be able to do that on your own, (Y/N).“ Noah said as we both got up from our seats. 
   I reached out my hand and Noah took it, giving it a gentle shake. When he reached over to shake my hand, the napkin I gave him earlier, fell down to the floor. I reached down to get it but Noah held me back. “I got it.“ He knelt and grabbed it.
   As he was kneeling, people immediately started clapping while all of their eyes were focused on us. Oh no, this can't be happening, I thought to myself as I looked at everyone's reaction. 
Noah immediately got back up and looked at me. “Okay. No more dropping things.“   
“Woah... that got crazy fast.“ I said, feeling a little overwhelmed about this whole situation. 
  People were still clapping, some of them even cheering loudly. 
  “Okay, so this weekend?“ He asked and I nodded. He then wrapped his arm around me and smiled, “We're getting married!“ 
  I immediately jumped into character and smiled as well. “Yes. This is the happiest day of my life.“ 
“Nice.“ Noah whispered before kissing me on the cheek. We posed for the cameras and acted like the happy newly engaged couple for a while until Noah had to leave.
I didn't really know what was going to happen this weekend. The plan was that Noah Centineo, who was now my fake fiancé, and I had to somehow convince my friends and family that we were actually together, before publically breaking up with each other. I knew how crazy this whole plan was, but at least it was going to be a weekend nobody would ever forget.
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lets-talk-appella · 7 years ago
Accidents Happen
Bechloe Week - Accidental Kiss
AO3 and FFN
Summary: A different (read: better) version of the events at Beca’s freshman year activities fair.
Word count: 2k
Beca Mitchell is not happy. There are three things contributing to this.
First, there are people everywhere. She hates people. Some guy is even wandering around in a Speedo, which, why is that allowed? No thanks. Stay away.
Second, her dad seems to think it’s okay to just burst into her dorm room, so that’s awesome. What is that even about? Like, personal space much? Especially when it was all his idea for her to be there in the first place. The least he can do is respect her privacy.
Third, and perhaps the largest source of her unhappiness, is the fact she’s even on this stupid campus in the first place. She should be out in LA this very moment, apartment hunting or setting up connections with music producers. She should be working on her career, on her life, instead of stuck at this ridiculous, overcrowded, and super lame activities fair.
Come on. It’s college, not middle school, so why is this even a thing? Don’t people have to study? Who could possibly have time to run in a circle all day? And for God’s sake, why would anyone voluntarily join a Triathlon club? Utter madness.
She scans the booths surrounding her with disinterest, keeping an eye out for anything that might be even remotely music-related. Despite her displeasure at being there, she might as well suck it up and try to find something, anything, that could help boost her cred in LA next year. Because there’s no way she’s staying in Barden past her first year. She’s absolutely certain of that.
She’s not expecting to find much in terms of music-related clubs on the relatively small campus. She’s not even sure if Barden has a band of any kind. Though, she kind of thinks she may have read a blurb about a couple of competitive show choirs or something in the Barden Buzz (dumb name) campus newsletter her dad had forced into her hand.
So yeah. She’s not expecting much at all.
But then, her eyes land on a large green banner proudly displaying ‘DJs’ and her footsteps stutter in surprise. Okay. It’s not ideal, but she can manage with a DJ club. If nothing else, it would at least get her some time at a soundboard and possibly some money if she can do gigs at local bars for the year.
She glances down at the guys running the booth. Even from a distance, she thinks they look out of place, not like what a DJ should be, but whatever. Again, small campus.
Gritting her teeth and forcing herself to just go for it, she moves toward the DJ club table.
Chloe Beale is totally panicking. This is insane. She’s not sure where her best friend went, because this uptight, stressed, and strangely nauseated Aubrey Posen next to her is completely different from the kind and stable one she’d last seen before their summer break. She knows what’s behind it, of course. Puke-gate had been a major topic of conversation in the a capella world for the past four months, and she knows Aubrey hates herself for it.
And now, Aubrey is a woman possessed. Her obsession with recruiting new Bellas with bikini-ready bodies seems a bit much. Sure, maybe past Bellas had been appealing to both the ears and the eyes, but at this point, Chloe would take anyone who can sing. The Bellas are in serious trouble and they can’t afford to be so nit-picky. As long as they have good singers, she’ll be happy.
The problem is, no one’s stopping to talk to them. She’s not sure if it’s because of the puke incident or the reputation given to the Bellas by their previous leader, but everyone seems to hate them. Chloe’s not used to being hated. She doesn’t know what to do about it.
Except, she has to do something soon or the Bellas will be over. That’s unacceptable. She met Aubrey through the Bellas and making music is her favorite thing on Earth. The Bellas can’t be finished. They need one more chance to win at Nationals to redeem themselves.
She just needs to hand out more flyers, that’s all. Someone will join.
When the girl who calls herself Fat Amy stops by to demonstrate her singing, Chloe allows herself to feel the first fluttering of hope. Okay. They got one person to informally audition, and she’s a decent singer. They only need seven more. Great. Easy. Simple. Not a problem.
Chloe’s panicking again.
That’s when something draws her attention to a petite brunette walking away from the Deaf Jews booth, a small frown on her face. Chloe’s heart thuds and her breath catches. She immediately registers three things about this girl.
First, she’s absolutely stunning, all casual style, dark eyeliner, and tons of ear piercings. Also, boobs. She’s certainly turned a few heads, both male and female, but doesn’t seem to have noticed any of them.
Second, Chloe immediately picks up on the girl’s closed expression and standoffish body language and she wants nothing more than to meet the girl underneath all that. She’s sure there’s a big softie hidden under there. Now, just to get to her. Chloe’s always loved a challenge.
Third, and Chloe can’t explain how she knows it, but she can already tell that this girl is going to mean something to her. This girl is important.
Unfortunately, her focus on the mystery girl makes her forget the flyers in her hands. It’s a breezy day, and in the instant it takes for her to relax her grip, the wind snatches away the papers, playing with them and sending them cascading down. Her attention breaks from the girl in time to see the dozens of white papers scatter on the ground around her and Aubrey.
With a groan and an apology toward the waspish woman in her best friend’s skin, Chloe kneels to collect the flyers from the ground.
If Beca was unhappy before, it’s nothing compared to the irritation she feels now. Deaf Jews. Honestly. They could have advertised that a little better. Or did their being deaf mean they had no sense of banner design? Somehow, she doesn’t think so.
The only good thing that had come from it was running into the amusing blonde with an Australian accent. Beca doubts she’ll ever see her again, but at least she’d gotten a laugh out of their brief interaction. That had been nice, despite her current annoyance.
Does this campus not have any other music clubs? God. If not, she has no idea how she’s going to survive the year. If all she has to look forward to is a rude roommate and meaningless coursework (Philosophy? Really?), she isn’t sure she can keep her promise to stay an entire year.
She looks around the activities fair, craning her neck and not watching where she’s going as she tries to spot literally any music-related banner. There had to be something. Anything. There just had to be.
She’s not looking where she’s walking, so she’s quite startled to hear a sharp, bossy sort of voice yell right in her ear.
“Hey! Look out for –”
But it’s too late; she whips her head around at the sound, only to get a flash of something red and blue and much too close to her before –
Chloe gathers the papers as quickly as she can, annoyed at herself. She can’t believe she allowed some random girl to distract her so badly. Aubrey is going to chew her out for sure. Worse than that, who knows how many potentially good singers had walked by while she had basically groveled on the ground, collecting the pieces of her life.
She finally scoops up the last errant flyer, giving it a firm shake so it knows what it’s done. She’s unaware of her surroundings as she shoves the paper back in place with the rest of her stack. As a result, Aubrey’s sharp voice startles her. Automatically, she straightens (only a figure of speech) to stand, her brain barely registering a whirl of chocolate-colored hair, pale skin, and wide navy eyes before –
They smash into each other, Chloe rising to meet Beca’s advance, the timing, proximity, and height just right for their lips to collide in a completely accidental kiss.
Beca jerks back almost immediately, heat rushing to her face in embarrassment. Did that really happen? Her mind reels, scrambled, trying to catch up. Did she just smash mouths with a total stranger?
Did she and the beautiful redhead in front of her kiss? And did she just think the word ‘beautiful?’
Chloe doesn’t move. She feels as if she’s rooted to the ground in shock. It had been like something out of a cliché TV show. She had definitely just kissed the captivating brunette from earlier entirely by accident.
And it had been kind of thrilling, despite how briefly their lips had been in contact.
A strangled gasp forces its way from Beca’s mouth, a hurried and automatic, “I’m so sorry!”
The redhead doesn’t reply. She stares at Beca, her eyes a little unfocused. It’s unsettling. Beca wonders if perhaps she’d given the girl a concussion.
“Uh.” The quiet sound of confusion tears Beca’s eyes away from the girl she’d just locked lips with to instead focus on her blonde companion, the one who’d tried telling her to look out. She seems as shocked as Beca feels, which is totally unfair because excuse me, she’s the one who kissed a complete stranger.
Beca turns back to stare at the redhead in front of her. A smile spreads over the girl’s face, which confuses Beca even more. Surely, she’s about to be yelled at for not watching where she was going, or maybe even accused of sexual harassment. But no, this girl actually looks like she’s… okay with what happened. Like she thinks the kiss was fine.
Then the girl reaches out. Beca flinches, certain she’s about to be shoved away or possibly slapped across the face, but instead, she feels a piece of paper nudge her hand.
“Here,” the redhead says simply. “Take this.”
As if on autopilot, Beca grabs the flyer without even glancing down at it. She really, really wants to leave. She’d made a fool of herself. Even if the girl doesn’t seem upset at all. Even if she’d had amazingly soft lips.
The brunette takes the flyer, making Chloe’s chest inflate with a balloon of happiness. She’s not sure why she’d offered a flyer, but she had. It just felt right.
It felt as right as those lips brushing against hers.
Flyer in hand, Beca turns to leave without another word. The redhead looks completely ecstatic that she’d taken it, her smile widening and her expression turning intense. She definitely glanced down at Beca’s lips.
What a weirdo, thinks Beca as she walks away. She had kissed a total weirdo by accident at the lamest activities fair of all time.
She wants to see her again.
Beca looks down at the flyer in her hand, noting the logo for something called the Barden Bellas. Apparently, it’s an all-female a capella group. That’s pretty lame. But then again, it is technically music. Auditions are in a couple of weeks. Huh.
The redhead will almost certainly be there.
Maybe Barden isn’t all bad.
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blouisparadise · 7 years ago
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Upon request, here is a rec list of fics where Louis is a virgin at the start of the fic. We hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
Note: This rec list has been updated as of November 2019. Newly added fics have been marked with a 🍑.
1) Woke Up Feeling Knotty | Explicit | 7903 words | 🍑
Beta Louis has a kink for knotting and the secret aesthetic porn blog he runs about it is more than proof.  When he accidentally finds out his alpha best friend Harry is one of his biggest fans, he knows he has to come clean after everything that has already happened between them.  Harry just might be willing to help him out anyway.
2) Infinitely All For Me | Explicit | 10630 words
The Alpha Louis' been betrothed to since he was 14 has finally come of age and Louis' been delivered to his home.
3) Where Do We Go Now | Explicit | 10617 words | 🍑
Louis goes off to college ready to start a fresh life away from the oppressive alphas of his pack.  The odds aren't in his favour when his new dorm mate turns out to be an alpha.  Louis hates alphas.
4) Two Different Versions Of The Universe | Not Rated | 11582 words | 🍑
Harry is a demon, captured by hunters. but not just any hunters. Angels. Louis is his angel.
5) No One Else Will Do | Mature | 13237 words
Harry visibly takes a deep breath. “I’ll do it. I’ll...help you through your heat.” He looks more determined now as he stands up straighter and his eyes look at Louis more intensely.
“Yeah?” Louis doesn’t mean to sound so surprised but he’s sort of in a state of shock. He’s never been with an alpha before, and the fact that his first time is going to be with Harry— his best friend— well, he couldn’t really ask for anyone better if he’s honest.
6) We’re The New Romantics | Explicit | 16054 words
Note: This fic has been deleted, so this link leads to a PDF.
“But listen why is his dick so big?” This is definitely the sixth time Louis has asked this.
“Louis, nerds can have big dicks. Being studious doesn't make your dick small,” Zayn states, taking a sip of his fruit juice.
“Now is not the time for big words Zayn, I am having a crisis.”
 He rolls his eyes, “When aren't you panicking over dick?”
7) One More For The Stars | Mature | 16099 words | 🍑
Note: In this rec list, Louis is a virgin when it comes to gay sex. This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry's the star quarterback and Louis is about to graduate. It's a heartbreak waiting to happen.
8) Something Deep Inside | Mature | 17254 words | 🍑
The five times Louis had to hold back his feelings, and the one time he didn't.
9) Swept Me Off My Feet (Took My Heart And Took Me Down) | Explicit | 19343 words | 🍑
When Louis had decided to reopen his mother's bakery, he never thought a charming alpha would walk in through the door, let alone fall in love with him over tea, dessert and music.
10) Deflower Me | Explicit | 20154 words | 🍑
Louis is a proud virgin, and no matter how much society tries to make him feel like a freak for not acting on his natural urges, he doesn't suffer from his lack of experience. He has never felt drawn to someone in a way that made him want to get involved sexually with them, and he isn't planning on rushing himself so he can get some because people think it's what he should do.
In walks Fratboy, the Serial Haunter of His (wet) Dreams, who thankfully has a little business going on that might be just what Louis needs.
11) Fumbling in the Dark | Explicit | 21599 words
Louis is straight, Harry is not. They still shag a lot.
12) Out Of The Wild | Explicit | 21502 words | 🍑
Louis has spent most of his life as a wolf in the wild, Harry has spent most of his life as a human in the city. Their worlds collide during the audition process for the hottest new singing competition. What happens next should have expected.
13) Monsters At Home | Explicit | 21566 words | 🍑
Note: In this rec list, Louis is a virgin when it comes to gay sex. 
High School!AU. Everyone's eyes are on Harry, the beautiful, charming new student. Harry's only got eyes for the school golden boy: football captain Louis Tomlinson, whose homophobic father complicates matters a bit.
14) Middle Ground | Explicit | 23561 words | 🍑
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry moves to a new town for work where he meets the enigma that is Louis Tomlinson.
15) Magical Soup | Explicit | 28580 words | 🍑
Slytherin prefect Louis Tomlinson's seventh year at Hogwarts takes an immediate turn for the worse when he's made to be potions partners with Harry Styles, Hufflepuff's resident heartthrob and class clown.  Louis has always considered Styles to be a terrible show-off who coasts by on his charm and good looks, but the more they work together, the more he questions that idea.  As term goes on, will Louis be able to admit to himself that he might actually like Harry Styles after all... and maybe, just maybe, as more than a friend?
16) Nicotine | Explicit | 32345 words
"We're two different types of people, Liam. He likes sex and drugs, I like theater and tea. Trust me, we'd never date." Except they would, they do, and neither of them plans on letting go anytime soon.
17) Cupid’s Chokehold | Explicit | 35326 words
But - naively, stupidly, blindly - Harry holds out hope for a love that’s written across the stars. He can’t give up the feeling that there’s someone out there, waiting for him.
He’s just going to have to wait for them, too.
18) Mark My Word (We Gon’ Be Alright) | Explicit | 35524 words
"He’s always known that there would come a time when Harry would bond with some beautiful, quiet omega, and they would have lots of curly-haired pups and live happily ever after.
Knowing it and living it are two very different things, though. Watching the object of your affection desperately search for a mate and completely disregard you as an option is all sorts of painful, but it is what it is, and Louis is just going to have to learn to live with that."
19) If I Loved You Less | Explicit | 36139 words | 🍑
Beautiful omega Louis Tomlinson is set to make his come out in London society and determined to find a mate in his first Season. With the help and protection of his oldest friend, Lord Niall Mendes, he takes Society by storm.
Being a wealthy and titled alpha means Lord Harry Styles has grown used to avoiding unmated omegas...until now. This Season he finds himself at every Society event just for a chance to speak with the omega with the flashing blue eyes.
Louis has the aristocracy at his feet and all the suitors he could hope for, but his secrets may ruin his chance at a love match.
20) Kiss Me On The Mouth And Set Me Free (But Please Don’t Bite) | Mature | 42071 words | 🍑
Harry is the CEO of Flora Corp, Louis is his new secretary.
21) My Sweetest Downfall | Mature | 42048 words | 🍑
Louis is a retired guardian angel. After the death of his last charge, he became jaded. Humans die—what use is prolonging the inevitable?
He's more than happy to forget about humanity altogether until one day, when Louis is pulled from his desk job for a new assignment: protect One Direction's Harry Styles. It doesn't help that there's something about Harry that Louis can't resist, and it's making him question everything he's ever known. Humans are strictly off limits, and breaking that rule means risking everything, but Harry just might be worth it.
22) We’re What’s Right In This World | Explicit | 48809 words | 🍑
The World War II AU where Harry goes off to fight and all Louis wants to do is be the boy who brings him home.
23) For the Sake of Propriety | Mature | 52360 words
Louis Tomlinson is the caretaker of an estate that is not truly his, and when his Uncle calls upon him to take it back, Louis knows he will soon be out on the streets with four overly zealous sisters to care for.  His only solution: wed the eldest two off and pray for the best.  When an even better solution unexpectedly presents itself in the form of the charming Mr. Styles, Louis is faced with a difficult choice.  But as with all things in the regency era, reputation very well may threaten to outweigh the fleeting matters of his heart.
24) Sweet Creature | Mature | 66753 words | 🍑
It’s not that Harry expected high school to be easy. He heard all the stories from his sister and he knew that he was in for four years of hell. However, he didn’t exactly expect that hell to also be populated by Angels.
25) Through Struggles, To The Stars | Explicit | 80582 words
Louis is a Starfleet captain trying to find his place in the universe. Harry is a prince just trying to do what's right.
A Star Trek-inspired AU.
26) Elysian | Mature | 81886 words
Harry is running out of time to fall in love, but with Louis, it seems as if there’s all the time in the world.
27) I Want You So Much (But I Hate Your Guts) | Mature | 83648 words | 🍑
AU in which Louis gets accepted to play for the Manchester University Alpha-Beta Football Team. The only problem: Louis is actually an Omega. He is determined to make it big in the football world, though, and he can't do that bound to an Omega team. With the help of a faked doctor's certificate and some pretty strong suppressants he is ready to fight for his dream.
That Harry Styles (Alpha, second year and youngest football captain of the A-B team in ages) doesn't seem to like him complicates matters, though.
28) Swim In The Smoke | Explicit | 101778 words
“What about this, Captain?” Liam asks, nudging the boy kneeling between their feet with the toe of his boot. The boy hisses and swipes at him, slurring out something unintelligible around the makeshift gag Niall had to stuff in his mouth. He misses by a mile and tries again, just as ineffectively.
Harry looks down at him, at the way the sun streams over his face and shoulders, at the way the gag stretches his mouth, lips pink and chapped. He’s lithe and pretty, smudged all over with dirt. They had found him tied up below deck, mostly unconscious, next to a barrel full of gold. He’s clearly a prisoner, but there’s something familiar about him, something that niggles at Harry’s brain. Something he can’t quite put his finger on.
“Put him in my cabin,” Harry decides, turning back to deal with the rest of the loot. The boys screams out jumbled curse words at Harry’s back, muffled by the gag, and Harry can’t understand any of it.
29) Baby Heaven’s In Your Eyes | Mature | 120925 words
They couldn’t be more different if they tried. Louis Tomlinson is 17 years old and in his last year of the most prestigious private school in Doncaster. Everyone who attends his school knows him thanks to his incredibly rich family, sassy attitude and gorgeous girlfriend, Eleanor Calder. If there’s one thing that completely annoys him, it’s that there is a poor community college right across the street.
Harry Styles is 19 years old, and (once again) in his last year of college. He goes to community college in Doncaster. He never shows up to classes and if he actually bothers to, he’s either high or drunk; sometimes both. His skin is littered with tattoos and if there’s one thing he absolutely hates, it’s the snobby students attending the private school right across from his.
30) Collision | Not Rated | 209340 words | 🍑
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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louisfeatharry · 7 years ago
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today’s new year’s eve, and i’ve already given 15 of my favorite fics from this year! you can see that list here. 
and thus! here is part two of my list of my favorite fics from 2017!
note: all fics listed have been completed in 2017, although some may have started in previous years.
in alphabetical order:
Paint Me In A Million Dreams by green_feelings
Perfect Storm by cherrystreet
pray for some sweet simplicity by delsicle
rivers ‘til i reach you by embodied
Runaway Land by daggerinrose
Say Hallelujah, Say Goodnight by alivingfire
some velvet morning, years too late by tintedglasses
start me over by camiii
Tainted Spirits for Three by sweetlullabies
Tell Me How To Feel About You Now by justyrae
The End Should Be A Good One by bananasandboots
the wonderlands by stylinsoncity
Through Eerie Chaos by MediaWhore
Walk That Mile by purpledaisy
You’re A Universe by Jiksa
all information on the fics is under the cut.
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Paint Me In A Million Dreams by green_feelings [@greenfeelings​] (110k) Harry/Louis, fake relationship, enemies to friends to lovers
Harry's one of Hollywood's biggest actors, has made a name for himself in prestigious films and lives the life of a superstar. There's just one thing missing to make it picture-perfect, but the one Harry's in love with is completely out of reach for him. Enter Louis, one of Hollywood's biggest actors himself, who just came out of the closet and taps new genres in the industry. When Louis sacks the role Harry auditioned for in Scorsese's next big film, their irrational feud starts. Who could have guessed it would get even worse when for promo season, their teams decide to present them as a couple for publicity?
In short, Harry's in love with someone and doesn't care about dating anyone else, Louis never felt home in L.A., Liam writes love songs for someone he shouldn't write love songs to, and Niall makes everything better with good food.
⇨  read on ao3
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Perfect Storm by cherrystreet [@cherrystreet​] (80k) Harry/Louis, fake relationship, exes to lovers
What do you do when your best friend asks you and your (now) ex to be the best men at his destination wedding? You can either tell him the truth, tell him you’re not together anymore, and deal with the consequences, or you can pretend you’re still together and roll with it, just pray you don’t spiral. Fake it ‘til you make it. You know, for the sake of the wedding.
Harry and Louis choose the latter.
⇨  read on ao3
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pray for some sweet simplicity by delsicle [@emperorstyles​] (237k) Harry/Louis, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, sports, enemies to lovers, secret relationship
Louis is the only omega to ever make it in the cut-throat world of competitive motorcycle racing—that is, he would be if anyone actually knew about his identity. Now, his sights are set towards competing in—and winning—the European Grand Prix, the biggest and most difficult race of the entire year, so he can disappear underground for good. He’s close enough, too, until an alpha sports journalist is assigned to follow Louis’s every move as he prepares for the event of his career.
Or, an AU where motorcycle racing is the biggest sport in a heavily divided world, Louis is trying to take control of his own destiny, and Harry is in for more than he bargained for.
⇨  read on ao3
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rivers ‘til i reach you by embodied [@crossnecklace​] (29k) Harry/Louis, friends to lovers, friends with benefits
Louis can’t begin to understand how he’s always this close and still can’t manage to make Harry his. He stands up and gets another beer. 
AU. Louis studies astronomy; Harry studies Louis. They spend their summers on the water and it shouldn't be complicated (spoiler: it is).
⇨  read on ao3
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Runaway Land by daggerinrose [@thetommmo​] (103k) Harry/Louis, modern Greek mythology AU, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn
Louis is sure he’s stumbled upon a secret, underground nightclub, though that is far from the truth. He’s also pretty sure he’s stumbled upon Apollo, which… isn’t very far from the truth, actually.
Modern Greek mythology AU.
⇨  read on ao3
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Say Hallelujah, Say Goodnight by alivingfire [@alivingfire​] (110k) Harry/Louis, angels & demons AU, fantasy & supernatural, historical AU
Louis is an angel who is just a little too bad to be good, Harry is a demon who is just a little too good to be bad, and they're both a little too in love to be impartial when angels and demons go to war. 
Louis has been alive since life was a mere concept; he watched the summoning of Man into existence, he was there when Eve took the apple. He’s seen seas break the world into separate pieces, he’s watched empires crumble into dust. He’s seen wildfire consume cities, he’s seen the world painted white with snow. He has known the most beautiful humans to walk the planet, he has watched the most powerful mortals gather their riches and influence around them and then die just like the poorest, weakest humans do. He’s met humans whose motives defy explanation, people who use their lives as battering rams, as tools, as weapons, as chess pieces.
None of that stopped Louis in his tracks.
But Harry did.
⇨  read on ao3
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some velvet morning, years too late by tintedglasses [@tintedglasses​] (35k) Louis/Nick Grimshaw, famous/non-famous, secret marriage, exes to lovers
A better adult probably would have changed their emergency contact information once they had convinced said contact that they wanted nothing to do with them, but Louis had never been very good at proper adult things. Besides, it’s not like he thought he’d ever need it.
Or: Louis wakes up in the hospital with unfinished business at his bedside. Turns out Nick has some unfinished business, too.
⇨  read on ao3
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start me over by camiii [ @camiii​ ] (44k) Louis/Nick Grimshaw, travel rep AU, enemies to lovers
"Nick’s funny when he’s not being a knob, and has good taste in music and Louis really likes his hands. Not to mention that he’s tall, tall enough to have made Louis spend a minute or two imagining what it would be like to have Nick pin him to a flat surface and snog him senseless. The only thing keeping him from a full grown crush at this point is sheer will and the threat of humiliation. 
So, Nick’s a dickhead but unfortunately Louis is kind of into that."
⇨  read on ao3
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Tainted Spirits for Three by sweetlullabies (80k) Harry/Louis, Louis/Zayn, high school AU, love triangles
Louis was walking alongside the bleachers when an orange flying object nearly took his head off. Well, it missed, but it was still pretty close, and it hit the bleachers and bounced around before rolling to a stop. Louis turned in the direction the ball came from, in order to see who this was that had decided to kill him.
“Sorry,” Harry said, scratching at his curls. “I just, uh…lost control.”
or the au where Harry loves Louis, and Zayn does too, which results in confusion that tests Louis' relationships with both.
⇨  read on ao3
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Tell Me How To Feel About You Now by justyrae [@imlouisaf​] (38k) Harry/Louis, college/university AU, famous/nonfamous, friends to lovers
Louis thought it would feel different once he got to LA. He knew it was best for him; a fresh start as far away as he could get. But when the plane touched down and he stepped out into the hot air around LAX, Louis felt exactly the same.
There's still a hole in his chest where his heart used to be; ripped away even after trying for so many years to keep it from happening. He knows it's not all his fault, not by a mile, but it doesn't stop him from blaming himself for it all going wrong.
If he'd just stayed strong, if he'd said no when he said yes, maybe everything would be different.
Or, Harry has been trying to convince Louis to date him for years, but Louis has always been wary of Harry’s fairly obvious commitment issues. Louis eventually gives him a chance, opening his heart up to the one thing he fears.
⇨  read on ao3
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The End Should Be A Good One by bananasandboots [@anylessreal​] (43k) Harry/Louis, exes to lovers
It doesn't feel like falling in love, the way it had felt the first time around, easy, simple, almost like floating, wrapped up in a whirlwind of touches and kisses, late nights spent laughing breathlessly into each other's skin. This feels broken, complicated, like every move carries the weight of their past. Like the floorboards beneath them could collapse at any moment. This doesn't feel good.
Or, the one where Harry loses the love of his life on New Years Eve and finds him again, six months later, ready to open some poorly-stitched wounds.
⇨  read on ao3
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the wonderlands by stylinsoncity [@aliensingucci​] (150k) Harry/Louis, famous/nonfamous, music industry AU
"Somewhere between chaos and control — these are the wonderlands."
Harry's daughter, Andy, is signed to Louis' girl band. Her path to success is marked by competition, chaos, and for Harry, a love affair.
⇨  read on ao3
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Through Eerie Chaos by MediaWhore [@mediawhorefics​] (102k) Harry/Louis, ghost hunters AU, fantasy & supernatural, historical AU
For as long as anyone can remember, Old Hillsbridge Manor has always been believed to be haunted. Everyone in the village agrees and keeps a respectful, fearful, distance. New in town after a bad breakup and an internship that led to disappointment rather than a permanent job, Harry Styles figures taking pictures of the decrepit building could be a great new creative project. Or at least a much-needed distraction while he searches for a job and crashes at his parents’ new house. No one warned him about the apparitions though; about the music, the laughter, the people who flicker and vanish when you call after them, the echoes of a past that should be long gone… Harry has never believed in spirits but even he can admit that there’s something weird going on. What starts as mere curiosity evolves into a full-blown investigation and soon enough, Harry finds himself making friends with an aristocrat from the 1920s and struggling with finding the best way to tell him that he’s dead.
The Ghost Hunter AU where Niall lives to prove ghosts are real, Zayn is a skeptical librarian and Harry gets caught up in a century-old mystery and catches feeling in the process.
⇨  read on ao3
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Walk That Mile by purpledaisy [@daisyharry​] (149k) Harry/Louis, road trip AU, college/university AU, strangers to enemies to friends to lovers
Harry stares at him, the line of his jaw standing out scarily. “I wanted to get the most out of this trip so I planned it carefully.” His voice is low and steady and somehow that’s worse than when he was yelling. “So far, you’ve put your sticky fingers on everything I’ve tried to do.”
“Sticky fingers?” Louis repeats, offended. “Are you saying it’s my fault you got stung by a bee? Had you been alone you would have gotten halfway to the Dotty Diner and ran the car off the road because of an allergic reaction, so don’t go blaming me.”
“Polk-A-Dot Drive In,” Harry spits before getting out of the car. He slams the door shut with a deafening reverb and Louis rolls his eyes.
A Route 66 AU where falling in love was never part of the plan.
⇨  read on ao3
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You’re A Universe by Jiksa [@jiksax​] (15k) Harry/Louis, established relationship, angst
Harry doesn’t ever mean to hurt him; Louis doesn’t know how to tell him that it’s the only thing he ever does anymore.
Or, Louis’s a stay-at-home dad in London and Harry’s a business expat in Qatar. Louis doesn’t know how much longer their marriage can survive the distance.
⇨  read on ao3
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and that’s it for 2017! here’s to more amazing fics in 2018!
credits for resources in banner: saturnthms (gradient), resourcescollection (galaxy texture), & kaeveeoh-art (speech bubble animation)
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academic essay writer
About me
Is Being A Freelance Academic Writer Morally Wrong?
Is Being A Freelance Academic Writer Morally Wrong? Intelligent sentences at snapshots of progress often control this audit/review and miscellaneous articles. Much of the time incorporate 1-2 sentences of this compose in their shows. The works an creator does to rework proof into contention, to reveal the writing how the proof backings, creates or expands the exposition’s proposition. Since a postulation should be doubtful, no proof in a decent scholastic contention can represent itself with no issue—every last little bit of it must be dealt with by the essayist. You can easily check page rely in word processors like Microsoft Word and Google Docs, however for a quick reference use our table below. Make positive that your lecturers and colleagues understand the position of the essay in faculty purposes. According to the College Board report Admissions Decision-Making Models, admission officers have expressed concern about how much assistance students receive in preparing an essay. Many institutions now ask applicants to signal a press release avowing that the essay submitted is their own work. Furthermore, the essay can show that the applicant has thought rigorously about where they are making use of and why they're a good match for that school. Brainstorming is the method in which you give you the essay subject. You want to easily sit and think of concepts during this section. If you have a plagiarism paranoia, use it no doubt. This means you should know precisely what each of your paragraphs is going to be about earlier than you write them. The next step is to outline what you are going to write about. This means you need to primarily draw the skeleton of your paper. The reply is one web page single spaced or two pages double spaced. 500 word essays are quite common all through middle and high school English curriculums, particularly as guide reviews, or summaries of present events. Yet moreover, construct up the ramifications of principle all of the extra profoundly because the exposition advances. The writing should see how each new space expands. The competition that's preceded and will get ready for the declare that's nonetheless to come. Keep your research organized so it is going to be straightforward for you to refer again to. This may even make it simpler to quote your sources when writing your last essay. Choose one of the best topic concept from among your listing and start shifting ahead on writing your essay. Doing your personal on-line examine and sources verification (depart a comment if you want to see an article about this subject!) additionally contribute to getting a “clean” paper. It basically repeats the paper writing trade commonplace – a 3-step form the place you provide all particulars, upload files, pick a deadline and type of work . What pursuits us most is the extras, their costs and the worth they add up to your paper. It can explain the applicant’s commitment to studying and their willingness to be a contributing member to the college group. While an essay will not often take an applicant out of consideration at a university, it certainly can elevate an applicant in an admission committee’s eyes. The essay attracts distinctions between your pupil and different applicants, one thing that selective colleges especially depend on. Writing an outline can help to ensure your paper is logical, nicely organized and flows properly. Your thesis statement is the primary level of your essay. It is actually one sentence that says what the essay is about. You ought to usually state your thesis in your introductory paragraph. But, earlier than you move ahead, take heed of those matters to keep away from. Once you've an inventory of potential subjects, it's time to choose the best one that will answer the query posed in your essay. You wish to select a subject that's neither too broad nor too slender. You can not write an essay unless you have an concept of what to put in writing about.
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ramajmedia · 5 years ago
Glee: 10 Best Episodes According To IMDb | ScreenRant
In 2009, Glee reminded audiences what it was like to be a high school kid who dreamed of stardom. The New Directions were a glee club in an Ohio suburb whose members dreamed of living and working in New York and Los Angeles. Mostly high school outcasts, the characters evolved from comedic high school stereotypes into bonafide stars.
RELATED: Glee: 10 Sue Sylvester Quotes That Are Still Hilarious Today
The series lasted for six seasons. It had its ups and downs, but fans were overwhelmingly behind the series even when they hated the storylines. With more than 100 episodes broadcast, the series has an average rating of 6.7 on the Internet Movie Database. The top 10 episodes, however, all rank much higher.
10 The Break Up S4E04 (9.1)
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With an episode title like “The Break Up,” it would be right to expect a major couple calling it quits during the hour. Instead, the episode that leads off the top ten involves five major couples ending their relationships. 
Over the course of the hour, Blaine and Kurt, Rachel and Finn, Brittany and Santana, Kitty and Jake, and Emma and Will all reached roadblocks in their relationships. It’s significant that most of the relationships were long-distance as half of the cast was in New York for storylines. The breakups were like a giant reset for the show, allowing characters to grow on their own for a while. It also gave the audience a great acoustic version of “Teenage Dream.”
9 Original Song S2E16 (9.1)
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New Directions might not have won their regionals competition in the first season, but in high school, there’s always a chance to get things right the second time around. In this episode, the teenagers tackled writing original music.
While Sue Sylvester coached one rival and Kurt competed with another, the New Directions had to dig deep to write their own music. Rachel wrote herself a ballad, but the group bonded for a fun bop, “Loser Like Me,” which would probably have become the unofficial anthem for the show if the audience didn’t love “Don’t Stop Believin’” so much.
8 100 S5E12 (9.1)
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The aptly named “100” was the hundredth episode of the series to air. For the landmark episode, the show went back to what made it so successful.
It reunited nearly all of the original cast members for the “one hundredth assignment” for New Directions. New and old members sang new versions of songs previously performed on the show. It also brought back fan favorite guest stars Gwyneth Paltrow and Kristin Chenoweth, who wanted to do their part to save the club from being shut down, which led right into the second hour...
7 New Directions S5E13 (9.1)
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Intended to be watched immediately after “100,” this episode saw Paltrow’s Holly and Chenoweth’s April do their best to keep the glee club alive, but it didn’t exactly go the way they wanted. Instead, they simply gave all of the club members something to think about as they headed toward graduation.
RELATED: 10 Worst Episodes Of Glee According To IMDb
The episode title worked as a nod to the name of the club, but also to recognize that so many characters were going in literal new directions. Will left McKinley to coach Vocal Adrenaline when the club disbanded while all of the seniors made their college plans. Blaine decided to attend NYADA, and Santana gave up her understudy role on Broadway to travel. It was another big change to wipe the slate clean for the show, but it was dressed up in nostalgia, including another performance of “Don’t Stop Believin.'”
6 Sectionals S1E13 (9.2)
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The midseason finale of the first season, “Sectionals” found the New Directions triumphing over hardship. They overcame one obstacle after another in the hour.
First, the team had to contend with their competition without Finn. As he discovered Puck fathered Quinn’s baby, he quit the club. Then, they arrived at the competition only to find that all of their songs were being performed by the other clubs. The group had to band together to come up with new songs, some members giving up solos for others, in order to compete successfully. Finn saved the day by bringing them an idea for a new cover, and not abandoning his friends after all. 
5 2009 S6E12 (9.2)
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The first hour of the two-hour series finale was a nostalgia ride for fans. Glee flashed back to before the events of the pilot episode, exploring just why each of the original New Directions members decided to join. It was a love letter to fans who’d been with the show since the beginning. 
Fans got to see how Rachel and Mercedes’ competition began, and that Kurt joined the club because his father feared he was suicidal from loneliness. Surprisingly, Artie and Tina only joined the club because friends dared them to audition. The episode added a lot of fun backstory to the characters - even if the continuity didn’t always add up.
4 Dreams Come True S6E13 (9.2)
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When “Dreams Come True” aired, it did so immediately after “2009” as part of a proper send-off for the show. It allowed fans to see just where most of their favorite characters ended up.
RELATED: Glee: 5 Relationships Fans Were Behind (& 5 They Rejected)
Following the arts programs being reinstated at McKinley, not only did the new generation of the glee club win nationals, but Will got an offer to be principal of the arts-focused school. That paved the way for a surprising choice to become the new glee club teacher - Sam. While Mercedes began her singing career in earnest, Rachel made a splash on Broadway, and several characters united in the future in New York. The hour didn’t have time to get to everyone, but it certainly tried. The only thing missing was one final rendition of “Don’t Stop Believin.'"
3 Journey To Regionals S1E22 (9.3)
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As the title of the episode suggests, the glee club made it to their regional competition for the first time. The episode teased a loss by stacking the judge's panel with Sue Sylvester.
One of the best aspects of the episode is that it brought the end of the season right back to the very beginning. The series began with the first incarnation of New Directions singing “Don’t Stop Believin’" by Journey. Their regional performances were all covers of Journey songs. For some reason, belting out classic Journey is where New Directions was often at their best. In a nice twist, Sue actually voted for New Directions to win, though she was outvoted by the other judges. It’s Sue that helped keep the club going, working out a deal with Principal Figgins. She proved that the biggest antagonist on the series had a heart.
2 Nationals S3E21 (9.3)
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When “Nationals” aired on television, it originally aired as part of a two hour Glee finale. The second hour served as a goodbye episode for the characters who graduated high school. Perhaps this episode ranked higher simply because the audience wasn’t ready to say goodbye.
It could also be because this particular episode would have worked as a perfect fairy tale ending for the show. In it, New Directions made it to nationals, competing against Vocal Adrenaline and Aural Intensity. They repeatedly competed against the two throughout the season. Mercedes overcame food poisoning, Rachel overcame her nerves, as did Unique, and for the first time, the group was the best glee club in the nation. It would have made a great series finale if the show hadn’t kept going. 
1 The Quarterback S5E03 (9.6)
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One of the most emotional episodes of the series happened to be the most well-received. Following the death of series star Cory Monteith, the cast and crew took some time off to grieve. When they returned, it was to film a send-off episode for his character Finn Hudson.
The episode didn’t go into detail about what happened to Finn, but it picked up right after his death. Throughout the hour, the members of New Directions got together to mourn him through music. Different ways of dealing with grief were explored as Kurt, Santana, Puck, Will, and Rachel were all spotlighted throughout the extended episode.
NEXT: Glee: 10 Times The Show Broke Our Hearts
source https://screenrant.com/glee-best-episodes-according-imdb-tv-show/
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tommyoboe · 6 years ago
And yet, nothing changes. It’s another Sunday afternoon in the flat with Cameron following another stewarding shift this morning, and things are largely the same. Outside is quiet and in here we’re enjoying coffee, bagels and Friends. 
Then again, things are different now that term, the year, and in fact, my entire degree has ended. I mean, for one, I finished Game of Thrones today and like many I wasn’t completely satisfied with the ending. I suppose that sums up parts of this year that I haven’t been happy with, but after all of it I’m ready to move on.
Monday began our long week of rehearsals for the end of year Symphony Orchestra concert. Results were not making themselves particularly clear, but our final degree results arrived and there was an instant commotion amongst us final year students. I wasn’t overly surprised with my results in the end, with some lovely comments for the CD quintet and I recorded for my final project, but a more mixed bag for the report that I wrote in support. Once done with some complicated calculations, I found out that I have achieved a 2:1 for my degree overall, which, for what has been a manic year, I’m pleased with. Yeah, perhaps with a bit more work in certain areas I could have received a 1st, but what I have achieved will help me learn for the future, and to that I am grateful.
Having that degree spurred me on Monday evening to do some brainstorming for my upcoming residency as marketing assistant at the Ingenium Academy in Winchester this summer (I’ll be doing a daily blog so stay tuned for that!), and it’s safe to say that although it’s a big leap into a different angle of music making, it’s one that I’m really excited to start properly in a few weeks. Hopefully the sun will be with us again!
Day two of the final push to the finish line saw more mixed moments in Symphony, with reeds not responding as I’d like them to and concentration faltering without my daily dose of divine coffee. However, sitting in on an outstanding dress run of Hobson’s Choice from Birmingham Royal Ballet was quite the treat, really inspiring me to complete some reeds and get back to sounding on form, which I did!
I was grateful on Wednesday and will be grateful this coming week for the chance to practise. Not having to worry too much about fitting lots of notes in was a nice change, and always is this time of year. It made me focus on other things like playing with a suitable tone and really solidifying accuracy and tidiness in tricky passages. Very productive hour indeed.
Thursday saw us make the progress we needed in Symphony, putting a good number of us in better spirits for Friday’s concert. This was easily doubled when seeing Tan from Queer Eye outside Cameron’s work and getting a cute heart cappuccino from the barista himself, giving me the boost I needed for stewarding a masterclass with the Berlin Philharmonic’s solo horn player that evening. It was fun to watch, even if by myself at the back, and drinks after at the nearby pub was equally fun. Good catch ups were had, as well as 75% strength drinks (just the one, actually) and free drinks and crisps all round courtesy of the dynamic horn player. Guilt quickly left us when we assured ourselves the sort of money she was earning...
And then came the last day. A morning off refreshed me for the rest of the day, with the following run-throughs in the afternoon going well, with just the controversial ‘bin piece’ receiving rubbish opinions from some of the more vocal members of the orchestra.
Come the concert, the ‘bin piece’, supposedly a work on climate change that just didn’t convey that, was fine. It certainly was spoken about, if that was perhaps the actual aim of the music, rather like The Rite of Spring. Not that these two are that comparable though. The latter is an absolute masterpiece: the former is literally rubbish.
The rest of the programme delivered in the main, with just a few hiccups in accuracy but overall music played with ambition and style. With the concert also taking the form of a concerto competition final, it has to be said that the winning marimba concerto in particular was just entrancing to be a part of but also to be a spectator on. The soloist ‘lived the music’, and she deserved to win as a result.
Gershwin’s An American in Paris brought the evening’s viewings to a jolly close, with perky moments of cheek, lush solos and big tunes coming together for a great performance.
And then that was it. The last performance at the Conservatoire was done, and four years were done. Just like that. What better way to process all that with friends and colleagues at the bar and at the pub the rest of the evening? Many photos were taken, some more flattering than others, and potential final goodbyes were said to all those going onwards in their lives. It reaffirmed how exciting this point is, where control of everything really comes down to you alone, and the vitality of doing things that are going to make you happy is affirmed. That’s what I take now at the end of my degree, and although the path isn’t completely clear as to what comes next, I know I’m going to continue to make it interesting, in whatever form that may be. Because what is life if not interesting?
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Sometimes I ask myself where the thrill of first year has gone, where I would be out every night, and if not staying up until the early hours numerous times. I think the answer is I grew up. I realised, primarily this year, what is important and what my missions are. Right now it’s to become the best oboist I can be, and as much as nights out are fun, they rarely leave me feeling the same elation they did in my younger years. But as a part of life most of us go through, I don’t regret any of those nights. Even the one ending with me acquainting a Celebrations tin.
In my second year I felt a good sense of stability with the friendships I had made, and the relationships that began to blossom, and in third year a hole opened underneath me and all that was shaken, with drifts occurring, leaving me lonely and at my lowest.
However, I overcame this and despite this year not giving way to many parties and big social events, I connected with people that are important to me with a clear mind and genuine desire to make conversation. Of course, I still have my moments of loneliness: you know, for example, it does suck a bit when there’s a full coach of people and you’re the only one not sat next to anyone, but at least now I can handle it and not link it to something I’m doing wrong. Things change around us; people come and go and that is life. Unpredictable.
There are so many more things that I am grateful for from my time at Conservatoire though. I may have had a tough year of auditions, but I got the chance to travel to wonderful places like Amsterdam, Berlin, Geneva and Cologne and I had the opportunity to play to people and see things I hadn’t seen before. I had the opportunity of doing auditions and gaining practice for the real world. I had teachers that had faith in me and were genuinely surprised at my non-successes. I became a more confident player and person in college and didn’t let bad days get me down. Now my first thought would be what next?
I’ve had more opportunities to learn from members of the CBSO and was even offered a concert with the orchestra. Although I unfortunately had to turn it down (damn, that was hard), that was one of the first steps to achieving something big.
And big is where I will continue to aim, ever striving for more and better. Having the chance of four years in a quintet as good as mine has been a privilege; we’ve been able to do some great things and forge great relationships. It really will be sad to see them all go on to different things, but one day I will make it my aim to play with them again. Four phenomenal musicians, and I was lucky enough to be the fifth member of that group.
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Constants are always going to be my close friends, family and Cameron. They are the ones I cherish the most and will always come back to, picking things up right where we left off every time. They inspire me and move me forward in what I am doing. I can only hope they remain with me for many years to come.
Ultimately, my time at Conservatoire has been a success because I’m happy. I’m happy that the people around me are doing what they want to do and I’m happy to be doing the same. 
As for the future of this blog, I’m uncertain, but be assured, there will be good stories to tell. Sure, it might not be leaving a cor anglais on a bus or forgetting my oboe for my first Conservatoire lesson, but whatever happens, I’m looking forward to it.
Cheers to that, everyone. Now let’s go do life.
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callmemoprah · 6 years ago
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You’ll have fewer opportunities to pursue writing in the surrounding city, but the caliber of the teachers and the selection of courses might compensate for that. Its goal is to give students the chance to demonstrate they can perform appropriate college-level writing tasks. Finally, it’s important to select topics that one feels comfortable to write on so you can do justice to them.
Our program provides a high degree of craft and conversation together with the fantastic humor and. Flexibility may also benefit English graduates who understand how to apply their skills to a wide selection of situations. http://www.goldenwestcollege.edu/scholarships/?PHPSESSID=109975ec0c7d33437c675fb5b3b347c9 The learner must ask whether the arrangement is bringing any actual value regarding learning.
College Level Writing – Dead or Alive?
If you can get college essays from us, you don’t have to think about failing to fulfill a. First essay is thought to be a college-level essay that would lead to placement into English. Some could say that it’s easy to compose a college persuasive essay.
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No minimum GPA is needed. Precisely, many people tend to feel they’ve done their best when it has to do with submitting an application simply to be left heartbroken as soon as they get the info which they have not been admitted to the school they sought admissions in. The competition to acquire any scholarship is huge, and the committee is saturated with thousands of applications in a quick time period.
The Start of College Level Writing
In this instance, courses counted toward the MA might also be counted toward the certificate. Listed here was made to find the ideal online masters degree in. Do not overdo it with praises.
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If you order from us, you can secure a draft of your paper to be certain your writer is heading in the correct direction. Academic writing can be exceedingly different from several other types of English writing you might have done previously. Likewise freelance writing may be an excellent career for a philosophy major.
The Death of College Level Writing
You must make your point right at the beginning. After you start with this procedure, you will come up with all these things which you’re going to want to write about. You always need to concentrate on the place that you’re exploring.
Choosing College Level Writing Is Simple
There are lots of schools that provide Online User’s in Nursing Degrees, each having its very own exceptional innovation to pull students. The Grand Canyon University alternatively supplies a dual master’s level in company and nursing by simply integrating nursing and business management. Boston University’s Creative Writing Program is just one of the oldest in the nation.
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The Ideal Approach for College Level Writing
Just a couple clicks of the mouse generates a complete report of all of the checks you’ve written in the last year. To assist you get off to an excellent start, we’ve put together the following advice and hints. In order to genuinely appreciate a hula hoop, it’s best if you’re able to find an opportunity to relish the outdoors also.
There are lots of schools that provide Online User’s in Nursing Degrees, each having its very own exceptional innovation to pull students. Writing is among the most essential skills that students will need to master for college level work. The Visual Arts Program, for example, requires MFA students to meet up with a faculty member once per week for a 40-minute studio visit to go over changes, progress and more.
College Level Writing
You just have to include qualities in the letter to ensure it is relevant to the goal. Putting words on paper in a very clear manner ensures youare conveying just what you mean. Another reason, perhaps more important than the very first, is this format permits the paper to be read at many different levels.
Essay writing is a well-known practice in many schools and colleges across the united states. At a time once the literacy skills of several high school students are in question, it’s a worthy endeavor indeed. Other folks argue that students ought to be free to determine whether they desire to take part in organized school sports.
Students may arrive in before taking the test or they might arrive in before retesting. The one most frequent mistake made by students is neglecting to get ready for the placement test. It’s a good idea to register for another W course at the same time you await the decision of your appeal.
What You Don’t Know About College Level Writing
Our program provides a high degree of craft and conversation together with the fantastic humor and. Good placement guarantees that you’ll be prosperous in your class. You have to understand the way your brain works, you should minimize distractions, and you will need to keep yourself motivated.
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on College Level Writing
Quite often, papers in college will either don’t have any prompt or will have very generic prompts you need to be creative enough to produce your own question and have sufficient evidence to answer it. You should simply take another W training course, in another academic discipline, so you can strengthen your abilities and submit a portfolio that shows W-level work. It’s a good idea to register for another W course at the same time you await the decision of your appeal.
Today, most college students find it difficult to compose an essay on a specific topic. Online writing services where you could buy affordable college essays. Then there’s a huge chance you’re going to be requested to compose a personal essay Professional academic writing service for each kind Social sciencesffecaddcaddc of assignment.
Source: http://mobimatic.io/2019/02/13/what-you-should-do-to-find-out-about-college-level-writing-before-youre-left-behind/
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thegleerealworld-blog · 8 years ago
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Welcome to The Real World house, CHARLIE! We are very excited to have KURT HUMMEL here at the Real World house. Don’t forget to send in your account within 24 hours and make sure to re-read the rules and check out the navigation so you know what tags to track! We can’t wait for you to join us.
Name: Charlie. Age: 21. Timezone: CST. Activity Level: Anywhere between 5 and 7 out of ten. I’m out of school for the semester, but I’m going to be moving soon and it keeps me busy. I’ll also be on a weird timezone in a few days. Previous Accounts: Removed for privacy. Triggers: Removed for privacy. Anything else?: Removed for privacy.
Character Name: Kurt Hummel. Date of Birth: May 27th. Sexuality: Gay. Occupation: High school drama teacher. Current Location: Pecos, Texas. Three Positive Traits: Ambitious, strong, honest. Three Negative Traits: Competitive, superficial, sensitive.
Born to an almost picture perfect couple, Kurt Elias Hummel was a creative, artsy kid with a big heart and a dramatic flair. They had a balance of sorts, where Burt handled the practical and Elizabeth handled the emotional. It worked well, until Elizabeth fell ill. It wasn’t slow, but it was painful. One morning found her rubbing her temples at home, the next unconscious in a hospital, and the last found both of those beds empty.
Kurt believed his mechanic, football-loving father wouldn’t understand him in all of his musical theater, sewing machine and feather boa glory. It took them until Kurt was halfway through high school to connect again, when he plucked up the courage to come out to him after years of trying to pretend he wasn’t gay.  
Aside from fixing his relationship with Burt, high school was hell for him. The only out gay kid at his school, he was constantly the victim of his school’s particular brand of tormenting, which involved various creative assortments of rotten food from the dumpster and trash cans. He saw it all; inside his locker, in his messenger bag, on his gym clothes, in his shoes and worst of all, dumped on his fastidiously groomed hair. Aside from that and the occasional shove, it never got otherwise physical, so the school board couldn’t (or wouldn’t) do anything about it.
Sophomore year was a busy one, steadily building a resumé so he could get out of Pecos at the end of senior year for his ultimate dream destination: Parsons School of Design at New York, New York. He joined clubs, took extra classes, built a portfolio and self-taught new skills.
Burt would always say that when his acceptance letter came, no one was the least bit surprised. Kurt’s entire world seemed to click for the first time when he headed off to New York; he was made for this.
At first, while not easy, everything seemed to fall into place. He made great new friends, did pretty well in his classes, and he fell in love. Kyle, at first meeting, was one of those people that seemed perfect. Gorgeous, kind, talented, he gave Kurt a run for his money when it came to Broadway trivia, and it certainly didn’t hurt that his body was almost to die for. If he believed in that whole thing, he’d say that he was sent from above.
It didn’t take long for them to start dating. In fact, things got very intense, very fast, and they remained that way all throughout college. Kurt wasn’t completely aware of it, but over the course of their time together, he put a lot of pressure and expectations on Kyle. They had ups, sure, and they both clung to those as reasons to stay together, but they had a few downs as well. It was likely during one of those downs that Kyle seeked out Sebastian. It wouldn’t have hurt him so much if it hadn’t involved a series of lies and promises that culminated in Kyle leaving him for some… meerkat. Kurt absolutely hadn’t stalked him online, but if he had, he would’ve been sure that Sebastard was not worth throwing a four year relationship away.
The breakup was the first in a Series of Unfortunate Events, as Kurt liked to bitterly call his last two years in New York.
It felt like bad things kept happening to him, one after the other, leaving him almost no time to breathe. From shutting out his friends, to juggling two dream jobs with crappy bosses, to getting fired from both of them for ridiculous reasons. From getting mugged and gaybashed to accidentally-on-purpose hooking up with Kyle only to get rejected again. From a pest infestation in his apartment, to appendicitis on his own. He stuck it out for a while because there were very bright spots in the middle of it all.
One day, it all came crashing down. It was as simple as getting asked by the cashier how he was, and he couldn’t breathe. It felt stupid to get taken to the hospital for an anxiety attack when so many people had it so much worse. His test results said he had low blood sugar, slightly high blood pressure and some anemia, but he still just wanted to get it all over with. When Burt came to visit, though… he cried like he hadn’t in years, and going home was all he wanted.
He took a couple months off, just casually doodling designs and resting, on Burt’s orders. When he felt a little more like himself again, he found himself standing in front of Pecos High School, wondering if maybe, he could make a difference there. As soon as he found out the Drama position was being temporarily filled by the ninety million year old Math teacher, who had as many emotions in his body as Kurt had pairs of Crocs, he interviewed for the job and got it.
Fast forward two years, and Kurt could tell he was getting too comfortable to leave. Pecos had become safe, somehow, and his career needed a push forward. He needed a push forward. On a whim, he decided to audition for The Real World, hoping for a sort of fresh start, and deep down, friends. It couldn’t hurt to let loose and party a little bit, either, right? Right?
Para Sample: Removed for privacy.
WHY ARE YOU AUDITIONING FOR THE REAL WORLD? I’ve spent too much time running lately. Running from adulthood, and even from love. I was cooped up in this “safe haven” that I created for myself and just… stifling myself. This is my way to put myself out there, to start over, and maybe catch an eye or two out in the professional world. I mean, why not? I don’t want to run anymore.
WHAT AND WHO ARE YOU LEAVING BEHIND BACK HOME? My dad, mostly. I semi-recently moved back home and we’ve grown quite close these past couple of years and I’m gonna miss him a lot while I’m gone. However, I know he knows this is for the best, and I’m sure he’s gonna spend some desperately needed quality time with the lovely Camille, his partner.
WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO GAIN IN THE NEXT SIX MONTHS IN SAN FRANCISCO? Freedom, I think is the best way to describe it. The freedom to be myself again, fully, fearlessly and fabulously. Getting my name and my perfectly cared for face out there is also a goal. I’d say I’m hoping to get through this with minimal drama, but who am I kidding? I wouldn’t be on a reality show if I wasn’t expecting drama. That’s like watching Meryl Streep and expecting to not be awed by her performance.
WHILE ON THE REAL WORLD, AMERICA IS WATCHING YOUR EVERY MOVE. WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU WANT TO SAY TO THE VIEWERS AT HOME? Always be yourself. Screw the jerks who want to bring you down. You get to hold your head high and be proud of the things that make you different, so do it. Never be ashamed. Only mix prints and patterns if you know what you’re doing.
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