#and getting into a mood like spaceship matter too
blazingstarship · 10 months
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Wip wip🥰🥰🙈🙈
…this went from flirting “I love your blue eyes” to under the mistletoe asking “Kusje?” Kissy?
Listen. Kusje is cute. “What’s “kusje?”” “Means a little kiss. It sounds more cute.”
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galexibrain · 5 months
Something that bugs me a little is the insistence that Gohan actively hates to fight period. Bc that's not true!
(This ignores everything that happened outside the original manga/the DBZ anime)
Yes, he lacks Goku's or Vegeta's laser-focus on all things martial arts, but let's be real, all half Saiyans do. Goten & Trunks sure have more passion for fighting than Gohan does but they're much more "human" about it than their dads and have other interests in their lives too.
But while Gohan originally became a fighter out of necessity and had little choice in the matter there are instances when he clearly shows that he is totally capable of enjoying himself in a fight.
For once there's obviously his fight against Cell - once he snapped his "Saiyan side" took the lead and he was enjoying himself a little too much (and ruined it, like a good Saiyan must).
But it also becomes clear in the early Buu arc. Yeah, initially he's not rly interested in the tournament and wouldn't have participated if not for Videl forcing him.
But once he was in he was in. He even got a little annoyed by Videl interrupting his training, and he did want to win. If he really hated it so much he could have entered with the plan of failing the preliminaries, or losing in the first round. But the thought never crossed his mind. I think if you'd suggested he botches it deliberately to get out of it he'd been horrified.
He was going to have fun with it! I think his most "Saiyan" trait is that he's a bit of a showman lol. He likes to be flashy! And he likes to boast! He COULD have just used a plain costume and mask to hide hid identity but nope, Great Saiyaman it is! He likes being seen and being known as a crazy strong superhero. Maybe he'd have been into pro-wrestling with their fancy costumes and showmanship
Even before things went off the rails at the tournament and Buu arc was set in motion he was ready to go. And yes his crush on Videl might have served as motivation: "haha cool she won't be disappointed if someone beats her dad! (I can date her if I beat her dad)" -> he WOULD have thrown Satan out of the ring if he'd gotten to fight him, no questions asked.
And once he, Goku & Vegeta are in Babidi's spaceship it gets even clearer: now, no one is forcing him to fight. Ofc Gohan always wanted to fight when it was necessary, even at 5yo he wouldn't stay home, he made it very clear that he was going to Namek.
But while they were going through the levels in Babidi's ship this still wasn't a serious thing. Pui Pui and Yakon were a joke for them. Vegeta was getting pissed, ok, but aside from that it was just fun and games for them, and Gohan could easily have said "nah have at it you two, I'm sitting this one out" but never once did he so much as consider NOT taking part in rock-paper-scissoring it out to decide who gets to go first.
He was eager to fight Dabra! Dabra told them to take him on 3:1 and Gohan flat out told him "no way, this is MY fight!". And if Vegeta had interfered with that fight to end it quicker I'm 100% sure Gohan would have decked him in the face and told him to fuck off. (Maybe that would have cooled Geets' mood a little lol.)
The problem isn't that Gohan hates fighting from the bottom of his heart. He doesn't. The problem is he grew up with a dad who was 100% a fighter and a mum who was 100% into education, and he didn't find a balance. He didn't even know that might be an option! He thought he'd HAVE to choose one thing, and one alone, and so he chose education.
Who could have taught him otherwise? Maaaaybe Piccolo (post-reunification with Kami), but tbh I think he didn't want to give Gohan the feeling he had to fight. I think Piccolo feels a little bad for putting 4-5yo Gohan through the wringer so much.
Like idk. Let my boy be both. Let him have Goku's legacy as well as make his own!
(I've read about Dragon Ball Online a little and tbh Gohan writing a book on ki and making it widely known? Perfect. I love it. Best idea ever. Probably the best thing that happened to DB since the original manga and Z anime ended. I am accepting this as canon 100%.)
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beefslipper · 2 months
Halloween Headcanons (Months early lol)
My last post was such a flop I heard the crickets chirping before I even got on tumblr omg
Since nobody is giving me ideas, I'm just gonna do short n sweet headcanons on one (at least) character from each of the fandoms I'm in... Or at least the ones I can remember. Idk why but I can't wait until spooky month so we're doing Halloween-themed HCs!!!!!! I frickin' love the holidays :D
I won't be using images in my post this time just because I'm like half asleep and I need to yap. (I have no energy and I must yap /ref)
First up, Jason Todd! (Batman)
I think he'd avoid dressing up for trick or treating because his fave is Wonder Woman... Bro's not about to traumatize every child that sees him. However, if he is craving candy hard enough, he'd go in a lazier or goofy costume. You know those unicorn onesies? That's for if he isn't in the mood for ghits and shiggles. An inflatable dinosaur costume is his go-to if he's in a better mood.
I bet he'd have everything planned, too. He knows where all the rich people are and which ones give out the full-sized candy bars or any cool light up toys that make little kids jealous because they have no idea where to find them at.
If he were to go trick or treating with anyone, I think it'd probably be the Batfam as a whole (They don't trust him with not stealing some kid's candy bucket).
Next, Touya Todoroki! (MHA)
This is an AU one where he isn't dying because I don't want him to die (Insert sob emoji).
Since Enji himself is in a wheelchair, he isn't able to push Touya around. He was absolutely devastated by that and begged Natsuo and Fuyumi to take their older brother out to trick or treat since Shoto was with his friends.
Touya would either do a costume to heal his inner child or a lazier one that's comfortable and doesn't irritate his skin. Either way, he's demanding that they go to every house around no matter how long it takes. Any time he gets candy he doesn't like, he asks Natsuo to trade with him LOL
At the end of the night, Enji has to lock away the candy so Touya doesn't scarf it all down and get a stomach ache. He does anyway since it was 'hidden' in the same spot it had always been.
Onto Arlan! (HSR)
My boy doesn't get enough love <3
I think his excitement after hearing about Halloween's existence would be enough to convince the spaceship to set up little stalls for him, Asta, MC, and Peppy to run around to collect candy. He and Asta would probably have matching costumes like ketchup and mustard bottles or pb and j or something cute like that. Or it'd be a three-way deal since Asta would dress Peppy up in some cute little costume.
Arlan would definitely sit on the floor with Asta and MC and trade candies so they each get what they wanted. Asta would have some dog treats for Peppy so they weren't left out :)
At the night's end, Arlan would probably be caught falling asleep, still in costume with a half-eaten candy bar in hand.
Now, Bennett! (Genshin Impact)
He, Razor, Chongyun, and XIngqiu would get together and go out trick or treating. He tried to convince Fischl to go with, but she refused, claiming it was far too childish for someone of her status. That meant "Please bring me back some sweets".
He had a bag specifically for Fischl :)
As the night went on, the boys managed to have good luck. Bennett had never been happier since he was internally horrified of ruining the others' night by only getting raisins, toothbrushes, and apples or having someone's bag rip.
All went well and everyone got a pretty good amount of candy. Even Fischl.
Yap session is done! I kinda wanted to do DMCB stuff or Steven Universe stuff, but my creativity juice ran out. I hope y'all liked this one :D I'll probably do another one when it's actually October. (evaporates I FORGOT JJK oh well)
Have a great day, evening, and/or night everyone :DDDD
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coffeeandjournaling · 8 months
Mini Reviews II
I don’t know what it is about space, but it makes me feel things. Have a handful of small and short games in space with a dash of emotional investment.
Low Battery by Batts
emotionally devastating :)
who doesn’t wanna be a little robot
play if you admire the attempt to create even under dire circumstances
One thing I love about solo experiences is that they really manage to get you into the head of other characters without any meddling from outside. This is especially true when mechanics and story/premise work together to get you there. Low Battery balances your character’s energy (Battery) and feelings (Melancholy, both signified by a D20 respectively) against the time that passes. With what little time you have left, can you find inspiration to create something? I was struggling with the D20s and watching the time and trying to decide on a move and – well, the robot is struggling, isn’t it? Struggling to stay conscious, to take in as much as it can for the time it has left in this universe and maybe, just maybe leaving something behind, something that proves it was here and tried to make a connection to the world around it. For me, time ran out too soon – but I still wrote a little poem about it:
Every time We create something It’s as if we chip off a tiny piece Of the universe As we see it To carry around in our pocket.
You, an Astronaut by Hannah Shaffer and Evan Rowland
short, no prep required
an interactive narrative
more reflective than focused on a goal
This is a very short, narrative experience that I recommend reading with some suitable background music. Personally, this is right up my alley: you get a few choices to “sway” the narrative to your liking, which usually tells you something about yourself in the end. You are put into the shoes of an astronaut waking from their cryo-stasis due to their ship having veered off course and sending out a distress call. While you wait for an answer, you ruminate on your dreams and the memories connected to them. Similar to Low Battery, it sports a gorgeous layout that combines NASA images with the narrative, all put into a simple, retro-style mock-up of a spaceship UI. I don’t want to give away too much – it really is short. But I do feel that the themes of queerness and belonging come through strongly. Games like these either fit you like a glove or fall flat for you. For some reason, I was reminded of the Lifeline games, which I love dearly.
Letters to Europa by Lola Johnson
an exercise in self-reflection
a hopeful look into the future
relaxing and motivating
Epistolary games have their own special charm, perhaps because keeping in contact even when we’re far apart is something we’ve done forever as humans – this need to stay connected to someone we care about, no matter the odds.  In the case of Letters to Europa, you write a message to a loved one on Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons. Messages take about a year to arrive, and thus are sent in packages all at once. After you’ve finished your package, you switch over to the other character, writing back to the person on Earth. This, to me, felt like a conversation with myself, first putting down my thoughts about the given prompt, then trying to get some distance and reflect on it through a positive lens. I took the prompts quite literally and went with how my last year has gone – kind of a mixed bag. The prompts for the Earthling seem a little more sombre, more morose. Just as the other character has left Earth, though, embodying them makes you leave that behind (and that’s what the game says, too, ‘give yourself permission to let […] go’). It settles you in a more optimistic mood, no matter how depressing your Earthling’s messages might have been. This is a tiny game that relies heavily on how willing you are to engage with it – but if you can, in whatever medium you choose, I think it’s quite effective.
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nashidakyouko · 6 months
If We Have to Go ~ D'asta (D'arcy/Asta)~ Resident Alien
Also on Ao3
Ship: D'arcy Bloom and Asta Twelvetrees.
Summary: This could be the end, but at least D'arcy and Asta were together. // Word count: ~1100 // Rating: T
AN: I inserted a scene before Harry shows up in the S3 finale because D'asta is underrated. Asta would have broken the universe to find D'arcy and I am HERE for it. Also this is a bit cheesy, but I wanted that delicious cheese.
The only thing that mattered now was that Asta had found her. Sure, everything else sucked something fierce—of course D'arcy fucked up sneaking a bomb onto a spaceship. But Asta was here now, holding D'arcy's hand through the bizarre, horizontal cell bars. Guess the hand-holding sitch was a mixed bag, too, since it meant they were in an actual alien prison—or would it be a brig?—and they were still probably going to die.
They were definitely going to die.
And then everyone on Earth was going to die, too.
The shit-uation was about the worst D'arcy had ever been in. Alien brig, end of the world, freak that wanted to eat them. His ominous, creep-tastic presence had put the slightest damper on D'arcy's mood. She'd been thinking they were going to live somehow. Not so much with people-eater salivating over there.
But if they had to die, she was unspeakably grateful that she'd be with Asta in the end. D'arcy's grip tightened just enough that Asta gave her a quizzical look. Instead of asking what was on D'arcy's mind, Asta squeezed back while raising an eyebrow. A nervous little smile played at the corners of her lips.
After a long moment, D'arcy let out a defeated sigh. “If I have to go out, I hope you're the last thing I see. Don't know how these little alien shits are gonna kill us, but as long as I'm seeing you—not them—I think that'll be enough. I mean, just barely. This still royally sucks and I don't think I could've fucked up worse. But seriously, I meant it earlier. I just love you. It's better just 'cause you're here, y'know?”
Asta stared with eyes both wide and soft, pushing herself away just a bit from the bars. “Yeah, I do know. I hate that it came to this. I hate that you tried to do this alone. But I was afraid I'd never see you again, so at least I did get to hear that laugh one more time.” Her smile was shy, yet brilliant. “Circumstances being what they are, I'll take the win...” She looked away, pensive for a while. “Even if they separate us to kill us, don't look at them. Close your eyes and think of me. I mean, if you think that would help.” Embarrassed, Asta began to pull her hand away.
D'arcy held fast. “Same to you. If we have to go out like this...” She shook her head. “... I'm sorry about all this, Asta.”
“You aren't one of the grey aliens bent on destroying the planet—unless you've really kept it close to the chest—so there's not much point in you apologizing... Though it is true you fucked up by trying to do this alone, and I am still a little mad about it.” Asta grinned. “Well, I guess that means you do have to apologize, huh? But what I mean is that if we die, none of that will matter anyway. I want us to be okay in the end. Always.”
The Mantid in the nearby cell spat loudly, clearly annoyed at the sappy conversation happening between these dumb, delectable humans. He just wanted to eat them already. Twin glares zeroed in on him. He took a step back and decided that these two might be a bigger threat than he initially thought. For now, other prey was the best choice. He scurried away in a hurry.
Asta cackled as he fled. “He ruined the moment for sure, but damn, at least we could scare the shit out of one alien tonight.”
D'arcy, however, got caught on that first part. “Moment?”
“I mean, yeah? Our beautiful moment of reconciliation before our inevitable deaths?”
D'arcy looked sharply away, wrenching her hand from Asta's. “O-oh, yeah. That kind of moment.”
“Of course? What did you think I meant, D'arce?” To say Asta was perplexed by D'arcy's sudden change was an understatement.
“Oh, nothing! We're totally and completely on the same page. Beautiful reconciliation. Same page, same page. We did great on that one! Good for us!” The wild gesticulating of D'arcy's hands and the edge of panic in her voice betrayed her words, but didn't necessarily clarify anything for Asta.
“Why are you being weird all of a sudden?” Asta tried repeatedly to catch D'arcy's eye, but the redhead steadfastly avoided her gaze. “C'mon, if you've got something to say, this is probably the last chance you'll ever have to say it.” As she spoke, Asta's mouth went bone dry.
Shit, the same thing applied to her. Last chance. Maybe Harry would save them, but this could be the last chance. That also meant the last chance to screw things up so bad that D'arcy might kind of hate her in the end. So which was more unacceptable? Missing the last chance to tell her, or risking her being upset about it?
Her brain short-circuited, leaving her staring into the middle distance with her hand half-way reaching to the person dearest to her in all the world (in a different way than Jay, of course, but that wasn't the point right now).
D'arcy didn't notice, but that was mostly because she still wouldn't look directly at Asta. She'd tried to say her piece earlier. Couched it in potentially platonic words or whatever, but she'd told Asta, hadn't she? She'd even told her again! But both times seemed to fly right over her best friend's gorgeous, perfect, amazing, and very stupid head.
The two of them sat in contemplative silence for far too long. When they finally looked at each other, the world faded away again. The only thing that mattered now was that their eyes met. Sure, everything else was truly some bullshit they were in. But their eyes still met.
There wasn't enough space between the cell bars to properly do what had to be done.
That didn't stop them from trying.
Hands tangled together again as they drew close to those damned bars. Yeah, there was just barely enough space to do one very important thing.
So together they leaned in and kissed.
The cold, slick bars of the cell pushed against their cheeks, but who even cared anymore?
The words were still stuck in their throats, but right now this mattered more.
They finally managed to meet in the middle.
Please don't let this be the only time. I don't want to have to go.
AN: Thanks for reading!
Also for the love of god, if you like this ship let your feelings be known SOMEWHERE. I'm so sad how little stuff there is for them. I mean, even my straight mother has repeatedly said they should be canon, so where are the other fans??
DISCLAIMER: I obviously do not own Resident Alien but I'm Fandom Old and feel compelled to still use a disclaimer.
I DO claim naming the ship D'asta. I haven't seen anyone really give it a name and that one is sitting RIGHT THERE.
(can y'all believe I posted something after 3.5 years and it ISN'T in the Avatarverse? Truly wild)
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nobedofroses · 2 years
Day 7: Public Transport
pairing: Din Djarin x fem!reader
warnings: fingering basically
words: 932
a/n: the tiny little spaceship is for the birds 
Last, Full List, Next
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Din’s new ride was inconvenient for you. Sure, it was zippy and fast and the baby loved it, and all of that was good. But the Razor Crest was where the two of you had sex. 
Being coworkers/fuck buddies/his part time nanny to a man who didn’t remove his helmet in the light and didn’t take off any of his armor in public meant that you only had the one option, really. The Crest, in the dark. 
Now all he had was a tiny little racer that he could barely fit in himself. The one time you tried going for a test run, you had to sit on his lap and it had been tight. And not in the good way. 
The place you were crashing at the moment was too small. It was only one little room that the baby slept in as well, and no matter how deep Din said he slept, you could not get in the mood with a baby in the room. 
As such, it had been way too long. Way too long. You were getting kinda pissed. At him, at life, at everything. But mostly at him. 
The two of you were on a joint mission today (with Greef watching the baby), and you had refused to help him if it meant being crammed into the N-1. Unfortunately, due to funds (or lack thereof), the only other option was a passenger ship. The only good thing is that while Din was willing to pay the flat rate, you paid to upgrade into a compartment with four walls. 
It was flimsy and definitely not sound proof, and very possibly could have security monitoring. But you didn’t care. 
As soon as the door was shut, you pushed Din down onto the bench. You straddled him and his hands came naturally to your waist to steady you. 
But then he sighed and said, “I can’t. Not here.” 
You pouted and leaned forward, tilting your head into the crook of his neck, pulling down his cowl just enough to press your lips to his skin, “Please, Din, please something.” 
Din couldn’t give you everything you wanted, but dammit you were so hot needing him like this, so he would give you something, just like you asked. First he guided you off of his lap and onto just one of his beskar-clad thighs. He guided your hips to grind on him, to find a pressure and rhythm that felt good, that made you breathe heavier. 
One handed roamed your body as the other stayed on your waist. That is, until you moaned. It wasn’t too loud, but it was loud enough to worry about, and his free hand moved from your breast to your mouth. That just made you want to moan more, but luckily his hand was big enough to muffle you. 
A few minutes later Din felt like he could feel how hot your pussy was getting, even through the beskar. He figured you must be so fucking wet too, but he wanted to actually find out for himself. 
He took his hands off of you suddenly and your eyes opened wide in surprise, especially when he told you, “Up.” 
You were worried he was going to make you stop with just that, but then once you stood, he turned you around and pulled you to sit with his legs between yours, spreading them wide open. 
With bated breath you just waited for him to tell you what to do, or to do whatever he wanted to you, because you were nearly too wet to think and just wanted to feel better. And when he practically ripped off his gloves, you would’ve moaned loud enough to be caught, but his bare hand was already over your mouth again. 
While you were distracted by the warmth and feel of that hand, the other one pulled up the bottom of the dress that you were wearing as future bait and pushed your underwear to the side. He trailed his fingers along your slit, and you were absolutely soaking wet, just like he thought. A quiet groan filled your ears from right behind you and suddenly you needed more. You knew without asking that he wouldn’t let you dictate when he would touch your pussy, but you might be able to persuade him to use the other hand how you wanted. 
You kissed his hand over your mouth and then pulled at it with yours until he let you move it. Immediately you were pushing two of his fingers into your mouth and sucking, finally feeling a bit of satisfaction. 
It turned out to be good timing, because the fingers of his other hand started rubbing against your clit and you would’ve moaned loud enough to get ejected into space if your mouth wasn’t otherwise occupied. 
Half an hour later, Din had made you cum three times until you literally had to tap out with your hand against his wrist. He pulled both hands from you and you had to swallow and breathe, your chin and his wrist covered in your drool and his other hand in your arousal. 
“What that enough ‘something’?” Din said cockily, reaching for his cape to wipe up. 
“Sh-shut up,” you laughed, still breathing heavily. “Just find a bigger ship. Or pay for me to rent another room. Otherwise we’re only gonna do this from now on. Which, I suppose, is not too bad for me.” 
Din shifted underneath you. His cock was uncomfortably hard. “We’ll look into two room places when we get back.”
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13-beutelteufel · 7 days
Paradise (tlod)- Belli and Hermes - Part I
Paradise - The Lady of Darkness (tlod) is a connected story. The correct order is in the masterlist in my pinned post
As on previous occasions, the mood after Rosalie's triad was not too good. The general sense of helplessness was frustrating. But even more frustrating was the fact that they didn't even know what was happening in Paradise. That was probably the best way to tie them up. Just not telling them anything, so they didn't even know where they had to go and what they could do there. And yes, they had to. Jana had been caught in a dilemma about this for a long time. There was only one reason why she had returned to Paradise in the first place. One single, terrible reason. But it certainly hadn't been a heroic fight against evil. She hadn't felt too comfortable during their attempts to free the Foggy Moor, but when she had seen the destruction and suffering that Bargoss had brought to the galaxy with her own eyes, she had realised that she couldn't just sit safely on Chamomile. No matter how unsafe she had felt and no matter how dangerous the situation had been, that nagging feeling that gnawed at her whenever the gods had imprisoned her had not allowed her to retreat. And over time, the fear for herself had faded more and more into the background. She wanted to help, no matter what. The corpses on Daylight had made that clear to her at the latest. As stereotypical as it sounded, if you can help, you should do so. Only this time, they had manoeuvred themselves into a dead end. They knew nothing about the current events in Paradise. The only thing left for them to do was to turn up on this battleship and hope that Orania was there and they could free her. Unfortunately, there were still the gods. Jana hadn't seen Moonshine once since their return, but Green Poud and Rosalie were watching like lynxes this time. It was bordering on wasteful. Instead of at least trying to defend and protect Paradise, they were keeping them here to no purpose. Or maybe things had just quietened down because Bargoss was planning his next move? This uncertainty was gruelling. But not only did the gods stubbornly insist on pointless points, they also didn't take them seriously. Rosalie didn't even believe that it was really Sialia who was after Belli. ‘A being similar to Sialia,’ she had said. The general perplexity ended when Belli and Hermes reappeared. Jana hadn't even noticed that they had been gone. ‘We all realise that we know nothing about the current situation,’ Belli said, half to everyone, half to herself. ‘And that the only thing we can do is free Orania.’ ‘A nice train of thoughts,’ Amadeus said sarcastically. ‘And how are you going to do that?’ ‘Well, we suspect that Orania is on this battleship. Find a plan of the structure of megatronic battleships, find out where you can get in, where Orania might be, go there, free her and get out again.’ ‘Then find a plan like that first.’ With a grin, Belli pulled a heavy piece of paper out of her pocket and spread it out on the table in the centre of the room. ‘Already done.’ Now she had everyone's attention. Jana also went to the table and looked at the sheet. It was a very detailed plan of a very large spaceship. Jana didn't find it too informative. Although it contained a lot of details and information, it was almost impossible to keep track of all the rooms and letters. You could search for ages before you found what you were looking for. ‘That's interesting,’ said Rainbow. ‘Where did you find it?’ ‘Archive,’ Hermes replied curtly. ‘Probably wasn't important enough for the gods to take it with them.’ ‘That's good, very good. The only question is: where on this thing is Orania?’ ‘We just assumed that Bargoss was holding her captive in the dungeons.’
Part II:
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happyhappybios · 6 months
Hildri Lernae
This page contains mention of death and blood.
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Danger scale: Moderate
Key notes: Dead Lusus, Heiress, Cold, Young Sister, Conflicted
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🐚Hildri's mood🐚
Name: Hildri Lernae
Age: 8.31 sweeps (18 y.o.)
Height: 5’5 (165 cm)
Blood colour: Fuchsia
Wiggling day: 24 January
Symbol: Hydrus
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Lesbian
Occupation: The future Heiress of Alternia
Place of residence: Big castle under a water - near the the cliff - a tip of the castle could be see in the water
Lusus: MotherHydra (Giant size; Alive), MotherHydrus (Small size; Dead)
Hobby: Training her fighting skills
Hemoloyalty: She is against the current hemospectrum
Fetch modus: Button. Wherever she presses the button, she gets a random item
Strife specibus/Weapon: Chain/Chain kind
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Troll Tag: antagonisticСombatant [AС]
Typing quirk: After every 4 letters put capital letter
Typing quirk example: 
[AС]: no cOmmeNt…
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God Tier: Witch of Breath
Ancestor: The Next Inheritrix
Dancestor: Enidro Shewei
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Hildri is a cold-looking troll with a lot of problems behind the scenes. She is distant, serious and blunt, but somewhere deep inside, sympathetic and soft at the same time. After some events, Hildri becomes more careful with her actions, regretting all the stuff she did in the past. She wasn't able to let it go and has a habit to remind herself about it constantly, especially when she's around Crucis, these thoughts appear in her head every time.
Before Hildri was considered as one of cool guys in highschool with sport jackets. She was a laid-back troll with chill vibes, true to her character and easy to befriend.
But as time went by, Hildri changed herself drastically to fit into a mold of 'future heiress'. She doesn't like it, but... what can she do? Does she have a choice on this matter?
Still she couldn't change herself fully as she won't judge anyone beforehand and treat everyone equally in her eye. You can still befriend her, but it wouldn't be so easy as you need to gain her trust first.
It's better to not make her angry as her patience becomes worse throughout the time and she won't hesitate to beat shit out of you or let drones attack you.
Hanging out in abandoned places (still likes it)
Training her fighting skills
Strawberry cakes
Being alone
Cold weather
Loud noises
Being pressured to do things
Cold treatment
Her Imperious Condescension (HIC)
Hildri is aware that she had her own lusus in the past.
Hildri was a part of a gang called ‘AngrySnakes’ made by Seyfer. She was too young to participate in raids, but she fought with drones when they located their hideout in one accident.
Hildri got all of the scars in a fight with other fuschias for the throne.
Hildri lost her eye in the fight with another fuschia who she had a rivalry with.
Hildri still keeps Crucis’s pin somewhere in her pocket.
Hildri was forced to cut her hair back in the spaceship.
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Matesprit - Closed. (Doesn’t want any relationship in this quadrant at the moment)
Moirail - Taken - 🍨Sweet and Spice🧂
Crucis. After talking out everything both of them went through, Crucis and Hildri were hesitant to tell what kind of relationship they have and so Hildri suggested becoming moirals. Crucis agreed and couldn’t feel happier.
Kismesis - Closed. Crushing...???🦈
Auspistice - Closed. (Doesn’t have a time for this)
Out of quadrants
Older Sister - Nuriko. Hildri feels sorry for her older sister to take care of someone like her. She wishes she could be a better young sister.
Old acquaintance/Crucis's guardian - Phecda. Hildri is glad, Phecda is not angry at her for breaking up with Crucis. On the second thought, she should...
Old acquaintance/Crucis's guardian/Role model - Seyfer. Hildri still has a lot of respect for Seyfer. She wishes to become a good leader like him.
Old acquaintance - Gienah. Hildri remembers it was fun to hang out with him, still she thinks he was a bad influence on her and Crucis.
Old babysitter - Pavoni. Hildri barely remembers them, but they were nice to her and Crucis.
Acquaintance/??? - Eingal (@.dracoinfernous). Hildri doesn't like her and only knows her as Crucis’s girlfriend. Still she feels something towards her and she has no idea what...
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Nuriko and Hildri became sisters early in their childhood. Nuriko was around 3.23 sweeps (7 y.o.) when her lusus adopted young fuchsia.
It happened when MotherHydra was training Nuriko how to fight. They were training in the open ocean, improving her fighting skill. As the training was coming to end, suddenly both of them heard a cry of help and sounds of drones flying around. Confused, Nuriko and MotherHydra rushed to investigate the scene. When they both approached the place - it was a place surrounded by rocks with a cave near it, the only thing they saw was drones flying away, then much later it was followed by another cry for help. MotherHydra figured out it sounded from the cave, so she rushed inside with her daughter. 
Nothing was strange about the tunnels, but as soon as Nuriko’s lusus noticed a bit of blood on the ground, she immediately covered her daughter’s eyes and told her to look away. Following the trace of blood, soon, MotherHydra reached the end of the cave and her heart broke into pieces. She saw a heavily injured lusus, protecting a small grub with her whole body and it touched her huge heart. The other lusus looks similar to MotherHydra, but a bit smaller with less heads.
MotherHydra promised her to protect her grub and in return other lusus told her name - Hydrus and the name of the grub - Hildri. Then Hydrus died with a small smile right in the cave. 
It was heartbroken to witness for MotherHydra. She couldn’t believe such a tragic event happened to the poor grub and later took a grub under her wing, adopting her as her second daughter.
Nuriko and Hildri become sisters.
As Hildri grew up, she become more and more aware about her surroundings and reckless about it at the same time. Hildri doesn't remember much when she was a grub, but thanks to MotherHydra and her story, she knows she had a lusus before and she was killed by drones. It made her upset and question why they were doing it in the first place and who.
That's why she joined a gang called 'AngrySnake' made by Seyfer. Shewas the youngest member of the gang, so most of the time she didn't do anything. She couldn't join raids or fights, but she felt like at home there. Everyone was really nice to her and treat her like a part of the family. Later on, when she grew up a bit, she was able to protect their hideout from drones and she gained a huge respect from members.
One day, when Hildri was walking through the street, she noticed a troll with a sick lusus on the road, cold and hungry. She felt sorry for them, so without thinking, Hildri approached them and offered the hand of help. At first, they hesitated and Hildri saw it, but soon the troll accepted the help and introduced as Crucis to her. Turns out, they were the same age, 6.46 sweeps (14 y.o.), so it was easy to communicate with each other.
Later on, Hildri brought Crucis with her lusus to her hive and introduced her to Nuriko and told her a story about how they met. After Nuriko found out about the Crucis’s and her lusus condition, she immediately gave the poor girl some food and medicine for her lusus. It slightly shocked Hildri of how fast Nuriko was to help Crucis, but happy to know that her older sister cares about others.
Unfortunately, because their hive was underwater, Crucis couldn’t stay, but Nuriko asked her friend, Phecda, to let Crucis to stay for a while. Phecda agreed and took care of the poor girl while her hive was under construction.
Nuriko and Hildri helped Crucis whenever they could and gave some things such as laptop, phone, food and ect, so Crucis could feel comfortable living a new life. Hildri was feeling good about herself and what she did to help Crucis in her situation. She helped someone, not just someone, but a friend.
She thought they were friends.
Suddenly, at the age of 6.92 sweeps (15 y.o.), Crucis confessed her feelings to Hildri. It confused the heck out of Hildri. She didn't know how to reply. Does she feel the same way? Still Hildri accepted the proposal and later, they started to date.
Hildri had a pretty steady and a bit boring life, but not for long...
Hildri got a letter, an urgent letter to come to the place (spaceship) where she could sign up and fight for the throne or disinherit herself and live a peaceful life. Confused, Hildri tried to figure out what that meant and was ready to ask Nuriko about that, but then...
...she bumped into a bookcase in the living room and another letter fell down on the floor. Hildri took it and carefully read it.
Hildri had a full picture now.
The first letter, that fell down, was about her being a candidate for the throne. Nuriko tried to hide it from her. (And she can't really blame her for that, but still.) The second letter was a warning about the deadline to sign up for the tournament.
It was overwhelming, but she needs to do something and fast.
Hildri disappeared the next morning and only left the same letter and the note:
‘Sorry, sis, but I have to go. If they really want me to fight over the stupid throne so bad, then i’ll deliver it in my own way.’
Hildri came early to the place (spaceship), waiting outside for it to open. While she was waiting, a sudden realization hit her.
16 June. 
It was Crucis’s birthday.
She facepalmed herself as she remembered it, feeling so guilty about it. She really wanted to visit her birthday party, but she couldn't because of this bullshit with the throne. Hildri cursed herself, wanting to end it all at once.
Finally the spaceship opened and Hildri could go inside. But then-
...she was stopped by Nuriko. Her older sister tried to convince her to think twice before entering a tournament. Unfortunately, Hildri didn’t listen to her and went to the reception desk.
It took longer than she thought as she was waiting in the line to sign up. She yawned, feeling quite bored from all the waiting, how suddenly-...
...a gruesome picture just appeared out of nowhere. One of the drones she fought before, just killed another fuschia and then started to drag their body to the side.
It scared the shit out of Hildri.
When she heard there was a background check on fuschias who wanted to participate in selection, she felt goosebumps on her skin. Crucis was a lime and she was a fuschia.
She was in danger.
Hildri looked at her phone screen with her and Crucis together. She needs to do something quick.
But what could she do?
With a heavy heart, she deleted all the mention of Crucis in her phone and then sent her a break up message:
‘Hey, Crucis. I’m sorry I wouldn't be able to come to your party. 
The thing is that I'm tired of you. Your behavior, your naivety, your clumsiness - I'm tired of all of it. Don’t look for me or you’ll get in trouble. Peace.’
She felt awful.
After that she doesn't remember much of what happened, but she knows that her sister was there with her and comforted her in the worst time of her life.
Hildri was accepted to fight for the throne.
So Nuriko did something with the documents and was able to travel with Hildri. It made her a bit happy. Both sisters packed their things in a few days and later on they left Alternia in the spaceship without telling anyone.
Hildri's life in the spaceship was hell. She was constantly attacked by other fuschias outside and inside of the area, barely had any friends, forced to cut her hair and just tired from all this commotion. She barely saw Nuriko because of them being in different locations.
But she couldn't give up. Hildri got all her scars from in a fights with other fuschias and in the last round she lost her eye.
And so she won the tournament.
When the tournament ended, Hildri and Nuriko reunited and returned back to Alternia where they decided to contact their old friends and new one.
Hildri and Crucis had The Talk and reconnected.
So, now, Hildri is peacefully preparing for another fight...
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countlessrealities · 2 years
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@dynamoprotocol​ sent: ❤ Rick @ Clarissa, if you want~ Ultimate ship meme || Accepting !
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Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection [[ Rick can be very touchy-feely, especially when he’s drunk and his guard is down. So I think that he’d try to touch Clarissa as much as possible during their private times together. As for texts and PDA, he plays along if Clarissa starts them, but he never initiates first. At most he sends her flirty / teasing texts. ]]
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car spaceship | BDSM | No sex [[ Rick is pretty much into almost everything, no matter how weird xD so, if Clarissa likes something / wants to try something, he’s most likely onboard for it. They can go as wild as they want. I put those two things in italics because idk if they are her cup of tea, but if it was up to Rick they would be included! ]]
Dates; Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates [[ I think he’d mostly take her to festivals and concerts, but I can see them going clubbing together or to watch movies too. If he’s in the mood, Rick could portal them to some isolated alien beach, so they have the whole place all for themselves and maybe even prepare a small picnic for them if he’s feeling a little sappy xD ]]
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No [[ After what happened to Diane, the idea of getting married again is unthinkable for Rick. Besides, with the kind of lives they have, I doubt that they’d even live together. Not regularly at least. ]]
Have sex on the first date? Yes | No [[ They started off as fuck buddies, so the physical aspect of their relationship is the most prevalent, especially at first. They slept together way before their real first date, so I can totally see them ending up in bed after that one too xD ]]
Confess their attraction first? Yes | No [[ Rick is a huge flirt, so he’d definitely be the one to approach Clarissa first and flirt with her, if she doesn’t catch him first. If he finds someone attractive, he has no shame in letting them know and she isn’t an exception. For what concerns feeling, instead, he might be reluctant, but eventually he’d end up showing / telling her first too. ]]
Have children/adopt? Yes | No [[ Same as the marriage thing. After losing his family, Rick can’t really stomach the idea of having other kids. He was really hesitant to go live with an adult Beth, so he wouldn’t even consider it while he’s still chasing after his revenge. ]]
Die for your character? Yes | No [[ No matter how attached Rick can get to Clarissa, his number one priority is finding the guy who killed his family, so if it the choice came down to let her die or die himself, he’d choose the former. It wouldn’t be an easy choice, at all, but he’s too wrapped in his own obsession and too selfish to give his life for someone else. ]]
Cheat on your character? Yes | No [[ Rick is a lot of bad things, but he’s not a cheater. He’d never betray someone’s trust like that, not when he knows far too well how hard it can be to trust another person. ]]
Lie to them? Yes | No [[ Rick lies to everyone (himself included at times). He would never tell Clarissa about his real backstory, for example, and he definitely lied about other things that he feels are too personal to be shared. He definitely hid things from her and never really explained what he’s so frantically looking for. ]]
Cuddle after sex? Yes | No [[ Rick is touch-starved as hell, even if he wouldn’t admit it easily. However, it really shows, especially when they have sex while drunk. He’d definitely snuggle up to her unashamedly, if she lets him xD ]]
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tears-of-boredom · 2 years
also earlier in the night i had a very real dream. in the way where I was clearly myself in it.
so, some shenanigans had happened before with spaceships, but they really just set the scene of "chill evening". so a girl im seemingly friends with(who looks like my cousin but lets not get into that), and i,, we have agreed to have sex that night. its not set in stone what kind, because it was planned with words like "doing stuff" and "fooling together". in dream canon this is a new thing we would do. I think we had kissed before, and thats how we got to joking about other things, and ended up seriously planning this thing. so first thing is deciding the place. i lead us into her room, because we were already at the house. we pause at the doorway. she goes in. I think my sister walks past and goes to her own room. (other people in the dream seemingly know what we've planned, but no one cares beyond that) I'm trying to stall for time, because I find that i am extremely nervous about our endeavor. i fiddle with the folding door she has to have a reason to take longer. then I fiddle with the lights, telling her im "setting the mood". (some of the lights in her room are exactly like at my grandma's but that doesnt matter) its finally time to face the situation. we sit on the couch. i think we start making out. i have to tell her. i tell her how im really nervous about this, and not sure ill be any good. she assures me that I dont have to be good, and that she can take care of me. i still have some doubts, but her assurance was incredibly helpful. she gets on top of me. she tries to put her hand down my pants but i stop her. "are you sure?" i ask. she says yes, like its the most obvious thing. I stop her again. i tell her im on my period. she doesnt look one bit bothered by this. she goes to fondle my ass underneath my pants. i think we're kissing. it feels good. i grind on her. there's someone or something in the room commentating on what noises we're making, i dont care enough to stop. the girl is gone, and in place is either a k-pop star, or a fan. something to do with k-pop. the dude is very pathethic. im too into it to stop, so I continue grinding on this dude. he literally cums a second later. i do not expect him to "help me", and as the scene shifts, i get the feeling he just left right after that. in the next scene its explained that my brother set this dude up for this. my father is pissed. as we walk in a forest wet with morning dew, he is planning something bad for my brother. he acts nice towards my brother for now, but as we taste some blueberries we find, i get the feeling he would even be up for killing the brother.
(this dream takes place right before the one i posted before, with "the leader" of that one being the father of this one. the blueberries are from the same bush)
0 notes
thescarletbat · 2 years
Oncoming Storm
Every turn was a dead end, nobody was giving her answers. She tried the nice and the hard way and they all said the same bullshit, “I don’t know.” If the Avengers were so great at saving the world, why couldn’t they find the missing people, why couldn’t they tell her where Klaus was? She asked the Hawk Guy the nice way, when he gave her lip and a lame excuse, well, Brucey’s breakfast ended up being Avenger Rump roast. It was a misunderstanding, apparently, she shoulda fed her Hyenas prior to interrogating one of the Avengers.
The only lead she found, Dr. Strange, withheld most details on the missing people, but as they sat together at a nice club, he told her they were in the Soulstone, but, to find it was near impossible. All she heard was find the stone and find Klaus. Nothing Strange said deterred her from her new mission. Find the Soulstone at all costs. 
Harley sped down the highway, pigtails blowing against the wind as she rode her stolen motorcycle back to Mr. J’s. Her hyenas rode passenger car tongues blowing in the wind. As they charged down the highway toward the inner city. The nightlife was quiet, cold and rainy. She picked up Mr. J’s favorite dessert, ice-cream cake with chocolate swirls. He'd had a long day busily musing on a new project,  date night together would cheer him up. It was all planned down to the detail. First cake, then a movie together where they could cuddle and– well, that part was best left for the whim. 
She needed the cheer up too, Klaus’s disappearance left Harley at a loss. Every clinic she raided and vigilante she beat up, nothing. The only option left was to stowaway on a spaceship and try to find the soul stone. She couldn’t leave her Puddin’, not after everything they’d been through, they were working it out.
The night she took a break to lay low, that’s when her puddin’ came back into her life. “Come on Harls, I’ll help you find your friend. We can make this work between us.” The Joker beamed and touched her cheek. He knew just what buttons to push, to make her weak in the knees and get a grin out of her.
How could she say no? Puddin’ just needed a little help, help she could provide even if she lost her license. She smiled and threw her arms around him tightly. He could help her find Klaus and maybe, maybe this could work. Puddin’ was nicer to her, every night he brought her candies and flowers, and every night they’d tear up the city like the good ol’ days. 
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The town was painted red; dancing to their own merry tune as they robbed and slaughtered the blue pigs that tried to ruin their fun. The old black and red jumpsuit was nostalgic, sending chills through her body. She hadn’t felt alive like this in years. Her and Mr. J, together again. This time, Harley knew they could make it work and it worked for six months. He made her feel like the only girl in the world that mattered to him. She did what he wanted without question, hoping that at some point, he’d uphold his promise to help her find Klaus. Bringing it up got Mr. J angry, maybe he was jealous? No, that couldn’t be, Puddin’ was the only one for her. She was used to him screaming at her, he was blowing off steam from a hard workday, or a run-in with Batwoman. It meant nothing. 
Reaching the run down apartment, Harley got off her motorcycle and grabbed the box of sweets from the back of her bike. A click of her tongue brought her Hyenas to her side patiently waiting for a treat or toy. She patted their head and skipped up the stairs toward their unit, slowing as she heard shouting. Crap, Puddin’ was in one of his moods. Lingering by the door, she tried to eve’s drop the reason for his rage.
“Harley! Harley!” Joker bellowed, where was that insufferable bitch? He looked out the closed blinds, seeing her bike parked across the parking lot. So she was home? He thought he heard her prattle on about going out. It didn’t matter. She needed to be his decoy keeping Batwoman and the Avengers busy while he rigged a hospital to pump his signature laughing gas into every ward. Harley’s stupid antics trying to find that junkie of hers put them on everyone’s radar. Instead of doing his original act he had to settle for second rate slaughter. Why did he take that girl back? She was nothing but a whiney pest.
As if on cue, Harley gingerly entered their cozy home, “yes puddin’?” She half smiled and crossed the living room to the couch where he sat, papers strewn all around him along with beer bottles and needles. His green hair was a sweaty mess, tie was undone. The bottles and needles were the tip he wasn’t *just* in one of his moods tonight. He was having one of his performance blocks, a few of their men died for interrupting him when he was in this state. Mr. J rarely had blocks like these, usually getting high and drunk helped ease his work tension. Her smile returned to her face, date night surely would ease his tension. She sat the dessert on the table, a cake that read `` love you.” 
“Trouble with your next and best, Puddin’ Pop?” She leaned in and gave his shoulders a rub, he slapped her hands away. 
He rolled his eyes transfixed on notes he was writing down. “Where have you been?” 
Harley hesitated, fearing the truth might set him off. He hated when she lied, the last time she tried he promised to cut her tongue out. He was funny with his threats sometimes. He wouldn’t be that mean to her, right? Yet she didn’t risk it. “I went out looking for Klaus. There’s a chance, I might know how we can find him Puddin’. I was thinking we could go together?” Mr. J’s hand froze mid scribble, his muscles tensing as he slowly put the paper down. “You’re still looking for that damned junkie? The boy’s probably dead in some dumpster by now, let it go.” He growled. He was sick of hearing about that stupid boy Harley picked up. She was always picking up strays, whether it was those stupid hyenas, or a stray cat. The girl was always thinking she could save people, including him– ha! What a joke.
“I can’t puddin’ he’s my best friend. He’d do the same for me.” She backed up as he turned to glare at her. His dark eyes pierced her like knives. “Please? You promised we’d find him and the others.” She saw the grave she was digging herself into, yet she couldn’t find a way out. “Forget it, I brought you your favorite ice cream cake, maybe we can watch a movie and snuggle together?”
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Joker cackled at her witty comment. Like he was going to get close to some bitch who was fucking some street trash. “Well,” He got up off the sofa. “How about this, why don’t you stop pissing me off and go find your precious little fuckboy.” In one quick stride he bent down so their noses barely touched. His gaze boreholes into her skull, an apology squeaked out of her lips. His hand shot out, punching her and sending her to the floor.  Panic flashed on her face, “I won’t be made a fool of, Harley!” Her protests and pleas sickened him. Harley used to be obedient and easy to get along with. No, this little bastard managed to win Harley’s heart. She was willing to travel through space for that stupid boy. When had she gone miles for him lately? She had the nerve to bring him cake as if that’d make up for her incompetence? She was useless, utterly useless! His hand snapped up and grabbed her throat.
“No! No! Mistah J, it’s not like that he–” She gagged as his hands seized her neck and pulled her up to her feet. “Please, baby, I’m sorry!” Tears sprang to her eyes from his painful grip.
“All I hear you talk about is that stupid boy! Night and day! I can hardly think of anything else over your blubbering!” He shoved her toward the door and opened it. “Go! Go find him and be a pain in his ass!” Joker slapped her as she approached him pleadingly. He shoved Harley against the door. “Get the fuck out!” Her hesitation enraged him. Throwing open the door, he seized her by her neck with both hands and shoved her into the staircase railing. It was always about her and her needs, never could she just shut up and help him with his plans. Really, what was so special about that druggie anyway?
“I’m sorry! I’ll stop lookin’ puddin’ please!” Harley fought back tears as she was slapped, she pushed and tried to free herself from his iron grip. Each breath of air she sucked in became harder as both hands now crushed her airway. Her back bowed against the railing, her eyes widened in horror, “Please! Please! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” She tipped and was sent into a three story freefall. A scream tore from her chest and was choked as her head cracked against the pavement below.
Joker stared down at her unconscious body, damn, now he had to move. He went back inside and grabbed the cake. Coming back out and tossed it over the balcony at her, “oh Harley! Thanks for the cake, but I'm watching my weight!” He laughed at his corny joke when it landed on her chest and walked back inside to start packing. 
Harley laid there barely conscious, she couldn’t feel anything except agony– as though she took on a tank and lost. She wanted to cry, to scream, to plead for him to forgive her. She knew better than to bring up Klaus when he was like this. This was her fault. She was useless. She couldn’t find Klaus or make things right with Mr. J. She hated herself. 
Moments bled together in a fog, mumbled chatter and sirens were barely registered as she faded in and out of consciousness. Upon opening her eyes, her blue gaze met the soft features of an asian doctor.
“Try to stay still. You’re safe.” He said through a thick Korean accent. He and another medic rushed her down the hall for examination. He’d seen this too many times, not just with her, but other young women. It was always the same excuses. How many times a day was he going to patch up patients only for them to run back into their abusers arms, “씨발놈!” He muttered, grateful that most of his colleagues didn’t speak Korean. 
She could barely understand him. Trying to move, she felt rough canvas straps against her skin and a large foam head restraint. Harley closed her eyes and cursed mentally. This ride on the stretcher was a regular one whenever she was with Mr. J. She was used to waking up to strange sterile faces and having to escape hospitals early to avoid being hauled off to the asylum. Mr. J never came to visit her. She had many visitors over the years, Batman would sometimes sneak in when he thought she was sleeping. Sometimes it was Poison Ivy, leaving her a potted plant. Oftentimes though, it was Klaus. He would sit with her, smuggle in greasy fast food and the two would have a little party together. Sure he’d sneak off to raid the place for drugs, but, beneath his terrible addiction he loved her unconditionally. A similar fall that broke her right hip and shattered her femur, left her wheelchair bound for weeks. Klaus waited on her hand and foot, he treated her like a queen. She laughed and smiled more with him than with Mr. J.
How could she leave Mr. J, he needed her. He needed someone patient who could help him recover, maybe recover enough that he could lead a healthier lifestyle. Who was she kidding, deep down she knew there was no help for her Puddin’, he didn’t want to be helped. How could she leave him when he had been a large part of life? He was familiar and they had good days, they had great days together where they tore up the streets. She felt alive in his arms, the way they’d dance together after blowing up a building. 
They wheeled her into a private room, white, sterile, too familiar. Harley knew the routine by heart, especially the domestic violence screenings. What could she say? Her Puddin’ got angry and jealous and pushed her over the staircase railing. No. She waited for the barrage of questions, now, they were too busy. Hooking her to IVs and checking her over.
“Send an order for an MRI and Xray” Dr. Jang Cheol examined her for a concussion and broken bones. “What happened?” His first guess, Cerebral Edema; swelling in the brain. She struggled with speech and was showing signs of confusion. They had to work quickly to ensure the swelling didn’t get worse. Her speech slurred and events she described made little sense. His guess, it wasn’t severe yet. He couldn’t be sure until they ran tests. He’d seen this before, looking at her neck, he made out fingerprints black and blue against her pale skin.  Harley was a notable patient, one who left before authorized discharge. How had she survived this long? He’d dealt with patients who got caught in the Joker’s crossfire, most didn’t make it through the night. How had Harley Quinn survived this long? 
Upon further examination, she had a fracture in her sacrum and several herniated discs throughout her lumbar. Her Thoracic spine had been fractured, but, luckily for her she could recover from that with time and rest. The tests came back confirming his suspicion, Cerebral Edema; swelling of the brain. The fall and head trauma caused the brain to swell. Medications were introduced intravenously along with putting her on a respirator. This should help bring down the swelling, however, Jang Cheol determined if the swelling didn’t subside in the next few hours, surgery might be required. He could see Harley’s disapproval at the mention. If it kept her alive for another day, then he did the best he could do. He couldn’t change their lives, he couldn’t tell Harley to stay away from the Joker, well he could, but what good would it do? 
Once Harley was alone, she lay there doped up on morphine, the shuffle of feet outside the room gave her hope that Klaus would come waltzing into her room like he always did. This time, she was alone. Just her and her thoughts, did Mr. J worry about her? Probably not. He was long gone by now. She wiped her eyes with a shaky hand, every movement hurt especially to breathe. Pretty sure along with a broken back she’d cracked a few ribs too. Damn she really did it this time. If she’d just given in and let Klaus go, Mr. J wouldn’t have been so angry, but, how could she? Klaus was her bestie. They were two peas on a plate– however that phrase went. She closed her eyes and drifted off under the weight of the medication and head trauma.
Kate Kane had seen much in her years as Batwoman; cartels, serial killers, her sister Red Alice, Gotham’s meanest and maddest kept her up ‘till all hours. None of it compared to the malice of the Joker. Since Bruce’s disappearance, Joker tore up Gotham in a frenzy to find him. Every night Kate was one step behind Joker’s next great scheme to flush out Batman. 
Her bat signal went off that evening as she finished patrol. Hoping to get some sleep, that plan was dashed. Getting on her bike, she raced to the scene of a bombing. A children’s hospital was flooded with gallons of nerve gas. The brought green and purple plumes of gas spilled from the windows, a telltale of Joker’s handiwork. She searched the scene, ducking out of sight of bomb squad and federal investigators. Joker was long gone, leaving Kate to focus on evacuating those she could save. Reaching the top floor of the building, she checked her oxygen reserves. She had 30 minutes to find the detonators– if she was lucky she could backtrace it to it’s origin point– maybe catch the son of the bitch this time. 
A flashing red light flickered under an office desk at the end of the lab. Through the green and purple gas she made out one of the detonators. Reaching the desk, Batwoman looked at the monitor; readings glared gut wrenching data through the toxic fumes. Her stomach knotted, Kate choked back bile that burned her throat.
“Stage 4 patients to be prepped for termination.” Looking around, Batwoman quickly cut off power to the gas container and plugged a data transfer chip into the desktop. What were the stage 4 children? Why were they killing them? Was this a random hit for Joker or had there been a modus operandi to the location? Finishing the transfer, Batwoman made a bolt for the window adjacent to her. A flash of light and force threw Batwoman into the far wall, stunned she looked up to see two figures, a man and woman, step over the rubble toward her. Her vision refocused, spotting their long straight hair and bright colors. Getting to her feet, she launched a kick at the blonde woman, her leg connecting with the woman’s shoulder. She didn’t flinch, Kate yelped at the sharp pain of bone connecting to steel. The woman was solid. The dark haired man grabbed Kate’s arm and swung her, throwing her across the room like a rag doll. She laid there dazed by the impact and watched as they walked over to one of the computers. Their hands placed atop the machine, a soft glow emanated from their eyes. A beat, the light faded and they raised their palms out to the computer sending a blast of energy at it and the other rows of computers surrounding her. She covered herself in her cape, making herself small as the debris flew and pounded her. 
Silence fell upon the room, Batwoman peered from her cape to see only flames and smoke. The two were gone. Fires spread out hot and fast, Kate didn’t have time to see what they were after, she ran for the window and jumped. Her cape spread gliding her through the air under her grappling hook shot and swung her around the building toward the ground. Regrouping, she followed the shadows reaching her batbike. There were too many questions, not enough answers to her liking. Batwoman sped off for her upstate loft, hoping to clear her mind.
The ride home soothed her, seasonal rain sprinkled against her kevlar body suit, tempting her to take off the mask and wig. Taking in the rain and cool air, Batwoman tried to make sense of what she saw. Her leg throbbed, if she didn’t have a broken bone, she’d be surprised. The hell were those two? She swore she kicked solid steel. She heard of mutants like the Wolverine whose bones were made of adamantium, but never had she fought someone like that. Reaching her home, Kate climbed the terrace up to her room, taking point where her cleaning staff would be at the hour. She stripped out her uniform and placed it back in its locked briefcase under the baseboards of her bed.
Kate grabbed her computer and sat on her bed, reviewing the data that she’d seen at the hospital. Pouring through it, most made little sense to her. The data consist of research findings on genetic testing. Finally, her green eyes landed on a sentence, “Subjects with stage 4 cancer are determined by Dr. Drakken for project Termination.” As she read, the story weaved itself in her mind. A desperate attempt to cure cancer at the price of childrens’ the worst part, the parents didn’t know what they were signing their kids up for. Termination was a compound that was infused in them after chemotherapy was administered. The radiation would activate cells in this compound that would bind to cancer cells. When bound, it was thought to destroy the cancer cells. At least, that’s how Kate understood this information. The problem with the report, children who received the serum developed mutations, abilities. When that occurred, those patients were transferred to another facility to “help them.” What that facility was, the file was too corrupted to tell her, but, Kate’s gut told her it wasn’t a place for healing. 
She laid back on the bed and closed her eyes. Between Bruce’s disappearance and the mutant research program he’d invested in, Kate debated how the two were connected. It matched up in theory, but she had little to go on. A knock rapped her door, “It’s open.” Arthur came in, Kate relaxed, grateful it wasn’t one of her staff. She didn’t feel like explaining the soot and bruises to them.
“A contact of mine has informed me that Harley Quinn is in the ICU.” Arthur stood at the edge of the bed; he pieced together the story her bruises, cuts, and dirt told. A picture of her misadventure replayed itself clearly– she was lucky. He went for the first aid kit tucked in her nightstand drawer, grabbing some aloe for her burns. “She suffered a severe fall, he thinks she and the Joker had a fight.” Like a switch, Kate’s fury resonated in her deep green eyes. Arthur drew back from one of her burns as she rose. 
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Kate got up, her muscles screaming for stillness– a moment of rest. Rest that wouldn’t come unless that bastard was stopped. Bruce couldn’t end it; something propelled the Joker and Batman in a war that neither sought victory in. Their twisted codependency bore shallow graves to countless masses. 
She was a soldier. When a war started, she was the one to end it. The maniacal search for Batman– the fires that filled Gotham– had to be extinguished. Grabbing the suitcase, she put in her credentials and grabbed the dusty kevlar and matted ruby wig. 
The Joker would kill Kate and this rate, letting the Joker think he’s in the wind was the best chance to stop him. Pulling his phone out, Arthur sent an encrypted text to a local contact at the hospital. “Give me five days and I’ll have his location.” His calculated facade softened as the fire Kate’s eyes cooled. Still she dressed, Arthur tilted his head and furrowed his brow. “Kate,” 
“Harley needs to know someone’s there.” She answered. The cycle of solitude festered in ways she’d seen too often. The number of women killed by domestic abuse was lost  from the sleepless nights.
Arthur’s gaze was transfixed on his phone screen, yet he didn’t miss a beat, “You might reach her better as Kate.” He pocketed his phone, adding, “I’ll arrange a ride for you.” 
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GIF by claracivry
“That’s not necessary, just find him.”
Kate found casual wear that would blend in, the last thing she needed was for this to turn into a publicity stunt. She grabbed her batsuit-case and left for one of her electric cars she had in her garage. The drive was quick, traffic lighter than it was typically at this hour. 
Kate’s thoughts flitted back to the days leading to Bruce’s disappearance. For Bruce to leave town without a word was not uncommon. However, to leave while investigating this research program? No. He was meticulous and notorious for hyper fixating on conspiracies like this– especially if Wayne Enterprises had ties to it. 
Reaching the hospital, she checked in and followed the security guard to Harley’s ward. Passing the desks, she smiled and waved to the familiar faces working the night shift. While Bruce’s money went into crime prevention and technology, Kate’s wealth went toward minority communities and victims of abuse. Medicine and education were Kate’s passions. Circling past one of the doctor offices, her ears honed on a phone conversation. She slowed her pace to a hover between the office and one of the patient rooms.
“She’s stable enough for the extraction, but without a psychological evaluation, Incepting the patient would put both you and her in danger.” Dr. Jang Cheol looked over Harley’s file, the labs came back good– a vitamin deficiency here and there– otherwise she was healthy aside from the sustained injuries.
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Arthur had contacts everywhere, she looked at the name on the plaque, Jang Cheol. MD committing it to memory.
She resumed pace toward the room, passing wards until reaching the critical care unit. Soft beeps of monitors and shuffle of nurses was the only sound. The ward was deafeningly quiet. Reaching Harley’s room, her heart broke. Knots tightened into hollow balls in her gut; each step she took made her sicker as she saw Harley’s broken body. “Harleen?” Kate whispered, no witty quip or playful response. Even on opposite sides of the law, Kate admired Harley’s light. Her smile and jubilance lit up a room– even when she set it on fire. 
Nothing. The light was gone. Harley looked so fragile laying there; tubes and wires watching every heartbeat. Walking toward the bed, Kate went to sit in the chair beside it. The purple rings around Harley’s neck reminded her why she was Batwoman. “I don’t think you can hear me… maybe you can, I don’t know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry Batman has failed you. You… Christ, nobody should be here like this. We should have done more to stop the Joker.” Reaching out, Kate took Harley’s hand, avoiding the IV that was taped to her hand. “You’re not alone. I’ll do my damndest to make sure this doesn’t happen again.” To anyone. Kate sat there until she drifted off to sleep.
Arthur followed Kate a few minutes after having left, catching up to the room Kate and Harley were in, Arthur glanced between the hall and room. Aside from surveillance it was clear. Arthur entered the room and closed the door leaving a crack open. He had minutes to spare, the doctor would cover foot traffic around Harley’s ward for the last half hour of his shift. He had twenty to complete the extraction. 
0 notes
kinglazrus · 3 years
Dead Man Walking
Phic Phight | AO3 | FFN
Submitted by @syrren: Instead of making him half-dead, the portal accident makes Danny unable to die. This....changes things.
(or: how canon changes if the accident leaves Danny with deadpool-style regeneration abilities to make for a horrifyingly self-sacrificing vigilante, or with some kind of reset ability every time he dies to equally horrifying implications)
Summary: The accident changes Danny in ways he never thought possible. Sam and Tucker watch him fall from the portal dead and burnt beyond recognition, but he doesn't stay dead for long. He never stays dead. Of all the things Danny expected to happen when he walked into that portal, getting unlimited regeneration wasn't one of them, but now that he has it, he's going to put it to good use. Deadpool AU.
Word count: 3606
The first time Danny dies, his friends bear witness. They will never forget the ominous whirr of the portal as it turned on, the warning crackle of electricity, the final throat-tearing scream of their best friend. There are other things, too, that burned into their minds that day. How his body hit the floor of the lab with a thud, burnt beyond recognition, burnt so bad there wasn't any blood. How it smelled, to their horror, not so different from charred barbecue.
They like to pretend that part never happened. It's easy when all they need to do is call his phone and hear his voice, unaffected by the savage electrical heat that brought him to ruin that day. When he doesn't stay dead, it's not hard to pretend he never died at all. It took minutes for his body to fix itself, blackened skin overtaken by fresh pink muscle, which then sprouted new skin, perfectly unblemished.
Even the scar he got when he was fell off his bike at six years old disappeared.
"I liked that scar," Danny says, pouting when he finally notices its absence three days later.
"I don't think that's the right thing to get hung up," Sam says.
"But it looked like a spaceship!"
"I always thought it looked like an upside-down nine," Tucker muses.
"Or six," Sam says.
"Upside down nine is more fun."
They proceed like this for three weeks, mentioning the accident only in the lightest of terms, joking about their new, shared trauma. They are content to move on with their lives, forget it happened, go on as normal high schoolers. Until Danny dies again.
"What do you mean you don't want to hunt ghosts?" Jack exclaims. He gapes down at the trio, wholeheartedly baffled by this confession.
"I'll stick with tech, thanks," Tucker says, holding up his phone.
"Ghosts just aren't cool anymore," Sam says.
"Can I go back upstairs now?" Danny asks. At his question, Sam and Tucker fall silent. None of them make eye contact, and neither do they look toward the portal innocently humming only a few feet away. Danny is very aware that this is his first time in the lab since the accident. The same thought runs through Sam and Tucker's minds.
Jack doesn't notice the sudden change in mood. "Nonsense, Danno! You love ghosts. Why, I remember when you were just a tyke, you wanted to be a ghost when you grew up." He clenches his fist. "It was unacceptable. But that's okay! You can hunt them instead!"
He turns his back on Danny and his friends, eagerly going over the array of tools laid out on the counter. Ghost detectors, ecto-guns, protective shield, and an empty space where a thermos should be. "I forgot the best part! Wait right here, kids." Jack charges upstairs, leaving the kids alone.
Danny glances at the portal, unable to suppress a shiver. "You think he'd notice if I snuck away?"
"Nuh-uh, if you go, we go, too," Tucker says.
No one gets to go. Two sets of slimy green tentacles poke through the portal, probing the empty air. Their soft bodies soon follow, revealing a pair of ghostly octopuses.
"Holy shit ghosts are real." That is all Tucker has time to say before the ghosts attack. They launch themselves forward, shrieking in excitement. One goes for Sam and the other charges Tucker. They try to jump out of the way, but the ghosts are faster. The ectopuses tentacles wrap around them, pinning their arms down.
"Danny!" Sam shouts.
In retrospect, a smarter person would have gone for the ecto-gun lying on the table, freshly loaded and ready for a demonstration. Or, they might have shouted for his father, a ghost hunter who has trained his entire life for this scenario. But Danny acts faster than he thinks. He dives toward Tucker, the closest of the two, and digs his fingers into the ghost's tentacles. It screams as Danny's nails dig into its flesh.
The ghost's body goes translucent. Tucker slips out of its grasp, dropping to the floor in a heap, but Danny's hold stays firm. The ectopus panics, thrashing and tugging, its flailing limbs cutting through Tucker over and over without harming him. No matter what the ectopus does, it can't shake Danny loose, and his nails are starting to cut.
"Dude, you're doing it!" Tucker says, too soon.
As it flails, one of the ectopus' tentacles smacks Danny in the face, making his head snap back. At that moment, he and the ghost have the same realization. If he can touch it, it can hurt him back. The ectopus gives another shriek and its remaining seven tentacles surge forward. They wrap around Danny's arms, his chest, curling so tight his bones ache. The last one closes around Danny's throat.
His throat, weak like the ghost's flesh, crumples in an instant. His air disappears. No sound leaves his mouth, not even a wheeze, and his eyes bulge as panic sets in.
"Danny!" Sam and Tucker scream. Sam struggles against her captor kicking and gnashing her teeth, but her boots can't reach its body. Tucker grabs Danny, tries to pull him away, to bat off the ghost’s grip, but it is no use. The ghost is too strong, and Tucker can't touch it in this state.
Danny loses focus of them, then. His brain goes fuzzy, everything blurring around him while his face grows hot. All he can feel is the burn, the ache, the need to breathe, breathe, breathe damn it! The haze of the ghost looming over him fills his vision, slowly overtaken by red, then black spots.
As everything goes dark, Danny's last thought is this:
I guess I'm dead after all.
He hears the sobbing first. It starts off quiet and distant, but quickly grows louder, great hiccupping coughs scattered between heart-wrenching cries.
"Mr. Fenton!" someone screams. It happens fast, after that. Thundering steps, a deep cry of shock and pain that cuts him to his core. A piercing whine followed by two quick blasts.
The ectopuses' retreating shriek cuts through Danny loud and clear. His eyes snap open and air rushes into his lungs, a hoarse, wheezing breath that he holds for a moment. Then he takes another, and another, and he's breathing again, and he's not anymore.
Sam and Tucker, kneeling at his side, cry out as one. They throw themselves on him, blubbering messes the both of them. Danny's father, facing the portal, turns disbelieving eyes on him.
Danny's gaze drops to his father's hand and the ecto-gun clutched in it. "Oh, right." The word scrapes against his throat. He swallows, twice, until speaking doesn't hurt and says, "I forgot we had the gun.
"Danny!" Jack dashes toward them, dropping to his knees beside Danny. Sam and Tucker scramble back, giving him room. "Are you alright? What happened? You looked..."
Because he was. Again.
"I'm fine," Danny assures him. "Lost consciousness, that's all.
"Danny, your face was blu—" Tucker yelps when Sam punches him in the shoulder, cutting him off mid-sentence. He rubs the spot, shooting her an offended look, but Sam's eyes are only on Danny.
Danny nods, just enough that she can see, a silent thanks.
"I think you kids should go upstairs now." Jack's voice trembles. He raises his hand, about to run it through his hair, but stops when he sees the gun he's still holding. "I'll take care of things down here. Call your parents and all that."
For the first time, Danny notices the green splotches littering the floor and the wall. Probably from the ectopuses.
Sam loops an arm around Danny's shoulders, hoisting him up. He stumbles when he gets to his feet, bracing himself against her as the room spins. It settles after a few seconds, but he still feels a bit lightheaded. A side effect of choking, maybe?
Tucker helps from Danny's other side. They go up to Danny's room in silence, their steps thumping up the stairs. Only once they're safely behind his closed door, and Danny is lying on the bed, does Sam speak.
"You died again," she says.
Danny touches his throat. "Yeah." Pressing gently, he feels is no lingering pain. Just like before, he healed without a trace. "Can I just not die now?"
"More like you can't stay dead," Tucker says.
"Tucker!" Sam hisses.
"What? It's true! Sorry that I'm not handling seeing my friend die twice very well!"
"Be quiet!"
Danny cuts in before they can devolve into shouting. "Let's just leave it at two, okay?"
Sam and Tucker share a glance over Danny's prone form and nod. The weight of that action is lost on Danny, whose only thought is that he wants to sleep for a very long time.
The knives don't kill him. They hurt like hell, but they don't kill him. He sees them flying toward him and leaps out of the way. Something strikes him in the gut, a solid punch that blows the air from his lungs and knocks him back into the walls. He thinks one of the frozen steaks got him, but when he looks down, he sees the handle of a kitchen knife sticking out of his stomach.
He stares at it, stunned, not feeling anything at first. Then, his body jolts, like a shock of electricity is running through him, and his nerves scream, heat building, until every little twitch sends a jolt of pain so deep coursing through him that he can hardly breathe.
"Danny, look out!" Tucker, or Sam, he can't tell which, so lost in his pain, cry out a warning. Danny doesn't move in time and two more knives bury themselves in his body, another in his stomach, and the other through his chest. The Lunch Lady cackles with glee as Danny gurgles. The last knife got his lung, and he can feel it slowly filling.
The pound of Sam's boots on the tiles reaches his ears. She shouts something, but he doesn't hear it. Trembling, Danny grips the handle of the knife in his lungs. In first-aid, they tell you to leave whatever object stabbing you in. It keeps the wound plugged, stops you from bleeding out. But Danny's instincts cry out against everything he was ever taught.
Take them out! Take them out!
He braces himself, then yanks. It hurts so much worse coming out, now that he's aware of the pain, the sharp edge searing as it rips the wound wider. He drops the knife and goes for the next one. All three fall to the floor beside him with a clatter, their blades shiny and red. Danny can't breathe, can barely think through the pain. He presses a hand against his chest, feeling the wound beneath his shirt.
It stitches itself together beneath his fingers. The searing pain retreats, replaced by a dull ache. By the time Sam reaches him and rips his shirt open to see his wound, his chest is healed.
"Technically, I didn't die," Danny croaks.
Sam sobs, covering her mouth with her hand. There's relief in her eyes, beneath the horror, and she makes a noise that might be a laugh, choked and garbled as it is.
Danny dives back into the fight with renewed vigour. Twenty minutes and one Fenton Thermos later, the ghost is gone, but not before half the student body saw some bloody idiot fighting it bare-handed.
"Did you see who it was?" Dash whispers to his friends.
Danny, clean of blood and wearing his gym t-shirt, slumps against the wall nearby, listening. Someone called the police when meat started flying through the hallways, and they apparently called Danny's parents. Ghosts are real and everyone knows it now, but Danny doesn't care about that at the moment.
"No, man. I wasn't close enough," Kwan answers Dash.
"Whoever that was, he totally just saved us all," Paulina says. She clasps her hands together and leans against Star. "He's such a hero."
Hero. The word resonates with Danny. He can't explain it, but it pulls at him. A hero. The school is in chaos, the yard covered in raw meat, the hallways hacked and slashed, but everyone is safe and unharmed thanks to Danny.
"More like a dumbass," Sam mutters from Danny's left.
"Semantics," Tucker says.
Between them, Danny only grins.
Jack paces in front of the portal, a tub of fudge cradled in the crook of his arm. Every few steps, he grabs a square and pops it in his mouth, chewing furiously. Between bites, he mutters.
"I'm telling you, Mads. He must have been some kind of ghost," he says.
"I don't know, Jack." Maddie, staring at the computer screen, tilts her head. They managed to grab a few stills from the school's security footage of the figure who fought off the ghost, but they didn't come out right. The surroundings are a little grainy, but no more than a standard security camera, so they know there's nothing wrong with the film itself. The ghost, who called herself the Lunch Lady if Maddie remembers correctly, is little more than a green haze in the image. They expected this. Ghosts don't interact with most technology well, not unless it is designed to interact with them.
But the smaller figure is distorted, a twisted shadow obscuring their form. Not ghostly, but not human either.
She clicks to the next image, getting the same results.
"Are you saying it's a human?" Jack asks without breaking stride.
"It's humanoid, but I don't think it's human, either. Yet it bled, so it's not a ghost. And look at this." She closes the files, revealing a folder full of pictures, all of them taken over the past couple of weeks as ghost sightings increased. "They show up at most fights and leave lots of bodily fluids behind." Jiggling the mouse, she circles a series of four images with the courser, all pictures of significant blood splatters. "But the samples..."
As one, she and Jack turn to the sample tray sitting on the far counter. Where the blood is deep red in the pictures, the samples they took have slowly turned to a dark, murky brown, like thick mud. The oldest sample from the first sighting is black.
Jack grabs a handful of fudge and shoves it in his mouth. "Not to mention," he speaks around the chewy squares, "what does it do with the ghosts?"
The lab door squeaks as it opens. Maddie and Jack fall silent, gazes turning toward the stairs. A pair of red sneakers appears on the top step, creeping down, until the wearer slowly reveals themself. Their son, Danny, with what looks like a thermos clutched in his hand.
"Sweetie, are you only just getting home?" Maddie asks.
Danny yelps in surprise. He jerks the thermos behind his back and swivels to face his parents, freezing on the step. "Oh, hey. I didn't think you guys would be here..."
Maddie narrows her eyes. "What did you do, young man? You were supposed to be home from school an hour ago."
"Nothing! I just got held up." Danny tugs the collar of his jacket.
That's odd. Maddie doesn't remember him leaving with a jacket this morning. The sleeves drape over his hands, down to his knuckles, and he has the collar turned up to cover his neck. It must be cold outside, even though September is only just ending. "What held you up?"
"Uh, that's kind of why I thought you guys wouldn't be here? There was another ghost fight. It got pretty bad." He shifts, pressing his arm against his side. Is his jacket darker there, against his ribs?
"Another ghost?" Jack exclaims. He slaps the fudge down on the closest surface, rattling the test tube samples. "Mads, we gotta go! There might still be some evidence!"
Maddie's eyes widen. "Oh, shoot. You're right! We need fresh samples." They race to grab their equipment, snatching up sample gathering packs from their desks, and charge up the stairs.
Danny presses himself against the wall, offering them a nervous smile as they go. "Stay safe!" he calls. The front door slams as Maddie and Jack make their exit, leaving the house in silence. Still, Danny doesn't relax until he hears the rev of the Fenton RV and the familiar squeal of its tires against the pavement. His shoulders slump and he breathes a sigh of relief.
"That was close." Taking his hand out from behind his back, he looks down at the Fenton Thermos. "Now let's get you taken care of."
As he empties the thermos back into the Ghost Zone, his gaze wanders to the computer screen, still open to the photo evidence. Danny reads the title of the folder. "Challenger?" He snorts. "That's lame." As he skims the photos, a couple jump out at him. In most, he can barely make out the shape of his own body—something he tries not to think about—but in one or two, he can recognize the colours of his clothes beneath the distorting shadow.
Danny slaps the cap back onto the empty thermos before moving closer to the computer, frowning at the screen. "That might be a problem."
Danny stands in front of his friends, fists resting on his hips, and shows off his new look. "Well? What do you think?"
Tucker looks him up and down, body shaking as he suppresses his laughter. "Is that a paper superhero mask? Did you spray paint your hair white?"
Danny's hands rise to his head. "It's a spray-on dye! I thought it was cool!"
"Ten bucks says it's super crispy."
"Don't be mean," Sam admonishes Tucker. "I think he looks pretty good. For a discount Jack Frost."
Tucker snaps his fingers. "Emo Jack Frost! The real one would never wear this much black."
"We are no longer friends," Danny says, turning away from them.
"Come on, don’t be a spoilsport."
"Nope, too late. I'm already dead to you."
Sam and Tucker share a confused glance. "Don't you mean we're dead to—" Before Sam can finish the sentence, Danny turns and throws himself out his bedroom window. "Danny!" They scramble after him, falling against the sill as they lean outside, peering down to the alley below.
Danny lies face-first on the pavement.
"Are you dead?" Tucker asks.
Danny raises his arm and gives them a thumbs up.
Valerie holds back a startled shout when the metal suit crashes onto the sidewalk next to her. She is not scared, but anyone would be surprised if two tons of metal suddenly fell from the sky. A scream, rapidly increasing in volume, drawings her gaze upwards just in time for a black-clad figure to plummet inches from her nose and land with a sharp crack on top of the suit.
This time Valerie cries out because holy shit, is he dead? Her panic sputters out when she peeks at the possible corpse and gets a good look at exactly who, or what, came falling after. A human figure dressed in all black with poorly coloured hair. It looks crispy as hell.
Valerie sneers. What kind of cheap dye did they use?
She recognizes the Challenger on sight. By now, more than half of Amity Park can, although Valerie can't account for the sudden style change. Maybe they realized how lame their regular t-shirt and jeans are and decided to switch things up. This isn't much better, though. Black hoodie, black pants, black boots, no style.
No one knows their name, but the moniker the Fentons gave them seems to have stuck. Valerie thinks it's a little on the nose, though.
Something wriggles in the corner of her eye and she looks to the Challenger's fist. It clutches a bright green blob, with stubby limbs and a wide mouth.
"Let go of me!" The blob beats its penny-sized fists against the Challenger's thumb. "You are my prey!"
The Challenger groans. "Can you shut up for a second? I think my neck broke." They squeeze the blob until it squeaks.
"Hey. Watch where you're throwing this stuff around." Valerie kicks the arm of the metal suit. "You nearly crushed me!"
The Challenger jolts. Their head whips up, accompanied by a loud crack, and they lurch to their feet. A mask covers their eyes—cheap like the hair dye, probably from a costume stored—but judging by the way their eyebrows shoot up, they look at Valerie with wide eyes.
"Uh, hey, Va—citizen." Their voice drops a solid octave. "Sorry about that! I'll watch out next time." They are about to say something else when a loud squeal interrupts up, the signature sound of the Fentons' approach. The Challenger pales. "Sorry, gotta go!"
They dash into the nearest alley before Valerie can get another word in, leaving her with the empty metal husk and the sound of the Fentons from two streets away. She gapes after them, unsure what to make of the brief exchange.
"Actually, wait a second." The Challenger pops back around the corner, leaping over the ghost's suit to reach Valerie. They grab her shoulders in a cold grip. "Are people really using that dumb name for me?"
At a loss for words, Valerie nods.
"Ugh." The Challenger groans and lets her go in favour of rubbing a hand down their face. "Stop that. It's so boring. Just call me... Phantom. Okay? See ya!" They spin away, too fast, and trip over the metal suit.
Wow, Valerie thinks as Phantom scrambles around the corner once more. We have the lamest superhero ever.
130 notes · View notes
Cowboy Bebop: a perfect match between anime and music.
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For my last post here, I would really like to talk about the musicality that lies within Cowboy Bebop, an anime that has grown in popularity for the last years. There are many reasons why this anime still gets a lot of attention from its audience: the animation, which excels all of the standards from the 90s, has CGI in it, a groundbreaking technique for those years. The characters, the spaceships, and basically every scene that involves movement have their own quality, and this is a very important aspect in the show, because other animes from the same era might have had great storylines, a great character development or memorable quotes, but the animation might fail sometimes and even lack quality. That kind of problem didn't happen when Cowboy Bebop was developed: the color palette stands on its own, the space scenes are hypnotizing and well made, the backgrounds and the scenery of everything that happens are on point.
Also, the characters have a great development and background stories: these stories are explained as the chapters go by. We have, for example, Eduardo's weird and lost origins, Faye's nostalgic trip to the past (that happens in a couple episodes, and it might make you feel really sad), Jet's love story and his life in the past as a cop, or Spike's story, the main one, which revolves around his old friendship with Vicious, his enemy, and Julia, his old lover that he can't seem to get out of his head. 
Also, the storyline has different moments: ranging from comedy, to drama, to dizzy scenes, to moments when teardrops fill your eyes, you have everything to check for yourself that this anime is one of the best you'll ever see.
But the main focus in this post is the music: Cowboy Bebop really has a thing with music, because it functions as a background for the different scenarios that we are shown, but at the same time the music has its own vibe and it's really enjoyable outside of the anime. Tank!, the opening, by the Seatbelts, it's perhaps one of the most popular anime OPs that exist out there. The musicians gave it all when recording the OST: the virtuosity from the band can be heard everywhere between those instrumental arrangements that change tempos, include super-high notes and set the mood for the fighting and persecution scenes, the silly moments that make you jiggle, or the more philosophical parts of the anime. I would highly recommend the Original Soundtrack album: it's great to put on a rainy day and just enjoy it. 
Cowboy Bebop is, also, a great anime for AMVs: its scenes fit perfectly with different songs that match the actions that are performed by the characters. As it is a show that reunites different aspects of life, a lot of genres are used to make these music videos, that fill youtube nowadays. Tributes are made too: for example, Saib, a musician that uploads his creations to different online platforms, has an entire album dedicated to this anime, sampling the original songs and creating his own guitar parts. The album is called "Bebop", and I highly recommend it.
I would also recommend the "No Disc", that includes less known songs: one of my favorite ones is "Fantaisie Sign", a song that is sung in french by Carla Vallet, and doesn't appear in the anime, but has a cool late 90's feeling to it.
All of the things that I mentioned before make Cowboy Bebop the greatest anime I've ever seen, and it holds a special place in my heart. I hope that this post serves as a recommendation for someone who might read it: it is an experience, it took me a long time to watch all of the episodes, but it was really worth it. It's one of the stories that will remain in your memory. 
Thanks for reading my posts. I'm glad I found a space where I could talk about the things that I love, and I'm grateful about this experience. Hope you are great, no matter when you read this.
By Camila Iglesias.
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
Stiff Peaks and Soggy Bottoms
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mood board by: @knightfall05x​ (wuv you)
summary: You, Tim, and Kon try to bake. It ends well. 
A/n: Thanks to @littleredwing89​ and @multifandomgirl-us​ for proof reading. I was watching Kitchen Nightmares while writing this. I am surprised how fluffy this came out. You can blame my need for more poly and this piece by @symeona​. I have not shut up about this piece 50 years later (Hi Sym *waves*-Fish). I forgot to mention that reader is more or less gender neutral or I attempted.
warnings: Terrible cooking
Kon yawns, scratching at his broad chest and running his hand through his tangle of curly black hair. He blinks one eye open successfully to the dim light flooding into the end of the hall likely coming in from the living room. The lights dance, glowing softly with faded color against the dark glossy wood of the floor. 
 Kon’s first sleep-addled thought is, Oh, Aliens. Ok, cool.
 It takes his brain a full minute to realize how much that doesn’t make sense. The apartment is dead silent, lacking the telltale whirring most spaceships give off when they’re hovering, the sounds of nervous fingers tapping against a stack of papers echoing in the mostly empty space. Kon strained his ears trying to focus on the other sounds flitting in the room. He can hear the steady calming beat of your heart come off rhythm, jumping a fraction of a beat faster. It wasn’t fast enough to say you were in danger. It was just fast enough to tell that you were extremely engaged in whatever was occupying your attention. Kon thinks it over. The last time he checked looking over papers- lab reports, especially- was the bane of your existence. He listens again. This time making out the voices coming from the TV. Kon wasn’t awake enough to understand what they were saying. 
 5:47 AM
 Kon groans trying his hardest not to laugh while he stares at his phone. You are an actual psychopath. Who wakes up at 5 AM? Villains that’s who. Did you even sleep? Why do you and Tim hate sleep so much? 
 Stepping into the living room as quietly as he can, he finds you huddled against the right side of the couch far away from the TV, your thick wool comforter draped over your head and shoulders making a fluffy tent. Strands of your messy bed head sticking out and swaying as you rock on your heels. Your stack of papers long since abandoned on the arm rest beside you. Kon can’t help but smile at how adorable you looked, still sleep rumpled and red-nosed from the cold. 
 Eyes glued to the TV, you pull up your knees to your chest revealing your fuzzy Red Robin socks. Kon frowns then makes a mental note to get you some Superboy socks later. You curl deeper into your comforter, easing and pressing into the armrest. All of your apprehension fading and relaxing as the rest of the world melted away. Kon smiles devilishly at your inattention. He tiptoes towards you which was entirely unnecessary because it didn’t matter that Kon was about as stealthy as a disco ball not when all of your attention was directed at the TV. 
 Kon launches himself at you too quickly for you to even react or comment or throw a pillow at him. You shriek as he lands on you, his muscular body squishing you into the couch. You wince hoping the neighbors didn’t hear. You’re not too worried about Tim waking up considering how tired he was. 
 “Morning, gorgeous.” Kon greets, winking and wrapping his arms around your waist. The audacity. You groan attempting to glare at him. He simply gives you a dopey smile. You have to blow out a raspberry to keep yourself from smiling back. You strain your lips into a flatline. The crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes betray you though. The corner of Kon’s mouth twitches, those big baby blues shining even in the dim light. He knows he’s won you over. 
 You’re too petty and sleep-deprived to give in. You roll your eyes at him, lips still wobbling and tingling from the effort of maintaining your unimpressed frown. Still, without resistance,  you shift the comforter and refold yourself to accommodate his intrusive form. Large arms wrap around your waist tighter as he lays his head in your stomach. How he finds this position comfortable for his neck is beyond you but you do appreciate the warmth. Kon’s smile widens as he looks up at you. It looks positively smug. Your nose scrunches up bracing for whatever Kon is about to say. 
 “Aw, baaabe, it looks good on you~” You look down at the oversized Superboy hoodie you’re wearing which was two times bigger than it needed to be as was standard of your hoodies.  You mutter a curse. Kon had been pestering you to wear it. It’s not that you didn’t want to. It’s just that you had a soft spot for the Impulse hoodie Bart got you a few years ago which meant it was your got-to-hoodie despite the fact that it was fraying.  It was in the wash so you decided to give this one a try and honestly, it is really fucking comfy and more importantly warm.  You huff at him, feeling your cheeks color. You glare at him, his dopey smile still plastered on his face. You make the executive decision to ignore him. 
 This decision does not last long. 
 About two minutes into your silent treatment, Kon whines and pouts weaponizing those baby blues. “Aw come on, gorgeous, you can’t stay mad at me forever.” He nuzzles into your stomach tickling your drawing a smile out of you. He grins at you and finally, you let yourself smile back fully. “Asshole.” You grumble.  He knows you can’t resist him when he’s being cute and calling you ‘gorgeous’. That is just plain cheating. Still, you relent. You wrap your arms loosely around his shoulders, running your hand gently through his dark hair allowing your fingers to tangle in his curls. The arms around you tighten a little pulling you closer to him. 
 Kon doesn’t need a reminder of how absolutely adorable you are but it is very much appreciated. Kon loves looking at you as the soft glowing colors flash across your face highlighting your features and softening them. In the dim light of the room and under the blankets, you press closer to him all the sharp edges of Gotham's alleys stripped away leaving you sleepy-eyed and very huggable. Between you and Tim, you were the one people pointed to when they thought Gothamite but that was the fun of it. He and Tim, they were the only ones who got to see this softer you. The you that you let get enraptured by hobbies and dumb little things. Kon held you close, relishing your presence. This was the version of you they got to keep for themselves and he wouldn't trade it for the world. 
 Tim shifts feeling either side of him vacant.  Tim rolls over, arms searching for either you or Kon as his mind catches up. The warm sunlight brushes over his skin as he rolls over once again, stirring him from his sleep. Tim blinks, eyes adjusting to the morning light. 
 9: 10 AM
 He groans, shifting up and burying his head under the pillows hoping to once again fall asleep. 
 “Oh no no no no!”
 “Shush! Don’t jinx it!”
 Tim’s eye cracks open.  He lifts his head a bit tilting it to find the bedroom door open, your voices filtering in like dust in a sunbeam, pleasant but ultimately not helpful. 
 “I can’t jinx a pre-recorded show, genius!” 
 Tim sighs. Sleep was, inevitably, lost at this point. Tim debates on whether to keep himself under the covers and finally be able to hog the thick blankets. Or he could, possibly, investigate the commotion happening in your shared living room and risk freezing. Sadly, he chose the latter. 
 Blearily, Tim searches the room for a shirt only to find one of Kon’s discarded on the floor. Well, it’s not the first time he’s borrowed one of Kon’s shirts. 
 Tim wasn’t surprised to find you out of bed. After all, the idea of sitting still ate you alive. You were always, always the happiest when you were in motion when your hands were working to make something like some part of you was constantly vying for the chance to be something instead of just being. Tim completely understood the feeling. 
 Kon had once accused you of being a workaholic when in truth at the moment you had been avoiding work by doing one of your side projects. He had also accused both of you of being sleep allergic which is probably true but at least, Tim’s drink (read: poison) of choice was tea and not a cocktail of monster energy drinks and misery. 
 It was odd to find Kon out of bed though.  Kon could laze around in bed for days if you let him, so his being up was worth investigating if only to make sure the apartment didn’t burn down.  
 “Look what you did!”
 “It’s prerecorded, jackass!”
 “You cursed him and gave him a soggy bottom”
 Tim can tell just how long you’ve been glued to the T.V. based on the way your vowels slant to mimic that of the hosts. Tim’s slightly chapped lips curl as he shakes his head at the way you and Kon cock your heads towards the T.V., attention completely captured by what seems to be a cooking show. You held your breaths, waiting for the judge to say something. Kon shifts up, leaning his head against your shoulder.  Your limbs were tangled loosely against each other. It was a rare, lazy sort of affection that never failed to make Tim smile. 
 “Ok, no. That’s just mean.” You huff into Kon’s hair, looking absolutely petulant and cute. Tim works to stop an ‘aaaaawww’ rising from the back of his throat lest you throw a pillow at his head. 
 “Babe, it’s Paul Hollywood. What were you expecting?”
 “Human decency. She worked hard on that.” You whine, genuinely looking upset. 
 Seeing, your reaction Kon relents burrowing himself closer to you for comfort. “True.”
 Tim turned his attention to the T.V.. What he found made his brow shoot up. 
 “Great British Bake Off?” Tim asks, sliding into your left side and placing his head on your shoulder. There is a reason you guys bought an L-shaped couch. Said reason was named Conner Kent who liked laying on top of people. Those people being either of you. Tim snuggles into your side, earning him a kiss on his nose.   His nose scrunches feeling itchy. He lets out a small sneeze into the back of his hand. You blanch at him while Kon snorts, throwing him a box of tissues from the coffee table. 
 “Mornin’, Space Case.” You mumble giving him another kiss, this time on the corner of his lip. Tim blushes,  his face brighter than the sunlight outside your window. Tim is, sadly, incurably adorable.  
 Kon smiles at both of you smugly for what neither of you has any clue. Not until you see what Tim is wearing and not until Tim sees what you’re wearing. You groan and Tim blows out a  breath through his nose while Kon presses his positively glowing smile into your hoodie. He’s not going to shut up about this anytime soon or ever. 
 “Do you two even know anything about baking?” Tim asks, crossing his arms over his chest and smoothly changing the subject. 
 You and Kon share a look. 
 “Microwaves and watching this show doesn’t count.”
 “Ooook, fine. I don’t. Buuuuuut considering none of us can-”
 “I can cook.” Tim defends, clipped. You roll your eyes dramatically. Kon smirks, also doubtful. You flicker your eyes to Kon to meet his and with the brief contact, you know you’re on the same page. 
 “Microwaves don’t count, Tim.” Kon shoots back, pulling himself off you so he can show Tim the full extent of his Cheshire smile. You can see Tim drawing his hackles up, so both of you, being the little shits you are, continue to goad him. 
 “You can cook in theory,” You drawl, letting the challenge embed itself into the syllables. Tim cuts you a look. You simply look at him innocently. Tim  knows  that you’re baiting him. He definitely knows this and yet…
 “Fine. We’ll even make something from the show!”
 “Even chocolate eclairs?” Kon says a little too eagerly. You were just gonna say meringues but chocolate eclairs sound fantastic.
 Tim throws up his arms and exasperates. “Sure! Why not?”
 You and Kon share a dopey smile, smug and preening as you look at him. Tim groans, placing his head in his hands. He knew this would happen. He knew. You and Kon high five and make a little “yeah!” noise in celebration.
 This will not end well.   
 You twitch your lips staring down at Tim’s phone, deleting and retyping the message for the third time. You weren’t  sure  how to explain this without having Jason falling to the floor laughing. Your eyes stung from the smoke so you decided to just send him your third try. 
 Tim: Hey Jason, theoretically, say your oven caught on fire like via laser beam or something, do you just pour water on it?
 You wait a few minutes, watching the three dots indicating he was typing only for him to stop typing without replying. You make a small noise, which was thankfully lost to the bickering behind you when Jason’s phone number flashed on the screen. You’re always nervous about talking to Tim’s family. Tim had once assured you that you were overthinking it but still. To be fair, it was easier than dealing with Kon’s. Actually, no. No, it wasn’t. Both were intimidating but in very different ways. You do have to say that Jason, scary as he was, was easier to approach than say Bruce. 
 “Baby bird,” Jason says, the edge of a wheeze gripping his throat. Clearly, having just recovered from laughing his guts out. He breathes, hand slamming against what you suspect was either a kitchen countertop or a workbench or both knowing Jason. “Ok, ok, I’m good-” He clears his throat. “Kay, tell me what happened.”
 You flick your eyes toward the fire and your boys who were more or less still bickering, their voices tangling with the crackling of the flames. You’re mildly surprised that neither of them is on fire but you’re not holding your breath. They’ll probably be somehow combust in the next five minutes. You love them but they’re disasters.
 “We were trying to bake- shut up-” Jason does not snort any quieter. “And well, Tim thought-”
 “It was Kon’s idea!”
 “You let me!” Kon defends sounding utterly betrayed. 
 You groan and Jason snickers.  “What do we do?”
 “Have you tried apologizing to it?”
 “Jason, I’m being serious.”
 “So am I. Now, apologize.” You sigh exasperatedly. Waynes are assholes. 
 Tim raises a brow at you and you give him a shrug not really knowing what to tell him. “Apparently, we need to apologize to the oven.” You deadpan, immediately regretting even relaying it. How have you never decked Jason? It wasn’t fear. After all, you’ve decked Batman. Ok, in your defense lack thereof, that one was by accident or moreover reflexive. 
 “Hey Kon”
 “Both of you have to apologize too!”
 “First of all, I was in the bathroom getting towels when you two chucklefucks decided to use laser vision to preheat the oven.”
 You hear Jason fall out of his chair. Distantly, you hear someone calling Jason an idiot but you weren’t too familiar with the voice. You instantly thank yourself for not turning on the camera considering what state you three were in. Kon was covered in chocolate, your hair-as well as your poor phone- was caked in batter, and Tim? Tim was covered in everything but mostly flour which keeps making his nose twitch like a rabbit. Though, you wouldn’t be surprised if Kon’s already taken a few pictures. You yourself have taken a few.  
 “Ok but seriously what do we do?”
 You hear some rustling and a chair squeaking back into place. 
 “First off, did you close the oven?” Your eyes flicker to them. Placing Tim’s phone between your shoulder and ear, you mime the advice. Tim frowns skeptical but Kon kicks the oven closed anyway. 
“Ok, it’s closed now. Should we put water in it?”
 “NO. Have you never put out a kitchen fire before? How do you three eat?”
 “We live in the middle of downtown, what do you think?”
 Jason sighs disbelieving and finally sounding appropriately exasperated. You could see him running his hand over his face.  “Who let you three live together?” This made your lips twitch up. “I dunno. Kon and I just started mooching on Tim and then suddenly we each got a key to the apartment.” It was an oversimplification of events but there was a fire and you had to get at least one joke in. 
 “Do your neighbors have- Wait, don’t you have a Kryptonian clone with freeze breath?”
 You blink and slap your palm against your forehead. The other two seemed to get what you had just remembered and act appropriately with Tim looking defeated and Kon finding the situation hilarious. 
 “Thanks, Jay.” You mutter wanting the Earth to swallow you whole. Esme, your chubby rat, squeaked nuzzling against you as she wormed her way out of your hoodie. She may or may not have been the primary reason for the size of your hoodies. She smiles at the phone, wide-eyed and happy as if she could see Jason. You hear a soft laugh coming from Jason’s end. 
 “Is that Esme?” Your brow ticks up not quite sure how to answer. “Uh yeah.” You answer dumbly, giving Esme little scritches that she leaned into happily making all her little happy noises.     
 “Give her a cuddle for me.” You give Esme a kiss on her nose and she snuggles in reciprocation. Kon pouts face still full of chocolate, “Where’s mine?”
 “You’ll get one once our apartment isn’t about to burn down.”   
 Fresh out of the shower, you plop down next to Tim letting your wet hair flop onto his face and his fuzzy Wonder Girl sweatshirt. Tim huffs at you taking another bite out of the hot fresh-ly ordered stuffed crust pizza. The cheese was still gooey and molten. It made your stomach rumble like nobody’s business. You whine childishly trying to get Tim to hand you one. He looks at you, mouthful of pizza, and grabs one only to hand it to Kon. You gasp at him. You stretch your legs over their laps in protest only to retract them immediately after Kon pokes at your feet a couple of times tickling you. 
 You hide behind Tim, glaring at Kon and sticking your tongue out. Tim, the traitor, moves out of the way letting Kon’s long arms capture you. You shriek almost sounding like Esme as he pulls you in sitting you in his lap. You sigh in defeat as Kon places his chin on your head. You don’t even want to see the triumphant smirks on both their faces. 
 You grab a slice and through the mouthful of cheese and grease, you murmur “We really need to learn how to cook.” Tim hums in agreement, leaning against Kon, aka the cuddliest heater in the world. You lean back into Kon as another signature bake is brought up to the judges. You all watch with bated breaths as you wait for the results. 
 You marvel at the fresh ingredients laid before you and the posh man standing in your kitchen rolling up his sleeves. 
 “Hey, Duckie, are we in trouble?” Kon whispers from behind you. He’s got your back, he said. 
 “Kind of?” Tim bleats, his voice a little high. 
 You snort raising an eyebrow at him hiding your smile behind your hand. “Timmy, what does kind of mean?” 
 “I can hear you.” Alfred deadpans. You and Kon stiffen.  You’re pretty sure even Tim straightens up, probably out of habit. 
 “Do any of you know how to cook?” Alfred asks in the primmest sounding accent you’ve ever heard. 
 “Nope, we live downtown for a reason.” You snark reflexively. Tim glares at you and hisses silently.  You shrink and mutter an apology which Alfred takes graciously.
 “I am assuming you don’t then. Well, it’s lucky that I have a free afternoon.”
 Tim eyes him suspiciously. “What happened to B?”
 “Your father can take care of himself.”
 “You sure?”
You think you see Alfred smile at that. 
Thanks for reading!
tag list:  @batarella , @anothertimdrakestan , @lucy-roo , @multifandomgirl-us , @idkmanicantenglish ,@birdy-bat-writes ,  @boosyboo9206 , @americasmarauders , @l-inkage @arestorationofbalance , @cloudie-skay , @wunderstell
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loki-hargreeves · 5 years
Kylo Ren x Reader - You’re Kidnapped (dark angst)
Summary: The force connected you and Kylo Ren, who was now your husband. One of your old enemies, a wealthy weapon manufacturer and criminal kidnaps you. His stalker-ish obsession over you and anger towards Kylo Ren makes the enemy put you through the same pain he has gone through (in his mind). Kylo comes to rescue you, only to see how hurt you are which fuels him with rage. Prompt: “You will regret ever hurting her, that I promise you”
Word Count: 4,5K Warnings: Psychological torture, physical torture, angst, gore, stalking/obsession, mentions of sexual/breeding fantasies, killing (this got a bit dark. 18+, no smut) Author’s Note: Okay, so this happened. I really hope it’s alright. I was in the mood for dark angst. I stayed up all night writing this so it probably sucks @i-have-arrived-bitch​  here it is, the first one :)
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Third POV
Garr Caine
He was a weapon manufacturer, past thief, someone Y/N once knew very well. Before they became enemies, they were friends, which was a very long time ago. It ended when Garr became scarily obsessed with Y/N. He would fantasize of a future with her and tell people they were together, when in reality they weren’t. When he was turned down, he was determined to make her regret her decision.
Y/N Ren, previously Y/N Y/L/N, used to be a thief too. Not that she had a choice. She was born into a family of thieves, forced to work for the rich. Her upbringing made her angry at the world. She learned she was force sensitive as a young adult. That’s what attracted attention to her. Eventually, she met Kylo Ren when she was turning in a man that the first order had been after.
Long story short, they were now married. Kylo Ren never thought he’d find anyone to share his deepest and darkest secrets with. Never did he think he’d fall for a force sensitive who was neither on the dark side nor the light. She was herself, lived by her own rules. Kylo adored that about her. Sure, she lived with him which meant she basically belonged to the dark side. She worked for them, but she didn’t necessarily side with them. She sided with her husband.
Years had passed and truly, Y/N had forgotten about Garr. He was irrelevant to her. She was happy with Kylo and being his wife kept her busy all day long, which she was content with. He had taught her how to use to force. Kylo completed her. She couldn’t be happier.
                      Unbeknownst to her, the word had spread in the galaxy that Kylo Ren had wed a commoner, someone who came from nothing. It was on the tip of all gossiping tongues. How they had found out, no one really knew the source. It became popular belief nevertheless, and eventually ended up in the ears of Garr Caine.
His old and unhealthy obsession slowly crept back into his veins in the form of pure jealousy and anger. She was his, not Kylo Ren’s! A devilish plan had sneaked into Garr’s head, he would make her his. As a known weapon manufacturer, Garr knew exactly what to do. You see, the first order often purchased weapons from Garr’s company.
For many moons, Garr’s plan developed and went by unnoticed. No one in the entire galaxy seemed to suspect a thing. They had a whole different kind of a war to think about. Garr would meet people from the first order while making deals. He expected to catch a glimpse of Kylo or Y/N, but for a long time that never happened. It wasn’t until Y/N and six stormtroopers were sent to purchase a new special weapon that Garr finally saw her again.
The men that worked for Garr had killed the stormtroopers in cold blood and eventually overpowered Kylo’s wife. That night, she never returned from the mission. It wasn’t until late the next day that Kylo Ren was informed of this.
General Hux had gotten the honor of delivering the message to Kylo. Sure, the ginger man was nervous of Kylo’s reaction, he was almost happy in a way. He hated Kylo Ren. Knowing that the one thing he truly cared about could be in danger was almost too good.
Kylo Ren was beginning to wonder where his wife was, but he knew she was on a relatively harmless mission, so he hadn’t been too worried at first. By the time she was several hours late, he began to worry…a lot. He had demanded his troops to find out what was going on. While waiting for answers, Kylo was working on another mission of his.
A knock on Kylo’s quarters’ door distracted him. As he turned around to see whoever dared interrupt him, he saw general Hux. He was accompanied by stormtroopers. Was he nervous of something?
“Ren, it’s…about your wife,” Hux started carefully, knowing damn well how temperamental Kylo could be.
“Yes?” Kylo encouraged him to go on, his mechanical voice concealing his worry. He sounded rather intimidating.
General Hux straightened his back, as if he was preparing for something terrible. “No one from the mission has reported back. Their movements can’t be tracked for the past…uh, seven hours. We tried to contact them and the weapon seller, but to no avail.”
Seven hours?!
The bad news stunned Kylo. He felt anger bubbling in his veins already, mixing with the worry he felt. He could sense that Y/N was alive, their force connection was wrong, but something was blocking it. It had never been so weak, strange almost. Immediately, Kylo knew that it must’ve been far worse than he imagined. She was in danger and he was angry at himself that this had happened in the first place.
Just the idea of Y/N being somewhere alone, injured and scared make Kylo sick to his stomach. 
A daring stormtrooper decided to add fuel to the fire, “Their ship was found galaxies away from their target planet, sir.”
Kylo reached out his hand and used the force to pull the man right into his grasp, adding pressure on his windpipe in order to make the man wheeze.
“Find her!” Kylo growled loudly, his rage beginning to boil over. He let go of the stormtrooper and pushed him out of the quarters. Enough time had been wasted already. The stormtroopers and general Hux were already on their way, afraid to taste Kylo’s lightsaber if they stayed around long enough to see his emotions unravel. If he found out someone or something had as much as touched her hair, he would make sure to drag them to their personal torment and make them regret ever stepping foot in the universe.
Kylo grabbed his lightsaber and swung it at whatever inanimate material was around him. He yelled out in anger, unleashing it on the wall, watching how the red sunk into the metal like a knife into butter. Sparks of electricity and the sound of gnashing metal echoed in the corridor, mixed with Kylo Ren’s angry curses.
No one harmed what was dear to him and lived to tell the tale.
No one.
                            A throbbing headache forced Y/N to awake to a harsh reality. She was not on the starkiller base, not with Kylo and she was most definitely not safe. She could tell when she noticed she couldn’t move her body that was restrained to a metal chair. Special handcuffs were around her wrists, keeping her from using the force to free herself. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get rid of them and panic began to crawl underneath her skin.
Y/N realized she was trapped.
The last thing she could remember was meeting the weapon seller. A familiar face had met them. Y/N didn’t recognize the person at first. She remembered how unfamiliar soldiers had appeared and killed off the stormtroopers, but not her.
It didn’t take her long to realize she was the target. Or perhaps someone she cared about, such as Kylo. Nevertheless, she knew she was in grave danger and she needed to come up with an escape plan. It would’ve been much easier if it wasn’t for her condition. Her heart was stammering in her chest like a wild animal trying to escape a cage, her breaths got heavy and it made her aching head spin.
Calm down! She told herself and forced herself to slow down her breathing. If she wanted to escape, she had to get a grip on herself.
Instead of focusing on how ill she felt, she took in her surroundings. She was in a small, dark room. She could tell it was small by the way her breathing didn’t echo at all. There were no windows. Nothing gave away whether she was on a planet or on a spaceship. It smelled like dust, something metallic and chemicals. Not a good sign. Everything about the place made her fear the worst, that someone professional was behind this. Someone who could cover their tracks.
The heavy door opened, and someone turned on bright, white lights, nearly blinding Y/N. She squeezed her eyes shut as she got used to the light. “Oh, someone’s awake! Finally.” That voice, it was so familiar.
She opened her eyes to see her tormentor. It was the weapon seller. That’s when she remembered that face,
Garr Caine.
“Remember me, Y/N?” Garr wanted to know. He was mocking her, thriving off the fact that he had her under his control at last. 
He was a sick bastard.
“Unfortunately,” she spat out angrily. Garr Caine had been nothing but trouble in her life. He haunted her teenage years with his possessiveness over her.
Garr pressed a button that made electricity pulse through Y/N´s body, stiffening every muscle which spread pain over her entire being. When the source of the electricity was cut, she let out a cry in pain. 
She did not expect that.
“I’m in control, Y/N. Don’t make me angry. We could be happy together. You can forget about Kylo, he’s in the past anyway,” Garr threatened Y/N. She didn’t care about that, she cared about Kylo. What did Garr mean by that?
Her confusion became evident on her face, so Garr continued, “Your husband came looking for you, alone! How reckless. We got rid of him. Now it’s truly just you and me.”
“Liar!” She growled with hatred. Y/N refused to believe that nasty scumbag for even a second. She couldn’t even imagine a situation in which Garr could kill Kylo. He was lying, he had to be! Despite her disbelief, her hopelessness and worry got the best of her. She began to tug on her restraints vigorously, hoping to be released until Garr sent another pulse of painful electricity through her body, this time making tears roll down the sides of her face. The pain was excruciating, filling her every nerve with a hot sting.
Garr pulled a chair out of the corner and sat down next to Y/N. His filthy hand tangled into her hair and he yanked her head towards him so he could whisper to her, his breath landing on her soft skin, “Behave or I’ll just have to teach you better manners. I thought you’d be happy to see me! It’s been so long.”
Y/N hated him. Yes, she was scared of more pain, she was terrified that he was speaking the truth. In the end, she was disgusted by him and she would never give into his sick fantasies. “It’s not been long enough, you sick- aah!” She yelped in pain – he slapped her.
These restraints were too difficult to break out of. It was haunting for her to realize that if Kylo wasn’t coming for her, her chances of survival were incredibly slim. Knowing that Garr had her in his palms made her skin crawl in disgust. He was the worst person that could have ever taken her.
Shivers ran down her spine when he kissed her cheek, his dirty lips tasting her salty tears. The gesture made her freeze in fear. Suddenly Garr chuckled darkly and grabbed Y/N’s hand. “A wedding ring. How did I forget?”
Not the ring! Y/N’s heart swelled sadly as she feared he’d destroy the ring that connected her to Kylo. It was special. “No, please!”
Garr didn’t care about her plead. He tried to remove it, but Y/N curled her finger and used all her strength to keep it that way. Garr didn’t like that, not one bit, “You either let me remove it or else I will cut off your entire finger. You choose!”
He seemed dead serious. Even though, it felt like a disgrace, she did as told. He removed the ring, which left her feeling naked, oddly enough. He stripped her off from whatever reminded of Kylo. Oh Kylo, she really hoped he was alright.
“You’re mine.”
That sounded very much like a threat to her.
                                  Kylo Ren and his knights had tracked down Y/N’s ship. It had ended up on Jakku out of all the possible places in the entire universe. A desert planet full of scavengers and outlaws. He knew that someone knew how that ship ended on the dull planet. Kylo Ren watched as his troops and knights searched the village they arrived at. He watched destruction unfold. He hated the place; it was never good for anything really. Villagers, greedy and afraid, screamed and cried in horror as the first order searched the place throughout. Nothing and no one could hide.
Finally, a knight of Ren brought a man, a strange creature indeed, to Kylo. “Sir, this man claims ownership of the spaceship.”
Kylo felt disgust against the creature. Greedy enough to claim it was his despite the fact there was a blaster pointed at him. There was no time for games. Kylo went straight for his mind, putting his gloved hand on the man’s forehead and digging into his thoughts. The force made the man cry out in pain. No one really liked to have their mind torn open.
He could see him purchasing scrap metal from starving villagers for barely a bite of food. He was thinking about his anger towards the first order, he had seen someone get shot and finally…
his memory of getting the spaceship.
This creature had bought it from a woman who was not from Jakku. Kylo focused on the man’s memory and learned the woman came from Cantonica. Of course, Kylo thought, it was exactly where Y/N and the stormtroopers were destined to go to. The woman had sold the ship for a bargain, threatening to kill the man if he revealed who sold it to him. By now, Kylo knew what he needed to know.
He let go of the man and nodded to the knight, giving him permission to fire his blaster. The man had no time to react before life slipped away from him. He was gone.
“We’re going to Cantonica.”
                                         How long had she been there? Three days? Four? Maybe five? In the darkness, it was hard to tell. Y/N’s entire body was aching, not only from limited mobility, but the torture Garr had put her through after she refused to give into his sick dreams. She’d rather die than say she loved him just to please his screwed-up mind.
Garr clearly wanted her alive. He gave her water and he fed her something that didn’t taste too bad. Y/N had no choice but to accept the food. She was happy it wasn’t as nasty as him.
“Can I please walk around a little bit?” Y/N requested, hoping her sad voice would fool him.
Garr took a deep breath, as if he was disappointed. “You know I can’t say yes to that when I don’t trust you! You can use the bathroom later when assistance arrives. I’m sure there are other ways I could make you feel better though.”
The thought made Y/N’s insides squirm. She was lucky to be relevantly untouched by him, but he kept telling her about all the things he wanted to do to her, and it sickened her. Garr was probably a little nudge away from making it come true. She thought she couldn’t cry more. Y/N wasn’t a crier, but after everything that Garr had done, tears were only a small reaction. “I feel sick.”
“You shouldn’t have misbehaved!”
Y/N was convinced she was losing her mind in that room.
Garr ran his finger up and down her cheek, not avoiding the cut, just to remind her of what he had done. “When we have children, I really hope our first child is a boy.”
Sick, gross, fool, she thought. Keeping her mouth shut was incredibly hard, but she was weak. She wasn’t sure if she could handle any more of his sick ways on inflicting pain. Garr Caine was a torturer as much as he was a weapon manufacturer. His mind was creatively good at coming up with ways to bring as much destruction as needed.
“Would you like that? For me to knock you up? Mmh, you’d look so delightful with my child,” Garr seemed to really like the idea of having children.
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
“Y/N, we should’ve been together long ago. I should’ve never let you go! Look at yourself, you ended up with Kylo Ren. You could do so much better. Once we have children of our own, I really hope they have a better sense of judgment than you do, dear.”
“Shut up! Shut up, we will never have children! I would much rather die, Garr!” Y/N reached her breaking point. She didn’t want to listen to another word that left his mouth.
He really hated when she acted out. “You’ll change your mind eventually. It’s not like you have a choice either.” Garr walked to a table that was behind Y/N’s chair. She couldn’t see what he was doing, but she heard metallic sounds. He must’ve been handling some sort of blades. The sound sent shivers down her spine. What was he up to now? Y/N felt rotten to her core as she sat there. She hated to be so weak and helpless, just waiting for him to make her scream in pain.
Would it ever end?
 Cantonica was another desert planet, but on the outside, it was much fancier than Jakku. The rich lived here, turning everyday life into races and parties. Kylo despised it. These people were drunk, reckless and they had no ambition in their daily lives. They had money and that seemed to be all the cared for.
Kylo knew that somewhere on that planet he’d find his wife. Something was still blocking her from the force, but Kylo sensed her presence, nevertheless.
After having roamed through the city, they gained valuable information. Apparently, a well-known weapon manufacturer had been missing for as long as Y/N, the one she was sent to meet. He had told the first order his name was Radu Drii, but Kylo found out his real name through a friend of his. The man they were looking for was Garr Caine. After searching the place well, Kylo located the woman who sold the spaceship to the scumbag on Jakku.
Of course, she didn’t make it easy, but Kylo was driven by rage. He would find Y/N, no matter what. After a trip to the woman’s memories, he finally knew where to find Y/N and the filth who called himself Garr Caine.
He was going to be so sorry once Kylo got his hands on him.
Garr had a huge warehouse right outside the city. There were never inspections, visitors, nothing. Kylo led his knights and the stormtroopers there and they stormed the place. Shots were fired, bodies piled on the ground and chaos erupted around them. Kylo held his lightsaber close, more than ready to kill anyone that worked for that disgraceful man. The warehouse was huge. It nearly looked like the inside of a spaceship, a large one. Metallic, cold and dark. Something seemed to push Kylo in the right direction and he eliminated anyone in his way coldly without hesitation. Kylo was deep inside his head, focused on finding Y/N and his target. His wife was more important to him. So anyone who dared to try and make him stop got wiped off Kylo’s way by his lightsaber. He killed them off like the bugs they were, small and worthless.
He just knew Y/N was nearby. He could feel it deep in his bones.
The man was close too, but Kylo couldn’t quite find him yet. Garr knew this place like his back pocket. He was hiding, but Kylo knew he wouldn’t hide forever. The place was full of trained soldiers who would find anything if ordered to do so. Kylo opened all doors that he came across, only to investigate rooms that reminded Kylo of medical facilities. It was confusing to see that in a weapon warehouse. It must’ve been used for something criminal.
Finally, Kylo opened the right door. His heart sunk in his stomach as he saw Y/N. It felt like being punched in the gut and face simultaneously – worse, really. She was strapped down like an animal, handcuffed and her delicate body was covered in bruises, cuts and blood. Seeing her like that awoke something in Kylo he didn’t know he could feel. He felt incredibly angry at himself for letting her out of sight. He felt guilt and he could almost feel her pain. Kylo also felt protective over her, he wanted to take her into his arms and heal her, to make her all better again. But above all, Kylo wanted to find Garr Caine and make the man relive the same pain he put Y/N through, only a hundred times worse. Kylo wanted to watch life slip out of his body because of his hands. Nothing could do justice for the anger and hatred that burned through Kylo Ren when he thought about the man who had harmed Y/N.
Y/N opened her eyes weakly to see Kylo standing there with his helmet on. At first, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She was scared that Garr was playing tricks on her, dressing up as her beloved husband to give her false hope. Hot tears rained down her face. Despite fearing the worst, she was hopeful that it truly was Kylo, it felt like Kylo.
When he took off his helmet, her fears were washed away. “K-Kylo…” A sob left her trembling lips. It really was him. She had never felt as relieved and ashamed at the same time ever before.
He felt speechless as he released her from the restraints, all too similar to the ones they used on their hostages. By using the force, he released her from the heavy cuffs. Her wrists, arms, neck and ankles were sore and bruised from her fighting against the restraints. Seeing the damage done on her was shocking, it was heartbreaking. Tears stung Kylo’s eyes. He didn’t care that she could see him like that. He only cared about the fact she was alive.
She was too weak to get up, too weak to raise her arms to hug him. Kylo felt it. She was exhausted. So Kylo wrapped his arms around her extremely carefully and pulled her into a hug, happy to feel her in his arms. She was overwhelmed with joy to be held by him. Her husband. The man she loved. “I t-thought…” Y/N tried to speak, but the words got stuck in her throat, drowned by her weak whimpers and cries. Each little sound tormented Kylo’s mind.
His beloved wife was a wreck and he blamed himself.
“Shh, it’s okay, you’re okay…it’s alright,” Kylo tried to comfort her, partly trying to convince himself of it too. He didn’t need her to speak now and frankly, she didn’t have the energy to do so either.
As her face was nuzzled in the crook of his neck, she failed to see the silent tears that spilt from Kylo’s eyes. His scent filled her lungs. His arms made her feel safe again. 
Kylo’s lips trembled. A part of him wanted to speak, the other wanted to be quiet. He didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t remember the last time he cried and felt such heartache, but now he couldn’t fight it.
Someone had done this to his wife! 
His wife!
He couldn’t grasp how anyone could ever want to harm her.
                 “Sir, we’ve captured the target. He is ready for you.” Now was a really bad time to interrupt Kylo Ren. At least, they remembered that Kylo wanted him alive. For now. He would’ve gotten up to teach the stormtrooper a lesson, but he didn’t want to let go of her. Not now, not yet. He could feel how badly she needed him right now. It’s like they were both afraid to let go.
“Keep an eye on him. Transport him to the ship. Then get out of my sight!” Kylo was furious. He didn’t have to tell him that twice. They were left alone again, which was a huge relief.
Kylo sat on the floor with his wife on his lap. She was so weak, it frightened him. This was the contrast of the woman she was the last time he saw her. She had to lean against him just to stay upright. Some of her wounds were fresh, bleeding onto Kylo’s clothes. He could smell the iron of her blood which stung in his nose. Gently, Kylo placed his hand above her stomach, feeling how her wound pulsed in the rhythm of her heartbeat. He noticed that her body was quivering. “You’ll be alright,” Kylo promised her gently. This side of him was so foreign, reserved for her eyes only. He used the force to heal her, focusing on transferring his energy into her. It was raw, he felt all of it. They were one through the force. Her most acute wounds closed and healed like magic – disappearing like they were never there. Finally, she had enough energy to be okay, as he promised. She’d need a medical droid back at home, but she’d survive now.
Y/N was strong enough to cup Kylo’s face and kiss him. He kissed her back, tasting her tears and blood, but he didn’t care. No words were a match for the love they showed each other through that kiss. It said everything they needed to know.
They were both alright now.
And Kylo was getting closer to revenge. Garr Caine would be the living form of regret for just long enough until Kylo would kill him. Kylo would enjoy every second of it.
                      At last, they were home. Y/N was being treated by the medical droids and an actual medic. Kylo could finally visit Garr Caine, which would be awfully unpleasant for Garr. Kylo was still outside the interrogation room, but he could sense that the man was terrified. His fear, cowardliness was radiating like heat from a star.
It would take a lot of self-control to not squeeze the life out of the man on the spot. Kylo wanted it to be slow, like torture he was so familiar with. This was personal.
Finally, he entered the room. Kylo was pleased to see that Garr was strapped down too. A taste of his own medicine. Their eyes met and Kylo heard the man’s thoughts which were awfully loud. He was scared out of his mind and surprisingly angry. Garr hated Kylo.
Silently, Kylo walked further inside and dug deeper into his mind. It was not a sight for sore eyes what he saw inside Garr’s mind, memories of him harming the woman Kylo loved while claiming to care about her. He saw the sickening fantasies Garr had that revolved around Y/N. He had wanted children with her, with Kylo’s wife. The audacity of this man continued to shock Kylo, making him excited to hear his painful cries.
Kylo saw red as he looked at him.
Kylo force choked the man, struggling to keep himself from snapping his neck immediately. It was more than just tempting, but it would be too kind for him. Garr was in for a living nightmare no one would wish upon anyone - not even their own worst enemies. “You will regret ever hurting her, that I promise you.”
Author’s Note: okay so this is what my brain produces after 4 hours of sleep in 48 hours. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed writing it, but like I should probably sleep. For angst lovers, I hope you liked it.
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idjitlili · 4 years
I can be the God of your Orgasm.
Loki x reader
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(Not my image)
Summary:Some how ending up in Sakaar ,Valkyrie ends up taking you under her wing,no not her horse Aragorn,for a year ,until some Gods show up.
Word count:1768
A/n: Couldn’t end it , last time I touched this was October. Uhm, there’s a picture of Bowie, probably TMI here, but he was the first man , I ever you know over.Double aswell. I’m sorry.
You just a young woman in y/c ,heading to college your average routine ,but you never made it. Instead you had tripped over into a puddle ,but yet again you were decieved ,it was a portal. You hadn't/only left your country ,let alone been on another planet. You didn't think that was even possible;magic nor to be able to breathe on an different planet,well that was what you were told by the government. No you weren't a flat earther,thats bloody stupid. However you felt like the government hid a lot.
Michael Jacksons death,Heath Ledgers death,River Phoenix's death, Princess Diana's death , David Bowie, Obi-wan,it just seemed a little suspicous, not saying it was definitely them covering up the murders but...
Anyways so you fell into the puddle into a some rubbish ,literal rubbish. You had no idea what happened ,when Valkyrie found you she didn't either. God damn Benedict cumpatch stay in america with your fake american accent. Just stay away ,don't really want to be assassainated for being best buds with Sherlock Holmes and Dildo Gaggins.
Valkyrie had felt bad for such a young mortal being in an strange planet,she couldn't bare to bring you to Grandmaster ,to be apart of his orgies. he was indeed a tough warrior much like Dwalin the dwarf from the hobbit,who funfact is the longest living dwarf living up to 300 years,yes irrelvent.
Thus, you lived with her ,you managed to get a part time job as a cook,just so you didn't feel so bad about living with Valkyrie rent free. When I say part time cook ,I mean you just cooked for you and her,you didn't trust this planet. It was lucky when you fell in that puddle the stuff in your backpack didn't get wet,so you had some books to read,and such.
To be far being away from home stuck on an alien planet really did get boring ,you'd hate to admit it but sometimes you had to go to visit Hulk,because he was sorta normal. No he was not but he was okay ,like a destructive toddler but it was better than being alone. Other than that you really missed home ,you missed tv,you missed ice cream.
Pretty much everyday was boring. Well after almost a year of being here ,Valkyrie had brought a guest to your shared apartment thing. The God you had seen on the television a couple years ago. You had been sitting on the sofa reading at the time ,you jumped so hard when the door slammed open,you had looked up to see valkyrie shoving down a dark haired man in chains.
"Uhhh, are you allowed to kidnap people here?" you had questioned ,causing Valkyrie and the guy turn to you ,you had recognised him after a moment of trying to pin point his face. "I don't think that will hold him...h-he's-"
"Just stay away from him ,don't talk to him,don't look at him,hell don't even think about him,I will be back with Thor ,and then we can get you home, Y/n. So pack your things ." Soon as she had mentioned going home you had already started gathering your things,as Valkyrie had left after the God of Thunder. No you didn't go to the big battle compitions and Valkyrie certainly did not tell you she had found Thor ,but it didn't matter you were going home.
It didn't take you long to pack soon,you had your shoes on and everything sitting on the sofa ,twiddling your thumbs,feeling Loki's gaze on you. What's up with in love stories men staring , oh shut up you are just jealous because you can't even get a boyfriend ,stupid scribe.
"she said not to think about you...can you read minds?" you had questioned ,just really because that gaze he had on you made you feel proper ugly ,in which you were not. He had scoffed at you.
"I'm not a witch."
"I never said you were,you are a God ,must be better than having a hammer, it's like a normal hammer with steriods."
"Ah..so you have heard of me," He had smirked to himself ,you had just looked back at you hands before reaching for your bag grabbing your journal and ink,before just scribbing doodles on a clean page.Loki didn't speak after that not until you did again ten minutes later ,probably less time goes slow when the mood is a drag.
"the thing with new York, that was because of Thanos? People have controlled me by making me feel guilty so many times..OH manipulation ,you probably don't want to hear what I have to say,but I can't help it ,i've been stuck here a year the only person I got to speak to is drunk Valkyrie and hulk in which I feel like I am talking to a child. You know what I really wish I was watching Lord of the rings right-"
"You are from earth,how did you end up here?" He had grinned at you,cutting you off,isn't he like a mass murderer? Well he was tricked into doing it ,so more like accidental murderer ,why is he so handsome. Don't be stupid he is a God of course he is handsome.
"Uh..I fell into a puddle then I was here." The God had turned his head away to the floor ,scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion.
"I don't see how that's possible."
"Well it happene-" Yet you were cut off again,as the door slammed open,you quickly turned away back to your notebook,Thor ,Bruce and Valkyrie stood at the door.
You missed what happened first ,Loki having things thrown at him ,and such,you only looked up when he said something about spaceships,seeing Bruce. Your eyes glittered with excitement , Thor saw this. "Oh my! I can't believe it's-2 Thor had shook his head for you not say it. "Radiation scientist,Bruce Banner, damn,now I must say this is much more exciting than a hammer,which you don't have what's up with that? Hey Bruce how you feeling?Green? Darn, imagine being strongest Avenger!"
Thor had scoffed at you,"Does she always talk this much?"Bruce had made his way over to you smiling at you as you stood up. "It is so cool to meet you mister Banner."
"Thank you miss..." "Y/n" He had smiled at you again before turning to Thor ,"see strongest Avenger,yep that's me."
"well then ,let' hope we can get home,just first we are to go to Asgard."
"Valkyrie ,I'm going to stay with Dwayne Johnson,I have no fighting skills so it's better if come I after," you had gestured to Korg.
"Alright then, I'll see you if I don't die" And with that she left you with the aliens,smiling up to them.
"The revolution has begun."
"Hey, what's this?"
"Thank you." You had stood next to Korg as he had powered down the taser device on Loki's body,you had stood rocking on your balls of your feet in excitement to get home.
"Hey,man. We're about to jump on that ginormous spaceship. You wanna come?" Loki had jumped up,his hair a messy ,from the intense pain he had just suffered,from betraying his brother yet again.
"well you do seem like you're in desperate need of leadership." The smirk was interweaved into his voice, smooth as his greasy hair.
"Why, thank you."
"Hurry up! It has been too long since I've seen the dance seen in the james franco spiderman three!" You rushed forwards grabbing a hold of the mischief makers arm dragging him towards the ship. "Talkative and touchy," Loki just allowed you to drag him,with him supposively being evil,grinning.
"uhhh, what's the chances of as all dying horribly? Do you think if i pretend to be dead she wouldn't notice?" Loki was driving the space ship,whilst you sat in the seat next to him,all the alien people sat or stood behind. You really be riding shotgun on a spaceship,it was you or korg.
Loki did not answer you , yet just slightly smiled glancing to you briefly, not a good sign, you'd think with two Gods you'd be fine ,but clearly not. "Hey do you think if Thor had to fight I don't know- AHH" You weren't sure who you meant to say as you face planted into the spaceship's floor,as Loki's flying had stopped so suddenly causing a jolt. You had laughed to your lesson quietly,patheticly in honesty ,covering up how embarrassing that was.
You felt as if you were Mantis ,when Drax had informed her to watch out after she got hit in the face.  All you could think was there's like a bunch of aliens on this ship and it's guaranteed at least 3 have just seen you face plant.  "Okay , that makes me wish that I was on Thors spaceship right now." Your hair in your face, forearms pressed against the cold metal floor.
"What does he have that I don't?" His voice seeped with sarcasm, okay maybe not he was probably just annoyed that a midgardian was aboard and could not shut up.
"He probably can fly this thing better, well it's probably Bruce but that's even better , do you even know how many PHDs he has?"
"Honestly I do not know and do not care."
"Wow that's not very nice . He has..wait I dont -" The smirk on Loki's face was stamped deep, as he pulled you out of your concentration by doing so. "Shut up I bet you say to all your lovers, ‘If you givee a chance I can be the god of your orgasm’” Honestly you don’t know what made you think of that , something tells you it’s to do with a dude that reads a lot of smut named Blake. Actually the author doesn’t know if he does but..
“Thank you darling, for the new material.”
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